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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 657 KB, 1920x1080, 1654252418191.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8975557 No.8975557 [Reply] [Original]

DOOM THREAD / RETRO FPS THREAD - Last thread: >>8968908

Gameplay, WADs/Maps/Mods, Source Ports
All other 90s FPS welcome
~ Let's post like gentlemen ~


(or Quake, Duke, Marathon, Thief, Deus Ex)

Same thing, in video format:

IWADs and more (>6 GB): https://mediafire.com/file/wuniyrhsjjgq4y8
PortaDOOM: https://github.com/Kroc/PortaDOOM/releases
Quake Trilogy (2020-11): https://pastebin.com/Ucb11XhU
Downloads for various /vr/ shooters. (Includes Doom, Quake, Douk, Blood, and more):
More /vr/ shooters:
Doom Shovelware:
Fileplanet archives:
Doom RPG series:
Doom 3 Resurrection of Evil:
4CHAN DOSPACK + Win98 games (pre-configured):


Vanilla/Boom: https://www.doomworld.com/forum/4-wads-mods/
ZDoom: http://forum.zdoom.org/viewforum.php?f=19
/idgames: https://www.doomworld.com/idgames/








>> No.8975559

512 LINEDEFS OF /vr/
Rules: https://desuarchive.org/vr/thread/8919280/#8920816
Map in Boom format (CL9)
Deadline is June 5th, 11:59 PM EST

400 MINUTES OF /vr/
Idgames: https://www.doomworld.com/idgames/levels/doom2/Ports/megawads/400minvr

Download it here
https://mega.nz/folder/LVlWVK5D#H5iqeD61bSItMIVeGqymTQ (Latest)

=== NEWS ===
[06-03] RAMP 2022 announced

[06-03] Action Quake is now free on steam

[06-02] JPCP2 has been announced

[05-30] 400 Minutes of /vr/ is on idgames

[05-28] Pandemonia 2.2 released

[05-26] Halo Doom: Evolved season 2 released officially

[05-26] Ante Mortem episode 1 released.

[05-19] Anon shares his MBF21 map

[05-18] The Force Engine 0.9 released

[05-17] Cancelled 40k FPS game released

[05-16] TrenchBroom updated to 2022.1-RC1

[05-13] John Romero is publishing an autobiography.

[05-09] DNF2001 leak is released
>>>/v/598471840 Duke is finally free!

[05-04] The Force Engine 0.9 release imminent

[05-04] Fartyguns 1.0 released

[05-01] DBP47: Dreamcatcher Apparatus is out now!

=== PREVIOUS ===


>> No.8975601

>[06-03] RAMP 2022 announced
CBM kino confirmed yet?

>> No.8975609
Quoted by: >>8975797 >>8976206

DBP48 has revolutionized doom modding forever

>> No.8975754

What wads are a good fit for DRLA?

>> No.8975797

this is so extremely aweomse i think its the ebst doom dbp ever. and i think the maps i made and the maps tat the otehrs made for tbis dbp are very awesoimettii abnd ut woirks very wekk with theb new assets its so nice , i really like it and i tihnk its going to become the most famous mapset of the doom community and i think that it will be more famous than brutal doom and alien vbendetta and all the otehr mods like complex doom and stuff like that. and the soundtrack is really nicve i think it is really the best doom wad ever and it is as good as dbp auger zenith.

>> No.8975871
File: 109 KB, 800x450, Screenshot_Doom_20220604_075200.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8975934 >>8976283


Update to 512 Nights in Arabia

Fixed the issue mentioned in the previous thread. Made some areas brighter so that hitscan enemies like the shotgunners and the chaingunners can be seen a bit more easily. One of the shotgunners is now accessible so now there's a second way to find a shotgun. The exit gate now lowers when activating it, making the exit delay feel less out of place.

>> No.8975918

I thought the numbers with the vertices were sometimes pretty hard to read. In principle I find it cool, but I think you'd need more space to do it that way.

>> No.8975934

>second way to get a shotgun
>exit gate lowers
based. two issues I had with it are already fixed

>> No.8975959
Quoted by: >>8976168

What's PerfectHatred.wad in the iDTech 1 archive?
It seems to just change the menu and the HUD slightly.

>> No.8976168

Ah, I see. I'm a big dum dum.
This is a Doom 2 WAD, I was trying to play it with Doom 1.

>> No.8976187
File: 35 KB, 750x898, uwu click.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lexicon i guess, more than plenty of space for collecting/crafting

>> No.8976193
Quoted by: >>8976843

Dunno, I guess it's hard to document every time he opens his mouth.

There is the time he invented DM maps that's very documented because just about all of the ex original-id staff called him out on that.

>> No.8976197

Slige/Oblige/Obsidian maps.

>> No.8976206
File: 122 KB, 350x310, what went wrong.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8976673

>looked it up
i don`t get it, isn`t it supposed to be some grand community-uniting project series or something? why is this one such a shitpost?

>> No.8976224
File: 89 KB, 366x205, actual trash.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8976240

>all weapon animation frames are at least 2 tic long

>> No.8976240
Quoted by: >>8976846

What mod?

>> No.8976250

A level set with lots of non-linear, optional areas, since that way you have all sorts of opportunities to find rare drops. Vanilla Doom 2 is rather excellent about this, with a lot of the more open city levels becoming treasure troves of goodies.

>> No.8976273 [DELETED] 

Late to the party, but lmao what an entitled schizo

>> No.8976283
Quoted by: >>8977736


Update 2 to 512 Nights in Arabia

One substantial and one small fix, I played on hardware mode all the time and I didn't notice that you can barely see shit on software mode, so I bumped the brightness up in the entire map by a bit so it should be just right. Moved the Pain Elemental near the Red Key a bit since it would notice the player too easily.

>> No.8976416
File: 2.98 MB, 1280x720, Closer.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More progress. Now have two shitty maze generating algorithms of my own, as well as an optional tracker to tell you if you're getting closer or not. Want to add third option based on recursive division method, tweak the spawn options more and then I'm done.

Also maybe add in the win95 thing that flips the maze, except here it would just swap floor and ceiling textures

>> No.8976419


>> No.8976428
Quoted by: >>8976441 >>8976456

If ZScript is on the table you can definitely do the full flipping effect. I remember someone posting webms here of some sort of puzzle WAD where that was a central mechanic.

>> No.8976441

While I'm aware it is possible, it's out of the scope of my plans for this.

>> No.8976443
File: 519 KB, 1024x1024, Word cloud.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8976456

Corruption Cards has this for horizontal flipping.

>> No.8976501
File: 1 KB, 114x26, 1647270677565.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8976505
File: 239 KB, 800x600, SCREENSHOT SATURDAY BITCHES.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8976510

Does anyone know if I can refer to linedefs in ACS from just a sector? Specifically, I want to change the linedefs that form sector x

>> No.8976523
File: 21 KB, 204x186, Gun.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8976598 >>8976775

Feelin pretty good about this machine gun.


>> No.8976538
File: 143 KB, 1080x813, Screenshot_20220604-131604.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You now remember Tremor

>> No.8976539 [DELETED] 
File: 46 KB, 750x600, RESTINPOWER.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8976540

More like GZDumb lol

>> No.8976598

Those are some quality pew pews right there.

>> No.8976656

when's poomguy streaming poom again...

>> No.8976673

It's been discussed to death in the previous thread

>> No.8976775
File: 11 KB, 374x299, CannedMeatIsOnTheMenuBoys.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8976780

I played PR for the first time in a while, what is all this shit they added to it? How can I get my fix of turning the hallways into a splattered mess?

>> No.8976786

Looks like kino wad just dropped:

>> No.8976798

>be ribbiks
>spend your time on the most pointless doom gimmick imaginable

>> No.8976802

So does it spawn monsters and items randomly in the maze too?

>> No.8976831
File: 143 KB, 100x100, 1588089542210.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8976836

>be you
>spend your time on the most pointless post imaginable
Bit cringe, innit?
But yeh, I fukken luv Doom platfermin'. Fakken lush, eh wot? Burr oi.

>> No.8976836

Destroyed him
Faggots like you are what's wrong with the community

>> No.8976843

Yeah, that was a dipshitted thing to say.

>> No.8976846


>> No.8976856

Could do something like this https://forum.zdoom.org/viewtopic.php?f=43&t=60464 for the flip node maybe?

>> No.8976912
Quoted by: >>8976945

Honestly what is the fucker allowed to make? You guys make it sound like he can't make literally nothing because people focus on his popularity than what he actually makes.

>> No.8976914

>7 maps
>64,4 MB

>> No.8976916
Quoted by: >>8976924 >>8976935

What's the WAD for this image?

>> No.8976924

It's either the maze generator one anon is working on or its this.

>> No.8976928
Quoted by: >>8976958

Found an interesting tidbit with Super Metroid "Big Floid" that it would be nice to see it working on quake
they are immortal, they hit hard, but they can be used as platforms if you shoot them into holes or wall ledges

it would be interesting to see a map where you use them as platforms to reach certain spots of the map

>> No.8976935
Quoted by: >>8977013

An anon's maze generator. >>8976416
He hasn't shared the wip wad yet

>> No.8976945
Quoted by: >>8976994 >>8977012

Some Doomworlders are spiteful of Ribbiks since he ditched their place after winning a bunch of cacowards. I'm not saying it's dew or NotJabba making pot shots, but really, who knows?

>> No.8976958
Quoted by: >>8977072 >>8977128

The problem with that is you can't make monsters solid in a way that you can actually stand on and jump off of. You can only give them 'slidebox' solidity which forces you to slide off them... or gets you stuck trying.
The best you could probably do is have something like a func_togglewall that becomes solid once the Floyd touches a monster trigger inside of it. Not sure if he would be able to get out of it though.

>> No.8976983
File: 422 KB, 480x480, whip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gave hellrider another shot and finally got into it. holy SHIT is it fucking CRUNCHY.
no really, it`s pretty cool, but screenshake on loading every shell into the damn shotgun is a recipe for a headache.

>> No.8976994
Quoted by: >>8977063

I noticed something similar with Skillsaw when he released Heartland, though that also pissed off the monoport types.

>> No.8977012

I used to really dig doomworld, but they got progressively cliquey the last decade. I didn't join until late, I only ever lurked during their heyday, but I can see why someone might take off. I don't think any of them are actively bad people, but the entire environment doesn't feel welcoming.
Hell, here in the internet backwoods of /vr/ you get people encouraging others, offering unbidden and uncredited help. Despite the random jabs of "stfu faggot" and "lol kys" you might get the same dude helping you four posts later.
Impie did nothing wrong.

>> No.8977013

I plan on sharing what I have so far either tonight or tomorrow. Want to see if I can implement the third algorithm, but if that's too much work for me, I'll share as is while I take longer for that.

>> No.8977035
Quoted by: >>8977325

any place that seems even remotely good eventually falls to high school clique bullshit
it's why I'm here forever, you wouldn't know if I started posting 5 minutes ago or was actually carmack on his day off, you'd call me based/faggot all the same and it wouldn't even matter by next thread

>> No.8977046
Quoted by: >>8977126

Doomworld, ZDoom and DBP all have ego issues from the top-down and it really fucking shows these days.

Even with crap like the Ion Maiden sprite shit, where at least the first two lost their minds over ripping sprites for mods and trying to police when the community spent decades being ok with it. Shit really showed their double standards.

>> No.8977053

ribbiks is comfy

well people just jerk off to his hardest maps/wads and don't even play many of the things he cares about, so ...

anyway i played through this, was interesting and fun, and i love his music

>> No.8977063
Quoted by: >>8977070

Eternity Engine seems to get nearly as much hate as GZD wherever someone brings it up, idk why. Source port wars are 90% memery but these two get railed on autistically.

>> No.8977070

Eternity is just slow to get anywhere, which pisses some people off since it's got some impressive features you can't even replicate in GZDoom.

>> No.8977072

old maps did this trick in the past
the one i remember now is starship 1 and 2 by new manke where you had the frozen shamblers and the floating ice platforms.

>> No.8977076
File: 6 KB, 250x216, face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8977123 >>8977197

i did some googling and i was startled to discover there's no Doomseeker type experience for Duke Nukem 3D, what gives?

>> No.8977123
Quoted by: >>8977137

I am startled to discovered you haven't solved that problem yourself, what gives?

>> No.8977124
Quoted by: >>8977224 >>8977773

Deathkings of the Dark Shitadel.

>> No.8977126
Quoted by: >>8977131

>Even with crap like the Ion Maiden sprite shit
I missed that somehow. Weird thing to give a shit about.

>> No.8977128
Quoted by: >>8977213

>The problem with that is you can't make monsters solid in a way that you can actually stand on and jump off of.
You can. in either playerprethink or playerpostthink (havent touched code in awhile), check if the player's groundentity is a monster, and give them the fl_onground flag if so. then they can stand on it with normal physics.

>> No.8977131
Quoted by: >>8977134 >>8977203

Some of the community were doing spritework for it (dunno who apart from Mike12 though) and so people high up on those boards massively overreacted to it and started trying to police asset use in mods.

Shit was stupid as fuck and about thirty years too late to even try.

>> No.8977134
Quoted by: >>8977147 >>8977203

Where did this happen? ZDoom? Sounds like something Rachael would get involved in.

>> No.8977137

like i said, i didn't find an answer

check this out

>> No.8977138

Is there a decent scanline/CRT filter mod that works with Crispy Doom?

>> No.8977141
File: 1.32 MB, 1720x720, quake0699.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've finally released my singleplayer map BRUTAL BASE for Quake 2!

Download link:

Associated Twitters:

>> No.8977142
Quoted by: >>8980961

Also out of boredom, It turns out some SM tunes looks nice under SC-55
Lower Maridia/Rocky Maridia has a nice somber piano theme


>> No.8977147
Quoted by: >>8977203

Definitely ZDoom and I think to a lesser extent Doomworld
>Sounds like something Rachael would get involved in.
Nailed it.

>> No.8977159
File: 723 KB, 1920x1050, trainingmap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8977210

It's been month since I started this to get back into mapping and I still haven't finished this small map and it still sucks.

