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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 139 KB, 1475x1124, 1603221569589.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
28011719 No.28011719 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.28011727


the THING for those watching with gura

>> No.28011729
File: 879 KB, 1553x1993, IMG_20201021_0003c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gura streams ring fit
>her live2d is like this

>> No.28011732

Gura last week
>Unveil cute new emotes donated from fan
>First time answering so many questions, no fucking clue how to do this thing
>Practiced lots but ended up being too nervous to sing during QA stream
>Find out the emotes were fucking traced
>Had so much fun with Ame treasure hunting
>Fun overcooked collab
>Started opening up
>New emotes drawn by mama
>Couldn't handle Clown kusoge
>Bad day happens
>Postpones movie and karaoke last minute
>(Final?)MC collab with the EN girls
>Had fun learning redstone and trying to build a prank
>Don't know how to deal with being #1
>Near breakdown
>Bugmen and antis use her to attack senpais
>Bugmen and antis attack her for being unworthy
>Expected fun Amnesia game for the next two day
>It's a fucking kusoge
>visibly losing patience but have to keep playing, doing all she can to keep the audience engaged
>Have to shill this game too
>MC seed reversed engineered, can't really adventure with ame anymore since people will spam coords
And this is only Wednesday...

>> No.28011733
File: 33 KB, 720x719, Ek3BJ3QVMAM1kLS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just woke up. How was English class with Mori-sensei?

>> No.28011736

what a stacy

>> No.28011738


>> No.28011739


>> No.28011741

kiara dodging that question like a pro

>> No.28011742

Holy shit, Kiara...

>> No.28011743

Cool! Nice! Yeet!

>> No.28011744

>dodges the question of how to make a grill fall in love with you

>> No.28011745
File: 102 KB, 320x225, 1602948663472.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28011751
File: 2.52 MB, 1200x1697, 27625965b0475a6c22703a5dda6aa4ef.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Kiara cucking viewers who want to get a gf

>> No.28011750
File: 56 KB, 680x375, Ek0BzuyWAAEdRnI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry for cringe but you have to know that Amelia is used as a /pol/ meme on Twitter

>> No.28011753

>kjeh kjäh kjäh

I want to hear this Kiara laugh forever

>> No.28011755
File: 192 KB, 827x1726, 1603294059050.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This bitch is supposed to be a knight?

>> No.28011759

alright that was a great dodge

>> No.28011760

Anyone uploading The Thing on mega/drive? Or putting it on cytube?

>> No.28011762
Quoted by: >>28011821

>Asking how to make a girl fall in love with Kiara
My brain is having problems processing the logic behind this question. Help.

>> No.28011763
File: 1.89 MB, 1748x1250, __aki_rosenthal_hololive_drawn_by_narushima_kanna__cc759b1e66a66a437627f7d6209f977c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28012886

>why she had such low subs despite being there since the beginning
She got into a serious car accident shortly after debuting, and had to go for surgery (she admitted that she is a dancer as well beyond the vtubing work). That set her back by a lot.
Look it up on YT, there's several translated VODs.

>> No.28011767

I like it a lot.

>> No.28011770
File: 212 KB, 251x368, Waachama.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28013521

Kiara FE3H Continuation https://youtu.be/X181Dv1WRNU
Moona Minecraft https://youtu.be/PN2_pVFYhVs
>>Teamup schedule!!!

>> No.28011771
File: 22 KB, 566x542, images (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Newfag here. Whats a zantetsuken stream?

>> No.28011772
File: 96 KB, 440x412, 1602955942879.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've never played minecraft, but when Moona and Ame are playing it I can literally watch them for hours. Please explain this to me.

>> No.28011776
File: 1.11 MB, 867x1080, 1603300933294.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*blocks your path*

>> No.28011780
Quoted by: >>28011792

Fuck that's cute

>> No.28011781
File: 96 KB, 614x235, Screenshot_2020-10-21 jp - Otaku Culture - Search .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You posted this shit literally yesterday

>> No.28011782

she's my wife

>> No.28011783
Quoted by: >>28011861

she is directly responsible for Senchou learning 'see ya later alligator'

>> No.28011784
Quoted by: >>28011861

It will take decades to undo the damage she did to Japanese understanding of English

>> No.28011786
File: 113 KB, 590x860, 687687678678687.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Amelia please... your Collab with Ina is in 5 and a half hours...

>> No.28011787
Quoted by: >>28011861


>> No.28011788
Quoted by: >>28011861

Felt like I'm in 3rd grade again.
She's a warrior of love.

>> No.28011792

and funny

>> No.28011795


>> No.28011797
Quoted by: >>28011861

Howdy! It was interesting! Lmao!

>> No.28011799
Quoted by: >>28011841

Anonchama... scroll up...

>> No.28011802

>first collab are anitubers
>teaching marine cringelingo
>pretends to know miko
Deadniggers explain?

>> No.28011803
File: 24 KB, 1331x204, [sjis].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

funny text

>> No.28011807

so your a glass half empty kind of guy?

>> No.28011811
Quoted by: >>28011861

Pretty fun

>> No.28011813

RTX 3080! That's how you make a girl fall in love with you!

>> No.28011819
File: 695 KB, 400x889, GodEmperorManChumbuddy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.28011821

He forgot a sentence. It was supposed to be: How to make a girl fall in love with you, (comma) Kiara?
But since there's no comma the you now referrers to Kiara.

>> No.28011822
File: 319 KB, 1598x2048, 1603167547642.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She'll be fine. She has a plan and she has friends around her now. She'll be fine!

>> No.28011827
File: 305 KB, 592x588, 1586000046977.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28011828
Quoted by: >>28011861

Yes, I do!

>> No.28011830

God, I want her to be my wife.

>> No.28011833


>> No.28011832

plz kiara im going to get a tumor

>> No.28011834

God Noel's new outfit is just fucking perfect.

>> No.28011836

just saying Kiara's analysis of that person's grammar was not correct

>> No.28011837
File: 370 KB, 768x719, 1601736933999.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you will never have a gay friend pining for you like Kiara does for Mori

>> No.28011838
File: 617 KB, 1920x1080, 1603192950259.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot my image

>> No.28011839
Quoted by: >>28011958

Oh for fuck sake, please tell me this is a joke

>> No.28011840

fucking Kiara please tell me how to make you fall in love with me to provide (unobtainable) life goal.

>> No.28011841


>> No.28011847

>first collab are anitubers
I'm out of the loop on mori. What's this?

>> No.28011848
File: 256 KB, 680x620, 1603296374333.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we're going to need another sticky if it's anything like luna's RFA marathon

>> No.28011851

Literally the first post on this thread

>> No.28011850

It fits her so well.

>> No.28011853

You mean the Gega Senesis?

>> No.28011854
Quoted by: >>28011891

Wasn't her first collab the tamaonsen guy?

>> No.28011855

Reverse isekai onnakishi!

>> No.28011858

We only have that many chicken images. Hell, try to find enough chicken lewds to get a proper fap session going.

>> No.28011859

Wait. I've seen that outfit before.

>> No.28011861
File: 463 KB, 600x604, 83a7a1efd587.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds great. Guess I'll make some lunch and give it a watch.

>> No.28011863

Are knights not allowed to wear casual wear????

>> No.28011866

she probably hasn't slept since yesterday

>> No.28011867

A comfy way to spend nearly 2 hours.
Otherwise I want her to teach the other HoloGirls English like some of the older streams, but alongside either Coco or Haachama to keep things funny/interesting.

>> No.28011870
Quoted by: >>28011992

Don't you have Horus to be dealing with?

>> No.28011874
File: 13 KB, 287x287, 1600393895284.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait, chumbuddies are called antis now?

>> No.28011876

>MC seed reversed engineered
Holy shit, did autist really do it?

>> No.28011878
File: 73 KB, 661x956, 1603225829493.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28011882

I hope Gura hasn't forgotten about Ring Fit.
How do we remind her?

>> No.28011884


>> No.28011891

No, that doesn't count!

>> No.28011895

Don't be rude to Noel. Everybody loves sexy knight onee-sans with dynamite bodies.

>> No.28011897

Red SC is the only way.

>> No.28011896

hey anon, you never know....

>> No.28011904
Quoted by: >>28012086

It's literally just her roomate's clothes

>> No.28011906

not that you know of

>> No.28011909

She's doing a pdcast with Gigguk. 3 threads worth of shitposting happened.

>> No.28011912
File: 718 KB, 1075x1517, 83769974_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's your handsome deep voiced soldier mexican vtuber. look forward to her mariachi
guitar streams and hat dancing 3d model debut. special events for cinco de mayo and dia de los muertos. special appearance guests include la chancla and abuelita for cooking segments her 300k special will be cosplaying as herself and live streaming a raid on a cartel

>> No.28011915
Quoted by: >>28011972

i was just gonna watch it on cable. is there any difference?

>> No.28011918

Anime reviewers.

>> No.28011919

Red superchat with Canadian currency

>> No.28011920

hey any one got a way to pop out guras stream into a mini player i can put over the thing
tone screen fag

>> No.28011921

I've actually had that happen to me and it's honestly really not that funny

>> No.28011923

We discovered it was her responsible for Marine's sudden english knowledge.
We still like her though.

>> No.28011924
File: 92 KB, 625x604, Ek3atk8U8AETo9p.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28011926
File: 541 KB, 709x835, 1594854907368.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who will be the first HoloEN to collab with Miko?

>> No.28011928

Not if you try hard enough anon.

>> No.28011929
Quoted by: >>28011985

What do Mori-chan's farts smell like, bros???

>> No.28011931

Don't call my wife's girlfriend a bitch.

>> No.28011932
Quoted by: >>28011975


>> No.28011933
File: 502 KB, 1920x1080, New Drawing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will /hlgg/ aggie become a weekly thing? I used to love it on /hlg/. It's always cozy.

>> No.28011935


>> No.28011934

God I hope Amelia learns from her.
Amazing outfit for dates, she's also the master of dating her viewers and ASMR

>> No.28011936

>Very stronk
Kiara please don't debase yourself with meme language

>> No.28011937
Quoted by: >>28012766

It's a lowkey roommate doxxing.

>> No.28011938

I never really noticed how often Kiara pronounces words wrong until now

>> No.28011942
File: 24 KB, 915x455, 1534879462889.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder if her teaching Senchou outdated cringe slang means that they can communicate on high enough level for a collab.

>> No.28011943

God, I wish Ame had glasses

>> No.28011944

Ame have a big face like Shiina

>> No.28011947
File: 119 KB, 225x474, 1600787160102.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Thing watchalong soon chumbros!
What snacks/drinks are you gonna bring?

>> No.28011949

>those milkers

>> No.28011954

China mined for the seed to sabotage EN

>> No.28011955
Quoted by: >>28012156

It was only a matter of time, happens to any big MC streamer

>> No.28011957

>finally making her breasts roommate-accurate

>> No.28011958
Quoted by: >>28012377

he probably made it himself and didn't get even a single upvote from /pol/tards so he came here to concern-troll.

>> No.28011965

>oh no gura behind you
>its the archtraitor amelia

>> No.28011968

I don't like it, but I'm not gonna claim her collabing with people I dislike is a mistake on her part.

>> No.28011970
Quoted by: >>28012199

ask klaius to draw a picture of her playing it

>> No.28011972


>> No.28011973

wait what?

>> No.28011975
File: 154 KB, 1600x1200, brosnan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She needs to grow strong

>> No.28011980

that kiara subaru one is so awesome

>> No.28011983
Quoted by: >>28012083

>Collab with Ina is in 5 and a half hours...
You scared me there

>> No.28011984

Well fuck

>> No.28011985

T6 members only info.

>> No.28011986 [DELETED] 
File: 1.09 MB, 844x1080, Screenshot_20201021-101407_YouTube_Vanced~01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Step aside Mori, I'll have to show these boys what a real 先生 is like.

>> No.28011987
File: 102 KB, 271x306, 1601181885146.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28012040

So anons, how do you feel about glass bridges?

>> No.28011992

Gura is more important.

>> No.28011993

>moona likes spicy

why is she so perfect bros?

>> No.28011995

Whats the chance Ame will move her stream so it doesn't overlap with Gura?

>> No.28012005

That's literally her roommate

>> No.28012006

I'm pissed she can't wear her monocle.

>> No.28012007
File: 318 KB, 717x382, 1602534130220.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Spicy food the best

>> No.28012008

>not using Kiara as pol meme
I feel offended.

>> No.28012011 [DELETED] 
File: 197 KB, 1019x483, 1602093315567.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot my image.

>> No.28012012


>> No.28012013

when, when, when, when?

>> No.28012014
File: 421 KB, 2166x2067, KiaraPeko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28012024

Kiara... Petra is not a romance option...

>> No.28012027

>Wanting to marry Petra as fem-Byleth
Poor chicken....

>> No.28012030
File: 165 KB, 961x1400, 1602464356016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only snack I need will be sitting right beside me

>> No.28012032

>MC seed reversed engineered, can't really adventure with ame anymore since people will spam coords
I miss this. what happened?

>> No.28012031
File: 149 KB, 800x400, 1603212412906.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Petra over Edelgard
I love the chicken

>> No.28012034

Kiara has a new wife every time she plays this game, huh.

>> No.28012038
File: 705 KB, 682x718, 34554345534345.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28012037
Quoted by: >>28012232

moona is literally swallowing my semen RIGHT NOW

>> No.28012040
Quoted by: >>28012136


>> No.28012041
File: 133 KB, 600x529, 1602196957323.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i dont think ill be that hungry for snacks, maybe just a drink

>> No.28012045
File: 1.36 MB, 2479x2478, 1602853449577.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>forgot my image

>> No.28012047

It's not exactly enjoyable anon

>> No.28012048

i believe in her!

>> No.28012052

>Kiara getting sexualityzoned in game and in real life
pain peko

>> No.28012055
Quoted by: >>28013544

Reminder that their fanbase are the type that believes loli hentai is equivalent to child porn

>> No.28012056

>eating food watching the thing

>> No.28012058
File: 40 KB, 467x400, 1552948435993.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wants to marry petra because she reminds her of calli
What did chicken mean by this?

>> No.28012059


>> No.28012061
File: 178 KB, 560x519, petra SNU SNU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28012063

Oh man Kiara actually sounds shocked that she can't yuri all the girls

>> No.28012065
File: 890 KB, 2494x2494, ameme.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I worked hard on this, I'm sure Ina would be proud. Please enjoy.
For the uninitiated: https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/346248

>> No.28012066

One of the ones that speaks only english, Miko, and Kiara. Elite english test gag bit

>> No.28012067

>What do you mean there are people that are into girls or not?
>You are telling me she is straight?
Chicken please.

>> No.28012068
File: 675 KB, 1920x2560, __gawr_gura_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_chikb__de594b27edf6efc1ce8a8de8b323441d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to buy it!

>> No.28012070

I'm glad she doesn't.
Not to shit on anyone who likes glasses, but I personally find glasses to be a huge turnoff and I'm glad she has none.

>> No.28012071


>> No.28012073

Oh man I'd get that membership

>> No.28012075 [DELETED] 
File: 65 KB, 734x754, 1574004292085.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know that pain, Chikin...

>> No.28012076

I've been living under a rock, did Gura actually pass fubuki yet? If so, was it as big a shitshow as I think it is?

>> No.28012082

Kiara just learned the existence of heterosexuality and she's not taking it well

>> No.28012083

Yeah I meant her accent stream.

>> No.28012084
File: 77 KB, 735x850, 1603143875608.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28012173

S-same chan?

>> No.28012085

Kiara megasad she can't scissor till dawn with Petra.

>> No.28012086

I know, that's why it's perfect. Noel has great fashion taste. I'm so jealous that Flare gets to bruise this.

>> No.28012087
File: 9 KB, 225x225, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28012320

holoSPACE when?

>> No.28012088


>> No.28012089
File: 71 KB, 324x421, 1602948718175.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28012123

>What do you mean she's straight?
>Will I ever find love?

>> No.28012094

>can't marry petra
rip chicken

>> No.28012095
File: 51 KB, 861x346, amenoseedcoords.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Amelia had to tell people off because some fuckhead was posting coordinates to stuff in the comments of her community page.

>> No.28012097

yeah that pretty much sums it up

>> No.28012096

Yes to both

>> No.28012102

>Kiara in pain

>> No.28012104
File: 29 KB, 424x389, kiara pain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28012105
File: 309 KB, 1400x1400, 1600491211608.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kiara don't beat yourself up, you will be loved one day

>> No.28012106


>> No.28012107
File: 733 KB, 587x653, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28012111

FBK had to tell her chat to shut up about numbers

>> No.28012115

>hops from one girl to another
>one isn't into girls
>"will I ever find love?"
this fucking bird

>> No.28012117


>> No.28012123

Art imitates life.

>> No.28012122

tits too big

>> No.28012126
File: 399 KB, 658x537, 1601272552241.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based, but BTFO'D, chicken!

>> No.28012127
File: 588 KB, 1000x577, 1601575028240.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What do you mean she's straight?

>> No.28012132

I'll give her my seed.

>> No.28012136
File: 878 KB, 1200x900, 1601870965784.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Petra is straight

>> No.28012135

Yagoo..I'm still waiting for that Mio hoodie merch...Not the summer knockoff one-time one.

I swear, Cover completely blows when it comes to merch, it's beyond retarded.

>> No.28012138


>> No.28012139

chicken cucked by penis

>> No.28012140

>She reminds me of Callie
ok this is fuckin great

>> No.28012141

>She reminds me of Calli

>Sometimes, foreshadowing is relatively obvious

>> No.28012143


>> No.28012146


I love this fucking chicken

>> No.28012148
File: 871 KB, 143x177, m200_shark.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But that's Mondragon from Girls Frontline anon.

M200 x SL8 collab with Gura when

>> No.28012151


>> No.28012153
File: 123 KB, 425x400, 1315894238952.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28012155

>first collab are anitubers
Don't care.

>teaching marine cringelingo
That's a good thing.

>pretends to know miko
So do most people in this thread.

>> No.28012156

holojp has to deal with it too or are they not as autistic?

>> No.28012160

Fucking great job

>> No.28012161

Uoohhh, child hourglass...

>> No.28012162
Quoted by: >>28012382

This is why I watch Hololive, no anime could come close to this shit.

