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File: 927 KB, 1141x1100, bunny story rap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
33652086 No.33652086 [Reply] [Original]

Bun Bun Cha! Bun Bun Cha!

Monster Girl Archive: https://mgearchive.blogspot.com/
Content Aggregator: https://anubis.moe/
Writers list: https://mgearchive.blogspot.com/2021/01/writers-list.html
Sabbath Grimoire Scans: https://imgur.com/a/CATcaGk
Fanart Galleries: https://mgearchive.blogspot.com/2021/01/fanart-galleries-hub.html
Mega Archive: https://mega.nz/folder/b7QSFbIQ#G3K9UO01viIkxUrQBlwx5A

>> No.33652113
Quoted by: >>33653381

Beware Kunoichis throwing coins and carrying around a fish.

>> No.33652121

Imagine the lap pillows.

>> No.33652130
File: 87 KB, 508x975, Kunoichi stretch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Consider Kunoichis

>> No.33652135

I would but my waifu would get jealous.

>> No.33652170

maybe not with the march hare though. a bit too wet.

>> No.33652183

Without naming species, what the types of monsters you would want in your harem?

>> No.33652202

an 8 ft march hare sounds interesting.

>> No.33652205

My English is getting worse, it's time to sleep.

>> No.33652213


>> No.33652218
File: 110 KB, 900x684, aba613b42bc9cdce930ce2bc12bba3068c4cea87cdad48095af7a5ff170fcb34.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>33652252

>> No.33652252

>Pictures taken moment before the ryu checked why the shirohebi quarters appeared to be glowing blue

>> No.33652269
File: 417 KB, 983x608, detail.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished this yesterday. Hope it's a step up compared to my previous baphomet nun art.

>> No.33652271

undead, bugs, reptiles, a few magic materials

>> No.33652313
File: 92 KB, 751x1000, Anubis16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>33652587

Not an artist, but the lines look very cozy. I'm a sucker for black and white stuff.

>> No.33652334
File: 770 KB, 689x1020, 15413077433418.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>33653367

How much longer until monstergirls save us from this hell? If they take much longer they won't have anything left to save.

>> No.33652340
File: 121 KB, 485x680, 8d4b054f7c1f9b05ed4da8e4661a84d5e996b39d5bdee0a45c258f9cc2123e6e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

human boys should be owned by Sab bath

>> No.33652349

Strong, fluffy, sweet and sour, fussy.

>> No.33652374
File: 2.94 MB, 2484x2835, 1579689224016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After landing on the Maus planet of Rattus 7, Space Outlaw Anon finds himself pursued by a local bounty hunter, looking to collect the price on his head.

>> No.33652441

Sorry, too busy fucking my milf wife to be a pedo.

>> No.33652464

>croc girl leglocks you during sex
>you think it's super hot
>right up until she starts to death roll you

>> No.33652486

next time i'm duct taping her legs together

>> No.33652489
Quoted by: >>33652584

thats where she gyrates her hips right

>> No.33652502

Bugs, wingless dragons And many eyes cyclopses

>> No.33652505

Don't much care for loli, but fuck, magical bindings are hot

>> No.33652530
Quoted by: >>33657721

I think I'd like a Dark Priest waifu as an itinerant preacher rather than a resident cleric in a specific church; that way you can wander (or get dragged?) around on adventures more, as she either follows her own 'divine inspiration' or gets sent on official proselytization missions by higher-ups.
Gives plenty of opportunity to knock on farmers' doors asking if "A kind person will give a weary nun (and her manservant) a bed for the night", only to fast forward 8 hours and the farmer's daughter wakes to find herself strapped to a pentagram half-monsterized with the priestess dripping hot wax on her nipples and the manservant busily raping her.

>> No.33652584

It's where she spins you like a propeller

>> No.33652587
File: 1000 KB, 922x1161, Museth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks, those are the two other pics that I made of her. I changed the style on that last one for something more dramatic and also drew her without the nun attire and eyes open for a change.

>> No.33652603

Big cuddly mommywife monster and regular wife monster.

>> No.33652617
File: 63 KB, 778x512, 1560383604332.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really don't care what species they are as long as I can use their breasts as a hat

>> No.33652636
File: 79 KB, 636x900, 9a570a7097ddd177dc6e725d4c3c822195e668ea334467eda00c6c712e858d3c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are vanilla elves such massive sluts?

>> No.33652643

Hungry for the



>> No.33652666
File: 526 KB, 912x1300, Nurarihyon22b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.33652701

Is there anything sadder than a dragon hoard that is a pile of gold coins only a foot wide and a few inches tall? Besides having no hoard at all, of course.

>> No.33652702

Crave the attention of human men.

>> No.33652728

In a world of slime, tailpussy, and mofu, they're stuck sharing their one gimmick, knife-ears, with most of the competition. The only way to stand out is to slut up or go full haughty.

>> No.33652751
File: 349 KB, 768x1024, 1582997504857.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When you're 137 years old with 1,000 more to go you no longer concern yourself with the judgement of mayflies...
...and focus on your concern for their vigorous, youthful cocks instead; concern for how humans' short lives mean their members are always brimming with impatient primal urgency and animal passion to impregnate females as quickly as possible; the childish, innocent joy they feel when penetrating a refined elven womb as their fresh spermies yearn to make a hybrid love-child... ~~kyaa!~~

>> No.33652775
File: 71 KB, 781x450, Hoard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>33652790

Smol dragon, smol hoard.

>> No.33652791
File: 268 KB, 567x405, ohNo4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ideally, any that are big, strong and caring. The fantastical size and shape may vary, but that's the core criteria.

(pic semi-related)

>> No.33652790
File: 51 KB, 500x375, Tiny coins.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Found another one boss!

>> No.33652812
File: 60 KB, 600x500, drgn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She is just getting started, don't bully the dragon

>> No.33652841
File: 63 KB, 619x649, Fairy Dragon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>33652883

A penny saved is a penny earned!

>> No.33652858
Quoted by: >>33652880

Are husbands expected to give treasures to grow their wives hoards, or do dragons prefer to build it themselves. I'd give my wife ten hand-made rings, but I worry that might be a bit much.

>> No.33652880
File: 112 KB, 1200x848, 1517723061590.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're mates, you should be building the hoard together.

>> No.33652883
Quoted by: >>33652948

I'm going to trick her with a Chocolate coin.

>> No.33652894

fluff, cute paws, maybe some tan skin, all lolibabas

>> No.33652903
File: 119 KB, 850x1193, hellhound.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What kind(s) of monster girl would enjoy listening to black metal with you?

>> No.33652937


>> No.33652939
File: 234 KB, 420x600, 1385323651518[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>33652976


>> No.33652946

I hope she doesn't feel insecure about my MASSIVE comic collection

>> No.33652948
Quoted by: >>33652963

Would a dragon be sad or angry that all her coins turned out to be chocolate?

>> No.33652963

Depends on the dragon. Wurm is very happy.

>> No.33652976

Unless it's Mothra, then she'll be listening to Clair de Lune

>> No.33652982
File: 3.87 MB, 2100x3500, 577b585f4399658503d83f15759240.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>According to legend, theEgyptiangod Atum created the universe after ejaculation frommasturbation. The flow of the Nile was also said to be connected to the number of times the god ejaculated. Due to this, the pharaohs ofancient Egyptwere required to ceremoniallymasturbateinto the Nile.

>> No.33652991

Everything is cum in egypt.

>> No.33653003

Bukkake for the Crocodiles!

>> No.33653128

Whenever monstergirls conquer a city in MGE, presumably the sea monsters at the delta go into a feeding frenzy because of all the jizz that leaks into the river

>> No.33653135

That is one well-hydrated pharaoh

>> No.33653213
File: 122 KB, 405x383, 1563784714398.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Add one to "cultural practices of the desert kingdoms" - River Offering Day, where all the men of the kingdom are required to deposit a specific volume of sperm into the river. Of course, the women of the kingdom are expected to assist: the best dancers and contortionists are put naked on the royal barge in the center of the river, to give the men "encouragement", while wives are expected to, ahem, lend a hand to their husbands. By the grace of the Pharaoh, unmarried men will be assigned a sphinx or khepri from the royal staff to be their "wife for the day" for the purposes of the ceremony.

>> No.33653367
File: 154 KB, 1500x1000, 1527981815510.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>33653448

>DL opens the portal to a radioactive, cratered hellscape

>> No.33653381
Quoted by: >>33658801

I don't understand this reference

>> No.33653448
Quoted by: >>33653529

They can still do good work in the mojave.

>> No.33653474
Quoted by: >>33653517

Could make a fun story of using DE to neutralise heavy irradiated areas

>> No.33653517

irradiated areas make for bigger monsters

>> No.33653529
Quoted by: >>33653664

A shame all those girls are now missing out on a billion plus men.

>> No.33653607
File: 940 KB, 1414x2000, 1582406393066.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Calm down miss. You're scaring the children.

>> No.33653664

Send in the lich

>> No.33653705
File: 307 KB, 1200x759, d18a90c59c1e92e1ab94ee7b3cf6ab0aca7028109975f2e4c624bd1072bd5ca2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

foxes are great for drinking and gaming buddies!

>> No.33653758

Good luck reviving literal ash spread out among ten thousand miles.

>> No.33653770

Elven males are the real victors though
>Your women are cold and frigid broomsticks who only want sex once per year
>and are only fertile for 5 random hours during that year
>Your race is dying because of that and You can't even smash
>monsterization happens
>Your women are now incredibly horny
>want sex all the time
>affectionate, full of smile and devoted
>fertile as fuck
>incubi sons now being born
>Your race is no longer dying as every elven broad can now give birth to elf incubus
>Elf incubuses also have elven male sons
>Your vanishing race is now stronger than ever and Your cold hearted women are now love obsessed sugarpies
Same for dwarves really, except they moved too fast and are on shaky grounds in term of their survival right now.

