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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 2.77 MB, 1920x1080, INA PAPA.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
27444018 No.27444018 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.27444091
File: 737 KB, 739x737, yep.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Directors cut

>> No.27444100
File: 1.10 MB, 810x1149, 27f70634283c178bafa416eb8180bfa3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Embrace death with open arms.

>> No.27444110
File: 35 KB, 512x512, 994E3A8E-3D60-4632-9A56-F7747F92CFA9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27444113
File: 226 KB, 1134x1770, 1601203734375.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's be honest here.

Gura is just being carried by her cute design, her voice, her natural charisma, her sense of humor, her singing, her sweet personality and her youtube experience.

>> No.27444112
Quoted by: >>27444290

>goslings, the lonliest people on earth
>t-they're normalfags, seriously guys!
You can't make this shit up

>> No.27444117
File: 44 KB, 828x445, 1600748957727.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gura...open the door onegai

>> No.27444119
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>> No.27444123
File: 221 KB, 1280x740, Ej0FRbJUYAcob4p.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Taking up image cap space with Calliope Mori!

>> No.27444124
Quoted by: >>27445140

Question, would anyone have a parody drawing of "Dad mowing the lawn" with mori on a lawnmower enjoying cheap wine

>> No.27444126

I was thinking about how they all had their debut on the same day. Do oyu think they'll do a collab anniversary stream a year from now? That's going to fuck 4 of them out of some Anniversary Superchats.

>> No.27444127

Did the anon who made that upload it to youtube?

>> No.27444130

And her gaming skills.

>> No.27444133

Yes. Chumbuds.

>> No.27444138

K-san... my sleeping reps, have mercy.

>> No.27444139
File: 528 KB, 920x495, Screenshot 2020-09-30 090250.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27444212

mandatory winking bird screenshot
i cant believe that kiara is the chad of hololiveEN

>> No.27444141

glub glub glub

>> No.27444142
File: 337 KB, 1700x2132, 1601664646898.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27444145
File: 149 KB, 827x1761, 1313553268228775937.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Elementary, my dear

>> No.27444150
Quoted by: >>27444292

Still can't believe Cthulhu only shows up for like 2 frames at the end of one ending of Call of Cthulhu

>> No.27444151
File: 274 KB, 1206x1201, 1601821218406.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27444182

Collab in 7 hours!

>> No.27444154

The probably just split the superchat money evenly when they do monetized collabs.

>> No.27444155

>I'm gonna be busy whole day today and miss Mori/Kiara Minecraft

>> No.27444157 [DELETED] 

>selfie posting
>doxx meltdown
>numberfag meidos
Why yes this is the worst general in the site how could you tell?

>> No.27444161 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 3.50 MB, 1888x1753, 1602223621693.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27444244

>Video is titled "I'm Back"
>HER is the main one singing
>Big Shark is pictured on wall in the video

HER is announcing not only her being back as Belle, but also Gura

>> No.27444163
File: 280 KB, 1396x1094, 1599919451968.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why Chicken is the most interesting HoloEN. Also, shove it up your ass unityfags, I have an opinion.

- People who have been chickenfags since day 1 can tell you chicken has memorable moments in all her streams. No shit she's terrible at actually playing games, but actual gameplay is just a part of what makes a vtuber charming. She isn’t a gaymer gurl, but her superb zatsudan can turn mindlessly mining resources or reading super chats into the most amusing experience hololive can offer. Without her interactions with the other girls, the hololive collabs would be less fun.
- She's an honest and in-your-face character. Her reactions and quirks, both good and bad, are genuine if you dig some. Things like her early streams, character backstory, and her catch phrase are strong hints, but who gives a shit, it's a non-issue. Someone who you can take by her word much appreciated.
- Chicken is an airhead, but she’s also determined about what she wants. That's why she gets tunnel vision and gets really ticked off when something doesn't work as it should. But it's also why she overworks to get it done. You need an attitude like that to be a foreigner who becomes an idol in a racially homogeneous country, and later become one of the first english-fluent persons appealing to a global market in what used to be a mostly-japanese oriented entertainment company. Using that opportunity to get closer to people you admire is also risky, but bold.
- Kiara also realizes the importance of engaging with your fans and reads every single goddamn superchat even if it takes several hours, she’s falling asleep, or her throat starts to hurt. Chickenfags, smart as we are, quickly realized we struck gold, subbed, and started supporting our oshi real hard to see her succeed. She isn’t the number 2 holoEN with most SC because of whiteknighting, but because we are grateful for her hard work (and she’d be number 1 if canucks stopped their stupid SC wars, but that’s not sustainable growth anyways). She shut down her own SC a few times and only has 1 cheap membership level, so she isn’t a golddigger either. Her success in SC is all due to her hard work.
- The chicken is constantly improving and finding ways to make her content more accessible to more people. Early streams used to happen at times when the bulk of the English-speaking audience, north America and Europe, couldn’t comfortably tune in to watch her videos live. However, lately her streaming hours have been more accessible to western audiences. It’s impossible to find a perfect match, since people work and different continents have different timezones, but at least, in general, her streams are now happening at times when westerners are at least awake, even if that means a shittier hour in her own timezone. She has also used her Japanese and German skills so even more people can enjoy her content comfortably and while English-only people criticized her for that, Japanese and German speaking people have been grateful for that detail in the chats. I hope she listens more to people who are thankful than to people being unreasonable dicks.
- She’s pretty much one of us if we get up of our asses and started working towards what we want relentlessly, regardless of the odds. She was a loner with good anime taste, solid RPG taste, fascinated by idols, and her dorky weeaboo fangirl personality is charming as fuck and also borderline creepy, just like us. She didn’t grow out of it; she amplified that side for everyone to see. It’s the perfect motivational story for anons.

PS: She procrastinates a whole fucking lot as well yeah, but that’s ok if we give it all in the things that matter the most.

>> No.27444165 [DELETED] 

>The people who have experience the waifu experience are inherently susceptible to it, not the other way around lol
Wrong, t. experienced it like 15 years ago, you get used to it because it doesn't hit as hard.
>You don't see normies having waifus if they watch an anime or two
They don't watch the kind of anime that would trigger that response. Really you need to delve into VNs and the like to really start getting it bad and that shit never happens with normalfags or even ironic weebs. They have no exposure and this is the result. Remember when KS got released and created an entire new wave of people with no exposure to VNs trying to do self-improvement shit because of their obsession with the girls, stuff that continues to this day? It's the same thing all over again.

>> No.27444166

she makes that sound a lot

>> No.27444168
Quoted by: >>27444185


>> No.27444174 [DELETED] 

> makes fun of goslings
> is either a normie and should therefore get out and stop ruining every good thing
> or far more likely is a kissless virgin who is shaming people for not cucking themselves in who they follow

The average /hlgg/ poster

They might be desperate, but at least they acknowledge the fact that they're attracted to a content creator who primarily sells their feminine qualities to a majority male audience. The anime girl avatar isn't for the streamers benefit, it's to improve the fantasy. Nobody is buying your "I'm not actually attracted emotionally and physically to my oshi" line, we all know why you're spending 10% of your annual income and 90% of your free time on them.

I can't believe shark flooded hololive with literal cucks, what a waste of a perfectly good hobby

>> No.27444175 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>27444252

could be worse, we could be fucking dogs or something like that

>> No.27444176
File: 661 KB, 2000x2500, Shark Soup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27444191

Oi! you wanna piece of me?

>> No.27444177
File: 1.69 MB, 2135x1905, 1592192705963.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27448298

nice new pasta sank yuu berry berry much

>> No.27444178
Quoted by: >>27444217

This is actually too long, if you could make every bullet point one sentence somebody might read it

>> No.27444182

fuck I better sleep now and set my alarms I wont miss this collab

>> No.27444183

>worst general on this site
You haven't gotten around much, have you? Hell we're not even as bad as /hlg/.

>> No.27444187
File: 633 KB, 623x717, soranani.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do Homostars even afford to still stream every day when they make next to nothing in supaas?

>> No.27444185


>> No.27444190

Congrats anon, I hope that you have a good time! I almost want to get her membership if it means that I get to experience some Gura NTR myself. I'm very jealous.

>> No.27444191
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>> No.27444192
File: 331 KB, 2048x2048, Ejr6AUJVoAAty76.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its a shame kusotori cant ever die

>> No.27444194
File: 918 KB, 1256x574, Screen Shot 2020-10-09 at 17.07.29.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gura's membership stream uses an interesting thumbnail. Baggy eye edits are /our/ thing aren't they

>> No.27444196

Based chickenchad

>> No.27444202

lol stay delusional

>> No.27444204
Quoted by: >>27444235

just woke up and last thread I see in archive was 2 and half hour ago >>27440095 did next one get nuked? what happened

>> No.27444205

Yagoo keeps them all locked in his house

>> No.27444206

Holy fuck it's like you want people to start hating her even more

>> No.27444207
Quoted by: >>27444272

You're just a jaded waifufag, not a failed normie

>> No.27444209
File: 722 KB, 1587x2629, 1602070721474.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27444248

Just saw that anons thing about the message in Moris roommates last song. Call me a bitch but it made me tear up a wee bit. Out of all of holo en she seems to be making the most out of it. Shes not just there to play kusoge, its a step to make music.
So proud of Ya Boy

>> No.27444211

Hate to say it but the shorter version of this was probably better

>> No.27444212
Quoted by: >>27448931

>gave a direct reply of support to Coco/Haachama after their ban announcement
>makes a Janny joke after the Janny incident

>> No.27444214

Yes, they all come here, this is old news.

>> No.27444216

shit, me posting the chicken winking screenshot has nothing on this

>> No.27444217

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo.

>> No.27444220
Quoted by: >>27444309

Me too. I hope she doesn't GIVE ME THE WRONG TIME next time.

>> No.27444223

I was busy during the gura and ame date streams, how bad were the threads?

>> No.27444224

I'd like to think that HER move to Hololive is like George Miller moving away from Frank and just fully embracing his music career as Joji.
They just didn't enjoy doing their old stuff anymore more and are happier now

>> No.27444226

I'm going to now start working on a Ame pasta

>> No.27444228

The literal /r9k/ posting from earlier was worse than anything in /hlg/ in the past several weeks.

>> No.27444229
Quoted by: >>27444240

Have to agree

>> No.27444233

Ame's spaghetti is really good, anon!

>> No.27444234

finally, we're getting k's fanart

>> No.27444235

It should be there but sometimes it take a bit to show up

>> No.27444237

When did Mori become a Recorder saleswomen?

