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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 1.61 MB, 1708x2140, 1630032148332.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10714770 No.10714770 [Reply] [Original]
Quoted by: >>10738251

This is a thread for the discussion of Nijisanji's English branch and their vtuber units, LazuLight and Obsydia!

Nijisanji EN Youtube channels:

Twitter accounts:

Teamup Schedule for NijiEN:

To watch streams at the same time:
Open devtools (F12 key), go to console tab, input the following code, then refresh the page.
localStorage.setItem('rulePauseOther', 0);
You only need to do this once, or until your browser data is cleared.

NijiEN song playlist:
To loop indefinitely get a browser extension preventing Youtube autopause.

Reminder to ignore shitposting, discordfags, and tribalfags.

last thread >>No.10703815

>> No.10714795

Last thread >>10703815

>> No.10714820
File: 913 KB, 1022x1024, 314342135132.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10714846
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Quoted by: >>10714879


>> No.10714863

Really nigger?

>> No.10714879
File: 57 KB, 480x480, A2YtYfCbONHr8wSWx4eYBg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im sorry pomu

>> No.10714894

we have had a perfectly serviceable thread prior to this one. what is wrong with you?

>> No.10714934
Quoted by: >>10715103

That was an early troll thread. If you want to encourage them to do so then it's your choice.

>> No.10715077
File: 1.13 MB, 1170x1699, 1610295087939.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10715147

Petra, when are you going to do a viewer favorite anime list review? I want you to shit on my taste!

>> No.10715103

All Elira threads are made by trolls

>> No.10715147
File: 187 KB, 1096x1754, E_4YyUIVIAgR92w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10719014

She was very kind in her pet reviews, she is very gentle to her fans. including the one who printed a cut-out of her

>> No.10715624

Why did Rosemi decide to paint within a game instead of photoshop or something.

>> No.10717457
File: 446 KB, 647x939, 1632442893327.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love bring Rosemi's piggy!

>> No.10719014

That was early Petra, who didn't tap into her inner Bad Bitch.

>> No.10719098

Link to premiere doko?

>> No.10719219
File: 846 KB, 2896x4096, FACwltHVkAcHWIc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My daughterwife's cover is premiering!


>> No.10722837


Laila POV

Ban Hada POV

Qu Qualia POV

Kohaku-chan POV

>> No.10722928
File: 724 KB, 1748x2685, 1621139451531.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, any rrats on who they might pick for the male EN wave? Are there even ANY male EN indies that'd be worth picking up for them? Or is it gonna be a bunch of literally whos?

>> No.10723101
File: 363 KB, 1536x2048, 1633147801587.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello there.

>> No.10723163

show the hole

>> No.10724167
Quoted by: >>10724327

If you made that, nice work. I'm pretty jelly ngl

>> No.10724247

goddamn elira is stupid as shit

>> No.10724323

Did Pomu rate your room? She didn't rate mine because I'm not a fucking nerd who buys anime figs.

>> No.10724327
Quoted by: >>10750351

I didn't.

>> No.10724387

>warning is in japanese

Oh JOPs...

>> No.10725084
Quoted by: >>10726482

Sorry anon. I was picked and i didnt even stream before. Im good at games and can draw but i have no social life and cant communicate

>> No.10725581
File: 50 KB, 864x93, ohno.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10727879

>elira mentions ao3

>> No.10725629
Quoted by: >>10741362

Demo and Sseth

>> No.10725697


>> No.10726468

Halbernacht is pretty good.

>> No.10726482
File: 182 KB, 635x810, 1626891507914.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10729727

You can have Selen, and I can't stop Elira from jumping on you. But if you so much as type in Rosemi's chat, I swear to Yahweh I will browse through your entire 4chan history and expose every single UOOOH CUNNY post you've ever made and post the whole thing on Discord, getting you kicked for being a Western p*do. Your numbers will not be big enough to resist it; do not DARE test me.

>> No.10726636
File: 206 KB, 768x349, vt-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10727879

>Brain Pissing
>Hung at birth

>> No.10729727

keep Rosemi away from these filthy pigs

>> No.10733136
File: 211 KB, 1280x1280, 1624493095852.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10734860

Who's fishing there? Finana?

>> No.10735623

Is this a reskinned reference to something or is it just giantess art

>> No.10737460
File: 1.57 MB, 365x658, 1.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rosemi's drawing stream was cute, cute! looking forward to Cuphead today, my bet is she will finish the Robot and the Rat/Cat duo and then start mr Dice, hope she'll have fun <3

>> No.10737551
File: 48 KB, 172x275, 1629550210080.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wave 3 doko? I can't wait for more people to bully Petra.

>> No.10738251


>> No.10738347

I don't get it? Is Elira getting flustered over the core calling her a beautiful woman?

>> No.10738448
Quoted by: >>10738469

also trying to typo Nijisanji was harder than I thought when I've somehow mastered typing it over and over again thanks to Rosemi and the fact that my autism makes me want to not use copy paste on obvious copypastas like Nijisanji Nijisanji Nijisanji Nijisanji Nijisanji Nijisanji Nijisanji Nijisanji Nijisanji Nijisanji aaaa

>> No.10738469


>> No.10738562
File: 134 KB, 1000x1000, image3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love this sweet lewd mermaid

>> No.10738571

she had to make it cursed

>> No.10738639

Elira has been extra cute recently.

>> No.10739224

Really slow today huh?
let's start baiting then, how will be a date go each girl?

>> No.10739293

>how will be a date go each girl
better than your English classes seanig

>> No.10739303

nijiEN is reclining. wave can't come soon enough and they miss some big project to keep the fans interest like JP branch, nijiEN is lack of creative to be honest

>> No.10739350
Quoted by: >>10739444

It must be hard to convincingly samefag when your english gives you away instantly.

>> No.10739444

Some extreme SEAniggery is afoot.

>> No.10739681

Is Pomu going to stream in 3 hours? I don't see her waiting room.

>> No.10739708

is it that game nobody watches today?

>> No.10739775

I'd watch it if it wasn't so damn early. I don't even give a fuck about it, I just love Pomu.

>> No.10739952
Quoted by: >>10740162

she said that she might stream later since she's feeling a bit under the weather

>> No.10739971

I really hate the VR motion. I'd have given more of a chance if not for that

>> No.10740052

There's no full Lazulight or Obsydia collab. Weekend ruined...

>> No.10740088

my NijiEN collab copium...

>> No.10740116

just watch JK Gumi collab

>> No.10740162
Quoted by: >>10740226

I swear all of the girls have said they're feeling ill or tired this week. They need to take better care of themselves

>> No.10740226

The spoonful of sugar to make the streaming less medicine go down easier.

>> No.10740286
Quoted by: >>10740415

When I search bogos binted on youtube in incognito mode nijien results are some of the first I get now.

>> No.10740333
Quoted by: >>10740404

based retards resurrecting this fucked up old but early thread during the absolute deadest of hours

>> No.10740397
File: 35 KB, 391x312, 162994612480.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love the great Rosemi-sama!

>> No.10740404

nobody made a new one

>> No.10740415


>> No.10740486
File: 717 KB, 781x868, EC5C1D6F-5C43-4F05-B737-F25C81236EFD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10740793

That damn smile… that damn laugh… I want her bros…

>> No.10740492
Quoted by: >>10740517

last thread?

>> No.10740503
File: 2.79 MB, 500x500, elira_sheknowswhatshesdoing[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fykpjhb.aac].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10740517

This is the first nijisnaji EN thread, there is no last thread

>> No.10740556

get a load of those BIG FAT BOUNCING DRAGON TITS

>> No.10740633

Elira saying "sheesh" when I cum prematurely from her paizuri

>> No.10740710

The look she does after shaking them makes it infinitely more arousing somehow.

>> No.10740793
File: 419 KB, 560x559, Selen Gosling.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10740858

wasn't she embarrassed to even zoom on this part of her model before? what happened

>> No.10740908
Quoted by: >>10741012

someone baited her into proving herself by calling her flat in chat

>> No.10740911
Quoted by: >>10741012

Somebody called her flat and she immediately disproved this statement

>> No.10740924
Quoted by: >>10741007

No..? From the get go she literally said: "There's 2 big reasons to stick with me right here" and showed her bounce lol. She just never does it because 9/10 the requests are TOO blatant.

>> No.10741007

i think initially when the topic first came up she was like way back near the very start

>> No.10741012
Quoted by: >>10741437

Like she does when someone calls her one-eyed dragon, what happens if you call her flat and one-eyed at the same time? she explode?

>> No.10741362
Quoted by: >>10741538


>> No.10741437

Probably. But she also might just say to look at her reference sheet, where you can see both second eye and breasts

>> No.10741538
Quoted by: >>10741647

Actually, knowing him he would probably be a real entertaining chuuba. But he likely doesn’t want to be one, since he hates yt

>> No.10741573
Quoted by: >>10741698

I'm impressed with how popular "Phony" got as a cover considering how shit the original is.

>> No.10741612

>getting bored of Pomu
>thinking about changing kamioshis
>watch otaku room vod
>see her PASSION reignite over weeb shit

Just when I thought I got out...

