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File: 2.94 MB, 1440x1080, 85157408_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
28015231 No.28015231 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.28015238
Quoted by: >>28015299


>> No.28015241
File: 779 KB, 4096x3407, Ek1fPTkVgAAd-xx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28015644

>> No.28015243
File: 75 KB, 836x470, chikem ruination.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.28015249

>heart is broken.
>stream is over.
>good night.
She's definitely restarting, isn't she?

>> No.28015253

Which would be funnier?
>Kiara is Luna tier at ring fit, dying and next to passing out at the twenty minute mark, descends into constant mumbling obscenities in multiple languages
>Kiara is Lulu tier at ring fit, plays for 7+ hours straight with no signs of fatigue, dunks on char endlessly about how easy this is for her

>> No.28015260
File: 72 KB, 960x638, 8400yjy7mwr51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember to do your /fit/ reps for the chicken

>> No.28015264

Games are supposed to help escape from life not remind you of the problems

>> No.28015267
Quoted by: >>28015322

Isn't she playing on easy?

>> No.28015269
File: 133 KB, 330x364, 044E828B-A3A6-4E58-8562-98D7D678339A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28015311

I’m sorry for all those times I made fun of you, Eurobros. Please give me your daughter!

>> No.28015270
File: 215 KB, 1240x1754, 1603290193408.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't lose hope, Chicken!

>> No.28015276

First option obviously. Seeing people suffer is a genuine form of enjoyment!

>> No.28015277

We need art of Kiara with Petra...

>> No.28015278
Quoted by: >>28016373

>There is no NSFW for Gura's one

>> No.28015279

Nakadashi Kiara

>> No.28015281

Kiara is Noel tier at ring fit, sounds like she's dying, but powers on for hours and arouses everyone while doing so.

>> No.28015285
File: 139 KB, 1204x1200, EknhUtaUcAIjHJ_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28015333

Punished Kiara - A lesbian denied her love.

>> No.28015286

Given her past work experience, I'd guess the latter.

>> No.28015287
File: 12 KB, 154x153, 1598805811317.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Find out she can be gay for Dorothea
>But not you

Oh she will alright.

>> No.28015291
File: 145 KB, 1280x1280, 1599954610821.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

TakaMori bros I'm starting to get worried that Kiara might move before we ever get a duo offline collab zatsudan.

>> No.28015292

>Have an eating disorder because I think being thin will increase my chances of being loved one day
>Turns out I share the same board with a bunch of fatasses

I don't know what to make of this

>> No.28015293

Would you let Gura bite your pp


>> No.28015294

What happened? Did she get to THAT chapter on Edelgard’s route?

>> No.28015295

Yeah. BMI should only be used for women.
I'm 6' and 190lbs of mostly muscle because I do my fit reps and it's telling me I'm overweight.

I wonder what the girls' are?

>> No.28015299
Quoted by: >>28015342

Rebirth isn't very good but come on anons

>> No.28015302

When are we gonna get some big ass Kiara pictures?

>> No.28015304

Since Kiara already collabed with Subaru and Nene, and Mori is supposedly collabing with the indie Rere, who do you think will be the other girls' first out of gen collabs (aside from the ENx5 group collab). I'm thinking it'll be Ame with Moona, Gura with Coco or Pikamee, and I don't really know who Ina would pair well with

>> No.28015308
File: 597 KB, 2590x3624, 1603037386422.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Leave Gura to me.

>> No.28015310
File: 133 KB, 1434x550, lunARSnaito.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder to not be too hard on the third-worlders.

>> No.28015311

Just watch the archive bro

>> No.28015312

Hope Gura drops Amnesia and plays some other shit tonight

>> No.28015314
Quoted by: >>28015372

>is actually early morning where she lives
What did she mean by this

>> No.28015318

I just remembered her roommate has asthma, god damn it.

>> No.28015320
Quoted by: >>28016787

Have you not seen her roomie? Might not be a gym rat but she definitely does her /fit/ reps

>> No.28015322

difficulty is easy, no petra wife is not

>> No.28015324

Have you seen Kiara's roommate? She's definitely used to maintaining her body.

>> No.28015325
File: 264 KB, 878x1946, EklB1HDVgAAnjCW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

7+ hour endurance sex with Lulu!

>> No.28015326

Are you really blaming us for not having an eating disorder? I don't know if you have meds that you can take but I hope you have help

>> No.28015333
Quoted by: >>28015401

This is the arc she needs before she goes full Festival on Mori

>> No.28015337

She has learned that sometimes spaghetti will stay straight even when it gets wet

>> No.28015342

it's the freshest wound

>> No.28015343

The first one is objectively funnier, but Kiara probably has far more endurance than luna

>> No.28015349

did Kiara actually do a feet reveal on stream today? I missed it

>> No.28015352

>I don't really know who Ina would pair well with
Ui-Mama for a drawing stream

>> No.28015355
File: 319 KB, 1246x2000, 1600671937687.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watchama's fat, wet and soapy tits after her daily shower!

>> No.28015357

3D and offcollabs with JP branch are Japan only.
I think in half a year they will be big enough not to care about this shit. Japan must have a way of buying into residency like any other country.

>> No.28015359
Quoted by: >>28015447

Will Guras mini karaoke be archived?

>> No.28015361

Fuck the people trying to bring back this aesthetic. It died for a reason.

>> No.28015363
Quoted by: >>28015453

>heart is broken.

>> No.28015367
Quoted by: >>28015409

Wanted to waifu someone who isn't waifuable for fem Byleth.
Went through the 5 stages of grief and then hung herself.
So typical Kiara stream.

>> No.28015366

I hope you will claim victory over your disorder, anon. I wish you all the best

>> No.28015368

Unless she REALLY lucked out on her metabolism, she is quite unlikely to be the former.

>> No.28015371
File: 103 KB, 243x313, 1580360318582.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Over my cuming body

>> No.28015372

She sleeps between 5-7AM
Her waifu won't love her back.

>> No.28015376

The first, but we'll probably get the latter.

>> No.28015377

hey guys, I just recovered from food poisoning what did i miss? Apparently mori said something about kiara?

>> No.28015379

have you tried not having an eating disorder like a fucking woman, you shrieking mimsy?

>> No.28015381

I would not leave Gura with you, ma'am

>> No.28015382

I'm /fit/ as fuck, you're just a loser.

>> No.28015383

Looks like he just needs to calm down.

>> No.28015384
Quoted by: >>28015416

You think Gura can take the hoodie off?

>> No.28015385

Unfortunately I doubt that will be the case, but if we're lucky this will be the last time she plays it

>> No.28015388

Second one is funnier. Kiara is funnier when she's dabbing on people.

>> No.28015390

You should probably stop having a warped image of yourself and what will get you a gf

>> No.28015393 [DELETED] 

Well she said this a week ago
>I gotta start exercising!
>I need my strength!
So we are probably getting Luna

>> No.28015395

>Flip goes nuclear about his shithole
Holy shit thats a first.

>> No.28015397

Ina swallowing made me want to be vored by her

>> No.28015399

lowkey feel bad for chikn, it sounds like she's genuinely in love with Mori's roommate, who is clearly an unrepentant straight.

>> No.28015401
Quoted by: >>28015472

You never go full Festival.

>> No.28015407

bsapricot or surei

>> No.28015409


>> No.28015414

Fuck off pansyass

>> No.28015416

But then you could see her boobies.

>> No.28015422
File: 319 KB, 1920x1080, 1603304858540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why Mori sensei is treating me like I'm a retard? Also, she likes sunny weather, those sweaty tits... AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH


>> No.28015429

if she has asthma, it's no wonder she's into fitness.
Asthmafags need to do twice the /fit/ reps of everybody else, if they want to be somewhat functional.

>> No.28015431

Its good for laughing at, the threads were fun

>> No.28015432

It's okay to be straight.

>> No.28015433
File: 2 KB, 92x125, 1603148542205.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28015570

Don't forget Moona is on!


>> No.28015434

The only thing I'm leaving to you is a demand to stop posting that image.

>> No.28015438

Asthmatic here. She's probably more fit than most of this thread. High cardio fitness directly lowers the risk of an attack and most doctors will recommend workout routines and breathing exercises to improve lung capacity and cardio fitness so the condition has less of an impact on your day to day. She could probably suck a golfball through a garden hose.

>> No.28015439
Quoted by: >>28015467

HoloEN x Gen5 collab likely happening this weekend
ARK arc 2.0 will likely happen at some point

>> No.28015440

Homosexuality is a sin so the chicken deserves the denial

>> No.28015443

Ina Marine seems obvious and Ina Iofi seems an inevitability considering how much the latter likes to collab with others.

Ame/Risu would be interesting to see the master of accents keep up with Risu's different voices.

>> No.28015444
File: 763 KB, 2806x1984, EjalGFdUcAAmxIZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm madly in love with this chicken!

>> No.28015447
Quoted by: >>28015464


>> No.28015451

the heck is "accent practice"

>> No.28015452

why do you think you see so many super thin+super fat couples

>> No.28015453
Quoted by: >>28016548

quick, get some cheap japanese lesbos from fiverr

>> No.28015459
Quoted by: >>28015554

Anon where's your adblock? Why am I seeing ad slots on this video?

>> No.28015460
Quoted by: >>28015498

because it's more expensive to make you calart korea-slave-animator loving zoomer fuck. drown yourself in the sink.

>> No.28015462

Gosling edit when?

>> No.28015464


>> No.28015465

pronunciation practice maybe?

>> No.28015467

I dread the day when they start playing ARK, no one likes that shit except for JOPs

>> No.28015470
Quoted by: >>28015520

Mori referred to Kiara as her BFF.

>> No.28015471

Oh, that's reassuring. Thanks anon.

>> No.28015472

It's been obvious for a while but now I really feel for her. Wouldn't be surprised if Mori feels partially like shit for it too
It's full festival or she fucks as many holos as she can before March

>> No.28015475

>She could probably suck a golfball through a garden hose.
Well.....at least I have a new idea for an ASMR.

>> No.28015478

>Why Mori sensei is treating me like I'm a retard?
Because it was a stream aimed at bottom-level ESLs, and she's professionally used to dealing with young retards.

>> No.28015479
File: 141 KB, 1008x1200, 1600307502512.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only mating presses await you here, menhera.

>> No.28015481
File: 651 KB, 474x588, 1602611103137.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a scheme to get herself cancelled and graduate early

>> No.28015483

Get /fit/ nigger, at least start with very basic calisthenics if the corona is an issue.

>> No.28015487

pretending to be a bongland m8

>> No.28015494

do it like moona and eat a burger you spooky skeleton

>> No.28015496

Man, it's a bit. They're friends but if you seriously think chicken's roommate is in love with her coworker you might need some meds.

>> No.28015497

beats the fuck out of me. She said something about looking at yidtube videos to look at different accents.

>> No.28015498

both retards that don't know shit about shit. shut the fuck up and stop talking

>> No.28015504
File: 830 KB, 2508x3541, 1601771020667.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how would you compose a holoen version of this

>> No.28015505

She's going to watch videos on how to do accents and practice doing them

>> No.28015508
Quoted by: >>28015719

She's already a master of that though, she said she wanted to do Irish and Scottish.

>> No.28015509

where is moona's better bgm ffs

>> No.28015511

Froot was better before she became a Vtuber. Doesn't help her lich design is shit.

>> No.28015512
File: 228 KB, 1600x2048, 1578886021813.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gura acts like a girl that needs to be fucked silly daily to function properly

>> No.28015520
Quoted by: >>28015628

really now? Do you have the timestamp?

>> No.28015523

She said she'll practice Irish, Scottish and British.

>> No.28015524

I'm curious if she's going to actually use a reference or just continue to let her awful british accent degenerate because she doesn't even know what they sound like.

>> No.28015525
Quoted by: >>28016082

Oh god please no. They always do this weird "London but not" accent which nobody speaks in. More people speak in the classic posh accent than that shit.

Ah well. Watson will make it cute either way

>> No.28015526

Is it wishful thinking to imagine that the smash hit of EN will get Cover thinking about how to set up 3d tech somewhere outside of their main branch? Obviously it be a year plus before anything happens, but surely they must at least be considering it right?

>> No.28015529


>> No.28015531

She has a shirt on

>> No.28015535
File: 2.40 MB, 2789x2343, 1601406941112.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28015582

Kiara will be fine. She has all of HoloJP as her potential harem

>> No.28015537
File: 76 KB, 1440x795, gura's uncle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28015611

>acts like

>> No.28015538
Quoted by: >>28015598

I already do and it makes no difference

>> No.28015539
File: 60 KB, 1284x583, 1601876755097.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28015659

She fell in love with Petra because she's most similar to Mori. Then she found out Petra is straight.
Had a fucking meltdown and unironically wanted to restart the game as male Byleth just to marry Petra.
>this reminds me too much of...
You know what she was gonna say.

After she calmed down she immediately got another support scene with Petra
>Oh my god she's just like Calli, she's a workaholic...
Felt bad again.

Being chicken is suffering.

>> No.28015541

Ame is an amateur voice actress. She's just going to be doing her vocal reps on stream for a change.

>> No.28015542
Quoted by: >>28015653

Alright bros I died when Mori and Kiara started streaming, are the archives worth it?

>> No.28015544

>I like all of you.
>I love all of you guys.
>Do you like yourself?
>I don't hate myself.

>> No.28015547

was the stream a legitimate English lesson? like did the JOPs get any actual use out of it? or was it all just baby talk?

>> No.28015552

Ame's clever way of practicing ebonics on-stream

>> No.28015554
Quoted by: >>28015625

>he doesn't disable ads for his oshi

>> No.28015555

Amelia Belmont

>> No.28015562
File: 214 KB, 498x498, Gundo_Mirei_Portrait.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Leave Kiara to me

>> No.28015567


We learnt where, or who Marine got that from...

>> No.28015568
File: 315 KB, 845x694, 1600192356814.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why does this image look so hot and slutty holy shit

>> No.28015570
File: 96 KB, 900x900, Moona 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Moona autism overwhelm Pekora when she visited her home
>Amelia is in the same line of autism
Can wait for a Minecraft collab

>> No.28015572

Chicken bottom left
Mori bottom right
Ina top left
Ame top right

>> No.28015576
File: 843 KB, 2538x4096, Ek3W_3WU8AAIDCo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My parasocial girlfriend vtuber, Amelia Watson!

>> No.28015582
File: 20 KB, 480x286, index.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chicken's gonna go into withdrawl after she leaves Japan

>> No.28015583

It's the eyes man.

>> No.28015584

Ame in the middle. She's the leader more or less and has declared that EN is her harem.

>> No.28015587

Whats the next stream on line?

>> No.28015588
File: 467 KB, 3486x2374, 35445351435543.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28015646

>I'll be nice to you guys tonight.

>> No.28015593

It was super basic stuff mixed in with a little american slang.

>> No.28015598
File: 476 KB, 457x512, 1587124638049.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28015654

Sounds like you're not doing it properly

>> No.28015599
File: 170 KB, 1200x901, 1601939409952.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28016197

I know what he feels like but he should just chill and laugh at what a shithole this country has become
He is Argentinian

>> No.28015601

Noel got a god tier outfit.

>> No.28015611
File: 249 KB, 1440x795, 1603307899690.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28015682


>> No.28015614
Quoted by: >>28015724

>Started pinning hard for a female character.
>Female character is straight.
>Started bringing IRL shit into it.
It was so fucking good. Don't worry, someone will clip it.

>> No.28015616
Quoted by: >>28016085

she said in the past that more jp people watch her than americans so probably

>> No.28015618

Lads, how do we convince Mori that she is attractive and talented?

>> No.28015619

That's the face she makes when you're diving her muffin'

>> No.28015621

It was some very, very basic sentence construction with lore interspersed and all the typical mori stuff.

>> No.28015622
File: 69 KB, 463x453, 1602992361687.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does she not have a crippling STD by now?

>> No.28015623

by me

>> No.28015625
Quoted by: >>28015709

i don't look at ads and i won't look at ads. i have my oshi's highest membership tier and i send her $5 every stream. don't tell me that's not enough.

>> No.28015628
File: 662 KB, 1202x644, 1603292746353.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Somewhere in the 'Do you like ___' section of her ESL video.

Also she's the one that taught Marine that slang.

>> No.28015629

Sometimes i wish i was a fucking neet so i could watch all the streams i want. I even gave up on social life but i am still a wagecuck. At least after yesteday post about 34old neet asking his mom for 5$ for membership makes bit little bearable

>> No.28015632

Can't believe Kiara's back squat 1RM is 150kg. As a man I feel ashamed.

>> No.28015638

>like did the JOPs get any actual use out of it?
They did. There were a lot of JOPs showing gratitude in chat. However the slang lesson completely went over most of their heads.

>> No.28015640

She clearly wants to get fucked silly daily but doesn't. Always being weak to romantic stuff and hugging her shark to sleep. Someone here should volunteer to make her happy.

>> No.28015644
Quoted by: >>28015720

>But I can see the end of the Dream on the horizon, the lies and delusions that I told myself. But was it a mistake to escape? Well, I couldn't tell ya, cuz every minute here has been heaven and hell. Guess it's finally time to let the fantasy end, though I wanted to see you, and I can't pretend that it's fine. I guess until next time, then.Because I genuinely believe: I'll definitely see you again.

Hold the fuck up. Does Live Again refers directly to this hook?

>> No.28015646

So did she build that giant statue or not?

>> No.28015650

Why doesn't Kiara just get a job as a JET? That shit is easy. You can even do a course and get a certificate for like $300.

>> No.28015651

god she is so fucking cute my heart is going to explode

>> No.28015653

If you are into chicken lesbian sufferkino I would recommend Kiara

>> No.28015652
Quoted by: >>28015716

We can't. People with her issues can only convince themselves. She literally has hundreds of thousands of people supporting her and she still feels this way. It's something she has to work through.

>> No.28015654
File: 524 KB, 457x512, 1603308022774.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28015682


>> No.28015655
Quoted by: >>28015703

Guys don't forget that the character she was trying to waifu was the same character she kept saying was a lot like Mori

>> No.28015658
File: 402 KB, 597x856, 1603301936092.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm fucking crying, holy shit

>> No.28015659

Why isn't the FE stream in the archive yet? Is she so annoyed that she's not going to post it?

>> No.28015667

No, go have hate-sex with Roa.

>> No.28015678
File: 11 KB, 183x182, 153121602317823153.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can only laugh at this because is true. Watching people donating 100$ akasupas like nobody's business truly supporting your oshi, sometimes makes me feel that I don't deserve having a membership or even using the SC button, that I'm just robbing my oshi... ha... ha...

>> No.28015679

I do wonder how much of it engineered and how much of it just comes naturally for her.
Both the listen-along and John Wick streams were peak GFE but she didn't seem to be trying. Maybe she really is just that desperately lonely that is seeps through everything she does. The way she is breaking her back to care for each of the other girls would lend credence to that theory.
I don't think she is calculating enough to pull this off inorganically.

>> No.28015682
File: 13 KB, 370x370, 1602670254968.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28015684

Glorious feel good Miko concert.
Dachou found a list of everything I like in girls and mercilessly ticked every single box with her new costume.
Mori revealed to be the one teaching Marine her english
Kiara hung herself on stream due to unrequited love.

