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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 73 KB, 573x500, 1602102854980.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
28290947 No.28290947 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.28290955


>> No.28290962


>> No.28290969
File: 171 KB, 850x1100, __mori_calliope_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_ouxie__sample-7f02dcf7b259aec30ae11e7a42a4ca0a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember her.

>> No.28290970

Based OP

>> No.28290971

If you make a strawpoll/poal post in this thread your oshi will get a boyfriend

>> No.28290972
File: 357 KB, 901x650, 1603674913092.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28291058

>> No.28290974 [DELETED] 

Fuck your unity.

>> No.28290982

only on here and we don't ever matter

>> No.28290983

-----------------NO DEADBRAPS BELOW THIS POINT----------------------

>> No.28290988
File: 429 KB, 800x748, 159087466235632.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is the purpose of posts like these?

>> No.28290990

I miss my boy so much

>> No.28290991


>> No.28290992
File: 63 KB, 211x219, 1603695896091.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28292365

>> No.28290993

is that... genshin in the background

>> No.28290995
File: 21 KB, 1359x153, Calli.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.28290996
File: 123 KB, 425x400, 1603583779205.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28290999
File: 1.85 MB, 360x358, 1551136281494.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28291176

ate' chumbuds
ate' teammates
ate' deadbeats
ate' tentacultist
ate' KFP jannies
ate' pollfags
ate' tribalism (not a racist, just don't like em"
ate' schizos
ate' /hlgg/
Love Gura
Love Amelia
Love Mori
Love Ina
Love Kirara
Simple as

>> No.28291002
File: 158 KB, 963x439, BA289397-0D4E-457A-86EE-B6239B485A31.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28293903

>> No.28291000

Meido, take care of that one samefag spamming his boring polls 30 times in the same thread and replying to himself. He needs help.

>> No.28291003


>> No.28291006
File: 319 KB, 1246x2000, 1600671937687.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watchama's fat, sweaty tits after beating doxniggers and shitposters unconscious!

>> No.28291007
File: 363 KB, 506x637, 1602476286793.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28293833

You can always just send her an akasupa telling her it's rude! She's open to your criticism after all! Every anti post you make can be an akasupa! It worked for chicken antis, after all! Why waste time posting when you can tell her how much you hate her with supachats?

>> No.28291008
File: 104 KB, 766x974, Sick Outta Fashion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28291009

Uh? Also I swear I heard that music somewhere.

>> No.28291010


>> No.28291013
File: 1.00 MB, 1472x801, 1603314851331.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>makes retards seethe
How is she so based

>> No.28291015
File: 262 KB, 859x1153, enter joseph.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Alpha of Advocacy. The Baron of Benevolence. The Cultivator of Cooperation. The Defender of Decency. The Emperor of Encouragement. The Fuhrer of Friendship. The Greatest of Goodwill. The Height of Harmony. The Imperator of Integration. The Jarl of Justice. The King of Kindness. The Lord of Loquaciousness. The Master of Morality. The Nobleman of Niceness. The Overlord of Oneness. The Prince of Peace. The Quintessence of Quadration. The Ruler of Rapport. The Sultan of Solidarity. The Taskmaster of Tranquility. The Ubermensch of Unity. The Virtuoso of Veneration. The Warlord of Wholesomeness. The Xenial of Xenophilia. The Yardmaster of Youth. The Zoomer of Zen.


>> No.28291014

Yeah, me.

>> No.28291020
File: 171 KB, 1444x818, 1603738793454.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unity uber alles
Pollfags must hang

>> No.28291021

Wait, Zhang?

>> No.28291026

I poop on you.

>> No.28291032
File: 9 KB, 512x207, 1602506692553.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.28291033
File: 213 KB, 595x816, 1603665783665.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28291171

I love this Chicken

>> No.28291035
File: 387 KB, 1908x1080, Lamy meds for all.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello everyone, Lamy here from the HoloEN/HoloFive collab. Remember to take your meds, I brought enough to fill your stocks.

>> No.28291036
File: 41 KB, 680x526, 898.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Everything is on fire again for no good reason

>> No.28291039
Quoted by: >>28291109

I haven't the slightest idea why you fags participate in polls.

>> No.28291042 [DELETED] 
File: 128 KB, 385x313, video.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You will NEVER BELIEVE what actually happened to this FILTHY FUCKING ANTI!

>> No.28291044
File: 123 KB, 1000x1000, 1602298782406.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28291118

Where my deadbeats at?

>> No.28291047
File: 597 KB, 2590x3624, 1603037386422.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28291280

I'll protect Gura!

>> No.28291046

Deadbeats, I hope things get better for you guys soon (maybe after trash taste drama is done). The schizo anti's will cycle through the girls at the opportune moment, and unfortunately mori got picked this time. Godspeed

t. teamate

>> No.28291048
File: 124 KB, 1000x1000, EiYnSI4WAAcNRD1[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like such a retard that I never noticed the hot pink mascara

>> No.28291049
File: 69 KB, 176x176, 1461859851776.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>6 streams
>2/6 member only
>all will be under 2h maybe except Minecraft
>no JP collabs
>no celebration

Yes I am.

>> No.28291050

Didn't she just buy a compressor? She tweeted about some hardware after her Nene collab.
I don't know shit from fuck about that stuff, so I could be wrong, tho.

>> No.28291051

based and chinapilled

>> No.28291052
File: 3.84 MB, 2048x1862, 1601647691670.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gura isn't streaming Halloween night because she wants to go trick or treating.

>> No.28291053



>> No.28291054
Quoted by: >>28291108

I can't believe Gura is forced to share a gen with that greedy bitch Mori.
>uggguuu arigato akasupa GUH tehehehehe silly deadbraps don't give me money!~~~WINKWINKWINKWINK
Seriously we need to take this fucking whore down already, she's ruining the entire gen's reputation.

>> No.28291055
File: 819 KB, 1272x677, UNITY UBER ALLES.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28291056

Sharkmeido I know you're around, please dispose of this ritualpost.

>> No.28291057


That is all.

>> No.28291058

cringe imitation

>> No.28291059
File: 77 KB, 680x680, 1603163076662.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course I'll eat it. Tomorrow, let's cook one together.

>> No.28291060


>> No.28291062
File: 213 KB, 406x430, 1603123877791.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally this. Reminder:


this is what makes anti-niggers mad

>> No.28291063

Is the joke that the dude is fucking a dog

>> No.28291066
File: 45 KB, 680x567, ElL5iwQUYAENR3N.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This hurt her feelings.

>> No.28291067
File: 1.39 MB, 1920x1080, 1603739715197.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which Gura stream are you looking forward to the most this week?

>> No.28291068

Shut the fuck up H*ro H*i

>> No.28291069

Do girls like Hololive?

>> No.28291070

Ina...schedule onegai...

>> No.28291073
File: 341 KB, 1145x525, memento mori.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember that you will die.

>> No.28291075


>> No.28291076
File: 8 KB, 332x95, cuteandfunny.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this post is in remembrance of the most based 4 hours of unarchivable user interaction we could have received with our one true oshi.

>> No.28291078
File: 133 KB, 696x984, 1602270492496.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You didn't say it can't be me, so...


>> No.28291082
File: 269 KB, 500x479, chumguts burger.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28291088
Quoted by: >>28291121

If he uses his platform to explain the China situation to normies, I don't mind. Coco needs more support.

>> No.28291089

>Piece of shit youtuber
Please stop shilling yourself, faggot.

>> No.28291090


>> No.28291091

I don't know, there are so many it's hard to choose!

>> No.28291101


>> No.28291102
File: 50 KB, 1019x483, coupon free schizo narrative.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

schizos just circling around whoever they think is weakest at the time looking for their juicy gossip to turn into narratives. They'll jump boat the moment they see someone else trip.

>> No.28291105
File: 107 KB, 827x1058, ElLfTL3U0AA5EjI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28291106

poorfag detected

>> No.28291108


>> No.28291109

It's a nice break from scrolling through shitposts.

>> No.28291114
Quoted by: >>28291199

>normal number of streams
>filters poorfag parasites
>filters numberfags
>filters EN hating dogfuckers
Yeah that's literally as based as her schedule can get desu

>> No.28291117

Does he actually have memberships to all the holos or he just replies?

>> No.28291118
File: 43 KB, 450x450, 1602978613781.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28291119
File: 1.12 MB, 1280x5040, r020645.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is having some form of mental illness a prerequisite to join hololive?

>> No.28291121

Him and lyger are obnoxious yet useful.

>> No.28291122
File: 96 KB, 440x412, 1603659602217.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Poster below is Moona Hoshinova

>> No.28291123
Quoted by: >>28291163

What the fuck my monitor started shaking when I opened the image

>> No.28291126

She bought a cloudlifter

>> No.28291124
Quoted by: >>28291619

She's gonna trick or treat lonely old fat men alright.

>> No.28291128
File: 54 KB, 758x817, 1603716362028.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28291161

Enter Kyaru. Who will she make squirt next?
bet are open.

>> No.28291130

If you could pick one HoloEN to make it her mission in life to get you a girlfriend, who would it be? No, she can't be your girlfriend.

>> No.28291131
File: 2.74 MB, 720x960, 1600240670829.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd eat it.

>> No.28291133

But it made Boneworks

>> No.28291135



>> No.28291139
Quoted by: >>28291515


>> No.28291141

this guy is such a huge bottom feeding faggot.

>> No.28291153
Quoted by: >>28291356

I'm legit bummed that I can't stay up all night anymore and that Ame will probably do a lot of her fun shit during those hours.
Never get old, kids.

>> No.28291156

I normally hate this faggot but if he can get normies to hate chinks then i don't care

>> No.28291158
Quoted by: >>28291484

It was cloudlifter, basically making her screams even louder


>> No.28291161
File: 81 KB, 658x836, 1603158162613.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please let it be Marine

>> No.28291163
File: 273 KB, 1920x1080, 1603509528852.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how many burgers today?

>> No.28291164
File: 198 KB, 1280x720, 1603396081270.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28291165

>muh movies

They are doing this too often it will get boring fast.

>> No.28291166

Movies are the worst content imo. I'm actually glad most of Gura's member streams have been movies and not good content.

>> No.28291167

both watchalongs

>> No.28291169
Quoted by: >>28291361

>people wanted her to fucking doxxherself, literally, that's what they were asking during that stream.
Those aren't the people I'm talking about. The one time I posted during that thread all I said was that I wished she opened up a bit more and I was called a barracuda multiple times. Same thing happened to other people who posted similar criticisms. This is what I'm talking about. Gura antis keep on getting lumped together with people who post actual criticisms.
>Because Mori made more ""mistakes"" than Gura and they have more projectiles to use against her, which makes defending her more difficult. Not that difficult to understand.
Anon reread what I posted. Let's say valid criticism of both Mori and Gura are posted. Then the respective fanbases defend against that criticism with valid counterarguments. Deadbeats routinely get labeled as sensitive crybabies while Chumbuds routinely get left alone. It has nothing do with the perceived mistakes of the respective chuuba. This place just has favoritism in general towards Gura.

Just for the record I actually like Gura and I think most Chumbuds are good people.

>> No.28291171

Did Ina release the colored version yet?

>> No.28291175
File: 65 KB, 1440x1080, shaaaaark.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28291217

Say something to motivate this lazy shark.

>> No.28291176

hey alright
you're watching Murder House right?

>> No.28291177
File: 1.56 MB, 540x405, 1602058502859.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28291255


>> No.28291178
File: 10 KB, 512x207, Coupon Nothing Burger.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

have you tried watching someone else? No one is obliged to give you free entertainment poor fag.

>> No.28291184


>> No.28291185

You think she was actually paying attention to you retards spamming a script bot? She just wanted to listen to music without worrying about what some schizo might type and you faggots couldn't even handle that,

>> No.28291188

Any EN and ask her to make Amelia my GF
this is so fucking cute, I can't even fucking FUCK

>> No.28291194
File: 19 KB, 600x600, 120074219_128392278997915_2214113657948038479_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gura is a proud muslim girl who has never had sex and follows the teachings of the Koran.

>> No.28291195
File: 331 KB, 465x472, 1603638581934.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ik it doesn't belong here (i just hate posting in the other thread) but wtf is wrong with Korones new model?

>> No.28291196
File: 378 KB, 800x800, 1592880641612.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I ain't clicking that shit, nigga.

>> No.28291197

Can someone tell me what we lose if we get IDs and ban doxxposter responders?

>> No.28291198

I remember this pic, jesus

>> No.28291199

Number of streams is normal but their length sure as fuck is not.

>> No.28291200

>being a poorfag schizo numberfag
>getting wrecked by Gura's based schedule just having fun playing games with her friends and watching movies with her real fans
How can one cute little shark keep winning like this? She's unstoppable.

>> No.28291204

I know for some of the JPs they get around 2 to 4% female audience, I wonder if the ENs will ever give away the numbers.

>> No.28291205
File: 67 KB, 481x555, TOP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your top 10 growers for today

>> No.28291206
File: 683 KB, 680x680, Eh-JDNTVgAE2t89.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28291209

Movie streams are fine once in a while but they make for shit content, zatsudans and utawakus are far better.

>> No.28291210

Will these threads keep getting worse as EN continues to grow?

>> No.28291212
File: 197 KB, 1200x732, 1603511539918.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28291213
File: 287 KB, 561x627, Amelaugh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.28291215
File: 336 KB, 651x601, Huew.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28291275

>Gura's mere existence makes people create entire facebook groups, pay money for ads, make a video essay, grasp at straws for any kind of slander, so much effort for no payoff

>> No.28291216
File: 391 KB, 619x653, shark.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

minecraft or l4d2

>> No.28291217
File: 126 KB, 1000x1000, 1602558212106.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Work hard so you can be satisfied masturbating furiously with Ame on Sunday.

>> No.28291222
Quoted by: >>28293654

Watchalongs with Gura have been an absolute pleasure so far so I am glad we get even more

>> No.28291228

wtf i love gura now

>> No.28291230

>Movies are the worst content imo
Both of Gura's watchalongs so far have been extremely entertaining though.

>> No.28291231

discord shlicking session please

>> No.28291232
Quoted by: >>28291504

Personally I think all those new 3d models suck, 2d is more endearing

>> No.28291238

based watchama!

>> No.28291239

Guys, who is Moona? Where did she even come from?
It's the mouf. Do you see it now?

>> No.28291240

does anyone else think Kiara's hair is too wobbly? I feel like slight tuning in Live2d would make Huke's chara design shine

>> No.28291241

Wtf is that?

>> No.28291242

desu Moona did another 4 hour stream with Pekora interaction during her 60k stream

>> No.28291246
File: 2.20 MB, 1497x2000, 1602445302553.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will use asmr mic to finger cunny

>> No.28291247
File: 164 KB, 353x339, 1603507463387.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hot take: Mori is a bigger Jew than Gura. But chumbuddies are coping harder at getting jew'd than deadbeats are. At least a good chunk of deadbeats are honest that they only stick around because they get off to Mori's roommate's stacked bazookas. But chudbuds don't even get that, so they hide behind ironic memes like le barracuda and shark hoodie edits so they can ignore all of their oshi's fucku

>> No.28291250

please stop this. i am not kidding when i say you are tempting fate.

>> No.28291251

which holo

>> No.28291254


>> No.28291255
File: 733 KB, 1426x1080, chumguts stare.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28291256
File: 740 KB, 832x1000, 1600695446538.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Almost two hours until Gura minecraft, chumbros.
Are you excited?

>> No.28291257

Sharkmeido gets outed as a pinoy.

>> No.28291259


>> No.28291261

Ame just only 28k away!

>> No.28291260

What movies is gura watching this week?

>> No.28291263
File: 33 KB, 585x585, 1602750889524.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28291310

*notices "grower"*
OwO what's this?????

>> No.28291266
File: 165 KB, 961x1400, 1602464356016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28291426

Gura should be contractually obligated to at least 1 karaoke per week with a voice that good

It's a crime to not hear her more often.

>> No.28291268
Quoted by: >>28291285

It's crazy that Moona will hit 200k in the next few days. I bet the IDs never expected to get there any time soon.

>> No.28291269
File: 113 KB, 485x478, brapedos.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28291272

Most people have a mental illness nowadays

>> No.28291273

If Supernene had something on her she would have posted it.

>> No.28291275
File: 920 KB, 899x806, 1600398386972.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28291404

She's beyond rent free, they're paying rent for her to live in their heads, and it's fucking amazing.

>> No.28291276

Jellybean cat should've been in EN gen 2, streams Korone tier amount of hours maybe more meaning it would save us from dead hours

>> No.28291280
Quoted by: >>28291336

Gura and Matsuri won't ever interact again huh..

>> No.28291282
File: 440 KB, 823x1192, 1600478367599.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28291284

Not a chumbud, but I am very excited nonetheless

>> No.28291285

the pekora buff

>> No.28291289

amelia teeth

>> No.28291290
File: 293 KB, 557x634, 1603727322764.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28291291
File: 1019 KB, 2617x1941, 1600527074573.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no going to the gun range with your oshi ASMR

>> No.28291296 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 2.86 MB, 3045x3002, 1603745038808.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.28291298
File: 479 KB, 1427x1080, chumguts fire.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28291300

>Random faggots scrounging for scraps, probably picked from these threads
If only jewtube banned them all so they were forced to look for a real job instead of being knockoff "journalists".

>> No.28291303
Quoted by: >>28291332

IDs are a great idea, actually.

>> No.28291304

Moona continuing to incline hard from PekoMoona moments being so wholesome. My only concern is that she enjoys her chill chat more and lives somewhat comfortably as is. I hope success doesn't end up stressing her out.

>> No.28291310
File: 39 KB, 159x163, 1601689746731.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28291308
File: 13 KB, 409x404, kity.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if she didn't get doxxed during HER phase, unlikely she'll get doxxed now

>> No.28291311

I... I can save her...

>> No.28291312

cringe and gross
t. involuntary former muslim

>> No.28291315
File: 248 KB, 1240x1434, 86684468486846.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rubbing Ame's exposed thighs on a cold late October morning.

>> No.28291314

What do you gain from this, friend?

>> No.28291318

Chumbuddies in shamble

>> No.28291319
File: 858 KB, 1131x1600, 1603671452538.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes chumbuddy!

>> No.28291321
File: 3.79 MB, 540x304, 1603425289147.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but teamate chama... SEAmonkeys are asleep already. you're replying to a bonafide holmie right now. try to enjoy the thread until they return onegai

>> No.28291320

you know why we're all called Anonymous right?

>> No.28291322

Yea, I'm heading to the store for some snacks for the stream. Want anything?

>> No.28291324

All this does is create more deadbeats

>> No.28291325
File: 664 KB, 619x619, 93572935.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course I'm excited for my sweet daughter to have fun playing games with her autistic girlfriend.

>> No.28291326

Kiara keeps disconnecting Nene before she can post

>> No.28291327

You can't turn IDs on just for 2 threads.

>> No.28291329

>epic racist meme
I wish I could count on you fucks to not spread a video because there's an old dumb one that I'm sure would get used against her.

>> No.28291330
File: 495 KB, 581x857, 1602818307759.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28291333

mouth is weird, collar clips through her neck

>> No.28291332

the only flaw I could see with IDs is that everyone will get called out for their previous posts

>> No.28291334
Quoted by: >>28291397


>> No.28291336
Quoted by: >>28291823

if you haven't noticed most holos avoid interacting with matsuri now, even the ones that used to always be with her

>> No.28291340
Quoted by: >>28291398


>> No.28291341

Did they mention what they were gonna do? I think more adventures would be based

>> No.28291342
Quoted by: >>28291373

/jp/ was already seething when the post limit got reduced. Fucking imagine if they get IDs because of us.

>> No.28291343

so Africat should go corporate or stay our indie?

>> No.28291350
File: 890 KB, 1415x1000, 1595706129629.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

of course

>> No.28291351

It's crazy to think Haachama was about to celebrate 600k before her detention and now she's almost 700k.

>> No.28291352
File: 654 KB, 1824x1208, gura272.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28291421

Hopefully its as good as the last one!

>> No.28291353
Quoted by: >>28291397

SEAniggers hours

>> No.28291356

It's great that she's trying to find ways to personalize her streams. I hope she can find a compromise with it for people who aren't able to tune in live.
If she does make this more frequent, people might look to recording it. I'll see if I can set something up too.

>> No.28291357

I'll turn my boy into a wife!

>> No.28291358
Quoted by: >>28291433

That's still no reason to tempt the fickle fates.

>> No.28291360
Quoted by: >>28291414

Acting smug never ends well, chumbud.

>> No.28291361
Quoted by: >>28291477

People were still crazy about what happened to Ame and didn't want that to happen to Gura too. Also antis went full anti on her because of her RPing so people were angrier than usual. Sorry if you made a legit complaint and got called a schizo. Majority of people thought it like you, me included (chumbuddy).
>Deadbeats routinely get labeled as sensitive crybabies while Chumbuds routinely get left alone.
In which parallel universe?
People who defend Mori get called Deadbraps or whatever, Chumbuddies have a very specific labeled name for that which is "Chumflakes", got spammed a lot in the earlier thread. Everyone gets shitted on no matter how sensed their arguments are or how schizo or calm they are.
>This place just has favoritism in general towards Gura.
I can agree with that, simply because we are more and there's also sharkmeido I guess.