>> No.28012163
File: 45 KB, 800x677, image01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot my image

>> No.28012167

Watson made a poll on a community post asking whether people would mind if she asked the manager to give her the coordinates to the nearest coral biome. When the 'yes's started winning concernfags jumped the gun and started spamming the coords of rare biomes, strongholds, fortresses etc.
Watson deleted the post after that and asked people not give them coords.

>> No.28012168
File: 47 KB, 808x305, 2020-10-21_13-30-14.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28012171
Quoted by: >>28012193

>Petra is straight as an railway track, just like Mori

>> No.28012173

Would love for them to meet in real life

>> No.28012174

Okay serious question, what is with Hololives fetish for chockers? It's like two in three holo with one, I rarely see them on actual people. Are they a huge thing in Japan?

>> No.28012176
File: 29 KB, 427x381, my_pekos_are_too_strong_for_you_traveller.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28012177
Quoted by: >>28012388

keep your chinkshit away from gura

>> No.28012178

I'm starting to think any anime with mildly pink hair and a big rack reminds her of calli

>> No.28012180


>> No.28012183

yuribros.... it can't be happening....

>> No.28012184

With pleasure.

>> No.28012186


>> No.28012187
File: 35 KB, 552x504, 1576586190514.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28012326

>reminds me too much of...

>> No.28012189

Is she going on that trash taste podcast? How the fuck would that even work?

>> No.28012190
File: 34 KB, 295x349, unknown-203.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm playing amnesia and Jesus fucking christ, how many times is this game going to hit me on the dead with object to obstruct my path. I'm just going to premeptivally make a "1 Free Pathway arbitrarily blocked by falling debris" coupon for this shit.

>> No.28012192

Not a direct friend but it was awful, only reason i didnt beat the living crap out of him was because the fucking fat gremlin had a bunch crazy fag hags on his side and i knew they would get me socially ostracized or worse.

>> No.28012193
Quoted by: >>28012217

Peta has a yuri end with Dorothea. She just isn't into FemByleth

>> No.28012195
Quoted by: >>28012326

>reminds me to much off...

>> No.28012196

so whats the narrative here?
for context he drew an MV for HER on a padoru meme

>> No.28012197

>cucked again
Fucking kek Kiara

>> No.28012198

post the other one if it got finished.

>> No.28012199
File: 238 KB, 1749x2048, Ej4qp5lVkAMZ6QJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the only true way

>> No.28012204
Quoted by: >>28012257

People who have actually played the game, is it really impossibru?

>> No.28012208
File: 173 KB, 467x515, 1602313453577.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>actually heartbroken
god she's hilarious

>> No.28012209


>> No.28012217

>This just reminds me so much of-
Makes it even more heartbreaking.

>> No.28012221

So who's looking forward to the trash taste podcast with guest Mori Calliope?

>> No.28012224

chicken no
you'll find another wife next episode.

>> No.28012231
Quoted by: >>28012943

I just realized the inmene quality differenec between JP and EN models, I knew it was therebut not the extent of it. The only thing EN has as good er even a bit better live2D

>> No.28012232

I don't think you'll be enough for her anon. Don't worry she's coming over right afterwards for another shot

>> No.28012233
File: 81 KB, 163x223, sadkirai.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

being Kiara is suffering

>> No.28012235

funny thing is that i'm pretty sure Petra marries dorothea on one of her endings
Petra will marry girls, just not the female MC

>> No.28012237

What sad, cucked location do you live where you don't see chokers?

>> No.28012239

that will take the wind out of some of their sails but im sure some retards will continue

>> No.28012240

I want to breed this knight.

>> No.28012244

>wanting to restart the ENTIRE playthrough just to marry Petra.
Chicken....I understand and give my blessing.

>> No.28012246
File: 414 KB, 1281x1116, 1601583526957.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy fuck there's no way she's actually restarting as male to marry petra

>> No.28012247


>> No.28012248

Just go for mommy Rhea Kiara, don't do this for someone who doesn't love you

>> No.28012251

>going to restart the whole game to play as a male to romance Petra
the dedication

>> No.28012257

Yea, but she can get Dorothea and Edelgard instead.

>> No.28012258

Can yurifags ever stop getting destroyed?

>> No.28012262
File: 212 KB, 1000x1000, Sothis 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28012267

Alright Kiara is a great actress

>> No.28012268

poor chicken...cucked in real life AND in video games...

>> No.28012277

we're at deppresion

>> No.28012278

>Kiara won't go through 5 stages of grief because she wants to scissor a game character

absolute fucking gigastacy.

>> No.28012279

Yes, I will

>> No.28012280

Chokers are hot.

>> No.28012281

>Why aren't the church girls lesbians?

>> No.28012282


>> No.28012284

based catholic pedophile poster

>> No.28012286

HolostarsEN news
Cover has bought out Vinesauce and is in the process of making avatars for them and rebranding them to be the first gen of starsEN

>> No.28012287
File: 269 KB, 500x479, chumguts burger.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28012289

>Watson made a poll on a community post asking whether people would mind if she asked the manager to give her the coordinates to the nearest coral biome. When the 'yes's started winning concernfags jumped the gun and started spamming the coords of rare biomes, strongholds, fortresses etc.
Watson deleted the post after that and asked people not give them coords.
I hope they don't cheat. Exploration is half the fun. They just have to be systematic about it.

>> No.28012290

>what about edelgard

>> No.28012293

>I don't like her that much

>> No.28012294
Quoted by: >>28012312

petra is my waifu how dare you

>> No.28012295

>this is just an excuse to keep playing the game after she finish this route
Fuck, no more FE

>> No.28012296
File: 169 KB, 512x512, 1602275952743.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28012297


>> No.28012299

>Chicken seriously considering restarting the game for petra
What the fuck

>> No.28012300

I wish I knew which version of The Thing we're watching. last time I had a version of ghostbusters that played 4% faster or some stupid shit and it ended up desynced.

>> No.28012301

Prolly just audio-only or she will add in the live2d

>> No.28012302
File: 306 KB, 443x395, laughing shitbirds.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there are people who won't get to have seen this live because Fire Emblem filters them
pity the fools

>> No.28012305
File: 329 KB, 334x429, 1601895086508.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28012307
Quoted by: >>28012384

>reminds me of...

>> No.28012308
File: 555 KB, 860x1200, 1602849223617.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will she do it? Will she start over just for her?

>> No.28012309
Quoted by: >>28012949

How did she react when she found out she can't recruit Hilda?

>> No.28012311

>what about edelga- eh?
not like she picked her faction based on how wet she got.

>> No.28012312

okay kiara

>> No.28012314
File: 2.13 MB, 1098x1400, 1582786628668.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tell me the newest narratives about the squid

>> No.28012315

Sophis wife confirmed, bros.

>> No.28012316

Mori is collabing with anitubers? Like actual mori and not her roomate or whatever? I didn't even know Hololive could even collab outside of the company?

>> No.28012317
File: 48 KB, 622x629, 1603211432403.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The dedication to waifuism on this bird is insane

>> No.28012319


>> No.28012320
File: 52 KB, 960x928, 1590503688351.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

already exists

>> No.28012324
Quoted by: >>28012503

i wasn't watching, what happened?

>> No.28012325

>I have to marry Sothis or I'll have to restart and play as male Bylet


>> No.28012326

There's a small chance this was an actual genuine moment on her part. Remember in her intro video she said one of the things she hates is "one-sided feelings?" I think she's had her heart broken before. Easy to imagine it was a woman who wasn't gay/bi.

>> No.28012331

barganing -> depression -> bargaining again >depression again -> more bargaining -> depression

>> No.28012332

She's going for the loli!

>> No.28012333

>Not playing Maleth so you can get sno snood by Petra.

>> No.28012337

I love her. But don't tell anyone.

>> No.28012339

would be pretty based

>> No.28012342
Quoted by: >>28012424

>will I gain anything from that marriage tho

>> No.28012344

Amelia looks different somehow

>> No.28012346

Didn't expect a menhera episode.

>> No.28012348

Mori, not her roommate. also it's just a podcast

>> No.28012349
File: 12 KB, 320x320, 1601952402776.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was kind of disgusted at first but now my morbid curiosity is making me reconsider it

>> No.28012350

>Kiara at least I will always have cunny
Based chicken.

>> No.28012351

Movie from Amazon Prime Video
The Thing (1982)
1h 49min

>> No.28012356

>"Wait, did I just go through all stages of grief?"

>> No.28012358

wow what a stupid ass faggot

>> No.28012359
File: 423 KB, 607x762, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28012452

Kizuna ai has collabed with one of the people on that podcast before, in that video he just talked to a tv with her live2d on it, and they have one on their podcast set they could use. also, judging by this it might actually be a song.

>> No.28012361
Quoted by: >>28012494

you retards will believe anything you read online
post your parent's credit card information for free fortnite bucks

>> No.28012363
File: 134 KB, 330x225, 1504542207393.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>guras first members movie vote was around 8.7k votes
>latest one around 9.5k votes

>> No.28012366

This is absolute yuri kino

>> No.28012367

I unironically am, because I'm 90% convinced it's going to be an hour and a half of Mori sperging about her favorite increasingly obscure underground JP rap groups.

>> No.28012368

>even the JOPs are laughing

>> No.28012369

It could be much worse.

>> No.28012370

She's my neighbor.

>> No.28012371

Chicken wondering who to marry is like a fucking soccer match

>> No.28012377
File: 68 KB, 794x765, twittercringe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got bad news for you anon

>> No.28012382

It's like the sufferingkino at the end of Aquarion Evol but condensed into one highly concentrated dose.

>> No.28012384

Mori. Chicken really likes her, but reaper explicitly stated that Kiara is her friend and nothing more. She's not into chicks.

>> No.28012385
File: 372 KB, 1832x1792, 1518432929827.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28012431

I understand, tenchou. I understand.

>> No.28012388
File: 2.71 MB, 1602x2058, EikNbGXVgAAqEAo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28012578



>> No.28012389

Please yes

>> No.28012390

>Chicken getting clipped running through the stages of grief

>> No.28012391
Quoted by: >>28012459

I pity those who don't watch the chickens FE streams

>> No.28012393
File: 68 KB, 232x202, 1602344715704.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Moona, please don't fall for him and his ars

>> No.28012394

>Chicken looking up the stages of grief.
The menhera is real.

>> No.28012398
File: 60 KB, 1284x583, 1601876755097.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what are the stages of grief?
I'm dying

>> No.28012399

>Stages of grief RTA

>> No.28012406
Quoted by: >>28012955


>> No.28012407
File: 139 KB, 1204x1200, 1603192655356.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28012497

I swear, every Chicken stream is a wild ride.

>> No.28012412

>Can't get irl Mori
>Goes for a video game character that reminds her of Mori
>Can't get her either
the jokes just write themselves

>> No.28012414

That's a tako though

>> No.28012415


unironic reddit cringe

>> No.28012418

only way they could get me to watch streamers that aren't anime girls

>> No.28012421

>ywn be guras sweaty tank top

>> No.28012423

probably eventually but she'll be like Kiara doing 60% english 40% spanish. maybe EN gen3
interesting but an RUanon said it probably wouldn't work out. most likely Gen2EN will have europeans to fill the EU time slots and there might be one that's EN/RU bilingual
dunno what this is but never

>> No.28012424

It's not unreasonable to ask. By marrying Petra you'd get the throne of Fodlan and the one of what ever shithole petra is from

>> No.28012426

>I didn't even know Hololive could even collab outside of the company?
Why would you care if you are this new anyway?

>> No.28012427

>last time I had a version of ghostbusters that played 4% faster
Is this a PAL vs. NTSC thingy?

>> No.28012428


>> No.28012431
Quoted by: >>28012457

Wait, what happened to Marine?

>> No.28012434

this is art in its purest form

>> No.28012436

>I didn't even know Hololive could even collab outside of the company?
Now hew?

>> No.28012441


>> No.28012443
File: 402 KB, 597x856, failed_test.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What did she mean by this?

>> No.28012446

Not a chance in hell. If you've been a fan of his long enough, you know how indifferent he is to idolization and anime in general

>> No.28012449


>> No.28012450

Once you open the door to cheating it never closes. Watson was a dum dum for wanting it.

>> No.28012452

Eh it might not actually be all that bad even though I think gigguk is a fag

>> No.28012456

you only proved me right, fuck off.

>> No.28012457

your reps anon...

>> No.28012459
File: 209 KB, 478x600, 1582433066115.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28012499

>watching FEshit
the threads keep me entertained

>> No.28012463

>I didn't even know Hololive could even collab outside of the company?
Seems she is the first Holo to even come near folks like that.

>> No.28012466
File: 255 KB, 637x624, 6be.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28012499


>> No.28012468
File: 558 KB, 1280x720, 【Minecraft】Road to the ULTIMATE CHICKEN FARM #1 #kfp #キアライブ 3-58-14 screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28012530

>she restarts as male Byleth
>goes with Blue Lions
>falls for Dimitri
>can't marry Dimitri because she's male Byleth

>> No.28012469

Just do a BL run next and recruit Petra

>> No.28012477


>> No.28012481
File: 3 KB, 112x112, 1596449008031.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Heartbroken and go through 5 stages in one stream

Kek, chimkin is great

>> No.28012482

the 4% speedup is a defect of all PAL (european) video and DVD rips prior to widespread adoption of HD video. literally just don't get a PAL rip and it will be fine.

>> No.28012488

>probably eventually but she'll be like Kiara doing 60% english 40% spanish. maybe EN gen3
Do you really believe this? I don't see why I would even watch spanish chuubas, and people that are retarded enough to not know english at this point, probably don't make that much money.

>> No.28012490

>I didn't even know Hololive could even collab outside of the company?
How new?

>> No.28012494

Oh awesome
My mom gave me heres and the info is
6011 4591 5329 9336
Can I have 5000 V-bucks please?

>> No.28012497
Quoted by: >>28012549

who the fuck could watch this FE3 shit without Kiara I have no idea.

>> No.28012496

sleep deprivation?

>> No.28012498

What's the seed?

>> No.28012499


>> No.28012502
File: 897 KB, 2498x1873, Ek2amCIW0AAGGtF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28012503
File: 308 KB, 590x815, aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im a fucking retard that forgets my attatched gura fanart

>> No.28012506

Well, Ame design is literally perfect Aryan.

>> No.28012507

Attempted time travel

>> No.28012509
Quoted by: >>28012642

So not the remastered version but the OG?

>> No.28012510
File: 39 KB, 351x348, 1601771630707.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This dumb fucking chicken even manages to make Snooze Emblem fun.

>> No.28012511


>> No.28012522
File: 182 KB, 753x1600, 534453354435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She got inspired by Noel and wants to step up her girlfriend game.

>> No.28012523

I can skip the thread now and focus on archive reps, thanks.

>> No.28012530

It's fucking criminal that Claude is straight only. Fucking look at that twink

>> No.28012533

just sent the vbucks now. enjoy your skins bro!

>> No.28012534

she couldn't help her gremlin side leaking out.
>Hehe I'm going to smoke it all up so nobody else can get the kill

>> No.28012547
Quoted by: >>28012577

That's literally just her old one

>> No.28012549
Quoted by: >>28012599

I'm not even watching Fire-whatever, I'm just watching Kiara. No idea what's going on in this fucking game.

>> No.28012551
Quoted by: >>28012561

Meidos no b& Its a fake number I generated

>> No.28012555


>> No.28012557

I swear to god if you faggot larpers start spamming about ordnung...

>> No.28012561


>> No.28012564
Quoted by: >>28012601

What's up with the weird files in the torrent?

>> No.28012567
Quoted by: >>28013459

Gigguk is almost not unbearable, dont know about the other 2, I'll test the water

>> No.28012570

Wow she might make a couple hundred a month from that after everyone else takes a cut.

>> No.28012571

While english carrier pigeons spammed her her pre stream chat with the news FBK commented that comparing is not very polite.
At the same time Gura awkwardly dodged super chats congratulating her for "surpassing" FBK.
Also FBK made a SharkVSFoxshark monument in minecraft creative mode for said stream, it was cute but i think Gura hasnt acknowledged yet which is a bit sad IMO.

>> No.28012576
File: 139 KB, 992x796, 1571506858921.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mark my words, by the end of it Kiara will be thoroughly Edelpilled. *tips fedora*

>> No.28012578

How many agents does family have on the outside?

>> No.28012577
File: 43 KB, 197x202, asdfhfgkjhjk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28012644

how unsubtle can he be?
he copy pasted it

>> No.28012584

sad chicken...

>> No.28012587

Holy shit, her heart is broken looking at Petra

>> No.28012595

>Petra IMMEADETLY appears
The game is taunting her

>> No.28012599

>No idea what's going on in this fucking game.
its a jrpg whats going on isnt important

>> No.28012600

I would unironically watch Rev be an ironic weeb, but that'll never happen.

>> No.28012601
Quoted by: >>28012677

all archive.org torrents include metadata, and some include filler files to force the important files into the torrent not to share chunks with other important files, so people can do partial downloads cleanly.

>> No.28012608

She'll miss her event trigger and join the church by accident.

>> No.28012609

>>Once you open the door to cheating it never closes. Watson was a dum dum for wanting it.

Nothing destroys a "The Witness"-Let's-play faster. It is so noticeable when they look up a hint.
For Minecraft Offline-mining or -building just removes quite a bit of fun.

>> No.28012610
Quoted by: >>28012718

Imagine if she said the original Dunkey quote...

>> No.28012613
File: 243 KB, 1378x1133, 1603238158699.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watching through the last Ina archive was such a wild ride.

>> No.28012612


>> No.28012617

this is fucking great holy shit

>> No.28012618

chicken in pain...

>> No.28012619


>> No.28012621

someone draw kiara and petra together in art, that would raise her spirits

>> No.28012623

sorry for the cross-thread reply

>4 I doubt. Ame, Gura, Ina, and to some degree Kiara, all know about streamer expectations. Even then, Cover has some really low expectations for just how much you need to stream and the numbers you need to pull.

This is sort of mutually exclusive with my point 5, but their schedule is either light or demanding depending on what cover is setting them up to do. If they're really really expecting them to be idols, they're probably doing (or putting off doing) a lot more behind the scenes apart from streaming than we're seeing.

From the way Ina acts and is self-conscious about her voice I really suspect they're at least pushing them hard to brush up on their singing skills.

