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File: 43 KB, 355x500, Yume_Miru_Kusuri[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7183264 No.7183264 [Reply] [Original]

Honestly I'm of the opinion A drug that makes you dream is an excellent visual novel.

Let's have a thread to discuss said visual novel.

To start us off with a topic, in which route do you believe the heroine of the route was best fleshed out. Is this the same route in which you believe the heroine had the best development?
Be sure to support your reasoning by citing the visual novel and giving examples.

>> No.7183268
Quoted by: >>7183296 >>7183418


VNbros, where are you from?
Vote here: http://poll.pollcode.com/jAu

Drug that makes you dream english translation:

Remember don't respond to trolls use filters! http://userscripts.org/scripts/show/33916/

>> No.7183270
Quoted by: >>7183276

I haven't played this VN yet. Well, I'm going to get my hands on it right now.

>> No.7183276
Quoted by: >>7183281

Oh man you're going to love it.

>> No.7183281

I hope so. Thanks for the recommendation, OP.

>> No.7183290
Quoted by: >>7183470 >>7183506

It was my first VN. I honestly haven't played any others past 30 minutes or so, just keep getting distracted with projects and stuff.

But the music in YMK is FANTASTIC. I love how full the main menu music is, especially.

It's been a while since I played it, can someone explain the train...beginning thing? Like where the fuck did that come from?

>> No.7183296
Quoted by: >>7183307 >>7183418

What the fuck is this shit. Did I just fall into /v/?

Reported. Though this is obviously /jp/ related, the manner in which the thread was started is repulsive. Take this GENERALAN shit back to /v/, trash.

>> No.7183303

Color me skeptical, this whole thread feel like a huge reverse troll or gorespammer-lite.
If you are really doing it for trolling purpose, you picked the wrong game. Should have chosen something like maou or rance.

>> No.7183307
Quoted by: >>7183318 >>7183331

Yeah, I also noticed about it. But I'm sure the OP didn't mean it.

>> No.7183311

Oh wow, not a single complaint that this has been discussed to death and posts of the like.

It was also one of my first VNs and I've enjoyed quite well compared to my other few starting ones.

>> No.7183315
Quoted by: >>7183758 >>7183764

In my opinion Mizuki had both the most fleshed out personality, and the best development.
I believe the visual novel did an excellent job of developing her from an out of control teenager to a more stable young lady.

In the beginning we saw only a little bit of rebelliousness from her. However very slowly she became much more unstable. We saw just how out of control she could really get on her trip to hong kong. Over the rest of the VN the protagonist would help her grow into a stable woman. The ending was very sweet.

As for the other heroines, I am not convinced that the problems they were developed enough.
Nekoko had a drug problem, but there was no consistent character development and we never exactly understood why she had the problem until much later. It was a very sudden shift, learning everything about her all at once. Plus much of her development occurred off screen and we only saw her after she was much better at the amusement park. I believe the route would have been better if constructed in a way to slowly show her character and problem over time.

Likewise Aeka had a simple bullying problem. It was nice to see the protagonist give her someone that was nice to her, but I could not see appropriate character development. If you believe there was, please correct me. The choking scene, in my opinion, served as nothing more than fan service and was completely out of character.

Overall I believe that Mizuki had by far the best route with the best ending and the the most incite into her personality with the most consistent character development.

>> No.7183318
Quoted by: >>7183331 >>7183332

Bullshit. You are seriously naive if believe that wasn't some copypasted response he uses with every thread he makes like this.

>> No.7183331

I honestly don't understand what you guys are talking about, and I understand that the ghost board no longer allows replying. But can you please take this discussion somewhere else? At the very least a thread that is not /jp/ related.

sage for no contribution

>> No.7183332

Calm down. Who cares now? we might have a decent discussion here.

>> No.7183335

I didn't like it

>> No.7183337
Quoted by: >>7183378

>sage for no contribution
Oh boy, here we go.
Incoming derailment.

>> No.7183342
Quoted by: >>7183410

It's a good game.
You get to choose between a druggie, a girl who's afraid of going to sleep, and a bullying victim.
One you fuck in the ass,
one you go on a wild fling with in China and almost die, and
one you help choke a bitch as a couple.

>> No.7183343
Quoted by: >>7183378

Please stop replying and let OP samefag as he wish.

>> No.7183344
Quoted by: >>7183378

>sage for no contribution

This never happened. I don't see anything here and neither do you.

>> No.7183354
Quoted by: >>7183378

>sage for durp hurp

You don't even now how sage is used. Any point you could have possibly made is now moot, as you have proven you are fucking stupid. Delete this terrible thread and try and make it more aesthetically pleasing the next time you post it.

>> No.7183360
Quoted by: >>7183378

>sage for no contribution
>sage for


>> No.7183378

Again I would like to ask you to take the meta discussion to another place. This thread should primarily be used to discussion pertaining to Yume Miru Kusuri.

I don't exactly understand why indicating the reason a sage is used is a problem, however if this sincerely bothers you I will refer from giving reason.

>> No.7183387


>> No.7183389
Quoted by: >>7183526


Baby's first VN.

Take it to /v/ or /a/, they think it's the best VN ever.

>> No.7183403
Quoted by: >>7183409 >>7183418

>I don't exactly understand why indicating the reason a sage is used is a problem

That is why you, and any subsequent threads you make, will always be trash. Now fuck off out of here before I whip out the aikido.

>> No.7183409

>Implying you would move your ass out of your basement.
>Implying you would move.

>> No.7183410
Quoted by: >>7183429

The routes have much more depth than that though.

>> No.7183418

samefag. Everyone knows the first reply wasn't from OP
Go be butthurt somewhere else

>> No.7183429

They do, but summarizing them like that made me laugh.

>> No.7183431

Come on Ryan, go to bed already don't you have school tomorrow ?

>> No.7183437
Quoted by: >>7183447

This thread is why you will never be happy, /jp/.

>> No.7183447
Quoted by: >>7183578

Yea, as long as shitty threads like this exist I'll never be happy.

>> No.7183470

The music in YMK was pretty awesome.

The train thing was a dream.
>A drug that makes you dream
Was the protagonist on drugs?

>> No.7183482 [DELETED] 
File: 95 KB, 1011x670, coffee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow /jp/

Your collective asshole is so tight you couldn't fit even a single noodle in it.

>> No.7183506

You should play other VNs, YMK is on the weaker side imo.

>> No.7183526
Quoted by: >>7183532

I tried making a thread about more obscure VNs but it didn't get many replies. I thought a more fruitful discussion would occur if I made one of a more popular VN.

>> No.7183529

Sure is babby's first VN here.

>> No.7183532 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>7183562

If you want to have a discussion of any kind on /jp/ you have to learn to ignore people.

But then again, if you lurked some, you would know that.

>> No.7183546
File: 23 KB, 392x294, WhiteKnight[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Average Aeka fan

>> No.7183562

Alright I'll start by ignoring your advice.

>> No.7183580

    ( ´・ω・`)     ∧_∧
    /     \   (´Д` ) What the fuck is
.__| |    .| |_ /      ヽ this guy talking about
||\  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄   / .|   | |
||\..∧_∧    (⌒\|__./ ./
||.  (    )     ~\_____ノ|   ∧_∧
  /   ヽ  Shut up man.  \|   ( ´_ゝ`) Drunken bastard
  |     ヽ           \/     ヽ.
  |    |ヽ、二⌒)        / .|   | |
  .|    ヽ \∧_∧    (⌒\|__./ /

>> No.7183578
Quoted by: >>7183588

What's wrong with the thread?

>> No.7183584
Quoted by: >>7183595

Aeka > Mizuki >>>>>>>>>> Shit >>>>>>>>>>>Nekoko

I don´t know why so many people love Nekoko route, its was horribly shitty

>Kouhei lets attack random people
>Houhei lets have sex like rabbits because i need fairy power
>Repeat 4 times minimum
>Drugs are bad
>The End

Shitty route was shitty

>> No.7183588
Quoted by: >>7183589

If you are asking then you need to leave /jp/.

>> No.7183589
Quoted by: >>7183611

Can I know what's wrong first?

>> No.7183594
Quoted by: >>7183619

YMK serves no purpose other then being training wheels so Romeo could learn to write good real VNs like Cross Channel and Saihate no Ima.

>> No.7183595

She gets bullied
Repeat 4 times minimum
Choke a bitch
The end

Shitty route was shitty

>> No.7183608

It's tricky to summarize this one in a way that doesn't make it sound much better or much worse than it is, but here goes: three stories about helping someone overcome their personal demons and learn to lead a happy life, with you of course.

