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File: 858 KB, 1212x953, 1588598507230.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6397341 No.6397341 [Reply] [Original]

So apparently people completely reverse engineered M64's source code, and with that they made a native PC port which supports higher resolutions and aspect ratios. Thoughts?

DL: https://gofile.io/?c=wOvWRO
If you have W7 or lower: anonfiles com/p1l7Vbv4oe/mario64pc_7z

>> No.6397343

How do you reverse engineer an entire game’s source code??

>> No.6397345
Quoted by: >>6402748

From /v/:

"I made 2 binaries for linux it comes with a .desktop file and makes it so that it so that the save files are on ~/.sm64pc
it also adds the sm64 program to PATH

DEB file
anonfiles dot com slash Ndh7X4v7ob slash sm64pc_deb

RPM file
anonfiles dot com slash l3m1Xev2o5 slash sm64pc_rpm

These are SDL"

So if you're a Linuxfag here you go.

>> No.6397354

Stop spreading this shit. If it gets too big Nintendo will take it down, which means they won't be able to improve this port. They're trying to wait until it's perfect to release it, but it's not quite all the way there yet.

>> No.6397356

Being one of Nintendo's first games coded in C, SM64 shipped with really unoptimized source code, making it relatively easy to "decompile"

>> No.6397361
Quoted by: >>6400508

It's been on Github for 9 months bro


This is just the first (public?) release of a port to a PC graphics API

>> No.6397363

i mean you can HD the fuck out of it on emulators now anyway, not sure theres much point in this?

>> No.6397370
Quoted by: >>6398081

the potential for total overhaul mods.

>> No.6397371

That's like saying "what's the point of a Doom source port if you can already play a high-res version in DosBox?"

The sky is the limit now. Anything related to the game can be changed, improved, expanded, etc.

>> No.6397379
Quoted by: >>6398402 >>6401282

This time Nintendo legally can't do shit, it's reverse-engineered and thus not their code. The graphic/sound assets in the build are theirs but as long as they don't ship out the port with them they're in the clear.

>> No.6397389
Quoted by: >>6397393

How do you know is not a virus or a packed P64 with the rom inside?

>> No.6397390

Can Mario 64 have anime tiddies now?

>> No.6397392
File: 72 KB, 220x216, anxiouspepe.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just a single 24MB file named "mario.exe"

>> No.6397393

you can drag the window around and change its size and see the aspect ratio and UI elements change accordingly, obviously far from possible in PJ64
apparently there are still minor graphical issues too

>> No.6397394
Quoted by: >>6397827 >>6398374

Stop spreading this meme

>> No.6397397

Are you gonna post the same shit on every thread related to this? fuck off

>> No.6397403
Quoted by: >>6398389

>muh secret cub
Go fuck yourself gatekeeper.

>> No.6397404

I could finally die happy

Jiggle physics when

>> No.6397409

Playable Peach is inevitable anon

>> No.6397437

Lol, no.

Pokemon disassemblies have been online for years.

>> No.6397486
Quoted by: >>6397502

Xinput support when?

>> No.6397496
Quoted by: >>6397510 >>6398379

Here's one idea: someone could create an online game mode where any number of players can race/compete to get stars

Another idea: being able to play as fully-fledged versions of any character without them being ass like in most n64 mods

>> No.6397502
Quoted by: >>6397508

it's already in

>> No.6397508
Quoted by: >>6397512

Really? Because everyone seems to be complaining about spotty key controls.

>> No.6397510
Quoted by: >>6397525 >>6399538

Nintendo would definitely close any project like that.

Either way Nintendo waited too long as always to remaster their N64 classics, I hope they do the same reverse engineering to the rest of the big N64 games.

>> No.6397512
Quoted by: >>6397557

they're poorfags who can't afford a controller, xinput support works out of the box

>> No.6397525

They haven't closed any of the other online multiplayer n64 projects

>> No.6397557
Quoted by: >>6397563

Is there any way to configure the controller setup?

>> No.6397563
Quoted by: >>6397578

the button codes are in the sm64config.txt that gets generated, there's no mapping in the game itself

>> No.6397578

Where can i find what numbers correspond to what on the keyboard?

>> No.6397593

>no input lag
>every aspect ratio supported
what in the fuck, when are they porting both zeldas?

>> No.6397615

Sure. I don't see why not.

>> No.6397643
Quoted by: >>6398986

I love when 5th gen console games get ported to modern PCs! It's so beautiful.

>> No.6397669
Quoted by: >>6401540 >>6401558

Thanks for beta testing N64 gamers!

>> No.6397673
Quoted by: >>6401387

>hurr exe mean virus

it has to be an exe file though.

>> No.6397681
Quoted by: >>6400710

Is there a way to set the resolution in the config file? 640x480 is nice, but why settle?

>> No.6397682
File: 829 KB, 1465x1120, Earthbound (U)-190810-163507.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shipped with really unoptimized source code, making it relatively easy to "decompile"
Wow you really know what you're talking about.

>> No.6397693
Quoted by: >>6397695

Anybody know how to get it working with the Mayflash GameCube adapter? I have an Xinput controller, but I'm more comfortable playing Mario 64 with a GameCube controller.

>> No.6397695

Use X360CE

>> No.6397701

Just run it in a VM

>> No.6397702
Quoted by: >>6397713 >>6398379

>modders do all this hard work on their own time to make it so a game can be easily moddable
>coomers just put in weeb shit
every time

>> No.6397713
Quoted by: >>6397787 >>6399779

modders and coomers are usually the same people, or are you forgetting fully physically simulated penises for every single creature in skyrim?
every single fucking thing you know and love was made by coomers, you faggot incel

>> No.6397751

Nintendo can't take down independent file share
Don't be retarded

>> No.6397787

imagine cooming to a video game

>> No.6397804

4k textures when?

>> No.6397805
Quoted by: >>6398501

What did you expect, anon?, seriously

>> No.6397807
File: 45 KB, 116x155, mariomussolini.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are there any tutorials for modding this version yet? Any documentation? It'd be nice if you could say, use custom .ogg/.mp3 music, .wav sound effects, custom models, high-res textures, etc.

>> No.6397819

Has anyone tried opening the .exe in Resource Hacker, a la Cave Story?

>> No.6397827

How is this a meme? Anyone who knows a compiler from a hole in the ground knows compilers are capable of optimization. Unoptimized code is easier to then interpret into the original C. It's entirely possible to reverse optimized code into C that will compile the same, but that doesn't mean the resulting C code is as close to what the original programmer wrote. Just write some horribly inefficient way to perform a simple function, if it isn't too outlandish, any decent C compiler with a -O2 passed will tidy that up. You still get the same end result computationally, but the path you take to get there is different. May do the same thing or it may not, the optimization may discard info that was in the original calc but wasn't necessary to perform it in the context of the code. Doesn't mean that info was useless, but you will never know what the true intent of the code is an optimized build. Stop decrying legitimate facts as "memes"

>> No.6397835

This has only been out in the public since Saturday, gotta give these things time. We do have the source for these builds, so somebody will figure things out soon.

>> No.6397875

Already possible with widely available tools for the rom

>> No.6397876
Quoted by: >>6397881 >>6398170

So, how do I keep it from spazzing out? Limit FPS to 30?

>> No.6397881
Quoted by: >>6397893

Increase priority in task manager

>> No.6397893

That's all? Won't it spazz out running at 144fps or is it limited by default?

>> No.6397998
Quoted by: >>6398068

>Super Mario 64.exe became a thing in your lifetime

What is even happening anymore

>> No.6398068
Quoted by: >>6398118 >>6399413

That, and both N64 Zeldas are probably gonna get a native PC port in the near future
What an incredible time to be alive

>> No.6398081
File: 444 KB, 1070x630, undefeatable.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Total overhaul, you say? How many parallel universes are the limit here?

>> No.6398090
File: 1.61 MB, 1908x1748, 20200504_174329.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For the linux fags

OGL Ver: anonfiles_com/p1l7Vbv4oe/mario64pc_7z
OGL Src: anonfiles_com/vbZ9W8v2o1/sm64pc-sdl_7z

DX12 Ver: gofile_io/?c=wOvWRO
DX12 Src: anonfiles_com/J51e3fv6o9/sm64pc_src_zip

Linux DEB: anonfiles_com/Ndh7X4v7ob/sm64pc_deb
Linux RPM: anonfiles_com/l3m1Xev2o5/sm64pc_rpm

Anonfile link is spam for some reason replace _ with .

>> No.6398095

does it being .exe only hurt it's modding potential?
I'm not smart in shit like this

>> No.6398101 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>6398116

Just release the source code, ain't running your nigerian scheme.