>> No.28015698
File: 32 KB, 128x128, 1603143270566.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28015699

Wait, really?!

>> No.28015703

didn't Kiara almost say that the situation was exactly the same as hers with Calliope

>> No.28015708
File: 148 KB, 1280x720, 1603308251118.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28015767

>That little "thanks" at the end
Guys why is my bro so fucking CUTE

>> No.28015709
Quoted by: >>28017029

>don't tell me that's not enough

>> No.28015711

It's already up. What are you talking about?

>> No.28015713

If you have some monopoly money currency, between processing fees, youtube's cut, and Cover's cut, you could actually be costing your oshi monye.

>> No.28015716

This is probably why she has no boyfriend.

>> No.28015717

You don't. She'll always think like that and it'll never change, those thoughts will always be in the back of her head.

>> No.28015718
Quoted by: >>28015747

Kiara will join Holostars EN under an alias after she moves back to Austria

>> No.28015719

But her london accent sucks ass and she always slips into aussie.

>> No.28015720
Quoted by: >>28015801

Live Again is simultaneously a (temporary) farewell and a love song dedicated to her past.

>> No.28015722

Remember that despite the girls liking akasupas and memberships, they also like fans that support them just by watching. Money is good but it also nice knowing people are supporting you.

>> No.28015724

Petra can aparently end up with another female character, she just isn't into the female MC, which makes it sting just that much more

>> No.28015727

doesn't that require for you to be native english speaker and not ESL like Kiara?

>> No.28015729
Quoted by: >>28015972

Mel was in the chat, but yeah, other that a handul of people it seemed that everyone were fluent english speakers alreay.

>> No.28015732
Quoted by: >>28015794

>Kiara is goslinging just as hard as /hlgg/

>> No.28015734
Quoted by: >>28015797

Well that's weird. I can' see it in her uploads yet

>> No.28015742

You just leave it to me.

>> No.28015743

Has her roommate posted PRs anywhere?

>> No.28015747

>it's just her usual design with a fake moustache she stole from ame

>> No.28015749

>was the stream a legitimate English lesson?
Well, eikaiwa is a thing (not sure why it came as a surprise to so many today), so yeah. She did meme it up though.
Either way, it was comfy as fuck to listen to.

>> No.28015753

I know it's not true based on her roommate, but I really hope that there is a musclegirl Vtuber someday.

>> No.28015755

Kiara is getting deported in 5 months

>> No.28015759
File: 1.72 MB, 3960x3080, 1602911463175.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, are the CN and ID girls ever going to collab with the EN branch, they are the only ones who speak English.

>> No.28015760

She confirmed it 5 minutes later when she got another support conversation rubbing it in her face.
Was true Sufferkino

>> No.28015767
File: 892 KB, 1157x1637, 1602880484943.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All part of her plan to rip your soul from your body. Be strong.

>> No.28015770


>> No.28015771
File: 1.54 MB, 939x1179, 1600497065143.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28015835

Gura lounging on the chair in the center in smug brat mode with a crooked crown

Mori with the shades, flashing a huge stack of cash and grinning

Ina leaning against the chair like pic related in Kanata's spot

Ame in Towa's position, coat off, holding a syringe and blowing a kiss

Kiara in Luna's spot looking down at the viewer in disdain like he's an unpaid KFP janny

>> No.28015772

Sharks aren't mammals, dumb dumb!

>> No.28015777
File: 120 KB, 825x729, f52dfe1891bbb26b41879d2a1c7a32e0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The picture used just makes it even funnier to me.

>> No.28015780
File: 1.37 MB, 1280x720, Ek23A3_VcAAJBDs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28016121

Noel proving yet again that she's a dangerously sexy danchou/onee-san.

>> No.28015783

Hopefully not

>> No.28015789
Quoted by: >>28015827

>5 hour stream
Chickn is strong
Wait a minute, she didn't even do a campaign in those 5 hours, did she?

>> No.28015794
Quoted by: >>28015910

Mori is too fucking powerful

>> No.28015797
Quoted by: >>28015838

Subscribe to the chicken and click the notification bell. That way you'll always have a link to the stream even if it takes forever to show up on her uploads.

>> No.28015798

Moona finally got rid of her shitty bgm, when did that happen

>> No.28015801

Well that's blatantly obvious. But for some reason, that particular part struck a nerve in me.

>> No.28015802

>Kiara is thirsty as fuck but she keeps getting cucked by Mori
Ame please, give Kiara the ground pounding she desperately needs

>> No.28015804
Quoted by: >>28015862

After the stream ended it takes a few minutes to appear in the archives and even more for the livechat

>> No.28015806

God bless this man, can't wait for rants from anons in other shitholes if only so that mine seems slightly better in comparison

>> No.28015808
File: 65 KB, 1209x383, 1596372693637.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thinks how poles feels bruh
why do we hardest aka in the world...

>> No.28015811
File: 378 KB, 696x869, ame_toothy_smile.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28015952

Every time. Every fucking time. She pulls me back in with that million dollar smile, and I forget the world around me.

>> No.28015812

10Q kind sir.

>> No.28015815

Ina talked aobut the clip of Kiara falling in the first collab being set to the LOTR's-Balrog-scene. (Fly you fools.)
Did anyone see that clip?

>> No.28015816

It's listening practice for people who know some English but not enough to watch movies or regular EN streams. I started watching JP vtubers with good pronunciation because I wanted to supplement my reps back in the day so I believe that there definitely are JOPs who appreciate it.

>> No.28015817

Luna is inherently hilarious. I love her. Her face makes me laugh, her retarded baby voice makes me laugh, I can't get enough of her.

>> No.28015824

indeed pretty ironic

>> No.28015827

Not that I recall lol

>> No.28015834

As long as Coco stays far the fuck away from our girls.

>> No.28015835
File: 81 KB, 724x1024, 1603158822679.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>chicken bottom left
Oh goddammit that's too good.

Okay >>28015771 this but swap Ame and Kiara.

>> No.28015838
Quoted by: >>28015896

You're right. It worked. That's so odd. How can Youtube with all their coins have such a poorly programmed site?

>> No.28015848

shit's like a fifth of average paycheck...

>> No.28015857

Hol up. That clip's only been posted here, as far as I know, and the anon that was told to send it to Kiara never got around to doing so.


>> No.28015858


>> No.28015859
File: 997 KB, 747x748, Kiara wink.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Membership is the least you can do to show your support. After that the most you can do is just support your oshi and not be a shithead in her chat.

>> No.28015862

Weird, it's not showing up in the timeline on two browsers even after I deleted the cache. Oh well.

>> No.28015864

Why is yen so shit anyway? I thought Japan was one of the top economies or something?

>> No.28015865

Poor anon living in a failed state

>> No.28015866
Quoted by: >>28015944

Ame is bottom right, Gura is top right

>> No.28015867

>Most of them look up to Coco
>Coco just said she wants EN to play ARK

>> No.28015869
Quoted by: >>28015930

No wonder you never see Polish Akas

>> No.28015875

they should just come to brazil and live like kings

>> No.28015879

That's the power of German legs, Anon!
550lb max here, and there's literally nothing better than a girl who can properly squat

>> No.28015882

can someone post the edit where everyone but kiara is red crossed out?

>> No.28015888
Quoted by: >>28015988

What the fuck. Пан, прими мои соболезнования.

>> No.28015892
Quoted by: >>28016074

Them call their money "yen" would be like us calling our money "cents" rather than "dollars".

>> No.28015893
File: 17 KB, 415x129, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>​you made my day.from Japanese sister
>スプたま​thank you! Calli! またね~
>悠久ノ桜 -トワノサクラ-: ありがとうございましたー

there were definitely quite a few

>> No.28015896

pajeets. The answer is always pajeets. They work for pennies and since their >qualifications always mirror properly trained non-pajeets, they get hired only then to shit up the code like their streets.

>> No.28015901
Quoted by: >>28016074

Yen is their penny, not their dollar. 100 yen is their 1 dollar.

>> No.28015904

Literally every single thing posted here, will find it's way to reddit or discord, or the internet at large. This isn't a closed system.

>> No.28015906

That's something she has to resolve herself, only her irl friends and time are going to be able to do something but that's just the kind of shit that's always there

>> No.28015909
Quoted by: >>28016074

It isn't really, they just don't have cents that's why their currency has such high numbers.

>> No.28015910
Quoted by: >>28015969

>will I ever find love?
>but I was so sure she's the one
>I felt a connection
>honestly like I'm so sure
>can we not try
>I really like her she reminds me of callie
>I don't wany anyone else

>this just reminds me too much.....

>> No.28015915
File: 33 KB, 128x127, 1586873091895.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How did she fool people into believing she's smart?

>> No.28015930
Quoted by: >>28016129

you do
in ARS or rubles

>> No.28015932
File: 191 KB, 1019x483, 1602809352457.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Theres probably a cute gura of your own nearby somewhere
>You'll never meet her
>Even if you do, nothing will ever come from it

>> No.28015933
File: 200 KB, 850x1215, 104a8a4ab6c9b48fb1e007d399c9d1b3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28015936
Quoted by: >>28015963

Nah, it went up on twitter, I checked. It;s so fucking hard to scroll through Kiara's likes because she uses it too much.

>> No.28015939

Which one was it?
A streamable? Somone might have sent her the link or it got to her via reddit?

>> No.28015942
File: 304 KB, 459x680, t79t9evyteu51.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Normies really eat this shit right up don't they

>> No.28015944

Gura needs to be in Coco's position, she's the top holo.

>> No.28015948

Because the rest of EN is even dumber

>> No.28015951

why is /hlgg/ awful to each other but not their oshis?

>> No.28015952
Quoted by: >>28017349

Her mom jokes as well. That fucking gremlin laugh after. Always gets me.

>> No.28015953

TaiwanCHADs can drop a 1500 NT akasupa and make the chat lose their minds as well as a more heartfelt reaction by the chuuba herself. I've seen it twice happen to Gura

>> No.28015957

I guess Ina would be good with drawing-based indies. I'll have to keep an eye on the Atelier Live debuts to see if they'd mesh well since most of them are artists already

>> No.28015958
Quoted by: >>28016455

What was that edit even meant to imply?

>> No.28015961

Apparently knowing how to fuck around with computers these days makes someone smart

>> No.28015962

>Collab with HoloEN, HoloID, Haachama and Coco playing Amoung Us in English Only
Every since I saw that suggestion, I need it.

>> No.28015963

Oh, nvm then. Guess that anon did follow through

>> No.28015964

I wish I could eat Kiara up...

>> No.28015965

Is that thing about Pekora doxxing Aqua during her NND days true? I guess it would explain why they allegedly don't like eachother.

>> No.28015969

>>this just reminds me too much.....
Lets hope Kiara's time with that masseuse helps

>> No.28015972
Quoted by: >>28016244

>Mel was in chat
Oh that's cool did she say anything?

>> No.28015977

i'm not awful to anyone, faggot. kys

>> No.28015982
File: 139 KB, 827x980, 1590284748570.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think that Mori took that number one spot on iTunes more seriously than any of the YT views or subs. For her, it's a sign that people are not here just to stare at her L2Ds tits or watch funny music videos, they honest to god want to hear her music, and for any aspiring musician, there's no higher honor than that. She officially made it in her own eyes.

>> No.28015983

Found it, it's on twitter

>> No.28015987

I really dont want it to happen also hate how FBK is mostly ignored by EN when she did more for Holos over Reddit Dragon leeching content from Plebbit

>> No.28015988
Quoted by: >>28016049

спасибо, Rusbro
Can't wait to supa at Aki singing Katyusha again

>> No.28015990

Oh but they are

>> No.28015994

Some of these don't make any sense, what the fuck

>> No.28016001

I honestly hope you're right bro

>> No.28016002

Kiara can't even speak proper English (one of the reasons why I love her)

>> No.28016003

It's one of those weird cultural differences. Yuri is just pandering to insecure otaku who want to see lovey-dovey behavior but don't want to feel threatened by fictional male characters, but in the West it's viewed as some kind of progressive representation of LGBT.

>> No.28016011

Why are you asking us and not /hlg/?

>> No.28016013

The oshis shall not be muddied

>> No.28016018
File: 359 KB, 459x680, 1603308774664.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the hell is that fleshy looking thing on her arm?

>> No.28016021
File: 381 KB, 679x521, Ina AHHHHHH.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28016083

That fucking vocaroo always make me laugh

>> No.28016023

my dick is still throbbing from seeing kiara's heart break

>> No.28016027
Quoted by: >>28016064

She does realize that most of those sales come from her YouTube-fans, right?

>> No.28016028
Quoted by: >>28016064

It doesn't prove any of that, but I agree it's nice if she feels validated by it.

>> No.28016029
File: 32 KB, 800x450, 1603308971175.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/g/ knowledge == PDF in being smart apparently
Little does everyone know but when Google says "Sorry the page crashed, we've got monkeys fixing it", it's being literal

>> No.28016033

Too bad she's signed to fucking cover corp records

>> No.28016038

I think most normalfags think it's kinda cringe too

>> No.28016039

It's a weird sleeve.

>> No.28016040

I made a Poal for the first time:

>> No.28016041

Puffy sleeve

>> No.28016045

Her visa is secured (for now) as an assistant language teacher. She will not be keeping that position in the long-term, but will be able to show a paycheck from Cover well before it becomes a problem.

>> No.28016049


>> No.28016052

that's such a foolish and dangerous way of thinking for her, though. Nobody gives a shit about her music. Without her persona, she would continue to flounder. They buy her music to support her, her work alone cannot stand on its own feet.

Inb4 she graduates within the next year because she's deluded herself into thinking she's actually made it only to fall face first into the dirt.

>> No.28016055

I don't really get how conversion shit works. Isn't this meaningless since people in different countries get paid a different amount of their actual money for jobs and pay different amounts for similar stuff? Like to buy 1 US dollar worth of food the japanese would pay like a 1000 yen but their salary also reflects that.

>> No.28016057

Those are puffy sleeves you autist

>> No.28016061

Why did the chicken cross the road?

>> No.28016062
File: 406 KB, 752x999, 1584310171907.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28016119

is holoEN ever gonna use streamlabs? i dont want to give youtube my money

>> No.28016063
Quoted by: >>28016104

You could argue that she wouldn't have made it if she weren't.

>> No.28016064
Quoted by: >>28016105

I mean selling a song these days is far harder than it ever has been before. If people are going out of their way to support you by buying your music, they really like you.

>> No.28016066

I was at work, someone timestamp me to Kiara's latest existential love crisis.

>> No.28016068
File: 1.08 MB, 3605x4961, 48668746846868.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gura happily drops her seed on Ame's chest but who drops seed on Gura's?

>> No.28016069

What is it with this tiny ass pic

>> No.28016070

Oh wow, as a brit I thought we had it worst, still fucking sucks. I fucking hate canada too, $76 usd per red, 500 canadian is less than £300

>> No.28016073

It's her puffy detached sleeve you brainlet.

>> No.28016074

あ, なるほどね

>> No.28016076
Quoted by: >>28016126

>Nobody gives a shit about her music
I care about her music, fuck off.

>> No.28016082
Quoted by: >>28016142

A Mary Poppins watchalong with Ame would be hilarious because I have absolutely no idea what she'd make of the accents.

>> No.28016083
Quoted by: >>28016165

You seen the webm?

>> No.28016085

She said that the majority of the views on her channel are Japanese, but you have to remember that:
-More than half the views on her channel are on her music videos, which are Japanese rap songs
-English speakers are spread out over dozens of countries, as opposed to Japanese speakers all being in Japan
Her actual fanbase is still mainly American/European/SEA/Whoever else speaks English

>> No.28016090
File: 1.05 MB, 706x706, 1603167492052.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm mining
I'm mining
I'm mining
I'm mining

Mobs so icy, wonder why they kill me, I'm just mining
and water I just fell in a hole, now I'm crying.
Every server I go on, yeah, is inspiring.

I'm just minin'

I just bought an account and now, I'm playing.
Diamond sword so heavy I feel like I'm holdin' a mountain.
Every server, yeah, I go on, is inspiring.

I'm just minin'

I'm with all my friends, yeah, we minin', not alooone.
Spawnin all these creepers, yeah, makin' them some clooones.
Found a nearby dog, feed him, a booone.
Tryna find ores, full 64 stacks of cobblestone.
Pick up the arrows, put in the booow, make the string stretch.
Climbing all these mountains, I feel off, the edge.
Download some mods, so in Minecraft I can fleeex.
Get that texturepack, the hard working project.
Went in creative mode now I'm, flying.
Blowing stuff up with TNT now that's satisfying.
New server with scary mobs, horrifying.
She looked in my chest n she looked at a hundred diamonds.


Minecraft hands down is my favorite gaaaame.
Talk crap, bout when using a bow, don't know how to aim.
When you get slain, remember my naaame.
When I expose you, it's gonna be a bloody shaaame.
Tried to go to the nether, but had no portal.
Dare you to try to kill me, ha, ?gorsh? I'm immortal.
Minecraft equals cubed don't mess with, circles.
Boi I run the game, have the fame, I'm universal.
Favorite block in Minecraft has to be a piston.
Every survival game I play, I'm always winnin'.
Start up a new world with a new beginnin'.
Talking trash, but can't make bars, Minecraft spittin'.


I'm mining
I'm mining
I'm mining
I'm mining

>> No.28016091

It could be worse, they could be looking up to that fucking reddit dog

>> No.28016092
File: 31 KB, 478x216, Porque la gallina cruzo la calle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28018661


>> No.28016099


>> No.28016104
Quoted by: >>28016175

if we're being hypothetical here then sure she could have if she signed with a decent record label.

>> No.28016105

Which makes it easier to land in the charts with enough of your fans.

>> No.28016109
File: 238 KB, 1591x2048, Ekcb-VXVkAAsaeY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nobody gives a shit about her music.
I bought her entire discography though.

>> No.28016114

that's what fucks poland over, they're treated like they were paid like the big eurozone countries (germany, france, ireland) while they're actually closer to purchasing power of Czech Rep. or Romania

>> No.28016116
Quoted by: >>28016198

where we watching the thing with gura

>> No.28016118

no one cares

>> No.28016119

Coco tried to push it but Cover didn't want to go through with it

>> No.28016121
Quoted by: >>28017170

>That moment when the ASMR icon appeared and the chat flooded with memberships.
That's why she's Danchou.

>> No.28016124

All the chumbuds after they get tired of her teasing

>> No.28016126

you and maybe 500 others that were into her roommate's music. It's gonna regress back towards that number, maybe twice that once she ditches holo.

>> No.28016128
Quoted by: >>28016258

Yeah, I like yuri couples but I don't like when people call it "lesbians" it doesn't feel right

>> No.28016129


>> No.28016130
Quoted by: >>28016184

All chumbuddies, when Gura enters mating season she goes to town with any and all chumbuddies

>> No.28016131
File: 453 KB, 478x881, MoonFeed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Moona!!!

>> No.28016133

>Nobody gives a shit about her music.
I think it's pretty alright

>> No.28016142

I think Gura or Mori would be better fits. Mori loves kids after all and the musical bits would be engaging for her.

>> No.28016145

The more money you give your oshi, the sooner she'll graduate.

>> No.28016149

>also hate how FBK is mostly ignored by EN
She's been sucked off multiple times now by Gura and is getting a collab with Kiara though?

