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/vr/ - Retro Games

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10562598 No.10562598 [Reply] [Original]

DOOM THREAD / RETRO FPS THREAD - Last thread: >>10554761

Gameplay, WADs/Maps/Mods, Source Ports
All other 90s FPS welcome
~ Let's post like gentlemen ~


(or Quake, Duke, Marathon, Deus Ex)

Same thing, in video format:

Quickstart torrent (IWADS etc): https://mediafire.com/file/wuniyrhsjjgq4y8
PortaDOOM: https://github.com/Kroc/PortaDOOM/releases
Quake 1-3 FAQ: https://pastebin.com/Ucb11XhU
Downloads for various /vr/ shooters:
Doom Shovelware:
Fileplanet archives:
4CHAN DOSPACK + Win98 games (pre-configured):


Vanilla/Boom: https://www.doomworld.com/forum/4-wads-mods/
ZDoom: http://forum.zdoom.org/viewforum.php?f=19
/idgames: https://www.doomworld.com/idgames/







OUR SRB2K SERVER (Kart Game in Doom), more info here:



>> No.10562602


Ad Mortem Guns (DECORATE): https://files.catbox.moe/ihv4l4.zip

=== WHEN IT'S DONE ===

=== NEWS ===
[12-30] Chex Quest: The Penultimate Breakfast released

[12-29] Not Even Remotely Fair completed

[12-29] MIT student displays Doom in gut bacteria

[12-29] BYOC got a GZDoom compatibility update

[12-27] Quake 2R Speedmap Jam announced in Nightdive discord

[12-26] Highway Accelleroid Booster 1.1 quietly released

[12-26] GrezzoDue 2 released

[12-24] J.A.C.K. editor updated for the first time in over a year

[12-24] BYOC 1.5 released

[12-22] Eviternity updated to RC4

[12-21] Rise of the Triangles RC1 released

[12-18] Voxel Doom added parallax mapping to IWAD's textures

[12-17] DoomGPT, an AI-directed Doom II project - released

[12-14] Nugget 2.3.0 Released

=== PREVIOUS ===

>> No.10562605
File: 546 KB, 720x1280, 1703851059138660.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10562619


>> No.10562613
Quoted by: >>10570225


>> No.10562616
File: 42 KB, 160x220, cacobounce.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Happy New /yr/!

>> No.10562619
Quoted by: >>10562791

i like sowd. das a personal weapon

>> No.10562631

I bought Quake on steam, but
Is the soundtrack really supposed to be this weird and creepy and foreboding ambient scariness?
And my autism keeps prodding me that I'm not playing the "real" version, the hold Q weapon wheel seems to be retrofitted from Doom 16, does it matter that much?

>> No.10562641

>Is the soundtrack really supposed to be this weird and creepy and foreboding ambient scariness?
Yes, it is supposed to be atmospheric.
>not playing the "real" version
Who cares. If it plays like any other version but with an extra feature, then whatever.

>> No.10562695

Happy new year, boys. Let's make 2024 a good one.

>> No.10562701

>Is the soundtrack really supposed to be this weird and creepy and foreboding ambient scariness?

>And my autism keeps prodding me that I'm not playing the "real" version, the hold Q weapon wheel seems to be retrofitted from Doom 16, does it matter that much?
It doesn't really matter much, Quake has instant weapon switching anyway, just go with whatever feels comfortable for you.

>> No.10562736

more like happy new year

>> No.10562739

it comes with the old dosbox version does it not?

>> No.10562743
Quoted by: >>10562781

i just mute quake's soundtrack
it isn't the cool kind of ambient, it's the reprehensible annoying horseshit kind of ambient
game sounds better without it

>> No.10562781

We can't be friends.

>> No.10562791

Do you want to wash Wang? Or do you want to watch Wang wash Wang?

>> No.10562795

is it possible to have n64 ost on quake for pc?

>> No.10562816

Hell Revealed 2 just turned 20

>> No.10562924
File: 14 KB, 484x697, 1605160851181.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Happy New Year all!

I remember seeing this character and WIP updates of her. Has there been any news or info lately?

>> No.10562930
File: 1.29 MB, 1692x907, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I changed my mind about perforator in Eviternity 2. Sure it's OP but it fits perfectly with the ever-increasing presence of buffed versions of enemies like astral cacos/spiders/fatguys or even just the rocket knights in tight quarters. Without it you'd spend a lot of time peeking around corners because they're dangerous enough you wouldn't want to be close enough to SSG them most of the time, and rockets tend to have an anemic speed.
I'd probably make it a basic weapon rather than one hidden in secret levels and give it its own ammo. Using pistol ammo works, but it feels odd and you have practically infinite amount of it (since the long reload means you're not really using it very often; it's terrible at clearing out crowded rooms)

>> No.10562932
File: 403 KB, 864x863, 1703793387713079.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10563086

>leak in the first 2-3 levels (intentional?)
Wait, what leak?

>> No.10562957
File: 1.21 MB, 1729x932, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nnooooooo gzdoom is performant you're just making fun of it
stable 60 in cyberpunk on high btw

>> No.10562972
Quoted by: >>10563018

I did the first episode of Quake and it was enjoyable, besides the absolutely horrendous colour pallette, but starting the next episode it feels like just more of the same.

>> No.10563018

>but starting the next episode it feels like just more of the same.
Yes and no. Each map and texture set is very unique from each other, but the general rhythm of things remains until the end, though episode 4 definitely is the most mazey. If you're not feeling it don't force yourself anon

>> No.10563053
File: 234 KB, 1131x662, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

man fuck those guys

>> No.10563080
File: 823 KB, 1181x904, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10563530

>eviternity 2 map26
what are you supposed to do here? if I shot open the door the green cacos gangbang me with no chance of counterplay. i can't seem to do anything without shooting the switches either.
are you supposed to run past them somehow? you die in 3 seconds in caco goonsquad

>> No.10563086
Quoted by: >>10563142

there are walls with no texture

>> No.10563142
File: 260 KB, 758x607, 17038817598560.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm currently double checking that in doom builder, but I can't see where I forgot to put textures
Can you pinpoint me where textures are missing?

>> No.10563186


>> No.10563247

>not pictured: the six billion linedefs the game has to render in full detail because the mapper has no idea how the engine works and didn't even try to cull things that can't be seen because it's just doom lmao it should run perfectly because computers are magic

>> No.10563258
Quoted by: >>10563321

Happy New Years Graf

>> No.10563267
File: 344 KB, 250x72, gzdoom-be-like.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10563273

no, it's impossible for a mod to be unoptimized, it can only be bad chicken man's fault
noticeable framedrops as early as the first real map of eviternity 2 even in woof btw
mod's just more concerned with looking pretty than running good on any port

>> No.10563279

to be fair the only areas I noticed the slowdown were the ship and this particular fight, with dozens of particle vomit enemies going at each other, and I'm 5/6 done with the wad
this fight was real bad tho, thankfully most mobs infight and you mostly just spam bfg otherwise it'd be a total shitshow

>> No.10563313

Lmao it lags in Woof, really?

>> No.10563319
Quoted by: >>10563326

it wasn't sub-60 but it was a substantial drop from 165, looking at a particular angle on map02
probably had just about the entire map rendered from that spot plus weather effects that are a lot more noticeable to the engine than to the player

>> No.10563321

Runs fine on my machine.

>> No.10563323
Quoted by: >>10563337

I have never seen a map that didn't give me steady 144 fps in woof's high resolution mode (640x400 or whatever)

>> No.10563326
Quoted by: >>10563329

Are the rain drops things, or mid textures?

>> No.10563329

they're things
i don't think they're as badly designed as the first eviternity's weather effects but it's still a lot of sprites to render just for some black rain the player can hardly even see

>> No.10563337

try comatose

>> No.10563338

It's designed for DSDA-Doom :^)

>> No.10563347

do ad mortem guns function differently? i might use them as alt skins

>> No.10563369
Quoted by: >>10563434

They shouldn't, but I can't say how good they'd look without AM's palette.

>> No.10563381 [DELETED] 

DBP wads are easily some of the best wads ever created for doom 2.

>> No.10563395

it might be more noticeable in SLADE

>> No.10563423
File: 391 KB, 1150x1150, Word cloud.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Happy new year /doom/!

>> No.10563432
Quoted by: >>10565004

>evil ssg songs
>serious cyberdemons annoying
>done lol oh bug
>try sigil
>wrong mapping bullshit
>i'm guys ass big weapon
>tested cheese
>enjoy actual demon

>> No.10563434

The saw is a little faster (making it viable for Satyrs), and the sword has a left-right slash which would give it a very slightly faster attack rate. I'm not sure they're in Ad Mortem itself yet though.

There's that.

>> No.10563436
File: 3.83 MB, 3440x1440, shot195.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10563482

Dia Base, my new Quake 2 singleplayer-map for a REMASTER is now released, and can be loaded down from here:
Associated Twitter-post just in case someone is interested:

>> No.10563457 [DELETED] 

No, they are not. There's few good ones and Auger Zenith sure is amazing, but after that they all just are kind of remarkable.

>> No.10563474

They're all good quality, expertly crafted and ooze pure vanilla goodness.

>> No.10563482
File: 3.88 MB, 640x360, diaSMOLbase ohboy.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10563502

>doomplayer prodoomer
The streamer made it into the wordcloud! Awesome.
>day begins with some Q2kino
This is a great start to my year.
The other projects have been fun but man does AZ really stick out. The style really resonates with me but there's also lots of good gameplay.

>> No.10563489
Quoted by: >>10563495

That's why I don't bother with GZDoom when a wad doesn't require it. I just use DSDA-Doom.

>> No.10563492 [DELETED] 
File: 373 KB, 439x376, can't beat the doll.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/vr/ got a mention
>DBP didn't
Yeah nice WADs you got there BAKA

>> No.10563495

I really wonder why seemingly so many people have problems just using the recommended port for a wad.

>> No.10563497

In Duke Nukem Forever, there’s a glory hole that can be interacted with. On the other side giving oral sex is Bombshell, the protagonist of 3D Realms’ Ion Fury (formerly Ion Maiden) and Bombshell. It’s confirmed to be Shelly “Bombshell” Harrison on page 361 of the DNF Ball of Steel Limited Edition Guide.

>> No.10563498
Quoted by: >>10563582

I don't want twelve different ports, I want just one.
And if it's sub-par in some way I'm going to bitch about it.

>> No.10563502
File: 1.52 MB, 3440x1440, shot202.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10563759

That's some balls to the walls right there.

>> No.10563503 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>10563509

yeah but we know why DBP didn't

>> No.10563507
Quoted by: >>10563535

Any zscript gods in here? I wonder if there's any way to have something like a default property of a *non-actor* class, which I could inherit from and override.

>> No.10563509 [DELETED] 
File: 77 KB, 500x709, 1679698848736848.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's just damage control. There's no way a wad would get cut for those reasons but then a 4chan wad gets in. /vr/ is just build different and so was Ad Mortem

>> No.10563518 [DELETED] 

I don't buy it, its harder to pin the tail on the donkey when most of the mapper credits are "anon", FWIW I think Ad Mortem did deserve it.

>> No.10563530

If you stand on the little skybox squares and shoot they can't hear you. Yeah the game isn't super clear about this but they try to make the squares stand out and it's not like there's any way to progress without figuring this out.

>> No.10563531

I hope Sigil II's E6M7 will be remade for Doom II with their enemy roster. It's a map perfectly suitable for Doom II. It's the best map by Romero since Tech Gone Bad.

>> No.10563535
Quoted by: >>10563539

Non-actor classes don't have defaults at all. But you could always make a virtual method and override it later. Kinda answered your own question there. It's the only way to do it.

>> No.10563539
Quoted by: >>10563560

seems I can do:

>class foo ui {const a = 1; const b = 2;}
>class bar : foo{const b = 4;}
and then anywhere access it like
>console.printf("foo: %i,%i bar: %i,%i",foo.a, foo.b, bar.a, bar.b);
Displays 1, 2 and 1, 4 as expected.

>> No.10563540 [DELETED] 

DB is a direct competitor to DW and ZDF, and directly challenging their authority by refusing literal fandom-wide cross site banlists. We're anonymous and a much smaller community than any of the three others, right now their focus is on bullying DB out and basically blackmailing creators to exit DB. If that's successful, they'll probably come after people from here next and try to pressure them from de-associating themselves from /vr/.

If Cacowads hasn't lost it's status because of some of the judges in the previous years doing dumb shit like nominating their own wads they can't even properly complete and test themselves, it's high time it should now in light of the frankly deranged posts in the Cacowads thread. Like some of those posters including one of the head moderators went nuclear attacking and trashtalking the mappers that worked on DBP. Atleast I don't consider Cacowads worth much anymore after seeing that shit and how the higher ups literally endorsed behavior like that.

>> No.10563556 [DELETED] 
File: 2.54 MB, 390x373, 1584880471204.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DBP unironically got blacklisted from Cacawards because they committed a heckin bigotry. You know, compared to /vr/, where nobody EVER says words like nigger, tranny, faggot, etc, etc.
The recent excuse is that AZ contained billboards saying to visit DB for a good time, with their URL, which is such an absolutely petty technicality that only the bitchmade socialist assholes on DW could have come up with it. Calling them Doomer Boards Projects is fine, but printing the URL for the site isn't? Like that makes a goddamn difference and people couldn't immediately infer the origin and look it up based on the name.
They pretend it's for safety, too. Yeah, what ever would I fucking do if the third world zoomer who made one of the recent DBP levels found out I liked cock and called me a faggot on DB? I don't know about you, but I find that entire notion obscenely patronizing and infantilizing.

I don't have any stake in whatever ancient petty feuding DW and DB has (40oz is at least as shitty of a person as most of the bigshots on his rival site, he deserves his share of atomic wedgies), but arbitrary and petty soi faggotry like that is why I feel Cacowards are worth less than ever.
It's their forums, it's their awards, it's their opinions, but it's all so fucking hollow and fake feeling.
This made the retarded trainwreck which was Doom Awards even more regrettable, because more coverage of Doom stuff with less of DW's petty baggage would be very welcome, but it seems that some people are completely allergic to effort.

>> No.10563559

I like Doom, it's pretty fun.

>> No.10563560

Consts are static, not virtual. Consider the following:
>foo f = new('bar');
>Console.Printf("%i, %i", f.a, f.b);
What you'll get is 1, 2 instead of 1, 4, despite the fact f is of type 'bar'. And this is really common when dealing with inheritance - to use the most abstract type for the variable, even if the object itself is of a deriving type.
So no, what you're doing only works because you're explicitly referencing foo and bar by name. Which kind of defeats the purpose of using inheritance in the first place.

>> No.10563564
Quoted by: >>10563582

Because I don't want a million billion ports.

>> No.10563582

Just use GZDoom and DSDA-Doom and you should be fine.

>> No.10563583 [DELETED] 

Nigger, the DW people outright had a discussion about it like I described in this post: >>10563556

Ad Mortem is good, but so is Auger;Zenith, and they had to invent a flimsy bullshit reason to exclude it because they don't ACTUALLY care about the art and craft of Doom.

>> No.10563587 [DELETED] 

DBP got blacklisted because the forum exists to be antagonistic to Doomworld and is full of and welcoming to Kiwifarms-tier freaks who spend all day obsessing over and seething about the Doomworld members they didn't want any recognition from anyway, baka. /vr/ is neutral ground with jannies who clean up imported drama instead of letting it fester and thrive.

