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File: 212 KB, 660x485, mario_world_review_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4304454 No.4304454 [Reply] [Original]

Why do people seem to prefer Mario World over Mario Bros 3?

World is still a great game and one of the best platformers ever made, but it kinda lacked in environmental variety imo compared to Super Mario Bros 3.

>> No.4304472

SMB3 is shit compared to SMW.

>> No.4304510
Quoted by: >>4308593

World is too slippery
Movement in SMB3 is much for precise

>> No.4304514
Quoted by: >>4304532

Because World is easier and therefore more accessible.

>> No.4304532

This. The ice area in Mario 3 is harder than anything in Mario World. I remember the cloud area in the sky being difficult too.

>> No.4304534

Because casual scum prefer World.

>> No.4304535
Quoted by: >>4305349 >>4312342

I prefer SMW level design.

>> No.4304536

World is prettier with better music

>> No.4304537
Quoted by: >>4304539

For me it's the art style, and SMW being slightly easier and more focused on finding secrets.

>tfw casual scum

>> No.4304539
Quoted by: >>4305762

It's okay, anon. There are more of us casual scum than there are of them. The games are made for US and never forget it!

>> No.4304553

Never had World, so it's still foreign to me. I strongly prefer the 8 bit design, because of its efficiency. What can I say? I enjoyed the sharp contrast and flat shading. SMW had room for improvement visually. Just look at your screenshot, how you can see the background under the pipe. Sloppy. Sometimes with a limited canvas you can flesh out the potential better. Yoshi's Island had superb design though.

>> No.4304560
Quoted by: >>4304562 >>4309727


World's better because it's so much easier to pick up and play. You can freely go where you want and replay stages so you don't feel like you need to play the game for a few hours to get to Big World for example. Plus I just generally like the music, art and feel of the game more.

I do like some stuff about Mario 3, like the hammers bros suit and the increased difficulty. But for my money World is where it's at.

>> No.4304562
Quoted by: >>4304721

that's why the warp whistles exist

>> No.4304714
Quoted by: >>4308052

Replaying levels >>>> everything else

>> No.4304721
Quoted by: >>4309727


Right but even with the warp whistles I can't go where I want and play the stages I want.

>> No.4304731

I like the physics and the speed of World compared to 3, I don't care if it's easy pr whatever, it's a joy to play.

>> No.4304884

It might be a generational thing. If you never owned an NES but owned an SNES, you'd probably play World first and think it's better.

>> No.4304894

there's just more shit to do in world

>> No.4304962

I had Super Mario All Star + World, and I've always preferred Mario 3 out of all the classic Mario platformers.

Mario World feels more like an "adventure", while Mario 3 is more of a "quest." I don't think either game is objectively superior, they both took the Mario formula in different directions, and they did it well.

>> No.4305005

We owned a NES with all three SMB games before we got a SNES and I still prefer Super Mario World because of all the new stuff it brought to the table and because of how mind blowing it was when I first played it in the early 90s.

>> No.4305012
Quoted by: >>4305768 >>4307390

>Mario World feels more like an "adventure", while Mario 3 is more of a "quest."

What did she mean by this?

>> No.4305349

this. SMW has better level design, more fitting music. SMB3 might have more variety but quality > quantity.

>> No.4305351
Quoted by: >>4306283

I feel like most of them have to be speedrunners.

SMW seemed like an upgrade at the time, but honestly, it's babby's first platformer.

>> No.4305359

I never liked SMB3 at all growing up. It seemed really slow control-wise and slippery. I always preferred Yoshi's Island's tight controls. Never played SMW1 though.

>> No.4305762

It's so true, I wanna cry. Where my gamin' gone?

>> No.4305768

Adventures are more flexible with their freedom to do stuff, quests are more "start here go here done." I think thas what she meant anyway AND it's how I feel 'bout them too.

>> No.4306283
Quoted by: >>4307885

but smb3 is objectively the better speedrun out of the teo

>> No.4306713
Quoted by: >>4306818 >>4307075

I love both of course but world has more advanced mechanics. In fact even today It remains the only Mario game where you can throw shells upside

>> No.4306818
Quoted by: >>4306881 >>4311204

Too bad the level design is for 4 year olds. Source: the game was challenging and beatable to me when I was 4 years old.

>> No.4306853



>> No.4306863
File: 1.53 MB, 1535x2100, SMBBoxart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone's arguing between 3 and World and i'm over here like

>> No.4306874
Quoted by: >>4306894

in every thread there's always a hipster.