Pivoting from the negative, something really cool would be if what they're doing is pushing Calli to take the lead/direction on where they think live performances should go and what format they should be.
I'm thinking of a soft backlash here, not anything catastrophic. The vast majority when they encounter something the average anglosphere watcher would consider... weird, normally just thinks "I guess I'm not as interested in this as I thought" and drops it.
Haha, yup, this is exactly what I had in mind when I typed that. But Konami and Capcom dipped into that as well, to much less success. Also, on the anime/manga side there's the history of companies jacking up prices to absurdity once they get a whiff that there's some popularity over in the english language space, which is effectively the same thing.

>> No.28012625

How is that character not a raging dyke?

>> No.28012628
File: 1.44 MB, 1262x2678, 1603212940003.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28012731

>Menhera have the most enthusiastic fans
How high is Kiara going to make it?

>> No.28012629


>> No.28012630

>just like Calli

>> No.28012633
File: 520 KB, 549x551, 1601873802860.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this is just like Calli! She's a workaholic!

>> No.28012635
File: 475 KB, 1090x933, 1422048739908.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28012638
Quoted by: >>28012670

>trying to insert your co-workers into videogame waifu characters

>> No.28012641
File: 388 KB, 1932x2048, Chadmitri.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You have to go back

>> No.28012642


Whatever this one is.

>> No.28012643

>Petra is straight

Thank god

>> No.28012644

He didn’t even try

>> No.28012646


>> No.28012650
File: 439 KB, 1036x1111, 1574829729664.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn I'm not a chickenfag but that makes me sad

>> No.28012651

>Why you try so hard?

>> No.28012654

>Kiara: "This is calli."

>> No.28012655


>> No.28012656

Actually likes cucumbers

>> No.28012659

>Calli why do you try so hard
This is either some really fucking good acting or...

>> No.28012663

menhera bird pls...

>> No.28012664
File: 234 KB, 1924x1158, dsaa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28012730

>Chicken got IRL dumped by Calli
>We get to see her breakdown a second time live
I feel like a horrible person, but this is hilarious.

>> No.28012666

She can hook up with girls, just not with the player character.

>> No.28012667 [SPOILER] 
File: 170 KB, 312x290, 1603302333176.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are chickenfags so cocky?

>> No.28012669
File: 44 KB, 1254x704, 1603219607794.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You can't tell me she's straight.
>She's just like Callie!
Pls stop chicken, the feels are starting to well up....

>> No.28012670

To be fair, I inert my friends into Xcom

>> No.28012675
Quoted by: >>28012769

This has me excited for Ame's alt costume

>> No.28012678

Ok I'm starting to really feel sorry for her

>> No.28012677

I see. Well as long as the completed torrent works fine.

>> No.28012682
File: 1.71 MB, 1603x2020, 1553077039371.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Chicken being denied like in real life
>Nearly breaking kayfabe

>> No.28012684
File: 911 KB, 1420x1079, artia hogan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are you gonna do with these 24" pythons run wild on your mom?!

>> No.28012689
File: 298 KB, 880x880, 1599382516746.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28012704

what is this chicken stream?

>> No.28012695

She isn't actually, you can get her together with Dorothea, she's just not into your character

>> No.28012696
File: 148 KB, 512x512, 1582495100548.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28012954

Jesus christ I don't think her love for Calli is an act.

>> No.28012698

>virgin killer

>> No.28012697
Quoted by: >>28012807


>> No.28012699

She's bi but not for the FeMC lmao

>> No.28012704
File: 240 KB, 345x406, 1601284414841.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sufferingkino in its highest form.

>> No.28012707


>> No.28012708

Won't somebody PLEASE fuck this gay bird

>> No.28012711
File: 1006 KB, 1200x1281, 1601347867919.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28013687

Jesus this is depressing

>> No.28012712
File: 612 KB, 904x521, 31242142314.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28012713
Quoted by: >>28012825

That's not a virgin killer, you faggot!

>> No.28012714
Quoted by: >>28012748

It'd be less of a spanish chuuba and more "we picked up a talent who happens to know spanish". Something similar to Kiara and her german (they found someone who could sing (and dance?) and was fluent in JP and EN. the german was just a bonus). There's a lot of hispanics out there who are fluent in English, just like there's millions of 2nd generation mexican americans/ halfies living in the united states. It wouldn't be surprising at all if one of them got in and used their bilingual skills on stream.

>> No.28012716

I am unironically in love with chicken and want her to be happy.

>> No.28012718


>> No.28012719

Her roomate is actually a busty, curby, hourglass bombshell, but she hates it and specifically requested to be a washboard in her 2d

>> No.28012722

That makes things extra painful

>> No.28012725
File: 180 KB, 432x444, 1602552716135.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mori friendzones her in her english teaching stream
>now this

>> No.28012726



>> No.28012728


>> No.28012730

She did?

>> No.28012731

It's kind of funny really, as all the chinese translation groups start to nuke their archives on Bilibilo, Matsuri's fan group soldiers on and announces their dedication to keep her content going.

>> No.28012732
Quoted by: >>28012825

That's not the virgin killer

>> No.28012733
Quoted by: >>28012765

>>Don't know how to deal with being #1
>>Near breakdown
Where did that happen?

>> No.28012736
Quoted by: >>28012853

Oh god, the Kiara NTR-arc will be glorious

>> No.28012737

She comes off as butch only because she's from a culture with different values and struggling to fit in. Her awkward social graces read as masculine but in reality it's just her way of being girly.

But that just makes girls like her even more.
It really IS like Calli

>> No.28012738
File: 18 KB, 228x217, 1602347682754.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28012742


>> No.28012748
Quoted by: >>28014079

spanish is the next language frontier for major commercial vtuber outfits for sure

>> No.28012749

I can't watch chicken right now, what's going on?

>> No.28012750
File: 91 KB, 915x455, 1602675741791.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm laughing my fucking ass off.

>> No.28012751

She's actually going to restart it, isn't she

>> No.28012752
Quoted by: >>28012803


>> No.28012755
Quoted by: >>28012781

If this is how sad she feels at B-rank, I'm honestly worried about her reaction to A-rank.

>> No.28012756
Quoted by: >>28012869

Kiara had a hard day...

>> No.28012757
Quoted by: >>28012894

why did you even reply to my post with this mongoloid drivel? you're retarded.

>> No.28012762

shut up ina

>> No.28012765
Quoted by: >>28012844

Her ((Diamond)) MC stream

>> No.28012766
Quoted by: >>28012822

Would ask why but I already have a mental image

>> No.28012769
File: 736 KB, 744x582, 1603291145393.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you want the most? Something cute, something comfy or.... something HOT?

>> No.28012770
File: 156 KB, 427x381, peko the fuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mori ends up banging one of the HoloJPs, completing the cycle of kino

>> No.28012774
File: 11 KB, 183x182, 1578767072159.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Can't marry Lysithea either
God damn this chicken can't catch a break.

>> No.28012775
File: 51 KB, 300x366, deadbeatslurknolonger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28012777

Mori please...answer the call...

>> No.28012778 [SPOILER] 
File: 32 KB, 432x449, 1603302528597.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kiara's hen-durance for all this egg-cruciating pain is cracking.

>> No.28012781
Quoted by: >>28012876

Just imagine how she'll react if she S-Ranks her with Dorothea...

>> No.28012782


>> No.28012784
Quoted by: >>28012863

She is being rejected IRL and Ingame and does not get hot lesbo sex in either of realms so she is crushed and crying

>> No.28012785
Quoted by: >>28012868

She's having a breakdown because every NPC she wants to marry in FE is straight, including Petra who reminds her of Mori.

>> No.28012786

Thank you dear gamer, now Riamu is one step closer to the epic yoki genocide!

>> No.28012787
File: 91 KB, 1206x514, 5165156461306516.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Moona gets akasupa
>it's fucking ARS
Everytime man

>> No.28012789
File: 231 KB, 509x455, 1602294734905.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, can we tell Nintendo to patch in a Petra route for Fembyleth?

>> No.28012790
File: 256 KB, 1440x976, HeyMoona.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Moona Moona Moona!

>> No.28012791

I'm doing both unironically.
It hurts, but it's just too funny.

>> No.28012792
File: 191 KB, 555x678, 1533572693333.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28012796
Quoted by: >>28012809

Mori, just fuck her already.

>> No.28012797
Quoted by: >>28013089

>Mori was teachig English to Marine, instead of Kiara
>tfw Marine will start the NTR arc

>> No.28012798
Quoted by: >>28012868

She wants to marry Petra because Petra is like Calli.
She found out Petra is straight.
Menhara breakdown happened. Wants to restart the game as a male just to marry Petra.

>> No.28012801
File: 779 KB, 1920x1200, 1603045994707.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28012803

No way fag

>> No.28012804
File: 1.02 MB, 1912x792, 1581093683059.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>even in videogames she can't get the person she wants

>> No.28012807

these kinds of "breakdowns" are at least fun as it's pretty likely Kiara plays them up for a good bit and quickly recovers soon after.

The real painful watch was the moment manager's PC broke her RTA minecraft stream and she lost hope. I never want to see her reach that point again. Went from sufferingkino to actual suffering.

>> No.28012809

don't stick it in crazy

>> No.28012812


>ywn walk with Ame while holding hands on a glass walkway

Why do I even bother to be alive?

>> No.28012813

>Gura straight up says she was hoping for Halloween to win
>membershrips ignore her and vote thing
What's wrong with chumbuds?

>> No.28012817
File: 27 KB, 322x322, 1602015865494.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28013061

Now I remembered that 8 minute clip of her just laughing

>> No.28012818
File: 27 KB, 599x533, 1565402020155.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the hell is this stream?

>> No.28012822

C*n*n wore similar clothes at least once.

>> No.28012823
File: 1.22 MB, 1490x1200, 85124705.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.28012824

game isn't getting patched anymore. This ain't doom eternal

>> No.28012825

I'm not talking about the sweater you double newfaggots

>> No.28012828


>> No.28012840

I was not ready for Kiara goslinging into 5 stages of grief

>> No.28012844
Quoted by: >>28012883

Oh, is that the one that got clipped, when she is building a house?

>> No.28012846
Quoted by: >>28012947

What the fuck

>> No.28012847
Quoted by: >>28012926

Odio mi moneda....

>> No.28012849

But crazy is the best sex

>> No.28012852
File: 557 KB, 716x1000, 1573595412814.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

men have better taste in movies, simple as.

>> No.28012853
File: 121 KB, 400x400, 1602516946240.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Kiara getting NTR'd on stream in front of at least 6000 people
I'm not ready for that.

>> No.28012855

Menhera and chokers go together like peanut butter and burgers

>> No.28012856

I think after this we NEED a Chicken Festival collaboration.

>> No.28012857
Quoted by: >>28012950

>I was only pretending to be retarded
Yeah, fuck off.

>> No.28012858
File: 13 KB, 200x230, 9e9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28012859
Quoted by: >>28013188

You only have to see what happens to the chat every time any Holo Talks in spanish.
The same thing happend before when any HoloJP speaked in english, it's only a matter of time.

>> No.28012860

The surge is real, I can't wait for the EN collabs

>> No.28012863

She should just go to one of those lesbo bars the Nijisanji teacher goes to.

>> No.28012864

Whats the point of a female character if you can’t date women?

>> No.28012867

I guess this is why no one goslings for Kiara. She is the gosling herself.

>> No.28012868

The actually worst part is that Petra isn't actually straight and can have a Yuri end. ...Just not with the main character.

>> No.28012869
File: 165 KB, 500x500, tumblr_mwkbxoOSzw1qe9g4mo1_r1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28012876

>shes gay, just not gay for you
This breaks the chicken.

Also, keep in mind, Kiara's mother is watching her daughter go through the 5 stages of grief about not being able to marry any of the anime girls she wants

>> No.28012875
Quoted by: >>28012898

W-w-was Kiara the actual Gosling all along?

>> No.28012877
Quoted by: >>28012950

Nice try, but you got outed, son

>> No.28012879

They're based. It's the best horror movie of all time. Besides, it's CarpenterKino either way

>> No.28012883
Quoted by: >>28012911

Yeah but It started earlier when she hit 947k and supas started rolling in

>> No.28012886
File: 2 KB, 125x66, moonatricks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's not just a dance, she is a BELLYdance, in fucking Japan, the giant balls of this girl.

>> No.28012889

i have a lot of money but i can't think of anything to say that's worth buying an akasupa. what is it i am missing?

>> No.28012892

We are now entering the comfortfood arc

>> No.28012893
Quoted by: >>28013011

This has literally never been good advice.

>> No.28012894
Quoted by: >>28013075

sorry BR friend, nobody else in the world speaks portuguese except spain's remora and you so there's just no market for it

>> No.28012897

Mike already did a Vtuber stream as Neptune and Gamer Slug

>> No.28012898
Quoted by: >>28013033

She's the original Ghostling

>> No.28012901
Quoted by: >>28012987

So you can date the men? Why else would you pick the woman in a dating sim like FE?

>> No.28012902
Quoted by: >>28013104

Chumbuds are chads and don't let girlfriend tactics fool them unlike my disgusting Teamates who gave up on a double movie date..

>> No.28012903
File: 69 KB, 1013x1027, 1601926465072 (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mori... why couldn't you just stay in her house together in Minecraft... poor chimkun...

>> No.28012905
File: 2.70 MB, 2011x2374, 1459378420453.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28013599


>> No.28012907

You get a (You) for this, use it wisely.

>> No.28012911

Guess I'll have to watch that stream. Thanks.

>> No.28012915

If you aka to Mori with no message, she plays with a little tune.

>> No.28012919

the thing is better tho

>> No.28012918
Quoted by: >>28013078

the only purpose of women is to get fucked by fat old men

>> No.28012925

Based The Father, Son and Holy Ghost for denying the yurishit

>> No.28012926

¿Solo la moneda?

>> No.28012929

Tell her you have cancer or something

>> No.28012936
File: 7 KB, 463x81, moon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28013022

>6k viewers
Man minecraft really is the ultimate buff game.

>> No.28012937
Quoted by: >>28013273

Middle East/North Africa, which would be Arab chuubas. Considering how badly NijiIN failed, it's safe to say there really isn't a market for it in that part of the world

>> No.28012939

So Kiara is definitely going to make a move on Mori during their spa date right?

>> No.28012941
Quoted by: >>28012977

Is this legit? Hilarious if true

>> No.28012940

Ask Kiara to email Nintendo about letting her be gay

>> No.28012943

It's just that Noel has a very different art style. When we've seen the EN models up close they have a lot of detail.

>> No.28012945

Rising Superstar!!!

>> No.28012947
Quoted by: >>28012993

It's a shoop.

>> No.28012949

swinging wildly between deeply depressed and not caring because Hilda isn't like Calli

>> No.28012950

Lurk more

>> No.28012952

The Thing is absolute Carpenter-kino though

>> No.28012953
File: 379 KB, 560x559, 1603290109857.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28012954

It never was

>> No.28012955
Quoted by: >>28012997

You know that Twitter turned off non-quote retweets, right?
It's apparently to protect the American election.

>> No.28012956
Quoted by: >>28013017

Actually feel bad for chicken having to deal with her unrequited love for Mori's roommate

>> No.28012958

Hold the fuck up, how is it fare that he gets the red mesage paying the equivalent of US$13 ? I paid $50 and my mesage stays up half the time and not even gets read

>> No.28012964
Quoted by: >>28013007

>Aki belly dance

>> No.28012965

she'll get denied there too lmao

>> No.28012966

Just go with the old stand-by, marriage proposal.

>> No.28012969

Theres other woman, romance options are boring when the entire cast is bi

>> No.28012975

Send an empty one to Kiara, maybe she starts slapping herself again

>> No.28012977

anon chama...

>> No.28012978
Quoted by: >>28013896

>Ina will never call your art shit and tell you to kys with a c:
Why even live?

>> No.28012984

ARS monopoly money is just cheating

>> No.28012986

b-b-but i can't marry my own daughter!

>> No.28012987

>Why else would you pick the woman in a dating sim like FE?
To date women. Did you not pay attention?

>> No.28012988

funny thing Kiara was super happy when her chat said that Callie called Kiara her BFF

>> No.28012990
Quoted by: >>28013173

Commision some fanart, if you don't have any burning desire to say something you'll get a lot more value out of that.

>> No.28012992

Blade Runner 2049 is the only good movie on either of those lists

>> No.28012993

I had a feeling. There's no way these threads wouldn't constantly be bringing it up if it were real.

>> No.28012997

You can still retweet. Just quote tweet and leave it blank.

>> No.28012998
File: 508 KB, 1296x751, 3bce40a3dd950a412f5c563d20bcc7ee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28013031


>> No.28013002

Bro you didn't hear? If you aka Kiara with nothing meaningful she'll slap you! Fucking bargin!

>> No.28013003

She's showing feet again...

>> No.28013004
File: 37 KB, 500x500, flaynpoggers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28013189


>> No.28013006


>> No.28013007
Quoted by: >>28013157

You better believe it.

>> No.28013009

>Show feet
>She does it, again
Come the fuck on.

>> No.28013010


Make Kiara spank herself.

>> No.28013011
Quoted by: >>28013073

t. has never woken up to a steak knife next to his balls

>> No.28013013


>> No.28013014

Kiara stop... she's not worth it...

>> No.28013015

At last I see, always felt she was more like a sister than waifu material

>> No.28013016


>> No.28013017

This is the really sad part
I can't tell where the kayfabe ends anymore with this

>> No.28013019
File: 108 KB, 786x652, ss+(2020-10-21+at+10.54.50).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28013020

keep your money anon.
youre nothing but a number to these girls and they dont even register your existence unless you akasupa multiple times every day
also youtube takes 35%, chink cover takes 30-40%, and the girls are left with scraps

>> No.28013021


>> No.28013022

The best thing about minecraft is that public interest in it comes in waves. It only takes 1 good stream to trigger a minecraft surge but when it happens the rising tide raises all ships.

>> No.28013026


>> No.28013024

Suicide is badass

>> No.28013027
File: 49 KB, 679x471, Ekyd6MKUcAAb3pM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28013119

Who /doomer/ here?

>> No.28013030

>chicken hung herself live on stream

>> No.28013031

I wanna take those shoes off and take a good sniff...

>> No.28013032
File: 794 KB, 685x650, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28013062


>> No.28013033

No anon, that's Mori.