>> No.10563592 [DELETED] 

Sorry, I don't play wads made by chuds

>> No.10563596 [DELETED] 

Nah, Zeppelin Armada was just meh this year, and they had to invent a cover so they could say it was good while dismissing it
Ad Mortem blew it out of the water and it's STILL not finished

>> No.10563597 [DELETED] 

I like this post on the matter.

>> No.10563602 [DELETED] 
File: 111 KB, 1420x664, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10563612

>welcoming to Kiwifarms-tier freaks
Most of the time, but not always.
Side note: dn is the funniest person in the entire community and it's not even a contest.

>> No.10563603

Dang. So there's no way to access any properties of a non actor class without first creating an instance of it?

>> No.10563606 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>10563626

That's very well put, and why /doom/ shouldn't let itself be Doomworld's and ZDoom Forums dumping ground.

>> No.10563612 [DELETED] 
File: 1.22 MB, 320x240, 1583890482555.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10563620
Quoted by: >>10563637

Ooh wait I get it, I can do https://pastebin.com/tjSPjT7t

>> No.10563626 [DELETED] 

Yeah, end of the day all of the stupid, petty bullshit going off elsewhere isn't our problem and shouldn't become out problem.

We've got enough of our own petty bullshit to keep us occupied, we don't need to import more.

>> No.10563637
Quoted by: >>10563657

No. Sadly there is no GetDefaultByType for non-actor classes as there are no properties. Though nothing's stopping you from making a static helper method that creates an instance, gets the necessary info from all virtuals you want, stores it in some data class/struct, and nukes the object before returning the data. The code below is for Actor classes, but the same logic applies to everything.

But even if you just create an object directly, it's going to get garbage collected anyway if you don't store it anywhere. The helper method is just a little bit lazier, but if you don't have a large amount of data to pass around every time it might actually be worse due to overengineering. Depends on your use case.

Why even have consts at that point? Just return the value directly in the virtual. The consts are completely unnecessary and useless.

>> No.10563647 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>10563731

I thought the Cacowards were supposed to judge wads and not wads' authors...

>> No.10563657
Quoted by: >>10563668

Oh right - got lost in the weeds a bit there. Thanks for the info man!

>> No.10563659

are there any wads that are into the unknown/obscure/sinister like worship of the void and embracing mind blowing horrors?

>> No.10563662
File: 97 KB, 1887x477, Screenshot 2024-01-01 at 11-01-47 Quaddicted.com Quake Singleplayer Maps.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what's going on with quaddicted? Did it die, because it looks like there haven't been any new maps since September?

>> No.10563668
Quoted by: >>10563709

Anytime. I can rephrase or give simpler examples if you need clarification on anything. Dropped the links cause I figured an actual use case might have been better than some abstract foo/bar code.

>> No.10563671

Stop crying about DB chuds, at least they won in the DoomAwards *holding in laugh*

>> No.10563682
File: 251 KB, 214x448, rangerhang.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Quake 1 singleplayer scene itself is dying. Didn't even get a Halloween or Christmas jam this year.
Anyone who's been paying attention knows why.

>> No.10563684

Does it have to do with the drama between Quaddicted and Slipseer?

>> No.10563694
Quoted by: >>10563716

Now you are just shilling. Only great mappers left are 40oz and lunchlunch, and even lunchlunch doesn't join every project anymore.

And I'm only being realistically harsh, because of that god damn shilling. Don't try to turn dbps into the new brutal doom or myhouse. There is nothing wrong with neither of those, but it gets tiring when a normal thing gets praise as the best thing ever. It's even more tiring, when the one that gives the praise, is the one who participates on the projects himself. Timing is even worse, because the past year quality of the dbps has dropped insanely. So if you want more good mappers for dbps, this is not the way to go. Don't sell yourself out by praising your own maps like some merchant. Just make maps like you used to. Be humble.

>> No.10563705

They are mostly all pretty decent, with a couple of truly great ones, and maybe one which stinks. That's not a bad track record considering the volume, but they're not a goldmine.

>> No.10563709
Quoted by: >>10563760

Nah I get it now, I just have to think carefully about all that "static" actually implies. Not at the point where it's instinctual yet.

>> No.10563716

40z bailed recently and desu I don't blame him, I find the Doom community pretty unhealthy despite how productive it appears at the surface.

As for the DBPs, they're solid limit-removing wads that are occasionally very good. Nothing more nothing less.

>> No.10563718
Quoted by: >>10563719

Is there a link to the doom 2 wad or will I have to find my doom collection jewelcase?

>> No.10563719
File: 206 KB, 410x410, tomatospinfix.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10563723

We have all the good old shooter goodness warez you need in our OP post, friend.

>> No.10563723
Quoted by: >>10563758

tx bro sry bro

>> No.10563731 [DELETED] 

I would actually care, if any of the dbps had the quality of something other than monthly speedmap. Even without all the drama, I see no reason for any of the 2022 or 2023 dbps to be awarded. They are all very mediocre, and whole Doom community has dozens of better releases every year. Some that don't even get honorable mention, because there is just too much stuff.

>> No.10563737

I'd say Auger Zenith, Dreamcatcher Apparatus and Zeppelin Armada have all been excellent, but that's just 3 projects out of 60+ so they're not exactly churning out consistent heavy hitters.

>> No.10563750

I didn't like Zeppelin Armada. I agree that it had good texture set and cool rpg elements for a not-zdoom wad, but that's about it. Maps were not very good. Some outright very amateurish, that didn't do justice to the texture set. And palette itself was just horrible.

>> No.10563752

Yeah, that's the point I tried to make in another post. DBP has turned out a couple of genuine gems, and I think that at least AZ deserves recognition at least in mentions, but though DBP is impressive in its output, it still IS quantity over quality for the most part, even if the ratio is a lot more favorable than how quantity over quality is usually used to describe things.

>> No.10563754



>> No.10563758
File: 855 KB, 600x900, wolfenstein3ddakkadakkadakka.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No problem, friend, the OP is there for helping.

>> No.10563759
File: 3.90 MB, 640x360, more diabase fun.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10563859

This section was crazy fun. Very challenging, replayable, lots of cool little interactions and fun enemy quirks. Skill 3 gunners also do a good job inadvertently curbing the power of the ion ripper, and even without them these are hard fights that justify its use.
Random dumb fun stuff: It was great being reminded these cute little bastards can revive fallen enemies, and that "shatter" effect when those green shields run out looks cool.

>> No.10563760

Static just means it belongs to the class itself, rather than an instance of it. A static method can be accessed using the name of the class. For example, DeltaAngle is a static belonging to Actor, so you can access it as Actor.DeltaAngle from literally anywhere. Consts work the same way. Like Thinker.TICRATE. Keep in mind static variables DO NOT exist in ZScript, only static methods. Additionally, you can omit the class name if you're trying to use it in that same class or its descendant. Like you don't have to type the full "Actor.DeltaAngle" if you're using it in MyDoomImp or some other Actor-derived class. But you must type it if you're using it in an EventHandler, as those don't inherit from Actor. Same with Thinker.TICRATE and other consts.

>> No.10563762 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>10563763

Both Ad Mortem and Auger;Zenith were awarded.

>> No.10563763 [DELETED] 
File: 38 KB, 665x574, retarded.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10563809

No, wait, that's impossible, that'd mean I'm a retard who can't pay attention! Just ignore my stupid posts.

>> No.10563773
File: 2.10 MB, 1920x1080, ChristmasThumb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Happy New GoldSrc Year!

>> No.10563774
File: 569 KB, 1747x1784, 1572982153258.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can anyone tell me what this screenshot is from?

>> No.10563778 [DELETED] 

Every other post in that thread does a great job of proving Doomworld right. They make our local schizo outbreaks look good.

>> No.10563783 [DELETED] 

>I find the Doom community pretty unhealthy despite how productive it appears at the surface.
A lot of the more productive people (especially the ones still enjoying making stuff) went off in their own directions instead of sticking to these megaclique servers and forums.

It really kills the fun when you're just trying to make something cool and all the people surrounding you are doing is bitching about Brutal Doom still.

>> No.10563784
Quoted by: >>10563804

I think it's from arcane dimensions not sure about the map

>> No.10563789

very comfy video

>> No.10563792
File: 957 KB, 832x865, 1671948802859661.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bless you for sharing this kino.
The Gus part had me in stitches

>> No.10563793 [DELETED] 

Just fuck off with your retarded board drama

>> No.10563796
File: 117 KB, 400x378, 1701900349910033.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10564068

Even if it's just something small and for fun I'd love to see /vr/ vote on best wads of the year.

>> No.10563804
File: 833 KB, 1920x1080, admetmonentrance.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10563817

>I think it's from arcane dimensions not sure about the map
This anon is right and it's Arcane Monstrosity (ad_metmon). It's found through AD's second level hub.

>> No.10563809 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>10563856

Auger;Zenith was on 2021. Dw and db made actually peace back then and future dbps were welcome to cacowards back then, but pact was that the db fags would agree obsessing over invidual dw fags. Db fags broke their pact and continued being the butthurt antagonist, so dw staff denied dbps from further awards (but didn't deny the solo projects of the mappers that participated on dbps). It's a classic case of play stupid games, win stupid prices. Dw does have some major retards on their staff, but i fail to see how i could feel sympathy for db. Breaking a pact is quite shitty to do in every culture. Crying about it's consequences is just retarded.

>> No.10563817

cheers m8

>> No.10563827 [DELETED] 


everything new is on slipseer. people got tired of not being able to manage their own releases. also what in the fuck are these new captchas

>> No.10563830 [DELETED] 


>> No.10563847 [DELETED] 

Haven't been here in a while? 4Chan replaced Google's captcha with its own.

>> No.10563856 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>10563880

nice try, steve

>> No.10563859
File: 3.47 MB, 3440x1440, shot186.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, the fixit-bots are great. I first used them in Amaze Base, but then after seeing them seamlessly navigate the whole map without issue I realised I had to use them more. Paril told me how much effort it took him to make them behave better, and it shows.
Also this map went through some radical changes during its short development.
Pictogram related, early starting area with two pillars instead of the big fan.

>> No.10563869 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>10563879

Your exaggerating the drama. Yes, some few autists are having a bitch fight, but most mappers don't care. That being said there has never been lot of mappers on Quake. Before Arcane Dimensions there were usually 2-3 good projects per year. 2023 had Deathmatch Dimension, Spiritworld, ReMobilize, Quoffee 2, Mjolnir, Dwell 2, and Alkaline 1.2 and more than 5 less remarkable single player campaigns on top of that. Yes, there was not lot of stuff in last 3 months, just as Doom didn't have lot of stuff at the start of the last year. That does not mean that scene is dying.

>> No.10563873 [DELETED] 

>people got tired of not being able to manage their own release
>what in the fuck are these new captchas
Which QM degen are you? Comfy? FW?
Coming here to run damage control won't save your cancerous clique of homosexuals.

>> No.10563879 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>10563885

How is life with negative IQ?

>> No.10563880 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>10563924

I've been lurking both forums. Unless you have any insider info, that's how it went.

>> No.10563885 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>10564048

Yes, I made a typo. More than one probably, since I'm esl. Do you have any actual arguments or are just larping an english teacher?

>> No.10563905 [DELETED] 

>you have to join the internet war against dw, or the dw iluminati will destroy 4chan
Read your own text and see how insane it sounds.

>> No.10563919
File: 773 KB, 1280x720, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any mod that gives sectors colored lighting based on how the PS1 version colored its maps?

>> No.10563924 [DELETED] 

no insider info, and i would've been against cucking to the dw fags anyway, but the whole kiwifarms tier obsessing over dw users is a bit exaggerated. that thread wasn't even active for most of the year, they just needed an excuse to call people nazi or whatever, and i agree with dn anyway that steve post is the dumbest fuckin thing in the history of dw, unhearting bullshit drama no one cares about just to make himself needlessly look bad, while they could've kept shadowbanning dbps like they usually do. i hope you enjoyed my schizo takes on the other side tho. some posters in here kinda glow

>> No.10563925

Beyond some hypothetical ZScript spellcasting applied to the given maps in advance, you'd need that as part of the level, ergo PSX Doom itself, or one of the conversions of PSX Doom to PC, like PsyDoom, or that one in GzDoom.

>> No.10563931 [DELETED] 
File: 185 KB, 458x457, thinkleaf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10564043

So you're suggesting that /doom/ has embedded agents from the CIA or NSA?

>> No.10563947
Quoted by: >>10563953

It's possible in Boom+ maps to apply a colour effect to the entire screen when the player is standing in specific spots, either a vanilla effect like invuln/berserk or a custom texture (see community chest 2 map 7) but it's impossible for those sectors to appear coloured while outside them
there are 2 GZDoom mods I know of that apply colours to vanilla textures, subtle lights which applies coloured lighting to the entire sector, and morelights which gives the ceiling/floor a dynamic light with finite reach
in both mods I'd comment out the blue floor because way too many wads use it as a carpet

>> No.10563953

>there are 2 GZDoom mods I know of that apply colours to vanilla textures, subtle lights which applies coloured lighting to the entire sector, and morelights which gives the ceiling/floor a dynamic light with finite reach
>in both mods I'd comment out the blue floor because way too many wads use it as a carpet
I guess one of those is More Lights, what's the other?

>> No.10563985
Quoted by: >>10564012

try Threshold of Pain, basically a PS1 style episode


>> No.10563990
Quoted by: >>10563995

How well does Trenchbroom work for Half-Life. Might make some HL maps this year because I'm a bitch that chases what's currently in vogue.

>> No.10563995

Other than not supporting decals yet, it works perfectly fine from what I understand.

>> No.10564007 [DELETED] 

Why is this pixelated, dated game is still this popular when there are much better games around like HL2 or COD?

>> No.10564008
Quoted by: >>10564021

gzdoom is very optimized, mods on the other hand...

>> No.10564009

Where's my NEXTSTEP beta?
Where are the June-November 1993 betas?

>> No.10564012

Sure, I'll try that, but I mainly wanted to see a script that tries to make every other custom map have PS1-style colored lighting, not one that already has it.

>> No.10564013

RunThinkShootLive is down :(

>> No.10564021
Quoted by: >>10564113

God damn it, not again. Guaranteed replies, I guess. Here's your (You), faggot. You're not wrong but you just couldn't help yourself, could you?

>> No.10564031
Quoted by: >>10565105

Does anyone have any Black Mesa-adjacent HL mod suggestions?
So far I've got
>Field Intensity
>Delta Particles
>Azure Sheep (I'll probably use an add-on to change things like weapons to M16'sbecause I'm a bitch)
>Point of View
>Signal lost
>some version of Decay
>Residual Point/Life
>The Infected
>The Evasion

>> No.10564040
Quoted by: >>10564042

Oh shit does anyone have any more info? This is bad. Thank god for the eternal moddb.

>> No.10564042
File: 16 KB, 600x125, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10564043 [DELETED] 

it's cool that you're leaving the archiving of community drama to db and kiwifarms, some of the totally organic jannying and posting reeks of the doominati tho. they're stalking doomer boards 24/7 after all, why wouldn't they be here too. beware my friend

>> No.10564047
Quoted by: >>10564060

What essential Quake maps should I be checking out? I've played the base game a ton over the years but never tried any community content. Just installed Copper.

>> No.10564048 [DELETED] 

Communication is key to being understood.
Wordsalad = schizophrenia

>> No.10564051 [DELETED] 

>cucking to dw fags
So you wanted to remain antagonistic to the guys, that you still wanted to award you and yet wanted them not to be antagonistic against you. How's that not retarded? Don't you understand basic human interaction?