>> No.4306879
Quoted by: >>4306883 >>4311203

i like smb3 better than works because world was retard- easy and 3 had a little bit more of a challenge. im not a millennial tho

>> No.4306881

play kaizo or check out speed strats
they give the game incredible longevity

>> No.4306883

works = world

>> No.4306886
File: 17 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>secret exits
>Star Road
>different color Yoshi giving different powers
>massive interconnecting map

Super Mario Bros 3 is still good, bit there's so many variables in World that make it so much more fun to play.

>> No.4306894
Quoted by: >>4306898 >>4309731

wouldnt a hipster post smb2?

>> No.4306897

Super Mario 2 USA release is my favorite.

>> No.4306898

That Super Mario Bros 2 isn't its original name?
In Japan its known as Dopey Dwarf Parsnip! Shocking!

>> No.4307037

nope. i didnt know that. im a casual hipster idiot born in the early 2000s.

>> No.4307073

I agree with you.

>> No.4307075
File: 110 KB, 600x600, 1440047762700.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4312271

>even today It remains the only Mario game where you can throw shells upside
Super Mario Maker has upward throws.

I wish it were possible to talk about Super Mario Bros. 2 without people posting this tired old DYKG meme.

Super Mario USA is a great game, and it's a finished product; Doki Doki Panic was really just an unpolished beta version of Super Mario USA.

>> No.4307121
File: 78 KB, 800x640, mario_world_review_02.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Super Mario World was the last good Mario game.

Super Mario 64 is a shit game if you take off the nostalgia goggles, it has not aged well at all.

Mario works best in 2D and Nintendo knows it which is why they have gone back to making Mario games sidescrolling

>> No.4307373
Quoted by: >>4307423

Games don't age. It's exactly the same as when you liked it.

>> No.4307390
Quoted by: >>4307891

Always disregard her posts.

>> No.4307423

>It's exactly the same as when you liked it.
Concepts change.
While the game may physically be the same, inovative things can become outdated or stale.

>> No.4307865

The last good one was Yoshi's Island, but I agree.

>> No.4307885


I don't know what your criteria for that is, but I feel like SMW has more retarded tricks you can pull to shave the seconds, The kind if things that make Speedrunners jizz their pants, while SM3 is more of a vanilla thing.

>> No.4307891
File: 25 KB, 138x143, chris.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4307896

SM64 was bad on release. Nintendo and Sony fucked over gaming in the mid-90s with shitty style-over-substance shit like SM64.

I played it right before the N64 was released and thought Nintendo had fucked up bad. Imagine my shock when Nintendo viral marketed the living shit out of that garbage and paid reviewers to gush over it and people fell for it hook, line, and sinker.

>> No.4307961

>not liking sm64

>> No.4308052
Quoted by: >>4308987

this. always bothered me how you cannot play any level whenever on smb3.

>> No.4308593

You have a lot more control over your jumping momentum in world though. Going back to 1 and 3 practically feel like castlevania jumps sometimes.

>> No.4308596

No other game has done 3D movement as well and made it as fun as as Mario 64 did, even other 3D marios.

>> No.4308971

Phillips, Panasonic and Atari fucked over gaming in the 90's by pushing their shit cd graphics before the actual developers could perfect their new systems. Sony too a lil bit. And Sega a lil more. Actually, 3d cartridge graphics were too hard for people besides Nofriendo to develop. Cd's were easier and cheaper. Ah well, no point on dwelling on what coulda been....and there's enough games these days that there's at least ONE game for everyone out there.

>> No.4308987

You also cant save

>> No.4309001

>viral marketing
>in the 90's

>> No.4309091
File: 68 KB, 320x224, 1178640930302.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>SM64 was bad on release.

Fucking this. Mario64 felt more like an unfinished tech demo than something intended for consumer release.

Mario jumped the shark when he went 3D. So did Zelda and Metroid.

>> No.4309727

This is why the GBA version is the best. Once you beat the game, you can select any world and get to any stage you want. Plus them e-reader levels are an awesome mix of elements from other retro Mario games like vegetable throwing and Cape flying.

>> No.4309731

Then Shiggy Miyamoto is a hipster, since his favorite Mario game is Mario 2 (the USA Mario 2, yeah, the donkey donkey picnic reskin).

>> No.4310076

I prefer World's physics. Any >casual argument can be thrown out the window because I only play romhacks. Of which World seemingly also has more high quality ones than 3 does

>> No.4310685

I like World more because I can take it in spurts (save feature) while as 3 feels like I have to replay it from one over and over again. I know warp whistles are there but I like continuing where I left off.

