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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 278 KB, 640x434, 1715031666446549.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10920310 No.10920310 [Reply] [Original]

DOOM THREAD / RETRO FPS THREAD - Last thread: >>10912791

Gameplay, WADs/Maps/Mods, Source Ports
All other 90s FPS welcome
~ Let's post like gentlemen ~


(or Quake, Duke, Marathon, Deus Ex)

Same thing, in video format:

Quickstart torrent (IWADS etc): https://mediafire.com/file/wuniyrhsjjgq4y8
PortaDOOM: https://github.com/Kroc/PortaDOOM/releases
Quake 1-3 FAQ: https://pastebin.com/Ucb11XhU
Downloads for various /vr/ shooters:
Doom Shovelware:
Fileplanet archives:
4CHAN DOSPACK + Win98 games (pre-configured):


Vanilla/Boom: https://www.doomworld.com/forum/4-wads-mods/
ZDoom: http://forum.zdoom.org/viewforum.php?f=19
/idgames: https://www.doomworld.com/idgames/



https://desuarchive.org/vr/search/text/"doom thread"/type/op/




OUR SRB2K SERVER (Kart Game in Doom), more info here:



>> No.10920313
File: 546 KB, 720x1280, 1715031770632831.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


/Vertex Relocation/
IWAD : Doom 2 | Format : Boom
BETA V2: https://files.catbox.moe/tc0rgk.wad

IWAD : Doom 2 | Format : UDMF

=== WHEN IT'S DONE ===

=== NEWS ===
[5-8] Brutal Half-Life Version 3 teaser released

[5-7] DOOM 64 EX+ version released

[05-04] ZSAnimator, a Blender to ZScript workflow for weapon animations, has been released.

[5-2] DOOM Retro version 5.4 released

[05-01] Gnome Hunters Ep 1 released, short Boom wad about bastard gnomes.

[05-01] Embers of Armageddon updated to 1.9.3

[4-30] Woof! version 14.5 released

[04-29] GzDoom updated to 4.12.2
Win7 support restored, rollsprites fixed, emulation for Doom95's Z teleport glitch for Saturnia's Map 10

[4-26] Anon suggests a Doom 2 Deathmatch project

[4-21] Raze 1.10.1 released

[4-21] Quake 2 Combat Jam 1 Released

[4-17] CS1.6 now playable in your browser

[4-17] Doom 2 MAP01 beaten in 4.97 seconds
https://youtu.be/Qm9aT2p7KxI [Embed]

=== PREVIOUS ===
TO SUBMIT NEWS, REPLY TO THIS POST (ideally with the [mm-dd] date bracket)

>> No.10920329
File: 346 KB, 1150x1150, Word cloud.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10920336
File: 3.93 MB, 854x480, watchv=2X9Io9kOIvU-[00.44.000-00.53.183].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10920371

I recall having a similarly styled game on WinXP PC and I think it was homebrew akin to something like kkrieger, only perhaps older. Each level was confined to a small cubic room filled with plentiful of boxes and platforms with collectibles on them, no 3D models but only sprites of bizarre enemies and weapons. Some footage details match, there are confined spaces with lowres backgrounds and no skies whatsoever, yet design appears more broad and complex so I'm not entirely convinced. Could be a lost game at this point.

>> No.10920343

>shotgun better probably
>monsters today, shitty otherwise
>violent outside
>brendon encounters
>bullshit certain
it feels like a story

>> No.10920354 [SPOILER] 
File: 135 KB, 1415x1000, AAAAAAAAAAAAAA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uh oh.

>> No.10920357

That's beautiful. Who's the artist?

>> No.10920362

>my meme collage is OP's pic
i made it bros

>> No.10920371

Yeah, PO'ed is a console exclusive title so it couldn't possibly be it. Also, not only the levels were small cubic rooms with no exploration and smooth transitions involved, I think of them in terms of puzzles where you assumedly had to kill every enemy to progress. Maybe it was so short so that's the reason it went forgotten and I can't find anything about it, piece of shovelware as they call it.

>> No.10920375
File: 1.93 MB, 1423x823, 1685048702644363.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was hoping to get a deathmatch map ready for hosting some Syndicate Black Ops, but figuring out how to compile a Half-Life .map was a degree more esoteric than figuring out how to compile a map for Quake. Still, I'd like to get some thursday evening deathmatching in with /doom/, so I'll be hosting after I eat. Meanwhile, here's SBO if you do not have it installed:

If you don't know, install to your half-life directory. Using Steam HL1. I also included all of the maps from Deathmatch Classic, a map from The Specialists, and HL1's own Stalkyard.
Just unzip this folder to the same directory as Half-Life, or extract everything within this folder into your syndicate folder.

>> No.10920376
File: 525 KB, 1920x1017, Screenshot_Doom_20240510_012516.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10921329

>mouse bullets
It's onto something, 5000 hours in Slade.

>> No.10920382
File: 415 KB, 676x768, 1687009908649773.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10920386

>Seeding the Doom Quickstart V2 torrent
>Two peers from China
Based. Hope their social credit score goes up.

>> No.10920417

God, Zscript's documentation is dog shit.

>> No.10920425
File: 193 KB, 1862x388, looks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10920427

Sam I am.

>> No.10920428
File: 319 KB, 638x1430, all smiles.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10920452


>> No.10920448
File: 1.59 MB, 1920x1080, 1714927874914349.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And LIVE! Up and running use the new HL1 hosting, so the sever should be visible in the SBO server browser without me having to fuck with anything else. Please tell me if the server is joinable/visible.

>> No.10920450

I ain't seeing shit in the server browser

>> No.10920452

Don't really like how nu-id swapped their (scant) personalities. I always saw Doomguy as the stalwart who was thrust into biblical evil yet managed to keep his fortitude despite everything falling apart, while Ranger was the ugly bastard with resting "I fucking hate everything" face who went insane while being toyed with across infinite dimensions.

>> No.10920453

Cunt muffins. Hang on.

>> No.10920458
File: 118 KB, 436x960, grit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I've always seen Doomguy as pic related rather than a terminally pissed off manbeast.

>> No.10920459
File: 1.14 MB, 1920x1080, 1687517367248095.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The right ports are forwarded from years back. Try joining direct from IP good anon:

>> No.10920461
Quoted by: >>10920463


>> No.10920462
Quoted by: >>10920476

Aren't all three basically the same kind of stalwart hero who pushes and fights ever on?

>> No.10920463
Quoted by: >>10920468

I've never cared about that sort of thing I assure you. Over 8 years hosting and nobody's ever fucked with me.

>> No.10920464
File: 148 KB, 750x750, dood four.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10920468

no man, that's your internal IP, nobody outside your house can connect to that
you need to post your external IP

>> No.10920471
File: 1.51 MB, 1920x1080, 1691993039671919.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bang anon.
3/32! We're ON. Anon reports being able to join from the browser.

>> No.10920472
Quoted by: >>10920473

I'm connecting
no idea what this mod even is tho

>> No.10920473
File: 1.48 MB, 1920x1080, 1710379470921168.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best DM mod ever.

>> No.10920476

Yeah, but one has the hope of it ending, and the other is just resigned to eternal combat. Not too different, but the nihilism suits Quake's atmosphere more, I'd say.

>> No.10920478

>while Ranger was the ugly bastard with resting "I fucking hate everything" face who went insane while being toyed with across infinite dimensions.
he also cleans his wounds with salt out of spite

>> No.10920482

Mac I'm not sure what's up but you were in the game, you just needed to press 1 to join.

>> No.10920483
File: 290 KB, 480x480, cyber ass.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10925402


>> No.10920489

Still 3/32 get the FUCK in

>> No.10920491
File: 1.83 MB, 1920x1080, 1705395820400329.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10920494
Quoted by: >>10920495

Damn I've never seen a goldsrc game crash like that
Anyway I give up, enjoy yourselves

>> No.10920495

Get back here you SWINE

>> No.10920501

Does Quakeguy even exist past the first Quake? What is the actual lore?

>> No.10920507

>Does Quakeguy even exist past the first Quake?
Just in the multiplayer games.
>What is the actual lore?
He never got to go home.

>> No.10920509
File: 415 KB, 200x148, the pit.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10921545

>> No.10920524

>personally fighting fat
The wordsphere can hurt you in other ways.

>> No.10920526


>> No.10920530

Never thought I'd see eight doomguys doing goatse together.

>> No.10920532
File: 1.27 MB, 1920x1080, 1709730888575241.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

3/32 still going

>> No.10920558

>DOOM 64 Super EX+
>Core sprites and animations are changed with no option to revert to core Doom 64 ones.
>Option to turn Cacodemons to "classic" look, but only changes the colors.
>Dozens upon dozens of new monsters and decorations.
>Several new weapons.
>Quake Nailgun and Quad Damage included.
>Two new difficulty levels.

What the fuck is this port?

>> No.10920568

GURASHU, server back up.

>> No.10920575


>> No.10920576

3/32, we've switched to co-op

>> No.10920583


>> No.10920605
Quoted by: >>10920610

AAAAAAAAAAAA. I've got another in me boys hang on. We'll go to another map.

>> No.10920606
Quoted by: >>10920609

Server crash or is it me?

>> No.10920609
Quoted by: >>10920687


>> No.10920610

Oh. That answers the question.

>> No.10920618
File: 1019 KB, 1920x1080, 1511938967658.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10920670
File: 64 KB, 434x471, 1628623536465.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To all you tech guys out there, did the code from Doom get completely rewritten for Quake? And if no, what percentage of code was still from Doom? Then tell me what happened for Q2, Q3, and D3.

>> No.10920685

Doom mod that plays close to vanilla except there's debuffs.
Increases when hit by any attack that spawns blood splatter. Decreases naturally when health is high enough, or intantly when picking up certain pickups. Lose health if bleeding too much for an extended period.
Increases from hurtfloors, slightly increases from stimpacks and berserk (maybe from nearby barrel explosions?). Decreases from medikits. Lose health if too high, decreases when doing so.
Increases from nearby enemies, decreases when killing them. Slightly increases from stimpacks, berserk and spehere powerups.
Spawns "shadow" enemies when high enough, and killing them decreases it a lot.

>> No.10920687

>*freeze in place as the server crashes*

>> No.10920689
File: 1.63 MB, 1920x1080, 1694763300438541.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK. Thanks for joining fellas, I have to be productive now.

>> No.10920694

Was good times. Thanks for hosting.

>> No.10920695

I'm not sure what you wanted me to do on that little platform............and now I'll never know...........

>> No.10920697

I like this HUD.

>> No.10920732
File: 139 KB, 357x368, 9fd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bringing this up from the previous thread: anyone ever tried playing Doom in VR? I've tried a few source ports but they've been tricky to play since it feels like every gun shoots to the left of where I want to shoot instead of where the weapon sprite or crosshair is pointing.

>> No.10920741 [SPOILER] 
File: 636 KB, 1366x768, 1437424135843.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10920745
Quoted by: >>10920764

That looks honestly cool, link to the wad please?

>> No.10920764
File: 64 KB, 284x260, dontlikethisplanet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


A strange and ambitious Total Conversion from the year 2000, made by one of the guys from ACE Team (Batman Doom). Doomworld still hosts this page after all this time. Has a cool and weird comic setting up the premise for the game.

ZanZan was originally made for something called ZDoomGL, which was before GzDoom, the iDGames link is supposed to be an adapted version for later ZDoom, but I have no idea how well it works now

>> No.10920774
Quoted by: >>10920790

Man who hates demons ultimately becomes a demon himself in his pursuit of ending all demons. A tale as old as tales themselves. They say you can't have darkness without light but without light there would be only darkness. Perchance.

>> No.10920776

Huh...I will check this one after I end with some random stuff. Thank you anone

>> No.10920787
File: 36 KB, 649x365, 1711092499011284.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know how this works?
Ericw tools bsputil. Apparently it can decompile bsps into .maps, and I'd love to see some Quake bsps in this way, but I don't really understand how this works; the top part is my ericwtools bin directory, the bottom is the command line(?) on how to decompile a bsp. Where would I enter that?

>> No.10920790
Quoted by: >>10920887

you can't just say perchance

>> No.10920809


>> No.10920815

There's a surprising amount of neat stuff like this that's been mostly forgotten but is still there if you go looking for things that aren't the mods/maps/TCs that everybody knows about.

>> No.10920825

That doesn't work for Quake bsps, tried it ages ago. Or at the very least not for maps I'd like to decompile, like Something Wicked.

>> No.10920826
File: 34 KB, 284x260, this .wad you have been playing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10920828

However I appreciate the thought anon.

>> No.10920887
Quoted by: >>10920891

Everyone knows Doomguy is cool as fuck.

>> No.10920889
File: 711 KB, 1338x1420, 360 ports midi2mus errors.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10920918

made these posts several months ago, my end goal here was to convert the midis into a set of mus files with the instrument errors built in using midi2mus because i assume that's the closest thing to what the 360 music actually is, but the larger ones that exceeded the limit prevented me from doing so. does anyone know why doom exe is able to convert the larger midis into mus when you run them in a wad but not the standalone midi2mus exe (which i am running in dosbox)? i don't want to have to make a doomworld account and ask them

>> No.10920891

I believe it was Romero who said "If you stare into the abyss make sure you stay behind the guardrail."

