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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 122 KB, 827x1423, Ehj1wzfWAAIWWdJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
26198779 No.26198779 [Reply] [Original]

For all non JP Holos.
meidos don't you see the state of /hlg/? let us keep this

>> No.26198841

Stop splitting for no reason and shitting up the board. Go back to the main thread and stay there.

>> No.26198924

/hlg/ is fucking trash. No.

>> No.26198970

Just wait until the sticky ends desu

>> No.26198981
File: 11 KB, 300x300, 1599851805456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/hlg/ is literally the worst and people will keep shitting on holoEN posters, just let us stay here

>> No.26198996

fuck off

>> No.26199191

She's better than expected

>> No.26199228

I want to MATING PRESS this BIRD

>> No.26199377
Quoted by: >>26200093

bunker in case they hate englandos

>> No.26199385
File: 375 KB, 495x482, PEKORAAAAAAAAAAAA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26199394

How the hell is she german but also sound pretty much native japanese?

>> No.26199427
Quoted by: >>26199638

probably a 2nd gen immigrant

>> No.26199486
File: 217 KB, 315x340, KIKKERIKIII!!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.26199602
File: 54 KB, 177x162, chickem23.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26199613

desu kiara is kinda cool, not cringy like mori was

>> No.26199638

That would make either jap or ger sound 'not right', but both sound good.

>> No.26199659
File: 774 KB, 334x298, 1597949059462.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>non JP holos thread

>> No.26199761

She doesn't sound German at all. She has 0 German accent in either language.

>> No.26199769
Quoted by: >>26199995

im a lil sad at the amount of not english in chicken stream

>> No.26199793
Quoted by: >>26199973


>> No.26199891
File: 1.38 MB, 724x1024, 1591369785210.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26199919

They're more JP than you are.

>> No.26199973

bakemonogatari-series? filtered

>> No.26199977

nah fuck off
report and move on
yes this is announcing a report
clean this shit up faster, jannies

>> No.26199995
Quoted by: >>26201330

Same, I guess she'll be the JOPbait

>> No.26200019

Since this is the bizarro world I kinda expect the most hyped girl, the shark, being the worst one.

>> No.26200088 [DELETED] 

report my fat cock retard

>> No.26200093 [DELETED] 

and this is why we needed this

>> No.26200165

Who's streaming after her?

>> No.26200187
Quoted by: >>26204691

Stay mad touhoufag this is OUR board now!

>> No.26200202

It's holo house all over again, she will try to milk your wallet.

>> No.26200208
Quoted by: >>26200393

Meidos, let us keep Hololive Global after all this is done.

>> No.26200254

She's probably half japanese and half german,
she struggles with her japanese vocabulary, but her pronunciation is ok so she learned it from her mom I guess.

>> No.26200256

>her twitter posts are just an unholy mix of german and japanese humor
I'm sorry for calling her reddit bird

>> No.26200265
Quoted by: >>26200698

>people shit on us when we post in the main thread
>people shit on us when we post in our designated containment thread

Which is it gonna be schizos?

>> No.26200297
Quoted by: >>26200447

Mori's salty sweaty pits or Kiara's chicken flavored pits?

>> No.26200364

Why is Kiara such a Pekofag tho?

>> No.26200388

so do we know her past live yet? genuinely curious

>> No.26200393
Quoted by: >>26200516

This. I was against the split at first, but the more relaxed global thread was really nice.

>> No.26200409
Quoted by: >>26200512

literally nobody has been shitting on en today. its been almost exclusively positive besides the jannie sperg out.
you faggots are just trying to be contrarian for the sake of being contrarian

>> No.26200424
Quoted by: >>26201414

Stop spamming the board you fucking retard. There's already a sticky thread.

>> No.26200434
Quoted by: >>26201414

You deserve to be banned

>> No.26200447

Chicken's thighs

>> No.26200454

Maybe do not try do powertrip hard so next time "/hlg/" doesn't shit in your thread, lemme discuss about hololive in the hololive thread faggot.

>> No.26200492

congrats faggot you will probably get a new containment board.

>> No.26200511
Quoted by: >>26204048

Why is EN so goddamn good

>> No.26200512

Fuck you. The main thread shat on HoloEN all fucking thread before their debut no discussion was possible.

>> No.26200516

This has been very nice.

>> No.26200525
File: 75 KB, 1095x778, Ame.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How will Amelia's stream be like? will she be as autistic as the other 2?

>> No.26200584

the british accent...

>> No.26200593
Quoted by: >>26211530

how do people like things

>> No.26200615

The exact opposite has been happening for the past few hours, you shitting on holoJP and going to the other thread to post about your bullshit.

>> No.26200635
File: 82 KB, 257x257, 944c110.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still can't believe that the chicken is a fucking nousagi

>> No.26200674

She'll be the dominant one contrary to popular beliefs, screencap this

>> No.26200677

While Kiara has kino taste, this has been far more boring and less interesting to watch than Calliope overall

>> No.26200681
File: 160 KB, 1080x1235, 1599861471793.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still can't believe that the chicken is a german ESL

>> No.26200698
Quoted by: >>26200865

All you do is spam and cry about "janny" while in the main thread. What did you expect?

>> No.26200740

pekocucks will never recover

>> No.26200759

I just hope she speaks english at this point...

>> No.26200787

Mori's stream was way too good, I doubt the others will be able to compete aside from Gura

>> No.26200804

>Kiara Fan Club

>> No.26200814

Maybe the real shitposter of the gen

>> No.26200834
Quoted by: >>26200994

>a sticky for hololive
/jp/ really has declined.
Came here to say this because it has less posts.
At least it's nice to see the EN hololives talking in both English and Japanese.

>> No.26200836

>I doubt the others will be able to compete aside from Watson

>> No.26200837

Chicken is a good girl!!

>> No.26200850

It's safe and boring, she seems very experienced with streaming.

>> No.26200853

from the amount of shitposting she's been doing im really hoping she's a based tard
or a book nerd considering her detective bg

>> No.26200865
Quoted by: >>26200938

That R*cardoanon anonchama...

>> No.26200887 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>26201048

This is how the INDogs feel when their branch speaks english 95% of the time, isn't it bros...?

>> No.26200898

She will 100% lust after Mori's tits in the collab stream

>> No.26200938
Quoted by: >>26201037

You are all the same to me.

>> No.26200949

Yeah Mori really was top tier. Spaghetti as fuck at first, but once she dropped the cringe teehees and fake nervousness it was great

>> No.26200968 [DELETED] 

the other threads too fast and full of niggers.

>> No.26200994
Quoted by: >>26201044

even the starcraft 2 and dota 2 generals on /v/ got stickies before they made vg

>> No.26201011

Mori raised the hype and Kiara is delivering in her own way. The talent is honestly insane.

>> No.26201017
Quoted by: >>26201571

once she dropped the fake bullshit at the start she was great.

So far cock has been....very bland and safe. She seems extremely new to streaming in general.

>> No.26201024

this looping music is going to make me tie up some rope i swear

>> No.26201029

>denies being a cannibal

>> No.26201037


>> No.26201044

so this means /vt/ soon nice

>> No.26201048
Quoted by: >>26201181

Kiara is just better Coco or Pikamee, Iofi is worse.

>> No.26201077
File: 85 KB, 1000x1000, 1599775308236.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop talking about the other thread, sharkbros ww@? I hope she's also half-japanese like the chicken

>> No.26201103
Quoted by: >>26211628

Kiara's Kloaca

>> No.26201113
Quoted by: >>26202888

took us decades but we got our Asuka in the form of a bird.

>> No.26201131

this kills the mori

>> No.26201136
Quoted by: >>26201270

I hope she's nothing like the chicken

>> No.26201138

wow kfc is kinda boring
only redeeming quality is she's consistent so far and there's less cringe

>> No.26201143

her accent is so weak...

>> No.26201151

I'm actually surprised at how good her L2D is

>> No.26201152

>other thread is too fast to talk about jp holos
>this thread is for non jp holos

>> No.26201160
Quoted by: >>26201517

She's gonna be the "pretend girlfriend" of this gen and make a bunch of ASMR videos

>> No.26201181

>Kiara is just better Coco or Pikamee

>> No.26201180

i hope shes a lil shitposter like the rumours say.

>> No.26201190

What is DD's alt twitter, i wanna see the nword post

>> No.26201199

She's kind of nene-like. Appeals to a certain audience.

>> No.26201225

she's going to be a little shit and you're going to love it

>> No.26201243

hehe, this bird sure is funny right guys?!? what is she saying? please tell me...

>> No.26201249
File: 77 KB, 801x801, 1599765630836.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26201270
Quoted by: >>26201682

this, chicken offers nothing

>> No.26201329
Quoted by: >>26201497

im all set to lose my mind. How many hours do I have to wait? i really am going to lose my mind

>> No.26201330

at the very least she's the one trying way harder to artificially act hololive-esc than mori

>> No.26201331
Quoted by: >>26201430

Bros chicken has been boring so far, shes not bad but....what does she offer I don't see it?

>> No.26201363
File: 547 KB, 828x1224, 1599787112072.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26201377

>Anti Homo, Racist, and nationalistic
what did they mean by this

>> No.26201396

>pear shape

>> No.26201402
File: 454 KB, 612x435, subarashiii.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I kneel l!!!!!!!!

>> No.26201414

how does us having a single thread to escape the anti one this much of a fucking problem you literal infants

>> No.26201429
Quoted by: >>26201595

mori is crazy talented

yagoo is pretty good at the scouting thing

>> No.26201430

shes for all the germanboo weeboos

>> No.26201436

Holy shit she grew fast

>> No.26201439

mori : rap
kiara : pop
guru : metal?

>> No.26201484


>> No.26201489

HoloEN is so fuckable

>> No.26201497 [DELETED] 

I will personally be the one to start spamming Niggerman

>> No.26201517


>> No.26201538
Quoted by: >>26201673

I can already tell chickenfags will be the worst EN posters

>> No.26201539
Quoted by: >>26201957

thats what we get if their strongest is the first rip watson shark tentacles

>> No.26201565

Do you guys see yourselves ditching the JP girls for EN at this rate? I'm quite liking these new girls to be honest.

>> No.26201571

bland and safe is the best way to describe chicken, I hope she opens up a bit more since she just seems like JOP bait right now

>> No.26201581

Kiara's titties and thighs are her only redeeming qualities. Will Eldritch Horror Loli be any better?

>> No.26201590


>> No.26201591

holy shit, those thighs, and this tummy, i can't hold it in

>> No.26201595
Quoted by: >>26201735

She's a lyricist, music producer and a raper. Amazing talent.

>> No.26201624

Doubt it. The chicken has a draw for a bigger range of people due to her nonintrusive mixed antics. Mori was "too western" in comparison, whcih isn't bad but it's just a lesser attraction range.

>> No.26201634
File: 53 KB, 547x322, Screenshot_20200912-095830_YouTube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26201673

nah, it's definitely going to be the watsonfags

>> No.26201682

the chicken isn't even bad she's just boring, mori was cringe but she had a personality at least

>> No.26201683

Depends on streaming times. There's no reason to completely ditch JP. Also their debuts are amazing but their streaming content might not be so good.

>> No.26201696 [DELETED] 

whats with the sword and shield is this bird playing monster hunter or something

>> No.26201721

if everyone isnt as boring as chicken here then maybe haaaaard maybe leaning towards no

>> No.26201732

Please kill yourself beofore tumblr starts to invade.
besides weren't there already a bunch of ENG vtubers?

>> No.26201735


i mean if that dox from a few days ago turned out to be correct she's also genuinely good at drawing; proficient at all this shit and shes likely only in her early 20s. Really impressed

>> No.26201746
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>> No.26201760
File: 435 KB, 850x453, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26201886

god i want some chicken thighs

>> No.26201790
Quoted by: >>26202174

Chicken's okay. Not bad, but not terribly interesting. Her twitter persona felt like she was going to be crazy, but on stream I feel like she could be more suited to chilling.

>> No.26201792

>Was fully expecting HoloEN to be comprised of white chicks
>So far, both are clearly Asian
Thank fuck, I was worried for a while there

>> No.26201841


>> No.26201848

I love Mori already, if Gura and Amelia end up being good I'm dropping HoloJP unironically

>> No.26201876
Quoted by: >>26201979

Mori is white

>> No.26201886

I want deep fried

>> No.26201887
Quoted by: >>26201979

Mori is a confimed PAWG.

>> No.26201905
Quoted by: >>26201979

>both are clearly Asian
Anonchama, your narrative reps...

>> No.26201922
File: 31 KB, 626x352, Chicken.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

too long didn't read edit when?

>> No.26201933
Quoted by: >>26201979

>missing on mori dox

lmaoooo anonchama

>> No.26201936
Quoted by: >>26201979

Are you sure about that?

>> No.26201957

the main issue is that chicken is way more safe than mori, if the others don't filter themselves this hard I'm sure they'll be entertaining

>> No.26201975

>final form is holding chicken

>> No.26201979

Fuck, fucking dropped then. Fuck HoloEN

>> No.26201980 [DELETED] 

mori is a pogger

>> No.26201981

>1 hour reached

>> No.26201982

I want them taken down so I report to yt too but are you autists crazy with this reporting to cover of roommate stuff? Ever heard of journalism, freedom of speech and all that shit? Just as gullible as nips with their game permissions, it's embarassing just stop

>> No.26201985

I am disappointed at being disappointed at her.

>> No.26201987 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>26202084

>mori is white
Oh gross

>> No.26201999
File: 946 KB, 717x497, 1599702102610.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

chicken-sama is a japanese otaku

>> No.26202069

I'm definitely following mori since she seems like she'll just get better as she gets more comfortable, I'm hoping that shicken opens up at fucking all but it doesn't seem like it

>> No.26202084

she's a shitposter who goes to this website so clearly we hit well above expectations there.

>> No.26202091

you guys saw who 5ch dug up?
think its her?

>> No.26202111

>secret skill
>soothing voice
Oh no Ina is the ASMR one

>> No.26202120


>> No.26202125
Quoted by: >>26202215

>dropping because of 1 out of 5


>> No.26202154

Still unsure about chicken...

>> No.26202156

so yeah chicken is basically over and honestly I don't feel it. She is just way too reserved right now. Coming right after Mori is just rough.

She is the shitbird, Mori knew.

>> No.26202172

No, and "we" don't give a shit.

>> No.26202174

chicken is just a lot safer compared to mori, I'm a bit let down since I expected her to be a total autist

>> No.26202184

>Ina comes with a black cat

Uh oh

>> No.26202183

lol there are no good asmrtists that are en/jp who could it be.

>> No.26202215

Mori is white and chicken is boring as fuck.

>> No.26202218
File: 2.16 MB, 1448x2048, 1599768347567.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doxfags and spammers please go back to /hlg/
this is shakku thread

>> No.26202244

>i'm only gonna play fun games like rpgs
>Fall Guys

>> No.26202252

Chicken was better than expected but also not great, too much of a fangirl

>> No.26202276

the bird was giving head before the stream started.
Coomd so hard in VR bros

>> No.26202288
File: 147 KB, 1200x1135, HENSHIN KIARA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those are tokusatsu belt and weapons

>> No.26202291

>japanese only streams
HoloENkeks explain

>> No.26202319

i expected her to be an autist I could cringe at or something but not this outright dull

>> No.26202345

Speaking and live translating ENG & JP is such a waste of everyone's time
You are literally communicating the same information twice. Just stick to one or the other

>> No.26202346

>shes a selfhating german
jup garbo confirmed

>> No.26202353


>> No.26202368



>> No.26202398

Fishfood bros. I'm betting everything on Squid and Shark

>> No.26202438

"I hope you guys don't mind that I speak a lot of Jap in my streams"
Don't mind too much but bitch, you're Holo EN, people are here to watch you speak english

>> No.26202457
File: 3.27 MB, 1800x2341, 1599770715181.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gura is for ____

>> No.26202472
Quoted by: >>26202580

she legitimately doesn't feel like she fits in HoloEN at all from the impression I got of them

>> No.26202481
File: 88 KB, 1280x720, haachama.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.26202489

True kraut at heart.

>> No.26202497

yes repent for being german!

>> No.26202508

gently nibbling my earlobe

>> No.26202563

>chicken is a gen5 reject

>> No.26202567

>already running long
>sings SSS

>> No.26202566

if she's going to do jap only streams she might as well do english only too for fucks sake

>> No.26202580

She comes off as a HoloJP reject. Is this really what management had in mind when they came up with Hololive English?

>> No.26202592
File: 117 KB, 850x617, __abigail_williams_katsushika_hokusai_and_tokitarou_fate_and_1_more_drawn_by_akieda__sample-28f2be133e96efefe4a8a6b5bc879691.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26202698

I'm all in on the squid bros. I definitely don't have a problem.

>> No.26202604

What a CUte and fuNNY shark

>> No.26202609


>> No.26202617


>> No.26202621

She's...not so good.

>> No.26202624
File: 55 KB, 560x720, 1508927447637.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lost 9k viewers before she started singing

>> No.26202653

Cuddling and breeding

>> No.26202671

>Shiny Smiley Story
aaaaaaaaaand close tab

>> No.26202673

I was fine with the stream basically being more jap than english but she's ALSO doing jap only streams, why is she in hololive english

>> No.26202679

Chicken is a fake sentai fan, dropped. Death was cute though

>> No.26202694

>holding 2 chicken drumsticks
>proceed to sing SSS

FUCKING KEK. i cant take this chicken seriously.

>> No.26202698
File: 140 KB, 1119x925, 1599904978765.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only squid matters. Shark is fine too. Other posters should leave and go back to /hlg/.

>> No.26202711

I think they just figured she doesn't quite fit for JP because of her notable accent, so they stuck her in EN. Mori didn't give that impression so I doubt its true for all of them.

>> No.26202731
Quoted by: >>26202824

ASMR + Lovecraft is the ultimate combination though.

>> No.26202792
Quoted by: >>26203093

Judging VTubers from their first stream is dumb, most other Hololive ppl didn't develop a personality until like a month in.

>> No.26202798

Squid and Shark will KILL the competition. Mori is going to be doing a lot of janni work.

>> No.26202803

Sadly, Kiara is rapidly hemorrhaging viewers as she goes into overtime, right as she sings. How sad.

>> No.26202809


>> No.26202824

yeah it could work as long as it's not the generic ''blowing in your ear'' shit

>> No.26202829
Quoted by: >>26203184

I was cool with it until she said she would be doing Japanese only streams. I don't hate the idea because Haachama does English only streams but like... I'm getting real "I didn't make it into holoJP so I'll do holoEN(JP)" vibes.

>> No.26202845

the impression I get is: she obviously wanted to be in HoloJP, was too boring, and got in with HoloENG using the fact that she knows basic english as a gimmick. From the impression most of them gave on twitter and that mori gave from her stream I'm hoping that they're more interesting than chicken as a whole.

>> No.26202846

>chicken sings
>people leave
>reaper raps
>people join
M...my chickencoins...worthless...

>> No.26202873
Quoted by: >>26202994

>doesn't fit because of her accent
>fucking Coco
The accent was definitely not the reason

>> No.26202888
File: 78 KB, 864x1152, asuka-kotobukiya34464590.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>She even says ANTA BAKA on stream

>> No.26202890



>> No.26202896

At least she'll have more of a JOP audience?

>> No.26202919
File: 279 KB, 228x628, shit bird.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26203025


>> No.26202935

she's just boring, especially compared to her twitter antics

>> No.26202945
File: 990 KB, 2893x4092, 1599765145878.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26202947

I want squid to whisper ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn into my ear...

>> No.26202986

Good evening Reddit meme dragon

>> No.26202994
Quoted by: >>26203343

Her accent is definitely way worse than Coco's.

>> No.26203009

I feel like she couldn't get in because she's too dull, but she got in for english because she can use her basic knowledge of english as a vague way of making up for her lack of personality.

>> No.26203015
File: 107 KB, 860x796, Screenshot_249.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26203025

I like this in-character rivalry.
>Mori kills Kiara
>Kiara respawns

>> No.26203029

Holy shit this chicken is so earnest. I had a big smile on my face during her stream. I want the chicken to succeed!

>> No.26203043
Quoted by: >>26203476

So far Mori > Chicken.

>> No.26203058
File: 1.21 MB, 800x1185, 1599913578337.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26203093

I am sincerely hoping that she gets more interesting over time, since she's really boring compared to how retarded she was on twitter

>> No.26203112
Quoted by: >>26203346

I lost everything by investing in chickencoin...I have nothing...

>> No.26203122

i told you retards to buy the chicken coin day 1

>> No.26203125

Mori kills Kiara (but in a sexy way)

>> No.26203145
Quoted by: >>26203356

Is that really her?

>> No.26203161
File: 134 KB, 1108x1080, 1579483683587.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26203334

Detectivebros, how are we holding up?

>> No.26203162

okay doxxfriends, where is the twitter link?

>> No.26203165
File: 1.16 MB, 2388x1668, 1597414990388.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tell that to nene who's got 200k subs for being plain and cute.

>> No.26203181
File: 259 KB, 1293x1719, 1599841284699.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going full attention into squid and shark. I'm already invested. Everyone else so far feels irrelevant, even after the 2 streams.

>> No.26203183

>cosplay whore
i sleep

>> No.26203184

yeah she feels like a reject from HoloJP that had to use her ability to speak basic english as a selling point

>> No.26203207
Quoted by: >>26203758

>I feel like she couldn't get in because she's too dull
She seems like she would fit more into the existing JP Holo mold, which does make her quite dull.
I'm happy the stream wasn't a mess, but her most notable personality trait is fangirling over others at this point.

>> No.26203218 [DELETED] 
File: 137 KB, 1451x960, 1580438600854.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok honest predictions for the squid?

>> No.26203239
File: 121 KB, 1024x724, ninomaeinanis_by_torahimemax_de4yci6-fullview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Invest in tentacoins. Invest all your walet and savings in tentacoins right now.

>> No.26203247

>Had no idea what she was saying even when she was speaking English
Yeah, i'm probably never gonna watch her again.... plus 5ch seem to of already done their thing so it's not looking good for her

>> No.26203248
Quoted by: >>26203381

Overall, she is earnest, but boring. She definitely does not top the reaper. Kiara has nothing in the way of strong talents or even gimmicks.

>> No.26203256

Kaguya and Mokou feelings

>> No.26203281

I have to wait til 5 am for squid. AAAAAA MY MIND

>> No.26203283

Here's her youtube, probably a twitter link in there.


>> No.26203292

squid is next right?

>> No.26203301

She isn't boring tho

>> No.26203305

she's just the JOP bait, we can still hope she develops a personality in the next few months though

>> No.26203315

fuckkkk Im so sleepy...

>> No.26203317

She's going to rape and murder Pekora!

>> No.26203331

Man, so far everything is going great. I love it

>> No.26203334

Still hopeful. Doesn't even need to be british.

>> No.26203340

Chicken is less cringe so it makes her better by default.

>> No.26203339

It's just typical introduction stream. Her voice is fine and that's the most important part.

>> No.26203343
Quoted by: >>26203450

Coco's accent is definitely way worse...

>> No.26203345
File: 268 KB, 1164x1086, EhdUuykUwAI4oRK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I regret having slept on Reapercoin, but my all-in on Squid will make it okay.

>> No.26203346
Quoted by: >>26203603

She's okay tho

>> No.26203351

Did you rike it?

>> No.26203356
Quoted by: >>26203424

according to 5ch...

>> No.26203358
File: 1.26 MB, 1400x1980, 1599905219270.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All I know is that she has a nice voice and her tentacles move. Thats all I care. I really really wish she did a horror story ASMR streams or something or played games based on her theme, but I know it's an impossible stretch and wont happen.

>> No.26203367

gurofags LEAVE.

>> No.26203369

I want squid's tentacles in my ass no homo

>> No.26203371

im just watching nene draw dumplings

>> No.26203372


>> No.26203374
Quoted by: >>26204062

hope sharkie isnt like this

>> No.26203376

Chicken was boring but at least it wasn't a mess

>> No.26203378
File: 35 KB, 1080x1080, zoxzm5ty0go21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26203381

Agreed. I'm still betting everything on the seafood sisters though.

>> No.26203397

I'm a massive fucking nene fan dude, she's way more eccentric than chicken

>> No.26203398
Quoted by: >>26203491

Gonna be beautiful. She's gonna be #1.

>> No.26203409

When is the next steam

>> No.26203424

ah i see, good material to fap tonight

>> No.26203431
Quoted by: >>26203512

Mori = niggers
Bird = Asuka simps

They will all be fine they got loads of fans.

>> No.26203450
Quoted by: >>26203543

No way you can tell me her jap accent is less pronounced than Coco's.

>> No.26203455


>> No.26203463

>also less interesting

>> No.26203467

5 hours I think so I'm going to get some sleep

>> No.26203470

the fuck is going on with the threads do we have one or two make up your minds

>> No.26203472
File: 523 KB, 584x720, sad chicken.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You forgot
>Kiara in love with Mori
>gets rejected so badly she dies
>respawns and has to forever gosling
Kiara is pain

>> No.26203476
Quoted by: >>26203579

my current stance is Mori>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Chicken

>> No.26203475

This is the ASMR I want from her.

>> No.26203491

no, thats gonna be the shark loli

>> No.26203498
File: 324 KB, 557x557, mori..png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26203636

>Basic bird

>> No.26203501

>chicken's supple legs actually bounce around the skin indention

>> No.26203503

Marine started.

>> No.26203512

Squid = Racists
Shark = uknowwhos

>> No.26203530

dropped lol seafood plus brit left

>> No.26203533

Good night comfy thread.

>> No.26203542
Quoted by: >>26203655


>> No.26203543

Coco sounds like cartoon foreigner.

>> No.26203548

knowing their previous stuff means shit, coco still uses her previous youtube account and still streams with her face in full frame

>> No.26203566
File: 1.71 MB, 1000x1000, 1599897022053.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just deleted my Kiara folder.

>> No.26203574

Dude it's 7 AM.

>> No.26203579
Quoted by: >>26204156

this but more >>>>>>>>>>>>>>

>> No.26203583

Nene just invokes something primal within me where I just want to bang her on every piece of furniture I own.

>> No.26203591
File: 364 KB, 589x996, squid (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You'll be watching right, hlgg?

>> No.26203603
Quoted by: >>26203791

that's the problem, she's 'okay', she's not at all bad but she has like nothing going for her either right now. I'm just hoping that she gets a personality soon.

>> No.26203620
Quoted by: >>26203741


>> No.26203636

Femdom bait is not any better

>> No.26203637

i'm going to watch.

>> No.26203638

what the fuck is korone drawing

>> No.26203639
Quoted by: >>26203719

good unsub too and leave a dislike

>> No.26203648

Hope you get up anon. Don't want you loosing Ina's stream

>> No.26203650
Quoted by: >>26204363

I liked Mori more than I though I'd like any of the girls so HoloEN is already a success in my mind.

>> No.26203655

Goddamn you guys are really drinking the kool aid huh? You guys liked them that much?

>> No.26203665

Yeah, just not during the live stream.

>> No.26203684

I'll be sleeping, you're debuting at 0400, I hope it goes well for you!

>> No.26203687

That's not her. Her english accent different.

>> No.26203699

>is a shitfest on twitter
>just average onstream
chicken why

>> No.26203705
File: 41 KB, 563x539, 1599912567571.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26203731

reminder that the only people chicken appeals to are idolfags

>> No.26203712

Well I do prefer seafood over chicken anyways

>> No.26203718
File: 687 KB, 915x767, 325235235.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kiara being eternal and always ressurecting creates a very good scenario for overly violent doujin. She can be done borderline stuff to and, if she dies, she comes back after just fine. Get on to it, artists.

>> No.26203719
File: 2.63 MB, 1360x768, 1599791498998.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Already did, i'm going all in on Squidcoin.

>> No.26203721

Of course, squid was the one I was most interested in at the beginning

>> No.26203728
File: 471 KB, 733x548, birbup.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26203923

>> No.26203729
File: 51 KB, 680x521, 1599740963748.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26203844

I'm drawing her, i'm watching her, I subscribed to her, i'll join her membership, i'll do akaisupa, i'll comment and like very video she makes.