Each of the three troubled girls is unique and convincingly human. Hence the routes are very different from each other on the surface but share much of the same themes and overall structure. Also, the protagonist and heroines both grow immensely by the (true) end of the routes, leaving all of them with satisfying (true) endings.

Unfortunately, there is a persistent strain on suspension of disbelief for large parts of the game. While never impossible to ignore, it takes effort (or perhaps a really shitty adolescence) to not let it get in the way of empathizing with the characters and their problems. This is mitigated by the fact that a lot of time is spent effectively killing time with slice of life. But I felt that fit the game's relaxed atmosphere, and gave the characterization and (good) comedy plenty of time to do their things.

Score: 7/10

Polarization: High (+2/-3)

Some people will literally laugh at the implausibility of some parts of the stories, while some others will find at least one of the endings deeply moving. Personal experience may be a factor.

Routes/Endings Played: All 3 routes, good and bad endings.

>> No.7183611
Quoted by: >>7183612

You can't.

>> No.7183612
Quoted by: >>7183632

Ok then have fun getting upset by checking up on threads you don't like.

>> No.7183617

            , '´  ̄ ̄ ` 、
          i r-ー-┬-‐、i
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          N| "゚'` {"゚`lリ
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>> No.7183620
Quoted by: >>7183622

          ∧_∧   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
          ( ´∀`) < My head!!!!!
        /    |    \________
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       / "⌒ヽ |.イ |
   __ |   .ノ | || |__
  .    ノく__つ∪∪   \
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>> No.7183619

Yes, and for that it's worth praising.
Developing good taste and appreciation for the medium has to start somewhere.

>> No.7183622
Quoted by: >>7183627

Faggot cat get off of the table.

>> No.7183627

          ∧_∧  / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
          ( ≖‿≖) < No.
        /    |    \________
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       / "⌒ヽ |.イ |
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  .    ノく__つ∪∪   \
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   ___________| |
    ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄| |

>> No.7183632
Quoted by: >>7183656


>> No.7183637
File: 9 KB, 200x200, 1301749721001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7183641
File: 37 KB, 500x500, opposite435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/jp/ saging VN threads and preventing actual discussion because of secret Internet clubs and tuffguys

Never change.

>> No.7183642
File: 157 KB, 850x1062, no fun allowed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7183648

>actual discussing
>reaction image

Hue hue hue.


>> No.7183651
Quoted by: >>7183677

sage does nothing

reporting (like the one i'm going to do) does.

>> No.7183656


>> No.7183658
File: 23 KB, 300x375, getoutof.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7183689 >>7183695

>> No.7183677


>> No.7183682

If we allow people to have YMK threads than all the newfags will invade us and prevent us from having real deal discussions on the real deal VNs we always talk about.

>> No.7183689
File: 78 KB, 300x375, 1301897187963.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7183695


>> No.7183695
File: 21 KB, 131x225, autism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7183720

Woah. I heard /jp/ was full of assholes but I've never imagined it was so bad.
A fag starts a thread about a VN (actually a nice VN).
People start discussing the quality of posts and threads instead of talking about said VN.

What's your problem people?

Sigh. As many people, this was my first VN. I played aeka's route, then nekoko, and then Mizuki.
It was fun, because it would seem like that's the way it was meant to be played.
Aeka felt like the main heroine (wait, she was, wasnt she?)
And Mizuki's route was definitely the "hardest" (though YMK is not really difficult).

I always loved how at the end of every route everything just gets crazy.

>inb4 people insulting me

>> No.7183723

Goodness this thread has 66 replies but only a few about YMK.

What happened?

>> No.7183728 [DELETED] 

/jp/ happened.

There were no survivors.

>> No.7183726

This thread is an eyesore.

>> No.7183734
Quoted by: >>7183735

Because no one on /jp/ gives a fuck about a 6 years old mediocre eroge ?
Maybe I'm wrong though, maybe.

>> No.7183737
Quoted by: >>7183778

>inb4 insults

At least you are aware of your inherent worth as trash. That counts for just a little bit, right?

>> No.7183735
Quoted by: >>7183745

Then why post in the thread and shit it up?

>> No.7183736

Welcome to /jp/, its full of assholes like the rest of 4chan, I love this place.

>> No.7183741

I'm not a fag.

>> No.7183742
Quoted by: >>7183746

What happened is we have discussed YMK 678090^58 times before.

Its a great game, lets leave it at that. Dont expect any compelling conversation about it at this point.

>> No.7183745

Why make a thread when you know it won't end up as a decent discussion since you're the only one willing to disscuss it ?

>> No.7183746

If you've discussed it so many times and don't want to anymore, why shit up the thread?

>> No.7183750 [DELETED] 

So /jp/ can keep out the people it doesn't want.

>> No.7183748
Quoted by: >>7183758

Why shit up the thread about me shitting up the thread? Hypocrisy much?

>> No.7183752
Quoted by: >>7183758

Even better, You say something new and interesting about YMK and we will talk about it.

>> No.7183753
Quoted by: >>7183756

Without people "shitting up" this thread, it would have died eons ago.
Just sayin'

>> No.7183757

It was time to earn some cash, decided anonymous. He had made a killing off selling the disguised Alice yukkuris to the factory, but that had been a while ago and he needed some extra money to make up for all the extra ‘equipment’ he was buying.

It was a wintery day, the cold air making him tuck his hands into his jacket pockets as he stepped out into the snow. After an hour or so rooting around fruitlessly in his normal yukkuri hunting spots, he gave up on finding anything easily. While going off the beaten path was dangerous, he wasn’t overly worried – not that many youkai went out in the cold, and that ice fairy was still around the lake, the last he had heard.

It was in a cave he found his prize – a narrow, deep hole that was far longer than it had any right to be – but amongst a group of common Reimu and Marisas, he found a yukkuri he had never seen before. It looked like a Mystia type, with odd wings, but instead of a winged hat, it had a green ribbon on it instead.
”Hmm… perhaps a Reimu-Mystia child? No… yukkuri genetics really don’t work like that. Anyway, it’s going to be my ticket to riches! A new yukkuri type…”

The winged yukkuri hopped up and down in front of him.
”Who’re you, mister? Take it over easy!”
He picked it up, feeling it’s warmth in his hands, heating his bones.
“Don’t worry, I’m a friend. What’s your name, yukkuri?
“Yu? Un.. unyuu…” The yukkuri’s face scrunched up in thought. Must be pretty stupid, Anon thought. Well, never mind.
“Hey, how would you like to take it easy with me? I’ll be able to feed you lots of good food!”
”Yu! Take it over easy!”

>> No.7183755

ITT: gay people fellate each other

>> No.7183756

Damn straight.

I laughed btw, thanks.

>> No.7183758

The thread is ruined. Just going to remake it later. Until then it's going to be on the front page for a while.

I did up here >>7183315
No one replied

>> No.7183760 [DELETED] 

So it begins.

>> No.7183762

Let the butthurt flow.

>> No.7183764


Summed up my thoughts nicely.

It's a shame no one appreciates her route much just because it had 'too many sex scenes' and somehow they think that that makes it shallow. Either that or they couldn't stand her personality before her character matured and they didn't take notice of its development throughout the route.

>> No.7183771
Quoted by: >>7183773

>Just going to remake it later.
OH SNAP bro yo gonna pwn dem nigga asses with ur epnicess they just jellymad

>> No.7183767
Quoted by: >>7183777

>new and interesting

Look up these two words in the dictionary. You apparently dont know what they mean.

>> No.7183772
Quoted by: >>7183781 >>7183786

Anon brought back the strange, new yukkuri with him, as well as it’s two children. They were actually quite cute for disgusting freaks of nature, he decided. Back at his house he set up a plastic cage for them to play in, and gave them some sweets.
“Thanks mister! Unyuu..” Anon laughed with them, wondering how they’d scream if he were to rip off one of their wings. But.. no.. no point in damaging the merchandise, was there? Besides, there were plenty of common yukkuris in the basement for him to torture if he needed some fun. He coughed suddenly, a nasty hacking sound emanating from the back of his throat. Perhaps he should have worn some warmer clothing?

The next day, Anon crawled out of bed. It was high time he started investing in a better windows – he was shivering and tired by the time he managed to drag himself up. He looked at his bleary face in the mirror and started brushing his teeth.
Huh. Blood. That couldn’t be good. A crash from the living room distracted him, and he raced out to see what happened.
”Unyuu-!” One of the koyukkuris jumped out of the box, gliding down to land safely on the floor. The room was a mess, with bits of paper everywhere. Anon sighed half in anger, half in relief – he had mostly yukkuri-proofed the room, and tidying it up would be a pain, but if the new yukkuri types got free, he’d lose all that potential money… He’d have to go slowly melt a few of the yukkurisas downstairs to calm down, though.