>> No.10920913

Is the paratamizer from Sin?

>> No.10920914

>What is the actual lore?
He misses his family.

>> No.10920918
Quoted by: >>10920923

carmack hated console ports and they just outsourced everything to shit studios after the snes

>> No.10920923

Which is weird because he got really touchy with the GBA port developers, making restart development using the Jaguar port or something even though they were nearly done with a custom version they'd made.

I wish we got to see that port that never released.

>> No.10920937
File: 2.84 MB, 1200x1600, 1666536217365165.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10920960
Quoted by: >>10921234

it looks so comfy

>> No.10920978
File: 3 KB, 247x76, 1703242564598978.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10920981

Eight whole wads!? That's nuts.wad!

>> No.10920983

Last thread, there was a brief discussion on us doing a Doom 64 community project. On the slim chance that it happens, would we target EX+ or remaster?

>> No.10920987

Stardate 20x7
No Reason's Speed Maps 3
Going Down
All a person needs in life.

>> No.10920989

I prefer LOADs (lots of awesome data)

>> No.10921006
File: 2.47 MB, 2802x3944, 1688381043160897.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fellas can I get some tips for slaughter maps in case I encounter some in the future? I beat Going Down a few mins ago. I had a great time but Map28 kicked my ass so badly. It was the only level where I saved. Every attempt felt like 70% luck.

>> No.10921012

yeah the Flood-only levels usually tend to be pretty shit in any game that has them
e.g. Cortana in H3 on Legendary is a real soul-drainer, which sucks cuz it's the penultimate level

>> No.10921027

Hmm today I will.. today I will finish Quake 2's expansion packs.

What are anons playing today / working on playing?

>> No.10921029

Was playing some Plutonia with Universal Entropy.

>> No.10921064
Quoted by: >>10921853


>> No.10921070
File: 346 KB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_Doom_20240510_031821.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I keep getting drunk and fucking around with Maximum Doom instead of doing any actual spritework or coding. Shame on me, though I'm having a nice time.

>> No.10921074
File: 544 KB, 1366x768, The Black Kongsman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10921078

Implemented the Purlin War Boss for the next update

>> No.10921078
File: 699 KB, 916x762, 1691077051994697.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait a minute...

>> No.10921081

I feel like man with no peepee who lives in a pod would have very little motivation to continue fighting

>> No.10921082
File: 39 KB, 650x365, 1711685857828656.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's what the mind control is for.

>> No.10921083

He has autism, anon.
Just like you.

>> No.10921098
File: 77 KB, 558x554, 1704788936033586.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10921126

You'd be surprised what a man would do for a jelly bean.

>> No.10921112

I've tried it but was mostly disappointed. You just need 3D weapons which excludes 99.9% of mods, and weapon bobbing is tied to head position rather than hand position, so the only mod that I play doesn't even work properly, making the whole experience rather shit. Doom in VR only sounds good but the support for it is so barebones it's just not worth it. I suspect what happens in your case is weapons aren't physical world objects that fire the projectiles/hitscans like in true VR games, meaning those still originate from the player's center, making the weapons purely visual whose position is completely irrelevant. Haven't tested that, though. It's just my theory given how the engine works.

>> No.10921126

>Mangawhai Pharmacy
Northland moment. Us rich cunts in Welly at least got a lollipop.

>> No.10921141

would stuff like trees in quake usually be made directly in the level editor?

>> No.10921145
File: 838 KB, 1349x667, 1700637931918683.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10921150

Polygonal trees? Not really. You would make it in another program, convert to object or .bsp and load it that way. The mod Drake in its toolkit has the trees from Hexen II as models you can just place.

There's also sprite based trees from the gsh_jungle toolkit, and other mods.

>> No.10921150

I mean, if you wanted to make it really believable with the roots and ground matching up like the tree actually belongs there, then you could do it that way. Nobody models entire forests manually like that though in any game engine, they just sprinkle in tree objects like >>10921145

>> No.10921152

Think of yourself as an annoying little shit who walks into a bar and shit talks demons into killing each other and uses every cowardly and/or dirty trick to finish them off or just get the fuck outta there while you laugh at their impotence.

>tl;dr trololo

>> No.10921153
Quoted by: >>10921161

What game is this from? Quake 4?

>> No.10921157

How does /vr/ feel about the usage of AI in Doom mods?

>> No.10921159

idk why dont you ask him

>> No.10921161

AI what exactly?

>> No.10921164

>AI what exactly?

>> No.10921168
File: 73 KB, 770x576, 1713781745440582.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>AI what exactly?
AI images, AI voice acting, AI music...?

>> No.10921169
File: 426 KB, 1165x613, oof.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10921174

>doom mods
yeah, we need more of them

>> No.10921172
File: 2.06 MB, 800x1153, 1706085341639411.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good news anon I just called /vr/ and he said he really liked the ai in this

>> No.10921173

THIS is my headcanon doomguy

>> No.10921174
Quoted by: >>10921331

didnt that mod had a funny secret?

>> No.10921175

is the waifu wad lead anon okay?

>> No.10921178
File: 31 KB, 372x372, 1706508724096025.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10921179
Quoted by: >>10921371

It's hard to say. But consider something: How many Doom wads use textures already made, like Otex, right? While Otex was made by a human through a labor of love, the mapper did not make those textures and is merely using them. A mapper using a wad of AI generated textures, textures he also did not make, isn't too dissimilar.

Like most of us know, AI assets open the doors for more users to create more content. That's not necessarily good, but not necessarily bad. What matters in the end is whether or not the final work is good, and what matters even more than that is whether the final work is worthy of being called great.

>> No.10921180
Quoted by: >>10921598

What's the difference? Last I played I got it from GOG, but I think I played the EX one too when the remaster wasn't out yet

>> No.10921184

>doom but the enemy ai learns and adapts until it's so good you can't beat the game anymore and have to play something else

>> No.10921185

Sounds like me playing classic Mortal Kombat games.

>> No.10921186
Quoted by: >>10921192

Ah, so THAT'S a circlejerk.

>> No.10921191
File: 244 KB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_Doom_20240413_225157.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10921195

I farted around with some ai voice acting in my ever unfinished scifi mod. It's ok, though it helps that I bit crunch the fuck out of it to sound authentic. Feels a bit weird to do it like this though, I may just have enemies be voiced acted by pals or something.

>> No.10921192

no, it's coop goatse

>> No.10921195

>Feels a bit weird to do it like this though
For AI music and voice yeah, that's where it feels weird. I'd sooner use somebody else's work.

>> No.10921198

I think its lame. Even if I'm not creating my own textures and using others, I like that an actual human made those and their work they created lives on in the community.

>> No.10921203

Reposting this because
why does the official OST sound nothing like this?

>> No.10921205

eh, you can do some cool stuff using ai generated textures as a starting point then refining them in substance or whatever, problem is you have a lot of people like """indie devs""" just straight up plopping that shit into unity and creating soulless garbage

>> No.10921215
File: 381 KB, 500x500, a13.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>stumble across secret exit
>not done with the level yet
Do you reload or skip it?

>> No.10921220
File: 86 KB, 853x960, HL_BladeRunner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10921223

>figuring out how to compile a Half-Life .map
It's just the same HLCSG, HLBSP, HLVIS, HLRAD

>> No.10921221

Unless I set out to get all kills and secrets, I scope out the secret level. If it's not cock and ball torture, I play it. If it is CBT, I IDCLEV back to the map I found it on and save it for later.

>> No.10921223

Right but there was ZHTL or something but that was outdated and I needed VHTL or something. Plus converting the texture wads I wanted required the program wadmaker, as TexMex and Wally weren't up to the job. I could easily do it now, and I hope to put out at least one br_ and co_ map for SBO just to say I gave back to a mod I've loved for years and years.

>> No.10921225
Quoted by: >>10921228

I'm literally quaking

>> No.10921228

me too

>> No.10921234

this is what i saw when i played wolf back then ;-;

>> No.10921235
Quoted by: >>10921253

Why do the enemies in Wolf say Gustavo? Who is that?

>> No.10921236


>> No.10921237
File: 26 KB, 434x127, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10921257


>> No.10921240
File: 61 KB, 912x724, Gordon_model_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And again, since it's not in the OP post

Half-Life 1 Anthology v8308 - October 2019 Update
Half-Life Opposing Force
Half-Life Blue Shift
Counter-Strike 1.6
Counter-Strike Condition Zero
Counter-Strike Condition Zero Deleted Scenes
Day of Defeat
Deathmatch Classic
Team Fortress Classic
Half-Life Soundtrack
Dedicated Server
SSE Launcher

>> No.10921242


>> No.10921243
Quoted by: >>10921287

Multiplayer compatible? Been a long time since OpFor multiplayer.

>> No.10921253

Reference to Gustavo Fring of Breaking Bad, ever noticed those symbols on the walls are the same as the once tattooed to the Welker guys in last season? Bravo John

>> No.10921256

I like to have a pragmatic mindset with regards to AI. It's merely a tool like many others. You can use it as-is, usually with glaringly mediocre results, apply some of your own human creativity to refine it, or just use it as a quick reference generator to give to a real commissioned artist for more accurate results when you can't quite explain what you want with words. You can be lazy with it, but it will immediately show in the end result. People are lazy with human-made resources all the time so nothing new. Just see Gameplay Mods on ZDF. AI is never going to replace artists or musicians or VAs. It just doesn't have the creative capacity to do so and cannot have it by design. I can't help but laugh at both the people who see it as the antichrist, and those who see it as a panacea to fill the creative void in their head.

>> No.10921257

more like project doom lmao

>> No.10921259

AI textures are fine imo. As long as it's not a complete clusterfuck and you also edited them by hand after that.

>> No.10921261

>, I like that an actual human made those and their work they created lives on in the community.

>> No.10921283
File: 439 KB, 1280x1024, 17070719541010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10921287

Yep. Was made for multiplayer.

>> No.10921287

I assume you meant to reply to me here: >>10921243
That's excellent news. Thanks. There are lots of pirated copies of HL1 floating around the internet, and 90% of them don't allow two clients using the same pirated copy to join a server together.

>> No.10921296

As long as it's properly credited, I don't care too much. It will always have an air of being somewhat gay, as even the existing usage of stock and ripped assets involve more creativity and inspiration to hunt down and implement, but it nevertheless can be used to effect.

>> No.10921301

Does anyone know why the Base Ganymede music wouldn't play in Slade?

>> No.10921329
File: 201 KB, 1280x960, AAAAAAAAA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10921332


>> No.10921331

Yep, if you had some token in your inventory, it would give you a blowjob to restore your health.

>> No.10921332
Quoted by: >>10921338

The beautiful, calming sound of a billion ratbuddies following you about.

>> No.10921338

my aunt had a rat infestation in her house. you could hear the swarms running in the walls around you at night...

>> No.10921371

>A mapper using a wad of AI generated textures, textures he also did not make, isn't too dissimilar.
Except the part where those textures werr still created by persons.

>> No.10921391
Quoted by: >>10921436

>What is the actual lore?

>> No.10921436
File: 142 KB, 192x282, 1698845055025862.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10921468


>> No.10921458

If you wanna end up with terrible end result AND being a laughing stock for everyone online, go for it.

>> No.10921468
File: 138 KB, 192x282, HUH.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10921529
File: 12 KB, 188x182, fraggot_title.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I extended the deadline for Fraggot to >>>>27th of May<<<<, this is the last deadline extension.
You can take textures from this mapset if you're looking for some new textures : https://euroboros.net/zandronum/download.php?file=asdfjkl6.wad

>> No.10921545

WAD or PK3?

>> No.10921550

Something tells me you wanted to get people riled up but you were feeling pretty aimless about the specifics

>> No.10921574
Quoted by: >>10921610

What the shit is this fuck.

>> No.10921590
Quoted by: >>10923043

So THAT'S why I was so fucking miserable playing that.

>> No.10921598

I don't really know what they are, but from what I understand, there are a few differences between the remaster and EX+. In fact, most of the Doom 64 mods have separate versions for each of them.

>> No.10921610
Quoted by: >>10921691

I think she has the tism, her voice is extremely uncanny https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5V5KvNOmr5k

>> No.10921665

tl;dr : deadline for Fraggot is now 27th of May

>> No.10921691

her voice sounds fine to me. she just has a hindu accent, and from her pauses between sentences i can tell she rarely speaks english

>> No.10921709

Marathon just went up for free on Steam. The other two are listed as coming soon

>> No.10921730

>the first screen shows off that butt fugly hud
I love it, perfect, though I might just finish my original Aleph playthrough.

>> No.10921749
File: 1.60 MB, 498x498, peipei.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that the gzdoom port of ZanZan fucked up a lot of things from the original like the animations and lighting. Somebody needs to do a better port.

Could it be you?

>> No.10921772
File: 7 KB, 194x259, literally me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I officially need your help

Ever since I downloaded the latest oblige years ago, I can NEVER generate maps with tougher enemies. I only get mostly soldiers and that is it, and cacodemons and anything higher than that never ever spawns. The settings make no sense, all enemies are on default, all difficulties are on highest/ramp up fastest Yet every single map I generate is 100% weak enemies only

How the fuck do I fix this? Oblige used to work fine in this regard until the latest version

I just want to play random maps, I have not been able to for like 2+ years now

>> No.10921780
File: 66 KB, 1226x748, Image5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just engage the monster control.