>> No.6398102

I personally don’t care. I have completed SM64 numerous times on actual hardware. So many other games to play.

>> No.6398116
File: 3.03 MB, 1852x3022, 20200504_180505.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It works I'm the legendary gloved anon that share his collections

>> No.6398118


>> No.6398120

I could play mario 64 on the computer back in 2003

>> No.6398123
Quoted by: >>6398137 >>6398213

Are you the programmer, does it actually run better than emulating it?

>> No.6398137

I'm not the programmer . I just collect games and learn languages.

Obviously it does but not by much . It would be cool if we can add rom hacks .

>> No.6398140

Go suck a dick

>> No.6398145
File: 144 KB, 800x800, 1446493245058.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone else having issues getting this to run? Im on pirated windows 8.1 btw

>> No.6398150
Quoted by: >>6398151 >>6398162

It's Win 10 only, you need DirectX 12

>> No.6398151


>> No.6398152
Quoted by: >>6402131

Run the OpenGL version.
It's the one labeled for W7 in the OP.

>> No.6398161

Does it have the fixed smoke or the original smoke?

>> No.6398162
Quoted by: >>6398278

There's an opengl version posted on /v/.

>> No.6398168

I'm honestly surprised Nintendo hasn't C&D'd this yet and taken down the github. This is a clear violation of copyright law.

>> No.6398170

i got same problem. running monitor at 165hz, when I switch it down to 60 game works fine though.

>> No.6398171
Quoted by: >>6398172


>Pirated Windows 8
Anon, I....

>> No.6398172
File: 90 KB, 479x401, bzz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6398183 >>6402135

>paying money for OS

>> No.6398179

Just use a sandbox program

>> No.6398183

It's $12 you poorfag. He could at least have some sense and pirate 10 instead of staying on that shitshow that is 8.

>> No.6398184
Quoted by: >>6398226 >>6398234

this is a clear poster not knowing what the fuck they're talking about

>> No.6398186

imagine willingly installing telemetry

>> No.6398195

jesus fuck kill yourself
if youre too much of a bitch to do that at least do us the courtesy of getting hit by a train

>> No.6398204
Quoted by: >>6398209 >>6398328

>not blocking outbound traffic to microsoft at the firewall and using tools to shutdown telemetry

I forgot this place is full of zoomers...

>> No.6398205

Why doesn't setting fullscreen to true in the configs actually do anything? Alt+Enter doesn't work with the OpenGL version either

>> No.6398207
Quoted by: >>6398217 >>6398258

oh no no no n64bros we lost our only exclusive

>> No.6398209

>Using Microsoft instead of Linux
And samesex it seems,

>> No.6398213
Quoted by: >>6398228

No, he's a local attention whore that tries to post his shit in any thread on /vr/ with his hands for the sake of getting them spicy (you)s

>> No.6398214
Quoted by: >>6398335

>My computer has Windows 10 and DX12
>exe creates the config file but doesn't run
Anyone else having this issue?

>> No.6398217

Thanks for beta testing nintencucks, PC always wins

>> No.6398226

I am a programmer specialized in reverse engineering. I also read about copyright law and licenses from time to time because my job required me to deal with reverse engineering and re-implementing drivers. Posting the decompiled source code publicly is a HUGE no-no. Would not hold up in court. This is copyright infringement plain and simple. The same as distributing a ROM. This project is doomed, although it could launch or aid similar projects that are done in a more perceptively legal way, that Nintendo would be less likely to take action against. A C&D could even kill a legal project, as single developers do not have the resources for legal battles. Take a look at URDE for a more legal project (that could still potentially be killed by a C&D). I also am reverse engineering a Nintendo game and doing something similar, although I rarely work on that (and haven't it in years), that I may share if asked.

tl;dr it's fun to get called out for not knowing what you're talking about when you know exactly what you're talking about.

>> No.6398228
Quoted by: >>6398235

What shit?
what games?
what are his post?

>> No.6398234

The github repo includes all the level data. Remember when mario royale got DMCA'd then changed the sprites and sound, but got DMCA'd again because they were still using the level layouts from SMB?

>> No.6398235
Quoted by: >>6398239

He posts links to his own personal collection of ROMs, often with a picture taken of a screen and his hands. It's not rocket science

>> No.6398239

That's cool do you have any links?

>> No.6398248
Quoted by: >>6398284

>I read about copyright law once
wow you're really the expert after all damn

>> No.6398253
File: 390 KB, 2560x1017, bvHiqMW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6398259 >>6398805

Looking nice

>> No.6398258
File: 8 KB, 160x225, 246557-super-mario-64-wii-front-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're a bit late there, dude

>> No.6398259

that's a thicc Bob omb

>> No.6398264
File: 708 KB, 1678x2047, 1dmhj10ges811 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How long until we get a mod that makes it look as soulfull as the promo renders?

>> No.6398268

That's how I wished all N64 games to look like, like the SGI Lightwave renders, instead we'll probably end up with bloom up the wazoo like that photo edit I posted.

>> No.6398274
Quoted by: >>6398281

How do I mess with the controls on this?

>> No.6398275
File: 370 KB, 2228x1392, ct5q8sygbr811.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6398663 >>6398669

This how it should look like. not even the DS was this aesthetic.

>> No.6398276
File: 75 KB, 1024x768, Super-Mario-64-Promo-Art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actual fire.

>> No.6398278
Quoted by: >>6398292

Got a link handy?

>> No.6398281


>> No.6398283
File: 204 KB, 800x1085, 1517774841-2361174305.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6398745

Imagine Mario Kart 64 with actual 3D models, that would be an herculean task.

>> No.6398284

>Has no actual response
>Time for le ironic comeback
Nice job, you followed the basics of 4chan pretty well.

>> No.6398285

I've heard that there's a way to activate analog camera controls. Am I being rused?

>> No.6398292

NM, got it:

>> No.6398296

why even reply if you have no idea

>> No.6398304
Quoted by: >>6398320

It's running way too fast for me. Anyone else have this issue?

>> No.6398316

First time I've seen a nig playing anything other than FIFA

>> No.6398320
Quoted by: >>6398330 >>6398334

turn off v-sync or enable fps cap in gpu control panel

>> No.6398328

>blocking outbound traffic to microsoft
Literally impossible without something like a pihole, and there are so many address that you'll spend your whole life collecting them
>using tools to shutdown telemetry
Things get enabled when you update, if they don't just change stuff making the "tools" useless.

>> No.6398330
Quoted by: >>6398332 >>6398334

not working for me

>> No.6398332
Quoted by: >>6398334

hint: the game doesn't run at 60fps

>> No.6398334

never mind yup just figured that out, thank you

>> No.6398335
Quoted by: >>6399532

Use the OpenGL build.

>> No.6398339
File: 101 KB, 1024x993, 1549761205725.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6398410 >>6400624

>Super Mario 64
>with a modding scene even a tenth as prolific as Doom's

>> No.6398365

RTX enabled https://youtu.be/1sxwPd0hDBc

>> No.6398374
Quoted by: >>6400549

>So apparently people completely reverse engineered M64's source code
It's old news at this point, anon.

>and with that they made a native PC port which supports higher resolutions and aspect ratios. Thoughts?
Keep talking about it when it's not even fully finished and uncle Nintendo will hit the hammer hard, but hey, do whatever you want.

Except that anon is right, you fucking idiot. Mario 64 was compiled with an IDO compiler that has a -g flag that completely removes *any* optimization at all, even dead code optimization. They were still inexperienced about programming for the N64, so they didn't want to add compiler bugs because of the optimizations. There's only other N64 game that used the -g flag, OoT and other games were compiled with optimizations and are harder to decompile.

You find out what compiler was used, you grab the SDK, and you start to write code that when compiled with said compiler and SDK matches the final ROM's machine code.

>> No.6398379

Of course it's an .exe, you dipshit, it's an executable program, isn't it? How else would you do it?

That sounds fun.

Welcome to 4chan, faggot.

>> No.6398383
Quoted by: >>6398393

It's copyright violation but other than Nintendo who cares anon

>> No.6398389
Quoted by: >>6398393


>> No.6398392

The decompilation project has been up for quite a while. Either Nintendo doesn't care, or, more likely, they haven't caught wind of it yet. I guess the legal way to do it is to only publish mappings from the auto-generated function names to descriptive ones.

>> No.6398393
Quoted by: >>6398402

Reverse engineering code is legal, you simians.

>> No.6398402
Quoted by: >>6401282

There's a difference between clean room reverse engineering (someone finds out how a compiled program works, describe the behavior, then another one who hasn't seen the original RE'd code writes a custom implementation) and literally recreating the exact same source code.

ReactOS is a reverse engineering of Windows and does not use Microsoft code.