Are seriously saying that CIA is involved or are you implying that some of us are secretly dw members? There's no secrets. Some of /vr/ are members of dw, some are members of db and some are members of both. I've been on 4chan since 2005, but I've been a dw member before that because dw existed before 4chan, howerer spiritually i'm /vr/ faggot first. I think that dw has done things that I don't agree with (like 2020 cacowards) and does have few staff regulars that i don't respect, but I think that /vr/ is atm in ok terms with dw and i'm tired of butthurt db fags trying to stir up drama against dw and to drag us to fight their battles. I personally want to remain neutral.

>> No.10564060
File: 3.69 MB, 1920x1080, 1675080967151906.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10564067

In the LEAST drama bullshit way possible I promise jannis don't ban me: The head honcho of Quaddicted decided to change the website again when nobody asked for it. All he did was give Slipseer a boon because
A: People still cannot upload their own releases to quaddicted
B: He nuked the daily activity page on the front page of quaddicted

B is the worst part for me personally: It was always nice to go to quaddicted's homepage, see what people were playing, commenting on, and rating. It's been down since November for fuck's sake, that should have been the first priority.
Stop exaggerating.
Arcane Dimensions 1.81
Alkaline 1.2
Dwell whatever the latest version is
Epochs of Enmity was really good
Something Wicked
Ter Shibboleth (Drake Redux or vanilla, but I prefer the Drake version)
Quoffee 2

That'll net you some dozens of hours for now. Other people can recommend others but these are the big ones at the moment. Keep on eye on Quake Mjolnir as well, it's a mod that runs on the megamod Keep, and right now it only has 2 episodes out of 5 planned, but it's going to be absolutely enormous (72 maps) when it's finished. Do note, it leans muuuch more into the castles and medieval aspect of Quake, and that's not everyone's cup of tea.

>> No.10564067
Quoted by: >>10564072

Thanks anon, I'll check those out. Quoffee looks exactly like what I'm after.

>> No.10564068

Create a strawpoll bro

>> No.10564072

Quoffee and Quoffee 2 are a ball. Mini custom maps for Quake or Doom or any game for that matter are severely underrated in today's lightning fast media consumed age.

>> No.10564086
File: 272 KB, 1000x912, Shub-Niggurath_png_webp_92.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10564089

It always strikes me how big Shubby is.

>> No.10564094

oww ouch my fps

>> No.10564101

are there lewsd of her?

>> No.10564113

He's right. GzDoom not being optimized for ancient poverty machines doesn't mean that it's not optimized at all. GzDoom has developed (more or less) in step with how hardware has been developing in all of this time, and beyond some inherent bottlenecks to Doom's core (which GzD retains), it's reasonably well optimized.

Machinery becomes obsolete, and maintaining your software's compatibility and performance for ancient machines which vanishing amounts of people are currently using is a waste of time and effort.

>> No.10564116
File: 2.34 MB, 262x256, 1678686205228515.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

people gotta nominate wads first because I'm too lazy to look up what all released this year that's notable

>> No.10564121

>download Sigil II
>sick of the constant shoot switches after 30s
>music is serviceable but hardly amazing
>a fake wall in 2nd map has a switch on it
>the red cracks everywhere are pretty ugly desu

Does it get better? I'd be pretty pissed if I paid for this.

>> No.10564130 [DELETED] 

I'm not mocking you, I am asking out of genuine curiosity, what made you decide to buy the paid version? Just the music, or supporting Romero, money not a problem...what reason did you have to do that?

And a question, why didn't you try the free version first?

>> No.10564134




>> No.10564139

Is Doom Eternal (2020) an ancient game? Because my computer at least runs Doom Eternal on maximum settings better than 15 year old wads on gzdoom. Yea, I know it's because gzdoom has no support for multi-core cpus, but saying that gzdoom does fine on anything but ancient computers is simply a lie.

>> No.10564143

Man, I really liked the moonman mod. It was kinda difficult to find it online, but it was worth it. Bump

>> No.10564150
Quoted by: >>10564160

>Because my computer at least runs Doom Eternal on maximum settings better than 15 year old wads on gzdoom
Can you provide any evidence of this, or are you just trying to shitpost about gzdoom again?

>> No.10564152
Quoted by: >>10565379

I wonder how fast doom could run if you ditched unnecessary stuff like the BSP tree and just loaded everything into vertex buffers. I bet you could do all the rendering real fast

>> No.10564154
File: 169 KB, 718x825, anons.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good luck convincing anyone of that.

Absolute fucking bullshit. I don't believe you on the basis that you are A) not posting your source port settings and B) not posting your mod list.
>stat vm; stat lightstats; stat renderstats; stat sight; stat gpu; toggle vid_fps
Put that in the console and post a screenshot or better yet a webm of those wads you claim to be running worse than Doom Eternal with all those numbers visible. Do it, I dare you. I optimize mods for fun so I won't believe a single word you say until you post those numbers. PC specs too. I'm insanely tired of you NASA PC faggots claiming the engine runs like ass.

>> No.10564156


>> No.10564160
Quoted by: >>10564170

What kind of evidence would you need? It's quite self-explanatory. Modern games can use multi-core cpus in, gzdoom can use only a single core. This is the biggest problem with gzdoom's performance. It tries to be the source port for high end machines, but yet it can't use the all of the high end machinery.

>> No.10564168

Slaughter is fun :)

>> No.10564170
Quoted by: >>10564202


>> No.10564175

Doom Eternal is a modern engine that can do things like not render geometry that the player is looking towards but can't see yet, render far-off geometry in simpler forms because it's too far for the player to notice a difference, and only has to concern itself with enemy AI that's currently present in the one arena you're locked into. Doom engine doesn't have those luxuries. If a mapper makes a huge detailed open space and fills it with thousands of enemies, it has to render the entire thing in full detail as long as the player is looking at it and run every alert enemy's AI routine no matter where in the map they are. Unless the mapper uses single-sided linedefs to properly divide the map into more reasonable chunks, everything will still be rendered even on the other side of a solid wall, because the possibility exists that that wall could be suddenly lowered or the floor could be raised and now the player can see what was behind it. It's an engine that was designed primarily for tight close-quarters maps with limited outdoor environments, not huge sprawling landscapes. It's not GZDoom's fault that mappers think they can just brute force everything with modern hardware and that they don't have to concern themselves with what the engine is and isn't good at.

>> No.10564181
File: 3.19 MB, 460x402, 1583847087340.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They manipulate too easily, anyone can make fraudulent votes to make sure their choice wins out.

People here have been knocking around the idea of The Golden Boners for a long time, but there's a lot of things to consider, a lot of questions to ask ourselves. These are not rhetorical questions either, we need to discuss the answers.

>1. Do we NEED our own awards ceremony? What is the benefit of it? What could be the drawbacks?
>2. Do any of us have the energy and drive to arrange and follow through with such a ceremony, and with any remotely consistent scheduling?
>3. How exactly will outcomes be determined? By jury? By vote? How would either of those be arranged in an actually secure manner?
>4. Should we recuse ourselves for our own work? Us rewarding ourselves with an imaginary medal to pat ourselves on the back would easily look ferociously masturbatory.

Personally, I feel that there's a lot of work which just will not be reliably done because there simply isn't enough interest, so getting it off the ground to begin with seems doubtful. Like or hate the Cacowards, the writers have a lot of commitment.

I'd also be worried that this would encourage way too much circlejerking, and that it may draw in too much attention to our corner of the overall community. 50 people have replied to this thread so far, and 50 to 100 people are a pretty cozy speed for these threads, will this place be as fun if we start looking at 200+ people on the regular, many who will no doubt refuse to properly adapt? I feel that, no, it would not, and this is the one point I'd expect the most agreeance on.
It would also just be difficult to have secure votes or juries without promoting circlejerking, it'd require people here being less anonymous.

>> No.10564189

how many linedefs are these largest maps even? because it's hardly difficult to render a VBO of say 10,000 triangles. monsters are two triangles and can easily be instantiated many times. the AI is probably the trickiest but doesn't it run at 10 Hz?

>> No.10564195
Quoted by: >>10564208

Good post. Good info.
>It's not GZDoom's that mappers
But why should mappers cater to one source port when 10 other source ports don't have the same problems?

>> No.10564197
File: 2.46 MB, 1366x768, Reconquest.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if Doom but half baked HOMM?
This is a blue board.

>> No.10564201

>Yea, I know it's because gzdoom has no support for multi-core cpus
Which is a really significant difference. Most modern computing strength comes from having stacks of multiple processors working together, which Doom, and in extension GzDoom, does not do.

This is why for GzDoom you would want to seek out CPUs where the individual cores have good single threading performance, because that will make a difference. Won't solve everything, but it's a good start.

Another is optimizing the .wads in question for GzDoom, like Comatose : Mowed Edition, where 20000+ decorative grass actors are removed from the map to dramatically reduce CPU load.

>> No.10564202

I literally posted what evidence I need, you retard. Show me actual numbers. Saying "muh single core" proves absolutely nothing. I'm running a Ryzen 7 7700X with a Radeon RX 6800 XT, and the only time I reach sub-par FPS in GZDoom is on wads like Abandon with Project Malice. Anything below ~1500 modded monsters runs like a charm if I turn off shit like SSAO that seems to be the heaviest post-processing option, especially since I play on 6880x2880. And that's not touching on all the debris and gibs and whatnot that ends up being present by the end of a wad which can go up to 7000+ total without the VM think time going up significantly. Like I said you are not going to bullshit me. Even on my previous Phenom II X4 w/ GTX 1080 rig the engine ran just fine because like I said I optimize the shit I make and play with for fun so post proof or shut the fuck up.

>> No.10564208

The simple answer is that they don't, thus some non-GzDoom works won't always function the greatest in GzDoom.
I would not call Comatose a poorly optimized map in that sense, like I infer from other posts, because the target ports do not have all the same software bottlenecks which GzDoom has.

Plenty of stuff works fine in GzDoom, but some doesn't, and that's just how that is. I don't foresee that paradigm changing soon.

>> No.10564215
Quoted by: >>10564252

>Saying "muh single core" proves absolutely nothing.
It does, monkeybrain, because multiple processors designed to share/distribute workloads together will do a much worse job when they're not allowed to.

>> No.10564224
Quoted by: >>10564247

A big bottleneck for rendering a doom level is the fact that any sector floor or ceiling could have had its height changed from one tick to the next. This means you can't just let the geometry live at peace in the GPU. This is why if you want excessive detail in a GZDoom map, it's better to just plop an actual 3D model in there. It will be a box in regards to collision, so keep that in mind.

There's been discussions about "invariant level geometry" among the devs and some attempts at it IIRC, but nothing has been finalized so far afaik

>> No.10564232

>and run every alert enemy's AI routine no matter where in the map they are
This is why the Slaughter Optimizer mod works, btw, it lets you adjust how often AI does steps and by a defined range.

>> No.10564235
File: 1.35 MB, 1912x1040, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>GzDoom not being optimized for ancient poverty machines doesn't mean that it's not optimized at all
a machine that can play modern games at 1080p on high settings without upscaling (no gaytracing) should be able to play fucking doom without dipping below 60, no matter whether the author of a map spent time """optimizing""" it or how many mobs there are on the map
alas, it clearly fucking cannot when there's enough.... god knows what, map objects? that's a dip, mob particles that's a dip, large open spaces that's a dip
fuck you

>> No.10564247

>This means you can't just let the geometry live at peace in the GPU
just use a vertex shader for that

>> No.10564250
File: 72 KB, 499x338, this guy is a fucking idiot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GzDoom isn't the same goddamn system specs as the original .exe, you buttfucking troglodyte, just like GLQuake didn't have the same system specs as the original Quake .exe

GzDoom isn't doing simple little software rendering with no advanced mod support, you fucking stupid faggot, that's what Chocolate Doom is doing, that's your modern day equivalent, Chocolate Doom.

>> No.10564251

No, you fucking moron, computers are not magic. Do you actually believe modern engines have much of anything in common with the way Doom handles rendering? They don't and it's because of these performance bottlenecks that they don't. Doom did things in a way that worked for Doom, for the close-quarters game that Doom is. Mappers more concerned with drawing pretty pictures in the editor than making a map that plays to the engine's strengths are going to face an uphill battle for performance every time. And yes, other renderers and engines are affected by this shit too. They have more wiggle room before the drops become noticeable, but that doesn't mean the performance isn't choking up on the same problems.
>nothing going on
Post the stats, bitch. You can copy the command straight from this post >>10564154 into the console. Guarantee there's a huge fucking level being rendered behind those walls.

>> No.10564252
File: 49 KB, 485x563, You Fail!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It does not prove your claims. Specifically
>Because my computer at least runs Doom Eternal on maximum settings better than 15 year old wads on gzdoom.
Obviously multithreading could improve GZDoom performance. But that's not what I'm arguing here and not what your original argument was. So nice job dodging the fucking request so far of posting ANYTHING at all to back up your complaints. I now know you are full of shit and will no longer waste my time with you. Have a good day.

>> No.10564253

>it's another "absolute fucking retard tryhard confuses GZD with Doom" AGAIN
Really getting tired of these constant remakes.

>> No.10564256
File: 110 KB, 657x539, 1507078056361.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10564261

I can tell that you're a stupid little zoomer by your use of the word "mobs" and your belief that computers operate on magic.

>> No.10564270

>ahkshually the engine is doing work
>you just can't see it
>but it's very necessary to do this work because.... walls can be lowered
>therefore it's well optimized because it's just how doom is

>> No.10564271
Quoted by: >>10564280

What map is that? Let me see what performance I'll get with it.

>> No.10564275

have you actually read any of the engine code?

>> No.10564279
Quoted by: >>10564289

It's as optimized as the piece of shit sector logic from 30 years ago allows it to be. Is this really so hard of a concept to understand? Do they need to teach that in 2nd grade for people to grow up not to be like this anon?

>> No.10564280
File: 1 KB, 137x23, kenosis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10564406

I think it's the last secret level so map36
the start was also noticeably choppy for me, it gets better once you leave the area

>> No.10564289

Any given sector being able to completely change what it is in the blink of an eye means that there's a lot of optimizing you'll not be able to do with it, yes. Modern game engines aren't doing those kinds of shenanigans at all.
Doom's AI also will be constantly running checks unless you explicitly tell it to not do that (which is something GzDoom can actually do, unlike the original Doom), also adds to processing load.


>> No.10564295
Quoted by: >>10564296

I can get 60 fps with a few drops on my potato with an integrated intel graphics card from 2017

>> No.10564296

oops, I forgot to say that's on dsda doom

>> No.10564316
File: 3.62 MB, 6880x2880, Screenshot_Doom_20240101_232750.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GZDoom 4.11.3. No mods, just Eviternity II. Stable-ish 50 FPS at the start area. Specs and shit here >>10564202
I just want you to note the INSANE amount of geometry being rendered here EVERY FRAME. And that's excluding the logic. VM time in the last 10 tics is 0.4ms which is pretty much standard on any level start that isn't a slaughterfest.

>> No.10564317

Indeed so. Its no Lilith, Ashes2063, or Plutonia in terms of overall quality in my eyes, but it did not deserve to be taken down from Itch.io, Nexus, nor Moddb because some people took it too seriously.

>> No.10564332
File: 439 KB, 1366x768, Screenshot_Doom_20240101_155722.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>240000 vertices
Fucking hell, I thought I had a big one here.

>> No.10564346
File: 207 KB, 604x500, profilethinkers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Result of profilethinkers 7. 2.4ms total time for 2100 zombiemen looks completely normal and expected to me. These are vanilla monsters after all. They don't do many collision or sight checks due to slower movement speed. Just to be sure I woke up all of the enemies but the think time mostly remained the same.