>> No.10921782


>> No.10921784
Quoted by: >>10921791


I guess, leaving enemies at default seems to cause them to never spawn

>> No.10921791
Quoted by: >>10921802


Jesus fucking christ on a cracker, ANOTHER level with only basic enemies, I give up oblige is ded

Has anything replaced it yet?

captcha: Ga4yy

>> No.10921796

Coinciding with that:

[5-10] Aleph One version 1.8 released

Both the Steam release and Aleph One version can be combined into a single spot in the news, given that the new A1 version is tied to the Steam release.

>> No.10921802
Quoted by: >>10921826

There's Obsidian, if you wanna give it a try:

>> No.10921825
File: 92 KB, 1536x864, doom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doomguy is canonly Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson

>> No.10921826

tx m8

I hope you find a gf tonight

>> No.10921832

i see him as a bit of both but not pissed, rather past caring about death.

>> No.10921838
File: 142 KB, 802x800, 5955193-doom-playstation-front-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10922023

PS1 doomguy is the canon doomguy
He's even got the hairspikes

>> No.10921840

I could see Doomguy acting like Arnold in Predator.

>> No.10921853

Run it from the command line
bsputil.exe --decompile <yourmap>.bsp

>> No.10921871

Come to think of it, will anyone accept and host this wad if it's named fraggot?

>> No.10921872
File: 244 KB, 1920x1080, EvenInVidya.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even in the vidya I am reminded...

>> No.10921986
File: 2.77 MB, 1920x1080, test1_2024-05-10_20-12-08.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10922059

hey friends, i've finally understood how to use the editor without crashes! great times lie ahead

>> No.10922023
File: 203 KB, 1024x768, spikeguy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based and spikepilled

>> No.10922034

if doom takes place on mars then how come it has earth gravity

>> No.10922035

That's DOOM 3.

>> No.10922039

Yeah, Doom takes place on Phobos and Deimos, a pair of moons that are too small for military research stations to exist on.

>> No.10922056

You have it backwards, anon. Doomguy has the mass of the earth, so no matter where he goes there is earth gravity.

>> No.10922059

guys live in apartments like this and don't see any issue

>> No.10922065
Quoted by: >>10922082

there's a well known theory that explains it. basically doomguy is a disabled man: he's been all his life in his wheelchair. the whole game takes place in his mind/dream: this explains the lack of jumping (a concept unknown to him) and his slippery movement

>> No.10922071
File: 361 KB, 1920x1080, 20240510195105_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10922074
Quoted by: >>10922475

That's not really how acceleration from gravity works.

>> No.10922081

I say the answer to both questions is a solid "no", but I wonder if the Steam release of Marathon 2 will include anything from the XBLA version and if the Steam release of Infinity will include Hats Off to Eight Nineteen.

>> No.10922082
File: 364 KB, 429x666, 1682648772741850.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"It's all a dream" theories

>> No.10922087
File: 1.26 MB, 1280x720, 1703149879248559.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10922095


>> No.10922095

It's integral to the plot in total recall. I find it asinine when people pull the "it's a dream lol" card apropos of nothing for fan theories

>> No.10922097
File: 364 KB, 1920x1080, 20240510184129_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10922395

Forgot post :
Finally beat Quake 2 : The Reckoning!
I can't believe I had missed out on the Quake 2 expansion packs for so long, easily the best Quake 2 maps were in the expansions.

>> No.10922102
File: 2.94 MB, 498x498, Butcher sip.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, is this guy to a point eternal's face is a mix of classic portrait and him

>> No.10922117
Quoted by: >>10922125

but doom was clearly influenced by total recall

doomguy is literally more different arnold

>> No.10922125
File: 1.14 MB, 1457x861, 1685254274931785.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10922806

More based on Terra Formars if you ask me

>> No.10922127

>I find it asinine when people pull the "it's a dream lol" card apropos of nothing for fan theories
It's just people triggering their weird, busted pattern recognition to decide there's some secret twist they've uncovered.

Shit just don't work.

>> No.10922128

If you have a better name, I'll consider

>> No.10922159
Quoted by: >>10923775

Personally I don't care about the name, but the crude dick drawing puts me off.

>> No.10922165
Quoted by: >>10922183

But what's inside? KeK? Unity?

>> No.10922167

Indeed, I think not. Thats more up NiGHTS and Pokemon alleys.

>> No.10922168

Ancient alien tech gravity generators.

>> No.10922179
Quoted by: >>10922180

>moons that are too small
Even Deimos could serve a purpose for military research. Hippocamp near Neptune is closer to the "too small for military research" bill

>> No.10922180

anon phobos is just a big rock

>> No.10922183
Quoted by: >>10922234

It runs on Aleph One, a Marathon source port that's been in development for about 20 years, give or take.

>> No.10922203
Quoted by: >>10922215

Sure thing, how about in comparison to Hippocamp and Nereid around Neptune?

>> No.10922209
Quoted by: >>10924186

>Anon vs Anon
>20 frags of /vr/
>Violent/vicious Rage/rumpus/row
>Face Off
I tried

>> No.10922215
Quoted by: >>10922224

>Phobos and Deimos are small
>Yeah, but Hippocampus is smaller!

Why are you going so hard on this?

>> No.10922224
Quoted by: >>10922241

Hippocamp is most certainly a real moon as well. Just saying.

>> No.10922234
Quoted by: >>10922237

>20 years of development
>Still no streamlined mapmaking tools
>Still limited map sizes
>Still limited to 32 graphic collections
>Still limited to the same number of objects as Infinity
>Still no noclip, of all fucking things
The aleph one devs are a bunch of hacks.

>> No.10922237

When's your port going to be finished, bro?

>> No.10922241
Quoted by: >>10922314


No one said it wasn't? The original comment was just noting that Phobos and Deimos realistically wouldn't house military bases/research stations due to their real-life size.

Hell, if we went by the maps shown on the intermission screens, the DOOM version of Phobos and Deimos are several times larger than the real things.

>> No.10922246

>HaVe YoU mAdE a PoRt!!?!?!??
Classic brain-dead argument. I suppose if someone was served rotten fish and complained about it, you'd ask when they'll start taking cooking lessons.

>> No.10922252

I apologies for overestimating you, I thought with all that expertise you clearly have with how all of that works you'd be balls deep in making that shit work.

>> No.10922270
Quoted by: >>10922338

>YoU cAn OnLy CoMpLaIn If YoU hAVe ExPeRtIsE!!!!!
Again, stupid argument. If I hired someone to renovate my house and they installed a door that leads to a sudden drop, I'm going to tell them off for doing something so blatantly stupid.

But I guess going by your logic, I can't complain about because I have no experience in renovating and just keep the door.

>> No.10922285

No, it’s a planet destroying Martian super weapon. Armored Core 2 was soft disclosure on this

>> No.10922314
Quoted by: >>10922343

>the DOOM version of Phobos and Deimos are several times larger than the real things.
They are?

>> No.10922316
Quoted by: >>10922353

Are you an AlephOne dev or something?

>> No.10922338
Quoted by: >>10922353

Did you pay the alephone devs? Is Alephone a product that you bought and you're dissatisfied with it? No? Then fuck off with that analogy, cause it doesn't work here - it's a labor of love product by fans of the original game - if you want things to improve either help with development yourself or fund the development via patreon - people are no jannies

>> No.10922343

I always assumed so, but I will admit that trying to extrapolate any sort of scale from the DOOM intermission maps would be incredibly difficult to do.

That being said, Phobos is only around 7 miles (~11 kilometers) in diameter, and Deimos is around 4 miles (~6 kilometers) in diameter, so it is theoretically possible for an installation to be placed on them, but the seemingly massive distance between buildings in the intermissions sorta strains believability in my eyes.

Then again, I'm just some rando talking out of my ass, so what the hell do I know?

>> No.10922353

Nah I just find entertainment in agitating the types who whine that some bedroom coder isn't servicing their every need.
It's pretty funny that the analogies just about always end up being transactional ones.

>> No.10922362

I am curious as to why they haven't implemented a noclip cheat into Aleph One yet. It would be really useful for testing maps.

>> No.10922384

How about you do better yourself, huh? Bet you never thought about that, huh?
Heh, I'm so smart!

>> No.10922392

Sounds useful, maybe you can suggest it on their GitHub or discord

>> No.10922395


Yea the expansions are good. The new enemies, weapons and levels are good and it feels like all of the GZ / TR maps flow really well and they have a sense of place / utility to them.

Not to say all basegame Q2 maps are bad but the expansions are imho way better and even the backtracking feels much less annoying because you're gently pointed to the right direction and you often take a new route to the old level.

>> No.10922403
File: 184 KB, 1920x1080, xemu_RdtLFwIGIO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At the final stretch of Halo:CE, the game is throwing a lot of enemies at me right now.
Quite liked this mission where you need to keep stealing banshees from covenant in order to reach your objectives. Assaulting highly defensible covenant positions directly is suicidal due the sheer amount of the enemies present so you really need to strike at the right moment when they get busy with flood.
The final fight of the revisited covenant ship was pretty tough with multiple "elite" elites guarding the escape banshee. Took me a couple of attempts to break through the door until i decided to change my tactics, grab the needler, backtrack a bit so that i can attack them from the higher ground and to simply jump down once the way was clear.
For quite awhile i was really underestimating the usefulness of needler i must say.

>> No.10922423
Quoted by: >>10922486

I liked this terminal they added in the anniversary edition

>> No.10922458

I still don't understand what doom and zombie movies have in common

>> No.10922462
Quoted by: >>10922491

It’s more of a “fantasy Phobos” with that atmosphere, or a “””terraformed””” Phobos somehow.

>> No.10922463
File: 209 KB, 800x600, 1696925022758534.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10922467

Romero is a man of many hats.

>> No.10922470

>Whoa, big!

>> No.10922475
Quoted by: >>10922485

its called relativity are you walking on the earth or is the earth walking on you it is a mystery

>> No.10922485
File: 213 KB, 631x513, 1697941950696041.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10922646

Am I spinning in my chair or did the entire universe decide to begin orbiting me at speeds far surpassing the speed of light? Despite decades of research and simulations running on supercomputers, science is unable to answer this question.

>> No.10922486
File: 1.92 MB, 1920x1080, xemu_HXGPuiIAG5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Poor Keyes. That early part where you need to protect him was pretty annoying but as a character the dude was pretty cool.

>> No.10922491

Yeah you can see mountains / hills with vegetation in the distance.

As a kid my english was bad so I thought Doom takes place in russia thanks to the nuclear toxic waste and those bald skinheads with shotguns

>> No.10922497

It's inspired by a lot of action/horror movies of and before its time but Doom 1 is easily closest to being Evil Dead in an Aliens-type setting.

>> No.10922504

>3rd person DOOM with tank controls
Name 1 flaw.

>> No.10922506
File: 241 KB, 970x1564, dornerweb16n-1-web.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm trying to play ZanZan and it doesn't work for me; the attacks don't shoot anything.

>> No.10922508

None. Add in an isometric camera that dynamically zooms onto items of interest and you're cooking with gas.

>> No.10922514

They have zombies in them.

>> No.10922516

Is it still classic Doom gameplay? Like playing with chasecam on, keyboard only?

>> No.10922528
File: 78 KB, 716x768, 1776182718.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you're a big doomguy

>> No.10922536
File: 542 KB, 977x676, Sub.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fellow mappers, retard here, learning the ropes.
what is the fastest way to "cut" a spikey shape into this wall (and then subtract it, of course)?
the free-draw brush is completely useless in this case, can't really draw any freeform with it

>> No.10922547

>originally the game was going to be called Spacenstein but it was changed to DOOM at the last minute after Romero had one of his infamous "prophetic dreams"

>> No.10922557

This may sound fake/made up, but I actually remember something similar being mentioned in an old interview

>> No.10922559

EX+ would probably go smoother

>> No.10922563
File: 609 KB, 1534x1904, 722563216d8a6d0f15859cf228637344.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10922579


>> No.10922579
Quoted by: >>10922604

god i wish blake stone didn't suck
it wouldn't be so frustrating if i didn't know that they CHOSE to make it bad
they deliberately added code to disable hitstun and give everything insane HP scaling with difficulty
if it was just a straight reskin of wolf3d it would've been better

>> No.10922585
Quoted by: >>10922598

Clip tool.

>> No.10922598
Quoted by: >>10922613

you're saying i should clip that brush like more than 6-8 times? that sounds insane. i'm sure there's a faster way. what if i have to make some terrain then, do i use the clip tool for 3 hours?

>> No.10922604

Corridor 7

>> No.10922606

In the original draft it was an always-only persistent world multiplayer game that charged players by the minute

>> No.10922613
Quoted by: >>10922619

>what if i have to make some terrain then, do i use the clip tool for 3 hours?
No. Use vertex tool for that.

>> No.10922619
Quoted by: >>10923517

Ok anon I'm starting to think all this "learn the editor for one of your favourite game" thing might requite a little bit too much time... i barely managed to make a box after an hour. at least i got the bastard working. wish i had started a decade ago

>> No.10922624

Can I export Minecraft maps to Quake?