>> No.27444239
Quoted by: >>27444551

do member streams get listed after its done being a live stream?

>> No.27444240
File: 164 KB, 1200x1200, 1600923937662.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn it

>> No.27444241

who will be the first holojap and holoen to have a collab

>> No.27444244 [DELETED] 

Anon there's probably way better things to tie together for a narrative, this is just low quality

>> No.27444248

you're kinda slow, aren't you?

>> No.27444251


>> No.27444252 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>27444282

that's because /hlgg/ leaks over there

>> No.27444253

good comparison

>> No.27444254
File: 285 KB, 795x318, watson-runner.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Watson Detective Agency."

>"Hey Watson, I weally like that one giwl's Pikachu outfit!"

"...I don't even know who you're talking about."

>"Wait, weally? Squeaks like a tea kettle? No?"

>> No.27444255

You people literally have sex with animals.

>> No.27444257
File: 1.78 MB, 1413x897, 4497-1602199696-307278785[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Monster Hunter bros....we won

>> No.27444259
Quoted by: >>27444303

kiara and subaru have already been confirmed, so them I guess

>> No.27444260
Quoted by: >>27444294

Nah, the idolfags on /hlg/ are like those fags on crack but also extra pathetic and weeby.

Also, they fuck dogs.

>> No.27444261
Quoted by: >>27444303

Kiara and Subaru

>> No.27444262
Quoted by: >>27444303

kiara and subaru

>> No.27444264

it was clear from the jumble of different styles in videos and streams that she was hunting around for a style that worked for her. i hope she's finally found it, because i think what she's doing now is really working.

>> No.27444265
Quoted by: >>27444277


>> No.27444267

5 anniversary streams on the same day. Realistically, they'll do what they did for 8/8 (Aqua, Noel, Towa had birthdays/anniversaries that day) and space the events out.

>> No.27444269
File: 1.26 MB, 1597x3319, 1602155740041.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

last stream

>> No.27444272
Quoted by: >>27444302

I never said I was either, I'm just making an observation on goslings that anyone would be able to make. Again, I don't even dislike them, I just don't want doxxfaggotry to be encouraged by anyone.

>> No.27444275

Not anymore

>> No.27444277

good number

>> No.27444278
Quoted by: >>27444303

Kiara and Subaru are the only two have anything actually planned as of now

>> No.27444280

Amelia and Astel

>> No.27444281
Quoted by: >>27444376

Apart from an anti-gosling fag who was mad that goslings were enjoying themselves and starting shitting up the thread because he felt Ame wasn't breaking the goslings' spirits enough, it went fine. Ame gave us the wrong time for the stream and spent too much time gambling on arcade games and ended saying her tummy hurt and rushed an awkward date experience at the end, but if anything that just made it more realistic for us

>> No.27444282 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>27444432

Other way around, /hlg/ antis leaking here are what drags down these threads which are otherwise pretty decent quality with only the occasional SEAnigger retard.

>> No.27444283

I hope she's not as stressed after a month

>> No.27444286
Quoted by: >>27444427



>> No.27444288

>amputee mori
this is my fetish

>> No.27444289

Gura mentioned she has a singing collab in the works, but didn't say who.

>> No.27444291
File: 143 KB, 1550x1323, 1601918668999.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's a big scythe

>> No.27444290
File: 151 KB, 1631x293, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27444476

Some people just don't get it

>> No.27444292

I mean they called him, that was the whole point

>> No.27444293

She's a very at selling Recorders. Many sold, high sales.

>> No.27444294

I didn't know /hlg/ was comprised of white girls.

>> No.27444295
Quoted by: >>27444485

The whole point is the unexpectedness, the contrast of the dark color palette with Watson's anime aesthetic, and the theme playing. This has too much buildup and a few awkward cuts at the end, to the restaurant thing which being full-drawn cuts off the juxtaposition of anime onto the real.

>> No.27444296
File: 295 KB, 2009x2000, 1601935913274 (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Capcom... permissions onegai....

>> No.27444297
File: 267 KB, 1080x1632, 86786768468648.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27444298 [DELETED] 


>> No.27444300

I don't want to watch Gura, give me a rundown on the minecraft stream

>> No.27444302
Quoted by: >>27444391

I don't think the people who were doxxposting are the same ones who were goslingposting in the last few threads

>> No.27444303
Quoted by: >>27444352

oh I didn't know that's awesome

>> No.27444305

I genuinely think if they did Homostars EN without the Homo energy and its just a group of talented funny bro tier guys like in the same vain as early Rosterteeth or SBFP or some shit
they would easily be way more popular and make the most money

>> No.27444309

The eerily real girlfriend experience

>> No.27444312
Quoted by: >>27444359

>didn't draw the feet

>> No.27444313 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>27444430


> Wrong, t. experienced it like 15 years ago, you get used to it because it doesn't hit as hard.
Hard disagree. It's been happening to me for about half as long, but I still cling harder to my waifus than my I did to my first gf in our honeymoon period, and that honeymoon period held together a 9 year relationship.
> They don't watch the kind of anime that would trigger that response. Really you need to delve into VNs and the like to really start getting it bad and that shit never happens with normalfags or even ironic weebs. They have no exposure and this is the result. Remember when KS got released and created an entire new wave of people with no exposure to VNs trying to do self-improvement shit because of their obsession with the girls, stuff that continues to this day? It's the same thing all over again.
>deprive myself of the euphoric validation of my mania-fueled oshi waifu fantasy
I would literally rather an hero because the joy I feel when I am successfully deluded into believing a cute girl loves me is better than drugs.

>> No.27444316

In the stream that's on Bilibili, there was a moment where she saw FBK's Scatman video, you can see HER eyes literally shining behind her avatar. No wonder she made the change also her chat seemed to talk about holos pretty often.

>> No.27444317

Thank you, Homestarposter.

>> No.27444318
File: 46 KB, 425x400, 1601191390065.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27444319
Quoted by: >>27444343

Not a dogfucker but I think Koro-san is kinda cute, and I’d fuck her any day.

>> No.27444321
File: 98 KB, 1280x720, musedash3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have a hard time speculating which boards she'd have used here because, i have so little basis to predict how long ago she first would have browsed.

>> No.27444329

There's a reason they teach you how to write summaries in school

>> No.27444332
File: 138 KB, 337x419, clown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Auntie Watson, she always said "if you want to be a clown, I will support you, I will help you to get into the clown school, and I will root for you to be the best clown you can ever be." And well, here I am.

>> No.27444335
Quoted by: >>27445119

Was it as bad as matsuri tribute?

>> No.27444337
Quoted by: >>27444408

It’s with me. Hope you guys are just as excited as I am.

>> No.27444339

it's not /our/ thing anymore

>> No.27444340

had some crazy good luck making her way to the ocean, set up a nice campsite and mine then https://files.catbox.moe/8r5mh9.mp4

>> No.27444343

>Not a dogfucker but
look at this insecure faggot

>> No.27444349 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>27444383

And it only lasted on one thread, this general on the other hand...

>> No.27444352

Kiara mentioned it during that Minecraft stream that went tits-up. Subaru's brought it up too IIRC

>> No.27444353

Shame they're currently in the process of dying. And as I type that, I realize that them dying would actually free up their talent for recruitment. I've now created a new fear.

>> No.27444354
Quoted by: >>27444376

Pretty comfy, wish more Goslings could've made it but Ame failed her scheduling reps. Drivercoin is skyrocketing in the Gosling market

>> No.27444355

Stream was great, acquire taste.

>> No.27444357

nah I'm good

>> No.27444358
Quoted by: >>27444388

is it some kind of a currency thing?

>> No.27444359
File: 1.66 MB, 1338x2048, 1601926056493.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sumimasen but the heels stay on footfag-san

>> No.27444362
File: 250 KB, 480x473, peko.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27444363

There's literally nothing to write about Ame

>> No.27444365

anyone have that pic of mori dressed in one of her old vid outfits?

>> No.27444366
Quoted by: >>27444389

is the 5ch dumpdiver back yet? doubt that place still being overun by antychink posts

>> No.27444367

there was a lot of hand-wringing about her looping her BGM for quite a while and how she was doing minecraft wrong. but then she switched to the normal minecraft soundtrack and did a comfy zatsudan sort of thing. i really enjoyed it.

>> No.27444368

When in doubt, /a/ for any weeb.

>> No.27444375
File: 53 KB, 788x590, 1602054588166.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27444376

Well that doesn't sound too bad

>> No.27444378
File: 89 KB, 262x262, 1594863158668.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27444381
Quoted by: >>27448353

Pagliacci arc is inevitable

>> No.27444382

Are the Superliminal streams from Ame worth a watch? They're the only ones I missed.

>> No.27444383

>And it only lasted on one thread
No, you only openly discussed it for one thread. You've been having sex with animals for god only knows how long.

>> No.27444387

old vid outfits?

>> No.27444388

I dunno, it's not a big deal

>> No.27444389

Fubuki had a yabai and her huge Billi group got deleted, so it's still raging over there.

>> No.27444391

Goslings were the ones responding to the Ame doxxposting and were the biggest cause of the escalation at the time. Enabling isn't as bad as actually doing it, but it's still not good and shouldn't be encouraged.

>> No.27444393

yes, but it might start you down a dark road if you are weak willed.

>> No.27444394 [DELETED] 

Is that an actual woman wtf?

>> No.27444397
File: 41 KB, 990x476, 1602217023604.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27444398

They're some of her best streams, gremlin and gosling in equal proportion

>> No.27444400
File: 593 KB, 2208x1736, EjlwMZXU0AAcAm1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this one?

>> No.27444405

They're pretty fun, yeah. Double-digit IQ detective playing a puzzle game is an enjoyable watch.

>> No.27444406

Watson is clownpilled

>> No.27444407
File: 1.35 MB, 1084x1214, 1602215899570.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27444408

wow anon thats amazing, hit us with a demo of your talent

>> No.27444409

not really monster hunter but I find this cool

>> No.27444411
File: 31 KB, 1163x762, Ej1iiI-VgAAyHIN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meido is asleep. Post d-

>> No.27444415

They are prob the most chill ones

>> No.27444416

dangerously based

>> No.27444417
Quoted by: >>27444479

It's what kinda kickstarted gosling posting here so yeah

>> No.27444418
Quoted by: >>27444451

This is the real reason FBK came to Gura's stream btw, she is going to lean away from China and towards the West

>> No.27444422 [DELETED] 
File: 81 KB, 828x828, A055E78F-5E90-4B3A-A065-9977CFF605F5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will never understand the rationale behind self mutilation.

