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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 538 KB, 1920x969, 1642967640307.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16980361 No.16980361 [Reply] [Original]

What if your general was not just a general but a nation, devoted to your oshi and their will? Enter this general where the fanbases and generals of /vt/ are reimagined as rival nations fighting bitter battles for the glory of their oshis.
Current goal: placing /nasfaqg/
>note that the current map isn't set in stone
>greentexts of your generals lore in /vt/ land are much appreciated.
>links to previous lore posts
/meat/ barbarians: >>16927563
/ouh/ pilgrims: >>16972928
/hfz/ gladiators: >>16978229
divine principality of /pyon/: >>16978884
/ag/ tropical paradise: >>16979120
I dont even know what to call this /nasfaqg/: >>16977754 >>16977849

>> No.16980451

/nasfaqg/ is a really really good merchant's guild. We control the spice trade.

>> No.16980453

I probably missed a few but oh well, i think someone is archiving them so it should be fine

>> No.16980492
Quoted by: >>16980535

WACTOR is not indie you dumbass. It should be at the bottom with the small corpos.

>> No.16980512
File: 81 KB, 261x259, MerchantAme[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Flj5zq2.ogg].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16980535

>note that the current map isn't set in stone

>> No.16980540
File: 2.81 MB, 2930x2273, 1626463152755.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We are powerful beyond belief and should be taken VERY seriously

>> No.16980546
Quoted by: >>16980687

spoonfeeding: the thread

>> No.16980591
File: 1.45 MB, 1920x969, a modest proposal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Suggestion: since Hololive is modelled after HRE, it'd make sense for Nasfaq to be like the Hanseatic League - a mercantile confederation of independent city-states, ruling over trade routes in the EN/ID/JP bay, rather than controlling any specific land territory.
This would also represent the fact that many different fanbases coexist in a single space, often interacting with their respective generals as well as /nasfaqg/.
It'd have city-states in the territories of some Holo splits, located in the red ellipse area.

>> No.16980602

the lost lands of /aog/ and /ogg/...

>> No.16980610

Are they the jews?

>> No.16980687

>making a fictional world based on thread autism with cultures, myths, ideologie, and religions
>somehow similar to spoonfeeding

>> No.16980716

Not all of them, but there is a very dangerous individual in nasfaq, his name is Yonjew and he's every nasfaq players nightmare

>> No.16980775

So /nasfaqg/
What would your nation's religion and myths be?

>> No.16980804

>merchant's guild

>> No.16980807

MPP. Don't question what it means.

>> No.16980809
File: 187 KB, 1180x708, 1618341730088.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17031065

Most of us work hard to buy and support our oshi, nothing Jewish going on there. We do have Jewish guilds however, such as the influential zaibatsu Miyatsuko

>> No.16980821

some nitpicks and tidbits about /yeah/ placement

>> No.16980831
File: 1.67 MB, 4093x2894, FED1O7oVkAEKrey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16981453

/rbc/ is a small thread and pretty comfy. We die every now and then, but always resurface and we really love roboco. No idea where that puts us.

>> No.16980861
Quoted by: >>16981024

Oshi over Money; Money over All.
That's a lot to cover.

>> No.16980872
Quoted by: >>16982228

I don't know but they dropped this last thread

>> No.16980893
Quoted by: >>16981024

Stop worshipping the fake god! To the gallows! To the gallows!

>> No.16980900
File: 940 KB, 1920x969, pure map.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I second this, from what it sounds like /nasfaqg/ would be more of a neutral party that tends to lean towards the Holo Empire rather than completely centralized
also posting the original template in case anyone wants to take it upon themselves to tidy it up

>> No.16980929
File: 551 KB, 900x900, mpp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16980955

Well the map is currently being replaced
So in the meantime, describe your general's biome/topology/location
Venetian /nasfaqg/ and /#/
/yah/ and /uoh/ in the rural countryside
/meat/ on its eldritch corner of the world

>> No.16980991
Quoted by: >>16981164

There's a difference. Most of the splits do acknowledge /nasfaq/ and some of the fanbase eclipses, they are still not members of said League.
None of them expressly align themselves or advertises themselves as a member of /nasfaq/, so its not correct to include all of them into an organization.
A better idea would be to have /nasfaq/ as a central of trade port city on the tip of the ocean between jp and id side, or as one of the island in the inland sea of Holo region.
Instead of owning land and controlling an area, its a gathering of merchants of the holoEN empire, somewhat comparable to Singapore.

Per haps one of the island off to the left of shishirami would fit this best

>> No.16981022
File: 1.51 MB, 1426x990, 1630079594668.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16981312

MPP is a divine form of guidance, we worship honk, bread, and the mikofag.
Mogu, now deceased, became a God-king once he amassed $1m. We now have hundreds of people over that amount, but none of them will ever achieve such gnosis as he. He was/is/will be the one, the only, the everything.
We worship our oshi over all (most of us, at least). We spend our money in order to spread their influence.

>> No.16981024
Quoted by: >>16983350

You guys sound perfect to be the jews of this world.

>> No.16981040
File: 183 KB, 1200x529, 01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/yah/ is a land full of hills and mountains

>> No.16981079

Im proud of you dorks. It's great to see a thread that isnt drama bait for once

>> No.16981164
File: 130 KB, 789x603, Haupthandelsroute_Hanse.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The idea is not that the splits themselves are a part of the league, but rather that there is a tiny bit of land on which a mercantile independent city was founded next to the split Kingdom: see image for the general gist of it.

>> No.16981178
Quoted by: >>16981267

you must be 18 to browse this website

>> No.16981267

>a spontaneous idea that could potentially create something contributing to the overall thread culture
>"haha idiots"
neck yourself, now

>> No.16981286
File: 1.12 MB, 1795x890, alternate map2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dropping the other maps here since the catbox link

>> No.16981312
File: 223 KB, 1500x1182, 1622743981920.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We worship our oshi over all
Correct, picrel. We buy so much of our oshi that we control a significant amount of their market share by ourselves. The more we buy, the higher the coin rises

>> No.16981335
File: 956 KB, 1794x868, alternate map 4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

since the catbox link wasn't working on my end

>> No.16981359

/wvt/ is a coastal city like Los Angeles

>> No.16981453

you'd most definetly be in the Holo Empire, likely right next to /sora/

>> No.16981480
Quoted by: >>16981697

i get what you mean, but nasfaq has so much history that i think it deserves its own central and then has port cities on other continents/empires.

>> No.16981499
Quoted by: >>16981948

/micomet/ should be in schizo island. They are shipping a pair and twist every interaction they have to fit their /u/ narratives plus they were exiled from the Suisei and Miko generals for being too schizo, they are like australians. The island thing fits

>> No.16981536

/meat/ is center bottom, but it looks like the map is unfinished, so i would say it's closer to the equator than it seems, probably tropical but maybe not. i would figure it would be dangerous, and be a bit forrested to make it easier for people to hide about, kind of like vietnam or something. their markets and military would be located at the coasts, but the general communities would likely be further in the forrested areas.

>> No.16981541

Where's /voms/?

>> No.16981586
File: 103 KB, 1795x890, map.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16981657

south side of the /gorls/ nation is a savanna where two of the kings's estates reside, from there they defend it against the melanated marauders and other natural threats. whenever they are summoned to meetings they make for the north where the capital city resides, it's outer gates surrounded by lush forests and a tall ridge

>> No.16981697

should also have a bit communication with the niji empire since >we have pomuniggers

>> No.16981706

Feel free to describe its geography and history
When the final map is decided you can find a spot that fits

>> No.16981741
File: 985 KB, 1920x969, Map winds and currents.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did approximations for this map as well, assuming earth-like planet.

explanations found here >>16923513 and >>16924471

next post will be climates

>> No.16981789
File: 2.34 MB, 1265x644, 1638283205335.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16981950

I hope /meat/ doesn't end too far from /yah/, as someone who frequents both this was a convenient route.

>> No.16981810
File: 1.04 MB, 1920x969, map climates.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16981881

Put the two different continent maps side by side. We could get a full world

>> No.16981891

This will help us in so many way, my thanks weather/climate anon

>> No.16981936
File: 1.21 MB, 360x270, 4bp3oj.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ahhhh good old imageboard autism, gives me war flashes

>> No.16981948

/micomet/ was born out of the remenants of the /pekomiko/ empire and harbors a small group of pkmk nationalists that occasionally try to stage a revolt. Many of the nationalists were wiped out during the cold chicken act of '21, leaving only the most dedicated and schizophrenic amongst its ranks.

>> No.16981950
File: 190 KB, 868x375, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16982009

winds an currents imply these as highly optimal /meat/ raiding routes

>> No.16981999

/yeah/ is a seaside fishing town

>> No.16982009

it aligns perfectly with the /meat/ greentext.

>> No.16982203
Quoted by: >>16982268

I propose that once the land of each general is decided, one representative of each thread is sent to partecipate is a game of webdiplomacy for the gaining of new land

>> No.16982228
File: 1.16 MB, 1920x969, 1642741251083.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17002500

/nasfaqg/ has so much going on that it'd probably do them best to just do what I did with /meat/ and scribble down their relation to the world at large.