>> No.10922646

Am I black out drunk or did the entire earth decide to start spinning like a top and deign me with euphoria?

Or is Doomguy just nearby?

>> No.10922651


>devs think this is a good idea

>> No.10922653

I got a better idea: let's keep those shitty modern games outta here.

>> No.10922669

Why can't you actually post on-topic content about retro fps games you actually like / play instead of idlebumping with crap like this? If you have a bug up your ass about certain videogames you could also name them and provide context.

>> No.10922675

I imagine him as surviving by sheer determination
the too angry to die meme does apply

>> No.10922689

I personally see Doom 1 / 2 / 64 Doomguy as constantly riding a perpetual manic caffeine rip and tear high as the Doom comic marine.

>> No.10922720

Is the berserk pack just a hypo of PCP?

>> No.10922728

>riding a perpetual manic caffeine rip and tear high as the Doom comic marine.
But the rip and tear section was like two pages.

>> No.10922735
Quoted by: >>10922756

2 pages that define the entire DOOM franchise.

>> No.10922736
Quoted by: >>10922802

Sweet christmas! Big-mouthed floaty things!

>> No.10922756

Not really, the community memed about it for as long as it existed while all id did was take the line and use it in nuDoom and got it to catch on with an audience entirely unaware of the comic.

>> No.10922785

I don't care about Deus Ex

>> No.10922802

More like nature's onaholes, amirite?

>> No.10922803
File: 7 KB, 200x255, 1647564219357.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10922806
Quoted by: >>10922817

shiiiiet, I forgot that manga even existed, it ever get finished or did it just get abandoned at some point like every other manga/anime post-2000?

>> No.10922807

I do not and have never cared about you, either, irritant.

>> No.10922817

Publishers these days don't want stories, they want franchises. If the work does poorly it gets canceled before the author has a chance to write the ending. If it does well, the author is forced to continue writing filler until the readers stop reading and it gets canceled.

>> No.10922841

The marine's entire being even before that was someone who gets an extremely sadistic grin on their face when they find the shotgun and then the chaingun. The 'doom' attitude is there and I feel like it's really fitting for my idea of Doomguy for the classic doom games.

For Doom 3 I feel like the vibe is a bit different because the game is too.

>> No.10922897

None in particular, it mostly depends on your intuition in measuring how rigid and stingy the wad's author is on giving you slack. For your example of MAP28, there's a quite nasty and improbable to predict trap which surely may get you fucked if triggered while other nuisance happens around.

For me personally, if something doesn't let me improvise at my own comfortable pace, then it's not worth a bother of practicing and strat memorization. Have some basic food for thought on monster prioritization, it may also help https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=liZYXIw3k_g

>> No.10922917
File: 623 KB, 960x540, quakebrushcut.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watch this, I use the cut tool, then use the edge tool to and drag down the indents, then use the convex merge tool to keep to combine the redundant brushes. You should consider rebinding your keys so you can use the face/edge/vertex tool, cut, merge, and clear the selection very quickly because that's how you make pretty much anything. And I know it's boring, but you really should watch every dumptruck tutorial. You can't learn any skill without time investment, but once you can do those things intuitively it becomes easier. I'm not a great Quake mapper myself, so if someone knows a better way to do that please chime in.

>> No.10922925
Quoted by: >>10923569

Instead of making those initial cuts with the clipping tool, you can SHIFT + CTRL to extrude a cut inwards from the edges. Tends to be faster.

>> No.10922970

yeah Keyes is considered to be a contender for "hardest level in the game", esp on Legendary (competing with Two Betrayals and The Library)
the outdoor section in particular has probably the hardest individual encounters in CE, with the swarms of nigh-infinite (they eventually stop spawning after like several mins) Flood ganking you in tight spaces
although for how hard CE can get it's still nowhere near the levels H2 reaches, that game is nightmarish on Heroic and especially Legendary

>> No.10922971
Quoted by: >>10922980

doom but the entire game takes place in the bathroom

>> No.10922980

That's just BathDoom.

>> No.10922992
File: 102 KB, 241x228, 1692171391672055.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be Doom Guy
>reincarnate in hell
Is DOOM... an isekai?

>> No.10922995

It's real title is That One Time I got Killed inside a Box Filled With Demons and Was So Angry I Reincarnated On The Next Moon Over But It Was In Hell.

>> No.10922996

Hello AlephOne dev

>> No.10923003
Quoted by: >>10923013

>starts out as one of those korean manga where portals open and demons invade and the world becomes a video game
>ends up as one of those japanese manga where the protag reincarnates in another world and fights demons
Carmack truly is the greatest mind of our time...

>> No.10923013

>starts as a manhwa
>turns into a manga
when does it become a manhua?

>> No.10923031
File: 8 KB, 901x102, 1684596355803065.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10923034

About halfway there, but it doesn't seem to produce a .map. Any ideas?

>> No.10923034
File: 9 KB, 878x117, 1692436843547562.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10923649


>> No.10923043

To clarify, the old Mortal Kombat AI doesn't read your mind or learn your patterns, it just reads your inputs directly and reacts directly, giving it obnoxious reaction speeds, so the AI is really fucking cheap.

>> No.10923052
File: 145 KB, 798x644, 1706689201051796.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10923058

>go to hell
>it's full of weebs who think they've been isekai'd

>> No.10923058

I think there's actually an isekai manga based on that

>> No.10923080
File: 208 KB, 1920x1080, screenshot_square1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You'll be Swiss cheese!

>> No.10923086

Yeah, what happens to Doomguy when he dies? Does he just get sent to hell for being a violent feller or does he get sent to heaven for killing DEMONS while he was alive? Either way, he probably gets to keep killing demons. Demons and hellspawn should be terrified of him for his near immortality, or I guess ability to continue killing demons no matter what happens to him?

>> No.10923092
Quoted by: >>10923093

>Does he just get sent to hell for being a violent feller or does he get sent to heaven for killing DEMONS while he was alive?
Actually it's just a coincidence that he goes to hell due to some stuff he did before he joined the marines.

>> No.10923093

All the beers and whores while he was on leave probably got him his hell sentence...

>> No.10923094

doomguy was a demon from the start

you never thought it was weird that he just pops into existence one day on a mars base that was completely taken over by demons?

>> No.10923098

Maybe he was taking a shit when it happened?

>> No.10923103
File: 132 KB, 128x128, 1636523554203.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10924603

Post rare Sandys

>> No.10923104
Quoted by: >>10923125

There were a bunch of dudes in the Mars base when it happened. He just happened to be there and good at killing monsters.

>> No.10923125

Doom mod where you play the first 20-30 years of Doomguy's life prior to the events of Doom when?

I wanna play him going through school. I want a puberty intermission screen. I want g1d1 (girl 1 date 1). I want a boot camp episode. I want to play him going to the pet store and adopting Daisy.

>> No.10923129
File: 390 KB, 812x475, 1688022162110308.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10923135

iirc the canon explanation (in the manual, i think?) is that they had him guarding the shuttle that he and the other marines used to get there
everyone else went in and got slaughtered first

>> No.10923154
Quoted by: >>10923195

if only you knew the things he did to that rabbit that made him end up in hell

>> No.10923186

Actually might make for a humorous visual novel.

>> No.10923190
File: 661 KB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_Doom_23.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10923196

A-a genie?

>> No.10923195

Yes, we know. Way too many treats which put Daisy as a high risk for diabetes. But with a series of vet visits and a proper diet, she was back on track

>> No.10923196
Quoted by: >>10924621

Tried to play with Akinator sometime this year and couldn't even access the website, was stuck on some kind of cloudflare check or something. Modern web is unwieldy.

>> No.10923219
Quoted by: >>10923221

You ever walking around a .wad and hear the Archvile's weird hah-sigh sort of sound and just have to wait until he makes his appearance? I'm not talking about the screech when's he resurrecting some demon. Like he's still behind a wall for an inevitable trap. It's a creepy sound.

>> No.10923221
File: 3 KB, 224x221, an uncanny fellow.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10923232
File: 7 KB, 140x140, 1687086827191239.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10923994

>tiny nondescript switch recessed deep into a wall

>> No.10923241


He's so... VILE

>> No.10923249

I fear him.

>> No.10923251
File: 168 KB, 800x533, 1702871416207996.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/r/ for kart
haven't tested it, but always thought baby park would make a good hell map and finally looked it up after playing some double dash earlier

>> No.10923253
File: 679 KB, 1920x1080, DjinnOrGenie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Djinn or Genie?

>> No.10923254

>From 2018
Maps from this era tend to be completely fucking broken but we'll give it a shot

>> No.10923256

Is that image real wtf

>> No.10923264

Sure, there's actually some other loose tracks I wanted to add to the server, I might just compile them into a pack and move their map slots around to avoid conflicts.

>> No.10923268

yeah anon, they're real people without shadows

>> No.10923270

What are those? This is a DOOM thread.

>> No.10923272
File: 127 KB, 843x843, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, seems to be from the 1993 European Grand Prix.
Ayrton Senna won a Sonic trophy

>> No.10923275

Anon when was the last time you were outside.

>> No.10923278
Quoted by: >>10923541

it had rained.

>> No.10923276
File: 79 KB, 556x742, 1691028598081851.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10923281

The shadows are under the shoes

>> No.10923287

Of course there's no Shadows, they're all dressed as Sonic here.

>> No.10923293

>are you sure this is going to help us sell more race cars?

>> No.10923319

doom but you have a cellphone and your gf keeps calling you but she doesn't know your on mars kills demons so you have to keep coming up with increasingly elaborate excuses for why your late

>> No.10923323
File: 1.37 MB, 1280x720, jahysad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10923328

Have you played Going Down? I know it's your mom and not your GF, but still.

>> No.10923338
File: 187 KB, 372x372, 1700853218682445.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Artificial Academy 2 but it's DOOM

>> No.10923342

I just found an interesting mod on moddb. Apparently it's the sequel to something called Grezzodue.

>> No.10923353

I don't know what this is, but I'm downloading it.

>> No.10923383

It's shit, honestly. Fun to see Hangar or Entryway up close and personal, but that's it.

>> No.10923395

Wango. You don't even have to change the logo.

>> No.10923403
File: 205 KB, 1500x887, 813NmVqo-fL._AC_SL1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was considering suggesting a change of logo, but I love this.

>> No.10923412

Okay, apparently to prevent crashing, I had to disable the "precache textures" option in the texture settings.
Aside from that, this feels like a better Postal 2 than Postal 2. And it's better than Grezzo Due. (Odd that it is essentially named Grezzo 2 2, doe)

>> No.10923440
File: 21 KB, 400x400, 1685013940645430.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10923441

>what was that noise? it sounded like a shotgun! I think I heard an imp grunting! you're not on mars killing demons again, are you?!
>haha, no honey, it's just, uhhh, LA traffic, you know how crazy drivers get here, haha!

>> No.10923462
File: 2.49 MB, 1440x832, Wrszvsa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Advise a good mapset for brutal. Not necessarily "made for brutal", maybe vanilla set which goes well with this mod. Preferably something new, not something that is over 15 years old.

>> No.10923468
Quoted by: >>10923487

A HUD to surpass Metal Gear.

>> No.10923481
Quoted by: >>10923485

doom but its a sidescrolling run 'n gun

>> No.10923485
Quoted by: >>10923489


>> No.10923487

>Brutal Gear Solid: Doom of Brutality

>> No.10923489

I would not play the game but the main theme would be the hardest metal known to man.

>> No.10923494

I'm guessing humanity in Doom has terraforming technology because it sounds like they can build a base just about anywhere. TNT: Evilution takes place on Io, and that's even further out by Jupiter and a fucking volcano hellscape in real life.

>> No.10923495

help I need a qrd of the math for the quake skybox in shader format

pretend that I forgot how algebra works 20 years ago

>> No.10923504

Sounds like a problem for ChatGPT

>> No.10923517

As someone who's been mapping on and off for Quake for a long while now, it gets easier. I can comfortably put together small maps, but larger ones with lots of details are where my trouble lies. I always, always have one of the original id1 maps open as inspiration; they really are nothing to sneeze at, especially when you look at their ceilings.

>> No.10923521
File: 1.90 MB, 1572x962, 1696693265472501.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10923568

Is there vaporwave DOOM?

>> No.10923541

Also explains why they all look kinda sad.
I keep thinking about how God Hates Frags would be a cool name for a mapset, but its probably already taken.

>> No.10923550
File: 883 KB, 1650x1310, 1705251351791335.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's doom
how fucked are the people living in your cpu?

>> No.10923551
Quoted by: >>10923689

Won't hurt making sure. Somehow sneed.wad isn't a thing yet.

>> No.10923554

I never understood the premise of that anime. Beating video games permanently damaged your computer?

>> No.10923564
Quoted by: >>10923574

idk but back in the 90s my dad thought that playing video games would break the computer so it sounds like something boomers of the time would believe

>> No.10923568
Quoted by: >>10923575

It can be. Make a texture set based on the colors in that image.

>> No.10923569

Thanks a lot anons

>> No.10923574

beast wars was cooler

>> No.10923575
File: 350 KB, 839x768, 1695541961420949.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you can't just "make textures", textures come from the asset store

>> No.10923576
Quoted by: >>10923918

Have fun anon!

>> No.10923581

You can but it requires Ph.Ds in both computer science and art history. Very few people can produce them.