>> No.7183775 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>7183783

It's going to be ruined the next time you make it, too.

>> No.7183773

u jelly?
u marmalade?

>> No.7183776

I summon Aikido master in this bullshit.

>> No.7183777
Quoted by: >>7183794

If that's not a new argument then what is the counter argument to it?

>> No.7183781 [DELETED] 

I can't believe I didn't figure out what was going on from the first post.

Delicious yukkuri revenge.

>> No.7183778


>> No.7183783
Quoted by: >>7183789

OK. You convinced me not to do it.

Do you honestly believe you can make people stop posting here by doing this? It's just more funny when /jp/ ends up shitting all over themselves like this.

>> No.7183785

>Just going to remake it later
And no one will reply to it except bored /jp/edos searching for trouble, what's the point ?
If you're that desperate you should make a YMK thread in /a/, the amount of new people there should be anough to make your thread more successful.
It's just a friendly advice, if you want to disscuss a 6 years old eroge that have been disscussed to death and doesn't have much disscussable content to begin with, don't go on /jp/.

>> No.7183786
Quoted by: >>7183791

“Hey, hey, what are you doing?”
“We’re flying, mista!” It was more of a barely controlled glided, Anon thought. But as he managed to herd the yukkuris back into the plastic crate he managed not to crush any of them.
He put it out of his mind as someone knocked on the door. Finally, the factory workers!
”It’s a new type of yukkuri! What do you think?”
The factory worker looked at the winged yukkuris, and made a thoughtful sound.
”Yeah, this type showed up only recently. We’ve only got thirty or so, so it’s not a bad find, though.”
”What? I’ve never seen this type before! Are you sure-“
”I’ll give you 13,000 for it. They seem to be quite rare, so they’re still worth something.”
Grumbling, Anon accepted 13K. He’d hoped for more, but it was a lot better than what he’d usually get. The factory worker bowed, and took away the winged yukkuri and it’s progeny. Time to celebrate by killing some of the yukkuris downstairs…

The factory worker chuckled under his breath as he carried the box away – a totally new yukkuri type, and only for 13 thousand? Believing the quick lie of that yukkuri type ‘showing up recently’ - what an idiot! Bringing back this never seen before yukkuri for such a cheap price was sure to get him a promotion. He could feel the excitement pulsing in his veins, a heat building up in his body.
“Mistah, where are we going?”
”Oh.. you’re going to.. The Factory.”
“Unyuu.. what’s that?” The worker was surprised – didn’t all the yukkuri know what the factory was? Ah, never mind. They’d find out soon enough…

>> No.7183791
Quoted by: >>7183800

Anon was in pain. He’d started coughing up blood, and his skin had started to peel off. He staggered out of his house, not even bothering to secure the remaining yukkuri he had been “playing” with. He needed a doctor… if he got as far as the village he’d be ok…

He made it about half a mile before collapsing for the last time, bleeding out of his eyes, his nose and fingers starting to rot off in the cold.

>> No.7183789 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>7183795 >>7183796

You can make it if you like. You can make as many threads as you like, every day for five months. We have had people who have made the same day every day for ten months and they said they were going to make it every day forever and after two hundred twenty days he got tired of it and went home. I'm simply informing you that you are not going to get a different result.

>> No.7183794
File: 11 KB, 252x252, 1294283400008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7183795

gimpling.jpg lasted 617 days
May he rest in peace

>> No.7183796

Whether the result is a fruitful discussion or /jp/ shitting all over themselves is fine. Either result is entertaining.

You guys trying to make people leave by being hostile is pretty funny. No one cares about you being mean over the internet.

>> No.7183800
Quoted by: >>7183806

>>7183791In the factory, the managers were very pleased at the new find. They started grow the new yukkuris rapidly, sending in Alices to rape and force-breed the winged yukkuri types, force-feeding them sugar and honey to keep them alive. It’d be interesting to test out how they react to pain, thought the factory worker. He’d been promoted, and was in charge of the new discovery. It was a very good day.

>> No.7183802 [DELETED] 

Then sit back and enjoy the show instead of bitching about it.

>> No.7183801

I can feel your anger, it gives you focus.

>> No.7183806
Quoted by: >>7183820

Elsewhere in the factory, alarms were going off.
”Track it down! Look, there weren’t any radiation tests scheduled today! Where’s the source?”
The assistant shrugged, holding up an antique Geiger counter, the best the factory could get from Kourindo.
Over half a day had passed, and the newly-promoted manager was feeling slightly nauseous. He amused himself by slowly spiking one of the new yukkuris through the eye, not killing it, but letting it hang above the others.
“Uuu… unyuu…” It wriggled weakly. He laughed, then coughed – a thickly wet sound that was accompanied by blood. That man who sold these things – did he have some sort of disease? His thoughts were interrupted by the men in rubber suits walking through the door.
“Yeah, it’s coming from over here. Hey you, what are you- Ah, no.”
”What’s wrong?” Bewilderment turned to confusion and fear as the men waved at him plastic wands, the machines in their hands clicking like mad.
“Yeah, he’s a goner. Looks like those yukkuris are radioactive. Blimey, it’s off the charts – we need to evacuate the whole place and relocate.”
“What’s going on? What do you mean, ‘goner’?”
The man nearest him shrugged. “You’ve been irradiated with something over 3,000 rem. Sorry, but you’re probably going to die in about a couple of days. Nothing we can do.”
”..How? That can’t be right? I mean, what’s radioactive?”
The man pointed at the winged yukkuri. “It’s them, I’m afraid. No idea how they survive it, but they’re the ones that killed you.

The worker’s rage built up. He was going to die? Those… monstrous things killed him? He slowly walked over to the cage, feeling the heat the yukkuris gave off. And with a scream, he brought his foot crashing through the plastic, crushing one

>> No.7183804
Quoted by: >>7183811

I wish I could be as awesome as you internet tough guy

>> No.7183805
Quoted by: >>7183810 >>7183813

Why dont you remake them in /a/ or /v/?
Pretty sure you can get a better discussion there.

>> No.7183810 [DELETED] 

Apparently, by his own admission, he doesn't actually care about whether he gets a discussion or not. He just wants to see /jp/ hot and bothered.

>> No.7183809
Quoted by: >>7183818

>No one cares about you being mean over the internet.
You clearly do.

>> No.7183811
Quoted by: >>7183819 >>7183823

I wish I could be as upset as you over threads I don't like.
Oh wait, I don't.

>> No.7183812

If you were not such a newfag you would know how to make threads about old and bored subjects. As such, any thread YOU make about YMK is only going to make people hate YMK even more.

Lurk more, moron.

>> No.7183813

He wouldn't be able to "epicly pown dem jp weebnerds" if he did that.

>> No.7183817
Quoted by: >>7183818

>No one cares about you being mean over the internet.

Apparently you do though.

>> No.7183820

“Wow. Hey, Marisa, look at that.” Reimu peered out over the horizon.
“What? What was that giant flash?” Marisa, sitting next to her with a cup of tea, jerked awake.
“Looks like there was a massive explosion… wonder what it was. Oh well…”

>> No.7183819 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>7183824

Yeah, this board is just teeming with upset people.

You've done owned us now.

>> No.7183818

Nope. This result is fine.

>> No.7183821
Quoted by: >>7183829

>You guys trying to make people leave by being hostile is pretty funny. No one cares about you being mean over the internet.
Well, reamking a thread just to see reactions is not caring about other people being mean, right?

>> No.7183823

mad as fuck

>> No.7183824
Quoted by: >>7183827 >>7183840

Enough to get people to manually spam a thread.

>> No.7183826

>asspained newfags

>> No.7183827 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>7183833

/jp/ manually spams a hundred threads a week.

>> No.7183829
Quoted by: >>7183835

I will remake the thread to see if I can get a discussion on the topic. If the result is /jp/ getting asspained yet again over a thread they don't like and shitting over themselves then I'm ok with it.

>> No.7183835 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>7183845

Years ago, I was a karateka, I thought I was the toughest kid in high school, I would pick fights, and kick ass. I was full of hate, until I picked a fight with the wrong dude. He was a Japanese exchange student, I still remember his name, Noboru Takeda.

I picked on him because of his hilarious and thick Japanese accent. I told him I was going to beat him so hard, he would go back to China(Yeah, I was a little racist prick.), he never said anything back, made me wanted to kick his ass even harder.

Well, here comes the fight. I threw several punches, he dodged them like I was a mere white belt. I was tiring out and he knew, I saw the smirk on his face that made me raged hard. I put all my strength in one amazing punch, and he grabbed it and threw me over. My back smacked on the hard cement ground, and I was knocked out for who knows how long.