>> No.28013034
Quoted by: >>28013166

Moona needs to be contained.

>> No.28013036
File: 74 KB, 620x370, 1603234251808.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ARS exchange is fucked everywhere

>> No.28013039
File: 433 KB, 720x720, 2e85198.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys how has EN been today? I'll be catching archives on anyone who isn't Gura, but I'm interested in any good streams. How has Kiara's Fire Emblem gone recently?

>> No.28013041

What is this chicken doing?

>> No.28013042
Quoted by: >>28013098

I can't believe Chicken is fucking dead

>> No.28013044

Chickens fucking dead now...

>> No.28013045

10 bucks is 10 bucks

>> No.28013048

>I gently open the stream

>> No.28013049
File: 1.75 MB, 1438x809, Screenshot_2020-10-21 【FIRE EMBLEM THREE HOUSES】Late Night Waifu Chess #kfp #キアライブ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28013050

>some rando in the chat asks Kiara to show feet
>she does so immediately
I love this birb

>> No.28013052

the message with the SC is just a bonus, think of it as giving a tip for supporting the holo

>> No.28013053
File: 306 KB, 1437x808, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28013055

Footfags being horny again.

>> No.28013056

welcome to monopoly money, anon. ARS is the ultimate meme currency for donations.

>> No.28013058

>literally hanged herself

>> No.28013059
File: 449 KB, 1488x825, e041b51b3de7bae68420e826db4776f2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28013060

I keep forgetting, Kiara has some sick pumps

>> No.28013061

I could listen to her just laughing for 8 minutes.

>> No.28013062
Quoted by: >>28013094


>> No.28013064

Can't believe that she Goslinged for Petra so hard...

>> No.28013065

Is Amelia walking Gura?

>> No.28013070
File: 941 KB, 968x590, rip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>When you can't marry Petra as female Byleth

>> No.28013071

>hangs herself on request
damnit, bird

>> No.28013072

>hung herself after being learning the forbidden truth

>> No.28013073

Sounds like someone made some misteaks

>> No.28013074


Make Kiara spank her ass.

>> No.28013075

i literally just googled the most spoken languages to put in my post, you're legitimately retarded

>> No.28013076

I dont watch shit

>> No.28013077
File: 299 KB, 440x540, 1602978189592.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28013078

Heavy set, hairy fuck. Had to go to Japan for business. I trimmed up my facial hair and grabbed my polos and slacks. Kept it business casual, nothing too flashy and nothing denoting I had some funds on me. Always kept it at a "tourist" look sans the fannypack and obnoxious "Look at me, I'm from (X) country!" styled shit. Never was outspoken or really noticeable. Always did this because of other countries I've been to--don't want to be a target.

I've had a fuckton of Japanese women and teen girls run up and ask to take pictures with me. One was a bit too straight for and grabbed my hand and placed it on her breasts. Asked her WTF, she said in broken English "Ugly bastard," which confused me till someone showed me a certain porn genre there.

They thought I was cosplaying a "wealthy ugly bastard" and kept taking pictures and selfies.

Semi demoralized at that comment but ton of mousy and geeky Japanese girls kept wanting pictures. Some dudes too. One girl actually grabbed my arm and forced me into some BBQ joint and spent about 3 hours telling me about ugly bastard, how cool I looked, and some other shit. Apologized when I explained I just look this way which made her scarlet with embarrassment. Told her it was alright. She presented me a card and asked if I wanted to be a part of some movies.

TL;DR: Some Jap chick wanted me to star in porn. I bowed out and thanked her and said maybe. I promptly took off the other way and was surprised at the forwardness of the degenerates but I digress.

>> No.28013079


>> No.28013080
File: 140 KB, 1138x1200, 1600018076729.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28013082

The Thing is the better movie, but I'm with you.


>> No.28013086

is that a thing that's happening? I only tuned into this shortly before the stages of grief began.

>> No.28013089
File: 705 KB, 1001x663, 1755489654878.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I might need to read more narratives like that I think.

>> No.28013090


>> No.28013091

Chums have good taste, Halloween deserves acclaim for kickstarting the slasher genre but it didnt aged well for anyone who isnt in film study.

>> No.28013093

Don't she can revive again

>> No.28013094


>> No.28013095
Quoted by: >>28013144

>motivation increased

>> No.28013098

Have you SEEN any of her streams? Death is inevitable.

>> No.28013101

Conversion is fucked because the currency devaluates too quickly.

>> No.28013103

>lesbian keeps running into nothing but straight girls
I told you guys, a lesbian girl getting shot down is one of the most painful things to have to watch. Spaghetti is straight until wet is a myth. I saw this happen way too many times to one of my old friends.

>> No.28013104
Quoted by: >>28013294

For what?

>> No.28013107
Quoted by: >>28013128

>this is better then any yuri anime

>> No.28013109

Why are Kiara's shoes so hot?

>> No.28013110
Quoted by: >>28013223

i seriously doubt you have seen a single movie in the bottom list other than that

>> No.28013111

It's fair because you get paid 10 times more for the same work done

>> No.28013112
Quoted by: >>28013200

>How has Kiara's Fire Emblem gone recentl

Pure yuri suffer kino

>> No.28013119

I want to beleeb so badly...

>> No.28013120

>it hurts to see you right now

>> No.28013128

hey, watch it buddy. i like yuri anime.

>> No.28013133

>It hurts looking at you so I'm just showing you my feet
Goddamn this chicken.

>> No.28013140
File: 357 KB, 1080x855, 1596183489248.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't worry Kiara, women's sexuality esaily change depending on how drunk they are, so Mori is ez mode

>> No.28013141

>h-h-ha wouldn't it be funny Mori
and thats it

>> No.28013142
Quoted by: >>28013323

explain this

>> No.28013144
File: 636 KB, 601x799, Motivation +1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28013145

She's gonna go full edelgard after this rejection

>> No.28013149
Quoted by: >>28013201

just joined back from a class
why do we have a feet stream

>> No.28013148
File: 17 KB, 128x117, pepelaff.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bros wtf you told me chicken wasn't funny but I'm fucking dying here

>> No.28013150

But 4chan told me all women are bisexual...

>> No.28013152


>> No.28013154

Did she just commit suicide on air?

>> No.28013157


>> No.28013155

>she starts fucking with her model and soon I will have full face Kiara on other monitor

Thank god for this chicken

>> No.28013158

What the actual fuck, chicken?

>> No.28013161
Quoted by: >>28013217


>> No.28013162

I actually fell for it until 4chan was mentioned

>> No.28013164

quick bros have a sniff at that grease-washed hair

>> No.28013165

If you send Kiara akasupa without something meaningful she will SLAP you or maybe kiss you

>> No.28013166
File: 257 KB, 800x1167, Pierce_Brosnan_Berlinale_2014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28013168

Chicken's sexy eyebrow...

>> No.28013173

Fucking this

>> No.28013176
File: 211 KB, 341x489, 1600552481203.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Our Boy!

>> No.28013179

This stream is a magical ride

>> No.28013178

>How has Kiara's Fire Emblem gone recently?
She may restart the entire thing because her gaydar wasn't working.

>> No.28013181
File: 417 KB, 2280x1080, Screenshot_20201021-115839_YouTube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28013188

I know there's a lot of spanish spakers watching. I see multiple "do you speak spanish?" messages every stream. My point is that it's not a very profitable market because everyone here is fucking poor, and used to pirate everything.

>> No.28013189


>> No.28013190

>What's wrong with chumbuds?

The majority don't actually listen to what she says.

>> No.28013192

and it's true, unless they're profoundly mentally ill (kiara...)

>> No.28013194

I've never been in favor of drugged sex until now, but I am 100% in favor of Kiara pulling something during the spa trip

>> No.28013195
Quoted by: >>28013302

It's both sexes. The difference between a man and a gay man is 12 pints

>> No.28013198
File: 771 KB, 970x545, 1602105310682.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28013212

Oh no
Please Kiara
Not the Eyes

>> No.28013200

I can see that. I'll have to give her full FE series a watch. It seems like a slowburn, but a good one. Honestly, Kiara has come a long way and has become excellent, I think.
Watching all of the EN girls grow like that is so fun.

>> No.28013201

Bird hangs herself after finding out the woman she loves isn't bi for her.

>> No.28013203

That colour! I-its...it burns!

>> No.28013205
Quoted by: >>28015093

Who the fuck claimed she's not funny, her streams are always like this

>> No.28013204

They're gay enough to flirt with a girl and hug her, but the second a date is asked for that's too far

>> No.28013206
File: 997 KB, 1353x761, .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why do these eyes make my dick go doki doki

>> No.28013209

honestly i think she just doesnt know what to do to not make things worse. shes just very awkward about things like that and she said at the beginning of amnesia stream how she wants to get better at showing gratitude too. i kinda wish for nice wholesome gura fubuki collab, but its propably hard to make that happen with language barrier.

>> No.28013210
Quoted by: >>28013229

Be honest, are you kissing your monitor right now?

>> No.28013212
File: 2.73 MB, 1524x720, 1602936215157.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28013260


>> No.28013213
File: 24 KB, 424x389, 0tritfopnbn51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After today, Kiara will either no longer stream Fire Emblem, or the next time we see her playing it she will be Male Byleth.

Mark my words

>> No.28013217
File: 3.98 MB, 2205x3150, c6addab4836f044fc45ef60e0aab060b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These eyebrows?

>> No.28013218
File: 579 KB, 1524x1440, 1603219110100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>every night before I sleep I put seiso sauce on me

>> No.28013219

Chicken is actually an amazing entertainer. I still can't tell if it's a carefully constructed act or if she's just a natural born comedian but it's fucking great.

>> No.28013222

Is it just me or is Kiara's streams the most kino

>> No.28013223
Quoted by: >>28013296

They're literally babies first movies anon

>> No.28013224

hey, buddy, i'll have you know i voted for halloween both times.

>> No.28013226

Huke is losing some great material right here

>> No.28013227

Fucking kek

>> No.28013229

no what the fuck

>> No.28013231

>that maw shot


>> No.28013232

the eyes got me

>> No.28013234

Chicken has been the designated suffering kino comedian for at least three weeks now.

>> No.28013235
File: 114 KB, 1104x1230, 1601183120190.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> This fucking stream

>> No.28013236
Quoted by: >>28013325


>> No.28013239

don't trust the dudes on /u/ larping as radfems

>> No.28013240
File: 827 KB, 1202x1016, 1602029806903.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait a minute that color...

>> No.28013241
File: 34 KB, 400x400, 1603000088135.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> yfw you get to lick gravy out of Kiara's hair

>> No.28013243

Schizos deserve the fucking rope, sharkmeidos live up to your name for once and get rid of this shit:
>(Final?)MC collab with the EN girls
What’s your source on this, your ass?
>Near breakdown
Apparently getting emotional over the experience is a “breakdown” now, despite the fact that nearly all the girls had a reaction like that at some point. Also ignoring how she immediately bounced back after having that short moment.
>It’s a fucking kusoge
And she was invested in it all the way through, but you probably had to of watched the stream to fucking know that.
>losing patience to play further
If by “losing patience” you mean “too scared to do more because she recognizes that the next segment will scare her even more” then yeah I guess so. Fucking retard, maybe if you weren’t a total autistic monkey and actually WATCHED THE STREAM you’d know she was way more invested into that game than Outlast and DD. For fucks sake she literally was defending that game against chat at the end, which you’d probably know if you actually watched it, which you didn’t.
>MC seed reverse engineered
First, that was only something brought up with Ame. Second, she told them to fuck off.
Hope you schizos burn.

>> No.28013249
File: 253 KB, 1280x720, mpv-shot0002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.28013251

After that close up I think I would fuck chicken's mouth

>> No.28013252
File: 115 KB, 241x241, 1576023955435.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nightly semen face masks

>> No.28013253
File: 543 KB, 857x482, great.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll have to go back to the vod later to get a better cap

>> No.28013254
File: 2.66 MB, 1176x861, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Straight until wet, as they say.

>> No.28013256

You just know if Kiara ever gets 3D she will willingly show off EVERYTHING and do all the lewd poses imaginable


>> No.28013258

holy shit
theres your daily reminder that women really are only good for 3 things: fucking, cooking, and cleaning.

>> No.28013260
File: 33 KB, 585x585, 1602228462722.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My bro's wife surely is cute!

>> No.28013261
Quoted by: >>28013309

You really have been missing out. Check the VODs. She is always like this or actually even better, FE3 is literal low energy for her.

>> No.28013263

It sounds unfair, but it actually feels like a red to an arsbro, that's just how fucked our country is. I used to make 100 ARS/ hour in my last part time job.

>> No.28013264
Quoted by: >>28013529

To quote Mori “I Hate It.” I don’t blame Mori for taking the opportunity but Joey, fuck, I fucking hate him so god damn much. Don’t care about Gigguk or CDawg, but TheAnimeMan is just such a fucking prick, and a creepy one at that. I just hope this is a one time thing and that him and Mori collabing doesn’t become a regular occurrence.

>> No.28013265
Quoted by: >>28013327

Gura both liked and replied to FBK's tweet of the gura vs foxshark.

>> No.28013267

>Spaghetti is straight until wet is a myth.
she just has to believe in herself she will boil that spaghetti

>> No.28013270
File: 214 KB, 405x388, 1603302957744.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28013271


>> No.28013272

Based. Watson is an Aryan-Anglo.

>> No.28013273
File: 176 KB, 1945x2632, mena.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I see why. though I can also see why they tried. India's in a race to be the most populated country after all

>> No.28013276
Quoted by: >>28013609

Nah, she has been jumping between waifus for the entire run. She'll be happy going for Sothis and if she ends up on Church Route she will be absolutely thirsting for Rhea.

>> No.28013279

what about streaming!

>> No.28013280

There's still another week in october left, I'm hoping she'll say "fuck the poll we're watching Halloween this week chumbuds" and that'll be that.

>> No.28013284
Quoted by: >>28013341

Ok that's it, I'm subscribing to the chicken

>> No.28013285
Quoted by: >>28013404

Watch her Mario Kart streams, dumb frogposter

>> No.28013294
Quoted by: >>28013381

>John wick 2 & 3
>My favorite movie(hunt for the wilderpeople)
So of course it won. The game was rigged from the start.
It's a good movie but still... cheap move by Ame.

>> No.28013295
File: 1.05 MB, 1280x720, 1600116572199.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28013803

I really don't like it when Kiara puts her face so close to the screen. I hate cleaning cum off my monitor.

>> No.28013296

>Villeneuvefag saying this
I rest easy knowing you will die without procreating

>> No.28013297
Quoted by: >>28013357

someone mind explaining this meme

>> No.28013298

You now realise this was the whole purpose of the Ame/Kiara collab at the end of the week.

>> No.28013302
Quoted by: >>28013391

Uh... I love my bros, sure, but I don't love them THAT much. Even after 12 pints.

>> No.28013303

>She's not just a dance, she is a BELLYdance, in fucking Japan, the giant balls of this girl.
Japan is less conservative than people think

>> No.28013306

Anons got filtered by her potato mic and attempts to appeal to JOPs early on.

>> No.28013308
File: 118 KB, 853x503, 1603235654649.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>KiaraChads are able to have a nice cozy thread while watching a dark comedy kino rollercoaster chicken stream
After all the shit you've been going through with antis and falseflaggers, I hope this becomes the norm from now on.

>> No.28013309

I'm definitely gonna do that now, goddamn.

>> No.28013312

Goddamn, can you imagine fucking all the dyke out of this chicken?

>> No.28013319


>> No.28013321
File: 3.59 MB, 1372x2636, birth of a new chicken.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28013322

>Rumours of a Reaper

You can't make this shit up!

>> No.28013324
File: 1.35 MB, 1200x1697, 1602312155130.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28013360


>> No.28013323

"I gently open the door" it's a normalfag meme, I had to google it.

>> No.28013325

Oh god if a 3D model of Kiara is ever made... I'm going for it.

>> No.28013327

nice to hear

>> No.28013328
File: 1.39 MB, 1132x1600, chumguts torch 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28013335

>actually in favour of someone raping their friend because yuri
Wtf is wrong with you people?

>> No.28013337


>> No.28013340
File: 86 KB, 400x400, 1602453573697.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks takobro

>> No.28013341

Took you long enough.

>> No.28013350


>> No.28013351

I'm reconsidering my "women aren't funny" belief. This chicken is killing my sides

>> No.28013355
Quoted by: >>28013393

>kiara playing debuff game
>no other holoen live for another hour
kill me

>> No.28013357

see her first movie watchalong

>> No.28013360
File: 33 KB, 447x769, 1603212378109.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Kiara collabs with Aki and gets her to teach her how to belly dance
Are You Ready?

>> No.28013361

desu I wouldn't mind a Sydsnap x Mori podcast

>> No.28013363

women aren't intentionally funny

>> No.28013373

underrated post

>> No.28013375

Most recent Kiara streams have had pretty good threads to be honest, in fact, while I've been awake I think the threads have been mostly good while we had actual content since... the big minecraft collab? which went the way every big collab goes.

>> No.28013381
Quoted by: >>28013472

>not trusting Ame by this point
We're still gonna watch Wick.

>> No.28013384

Instantly heard:
>It's your move,
>I've made up my mind.
>Time is running ou-ou-out!

>> No.28013388
File: 16 KB, 205x215, 16026851742231.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wake up
>open stream
>moona writing her memories

>> No.28013391
Quoted by: >>28013456

This. If anything I like my friends LESS after some booze.

>> No.28013392
Quoted by: >>28013540

want me to ruin this skecth for you guys? I have to means to do it

>> No.28013393

do your reps like me

>> No.28013394

As they say in Australia, "bruh lmao yeet".

>> No.28013395
Quoted by: >>28013426

>We are perfect together

Oh no Kiara...

>> No.28013396

there are funny women, they're just all lesbians

>> No.28013399
File: 44 KB, 696x388, cutemoona.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OK, I'm not made of stone, this is pretty cute.

>> No.28013402

She said we're her best friends, I'm happy now

>> No.28013403

Women aren't funny when they try to be, they're funny when in an environment that let's them be funny naturally

>> No.28013404

MK vs Ina tomorrow, Ina fans want Ina to win and Kiara fans want Kiara to lose so it's 11v1 race against Kiara. She will have another genocidal rant and it will be so good.