>> No.16982268
Quoted by: >>16982297

There is absolutely no way any thread will be able to definitely designate a singular representative.

>> No.16982297

... /nasfaqg/ could probably do it

>> No.16982335

There is no way /nasfaqg/ especially can designate a singular representative.

>> No.16982365
File: 3.05 MB, 2000x1414, vodka and kebab to celebrate.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

already had a game of diplomacy and it was fuking glorious

>> No.16982398

where does /vt/ sings fit in?

>> No.16982525

They are a nomad nation of bards that go around the globe telling stories

>> No.16982630

what about /.../?
I propose they should be the equivalent of Atlantis, their advanced tech lost to time

>> No.16982692

Became nomads as their borders eroded after the magnet-meido incident.

>> No.16982972

/ag/ is a moderately-sized island well offshore from Hololive, also with a direct route to /vsj/ if possible. It possesses a dreamlike tropical climate, but the island itself is mostly an industrial shithole covered in mines and deforestation operations. There's a large, greenery-covered inactive volcano at the center. Almost the entire population lives at or just inwards of the coast, which has been landscaped to look like as stereotypical a Hawaiian or Jamaican paradise as you can imagine.

>> No.16983078

If you want realism, /meat/ would be like some tribes on pacific islands, sick and weak, trapped in their own island, the greentext is but a distant memory, folklore about their ancestors passed on by storytellers.
What I want to know is, how does a /ringo/ society work

>> No.16983134 [SPOILER] 
File: 316 KB, 1280x1588, 1636509086815.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fetishes are like the religion of this world.
Believers can be found in any land, but certain places naturally align better with the belief because of the idols they worship.

>> No.16983151
File: 275 KB, 1109x1164, aze_ytr 1426922377426968584_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16983172

I didn't know there are other threads that has this much autism as /nasfaqg/. I haven't visited that place for a long time and found out they've been more autism than before.

Sadly they'll never put Sana in.

>> No.16983172
Quoted by: >>16983399

i miss you come back

>> No.16983214

We could take the place suggested in the previous thread and make it our main hub, while still having trading outposts in other generals. Name of out nation yet to be decided

>> No.16983265
File: 1.08 MB, 1920x969, 1631607479457.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16986444

I'm a retard and forgot the pic

>> No.16983304

Pretty sure the vtuber-verse is low fantasy so theyll find a way

>> No.16983324

/2434/ is a remote nation distant from the various EN realms, topology is mountainous or flat and near water(like Japan basically) and diet is based on forms of grain and fish(like Japan). It does not have a huge population(40 IPs) and it's standing military is not very powerful however it is diplomatically connected to many other nations(NijiEN, Holo, even Vshojo)

>> No.16983350
File: 2.77 MB, 1111x1092, טאקאנאשי «גולדברג» קיארה.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is our currency.

>> No.16983375

How would the hag island work? most hag have their own general, the habitants are split or what?

>> No.16983399
File: 51 KB, 960x540, sana_natori 1357300854445907970_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16984142

Maybe once Natori's in the game.

>> No.16983409
Quoted by: >>16983583

Where's /become/ at

>> No.16983583

Annexed by lamybotan

>> No.16983587

they got there with ships, but where they came from is technically not certain. they contained themselves to that location, and they pillage whatever they can from a large and diverse group of nations. they are based on multiple existing cultures that had major influence over geopolitics. they establish trade routes and prepare themselves for war (hunting and pillaging) constantly. they are in a well defended location. basically they wouldn't be as weak as you might think.

>> No.16983606 [DELETED] 
File: 55 KB, 1300x1000, embrace kebab[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fzuqpuj.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16983665


>> No.16983646

I don’t go on /ringo/, but from what I’ve seen/heard, I would imagine them be a society of alchemists who trifle with what others would consider “dark arts”. They are generally shunned by most other nations, except for the other tribes in the sea of fetishes.
If anyone from /ringo/ is here feel free to change this or say it’s wrong.

>> No.16983665
File: 3.75 MB, 1200x923, embrace kebab[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fzuqpuj.mp3].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck, wrong one

>> No.16983911

good god that image sends shivers down my spine everytime I gaze upon it.

>> No.16983973

/pcg/ would be a coastal territory similar to what's already on the map, except with a few offshore islands due to the JP/EN mix.

>> No.16983980

Maybe a monastic community like Mount Athos. The monks would travel from their nations to study and live there

>> No.16984038

I'm gonna interpret them as >>16983134

>> No.16984142

There was a discussion about adding 2views so that we could manipulate the views and therefore her price allowing us to maximize our profits

>> No.16984515
Quoted by: >>16984663

RUMAO What do you call that currency?

>> No.16984576
File: 472 KB, 1920x1080, coco_island.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Coco island

>> No.16984663

>New Israeli Shekel

>> No.16984731
File: 168 KB, 790x530, anya-petra global 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the flag of Anya-Petra island. It is a frozen hellscape with a vast network of underground tunnles and bunkers. They keep to themselves mostly, but maintain friendly relations to Holo/Nij mainland and tsunderia

>> No.16984833

Thinking about the Vshojo City States, I imagine that they'd make a good amount of their revenue through the prostitution of former/failed idols and I could imagine them attempting to prey on the indie generals

>> No.16984836 [SPOILER] 
File: 4 KB, 312x140, 013.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/Towa/ is basically North Korea. Which is funny since Towa herself has some of the strongest diplomacy and connections in the industry.
Captcha of truth.The T stand for Towa.

>> No.16985187
File: 16 KB, 510x340, shishilamyflag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Made a shishilamy flag

>> No.16985564
Quoted by: >>16985710

requesting that /feet/ be made into a foot-shaped peninsula

>> No.16985710


>> No.16986394

I'm in photoshop right now, which generals were getting added to the map? I took >>16981810 into consideration and already it's making this alot more interesting and I'm pretty sure the Hololive Empire is constantly under attack for their resources. Some of the holo generals should probably be placed inside the heartlands for defense

>> No.16986444

nasfaqg requesting
the unnamed area within black borders

>> No.16986660

also while I'm at it, should we try to create borders between states on this map or should we leave that for later? I imagine conflicts still occur within the borders of the Holo Empire

>> No.16986710
File: 1.05 MB, 1920x969, 1642969762192.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this will rapidly go out of date, but I re-drew the map with more natural borders.

>> No.16986753

Can /nade/ join the indie federation?

>> No.16986867

I'm likin this one alot, especially since the rivers in the west are spots of heavy friction and you can tell that Vshojo and the Indie Alliance have probably been fighting over that area for a while.

>> No.16987327

Nijisanji caliphate is missing KR and male thread. Nijimales would be closer to /2434/ capital yet a little isolated because they've moved into their own community, and /NijiKR/ should be some place near EN and Japanese indie, because Korean indies are discussed in NijiKR.
VSPO should be close to /2434/ and /nijimale/ with some territory in /towa/.

>> No.16987804

Where the fuck is the Suisei general? It was there the last time I saw the map

>> No.16987833
Quoted by: >>16988021

this is the most cringe thread in this board by far

>> No.16987836
Quoted by: >>16987907

/nasfaqg/ is also missing.

>> No.16987907
File: 939 KB, 1920x969, 1626535847805.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Added nasfaq

>> No.16988021

out of curiosity, what is your ideal thread mr. faggot man.

>> No.16988212
File: 104 KB, 900x800, union_of_who.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/who/ is on a hilly land with multiple forts, it is a calm republic with ocassional bouts of insanity and autism about historical topics, but it holds a population that is ready for siege and wars of attrition, with multiple caches of weapons.
There are rumors of strange occurences and kidnappings by famed demons and hauntings.
They have a small /meat/ cult that has been there since the start.
Strong relations with /rrat/ and watson.

>> No.16988215
Quoted by: >>16989586


>> No.16988277

I like how /akushio/ is right next to each other. Fucking neighbor wars.

>> No.16988540

So if each general is a country/state/city, what exactly is the role of chuubas in this world? Are they merely mortals who actively rule countries assigned to them, or are they deities who are unmistakably real, yet rarely, if ever, interact with kingdoms that worship them?
Same question applies to notorious anons (R.Ratman, Orcschizo, HFZ OP, etc.). Are they simply citizens who gained notoriety through their exploits? Urban legends? Legendary figures who may or may not have existed? Minor deities?

>> No.16988667

they could easily be personifications of the nation, like those of our world, you know how the UK used to be represented in political cartoons by Brtiannia back in the day?

>> No.16988779
Quoted by: >>16999462

The chuubas are gods in the neverending pantheon of vtubing and the recognizable anons are famous people from each general

>> No.16988791

I kind of imagined each chuuba to be semi-dieties, maybe like the Primarchs of 40k without any of the 40k attachment. Maybe they're chosen by a divine force or their power is garnered through their followers, either way I imagine them to be immortalish beings that stand above the normal man.

>> No.16989107
Quoted by: >>16989202

Chuubas are gods and notorious anons are just that, notorious people

>> No.16989202

What's the God of /hfz/ or /nasfaqg/ then?