>> No.10741647

>Actually, knowing him he would probably be a real entertaining chuuba
he would just have to be a neutered version of himself from his regular streams so I don't know why anyone who actually likes him would want him in

>> No.10741694

She's so cute.

>> No.10741698
File: 512 KB, 1000x1000, 92038280_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10741844

chima too strong

>> No.10741727

nijisanji EN really needs more of a regular radio talk show to talk about things they actually know about then shoving it in several hour post game zatsudans

>> No.10741755

>>thinking about changing kamioshis

>> No.10741810

Once Pomufication starts, you can never get out, only the strongest may be able to, but the struggle will be inmense and success is unlikely.

>> No.10741844

I can listen to Chima's voice forever. Her Minecraft streams are perfect for background noise.

>> No.10741889

Zatsudans are the best part after a game because it's aftertalk. Giving them a "radio show" defeats that purpose, as fun as it would be.

>> No.10741908
Quoted by: >>10742104

Speeking of having to sit through hours of shit game, we may see less genshit.

>> No.10741935

>talk show
soulless reading from scripts

soulful chatting in the moment

>> No.10741980
Quoted by: >>10742167

woah, i cant wait for Selen's trash movie reviews and Pomu's ramblings about idols

>> No.10741990

so have you enjoyed Petra's cover of "Phony"? I'm personally too spoiled by better covers and Pengu's voice just doesn't fit it. But it does sound close to the original voicebank.

>> No.10742030

>soulless reading from scripts
you know jack shit about modern talk shows huh

>> No.10742101

Rosemi really likes Cuphead. Does she have her own Cupsona?

>> No.10742104
Quoted by: >>10742356

Why? Did something happen? Or are just hoping for that?

>> No.10742108
Quoted by: >>10742151

Late Night is the only talk show type, anon . Get with the times.

>> No.10742139

It's decent I would say, listenable and competent but there are plenty of better versions.

>> No.10742151

not* obviously

>> No.10742167

>Selen's trash movie reviews
Would be fun I guess, depending on how she handles it.
>Pomu's ramblings about idols
No thanks.

>> No.10742233

It's good but as others have said there are better ones out there, I liked Ako's and Rikka's personally.

>> No.10742260

I literally don't care or know anything about idols but I can listen to Pomu ramble about it for hours. It's all in the enthusiasm.

>> No.10742356
Quoted by: >>10742670

Them hoping/Coping. The only reason genshin will slow down or stop is because she completes the available stories (she still has plenty) or she doesn't do abyss/domains on stream.

>> No.10742368
Quoted by: >>10742430

Eh, if I only listened to covers with the greatest, breath-taking voices I'd miss out on a lot of great covers with SOUL.

>> No.10742430

sadly Petra's cover lacks that too

>> No.10742670

I can see Finana replacing Genshin when the content drought starts with Honkai streams but it's still gachashit so it's not much different. Elira still has a ton to do and she doesn't stream it that often anyways, like every other week whenever the new gacha banner starts.

>> No.10742726

What a fucking adorable dork.

>> No.10742753
File: 197 KB, 1920x1080, 760f9cfd0d834b38e7703afca4ee057f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love my daughterwife!

>> No.10742994

Well we're not getting VR VN I wonder what it's going to be. (Please no JumpKing)

>> No.10743025

this game the id hag is playing looks like stranger things

>> No.10743057
Quoted by: >>10743129

>depending on how she'll handle it.
Selen will describe a scene in the movie, laugh, and then say it's so bad.
She's not capable of conveying her thoughts properly into sentences, and probably isn't equipped to make any actual humorous observations on her own.
It'll be like watching one of those really embarrassing Rifftrax/ RLM imitators. I don't say this to insult Selen; this kind of stuff is just a petpeeve for me.

>> No.10743087


>> No.10743129

Petra shitting on romcom and isekai romcom would be lit

>> No.10743174
File: 206 KB, 300x318, 1632965509282.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Questions for the Pseudodead hours
>Your oshi
>Has life (overall) gotten better or worse since finding them?

>> No.10743221

More of the same, but life was already going good so I've got no complaints

>> No.10743232

God Hyona is so hot I want her to break every bone in my body

>> No.10743265

yea, it's been inclining for a while and those 2-3 months were good too, mostly because I started working on my hobby again (drumming reps) after taking my shots and the lockdown easing up

>> No.10743431

No ne to this day.
Somewhat, life was shitty thanks to stuff from last year but been getting better as this one goes, chuubas, and this board, helped somewhat.

>> No.10743869

I started earning money because of Selen and my desire to support her but now my heart is screaming for Elira.

>> No.10743905

I hope its 2hu

>> No.10743915
Quoted by: >>10744168

Tou fucking manwhore

>> No.10743918
Quoted by: >>10744168

It's alright to want to bang a pair of dragon sisters.

>> No.10744053

I went from living in a nice house, homecooked dinners, easy バイト into having to roomshare, eating instant food and slaving away.

>> No.10744067

Why do Elira and Pomu always feel bad? When was the last time Finana canceled something because she wasn't feeling well?

They need to act like professionals.

>> No.10744114

Fuck off Elira just did an 8hr stream last night while coughing up a lung up for most of the duration.

>> No.10744168

I think my love for them is both different. I think my love for Selen is platonic, I want this Dragon to succeed, I wish for her to keep winning and for her to always be laughing. My love for Elira is admiration, she's so naturally charming, I want her to shine.

>> No.10744219

I wasn't doing great lately, not bad, just wasn't getting things done as much as before. I'm doing better now. Life is good

>> No.10744264

>Selen screwing over everybody the first chance she gets

>> No.10744310
Quoted by: >>10745159

Please andarstand they are too addicted to streaming and their fans and have too much free time to use their heads properly and take proper rests, shorten the duration of their streams when they are feeling under the weather instead of pushing themselves too much until they are dying and have no choice but to cancel shit.

>> No.10744482
File: 254 KB, 1920x1080, FAtDxd2XIAI-96N.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10751809

Elira should get one option on the hairstyles for her next outfiit that shows both eyes and one that doesn't.

>> No.10744623
Quoted by: >>10744678

Finana got a golden opportunity and frankly has nothing going on in her life. Streaming is probably the highlight and maybe even only high point of her day

>> No.10744678

That and clearing savage raids

>> No.10744782
File: 286 KB, 585x564, 1622336187448.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My job is getting progressively worse and soon I'll quit, but at least watching streams helps me cope. As for everything besides work it's shitty as usual.

>> No.10745014

You are getting Slither Io and you are going to watch it.

>> No.10745063


>> No.10745157
File: 191 KB, 241x342, 1631933883546.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please be minecraft I'm not even kidding.

>> No.10745159

They are really all streaming addicts for sure.

>> No.10745217

Life is meaningless anyways so I just aim to feel good with each passing day with minimal effort, watching this laughing dork definitely helps with that

>> No.10745246

Defund Finana.


>> No.10745345
Quoted by: >>10745587

Professionals get sick days

>> No.10745587
Quoted by: >>10746362

Something something black company.

>> No.10745690

situation hasn't changed but she likes fit guys so it gave me a reason to start working out again since covid, and I'm happier even though its probably the start of some parasocial shit

>> No.10745795

Pandering to coomers

>> No.10745895
Quoted by: >>10746060

Nothing much changed. Still haven't landed a job. Only thing is that she makes me question who my oshi is

>> No.10746060
Quoted by: >>10751001

>Only thing is that she makes me question who my oshi is

>> No.10746075

Better, been less stressed at work, as my team can now do their tasks without me having to guide them or take things into my own hands.

>> No.10746169

Better then worse when I started working full time. Money's great but fuck wasting your life at a consulting firm.

>> No.10746177
Quoted by: >>10746364

I have erection for Petra

>> No.10746362

when are we getting nijiEN resistance arc

>> No.10746364
Quoted by: >>10746378

I read this with an indian accent

>> No.10746378

>Just tried it
>It works perfectly

>> No.10746400

Yes, I’ve gotten back to actually focus more on myself and started to do things I enjoy, instead of letting my job consume me 24/7

Has your oshi’s life gotten better ever since they started vtubing?

>> No.10746426

im past the point of no return but watching finana let's me forget all the suffering even for the slightest moment. ignorance really is bliss.

>> No.10746436

Elira singing Charles has got the song stuck in my head.

>> No.10746439

What will finana do to get her member watch along taken down this time?

>> No.10746466

Pomu had serious surgery

>> No.10746523

pomu only cancels the VR streams, and thats understandable because that shit can be super disorienting, personally spending hours in it would make me sick

>> No.10746526

She hasn’t even put it up yet, it will be pretty tame compared to what people expect. After last time she knows a big chunk of her audience are bad

>> No.10746547

She's going to show her nhentai favourites on stream, download a cg set from exhentai and pirate some game off sukebei.

>> No.10746570
Quoted by: >>10747095

she's just like me..