That doesn't mean I personally give a shit about stealing uncle Nintendo's code.

>> No.6398410

Can it be? Finally I can play as Shrek in Mario.

>> No.6398431

Nice, it already looks halfway there already, just needs lights and high-res textures.

>> No.6398435

The problem is that it's "decompiled" in the sense that if you loaded up the compiler and press run, the result executable would be the same as the retail version, but there is no way Nintendo would've written their C in the same way the Github repository shows. I do agree that if Nintendo wanted, it can take it down even if it was clean room.

Really though, copyright law sucks dick and people really should not be profiting from a work over 20 years later. Author's life + 70 years is insane.

>> No.6398464
Quoted by: >>6398664

>able to pirate any OS but choses the shittiest one created in the last 20 years

>> No.6398481
Quoted by: >>6399220

It's not insane it protects small time authors and creators etc.

Big corporations can fuck off though especially with something like this which IN NO WAY AFFECTS THEM. Overzealous use of copyright law (a la Jew-EU Tube) is what's dumb not the laws themselves which protect the common man.

>> No.6398485

You can thank Disney for that

>> No.6398486


>> No.6398501

luiggi.exe of course

>> No.6398502
Quoted by: >>6398679

Can I play it with mouse and keyboard?

>> No.6398507

>The problem is that it's "decompiled" in the sense that if you loaded up the compiler and press run, the result executable would be the same as the retail version, but there is no way Nintendo would've written their C in the same way the Github repository shows. I do agree that if Nintendo wanted, it can take it down even if it was clean room.
Original comments are lost and function names are different, sure, but otherwise it's the same code, there's no way it'd survive in a court. It's essentially the same code, anon, no matter how long you'll live you would be unable to produce the same exact non-trivial output unless it's the same code from the compiler's point of view.

It doesn't matter how fancy your new function names are.

>Really though, copyright law sucks dick and people really should not be profiting from a work over 20 years later. Author's life + 70 years is insane.
That's the problem with people's morals and the law being based on essentialist takes with no ground on material reality, anon, and yes I know I'm saying this in 4chan which is full of intolerant assholes, but that's the reality. It's the same as saying as saying "stealing is bad" without even taking the context into account, like, stealing if you're homeless and you need to survive is not the same as stealing the code of a small poor indie author's recent game, and neither stealing Nintendo's old shit is the same, the consequences and impact are radically different, but the law doesn't care.

>> No.6398508

I'm gonna say the n-word

>> No.6398516

can I already do my matrix mario mod and shoot toad in the fucking face?

>> No.6398620


They should put 64 DS characters in the game without the imbalanced gameplay.

>> No.6398663

this is my dream game. We will never get a mario that looks like 90s renders

>> No.6398664
Quoted by: >>6401861

>said the win10 shill

>> No.6398669

god i miss that ugly pre-rendered 90s art.

>> No.6398679
Quoted by: >>6398726 >>6398749

Yes, but the control scheme is stupid. Instead of the usual ZXC and arrow keys, it uses WASD, space and L. They are rebindable in the config file, but I don't know which key code standard it uses (possibly SDL scan codes). Are you sure you don't have a controller laying around somewhere?

>> No.6398680
File: 147 KB, 1366x768, SP64K.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm so fucking happy anon.


>> No.6398684

Reminder to the fags with high framerate monitors

On first boot the game will run real fast for no reason. Just go into your video cards control panel and cap the game at 30fps.

Couldnt run it at 144 hz without the speed up issue. If I can run Mario 64 at 144fps that would be fucking sick tho.

>> No.6398702
File: 592 KB, 2560x1440, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bing bing wahoo at 1440p

>> No.6398726
Quoted by: >>6398752

I want to play with WASD while controlling the camera with my mouse

>> No.6398732
File: 400 KB, 488x519, 9f5.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Direct3D 12
Just why? Why exclude tons of users for something whose shader code lines can be counted with your hands?

>> No.6398734
Quoted by: >>6403302

Nude mod when?

>> No.6398739
Quoted by: >>6398741

Get the OpenGL version faggot

>> No.6398741

Inferior build

>> No.6398743


In 5 years we'll have a Mario 64 that looks just like that image.

>> No.6398745

i REALLY wish that the whole 'the N64 IQue games source code was among the leakwave' thing is true.

We just witnessed what could be done with a proper source code, you just need a dedicated person and you could get Native Smash, Star Fox, Dk64, FUCKING F-ZERO X FOR PC WITH CUSTOM TRACKS!

>> No.6398749


I'm almost positive that config file is using DirectX scan codes.

>> No.6398752
Quoted by: >>6398764 >>6398785

I could see analog camera, but you want to control SM64's camera with your mouse!?

>> No.6398756
Quoted by: >>6398763

Guy who wrote the DX12 port writes DX code for a living.
He got the port done pretty quickly because of it.

>> No.6398762
Quoted by: >>6398832

Could someone reupload the DX12 version somwehere? The link in OP has been taken down.

>> No.6398763

But why not DX11? I mean, this would be a handy game to have on your old shitty laptop during a vacation trip.

>> No.6398764
Quoted by: >>6398770

Ever played SRB2? Such a control scheme can work.

>> No.6398770

SRB2 has smooth camera movement.
SM64 has hard angles.

>> No.6398785

I'm at the point in my life where if I have a choice between playing a game which involves moving a camera in any way, I will choose to play with mouse and keyboard if I can. I'm playing Sekiro in my PC with mkb, and if I could play OoT and SM64 with mkb, I would. The only games that I use controllers for are games like classic RE, FF, SMW, ALTTP, etc.

>> No.6398805

Big Bob-omb

>> No.6398806
File: 1.39 MB, 1920x1080, Mario.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6398815 >>6400615

Based it works fine with a x360 controller straight ootb on win7x64

Are there any options? any key press to get to them? I see the sm64config.txt file what can be added changed?


>> No.6398809

Is there a source to the builds?

>> No.6398814

What's the trick to applying Reshade? Crashes everytime I try to apply an effect.

>> No.6398815
Quoted by: >>6398825

It crashes right after double-clicking for me


>> No.6398825
Quoted by: >>6398834

I downloaded
>anonfiles com/p1l7Vbv4oe/mario64pc_7z
(checked it on hybrid/virustotal and was clean)
Just unzipped and Ran sm64-32bit-opengl.exe as Admin and worked fine straight away

Also thats on a amd e350 apu with 4gb or ram so it will work on a toaster

>> No.6398828
File: 229 KB, 1902x998, wireframe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6399756

Wireframe Mario.
Interesting to see how rooms render as soon as you step in front of the associated doors.

>> No.6398831
Quoted by: >>6398840

Would it be possible to make the game run at 60 without speeding it up? Or is the game logic tied to the original framerate in a major way?

>> No.6398832
Quoted by: >>6398835


Need a mirror location

>> No.6398834
Quoted by: >>6398867 >>6398897

Doesn't work for me, even when running as Administrator

Maybe I have a too shitty computer...

>Windows 7 x64

>> No.6398835
Quoted by: >>6399258 >>6399342


>> No.6398840
Quoted by: >>6398859

Yes to both.
"Just" need to interpolate every other frame.

>> No.6398859
Quoted by: >>6398872

I guess even with the source code it's easier said than done. At least it should be possible in theory if someone who knows what they're doing is determined enough. Unless you need to rewrite every single piece of code to do it I guess.

>> No.6398867 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>6398897

It should work, maybe its your graphics drivers, i can link you the latest dll files to put in the same folder as the sm64-32bit-opengl.exe file

>> No.6398870
Quoted by: >>6398905 >>6398918

>Nintendies lose another exclusive

>> No.6398872

Someone managed to add it conditionally to Halo, and it's a staple of tons of Doom source ports.
I can guarantee you that the autism for SM64 is powerful enough to see the dawn of an unlocked frame rate soon enough.

>> No.6398897
Quoted by: >>6398915

These are the latest drivers you can use for pre gcn cards (thats what you have) download and install them and iopengl should be fine then


choose the first option for 64 bit
"AMD Catalyst™ 15.11.1 Beta Driver for Windows® 10, Windows 8.1 & Windows 7 64-bit"

>> No.6398905
Quoted by: >>6398928 >>6398941

hi /v/

>> No.6398908

How can I remap the analog stick controls to the arrows? I fucking hate wasd

>> No.6398914
File: 36 KB, 305x551, 1588121119310.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vulken when?

>> No.6398915
Quoted by: >>6398924

Gonna try it out, although yesterday I installed all the drivers for this computer using Snappy Driver Installer, so...

>> No.6398918
Quoted by: >>6398928 >>6398941


>> No.6398924
Quoted by: >>6398945

maybe thats why opengl is broke as even if the cpu is weak it should be able to open it. they are the last version that work with you pc so should be fine after you install them.