>> No.27444423
File: 338 KB, 1448x2048, AE918A4F-D910-49E3-82C1-D108C49C0CE1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ina ____________

>> No.27444425

This is a nice style, kind of reminds me of Soul Eater or TWEWY or something

>> No.27444426

Fuck I love that game, I should get off my ass and make all the ENs in that game

>> No.27444427
Quoted by: >>27444443

Don't they already have permission for that one? I swear someone was playing it recently.

>> No.27444428
File: 2.74 MB, 1600x900, Joker.2019.1080p.WEB-DL.DD5.1.H264-CMRG.mkv_snapshot_01.45.09_[2019.12.20_05.04.14].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27444430 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>27444594

>I still cling harder to my waifus than my I did to my first gf in our honeymoon period, and that honeymoon period held together a 9 year relationship.
The fact that you don't realise that this literally just proved my point demonstrates that nothing more needs to be said.
Unless you're just baiting, but then it doesn't matter either way.

>> No.27444432 [DELETED] 

/hlg/ is SEAnigger central anon

>> No.27444433

attention whores

>> No.27444436


>> No.27444437

A million niggas gone? Damn.

>> No.27444438

That is good art but also cursed

>> No.27444442

Not flat enough.

>> No.27444443

I'd be surprised considering Capcom's stinginess with permissions.

>> No.27444444

>it hurts so much inside
>look around and they're physically fine
>better cut something to justify the pain

>> No.27444445

that was the one, thanks anon

>> No.27444446

Based but needs to be flatter

>> No.27444448

anyone have an archive of the date stream non youtube

>> No.27444451

Only problem is chink investment in the company, they need a considerable western investment to be able to fully dump chinkshit, but then you get california moralists involved and it's not any better. Instead of saying Taiwan it's saying loli.

>> No.27444452

>Watching parts of Kiara's Mario Kart stream
>The Hitler mii from Germany
>She only notices after he won a race and shows up with the crown
>"That German man does not look safe for my broadcast..."
Stupid shit like that should not make me laugh. Yet it always does.

When Mori gets an alt outfit, something chill like that would be good. I liked that idea of her with a hat and a ponytail.
The question came up last thread about if she could ever sing some of that stuff. I don't see why not but she could also want to try to keep it all separate. Whichever personality (or both), I will follow them and enjoy.

>> No.27444458
Quoted by: >>27444544

>Something happened to me so it happens to everyone
A classic

>> No.27444460
File: 29 KB, 1001x417, 1601669286590.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've got a hot tip to finally end the debate

>> No.27444462
File: 621 KB, 900x786, 1599952582140.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27444463

Gentleweebs... A moment, if you please

>> No.27444464
File: 22 KB, 619x112, lewds.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cool turns out 314chan is gonna allow nsfw on the board (probably on certain threads of course)

>> No.27444470

Yeah it's too bad that drawfag didn't drop their tag or twitter handle

>> No.27444476

It's nice to see what n*urotypicals really think of aspergers when their virtue signalling reflex hasn't been triggered.

>> No.27444477

It's her peak.

>> No.27444479
Quoted by: >>27444633

I think there were goslings as early as Valorant though

>> No.27444482

Feel like I just recently saw someone else remade in SC6. Might have been Noel or Luna.

>> No.27444483
File: 144 KB, 542x248, 1600247976880.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So is Amelia the most menhera of them all?
>Took care of a family member most of her life
>Felt meaningless after she passed
>Now takes care of auntie Watson
>Takes care of several cats and dogs and listed "dependence" as one of the reasons she likes pets
>Took care of the Goslings during the first couple of weeks after her debut, encouraging them to be better
>Gives lonely Goslings the girlfriend experience
I'm not saying it's a bad thing necessarily. In fact, it's probably a good thing since it's been helping some anons improve themselves and she seems to genuinely care about the people in her life, but this girl definitely has a need to care for some helpless person or animal

>> No.27444485

You're probably the anon I agreed with the first time, you definitely get it

>> No.27444487

Her shitposting skills are being put to great use.

>> No.27444489
Quoted by: >>27445054

Well, strictly speaking that's Cover's problem, not Fubuki's. Fubuki also doesn't have much to fear from Calicommies either, iirc she isn't a lolicon or shotacon or anything like that. Hell, she even avoids the "virtual waifu" thing that some Westerners might be quick to tag vtubers with

>> No.27444490
File: 1.50 MB, 266x293, 1601291140962.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27444491

>but then you get california moralists involved and it's not any better. Instead of saying Taiwan it's saying loli.
Yeah but that can be defeated the same way Venti was already shut down. Gura is never openly lewd.

>> No.27444495
File: 39 KB, 351x348, 1601996976596.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have sex.

>> No.27444496

with how secretive she is and based from the anime she watched, it's safe to say that she was an /a/ regular. Hell her whole shark shtick is a hinako note reference

>> No.27444497
Quoted by: >>27444616

Just woke up, where's the short version?

>> No.27444499


>> No.27444500


>> No.27444504
File: 172 KB, 1157x1414, 1601670587199.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watson makes me smile everytime I see her, simple as, anon

>> No.27444509

The Majima post is better.

>> No.27444510


>> No.27444513
Quoted by: >>27444872

No. Kiara is.

>> No.27444518

gura is nearing half a million views on her minecraft video. this girl is truly blessed

>> No.27444519


>> No.27444529

venti never had a real argument, just more clout chasing

>> No.27444531
Quoted by: >>27444578

a menhera would have long killed herself

>> No.27444532

"Fire Matsuri or we pullout." California and Chinks are the same kind of confirmist hivemind that deserve to die.

>> No.27444537
File: 16 KB, 403x111, 1601639210827.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pekora.... behind you....

also back to over 20k per day. imagine thinking she will slow down just because she dropped to 17k after she didn't stream for 2 days. this ride has only one stop and its called 1 million subs

>> No.27444540

HolohouseNA when?

>> No.27444542

That's Mori's own drawing style, she's hiding her powerlevel in the drawing streams. Check the mv for Sick Outta Fashion

>> No.27444544

Anyone developing waifu syndrome at this point in time either never experienced it before or only had it superficially, i.e. a newfag or normalfag tourist. This isn't surprising.

>> No.27444546
Quoted by: >>27444591

Jesus christ it was 350k an hour ago, we're actually going to see the shark incline even further

>> No.27444551

she hasn't said explicitly.

>> No.27444552


>> No.27444554

It's not the same situation. They won't be able to do shit.

>> No.27444563

don't read too much into it. i just read this off of some manga where some menhera dyke documents hiring a prostitute.

>> No.27444565


>> No.27444567

I hope she does something special for Halloween.

>> No.27444572
Quoted by: >>27444876

Reminds me of Eizouken, thought that might just be recency bias on my part.

>> No.27444574
Quoted by: >>27444591

Jesus christ ALREADY? She streamed it 2 hours ago!

>> No.27444578
Quoted by: >>27444643

Nah, Matsuri's still here so that theory is dead

>> No.27444585
File: 72 KB, 463x453, 1600320977385.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27444588
File: 158 KB, 1024x576, arewetheantis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like hololive EN, but I think I'd be enjoying it more if I had never come here, but now I don't think I'm able to leave. This is almost as bad as when I sold all my bitcoin at 1$ each.

>> No.27444590

She'll hit 1 million very soon with no doubt, the only thing I'm curious about the numbers is if she'll do it before Fubuki.

>> No.27444591
Quoted by: >>27444611

t. people who don't know how youtube stream view numbers work

>> No.27444594
Quoted by: >>27444785

>Anon explains being a waifufag
>This explains why you're not a waifufag
Holy bait, well played

>> No.27444600

How was the arcade date thing, teammates?
Jesus Christ she's growing fast

>> No.27444601

I know we don't make Gura punch edits for overtaking Holos, but we might want to make an exception to shit on the nousagis specifically

>> No.27444604
File: 2.71 MB, 515x479, 1537750627723.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mori is in this thread taking drawing request RIGHT NOW

>> No.27444611

Anon just compare it to her previous videos.

>> No.27444612
File: 98 KB, 1000x1000, 1602089476176.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wonder if shes holding back her art cause its, "Ina's thing"
Ya boy is very talented
>full art potential released
>full music potential released
>bloodborne streams
Mark my words when she goes fulltime she will rise up

>> No.27444615
File: 355 KB, 1792x828, sS41El7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27444663

>> No.27444616
File: 156 KB, 1272x713, 1602051820447.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27444617

Pepsi cola...

>> No.27444620

The entirety of /hlg/ going full schizo-anti is more than any edit could do.

>> No.27444622
Quoted by: >>27444665

/jp/ civil war later this month right?

>> No.27444627
Quoted by: >>27444672

C'mon, she's not that stupid... or is she?

>> No.27444629

Scratching lottery tickets at the gas station. Now this is a DATE.

>> No.27444628

whenever you're faced with a decision and you choose to visit this shithole rather than literally doing anything else, you're already too far down

>> No.27444632
Quoted by: >>27444959

Don't do it. Even if some of them deserve it, Peko herself did nothing wrong.

>> No.27444633

Goslings are eternal, but Superliminal gathered them to Ame

>> No.27444636

It was good, but a lot of people are disappointed that they missed out on seeing it live, thanks to scheduling errors.

>> No.27444637

She spent like 200 dollars on arcade games over a few hours, got off every ride early because it made her feel sick, the romantic dinner date afterward was rushed and awkward and she ended up getting an Uber back to her place alone to watch Gura. So, basically, exactly how a real date would go, 10/10

>> No.27444642
File: 75 KB, 205x239, 1600564266034.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gonna be interesting when gura finally says on a stream to not compare her subs to other people because it bothers her

>> No.27444643

Matsuri seems like she does it for attention. What else does she really have going for her

>> No.27444645

Would Mori or Ina be up for streaming The legacy of Kain?

>> No.27444647
Quoted by: >>27444681

speaking of which, did that one poal drawanon deliver? I was busy yesterday and missed a lot of threads.

>> No.27444648
Quoted by: >>27444866

Are you the same german who sent her your lifestory during the mario kart stream?

>> No.27444650


>> No.27444656
File: 307 KB, 1243x1144, 1602059123291.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Love you guys and hope you enjoyed the fun date stream with Amelia! Make sure to check out the Mori/Kiara collab and Mori afterwards. Support all of EN! Doesn't need to be with money, your views mean a lot.

That's all.