>> No.8977190
File: 232 KB, 1920x1080, Assyrian (Tomb) (4).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8977204 >>8977237

Progress is kind of slow on the maps themselves but it's happening. I went an added new pistol sprites (lifted from Ad Mortem and edited just a touch -- I hope that's fine if I give proper credit in the readme) and gave the breakable pots an art pass.

I'm going to figure out how webm works so I can give a short video demonstration on them -- i'm really happy with how they came out and I'd like for you to see them.

>> No.8977197

The game has a server browser. I'm pretty sure this is the same patch I used, it will allow you to see games on a master server.

>> No.8977203

Reminds me of an inverse of
>cybercultist sprite sheet
>ripped by TehMechzine96 2008
>plz give credit

>> No.8977204
Quoted by: >>8977237

What list of civilizations are you planning on covering?
This looks very promising.

>> No.8977210

looks great, keep it up

>> No.8977213

>check if the player's groundentity is a monster, and give them the fl_onground flag
Huh, I never would have thought of that. Would certainly make walking over knocked down zombies in Violent Rumble less annoying...
Kinda want to enable that for all monsters but I'm not sure if it would break any maps.

>> No.8977224
Quoted by: >>8977227 >>8977561

More like "Deathkings Of The have to look up a walkthrough on youtube after a fucking hour of scouring through every map because the puzzle solution was scrawled on a random wall with a slightly different tone of gray"

>> No.8977226
File: 51 KB, 640x360, etrn00.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

glorious 360p render resolution lmao

>> No.8977227
Quoted by: >>8977561

"Deathkings of The okay it's been about a minute or so since the last spawn already here's some more slaughtaurs retard"

>> No.8977229

Dude has already created more of his signature combat oriented wads than his disciples. At this point he can do whatever he wants.

>> No.8977232
File: 1.72 MB, 1920x1080, q2_0386.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8980961

Needless to say
this map feels at home using rogue or xatrix AI.

>> No.8977237
File: 412 KB, 1280x720, breakable pots.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And here's the pots! Breaking them is pretty fun, especially if you hit them with the shotgun or machinegun. Monster attacks break them too, so I've taken to sprinkling them around encounter spots so monsters end up breaking them. Hearing pottery breaking around the scene really adds to the verisimilitude of the fights.

Thanks! I want to have a focus on ancient civilizations -- the project's called Antiquity, so I'm targeting societies that existed around the Bronze Age. So far I have maps representing Sumer (Iraq), Assyria (Syria), and the Hittites (Turkey), but for the first episode release I'm planning on having Greek, Minoan, and Babylonian maps too. (There's going to be a secret Atlantis level as well.) I'm undecided on an Egypt map, as while it'd certainly fit the bill, Epic 2's already a thing and Egypt itself is a pretty standard Video Game Theme, and I'm looking to do something a little different.

The first release would focus on Mesopotamia and the Mediterranean, but I'd also like to get some European, Asian, and American cultures in too. Some of which I'm planning include the Jomon (Japan), Sheng (China), Harappan (India), Caral-Supe (Peru), and Olmec (Mexico).

>> No.8977247
Quoted by: >>8980961

>I've finally released my singleplayer map BRUTAL BASE for Quake 2!
HELL yes

>> No.8977260
Quoted by: >>8977270 >>8977272

I love mods where i can play as protagonists from other games, any good wads for these kinds of mods?
I'm tired of replaying doom 2

>> No.8977270

Literally Samsara

>> No.8977272

Maps with crouching and jumping in mind may make sense for build heroes througg Samsara, but I don’t know any of those offhand besides Diablus Ex.
Replaying Alien Vendetta with some mods isn’t always a bad idea, or just stick to your favorites.

>> No.8977312

Impie dug his own ban grave by releasing few political wads with radical opinions and then getting angry when receiving backlash. I do prefer more politically neutral enviroment, but what did this guy expect? Making meme alt-right wads is fine, but expecting praise and not criticism for mentioned wads on an enviroment that wants to stay in good touch with bethesda and romero is not realistic. He should just continue releasing wads on his website without expecting a mainstream success. Nsbm bands do not expect to get on radio either. Why should he? He's the nsbm artist of doom modding.

>> No.8977323
Quoted by: >>8977426

How about Iron Age civilizations for the last episode?
You could also do Phoenicians I guess.
Like Roman, Etruscan, Punic/ Carthaginian?
You could also have some more barbaric people, like Celts, Germanics, Iberians, Thracians/ Dacians, Illyrians, Scythians, Sarmatians.
Maybe the "civilized levels" could be a mix of tombs, urban environments, ruins and so on, and the "barbaric levels" could be more natural, open space, non-linear environments.
There's tons of potential in this.

>> No.8977325
File: 1.11 MB, 902x1200, hissywitch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8977426 >>8980961

what is your project called? You upload this anywhere else?
Congrats anon, brutalist architecture is sweet
Yup, /vr/os are really helpful, and any insults that are flinged around here are 90% harmless banter
That's what makes 4chan generals like this so great - you never give a fuck about who posts some random opinion, we only recognize usernames when they have content like maps attached - VRanon or Kegan or all of us who made doom maps and used nicknames in credits get no shit here because our use of trips/nicknames is justified - as soon as we stop posting content and instead post some opinion we are back to being random anons. Not having a circlejerk identity improves neutral discussion
There's also a drawback to that, since anonymous users have no problem posting absolute shit or fighting. Facebook groups are a polar opposite - you are attached to your true irl name which restrains you from too extreme stuff
Forums like DW and ZD are in the middle making them the worst since they share the cons of both chans and fb groups - you are not held back from acting like a tard since no one knows your real name, but you still got a nickname which allows cliques and circlejerks to form

>> No.8977337
Quoted by: >>8977402 >>8977437

Didn't he get banned after releasing a wad based on his wife's storybook? I recall some mod went in that thread with passive aggressive baits and the next time I checked it was gone.

>> No.8977345
Quoted by: >>8977380

Egypt has been used to death but can be interesting outside of pyramids/sphinx/mummies. Like the library of Alexandria.
Persia is the most underrated.
Carthage and Phoenicia are also interesting and have not been really explored.

>> No.8977364

>tfw I just found out somebody fixed Project MSX
Fucking awesome.

>> No.8977380

>Egypt has been used to death
>Literally in only serious sam and another game as far as I known has used egypt
>none of them go into ancient aliens or any of that weird type of shit or fantasy creatures based off the hieroglyphs or art at the pyramids and shit

>> No.8977398
Quoted by: >>8977408

There's also Dissolution of Eternity.

>> No.8977402

>Impie dug his own ban grave by releasing few political wads with radical opinions
>then getting angry when receiving backlash
Backlash wasn't reasonable. He had every right be be upset with the shit they were saying to him.
His wads weren't even that fucked. Dynamite Duchess was perfectly reasonable in it's balance, and everyone who got pissy about it didn't actually give it a fair shake.
>next time I checked it was gone
It was gone because it made nearly everyone except him look like a fucking dickhead. Because that's how they were acting. But he got to keep the ban, lol.
He didn't expect praise, and did expect criticism, but I don't think he expected people to essentially go "kys, you monster".
And the twats who were upset admitted to simply scouring the lumps in the .pk3 looking for shit to be upset about. Nah. That ban wasn't Impie's fault. How he caught a ban and MagicMushroomMan didn't for the same thread is beyond me.

>> No.8977408
File: 63 KB, 472x596, kill me pete if he was ginger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8977419

I forget quake even exists half the time

>> No.8977416

Impie plz

>> No.8977417

>>none of them go into ancient aliens
Besides, well, Ancient Aliens, though it’s much more tongue in cheek.

>> No.8977419

That's silly.

>> No.8977426
Quoted by: >>8977595

It's called Antiquity. It's still a serious work in progress, I have one map mostly complete and two maps that are about 20% of the way there. I don't want to release it until it's in a state where it's representative of the quality of the final, finished product. I'm hoping to get an Episode 1 or something with a handful of maps out the door this year.

These are all really cool ideas to explore! "Bronze Age/Iron Age" itself is wording that, while useful as a quick reference for the time period I want, isn't necessarily accurate. After all, some civilizations never had a Bronze Age because they just didn't have access to bronze. Then again, I'm not exactly aiming for 100% historical accuracy, but more of a good capture of the overall aesthetic and theme while allowing for gameplay and visual concessions. There's going to be some anachronism in here but I don't really want to go any farther than, say, the fall of Rome.

>> No.8977437
Quoted by: >>8977460 >>8977481

Yea, but he inserted lot of antivax stuff on it.

But why insert political messages into a wad, if you can't deal with outcome. Of course going full "covid is a hoax" is going to anger some people. His wads would have been on the most mainstream doom social media platform without politics. Nobody forced him to put them into his wads. He is an functioning adult who made his own decision. He should respect his decision and it's inevitable outcome himself.

>> No.8977453

As far as I understand it Impie just posted some covidiot stuff. I don't care for his political beliefs personally but it's not like he was advocating for genocide or whatever. If Thatcher's Techbase can be posted on Doomworld then I don't see what's wrong with Dynamite Dutchess or any of his other work.

"Cliquey" really is the right word. At times it really does feel like DW is the same dozen people patting each other on the ass. Doomer Boards has some insane /pol/ack retards and kiwifarms losers and isn't really any better, but at least the guys doing DBPs actually give a shit about playing and modding Doom and can go five minutes without talking about the JQ or whatever.

>> No.8977460
Quoted by: >>8977497 >>8977518

>Of course going full "covid is a hoax" is going to anger some people.
That's not what the wad said in the end. That's what a character said. That's literally the line that people saw in the language lump and assumed was the point of the story because they were looking to be angry.
>why put something political in your wad
Why write a book? Why try and make any point about anything? Why even talk.

You're right about one thing. I wouldn't upload literally anything except basic gameplay mods/maps to doomworld or zdoom forums without expecting someone (probably a mod) to be a massive cunt about it. Not after that.

>> No.8977481

Dude, having a random flip out and go full scorched earth over a difference of opinion is not something you'd presume as a matter of course unless you're in some kind of Balkan war zone.

>> No.8977497
Quoted by: >>8977513

>it's not political because character said it
Impie is known for his racistic and anti-covid beliefs he posts in his website. He is also known for inserting his beliefs into his wads. He himself said he put it anti-covid lines into his wads to piss people off. It's all okay for me, but you can't really say that he is just an innocent victim who only did it for story purposes.

>> No.8977503

Dissolution of Eternity
Serious Sam
Return to Castle Wolfenstein
Duke Nukem
Osiris TC for Doom II with ancient aliens and sci fi themes
Lots of other wads
And that's just for old first person shooters, every platformer series have egypt levels too, lots of point and click adventures, action games like Tomb Raider and Indiana Jones, too many others to count, and also every other aspect of pop culture lile books, comics, tv and movies.

>> No.8977513
Quoted by: >>8977525

>He himself said he put it anti-covid lines into his wads to piss people off
No he didn't. He said he expected the wad to bother people, not that he put specific lines in TO upset people.

>> No.8977518

>Why write a book?
You are free to write a book with even national socialistic beliefs, but you shouldn't expect it to be sold on the biggest mainstream bookstore. That is the point.

Thatcher isn't relevant, but on the time covid was. Hell Doomworld even had a release of wad where you play as Adolf Hitler. Some mods even defended the wad, because it wasn't political. You can use political figures without political message.

>> No.8977523

>doomer understand faggot easily

>> No.8977524

i hate how few deathmatches go up on doomseeker, it's always survival and cooperatives

>> No.8977525
Quoted by: >>8977817

Then I remember it wrong. My mistake.

>> No.8977535
File: 34 KB, 811x571, rich cat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8979018

is there a link for the project malice monster pack outside of the trooncord server? i can`t be assed to log back in tbqh.

>> No.8977561
Quoted by: >>8977614 >>8977773

Oh cool, I never played Deathkings and it sounds like I don't need to.

>> No.8977579
Quoted by: >>8977641

I still have about 24 hours before deadline for 512 lines, right?

>> No.8977580
Quoted by: >>8977607

if i build zandronum myself instead of using the latest version, will i still be able to play with you guys? my game is stuttering like crazy.

>> No.8977595

I really really want to do a late Roman themed TC for Hexen.
Too bad I'm just an ideas man.

>> No.8977607
Quoted by: >>8977617

I've been meaning to do this too. Capping framerate seemed to help with the stuttering in my case, but sometimes the engine stops accepting input entirely whenever I do something that causes the cursor to show up and I have to force quit it.

>> No.8977612

folks, it doesn't work.
Don't let me get into details here with my ESL, ok.
I tried it, over and over again. I stuck at the first level, no matter what i try, no mod would ever loud. And when i play a few levels, i start to glitch out of map.
It is no fun.

>> No.8977614
Quoted by: >>8977741

You should if you liked Hexen.
These anons got filtered.

>> No.8977617

for me the stuttering happens pretty much at random, it has something to do with the linux version using an older SDL version.
i wonder when a new version will come out...

>> No.8977641
Quoted by: >>8977650

Just about, yeah. Ends tomorrow at midnight, or 11:59pm or whatever.

>> No.8977645 [DELETED] 
File: 39 KB, 971x442, KEK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8978393


>> No.8977650
Quoted by: >>8977675 >>8977727

Maybe I'll do something. I felt like shit this entire week but I still have an idea I want to show the world.

>> No.8977675

Do it, anon. Speedmap it if you have to. Just sit down, shut off everything not related to mapping, listen to some music or whatever, and map your idea.
Good luck, and godspeed.

>> No.8977705
File: 489 KB, 1920x1080, doom15.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8977727

You can always show us your tits or your balls.. maybe both if you feel stunning and brave.

Dumbassery aside, good luck bruh
Try to remember some stage from any game you've played and use it as the foundation for yer map.

>> No.8977736

512 LINEDEFS UPDATE yet again

Update 3 to 512 Nights in Arabia

Mostly small fixes and tweaks this time, more important ones being that I added more health to easy difficulty and tagged a secret I accidentally untagged in the previous update.

>> No.8977741
Quoted by: >>8977762

Ehh, I've beaten it with High Noon Drifter once.