>> No.10923584 [DELETED] 

dumb frogposter

>> No.10923592

>custom textures
I will now play your wad.

>> No.10923594

>custom textures
I will now ignore your wad.

>> No.10923597

I will now interrupt this gag.

>> No.10923606
Quoted by: >>10923610

more like saygex lmao

>> No.10923608
Quoted by: >>10923609

Was there any good custom content for Redneck Rampage or did the mapping community collectively sit that game out? I really wish RR would've gotten some type of a revival with more character interaction as well because the deep south aesthetic and memes from way back then had a lot of potential and RRRR was a really good expansion with good soulful references that just get a little drowned out by the game just being a shooting gallery.

>> No.10923609
Quoted by: >>10924765

>Redneck Rampage
Isn't that game universally hated? I owned it back in the day and gave it 1 playthrough then moved on.

>> No.10923610

Oh yeah, it's tail time

>> No.10923613 [DELETED] 
File: 32 KB, 231x280, 1686004470570892.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10923616

are there any wads where you play as doomjak?

>> No.10923616 [DELETED] 

>Knee Deep in Frogs

>> No.10923618

Somebody call Parias.

>> No.10923626
Quoted by: >>10923629

Why has no one made a Quake mod yet that changes the models deaths? Holy fuck animations are incredibly boring after playing Doom

>> No.10923629

I like them

>> No.10923631

I don't dislike them either, but let's be honest, one could achieve the same visceral feeling Doom presents us, but with models. There's no blood, no spectacular death, nothing. I'm not saying to replace them with sprites, that'd be stupid and won't even work.

>> No.10923637

At a glance it just looks like 2 overlapping noise textures scrolling at different rates rendered as if they're mapped to an infinitely far away hemisphere.

>> No.10923641
File: 354 KB, 1920x1080, grey dwarf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i liked this secret map it everything screamed system shock 1

>> No.10923643

Isn't this basically PS1 and N64 doom?
A lot of people shit on doom 3 but it feels like it took inspiration from darker ports and entries.
Meanwhile nu-doom feels like it took original, brutal doom and brink and made arena shooter.

>> No.10923648

The only way to truly vanquish the demons is to help them find redemption by accepting the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

>> No.10923649
File: 2.71 MB, 1461x834, 1695349509761126.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah I was using the wrong version! Fuck yes, finally I can see how my favorite maps function and look.

>> No.10923650
Quoted by: >>10923654

not really you're seeing a mangled version decompiling does not restore the original

>> No.10923654
Quoted by: >>10923658

Yeah yeah ya fucking pedant you cannot imagine how happy I am.

>> No.10923658
Quoted by: >>10923660

okay? just don't try to read too much into the topology because the compiler was free to do whatever it felt like in an attempt to improve performance, what you're seeing is not the same as the original map file

>> No.10923660
Quoted by: >>10923663

I understood just well the first time anon I assure you there's no need for you to continue here.

>> No.10923663
Quoted by: >>10923664

alright but I'm just letting you know that the source map file looked different from what you are currently seeing

>> No.10923664
File: 37 KB, 583x434, 1693924728265777.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10923668

Holy shit.

>> No.10923668

I advise you to exercise caution when reading too deeply into decompiled files

>> No.10923673

Honestly anon, be careful with the compiler. This is not some sort of black magic, you have to understand how it works

>> No.10923687
Quoted by: >>10923691

Can you link the version that works? I ran into the same issue as you. Also, what map is that? Thanks

>> No.10923689

Ok, I checked it. It's a fucking name of some steam rec list that kept getting recommended to me some years ago. So I think it's both ok to use and passed some censorship filter already, sort of.
As far as logo goes, I think it should still be cock, but maybe redraw it as a silhouette with doom builder linedefs. I think I'll try to throw something close to what I am imagining together when I have free time in an hour or two.

>> No.10923691

Arcanum1 from Arcanum.


Enjoy anon.

>> No.10923717

>Tons of cool megawads and celebrations for Doom's 30th
>Nobody did anything cool for Doom 2's 30th

>> No.10923718

Not even (You) anon!

>> No.10923720

I can't even finish a goddamn level

>> No.10923728

doom's curse is that it's too "basic". it's easy to make levels and mods, so 80% of it is garbage, the rest 20% is good. this is why i've stopped making stuff for it, maybe i make some garbage, maybe i make some good levels, but why does it matter? it all gets lost in the sea of trash quickly.

>> No.10923730
Quoted by: >>10923735

>but why does it matter?
Because ideally you're doing something you like doing. If you don't like doing a thing, and it isn't necessary to your survival, then yes, go do something else.

>> No.10923734
Quoted by: >>10923735

>so 80% of it is garbage, the rest 20% is good
That is any form of media and art. You create shit because you want to and find enjoyment in it whether it gets lost in the endless pit or not.

>> No.10923735

true, i was wrong in my assumptions. sometimes i do enjoy crafting something for one of my favourite game, but the enjoyment has been slightly diminished due to the aforementioned factors.

>> No.10923736

The most I can say is ganbatte anon-kun.

>> No.10923739
File: 394 KB, 776x591, Ryu&#039;s wise words.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You shouldn't let that shit dissuade you. I've been making gameplay mods for awhile now and my shit doesn't always make a blip. But I know there's always some people who enjoy it, and I always feel satisfied for finishing it. That's what keeps me going.

The big thing for me is if I know I'm capable of surpassing who I was in the past, then I know I'm doing something right.

>> No.10923740

I appreciate the animation variety too: Different stagger animations, death animations, and then everyone can be turned into giblets with enough damage/quads. Same goes for Q2 with a few improvements.

I’ve also realized that sprites don’t do well when trying to have “angled corpses”. The times I’ve ran into it through mods and other games makes it feel like they’re still “alive”.

>> No.10923743

>The big thing for me is if I know I'm capable of surpassing who I was in the past, then I know I'm doing something right.

>> No.10923753
File: 133 KB, 1920x1017, Screenshot_Doom_20240511_133052.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Getting closer to finishing this

>> No.10923756
File: 7 KB, 229x220, 1703878664283248.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10923762

Unironically sigma mindset. Bless you anon. You have achieved peak human spirit.

>> No.10923775 [SPOILER] 
File: 17 KB, 723x477, whole five seconds in photoshop .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Put some shit together, as promised. Feel free to use it together or separately, or not use it at all, I kinda just wanted to show what I had in mind with the title logo thing, it might've turned out worse than original.

>> No.10923778
Quoted by: >>10923912

All of those aforementioned for Doom 1 have been cooking up for a while. And when you think about it, the community is completely in the right to think that Doom 1 and 2 are kind of rolled into one ''Doom'' game functionally speaking.

Whereas for Quake 1 and 2 there's more distinct identity for both of those.

>> No.10923784


>> No.10923795


>> No.10923835
Quoted by: >>10923839

Does Marathon have manual reloading?

>> No.10923839
Quoted by: >>10923868


>> No.10923868

First impressions of this game aren't great, and I can see why it isn't remembered so fondly outside of a small group.

>> No.10923869
Quoted by: >>10923882

It's a very strange game. Mazelike with a lot of creative writing shit strewn about the games, this goes off the deep end with the sequels.

>> No.10923876
File: 216 KB, 500x384, 1634319921511.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10923880

Truth is the Marathon games are terrible in every way besides flavor text.

>> No.10923880

Those two-fisted flipcocked shotguns in Marathon 2 are pretty fucking cool though.

>> No.10923882
Quoted by: >>10924238

Mazelike doesn't do it justice
I have a very good sense of direction and I was constantly lost in Marathon

>> No.10923883
Quoted by: >>10923893

>grabbing the assault rifle
>large mags, manage bullets AND grenade altfires
That’s when my first impression peaked and combat really picked up. Level navigation was my biggest hurdle, I may try to finish it.

>> No.10923884
File: 239 KB, 800x600, SCREENSHOT SATURDAY BITCHES.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10923887

>celebrating bad levels pack anniversary

>> No.10923893

The way enemies flinch when peppered with that attached spray gun is pretty satisfying, but the grenade launcher is the star of the show.

>> No.10923912
Quoted by: >>10923921

>Whereas for Quake 1 and 2 there's more distinct identity for both of those.
Mostly because Quake 2 wasn't even developed to be a Quake game.

>> No.10923918
File: 525 KB, 1920x1046, wally chad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10925898

>not linking the updated version of Wally that you can open more than one thing on without it pissing and shitting itself

>> No.10923921
File: 191 KB, 800x600, F-mEXC3XkAALbwL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10923973

well, Quake 1 wasn't Quake either.

>> No.10923956
File: 356 KB, 540x690, 1690369555049017.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10923965
File: 99 KB, 516x652, 1673568120723217.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this movie

>> No.10923973

That was way, way before Quake even started development, went back and used the idea Romero had latched onto.

Quake 2 went through most of it's development before being a Quake game because they couldn't use the name they wanted.

>> No.10923975
Quoted by: >>10923978

you are a space marine trapped inside the body of an angel

>> No.10923978

This explains Demonsteele.

>> No.10923994
Quoted by: >>10924049

Sometimes you wanna hide a secret well.

>> No.10923998

The Rock is Sabaoth, anon.

>> No.10924049
Quoted by: >>10924065

It genuinely fascinates me that people get angry when you've made a secret hard to find, they want to have it both ways with the waterfall shit.

I end up using unlisted secrets for my actually secret shit just so I can do stuff that isn't just obvious crap.

>> No.10924065

Joke's on you, non-secret super secrets are my fetish.

>> No.10924070

I really like what REKKRanon did with his project. I've always had a particular idea in mind, but then again, I tell myself: "I already enjoy Doom, why make something similar?"
Nowadays people want mouselook, jump, etc. but I want to do something that is fun for me, and the Doomloop is what I will always find fun.
The idea is simple: five weapons only (+ melee); each episode has its own weaponset/hero; when you finish that episode, you "unlock" the hero/weaponset. instead of standard difficulty, you can just apply mutators (ala ut99) to the game, similar to corruption cards. menus selections and all that jazz. more arcadey. small maps, etc.
one thing i don't like is i'm restraining myself if I want to keep mouselook off: no grenade launcher, for example; or no beam weapon.
My question is: would anyone be interested in a similar project? or doom is too old to make a game based off of it? (i know gzdoom games are still being shat out today, but those don't follow the same doom gameplay as i enjoy it)

>> No.10924098

>The idea is simple: five weapons only (+ melee); each episode has its own weaponset/hero; when you finish that episode, you "unlock" the hero/weaponset. instead of standard difficulty, you can just apply mutators (ala ut99) to the game, similar to corruption cards. menus selections and all that jazz. more arcadey. small maps, etc.
Doing unlocked stuff tends to be a fucking pain in Doom since loading older saves will tend to re-lock shit.

>> No.10924101

You know, I was brainstorming the concept of a grenade launch with fixed aim like Doom. I think it wouldn't be that big a deal to have a weapon with a fixed range when the SSG already exists with functionally limited range.

>> No.10924113
Quoted by: >>10924126

>doom's curse is that it's too "basic". it's easy to make levels and mods, so 80% of it is garbage, the rest 20% is good. this is why i've stopped making stuff for it, maybe i make some garbage, maybe i make some good levels, but why does it matter? it all gets lost in the sea of trash quickly.
You're just mad because your stuff wasn't included in Grezzo 2.

>> No.10924118

It's easier to make a decent Doom level than it is to make something for almost any other game. The simplicity helps reign in ideas.

>> No.10924126
File: 38 KB, 620x131, Image14.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10924167

The shit is with stuff relating to that popping up again lately?

>> No.10924127
Quoted by: >>10924142

the engine is quite limited, even with gzdooms bells and whistles. i've seen some projects laying around, remaking the engine in pure C and even C#, without counting the countless unity/godot remakes. the problem that comes with this approach, is that users won't be able to use the same map format, and you DO want people to make maps using doom builder, and not a hacked version you compiled just for yourself

>> No.10924142

I've seen stuff for saving and loading data outside of the ini and save files but that's an entire fucking can of worms too.

>> No.10924154

>Marathon released on Steam
>95% positive rating
Guess we'll be looking forward to new boomer shooters with "muh deep lore" shoved in.

>> No.10924159

The Dark Souls of "retro" FPS games are upon us.

>> No.10924167
Quoted by: >>10924195

>grezzodue 2
>not grezzoduedue

>> No.10924186
File: 61 KB, 625x684, 5673524528.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wang already exists as a DWANGO parody wad
These are pretty good, but I'm still determined to keep Fraggot as the title. It's a single word and it's much shorter. I'll put God Hates Frags in the intermission screen.
Thank you for the title brainstorming session. Now get mapping!

>> No.10924195
File: 3.43 MB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_GrezzoDue2_20240511_113555.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Woah guys
this game is like freaking weird dudes

>> No.10924227

>some weird 9 volt on the weapon sprite
>AAs for ammo
Disgusting, my immersion is ruined.

>> No.10924236

Keeps crashing on me...
I'm gonna wait until Grezzo Due Due gets a true 1.0 release. Until then, I'm just going to play classic Grezzo Due.

>> No.10924238

Nta, I didn't care for the level design so I never finished it.
Could be a lot of fun, but drops the ball there so hard as to ruin it for me.
Some people feel the same about hexen (tho it never bothered me much), and I think both games could benefit from a level redesign, and you'd have to change little else to accommodate it.