When I woke up I was in the school infirmary, I asked the nurse who brought me here, and you guessed it, Noboru Takeda. The next day, he wasn't at school, he was back in Japan, and I never got to thank him, for saving my life and showing me the light. I soon learned that he was an Aikidoka and have been practicing Aikido ever since to show my thanks to him.

Unless you're actually retarded, you already know what the outcome is going to be.

>> No.7183831

Sup Ryan, just wanted to thank you cause I can't sleep tonight and this thread gave me good laughs.
Keep up the butthurt, man.

>> No.7183832
Quoted by: >>7183841

I will not let this thread rest until I see some Aikido action on it.

>> No.7183833

And they are mad each time they do it.

>> No.7183836
Quoted by: >>7183838

lmao they so mad and jelly xD

>> No.7183838
Quoted by: >>7183844

Why are you shitposting?

>> No.7183841
Quoted by: >>7183850

I don't like overusing the aikido, man. It lessens its impact every time. You have to let these things recharge, so to speak. If you are really insistent, though...

>> No.7183839 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>7183858

I have defeated countless opponents using Aikido, and they always ask me, Why are you so strong?

I answer, I'm not strong, you are.

Aikido uses the strength of the attacker back at them but 10 times stronger(estimate). Using Aikido and I can probably kill a charging Rhino using it's force right back at it, of course, I'm not going to try it, way to dangerous for any sane person.

I recommend practicing Aikido for every /jp/edo, as you are all physically weak, and Aikido is specialized for the weak to defend against the strong.


A 50 year old man with cerebral palsy doing Aikido, very touching.

I think you're projecting.

>> No.7183840

That spammer is probably a bored loser without anything else to do and is enjoying himself right now.
You on the other hand, I assume you're a decent member of society unlike us, why are you wasting your life on an anonymous imageboard about japanese porn games ?
Don't you have any shame ? What about your parents ?

>> No.7183844
File: 98 KB, 406x480, 1286649358259.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7183845
Quoted by: >>7183855

>unedraged newfag
>spams threads
>calls someone retarded

>> No.7183850 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>7183858 >>7183861

Believe it or not, I wasn't always a handsome stud. I used to an anti-social loser like you, until I started Aikido more than a year ago.

In Aikido, you need to communicate to your partner to be successful, my partner was a very talkative person, I couldn't help but open up to him. He's now my best friend, and through him, I lost my old ways and became a man.

Aikido is so stale that it will never be fresh again, so you might as well run with it.

>> No.7183846


>> No.7183855
Quoted by: >>7183860

Who are you quoting?

>> No.7183856
Quoted by: >>7183865

Look Ryan, I know you're a pretty delusional guy but I must tell you the truth.
No one is mad except you, everyone else is laughing at you and enjoying themselves while happily shitposting in a shit thread.
Sorry, I know the truth hurts but I gotta tell ya.

>> No.7183858

キタ━━━( ゚∀゚ )━━━!!

>> No.7183859



>> No.7183861

Its lunch, I went to my favourite sandwich shop, got a delicious veal sandwich and was on my way back home. There was this thuggish "Nigga" style black dude, he was behind me, I stopped, because he was walking quite fast, and I didn't want to be in his way.
He comes up to me, and asked, “Do you have any money?”, I knew where he was going with this, so I said, “Yeah, but you’re not getting any of it.”, and I walked away. I suppose it’s in his blood, he was going to punch the back of my head but I quickly grabbed and threw him over my shoulder, he fell down and became unconscious. I checked if he had any drugs/money, found cocaine in his jacket and called the cops.
I guess it wasn’t really a fight since it lasted less than 10 seconds, it really shows how effective Aikido is in real life situations.
It feels good to help the police catch drug dealers/druggies.

Well, I suppose that's true.

>> No.7183860
Quoted by: >>7183862

He's using greentext to summarize posts. You new to 4chan or something, holy shit.

>> No.7183862

Stop using the third person to adress yourself, Ryan.

>> No.7183863

ITT: Ryan up past his bedtime.

>> No.7183865 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>7183872

My Aikido dojo is across from a Karate dojo. We usually get alot of rude remarks from them, such as Aikido being for weaklings.

Well, one of them challenged me, he was a white male in his 20's. I accepted of course, I never back down from a challenge.

He had really good form, but his Karate was no match for my Aikido. He delivered a great kick but it was nothing for me, I easily grabbed it and knocked him down with a kick. This went on for about 10 minutes until he got too tired.

He got frustrated and left, he was about to cross the street but I stopped him from getting hit by a speeding cyclist. He didn't say thanks but it still felt good to save someone.

If it's actually Ryan I have to give him a round of applause since I didn't suspect it at all. Could be.

>> No.7183869

epic lulz from all these buttmad newbabbyes :D

>> No.7183871

Wow there are a lot of shitposters in this thread.

>> No.7183872
Quoted by: >>7183877 >>7183882

His posting style is fairly easy to recognize.
I fucking love him though, every single one of his threads have been extremely entertaining for the bored anon that I am.

>> No.7183876
File: 468 KB, 618x850, Shiki019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7183890

Usually the kids go to bed by now... I'll just blame the weekend for now.

>> No.7183877
Quoted by: >>7183888

Honestly I'm not Ryan not that it matters.

>> No.7183882 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>7183903

He's gotten good at this. Or maybe I'm just idiotic, because I used to think I could pick him out after one or two posts.

>> No.7183888
Quoted by: >>7183891 >>7183903

Yes you are, didn't your doctor told you to stop projecting other personalities ?

>> No.7183890


>> No.7183891
File: 117 KB, 500x500, 1300335025287.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7183893


>> No.7183893
Quoted by: >>7183898

Aren't those trips though ?

>> No.7183898

Exactly. He had too many.
The first two 8s were doubles and the last two 8s were doubles.

>> No.7183903

No seriously, I'm not. I'm just some poor anon who wants a YMK thread.

>> No.7183907

Talk to her before and after each class. If she's just sitting in a chair, or standing somewhere, go up to her and talk about something interesting. But make sure she isn't already talking to someone else.
Ask her for her email address or her IM. Do this at least the fifth time you see her if you talk to her a lot, and if she asks why, you don't have to tell her it's because you like her, just turn it around and ask why not.
Don't make fun of her if she does sloppy push-ups, or a bad counter. You can do it once in a while, but not every time you go. Try not to be too patronizing, but it could give you the opportunity to show off and help her with her technique. However some girls might take offense to any form of criticism so be careful.
While sparring her, if you get to do so, don't go too hard on her, but don't go so easy that it's obvious. Remember, she IS learning the same techniques as you, and may well feel you are insulting her abilities by going easy on her.
Compliment her on her Aikido skills after class. Girls love it when they get compliments. If she's more advanced than you, ask her to help you with a technique. It'll give you the opportunity to talk to her while flattering her skill.
Saying Good bye. When you're leaving, or when she's leaving (which ever is first), say good bye to her. The best way to say it is see you later, so the girl knows that you actually want to see her later.
Make sure you don't have anything stuck in your teeth when you talk to her.
If there are any awkward silences in your conversations, quickly say something funny or interesting.
If you're talking to her, stare into her eyes and don't look around in different places in the room. It'll annoy her.
Check if your dojo has any rules about dating someone from the class. Some have rules like this to prevent both sexual harassment and interpersonal drama from cropping up in class.

>> No.7183908
Quoted by: >>7183915

>Ryan wants to make shitty threads but /jp/ won't let him ;_;

>> No.7183917 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>7183919 >>7183936

One of the few legitimate things that /jp/ has actually said in this thread is that you actually have a better chance of getting a functioning thread in /a/ or /v/.

>> No.7183915
File: 80 KB, 500x374, ymk60[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7183923

Why are ymk thread shitty threads?

>> No.7183916
Quoted by: >>7183927

Sad to say that the way you started the thread was all wrong. You are also 5years late to the party.
Lurk more and check out a few VN threads and try to learn from them on how to start one.
Or you can just go back to /a/ and make one there.
People there will gladly talk to you about it. And if you still want to force this thread in /jp/, learn to take criticism and insults.

>> No.7183922

Everyday I look at /fit/ and laugh. They are so pathetic, wasting there time in a hot stinky gym lifting weights.

I just do Aikido and I look twice as aesthetic as the best looking /fit/ poster. I'm probably twice as strong too, strong enough to compete competitively as a strongman or Olympic lifter.

But I can actually use my strength to defend myself, I can probably take on four Brock Lesnars.

At once.