>> No.8977762
Quoted by: >>8977829

i dont think anyone complains about hexen monsters,its the puzzles

>> No.8977773

Deathkings is better than the base game. Harder, better level design, better enemy encounters, more usage of underused enemies (wendigos, reivers).

>> No.8977798
Quoted by: >>8977870

Can someone please post the image with the cacodemon "typing" on a keyboard?

>> No.8977808
Quoted by: >>8977816

Wrong on just about all fronts.

>> No.8977816


>> No.8977817

A lot of people misread what he said at the time, so you might be remembering what they thought he said. It was frustrating to see go down... Dunno why it bothers me so much, really. It just drove me nuts to see everyone seemingly purposefully misunderstand his wad, his point, and his response.
Anyway. There are legit criticisms you can make about the wad (ammo scarcity is one that I had an issue with), but overall it's decent fun and impressive in a lot of ways. And there was a tertiary argument about how better to approach a safety vs freedom plot that probably had some good ideas in it, but it got nuked with the rest of the thread.
Ancient history now I guess.

>> No.8977829

Yeah, but playing as Corzo was more enjoyable than the base classes and at least I get to twirl my revolver when puzzles are annoying me.

Better enemy variety sounds good. Ettins are fun to smack around, but they do get old.

>> No.8977838
Quoted by: >>8978059

How is this done? A grid of sectors that start off fully walkable/raised and then they're selectively built/crumbled based on the results of an algorithm? Which one are you using?
>Also maybe add in the win95 thing that flips the maze, except here it would just swap floor and ceiling textures
It should be possible to invert gravity and roll the player camera. Make sure to flip the controls too though. Reelism 2 has an X-flip effect in it done with a shader, you could check out how it does the controls flip.

>> No.8977847
File: 40 KB, 736x735, face2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8977856

can you take maps out of wads, maybe edit them a bit and compile your own wad out of all your favorite maps?

>> No.8977856

Sure. In slade it would be pretty easy to do.

>> No.8977870
File: 359 KB, 988x1318, IMG_1188.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this one anon?

>> No.8977880

Based, only problem with Hexen is that the combat is too easy in the original game.

>> No.8977882

I think i remember something else, with a caco that is closer to the real sprite, but maybe that's just my mind playing tricks on me
Nonetheless this is what i'm looking for or close enough, thank you

>> No.8977901
Quoted by: >>8977947

>as the cacodemon floats over the keyboard a tiny arm comes out of one of the holes and proceeds to type the words

>> No.8977947
Quoted by: >>8977993

>comes out of one of the holes
erm, anon, what does this mean?

>> No.8977975

Was there ever a mod that made Stalker Bosses and Slaughtaurs visually different from their weaker counterparts? I always hated that they looked identical.

>> No.8977981

>Dynamite Duchess was perfectly reasonable in it's balance
DD's storyline pisses itself away right at the end.
>child brings plague into the safe castle by bringing her friends over to play
>plague kills mother
>child starts to realise her own guilt by the end of the baths area
>this thread isn't actually completed, and the ending just goes "lmao mom bad, I'm leaving"
It was so close to being an even-handed treatment and the ending fumbles it.

Also fuck the bowling alley puzzle, no indication of whether or not you're actually having any effect until the machine breaks and you need far more hits than people would be willing to do without assuming they need to go do something else.

>> No.8977993
File: 8 KB, 979x486, how cacos type.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8978648


>> No.8978048
File: 644 KB, 1920x1080, guide.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Initial release of my WIP maze thing. It uses my own homebrew shitty pathing now. I'm trying to implement a more "proper" algorithm but it's more work than I hoped so that's for later. Haven't done anything resembling coding/scripting in years, and it probably shows in my practices somewhat.

Pic is a quick guide.
Left/computer switch generates a random spawn and exit in the grid, then tries to path from the former to the latter. This can be very long because of the way I generate the path, and you can end up with just an open grid if you're unlucky.

Middle/skull switch lets my pather run for a fixed number of cycles, then adds a few short random sidepaths and puts a spawn and exit randomly in there.

Right/monitor switch turns on tracker to the exit. You can turn this on before spawning the maze, it'll point you to just behind the starting room which is where the finishing point is before it's teleported into the level. This switch can be reused to turn the tracker off if you don't want it/hit it by accident or whatever.

The maze generating switches can only be used once, and using one disables the other as well. After generating the maze the teleporter pad becomes active. The maze is filled with random weapons, ammo, powerups and enemies. Not all possible enemies are currently generated into the maze. This was design choice, not a bug.

The map is UDMF, which afaik requires GZdoom. Tested it GZdoom version 4.7.1 as working. Oh and two wads because I don't know how to put the textures into the wad. I'm a genius. Run the game as Hell on Earth, the maze thing is what comes with the texturewad. On finishing level you will move on to the same level. This is design too.

>> No.8978059
Quoted by: >>8982394

Only saw this post now, your guess is right. A grid of 45x45 sectors with floor/ceiling both set at 0, and then an algorithm of sorts makes a path through it. I didn't realize flipping gravity is possible, that might actually make the whole flip thing more feasible. Still, I want to add a proper mazing algorithm first. I'll have to look into Reelism 2 at some point, see what they did. If you want to have a gander at my shitty algorithm, you can check the wad now here >>8978048

>> No.8978203

Finally, a good take.

>> No.8978210
File: 360 KB, 620x396, 1651899536297.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright gentlemen, it's time for some Serious Business Saturday. We'll be playing coop through the beginning of The Second Encounter on Serious difficulty. So take a seat anywhere in the meeting room, it's time to get Serious.
Join via specify server, if you don't have the game already you can find it in the OP's mega.

>> No.8978329
File: 39 KB, 680x634, cacodemon_cool.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8978391
File: 2.95 MB, 854x480, brutalq2.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8980961

Very good so far

>> No.8978393 [DELETED] 
File: 78 KB, 600x626, 1641466765468.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>because it does not represent accurate history
unlike every other game and mod

>> No.8978424
Quoted by: >>8978448

>Rekkr has item mimics
>they don't even drop the item as a reward
Very cheeky.

>> No.8978442

>Dynamite Duchess
Looks cute. Worth playing?
Oh this is the same guy who made Strange Aeons? It was one of my first doom wads I tried, I liked it a lot.

>> No.8978448
File: 2.93 MB, 640x360, Rekkr 0202.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah they're sluts, they happen just enough to make me forget they exist

>> No.8978457

>better level design
Multiple groups of slaughters on high shelves
>better enemy encounters
Slaughters in tight corridors
>more usage of underused enemies
I agree, Slaughters were underused

>> No.8978535

Noob here, is it possible to make a fake bridge you can walk under but not over?

>> No.8978539

Midtextures I guess?

>> No.8978543 [DELETED] 


>> No.8978545
Quoted by: >>8978560

Make an impassable linedef on either side of it?

>> No.8978560
File: 999 KB, 1024x644, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8978596

It's more that I want a ceiling to appear overhead like walking beneath an arch

>> No.8978596
Quoted by: >>8978603

you can just lower the ceiling or raise the surrounding sky ceilings

>> No.8978603

Alright, I figured it was something simple I was missing. Will give it a try

>> No.8978630
File: 702 KB, 1600x900, 1644312890278.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8978647

That was a good meeting, gentlemen. Same time next week?

>> No.8978631
File: 824 KB, 1920x1079, 20220604194014_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GG that was good stuff
Still so not used to OG 2nd encounter but I was getting there
Look forward to more

>> No.8978647
Quoted by: >>8978654 >>8978668

Do Sundays, because I play with /v/ on Saturdays.

>> No.8978648
File: 16 KB, 500x270, 1627680402556.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8978649
Quoted by: >>8978660 >>8978736

I'm a scrub so I can't break it down for you but there's a trick I saw that lets you lay bridges over passable areas. Open bstain.wad or joi_lstciv15.wad (map01) in an editor and take a look. I guess you could just copy that then set the exterior linedefs on your bridge as impassable.

>> No.8978654
Quoted by: >>8978675

No, Sundays are already reserved for Sunday Night Shitshow.

>> No.8978660
Quoted by: >>8978670

Adding to that: these kinds of bridges get fucky in multiplayer, so consider that.

>> No.8978668

What are you playing?

>> No.8978670
Quoted by: >>8978692

Is there even a name for these things?

>> No.8978675

SNS host here. Sunday isn't "reserved" for any event. If any anon wants to host on Sunday, they're entirely free to, they just have to consider traffic will be split between events.

>> No.8978690
Quoted by: >>8978704 >>8979182

Map06 of 400 minutes of /vr/

>> No.8978692
Quoted by: >>8978696

If I see them referred to it's usually "vanilla 3d bridge" or "fake 3d bridge"

>> No.8978696

fake bridge is the one I've heard most

>> No.8978704
Quoted by: >>8979182

I told you it was a good arena, bro.
I told you dog.

>> No.8978736

Those bridges on map01 of lost civ were weird.

>> No.8978768
Quoted by: >>8978789 >>8978792

Do you think Doom Guy ever gets a sore shoulder from all the 12 gauge he fires?

>> No.8978783
Quoted by: >>8979464

Dude, he's not "alt-right" or on the same level as Varg Vikernes and has never been even close to it. Can we please just let words have meaning and not apply them to everyone we don't like? This shit is just as bad as when conservatives spent 8 years calling Obama communist. Listen to yourself.

>> No.8978789
Quoted by: >>8978858

Do you think Doomguy farts in front of the demons and gets embarrassed? Haha

>> No.8978790
Quoted by: >>8978873

The "backlash" wasnt just people saying "this mod is bad for xyz reasons", it amounted to dogpiling on him personally. Behavior that the mods would ban people for doing to anybody else, but they participated in it themselves.

>> No.8978792

you get used to it

>> No.8978858
Quoted by: >>8979352

Maybe that's why he kills them. He has uncontrollable gas, and he doesn't want word getting around in Hell. After all, you can't be embarrassed by a demon if it's dead.

>> No.8978873


>> No.8978950
File: 196 KB, 1222x697, camp-wip_complex_new-v-old.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Before I get the chance to miss it...
I downscaled the first map of my planned MBF21 WAD. Left is new one at 512 Lines, right is old one at about 3800. The current project inspired this downscaling, and I think it'll pay off in the end.
Of course, I don't intend on stopping at 512 linedefs or anything. That's just how I'll keep my map from getting too big before I go into detailing and such.

>> No.8978957

Limitations breed creativity, even self-imposed ones. Keep it up.

>> No.8978968
Quoted by: >>8979202

i joined a megaman server several hours ago and wound up sticking around socializing, lol, i didn't even know there was some virtual hangout inside Doom, welp

>> No.8978984
Quoted by: >>8978991 >>8980729

Does anyone know how to extract the IWAD of PSX Doom? Is there a utility out there that does it? Doom wiki says that the game is split up into 60 wads, one for each map, and a wad that it says is called "PSXDOOM.WAD" which contains all the graphics (https://doomwiki.org/wiki/PSXDOOM.WAD).). It does not however say what hexadecimal offset it starts at in the .bin files and where it ends. Ideally, I'd like it to be open-able in SLADE. SLADE can open the Jaguar iwad, but Doom wiki says
>The WADs use the same LZSS-based compression method as the Jaguar Doom port; however, they are little-endian files, as opposed to the Jaguar's big-endian WAD
Is this true of the whole .WAD? Are only parts of it compressed? Because the lump names in the wad don't seem to be compressed at all. Will I need to write a program to convert it to big-endian?

>> No.8978991
Quoted by: >>8978993

someone already converted the game into a playable WAD i downloaded it a while back

>> No.8978993

I know, but I want to extract it myself so I can be sure that it's as unmodified from the original data as possible.

>> No.8979001
Quoted by: >>8979350

ok this is fucking cool. it's almost a rogue-like. if you manage to survive the first maze, you can take all those weapons into a new maze. the tracker is also a great idea.

If I'm understanding this correctly, pressing the left most button will result in a maze with a start at a dead-end and a finish at a dead-end, like a typical maze you'd do on paper, whereas the middle switch makes it so the entrance and exits can be any square within the maze itself. Is that correct?

Either way, good job.

>> No.8979018
Quoted by: >>8979096

Here's the latest build I could find

>> No.8979025

interesting. upload the map when you got it ironed out, I wanna compare to the previous version.

>> No.8979048

That's a pretty good plan for keeping a digestible map pack. Start with a line limit, nail the flow, then detail it as you see fit.
Honestly 512 is a pretty good size for making focused maps without too much limitation.

>> No.8979075
File: 171 KB, 1920x1080, Creation.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One way to accomplish this is by using middle textures to set up the edges of the "bridge", then fill in the void with a criss-cross of all-black textures. This gives the illusion of a space you can walk under, but is separate from the ceiling. Check Eviternity's MAP10 for a great example of this, pic related.

>> No.8979096
File: 1.10 MB, 1275x703, boipucci.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh fuck yeah, that`s a nice thing to wake up to. big thanks, you`re my daddy anon.

>> No.8979182
Quoted by: >>8979185

That map teh suxx
Seriously though, thanks for recognizing my piss-fiend tower in your playthrough. I wanted to create a small tension for the player to either 1)waste uncertain amounts of resources 2)get his ass moving. I was inspired by the spooky mist from Splatterhouse that consumes Rick for being indecisive. Unfortunately I didn’t have “time” to engineer something more meticulous. Thanks for the words anons.

>> No.8979185

>my piss-fiend tower
Ya, from the first play I realized what was going on by the second Imp. It's a good little mechanic for people paying close attention.
I forget who, but probably a streamer mentioned not wanting to kill all the enemies in case the last one would be an Arch-vile or something, which I thought was a cute—but very legitimate—concern.

>> No.8979202
Quoted by: >>8980483

MM8B Deathmatch? Weren't those guys creepy or something?

>> No.8979226
Quoted by: >>8979274


>> No.8979274
File: 104 KB, 481x357, larry please.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8979318

This is a parody. Right? Like no one actually put that gameplay mod together and said "Yep that's good, ship it!"

>> No.8979318

Dbp48 is gonna redefine doom gsming

>> No.8979350

Yes, except the way pathing is handled you don't neccesarily end up with dead ends. This is why I want the 3rd "proper" algorithm, to do what my smalbrain didn't. Glad you enjoy it for what it is though.