>> No.10746579
File: 54 KB, 400x577, selen_dream.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>meet Selen at the doctors
>play smash bros together in the waiting room
>she lets you borrow her tekken game
>you want to ask her if she wants to come to your house to play it together
>wake up

>> No.10746675
Quoted by: >>10746698

I’m now working towards improving myself so that I can impregnate her by any means necessary

>> No.10746698

Selens a fat chinese tomboy

>> No.10746711

I'm good, thks for asking

>> No.10746778
File: 1.21 MB, 2692x2286, E6P_evVWQAQ2kUN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's the only thing she can beat Selen at.

>> No.10746811
File: 399 KB, 2506x3223, FAhWOUiX0AMrzDp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10747153


>> No.10746939

shota's view before all fluid is extracted

>> No.10747002

She'll talk about the new Hanako episode and slip up by mentioning Hanime

>> No.10747034

Lulu is streaming btw

>> No.10747095
File: 28 KB, 625x626, 1631254797294.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That actually brings me to this question: Why DON'T you all like Finana?
>NEET with no college education or real future prospects
>Degenerate coomer
>Weeb who lapsed on her Japanese reps long ago
>Archetypal tryhard gamer: Grinds shit out to be good enough to be better than average, but has no innate skill to be better than that
>Distant/apathetic family relationship
>Autistic like naivete and delusion when it comes to love and relationships
This could probably describe a good portion of posters on here. Does she just hit too close to home for some of you people?

>> No.10747120
Quoted by: >>10747180

There's no one in a niji branch let alone en named lulu..unless I've missed a new addition somewhere.

>> No.10747126
Quoted by: >>10747224

i just dislike her accent, no schizo reasoning behind it

>> No.10747153
Quoted by: >>10747241

>no fitness vtuber that does workout streams and brags about her gains to chat

>> No.10747176

A streamer that resembles me doesn't catch my interest because I'm not interesting.

>> No.10747180
Quoted by: >>10747302

Yeah you're out of he loop

>> No.10747196

A good portion of posters that fit this description hate themselves, why would they like someone like them

>> No.10747200


>> No.10747224


>> No.10747231

I tried really hard to like Finana. In fact, she was my first membership. But while I initially liked her overall vibe, she just seems way too lacking in common sense, and not in an endearing way.

>> No.10747241

What happens when a lifter stops getting gains though? You cant get stronger infinitely

>> No.10747244

>not me
>a bit
>not me
>not me
>not me

>> No.10747273

I gave it a try and had some complicated feelings about why facecam streamers disgusting me despite wanting to like it

>> No.10747287
Quoted by: >>10747327

Unlike people here Finana is actually friendly

>> No.10747302
Quoted by: >>10747323

No he's not. There's no current liver called Lulu. Off to /jp/ with you.

>> No.10747307
File: 268 KB, 2000x1414, E-E6xQUVgAI886x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10747399

It's almost time for Rosemi's Cuphead stream!!!!! Will she beat three bosses?? Maybe the game!?!?!?! Maybe she will talk about her secret lust for bigass titties. You need to be there to find out!!!!


>> No.10747323
Quoted by: >>10747396

>he doesn't know

>> No.10747327

I bet people here are generally friendly when they're not on here. Most people are. The ones that aren't probably just don't actually speak to real people

>> No.10747364
Quoted by: >>10747494

im going to watch rosemi lovescocks for the first time
what am i in for?

>> No.10747390

I will never watching 3DPD camwhore
No thank

>> No.10747392

1. I dont hate finana. I dont really like her either.
2.She is endearing in her naivity sometimes but It pisses me off when she goes to far with shit. Like the membership watchalong.
3. Her fanbase is filled with coomers, which is forgivable but also on here, with dumbasses who cant stand to see anything negative said about her. Even if it is the same things they say themselves.

>> No.10747396
Quoted by: >>10747444

As I said, not only is this not the Niji JP thread, it's not even the right board. Go to /jp/ if you want to discuss people who aren't even vtubers.

>> No.10747399

i'm already watching irys sorry...

>> No.10747427

>3. Her fanbase is filled with coomers, which is forgivable but also on here, with dumbasses who cant stand to see anything negative said about her. Even if it is the same things they say themselves.
Fishfags are oddly touchy

>> No.10747444
Quoted by: >>10747505

>he really doesn't know

>> No.10747455
Quoted by: >>10747860

Finana doing Mugen Train

>> No.10747494
File: 340 KB, 1448x2048, Rosemi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>props and/or dumb jokes
>Rosemi being cute
>immense satisfaction when Rosemi beats a boss
She's not the best Cuphead player but she tries her best!

>> No.10747502

Thats what gets me and why I posted that. I have had fishfags get on my ass because I thought she would have fun collabing with Vei before. Somehow I was insulting Finana.

>> No.10747505

Nigga, this is like announcing Britney Spears is streaming, what does it have to do with Niji or Nijien?

>> No.10747576

This. I will also say I have seen fishfags constantly say that “We hate Finana” or “There is a lot of Finana hate here”, when its mostly just criticism or being matter of fact about her. I dont think many here actually full on hate her, some dislike her but most have this anons opinion.

>> No.10747591
File: 755 KB, 890x653, 1608563515961.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10747686

>can watch at most half an hour of wose stream before having to go to work

>> No.10747632
Quoted by: >>10748916

Probably the most touchy fanbase of all. Even Pentomos can handle it better.

>> No.10747657
File: 53 KB, 545x555, Juicebox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10747794

She's so cute today. Wosemi....

>> No.10747674

Her hands put into perspective how large her head is

>> No.10747686

I'm so glad I'm a WFH psuedo-neet so I can always have it on in background.

>> No.10747711
File: 2.51 MB, 3541x2508, FAixjMuVQAoPDy8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10747835

Groom Rosemi!

>> No.10747735

Too obvious

>> No.10747740
Quoted by: >>10751474

You can probably count her more normal members with one hand. Helps that they are her oil barons so her chat has been less horny over the past week

>> No.10747741

That's because it was common for months for shitposters to say that Finana would be a better fit for vshojo and that she doesn't belong in NijiEN. This in turn has made some ryuguard oversensitive to people saying that she should do X with vshojo. It's understandable unfortunately.
I've had a similar experience with Pentomo. I made a passing comment about Petra's lack of presence in one of the group collabs and they thought I was shitposting about her. Sometimes it happens. I don't hold it against them since they've had to deal with a huge amount of shitposting about Petra.
Just don't go schizo and start blaming an entire fanbase for a few negative interactions.

>> No.10747743
File: 117 KB, 934x977, 20210601_230951.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fish still makes retards mad to this day
And I wouldn't want it any other way.

>> No.10747750

rosemi should sing this

>> No.10747751
File: 10 KB, 649x632, IMG_20210924_130930.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i was looking forward to pomus Tokyo chronos stream all week

>> No.10747794
File: 626 KB, 2498x2664, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10748022

That's her secret rosebud. She's cute everyday!

>> No.10747803
File: 92 KB, 549x554, 1630121079092.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10747823
Quoted by: >>10747861

Man couldnt we timeloop to selen today instead?

>> No.10747834

Praising Finana while at the same time hating Vshojo is so weird to me. Like I have no problem with any of them but at least be consistent

>> No.10747835

With the way she gaslit Pomu the other day I think we should be more worried about Rosemi grooming someone else

>> No.10747837
File: 267 KB, 585x564, 1621213131983.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10747980


>> No.10747860

Running a mugen train on finana!

>> No.10747861
Quoted by: >>10747910

There was a timeloop that Selen was faking her laugh last night. Just be patient and another one will happen eventually.

>> No.10747881
Quoted by: >>10747911

someone teach her the quick kill. even i could pull it off consistently after 20 min.

>> No.10747887

I get it, but it should be obvious that there is a difference between what I said and those idiots. I also am not blaming a whole fanbase but rather many Ryuguards on here. If anyone reading this says “i dont do this” youre cool.

>> No.10747903
Quoted by: >>10750995

Did anyone save the artwork used in Petra's cover before the artist nuked their Twitter? I was trying to find it on the archives and I couldn't.

>> No.10747910
Quoted by: >>10747971

>Selen antis get a single crumbly "That HA was fake, wasn't it?" rrat per day
it ain't fair bros, why do fish antis get all that fun...

>> No.10747911
Quoted by: >>10748505

>quick kill

>> No.10747915
Quoted by: >>10748092

Same that is why I got dumbfounded over the responses i got. Vei and Fish would have a great time collabing, and it has less to do with “Lewd” than people think.

>> No.10747931
File: 50 KB, 352x451, 163275342408887.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tensai dakara ne

>> No.10747962
File: 68 KB, 250x250, 1630296887853.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does Rosemi trigger such a strong urge within me to protect her from everything and make her happy?

>> No.10747971

Because Selen antis arent trying to use their minds, mind you selen is also there favorite tool to use against everyone.

>> No.10747978
File: 185 KB, 1305x948, 1621530314294~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10748070

>"criticism" is full of strawmans like >>10747834
>if you reply you're "touchy"
Timeloop hours are the worst.

>> No.10747980

Pray that you get a stream at all
Seems like she's sick

>> No.10747989

Its called the saviorfag response.