>> No.27444657

How many viewers did Guras minecraft stream peak at?
Also why does it already have more views than her last 3 streams? Are there that many autists watching?

>> No.27444661

I feel that way too, these threads always somehow manage to ruin the girls and yet the shitposting along with the streams feels like such an integral part of watching them now

>> No.27444662

Ina's chest...

>> No.27444663
File: 110 KB, 1000x1000, 1602190015379.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27445271


>> No.27444665

What, between us and /hlg/? It should be avoided if possible, we need to stand united against the 2hu barbarians first before balkanizing.

>> No.27444668

>"Fire Matsuri or we pullout."
If this was a thing it would've happened ages ago, also people are actually able to argue against shit like that unlike in China.

>> No.27444669
File: 215 KB, 663x956, a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your date just ordered a kids nugget meal with extra kranch. Realistically, what would you do in this scenario?

>> No.27444670

holy fuck that one is perfect

>> No.27444672

i meant it's based on a frame from her music vid, my bad.

>> No.27444674
Quoted by: >>27444717

good oldfag game but zoomers wont watch it

>> No.27444675

That was a good read

>> No.27444679

>numberfags instantly considered antis
I see no problem with this

>> No.27444680

Kids are watching.

>> No.27444681

I don't believe he ever did, gura cunny won the poll but he didn't show up after that

>> No.27444683
File: 96 KB, 1600x699, 1601538681501.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27445625


>> No.27444684
File: 170 KB, 2000x2000, 20201007_082013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27444711

God I love my fellow Teamates. This is amazing.

>> No.27444691

Fuck it, those spergs deserve it

>> No.27444692

what the fuck is going this shit is not normal

>> No.27444695
File: 45 KB, 208x271, 1600319407002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>been dead hours for quite awhile
>threads are still good

That's how you know the streams today were -really- good

>> No.27444696
Quoted by: >>27444755

She probably thinks that it's not worth doing it while Ina is doing it, or that it would give out who she is too obviously.

>> No.27444700

Numberfags won't care, they're not her real fans to begin with.

That said, as a real chumbud, it's hard not to occasionally comment on how fast she's inclining just because it's SO unprecedented and wildly unexpected. I want her to hurry up and break 1M just so people don't have any more numbers to talk about for a long time.

>> No.27444702
File: 1004 KB, 1564x1456, 1601963092605.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27444703

Kinda want to see this since nousagiis have been the most annoying shitposters in Hololive threads. But on the other hand, I also feel I don't need it just because witnessing them have massive meltdowns in the other thread is already enough. The tears will nourish me for a long time.

>> No.27444704

She played the rock game AND gave it Pewdiepie references so it's ultra-normalfag bait. Nousagis don't stand a chance.

>> No.27444706
File: 140 KB, 540x253, 1600248423328.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You seem to have attached the wrong image anon. Here's her life philosophy. And yes

>> No.27444711

this was a nice poem, but it being posted every thread has ruined its charm

>> No.27444712

I am 100% okay with this

>> No.27444716

order five of the 1$ spicy nuggz boxes with honey mustard and seiso sauce

>> No.27444717

Because they can't speak nosgoth huh

>> No.27444718
File: 185 KB, 640x480, 1602121289149.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Gura finally shares some info about herself
>it's that she has fucking sleep paralysis and night terrors

You ever think she WANTED to become a cute shark over whatever she used to be?

>> No.27444724
Quoted by: >>27444827

There is absolutely a massive audience of weird minecraft kids that love to watch anyone popular try Minecraft. Could be they love Minecraft and are trying to re-experience it for the first time

>> No.27444731

Thanks Ame

>> No.27444735
File: 38 KB, 567x540, 1594276922291.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

peko peko...

>> No.27444739

It's normal for HER.

>> No.27444741
File: 34 KB, 227x222, 1601814949145.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When will this "Gura is family-friendly and appeals to the kid audience" narrative end?

>> No.27444742
Quoted by: >>27444820

>back to FE

>> No.27444744


>> No.27444747
Quoted by: >>27444812

the fun in watching gura overtake JPs is celebrating gura's success. shitting on the others is in bad taste.

>> No.27444748

>How was the arcade date thing, teammates?
It walked the fine line between being played as a joke and being serious. Personally, I thought it was fantastic and hope she does it again sometime.

>> No.27444749

>everybody asks WHERE is the shark, nobody ever asks HOW is the shark

>> No.27444751

I literally always mix ketchup and ranch, I've done it since I was a kid. We'd probably laugh about it and say how dumb people are for not trying it. Ranch+Ketchup is legit the best dipping sauce.

>> No.27444753

This is going to be a funny stream because you just KNOW she's forgotten everything about that game

>> No.27444755
Quoted by: >>27444867

Kind of a double edge sword with having such a unique artstyle.
Her style is really cool. Mori drawings still have some flair to them tho.

>> No.27444758

She named her horse after Pewdiepie shit, it'll only ramp up.

>> No.27444760

This is perfection

>> No.27444762

I think Mori and Kiara both having unarguably solid gold streams chilled out a lot of antis. Hard to be mad at people who made you laugh a lot.

>> No.27444763
File: 5 KB, 270x33, 1602122274538.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not a narrative, look at her chat

>> No.27444765

For the guy who pointed out how simialr nene and kiara are, huke is actually a fan of both. He retweets nenes streams

>> No.27444770

I mean everyone Gura, Ina, Amelia, Kiara and Mori all nailed it

>> No.27444771

Oh, I think I know the one.

>> No.27444774

Hope she realizes that her decision has voided her of making fun of me for ordering a bunch of standard hamburgers instead of a meal.

>> No.27444776

do it, ill be sure to tag both on twitter afterwards so she addresses numberfags

>> No.27444778

Give her a second blowhole in her skull

>> No.27444779


>> No.27444781


>> No.27444782

when it stops being true. log on to kids version of youtube or activate parental controls and take a look yourself.

>> No.27444784
File: 166 KB, 940x500, watson bad end.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Moments before she ends the stream, you reach down and grab Ame's watch and activate it.
How do you save the date, teamates?

>> No.27444785

What you said demonstrated that you're a (failed) normalfag, i.e. the shit it I was saying it was symptomatic of to begin with, try to keep up.

>> No.27444787

>whatever she used to be?
an alcoholic?

>> No.27444790

Tease her about being weird

>> No.27444791
Quoted by: >>27447657

Ask if the kid's meal comes with a toy so I'll have a gift to give to Mori for her recording sessions.

>> No.27444793
File: 71 KB, 925x1009, 1602116059601.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks Amelia-tan

>> No.27444795

>reposting the one single message asking who is ame

>> No.27444796

You realize that sjwism is just a chink psyOP, right?

>> No.27444797

It ended ever since she started Dead by Daylight and other horrorgames, but now that she played [[Minecraft]] with some happy BGM anons here got triggered that they could be watching something for kids.

>> No.27444802

>member which means disposable income
he said children not manchildren

>> No.27444803
Quoted by: >>27444862

Gura gotta be aiming for that PDP audience
I don't know how i feel about that.

>> No.27444805

God I hope a bunch of kids watched her collab with Ame.
Hope they watched her blush and smile when Ame offered to crush her.

>> No.27444807

never, but the veil will become thinner and thinner over time.

>> No.27444809

Change it to a movie date like Marley and me

>> No.27444812

No one is shitting on Pekora, it's the pekofags on /hlg/ people want to shit on

>> No.27444815
File: 1.13 MB, 1500x2193, 1602052137964.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27444913

>"We could watch Gura's stream at my place"

>> No.27444816

as much as I hate this, its not. Shes appealing to young teenagers and kids that watch celebs like logan paul and pewdiepie

>> No.27444820

Anon, it might seem like the other day, but her last FE stream was a full 2 weeks ago.

>> No.27444821
File: 7 KB, 338x60, jojofag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does this count?

>> No.27444823

Do Vampyr instead and you might get some zoomer views. Or one of The Masquerade.
Realistically though, probably too dark/gory/violent for youtube.

>> No.27444824
Quoted by: >>27444913

"Oh Gura's streaming? Want to watch it together at my place?"

>> No.27444825

Just gotta get her to play some family friendly KF2

>> No.27444827
File: 96 KB, 1020x789, gura is pissed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay but how many live viewers did she peak at?

>> No.27444826

i had thought before that i'd never experienced sleep paralysis, but after her story i realized that i did one time because it was exactly like the last incident she described. i just hope that section doesn't get clipped in some exploitative way that makes her second-guess telling stories about herself like that.

>> No.27444830
Quoted by: >>27444861

Hope you guys are ready to record ina's karoke tomorrow.

>> No.27444833
File: 141 KB, 1420x1036, 3CACF399-65D2-4116-B7C3-C6DD56C91E83.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27444906

>> No.27444835
File: 276 KB, 864x665, e8tg33.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.27444839

53k as far as I noticed.

>> No.27444841
Quoted by: >>27444937

do you think $5 is disposable income?

>> No.27444846
File: 266 KB, 1446x1704, Eiia25EXYAAnXl4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


kiara loves all the girls, and as such, so do I, so it would be unbecoming of me to dunk on them regardless of how amazing I think chicken is

they're all great but I love kiara the most

>> No.27444849

At least he's responsible with his money.

>> No.27444854

Please tell me this isn't real. I don't want to cancel my membership

>> No.27444855


>> No.27444857
File: 555 KB, 600x379, 1602129393957.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So are the ENs really not going to go on the hololive minecraft server?

The IDs got to go on it...

>> No.27444861
Quoted by: >>27444921

what time is it? I'll set an alarm

>> No.27444862
Quoted by: >>27444886

She asked chat and picked the first name she saw there, not her fault it was some meme spouting kid

>> No.27444864

Vampyr had a nice atmosphere and killer soundtrack, the actual action mechanics weren't amazing though. Would be a good game for her.

>> No.27444865

I think I just got vored by Aki

>> No.27444866

Well it's morning in Germany so...

>> No.27444867

She could always try to branch out of her style, she says she also wants to do it with music.

>> No.27444872
Quoted by: >>27444999

I suspect that Watame was at some point suicidal based on her childhood story and how she describes herself

>> No.27444874
File: 106 KB, 1238x848, 1601704551031.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I was there on time..
But thanks, Ame

>> No.27444876

the music video came out while eizouken was airing and that's definitely kanamori's mouth, so you've probably got something there

>> No.27444877

It's real but she got baited, her chat told her the horse's name and she didn't know any better

>> No.27444879
Quoted by: >>27444904

just think of the cunny and hold steady, chumbud. Shes doing it to become the top subscribed of hololive

>> No.27444886

She stuck with it after learning it was PDP shit and then namedropped some other PDP minecraft memes. Face it anon, your shark isn't a contrarian hipster 4chin poster.