>> No.26203731

and nazis

>> No.26203739

It is actually

>> No.26203740
File: 256 KB, 1650x1260, 1580361984263.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Taking a nap so I can catch it. I went all in on HoloEN ever since they were announced, I intend to see it through. Best of luck, squidbro.

>> No.26203741

Whoops didn't see someone else posted it already.

>> No.26203750

I will and my expectations are high

>> No.26203751

Awkward smelly femdom...

>> No.26203758

I'm hoping that she grows past trying to emulate what she thinks hololive is and actually develops a personality soon enough.

>> No.26203773

I was worried with how talented Mori was that there's really no hope and that I was being delusional. Seeing how bland Chicken was inspired me to actually try. Here's to getting into HoloStarsEN Gen 5

>> No.26203785
Quoted by: >>26204574

probably having to translate every fucking sentence took away time from improv. Mori at least had time for an encore, and tons of time to cringe at the script.

>> No.26203790

>Gura and Watson not too long after
I-I'll make it up to you later.

>> No.26203791
Quoted by: >>26204629

Yeah, this. She shows great taste and promised good things by saying that "she doesn't play games like other Vtubers" just to immediately say she'll play Fall Guys later. If she streams Atelier or Tales games, then she'll have her niche, but for now, she's just your average cute chuuba who can speak English.

>> No.26203794

she killed herself by setting up expectations
look at Mori just look and never gaze the way of the chicken again

>> No.26203801

Lolis are the only ones left

>> No.26203802
Quoted by: >>26204074

not even dumb cunt doesnt even like german
disgrace to the language and great nation

>> No.26203809

I think you'll be the best. I'll have you as daughteru if you're even above average. Very cute flat chest.

>> No.26203816
Quoted by: >>26203844

When is it again?

>> No.26203840

kek cancelled

>> No.26203844
Quoted by: >>26203907

Ok, KJ.

4 and a half hours from now.

>> No.26203846

Korone is greedy..

>> No.26203850

Wait, so she's german?

>> No.26203852

I had the same issue, everything she was saying was fluff and JOP pandering. I wouldn't even mind so much if she didn't build up expectations that she would be a complete autist on twitter and owned up to being average.

>> No.26203854

7/10 range

>> No.26203859

Time for the real content.

>> No.26203864

I like this ritualpost

>> No.26203876

Phoenix came off pretty arrogant and full of herself, which didn't seem like the personality of the character she's playing but rather the person who is behind the character.

>> No.26203883

Why does EN have so many lolis?

>> No.26203885

No clue. Mori and Chicken ended up being very different from my expectations.

>> No.26203888
Quoted by: >>26204444

Are they doing a collab in 2 hours before the debut of the other girls or did the bird fuck up the schedule on screen

>> No.26203891

Why would you debut dissing your fellow colleagues? Stuff like this will go with them wherever they go and leave a bad reputation. They're supposed be idols but what when you've primed your audience to hate you and mislabel you form the get go.. Wtf mori? Cover are you okay? Self deprecating running gags like "shit bird" will only hurt you in the long run.

>> No.26203906

They know their target audience

>> No.26203907

Oh great another day with minimal sleep

>> No.26203919

they know what people actually want.

>> No.26203923
File: 1.22 MB, 1200x852, 1537691322_65177580_p1_master1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26203927

shes just german.

>> No.26203930
Quoted by: >>26204485

just bring up her old tweets to cancel her if you dislike her that much

>> No.26203937
File: 608 KB, 2048x2048, EP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will her EP be good? I really liked the song she showed to us on stream

>> No.26203955

3 perfect c*nny memmbers in one gen. Its heaven. I have no idea how Yagoo pulled it off, but im kneeling on both of my knees.

>> No.26203964

they're probably all gonna be doing cutesy voice

>> No.26203967

The longer she kept on really took the excitement out of my sails for her. I should've just went all in on Mori Coin

>> No.26203968

>nintendo permissions get
smash maybe

>> No.26203972
File: 943 KB, 1146x644, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dog is a post-modernism artist

>> No.26203975
File: 18 KB, 600x337, 1577821527852.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this from reddit?

>> No.26204011
Quoted by: >>26204042

Did they autofilter dem*nd*ce?

>> No.26204012

I prefer the combination of heavy cringe and heavy excitement over chicken just not having either honestly

>> No.26204021
Quoted by: >>26204076

Is it true JP doesn't like Coco's Accent that much?

>> No.26204026


>> No.26204033

Which reddit post is this?

>> No.26204041

Amazing. Narrativefags are already on it even though we're dealing with breadcrumbs in two streams. So hard working.

>> No.26204042

why is s*nzawa filtered?

>> No.26204044
Quoted by: >>26204101

Mori was so much better than chicken, why did they lead with Mori?

>> No.26204048

2 out of 5 so far, it's theirs to lose.

>> No.26204062

sharkie seems like she won't be as boring at least

>> No.26204064
File: 402 KB, 1080x2363, 1580166639790.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How is she ever going to collab with Pekora without spilling spaghetti all over...
Censored because fuck doxxfags

>> No.26204074

But shes austrian

>> No.26204076

No one does

>> No.26204091
File: 291 KB, 720x419, Capture+_2020-09-12-09-27-17.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Going by her roommates content yes

>> No.26204092

It's gonna be great
SOUL'd OUT covers when?

>> No.26204101

Because mori had ample experience and knew that letting her go first would calm the other girls' nerves.

>> No.26204117

I would have preferred an absolute fucking disaster over how painfully safe this was

>> No.26204118
File: 581 KB, 400x400, 1388953233223.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26204119

>white bitches

>> No.26204120
Quoted by: >>26205051


>> No.26204139


>> No.26204156

I agree that I didn't have enough >>>>>>>>>>>

>> No.26204161

kinda backfired, chicken ended up being super underwhelming after seeing Mori. Tentacles has it so easy now.

>> No.26204166


>> No.26204167

ay yo why is there not a single sista of color?

>> No.26204183
Quoted by: >>26204256

>2am for me
For fuck sake

>> No.26204205

Man HoloEn is taking off fast. At this rate we'll get a 2nd gen before the end of the year

>> No.26204207

>not liking the cringe gorilla woman

>> No.26204209
File: 470 KB, 1200x1800, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>both are clearly Asian
yeah no, but make sure you sub to her patreon

>> No.26204210

It's all part of her plan of taking all the cute girls to herself

>> No.26204213

because no one wants to watch that.

>> No.26204215

>Gen 5 is shit
>EN is 50/50 so far
As long as these last 3 girls aren't autistic and actually speak in English, this won't be too bad

>> No.26204222

Literally shitting on Coco fuck you

>> No.26204246

Guess i am going to sit in bed and masturbate until 5am, sigh.

>> No.26204256

Anon, your NEET reps...

>> No.26204257

huke you absolute madman

>> No.26204259

The way I worded my post is fucked. I haven't slept so yea. Not dissing mori. What I meant was kiara has been primed as "shit" by others and herself (admittedly) so the mentality you associate with her will be that and I don't that's healthy for someone like her as an Idol.

>> No.26204265
Quoted by: >>26204290

I still dont understand the narrative, the Pheonix is obsessed with Pekora, who started a Pheonix meme involving Polka at gen 5 debut.

>> No.26204268
Quoted by: >>26204445

>tfw lived long enough to become the Anti
Forgive me...

>> No.26204272

shes already been doxxed it doesnt matter

>> No.26204273
Quoted by: >>26205136

So Hitler wasnt a Nazi either?
cmon as southslav you should have some germanic reps under your belt

>> No.26204274


>> No.26204290

Pekora is her mentor.

>> No.26204299
Quoted by: >>26204956

Hope HoloEN doesn't tank on views later on.

>> No.26204313

fuck yeah, she's gotta be better than chicken at the least

>> No.26204345

Onegai...strategy games...someone...

>> No.26204352

Well, surely nothing can be worse than the fucking Chicken.

>> No.26204353

So far Mori >>> Chicken, not bad just bland

>> No.26204363

agreed, if even one of them is good it's a success in my eyes, and mori was awesome even if chicken wasn't.

>> No.26204366
File: 67 KB, 512x628, IMG_1233.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26204463

Quitely optimistic.

>> No.26204378

Yeah but I do it out of principle.

>> No.26204379

She doesn't sound the same. Are anons really jumping on this just because shes a nousagi?

>> No.26204391
Quoted by: >>26204485

Who cares about Kiara I'm talking about Mori

>> No.26204435

Amelia will play Europa Universalis as the brits, don't worry.

>> No.26204438
Quoted by: >>26204672

Wait and pray for holostarsEN.

>> No.26204444

Collab is after Watsons stream.

>> No.26204445

This but unironically. I've been following the vtuber craze since early Kizuna AI all the way till now. Everyone's now either a reddit meme generator or boring as fuck, there's no inbetween anymore, I can't even remember the last time I laughed at a vtubers joke.

>> No.26204448

Watson is our only hope for a CK3 vtuber

>> No.26204456

Do Mori's gimmick is putting on the nice nervous act so she can reap people? Kinda neat

>> No.26204463

She better not waste her god-tier design like that slut Aloe

>> No.26204470

I have the exact same problem, if she were a complete autistic disaster I would prefer it over how safe this garbage is. I'm just hoping that she gets more interesting on stream after her debut.

>> No.26204485


Meant for >>26203930

>> No.26204494

She can only reap you when you cringe

>> No.26204497
Quoted by: >>26204711

When is mori’s next stream

>> No.26204516

not even nazis since she doesn't actually like german.

>> No.26204528

That girl has great japanese and apparently Kiara is a middling JSL so i don't see it either.

>> No.26204571
File: 1.95 MB, 1125x1125, 86fedf412aef81af0128b51410a72f89.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26204628

Can barely wait for her.

>> No.26204574

I really hope she relaxes with saying literally everything in both languages.

>> No.26204579

I don't know what people expect the EN audience wants. I want a hot pile of autism. They are going to play games.

>> No.26204585
Quoted by: >>26204839

She's Austrian and Austrians know German. It's her.

>> No.26204589
File: 201 KB, 355x339, 1599915234532.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26204742

Her gimmick is being a out of touch wine mommy and that turns me on

>> No.26204618
Quoted by: >>26204710

I hope we get Hololive Israel someday and if we do i hope it'll be called Holocaust

>> No.26204623
Quoted by: >>26204937

Would be a little better if she wasn't actually nervous underneath the act, but I'm sure she'll grow into it.

>> No.26204628

I wonder what her form of autism will be
>randomly breaks character and speaks in a seductive deep tone when shes nervous

>> No.26204629
Quoted by: >>26204718

yeah from her twitter and her taste in games and such she seems like she could be interesting, I have no idea why she's playing this safe considering that mori was rapping, being a general autistic, and dropped several "fuck"s and is just gaining traction from it.

>> No.26204668

she's just so fucking boring

>> No.26204672 [DELETED] 

ah, my time has arrived!

>> No.26204691
File: 15 KB, 148x200, chen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah remember what happened to the previous "touhou killers"? lmao

>> No.26204710

So Holomyth again?

>> No.26204711

Check her debut stream, it got a schedule. 14.9.

>> No.26204718

idol nandakara~~~ I can't say that shieet *raughs*

>> No.26204726
File: 566 KB, 330x879, BASEDasFUCK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based mori was just warning us about how boring chicken is, look at her to see what overprofessionalism gets you retard

>> No.26204742
File: 272 KB, 375x419, 1599914319660.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>out of touch

>> No.26204751


>> No.26204762

What’s going to be your gimmick?

>> No.26204776


>> No.26204777

>Mori is out of touch
>Chicken was out of time

>> No.26204793
File: 54 KB, 448x499, 1592003722709.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>non jp
i dont think you retards know what that word means

>> No.26204795

her gimmick is to be talented

>> No.26204796

She's only shitting on Kiara because she rose from the dead, and she DESPISES that.

>> No.26204798

Did Mori really know about the sell meme?

>> No.26204799

I feel like they front loader the HoloEN debuts. It's gonna be pretty difficult for the rest to match up with Mori

>> No.26204808

Dyslexia and crying myself to sleep on stream.

>> No.26204823


>> No.26204826 [DELETED] 

I am appreciating mori more now after kiara's boring stream

>> No.26204833
Quoted by: >>26204972

Maybe if we had clip fags, but seems like no one is bothering.

>> No.26204839

there's more than one half kraut in japan

>> No.26204842

After the Kiara disappointment i’m gonna have to disagree

>> No.26204850

I see you've forgotten how racist the japanese are

>> No.26204851
File: 111 KB, 1087x611, 1599912036594.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26204852

But I'm out of my head when you're not around

>> No.26204871


>> No.26204882
File: 852 KB, 800x900, whore.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26204942

calm down bros. Pekora and Rushia were fucking boring and cringe too in their debuts
who am I kidding, rip kfc

>> No.26204883

Kiara was more JP centric in her approach. I think the JPs will like her like we like Coco.

>> No.26204897
File: 256 KB, 500x500, 34htq34oighnq3g.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26204957

That picture really has a resemblance.

>> No.26204901

Did you guys really like her song?

>> No.26204906

Victorian-era ghost

>> No.26204916

listening/watching her previous works, it actually is really impressive
Like, I'm unironically hoping Cover will allow her to shill her previous works since it really deserves more views

>> No.26204931

>completely full of herself
>barely speaks english
>doesn't clean up the breadtrail before fucking debuting
>gets doxxed 5 minutes after said debut starts
Sasuga cover.

>> No.26204933

If it's true, I think it's a good decision. There was always gonna be some skeptics on holoEN.

>> No.26204937 [DELETED] 

ehh imperfection can be a great thing too and it would be endearing to watch her improve

>> No.26204938


>> No.26204942

I mean, Gen 5 was boring on their first streams, now they're....
Oh right, they're still boring

>> No.26204943

Mori's? I thought it was pretty catchy for being a gangster rap.

>> No.26204948

Mori will absolutely slay once she gets past her awkwardness.

>> No.26204950

Mori is here shilling herself right now

>> No.26204954
File: 1.15 MB, 1081x1079, 1599915502861.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine stuffing your face in her sweaty cleavage and sniffing her tit musk while she gives you a sloppy thighjob and calls you a pig in her deep voice

>> No.26204956

I'm going to loyally follow mori at least, and hopefully the others if they're better than chicken

>> No.26204957

I'm not seeing it, just a cheater in that picture

>> No.26204959
Quoted by: >>26205242

Listen to her second rap.

>> No.26204963

The streaming times for Mori seem really weird for EN audience. Either early morning for burgers or in the middle of the day for euros.
Her timeslots are great for english speakers in Japan though.

>> No.26204972

crazy how the main thread clipped it but the so called thread for the non jp holos didnt

>> No.26204978

chicken is mildly based

>> No.26204984
Quoted by: >>26205010

desu it was really funny how the bird kept speaking jp at the start. I don't care but still.

>> No.26204986

they all live in japan

>> No.26205004

I can't believe they hire people that can be so easily doxxed and have a trail going back to highschool, do they just not investigate their backgrounds or something?

>> No.26205010

>at the start

>> No.26205014

Botan is a real G gamer, makes it enjoyable for /v/ tourists.

>> No.26205016


>> No.26205024

no flow's outdated and out of touch
but also yes since she's doing her own thing and produced an album before even debuting

>> No.26205026
File: 36 KB, 471x498, 1599913315557.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was a "banger"

>> No.26205035

and Australia.

>> No.26205036

If she posts on Twitter right fucking now, we'll have proof

>> No.26205038

Obviously, but you'd think they would keep the audience in mind with their timeslots

>> No.26205043

They are a boke and tsukkomi duo. Are you people even real?

>> No.26205051
File: 53 KB, 1354x784, Screen_Shot_2018-10-25_at_11.02.15_AM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26205059

I slept too much, I missed Mori, holy shit, what is she? And what the fuck happened to the threads?

>> No.26205060
File: 1.56 MB, 1918x871, 1599913790507.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26205061

coco still uses her face on her other youtube account so i guess they don't really care unless they do/did some stupid shit

>> No.26205066

let me lick your fat face

>> No.26205067

You're going to need a cowboy hat and a pair of boots with spurs

>> No.26205069


>> No.26205075
Quoted by: >>26205122

Mori, please tell Watson to play strategy games. She's /vst/'s hope.

>> No.26205076

Yep, re-listening to it right now. Then again I'm a huge fan of FAKE TYPE. and similar.

>> No.26205077

Chicken confirmed to live in japan and mori is unconfirmed but seems likely.

>> No.26205083
File: 945 KB, 2294x4096, EhprtTPWkAQEtqu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sorry, but naizuri is way better than anything large women could offer.

>> No.26205097

unironically yes

>> No.26205109
Quoted by: >>26205188

It was the shit. Maybe cause she had this whole nervous, self-aware cringe thing going on. Then BAM. This intense rap came out of her. It was pretty shocking, but in a good way.

>> No.26205122


>> No.26205136
File: 288 KB, 1024x576, Are you flustlated.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26205139

I want to stuff my face between her thighs, trying desperately to get a whiff of her sweaty pussy, before she squashes my head so tight it bursts and disses my corpse with her sexy deep voice.

>> No.26205140
Quoted by: >>26205595

>imagine Risu and Mori inaverdantly getting into a shitposting argument while posting anonymously

>> No.26205141

They hire people with experience in entertainment, being easily doxxed kinda comes with the territory.

>> No.26205147
File: 648 KB, 900x675, 1454186113349.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he's not a smellchad

>> No.26205165 [DELETED] 

>ample experience
Is that why she was so fucking nervous?

>> No.26205174

No they don't you dumb fuck.

>> No.26205175

Hey my dorky daughter Nene is great. You take that back

>> No.26205188
File: 176 KB, 283x407, 1585709609711.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26205363

Mori is Akira

>> No.26205193
Quoted by: >>26205223

Today, kaigai were kings.

>> No.26205197
Quoted by: >>26205264

She hasn't done the vtuber thing before.
Also it was *mostly* an act.

>> No.26205218

Even pro musicians get the jitters before every show.

>> No.26205223

the japs bow to mori-sama

>> No.26205225

There is no breadtrail. You guys are all just fucking schizos.

>> No.26205239
Quoted by: >>26206869

You try speaking to 50k neckbeards while trying to stay in character without reading a script

>> No.26205242



>> No.26205252

Holy fuck I want an elbowjob and to do armpit sex with that squid

>> No.26205254

It was at least in part scripted for her persona.
Same as how she "messed up" her first tweet.
She probably 'was' nervous, but not this much.

>> No.26205256

She lures you in with that so she can sever the base of your skull with the scythe while you're distracted

>> No.26205263
File: 21 KB, 464x97, 1599922612598.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>barely beating shark even after debut

>> No.26205264
Quoted by: >>26205366

>it was an act
Why are you faggots so fucking delusional?

>> No.26205297
Quoted by: >>26205602

Did anyone save the pastebin link full of mori fapfics? I wanna fap

>> No.26205300

god I wish that were me

>> No.26205302

I find it hilarious that Nene is the most entertaining out of all of them despite everyone ragging on her more normal design

>> No.26205306

chickenbros don't exist anymore anon
already unsubbed

>> No.26205320 [DELETED] 

Mori I got a rap verse for you:
Nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger
You're just mad cuz my dick is bigger

>> No.26205319

Squid can inflate and shrink her tits at will.

>> No.26205327

Kek, the state of /jp/

Edit: And good morning to you too my fellow redditor :D

>> No.26205330

I'd die happy

>> No.26205334
File: 4 KB, 400x39, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26205336
File: 230 KB, 375x419, 1599914319660.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>music oriented holo
>actually had original music to show
You would think more of them would have done this.

>> No.26205339

God that’s hot. Imagine licking the skin crease under her sweaty breasts

>> No.26205341

Cringe Reaper
Chicken tendie

>> No.26205345


>> No.26205349
File: 218 KB, 666x666, 1599707630179.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mori is only 300 away from 100k

>> No.26205354

Please dont get cancelled mori

>> No.26205355

I really wish I had an income source right now so that I could commision artists for smut of the HoloEN loli trio.

>> No.26205358
File: 1.00 MB, 884x720, 1599918897827.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>holo "en"
>spends 60% of her reveal talking in japanese
>shit at english
>wants to do japanese only streams
>pretty clearly got told off by someone and had to apologize for speaking too much japanese at the end
just fucking graduate her already

>> No.26205361

holy shit this really turned into the anti thread, until I came here to see the anons opinion of the chicken I though she was a fan with a cute voice who is managing to make her dream come true and potentially will be quite fun even if she should relax a bit her pekora asperging it's still cute and not harmful, you are just a bunch of jealous faggots.

>> No.26205363

Mori doesn't have a Japanese archtype equivalent because she's not really Japanese. It's part of her charm. And if anyone's Akira it's Rushia.

>> No.26205366
Quoted by: >>26205413

I said
are you faggots this illiterate?

>> No.26205371

Rap requires no musical talent.

>> No.26205372

i'm a big tits guy but i am supporting Squid and Shark.

>> No.26205378

i need a fapfolder for her

>> No.26205383

>Shark at 80k already
She's definitely hitting 100k for her debut, I can feel it

>> No.26205385
File: 621 KB, 900x786, 1599785472943.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was actually offended when the chicken starting catering to JOP's so much in her debut Why am I like this?

>> No.26205387

Reposting, but I really want this to happen:
Crypt of the Necrodancer stream when?

>> No.26205396
Quoted by: >>26205689

please understand /hlg/ tourists are coming in

>> No.26205397

Not everyone hones a talent over their life. Being a vtuber will force them to develop skills anyways

>> No.26205404

Lol based redditchaama.

>> No.26205413
Quoted by: >>26205482

Fucking semantics you stupid fuck.

>> No.26205416

Her roommate already had a scandal before and 5ch caught on so it's pretty much a matter of time

>> No.26205419


>> No.26205423

Because these are supposed to be OUR GIRLS

>> No.26205424 [DELETED] 

Nothing anti here bro. Chicken was just underwhelming and bland.

>> No.26205436
Quoted by: >>26205458

Welcome to indogs life.

>> No.26205448

Because its advertised as HololiveEN. Sure they can mix other languages in there, expect them to even. But EN should be like 90% english.

>> No.26205452
File: 799 B, 128x128, 1510484253960.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mori is less than 100 from 100k

>> No.26205454

why doesn't she just migrate like comet
oh wait she already got rejected there

>> No.26205458
Quoted by: >>26205511

whats this meme? is there an indonesian holo?

>> No.26205466 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>26205514

So saying chicken is just boring is being an anti now? How fucking retarded are you? It's just her bad luck that she debuted after mori

>> No.26205471

Considering how much hate chicken got before, people mellowed out on her if anything.
She was just bland Holofare, especially having to follow up after the cringe reaper who really killed it.

>> No.26205477

Didn't watch her stream, was she actually talking that much in Japanese? If the doxx is right then idk why they even hired her for EN.

>> No.26205482

>Her nervousness was somewhat an act
Semantics you stupid fuck.

>> No.26205490

She's boring and no amount of shilling will change my mind. Hope she gets a personality soon

>> No.26205502

Kiara being reverse Coco is still better than what people were expecting from her twitter at least...

>> No.26205505
File: 1.40 MB, 1301x1080, 1599913283189.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26205511

Three of them

>> No.26205514

I enjoyed more the chicken than Mori, by far. Rap seems to be her only appeal and I don't like rap.

>> No.26205515

she hit 100k


>> No.26205533
Quoted by: >>26205751

What was annoying about it was the fact that she had to say everything twice which dragged things down. Hopefully she'll balance it better in the future like she said. When Coco mixes in English she does it sparingly, so if she follows that model with JP it can work.

>> No.26205534

please stop chicken is already dead

>> No.26205554
Quoted by: >>26205608

>the only one that'll reach over 100k during first week

>> No.26205556
Quoted by: >>26205669

Am I supposed to suck her cock? She's fucking boring, go back to r*ddit if you want a cult.

>> No.26205557
Quoted by: >>26205623

I've been following Hololive since about February, and while I've watched streams and clips I've really never felt the need to watch any one of them religiously and so never bothered subscribing to any of them. Mori is the first one I've actually subbed to, which is surprising because I really expected to be disappointed.

>> No.26205582 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>26205710

>Rap seems to be her only appeal

>> No.26205594

these ESL cuties they just hired are more HoloJP than Coco in my opinion

>> No.26205595

you forgot our autistic gremlin

>> No.26205602
Quoted by: >>26205640


>> No.26205603

I'm curious to see how long it will take the others to hit 100k after their debut. 4h for Mori.

>> No.26205608

gwarzawa will hit 100k during her debut 100%

>> No.26205615

Me too actually. That and combined with her introduced herself as a fan of Atelier and Tales, and said that she doesn't play games like other Vtubers just to immediately said that she'll play Fall Guys later, made me feel like got false advertised. She also inflated the stream a lot by repeating things in both English and Japanese, so she really didn't offer much at all, especially when compared to Mori.

>> No.26205618

Mori is not ESL retard

>> No.26205623 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>26205852

Now this is some shilling. Go back, chicken.

>> No.26205635

be like coco. Speak Japanese sometimes but mostly English since no amount of Japanese she speaks, she'll never be a part of the main branch where she got rejected

>> No.26205639

Damn the amount of shilling here is worse than when Gen 5 debuted. This is like Neneshitter tier shilling. It's just 1 fucking stream. Calm down fags.

>> No.26205640

I want Mori to kill me with her stench

>> No.26205650
Quoted by: >>26206529

Not him but she started speaking so much Japanese at points that my brain literally zoned out and it felt like gibberish for the majority of the stream.

>> No.26205655

Are we allowed to sperg about JOPs in the chat now?

>> No.26205667

I hope Mori does some covers of Persona 3 songs

>> No.26205669

suck my cock instead faggot

>> No.26205683

Management-san literally had to tell her to stfu towards the end.

>> No.26205689

Rent free

>> No.26205710

Anything else? she was sperging most of the time while the chicken was enjoyable most of the time

>> No.26205716
File: 4 KB, 251x45, 961DFA79-F67C-4F7C-9BF6-17FA8A4ED670.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.26205721 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>26205780

JOP here. It felt more like a holoJP stream to me.

>> No.26205727

Be honest. You only like Kiara because you think her roommate is hot.

>> No.26205732

maybe because chicken was super dull compared to mori???

>> No.26205735


>> No.26205751
Quoted by: >>26205938

That's where the second problem comes in, in my opinion. It's clear she's a holdover for JP if that's the route she trying to take so it sucks that's there's potentially only 4 or less actual /ourgirls) since she's too busy trying to shake hands with big time than care about her own gen.

>> No.26205754 [DELETED] 
File: 122 KB, 750x651, 1599922856278[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26205760


>> No.26205780
Quoted by: >>26205843

i think you meant ESL

>> No.26205790
File: 135 KB, 1258x1061, aa099e710777e21ce8a2f12970b4cc6f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please, COVER, please let tentacle loli have a good voice. I'm so invested in her, I don't know how I would feel if she sounded bad.

>> No.26205797 [DELETED] 

She fucked up her stream.

>> No.26205800

The lowercase letters name and no pfp actually makes it oddly menacing what the fuck.

>> No.26205809

What did he mean by this?

>> No.26205811
Quoted by: >>26205992


>> No.26205822
Quoted by: >>26206189

Shit, I had to leave for 2 days, tell me the chicken was good

>> No.26205827

She probably wanted into HoloJP and they declined her that why she is pandering so much to nips. It was slightly annoying but if she absorb most of nips i dont care desu

>> No.26205832
Quoted by: >>26205992


>> No.26205836

>ditching the JP girls for EN
Please do so. People like you deserve to get contained.

>> No.26205843 [DELETED] 


>> No.26205849
Quoted by: >>26206230

i wouldnt be surprised if shes an actual holojp reject that just got pity scouted for en

>> No.26205852

Do your reading reps anon, mori is the reaper.

>> No.26205853

>attractive woman thinks she's worth nothing
God I fucking hate women.

>> No.26205854

I don't know anyone by that name.

>> No.26205861
File: 41 KB, 463x453, 1599690641708.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26206155


By far my single favorite moment of the Calliope stream.