>> No.10747994

It's to balance out my urge to beat up her womb with my cock.

>> No.10748022
File: 1.91 MB, 946x2048, Gyarusemi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10748085

You're so right. Have a golden Rosemi!

>> No.10748032
Quoted by: >>10748091

Why is today so dead, nothing going on besides Elira's utawaku later.

>> No.10748069
Quoted by: >>10748167

yea I would rather her not stream at this point, breaking out into tears over a picture of a lizard is not a good sign
just take a break if you're reading this pomu

>> No.10748070
Quoted by: >>10748158

You just made your own strawman…

>> No.10748085
File: 900 KB, 1000x1314, 1630375772944.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Super Saiyajin Rosemi...

>> No.10748091
Quoted by: >>10748195

There's also Selen's cursed asmr to celebrate 150k subs if that's your thing.

>> No.10748092
Quoted by: >>10748227

I'll bite, what makes you think both will have so much in common?

>> No.10748112

>I should stop reading SCs during the game so I can concentrate
>reads the SC anyways
Rosemi you need to focus...

>> No.10748151
File: 127 KB, 564x444, 1631836031167.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sick in the head

>> No.10748158
Quoted by: >>10748308


>> No.10748167

she just really likes lizards, anon, ok?
I knew a girl that would get emotional and cry over bunnies and how cute they are, no joke. Women are weird.

>> No.10748178

I HATE the gem phase

>> No.10748195
Quoted by: >>10748253

I don't have any hopes in Selen making that fun, she isn't naturally unhinged like Deron to pull off a cursed ASMR stream well. 90% chances it's just gonna be her acting embarrassed while doing ironic pandering

>> No.10748200

Remember that tribalfags try to pin fanbases against each other. Never fall for it

>> No.10748227

For one, both are blunt as hell but also friendly, and they have similar senses of humor overall. It just seems like a good match to me if you actually know what Vei is like beyond clips and this board.

>> No.10748232
File: 772 KB, 2160x1080, E_yMd51VQAIbjaz.jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been watching Finana more than Pomu as of about a month now. Her Muse Dash yesterday quickly turned into one of my favorite streams from her. She was genuinely having fun and even went into tryhard mode a few times. I was vaguely reminded of when my girlfriend and I would visit the arcade and play together. Finana is just so cute and sweet, man.

>> No.10748233


>> No.10748240


>> No.10748247


>> No.10748250


>> No.10748252


>> No.10748253

>it's just gonna be her acting embarrassed while doing ironic pandering
Perfect for Dragoons then, be ready for the gosling flood.

>> No.10748271
File: 2.92 MB, 1915x710, ark.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ARKsanji.... This is gonna be NijiEN from tomorrow

>> No.10748272
File: 68 KB, 556x558, 1632446283384.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's tilted...

>> No.10748283


>> No.10748301

What's the deal with ARK being popular again?

>> No.10748308

>>if you reply, youre touchy
Its not IF you reply but how you do it. A lot of times, there isnt any criticism of Finana or any malice at all. Ive said she knows how to panderto her audience well and how to get subs, which IS a compliment and have been flamed by her fans over it.

>> No.10748315

This thread is full of tribalfags now if you haven't realized. Not even shitposters, actual fans that came here with the wrong mindset. Open your eyes.

>> No.10748328

morale degeneration with wosemi

>> No.10748350

Dont know how this is a shock to anyone. A few fanbases in particular are filled with them without naming names.

>> No.10748374


>> No.10748377


>> No.10748383


>> No.10748384


>> No.10748390

she did it

>> No.10748404
Quoted by: >>10748426

just say dragoons

>> No.10748423

She's crying of happiness

>> No.10748426

This is an example>>10748315 >>10748350>>10748404

They will falseflag, samefag, spam and argue with each other to convince you that they're aren't full of shit. Never fall for it

>> No.10748445
File: 432 KB, 2025x2025, E-K_w0JXIAAcQKZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10748446

>Ive said she knows how to panderto her audience well and how to get subs
That's not a compliment, people like streamers for their authenticity, if you imply they are deceitful (regardless of if you meant it or not, that's the connotation of pandering) of course any fanbase is going to get riled up.

>> No.10748453

I love Rosemi so much bros. She's so happy...

>> No.10748463
File: 205 KB, 316x353, 16305452347093.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>look away for one minute
>she actually does it
mad lad rose

>> No.10748473

Everyone started over again but this time all of nijisanji is on the same server.

>> No.10748480

>when you freak it so hard and your brain stops to work

>> No.10748498
Quoted by: >>10748607

Some anons here are cynical enough to think every girl is pandering for views. It's very odd.

>> No.10748500

Are you aware that metaposting isn't actually ignoring it?

>> No.10748503
Quoted by: >>10748539

Rosemi's mind going blank during times of stress...

>> No.10748505
Quoted by: >>10748550


>> No.10748511


>> No.10748520
Quoted by: >>10748760


>> No.10748522

Hima made a new ARK server for everyone, and a lot of people in Niji like Rin are just addicts who need a stable game to spam, and this provided a perfect opportunity.

>> No.10748538
Quoted by: >>10748646

>have been flamed by her fans over it
Your post implies most fishfags are like this, I can make up stuff too and say all her debut fans got used to it since it was far worse then and the ones that still reply to bait are newfags.
>Its not IF you reply but how you do it
I'm sorry most people don't know "how to reply" correctly then. Just accept both criticism and it's responses are fair.

>> No.10748539
File: 287 KB, 363x362, 1628262795470.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10748567


>> No.10748542
File: 948 KB, 748x755, happysemi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10748971

I love this cute Rose

>> No.10748545
Quoted by: >>10748607

You can take it that way or realize that I am praising her for knowing how to please her audience and get herself more attention. There is nothing deceitful about it in my mind as we all know Fish isnt like that at all.

>> No.10748550

Wtf just happened? If you touch the heart as you kill it, that glitches the fight to end?

>> No.10748567

Has Rosemi achieved satori?

>> No.10748574
Quoted by: >>10748779

Leos love!

>> No.10748586

Oh she's at the rrat fight. This one is easy.

>> No.10748596
Quoted by: >>10748869

I fucking love Elira, Finana, Pomu, Selen, Rosemi and Petra.

>> No.10748599
File: 683 KB, 803x1034, petra_ugrin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only tribe I need is the Ugrin tribe.

>> No.10748607

I used the wrong word perhaps. See this post

>> No.10748626
Quoted by: >>10748863

God I wish I was lying. Two of these posts didn't specify anything, didn't knew you could tribalfag without naming anyone.

>> No.10748646
Quoted by: >>10748731

I actually am specifically talking about the ones who come in here, cry about us and say that is why they made their own thread. Regular fishfags here are fine. Replying correctly just means dont assume the worst and flame someone.

>> No.10748657

>Ive said she knows how to panderto her audience well and how to get subs, which IS a compliment and have been flamed by her fans over it.
Dude this has an extremely negative connotation. The perception that most vtubers pander for subs/views isn't as common as you'd think.

>> No.10748715

I used the wrong word, I meant please.

>> No.10748720
File: 147 KB, 1080x1111, 1631823588631.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10748823

Fuck Elira

>> No.10748731

>Regular fishfags here are fine
Then don't mix the dumbos with us, imagine if I went saying "elirafags always get mad when I complain about her laugh", if you fail to see anything wrong with this behavior you're beyond saving.
>Replying correctly just means dont assume the worst and flame someone
Some are more civil than others, that's why you don't generalize.

>> No.10748753
Quoted by: >>10748830

Yeah I kind of feel like its more about the words being used that the actual meaning behind them. Like if you said Finana understands her audience and delivers content that appeals to them would anyone think that was a bad thing?

>> No.10748760
File: 40 KB, 600x766, 1322531485272.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will it be as cursed as pomu's cursed pizza?

>> No.10748779

Fuck you, you made me check to see if he was streaming.

>> No.10748780

There won't be any puking, so probably not.

>> No.10748790
Quoted by: >>10748840

>putting durian in an oven
Nothing can top that bro

>> No.10748794

NTA but have been following, he never generalized at all and you are grasping here in that assumption. We have every right to call out the retards in each fanbase, and that is his point.

>> No.10748807
File: 134 KB, 1060x1500, E-hAVvUWYAAo4M6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10748874

Don't forget, rosebuds.
>"The more stubborn your own will is,
>The more Trials you will be blessed with.
>Of course, if you can avoid the Trials before your eyes,
>It is also possible for you to flee them.
>But the real purpose of a Trial
>Is to make your soul stronger."

>> No.10748823

I'm trying!

>> No.10748830

Its Autists not meaning any harm when they say things but choosing wrong words. Common problem.

>> No.10748840
Quoted by: >>10748939

surströmming can easily top that and make it several times worse

>> No.10748863
File: 72 KB, 750x755, illogical.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sowing seeds of discontent through paranoia is a very real tactic

>> No.10748869

I fucking love the Oxford comma.

>> No.10748874
Quoted by: >>10748927

Am I missing a reference here?

>> No.10748880
File: 1.41 MB, 369x720, 1633124989896.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rosemi is very cute.