>> No.28291362
File: 48 KB, 800x504, Panzer_VI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28291474

Also Moona snipes dead EN hours.

>> No.28291364

I mean, Mori does have some rich as fuck gachakois so you might not be completely wrong. I'm fine with how they both do their content; you can just watch someone else if you don't like it.

>> No.28291365
File: 31 KB, 398x344, 1603282208434.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pooh..I kneel..

>> No.28291367
File: 44 KB, 441x441, Gawr411.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*Makes you seethe with rage*

>> No.28291369

you do know other parts of 4chan use IDs right? They aren't permanent they last only for the thread, Still we don't need IDs because that would ruin the rest of the board

>> No.28291371
File: 662 KB, 600x600, 1603210212185.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28291455

Even if my oshi is at the bottom I'll still support her

>> No.28291372
File: 7 KB, 194x122, unknown-206.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28291415


>> No.28291373

most of /jp/ is trash

>> No.28291375

This is bait, isn't it?
Every single HoloEN member has been doxxed.

>> No.28291378
Quoted by: >>28291422

>top 3 after Gura are Ame, Moona and Aqua
>the three that featured in the Minecraft collab with Gura
Shark buff is truly something.

>> No.28291383


>> No.28291386
Quoted by: >>28291419

Add Ayame avatar fag and pollfags and we're good

>> No.28291394

Either is good. Despite being a former african warlord, she is very seiso and I'm scared what indietubers will do to her.

>> No.28291397
File: 714 KB, 789x693, Enr58.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop replying to doxx posts you fucking dumb niggers.

>> No.28291398


>> No.28291403
File: 12 KB, 323x102, 2020-10-26_16-46-39.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

EN has finally surpassed Gen 5

>> No.28291404
File: 27 KB, 128x128, 1603541704626.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're now trying to paint all chumbuds in a negative light with falseflag shit since actually doing any damage to Gura herself is basically impossible.
It's absolutely hilarious.

>> No.28291408
Quoted by: >>28291452

mori has yellow fever. why else would she move to japan?literally (you) but isnt a complete loser

>> No.28291412
Quoted by: >>28291451

>what we lose if we get IDs
>what we lose if we [...] ban doxxposter responders

>> No.28291411

Diluc is shit SHIT

>> No.28291413
Quoted by: >>28291508

>tfw all the asmr holos have been doing actually made me look up rp asmr stuff
>Kinda like it
I am beyond help. Go on without me bros

>> No.28291414

holy cope

>> No.28291415
File: 225 KB, 1000x1333, 1601606989230.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If only I had found her sooner I could have had a chance...
Oh Amelia..

>> No.28291417
Quoted by: >>28291581

I'm happy for Moona and Polka.

>> No.28291419
Quoted by: >>28291633

banning polls would be going too far honestly, maybe limit bans to obvious tribalism, but overall a bad idea

>> No.28291418
Quoted by: >>28291528

knowing her old account isn't dox dumbass

>> No.28291422
Quoted by: >>28291494


>> No.28291421

blu and yellow is such an aesthetic color combo

>> No.28291425
Quoted by: >>28291528

All but Gura.

>> No.28291426
Quoted by: >>28291507

Quality over quantity. She's good because she practices her songs in advance and doesn't strain her voice from overuse. Her biggest weakness as a singer right now is stamina and she knows it.

>> No.28291433
File: 187 KB, 356x550, okay.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im gonna tickle the fickle

>> No.28291440

Stop avatarfagging.

>> No.28291442
File: 465 KB, 1500x1500, 1600295422159.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28291485

>Dead beats EP gets re-uploaded as a youtube topic video due to how YouTube handles song copyrights
>Already a comment recommending Mori's roommate
>Topic accounts are bots so Cover doesn't have direct administration to just delete the comment
Deadbraps really just cant help but dox themselves, huh?

>> No.28291443
File: 12 KB, 473x62, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who else here likes Gura but hates her fanbase?

I am a Gura member and I pretend not to be her fan. Her fans here are legit underage/schizo/snowflake/retarded/etc.

>> No.28291445
File: 1.17 MB, 1920x1795, 1603237979607.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the only poll that actually matters

>> No.28291449

>quoting winnie the pooh
This is more yab than the coco ARK collab she just announced

>> No.28291451

And is that freedom worth putting doxxniggers in the spotlight anon?

>> No.28291452

literally a verse in 666 songs about having yellow fever LMAO

>> No.28291455

At this point I think it's better for her to incline at the rate she is. She's appreciated by people who weren't filtered by her rough start and she has great chat interaction to show for it.

>> No.28291456
File: 501 KB, 642x618, 1603623259045.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28291634

Current aggi?

>> No.28291457

Are you retarded? HER is literally just another internet persona. You have no photos, no stories, just absolutely nothing about the actual person.

>> No.28291461

> if we get IDs
Positive: the majority of retards gets filtered and cannot falseflag, anti or samefag anymore.
Negative: the minority, actual professional shitposters, get stronger.

>> No.28291462

what's with the whispering meme in ASMR streams, it completely kills the voice's sound

>> No.28291464
File: 375 KB, 1451x2048, 441.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>only EN to stream today
>still 5k
Guess chicken will have to live with being the Akirose of EN.

>> No.28291466

>Making a video based on a shitpost that was debunked almost immediately

>> No.28291467
File: 24 KB, 669x582, lol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I count with

>> No.28291469

How new?

>> No.28291471

I'm not talking about the doxx fucker. I mean the people larping that the chat bot was some kind of epin raid boss. You guys were fucking retarded and need to take a hint.

>> No.28291472
File: 305 KB, 443x558, EiABWDuU4AEho-r.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no 500k celebration
>no 1m celebration

What is her plan?

>> No.28291474

>panzer VI
>clearly a panzer VI ausf B

>> No.28291477
Quoted by: >>28291603

Are you seriously trying to say that Chumbuddies get nearly as much shit as Deadbeats?

>> No.28291478

damn, ina is reclining hard

>> No.28291479

You know what, I think I'm actually fine with Mori constantly fucking up if it makes so many schizos seethe uncontrollably.

>> No.28291480
File: 63 KB, 491x489, Bottom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The bottom 10 growers for today

>> No.28291481

Ayame avatar fags are even worst than fucking doxx posters, and I hate those too

>> No.28291484
Quoted by: >>28291576

What is wrong with this stupid chicken.

>> No.28291485
Quoted by: >>28291689

It's a good doxx because it showing people her music bro

>> No.28291486

I hate every fan and only like holos

>> No.28291489

no shit, she's popular in mainstream now so of course she's going to have retarded 10 year olds as most of her audience

>> No.28291490

Deadqueefs are ok now as long as they're not being piss babbies in others streams calling them to end early for Mori, but with cumbads we have to deal with their shit in streams and on hlgg, they're becoming the most hated.

>> No.28291492
Quoted by: >>28293074

Gura is the Undertale of Vtubers...

>> No.28291494

The singing collab Gura hinted at a week ago will be with Sora, just wait

>> No.28291498
File: 691 KB, 1571x1333, 76886486648.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sex.... on Discord...

>> No.28291499

Gura No, good for her!

>> No.28291501

Wait until Korone and Fubuki also reach 1M and have an incredibly kino collab celebration.

>> No.28291503

I have not

>> No.28291504

I agree with this anon >>28291232
I hope it will be a few years until EN gets their 3Ds so that they are made with improved technology that doesn't so weird.

>> No.28291505

>takes 2 days off a week
>paywalls 33% of the streams she actually does
i dont know

>> No.28291506
File: 76 KB, 640x562, MV5BOWIxMDA3YmYtZDQyYi00MDIzLTgxZjctNjJlOTBiMDg0NjlhXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyOTM1NzkxOTg@._V1_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>20-something old touhou fag
>check these threads out
>oh it's like streamers except they're professional and talented
>acquire unironic high school crush on the clown
it didn't have to be like this
in b4 too green

>> No.28291507
Quoted by: >>28291601

This makes it worse since her karaoke streams are short.

It would make far more sense to do 1h of karaoke per week.

>> No.28291508

you can come back from the brink if you restrict yourself to "unintentional asmr"

>> No.28291513
Quoted by: >>28291647

Current top bettings are she either ignores every number forever or we get a live threesome as a mutual 1M celebration with Friend and Dog.

>> No.28291515
File: 75 KB, 496x496, srs (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28291517


>> No.28291521

>Ayame avatar fags are even worst than fucking doxx posters
You need to kill yourself immediately for having an opinion this retarded.

>> No.28291524

This isn't fair, Ame and Gura have the best porn.

>> No.28291525

i really enjoyed the new episode of the moona-peko story arc

>> No.28291527

I love Gura but Ame is top sex

>> No.28291528 [DELETED] 

Well, I can't possible be the only one that found HER, right?
And I don't mean sen*a*a. I'm not even trolling.

>> No.28291530

>Best friends enery, theone that always get into troble with the one thats down for anything
>cousin energy, ganki girl with her awkward cousing learning to have fun
>Sister energy, dotting older sister watching over her little sis have fun.
I can't say wich one is my favourite

>> No.28291532

Crashing this thread, with no survivors

>> No.28291534

>and I pretend not to be her fan.
good god what a spineless little faggot

>> No.28291535

3M / Kizuna usurping celebration

>> No.28291536
File: 613 KB, 1110x412, Towa friends chart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28291537
Quoted by: >>28291574

The fuck? Gura didn't even stream.

>> No.28291538

You should listen to those who are warning against tempting fate.
The power of humanity's collective consciousness is real. If a large number of people decide that something is to be, then it will become reality.

>> No.28291540
Quoted by: >>28291631

You might actually be retarded or autistic, she was having a blast except for when the d*xfag tried his shit.

>> No.28291543 [DELETED] 
File: 257 KB, 457x325, 1603203733731.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seething doxxbrap.

>> No.28291547
Quoted by: >>28291624

Is the watson plugdj thing still going on?

>> No.28291548


>> No.28291550

She will be at over 1.5 million by the time FBK catches up.

>> No.28291552
File: 72 KB, 958x238, steam.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You could have been there the whole way anon.

>> No.28291551

She praised my song choice, that was the highlight for me.

>> No.28291557
Quoted by: >>28291739


>> No.28291559
File: 34 KB, 438x324, 1603643444229.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welcome to the shithole
Good taste

>> No.28291560

numberfags assemble. how long until gura overlaps them?

>> No.28291563

Did you perhaps not consider that maybe some anons here have a name on her, and even a picture. Maybe we just don't want to post anything because this thread and the other thread will definitely go to shit for days and weeks if it ever gets out. You don't have to worry about me since I've sworn to take to the grave what I've learned. But you don't want to tempt other anons here.

>> No.28291568

What if I told you I have never fapped to a Holo?

>> No.28291569

Sometimes I get lightheaded and then type several paragraph long shitposts and falseflag for up to an hour. Am I an actual schizo?

>> No.28291570

We connect with the girls because we empathize with them. Cover is known as Yagoo's home for broken girls for a reason.

>> No.28291572
Quoted by: >>28291680

WE porbably made up less than 10% of her userbase in that plugdj room and only got our kino songs represented cause we did our 2015 reps and found the plugin to autoqueue. you're literally screaming into the wind right now.

>> No.28291574
Quoted by: >>28292033

The power of 1mil subs. YouTube starts working for you

>> No.28291576

I mean she was certainly harder to hear especially if you have another stream running simultaneously

>> No.28291577
File: 42 KB, 1112x653, 1603743221690.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the version with your 50+ duplicated IP votes removed, and a complimentary reminder to pay for your VPN subscription and unironically take your meds.

>> No.28291580

I tried chumming to Kiara but was disappointed by the lack of good lewds. In fact, there are almost no lewds of her at all. Can't even buy her Gravure sets anymore either.

>> No.28291581


>> No.28291582

You could say Gura is the ultimate Vtuber because not only she has the voice, she also has no real life info that can be used against her like with Amelia LMAO
Antis and Teacucks are just seething
>b-but we are on your side GurAme!
Amelia and her fans are just leeches compared to the apex predator,

>> No.28291583
Quoted by: >>28291696

I don't pretend to not be a fan but I'm not getting involved in all the shitflinging and flaseflagging in these threads.
Why does it have to be cunny and barracudaposting and not normal discussion about how it was cool that she actually was honest about how disappointing Amnesia was and dropped it.
Why cant we talk about normal stuff

>> No.28291584

Ame+Gura = Cute
Ame+Kiara = Fun
Ame+Ina = Comfy
Ame+Mori = ??? (Will they ever collab)

>> No.28291585
File: 424 KB, 336x422, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28291586

Kiara having almost no lewd art is a crime

>> No.28291590
File: 285 KB, 339x339, --.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gura looks like a kid.

>> No.28291592

One of us, one of us, one of us

>> No.28291594

bross.. i wanna fuck amelia tit..

>> No.28291597
File: 2.27 MB, 1253x1254, OGEY.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28291646


>> No.28291599

If you seriously think this you're mentally retarded. You fucking idiot. These are the kind of people that get mad at Ayame posts?

>> No.28291601

Did you not understand anything I just said?

>> No.28291603

That wasn't your point tho. You said
>Deadbeats routinely get labeled as sensitive crybabies while Chumbuds routinely get left alone.
Which is not true. We don't get routinely left alone. But for the amount of shit yeah, I think Mori antis didn't stop since when she made that post on Twitter about the podcast, nothing can beat that.

>> No.28291604
File: 153 KB, 668x536, zhongli.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28291828

honestly gura + mori was a lot more entertaining that I thought is was gonna be, gura just has good vibes with all of the members

>> No.28291607

People shit on deadbeats and chumbuds for being snowflake fanbases when in reality if you sling unwarranted schizo shit nonstop at any of the girls you'll be bound to draw out the passionate fans who are too honest to know not to respond to bait.

>> No.28291609
File: 105 KB, 435x353, timefordaughteru.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am counting the seconds, brother

>> No.28291610
File: 776 KB, 805x797, unknown-156.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's is a deadweight doxxbeat post.

>> No.28291611


>> No.28291614

>luring men to be glorified props in her videos

>> No.28291616
Quoted by: >>28291958

Nah, mate. Amelia has a nice voice, but without her avatar, the effect is not nearly the same. If you met her before Hololive, you would've witnessed the same exact gremlin as Gura's past life, but without much charm.

>> No.28291619

that's so nice of her to think of me when nobody else does

>> No.28291620

So thick skinned

>> No.28291622
File: 38 KB, 429x421, tiresome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28291681

All this doxxposting... It's actually us EUfags, isnt it?

>> No.28291623
File: 132 KB, 711x1100, 1603684453288.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28291624
Quoted by: >>28291691

Room's still up, but playing music is currently disabled.

>> No.28291631

Yeah, but shutting the chat down wasn't a fucking game. She actually wanted you to shut up.

>> No.28291633

They add nothing to the thread but retarded tribalism, it's literally always: some EN does
something "controversial" > a poalfag make poal about her or her fanbase > poal gets clearly results > results gets used to paint X as the worst girl or X as the worst fanbase
These threads would actually improve if we just banned shitflinging poalfags

>> No.28291634
Quoted by: >>28291919


>> No.28291635

> It's is
the state of ayame fags

>> No.28291637
File: 22 KB, 615x343, 1600573936389.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28293148

>They're now trying to paint all chumbuds in a negative light with falseflag shit since actually doing any damage to Gura herself is basically impossible.
You realize people like you literally prove the falseflag right, yes? I've never hated Gura, but her fanbase is fucking obnoxious with their spamming, their numberfagging about her subs trying to destroy any attempt at unity with the other Holos, and their overall sensitivity to criticism.

>> No.28291640

imagine thinking a fan is her just cause the fan is hot and it suits your dick

>> No.28291641
File: 156 KB, 707x1000, 1603678677884.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck what others think, call yourself a chumbud. You can be a fan of Gura while condemning the retards that also follow her.

>> No.28291644
File: 58 KB, 441x302, ZHmHih5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28291805

>oh it's like streamers except they're professional and talented

>> No.28291646


>> No.28291647
File: 1.41 MB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Chio-chan no Tsuugakuro - 09 [720p].mkv_snapshot_11.53_[2018.09.01_03.03.31].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28292083

Sounds like bullshit. Something like this would take a lot of time to prepare and there is no way they were expecting this a month ago.

Besides Gura will be far ahead of both of them by then so it will just seem rude that this newbie is shitting on veterans.

>> No.28291648
Quoted by: >>28293077

The fuck are you talking about, check yourself.

>> No.28291652
File: 164 KB, 405x354, mushed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anon if they did, it would've already been posted. hell, what if I already have a picture? what if im the guy dicking her every night but i'm teasing all of you by pretending i'm not? what ifs are only gonna make the schizos even more paranoid than the usual, just ride the waves brutha enjoy life

>> No.28291654
File: 1.94 MB, 2560x1404, 1461638735712.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>in b4 too green
Nobody cares in this shithole at this point.
Although we have /v/ retards who do that too I guess.

>> No.28291656
File: 668 KB, 844x623, __watson_amelia_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_ichi_go__309c1d8e3a604f8bba5fc9fc1367cd26.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28292438

An AmeMori duo collab would probably make this place explode with the amount of overflowing shit.

>> No.28291662

>made a typo
looks like you lose ayame faggot!

>> No.28291665

>So starved of lewds that she had to beg her friend to make swimsuit art of her.
Is the chicken too bottom left to sexualise?

>> No.28291666

Do roommates count?

>> No.28291670

It's great since even IF they found ANYTHING based around her the best thing they could probably do is rip on her for her ethnicity, even if they could, since HER has created no lasting skeletons to begin with outside of drinking and making funny maymay songs.

>> No.28291674
Quoted by: >>28291737

The EN5 collab really worked out for Polka

>> No.28291675

>tfw no /hlg/ gf

>> No.28291676

Anyone + Mori = shit, because she can't stop sucking off super chats

>> No.28291678

What are elves and Balloonates?

>> No.28291680

True, there were a bunch of discord/reddit retards who got in late. The type of idiots who think that counting bananas is somehow epic.

>> No.28291681
File: 89 KB, 329x272, Artia Tired.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28291920

>all the doxxposting now
>it will get worse at SEA hours
holy fuck

>> No.28291684

She said in her last SC stream that she is preparing something for the occasion, but you actually have to watch her streams to know this

>> No.28291685

Nobody normal puts on a mask, its like Batman.

>> No.28291686
Quoted by: >>28291725

Ina... Schedule onegai...

>> No.28291688

you might appreciate this fren


>> No.28291689


>> No.28291691

dang, wanted to play that while teleworking.

>> No.28291692
File: 2.21 MB, 1881x2788, 1603724192225.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28291696
File: 165 KB, 850x1212, 08dc35163915674fed9362971ad500b4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's unfortunate but it is what it is. Comfy sane discussion mostly happens during streams or in their immediate wake.

>> No.28291697

Yeah having found it out myself I'm impressed if other people put in the work to dig it up.

>> No.28291698
Quoted by: >>28291779

If Mori wins this poll after winning the least fave polls /hlgg/ is officially tsundere

>> No.28291699
Quoted by: >>28291736

How the fuck do you even sniff your belly button? Does Watame not have a spine?

>> No.28291700
Quoted by: >>28291783

>they cant give her new clothes since not even gen 4 has them
>they cant give her 3D since gen 5 doesnt have it
>they can't give her original songs or merch since most holos don't have them
>you can't have a concert without any of those
>she's not in the same fucking country where the 3D studio is
Well they don't have too many options top be honest.

>> No.28291703
File: 1.80 MB, 1080x1281, 1603161166390.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28291706

She also got like 20k subs from the EN collab.

>> No.28291708 [SPOILER] 
File: 77 KB, 818x687, 1603745733639.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

welcome friend
and good taste

>> No.28291710
File: 206 KB, 1920x1080, [Erai-raws] Maoujou de Oyasumi - 01 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_07.48.823.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28291772

And this is why she hit 1 million so fast.

>> No.28291714

>on the clown
Hey, at least you've got good taste. Welcome friend.

>> No.28291719

believe me you didn't

>> No.28291716
File: 489 KB, 579x723, Ekz8j8lUUAEOp5q.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she wants to play.

>> No.28291724
Quoted by: >>28291785

>2 hours until GurAme minecraft
>neither has scheduled it on youtube
they're having sex on discord. if they schedule it around the same time, it's because they both finally got off, that will confirm this theory

>> No.28291725

Please understand she is doing her sleep reps after staying up all night playing arknights again

>> No.28291729

EN 100% has more female viewers than JP

>> No.28291732

Would be a lot of giggling from Ame because Mori can't go many seconds without making a deepthroat noise.

>> No.28291734
File: 136 KB, 1043x1476, 166e50d9219fc51074f2fa3d420246b5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28291810


>> No.28291736

Stick your finger in and smell your finger

>> No.28291737

I'm happy for her! Gen5 really went under my radar because of holoEN and I didn't manage to warm up to any of them, but I've really taken a liking to Polka now

>> No.28291738
Quoted by: >>28292130

What if it was Noel with her roommates asmr in the background?