>> No.10564351

So what you’re saying is… it’s not optimized?

>> No.10564360
File: 195 KB, 360x437, Flat Jerry.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...Yeah, I think we should collectively lynch Graf.

>> No.10564361

The map is grossly unoptimized, yes. Look at that scene and then look at this >>10564332 and tell me the former has any business rendering so much more geometry for such a less complex-looking scene.

>> No.10564380

Why is moonman noteworthy? What’s the drama, what’s the wad?

>> No.10564382
File: 131 KB, 640x480, doom156.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like I should put more stuff in this room, but not sure what.

>> No.10564385

Pipes draining out into the pool.

>> No.10564394
Quoted by: >>10564405

if a monster is set to 'invisible' in MBF21 spec, is there a way to set it as 'visible' with a player action e.g. walking over a linedef ? if so, how ?
i know you can 'activate thing' but this doesn't make the 'thing' visible just awkens it from a dormant state

>> No.10564397

monsters :^)

>> No.10564402
Quoted by: >>10564434

>Why is moonman noteworthy?
It's an edgy gag gameplay mod that features a lot of content from /pol/.wad
That's about it. Last time I checked it didn't really have much in the way of unique gameplay mechanics, other than I vaguely recall Mecha Hilter's suit can be destroyed which leaves him suitless. At least I think that was in the Moonman mod.

>> No.10564404

Not him, but it's an old joke wad that has moonman and hitler as playable characters. Enemy graphics are replaced with blacks and jews. I don't think there was much drama. It was just removed from sites, because of the content. It's just a gameplay mod, there are no maps included.

>> No.10564405
Quoted by: >>10564447

You could remove the flag when it wakes up.

>> No.10564406
File: 3.07 MB, 3020x2160, eviternitytwo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I went to the Eviternity 2 website and downloaded RC5. It crashes GzDoom on launch, and Woof will not even boot it up at all, so I have no fucking idea what the .wad is doing which they don't like, some kind of unconventional DeHackery?

Using DSDA, it starts, with a noticeable load time.
Doing IDCLEV36, I get to the level (after it has to load too, wtf it's a 1993 game and it has to load on my modern computer??!), and I get a very fucking noticeable dip in frames, as low as 46 or 47 when facing forward by the start, whereas turning around I get well over 200. Moving past the start, I get maybe around 100 frames on average just looking around with noclip and God Mode.

This level is a MASSIVE fucking beast though, LOOK at it. These are gigantic outdoors levels with grand architectures, and this is with old-ass 1993 era BSP rendering, no nice and modern luxuries for culling by distance or using long distance models and shit, all of
this is rendering in real time (and with AI that runs checks every 35th of a second when awoken). This level would not start with the original .exe, and it would measure frames in minutes at best on an old Pentium.

I don't know what performance I would get in GzDoom because I didn't get to try, but yeah, I could see why hardware rendering all of this, and with preciously little culling, would not run smoothly, especially considering the program has no ability to spread the load between different processor cores. Using the Slaughter Optimizer would be required here, because boy oh boy would thousands upon thousands of monsters all making calls at once add up quickly.

My conclusion is that MAP36 of Eviternity 2 is optimized like dogshit because it's a gigantic and vastly detailed outdoor vista with almost no culling. Doom was not designed for this shit, they're making it work, but it's a universe away from the original parameters.

>> No.10564415

The character? Because it was just some silly ass commercial that evolved into over 20 albums just shittalking black people and gays and it's fucking hilarious just how long the gimmick went on for.

>> No.10564417
Quoted by: >>10564420

Works fine on Nugget.

>> No.10564420

Does Nugget magically triple your frames?

>> No.10564432

All I know that it crashes with Woof and works without lag or loading times on Nugget. I haven't tested it with other source ports.

>> No.10564434

>What’s the drama
There is no drama. It's just an edgy mod made for the sake of being edgy. I think it was made by a /v/tard. Might be mistaken.
>That's about it.
Well there is this.

>> No.10564443

What kind of underdeveloped third world nation does this faggot live in where Moonman Doom is illegal?

>> No.10564445

Nugget is way lighter than dsda, but I wouldn't say it's triple times lighter.

>> No.10564447
Quoted by: >>10564452

how would i do this

>> No.10564448

Some spikes or shit pointing down from that top thing. I just watched Frankenstein's Bride and it would fit some lightning-collecting machinery. Hellish lightning, you know?

>> No.10564449

Sounds like Germany.

>> No.10564452
Quoted by: >>10564462


>> No.10564453

For me? It's
In fact I need to download this because other Dorner Doom videos are disappearing.

>> No.10564460

I mean it's Midnight. This faggot has been clickbaiting Doom wads ever since he ran out of Doom Eternal news to milk off of.

>> No.10564462
Quoted by: >>10564483

MBF21 can't into decorate functions

>> No.10564472

>can't open Steam
>but can play Half Life
Now how will i get the updates
>inb4 upgrade
Fuck off

>> No.10564475
Quoted by: >>10564478

>can't open Steam

>> No.10564478

Windows 7 has been blocked on Steam for eternity.

>> No.10564480

Damn. Then I can't help you.

>> No.10564483
File: 19 KB, 478x330, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related, and are you not using Decohack?

>> No.10564490
Quoted by: >>10565675

switch to linux

>> No.10564494

it crashes gzdoom on my machine as well

>> No.10564505
File: 858 KB, 1366x1020, 1691741506294757.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10565105

Checking out Field Intensity, it's cool how they reused a bunch of beta stuff

>> No.10564521
Quoted by: >>10564525

>Now how will i get the updates
Use SteamCmd to download game.

>> No.10564525

Holy shit that's still a thing? Rad. Any PacSteam rememberers?

>> No.10564542

Quake II and Half-Life were not meant to be played without bi-linear filtering. People had GPUs by then.

>> No.10564554
Quoted by: >>10564593

bi/tri-linear filtering always looked like shit from the moment it was a thing. Only anisotropic filtering can rescue texture filtering to a passable level. Any less and nearest will actually be better. I don't know how anyone could tolerate that smeared look.

>> No.10564564
Quoted by: >>10565675

I liked Windows 7 too, but if you've got the option you kinda wanna move on. With some minor tinkering, you can delouse and debloat Windows 10, and replace the iPad layout for children with a replica of Windows 7's interface.

Or you could go for Linux, if chasing dependencies and griping with Wine sounds fun to you.

>> No.10564586
Quoted by: >>10564610

That does look gorgeous, though. What mod?

>> No.10564589

>Eternal runs better because it has LOD
>the most LOD'd model still has more triangles than all the sectors in the DOOM map

Plus bruh it's his engine it's not even DOOM just add the sector culling to the engine lol. It's already only vanilla compatible with like, 2-3 wads and then the rest are broken, might as well make it actually perform well lol.

>> No.10564591 [DELETED] 

Why are 90% of the posts deleted

>> No.10564592
File: 2.88 MB, 640x360, 821.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How come I always hear about purists using dosbox and not chocolate doom? Isn't dosbox emulation?

>> No.10564593

Depends on the game. Half-Life and Quake 2 look good without texture filtering, but looking at GoldenEye 64, or any N64 game really, the memory bottlenecks meant that they relied heavily on texture filtering, if you turned that off you would see certain surfaces turning into patches of massively blown up pixels because they are no longer smeared out like they were meant to.

>> No.10564596

Lol, larper. I was there when Q2 was released. I was a kid, but I was there and huge fps game fan since I got to play Wolfenstein on dad's office. Not everyone had good graphics card to play on opengl. Graphic cards with opengl were a new thing and cost a lot of money. Q2 and HL howerer had software rendering, so more kids got to play them.

>> No.10564604

I love Quake so much that I caused the San Francisco earthquake as a viral marketing campaign

>> No.10564610

Struggle: Antaresian Legacy Map28

>> No.10564618
Quoted by: >>10564619

Half-Life without texture filtering looks like a modern retro throwback shooter (derogatory)

>> No.10564619

I like the crisp looking textures. I also use square particles in Quake because anything feels wrong.

>> No.10564623

Just finished replaying Opposing Force.
Anyone who says that OF is as good as base Half-Life has brain worms or an extreme lack of taste. Still mostly fun but it never reaches any of HLs peaks

>> No.10564626

>using windows 7 in 2024

>> No.10564627

A big open flat room is not much fun IMO. You should add pillars to hide behind (maybe with sniper monsters on top).

>> No.10564629

Some people don't want to upgrade to the next version, or switch to Linux. I don't blame them, because 7 was very comfy.
I took the plunge into Linux mint personally, it's been pretty alright.

>> No.10564637

I get him. When I first had Win10 foisted on me, it comes with a shitty-ass iPad interface for fucking toddlers and I hated it with more than my own being.

>> No.10564658
File: 582 KB, 600x600, duke nukem has three dicks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10564660

huhu what a mess

>> No.10564689
File: 46 KB, 604x392, software rendering master race.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10564725

check your 3D accelerator privilege, chvd

>> No.10564693
File: 56 KB, 373x319, three rocket launchers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10564701
File: 196 KB, 1291x1287, checkitout.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10564719

I'd can understand Steam not wanting to continue supporting Windows Vista and Windows 7 anymore, but why also Windows 8? either way, I'm thinking about plunging into either Linux Mint, or Debian, probably the former for me a la dual booting when I manage to get a larger main Hard Disk Drive to swap from my old on, and transfer at least some of the data I have in it. I'd prefer a SATA one from either Toshiba, Hitachi, Sandisk, WD, or Dell that has at least 512GB of total capacity, if not 750GB.

>> No.10564721
File: 93 KB, 219x241, 1563411678153.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10564724
Quoted by: >>10564739

W8 isn't popular enough to keep supporting it

>> No.10564725

TOO BAD! I'll use Open GL and maybe HD textures on a few games along with Polymer on Eduke32 RedNukem, BuildGDX, and NotBLood when I want!

>> No.10564727
Quoted by: >>10564746

The only reason why Steam is no longer supporting Vista, 7 and 8 is because Google Chrome, the browser that Steam's client is based off of, doesn't support those OS either.

>> No.10564739

Yeah, I think Windows 8 was not really accepted by anyone at all.

>> No.10564746

Oh, I haven't forgotten that part. Though, as true as it is that Chrome is the basis for Steam's Client, Not all Chromium-based browsers and widgests are quite alike. Ungoogled Chromium, and especially Brave, have at least some strands of coding within their data files that sets them apart from Chrome and Edge.

>> No.10564753

it's still going on or it's just another of those abandoned projects like the serious sam one?

>> No.10564773
File: 31 KB, 302x238, 1702643667989268.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10565076

I'd leave it up to the organizer to decide when and if he's gonna throw in the towel.

>> No.10564774
File: 1.24 MB, 1122x964, 1681676629375725.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10564796

If it's for vidya I'd try something with newer software like endeavour or nobara, mint is a good starting point but without flatpaks eventually you'll run into issues with outdated libraries

>> No.10564776
File: 561 KB, 1380x920, 41065536_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10564796
Quoted by: >>10564825

>Endeavour and nobara
I totally believe you on Endeavour being a thing in Linux, but nobara? WAT
Either way, they're is still Manjaro and OpenSUSE.

>> No.10564818
File: 683 KB, 1920x1017, Screenshot_Chex_20240102_005609.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, what's everybody playing?

I'm dicking about with The Penultimate Breakfast + Dakka and Samsara's Chex monsters, just because it's funny.

>> No.10564825
File: 234 KB, 400x470, 1675627019882405.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's just fedora with kernel tweaks for vidya and steam pre installed by the guy that made proton-ge, endeavour is arch easy mode
bricked my system once, the maintainers are not the best

>> No.10564829
File: 63 KB, 679x407, pondering.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10564836
Quoted by: >>10564924


>> No.10564847

>Endeavor is arch easy mode
Basically, yeah. a light arch-based distro.

>> No.10564869
File: 1.59 MB, 1920x1080, valiantstride.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Going through some modded Valiant with Deathstrider. I might chip away at some Q1 or 2 playthroughs before I head to bed.

>> No.10564895
Quoted by: >>10564907

First time playing Blood.
Almost dropped it on the first episode, it's so fucking hard it almost filtered me.
I'm at the last level of E2 and I'm impressed, it's such a fun game (yes i'm playing on pink on the inside, I'll replay it on custom or broiled next)
somehow manages to be fun, easy at that difficulty but tiring at the same time, I can't seem to play more than 40/50 minutes at a time without needing a break.

>> No.10564907

just drop the difficulty if you find it too hard, the highest difficulty was originally planned to be used for coop only

>> No.10564924
File: 153 KB, 470x292, 1651154939553.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

With the endless and lazy repetition of ...
>my opinion vs your opinion
... object labeling template memes which make up almost all image macros these days, it was nice to see just silly shoops like those making the rounds. I like it when people just to shit like that only to be funny.

>> No.10564941
Quoted by: >>10565096

>endeavour is arch easy mode
Arch is as simple as Mint or Ubuntu (once installed), the main differences are comming from desktops, distros are pretty much invisible to the end user. Endeavour is mostly Arch with an installer and pre-configured desktops.

>> No.10564952
Quoted by: >>10565529

I was actually another anon, showing him your post that he skipped over.

>> No.10564953

It's retarded, but was funny for a bit.

>> No.10564976

I was playing Chex quest recently and it made me want to make a TC where an cereal company targeted at adults, something like wheatabix or some absurdity, saw Chex quest and decided to make an in-box doom clone themselves. But they'd miss the point on a lot of shit. Like overtly sexualizing things to appeal to their adult market, overly gory, needless cursing. But still have "wheatabix" billboards, and "wheatabix police force" and such all over in their gritty dystopian futuristic setting.
All other brands are dead or dying in the gutter, only wheatabix survives to stand in the way of total mutant domination...
Can our heroine, armed with nothing but her dominatrix gear and whip, save the world from sugary mutated cereal monsters...
I guess the enemies would all be mutated versions of mascots, but realistic.
The more I kick the idea around the more fun it sounds. Doesn't have to be wheatabix, it's just the stupidest example I could think of.

>> No.10565003
File: 671 KB, 1024x768, 2024-01-02 03-27-46.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10565902

stupid shit episode 2, wherein I fail at AABB bounce math (what am I supposed to do when I hit a line edge-on btw?) but the playing area is decoupled from the screen.

>> No.10565004

>>evil ssg songs

>> No.10565041
Quoted by: >>10565047

JPCP Final Doomer set and Diabolus Ex is a great combo. Very few maps where you can quasi-stealth most of it with the pistol.

>> No.10565047

I really wish there were more like Diablolus Ex, shit was really fucking fun.

>> No.10565076

Yeah, it's still being developed. The lack of optimism is uncalled for. Labeling someones project as dead will only discourage others from contributing, thereby killing the project. It's self fulfilling and disingenuous.

I don't want to give an impression of project hogging either. I hope somebody starts up a Doom, Q2r, HL, etc mapset. Multiple projects would be a positive development and allow anons to mod whatever game they perfered.

>> No.10565083

There are literally no rules, anyone can start a project for any game right now in this thread. You just can't be surprised if people aren't that interested in mapping for these nearly 30 year old games. I'm not discouraging or trying to discourage you, just springboarding off your post. I hope Sumting Wong goes well, and I'd map for it if I didn't have my own projects.

