>> | No.14205582 File: 1.37 MB, 2894x4093, 1635104390983.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google] Reminder my rose wife is half Hispanic and half Japanese >Father is a chill and lenient JP dad >Mom is a strict latina mother who only wants her to survive and become a good housewife >never said how she learned Spanish but somehow miraculously speaks it incredibly well both during collabs and during some of her streams >is willing to translate what Reimu said with confidence >her pronunciation in Japanese is similar to Reimus in how they use their Spanish tongues to pronounce certain things >loves saying "amigo" She is very reserved about that part of her skill set despite showing clear proficiency in it it's obvious she threw in "half French" to throw people off since her French is actually worse than her Spanish