>> No.28016152
Quoted by: >>28016240

before or after she debuted?

>> No.28016153

Becoming a Holo is kinda like signing a contract to be a magical girl.

>> No.28016156

>Isn't this meaningless
it's meaningful in terms of how much your oshi gets paid in the end
>Like to buy 1 US dollar worth of food the japanese would pay like a 1000 yen
quick maths

>> No.28016165


>> No.28016166

i mean yeah i was referencing that clip you're quoting to me, there's a healthy amount of people who are likely learning from it still, i always see comments on her videos of people who are actively trying to learn to interact with her

>> No.28016168
File: 506 KB, 849x1200, 1603225723741.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28016256


>> No.28016171

KEK. I don't think I will ever not laugh at this

>> No.28016175
Quoted by: >>28016298

Yeah but what record label would want weeb rap?

>> No.28016178
File: 679 KB, 4093x2894, supanene.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>NTR'd by Supernenechi
Considering how unfairly hot Nene's roommate is, I wouldn't write it off.

>> No.28016179

bad bait. she literally is topping the charts at the moment.

>> No.28016184

Reminder sharks can be pregnant with the offspring of multiple males at a time, churning out pups like a conveyor belt.

Literally MADE for chumbuddy gangbangs.

>> No.28016188
Quoted by: >>28016248

Everyone wants to drop seeds on Ame's chest, but nobody asks how to drop seeds on Ame's chest.

>> No.28016190

why did she even join if her music is all she cares about

>> No.28016191

Samyang noodles, legit. I love that shit.

>> No.28016192

Why would she ditch holo, when she specifically said that she's in this for as long as she can do it?

>> No.28016197

t. Camus

>> No.28016198
Quoted by: >>28016236

2h 17m

>> No.28016200

I don't mind Coco collabing with EN, but if she dares to push Ark onto them, then

>> No.28016202

It depends heavily on the product, I can tell you for a lot of tech stuff (pc parts, consoles, etc) that the prices often treat one pound or one euro as equivalent to 1 usd, or much closer than it actually is. like the ps5 will be $500, but it's £450, which equates to 591 dollars.

>> No.28016205


>> No.28016219


>> No.28016225

People will disagree with you but you're kinda right, how many people will follow her roommate without the Hololive brand and character?

>> No.28016226

She is cute but not that hot

>> No.28016231


>> No.28016232

>Nobody gives a shit about her music
Riiiiiight that must be why all holo sing.

>> No.28016234

What more is left until Kiara becomes MatsuriEN?

>> No.28016235
File: 212 KB, 1920x1080, 1600132194635.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28017081

>mfw finally got around to listening the first album today

>> No.28016238

They and Subaru all went out together after the concert, if theres any bad blood is long gone

>> No.28016236
Quoted by: >>28016515

I meant is there a link to the movie last time for ghostbusters they someone posted a link to watch the movie for free

>> No.28016237
Quoted by: >>28016453

For the same reason Ina joined, she wanted to find friends. She talked about it multiple times.

>> No.28016240
Quoted by: >>28016349

After, because I didn't know she existed before then. You people need to break out of this mentality that if you're talented you'll naturally make it in whatever industry you're in. Half of every success story is finding a way to get your foot in the door.

>> No.28016241

yuri is just replacing the faceless mc with another cute animu girl

>> No.28016243

God I want to feed this little piggy until she can't move anymore.

>> No.28016244

a couple comments towards the beginning, but she left for her own stream at some point I believe.

>> No.28016245
File: 289 KB, 2048x2048, 1602065884471.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've encountered quite a few people (outside these threads) who has gone back and discovered her old music. Just because people first heard her through Vtubing doesn't mean people aren't enjoying her music.

>> No.28016246

Why do shitposters not watch streams or pay attention?

>> No.28016248

Step one: don't have a leaky roof

>> No.28016251
File: 299 KB, 789x797, 1602878434579.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i want to bath while eating

>> No.28016256
Quoted by: >>28016296


>> No.28016258

For me, I like the playfulness of it. If it's taken too seriously it becomes awkward for me to watch, regardless of the gender of the people involved.

>> No.28016263
Quoted by: >>28016346

Judging from last nights stream Gura might be a little squeamish, how do you think she will handle The Thing?

>> No.28016265

Have you ever heard of "arbitage"?

>> No.28016268

A heartfelt rejection from Mori

>> No.28016270
Quoted by: >>28016304

Something incredibly yabai happens during the spa trip and she goes full obsessive menhara

>> No.28016272
Quoted by: >>28016370

If she does believe this, that's about as deluded as a porn actress thinking people are impressed by her acting skills

>> No.28016274

I like to imagen Gura joining a public hololive server then everyone just dumps their inventory full of seeds on her

>> No.28016277
File: 758 KB, 1043x624, 95f72c51-8ba6-43b9-b430-d31e0bcd78d4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28016279


>> No.28016280 [DELETED] 

What do /hlgg/ goslings think of regular, unenlightened Reddit, YouTube, and Facebook-only Amelia simps? Does surviving the Amepocalypse give them a sense of superiority or feelings of envy?

>> No.28016285


>> No.28016291

I just heard gura say "flexed" on her amnesia stream and I must say

>> No.28016295

things that took you weeks the realize, I'll start:

Rushia = japanization of Lucia

>> No.28016296

What's with the bottom-right arrow? Her pitch doesn't even pitch down on the laugh

>> No.28016298

exactly. It's a non-existent genre with the nichest of appeal. Without her Calli persona, she'd be right back where she started from.
And if she could get signed, record label deals are the scammiest and dirtiest contracts you could ever sign.
Only the top 1% of artists get paid and mostly only because they operate under their own labels.
Music companies provide you the equipment and drugs to record but they don't pay shit. And especially nowadays with streaming, artist don't make squat since most of the streaming proceeds go directly into the label's pockets.

>> No.28016301
File: 577 KB, 2100x1228, EkymQVAU8AAqY2B-orig.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just looked her up and she's definitely cute, but not hot. I don't think Kiara is going to be able to resist.

>> No.28016306

Anon first of all it's Rene. Second, despite her low sub count, she's not an indie, she's under 774inc.

>> No.28016304

>Mori was just joking when she said she'd go to the spa

>> No.28016323

10/10 very moon

>> No.28016328

I actually don't care if it's guy/girl I'm just a sucker for cute couple moments

>> No.28016330

Dad is mad
I think he's a fag
my stepmom is a hag
I really miss my dad...

>> No.28016335

Wow, you're slow
It's actually Russia

>> No.28016341
Quoted by: >>28016376

I'll be 100% honest, if mori graduated from hololive and went for full time in music I'd stop caring

>> No.28016346
Quoted by: >>28016479

the only thing she was squemish about was how bad the fucking game was.

>> No.28016349
Quoted by: >>28016397

but that's my point. Without the exposure of holo she would have never made it because her music just isn't good enough.
And there is no market for her.
And once she graduates, she will fall right back into obscurity after a few years, maybe sooner.

>> No.28016354
Quoted by: >>28016367

>he still deletes his posts if he gets no replies in 2 minutes

>> No.28016356

Mori just didn't do her marketing-reps. A few buisiness-reps might help too.

>> No.28016359
File: 221 KB, 1280x720, Rewrite_2020-07-03_0105_10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought she was named after the country Russia. Though it is more fitting that a necromancer's named after Satan.

>> No.28016360
Quoted by: >>28016427

Is 1000 ARS still considered a Red Akasupa?

>> No.28016361
File: 85 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a chance Artia moves to Hololive EN?

>> No.28016367

Why is he like this?

>> No.28016370

Except that her music is actually good.

>> No.28016373

normalfags are weird about lolis and so are people with huge followings.

>> No.28016376

You´and 95% of people, buddy.

>> No.28016387
File: 405 KB, 600x600, 1602828705692.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2 days ago i had the realization that it's not Lofi but Iofi

>> No.28016391

most of them honestly won't give a shit like most teamates here. Anyone who thinking a girl in their twenties haven't had a boyfriend at some point are deluding themselves.

>> No.28016392

Do you guys know if there's any difference between the regular and remastered versions of The Thing?

>> No.28016393

/hlgg/ goslings only think of ameia, why waste time thinkng about other people from other places?

>> No.28016395

too many prayer breaks/10

>> No.28016396

post songs you want them to cover in karey okies

>> No.28016397
Quoted by: >>28016497

even music much better than this can pass unnoticed, don't pretend you don't know how any kind of entertainment market works for the sake of cheap bait, anonchama

>> No.28016401
File: 3.76 MB, 1800x1450, 1602730955439.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got it!

>> No.28016403

How could I follow her if there was no way for me to follow her?

>> No.28016407

Just because something is marketed heavily doesn't mean people are gonna want it, especially when that thing is incredibly niche that most people aren't into.

>> No.28016415
Quoted by: >>28016601


>> No.28016425


>> No.28016427
Quoted by: >>28016522

yes, though sometimes when they read them later they're forgotten, probably cause the girls toss them into a currency calc for a quick estimate

>> No.28016430
Quoted by: >>28016630

Huh? It's Lofi, anon. Like, Lofi hip hops beats to relax to.

>> No.28016435

Mori means Death in Latin

>> No.28016436
Quoted by: >>28016601


>> No.28016437
Quoted by: >>28016671

You guys are crazy, Mori isn't graduating any time soon

>> No.28016440
File: 167 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Weight of the world

>> No.28016442

She'll be (not) Hololive EN (Twitch)

>> No.28016446

I don't think she has a shred of business acumen, though. This gig with holo was the biggest Godsend for her because her autism is what's getting the wagecucks hooked.
She's getting free money for being her cringelord self. And with the upcoming collab with the anitubers, she has once again proved she is like a babe in the woods.


>> No.28016448

I just realized yesterday that it's Ina and not Lna

>> No.28016449

What's this image even supposed to imply? Kiara being immortal and hence being the last one left alive?

>> No.28016451

shion = zion

>> No.28016453

please dont compare ina to mixtape lady

>> No.28016454
Quoted by: >>28016635


>> No.28016455

I would guess that is that everyone else died, but she keeps reviving

>> No.28016456

doubt it. Just because Artia and Civia aren't currently in China doesn't mean they don't have relatives there. It would be a pretty big slap in the face to Chinese antis to move them over to HoloEN while throwing the rest of the girls under a bus and could escalate the problem in a really annoying way.

>> No.28016462

People keep talking about graduation this and graduation that when there hasn't been a single girl from Hololive who graduated under normal circumstances. You're not only talking about something that's years away at most, you're talking about something that hasn't even happened yet for any of their female talent.

>> No.28016465

The official JET program doesn't accept people that recently lived in Japan because they want to bring in fresh faces and not serve as a fallback for expats about to lose their visa.

>> No.28016469
File: 76 KB, 640x632, 1600987107951.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking Snake Eater

>> No.28016468

Now that's a /mu/ tier argument if I ever saw one.

>> No.28016472

I feel like "Ninomae Ina'nis" is an elaborate wordplay or pun, but I'm too small-brained to figure it out

>> No.28016479


Hoho, haha, but she said ‘Eww, gore!’ On response to that one artwork featuring a surgery. Considering The Thing is the king of body horror...

>> No.28016481

Aloe broke us, pls andastan

>> No.28016482
Quoted by: >>28016594

I always thought it was "done during a menhera attack", hating everyone else for the bullying and whatever, but idk

>> No.28016483

That's so fucking dark

>> No.28016484
Quoted by: >>28016624

I'm pretty sure it means Forest in Japanese, anon

>> No.28016491
Quoted by: >>28016539

wait until the venture capital reclines. after that, the revenue expectations for the girls will be much higher.

>> No.28016493

How long until Kiara goes full festival?

>> No.28016494

It means you're a fag

>> No.28016497

I should have included that as an additional drawback. That was my meaning.
Look at synthwave with its heaps of buried composers.
I 100% agree with you. It's just that not even her music is good enough to stand detached from her persona.

>> No.28016499

>things that took you weeks the realize
"UGA" In A-chan's Twitter handle stands for "yuujin A". Except it wasn't weeks, but months.
Luna's dad is the incestuous sisterlust illustrator.
Polka's boots are fucking huge.

>> No.28016500
Quoted by: >>28016713

Mostly lighting changes if I remember correctly. Remaster brightens up a lot of scenes.

>> No.28016507

Akai Haato means read heart.

>> No.28016510
File: 75 KB, 429x412, 1593777638602.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Kiara being immortal and hence being the last one left alive?
That would make for some dark ass drama.

>> No.28016515
File: 143 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Movie in 2 hours Chumbuddies

>> No.28016518
Quoted by: >>28016631

Snake Eater by Mori could be electric...

>> No.28016522
Quoted by: >>28016591

Kiara said that in her screen all the SCs are in white so she can't tell the difference between the SCs (being Euros, USD and Yen de exception)

>> No.28016526

The reason Meme Review is shit is because Coco is a loli she shows zoomer memes

>> No.28016535

>Kiara's collab with Nene will be another offcollab
What the fuck
Does she want to fuck all JP girls?

>> No.28016539
Quoted by: >>28016552

If low revenue was a reason to graduate any of their talent then explain how HoloID, HoloCN, and Holostars have held on for this long.

>> No.28016548
File: 640 KB, 718x526, 1577293459100.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28017166

Send this for Chicken, they accept foreign girls and all

>> No.28016551
Quoted by: >>28016713

As long as it's The Thing (1982) you should be fine, I don't know of any remasterings of The Thing so at best it'll be color-graded or something. Jut don't accidentally watch The Thing (2011), that's a prequel moneygrab

>> No.28016552
Quoted by: >>28016645

uhh anon, you need to read. the venture capital HASN'T dried up yet.

>> No.28016554

>Kiara being immortal and hence being the last one left alive?
Mori would still be there to take her, so no.

>> No.28016558

Kiryu Coco = I played too much Yakuza on cocaine.

>> No.28016561
Quoted by: >>28016802

Kiara is too birdbrain to understand the software the other Holos use to do online karaoke plz understand
She also wants to do as much as she can before she has to leave Japan

>> No.28016576

She needs to fill the hole in her heart pussy that Mori keeps leaving

>> No.28016578

Mori Calliope = MC =Mein Craft = MenarChe

>> No.28016579
File: 786 KB, 1084x999, 15888822672.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's inevitable

>> No.28016580

Heart is thirsty
Pussy is too

>> No.28016584

unironically yes.

>> No.28016585

Haato = Japanization of the word hot
Akai = A reference to the now-defunct Japanese electronics company Akai

Both of these blew my fucking mind

>> No.28016591

ye, that's the screen they have for tracking live comments, they still show colored when it flies in chat, so unless they specifically remember 1000 ARS is red they need to defer to estimates

and that puts them in like... yellow

thus you can only really use the ARS for aka strategy if you have something you wish to get noticed now

>> No.28016594

That'd make sense, I guess. You can see the crossed out hearts around Mori.

>> No.28016596

its not good to lie

>> No.28016600

>That bloodstain

>> No.28016601

Based picks minna
This by Mori when?

>> No.28016606
File: 113 KB, 246x333, 1602849997702.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's speed running a hololive harem before she gets deported

>> No.28016612

Really wishing I was a Chumbudd right now, The Thing is one of my favorite movies

>> No.28016614
Quoted by: >>28016707

Gawr Gura
Cow Girl

>> No.28016615

Only until she finds one that loves her

>> No.28016618

is amnesia just boring or why was the amnesia stream not liked
just started watching the vod, didnt have time yesterday

>> No.28016621
Quoted by: >>28016660

But Mori is a timeless reaper, Ina is an eldritch horror, Gura is a very long-lived prehistoric creature, and Ame is a chaos agent time traveler who probably has an alternate version of herself in just about every era. Kiara dies when eaten, she's the most mortal of them all.

>> No.28016624
Quoted by: >>28016772

That too but it has nothing to do with her character.

>> No.28016625

>Tfw I’m saving my lunch for The Thing
What do I eat until then bros?

>> No.28016626

Mori-sama onegai

>> No.28016630

I prefer the ones you study to

>> No.28016631
Quoted by: >>28016700

gura have the voice for this

>> No.28016635


>> No.28016643
File: 94 KB, 897x302, 2020-10-21 12_58_54-My Drive - Google Drive.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28016677

yes, all the movies are set up and scheduled for cytube this week

>> No.28016645
Quoted by: >>28016784

the way Holo presents itself, it seems to have extremely low running costs.
The girls working under freelancer conditions is extremely advantageous, add to that the only equipment provided being an iphone X for the facerig. They can just sit back and collect their tithes. I don't think there is much need for venture capital for such a company, as long as they keep the overhead low.

>> No.28016647

The game itself is shit. Gura herself was fine and there was a few clippable moments in it.

>> No.28016651

Game was boring

>> No.28016654


>> No.28016658


>> No.28016659

Amnesia as a genre is a product of its time and whenever Gura streams we get raided by 17 year olds from /v/. It's a generation gap thing.

>> No.28016660

the true lore is that Mori cannot kill Kiara for good since Mori will never ever agree to eat her out

>> No.28016661
Quoted by: >>28016686

Just have another burger, Moona.

>> No.28016664

Look guys Mori is gonna be a vtuber for quite a while, it's only been a month, she could succed, she is working on songs and constant practice is only going to make her better, she's pretty young, on her own she could succed one day or she could fail miserably, there are Indies who make it big, but this whole argument is pointless, she has basically just started, we have no idea what future holds

>> No.28016666


>> No.28016667
Quoted by: >>28018468

Has Gura's position changed any within the EN in-lore power rankings after we learned her trident is Posiedon's?

>> No.28016670
Quoted by: >>28016797

>named after Satan
Okay, now that's a post worthy of >>28016295

>> No.28016672

The music that got to 1st place that was arranged and mixed by Ks and she only did the rap? At that point she's only a vocalist.

>> No.28016671

and here I had my hopes up

>> No.28016679

Women don't have STDs anon

>> No.28016677
Quoted by: >>28016931

There a link to this drive?

>> No.28016686

Funny because I just found a box of donuts to eat

>> No.28016690

I fell asleep around the point where Gura got to the fort in the new Amnesia game. Did I miss anything special or was it as absolute of a sleepfest with shitty jpeg jumpscares as it was all the way through?

>> No.28016693
Quoted by: >>28016807

>it's either this or that
That just sounds like denying that people can just enjoy something without an ulterior reason since it's something you don't enjoy. But even for Japanese yuri is just cute stuff, aesthetically pleasing and emotionally involving. There's a reason they call yuri moments てぇてぇ, it's heartwarming.

>> No.28016696
File: 796 KB, 1417x797, uooooohhhh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28016727


>> No.28016699

>but this whole argument is pointless
Do you know how slow this thread would be if the narrativefags cared about that?

>> No.28016700
Quoted by: >>28018512

keep lolicovers away from my ears and noone gets hurt

>> No.28016706

Of course no marketing works even better than some marketing.
I agree that Mori's business acumen is severely lacking. What could she do about it? Self-study MBA?

>> No.28016707

oh shit it makes sense.

>> No.28016708

>saving my lunch for The Thing
I'm pretty sure it's still going to assimilate you as well.

>> No.28016713

Thank you anons!

>> No.28016715

More cowbell.