>> No.7183919
Quoted by: >>7183926

I know. I'm still not taking that advice.

>> No.7183926 [DELETED] 

Well, okay, then apparently you don't give a shit whether you get a YMK thread or not.

>> No.7183923

Well, just look at this thread.

>> No.7183927
Quoted by: >>7183935 >>7183938

If this is about the 1st reply that wasn't me.
If it's about the tone in the OP, I was just fucking around a little bit. Does that even sound like a serious post?

>> No.7183930
Quoted by: >>7183956 >>7183971

Oh come on, you guys are pathetic, can't you take your rage and off-topic posts somewhere else? It'd make a lot of people happy.

That said, I just started the VN, haven't gotten anywhere notable beyond barely meeting the characters.

The sheer comical atmosphere that defines what I've played so far feels rather silly, like they couldn't get dark enough later to justify something a little more tame to set the stage...but then again this is a drug-fueled funfest so who am I complaining.

I'm being generic and going Aeka's route first, and I am amused when the MC goes from apathetic towards Aeka to honestly concerned when I make a single choice...but then I can't really relate to the MC anyways, since first off he's barely there (right now anyways) and because
>"The way she's squatting, I can see her underwear, but it's not a sexy image at all."
Can't agree with that...

>> No.7183935

>If it's about the tone in the OP, I was just fucking around a little bit. Does that even sound like a serious post?

Well here's your answer, you stupid piece of shit. If you aren't being serious in the OP, why should we take you seriously and make this a good thread?

>> No.7183936


That's because this fucking VN is so old we discussed this shit ON /a/ before /jp/ was even around.

Hate to shit in the punch bowl, but just because you jumped on board the weeaboo train last week doesn't mean we weren't already chuggin' along.


>> No.7183938
Quoted by: >>7183979

>If this is about the 1st reply that wasn't me.
You can deny it all you want but we know it was you.

>> No.7183940

tanasinn is very important to me. I am a big advocate of the feeling and feeling. I have studied tanasinn for about 6-7 years and am a proud member of the tanasinn-nnisanat Society of tanasinnvania. During my college program semester at tanasinn World, I passed the tanasinn Company's language assessment test, and received a language pin under my tanasinn to indicate that I was responsible and could assist tanasinn guests should they have any inquiries. I study hard every day in order to gain some insight on the lananguage and culture. I have dreams to become either a tanasinn language interpreter for business conferences (the person with headphones and microphone that sits in the little glass booth and simultaneously translates what the person is saying), 今∴山●∵ミひど(・)tanasinnっ●∵す

でも●そ∵∴な(・)人メ● ∵∴tanasinnが定(・(・))しす
∵の名∵(・)これ●か | '`-イ∴(・)のイ●け<・>て●くメ∵(・)∵くぁ(・)wせ●drftgyふじ

でイ∵(・)●が変(・)どtanasinn∵(・)∴なこ ∵∴(・)

>> No.7183949
File: 106 KB, 576x432, Yuno.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

M-my name is Yuno, and I think every single one of you should try harder!. I mean... you're... you're all so slow and lazy and... N-NOT THAT I THINK THERE'S A PROBLEM WITH THAT but I... I think you need to do better! You're the people who've everyone's forgotten and I... I think you have the great potential to do what's right! I mean have any of you had any friends? I mean, I guess it's fun talking to people online, but you need to make honest friends! Please I don't want to see you start getting angry at each other for no reason.

Please don't ignore me. I know I have my own problems. I have a lot of them in fact. I was invited into an art school I don't deserve, and made a bunch of friends who treat me better than they should. What do you do?, other than "fapping" and "being so ronrey" which I don't quite understand, I'm sorry. I also don't get that good of grades, and I have a very good neighbor who's fun to be around (she just ate my entire supply of noodles, she's very short on cash I'm afraid). But as I was saying, you all must try and be better people! ... please? Thank you for listening, I hope.

This image is related too: It's me and Miyachan.

>> No.7183956
File: 217 KB, 994x746, luckylily.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its too late, once you see the copypasta shit-posting, the retard train has already gained too much momentum to be stopped, just wait for another YMK thread that doesnt get over-run by a bunch of children who probably only come to /jp/ because "lolseekritclubhouse" and do nothing but manifest textual feces all day/

>> No.7183958
Quoted by: >>7183969 >>7183971

Saving this thread for why /jp/ is one of the worst boards on 4chan, and /jp/ers crying to someone to go back to /a/ and /v/ is laugh out loud hilarious and hypocritical ("oh no, he said something retarded, he must be from /a/ because there's NO WAY faggotry could ever come from us gentlemen!").

>> No.7183963
Quoted by: >>7183977

Go to bed Ryan.

>> No.7183965
Quoted by: >>7184008

So many angry newfriends in this thread. /jp/ doesn't discuss YMK if you had been here for more then 5 hours you would know that.

>> No.7183968

Ok guys, I know it's funny to re-read those old pasta but the thing is, people don't realize the work that goes into properly doing copypasta. They think copypasta is something that slackers can do, or faggots, or assholes. It's not true. Copypasta is a dying artform and if you don't see that, I don't know what's wrong with you.

First of all, you sacrifice spending real time on /jp/. You can't participate as much as you'd like to because you're so busy doing copypasta that you can't. As a result, you miss a lot of really great threads. Still, it's a sacrifice, so you do it.

There's also the problem of "Flood detected". This message can really hurt your progress. You should try to get your copypasta into every active thread and if you have to sit there waiting before the flood period is over, you lose valuable time. This is also very difficult.

Also, picking which threads should get a copypasta first are sort of difficult. There are threads that don't stay on the first page for very long, so you may be missing some of the more prominent threads. Of course, you should try to hit them all, but for the desire effect, you need to get into bigger threads quickly.

Finally, there's the moral problem. One thing about copypasta is that sometimes it feels good, but sometimes it feels bad.

BTW, this wasn't a copypasta, I just typed it out.

>> No.7183969

wipe the arrogance from your brows my narrow-sited friend with his colored glasses and take a look at any board on this site, they will almost all have truckloads of shit.

>> No.7183971
Quoted by: >>7183983


Oh Ryan you magnificent bastard.
You ain't fooling anyone though.

>> No.7183973 [DELETED] 
File: 480 KB, 600x600, b54d22f8320cee3ccc35f9681e30b543.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

T-that's not nice, A-anonymous... I'm sure that /jp/ is full of g-good posters who are trying to do what's r-right in their own way!

>> No.7183972
Quoted by: >>7183995

Go to bed, Voile's other Hermit !CHiBIvOH6w

>> No.7183975

I really don't understand why people are (In real life, and in fiction) scared of Yanderes.
Whenever I watch an anime/VN that involves Yanderes, the entire show treats him/her in the same way that horror movies

portray the main monster/villain, which is to say, utterly terrifying and nigh impossible to stop.


Beyond "To keep the plot going", why doesn't anybody just fucking kill them? Yanderes aren't as dangerous and menacing as

people (and characters) make them out to be - once you disarm them with whatever weapon they're holding, whether it be a

kitchen knife or pair of scissors, what are you left with? A menacing, dangerous...unarmed loli who's only worrying

characteristics are her disturbing homicidal tendencies.

And that's all it really is, a loli with a sharp object. Nothing more, nothing less. On another note, why are people so

god damn HELPLESS in Yandere animes? Do they ever think of picking up a gun or even a simple melee weapon and

shooting/bashing them in the head when they appear?

But no, they choose to run away screaming "OMGS SU SCAAARY". Do people in anime have absolutely ANY sense of self

preservation or self defense at all? Because from my observations, they don't.
I just don't get it.

>> No.7183977

Another good sign of a lost thread.

I don't even know or care to know who Ryan is, and the fact that you know him on a first name basis is kind of worrisome

>> No.7183978
Quoted by: >>7183992

Oh man.
This thread just keeps getting better and better.

>> No.7183979

You must be really new here to not recognize that as someone trying to make the OP look bad. It's completely different in tone from the OP. Either that or you're the guy who posted it.

>> No.7183983

Okay its official, Everybody in this thread is just Ryan samefagging on 15 computers at once, we can all go home now

>> No.7183984

THIS IS /jp/

>> No.7183992 [DELETED] 
File: 113 KB, 707x1000, 06585d18dd61bca8d63eff160db8a449.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Y-yeah! Well, m-maybe you were being sarcastic... but I-I don't mind, really... I j-just want to do what I can to help!

>> No.7183988
Quoted by: >>7184024

Even Alice is here now.
Just need Satori, Mokou, sudo, suigin, arc and this thread will be done.

>> No.7183991

Oh dear god when I thought this shit couldn't get any worse.

