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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers


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>> No.94733464 [View]
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>draw one card
Card game megaautist here
I know nothing about that game, but I can already tell it's well designed. That ability essentially makes the card a plus 2, since you play it, and if you meet the trigger condition of winning a clash, you get another one, helping you run down your deck to other cards you might need to make combos. Balancing this kind of +x card is something that other TCGs have struggled for years. Not going for >draw + 2 or more shows that whomever designed it has an acute understanding of the kind of mechanics that go into those types of games, and that it's existence isn't just a complete cash grab. My only complaint is that it would have been nice to have unique art instead of just the vtuber model. If the fishman wanted to maxxjew without creating a power creep that might ruin his game in a few years, he could just release commemorative versions of existing cards with different, unique art. Collectors would want to own them all, and avarage fans would want to buy the different versions of their oshis cards. Overall, my knees are on the floor.

>> No.60814098 [View]
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Are you possibly, mentally challenged?

>> No.50338117 [View]
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I feel like some medium to large Internet news website will write an article on Neuro soon, like some did when she was banned.

>> No.46942218 [View]
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Seer anon, I kneel

>> No.41655662 [View]
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>> No.18460605 [View]
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I've noticed that /who/ tends to be at it's horniest when we are approaching full moon. If my hypothesis is correct, hornyposting will reach it's apex for the month tomorrow.

>> No.18390935 [View]
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We might be in for some kino later today, I can feel it.

>> No.17862433 [View]
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NTA, but my guess is that of the 61 posters on this thread, something between 3 to 5 of them are women.
>source: Wizardry.

>> No.17514698 [View]
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Mumchama, your homework....

>> No.15326960 [View]
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Based high level cleric.

>> No.14709329 [View]
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C-can this power be learned?

>> No.13928339 [View]
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Same and we can go dungeon raiding together if you want.

>> No.13583593 [View]
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Earlier today I was thinking that maybe it was a good time for a JP gen 6 to come out. The only logical conclusion to this coincidence that I can reach is that my wizard powers are finally kicking in

>> No.11910358 [View]
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>> No.10075589 [View]
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I'll trust your words, seer-sama.

>> No.9932451 [View]
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Anon is a witch!

>> No.8464032 [View]
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I'll trust your clairvoyant dream, sage-san.

>> No.8296729 [View]
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Not only will I support her, but I will place a hex on any bastard that backseats too hard or makes her feel bad.

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