>> No.8979352

That's why it's important you kill every demon in the map.

>> No.8979375

Contribution for "512 LINEDEFS OF /vr/"
Assyrian Drive by GuyWithTeaCup
Midi - Olaf Theme from Advance Wars (GBA)
Used every linedef I had in my disposal to make this one. When any detail means that you may hit the limit earlier than anticipated, map design is getting more and more blocky, yet inventive. Scraping some elements just in order to add some secrets on the map is something pretty new to me.
Time is running out so I will be really thankful for any feedback and bugtesting and stuff.

>> No.8979379

>tfw 1060

>> No.8979403
File: 166 KB, 1597x900, doom06.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8979415 >>8979485

I couldn't finish this map because this door doesn't open, unless it is supposed to be a fake door and I missed something, playing on Woof with complevel 9.

>> No.8979415 [SPOILER] 
File: 182 KB, 1597x900, doom05.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But from what I've been able to play so far it's a really good map, it makes up for the blockiness with varied lighting. The only complaint I'd have is that it's been too easy except that one Archvile encounter (and pairing it with a Pain Elemental was a simple but cool idea). I like how most rooms have multiple ways to enter them too.

Another small bug I've found is that when you activate this secret the candle seems too move vertically along with the platform, I think moving it away from the wall by a short distance should fix it.

>> No.8979416
Quoted by: >>8979419 >>8979438

Are there any wads you know off hand that are just vanilla but with more monsters?
But not like, retarded.

>> No.8979419
Quoted by: >>8979438

God damn it. I should have mentioned. Doom obviously.
Preferably Ultimate. But I don't see why someone wouldn't just make it for Doom 2.
I just want knee deep in the dead but with more things to shoot...

>> No.8979438
Quoted by: >>8979486

If you're using GZDoom you can use this on just about any map/mod. Otherwise you'd probably have to do the edits to the maps yourself.

>> No.8979457
Quoted by: >>8979485

only had time for a couple of playthroughs, I really like the way this one looks and it's got some fun encounters. I had the same problems as the other guy though with the door. It feels like there are three doors, one for blue, one for red, and one in the middle that is activated via that switch, but the red and blue doors don't open. Not sure. Also the candle in front of the soulsphere secret does move.

Also, the yellow key ambush is kinda pathetic, or so I thought, because for me it spawned a pain elemental and a baron, then when I went through it again, it spawned a pain elemental and an arch-vile. The baron was roaming the closet. Later on I noticed an arch-vile roaming free but I assume I had triggered it after the fact, now I'm wondering if all three are supposed to come in and they're not doing it on time.

I also noticed some annoying blockmap issues around the aforementioned switch that I think grants access to the red key, specifically the area just before reaching the switch. Not sure if anything can be done about it or maybe I just can't aim.

but yeah, cool map otherwise, non-linear as hell, multiple levels, lots of enemies. the exit room was mean, almost didn't have enough ammo, but I guess I could have used berserk in a pinch. I guess having to make multiple trips across the tops of the crates to grab everything is a little annoying but now i"m just nitpicking. Great job overall.

>> No.8979461
File: 149 KB, 640x480, doom75.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8979514

I'm going to make it yay.

>> No.8979464

Much more than Varg actually. He posts his more political opinions on his website. You should read them, before blindly denying them. And as a centrist, for me personally those opinions are ok. Everyone is entitled to have their political opinion. Still people should accept, that when you align yourself with radical political stance, it does affect your life. In this case his wads with political opinions are not compatible with mainstream Doom website, that wants to stay with good graces of Romero and Bethesda. Dw doesn't want alt-right wads, just like nsbm fests don't want leftist bands. Yet the wads and bands can still exist on their own place. I would support full nazi doom site too, that would ban wads with leftist references. After all it's the site's decision, what the rules are. Impie knew dw's rules. He should just move on and accept it.

Btw Varg despises alt-right and even nazi germany. He is just anti-immigration, anti-semitist, anti-feminist, and racist. He is also anti-totalitarist, anti-christian, anti-capitalist and anti-conservative. He doesn't complain, that his music isn't on the radio. He accepts that it's for the chosen few fans. Impie should take a note. So Impie, if you read this: Just make a wads as you like, and be proud of them. Do not expect your art to accepted by mainstream.

>> No.8979485


Update to Assyrian Drive map for "512 LINEDEFS OF /vr/" with Blue Door bugfix.

>> No.8979486

Nice, thanks.

>> No.8979514
File: 21 KB, 680x383, ba1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you always were brah

>> No.8979568
File: 208 KB, 725x1024, 1653989187821m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So guys, I need your highly valued opinion on this:

Our team knows that the mod we gonna put out has a huge audience of players that lack even the most basic knowledge about computers. So I thought of making a downloadable version of the mod that comes bundled with GZDoom and Freedoom Phase 1. All the player has to do is to download that ZIP-File, dump the shit into any directory and click the gzdoom.exe.

All easy enough. Thing is I'm not sure if the GZ-Devs are ok with such a distribution. Last thing I want is some lame e-drama with Doom communities denying us further service. So Doomers, what do you think of this topic?

>> No.8979582
Quoted by: >>8979593

You wouldn't be the first, just make sure you include any necessary licenses for GZDoom and FreeDoom and nobody will care.

>> No.8979584
Quoted by: >>8979593

I don't think it should be any problem, many Doom mods (Ashes TC or the paid version of REKKR come to my mind currently) do that already.

>> No.8979593

Thanks for the feedback XOXOXO

>> No.8979602
Quoted by: >>8979625

No idea what your mod is, Adventures of Square and Chex Quest 3 distribute GZDoom alongside their wads and nobody has thrown a shitfit yet. Same with Rekkr and Hefon, two commercial games. I'm sure there is plenty other TC's I forgot avou too. I think as long as it's FREEDoom 1 you'll be fine.
And if they do get mad at someone passing around a copy of their open source, free program with their wad, fuck em

>> No.8979625
Quoted by: >>8979910 >>8979926

Interesting, I didn't know that. We are working on a partial-conversion with alterations to every gameplay aspect. Most graphics and sounds are new too, talking protagonist, double the weapons and new weapons&monsters. The target audience is the typical /b/ user so that's more or less the main concern here.

>> No.8979660
Quoted by: >>8980126

I can not get ceiling portals working in gzdoom unless I use the old portal objects. How do I do it properly? Thanks.

>> No.8979669
File: 31 KB, 909x638, a severe case of stairs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8979704
Quoted by: >>8979932

as long as the source-code for GZDOOM is provided (if it's modified,if not just point on where to get it).

>> No.8979727
Quoted by: >>8979932

As long as it's not GZDoom prior to 3.0 you should be fine and FreeDoom is free software by design so there's no real issues even if you were selling it.

>> No.8979794
File: 8 KB, 300x222, let me at em.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why does doomguy have foreskin on his hands

answer me

>> No.8979797
Quoted by: >>8979826 >>8979932

His gloves were supposed to be black but weren't made black for some reason.

>> No.8979825
File: 275 KB, 631x422, Flesh Glove.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8979828


>> No.8979826
File: 673 KB, 1600x720, Screenshot_20220605-142116.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8979996

The black gloves wad is very kino.

>> No.8979828

I got a strong urge to suck on his fingers.

>> No.8979837
Quoted by: >>8979862 >>8979932

GZDoom is GPL-3.0 software, so you're fine:
And Freedoom is under the The 3-Clause BSD License
They are both free (as in free speech) software, with based, redpilled, highly permissive licenses. Just include copies of the licenses with your mod and you will be fine.

>> No.8979857

The tl;dr is if it's not a commercial release, you pretty much have nothing to worry about when distributing GZDoom. Just make sure the source code is available.

>> No.8979862
Quoted by: >>8979887

It's a shame they took the RMS replacement for Romero's head out of Freedom Phase 2 because that was fitting as fuck.

Though they also took the gib sound that Kegan is fond of out and replaced it with a sound like somebody having dialarhoea, so they obviously hate fun.

>> No.8979874
Quoted by: >>8979884

Why cant I run Auger Zenith in Crispy doom? I thought Crispy is limit-removing and it says I have too much animated linedefs or some shit

>> No.8979884
File: 765 KB, 1920x1080, crispy-doom_gpYx9BdMIH.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds like you fucked something up, anon.

>> No.8979887

They took out the Stallman reference?

>> No.8979889
Quoted by: >>8979902

Yes, he's problematic.

>> No.8979892
Quoted by: >>8979902

Something something commie uhh pedo statement he went back on
honestly what is there to talk about except for hes a weirdo whose just boomer tech jesus despite never actually installing shit

>> No.8979902

I think it was the age of consent thing he said somewhere years and years ago.

Though he's said a number of fucking weird and off things, I think the FSF tried to get rid of him at one point because of that.

I think he's just off with the hyper-autism fairies and doesn't get why a lot of what he says come across in a really off way.

>> No.8979910
File: 43 KB, 640x640, 9k=(14).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8979926 >>8979932

>the target audience is the typical /b/ user

>> No.8979926

What is /b/ even like these days?

>> No.8979927
Quoted by: >>8979932 >>8979940

Literally nothing but porn.

>> No.8979932
File: 904 KB, 801x801, father_half_life_andy_poom_2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the reassurance. I just gonna link all the related sites and dump the source code with it as well. Just for good measure :P

It's alright, just let this happen.

Nothing but poop :^)

>> No.8979940
Quoted by: >>8979945

I guess everything dies eventually, no more pools to close or footballs to mess with.

>> No.8979945

You can thank the snapchat leaks from a few years ago. It brought in a gigantic influx of newfags who are only there for nudes.

>> No.8979963
File: 2.58 MB, 960x540, zombie walker.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got monster walking working... though I should probably make something that knocks that player off on attacking since these zombies can't seem to hit me while I'm standing on them.

>> No.8979968

It's an endless tide of people reposting the same porn over and over again.The Fappening permanently destroyed any of /b/'s old spirit.

>> No.8979982
File: 979 KB, 707x706, 1654211952086.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8980051

Yeah I don't want to put you down or your doom mods, please go on and make it very fun, I'll just not wait for the release there so post here when it's done.

>> No.8979996
Quoted by: >>8980487

That's some kino minimalist HUD, just hp/ammo and doomguy's face, only the most necessary information. Name please?

>> No.8980051
File: 998 KB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_Doom_20220512_154529.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yea I get you totally, don't wait for this. I'm just kinda tired of waiting for the mapper to finally put together enough levels so we can squeeze out a demo. Kinda try to keep in the public eye, as it got announced way to early. Many thought the announcment/1st trailer was just a joke.

It was only meant to be a little shitpost mod but he took more than half a year to make like 4 (unfinished) maps so I kept adding more and more features. I got to the point were you can loot certain enemies, every weapons has interactible projectiles (i.e the shoguns shoots turds and when when they splash against the wall they drop corn), altfires and so on. I wrote pages of lore backgrounds and shit like this too. Original Music... Andy's equivalent of Duke's Mighty Foot is that he shits out and throws his shit at enemies etc... We even got collectibles.

The mod will be a fun, colourful fest, be it just the result of it's delay.

Here some demonstrations of features:

Our trailers are all shitty, the gampelay clip mostly use vanilla doom maps or test rooms:

Animaterr Man, if you're reading this: What the hell are you doing here? Work on the maps goddamit.

>> No.8980062
Quoted by: >>8980086

Damn, this is an extremely high effort shitpost. Good luck anon, I look forward to the release

>> No.8980074
Quoted by: >>8980540

Yep, not downloading it. Ain't clicking the links either.

>> No.8980086

Thanks, mate.

>> No.8980096
File: 685 KB, 1920x1080, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8980132

I like how I was just supposed to know there was a fucking invisible ledge here in Vesperas.

>> No.8980117

people have released full games on gzdoom. you dont even need freedoom anymore, you can make your own iwad/ipk3 .

>> No.8980126

They can be a little confusing and have many different types. Just make sure you're setting the tags and linedef fields correctly.


>> No.8980127
Quoted by: >>8980225

Feels a little clunky, I'd just go with Serious Saturdays.

>> No.8980130
File: 370 KB, 1198x1710, 1644637021401.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Andy Sixx WAD
Holy fucking kino, I literally shitposted (lol) about this months ago.
Can't wait to see the results!

>> No.8980132

A lot of maps are nearly on the same level as 90s point and click adventures games for having to stumble on the weird fucking train of logic the mapper was tripping balls on while they made it.

>> No.8980145

Ohhh you're the Poom guy, can't wait to sniff that glorious log of a mod.

>> No.8980201

You could fake it use identical areas and seamless boom teleports.

>> No.8980225
Quoted by: >>8980241

I like the business motif, besides Serious Saturdays is already somewhat "taken" by another group. Or at least was used by somebody else, idk if that group is still active.
Also it fits in with the three word titles that the other multiplayer sessions here have.

>> No.8980237

What's the best way to play Deus Ex on a modern PC? Either widescreen or 4:3 is fine.
Is the gog version good enough?

>> No.8980241
File: 25 KB, 918x326, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>idk if that group is still active
It is, but we seldom play Sam these days.

>> No.8980290
Quoted by: >>8980293 >>8980409

Well, with the Master Levels done I've finally beaten every official Doom addon. Feels great.

>> No.8980293

> want to play more user wads
> unfinished plutonia still looking me in the face

>> No.8980304
Quoted by: >>8980786

What do you guys listen to while you work on your maps?

>> No.8980320
File: 140 KB, 640x480, doom76.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


512 lines submission
Helter Smelter by ViolentBeetle
MIDI: Between Levels (remix by Jay Reichard)


I didn't have time to fully fine tune the balance, but it is working.

>> No.8980346
Quoted by: >>8980470

I haven't had a chance to use this, but it seems to include all the necessary things for the game to work well on modern hardware: https://github.com/Defaultplayer001/Deus-Ex-Universe-Community-Update-/releases/tag/2.3.4
If that doesn't work out, check pcgamingwiki and get a new renderer and exe.
I don't think the Steam and GOG versions are different from each other.