>> No.10565096
Quoted by: >>10565105

>Arch is as simple as Mint or Ubuntu
Yeah I agree, that was my experience with it
Field Intensity, Point of View and Alkaline are next

>> No.10565105
Quoted by: >>10565145

I don't really like Field Intensity. The voice acting rubs me particularly wrong, just really bad and I don't like bad voice acting in Half-Life stuff unless it's intentionally cheesy.
Sweet Half-Life
Peaces Like Us

>> No.10565145
File: 69 KB, 600x535, Polar_Bear_cub_with_sunglasses.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10565149


Pic unrelated

>> No.10565149

>Somebody disliked the voice acting more than I did enough to do this
Fucking madman. Maybe now I'll finish it. Thanks for bringing this to my attention.

>> No.10565160
Quoted by: >>10565340

Well said. I never expected a huge turnout, but even with one or two dudes we could make something happen. I've seen "is it dead" talk obliterate projects before they get rolling and it's just frustrating. Hope your projects go well too anon.

>> No.10565169

>Labeling someones project as dead will only discourage others from contributing
But I haven't seen any updates since november, not even news or screenshots of progress, nothing. so that's why I asked.

>> No.10565192
File: 1.10 MB, 2560x1440, capt0015.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been trying to provide updates when screenshot saturday rolls around, if you haven't seen those posts that would be understandable. I really ought to post more stuff if that's the case.

>> No.10565340

Doesn't need to be huge to be a fun group project. 500ml Of /vr/ was a couple of guys getting together and making maps for Blood for a little while, and the end result was 8 something pretty nice levels, and that was well worth it.

>> No.10565343

That's not that long time.

>> No.10565379


>> No.10565392

I'm gonna make another map, fuck it

>> No.10565393

Based map maker

>> No.10565410
File: 4 KB, 288x288, 1703109394025711.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10565420

Are there any must play Descent map packs/mods? Or at least any classic 6dof shooters I've missed out on playing(played the Descent trilogy, Overload, Miner Wars but those two weren't retro)?

>> No.10565485

in the dsda-doom cfg, how can I specify the doom2 wad location?, I have it in another folder and I'd like to keep it there

>> No.10565489

you sick fuck

>> No.10565507

at least buy it dinner first

>> No.10565529

Ah, my apologies then.

>> No.10565548

I know it may seem hard to believe, but 10 can and has been thoroughly de-bloated at this point. You can turn updates off. You can get the version that is supported until 2030.
Its okay to move on from Windows 7.

>> No.10565553
Quoted by: >>10565628

anybody has any luck at emulating EAX on windows 10/11?
i can't seem to have it work with any solution and it's barring me from replaying some 90's/00's shooters cause i'm too tistic about it.

>> No.10565613
File: 12 KB, 324x192, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10566002

so what are those weird-ass values in DEHACKED?
in normal script you'd see height/width below 40 for projectiles (like rocket) and speed is also low (rocket has 20 or 25)

>> No.10565628
Quoted by: >>10565695

>Drop in "OpenAL Soft" into %AppData%/Roaming folder and set it up to your liking with exe configurator
>Copy soft_oal.dll of needed architecture from the bin folder, 32-bit one into SysWOW64 or 64-bit one into System32 folder respectively, and rename it to OpenAL32.dll
>Copy "dsoal" implementation called dsound.dll into the game folder of your choice alongside previous soft_oal.dll copy now renamed into dsoal-aldrv.dll
>Enable EAX inside the game settings and enjoy binaural audio as how you set it on the first step
Doesn't work? That's approx guideline, should be more precise and in detail somewhere on the Internet if I mistyped anything by chance. Worked with Thief for me.

>> No.10565630

Thank God, I don't use Steam and I don't need Windows 10 either.

>> No.10565675
File: 122 KB, 1152x720, haiku_804057_full.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HaikuOS for me, in best traditions of id as Doom was first developed on the NeXTSTEP

>> No.10565695
Quoted by: >>10569868

thanks i'll retry tonight

>> No.10565721 [DELETED] 

GZDoom is not retro.

>> No.10565736

Can projectiles have custom death states or only monsters?
Trying to recreate ultra kill coin ricochet, I wonder if I can spawn launch a lost soul-like monster with gravity to simulate an arch.

What was your first game in the new years? mine was playing Doom1.
I love Doom 1 levels over Doom 2 but I like Doom 2 monsters and weapons.

>> No.10565747
File: 267 KB, 1266x688, SILENT TAKEDOWN.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn, sneaking in unmodded Deus Ex is turtleish slow, have to abuse diagonal movement while crouching to barely outpace npcs. Gives the impression that a baton is only a formal accessory.

>> No.10565749

Like, I couldn't possibly have been abusing an engine bug decades ago as a first time experience to make use of the tools I was given. And it's called GOTY edition nonetheless.

>> No.10565751
Quoted by: >>10565783

stealth playthrough in og deus ex is shit and I don't know why people bother

>> No.10565756
File: 3.17 MB, 1900x1000, gore-shower.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the map is kinda underwhelming (and needlessly big) but at least this effect is pretty cool, esp the crunchy bones audio

>> No.10565757

Is there a map pack that's the original Quake 1 campaign but not so brown?

>> No.10565769
Quoted by: >>10565790

is there an easy way to improve visibility / make map brighter without changing in-game brightness/gamma? as in within the map itself
some of the maps in the last part of Eviternity 2 (and the first map for that matter) are so dark it's obnoxious

>> No.10565775


>> No.10565783
Quoted by: >>10565786

Well, tranq darts aren't nearly as bad as people use to say, guys sure run around screaming but don't lock on to your position like ESPs in GMDX if you're hidden. And running up spraying n' tasing is also very legit, not to mention gas grenades when you don't have augs to further diversify your stealth tactics. There are plenty of tools besides the baton, and then all cards get thrown open for me when you no longer have to deal with common Joe revolutionaries.

>> No.10565786 [DELETED] 

You have to go back, zoomie.

>> No.10565790

Woof/Nugget has separate "Level brightness" tweak which ups all sectors brightness incrementally, I think it was taken from Unity.

>> No.10565794 [DELETED] 
File: 2.90 MB, 640x480, [Artist Unknown] Mew Strawberry vs. Chimera Elephant.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get raped by a gang of elephants and choke on gallons of their hot boiling phlegm, you twink faggot (you)

>> No.10565796
File: 3.64 MB, 1904x1870, objectively-correct.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished Eviternity 2. I liked it a lot, especially the custom monsters, but there's more "style over substance" parts than I'd like. The final boss in particular is a joke difficulty-wise, there's a bunch of megaspheres lying around but I took maybe 200 dmg total on my first attempt of the map - it's all showy particle spam that you just circle-strafe as always.
I found it surprising how much my enjoyment depended on artstyle. Given how it's six mini-mappacks in one wad it was easy to contrast them. I didn't have fun in any of the aztec maps, cause I didn't like the palette, even though they were decent maps; I enjoyed the hell out of all Chapter IV (medieval/villagey) maps cause they looked cool.
Perforator was a great addition, fuck the haters (admittedly it is somewhat op)

>> No.10565802
Quoted by: >>10565850

Sakura > Mew Mew

>> No.10565807

oh, sometimes navigating the map is a bit of a pain in the ass. the last chapter in particular was annoying about it, what with being pretty damn dark. I'd run in circles having no idea what I was really looking for once too many.
Could use one basic bitch slaughter map too, I feel. It did *kinda* have the map26 Myriad but the fight was garbage since you were running around with 30fps due to how much modded enemies were spewing technicolor vomit, so you just spammed BFG all day and hoped nightmare cacos were busy elsewhere.

>> No.10565812

I think you need a plumber

>> No.10565850
File: 272 KB, 1440x1080, [Coalgirls]_Cardcaptor_Sakura_53_(1440x1080_Blu-ray_FLAC)_[B35A510A].mkv- [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No arguments here. Author's bold claims of "True DX vision" aside I think it was pretty fine mod to revisit the game in novel fashion, I'll be missing its smooth tactile bobbing animation the most and some the new detour exploration locations the less which is possibly the only slight gripe I have with it. I think author is working to give Quake similar treatment via Darkplaces atm.

I've yet to try Revision or whatever it's called.

>> No.10565853
File: 33 KB, 720x840, IMG_4152.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you guys ever fear that these threads and others about modding and hacks and maps and whatnot will all disappear and no one will miss it at some point

>> No.10565854 [DELETED] 
File: 97 KB, 330x264, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Youtube is reccing me some cool new mods

>> No.10565856 [DELETED] 

>ACKo demons

>> No.10565857 [DELETED] 

No. >>10565854

>> No.10565870

Every play gets a curtain end, enjoy a moment while it lasts. Although I won't negate the highly plausible chance of this particular zeitgeist reoccurring somewhere in different yet familiar manner, people love entertainment.

>> No.10565871

Probably. There are some generals from years past that no longer exist, or are a shell of its former self.

>> No.10565902
Quoted by: >>10565961

It's all about the normal-directions, or you could use a Verlet-integration.

>> No.10565921
File: 37 KB, 807x632, tz1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10566462

I was playing Zero Tolerence for the Genesis and realized the level design is basically working against the gameplay.

Huge open levels with dozens of enemies you can't see in a game that throws you across the room when you're shot doesn't work.

Just a quick first test map but I think the game would work much better if the maps are smaller, tighters, more doors (which helps balance the enemies charging you). Works better with the limited playing field, moving slowly, checking corners, less Duke Nukem 3D (for Genesis lol) and more Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey.

Gameplay wise the game wants you to kill all of the enemies on each level before proceeding, there's no puzzle solving or even keycard collecting like DOOM. There's a Fire Extinguisher though, could give a bit of DOOMRPG vibes but I digress. The game's very limited viewpoint can become quite immersive when you imagine trudging along alone slowly in a tight, cramped space station, one team member behind the other in a tin can that's on the edge of collapse in the upper atmosphere.

>> No.10565926
Quoted by: >>10566317

Been playing Somewhere In Hell with vanilla Doom 2 maps

>> No.10565932
Quoted by: >>10565940

>didn't even try to cull things
You mean just delete textures from walls you don't see, or is there some more complicated process for this? Honest question

>> No.10565940

Linedefs behind one-sided linedefs are not rendered.

>> No.10565961

Suspect I need to use the clipped line output of the liang-barsky clipper I use for line collision to handle corner snagging somehow

>> No.10565980

The broken glass looks like confetti.

>> No.10566002

just convert to binary and shift the bits (it was 8 bits i think?)

>> No.10566006

the fallen heaven, snowy and fall maps are my favorite

>> No.10566025
Quoted by: >>10566030


>> No.10566028

Dehacked patches were not meant to be witnessed by human eyes.

>> No.10566030
File: 83 KB, 676x665, dehak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10566039

yeah that looks right

>> No.10566039

28 sounds a little too much for radius. 14 (>> 16) is more legit.

>> No.10566051 [DELETED] 

why those specimens are so obsessed over their sexuality?

>> No.10566069
File: 140 KB, 590x805, fun with dsda.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

spent a while making a map trying to use DSDA/MBF21 features for the first time:
looking for criticism if you can be arsed, it's very short

>> No.10566075
Quoted by: >>10566304

Seems like you are using UDMF instead.

>> No.10566082
Quoted by: >>10566135

Isnt MBF21 map features literally just insta kill floors and lines that can be only crossed by either players or enemies?

>> No.10566085 [DELETED] 

I don't get it. You have a frustrating fight with Revenants, tons of screen shake, and then a crusher kills you.

>> No.10566086
Quoted by: >>10566109

I don't get it. You have a frustrating fight with Revenants, tons of screen shake, and then a crusher kills you.

>> No.10566109
Quoted by: >>10566119

meant to be a cave collapse that you run through, perhaps too abstract

>> No.10566118
File: 167 KB, 533x270, prodoomer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Socond ProDoomer stream will start at 17:00 GMT today, about 3 hours from now
Will try to use Shadowplay this time so hopefully it would not be so choppy as the last one.

>> No.10566119

I figured it out eventually, the lighting is just too flat to immediately make out where you're supposed to go.

>> No.10566135

Pretty much, but you can do a bunch of new shit with enemies (infighting, splashdamage, boss death triggers) and weapons. The rest is in the extended Dehacked capability.

>> No.10566136

>won’t be done waging until 5 hours after stream airs
Dang, hopefully I can watch the upload

>> No.10566146
File: 1.90 MB, 1222x649, ruhrough.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am running out of puns using "base"...
I have made Amaze Base, Technical Base, Base D, Brutal Base, Ment Base, Outer Outer Base, and now Dia Base.
What do I do?

>> No.10566148

I forgot, I also used Debase.

>> No.10566149
Quoted by: >>10566187


>> No.10566151

>based base, beyond base, buoyant base, blazed base, debased, THE base
This is hard and I’m not that good

>> No.10566153
Quoted by: >>10566185

Space Base
Basicity / Base Ick
Free Base
Home Base
Fifth Base

>> No.10566157

Mom's Base(ment)
Parentheses optional.

>> No.10566159

"Bajs :DDD"

>> No.10566164
Quoted by: >>10566165

So the software I used to watch chat while i play fucked right off and does not want to work. Does anyone here knows what free software I can use to display Youtube chat on top of the game window both for me and the viewers?

>> No.10566165
Quoted by: >>10566176

>display Youtube chat on top of the game window both for me and the viewers?
My advice: Don't overlay it for the viewers, it attracts spambots.
I would just just put the chat up on a second monitor if possible, or run the game in a window with the chat on the side.

>> No.10566176

Don't really have second monitor. I used what one youtuber suggested - a Twitch strema chat overlay with Botrix bot workaround - bot translates to a widget that overlays the chat in the game. The problem this time is that bot didn't want to connect this time for whatever reason so the software could not pick up on the chat at all.

If I use a window, wouldnt the resolution of the output be all fucked up since it won't be 1080p, and thus will get downscaled to 720 with Bandwidth cut to boot?

What did shitwad anon use?

>> No.10566185
Quoted by: >>10566187

I forgot, I haven't used Ace of Base yet.
Unless someone else will or has already.

>> No.10566187
File: 1.47 MB, 1012x890, keg2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10566198
File: 114 KB, 922x960, spurdodase.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Purple Base (weed themed, Romero's head replaced with Snoop)
Basic Bitch
Master Baser
Heavy Base
>"Bajs :DDD"

>> No.10566203

Admittedly I was speaking from experience with OBS, Shadowplay might complicate things like projecting a window to a larger canvas, but if you can, scaling from 1600x900 to 1920x1080 is fine, since it will go through stream compression anyway.
I have no idea what shitwadanon's setup was.

>> No.10566207

astral cacos from eviternity need a longer refractory period

>> No.10566210
File: 13 KB, 295x640, mjuu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10567053

Oh, that is perfect. Why did I not think of that...

>> No.10566215


>> No.10566219

>94p development started in 2022

>> No.10566224

Base: The final frontier
Base off

>> No.10566228
Quoted by: >>10566240

>played half life and doom
Now what

>> No.10566240

Duke3D and Quake, they're great games in their own right, and even if you've already played HL, it will probably still be interesting to see where it gets its DNA.

>> No.10566245

acidic base
fishing for base

>> No.10566247

Base 16

>> No.10566265
File: 218 KB, 1790x342, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10566304

it seems i am retarded

>> No.10566312


>> No.10566317
Quoted by: >>10567958

Oh fuck, I forgot that had come out, shit looks awesome.

>> No.10566319

Have you tried using "Cringe" instead?

>> No.10566351
File: 159 KB, 336x456, marine.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10566359

Any good custom mapsets for doom 3?