>> No.6398928
Quoted by: >>6398948

why ya cryin’ toddlers?

>> No.6398929

link says no file in upload

>> No.6398930
Quoted by: >>6398935

be nice if we could get a Goldeneye port like this

>> No.6398935
Quoted by: >>6398942 >>6399742

GoldenEye and Perfect Dark are in the works.
Don't expect them anytime soon though.

>> No.6398941

Be gentle to our brothers.

>> No.6398942

Nice, Goldeneye would be amazing. Thanks anon. is there an updated link to the discord, the one on the github page has expired

>> No.6398943
File: 216 KB, 977x552, untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6398947

any codefags know how to add custom content to the exe retard me is using a hex editor

>> No.6398945
Quoted by: >>6398959

It worked!!

Thank you!!!

>> No.6398947
Quoted by: >>6398949

The source was also released. Links are here

>> No.6398948

Where do you think you are, zoomer?

>> No.6398949

thank you anon

>> No.6398957
Quoted by: >>6398962

I hope that when Ocarina of Time, Majora's Mask and Perfect Dark get PC source ports, they support OpenAL 3D surround sound since the Nintendo 64 versions supported Dolby Stereo.

>> No.6398958
File: 71 KB, 506x353, untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6398980

the leaked exe has compiler information inside it


>> No.6398959
Quoted by: >>6398979

Np glad i could help, I thought so, I suspect "Snappy Driver" installed the beta preview 16x release which was the latest but it had missing features and no opengl/mantle

the version you installed above is basically the last full feature driver, so stick with that and never update it again, you may even notice slightly better performance from other stuff.

enjoy mate

>> No.6398962
Quoted by: >>6398985

Not to to mention the Rsident Evil 2 n64 port could be modded to hell and back and become the best version

>> No.6398979

For some reason it installed the drivers for the Radeon HD 6310, when this CPU has the HD 6250...

(also, the drivers were from 2012...)

Anyway, thanks!

>> No.6398980

Source is already available for both builds + linux

>> No.6398985

There’s already a PC port.

>> No.6398986
File: 434 KB, 469x498, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>port of a 1996 console game
>i7 7700k
>gtx 1080

I have a feeling this will run worse than emulation; you already can emulate it on age appropriate PCs.

>> No.6399020
Quoted by: >>6400329

16MB of RAM and 5% of GPU usage on my laptop's Intel HD Graphics using the OpenGL build

>> No.6399021
Quoted by: >>6399026 >>6399030

None of that has to do with performance. DX12 is only a requirement because the person who ported the graphics API is familiar with that and uses it for their day job. The processor and graphics card are irrelevant as long as the graphics card is DX12 compatible. (Even cards that aren't will likely work as they have SOME DX12 support)

>> No.6399026

I tried it on a regular ol' HP VivoBook and it worked, but some ReShade effects crashed it.

>> No.6399030
Quoted by: >>6399048 >>6400439

DX12 locks it to nVidia 400 series and above, and Radeon 5000 series and above.

>> No.6399037
Quoted by: >>6399493

>age appropriate PCs
Are you retarded?

>> No.6399038

I thought i had a virus till i got home from wokr and moved it to my main computer to boot it. my work laptop has a 2nd gen i7 in it and runs at about 80c under any load, and only has dx11 cause think pads of that era either had a geforce 6000m i think or like mine just had intel's integrated crap. thinkpads don't die but i could cook a egg on the cpu heatsink.

>> No.6399048
Quoted by: >>6399435

there's an older opengl version too.

>> No.6399058
Quoted by: >>6399072

7 and 8 have exactly the same telemetry as 10

>> No.6399064

go play the linux build and calm your tits, linus.

>> No.6399072
Quoted by: >>6399130

Not near as much as 10, and you have to willingly install them. Windows 10 on the other hand is the botnet.

>> No.6399119

Can someone reupload the Dx12 build? The OGL one has broken fullscreen support.

>> No.6399130
Quoted by: >>6399169

But you can disable it (mostly) in Windows 10... unlike in Windows 7.

>> No.6399169
Quoted by: >>6399434

Except you can disable everything on Windows 7 or just don't install the telemetry uodates at all. On 10 you have to play a cat and mice game with Microsoft, since they change lots of stuff in updates and reverts your petty attempts at disabling stuff in the process. You can never have a telemetry free Windows 10, unless you disconnect it from the internet. Don't forget we are talking about a OS that comes with Candy Crush ads out the box lmao

>> No.6399220
Quoted by: >>6401861

I'd say 20 years is more than enough time, even for smaller creators. Look at what George Lucas managed to do with Star Wars in that amount of time. There should arguably be different standards for the size of the business though. Disney should get half the cap at most, and there need to be more restrictions on what it can be used to take down regardless.

>> No.6399238

thanks for the uploads, ill share them where possible

>> No.6399252

idk but whenever I see n64 Mario, I get reminded of this


>> No.6399258

A beer owed to this anon

>> No.6399291
File: 14 KB, 109x145, SM3DL-Mario_Long_Jump_Artwork.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6399403

Anyone else having trouble with the Z button?

I can't use it after performing an action with it, like, if I do the crouch jump, Mario has to do his full pose animation before I can do it again. And I can't do long jumps consistently without having to wait a second before doing another one.

I'm using DS4 Windows btw.

>> No.6399303
File: 78 KB, 1278x707, real Mario.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6399349 >>6399742

Does this mean hacking will become Doom tier?

>> No.6399310
File: 231 KB, 680x919, 6fa2705bb042fe918507c5085aec572c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6399321

>> No.6399314


>> No.6399315

who is this faggot and why do i keep seeing his faggot face

>> No.6399318

One can hope that every worthwhile N64 game can get a port like this.

>> No.6399320
File: 77 KB, 300x300, limmy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6399342

Is compiling under Windows hard? Those Linux tools scare me.

>> No.6399321

>Playing the objectively inferior version with a hideous dither filter, slowdown, all at an unremarkable 240pee
>Not the brainlet choice

>> No.6399326


>> No.6399342
Quoted by: >>6399348

The windows exe version is here:
Working well out of the box for me. Didn't have the obvious bundled malware signs. Seems legit, but I'm just some person on the internet.

>> No.6399348

So? I want to be able to modify it.

>> No.6399349

Yes. As long as there's interest for it, and isn't gatekept by discord trannies.

>> No.6399394

I think you need to leave

>> No.6399398
File: 15 KB, 300x300, 1550965262703.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quit using a smart guy in your dumb post

>> No.6399403

I'm doing fine
playing with DS4Windows too

>> No.6399413

Just give me Perfect Dark

>> No.6399431

another zoomer

>> No.6399434
Quoted by: >>6399441

So this has TAS support. It looks for and runs a "cont.m64" tas file. But none I've tried actually work properly, unfortunately.

Why even reply to someone that says the tired old
>7 and 8 have exactly the same telemetry as 10
He's baiting or retarded.

>> No.6399435

You mean there's more than one openGL build? Where's this one?

>> No.6399441
Quoted by: >>6400567 >>6400961

You are probably trying to run the TAS for the JAP version. Someone compiled the JAP version and got it working

>> No.6399493
Quoted by: >>6400316

you could emulate N64 back in like '97, there's a MVG video about that

>> No.6399496
File: 141 KB, 1280x738, 024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6399513 >>6399524

why does the graphics look so good?

>> No.6399513

Because there's not too many actual textures. Most models are just made of solid colors and those look the same in every resolution

>> No.6399524

what's your definition of good anon? might not be the current industry's definition

>> No.6399532
File: 6 KB, 657x526, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6399554

Still not working. A blank window's popping up for a few seconds now

>> No.6399536
File: 280 KB, 256x349, Streets_Of_Rage_2_-EUR-.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6399545 >>6399598

if n64 games can be de-compiled, wouldnt 16bit games be easier?

>> No.6399538

there's workarounds to this, as someone post before, the code is distributed without assets, requiring the person to already "own" the game to extract said assets making it fair game AFAIK

>> No.6399541
Quoted by: >>6399550 >>6403029

This is better than emulation already. You don't have to hack in support for different aspect ratios and that horrible input lag from enabling frame buffer emulation is gone.

>> No.6399545

16 bit and older games were generally written directly in assembly.

Starting with 3D games they started being written in programming languages and thus had to be compiled to work. So those game's can't be "decompiled" or at least not in the same way Mario 64 was.

>> No.6399550

I mean, yeah. Emulation is hard and finicky compared to just running the program natively on your own hardware.

>> No.6399554

lmao ur comp cant even play boomer game

>> No.6399558


>> No.6399562

You don't know what you're talking about.