>> No.4310824
Quoted by: >>4311201 >>4311963

YI > 64 > World > 3 > Land 2 > Land > 1 > 2

>> No.4311102
Quoted by: >>4311202 >>4317341

Does anyone else feel like SMW has some kind of inherent input lag? No matter what platform I try it on or which emulator, the controls always feel floaty. When I start a new game after a while of not playing I always have to get used to the timing for consecutive jumps first.

>> No.4311201
Quoted by: >>4311963

YI > World > 3 > Land 2 > 1 > Land > 2 >>>> every Mario game since 1995

>> No.4311202

Nah, it's just you.

>> No.4311203

It wasn't retard easy. More like it wasn't autist hard.

>> No.4311204

The winner of the e-penis length contest.

>> No.4311284
Quoted by: >>4311304

>Dopey Dwarf Parsnip
It was called doki doki picnic newfag

>> No.4311304

No. It was called Dully Dull Shitshit.

>> No.4311338
Quoted by: >>4311382

I was blindly anti-Nintendo as a kid because my entire neighborhood was for some reason, and only went back and played what I missed a few years ago, so I could look at it pretty objectively.

SM64 is literally the best 3D platformer to ever exist. If you don't like it, you just don't like its genre. And beyond that, it STILL has some of the best movement I've ever felt in a game, full stop.

Sorry you have shit taste.

>> No.4311351

Growing up with both when they were new, they each their own merits.

SMB3 feels like a bigger game and is fun as fuck to play co-op.

SMW has insane physics and feels slick to control. Yoshi and the powerups are fun as hell.

Both games are HUGE, but don't feel that way to most players unless they take the time to explore all the secrets -- which I love.

Between the two, I pick up SMW a lot more often. SMW levels were also my favorite in Mario Maker. It's just more fun to fuck around and control Mario. But if I were playing with friends, it's usually SMB3 because its just a better experience in a group.

In my ideal world, we'd get a "Mario Mania" game that plays like SMW with features from SMB3 and gives us all the characters and options of modern Mario with other content from across the series thrown in. Best of all worlds.

>> No.4311372 [DELETED] 
File: 29 KB, 250x243, 1498420560960.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gtfo /v/ nig

>> No.4311382
Quoted by: >>4312476


Mario 64 is a piece of shit platformer. Sunshine is even worse. Galaxy and 3D World are pretty good, though.

>> No.4311632

>which is why they have gone back to making Mario games sidescrolling
They're returning to the 3D formula with Odyssey though.

>> No.4311680
Quoted by: >>4311757

Because Super Mario Bros 3 is too difficult at the very end. SMW gets it right, to the point where I've unlocked every secret level and beaten every level.

>> No.4311739

never liked the art style or music in 3

World also has Yoshi and Star Road

>> No.4311757
Quoted by: >>4311758

you can break like every level in world 8

>> No.4311758


>> No.4311963
Quoted by: >>4312056 >>4312216

YI > 3 > World > 1 > 2(JP) > 2 (US) > 64 > Land 2 > Land

>> No.4312017

My literal first memory is playing SMB3 on NES with my big brothers and when we got World, we practically never touched 3 again. I don't want to say World is inherently better than 3, because even though they're both platformers they're ultimately very different games, but I hugely prefer world.

>> No.4312056
Quoted by: >>4312067 >>4312089

yoshi's island sucks.

>> No.4312067
Quoted by: >>4312089

Yeah this
Its shit

>> No.4312089

Yoshi's Island used to be my favorite, but last month I played through all the Super Mario Advance games in their release order (that is, 2 USA first, then World, then YI, then 3) and my least favorite was definitely Yoshi's Island. Every other game was fun and fast, whereas Yoshi's Island felt like most levels after the first world dragged on for too long. It's not just the collectathon aspect either, because 2 and World had collectathons added as extras and they still were fun, I think YI suffers from level designs that overstay their welcome.

My favorite was 3, although I enjoyed 2 and World immensely too.

>> No.4312216

YI is the worst Mario game ever made.

>> No.4312271
Quoted by: >>4312279 >>4312309

I don't know, maybe it's because it's easier, introduced a ton of new elements and it had replay value.

Why this particular entry on the series is used as weak bait in threads every day escapes me. It's a good game, it had its flaws, end of story.

Maybe in here, when I talk to my friends about SMB2 they only ask

>"Oh, SMB2? Do you mean Lost Levels or the other one?"