>> No.33653782

Which monster girls are for female:domination_loss?

>> No.33653783

You're alright, fox.

>> No.33653787

And so Lich moved into the Ringed City and began making angels in the ash

>> No.33653798

That's the idea, yeah.

>> No.33653799

Dorfs with many children must take great care that none of those little tykes pull The Lever

>> No.33653835

So that's how I'm getting my big titty lich GF?
Death doesn't seem that bad.

>> No.33653845

all lolis, but not all the time, cuz i find lolidom from lolibabas to be very hot, but you need to break the smug from time to time

>> No.33653852
File: 317 KB, 900x800, 2EC57964-3778-4B21-9F5D-7D7307578C95.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>33653935

That mofu needs upgrading.

>> No.33653860
File: 623 KB, 2776x1878, Evv7mgjXIAMd3Cx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what the ideal monster girl body looks like. You may not like it, but this is what peak sexiness looks like.

>> No.33653877
File: 1.88 MB, 1900x4000, 7C30DE9A-695A-469A-98C5-242527683811.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>33653909

That’s alright and all but do they also have the fluffy tail?
Poor rabbits are pretty much instantly disqualified.

>> No.33653909

I want a big strong monster girl to manhandle me into brushing her tail.

>> No.33653935
Quoted by: >>33653984

Is that a giant fox or tiny ass table?

>> No.33653951
File: 1.66 MB, 1000x1590, cc3efd4694aec543a43a7df7b3636bcd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>33654080


>> No.33653980
File: 99 KB, 891x1187, 1508724903777.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to pay bards and musicians to spread the word about how I can best any beeg monster before going on an adventure.

>> No.33653984

It’s a sort of stool.

>> No.33653995
File: 75 KB, 600x750, 1583906529690.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Praise mamonobama

If anything I like male corruption more than female corruption; I wanna see male elves go from asexual chaste scholars who live aescetically in trees and philosophically declaim about the indignity of the lower life forms' passions... to getting forcibly buried under T&A by succubus-elves until he emerges a slavering incubus who refuses to wear pants to constrain his foot long permaboner and spends his days foaming at the mouth violently jackhammering any hole he can find while yelling about milkies

>> No.33653996
File: 2.39 MB, 1760x2750, 1472995906158.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We are born of the blood. Made men by the blood. Given waifus by the blood.

>> No.33654014


>> No.33654015
File: 35 KB, 900x506, 3651ee14be0dc0db199e6fdd9991251f0875bb17cd71933339c72fb364690621.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.33654027
File: 521 KB, 1525x2160, MqaFHXiW_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's my blood. Keep the undead away from it

>> No.33654038

>she brought her scythe
Uh oh

>> No.33654041


>> No.33654064
File: 307 KB, 1200x875, bloodborn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Always remember that Gehrman custom built his own waifu, based it off the girl he was attracted to, but made his waifu taller, just because he could

>> No.33654070
Quoted by: >>33654275

Are you okay little girl? Do you need help finding your parents?

>> No.33654080
Quoted by: >>33654940

How much do I have to pay to be allowed to lick her abs?

>> No.33654086

Time for dominating headpats.

>> No.33654093

Why is there a small child staring at me from around the corner? does she think she is being sneaky?

>> No.33654275

> I am 400 years old and I have 8 daughters already, young man. Although, if you prove how friendly you are to, ahem, little girls, maybe I'll let them... play with new papa ~

>> No.33654310
File: 1.17 MB, 1000x1133, griffin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>33654524

Well... Being supersexual fiend who doesn't even wear clothes and only has sex 24/7 is a bit too much for my tastes (same reason I don't really like Fallen god). But seing bitter, cold men go very dere and very affectionate for their new monster wives after incubisation is top tier.
Also idk why is it called corruption, same with calling mamono "demons". It's jap thing I know, but here it only serves as a fuel for HFY fags' dumb worldview. There's nothing demonic in mamono, and there's no real corruption (unless it's a jubjub or Fallen god's actolytes).
It's only having sex with Your wife for 4 hours a day instead of 30 minutes and no NTR, it's a fucking improvement, not a corruption.

>> No.33654336
File: 1.68 MB, 2000x1828, 1615453616946.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Supreme Court of MG

>> No.33654349
Quoted by: >>33654549

Lord help me.

>> No.33654379


>> No.33654402

Another god rejected!

>> No.33654421

MtG Sphinxes are powerful, checks out.

>> No.33654444
File: 486 KB, 784x631, 1613629526585.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hmm interesting please continue

>> No.33654470
File: 910 KB, 1729x4266, 1615454111037.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.33654523
File: 814 KB, 1500x1938, Selene.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder how scary it would be to randomly come across a final/scret boss teir monster while adventuring?

>> No.33654524
File: 1.14 MB, 1250x1875, 1583897436531.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's fair enough.
Personally, the "This is actually kinda dangerous" is part of the charming scareousal of monstergirls. That they *could* accidentally rip you apart is hot, as long as you've got plot armour so it doesn't actually happen. The fact that they *could* accidentally (or not) OD you on mamonobama until you become a jubjub-tier brainless sex maniac with no other interests is hot, as long as you have plot armour so it doesn't actually happen.
A derecubus is fine too

>> No.33654538
Quoted by: >>33654569

What if she's in disguise, wings folded under a cloak, horns covered by a hood.
Just a normal adventurer like you!

>> No.33654549

That's "mistress" for you, boy!

>> No.33654569

I like the Idea of them revealing themselves against a larger threat out of "protecting what is thiers"

>> No.33654573
Quoted by: >>33654644

I need to find the most fertile lizard girl in all the land and defeat her so I can conquer her womb and heart!

>> No.33654587
File: 23 KB, 500x498, Teasing Priscilla.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>33659660


>> No.33654621

What would they actually do to you, though?
A) Just kerbstomp you and leave you there under a paralysis hex, naked from the waist down, covered in pheremones, with a little ribbon tied around you saying "Free to a good home?"
B) Kerbstomp you and run a train on you with her entorage, you end up married to one of her grooms women as part of her court
C) Give you an amusing sexual enhancement/curse a'la Kasyrra in COC2 and watch your subsequent travails via crystal ball like a telenovela
D) "A weakling like you is beneath my notice; away!"
E) ...?

>> No.33654623
File: 615 KB, 1000x881, 1434420661578.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always get my dose of the scareousal out of the fact that given how it is practically an instinctual drive for monsters to seek out a husband, the predator/prey dynamic is still very much alive for monsters and humans, barring one or two monsters. Even with monsters such as lizardmen, who only try for the marriage after they lose a duel, they eventually initiate the duel themselves if denied long enough.
The ending has been made wholesome though, because monsters are for starting happy families with

>> No.33654633
Quoted by: >>33654719

C sounds cruel
E sounds like "You can have whats in.... THE MYSTERY BOX!"

>> No.33654641
File: 418 KB, 1600x2000, playful lilim.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>33654703

Tag alongside your adventures, bugging you for scraps and occasional entertainment because she is bored and waiting to see how long it takes until you realize just who is traveling with you

>> No.33654644
File: 110 KB, 725x1200, i6OFl1dC_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Knocking up tough, muscled warrior monstergirls into top-heavy milk sows who can't fight any more because their sloshing tits throw off their balance!

>> No.33654652

>It's incredibly obvious, isn't it? A foreign substance is introduced into our precious bodily fluids without the knowledge of the individual, certainly without any choice. That's the way your hardcore monstergirl works.
>Jack- Jack listen. Tell me Jack, when did you first become, well... develop this theory?
>Well I first became aware of it, Mandrake, during the physical act of love.

>> No.33654703

All those sound mean
This is basically MGQ, but a good theme regardless.

I think she'd give You a light beating and leave You alone to see how powerful You become, because then You can be passed to one of the mamono who are desperate and can only go for a strong hero, like dragons or such.

>> No.33654719

>Meet Selene while adventuring
>Shit scared of her by reputation combined with being a demon princess
>She doesn't look at you as a threat, raver an amusing child dispite you age
>"Well human... I would be boring to just let you run along... Maybe I shall give you a choice"
>A choice? what does she mean by that
>"I see you have a sword, you we could have a match right now... Or I could use a new servant in my mansion... OR!"
>Selene seems to form a fancy looking chest out of nothing. "You can have what's in my magic chest!"
>You ask what could be in the chest
>Selene huffs "Pick it and find out!"

>> No.33654747
File: 168 KB, 1200x1300, 1527073431601.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>33654853

>pick the mystery box

>> No.33654761

I would annoy her by asking more about the magic chest

>> No.33654785
Quoted by: >>33654812

>"You can have what's in my magic chest!"
What happens if I just grope her "magic chest"?

>> No.33654812

She has a common slime gardener that needs a husband.

>> No.33654853

Why does the so called "Lilim of swords" give magic chests to random adventures like some sexy fairy godmother?
I feel like you get a mimic if you fucked around on your choice for too long

>> No.33654886
Quoted by: >>33654998

Cause just defeating lvl 6 Joes effortlessly and tossing them to some unwanted CC monster gets boring after a few hundred years.

>> No.33654940
Quoted by: >>33655044

Your hand in marriage

>> No.33654948

Maybe the chest contains a Demon silver weapon, and a good quality one?

>> No.33654978
Quoted by: >>33654989

Wouldn't it be useless against demons? It'd only make them more horny.