>> No.28291739

that not her lol

>> No.28291743

They're going to bounce off each other's suffering. It'll be like the Gura+Mori doomspeaking moments.

>> No.28291747

KiaraxGura collab is never happening is it...

>> No.28291748
File: 31 KB, 669x582, average pollfag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28291749

I hate Amelias fanbase the most, worst part is those retards bleeding into everyone else is responsible why the chats are so garbage

>> No.28291751

LEGIT just woke uo, anything stupid happen?

>> No.28291753

where is your Gura+kiara analisys chumbfuck?

>> No.28291754
File: 1.70 MB, 1776x1344, gura257.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yu rike?

>> No.28291756
File: 124 KB, 848x874, 16039247189124.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28293230

What are the chances for a Gura x Maturi collab?

>> No.28291757

it's a crime there isn't any porn of Kiara shoving something unusal up her ass

>> No.28291759

>2x DFC
>1x "Regular Proportions Anime Grill"

You don't need to be a nuclear physicist to figure out who gets less lewd fanart.

>> No.28291761

Kek, that fucking IP duplication check doesn't work at all. I just sent two votes with the most basic bitch VPN, it doesn't even check cookies.

>> No.28291762

Did Lamy actually say something like that?

>> No.28291770
Quoted by: >>28292024

Not outside of this thread, no.

>> No.28291772

may be unironically true
And we'll get more lolis in the future

>> No.28291775

live2ds look so awkward when their arms are visible

>> No.28291779
File: 2.92 MB, 3090x2067, gnp.elif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More like if Mori wins this poll it's obviously rigged. She didn't even have any votes for a while.

>> No.28291780
Quoted by: >>28291924

Just tell me she's pretty and I'll be satisfied and never go looking.

>> No.28291783

Theory: They'll roll up new clothes for older gens faster so they can finally give HoloEN new clothes by next year.

>> No.28291784
Quoted by: >>28292024

/hlgg/ is being the worst general again

>> No.28291785

it's already been confirmed about 50 times these last 2 weeks

>> No.28291788

>tfw Clown's threatening to become my favourite
She can't have my heart but she can have a new member

>> No.28291794
File: 159 KB, 532x726, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Fuck the polls that only generate hate and tribalism.

>> No.28291795
Quoted by: >>28292024

Just these threads, nothing worth bothering with.

Gura's schedule is up though.

>> No.28291800

Hypersexual Auntie energy

>> No.28291802

Stop LARPing. There's probably at least a dozen autists in /hlg/ alone digging through anything they can find with the intent to fuck her over. If there was anything to find they'd have posted it already.

>> No.28291804

I only recently started watching holoEN, but why does Amelia act so dismissive and mean-spirited towards her fans? It doesn't even seem like casual lighthearted banter like with Pekora or Haachama. It's like she actually hates them.

>> No.28291805

their "content rating", so to speak, is not their professionalism. you can make dick jokes professionally.
they're not having ethot breakdowns that they didn't get enough donos today. they're not trying to sell me their fucking politics. that's what I mean

>> No.28291807

okay then get Ina to 15 votes my dear anon

>> No.28291808

That's way better than being Akirose of JP, if we're talking numbers.

>> No.28291809
File: 17 KB, 293x342, kek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28291810
Quoted by: >>28292045

this picture triggers me because the artist forgot the tail

>> No.28291812
File: 260 KB, 563x542, based.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28294050

только ветер буйный поет за кормой
чио чио сан я хочу быть с тобой

>> No.28291815
Quoted by: >>28292067

I haven't watched many Kiara streams. I do remember it was mentioned in the threads that she talked about how she doesn't want to come off as a leech. Has she gotten over that? I think she could work well with Gura.

>> No.28291817


>> No.28291819
File: 103 KB, 1097x805, 1602581943911.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you me?
>get into Touhou
>main board was /v/, and Touhou threads there get deleted frequently
>decide to venture in /jp/ when there was no thread on /v/
>find the gameplay thread and enjoy the threads so I decide to lurk there a lot
>one day I decide to check out the Hololive thread out of boredom
>only watched some clips of the JP chuubas on Youtube and anything else, was trying to look for some other funny clips
>my fatal error was that it was a few hours before HoloEN's debut
>now I'm here
Welp. Don't worry anon, you're not alone. I keep playing Touhou in dead hours tho, recently got my first Lunatic clear on SA. But I regret both finding Touhou so lately (2 years ago) and the same for Hololive.

>> No.28291821

If Gura wasn't part of EN
Would Mori have more popular or less?

>> No.28291823
Quoted by: >>28291933

But that's not true, she collabed with Fubuki, Noel, and Flare just this month.
Nene posted in her chat the other day too, and I don't even actively watch Matsuri.

>> No.28291824

Have you SEEN her chat? I'd hate them too.

>> No.28291826
File: 231 KB, 891x660, 1513725210436.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28291873

Since when does she sing this good

>> No.28291828

Hey. You're not supposed to be here. EXPAND

>> No.28291829

The people in her chat are total fucking retards because she's normiebait

>> No.28291831

Kiara. Her gigastacy energy would make her the perfect wingwoman, and I feel like she'd be really sincere about it, and look for someone who would be a good match.

>> No.28291834

Her design, rough start, and pushing takamori from the beginning probably filtered a lot of good lewd artist. Its unfortunate.

>> No.28291835

GPUchama lives

>> No.28291837 [SPOILER] 
File: 301 KB, 1253x1254, 1603745937173.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the closest I'm getting to doing my art reps.

>> No.28291839
Quoted by: >>28291918

Ridi pagliaccio..

>> No.28291844

t. deadbeat

>> No.28291846

Just fapped to Haato vomit ASMR imagining that she was choking on my dick while puking her guts out.

>> No.28291849

anon, please get a new graphics card already

>> No.28291852


>> No.28291854

Remember the 6 million braps

>> No.28291855
Quoted by: >>28292024

no just schizos instigating fanbasewars as always

>> No.28291860


>> No.28291862

Try reading her chat for just one stream and you'll understand.

>> No.28291864

>I wanna go home energy, Gura and that one friend that no one really likes but hangs out with her so she's not left out
There is your analysis chickenshit

>> No.28291863
Quoted by: >>28292336

Why is the pride of Hololive reclines so much? Is she just not streaming enough?

>> No.28291866
Quoted by: >>28291910

>oh no /hlgg/ doesn't like my oshi
look, deadbeats, it literally doesn't matter at all, this place is a fucking containment thread

>> No.28291865
Quoted by: >>28292049

Less. Gura boosted everyone by existing in the same group.

>> No.28291869

Does Ame read members along with Superchats?

>> No.28291871

okaeri, GPU-chama

>> No.28291873

She's like Gura where she sings whenever she's sad so she has alot of practice

>> No.28291874

Still cute.

>> No.28291875
File: 202 KB, 1066x1165, Pikagura.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think Kiara stacy vives would eat Gura alive, but since Gura already did a Mori collab maybe it will work

>> No.28291876

If they found it, they already posted it. They just don't care and enjoy our cute funny shark.

>> No.28291877

I see you're a man of culture as well

>> No.28291878

One samefag is spamming his retarded polls since 3 threads already, replying to himself constantly with screenshots. Other than that, not much.

>> No.28291880

This should count as avatarfagging, right?

>> No.28291883
Quoted by: >>28292049

I'm pretty sure most of Guras audience would have went for Watson instead

>> No.28291884

>Pekora interacts with Moona
>when she ends her stream people switch to Moona to keep watching Minecraft
>She unleashes her real weapons out of nowhere for these people
>their cum hits the subscribe button with enough force
easy to explain

>> No.28291886
File: 10 KB, 362x274, 163583.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek, you guys are ok sometimes.

>> No.28291887
Quoted by: >>28291948

english please

>> No.28291888
Quoted by: >>28292049

Less, because the girls aren't in competition with each other and they give each other exposure by existing. Gura being so popular just boosts everyone else's numbers.

>> No.28291892

Kiara is by far the most extroverted and promiscuous of them, so yeah.

>> No.28291896
File: 3.32 MB, 300x258, ゴズリング2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28291897

Im pretty sure most of her anger things are just jokes. She is a gremlin afterall

>> No.28291901

They haven't collabed yet.

>> No.28291903

absolutely based and kino gentleman right here

>> No.28291904 [SPOILER] 
File: 75 KB, 1024x1366, 1603746054511.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28291909

Whichever makes her happiest

>> No.28291910

>/hlgg/ is one person
what's the opposite of schizo

>> No.28291911
Quoted by: >>28292081

>Ame+Kiara = Fun
What are best examples of this? collabs between those two I've seen have felt a bit strained

>> No.28291916


>> No.28291918
Quoted by: >>28291973

not him, but I looked it up and it's nice

>> No.28291919
File: 412 KB, 543x763, 1600691009881.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28291990

Me as the little chick.

>> No.28291920

ooftopic go baek too /vyt/ XD

>> No.28291924

Going by filtered images as a teen, yeah

>> No.28291928

Which of Haachama's member tiers do I want? 2 or 3?

>> No.28291929

Ina probably knows a lot of lonely artists into the same interests as her

>> No.28291931
Quoted by: >>28292169

we've all done that a few times
there's also mio vomiting that has the added benefit of sounding like okayu is holding her head down on your cock

>> No.28291932

Fernando Torres...

>> No.28291933
Quoted by: >>28292076

fbk is contractually obligated to collab with matsuri because their pairing used to be a brand
noel and flare are dykes and don't mind her lechering menhera ass as much
super nenechi fears no one

>> No.28291934

She looks like a child

>> No.28291935
File: 286 KB, 480x480, 1603735754728.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28291936
File: 42 KB, 680x301, 1603063798609.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>chumchuds get rightfully shat on for being underage anti-unity spammers
>immediately deflect said criticism of themselves to Gura, because it's easier to pretend an e-celeb has more haters than to admit that they personally have issues
Imagine wanting to pretend that more people hate your oshi than they really do because you can't handle bantz about yourself. Literally throwing Gura under the bus to save yourself from your own insecurities. "Fans" my ass, you guys are worse than the antis, because you literally create them.

>> No.28291939

Don't reply to him.

>> No.28291942

>gura posts a pretty normal schedule with the exception of having ONE(1) day off
>people already saying she is the next ayame
also she has 7 streams. shark brain forgot to mention the halloween collab

>> No.28291943

Enlightened maybe.

>> No.28291946
File: 27 KB, 431x240, sitemod.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28292043

So there's a site moderator in Amelia's plug.dj room now. There's 350 people in there just idling since the chat's on lockdown still.

>> No.28291948

Are you a SEAnig how can you not understand?
Does she read people's names when they get her membership or does she only thank superchats?

>> No.28291949
Quoted by: >>28292019

I see you're a man with $1000 formerly burning a hole in your pocket as well

>> No.28291950

Members dont get read no

>> No.28291953

Her chat is fucked

>> No.28291958
Quoted by: >>28291996

When someone posted her before the debut, I remember hoping that it would turn out to be correct because she seemed interesting and to have potential, and mostly we were all terrified of getting a bunch of uwu moe ny*nner voices.

>> No.28291963

oh no I'm in love

>> No.28291964

Mori, to push Kiara to me.
I beat the system.

>> No.28291966

>everyone managed to dox all the other girls within literal hours of debut
>but only I am the super speshul elite hacker who got gura's info that somehow still hasn't leaked out
Nice LARP.

>> No.28291968

Whoever drew this, please draw a small tear from the chicken's eye

>> No.28291973
Quoted by: >>28292063

It's about depression

>> No.28291978
File: 621 KB, 900x786, 1603266229070.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ya boy is gonna help you find a girlfriend, bro
>Let's go clubbing
>Both of you get drunk
>Drive her home to her shitty one room apartment
>Joke around and tell her to practice with her
>Flirt with her "as a joke"
>she responds "as a joke"
>both of you are too chicken to back out
>start getting touchy
>leads to sex
>She tells you she loves you
>Tell her you feel the same
>hahahaha suckerz

>> No.28291979
File: 109 KB, 277x305, 1596051477541.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>towacuck opinion
go back to your discord

>> No.28291980


>> No.28291984

Someone probably posted it already and no one believed it

>> No.28291985
Quoted by: >>28292035

you could've used another word and this would've been a half decent bait

>> No.28291989
File: 3.91 MB, 3149x841, parappaMyth.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Clap Clap, motherf*ckers, it's next meme time!

>> No.28291990

and then into an oven

>> No.28291991

thanks anon, also nothing can stop VPNs

>> No.28291992


>> No.28291993
Quoted by: >>28292019

wtf, where do you live anon? why are there wires going into a tower or something?

>> No.28291994

That's just her nature, which is why I personally can't stand her streams. But some people are into the beaten wife experience I guess.

>> No.28291996

Ny*nner's voice is good though

>> No.28291998
Quoted by: >>28292088

who the fuck will read membership, anon? You can almost name no/a few holos who do that.

>> No.28292005
File: 16 KB, 915x455, 1603048108617.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28292006

and her food just got there

>> No.28292007

I haven't forgotten yet that kenzokus are deadbeats.

>> No.28292010

what do you lose if you just close your browser rn

>> No.28292012
File: 383 KB, 1369x1125, ElMVO-zUYAApbyX.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28292013

she does neither. Her chat is cancerous and she gets so many weird superchats that she stopped reading them.

>> No.28292015
File: 137 KB, 256x206, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mori topping the charts and all the polls all day long

>> No.28292016
Quoted by: >>28292108

Stream today was fun. Chicken really seems like she wants to get better.

>> No.28292019
Quoted by: >>28292115

I'm playing on a Quest that is slowly falling apart
Eastern Europe is just like that

>> No.28292020
File: 23 KB, 579x536, 1602927528174.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28292082


>> No.28292021

Is one a chumchud just for liking Gura? Well, I guess the important thing is to not respond, my bad..

>> No.28292022

[Not my oshi], so I can fuck [your oshi]

>> No.28292024
Quoted by: >>28292086

ah alright, thank you

>> No.28292025


>> No.28292027
File: 495 KB, 1612x1328, EkcLXDuUYAEi3NG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kiara obviously. Lesbians make for the best bros

>> No.28292028
File: 20 KB, 649x550, 1585775478570.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28292053

Have 14, because fuck poalniggers.

>> No.28292029

>Kiara barges in a cucks you

>> No.28292031

How the heck did Gura get a job with Cover anyway? Says you need to be to apply 18 on their site.

>> No.28292033
Quoted by: >>28292562

Then why is Pewdiepie stagnating? Or am I wrong?
Or is this a case of over saturation and he basically grabbed everything he can already?

>> No.28292035
File: 318 KB, 717x382, 1602616798168.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They set themselves up for mockery with that name, lbh

>> No.28292037
Quoted by: >>28292295

make sure you keep it that way.

>> No.28292043

Given there was so many people joining that they DDoS'ed the site for over an hour, it's not surprising at all. It's also still the second most popular room despite it being a literal waiting room.

>> No.28292044

I will take Amelia as my wife, thank you very much.

>> No.28292045

it only gets in the way

>> No.28292046
File: 141 KB, 1162x645, ElIHPUcUYAI0iTU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28292091


>> No.28292047

her chat is cancer

>> No.28292048

She's over 9000 years old you retard

>> No.28292049

But Mori would have been the frontrunner of EN and perhaps the momentum would've been with her

>> No.28292050
Quoted by: >>28292142

Are you dumb, they already know each other, they are buddies.

>> No.28292052

Welcome to the circus, brother.

>> No.28292053

Poalfags btfo

>> No.28292054

She's 30+

>> No.28292055
File: 172 KB, 885x1254, EiT2v5nXcAI5OKO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Gura antis repped by Twap
>Mori antis repped by Ayame
What's the narrative here?

>> No.28292062

I wouldn't give a damn about /hlgg/ hating Mori, if we didn't know that she's here. Though I expect her to be savvy enough to not get 4chan too close to her chest, you can't effectively rationalize your way around anxiety and insecurity.

>> No.28292063

not the lyrics, I saw those, but just the sound of the song. It's sung very well.

>> No.28292067

Yeah, I'm pretty sure she's over that considering she asked FBK for a collab. Gura and Kiara seem to speak to each other fine in big collabs but maybe duo collab might be too daunting for the both of them.

>> No.28292072

That's not how it works idiot.

>> No.28292074

holy fucking meds

>> No.28292075
File: 427 KB, 3031x2480, 1597541516665.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is having a male audience the ultimate cuckoldry?
I cannot think or comprehend of anything more cucked than having a male audience. Honestly, think about it rationally. You are entertaining, responding to, educating and amusing a boy for at least 1.8 years solely so he can go and get ravaged by another chuuba. All the hard work you put into your beautiful little gachikoi- telling him your stories at bedtime, making him come to your sports practice, inspiring him to get /fit/,making sure he had a healthy diet, educating him, playing with him. All of it has one simple result: his body and mood is more enjoyable for the chuuba that will eventually get him to fuck her in every hole.
Raised the perfect viewer? Great. Who benefits? If you're lucky, a random HoloEN who had nothing to do with the way he grew up, who marries him and gets him to stop supachaing and watching you. She gets him to fuck her tight pussy every night on her stream. She gets the benefits of his patient and sweet personality that came from the way you raised him.
As vtuber who has a mostly male audience you are LITERALLY dedicating at least 2.0 years of your life simply to raise a gachikoi for another woman to enjoy. It is the ULTIMATE AND FINAL cuck. Think about it logically

>> No.28292076

>fbk is contractually obligated to collab with matsuri because their pairing used to be a brand
show proof

>> No.28292077

Maybe, but she most definitely would not have been more popular than she is now.

>> No.28292081

I feel Ame is not quite on the level to respond to Kiara's constant super extrovert smalltalk but they hit it off well enough and in Minecraft they are actually making progress while playing so I imagine they are having fun and that is the most important thing.

>> No.28292082
Quoted by: >>28292112

I know you are trying but they don't put the K sound it's more liked shed-dule

>> No.28292083

Still will seem rude to leave out Gura in the eyes of your average normie, but they're probably just going to personalize it now for them.
I have no doubt that they had shit to commemorate their first ever million sub Vtubers, but will make some slight changes so they don't come off as cunts with Gura in the picture now.
I can just hope that the autism can be contained.

>> No.28292084
File: 185 KB, 855x115, 1603735004804.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28292175

like>>28291884 said
>People watch peko
>peko interacts with moona
>peko ends stream
>they go to moona to see more
>Moona suddenly unleashes her full autism powers
>nirvana is achieved and subs are gained
simple as

>> No.28292085

I love amelia

>> No.28292086
File: 1.12 MB, 1000x1421, 87805cc50bcb04cbe11f490a6857e40e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hold on, can't believe I forgot.

There you are sunshine, good morning!

>> No.28292087

Retards using girls most people already aren't fans of

>> No.28292088

I think the biggest chuba who actually thanks members during stream is Pikamee

>> No.28292091

The noises are too cute.

>> No.28292095
File: 83 KB, 300x300, 1596517756340.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gura is uninteresting. Not good at videogames, no defined tastes, no interesting commentary, no risque moments, no comedy suffering or gremlin antics, no good energy high or low, no talents outside singing, not good at zatsudans. Even as a loli she can't hold a candle to Shion or Kanata.

Every time I see someone post about an upcoming Gura stream they never mention WHAT it is that they're looking forward to.

>> No.28292097

Wasn't there an anon who tried to reverse search the Ame Blacked ticket and found a Jew page?

>> No.28292099

Wait why do people dislike Ina again?

>> No.28292101

He's right, I voted 12 times for Mori in the beginning. Now I'm helping him vote Ina.

>> No.28292106

That Gura antis are literal whos and Mori antis have great taste.

>> No.28292108
Quoted by: >>28292146

Kiara is based

>> No.28292111
File: 2.54 MB, 2508x1846, __omaru_polka_and_inuyama_tamaki_hololive_and_1_more__81bc421758cca65fcd37abb415540361.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28292112 [SPOILER] 
File: 13 KB, 189x189, 1603746441989.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course, the K is silent as everyone knows

>> No.28292114

she is a rich bitch

>> No.28292115
Quoted by: >>28292307

How well does the Quest work with link cable? I was considering getting one since it's relatively cheap and I don't need to set up the boxes.

>> No.28292116
Quoted by: >>28292243

she wont stick her tentacles up my ass

>> No.28292117
File: 46 KB, 434x372, protochumguts drink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I look forward to everything you're not.

>> No.28292120

Hololive is kinda like Touhou, except all the mythical beasts and monster and youkai and shit decided to be vtubers instead to make a lot of money.