>"Oh my fuckin god, I really can't keep this up."

>> No.26205867

none of us here are saying that chicken doesn't have the capacity to be good, and personally I'd hope that she opens up more over time; the main issue is that her debut was super underwhelming compared to the feel she gave on twitter. Also nice bait.

>> No.26205897

entitled bitch

>> No.26205900


>> No.26205901 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>26205969

Chicken should stop excessively pandering to nips. She won't get the nip audience because she has nothing to offer over pro holojps and she will lose English audience too.

>> No.26205904
Quoted by: >>26205992


>> No.26205910

>nice bait
Nah, some anons are just that sensitive.

>> No.26205921 [DELETED] 
File: 47 KB, 511x481, 223.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hololiveEN is trash, called it

>> No.26205923
Quoted by: >>26205992


>> No.26205925

The 4 esls run from the cringe reaper.

>> No.26205928

>none of us here are saying that chicken doesn't have the capacity to be good
Actually, that's exactly what i'm saying. Don't forget where you are.

>> No.26205936

the fuck is wrong with women

>> No.26205938

She will definitely collab with JP the most out of all of them, which I don't mind really. I think it'll make for fun streams. But I also don't think she's going to abandon her own gen either, she and Mori have a good back and forth going on already.

>> No.26205940


>> No.26205941

Did the manager really? When?

>> No.26205950
Quoted by: >>26206330

It was a mistake trying to translate everything. But she said that was only for debut stream.

>> No.26205951

Why is "peer" approval so necessary? Just b and enjoy urself.

>> No.26205969

Shes obviously doing this to eventually collab with HoloJP and basically be a pseudo HoloJP. Not sure what the fuck Cover was thinking.

>> No.26205975
File: 158 KB, 360x843, PV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry to ruin the fun but this official art shows that Mori shaves her armpits
unless she's hiding stubbles

>> No.26205977

god kevin so mean

>> No.26205979

Can this be a fanthread?

>> No.26205983

Oh no no no

>> No.26205992

type in 5ch or just read the fucking thread

>> No.26206002
Quoted by: >>26206166

her sperging is the appeal. Also as a fan of chicken can you please explain the appeal? I legitimately don't get it.

>> No.26206004

>none of us here are saying that chicken doesn't have the capacity to be good
It would have to be hidden really fucking well. At this point I just hope the doxx isn't true and she isn't going to drag down the rest with drama.
If she finds her audience, great for her. I'm sure she'll still get lots of viewers. But she was underwhelming as hell.

>> No.26206006 [DELETED] 

Go back to your anti thread you absolute nigger

>> No.26206013
Quoted by: >>26206178

>shaves her armpits
unending depression

>> No.26206016

she looks cute

>> No.26206018

who would've thought chicken is the ultimate menhera

>> No.26206022 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>26206093

My ex gf who was a lewd cosplayer said the same. I can't understand attention whores

>> No.26206027

Her english accent is thicker than chicken's. Don't think it's her.

>> No.26206036

mori isn't ESL, but chicken definitely feels more like HoloJP than Coco

>> No.26206038
Quoted by: >>26206086

Why are aspergs talking like if that post was something bad?

>> No.26206044
Quoted by: >>26206763

>Not sure what the fuck Cover was thinking.
Creating a bridge for JP viewers into ENHolos and vice versa probably.

>> No.26206054
Quoted by: >>26206178

dreams... shattered...

>> No.26206057 [DELETED] 
File: 68 KB, 1034x327, no fucks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she also gives no fucks

>> No.26206063

just watched kfc debut
one question: will she be the even more boring version of nene of EN only doing zatsudans? I have no idea what she'll stream that'll interest me at all. I mean I don't mind zatsudans even if she's 100% Japanese now but I'm not interested enough

>> No.26206069

what happened to hololive indo do we keep kneeling for them aswell?

>> No.26206070

Hey Mori if you're reading this you did a good job, keep it up.

>> No.26206077

The anons answering you proved my point anon...

>> No.26206080

her only gimmick she has now is the fact that she says everything in both jp and english (if not more in jp), and that isn't really enough to sell her

>> No.26206085 [DELETED] 

Her sperg added to her charm even though it kinda gets annoying. She just seems like a fun girl to me with nice hobbies and ambition. Chicken felt too safe and similar to normal cute chubas.

>> No.26206086

Antis are already at work in trying to smear girls. Trying to make mundane things into hate topics.

>> No.26206087

Yeah lets just nips have her. Fuck this attention whore

>> No.26206093

It's a mental affliction that modern day society has only exacerbated in women, please try to be sympathetic due to culture enabling them to need 100% approval at all times

>> No.26206104

wtf I love chicken now

>> No.26206106

is this bird? bird looks hot.

>> No.26206119 [DELETED] 
File: 296 KB, 1853x1054, 282818171717.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26206120
Quoted by: >>26206194

when did that happen?

>> No.26206123
Quoted by: >>26206293

It was dull

>> No.26206131

Mori is a womanizer first the detective and now the chicken

>> No.26206132

Thats not a german

>> No.26206133

do you think the antis are jealous girls. Most guys loved bird and Mori in the main thread,

>> No.26206135

Nice bait.
It's pretty clear that her Japanese is better than English, why the fuck using Tumblr.

>> No.26206146

Fuck me, every time I like a chuuba it turns out to be a fucking failure, all the time, it happened with towa, it happened with aloe, I'm tired of this shit, always the same fucking thing, i want to fucking kill myself

>> No.26206155

>hashtag for memes
No wonder you fags like her.

>> No.26206159

Antis living rent free in your head because not everyone is 100% positive. Go back to fucking /r/virtualtubers

>> No.26206161 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>26206243

Austrian you fucking mutt

>> No.26206165

Mori can you please message your coworker to at least not draw attention to it k thnx

>> No.26206166

Comfy, it was oddly comfy and somehow heartwarming, I was cringing so hard to Mori most of the time that I didn't even enjoy it, I didn't feel eve close to gosling, while it happened with the chicken, I felt good for her being able to make her dreams true and you could tell she was legitimately a fan of hololive, but that's my opinion, each one their thing anon.

>> No.26206173


>> No.26206178
File: 2.92 MB, 828x382, 1599796948727.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26207029

She probably only shaved them for the pic as to not expose her disgusting body

>> No.26206177

oh no not pure *pukes*

>> No.26206181
File: 29 KB, 454x415, 1599715465283.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i want to fucking kill myself
Hold out just a little bit longer, okay...?

>> No.26206185

ultimate menhera

>> No.26206186

Mori Calliope: 100k subs RTA
Run Start: September 9, 2020, 1200H JST
Run End: September 13 2020, 0005H JST

Time Taken: 3 Days, 12 Hours 5 Minutes

Calliope has beaten Lamy's record for 100k subscribers, and now holds the record for fastest Hololiver to 100k.

Are you kneeling yet?

>> No.26206189

chicken was good if you wanted a really average idol, hopefully she opens up over time.

>> No.26206194

she literally had to apologize for speaking too much nip

>> No.26206207

If she keeps up the arrogance, I'll repurchase chicken coin. Also supacha cause fuck she needs a better mic

>> No.26206218

I think they're sad people that found a currently easy target. Can't really assume anything further.

>> No.26206230

she legitimately feels like a HoloJP reject

>> No.26206232

I kneel, rap deathgoddess

>> No.26206234

Makes you wonder what dirty shit the other Holos are hiding.

>> No.26206237

she's a fucking reject what did you expect? she didn't wait for gen 6 auditions because she's an impatient attention whore

>> No.26206240

I fucking kneel...

>> No.26206242
Quoted by: >>26206281

I so her her what scandal ? i saw her roommate stuff and didnt see anything bad

>> No.26206243

Your point?

>> No.26206251 [DELETED] 

Yeah hololiveEN is a pass from me, 2/5 hags

>> No.26206253

I love her

>> No.26206264

There's a pretty good chance, especially if they happen to be people rejected during auditions.

>> No.26206267
File: 45 KB, 341x275, 1575152347555.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I kneel
I sniff
I lick
I worship

>> No.26206271

Shark gonna be ..


>> No.26206281



>> No.26206294

Why do you guys always fucking do this

>> No.26206293

First time watching debuts anon? how new?

>> No.26206310

chickenbros...that don't exist anymore

>> No.26206312

Thought about that too. But I don't know if Cover wants a 24/7 drunk loli.

>> No.26206319
File: 42 KB, 128x128, risu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Iofi! dont look!

>> No.26206323

She cuter than I thought.
Fuck off

>> No.26206326
File: 1.59 MB, 500x562, catgroove.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't stop listening to this, Cover did a fucking great job with her casting.

>> No.26206329
File: 26 KB, 528x86, firefox_2020-09-12_11-26-11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26206330

the main issue is that the 'translation' turned into her just doing the stream predominantly in japanese

>> No.26206332


>> No.26206334

doesnt whe just cosplay? what kind of scandal can she has ?

>> No.26206353

who out there bullying chicken

>> No.26206368
File: 38 KB, 429x421, 1599529793418.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I've seen three different supposed roommate guesses for the chicken so far.
When will the next split return so we can get rid of the shitposters again?

>> No.26206370
Quoted by: >>26206424

thats a really good tweet

>> No.26206375

I fucking love my smelly wife

>> No.26206397

Actually based.

>> No.26206402

Kiarahimedesu will also beat Aloe's graduation RTA screencap this

>> No.26206418

I'm okay with that

>> No.26206420

she's already been confirmed bro where have you been?

>> No.26206424
File: 20 KB, 485x83, firefox_2020-09-12_11-29-09.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26206501


>> No.26206428

>supposed roommate guesses
its confirmed. she even just made a tweet about how she gained followers after the reveal.

>> No.26206464

confirmed entitled bitch

>> No.26206467
Quoted by: >>26206528

I havent seen her roommate. But she is German so she is hot.

>> No.26206473

I kneel so please sit on my face Mori-sama...

>> No.26206497
Quoted by: >>26206586

That would be extremelly painful...

>> No.26206500 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>26206534

Chicken is the new aloe now? The fuck

>> No.26206501

May as well be an ai

>> No.26206511

Haha but then you'd suffocate on her hairy pubes haha smells kinda like pee

>> No.26206528
Quoted by: >>26206594

>But she is German so she is hot.
she has a really big nose and a strangely long head. she has a very uncanny valley look to her.

>> No.26206529


>> No.26206532
File: 287 KB, 560x288, 65jt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tfw living in Kentucky and bird girl is my favorite so far
>Not liking the free KFC promotion after modern KFC destroyed the Colonel's respected image
I'm so conflicted bros...

>> No.26206534

At least aloe was funny, this is just sad

>> No.26206543

which will be the purest?

>> No.26206545

That's exactly why I want her to sit on my face

>> No.26206556

>collab stream starts
>chicken not there
>they act like she never even existed
>stream ends
How would you react?

>> No.26206561


>> No.26206564


>> No.26206574


>> No.26206578
File: 1009 KB, 1918x868, 1599913790507.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God, imagine her fat, pale, clammy ass pressing down on your face with the full weight of her body. Imagine feeling her butthole pressed right up against your nose so you have no choice but to inhale the lewd scent.

>> No.26206581

mori and chicken should be both living in japan right now the other 3 are probably burgers

>> No.26206582
Quoted by: >>26206705

Damn, the chicken is the embodiment of "you'll never be Japanese"

>> No.26206586
Quoted by: >>26206686

She's a big girl.

>> No.26206587

>favorite senior
>Usada Pekora

>> No.26206594


>> No.26206593

seriously though why an austrian for EN

>> No.26206596
Quoted by: >>26206785

>known for bad attitude
> For example, the management told her so many times to do this, do that, not to do this, that.
>overextend stream wasted the holos time
>pecor stalker
I dont like this bros

>> No.26206601

graduation soon

>> No.26206605 [DELETED] 

>chicken not there
why wouldn't she be?

>> No.26206611

that's the reasoning of everyone in the entertainment industry

>> No.26206627

this guy is fucking based

>> No.26206628

I'd 1-hit KO my desk because I went all in on Chickencoins

>> No.26206629
Quoted by: >>26206720

this is chicken in 2014

>> No.26206635 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>26206706

Cringe. Antis should fucking die. Stop harassing her, disgusting faggots. She did nothing wrong.

>> No.26206641

dont worry shes graduating soon

>> No.26206643 [DELETED] 

based as fuck

>> No.26206649

Guys. Lads. Imagine how much old man dick she sucked and fucked in order to get into the idol industry. Imagine how many nasty fucks thought "never had gaijin pussy before this should be fun"
Like goddamn. I'll be back in 10 minutes i gotta go fap.

>> No.26206653

Those followers are THIS VERY THREAD flocking to her, you dummy.

>> No.26206672


>> No.26206686

for you

>> No.26206693

what a cringe account

>> No.26206697
File: 221 KB, 381x386, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine being pathetically mad for not listening to a predominantly English debut.. why are most native english-speaking faggots are such sore unilinguals?

>> No.26206701

And people wonder why hololive management pick reddit over us.

>> No.26206705

That's why I subbed to her. She cute. Looks like a Japanese reject.

>> No.26206706

True but it really wouldn't hurt to shut the fuck up, I really don't get what the fuck was on her mind when she tweeted that.

>> No.26206710

cover *will* sue your ass

>> No.26206715

I would be happy that I don't have to put up with chicken ruining the collabs

>> No.26206716

Chickencucks are the new aloecucks

>> No.26206720

But it sounds nothing like her and she doesn’t even look german, are you retarded

>> No.26206723
File: 543 KB, 871x1788, Degenerate rat woman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26206727
Quoted by: >>26206775

report it to cover lol

>> No.26206734
Quoted by: >>26206891

>Aloe 2.0

>> No.26206739

So chicken clearly had a nosejob, but did she have other surgery?

>> No.26206740


>> No.26206741

honestly faggots if you don't like then don't watch, some of you are getting to the level of the NND aspergs

>> No.26206760
Quoted by: >>26206936


>> No.26206763
Quoted by: >>26206796

nope she is just attention seeking whore who had many scandals in past, pretty big ones

>> No.26206766
File: 11 KB, 225x225, 1592475041615.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26206867

I'd be disappointed but I'd still probably laugh, probably shouldn't act the way she does and reject her intended base.

>> No.26206773

>imagine if it's not actually her

>> No.26206774

God I wish that were me.

>> No.26206775
Quoted by: >>26206848

>how did you know her roommate's twitter?

>> No.26206778

Are high level fans called Deadmasterbeaters

>> No.26206785
Quoted by: >>26206853

Relax, whats the worst that can happen? Murder suicide? IRL stalking?

>> No.26206791
File: 21 KB, 609x194, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26206792

You guys better not doxx Amelia and she better have a British accent.

>> No.26206795

I knew this thread would stop being comfy after debuts. It was a nice couple of days before this though.

>> No.26206796

No one cares.

>> No.26206801
Quoted by: >>26206916

At least she admits it

>> No.26206814


>> No.26206833

lmao please be the shark

>> No.26206842


>> No.26206841

Cali debut was pretty comfy. Maybe because most Burgers were still asleep.

>> No.26206848

uh... internet

>> No.26206853

Pekero trapped in her sex dungeon

>> No.26206852

shark pls i beg u

>> No.26206856

God she's probably the shark..

>> No.26206865 [DELETED] 

Honestly shes menhera enough. If we really tried and teamed up with 5ch we could probably get her to quit or maybe even kill herself.

>> No.26206867
Quoted by: >>26207092

Let's compare Mori vs. Chicken in a week, genuinely curious how Mori will nab the EN market compared to the weeb chicken.

>> No.26206870
Quoted by: >>26206948

>this many coomers already
Will Mori be the highlight of this gen?

>> No.26206869

>without reading a script

>> No.26206875

uhm lads what is happening in my pants

>> No.26206876
File: 44 KB, 535x174, firefox_2020-09-12_11-40-03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shark getting black out drunk on stream and saying stupid shit when?

>> No.26206886

This is what homofags wanted

>> No.26206889

So chicken is gonna summon new sexposters?

>> No.26206891

They needed another whore after they fired Aloe

>> No.26206908

If you want to see true failure then find indie chuubas. 4 viewers after 1 year of streaming

>> No.26206916

still stupid for doing so

>> No.26206935


>> No.26206936
Quoted by: >>26206997

S-She must get really sweaty in hell hahaha

>> No.26206940


The only one that wasn't doxxed (supposedly) is squid. Mind you kiara had hers relating to her voice.

>> No.26206942
Quoted by: >>26207269

Fucking retard. She's at 90k already will hit 100k today. Nobody is getting cancelled.

>> No.26206947

I want to lick chicken's thighs clean after shes been ravaged by a bunch of old men

>> No.26206948
Quoted by: >>26207025

I need femdom art of her

>> No.26206950


>> No.26206959

godammit im too hyped for the shark now

>> No.26206962
Quoted by: >>26207468

Didn't watch mori. But Liara was very hololive.
I subbed. What about you?

>> No.26206961

if Brit then it's already known who it is, SUPER mainstream "Brit girl in Japan" to the point where the Beeb made a prog about her

>> No.26206965

It probably isn't true, but I really want her to be shark

>> No.26206973
File: 107 KB, 256x256, image_12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is going to be an interesting experiment to see if the pre-chuuba baggage is going to tank an EN fanbase or if it's really just nips who are autistic

>> No.26206977
File: 300 KB, 2048x1996, 1599665823605.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26207188

>> No.26206989
Quoted by: >>26207027

Mori is based, fuck the slutty chicken tho.

>> No.26206993
File: 192 KB, 1128x636, 1570920413343.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26206997
File: 94 KB, 498x500, 1536610170844.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that post before about how all the steamy smoke messing up her FPS was actually all her musky sweat

>> No.26206998 [DELETED] 

>we could probably get her to quit or maybe even kill herself
What is wrong with you? Are you sure you aren't menhera yourself?

>> No.26207005

Do you see the current state of the main thread?

>> No.26207020

>want to cancel her but can't do anything so you want 5ch to do it
Western antis are pathetic lmao.

>> No.26207025


>> No.26207026

the /jp/ part of the fanbase is a minority nowadays tho, most of it doesn't care about idol shit

>> No.26207027
Quoted by: >>26207049

Based on what?

>> No.26207029
Quoted by: >>26207139

How can she shave her pits when her scythe phases through her body?

>> No.26207033
File: 473 KB, 734x503, 1599919161684.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i hate to break it to you but shes already been doxxed.
no she doesnt have an accent.
no im not going to repost it and get banned.

>> No.26207036

it's mostly since chicken is controversial, as long as squid is decent I can assure you that things should chill out

>> No.26207043

It's more dangerous for Mori on the EN side because of cancel faggotry, but more dangerous for Kiara on the JP side because of idolfaggotry baggage.

>> No.26207044

Holy shit...

>> No.26207047

It won't. Aloe is also coming back in a month.

>> No.26207049
Quoted by: >>26207099

Based on my cock, retard

>> No.26207056
Quoted by: >>26207129

I haven't checked, are they freaking out about Chicken?

>> No.26207085

It's not unusual to do those kind of "blink and you'll miss it" kind of tweets. The follow-up tweets are still there tho

>> No.26207090

It will be the same here. Do you think the two threads have a different userbase or something? When /vyt/ split and /hlg/ appeared it was cozy for a few weeks as well, but then history repeat itself. Will you want a split each time a new gen appears?

>> No.26207092

hopefully chicken gets more of a personality a week from now, I'm holding on to hope that she's just acting super safe for now and just has to get out of her shell more.

>> No.26207094
Quoted by: >>26207164

Chicken is a slutty cosplayer? Her stream was a bit boring but I love her now.

>> No.26207099

You own a chicken?

>> No.26207100

She's austrian actually.

>> No.26207107
File: 209 KB, 1920x1080, 1550251365262.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26207109

I didn't watch chicken's debut yet. Why does everyone hate her already?

>> No.26207121

It's fine, her 2d is cute so it' okay.

>> No.26207124
File: 23 KB, 473x86, firefox_2020-09-12_11-45-54.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26207359

>> No.26207127

my day has been ruined.
dumping all my watsoncoin

>> No.26207129

This. I'm not there either. Why would I? I want to talk about the chicken, and this is the correct thread to do it.

>> No.26207132
File: 68 KB, 595x842, Eht9UZuU8AELjU7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Shark nopan?

>> No.26207139

hnnng that's true, imagine if she's forever cursed and literally can't shave because every blade just goes through her body

>> No.26207143


>> No.26207147
File: 165 KB, 750x1045, 1570816253677.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26207148

fucked her cram school teacher for 300k yen

>> No.26207150

Anons her background....>>26206993


>> No.26207149

Her debut was fine, doxxfags are sperging about her roommate though.

>> No.26207162

EOPs couldn't understand her kek

Bunch of pathetic nerds in here.

>> No.26207164
Quoted by: >>26207219

Nah she's an idol reject, that's what sucks. If she was just a cosplayer that would be cool.

>> No.26207177
Quoted by: >>26207225

was it normal for the other chuubas to get doxxed so early? it really sucks to debut in such an environment desu

>> No.26207180

The mentally ill are doing doxfagging.

>> No.26207182
Quoted by: >>26207500

wtf that lil shitposter no way

>> No.26207184

Someone pls translate


>> No.26207188

>But I'll have to inspect further in order to make sure!
The yuri writes itself.

>> No.26207189
Quoted by: >>26207267

how the fuck

>> No.26207190

You guys weren't kidding. It might actually be her

>> No.26207205
Quoted by: >>26207327

Stream had slow pace because she live translated everything to both burger and sushi audience.
Later turned into mostly jp stream in something that was supposed to be insternameEN.
Also obviously doxxes.

>> No.26207214

Kek. Never noticed.

>> No.26207219

>Nah she's an idol reject, that's what sucks
So Suisei 2.0?
Holy based maybe I get a new oshi.

>> No.26207225
Quoted by: >>26207248

Why cant you people lurk for at least a week when you first come here? I don't get it. Was this actually your first debut?

>> No.26207234
Quoted by: >>26207302

welp, she's going to get aloe'd

>> No.26207240

She's my favorite so far since I like extroverted Vtubers anyways

>> No.26207242 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>26207391

She's doxx on 5ch already.

>> No.26207248

i mean gen 0-3

>> No.26207256
File: 808 KB, 767x715, stay the fuck down.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26207412

Amelia will play Professor Layton's games, r-right?

>> No.26207259

here hoping you are wrong

>> No.26207261
Quoted by: >>26207302

God did she really fuck someone for 300k yen

>> No.26207267

She is trilingual, speaks Japanese and German better than English.

EOPs have been crying non stop since then.

>> No.26207269

>Aloe at over 100k

>> No.26207270

Please stop I can't handle the disappointment.

>> No.26207279
Quoted by: >>26207324


>> No.26207296 [DELETED] 

More adventurous than aloe

>> No.26207300

Big if true

pls be true

>> No.26207301
Quoted by: >>26207422

Roommate is an anti-white coalburner.

>> No.26207302

so google translate was accurate ?

>> No.26207306

Eh, that's not so bad. Nowhere near cancel-worthy.

>> No.26207309

Call of Cthulhu streams with other chuubas.

>> No.26207314
Quoted by: >>26207384

What do you mean? This is perfect. Unironically the best choice for the shark.

>> No.26207318

Ignoring all doxxfags, she was okay but not very interesting. She went overtime because she was translating absolutely everything she said into japanese. That combined with Pekora fangirling and mentioning wanting to do JP only streams made her feel like somebody who got rejected from a JP tryout and went to EN as a backup because she speaks okay english.

She at least has decent taste in games, though for some reason decided her first stream is going to be fall guys for some dumb reason.

>> No.26207320 [SPOILER] 
File: 33 KB, 583x103, 1599925849694.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26207324

Theres a country singer in the background.

>> No.26207327

To be fair she did promise twice in the stream that she'll keep her future streams to be mostly english

>> No.26207331

3/5 so far
mori with the diceroll at the end
chicken with the taunting on her twitter
now this

they really want to be found huh, nice. antis can't do shit when they flaunt it like this which is cool of these girls

>> No.26207334

Anyone have porn of the chicken? Or the reaper?

>> No.26207346
Quoted by: >>26207499

Never ever ever compare that literal whore to Suisei ever again you fucking cretin.

>> No.26207347


>> No.26207352

Doxxed, faggots harassing her in her personal account and she fights back instead of crying like a nip, so now they hate her.

>> No.26207359
File: 9 KB, 225x225, dow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shark meme battles against FBK

>> No.26207366 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>26207651

Where is the proof for this shit? Looks like schizo vomit

>> No.26207371


>> No.26207384
Quoted by: >>26207434

I agree with you, but that's what makes it extremely painful on the off-chance that she doesn't end up being the shark.

>> No.26207387

She isn't cringey like the tweets. She is actually really solid and speaks perfect Japanese.
She is a weeb and wants to become and idol and sing on stage with Sora sama.

Overall a nice surprise but don't let the doxxfags hear this. They are super mad because her roommate said she wants to get into the idol industry to prove she is worth something.

>> No.26207391
Quoted by: >>26207545

How does 5ch dox a gaijin?

>> No.26207394

the homosharts are talking about raiding this thread in their discord

>> No.26207401

Also this


>> No.26207402
Quoted by: >>26207607

her debut was just kind of boring compared to mori, I'm at least hoping that she just needs to get a bit more comfortable.

>> No.26207409

If more jops are gonna flock to her than i believe it would even be more convenient to turn stream into japs mostly.

>> No.26207412

What's the point of a detective vtuber if she doesn't play adventure games?

>> No.26207414
File: 329 KB, 528x517, 1572875828135.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Considering no one on 5ch is talking about this (and they were the ones who immediately doxxed her), I'm gonna go with shitty narrative.

>> No.26207416

>Shark doesnt give a fuck if shes found
>Squid is a ghost
Team SS

>> No.26207420

The fact that she acknowledged it is the problem. Now she can't ignore it and will surely be Aloe'd soon.

>> No.26207422
Quoted by: >>26207458


>> No.26207434
Quoted by: >>26207819

If you believe hard enough you will hopefully glitch into the correct timeline where it's true. That's what i'm doing.

>> No.26207437
File: 137 KB, 827x1551, 1599716319829.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26208655


Her YouTube videos show a completely different voice and an actually good microphone. No way that this is Kiara.

Have you tried not doxxing?

>> No.26207445

Do hololive idols get a say in what character they're gonna be?

>> No.26207447

They don't have a discord anymore retard

>> No.26207449
Quoted by: >>26208593

I don’t see shit

>> No.26207458
Quoted by: >>26207634

Head on over to the other thread, I'm not posting doxx.

>> No.26207464

yeah i love this one

>> No.26207465

Nah that's make up

>> No.26207468

you're dumb

>> No.26207480 [DELETED] 

Fuck off nigger, go back

>> No.26207492

I think it's worrying newfags telling her to clean her accs not knowing that most of holos have them, you can see those fags here afterall

>> No.26207499

Then next time don't use idol reject has the only adjective to describe the chicken.
Idol reject is a good thing, as Suisei proves.

>> No.26207500

they behave pretty similar based off of how they speak, she has a pretty recognizable voice so we'll know the moment she speaks if the dox dudes are right

>> No.26207506

Unlike suisei her singing kinda shit doe

>> No.26207508

Kisses for you, Zamolxis.

>> No.26207513

To an extent.

>> No.26207520

I was an anti splitfag, but after looking through the main thread I just don't want anyone else to come here. So i'll continue to be extremely anti split in the main thread so that people avoid this place. I'll take the bullet and the hate.

>> No.26207526
File: 42 KB, 590x110, firefox_2020-09-12_11-53-39.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26207654

>> No.26207537
Quoted by: >>26210076

Here's an old post to corroborate the "narrative"

>> No.26207545 [DELETED] 

Dunno probably leakers

>> No.26207549

Why would you lie like this?

>> No.26207551
File: 3.33 MB, 3100x3100, p0d280mq1lm51.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mori was a pleasant surprise.

>> No.26207552

>EOPs are displeased that the gen literally made for them is pandering to JOPs because they don't care
>"wow that's totally unreasonable right"

>> No.26207562

I was kneeling as slept after her debut. It was fucking worth it staying up late as hell just to watch it

>> No.26207576

You guys realize nobody cares that HoloEN isn't seiso right?