>> No.28013408

>Kiara checks stats for the first time ever
>She doesn't know what she's looking at

>> No.28013410

They both talk funny

>> No.28013413
File: 56 KB, 474x567, OIP (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who'd be a good pick for this watchalong?

>> No.28013415

cute funny is not the same as haha joke funny

>> No.28013423

I left the concernfag gang and just accepted this is how Kiara is.

>> No.28013426

Kiara is literally me except female and a holo live girl herself


>> No.28013429
File: 118 KB, 662x668, 1519462520561.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28013470

>Somebody made a full body sketch of gyaru kiara

>> No.28013430


>> No.28013434

no one. wes anderson fucking sucks.

>> No.28013437

...Is that not also the same for men?

>> No.28013453

Ina comes to mind first but Ame would also be good

>> No.28013455
File: 32 KB, 451x453, 1603171812451.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks chumbud, looking forward to it

>> No.28013456

So you'll fuck some other dude

>> No.28013459

I'd say he's the best of the bunch, for whatever that means, joey's tastes not terrible but he's a cunt, and connor can be somewhat entertaining but has some of the worst takes I've ever heard.

>> No.28013468
Quoted by: >>28013535

Yeah it's a meme that zoomers like to use but anyone with experience will tell you that it hurts. These days it might be better but not that long ago it was like the childhood friend stereotype on hardmode; it's hard to know what actual signals are vs just friendship, and you sure as hell better be certain you're guessing right or be ready to deal with massive ostracizing.

>> No.28013470

Ina...the Pochi collab...
Pochi... the Ina doujin...

>> No.28013472
File: 7 KB, 354x91, 1602992159061.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I promise to finish the image before the collab.
>I swear I'll finish!
>pic related.
>I forgot lol
>Streams 2 hours earlier again yesterday because her subconsciousness wanted to catch Gura's stream.
I don't trust Amelia scheduling and promises.

>> No.28013480

Now I'm really looking forward to watching Chicken be forced to kill off all the characters she doesn't recruit.

>> No.28013482

Moona is cute

>> No.28013487

Probably none of them are "good" but I would enjoy it with any of them.

>> No.28013495

Shes unintentionally funny, not sure if that counts

>> No.28013498

If it comes out this weekend, I will, even if I have to endure those guys, some mori to hold me over until her next stream will be much appreciated.

>> No.28013500

Who would be best for The Royal Tenenbaums? It's kind of a weird movie so I'm not sure it's good for a watchalong.

>> No.28013503

Be fair, she was sleeping for 609 hours.

>> No.28013504

You're missing the fun part where she said other people finished it for her so what's the point of finishing the picture herself.

>> No.28013505

ok, womyn

>> No.28013506
Quoted by: >>28013578

I think it's because the live2D program makes them have abnormally long necks

>> No.28013507

unless she goes SS and ends up killing almost no one lol

>> No.28013508

>good hololive doujins

>> No.28013509

Oh yeah, did she ever acknowledge she was early? I went to sleep around then.

>> No.28013510

Considering a nap before the movie date with my daughterwife
I'm not sure if can I fall asleep though..

>> No.28013512

I couldnt care less what memery she does i only wish she put up her broadcasts faster

>> No.28013513
Quoted by: >>28013555

I think having recruited Dorothea and killing Ferdie is the best moment out of the bunch for this.

>> No.28013514

>she changed it to rapisu razuri
this is adorable

>> No.28013521

Watsonposter, you were late again.

>> No.28013528

How many sanity points do I have to give up in order to get the Ina doujin?

>> No.28013529
Quoted by: >>28013734

Why do you people even watch those e-celebs enough to know what to be mad about? Amongh the three, I have only watched two season in a nutshell videos of Gigguk. I didn't see anything too offensive, he was just boring compared to Demo so I stopped watching. I have no idea what his fanbase is like because I don't browse anime related sites outside 4chan. Imagine following some randos you don't like just to let them live rent free in your head.

>> No.28013532

On twitter after ending.

>> No.28013535

That honestly kind of sucks, it's not right to ostracize someone if they aren't deliberately trying to be creepy
Sorry if you had to experience it, anon

>> No.28013536
File: 676 KB, 697x643, 1585173661212.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Men can be spontaneously funny. women cannot. this is not misogyny, it's a fact brought on by subtle subconscious evolutionary differences.

>> No.28013540

wdym? anon hasn't finished it yet

>> No.28013543

No, Kiara is actually funny. Watch yesterday's stream with all the quippy jokes about her chicken farm and tell me she isn't. It's not a simple "funny to watch her failing and flailing" thing, she is purposefully funny.

>> No.28013544
Quoted by: >>28013571

She collabed with K-san before Gigguk.

Their fanbase is women?

>> No.28013545
File: 796 KB, 867x760, 1603071567142.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just like Ame

>> No.28013546

Chokers are hot, who cares about reality

>> No.28013549

>chicken streaming 4 hours and will keep going
When she manages to get back to streaming at home she'll probably be making more constant long streams

>> No.28013551
File: 25 KB, 194x194, 1594186183706.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28013588


>> No.28013553
Quoted by: >>28013595

>Moona the architect will continue her journey.
This stream is pure kino.

>> No.28013555
Quoted by: >>28013639

Without a doubt. It's almost a shame she won't get to see it especially after getting attached to Ferdie like this.

>> No.28013556

To be honest, I also restarted the game when I found out that I couldn't marry Bernadetta.

>> No.28013557
File: 21 KB, 400x409, 1603239052775.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28013594

At this rate I'll continue doing my art reps with Ina and do one myself if I have to.

>> No.28013558
Quoted by: >>28013702

>byleth level 16
>linhardt level 6
What the hell is this chicken doing holy shit

>> No.28013559
File: 108 KB, 584x542, 55345433453434563543465.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She did. After she had finished watching Gura's stream 7 hours later.

>> No.28013560
File: 2.45 MB, 720x300, 1600996596857.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28013562

I just realized Bottom Left and Top Right is just Kiara's version of +2 -2

>> No.28013571
Quoted by: >>28013611

No, women actually love loli.

>> No.28013574

>Men can be spontaneously funny. women cannot.
So what I gather from this is, you've never had a female friend?

>> No.28013576
File: 26 KB, 468x189, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

listen to this taco loudly swallowing cugumber and water

>> No.28013577

Chokers are nice. It's a shame normal women all wear black ones instead of better looking ones

>> No.28013578

I think it depends more on the model, but yeah, holos like Ina and Pekora look very weird without any neckwear.

>> No.28013587
Quoted by: >>28013642

It's a practical thing with Live2D. They hide the neck seam on the model.

>> No.28013589

you are retarded, i can tell by smelling your genes

>> No.28013588

thanks for proving me right by posting a funny woman who's shtick is situational humor

>> No.28013595
File: 12 KB, 232x227, Pekora 15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28013594
File: 34 KB, 999x210, JOP among JOPs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28013770

Based, good luck

>> No.28013596
File: 255 KB, 503x559, 1602351559543.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28013700

That would be too good for this sinful earth.

>> No.28013597
File: 120 KB, 825x729, 1602014708993.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fair?! FAIR?! Don't talk to me about fair, you yankee motherfucker. You have NO IDEA what it's like to live in this hellhole. You think your two party government is bad? This entire fucking country is a joke. Don't you even dare call it a banana republic, no one even grows shit in here. I can't get out of my house out of fear of getting shot by 14yos sniffing epoxy. Our ruling government is part of a "party" that's only has the value of being named after a man that participated in a military coup. Politicians suck their wives tits on videocall during congress. Our jails might as well have revolving doors. Somehow we still have Bolivians migrating here. We're even staring to have Africans mobs. There's no fucking hope for this fucking country save for the ocean swallowing us whole.

How the fuck do you think *I* feel when I see people dropping akasupas in dollars?

>> No.28013599

Read the chart again. it's not Top movie vs Top movies, is the movies which the most disparity. Obviously you'll think that the movies in the women's chart are shit if you're a man, that's the point.

>> No.28013606

Kiara said in her last stream that she wanted to do a long stream because she took a day off

>> No.28013609

Petra is her Mori projection so it's obvious she wants her the most. restarting is a definite possibility

>> No.28013610

I want Watson to sing this

>> No.28013611

Women hate loli usually cause it fills them with jealousy over them still being fresh and young

>> No.28013613

>still talking about resetting the entire game and replaying it offstream just to get Petra.
This isn't going to end well.

>> No.28013615

why are you watching vtubers?

>> No.28013619

What difficulty/mode is Kiara playing?

>> No.28013622


>> No.28013624

There was that one Marine doujin.

>> No.28013628
File: 305 KB, 478x480, 1581605755450.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Politicians suck their wives tits on videocall during congress.
That was fucking hilarious

>> No.28013629

>Politicians suck their wives tits on videocall during congress.
are the wives at least hot

>> No.28013632

Interfemale fashion policing stops most adult females from wearing them in real life. Being hot doesn't mean they're fashionable.

>> No.28013637

I love you anon, please stay safe.

I only realized how much of a shithouse Venezuela was when I played VA-11 HALL-A and read stuff the devs shared...it's insane

>> No.28013639

>"We killed Ferdie, Professor, he used to be our friend. Do you remember those days?
Man, that line actually got to me a little when I played this route

>> No.28013641


>> No.28013642

>neck seam

what does that mean? I've made a few rigs and I dont know where a neck seam would be made

>> No.28013645
Quoted by: >>28013700

i get hard at the thought of this

>> No.28013646
Quoted by: >>28013691

Chokers are a popular fashion trend in asia right now.
Asian fashion is going through this phase where every season they discover a new part of the female body is actually attractive and suddenly everything's about accessorizing it and drawing attention to it. They're finally breaking away from their age old "boobs/legs ONRY" ways. The clavicle was just the most recent discovery.

It's even more popular for live2d models because the necks tend to be awkwardly long and there's a seem where it pivots from the collar. Something like a choker or other neck accessory makes it seem less long and can hide the seam so there's less clipping.

>> No.28013649
Quoted by: >>28013773

God I cannot fucking wait for Kiara to reach the KINO ending of the Edelgard route


>> No.28013653


>> No.28013652
Quoted by: >>28013797

laughing with your friends is not true comedy. Your friends can say stupid shit that makes you laugh so hard that you cry and can't breath but if a comedian said the same thing you'd just stare at them with a blank face. in this case it's not really about it being funny but about a connection you have with that person

>> No.28013654


>> No.28013655

Naruhodo ne

>> No.28013659


>> No.28013664
File: 122 KB, 1052x681, firefox_3SvenJOClo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28013665


>> No.28013667


>> No.28013670

>heybrid shoes
never fails to make me laugh

>> No.28013674

I want this but with Ame.


>> No.28013675

do you hate shota for the same reasons or are you retarded?

>> No.28013676
Quoted by: >>28013718

She's so rough already, would trying to hit quick lyrics in a language she doesn't know even count as "singing"?

>> No.28013679
Quoted by: >>28013808

>Eating cucumbers by themselves. Just with some oil and seeds
>not as part of a vegetable salad
>not as addition to a normal meal
>eating cucumbers and drinking fucking water with them
Jesus Christ, no wonder she hates them.

>> No.28013680
File: 139 KB, 751x299, 1603254628688.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.28013684

Stay strong, fellow third-worlder. We may not be as fucked as you are right now, but in 10 years we might be where you are right now.

>> No.28013686
Quoted by: >>28013766

Literally real GFE

>> No.28013687
File: 34 KB, 720x480, a5f94123393a0fd78f0d92a621599753.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your Ina fanart is pretty good, but the halo is on the wrong side.

>> No.28013688
Quoted by: >>28013753

I didn't know they were Venezuelan. Hope some bullshit doesn't happen sequel from happening

>> No.28013691

how the fuck is Japan so late on this shit the last time chokers were a big thing was like 5 years ago

>> No.28013693

Not really, you can look at how common are female loli artists, women pretend to hate loli for moral/social justice points on the internet, same reason as the men that "hate" loli.

>> No.28013695

I'll never forget HER

>> No.28013700
File: 45 KB, 587x254, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28013701
File: 101 KB, 1033x985, 4bfc08755831de9cfe14f8a39e63dbf9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bet she is regretting firing moona now

>> No.28013702

She's got it so stuck in her head that healers can only heal. I think I can count on one hand how many kills she's gotten with Lin

>> No.28013709


>> No.28013712

I've already seen Halloween, but never watched The Thing.

>> No.28013714
Quoted by: >>28013741

You can edit item description in Minecraft?

>> No.28013715
File: 421 KB, 4096x2227, 1601578458622.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Kawaii is English now
You heard her, folks.

>> No.28013716
Quoted by: >>28013749

girly inside jokes is not comedy my friend

>> No.28013718

i don't know but id laugh. i guess Ina could sing it instead, she likes Yui

>> No.28013719


>> No.28013721
Quoted by: >>28013796

How did this happen? Who would profit of a bigger power vacuum in Argentina? Even more mobsters?

>> No.28013722
Quoted by: >>28013757

What are the odds she actually restarts as Male Byleth to love out her Mori/Petra fantasies

>> No.28013729

Shoulda let Bolivar unite the continent then you mooks

>> No.28013730

Asian fashion always lags behind the west by 5 or so years. The only time the two seem to align is when an asian trend becomes popular in the west and we circle back around.

>> No.28013734

I haven’t actively watched Joey since 2016, I’m just aware of who he is as a person and I don’t wanna see that shit get anywhere near my oshi. Thinking of the possibility that I’d have to see his smug ass again after 4 years of actively avoiding him is irritating. Considering there’s been hints at him wanting to collab with Mori on other things, I’m just hoping that this podcast is it. Joey’s a nasty fucking cunt, and I don’t want him spreading his ideas to Mori.

Wow, this was probably my most schizophrenic post, depressing.

>> No.28013735
File: 505 KB, 1920x1200, 1603263595010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28013736
Quoted by: >>28013849

i like this fire emblem music. i might play one of these games

>> No.28013737
File: 45 KB, 512x512, 1580053575967.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only mistake your mother ever made is you.

>> No.28013741

That's a book and quill. You can name items as well though

>> No.28013740

Forrest is good river.

>> No.28013744
File: 791 KB, 1366x767, 12548302012.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28013788

Gura 3d onegai

>> No.28013742

this is a high quality post anon, as expected of a Lunanaito

>> No.28013745
Quoted by: >>28013782

Aren't you watching a fuckton of successful female entertainers?

>> No.28013747

For a very limited ESL, Pekora mastered puns quickly. As expected of the comedian bunny

>> No.28013749

comedy is not the only type of humor, anon. girls are bad at comedy but can sometimes still be good at humor.

>> No.28013750

EN is even taking over the language. Black Ships motherfuckers

>> No.28013751

Nah, I can totally see the collab happening, but I don't believe in something as powerful as Ina erodoujinshi by Pochi.

>> No.28013752

It's only funny because Kiara plays it up for laughs. Dealing with someone who acts like that seriously and constantly is very uncomfortable.

>> No.28013753

The main dev managed to leave (but had to leave family behind).

>> No.28013756

I don't get it. Is Kiara pretending to be dumb or something?

>> No.28013757

If nothing else, she's doing it offstream ASAP

>> No.28013761
File: 2.47 MB, 2000x2000, Waachamanotlikethis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28013766

Just reminds me of my dad and how he promises things then forgets them so I become the bad person if I remind him.

>> No.28013770
File: 2.35 MB, 3327x3259, 98fb024094b5d39f1416264bd5c2d8ee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ina's anus

>> No.28013771

Is Venezuela the one that's fucked over because of American economic sanctions or am I thinking of somewhere else?

>> No.28013773

Green haired bitch from the Church is the villain. Every time, japan, every single time.

>> No.28013776
File: 329 KB, 528x517, 1599637021197.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28013782

They are entertaining, but they are not funny.

>> No.28013783
Quoted by: >>28013953

>I’m just aware of who he is as a person
What did he do?

>> No.28013784

Fucking youtube didnt tell me chicken was streaming and even hid her stream from my subscribers what the fuck

>> No.28013785

Merely pretending

>> No.28013786
File: 85 KB, 594x592, 1586478361960.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember this? At first, people got tired of this because of facebook/insta spam, then Japan got to know it and churned fanarts.

>> No.28013788
Quoted by: >>28013826

>no gills
7/10 needs work

>> No.28013790

She has Pekora energy

>> No.28013796
File: 61 KB, 720x784, Videla Riendo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28013957

Stay strong bro... lets hope something happen in December to kick the retard on the office... and hope someone competent take the place
>How did this happen?
Peron happened

>> No.28013797

>Your friends can say stupid shit that makes you laugh so hard that you cry and can't breath but if a comedian said the same thing you'd just stare at them with a blank face.
I agree with your point, but it does not make mine completely incorrect. If you are friends with someone for a few years, somewhere in there they are likely to have a moment of actual, in-the-moment wit that isn't just relying on situational levity or in-jokes.

>> No.28013798

This stream is pure kino

>> No.28013801

Marine has a good one

>> No.28013803

>beautiful sparkly tsurime eyes
>just a hint of lickstick
>powerful eyelashes
>subtle pink eye shadow
>a nice bit of blush
>eyebrows of just the right thickness
>framed by beautiful orange hair with shades of teal
>amazing sparkly feathers

Her costume's colors/accessories might not be the best but her base design and the outfit's basic shape are 11/10 coombait.

>> No.28013808

>Thick slices of cucumber.

>> No.28013810

>Mori does a comfykino stream
>Ina does a GUH

>> No.28013814
File: 3.53 MB, 1336x1920, u48eggdzpfu51.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is she right?

>> No.28013817

The really funny part is that she's actually not the villain, you are.

>> No.28013821

I count 6

>> No.28013826
Quoted by: >>28013864

Gills arent canon till her mama makes it so

>> No.28013833


>> No.28013837
Quoted by: >>28014385

Venezuela being fucked over by American economic sanctions is a propaganda narrative, the government REALLY fucked things over with the grossest display of nepotism that makes China blush.

>> No.28013838

>Chicken has been streaming for 4 hours
The hell.

>> No.28013840

You wish you were getting as much barnacle riddled pussy as Bloop was getting

>> No.28013847
File: 1.22 MB, 750x2100, inarine.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I cant wait for the collab.

>> No.28013849

Kiara's not going to go and do this route on stream, so hold on to your butt: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bMfvZmhqW0A

>> No.28013848

I hope Pocchi convinces her to branch out.