>> No.27444887
File: 256 KB, 1250x1250, 1601597023047.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chicken best girl, but I'm not reading all that.

>> No.27444888

What was the name? I don't watch P*P, and didn't catch up the stream yet

>> No.27444891
Quoted by: >>27445094

do you think any of them listen to degenerate music (rap)

>> No.27444895

Pewdiepie is unironically based though.

>> No.27444902

They probably weren't invited yet so they assume they can't go. Someone from the JP needs to invite them.

>> No.27444903

I'm pretty sure they will, though some people had said that they weren't going to be able to build on it? It is kinda cramped in there already

>> No.27444904
Quoted by: >>27444962

>just think of the cunny
I think that might prove a bigger problem in this case... Gawr Gura truly might be a cultural phenomenon...

>> No.27444906
File: 207 KB, 338x293, 1601996593877.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27444957

GuraMori is rich, uncharted territory

>> No.27444908

based fucking jojoCHAD

>> No.27444909
Quoted by: >>27444935

Isnt it past your bedtime child?

>> No.27444911 [DELETED] 

Doubt it

>> No.27444913
File: 420 KB, 2605x1560, gurame rest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27444958

Fuck we were that close, weren't we?

>> No.27444915

mucho texto

>> No.27444917
File: 172 KB, 1130x715, 53435443535413553.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27444945

I like to imagine that Ina left the stream, put Gas Gas Gas on x3 and then spat out that Ame swimsuit picture in the middle of the night.

>> No.27444919

They didn't say they weren't going to, they obviously can't until after the collab ban is over at least, they'll just have an EN server too.

>> No.27444920

While it's true that she named her horse after pewd's horse, it wasn't exactly her that named it, it was her chat. She was told about it, and she wanted to change the name, but due to the retardation in the chat, she gave up and just let it as it is. Almost named her horse Poseidon too.

>> No.27444921


>> No.27444922
File: 237 KB, 1280x1000, 1598776286576.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well tell haachama to not built the fucking tenth statue of herself and YAGOO then

>> No.27444926

Pewdiepie summarized philosophy books for his viewers, he's unironically based.

>> No.27444927
Quoted by: >>27445040

>Realistically though, probably too dark/gory/violent for youtube.
You do realise Holos have been streaming more violent games than that before now, right?

>> No.27444930

pretty good, made me member for the first time and I thought it was worth it

>> No.27444931
File: 295 KB, 2195x2195, gura108.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

b-but I gotta build atlantis

>> No.27444933

The people the watched pewdiepie 10 years ago aren't kids anymore, you aren't either

>> No.27444934

Fuck you bitch

>> No.27444935
Quoted by: >>27445011

Try not being a complete shut-in contrarian who just hates anything popular without actually doing your research.

>> No.27444936

Good. Numberfags are unironically going go make Gura feel bad in the future if she doesnt stop them.

>> No.27444937

I never had a credit card as a kid, but I dunno maybe zoomers function differently

>> No.27444939

>Minecraft stream
>55K peak concurrent viewers
>Almost 500K viewers in 5 hours
>$5.3K in superchat between 640 donations

She's raking in the penniless zoomer and the richfags. This is nuts

>> No.27444942

Maybe like 2 years ago, man turned himself into an advertiser friendly kids channel after a /pol/fag decided to shoot up a mosque while saying his name

>> No.27444943

what's that? gomugomu no mi?

>> No.27444944

how the fuck do you run out of building room in minecraft of all things

>> No.27444945

was surprised she randomly drew this in two minutes with paint using mouse

>> No.27444950

Yesterday she was saying fuck openly with Ame (among other swears), really Holos are allowed to swear if they want but she seems to be going out of her way to not be that.

Given the fact she did it when Ame started swearing, my guess would be she knows something about the algorithm, that if there's too much swearing in a vid it doesn't get circulated as much by it hence once Ame went there she was fine with it. Could be part of her magic really, for example being an experienced youtuber probably taught her shit and she's just doing this herself regardless of Cover's input, because she may understand the system better than most people in the company.

Also consider Mori was actually similar, with some hilarious/cringe s-wordy censorship as well you gosh d-worded mother f-worder, although, that's broken down lately such as with Doom. Also Mori seems to have had consistently higher daily subs even though she just barely fucking streams, maybe indicating algo working more in her favor if she avoids swearing, and is also pretty solid 2nd Holo. Everyone's oo-aaing at Gura but Mori is over 400k now, which normally wouldn't be small potatoes at all but is just forgotten next to Gura.

>> No.27444953
Quoted by: >>27445001

>summarized philosophy books for his viewers
That's the worst fucking thing you can possibly do from a philosophical stand point. Just... the monkey trying to help the fish not drown.

>> No.27444957

They do seem to like each other so I hope they collab more

>> No.27444958

She didn't have her jacket on. You messed up teamates!

>> No.27444959
File: 123 KB, 988x985, oh_no_pekora.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27444988

This, please don't bully Peko more. One SHARKED fan art is already enough.

>> No.27444960
Quoted by: >>27444992

im sorry shark... i cant do it anymore... i tried doing it for you but its just too much...
I dropped hinako note. that anime is straight garbage. though i understand why HER likes that character

>> No.27444961


>> No.27444962

I just realized that if Gura becomes super famous, shes going to politically involved in loads of shit. Its not even doomposting, western media is going to eat it up and puke it. I'm unironically fucking scared for her now. Can cover exercise anything to not make their idols politicized? because if not, in due time Gura will have to deal with a lot of headaches. I hate western media and social politics fuck fujck FUCK

>> No.27444965 [DELETED] 
File: 362 KB, 600x622, 0d2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where is the date archive link i need it

>> No.27444969

I thought gura squeaks were going to be a rare occurrence but they're happening more and more frequently. We are truly blessed.

>> No.27444970
File: 422 KB, 216x194, pekoball.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know a lot of you are new, but don't blame nousagi for pekoflaggers, friends.

>> No.27444974

also minor correction
>pretty solid 2nd holo EN

>> No.27444975
Quoted by: >>27445001

>summarized philosophy
do zoomers fucking really?

>> No.27444980
File: 46 KB, 507x263, 1602192774980.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27444981

In about 20 hours you poorfag.

>> No.27444982

fuck off back to /v/eddit wojakfag

>> No.27444984
File: 358 KB, 1079x1475, Screenshot_20201009-024925_Twitter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aww Twapi commented on Ame's video.

>> No.27444988

The way people constantly meme Gura passing other holos in sub counts as them getting "eaten by the shark" is unironically giving me a vore fetish, please help.

You're a retard, Cover doesn't allow their chuubas to discuss politics at all.

>> No.27444989
Quoted by: >>27445231

Damn, how did I miss this? I wonder if she's seen it...

>> No.27444991

she figured it out a few minutes later but decided to roll with it without acknowledging.

>> No.27444992
Quoted by: >>27445013

I don't think she even saw it but just likes how fake-Konata looks and wanted to model herself off it.

>> No.27444994
Quoted by: >>27445005

Anon if we're talking on the whole site, then we can go much worse.

>> No.27444998


>> No.27444999

Kiara was flat out suicidal and went through at least 1 period of months of depression Tumblr posting on end. Having your life ruined halfway around the world by a pedophile who publicly bragged about it fucks with your trust issues even worse than knowing people probably want relationships with you only because of looks and minor fame as a dancer/idol.
not that this is a pissing contest because Ame definitely went through some shit, but Kiara tries to hide it which is where the menhera really lives

>> No.27445001

A one hour video about philosophy for kids who never read some is pretty good.

>> No.27445004


>> No.27445005

how worse?

>> No.27445007

Shes already gotten in trouble with the western community because they cant help but get offended. As her popularity grows tahts just going to get fucking worse.

>> No.27445009
Quoted by: >>27445041

Towa falling for the GF experience too, huh?

>> No.27445011
Quoted by: >>27445049

So i have to watch his shitty content to dislike him?
Sorry for insulting your e-friend, im sure hes "based"

>> No.27445012
File: 1.03 MB, 1228x676, 1600323163122.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>come back from work
>amelia created a virtual date experience for the goslings
What the fuck?

>> No.27445013

they do share some traits, like always being hungry. but that is such a common trope it might be unrelated

>> No.27445015

Towa is a whore

>> No.27445021

Gura is a hero to children.

>> No.27445028

Tomo yo....

>> No.27445030

How does one mating press a shark?

>> No.27445033

Melody survived and she was full-on porn. Long as cover doesn't bend for SJWs as they did with China, and the ENs don't actively participate in politics, it SHOULD be a non-issue.

>> No.27445035


>> No.27445037

I was messing in the pre-stream chat and the topic of age came up. There's quite a few 12-18 year olds watching her, and lots of them whined about having to miss the stream due to online classes. Plenty of 30+ chimed in as well, but she definitely attracts kids too.

>> No.27445038
Quoted by: >>27445079

Did Towa actually watched the gf simulator stream too? Amazing

>> No.27445039

That's awesome. Sucks that she can't enjoy art like this. I bet she's drawn her own stuff like it as well. Or has drawn her demon with hanging out with Mori...

>> No.27445040
Quoted by: >>27445104

Hey man, I'm not the one who had to censor yubi yubis and dicks. If they thought it was offensive, then it's either their own personal opinion or leveraging on youtube's opinion. Either way, it was offensive.

>> No.27445041

>Towa is a goslingposter as well

>> No.27445043

Pretty neat. Mori's roommate was confirmed to have played MH too.

>> No.27445048

They go out of their way to avoid that shit and will do all they can to just pretend it doesn't exist.

If anything the early attacks by that ugly thot didn't really do anything at all to her so if Gura can just keep her cool she'll be alright.

>> No.27445049

>So i have to watch his shitty content to dislike him?
I mean... yes? If you've never watched ANY content from someone how can you have an opinion on it? Dumbass.

>> No.27445050
File: 60 KB, 1019x485, 1601955207501.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27445091


>> No.27445054

>she isn't a lolicon or shotacon or anything like that

>> No.27445056
Quoted by: >>27445091

>He didn't beleeb
She wouldn't lie to us, a date is a date

>> No.27445057

Cover doesn't allow political shit so she won't get in trouble on her end and they're in Japan so they're immune to western SJW faggotry anyway (it doesn't have the same problem as China because they don't actually have any financial influence). It's inconsequential.