>> No.6399598

no because most games were written in assembly code (which differ from architecture to architecture) and some consoles (the only one that comes to mind right now is the SNES) had hardware expansions inside some games that differ in behavior and use from the CPU's from the actual console and requires more research and reverse-engineering.

>> No.6399601
Quoted by: >>6399618

How the fuck do you change the controlls on the config files

>> No.6399618
Quoted by: >>6399625 >>6399736

Here's how:
code it yourself :)

>> No.6399625
Quoted by: >>6399641

You think that's funny you little bitch? I ought to bend you over and fuck you to teach you a lesson.

>> No.6399641

Based aggressive homosexual anon.

>> No.6399704
Quoted by: >>6399719

This is illegal... sure nothing's stopping you from writing clean room code but all the assets and logos are still Nintendo's intellectual property.

>> No.6399707

I'm fine with an author being able to profit off of their work for their entire life, I think you should be entitled to your work, but 70 years *beyond* that? No. Christ, that's obscene.
Software patents should die though, or have extremely short duration, because the kind of trivial and miniscule shit you can patent and then potentially harass others for is obscene in its own way.

>> No.6399719

who gives a fuck

>> No.6399736

f u n n y

>> No.6399742
File: 17 KB, 238x165, 1574202591375.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6399767

>Super Mario 64
>Goldeneye 007
>with Doom tier sourceports and modding scene
Can you imagine it? We might see a Super Wario 64 in our lifetimes!

>> No.6399756

Post a gif

>> No.6399758

What's up with the resource usage? It uses 50 percent of my 2080 and 30 percent of my 3700x at the opening castle area

>> No.6399761

Nintendo forgot to optimize the code anon!

>> No.6399762
File: 31 KB, 380x262, supershit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6400702 >>6402530

Lol, right before is anniversary. How is Nintendo going to one up this?

>> No.6399765
Quoted by: >>6399768

Playing with 360 pad is shit...

>> No.6399767
Quoted by: >>6400291

There's already an absurd amount of mario 64 romhacks out there

>> No.6399768


>> No.6399775

thanks & wash your hands or the virus will get you

>> No.6399779

>faggot incel
so, a coomer?

>> No.6399901
File: 150 KB, 1310x500, 1586219344535.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6399947 >>6400685

is the smoke fixed?

>> No.6399912
File: 10 KB, 329x453, M64.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6401274

In practice, we are actually emulating the game.

>> No.6399947
Quoted by: >>6399951


>> No.6399951
Quoted by: >>6399954


>> No.6399954
File: 294 KB, 639x479, vanishcap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6400446 >>6400708

Wanna know what's even worse?
Vanish cap doesn't have the dithering effect like on the N64.

>> No.6400036

disassembly, decompilation, assembly, compilation. it's all the same in this context

SNES B.O.B source code is available and despite being assembler code, it's still legit human readable source with called assets

>> No.6400054

so when the port to og xbox happening? will mvg do it?

>> No.6400064
Quoted by: >>6400084

Re: the actual decompiling of the ROM, didn't they just use Ghidra?

>> No.6400084
File: 174 KB, 1288x536, noghidra.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6400087


>> No.6400087

Interesting, cheers.

>> No.6400132

>Why exclude tons of users
all five win8.x users? boohoo.
or are you one of the luddites still clinging onto the unsupported win7 or even winxp? too fucking bad.

>> No.6400147

new levels when?

>> No.6400158
Quoted by: >>6400321

Agreed, if you are so concerned about problems on W10 you should switch to a linux distro

>> No.6400185
Quoted by: >>6400262 >>6400379

He said it leaked on 4chan as the source.

>> No.6400229
Quoted by: >>6400718 >>6401661

>HMario 64
>Brutal Mario 64

>> No.6400262
Quoted by: >>6400282

Almost every leak these days is actually from a private discord but a thread on /v/ was the first I heard of it at least.

>> No.6400282
Quoted by: >>6400301

Discord faggots hoard them until someone leaks them in 4chan.

>> No.6400291

And they are all shit.

>> No.6400301

Works for me, as long as the discord fags remain suckers that let their shit get leaked everybody wins.

>> No.6400316
Quoted by: >>6401964

I know, kid. But there's no reason to use old software/hardware for emulation.

>> No.6400321


>> No.6400329

You are doing something wrong. See >>6399020

>> No.6400343

>assembly is not a programming language

>> No.6400379

nothing to do with this thread

>> No.6400439
Quoted by: >>6402045


Because DX12 first came out on those cards.

Did you really expect DX12 to run on an 8800GT?

>> No.6400446

>Wanna know what's even worse?
>Vanish cap doesn't have the dithering effect like on the N64.
It wasn't dithering. The N64 uses a noise pixel shader for the Vanish Cap. For whatever reason, the N64's GPU is quite unique that it allows noise as a shader input.

>> No.6400450
Quoted by: >>6400716

Is there a link for the source code of the port too (not the original decompilation)?

>> No.6400508

Better fork it and put it in GitLab or some shit before the inevitable takedown

>> No.6400549
Quoted by: >>6403434

"unoptimized source code" and compiler optimizations are not the same thing, though. Not even close.

>> No.6400561

You need to lurk moar if you dont know him so ill just point you to the book "Masters of Doom". Read it, its genuinely interesting and pretty comfy reading.

>> No.6400567
Quoted by: >>6400571

I wonder if speedruns.com will allow speedrunning using the PC port.

>> No.6400571

It's not an official port.
The iQue was only barely allowed because it's "officially licensed"

>> No.6400610

You never used 8 for more than a minute. I bet you also hate Vista and ME.

>> No.6400612

A mod or a fangame like this could already exist, it's just that devs don't want to work with that sort of 90s CG-I look

>> No.6400615
Quoted by: >>6403969

Really want them to scale the texture with nearest neighbor instead of making them blurry

>> No.6400624
Quoted by: >>6400635 >>6400727

>a console game
>without any ports until now
>has a smaller modding community than a PC game from 1993
are you actually fucking retarded? did any electricity even buzz at all in that peanut brain before you decided to out yourself as a faggot?

>> No.6400635
Quoted by: >>6400697

Super Mario 64 has a ton of romhacks.
The only console game with more hacks then Super Mario 64 is Super Mario World.
The community is there, they want to create content for it. If somebody creates an easy to use interface for modding I can see it taking off even more.

>> No.6400685


Smokes the same however invisibile cap mario has real transparency

>> No.6400697
Quoted by: >>6400804


Imagine a Mario Sunshine port to PC

>> No.6400702

>Switch HD remaster of Super Mario 64 gets cancelled because of a port of the vanilla game to PC

>> No.6400708

It's not done yet, and this PC port leak is based on an outdated version of the Decompile project.

>> No.6400710
Quoted by: >>6400717 >>6400735


>> No.6400716
Quoted by: >>6401375

Yes, he released it to mitigate malware concerns. No idea where it's at yet though.

>> No.6400717
Quoted by: >>6400917 >>6401375

Doesn't work with the OpenGL version

>> No.6400718


>> No.6400727

I think you must have drastically misinterpreted my post somehow, I think it's very clear that I'm imagining the possibilities of a widely moddable PC port of Super Mario 64, and that I'm smiling at the idea of a scene that's only a tenth as big, implying that's still a lot.

Don't go off half-cocked.

>> No.6400735

That's just fullscreen.

>> No.6400736

Already asked in the other thread but was wondering if people have answers here:

I do wonder if we could have a temporary fix for 60 fps by literally putting 0.5 in front of all of those "current framerate" calls in the code and then just limit it to 60 FPS in GPU's control panel. Do any C-fags know if this is possible?

>> No.6400794
Quoted by: >>6404439

Somebody get on this, it would actually be hilarious if it was this simple of a fix

>> No.6400804

I imagine it would still be shit

>> No.6400824
Quoted by: >>6400837

Is there any way to force a custom window size?
It's nice that it supports resizing, but I don't want to have to do it whenever I open the game.

>> No.6400835

how to play with my saturn 3D controller? With a controller the game always expects an analog pad for the C buttons but I want to map to the dpad.

>> No.6400837
Quoted by: >>6400874

I don't know if it supports automatic sizing upon boot tho

>> No.6400874
File: 1.07 MB, 1282x752, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6400928

Thanks, this is really useful.
Had to use a custom resolution (1282x752) to account for Win10 window decorations, but it's perfect after that.

>> No.6400914


Now do it for 120hzfags

>> No.6400917
Quoted by: >>6400928

Borderless gaming

>> No.6400924
Quoted by: >>6400956

Just use the OpenGL build, it's not broken.

>> No.6400928


>> No.6400956
Quoted by: >>6400975

I'd imagine it'd be 0.25. I don't know much about C so yeah.