>> No.28013851

Owari da

>> No.28013852
Quoted by: >>28013974

What?! Then this fire emblem shit sounds great.

>> No.28013854


>> No.28013856

Spread ideas? Dude she is her own person, she's not going to do something she doesn't like.

>> No.28013858

>4 hours 20 minutes

>> No.28013864

she made it canon when she said she has gills on her ribs

>> No.28013866


>> No.28013870

Yes, its all a sham, she is actually a 300IQ polyglot genius

>> No.28013874

it's silly how behind they are compared to twitch with this streaming shit

>> No.28013877

pretty much, the thing is some retards never grow up

>> No.28013878
File: 73 KB, 128x128, 1602903373701.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28013908

You now remember Pekora BGM

>> No.28013881

Based shitholebro, good luck out there
>Politicians suck their wives tits on videocall during congress.
Sounds pretty cool desu

>> No.28013882


>> No.28013886

Did you double subscribe?

>> No.28013888
Quoted by: >>28013920

>Once again some absolute retard leaves before Kiara SC reading
I can't feel but sorry for these people.

>> No.28013891

There are many places fucked over due to sanctions, and Venezuela is one of them.

I'm not from there, but desu, they also fucked themselves over via poor governance. The sanctions just made it even worse (and arguably, the US game plan with sanctions is to make the entire country fall apart in order to get rid of the current regime).

It's kinda sad because by all rights it should be a rich country. Fucking Black Lagoon portrayed it as such. The state oil company PDVSA even once sponsored a driver in F1, which is the ultimate money waster.

Venezuelan bros pls correct me if I'm wrong.

>> No.28013896

I want her to do that but with :<

>> No.28013897
Quoted by: >>28013938

>implying she will even remember that

>> No.28013900
Quoted by: >>28014007

Yes unless you suffer medical issues that require taking medication once or possible twice a day

>> No.28013901

Depends on the route. Edelgard's pretty villainous herself. I'd say more about it but I hate the underwritten mess that this game is desu

>> No.28013903

Do they talk?

>> No.28013908
File: 262 KB, 416x577, NOT AGAIN!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28013914
Quoted by: >>28013946

she called 4h stream not even that long. is that the beginning of en endurance streams?

>> No.28013915

I unironically think she's doing it for her family, it's about 8pm over there and ever since she mentioned her mother watched her she's been streaming at more Euro-friendly hours.

>> No.28013917

Finally, the real content

>> No.28013920

Forgive Them, They Know Not What They Do.

>> No.28013925
File: 205 KB, 900x720, 1600800571154.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28013970

>4+ hour stream
>enjoyed every second of it
Literally no holo has ever kept me hooked this hard. I genuinely love this bird. Watching her is a fucking emotional rollercoaster and she has me tethered to the end of it.

>> No.28013927

here comes another 2 hours of superchat aka 90% talking about random stuff

>> No.28013934
File: 138 KB, 349x415, begins.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28013996

>bekora-kiara mario kart stream

>> No.28013938
Quoted by: >>28013978

i hope she just keeps pulling random lore out of her ass that she forgets a week later. it'll be funny looking back

>> No.28013939

Good shit

>> No.28013941

I really like her sword and shield, the chicken drumsticks are just dumb

>> No.28013942

I seriously want to invest in Chicken Mama coin.

>> No.28013946

She was willing to stream Minecraft for 6 hours minimum a couple weeks ago, but then manager-san's absolute garbage PC ruined her shit

>> No.28013947

Brace for slaps

>> No.28013949

forced reincarnation

>> No.28013950
File: 1.58 MB, 1366x768, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watching the Mori-sensei VOD.
What's this? Was she literally numberfagging in another tab or is it just how youtube shows you your current stream stats?

>> No.28013953

Well, if it’s to be believed, the man more or less managed to get Lost Pause shunned by a good chunk of the anime community. He also actively reposts lolicon hentai on his main, again wouldn’t be a problem if it weren’t for the fact that a good chunk of his audience contains kids. Overall the biggest issue is that he’s a smug prick who thinks he’s better than everyone, doesn’t help that he’s a big fucking band wagoner too. Just all around not a great guy, which is ironic because years ago he used to be about as relatable as Mori, but I guess fame is a pretty decent corrupter.

>> No.28013954
Quoted by: >>28014025

The text is over her sword

>> No.28013957
Quoted by: >>28014067

He died in 1974?

>> No.28013969

>Her family watched her have a lesbian breakdown live on stream

>> No.28013970
Quoted by: >>28014267

First week of EN I thought Kiara was one of the weakest Holos ever
Holy fuck was I wrong

>> No.28013972

Would you watch Kiara/Mori do a meme review of japanese memes?

>> No.28013974
Quoted by: >>28014136

They bait the fuck out of you by presenting Edelgard as the poster girl of the game and then it turns out she's actually the villain of the overarching plot. Edelgard has noble intentions but is being manipulated by the true evil faction of the game into destroying the Church by playing on the expectations of the Church being the evil group in JRPGs. In truth the church has done some morally questionable things but ultimately they are good people and Rhea is only presented as a villain in Edelgard's route because you specifically trigger some very bad memories for Rhea and drive her insane.

>> No.28013975
File: 313 KB, 904x315, breedingpeko.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28013976

Pretty sure it's just current stream stats

>> No.28013978
Quoted by: >>28014032

Has she ever kept her age consistent between streams?

>> No.28013981
Quoted by: >>28014096

>...they also fucked themselves over via poor governance.
Well when you put random generals in charge of the energy sector... and not generals who were engineers in their earlier life or anything, but just like, some random influential dudes who aren't going to take advice from people who know the industry? What did they expect is going to happen?

>> No.28013983

>(and arguably, the US game plan with sanctions is to make the entire country fall apart in order to get rid of the current regime)
That's not really speculation, that's kinda just the modus operandi of modern day. Hot wars don't happen anymore, proxy wars are the way to go. It's been like 30 CIA staged coups in the past 50 years or something

>> No.28013982

chicken my kokoros

>> No.28013985

I think Ame is the most Anderson-core, but I would definitely want to watch A Life Aquatic with Gura

>> No.28013986
File: 7 KB, 335x80, 1465916542619.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why is this shit so funny

>> No.28013990

>a lesbian breakdown
more like multiple lesbian episodes over the past weeks

>> No.28013991

what will Kiara leak this time

>> No.28013993


>> No.28013996

Would Chicken let Pekora win or she will try to destroy her?

>> No.28013997

That's actually a solid Asuka impression

>> No.28014000


>> No.28014001

she has made contradictory statements about her skin being smooth or sandpapery, too. isolated statements don't create canon.

>> No.28014003


>> No.28014005

>is it just how youtube shows you your current stream stats?
Looks like it, not sure why she'd check any stats intentionally this early into it not that there's anything wrong with that.

>> No.28014006

Second one.

>> No.28014007

yeah it would be a shame if south-east asians had a high propensity for schizophrenia

>> No.28014009

>plugsuit Kiara
that's nice

>> No.28014010

Looks like the stream dashboard yeah

>> No.28014011

It looks like she was looking at the stats for the stream while setting it up. Forgot to back out because she's a massive boomer baka.

>> No.28014015

Nah, Nipons sucks at making memes

>> No.28014016
File: 64 KB, 356x407, 1601693808897.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Kiara's legs in a plug suit

>> No.28014018

>Plugsuit Kiara
satan plz

>> No.28014019

Current stream stats

>> No.28014022

>Plug Suit Kiara drawn by Huke

>> No.28014026
Quoted by: >>28014063

Has anyone clipped "Come to Brazil is not a question!" yet?

>> No.28014025

That's just because it's super sharp bro

>> No.28014027
File: 319 KB, 1920x1080, watch_v=BQ9rYbkmQcc 00_53_10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do you like yourself?

>> No.28014028

holy shit, my fav doujin artist and my fav vtuber doing collab is a possibility?

>> No.28014029
File: 37 KB, 840x1160, CEO of chimkin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kiara alt costume ideas, lads

>> No.28014032

no it's always just some random number between 9000 and 9999

>> No.28014034

Yes, I've noticed that I don't care about much of anything anymore

>> No.28014036

imagine if she had a tab of /ss/ open

>> No.28014038

why is she allowed to share backend channel stats after the Coco crisis?

>> No.28014039

this is karma for teasing those lesbian chickens for their inability to produce offspring

>> No.28014041


>> No.28014047

>And she was invested in it all the way through
Negro please, she stopped reading notes 2 hours in and read chat for tips

>> No.28014051

lunanaito bros...

>> No.28014056

>I'm ogey

>> No.28014057
Quoted by: >>28014093

>Buttplug suit

>> No.28014061
File: 1012 KB, 1191x1684, Ekf1i76UUAApK5a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cute and funny

>> No.28014063

kiara's grandpa moved there after ww2

>> No.28014065

it contains brazil and not a lot of money

>> No.28014067
Quoted by: >>28014316

>you can kill the retard... but never the retarded ideology
Let keep voting for the same party for 60 years! Maybe one day it will work!

>> No.28014070


>> No.28014075

The only Hololive doujin I could ever jerk it to. Not because quality, just because it’s so ridiculous that I don’t feel guilt for doing so.

>> No.28014078
File: 79 KB, 900x900, 1588181093357.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.28014079

Yeah, I'm sure all the companies are chomping at the bit to corner the market for $12 akasupas.

>> No.28014082
File: 186 KB, 960x960, 1601780697845.jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fuck self-esteem
>Life is but a dream

>> No.28014084

what exactly happened to lost pause?
Was he cancelled or something?

>> No.28014086
File: 1.13 MB, 1277x1078, amelia_anon_test.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was fucking around drawing, does this look like Amelia, teamates? I don't know how to make her look like herself while keeping fluffy hair and dress. I'm just a beginner.

>> No.28014090

is that an evangelion reference?

>> No.28014091
File: 256 KB, 480x473, 1602301333492.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28014093

I know what you were trying but the mental image this conjures is just a giant buttplug mascot costume.

>> No.28014094

>open someone's stream
>reading superchats
>close stream

>> No.28014096

I feel sorry for the people
Elites playing their shitty games always hurts the common man the most no matter the country

>> No.28014098

Are you okay?

>> No.28014101

That NoeFure one is fine too

>> No.28014103

>that thanks at the end
muh dik

>> No.28014106 [DELETED] 

>can't visit family cause lockdowns
Fuck the rona, fuck /pol/, and fuck anti-maskers

>> No.28014108

Phoenix fancy dress

>> No.28014111


>> No.28014113
Quoted by: >>28014137

>these fucking superchats numberfagging

kill yourselves you motherfuckers

>> No.28014114

somethings off with that Kiara Mori

>> No.28014115
File: 486 KB, 790x654, 1589534376522.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28014118
File: 305 KB, 302x569, phoenixRobo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28014226


>> No.28014121

>thanks for streaming fire emblem even though your numbers numbers numbers

>> No.28014122

>chicken wanted to visit her family for the first time in years but can't because of airport lockdowns

>> No.28014123

Go look in the mirror and genuinely ask yourself this question. Really think about it. Tell me if it was easy to answer, I'm curious.

>> No.28014125

Because China bows to the black ship girls.

>> No.28014129

Ame NO

>> No.28014133

You suck, but keep up the reps. One day this will be cute.

>> No.28014136
File: 250 KB, 869x943, the curse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't hate myself
At least there's that...

>> No.28014137
Quoted by: >>28014176

It's always VG311 godammit

>> No.28014138

Still going. Does the lowest kind of content. Reddit meme reviews. His streams are kinda ogey though.

>> No.28014139

Pretty true. It's why I don't get you guys as much now. It can be fun watching you guys cause shitstorms.

>> No.28014143
File: 1.96 MB, 1500x2000, c144db026c3992df5c32eb6b5df5ab38.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28014228

Even if she doesn't, that just means I'll have to love her enough for both of us. Ride or die, through cringekino and yabai, Mori is my oshi.

>> No.28014144

i wonder if Ina and Kiara play GI off stream, iofi does

>> No.28014149
File: 99 KB, 322x305, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28014150

With Kiara you really should stick around. It can be absolutely anything with Kiara.

>> No.28014151

Oktoberfest wench

>> No.28014152

It looks like Amelia with a broken neck.

>> No.28014153


>> No.28014156

But chicken visa..

>> No.28014164

Kialope Morinashi

>> No.28014169


>> No.28014171

yeah I think I'm okay, not that difficult

>> No.28014172
File: 29 KB, 637x358, fool.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28014173

april fools next year should switch everyone's live2Ds into lolis and make gura a mama

>> No.28014175


>> No.28014176

I bet he unironically lurks here

>> No.28014181
Quoted by: >>28014255

Amelia "Necksnap" Watson, I see

>> No.28014182

>"Are you frustrated?"

>> No.28014193

She did streamed for like 2 hours with 4k

>> No.28014195 [DELETED] 

fuck pussyass governments, fuck masks, and fuck lockdowns.

>> No.28014196

It's amazing how they went full anti-mask, complete 180 from the early happening posting lmao

>> No.28014197 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>28014222

>chinks strike again

>> No.28014198
Quoted by: >>28014235

I want gyaru Kiara so badly that I don't even want to dilute the idea pool with anything else.

>> No.28014202

Anon don't do me like that

>> No.28014204
Quoted by: >>28014238

>not in the toilet
Who is she talking about?

>> No.28014205

I like the style Anon but
>That neck
Do your reps

>> No.28014206 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>28014222

>this engineered bioweapon is YOUR fault goy
fuck you

>> No.28014210
File: 29 KB, 455x285, haha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28014212
File: 843 KB, 2538x4096, 87786684648468.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28014246

I want to bury my Watsword in her...

>> No.28014219

Why are her eyes orange if neither Kiara nor Mori have orange eyes you literal donut

>> No.28014221
File: 1006 KB, 1000x1414, 84458446_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28014254

my daughter gura is so erotic!

>> No.28014222 [DELETED] 

spotted the (burger) /pol/tards

>> No.28014223

I'll take anything that has a different hairstyle.

>> No.28014226


>> No.28014228
Quoted by: >>28014257

>through cringekino and yabai
I can tell you're a real deadbit cause of the cringe lines.

>> No.28014230

Literally me

>> No.28014234

My only flaw is not being more rich and handsome.

>> No.28014233

Just remember: fuck China
Everything else is a distraction

>> No.28014235

This is a good answer.

>> No.28014237
Quoted by: >>28014323

>We like you
She doesn't really beleeb it doesn't she.

>> No.28014239
File: 1.24 MB, 1280x720, 1602752602839.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28014238
Quoted by: >>28014263

When Flayn first went missing she joked how Flayn got locked in the bathroom and didnt know how to get out.

>> No.28014240
Quoted by: >>28014274

not a burger, retard.

>> No.28014243
File: 129 KB, 702x526, OrthodoxChurch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28014284

If I go and ask God to be nice to Kiara, what happens?

>> No.28014244

Y'know the first 100 /cvg/ generals were productive, then the spam got to it...I still laugh at how we got everything right in the first 2 weeks and the government are just spouting the stuff we said.

>> No.28014246

Amelia really is pure sex
I could fap to her every single day. Just need to hear her talk, that does the job.

>> No.28014247 [DELETED] 

>brings up politics
>gets a reply
>ur a poltard
again, fuck you.

>> No.28014249
Quoted by: >>28014331


>> No.28014251
File: 60 KB, 697x392, 20201020_115347.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28014288

Please no. The thread was so cozy. Dont start...
Heres a rrat to calm the nerves.

>> No.28014253
Quoted by: >>28014331

He’s still around, though his content has degraded heavily. For a while though he was just considered the pariah of the anime community, where like even Double4Anime was liked more than him. They never really explained what happened, but it was very clear that Joey was the one who made it happen. From rumors I’ve heard it was because LP didn’t like AkiDearest, Joey’s girlfriend, which if that’s true that’s a really petty reason for having a guy shunned. I don’t watch either anymore, both wound up being disappointments in one way or another.

>> No.28014254
Quoted by: >>28014279

those panties are cute

>> No.28014255 [DELETED] 

Amelia Necksnapson

>> No.28014258

I remember some idiot speculating on people throwing their dogs out into the streets after it was suggested they could catch and spread it, leading to abandoned streets with packs of stray dogs. Honestly should've saved all the crazy shit they came up with then to show to them now.

>> No.28014257


>> No.28014263

Thanks anon
I was wondering if she was talking about Calli

>> No.28014267
File: 667 KB, 680x683, 1600220989078.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First week she *was* weak.

>> No.28014273
File: 804 KB, 3024x4032, rrat2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oi ningen! There is no stamina for you here. Have a terrible day

>> No.28014274

stop responding to obvious bait

>> No.28014278

>2.If you see spam or trolling, don’t respond. Just block, report, and ignore those comments.

>> No.28014279

the shark teeth fringe is such a cute concept

>> No.28014282


>> No.28014284

You'll find that all of kiara's problems are self-inflicted

>> No.28014285 [SPOILER] 
File: 30 KB, 874x182, 1603305412155.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OK I cannot hold it anymore,
I love Moona, she's so goddamn retarded it makes my heart melt, how did this happened? I started watching her just out of curiosity but she grew so much. The way she takes no shit from her chat, the way she fucks around for 8 hours in minecraft doing accountant level shit, the way she cannot stop eating all day long, the way her voice goes from squeaky to 10/10 when she sings, the way she pronounces "chicken", her stupid fucking laugh...
I can't guys, how did this happened?

>> No.28014288

Is that r.rat wearing a fucking diamond helmet?

>> No.28014292
Quoted by: >>28014320

>a pandemic is a political issue
you cannot make this shit up

>> No.28014294

>still believe Mori loves her but just won't admit it in public

>> No.28014295

I don't like the answer

>> No.28014296

>stage 4 cancer patient
>don't worry, just be a phoenix you'll get a better chance next life :D

>kiara can't fly because of airport lockdown
don't worry, just be a phoenix and fly away bitch.

>> No.28014298

>Phoenix is Monster girl


>> No.28014300

Shut up, ffat rrat

>> No.28014302

Seeing the mainstream media and governments almost completely 180'ing their positions on COVID with right-wing conspiracy theorists as the pandemic started was definitely one of the most visceral things I've seen this year.