>> No.33654989
Quoted by: >>33655077

I considered it being more like the angel halo from MGQ, a non leathal way of taking things out

>> No.33654998
Quoted by: >>33655077

I feel like she just drops them in front of valks or lizard women and goes "have fun"

>> No.33655044

Wow, that cheep?
I thought dragons like expensive things.

>> No.33655051
File: 39 KB, 360x450, Cyclops_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I forgot the MGE cyclops is a thing, given how much gazer stole the show

>> No.33655064

I personally prefer Cyclops to Gazer.

>> No.33655077

We'll You're more or less right, I admit:
>it can be fashioned into swords which inflict spiritual rather than physical wounds - ideal for monsters, who have a vested interest in not causing harm to their enemies.
But the weapon backfires as using it makes You take in demonic energy and as such - will sooner or later render You seeking out a monster to bone.
Yeah but how more fun is it to leave Joe alone for now and see him become a formidable challenge, before defeating him and dropping him before a Lich or dragons and saying "have fun".

>> No.33655088
Quoted by: >>33655148

So Selene would need to keep a blacksmith in order to mainaint giving out weapons like and old lady has candy?

>> No.33655148

Heros are not that common, also she doesn't meet every single one of them. Once per a while she'd give out a weapon for a hero that has potential. He could continue his adventure without harming monsters, becoming more and more powerful, and after a while the Demon energy intake from the weapon would make him fall in love with some nice monster.
Doing something like this would actualy be pretty smart for converting the most promising Order heros.

>> No.33655153
Quoted by: >>33655230

I want to bring her titanite shards

>> No.33655214

>Selene become a bit a cryptid for would be adventurers that good track records
>Tales of meeting the warrior Lilim, and if you meet her standards, being given a blade of imense power
>Other tales of adventures dissapearing, only to be heard of manning the lilims mansion and arena along with her maids and golems

>> No.33655230
File: 39 KB, 450x450, Cyclops_extra_art2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>33657551

We need more cyclops art

>> No.33655246
File: 933 KB, 1120x1547, 1543449009517.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>33655517

Do moths and other insect girls lay eggs? That would make a big family quickly.

>> No.33655247
File: 1.44 MB, 1800x1613, 1615236117417.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ngl I would be fucking terrified of meeting a powerful monster, because of all the stories here of being given to some bad end species like devil bug for fun.
I'd lay low till some reasonable level and then stick to some mid level areas till some nice matrimonial opportunity arises.

>> No.33655259
Quoted by: >>33655277

Imagine fending off the monster hoard only to hear

>> No.33655277

>abandon post
>hide in closet
>cast: teleport to sunnyville, holstaur plains

>> No.33655278
File: 285 KB, 718x671, swordlim.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>33655304

Whats scarier?
Hero cyptid Selene or drunken viking warrior Selene?

>> No.33655304

Isn't she both?
Beast needs to write more Selene or a least a story with the above in mind.

>> No.33655377

I ate garlic bread. Sorry Vampires, but I'm thinking with my belly and not my dick this time!

>> No.33655392

Imagine the tales of hero cryptids on the front lines
>Warrior lilim that gives out wepons or kidnaps adventures
>Mysterious women luring men into dungeons
>Other mysterious women giving mercinaries strange contracts
>Elemental shrines where wizards can gain power... for a price
Along side the usual swamp witches and gremlin labs

>> No.33655403
File: 288 KB, 987x776, 1614559604259.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>33656166

>be me
>tank paladin level 76
>full raidgear
>party wants to go to Royal Makai, they think they can defeat the Demon Lord
>refuse to take part in that idiocy
>they lose (ofc) and join the hero unit of Demon army
>You no longer have a party
>all high and mid levels parties are either full or on the monster side
>go back to slime forest and amass a new party of level 1 adventurers
>carry them for months, leveling them up
>they finally are as strong as You
>top DPS says one day
<Hey guys, we're all powerful now let's go challenge the ruler of Dragonia!
>it's the same fucking thing all over again

>> No.33655411

Non mge vamps might have a problem
MGE vamps get off on the smell, I wonder if breath fetish is a thing?

>> No.33655413
Quoted by: >>33655440

>Nergigante pic that isn't furshit

>> No.33655431
Quoted by: >>33655472

>being given to some bad end species like devil bug for fun
Eros doesn't fuck around if monsters try that sort of thing, it's more likely you'll just get bullied unless the monster in question knows you're into her (or happens to have a friend that fits) - in which case you're now married

>Order now has to give seminars about not accepting swords from strange women
>They're still losing rookies to "free strength potions"

>> No.33655440
Quoted by: >>33655546

I don't think I've seen a furshit nerg
plenty of furshit kulve taroth and mitsuzune, but not nerg

>> No.33655466
Quoted by: >>33655614

How do I into Monster Hunter?

>> No.33655472

Good thing my autism makes me fear being happy then, maybe I'll see the world before getting married first, if I get isekai'd.

>> No.33655495

>amusing sexual enhancement/curse a'la Kasyrra in COC2
You should be ashamed to bring that up here

>> No.33655512
Quoted by: >>33655584

Context for the uninformed, I have not touched COC2
Assuming COC means corruption of champions, and I haven't heard of that in years

>> No.33655517

Monstergirls' oviparity is said to be the same as the animal they're based off, with the exception of e.g. fish/mermaids where the animal does external fertilization. With the exception of slimes, all monstergirls need P in V for reproduction.

>> No.33655546
File: 26 KB, 288x450, 210425735-288-k744708.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've seen a few
Maxa's Art is walking the line at times, but it really depends on the monster

>> No.33655584
Quoted by: >>33655633

Much COC is horrible futa furfaggotry, true, but the specific enchantment in question is just "Enchant your balls with demon energy for much bigger, more fertile loads"

>> No.33655614
Quoted by: >>33655640

Bait and hide, and make sure you got a big weapon, you only get one shot
Or darksouls autism, world is fun, bu they placed a lot of weapon balances and fucked the controls for iceborne

>> No.33655617

But what if I'm wizard adventurer, or healer?
Sword lilim wouldn't want anything to do with the sqiushy magic user, right?

>> No.33655633

COC1 had some really good waifus and you could do quite a bit without it devolving into futa furfaggotry territory.
When I tried COC2 it just really seemed to be like 80% of that stuff.
>"Enchant your balls with demon energy for much bigger, more fertile loads"
Yeah, I'm fine with that.

>> No.33655640

I imgine using a hunting horn would confuse most monstergirls
While something like the charge blade or switch axe will make salamanders wet

>> No.33655802

You're gonna make a great healslut hubby anon-chan
And if you aren't then she's gonna make sure all your skill points are reallocated

>> No.33655813
File: 2.00 MB, 2500x3118, 18743587594.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wild Monsters don't know how to hold back, high level ones can be especially dangerous.

>> No.33655818

You will be assigned a Tank
or she will fgive you magic gauntlets or some shit so you can become kung fu action wizard

>> No.33655840
Quoted by: >>33657527

Be an independent mage who doesn't need protection.

>> No.33655841

Beautiful, nice to see the progress.

>> No.33655874
Quoted by: >>33657511

Oh, anon, you dense brainiac. Monsters love spellcasters because of their high mana reserves. Big MP bars make them wet as hell.

>> No.33655956


>> No.33655982
File: 133 KB, 780x1111, 1615439341894.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sad vampires everywhere.

>> No.33656018

>wife's contribution to the pile is stacks of gold and jewels
>my contribution is all of my bionicles, assembled or parts
You think she'd understand their value?

>> No.33656034
File: 241 KB, 1090x1932, ev6emoe9boz51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.33656043

The CC ones

>> No.33656110

I wanna make babies with a harem of musky, unshaven, fujoshit auties, that have had their biological clock screaming at them for the past several years and are now fighting eachother like a pack of dogs for the right to mate first until they truce and I'm ripped apart during the feeding frenzy.
Or just a bunch of christmas cake final bosses from buggy, unplayable games that retired because nobody ever came to slay them because of aforementioned unplayable bugs.

>> No.33656166

I keep thinking that's a grill from the thumbnail, and Pally is grilling up some burgers and brats for his Yeti companion

>> No.33656304
Quoted by: >>33656331

>Cheshire will never again try to prank a wintertown BBQ
>Especially after all the bite marks on her rump from the Wendis going on a feeding frenzy

>> No.33656325

You are a man of fine taste and upright standing.
Just save some old hags for me!

>> No.33656327

I want to assfuck a Cheshire while her twin sister sits on my face.

>> No.33656331
Quoted by: >>33656381

I like this notion of post order MGE world paladins being some kind of wholesome children book police, throwing community barbecues, helping old hags and loli hags across the roads, teaching kids about sword safety and so on.

>> No.33656371
File: 729 KB, 1014x1082, U9VrjSvj_o.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>To anon horror,he ends up with a completionist type Echidna as a wife

>> No.33656381
Quoted by: >>33656540

Same, I like my Paladins being wholesome and full of justice

>> No.33656384
File: 224 KB, 457x526, 555.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you manage social life with a Shirohebi wife
She doesn't like me spending evenings playing dnd with my dudes (even tho they are all married and the only females there are their wives) but when i try to include her in the game sessions she just derails the game by scaring off or threatening to kill all the female npcs
I love my wife but as a dm i have a moral obligation to not let down my players so i'm thinking of making up some stupid shit to sneak off and run a few sessions without her knowing
Does anyone have a better solution?

>> No.33656389

But Echidnas create new types, you will never be done

>> No.33656402

That's a huge plus in my book for better or for worse

>> No.33656420
Quoted by: >>33656510

Its like collecting baseball cards, they're just gonna pull some brand new set out of their ass and we'll never be done. All the same girls she crapped out the first time but now they're foil or they have all of their lifetime stats printed on their backsides, or whatever. No thanks, she's allowed a dozen and not a single child more.