Work hard, spammer-kun! We are counting on you!

>> No.7183995

>Implying anyone from this board would even be in here

The Tsundere Alice post here makes it obvious this thread's been impregnated by /b/tards

>> No.7184002
Quoted by: >>7184007

“Shanghai, come help me clean up. Marisa is coming over soon!”

Master is very excited today. Her good friend Marisa-san is coming to visit today. They haven’t seen each other since Master got married.

“Shanghai, clean up those beer cans!” Master calls from the kitchen.

I obediently bag up the cans of Suweiser. Master’s husband is such a slob.

“Master, wouldn’t it be nice if Anonymous-san would clean up after himself every once in a while?”

“Shanghai, don’t talk about my husband like that. It’s a wife’s duty to keep a house clean, you know?” she says, while wiping the grime off the coffee table.

“Marisa said she has an important announcement to make. I wonder if she finally found a nice guy to marry, like me?” Master mused.

A knock on the door caught Master off-guard.

“Oh, she’s early! Shit, the cleaning isn’t finished!” Master says, while throwing some dirty socks behind the couch.

“Go answer it while I freshen up,” she says, running to the bathroom.

I knew that she was going to put on some makeup to hide her bruises. I flew over to the door and struggled just to turn the knob. Houses really aren’t made for dolls. When I finally pull it open, I see a sight for sore eyes. Marisa Kirisame-san, radiant in a summer dress, stood on the porch.

>> No.7184003
File: 328 KB, 1280x1024, 1225461944570.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're going to have to purge everyone in this thread.

>> No.7184007 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>7184016

“Hello, Shanghai. Can I come in?” she says with a beaming smile.

“Of course! Please, have a seat. Master will be out in a second.”

Marisa hangs her witch hat on the coat rack, and then sits with her hands in her lap as I begin to pour some tea. It’s really cheap tea, so I make sure to put out lots of honey and sugar. She deliberately leans forward, so she won’t get her hair dirty on the greasy back of the couch.

“Marisa! Long time no see!”

Master finally emerges from the bathroom in a clean dress. I didn’t think she even had any clean clothes anymore…
The two girls hug each other like sisters. Master does her best to hide a look of pain when Marisa squeezes her. I know she complained of a bruised rib the other day…

“So what’s your big announcement, Marisa? I’ve been waiting all day to hear it! Oh, but we’ll have to be quick. My husband will get upset if he comes home and sees your broomstick in the driveway again.”

Marisa-san said nothing, but simply raised her hand. On her finger was a modest, but beautiful ring.
“Oh my gosh, you really are getting married! I’m so happy for you? So, who’s the lucky guy?”

>> No.7184008
Quoted by: >>7184015

Yeah man. Only newfags discuss YMK.
/jp/ only discusses real deal VNs like F/SN and Umineko

>> No.7184016
Quoted by: >>7184017 >>7184024

Master was speechless, her mouth agape.

“Sweetie, by now I thought you would’ve grown out of your girl-crushes,” she finally blurts out. Surprisingly, Marisa-san doesn’t look offended.

“But we love each other, Alice,” Marisa-san says with a warm smile.
“We’re going to live in the shrine together. We’ve already discussed adopting a child-“

“Oh? And how do you think you’ll pay for all the expenses? You’re a two-bit magician who plays kids shows and she’s a miko with no weekly paycheck. Do you think her donations will put your child through college? Sweetheart, let me find you a nice guy, like my husband.”

“Like that husband who beats you?” Marisa-san said, while wiping the makeup off Master’s face, revealing the bruises underneath. Master smacked Marisa-san’s hand away roughly.

“I told you, I tripped on my dress! And I’m pregnant now, so he wouldn’t hit me!” Master says, lifting her dress to show Marisa-san her stomach with its steadily growing bump.

“Honey, I had no idea… Well, if he ever hits you again, I want you to call me, OK?”

>> No.7184015

We also like touhou

>> No.7184017
Quoted by: >>7184025

“Alice, I’m worried that one day he’ll be more than angry. I know what he did at the Scarlet Devil Mansion. He’s capable of killing, you know…”

“What the hell are you talking about? He promised me he’d never go back there after I caught him fooling around with the gate guard.”

“You know those books he got you as a wedding present? He stole them from Patch’s library, may she rest in peace. I was there when the mansion burned down. After Anon stole the books, he let Flandre out of her room. He pricked his finger and shoved it in her mouth and said his blood was delicious candy. Being a vampire, she wanted more and flew into a furor. He said that she can get more candy from Sakuya. Flandre found Sakuya and began ripping her to shreds. She barely had time to yell for help before Flandre decapitated her and began to drink her blood. Meiling heard Sakuya’s screams, but because of all the abuse she suffered at Sakuya’s hands, she took off into the woods instead of saving her boss. No one has heard from Meiling since. By the time Remilia was roused from her slumber, Flandre had already made it into the library and had impaled a straw into Patchouli’s half-dead body and was drinking her dry. Remilia confronted her sister, and after a fierce battle that wrecked the mansion and set it on fire, Flandre was finally killed. Remilia, vowing to never return to Gensokyo, gathered up Sakuya’s head and flew off into the night. I confronted Anonymous about why he set this chain of events into motion. He said, ‘I did it for the lulz’. Don’t you see, Alice? He’ll hurt you without even blinking!”

>> No.7184022
Quoted by: >>7184027

How does /jp/ always manage to outdo themselves in terms of shittyness?

>> No.7184025
Quoted by: >>7184032

Master’s face was bright red at this point. She’d heard enough, even if it was all true.

“You’re lying! How would you know all this, anyway? There’s a restraining order against you from going near the mansion ever since you assaulted Patchouli when she didn’t have a book that you wanted to steal!”

“I… I snuck back in to steal some more books. I didn’t want to report Anonymous to the police, since I knew he would be unstable if he thought he would be caught, and I was worried about you. I thought you would come to your senses about him and leave him by now…”

A cracking sound split the tension in the room like a peal of thunder. Master’s anger had finally reached its boiling point, and she slapped her best friend. Marisa-san, stunned at this outburst, gingerly felt the large red mark on her cheek.

“How dare you come into my house and insult my husband like this? Get the fuck out, right now!”

“Alice, please! You’re a victim, we can get you help-“ Marisa-san tried to plead with Master. Her golden eyes were full of worry.

Master would have none of it. She yanked Marisa-san up by her arm and shoved her towards the door.

“Shanghai, get the door!” Master ordered curtly. Not wanted to disobey, I swung the door open. Master pushed Marisa-san out. She landed roughly on the porch. Master grabbed Marisa-san’s hat and threw it in her face.

>> No.7184024 [DELETED] 
File: 198 KB, 787x866, 80e3aba5a55676001e62aaf0f6fdef1d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7184035

A-ah... I-I'm not sure where I l-like where this is going... but if p-posting it makes you f-feel better, anonymous, g-go for it!

W-well, I'm g-glad that you're h-happy to see me *blushes,* but u-unfortunately I h-have to run now. P-please take c-care, everyone!

>> No.7184027
Quoted by: >>7184036 >>7184041

This is what happens when people *not* from /jp/ decide to walk in, and i mean the people who don't visit /jp/ at all

and besides, the only thing happening now is the copy-pasta, which is hardly all of /jp/, just as this thread is hardly /jp/ at all.

>> No.7184032
Quoted by: >>7184040

“I… I’m better off without her, anyway. I’m fine as long as I have Anon…”

Master trailed off as she noticed the black and white doll on the shelf. It was a perfect likeness of Marisa-san, and making it was a real labor of love. I remember how proud Master was when she completed it. She planned to give it to Marisa-san as a wedding gift. Picking up the doll, Master began to sob.

“Oh god… What have I done…”

She fell to the floor as she clutched the doll to her chest. Master began weeping loudly, tears streaming down her cheeks. All I could so was stroke her hair until she cried herself to sleep. I snuggled up next to her neck and fell asleep, too.

The sound of the door slamming woke me up. Oh no, Anonymous-san was home from work, and Master hadn’t cooked dinner yet.

“Honey, I’m home,” he said with a belch. He must’ve stopped at the smoked eel stand for a few bottles of sake before he came home… again.

“Where the fuck is dinner? Bitch, what the fuck are you doing?” he said, noticing Master sprawled out on the floor. She was just beginning to wake up when Anonymous-san snatched the doll from her hands.

>> No.7184035

Who is this, some new trip or long inactive one? either way its almost worse than wth in posting style, tsundere stutter is fine in some cases but this is like...genuine mental problem levels of stutter

>> No.7184036
Quoted by: >>7184046 >>7184048

>just as this thread is hardly /jp/ at all.
Agreed. VNs threads will never be /jp/

>> No.7184040

“You’re still playing with dolls? How pathetic,” he said, before throwing the black and white doll to the floor and grinding it to dust under his work boots.

