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File: 4 KB, 180x173, treasure.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3085446 No.3085446 [Reply] [Original]

RIP most overrated classic games studio.

Source: http://archive.is/8ddvI

>> No.3085471
File: 17 KB, 250x222, MoF-Game.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3090202


They made some of my favorite games ever, but their quality has been in steady decline for years now. I'd rather see them just die outright than limp along shoveling out terrible parodies of what their games used to be.

They were smart to leave Konami when they did and probably smart to shut up shop when they did.

>> No.3085489
File: 1.57 MB, 783x1305, SPdangeki1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3085497 >>3093536

>source is NeoGAF
>All it says to back up the "rumor" is that Treasure hasn't made a new game since Gaist Crusher but they still license their works like Ikaruga and Gunstar heroes

Wow, it's fucking nothing.
All stuff we've know for a while, Treasure is not dead, they're a group of freelance developers that usually work for other companies and work on Treasure every now and then, usually under contract by major publishers.

>> No.3085497
Quoted by: >>3085510

Not OP but it looks like the real source is Mark McDonald and if he says something publicly I tend to take it seriously.

>> No.3085501


it's not like they had a huge output as it was I kind of thought they where already done

>> No.3085504

Who cares? They already made all their good games, any likelihood of them striking gold in the current gaming economy is slim to none.

>> No.3085510
Quoted by: >>3085519


But they aren't saying that the company is closing or that they're dead, just that Treasure is not developing anything at the moment and just focusing on licensing their IPs. Which they have been doing for a while now, I don't see how this is news worthy, it's old and it isn't really saying anything.

I used to think they were dead before, and then they released Sin and Punishment 2 out of the blue (well, pumped by the sales and demand from the VC release).

They may or may not release any new game in the future, but the company is still alive. It's a small company anyway and as I said they're all freelancers.

>> No.3085519
Quoted by: >>3085531

So they lied to us about having a new PC game under wraps? Fuck Treasure. Fuck Maegawa.

>> No.3085528

But a zombie can't die. :^)

>> No.3085531
Quoted by: >>3085560


Maybe the Steam sales didn't convince them.

>> No.3085560

85K units for a shmup is nothing to scoff at, though.

>> No.3085892
File: 1.06 MB, 960x1125, ikaruga-cereal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ikaruga was the only good thing they made anyways

>> No.3085919
Quoted by: >>3085929

shittiest thing*

>> No.3085929


>> No.3086642


Let me guess, you're a young PCfag and the only game you could get from them officially was Ikaruga.

It's a good game, but don't mention it around here too much, there's a lot of shmup elitists haters that will call Ikaruga shit.

>> No.3086707
Quoted by: >>3086747

yeah i've been starting to notice that trend lately

>> No.3086734

You can get Alien Soldier, Dynamite Headdy, and Gunstar Heroes all on Steam.

>> No.3086747
Quoted by: >>3086768

It's funny because up until the last few years, everyone considered it the greatest shmup ever, but not that it is more easily available than the Psikyo/Cave/Raizing shmups, everyone is hating it for no fucking reason other than that it is popular.

>> No.3086768
Quoted by: >>3087373 >>3087749

>everyone considered it the greatest shmup ever
No, that would be DoDonPachi. Ikaruga was highly rated, sure, but DDP was the one people proclaimed was the best.

Now? Battle Garegga and Mars Matrix seem to be the popular ones.

>> No.3087373
File: 147 KB, 1500x1500, killurself.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3087383 >>3087568

>anything Cave
>remotely good

>> No.3087383

I want /stg/ to leave.

>> No.3087568
Quoted by: >>3087742

Way to completely miss the point.

I wasn't saying that I personally think DDP is the greatest shmup ever made. I was saying that it was widely regarded as such, which was true up until about 5 years ago when people starting stroking the Battle Garegga dick.

>> No.3087742
Quoted by: >>3087770

When will people realize that Psikyo is the true master race and that Cave and Raizing suck?

>> No.3087749
Quoted by: >>3087751

I've never had DDP called as the best shmup ever. Hell I never had anything other than either RSG or Ikaruga being regarded as the best shmups ever made - though for me personally, it is a toss up between Ikaruga and Gradius V depending on whether I want a pixel perfectly tight game or a gargantuan space opera.

But I've never seen any other shmup being regarded as "the best". Until recently when people started mentioning Batsugun and Battle Garegga as such. Which makes 0 sense for me, they are solid games, but nothing makes them stand out from the average shmup.

>> No.3087751
Quoted by: >>3087769

>nothing makes it stand out from the average shmup
u wot

>> No.3087769
Quoted by: >>3087779

You shoot shit, collect powerups for your main weapon, extra bits for your sub weapon, collect various other point items, can destroy some of the scenery, have boss fights in the end, difficulty scales with how much powerups you have, have smart bombs, etc.
That's all fairly vanilla stuff that has been around ever since Gradius and Raiden (possibly earlier but I can't be arsed to look up exactly which game had all those elements at first).