>> No.10748897
Quoted by: >>10749129

Literally stated above if this doesnt fit you, youre fine. I shit on all retards, as a retard myself.

>> No.10748915

>take this you miscreant!

>> No.10748916

Why do you think we Fishfags have our own consistent general now? This thread can burn, say whatever you want.

>> No.10748919


>> No.10748924
File: 243 KB, 549x554, 1630193525765.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10748927


>> No.10748931
File: 830 KB, 737x513, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10748939
File: 123 KB, 640x480, 1361611737614.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I refuse to believe there is someone mad enough to try that.

>> No.10748940

never hear of samefagging?

>> No.10748971
File: 608 KB, 1448x2048, E8_ujl_UcAMK50O.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's the cutest rose maiden there is!

>> No.10748975

I always knew fishfags were the worst fanbase
Nice try retard

>> No.10749032


>> No.10749047

Pomu doesn't need to know what it is, she just needs to make the mistake of treating it like a normal can and open it

>> No.10749051
Quoted by: >>10749116

>he never generalized
I have had fishfags get on my ass because I thought she would have fun collabing with Vei before.
>I will also say I have seen fishfags constantly say that “We hate Finana” or “There is a lot of Finana hate here”, when its mostly just criticism or being matter of fact about her.
>Praising Finana while at the same time hating Vshojo is so weird to me. Like I have no problem with any of them but at least be consistent
>which IS a compliment and have been flamed by her fans over it
You should always say "some" "a few" like various posts here did, otherwise you're generalizing. Inb4
>that wasn't him

>> No.10749058

Retardchama...your reading comprehension reps...

>> No.10749062
Quoted by: >>10749165

>Dennis Kinsey sending another superchat with his name and face on it
This guy must be at one of the lowest points of his life...

>> No.10749065
Quoted by: >>10749123

Holy fuck how can you be this bad at a game after playing it for months

>> No.10749083

For their and everyone's sake I hope so, Pomu's pizza is the one thing I have no one tries to top, ever.

>> No.10749086

He probably didn't even read the spoiler.

>> No.10749106

I've always found it odd when people reply to a comment without reading the full thing

>> No.10749116
File: 7 KB, 225x225, 113FB8EC-9DEC-4940-B9CE-65C596FC630D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10749123
Quoted by: >>10749174

She´s choking

>> No.10749127

Okay this time definitely samefag

>> No.10749129
Quoted by: >>10749183

>Literally stated above if this doesnt fit you, youre fine
Good job, next time write that from the start.

>> No.10749143

juan at his full force today huh

>> No.10749155

I actually like Finana though.

>> No.10749164
File: 1.47 MB, 1097x928, intimidating.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How is it even possible she gets even cuter when she's mad. Holy shit its off the charts.

>> No.10749165

why is one of Pharma Tech Industries directors sending SCs to a Vtuber?

>> No.10749174
File: 322 KB, 443x391, 1632448602830.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chocking on what?

>> No.10749183
Quoted by: >>10749276

I did, right here actually.

>> No.10749196

I can't tell whether you're genuinely retarded or if this is a new shitposting tactic. Read the initial spoiler tagged comment completely, think for a second, and stop shitting up the thread.

>> No.10749199

Unfortunate timing, but no. Acting this defensive isn't helping, however.

>> No.10749201


>> No.10749248
Quoted by: >>10749396


>> No.10749256
Quoted by: >>10749348

Has Rosemi ever let out an actual swear on stream before? I like how "clean" she always manages to keep her vocabulary

>> No.10749258

She got it!

>> No.10749275


>> No.10749276

Then I'm sorry I got the replies mixed up, I was talking to the anon that mentioned Veibae.

>> No.10749280


>> No.10749294
File: 20 KB, 593x156, 6D58B25C-24AA-4167-83AE-732ECC85D72D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10749311
File: 32 KB, 355x476, SO happy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She did it!

>> No.10749318

Please don't pronounce the name of that succubus

>> No.10749332

What is Rosemi's private email? I need to send her a video.

>> No.10749348

I don't think so? She doesn't like swearing onstream

>> No.10749353

No problem, i think that happened to us all somewhere there. Lets all drop this shit.

>> No.10749372
Quoted by: >>10749440

>Rosemi still doesnt parry
Shes never gonna beat king dice.

>> No.10749377

>Thread whining about a fanbase that isn't even here anymore

>> No.10749396

Cute Pom

>> No.10749407
Quoted by: >>10749505


>> No.10749422
Quoted by: >>10749450

Do any of you save timestamps or clips of Wosemi's autistic noises? I have a craving after this stream

>> No.10749440
Quoted by: >>10749465

No she's been parrying occasionally. She did it in the robot fight and last stream she was actively trying to do it more often. She'll be fine.

>> No.10749441
Quoted by: >>10749505


>> No.10749450


>> No.10749463


>> No.10749465

Hope so, cant beat king dice without parries.

>> No.10749473


>> No.10749476


>> No.10749484


>> No.10749496


>> No.10749505

Is this why I see nothing but Petra, Rosemi, and Pomu spammed here unless Elira or Selen is streaming?

>> No.10749523
File: 473 KB, 726x642, F61B9AE7-44BD-41BC-883D-46F8D3B5A710.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10749559

Fuck FeNana

>> No.10749531
Quoted by: >>10749595


>> No.10749532
Quoted by: >>10749603

Yes, those pesky Petra spammers. One day, we'll be rid of them

>> No.10749545

thats because elirafags and selenfags arent as devoted and loyal as the other 3 groups of fags

>> No.10749549
File: 586 KB, 604x857, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rosemi is cute.

>> No.10749559
File: 27 KB, 400x400, r_3wePO9_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10749584

Fuck Nijisanji

>> No.10749581

Smoke them if you got them

>> No.10749584

Cant believe finana wasted such and uoh design

>> No.10749595
File: 496 KB, 502x529, 1631837576684.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We never left.
We love all the girls.

>> No.10749602

Rosemi falling in love with the King Dice song is so fucking adorable

>> No.10749603

I see more Petra than fish.

>> No.10749604
File: 56 KB, 692x696, cierra.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck bullying

>> No.10749606

I don’t have any idea what your guys are talking about? I’ve been a Ryuguard here since day one and pretty much for the first two months we were none existent here. I have yet to see any actual hate towards her, it’s just people making fun of her or legit critiscm. Which last time it happened was cause of her horrible love/dating advice which anyone with a working brain knows it’s some of the worse advice anyone can give

>> No.10749617

Anon… your thread reps…

>> No.10749629

Don't mess with Rosemi!

>> No.10749638


>> No.10749663
Quoted by: >>10749695

got a clip or timestamp for that love advice friend?

>> No.10749672
Quoted by: >>10749756

>I’ve been a Ryuguard here since day one and pretty much for the first two months we were none existent here.
10/10 bait. Here's a (you)

>> No.10749686
Quoted by: >>10749711

Stay mad fucking losers

>> No.10749691
File: 646 KB, 256x256, look at the loser [sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fbgmzqw.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10749742

>> No.10749695

sent ;)

>> No.10749701

I want to insert myself into Rosemi

>> No.10749711
File: 797 KB, 220x330, 2CB0A313-CF20-46DE-AD51-AE54B7012830.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10749739

This discussion is one big joke.
A few triggered retards mad because their oshi has "critics".
Said critics mad because their "criticism" got called out.

>> No.10749742

I love the scream in that one. Maybe I should make a compilation of pomu screams

>> No.10749756
Quoted by: >>10749839

Are you really gonna tell me Ryuguards were active here for before obsydia debuted?

>> No.10749782

Yes, Pomudachis are a cult that worships Pomu and try to spread Pomufication to others whole Rosebuds are lonely guys who try to expand their beloved Rose's roots to others so she can grow into her strongest form.
Pentomos just want everyone to see how cute and foul mounthed their daughterwife is.
Dragoons and Famelira are also a cult and a very obsessed, but also incredibly jealous and possesive like their oshi's species so they only appear when they stream to avoid getting them more attention so only them can enjoy the dragons.

>> No.10749803
File: 56 KB, 429x414, E80A9B7F-7DE2-4260-9993-E2442EF16D83.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck Elira

>> No.10749808
Quoted by: >>10749826

Since there's nothing going on today, recommend me your favorite non-Pomu VODs anon

>> No.10749826
Quoted by: >>10749892


>> No.10749839
File: 576 KB, 2888x1624, 1616616927483.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>new IP

>> No.10749844

Finally a real answer

>> No.10749872
File: 111 KB, 549x553, 1630877341361.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So are all these fights happening inside of King Dice's stomach?

>> No.10749873

Read threads, streamwatcher.

>> No.10749892

What do you mean ??? There's no interesting streams today till Elira's Karaoke (unless Pomu does a guerrilla), I need to waste time till then

>> No.10749915

this but phrased negatively enough to get few hundred more posts of threadmeta shitflinging

>> No.10749932


>> No.10749956

More like whonana

>> No.10749967

She has her own dedicated thread that is posted in regularly. No mystery there.