>> No.28292122
File: 2.93 MB, 818x804, CUTE.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.28292121


>> No.28292124
File: 244 KB, 500x501, 1572602235099.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gura getting so much bigger compared to the other ENs kinda reminds me of how Vanoss shot above people like Mini Ladd and H2ODelirious, but still plays with them because they're bros that don't seethe at their friends numbers. In this case, I guess Pikamee or Nyanners would be KYR SP33DY; started first in a similar market, but just didn't have the right stuff to be quite as successful

>> No.28292126
File: 31 KB, 524x440, 1603742958882.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28293635

>> No.28292130

I haven't listened to the roommate ASMR yet, just subbed to the channel so I wouldn't forget it.
What experience is she aiming for? Is it any good?
I found a Sengoku-era princess and her "asmr" was top tier fapbait.

>> No.28292131
File: 488 KB, 321x240, 9OCrGu9[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Both of you get drunk
>Drive her home

>> No.28292133

Its both an act and literal hate with recent events. She does the gremlin thing but alot of normies and obsessors don't get the clue and take things further. For example what happened plugdj and some recent superchats.

>> No.28292134

>guyra not shitting the bed and actually acting like an apex predator
>100% winrate as impostor
I was very much pleasently surprised bythe collab

>> No.28292136

welp, you blew it

>> No.28292137

Kiara, so I can get with Mori.

>> No.28292142
Quoted by: >>28292250

ame knew gura, gura didn't know ame, they get along because they obv have same sense of humor

this shit is so easy it's like none of you are even trying anymore

>> No.28292145

What am I watching and why do I love it?

>> No.28292146
Quoted by: >>28292176

peko peko bros
amelia is based as well

>> No.28292149 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>28292209

Narrative is she manages tranny shark and she used Gura as a means to shill for the tranny.

>> No.28292156

>both of you are too chicken to back out

>> No.28292157
Quoted by: >>28292194

that's polka

>> No.28292159
Quoted by: >>28292231

who's that in your avatar?

>> No.28292162

Smart pekoposter.

>> No.28292163
Quoted by: >>28292179

Because people are trying to deflect hate away from their whores.

>> No.28292164

/hlg/ here, and you guys call US the anti thread.

>> No.28292166

she has a boyfriend irl

>> No.28292169
Quoted by: >>28292267

what the fuck is the context for that? I only knew about Haachabarf.

>> No.28292170

Reminder antis don't even watch streams. It only takes one grudgefag to BTFO them.

>> No.28292171

>Mori Anti
Ayame poste literally tells them to stop doxposting yet they keep doing it

>> No.28292173

she is a 30+ year old midget

>> No.28292175

Moona's boost from 160K to 190K is half Amesame and half Pekora

>> No.28292176

All of EN is based. But I still find Ina's streams boring and Mori is a weirdo

>> No.28292178

Go back

>> No.28292179
File: 115 KB, 1000x1000, 1600467127266.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off.

>> No.28292180

Honestly, it's oscillating.

>> No.28292185

I can't explain it. However I never knew asmr could simulate hot breath in your ear so well.

>> No.28292187
File: 780 KB, 1045x794, 1479703551714.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have no fucking idea who any of these people except Pikame and N*nners are.

>> No.28292190

your bitch is waiting

>> No.28292192

This is pretty cool.

>> No.28292194

polka is SEX

>> No.28292198
File: 87 KB, 263x350, 1597104577211.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm confuse are prasing her?

>> No.28292199
File: 53 KB, 480x480, 1602658967107.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

delete this in an instant.

>> No.28292201

>/hlg/ here
Yeah you have been for a while, can you go back?

>> No.28292204

it's dead hours we have to do something

>> No.28292205

go jerk your dick over JP more thanks

>> No.28292209
Quoted by: >>28292283

It's just her FFXIV friend group why are people so worked up about her having friends? Hell I bet what happened was her FFXIV pals saw she was gonna be a vtuber and asked for her to help them so they could join her. Friendship is good

>> No.28292211

She plays very well into the hunter role. The DbD stream as killer was fun too.

>> No.28292214

t. never watched a single stream

>> No.28292217

This is making me think of Kaguya and that ribbon-wearing character

>> No.28292219

Go back discordnigger

>> No.28292220

>rich, spoiled, lives with parents
>manages another vtuber agency
>doesnt give much of a effort in hololive like mori, joined for ulterior motives (get close to holoJP - get herself into a gacha game)
>is going to manage holoEN gen 2. not a good sign to have a member manage another gen.

>> No.28292225
File: 6 KB, 210x234, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ame calling in more support staff.

So I guess this plug.dj thing is going to stick around a bit longer huh?

>> No.28292227

why cant everyone get along bros..

>> No.28292228

Reminds me how fucking shit parappa 1 is compared to 2

>> No.28292230
File: 347 KB, 1920x1080, 1602029163219.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28292231
File: 1.47 MB, 1920x1080, 1603551390642.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28292233


>> No.28292234
Quoted by: >>28292292

Do we not know what the Haachama collab is gonna be yet?

>> No.28292237

We've been constantly reporting doxxposters. Don't pin this on us.

>> No.28292238
Quoted by: >>28292661

She mentioned in prev streams that she is kinda good at this game

>> No.28292243

we truly live in a society

>> No.28292247
File: 263 KB, 1727x2048, 1603676807345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28292289

I'd crawl a mile through broken glass just for the opportunity to be reborn as one of the lucky little nips that gets a front-row seat to her enormous cans every single day.

>> No.28292250

Ame is amiable towards everyone. Well, except Mori. Until they 1 on 1 collab, I have no proof to disprove this.

>> No.28292251
Quoted by: >>28292316

That voice is only good for imagining making it stop.
I still laugh at her peepee poopoo humor because I'm braindamaged.

>> No.28292252
File: 184 KB, 858x183, serious.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a serious question about Gura and Mori, I just want serious replies. It's nothing anti or dumb, I just really want to know


>> No.28292253

I can't really think of a holo that I don't enjoy

>> No.28292256

Meds please.

>> No.28292259
Quoted by: >>28292270

I'm retarded but is this real life or a game

>> No.28292260
File: 221 KB, 274x330, 1602905190144.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is there a single HoloJP that generates as much seethe as Mori? Coco maybe?

>> No.28292262
Quoted by: >>28292337

Doubt so, chat was really fucking idiotic the last time.

>> No.28292263
Quoted by: >>28292527

imagine Noel but slurping on your chode while pretending it's your ears for NND-san

>> No.28292264
Quoted by: >>28292332

Is Ame going to keep using DJ?
I know it's fun to use to get some different music playing, but it seems to fuck over people who can't make it since it obviously can't be archived effectively.
t. someone who had to sleep after her stream and missed shenanigans in DJ.

>> No.28292265

take your meds

>> No.28292266
File: 241 KB, 490x490, 1602619382227.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>someone saved my shitty zoomer pasta

>> No.28292267

eating wasabi punishment game, everyone knew mio would barf if she ate wasabi since she already did it before on a collab

about 8 seconds in https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z544dcSnBeA

comment sums it up "It sounds like two rocks being rubbed together, how did she even physically make that sound"

>> No.28292270

It's Half Life Alyx.

>> No.28292272
File: 113 KB, 872x1242, 1578364406307.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28292275
File: 188 KB, 360x450, based waifu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28292313

which vthot is your favorite, holoniggers?
for me, it's amelia

>> No.28292277
File: 241 KB, 495x495, 1603331625833.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dead hours
>kiara the one who streams the most does it at not NA friendly hours

>> No.28292278
File: 754 KB, 700x1245, hms8ama0i5h51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28292545

>This thread is shitting itself
>meanwhile I'm masturbating
>while listening to happy synthesizer

>> No.28292279

>Says you need to be to apply 18 on their site.
Ok, unsubbed, fucking old hag

>> No.28292283
Quoted by: >>28292321

Schizos can't live without narratives. They will make shit up if they have to.

>> No.28292286

literally whomst've?

>> No.28292287

how do we know she's going to manage gen 2?

>> No.28292289

I wonder how long until we get Ms Mori and Teacher's Aide Kiara teach the JP girls English

>> No.28292291
Quoted by: >>28292391

Is Ame streaming in 1h50min or 2h50min?
Sorry for being a retard but the teamup schedule somehow doesn't fit what I thought it would be.

>> No.28292292
Quoted by: >>28292397

Keep talking and nobody explodes I believe

>> No.28292293

>Japanese black company involved with yakuza puts "18+ only" on their public website
Yes I'm sure they totally care about this and it's not solely for legal reasons.

Gura is 15

>> No.28292295

Yeah like I said I'm taking it to my grave. I actually regret digging too far, I wish I was like the other anons here still oblivious. It only took one image still from a particular video. I'm actually surprised her name doesn't show up when you search the archives, though I've seen it come up maybe once or twice. I won't say anymore, I'm just reminding everyone here, especially chumbuddies, to not use the "she undoxxable" defense. It'll only tempt people with less self control.

>> No.28292299 [SPOILER] 
File: 170 KB, 1236x780, 1603746784839.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>these threads
It's absolutely the perfect time to post your art reps! Are you working on anything Holo related?

Remember, schizo posts are not reps!

>> No.28292300

first good poll

>> No.28292301


>> No.28292303

Do I start chanting "BROJOB, BROJOB" before or during the sex?

>> No.28292304

>Not good at videogames
>top 32 in the world on musedash leaderboard

>no defined tastes
>loves horror and spooky things, loves the 80s both music and film

>no interesting commentary
>hasn't seen her movie watchalongs where she talks about behind the scenes making of movie facts and her love of special effects

>no risque moments
>misses all of her subtle lewd jokes

>no comedy suffering or gremlin antics
>hasn't watched her minecraft streams with ame which have literally uncountable moments of both of these

Bro this post is just objectively wrong on all counts except the zatsudan one, I'll give you that one. But she's working on improving at it.

>> No.28292306
File: 431 KB, 1696x560, 1486871797445.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's a hypocrytice who thinks that rules should apply to things he doesn't like. Avatarfagging is a bannable offense for a reason. It just creates attention seeking cunts like him.

>> No.28292307

I wouldn't know I only have a gtx 1050. I use virtual desktop since I have a wired internet connection. It plays extremely well.

>> No.28292312
File: 6 KB, 188x221, dead hours.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.28292313
Quoted by: >>28292338

you posted her

>> No.28292314
File: 283 KB, 1281x1152, 20201020_201810.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.28292315
File: 492 KB, 685x836, 1603596998225.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28292389

>Friendship ended with Watson, now Botan is my best friend

>> No.28292317

Please just report and ignore those narratives about the Atelier girls, it's completely off topic. Fucking hate what that retard shark brought here.

>> No.28292316

I like her voice, and I was not offended by her anti-nonce tumblr rampage because I'm not a nonce.

N**nners is ok with me,

>> No.28292321
Quoted by: >>28292410

technically my post is also a narrative, but a positive one.

>> No.28292324

>lives with parents
what's wrong with that?

>> No.28292327
Quoted by: >>28292493

> http://poal.me/jvc5gf
That's a lot of hatefap

>> No.28292325


>> No.28292332

can fix that by putting music name on stream.

>> No.28292335

Milf Ame with her daughter

>> No.28292336
Quoted by: >>28292804

shes just lazy

>> No.28292337
Quoted by: >>28292400

Ame should just close the chat and only moderate the songs. No reason to have two chats.

>> No.28292338

fellow patrician

>> No.28292342
File: 232 KB, 1242x1347, Smug Coco.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah its Coco, you either love her or hate her
Ayame is a close second one

>> No.28292343
File: 942 KB, 1362x682, goodbye.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28292436

Those bouncers arent staff. You missed it didnt you?

>> No.28292345
Quoted by: >>28292813

based naizuriposter

>> No.28292344
File: 236 KB, 459x368, FAQ Thank You.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28292813

that's impressive, Anon

>> No.28292346

oh do not pretend the anti posting here is not instigated by one of you

>> No.28292349
File: 24 KB, 400x400, 1603733154106.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28292381

Moonas brain is as big as her 5head

>> No.28292352
File: 179 KB, 1262x1668, 1601476610399.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28292433

>Thinking that just because you use a picture of a girl they're your oshi
Wow look i used a picture of Amelia I'm totally a teamate now

>> No.28292353


>> No.28292354
File: 552 KB, 2480x3508, 1603732018069.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28292713

Whos your crush /hlgg/?

>> No.28292355
File: 2.49 MB, 2400x1900, ____.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why can't you dumb niggers just talk about them without it being a contest?

>> No.28292360

>there is only one Ayameposter
Anon you realize that there's at least half a dozen of them right

>> No.28292365


>> No.28292368
File: 3 KB, 124x122, 1603596921189s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im looking forward to gura's stream tonight so i can watch some gurame yuribait moments

>> No.28292377

As usual, a "stuck in Gura's first week" antipost.
>not good at zatsudan
She's been honest and said that she's very aware of that and she's trying to get better (the stream where she said that was an improvement over the past zetsudan already).

>> No.28292379
File: 374 KB, 388x441, 1579639053944.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28292813

This is EXTREMELY nice

>> No.28292380

The worst outside of schizo posting is that she's boring at times and streams too little to make up for it.
Other things could just be that she's fairly rich and talented and maybe a bit perfect too so it's intimidating for people knowing this

>> No.28292381

Not as big as her stomach though

>> No.28292383


>> No.28292385

no homo tho

>> No.28292389

I've cummed to this image at least five times in the short time since its existence began

>> No.28292391

Her default time is PST. You calculated everything else based on that. Her small brain still didn't realise daylight saving just ended.

>> No.28292392

because my oshi's numbers > your oshi's numbers, also if you disagree with me then you must be from /hlg/

>> No.28292393
Quoted by: >>28292415

>nothing much to say about gura
uhhh chumbos?

>> No.28292397

Not bad, guess it's time to get excited for some cringekino. Thanks anon

>> No.28292399
File: 47 KB, 627x205, 1603672178219.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28292400

I don't think you can, but having the bot delete everything works. And yes, there is no need for another chat.

>> No.28292402
Quoted by: >>28292542

Tentacult, KFP, and Teamates are fine with that. It's sharkfags who have to bring up numbers and deadbraps who have to bring up supas to deflect from all criticism.

>> No.28292404
Quoted by: >>28292813

Incredibly based anon, that's really good

>> No.28292406
File: 15 KB, 395x257, 500 IQ ame.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Ame's chat better during member only streams?

>> No.28292409
Quoted by: >>28292456

Polka on 5ch
early Pekora

>> No.28292410

There is a difference between the most sane and probable scenario and insane rambling about how everybody's horrible selfish whore.

>> No.28292411

don''t waste your time replying so lengthy to obvious bait
a single "ogey" is enough

>> No.28292413
File: 386 KB, 809x900, 1600634656196.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to protect and hug Gura

>> No.28292415


>> No.28292416
Quoted by: >>28292476

>Her small brain still didn't realise daylight saving just ended.

It ends on the 1st...

>> No.28292418

oh so it is true

>> No.28292419

If not LARPING you should atleast inform Cover. These threads would be nuked for months.

>> No.28292420

Quick, chumbuds! What is Gura's favorite flower?

>> No.28292421

Well then fuck him if its the same person, I only saw him appear when they started roommate posting. Didnt know he was a avatarfagging anti

>> No.28292423

That was hilarious.

>> No.28292426

Check the filenames and it becomes obvious.

>> No.28292427
Quoted by: >>28292501

Who's this girl that gets posted all the time?
Does she always stream when I'm asleep

>> No.28292431

90% are just one or two schizos, you can tell by the writing.

>> No.28292433
File: 654 KB, 1000x720, 1603598092659.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28292473

welcome aboard teachama

>> No.28292436
Quoted by: >>28292484


So what are they then?

>> No.28292437
Quoted by: >>28292476

US doesn't go back an hour until next weekend.

>> No.28292438

Here's what an AmeMori collab would look like
>Apex/Valorant/CSGO under the premise of Amelia teaching Mori how to play FPS games
>She's is really bad as expected
>Mori keeps bashing herself and apologizing to Amelia
>Amelia doesn't actually care because she knows Mori is a novice, just says "it's okay it's okay just do this next time"
>Mori may or may not get distracted by an akasupa
>Repeat for two hours until collab ends
>Amelia is just a little salty cause they got no wins but she still had fun cause she finally got to 1-on-1 collab with Mori after all this time
>Mori didn't have fun, leaves with anxiety wondering whether or not Amelia is mad at her

>> No.28292440
Quoted by: >>28292601

And they're all a bunch of obnoxious faggots who think occasionally complaining about doxxes absolves them of all their faggotry

>> No.28292444

>Family is rich as fuck, parents own 3 houses across the country, went to expensive private schools
>She herself is also rich as fuck due to all of her thousand dollar art commissions
>Unlike her struggling genmates, her channel could get permanently demonitized and it would barely dent her income
>Her roommate started a twitch Team which includes Shart***is (Teams are basically hololive Gens, and as the leader she is basically their Manager)
>Yab moment on minecraft with the "holoEN" account leak which combined with The Ancient Ones made people think she's got either her family, her boyfriend, or worse, someone in Atolive (the twitch Team) as her channel mod and playing on the hololive minecraft server

>> No.28292451

>trying to force nicknames
go back

>> No.28292456

Why does the samurai fear the clown?

>> No.28292459
File: 922 KB, 851x705, 1603683061797.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28292684

I feel this, but with Haachama. She gets so much hype here, but her karaoke sessions make my ears bleed. At least Coco's kinda hot in that you can hear her real voice inside of her fake voice. I wish Haachma would do that soft Minecraft voice like in this morning instead of going full-genki mode all the time.

>> No.28292460

It's weird Kiara could be considered a numberfag herself and yet I never feel like numberfagging it's almost like she does it so I don't have to.

>> No.28292463

By a lot. It's half decent.

>> No.28292465
File: 27 KB, 262x166, Screen Shot 2020-10-25 at 02.13.24.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this the REAL trinity?

>> No.28292468
File: 356 KB, 1000x1000, Towa ejected.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28292469


>> No.28292470


>> No.28292472
Quoted by: >>28292749

>loves horror and spooky things, loves the 80s both music and film
I wish her tastes in videogames didn't involve a genre with more kusoge than actual videogames.

>> No.28292473
File: 38 KB, 702x419, stuff2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jokes on you

>> No.28292477

Now I know what a sports fan feels like, although this is just comparing different sports not the teams because every girl fulfills a different niche by design.

>> No.28292476
Quoted by: >>28292518

yeah but it did in the UK. I think PST is still the most correct one.

>> No.28292478

Because if we don't hate anyone then that means we're a hugbox, like reddit.
So we need someone to hate and CN is no longer a thing.

>> No.28292480

my dick

>> No.28292481

That's especially weird because that's probably the lowest daily growth she's had in a couple days. This week, she's gained 5k more subs than Ina.

>> No.28292483

Same, I'm not going to say anything though.

>> No.28292484

she modded 2 randos, they dont even have the same power level as bubb4. They were gushing with thanks when they got promoted.

>> No.28292485
Quoted by: >>28292813

I'm going Ina-sane!!!

>> No.28292486

>Ina unlisted the HL2 vod

She's not gonna go back to it is she

>> No.28292489

Happy about the news maybe we can get less Fartia fags posting their ugly waifu

>> No.28292491
Quoted by: >>28292813

I really appreciate you remembering her beauty mark, many artists forget it and it bothers me.

>> No.28292493

It's because Mori got a really sexy piece of bikini fanart that's been getting shared the past few threads.

>> No.28292498
File: 69 KB, 250x250, 1349254787753.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28292813

>Angry/disgusted Ina
Wew lad

>> No.28292501

She stream once a month, so her dedicated fan have nothing better to do than avatarfagging all day long and vomit his salt on anything that moves.

>> No.28292502

The Nigger of Nihongo, the Speaker of N-words etc.

>> No.28292503
Quoted by: >>28292599


>> No.28292505

Hey, her name isn't there at all

>> No.28292506
File: 1.23 MB, 2480x2125, 1521503444103.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There were 3 last time we rallied but the one stupid fuck constantly baiting deadbraps is very obvious. Might as well get a trip.

>> No.28292510

>Kiara/Gura collab
>Mori/Amelia collab
Which will happen first?

>> No.28292513

Jesus can you faggots pick one fucking name already

>> No.28292515
File: 148 KB, 379x379, 1596018313244.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28292582

But Loomis is fucking painful.

>> No.28292518

PST hasn't started yet either.

>> No.28292519
File: 301 KB, 1693x2048, 1600968979492.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Gura.
Any objections?

>> No.28292520

Ame isn't dumb enough to drop her into an actual match off the bat, though given how she was doing by the end of her last Doom streams, she isn't hopeless at shooters either. Honestly, I'd watch the two of them fuck around on a CS:GO aim practice map for an hour as Mori learns and Ame just mogs her. It'd be hilarious.

>> No.28292521
Quoted by: >>28292831

>post about anything at all, even the other girls
>"oh BOY I SURE LOVE AME have you heard about my AME yet"
It's a mental illness at this point.

>> No.28292525

It's a bit more manageable even though it's still fast as fuck.

>> No.28292527
Quoted by: >>28292620

Welp, guess I know what I'm doing until さめAme hours.

>> No.28292529
File: 777 KB, 1373x670, yes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Something is seriously wrong with you, deadbraps.

>> No.28292533

Hopefully Kiara/Gura, Amelia doesn't deserve to have to put up with that.