>> No.26207583

Who cares? What's the problem?

>> No.26207586

guys remember coco used a lot of english at the beginning and then stopped entirely

>> No.26207589

I'm holding on and hoping she gets better with time, this debut was just received badly because it was after mori's and she was playing it way safer.

>> No.26207606
Quoted by: >>26207662

G-guys i thought we were better than 5ch!?!?!?!?!?

>> No.26207607

Mori's stream was all over the place, Kiara's was at least consistent, even though the constant language flipping was annoying

>> No.26207609
Quoted by: >>26208862

If you're overreacting after a single stream in which the VTuber said she wouldn't speak japanese again, yes, it is unreasonable.

>> No.26207634
Quoted by: >>26207690

JP or sticky?

Either way, you aren't memeing? Like I didn't want actual proof I just want to know if you were serious. You sound serious. Which means it might be true, which means she sucks.

>> No.26207635
Quoted by: >>26207716

what's seiso? speak english, this is HoloEN.

>> No.26207641
File: 39 KB, 531x293, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26207681


>> No.26207648
File: 94 KB, 337x326, 1552606106918.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26208975

The JOPs will anon.

>> No.26207651 [DELETED] 

This is a youtube video of hers
Her old twitter account linked in Youtube description
Tweet made on that account linking to the thing with that text
The text

>> No.26207654

Happened to me once, felt like hell.

>> No.26207660
File: 257 KB, 987x809, 1598840215361.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.26207661
File: 112 KB, 715x1000, Gura.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is the appeal of Gura

>> No.26207662

We are.

/hlg/ been warning to erase their twitter history since the fucking beginning

>> No.26207676
File: 520 KB, 549x551, 1545447760785.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope next stream Mori's model doesn't move at 15fps.

>> No.26207681

Pure. Protect.

>> No.26207683
Quoted by: >>26207839

Mori pretending not to be ddice is as pointless as Coco pretending not to be kson, they're Clark Kent tier convincing

>> No.26207685
Quoted by: >>26207748

Kill yourself talentless hack

>> No.26207686
File: 21 KB, 178x178, SusieTired.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They wouldnt actually pick someone like Nyanners right?

>> No.26207690 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>26207746

She's a fan of BLM and liked some anti-white, pro-tranny video on Facebook.

>> No.26207691

She's the one acting like a JP reject though.

>> No.26207694

Cute shark loli that I want to protect

>> No.26207697

homosharts have sinned against all of Gods creation and for this they must be punished

>> No.26207699

Mori was a lot more eccentric even if it made her stream a bit messy, at least for me that's preferable over how safe Kiara was playing it.

>> No.26207700


>> No.26207704

the smoke was too powerful

>> No.26207712
File: 947 KB, 1269x703, xx.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26207714

the debut was based but then the doxers

>> No.26207716

go back

>> No.26207721

Holy shit this faggot has proofs

>> No.26207727

Cute shark c*nny with an exceptionally fitting voice. Will be an amazing cheeky brat. Not as much as Shion, but more positive and playful. She will be one of the best if not THE best.

>> No.26207734

weirdos on twitter will

>> No.26207736
Quoted by: >>26207804

She would have to take a shower for the first time in years for that

>> No.26207738


>> No.26207746 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>26207765

Unsubbed, thanks.

I seriously hope you aren't memeing

>> No.26207748

wow she was kinda boring but you dont need to talk to the chicken like that

>> No.26207752
Quoted by: >>26208028

mori is creative at least
chicken has nothing.

>> No.26207756

Delete this if you don't want me to report you to Cover. Anons help me report this

>> No.26207765 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>26207851

Reaper checks out, sub to her instead.

>> No.26207767

Smoke is gone, it'll be fine from now on.

>> No.26207770
Quoted by: >>26207827

sauce for this text

>> No.26207777

lingering vodka stench

>> No.26207781
File: 198 KB, 1169x1654, Eht9UZuVkAEO-mY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26207789
Quoted by: >>26207825

Gawr Gura will be a meme machine.

>> No.26207804

Nah nevermind, she can stream with her 5fps live2D. I'm perfectly fine with it.

>> No.26207813
Quoted by: >>26207870

That's my exact issue with Kiara right now. she's trying to keep up a 'seiso' aesthetic despite it not at all fitting with how the english gen is behaving so far. I'm hoping that she'll be a bit more interesting if given time to get comfortable.

>> No.26207817
Quoted by: >>26212054

>i hope they dont bring up politics i dont like hearing politics
>if they have the wrong political opinion i hate them
the absolute state

>> No.26207819
File: 84 KB, 1078x409, divergence-02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes... just a bit more...

>> No.26207825

FBK and Haachama 2.0

>> No.26207827

her roomate twitter follows one holo, and its pekora
lol basically confirmed at this point
no I'm not linking it

>> No.26207839
Quoted by: >>26208820

Can I get a link to ddice? I've tried looking and can't find em.

>> No.26207840 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>26208085

fuck bland consistency.

>> No.26207847

it's "otaku culture"
off yourself

>> No.26207851 [DELETED] 

Reaper is literally a rapper and used slang a few times near the end of her stream, you're delusional if you think she doesn't enjoy BBC

>> No.26207852

Why not? Coward

>> No.26207854

She sounds COMPLETELY different on her YouTube videos and has a good microphone.

>> No.26207862
File: 252 KB, 1920x1080, thinking.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does one waste their time trying to dox someone?

>> No.26207870
Quoted by: >>26207922

Yeah I thought it was kind of boring but seeing all of the leaks I expect it to get much more interesting.

>> No.26207883

S Sugoi

>> No.26207887
File: 712 KB, 820x999, 1593082342987.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.26207890
Quoted by: >>26208024

I honestly didnt realize it was cal-EYE-o-pee

>> No.26207889

For the yous

>> No.26207895

When's next debut again?

>> No.26207896

Wow, what a bunch of fucking cucks. It's JP not EN

>> No.26207901

The inability to control your own life and the need to control someone elses.

>> No.26207905


>> No.26207913 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>26207952

Yeah, They are using hololive to boost their actual accounts

>> No.26207918

HoloEN really puts into perspective how juvenile the whole vtuber thing is, except Mori of course who sounds mature and reasonable.

>> No.26207921

Hahaha nice joke guys.
I'm 100% sure she'll have a British accent.

>> No.26207922

Yeah, I'm hoping that she can break out of the weird shell she's just built around herself in the next month or so.

>> No.26207929 [DELETED] 

I was worried about her language but as of right now there's nothing on her.

>> No.26207934
Quoted by: >>26207986

so who's the reaper?

>> No.26207950
Quoted by: >>26208169

Not asking for proof of the article being real idiot. Is the article itself real? All I'm saying is, if the anti-den itself isn't talking about it, you can probably ignore it. Especially when it's this juicy.

>> No.26207953

Inflates an otherwise inexistent feeling of self importance and power.

>> No.26207952

Doesn't the shark girl have 900k subs

>> No.26207960


>> No.26207969 [DELETED] 

>waste their time trying to dox someone
holos intentionally leave the trail

>> No.26207971

I didn't wake up in time, how were the debuts so far

>> No.26207972

>shark is the zawa
>squid is unknown
>amelia is ???

>> No.26207984

The sticky is a fucking mistake.

>> No.26207986

Exactly who we figured she was a few days ago. The music is identical.

>> No.26207988 [DELETED] 


>> No.26207991

Nyanners apparently said she wants to stay independent so it won't happen

>> No.26207997

Maybe because commiting hours of your life daily to watching a shell anime girl without a slight interested in her life is crazy as fuck

>> No.26207998

We've only seen one so far (Mori) but she was great!

>> No.26208004

Do you think treerat is a virgin?


>> No.26208005
Quoted by: >>26208110

>squid is unknown
Bros im squared.

>> No.26208006


>> No.26208012
File: 894 KB, 3000x4000, 1599893202286.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>squid is unknown

>> No.26208024
Quoted by: >>26208048

She has pee in her name... so disgusting... I bet she drinks her own pee

>> No.26208026

Reaper started a bit cringe but quickly turned very based. /ourgirl/
Chicken mostly spoke in japanese and was fine, but currently there is dox drama so who knows.

>> No.26208028

Cosplayers lol

>> No.26208029

go back to your own thread /hlg/ I'm tired of you fags already.

>> No.26208041

Both good.

Legendary weeb Beckii Cruel.

>> No.26208048

Stop it, anon. You're turning people on.

>> No.26208049 [DELETED] 

Reaper good
Chicken roommate a menhera 100x worse than Matsuri and a coalburner.

>> No.26208075

No :^)

>> No.26208085

Eh that's fair, personally i'm not into Mori's experimental approach on the debut. Usually what I like about Hololive is they start off safe/in-character and then branch out into something different that makes their longevity entertaining.
People thought Kiara would be cringey on stream due to how eccentric her tweets were, so i'll have faith she'll get more entertaining over time. Although I still like Mori since I like rap.

>> No.26208088
File: 258 KB, 427x367, 23113413412321343.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can I stay here?

>> No.26208089 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>26208210

amelia is some tiny vtuber

>> No.26208091

I'm ready to sing Oki Doki Boomer when Shark debuts.

>> No.26208097 [DELETED] 

wheres the proof that mori burned coal?

>> No.26208106

I'll definitely go back now that you said so anon

>> No.26208110

Get non-euclidian.

>> No.26208115 [DELETED] 

black hands typed this

>> No.26208120
File: 40 KB, 500x527, Filthy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mori is blossoming, 40 is still young!!

>> No.26208122

Because I don't want to donate time and money to piece of shit.

>> No.26208130

I only saw reaper but it was "teehee im cute" to fuck this shit act. Rap was pretty good and her normal attitude and demeanor feels nice. This is coming from someone who listens to no rap at all

>> No.26208134

Kiara had no issues but was kind of bland, she'll probably need some time to really open up, she's also really obsessed with being involved with HoloJP.

Mori was autistic but also pretty fucking based.

>> No.26208135 [DELETED] 

Liking BLM and anti-white propaganda on Facebook makes you a coalburner.

>> No.26208136 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>26208414

whos a coalburner

>> No.26208140


>> No.26208141


>> No.26208146

>Kiarahime about to take away your only achievement, graduation rta

>> No.26208155

Welcome home, fellow AloeCHAD

>> No.26208156

Both are good debuts, thread is overreacting as usual

>> No.26208157
Quoted by: >>26208205

Do we just ignore Coco?

>> No.26208161
File: 873 KB, 1481x867, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26208196


>> No.26208162


>> No.26208168

I want her to be my femdom mommy.

>> No.26208169

yeah in the warosu link posted here it said that the scandal was well-known but nips didnt give a fuck. so antis don't have any ground to stand on right now. no one cared before that she fucked/prostituted herself to fans or whatever the fuck, no one will care now. even if it's out and about it doesn't matter and i am pretty sure that's the WORST thing she could have done so as of this moment, she is fucking untouchable. i understand her taunting limp-dicked antis on her twitter right now lmao.

>> No.26208171

Would actually be a good thing, I imagine. Just like Mori, suggest your own background to whoever is going to notice in the very first stream. People won't have as much personal enjoyment trying to figure it out if you publicly accept it.

>> No.26208185

She's not going to be aloe'd because she doesn't live in america so drumpfcucks can't do anything to her.

>> No.26208189
Quoted by: >>26208223

how do Coco, Matsuri and Noel still exist then?

>> No.26208191

Old as my mom.

>> No.26208196


>> No.26208199

Chicken has a cute voice and speaks nip so she exceeded everyone's expectations.

>> No.26208205

What did she do?

>> No.26208210
Quoted by: >>26209782

She's not Sachi. Sachi was still a twitch partner as of last week, she legally can't livestream on youtube. Inanis and Amelia are unknown.

>> No.26208212
Quoted by: >>26208344

Based on the recent colab Nyanners and a few other notables just did, almost no chance. A few of them broke down crying due to their social akwardness. That and shit tons of lewd content.

>> No.26208217

I am kind of confused by people not giving Kiara a chance to develop more on here, I assume it's just because she came right after Mori. I was personally a massive fan of Mori's debut and kind of turned off from Kiara from hers, although I assume that she'll get more interesting over the next month or two.

>> No.26208222
File: 159 KB, 495x344, 1598391811279.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26208325

Maids please do something useful and either enforce one general or move holoEN to /trash/

>> No.26208223

Noel has huge tits

>> No.26208229

Did reaper collect your soul?

>> No.26208232 [DELETED] 
File: 230 KB, 463x453, peko mad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>non JP
Kys splitnigger

>> No.26208235

Calliope loves Kiara and Kiara loves Pekora

>> No.26208241
File: 319 KB, 452x326, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if only you knew how bad things really are

>> No.26208245
Quoted by: >>26208422

She's a lewd slut who does makeup videos and tells her viewers how she's about to have intense sweaty sex with old fat men.

>> No.26208247
File: 79 KB, 827x1224, Reaper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her christmas cake body makes me feel funny...

>> No.26208249

>we have an actual prostitute in hololive now
White women... Not even once.

>> No.26208251


>> No.26208256 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>26208414

Nice one, Schizo.

>> No.26208268

The same that the chicken in her roomate, Say that she won't give fucks and will keep using it

>> No.26208283 [DELETED] 

Except the post was anti-BLM, retard-kun..

>> No.26208294

>those feet

>> No.26208306

you want to know whats funny about Noel I made her famous by posting her asmr clips on here. It made her sub count sky rocket from english viewers. Then she became a holo.

>> No.26208307

Link the harassment because I don't see any you faggot.

>> No.26208310

Where did you guys get the ideia that the shark is zawa?
Just cause she's been inactive for a bit?

>> No.26208311 [DELETED] 

Except it was a switch-a-roo.
Did you read her post?

>> No.26208317
Quoted by: >>26208358

they stink too

>> No.26208325

I'm sorry but in order for that to happen you would also need to have the touhou exist on a single thread.

>> No.26208327
Quoted by: >>26208399

God she probably smells bad...

>> No.26208328
Quoted by: >>26208416

Just re-watch the debut. Kiara sounds pretty good, I didn't care too much about the demon. Mainly talking about how they sound.

>> No.26208334 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>26208414

It's a bait and switch. Just after the two minute mark it becomes about how white people can just ignore harassment while nogs and trannies must suffer under white oppression in real life everyday.

>> No.26208336

Is this not just another form of entertainment?
If I watch a movie with an actor I like, it doesn't mean I want to know who that actor is in real life and how he spends his free time.
I am watching the movie for the character. That's also how I see vtubers.

>> No.26208337

You know, I kinda understand her whole "i am worthless" post now. Women who would prostitute themselves have extremely high or extremely low self esteem.

>> No.26208342

She put a cheeky clue in her cover photo.

>> No.26208343
File: 96 KB, 1255x1054, 1597666917772.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope someone from HoloEN turns out to be from Latin America so that all the fucking spics migrate to her channel and stop shitting up other holos' chat, or asking them to come to Brasil, or trying to get them to speak spanish via supercharts, or anything similarly retarded
What the fuck is wrong with that entire continent, honestly

>> No.26208344
Quoted by: >>26208554

Why would they cry? This seems like a dumb narrative.

>> No.26208351 [DELETED] 

Can you retards just drop it? Like half of the planet is pro-blm at this point
just go get a fresh air or something instead of going full autismo about dumb political shit...

>> No.26208356
File: 579 KB, 1920x1600, Kiara gosling.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26208555

I hope she likes this.

>> No.26208358

Her feet aren't for smelling they are for stomping

>> No.26208367

They're too fucking similar.

>> No.26208370

>zawa has a portfolio
>can sing and stream
>both seem like weird memers
>sharks debut BG has a dumb meme in it already

>> No.26208371

>What the fuck is wrong with that entire continent, honestly

>> No.26208374

>complaining about spics right now when we have a literal euro prostitute in Hololive

>> No.26208377

She has black toenail polish pedicure

>> No.26208383

lol I have seen that.

>> No.26208388

I think people feel it was confirmed by a combination of the shitpost thumbnail and us being right about Calliope. I still don't buy it though simply because she has more subs than even the most popular holo.

>> No.26208390


>> No.26208394

Amelia already tweeted in Spanish once. She's taking one for the team.

>> No.26208399
File: 148 KB, 828x1792, How humiliating, Anon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Old woman smell...

>> No.26208401

At least she's white

>> No.26208412

>Kiara: Does cosplay and doesn't kneel in her roomate.
>Coco: Does the exact same
/hlg/: Coco is so based she will save hololive she gives no fucks amirite anons

You looked the info yorselves faggots, no one forced you too check the chicken roomate

>> No.26208413

And? JP has had Rushia and Towa for a while now.

>> No.26208414 [DELETED] 

I just realize something, people are claiming reaper actually posts here and seeing how her and chicken have a bit of a rivalry.

>> No.26208416

I'm watching them now, was just curious if I missed anything notable

>> No.26208422
Quoted by: >>26208527

Only half of this is true.

>> No.26208425
Quoted by: >>26208465

After the absolute shambles that was that thread I fully support the split.

>> No.26208427

>anons crying about burgers ruining Hololive
>the whore of HoloEN is a yuropoor
You literally can't make this shit up

>> No.26208430
Quoted by: >>26208474

Oh shut the fuck up, just because it you suddenly forgot about the other roommates from the other holos, doesn't mean we/cover has to pander to your faggotry paranoia

>> No.26208437

before Noel was famous her channel had those people in her chat insisting she speak spanish.

>> No.26208438 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>26208532

That or Reaper just hate the chicken because she rose from the dead.

>> No.26208439

Coco doesnt fuck people for money and also doesnt pretend to be for ENG speakers

>> No.26208446
File: 108 KB, 1000x1000, EhcYWsdUwAEiEjN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26208560

>Didnt post since auditions
>Videos get gradually deleted since
>Nothing on her twitch account anymore
>Same chaotic tweets
>Character was designed to fit her pesonnality
>Cant actually speak japanese as good as the others

Yeah, unless they change their policies, it's Aloe all over again before it even began.

>> No.26208449

I want ina to drag me into an alley with her tentacles and rape me while I am on my way home to my wife mori

>> No.26208450


>> No.26208453

>tfw you cant ask them to come to brazil because their already in brazil

>> No.26208459
File: 211 KB, 437x383, 1598857884645.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you give my tostinos brain a hint of what it is?
You're talking bout the twitter one right?

>> No.26208465
Quoted by: >>26208494

This thread is just as bad though

>> No.26208466

Think you both have a point, it just didn't get this far until Chicken's stream where part of the reason the entertainment was meh was because it wasn't EoPs she was trying to impress. Mori doxxing was looked at and shrugged off for the most part.

>> No.26208471

>Stream starts
>She seems kind of drunk
>Sorry fells I feel nauseous because I'm in land

>> No.26208474

The other roommates never said it openly, except Noel and Choco but that was accidental. Not even Coco acknowledged it like this.

>> No.26208476

shes loterally related to hitler

>> No.26208482
Quoted by: >>26208525

we already had enjo-kōsai ayame

>> No.26208488


>> No.26208489 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>26208532

Reaper def posts here, she said the sell thing and she made several tweets about 4chan since 2014.

>> No.26208492

>super underwhelming compared to the feel she gave on twitter
Huh? She sperged out just as much on stream as she did on twitter. What a silly nitpick to have.

>> No.26208493

the smell of dreams for good boys

>> No.26208494
Quoted by: >>26208535


>> No.26208510

wait the chicken fucks people for money?
show proof. I have to invest in some white ass

>> No.26208513

I might fundamentally oppose her views on politics but jesus imagine being so mad that some random euro weeb living in japan isn't right wing that you decide to doxx them. Truly, the /pol/fag cries out as he hits you.

>> No.26208521

I'm going to ask the shark to come to Canada

>> No.26208523

The background cowboy?

Why does that make it her?

Because she sang 2 cowboy songs?

>> No.26208525
Quoted by: >>26208591


>> No.26208527

Yes, i'm neither old or fat

>> No.26208530

If anyone (read: nijifags) wants to shift the blame towards Aloe's supposed unprofessional antics, just point out Kiara being an actual prostitute yet no one will bat an eye. It is literally only because she talked a bit of shit towards their shitty fucking company that Aloe got the boot. Fuck antis. Fucking nijicunts.

>> No.26208532 [DELETED] 

Though imagine the drama if it turns out they actually do hate each other in real life.

>> No.26208535

literally just as bad.
Split is not a problem
retarded tourists are
Also during gen 5 debuts it was literally THE SAME

>> No.26208536

Proof or didn't happen faggot

>> No.26208537

> The other roommates never said it openly, except Noel and Choco but that was accidental. Not even Coco acknowledged it like this.
Did you forget that she did it mention that she got scolded on a membership stream?

>> No.26208540

if yagoo ever tried to sue me the first thing i’d do is laugh in his greasy fish face and scream "hiroshima" before proceeding to repeatedly give him the stone cold stunnas that he would not soon forget

>> No.26208542

Her debut video has the screaming cowboy in the background, probably in reference to her "a".

>> No.26208547

She literally put a fucking cowboy in her cover photo.

>> No.26208549

Move over Aloe we have a new CEO of Sex!

>> No.26208554

As it says on the tin. After the colab they were bawling because of their nervousness, and most of them are from 4chan in some form. Medical issues, crippling fears, etc. If it helps, it was tears of joy.

>> No.26208555

Post it in reddit since thats where she hangs out

>> No.26208559

But she hates her german heritage and wants to be a burger/jap, so it's not our fault.

>> No.26208560

>Yeah, unless they change their policies, it's Aloe all over again before it even began.
What did he mean by that?

>> No.26208571
Quoted by: >>26208845


the yelling AAAAAAAAAAA cowboy dude is faintly in the back left, s*nzawa has an obsession with both ironic yeehaw cowboy crap and that general style of meme

>> No.26208574

That just makes it worse.

>> No.26208576
File: 74 KB, 750x189, 508BECFC-C545-4137-89D8-BAB708C0E036.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26208578
File: 448 KB, 606x523, 1599886837493.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bros, i'm glad we can share our holos like before!

>> No.26208580

Mori's making indie friends already

>> No.26208588 [DELETED] 

She's a weeb in Japan, she's a riceburner which is based.

>> No.26208591
Quoted by: >>26208654

it goes pretty deep

>> No.26208593

top left corner

>> No.26208594

is this our other girl?

>> No.26208596
File: 405 KB, 743x656, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this is literally in one of her videos
its confirmed, isnt it?

>> No.26208597
Quoted by: >>26208669

What the fuck who? The chikun?

>> No.26208599

read the thread faggot

>> No.26208600
File: 49 KB, 208x208, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>calling her a prostitute when she's literally not a prostitute
slander is a crime, you know?

>> No.26208604

>members only stream

>> No.26208606

There's no way Cover will hire a literal autist

>> No.26208611

Consoomer mind, streamers are more than entertainment when I chill with them for hours some days and I'm not going to take a chance of supporting a piece of shit

>> No.26208612

does she post here?

>> No.26208614
Quoted by: >>26208939

>put on a fake act and then drops it in the same stream
Isn't this the same thing ironic weebs do? Suddenly you approve of it?

>> No.26208623

how to I find choco's roommate?
just give me a keyword

>> No.26208628

Hinata and Akari have more than 500k subs but their channels are fucking dying. I'm not saying it's her, just that subs argument isn't really valid if people didn't get the subs by streaming.

>> No.26208633

I'm sorry Yagoo-sama, I kneel

>> No.26208640

HoloEN looking grim already when I keep seeing dox posts...

>> No.26208642


>> No.26208648

Anon stop the mental gymnastics, that's pretty open and in a holo stream...

>> No.26208649

Why does that even matter? People accept her because she works. Can't you guys just stop being anti cunts ffs.

>> No.26208654
Quoted by: >>26208744

FF14 ERP doesn't count

>> No.26208655


>> No.26208660

>First post and debut description is A
It's a confirm

>> No.26208662

Yeah I don't get those posts. She just whored herself out ONCE. Doesn't mean she's a career prostitute. Really grasping at straws

>> No.26208668

Guys, Mori live2d is so fucking good.

>> No.26208669


>> No.26208670

Stop moving the goalposts anonchama

>> No.26208673

>streamers are more than entertainment
I know we're all no lives who sit around watching dumb anime avatars move for an hour or three, around but jesus fuck man get a hobby, talk to your family, go outside

>> No.26208678

Self hating Austrian

>> No.26208680
Quoted by: >>26208810

she doesn't.
People are just mad she might be left leaning so they are making up rumours about her.

>> No.26208684

>he lets roommate posting ruin his enjoyment of holis

>> No.26208687

I'm glad that they have autism representation

>> No.26208691

>aloe is a whore
The roommate doesn't matter, fucking idolfags canceling her.
>kiara is a whore

Funnily enough, the similarity between these two is that this isn't even the real reason antis want to cancel them. Aloe was canceled because of butthurt nijicucks, and now butthurt drumpfcucks want to cancel Kiara. Hilarious. Neck yourself.

>> No.26208696

The squid is an artist. People look at the wrong pool.

>> No.26208700


>> No.26208705
Quoted by: >>26208785

>But she hates her german heritage
Where did she say that? She just doesn't want to do a german stream.
If I suddenly became a public figure on the internet I would stick to english too. That doesn't mean I hate being german.

>> No.26208708

no one is going to care about them in a month all the coomers are going to stick with twitch and chaturbate roasties

>> No.26208712 [DELETED] 
File: 1.18 MB, 939x795, 56545454.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She would be pretty cute if it weren't for her teeth. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-whC5aUQuzI

>> No.26208723

Holy shit, this mother fucking shark.

>> No.26208741

>Funnily enough, the similarity between these two is that this isn't even the real reason antis want to cancel them. Aloe was canceled because of butthurt nijicucks, and now butthurt drumpfcucks want to cancel Kiara. Hilarious. Neck yourself.
Good catch lol

>> No.26208743

It's the six hour gap, if we were watching Ina an hour ago we'd be too busy to dox, and with all 5 out in rapid succession pulled too many directions to have one doxx really take off.

>> No.26208742 [DELETED] 

This, ones were mad because someone wanted korean kimchi aside from dildo sashimi.
And now /pol/niggers are seething.

>> No.26208744
Quoted by: >>26208877

I mean the twitch streams are pretty comfy but we knows there was more

>> No.26208747
File: 11 KB, 271x280, grs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all the pathetic doxfags

>> No.26208751

God imagine the smell

>> No.26208752

Artia got to choose her own name. Artia is a reference to Artoria from Fate.

>> No.26208756


>> No.26208757


>> No.26208763
Quoted by: >>26208827

You fucks better get over the dox by the time it's Cthulhu's debut.

>> No.26208764

sometimes, it's not consistent. marine/flare/noel had their characters made and settei locked in well before they found girls in open auditions to play them

>> No.26208765 [DELETED] 

This is literally "lolsorandumb" tumblrspeech. Don't tell me you niggers approve of this.

>> No.26208771

It's kind of weird seeing people on /jp/ finally discover /cgl/ lolcows for the first time, thank you Cover

>> No.26208776


>> No.26208785

She literally said she hates speaking german

>> No.26208787

She just needs to do her framerate reps.

>> No.26208789
Quoted by: >>26208954

I think it's just around 10 local schyzos from here, nothing really to worry

>> No.26208791

Just care about the entertainment if they can deliver. 3 more to go, with a colab right after. If these girls can provide a good experience and have spines, they'll have to fight through the drama like everyone else. Celebs have to fight off TMZ and Spanish gossip shows all day long in the Americas.

It was Chicken's own fault for drawing attention to herself like that to the point she got wrist-slapped mid-stream.

>> No.26208800

So just like Towa?

>> No.26208802

>hired a perma-drunk autistic shitposter

>> No.26208809


>> No.26208810

>Ask for euros because burger woman bad
>get euros and they lean left
Who'd have fucking thought? It's europe, if you're not on 4chan being right wing is not really tolerated.

>> No.26208817 [DELETED] 

The only thing I don't approve of is your face.