>> No.27445059
Quoted by: >>27445267

I had no idea Kiara was like that. Do you have links to some source or point me in the right direction?

>> No.27445062
File: 378 KB, 696x869, ameameame.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, shes pretty cool

>> No.27445065

It was pretty, as the kid's say, "based."

>> No.27445066
Quoted by: >>27445126

Do mods get free access to member-only streams?

>> No.27445071
Quoted by: >>27445106

New narrative: this Taiwan thing was all a setup by Yagoo to stop Haachama from making statues of him and to give the 5th gen some space to build shit in the minecraft server

>> No.27445077

Chumming to chummy with my chumbuddies

>> No.27445078
File: 29 KB, 893x159, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What did she mean by this?
>inb4 go back

>> No.27445079

I mean all Holos have mod rights to other Holos which would be more the same + more than members, she easily could've watched it.

>> No.27445081

its called an uninformed opinion and its all the rage ok you blowjob

>> No.27445085
File: 165 KB, 1000x1468, 976de6cbfd802a44aebd33acec5f3f50.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel very happy watching Mori. Most of her streams I need to watch later on after I'm home from work, but not being able to chat doesn't matter to me. I just want to watch and enjoy. Also sleep, that is important...speaking of which...

>> No.27445088

Ina is talking about eating curry at midnight...

>> No.27445090
Quoted by: >>27445120

but I thought she btfo'd reddit?

>> No.27445091

I was really surprised considering she had tried to dissuade that type of behavior in the past.

Now she enables it?

>> No.27445094

Anon have you been paying attention for the past month?

>> No.27445096 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>27445158

lets not jump to conclusions here. Unless Gura decides to get involved, nobody has the right to force her into interviews and shit. The media WILL spin naratives and discuss about the "effects" shes had on the modern situations, but unless Gura gives a direct political statement they cant do jack shit. The MAP situation is looking kind of exploitable though, so this might also get out of hand. Who fucking knows. you just need to hope for the best

>> No.27445101
File: 1.03 MB, 1259x711, 1602207614555.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is all you need to know anon.

>> No.27445102

55K according to holostats

>> No.27445103

I disagree with your opinion, but i see where you are coming from.
Take this free, "internet victory"

>> No.27445104
Quoted by: >>27445172

That was literally just Gura's chat being fucking retarded and nothing else.
Nudity/sex is invariably a bigger problem on youtube than violence and gore because of western standards.

>> No.27445106
Quoted by: >>27445127

as if she hasn't spent the entire ban making yagoos

>> No.27445110
File: 77 KB, 480x360, 77456543345345.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dumpster diving.
>Forklift stealing.
>Gas station lottery ticket scratching.
>Goose feeding.
>Off-road golf carting.
>Awkward ferris wheel ride
>Walking along a road in pitch black darkness.
>Getting hit by cars.
>Spaghetti and steak dinner at a pizza place.
>Get cock blocked at the last second by a Vtuber stream.
>Not even a kiss on the cheek.
Yeah it was a date alright.

>> No.27445113
Quoted by: >>27445146

You should check the archive, thread during the date was great

>> No.27445116
Quoted by: >>27445129

With how many genuine and falseflagging nousagi posters there are, you might as well make an edit of Pekora punching Pekora when Gura passes her.

>> No.27445118
Quoted by: >>27445145

I have them frequently as well, its not as worrisome as you think. Its only when they happen multiple nights in a row you start getting fatigued. I'd say they stress you out as well, but they're typically brought on by stress in the first place.

>> No.27445119

I read that as Matsuri tribbing and suddenly became interested.

>> No.27445120

She told them not to pity watch/sub her

>> No.27445124

Some people thought she BTFOd it, others thought she enabled it. We have enough evidence by now to demonstrate she's doing both, i.e., she is manipulating us by giving and taking in equal measure. She knows what she's doing

>> No.27445126

Well, members only streams still have chat.

>> No.27445129

KEK, now that would actually be funny

>> No.27445127
Quoted by: >>27445692

The eruption of Haachama is going to be insane. Weeks isolated and her thoughts running wild. I'm prepared for the craziest shit yet.

>> No.27445131
File: 203 KB, 349x217, 1602170762628.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27445161


>> No.27445133


>> No.27445138
File: 246 KB, 1600x2000, Ejuzq-OVoAAcfeV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27445259

enjoy the VODs, anon. Her track making srream was fucking great

>> No.27445140
File: 439 KB, 1280x720, calliopemowing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, I tried.
Good luck to the deadbeats who will wake up early to see /ourboy/ collabing with her friend!

>> No.27445142
Quoted by: >>27445163

>She knows what she's doing
The worst part is that makes it hotter for me

>> No.27445145

The best thing at that moment is to calm down. I usually just go back to sleep

>> No.27445146
Quoted by: >>27445175

Doing that right now.

What the fuck amelia?!

>> No.27445149

Some old /cgl/ poster said the rumours were false though, I dunno

>> No.27445151

>She tried to dissuade it in the past
People really hear what they want to hear when it come to Ame. Pretty much the only people she's filtered are the ones who want her to be one dimensional I'd say

>> No.27445152


>> No.27445156

>Ina karaoke at 3 AM
how long do you think it will be, not sure whether to stay or watch next day

>> No.27445158 [DELETED] 

>MAP situation
do I even want to know?

>> No.27445159
File: 597 KB, 732x767, doggocam.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27445161

haha what a funny guy imagine if he was rejected from the art school that would be embarrassing

>> No.27445162
File: 79 KB, 398x414, 1601655240910.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27445280

Sleep tight Anon

>> No.27445163
Quoted by: >>27445192

I feel you
I like some femdom in my life

>> No.27445165

Same, I also watche archive but I caught that one, pure kino

>> No.27445167

An hour atleast

>> No.27445168

1 hour.

>> No.27445172

iirc, Ina also censored something on CoC. Such shit is certainly offensive to them. Again, even if it isn't youtube, two of them have thus far censored overly gore-y shit.

>> No.27445175

Unserious / ironic GFE is probably better, since the weaklings and virgins will get hard fucking filtered by all the teasing rejections, leaving the moments of true sweetness to the chads

>> No.27445177

Kiara's stream was so good yesterday, what happened

>> No.27445180


>> No.27445190
Quoted by: >>27445206

God finally took his boot off her neck

>> No.27445192
Quoted by: >>27445215

My specific niche is the type that's more psychological than physical, so Ame toying with us is right on-target.

>> No.27445194
Quoted by: >>27445213

I didn't... beleeb

>> No.27445196

She ditched us for Gura because chat starting spilling the spaghetti super hard.

>> No.27445197

This, a pure moeblob GFE would be awful, true connoisseurs need some salt in their sweets

>> No.27445200
Quoted by: >>27445279

Marine had phone sex with her

>> No.27445201
File: 349 KB, 2048x2048, EjeN7XXUwAEwhFm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that bulge

>> No.27445203
File: 319 KB, 1246x2000, 1600671937687.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27445337

Watchama's fat, sweaty tits!

>> No.27445204
Quoted by: >>27445298

There is defiantly something off about her since her self esteem is pathetically low. Hopes she gets her shit together and get better.

>> No.27445206

Don't you mean his knee?

>> No.27445207

She's starting to believe.

>> No.27445209
File: 280 KB, 128x128, 1601590307202.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]







>> No.27445212
Quoted by: >>27446315

This is all true except she's similar to a porn star who faked orgasm.

People should take the fact that her pity party was all planned all along. This act stems up to her previous roomates behavior. When she doesn't know, she cry. when she fail a level, she cry. Then all goes the white knights and concernfags throwing subs and money at her.

I don't mind the crying part that's what I like about porn. I can just imagine my dick shoving down her throat while she's wet and teary.

Conclusion I enjoy all her streams her clumsiness gives me the genre "amateur", she's my number 1 porn star. You wouldn't get real unadulterated moans on pornsites nowadays.


>> No.27445213
File: 5 KB, 225x225, 1600442078302.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

time to start beleebing...

>> No.27445215

Patrician taste

>> No.27445218

Change the Wojack to Ghost Rider.

>> No.27445217

bros that amelia date turned me into a gosling

>> No.27445221

Don't forget Mori's songs drops f-bombs quite a bit.

>> No.27445223

I like to believe that she received some advice from Marine and from now on she will be more confident.

>> No.27445224

Ame doesnt even use her reddit

>> No.27445228

Wow, that's really fucked up. That kind of explains why she commits so hard to the lesbian bit, why she seems to get so emotional when things go wrong, and why she seems to always be on edge when it comes to criticism.

>> No.27445231
File: 757 KB, 1541x1106, dead_outta_fashion_fin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's an older version

I've put some other pieces up on my twitter but for obvious reasons this particular one should just stay here

>> No.27445236
File: 57 KB, 621x236, rm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

check closer

>> No.27445237

i don't get it

>> No.27445239

bros that amelia date was a pretty fun stream, I like when she got flinged off the ship ride

>> No.27445241


>> No.27445242
File: 524 KB, 640x549, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27445246
File: 1.92 MB, 1000x1000, 1591511619716.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27445374

Marine had a heart-to-heart with her

finally getting to talk to one of her holoJPs her life goal is complete so now she's unburdened

>> No.27445248

i like this pikamee+guar narrative

>> No.27445250

Literally the only one actually using reddit is Kiara, the rest are there cause it's part of their job

>> No.27445257

Im pretty sure gura said she doesnt use reddit either

>> No.27445256

russian cute

>> No.27445258

>he didn't watch tenchou's Mario Kinoart stream

>> No.27445259

Yeah it was. One of the few things recently to actually make me burst out laughing.
It's good because keeping up to date has been easy. I can finally be proud to say I'm part of a fanbase like that from the start rather than finding it months/years later. Anyway, this dead beat is signing off for the night.

>> No.27445261

that's actually pretty good

>> No.27445263
Quoted by: >>27445368

Basically yeah, Ame making if entertaining all around is a very good idea especially to sell it to a wider audience instead of laser-targeted to the most depressed goslings.

The other thing is, we know by now what her personality is and tendencies are, that the Superliminal streams were an extreme outlier because it's a calm and thoughtful puzzle game and normally she's much more wild and cranky. She'd have come across as so fucking fake doing an overly-sappy GFE date now, that she'd probably get more flak for that than she would have by just doing what she felt like.

>> No.27445265

Good on ya, Anon.