>> No.28292534

not unlisted it's under the past streams tab

>> No.28292537

>Yab moment on minecraft with the "holoEN" account leak which combined with The Ancient Ones made people think she's got either her family, her boyfriend, or worse, someone in Atolive (the twitch Team) as her channel mod and playing on the hololive minecraft serve

I don't know what the fuck any of this means

>> No.28292539

Kiara. She'd probably bring out a colorcoded spreadsheet with nudes of every idol, cosplayer, vtuber and cute lonely otaku girl she's ever fucked and tell you to pick one.

>> No.28292540

Same, though even as a Botan fan it's nice to see all of HoloEN surpass all of Gen5 now

>> No.28292542
Quoted by: >>28292563

Ina is too boring to schizopost, people hate Amefags and not her, Kiara is the only one who had actual criticism she improved from but triggered all the concernfags in the process

>> No.28292543
File: 371 KB, 959x250, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please shut up.
We've gone through every fucking 4 fucking hours since she streamed this shit. Youtube's retarded. That's all it is.

>> No.28292545

>gone before I checked her out
how bittersweet

>> No.28292547

That's absolutely impressive. What did you use for learning?

Progress so far.

Anybody got any procreate brush recs? I keep going back to Ibispaint on my Note 9 cus the dip brush soft is so good. I'm having trouble finding one I like on procreate.

>> No.28292548
File: 174 KB, 1200x1446, 1600576262708.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28292549
Quoted by: >>28292813

Based, people like you inspire me to do my reps

>> No.28292550
File: 144 KB, 850x1105, 1600767067939.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chumbuddies, I'm sorry but I kinda want people to talk bad about Gura here because everytime an oshi gets shitted here somehow fixes that problem the stream after. I unironically believe either the girls or the managers are here. In Gura's context, it feels exactly like that. For example look at her first zetsudan (stop roleplaying and she did in the 2nd zetsudan), the Amnesia stream (first was saying she was enjoying it, we shitted on that game and suddenly she said it sucked in her 2nd stream).
The more you talk shit about her, the stronger she gets apparently.

>> No.28292554
File: 85 KB, 1000x1000, 9bfb7a5bf2eea6117f81e6a97ff24d10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me too.

>> No.28292562
Quoted by: >>28292614

Over saturation, mainly.

Notice the most subscribed youtube channels are all about music. PDP already reached the peak as a regular youtuber.

>> No.28292563
Quoted by: >>28292610

Okay? That doesn't change who the ones making it a contest in here are.

>> No.28292565
File: 211 KB, 1005x1555, 1603643406241.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

None. Its literally impossible to hate her.

>> No.28292567

Kiara/Gura probably, since Mori doesn't fucking stream or care about doing anything except superchat readings and zatsudans.

>> No.28292568




>> No.28292569

take your meds

>> No.28292570

Depends on how Kiara handles the horror stream. A horror collab seems the most likely between the pair outside of Minecraft.

>> No.28292571
File: 159 KB, 492x588, 1550965457118.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do people unironically hate Coco? I like whether you love her or hate her she's the biggest net positive in all of hololive

>> No.28292573

Already did. I wonder if they'll do anything though.

>> No.28292574

>since 3 threads already
Hello ESLchama.

>> No.28292577

Kiara/Gura will never happen. Kiara is too much of a numberfag to go through with it.

>> No.28292578

where do I find hires full body portraits for cooming?

>> No.28292580
Quoted by: >>28293093

She has really long fingers.

>> No.28292582
Quoted by: >>28292652

>he fell for the loomis meme

>> No.28292584
Quoted by: >>28292813

I like your linework and style

>> No.28292586

My sides have achieved orbit.
fuckin thanks

>> No.28292588
Quoted by: >>28292609

I will purposefully ruin every single poal you make, faggot.

>> No.28292592
Quoted by: >>28292711

Guys serious question, is it possible for Gura to peg you with her shark tail?

>> No.28292597
File: 249 KB, 368x391, 1586774576672.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hope she dies
disgusting rich bitch

>> No.28292598

A cooperative game would work better tho. Like maaaybe Portal 2 or something.

>> No.28292599

Well, it's just you...

>> No.28292601
File: 56 KB, 417x498, yaSerious.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Siding with doxxers

>> No.28292602

Does Ina think that iCarly is a solid piece of western drama and romance like her wife does?

>> No.28292606

Haven't seen her ina long time

>> No.28292608

I really really like this


>> No.28292609

Based chaos anon. I might join in as well.

>> No.28292610

There is no contest, its just retards targeting the two most popular ones to shitpost about cause its easy

>> No.28292613
File: 614 KB, 968x528, YAB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28292647


>> No.28292614

T-Series is super high on subs because it automatically subscribes to Youtube any Indian who wants to use Indian TV/Indian Spotify or something like that.

>> No.28292616
File: 847 KB, 884x1200, 1603429120268.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm only here for her

>> No.28292620

I personally suggest the bunny suit vid or her second-to last stream with mommy play since it offers more leg focus than usual

>> No.28292623

What's your favorite tako noise aside from humuhumu?

>> No.28292624
File: 423 KB, 1000x849, 20201026_172209.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck, I dropped my image.

>> No.28292626

Check archives for Amelia's biggest yabai in her life.

>> No.28292629
File: 22 KB, 586x122, 6848646876478.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The bets are up fellas.
Which stream did she schedule wrong by 2 hours this week?


>> No.28292635
File: 2.52 MB, 1200x1697, 1603628871706.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28292720

Mori just have to make me meet kyaru since would rape me in a heartbeat.

>> No.28292637
Quoted by: >>28292702

What if Mori and Ame GUH/HIC at the same time and bond over their weird oddly sexual sounds

>> No.28292641
File: 73 KB, 544x544, 1592442851711.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>top 32 in the world on musedash leaderboard
Videogames, plural.

>loves horror and spooky things, loves the 80s both music and film
Most basic bitch taste you could have, frankly.

>misses all of her subtle lewd jokes
"Subtle" jokes aren't risque. Risque would implying she's being, y'know, risky.

>hasn't watched her minecraft streams with ame which have literally uncountable moments of both of these
Like getting nothing done or forgetting she's in a collab?

Compare any of these points to any of her genmates or, if you dare, to other holos, and you'll see what I'm talking about.

>> No.28292643

Her art is great

>> No.28292645
Quoted by: >>28292704

I've learned to accept her numberfagging and shrug it as her excitement as performer who has made it to "big time", although being rude to literally 99.999% of streamers who will never achieve such numbers in such short period of time is offputting I grant that and I'd love her to be more humble about it.

>> No.28292647
Quoted by: >>28292900

theyre talking about the ffxiv holoen collab
also ao-chan is inas older sister

>> No.28292648
File: 173 KB, 700x1208, 1587705096293.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28292649


>> No.28292652

I like his approach to drawing heads and shit, but I just need to practice, and practice is not fun.

>> No.28292654

it was a very minor yab from seeing a frame or two of her minecraft chat logs during stream. Wasn't really conclusive of anything and just got quietly removed after the stream.

>> No.28292653

if you think a woman will never fart on you during sex, you'll never have sex in the first place

>> No.28292660
Quoted by: >>28292723

>Which stream did she schedule wrong by 2 hours this week?
any stream that might run into gura's

>> No.28292661
Quoted by: >>28293585

Didn't know about cameras and doesn't even use hotkeys.

>> No.28292667

I am a deadbeat and I side with you. But you're still a whore.

>> No.28292671

Honest opinion? There are some friendships where it doesn't feel the same being emotionally affectionate upfront. You can tell they enjoy each other's company just from watching the streams.
It'd also explain why Gura slips in the affectionate teetee~ moments when Ame takes bathroom breaks in their collabs.

>> No.28292675

pathetic comeback
just stop posting

>> No.28292676
File: 79 KB, 716x768, firstpage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28292707

Tell me about the tentacle, why does she draw?

>> No.28292678

I agree but it only works when the criticism is constructive somehow, or there is actually a solution.

People bitching that Gura doesn't stream enough aren't going to have a positive effect. If she could stream more she would. She clearly has real life stuff going on behind the scenes, based on that time she suddenly had to cancel and push back her members only stuff and said she had a really bad day that day the next time she streamed.

>> No.28292684 [SPOILER] 
File: 16 KB, 480x360, 1603747472020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish that too, i want a chaama karaoke without the meme voice at least once... but some girls REALLY loves to stay on character
>pic related
Before i abandoned /hlg/.. half of them hated her for being the Reddit dragon and/or her voice (Also for pandering to spics)

>> No.28292686
File: 328 KB, 1210x1008, 78678648866.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.28292689
File: 108 KB, 747x578, a_real_stud.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright I added the clown and the retard
My harem should be complete for now

>> No.28292688

the same can be said about Kiara/Mori in holoEN
people just gonna

>> No.28292693


>> No.28292696

Nice progress anon!

>> No.28292698
Quoted by: >>28292722

>Mori/Amelia collab
This one will, contrary to what shcizos here think they actually like each other and have planning an FPS collab for a while now

>> No.28292702
File: 423 KB, 1200x1448, 1200px-Grant_Wood_-_American_Gothic_-_Google_Art_Project[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Americans GUH/HIC

>> No.28292704

she really is excitable, more fans than a shitty Japanese music house

>> No.28292705
Quoted by: >>28293258

I don't hate her, but she's the reddit gateway and her meme reviews are distilled cancer since she can't be edgy with them anymore. There is concern that she'll spread her brand of comedy to the other girls as they attempt to pander to ENs, as shown by the degradation of Haachama into an Aussie shitposter who just happens to speak Japanese.

>> No.28292706


>> No.28292707

Maybe she's wondering why a man would schizo post before jumping out of a plane

>> No.28292709


>> No.28292712

Just go to Reddit if you want IDs

>> No.28292711
Quoted by: >>28292756

>sharkskin is basically sandpaper
It would be extremely painful.

>> No.28292713

Polka isn't trying, but it's working. Kinda of a relief that I'm not an odd one out, not that's it's any surprise for numerous people to really like a holo.

>> No.28292716 [DELETED] 

I kinda want Mori and Coco to do a collab now, not because I give a fuck about either of them but because I enjoy to see people here get mad, I feed on impotent rage

>> No.28292717
File: 230 KB, 316x331, 1603672440970.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>saw Coco's roommate the other day in a /v/ thread
>know that she was the one that picked all of the EN members
>mfw I keep thinking of her having an orgy with all of the EN roommates to "examine their talent" like in those lesbo porn scenarios I watch
It's too late for me bros. I can't see Coco as "le goofy buttplug dragon" anymore. The second she starts talking, my cock's already out and shot enough hotglue to overheat my laptop.

>> No.28292720

>you will never get KFP with Kiara after a hard day's ice skating in Austria

>> No.28292721

If any of the girls are lurking right now, remember that all of this could have been avoided if you actually fucking streamed.
Follow Amelia's example and don't take three day weekends every single week.

>> No.28292722
Quoted by: >>28292876

Yeah just like Mori was planning to play Minecraft with Kiara every week.

>> No.28292724
File: 362 KB, 2048x2048, 1603732799530.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28292902

Forgot one

>> No.28292723

So her Apex and Concoction stream?

>> No.28292725
File: 315 KB, 800x619, chumguts no.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28292728

Thing is, you don't know what you are talking about because you do not watch any of her streams

>> No.28292731

Her voice is garbage, annoying and she's SJW trash

>> No.28292733

Either "haa?" or "mwah~"

>> No.28292736

oh god teachads, open up your schedules of each day by another plus or minus 4

>> No.28292737
File: 3 KB, 338x47, bub.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This just in

>> No.28292739
File: 3.24 MB, 3508x2455, 1602739100828.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do we hate Ayame poster again? I see tons of posts calling him based whenever he's spitting facts.

>> No.28292742

>first was saying she was enjoying it, we shitted on that game and suddenly she said it sucked in her 2nd stream).
>The more you talk shit about her, the stronger she gets apparently.

This has nothing to do with what people said here though, don't be fucking deluded. It's 100% normal to sleep on something and realize "well shit, I don't actually like this."

>> No.28292741

Good stuff. I love it when artists have fun with what they're drawing, maybe that's why I'm a TRIGGERfag.

>> No.28292745

Is that maydrawfag?

>> No.28292748
File: 246 KB, 463x453, 1600499776021.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>know that she was the one that picked all of the EN members
reddit dragon fags are pathetic lmao

>> No.28292749

Games that have horror elements usually handle it better than straight up horror games. System Shock series, Thief 1+2, Dead Space 1+2, Condemned Criminal Origins, STALKER series, Metro series, even Half Life have better horror segments than most actual horror games. Only first 3 SIlent Hill games and Resident Evil games are actually good horror games, and even they are mostly just good zombie-themed castlevanias. Also, Alien Isolation is pretty great too. Maybe one of the only 3 good Alien games out there.

>> No.28292753
File: 177 KB, 503x559, 1602466394989.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon I need the finished product on my desk by tomorrow
For reasons

>> No.28292754
File: 70 KB, 1606x1342, foresd_galliobe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this you way of saying that we both can't find girls at the club since we're too autistic or something?

>> No.28292756

For you

>> No.28292762

>that picked all of the EN members
is this a pasta

>> No.28292763

based taste

>> No.28292765
File: 63 KB, 735x541, Coco Miku BOOBA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28292767

I dislike her voice and her sense of humor. Her trying to push the buttplug meme in particular is quite annoying.

>> No.28292769

Because it's (You)

>> No.28292770
Quoted by: >>28292825

I like her voice. And I'm not seeing the SJW side of it anymore. Legit just seems like a bunch of angry pedos lmao stay mad nonces.

>> No.28292771

Based ARSchad.

>> No.28292772
File: 77 KB, 640x480, 1603472672553.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28292827


>> No.28292773

>telltale round

>> No.28292779

Holy fuck im not ready to watch 2 horror films in ame stream, im too much of a pussy aAAAAAAAAAAA

>> No.28292784
Quoted by: >>28292883

who is this cancerous faggot

>> No.28292787

You're spitting on each and every one of those girls.

>> No.28292788

Yeah, especially when it's a new entry in a series you like. The honeymoon period wears off and you stop making excuses for it.

>> No.28292791
File: 790 KB, 2078x2636, 1599511354107.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're gonna have to share

>> No.28292794

Literally isn't Ina but all the retarded horny faggots in this thread are going to tell you otherwise. Straight up looks like a cosplayer.

>> No.28292797

Wow, the edge is strong in this one.

>> No.28292798

Based, so much good art came from that collab

>> No.28292800

you'll be fine

>> No.28292801
Quoted by: >>28292839

>going to have to leave this shitty site minimized 24/7 on the off chance there's any zingers

>> No.28292802

>>Her roommate started a twitch Team which includes Shart***is (Teams are basically hololive Gens, and as the leader she is basically their Manager)
It's just her artist friends trying streaming as a hobby. All weeb artists dream of turning themselves into animu.
They're never going to have the budget to dent Hololive or NijiSanji.

>> No.28292803
File: 523 KB, 1345x254, 2nd battle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Kiara said she's having an off-collab
>Streaming Among Us at the exact same time as Holostars
>All of them are calling it the "2nd time"
wtf... is she getting gangbanged by the Homos... for the 2nd time?

>> No.28292804
Quoted by: >>28293604

But I thought she's a hard working Idol pursuing her dream, no?

>> No.28292805

how the fuck does everyone believe this shit? Could you imagine being a successful vtuber and sweating over what schizos on an image board have to say?

>> No.28292808


>> No.28292809

>Compare that to the other Holos
Here you go.

>Bad at videogames
Literally every Holo, no exception, except Botan. And if you try to put other Holos in that category, you're delusional.
>basic bitch for liking X and Y
Your personal opinion, no need to compare to other Holos. It's your taste.
>muh jokes
Go watch Twitch streamers for unlimited banter I guess? Again I never heard Pekora talking about how she likes bananas and carrots up in her ass.
>Gameplay fag
Back to /v/. I watched Pekora today and all she did was make an elevator and put a few signs on the ground, yet I didn't cry and it was fun.

You don't watch the streams, 1st week anti fag.

>> No.28292813
File: 242 KB, 620x620, takojoin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>28292344 >>28292379 >>28292404 >>28292485 >>28292584
50% of all Ina art should be Naizuri.
I finally started to remember to add it
Disgusted/angry faces for all holos at least once. That's my goal!.
I watch a lot of Pin2d and Marco Bucci. And a lot of various streams of people drawing.
Thanks, that's the best thing someone could ever tell me. I know that feeling, many anons itt really inspire me to draw as well. Especially takoanon, aggie, and everyone posting their gesture drawings during Ina streams.
Looking good so far. Procreate.. is that for iPad? Does it feel like drawing on those drawing tablets with a screen when using it?

>> No.28292812
Quoted by: >>28292873

Avatarfagging like him should be a permaban, he even try to spread the belief that it's multiple people while it's just him being a dumbass

>> No.28292815

Nice. Really like the other members reactions.

>> No.28292819
Quoted by: >>28293120

I love it. Ina with a fresh expression is gold.

I'm not working on anything, but I keep daydreaming about making a shitty RPGMaker-tier game that tries to tell the HoloEN origin story.
Ame would be the MC that investigates all the rumors of mythical shit going on. I picture Ina showing up at her detective agency like a dame out of an old cheesy detective story, Gura is a lost child from Atlantis lying about her age (sure, 9,000 years old, kid).
The only problem is I literally can't do anything so it'll just live in my head as an idea until it dies or someone better makes it.

>> No.28292820

You're missing your FBK membership

>> No.28292825

She is the literal definition of a clout chasing ironic weeb. Her fanbase is garbage and so is she
Go back

>> No.28292826

im both looking forward and dreading Ina x Marine collab.

I can feel the cringe glooming on the horizon. On the other hand, both are talented artists so im sure whatever they draw will be amazing.

>> No.28292827

damn that's a big rrat

>> No.28292829

I side with neither, I find both doxxfags and you avatarfagging trialist to be both obnoxious

>> No.28292831

Yes, you do have a mental illness.

>> No.28292835

People love to fucking hate reddit dragon. Some very delusional Cocofags who keep posting their narratives don't help.

>> No.28292837
File: 510 KB, 860x777, 1580149998492.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whats the song called? it sounds familiar.

>> No.28292838
Quoted by: >>28293441

>Videogames, plural.
Permissions, please understand. Also she showed she's good at DbD and Among Us, too.

>Most basic bitch taste you could have, frankly.
The one with basic bitch taste is (You).

>"Subtle" jokes aren't risque.
They are when you're a loli.

>Like getting nothing done or forgetting she's in a collab?
So you haven't watched them. Got it.

>Compare any of these points to any of her genmates or, if you dare, to other holos, and you'll see what I'm talking about.
I've watched every single EN stream of all 5 girls since debut. Gura's the best overall, although she didn't start that way.

JP girls just fill dead space. None of them are that fun to watch with the language barrier except Korone, or Rushia if I want to beat my dick.

>> No.28292839

Guh indeed. Already have to check Ame's twitter, community and videos constantly because she randomly picks which one to announce streams on.

>> No.28292840

Mori/Ame because it's one that we actually have reason to believe has been discussed.

>> No.28292842
File: 267 KB, 498x498, SUPER HYPER ULTRA NENECHI.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Theoretically, what's her upper power level?

>> No.28292841

Death to avatarfags, he's just spamming for attention.

>> No.28292850
File: 106 KB, 633x1000, 1603389068370.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28293145

Any reasonable criticism that these threads could generate are almost certainly produced elsewhere too. Not to mention this place loves narratives and going nuclear over nothingburgers. Sorry, but I don't buy it.

But just in case, Gura please give us a little more insight into how busy you are off stream, I want to know more, I want to believe you're a hard working shark

>> No.28292853
File: 54 KB, 541x259, 1603602509577.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She wasn't even really sleeping on it. It sucked the first stream but she liked the first Amnesia so she talked nice about it and gave it a second chance. When it became apparent that the game was garbage the entire 6-10 hours through she dropped the act (and the game). There were anons in here and people in chat talking about how the game greatly improved after the first couple hours but it never did.

>> No.28292856

I imagine Gura would suck fat dick at pretty much every game you mentioned, especially eurojank like STALKER. At least that's the impression she gave me so far. Still, I wish she was playing those instead of shit like Dark Deception or Dead by Daylight.

>> No.28292860


>> No.28292861
Quoted by: >>28293521

God I can't find the rotary phone clip again and I want it

>> No.28292865
Quoted by: >>28293120

How long you been drawing, anon?

>> No.28292864

hydrangeas the same as my mom's

>> No.28292869

You're avatarfagging all day long, you need your meds more than the doxxposters

>> No.28292873

If we can't celebrate the actions of a desperate man hiding behind an anime girl avatar for attention then how can we really celebrate the actions of women hiding behind anime girl avatars?

>> No.28292874
Quoted by: >>28292979

>Could you imagine being a successful vtuber and sweating over what schizos on an image board have to say?
Yes, because it's what I would do.

>> No.28292876
File: 2.82 MB, 1666x1035, 1603050379062.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yeah just like Mori was planning to play Minecraft with Kiara every week.
Don't remind me...