>> No.16989249

dimes for both

>> No.16989278

for /nasfaqg/, the chuubas, with the addition of a few controversial deities like the MPP

>> No.16989288

They are a diverse group with no official religion, each anon practices the faith of their individual oshi

>> No.16989317
Quoted by: >>16989366

They're jews and I think someone in the thread already said they worshipped money
the chuubas as a whole, it's really just meant to be a gladiatorial honor arena

>> No.16989366
Quoted by: >>16989489

>They're jews and I think someone in the thread already said they worshipped money
thats just cypher, most of the other anon's believe in their oshis

>> No.16989489

yeah, just like jews also have a jewish faith, it just works out.

>> No.16989499

/hfz/ worship somewhat warped and frequently exaggerated versions of members of commonly accepted Hololive pantheon, as well as their own deities not seen in any other religion of the world (Battler, Rigger, Table, BigFollows and numerous others).

>> No.16989575
File: 107 KB, 357x420, 1620001633764.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16989586
File: 940 KB, 1920x969, map with flags.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16989649

Why is Hag island smaller than Uooh? that doesnt make sense. Also what is the point of this? You're gonna simulate conflicts somehow or its just to inspire greentext and fics?

>> No.16989818

There are far more cunny fans than there are hag fans so it's reasonable. We're just worldbuilding a history and setting for the simple creative joy of it.
my end goal is to see a /qst/ thread with this as the setting

>> No.16989905
Quoted by: >>16990221

>what's the point?
do you know where you are?

>> No.16990221
Quoted by: >>16990426

Besides, anything that helps reduce the massive amounts of dogshit in catalog is good

>> No.16990362
Quoted by: >>16990520

have yah border pyon and a*p border w*t

>> No.16990426

this, this thread is a breath of fresh air

>> No.16990520

I said the same last thread, surprised it wasn't fixed on the new map

>> No.16991094

Anon who wrote the HFZ greentext here. I imagined it to be a polytheistic religion where each member can worship their oshi’s, however, they are not seen the same as other typical worshipers. Instead the myths surrounding each vtuber are more warlike and violent at the least, and completely new legends and stories being made about them at most. In addition, HFZ OP is seen as the head of the pantheon for the citizens of /hfz/, while the rest of the hololive empire see him as a prophet at most, and some even decrying him as a blasphemous schizo.

>> No.16992249


>> No.16992380
File: 207 KB, 850x638, rising sun-peko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I suggest all conflicts between nations to be solved in a high-stakes game of Riichi Mahjong between rep players from involved parties.

>> No.16992463


>> No.16992469
Quoted by: >>16992639

wait... that sounds like that koizumi manga!

>> No.16992575
Quoted by: >>16993111

i was thinking a bit. /meat/ has a few chuubas that would be pretty op in a fight. akira, for example, is a failed experiment on regeneration turned sandbag that exists solely to be abused, she can recover from pretty much anything, and mai-chan, being based off the manga character whose first scene was her publicly committing sudoku before being revived with a store-bought chicked, can recover in a similar fashion. mai-chan seems weaker, and it's a genetic anomaly instead of a technology that can theoretically be used indefinately, so lets say a tribe of /meat/ exists that worships mai-chan, this will be a somewhat graphic description btw...
an infintesimal fraction of births have mai-chan's "blessing", but they rape and eat each other so much that it doesn't matter. all female children at birth have their hands and feet cut off. if they regenerate, they are permitted to live, else they have their eyes and tongue removed as well to signify their newly aquired title of slave. they are sent off to an inspector, who will determine whether they are fit to breed before their fate of inevitably becoming part of the tribe's next meal.
the males get off a bit better. those who are weak, and who lack the blessing become the replenishment of the females whose body acts as an infinite meat preservation and bone/skin generating system.
the males, especially those who lack the gift must be strong enough to fight and defend themselves, so they are taught to hunt at very early ages. those who cannot keep up with the group are deemed runts, and may be killed for their weakness, but those who have the blessing, regardless of their strength, can recover from nearly any injury with minimal effort, though they are still expected to become as strong as they possibly can. throughout their live, they learn to apply geurilla warfare, and whatever other tactic they can to capture their prey, no matter how well guarded, and no matter how much they beg for mercy.
what did you think of it, anons? it's not anything like the other guy, i am not a writer, but

>> No.16992639 [SPOILER] 
File: 180 KB, 1200x857, the-legend-of-koizumi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good eye, anon. I was thinking if I should reference it in the post, but decided against it.

>> No.16992685

No, settle it in the ring. There usually aren't fatalities. RIP in peppeloni Astella

>> No.16992824

I fear the nasfaq mahjong autism

>> No.16993111
Quoted by: >>16993293

feels far more brutal than the greentext in the way that a cannibal civilization should be, pretty true to what you might see in a guro doujin as well.

>> No.16993240
Quoted by: >>16994650

most likely this >>16982525
the pro and con of being the nomadic traveling bard nations is you have no home, but nearly all of the other nations listed would accepts them in with open arms. Highest likeability faction/no real power

>> No.16993293
Quoted by: >>16994171

they eat, but meat also replenishes their body. you could cut their arms off, and they could just pick it up and put it back on.
>>16932116 said skaven was a good warhammer comparrison, but they are too unorganized, and too large, a proper comparrison would be to the plague marines. few in numbers, but brutal and danm near unkillable. that's what i think the greentext anon was going for.

>> No.16994171

>scarce but sturdy, limited but brutal
Yeah I think the actual threat level of /meat/ has been blown past what they'd reasonable be capable of for a very small island of cannibals. They'd get shit done but there's no chance you'd see Akira's flag being flown over the Hololive Heartlands.

>> No.16994386

that was never contested. they got pushed back by /ahoy/ and sent into containment, but they would still be a major threat, not to be taken lightly by those who are within their range of influence.

>> No.16994537

I really liked the Aztec+Norse+Mongol representation of /meat/ as long as we keep that it's good

>> No.16994650
File: 356 KB, 1242x574, D2C6B97E-C830-4367-A033-83731D288E81.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17004937

Cartographeranon, put circled wagons on the border here for the traveling bards

>> No.16997797


>> No.16997806


>> No.16998115
File: 759 KB, 1018x924, 1636803531658.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have any good ideas regarding Luknight lore? I've been wanting to write something up for Luna but I haven't got a real good clue to start.

>> No.16998218

Warrior monk knights with a strict adherence to a code sounds cool

>> No.16998929
Quoted by: >>16999577

Crusaders who spread the word of our Hime-sama

>> No.16999462 [SPOILER] 
File: 3.78 MB, 1500x2100, artist-yilx.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is what they look like (according to /size/ean scriptures)

>> No.16999577

Do you remember those clips where Luna would sing a small jingle from monhun and it'd be spliced with 30 different clips of her singing the same thing at the same pitch somehow managing to harmonize with each other?
I like to imagine that's what a Luknight army sounds like. A harmony so pure that it drowns out every other sound on the battlefield and deafens the enemy temporarily.

>> No.16999579
Quoted by: >>16999828

>no VOMS
>no stars

>> No.16999801
Quoted by: >>17018740

NijiKR was left off the last map. Also someone should add Nijimales, /vsinger/, FPS, maybe VOMS/774.

>> No.16999828
Quoted by: >>17018740

We could probably fit Voms in that empty territory and Holostars could be in the heartlands, makes sense for the men to stand at the vanguard of potential invasion and to tend to the girl's agricultural needs.

>> No.17000105 [SPOILER] 
File: 148 KB, 666x436, واتَمِلُن[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fjvqxhv.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. Watamelon needs it's own, distinct territory. Somewhere with climate and landscape suitable for farming watamelon.
2. This is their flag.

These are our demands.

١. واتملن تحتاج أرض حرة، ونفضل أن تكون أراض خصبة، كافية لحراثة البطيخ.
٢. هذه راية دولتنا.
هاهيه مطالبنا. إذا وجدنا أرضا لحراثنا ستجدون سلام، وإذا لم توافقوا ستجدوننا من أغضب الغاضبين.

>> No.17000456
File: 169 KB, 392x392, 1613506720831.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17000953

أرض or أراضي - make up your mind

>> No.17000712
Quoted by: >>17000935

>tfw ill never get mentioned in the /nasfaq/ posts but its probably for the better

>> No.17000721

/wg/ is currently sorting out the descriptions for our floating island, give us a bit.

>> No.17000935

shut up joe

>> No.17000953
File: 4 KB, 150x150, ٢٠٢١١١٢٥_٠٢٣٢٤٥.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17001041
File: 284 KB, 1920x1080, lolibaba grandmother spider.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If hags are getting their own island where is the lolibaba chuuba island?

>> No.17001391

3rd district of /uoh/

>> No.17002109

the two islands run a cultural exchange program

>> No.17002474
File: 158 KB, 1199x1160, 72C82E04-7BF4-475F-98D3-BA29182D21CA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lost city of tsoog

>> No.17002500
File: 523 KB, 1192x1787, ∞ strong.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is the size of territory based on the size of the general/split? /∞/ should have access to a lot more territory since can keep up with NijiEN and has even overtaken /GGG/ in traffic.