>> No.8980350
Quoted by: >>8980470

You really don't need more than deus exe launcher and D3D9 Renderer but do mess around with the settings I remember some forum post giving me the best settings I forget exactly where but I found it somewhere between pcgw and the site it was on

>> No.8980358
File: 42 KB, 443x559, doctor whaman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no H.E.V. suit doctor scientist crowbar lady GF

>> No.8980363
Quoted by: >>8980470

All you need is the Deus Exe launcher like the other anon said.

>> No.8980389
File: 329 KB, 735x861, 1579911684085.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Congrats anon that looks excellent

>> No.8980409

Now play the /vr/ maps.

>> No.8980470

thanks bros

>> No.8980472 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>8980730 >>8980765

this isn't a hl thread

>> No.8980483

idk, i didn't notice anyone being a creep but me, i joined to play deathmatch and they had to explain to me that it wasn't a server for that and that all they do in the game is hang out with each other and fish for like 300 something fish that give them skins and abilities or something, so after 20 minutes of roaming around the map and finding easter eggs and such i just started shooting everyone which broke out into everyone shooting each other for an hour or so and after shit talking them for kicks i got challenged to an arena fight where they taught me more controls ect and then owned me, lol, it was a riot i hardly noticed the time passing by.

>> No.8980487
Quoted by: >>8980493

It's the alternative widescreen hud from Doom Retro. Love this port.

>> No.8980493


>> No.8980539
Quoted by: >>8980541 >>8980603

How would i install roland sc-55 music packs onto dsda doom? I know this sounds idiotic but on duke you just put it into autoload but it's not clear with doom source ports because I never really bothered to

>> No.8980540

anything else you wanna tell us before you clock back in to the dick sucking factory?

>> No.8980541
Quoted by: >>8980549

How does this "music pack" look. Is it a wad?

>> No.8980549
File: 378 KB, 1422x1200, tPb-o7Tl4jHZKMtmmC0FEjadC4evbZfyz9A7UyD-XGM[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8980551 >>8980603

it's a folder with music files.

>> No.8980551
Quoted by: >>8980603

Yeah, this sounds like it would be a problem. Best I can think of is to use SLADE to put them inside of the wad and rename them.

>> No.8980554
Quoted by: >>8980638

What would a rough equivalent of Crispy Doom for the Build and Quake engines be? With the official Doom maps out of the way I'd like to get into another shooter. I'll be playing those /vr/ wads too, don't worry.

>> No.8980558
File: 555 KB, 948x616, E0iZehEXEAE_GkK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8980682 >>8980691

I'm not the only one who plays Nightmare NoRespawn instead of UV Fast... r-right guys?

>> No.8980603

it's fine. I found a soundfont file

>> No.8980617
File: 14 KB, 1053x402, decohack_help_format_block.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8980621

Trying to learn intermediate Doom 2 editing.
Where do I declare these "using" statements from the DECOHack documentation?
I've never used DeHackEd or DECORATE before.
./src/main.dh seems to be where the DECOHack code goes, but it doesn't seem like a "using" statement should go here (there's already C-esque #include declarations, plus adding a "using" throws an error.)

>> No.8980621
Quoted by: >>8980663

i think it's in the start of the file, also in other news the creator of decohack is actually working on making a GUI for it.

>> No.8980638
Quoted by: >>8980652

Are you just looking for recommended sourceports or something that maintains a more retro appearance?

>> No.8980652
Quoted by: >>8980713

To be precise, I'm looking for engines that clean up the games and add QoL improvements to the vanilla experience. I used Crispy Doom as a comparison because other ports like DSDA-Doom and GZDoom seem better suited for playing with mods than a first run through the game.

>> No.8980663
Quoted by: >>8980672

>on making a GUI for it
I was under the impression DECOHack was basically a compiler that turned its own form of Java code into a DeHackEd patch file. Am I mistaken? This might be why I can't figure out where that "using" statement is supposed to go. (I'm using VS Code for my editor at the moment.)

>> No.8980672

I mean, it's mostly all text from what i have seen.

>> No.8980682
Quoted by: >>8980726

Wouldn’t that just be the same as UV fast monsters but double ammo?

>> No.8980691
Quoted by: >>8980698 >>8980726

Why would you need all that ammo? are you play with more enemies than normal?

>> No.8980698
Quoted by: >>8980706

>NM norespawn solo net
New speedrunning category just dropped

>> No.8980706

Not as good as the NM no monsters category though.

>> No.8980713
Quoted by: >>8980719

Mark V for Quake, as far as I know there isn't really any counterpart when it comes to Build games.

>> No.8980719


>> No.8980726
Quoted by: >>8980764

Different skill levels, so generally more and sometimes harder spawns.

>> No.8980729
File: 151 KB, 505x610, the wad works in slade too.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8980831 >>8982139

jPSXdec seems to work, and the extracted wad can by read by SLADE.

>> No.8980730

good,even if your megawad is a curse.
HL is on topic.

>> No.8980754
Quoted by: >>8980765

>decay, blue shift, and opfor remakes are all vaporware
black mesa is great as a middle finger to hl:source and all, but de-cooping decay, doing more with gimmicks like the squad mechanics, and making blue shift less dull could actually use a modern spitshine
hell if they dropped the black mesa muh AAA fidelity gmmick and just ported the current assets to source with gameplay improvements that'd be rad and much more doable

>> No.8980764
Quoted by: >>8980771 >>8980792

I thought Nightmare just used the same monster numbers and positions as UV

>> No.8980765

I can post deus ex invisible war if I wanted
this is the classic fps thread also operation black mesa is on topic as well which looks good

not only that they made xen actually enjoyable and make sense instead of being a generic throw in because we have to have a level that involves alien-esq looks of the 90s

>> No.8980771

in vanilla doom I don't think you can even flag an entity as only nightmare, uv and nm are lumped together like normal and easy

>> No.8980786


>> No.8980792
Quoted by: >>8980825 >>8980874

In vanilla, yeah. Tons of maps and mods of all types use skill 5 though, even monster and weapon ones.

>> No.8980825

it's funny because id software never actually played the hardest skill of their games and for good reason

>> No.8980831
File: 96 KB, 571x854, 16091868006571.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8980975

>the place where I finally found proper not dead PS1 resources extractor was Doom thread
I love you guys so much.

>> No.8980874 [DELETED] 
File: 11 KB, 512x416, zdoom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wild. At least someone's getting use out of it.

>> No.8980879 [DELETED] 


>> No.8980884 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>8980915 >>8980940

what is with the attention whore chevron I've been seeing a bunch? who thinks adding blacksexual is a good idea?

>> No.8980889 [DELETED] 

fucking christ on a corndog stick

>> No.8980903 [DELETED] 
File: 307 KB, 1175x1474, FTc1i75XoAIerEC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The pride shit is annoying. Searching for fanart on Twitter is not a fun time when that shit is going on.

>> No.8980906 [DELETED] 

the only fun part of pride month is fags, boomers, and /pol/schizos all putting aside their differences to relentlessly shit on brands

>> No.8980912

that pic really annoys me the cord should be a organ just like all the other red lines

>> No.8980915 [DELETED] 
File: 652 KB, 1118x540, c3f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8980923
Quoted by: >>8980931 >>8980943

I always thought the red lines in the abdomen were some kind of wiring.

>> No.8980931
Quoted by: >>8980952 >>8980975

my thought process was that the demons were all powered by blood which for some reason nu id one upped with magic marvel sci-fi soul shit

>> No.8980940 [DELETED] 
File: 265 KB, 251x201, ec4.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We'll never know

>> No.8980943

I thought it was cybernetic replacements for organs
you know, cause cyberdemon

>> No.8980949
File: 4 KB, 190x153, 1584047808274.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lunar Apocalypse is the worst fucking chapter I've ever played
>everything is dark can't see shit
>hitscanners and drones everywhere
>atomic health aplenty at the start only to disappear completely by the third reactor
>ledges that almost necessitate a jetpack you only find in a secret
>more ammo for gimmick weapons than actual weapons
>explosion setpieces that will kill you simply because you don't know why it's exploding
Just let me see what I'm doing holy fuck

>> No.8980952

Not blood. Not magic. Not whatever the fuck nu-doom is doing. Good ole fashioned machinery, oil, wires, and electricity. That's what's fun about doom. Reminder that in TNT they fly a spaceship to Mars.

>> No.8980960


>> No.8980961
Quoted by: >>8981014


I wish, but I don't want to make it more difficult for people to pick up and play.

Did you get any issues with the killcount?

>> No.8980969

Cool and fucking metal.

>> No.8980975

to be fair, classic doom always had its fair share of inconsistencies and that drawing is based off the doom comic, whose author i don't imagine caring that much with the source material like any game adaption material
all i know is that hell made cybernetic demons themselves as some aesthetical segments in hell levels and textures suggest a presence of gruesome hell tech before reboot doom retconned it to 2016 being responsible, then tag 2 came up with immora
that pic reminds me: has anyone ever done a gachimuchi crossover with nikocado? sounds like a fucked up combonation because we might as well see the fat fuck and aniki as polar opposites

>> No.8980981
File: 32 KB, 400x400, b3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8981001 >>8981358

Ever since I was a children in singular, it has been amongst my favourite settings in an FPS.
Yes, I agree it is not the most fun to play for the levels in the space, but once you get on a moon it gets really good. I like the pacing of some of the stations and the sheer scale of the whole complex. It really felt like a great piece of set to explorate.

>> No.8980982
File: 48 KB, 641x640, SLADE_FwqWG7NxWL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8981302

Yes blood, of course blood. Blood and machinery.

>> No.8980984 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>8980996

2016 is fine, literally just
>let's tap hell for renewable energy because robot daddy is a brainlet who can't do background checks
eternal a decent idea, hell runs on tortured souls, which motivates their invasion of earth, the demons themselves have tech grafted on and beyond the soul batteries seems pretty mundane, that's pretty in line with something a 90's shooter would have (the issue is mainly the environment not reflecting this)
hell I kind of like "heaven" getting involved on a base level, it's just that shit gets too wacky towards the end, and the 15 twists a minute just for the sake of twists is annoying and retroactively makes 2016 a bit dumber

>> No.8980985 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>8980998

why are there so many trannies in these communities now? is it because autism has a high link to becoming a tranny?

>> No.8980987

it's not hard to play just have auto aim on in fact there's excess health and I'm not even looking for every secret and I'm playing on damn I'm good the worst part is that one section with the bridge

>> No.8980992 [DELETED] 

yea,alot of it feels like pandering (im bi),especially for brands (though i can forgive it when it's normal people doing stuff).
but what can you do i guess.

>> No.8980996 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>8981034

It basically became Star Wars by the end of the DLC, which is fine and all but I already have stardoom.wad

>> No.8980998 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>8981008

Yes. The also existed before but just kept quiet about it. These days people share the inside of their asshole with you at the drop of a hat.

>> No.8981001
Quoted by: >>8981358

Same. I always like Lunar Apocalypse, although it's been a while since I last played Duke

>> No.8981008 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>8981013

But why? What happened to dignity and integrity?

>> No.8981013 [DELETED] 

The internet became mainstream

>> No.8981014
File: 1.24 MB, 1440x810, 1116.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8981027 >>8981175

>Did you get any issues with the killcount?
I didn't pay much attention to it to be honest, but it was completable and fun anyways. I'll keep an eye on it when I replay it.

>> No.8981027
Quoted by: >>8981175

i dunno wat to do to activate this bridge and the second lift below

>> No.8981034 [DELETED] 

yeah, the absolute worst part of TAG is that the beer coof apparently caused dev issues so they had to scale back the final fight into marauder++
would satan transforming into a dragon and getting to fight it in a sentinel mech be good doom gameplay? who knows, would it at least be stupid fun and more of a payoff? I think so

>> No.8981056 [DELETED] 

doesnt look that bad actually, I like how they used the existing logo for a simple recolor

>> No.8981060 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>8981086 >>8981136

Unironically I don't consider Nu doom even a doom game
it has none of things I expect out of a doom game or a id software game
>it plays like quake
>it locks you into a arena
>there's no source code
>the lore is so completely far away from the original that you can barely consider it the same universe
>the characters are completely different
>the game insists on you being some epic godlike figure just for killing demons
>if leaks were true at some point they considered going the lame path of demons killed my family

>> No.8981086 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>8981091

>it has none of things I expect out of a... id software game
>it plays like quake
anon who do you think made quake?

>> No.8981091 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>8981106

anon id software wouldn't make a game that plays anything like quake after decades later

>> No.8981106 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>8981110

Alright, what WOULD they make then?

>> No.8981110 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>8981118

Something that plays like Doom 3 but more modern

>> No.8981113

Are there any good examples of a Serious Sam levelset that leans more toward incidental combat rather than hordes and arenas?

>> No.8981118 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>8981124 >>8981128

anon id software wouldn't make a game that plays anything like doom 3 after decades later

>> No.8981124 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>8981126

Alright, what WOULD they make then?

>> No.8981126 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>8981148

I dunno, I'm just following your rules, better than you it seems

>> No.8981128 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>8981134 >>8981151

that's the point it's the most modern gameplay id software made anything newer would have played more closely to what doom 3 was
no one in their right mind would keep going on with quake's gameplay because it's hated by everyone who didn't instantly love jumping around corners at 100 miles per hour

>> No.8981134 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>8981138

look I knew it was bait but now you're just overplaying your hand

>> No.8981136 [DELETED] 
File: 92 KB, 750x510, aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8981159

tbqh imo i liked 2016 and how relatively down to earth and edgy it was. eternal going full wacky comicbook shit and constantly telling you how cool you are is what threw me off. when you have to *tell* the player how cool the character is, you`ve already lost.
just gonna keep drowning out my sorrows in mods, because they kinda btfo whatever the hell doom became in the end.