>> No.28014304 [DELETED] 

a virus isn't political moron

your anti-science bullshit is what is keeping people dying and keeping kiara where she is

>> No.28014306

>implying i can look at myself in the mirror without the start of a panic attack

>> No.28014310

Delusions too strong...

>> No.28014312

All of the IDs are based in their own way

>> No.28014316

What is the opposition up to?

>> No.28014320


>> No.28014321
Quoted by: >>28014361

You're in love, anon. This is it. Strap in, it only gets harder from here.

>> No.28014323
Quoted by: >>28014493

Considering the difference in her audience and her roommate's audience that is understandable

>> No.28014330

Cute ogey rrat

>> No.28014331


>> No.28014334

it doesn't show viewer regions, which was the problem. That said, I imagine she's going to look over that stat thouroughly for this considering that it was language focused.

>> No.28014338

A boost from pekora minecraft stuff and I think many people weren't actually aware that the stream is in english

>> No.28014340

everything is political

>> No.28014342

rrrrratto shimurrratorrr

>> No.28014343
File: 26 KB, 622x408, 1600673140947.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28014344


>> No.28014345 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>28014417

desu /k/ and /pol/ are a bunch of fucking weak cunts, they just parrot whatever the leading conservative figures say. Why own firearms but shun masks? Self reliance my ass, they just want to "own the libs" at all cost.

I dont really hate them though. Hard to be a conservative in a country where the cultural elite and rich shits on you 24/7/365. So they go for whatever pissant victories they can win

>> No.28014348

>ID Gachikois emerging
Based. Hope collabs get them all some more exposure.

>> No.28014351
File: 407 KB, 720x705, 1602588020278.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unhand that rat

>> No.28014352
Quoted by: >>28014393

I remember Metokur saying it had a 60% death rate lmao

>> No.28014354


>> No.28014361
File: 2.22 MB, 498x336, mmmm.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28014589

>Strap in, it only gets harder from here.

>> No.28014366

I can't tell if Gura actually liked the new Amnesia or not. There's some moments where she was clearly fed up with all the fucking notes, but I can't tell if she's into it or if she was just playing it up because saying a game is boring after being given permissions for it puts you in a bad light.

>> No.28014370
File: 944 KB, 1280x720, HoloID Helltaker.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Glad you discover ID girls, they deserve more love. Risu arc will be next

>> No.28014372
Quoted by: >>28014500

I saw that this went private and came back up, if this is still in then what did she do to it?

>> No.28014374
File: 427 KB, 472x1272, Kiarahatsandmore.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]





>> No.28014375

The ID girls deserve more than the weird limbo that is their branch, I hope they get to collab with the EN girls and get more exposure.

>> No.28014376


>> No.28014377
File: 21 KB, 220x302, 455234534232453454.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28014874


>> No.28014380

I can answer really easily. No

>> No.28014381

>getting cucked by another girl
Yuri NTR kino.

>> No.28014385


It's not a propaganda narrative at all, a global superpower sanctioning you is pretty crippling dude

>> No.28014387
File: 334 KB, 512x512, 1601876586514.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they told her
Oh no no no

>> No.28014390
File: 312 KB, 720x720, Ioonasu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are unironically gosling for Moona, you're too far gone friend, I can't help you anymore. Because I'm the same with Risu.

>> No.28014391


>> No.28014393

Jim's fucking doom and gloom shit was hilarious.

>> No.28014396

eh could be doing better could be doing worse

>> No.28014397

she said it was scary

>> No.28014399

Kiara was a narrativefag the whole time

>> No.28014405
File: 1.45 MB, 828x1179, hats.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28014797

You're missing the best hats.

>> No.28014407

at about 2:30, she made a comment about a section of the map to the effect that "okay, now THIS feels like 'amnesia'". she was choking it down and trying to find positive things to day instead of trashing it.

>> No.28014409
File: 72 KB, 376x309, klara....jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.28014411
File: 60 KB, 579x709, 1598103754712.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they told her
This fucking chat

>> No.28014412

You're thinking of the Chinese, who actually did start throwing their cats and dogs out the window/off of roofs over speculation that they could spread the coronavirus.

>> No.28014417 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>28014469

They don't care about winning cultural victories, it's better for them to lose and get money "fighting" the culture war forever, the feeling of persecution gives them motivation and pleasure

>> No.28014420

Guys, so mori is having that anituber collab this Saturday, right? I looked into all the possibilities and this seems most likely. It feels surreal.

>> No.28014422

>without COVID, Vtubers wouldn't have taken off
We gotta take the good with the bad I guess

>> No.28014423 [DELETED] 

Are you retarded? So new regulations, economic assitance travel bans and so on are not political? The existence of the virus shouldn't be a political issure but the response definitely is.

>> No.28014425

Risu/Korone collab will be interesting because I think it could go either way. Either we get another Pekora/Moona or we get something very awkward...

>> No.28014429

I’m ok sometimes

>> No.28014432
Quoted by: >>28014476

fuck I wasn't listening, what was it?

>> No.28014433

>Shunned Lost pause
No idea who lost pause is
>Wouldn’t be a problem if it weren’t for the fact that a good chunk of his audience contains kids
Kids shouldn't be on twitter or the internet for that matter, sounds pretty based to me
>smug prick who thinks he’s better than everyone
I watched the last podcast to see what the fuss was about and from i what i've heard he makes fun of people who take the hobby of anime reviewing too seriously.

Hopefully you and me get banned.

>> No.28014434
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>> No.28014435
File: 187 KB, 1100x827, milfHunter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28014797


>> No.28014439

There are actual vids of then doing that shit too, chinks are fucking wild

>> No.28014440

Kiara wouldn't like that kippah over there.

>> No.28014442
File: 8 KB, 225x225, 1524594759367.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw anituber collabs are a thing but Grumpy Jii-san is dead

>> No.28014443
File: 359 KB, 480x580, 1523103675278.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28014483

>Someone unironically going gosling for an ID
What a time to be alive

>> No.28014444

the game was boring tho , think its the characters or something , gura expected a good horror game but got curry in africa

>> No.28014451

What did they tell her?!

>> No.28014456

Wouldn't Gura make more sense?

>> No.28014458
Quoted by: >>28014576

Has been recorded yesterday, is getting cut and Cover approved until its releases in a few weeks. You have time until then to prepare your happening bunker.

>> No.28014460

>no fish fear me

>> No.28014461
File: 562 KB, 678x641, 1602867631532.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is this? A RRAT!

>> No.28014466

>knows Nip
>collabs with Nip vtubers left and right
>still the lowest in her gen
Is lofi Kiara of ID?

>> No.28014469 [DELETED] 

That too, I guess. Even when they get beaten back they just use the defeat to rally more support

Yeah, the Chinese really went full retard in the early days. They're no better than the US, even though they pretend that shit is just dandy there (even holding that damn pool party in Wuhan)

>> No.28014471 [DELETED] 

>a big issue that impacted multiple countires, caused a divide in the society and has been mishandled by governments
>not political

>> No.28014475

>thought all the girls would be bi

>> No.28014476


Petra doesn't want to fuck her.

>> No.28014477
File: 491 KB, 457x1017, 1600353227445.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28014797


>> No.28014479
File: 288 KB, 1573x1870, 1603090105913.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't tell me you actually get aroused by a cute little girl. Right ojisan?

>> No.28014478

no lesbo romance possible with her chosen target.

>> No.28014481
Quoted by: >>28014590

>They have actual sexuality in the game

>> No.28014483

I am actually hoping the EN success brings some much deserved attention to ID and CN

>> No.28014492
Quoted by: >>28014567

Will Carl still simp for Ame?

>> No.28014493

Are you talking about scale or is there some specific demographic thing that you're referring to?

>> No.28014498

Just always keep in mind that the ID girls are muslims. And not westernized bacon-eating muslims, these ladies take prayer breaks during streams and wear burkhas outside. If this doesn't bother you then I'm happy for and envious of you.

>> No.28014500

Nothing. Chat is still available, so the VOD wasn't edited.

Everyone in here was saying yab when she displayed that, so the cover ninjas told her to private it whilst they checked it out. Since it was nothing at all, they just left it in.

>> No.28014502
File: 1.95 MB, 640x360, 1419302109271.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28014504

Mori is the one who wants to make a big breakthrough with her rap career

>> No.28014507

>shunned lost pause who is an even bigger ironic weeb
>posts loli
Uhhh, based.

>> No.28014508
Quoted by: >>28014538

Petra isn't gay for her but she can be gay for Dorothea.

>> No.28014509

the story is shit but the scary effects are good for zoomers

>> No.28014510

I do.

>> No.28014511
Quoted by: >>28014603

That's an easy no from me. Was this post supposed to be controversial or something?

>> No.28014515

I'm not a cute big titted girl playing a cute big titted anime girl making more money in a day than most do in a year while having literally hundreds of thousands of people validate my existence and say they love me and saying I make their day better and topping charts that have Eminem on them though.

>> No.28014522

Gura will be there eventually. Mori had more interaction with one of the guys since he's musician and mori is his favorite.

>> No.28014523

>Kiara won't say I love you in German for superchatters

Could this chicken be any more of a gigastacy?

>> No.28014526

>I won't say I love you in German. I will not be bought like that
Gigastacy refuses to bow to simps

>> No.28014533

Its funny how all these threads and the goddamn rrat posting is unironically making me want to get a rat as a pet. Id want to name it Ogey, so I could tell people that its an Ogey rrat.

That damn nousagi.

>> No.28014537


>> No.28014538

That's even worse at least if she was straight then that eases the blow

>> No.28014542

gura doesnt have a mixtape to shill

>> No.28014547

Her being a snakefag makes so much sense now

>> No.28014545

I thought she was lying on a bad and the dress was a blanket at first desu

>> No.28014554

>chicken becomes the EN Matsuri exclusively for Mori

>> No.28014555


>> No.28014557
File: 72 KB, 463x462, 1560210344058.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that spoiler
I got bad new for you bro...

>> No.28014558

Remember how she said she really likes Nadeko?

>> No.28014560
Quoted by: >>28014570

Is Ina 30?

>> No.28014561

>pancakes and nutella
what the fuck

>> No.28014564

she said WHAT?

>> No.28014567
File: 77 KB, 246x385, Carl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28014676

So you's name is Amanda like the Boston song right? I saw dem back in '75 HAHA YEAH. Dat was a good show. Of course I uh had to get escorted out of the uh venue, because some broad thought I touched her fine ass. BUT MAN WHAT A SHOW

>> No.28014568

Our Boy needs to stop playing with these girls' hearts.

>> No.28014570
Quoted by: >>28014611


>> No.28014572
File: 69 KB, 622x744, 1601593101453.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28014626

God I wanna akasupa Chickn so badly, but I'm literally a fucking poorfag

>> No.28014575
Quoted by: >>28014622

Psst, Mori. Keep your water at a safe distance this time


>> No.28014576
Quoted by: >>28014733

They might fast-track it and release it this weekend since they already teased it. I don't think I can prepare enough for it.

>> No.28014578

She knew exactly what she was getting into. She had a lot more material to fill deadtime with than usual because she was ready for the kind of game she was gonna be playing.

Amnesia games always start slow and dull. They're story-driven horror games, which means the introduction is lengthy and slow and the bits and pieces of story you're given throughout don't really mean anything to you until you're deep enough that things begin to come together. All of them have been like this. In fact, this is what made the original such a breakaway hit streaming game, it gives the streamer lots of space to just entertain the chat themselves early on and provides reaction material later. There's a deliberate formula to it.

As for whether she liked it or not, it delivered on everything Amnesia games are enjoyed for, so if she's a fan of the series like she says then she probably enjoyed it as much as she enjoyed the others.

Machine For Pigs was legitimately terrible, and sucked so fucking hard that it managed to actually kill all the hype that Dark Descent had earned through the streaming boom and basically put the franchise in stasis. Rebirth so far has been MUCH better than Machine for Pigs so if she unironically liked that enough to be hyped for this one then she's definitely getting more out of it than the zoomers in here that cried about it being boring.

>> No.28014579 [DELETED] 

A virus isn't political; the response to it is. A roaming mob of uppity, super-spreader niggers and their pet whites marching through the streets is totally ok but I'm not allowed to attend the funeral of someone I cared about because it's too much of a risk? Get the fuck out of my face with that bullshit, faggot. Either apply your bullshit restrictions equally and across the board or shut the fuck up and stay uninvolved in my private affairs.

>> No.28014580
File: 39 KB, 750x350, 1601700081535.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28014605

Status: Aroused and ready.

>> No.28014583

Those words are reserved for Mori

>> No.28014586
Quoted by: >>28014614

Pancake goes really well with nutella in case you dont know.

>> No.28014589

>an actual Moonling in his natural habitat
Holy fuck based dude

>> No.28014590

people shill the game about how it lets you romance people and shit but they never mention the asterisks

games shouldn't be trying to gatekeep your romance options because you wanted to stare at tits during gameplay

>> No.28014591

>whipped cream
>imagine that ass crushing your face

>> No.28014594

Don't lose hope

>> No.28014599
Quoted by: >>28014687

they'll make it. I believe they will.
They don't deserve to get shitcanned for something they had nothing to do with.
Part of me will laugh internally when the bugmen hissyfit ends up destroying their own branch, but the girls still don't deserve it.

>> No.28014603

No, I said I was curious.

>> No.28014605
File: 112 KB, 496x700, 1603143471069.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't have the guts ojisan

>> No.28014609

I see that alot. Although in Amurikka I see all sorts of shit.

>> No.28014611

She is the oldest of the group then.

>> No.28014612

I'm hoping for comfy Iofi and Ina collabs in the future.

>> No.28014613

I like Iofi but I can't afford the time and money to really support her. I just catch the occasional stream. Her Vocaloid karaoke today was cute.

>> No.28014614

I see but
>chat going nutella with bread
what the fuck fuck

>> No.28014620

Is Moona okay in this thread?

Anyone know what shes trying to build irght now I just tuned in..

>> No.28014621
File: 193 KB, 1338x549, chumguts shadow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28014638


>> No.28014622

Oh shit

>> No.28014626

ARS my friend.

>> No.28014628

Will Gura get an update to her face rig at some point, she wants to be able to grin/smile

>> No.28014629

I love this shit

>> No.28014631
Quoted by: >>28014684

>still likes the crispy chicken burger from BK
3 years later and she still loves it

>> No.28014633

Alright, I'm off to play doom. Please use meme arrows in this ITT thread when she says something interesting.

>> No.28014634

that doesn't even seem like something she'd want to do

>> No.28014636
File: 172 KB, 620x434, kaiserschmarrn-rezept-img-40551.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based and blessed bird

>> No.28014637

Is indonesia on the globe?

>> No.28014638


>> No.28014640

i actually get aroused only by a cute little girl, anon.

>> No.28014644
File: 1 KB, 160x160, 1482623497413.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28014797


>> No.28014647


>> No.28014655
File: 401 KB, 788x762, 1578192024172.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>someone mentions fast food
>you realize that you'd kill for a burger right now
>it's fucking night, so you're shit out of luck
God I hate this feel. I was supposed to do my reps, but now I'm just fucking hungry.

>> No.28014656

>pineapple pizza

>> No.28014658

What do you mean? Nutella goes well with bread toast and some sliced bananas on top.

>> No.28014659

She should've just played Dark Descent tbdesu

>> No.28014663
Quoted by: >>28014735

>Pineapple Pizza
By Allah...

>> No.28014665

>Chicken loves corn.
And you thought the Fubuki collab was forced.

>> No.28014670
Quoted by: >>28014735


In the pan of 24 hours she has used 13375p33k and loves pineapple pizza. why does she check every box why why why why

>> No.28014671
Quoted by: >>28014690

Nutella with bread is the most simple nutella meal

>> No.28014673

I think she's building some secret room with an shelf that opens when you interact with the book. She wrote her story with usada construction in it

>> No.28014674

How were the other new costumes? This isn't even a costume -- and personally I've always thought Noel looks like an asset ripped from a generic VN -- but between this and the new Aqua and Marine costumes are total shit.

>> No.28014675
Quoted by: >>28014711

cursed food ideas to ask kiara about

>> No.28014676


>> No.28014677

>she wants to be able to grin/smile
she does?

>> No.28014684

BK chicken sandwiches are the only ones I like myself. I don't eat chicken sandwich anything in general.

>> No.28014687

>They don't deserve to get shitcanned for something they had nothing to do with.
Haachama didn't deserve a suspension just for showing YT's analytical page. Coco didn't deserve death threats for supporting her coworker and friend. All of Hololive didn't deserve to have their fairweather chink "fans" turn on them because they refused to abandon Coco. Miss me with that "deserve" shit because nobody gets what they deserve, they get what they get and that's what it is. If CN goes down in flames I won't shed a tear for anyone but Civia.

>> No.28014688

Moona pls

>> No.28014690

>not Nutella with spoon

>> No.28014693
Quoted by: >>28014726

if they're going to spend some time on her rigging, i'd hope they focus on her eyes.

>> No.28014694


>> No.28014700
File: 44 KB, 1254x704, DOMINATING.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit, Kiara

>> No.28014704

those are all positives

>> No.28014705

>She lets us drink her bath gravy
Kiara, I kneel. I will drink it all and leave it for no one else.

>> No.28014711

Deep-fried chocolate.

>> No.28014715
Quoted by: >>28014842

Thanks for reminding me to make another peanut butter burger for the Gura watchalong anon.

>> No.28014721
File: 228 KB, 952x732, 64646546456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get on my level bitches. Only thing missing are some peanuts.

>> No.28014725
Quoted by: >>28014743

When did Kiara start reading superchats? I had to go do something at 1:30 so I want to know how much game I missed.

>> No.28014726
Quoted by: >>28014791

Might be something wrong with the tracking on Gura's end because her sister's tracking is really good.

>> No.28014729
Quoted by: >>28014887

she has shark teeth, the fact that she can't smile is a fucking crime.

>> No.28014730
Quoted by: >>28014794

nah the game fucking sucked. nothing kills a horror game more than a viewpoint character who won't shut the fuck up.

>> No.28014733
Quoted by: >>28014849

I hope it will. I don't have good expectations, but I'll miss Mori this weekend, especially if she takes monday and tuesday off again like she has been doing.

>> No.28014735

Daily reminder there is nothing wrong with pineapple on pizza, especially not ham and pineapple

>> No.28014737
Quoted by: >>28014812

Are you from sweden?