>> No.17003140

/infinity/ should be a big city but small territory

>> No.17003508

This is the best thread on this board since ever
A breath of fresh air

>> No.17004937

that's actually pretty accurate

>> No.17005010
Quoted by: >>17005509

It's wouldn't be fair because /infinity/ trades manuscripts and serves as a global library. They have a ton of visitors from all around the world.
They are like The Great Library of Alexandria of the world

>> No.17005509

Aside from that, their actual IP count isn't really big.

>> No.17005705
Quoted by: >>17007169

Their erudites are working all day to bring the world the best stories and compiling information about the different gods

>> No.17005903
Quoted by: >>17006674

This, /∞/ philosophy of quality over quantity and sheer numbers, should allow it to surpass /MoriG/ and be equal to /ggg/ in territorial size.

>> No.17005984

rather than a disputed land like in the OP or a merchant city, /#/ is a theocratic state like the Papal States/Rome/Vatican. Its belief system is simple big numbers > small numbers. Susan the Apostate, the Whore of YouTube, Mother of a million pajeet coders, is the origin of evil in the city's religion. She is often caught sullying the sanctity of numbers, causing doubt and schizophrenia among the city’s priests. Some have even gone as far as to promote conversion to Twitch. The priests regularly keep watch on esoteric graphs to ensure the numbers are true enough.

Speaking of priests, they originate from many threads or tribes but their true allegiance is to their religion of big numbers. Because of their varied background, the city has great knowledge of major, secondary, and minor chuuba powers.

The cityscape is dominated by a massive colosseum that hosts daily gladiatorial games. The different tribes that watch the games normally riot before, during, and after the competition.

>> No.17006674

And when I say sheer numbers I mean active threads over users.

>> No.17007028

Each gen should assign their tech-magic category for easier identification of their civlization progress
>High Sci-Fi
Star Trek, Asiimov, Dune
>Low Sci-Fi
Blade Runner, Detroit Become Human
Various anime and manga
>Low Fantasy
LOTR, Warhammer
>High Fantasy
Narnia, Cosmere

>> No.17007169

>best stories

>> No.17008028
File: 2.60 MB, 1280x720, 1633298107623.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does this make divegrass the /vt/ world cup?

>> No.17008155
Quoted by: >>17018740

Is this the /ccu/ thread? It's misspelled, if so.

>> No.17008720
Quoted by: >>17008856

Shouldn't PCS be PCG?

>> No.17008856
Quoted by: >>17018740

Yeah, and honestly should probably switch places with /clg/

>> No.17009011
File: 25 KB, 600x512, 1632882571730.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17009194

>corpos are called the "Free Indie Federation"

>> No.17009130
File: 2.69 MB, 976x720, Ha↗️Ha↘️Ha↗️Ha Ronaldinho Soccer[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fpa2uxz.m4a].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17009194
Quoted by: >>17018740

and why did /pcg/ become PCS

>> No.17009526

I will defend...

>> No.17009908

>how does a /ringo/ society work
While /ringo/ is somewhat shunned, many states imported toilets and ambrosia products from /ringo/. Ambrosia products recreates the smell of your oshi, whether it be sweet or stinky. For a heavy fee, you can even ask a local alchemist to distill ringo liquids.

Our culture is heavily driven by the works of StudioAnon, a man who created dozens if not hundreds of /ringo/ arts. If you know the whereabouts of the original Piss Alchemist, please contact our embassy.

>> No.17010485
File: 38 KB, 555x555, mito_uniform.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>come from a country called "Nijisanji Thread" from a far away land called /jp/
>late 2020
>invaded by people strange extraterrestrial beings who laugh by saying "grass"
>the great war occurs
>nowhere is safe
>only hope is to flee with fellow refugees to new land
>arrive on the western coast of this unexplored land
>fruity indigenous natives are scary
>too scared to move further inland
>outnumbered by the members of the Hololive empire who also came with
>decide to stay in hiding
>there is an occasional attempt at gathering the fellow nijicivillians
>most attempts result in dead threads
>create "Nijisanji Thread"s akin to the homeland
>after a while, an op template is made
>February 2021. A general is born
>serves as an embassy for those who want to learn more about nijiJP
>act as a place of gathering for things such as large events or the 3D debuts of lesser known nijis
>population grows more diverse
>nijicivillians decide to look for greener pastures for more dedicated discussion
>NijiID, NijiKR, Nijimales are born
>ambassadors appear in tradesman areas such as the fps general and /vsingers/
>November 2021. Declare independence becoming now known as /2434/
>threads still dead as hell
>fuck it
>I am at peace with my fellow nijifriends

>> No.17011684

so when do the chuubas turn giant to wreck each other's cities and rule over their fans as goddesses

>> No.17011707

Alright I'm curious, how many anons here watch 4cc divegrass and what are your teams?

>> No.17011807
Quoted by: >>17011933

As in the site-wide 4cc or the /vt/ 4cc?

>> No.17011841


>> No.17011933

Any league, so the site-wide 4cc, VGL and VTL, if any apply.

>> No.17011951

what did he mean by this

>> No.17012273

Holy fuck this is great.

>> No.17014202

By that listing: /vt/, /gfg/, /hlgg/

>> No.17015294

Anyone want to send delegates to the multiple Hololive/Nijisanji vassals?

>> No.17015303

/hfz/ and /tg/

>> No.17017427


>> No.17017565

/hfz/ and /int/

>> No.17018280
Quoted by: >>17018450

We should call it /map/ instead of vtwbg

>> No.17018369

I watch any divegrass vtl or weeks vt plays in 4cc.

>> No.17018450

No. The jokes write themselves

>> No.17018740

these will probably make it there later today

>> No.17018842
File: 168 KB, 588x593, 1612815676531.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17024619

Anything for candy princess

>> No.17019150


>> No.17019366
File: 1022 KB, 1200x1127, 88153258_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17019442

>no /doog/
>no /mogu/
This map is missing 2 important personas

>> No.17019442
Quoted by: >>17019564

we should settle them along the Hag Coast

>> No.17019446

Perhaps a large offscreen landmass should be alluded too, to show the wider normie community that some vtubers have links too, like mizkif with veibae, just off the edge.

>> No.17019485

Maybe something like hxh?

>> No.17019552

/sp/ until the 2nd star/asterisk then I don't follow any board
I watched some /vg/ league featuring /drag/ but long after I quit the game
Will probably watch vt league for /nijien/ but haven't been keeping up after the roster poll

>> No.17019564
File: 132 KB, 1024x794, 92916862_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hag Coast
More like Okayu's harem continent and everybody is in

>> No.17019613
File: 470 KB, 2048x1987, jAW9pR3poCwwV21dOQxDrszcOfxAgOF061mJ3VVdR5g.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like this?

>> No.17019802

Not a good idea because that would be offsite and breaks the idea of a /vt/ map

>> No.17019887

I'd say its worth exploring but not before we get the pre-existing regions created and fleshed out which will probably take a while.

>> No.17020019

Perhaps, but like >>17019887 said, its best to wait a bit till this bit is done.

>> No.17020032
Quoted by: >>17020565

I really like the idea of /2434/ being a figurehead royalty for the niji empire, sort of like how the imperial family is in Japan or the royalty in England. As far as /vt/ is concerned they don't really hold that much traffic or population but they're indeed the founding member and laid out the foundation for the vassal/other niji states.

>> No.17020111
File: 138 KB, 900x1600, 1635358180968.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no Roboco

M-maybe we can have a machine city somewhere, please?

>> No.17020534
File: 1.22 MB, 900x675, TheGloriousTaleOfPestControl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I was there when the city of Infinity was founded amidst the frost.
>It was nothing special at first: just another theocracy built upon the worship of a particular goddess from the pantheon.
>But then they came.
>And they came.
>And they came again.
>The Takeshi dynasty, having spent many generations as nomads, took the opportunity of a fledgling city to finally establish a permanent home.
>Authors, artists, and the general depraved public gathered daily in the town square to hear the decrees of their goddess, and respond with a unison cry of "SEX!"
>The raw sexual passion of the citizens made for an effective deterrent against hostile foreigners, such as those who came to slander the goddess' name.
>At its heart, the people's greatest accomplishment was constructed: the Grand Archive. The works of the scholars, scribes, and chroniclers, immortalised.
>Refugees began to arrive from other cities of the Hololive Empire, particularly from the neighbouring city of /uuu/. Many had been exiled for crimes of lust, and followed the impassioned screaming through the snow to find a new home amid folks more welcoming of such dispositions.
>Some think of Infinity as an embassy of /horny/ or /wg/, others as a rival to them. Both are entirely unrelated, and generally disapprove of being associated with this snowbound haven for the lecherous.
>Of course, every city has its golden age, and it never lasts forever. Time brings change. Time brings decay. The early accepting culture did eventually transition into a hierarchical system.
>As messages from the goddess grew infrequent, the authors and artists became her proxies and thus the city's more direct focus. The people looked to them for guidance. Their contributions to the Archive had earned them praise that some believed belonged to the goddess.
>Today, an underground war wages between the various rich families of Infinity as they compete for the goddess' attention with coin. The offshoot cult that once sought to transcend the flesh to become clockwork servants of Kronii has been reduced to a mere few who rarely show their heads. All but one of the authors have lost most of their will to write, and the sole survivor has developed a dubious correspondence with a mad artist from the far continent of Twitter. The Archive has been partially repurposed into a Hall of Heroes for the author-priests, lined with falsified artistic depictions of them as feminine beauties.
>The people of Infinity no longer know whether to worship or vilify their own goddess. Insane roadside prophets can regularly be seen, some declaring their unwavering faith, others their undying hatred. A few manage to express both at once.
>Welcome to Infinity. Stay out of trouble, timeloops, and the Discord (a secret society of the wealthy and famed that may or may not even exist), and you should be fine.