>> No.8981138 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>8981151

>it was bait
>overplaying your hand
please anon almost everyone hates quake besides a few nerds who play it exclusively singleplayer nowadays
it's like if doom didn't have a cult following

>> No.8981148 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>8981162

I was lobbing it for you to reply with "Quake but more modern" but you dropped the damn ball

>> No.8981151 [DELETED] 
File: 54 KB, 823x608, Hamster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8981159 [DELETED] 

I'm totally ok with random people seeing doom man as a terrifying force of nature, he kind of has been since day one, but they go way too far with it
Also calling him doomguy diagetically more than a one off gag (like the mortally challenged shit) feels way too forced. I'd have liked it if the nerd simp from the dlc was the only one to call you doomguy in that one scene where he immediately goes "I'll shut up now", would've been kind of funny. But nah, more and campier = better.
At the end of the day though, you can tune out most lore shit (operative word: most, playable cutscenes are gay) so it doesn't bug me as much

>> No.8981162 [DELETED] 

I had considered saying that actually, I guess I chose poorly
gomenasai sensei, I will sudoku for this failure

>> No.8981164
Quoted by: >>8981186

ACS Scripting just fucking clicked for me. I can now pretty much put whatever the fuck I want in the game. Of course the first thing I did was a degenerate coomer fantasy that I know will never make it into an actual game. I replaced the enemies with naked Latina BBWs who let out massive farts after dying. Right now working on an IDF mod. That is a mod where you play as Hamas and fight naked IDF women who try to smother you with their boobs.

More like COOM amirite?

>> No.8981175
File: 14 KB, 512x323, shaun.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is a button on the small side of the corridor where you enter from the P. A. T. H. It will extend and retract the bridge.


>> No.8981186
Quoted by: >>8981340

>another soul lost to the Count

>> No.8981187 [DELETED] 

Nu-Doom isn't much like Doom at all, not sure why people insist on linking the two together on anything more than the most superficial level. Doom is all about fast and fun gameplay with next to zero story. Nu-Doom is about medium speed and decent gameplay (compared to contemporaries) with an increasingly retarded, overwrought story. They have an entirely different tone from one another.

I remember people thinking it was so cool when 2016 came out and Doomguy punches the monitor. It was like, fuck the story man, Doom is about gameplay! But then in the same game you're force fed story shit and it just got worse from there. And cornier. Whatever, that's their prerogative, old Doom will always be here.

>> No.8981203 [DELETED] 

Maybe you just need to get gud and read a book.

>> No.8981205 [DELETED] 

Thing is they're so retarded they don't link the fact that hes punching the monitor for story reasons
hes just saying no i will not be your slave or you're a retard you caused this issue to begin with
nu doom went above people's head by how crap it is just by being subtle

>> No.8981229 [DELETED] 

>in the same game you're force fed story shit
that got me too, i enjoyed 2016 but only surface level of it being a reboot after many many many years without a game, and it had a multiplayer mode and snap map, 2016 was a good game

then Eternal happened. just get to Quake already, sheesh.

>> No.8981302

>demons don't abduct humans for energy
>they do it because they haven't invented a majority of basic infrastructure parts and just jam pipes up our asses to substitute for gas valves

>> No.8981303
File: 110 KB, 1010x1080, FT_huq2aQAM_U_k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8981309 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>8981315 >>8981321

>mods go nuclear and purge a bunch of tangentially on topic nudoom talk and mild shitposting along with gay stuff
jeez, I wish all of the site's hotpockets were this easy to kick into action, you'd save /vg/ overnight

>> No.8981315 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>8981323

Most boards they just gave up on sadly

>> No.8981321 [DELETED] 

>one tranny post still discuss the actual games involved
>mods lose their shit and even purge the posts talking games

>> No.8981323 [DELETED] 

/vg/ is possibly the worst, as the jannies lurk only the threads they cared about pre-promotion and some are in with cliques there and selectively ignore reports of shitposting from their friends, e.g. halogen having that forced endless meme spammed for actual hours uninterrupted, but one nigger-word got banned in the middle of it showing the hotpocket was allowing this all to happen
anyway enough lamenting, since this is also offtopic

>> No.8981331
Quoted by: >>8981335 >>8981336

just played chex quest 3, what the fuck were they thinking?
i know it's just some shitty licensed game made to sell cereal, but come on. there's barely any ammo, too many dark areas, and while you could give chex quest 1 and 2 a pass, the third game is from '08! they had 13 years to improve the design and it still makes the same mistakes!
i didn't even bother finishing the 3rd one, i ran out of ammo in the last map and just gave up.

>> No.8981335
Quoted by: >>8981347 >>8981406

>getting filtered by fucking Chex Quest
This has to be trolling.

>> No.8981336
Quoted by: >>8981406


>> No.8981340
Quoted by: >>8981352 >>8981397

>another soul lost to the Count
I must be retarded. Can someone explain this to me?

>> No.8981347

>on this board

>> No.8981349 [DELETED] 

i find there's more shared gameplay wise than you think (especially next to other AAA fps),i mean,the master levels even let you simulate a pistol start.

though the story id have to agree on,but you can ignore it.

and even if you hate the new games,there are always megawads for your dose of DOOM.

>> No.8981352
Quoted by: >>8981397

Something about gzDoom.

>> No.8981358
File: 2.08 MB, 1920x1080, Bloody Duke.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It might help because of my 'techbase' preference but it's my favorite original episode as well. Battlelords can be annoying but not with the shrink gun.

>> No.8981397

"Graf Zahl" is the German name for the Count from Sesame Street (it literally means "Count Number")

>> No.8981406
Quoted by: >>8981502

yeah, chex quest 3 is from 2008.
how did i get "filtered" if i was about to finish the 3rd game?

>> No.8981495
File: 497 KB, 256x256, 7.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

made a thing: https://files.catbox.moe/f40h8a.zip
for vrskins, I guess. two versions, one is doomguy-sized with 1-bit alpha, the other at twice the resolution and with 8-bit alpha. I don't know the technicalities or what to look out for.
feel free to use for whatever. model originally by some anon from /3/, shotgun is from blendswap.

>> No.8981502
Quoted by: >>8981527

Because you're bitching about a lack of ammo in cereal game 3.

>> No.8981508

i wish someone could do a samus player skin off her super metroid and fusion sprites

>> No.8981527
Quoted by: >>8981584

but there is a serious lack of ammo, most of the items in those game are health related.
i got through the first game mostly using the game's equivalent of the plasma rifle, i had about 700 ammo for it at one point but little to no ammo for the other guns.
in the second game there were way less energy cells and i barely got through the whole thing with the shotgun alone, there was one level where i had to use the chaingun because i ran out of shells. or "zorch refills", whatever.
third game is even worse than the second, i think it mostly has to do with the amount of enemies. you might say i shouldn't try and kill every single enemy on the map, but if the game isn't going to give you enough ammo to be able to kill as many enemies as possible then that's a design problem.
also, i'm just sharing my thoughts on a game, i'm pretty sure this is what these threads are for.

>> No.8981530

>Simpson's redneck rampage

>> No.8981552
File: 692 KB, 1392x767, Screenshot 2022-06-05 170457.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8981623

Finally got my first custom Doom 2 monster working.
It's just a Brazilian Cacodemon (i.e. recolored and given OP stats and attacks), but it's a start.
Is there a better infobase for DECOHack other than the official documentation and the ZDoom wiki? I keep running into weird hiccups, like ZDoom wiki's DECORATE examples using A_NoBlocking instead of A_Fall (among other functions I can't use) and the DoomTools DECOHack documentation listing Thing Flag aliases that don't work ("FRIENDLY" throws an error in DoomMake, but "FRIEND" works seemingly as-intended.)

>> No.8981584

Can't say much for CQ2 or 3. The first one it's kinda of boring on lower skills but a lot of fun on Super Slimey! If you ever wanted to play Doom on NM but find it way too hard go for CHEX on skill5. Is a lot more accessible and enjoyable.

>> No.8981623
Quoted by: >>8983462 >>8983613

>It's just a Brazilian Cacodemon (i.e. recolored and given OP stats and attacks)
what, does it have a fucking mexibeam or something?

>> No.8981645
Quoted by: >>8981658 >>8981664

I have to separate map files made but I'd like to join them into a single map in ultimate doom builder, is this possible?

>> No.8981658
Quoted by: >>8981664

You can select map geometry and copy and paste between maps. UDB doesn't seem to natively support multiple windows, but you can launch multiple instances of UDB for convenience. I think it will work between them.

You can bulk-modify height of the sectors match their height, if necessary.

>> No.8981664

You can save each map as a prefab.

>> No.8981695
File: 171 KB, 1679x947, newyawkdrivin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8981796 >>8983267

Are there any tutorials on getting actors you've defined in ZScript classes to actually fucking load? On all the wikis for Doom classes it recommends defining your subclasses (or your own classes) using ZScript instead of Decorate, but I can't get the game to actually find the files.

I tried making a `zscript` file and putting `#include "ENEM.txt` in there but it can't locate the file. I've tried saving the file as a .zs file (outside Slade) but that doesn't work either. Can someone recommend me a good tutorial on actually getting these scripts to load correctly?

Until then I'm going to continue using decorate because it just works. I put what I want in the decorate file and it loads. Simple as.

>> No.8981701
File: 716 KB, 804x594, 133DA0A7-234D-4CBD-A6BC-3F4A5CBC88E4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8981792 >>8981870

SUNDAY NIGHT SHITSHOW 400 MINUTES!!! Not sure if our announcer is her to post so here is one, search in doomseeker.

>> No.8981705

he only has foreskin on his hands when he's jerking off punks under the queensboro bridge

>> No.8981713

>i lied, i don't have netflix.

>> No.8981718

they're big guts

>> No.8981745
File: 241 KB, 640x480, timeline_character_sheet_axe_ogre_by_john_romero.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who do you think blocked Romero from inserting his fetish in Quake?

>> No.8981757
Quoted by: >>8981781

his fetish is golden showers?

>> No.8981764 [DELETED] 

The tranny arrow is a 'cute' touch, I guess.

>> No.8981781
Quoted by: >>8983081

>Dare ye b-hop into my eldritch realm?

>> No.8981784

>>explosion setpieces that will kill you simply because you don't know why it's exploding
This is one of my biggest pet peeves in Duke maps. User maps do it all the time. They make a random massive chain explosion setpiece and have it triggered when you step 5 feet in front of it. So youll get hurt or die if you don't have foreknowledge.

>> No.8981792
File: 755 KB, 1920x1080, Zandronum Screenshot 2022.06.05 - [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well GGs. I haven't finished 400 mins yet and don't want spoilers

>> No.8981796
File: 55 KB, 697x436, 173613.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you include the zscript version at the top of the main zscript file? You have to include that.

>> No.8981870
File: 381 KB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_Doom_20220605_185953_01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8981875 >>8981876

Thanks for joining.

>> No.8981875

Is that it?

>> No.8981876
Quoted by: >>8982006

I'm gonna kick your ass, Jedd. Also whoever was the Leatherman Cyberdemon, you blocked me in the photo with your fat ass.

>> No.8981891
File: 28 KB, 352x454, face8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what is your favorite game to do deathmatches in, anons?

>> No.8981896
File: 1.98 MB, 1830x2304, 1646366730480.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8981897

Duke Forever

>> No.8981901

quake3,though ive been trying to get into xontic and have not played unreal,so im not the most informed.

>> No.8981910

CS 1.6

>> No.8981928
Quoted by: >>8981997

Map07 of 400 minutes of /vr/

>> No.8981946

Q1 or Q3A, can't make up my mind.

>> No.8981997
File: 1006 KB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_Doom_20220605_155840.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8982018

lol look at this fuckin' snail's pace nerd at only map07 meanwhile we already beat the whole thing

>> No.8982006

I guess I finally got karma for making fun of you the past few months, because now I have Yholl's long lost retarded cousin on my back, also known as Jedd. Lord save me.

>> No.8982018
Quoted by: >>8982329

I've never seen a whole megawad sped through that quickly before even when there's that many coop players.

>> No.8982023
File: 151 KB, 1052x687, Screenshot 2022-06-05 193815.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8982067 >>8982079

>download gore mod
>has a fucking syntax error (guy left a lower case L where there should have been a 1)
>Open up Slade to edit it
>get error related
>Slade has now disallowed this for some reason

I just want to play this mod. What are some workarounds other than downgrading slade?

>> No.8982050
File: 62 KB, 320x240, Plutonia Title.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8982067

>download gore mod
>has a fucking syntax error (guy left a lower case L where there should have been a 1)
lmao classic Mark, where'd you get it?

>> No.8982079
Quoted by: >>8982352 >>8982384

It's not an error, it's an actual quirk of certain older versions of GZDoom that Markito exploited.

>> No.8982082
File: 8 KB, 201x169, 94HTA0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8982089


>> No.8982089
Quoted by: >>8982118

i got tired of waiting

>> No.8982112
Quoted by: >>8982115

Formal announcement when?

>> No.8982115


>> No.8982118
Quoted by: >>8982120

What format?

>> No.8982120


>> No.8982139

THANK YOU! Going to look into this tomorrow. Thanks, anon.

>> No.8982141
File: 111 KB, 563x552, collision.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8982270 >>8982332

if Quake 3 is what most of you like, then i reckon i will arrange a deathmatch in that on weekdays

>> No.8982142
File: 284 KB, 1680x1050, doom12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

512 lines of /vr/ entry
"Last night I bonded with your sister" by Bartekmil
Music is some track from Goldeneye64 transcribed to midi by BlitzLunar

This was originally going to be pure pistol and pure hitscan enemy map but I had to compromise to make it playable (some encounters like imp corridor would fall flat if it was all hitscans) and made it majorly bullet weapons and hitscan enemies with some additions. The main gimmick I wanted to test is map progression being based on something else than keycards and linedef and sector actions
I started this map like 6 hours ago so I guess this could double as 400 min submission - I know this project was supposed to be quality not speedmaps but I just found out deadline is nearing and I was tempted to submit something

>> No.8982147

Shouldn't it be bond burgered?

>> No.8982150
File: 2.28 MB, 1280x720, 2044072116171400-DE54A3217AFBFD1063CE3EE01BF1766E.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8982184

It's canon that Duke Nukem sank the Titanic

>> No.8982179
File: 196 KB, 1920x1080, doom01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh gee, these are old. I've just gotta complete the announcement chart and then I'll post the first package, tomorrow, ideally.
Again though, this really has taken far more time than it ever should have, and I can't apologize enough for that.

>> No.8982184
Quoted by: >>8982213

will anyone ever reverse engineer zero hour into PC since it is still Build engine?