>> No.10566359

Doom 3 Phobos is a big fun one

>> No.10566371

I play ut2004, you tell me

>> No.10566372
Quoted by: >>10566690

The stream is on! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1-nCGhQicIA

>> No.10566391


>> No.10566393

all your base

>> No.10566398
Quoted by: >>10566875

tecno: the base
play it, it's a good game

>> No.10566401
Quoted by: >>10566403

Maze Base
Mace Base

>> No.10566403

Maize Base

>> No.10566409

I want to fucking choke out boris and ZZYXZ
Why did those retards remove the fucking node viewer from UBD? Now I can't fucking fix node holes in my map.

>> No.10566423
Quoted by: >>10566434

The node viewer is gone?!

>> No.10566427
Quoted by: >>10566431

Wait what

Good thing I've ignored every update for the last few months lol

>> No.10566430
File: 18 KB, 364x152, Wrathcaster started.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10566435

Getting started on the new Wrathcaster, this thing kinda looks like a sword, and that's awesome.

>> No.10566431

Me too. I got sick of being prompted to update literally every time I opened the program.

>> No.10566434
Quoted by: >>10566440

Yes, I tried bringing back the old addon thing from GZDB and it doesn't work, and I can't open my map in older versions. Guess I just have to randomly draw over sectors and hope the node builder doesn't shit itself this time.

>> No.10566435

This thing looks like a ki- badass gun and that's awesome

>> No.10566437
File: 96 KB, 1191x740, wat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my feature is missing
>better open up redd- I mean 4chan and complain
>look around the settings? What do I look like, some kind of faggot?
Pic related.

>> No.10566440

Its like they want everyone to either revert to DB2 or use SLADE or Eureka

Not a bad idea desu if they're just gonna remove a useful feature like Nodes view

>> No.10566445
Quoted by: >>10566452

>go menu-diving for a feature that should be in a drop-down by default

>> No.10566452

It's always been present for me and I don't even use the thing, maybe your specific configuration didn't have it toggled on by default for some reason. Or the plugin is busted (somehow). Who knows, but they didn't remove shit cause none of the commits even touch that option. Stop talking out your ass and whining like a bitch before you've even checked what actually happened.

>> No.10566462

Just abuse the radar bro

>> No.10566464
Quoted by: >>10566468

>click it
>nothing happens
Explain this then.
It used to give me a message "The node viewer is disabled right now" before recent updates.

>> No.10566465
File: 1.13 MB, 482x373, 1436400689408.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That could be a series of mathematically-themed bases as part of a single UNIT. With obvious emphasis on solving puzzles over killing.

>> No.10566468
File: 1 KB, 391x27, Screenshot_8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10566479

There it is. What the fuck is this shit, boris? This used to work before.

>> No.10566479
Quoted by: >>10566486

What format are you using? It doesn't work for me in UDMF. Gives the same error message. I don't think it's even necessary in that format with ZDBSP. But I'm not a casual mapper so take that with a grain of salt.

>> No.10566486

>I don't think it's even necessary in that format with ZDBSP.
It's necessary to be able to see if your map has node holes.

>> No.10566497

I haven't played Blood in years but I've just reinstalled it with BuildGDX and it feels floatier than it should be. I can't tell from watching other people's playthroughs if it's how the base game is supposed to be or if it's the source port or if it's just my memory failing me. Can someone tell?

>> No.10566517
Quoted by: >>10566534

No idea then. Might be a bug so worth opening an issue on Github or whatever. I don't see any commits explicitly fucking with the plugin. Version archive doesn't go back too far so I can't check when it broke either. It doesn't sound like this is intentional in any case. Could be some backend stuff got updated and the plugin needs to get fixed to work with that.

>> No.10566534

Ok, found this.
Looks like it's a fairly old issue, from March 5th 2022. I take it back, it was intentional due to a lack of fix.

>> No.10566561
File: 81 KB, 2200x2200, 1701904231202490.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NotBlood is what the cool kids (me, I'm talking about me) are using now

>> No.10566607
Quoted by: >>10566643

Do you remember how you initially played it a few years back, like which port or settings?

>> No.10566643
Quoted by: >>10566665

I'm pretty sure I just needed to get adjusted after playing doom haha. Also turn off bobbing

>> No.10566665
Quoted by: >>10566897

Yeah that’s fair. Caleb feels like a ghost compared to everyone else. Doomguy still feels more slick and slippery though, still zipping around in his socks.

>> No.10566669
Quoted by: >>10566763

A lot of newer Quake releases I'm playing have water affected by lighting. It looks pretty nice, but where is it coming from? Is it a new engine-specific thing or a compiler option?

>> No.10566679

BuildGDX is very accurate by nature of using pilfered alpha code, there's not really a wrong sourceport for blood other than GDX having a weird collision issue specifically in 500ml

>> No.10566690

Stream is over, 3.5 people who watched it left a long time beore that without event saying bye.
Next one is 04 Jan at whatever time you guys suggest IDK anymore lol.

>> No.10566694
File: 248 KB, 1366x768, amc0003.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10567676

>> No.10566712

I tend to hop on and off without announcing it. Saying hi kinda morally obligates me to stay because saying "thanks, bye!" five minutes later doesn't feel too respectful, but I don't feel like making up a "valid" excuse each time. Welcome to streaming. That's how it is. Plus I don't find Prodoomer particularly engaging. That's a me issue though.

>> No.10566714

don't bother. you're shit and boring to watch.

>> No.10566723

Yeah dang sorry anon, my schedule sadly seems fairly opposite of your own atm.

>> No.10566729

Harsh. Maybe post some constructive criticism in addition to what you said? How could anon improve his streams?

>> No.10566736

No, I kept stream open till the very end. Just for sound effects.

>> No.10566763

compiler + modern engines

Amusingly, Kex Quake maps have water lighting compiled, but the engine doesn't support it.

>> No.10566769
Quoted by: >>10566790

I know right. IDK how to improve it. More commentary? No commentary?
Less careful and more aggressive playstyle?
Im just used to play peekaboo with monsters and abusing chokepoints where it comes to games like Prodoomer.

I plan on finishing it in its entirety at least. Also show off some exploits that I remember (the infamous marine-mined underwater section for example)

>> No.10566773

then don't watch it, fuckhead

>> No.10566774
File: 98 KB, 640x640, mfw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Purple Base
>weed themed with Snoop as Romero's head
>not acid themed with Jimi Hendrix's as Romero's head

>> No.10566782
Quoted by: >>10566836

play vanilla inspired wads with interesting mods.
prodoomer is the definition of GARBAGE.
ps: i do not know what prodoomer is.

>> No.10566787
Quoted by: >>10566817

No one misses your quadruple great grandparents anon. Enjoy life while you're in it.

>> No.10566790

Generally more commentary is what makes a stream interesting. In your case there are two problems: ESL making it difficult to understand what you're saying at times, and in-game volume drowning the commentary. When coupled together those issues make the commentary completely useless. I recommend talking when you're NOT shooting at stuff. Save your sentences for when you let go of LMB.

>> No.10566794
File: 222 KB, 950x950, PSX-final-doom-box-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is final doom ?

>> No.10566801

The Doom that you used to know

>> No.10566814

Don't sweat it anon, I've been to the future and autistic turbofags are still posting on /vr/ through their 4D neural interfaces.

>> No.10566817
Quoted by: >>10566825

No, but I respect them for setting me up with a good life. They had forward thinking and planning that put me and my siblings in a good place at the start.
But my mom is a genealogy nut, so I know more about my family history than most.

>> No.10566824

The end of all Dooms

>> No.10566825
File: 28 KB, 356x376, 1676708288384964.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10566828

It's the very last doom game ever made, it's even more finaler than ultimate doom

>> No.10566831
Quoted by: >>10566835

That's what you get for ever moving on from gzdoombuilder bugfix.

>> No.10566835

It's the same thing, retard. Literally nothing changed except the name.

>> No.10566836

>prodoomer is the definition of GARBAGE

It sure is. Which is why shitwad Anon gave up.
And I promised I will some day do what he didn't, and so I intend to keep it for at least one basic playthrough.

>> No.10566837
Quoted by: >>10568384

a very good wad(Plutonia) and a good wad(TNT Evilution)
i think Plutonia is better than Doom II to be desu

>> No.10566852

Is there a tutorial on making pipes that angle in UDB?

>> No.10566860
Quoted by: >>10566865

Angle in what direction? Like a 3D cylinder that hangs under the ceiling?

>> No.10566865
File: 3 KB, 898x526, 1693419294398646.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10566884


>> No.10566872
Quoted by: >>10566895

Have you tried experimenting with beveled sides and radial drawing?

>> No.10566875
File: 34 KB, 640x480, piranha_Title.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>long abandoned genre-defying fps made by a single Uruguayan dev who erased almost all traces of its existence and then disappeared himself a decade ago
Not the rabbit hole I was expecting to dive in today.

Speaking of obscure abandonware, I've got a little story:
>be kid me
>dad has a bunch of 90s game mags, most with demo CDs
>one of them has a demo of a first-person submarine game called "Piranha"
>play it, kinda weird game
>many years pass
>be adult me, nostalgic
>decide to find out what happened to the games from the good old demo days
>look for Piranha
>can't fucking find anything, game is obscure and has a generic title
>suddenly find gameplay vid https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qp_xX40VC4g
>turns out the game was cancelled and the demo is all that remains

>> No.10566884
Quoted by: >>10566895

Oh right, yeah it will be a little tricky if you want it to also look round. Not sure if there's any good built-in tools for this sort of thing now, but what helped me with doing sloped 3D floors manually was when I realized I could think of the control sector as a flat box that stretches infinitely in every direction, but can only be seen in the sectors with the tag number that the control line points to.
This means you have to think carefully about where you place your control sectors or they'll be a pain to align.

>> No.10566889
Quoted by: >>10566920

Hey, neat. Looks like G-Police: Splish-Splash edition

>> No.10566890
File: 2.11 MB, 2970x3008, cd_expert_no_28.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10566892

This is the CD in question by the way, there's still a couple games in there I haven't found yet (I suspect "Alien Invasion" is gonna be a tough one)

>> No.10566892
Quoted by: >>10566920

>heroes of migth and magic III

>> No.10566895

Thanks boyos I'll give it a go.

>> No.10566897
File: 125 KB, 670x1000, The Ultimate Honk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Doomguy still feels more slick and slippery though, still zipping around in his socks.
it was right under our red noses all along

>> No.10566920

Turns out it was made by Reakktor Media, a german studio that somehow still exists despite never having any success with their games, which weren't even bad apparently. Their latest release was Toxikk, essentially a modern arena shooter (that nobody plays).
These forgotten studios are fascinating to me, even more than the forgotten games they made. It's like looking at the ruins of an old castle or something. It makes me wonder what the development was like, what were they competing with, how it could have been better recieved, etc.

That's how you know it was Made In Brazil.

>> No.10567053

>Database 2: the SQL

>> No.10567075

this gets funnier when you know how SQL is pronounced

>> No.10567105
File: 10 KB, 480x360, that's the joke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10567153
File: 304 KB, 1048x1584, 1593212305902.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is anyone doing soundtrack recordings off a real SC-55 for fan mods?

I see Memento Mori has one, but it's not even in a conveniently usable format?

Just seems like rather than blabbing about some shitty windows 98 soundfont, they could have out by now real recordings for literally every mod by now.

>> No.10567220
Quoted by: >>10567228

The latest release of Ironwail tries connecting to some master server that has a bunch of popular addons ready for direct download through the main menu. Typing "game" into console no longer just shows what gamedirs exist, but now shows a whole list of shit I don't want. Is there a way to turn this off?

>> No.10567228

>Typing "game" into console no longer just shows what gamedirs exist
I don't know about your other problem, but just go to the mods menu and that's all the gamedirs in your Quake folder.

>> No.10567242

Fuck, we're going into Doom 404 territory now.

>> No.10567274
File: 111 KB, 1800x1080, doomguys-madness-1800x1080.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone done anything with these .s3m recordings?


Looks like the TNT stuff was all originally done in a tracker and not midi

>> No.10567285
File: 550 KB, 1024x768, 2024-01-02 23-58-25.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The doomguys are coming to pet you and they may NOT!

>> No.10567289

I love this meatball like you wouldn't believe.

>> No.10567303

>Doom 2 busy playing gameboy to save earth
Keep these up they're great

>> No.10567304

He he. He's a floating ball of meat.

>> No.10567314
File: 955 KB, 800x847, 1594244808504.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10567353
Quoted by: >>10567370

>projectile isn't a cacoball

>> No.10567354
File: 356 KB, 846x458, 1676531172843886.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got an idea for a Serious Sam map I want to try making whenever I get the time to do so. The main idea would be that it's co-op focused with players selecting different "loadouts" when they spawn in before going to battle. I want it so that each loadout has a strength which covers weaknesses other loadouts have. But I'm not sure what weapon combinations would make the best loadouts. All I do know is that the sniper rifle loadout would only come with dual revolvers because the sniper is op in TSE. Anyone care to help throw some ideas around?

>> No.10567370

It could be, but I started with a line-shaped projectile class because writing line-on-line collision handling is next up. Need that for hitscans.

>> No.10567374

Is there an equivelant to John Romero's Doom Devs Play series with for Quake 1? Or any interviews where they talk about the level design for the game?

>> No.10567381
Quoted by: >>10567501

Hmmmmm could you add modded weapons because I think the weapons on the later half of the bar are too powerful to make a shotgunner loadout relevant with its short range.

>> No.10567421

How many classes do you plan on dividing the weapons among?

I'd do something like:
Hunter: Sniper, pump shotgun
Weakness: obvious

Demolitionist: Rocket Launcher, Grenade Launcher, Chainsaw
Weakness: swarms of enemies close by, kamikazes

Soldier: Tommygun, double shotgun, flamethrower
Weakness: High health ranged targets

Gunner: Minigun, Lasergun
Weakness: uh I dunno, both minigun and lasergun solve most problems so I figured any class with one of them will become really good

>> No.10567487

That ain't bad at all, but it's apparent the minigun, lasergun, and cannon can't be balanced since they'd nullify the other classes.

>> No.10567501
File: 402 KB, 680x260, 1680866024228595.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10567543

I might see what I can find, but what that other anon posted fits most of what I'm looking for just fine.
I like hunter and soldier, those two are pretty good (although the flamethrower being in soldier kit might outshine the double barrel too much). Demo I'm not too sure about because giving one loadout both explosive weapons doesn't feel right. Both the rocket launcher and grenade launcher have downsides that the other covers. But having the weakness to close enemies does greatly reduce their effectiveness, so maybe it would work just fine. I'll have to test that for sure.
Gunner would be way too powerful lol. The minigun and lasergun are just that good.
Cannon would be easy to balance in a loadout, just greatly limit the amount of cannonball ammo in the map. Could probably also apply this to the lasergun, but not the minigun (due to sharing ammo with the tommygun).

>> No.10567502

very based

>> No.10567510

Well you don't necessarily have to put them all in the map right? I'd maybe skip the cannon and either the minigun or lasergun. I enjoy the minigun more than the lasergun, but with the latter you can portion out ammo without affecting another weapon (the tommygun that is).

>> No.10567543
Quoted by: >>10567553

Are you serious?

>> No.10567553
File: 165 KB, 353x565, 1677620580803125.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10569085

maybe, it's fun to think about

>> No.10567607
File: 36 KB, 605x470, boxes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

guys, I made some boxes in doom builder

>> No.10567610

Naisu! A few more and you'll have a map anon!

>> No.10567624
File: 12 KB, 480x360, boxnoob.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10567668

I wish the SS shotguns weren't so underwhelming :(
SS3 pump is really good though.

>> No.10567670

The double barrel needs piercing like Doom.

>> No.10567672
Quoted by: >>10567692

They both kind of sound and feel like garbage. Speaking of which, do you know if there's any sound replacement mods out there? The audio quality really is pretty atrocious.