>> No.10749985
File: 650 KB, 891x533, 1628447604577.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Rosebuds are lonely guys who try to expand their beloved Rose's roots to others so she can grow into her strongest form.
I accept this analysis

>> No.10750017
File: 37 KB, 112x112, fishPet.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10750134

Before Petra debuted she was by far the least popular NijiEN here, and seems to be heading that way again with her split thread. Only retards care about numbers when their own oshi doesn't (for youtube at least).

>> No.10750021
File: 937 KB, 715x710, 1630124417652.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Deadbeats WTF are you doing in my Rosemi's stream???

>> No.10750024
File: 820 KB, 665x611, 88AF5B71-30F8-48FC-A3BC-84628BAD01DF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spread Pomufication, More like take over the world. That is our goal and I am Pomu.

>> No.10750042

I haven't watched since Rosemi's early cuphead streams but she's doing pretty ok.

>> No.10750075

The horse is such bullshit.

>> No.10750087

Speaking of Ryuguards wasnt the koikatsu anon one of them, whatever happened to him?

>> No.10750092

Yeah she's gotten decent at the game now. Her tendency to freak out and get anxious is what holds her back more than her skill at this point.

>> No.10750115

she was playing first 2 streams through obs with m+k, now she's playing with controller, she's not bad at games if she focuses on mechanics etc

>> No.10750119
File: 2.40 MB, 1620x2788, E9Kdh2tUUAYkftu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In the name of unity, and because Rosemi and Finana are friends, here is a feesh.

>> No.10750134

That's really not true anymore, Pomu said she and Finana were discussing some of their low performing streams like Astral Chain and Tokyo Chronos, though ultimately they came to the conclusion they just want to play stuff they like. You are right in that Finana probably cares the least about numbers considering the absurd amount of unmonetized streams she does.

>> No.10750177

Two weeks later and Finana has FINALLY unprivated the watchalong.

>> No.10750201
Quoted by: >>10750286

>though ultimately they came to the conclusion they just want to play stuff they like
I'm more amazed there was even any doubt, I guess it's hard to not fall for the money.

>> No.10750245

Which is kinda funny considering her awful spending habits, you would think she would be a bit more mindful of either her earnings or spendings if she was gonna leave the other to fend for itself if she doesn't want to end up broke, guess living with her parents reduce a bit of the weight dunno.

>> No.10750277
Quoted by: >>10750299

>rosemi calling out /v/ autists in the chat

>> No.10750286

There's no force more corrupting and tempting than power and money anon.

>> No.10750299
Quoted by: >>10750361

Sassy Rosemi is actually pretty hot. Wish she did it more.

>> No.10750306

Do you think she would be the second worst performing chuuba if it weren’t for a handful of dedicated paypigs Finana managed to groom?

>> No.10750351
File: 34 KB, 607x242, 1622732295184.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10750387


>> No.10750361

if she sees this, i hope she does it

>> No.10750387


>> No.10750396
Quoted by: >>10750669

RIP early stream, it's Petra hours

>> No.10750424

I dont think she minds either way, she seems to enjoy twitter.

>> No.10750431

Maybe, usually it's the same couple people sending her red supers.

>> No.10750495


>> No.10750496

Her SCs were pretty lackluster early on till she got her big gachis, so she'd go back to being below Elira, doubt she'd be worse than Petra and Rosemi regardless though.

>> No.10750497


>> No.10750498

Rosemi noises give me life

>> No.10750502


>> No.10750508


>> No.10750510


>> No.10750517

Rosemi leaving for a rage schlick.

>> No.10750521


>> No.10750527

Rosemi always has the worst luck lmfao

>> No.10750528


>> No.10750529
File: 243 KB, 305x368, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rosemi peed herself...

>> No.10750532


>> No.10750560

She's off chasing the soul that just left her body with that scream

>> No.10750563

Yet not the Chatting stream and has never given an explanation
Any theories?

>> No.10750565
Quoted by: >>10751247

Did she edit the video?

>> No.10750583
File: 317 KB, 288x443, sadsemi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10750625

>> No.10750584
File: 484 KB, 392x590, wose me up inside.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10750585
Quoted by: >>10750624

Rosemi stamping her cute little feet, god I wish she would stamp her feet on my chest instead.

>> No.10750591
File: 2.19 MB, 1097x1313, FemaleRosemi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10750609

The Wose had never seen such bullshit before

>> No.10750616

rosemi slapping the floor with her feet when she gets angry... cute...

>> No.10750624
Quoted by: >>10750702

I would let rosemi throws things at me and hit me.

>> No.10750625

>If only you knew how bad things really are

>> No.10750659
Quoted by: >>10750676

alcohol is the devil's juice!

>> No.10750669
Quoted by: >>10750715

What's the point of streaming after Elira starts, Pomu you were my last hope.

>> No.10750676

Time to get some.

>> No.10750683


>> No.10750702

Can you imagine her tiny fists pounding your chest while she rages?.....my heart is gonna burst

>> No.10750709


>> No.10750715
Quoted by: >>10750863

To save us from watching Elira, obviously.

>> No.10750863

I can't believe Pomu is trying to steal Famelira from Elira, truly no one is safe from Pomufication.

>> No.10750938

Rosemi is getting a bit meta!

>> No.10750945

I don't think Rosemi is even planning her moves at all. She can react to attack thrown at her face, but she can barely think about anything else. She would unironically do better at Dark Souls.

>> No.10750949
Quoted by: >>10751014

Going on a casino date with Rosemi!
Losing all of your money and consoling Rosemi with a happy meal!

>> No.10750995

The artist never uploaded it.

>> No.10751001

Because I've been somewhat uninterested in my kamioshi for a few moths now. Rarely ever streams and the good stuff is locked behind mengen, Pomu debuted and she is super entertaining. I'm unsure whether it is a temporary feeling or if i'm undergoing oshihen

>> No.10751014

how do you console rosemi if you lost all your money?

>> No.10751016

Is she peeing?

>> No.10751116

Rosemi missed the age of animatronics...Now it's this.

>> No.10751135
Quoted by: >>10751290

What does Petra have that attracts bullies?

>> No.10751159
File: 2.39 MB, 2169x2736, wosemi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the great wosemi with her uncle!

>> No.10751247

Yeah she took out the part about piracy, everything else is still there, so her vod is longer than Pomu's

>> No.10751257

Adolf Lovelock...

>> No.10751280
File: 48 KB, 590x525, Laughing Hitler.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy kek

>> No.10751290

A small penis

>> No.10751314

does Mika have a dedicated clipper? This girl says the darndest of things. If not I'll step up to the task, I guess.

>> No.10751331

rosemi's aversion to saying bad words is very endearing

>> No.10751368

result of living with controlling terrible parents

>> No.10751390
Quoted by: >>10751581

she said "im so fucked" in the Elira collab actually, no idea if anybody else caught it

>> No.10751391

7 hours to Pomu Hardcore Minecraft

>> No.10751431

she's mentioned before she has friends that watch so she probably gets embarrassed, on top of being repressed

>> No.10751462

takenoko losers invading the chat, disgusting

>> No.10751474

Seems as her members have calmed down recently, even the worse of them like Biff have moved more to other chuubas

>> No.10751520

Make Rosemi sing this

>> No.10751581


>> No.10751589
File: 474 KB, 719x692, 1631679889109.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10751719

S-sexually repressed?

>> No.10751591

rosemi's expert tongue...

>> No.10751643

Her stated reason for not swearing (aside from swearing being bad obviously) is that even in real life, people will laugh at her when she swears.

>> No.10751692

25th - 1st views/subs and last 7 days superchat from playboard
Selen - 3k - $6,766 - 277,016
Elira - 3k - $4,450 - 257,718
Rosemi - 3k - $2,303 - 270,006
Pomu - 2k - $5,936 - 171,936
Petra - 2k - $2,688 - 121,490
Finana - 2k - $1,570 - 154,389

>> No.10751719
File: 848 KB, 3000x3200, E84CuuTXEAAS0ao.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"or...or...or...orgasm....what's that?"

"Don't worry, I'll teach you about the pomus and the bees"

>> No.10751723

Where does Rosemi get all those views from? The shorts she does?

>> No.10751752
File: 327 KB, 817x704, CCB8F6B1-BF11-4F0A-B2E8-160FFC1935F3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Happy to see Rosemi getting confident and singing more

>> No.10751759

Maybe, from what I have seen shorts are a good way of growing your channel and attracting more attention to yourself.

>> No.10751762
Quoted by: >>10751936

Just for you to know lots of 5ch bros absolutely love Rosemi

>> No.10751765
Quoted by: >>10751814

Pomu, Petra, Finana...

>> No.10751786

I love it when my sheltered, bourgeoisie, airheaded princess calls me a piggy!

>> No.10751806


>> No.10751807


>> No.10751809
File: 1.02 MB, 2480x3508, E3AKqVAVIAsu6es.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She is hot enough as is, I don't know if I could handle her with visible heterochromia

>> No.10751808


>> No.10751812

There Rosemi goes again...

>> No.10751814
Quoted by: >>10751879

Don't worry about Pommers, she's solid second in supas.
feesh... peter...