>> No.26208819

What's wrong with sucking dick

>> No.26208818

I'll be honest, I think I enjoy hololive more when I know the dox. Maybe it's just context? I don't really care about the contents of their real life, but knowing it makes the streams better.

>> No.26208820


>> No.26208824
File: 1022 KB, 500x210, IMG_2490.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26208900

Maybe you don't want to find the squid

>> No.26208825
File: 313 KB, 820x983, Precious.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26208896

My smelly aunt can't be this cute...

>> No.26208827

There will be an intermission.

>> No.26208843

Subs aren't necessarily a good conversion to money. Even though S*nzawa has a million subs she barely makes one video a month.
That said, she could just stream more often, 50k followers on twitch isn't bad.

>> No.26208845
File: 29 KB, 496x98, 1525824578520.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26208969

>the yelling AAAAAAAAAAA cowboy dude
This is so fucking dumb holy shit

>> No.26208846

Everybody hates speaking their muttersprache.
Unless burger.

>> No.26208857

>Hololive Global going the way /hlg/ when the towa yabee incident happened
Damn and it didn't even take a week.

>> No.26208862

Had a gun pointed at her head for that to happen.

>> No.26208867
Quoted by: >>26209116

>she got wrist-slapped mid-stream.
Do you have a timestamp? I watched the debut but I must've zoned out and missed that.

>> No.26208868

Fleshing out the character with backstory if you will, joe.

>> No.26208872

Watame and Coco's roommates are cute

>> No.26208874
Quoted by: >>26209116

How did she get wrist-slapped?

>> No.26208877

you literally don't know shit

>> No.26208878
Quoted by: >>26209034

post it I will be waiting.

>> No.26208890
File: 22 KB, 400x400, Gŵyl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think holoEN will help push Artia to superstardom.

>> No.26208896

I want go smell her!!

>> No.26208900

Hi Mori

>> No.26208901
File: 189 KB, 1240x1754, EhukViVU0AEf7tJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you fuckers take your shitty dox to the other thread? I'd rather see gore desu.

>> No.26208913

Hell yeah. You fuckers expect everyone to have a clean background and can't appreciate their work because of something they once did. Just fucking neck yourselves.

>> No.26208912
Quoted by: >>26209040


>> No.26208925

Can someone post the screenshot of manager-sans comment on her stream?

>> No.26208935
File: 14 KB, 350x299, kiara1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Und jetzt werde ich den Zustand der Angelegenheiten der Chuba-Welt verkünden. WIR WERDEN VON WHORISH ELEMENTS, ANTIS UND SCHLECHTESTEN DOXXERN INFUSIERT Ich muss diesen Moment nehmen, um zu sagen

>> No.26208939

If i may say who know how much of it planned out and how much was make up on the fly

>> No.26208946


She has nearly a million subs on that account. From their perspective it's "she's doing SOMETHING right"

>> No.26208948


>> No.26208954

Fortunately they're all powerless regardless of amount because she lives in Japan so they can't threaten to kill her. Won't stop them from trying to convince everyone to stop watching her though, oblivious to the fact that they're the minority even in the western fanbase.

>> No.26208956
Quoted by: >>26209054

she prostituted herself.
i cant accept it.

>> No.26208960

Chickenfag coping

>> No.26208967

She said it's embarrassing, I think that my mom constantly hugging me when we go outside is embarrassing, does that mean that I hate her? Of course not you retard

>> No.26208969

>no r

>> No.26208971

retard EOP detected

>> No.26208975

Botan had boyfriends. Rushia striped on streams.

>> No.26208980

every ESL with a bit of self awareness hates speaking in their mother tongue to an international audience.
Go fuck yourself, burger

>> No.26208987

This honestly just brings back memories. It's worse that the people here understand things now though.

>> No.26209007
Quoted by: >>26209062

I don't give a fuck to the chicken. If I'm watching someone is Shark or Watson but y'all just so fucking retarded that it hurts.

>> No.26209010
Quoted by: >>26209104

why? maybe that's a euro thing

>> No.26209017
Quoted by: >>26209049

It took 2 debuts for it all to go to shit...

>> No.26209020


>> No.26209023

i consider myself an idolfag, that's the sort of thing that got me into hololive instead of nijisanji. but i dont go as far as condemning male collabs or any similar behaviour that we always make fun of in here.
whoring yourself out kind of ruins my immersion though

>> No.26209024

Ah I just realized they put the JP speakers at prime time and the rest prime EN/US hours.

>> No.26209028

sticky is responsible for this

>> No.26209034
Quoted by: >>26209536

just watch her debut stream you lazy retard. Its around the ending

>> No.26209040


>> No.26209042

Waiting on the lolis

>> No.26209045
Quoted by: >>26209097

She went for a more classic debut stream, but going just after Calliope made it just more... Bland.
Calliope played a really risky card with her stream, her rap could have made people either really like her or find her completely cringe. Especially since rap isn't that popular in weeb culture. Higher risk but higher pay in the end.

>> No.26209049
Quoted by: >>26209088


>> No.26209053

Why does she look like Shrek

>> No.26209054
Quoted by: >>26209101

Anon I keep hearing this but I see no proofs

>> No.26209055
File: 40 KB, 211x185, 1597948603431.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26209181

>/hlgg/ was the anti dox thread all along

>> No.26209058

literally millions have jerked off to Noel maybe even billions.
Thats an ocean of cum.

>> No.26209062

That's what they all say, I know you're a chickenfag and yes I took my meds.

>> No.26209066

That's my point, i would have never knew about all that but jops dig out all this shit, and the retarded idolfags on 4chin repost it here anyway.

>> No.26209076
Quoted by: >>26209100

But the accused YouTube channel sounds COMPLETELY different and has an actually good microphone.

Did everyone just ignore the accused YouTube channel?

>> No.26209081
File: 37 KB, 392x408, 1596645859507.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26209135

Normalfags who don't even know what happened in Aloe's case are comparing her case to this one, it's like the retardation has doubled

>> No.26209088

>hating mori-mommy

>> No.26209092

>have to become tainted to get the opportunity to be an idol
>idols have to be pure
Truly the greatest catch-22

>> No.26209099 [DELETED] 

i definitely don't, she was on my list of girls i never wanted to see in holoen months back when everyone was just speculating about who they were going to recruit

she's a "nyanners tumblr post" yabai waiting to go off, i can see her throwing hololive under the bus in a heartbeat

>> No.26209097
Quoted by: >>26209248

Classic debut streams suck ass tbdesu. They're always rather boring and don't really tell you much about the streamers personality

>> No.26209100

You do realize they get given equipment if they need it, right?

>> No.26209101

proofs have been posted, read the fucking thread

>> No.26209104

Not euro, I hate speaking my native language.

>> No.26209113

Can we trade in cosplay slut chicken for aloe I just want her back

>> No.26209116

Don't know when exactly the Wrist Slapping part happened but her demeanor changed heavily around the 1:04:00 mark and when she started sounding off on will/will not dos. I know part of the pressure was her being over time but that's also the kind of talk when receiving information live.

>> No.26209132

Just how difficult is it to not leave any traces to your identity or accounts?

>> No.26209134

I can't wait for all the "chicken is a whore" posting

>> No.26209135

I mean it's basically the same, cover just decided to shit on aloe for the stuff that got dug up about her

>> No.26209138
Quoted by: >>26209183

Why the fuck did the other thread gone to shit

>> No.26209140

dont agree with dox but cope

>> No.26209145

Google your full name or your past usernames. You'll be surprised.

>> No.26209163
File: 213 KB, 384x390, 1560684376996.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I already hate germans and now I have see them parade their crooked-teethed freak around like some national treasure.

>> No.26209164

They unironically don't care. Chicken is loving the attention.

>> No.26209165

Her manager left a comment too. I think it was a yen symbol, not sure what it meant.

>> No.26209177
Quoted by: >>26209214

anon... you know EOPs won't be able to read the proof...

>> No.26209179
File: 1.02 MB, 1020x789, 1599642015567.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't take it anymore SEAbros, I'm skipping the squid. she's far too late

>> No.26209181

This, we should keep this as contaiment thread for schyzos

>> No.26209183
Quoted by: >>26209281

Same userbase. This is the dox thread and the other thread is, surprise, a dox thread. It's as if the same people use both threads.

>> No.26209189
File: 922 KB, 280x256, ko.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yfw one of them is from Brazil

>> No.26209211

>6 years ago

>> No.26209214

they can use google translate to get the main point

>> No.26209215
Quoted by: >>26209246

and who is that supposed to by

>> No.26209216

Just finished watching the first 2 girls debuts. I don't think either of them are for me. Looking forward to seeing shark later.

>> No.26209220
Quoted by: >>26209314

shizos seething so hard that EN is actually good they have to samefag kiara outrage.

>> No.26209229
Quoted by: >>26209431

Mentally ill. You are watching an actress doing live improv. Feel free to take it as more than entertainment but these women are paid professionals working and they should be allowed to get other gigs without having to keep a secret identity

>> No.26209231
Quoted by: >>26209300

>literal narrative that even 5ch isn't entertaining
/pol/cucks are so deperate.

>> No.26209238
Quoted by: >>26209376

>every ESL with a bit of self awareness hates speaking in their mother tongue to an international audience

>> No.26209240
Quoted by: >>26209300

I have read the fucking thread, I am a damn faggot who has had this threads open since yesterday and all I saw were anons sperging about other anons sperging with old screencaps of 4chan about that "drama"

>> No.26209242
File: 3.34 MB, 262x312, 1574489694670.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26212372

I dont think /pol/ would allow me to have a brown oshi

>> No.26209244 [DELETED] 

It's all intentional, you fucking retard.

>> No.26209246
Quoted by: >>26209648

Chicken, several years ago.
But she has gotten surgery and looks much better now.

>> No.26209248

But how will I know what their goals are otherwise

>> No.26209249
Quoted by: >>26209381

I have never used social media
I'm clean

>> No.26209255
File: 264 KB, 453x256, akirapatas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need the narrative on Kiara, she sounded so naive and pure I thought she was like an 18yo desperately trying to shine and now I learn that she fucks for 300k yen? (honestly I'd fuck too you'd have to be retarded to not take the money just to suck some desperate fucker's dick)

>> No.26209263

I fucking swear if shark's roommate is senz*wa shark becomes my number one favorite right away

>> No.26209273

>Believes the "5ch says..."
Schyzos are pathetic

>> No.26209278
Quoted by: >>26209332

Did you even watch the debut? Chicken had terrible mic. If she was given equipment why was it worse than her personal equipment that she uses for her other channel if that's really her?

>> No.26209281
File: 553 KB, 780x1060, 1581685400354.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even 5ch has their shit together and has an anti thread and a slightly less anti thread. Remember when we used to shit on them for being retarded? Now we're unironically worse than them.

>> No.26209290
Quoted by: >>26209557


>> No.26209299

German whore

>> No.26209300
Quoted by: >>26209375


She linked that article herself.

>> No.26209313
File: 120 KB, 257x312, 1599760089210.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did and more than half of the resulting images were mugshots.

>> No.26209314

>no one could hate my pure angel, surely it must be a notorious samefag!
You're the schizo

>> No.26209315

Is everyone ready for Ninome

>> No.26209320

We were always the cheap knockoff. It's the images. They corrupted us. Image limit should be 0.

>> No.26209323

The problem was she only slept for 300k yen, i would've charged more desu.

>> No.26209325
Quoted by: >>26209800

>tfw not a burger
>will miss watson
Enjoy her for me too bros...

>> No.26209327 [DELETED] 

>every ESL with a bit of self awareness hates speaking in their mother tongue to an international audience.
Nice projection.

>> No.26209332

Because she's a shitty onlyfans tier whore who never stood a chance after Mori dropped. You think they're going to roll out the carpet for the time waster? Shark is main event.

>> No.26209338

I quite literally found nothing

>> No.26209341
File: 1.02 MB, 720x798, 1596336819953.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>everyone hasalready forgotten about gen 5

>> No.26209346

Proof or fags

>> No.26209344 [DELETED] 


>STEP 1:
>STEP 2:
>STEP 3:
>STEP 4:
>STEP 5:

>> No.26209347
Quoted by: >>26209475

I haven't seen any roommate posting for ninomae. Is she safe from this stalker shit so far?

>> No.26209354

this is fake, don't believe this shit. just because it's japanese doesn't mean it's true, N99-kuns

>> No.26209362

For the first time, we english bros are the doxxfags. 5ch can suck it.

>> No.26209371
Quoted by: >>26209918

>don't expect some degre of thots
wtf??? I want purityfags amd idolfags to leave, now.

>> No.26209373 [DELETED] 

300k is too much, man. Imagine how much she would charge an anon now that she's more famous than she'd ever been. Easily million yen for just a suck. I can't pay that much bro

>> No.26209375

>she shared a blogpost that's gossiping about her
Take your meds.

>> No.26209376

t. burgers or ESLs that lack self awareness

>> No.26209378

Can people who just want to start shit go over to HLG please and thank you.

>> No.26209381

Nobody would add you anyway
Thats why you're here after all

>> No.26209382
Quoted by: >>26209503

Stop saying "muh western fans bad" until we start hunting down idols and stabbing them. JP fans are a bunch of psychopaths, the whole reason idols are supposed to be pure is so you can imagine fucking them yourself. Do you have any idea what kind of mentality that sets up for in these lonely crazy men?

>> No.26209383


Here? Not seeing the change in demeanors.

>> No.26209386 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>26209440

see >>26209344

>> No.26209389
Quoted by: >>26209432

Finally watched Mori. Tbh I was sure it was gonna be shit. How wrong I was.. I kneel..

>> No.26209393
Quoted by: >>26209453

Eh don't worry. For one she's not german she's austrian and she's the self hating kind too. I mean she literally said on stream that she doesn't like to speak german.

>> No.26209396
Quoted by: >>26209440

this level of mental gymnastics is honestly pathethic

>> No.26209399
Quoted by: >>26209574

4 years is a long time. Maybe the chicken has changed since then.
I'm just gonna try to forget that I saw anything and accept her character the way she wants to present her. I don't think I wanna look into holo roommates ever again.

>> No.26209402

take your meds EOP

>> No.26209423
Quoted by: >>26209956

No, that is correct.

Anyone who doesn't strictly speak English online are also the people who search out people from their own country, and/or activly announces their country. Aka the absolute worst retards.

>> No.26209428

Why would she not just use her old, better microphone?

She also has a completely different voice in the accused Youtube channel.

>> No.26209431

>secret identity
Who are you answering to? They aren't secret at all. But to think they're simply playing a character you need to either have a crippling autism or be a clip watcher

>> No.26209432

Let's goo deadbeat brother!

>> No.26209436

Botan is like 40 years old. Of course she would have boyfriends jesus christ

>> No.26209437

is she KFC?

>> No.26209438
Quoted by: >>26209525

I'm sorry your ears don't work.

>> No.26209440


wtf? just because it's fucking linked to some random nip blog that counts as proof? isn't this exactly the sort of shit that should get reported to Cover? making up stupid stuff like this to slander their talents? it's absolutely crazy that you retards are lapping this up.

>> No.26209444
Quoted by: >>26209469

She's Austrian.

>> No.26209450

Why can't you put a link ffs.

>> No.26209452
Quoted by: >>26210121

good, they're not entertaining they just act like retarded 10yos, however theyre the some of the only ones worth to watch on the vtuber market, now that Calliope set a new standard mixing both the best of western and japanese influence, we'll get to see actual entertaining streamer and not paypig trains on the chat of a woman in her 30s acting like a 10yo.

>> No.26209453 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>26209511

Austrians are Germans

>> No.26209454

you're the EOP retard

>> No.26209456


You mean a YouTube with a much better mic and a totally different voice?

>> No.26209458

>hololive girls now speak english
>japs don't understand but watch anyway
>4chan is doing the doxxing
How the tides have turned in just one day.

>> No.26209459

keep coping

>> No.26209461

>I already hated chicken for JOP pandering
>she's an actual whore
Hahahahaha. How the stars alligned for me.

>> No.26209469
Quoted by: >>26210163

But arnold is austrian too. Where's my ahnold hololive

>> No.26209475

She's pretty unknown so far. Could change after her debut when people have more info to go on or recognize her voice maybe.

>> No.26209482

she sounds completely different you tard

>> No.26209485

British accent...

>> No.26209491
Quoted by: >>26210011

link her fucking channel then?

>> No.26209493

Its not that difficult to find u fucking moron

>> No.26209495

Why did they save Watson for last? Surely she has something special.

>> No.26209496 [DELETED] 

What are you going on about? Her mic is fine.

>> No.26209498

the main issue is that chicken is trying to appeal to idolfags at the same time

>> No.26209503
Quoted by: >>26209534

I'm not going "muh western fans". I just find it ironic that only a few months ago we were laughing at them for having anti threads and now people are unironically trying to cancel someone here.

>> No.26209506

lol believing this

>> No.26209507

Cope more

>> No.26209511
Quoted by: >>26209567

Your burger education is showing anon

>> No.26209519

>having bfs

>> No.26209521

I'm glad the off-thread is now the anti thread, now I can go back to the real one

>> No.26209523

She’s the leader

>> No.26209524
Quoted by: >>26209622

take your meds

>> No.26209525

Sorry that yours don't.

>> No.26209530 [SPOILER] 
File: 465 KB, 2066x1083, 1599929435762.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.26209534

Learn to understand the differences in context.

Aloe says that idol agencies will throw you away if it suits them, AND THEY DID

Chicken is a literal whore who has had sex for money and fame.

>> No.26209536

I did, but I must be deaf because I didn't hear her say that.

>> No.26209538

links get deleted retard

>> No.26209542

I wont ever forget Botan anon. That said I'm not interested in Craftopia.

>> No.26209543

>doesn't post link
never gonna make it

>> No.26209547
Quoted by: >>26209622

your meds?

>> No.26209552
Quoted by: >>26209662

Does it matter if it's really her. I mean, she really try her best at work here, give her some break anons. Does it remind you the days you have to work at McDonald?

>> No.26209555

Did you even watch Shrek? Did you learn nothing from it?

>> No.26209557

learn to read monkey

>> No.26209560

Would you not sleep with a hot nip guy for 3k?

>> No.26209564

wtf happened here, i left for a few hours

>> No.26209566

Any hopes for what the other three may be like? Both Mori and Kiara were a bit different from how they acted on twitter.

>> No.26209567 [DELETED] 

What's even the difference between them? Nothing. It's like having two hololive threads for no reason.

>> No.26209570

Her mic streaming as Kiara is dogshit.

>> No.26209574

Either way its fine if they dont make the Aloe mistake. If they arent streaming its easy for narratives to get more extreme. If they stream then for most people the actual streamer overwrites past life stuff and they dont care.

>> No.26209578
Quoted by: >>26209622

source - trust me bro

>> No.26209581
File: 780 KB, 848x1007, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26209741


>> No.26209582

yes. it's like you don't browse this site and aren't aware of that n- with a birth disease that looks like a fucking frog got laid and has a bf. Fucking retard lurk this site more

>> No.26209583
Quoted by: >>26209624

There is no proofs, its the 10 schyzos of hlg posting screencaps of some anon a while ago saying "5ch says..."

>> No.26209587


>> No.26209586


>> No.26209593

People are silly if they think the dox will matter. The whole appeal of en vtubers to the JOP fans is that they're less 'clean' and professional than the normal ones, so they aren't going to turn on them just because of some dumb shit they do IRL.

>> No.26209599 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>26210167

How can the other 3 even compete with mori?

>> No.26209600

People Doxxing Kiara for some reason

>> No.26209602 [DELETED] 


>> No.26209605

You guys shit on /hlg/ for being antis but this is pretty much how it started there and I can already see it happening here.

>> No.26209606


>> No.26209609
Quoted by: >>26209726

schizo antis came out of the woodwork lmao

>> No.26209616
Quoted by: >>26209700

5ch doxxed Kiara first.

>> No.26209622 [DELETED] 

How the fuck are you telling me to take my meds? Every link is provided by her herself.


>> No.26209624
Quoted by: >>26209680

Hope so, I also hope the doxxing bs stops.
It's mad to see incels seething because someone had sex with someone else.

>> No.26209625
Quoted by: >>26210114

Yet 5ch doesn't seem to give a single fuck about it. The roles are completely reversed now. Which is what I find ironic here.

>> No.26209626 [DELETED] 

being a nigger lover like mori is far worse than sucking a few japanese micro penises and doing gravure like the chicken

>> No.26209643


>> No.26209644

What the fuck are you sperging about retard?

>> No.26209646 [DELETED] 

japanese rap has no association with jewish nigger pornography because it is not produced by jews
mori is authentic
everyone hates niggers, retard

>> No.26209647 [DELETED] 
File: 13 KB, 480x303, EhuLZJwX0AEX5u9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hololive EN day one
>Everyone on discord is excited
>Everyone on Reddit is excited
>4chan thread is full of doxxniggers and /pol/tards being butthurt because apparently chicken dared to talk shit about their zionist overlord Trump 4 years ago

When did /hlg/ and /hlgg/ became shittier than fucking Reddit? I'm used to the whoreposting but holy fuck when did this become an anti thread trying to pull an Aloe 2.0. on day one?

>> No.26209648

nothing depresses me more than seeing women get plastic surgery

>> No.26209650

Her previous career wasn't just "kind of successful" but genuinely mainstream

>> No.26209654

She's married. No kids, two cats.

>> No.26209655
Quoted by: >>26209743

Why're you people doing this?

>> No.26209661

le upboat :^)

>> No.26209662

They could have picked anyone. There are literally thousands of smaller (ENGLISH SPEAKING) vtubers that could slot into this role. It's insane that they'd pick a literal prostitute.

>> No.26209664 [DELETED] 

Racist opinions like yours aren't popular, anon.

>> No.26209663

She's a liberal so /pol/tards are on a crusade against her. Seems like only yesterday we were making fun of nijifags for canceling Aloe over some autistic reason.

>> No.26209668

She's even planning to do japanese only streams.

>> No.26209670

You need to go back.

>> No.26209673

No. Eat fucking dick bitch I gotta nap cause I gotta see squid, go fucking dig deeper for hours on this shit cause I know you'll just be miserable. eat shit and die. thank you.

>> No.26209675
File: 96 KB, 261x311, 1587101058659.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26209680

literal whoring is not the same thing as sex

>> No.26209681

Genuinely more than someone like Pikamee who is actively trying to do both languages at once.

>> No.26209700

To be fair she is a NND streamer

>> No.26209703

Can you just take the pills already?

>> No.26209705
Quoted by: >>26209792

Have you guys ever considered that 5ch got the wrong girl and we've kicked up such a massive fuss over nothing?

>> No.26209706 [DELETED] 

>prostitutes are bad
Fuck off

>> No.26209717
Quoted by: >>26209781

>/pol/ anti telling others to go back
Good one.

>> No.26209724
Quoted by: >>26209764

Okay guys time to take your meds you /pol/fags too!
Open wide

>> No.26209726
Quoted by: >>26209826

damn, the other thread was supposed to be the anti thread

>> No.26209729
Quoted by: >>26210009

/jp/ has always been anti, but since we basically got invaded by /v/ who are anti autists about literally everything, the anti got worse.

>> No.26209736


>> No.26209741

I like the faces mikochi uses for each holo

>> No.26209743 [DELETED] 

you are getting raped kid

>> No.26209744

Don't bring my smelly wife into this faggot

>> No.26209748

>reaper and chicken predicts were correct
>shark might be correct too
Squid info where? I need to know what to expect

>> No.26209756

I think Bird is going to do fine.

>> No.26209762 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>26209809

Fuck off nigger, go back to your board

>> No.26209764


>> No.26209770

>made me feel like got false advertised
As a fan of JRPGs and Toku I feel this hard.

>> No.26209772

She's the main girl and will do 2 streams

>> No.26209781
Quoted by: >>26209858

>if you don't like self-admitted redditors and discordkeks you're a /pol/ anti
You need to go back.

>> No.26209782

That's a relief. Still holding out hope she's an actual brit.

>> No.26209783 [DELETED] 

>a nigger lover like mori

>> No.26209788

I'm the squid

>> No.26209792

No, because this is what they want. They so want to bring one down, that they are saying it's confirmed despite them sounding completely different.

>> No.26209793
File: 538 KB, 723x1080, Angry Sora.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shut the fuck up about politics, all of you! This isn't the place for that.
In case you hadn't noticed, this is a thread for discussion about HOLOLIVE.
/jp/ - Otaku Culture isn't even the same color as /pol/ - Politically Incorrect!
Are you COLORBLIND? Can you not READ? No matter!
Go home and rethink the decisions you made to bring you here. Morons!

>> No.26209794
File: 63 KB, 1278x1080, 464B821E-9B2E-43BB-9B1C-1AC790283B75.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright im bored of the doxxing.
Gonna go back to watching dbz abridged again until squid stream

>> No.26209797 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>26210009

Ignore /pol/tards

>> No.26209800

I will put aside my expectations and try to enjoy her for you anon

>> No.26209802

Bro this is 4chan, not the 2028 DNC.

>> No.26209809

Go back

>> No.26209812

>shark might be that drunk mess
Did she really quit youtube?

>> No.26209814

>chicken predicts were correct

>> No.26209823

Does 4chan really censor people from talking about Hololive Idols previous lives? I really want to know if Mori is Demon.

>> No.26209826

Not only that, they are sperging over gossip, just like the NND antis they say they hate.

>> No.26209831
Quoted by: >>26209915

Ok... so there is no difference from any English speaking country.
Long live the queen Elizabeth the second.

>> No.26209842 [DELETED] 

the shark needs to hurry up and debut so the doxCHADS can ruin her life too >:)

>> No.26209852

she's a reaper, dumbass

>> No.26209855

Sorry mama.

>> No.26209857

Silence is violence bitch.

>> No.26209858
Quoted by: >>26209919

If you support canceling Kiara then you're probably a /pol/ anti, yes.

>> No.26209865 [DELETED] 

At this point, I'm giving up on caring about their past lives. Mori pretty much supports BLM and ACAB (she follows quite a few pro-ACAB and pro-BLM accounts on twitter, most being pronoun bios). I hate that fact but wtf can I do about it? As long as she doesn't shove it down our throats or openly promote it during a stream then I'm willing to look past that (as much of a cuck move that is)

Chicken is a fucking whore but at the very least I hope that 300k yen was worth it for one time. Did she do it again? Probably, probably not. I'm just hoping all that shit doesn't leak into her streams on a daily basis (aside from her being an attention whore, nothing we can do about that)

I'm just hoping all this shit doesn't become the death knell for HoloEN, I like being able to understand shit and not rely on translations (amd before you fags go on and tell me to become a JTL/JSL to not rely on translations/clips: I'm already in the process of being one)

>> No.26209866 [DELETED] 

>us culture spreads around globe
>people behave like us niggers
who would have thought WOW

>> No.26209867

We have nothing on squid, we have out there theories for the other 2 lolis but squid is a complete unknown. We'll find out during the 6 hour loli marathon in 2 hours, unless they are actually a ghost.
Or you could just enjoy them for what they are and not get obsessed with roommates.

>> No.26209868
File: 1.43 MB, 1920x876, Death stare.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26209938

I don't care about the dumb chicken or whatever but don't bring Mori into this you faggot, go back to your containment thread that is /hlg/

>> No.26209872

Unironically this. But still cringe post.

>> No.26209875

This was always going happen it was inevitable

>> No.26209877

Yup. Got banned for it. Now even other names are considered spam. Mods are retarded. Even the girls wanted people to find out who they really are.

>> No.26209880

Her being the worst

>> No.26209882

shark doesnt care she doxxed herself. Shes too powerful.

>> No.26209884
Quoted by: >>26209946

>throwing info in the net for free instead of keeping it to yourself and blackmail chuubas as if it were a corruption doujin

>> No.26209886

I'm actually pretty excited to see mori's content in the future, she has a huge repertoir of talents and a track maker stream would be fucking awesome
Great hire from cover

>> No.26209887

One hour people I hope she won't be doxxed right away

>> No.26209889 [DELETED] 


>> No.26209895


>reaper and chicken predicts were correct
Reaper was found because Being able to rap in both Japanese and english is a very narrow skillset.