>> No.10567676
Quoted by: >>10567684

what is this?

>> No.10567684

AMC Squad.

>> No.10567689

but the double barrel is amazing???

>> No.10567692
Quoted by: >>10567698

The shotguns are fine, it's the stupid knife that's the problem.

>> No.10567698
Quoted by: >>10567703

Because of how insanely strong it is? The flamethrower is also incredibly strong too, between its damage output and insane ammo efficiency.

>> No.10567703

This is why TFE is perfect

>> No.10567730
File: 141 KB, 1600x960, TNTL7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I finally got around to playing TNT Evilution for the first time. I already posted this a few days back on here >>10536132

I had to change from EE to GZDoom because I kept running into bugs that was ruining my experience of TNT. So far smooth sailing.
I just finished maps 6 to 10 and map 7 is another favorite from me. However map 9 was fucking annoying. First map that I did not like.

>> No.10567785
Quoted by: >>10567786

I think we can except crate things from this mapper

>> No.10567786
File: 13 KB, 242x264, d2hy99u-200747d9-0de5-4866-bc34-141f30be799d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10567805


>> No.10567791
Quoted by: >>10568398

TNT apologist here, great megawad IMO but you have to accept that its a mixed bag going in and take the jank with the handful of genuine high points. Even I will admit the final stretch is not very good tho.

>> No.10567794
File: 163 KB, 570x282, peak goldsrc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10567807

>b me
>making hl map
>make elevator with doors that open with a button
>func_button doesnt work
>literally mashing the shit out of the e key and nothing happens
>set to push activate
>works fine
why the fuck isnt it activating when i press use key?
also ignore misaligned texture

>> No.10567805

>doesn't share my crate expectations

You'll get there.

>> No.10567807
Quoted by: >>10567819

Did you turn the button the wrong way around maybe?
I don't know crap about HL but that sort of issue is pretty common.

>> No.10567819
Quoted by: >>10567846

figured it out, for some god forsaken reason it defaults to being shootable, which disables the use key

>> No.10567846

That's odd, it shouldn't default to that. What FGD are you using?

>> No.10567946

the pc port of perfect dark added netplay

>> No.10567952

Whoa. Sick.

>> No.10567956
Quoted by: >>10567963

Does it support splitscreen? That's the only reason I keep my Xbox.

>> No.10567958

It's pretty good mod so far

>> No.10567963
Quoted by: >>10567968

splitscreen + netplay?
no idea

>> No.10567968

Splitscreen in general.

>> No.10568001
File: 396 KB, 640x480, 1688747694853325.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10568004

you know, in the new options the extra controllers are there but I don't know how to enable them

>> No.10568004
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>> No.10568006
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>> No.10568015
File: 539 KB, 640x480, 1697311413133413.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh, I had to restart the game

>> No.10568023


>> No.10568036

Sandy occasionally rambles about the game on his Youtube. That's about it.

>> No.10568069
File: 118 KB, 800x600, 1652244594593.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Playan some Doom if anyone wants to join in
Pass: penis
Name: Booty Lickers Incorporated
WAD: DBP28, the DOOM 3 one

>> No.10568070

>I had to change from EE to GZDoom because I kept running into bugs that was ruining my experience of TNT.
TNT has a fair bunch of bugs and shit that was just plain overlooked, most of the ZDoom-based ports just silently fix them but others tend to preserve them as it and assume you run a patched wad if you want them to work.

>> No.10568074

chocolate doom, odamex?

>> No.10568076

they should consolidate everything in a single menu, I understand what they did, they left the original menu but every new option is in a separated menu that duplicates everything, I was 10 minutes looking were the fuck "reverse pitch" was located

>> No.10568080
Quoted by: >>10568083

I dunno

>> No.10568083

What the fuck dude is it zandronum or what is it you prick

>> No.10568084
Quoted by: >>10568087


>> No.10568087
File: 54 KB, 1024x764, spit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well fuck you then. Asshole. I just wanted to Doom.

>> No.10568093

Uhhhhhhhhhhhhh lemme check the uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

>> No.10568097

I am going to hazard a guess and say that person replying to you is not even involved with that MP server and is fucking with you.

>> No.10568115
Quoted by: >>10568254

that's it, im not playing, im going to bed bye fags

>> No.10568145
File: 20 KB, 1184x126, 1674692154539937.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh, missed this
well, it's a start I guess

>> No.10568254
Quoted by: >>10568258

And closed for now. It was alright. Clearly not meant for co-op but had some fun moments nonetheless. Dunno how much I'd want to play it again in single player, but overall ok, GGz to those that showed up.
Did you try uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

>> No.10568258
Quoted by: >>10568268

It was likely Zandronum anon.
You know you could have just said what client you were using instead of doing what you did man.

>> No.10568268

Oh I wasn't use a client. I was using a server.

>> No.10568269
Quoted by: >>10568276

Okay. You could have just said what server you were using instead of doing what you did man. Honestly you just lost a player with this smart remark bullshit.

>> No.10568276
Quoted by: >>10568281

Oh uhhhhhhhh the uhhhhhhhhhh the name of the server was on there, for which server we were using. The IP was too.

>> No.10568278
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>> No.10568281
File: 33 KB, 446x313, 1695918992191035.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep. Never again. If I'd known could be a jerk I wouldn't have joined when you first started hosting these. Smell ya never.

>> No.10568293
File: 2.92 MB, 4128x3096, 20220703_165314.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What did shitwad anon use?
I had a single monitor and I just alt-tabbed out of Doom to respond to the chat now and then. I had the chat window popped out and overlaid on Doom with a bit of transparency so I could see what people were saying. I had no clue what I was doing with the output, so the quality was way shittier than it should have been for my upload speed.

That said, I hope you guys have been doing good. I don't really want to stream again and I don't browse /doom/ regularly because I have little to contribute, but I'm glad you're all still at it. I'm happy Sinael is having a go at streaming too. I forgot my trip code, but here is a photo of my cat as proof that it's me.

>> No.10568294
File: 16 KB, 241x230, 1409713450355.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10568378
Quoted by: >>10568687

it's the Final Doom-down!
Doo-doo Doo Doo
Doo-doo Doo Doo Doo

>> No.10568384

doom 2 maps sucks

>> No.10568385

Another TNT apologist here, I think there's good stuff in there, but there were way too many cooks in that kitchen and it's from before many good design conventions were established in the community, so there's quite a lot of rough and bad in there too.

Glad you're finding parts you'll like, but you're gonna find parts you'll hate even more down the line. All in all, worth giving a try, but I very much will not fault some people for not wanting to put up with TNT's shit, by the year 2000 it had already been surpassed multiple times over.

>> No.10568398

Yeah, the last third is especially rough.
I'm really glad we got Revilution and Devilution, ergo "Hey, TNT is pretty cool in some ways, but what if we did that except we tried to make it really good instead?"

No, you.

>> No.10568428

>I'm really glad we got Revilution and Devilution, ergo "Hey, TNT is pretty cool in some ways, but what if we did that except we tried to make it really good instead?"
I'm really glad they're way better than Plutonia 2 was.

>> No.10568437

opinions on Obsidian?

>> No.10568506
File: 43 KB, 460x215, dude wrath lmao.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New Wrath: Aeon of no Refunds update:
>co-op and general multiplayer dropped because something something game dev really hard guise pls understand :(
>dude super srs story with deep lore notes, slow panning cutscenes, and totally necessary NPC conversations
>managed to make Shit Places run moderately less awful after 3 years, which is obviously more worthwhile than just switching to FTE
>coming February 27th

Wrath bros... I feel so old.

>> No.10568516
Quoted by: >>10568531

game dev is hard though. Though I wonder how much of all this is from mismanagement.
Also not retro.

>> No.10568531
Quoted by: >>10568634

>Also not retro.
retro engine = retro
unless the janny just really loves Ion Fury
>game dev is hard though
When you're on the Quake engine, there's no excuse for no multiplayer - especially when it was promised years ago.

>> No.10568546
Quoted by: >>10568692

Really awesome when you want some inspiration (or something to rip off). Also just really awesome when you want some Doom you've never seen before.
I didn't buy Wrath for multiplayer so that's fine.

>> No.10568548
Quoted by: >>10568692

I honestly didn't think co-op and multiplayer were in the works, but I can't see how the fuck it'd be hard when it's on Darkplaces. Maybe it's just this shitty modern sentiment you see all over the place where co-op has to be extremely polished and balanced, as someone having a janky but fun experience with their buds at the cost of the SANCTITY of the campaign as within the dev's vision is too high of a cost to bear.

>> No.10568634

I keep forgetting about that shit. Disregard me, I suck cocks.
The whole thing is definitely suffering from mismanagement.

>> No.10568687
Quoted by: >>10568969

Did you play Lunatic map05? (Or did you find the secret in Valiant map27?)

>> No.10568692

>I honestly didn't think co-op and multiplayer were in the works
I'm not sure how to find archives of a Steam store page, but they were definitely on there at some point.
>I didn't buy Wrath for multiplayer so that's fine.
I'm sure a lot of people didn't, but it's a staple of games from the era that Wrath is trying to nostalgia bait from and absolutely shouldn't be difficult to do on the Quake engine. It doesn't even have to be that complex - even Quake's multiplayer is pretty tacked-on. It's also just a bizarre business decision to exclude it, since even the most worthless 'fun with friends' mode can make a ton of people more inclined to buy your game.
But ultimately the lack of multiplayer combined with all the other issues the game has had just makes me think the final release is going to be lazy feeling garbage.

>> No.10568712

I don't deny that making a few multiplayer maps wouldn't have taken much, but it's really not that big a deal to me. I have a feeling it'll be a good game; I've revisited the current maps many times and they're always a joy to play through. I'm a bit biased because this has been a dream game of mine for a while now.

>> No.10568723
Quoted by: >>10568727

It's modded Oblige, it's okish.

Personally I prefered Slige for it's funny fully name.

>> No.10568725

Does anyone here like freedoom

>> No.10568727
Quoted by: >>10568761

>modded Oblige
Aktschuallky yes and no. Oblige was abandoned is why Obsidian came about. It's literally Oblige with more on top of it, along with support for an old Slige fork.

>> No.10568736

>it's a staple of games from the era that Wrath is trying to nostalgia bait from
Forgetting about multiplayer is also a staple of modern imitation retro shooters. How many actually ship with proper multiplayer support? Dusk and Ion Fury are the only ones I can think of off the top of my head. Most of the GZD ones can force multiplayer but aren't set up for it.

>> No.10568740
Quoted by: >>10568746

Is this the one where the original developers fucked right off after the publisher basically took it over?

>> No.10568746

The original dev faded out of development because he stopped caring. The publisher stepped in and put some guys in charge, then some of them left, more guys were brought in, repeat.

>> No.10568747
Quoted by: >>10568753

>Forgetting about multiplayer is also a staple of modern imitation retro shooters.
People have been conditioned to think it was never important, I even had somebody trying to convince me that multiplayer and especially deathmatches were never a big deal in the Doom games.

>> No.10568749

I grew to like River Styx (despite the ammunition being very tight) in the last third of TNT. I had a very good time with Revilution and the soundtrack is very nice. I have yet to try Devilution (and PRCP).

>> No.10568753
Quoted by: >>10568763

>, I even had somebody trying to convince me that multiplayer and especially deathmatches were never a big deal in the Doom games.
Was his name Tim Willits?

>> No.10568761

>It's literally Oblige with more on top of it
It's the same team as ObAddon, it's just been folding that stuff into the main thing and then going from there as a basis.

>> No.10568763

Nah, he'd have said he invented deathmatches.

>> No.10568781

I do in some ways, I've a few versions where I've picked all the monsters, weapon and pickup sprites and sounds out and used it as a wad for Doom.

>> No.10568787

Even Dusk deserves to get shit on a bit, due to sucking themselves off in the news post for their oh so hard work on the Dusk SDK, but then seem to have quietly canceled the co-op that was promised to be released with it.

Ironically, I think the only one of these new-age strafe shooters I've played that has multiplayer, co-op, and a level editor is Prodeus, and that one is distinctly inspired by Doom 2016 instead of the originals. The game that's trying to imitate the new age instead of ripping off the old somehow has more of the appropriate features than the games like Wrath that are actually running on a Quake sourceport engine (not to mention Xonotic existing to show that Darkplaces can be networked fantastically for deathmatch)

>> No.10568792
Quoted by: >>10568803

I played freedoom1 and I plan to play freedoom2 as well. I enjoyed the first 3 episodes but I only played the first 2 levels of the 4th episode, I'm not a big fan of long levels filled with hit scanners (maybe I wasn't in the mood).
Also, I play some custom wads with freedoom1/2 sometimes. I don't like all the monsters but I'm a big fan of the serpentipede aesthetic, easily one of my favorite doom custom monster.

>> No.10568793
Quoted by: >>10568856

I like that game, but only for short bursts. It's not something that I can accidentally play for hours like Doom. S'aight. Level editor is actually a lot of fun too.
What games even have coop these days. That aren't specifically built for it.

>> No.10568803

Depending on the different build, the maps get replaced entirely.

Also it's pretty funny to run Sigil with FreeDoom 1.

>> No.10568809

Any good gameplay mods?

>> No.10568815
File: 68 KB, 300x300, 1677077942870630.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10568817

>not to mention Xonotic existing to show that Darkplaces can be networked fantastically for deathmatch
Xonotic is criminally underrated. Used to play the shit out of it with a big community of fellow retards on an awful, now defunct streaming site called Bitwave.
The quality of that game really really puts into perspective what Quake and its source ports are capable of.

>> No.10568820

The classics:
Babel - most vanilla, just makes combat faster and more interesting in small ways)
Dakka - all guns changed up, boomboomboom
Corruption Cards - Select a card modifier on map start i.e. enemies jump towards you. You can change to choose a card on every map, or every third map, etc.
Colorful Hell - additional color coded enemies
Legendoom - random enemies will be "legendary", more health, more damage, and drop lots of goodies
GMOTA - go medieval on their asses!
Combined Arms - I don't really know how to explain this one I'm tired

Hellrider - female operator kino
Project Brutality - Brutal Doom with enemy variety

There's too many to list friendo.

>> No.10568853

some are better than others i guess but they look very rough compared to Doom's 3 main episodes

>> No.10568856

Very few, and it sucks because: between how monolithic the few multiplayer games are and the aforementioned perspective on co-op games needing "polish/balance," there's now this commonplace opinion of co-op and multiplayer being a needless extra thing that's ultimately a waste of effort and another bite at a completely chomped-at apple.

Which is just sad. Just toss it in even if it's rough. I've lived with shitty P2P lockstep netcode, and when it comes to being "designed for co-op," I don't give a shit. Breaking a map with a dozen players, yelling each other to time their spawns because there's not enough starts to not be a gibfest, and raging over losers dying inside a now-locked arena is part of the fun. Just having it as an option, no matter how rough, has massively boosted the longevity of games like Doom and Quake for me.

>> No.10568860
Quoted by: >>10568867

If it matters enough to you host some games.

>> No.10568867
File: 178 KB, 1920x1080, 1671942332256758.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10568878

It matters enough to me that I think I'll build a time machine and go back 5 hours and host some Doom!

>> No.10568878


>> No.10568887

I've got sound hardware that is basically a successor to the SC-8850 I could do recordings on, but it's decidedly a different kind of sound.

>> No.10568913

>Combined Arms - I don't really know how to explain this one I'm tired
Weirdo uses increasingly more weird weapons.