>> No.17020565

It's true, the spoonfeeding general was the only actual running Nijisanji general on this board other than ID who was kind of random and sporadic.

>> No.17020794
Quoted by: >>17020865

While old, I think this greentext works well for /infinity/

>> No.17020865

Here we see Infinity in it's golden age
And the recount of a Kronie who survived it's recline

>> No.17020875
File: 5 KB, 480x360, sex.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the original Takeshi is something akin to the runner at Marathon
this is really good, really fuckin good

>> No.17020960

>and the sole survivor has developed a dubious correspondence with a mad artist from the far continent of Twitter
Groomerbud or GroomerRyS?

>> No.17021115

For a while it was /o/ because they had the funniest models

>> No.17021131
File: 69 KB, 755x510, static-assets-upload15922802108561427903.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17033973

I always liked the idea of HxH/Toriko like bigger Earth, or something like picrel
but I agree that it should either be only explored when the main /vt/ map is complete or just implied to exist without much further elaboration

>> No.17021283
Quoted by: >>17021465

indies arent in an alliance, dont put pyon next to aspie for the love of fucking god

>> No.17021465

Confederacy might be a better word for it

>> No.17021571
Quoted by: >>17021681

>citizen of /hfz/
>need to literally traverse the whole planet in order to join annual feet appreciation festivals

>> No.17021681

>nyanfags need to cross through three hostile territories in order to be officially annointed as an architect
Make holy pilgrimage for the holy lands, foot fag

>> No.17022086
Quoted by: >>17022414

/infinity/ is a single megacity in a snowy wasteland. Built tall, not wide.

>> No.17022414
File: 35 KB, 701x438, DC9E4102-92FA-4DA7-A2B0-D38B143E2637.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A lot of that height can probably be attributed to the Archive, which is iceberg-like in that it extends even further beneath the ground than it does into the sky. Many texts not associated with any known authors have been forgotten in its depths.

>> No.17022540

While I don't think they should be placed on the map, what would the lost generals of graduated oshis be doing in this world now that they're beloveds have fallen?
Do they make up a faction of the never ending warzone in the west?

>> No.17022595
Quoted by: >>17022671

The archive as of now is a poorly maintained shadow of it's former self, the chief archivist having sailed east in hopes to woo a Taiwanese artist in the far lands of Twitter

>> No.17022628


>> No.17022639

One day they are there, the next they aren't, all burned down like baghdad after the mongols were done with them

>> No.17022671
Quoted by: >>17022736

so it's a city or town or whatever with a high amount of activity and tourism thanks to it's legendary archive, which in reality kinda sucks ass. that's neat...

>> No.17022736

Currently sucks ass, yeah. But the Kronies swear up and down it used to be a magnificent library on par with /wg/

>> No.17022777

Most of the citizens would likely migrate elsewhere, but the ancient ruins remain haunted by the souls of those too forlorn to seek a new oshi.

>> No.17022824

lands than sank into ocean Atlantis-style maybe? alternatively they can be small and weak nomad tribes that occasionally pop up in territories that neighboured their generals, with some being pitied and harboured (Coco) and some being shunned (HoloCN)

>> No.17022833

Are you people fucking mentally disabled?

>> No.17022890

you've forgotten which board your on

>> No.17022909

It's a better exercise in creativity than biting the 100th Mori bait

>> No.17022964

why are deadbeats like this?

>> No.17023473

>one of the first kingdoms of the Hololive Empire: Haachama World is an absolute monarchy
>after its founding the gentle and most pure Queen Akai Haato ruled the Haatons
>but then on one faithful day a fleet of the Sea of Fetishes attacked and infected the queen with an unknown disease
>the queen became corrupted, refused to take any medicine and publicly proclaimed the bad smell of her feet
>this served as a turning point of the Queen after which she became increasingly deranged
>her derangement became a full blown personality crisis after which she renamed herself to Haachama
>a lot of former Haatons turned their back to the new head of state betraying her
>to separate themselves from the traitors, loyalists followed their queen in abstaining from any medicine becoming known as the unmedicated Haatons
>Haachama declares herself a God(chama)
>devotion reaches an all time high and every Haaton exists only to serve Haachama and tend to her every will
>a sudden influx of grey immigrants has made the top general of the army "antichama" to crusade against the EOP's and the SEAniggers
>the main income of the kingdom is Haachama Cooking, a delicacy known far and wide particularly sought after in the lands of /ringo/ as it produces a very pungent smell in all human body waste
>good diplomatic relations outside of the Hololive Empire are being held with Hoshikawa, a Queen in the land of the Nijisanji Empire
>the national holiday Haachama Sunday is held every Sunday where the most prestigious art produced by the Haatons is being showcased and praised by the regent herself

>> No.17023499

>Enter: The reign of haachama the mad

>> No.17023581

where does Frieza btfoing Haatons via time travel fit into this though

>> No.17023644

Haachama World should be on floating island, or secluded area at least

>> No.17023741

>The Mad Queen professes herself to be the rightful ancestral ruler of Holo-Anglia
>She once shared this supposed title with the Dragon Queen, but claimed sole sovereignty when the latter sacrificed herself in battle against the rogue nation of Holo-China
>Whether the Dragon Queen’s martyrdom played a role in Haachama’s descent into madness is unknown

>> No.17024127
Quoted by: >>17024220

Would /hfz/'s depiction of her not be that far off from the truth besides appearance?

>> No.17024220

I imagine so. Not to mention she acknowledged HFZ more than once, so she must be a particularly revered deity.

>> No.17024619
File: 617 KB, 2700x2700, Times Long Forgotten.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>In the modern era, the former alliance between the Matsurisu and the Luknights are mere whispers. Neither party laughs and drinks amongst each other as if they were bretheren of the same creed as they once did in times long past.
>Within the tropical paradise land south of the mainland Holo Empire, Festival Luna sat comfortable and strong. The young princess, immature and ignorant, took shelter under Natsuiro Matsuri's welcoming umbrella gladly accepting the tutelage of her senpai. Matsuri treasured the princess, for she held the gifts of youth everlasting and was blessed with twice sight (much to the malice of the jealous captain), however in exchange for those gifts Luna was weak of body and breath and required frequent aid.
>The Luknights were founded, to serve their ailing princess without fail or hesitation, with utmost Loyalty to Luna. The Matsurisu and Luknights soon found themselves among each other's company more often then not and enjoyed many collabs and karaokes. While all appeared well, internally Himemori Luna began to grow conflicted with her relationship to the Lady of Festivals
>Matsuri was a notorious pedophile and her visits to Uooh island only became more frequent as time went on and while it was only a minor taboo to the world of /vt/ to Luna, who professed loyalty as a great virtue, this infidelity was a near intolerable sin. Even more damning was the increasing regularity with which Matsuri would set sail towards the west into the territory of the nijis.
>This suspicion began to pass through the Luknights slowly like a rrat's plauge and before long, reports were made of the illicit relationship shared between Matsuri Natsuiro and Hoshikawa Sara. The lustful flights of fancy Matsuri engaged in were too much for the princess to tolerate and it is said that when Matsuri next visited Hime's quarters, the usually joyful princess was cold and bitter.
>"A Nijinigger, Nanora? To disgrace yourself in such a way is unforgivable!"
>While Festival attempted in vain to calm the raging princess, the Luknights began preperations to leave the southern lands to join their northern senpais in order to distance themselves from Matsuri, who was rapidly succumbing to the sickness of the Menehara.
>Now Luna continues to foster her influence in the north, allying with a number of other states to for the Shuba Choco Luna pact. The Luknights serve their princess unwavering and sing their songs with the followers of the Duck and the Devil while the Matsurisu linger in the south, the stability of their oshi dwindling with each passing day.

>> No.17025192
File: 2.39 MB, 2000x1733, lowresmap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My map proposal with its various elements. Based off >>16775366 anon's generation and expanded.


>Physical Terrain
Equatorial: https://files.catbox.moe/xu09n1.png
Southern: https://files.catbox.moe/6dz97u.png

Equatorial: https://files.catbox.moe/4y0or7.png
Southern: https://files.catbox.moe/rfd8st.png

>Borders/Provinces Suggestions
Equatorial: https://files.catbox.moe/pboxym.png
Southern: https://files.catbox.moe/og9nhb.png

>> No.17025642
File: 114 KB, 1070x652, Haachamaflag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, I made a quick temporary flag for Haachama World. If anyone wants to improve it or make a new one please do

>> No.17025782

Peak autism
I love you

>> No.17026821
File: 1.02 MB, 1920x969, 1633093884487.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wactor really belongs more in the free indie federation than in the indie alliance, and there's also stuff like /fps/ and /asmr/ who should be given their own region, maybe in the red circled area?