Chicken was only found during her stream so I dont think it counts.

Shark's link to possible roommate is extremely tenous based on the memes they used.

I don't know where they got the basis for Watson's roommate

No one has anything at all on squid.

>> No.26209898
Quoted by: >>26210592

People were talking about how she knew German before her debut stream

>> No.26209901
Quoted by: >>26210041

Watch Mori's debut you lazy anon. The answer will become incredibly clear.

>> No.26209903

>/vpol/ ruins everything they touch
Who would've thought

>> No.26209906

yes you newfag, fuck off

>> No.26209913

Maybe, but I tuned in 4 different times and she was speaking japanese all the time so I had no way to know this.

>> No.26209915 [DELETED] 

Austria and German border each other. Just pack them as one country ffs. They have same language and culture anyway.

>> No.26209916

>she links to the same article that calls her a prostitute
Not sure if you are retarded or you are baiting

>> No.26209918

the main issue is that chicken was trying to appeal to idolfags, mori could have fucked a hundred dudes and I doubt anyone here would care because she's not trying to act 'seiso', regardless I do hope that things cool down, since hopefully Kiara will be somewhat entertaining if given some time to get comfortable.

>> No.26209919

I'd rather be an anti than a cuck like you.

>> No.26209925

Mori's favorite series, circa 2014:

>Log Horizon
>Fire Emblem
>Space Dandy
>Kill la Kill
>Gurren Lagann
>Harvest Moon
>Persona 3/4
>Disgaea 3/4
>World of Darkness

>> No.26209927

how can you ruin her life more than vodka already has

>> No.26209931

Antis trying to dox but at the end of the month everyone here is sucking hololive's cock.

>> No.26209932

And why does it matter? Her private life has nothing to do with being VTuber. English Speaking is simply not enough, hate it or not she has experience in real idol works.

>> No.26209934
Quoted by: >>26210749

>. I hate that fact but wtf can I do about it?
why does it make you so mad they support amovement 2/3 of americans support? learn russian or japanese and leave the anglo sphere if the most basic anglo shit gives you an aneurysm

>> No.26209938

Anon we're both containment threads now

>> No.26209942

>/pol/cucks trying to cancel kiara by calling her a whore to hide their real reason which is because she's left-leaning
Isn't this literally identical to nijicucks canceling Aloe because she shat on nijis but they didn't want to make that their public reason because even they know it's pathetic. Guess we can't say it's only JP antis who are massive autists.

>> No.26209946

Sorry anon. I'm a truthfag. Reach out for the truth as only the truth can set you free.

>> No.26209951

imagine her raspy man voice in your ear

>> No.26209953
Quoted by: >>26210076

I think it's overreaction anon, the first one doesnt mean anything when she hasn't even referred to it openly, and the second one is based on "5ch says..." , don't worry about roommates and enjoy them.

>> No.26209956


>> No.26209964

Nope. Fuck off gacha whore.

>> No.26209971
File: 1.72 MB, 1920x1080, Mama.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Space Dandy
yup, this senile old woman is "swag"

>> No.26209973

your newfag is showing

>> No.26209976
Quoted by: >>26210019

I don't give any of them money, meanwhile you seethe for free. Go have a cry about how women hate you back over at /pol/.

>> No.26209980
Quoted by: >>26210019

Not that anon but I wanted to say you are a faggot

>> No.26209981

Sir, your pills

>> No.26209983

HoloEN actually managed to kill /hlg/. Impressive.

>> No.26209990

Is there an opera holo? I want Mori to cover Libera me from Hell

>> No.26209991

>uneducated people
germans and austrians are the same
germans and austrians are different
>educated people
germans and austrians are the same

>> No.26209994

Anonchama! Your meds were supposed to go in your mouth! Not in your anus!

>> No.26209993

the audio for the mic she used in her debut was painfully flat dude.

>> No.26210004
File: 163 KB, 1000x1386, britishaccentbeauty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's go back to talking about Amelia's fluffy hair and her British accent!

>> No.26210009
Quoted by: >>26210087

>Waaaah when my board turns to shit it's always some other boards fault
Fuck off, jp was always a shithole it just gets more noticeable with more people around

>> No.26210011

links get deleted retard

>> No.26210015
File: 468 KB, 1961x1634, 1599425656625.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26210478

jesus christ /jp/ really is fucking petty i'd rather soijaks and retards over schizos with autism

>> No.26210019 [DELETED] 

yeah yeah, keep coping cucks

>> No.26210025
Quoted by: >>26210119

>Log Horizon
>Space Dandy
>Gurren Lagann
>Persona 3/4
Pretty fucking based. Especially because of Log Horizon. She might have also been in the choose your class threads. Pretty based.

>> No.26210038 [DELETED] 

>(she follows quite a few pro-ACAB and pro-BLM accounts on twitter, most being pronoun bios)
That means literally nothing you fucking faggot, a lot of popular people have those things in their profiles and not following them because you disagree with their political opinions is retarded

fuck off, leave Mori alone and go back to /hlg/

>> No.26210041

Haven’t had the time, but I did catch the rap and it really does sound like it. People keep mentioning sen too for someone else. However, is that speculation?

>> No.26210042
Quoted by: >>26210103

>Watson is more based than Mori


>> No.26210044
File: 158 KB, 250x281, elpollo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will kill all incels
I'm untouchable
Aloe was sacrificed in my name

>> No.26210045

She's not going to have one

>> No.26210046

Do you think Amelia is the doxxer because shes larping as a detective?

>> No.26210047
Quoted by: >>26210085


Liberal me from hell cover FUCKING WHEN?

>> No.26210050

>300k yen was worth it for one time
wait, she was a literal whore?

>> No.26210058

Oi bruv I can't wait for 'er debut on youchube innit

>> No.26210067

All my argentinian pesos on squid being good at Opera

>> No.26210071
Quoted by: >>26210124

Actually I'm gonna report it all just because exist an almost 0 chance but not totally 0, of some of the thread schyzos getting in trouble. I hate schyzos

>> No.26210076

I don't know man, see >>26207537
this is kind of dangerous though, we should nuke this thread. It's in the past anyway. I really don't want her to get canceled over this

>> No.26210077 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>26210135

The only one coping here is you. All the ENs will be liberals, and you'll keep shitting your diapers because that's just 5 more women who think you're an incel loser lmao.

>> No.26210078

Are they in japan?

>> No.26210080

Difference antis from here are usually one or two people who will be ignored completely outside hlg

>> No.26210081
Quoted by: >>26210146

>she's left-leaning
literally one comes from the other

>> No.26210085

Just call back opera anon to help.

>> No.26210087

Who are you quoting?

>> No.26210101


>> No.26210104 [DELETED] 

Fuck off, /pol/tard. It's normal for sane people to support that shit. Not everyone is drenched in anti-left propaganda like you.

>> No.26210105
Quoted by: >>26210165

If she streams Vampire: The Masquerade I will impale myself on her scythe willingly.

>> No.26210106

im sitting in the debut screen and this was recommended to me

>> No.26210103

A pet can't be more powerful than It's owner...

>> No.26210107
Quoted by: >>26210188

Worse, it's straight up SJW tactics that they supposedly hate. For all the talk about freedom of speech /pol/fags, just like their opponents, really just want their own little circlejerk.

>> No.26210109
File: 73 KB, 869x869, bse3e0ibpqh51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26210113

austrians are habsburg germans
germans are hohenzollern germans

>> No.26210114

all of the doxxfagging on here is people that aren't willing to give Kiara a change to develop coming up with narratives

>> No.26210118
Quoted by: >>26210416

That's just because of the shark's thumbnail and general shitpost aura. It's not impossible but its a pretty big shot in the dark, I'll be impressed if we got it right.

>> No.26210119
Quoted by: >>26210142

>mori was one of the translators from when the author showed up on /a/

>> No.26210121

To be honest, Calliope really did fuck up the industry for the better good. Those who want to get in better do their FL Studio reps from now on.

>> No.26210124

Based snitch. Me too

>> No.26210126

There is one in Nijisanji

>> No.26210127 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>26210749

>feels like a cuck for allowing people to have different political views

>> No.26210135 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>26210179

Sure, sure, my cuck friend.

>> No.26210138 [DELETED] 

Coping about what schyzo? your narrative evolved so much and has soe many mental gymnastics that I got lost

>> No.26210142

hory sheet

>> No.26210145

>>prostitutes are bad
>fuck off
don't mind if I do

>> No.26210146

It's pretty funny how /pol/ is just /r9k/ with a topic these days.

>> No.26210147

Oh boy I can't wait for her to solve the mystery of the bloke who called a cabby and and had a cabinet show up at his doorstep.

>> No.26210152 [DELETED] 

normal to support blm? its a racist hate organisation and terrorist group.
Fucking kys commie.

>> No.26210163
Quoted by: >>26210227

>Where's my ahnold hololive

>> No.26210165
Quoted by: >>26210287

What clan do you think she'd get?

>> No.26210167

They'll be fine. Mori's schtick was really heavily scripted. They even emphasized 'gap' on her promotional stuff. She just sold it well because she has talent. Chicken's was weaker because she didn't follow her script, which is probably indicative of her own talent but time will tell.

If the others have solid gimmicks and pull them off well they could easily follow Mori's act. We'll just have to see.

>> No.26210178

>your favorite holo
>your mental illness

>> No.26210179 [DELETED] 

Cope and stay seething, incel.

>> No.26210185
File: 28 KB, 128x116, 732533210327810058.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/jp/ is such a wonderful place.

>> No.26210188

>Worse, it's straight up SJW tactics that they supposedly hate.

Why not give them a taste of their own medicine? How else do you fight it?

>> No.26210190

>wont be able to tell them to Come to Brazil

>> No.26210191


>> No.26210199

May god hear you.

>> No.26210201

I believe i am invincible.

>> No.26210202
File: 56 KB, 986x781, 1599798389421.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26210277

antis head back to /hlg/, all of the 'doxxing' with chicken is obviously just people that dislike her coming up with narratives. I don't like her either but I'm at least giving her a chance outside of her literal first stream guys.

>> No.26210206

I like shark and even if she does turn out to be drunk gremlin at least she cant be doxed

>> No.26210222 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>26210268

>its a racist hate organisation and terrorist group
Back to /pol/ and talk about conspiracy theories over there.

>> No.26210224 [DELETED] 

being insecure to the point where you link supporting BLM to sucking black dicks, and even feel bad knowing that a woman you've never been and never will be in a relationship with had sex with someone else.

>> No.26210227
Quoted by: >>26212309


>> No.26210228

None, I don't post here.

>> No.26210233

Because then you're admitting the only issue you have with SJWs is literally just their political stance, not their methods or anything else. If /pol/cels had any balls there'd be an alt-right version of antifa as well.

>> No.26210235 [DELETED] 

Yes. Most people recognize that black people obviously have harder lives and the point of "BLM" is specifically calling out that in most cases their lives are not being treated as significant.

Only sister fucker tobacco chewing subhumans would misunderstand that.

>> No.26210242


>> No.26210246

So this is just burguer general right? fucking waste of space

>> No.26210247
File: 255 KB, 515x474, 1599701864249.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God I hate /pol/ so fucking much, they have ruined practically every board on this fucking site

>> No.26210251


>> No.26210252

/pol/ and /hlg/ are waiting.

>> No.26210260 [DELETED] 

I didn't know that we're literally twitter at this point.

>> No.26210262 [DELETED] 
File: 52 KB, 994x434, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the chance that a person under 30 supports BLM is extremely high schyzo

>> No.26210268 [DELETED] 

keep pushing you little shit and ill report you to the feds.

>> No.26210277

I mean why are people surprised anyway? She's white, a woman, speaks english and also an attention whore. Those are all red flags.

>> No.26210280
Quoted by: >>26210473

you'll never win if you can't go beyond this subhuman mindset

>> No.26210282

Aloe quit by herself, moron. Doxxing /pol/ anti can't even get his narratives straight.

>> No.26210283 [DELETED] 

>5ch goes autistic about anything that is remotely unpure, gets called unicorn and idolfags on 4chan
>4chan goes full autistic about their political views on day one

This is a whole new level of doxxfaggotery autism.

Most americunts support BLM anyway, it was almost certain that HoloEN would support it too. Did you really expect them to be /pol/lacks and post racewar burn the kikes on Twitter? Like holy fuck, if you're bothered by the political views of the entertainer you watch you end up literally watching nothing because most people have retarded political views, and that includes entertainers.

As long as she never open her mouth about any political matter why would you even care about her political views?

I didn't expect much from amerifats, but holy fuck I'm still surprised at how autistic they are.

>> No.26210285 [DELETED] 
File: 114 KB, 1280x601, 7DD636F2-A305-40D3-BF83-693F846ED061.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright I don't care about drama but seeing people just not bother looking for shit is annoying so I'll spoonfeed you all

http://nico-soku.liblo.jp/archives/9301839.html This is the article calling her a whore. At the bottom of the article it gives a bunch of links to her social media. On her Twitter she links the article.

>> No.26210287
Quoted by: >>26210343

If she actually played it before then malkavian would be the best one, at least her JOPs would understand as much of what is happening as anyone else.

>> No.26210295 [DELETED] 
File: 295 KB, 1528x1825, 4bff8718b10647f655b6acbe6b255a6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26210308

Ahem. Kill all niggers

>> No.26210296

She said she would be doing less Japanese in future streams

>> No.26210298

Bros, my narrative is: indies are mad at chicken because they couldn't get in.

>> No.26210300

>lurking /jp/

>> No.26210302
File: 486 KB, 620x569, MORI MORI MORI.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ignore /hlg/ shitposters and talk about the holos, what do you want them to play? I hope Mori plays FAITH

>> No.26210303 [DELETED] 

Support for blm has reduced recently but they still have 52% support nationally in the US , it's pretty normalfag behavior to support blm

>> No.26210308

Based Towachad

>> No.26210318 [DELETED] 


>> No.26210321
Quoted by: >>26210502


>> No.26210322 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>26210378

We're trying to talk about cute anime girls and have to beat back the animals creeping out of the darkness.

>> No.26210325 [DELETED] 

black people dont have harder lives fuck off.
Stop spammimg your stupid racism in the holo thread.

>> No.26210326


>> No.26210327 [DELETED] 
File: 350 KB, 492x509, 1598836788351.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26210553

>wah commie commie commie
Take your fucking med schizo

>> No.26210328

Last post to finalize your verdict on Mori and Kiara

>> No.26210338 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>26210396


>> No.26210343
Quoted by: >>26210516

I think she'd do the personality test and act like it's her first time. No way she isn't one of the people who doesn't install it when it's brought up

>> No.26210349 [DELETED] 

>Most americunts support BLM anyway

You sure about that? Last polls showed majority support for police/military action ending the riots.

>> No.26210352

Not sure if I'll be following EN, but I can't deny Mori is really talented. Shes putting in work and will probably attract whales that will simp to her every stream. She also has good taste in anime and games, so thats another plus.

>> No.26210353 [DELETED] 

nice, you did good for once

>> No.26210360

Hope she plays 3H

>> No.26210361

homosharts are snakes they denied the existence of their discord until the day it was deleted and then they were here typing paragraphs defending it saying only a few members were gender fluid
im in the new discord right now by the way and theyre talking about raiding us

>> No.26210369

I hope she plays r18 rpgmaker streams for members only

>> No.26210371
File: 61 KB, 338x557, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26210713

is she browsing the chon?

>> No.26210373 [DELETED] 

And who is this supposed to be?

>> No.26210376

Crippling anxiety

>> No.26210378 [DELETED] 

>cute anime girls
You have the whole /a/ to do that. We're talking about western streamers with anime avatars.

>> No.26210381 [DELETED] 

93% of blm protests were peaceful. Cope more.

>> No.26210385
File: 217 KB, 476x531, 1599917935082.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26210386

>if the people i dislike on the internet are shitcocks i should therefore be the shittiest cock around
you radioactive dipshits ruin everything you brush against

>> No.26210388 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>26210431

I don't care about chicken spoonfeed me Mori roommate info

>> No.26210393

>attention whore
This is redundant if you know how women are.

>> No.26210395
File: 1006 KB, 874x1248, Mikoti....png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26210719


>> No.26210396 [DELETED] 
File: 15 KB, 983x104, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26210444

here are the numbers for germany, use google translate schyzo i'm making you work

>> No.26210398
Quoted by: >>26210777

Atelier. The chicken already said that she likes it and said that she won't play games like other Vtubers, but then immediately says that she'll be playing Fall Guys later made me kinda upset not gonna lie.

>> No.26210400 [DELETED] 

Get mad and reply

>> No.26210405

People get bullied into supporting it.

>> No.26210408

Who's going to be the leader of HoloEN? Amelia?

>> No.26210413

Simp for Okayu instead of wasting time saying shit.

>> No.26210414 [DELETED] 

Faggot mods stop being biased and ban the fucking black supremacists.

>> No.26210416

I really like sen and shark was who I was most looking forward to so I’ll be happy if it is.

>> No.26210418 [DELETED] 


>> No.26210417
File: 156 KB, 258x376, 1596119809546.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was told this thread is comfy.. Please stop bickering. Onegai.

>> No.26210426

I just think that people should give her a month or so, she was clearly trying way too hard to appeal to seeming 'seiso' and such. Give her some time and see if she gets interesting, if she doesn't stop watching her; I don't know why people can't stop at that.

>> No.26210430

well both threads have gone to shit, time to take a short nap, see you guys for the azur lane stuff and then ina'nis' debut

>> No.26210431 [DELETED] 

Mori is better in literally every way don't worry she's /ourgirl/

>> No.26210432 [DELETED] 

What race is she?

>> No.26210434

Anon earlier said she likes WoD, I would like her to play VTMB unless she already finished the game with all the clans. A Malkavian playthrough would be pretty interesting.

>> No.26210435


>> No.26210437
Quoted by: >>26210861

Chicken is way more appealing than "teehee" Mori

>> No.26210439 [DELETED] 

this dude needs the "choo choo" spoon

>> No.26210438

Mori lisa onegai...

>> No.26210441 [DELETED] 

You have to go back.

>> No.26210442 [DELETED] 

This has to be bait.

>> No.26210444 [DELETED] 

>supporting an american political movement

>> No.26210450

too late
EOPs will believe this fabrication like they believed the ayame enjo kosai narrative

>> No.26210458 [DELETED] 


>> No.26210460

stop trying to ruin my life... NOW

>> No.26210459 [DELETED] 

hlg was lost to the real world months ago

>> No.26210469
Quoted by: >>26210597

I'm hoping that Mori plays LISA or maybe OFF (although that one's a major longshot) since she voiced interest in rpg maker.

>> No.26210473

Then how does one win? How does one end this, if you're so enlightened?

>> No.26210477

Not surprised, never trust antis.

>> No.26210478
Quoted by: >>26211709

Learn English first

>> No.26210479
Quoted by: >>26210559

You wouldn't be a streamer if you weren't an attention whore, retard. Your oshi loves attention too, though I wonder if you even have one or if you're just here because /pol/ sent you to cancel an evil liberal woman.

>> No.26210481

It kinda of disappointed me to hear she's a fromsoft fan. I actually enjoy watching idiots bumble their way through first playthroughs of those games but if she's already done them before then it loses all of its charm.

>> No.26210483 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>26210571

That's because it's taught in schools (late high school and university, high school is a fairly new development) that being white is actually sinful. I couldn't believe it but it really dug in why things are so controversial now when racial tensions are being pushed this hard.

>> No.26210482 [DELETED] 

>black people dont have harder lives

>be black
>gets killed

>> No.26210484 [DELETED] 

Beef and Chikin

>> No.26210488
Quoted by: >>26210557

The later ones are in the USA? Does that mean more streaming selection regardless of being apart of Hololive?

>> No.26210495 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>26210623

Why is 5ch like this?

>> No.26210500

Getting into petty internet fights because some vtuber, who might not even be their actress seeing as this all comes from 5ch, has differing views on politics and is a slut isn't "fighting" anything especially when you're the one going out of your to find details about their private life.

>> No.26210502
Quoted by: >>26210589

seriously did someone on /pol/ advertise this thread or something???

>> No.26210504

Please, please fuck off /pol/

>> No.26210511

I am worried that octopus-chan will actually be the worst personality-wise, along with the voice.

>> No.26210516
Quoted by: >>26210574

Would be fun if she pretends she never played it but at the same times she min-maxes and does stuff only veterans would know. Truly a boomer pretending to be a "zoomer".

>> No.26210522 [DELETED] 
File: 3.54 MB, 2334x4031, 8d9928a1addd07d8b32cb955a646ace.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Robbing trainers is such a hard life

>> No.26210526 [DELETED] 

>most americans support BLM anyway
Only nonhumans that inhabit cities.

>> No.26210529

Mori doing Chalice Dungeons with Deadbeats!

>> No.26210528 [DELETED] 

Release sample size

>> No.26210533 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>26210568

you must be lost this is /jp/ not worldstar hiphop.

>> No.26210534 [DELETED] 

>be black
>get job for free with no qualifications

>> No.26210536 [DELETED] 

save all that shit for /pol/

>> No.26210549
File: 25 KB, 194x194, 1588067196924.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26210611

Find me a post that is about Chicken being a prostitute.
If you're new: hololive有ファンスレ is the real fan thread and the hololive thread that's not called that is the "anti" thread.
If you can't find anything then please take your medication.

>> No.26210553 [DELETED] 

ignore the politics posting, I'd say to report it too but I don't know if it's far enough off topic to warrant being reported.

>> No.26210555
Quoted by: >>26210721

Doesn't make it wrong you retard.

>> No.26210557

Artia said she can't even play Dark Souls on Twitch unless she turns off Streamlabs, so I'm thinking no

>> No.26210559
Quoted by: >>26210767

Attention whore is not an entertainer retard. They don't do anything to get even 1 second more of attention. And my oshi is Haacahama known previously as Haato. Fuck off retard.

>> No.26210562
File: 766 KB, 900x561, 1599898940250.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>debuts in less than 2 hours
>nobody talking about her

>> No.26210565

Less than 2 hours until squid... onegai.

>> No.26210568 [DELETED] 

I laughed harder than I should have

>> No.26210567 [DELETED] 

By appealing to the normal people sitting on the fence, instead of being so retarded that you make them choose the opposite side just to not associate with you. Ironically, this is why Trump won the election, but you're too retarded to realize you're doing this against your own side here and probably across all of 4chan. I would think this isn't the first time you've ever seen someone tell you or anyone else to fuck off back to /pol/.

>> No.26210571 [DELETED] 

Nope. Most people would just rather be good than bad. It's a layup.

>> No.26210572 [DELETED] 

>come to /jp/
>go to the holo thread
>full of faggot probably brazilian commies crying about blacks
Mods do your fucking jobs.

>> No.26210574

Only the nerds who know would realize it and if she gets called out she can say she just got advice from chat, or is a natural killer. It'll be the best

>> No.26210581

I bet Ina'nis browses /jp/.

>> No.26210582

Say it with me /hlgg/

>> No.26210585
Quoted by: >>26210638

Mori was based

Kiara was trying too hard to cater to JOPs and idolfags but I'm hoping that she gets a bit more comfortable/open with time.

>> No.26210589
Quoted by: >>26211023

It's actually disgusting I don't give a fuck about if I agree or not with politics this group of faggots are talking about, I'm here for the chuubas, where the fuck is the meido?

>> No.26210592
Quoted by: >>26210962

That's because she used a German onomatopoeia in a tweet.

>> No.26210596

Im still in the Mori high.

>> No.26210597

Give OneShot too

>> No.26210598

Debut and major events are this board's version of election season in /pol/.

>> No.26210611

Just because the antis are antis doesn't mean they're wrong

>> No.26210615

Non-retards are just waiting silently.

>> No.26210622 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>26210666

You need to go back

>> No.26210623 [DELETED] 

that ain't 5ch buddy
5ch isn't even talking about the chicken
Only schizos here and going chimp mode for retarded shit

>> No.26210624


>> No.26210629


>> No.26210631

Having a clean background isn't hard so it's a fair expectation.

>> No.26210635 [DELETED] 

They’re too busy removing posts discussing these idols past lives to deal with /pol/ shit.

>> No.26210636

I'm still looping Mori's rap while waiting for the stream

>> No.26210638

Anon-chan u seem biased. Kiara seemed more geniune than Mori-chan and really seems to be a deserved holo.

>> No.26210642

literal Autism, also bipolar

>> No.26210648
Quoted by: >>26210699

why do you hate sjws so much?
Is it really because of their political views, or something worse?

>> No.26210649
Quoted by: >>26210808

To me that fucking teehee rapidly evolved from cringe to sad to an ironic joke in the span of a single stream. Based smell reaper.

>> No.26210650 [DELETED] 
File: 840 KB, 468x259, 1523672953665.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't wait until Mori tells everyone to vote for biden

>> No.26210651 [DELETED] 

You guys realize it's possible to not like BLM but also not give a shit that some random girl supports them in her private life?

>> No.26210659
File: 208 KB, 1920x1080, 1599914452164.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine Mori pushing your face into her armpits and mocking by saying "teehee"

>> No.26210666 [DELETED] 

>i canz rant about politdicka as long as it minez?
>>>/pol/ no you can't fuck off.

>> No.26210667
Quoted by: >>26211231

mori has 100% been blacked so shes super ultra mega based

>> No.26210669

when did I say that? I'm specifically asking you to go to the anti thread to confirm if they're even talking about they aren't

>> No.26210673 [DELETED] 

When was this poll? BLM approval numbers plummeted as even midwits became aware of the extent that the "peaceful protests" are never-ending nigger murder riots.

>> No.26210683 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>26211091

>instantly loses 70% of her subs

>> No.26210688

exactly, the antis are just looking for excuses to hate her and no one is looking into the fact that it's all obviously fabricated

>> No.26210696

Why the fuck are debuts on the same day?

>> No.26210699

Because they villified me when I just wanted to play vidya and I'm sick of their twisted views reigning everywhere?

>> No.26210702

mocking you*
im drjnk

>> No.26210703

We all just waiting for supposed Final Boss.
The retards probably die down. They'll go back to the anti thread.

>> No.26210708 [DELETED] 

take your meds

>> No.26210709


>> No.26210713

Our girl is seething a bunch of sluts is stealing her western men.

>> No.26210714 [DELETED] 

If any of them bring up political shit they are dropped so fucking fast, girls should do their job

>> No.26210719

>the ENs have revived Miko

>> No.26210720
Quoted by: >>26211191

don't try anon, this thread is full of schyzos, any normal person can see that Kiara was a Hololive fan and she was hyped to join the group, but you can't expect empathy from here.

>> No.26210721

>a narrative posted on a literal blog is true because I want it to be
cringe and yikespilled

>> No.26210727

>Because they villified me when I just wanted to play vidya and I'm sick of their twisted views reigning everywhere?
lmfaoooooooooooooooooooooooooooo guess you had a heated gamer moment

>> No.26210730 [DELETED] 
File: 106 KB, 1077x807, B6_edaICUAEWLNU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This isn't about politics, it's about the girl who voices Kiara being a slut. She has been whoring herself on niconama for years, had several failed tries at being an idol and now sells gravure shots on Patreon. Also she has a large following, how can you expect people to not find out?

>> No.26210735

Ah yes because doxxing a vtuber will really help the right win the culture war

>> No.26210737

maximize exposure.

>> No.26210742
File: 260 KB, 1150x1995, 1599801263878.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now that Mori has debuted and the dust has settled which of the remaining 3 are you most hyped for /hlgg/?

>> No.26210747 [DELETED] 

This, it's what I'm doing.

>> No.26210749 [DELETED] 

I already live outside of the anglosphere don't worry. Doesn't help when that's all I see wherever I go on the net.

Don't worry, I know it means nothing. That's the only part of her I hate.

>It's normal for people to support their own beliefs

I don't even visit /pol/ but okay

Stupid, I know

>Did you really expect them to be /pol/lacks and post racewar burn the kikes on Twitter?
No, but I really didn't expect them to be public about it either. It's a retarded take I know.

>> No.26210757

I'm betting that she lurks these threads.

>> No.26210758

Ah gamers, truly the most oppressed group of all.