>> No.28014740

oh what the fuck are those banana slices

>> No.28014743

4 and a half hours in, it was a long stream

>> No.28014744

>doing all the JP collabs she can before she gets kicked out of japan
poor chicken

>> No.28014745
Quoted by: >>28014809

Is that... Banana?
No, no, that's impossible!

>> No.28014747

Incontrovertibly based

>> No.28014752
Quoted by: >>28014812

Holy FUCK, this looks good. Are those plantains or bananas?

>> No.28014757

>Kiara wanting to get shit done before being deported to Germany
Feels bad man, I'm sure she wishes she could stay in Japan.

>> No.28014758
File: 175 KB, 1200x983, Iofi 5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She didn't get her niche audience like the other two, she is the "variety" streamer and she tried to appeal to indos to much didn't work for some reason considering the amount of people the country have... I wish for EN collabs and Sora collab for her growth

>> No.28014763
File: 453 KB, 1500x1257, 81h0Ne1vVGL._SL1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good taste, chicken.

>> No.28014771

whats wrong with banana slices on pizza

>> No.28014776

>Kiara asks me if I lift
For you, I will, Kiara.

>> No.28014777

>probably also her last chance to hang out IRL with Mori for a while
pain peko

>> No.28014784
File: 201 KB, 404x405, 1598497388318.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love the holos but the holos don't love me :(

>> No.28014786

>getting DYELd by Kiara

>> No.28014787

>Kiara ring fit

>> No.28014789

>she's asking about a Ring Fit streams

>> No.28014788
Quoted by: >>28014802

>do you even lift, bro?
Do calisthenics count, chikn-sama...

>> No.28014792

At least eurofags might get some decent stream times once she moves back.

>> No.28014791

yeah, i don't think it has anything to do with amashiro's work and may well be a tracking problem, but i don't know enough about live2d to speculate whether there's anything to be done about it downstream. if i recall correctly, the live2d work (not the illustrations) for gura's model was done by someone else, right?

>> No.28014794

okay zoomer.

>> No.28014797
File: 428 KB, 424x1364, Kiarahatsandmore.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]




>> No.28014798

>Kiara Ringfit Adventure stream
2 hours of chicken giving birth noises.

>> No.28014799


>> No.28014800
File: 294 KB, 1200x1697, 1588199731274.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28014801
File: 43 KB, 818x827, 1600125620224.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Kiara Ring Fit

>> No.28014802


>> No.28014805

>Kiara ring fit adventure stream soon!

>> No.28014808

>"I have ring fit, do you want me to stream it?"

I love this chicken

>> No.28014809


>> No.28014810

Someone post that Pizza that Flare posted on twitter

>> No.28014812

Yes with curry spice on them.
Bananas. I usually prefer going with bacon instead of ham and with some peanuts on it but I couldn't find any image of a good looking one.

>> No.28014815

Anon she wants to be the weeb idol, of course she's heartbroken.

>> No.28014817

judging by this post, Iofi is "the boring one"

>> No.28014829

Oh, accidentally found a sequence break in Amnesia. What a game.

>> No.28014828

Wait what? I spaced out for a second did I miss some lore?

>> No.28014830
Quoted by: >>28014895

>I'll show you how I stay fit by fucking Callie hard

>> No.28014832
Quoted by: >>28014888

Wait, what? Kiara fucking lifts?

>> No.28014833
File: 49 KB, 1200x603, scissoring.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28014895

> I'll show you how I stay fit

>> No.28014834

nice non-argument, retard.

>> No.28014835
Quoted by: >>28014889

It's wrong. Very wrong. As wrong as pineapple

>> No.28014838
Quoted by: >>28014878

Kiara streams at the perfect time for eu, every stream starts at 16 or 17

>> No.28014842
File: 93 KB, 425x400, 1602958597170.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28014846

Visa running out, renewal apparently not looking so hot

>> No.28014849
Quoted by: >>28014940

She will be participating in the big collab on Saturday using her poltato laptop because her PC will be already moved to the new place at that point.

>> No.28014848

you're welcome cuck

>> No.28014853

>no black holo
japan? hello?

>> No.28014854
Quoted by: >>28014926

>Banana pizza
Man you just reminded me of my favourite food my great grandma used to make me
Grilled peanut butter, banana and cheese toast with sugar sprinkled on top

>> No.28014858

Good, Mori will remain our boy and not chimkens.

>> No.28014862

During her last stream, she mentioned that she planned on moving back some time ago, but isn't entirely sure yet.

All Kiara streams so far have been in the late afternoon for eurobros, making her the most eu friendly holo outside of maybe Ina.

>> No.28014863

now that this kiara stream is done I can go and watch the last minecraft kiara stream I missed
a good day

>> No.28014866

won't her fucked up sleep schedule persist in Europe so

>> No.28014869


>> No.28014870
File: 34 KB, 382x350, 1602906060172.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Kiara in workout clothes
>"I'll show you how I stay fit~"
>Kiara working out
>Kiara sweating
>Kiara panting and out of breath

>> No.28014873

same thing wrong with sucking dick

>> No.28014874

God I fucking love her
It's not even forced, it comes so naturally

>> No.28014878

17 is okay, I might catch the start.
But everytime she starts at 16 I scream because I am still at work.

>> No.28014879

Welp time to watch Moona!

>> No.28014884
File: 208 KB, 850x1202, SPICY CHICKEN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit! Kiara is /fit/?

>> No.28014886

That's not including membershrimps like me that aren't voting.

>> No.28014887

How did they fuck this up?

>> No.28014888

Pro cosplayers need to work out pretty fiercely to keep their bodies in a presentable shape.

>> No.28014889

but pineapple on pizza is amazing even better with banana

>> No.28014890

God cover is so incompetent

>> No.28014891

The game is fucking thrash

>> No.28014895
Quoted by: >>28014921

Would that actually burn calories?

>> No.28014896
File: 17 KB, 389x389, 1601609437525.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do you even lift, bro?

>> No.28014898

Kiara 3d will destroy anons...

>> No.28014899
Quoted by: >>28014962

>time to watch five hours of Netflix and then get a massage
God I wish I got to massage this bird

>> No.28014903

She sure is, her back musculature is perfect

>> No.28014904

If anything it's her branding that keeps people away. People expect a JP wannabe Stacy and don't expect the sufferkino.
If you had told me a month ago she would be a GIGASTACY who swears like a sailor I would have never believed it.
Plus her game picks aren't very interesting at first glance. Fire Emblem is a snoozefest of a game, it's only her absolute talent that makes the stream shine.
Also, her design is the weakest, or at least most unremarkable, of the 5

>> No.28014905
File: 466 KB, 914x982, 1602939476484.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28014907

Do the jap government workers not know she's a vtuber 300 subs?

>> No.28014909

its so hard being est... always missing kiara and mori streams bc of school and sleeping reps

>> No.28014910

is Kiara really going back to Austria or what?

>> No.28014913

>talent agency not willing to be a guarantor for visa renewal
Black company...

>> No.28014914

Have you not seen her roommate? She is fucking hot

>> No.28014916

>Things Cover should do for their talents.mp4.exe.odt.docx

>> No.28014921
Quoted by: >>28014974

>He doesn't know
Sex is unironically incredible exercise

>> No.28014925
File: 913 KB, 945x1336, __gawr_gura_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_ompf__df1c1ddda3fec1d15043eb267b402525.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could you beat Gura in a fistfight?

>> No.28014926
Quoted by: >>28014978

That sounds yummy.

>> No.28014929

You're aware the suspension was, in part, a "just lay low until this blows over" thing more than it was a punishment right? That's how this shit tends to work especially in Japan and with idol stuff. Just let it stay out of sight, out of mind until people have largely stopped caring.

>> No.28014930

japan knows what sells

>> No.28014933


>> No.28014934

Kiara releases a 3D-workout video that just overlays her face accurately by throwing processing power on it.

>> No.28014936

Horny and Lonely/10. Fantastic.

>> No.28014938

I think so, in 5 months, her Visa card is expiring I think

>> No.28014939

Still Deporter.

>> No.28014940

Oh yeah, I know about that, but big collabs don't scratch the same itch, even if they're fun, and then we have whatever next weeks schedule is, which she suggested will be even less than this week.

>> No.28014941


>> No.28014942

Her roommate is a professional cosplayer, her body looks practically exactly the same as Kiara's.

>> No.28014944
Quoted by: >>28015032

10/10 even SC reading was good

>> No.28014946

She also wants to go home anyway so it's not like she cares about the Visa

>> No.28014950
Quoted by: >>28015026

It's more of a Japan thing. There's plenty of "Fuck Japan" stories because of this.

>> No.28014954

haven't you seen her roommate?
She got abs and an ass that won't quit.

>> No.28014955
Quoted by: >>28015003

>black holo
>played by a white roommate doing a stereotypical ebonics accent

>> No.28014957

Can't wait until she shows on on stream having started a new run just because she's horny/10

>> No.28014962


With my tongue.

>> No.28014963

I could snap her forearm in an arm wrestle

>> No.28014964

5 stages of grief/10

>> No.28014965

You're a disgusting piece of shit and I bet you eat with a knife and fork and use a napkin to dab off the oil like a faggot instead of folding it and letting the oil drip like a normal person.

>> No.28014966
Quoted by: >>28015012

She just said that going home isn't going to be an option for a while because of airport lockdowns.
What the fuck narrativefags.

>> No.28014967

gay goslinging/10

>> No.28014971

Ronery chicken/10

>> No.28014973

It's honestly not really cover that's at fault this time

>> No.28014974
Quoted by: >>28015065

yeah but straight sex is different from lesbian
/u/ denied/10

>> No.28014978

It is, reccomend you try it at least once.
It's comfy easy snack/cheat meal food, not too fancy and easy to make but with enough flavours and textures it's not so basic

>> No.28014980

What strange logic to compare getting suspended for a weeks, which was highly contested and subject to controversy to an entire division getting harassed and potentially getting disbanded when most of them were just minding their own business and a majority of hololive "fans" aren't even aware they exist

>> No.28014983

>these ladies take prayer breaks during streams
What the fuck, really?

>> No.28014982

Yes but I'd rather beat her in a tickle fight

>> No.28014989

no, i'd let her beat the shit out of me and coom

>> No.28014990


>> No.28014992

where to buy curry meshi

>> No.28014994

Cosplayers have to spend the whole day walking around outdoors and looking good

>> No.28014997

she could be a vtuber from anywhere. The job doesn't justify her staying in Japan.

>> No.28014998
File: 114 KB, 1324x1228, 1602755236622.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I understand Rushia's power now due to the chicken, her attention to the super chats and going off on tangents due to comments is going to make her really popular with supercha attention addicts

>> No.28015001

Wait Moona change her BGM? Does anyone have her old one because its not in youtube...

>> No.28015003
Quoted by: >>28015106

I once talked with a Jap guy who learned to speak English in Africa. It was the funniest thing. He talked like he was making fun of Africans but it was just his normal way to speech

>> No.28015004
File: 6 KB, 377x32, birbs_Are_cute.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28015043

First time that enjoy it this much a FE stream/10

>> No.28015007


I mean, it's fucking Fire Emblem. Great stream? Hell yeah, Kiara stream. But is it a Mario Kart level Kiara stream? No.


>> No.28015012
Quoted by: >>28015083

She wants to go home early and can't but in the end she still will be forced to go back home so she is on a timer for how many off collabs she can do

>> No.28015014

She's leaving the country to dodge HoloJP's resident rapist.

>> No.28015015

She needs to get paid first, apparently their current job doesn't count till they get their first paycheck

>> No.28015016

I would rather just pick her up and put her down some other location just to annoy her.

>> No.28015020

Her stream times are generally far better than any other EN girl (Mori's fine during the week for me but her saturday streams were a struggle, and the group collabs were at 5 am for me) for europe.

>> No.28015025

>lose on purpose

>> No.28015026

I don't know, if you're actually employed in japan you should be able to renew a 1-year or 5-year visa (if you've been there for a while) without much difficulty.

It looks like Cover doesn't even want to admit they employ her or something. It's shady as fuck.

Either they're extremely incompetent, or extremely malicious. One of the two.

>> No.28015028

Risu said she can't take alcohol because she's underage.

>> No.28015032

even FE was good*
The SC being good was a given

>> No.28015033
File: 235 KB, 385x253, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's a Michelangelo tier pizza

>> No.28015040
File: 221 KB, 400x442, 1601873142657.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope someone draws a picture of Kiara doing squats with heavy weight and Mori watching her do it.

>> No.28015039
Quoted by: >>28015056

>The job doesn't justify her staying in Japan.
Calliope being their justifies it

>> No.28015043

Birds are not that important

>> No.28015047

I say she lacks soul IMO. Its sort of like meeting most salesmen, sure they might be very friendly and courteous but can't trust that smile. Probably why she doesn't vibe too well with the Trinity but can play off of Mori.

That and she's blunter then baseball bat.

>> No.28015053

I think they're officially freelancers which makes a visa hard to get

>> No.28015056
Quoted by: >>28015152

she has another job...

>> No.28015059
File: 831 KB, 850x848, 15653771908831.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28015072


>> No.28015061

Why can't CN just stream from outside of China? Artia's English is good enough to carry her global no problem and bugmen use VPNs anyway.

>> No.28015063


>she could be a vtuber from anywhere. The job doesn't justify her staying in Japan.

Uhhh yes it does? She is pulling in damned good money. Japan wants to tax that shit, trust me.

>> No.28015065

>yeah but straight sex is different from lesbian
Not if you're doing it right.

>> No.28015066

I would let her punch my face until she gets tired and then mating press her

>> No.28015068

Japanese companies suck with that in general.

>> No.28015071

Once you read the spoiler, you have to answer truthfully.

>Favorite HoloEN
>Your current BMI

>> No.28015072

seteth pls

>> No.28015077
File: 40 KB, 600x600, 2dd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28015125

Mori looking at the ass in full squat like pic related

>> No.28015079
File: 913 KB, 1552x2048, 1600692048805.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28015083

>no more home visits to Subaru

>> No.28015085
Quoted by: >>28015167

if she has family in china the government will attack them for it

>> No.28015087

since Mori declined her marriage proposal Kiara cannot legally stay in Japan. she was hoping to use the marriage as a loophole for immigration.

>> No.28015091


>> No.28015092
Quoted by: >>28015142

Fuck that, I hope ID and CN die and nobody talks about them ever again. Homos too. Only Female JP and EN Holos are important.

>> No.28015093


>> No.28015094

Wont callie be deported as well?

>> No.28015096
Quoted by: >>28015153

"Income tax? Oh nononono she is a shareholder! Dividends! She streams using our resources in her spare time, as a freelancer!"

"So she isn't an employee?"

"No no no."

"I guess no visa then."



>> No.28015097
File: 378 KB, 732x719, 1603143286779.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a fat fuck...

>> No.28015102

Gura, 40+

>> No.28015106

as a white guy in africa i am so embarrassed of my English accent i sound like an idiot

>> No.28015109


>> No.28015117

Her friends being in Japan is justification to stay

>> No.28015119


>> No.28015121

I think Coco has mentioned before that they're technically not considered employed in the eyes of the Japanese government till they get paid first so this time it's not really Cover

>> No.28015124

24 baby

>> No.28015125
Quoted by: >>28015179

>the ass that turns the reaper bi

>> No.28015128
Quoted by: >>28015167

Artia's and Civia's families.

>> No.28015129


>> No.28015130

22.5 but I'm really just tall skinnyfat

>> No.28015132
Quoted by: >>28015210

How strong is Gura in canon?
I always imagine her to have retard strength like tearing off limbs and biting off peoples heads tier.

>> No.28015135


>> No.28015137

im the disgusting oji-san you read about

>> No.28015138


>> No.28015139

I guess Subaru can finally spend money on a fancy garbage can now

>> No.28015142

Hey, Moona doesn't deserve that

>> No.28015143
Quoted by: >>28015178

Yes you can see my ribs when I take my shirt off

>> No.28015146


>> No.28015147


>> No.28015152

No what I'm saying is because Callie is in Japan that is all the reason Kiara needs to stay

>> No.28015153

Would it be hard for them to get a immigration lawyer or something?

>> No.28015157

Losing weight rn, gonna get /fit/ again

>> No.28015158


>> No.28015160

<span class="sjis"> I got so bullied for messing this up before. Now you GET WHAT YOU FUCKIN DESERVE[/spoiler]

>> No.28015161


>> No.28015167

Will they really? It's not like they do anything anti China, they just exist after Chinese government goons have driven them away from the mainland market. Like, they're not activist, they just play video games. Why would the bug king care?

>> No.28015169

there's not enough to talk to her about for a podcast
'a' and 'shaaark' only go so long

>> No.28015178

Thank you hungry skellington

>> No.28015179

>What's wrong Calli, could it be you're craving my nuggies?

>> No.28015181


>> No.28015182

I really need to find a good home workout, coof still going around over here so I cant do running reps

>> No.28015187

Yeah she merely wants to visit family then come right back not get stuck over in europe and wait a long time

>> No.28015190
File: 123 KB, 1000x1000, kiara thumbs up.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been trying to get fit. Now I really gotta do my /fit/ reps for chicken

>> No.28015189
File: 163 KB, 516x287, 1601157249032.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28015195
File: 150 KB, 306x399, 1602211788563.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've gained like 10-15 pounds after Covid killed my job. I'm starting to exercise again though, bit by bit.

>> No.28015193


I'm short and I like food. I used to do martial arts a lot and that kept the weight down, but the pandemic stopped that.

>> No.28015196
File: 10 KB, 382x417, 1583985801501.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28015198
File: 467 KB, 585x583, 1602552023788.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


BMI's horse shit by the way. It completely ignores muscle. If you're fat, someone can just tell you.

>> No.28015199


>> No.28015200
Quoted by: >>28015224

God, the BMI is such bullshit if you are in any way decently muscular.

>> No.28015205
File: 369 KB, 481x496, 51231154342131.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28015207

i love gura so much!

>> No.28015210
File: 155 KB, 1615x786, 1601688044439.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

canonically she can't even swim without floaties

>> No.28015211

32 and decreasing

>> No.28015213


>> No.28015214


>> No.28015224

OK fatty

>> No.28015226

<span class="sjis"> no[/spoiler]

>> No.28015228

anal with kiara

>> No.28015233

[sjs]Is that how it works?

>> No.28015234