>> No.27445266
Quoted by: >>27445355

Mori's roommate has a million subs btw

>> No.27445267
Quoted by: >>27445399

She nuked her main Tumblr but she had an art one that still has some posts https://soroche-art.tumblr.com/archive/2014/12
The big rumors are false or twisted because jrcach had the pull to force the narrative and he had other girls in the scene defend him because they were hoping he would be their road to a similar dream in Japan. But the key facts about how she was harassed and he got her fired were confirmed by both of them, she actually linked to posts she made on the vtuber lolcow threads.

>> No.27445268
File: 330 KB, 250x250, 1602122752084.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27445270

I swing from one end to another on a daily
I'm gonna go insane...

>> No.27445271


>> No.27445272
Quoted by: >>27445302

I feel like it should be the other way around with Mori trying to sleep with ghost rider being the one outside

>> No.27445277

oh you

>> No.27445279
File: 205 KB, 800x1322, 1600568650383.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Marine's M energy was enough to bring out Kiara's inner S Stacy

>> No.27445280

Ya boy looking hella comfy

>> No.27445281
File: 297 KB, 553x597, koroneithurts.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27446029

It's hilarious how Korone has been scrambling in order not to lose her own viewers and get to 1 mil before Fubuki and Gura.

Plenty of English-focused streams and then the 24 hours AssCreed marathon. The dog is really feeling it.

>> No.27445282
File: 589 KB, 1984x2019, 1601601104285.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27445291
File: 73 KB, 800x600, 1601968445508.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only if you have bread

>> No.27445293
File: 293 KB, 2000x1250, 20201006_072406.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27445325

I would rather die than miss the morixkiara collab. Since they both rehabilitated itself I'm so fucking excited lads

>> No.27445294
Quoted by: >>27445318

>An actual goose
Oh my God she knows, doesn't she.

>> No.27445298
Quoted by: >>27445418

She's a loner otaku girl who dreamed about becoming an idol in a a closed society like Japan and even after decades, way into adulthood, keeps getting fucked by the retarded way japan treats foreigners.

Of course she has been through shit. I cannot say exactly what though as I dont know besides the rumors floating around what that /cgl/ anon said days ago.

Part of one of the vids she posted months ago talked about relationships, although my jap is not so good as to understand everything. Didn't really seemed like lesbo shit.

>> No.27445301

Ina said she hardly uses it but has browsed a little. Gura has flat out not commented about anything on it, or have a mod account there. She's got some 4chan in her if she's autistic-ally avoiding the largest EN community.

>> No.27445302
File: 1.72 MB, 1600x1024, 1601813691277.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27445316

already done

>> No.27445304

did chicken seriously say that shes getting a rtx 3080?

>> No.27445310
File: 109 KB, 734x900, 1577576819151.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27445444

Imagine being a ledditor, can't even talk about カニ.

>> No.27445315

Now is the time for the Resistance to blow the entire thing up

>> No.27445316


>> No.27445317

yeah she did https://files.catbox.moe/bg5yud.mp4

>> No.27445318

Always has

>> No.27445321

whats unbelievable about that?

>> No.27445325

w-what happened?

>> No.27445326
Quoted by: >>27445350

Kiara unleashed her Stacy energy and said to never post on reddit last stream.

>> No.27445327
Quoted by: >>27445379

Yup, for a rental PC, keep mind she doesn't even know how to open a PC case

>> No.27445328
Quoted by: >>27445386

>sleep paralysis
Just don't sleep on your back

>> No.27445333

Wow the Gosling meme reached Reddit?

>> No.27445335
File: 45 KB, 585x543, shaaaaaku.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone else hear a slight New York accent in Guras voice?

>> No.27445336
Quoted by: >>27445428

I like the ominous implications of this post.

>> No.27445337

Need to be the focus of even more art

>> No.27445339

She already brought this topic up on an interview. There was a few rumors but she mentioned that it was her boyfriend all along.(not a middle age man) sad part that boyfriend wasn't thight lip.

>> No.27445349
File: 198 KB, 256x273, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27445494

I hear an Atlantean accent.

>> No.27445350

shes posted on reddit again today

>> No.27445352

There's like dozens of accent in Gura's "dialect". If this was deliberate, she's a fucking genius.

>> No.27445355
Quoted by: >>27445411

Not remotely true. She doesn't even have 75k.

>> No.27445358

I hear Boston and South (Texas?).

>> No.27445363

What did he do?

>> No.27445366

I think she's just a weirdo who likes doing different accents, since I've heard several come out of her tiny mouth. Pretty much impossible to pinpoint her real voice.

>> No.27445367
File: 119 KB, 225x474, 1600749707625.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good evening, dead hours-posters!

It's story time!


>> No.27445368
Quoted by: >>27445746

Fascinating, I'm not sure I am in agreement that that type of relationship is healthy BUT if you like it, then who am I to tell you otherwise?

Amelia is a sweet girl, after all.

>> No.27445371

Anon kun Mori doesn't use reddit either. The single post she has is of her mkusic contest

>> No.27445374

marine pits and belly....

>> No.27445376
Quoted by: >>27445454

Probably because she's either been to a lot of places or a natural skill of mimicry. For example her Japanese pronunciation is really good considering she knows no Japanese.

>> No.27445379

How are rental PCs even a thing? Is it a laptop? Is it a desktop that you move all over the place everyday and subject it to potential damage which you pin on the unlucky dude who rented it at that time?

>> No.27445384

>Lars VIP
there's no way she doesnt visit here. The gosling and lars shit haven't leaked off to twitter that much. It's pretty much quarantined in this thread

>> No.27445382


>> No.27445383

based homestar poster

>> No.27445386

>tfw it's gotten to the point where i go "oh, it's THIS again" and patiently wait for the paralysis to end so i can roll over onto my side

>> No.27445390
File: 96 KB, 565x900, 1599279932182.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27445459

I enjoy this "Marine cured Kiara's anxiety via phone sex" narrative

>> No.27445392
Quoted by: >>27445509

Gura is doing all kinds of "accents" to fuck with you people, and it's honestly kind of fun

>> No.27445397

>ame couldn't pronounce deus ex
What's up with this girl and being unable to pronounce things anyways? Seems to happen all the time with her

>> No.27445398
File: 92 KB, 535x504, Gura big numbers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gura's minecraft stream brought thousands of new viewers to her channel, her subs have gone up like a rocket

>> No.27445399

Thanks mate. Now I know why I was so intrigued by her. She reminds me of my ex that was just the right amount of emotionally unstable that made her approachable.

Looks like from her last stream she has improved so I will look forward to her growth.

>> No.27445407

I knew some people like that, their parents had come from overseas and grew up watching tv and movies, picking up those accents

>> No.27445408

amelia cut out the kisses she blew at the end of the stream on the archive.................i wanted to go back and listen again


>> No.27445409

and her [SPOILER] Cunny [/SPOILER]

>> No.27445411
Quoted by: >>27445514

Oh I might be mistaken her and that guy who blew up because of her hat song or something

>> No.27445414

I can't believe she actually will hit 1M first. How did this happen

>> No.27445416
File: 252 KB, 1750x1250, EjnLAMEXcAEFnoP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27445456

I really hope Mori plays DOOM on her PC now, but she probably wont considering she'll have to make all that progress again and she probably doesn't have much free time

>> No.27445417


>> No.27445418

It's kinda weird to speculate but my take on it is this: she showed interest in girls and guys when she was younger but then called herself asexual right around when all the drama happened; I imagine trust issues and depression pushed her away from the idea of sex for a while. She expressed openness to having a girlfriend and later talked about having one and also a joke post about being super gay after questioning her sexuality. She openly joked a couple times about having the babies of a girl friend.

>> No.27445421

Shark girl leaves no survivors.

>> No.27445428
File: 3.70 MB, 600x611, WatameEyes.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27445435
File: 1.37 MB, 1275x1410, ClapClap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gotta at least watermark your reddit tier memes so they don't steal them

>> No.27445438
File: 1.72 MB, 546x251, Larsithurts.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you will never be the surrogate father for Kiara's lesbian marriage

>> No.27445439

I snorted

>> No.27445440
Quoted by: >>27445481

Youtube always seem to cut out the last couple of seconds for livestream archives, not just Ame's

>> No.27445444
File: 286 KB, 703x691, 1601594149205.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to believe this is because Gura is a cunnyseur like us and knows reddits stance on lolis.
Unbelievably based if true.

>> No.27445448 [DELETED] 

I've been finding my neice sexually attractive after watching gura's stream with her, I'm not the only one here right?

>> No.27445449
File: 36 KB, 1002x512, coupon dumpster dive devotid dew.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27445465

>> No.27445452
Quoted by: >>27445481

when it was live the stream was cut, then it came back for that, then cut again. Prob just a youtube thing since it usually cuts like two or so seconds from the end of streams.

>> No.27445454
File: 578 KB, 3000x3644, 1582622245197.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm 75% certain that Gura is a Navy brat. The sea theme also checks out.

>> No.27445456

Once she secures her bag, she's not gonna be keeping shitty janny/waitress jobs when she could be streaming games/music. She will have time to start over on PC.

>> No.27445457

Yeah, Gura either is fucking with our heads or she isn't a native English speaker. A couple of clues already point to the latter.

>> No.27445459

Have you seen the stream when Kiara talks about asking Marine about "how she controls her horniness level"
Senchou is that powerful

>> No.27445466

I hate permission shit for games so goddamn much

>> No.27445465


>> No.27445469 [DELETED] 

Chumbuddies had been doing so well..

>> No.27445476

so it it pronounced Kal-eye-o-pea or Kal-e-o-ppe

>> No.27445478
Quoted by: >>27445484

I'd believe it

>> No.27445480

Now this is a narrative that has some legs

>> No.27445481
Quoted by: >>27445670

aw didn't know that, thanks for telling me guys
guess the moment was lost in time

>> No.27445482
Quoted by: >>27445581

I can save her

>> No.27445483

The second one

>> No.27445484

Isn't the other shark also a Navy brat?

>> No.27445486
File: 211 KB, 1920x1080, yfkc723uxkd41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people keep speculating on where gura is from over and over
>the truth is she wasn't born in any country at all
>outside of all borders

>> No.27445488 [DELETED] 

anon no keep it 2D

>> No.27445490
Quoted by: >>27445532


>> No.27445492

i loved it

>> No.27445493

the former, she's said it herself before

>> No.27445494

You didn't even visit Atlantis Plato

>> No.27445495

Subaru will speak english to Kiara because japs for some reason refuse to speak japanese to foreigners no matter how shit their english is and how fluent in JP the gaijin is. Pikamee was talking once how japs think she's gaijin and assume she can't use chopsticks

>> No.27445498 [DELETED] 

I know this is a falseflag, but man, stop.