Still doesn't support framerates higher than 30.

>> No.6400961
Quoted by: >>6400969 >>6400973

No, the problem is the leaked PC version starts with the demo sequences and not the mario head.

>> No.6400969
Quoted by: >>6400975 >>6400976

i have a version with the mario head if you want it.

>> No.6400973
Quoted by: >>6400975 >>6400976

here: https://files.catbox.moe/0kb0ss.7z

>> No.6400975
Quoted by: >>6400982 >>6401209

It doesn't, but you don't need to limit the framerate at all.

That's the latest build, isn't it?

>> No.6400976
Quoted by: >>6400993

Is it the DX12 version? I can't run that.

>> No.6400982

not sure, i just got it off some dude on twitter

>> No.6400993

unfortunately i think it is

>> No.6401209
Quoted by: >>6401326

>latest build
Shit, the port’s already been updated since release?

>> No.6401220

I wonder how much shit would need to be rewritten to let the game use a variable framerate.

>> No.6401252

stop eating your nails, negro

>> No.6401274

Wrong. And none of these files are included with the source code

>> No.6401282

Before shit leaked they were going to make a tool that decompiled a rom and build the port, dunno if they are still going to make it. This would avoid any legal trouble.

>> No.6401289

This is really fucking cool. I love how amazing the music and sounds are. Perfect clarity, no emulation inaccuracies. And no input lag at all.

>> No.6401326
Quoted by: >>6401435

where are the latest builds?

>> No.6401330
Quoted by: >>6401342 >>6401394

The link is down for the Windows 10 version, does the Windows 7 version work fine on W10 and above?

>> No.6401336

How long until the ray traced version comes out?

>> No.6401342
Quoted by: >>6401364


The only difference is that it uses OpenGL. It will work fine. Fullscreen seems to be broken, though.

>> No.6401364
Quoted by: >>6401370

I'm sure the DX12 version will be impressive at some point if someone ever figures out how to add data to the textures that says what material they are instead of it all just defaulting to the shiny metallic that raytracing seems to do currently on the game.

>> No.6401370
Quoted by: >>6401385 >>6401492

I think the reason the current "raytracing" looks so bad is because it's just a shitty reshade filter.

>> No.6401375

The game supports any resolution like a proper PC game. Press F11, or set fullscreen to true in the config (start the game, close it, then edit the config. it'll overwrite it if you edit while it's open)

Did you even read the thread, dummy? It was linked here: >>6398090

>> No.6401385

To be honest I don't know enough about how it all works but I always assumed that raytracing essentially needs to be told by the game how certain things work.
Also there's different levels of it, because like Quake II RTX has dynamic shadows and all kinds of shit and the raytracing in something like MW2019 is just like, better reflections.

>> No.6401387

Shu tthe fuck up stupid hacker stip trying to spread you'rr virus

>> No.6401394

There's no Windows 7/10 version, they are just different builds with different graphical APIs. OpenGL works on anything that supports it, DX12 doesn't work on 8 and before because they don't have native DX12 support.

>> No.6401435
Quoted by: >>6401448

No idea lad. From the wording of the post it looked like there are new builds out (which I have no idea if that’s true or not)

>> No.6401448

if someone is in the discord server they will know

>> No.6401473

It would be cool if this project did something similar to Doom 64 EX where it extracts all the important copyrighted stuff from a ROM file and puts it in a data file which is then ran by the source port. I don't personally get upset when I have to pirate 20 year old games to play them but I know people who don't like it.

It would be nice to have the option for someone to rip their own copy of Mario 64 to play it on their PC. And the non-crazy people can just download a ROM. Plus, having all the juicy content in a seperate data file might lead to more modding capabilities.

>> No.6401492
Quoted by: >>6401536

I tried it on Doom 2016 and it looks ridiculously good in some places. You can see the light of fire flickering off of burnt corpses, it is just a post processing layer, which oddly leads to UI elements being covered by shadows in some cases, but it is viewing what is being rendered and calculating lighting based on that. It's pretty wicked with the right settings and games.

Even better, you can get them for free on yiff party.

>> No.6401536
File: 89 KB, 726x590, 1372833704141.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6401737

>yiff party

>> No.6401540


>> No.6401549
File: 22 KB, 710x399, charlton.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6401556

We should be thankful patents are still 15 (?) years after all this time. Corporations lobbied for this infinite copyright shit and we have no way out, 40 years is pretty reasonable and it carries out the original intent of copyright laws.
I love how the internet shows organically how the current copyright term is bullshit and how the original ideas for copyright law hold up... old ROMs, TV show recordings, etc. are already "public domain" and cultural artifacts even if the law says otherwise.

>> No.6401556
Quoted by: >>6401581

Those roms were "public domain" in your sense the day the were released and sometimes even before that.

>> No.6401558

Man. That 24 years worth of beta testing was really worth it...

>> No.6401569

opengl on windows 7 runs great with my wii u pro controller

>> No.6401581
Quoted by: >>6401598

Don't build strawmen as arguments, anon, that's really rude.

>> No.6401594
File: 24 KB, 640x480, DU16_tDWkAItsiz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6401610 >>6401627

yeah so i have brain damage and i plugged my PS4 controller in, used X360CE and uhhh none of the controls work

>> No.6401598

No, quite literally, some people thought those were shareware material from the get-go, while others chose to look for ways to buy them--and nothing whatever has changed.

>> No.6401609

I hope someone fixes the skybox.

>> No.6401610

Use DS4Windows.
Remember to calibrate your sticks in the Panel Control afterwards.

After that it turns into plug in and play.

>> No.6401627
File: 67 KB, 960x960, 77363888_154373702602312_1735738211507896320_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My DS4 just plugged and works like butter. Tf did you need the X360 shit

>> No.6401631

I'm still waiting for one of these for Ocarina of Time or Majora's Mask, this has so much potential.

>> No.6401636
File: 23 KB, 644x118, lol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol sure

>> No.6401643
Quoted by: >>6401698

If they cant ported to the PS3, they cant to a toaster

>> No.6401661

>Nuts 64

>> No.6401694
Quoted by: >>6401698 >>6401749

As much as I'd like this to happen, the soul needed for a community like that can't be recreated in current year anymore.
I just pray SM64 and the Zeldas get QoL adjustments, and a couple of mods.

>> No.6401698
Quoted by: >>6401713 >>6401829

ps3 cant handle it?
why not?

>> No.6401713
Quoted by: >>6401749

Mostly three reasons:
Patreon, Discord, and corporate bootlickers.

>> No.6401723
Quoted by: >>6402364

This and the leaks are revenge for not paying royalties for the 6502 in the nes, commdore could still been around if they did.

>> No.6401737

It's a patreon grabbing site. You can find stuff that would normally be hidden behind paywalls.
The name I presume comes from furfags, but the site itself is fine.
Absolutely zero chance this will happen with Nintendo's copyright policies + Doom being less intensive of a game

>> No.6401749

You're half right, but you're still an idiot.

It won't happen because SM64 and Doom have completely different requirements. Doom is a 2d game set on a psuedo-3d map with sprites for fucking everything. It's playable via software rendering on first generation iPod nanos.

SM64 has actual 3D environments with polygons. Polygons! You're not gonna make that happen on mp3 players. iPod nanos can barely animate a rotating 3d cube.

>> No.6401764

Retroarch core when? lol

>> No.6401829
Quoted by: >>6402023

The PS3 is a Pain in the ass to code, and you need to rewrite opl for PS3. Is a challenge

>> No.6401861

Where does it say Windows 10? Lol you projectionists are gold.


>> No.6401870

Anyone else having problems with the OpenGL version? Mine crashes on startup (even tried running as admin) without throwing any errors.

>> No.6401891
Quoted by: >>6401905

works on my machine :)

But srsly tho, I've tried both the OpenGL and DX12 versions on Win10 and I've been able to collect several stars no problem

>> No.6401905
Quoted by: >>6401934

forgot to mention that you might need to update your drivers

>> No.6401919
Quoted by: >>6401931 >>6402248

Not gonna happen. The reason Doom is so easy to port is that it uses software rendering. If you have a compiler for the system, you know how to read input, and you understand the format the device's framebuffer uses you're all set. On the other hand, this version of SM64 uses OpenGL. You'll need a 3D acceleration chip, or a processor beefy enough to run a software implementation. That's not something you'll find on most embedded systems.
While reading the source for writing this comment, I noticed some ifdefs for WebAssembly. Seems the porter was planning to make it playable in the browser. (that could mean they restricted themselves to OpenGL ES compatible code, which gives a bit of hope of running it on some fancier embedded hardware, but I don't know enough about GL to be sure)

>> No.6401931


>> No.6401934
Quoted by: >>6401948 >>6402028

>last driver update was in 2016
Welp it was nice knowing you lads

>> No.6401948

rip my dude, what are your specs?