We generally try to avoid the stanky maymays such as this whole dorky danky panties shit or the whole ½ A presses thing if we can, and speaking of SM64, why does this place have to be so contrarian that it has to shit on every single Mario game just to prove they don't like it?

Also, what is this "Bing bing wahoo" meme?

Which is why everyone seemed to hate NSMB2 and NSMBU, right?
They're now aiming to make everything a sandbox-like game; it happened to Zelda and it wasn't that bad. I think we could at least give them some credit for trying different things, even if the contrarian pieces of fuck on this board don't like it in an ironic way.

>> No.4312279
Quoted by: >>4312286

>incredibly long post with reddit spacing and reddit opinions
Hard to believe you're not a trip

>> No.4312286
Quoted by: >>4312331 >>4312332

That was accidental, and how come it's "Reddit spacing"? It's ironic that you're calling me out for not using a trip when you're using one, too.
Oh, yeah, I forgot where I was, a place filled with nobody who's willing to give any serious discussion about anything.
I suppose now you'll want me to "tip my fedora"?

>> No.4312309

This post is a trainwreck

>> No.4312331

I'm not a tripfag okay, I'm a namefag. We're just as cancerous but the difference is that you can replace us and nobody can tell the diddley-ifference.
Also I suck so many dicks they had to install a nutrient drip directly into my stomach because I refuse to remove the dicks for even 2 minutes.

>> No.4312332

>ironic that you're calling me out for not using a trip when you're using one, too.
Lmao not him but that's not a trip you stupid fuck. Lurk more.

>> No.4312342
Quoted by: >>4318098

3's level design was tight, lean, and focused. Something about SMW's levels are loosey goosey and padded. Being able to fly forever never set well with me.

>> No.4312476
Quoted by: >>4312497

Galaxy was trash. They took away the exploration of 3D Mario but didn't have the level design of 2D Mario

>> No.4312497

There were things i enjoyed about galaxy but your points are some of the strongest I've ever seen in video game criticism.

>> No.4312529

World is a smaller and easier but arguably more polished experience while 3 is longer with far more variety, higher difficulty and way more interactive world map. Very obvious which title was the last on a console and which was a release title for a new one (harder to make because no previous art assets and new technology etc). I'd probably recommend world to anyone new to 2D mario and then tell them to play 3. Recently played through world and did the special levels in like 30min, only ever struggling a bit with the awful forest level where you have carry a trampoline thing while bouncing on cannon balls because holding the thing fucked up my jumps.

>> No.4313710

>Why do people seem to prefer Mario World over Mario Bros 3
They don't, majority of people recognize 3 as being the better Mario game.

>> No.4313814

Both World and 3 are 10/10
I like 3 better but that doesn't take anything away from World. Acting like one is infinitely better than the other is ridiculous

>> No.4314361

If you use the feather to fly over any level then you play SMW for the wrong reason.

>> No.4314457


Delicious. Would chomp on again.

>> No.4315726

SM64 was revolutionary and still holds up 10/10. Underage millennial confirmed.

>> No.4317253
Quoted by: >>4318013 >>4318086

I wonder if anyone's ever done a hack for SMB3 to make world traversal more open like the later games?

It would be cool to see SMB3 with a single interconnected map, level access determined with alternate exits, more concrete warp zones, etc.

>> No.4317341
Quoted by: >>4318206 >>4318225

what audio latency do you have your emulators set to?

>> No.4318013


I'll never understand the meme appeal of hub worlds and connected world maps.

>> No.4318085
File: 10 KB, 300x300, 1503876575186.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm with you op. I've found /vr/ is split fairly evenly, with perhaps a hair more in agreeance with us.

>> No.4318086
File: 45 KB, 480x320, advance.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Apparently the GBA version had a world map, so that's part-way there.

>> No.4318098

ffs you don't HAVE to use the cape just like you don't HAVE to use item2 in megaman. If the game is too easy for you with it then don't use it I fail to see the issue here

>> No.4318206
Quoted by: >>4318225


What does audio latency have to do with it?

>> No.4318225
Quoted by: >>4318286


And I don't think it's an emulator issue, I can single wall jump in Super Metroid and the game feels like on original hardware as far as I can remember. It seems to be the game itself.

>> No.4318286

It's literally you. Smw has the most precise jumping physics.

>> No.4318573

World is better but 3 is very good as well

>> No.4318574
Quoted by: >>4319675

NES was popular in america and japan
SNES was popular worldwide

>> No.4319667

SMW is better looking and more fun.

>> No.4319675

NES was definitely bigger man
You're forgetting Famiclones / Dendy / etc