>> No.8982189
Quoted by: >>8982207

How long are you planning to let it run for?

>> No.8982190
File: 141 KB, 1170x1170, disgust.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8982207

you call that plutonia?

>> No.8982193
Quoted by: >>8982207

Fucker, drop it now. I'm trying to get that leak working in UDB and the shits ain't having it.

>> No.8982201
File: 182 KB, 1024x768, y_ULTCY-4R96tK24HqduImvtn1rDWNPv8tFdLC02WZ8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know any settings/mods that emulate the BE aesthetics on GZDoom?

>> No.8982207
Quoted by: >>8982218

There's no fucking levels in those .wads, no shit.

Like 30 days for submitting levels, unless we come short of 15 maps or people just really wanna do more, but it's kind of gone on for way too long already.

No, i would call that a crude test level for trying out the props and doodads. I would suggest people be somewhat conservative with the use of the vegetation mid textures and props in playable areas because you should be able to see and move well enough.

>> No.8982212 [SPOILER] 
File: 986 KB, 2560x1440, Screenshot_Doom_20220605_205710.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8983310

That was fun, loved the surprises and it was pretty satisfying clearing them. I was an idiot and ran out of ammo on the last Archvile, so I punched it to death only to find more ammo at the exit and then after that the berserk. Only criticisms I have is the last enemy just pops in out of nowhere, not sure if that was intended or if it was supposed to teleport in and I found ammo for guns I didn't have.

>> No.8982213
Quoted by: >>8982241 >>8982319

It's build engine? Huh? The fuck. No it isn't lol

>> No.8982218
File: 426 KB, 1842x772, 94p_now_.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8982229

>There's no fucking levels in those .wads
Yeah no shit, how are you supposed to make maps with the assets if the assets don't show-up in an editor? I moved everything in SLADE to a new MBF21 WAD with an empty room for a map, and nothing showed up in UDB when I went and reopened the edited MBF21 WAD. Nothing under the Things editor, at least, the Textures seem to be working fine.

>> No.8982229
Quoted by: >>8982242

Because there's no MBF21 DeHacked stuff in those files, you little retard you, the Decorate stuff is prototypes. Also their ednumbers don't match with the actual DeHacked actors.

Don't worry your pretty little head, I will provide you with the functioning Alpha very soon.

>> No.8982241

It's on a modified Build engine

>> No.8982242
Quoted by: >>8982249 >>8982290

Well, I actually don't really care as much knowing a glib, condescending faggot is behind the wheel. Thanks for the info.

>> No.8982249
Quoted by: >>8982292

>glib, condescending faggot is behind the wheel
that should be the least of your worries

>> No.8982261
File: 643 KB, 1920x1080, Netduke Screenshot 2022.06.05 - [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Duke coops is great shit
Hail to the kings baby!

>> No.8982270
File: 2.15 MB, 1920x1080, Screenshot from 2022-05-15 01-35-20.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice, I'll definitely try to make it.

>> No.8982290
Quoted by: >>8982297 >>8982446

You know what, you're right, and I'm sorry, it's needlessly rude of me. I shouldn't let MacGuffin's negative vibes rub off on me.

>> No.8982292

stfu matey, go make a map or something

>> No.8982297
File: 36 KB, 536x470, 1645812963709.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why, you little

>> No.8982319
Quoted by: >>8982439

Yes it is anon

>> No.8982329

To be fair the maps are speed maps
They can't be that big.

>> No.8982332
Quoted by: >>8982370

I like ut99 better for yeamplay but q3 for deathmatch even though i suck at it.

>> No.8982352
Quoted by: >>8982369

and something Graf fixed out of existence like a lot of things.

>> No.8982369
Quoted by: >>8982390

Yeah, like the user's prerogative to not be spied on by a source port for a 30 year old game, for one

>> No.8982370

maybe we can do UT99 next if that's what most of you want, i am just jonesing for some FPS Deathmatches, and Doom kinda breaks down beyond four players

>> No.8982384

No. Mark wrote 0.l instead of 0.1, and Graf got flooded by 13 year olds yelling at him that GzDoom couldn't run the new Brutal Doom. As a response, Graf added an exception to GzDoom to let it read 0.L as 0.1, to get the dipshits off of his back, and told Mark that he would better fucking fix it because he was going to take it out.
Mark didn't fix it by the time Graf had taken it out.

>> No.8982389

Wow. This has to be the most retarded thing I've ever heard. This community never ceases to amaze with the new frontiers of autism we reach.

>> No.8982390
Quoted by: >>8982461

The optional hardware survey which would only tell Le No Chicken which processor or other hardware you had installed? God forbid users let their voices be heard as to influence the direction of development.

>> No.8982391
File: 11 KB, 183x208, 1644648601712.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8982394

Oh damn, it's fully ACS? That's crazy, that thing doesn't have structs nor pointers iirc. Might try something in ZScript.

>> No.8982439
File: 114 KB, 695x900, 1647150185814.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8982472 >>8982874

It's not build engine
It's based on some of Duke 3D's code, because it was based on Duke 64 that was based on Duke 3D. But it's obviously a non-build polygonal engine that was written for Duke 64. In fact they wanted to do all Duke 64 enemies with polygons, they had no time but in Zero Hour they managed that.

>> No.8982446
File: 264 KB, 750x733, dead end.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm sorry
It's okay, I'm sorry too. As soon as I posted that, I realized I was way too defensive.
I've been trying to learn DECOHack, and I let it get to me that I failed to recognize a (possibly, IDFK) obvious cause of failure.
You're not a glib, condescending faggot. It was a just a glib, condescending remark. And I forgive you.

>> No.8982461
Quoted by: >>8982506

Yeah, a source port shouldn't even have the capacity to collect and transfer this sort of data. Just run a questionnaire if you're so fucking curious.

>> No.8982472
Quoted by: >>8982479

Got a link?

>> No.8982479
File: 9 KB, 140x137, 1530861064617.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8982484 >>8982497

Here's one

>> No.8982484
Quoted by: >>8982491

Got a Zelda being gang banged by the links from different games?

>> No.8982491 [SPOILER] 
File: 687 KB, 4096x2545, 80c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've got one with a bunch of Links manhandling a giant cock.

>> No.8982497
File: 21 KB, 130x130, Untitled2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's another.

>> No.8982506
Quoted by: >>8982553

What do you think it actually does or could do? GzDoom is open source, you could look at the source code for any and all foul play, you could even compile the version in question with the survey removed/disabled.

>> No.8982513
File: 77 KB, 1200x630, brutalbond.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Awww yeah it's finally happening. I've dreamt of doing this ever since I played the Goldeneye Doom mod. Now I'm comfortable enough with scripting to give it a go.

Brutal Bond is going to be a recreation of classic 007 levels mainly focusing on Tommorow Never Dies and the World is Not Enough since those games don't enough love, and maybe some levels from the old movies as well. Pretty much everything except Goldeneye because that one's been done to death. Here's what I got so far.


I'm going to go balls deep into the scripting language with this. Im hoping to script some dialogue options, a key for throwing martinis in people's faces, ski levels (fuck you I liked them) and lot's of gore

>> No.8982521


>> No.8982529
File: 445 KB, 250x188, 1400027468163.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8982547
File: 42 KB, 160x220, 1578960332384.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Another Brutal Thing Mod
oh well, gue-

> mainly focusing on Tommorow Never Dies and the World is Not Enough since those games don't enough love
...You sonuva bitch

>> No.8982553
Quoted by: >>8983584

Sure, all those 12 year old Brazilian kids launching Graf's port to try out Brutal Doom or some other meme mod can technically look up the source code. Get real ffs. An old bugger who wasted his life away coding mobile apps will remain that old bugger until he drops and it's reflected in his projects.

>> No.8982567
File: 27 KB, 397x342, 177affcd039fd22ec06000525a6a2b5e6462a03b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been away from the Doom community for a while. How are things going nowadays? Graf still in charge of GZDoom? Any of the old /vr/ modders still around? What about any new blood?

>> No.8982570

How long has it been, anon?
Graf is still in charge. Kegan and Hege are still around here. New blood is full of great mappers and thankfully not complete faggots.

>> No.8982582

A lot of good stuff came out in the last few years, when did you tap out?

>> No.8982591

Shelly in Ion Fury is growing on me. I like the delivery of her lines and everything she says has just enough "quip" to it, but not too much that it's annoying (except for some of the lines she says when getting kills, but that's mainly because they repeat in the first place).
Also what was with that door that required a purple keycard?

>> No.8982596

>Doom bread has been consistently pumping out good projects (HFFM, Ad Mortem, 400 Minutes)
>Doom bread also hosts deathmatch and co-op on Zandro every friday and saturday, featuring King Ass Ripper's gargantuan farts
>Chicken man is still working on GZDoom
>Doomerboards recently had a schism because of DBP48 (it's a long story)
>Kegan is still around, still quite a few regulars too
>Lots of newcomers to the community projects
>Some guy a while back was posting info about a porn total conversion featuring a futanari protagonist

>> No.8982595
Quoted by: >>8982604

Secret level. You have to play a tune on the piano.

>> No.8982604
Quoted by: >>8982607

what tune? duke nukem's?

>> No.8982607
Quoted by: >>8982609

The tune that plays when you find a secret iirc

>> No.8982609


>> No.8982620
File: 111 KB, 300x248, jpg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8982627

is Ion Fury any good multiplayer, have you guys ever tried it out?

>> No.8982627

Multiplayer is fucked in recent versions of EDuke, I haven't tried it myself, but I have no reason to believe Ion Fury is any better, considering it's the same codebase.

>> No.8982673 [DELETED] 
File: 894 KB, 1858x926, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

512 Linedefs of /vr/ submission
Name: Shirikodama Salad
Author: MacGuffin
Music: Drilling By Night by stewboy
This map is pretty terrible. I'm just gonna pull a Good Boy's Club and submit it now and polish it during the beta phase.

>> No.8982678
File: 826 KB, 1858x926, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8983202

512 Linedefs of /vr/ submission
Name: Shirikodama Salad
Author: MacGuffin
Music: Drilling By Night by stewboy
This map is pretty terrible. I'm just gonna pull a Good Boy's Club and submit it now and polish it during the beta phase.

>> No.8982679

Looks like shit.

>> No.8982757
Quoted by: >>8983247 >>8983946

Submissions are closed, kiddos. I'll have a beta compiled soon, let's get this thing out the door.

>> No.8982817

Played around with this tonight and have to agree with other anons that this is really cool. I think you could make a nice little roguelike game with it. Obviously there is already Oblige but I kinda like the simplicity of the mazes. Dunno what your plans are with it but this will be a fun thing to watch your development of either way.

>> No.8982842
File: 3 KB, 95x89, 1638346289260.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bush, Dubya Bush

>> No.8982872
File: 297 KB, 854x480, Twin Peaks S3_E11 Car Scene 1-21 screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the only way i could see that happening is if, for some reason, instead of just typing 1, mark copied and pasted a character that looked like 1 but was actually an L

>> No.8982874

Now we're getting into ship of theseus territory

>> No.8982926
Quoted by: >>8983069

Man this is looking good, and I love TND and TWINE, but I'm gonna pitch this to you:

Levels based on every Bond film. Including Goldeneye. It'd be fucking sick as hell. I remember that 007 Legends game having the same premise but it looked like shit so I never picked it up. I really need to learn how to map so I can start making all the shit that's in my head.

>Dr. No's underwater base (I think it was underwater)
>From Russia With Love train level
>Man With the Golden Gun - Scaramanga's Island
>A View to a Kill - the blimp

I could keep going. There are 27 Bond films, you could even throw in that goofy ass Peter Sellers' Casino Royale as a secret level. Hey how about this, if I learn how to map can I use your mod as a base? I don't know how this shit works but I love Bond.

>> No.8983000

>this post existing let alone this level of retardation

>> No.8983010
Quoted by: >>8983025

doom 3 was fucking bullshit

>> No.8983020

That's not at all what I wanted!

>> No.8983023
File: 18 KB, 420x420, pound.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

god i want to pound the cacodemon so bad

>> No.8983025

It was fine, don't be angry for no reason, it's a shitty habit to build.

>> No.8983069

Good idea. Four obvious ones:
>Goldfinger: Fort Knox
>You Only Live Twice: the island lair
>The Spy Who Loved Me: underwater base
>Moonraker: the space station

If you can get decent friendly AI, you could also have Bond teaming up with the brave Mujahadeen fighters of Afghanistan in The Living Daylights.

>> No.8983079
Quoted by: >>8983094 >>8983097

What the fuck is wrong with the Marathon level designers? Oh boy I sure fucking love to figure out which corner of the wall with odd tiled textures is the one with a real door leading directly to a fucking ambush. These motherfuckers only ever figured out level design midway through The Silent Cartographer for Halo 1. The level design is exactly like these fucking capchas. "nope you didn't get our exact parameters right, fuck you, die, spend an hour deciphering hieroglyphics."

>> No.8983081

>I'm going to HUUH you in the face

>> No.8983094
Quoted by: >>8983128

Colony Ship for Sale, Cheap might legitimately be the worst level ever made for a shooter.

>> No.8983096
File: 592 KB, 894x1080, Tensi Yoka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8983280

What are the odds of Deadly Kiss actually seeing a release?

>> No.8983097
Quoted by: >>8983108

I didn't find Marathon 2 and Infinity to have level design that bad, although I even kinda liked the original so maybe I'm just used to this kind of bullshit.

>> No.8983107

So where do you find people to play GZDoom only multiplayer mods, like Reelism2

>> No.8983108
Quoted by: >>8983117 >>8983128

I am currently playing Infinity's 3rd/4th level and I have no idea to exit it. I know there's supposed to be an AI construct room like a couple of Durandal levels but the room-over-room map completely ruins my idea of where I'm supposed to go

>> No.8983114
Quoted by: >>8983121 >>8983125

You know looking back, Bungie learned nothing about level design between the Marathon Series and Halo. Good god the same mistakes made in the first Marathon are made again in Oni and Halo.

>> No.8983117
File: 373 KB, 1840x1472, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8983120

Look at this shit. Try to figure out where you're supposed to go.