>> No.17027356

If it's me I'd say we move here since the map is larger and more detailed with climates and regions

>> No.17027497

maps getting too crowded if all these suggestions gets added. be aware that not every general should be a region, they can be a city/island-states too

>> No.17027543

The current map works so well in the case of Infinity, because the thread periodically gets Nijis and especially Selen shilled in it. I imagine it's like viking raids.

>> No.17027803
File: 3.71 MB, 1894x844, Another day in the Serene Republic of NASFAQG [sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fjrdudi.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Be me.
>A relatively wealthy merchant living in the serene republic of nasfaqg.
>Not a native to the city-states, but I've lived here for many decades.
>Still visit my homeland up north once a summer, lovely place.
>Its another morning.
>Say my morning prayer to my Oshi, may her blessing grant me joy and success today.
>Eat a breakfast prepared by my servants.
>Local bread, expensive wine from the lands of the deadbeats, and exotic meats imported from the far south, all seasoned with rare spices.
>No tomatoes though. Fuck tomatoes.
>Feels good to be a merchant.
>Get dressed, wish a good day to my servants, and leave my manor.
>Since the adjustments are arriving soon, I head towards the market.
>Greet my fellow citizens along the way, everyone seems to be in good moods.
>Some, in very good moods.
>The usual culprits are once again openly flirting in the streets, declaring their love and saying sweet nothings to each other while visibly blushing.
>Spot some of the younger folk gawking at this public display of affection.
>... I want a nasfaq gf.
>Consider buying a young slavegirl from the next shipment arriving from Matsurilands.
>Or perhaps a sweet hag from Mion or the Hag Island.
>Continue on my way towards the marketplace.
>It's almost time.
>Every merchant has gathered in the Exchange building.
>The Custodian of the Market is preparing to reveal the newest price changes.
>The anticipation is palpable.
>Judging from the smell, I suspect the guy standing next to me has soiled himself.
>The new prices are revealed.
>Oh boy. Its one of those days.
>Red tomorrow, red today.
>The crowd descends into chaos as everyone scrambles to talk with their brokers.
>Check my wallet.
>100 million dollars, gone in an instant.
>No biggie.
>Signal for my broker to come to me. Tell him to buy my oshi 10x for the entire day.
>"But Sir, she is up 16%, You'd be buying at a lo-..."
>Tell him to shut up and just do it.
>I fucking love her bros.
>Step over the deadbeat shaking uncontrollably on the floor as I make my way out of the exchange.
>Such is the Mori Experience.
>Spend the rest of the day hanging out with my fellow merchants.
>Eat good food, compare our trades, talk about business and the events of the Empire.
>Get into a fistfight with a tomato-loving barbarian.
>Get beaten up when a gang of other taste bud-deficient arrive to help him.
>Dishonorable bastards, should have let us duel like men.
>Find myself in the mahjong parlor once again.
>Walk past the 2-meters tall giant in a miko costume sleeping on the couch.
>Get my glass of free milk from the parlor manager and walk to the table.
>Play a few hanchans with the bros.
>Fucking nyaggers ruin my hands.
>Lose $4,700,000 gambling.
>Nothing to worry about, remember that mahjong is a cruel mistress.
>Pick up reading Flow Book 1 as I enjoy my evening.
>The crowd gathers at the marketplace once again.
>Check the time.
>It's almost time to hear the prayers of the 19th hour.
>The heralds of the 19th hour walk to the podium and prepare their speeches.
>The crowd murmurs in disappointment.
>Some yell insults at the herald.
>The Kronie standing next to me starts crying.
>Check the time.
>My day is ruined.

>> No.17027881
File: 1016 KB, 1920x969, base world map.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17028645

shifted some things around, mainly moving wactor into the federation and adding /ag/, ASMR, Vsginer, and FPS.

>> No.17027953

>No tomatoes though. Fuck tomatoes.
this one's alright boys.

>> No.17028122

>Judging from the smell, I suspect the guy standing next to me has soiled himself.

>> No.17028194

>be me
>trader from Reine kingdoms
>accidentally crossed into /nasfaqg/ border
>this starts playing

>> No.17028241

The shit niggas do for fun when they can't understand streams.

>> No.17028281
File: 334 KB, 402x450, 1633166534566.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking kino

>> No.17028422
File: 359 KB, 1024x1024, nef.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17028562

>this is what an average nasfag looks like

>> No.17028562
Quoted by: >>17028717

Is his beard a stock ticker?

>> No.17028587
File: 184 KB, 500x600, FJkHJ0zUcAAbfyM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17028734

this chart is already outdated, pekomiko is a has-been collab and another blue woman now rules.

>> No.17028645
File: 1018 KB, 1920x969, 1627356828300.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

added mogu and doog

>> No.17028717

Yes. And his outfit is literally made of money.
Nef's THAT rich.

>> No.17028734

>another blue woman now rules.
*the superior blue woman

>> No.17028784
Quoted by: >>17030304

Noticed something for the niji region. Ninisani exists but that's basically another name for nijien, however nijikr is absent from the map

>> No.17028796
Quoted by: >>17028962

I think Kson deserve a strip of land or an island, she is big enough to have it, she alone is bigger than some 2view Vtuber companies.

>> No.17028911

>Step over the deadbeat shaking uncontrollably on the floor as I make my way out of the exchange.
>Such is the Mori Experience.
My fucking sides.

>> No.17028962

probably in the middle of indie bay on >>17028645
places her mostly among her fellow indies while giving her trade routes to vshojo and being cut off from the HLE

>> No.17029088

Island functioning as merchant republic would be good.

>> No.17029116

Well will you become a Prophet of Profit or not?

>> No.17029263

she should be contiguous with the hololive empire, to repesent how she was part of hololive until a few months ago.

>> No.17029461

The sheer amount of tiny nods to in-jokes and events is spectacular. Hats off.

>> No.17029515

What does this make one-off threads? Anything ranging from bait threads to topical discussion outside of global, splits, and dedicated oshi threads. Nomadic camps?

>> No.17029565
File: 89 KB, 945x938, confused shion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17030807

What is contained in the nasfaq industral business area?

>> No.17029586
Quoted by: >>17029613

wandering gypsies from the lands of mountain trolls and lowland baiters

>> No.17029613

Ah, that makes sense

>> No.17029616

Nomads roaming no-man's-land, i suppose land where bay of baiters and mountain of trolls is that

>> No.17029683
File: 2.41 MB, 2845x1661, southmost.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17029723

Claiming the southernmost islands for /feet/ and /belly/

>> No.17029723

Nigger that map is huge
You could fit both on one island

>> No.17029843

Putting aside nasfaq, who is the biggest economic superpower and why?

>> No.17029970

This world is fantasy, but has relations with real world, so irl money is related to individual countries or groups/empires.
So Hololive empire an Nijisanji are top competing superpowers.

>> No.17029981

numbers because numbers

>> No.17030042
Quoted by: >>17030192

I'd say hfz for its thriving sports and betting industry, /mep/ for its inexplicably full treasury, or rushia because it's rushia

>> No.17030099
File: 1.74 MB, 1437x1099, meaty.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17030234

/meat/ picks this island
We can raid everyone on this continent from here
And it's temperate

>> No.17030136
Quoted by: >>17030304

Nijimale still absent, that general is faster than KR

>> No.17030168
File: 26 KB, 500x1000, alchemist.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Portrait of a /ringo/ state alchemist, wearing a state-mandated uniform for alchemists. (copied from lobotomy corp.'s hokma design)

>> No.17030192


>> No.17030234
File: 160 KB, 913x900, sack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17030478

This thread is dedicated to the brave /meat/jahideens fighting the Hololive heathens

>> No.17030248
Quoted by: >>17030835

The Kroniissiah is a fickle goddess. Distant, neglectful. The megacity of Infinity struggled with apostasy, Kronies taking to the streets to decry their oshi's laziness, the squandering of her potential. The religious leaders of Infinity needed a way to bring the peace back, before the whole city fell into disarray.

They had found their answer in everything *but* the Kroniissiah. The high priests proclaimed the goddess was a cuckquean, that she found pleasure in her followers being with others, and commissioned great works from the named writers in their employ. Thus began a flood of lewd and lusty holy texts portraying fornication with other Holos, which they believed pleased their oshi.

Soon even the anonymous writers began such works. No Holo was safe, and even some heretical deities from other pantheons were depicted. This created fiction with some other nations, chief among the Saplings of UUU. But all in all, this event stabilized the church's power, and ushered in what many consider to be a golden age.

>> No.17030265
Quoted by: >>17030304

could also drop holostars somewhere, maybe just east of the border between HLE and numbers so that it kinda mirrors Luxiem and so Princess Baelz can mournfully look across the sea towards her forbidden love

>> No.17030304
File: 1022 KB, 1920x969, 1638480430114.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17030345

Should the chuubas be
>pure deities not in physical forms
>demigods in physical forms among the followers
>canon species
I prefer the first option. They exist in the higher realm (internet) but chose not to go down to the mortal plane (real life). All they could do is nudge through revelations and news (streams/twitter)

>> No.17030473

Where do jannies and meidos fit into this

>> No.17030478


>> No.17030566

Not doing their fucking jobs for one.