>> No.28016716


>> No.28016718
File: 698 KB, 2867x4096, 1602699662882.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28016860


If Ame sang this I could die a happy man.

>> No.28016723
Quoted by: >>28016763

Game utter dogshit, Gura good, is all I can say.

>> No.28016727


>> No.28016730
Quoted by: >>28016801

marine is named after the US military branch

>> No.28016731
Quoted by: >>28017819

girl on girl sex actually has the lowest rate of transmission for STDs, for obvious reasons

>> No.28016732

Theres a decent amount of indie weeb rappers/producers with pretty big followings and decent streaming numbers like Shofu, Natsu Fuji, and Shiki, so it's definitely possible, but sometimes its just down to a fluke. Shiki has one song on spotify with over 20m listens while none of the rest of his stuff hasn't broken a mil

>> No.28016737
Quoted by: >>28017819

Lesbian sex is the safest

>> No.28016738

turns out you can actually properly define YT clips in URL
have an excited happy tako

>> No.28016739

this is to go with the c-a-double l- line in RIP

O M 3 T C W
you wanna see the drama then just right click and view
'wtf is this?' kid, hownew.ru
you'll watch that mikoboat and sing along too

>> No.28016747

I was retarded and read the schedule wrong, thinking that collab would be members only. I am glad I realized this was not the case and she just has another stream afterwards. Which I cannot watch, but still.

>> No.28016748


>> No.28016753
Quoted by: >>28016771

Kiara mentioned playing Trails games in the future so I hope one day I get to hear her sing this

>> No.28016757

You're arguing with narrativefags anon, literally nobody with a functioning brain think Mori is gonna to leave

>> No.28016759
File: 96 KB, 440x412, 1602780741603.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As spected

>> No.28016761
Quoted by: >>28016815

I know Mori plays GG, she probably knows it already

>> No.28016763
Quoted by: >>28016813

She said she had played the last two Amnesia games, so I'm betting she's probably hating the shit out of the game too while thinking 'Fuck. This is another Machine for Pigs, isn't it? How the fuck am I supposed to make this dogshit game entertaining for 50k+ viewers?'

>> No.28016765
File: 1.12 MB, 1083x1059, 1580369654223.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28016771

kiara singing the Lotgh openings in german when

>> No.28016772

latin mori = death
jap mori = forest

suicide forest

>> No.28016774

kind of want another muse dash stream from gura

>> No.28016775
File: 218 KB, 724x1024, 1601962618608.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no Mori slicing and dicing demons on Sunday at 4am
Shit, I was kind of getting used to this as a part of my weekend schedule desu

>> No.28016778
Quoted by: >>28016876

is this indonesian culture?

>> No.28016782

>I'm eating badger

>> No.28016784
Quoted by: >>28016818

Does Nijisanji work the same way? I mean, they've got like 5 times the talent on the roster and I can't image they would all be cost effetive unless there was next to no overhead.

>> No.28016785
Quoted by: >>28016820

I wonder If Moona would care if her bf is fat like her

>> No.28016787

No I have not. Been trying to figure it who her roomie is.

>> No.28016797

One of Satan's names is Lucifer (Light Bringer). Lucius and Lucia have similar meanings.

>> No.28016798


Niggas bleed just like us
Picture me being scared of a nigga that breathe the same air as me
Niggas bleed just like us
Picture me being shook
We can both pull burners, make the motherfucking beef cook
Niggas bleed just like us
Picture a nigga hiding
My life in that man hands, while he just deciding
Niggas bleed just like us
I'd rather go toe to toe with all of y'all
Running ain't in my protocol

>> No.28016799
Quoted by: >>28017018

>last line
Word, homie
Well played

>> No.28016800
Quoted by: >>28016833

Cant stomach watching the rest of amnesia this game is too boring stopped 2 hours in any other vods I should watch while I wait for The thing
Was kiaras fe3h streams any good kinda want to see her get depressed

>> No.28016801
Quoted by: >>28016852


>> No.28016802
File: 50 KB, 400x400, 1600482033375.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's this about leaving japan?

>> No.28016807
Quoted by: >>28017112

You could have heartwarming male/female interactions where a girl cares a lot about a guy and does something sweet for him, but that would trigger so many otaku/idolfag/unicorn/etc types that it would be dangerous. It's probably better to say that, at least in idol and idol-adjacent industries, heartwarming tete is restricted to girl-girl pairings because that's the least likely to trigger insecurities

>> No.28016813

Yea but she has to say nice things and keep all of her shitposts about it subtle because permissions onegai

>> No.28016815

this but https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kN2pTV_9lPg&ab_channel=VGRadio
to express the feelings of all Ghostlings around the world

>> No.28016816

Her current visa will run out in 5 months or so. She may go back sooner though since she appears to be quite homesick.

>> No.28016818

I neither know nor care about nijiniggers, but apparently they didn't even provide toilet paper in their offices, so I'm guessing they're really running a black company there.

>> No.28016820

If you can cook well you are in.

>> No.28016821
Quoted by: >>28016879

what is the source of this claim?

>> No.28016822

She mentioned before that she's still streaming from her manager's place so offcollabs are more out of necessity than anything else.

But thirsty bird may still want to claim a few trophies before she leaves japan.

>> No.28016825

Can't be helped since she's moving this weekend. Man I really can't wait until she gets a bit more free time.

>> No.28016828

Visa, homesick and unrequited love

>> No.28016833
Quoted by: >>28017049

Very apparently, people were glowing about them earlier. I need to catch the archive on all of them.

>> No.28016839

I stayed for gura but the game was boring

>> No.28016842
File: 276 KB, 2000x2000, 1603254103718.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

UOH. Mummys sexy tummy.

>> No.28016843
Quoted by: >>28016903

Direct quote from Shinzo Abe
>I fucking hate those godamn hafu foreigner subhumans, get them out of my country as soon as possible or so help me god I will start up the ovens

>> No.28016844
Quoted by: >>28016883

Wait is Kiara actually gonna be deported? I thought she'll just be with her family for a few months and return to Japan?

>> No.28016847
Quoted by: >>28016918

Oh fuck lmao that's good

>> No.28016848
File: 958 KB, 1000x1400, d31a38336fc86ba576ebea07970f2f91.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had to turn off Luna's RingFit stream real fucking quickly. My dick was so hard it actually started to hurt, that stream was way too dangerous. I swear, I'm not into shit like that usually.

>> No.28016849
Quoted by: >>28016879

She herself alluded to it on stream (getting her "good" PC in five months) and roommate openly spoke about it.

>> No.28016850
Quoted by: >>28017555

I think Doom is basically on hold until she can catch up to her current progress on pc, and this is her moving week so that ain't happening. Maybe at the start of november

>> No.28016851

>German band
>Tolkien themes


>> No.28016852


>> No.28016853
File: 301 KB, 512x512, 124125123123.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok, now I feel even dumber, ty anon

>> No.28016857
Quoted by: >>28017018


>> No.28016859

> Fatasses
Hey, I'm 130 pounds of pure Bone

>> No.28016860

I would love to hear her sing this

>> No.28016874
File: 399 KB, 658x537, 1601836265018.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28016907

>Has to move houses several times only to fucking leave japan anyway.
What even is happiness anyway?

>> No.28016876

More like SEAnig culture in general, there's a lot of fatasses over there

>> No.28016877
Quoted by: >>28016909


>> No.28016879
Quoted by: >>28016936


>> No.28016883

No anon, in fact she is not going to be allowed to leave Japan, there is an armed guard waiting at the airport to keep her in the country

>> No.28016884
Quoted by: >>28018944

my state is so failed and third wordly I can't even send superchat. its not available. at least i can member

>> No.28016886

I'm actually/fit/

>> No.28016897

Anything Mori deep voice really, just first thing that came to mind

>> No.28016898
File: 614 KB, 648x678, Pardun.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28016924

Are we sure Moona is not American

>> No.28016903

He has no power over these lands anymore

>> No.28016905
File: 2.65 MB, 990x1400, 1601830509653.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Big Ups to
Mr. Skrellington

>> No.28016906
File: 30 KB, 640x888, hn8l8qat3fu51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.28016907

She'll be fine, she's had a tough life till now. Probably got a few screws loose (evidently), but she's still alive.

>> No.28016909

Ina confirmed loves anal

>> No.28016914
Quoted by: >>28016963

can't wait for her to collab with Logan Paul

>> No.28016918

no wonder all the japs love her

>> No.28016924

Maybe she is mixed

>> No.28016926

Do not post this image

>> No.28016930 [DELETED] 


>> No.28016931
Quoted by: >>28016973

it's just one of my email addresses personal drive. idk how public drives work.

>> No.28016932
Quoted by: >>28017031


>> No.28016934
Quoted by: >>28017045

mori mean "of death", it's the genitive of mors, which means death.
Memento mori literally means "remember death".
Sorry for the autism, but I cannot abide by that.

>> No.28016935
File: 121 KB, 640x407, 1581625914106.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28016936
File: 351 KB, 633x628, 1601504363378.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh so that's why she's pushing for all these JP offline collabs. She knows this might be her only chance...

>> No.28016939


>> No.28016940


>> No.28016941 [SPOILER] 
File: 104 KB, 750x1000, 1603311003394.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28016968

>this is your average deadbeat

>> No.28016947


>> No.28016948

Funniest shit I've ever seen.

>> No.28016952

I have to stop opening random links, fuck you anon now I can't leave

>> No.28016953

>putting signature and date on this like he's proud

>> No.28016954
Quoted by: >>28017022

>open stream
>close stream

>> No.28016958

How do opinions on Mori keep doing a 180 each day

>> No.28016960

Uh, what's next, water is wet?

>> No.28016959
Quoted by: >>28017571

>20 bucks for an akasupa
Heh, see you later suckers probably not since I'll probably get mugged and drafted into a football team only to die of Zika, but hey, it's the spirit that counts

>> No.28016963

might actually happen

>> No.28016968

Wtf this is me

>> No.28016970
Quoted by: >>28017017

What are your song predictions for Gura (mini) karaoke today chumbuddies?

>> No.28016972

And then she said
funniest shit I've ever seen

>> No.28016973
Quoted by: >>28017111

No idea how to use cytube

>> No.28016974

No, but maybe if she can keep her avatar after CN axe(if that even happens) she can become independent streamer on twitch

>> No.28016976
File: 289 KB, 500x379, 1602780600794.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>teaching indonesian while chewing

>> No.28016977

'Ni no mae' apparently means something coming before 2, so 1 (one)
Inanis means void/emptiness
so her name is 'Empty One' or 'One of Void'
t. TVTropes

>> No.28016985

Just another schizo narrative.
She alluded to wanting to visit her family back home during today's stream but said she'd be unable to for a while because airports are still under covid restrictions.

Some psycho took that to mean she was getting deported somehow and a bunch of gullible fucks ITT believe it because the thread has nothing else to dramapost about

>> No.28016987
Quoted by: >>28017036


>> No.28016991

I feel vindicated every day for disliking her from the start.
Don't know what you're talking about.

>> No.28016993

I'm hovering around 100 at 23, last I weighed

>> No.28016997

Apa kabar?

>> No.28017006
File: 350 KB, 1448x2048, Eh64adaUMAAXrYb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28017034

Time zones, except I'm up 24/7 and love Mori.

>> No.28017007
File: 362 KB, 960x765, 1603310960262.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Live Again can be read 2 ways:
>live as in streaming
>live as in being alive
I thought it was just an anti-suicide song, but the lyrics can also be interpreted as her closing words when she ends a stream. Makes sense that it's her outro.

I didn't realize this until the live concert and Mori pronounced it both ways.

>> No.28017010

She's our boy.
But she's so dumb...
But she's cute.
But she's a fucking cringe dork...
But she's our boy.

>> No.28017015

Did Gura ever bring up the missing loaf again?

>> No.28017017

Marine did say that Gura asked for the karaoke files for her song. So maybe at least that one.

>> No.28017018
Quoted by: >>28017117

Slow going but I've been working on an /hlgg/ version of RIP. However, I still need to finish Gyaru Kiara first before I can get back to it.

>> No.28017022

that song is great, don't pretend to hate it just because it's popular and you heard it a million times.

>> No.28017024

Mori has a LOT of fucking antis, they just keep quiet most of the time because they get told to fuck off. But as soon as some narrative gets pushed they all jump on it like hyenas.

>> No.28017029

Hell yeah, you tell 'em anon, she deserves that extra $0.02 for full ad views per 2 hour stream.

>> No.28017031

are the tentacles also pickles ?????

>> No.28017033


>> No.28017034


>> No.28017036 [SPOILER] 
File: 37 KB, 663x496, 1603311196651.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28017037
Quoted by: >>28017585

Timezones. Euros, Australians and Leafs seem to like her most.

>> No.28017042

Dead hours, what are you doing for your oshi?

I'm trying to learn to sing Erika from memory but replace Erika with Kiara.

>> No.28017045
Quoted by: >>28017121

It's not autism bro
Mori is aware of that pharse which is why she ends her streams by saying "I'm your mori, hope you remember me!"
If anything the word play involved in her name makes me think she came up with it herself

>> No.28017046

You're wrong. There's no schizo narrative but she really did mention having to leave Japan and moving back to her homeland. That's why she wants to meet as many HoloJPs as possible before she has to leave. She didn't mention the reason why she's leaving though.

>> No.28017049

Just checked and to catch up on her fe3h is going to take some time

>> No.28017050

it's because she streams during schizo hours

>> No.28017051


>> No.28017052


>> No.28017055

>Look, Mori. I turned myself into a cucumber. I'm Cucumber Ina!

>> No.28017057
File: 51 KB, 483x101, 1601696503257.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you eat a cucumber and bread Ina-Gura sandwich?

>> No.28017061
Quoted by: >>28017140

>antis jam on her all day
>deadbeats return from work
>deadbeats cheer her on, then go to sleep for work
>antis free to roam again
>go back to start of loop

>> No.28017062
Quoted by: >>28017161

I can't stay mad at her, once I hear her cute voice it's over

>> No.28017065
Quoted by: >>28017105

>Actually go weight myself again
You know if I weren't so ugly I could at least capitalize on this and try and go femboy.

>> No.28017068

why are mutt larpers so obsessed with that song?

>> No.28017074

Working on my PDF in medicine

>> No.28017076

Ayunda Risu = Catholic
Moona Hoshinova = Sunni Muslim
Airani Iofifteen = Sufi Muslim

Mori Calliope = Non-denominational Christian
Takanashi Kiara = Catholic
Ninomae Ina'nis = Protestant
Gawr Gura = Baptist
Watson Amelia = Anglican

>> No.28017078

I would let them sandwich me between their flat chests.

>> No.28017079

Only if I can get some kind of ame sauce on it.

>> No.28017081

Shit, that's been in my to do list for a couple of days but I'd completely fotgotten it
Thanks for reminding me deadbro

>> No.28017086
Quoted by: >>28017277

Mori-sama call me failure at life onegai

>> No.28017087

That doesn't work, though. They just sound too dissimilar.
Maybe train yourself up on some Austrian songs for her?

>> No.28017093


She said in her most recent MC stream that she still hadn’t found it.

>> No.28017097
Quoted by: >>28017525

For real? I never got those vibes from it desu

>> No.28017105


>> No.28017106

>Takanashi Kiara = Catholic
I doubt it.

>> No.28017110
File: 38 KB, 1019x482, 1603156594383.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, confirmed not in the washing machine.

>> No.28017111

if you arent gonna watch on cytube just torrent any movie you want on rarbg

>> No.28017112
Quoted by: >>28017286

I'm new to Hololive so I don't know, but there was a straight Nijisanji couple like that, if I remember well, people shipped and liked them a lot. Matsuri was also all over a vtuber guy in the past but that didn't affect her career in a bad way.

What you're saying is mostly because of an ideological trap, the same type of person that demands purity is also the one that don't recognize a girl on girl relationship as an actual thing. Because of this, the yurifags dont need to care and just enjoy themselves with what they like, so it's pandering, but for a different group of fans. I've noticed how they never really stopped shipping the vtuber characters, even in cases when the girl was found to be in a relationship IRL, so they take these things less seriously.

>> No.28017115

pretty sure it's just in reference to her reincarnation.

>> No.28017116

She is Austria

>> No.28017118
File: 969 KB, 1440x1426, I don't know.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She is fake as fuck and obviously only using Hololive to launch her awful music career, the fact that her first collab is with some shitty anituber podcast to shill her song should make it even more obvious.
I think her character design is pretty cool and when she is not trying too hard she can be fun at collabs, other than that I have no attachment to her, and she easily the least interesting to me of the entire EN branch.
I don't really care for her content, and have no doubts that she will be graduating as soon as she thinks she can live off her shitty music.
I don't hate her though, I just don't care.

>> No.28017117

Dog bless, godspeed

>> No.28017121
Quoted by: >>28017187

must be since that's also wrong.
If she said "I'm your mori, hope you think of me." that would make at least some grammatical sense. But no matter, latin's dead.

>> No.28017125
File: 2.53 MB, 1250x2000, illust_85158214_20201021_211857.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whole day today almost everyone was happy for her and it's great

>> No.28017127


Gura was fine. People just riffed on the game.

>> No.28017131

Funniest shit I've ever seen

>> No.28017132
Quoted by: >>28017220

hmm personally I think Amelia is probably too intelligent for religion.

>> No.28017134
Quoted by: >>28017167

you're just saying random shit, i dont think you even know what those words mean

>> No.28017136
Quoted by: >>28017174

She was probably baptised as catholic since she lives in austria. I doubt that she practices the religion though

>> No.28017140

this larp that mori fans all have jobs and work hard is so bizarre to me. imagine choosing your oshi on the basis that she too is a wage slave

>> No.28017143

Fits very well with my headcanon of her roommate being black

>> No.28017151

Eh, I think after finding out about her through Holo, I'll continue following her. Girl's gold.

>> No.28017152

The answer is demons, but Gura will not acknowledge the demons cause that gives them power over her and she will not let demons ruin her life again

>> No.28017156

How come the ENs didn't record anything for Miko's concert?

>> No.28017161
File: 1.37 MB, 1280x720, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's the smile for me. These damn close-ups will be the death of me.

>> No.28017164
Quoted by: >>28017198

Mori went to Catholic school.

>> No.28017166
Quoted by: >>28017228

Is that sort of thing legal on Japan, or am I misreading and this is a hookup site not a pay money for it site?

>> No.28017167
Quoted by: >>28017214

I think you just don't know about the faiths of the world.

>> No.28017170

no wonder she owns two houses and like a 10k+ mic

>> No.28017169

they don't know Heino so they can't listen to true German folk kino

>> No.28017174
Quoted by: >>28017371

Theres no way she wasn't raised Catholic based on how gay she is

>> No.28017180

How would you even reach to some of these

>> No.28017184
Quoted by: >>28017216

>I don't hate her though, I just don't care.
Care enough to post, faggot.

>> No.28017186
Quoted by: >>28017295

Where's your Ayame pic?

>> No.28017187

It might be that she's playing off of the thing in the Persona 3 intro since she likes it so much, in that it says something like "remember you are mortal, remember you have to die" after "memento mori" shows up

>> No.28017188

I'm a Fortune 500 CEO. Live Again sounds great pumping out of my the Bose surround in my Porsche. Deadbeats for life.