>> No.28292879

Unmeasurable with current technology.

>> No.28292880

Polka would like it, she's M
I want her to cry so the make up runs down her cheek while I fuck her in a sleazy motel

>> No.28292881

Looks like Ina to me. Ina isn't forced to default to a neutral or smug smile for all eternity.

>> No.28292883

No idea, someone was saying it's one of Ame's friends (female). I think its just her on a laptop or some shit

>> No.28292884

Ame said she wants to play TF2 Mann vs Machine mode with Mori

>> No.28292888
File: 95 KB, 850x1050, 1603685309073.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28293110

Ame was on brand the whole time, well deserved second highest viewership in the collab. Too bad the only ones that can ever hope to get good at the game are botan, gura and polka cause everyone else gets filtered by awareness and learning the mechanics. Although it would be pretty kino if we got a collab that went more like:
>Botan calling out fake tasks by knowing the progress bar
>impostors actually venting and having strategy with their alibis
>ame checking cams and calling out possible vent scenarios

you get the idea

>> No.28292890
Quoted by: >>28293120

Is that selfdom? How does it work?

>> No.28292891


also the song isn't strictly Polka, it's her rm.

>> No.28292893


>> No.28292895

Well, mori didn't https://youtu.be/HvUqcK9VZn8?t=1950

>> No.28292900

source: my ass

>> No.28292902

What does she do for members only? I'll probably join her membership anyways.

>> No.28292903

hers is with fans m8

>> No.28292909

Because they don't do it here

>> No.28292911

Her voice is great. Even if you're mad at her over the SJW stuff, which is arguably legitimate, you can't deny her voice would be good attached to someone without that baggage.

>> No.28292914
File: 338 KB, 768x719, 1601498228399.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

About as much as the average NenePro salary.

>> No.28292917

It captures all of the major design elements of her character.
She's an anime girl, how does she look like a cosplayer, without having any elements conveying that she's someone else in Ina's outfit?
But yes, my dick also 100% believes that's Ina.

>> No.28292918

Which HololiveEN member has the best bgms?

>> No.28292920

based spychad
keep doing it

>> No.28292922
File: 1.90 MB, 2150x3035, illust_85266680_20201026_213936.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28292996

How can I possibly forget
Oh wow, that's really good, great job anon

>> No.28292924
File: 84 KB, 602x674, 1574942193330.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tentabros, I'm sorry I had to reveal this to you but it must be said. FFXIV is, and I say this seriously, one of THE largest congregations of trannies in the world. If you play that game then trannies are literally unironically unavoidable. ESPECIALLY as a high level raider.

It's unfortunate, but Ina has interacted with trannies before. I am sorry you had to learn this.

>> No.28292925 [DELETED] 
File: 159 KB, 667x1000, 934_1000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28292950

I'll stuff this chicken for Christmas!

>> No.28292927

I wish meidos would ban these baiting faggots. They are saying they found her and confirming that her name is already in archives but play the good guys saying that they reported the info to cover. If its true even though i dont believe WHY the fuck would you post it in literally anti boards where people dox for fun and ruining peoples life. You guys are the same if not the worse then doxfags, you retarded bait faggots

>> No.28292928

Have you considered that if it actually was one guy and not several that meido would have banned him? It's not one guy.

Same goes for the sadcat fubuki images, that's not one person either.

>> No.28292929

Teh Ebik Haker_Man

>> No.28292931
File: 428 KB, 1080x1578, 85267377_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28292967

>> No.28292934

Deadbraps are just mad he's right.

>> No.28292936
Quoted by: >>28293060

>People are still finding her
I sent the two ways I found her to her email and she deleted them.
You should do the same.

>> No.28292937

But the deadbeats were the schizos attacking polka for being too loud.

>> No.28292939

Holy shit I want more music from roommate. This is magnificent.

>> No.28292942

It's how 4chan works. It attracts the type of people who will not let it go and who will not be wrong. Why can't /v/ discuss video games without it being a contest? Why can't /co/ discuss comics without it being a contest?

>> No.28292950
Quoted by: >>28293867

when did polka sing autophagy?

>> No.28292952

Watame's MC
Noel's playlist
Moona's Bagpipes

>> No.28292953


>> No.28292954

Mori if you count her outro.

>> No.28292956


>> No.28292958

I like this one, hope she will play it after halloween

>> No.28292959

>It's unfortunate, but Ina has interacted with trannies before.
we knew this already, she's interacted with Mori after all

>> No.28292960

Even the Ancient Ones are at awe of this unit

>> No.28292961
Quoted by: >>28293023

>Have to choose between going to work or going to OUR SON's game.
Is this how a responsible parent feels like?

>> No.28292964

Honestly, I'd rather pay the membership in meme money but be able to send a superchat or two in real per month

>> No.28292967
Quoted by: >>28292992


>> No.28292970

ok and?

>> No.28292971
Quoted by: >>28293244

she actually is gonna stream a movie what are you talking about?

>> No.28292972
File: 1.01 MB, 220x220, bubb4.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bubb4 whipping and nae naeing on chats moms

>> No.28292978

The deadbeats were fucking happy that Polka actually liked Mori

>> No.28292979

Are there any other communities where people can say a negative opinion without getting banned or dogpiled? It's not that this place is good, but that everywhere else is overflowing with toxic positivity.

>> No.28292982

Its quite common in NA WoW and FFXIV sadly

>> No.28292985

Do other holos interrupt collabs by talking about SCs or is it just Mori? I don't think I've seen ant JP do that.

>> No.28292986

I can't believe deadbeats made Aloe graduate...

>> No.28292991

Grande Padre-level

>> No.28292992
File: 256 KB, 1096x895, 1577933453258.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28292993
Quoted by: >>28293042

Neither of Ame's horror movies are exceptionally scary

>> No.28292994

Holy shit, I dig this. This kind of aggressiveness and rhythm is really cool.

>> No.28292996
File: 2.27 MB, 2150x3035, illust_85266680_20201026_213939.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28293027

And I'll post other two pics before bailing out of here again

>> No.28292997

No they weren't your retard

>> No.28293000

ok and?

>> No.28293002

Wait that shit real?

>> No.28293004
Quoted by: >>28293063

Deadbeats also baited coco into showing Taiwan stats and are responsible for the whole china fiasco

>> No.28293007

Yeah that's thrash, i play WoW and they are there too but they have a "containment server" called Moonguard

>> No.28293009
File: 99 KB, 310x309, 1603576098270.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh fuck here we go

>> No.28293010

Not EN, but I love Korone's BGM.

>> No.28293012

Kiara's loading screen, Ame's normal one, Mori's selfmade ones, and Gura's Halloween. Ina's aren't bad, but they're too quiet to really be memorable.

>> No.28293016

There will probably be a Christmas themed one

>> No.28293017

Why does it sound so much like runescape?

>> No.28293018

I borrowed a Wacom Intuos, and it definitely was better than that. Never tried a Cintiq or Huion, so I can't say if it feels like those. But it definitely does with a paperlike screen protector. It's true when people say it's the closest you can get to paper. But without the screen protector to add some friction, it's incredibly glossy which I didn't like.

I use digital due to disabilities in my hand and it has been incredibly worth it. Better than the note 9.

>> No.28293019

I look forward to the Christmas mix with bells.

>> No.28293021

I love Atahuta but his Gura was kind of bad.

>> No.28293023

Open son's stream before heading to work and watch him when you get home.

>> No.28293025

I'm glad the c**n*s are gone.

>> No.28293027
File: 2.04 MB, 2150x3035, illust_85266680_20201026_213941.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28293029

>Ina is a commie filter and trigger.
seethe Kek

>> No.28293030

Ame's clock screen is my favorite

>> No.28293033

Big, if true.

>> No.28293034
File: 250 KB, 1500x878, holoEN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which holoEN would be the comfiest to cuddle with/sleep next to?

>> No.28293036

Polka is the greatest entertainer of HoloJP. Too bad I don't understand JP beyond N5

>> No.28293039

I'm a big fan of Ame's and Gura's halloween one. I hope we get a Christmas variant.

>> No.28293042

Ok anon i will trust you. Not watching any trailers

>> No.28293044

why do people want a pika/gura collab? is it really only because they have sharp teeth

>> No.28293048

Amelia's is the Pekora BGM of EN but not as good.

>> No.28293049
File: 934 KB, 731x727, Snsns.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28293085

>He thinks there's only 1 Ayame

>> No.28293050
Quoted by: >>28293192

Bro cut it out this is SUPER gay

>> No.28293052

Reminder that what you're seeing from Mori antis right now is textbook /vg/ behavior. These are the same tactics they use against their hated thread enemies and avatarfags.

>> No.28293053

T3 deadbeats actually control hololive and are the ones giving shit costumes to all the girls.
All part of their plan.

>> No.28293054

wtf I can't believe deadbeats were behind the permissions arc

>> No.28293056

eNeN has downloaded all of US culture
>hannah montana
eNeN has downloaded all the pantsu color info
eNeN has mastered her AmongUs winrate

literally unstoppable

>> No.28293060
Quoted by: >>28293159

The way I found her is still up. I guess I'll email her as well. I just don't want to look and sound creepy so I reported it to Cover instead, but they're not taking action.

>> No.28293062

Ina's tentacles.

>> No.28293064
File: 716 KB, 743x797, 1590347221670.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28293326

Ina... schedule... onegai...

>> No.28293063

Doesn't that make them extra based for ensuring that we'll never have to kneel to chinks again?

>> No.28293066

Ok guys my ban finally expired and my meds ran out so I can post more schizo theories for you all
>Kiara has a gun
>Ina is pregnant
>Amelia Watson is an anagram of Anal Meat Is Ow
>4chan jannies are mori fans and keep banning me to suppress the truth
>Cali once brapped so hard she got evicted.
>Smoke kun is not a particle effect it's her brapping
>cali once vaped using her bum and held it for 3 days until going on a date with Kiara then brapped a raspberry scented toxic cloud
>Gura and Ame watch oblivion dialog memes together
>Gura lost her pinky in a fight against her nemesis the tiktok girl
>Gura's first kiss was with the tiktok girl
>Ame killed the tiktok girl to assert her dominance and win Gura's heart
>Ina is boring
>Gura and Ame met in 2018 when Ame was working as event staff at comic-con. Gura wanted to see the trailer for DC's "Shazam!" and Ame accepted a bribe from Gura. The bribe was a gamer bottle.
>Kiara's seiso sauce may not meet food hygiene legislation

>> No.28293067
File: 79 KB, 400x410, 1603678664186.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28293229

>Gigastacy Kiara is new


Literally her 4th video.

>> No.28293072

Ina Ina Inaaaaaaa

>> No.28293074
Quoted by: >>28293197

When is your 14th birthday?

>> No.28293077

Mori fans are very thin skinned.

>> No.28293078
File: 23 KB, 128x128, 1602283999068.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the girls are receiving at best 20 cents from each of these memberships

>> No.28293080


>> No.28293082

No but that guy who was attention whoring in Inas chat was a Deadbeat, I hope his ass is permabanned from the others

>> No.28293084

This is really good, I wonder who actually composed it.

>> No.28293085
Quoted by: >>28293319

Of all oni designs I've seen in manga/anime she's the best one without a doubt

>> No.28293089
Quoted by: >>28293128

Gura, she's 4ft7, just IMAGINE the spooning

>> No.28293090

Calliope for the sleepy reaper noises

>> No.28293091

The little "buh byeee buh byeeeeeeeeeeee" she does at the end of her streams while shaking back and forth

>> No.28293093

and toes

>> No.28293094


>Trying to do savage clears, the one with titan at the end
>Cant help but feel like the co healer is dragging their ass
>Call them out after an attempt that feels like outright sabotage
>They've been sandbagging for 2 months cause I called them the wrong the pro-noun

I literally did not know the tranny pro-nouns, I fucking HATE trannies so much.

>> No.28293096
Quoted by: >>28293157

Pika is a pedophile and Gura is a loli

>> No.28293098
Quoted by: >>28293151

>tfw you will never hear Kiara snore and mumble soft "Kikkerikii" while spooning her

>> No.28293099

Ina's human body is probably rather boney so no comfy lap pillow but those tentacles more than make up for it

>> No.28293100

what the fuck?

>> No.28293103

They hate her!

>> No.28293105

>pat pat pat pat pat pat

>> No.28293106

Why are you so mad? Her dad works in a hospital what have you done with your life to reap the same kind of treatment from society?

>> No.28293109
File: 229 KB, 900x900, 1603651398327.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.28293110

She should play solo for a couple of streams. She has pretty good deduction skills considering she got the two imposters right on her first guess before getting killed immediately.

>> No.28293111

I want to spoon with Gura

>> No.28293114
Quoted by: >>28293185

If you're British, she's streaming Minecraft last week.

>> No.28293115

Can you blame me? Ya Boi could barely get a word in edgewise because Polka wouldn't shut up for one damn second. Every meeting was just her shouting at the top of her lungs until she decided to take a breath and let someone else talk. I know you like her but go watch the VOD and tell me I'm wrong. There were clearly times when Mori wanted to say something and was cut off by Polka.

>> No.28293118

Mori mommy

>> No.28293119

These are my favorites

I also like Gura bgm because it reduces people IQ

>> No.28293120

about 5 years, with long break yearly.
A HoloEN related game would be sick. Would it be your first gamedev project? you can always try and look for someone to collab with maybe.
The Ancient Ones assuming direct control.

>> No.28293122

But Gar Goyle ruined her 100% winrate

>> No.28293125

20 cents are better than no cents.

>> No.28293128

you would be able to rest your chin on the top of her head.

>> No.28293129

One question anon. I won't ask for more roommate posting. Is rm in youtube? I can do the reps myself. Because this is fucking magnificent I can't just not subscribe.

>> No.28293132

ina where is <span class="sjis">pinponpanpon[/spoiler]

>> No.28293138
File: 952 KB, 1920x814, chumguts wake up 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28293139

She might put effort into what she does, but almost everything about her annoys me. Her voice feels like nails on glass, her l2d is terrible, her current content is extremely unfunny meme videos. However, as long as she doesn't touch HoloENs like trying to force the dumb buttplug joke on Gura or forcing them into Ark, I couldn't care less.

>> No.28293142

are you ogey?

>> No.28293144
File: 64 KB, 227x171, 1602738032281.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28293180

9(000) years old is perfect. It helps that Pikamee's English is pretty strong.

>> No.28293145

She's already talked about how she has crippling social anxiety and loses out on sleep after streaming sometimes or can't even eat for days because her stomach is acting up from nerves.

If she needs to take a couple days off every once in awhile, that's fine. If she wants to make a full third of her content members only, which are streams where she actually feels comfortable and has fun because the audience is much smaller and friendlier, more power to her. Fuck I think she should make at least HALF of her content members only and only do like 3 streams a week for the public, she already gained so many subs she doesn't need to grind any harder than that.

>> No.28293146

>Could you imagine being a successful vtuber and sweating over what schizos on an image board have to say?
You mean like when Kiara did it when someone clipped a whole bunch of negative posts about her from here and sent them to her?

>> No.28293148
File: 160 KB, 567x800, 1601728122248.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are some reasonable chumbuds like myself who just want everyone to enjoy their oshi in peace and get along without worrying about numbers.
Unfortunately they are a minority.

>> No.28293149
File: 144 KB, 1512x1054, Ej0c6HnVkAAISln.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chicken of course

>> No.28293151

>mumble soft "Kikkerikii"
Makes no fucking sense, since it's the cock's screech it does in the morning to wake up. It's like trying to saying softly "Niggermaaaan, save meeee..."
She should say whatever she says in German at the end of every stream.

>> No.28293153

big if true

>> No.28293155 [DELETED] 
File: 161 KB, 719x559, gUevruM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28293273

They can't suppress the truth forever anon. Keep up the good fight.

>> No.28293156
Quoted by: >>28293231

Ame using plug.dj makes me feel like she misses having a small community but I'm probably looking at it wrong

>> No.28293157
Quoted by: >>28293201


>> No.28293159

I didnt report to cover because they're shit at their jobs and those profiles were probably not part of the CV she sent Cover so they had no business knowing.
I just emailed her directly.

>> No.28293163
File: 163 KB, 1000x1386, 1602460116465.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Ame always gets this "toxic" personality attributed to her, but she's actually very sweet. It's really sad that she has to deal with schizos and doxxniggers from now on. Teamates, we don't deserve her...

>> No.28293167
File: 983 KB, 512x639, 1600368277029.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28293420

Mori. Bonus points to her intro for the animation

>> No.28293172

What do the Japs think of us butting in on their idols?

>> No.28293174

Nice meme, JOPs on 5chan were the only ones doing that.

>> No.28293175

>where's your analysis of a pair that hasn't collabed yet
It's not our fault Kiara likes the JPs more. She doesn't even want to be in the l4d collab with her.

>> No.28293177

Are you ogey, rrat?

>> No.28293178

She had a tearful graduation
That's all you'll get

>> No.28293180
File: 430 KB, 1051x1096, 1603141340950.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28293182

Shark meme or lolicon meme pick either

>> No.28293184

>eNeN has mastered her AmongUs winrate
Until she got APEX PREDATOR'd

>> No.28293185

I don't mind it since Sweedotime is currently the same as BST.

>> No.28293188
File: 2.26 MB, 1253x1254, RRAT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you ogey?

>> No.28293192
File: 863 KB, 1080x1920, illust_85247941_20201025_222320.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry bro I had to post all of them for the sake of completion

>> No.28293193

Ame. Unless I have a functioning sense of smell. Then Ina.

>> No.28293197

Gura is the Homestuck of vtubers...

>> No.28293201
Quoted by: >>28293358

Today I will remind them

>> No.28293204

I would love hearing Ame's voice as she goes to sleep or wakes up, but probably Ina.

>> No.28293205
Quoted by: >>28293239

Providing content to your fans is grinding now? Holy shit, so this is what incessant numberfagging does to sharkfags.

>> No.28293207

>It's like trying to saying softly "Niggermaaaan, save meeee..."
>implying you wouldn't want Ina to whisper this into your ear

>> No.28293210

I refuse to choose, we will all just have to sleep together forever.

>> No.28293211

Now that I think about it, Chicken would take nice photos, truly Callie picked the right photographer

>> No.28293212

I'm almost finished with Ame's fallout listenalong and you guys weren't lying, it's her best stream, brimming with SOUL. 40s-60s songs are so good.

>> No.28293213
File: 1.16 MB, 2400x1535, 1603165909770.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i need to find an ame

>> No.28293215
File: 11 KB, 230x230, 1601341212769.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.28293218

That's nonsense

>> No.28293222

>No Phasmophobia stream for halloween
Ok, I'm legit surprised

>> No.28293225
Quoted by: >>28293235

just woke up what did I miss

>> No.28293227
Quoted by: >>28293329

The first bunker in the first stalker game was probably the scariest bit i've played in a while. those moving anomalies and the objects throwing themselves at you are pretty scary

>> No.28293229

Kiara sure has come a long way since she got her mic upgraded.

>> No.28293230

Depends on whether or not someone is willing to interpret Matsuri coming on to gura for an hour. Who was the Vtuber who was asking her if she was stupid in english? She might do it.

>> No.28293231

What she misses is chat being manageable probably, she says right in her new rules that interacting with chat is one of the things that makes her like streaming.

>> No.28293234

Look every dude needs some time alone from the lady alright

>> No.28293235

depends on when you started sleeping

>> No.28293237
Quoted by: >>28293338

Those voice cracks man, I have never cried in my life but when I get emotional and sad I start talking like her and get voice cracks

>> No.28293239

You're retarded.

>> No.28293240
Quoted by: >>28293439

I hope O'riendship is still intact after Kiara shat all over her taste in shows.

>> No.28293241
File: 582 KB, 812x634, 1473985046690.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is really fucking good hot damn

>> No.28293244

It'll be finished before sunset.

>> No.28293247

If I said one of my shitposts got on Coco's meme review, would it be ok if it wasn't made for reddit first

>> No.28293249

for people outside of this thread, it's because of the shark teeth and Pika being legitimately entertaining. That said, Pika was very explicit to her fans not to bother the HoloEN girls. Collab probably wouldn't come unless she's approached from Holo's end and even then she has her own things going on.

>> No.28293253

>she doesn't know

>> No.28293257

thanks, I had a couple others but not this one. I assume they're nobuhime but I can't actually find them on her channel.

>> No.28293258

>Coco spreading her brand of comedy to Haato
Haachama's EN pandering is unironically a hundred times funnier than Coco though.

>> No.28293259

Good luck anon

I've been trying since 2012

>> No.28293263
File: 2 KB, 125x125, 1603477699918s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.28293262
Quoted by: >>28293296

There's an unannounced collab that night, how do you know it's not phasmophobia?

>> No.28293265
File: 137 KB, 261x407, inainaina_ebbvzoh18.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She isn't humu humuing on my cock right now

>> No.28293266

>Mori dumps Kiara
>She starts sucking Huke's dick and fucks every jp holo she can get her hands on
Just like my favorite porn doujins

>> No.28293267

Ame is your regular weeb girl, but gifted with the sweetest voice.