“No! Why did you do that? That was my favorite doll!” Master protested. That was a bad idea.

“For the lulz. Now I’ll teach you what happens when you don’t make dinner on time!”

Anonymous-san delivered a fierce backhand to Master’s face. Her nose exploded in a cloud of blood. She was on her back now, whimpering. Anonymous-san began stomping down on Master’s stomach, hard. She screamed in pain, digging her nails into the carpet in agony. I was powerless to do anything. I knew that if I tried to attack Anonymous-san, he’ll just blame Alice and make her suffer even more. I covered my ears until the commotion died down. Anonymous-san retreated to his bedroom. I looked over towards Master, who was coughing up fierce amounts of blood. I was worried for her life, until she rolled over on her side and passed out. It was all I could do to wipe up the blood around her mouth. Her breathing was ragged and irregular. I resolved to stay up all night if I had to, to protect my Master.

Sunlight streaming in through the blinds woke me up. Oh no, I fell asleep! Is Master alright? I can’t see her anywhere.

“Oh, Shanghai, you’re awake. Anon felt so bad about what he did that he must’ve gotten a new doll for me! I don’t know why it was covered in blood, but that’s alright. It’s the perfect size, too. I’ll start knitting some clothes for it right away! I’m so excited!”

>> No.7184041

right. lets pretend that thres no problem

>> No.7184046
Quoted by: >>7184049 >>7184065

No, VNs are more /jp/ than you want them to be

Its moronic that the loudmouth kids can't let a VN that isn't currently being translated, or Umineko past without spewing crap because they never actually PLAYED it so they feel the only contribution they can give is to take a dump on the thread.

>> No.7184048

VNs are fine here, look at

YMK is a 6 years old eroge with little content to actually disscuss besides "X > Y", "Z is mai waifu" or "Y is such a slut".

>> No.7184049
Quoted by: >>7184055 >>7184067

Of course I have played YMK. The problem stems from the fact I did so 4 years ago. I discussed it all during that time also. There is absolutely nothing more to say.

>> No.7184050

I'm going to start a YMK thread in a few weeks when I've played through at least 2 of the routes, (no I'm not OP) since I'd honestly like to see a discussion on it, and see how long we can do that before the swarm of...whatever this is, clogs it up.

>> No.7184051


VN threads should be spammed if they have been translated for more than a couple of weeks.

>> No.7184052 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>7184054

You might actually be fine if you're not as retarded as OP.

>> No.7184054

I'll discuss it with you even if they shit up the thread.
I did nothing wrong with this thread. The first reply was a troll you fell for.

>> No.7184055

Same could be said of anything...and that's always talked about here...by the people who never even played it, just like with touhou.

Some people haven't, some people want to discuss it, this isn't strictly your board, if you dont like us discussing it, then ignore it, its pretty simple you know...

>> No.7184056

I hope you can, however I doubt most of /jp/ would still be interested in disscussing it.
Which is why the only replies you'll get will be from bored people shitposting in order to relieve their boredom.

>> No.7184057 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>7184059

Yes, you did. If your aim was actually to get YMK discussion you fucked up in the extreme.

>> No.7184059
Quoted by: >>7184062

Yeah it was my fault for including a topic to discuss in the OP.

>> No.7184062 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>7184063

That was perhaps the one thing you did that wasn't a total fuckup.

>> No.7184060

>The first reply was a troll you fell for.

Always the same ol' tricks with ya ryan mah good chap.

>> No.7184066 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>7184063

I want one million dollars.

>> No.7184063
Quoted by: >>7184066 >>7184077

I want a list of all the fuckups

>> No.7184065

Umineko is shit.
However uminekofags unlike OP, are thick face faggots and can look past the insults instead of whining about them like OP in this thread and you hardly see them now anyway.

>> No.7184067
Quoted by: >>7184074 >>7184098

i dont see touhou threads being spammed
then dont reply

>> No.7184069
Quoted by: >>7184073

I really wish that next time a ymk thread pops up, you guys can prevent yourself from spamming it so we can see how long OP can keep the samefagging up.

>> No.7184073
Quoted by: >>7184081

You say that but I didn't samefag once.

Don't you guys think it's pathetic that you're sitting around trying to find excuses for why the YMK thread is bad instead of just admitting you don't like the VN because /a/ and /v/ like it? There was nothing wrong with the OP.

>> No.7184074
Quoted by: >>7184080

>i dont see touhou threads being spammed

And I don't see legit VN threads being spammed either, what's your point aside from starting pointless rivalry shit ?

>> No.7184077 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>7184082

There's actually only one super major fuckup you need to watch out for.

1. Do not get drawn into or reply to metadiscussion.

That's about it, really.

>> No.7184079

I made a thread for you here >>>/a/47783005
Enjoy OP!

>> No.7184080

>little content to actually disscuss besides "X > Y", "Z is mai waifu" or "Y is such a slut"

>> No.7184081
Quoted by: >>7184088

What are you talking about ? I fucking loved YMK when it came out.
I just think it's kinda silly to try to disscuss it with people who don't have any interest in it anymore, talk about self-injury.

>> No.7184082
Quoted by: >>7184085

I only started that after the thread was already shit all over by autistics.

>> No.7184087

>232 posts and 19 image replies omitted.

Only 70 or so to go!

>> No.7184085 [DELETED] 

Looks like you fucked up the only chance you actually had of getting any discussion.

>> No.7184088

It's so silly to try and discuss it that spamming it should be condoned

>> No.7184095
File: 257 KB, 800x1110, Worst_Komeiji.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7184099

Anonymous, you and I are a lot alike. I'm under the impression we share a lot of emotions, a lot of apprehension and anger and sorrow. Our minds think alike... well, at least, I think they do. Want to know the reason I have no problem coming here to talk to you? It's because you're all very, very quiet and incredibly far away from me. You're the type of people I can naturally get along with, because I'm the same way. So I post here from time to time, I talk with you guys, and I fit in. Though I guess I could just be talking with no proof... but I have a story from recently that may shed some light on what I'm saying. I know, I know, this isn't my blog, but as you may or may not know, remember, or care, today's a special day for a lot of people. Well, not for me...
So here's how it started. Just like any other day. I was relaxing in my corner of the world, enjoying what little of the world I could receive from my seat. That is, until I was disturbed.
"Satori-sama, I've found you another suitor!" Rin called into the darkness of the chapel. I didn't asnwer her. Why did she always do such troublesome things? Time and time again, every man she has brought here has in turn rejected me, they've been afraid of me. Usually they try to run away when they discover my true nature, or escape while I'm asleep - either way, they almost always end up in Rin's wheelbarrow.

>> No.7184094
Quoted by: >>7184097

We sure showed that guy for making a VN thread!

Now let's have another dbls thread to celebrate!

>> No.7184097


>> No.7184098

You haven't seen all Hina threads get Yutanpo's token shitpost, you haven't seen all the "LOL SANAE IS A SLUT ECKS DEE" and the "my favorite >>>>>>> your favorite"

I'm going to leave this thread, I'm going to make a YMK thread when I finish it, and I'm going to learn from this thread's mistakes by simply ignoring any and all posts that aren't about the discussion.

Can't we just start up another VN thread for older VNs for those who are just catching up on things like YMK? Would we be able to do that for newer people so they don't have to stick their neck out only to have it slit when they try to make a VN thread that isn't about a VN from last week?

This sounds interesting to me, what do other people think?

>> No.7184099
Quoted by: >>7184105

"Satori-sama, are you here?" her sharp voice echoed again off the checkerboard marble floor. But I didn't answer her, because I already knew what the result was going to be. I didn't want to live through this carousel of tragedy once again. Maybe she would give up, maybe she would go away. She insisted it was for the best, ultimately, to find somebody who could fill me with this abstraction called happiness, this masquerade of hormonal tendancies dressed in the word love. It wasn't that I wanted to be alone. Rather, I feared loneliness more than anything else. I just knew that it was impossible for somebody like me, who could not be lied to. And as long as I didn't focus on the emptiness in my heart and the coldness in my arms, I would go so far as to say I'm content with my current living situation. So don't worry, I'm fine. And yet--
"There you are! Why are you sitting here alone staring at the wall? And you didn't answer when I called! Something wrong?" Rin put her hands on my shoulders and leaned down, putting her head next to mine. As she exhaled, I could smell some sort of meat on her breath, and as always, she rank of smoke.
"Nothing's wrong." I made my answer as straightforward as I could. I didn't want to explain everything (again). Perhaps she would believe me and allow me to return to my brooding. Her nosiness was half my burden - I didn't want to talk about my problems and I didn't enjoy doing so, yet she would always bring them up when I let on that I was having a tough time and wouldn't let them rest until a thorough talking-to was had.