>> No.28017189
File: 91 KB, 425x425, 1600429856463.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly this, her rather unfiltered nature makes her an easy target.

>> No.28017190


>> No.28017197


>> No.28017198

Yes but then she went down a different path and decided to be just a Christian.

>> No.28017201

>Edelgard 'FUCK THE CHURCH' von Hresvelg route
Makes sense.

>> No.28017203
Quoted by: >>28017226

>Moona overtook rrat in subs

When did this happen? Is it the power of Minecraft?

>> No.28017207
File: 14 KB, 176x176, risu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please subscribe to Risu...
Her one week break is done now...

>> No.28017208

I kid you not /hlgg/

>> No.28017213
File: 722 KB, 1587x2629, 1603066547153.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28017242

Mori-sama, onegai...

>> No.28017214
Quoted by: >>28017230

i'm saying you're just picking at random, dumbfuck. for starter, all the Indonesia girls are Sunni.

>> No.28017216
Quoted by: >>28017237

Than why you asking, faggot

>> No.28017218

Speaking only for myself, I'll stick around.

>> No.28017220
File: 55 KB, 512x512, watson (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>too intelligent

>> No.28017222
File: 42 KB, 207x235, 1496923308853.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>open a mori video
>aggressive kazooing

>> No.28017225
File: 139 KB, 992x796, 1571506858921.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28017325

She wanted to simp for Edelgard but got triggered at Edelgard being a fedora tipper
Seems christfaggy enough to me

>> No.28017226

The power of Minecraft and HEY MOONA

>> No.28017227

>the Flips like Moona.
Everyone from Indo, Malay, and the Phillipines sounds the same to me.

>> No.28017228
Quoted by: >>28017418

Girl on girl prostitution is not illegal in Japan since by law it's not recognized as actual sex, Japanese laws are specific about pp in bagene for money

>> No.28017229 [DELETED] 

had a postnut nap after watching denchou, anything interesting happen?

>> No.28017230

Risu was confirmed Catholic

>> No.28017231

How come there are rarely and Japanese supas even though they're a big part of her audience. Do JOPs not donate?

>> No.28017232
Quoted by: >>28017806

I started listening to Risu's singing videos and she seriously has a great voice.

>> No.28017234


>> No.28017237
Quoted by: >>28017274

FUCK U, and never come back.

>> No.28017239

Just woke up, what'd I miss, fourteen streams what the fuck man
Fire up firefox, get that rundown from 4chan
Check out /hlgg/, they're all narrative postin
Jump to /hololive gen/, they're all matsuri roastin
Antis shittin on my oshi cuz they're uncultured philistines
Guess there's not much else to do in the philippines

>> No.28017242

that's more like it

>> No.28017265


>> No.28017266


Larp harder, poorfag.
Bose is such a basic bitch option for a Porsche when they offer Burmester for a couple grand more.

>> No.28017268
File: 377 KB, 505x900, 634463534354.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28017269


>> No.28017272
Quoted by: >>28017355

If you don’t care why did you write all this?

>> No.28017273

why do you lie to yourself like this deadbrap ?

>> No.28017274

You're ok, bro

>> No.28017277
File: 28 KB, 595x237, habbeding.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28017701

fun fact

>> No.28017278
Quoted by: >>28017310

Gura's bread, Ame's cream cheese, and Ina's cucumbers. Served with a drink of Ame's tea.

>> No.28017286
Quoted by: >>28018778

Masturi didn't get a lot of shit for that because every man she's ever lusted after has taken great care to show absolutely no interest back (see https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m7R9GIE7FQM for an example).

Yes yurifags have different and generally less restrictive expectations than idolfags. But idolfags are where the money is, so they get more control

>> No.28017289
Quoted by: >>28017441

>small cursor
Pretty sure those weren't a part of that stream

>> No.28017293
File: 1.83 MB, 2000x2272, 1594768728926.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Kiara ranted lustily about Noel's sweater puppies for a quarter of an hour in her FE stream.
She's truly one of us, isn't she?

>> No.28017292
File: 77 KB, 589x580, 1602909965259.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28017341

SEAnigs HATE Mori for whatever reason
NA mostly like/indifferent to her
12 hours from non the thread will be back to shitting on her

>> No.28017294
Quoted by: >>28017302

I lied to my parents and said I got a movie date planned today.

>> No.28017295

Ayame's fucking dead lol

>> No.28017298

Now add Kiara and we have a decent sandwich.

>> No.28017299
File: 199 KB, 1280x720, why.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The mouse pointer triggered my autism for some reason.

>> No.28017301


>> No.28017302
Quoted by: >>28017444

Do chumbuds really?

>> No.28017310

Ame's tea or Ame's "tea"?

>> No.28017312
Quoted by: >>28018598

she probably ate it but forgot and is now too embarrassed to tell us

>> No.28017313

Cucumber Ina
Gura Bread
Chicken Kiara
What are Ame and Mori? I need to complete the HololiveEN sandwich.

>> No.28017315

She's a dyke if that's what you mean

>> No.28017325
Quoted by: >>28017608

Edeltard unironically believes in conspiracy theories about reptilians running society

>> No.28017329


>> No.28017331

>imagine being able to relate to your oshi
I'm sad you can't, you should probably do some reps

>> No.28017333
File: 157 KB, 1325x991, 1602910238218.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Gura and Mori minecraft collab
What will this be like? Have they ever interacted with each other 1 on 1?

>> No.28017334

Guys... the saturday ???? thing is driving me insane... The only hint I can gather is that Gura has it in her schedule as "collab", which is kind of obvious since they all have it at the same time. Then again I think I remember Kiara saying that they won't have the gen 1 weekly collabs every week anymore? AAAAAAAAAA

>> No.28017335

Why haven't you bought out the Chinese stakes in Cover and killed Yagoo and the board of directors? You could save the Holos.

>> No.28017341

This, basically.

>> No.28017342

Neither did the other out of country branches, plus they are super young

>> No.28017345

I want Risu to hang out with GurAme, they would make an amazing threesome

>> No.28017347


>> No.28017349
Quoted by: >>28017446

I love how she emphasized with "kilograms of water" as if several kilograms is incredibly heavy

>> No.28017350
File: 125 KB, 940x500, watson tea.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28017395


>> No.28017352

More than a dyke, she's a horny oppai connoisseur,

>> No.28017355
Quoted by: >>28017472

Because you are asking

>> No.28017357

Ame is the disposable plate it's eaten off of.

>> No.28017361

It's a collab with JP holos.

>> No.28017362

340 here. Get out of the way little one.

>> No.28017365

Cringe energy will be too much for the little one.

>> No.28017367

Where do you newfags come from?

>> No.28017370

Mori is spaghetti, if you can put that on bread.

>> No.28017371

Welp, I worked at a nunnery once to install a surveillance system in an art room, and was surprised with what I saw.

>> No.28017372
File: 81 KB, 924x592, 1600735596815.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't lie. My daughter's might is stronger than some demon scum. She has accepted her grandfathers blood.

>> No.28017378
Quoted by: >>28017398

RK with coco

>> No.28017379
Quoted by: >>28017416


>> No.28017381

It was honestly a waste of time for learning.
She'd be better off reading from a children's story book(easy English) with lots of pictures while pointing at stuff for clarity.
That way the JOPs get vocabulary and sentence structure through context.

>> No.28017384

>he doesn't remember "say something funny"
Lucky, in a way.

>> No.28017386

People like things they can relate to and streamers usually reflect their audience
It's really not that far fetched

>> No.28017394

They've had some decent interactions in Minecraft and Overcooked and Gura seems to like her, it should be okay

>> No.28017393

herro, based department?

>> No.28017395

Is this the watson concoction?

>> No.28017396

Canadian men: ah ah ah maximum limit red superchat, ah ah ah
Yellow cowards: wwww congrats on 300k subscribers, 2000 yen yellow superchat

>> No.28017397

Gura is shy and Mori is socially awkward so it will probably be very cringe yet kino.

>> No.28017398
Quoted by: >>28018194

Prepare for the worst which is ARK

>> No.28017399

I fucking love this movie and always suggested it for JP holos to watch. Who would've thought that Gura would be the first to fulfill my wish.

>> No.28017401

Watson you have to sing this

>> No.28017402

I got filtered from this bitch day one with that shit.

>> No.28017403

How would one invest in Cover? Are foreigners allowed to invest in Japanese companies? I wish they had publicly traded stocks

>> No.28017405

Bet the stream is gonna be real cringe kino

>> No.28017406

She declared Noel's Noels as the most perfect pillows and I agree.

>> No.28017410
File: 584 KB, 1580x1724, 1603290358999.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Noel could turn any girl to the yuri side.

>> No.28017414
File: 1.05 MB, 1920x2160, 1587311237628.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28017443

Less than 2 hours before Gura's members watch along, who is up for some aggie in the meantime?

>> No.28017415


They have, once. It was Gura’s first collab and Mori’s second at the time. Track review and then they messed around drawing stuff.

>> No.28017416


>> No.28017418

That's actually a based loophole, absolute stacy's

>> No.28017420

No one asked

>> No.28017422
Quoted by: >>28017610

They've had good chemistry in almost every collab outside their first one on one

>> No.28017425
File: 496 KB, 2737x3924, 1603169477795.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who will collab with Towa?

>> No.28017424
Quoted by: >>28017619


>> No.28017428

Mori is meat

>> No.28017429

pretty sure gura's first individual collab was with mori, man.

>> No.28017431
File: 191 KB, 1623x1239, 43545367864468354.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to drink Gura and Ame's iced "tea" punch.

>> No.28017435
Quoted by: >>28017574

listen to Live Again onegai

>> No.28017438

Thank you kindly.

>> No.28017439

cute and funny cringe kino

>> No.28017440
File: 389 KB, 2000x2000, Amelia freakout.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait I watched that collab and I don't remember that. Was it so bad that I blocked it out?

>> No.28017441
File: 1.37 MB, 1280x720, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28017567

The petals were there for the superchat reading. I need to rewatch it for better (and more) screenshots.

>> No.28017442

Watson most likely due to FPS or maybe even Minecraft

>> No.28017443


>> No.28017444

You have no idea how bad it gets

>> No.28017446

I like how she pronounces it 'waaduh'

>> No.28017447

because I'm still saving up to buy the Kemono Friends IP from Kadokawa.

>> No.28017450

>Are foreigners allowed to invest in Japanese companies?
He asks while China has major investments in Cover.

>> No.28017451
Quoted by: >>28017510

DOOG is now canon. Carry on.

>> No.28017452


>> No.28017454

the cringe will be too great for gura to handle
2 hours stream still no house for mori

>> No.28017463


>> No.28017467
Quoted by: >>28017505

Nah, probably means it wasn't nearly as bad as hlgg made it out to be
As usual

>> No.28017471

I was thinking it might be phasmophobia or whatever the game Gura wanted to play was. both Mori and Ame have the ?????? at 6 pst.

>> No.28017472

I didn’t ask you anything retard

>> No.28017474

Mori & Towa special stream about cultural appropriation

>> No.28017475

Fuck that, the friends are dead, Holos are the future.

>> No.28017476
Quoted by: >>28017532

Gura is a Finnish neopagan
get it finns of a fish ahhahaaha

>> No.28017477

My cock is going to collab with her soles

>> No.28017482
File: 1.41 MB, 1400x1980, 1572397265764.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Towa will do everything to have a collab with Gura.

>> No.28017481
Quoted by: >>28017561

Question, do each girl needs permissions for things separately? For example, Miko today sang the Japari Park song, does it mean that anyone working at Cover can sing, even HoloEN, or not?

>> No.28017484

I'll collab with her for the rest of my life

>> No.28017485

cultural cringe is a bad look, jerry.

>> No.28017486
File: 189 KB, 736x684, 20200520_130453.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28017564


Ame to sing Truly, Madly, Deeply by Savage Garden:

Gura to sing Sailing by Christopher Cross:

Ina to sing Send me on my way - Rusted Root:

>> No.28017488
File: 4 KB, 698x150, obs64_2020-10-16_19-57-03.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's surprising how so many VTubers don't uncheck this option in OBS

>> No.28017489
File: 890 KB, 2494x2494, 1603301391206.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When's scheduleanon, I'm lost without him.
Because I always forget to save the link to the schedule table.

>> No.28017492

That's not very cash money of you

>> No.28017494

I kinda agree actually.

>> No.28017495
File: 2.45 MB, 2362x3937, kiara tired.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember how Calli is too busy this week to do the "weekly" Minecraft collab with Kiara?

>> No.28017498
File: 842 KB, 1894x2371, 1601926679191.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28017604

If Ame sang this song, I'd be utterly destroyed.

>> No.28017500
Quoted by: >>28017566

Having rewatched it recently, wasn't all that bad a but awkward but wasn't terrible

>> No.28017505

Tbh I actually liked the collab and thought it was fine.

>> No.28017506

do our superchats count as investments?

>> No.28017507
File: 1.01 MB, 640x456, 1600370748898.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Buy the IP
>Bring back Japari Friends as vtubers

>> No.28017510

Id software is one of the most based game studios out there. I know he's not affiliated anymore, but Mick Gordon popped up on chuuba channels a couple of times, the absolute madman.

>> No.28017511



>> No.28017517

It's well known that Japan is heavily restricting foreign investment

>> No.28017519
Quoted by: >>28017544

No bookmark it, you dumbfuck.

>> No.28017521
File: 159 KB, 847x1200, EiRPiF3VgAElbJ7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mori And since she has Tamaonsen permissions

>> No.28017524


>> No.28017525
Quoted by: >>28017570

>It's not the end of your (Mori).
She uses the kanji for forest here. Mori in Latin means death. Thought of the suicide forest among these lines.
>See you again sometime.
>You and me, forever.
She's a reaper. Souls are eternal.
>"I'm glad I lived today." I'm really glad.
Unless I'm missing a pun here, ikiteru (alive) and raibu (on air/live streaming) are different in moon. I've always thought this line was Mori telling her audience to hang in there. Given that Mori's an anime fan herself and shitposted here, she probably recognizes that most fans of chuubas aren't exactly in a normal headspace. Mori was also talking about reading messages from people on how she's "brightened up their day" during the pre-release stream of Live Again, with Ina.

Just my dumb interpretations.

>> No.28017527


>> No.28017529

that's cringe but also cute as heck

>> No.28017532
Quoted by: >>28017768

>Finnish neopagan
that's when you worship ylilauta memes?

>> No.28017534

>have jobs and work hard
I'm a lazy fuck but I did manage to land one. Mostly relating to her on the basis of being low self-esteem cringe dork.

>> No.28017537
File: 1.50 MB, 1200x1920, Screenshot_20201021-132858.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I swear, YouTube is tracking every post I see

>> No.28017541
File: 173 KB, 700x1208, gura.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i love her

>> No.28017542
Quoted by: >>28017584

do you think bird will offcollab with noel one day and witness the softest chest firsthand?

>> No.28017544

I did now, thank you anon.

>> No.28017546

I think it'll be cringekino. They've probably been bonding over music production behind the scenes.

>> No.28017548

She said she will do it next week

>> No.28017550
File: 240 KB, 650x650, 1601677010366.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28017667

I mean even as a deadbeat it doesn't really surprise me that Mori would.

>> No.28017555

She's not even gonna touch it until after the move, probably not even november unless she changes her mind and does it on stream, her current setup she doesn't even own a desk, so her options for mouse shooting are putting it on the floor or on top of the pc tower.

>> No.28017561

we have no clue how permissions work, it's some combination of "only granted for specific holos / performances" and "other girls feel that song belongs to miko because she sought out the permissions speficially"

>> No.28017560

It's going to be "66 minutes 2: HoloEN Boogaloo".
The real question is, which will be Moona, and which will be Coco?

>> No.28017563

do they leave it on to make themselves seem more amateur and authentic?

>> No.28017564
File: 45 KB, 512x512, 1598085505827.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Omg do you have 3 vaginas?

>> No.28017565

What the fuck do I watch? As newfag really getting into this shit there's too much choice.

>> No.28017568

It's just HTC and they don't have much of a stake in cover.

>> No.28017566

That's how I remembered it. It was kinda awkward but still enjoyable.The awkwardness is a given since it was their first week and Mori was barely sleeping that week.

>> No.28017567

Dude, at least switch to 1080 then

>> No.28017570

When you out it that way it's possible, fuck, it actually can be interpreted in many ways huh

>> No.28017571
File: 637 KB, 700x746, 1601786654563.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good luck amassing 20 bucks in Brazil

>> No.28017574
Quoted by: >>28017720

Her raps are fun and it probably is her real passion to be a good rapper, but I really feel like her real strength is her singing voice.

Soundless is a nice example. Perhaps she can find a niche in a hybrid of the two like Live Again.

>> No.28017576

Ahhhhhhhhhhh can't someone stream already

>> No.28017581

She's by far the easiest target since she has the most fuckups. Doesn't help that her fans are pretty zealous defenders which only makes her antis more motivated.

>> No.28017582
File: 145 KB, 828x1727, 1599632686590.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she embrassed the means and admitted to be THICC

this is a high level thread i'm falling for her

>> No.28017584

if she does she will 100% openly talk about whether it measures up or not

>> No.28017585

Can confirm

>> No.28017586

She is god

>> No.28017587

>Danchou Nurse Outfit
For a birdbrain she can come up with the greatest ideas.

>> No.28017588

I am aware, I assume word spread or whatever. I think it’s pretty funny.

>> No.28017589
File: 95 KB, 948x532, 1599569928992.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gura please... a sea shanties stream...

>> No.28017590

Reminder that Gura spent 4 hours acquiring resources and building a Wily Coyote-esque death trap, with an anvil, for (presumably) Mori. I just hope chat doesn't ruin it.

>> No.28017594

>moona speaking pekolandish

>> No.28017596
File: 25 KB, 540x540, 1602681150817.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>light theme

>> No.28017599

Remember Aragon? She just likes hot things.

>> No.28017600

I'll start writing my narratives up just in case she finds another convenient excuse to cancel.

>> No.28017603

They will

>> No.28017604
File: 9 KB, 220x220, 1594036184416.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28017607

start off by killing yourself, you would know that if you lurked more nigger

>> No.28017608
Quoted by: >>28017643

But they literally do run society.

>> No.28017610

you know now that i'm rewatching their first one on one collab and by the way mori was acting it actually kinda seemed like her and gura were speaking to each other differently off stream but then on stream gura was nervous. felt like mori went into it expecting it to be the same as off stream chat.

>> No.28017612

Lots of time and actually choosing a girl.

>> No.28017613

Whatever you want bro.

>> No.28017615

She said that she will your wingwoman if you want to get some girls

>> No.28017618
File: 432 KB, 567x423, kek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28017619

Lmao why is Gura the only one who caught that?