>> No.10924250

If you're interested in other people playing it I would put in freelook and maybe jumping. And I agree that without it your weapons are limited. Even most older players prefer freelook at least.
I would keep it all on one save and use an in-game hub.

>> No.10924257
Quoted by: >>10924323

well 90% of the stuff is gonna get lost on non-italians. luckily I am, so i can enjoy it fully, just like the author intended, while you can't.

>> No.10924285 [DELETED] 
File: 25 KB, 231x143, trustworthy hands.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's pretty funny that the analogies just about always end up being transactional ones.
Gee, I wonder why?

>> No.10924323

>well 90% of the stuff is gonna get lost on non-italians. luckily I am, so i can enjoy it fully, just like the author intended, while you can't.
The ultimate troll.

>> No.10924365
File: 96 KB, 879x623, 6722754861.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10925908

2000's Sovl website

>> No.10924380

So this is what life is like in Italy...

>> No.10924425
Quoted by: >>10924456

Nobody has played every single Doom work ever made, and that's fine, there's plenty which I will never touch because they're either some old disposable thing made in the early days, or it's of some type I simply don't play.

I just seek out the stuff which I find interesting, which manifests as me not bothering with Eviternity 1 & 2 because I'm already tired of OTex and they don't seem like anything truly special, and perhaps contrary to my prior paragraph, I'll roll the dice on iDGames Roulette on occasion just for the hell of it, which results in crap most of the time, but occasionally turns up something nice.
I guess I also have certain mappers I like 'following' in a way because I like the work they do, and sometimes it's worth checking out their own inspirations because it might actually be really cool.

Make what you think would be cool, what you would enjoy. That doesn't mean to not listen to criticism or anything, but you need to recognize what kind of criticism you think has merit and value.

>> No.10924446

I'd do another Tribute Quilt if the first one wasn't such a chore.

>> No.10924456

>Nobody has played every single Doom work ever made, and that's fine, there's plenty which I will never touch because they're either some old disposable thing made in the early days, or it's of some type I simply don't play.
There's plenty that can't be found anymore, either being lost or intentionally removed/replaced with something else.

It's just the way shit is.

>> No.10924472

doom but reverse gravity

>> No.10924476
File: 34 KB, 600x600, 1699924331337082.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10924490

Isn't there a wad that's just the Doom 1 or Doom 2 levels flipped upside down?

>> No.10924518

DOOM but you shrink down to microscopic sizes then enter the demons bodies and learn about biology

>> No.10924521


>> No.10924524

I can't say for sure, but someone has to have done it at some point.

I do know about DOOD, which takes half of the levels and mirrors them. They also do the same to the sound effects and sprites.

>> No.10924527

With the Marathon games coming to Steam, how long until someone gets the idea to do a /vr/ project?

>> No.10924530
Quoted by: >>10924548

doom but you're schizophrenic and obsessed with frogs

>> No.10924548
Quoted by: >>10925115

That's just 3 heures d'agonie.

>> No.10924584 [DELETED] 

doom but you infiltrate demon society and create internal strife by turning the different demon races against each other while destroying their economy by flooding hell's markets with cheap earth goods thereby devaluing demon domestic labor

>> No.10924589 [DELETED] 


>> No.10924591 [DELETED] 

That's halfway towards this.

>> No.10924603

This should be in a Quake 1 mod

>> No.10924604

32in24 already capitalized on this tagline with Occupy Doomworld

>> No.10924608

I think even Marathon fans don't even try to defend its gameplay lol. If you're playing Marathon, it ain't for gameplay.

>> No.10924615
File: 592 KB, 1130x900, boomer imp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what are some good wads that are scaled like the original iwads and that are never talked about?(reasonable monster count, reasonable map size, vanilla feel...)

>> No.10924616

doom but you're on a space station with clowns

>> No.10924618
Quoted by: >>10924631

Unrattled ig?

>> No.10924621

What was the web browser in question that you used?

>> No.10924630
Quoted by: >>10924647

Doom, Doom 2, Hacx, Plutonia, or Heretic, but It has Phantasy Star themes.

>> No.10924631
File: 11 KB, 640x400, 93VhA7A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this? looks interesting

>> No.10924635
Quoted by: >>10924658

Yeah, I heard it was made by an assembly of retarded faggots with down syndrome, but in spite of that it turned out pretty well. Sure would hate to be on the same websites they use though, sounds horrific.

>> No.10924636
Quoted by: >>10924645

I know the "DOOM the Way id Did" projects try to follow the original game's level designs, but that doesn't really fall under "never talked about" like you asked.

>> No.10924645
Quoted by: >>10924712

Yeah i already played the first one and loved it. maybe i should try D2TWID

>> No.10924647

Isn't that ProDoomer?

>> No.10924658

oh yeah now that you mention it i remember when it was made kek. the skelington seemed familiar. sorry for my alzheimers. what a bunch of dorks

>> No.10924661
File: 197 KB, 646x594, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10924663


>> No.10924669

>December 2022
>1 year 5 months ago
Is this the last successful /vr/ project?

>> No.10924671

not properly retro, but i always see some similar titles thrown around here. what do you think about Prodeus?

>> No.10924683
File: 32 KB, 372x372, 1702503256472207.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

open world DOOM in the style of BotW

>> No.10924684

Garlic Breath of The Pit

>> No.10924691

sounds like ass medication

>> No.10924692
Quoted by: >>10924706

Does Ad Mortem P3 count? If not, then yes

>> No.10924694

I think it's not retro.

>> No.10924696
Quoted by: >>10924704

The more you use a specific gun the more proficiency you gain. With enough proficiency levels you attain increased damage, higher accuracy, and unique skills.

>> No.10924704

WW-Terrorists does that.

>> No.10924706

It's still not formally done and its main bulk dates far back to 2021, so I would assume not.

>> No.10924708
File: 799 KB, 501x848, vr mapping in 2023.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10924712
Quoted by: >>10924715

>Yeah i already played the first one and loved it.
The original three-episode release, or the later "Ultimate" update with the fourth episode?

>> No.10924715

the original 3 ep i guess.
speaking of which. i just found out this existed:

>> No.10924723

Oh, yeah, I forgot about that. It's a collection of rejected maps from the original DTWID.

Anyhow, if you played the original three episodes, then I guess you can give the fourth episode a try and see what you think.

Also, if you plan on doing D2TWID, there's a hidden 33rd map.

>> No.10924724

DOOM but it's an unknown prototype discovered at an estate sale and it's haunted

>> No.10924725
Quoted by: >>10924749

>every single engine after id tech 2 wasn't made from scratch.
Carmack is a hack

>> No.10924729
File: 2.07 MB, 498x280, Untitled.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10924732

>Doom but it's-

>> No.10924732

Doom but it's Doom.

>> No.10924747
File: 442 KB, 1087x1457, ONEMANDOOM (DTWID-LE.WAD).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10924767

Possibly a starter point for inter-forum autistic soap opera. Look further down the page, there're more wads.

>> No.10924749
Quoted by: >>10924763

This. Then there are people who praise Carmack and make fun of Romero, while in reality a lot of programming was also done by Romero himself (and most of the features he implemented went on to become a staple in Half Life and many other games)

>> No.10924758
File: 506 KB, 1920x1080, 2024-05-11-220728_1920x1080_scrot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10926976

Submission for Fraggot
I don't know anything about Doom deathmatch.
Ended up kind of ugly so maybe I'll update it
Title: I don't get it
Midi: Track 60 from Rock It v2.5

>> No.10924763

I think they're both pretty cool, anon. Honestly I'm surprised they never hooked up, they would've made a cute couple.

>> No.10924765

Not sure if you are serious, but can confirm for RR is the most beautiful game of all classic Build ones, art direction and attention to details on E1 Mansion level is just incredible.a

>> No.10924767

heh nice

>> No.10924814
File: 99 KB, 960x720, HTIC00.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doom but it's a fantasy game with wands, crossbows, and wizards.

>> No.10924818

the crossbow is also a wand

>> No.10924831

It's also a wizard.

>> No.10924835

Then yah, unrattled was the last successful one. The thing about making and leading projects is you need to have your life in order before committing to it, and people like this are hard to come by on 4chan and the ones who do tend to make personal projects instead.

If a project is crashing and burning despite having healthy contribution, then it's a pretty safe bet to pin it on the lead having a mental break.

>> No.10924839

I wanted to make a mod where every weapon is a spell with animation out of Hexen, but it never panned out.

>> No.10924845
Quoted by: >>10924849

To be fair to the fore/vr/ alone project lead, he couldn't have seen his life going to shit coming, the same can't be said for whatever the shit cockblock has been up to though.

>> No.10924848
Quoted by: >>10924954

>It's still not formally done
What else could be done for it?

>> No.10924849

Oh that's definitely a special case where life just hits you with a colossal anal rape out of nowhere, he's a victim of circumstance. I've seen enough about chop to know he's completely dysfunctional irl.

>> No.10924852
Quoted by: >>10924856

There has been an extreme lack of interest in the proposed Doom projects over the past year. Vertex Relocation has barely gotten any maps at all.

>> No.10924856
Quoted by: >>10924857

That's a separate issue of contributors just not being interested, distinct from the leaders.

>> No.10924857
Quoted by: >>10924862

I'm aware, I'm just saying that this thread has had a rough time since 2022.

>> No.10924858


>> No.10924862
Quoted by: >>10924868

Yeah I think this place just became way less appetizing and more insular after some of the more sane people left and took SNS with them

>> No.10924868

It's unfortunate. 22 was an incredible year for /vr/ wads. Lots of quality was put out during that time.

>> No.10924884

doom but built from the ground up as a mobile phone exclusive

>> No.10924889

We already have Doom RPG.

>> No.10924901
Quoted by: >>10924903

Like one of those idle games where everything just scales infinitely?

>> No.10924903


>> No.10924914
Quoted by: >>10924925

the wand is also a crossbow

>> No.10924918

There's a ton of those specifically for the phone fork of GZDoom that people insist on playing for some reason.

>> No.10924925
Quoted by: >>10924927

That fires wands.

>> No.10924927
Quoted by: >>10924945

well no it fires pebbles

>> No.10924942
File: 462 KB, 342x342, 1683336660227026.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Open world Quake in the Style of RUST, Morrowind or Oblivion.

>> No.10924945
Quoted by: >>10924949

Nah the firemace fires pebbles.

>> No.10924947
File: 116 KB, 960x720, HEXEN00.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10924952

Doom, but it's a dark fantasy game with three playable characters and an emphasis on exploration and puzzle-solving.

If Hexen ever gets a re-release, I hope they address some of the scripting errors.

>> No.10924949

oh true it fires DND dice

>> No.10924952
File: 34 KB, 264x263, 1687927816165607.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heretic is cool but this is way way more my jam

>> No.10924954

Vaeros was still in the process of remaking basic monster sprites into something horror-themed, and Chop might've wanted to finish his meticulous tweaking with the weapons but Vaeros is unreachable during this time of the year. Otherwise I have no idea.

>> No.10924957
Quoted by: >>10925362

Speaking of, I still haven't checked any of the additions since Phase 2

REKKR is a better Heretic

>> No.10924962
Quoted by: >>10924968

>2048 units of /vr/: New /vr/egas
You forgot shadow warrior project and vertex tho, or did that start in 2024?

>> No.10924963
Quoted by: >>10924983

It's such a perfect excuse for the lazy ass devs too because 'muh terminals' don't require NPC spritework and instead of pacing your storytelling you can just sprinkle 'lore terminals' around.

>> No.10924968

Pretty sure those were both 2024, I remember making this at the end of 2023.

>> No.10924969
Quoted by: >>10924983

Seems unnecessary to continue adding onto it when all the maps are done.

>> No.10924983

Pocket PDAs of the original System Shock is still the most elegant solution as you will be looting corpses either way, and they don't forcefully switch perspective or distract you.

It was finished since 2021 as far as I'm concerned, same as Protons. Some mappers might be angsty though that they don't receive speedrun demos from definite and final idgames release.

>> No.10924990

I don't think Ad Mortem will ever get on idgames because it uses IWAD files.

>> No.10924995
Quoted by: >>10925000

So does 400 minutes, iwad files from different iwads are okay.

>> No.10924996

>Pocket PDAs of the original System Shock is still the most elegant solution as you will be looting corpses either way, and they don't forcefully switch perspective or distract you.
The earliest version was text only so you did end up sitting there reading them.

Obviously that changed somewhat with voice logs for the CD version.

>> No.10925000
Quoted by: >>10925010

Well that's shitty because I got rejected for that reason.

>> No.10925003
Quoted by: >>10925010

That's supposed to be a rule but I've seen so much stuff on there that has iwad stuff on there, they just don't check, or care to check.

>> No.10925005

The voice logs from System Shock 2 and DOOM 3 would be a happy balance of lore dump and gameplay, with the downside being that if you wind up getting into combat, the sounds might drown out the audio and you'll have to re-listen to them.

>> No.10925006

doom but the speed of light is slowed down so you have to deal with relativity whenever you move

>> No.10925010

Might've had something slip through the cracks, there is a tool you can use to automatically check for any duplicates, probably in doomtools.
It's easy to get around, BTSX can get away with having iwad sprites because they're using a different palette

>> No.10925013

Doom but it's SUPER HOT.