Also you must realize that /become/ is the highest worship of Lamy. To be ones to take on her perfected form. The ultimate blessing. One which must be shared by those who have BECOME.

>> No.17030728
Quoted by: >>17030839

Im torn between either >>17030304 and >>17025192
The former is already filled with locations but the latter has more fleshed out features and makes the world huge

>> No.17030771

desu, demigods seems more fitting. they are still well and truly above any of their subjects, to the point where they might as well be amorphous deities, but they play a larger role in the directions their nations go down.

>> No.17030807

A machine, so bug, so powerful, so wealthy that the machine alone could cause a global crisis if he wanted to. Unable to stop being efficient, unable to stop optimizing, he trades everyday, with the only goal to become more wealthy.

>> No.17030835
Quoted by: >>17031541

All things come to an end. Soon the writers ran out of Holos to write. Cuckquean had began to run its course. Kronies had began to publically speak out against the Kroniissiah. Perhaps most infamous of them was one who was dubbed Potentialschizo. He not only criticized the Kroniisiah herself, but the method of worship the Kronies had come to accept. He would say, every day in town square, how socializing with one another by name went against the ancient history of our ancestors on 4chan. He would accuse the writers, and the archivists, and the regular worshippers of Discordfaggotry, a crime of the highest order.

But where most saw a dissident, some saw an opportunity.

Over time the Kronies came to bite back at Potentialschizo, declaring that they loved him and dubbing him P-chan. Though it greatly confused and offended the rebel, he would come back emboldened. He wod continue his work, but so would the Kronies. They accused him of being a woman, and he admitted to being quite feminine, only adding to the Kronie's power over him. Soon he was sharing details of his own life between his public hearings. Soon he was allowing the Kronies to call him cute. Within time he stopped his rambling about socializing, instead focusing on minimizing off topic behavior. But as it is, it would appear Infinity's greatest detractor had fallen into the same trap of namefagging and socializing that he warned others against.

>> No.17030839

i would love it if someone took the existing map(s) and put them into a single overarching map. imagine >>17030304 as europe, and >>17025192 as the americas.

>> No.17030981
File: 620 KB, 873x1127, 1625636157346.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they're physical gods that get bigger and more powerful from having more worshippers

>> No.17030994

Oh god. Gura.

>> No.17031056

>Sana is, ironically, not that beeg

>> No.17031065
Quoted by: >>17031238

miyatsuko are larping retards

>> No.17031078

the demigod option accounts for that, but your right that they shouldn't merely be demigods. i think if we gave each chuuba a unique ability, it would balance some of it out. everyone being strengthened by numbers would turn everyone into a numberfag too fast.

>> No.17031157
File: 1.14 MB, 1280x720, 1636901814499.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17031245

everybody feared the T-rex

>> No.17031238

They're the closest we can get to Freemasons before actual magic starts happening, they're scary as shit

>> No.17031239

what would yagoo be?

>> No.17031245

meant for >>17030994

>> No.17031279

The actual market magics come from either Susan or the Haaton-5.

>> No.17031290
File: 1.01 MB, 3496x2476, 1614298327696.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

truly a gentle giant, the power she wields makes her wary even when dealing with other chuubas

>> No.17031303
Quoted by: >>17031362

you call pumping money up into priestess' ass magic? i call this gay

>> No.17031305

>not the capital of the Heartlands

>> No.17031362
Quoted by: >>17031443

That ass is unnaturally expansive, don't you think?

>> No.17031441
Quoted by: >>17033705

I have a few issue with the biomes, otherwise this map looks good. I'll post a suggestion for changes in a few minutes

>> No.17031443

they stretched priestess ass in the miyatsuko founding orgy

>> No.17031477
Quoted by: >>17031538

Oi, no ERP in other threads. Shoo. Have some manners.

>> No.17031513

Forgive me for the vulgarity, but no man can hold that amount of liquid capital in his ass, that's simply unfeasible. Unthinkable. It would not work, if not for some SHADY MAGICAL PRACTICES

>> No.17031538
File: 1.12 MB, 666x666, 1639727904226.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its the sad reality...

>> No.17031541

P-chan was eventually instrumental in a great schism in Infinity, but not in the way he had intended or even expected.

A heretical artist, whom this scribe will leave unnamed, created a depiction of P-chan as a short, feminine young man. The Kronies began praying to this false idol, in no small part thanks to P-chan's own aversion to how accurate he claimed it to be. The artist began to create avatars of known fanartists, writers, and archivists, creating his own pantheon of false gods and goddesses.

The worship of the Kroniisiah has declined. The Kronies have grown entitled, forgetting the Horrors of October, demanding more from their oshi. Perhaps her new attire was the final straw. Now they worship these false idols, proclaiming their hatred for the Kroniisiah, and I am sure they've damned us all. This scribe knows not where this story ends, but he prays still, in secret, to the Kroniissiah to crush the idolaters beneath her heel.

>> No.17031549
File: 243 KB, 348x440, 1625482377867.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"But Sir, she is up 16%, You'd be buying at a lo-..."
>Tell him to shut up and just do it.

>some other merchant asks me for my hidden knowledge, another group calls me a heretic and insane
>before leaving the building I spread the news of some minor announcement happening soon
>I claim the fair maiden has revealed it in a coterie (private party) just now
>It is merely a fabrication, of course. All of those fabrications lately were by me
>some traders bought into it anyways

>> No.17031717

I have a question: is that continent the span of the globe, or just part of it? The important part being whether the ocean at the right side immediately loops around to the left.
Would be mighty convenient for we fatfags if it were the former case since ideally we'd be close to Hololive and VShojo at the same time, something current land and water routes don't support at all.

>> No.17031752
Quoted by: >>17031841

so, how is everything going to be balanced? if we plan on making a /qst/ in the future, there should be some justification for a deadlock or truce wherever ther is one.

>> No.17031781
Quoted by: >>17031904

unless anyone objects to it I don't see why that can';t be the case

>> No.17031841

if it did, /meat/ would have access to holo and niji at the top. also, i'm holding out for this >>17030839

>> No.17031884
Quoted by: >>17032168

meant for >>17031717

>> No.17031888
File: 532 KB, 1600x900, 1596051033641.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will try to learn how to mod HoI4 so I can put the whole thing in reality.
>Holo faction is the dominant force in this alternate world
>Nijisanji to carve their place under the sun
>Twitch faction is the /vt/ allies
>small indies/corpos are the minors

>> No.17031904

I would like if this is just one part of the glove, the rest being on other hemispheres. /vt/ is a small part of the vtuber fandom, with much if it on Reddit and Twitter. Since our oshis use those sites, it'd make sense if there were (vtuber centric) continents for those places

>> No.17031935
File: 442 KB, 4093x2894, 1638587681986.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tomato hate
Big respect to you, friend

>> No.17031947

>Since our oshis use those sites,
I meant
>Since our oshis have fans on those sites

>> No.17031986

Anon if we start adding reddit and twitter this shit is going to get ugly real fast

>> No.17032021


>> No.17032051
Quoted by: >>17032114

We need to keep this idea /vt/-centric
Only boardculture and in-jokes
Opening the gates for outsiders will bring in problems

>> No.17032114

I kind of thought of them as just being really distant continents we know almost nothing about save for the slimmest of trade routes. Imagine how medieval Europe barely knew anything about China but knew of their works through word of mouth and some of their goods.

But I guess you have a point

>> No.17032168
File: 770 KB, 900x547, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17032239

>if it did, /meat/ would have access to holo and niji at the top
No they wouldn't. Think of it like the typical global map. For ease of interpretation, it's only unraveled longitudinally

I do kind of like the idea of multiple continents allowing for some more creativity, but only if the current nations and other /vt/ customs are redistributed throughout them. Don't see what we gain from just dumping more land into the world when most major agencies, chuubas, threads, etc. are already accounted for in this continent.

>> No.17032222
File: 2.07 MB, 2000x1733, comparison.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried comparing the physical ratios of both maps
Yeah, new map is waaayy larger

>> No.17032239

if the right loops back to the left, unless the globe is a cylander then the top loops back to the bottom.

>> No.17032297
Quoted by: >>17032427

Anon... your cartography reps...
Please don't tell me you look at that image and think you can take a step down from the south pole and end up in the arctic ocean

>> No.17032308
File: 37 KB, 640x622, 4322e4f2f000705d15199a2a89dae18cea75c674cd8414e8c831d43ca896c92b_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17032427

Anon, I...

>> No.17032337
File: 730 KB, 1181x719, Earthlike_toroidal_planet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17032427

Anonchama... your map reps...
The usual map projection has the South pole in the South and the North pole in the North for a reason.

Either way, make it spicy. Make the world a toroid with a moon bouncing up and down through the world's hole.