>> No.28017620
File: 651 KB, 1920x1080, EjSjKPCUcAEaTz6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Moona is having a lot of fun

>> No.28017623
File: 603 KB, 873x796, chumguts on the boat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28017624
File: 402 KB, 1700x973, 1588307387266.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got this one ages ago, didn't realize not many others got it
I'm honestly surprised Mori managed to get the grim reaper character along with the name
Her you tube description:
>The Grim Reaper's first apprentice. Because the world's medical system advanced so dramatically, she became a VTuber to collect souls
>Partly named after the suicide forest where Japs kill themselves all the time
>According to lore, she claims the medical system is too good at saving lives (This lore written during a global pandemic killing over a million people where medical systems are proven incompetent)
>Her ending phrase equivalent to memento mori, literally saying that you are going to actually fucking die, there is no escape and it may be soon
>Is the literal incarnation of death, according to lore she fucking killed your dog and your granny
>If you are gonna die she will by lore end up seeing you and she even mentions it all the time, inviting fucked up messages and supas from cancer patients and suicidal people
I think the reaper role suits her roleplay style and personality well and it also fits the rapping well too, but how the hell did everyone give the okay for this design and story.

>> No.28017627

>what the fuck do I watch
Check them out yourself and decide, you should never let other dictate what you like

>> No.28017628
Quoted by: >>28017663


this has more effort

>> No.28017634

Rellik is Killer backwards

>> No.28017637

Is she losing it? She's completely incoherent.
I love it.

>> No.28017641
Quoted by: >>28017746

Get attached to 1 or 2 and watch them. When you run out of content watch the others.

>> No.28017642

It's a matter of time anon, have faith

>> No.28017643
File: 211 KB, 1080x1081, 1588982467935.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28017676

cunny makes the world go round

>> No.28017644

Who is more likely to stream watchalong this one?

>> No.28017646

Takayan is nice

>> No.28017648

what the FUCK is with that laugh???

>> No.28017654
File: 26 KB, 128x128, 1597763718331.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28017921


>> No.28017655

china is china bro you dont say no to china

>> No.28017659

Wait for Gen 2 debut to get truly invested, then your oshi will call out to you

>> No.28017662

Why not both?

>> No.28017663

the soap

>> No.28017667
Quoted by: >>28017748

At this point, I wonder how badly she's going to cringe when she realizes that everyone has been spamming 'Let Me In' at the start not because they want to see her, but because she still hasn't taken it off her loading screen. Probably won't even realize until she replaces the loading screen with the contest entries.

>> No.28017672
Quoted by: >>28017723

Look at their designs and let your dick guide you.

>> No.28017674

They need to stop reading chat so much, they ruin everything.

>> No.28017675

After the campfire and industrial karaokes...

>> No.28017676

How is the Sothis ending in FE? I've heard some people call it a meme end and that's not really worth it

>> No.28017678
File: 579 KB, 1524x1440, 1600953747426.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know but it's starting to awaken things...

>> No.28017677

Just watch something when it's on or the newest archive until you find something you like. It's not that hard man.

>> No.28017683
Quoted by: >>28017822


>> No.28017686

Sea shanties and loli voice really don't seem like they'd mix to me

>> No.28017699

Towa's design is really fucking hot, sometimes I forget this

>> No.28017701

I know. I think she also said that Komachi is her favorite 2hu today, although I'm not sure if she meant it or if it was an in-character thing.

>> No.28017704
Quoted by: >>28017921

what the fuck is going on there

>> No.28017708

Sounds like something between a dolphin and a shitty car burning rubber. I love it

>> No.28017706

Lurk moar

>> No.28017710

when did this happen my mind is completely blank did I force myself to forget ?

>> No.28017713


>> No.28017714

its 1 min and a jpg

>> No.28017717

Ina already knows because she watched Gura getting those dumb numberfagging superchats.

>> No.28017720

She's probably well aware that Live Again is her best received song that doesn't have the meme boost RIP did, and she normally does a couple of slow songs per album, so I would expect more in the future.

>> No.28017723

what if you don't have a, you know

>> No.28017724

Guess they're not quite as cynical (realist, if you will) is all

>> No.28017734

The idea is the same.

>> No.28017737

Why, did you lose it?

>> No.28017739
File: 377 KB, 640x630, 1602625355837.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gura singing this would be adorable as heck

>> No.28017740
File: 20 KB, 1280x768, 1602898996742.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28017800

This one hits me hard
>Be in a voice call with some friends
>drunk jackass I know enters the call while at a party
>"Hey guys be funny"
>"These guys are hilarious, listen"
>Entire call goes silent for like 3mins

>> No.28017741

it's the equivalent of marrying your tulpa
you even put the ring on your own finger

>> No.28017742

Let your pussy guide you then, whatever

>> No.28017745
File: 151 KB, 877x1080, 1603171614545.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I want Gura to sing Blessing

I want Ina to sing Sweet Soul Revue

I want Ame to sing Accentuate the Positive

>> No.28017746

The more I watch the more I want to watch. I guess I will try sticking with one for now though

>> No.28017748
File: 305 KB, 730x768, 1601232185683.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28017847

I would do alot of dark shit to get a real life recording of that moment.

>> No.28017749

Will anyone miss the Bitchin' Kitchen now that it's closed?

>> No.28017750

Don't forget to dilate

>> No.28017751

Same thing, bro (sis)

>> No.28017752

Her design is hot but her new cutesy voice is ruining it.

>> No.28017753

Everyone has a dick inside their heart.

>> No.28017754
File: 34 KB, 295x349, unknown-203.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28017921


>> No.28017757


>> No.28017758

>i'll do it next week
a classic

>> No.28017760

I recommend Gigguk's video about Hololive. It will give you a good primer.

>> No.28017761
File: 128 KB, 1200x1200, 1591345804089.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28017854


>> No.28017763

I think it could be a very nice contrast like her country singing

>> No.28017764


>> No.28017767

Then watch the girl you'd scissor

>> No.28017768

no it's where you pray that the good days of Lihavakissa come back

>> No.28017771

loli voice can mix with anything

>> No.28017773


>> No.28017776

you'll probably like ame or kiara, now quit stinkin up my board

>> No.28017779

All the girls have "introductory" videos. Watch those first.

>> No.28017781
File: 230 KB, 291x595, 1603172246867.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're both so nervous, this is super cute

>> No.28017782

>I just hope chat doesn't ruin it.
Have you seen Mori's chat? And Mori herself?
She'll probably read the chat, destroy the trap before springing it, then leave a taunting sign at Gura's front door.

>> No.28017787

It'll come back in Nov when Mori is less busy.

>> No.28017788

Ina, Kiara and Amelia

>> No.28017790
Quoted by: >>28017960

There is a pretty easy way to choose your oshi. Which of these do you identify with most?

>I wanted that hot, unstable cheerleader queen in my high school that is especially needy but also a complete weeb and nerd like me

>I want that quirky weird girlfriend who's cute and knows how to hit all the right buttons for me and is also strong-willed

>I want that shut-in artist who does nothing but draw, play video games, and read manga while being an absolute sweetheart

>I want that unknown, shy cutie who is really strange but always there to be reliant on you and has a wide repertoire of random skills and tastes

>I want that tomboy childhood friend who is very goal-oriented and absolutely chill and cool to hang out with, even if she's not very feminine and socially awkward

>> No.28017792

I will miss it for the fact that it didn't have a collab version that doesn't have Mori in it

>> No.28017799

It's an asspull that makes no sense, and by that time Sothis is literally part of you so it's like Yugi marrying Atem.

>> No.28017798

Clits are just chibi dicks

>> No.28017800

holy fuck that's hilarious, that drunk jackass got roasted 100% for that

>> No.28017802
File: 250 KB, 1274x349, chumguts grin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not with that attitude.

>> No.28017801
Quoted by: >>28018056

She's downplayed the showing up to see you thing, mentioning that she's on haitus so you'll only get death-sensei. There is also a difference between the grim reaper showing up to collect your soul and actually killing you, especially if you go by modern stores, such as Prachett's Death for example.

>> No.28017805

I miss it

>> No.28017806

Risu and Moona are both great singers because of the IDs and an Indonesian band doing work over the years with some idol groups I like I've found out that Indonesia low key has a really fucking good music scene apparently. Especially stuff that draws from older pop.


>> No.28017815

not sure who I want to sing this, I'm KFP staff but I think Amelia would do it better

>> No.28017819
Quoted by: >>28017906

Supposably shes a sausage enthusiast as well

>> No.28017821


>> No.28017822

Finally, someone with taste

>> No.28017824

I can't believe Moona just friendzoned Suisei and called her an old decrepit senior cunt...

>> No.28017827
File: 350 KB, 700x1800, 85161929_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.28017832

>Yagoo teleports into your room
>tells you to choose 1(one) papa/mama for holoEN gen 2
Who do you pick?

>> No.28017837

The entirety of gen 5 has an undisclosed collab at the same time. Make what you will of it.

>> No.28017843


>> No.28017847
Quoted by: >>28018671

I just hope her 3D model will be expressive enough to convey how she feels whenever she's finally forced to do an idol dance with all the other girls.

>> No.28017848
File: 41 KB, 269x517, concerned doggo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28017921


>> No.28017849
Quoted by: >>28017890

Ina's roomate

>> No.28017851


>> No.28017852
Quoted by: >>28018071


>> No.28017854
Quoted by: >>28017917

who's this?

>> No.28017859
Quoted by: >>28017944


>> No.28017861


>> No.28017860

Sseth, I know he won't do it but shit would be hilarious

>> No.28017863
Quoted by: >>28017907


>> No.28017865
Quoted by: >>28018071

Kakage and Raita

>> No.28017866
Quoted by: >>28017911

how could they run the kitchen without the head chef?

>> No.28017868
File: 624 KB, 806x456, 9hrjv0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why does she laugh as this guy wtf

>> No.28017870

Akira Toriyama

>> No.28017872


>> No.28017874
Quoted by: >>28017903

Why would anyone want to find Ayame?

>> No.28017877

Akihito tsukushi

>> No.28017883

Butch Hartman

>> No.28017884


>> No.28017886


>> No.28017889
Quoted by: >>28017914

Yes. She has got nice boots.

>> No.28017890
Quoted by: >>28017925

why not just let Ina create it herself and then tie it into her lore?

>> No.28017891

>I swear, YouTube is tracking every post I see
You are not a robot after all.

>> No.28017892
Quoted by: >>28017944

Pochi or Hey Hey People

>> No.28017895

after a few drinks it will

>> No.28017903

to force her to stream

>> No.28017904


>> No.28017906

She is bi, but although she said she would not mind having casual sex with guys, she's only romantically interested in women until now, so she only had sex with girls so far, always looking for a relationship and stuff.

>> No.28017907
Quoted by: >>28018061

I wish they didn't play up their NTR shit so much.

>> No.28017910
File: 398 KB, 900x900, 1597696480676.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus fucking christ. I don't think this will ever be topped. That was the peak. Not of Hololive, humanity. Perhaps of complex lifeforms in general.

>> No.28017911

Exactly. Besides, isn't Ame always the head chef when shes around?

>> No.28017913
File: 96 KB, 850x722, __atago_azur_lane_drawn_by_pochi_pochi_goya__sample-0cabe77cae1e12845b7fce851310e34e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28017944

I like the way she draws eyes and she's a vtuber too

>> No.28017914
File: 359 KB, 1908x1079, 1595897244564.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28017917

I think it's Sora in an alternative outfit

>> No.28017919
Quoted by: >>28018056

>In Greek mythology, Calliope (/kəˈlaɪəpiː/ kə-LY-ə-pee; Ancient Greek: Καλλιόπη, Kalliopē "beautiful-voiced") is the Muse who presides over eloquence and epic poetry; so called from the ecstatic harmony of her voice. Hesiod and Ovid called her the "Chief of all Muses".

>> No.28017921
Quoted by: >>28017968

Anon had an epiphany >>28012065

>> No.28017923

Sharkbros, have you bought/rented The Thing already?

>> No.28017924

I will, when the last one ended they had great teamwork

>> No.28017925

>Ina's role as a priestess was to gather enough worshippers to manifest the Ancient Ones as a cute girl

>> No.28017928


>> No.28017930
Quoted by: >>28018047

Japanese shadman

>> No.28017931


>> No.28017932

Suehiro Maruo

>> No.28017934

I borrowed it

>> No.28017935

I can't believe Kiara is dead.... Long live Kiara!

>> No.28017937


>> No.28017938

I am sorry for your loss, but that's what happens when you insist on sticking it in dangerous places.

Watch this:
The watch some collabs, see if there's someone whose design and voice you connect with and then watch their solo stuff.

>> No.28017939

you mean make, menhera poster

>> No.28017942


>> No.28017943

Haha.. yes, bought/rented... Haha...

>> No.28017944

That's a good one too, she's already acquainted with Iofi and FBK too

>> No.28017945

American Shadbase.

>> No.28017947

Kishida Mel

>> No.28017948
File: 633 KB, 726x1000, tumblr_oeye4x5mj51unm603o2_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28018008

If I can pick any random anybody, Hushabye Valley

>> No.28017952

Itou Hachi to make a super fluffy and adorable loli

>> No.28017956

I borrowed it from a friend over the internet.

>> No.28017959


>> No.28017960

while not a goslingtype for my oshi that's a good list

>> No.28017962


>> No.28017964

RIP in peace

>> No.28017966

She IS leaving Japan and returning to her home in Austria in several months though, she's said this several times, and has said that's why she is so gung ho about these off screen collabs with JP girls, she's doing as much as possible while she still can

>> No.28017967

i'm watching it with gura in person

>> No.28017968

Just noticed the stellar filename
>Ina would be proud
>a meme
>ame meme

>> No.28017975
File: 11 KB, 294x294, EhfHJG6XsAAUXCI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28018136

People really don't think about it much since you don't see her full body design that often, but she has an absurdly lewd design. She has this tomboy punkrock vibe while also being erotic as fuck. The kind of girl you'd fuck with the hat on.

Seriously, don't sleep on booty shorts. They can be hotter than skirts far more than you know.

>> No.28017976


>> No.28017978

unironically yes, so far every movie they've watched has been on apple movies and since i already membered to all five girls i felt like another 2 dollars for the movie was acceptable for the convenience... i don't know how i feel about this

>> No.28017982

I just went to a streaming site instead

>> No.28017983
File: 359 KB, 1250x1920, __mitsurugi_meiya_and_koubuin_yuuhi_muvluv_drawn_by_bou__e3f46ccd5f60e2ab8ebe150d1876e91e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28018180


>> No.28017984

How do I cope with the fact i will miss Kiara/Ina and Mori/Gura collabs but will read threads and envy you of the fun you will have

>> No.28017985

CCP supporters have no chance under the EN tag.

>> No.28017986
File: 751 KB, 2000x984, 8xumnazioil51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28017987
Quoted by: >>28018041

imagine not having it on vhs

>> No.28017989


>> No.28017991
Quoted by: >>28018029


>> No.28018003
File: 466 KB, 1920x1080, lqjECxM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28018206


>> No.28018007

sew it back on

>> No.28018008
File: 494 KB, 717x997, 1580890926234.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hushabye Valley
That would be awesome, but I would like her alien girl design.

>> No.28018009

>preparing for the Thing watchalong
>discover this

>> No.28018013


>> No.28018014
Quoted by: >>28018066

If it makes it any better I'll miss them as well and I'm seething just thinking about it

>> No.28018017
Quoted by: >>28018048

I just use streaming sites. I'm pretty elitist on people streaming anime, but I can't be assed with movies and tv shows.

>> No.28018020

How do I join the server?

>> No.28018021

god i hope not. this traitor needs to burn.

>> No.28018022


>> No.28018023
File: 282 KB, 1061x1500, 1596341591877.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28018071


>> No.28018026

Another remake? Tf?

>> No.28018029
File: 80 KB, 354x220, eyepatch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28018032

The best part about timeless classics is that you can just laugh at the shitty remakes.

>> No.28018033


>> No.28018034


>> No.28018035

COME ON, the new movie was already a remake

>> No.28018037

I am watching it with Gura from our bed. Thanks for always supporting us guys

>> No.28018038

Fakepucco and Dokurosan

>> No.28018041

it's time for your nap grandad

>> No.28018043

one of the things I noticed with this and the Overcooked collab is that Mori really dotes Gura like a mother. She speaks the same cutesy way she did in the Minecraft collab when she found the baby bigmen
It's adorable

>> No.28018044

real talk

>> No.28018046

Already had it on amazon, vudu and whatever other sites give it to you with the blu-ray purchase.

>> No.28018047
Quoted by: >>28018065

is that Hirame or ShindoL?

>> No.28018048

>streaming movies from shady sites

Enjoy mining crypto for a Russian botnet anon

>> No.28018050
Quoted by: >>28018094

Yeah the Mori/Gura thread with 1000 posts of CRINGEKINO while the girls have zero chemistry sure will be fun.

>> No.28018053

I borrowed Marine's copy of it

>> No.28018056

>There is also a difference between the grim reaper showing up to collect your soul and actually killing you
True, however Mori certainly is heavy on the "I sure love killing people" thing tho. She's always talking about weapons she uses, about how she prefers to kill people close up and personal, her songs are filled with it etc. During the teaching stream today she literally had a segment where she was saying "I love to murder"
Hence the partly named
I really like that desu, she put a good amount of thought into her name. It also makes death more poetic I guess, death comes for you, singing the most beautiful songs as she takes you away.

>> No.28018061

She's literally making big bucks with it.
I stopped following and supporting her when she started pushing it, fuck that shit.

>> No.28018063
Quoted by: >>28018076

I'm not even a sharkbro, but The Thing is one of my favorite movies and I'll get her membership just to watch it with you guys

>> No.28018065
Quoted by: >>28018081


>> No.28018066
Quoted by: >>28018165

bro can I hug you ?

>> No.28018069

Humanity peaked at that moment

>> No.28018070
File: 198 KB, 600x789, __drawn_by_blade_galaxist__77339b2bbd1ad511d4dce64ec9ed56dc[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28018071



>> No.28018075

Borrowing it. Don't worry, I wont forget to give it back. Trust me.

>> No.28018076

unless you REALLY think gura is annoying you're probably in for a good time. she did a great job with ghostbusters.

>> No.28018078
File: 14 KB, 986x153, 1584493059505.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28018081

dunno, feels oddly lacking in girldick to be compared to Shad

>> No.28018092


>> No.28018094

When they had kitchen bitchin collab with kiara, Mori and Gura had pretty good chemistry then they focused on game

>> No.28018098

a pirate sold me his old copy

>> No.28018106

how was the MUZUKASHII stream, mori bros? was it a comfy time with teacher mori or was it just more cringekino

>> No.28018109
File: 679 KB, 1152x679, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What an unapologetic slap in the face that dog shit game was. I feel bad that Gura has to play more of this abomination. This shit wasn't just a step down from SOMA, it was a tumble down an entire flight of fucking stairs. What a joke. It gets worse from where she left off yesterday.

>> No.28018113
File: 2.34 MB, 2846x4002, ceeffea59655c8b40eadb798e6566578.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28018436


>> No.28018111
File: 306 KB, 443x395, laughing shitbirds.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all those (you)s

>> No.28018112

leafs gotta blow their flubucks something

>> No.28018117
Quoted by: >>28018149

makes sense, the 2011 The Thing was technically a prequel with different characters so they didn't blow their load

I wonder if Among Us becoming popular had anything to do with this

>> No.28018120
File: 37 KB, 500x500, 1599145459202.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28018143

>i know it's just a day since we saw each other last
>i'm sure we'll find some way to make the time pass

>hey moon
>it's just you who streams tonight
>everyone else is asleep

>hey moon
>if i was to fall, i won't fall so deep
>but in this dead hour
>I'll pay for the burgers you devour

>and your pale round face
>makes me feel at home in any place i happen to be
>at a quarter past three

>> No.28018126

Yeah bought it with my internet.