>> No.10751815


>> No.10751822

She's freakin it guys

>> No.10751826
Quoted by: >>10751908

Wrong thread. Here's where you're looking for >>10749654

>> No.10751828

>Model visibly spases out from her raging

>> No.10751833
File: 915 KB, 900x900, 1630373395569.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10751858

Fuck, shes actually crying now.

>> No.10751862
File: 994 KB, 1097x701, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her pumpkin carving and FNAF streams were also pretty high viewership last week but her shorts consistently get really high views.

>> No.10751865

Mindbreak Rosemi.

>> No.10751879

Feesh has pretty dedicated donators that give reds at least once a week, don't know about Petra tho

>> No.10751898

Selen sounds like she has a phat ass and I want to clap them Blasian cheeks.

>> No.10751908
Quoted by: >>10751940

nta but it's not like anyone is being negative about the numbers or tribalfagging over it. discussing numbers within the EN branch is fine if it's just to highlight their growth and cheer them on.

>> No.10751936

Japan actually has good taste for once

>> No.10751940

highlight these nuts

>> No.10751968
Quoted by: >>10752164

I think Petra's realized her strong point isn't gaming streams.
She's gotten pretty good viewers doing anything related to music or art and should focus on those things.

>> No.10752032


>> No.10752033
Quoted by: >>10752164

Petra doesn't really read superchats or anything
She gets a good amount when she does

>> No.10752034


>> No.10752036

it is done

>> No.10752037


>> No.10752038
File: 566 KB, 701x799, 1630362648141.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10752047
File: 675 KB, 463x670, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The face of a gaming GOD

>> No.10752053
Quoted by: >>10752164

Petra has decent SC, she just don't have akasupa trains like Selen or Pomu
The phony cover will boost her view count next week

>> No.10752060

wtf is wrong with rosemi, she sounds like she's gonna cry everytime she beats a boss

>> No.10752067


>> No.10752069

>walk away
>i miss it

>> No.10752076
File: 347 KB, 995x483, 1629842594627.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10752085

She just has low stamina and asthma that causes her to get out of breath any time she gets too excited.

>> No.10752094

/niji/ is up on divegrass

>> No.10752101
File: 500 KB, 621x652, Screenshot Capture - 2021-09-22 - 01-07-30.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im starting to fall for Rosemi's spell.
Someone please help.

>> No.10752118
Quoted by: >>10752646

just accept it

>> No.10752128

>no Selen

>> No.10752148

I can't believe Wosemi became a demon

>> No.10752154
Quoted by: >>10752170

Just checked the thread. Selen's fanbase got a good amount of tourists, I hope the ones here are better.

>> No.10752162

technically, she did it

>> No.10752164

So unlike doomposters want to spread all 6 are doing pretty good then

>> No.10752170

Selen is used to falseflag a ton.

>> No.10752195
File: 386 KB, 1448x2048, 3C462B4D-1DD2-4C29-8C9A-153F98479DB9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10752646

Accept it it’s easier this way

>> No.10752201

Selen in rosemi's stream.

>> No.10752232
File: 347 KB, 1000x562, gosling.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10752646

I've long accepted I'm gosling for her. I don't know what it is but I've fallen for her.

>> No.10752257

Just tuned into Rosemi? She fucking beat King Dice?

>> No.10752260
File: 340 KB, 480x528, Selen Gosling3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

W-waiting room up!

>> No.10752265
File: 257 KB, 762x800, happysling.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Finana lowest SCs
Fellas, is /saving/ the feesh on the menu?

>> No.10752277

Rosemi hard filtered me at first, but I forgot to unsubscribe and happened to catch her CSGO stream. It was a gradual "yeah, I'm watching a lot of Rosemi, but I doubt it'll be for long." Her 100k stream is what cemented her as my kamioshi and I gosling hard for this girl.

>> No.10752281

yes and she beat the game by joining the devil
aka the good ending

>> No.10752288

I would have thought Selen would be gaining more subs than everyone else.

>> No.10752303
File: 72 KB, 817x500, WhyarewestillhereRose.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your fate is sealed.

>> No.10752306
Quoted by: >>10752343

Yep. Took her about an hour and a half, iirc. Haven't played, so I don't know how good or bad that is.

>> No.10752339

Anon your eyes...

>> No.10752342

>rosemi ignoring backseaters about the duck under the clap on purpose.


>> No.10752343

Average, King Dice is the hardest boss in the game, Satan is a joke compared to him

>> No.10752352
Quoted by: >>10752646

Accept the contract

>> No.10752363
Quoted by: >>10752431

She's probably fine just too many streams where people literally can't give her money.

>> No.10752419
Quoted by: >>10752451

wtf wosemi making fun of selen's neck, not cool

>> No.10752430

Finana's only problem is that she turns off sc's a lot of the time and randomly unarchives shit.
Her most successful streams are GTA which can't be monetized and horror games which have varying permissions like Phasmo that also can't be monetized.
Speaking of Phasmo it's a shame Rosemi had to private her Phasmo stream, she got quite a lot of viewers from it and a decent amount of superchats.

>> No.10752431
Quoted by: >>10752464

She also used to get many super chats back when she actually read donations, nowadays you just see like the same 3 guys donating red to her

>> No.10752436

Rosemi is pretty salty tonight

>> No.10752451
File: 502 KB, 614x672, 1628038954316.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10752454

i love Rosemi

>> No.10752464

I love that comment she made during that collab with Pomu where she was like "yeah this guy sends me an aka almost every stream. It's kind of creepy. I was trying to figure out what his job is."

>> No.10752465
File: 1.13 MB, 882x605, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10752476


>> No.10752480
Quoted by: >>10752616

meds and maths, dumb idiot

>> No.10752497
File: 314 KB, 1448x2048, 1631642341436.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You've got me under your spell...
Baby I couldn't fall harder..

>> No.10752496
Quoted by: >>10752567

Does she hate money?

>> No.10752511

Pomu's grandpa?!

>> No.10752513

It's Bob

>> No.10752541
Quoted by: >>10752577


>> No.10752544
File: 687 KB, 2047x2894, DragonSupremacy7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tomorrow Selen will overtake Pomu in terms of subs. Pomu will become the first LazuLight member that has less subs than an Obsydia member. With that insane growth, Selen will overtake Finana at some point in the future too.
While Elira remains the most popular NijiEN liver that will have 200k subscribers in around two weeks.

And people still deny the DRAGON SUPREMACY.
The dragon sisters are amazing. Selen and Elira are simply the best.
How people do not understand this truth is beyond me.


>> No.10752560

Was it Chika? If so yeah, guy sometimes acts like a creep in chat

>> No.10752567
Quoted by: >>10752617

My theory is she just has a self-destructive personality and gets off on doing shit to sabotage herself or get her scolded.
It'd explain why she impulsively makes stupid decisions that will get her scolded by management.

>> No.10752577

bobu ja nai

>> No.10752579

>numberfagging when Pomu stands for UNITY

>> No.10752616
Quoted by: >>10752699

Wait why is he a dumb idiot? She does have the lowest supa's out of everyone for the last week.

>> No.10752617

its just a sign of how immature she still is. She'll learn, eventually. Hopefully not too late though.

>> No.10752621
Quoted by: >>10752741

Not sure, that name sounds familiar though. Don't watch Finana enough to know her regulars.

>> No.10752646
File: 392 KB, 899x664, 1631743097300.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10752845


>> No.10752667
Quoted by: >>10753336

>Pomu stands for UNITY
>Pomu stands for "less subscribers than Selen despite having two mouths advantage"

>> No.10752672
Quoted by: >>10752706

Rosemi's timing is just perfect

>> No.10752683
File: 1.19 MB, 690x858, 1612804468621.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10752712


>> No.10752684
File: 660 KB, 768x893, E70Ao7pUUAAeL37.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10752693

oh man, the animation is Phase 2 is even better than the usual stuff

>> No.10752695
Quoted by: >>10752941

stop replying to bait

>> No.10752699
Quoted by: >>10752771

petra exists

>> No.10752703
Quoted by: >>10752941

>replying to bait
thanks for shitting up the thread friend

>> No.10752706
File: 638 KB, 1300x731, 1631905019820.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10752745

Rosemi has the potential to be a Hollywood actress yet she is a vtuber entertaining us butas. we are very blessed.

>> No.10752712
File: 649 KB, 2894x4093, DragonSupremacy6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10752729
File: 40 KB, 230x230, Elirapaleira.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10752733

chika, chris and another one with a knight picture, long name idk

the trio sugar daddy

>> No.10752741

Chika is her biggest donator and was the one that started the whole working for cosco meme

>> No.10752742

>dragon supremacy
more like Selen supremacy, I can't wait until the day Selen passes Elira in subs and you make a post about it

>> No.10752745

It's for the best. This way she only has to sexually satisfy Pomu instead of a bunch of fat old men.

>> No.10752772


>> No.10752771

Petra got more than Finana though.

>> No.10752779

/niji/ defeated /morig/ in divegrass, advances out of group bracket

>> No.10752800
File: 1004 KB, 2012x2975, 1631830193204.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well the thread was nice while it lasted.