>> No.26210759 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>26210823

george floyd swallowed all his drugs and OD'd

he literally did it before when getting arrested and they had to pump his stomach

>> No.26210760 [DELETED] 

That's the least of the problems we have here. America never fails to come up with policies that fucks us up all the time and they have systematically fucked up our community. The funny thing is now they blame us without acknowledging the accumulative effect of all the dumb laws and policies that affected us.

>> No.26210764 [DELETED] 

I must coom

>> No.26210767

>not an attentionwhore
lmao good one, I'm sure she made those retarded ass meme clips as a meaningful social commentary instead of for attention

>> No.26210768

Stop responding to bait and talk about Mori.

>> No.26210772 [DELETED] 

Okay? I don't give a fuck. Noel, Coco, and Mel do it. I just think it's cringe that she's such a japanese idol wannabe.

>> No.26210774

Kiara was going hard pandering to JOP. This is fucking HoloEN. Stupid fucking bitch.

>> No.26210777

I think she's just trying to appeal to a broad audience based off of how watered down she was behaving in her debut, give her like a month and she'll probably start playing stuff she actually wants to consistently.

>> No.26210779 [DELETED] 
File: 46 KB, 281x340, 1598409353069.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who cares? How is it relevant to a 2d character playing games?

>> No.26210780 [DELETED] 

Noel does the same so it wouldn't matter, the actual prostitution is the only real dealbreaker.

>> No.26210786 [DELETED] 

Reminds me of Miss Alice to be honest.

>> No.26210789
Quoted by: >>26211312

gura as long as she is not that one alcoholic

>> No.26210788 [DELETED] 

>that lumpy ass
Oh this poor thing. Genetics were not kind to her.

>> No.26210791 [DELETED] 

So like 1/3 of the rest of the Hololive vtubers? What's the big deal?

>> No.26210793 [DELETED] 
File: 378 KB, 762x433, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Noel is better. Moving on, Korone tail

>> No.26210795
Quoted by: >>26210919

Nobody knows anything about her.

>> No.26210798
File: 258 KB, 1358x1398, rushia9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>rushia, but probably squid soon
>actual autism

>> No.26210799 [DELETED] 

>Noel, Mel, Coco
Yeah let's just ignore them... but orange chicken bad.

>> No.26210802

>the /vpol/ memes were true

>> No.26210805 [DELETED] 

What a whore

>> No.26210808

Did you people not get the fact that she was acting a character, and that character acts cute and innocent to slay weebs? Thats literally what the rap was about.

Some times I am afraid you guys are actually mindbroken

>> No.26210812 [DELETED] 

>last picture
Does she do what I think she does too?

>> No.26210813

Shark because I fucking hope she's senz*wa, I love that autistic girl.
Otherwise Amelia, because I love her shitposting.

>> No.26210815 [DELETED] 

Cushion for

>> No.26210820 [DELETED] 

if we actually get a hololive project melody that would be smooth

>> No.26210819 [DELETED] 

for some reason a bunch of /pol/tards appeared out of nowhere, just wait for the next debut stream and things will lighten up.

>> No.26210823 [DELETED] 


>> No.26210824 [DELETED] 

You know she might be a different person right?

>> No.26210827 [DELETED] 

is that Bailey Jay?

>> No.26210829 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>26210885

Is she a hapa? Holy fuck imagine the mental illness

>> No.26210830 [DELETED] 

blm is a nigger kike genocidal corporate blood war against the White Race.
You realize it's possible to not like white supremacy but also not give a shit that some random guy supports national socialism in his private life?

>> No.26210833 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>26210933

Not any worse than Noel. Fuck off.

>> No.26210835 [DELETED] 

Please be true, I've got all my life savings on this feathered dweeb

>> No.26210836 [DELETED] 

She looks like my classmate in the past what the fuck

>> No.26210841 [DELETED] 

How new?

>> No.26210842 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>26211312

Gura as long as she is that one alcoholic

>> No.26210846 [DELETED] 
File: 138 KB, 500x500, 1596319420819.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26210848 [DELETED] 
File: 83 KB, 300x300, 1599240403720.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But you people said this is a comfy thread and the other one is the dox thread. What's the point of Hololive Global? I don't get it.

>> No.26210850 [DELETED] 


>> No.26210855 [DELETED] 

Noel is worse lol

>> No.26210861 [DELETED] 

I see you didn't watch the entirety of Mori's debut

>> No.26210862 [DELETED] 

I don't see you trying to cancel Noel. It's almost as if you're a /pol/drumpfy trying to cancel her over politics and just pretending to be sperging about muh sluts because you want the idolfags on your side. Neck yourself incel.

>> No.26210865 [DELETED] 

This shit is relevant, fuck off. Only the actual prostitution is a big deal, and even then it isn't THAT much of a big deal. You people are such losers, jesus christ

>> No.26210873 [DELETED] 


>> No.26210878 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>26210974

Defamation lawsuit in japan doesn't care about truth. It's about muh honor.

>> No.26210879 [DELETED] 

Meido do your fucking job please.

>> No.26210883 [DELETED] 

nice a new pic to add to my drawing reference, I still don't give about whatever you're saying though.

>> No.26210885 [DELETED] 

She's full yuropoor.

>> No.26210889 [DELETED] 
File: 764 KB, 798x1397, Screenshot_2020-09-13 ライブ - VNUMA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No Holo EN stream at night?

>> No.26210898 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>26210995

Trap chuubas when?

>> No.26210905 [DELETED] 


>> No.26210907 [DELETED] 

>blm is a nigger kike genocidal corporate blood war against the White Race
>literal /pol/ schizos post here

>> No.26210910 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>26211117

It was comfy until Californians woke up.

>> No.26210911 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>26211033

How come Nene gets off and Cock gets accused of compensated dating if they're both idols?

>> No.26210919 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>26210981

>Nobody knows anything about her.
She's an artist.

>> No.26210926 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>26211117

It used to be that way but not anymore unfortunately. Doxtards migrated, now both threads are shit.

>> No.26210931 [DELETED] 

Latest stream is Watson which is in 5 hours. Nothing after that.

>> No.26210933 [DELETED] 

Yeah but Noel is pure japanese waifu kawai uguu!!! This one is disgusting austrian white weeaboo. VERY BAD!!

>> No.26210941 [DELETED] 
File: 242 KB, 502x538, 1591387484248.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is nice thread please leave if you're not nice

>> No.26210946 [DELETED] 

Noeru is a slut then

>> No.26210948 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>26210967

Everyone was curious about Mori-dox and the gap between her and chicken was only an hour.
Be patient.
Pre-type a bunch of "AAAAAAAAA I'M GOING INSANE NIGGERMAN HELP ME" variants for quick posting later.

>> No.26210949 [DELETED] 
File: 826 KB, 2646x3742, ca1dcb3751b2c0742a775c042b954d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wearing makeup to make herself look more japanese

>> No.26210951 [DELETED] 

the antis took over for a bit since some guy was making narritives about chicken, they'll probably go back to /hlg/ and wherever else they came from when her debut is closer.

>> No.26210962 [DELETED] 
File: 24 KB, 522x208, zgOPTPpncN.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A bit more than just an onomatopoeia.

>> No.26210967 [DELETED] 

I hope to be the first Niggerman poster

>> No.26210971 [DELETED] 

>Haha western bad nippon good shit
Get a life anon

>> No.26210974 [DELETED] 

defamation lawsuit doesn't have ground in a 3rd world country
they don't give a shit about piracy
you think they will care about this?

>> No.26210977 [DELETED] 
File: 122 KB, 750x651, 5002D0CA-873F-4FB0-AD1F-8F124ED3F06F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine a young wannabe idol with no self esteem trying to make it big in Japan's entertainment industry and selling her body to make ends meet in the meantime. That's chicken.

>> No.26210980 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>26211006

Indeed. Obliterate her.

>> No.26210981 [DELETED] 
File: 601 KB, 1500x500, 1530994545986.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26211074

Is she?

>> No.26210983 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>26211034

>be black
>get into uni with less effort
>get jobs with less effort
>can cry racism to get coworkers fired on most job environments
>still cries being black is hard
fuck off, and I'm not even white
consider suicide

>> No.26210986 [DELETED] 

Oh fuck she does look like Bailey

>> No.26210988 [DELETED] 

report it and it should get removed.

>> No.26210995 [DELETED] 

ima just leave this here

>> No.26210998 [DELETED] 

Jesus Christ man just stop

>> No.26211001 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>26211478

Well, we started of okay. Now, we're a dumpster fire.

>> No.26211002 [DELETED] 
File: 314 KB, 498x498, 1578526096251.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just keep global on global and JP on JP

>> No.26211006 [DELETED] 


>> No.26211007 [DELETED] 

Noel literally posts lingerie shots of her on her side account. Yet nobody gives a fuck about it.

In the end the people saying that Aloe's case would change Hololive because now antis know they can just try to push extra hard by digging up any shit about the roommates to get them to quit were right.

>> No.26211009 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>26211112

But I hate Noel too anon. As well as Rushia. And Miko. And Flare. Not to mention Matsuri. Don't forget Marine. Almost forgot the worse of them all Aloe and her sensei Towa.

>> No.26211016 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>26211139

In any case, as much as I do hate some parts of their private lives and some parts of their history, I do hope they're successful in their career as VTubers.

>> No.26211020 [DELETED] 
File: 14 KB, 579x536, 1cc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sign Up to become a "Virtual Idol"
>A career which is full of autism
>Don't scrub yourself beforehand

Seriously, I would purge most if not all of my scoail media if this was my career path. Why does no one do that?

>> No.26211009,1 [INTERNAL] 

>People making political discussion of their pathetic situation here
Fuck you you dumb piece of shit go hang yourself somewhere else. I dont wanna hear about you stupid and pathetic Politics just because your shitty country can't even even teach people to be respectful to one another without mass-Shothings.

>> No.26211023 [DELETED] 

I assume they're busy dealing with the doxxing attempts, just report all of the /pol/-posting and hope they take care of it.

>> No.26211025 [DELETED] 

How many hours have Belmond and Ars put into Minecraft at this point?

>> No.26211029 [DELETED] 

5people collab.

>> No.26211030 [DELETED] 

I'd love some tryhard arknights chicken streams

>> No.26211032 [DELETED] 

its completely different when a roastie does it you fucking retards

>> No.26211033 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>26211116

>Nene gets off
Why bring her up? Nobody's more seiso than Nene

>> No.26211034 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>26211072

They usually have shittier parents so it balances out

>> No.26211042 [DELETED] 

How new are you motherfucker?

>> No.26211056 [DELETED] 

Fuck you and her, I have no self esteem, where's my pity party?

>> No.26211067 [DELETED] 

Get out of here you bigot

>> No.26211072 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>26211143

>Be white
>Mom's a drug addict
>Father unknown, fucked off before I was born.

You sure about that?

>> No.26211074 [DELETED] 

Mori's ED album art was drawn by her.

>> No.26211078 [DELETED] 

>nofap ruined

>> No.26211080 [DELETED] 

the more you post about her, the more I feel bad for her anon
although there's a post on /cgl/ that's said she had a bad attitude but anyway, that's the past, let it go

>> No.26211086 [DELETED] 

Noel has a stream choking herself and you think this is a big deal?
Go kill yourself retard

>> No.26211091 [DELETED] 

I'm not american, and I swear if they mention anything remotely related to any political movement, I'm jumping off the boat

>> No.26211097

Boo fucking hoo

>> No.26211099

you tell 'em gazza

>> No.26211112
Quoted by: >>26211232

why though. Do you really believe that photoshop camwhore is her? Like really?

>> No.26211115

I get that a german weeb who lives in japan and can speak english/japanese is a pretty rare occurrence but how are we so sure Kiara is this girl?

>> No.26211116
Quoted by: >>26211214

You don't think failed idols did everything they could to keep their careers on life support?
Dumb idolfags go to one extreme and then the opposite extreme for people they know nothing about based on no evidence.

>> No.26211117
File: 505 KB, 487x495, 1592197486859.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cant discuss chuubas on discord because of power tripping mods and overall hyper inflated hugbox mentality
>can't discuss chuubas on reddit because it's reddit
>can't discuss them on /hlg/, because the thread went to shit and meidos gave up
>cant discuss on /hllgg/ because it's jsut doxfagging falseflagging and politics posting
Remember when tribalism and numberfagging was the only problem? I want to go back. Send me back.

>> No.26211118


Okay retard answer now:

What's the fucking issue with Chicken wanting to become famous and an idol?
This is a basic young girl dream, she tries her best and she finally managed to pull it off, why try and ruin her life now? What's the point?

>> No.26211137

> my scoail media
Why do you have social media in the first place? I'm on the internet as much as the next guy, but there's not a single picture of me out there. Only anime avatars, fake nicknames and made up names.

>> No.26211139

Pretty much this. Who they are or was doesn't really matter as long as they're entertaining and providing content. Pretty sure most people feel this way, but these threads make me forget that sometimes even if most of them are shitposting.

>> No.26211143

wtf I never posted this, how is it already here?

>> No.26211145

>no stream after that
Chicken said she's doing a fall guys stream like 2 hours after the collab ends

>> No.26211149

I do not like the amount of roommate posting in this thread. Stop or I am going to get mad.

>> No.26211152
File: 1.14 MB, 1223x1080, Mori's mad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you keep being rude on the internet I'm going to have to teach you a lesson

>> No.26211157

Atleast she tried something and not lurking on these boards all day, crying about anime waifu not being seiso.

>> No.26211159

If I'm being honest I actually kind of hated her debut, I'm just aware that not every streamer is going to come in completely open and ready to act totally ballistic. Based on her interests and twitter antics she seems like she'll be pretty interesting when she settles into things, and I'm pretty surprised that seemingly hasn't occurred to the majority of this thread.

>> No.26211160

What the fuck happened

>> No.26211168

Oh shit it's a fucking massacre

>> No.26211170

can we actually like ban all the fucking 15 year old /pol/tard tourists just discovering how life works to banish this stupid fucking incel talk in this thread
yeah bro, shes an eceleb, probably has been for a while, and she might be willing to show little skin, who actually gives a fuck unless you unironically attempt to have an attachment to them

>> No.26211172

Well at least mori isn't a whore. Funny how we predicted the chicken to be the aloe of the gen and we were correct

>> No.26211191

Yeah she's just acting like what she thinks a hololive streamer should act like since she's a superfan, all we have to do is wait for her to get out of her shell a little.

>> No.26211193

Meidos on suicide watch.

>> No.26211194

Based meidos just nuke everything.

>> No.26211197


>> No.26211206

Finally lmao

>> No.26211207

Can't do that in japan. Wear the fake mask that lamy does, the nips eat that shit up.

>> No.26211208
Quoted by: >>26211590

Mori let me sniff and lick your stinky corpse armpits onegai

>> No.26211211
Quoted by: >>26211270

It was almost exactly like this in /hlg/ immediately after the Towa incident. It's all downhill from here.

>> No.26211212
Quoted by: >>26211237

Meido must have deleted every post from that IP. Impressive.

>> No.26211213

There's still 3 of them more to go. Who knows.

>> No.26211214
Quoted by: >>26211245

>You don't think failed idols did everything they could to keep their careers on life support?
No, I don't. Most people don't. Quit being such a cynical cunt.

>> No.26211215 [DELETED] 
File: 169 KB, 600x662, Ladies.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26211473

Because she's a fucking WHOOOOOORE

>> No.26211217

She's literally been compensating for something from the start

>> No.26211220

> Kiara seemed more geniune than Mori-chan a

On the contrary Kiara's felt more like an act, even if it was a passionate and motivated one. Mori was just being herself.

>> No.26211226
File: 7 KB, 299x256, 015202.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you Meido.

>> No.26211229


>> No.26211228

Why are the EN girls' schedules so weird? You'd expect if they're streaming EN and trying to pander to the EOP market that they would stream around anglosphere primetime hours but they're all set in normal jp time which translates to the middle of the night or during work hours for westerners. Are they just pandering to NEETs like us specifically?

>> No.26211231 [DELETED] 


>> No.26211232
Quoted by: >>26211293

Eh, not that one. I don't care if she's a JAV artist. I hate her because she's a lesbian.

>> No.26211233
File: 97 KB, 850x1201, sample_c7afc420077a19156d1b49856bf450d2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/hlgg/ is over, welcome to /hlg/2

>> No.26211234

Guys chill out.

>> No.26211238 [DELETED] 


>> No.26211237

That's what usually happens when you get banned

>> No.26211243
Quoted by: >>26211590

please show me hairy pits or at least pubic hair

>> No.26211245

I don't but the purityfags do. I don't even know if they're trolling or just retarded.

>> No.26211249

jesus christ, can we just get a new thread and stop this shit

>> No.26211251

Ahhhh fuck its Time of Judgement. Someone bust out the tendies.

Also Coco is best holo.

>> No.26211263
Quoted by: >>26211286


>> No.26211269

they want to get the anxiety of whether they'll be cringe over with.

>> No.26211270

I think it's my fault. I think I said something along the lines of "These threads can't get any worse" when it happened. I'm sorry.

>> No.26211275

Man enough for me today.
Maybe tomorrow will be a more chill thread.

>> No.26211277

now kiara sama please play runescape

>> No.26211281

Korone is a hispanic streamer

>> No.26211285


>> No.26211286

Was it a success?

>> No.26211288
Quoted by: >>26211590

Mori, if you don't let me smell your armpits right fucking now I will deploy the smoke.

>> No.26211293
Quoted by: >>26211322

There is literally nothing wrong with wanting to rape pecor every night

>> No.26211294

>dedicates life to streaming for an hour a day at least
yeah I think I'd want a life outside that

>> No.26211298 [DELETED] 

>/pol/tards thinking they can cancel someone for having liberal opinions
Do they really think this is possible?

>> No.26211302

Remember to just report those people to cover corp and just enjoy the streams, they are working hard for our entertainment. There's no point in trying to make them sad by digging up their personal info and using those against them.

>> No.26211305 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>26212156

HoloBR when?


>> No.26211307

Austism, i think

>> No.26211312

the duality of man

>> No.26211316

They scheduled ones who can speak JP during daytime for dat JP bait. Last 3 probably can't speak jp as good
tho you really knows...

>> No.26211317


>> No.26211319

Can pls mods IP ban all doxxers from this chat to get them back to /pol/? thanks

>> No.26211322 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>26211387

Pekora hates gay shit though.

>> No.26211324
Quoted by: >>26211487

You gave me back some faith in this threads anon, there are still some normal people around

>> No.26211330


Of the 2 to debut so far, both live in japan

>> No.26211332
Quoted by: >>26211590

I will do anything if you let me sniff your armpits, Morisama

>> No.26211334

It's corona season anon, everyone's working from home. "Working".

>> No.26211335
File: 582 KB, 891x501, 1593324626854.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ADHD and Kleptomania.

>> No.26211337
Quoted by: >>26211399

If any of you have had done your reps, you probably would not have mind. That was the selling point, also it was less than 30.

>> No.26211338

Based mental-illness-san

>> No.26211341 [DELETED] 

Well there's that /hlg/ discord server which is basically just this thread without the /pol/tards but they arent accepting invites right now.

>> No.26211342
Quoted by: >>26211680

Pol'tards' have done a lot of shit you pussy faggot

>> No.26211346

you aint gonna make it as an idol when they find out someone payed you for sex

>> No.26211351

I'll stil be around for Ina and Gawr, but Watson is too late for me.

>> No.26211357

Someone seriously has to explain why everyone thinks these are the same people just because 5cih said so

>> No.26211365

literally nothing wrong with this

>> No.26211366

Meidos I beg you, nuke this thread and permaban poltards and doxxers onegai

>> No.26211367
File: 111 KB, 256x256, 1455009197658.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meido, what was wrong with talking about Inanis' art?

>> No.26211369

I mean... being a poltard isn't exactly a sign of a mighty intellect

>> No.26211371

How do I contact them?

>> No.26211378

>super fan
>doesn't know about Pekora's anxiety and pushing her into unwanted interactions

>> No.26211379 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>26211433

I actually like holos who are whores irl. Is it just me? That makes them relatable and hot.

>> No.26211381
File: 142 KB, 800x774, 1599660272966.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26211447


Is she going to fuck yagoo?

>> No.26211384
File: 1.24 MB, 918x654, 252csf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't believe Mori's debut is being overshadowed by all this roommate posting. I want /pol/ to leave.

>> No.26211387 [DELETED] 

And yet Miko is her best friend. Stop being homophobic bigot. It's 2020, like wtf dude

>> No.26211391 [DELETED] 

Guys its 2020 if an idol is a niggerlover thats her choice.

>> No.26211392

Wtf? This is supposed to be the comfy thread...what did I wake up to...No...

>> No.26211395

I mean she pretty much confirmed it on her twitter.

>> No.26211397

Are we going to have to split up both holo threads into fan and anti like 5ch?

>> No.26211398

Stop replying to schizos you fucking retards

>> No.26211399

I literally liked that she will keep some japanese in her streams, keeps away the trash

>> No.26211402 [DELETED] 

Depends on if the commies here trying to get Mori cancelled for saying nigga and faggot get their way. If they do all bets are off and HololiveEN crashes and burns.

>> No.26211409

I wish I was a cute girl so I could be a cute holoEN idol, and say 4chan references!

>> No.26211412
File: 548 KB, 595x595, 1591570171992.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>planning to sleep for 3 hours before ina deubt
>can't sleep properly because keep waking up every 20 minute
>only sleep for 2 hour

it's alright i guess?

>> No.26211419
File: 1.61 MB, 1000x907, n-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26211428 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>26211442

I want to join the discord

>> No.26211429 [DELETED] 

>/hlg/ discord
We have facebook, twitter, and it seems discord too. r/hlg when?

>> No.26211433

I don't particularly care but none of them are actual whores tho...

>> No.26211434

Meidos... time for the IPs ban.

>> No.26211441
File: 654 KB, 844x1194, 1597302067717.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm happy for the people there who get to talk and chill without all of this. Maybe one day i'll end up in a cozy small community like that, but for now I hope they're having fun there.

>> No.26211442
Quoted by: >>26211457

Kill yourself.

>> No.26211443

She only hates when men do it.

>> No.26211444
File: 50 KB, 372x505, horn drill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>can post images

>> No.26211445 [DELETED] 

Why does it feel like you fucks are arguing in bad faith? It's not like this is a one time thing. It's like going over a trait one by one instead of looking at its totality. Sure, Noel does shit like this too, but she doesn't show her face on it. Nor does Mel. They don't engage in actual prostitution. They don't whore themselves out by fucking their fans.
What's better is to argue that even if Kiara does this onlyfans bullshit, or even if she fucks her fans or whores herself out, it doesn't matter one fucking bit because it's irrelevant to her career as a VTuber. I'm not even a liberal feminist and I don't want to push that angle but at least this is a fucking VIRTUAL YOUTUBER, a clear line of demarcation that separates her roommate's activities to hers.
It's easier to point fingers about Noel/Mel so this shit should be excused. No, it should be excused but for other reasons. Excused in the end so I guess it doesn't matter too much. It just feels like a weak argument.

>> No.26211447

>a chicken eating chicken

>> No.26211455

that's a bad move from her part
but I guess they could just compare her voice and know that anyway

>> No.26211457

After I join okay

>> No.26211458

Autist and schizo. For real.

>> No.26211460
File: 106 KB, 478x642, AA6FA33C-905F-4CE4-B5BE-77EDB77ADAF9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enough of this BABBLE

>> No.26211465

She was right tho, Shit bird

>> No.26211466

we yet to see any indication of that. If anything schizo poltards are more likely to leak that shit to the wrong people

>> No.26211471
File: 22 KB, 228x221, 1577579439516.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26212353

Funny how no one's been able to find any posts on 5ch shittalking the chicken. Looks like Japs aren't as retarded as we thought. Do you need help finding your medication?

>> No.26211473
Quoted by: >>26211544

puritychad, why didn't you set your expectations to 0 for holoen from the beggining, like me... I was very positively surprised with this approach already.

>> No.26211475

Keep her away from Luna. Luna will become her friend but it is a trick.

>> No.26211478

People seem to actually be reporting the nonsense, stuff is getting a bit better now

>> No.26211479

you guys won't stop...

>> No.26211482 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>26211556

They won't. You really have no idea how nice and forgiving commies are if you mend your ways.

>> No.26211484
Quoted by: >>26211526

>mature voice
If this is true she's ruined...

>> No.26211485

Reminder that liking COCKS makes you a faggot

>> No.26211487

At what cost though? She used a good amount of her timeslot and new job to push for JoPs and get closer to Pekora. This is regardless of outside drama. Hoping she learns her lesson by the collab later today.

>> No.26211492 [DELETED] 

Not to restart the /pol/ shit but fuck off fag

>> No.26211491

>mature voice

>> No.26211495


>> No.26211496

janny help us

>> No.26211501

Nobody cares except /pol/tards, and nobody is going to take their side so she obviously doesn't give a shit.

>> No.26211502

Bet you they were best friend before Mikoti went gay. That's why Miko won't ever make a move on Pecor.

>> No.26211507 [DELETED] 

Maybe /pol/ are the majority and you should be the one leaving.

>> No.26211509

Nice hand

>> No.26211526
Quoted by: >>26211563

She's not a loli, you dingus. She's just flat, her artist's fetishes are showing.

>> No.26211530

No fucking clue, Anon.

>> No.26211534
File: 511 KB, 1080x1699, 2233513.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26211578

Let me help.

>> No.26211535


>> No.26211538 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>26211583

>Maybe /pol/ are the majority
/pol/ normalfags are numerous but nowhere near the majority, thank god.

>> No.26211540

threads moving fast i cant even see my deleted posts.

>> No.26211543 [DELETED] 

Fuck off

>> No.26211544
Quoted by: >>26211761

He's not a puritychad, he's a /pol/cuck pretending to hate her for being a slut to try get the rest of us to hate her too so she gets canceled. Same with how nijicucks used every excuse except "she shat on nijis" to cancel Aloe. Seems like antis are the same no matter the region.

>> No.26211546

I don't think they exactly are arguing in bad faith but more like people here are pure brainlets for the most part and care about the dumbest shit...

>> No.26211548

I hope you're only talking about the music.
My heart can't take race treason. It's not strong enough.

>> No.26211550
Quoted by: >>26211618

Bipolar, OCD, Depression, Gender dysphoria

>> No.26211555

I just don't believe it, perhaps we've taken things out of context

>> No.26211556 [DELETED] 

>You really have no idea how nice and forgiving commies are if you mend your ways

They still screech about Jontron being successful even he's apologized countless times.

>> No.26211557

based, why should we even include include real life on a character

>> No.26211563

>She's not a loli she just looks like a loli
Is this not the same thing...?

>> No.26211568

>Why does it feel like you fucks are arguing in bad faith?
Cause they are retard. No one in this thread is trying to have an honest conversation.

>> No.26211573

Hopefully the octopus will be better than this shitshow.

>> No.26211575

regarding the rumors, this shitty nip blog links to her. old as shit blog, some 5 years ago. talks about some prostitution/whorish scandal
there's also a link to the 4chan archive where she was talked about regarding the same scandal. 2 years ago, so it isn't just some schizo here making shit up right now, which corroborates what's in the blog
she's famous in nip internet community so that's how she was found out in the first place (i think?) but then she went ahead and shitposted on her twitter so that's when it was confirmed. she probably doesn't give too much of a shit,
people here are getting so worked up when the person herself is probably laughing at the posts right now

>> No.26211577
Quoted by: >>26211635


>> No.26211578 [DELETED] 

The Alpha of Awe. The Brute of Brawn. The Cooker of Chaos. The Duchess of Degenelacy. The Empress of Eloquence. The Fiercest of Fighters. The Groumalus of Glory. The Height of Heroism. The Imperator of Intellectualism. The Jarl of Justice. The King of Knights. The Lady of Loquaciousness. The Mistress of Mortality. The Naysayer of Noobs. The Overlord of Obituaries. The Princess of Passion. The Queen of Quixote. The Ruler of Ruination. The Sultana of Smite. The Taskmaster of Trembles. The Undertaker of Ubiquity. The Vaeyen of Vociferousness. The Warranter of Weaklings. The Xenophobe of Xenogeny. The Yardmaster of Yesteryear. The Zhar of Zoroastrianism.