They're out there, but they're rarely single and don't sound as cute.

>> No.28293269
Quoted by: >>28293574

just go ahead and show which one it was so you can be properly outed, anon

>> No.28293273
Quoted by: >>28293708

what the FUCK is this pic?

>> No.28293275
Quoted by: >>28293563

its basically an open secret, she has literally been posted in this very thread, just go up in the reply chain.

>> No.28293276
Quoted by: >>28293341

>If she wants to make a full third of her content members only, which are streams where she actually feels comfortable and has fun because the audience is much smaller and friendlier, more power to her.
absolutely. she is so much more relaxed in member streams. the difference is obvious.

>> No.28293277

for me, it was the clown ASMR

>> No.28293281

No idea who fucked up, but her time listed for the collab is an hour after haachama's.

>> No.28293284

The COCOCK strikes again

>> No.28293287

How the fuck do you make the pronunciation chart on itazuraneko work?

>> No.28293288

Cover either is too lazy to get the permissions or they got denied. Risu/Sora had to play it on someone else's channel

>> No.28293292
Quoted by: >>28293574

Which shitpost was it? Also kys reddit

>> No.28293295
File: 76 KB, 631x680, 1602662209750.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As a workaholic I can sympathize with making promises to hang out with people that I realistically can't keep.

The intention is there, I promise...

>> No.28293296

I'm Ame, duh

>> No.28293298


>> No.28293299
File: 209 KB, 311x295, sex machine.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

huge coCOCK

>> No.28293303

Coco's huge cocock....

>> No.28293307
Quoted by: >>28293574

You'll get shat on either way but come on, just post it nigger

>> No.28293308
Quoted by: >>28293316

djt is two doors down

>> No.28293312
Quoted by: >>28293366

>she hates her audience
Cool narrative fag.

>> No.28293315
File: 269 KB, 410x352, sharkzawa has never seen such bullshit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thread only an hour old
>2/3rds full
What the fuck is wrong with you people? Do you not have anything else to do in your pathetic miserable lives?

>> No.28293316

As a lazy fuck who hates having to do things I also relate
Fuck I'm blind

>> No.28293317

New narrative, Mori didn't dump Kiara instead Mori just likes to watch.

>> No.28293319
File: 379 KB, 531x531, ShutenDoujiPullsThumb[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bro, your Aoi Yuuki reps....

>> No.28293320
Quoted by: >>28293367

Ina is NOT boring you miserable cunt.

>> No.28293321

If you were the one who posted it there then you don't belong here.

>> No.28293322

Coco's cocock...

>> No.28293323
File: 290 KB, 400x434, 152.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28293326
Quoted by: >>28293455

an inane request

>> No.28293328 [DELETED] 


K****N right?

>> No.28293329

First encounters with the Controller and Bloodsucker really threw me off for a minute, those were legit brick shitting experiences.

>> No.28293331

>Even Huke has done more in HoloEN MC server than Mori
let that sink in.

>> No.28293332
File: 207 KB, 371x323, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.28293334

How long before Mori graduates?

>> No.28293335


>> No.28293337

I bought her T2 membership instead

>> No.28293338

Same. When I rewatched that point, that slight voice crack tore my heart. It wasn't even that emotional I think.

>> No.28293340

I want to become a chuuba and twit about being sad, just so joseph can respond to me. I respect that chad

>> No.28293341

She seems to seriously enjoy them a lot. If I were her I would do like 3-4 members only streams a week and only 3 normal ones for the unwashed masses of tens of thousands of spamming poorfags.

>> No.28293342

Fucking Cover. Just take it up the ass and agree to no monetization on all From soft games. I want to see Mori and Ina Bloodborne collab.

>> No.28293343
File: 330 KB, 774x747, comf2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gura, both nude, under her safety blankie on the couch

>> No.28293349
File: 357 KB, 560x420, 1603717687142.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No bro

>> No.28293350

I already did

>> No.28293354
File: 41 KB, 656x720, 687474~1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28293400

Kiara reminds me of the molerat chick from Seton Academy

>> No.28293355

well then I probably know her name , someone posted and people ignored in and it doesnt show up in archives. But there is nothing on the net so you did a good job

>> No.28293358

saying she's cute doesn't mean she wants to fuck it

>> No.28293359

Where do you think you are?

>> No.28293361
File: 195 KB, 1112x1188, 85206991_p1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.28293365
Quoted by: >>28293413

do the following instead
>download duolingo
>do all the sections on hiragana and katakana
>immediately uninstall the app
>you are now a certified a N7 nihongo speaker

>> No.28293366
Quoted by: >>28293595

>he doesn't know
Non-member detected.

>> No.28293367

Meds. NOW.

>> No.28293369

I've gotten pretty close to doing it when Kiara zooms in on her thighs.

>> No.28293373

I don't. I'm a NEET, not even due to a lack of trying but I couldn't find work at all.

>> No.28293375 [SPOILER] 
File: 127 KB, 850x1133, 1603748826198.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>SS Tier
Kiara's Intro BGM
>S Tier
Gura's Halloween BGM
Ame's BGM
Mori's ED BGM
>A Tier
Gura's BGM
Ina's BGM
Kiara's SuperChatReading BGM
>B Tier
Kiara's BGM
Ame's Sad BGM
Ame's Intro BGM
Mori's BGM
>C Tier
Mori's Intro BGM

I don't remember every single one they use probably tho.

>SSS Tier

>> No.28293376

Whenever Hololive falls due to Cover's retardation

>> No.28293378

I did, Anon. But I probably won't this week because I'm poor and I need to hold onto my money.

>> No.28293379

she revealed her IQ to be 3 million
we are not safe

>> No.28293381
Quoted by: >>28293472

My therapist says I'm not allowed to superchat Kiara until I catch up on his fees

>> No.28293383

It's the fucking clipfags. They see "Amelia Watson being TOXIC in Apex" or "Watson Groundpounds your mom" and assume that that's all she is.

>> No.28293387

I'm almost tempted to watch after all the things they've gotten wrong about every esport they've ever covered.

>> No.28293388

>posting on reddit at all

>> No.28293389

Oh man why they don't choose Gura but her.

>> No.28293391

what the fuck did I just watch? Is she just dedicated to draining our IQ and watching us descend into madness?

>> No.28293394
Quoted by: >>28293491

Im literally sitting here listening to music and laughing at anons while waiting for gurame colab

>> No.28293395
File: 73 KB, 220x105, tenor (6).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28293399
File: 697 KB, 2677x1905, illust_85265437_20201026_221105.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just come here to post some art I find and during streams bro

>> No.28293400


>> No.28293405

Roastie Twitch thots mad that girls with personality are circumventing the pretty-face titty-streamer barrier to entry and getting mad views will never not amuse me

>> No.28293404

>he lacks the critical information

>> No.28293406

Dude she graduated yesterday

>> No.28293407


does she hate gura or something?

>> No.28293411
File: 882 KB, 2000x1123, 1602611709181.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ive had a change of heart, im going to be a unity anon from now on. mori, you are now officially tolerable in my book

>> No.28293413

I heard that Duolingo was shit and you shouldn't use it

>> No.28293417
Quoted by: >>28293457

>Poke gatekeeping

>> No.28293420

I've missed that cute Calli, too bad it's been covered by a meme for a week. and now a different one but it's also a cute Calli so I'll accept it.

>> No.28293421

Years probably

>> No.28293423

I bought her membership instead.

>> No.28293425

It's interesting how the artwork in her MVs is reminiscent of Polka's crazy design.

>> No.28293426

Studying to do so in the future.

>> No.28293428

All Australians are

>> No.28293429
Quoted by: >>28293483

What made you change your mind?

>> No.28293430
Quoted by: >>28293599

I know you don't have friends anon, but friends tend to tease eachother

>> No.28293431

She doesn't have stuff to say about Gura because she is a fucking mystery and no one knows anything about her.

>> No.28293433

This was before they broke her

>> No.28293434

it's ok for just memorizing hiragana and katakana, but shit for everything else

>> No.28293435

Sometimes I think I'm autistic and then I read posts in this thread and realize maybe I'm not that bad.

>> No.28293437
File: 635 KB, 180x178, 1603393419813.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28293794

Wait a minute

>> No.28293438

Laugh at that one samefag trying to create a narrative

>> No.28293439
File: 31 KB, 360x360, 1603612795393.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

honestly though, iCarly is kino. I was watching it as a 16 year old male and it held up. I mean, unless she watched it way after it aired, like in her 20s or something.

>> No.28293441
File: 59 KB, 300x346, 1602900452701.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Literally every Holo, no exception, except Botan.
So it's literally everyone but not literally everyone? But let's not start going on a case by case, that doesn't really excuse her, since she's not even entertaining at being bad.

>Your personal opinion
Not really. If she were pulling obscure movies it would be one thing, but when the closest thing to an obscure horror movie you have for your polls is Beetlejuice... It's pretty clear she's not a hobbyist.

>I never heard Pekora talking about how she likes bananas and carrots up in her ass.
You can watch Kiara do the same while not being "subtle", while her mother is watching. Or watch Coco shave on stream.

>Gameplay fag
Are you braindamaged?

>You don't watch the streams
I've given her more than a fair chance. Should I watch literally everything she does so I'm allowed to talk about her? Even though she doesn't leave any kind of strong impression after watching hours of her? Are you suggesting I have to become a dedicated anti to be listened to?

>They are when you're a loli.
So it's good because of her design? Really? That's all you have?

>> No.28293442
File: 1.51 MB, 3840x2160, ElLZQznXEAEAwcZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.28293444
File: 96 KB, 242x287, 1603135225670.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He doesn't know

>> No.28293445

its fine for teaching kana i guess, but you shouldnt use it for anything further than that unless youre just fucking around

>> No.28293448

Am broke college student.

>> No.28293447
File: 305 KB, 1060x1500, 265771.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The new schedule basically confirms the narrative that Gura dislikes her non-member viewers and much prefers her members and the comfier atmosphere of small audiences compared to sixty thousand retards spamming "a"

As a member, I don't mind.
Honestly I wish everyone had more member streams, they are always better.
Mooches don't deserve anything.

>> No.28293450

Calli needs to work smarter, not harder.

>> No.28293455
Quoted by: >>28293605

That's Inaugh

>> No.28293457
File: 738 KB, 640x532, 1602441673243.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28293456
File: 37 KB, 567x768, 1601780042834.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28293509

why does seeing my boy like this get me hard?

>> No.28293458

I don't like how streamers look at vtubers like if they were normal streamers that are just hiding their faces with cute avatars when It's something more than that right?

>> No.28293461

I keep forgetting Mori did the animation intros for both her and Kiara.

>> No.28293464

No one says you have to like all the girls, just keep the shitposting to an appropriate and humorous level.

>> No.28293469
File: 694 KB, 2048x2048, 85041726_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, since Gura and Kiara haven't collabed yet, what would be the best game for them to play together outside of something obvious like Minecraft

>> No.28293472
File: 11 KB, 183x182, sadbird.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's more important anon? him or HER?

>> No.28293475

nice try ame. think I was born yesterday?

>> No.28293476

Friends always tease each other.

>> No.28293477
File: 37 KB, 463x453, 1603676465379.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28293479

I'm not giving google money. Tell them to get something different for monetization and I'll give them something.

>> No.28293481

Do people here really dox vtubers just so they can find an excuse to hate them? And that excuse is "because they didn't grow up poor" when you boil it down. This is pretty fucking autistic.

>> No.28293482
Quoted by: >>28294038

I feel like she's genuinely forgotten that meme is still on her intro screen

>> No.28293483

my oshi wouldnt want me shit talking her friends

>> No.28293486


I even bought her sound stuff, its brain paralyzingly cute.

>> No.28293491

another dead hours thread laughing at shit narratives and posting about recent good streams. Have fun anon.

Oh, listening to anything nice? I'm going to go with this for the moment.


>> No.28293494

I don't have a youtube account, and I'm not signing up for one or I will go broke.

>> No.28293496

Unlike most streamers they at least try to be funny

>> No.28293500

So when are getting a Mori + Haachama rap collab?

>> No.28293503

I'm in the middle of getting my life back on track. I'll have an income by friday, probably.

>> No.28293505

>tfw you will never hear Ina softly saying "niggerman, save me" while having a nightmare

>> No.28293504

i supahchatted all 5 girls this last week

>> No.28293507

As someone who has used professional language learning programs, and then tried out duolingo... it's not nearly as bad as people are saying. I think it's mostly seething contrarian elitist weebs mad that learning language is easily accessible now. Don't use duolingo as your ONLY source of language education but it's really not bad.

>> No.28293508

This warms my heart. You guys are alright

>> No.28293509

just a prank bro

>> No.28293511

My daily life
>Check if my oshi is streaming today
>Hop onto /hlgg/
>ignore antis and bait
>Watch my oshi
>post about my oshi
>finish watching my oshi and hop off /hlgg/

>> No.28293512

>50 pesos on gura

>> No.28293513

She can't talk about the discord sessions in public.

>> No.28293514
Quoted by: >>28293547

When you put the youtube cut, the cover cut, the government cut, I'm not sure they'd be seeing a dollar on the $5 members.

>> No.28293516

The hehehe is from her remembering their loving mutual masturbation calls

>> No.28293517

>Literally every Holo, no exception, except Botan.
Ame is in the 10% of CSGO.

Aqua got to D2 in League of Legends iirc.

Okayu is actually really good at the games she plays.

>> No.28293518

I don't she would be panting like that if the thirst wasn't real.

>> No.28293519

"its here"

>> No.28293520

Google asked me for payment info and my wallet is on the other side of the room so I can't input the numbers from the back sorry bro

>> No.28293521
Quoted by: >>28293650


>> No.28293524

I'm a sharkfag but facesitting is the superior fetish.

>> No.28293528

Kiara's lore video was cool it used Kiara's art skills and Mori's animation talents

>> No.28293529

Wait a minute, that cup Ame...

>> No.28293530


>> No.28293532

Her dedication to her craft is her strong point.

>> No.28293533

But she didn't have to move out of the house they built together...

>> No.28293534
Quoted by: >>28293591

how are you still even replying and try putting effort into your post? you already lost

>> No.28293536

That's basically what they are but with a larp that's more obvious. Like there are streamers who play up a personality but that's only to make themselves interesting after the fact while vtubers have the lore behind them by default. Some (mostly) drop it some keep it.

>> No.28293539
Quoted by: >>28293560

Risu is for merciless rape

>> No.28293541

I'm a neet, so no

>> No.28293545

Don't have one. Don't dislike any of them though. But I will super-chat or just use booth from time-to-time.

>> No.28293546

It's only more than that in the sense that most people don't actually know how they really look so it's easier to suspend your disbelief and believe the character they are playing. That's why someone that's been streaming for years suddenly getting a vtuber avatar is so weird.

>> No.28293547
Quoted by: >>28293613

>government cut
But taxation is theft.

>> No.28293550

I don't dislike Haachama but I kind of dislike the fact it's really such an obvious act

>> No.28293553

Do you know how friends go?
Me and my best friends communicate for the most part in jabs or insults, but if one of us got in trouble or was sad you bet your ass we'd have our backs.

>> No.28293555
Quoted by: >>28293633

Yes, most vtubers have an issue they need to hide, be it anxiety or average looks. The trendy vtubers that started cropping up will go back to normal once they stop receiving the "tits" money.

>> No.28293557

Because I got Ame's T3 membership instead.
Besides, they only get 35% of your SC and they gotta pay taxes on top of that, so it doesn't really matter unless you spend thousands.

>> No.28293559
Quoted by: >>28293711

was this by jpfags or discordniggers?
either way, it was a nice sentiment

>> No.28293560

tree rrat

>> No.28293563

This clown is very sad. I wish the best for her.

>> No.28293573

I can only imagine /hlg/ seething that bunch of autists like them didn't find her and now they won't find her ever. Thanks kek

>> No.28293574

Next time when the image limit isn't hit, I'll take the time to look for the link. If it helps, it was a rough one I made for a friend, and they went to reddit with it. Fucking shocked the hell out of me to see it on stream.

>> No.28293576

What did he mean by this?

>> No.28293577

I'm a student
If shes still around in a few years I will be a cow well nurtured for milking

>> No.28293578

Artia got to top 500 in Overwatch inb4 not Holo

>> No.28293580

>Kiara is leaving Japan for good
>no cute Takamori date stories after that
It's all so tiresome...

>> No.28293582
Quoted by: >>28293631


>> No.28293584

I don't want people to laught at my ARS.

>> No.28293585

She really did mean "kinda" she only just started playing it like a week ago

>> No.28293591

According to you guys I lost on my first post, so why should I care?

>> No.28293594

Mario party

>> No.28293595

I've seen all those member streams fag, They're not hard to get, your mental illness is showing.

>> No.28293599

bullying is not "teasing"

>> No.28293600


>> No.28293603

I don't like superchatting unless it's their birthday or Christmas or something extremely big.
Being a member is enough otherwise.

>> No.28293604

she just wants money without working too hard for it, and also not having to fuck someone for it(in front of a camera)

>> No.28293605

well said

>> No.28293607
Quoted by: >>28293641

>So it's good because of her design? Really? That's all you have?
He says while he ignores the whole rest of the post. Jesus Christ your arguments are fucking horrible man, how can you have so little self-awareness?

>> No.28293609
Quoted by: >>28293619

Is this really one big samefag?

>> No.28293610

>Really such an obvious act
It's called a joke, anon.

>> No.28293613

On that, anon, we agree.
As does Coco.

>> No.28293614


>> No.28293617

Her cooking streams are acts at least, I doubt she eats everything.

>> No.28293619


>> No.28293620

What if I'm a real ARS bro? It's better than not being a member at all.

>> No.28293622

W-where do you fit work into that anon?

>> No.28293627

Tree rat is difficult to hate, even if she is a bit of a tease at times.
Congrats on her hitting 150k.

>> No.28293628

Man, I fucking love the PekoraMoona arc
Do you remember when she started playing Minecraft and HoloID left her alone?

>> No.28293631

the rare moments she takes her limiters off she's really something special.


>> No.28293633

>once they stop receiving the "tits" money
When is that? when society ends and the concept of money is lost?

>> No.28293635

i cant believe ame keeps ground pounding my mom

>> No.28293640
Quoted by: >>28293663

>Ame is in the 10% of CSGO
is that supposed to be an achievement?

>> No.28293641

Do I really have to specify to you that those points were already addressed?

>> No.28293644
Quoted by: >>28293723

But that's the joke.
Haachama has turned shitposting into a craft of her own, she's the How to Basic or the Filthy Frank of Hololive, but she's also really hot because she's also lewd and she knows it. So it turns into some kind of retard sex play.

>> No.28293647

Akirose has the cutest laugh in all of hololive. This list makes me sad.

>> No.28293649
Quoted by: >>28293717

There is a reason that 'titty streamer' is a common dismissal of most female Twitch streamers. They don't have to be entertaining or fun to watch, they just put the camera on their boobs and let the horny 16 year old zoomers throw money at them. Meanwhile, a good design can help a vtuber get started, but they have to actually entertain with their personality.

>> No.28293650


>> No.28293652

Bro if you'd been paying attention you would know takamori is already fucking dead. Kiara has been going borderline menhera over it.

>> No.28293654

I haven't watched any of them since I don't really watch movies much, and my internet is too shitty to stream. I did watch the mini karaoke before The Thing though. Shit was amazing.
Are her watchalongs really so good that i should go to the trouble of getting the movies?

>> No.28293656

is the canvas done yet?

>> No.28293659

They're still officially Holo until their contract ends at the end of the month ;)

>> No.28293660
Quoted by: >>28293735

Don't Starve Together

>> No.28293662

>Mori didn't have fun, leaves with anxiety wondering whether or not Amelia is mad at her
Why am I also like this?

>> No.28293663
Quoted by: >>28293731

CSGO is one of the most competitive and most played games in the planet, so yes, it's actually a good thing.

>> No.28293668

Isn't she leaving in like half a year? I think her plans might change by that time.

>> No.28293670

>I actually regret digging too far
Why did you do it then, you stupid nigger? And why did you stop there? As far as I've seen doxfaggots don't ever give a shit beyond trying to force drama and getting (You)s.

>> No.28293672

Its fun to hear them hang out as friends though

>> No.28293674

Something about not donating to streamers who are already rolling in it. Thank you leafs.

>> No.28293675

If you saw them you would know she enjoys her member streams far more than her public ones. It's not even something you can miss she fucking states it OUTRIGHT on top of it being obvious from her mood and energy.

>> No.28293683

Haachama's actually funny, whereas Coco is just like "haha, Reddit memes, right?"

>> No.28293684
Quoted by: >>28293720

fuckin hell this picture used to send me late at night

>> No.28293687

Gurame is a really fun duo, I'm honestly super surprised about it.
Now where's my fanart JAPS

>> No.28293691

>the dinner they had irl was a breakup date
It all makes sense.

>> No.28293693

She was talking about going to a spa with Mori less than a week ago though?

>> No.28293698
Quoted by: >>28293724

why respond?