>> No.33656429
Quoted by: >>33656533

The appropriate way to play D&D when you have a monster wife is to give her 50 daughters, move your family into a cave, and spread rumours of wealth within.
Warning: she will blame you if a salamander adventurer turns up, defeats your all, and rapes you in front of your wife

>> No.33656510

I think your definition of dozen and hers may vary,or she may pull something like
>"hubby you said dozen,but not HOW MANY dozens!"

>> No.33656533

My wife's a hebi if there is one thing i don't fear is getting raped or even touched by other monsters

>> No.33656540

Oh no the absolute horror, how can I ever recover

>> No.33656611

Going to, studying and residing in a college/university town featuring Hakutaku and Crow Tengu teachers/professors. And all your fellow students being monstergirls and other friendly chill humans:


>> No.33656623

Where's my Outer God book KC? I want Azathoth-chans personal band to play me their favorite song also the only one they know https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xHAeJSwUbaw

>> No.33656665
File: 283 KB, 606x1200, 1615373803415.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about a sweaty, CC, BEEG oni Physical Education teacher?

>> No.33656700

Academy City: a place where a Raiju and her ten thousand clones all want your dick

>> No.33656726
File: 85 KB, 735x1199, e526588b69c6ea4ffd2b80cade25623ac7fb5bf0fc510a38dcf4560e47625876.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is she unimpressed?

>> No.33656743

You didn't warm the towels.

>> No.33656794
File: 810 KB, 992x1403, 1544746045915.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ahh... you were by my side all along...

>> No.33656805

>smoke hobo wife is a completionist when it comes to waifus
>echidna wife is a completionist when it comes to daughterus
I'm pretty sure my family is going to be legally classified as a city state at some point.

>> No.33656815

Because my blueprints for the next pyramid was off by a couple of feet.

>> No.33656830

If you squeeze my lizard I'll put my snake on you.

>> No.33656916

i don't think echidnas can just nilly willy spawn new species so easily or the chance is so low that winning the lottery has better odds,where does it state they can make new species anyways?

>> No.33657013
Quoted by: >>33657123

Little girls

>> No.33657117

Yandere, devoted, big tits, milky, flat chest, loli, fiercely loyal, degenerate, clingy, smart, fun-loving, laid-back, hard worker.

>> No.33657123

So you’re Danny Elfman?

>> No.33657158
Quoted by: >>33657198


>> No.33657198

No. Doppelgangers in MGE cannot take the form of different girls, switching willy nilly. Shit girls

>> No.33657219
Quoted by: >>33657500

My feet are massive, but my dick is tiny.

>> No.33657248

Ghosts, preferably ones that look like flames and hang around in cages. Also only one of them, I don’t want a harem. Not like she’d let me have on anyways haha

>> No.33657295
Quoted by: >>33657466

Keep her under the table with your legs wrapped around her head.

>> No.33657316
File: 107 KB, 720x900, Dopps.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine doppelganger panicking when You she tries to change into her fake form but can't.
>Oh no, I can't change into my day form!
>You don't need to.
>But, You won't look at the girl You love.
>I'm looking at my beloved right now, and I don't want anyone else.

>> No.33657326
File: 941 KB, 1836x1900, Nami EVERY DAY UNTIL YOU LIKE IT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.33657349


>> No.33657377

cannibalism is NOT allowed

>> No.33657380


>> No.33657466

careful,she may start flailing and turn the table over in a fit

>> No.33657484


>> No.33657500

No fear, tiny tadger; she loves you anyway.

>> No.33657510

One with a dick.

>> No.33657511

does that mean sea bishops fancy knights with huge health stats?

>> No.33657527
Quoted by: >>33657577

I wonder how a wizard that specializes in conjuration would work in MGE,just raped during the first summon?

>> No.33657551

You could be the one to draw it

>> No.33657563

Stop raping men pretty please.

>> No.33657577

summon inanimate objects and meteors, because if youre using spirit energy nothing really happens, monster girls happen when you use demon energy

>> No.33657591
File: 207 KB, 850x1245, 1609387269244.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No worries citizen!
A group of friendly hellhounds has been sent to your location, and they will happily listen to any issues you face in your life!

>> No.33657598

Star backwards is rats

>> No.33657616

Your stoic kiki headmaid says it is not proper for her to bear your heirs, but she will agree to bear you new servants. Your mansion is mighty big for just the two of you after all.

>> No.33657628
Quoted by: >>33657751

Thanks, I've been having trouble deciding on a birthday present for my Greenworm

>> No.33657640
Quoted by: >>33657661

It's not a mansion, it's my 2 room flat Kiki, and I don't want You to be my servant, I love You and want You to be my wife.

>> No.33657645
File: 207 KB, 518x400, CC87240D-E90B-4616-BCC1-78E6465BE210.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They wouldn’t have to rape anyone if human men just learned to submit

>> No.33657652

Shouldn't they be hunting down Anon Freeman instead of doing social visits?

>> No.33657660

I told her I don't care if my best friend is marrying an Apophis. He came to our wedding and we're going to his wedding.

>> No.33657661

You can convince her later. Now go mate with your devoted maid.

>> No.33657669
Quoted by: >>33657730

>stern Kiki scolding your kids for calling you daddy instead of master
>stern Kiki and you have been married for years but refused to put on the wedding ring because it's not proper
>when one of her friends is coming to visit her she complete 180s demanding all the kids hop on pop and she starts calling you hubby and darling until she leaves

>> No.33657681 [SPOILER] 
File: 113 KB, 365x457, 1615470662850.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice, my app is crashing when I try to increase callback event frequency. I can't figure it out on my own, but with a few of us thinking, we'll surely come up with something in no time!

>> No.33657686

she is not gonna be so stoic a few months in during her pregnancy,it will be her husband turn to take care of her and clean the home

>> No.33657694

>mapanon updated my Titania entry and fixed the location
based mapanon

>> No.33657721

The aspect of spreading her goddess's word through lewd, morally bankrupt actions like that are what's really getting me about this dark priestess fantasy. The almost casual aspect of her using you to monsterize women is intensely hot and fits the sheer degeneracy of this monstergirl quite neatly. Do you have a name for her?

>> No.33657730

I feel like "Lord father" or something would be an acceptable middle ground between "daddy" and "master"

>> No.33657751
Quoted by: >>33657819

Your local hellhounds are always happy to help!
If you or any of your cute friends require their assistance, feel free to ask!

>> No.33657812

>hm? what's that? stop raping men, start raping boys?
>sounds good humie!

>> No.33657813

What's something you can say that would make an MG cry?

>> No.33657819
Quoted by: >>33659481

>Hellhounds come to get in a good afternoon rape
>Guy is alone at the dinner table with a laptop and a bunch of snacks
>"Oh good, you all are here, have a seat"
>They look puzzled
>"So I was thinking this cute hairpin but I think she'd also love this shirt"
>A few hours pass
>"Well Mr. Anon, hope we could help"
>"Of course ladies, I didn't even know that website carried Greenworm merchandise. Remember, you girls are always welcome here if you need my help with something"

>> No.33657825

I'd never want to make a monstergirl cry

>> No.33657840
Quoted by: >>33657880

What happens if I try and pull an insurance scam by acting like I got hit by their car?

>> No.33657879

castration or infertility but I am sure mamono mana can fix those

>> No.33657880

They are still law enforcement, citizen.
And attempting fraud against an officer of the law will be met with swift justice.
Obey the law, and you will find yourself in comfort.
Break the law, and you will be punished accordingly.
There are only good boys in this land. You will be a good boy.

>> No.33657920


>> No.33657952

Even then the little ones have issues being composed. Stern Kiki headmaid needs to teach the little ones that it's inappropriate to go bother hub-I mean master saying "daaaaaady Mora pulled Kii's hair!" while pulling on his pant legs!

>> No.33657995

Anon, you want comply with the law.
Disobedient, bad boys face a horrible, but deserved punishment.
You don't want that, now do you?
Why don't you sit tight, and we'll send a lovely, lovely Lillim to come and keep you company, hmm?

>> No.33658022

Falling asleep squished between two big hellhounds after getting fucked silly by them sounds like heaven

>> No.33658040
Quoted by: >>33658130

Why would I listen to a Lilim that literally >does it for free? I'd like to see you try your hardest to stop me.

>> No.33658055

so you made sure they're strong fat. I wish to give them nice hugs and belly rubs. I want to cuddle them with all my heart

>> No.33658077
Quoted by: >>33658130

This really isn't a whole lot of incentive to be a good citizen. In fact, it sounds way more fun to actively cause trouble and fighting the law.

>> No.33658093

Is getting thrown in the Matango pit a "cruel and unusual punishment"? Asking for a friend

>> No.33658102
Quoted by: >>33658173

>"I wasn't asking you, honey"
>pick up kiki and carry her to the bedroom

>> No.33658112

I mean in the end it will probably feel amazing. For the rest of eternity.

>> No.33658125
Quoted by: >>33658176

They know you anon. You're going to be surprised by 2 strongfat hellhounds at your door. One picks you up and carries you to the living room where the other sprawls out on the sofa. She pats her squishy belly and says "come here boy" before the other one pushes you to her.

>> No.33658130

An upstanding citizen who cares not only about the law, but those who enforce it! 100 good boy points have been deposited into your account and a swuad of 20 elite hellhound assault troops have been sent to your location. They are eager to meet you.

The worst crime you face, for repeat offences and blatant disregard for your rulers is being sent to a re-education camp. If you cannot be good boys, you will learn to be good girls.