>> No.28018130

Moona just confirmed HolostarID, are you guys hyped?

>> No.28018136

>Towa sex with HATS ON

>> No.28018138
File: 34 KB, 200x221, 1601848239750.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28018140
Quoted by: >>28018309

It felt like watching a kids' program, but there were moments, mainly >>28015544

>> No.28018141

Mori talked to us like we were developmentally disabled children for a few hours

>> No.28018142

comfycringe with a bit of kino when she admitted she's the one responsible for Marine's recent crimes against language

>> No.28018143

Would be cool if one of the girls sang this.

>> No.28018147

Funny how /hlg/ used to say EOPs never donate

>> No.28018149

It was in pre-production since January, so no.

>> No.28018151
File: 2.90 MB, 1512x1079, 1437232960531.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hopefully if Gura likes The Thing we can get more Carpenter films down the line.

>> No.28018150

She "enjoyed" it. I wonder if she can still keep with the facade after the last few hours of the game.

>> No.28018153


>> No.28018160

Dial 8

>> No.28018165

Sure man

>> No.28018168

>Mori not doing a Doom Eternal stream the same week the Korone easter egg appears.

>> No.28018170

would the bugs seeth?

>> No.28018173


>> No.28018176
File: 383 KB, 579x549, marine heart eyes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can fuck her with the hat on. And then make the hat fall off during without anybody touching it.

>> No.28018177

sex with hats on is the only proper way to do it

>> No.28018179

She should've played the first instead

>> No.28018180

Takeru for Holostars.

>> No.28018181
File: 1.12 MB, 610x869, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28018217

Fuck yes.
In the Moth of Madness with Ina would be true Kino too.

>> No.28018184

>You want our Soma permissions dontcha little shark? Then shill our game

>> No.28018186

Only if they collab

>> No.28018187

>If you want to join hololive, make sure you have a talent

Welp, I'm fucked

>> No.28018188

she isn't wrong to do so

>> No.28018192
Quoted by: >>28018247

The guy Risu collabed with on Fall Guys seemed decent enough. Doesn't tickle my pickle but I hope they find an audience.

>> No.28018194

My hope is that it's not, and the thing I am clinging to is that Mori will have to use her old laptop due to circumstances, (her internet will be transferred to the new place before she can actually move all her stuff, including the pc) and there's not a chance in hell that thing can run ark.

>> No.28018195

isn't he a 7ft tall swede or some shit

>> No.28018197
Quoted by: >>28018281


>> No.28018204

Predict the ?????? collab

>> No.28018203

Who the fuck would even watch that?

>> No.28018206
Quoted by: >>28018391

Didn't he go to prison for tracing a lot of his work? Or am I thinking of someone else?

>> No.28018208

implying you are not

>> No.28018209


>> No.28018210

>Moona, what if I'm talentless, I can't sing, I can't play video games, will Hololive still take me?
>Moona: Okay, let's talk about me

>> No.28018213
Quoted by: >>28018242

Kinda offtopic but the DLC's OST by Andrew Hulshut is pretty fucking great too.
Will Mori or Ame ever do the DLC?

>> No.28018214

Fuck yes, based

>> No.28018217


>> No.28018222

can I make love to Yagoo-san instead

>> No.28018225

can you make people entertained? That's the talent she's talking about.

>> No.28018232

Bullshit. Is this more of "hay guize HoloID gen 2 tomorrow"?

>> No.28018233

Among us with Jp girls

>> No.28018237

Just join that other vtuber company if you lack talent.

>> No.28018239

off-collab group rectal exams.

>> No.28018241

>Most generous countries in the world are all EOP nations
I have no idea where this idea would have came from.
Maybe it's just because EOP don't watch JP only streams consistently.

>> No.28018242
Quoted by: >>28018273

I think Mori will probably naturally do it once she'd done with the main, game, she seems to be enjoying the game.

>> No.28018243

ARK, ARK and more ARK

>> No.28018245

A bunch of 1 on 1 collabs between the Gen5 and the EN, with a guest star to take the place of the CEO of Sex.

>> No.28018247

his insistence on playing sound effects and his pointing out that he's referencing old memes, as well as referencing memes for the sake of it without seeming to care that they weren't relevant, REALLY fucking reminded me of the seaniggers we have on this board. I half expected him to respond to everything Risu said with "Based."

>> No.28018254
File: 240 KB, 500x656, __megaru_luck_logic_drawn_by_souto_0401__8be16483559d24db5cb2cd9f55d52ce6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Souto and he makes a metal robogirl holo

>> No.28018256 [SPOILER] 
File: 58 KB, 900x496, 1603313933270.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28018318


>> No.28018267

Only if you're a twink

>> No.28018273

>Mori fighting two marauders at the same time
The absolute pain.

>> No.28018274

Follow your dreams rich anon

>> No.28018275
Quoted by: >>28018342

never donate to someone they don't fucking understand, more like

>> No.28018281
File: 5 KB, 200x200, appealing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28018324

Whats the appeal

>> No.28018291

Kiara is going to beat the world record of most pussies ate in 66 minutes.

>> No.28018296
Quoted by: >>28018341

Hope for Among us, but I bet it'll be ARK

>> No.28018300

If Coco forces them to play Ark I'm gonna imoregante that bitch forcing her to take a maternity leave

>> No.28018301

Future holostar

>> No.28018306

Didn't the kenzokus BTFO 'd that narrative already?

>> No.28018309

i find that adorable thanks bros

>> No.28018312


What did Gura mean by this?

>> No.28018318


>> No.28018320
File: 295 KB, 1528x1825, towa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok /hlgg/, here's your chance - sell me on Towa.

>> No.28018324
Quoted by: >>28018363

It's the best!
Beats the rest!

>> No.28018325

please control yourself, gura

>> No.28018326
File: 44 KB, 700x600, 3sstb7q7b3p51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any chance today's fe stream results in good chicken feet art?

>> No.28018329

Didn't moona say she uninstalled ark and won't moona be at ???????

>> No.28018332


Gen 5 giving the HoloEN girls a tour of the JP minecraft server

>> No.28018335

for chumbuddies

>> No.28018339

>/hlgg/edditors seethe at chinks for "cancelling" coco
>immediately on coming back coco ruins EN with ark
great timeline

>> No.28018338

She's a Bloodbourne player, the parry instinct should be there just fine. She's actually not been terrible as she's gotten used to it, just missing a lot of shots because Doom with a controller is suffering.

>> No.28018341
Quoted by: >>28018696

Mori will be using her laptop for the collab so I doubt that it will be ARK.

>> No.28018342


>> No.28018344

Wow they NDA whether the vtuber themselves have any involvement in the design or not.

>> No.28018346

Something with Coco

>> No.28018348

Yes, but that didn't stop them from continuing to push the narrative.

>> No.28018350

Guys, Moona just told me she loves me...
I'm going to get a burger,

>> No.28018356
Quoted by: >>28018373

judging by how girls were bulding stuff on surface in minecraft seemingly to make server less tunnelraty, it will be a minecraft collab

>> No.28018357
File: 936 KB, 1048x1086, Screen Shot 2020-10-18 at 11.10.03.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the artist who drew the cat ears blanket she uses

>> No.28018359

Akai Haato = red heart.

>> No.28018360
Quoted by: >>28018459

I'm still waiting for more chicken anal art

>> No.28018362
Quoted by: >>28018376

phasmophobia Gura wants to play it.

>> No.28018363
Quoted by: >>28018407


>> No.28018366
Quoted by: >>28018405

Why am I not suprised

>> No.28018371

Towa is a whore

>> No.28018373

But the tunnelrrating is my favorite part.

>> No.28018376

I'd love that, actually

>> No.28018377
Quoted by: >>28018398

How did everyone jump to the conclusion EN is playing ARK after Coco mentioned it once briefly?

>> No.28018381

No, she's mine.

>> No.28018382
Quoted by: >>28018761

By now it should be obvious they do

>> No.28018388

Despite being a weirdo he draws good blankets

>> No.28018390

Point one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mPbnCA8Nwp4
Point two: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1XM4iaeTOWaA9SQAO39ufrWe4MizEKrF7

>> No.28018391
Quoted by: >>28018423

Prison for tracing? Damn

>> No.28018393

Be careful or she will squash you under her american thigs.

>> No.28018395

>sex with the had on but turn the bill arround so that cunt is watching me while I plow her from behind

>> No.28018398
Quoted by: >>28018811

Because Coco mentioned it, she really likes ark but nobody wants to play with her anymore, well EN girls might have to now

>> No.28018400

This song by Mors Principium Est for Mori. I just want to see if she could sing along without losing her shit especially when the walking skelebro appears Good track though.


>> No.28018405
File: 2 KB, 250x32, catboy lover.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28018493

I'm, more or less, talking about this.

>> No.28018407

Cellular, modular, interactivodular

>> No.28018412
Quoted by: >>28018640


>> No.28018413
Quoted by: >>28018470

>n-no the chinks were the good guys
Shut the fuck up, Chang.

>> No.28018414
File: 15 KB, 192x129, 1598369162365.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28018416
Quoted by: >>28018431

What stream was this mentioned in?

>> No.28018418

business as usual really. The cost is worth it if they leave China though.

>> No.28018423

When it's that specific subject matter? Yes.

>> No.28018428

I remember discussing it with regards to Aloe when we still believed that she will come back and will have to rely on EOP fanbase and the narrative was that Towa has already rounded up most EOP paypigs.

>> No.28018430

Not every talent is "on your face"
For example Gura can make 2 hour streams with the shittiest kusoges out there and still be entertaining

>> No.28018431

Moona at the end of the stream.

>> No.28018434 [SPOILER] 
File: 119 KB, 1280x720, 1603314372872.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28018436
File: 832 KB, 1525x1354, 400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God I wanna fuck this brat

>> No.28018437
Quoted by: >>28018887

But coco said she had input in hers

>> No.28018439
File: 476 KB, 1058x1378, Faye.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

petra's va replied to kiara's tweet

>> No.28018442
File: 6 KB, 977x27, zqN93XJ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28018471


>> No.28018443

I like ark...

>> No.28018444

Ring ring ring ring ring ring ring

>> No.28018449

I would watch this unironically

>> No.28018451


This is pretty funny

>> No.28018455
File: 44 KB, 832x752, 1588516459647.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28018458
File: 35 KB, 344x418, 1510795439743.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28018549


>> No.28018459

please no

>> No.28018463

Eh, nobody really hates Coco, just bored of Ark.

>> No.28018465
Quoted by: >>28018531

you are subhuman scum

>> No.28018466

Day 1 membership.

>> No.28018468

This is like in Touhou with Remilia claiming she's a descendant of Vlad. You can't take everything a bratty loli says at face value.

>> No.28018469
Quoted by: >>28018575


>> No.28018470

>everybody who hates ark is a chink
back to /pol/eddit

>> No.28018471


>> No.28018472
Quoted by: >>28018634

I know >englishVA but still that's pretty crazy, so when does Kiara get lewd audios in Petra's voice

>> No.28018474

oh shit

that's cute

>> No.28018478

>The best nijisanji is a proven, gigantic slut
>I hate promiscuity in any other context

How does she do it? Is this true GigaStacy power?

>> No.28018487

maybe gura is an architect too

>> No.28018489
File: 866 KB, 820x1024, Ek4Zg6JU0AAWI.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.28018490

I can see a lot of Takamori 'spa day' fanart.

>> No.28018493

so was I

>> No.28018495


>> No.28018498


>> No.28018502

Literally fucking would go mad and member him instantly
Shit would be amazing
>Daughter and father each members of separate companies

>> No.28018505

wish i didnt see that

>> No.28018507

Kinda cute

>> No.28018509

roberu orgy

>> No.28018512

Gura doesn't really have Loli singing voice though

>> No.28018514
File: 632 KB, 1000x1000, 1585463560056.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28018515

She has a great singing voice.

>> No.28018519
File: 2.89 MB, 1000x1426, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speaking of watch along streams, liberate tuteme ex inferis when?

>> No.28018520
File: 145 KB, 1440x994, 1603314614632.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HolostarEN's top candidate.

>> No.28018525

why do we hate ark so much?

>> No.28018526

It's not particularly a bad game but it's a game no one wants to watch, especially the way the JPs would play it.

>> No.28018527

I'm redarted please explain

>> No.28018531

But it's fun watching them light up when they catch their first dinosaur. And the despair when it inevitably dies ten minutes later. It's when they actually get good at the game and stop dying every minute that it stops being fun.

>> No.28018536


>> No.28018537
Quoted by: >>28018591

boring as fuck to watch

>> No.28018538
File: 156 KB, 850x998, 1590548597627.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28018548

I want to FUCK Ina, MamaIna and SisIna

>> No.28018542

The game is trash.

>> No.28018545

Guys these giggles https://youtu.be/BQ9rYbkmQcc?t=3280 ... I am not gonna make it

>> No.28018547


>> No.28018548

mamaina fanart when

>> No.28018549
Quoted by: >>28018573

sounds like a man

>> No.28018552


>> No.28018559


>> No.28018568
Quoted by: >>28018685

To be fair, nobody could have predicted that HoloEN would explode like it did. VTubers were an extremely niche thing in the West until 3/4 of the way through this year. EOPs barely donated to the JPs, and even if they did, they were rarely akasupas. The only exception to that rule were the kenzoku, and they're a small but dedicated fanbase. That gave the impression that the EOP market was smaller and less lucrative than it actually was. Considering past trends/the evidence available, you can't really fault /hlg/, Cover's market research division, and HoloEN girls for being wrong in their expectations.

>> No.28018570

Stop advertising yourself, HolostarsEN's leaders are gonna be TwoMad, Quackity, and Vargskelethor Joel

>> No.28018573

your dad wishes he could say the same about you

>> No.28018575
Quoted by: >>28018607

I don't think a Stacy gets comforted on Twitter by the VA cause you got you couldn't fuck a video game character

>> No.28018576


>> No.28018579

>deadbeats EP top 5 in most countries
should i be happy or annoyed? mori is the fakest holoEN member that just uses hololive sa a pedestal for her music career,
the self-reinforcement that she just got from this is going to further catalyze her whoring behaviours (anitube collab, no collabs with anyone outside of holoEN, always shilling product, 3 zatsudans/week, sc reading streams)
and further exacerbate her already bare-minimum quota for hololive reqs (3-4 streams per week)
then again she single handedly demonstrated that holoEN is truly the face of hololive and has global recognition, so idk

>> No.28018581
Quoted by: >>28018639

cute but
>Kiara was playing in Japanese
I guess she'll turn the game to English now

>> No.28018583

I don't know why but that face is starting to scare me

>> No.28018584
Quoted by: >>28018663

>this dude comes up and slaps your oshi's ass
What do?

>> No.28018590
Quoted by: >>28018613

You forgot sseth

>> No.28018589

holy mother of clips

>> No.28018591

How's it any different from Minecraft, though? It's a game where you run around screaming at monsters and building little dirt houses

>> No.28018598

Ate a whole loaf of bread?

>> No.28018607

she just did, nigger

>> No.28018610
File: 471 KB, 636x575, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28018613

please no
he sucks at livestreaming

>> No.28018615

There are about 800,000 more things you can do in minecraft, and also Ark has utterly shit looking aesthetics

>> No.28018617

When I said that if you were a vegetable you'd be CUTEcumber I didn't mean this...

>> No.28018623

The complete nuclear fallout produced by this would be epic.

>> No.28018626

in minecraft you can build anything you want. coco only plays ark because she's autistic about dinosaurs

>> No.28018628
File: 1.00 MB, 1472x801, 1600009073618.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28018632

Minecraft is more creative and open ended. It can also be boring as fuck but only if the streamer is boring as fuck.

>> No.28018634

Her harem expands
English FE3H dub is unironically good. It's not Xenoblade 1 tier but I enjoyed it a lot.
Claude VA streamed the entire game in Claude cosplay.

>> No.28018639

Hopefully she won't

>> No.28018638


>> No.28018640

Poor girl, it completely broke her.

>> No.28018643
File: 31 KB, 150x152, 1602875190918.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She should arm herself with a flamethrower any time she's looking for that bread now. It has probably mutated into something like this.

>> No.28018645


>> No.28018646


>> No.28018653

I remember enjoying some of Miko's ark streams but even with Kanata as my oshi I find most streams of the game soul-suckingly boring.

>> No.28018654

I feel that Ame has the potential to be the biggest YAB of Hololive's history

>> No.28018661

>Ew, it's black...

>> No.28018663

Mori would probably beat him up if he did so I would just watch

>> No.28018666

no clever redstone autism, very little aesthetic potential, zero interesting mechanics other than "build a box around the monster"

all Ark has going for it is that breeding dinosaurs is the core gameplay mechanic and >lol breeding

>> No.28018669
File: 4 KB, 640x47, cmd_2020-10-21_14-13-27.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For those who use youtube-dl, I'm getting an error using the --cookies command now trying to set up to archive Gura's watchalong. Has anyone else got this and know a fix? I've even attempted logging out and back in and reloaded cookies

>> No.28018671

Bro, I've seen some shit. Let's just say she won't be that embarassed of doing cutesy stuff
Doing it in front of the other girls, however, is a different story

>> No.28018672
File: 1.02 MB, 2878x1763, medsforschizo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28018674
File: 271 KB, 480x480, 1603240753038.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ARK arc season 2

>> No.28018675

Ark is PvP based unlike Minecraft
The biggest appeal is to make a clan and fight other clans with randoms. Holos can't play with randoms.

>> No.28018676


>> No.28018678

what else do you do with bread

>> No.28018680


>> No.28018681
File: 78 KB, 1258x632, free supa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28018685

>To be fair, nobody could have predicted that HoloEN would explode like it did. VTubers were an extremely niche thing in the West until 3/4 of the way through this year. EOPs barely donated to the JPs, and even if they did, they were rarely akasupas. The only exception to that rule were the kenzoku, and they're a small but dedicated fanbase. That gave the impression that the EOP market was smaller and less lucrative than it actually was. Considering past trends/the evidence available, you can't really fault /hlg/, Cover's market research division, and HoloEN girls for being wrong in their expectations.
Pretty sure they are all underestimating Europe at this point, because they forget about their shot schedule.

>> No.28018687

absolutely based

>> No.28018693
File: 5 KB, 48x48, 1601583457384.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>start watching hololive
>stop masturbating
>stop playing video games
what just happened to me

>> No.28018694


>> No.28018696

>Mori single-handedly prevents another ARK arc

>> No.28018698

Look if you wanna know why people like Ark click on any JPs channel, scroll down to 4/5 months ago and watch any of their ARK streams. The only time it was fun to watch was when they'd start out, after that it was hours of watching them sit on a mount and grind resources for hours.

>> No.28018699

Are you actually retarded, why do you need other people to tell you how you should feel, fuck every day you niggers go HURR HOW WE FEEL ABOUT X, DURR SHOULD I LIKE Y, decide for yourself you fucking manchild, are you all handicapped wtf

>> No.28018700
Quoted by: >>28018827

the evil sirens drained all your testosterone

>> No.28018701



>> No.28018706

Who's streaming?