>> No.6401950
Quoted by: >>6401973 >>6401981

So since the port was made after 1999 its noh retro right?

>> No.6401964
Quoted by: >>6402041

For a board that's obsessed with playing games on aging hardware, that's a weird stance but ok.

>> No.6401973
File: 74 KB, 400x480, 1438758363443.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this shit again

>> No.6401976
File: 248 KB, 1703x939, MV5BMDU5ZGFmOWMtM2ZjNC00YzMxLWJhZDAtYzJiNzgzMjI2OWFkXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNTAyODkwOQ@@._V1_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6401990 >>6401994

Someone posted the source for this PC port? NOT the disassembly for the rom, but for this port specifically

>> No.6401981

Shut up, faggot.

>> No.6401985

Run in compatibility mode try atleast back to XP SP3

>> No.6401990
File: 75 KB, 250x250, Tomoyo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's all here, bud.

>> No.6401994


>> No.6401998
Quoted by: >>6402046 >>6402136


Think I found an error

In "Dire dire docks pole jumping for 8 red coins" the poles or the textures arent loading. I cant complete this star.

>> No.6402023

>and you need to rewrite opl for PS3
what the hell are you talking abouf

>> No.6402028
Quoted by: >>6402084

Intel HD Graphics? Should be working, works on mine at least. OpenGL should be working on any ancient card anyway.

>> No.6402041
Quoted by: >>6402049

Why would anyone want to use broken, inaccurate piece of shit emulators from 20 years ago? It's just retarded.

>> No.6402045

Well I certainly didn't expect to be obligated to use cutting edge hardware to run a port of a 1996 console game but here we are.

>> No.6402046
Quoted by: >>6402136

Tried both builds? They use the same save file, so just copy over and test

>> No.6402049
Quoted by: >>6402093

holy seething, batman, this must be what goes through byuu's mind rent free

>> No.6402084
Quoted by: >>6402097 >>6402251

Yep, Intel HD. It’s on a Sandy Bridge i5 and the graphics are on OpenGL 3.1 (the highest it can go). Speaking of OpenGL, we know what version of DirectX to use so why not OpenGL? Not all programs run on all versions of OpenGL.

>> No.6402093

Why do zoomers love these buzzwords so much? And who the hell is "byuu"? The strawnman helping you to cope with your insecurities, I assume?

>> No.6402097
Quoted by: >>6402110

Yeah, I dunno then. Mine is a Haswell, that must be why it runs fine here.

>> No.6402105

Now its time to port gbc to PC

>> No.6402106

Byuu is the guy that made bsnes/higan.

>> No.6402110

Wiki says Haswell goes up to 4.3, could possibly be SM64 does in fact have an OpenGL version requirement.

>> No.6402127

download links not working

>> No.6402131
Quoted by: >>6402246

which doesn't work nor the main one

>> No.6402135
Quoted by: >>6402137

then why don't you fucking pirate Win10 you dumb motherfucker

>> No.6402136


I just realized the problem was between the keyboard and chair.

You cannot complete that star before beating Bowser in the lava sea.

>> No.6402137
Quoted by: >>6402151

You don't even have to pirate W10, you can legitimately use it for free forever.

>> No.6402145

Software rendering when? That way it would work on every single piece of shit under the Sun. DX9 would be fine too, since even fucking Windows 98 supports it.

>> No.6402151
Quoted by: >>6402249

I know, i got mine when it was free because I'm not a dumb fucker like that guy who uses PIRATED WIN 8.1. Not even 7 or 10, 8. By god, the retards that I share this site with

>> No.6402156

Does the settings file recognize other commands or no?

>> No.6402161

its dead

>> No.6402167

in both cases, the end result is machine code
you can turn a game made in assembly into c code, since what you're doing isn't actually "turning it back into what it was", but rather "turning processor-specific machine code into a more abstract programming language"
some elements of the machine code may make it easier to turn back into the same language it was made from, but that's about it

>> No.6402181

I’d like to see this too. Imagine seeing the game running on the SGI Onyx/Indy.

>> No.6402239
Quoted by: >>6402365

There's an opengl version that runs on everything already.

>> No.6402246
File: 646 KB, 1024x768, 1588462967843.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6402321

I'll admit that I haven't tested it across a range of hardware yet. Just my main system, which is running a GTX 1070, on Windows 10, and a Lubuntu VM. So it may be running on the latest version of OpenGL for all I know.
Apparently there's an SDL version that runs on Win98 that was being worked on, but I haven't seen that one leak yet.

>> No.6402248

So you're telling me... *Smacks lips"... We need to make a chunky software rendered Mario 64

>> No.6402249

It's still free the guy is just retarded

>> No.6402251

Run compatibility mode windows xp sp3 keep working your way up

>> No.6402321

this screenshot is so comfy

>> No.6402363
Quoted by: >>6402471

how hilarious would it be if someone ported this to the switch? fuck nintendo for not doing it already.

>> No.6402364

>revenge for not paying royalties for the 6502 in the nes
They licensed Ricoh to make the NES CPU, they got their cut. Commodore died since they tried to stay in the personal computer market after DOS had wiped out all competition. And rather than actually make some serious hardware to do it, they just brought out slightly faster CPUs and a new graphical hardware setup that had ghosting when scrolling while everyone on PC was enjoying Doom. Same retardation that lead to the death of Atari prior to the Jaguar.

>> No.6402365

Seems to be Open GL 4.x which doesn't run on everything.

>> No.6402387
File: 35 KB, 491x489, 1541929984777.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All these "mario.exe" files look like a fuckin virus man, I know they're probably not, but with that filename it brings me back to highschool days when all virus executables were named "game.exe", "lostboy.exe". And windows SmartScreen popping up telling me not to open it only makes it worse.

so anyway, do any of these ports run at 144fps yet?

>> No.6402395

Game logic is tied to 30fps, since it was a console game, and even reaching that was difficult at time. Could be fixed in time, but we'll have to see.

>> No.6402413

Do you not have proper scanners to use?
Jesus Christ.

>> No.6402441
Quoted by: >>6402470

Isn't SmartScreen that thing from Internet Explorer, from like 15 years ago? Are you ok dude?

>> No.6402470
Quoted by: >>6402473

smartscreen is the thing that pops up asking if you want to run something and it should really never be turned off.

>> No.6402471


We have the switch sdk so its possible I guess. Just have to find an autist with enough time to do it.

>> No.6402473
Quoted by: >>6402480 >>6402484


Smartscreen is entirely passive and in the background and works with windows defender.

What youre thinking of is user access control.

>> No.6402480

It is your own fault for using Windows 10.

>> No.6402484

you right, my bad.

>> No.6402509

What do you lads think the port needs in order to be truly perfect/complete?
>game logic no longer tied to fps
>adding a software renderer as >>6402145 suggests
>controls can be remapped either ingame or simply making the process easier
>graphics settings like anti-aliasing and various texture filtering options (leave all the NINTENDO HIRE THIS MAN shit to reshade)

>> No.6402516
Quoted by: >>6402567 >>6402781

>fps fix
>skybox fix
>camera fix
>smoke fix

>> No.6402524
File: 62 KB, 320x371, 1582922657226.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this entire thread seems a bunch of AIs talking to each other

>> No.6402530
File: 99 KB, 756x1075, 61oxzPhd4KL._SL1075_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A Switch port of this gem.
I'll be $60, plus tip for the SMW as DLC.

>> No.6402567

You can't fix what isn't broken. Nintendo 64 has a way different hardware than what you would expect from your modern PC and render things differently. If you want hardware accuracy, wait for emulators to improve, which is kinda likely to happen due recent leaks.

>> No.6402572

Weird Smoke Bug Fixed In Super Mario 64

>> No.6402578

>literally a ROM of a collection of old games
Sad, and probably true. It's curious that that's not on the Switch SNES platform, though the games of which the compilation makes up are on there. The ISO for that is like 2MB lmao.

>> No.6402584


>> No.6402586

>3 minute video about a 5 second fix
What the fuck

>> No.6402608

God, this was so retarded

>> No.6402665
Quoted by: >>6402674

I tried to remap the analog buttons to the arrow keys using the directx scankeys but they don't work
What I am doing wrong?

>> No.6402674
Quoted by: >>6402721

wasd jkm, plus the numpad are the default keyboard controlls. Just get autohotkey or something and remap them to whatever you want. It can even be automatic and application exclusive.

>> No.6402707

I thought you was talking about another thing that only real hardware could do right, like the teleporting dithering.