I'm almost certain that exists.

>> No.10925015

>there is a tool you can use to automatically check for any duplicates
For duplicate files, or stuff from iwads?

>> No.10925019

Non-Euclidian DOOM

>> No.10925020

You could skim over the text for crucial information with some speedreading, text was tackled into the corner while you still were in action. That's what I meant.

>> No.10925021

>BTSX can get away with having iwad sprites because they're using a different palette
I noticed Headless Chicken does the same, it probably just does a MD5 check and anything that's been changed about doesn't get flagged.

>> No.10925025

That's SuperDoom.

>> No.10925024

NTA, but both, actually. It has a tool to check for duplicate files within a wad and a tool to check for files duplicated from an iwad.

>> No.10925028

Stuff from iwads, you provide an iwad to use as a reference and it'll scan the given pwad for any duplicates from the iwad

>> No.10925036
Quoted by: >>10925045

I think another exception for iwad stuff is if you're using anything from another iwad, e.g. using Hexen's Ettin in a DOOM 2 wad.

>> No.10925045

The rejection message does specify id Software resources.

>> No.10925058

Imagine if doomguy was a velociraptor wouldn't that be crazy haha

>> No.10925059
File: 50 KB, 736x654, sweating.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Authors may NOT use the contents of this file as a base for modification or
reuse. Permissions have been obtained from original authors for any of
their resources modified or included in this file.

>> No.10925065

Says who?

>> No.10925076
File: 3.95 MB, 640x368, ted.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Release date: 03/20/1998

>> No.10925093
Quoted by: >>10925491

Looking forward to playing the rest of official Quake 2 material and maybe diving into custom content.

>> No.10925115


>> No.10925121
Quoted by: >>10927038

>only authors who align with my political ideals may use the contents of this file as a base for modification

>> No.10925128
Quoted by: >>10925141

>a /vr/ project?
>only non-Mac editors around are pretty shit
>even the Mac ones aren't that great
>somehow emulating classic Mac OS to run the OG Forge is still a solid idea
Marathon mapping makes Build mapping look welcoming.

>> No.10925141


>> No.10925162
File: 477 KB, 1440x1080, nugg0004.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shitted e2 replacement

>> No.10925180

underwater doom

>> No.10925193
File: 398 KB, 1920x1017, Screenshot_Doom_20240512_000256.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mostly been testing and fucking with a fairly dumb map completion rewards thing I'd scraped together just because all the other stuff that does that, is tied pretty deeply to some mod or other crap I wasn't interested in.

>> No.10925230

This gives me System Control vibes.

>> No.10925236

>when the boss surrounded by his bootlickers calls you to his office from the hallway

>> No.10925361
File: 361 KB, 1920x1080, doom00.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Truly my most cursed moment in all of DOOM 2.

>> No.10925362
Quoted by: >>10925565

> REKKR is a better Heretic

Hm, I think REKKR is the best vanilla TC ever, but never thought about it this way. Art direction in Heretic is good, but not close as good as in Hexen, not really outstanding. REKKR one is not worse. Combat in REKKR is 10x better than in Hetetic, but comparison os unfair, because it is built on 20 years of vanilla Doom combat experience, not 20 months, like Heretic. So tend to agree with "better heretic".

>> No.10925372

Scythe 1 perhaps? Not sure how frequently it is talked about, but definitely less than on Sunlast/AAliens/BTSX.

>> No.10925378

Just play popular Boom ones, Brutal works fine with all of them.

>> No.10925379

any COOMer wads?

>> No.10925382
File: 101 KB, 385x249, 1708249557675606.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DOOM is not for COOM

>> No.10925394

Imp Encounter is everything you're looking for.

>> No.10925402

DOOM, butt

>> No.10925405

how come the entire pc gaming scene in the 90s revolved around satanism

>> No.10925408

It was the satanic panic so counter culture fed off of that.

>> No.10925415

same as metal, it was just the edgy thing to do and in combination to the gore you have the taboo game that everyone wants to play

>> No.10925419


Too many chainguns, Too many rocket launchers, Too many plasmaguns, too many big fucking guns WHEN?

>> No.10925421

In the 90s it was cool to be a christian that wore satanic symbols ironically. Now it's cool to be a satanist that wears christian symbols ironically.

>> No.10925491

Do it.

>> No.10925501
Quoted by: >>10925563


It's like rain on your wedding day!!

>> No.10925534
File: 634 KB, 1024x768, titleee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for an "official" add-on, ep1 was kinda mid as the kids say senpai. Is ep2 any better? if not im just gonna replay NRFTL

>> No.10925550

Japanese Valentines is short but gud. The slaughter map with Linkin Park playing in the background is especially kino.

>> No.10925558

Herotic and Hexxxen when?

>> No.10925563
File: 575 KB, 1920x1017, Screenshot_Doom_20240512_031338.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man the museum / art gallery brand on 90s wads really were a weird existence for some shit.

>> No.10925565

>not 20 months, like Heretic
In order to compete in the market, they also sorta overextended themselves with inventory system and tome of power. While REKKR's weapons pool is succint with broadly defined use cases, Heretic instead dillutes it with alternative fire modes, the utility of which is strictly limited and counterintuitive. As example, by "powering up" Heretic's variant of a rocket launcher, you instead get a clumsy flamethrower suitable only for dealing with slow melee enemies. Game expects you to work around other similarly realized novelty weapons. Furthermore, it falters in terms of audiovisual feedback in general, as hardly anything compares with turning enemies into a gooey mess with the basic soul bow/launcher and dispatching groups with thundering steel-shot. Yet Corvus is supposed to be a powerful mage.

Ironically though, corrupted techbases from the original doom excel both of these games at reflecting dungeon crawling experience, despite missing convention of a fantasy/magical setting.

>> No.10925568

i already know how the wands will look like

>> No.10925576


>> No.10925580
File: 797 KB, 1920x1017, Screenshot_Doom_20240512_031638.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just a perfectly normal 90s wad from the Japanese community.

>> No.10925584

dangerously based

>> No.10925590
Quoted by: >>10925591

Is BarbieDOOM real or did I hallucinate it

>> No.10925591

You mean the puzzle wad?

>> No.10925673

NTA, I like the inventory in Heretic and REKKR could've used something like that. Alt-fires maybe. Restriction to vanilla was probably a misstep overall. At least for widespread popularity.

>> No.10925680
Quoted by: >>10926278

Need to play this right now, what's the name?

>> No.10925689
File: 168 KB, 1600x1200, 1612760206284.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what gameplay settings besides no freelook nor jump/crouch should I check for to play as vanilla as possible in gzdoom? it's pretty gay when you come across a wad that only works in that port but it happens

>> No.10925696
File: 6 KB, 66x49, gib.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10925721

Made gib hud sprite, which will go unused, because they're a pain in the ass to implement without replacing the existing hud.

>> No.10925721
Quoted by: >>10925741

Just replace the HUD then.

>> No.10925741
File: 613 KB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_Doom_20240430_191514.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm trying to keep this mod workable with existing ui mods, though I'd leave the spritework in for anyone who actually wants to mod them in. I'm a bit of a brainlet on coding shit in myself.

>> No.10925787

doom but in space

>> No.10925793
File: 431 KB, 512x512, 1697661955108537.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10927360

the DOOM we deserved

>> No.10925797
Quoted by: >>10925801

I enjoy BTSX. Gamerplay is usually solid, the texture set is pretty neat, and I respect that it pushes the boundaries of what vanilla compatible maps can achieve (iirc, there was even an engine limitation that was discovered during development). But they certainly aren't the greatest thing ever.
I feel BTSX E1 would have been better if it varied things up more with the techbase theme. Too many maps are basically just riffing KDITD, D64's early levels, or Q2.
BTSX E2 has a bit more variance with its temples/ruins/castles theme, and sometimes even throws in the occasional rusty techbase here and there. But its also where magnum opus syndrome starts to creep in. Nothing is as boring as Eviternity's Dehydration for me personally, and there are smaller maps inbetween too, but its definitely something to be aware of if giant sprawling maps are not your cup of tea.

>> No.10925801
Quoted by: >>10925808

NTA, but what does magnum opus mean in the context of Doom maps? Seen the term being thrown around in previous threads before

>> No.10925808

"Magnum opus syndrome" refers to when the mapper tries to make the biggest, baddest, best map ever made for Doom, especially notable when it's in collaborative efforts or community projects because the map length sticks out like a sore thumb, especially if its somewhere in the middle of a set
Dehydration is a good example of this

>> No.10925832
File: 1.97 MB, 4032x2268, IMG_20240511_211952409.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10925924

Found some old used targets. Shot with 38sp and 9mm iirc.
This one was thread relevant.

>> No.10925898

Didn't know about this, thanks.

>> No.10925901

That sounds fun anon.

>> No.10925908

Deep lore is one of the best things about video games anon.
Haha sick
Check the engine for relevance to the thread: Ion Fury gets a pass because it's on Build Engine. Prodeus was done in Unity so it's verboten.

>> No.10925910


>> No.10925916

Doom, but every time you save, your max health & armor get reduced by 10 for the remainder of the level.

>> No.10925920

>video game where you kill the demons

>> No.10925924

>Shot in the horn

>> No.10925979
Quoted by: >>10925984

I always found it funny that people were complaining about that back in the day, completely ignoring the fact that you're KILLING the demons.

By that fact alone, DOOM is actually the most Christian game ever made.

>> No.10925981
File: 172 KB, 843x360, 1697026699932900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was Chernobog part of that whole Yale thing?

>> No.10925984

by naming the demons you're feeding them

don't give them the attention they crave

>> No.10925994

Was writing my experience with the first BTSX E1 playthrough a few months ago in this thread. Cool textures and uneven maps before Metal Mothers, this one has blown me away.

>> No.10926000

reminder that Sandy got asked about the whole "Doom has demons in it" thing since he's Mormon and he was just like "well they're the bad guys and you shoot them in the face with a shotgun so i don't think it's satanic, also it's just a fucking video game"

>> No.10926004

If the "head" is considered as a "part", then yes. Crudux Cruo!

>> No.10926009
File: 569 KB, 1280x960, woof0131.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10926021

A lot of those early Japanese Doom 2 maps seemed to favor the Wolf3D assets. Knowing what I do about Japanese retro FPS fans primarily from reading the citadel dev's twitter there seems to be more of a fixation on Wolf3D in general than what you see in western circles. I wonder if the SNES or maybe the Mac port was especially popular there? I wouldn't expect the original PC version to be considering the PC-98 was still dominant at the time and it would have been awful to play Wofl3D on that hardware if it even worked.

>> No.10926017

I've liked boss-like battles in Heretic, these skeleton heads looked great. And the surprising amount of details in DSparil battle, when he has specific actions when attacked by Corvus' "grenade launcher". And the spawning logic in that battle. Cybers/masterminds in Doom or bosses in Duke had nothing like this.

>> No.10926021
Quoted by: >>10926104

>it would have been awful to play Wofl3D on that hardware if it even worked
I mean, you say that but there was actually an official (afaik) Wolf3D port to the PC-98
as for SNES Wolf3D, apparently it released on the Super Famicom earlier than it did on the SNES in NTSC and PAL regions, given the subtitle "The Claw of Eisenfaust", so it very well may have been quite a few JPbros' first experience with an FPS

>> No.10926060
Quoted by: >>10926063

doom but your a skeleton and all the demons are skeletons and the entire time its playing the spooky scary skeletons song

>> No.10926063
File: 644 KB, 670x997, 1695888306565154.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doom but
Anon, if you just made these ideas yourself instead of giving them away for free you'd be a millionaire.

>> No.10926064
Quoted by: >>10926083

Doom, but I'm productive.

>> No.10926083
Quoted by: >>10926138

>doom, but production lines and conveyor belts and throughput efficiency

>> No.10926090

I don't think there's a lot of money in waddev in 2024

>> No.10926104
File: 3.27 MB, 640x400, pc98 wolf [sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fg3oo3b.opus].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10926110

>there was actually an official (afaik) Wolf3D port to the PC-98
Fascinating, this is definitely better than I expected. Sound is a bit fucked, but that might be emulator settings on my end. Shame about the aspect ratio but that's just a fact of the platform. It's definitely more playable than the SNES port, probably not too unlike running the game on a lower end IBM compatible of the time. I doubt 386s were pushing locked 70 FPS. PC-98 wasn't exactly a favorable system for action games of any kind so a full-blown FPS that's this good would definitely turn heads.

>> No.10926110

I never understood wolfenstein, you're a nazi killing other nazis? some kind of in-fighting? is wolfenstein a good nazi or a bad nazi?

>> No.10926129
Quoted by: >>10926194

Are you retarded?

>> No.10926132
File: 28 KB, 1280x960, Screenshot_2024-05-12_03-03-07.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10926139

You play BJ Blazkowicz, a Polish-American spy. He's tasked with investigating Operation Eisenfaust, a Nazi plan to make undead mutant supersoldiers, but BJ is a bit shit at the sneaky part of his job so he gets caught and imprisoned in Castle Wolfenstein. Then he does the part of his job that he's good at, which is killing all the Nazis and stealing all their treasure. That BJ hands the Nazis their own asses by the hundreds while being Aryan himself is a deliberate irony.