>> No.33658142

Its not as bad getting hoked onto a gremlin piston machine and penetrating a barometz at the same time for 12 hours.
My ass still hurts to this day

>> No.33658167
Quoted by: >>33658219

Can I get hired to reeducate bad monsters? I want to make the local orc gang and their horc leader into happy mothers.

>> No.33658170

Not really, the matangos are quite happy to have you. They'd treasure whatever gets tossed to them.

>> No.33658174

One of the few situations where Wonderlandization is an improvement.

>> No.33658173

>fuck her brains out
>she's hanging off the side of the bed making happy noises
>eventually comes to and sprints to the nightstand
>pulls out a copy of "The Maid Bible - A Guidebook to be the Best Maid Possible!"
>starts saying some sort of prayer while kneeling on the ground
>you get horny again when you see her pussy leaking cum while she's doing her little ritual
>process repeats

>> No.33658176

Today is a good day to not be able to feel my lower body, and worth it for them strong fat hellhounds cause at least it will be very soft

>> No.33658194
File: 30 KB, 352x472, Khepri_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't step on the sand! It makes the Khepri go crazy. Poor Lazlo... he was the finest mind of his generation.

>> No.33658209

>you will learn to be good girls.
That is not how alps works

>> No.33658219
Quoted by: >>33658324

Certainly, anon, we appreciate a citizen's attempts to help the law.
You will first need to go through a physical test with your local hellhounds to ensure you have the durability and stamina to be able to endure such an arduous task.

>> No.33658229
Quoted by: >>33658256

I'll step where I want to step, even if I end up bugging a couple bugs!

>> No.33658253

I want to specifically coat a khepri's gold bits in thick globs of semen.

>> No.33658256

I remember seeing a video on BUGGED.com with that very same phrase as the title

>> No.33658276

I'm curious, what do monsters think of single dads?

>> No.33658302
Quoted by: >>33658475

probably sad if the mother walked away or died and wishing to help the pops raise the kid

>> No.33658309

They'd probably snatch them up like hotcakes and wonder what their dumb former partners were thinking by dropping someone responsible enough to take care of the kid they weren't willing to raise.

>> No.33658324
Quoted by: >>33658346

I'll make sure to give the hellhounds a lot of love and cuddles too.

>> No.33658346
Quoted by: >>33658479

Well cuddling and huffing their fur is all you're physically going to be able to do if they're doing their job properly.

>> No.33658390

drinking and gaming with that fox looks like fun, very relaxed and comfy, so much so that I probably wouldn't even try to make any moves on her and just remain a friend on the edge of starting a relationship.

>> No.33658414
Quoted by: >>33658434

>get free husband
>get to raise adorable human kids

Definite win-win for the monstergirl on that one.

>> No.33658428

Comes down to how you feel about some mushrooms growing on you or carrying your wife wherever you go.

>> No.33658434

>adorable human kids
Yeah only if it's boys, the girls are getting monsterized. Do you think she'd want them to be her species or would she hand her daughter an encyclopedia and let her choose?

>> No.33658447

Not him, but she'd likely want it to be her species. Makes it easier to guide her through it all.

>> No.33658465

I'd certainly make the argument that a loving monstergirl stepmom would love her kids regardless of what they looked like, human girl or otherwise.

>> No.33658468
File: 162 KB, 638x770, alex_explain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.33658475

if the mother died, there's always an option of necromancy

>> No.33658479

>Reformed delinquent monsters will shift their bullying from regular to purely sexual bullying, and now they have only one target to focus on
>Hellhounds are also naturally pushy when it comes to getting sex out of their husband
Just realized how I've set myself up for. I'll be happy about it, but I hope my pelvis can keep up.

>> No.33658561
File: 581 KB, 2660x4093, 88345947_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>33658582


>> No.33658582

>Banshee chan smiling on her wedding day
>Crying tears of happiness
>Crying tears of sadness when she realizes she's crying on her wedding altar
>Crying tears of happiness when her husband kisses the last tears away
>tfw you will never give your banshee wife something to cry about in her wedding bed

>> No.33658667

Fucking birds making too much noise on my roof, particularly above my room. Their little talons tip-tapping around. Harpies better not get the same damn idea when the portals open. Unless there's a cute black harpy or jubjub

>> No.33658685
File: 1.03 MB, 1613x1836, QEdo1gti_o.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>33658704

I dont think i have the heart to let a pregnant kiki do any kind of stressful work at all,i may even spoil her and become her butler instead as she gets impregnated year after year

>> No.33658691
File: 1.43 MB, 1400x2141, a5b38f053d8ef1524695ad3ab4a6762ed0bbef00e92b8ea3cb77f60834e1afab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>33658779

Stop! You violated the law!

>> No.33658704
Quoted by: >>33658879

The greatest dilemma of the married kiki.
Letting her husband knock her up so she can have his babies, or being able to work!

>> No.33658754
File: 640 KB, 768x1024, b6bc64afe5fe98dd2d849478ad6e9821.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>33658802

pregnant slimes

>> No.33658760

>I feel like "Lord father" or something would be an acceptable middle ground between "daddy" and "master"
Hearing "master" from a loli maid would be pretty grand, wouldn't it. And sometimes an accidental "daddy" at some very inappropriate times.

>> No.33658779

>Than pay with Your cum!

>> No.33658801

Hitman Agent 47

>> No.33658802
Quoted by: >>33658842

See, now here's the issue. While I like pregnant slimes, and I like it when they decide to impersonate the form of a pregnant human, I also like it when their pregnancy is simply them getting thicker, bustier, getting more and more slime around the behind and curves while a small additional core gets formed in their bodies.
Then birth is just her losing some weight to form your kid, along with their core.

>> No.33658830

What job are you anons going to go for when portals open, assuming it'll change your job any?
I wouldn't mind using my love of history to teach mgs but don't know how I could look them in the eyes when I get to our many devastating wars; if anything I'd imagine learning our history would accelerate their attempts to take over.

>> No.33658842
Quoted by: >>33658863

>Then birth is just her losing some weight to form your kid, along with their core.
thats just pregnancy in a nutshell without the core part

>> No.33658863

Well, yeah, but the second idea is a bit more sexualized. Also the idea of a slime encouraging me to fuck her more often in that form while I still can is great.

>> No.33658876

I'm no professional, but my friends and family like the food I make.
Usually meat, stews, stir-fry n the like.
Maybe I could make some comfy home food for mamono.

Since I doubt there is need for a software engineer in-training.

>> No.33658879

The problem solves itself, she'll have a team of little helpers in no time!

>> No.33658887

Bordering /tg/ territory with that post but I do medical statistics so I'd probably end up working for the penis inspection bureau or something as an analyst.

>> No.33658925


I would 110% support any monstergirl regime that brought jobs back. Even if it's something like guarding a dragon's lair.

>> No.33658971

Plan A:
>Be a NEET with my sandworm wife

Plan B:
>Be a p'orcer chieftain
Somehow manage to defeat a p'orcer raiding party, probably via raging mushrooms. This "job" entails bossing around your p'orcers and breeding them daily. Pretty good gig if you ask me

Plan C:
>Holstaur dairy farmer
Drown in cow tits and delicious milk.

Plan D:
>Be an errand boy for a rata or Runya Runya herself
This also entails regular dickings while she writes her stuff. Don't want her works to get too raunchy because she's deprived of dick. Got to keep her thinking with a clear mind.

Plan E:
>House-husband to a yandere snek
I'm now allowed to leave the house without her. I'm expected to stay inside when she's gone. I provide her plenty of warmth when it's cold. I provide plenty of love throughout the day

I have other plans, but those are the most thought out

>> No.33658979

I'd stop working at a shitty desk job and start a farm. Learn a bit of magic, have the wife and daughters help out from time to time, and I'm living the dream.

>> No.33658990

I'm gonna stay an electric engineer, even if all the gremlins from MGE world came here with their genius brains. I didn't learn all that shit for over 20 years to do something else.

>> No.33659024
Quoted by: >>33659248

>Anon going to work like any other day
>Smug Gremlin boss
>Not smug but surely would be smug if they were more emotional Automaton assistants
>Smug gremlin coworkers
>Smug gremlin interns who already have a better grasp of his job than he does
How does he keep his sanity

>> No.33659025
Quoted by: >>33659081

I work at a medical laboratory, so I'd assume not much changes. People and mgs will still need to be tested for cancers and genetic diseases, even if MAMONO BAMA is a cure-all for any negative condition, purely on a just-in-case basis.

>> No.33659042

still be a plumber, hey it good work, even more now because most of my clients will break their faucets with their strength

>> No.33659081

I bet half of your workload would become pregnancy tests

>> No.33659094
Quoted by: >>33659136

>Hey there Doc, can we get ano-
>No. You were in here yesterday.
>But my wife tried this crazy new technique last night! I filled her to the brim!

>> No.33659108
Quoted by: >>33661016

That and running tests on samples to determine what fertility drugs are right which is always the strongest of course

>> No.33659109
Quoted by: >>33659248

Are you me? I’m studying EE now and that’s how I feel.

>> No.33659128
Quoted by: >>33659173

How would monster girls change a firefighter’s job? I mean they have magic so they could probably summon water by themselves I guess

>> No.33659136

>No. You were in here yesterday.
I hate these kind of patients

>> No.33659167

>tfw I would totally go to the nearest brothel/strip club and apply if MGs were real

>> No.33659169
File: 153 KB, 960x745, 1560412304789.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if a fox really liked Hiroki Endo's Eden: It's an Endless World?