The two unique things I can recall right now is that bombs are not singular smart bombs but rather you have an ammo stock for them, and that you can control the formation of the bits you have.

>> No.3087770

Never, because Psikyo is boring.

>> No.3087779

It's the way it expands on those concepts that make it unique, the only older game that plays similar to Garegga is its main inspiration Gun Frontier

>> No.3087783
Quoted by: >>3087794

>babby's first shmup

>> No.3087794
Quoted by: >>3090193

he didn't post a picture of touhou though

>> No.3087820

>Rumors are newsworthy.
Is Niche Gamer some kinda Gawker 2?

>> No.3088532
Quoted by: >>3088534 >>3089624

I never understood why of all past and current machines, they choose the 360 to make ports.
360 litteraly doesn't exist in Japan.

>> No.3088534
Quoted by: >>3088540


360 is the "stg/danmaku otaku" console in Japan

>> No.3088540

And somehow, the trend continues with the Bone, like with Raiden...

>> No.3088551
Quoted by: >>3088567

I'm fucking sick of shmupfags and their elitism. How about you chill, faggots?

>> No.3088567

How bout you suck my dick and scrub my nuts, shitter.

>> No.3089624
Quoted by: >>3089636 >>3090254

At the time, Wii was too underpowered and Sony had a strict anti-2D policy for the PS3, so shmup devs went to the 360.

Now the current popular choice seems to be Steam.

>> No.3089636
File: 59 KB, 480x271, sin-and-punishment-star-successor-20100506055601632.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>At the time, Wii was too underpowered

It's funny to think that while underpowered, the Wii got one of Treasure's most spectacular-looking games, and 360 only got a port of Radiant Silvergun and a remake (sequel?) to Bangai O

>> No.3089750
Quoted by: >>3089758 >>3089771

S&P2 looks alright, but it could've looked way better on the PS3. Also wouldn't have had that dumb wiimote gameplay option.

>> No.3089758
Quoted by: >>3092527


Or on 360 since PS3 was hard to develop for. But as it stands, it's probably the best-looking Treasure game (or most advanced at least, some people might prefer their 2D stuff and that's fine).

Anyway I thought the wiimote controls were good, kinda like a lightgun game. It's one of the few Wii games I like to play with the wiimote+nunchuck.

>> No.3089771

S&P2 on Wii supports classic controller, but the Wiimote is much better.

>> No.3089773
Quoted by: >>3092375

Does it emulate well?

>> No.3090193

Touhou is literally only ever played by weebs. Ikaruga is popular thanks to normies.

>> No.3090202

>that game
I'm going to puke

>> No.3090254
Quoted by: >>3090571

>and Sony had a strict anti-2D policy for the PS3
No they didn't. You fucking retard. Sony hasn't been anti-2D since PS1.
Cave released on 360 because MS only required 10,000 discs pressed per production run, while Sony required 40,000 discs pressed. If was simply a matter of Cave knowing they could not sell enough units to cover the production costs Sony demanded.

>> No.3090559
File: 102 KB, 700x543, 13114621_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shut the fuck up and take my midget!

>> No.3090571
Quoted by: >>3093519

SCEA wouldn't allow 2D games to be ported to PS3 and PSP without major upgrades.

>> No.3090806

I want a translated version of Silhouette Mirage without Working Designs' silly changes on a newer platform. I'm a simple man and I want Treasure to have my money.

>> No.3090820

The story makes NO SENSE and you don't need text for shops.

>> No.3090824
Quoted by: >>3090826

But yes, I wish someone would hack the WD localization back into the japanese game.

>> No.3090826

hell even that sounds great

>> No.3091068

What was you guys preferred SM weapon? Mine was the ghost wolf that shot scythe boomerangs.

>> No.3091117

I wouldn't mind a version of the game that was some sort of REMIX version where you could choose your rule set at the start, using the localized rules or the japanese rules, because fucking the localized rules when it comes to the final boss fights, it just makes you never want to use anything besides Surosa/Sloth since it's the only weapon that doesn't drain mana.

>> No.3091119
File: 37 KB, 500x353, DynamisTetra.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Mommy, my legs are thin!"

>> No.3091821
Quoted by: >>3091839

>tfw no Dynamite Headdy or Mischief Makers sequel

>> No.3091839
File: 182 KB, 1024x1024, 1432781301284.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know how Maruyama always comes back with his head attached to something different each time you fight him?

If there was ever a sequel and they made him playable that should be the way he plays, like GTA but with a cat head.
>Or a better example would be like in Zaxxon's Motherbase where you can hijack enemy ships.