>> No.28293700
Quoted by: >>28293715

This is fine but what Mori does is wrong.

>> No.28293702
Quoted by: >>28293745

wtf twactor trailer sounds like that???

>> No.28293705

Because I'd rather just sub at a higher tier, since I think they appreciate that more then a 'dance for me monkey' superchat.

>> No.28293707
Quoted by: >>28293858

I haven't been able to catch any of chicken's streams recently. Can you give me the run down? All I know about is the Fire Emblem thing.

>> No.28293708

Something from the dark side of the internet, one level deeper from here.

>> No.28293711

discord, but like 30% of them browse this thread, so make of that what you will

>> No.28293712

>So it's literally everyone but not literally everyone?
It's literally only Botan, everyone else is bad at videogames in one way or another. To be fair, if we look in average, Gura is nowhere bad as other Holos.
>Not really.
Except it is and you're not trying to hide it.
>"She doesn't talk the way I want."
Then don't watch her? Again, your opinion, I like her humor and everything. Humor is subjective, sadly, I want you to remember there's people who unironically likes Mr. Bean and my mum thinks 30 years old jokes are still funny today. Gura is not of your taste and that's fine.
>Are you retarded?
"Like getting nothing done or forgetting she's in a collab?" <--- If this is not gameplaying fagging then what else is this? She filtered you out because she's bad and making 0 progress. If you mean she's LITERALLY doing nothing, then you're the one who's retarded and you're trying so fucking hard.
>Should I watch literally everything she does so I'm allowed to talk about her?
I don't know anon, should I be allowed to shit talk about things I don't even know a shit about? Yes of course, but then I shouldn't be surprised when I get called a faggot.
>Ame is in the 10% of CSGO.
10% in PvP games is literally fucking nothing man, t. ex 1% on LoL without even trying (Diamond league). Gura's ability in rhythm games equals that.
>Aqua got to D2 in League of Legends iirc.
Alright, that makes 2 Holos that know how to play on how many? Again, an exception, not the normal.
>Okayu is actually really good at the games she plays.
So is Gura on DbD for example.

>> No.28293715

No, they're both jews.

>> No.28293717
Quoted by: >>28293904

>but they have to actually entertain with their personality

>> No.28293719

If you actually have it, report it to Cover.

>> No.28293720

Send you where

>> No.28293721
Quoted by: >>28293768


>> No.28293722
Quoted by: >>28293793

Because I sent her £500 the week before.

>> No.28293723
Quoted by: >>28293852

So I'm just not operating on enough levels of irony to fully appreciate it?

>> No.28293724

For the newfags lurking who don't know the antis are full of shit.

>> No.28293725


She's just doing more than simply using a cute avatar to play a game. More vtubers should do that.

>> No.28293726
Quoted by: >>28293760

>obvious from her mood and energy
take your meds

>> No.28293732
Quoted by: >>28293789

just city pop atm

>> No.28293733
Quoted by: >>28293803

Cute & cool, actually great at voice acting and singing. I'm proud to be a Nutter.
How long is each recording? I'm going to buy it but being a poorfag is pain in the ass.

>> No.28293731
Quoted by: >>28293891

10% of 600k average players is nothing to write home about. that's still a lot of people

>> No.28293735

I'd rather save that for a GuraAme collab. Ame trying to wrangle Gura as they go on adventures would be kino.

>> No.28293739

>The only Holo girl that knows or spoke about us was Risu
>We barely even talk about her


>> No.28293738
Quoted by: >>28293797

how can you hate anyone in Hololive?
no one here actually knows them and they've never actually wronged anyone here.
If you legit hate someone from HoloJP/HoloCN/HoloEN/HoloID/HoloAny you legit have some mental illness.

>> No.28293740

he didn't find anything, he got addicted to the (You)s from doxxing other holos and spent way too much time trying and failing to dox Gura, now he's spinning some crazy roleplay about having found her dox but suddenly caring about Holo privacy all of a sudden, it's his last desperate attempt to get some (You)s for all the time he wasted searching

>> No.28293742
Quoted by: >>28293800

fuck games, karaoke together

>> No.28293743

>I even bought her sound stuff, its brain paralyzingly cute.
Anon please tell me, does she do her sexy Ayunda voice in any of the voice packs? Or is any of the scenarios a flirty one?
I need to know.

>> No.28293745
Quoted by: >>28293834

when she uses her real voice, yeah. She can honestly overpower some of the other Holos in karaoke collabs. Sadly doesn't use it much.

>> No.28293748

She's slowly making moves on Ame

>> No.28293753

Cuphead or Castle crashers

>> No.28293755

Huke. You mean THAT Huke? No. Impossible.

>> No.28293756

posting in a dead bread to get images back

>> No.28293760

So you really haven't seen her members streams, okay.

>> No.28293768


>> No.28293769

Some anon keeps using risu for shitposting at random so there is that i guess

>> No.28293771

I want to see Ame play more FPS, preferably singleplayer. Part of me wonders if she's burnt out on FPS since it happened to me recently too and that's why she hasn't been playing much.

>> No.28293772
Quoted by: >>28293825

Pretty much my thought as well. When doxfags find anything they post it here immediately, complete with fresh narratives right out of their assholes to boot.

>> No.28293776
Quoted by: >>28293839

Gimme those membership streams. I'll be the judge. If anything, don't give the full one because that's disrespectful, just a small clip.

>> No.28293777

Lesbian sex.

>> No.28293781

How come Mori gets called a jew but chumbuds are the only fanbase that calls people poorkeks?

>> No.28293782

Thank God.
I like Kiara, but takamori is the most forced and least believable shit ever.

At least Ame and Gura developed naturally and has non-forced teitei

>> No.28293785

51 clubhouse games with no mention or going near chess.
Portal2 would probably be peak cringekino with shark and birdbrain combined.

>> No.28293789
Quoted by: >>28293817

Check out the new halloween single from Mel, Rushia, Choco and Shion, it's a banger: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uNinCsRhVgU

>> No.28293791
Quoted by: >>28293820

in wich order wud u fuq EN holos hlgg

>> No.28293793
Quoted by: >>28293835

>only 500
get a high income skill, start your own business, and then you can actually give her 5000

>> No.28293794 [DELETED] 





>> No.28293797

>artia bans talk of anyone that's not aqua
>all the bugmen antis think aqua is secretly their guy
I don't know I'm pretty sure she's the judas we all thought she was.

>> No.28293799

>Nips stole deep voice Towa from us
I will never forgive them.

>> No.28293800
Quoted by: >>28293851

How do you overcome the latency though? They live in completely different parts of the world.

>> No.28293801

Dude, Huke is the guy who did art for Kiara and they know each other

>> No.28293803


>> No.28293806

Stop being a poorkek

>> No.28293809

i wonder why

>> No.28293812

Collab watchalong. You know want this.

>> No.28293813
Quoted by: >>28294063

Sure it makes sense they respond to feedback, and it works in Gura's case because we actually have things to say/parse over. People like Gura's personality but just don't like how she did or didn't do things. It's sort of like how people could see a glimpse of something in Ame in the debut even though it was covered up a lot by.. whatever that was, and everyone begged her to drop that act and it was good from there.

In Kiara and Mori's cases though it's more often shitting on them just because people don't like their demeanors/personalities which are really fucking hard things to fix. The deadbraps thing in specific doesn't mean anything besides a juvenile meme and I don't think that matters. Mori actually has a cute personality but it's kind of clunked around with by her being oblivious to things that specifically-piss-us-off; I'm not sure how much that applies to the overall fandom range for her but at least on 4chan, she pushes buttons with what are considered frequent humblebrags and bragging about success - things which we would prefer people barely acknowledge, probably because popularity contests aren't our thing. Gura gets that, Ina gets that etc and we love them for it. Mori doesn't. If Mori/Kiara see this as a popularity contest that's on them to fix because that's pretty fucking shallow.

Ina, well there isn't much to criticize, and she has the most chill fanbase to boot. The most people can do is imply falseflags from her fans because they literally have no real meat to bite onto otherwise. Ina was closest to ideal from the very start.

>> No.28293816

Man, this thread really waxes and wanes on how shit it is. It goes from great to fucking baitposters, doxxfags, numberfags and all this other shit all the sudden and I never get why.

>> No.28293817

idk anon seems kinda scary

>> No.28293820

alphabetical order

>> No.28293821
Quoted by: >>28293849

Is Flare Towa's alt?

>> No.28293822

mad that you didnt get to fuck over her life huh ?

>> No.28293824

>shark is already at 1.1m
>hasn't streamed since 1m
>literally gained 100k subs without even doing anything
The ad was right.

>> No.28293825

It's literally a doxxfag seething about her being undoxxable and trying to tell us not to concertroll claiming it's "tempting fate" when really he just hates it being rubbed in his SEAnigger face.

>> No.28293827

>10% in PvP games is literally fucking nothing man, t. ex 1% on LoL without even trying (Diamond league). Gura's ability in rhythm games equals that.
I'm not saying Gura is bad you retard, but also even 10% in CSGO is much better than Diamond in League. Diamond is 2% btw, not 1%. Ame said she used to compete in OW tournies as well.

>So is Gura on DbD for example.
Okayu casually does speedrunning shit in games like Mario 64. That requires a lot more skill than DbD.

Also why are you comparing my replies to Gura? I only replied to you talking about Botan saying she's the only good one at vidya.

>> No.28293829
File: 337 KB, 1000x1000, 1602412870872.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ran out of images again, eh? That's too bad.

>> No.28293830

Have you ever actually watched a kiara stream? Huke is her papa and her biggest gachikoi

>> No.28293832


Stream snipers maybe? Offline play?

>> No.28293833

Okay mori

>> No.28293834

Is it too late to buy twapi coin or will she never sing like this again

>> No.28293835

you cannot. youtube caps superchat spending

>> No.28293836


>> No.28293837 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>28293885

I keep seeing that name but there's so many fucking Sena Howards in the world I don't know how you're connecting one to Gura.

>> No.28293839
Quoted by: >>28293925

I don't want to upload the shit to mega and I don't save links for things I've downloaded. She is the same in these streams. Anyone telling you otherwise is reading too much into it like the schizo they are.

>> No.28293840
Quoted by: >>28294009

I won't miss the TakaMori tee tee, it had cute moments so I don't hate it but it's not something I need more of either.

The real downside is no more offcollabs with HoloJP girls and Kiara breaking their bins with her superior western ass.

>> No.28293841

it's five anons pretending to be 300 anons, when one of the anons goes to sleep the thread changes dramatically

>> No.28293846


>> No.28293849
Quoted by: >>28293963

Probably. Flare and Towa both have incredibly high autism power levels compared to everyone else in Hololive. I think Aqua's up there too. Dunno if you've seen Flare play that cooking simulator game, but she was being real fucking autismo playing that.

>> No.28293851

eh, probably no duets, taking turns singing is still pretty good

>> No.28293852
Quoted by: >>28293938

You're not operating on enough levels of horny.

>> No.28293854

>not liking mr bean

Is it because he is the ultimate neet schizo loser and remind you of yourself?

>> No.28293855


>> No.28293856

>post: 0

>> No.28293858

As far as I know, there isn't anything besides the Fire Emblem stream. The only thing from that was the fact that she loved Petra because she reminded her of Calli and when she found out she was straight, she said:
>This reminds me too much of...

>> No.28293859


>> No.28293863

sorry meido, this thread was just so shit...

>> No.28293864

Because this is /hlgg/ and the gg stands for gura general, she can do no wrong here

>> No.28293866

She gained them from her archived vids. She's that talented.

>> No.28293867

I can't find it on her old channel so I'd like to know too

>> No.28293871

>paying 5 bucks a month is the same as shelling out 500 a month for akasupas

>> No.28293877

Meido is a deadbeat now?

>> No.28293878

The JP comments on GurAme clips keep saying they look like sisters and I think it's cute.

>> No.28293880


>> No.28293881
Quoted by: >>28293920

It's a chaotic but hypnotic engine of hype, love, hate and despair all alike.

>> No.28293883

did they give up building atlantis

>> No.28293884

It doesn't happen that often so i don't mind it anymore

>> No.28293885

If there was any connection, doxfags would have posted it here a billion times already.

>> No.28293887

it's for the best, so many doxxniggers today

>> No.28293888 [DELETED] 

Is that fem Todd Howard?

>> No.28293891

Not the point I was trying to make. I was saying Botan is not the only good one at vidya, not that Ame is some kind of pro CSGO player.

Ame is not bad at all at the kind of games she actually plays.

>> No.28293894

>complaining about Gura's schedule
Just let her go about her own pace, geez

>> No.28293900


>> No.28293901


>> No.28293903

Deam, anons are truly doing their drawing reps

>> No.28293904

Watch the shillshark debut and tell me if that design carries it

>> No.28293912

Which HoloEN member do you say have the best synergy? I'm partial to Ame and Gura since they acutally seem to have fun together.

>> No.28293916

>Schizos hate her

>> No.28293917

4chan is only good at "ground zeroes". /v/ only has good discussion right as a game comes out, /a/ only has good discussion in livewatch threads/dump threads. /hlgg/ only has good discussion during and immediately after a stream

>> No.28293920
File: 401 KB, 788x762, 1602648934707.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28294034

That's one way to put it.

>> No.28293923
Quoted by: >>28294021

I'm sorry meido, can I post 1 more picture cunny shark pls!

>> No.28293924

whatever happened to gura's trap house

>> No.28293925

Either way, she does dislike the role she found herself in. She really expressed that in the GuraMori collab multiple times and Mori actually bouncing off with it.

>> No.28293928

All it takes to derail a thread is a couple of dedicated shitposters and they aren't always on. There are also literal discord trannies who coordinate their epic raids here.

>> No.28293929

Why does an image board have an image limit?

>> No.28293933

>sugoi image
>post board sugois

>> No.28293936


>> No.28293938
Quoted by: >>28293992

This can be rectified

>> No.28293939

how sugoi?

>> No.28293941
Quoted by: >>28293973

Ame and Gura closely followed by Ame and Ina

All other combinations are far behind

>> No.28293943

I know, this thread is a rollercoaster

>> No.28293948

>at least 3 of the girls could be here RIGHT NOW
say something to them

>> No.28293949

When are you rangebanning the doxxers?

>> No.28293955

less than an hour teamates

>> No.28293957

Can't she come up with an alternate persona to use her real voice with? Kinda like Ayunda and Kurokami.

>> No.28293959
Quoted by: >>28294022

The way Ame replied about Gura when asked what she liked about her cemented it in my mind that they're good friends now.

Ina and Kiara were suprisinlgy good as well.

>> No.28293960


>> No.28293963
Quoted by: >>28294023

What is it with deep sexy voices and autism? We have Mori in EN too.

>> No.28293966

they're looking for coral

>> No.28293967


>> No.28293968

When there is a stream that is being watched and commented on the baiters hide in their holes since their insignificant posts get ignored easily. Any downtime and they come out again. Simple as. If people stopped giving free (you)s then it would be alright most of the time.

>> No.28293971
Quoted by: >>28294032

Gura wasn't part of this originally

>> No.28293974

sugoi new?

>> No.28293973

I hope Ame and Ina play something they can banter in again, Clubhouse was amazing but Minecraft was just whatever most the time.

>> No.28293978

I miss onee-san.............

>> No.28293979
Quoted by: >>28294018

They dont have near enough materials for a project like that, I don't see that shit being done before the year is even up

>> No.28293984

Ame I love you! Keep up the good work! Plug dj was fun and comfy!

>> No.28293985
Quoted by: >>28294030

Thanks to anon I cant stop thinking about this song

>> No.28293989

Yeah but my oishi isn't here

>> No.28293988

Based meido.

>> No.28293992

I hate it but also calling me daddy made me too hard.

It's that kind of thing.

>> No.28293993

hey ame I hope you dab and nae nae on our moms again on plugdj again

>> No.28293995

they got fucked on the seed

>> No.28293996

EN sure do a lot of collabs, I love it. The 3rd gen of EN.

>> No.28293997

oh god these threads will become such a shitshow. Really thanks you baiting faggots you literally did it on purpose

>> No.28293998

sugoi sugoi

>> No.28294000

They neither have the material nor capability to build Atlantis at this current time.

>> No.28294002

I literally Super chat even before the stream starts

>> No.28294009

Literally nothing has come close to matching the chemistry in their first Minecraft collab.

>> No.28294010
Quoted by: >>28294125


>> No.28294011

Atlantis is her endgame

>> No.28294013
Quoted by: >>28294062

GuraAme though honestly they have all had some amazing collabs, just needs some more time to really get used to each other.

I might be biased, but I think Ame is strong in collabs. Kiara is proving to be a powerhouse too.

>> No.28294017
Quoted by: >>28294058

Guys... If I get Kiara pregnant, will she lay an egg or something weird like that?

>> No.28294018

How did they build Watson's Shaft? That railway was so looong.

>> No.28294020


>> No.28294021
File: 2.62 MB, 4096x1831, 1603423645788.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28294022

Did people miss the "Best Friends!?" part in the background when Ame talked about Gura?

>> No.28294024

She probably doesn't want to cultivate THAT type of chat base that regularly streaming FPS's would give.

Not that her current chat is cancerfree, but it would end up far worse.

>> No.28294023

Do we count Ayunda in this? I mean, technically it was Risu squeaking all those rubber ducks.

>> No.28294026

Just kidnap peko already kiara

>> No.28294030


>> No.28294031
Quoted by: >>28294119

Ame/Kiara has been great after their chess game lol. They have a lot of good moments in their duo collabs and when in a group too.

>> No.28294032
Quoted by: >>28294078

what do you mean

>> No.28294034

>302 images

>> No.28294036

>$5 for multiple streams a month
>$25 for one stream a month

>> No.28294038

I thought that too until she covered up that exact area with a cute gif of her playing recorder.
Yeah, pretty sure she did the image for her first schedule too https://twitter.com/moricalliope/status/1305301862069886976/photo/1 don't know if there's a clean version or if she just didn't finish the mouth in time though.

>> No.28294046


>> No.28294049

>>hasn't streamed since 1m
She streamed 3 times (+ however many members streams) since she got 1 mil.

>> No.28294050

Who the fuck is Chio Chio san?

>> No.28294052

Dead hours always bring about the narrative and tribalist fags. The solution is for ENs to stream round-the-clock, then these would be some of the best threads on the site.

>> No.28294056

Gura wants to build it in a coral reef

>> No.28294059

Kiara and Calli can't be beat when it's just the 2 of them. It doesn't really work in a group though.

>> No.28294058
Quoted by: >>28294095

No, she's Kiara not Kakyoin.

>> No.28294061


>> No.28294062
Quoted by: >>28294120

Not in the Moona one. I'm pretty sure those two hate eachother.

>> No.28294063

I don't think Mori sees this as a popularity contest at all, she looks at her own numbers, she doesn't really go around comparing to other people, and she got those big numbers in a short period of time she is overwhelmed

>> No.28294067
Quoted by: >>28294116


>> No.28294069

>3-tier membership vs 5 bucks for everything
hmmmmmmmm I wonder

>> No.28294074

UOHHHHHHHH thanks meido

>> No.28294073

more Holo9 when?

>> No.28294078
Quoted by: >>28294142

On Watson's schedule it wasn't a collab but then Gura decided to join.

>> No.28294081

>The solution is for ENs to stream round-the-clock
Oh yes, work them to death, why won't you...

>> No.28294082

Fly, you fools.

>> No.28294083


>> No.28294084


>> No.28294092

I have faith in you come back strong, Mori. Congrats on the charts, and make more slow songs instead of meme-raps. You're far better at it then you think.

>> No.28294094

i love ame. i love plugdj. i'm not SEA

>> No.28294095
Quoted by: >>28294151


>> No.28294099


>> No.28294100

>that goorUH on the thumbnail
Reminded me of https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yyyt9cG-Bhs lmao

>> No.28294102

Some autists in the thread legit think that Ame not finding something to say about Gura means that she hates her.

I have friends that I love like brothers and if asked I would probably say they're cunts.

>> No.28294101

I'm curious and the thread is over anyway. Do regular limits like image dimensions and file size apply to meidos as well or can you girls do anything you want?

>> No.28294113


>> No.28294116
Quoted by: >>28294130

Topical disagreements generally aren't bannable. It's on you guys to improve yourselves, not rely on mods to forcefully grip your hand and drag you around the supermarket all day. The most we can do is suggest how to be, not force you to be.

>> No.28294119

I really liked the "let's go ice-skating!" bit from their minecraft collab.

>> No.28294120

>hate each other
Eh, I think it's just conflicting autistic outbursts

>> No.28294124

Enjoy some Gura BGM while waiting:


>> No.28294125

imagine ame armageddon but 10times worse if they connect the info

>> No.28294130

>It's on you guys to improve yourselves
we're fucked

>> No.28294133


>> No.28294135


>> No.28294136

Teamates are kinda cringe ngl

>> No.28294142

It was a collab, Ame said so yesterday.

>> No.28294150


>> No.28294151

FRIEND, Korone and Marine are also Jojofags. It's good company to be in.

>> No.28294156

peko peko