>> No.33659172
Quoted by: >>33659259

same brother

>> No.33659173
Quoted by: >>33659220

Well, consider that not all fires should have water anywhere near them. I assume you aren't a firefighter, so AFFF (A foam that extinguishes fires), CO2, other shit like that would be needed to deal with electrical fires, or fires engulfing certain metals.

>> No.33659182
Quoted by: >>33659214

My job at the local botanical gardens just got a whole lot sexier.

>> No.33659201

>lawschool student
Probably sure lawyers will be screwed in MG world where MAMONOBANANA magics away every possible issuses, guess I'll just flip buggers

>> No.33659214

Feed me, Seymour!

>> No.33659220

I know that but I’m not sure if monsters can just summon special foam. It seems like a lot of their magic is just related to elements

>> No.33659227
Quoted by: >>33659260

I wonder how if yandere snek would punish hubby for sneaking out of the house and surprise her by picking her up after work

>> No.33659231
Quoted by: >>33659266

how will Dragon Commander ever recover?

>> No.33659248

They are not going to be so smug when I put every single last one of them on maternity leave myself.
Hang on, it gets better. Unless You're a second world slav like me and work for a gigacorpo, for less than what a part time dog turd cleaner earns in the US, then it doesn't really get better, but it gets funnier.

>> No.33659259


>> No.33659260

For appearance sake out in public, joyful and happy to see her hubby. But when you get back home, hell will be unleashed on you.

>> No.33659264
File: 1.39 MB, 1581x1500, asas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>33659305

I'd still go there a a customer, if only to enjoy the now incredibly quick careers of monstergirl strippers. Coming in night after night, seeing all sorts of species strip and shake it, enjoying the attention from a few of them along with the subtext of walking out of the club a married man if I reciprocate their flirting toooooo much. Wonder how long before one would eventually get me.

>> No.33659266

In space, no one can hear you seethe.

>> No.33659273

It's not fair that she leaves the husband alone for hours

>> No.33659286
Quoted by: >>33659327

Being tightly coiled in a warm embrace while she showers him with compliments for surprising her isn't really hell, though.

>> No.33659296
Quoted by: >>33659320

>What Anon? Don't be silly, I can still fit into my old Parade plate for the march with our daughters.
>Just let me s-squeeze into this t-thing and....
>Hmmmm, it seems the straps must have shrunk in the wash, thats it.

>> No.33659300
File: 2.79 MB, 2544x3600, 88357961_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.33659305
Quoted by: >>33659326

What advice would mamono give to men that want to start working as male strippers for monster girl audiences?

>> No.33659307

Either learn Magic or be adopted into Pseudo-NEET status being taken care of and encouraged by a CC Momster.

>> No.33659312

I wouldn't quite go that far but I'd definitely try my hand at being a rockstar just to watch the crowds try and get past the security at a concert.

>> No.33659315
Quoted by: >>33659334

>Joining the military because getting my head blown off in some desert shithole is all I'm good for
>Military is no longer needed now that everyone is more interested in fucking monsters than war
Guess I'll just find a bench to slowly die on.

>> No.33659320


>> No.33659326
Quoted by: >>33659594

Probably to flirt just enough to make monstergirls happy and excited, but not so far as to make them believe they're getting something a little extra. Being playful and energetic, playing coy with the monstergirls who are confident and know what they want, being extra sultry and caring with the shy ones who just want some attention.
And of course, quitting as soon as you finally get your heart stolen

>> No.33659327
File: 102 KB, 544x876, shirohebi031.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>33659399

No, you will be anger fucked by her. And the next time she leaves for work, your going to be chained to the bed. Don't worry though. She'll give you enough slack to go to the bathroom and even entertain yourself on your computer. But any suspicious activity, and the slack she gives you on the chain will be less and less. So be a good house-hubby and don't do anything bad, okay?

>> No.33659334

That bench is for people feeding Harpies, move along sir.

>> No.33659365

>Smug former knight wife not so smug after finding she's outgrown her old armor

>> No.33659383
Quoted by: >>33659775

>Fat is it? Is that how you speak to your overlord?

>> No.33659399

>Husband picks the lock because hebi wife forgot to bring her lunchbox to work and he didn't want her to go hungry
I'm sure the snek will be overjoyed

>> No.33659419
File: 2.01 MB, 2932x3600, Shirohebi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>33659437

Next is a magic chain with seals that are specifically designed such that she is the only one that can release you

>> No.33659436

>Be a p'orcer chieftain
That gives me an idea. There are around 6 million feral hogs in the US and Canada. If the portals open and they monsterize, how would the US government react to the horde of cock-hungry bachelorettes?

>> No.33659437
Quoted by: >>33659520

Desire to feed snek wife would allow him to break those chains

>> No.33659450

Making polygamy legal?

>> No.33659464

Mass trapping and breeding pens

>> No.33659472

>a few days later
>chained up husband blindfolded next to her at work
>"Sure am glad it's take your husband to work day!"
>"Uhh... Mrs. Hebi... that doesn't exist. You've been dragging him with you for the past few days."

>> No.33659481
Quoted by: >>33659694

I feel like hellhound fashion advice would just involve a lot of blacks, reds, spikes, and chains.

>> No.33659502
File: 672 KB, 2500x1924, orc26.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>33659630

They wouldn't. The Golden P'orcer Horde would rule the land.

>> No.33659512

Wouldn't they turn into demon realm beasts instead of orcs?

>> No.33659516
Quoted by: >>33659725

But Mrs. Hebi can't concentrate at work if she's always worried for husband at home. Bringing him to work every day will ensure that she stays focused and productive. I'm sure manager will agree to that especially if he's all chained up and gagged so he'll not disrupt anyone

>> No.33659520
Quoted by: >>33659582

If she comes to the conclusion that you can't be trusted to be left alone, you're gonna be feeding her another way, and I doubt you'll like it

>> No.33659582
Quoted by: >>33659608

I'm not sure if feeding her spirit energy at work is professional

>> No.33659594

>quitting as soon as you finally get your heart stolen
>gets heart stolen by a bicorn

>> No.33659608
Quoted by: >>33659634

Mercy on her. You are one dense anon

>> No.33659630

I'm gonna grope the p'orc shaman's fat tits and make her drink her own potions, and there's nothing she can do to stop me!

>> No.33659634

That's why she showers me with her love!

>> No.33659635
Quoted by: >>33659690

That's way too fucking lewd Anon, and fits way too neatly. Married strippers with wives who will still let you fuck their husbands if you fork up enough cash.

>> No.33659660
File: 1.46 MB, 1190x1684, 55364767_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>33659740

>This will never be me ;-;

>> No.33659669
File: 1.30 MB, 2200x2600, c9e1fd6aedbd9046ea1d3cf32a2b4be6efd1cb54bbd3cf7be3640bbc9960aaa0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.33659690

that is haram, yet halal

>> No.33659694

>These helpful girls told me that all mamono love Ghost! Here, I got you a Meliora hoodie!

>> No.33659713

does she have a funny hat and a pimp cane?

>> No.33659715
Quoted by: >>33659775

>Big Bobby B but an even bigger mamono

>> No.33659725

>tailing his cock at work
>oh my dirty little hubby, keep it down or we're going to get written up!

>> No.33659740
Quoted by: >>33659789

Why did she have to be a bossfight instead of a friend?

>> No.33659747
File: 351 KB, 1200x1600, 1612518990252.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Powerful monsters mess with the flow of magic so casting such a spell rashly could teleport you face first into nergi's cleavage instead

>> No.33659748
File: 25 KB, 310x316, Harpy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In my original idea for the fapfic from last thread of a harpy and an elf, I intended for the elf to accidentally piss inside the harpy and then get punished by being milked. I pitched the idea to /tg/ and got a single reply rejecting it. What does this board think about the idea?

>> No.33659768
Quoted by: >>33662653

Fuck off.

>> No.33659770
Quoted by: >>33662653

Not into piss or boy-elves mate, sorry

>> No.33659775

>Oh no, you're not fat milady just....robust.

....Torn between an ogre or just a generic succubus of some kind.

>> No.33659789

She was originally supposed to be the level up maiden, I'm still angry about it.

>> No.33659796
Quoted by: >>33662653

Boy I hope this is bait.

>> No.33659811
Quoted by: >>33659843

>If thou seekest I, thine desires shall be requited not
She gets a lot of boys looking for that tail?

>> No.33659823
Quoted by: >>33662653

Go back to /tg/. Stop trying to post your shit here. Why are all of you so autistic? Just like that monster boy retard, we don't want your shit here.

>> No.33659825

Robert used a warhammer, he wouldn't be some dainty Succubus. Bobbi Baratheon is an Orc and that cannot be denied!

>> No.33659832
Quoted by: >>33660061

The biggest ogre of the lot.

>What are you doing?
>My balls are empty your grace.
>What do you mean they're empty?
>There's no more cum.

>> No.33659843
File: 356 KB, 1920x1080, 1530970788116.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>33661190


>> No.33659851
File: 410 KB, 2343x1849, EsYbKIvVcAAPU-9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anybody actually smelled a fox tail? I would assume they either smell like nachos or smell like wild filth, but I would also assume fox girls would bathe frequently, so their tails would likely smell like whatever shampoo they used.

>> No.33659865

Stop replying to him , he's liteally using a "magical realm" reference.

>> No.33659884 [DELETED] 

33659851 is straight from/tg/. Are we being raided or is this one dedicated autist again?

>> No.33659899 [DELETED] 

mean 33659748

>> No.33659918
Quoted by: >>33662653

Put your trip back on so I can filter you, warhammer fag

>> No.33659963
File: 145 KB, 1024x1417, mge_the_pharaoh_awakens_by_cerberus123_dadgcju-fullview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

KNEEL before your queen!