>> No.8983120

If you guessed the big rectangular room, you'd be correct. But just tell me HOW you get there.

>> No.8983121

I wish Halo's levels would be as complex as Marathon's.

>> No.8983125

Bungie at least understands how to make a satisfying gun. Whether it be the lever-action shotguns in Marathon, or the entire Halo 1 arsenal barring the Needler.

>> No.8983128

CSFSC is easy if you have a good sense of what size step you can run up. Then you set the steps from the outside in, and spend half an hour trying to work out how to bridge the centre because they hid the button in a place that is both very obvious and somewhere you'd never look at.

>the room-over-room map completely ruins my idea of where I'm supposed to go
This is why automaps were dumped pretty quickly into the fully 3D map era.

>> No.8983129
File: 14 KB, 507x123, surround.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8983130

is there a way to make HTRF not lose quality? whenever I enable HTRF it works but the sound quality is really bad

>> No.8983130

idk why but setting the sample rate to 44khz fixes it

>> No.8983152
Quoted by: >>8983180

I'm so fucking glad Double Aught never made anything after Marathon Infinity's campaign. Fuck them, I hope they're all starving.

>> No.8983162

>tonight die taking half duke
I'm locking myself and throwing the key

>> No.8983180
Quoted by: >>8983186


>> No.8983186
Quoted by: >>8983189

Fuck you, maybe they should've made a map screen that isn't a clusterfuck or at the very least not make underwater sections. I was having fun until Confound Delivery and they blew it all right there.

>> No.8983189
Quoted by: >>8983195

>underwater sections
Ok, I'll agree on that one.

>> No.8983195
Quoted by: >>8983219

Funny thing is that the wiki for Marathon has pretty good walkthroughs for 1 and 2, but it's all just vague bullshit for Infinity levels. I sure would love to find out what specific doorway gets me to the end because the maps are no help at alll.

>> No.8983202
File: 537 KB, 320x240, 1417278795777.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd rather see a bad map from you than no map at all. Good job, Mac.

>> No.8983213
File: 880 KB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_Doom_20220127_191730.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8983291 >>8984508

Is the Ashes team doing anything these days?
I'd probably like it a lot if they started work on their own game or something.

>> No.8983215
File: 2.78 MB, 800x450, Hammer toss.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8983235

Alright that took me awhile, but I'm keeping my word. I made the ammo-less attack for the hammer better.

>> No.8983219

>I sure would love to find out what specific doorway gets me to the end because the maps are no help at alll.
For Confound Delivery? Go down until you hit bottom for the underwater section, then return to the surface and keep going clockwise until you end up at the end of Poor Yorick again.

>> No.8983231
File: 859 KB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_Doom_20220206_183756.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8983235
Quoted by: >>8983246

what is this, anon?

>> No.8983242
File: 898 KB, 794x580, eirin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8983254

just picked up doom mapping. it's pretty fun so far. here's what i was working on recently.

>> No.8983246
File: 2.08 MB, 800x450, More machinegun stuff.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8983252

An update to a spinoff of one my mods. All the weapons are based off NES games and all of them feature weaker infinite ammo backup attacks. Once I get this update out you'll have two different sets to pick from.

>> No.8983247
Quoted by: >>8984212

How many submissions did you get?

>> No.8983252
Quoted by: >>8983268

where can i find your mods

>> No.8983254


>> No.8983258
File: 326 KB, 1920x1080, 20210703170327_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8983267

Did you load the gzdoom.pk3 into UDB?

>> No.8983268
File: 5 KB, 366x360, Urban champ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8983296

Here you go. With any luck I'll have the update for Gaiden out in like a month. Maybe less if shit goes right. After that I'll be updating GMOTA one last time.





>> No.8983280
Quoted by: >>8984240

it was supposedly going to be released ages ago and then the team tasked to finish it said they were gonna release it and now I just cant imagine it.
Even if it came out I don't think the dev had a good track record, I'd much prefer a high quality fan mission pack at this point.

>> No.8983281
File: 597 KB, 1920x1080, Douk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Ion Fury but I would like more coomer stuff in it. But over all I think I will love Ion Fury Aftershock.

>> No.8983291
File: 365 KB, 1920x1080, 05.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8983305

hedon dlc, if their moddb is to be believed

>> No.8983296
Quoted by: >>8983302

ah, so you're the fabled kegan
i'll be sure to check these out after i finish doom 1 and 2, these look fun

>> No.8983302
Quoted by: >>8983324

I'm just a dork who makes stuff and has an unhealthy obsession with the NES. If you have any questions about my mods, just post something here and I'll get to you seeing as I lurk here almost all the damn time.

>> No.8983305

>Sexy Goblin?
Hedon's art style doesn't really do anything for me, but I appreciate the sentiment.

>> No.8983306
Quoted by: >>8983313

>Hedon's art style doesn't really do anything for me
Same senpai. Guess I'm just not a big enough Robert Crumb fan.

>> No.8983310
File: 160 KB, 640x400, 1549566777965.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I found ammo for guns I didn't have.
Hmm, must be from the backpack, I thought the yellow key fight would be tedious if you didnt have all that extra backpack space for cells, and so its impossible to not pick up a single rocket and some shells from it
>Only criticisms I have is the last enemy just pops in out of nowhere, not sure if that was intended
Yeah, I did that to save up precious linedefs, the sector he's in is even a triangle so that it only uses up 4(triangle plus triggering linedef). I clocked in at 504 lines I think so maybe I can make him a proper teleport closet in an update, or maybe I'll make some decorations with that, we'll see. Thanks for the feedback anon!

>> No.8983313
Quoted by: >>8983320 >>8983367

if you were to make your fetishy fantasy game, what aesthetic would you choose?
or at least the influences, that is
if anything, he should piss even when you're alive as if his piss is acid
they could have created an acid pool enemy before nudoom came up with the cybermancubus

>> No.8983320

>what aesthetic would you choose?

>> No.8983319
File: 73 KB, 1789x902, Screenshot_20220606-102603_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8983352

Turok 2+ mod

Pretty substantial new mod that changes a fuck ton of stuff for T2.

OP anon put it in your thread paste


>> No.8983324
Quoted by: >>8983361

ok, i'll keep that in mind

>> No.8983352


>> No.8983361
Quoted by: >>8983462 >>8983694

I designed this rhyme. To explain in due time (all my mods)

>> No.8983367
File: 169 KB, 640x568, example.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8983437 >>8983507

>if you were to make your fetishy fantasy game, what aesthetic would you choose?
>or at least the influences, that is
I discovered almost by accident a guy that makes art of busty female commandos killing and being killed, VERY pulp-y military-themed stuff, where guys have big muscles and girls have big tits and asses and I felt like it would be the perfect theme for my dream retro fps setting. The game wouldn't necessarily need to be full on centered around the fetish but elements and theming would absolutely be encapsulated by this image.

For the art style of the game itself, think about Operation Wolf except first person shooter, slightly up the grit and make it a build engine shooter with Ion Fury gameplay. Cold War mixed with some sci-fi or fantastical elements like gene mutated / cyborg soldiers and other tech to create more varied enemy types.

>> No.8983437
File: 164 KB, 650x373, clarence4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Like hot ladies in leotards
>Don't like seeing them getting executed

>> No.8983462
Quoted by: >>8983613 >>8983694

>does it have a fucking mexibeam
I'm trying but the documentation I'm trying to follow is all over the place. I'm trying to get it to simulate a 3x faster Arachno spray (i.e. a Plasma Gun) but I need to figure out the quirks of the state engine.
But it's getting there.
Doom is a valuable thing
Lost Souls fly by as the pendulum swings

>> No.8983467
File: 744 KB, 2560x1440, screw around.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I been screwing around a little bit with doom builder just for fun with no real serious intentions to make a level because I have no knowledge at all of how to make one

so far I made a circular room with a non functional door that looks probably terrible to anyone who knows what they're doing but at least I made something

>> No.8983486

Hey, we all gotta start somewhere.

>> No.8983507

Dude can really draw hot chicks but
>"no prisoners - immediate death"
Come on women in prison is such a nice fantasy setting

>> No.8983510

Screwing around is a perfectly valid reason to do stuff anon, and so many started out doing that just.

>> No.8983517

Right on, anon. You're already better than 90% of new mappers for being self-aware to know you need to improve, and not dumping a bunch of STARTAN trash levels on people.

Keep at it, and try to remember that every time you open that level editor and mess around, you're getting one step closer to the point where your skills are at a competent level.

>> No.8983584
Quoted by: >>8983619

>oh no, an old nerd in Germany will compile statistics on what kind of hardware 12 year old Brazilians use for playing Brutal Doom, with their consent, this is a gross breach of privacy
I don't know why people make up retarded reasons to be upset at Graf when he's actually done real stupid shit.

>> No.8983613
File: 2.30 MB, 1280x720, high_tier_salty_bet_fighter.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8983648 >>8983861

I got a Mexibeam working, just as jank and OP as I could have dreamed. Now to refine this shit into something more palatable to my sensibilities.

>> No.8983619
Quoted by: >>8983826

They're not wrong to be pissed at that shit though, Graf at first very silently put the telemetry shit in and only very begrudgingly offered an option to tell it to fuck off after getting massively shat on for it and having it point out that doing that is kind of illegal where he lives.

>> No.8983648
Quoted by: >>8983656 >>8983759

I can imagine the Brazilian Cacodemon going HUE HUE HUE as it fires.

>> No.8983656
Quoted by: >>8983759

I hear him doing the old microsoft sam SOISOISOI meme

>> No.8983694

oh i only got it now, lol

>> No.8983759
File: 2.85 MB, 1280x720, Hissatsuwaza_da_Caco_BEAM.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now 50% less jank and 200% more SSSmokin'
For me, personally, it's BRRRRRRR

>> No.8983826
Quoted by: >>8983831

I swear GZD nuts are the Marvel fanboys of Doom. Covertly extracting your sensitive data is nowhere near as bad as pointing it out because le spyware chicken could get salty and go on another sabbatical.

>> No.8983831
Quoted by: >>8983846

why did chicken man want to do this anyway?

>> No.8983846
Quoted by: >>8983850

He said it's to gauge the need to support low end systems but a guy who does this shit in secret will find a lot of different uses for a database.

>> No.8983850
File: 620 KB, 593x580, on a roll.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8983859 >>8983860

>support low end
well, i`m yet to see any any of it

>> No.8983857
Quoted by: >>8984152

I think Zan is cute

>> No.8983859

Right? Btw, Gazebo apparently tested Sunder map15 in GZD, the bastard must be sitting on a military supercomputer.

>> No.8983860
Quoted by: >>8983864

>run survey to gauge necessity for maintaining legacy support
>faggots on potatoes sperg out about muh privacy and don't take the survey
>less than 1% of users don't have support for at least opengl 3? worth it
and then you still got the GLES backend anyway

>> No.8983861

something about it just casually floating up, rapidly barfing, and then leaving is so good

>> No.8983864
Quoted by: >>8983878

And here we go. It's the users fault Graf threw a tantrum and didn't go through a "plan" he only dangled as an excuse.

>> No.8983878
Quoted by: >>8983905 >>8983916

Why should a developer continue to support users who don't exist? Especially when it comes at the expense of what they actually want to do with the software?

>> No.8983905
Quoted by: >>8983917

If he doesn't want to then he shouldn't, but he also shouldn't pretend otherwise in a gay ass excuse for datamining.

>> No.8983909
File: 1.58 MB, 1280x960, RetroArch-0217-005554.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mainly focusing on Tommorow Never Dies and the World is Not Enough
bless ya anon

>> No.8983916

>implying people who play doom mods aren't likely to have """"""""""""""""outdated"""""""""""""""" hardware

>> No.8983917
Quoted by: >>8983953

Surely he became fabulously wealthy by finding out which anonymous users had 64-bit processors versus those who had 32-bit ones.

>> No.8983928
File: 6 KB, 71x92, Skelton.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8983948

can you make sneed too?

>> No.8983946 [SPOILER] 
File: 150 KB, 1400x1050, doom02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

512 lines of /vr/ entry update
"Last night I Bonded with your sister" by Bartekmil
version 2: https://files.catbox.moe/1r3ozv.zip
Used up all linedefs, added some things for decoration and more doomcutes(thanks to some linedef optimization), and added a teleport closet that's been missing for one enemy
I should add that this map makes sense only for pistolstart - continued play makes it pointless
Also I never played goldeneye, I just saw one gameplay where 007 drops from a vent into a toilet and silence pistols a guard

>> No.8983948

I should be more specific, can you make both Sneed n' Chuck sprites that are as high quality as that webm? and if you do, don't add doomguy gibs during the gibbing animation because you can see his green armor and helmet, just do the chunky red mist of blood like at the start of the gibbing animation

>> No.8983953
Quoted by: >>8983972

Graf will never be wealthy, but he probably felt like his boss for a moment and an unstable bum in charge of your info is bad news.

>> No.8983972
Quoted by: >>8984119

The info that there's more 64-bit users than 32-bit users?

>> No.8984084

I’m in a similar boat, she’s alright. This is after my first playthrough of having her silent.
I started a replay on a whim not too long ago, thinking I’m going to be bored after a few levels but instead I’m near the end.

>> No.8984119

Any info, doubly so if the info's stolen. Anyway, he didn't need to run telemetry to determine that, right?

>> No.8984152
Quoted by: >>8984180

Zan looks right in fan art. The sprite is iffy.

>> No.8984180

“Fan art” specifically, and not the creator’s own art? He worked on the sprites too iirc

>> No.8984208

remember twine ps1 and n64 are two different games

>> No.8984212


>> No.8984240

The team behind finishing the expansion is basically the EDuke32 team which is basically the Ion Fury team. So they were too busy with Ion Fury for a long time and now the Ion Fury expansion pack. IMO, they really should not hoard the expansion until they're done working on it.
However, the original build without any of their changes actually leaked and you can play it. The levels can all be played through and are actually pretty fun. They just lack a bit of final polish. Apparently Simply Silly hired some of more accomplished Build level designers rather than the chucklefucks that made Nuclear Winter.

>> No.8984243


>> No.8984508

There should be an expansion or multiple coming. Supposedly one of them stars Porcelain.