>> No.10926138

inb4 someone makes Doom in Factorio

>> No.10926139 [DELETED] 

sounds like nazi in-fighting to me

>> No.10926176

Is there a sourceport recommended for Wolf3d or is it good out of the box?

>> No.10926179

If for whatever reason you wanted to buy Heretic, Hexen and Hexen 2, they're all on sale for 90% in a bundle.

>> No.10926180

I'm always of two minds about these things: I would like to show publishers there's interest, but none of the original developers are seeing a dime.

>> No.10926189
Quoted by: >>10926212

ECWolf is my go-to, and also what the commercial digital release of Super 3-D Noah's Ark uses.

>> No.10926190

>le original developers
I think this line of thinking is extremely overrated. You pay not just for the product itself but also for the convenience of having it available conveniently.

When I buy food at the local supermarket I don't start kvetching how little of my money actually goes to the original banana farmerespecially when it's a foreign product, I pay because I want the product and someone has made it available.

>> No.10926193

I get you, but I also don't think the publishers would care. And if they would it would be to dig up Heretic/Hexen and try to butcher it into a Doom 2016/Eternal clone.

>> No.10926194

It's the same annoying little retarded kid that posts the same ''what if doom but'' shitposts over and over.

>> No.10926195
Quoted by: >>10926212

it's generally fine in dosbox but there's also little reason not to use ecwolf

>> No.10926196

>Still no Heretic 2
They really need to sort out whatever legal trouble prevents them from selling it, at least I still have my disc.

>> No.10926203
Quoted by: >>10926514

Also still no Portals of Praevus.

>> No.10926208
Quoted by: >>10926226

It was just the aftermath and the residual paranoia left by decades of psyopping the american population by glowies and the military, which culminated in the 80s. Non-npcs back then knew this or at least knew the mainstream went apeshit about it and thus knew how to design and market a product so that controversy would favor them.

>> No.10926212
File: 116 KB, 1920x1071, 1704161989178650.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10926229

This is quite fun, even in a purer way than Doom. Thanks lads.

>> No.10926226

Satanic Panic. Here's a good documentary that goes over it in large part, although it is not the principle subject.
>It was just the aftermath and the residual paranoia left by decades of psyopping the american population by glowies and the military
Iiiiiiii don't know about that one anon.

>> No.10926229
File: 3 KB, 82x88, YEAH.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice. I like to play it mouse only, with the strafe modifier on a mouse button.
Though, the DOS version drags on a bit too long for me to finish all 6 episodes every time I revisit it.

>> No.10926234

>the convenience of having it available conveniently.
I can have it available conveniently from a zip file that I downloaded from the internet one time and never need to again.
Actually buying a 20+ year old game is purely performative, the only question is for whom are you performing.

>> No.10926236

That's a good point.
>You pay not just for the product itself but also for the convenience of having it available conveniently.
I can download it from a million sources conveniently fuck off with this retarded logic.

>> No.10926243 [DELETED] 

doom but fully voice acted

>> No.10926248
Quoted by: >>10926251


Then what was the point of the original post you thundercunt? Just pointless waffling about how you ''care about le original developers'' while also justifying piracy? If you pirate you pirate and that's it.

>''Well uhm erm, I kinda eehh want show publishers there is interest.. but le original developers don't get any money so I pirate''

>> No.10926251
File: 21 KB, 376x360, 1711708476244920.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Well uhm erm, I kinda eehh want show publishers there is interest.. but le original developers don't get any money so I pirate

>> No.10926254


Also, having older games re-released and made to natively support widescreen fixes, modern control options and a whole host of other things without having to use fixes from old sites that may or may not be functioning, that is an advantage imo to pay for in and of itself.

That may not be applicable to Hexen / Heretic but there's a good number of games where emulation is shit / dodgy and a re-release would be nice.

>> No.10926256

>That may not be applicable to Hexen / Heretic but there's a good number of games where emulation is shit / dodgy and a re-release would be nice.

>> No.10926263 [DELETED] 

doom but you work for spacex and elon has just laid out his 7 point plan for monetizing the demons

>> No.10926270

Defiance by Visceral. Will decide to stop working on versions of Windows seemingly for no reason.

>> No.10926278

Evan Doom.

>> No.10926453

Most of my examples are outside of the retro fps sphere but MGS3 for example used to have absolute dog poo emulation, and ps3 emu for example is very hit and miss.

>> No.10926514
File: 194 KB, 750x730, What If You Wanted To Go To Portals.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10926515

>I think this line of thinking is extremely overrated.
Same. People should stop being an overzealous fanboys towards developers and brands. These companies aren't something sacred. Devs come and go. All of them have their part in each project, so you can't even go with "OG [brand] is back because there're these 3 guys there" since it took more than them to get that game you like out of the door.
>And if they would it would be to dig up Heretic/Hexen and try to butcher it into a Doom 2016/Eternal clone.
Nah, Heretic/Hexen is more likely to get a "your typical modern cooperative game" treatment.
Funniest part is that there's practically no legal problems on that front. All parties are under one rule, they just didn't bother (yet, maybe). Maybe if Microsoft pushes them to sort out backlogs for Game Pass like what Bethesda was doing... although I'm pretty sure they did that on their own initiative since, surprisingly enough, Bethesda was relatively good when it comes to this stuff.
>Also, having older games re-released and made to natively support widescreen fixes, modern control options and a whole host of other things without having to use fixes from old sites that may or may not be functioning, that is an advantage imo to pay for in and of itself.
Yup. It just makes said game more accessible than quick DOSBox package, which is also great since some people just couldn't be bothered with making even smallest steps to make the thing running. Their problem, sure, but still.

>> No.10926515

>there's practically no legal problems on that front.
You know, now that you mention it, I legitimately forgot that Microsoft bought Activision.

>> No.10926526


>> No.10926604


>> No.10926663

>butcher it into a Doom 2016/Eternal clone
I wish.

>> No.10926682
File: 194 KB, 512x494, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the whole dashing and combos stuff might be cool for the Hexen fighter, assuming weapon combos translate into different fisting techniques and it somehow turns into a faster Zeno Clash or Fight Knight.

>> No.10926710

I’m curious if their publishers even feel another big “AAA singleplayer fps” is still worth it.

>> No.10926718

Would be more worth it if they didn't have to budget out scriptwriting and voicework for an awful, forced story that nobody likes or cares about. Bait for people to make 12 hour DEEP LORE videos about doesn't translate into people buying your game.

>> No.10926724

There is still no trace or hint of "Doom Year Zero", and Microsoft wants to focus only on the bigger properties. If Doom doesn't have a future, there is no chance there will be another AAA sp fps

>> No.10926725
Quoted by: >>10926897

>so I would assume not.
Ad mortem of all other /vr/ wads literally won a cacoward, it's the most recognized /vr/ wad so far and it's not successful? what the fuck are you talking about?

>> No.10926728

It’s the last /vr/ wad that is finished at its completion, but clearly not successful. use your words correctly.

>> No.10926743

what if
>doom, but in limbo
>a wad that compiles submissions for unreleased /vr/ community projects

>> No.10926753

Skull and Bones?

>> No.10926754

Might as well just call it 94 Protons+

>> No.10926761
Quoted by: >>10926781

speaking of unreleased /vr/ community flops, what the fuck happened to SUM TING /VR/Y WONG?

>> No.10926781

The only people who want to map for the Build engine are either working at Voidpoint or are on a Duke Nukem forum instead of here.

>> No.10926796 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>10926819

For me Doomguy is basically a male version of Ellen Ripley rather than
>'le heckin rip and tear man, autistic manchild collecting toys lmao'
reddit was a fucking mistake

>> No.10926819


>> No.10926832

It won't happen anyway, Microsoft owns Hexen now and they also own Bethesda, so in the minds of their shareholders first person fantasy shit would take profits away from what they probably think will be Skyrim 2.

>> No.10926843

I propose we split revenants into two demons, one does the 10-40 rockets, the other does the 60-80 bullshit rockets

>> No.10926856
Quoted by: >>10926880

Only if the small ones' missiles always track.

>> No.10926880

Nah just have two classes of them, flaccid boners and erect boners.

>> No.10926890

>/Vertex Relocation/
is this flop still going tho?

>> No.10926897

Ad Mortem is widely recognized mainly due to the graphics (stolen, ripped, and frankensteined), not certainly because of game design lmao
also >cacoawards being anything worth talking about

>> No.10926920

>Ad Mortem is widely recognized mainly due to the graphics (stolen, ripped, and frankensteined), not certainly because of game design lmao
so literally every wad that is popular

>> No.10926930
Quoted by: >>10926949

Assignment understood, anon.

>> No.10926949

and people still playing it and that's what matters, you can be a contrarian faggot all you want

>> No.10926976
Quoted by: >>10927201

-Most of the spawns are staring at walls or pillars, and with their backs too close to walls. Generally spawns should let you move forwards and backwards freely, and never stare at close walls. You should move/rotate spawns to look at openings where other players will be. Remove a few spawns too, having 6 is good for a map this size.
-A few spawns here don't have appropriate weapons for their environments, Rocket Launcher and Chaingun spawns are ineffective in close quarters and could be swapped with the SSG spawns.
-The BFG switch is really bad, nobody will want to use it when it just makes it accessible for others, while you have to run from the other side of the map. I'd suggest having a teleporter simply take you up to it instead.
-The Plasma gun spot should have a teleporter on the bottom floor to get the player back up. It's a nice option to have to choose between two punishments, rather than forcing to wait for it to go back up as the only way.
-That southeastern area is too dark. I see you're trying a silhouette visual with those bright walls, but they're ineffective. The darkest you should ever have in a non-gimmicky map like this is 128.
-Straightening some walls will prevent bumping off of them, and in turn make movement better.
-Putting a stray SSG in the middle area will encourage non-SSG spawned players to get to the middle, and as a result make for a more active central area.

>> No.10927005
File: 537 KB, 1600x900, Screenshot_Doom_20240512_181838.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fascinating thing to me is when mods and maps start lifting shit from each other.

>> No.10927014
File: 162 KB, 720x302, pwq7ax9bvcs81.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there are actually people speedrunning freedoom
thank you for your service to free software o7

>> No.10927024

Fucking disgusting.

>> No.10927038


>> No.10927042

FreeDoom does have its own levels (well, aside from E4 literally just being Double Impact), and people will speedrun any custom Doom levels which they find interesting or speedrunnable.
A classic example is Alien Vendetta, there are many speedruns of that one, in part because it's a beloved classic.

>> No.10927045

Whats wrong?

>> No.10927046


>> No.10927053

Speedrun.com is operated by corporate shitters and it's really not needed for Doom engine running since it's demo-based.

>> No.10927176

PC Doom isn't even listed in speedrun.com, which should tell you everything. Doom doesn't need speedrun.com, as the Doom Speed Demo Archive is much older and much more thorough, since it is a complete archive after all.

>> No.10927195
File: 1.39 MB, 251x251, 1704636634282130.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10927201

Thanks for the feedback, I'll update it some time next week

>> No.10927229

checking doom's code but i can't understand one thing: why the shotgun pellets pierce? are they calculated one at a time? imagine i shoot 5 pellets, 1 kills the imp, the other 4 go on? what tells the engine which one to calculate first though?

>> No.10927234
Quoted by: >>10927238

Yeah, hitscan runs, monster gets damaged, possibly dies and becomes intangible, then the second hitscan starts.

I don't know how it works in code, but this is the order it works in.

>> No.10927235
Quoted by: >>10927238

the monster goes away when it dies -> remaining pellets hit the monsters behind

>> No.10927238

yup that's what i assumed. two questions remain:
- why is it so less prominent in quake?
- what tells the engine which rays to run first in the "cluster"? this might be important in some particular situation, wouldn't it? i guess it's some low level shit that i can't understand. yet

>> No.10927248
Quoted by: >>10927256

>- what tells the engine which rays to run first in the "cluster"? this might be important in some particular situation, wouldn't it? i guess it's some low level shit that i can't understand. yet
I'm pretty sure each hitscan tracer is independently random with full range of deviation. Except for BFG which I think goes left to right, but I'm not sure about that.

>> No.10927256

thanks anon. so, what basically happens, is the following:
- calculate rays first through five
- check rays collisions in the same order they were created

>> No.10927294
Quoted by: >>10927323

As for why it's less prominent in Quake, they actually programmed it so that multiple hitscans hitting a single target get clustered together. So if you blast a Grunt with a point-blank super shotgun blast, he ends up absorbing all the pellets while enemies behind him remain untouched.

>> No.10927323

cheers anon, appreciate it

>> No.10927335

cope however you like, still the best /vr/ project this shithole has ever produced, i'm sorry that your shitty doom project failed and never got the attention it deserved

>> No.10927342

I believe they are calculated one at a time because the SSG would gib otherwise.

>> No.10927350

is there any way to disable heightmap+normalmap combining in doom 3?

>> No.10927360

looks like HR Giger and Tribes had a babby

>> No.10927434

I miss when satanism was about misanthropy, hatred, cool shit in the 90s. now nu-satanism is about faggots and cringe shit like 'le satan is misunderstood! baphomet is trans!' I fucking hate this generation.