>> No.28018708

she hasn't even hit artia levels yet

>> No.28018710

Welcome to parasocial relationships

>> No.28018711

>he doesn't masturbate and play vidya while watching streams

>> No.28018712


>> No.28018719
File: 2 KB, 125x122, 1601955113917.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28018720
File: 2.80 MB, 1456x950, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Neat magnet.

>> No.28018722
Quoted by: >>28018768

Anonchama, your Holotools reps...

>> No.28018726

i want a warhammer-themed vtuber so bad holy fuck

>> No.28018727

Lost Pause(Noble), Nux Taku, Hero Hei, Woohoolad, Rev says des

>> No.28018728

thank you carl are you reconsider your wife less?

>> No.28018731

hes fuckin deeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad

>> No.28018732

i cannot fucking make out what shes saying here, can somebody transcribe it for a retard?

>> No.28018734

Has Gura mentioned anything about acquiring a banjo yet? I really want to hear some practice streams and covers. Maybe try to fake it as a shamisen depending on the song.

>> No.28018736
Quoted by: >>28018848

Gura's movie is the one from 1982 right?

>> No.28018738
Quoted by: >>28018760

you gots to change the command to your membership account with login info

>> No.28018739


>> No.28018740
Quoted by: >>28018960

It's one thing to do it with friends or even at a small concert no one is ever going to see again. It's another for it to get blasted out onto the internet for 100k+ viewers live and millions after, knowing that it'll never be expunged from the web. I'm looking forward to it almost as much as the talk stream after where she tries to avoid curling up into a ball and dying as everyone reminds her.

>> No.28018743

Your hole has been filled. for now

>> No.28018751
File: 1.67 MB, 4093x2894, 1601554398592.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You do realise all vtubers are in some way acting right anon? It's not like Mori has been hiding her lesser investment in vtubing.

>> No.28018754 [DELETED] 
File: 225 KB, 1000x1333, Watson.Amelia.full.3093106.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

neet magnet

>> No.28018755

>your holo
>what game or movie do you want to watch them stream on Halloween

>> No.28018757

the japs think the west is all american did you forget

>> No.28018758

Thank you carl, have you ever considered your wife left you because you spend too much money on vtubers? HAHAHA, STOP SHITPOSTING IN SUPACHATS!

>> No.28018760

This command has worked fine up until now. I have 2FA so using the user/pass commands don't work

>> No.28018761
File: 31 KB, 453x463, 1601504005466.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>looks just like HER
Nigga wtf? This is one of the biggest coincidences I've ever seen in my life.

>> No.28018763
File: 602 KB, 1803x1688, 56465456456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28018848

Is the accent stream going to be archived or not? I kinda wanna save it for later so I can catch the Thing live instead.
It hurts doing this as a Teammate but I think that would be the most efficient option.

>> No.28018764
Quoted by: >>28018802

>euros constantly whining about NA primetime when literally every other time slot is perfect for them
Yeah, fuck off.

>> No.28018765

Dead Space

>> No.28018768

But I don't wanaaaaaa

>> No.28018769

More like... nah, not gonna say it

>> No.28018772
File: 256 KB, 680x976, z1x3rtra0oh51.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tatsuki Fujimoto

>> No.28018773

Something along the lines of "Have you ever considered that your wife left you because you donated all your money to vtubers? Stop shitposting in superchat"

>> No.28018774

You became an ant apparently

>> No.28018777
File: 22 KB, 324x377, 1586983353544.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your balls, they have ceased to function
You found a woman, but she is not yours
Your mind is fooled, you walk an endless empty path

>> No.28018778
Quoted by: >>28018848

If you don't like idols then stop watching a group that markets themselves as such, faggot.

>> No.28018784

Thank you Carl, Are you ever consider you wife left you because you spent so much money on vtubers ?

>> No.28018786
Quoted by: >>28018830

did the stream start?
youtube-dl doesnt accept scheduled or "waiting" stream links.

>> No.28018790

Carl did you ever consider your wife left you because you donate too much to vtubers, stop shitposting in the superchats

>> No.28018793


>> No.28018795

Speaking of Mori can someone toss me a download link for Mori's most recent Zatsudan member stream?

>> No.28018796
Quoted by: >>28018987


>> No.28018802
Quoted by: >>28018909

>when it's actually in their primetime, viewership is weak

Fuck Euros

>> No.28018807


>> No.28018808

>3 zatsudans/week
Would honestly prefer this over gameplay streams.

>> No.28018809
Quoted by: >>28018999

I'm sorry, but JP gets the win on this one.
If we're adding in ID with Risu it gets harder.....and more difficult to decide

>> No.28018811

A little part of me wants to feel sad for Coco but it's hard to imagine her even caring if no one wants to play with her.

>> No.28018813

Has Cubes ever performed live? A place without the virtual buffer, I mean

>> No.28018819

Why not? Carl's a glutton for punishment like that. It's the same reason he lives next door to the ATHF without ever moving out so he doesn't have to engage with them. He'll donate even harder next time. Just you watch. In fact, I'll be even the Hunger Force will start donating later on too when they find out what Carl's been watching.

>> No.28018820

>Magnets on your PC
This scares me

>> No.28018821
Quoted by: >>28018942

>europoors complain about the lack of EU streams
>literally with a sample size of 10+, every past trinity stream during EU times has flopped. gura has gotten 20-30k viewers, ame 15-20k, ina 15-20k.
>thinking EU is some untapped market when its a bunch of scruffy, fucked up teeth brownies that would rather watch two faggots kick a ball or league of legends
fuck off

>> No.28018824 [SPOILER] 
File: 2.86 MB, 1024x576, 1603315239265.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28018827

Playing video games and masturbating all day isn't exactly a manly thing to do either

>> No.28018830

It would normally through a different error at me if the stream hasn't started. Using the --cookies command with any video, even non-members-only, throws me this error now

>> No.28018831
File: 149 KB, 620x599, 1602630962980.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more like neat magenta AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH

>> No.28018835
File: 163 KB, 1000x1386, 1602460116465.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Amelia is literally magnet pulling me towards her, no matter what I do. And at this point, I don't want to resist anymore...

>> No.28018838

Can't wait to see her reaction at the surprise Marauder on the first level. Bastard got me good.

>> No.28018839

Maybe by the time EN gets their 3D, a third this thread will learn not to reply to bait.

>> No.28018841

Marui Maru

>> No.28018847

>new pfp
What did she mean by this?

>> No.28018849

I don't think she was saying that to Carl. Carl was replying to someone else's superchat and she just read it out.

>> No.28018848


archived but not monetized, is what amelia said

but I am an idolfag, I am just explaining idolfaggotry to a yurifag who will react negatively if I show any bias towards idolfaggotry

>> No.28018858
Quoted by: >>28018919

i think this anon was asking for the context and he used the word transcribe because he's an actual literal retard

>> No.28018860

Holy shit thanks I love you

>> No.28018862
File: 892 B, 48x48, 1590141234812.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>48x48 image
>Still 5kb

>> No.28018863
File: 2.82 MB, 1666x1035, 1603050379062.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Kiara has fun playing with Mori and building the house together
>Mori suggests doing weekly Minecraft streams together, gets Kiara excited
>immediately moves out of the house and hobos it up in a cave
>hasn't played Minecraft with Kiara in over 2 weeks now, will be playing with Gura instead this week

>> No.28018866

Aren't you tired of posting this? Do the (you)s give you so much satisfaction? Here, I have a spare one

>> No.28018868

the stream isn't live yet. it should fail, but it should fail like this:
% youtube-dl --cookies ../cookies.txt https://www.youtube com/watch?v=olbw96FIQN4
[youtube] olbw96FIQN4: Downloading webpage
ERROR: This live event will begin in 38 minutes.

>> No.28018870

Pocket Mirror
It's exactly the shit she likes, and it's indie as fuck, so they'd be all over her dick to have it featured to a big viewer base.

>> No.28018873

I should make some holoEN too, it's not like cover will make some themselves

>> No.28018875


>> No.28018879
File: 27 KB, 474x284, ONE_NATION_UNDER_GOD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The west is America

>> No.28018881
Quoted by: >>28018901

I've held off from playing this game for a while because I would lose myself in it; this is really testing my will

>> No.28018883


>> No.28018884
File: 2 KB, 359x68, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28019084

Make of it what you will.

>> No.28018887

With Coco, it's extremely obvious anyway.

>> No.28018888
Quoted by: >>28018902

Looks nice, too bad holoEN merch never ever

>> No.28018890

I tend to my factory while listening to vtubers like they're podcasts

>> No.28018892

She succeeded.

>> No.28018894

That's her face after sex with me

>> No.28018897

kuromotokun (right post this time)

>> No.28018901

embrace it

>> No.28018902
Quoted by: >>28018927

>too bad holoEN merch never ever
Ame's birthday is in January. She mentioned the possibility of merch then.

>> No.28018908


>> No.28018909
Quoted by: >>28018943

It's about building the brand over weeks, not some guerilla stream during a weekday "prime-time". Moreso about some schedule-consistency. Who's gonna watch at 03:00 AM?

>> No.28018914

>wtf, they ain't game streamers but idols?

>> No.28018915
File: 45 KB, 834x446, 1546624992965.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That one is obvious bait, but there are faggots in these threads who unironically act like "I don't give a shit about idol industry, I'm just here for my music" isn't one of the oldest archetypes and it's getting old.

>> No.28018916

She's playing with her next week though.

>> No.28018917

Thats why he said fakest
The superlative form of fake; most fake.

>> No.28018919

no, i unironically couldn't make out the "consider" and the "shitposting". im not sure why, i can hear it after reading it.

>> No.28018922
Quoted by: >>28018987

Check out HER old avatar. There are no coincidences.

>> No.28018926

>"I like you."
>"Me? Why?"


>> No.28018927
Quoted by: >>28018935

I thought it was in June

>> No.28018929
Quoted by: >>28019082

it sounds like there's something wrong with the cookie file.

>> No.28018933
File: 180 KB, 850x1133, 1602117013035.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hell ya, brother.

>> No.28018935
File: 8 KB, 319x238, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28018936
Quoted by: >>28018999

Noel wins so badly it's sad

>> No.28018937

No, I am America

>> No.28018940


>> No.28018942

Do your reading comprehension reps.

>> No.28018943
Quoted by: >>28018997

>not some guerilla stream during a weekday "prime-time".

It being on a schedule days in advance does not make for a fucking guerilla. Fuck right off.

>> No.28018944

Maybe you don't want to hear it, but I wish you the best. I can't imagine how much it must suck

>> No.28018945

>earlier today, 14 streams at once
>now, nothing for hours
Cover, your schedule reps

>> No.28018946
File: 1.74 MB, 177x150, 1466244386376.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28018947

Fucking hell man I love Towa but I can't watch her anymore. Most of the time all she ever does is play fps games and MC. I can't take it. Maybe she'll finish Indivisuburu by 2022.

>> No.28018949

I'm gonna keep asking for a download link to Mori's most recent member's Zatsudan

>> No.28018952

At least Kiara has Ame to be her slave in chicken Dachau.

>> No.28018954

>uses hololive sa a pedestal for her music career
how new? seriously, how new?

>> No.28018956
File: 447 KB, 2048x1645, 1600429460266.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28018990

Mori 500k today or tomorrow!

>> No.28018957

What's Coco's deal again? Is she gaijin or just bilingual?

>> No.28018960

We know that her 3d reveal would be dimension-breaking gap moe cringekino, but how would it be for the other girls? Particularly Ina.

>> No.28018961
File: 9 KB, 788x77, Screenshot_11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28019082

try updating youtube-dl with -U and try again, I dunno, works on my machine

>> No.28018962

Every time holos make an effort to be EU friendly, they lose half their usual views. Eurofags need to improve their game, so far it has been a poor showing.

>> No.28018965

Which one of the girls is more likely to play Ghost of Tsushima? Kiara or Californian?

>> No.28018968
Quoted by: >>28019087

sent ;^)

>> No.28018971
File: 2.09 MB, 2502x1558, goorah.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Irs not a coincidence.

>> No.28018972

Kiara kicking ass at Ring Fit would be a great motivator and pleasant surprise

>> No.28018976
Quoted by: >>28019113

Pretty sure Ina said she wanted to play it

>> No.28018977

Gura please take some time after your Amesex session to sort your schedules out.

>> No.28018979
Quoted by: >>28019087

check your email :^)

>> No.28018980

>holoEN needs to add 3 members and never add any more members again
>8 members can cover the spread of the entire day and also be big enough for big collab games
>not saturating the talent pool with a bunch of irrelevant bimbos like holojp
yagoo is basado if he does this

>> No.28018981

Whatever wacky shit Amelia has planned sounds like its going to be great and not like anything else we've ever seen in Hololive.

>> No.28018983


>> No.28018984

>streaming outside of primetime
Literally a waste of time.

>> No.28018987

Dumb question but how is this legal? Can anyone really just base their vtuber avatar on an anime character that easily?

>> No.28018989

Corpse Party

>> No.28018990

>Mori will get 500k during the minecraft collab
>Gura will get 1kk at the same time

>> No.28018992

Nevada said she wanted to play the DLC, but doesn't have time for it.

>> No.28018993

>He doesn't know

>> No.28018997

Reading comprehension reps. Do them.

>> No.28018998

Born and raised in Atlanta, GA. Ethnically Japanese, though.

>> No.28018999

Noel was born in it, molded by it.

>> No.28019000

he's not wrong though

>> No.28019005
Quoted by: >>28019041

most Ina's streams before this week were good for euro and had good views for second least popular holoEN

>> No.28019006

Benefit of being indie

>> No.28019007

>he lacks the information

>> No.28019009

Would you enjoy HoloEN Gen 2 more if they were literal who's instead of Gura-copies?

>> No.28019013

It's like 6am in Japan right?

>> No.28019014
Quoted by: >>28019087

sent ;^)

>> No.28019015
File: 255 KB, 515x474, 1590634324429.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

eat lead

>> No.28019016
Quoted by: >>28019040

Thousands of anime characters are ripped off each other already, at this point nobody cares.

>> No.28019019

One Japanese parent and one american parent. Grew up in Georgia before moving to Japan and has lived there for 10 years I think?
She intentionally makes her japanese sound autistic to fit her character.

>> No.28019020

It's called a "homage".

>> No.28019021

Yes. Amelia is my favorite and she was a literally who

>> No.28019023

why do you assume they'll be gura copies to begin with

>> No.28019024

Yes, I don't know how many times but she has at least "performed" on stage to some capacity a few times with probably at least ~150+ audience members

>> No.28019028

literal whos for sure

>> No.28019032

>only ame and gura have a ??? collab on saturday
>ame asked for coral biome coords
>its titled "minecraft" on ames schedule
>surprise gurame coral biome collab this saturday
fucking saved, we get our weekly gurame collab

>> No.28019034

Minecraft seems to attract Euros as Ame streamed it one time during EU hours and it reached 30k concurrent views.

>> No.28019035
Quoted by: >>28019113

Mori said she likes it a lot, also Ina says she wants to try it

>> No.28019040

More Saber when?

>> No.28019041

They have also been good for the US.

>> No.28019047
Quoted by: >>28019106

They just suck at building the market.
Not putting up placeholder-streams far enough in advance is part of it. Consistency is another.

>> No.28019048
Quoted by: >>28019093

La Fusion Prohibida...

>> No.28019050

This is like the only Coco lewd that's ever turned me on.

>> No.28019054
Quoted by: >>28019091

>literal who's
Aren't the only literal who's of Gen 1 Mori and Ame?

>> No.28019058

I want untraceables for Gen 2

>> No.28019059

They won't be gura-copies. That's not how they select talent.

>> No.28019062
File: 302 KB, 346x565, Mori NO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You think Mori will get to actually finishing Doom? That's a long game and playing ancient gods right now reminded me how sweaty it gets by the end. I love our boy, but she doesn't have what it takes. Not on ps4, that's for sure.

>> No.28019064

Darkest Dungeon

>> No.28019069

Told you guys she literally just dyed her hair.

>> No.28019071

all I want from EN2 is a huge westaboo ESL jap that applied to the EN branch instead of the JP branch because I think it would be fun

>> No.28019080

They just suck at building a new market.
Not putting up placeholder-streams (for Hololive's official schedule to pick up) far enough in advance is part of it. Consistency another.

>> No.28019081

We are getting at least two more lolis next gen

>> No.28019082
Quoted by: >>28019114

Yeah, I'm fairly sure it's a cookies issue but it doesn't make sense being that nothing has changed with them. Wondering if it's some fuckery with YouTube blocking it

>> No.28019083

>only ame and gura have a ??? collab on saturday
What did he mean by this?

>> No.28019084

I meant more like whatever the j-rap equivalent of Wacken is, but cool I guess. Private shows aint my style, but I'd def take a trip for some live tunes once the coof situation is under control.

>> No.28019087

Which email did you send it to(I have a few)

>> No.28019086

>only ame and gura have a ??? collab on saturday
All the EN girls and some JP have these tho.

>> No.28019089

No, there are people who will like some type of characters and dislike other type of characters. The limit should be 48 - full daily saturation, while providing variety and enough breathing space for girls to take days off.

>> No.28019090


>> No.28019093

Es "No Es Ella"

>> No.28019091

I think Kiara is a bit more of a who, don't you think?

>> No.28019092
Quoted by: >>28019111

nice, the reverse Kiara

>> No.28019094
File: 23 KB, 448x162, blutuber.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28019119

She never stopped being the thing

>> No.28019097

She's going to swap to PC.

>> No.28019099

fuck off, eurofags get up to watch even 4am gura streams. maybe you need to improve your game.

>> No.28019100

the classic Alien vs Predator 2

>> No.28019101

this is a coincidence

>> No.28019102

Give her time and she can do it
She is apparently good at souls games, and is decent at fighting games too.
She has the capacity, she just needs to learn the genre

>> No.28019105

They could already easily cover EU & NA with a bit of planning.

>> No.28019106

How did JP holos built a market in the US if they only bother to stream during JP hours then? Is it maybe because burgers bothered to actually show up for streams despite inconvenient times?

>> No.28019108

how are you suppose to watch EU timezone when you fucked up your sleep schedule to watch NA timezone
they need to at least say 1 week in advance if streams wil be in EU time

>> No.28019110

She's literally playing on PC next time...

>> No.28019111

exactly hell for bonus make the chick obsessed with Kiara and that's why she joined EN instead

>> No.28019112

>only ame and gura have a ??? collab on saturday
at least check before making stupid posts

>> No.28019113

Ina actually is probably the best person to play that since she seems to be actually good at videogames and could play that game on a higher difficulty that game journalist mode.

>> No.28019114

try without --cookies on a public video.

>> No.28019115
File: 56 KB, 214x221, Yupiel keke.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28019116

Hopefully mouse and keyboard lets her git gud

>> No.28019117

seethe retard

>> No.28019120

your work email

>> No.28019119

It's her favorite color after all

>> No.28019123

The fakest is absolutely Ina, just watch yesterday's zatsudan.

>> No.28019124

Our boy is not a quitter so i believe she'll finish it one way or another even if she has to lower the difficulty.

>> No.28019125

>>only ame and gura have a ??? collab on saturday
imagine lying for no reason

>> No.28019129

They better be a cowgirl

>> No.28019133

i love gura so much!