>> No.10752812
File: 111 KB, 956x720, happy_dragon_two.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will make another early Elira thread if you won't shut up. Disgusting Elira worshiper.

>> No.10752823
Quoted by: >>10752898

Hey schizo, can you request some elira? what would you like to see?

>> No.10752833
File: 326 KB, 406x387, 1631653980166.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10752857

this calls for distorted wosemis

>> No.10752843

>oh no
God she's so cute

>> No.10752845
File: 277 KB, 2048x1828, 69CDD0EF-E751-4148-8745-3E52C8FD5EEE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And so she claims another soul

>> No.10752856
Quoted by: >>10752961

Two of those don't constantly lust for the Fish on stream, and from what I've seeing only send supportive messages

>> No.10752857
File: 59 KB, 168x168, 1630376444692.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10752889


>> No.10752858


>> No.10752867

Just report rule breaking. In this case "trolling outside of /b/" and then "extremely low quality post" for the schizo, or perhaps "avatar posting".

>> No.10752872
File: 2.01 MB, 854x480, 1631823507573.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuuuuuuuuuck Elira

>> No.10752889
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>> No.10752895

Isn't there the feesh guy too who's a gachi for both Pomu and Finana?

>> No.10752897
File: 154 KB, 900x900, rosemi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can see
But where the fuck are Elira and Pomu in Rosemis outro?

>> No.10752898

Elira being overwhelmed with happiness, with tears just slightly welling up! Perhaps in response to reaching a million subscribers or all of the NijiEN girls surprising her for her birthday! I love nothing more than Elira's happiness and that would be the only thing needed left in the world!

>> No.10752911
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Quoted by: >>10753010

behave maggots

>> No.10752921
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based dragonschizo

>> No.10752931

They are in the intro instead, you see Pomu's bow and a dragon flying in the sky.

>> No.10752941

It's not a bait you know? Selen is less than 1k subs from having more subscribers than Pomu.

>> No.10752952

He has also donated to Elira at times, so not really a dedicated donor to a single girl

>> No.10752961

I don't remember chika being this freak, all 3 are chill rich guys for my perspective

>> No.10752974
Quoted by: >>10753174

I can't believe dragonschizo was the guy who sent Pomu a picture of his prison cell.

>> No.10752982

This is why numberfagging is always cancer. Even if you think you're "cheering for their growth" faggots will always use it to tribalfag and bait about who makes more and who makes less
Just keep this shit to the numbers thread

>> No.10752990

They are in the intro

>> No.10753004
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Rare day when I come home from work (job I got for Rosemi) and I can actually watch Rosemi live.

>> No.10753005
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>it's more funner

>> No.10753007
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Just remember, when Rosemi streams, she gets fully dressed, tights, a cute dress, the whole package! She takes so much time to get ready for us and be peppy and happy and cute. I love ROSEMI.

>> No.10753010
Quoted by: >>10753487

Any other 2hu fags get Satori vibes from Rosemi?

>> No.10753009

All I look at when I see her outro is Roserika

>> No.10753013

the feesh guy is not as dedicated as these 3 to finana, he gives akas to everyone

>> No.10753015
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I beat Cuphed on a keyboard and I liked it

>> No.10753020
File: 92 KB, 432x410, 0F6CDC4B-0D00-4A66-86C4-F61636EB9A43.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dragoons, we believe in your unity but for the sake of proving the point, tell us how much you hate these falseflaggers using Selen.

>> No.10753023

Rosemi is going to take off her keyboard limiter in fighting games and become the greatest Tekken player! And we'll never get to see it.

>> No.10753040
Quoted by: >>10753143

She also waves goodbye at her camera at the end of every stream

>> No.10753072

what? i don't believe it.

>> No.10753076

There are reasons why some vtubers are more popular than others and I want to discuss those reasons. Fuck off with thread policing.

>> No.10753090
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Quoted by: >>10753110


>> No.10753098

I have it on good authority she streams in the nude, like all the nijiEN girls

>> No.10753110

ywnb Selen's diaper

>> No.10753111
Quoted by: >>10753303

You fuck off to the numbers thread. That's why it was fucking made

>> No.10753129
Quoted by: >>10753303


>> No.10753143

i noticed that too, it's adorable

>> No.10753146

No. Selen is more popular than Pomu for a number of reasons. Posting "muh unity" is like denying those reasons.

>> No.10753151
Quoted by: >>10753193

Dragonschizo utterly derstroying attempts to create tribalism within the NijiEN fanbase.

>> No.10753161

Yet we already know these reasons. Numbers will always be posted but its what you do with them is what makes you a numberfag

>> No.10753174
File: 256 KB, 686x625, 1632249577598.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the guy who sent the prison cell is the dude that uploads random pomu noises which is even funnier to think about him sitting in a prison cell clipping pomu noises all day

>> No.10753179

>that little wheeze

>> No.10753184

My dick is so hard

>> No.10753193

We need a Dragoonschizo like him.

>> No.10753202
Quoted by: >>10753265

So there can't be unity as long as some are more popular than others? Retard. My oshi has the least subs in NijiEN and I don't have a problem with the others or their fans.

>> No.10753208
Quoted by: >>10753439

a big part of selen's fanbase are holobronies refugees, it's in their blood the numberfagging thing. we need to be patient

>> No.10753213
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Quoted by: >>10753299


>> No.10753228

trying to put the blame on King too, nice

>> No.10753245

Damn that's kino

>> No.10753248

Okay but which girl has the best fans?

>> No.10753254

>for a number of reasons
The only reason is Apex

>> No.10753260

I really don't get the logic here though. You might as well ban talking about vtubers altogether because almost anything you say about any member can and will be used by tribalfags. X does more collabs than Y, Z hates X because of some pathetically small thing I'm taking way too seriously, A hates Nijisanji because they did B and they're going to company C soon.

>> No.10753265

Unity doesn't mean you have to love everybody it just means don't shit on anybody

>> No.10753281
Quoted by: >>10753296

Pomu has a silent circular Dyson desk fan in her closet, she really likes it

>> No.10753292

dragoon here and i do hate these falseflaggers. btw yuo're a retard for that filename. peace out bye

>> No.10753296

Those are a scam, you are much better of with a traditional desk fan.

>> No.10753297

As a rosebud I gotta say Petra

>> No.10753299


>> No.10753303

Seething retards. You know why Selen is overtaking Pomu? Because Selen is
>better at games
>streams more
>charismatic as fuck
>consistently picks kino games
>actually cares about members
But you faggots want me to ignore this good qualities because of "unity".
Fuck you, Selen is great.

>> No.10753306

I like Petra's fans because they don't stand out to me and Selen's fans for those "marry me Selen" posters, those always crack me up.

>> No.10753323
Quoted by: >>10753397

wait, you got a timestamp for the dude who sent his prison cell?
That's kinda based honestly

>> No.10753336

>two mouths advantage
W-Where is the second one?

>> No.10753352
File: 7 KB, 261x193, B3FAE552-BDE6-46AF-8DDC-28EC9CC99787.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This man fucked your oshi.

>> No.10753368
Quoted by: >>10753421

>the only metric I have to prove someone is good is by putting someone else down
Take your meds and touch grass

>> No.10753381
File: 412 KB, 515x671, DontCareImPomu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10753389

I would let James May fuck my Oshi any day if I can ride in his Type R with him on the track

>> No.10753390

HOLY BASED Dragonschizo returns!

>> No.10753397
Quoted by: >>10753466


>> No.10753405

The devil is way easier than the stupid fucking dice.

>> No.10753406
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based Top Gear rocks

>> No.10753421

Make like Selen and touch some grass!

>> No.10753428

it's easier to learn imho since you don't waste time on rolls etc. I remember wasting like 10 minutes per run on the dice, annoying af

>> No.10753436

James May, as >>10753352 this fag notes, fucked your oshi and beats her in all of those ways selen “beats” pomu

>> No.10753439

holobronies just like to shit up these threads and fish for (You)s, and they simply use whoever is the polular one. before obsydia debuted it was pomu.

>> No.10753452
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Quoted by: >>10753482


>> No.10753457

yeah king dice is the hardest boss by far

>> No.10753466
Quoted by: >>10753486

that's a prison?? shit that's better than my room

>> No.10753471

i just sent this to her in a maro so hopefully she sees it, i think she'd find it hillarious

>> No.10753482
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>> No.10753486

It's probably a military barracks

>> No.10753487
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Quoted by: >>10753568

Just her rose and thorns in her hair. I guess the hair color is pretty similar as well.
Incidentally, Rosemi's favorite 2hu is Remilia because she has good taste.

>> No.10753501


>> No.10753523

I-I kneel.

>> No.10753549

Rosemi's tilted groans are erotic

>> No.10753557
File: 1.03 MB, 953x1600, 4230C051-2017-4574-A7CA-1E4479793E38.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10753568

Yeah design wise she's a mix of Satori and Kasen. She has the plant thing like Yuuka but she isn't really similar to her besides that.

>> No.10753601
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