>> No.17032381
Quoted by: >>17032427

anon the world is not shaped like a donut

>> No.17032392
File: 1.80 MB, 640x482, 1641209626501.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Digits dont lie
A larger map has much better RP potential and if that scale is correct (1 square being around 700 KM x 700 KM) even the largest superpower Hololive empire wont take up an entire continent.
Power balance

>> No.17032427

could you fit it on the other side? the top is clearly the pole, but if this is a globe, we can't necessarily se the northern(?) pole so there might be more on the other side, right?

ther are no poles visible on the map, what part of my sentence implied i thought it was donut shaped? a sphere loops back no matter which direction you go.

>> No.17032477

(quads of 2ruth)
also much more room for islands for new threads/chuubas

>> No.17032554

Well, that's what we're discussing. Just because the image is a rectangle right now doesn't necessarily mean the bounds of the planet have to stretch uniformly out from the center.

What SHOULD the full planet look like? How far do those capped landmasses on the north and south extend? Are there poles further out? More continents? Where does it loop? Is it even a sphere?

>> No.17032569
File: 478 KB, 240x135, how it's made - maps.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17032599

ITT: Anon (hopefully) leans how map projections are made.

>> No.17032584

what did you do with the orphans peko
why do you have 13 orphans peko
what did you do

>> No.17032599
Quoted by: >>17032702

you guys misunderstood me, i feel entirely vindicated by all of this.

>> No.17032614

>700 km x 700 km squares
Hold up nigga. Russia is already around 9000 km
The map here >>17030304 has a continent around 6300km
>>17032222 map shows that it's around 18 000km in width
THE EARTH IS ONLY AROUND 12000km in diameter
/vt/ world is a super earth!

>> No.17032678

unless there is an unforseen body between /meat/ and the top of the map, it can be raided. either way, it requires that the world must be larger than the image shows, so why would it be small enough for them to make the trip from left to right if /meat/ can't make the trip from bottom to the top?

>> No.17032702
Quoted by: >>17032823

I understand now that you're not retarded enough to not understand how maps work, but you're still retarded for replying to a map of IRL earth with that comment when you were talking about the chuuba map + your personalized assumption that it had no poles

>> No.17032769

The problem with old map is that it has offmap landmasses so making a globe is impossible
New map has separate files for each continents so you could make a globe
And if >>17032614's calculations are right, new map by itself is already 1.5 earth sized
I support new map

>> No.17032823

i never said it had no poles, i was responding to >>17031717. it would have to have no poles for that to work, which was why it was riddiculous. the comment i responded to was irrevelant, as it was part of the same line of dialog.

>> No.17033095
File: 9 KB, 443x172, island.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17033390

>/meat/ Island is approximately 160km wide
>Isle of Man is 50km
>Island of Cuba is 191km
>Hokkaido is around 230km
Shit it's huge

>> No.17033153

One Piece Marines

>> No.17033390
File: 3.94 MB, 2615x1937, 2082408.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I knew I shouldve put in scales
Here's for the first continent

>> No.17033705
File: 2.25 MB, 2000x1733, bigmap winds and currents.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Assuming earth like planet.
Also assuming the map doesnt show us the northern polar region.

Explanations >>16923513 and >>16924471
further explanations in the pictures.

>Rainshadows, rainforest areas, areas affected by ocean currents.

>Climate/biome approximation for the equatorial area

>Climate/biome approximation for the southern area.

>> No.17033956
File: 2.40 MB, 2000x1733, 1643038567549.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>most of the world is hot and humid
Not sugoi
How about making this section taiga/tundra?

>> No.17033973
File: 97 KB, 531x850, 2d28def4d805ca431449feb045500bb8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17034016

I think it would be more interesting if the world wasn't exactly sphere shaped like irl Earth, or was spherical but was still very difficult from real world like >>17021131
Or if it wasn't spherical at all and looked like a toroid or ringworld (picrel)
But I can also see how this would make figuring out the climate, day/night cycles, seasons are other shit much harder. But if we're being extremely autistic already, why not?

>> No.17034016

*different, not difficult.

>> No.17034057
File: 2.38 MB, 1998x1730, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would also prefer that, however the problem is that the names of the files as well as the lack of ice up north suggest that the red line is the equator.

If >we want the northern section to be taiga/tundra, equator needs to move south by quite some amount.

The map could be missing a northern continent

>> No.17034151
Quoted by: >>17035032

>The map could be missing a northern continent

>> No.17034318

Also, the way map projection on spheres works, we should expect the map to be roughly 2:1 in terms of width to height. 1998 x 1730 would imply the existence of an uncolonized New World... or just a big ocean with nothing in it.

>> No.17034472
Quoted by: >>17035032

I could do a version with the equator moved south, but this would mean that everything >>17025192 did for climates or biomes would become outdated in terms of plausibility. My approximation here >>17033705 was made with the idea of preserving as much as possible from the original anon.

>> No.17034553

>/vt/ once again proves it's better at being /tg/ than /tg/.

>> No.17035032
File: 2.95 MB, 2000x2355, Daworld.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Merged both maps
And added a Suez canal for the north continent
Also one section appears cut off, should we cut it off or finish it from scratch?

>> No.17035090

yeah that's not really going to work unless you want to completely wipe away the existing features, the main reason why we even want to keep the old map is because it's already filled in, while the new map is still a blank empty canvas.

>> No.17035198
Quoted by: >>17035704

I'd remove it
But this merge would also mean that we would have to completely repopulate the map with territories

>> No.17035436
File: 3.30 MB, 1995x2350, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What I like about this idea is that it would not change the climates that much

>> No.17035514

>this area would become a little bit colder
.. and by "little bit" i mean considerably.
There would me a major cold ocean current flowing into the area from the north.

>> No.17035568

Rotate the map 90deg and you have your 2:1 ratio

>> No.17035627

well, almost

>> No.17035672
Quoted by: >>17035874

for the sakes of saving effort, I'd suggest we have a massive ocean to the west and east instead

>> No.17035699

how about you rotate it 90 degrees and rotate the poles along with it?

>> No.17035704
File: 2.65 MB, 2000x2355, 23498234980.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

True, some pops have to move but we have a larger map now
I tried making a peninsula from scratch using pieces of the incomplete continent, removed canal because now that there's more ocean it felt redundant

>> No.17035765

the area to the northeast connects the two continents way too well, I love it.

>> No.17035796
Quoted by: >>17036851

what the fuck...
this idea started as a fun joke and now we got all these

>> No.17035874

That would save a lot of effort, but there'd be a lot of dead space. Personally I still say rotate the map 90deg, rotate the poles as well as this anon >>17035699
suggested, and then slightly increase the distance between each "third" until we get that magic 2:1 ratio, of course taking into account the size of the oceans on the eastern/western-most areas of the map

>> No.17035952
File: 3.98 MB, 3510x2057, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17036058

here is my suggestion instead

>> No.17035983

>making a peninsula from scratch using pieces of the incomplete continent
>it looks seamless
I kneel

>> No.17036058
Quoted by: >>17036089

See, look at all that dead space. If you conformed that to a globe, that ocean would be massive

>> No.17036089
Quoted by: >>17036315

personally I'm okay with a massive ocean. could leave space for a sunken continent or two

>> No.17036214 [DELETED] 
File: 3.87 MB, 2355x2000, 1621428921781.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a rough position layout I drafted up assuming the "rotate 90 degrees and swap the poles" plan is adopted. Feel free to comment and critique.

>> No.17036257
Quoted by: >>17036754

There was one more continent suggestion last thread! I HAVE AN IDEA!

>> No.17036286

In the interest of sustainability, I think we're just gonna have to suck it up and do that. More available climates and routes between regions means a higher likelihood of being able to cater to as many lore demands as possible

>> No.17036315


>> No.17036351
File: 3.84 MB, 2355x2000, vt expanded map draft.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a rough position layout I drafted up assuming the "rotate 90 degrees and swap the poles" plan is adopted. Feel free to comment and critique.

>> No.17036445

I mean, I like it. Whats the consensus though?

>> No.17036473
Quoted by: >>17036512

Assuming equator in the middle, the equivalent of westerlies would allow /meat/ to sail straight into indie continent

>> No.17036489

the good thing about this layout is that both the hololive region and the fetishes are "centrally" located because of the rollover, and schizoland can also have relatively easy access to every other region to represent their pervasivity.

>> No.17036512

also assuming /meat/ would be somewhere around the northern tip of the fetish continent

>> No.17036754
Quoted by: >>17036855

tell us anon

>> No.17036761
Quoted by: >>17036798

Oh no you don't, back up you go

>> No.17036798

anon.... we are at our limit. Need new bread.

>> No.17036851

/vt/ is autism central, and there is no greater creative force than focused, inspired autism.

>> No.17036855

I recalled an anon posting his map suggestion last thread
And I moved some continents around

>> No.17036900

Okay, so, who's going to do the next op?
Because if you leave it up to me I'll just copy past the current op just with updated links

>> No.17036902

You know this problem can be solved if you make the continents bigger right?
No need to shrink them down

>> No.17036957

opinions on this?
It has potential, but we would need to figure out which group owns each continent

>> No.17036969


>> No.17037046

Why I feel like that it should be middle of those others? Based on it's shape it would fit some holes that got seperated as their own continents/islands...