>> No.26211580
Quoted by: >>26211634

Short people aren't automatically lolis.

>> No.26211582

>Why does it feel like you fucks are arguing in bad faith?
Where do you think you are?

>> No.26211584
File: 1.21 MB, 800x1185, 84315045_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26212344

She keeps getting better

>> No.26211583 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>26211622

Learn what /pol/ actually means, newfag. It isn't just about someone who talks about politics. You don't call commies /pol/tards for a reason

>> No.26211586
Quoted by: >>26211673

I’m going to give Yagoo his credit in dialling back the idolfaggotry, Hololive is now closer to a VA gig where you play a character for the company while continuing your own work. Imagine if Coco was forced to scrub her former channel and toss 100k subs into the trash, the decision to join Hololive would be difficult.
It’s in Covers best interest to poach proven entertainers, how are they going to do that if they want S*nzawa to flush 900k subs? Now she can do both which makes a Hololive deal a no brainer.

>> No.26211588 [DELETED] 
File: 221 KB, 680x487, m358st72uqm51.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.26211590
File: 496 KB, 667x639, Hmph, kimoi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26211605
Quoted by: >>26211861

Coco doesn't put her content behind the money wall and she cosplays for fun, her source of income comes from NND event.

>> No.26211606
File: 165 KB, 498x480, 1591346747072.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26211672


>> No.26211613
File: 1003 KB, 4092x2893, __ninomae_ina_nis_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_torahime_roland00__a4905b519c06120e9f30946607af4ecc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Check your eyes.

>> No.26211618
Quoted by: >>26211631

how are you still alive?

>> No.26211619

I don't think the octopus can reach the reaper's level, but I'm sure she'll be better than the chicken. All my hope in the shark though.

>> No.26211621


>> No.26211622

>It isn't just about someone who talks about politics.
No its about the losers who visit a reddit colony to inform their worldview, fuck off /pol/cuck. /new/ was at least funny.

>> No.26211626

just how

>> No.26211627


>> No.26211628

Heckyeah my dude.

>> No.26211631

I don't know either

>> No.26211634

eh these days loli is about the body type not the age anymore.
she's short, flat, and looks bratty
that fit the bill if you ask me

>> No.26211635

Based Shameel

>> No.26211641

Feels like a reddit post.
4chan is all about chaos shitposting and getting yous. Don't think too hard on it.

>> No.26211642

I've never seen a 4chan thread get nuked like reddit before

>> No.26211644


>> No.26211648

Shut your just as kimoi, now let me sniff your armpits.

>> No.26211651

nagu's female?

>> No.26211653

why is Mori the armpit bait when whatshername exists?

>> No.26211656

>loves FF
then we cool

>> No.26211661

so if i want pure idols i need to go back to jp?

>> No.26211663

Welcome to /hlg(g)/

>> No.26211664
Quoted by: >>26211688

She's small and flat but I suppose that doesnt necessarily mean they are of loli archetype. Same goes for Amelia. Shark on the other hand...

>> No.26211665
File: 99 KB, 205x189, 1597713855752.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>5ch actually liked both girls so far
what's going on?

>> No.26211666 [DELETED] 
File: 2.24 MB, 232x232, 1598344722663.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meidos delete posts for using meanie words like wh*re now? ummm poop ass butt ajajajjajjajajj

>> No.26211669


>> No.26211671

>157 cm
>small body
>flat chest
>not a loli

>> No.26211672

Liking luna is a mental illness on its own.

>> No.26211673

Why the fuck is S*nzawa considered spam?

>> No.26211674


>> No.26211676

I don't know man
No one would support an artist if they are let say racist. The Kizuna AI incident should tell you that people care about the one behind the character as well

>> No.26211677


>> No.26211680
Quoted by: >>26211746

You're not going to cancel someone for being liberal no matter how much you bitch and cry. Go spend your time dobbing in SJW pedos instead.

>> No.26211681

Art pretty clean. HoloEn seems to be a great combination. Mori - Sing, Chicken - Dance, Octupus - Art, Shark - Alcoholic, Watson - Autism

>> No.26211688
File: 120 KB, 939x1179, __ninomae_ina_nis_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_mins_minevi__65ceb3d473d2d62b13819a32ab647edb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shark is definitely lolibait. And Ina doesn't look small.

>> No.26211689
File: 63 KB, 617x203, 1471486638960.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26211735


>> No.26211691

Imagine how nervous the other girls got after Mori's amazing debut. She should've been the last one, now nothing the others do will come close to the reaper.

>> No.26211693
Quoted by: >>26211754

Mori is novel as fuck as bird is a surprise JPholo

>> No.26211695
Quoted by: >>26211815

MODS PLEASE. MAKE AN /INternet CELebrity/ board already.

>> No.26211697

It's been getting worse ever since people have been getting short bans for the n-word.

>> No.26211699
Quoted by: >>26211901

I wish I were a jop right now.

>> No.26211707

thumbs up

>> No.26211708
Quoted by: >>26211759

157 is freaking tall compared to the ~145 something girls we already have.

>> No.26211709
Quoted by: >>26211758

Shut up nigger

>> No.26211720

They will hardly be perfect from start, I saw no bad faith on her, if anything just too enthusiastic, also the Pekora thing was 2 min, and the japanese was irrelevant for me didn't make it less enjoyable despite being N5, in fact I'm glad she keeps some japanese, that will filter trash

>> No.26211724
Quoted by: >>26211759

Where in the world is 157 a small body for a femoid? She's not Scandinavian.

>> No.26211725

there's no way that happened

>> No.26211731

I wish i had money

>> No.26211735

Better start doing those alphabet reps

>> No.26211738

Nothing? I loved both as well. Even just the two of them cover an enormous audience simply by the virtue of speaking both EN and JP

>> No.26211742
File: 385 KB, 504x749, 1593055251966_sy4sfkecfx.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unironically nothing

>> No.26211743
Quoted by: >>26211759

too tall

>> No.26211744

Liked, shared, subsccribed.

>> No.26211746
Quoted by: >>26211833

yeah we can. Who the fucks want to follow that.
This shits supposed to be for straight guys to enjoy themselves.
Not queers.
If the western poz shit infects it forget about it just cancel the whole thing.

>> No.26211750

Chicken narrative is too spicy I want it to be true

>> No.26211754
Quoted by: >>26211787

I've seen a lot of jap people complimenting the rap, I didn't know they were into that king of stuff

>> No.26211755 [DELETED] 


>> No.26211757

Autism, GAD

>> No.26211758


>> No.26211760

> Shark - Alcoholic
I cannot invest any more, please.

>> No.26211761
Quoted by: >>26211866

Yes? Sounds like puritychad for me.

>> No.26211762

Because they can actually read Japanese so they know that the article linked around here is a shitty narrative. EOPs just never learn.

>> No.26211759

157cm is including her freakishly tall shoes

>> No.26211772


>> No.26211777

the more i think about it, isn't mori a pretty insane hire? Her skillset is massive and being able to do everything by yourself means you don't need to waste time going out and meeting with people to make art, the lyrics, the track, editing vocals et cetera

>> No.26211779


>> No.26211783

How now brown cow?

>> No.26211785
Quoted by: >>26211868

>No smoke. Check.
>Powerpoint in order. Check.
>Mic not shit. Check
>Try not to care about being noticed by Senpai. Check.

>> No.26211787

I don't like rap but something about her work just hits me in the sweet spot.

>> No.26211793

I wish there was a place we could still call home

>> No.26211800

She's too great for hololive, that's why I love her

>> No.26211801 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>26211853


>> No.26211810

>gura-chan, are you drinking to calm your nerves!?

>> No.26211813

Mori please cover this

>> No.26211815

that is the absolute worst possible outcome, you want /r9k/, /b/, /v/, etc. normalfag twitch shit mixed with vtubers? no thanks

>> No.26211818

>Squid undoxable just like Roboco and Suisei

heh neat

>> No.26211821

Cute pits

>> No.26211825
File: 45 KB, 746x541, 1592920549768.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26211826

Why are these threads filled with so many /dbs/spics?

>> No.26211830

are they really going to delete the incoming 2000 niggermans?

>> No.26211831

90% of people here loved both of them during the stream. Antis are a tiny minority.

>> No.26211833
Quoted by: >>26211913

You're literally delusional if you think your fellow /pol/bronies make up more than an insignificant fraction of the western hololive fanbase. Go post your babble on reddit, the actual representative on western hololive fans, and see where that gets you. You're only here in the first place because you can't get downvoted into oblivion for your impotent bitching.

>> No.26211835

Fucking Yagoo with his insane luck in scouting

>> No.26211853 [DELETED] 

Съебались на двач.

>> No.26211854

Knowing Mori's probably here is kinda hot. She can read our recommendations without us even knowing

>> No.26211855

A tiny but vocal minority, sadly...

>> No.26211856

I am not sure i follow. How some random photo is confirmation of who is she

>> No.26211857
File: 1.47 MB, 1388x1080, MORIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to lose myself in Mori's spaghetti...

>> No.26211860

Both of them were pretty good. Even /jp/ was fairly positive until people got bored and started narrative posting.

>> No.26211861
Quoted by: >>26211996

what... do you think coco got money from before joining hololive anon...? not exactly NND but, i have something hard to tell you...

>> No.26211862
File: 554 KB, 1779x2098, anon's holoen application.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope /hlg/ anon got accepted.

>> No.26211866

>trying to cancel someone over politics

>> No.26211868
Quoted by: >>26211926

Her stream was pretty laggy though. Still image for the most part.
Kiara's was pretty smooth.

>> No.26211872

every single Holo EN is a western weeb roastie

>> No.26211874

this isn't kawaii

>> No.26211875

they'll eat their bans and fuck off in like a week anyway

>> No.26211879

Well at least we now have our own version of Towa is a whore-posting

>> No.26211880

I'd agree with you if you had posted a different picture
but alas, fuck off frogposter

>> No.26211881

fucking dropped

>> No.26211884

I still love Mori, the rap is fucking good but the chicken is just shit.

>> No.26211886
Quoted by: >>26211941

I hope she knows how to ignore the retards posting here, she's just too good to be honest. She might even be my first donation to streamer.

>> No.26211894

F for that anon...

>> No.26211898
Quoted by: >>26211907

Is Mori the leader of holo EN?

>> No.26211901

No you don't, think about all the opportunities knowing english affords you.

>> No.26211903
Quoted by: >>26211972

It's fine anon, there is some normal people here, the problem is the 10 shcyzos making 1 post every minute each, they can only bark, can't bite.

>> No.26211905

If Mori is here I want to know that I'm sorry I thought she was going to be terrible.

>> No.26211907

It's Watson.

>> No.26211908
File: 1.25 MB, 1200x1697, 1597793822173.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26211924


>> No.26211910

Mori please play No Straight Roads later. You can even do it in Japanese with english subs. I want the game to get more recognition from vtubers.

>> No.26211912

Wow you're still around?

>> No.26211913

Why do jp get the nice girl but EN get the rotten girls?
Whats the point? I'll stick with JP then.
Are you forgetting who its supposed to cater to?

>> No.26211917

please dont be a korean, please dont be korean, please dont be a korean

>> No.26211924

Towa is a honorary HoloEN

>> No.26211926

Because of the fog effects in the background. As soon as she turned them off, it got better.

>> No.26211927

I hope he failed

>> No.26211928

To be fair, I didn't exactly love Kiara. She was just better than I expected her to be after all the stupid shitposting on twitter and r*ddit. She's like a discount Nenecchi without things that make her good.

>> No.26211933
File: 114 KB, 523x682, DF28578B-E257-4CD0-9227-9007641222E7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>panders to JOPs
>can't be bothered to delete her previous social accounts
>HoloJP fangirl and weaboo
>gets doxxed on her fist stream
Literally the Iofi of HoloEN

>> No.26211935
Quoted by: >>26212226

Nothing is confirmed yet. But if someone really did find her Pixiv and compare the art, it's most likely so.

>> No.26211936

Probably not, unless it's squid

>> No.26211937

I doubt she got in, but I hope it doesn't hit her too hard

>> No.26211941

But she's one of us, she knows that much already

>> No.26211942

Uh no, it was probably like 80% in Mori and 40% on chicken. Every post I saw said Mori at least had a niche but Chicken didn't.

>> No.26211944


>> No.26211945
Quoted by: >>26211993

>Are you forgetting who its supposed to cater to?
People who give them money.

>> No.26211950
Quoted by: >>26212003

Anon is Watson, calling it

>> No.26211953


It's a really strong pick to both debut and maintain Holo EN with because not only can she be self sufficient theres the potential support she can give to the rest of the EN cast she can work as a kind of quality redundancy.

The only real danger is in burning her out.

>> No.26211962

is she the pol one? i will avoid her

>> No.26211964

except nobody cares about lofi

>> No.26211971
File: 1.22 MB, 815x1007, swag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mori if you're reading this please get monetized soon so that I can thank you for being such a good smelly grandma

>> No.26211972

Yeah.. I see
I personally just enjoy their streams, I don't really care about their personal lives. Most of the time I just start to like them more because of it.

>> No.26211974

Then just stick to JP, you can do that without trying to damage hololive and shitting up these threads. When Towa yabee'd herself on stream, everyone just dropped her because they have better things to do with their time. Surely you have better things to do with your time as well?

>> No.26211981
Quoted by: >>26212005

>sound pretty much native Japanese
She doesn't.

>> No.26211993

like me? Because its supposed to appeal to straight guys not gays.
All your trash politics is anti-straight guys.

>> No.26211994

So is Holo JP, friend. Its 2020, women are not puritans, they like to fuck. Your JP seiso idol is as much as a "whore" as the EN ones.

>> No.26211996

She definitely is but I don't think she earned that much that why she joins hololive anyway.

>> No.26212002
Quoted by: >>26212025

She draws like that?

>> No.26212003

>She loves to pass her time training her reflexes with FPS games

>> No.26212005
Quoted by: >>26212035

Her tone is clearly not german or any english either.

>> No.26212024

oh boy time to get out my wallet.

>> No.26212025
Quoted by: >>26212072

Yeah these posts only just make me like them even more.
The singing, the cosplays and now the drawing.

>> No.26212026

> Your JP seiso idol is as much as a "whore" as the EN ones.

Not Pe Ko Ra~.

She literally recoils at being touched or anything lewd. I think she might actually be asexual.

>> No.26212035

She quite literally said she was German during the stream schizochama.

>> No.26212039

what the hell is going on

>> No.26212044

>One of the anons was probably Mori

>> No.26212046
Quoted by: >>26212228

they are fast

>> No.26212048
Quoted by: >>26212133

Guess how good or bad will be the squid? I think it'll be 7/10 pretty boring in general but possibly really cute.

>> No.26212049

Those are really her drawings?
I kneel squid chads.

>> No.26212054

I hate BLM and leftists and I don't give a shit about roommate stuff so I still love the chicken. Will probably be my favorite from holoEN.

>> No.26212058
File: 184 KB, 1920x1080, 1599919523762.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Past few hours not much negativity surrounding Mori despite doxing but Chicken on the other hand completely blew up. Maybe it was boredom or some things that happened during Chicken's stream, but just gonna hope for the best and there's no further reason greatly dislike her. Mori seemed to do much better once she dropped her act.

Here's to the rest of the HoloENs and the collab.

>> No.26212059

Super forgot about her? RIP.

>> No.26212062
Quoted by: >>26212094

She said German is her native tongue, which means she could be Austrian, German, Swiss, among others.

But given we know who she is, she's Austrian.

>> No.26212063

I hope Mori gets the superchat train she deserves, she's got actual fucking talent and set the bar so fucking high, if you read this keep on producing that awesome stuff.

>> No.26212066

Y'know if you want a pure virgin you should really just go to church

>> No.26212072

HoloEN is really stacked and talented. What's next? Watson is an actual Harvard graduate?

>> No.26212075

Why is this thread full of fucking faggots. I keep seeing people talk shit about Noel but Noel doesnt even do softcore. As far as i know shes pure.
Fuck you.

>> No.26212077

Jesus Christ why did this board suddenly decide anything I try to post is spam.

>> No.26212078


>> No.26212085

i know but i bet their body count is lower than 5.
Western whores will have sex with almost anybody. bet they had one night stands almost every week.

>> No.26212090
Quoted by: >>26212242


>> No.26212094

I know she's Austrian, it's easier to just say German.

>> No.26212099
File: 1.85 MB, 640x360, database.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mori cover Database, we know you like log horizon already

>> No.26212101

What's the deal with Watson? Do we know anything about her?

>> No.26212104
File: 428 KB, 3000x2500, 1599747420270.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

~1 hour until one of the best HoloEN debuts
What are you doing to pass the time?

>> No.26212110
Quoted by: >>26212152

She's sucking the mic while filming her cleavage in almost nothing, this isn't really pure.

>> No.26212113

S*nzawa is pure. Pure alcohol.

>> No.26212114

No idea, I'm looking forward to it though.

>> No.26212115
Quoted by: >>26212150

Am i banned?

>> No.26212121

>W-whaaaaattttt she likes P--pekora just like MEEEEE~~~~OMFGGGG BASADO XDD I'M ALSO A NUSAGI OMFG THE CHICKEN IS BASED XDD

>> No.26212122

Yes, shizochama, but she doesn't have any accent other than a japanese one.

>> No.26212123

Oh I guess S-zawa is a banned word. Do our Japanese friends know the narrative about her being shark cunny? Do they like her?

>> No.26212127

Only the alcoholic can match her now. I really hope shark is the alcoholic.

>> No.26212129
File: 128 KB, 534x248, watson sex.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What are you doing to pass the time?

>> No.26212130

Watching sociology lectures.

>> No.26212135
Quoted by: >>26212260

i think most of the thread was neutral towards kiara honestly, "loved" is a strong word

most of the people fawning over her were amused by how she was basically some random fangirl given a huge platform, i don't see that panning out long term, she'll likely just end up with the IDs in terms of popularity if she doesn't shake off the nervousness and try to stand out some more, any yabais at this point are REALLY going to hurt her, she already has menhera narratives

>> No.26212133

>love-craft-themed chara
I'm expecting eccentric cringe and lots of fun. Probably like Mori her act is going to make herself cringe until she drops it and just acts chill

>> No.26212137

>already out
Didn't she say she would upload it tomorrow or was that going to be a different song? Maybe she was just trying to put it out before all the other uploads pick up speed.

>> No.26212141

Cooking some grilled octopus to celebrate the occasion

>> No.26212146


>> No.26212147

>Watson - Autism
That's also Mori and Shark though

>> No.26212150

We should all be banned at this point but somehow we're not

>> No.26212152

holy fuck, fuck off faggot. You fucking faggots are comparing that to sex. Fuck you.
You literally are the puritans, you hypocrites.

>> No.26212153
Quoted by: >>26212428

>she doesn't have any accent other than a japanese one.

>> No.26212156


>> No.26212157

So if the chicken is Austrian, she could do offcollabs with Haachama?

>> No.26212158

grinding stats so I can pass her sanity check

>> No.26212160
File: 601 KB, 1500x500, EhhPlXaU4AANLv3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26212224

But i thought squid drew like this.

>> No.26212162

tryna get a powernap

>> No.26212163

At this point I'm liking her just to spite /pol/cucks, blame yourself for being insufferable.

>> No.26212166

Scouring twitter for Mori tweets

>> No.26212168
Quoted by: >>26212229

What if Mori is the one shit posting about Chicken?

>> No.26212171

Playing Arknights, actually.
I really have high hopes for the cute squid becaus eof her design, and after Mori was such a positive surprise and Chicken wasn't the sperg everyone feared her to be I'm pretty confident in my squidbucks.

>> No.26212173

I like rap but I can't get through this man.

>> No.26212176

Enjoying how undoxxed she is.She's the one I was actually looking forward to seeing the most and it's nice that my expectations aren't being fucked around with.

>> No.26212177

think her first new song gets released tomorrow

>> No.26212191

i smiled

>> No.26212194
Quoted by: >>26212247

I didn't complain you fucking retard, I like her content, both as Noel and as her roommate. But calling this pure is a bit too far.

>> No.26212195

Seethe more, anon.

>> No.26212197
File: 187 KB, 1596x1890, lovecraft.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>My daughter's finally fulfilling her dream, I'm so proud of her

>> No.26212199


>> No.26212208

Grinding some OSRS. Will be getting snug in bed and watching 3 good debuts back to back. I am highly invested in the squid and shark.

>> No.26212209
File: 182 KB, 482x361, 1460978430193.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26212243


>> No.26212210

Go back /pol/tard

>> No.26212213

I wonder if she has any cats

>> No.26212216
Quoted by: >>26212266

I think i know the orignal mori
But 4chan seems to filter out whenever i type Demon, and then dice together
If it's true though i'm so happy

>> No.26212217


>> No.26212221

I'm translating a VN

>> No.26212223
File: 115 KB, 287x342, Luna32.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please dont delete my reaction image meido

>> No.26212224
Quoted by: >>26212289

she didn't want to get nene'd

>> No.26212225

I wish I was American. reaper girl was so fun.

>> No.26212226

still pretty big stretch, but would not mind another artist in holo

>> No.26212227
Quoted by: >>26212284

I really hope that the Shark is actually szw, but there is literally no hint of who she really is so far.

>> No.26212228

So cute

>> No.26212229

I mean, I doubt it but it's not impossible. Remember, "shit bird, go die lol"

>> No.26212230
Quoted by: >>26212267

Austria =/= Australia

>> No.26212231


>> No.26212242

Anon, your reading reps...

>> No.26212243
Quoted by: >>26212329

post more of my wife please

>> No.26212247
Quoted by: >>26212270

Licking a mirophone isnt sex you tard. You sound like one of those fuckwits that thinks asmr is porn.

>> No.26212248

>Come niggerman, let us watch my daughter glorious conquer of chuuba space.

>> No.26212259

Think I am gonna go for a walk and maybe buy that new Travis Scott meal.

>> No.26212260
Quoted by: >>26212279

Kiara did well in the beginning and playing up the fastfood and phoenix part without getting too heavy into it, or at least she fit into the role well enough. She also likes interacting with the chat/fans. I'll give credit for that since most people in the threads so far just talked about how awkward things got towards the middle and end.

>> No.26212261
Quoted by: >>26212314

i wonder if ninomae owns a cate and what that cat's name is.

>> No.26212262

Playing Sega Rally Championship on my Saturn. It's comfy and I won't feel too bad for interrupting the game when it's time for the stream.

>> No.26212266
Quoted by: >>26212325

>But 4chan seems to filter out whenever i type Demon, and then dice together
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KRQ3sKGQ2KQ ?

>> No.26212267


>> No.26212270

You can just say you never saw her NND content.

>> No.26212271

Mori's imperssion of her was 頭がいい at least.

>> No.26212272

I'm out of the loop, whose art is this?

>> No.26212273


>> No.26212278


>> No.26212279
Quoted by: >>26212347

>She also likes interacting with the chat/fans
Yeah, thats the one thing she definitely did better than Calli.

>> No.26212281

Gura's Twitter feed is so dead. She's really secretive compared to the others.

>> No.26212284
Quoted by: >>26212380

>Risu replied to her pinned tweet months ago
>"a" meme
>Has a similar thumbnail to her debut thumbnail
It isn't solid evidence but there is something

>> No.26212289
Quoted by: >>26212398

Then how do we know squid draws like that? As far as i know, there is no other art pics on her twitter besides what i posted and some live2d clips.

>> No.26212290

Do we even know if English is her first language or not?

>> No.26212297
File: 83 KB, 969x1281, angry lovecraft.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26212427

>Huh? what did you just say Ina? fish girl? you're friends with a fish person? Gura's her name?

>> No.26212300
File: 18 KB, 348x348, laughs in austrian.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26212303

Playing zelda botw since anon recommend it for me

>> No.26212309

you're welcome my dude :^)

>> No.26212312


>> No.26212314


>> No.26212313

shes passed out

>> No.26212315

She's already had a BBC documentary made about her.

>> No.26212319
Quoted by: >>26212420


>> No.26212320

Love the song

>> No.26212325
Quoted by: >>26212393

And I thought Suisei was talented for making her own MVs damn.

>> No.26212327

If i'm reading this right, the art of all 5 Holo En girls shown in the trailer matches Nagu's but was curiously not released on any of her accounts.

>> No.26212329
File: 235 KB, 506x658, 1431898243418.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26212441

Only if you are going to watch squid.

>> No.26212331

She's the most well known if the dox/guess about her past life is right so probably doesn't want to give too much away.

>> No.26212341

I am sorry but women can't rap.

>> No.26212344

I want to coexist with this abomination.

>> No.26212346
File: 292 KB, 404x423, angry mom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26212414

She can drain your balls until you pass out from dehydration

>> No.26212347

yeah pretty much, Calli is pretty fucking talented but I hope she doesn't forget the interactive aspect of a stream.

If senz posts more she'll just expose herself lmfao she has to restrain herself.

>> No.26212350

splitting the thread so you can make a general specifically for non-JP vtubers on /jp/ is pretty retarded

>> No.26212352

She's one of us, she's probably into it desu

>> No.26212353

seriously, it's all narrative, there isn't even a single retard on 5ch they can site to make it look at all credible.

>> No.26212360
Quoted by: >>26212408

>ina's grimoire has japanese text
Another JSL?

>> No.26212362
Quoted by: >>26212411

that probably turns her on

>> No.26212364
Quoted by: >>26212428

>other than a japanese one.
No, she doesn't.

>> No.26212365


>> No.26212372

>no genie girl with a thick arabian/persian accent

Why even live

>> No.26212374

>korean parents
sausaga leaves

>> No.26212380

Based anon give me hope.

>> No.26212382

I want Mori to rape me.

>> No.26212384

No such thing

>> No.26212389

>coaxing thousands of paying strangers to jerk off to wet sucking noises, while jerking off your mic stand and mauling your barely concealed tits, then finishing it off with a fucking ejaculation countdown

i like noel and don't think less of her for what she does but come on dude, she's doing sex work

>> No.26212393

100% I am really happy for dice if she's really now mori.
I'm so hype to finally support both hololive and an artist i like at the same time

>> No.26212398

she made one official art and mori's ep cover art
she got nene'd...

>> No.26212405
File: 633 KB, 900x782, 1599922938889.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck you, it NEEDS to be fat.

>> No.26212408
Quoted by: >>26212448

She's learning.

>> No.26212411

that doesnt fucking turn her on you fucking sociopaths

>> No.26212413
Quoted by: >>26212458

>reaper is a fucking disgusting Amerilard nigga
>chicken is a fucking disgusting Austrian whore

At least there's still hope Watson will be a cute Brit and shark a Japanese ESL, r-right?

>> No.26212414
Quoted by: >>26212468


>> No.26212420

>autotune the shit out of your voice because you can't sing
sheesh, already firing shots at her senpais

>> No.26212425

Didn't she say she was a masochist

>> No.26212427
File: 22 KB, 474x484, happy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Oh It's just a costume? she's wearing cute pajamas? I'm sorry I didn't know, good luck on your debut sweetie

>> No.26212428

Anons, the only accent she has is a japaense one. It's not perfect, but it's neither german or of any english either.

>> No.26212429

Mori, can I lick your sweaty pits?

>> No.26212438

That can also be explained by her superfan nonsense really, she's just happy to have a chance to connect with hololive and she doesn't really understand that trying to cater to other hololive members isn't entertaining to a lot of english fans. She already got a bit of a reprimand from her manager for the excessive japanese so that should help, and she'll presumably cool down with the shock of getting in given a week or two.

>> No.26212441

post more of /our/ wife please

>> No.26212445


>> No.26212448

>holoEN has a higher % of people who do their JP reps than /jp/

>> No.26212449

Prove it.

>> No.26212450

Okay Mori. You don't need to get mad.

>> No.26212458

Anon, just think if they make you laugh and smile in the end with no real world consequences.

>> No.26212459

Mori... Stop shitposting here and post your EP already...

>> No.26212468
File: 1.49 MB, 1327x1080, moriii.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