>> No.33659982

Huh I read that last night and didn't even realize it was a boy elf. Why can't he be human?

>> No.33659992
File: 114 KB, 1200x1019, 1507326010381.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You posted the fake queen

>> No.33659997

She's doing the Boa Hancock pose!

>> No.33660055

I wish to pet and feed a pharaoh's snake.

>> No.33660061
Quoted by: >>33660142

An Orc would certainly be fitting in more ways than one.

>Her husband now has to go take some manticore venom to get his balls full again.

>> No.33660099

If I wanted to conquer pharaoh and snek, should I do it as a Persian, Greek, Roman, Arabian, or Brit?

>> No.33660112

Is there anything more embarrassing than a p'orc being defeated by a literal wild pig?

>> No.33660115
File: 403 KB, 1232x912, 1608363124336.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Or just a bunch of christmas cake final bosses
I love it when games have really unique powerful secret bosses that can be fought after the main game is over. The 'Tales of' games always had a ton of those, my favourite was one where you had to collect great elemental spirits to fight the main bad guy and they had the Time and Space elementals who were so powerful they offered to join you without a fight because they far more powerful than the final boss. They also had a valkyrie boss that was a crossover from a another game and the only way to fight her was to go to a specific spot in the ocean and find a passage to a secret area where you had to go through a battle tower and only after beating it could you fight her. Also in Tales of the Abyss where one of the main characters former teachers was corrupted into an ancient evil was really hot, especially because she was way stronger than the actual final boss. Both Gelda and Valkyrie were perfect CC monsterization material

>> No.33660142
Quoted by: >>33660267

>manticore venom
I heard that humpty slimes are more potent

>> No.33660186
Quoted by: >>33660267

Don't forget to ask the H'orc queen about what making the eight means

>> No.33660243 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>33662121

>be me
>look at /jp/ catalog
>see: feet loli brap armpit etc
You are in exactly the correct place for this topic, no matter what anyone says, playa. Keep asking about stuff. The groupthink will loosen, since you aren't a shitposter. Better put that trip back on before the real shitters come out.

>> No.33660267

Yeah but its easier to just go to his sister for that stuff.

>I means you and your husband lay a girl in each of the provinces.

>> No.33660311
File: 204 KB, 673x648, 1615246521478.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>33660398

Ignore the samefagging /d/ spammer.

>> No.33660347
File: 147 KB, 641x508, questionable_content.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd like to support KC's project, but I'm wondering how "anonymous" patreon is. I'm paranoid about having something MGE related on my bank statement, or is it going to be just generic "patreon subscription"?

>> No.33660360

Who the fuck cares what your bank statement says? Does your mom have access to your bank account?

>> No.33660366

Ask if he takes Monero.

>> No.33660398

That is a .smug hellhound you have, newfriend. She looks surprised by chocolates.

>> No.33660399

It just a generic patreon statement

>> No.33660409

It's patreon and whatever payment method you use like paypal or a credit card.

>> No.33660431

What would you do if wanted to become an adventure er in the MGE world but you needed a license, so you decided to get into the cheapest school for getting that license but ya didn't read the flyer and you are the first male student to ever grace the halls of the school also everyone is single, how would ya fair in that school?

>> No.33660457

> but you needed a license,
Oi! 'ave you got a LOICENSE for that there advenchurin' party then?

>> No.33660473
Quoted by: >>33660560

You automatically get the license if you last the whole day without getting raped.

>> No.33660486

Well time to learn proper fortification of my dorm room.

>> No.33660489

You give money to patreon, not KC directly

>> No.33660490
Quoted by: >>33660511

forgot to add that all the students and staff at the school are all monster girls

>> No.33660511
Quoted by: >>33660560

>you aren't fit to be an adventurer if you can't leave the school a virgin

>> No.33660560

Find the biggest, most powerful, even nastiest, mamono and strike a deal.
>Protect my virginity until I get my license, and I'll be your property for the rest of my life


>> No.33660687

Owning a Reptile zoo. Or one of those shows grandparents love where its a guy walking around famous areas in certain countries and explaining their history

>> No.33660688

At the beggining of every BUGGED video there's always a caption
>the following scenes will continue to happen every day for the entirety of actors' lifespan

>> No.33660691
File: 903 KB, 1700x2600, EwHpm9FWEAM3Gk1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.33660702
File: 558 KB, 1600x1200, TIP&#039;D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.33660710

Centipedes? Under my couch?

>> No.33660735
Quoted by: >>33660751

centipede is the couch

>> No.33660751
File: 370 KB, 809x1000, Oomukade warrior.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.33660772

I wonder how they persuaded human boys to participate in these videos

>> No.33660789
Quoted by: >>33660959

>new BUGGED.com video
>guy hears scuttling under his bed
>looks down below
>gets pulled in
>ookumade gangbang in a pit they dug under his bed
>autists in the comments complaining that the establishing shot of it being on the 2nd floor killed their immersion, 1/10

>> No.33660805
Quoted by: >>33660864

>persuaded human boys
unlike in the human world the title "fake taxi" is something very dangerous and all men should be aware that taking a cab may result in getting TIPPED

>> No.33660851

You don't need to persuade human boys to lose themselves to TIP

>> No.33660864

When I see TIPPED it makes me think of some kind of angry Holstaur gangbang as revenge for tipping them.

>> No.33660917

it's also a tag for scandalous and perverse tanukis tipping their handsome waiters 20%

>> No.33660928
Quoted by: >>33660996

>somewhere a very horny holstaur is getting frustrated because she can't find her fetish online and just keeps getting redirected to mosquito porn

>> No.33660945
File: 319 KB, 1200x1557, EwMYlxYVoAEjkmw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So how do I get a succubus to sell me her panties?

>> No.33660959
Quoted by: >>33661722

>millipede oomakudes complaining that only centipede girls are represented

>> No.33660965
Quoted by: >>33660989

I also thought that mostly because I still don't understand what Insects have to do with the word tip

>> No.33660973

honestly you probably don't even need to pay, just ask for them, she'll probably even give them to you a little damp even without asking

>> No.33660976

trade it for a ring

>> No.33660989

TIP - Tight Insect Pussy

>> No.33660996
Quoted by: >>33661464

>I swear to god, if I hear the words "I'm losing my mind to tight insect pussy" one more time
>How hard is it to find a good video of a strong farmhand tipping a holstaur? I'll even settle for minos at this point

>> No.33661016
File: 113 KB, 823x667, 1615227590288.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Anon gets arrested by dark elf cop for selling fertility drugs without a permit
>She brings him to the back of her police van and handcuffs him to the bar
>Before he can ask why she has a futon in her trunk the delf starts chugging anon's fertility drugs right in front of him
>After hours of sweaty lovemaking anon admits that they were just mildly aphrodisiac infused placebos
>After being arrested for real this time for selling fake fertility drugs. Anon is sentenced to house arrest in delf cops house under maxxx-strength aphrodisiac infused fertility drugs until he learns the gravity of his crime by having his own children

>> No.33661059

They're invasive species so they would be a perfect food source for a population of ravenous wilderness monstergirls

>> No.33661089
Quoted by: >>33661126

>Certain office buildings have rooms installed with cameras where yan mamano can store their husbands conveniently close while monitoring them constantly
That's funny but also a bit sad

>> No.33661126
Quoted by: >>33661273

My yandere waifu can feel better and I get to hang out with Mrs. Ushi's husband Dave. It's really not sad at all.

>> No.33661159

>Short haired pharaoh spotted
>Apophis removal protocol engaged

>> No.33661190

Kill yourself footspamming retard. This is the monstergirl thread not the gay nigger thread

>> No.33661194
File: 114 KB, 736x512, 1535133997690.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>33661522

Going on a date with your wife!

>> No.33661226

I used paypal. You may be able to find something else that'll allow you pay anonymously if you do some digging

>> No.33661245

Become a master of arcane might on my own because rules drool and I am cool.
Then sit in my wizard neet tower all day and reeeee at adventurers who bother me

>> No.33661248

I promise, there's worse shit on people's bank statements.

>> No.33661273

Normal daycares are depressing enough. An adult daycare sounds even worse

>> No.33661279

Feet are a patrician's fetish though.

>> No.33661303

Sing any song about heartbreak and betrayal, even better if it's on a large stage near a church or Eros convention or gathering. Though you may cause a riot to start instead and get quickly married.

>> No.33661373
Quoted by: >>33661458

feet are nice, but I like the cute paws that KC draws, big and small.

>> No.33661385

>t. plebian

>> No.33661458
Quoted by: >>33661480

I can’t find the picture of that guy getting double app’s by BIG YETI PAWS so pretend I posted it.

>> No.33661464

>only video she can find is a Hakutaku dressed up as a Holstaur

>> No.33661480


>> No.33661522

but what if she's a complete stranger and a little girl?

>> No.33661534
Quoted by: >>33661596

What happens if you tell a pent-up hellhound that you don't feel like sex right now?

>> No.33661579
Quoted by: >>33661639

Am I helpless if a vamp mosquito bit my neck? I feel like I'm graped by an Apophis only the feeling never dissapears

>> No.33661596

depends how bad you are feeling that day, but she would relent if ya are feeling horrible,

>> No.33661629
File: 2.53 MB, 1714x2400, 1615454818630.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>33661691

Smug haughty mofu fox destorying hopes and dreams of inferior tailet foxes!

>> No.33661639

Pipe your new Vamp Mosquito wife then tell me if you still feel that way afterwards. If you just keep pounding her, it'll go away.