>> No.6402721

Will try that, thanks anon

>> No.6402748

Thanks, working great!
Any chance of compiling a x86 version?

>> No.6402776

>Control the camera properly with the right analog stick on Xbox controllers
>Don't force the player out of levels when they get a star

>> No.6402781
Quoted by: >>6402959

>>smoke fix
How do you know Nintendo didn't notice and decide it's better to misinterpret the texture? Then it wouldn't really be a "fix" to change it.

>> No.6402837

All of those things can be fixed.

>> No.6402959

Shut the fuck up

>> No.6402972


Is there a shader that mimics the old 90's CGI render style? The Plastic/Play-doh shading in Link's Awakening Switch would probably look close enough with some tweaks. Would be really cool and unique to play in that retro rendering style.

See POVRAY for more of the 90's CGI style.

>> No.6402986
Quoted by: >>6403129

From what I can tell Phong shading is a key element of that retro CGI look.

>> No.6403029
Quoted by: >>6403098

the video is still rendered through an emulator video plugin, because while the game code is now x86, the game's engine is still spitting out graphics data in the format used by the n64's rdp
it's not like recompiling the game code magically makes it directx/opengl compatible

>> No.6403073

>It uses 50 percent of my 2080 and 30 percent of my 3700x at the opening castle area
ahahahahaha. quality programming. and you're stupid enough to run it. amazing.
it's great to see /vr/ is still full of absolutely stupid fucking morons.

>> No.6403096


>> No.6403097

Did anyone have any luck compiling on Windows? I followed the pastebin guide, but I get errors about missing SDL files.

>> No.6403098

Didn't say it was perfect, I said it was better than what you would achieve by using any currently available emulator.

>> No.6403105

As pointed out already, it runs on integrated graphics using less GPU cycles that decoding a video would. He's either lying or something is broken on his setup.

>> No.6403110
File: 327 KB, 661x529, 2020-05-06-174406_661x529_scrot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6403262

he's lying or doing something terribly wrong, because i've got the windows version here running in wine on a 12 year old core2duo laptop with integrated graphics, and it uses 20% cpu tops

>> No.6403112

>Nintendo 64 has a way different hardware than what you would expect from your modern PC

Not really.
That is, it's nothing that cannot be reproduced faithfully with shaders. Even native fixed-function OpenGL games are basically emulated through shaders today, so the point is rather moot.

>> No.6403129
File: 76 KB, 650x450, LinearRendering-Infinite3DHeadScan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not just phong shading, as that would make all newer games look like this.
Rather, it's a mix of high-density geometry and shadows combined with a simple and flat ambient term.
Gamma-space rendering also feeds into that CGI look, which is what gave mid-2000 games their distinctive look.

>> No.6403152
Quoted by: >>6403168 >>6403172

Is it possible to open, decompile, and extract the mario.exe file for I want to use this port as a gate way for me to mod, edit, and possibly port this port to other devices like wii u homebrew and android devices.

>> No.6403159

Just do whatever Doom 3 did

>> No.6403167
File: 304 KB, 687x549, Super Mario 64 PC-Port.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really makes you think.
Celeron G1820 + Intel HD btw

>> No.6403168

If you have to ask, no. Anyway, the source is available above.

>> No.6403172

I want a port for the RG350

>> No.6403254
Quoted by: >>6403267 >>6403306

yea, it's called a raytracer
we're not there yet as far as rendering things like >>6398276 in real time

>> No.6403262

My laptop gets hot when web browsing and playing this game I don't get the usual warm sensation in my pants area when I do anything else on my laptop. Legit.

>> No.6403267
Quoted by: >>6403271

Doubt that this is raytraced. It wasn't that common at the time, not even the first Toy Story movie was raytraced.

>> No.6403271

It's just a still image, so I'd assume it's possible.

>> No.6403274

hello i want one mario please

>> No.6403302

Asking the real questions

>> No.6403306

No, it's not. The lighting is clearly fake, just look at the red steel beams.

>> No.6403434

Dude stop being an idiot, and make a simple search on the decomp discord, and you'll see them talking about how Mario 64 devs used the special -g flag that bypassed any compiler optimization, jerkass.

>> No.6403602
Quoted by: >>6403889

>why do youth have stupid lingo?!
Do you just forget your elders complaining about the same thing?

>> No.6403618

There's a WebGL port of it now too: https://super-mario-64.surge.sh

If you get no audio it looks like spam clicking the bottom black area while it loads can get it working

(posted in wrong thread before, deleted that post now)

>> No.6403702

How to enable wireframe mode?

>> No.6403706

What is a symbol file?

>> No.6403710

I used to remember when seething was butthurt and cope was damage control.

>> No.6403714
Quoted by: >>6403985

Post the i386 Linux deb

>> No.6403717

whos got the new sauce?
>hurr durr keep it a secret before nintendo delet this
no fucking retards they will delete it eventually anyways. We should be spreading, uploading and reuploading it as much as possible before that day comes

>> No.6403736
Quoted by: >>6403893

“byuu” is some weeb tranny or something

>> No.6403745

Can't wait for the 3ds port because fuck Mario 64 DS

>> No.6403778

Why do you look up the buzzwords then if you don't understand it.

>> No.6403889

The lingo of "my generation" was just as stupid so it's not that

>> No.6403893

t. entitled fuckface who thinks he's above gratefully inserting his head into byuu's cannibalized cervix

>> No.6403905

So the source is already available, but has anyone put it on gitlab and began adding advanced features?

>> No.6403916
Quoted by: >>6405087

Project64-like keyboard controls for sm64config.txt
Have fun, bros!

fullscreen false
key_a 45
key_b 46
key_start 28
key_r 31
key_z 44
key_cup 71
key_cdown 79
key_cleft 83
key_cright 81
key_stickup 328
key_stickdown 336
key_stickleft 331
key_stickright 333

>> No.6403929

If they made a nice package with all of the versions available, fds, nes, snes and included, Mario Bros, Donkey Kong, SMW, Yoshi's Island and Mario Kart then yes id pay for that, Basiacally an 8-16bit complete Mario Package where you select the game then the version/region you would like to play

>> No.6403969

This, would be nice if there was an option for it.

>> No.6403978

Mac build when?

>> No.6403985

Seconding this, would love to test on old laptop!

>> No.6403993

Not bad, but indirect lighting is way too strong.

>> No.6404002
Quoted by: >>6404056 >>6404278

I was 'clinging to' Win7 until the start of this year. I honestly still would be, were it not for shit like this.

It's not a matter of being a luddite, it's a matter of the new versions of Windows having no benefits over the old ones that aren't artificial. DirectX 12? The only reason Windows 7 doesn't support it is because Microsoft don't want it to, because they want to bully their users into an upgrade that would otherwise be unnecessary.

>> No.6404056

The only way that you're going to to DX12 features and not use windows 10, would be using the DXVK compatibility layer on GNU/Linux implemented with such thing as Lutris and Proton

>> No.6404245

Stop replying to /v/ermin zoomers.

>> No.6404278

DX12 is useless anyway, there's only like half a dozen DX12 exclusive titles and they are all from Microsoft, sold on Windows Store, and Forza is probably the only one worth playing. Everything else supports DX11 and/or Vulkan.

>> No.6404313
Quoted by: >>6404624

Can somebody help me compile this on Mac? It complains about being unable to extract the assets from my base rom, even though I have baserom.us.z64 right there in the same folder.

>> No.6404352

I thought of another one while looking at pictures of devices running DOOM ‘93: optional touch controls for stuff that doesn’t have enough buttons to play the game (phones, smart fridges, etc).

>> No.6404439

just implement delta time bro

>> No.6404624
File: 86 KB, 750x1000, 1560172235940.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6404632
Quoted by: >>6404649

>download links are dead
well, looks like I can't play it anymore

>> No.6404649

There are more links ITT

>> No.6404656

What? I thought I'd finally give it some use. Surely better than using it for work.

>> No.6404680

shut up /g/ay nigger, anon needs help

>> No.6404689
File: 1001 KB, 1366x768, 64-Linux-webGL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>6404772 >>6404860

Wow, the web client works great on Linux. No they just need to add audio and online multiplayer with text chat. That would be amazing.

>> No.6404724
Quoted by: >>6404772 >>6404860

Is sound supposed to work? Everything else is good but that.

>> No.6404772
Quoted by: >>6404860

Nevermind, the audio works. I'm a retard who had his audio muted.

>> No.6404821


>> No.6404860
Quoted by: >>6404876

That's cool as fuck.

Audio doesn't work here

>> No.6404876

Nevermind, my browser was blocking audio by default

>> No.6405087
Quoted by: >>6405523

Fukkin thank you anon, I needed that stick movement controls

>> No.6405523

No problem, glad it helped you.