>> No.7184101 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>7184106

You could try that, or you could try the VN general thread, or you could actually and legitimately try /a/ for a discussion on it since their thread actually seems to be going somewhere.

>> No.7184100
Quoted by: >>7184103 >>7184106

No anonymous.

We don't need a thread for older VNs. Whenever you want to discuss a VN, just make the thread. Doesn't matter if it's YMK of F/SN of SnU.

And let the autistics cry all they want

>> No.7184103

or* not of

>> No.7184104

I wish you the best of luck, but then again I doubt a YMK thread on /jp/ without spam will live very long without massive samefagging.
Hope you can prove me wrong.

>> No.7184105
Quoted by: >>7184108

Yes, I'd prefer not to think about them, and her persistance made me focus on them, which left me only more miserable.
"So there is something wrong. You're still lonely, aren't you?" she asked, releasing my shoulders and striding into the purple light cast down through the stained glass onto the floor beside me. "Satori-sama, if you're lonely, I don't want you to give up on finding-"
"I'm not lonely." I raised my voice ever so slightly from its previous whisper. "I have you and Utsuho, and of course my little sister. You know how I am with crowds, so this is plenty for me. And it's always rather lively around here." But I could tell she wasn't going to let me go with just that.
"That's not what I asked. Being alone and being lonely are two completely different things. What's best for you is a man that you can sit beside and feel safe. Somebody that you can trust in that trusts you. A man who's, well, man enough to come to you with an open mind." Her lips curled up at the ends in her catty smirk as she added, "if you excuse the expression." And her mind wandered to how she was getting hungry again. She began to strut away as she announced, "So, I brought another man here today. Well, he's a pretty normal human to be truthful, but if things go okay we can address the issue of his teensy little lifespan later."
"Don't bring him here. He has nothing to offer me."

>> No.7184106 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>7184114

Or, to be honest, as >>7184100 said you could just make the thread right out and see if it goes anywhere.

>> No.7184108
Quoted by: >>7184112

She stopped at the chapel doors. She was pretty far away, but in the still air, I could hear her tail flick just before saying, "Oh, but he's already here." I began to protest in vain but the noise of the heavy doors being pulled open drowned me out. On the other side, there was a figure standing, and Rin pushed him in from behind. The only sound was the shrill clattering of the chains that bound his feet as he slowly made his way towards me, looking more like a prisoner sent to execution.
His thoughts invaded my brain at once, that nonstop noise that drove me to hole away underground to begin with. It was like always, overflowing with the color of fear. Understandable when Rin brings them in with such ruthless methods. There was something else, too. A sort of yearning sadness as he thought about his family: his parents and a brother and sister he felt he would never see again. I saw everything he saw, Rin grabbing him after he got lost in the caverns above, and I heard his mental recitation of what she had said to him: 'Please, don't be scared, I have a favor I require of you. I need you to make my master happy.'
And though he thought of this, he was visibly scared. Having turned to face him, his legs were shaking and he let out a cautious "Hey..."

>> No.7184109
Quoted by: >>7184115

Your best bet is just to make a YMK thread outright, and discuss it with those who will discuss it, while ignoring the shit...sure it'll be like talking about the weather in the middle of a deathmetal concert, but I'm sure you could make it work

>> No.7184112
Quoted by: >>7184116

Of course. Another unwelcomed guest. Of the three kinds we get here, this was the kind that I despised the most. The men Rin brings down to be my heartfelt fancy, and every time it's the same, be it human, youkai, or ghost. The second type was the occasional visit from another local resident of hell - most frequently was that big drunken oaf of a demon Yugi. Annoying, yes, but all in all, not bad company. Then the third kind - exceptionally rare, filled with excitement, as much as I hate to admit it - people like the red and white thug who beat me up on account of investigation of 'suspicious activity'.
"Despite what it seems, you are welcomed here if you but want to stay. My pet is not the most tactful creature," I told him. As Rin scoffed in the back, I felt a quick change in his mind as I spoke and he finally looked at me, an underwhelming and fleeting thought, ever so briefly, 'Hey, she's actually pretty cute...' This was of course, followed by, '...but what's that gross veiny eye coming out of her body?'
I didn't want to waste any more time. So I asked him, "Do you think that I'm a monster?"

>> No.7184114


Do these look like they went anywhere ?
Without shitposting and spamming, YMK threads just don't work.

>> No.7184116

"I don't," he said, "you just seem like a lonely little girl." He said this, but in his head, and in his heart, I knew he had already rejected me. I felt an old pain returning in my chest as he thought the most hurtful things I've heard in a long time, and I had no choice but to listen. 'Please, please just let me go - there's no way I could be happy with somebody like that. She's a freak. I bet she eats people. And hell - that eye - it's eerie as shit. It just keeps staring straight at me. Let me go home, yes, you really are a monster-- somebody help me!'
I know I am. I'm one who simply cannot be loved, no matter how many sugar-coated lies I'm force-fed. These thoughts, these barrages of insults, of outcries of surprise just at my hideous appearance - they're forever burned into me from so long ago, when I used to see the outside world, when I was happy until the day I awakened. Now I just prefer to stay inside. The crowds of people, staring at me, looking down on me for who I am and for what I do... why should I have to expose myself to that?

>> No.7184115
Quoted by: >>7184117

They cant because they will start to whine about /jp/ reactions because that is their original intentions all along.
If OP really wanted YMK discussions he wouldnt choose these kind of wording and just look at his posting style baiting for those response.

>> No.7184117

And all of you fucks are just playing along.

>> No.7184127
Quoted by: >>7184141

/jp/ trolled yet again.

>> No.7184128


>> No.7184141


>> No.7185081
Quoted by: >>7185091


>> No.7185091

Go to bed Ryan.

>> No.7185558
Quoted by: >>7185562


>> No.7185562

Go to bed Ryan.

>> No.7187161
Quoted by: >>7191848

So who likes Mizuki's route?

>> No.7187758
Quoted by: >>7187785

So I've been a bit disappointed in my inability to find some decent conversation about visual novels (apparently in large part due to having read them well after translations have come out, generally). Is that the only time to find decent conversation? Right after they get a translation?

>> No.7187785
Quoted by: >>7187794

Pretty much. You'd think if people didn't want to discuss something because "We've a;ready talked about this" they could ignore the thread, but instead you get lots of whining.

But then again most people are in secret club mode while I prefer new blood in the hobby.

>> No.7187794
File: 593 KB, 1350x1350, 1301293140247.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.7187816

You can get /jp/ to talk about anything, you just need to know how to start the thread.

>Hey guys, I just finished my first visual novel G-Senjou no Maou and blah blah


>> No.7187853
Quoted by: >>7188722

Great for a beginner IMO, each path is very satisfying also

>> No.7188722

I agree that each route is satisfying. I suppose that's why the VN is so popular among people new to VNs.

>> No.7191848

I'm an Aeka fan.

Honestly, in my opinion, her route was my favorite. I know that might sound a bit typical, but it's the truth.


It was pretty good. I didn't like the part where she just comes out of nowhere 9 months pregnant.

>> No.7191860
Quoted by: >>7191864

Ahh... Yume Miru Kururi... That was my second to complete, and it had one of the greatest soundtracks ever. I was a big nekoko fan... But I really don't feel as if they elaborated enough on the drug... It was as if it was just a catalyst for random sex. Although, best line ever: "Good man, now fill my virgin anus with your semen."

>> No.7191864
File: 800 KB, 802x602, YMK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7191881

>"Good man, now fill my virgin anus with your semen."
Almost right.

>> No.7191870
Quoted by: >>7191910 >>7191929

Okay, I understand when there wasn't any good VNs out there and you didn't want to go through the trouble of machine translations. But we have games like Eine no Aselia, Sharin no Kuni and G-Senjou translated now -- why the fuck are threads still being made for this shit?

>> No.7191881

Thank you sir! I was actually scrambling through my eroge folder hunting for it to see if that was right... Seems its time to clean up the 80 gigs of mess...

>> No.7191910
Quoted by: >>7191932

cuz this one is still good GOT A PROBLEM FAGGOT?

>> No.7191929


Because it established part of the foundation that everything springs from and should be compared to. It's a touch point you, as a reader, should have to compare other works to and to draw from as you continue to read.

>> No.7191932

>Yume Miru Kusuri is good

Your opinion is wrong.