>> No.10568934

At least for Half Life, Dario Casali did a commenated playthrough and he talks about id and Quake on occasion.

>> No.10568969


>> No.10569023
Quoted by: >>10569129

I want to make a decoration item that can be activated multiple times and it makes a sound whenever activated.
So far I can do that via THINGSPEC_Switch, having both active and inactive states with the same sound but now both also have to have the same sprite else. Is it possible to have it activate, then wait for a set amount of time and then go to the inactive state? Something like:
>WAIT [X ticks]
>GOTO inactive

>> No.10569078
Quoted by: >>10569185

>Conceptualize a room with plenty of basic brushes
>Realize it would work better elsewhere on the map
Thank fuck for groups

>> No.10569085

LITERALLY me. I'll be at work and thinking of map ideas all day long but when I get into an editor my lack of skill hits me like a train. Very frustrating cycle.

>> No.10569129
Quoted by: >>10569134

Decorate or Dehacked?
If the former you can just set the inactive flag again in a state or something.

>> No.10569134
Quoted by: >>10569338

I think I've got it, made an inactive state and controlled the time with the sprite so the active is
>SPRT A [XXX ticks] play sound
>goto inactive

>> No.10569181

Basically all the devs that cared about the game had left. It is developed by entirely different people now. IIRC one or two of the planned hubs had already been cut just to make sure it releases in the nearest decade.

>> No.10569182
File: 2.00 MB, 245x166, 1386813704645.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10569185
Quoted by: >>10569204

pro tip: if you forget to group a bunch of shit you can make a big brush encompassing everything you want to select and then hit CTRL + T to select everything touching the brush

>> No.10569195

Add to that:
Anything by Terminus (High noon Drifter, Demonsteele, Highway Acceleroid Booster, Hellshots)
Trailblazer and Guncaster/Vindicated
DoomTournament and Doomreal, though they need some serious tweaking in the balance department because author is a literal faggot

There's a disproportionate amount of effort involved into making it at least sort of functional to how many people are actually gonna play it (very few). Absolutely most of the time it's not even remotely worth it.

>> No.10569204

>and then hit CTRL + T to select everything touching the brush
Fucking nice. I know CTRL+E will select everything within the brush but this one sounds more useful.

>> No.10569236
File: 23 KB, 320x200, 1681127089176690.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

La Tailor Girl

>> No.10569249
Quoted by: >>10569309

Genuinely great mod even outside of Daina's ass.

>> No.10569253


>> No.10569309
File: 149 KB, 696x701, pieceofart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's a great asset tho

>> No.10569337
Quoted by: >>10569873

for me it's hideous destructor, project msx, and lambda (with babel monsters)

>> No.10569338
Quoted by: >>10570101

Yeah with decorate you can easily achieve this with states. You have to keep in mind though that you have to be able to reactivate it again.

>> No.10569371
File: 113 KB, 1024x640, BFG [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fy382e2.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10569720

>High noon Drifter

>> No.10569474

2 days late, and GMod might not be this general or board's thing, but there's now a pack of SWEPS and entities from Chasm: The Rift for Garry's Mod and people in the comments are calling it a Quake ripoff lol.

>> No.10569509
Quoted by: >>10569574

Half-Life 2 is a retro game and GMod is a retro mod, so it fits

>> No.10569537
Quoted by: >>10569558

men of no culture

>> No.10569543

How's Chasm remaster by the way?

>> No.10569558

Yeah, Chasm isn't a Quake ripoff
It's THE Quake ripoff
Pay it some respect

>> No.10569574

>when 2026 hits Gmod will be two decades old
I wonder if that’s when we can expect a new “retro” cut off date.

>> No.10569654

wtf how?

>> No.10569672
File: 45 KB, 152x240, 1704252518100715C.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10569674

>now chasm
How many more games will be recreated

>> No.10569681

based crate maker

>> No.10569694

is there a SC-55 recording of the music of Doom and Doom 2, that has the reverb/chorus intact? All the ones I know of have them removed. The closest thing is the old SCC-1 recording, but that has some instruments sound different, plus it is very low quality and mono only.

>> No.10569720

Where is DAT ASS from? HND seems to be a weaponset.

>> No.10569731
Quoted by: >>10569792

One of the BFG replacements transforms you into her.

>> No.10569739
Quoted by: >>10569898

>DoomTournament and Doomreal, though they need some serious tweaking in the balance department because author is a literal faggot
Not even one of the worst thing that we now know about them, still feels dirty to even be liking Doom Tournament still.

>> No.10569743
File: 395 KB, 1475x737, GMOTA_Meeting_Basilissa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10569792

Yeah, like that other guy said. That's Bassilissa, you find her skull/head and can either use it to throw fireballs or call on her to tag in for awhile. Corzo chills out in a fire shield or something like that if memory serves right.

>> No.10569772

I’m looking for a source port that’s easier to run than GZDoom, but still supports hardware acceleration. Trying to run it on an older laptop

>> No.10569792
File: 46 KB, 354x396, 1369096664964.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>One of the BFG replacements transforms you into her.
>That's Bassilissa, you find her skull/head and can either use it to throw fireballs or call on her to tag in for awhile. Corzo chills out in a fire shield or something like that if memory serves right.

I'm trying this. Thanks guys.
On a slightly less thinking with the dong note, it does look a very fun weapon conversion.

>> No.10569808

Try DSDA-Doom or PrBoom+.

>> No.10569821

>it does look a very fun weapon conversion.
It is incredibly fun, Term always manages to nail getting weapons to feel awesome to use.

>> No.10569825
Quoted by: >>10570013

It's a VERY good mod. One of Term's best mods on a mechanical level, I think.

>> No.10569832

>Older pre v4.00 versions of GZDoom. You may lose UMAPINFO support or something, barely substantial.
>VKDoom is a fork of GZDoom, no vouch for it.
>DSDA-Doom and PrBoom+ (JadingTsunami fork or v2.666) has hardware acceleration mode, with original palette emulation from Unity. Also exclusive screen mode for extra performance.
>Dephi Doom, cause why not? Seems like an adequate general use port.
>Doom Retro, if you can handle all hidden behind the console variables settings.
>Eternity Engine, development builds have multithreaded rendering setting plus you could fine-tune your resolution — lower means faster.

>> No.10569839
Quoted by: >>10570013

If you want challenging sidegrades to vanilla balanced around carrying and managing resources between maps (not pistol start) but with mostly the same core gameplay as vanilla instead of HDest and difficult Brutal Doom forks, try anything by dr_cosmobyte. Factotum is the most "doomguy" but also somewhat dated
most of his mods put important items on chainsaws, invis spheres, and other powerups mappers and players nowadays consider useless so they play better with retro wads full of secrets

honestly the slow-mo holster that turns the next 8 revolver shots into instakills BFG is cooler. It fills the "oh shit an archvile/pain ele/cluster of cacos spread out in weird spots" role of the BFG in a unique way

>> No.10569860

Oh fuark, there is also Hellion from hobomaster22 which you could try too. Didn't look deep into its features but its ground idea is high performance.

>> No.10569868

Anon, were you successful? Which game was that

>> No.10569873
File: 668 KB, 800x600, animu cannon.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10569939

>project msx
It's so fucking cool man. I wish some of these uninspired boomer shooters would have gone that route.
I should revisit an old abandoned project of modernizing it some day.

>> No.10569896

Also, Woof and DSDA developers recommend setting framerate cap of increments of 35 for smooth gameplay. If it helps.

>> No.10569898

Faggotry and grooming are a nonissue for me, since I'm a firm believer in death of an author.
Same situation as with Hogwarts legacy, Rowling might be a blithering incompetent moron, but the game itself is fine.

Marisa's mods are just fine in quality and code department, but there are some notions of utter stupidity like UT balancing where he sticks to original UT damage values that were balanced around PVP, completely disregarding reality that the mod is made for the game with tough monsters.
One example of such is that shotgun-tier ASMD rifle deals half the damage of a shotgun, and Rocketlauncher deals 1/3 of the regular Doom RL, with even slower firerate bringing it to 1/4 of the DPS even with rocket-pumping, making them feel like completely ineffective shit.
Also when he insisted on left-handing all of the Unreal guns.

I'd argue that Acceleroid booster is a bit off in that department. SSG replacement in particular is just meh.

>> No.10569905
File: 467 KB, 735x751, exploitable demon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10569939

>I should revisit an old abandoned project of modernizing it some day.
At least you have MSFix'd to go off of since I'm pretty sure the original didn't include the source for it's ACS stuff.

>> No.10569940

>since I'm a firm believer in death of an author.
Not quite the right context here, because beyond maybe some tranny flags which I'm sure he put in there, the Unreal Tournament stuff was just a conversion, it's not something with a message or narrative.

>> No.10569956
File: 701 KB, 735x751, IMG_20240103_201916_255.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Murder is the only kind of deal demons will get from me

>> No.10569982

Looks kind of erotic when you're putting him up against the wall and he's smiling back at you like that.

>> No.10569984
File: 614 KB, 890x840, 1521683923223.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10569997

>Looks kind of erotic when you're putting him up against the wall and he's smiling back at you like that.
Your brain on porn and other kinds of degeneracy, absolutely delusional

>> No.10570002
File: 79 KB, 934x779, 1703260745033666.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10570006

Can you spawn different weapons in different game modes? So you can adjust the balance for SP separately.

>> No.10570007
File: 95 KB, 302x292, ExploitIdid.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10570009
Quoted by: >>10570040

>Oh yeah DoomDaddy, give me your Pump Shotgun from behind!

>> No.10570013
Quoted by: >>10570125

It's totally kickass and Bassilissa is amazing.
>did you cheat her in
No I did legit play to get the "BFG".

>honestly the slow-mo holster that turns the next 8 revolver shots into instakills BFG is cooler. It fills the "oh shit an archvile/pain ele/cluster of cacos spread out in weird spots" role of the BFG in a unique way
I'd agree, I feel I should agree, but
10 foot tall demon lady wins

>> No.10570019
Quoted by: >>10570040

I don't think that Middle Ages men who represented lust with these kinds of demons were watching a lot of porn.

>> No.10570040

I don't chat with retards, sorry. Not even sure what brainfart was that, you may as well shat yourself wet

Didn't know that guys at the id were Middle Age men

>> No.10570041

I found that Doomreal was a little underwhelming against even vanilla monsters with default settings, but once all of the alpha/beta/oldskool features were turned on, I very quickly became immortal.

>> No.10570063
File: 2.26 MB, 1606x2425, UltimateDoomPoster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>demon with a face of deranged glee, drooling as him and his evil pals beset a spacemarine and try to kill him

>demon with a face of deranged glee, drooling as someone pushing him up against a wall in a dark alley

>> No.10570081
File: 407 KB, 1024x768, 1521687687136.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10570101

Though it works, with my solution I have to press activate twice in order to active it again after the first time, as if the first press deactivates it and the second one activates it even if at the end of the active state it goes to the inactive state and thus the first use after that does nothing, the THINGSPEC_Switch will still cycle between activate and deactivate.

>> No.10570113
File: 478 KB, 735x751, grabstomato.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10570119
File: 298 KB, 735x751, Fireblu Doritos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10570125
File: 130 KB, 737x960, Corzo and Basilissa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10570127

I'm personally a big fan of snapping your finger to explode everything around you. A few of the other weapons are kinda weird, though. The rocket launcher doesn't gib things if you hit them with it directly, but it does if they die to the splash damage. And the shotgun is kinda...ehh. I wish the fire beams were maybe a bit faster and had a little less spread. And that you could charge it for a big piercing beam.

She's like, 18 feet tall. She bullies cyberdemons.

>> No.10570127
Quoted by: >>10570173

>She's like, 18 feet tall. She bullies cyberdemons.
Even better!

>> No.10570134
Quoted by: >>10570164

What exactly are you trying to do again? Also, post code.

>> No.10570135
File: 1.21 MB, 1920x1080, reale1m8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10570137

That's a good one.

>> No.10570140

You win

>> No.10570164

SATA A 105 A_StartSound("sataandagi")
Goto Inactive

It's a cute Osaka that stats out crying (spawn state), then goes happy and says her cute "sata andagi" (active state) and then goes to an inactive state with her also happy, but without the sata andagi in her hands. Since I think it's cute, want to be able to make her say the line again.

>> No.10570173
File: 430 KB, 1280x906, Basilissa forms.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not even her full size. Lore is she's massively weakened and she's a fucking kaiju at full power. Also if you want to read lore, take a look in the zscript section of the pk3. Term wrote stuff in the text files for nearly every item and weapon and even the player character.

>> No.10570174

No, I mean the complete actor definition.

For reference, here is something I made some time ago:

A patch of tall grass you can trample down.
It's "activated" on touch (bump) in this case. Because it's only a single sprite I don't need to loop anything.

class tallgrass : SwitchableDecoration
Radius 12;
Height 56;
Activation THINGSPEC_Deactivate;

GRAS D -1;
GRAS E 1 A_NoBlocking();
GRAS E -1;

>> No.10570176

Ah shit forgot that mine is zscript, but the general structure and idea stays the same.

>> No.10570181


>> No.10570182

The more human looking form on the left is kinda hot.

>> No.10570185

She's also loosely tied to GMOTA, as the demon powering Blaz's arm cannon is her little brother.

>> No.10570186

>Because it's only a single sprite I don't need to loop anything
Oh, nice.
Here's the code now:

ACTOR OsakaSataAndagi : SwitchableDecoration 16001
XScale 0.1
YScale 0.05
Radius 20
Height 56
Activation THINGSPEC_Switch

SATA A 105 A_StartSound("sataandagi")
Goto Inactive

>> No.10570187
Quoted by: >>10570194



SPRT A 1 A_Stuff()
goto spawn

SPRT A 1 A_OtherStuff()
Goto Spawn

this should work I think?

>> No.10570193

Poor Little Green Doomguy

>> No.10570194
Quoted by: >>10570205

No, with this you always go back to spawn, but you want to always be in either the active or inactive state. If you look closely at the example, the spawn state is basically skipped and it instantly goes to the "Active" state.
It's been some time since I've done this, so I am not that familiar anymore with the whole mechanics behind, so take my explanations with a grain of salt. If in doubt, just quickly test it. Shouldn't take longer than posting here.

>> No.10570205
Quoted by: >>10570219

Oh alright, been a long time since I touched decorate and I don't recall how the activation/use states and flags work exactly.

Man, being able to just go
>override void Activate(actor activator){stuff;}
is such a blessing in comparison.

>> No.10570214

She's awesome.
>Also if you want to read lore, take a look in the zscript section of the pk3
Totally will. All of it, not just her.

>> No.10570219


>> No.10570225

I may be a newbie compared to some of you here (10 years playing mostly doom and marathon), but I don't regret a second of it.

>> No.10570235
Quoted by: >>10570239


>> No.10570239

it's over

>> No.10570243
Quoted by: >>10570287

Speaking of which, now that hiroshimoot is killing the site by making posting more and more of a hassle, where will /vr/ go? I like you guys and I like you here and I'd hate going to an actual forum, especially considering the present choices. Doomchan when?

>> No.10570260


You're not getting out of this one so easily.

>> No.10570286
File: 998 KB, 500x378, blushing boy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bad metal/punk bitch with abs

>> No.10570287

Works for me.

>> No.10570293
Quoted by: >>10570560

>Also if you want to read lore, take a look in the zscript section of the pk3. Term wrote stuff in the text files for nearly every item and weapon and even the player character.
I fucking love that Term does this shit, makes it even more fun to poke around in there and see what there is to see.

>> No.10570560

His immature code is really funny, too.
>int cocklordsupreme;