>> No.3092375

It emulates well, even on weak CUPs (I use an i3) and it runs a full speed.

>> No.3092379
Quoted by: >>3092434

That's not Gradius V. Did you make a mistake, anon?

>> No.3092434

>liking gradius games that don't even have moai

>> No.3092486


That's such a superficial reason to dislike it though.

>> No.3092505

That's literally the only single issue the game has, though. It's perfect in every other way.

And that time loop level at the end was insane mindfuckery. The bottom ship even did the same motions as you did earlier on stage 2.

>> No.3092527

Whats wrong with the mote controlls?
You point and shoot, makes sense to me.

>> No.3092589
Quoted by: >>3092805 >>3096053

Treasure weren't overrated. CV4 and Contra Alien Wars were awesome.

>> No.3092776

I believe that they also were responsible for Axelay

>> No.3092805
Quoted by: >>3093964

>CV4 was awesome

>> No.3092812
File: 40 KB, 256x230, BLEACH_DS_2nd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I appreciate Treasure for their talent at taking a shit property and still making a fantastic game out of it.

>> No.3092817
Quoted by: >>3092818 >>3092827

>people actually hating on Ikaruga
>people actually hating on Dodonpachi

Fuck you assholes. Learn how to have fun, both are amazing games.

>> No.3092818
Quoted by: >>3092825

Nah, more like they were responsible for killing off the genre.

>> No.3092825
Quoted by: >>3092828


Care to explain?

>> No.3092827


First day on /vr/? If you see posts like that, it's best to quickly write them off as contrarian shitposts.

>> No.3092828
Quoted by: >>3092854


>> No.3092854


Then who cares what you have to say, anon?

>> No.3093519

SECA would not allow ANY game ported to PS3 without EXTRA CONTENT. Had nothing to do with 2D and everything with their timed exclusive wars against Microsoft & Nintendo. Nice try retard.

>> No.3093529

OP is probably a cavefaggot.

>> No.3093536

Where did you get that picture? Is it someplace with more bavkground material and art?

>> No.3093964


You're just proving his point.

Australia-kun is always wrong.

>> No.3093982
File: 34 KB, 188x268, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of all the overrated games Treasure made, which would you say is the most overrated

>> No.3093989


The real question would be:

Now that the fust has settles, which of all the Treasure games is the one that aged the most poorly and is more overrated to play on my wife's son's Retron5?

>> No.3094353
Quoted by: >>3095968

Why did you post a Konami game then?

>> No.3094412
Quoted by: >>3095968 >>3096064

Why do people think Contra Hard Corps was developed by Treasure?

>> No.3094715
Quoted by: >>3094726

Don't forget it doesn't have a Volcano level either, which is necessary for a Gradius game (according to the original designers' vision).

Treasure just cannot respect the IP's they work on. Gradius V, Wario World, Silpheed, Super Castlevania Bros... all utter trash.

>> No.3094726


Australia-kun? Shitposting again?
Who would have thought.

>> No.3095968
Quoted by: >>3096064

Treasure was formed by the Contra 3 team after they left Konami. Contra Hard Corps was a separate team trying to prove they were a strong independent studio who don't need no Treasure to make fast games with bosses made out of rotating spheres.

>> No.3096053

Only, like, one or two Treasure guys each worked on those games dude.

>> No.3096064
Quoted by: >>3096073 >>3096105

This has been debunked many times.

Treasure was formed by random Konami devs, most of which worked on either Super Castlevania IV or the Tiny Toons games (more the latter than the former). Very few (most likely NONE) were involved with the Contra series.

>> No.3096073

Care to share names?

>> No.3096093
Quoted by: >>3096120 >>3103375

anyone have that website that lists all konami games that were and were not worked on by various treasure members

>> No.3096105

Main programmers of Contra 3 were Yaida and Suganami, both of them key people in Treasure.

>> No.3096116

Don't forget to donate to MAMEdevs to get Konami's Dive Bomber Squad dumped after all these years! Featuring graphics by Hiroshi Iuchi of Treasure.


>> No.3096120
File: 316 KB, 400x416, 1362792294138.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3097254
Quoted by: >>3097312 >>3103375

Didn't Treasure make most of Konami's beat 'em ups?

>> No.3097312


Not that I know of. Most of the guys who later formed Treasure worked on action side-scroller games like Bucky O'Hare, Castlevania and Contra.

>> No.3098661
File: 393 KB, 1280x1024, 7311-(5) Sega Ages 2500 wallpaper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought the Steam release of Ikaruga on day 1 hoping their idea of making an original game for the PC market would come to fruition and that this would help.


It was to be expected though, at this point Treasure is probably 1 or 2 guys and they haven't done anything really notable since Sin & Punishment 2, which was a flop,.and that was years ago. Not sure how credible what Mark McDonald said is, but it wouldn't surprise me.