>> No.33661664
File: 261 KB, 2000x2000, EwJXDqOXAAQCUEn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>33661806

>> No.33661691
Quoted by: >>33661751

Smug until I disregard that regal super special snowflake ancient fox and marry the nice bullied flat chested, two-tailed foxlet

>> No.33661722

What's the difference between a centipede and millipede Oomukade

>> No.33661751

based working class mofu chaser anon

>> No.33661806

Uhh she doesn't look very nervous captain...

>> No.33661871

>tfw too smart to thirst for monstergirls

>> No.33661938

One picture isn't spam you fucking mongoloid, and Priscilla is a monstergirl.

>> No.33662058
Quoted by: >>33662194

>She was originally supposed to be the level up maiden
I have never heard this before. Where'd this come from?

>> No.33662104

Strong monstergirls exist to be defeated by a man and to lose to cock.

>> No.33662121
Quoted by: >>33662144

I don't know how you kept missing that he was an elf. Since uncorrupted MGE Elves are prudes, making him an elf allows the harpy to know that he's likely a prude so that some lines like saying that his virility being wasted on prudishness make sense. Also, I'd imagine that monsters with animal traits would be good waifus for male elves due to the preference of both for wilderness living.
I've never used my poster name or trip here. Do you think I should?

>> No.33662144

>Do you think I should?
The only thing you should do is to fuck off.

>> No.33662151

Weak monster girls exist to seduce and pacify careless heroes who think they are too powerful to lose to the pussy

>> No.33662194
Quoted by: >>33662550

Interview in the Design Works book

>> No.33662233
Quoted by: >>33662412

This shit's optional, right

>> No.33662412

it's rare that a language barrier would benefit a relationship but here we are.

>> No.33662436
File: 185 KB, 1400x1400, 1594119040349.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Implying I wouldn't go back to the starting area as a leet hero to marry that kiki bar-owner who always called me sweetie when I was lvl 1

>> No.33662444
Quoted by: >>33662972

Greenworms exist to eliminate adventurers too nice to ignore them and not give them food

>> No.33662451

You have no idea how quickly I'd ruin this kiki's prospects of ever being anything but heavily pregnant and lactating often enough to just sell the Inn's cow.

>> No.33662503
Quoted by: >>33662547

Basic slimes have an unusually high victory rate, and it certainly isn’t on account of their (nonexistent) combat prowess.

>> No.33662518
File: 401 KB, 1067x1200, w2YDYft3_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>33662581

Evil overlord Kiki that vows to conquer the entire world to keep the place clean and free of corruption under the power of her iron fist!

>> No.33662523
Quoted by: >>33662553

Greenworm's being lifted in the gym by undead soon.

>> No.33662546

Not true, I would never lose to anything under level 5. Unless they're my daughter, then I will always let her win when we playfight.

>> No.33662547

How're you supposed to say no to that purity of spirit? It'd be like kicking a puppy.

>> No.33662550

It’s a neat concept, but it wouldn’t have meshed well with the way warping was a reward for the Anor Londo pilgrimage.
DS1 definitely was designed with you being estranged from the starting area in mind.

>> No.33662553 [SPOILER] 
File: 309 KB, 1600x1200, 1615490843118.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Footage that gym-owning Danukis and iron-pumping Onis DON'T want you to see

>> No.33662569
Quoted by: >>33662594

They're big piles of cute weight!! And soon to be lifted by a cute wight!

>> No.33662576

taking your daughter to the demon realm petting zoo!

>> No.33662581

Kiki needs to stop dressing up in her old military clothes and get back into her maid outfit.

>> No.33662594

lord knows those chubby couch potato wights need it

>> No.33662601
File: 589 KB, 2147x1120, sdfsd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Getting your daughter her own petting zoo!

>> No.33662615
File: 676 KB, 3028x1600, 1615489714986.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>33662636

How do MGs prevent human skanks from snatching away their boys?

>> No.33662636

if you lose to a human skank as a mamono you deserve to see him stolen away

>> No.33662640

I'd jump the fence into the bunyip exhibit

>> No.33662651
Quoted by: >>33662879

>Has to buy custom bras now
>is so chesty that she can't see the baby bump beneath it.
>Your little daughters are working as bar maids (although you serve the alcohol).
>Hips so wide she had to adjust how she walks to avoid knocking things over.

>> No.33662653
File: 56 KB, 682x199, walking garbage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>33662773

>giving him (You)s

>> No.33662719

What sort of species would you find in the slums of a monster city?

>> No.33662750
File: 187 KB, 1080x1080, f1rqmb2udj501.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>33662828

>the average Greenworm Respector

>> No.33662773

If you look at the /tg/ thread he looks more like a /d/ retard that was pushing his shit because he legitimately thought people would actually like his elfboy pee shit here rather than a pure troll. Faggots like that need to be told to leave.

>> No.33662791

Offtopic as fuck but you got a laugh from me.

>> No.33662828 [SPOILER] 
File: 348 KB, 1600x1200, 1615491878254.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>33663078

>revolt on 4monster /built/
>onis and minos throwing a massive fit that people keep posting about worms
>maids aren't doing anything to stop it
>full scale war when the maid deleted a "quality" abposting thread
>board spammed with "SHE DOES IT FOR FREE" and pic related

>> No.33662831
Quoted by: >>33662847

Devil bugs, large mice, mass-raised undead, and the one alcoholic wight that wishes she could go back to being a zombie.

>> No.33662847

>Wight approaches you sitting at a park bench a night
>Takes a sip of her bleach Monster
>"Ya know I miss the good ol days"
>"They just don't make games like DOOM anymore"

>> No.33662870

Let's crank that age back, this is damn near undead zoomer tier
>You know Anon, all these wights nowadays and their big fancy houses, and their fancy chess sets
>You know a good game? Ashtapadi. Indians know how to make a good game.

>> No.33662879
File: 232 KB, 1200x1200, 1609216520675.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing like using leet hero skills to jackhammer your old maid so hard she walks bowlegged the next day. Especially when her CC friends come in to start teasing her and ufufufuing

>> No.33662886
Quoted by: >>33662921

is she going to claw me if I say nu-doom is just as good as old doom?

>> No.33662893

none, monster cities are free of homelessness, the drunk, unwashed mamonos "living" on the streets are just larping.

>> No.33662905
File: 1.54 MB, 2480x3508, EwL7zsrVoAES8xF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.33662908
Quoted by: >>33663067

Look at that hag caboose. It's like they get more fertile with age, this is unfair!

>> No.33662921

only if she's not a pleb

>> No.33662937

>They joke about her trying to run the whole tavern with just her daughters.
>She's laughing awkwardly as she feels that she'll be popping out another two in 9 months or so

>> No.33662939

>zoomer wight that only plays pachisi and ashtapadi because she was "reanimated in the wrong generation"

>> No.33662958

Marry evil foxes.

>> No.33662971

Are they at least undead?

>> No.33662972

False, greenworm anon has taught us they are excellent travelling companion/backpacks

>> No.33662974

A rare blonde kiki

>> No.33662978
Quoted by: >>33663000

Evil foxes are for pump and dump, not marriage.

>> No.33662990

You first. That's right, you can't, because you are an evil fox. Stupid foxes think I'm not smart enough to sniff the mofu from across the internet. Imagine being that naïve.

>> No.33663000
Quoted by: >>33663013


>> No.33663013

What are they going to do, mofu me to death?

>> No.33663019
File: 82 KB, 589x652, 1615259527344.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uh oh anon, looks like your monstergirl shitposting has attracted attention

>> No.33663045

If a succubutt pokes her face around the corner like that on a daily basis with me, I'm jacking off and busting right in that smug face the moment she does it again.

>> No.33663056

No degeneracy here, miss. Just imagining life as an orc breeder.

>> No.33663067
File: 117 KB, 850x713, 1599706450816.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's natural monster biology anon. The longer a monster goes without getting pregnant the more their body changes to appear more fertile and thus attract a husband. Monsters really are interesting

>> No.33663078
File: 76 KB, 610x858, 291264a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>33663188

>Poast pic of Oni
>"Is this natty?"
>One reply
>"Maybe if she was a Greenworm."
>One hundred replies

>> No.33663165
File: 623 KB, 1300x1148, vvaWdley_o.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>33663250

There's nothing degenerate about desire for female gains.

>> No.33663188

Are greenwurms able to build more muscle? I thought all the nutrients was used for the cocoon.

>> No.33663192
Quoted by: >>33663324

Don't use those slangs on /jp/, keep the trash outside

>> No.33663213
Quoted by: >>33663266


>> No.33663236

Green Wurms can build muscle with no problem.
Greenworms most likely not, but a jacked Papillon would be interesting.

>> No.33663250
File: 263 KB, 1044x725, Succ erection.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.33663266

An easy mistake, even after 9 comparison images being made I still get them mixed up sometimes. I would think the best Greenworm can do is strongfat, seeing as it is covered in loose flappy skin which makes getting built tough. If they worked out I couldn't see why they would be incapable of building muscle, seeing as they still need to move despite wanting to cocoon. They'll probably be even hungrier than normal though.

>> No.33663269

Does it matter if it makes the onis and minotaurs assmad?

>> No.33663303

Caterpillars have around 4000 muscles, that's over 6 times more than what humans and probably onis have.

>> No.33663324

Oh, right, my bad man. Anything else you want? A badge for ignoring the entire post in favor of a single word, maybe?

>> No.33663347
File: 482 KB, 1148x1345, 88375241_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.33663373


>> No.33663380
File: 263 KB, 1594x1444, qGy3CyPv_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All monstergirls with a derriere that fat are to wear thongs, it's the law y'know.

>> No.33663438

Tanned wights.