>Alien Soldier
>Guardian Heroes

>Radiant Silvergun
>Gunstar Heroes
>Sin & Punishment

>Dynamite Headdy
>YuYu Hakusho Fightan
>Sin & Punishment 2
>Silhouette Mirage
>Mischief Makers

>McDonald's Treasure Land Adventure
>Light Crusader
>Rakugaki Showtime

>Advance Guardian Heroes
>Stretch Panic
>Silpheed: The Lost Planet

>Everything else

>> No.3098689
Quoted by: >>3098693

Pure autism.

You got Alien Soldier right though.

>> No.3098693 [SPOILER] 
File: 23 KB, 512x512, 1459235091546.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he think power rankings are autism
>he can't even come up with his own

Get out of here newfriend.

>> No.3098705

God Tier:
Sugami's games

Shit Tier:
Other Treasure games

>> No.3098975
File: 572 KB, 800x859, treasure1432612534351.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3099876


Elder God Tier:

>Sin and Punishment

High Tier:

>Sin and Punishment 2
>Alien Soldier
>Gunstar Heroes
>Mischief Makers
>Astro Boy Omega Factor
>Gradius V (inb4 that one guy who complains about no moais)
>Dynamite headdy

Mid Tier:

>Radiant Silvergun
>Silouhette Mirage
>Yu Yu Hakusho
>McD's Treasure Land Adventure

Low tier:

>Rakugaki Showtime
>Light Crusader

>> No.3099876
Quoted by: >>3099904

>mid tier
Poor Shyna.

>> No.3099904


Mid-tier still means I enjoyed it (even the low tier to some degree), but I enjoyed the others a bit more.

>> No.3101182
File: 501 KB, 615x417, justburnmyshitup.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3101294 >>3101449

>Gradius V
>no moai/volcano levels
>several unskippable cutscenes
>unfitting orchestral/"epic" music
>overpowered options (freeze/directional)
>levels that force you to scroll backwards
>can turn off checkpoints, a Gradius staple
>too many boringly grey mechanical stages
>1x1 hitbox to appease the danmakutards
>final level too easy, unlike earlier Gradii
>can't even play as the Lord British

Gradius V... it was a fucking mistake.

>> No.3101294
File: 20 KB, 480x360, Blunder Force Shitx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3101438


Still less of a disappointment than Thunder Force 6, but that's not saying much.

>> No.3101438

>tfw we'll never get the proper TF6 for Dreamcast because technosoft ran out of money

>> No.3101449
File: 81 KB, 128x128, pepe.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3101456

>people actually start hating on Gradius V in your lifetime
I know this happens to every game, but fuck.

>> No.3101456
Quoted by: >>3101484


It's the same guy every time. Every game has its haters.

>> No.3101484
Quoted by: >>3101491

How do you know?

>> No.3101491
File: 9 KB, 240x240, main.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3102172 >>3102205


He keeps mentioning the lack of moai and randomly bringing up that he doesn't like the game even in only tangentially related threads like this one.

>> No.3102172
Quoted by: >>3102193 >>3102205

Lots of people complained about lack of moai in Gradius V, though.

>> No.3102193
Quoted by: >>3102204

Not him, but that guy is very recognizable, he tends to say the same things over and over.

I liked Gradius V, but I'm not really a fan of the series in general so I didn't care that they left out staples like the moai. I just think it's a really fun game.

>> No.3102204
Quoted by: >>3102227

>he tends to say the same things over and over.

You mean the "X was a mistake" at the end? That's a meme, mate.

>> No.3102205
File: 107 KB, 452x640, easter-island-heads.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gradius Moais are flawed representations of actual Moais, anyway. They're shown as floating alien heads when it has been proven in recent times that they do in fact posses bodies.

>> No.3102227

Not that, the greentext. I've seen almost that exact same list of complaints about GV several times here. That's all.

Easter Island: testament to human hubris.

>> No.3102253
File: 11 KB, 288x224, moai-spaceship.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sure moai statues are going to get offended for Konami not accurately depicting them in works of fiction.

>> No.3103316

Man that game kicked ass.

>> No.3103336

While I'm not impressed with Treasures current output, I would find it hilarious if they lasted longer than Konami.

So long live Treasure till Konami dies. Then you can take a long deserved rest.

>> No.3103337

personally I think caring about this as much as you seem to is taking being offended my cultural misappropriation a bit too far.

>> No.3103346
Quoted by: >>3103373

>over rated
while their newer games are garbage their older games were good, and that is what we judge by here.

>> No.3103373

Nigga, Sin & Punishment 2 was great.

>> No.3103375

You mean this?


Some of them had some Treasure guys, yeah.

>> No.3103375,1 [INTERNAL] 

You're a bunch of fucking faggots