>> No.27445504

Nah her whole character is just a huge reference to Hinako Note

>> No.27445505

First if you're speaking English but the Japanese have an easier time pronouncing the second.

>> No.27445506
File: 121 KB, 640x407, Ejf9rwkU4AEGf15.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27445550


>> No.27445507

streameurs sans frontieres

>> No.27445508 [DELETED] 

I'm getting flashbacks to three houses

>> No.27445509
File: 257 KB, 800x800, wut.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's also "accidentally" revealed her timezone to be Pacific US, Central US, Eastern US, Central Europe, and Aussie.
It's deception all the way down.

>> No.27445511
File: 44 KB, 837x167, Capture2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you?

>> No.27445514

That's not her song, she just drew the character and did the music video.

>> No.27445516

People shit on V and rightfully so, there's a lot wrong with it but this scene remains incredible in my opinion https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N_vJMHMBzLM

>> No.27445520 [DELETED] 

You're not alone bro, I'm gonna fuck your niece too.

>> No.27445519

>because japs for some reason refuse to speak japanese to foreigners no matter how shit their english
You must have never been to Japan, it's exactly the opposite.

>> No.27445521
Quoted by: >>27445532


>> No.27445523
File: 229 KB, 828x1724, 20201008_060528.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27448020


You all saw this video hopefully? This is how the collabs with holoJP will go and it'll be hilarious

>> No.27445524

Also explains why she drinks like a sailor

>> No.27445527
Quoted by: >>27445980

No, her bf paid for the ticket out their but jrcach is someone else. He's a known man in his 40s who lives on disability payments and entices foreign girls to Japan. He later gets "his girls" to send erotic pics and used underwear in exchange for money or internet promotion. And he loved stalking and harassing girls he couldn't get, publicly shaming them to force a narrative. 2ch started calling antis as his samefagging, and I would have expected the early posts here about Kiara were him as well but they weren't malicious or persistent enough.

>> No.27445528
File: 281 KB, 459x599, 1595537828123.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27445570

… My sun… it's setting…

… It's dark, so dark…

>> No.27445529

This is incredibly cute

>> No.27445531 [DELETED] 

I swear to fucking god anon

>> No.27445532
Quoted by: >>27445553

She will have your heads for this.

>> No.27445533

I was naked in bed

>> No.27445535
Quoted by: >>27445546

the chads did

>> No.27445539

There are no bad or wrong reasons for cleaning yourself up and looking nice.

>> No.27445544

We actually had a few very attractive dudes and a girl post their outfits for the night. It was pretty funny.

>> No.27445546

And Stacies.

>> No.27445547

holy shit shes from space

>> No.27445548 [DELETED] 

Hopefully you mean your 14 year old niece and you live somewhere where 14 is the age of consent.
Also no, I can't relate. I'm very into lolibabas.

>> No.27445549 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>27445571

>/hlg/ has zoophiles
>/hlgg/ has pedos
there really is no saving us, is there?

>> No.27445550

bread's not enough colors

>> No.27445553

Works for me, that's what I wanted this entire time.

>> No.27445558 [DELETED] 
File: 33 KB, 585x585, Ejuxi95VcAA4xgH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

seek professional help

>> No.27445562
File: 368 KB, 595x673, 1601078751730.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27445623

>all these bitches complaining about Gura's bgm in minecraft today



>> No.27445565

>kiara became a vtuber despite clearly still being mentally unstable
I guess she’s just desperate.

>> No.27445568
Quoted by: >>27445613

>good at art
>good at music
>knows multiple languages
i feel so inadequate

>> No.27445570

The void... It's calling...

>> No.27445571
Quoted by: >>27445599

He didn't even say how old the niece is

>> No.27445576
File: 923 KB, 2828x3052, 1589260455200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27445598

>antis think we were serious
If Ina told me to dress like a hobo for an occasion I would for shits and giggles.

>> No.27445578

sea legs

>> No.27445580
File: 43 KB, 122x176, 1601523686991.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A GIRL is a goslingposter

Ame is fucking powerful

>> No.27445581
File: 2.53 MB, 2045x2200, 1601889253219.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27445823

We all can save her. Her redemption arc is being part of hololive english, anon. I bet that's why she's scared to death of fucking it up, but also genuinely has a blast when she's in good mood.

The metaphor she picked about the phoenix is pretty accurate considering what she went through. All in all, wholesome/10 and best girl.

>> No.27445583 [DELETED] 

so this is the average chumchad huh?

>> No.27445585

Since when has that stopped hololive talent

>> No.27445588
Quoted by: >>27445616

>very attractive dudes
Hahahahaha you goslingfags will never get laid

>> No.27445589 [DELETED] 
File: 32 KB, 576x576, 1594928779788.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>new ip
>shits up the thread

>> No.27445591 [DELETED] 
File: 32 KB, 576x576, AAFFE323-4C4F-4074-81D3-50033D2E3DD4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, bro, totally.

>> No.27445592 [DELETED] 

Renounce your chumbuddy title.

>> No.27445593 [DELETED] 

begone fedposter

>> No.27445598
Quoted by: >>27445622

I think people just do it for fun, people were having a good time.
Yeah, a chick posted w/ a gosling over her face. It was mad funny.

>> No.27445599
File: 156 KB, 427x381, 1601994177738.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>watch cunny shark
>start getting attracted to niece
you don't even need to say the age at that point

>> No.27445601
File: 1.34 MB, 1426x800, matuli.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27445640

Kiara is fucking small-time on the insanity scale.

Ultra small time.

>> No.27445602

Multiple Holos are menheras who didn't make the cut as idols, she's just another one.

>> No.27445604
Quoted by: >>27445681


>> No.27445605


>> No.27445607

no sane person would ever even consider becoming an idol in the first place.

>> No.27445610

>missed gura
>now I'm gonna miss takamori

>> No.27445611

How likely is it that Kiara got rejected multiple times before getting in like Nene? Both were failed idols.

>> No.27445613

shes 22 and a half years old by the way

>> No.27445616

Check the archives. They're pretty chad-looking despite their lack of self-awareness

>> No.27445621
File: 2.69 MB, 1080x1632, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27445622
Quoted by: >>27445651

link it

>> No.27445623

My brain... It's becoming smoother...

>> No.27445624

Reminds me of my friend that was 3rd generation in the states, had a hispanic name but knew zero spanish. People would keep trying to talk to him in spanish and he would snap because they don't acknowledge the possibility of his situation.

>> No.27445625

good coupon

>> No.27445629
Quoted by: >>27445653

The term is "idiolect"

>> No.27445631 [DELETED] 


>> No.27445632


>> No.27445633

Anon, they are ALL desperate

>> No.27445639

>inb4 the girl was actually Ame herself
we've gone full circle

>> No.27445640
Quoted by: >>27445673

Festival is just a psychopath. There is no hope for her. There’s still a chance for Kiara not to fall down the same path, but I’m sounding like a concernfag, so don’t mind me.

>> No.27445646

Is this your edit?

>> No.27445647
File: 2.07 MB, 1920x1080, 1602207593416.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that we're all gonna make it.

Even you, dead-hours poster.

>> No.27445649

If Haatons can show off their rooms, skills and cooking then there should be nothing wrong with dressing up for Ame. Just don't be retarded about it.

>> No.27445650
File: 1.20 MB, 1435x1914, 1601589527062.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gura stream is 3 hours long
Is it worth watching? I missed it last night cause I was dead tired after the amelia stream

>> No.27445651
Quoted by: >>27447820

Check archives anon. Look up like "Date with a girl" or some shit. It was a few threads ago.

>> No.27445652

>unarchived ina karaoke stream in 17 hours
What the fuck, when did she post this?

>> No.27445653

I didn't even know such word exists. The more you know.

>> No.27445654 [DELETED] 

pics so I can be sexually attracted to your niece too

>> No.27445658

Nah its from twitter

>> No.27445659

>and a girl
So do we all agree that Ame and Kiara have the most powerful attractive energy

>> No.27445660

Wouldn't even be surprised at this point

>> No.27445661
Quoted by: >>27445674

If you like gura, its nice and chill.

>> No.27445663


Streamlink ready

>> No.27445666
File: 244 KB, 656x600, inaaaaaaaaaaa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pls archive it anons, I can't make it

>> No.27445669
Quoted by: >>27445724


>> No.27445670

no anon archived it on catbox already.

>> No.27445671

you can just watch the parts without the bgm

>> No.27445672
Quoted by: >>27445743

In a sense she is desperate. Part-time warrior is really how she's worked just to keep living in Japan. It's arguable if she would have been better off going home for a while before moving there permanently, but she also had to be timely when making money off her name recognition or it would have faded away.

>> No.27445673

In the clip where Matsuri draws Gura in Paspartout i got envy vibes from her. "she just needs to say a and gets views/subs, haha... she's so cute!"

>> No.27445674

I do like gura so i'll put it on as background I spose

>> No.27445678
File: 618 KB, 780x1060, 1601838965234.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Complains about an offtopic post by giving it more (you)s

>> No.27445680
Quoted by: >>27445710

No tattoos, it's not her.

>> No.27445681


>> No.27445683 [DELETED] 
File: 16 KB, 534x248, 1601963953020.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this better be a joke

>> No.27445686

Oh my fucking God I might actually miss it God damn it

>> No.27445688

I'm ready to go insaneeeee

>> No.27445692

I'm prepared for a whole 20 minute episode of...something, at this point.

>> No.27445693
Quoted by: >>27447801

Blessed girl, setting up the stream earlier so we can prepare.
Only Amelia and Gura can't do it for some reason. Lazy goblins.

>> No.27445700

It's a karaoke stream. Even if someone here didn't archive it, someone else will.

>> No.27445701

Holy fuck.

>> No.27445707

Over half of cover corp talents are insecure young adults or adults with socialization problems, and I love it. They take scarred people and give them a new life. Absolutely based, despite all of cover's fault.

>> No.27445709
Quoted by: >>27445720

By your tone, you're not a full chumbud. You can just do your timestamp reps.

>> No.27445710

tattos can be removed, anon. Yeah its painful but it can still be removed

>> No.27445712 [DELETED] 


>> No.27445713
Quoted by: >>27446206

Holy fuck do you have a time stamp

>> No.27445718
Quoted by: >>27445741

I don't quite get this either. Everyone was crying about her being "child friendly" when she disabled the blood with confetti in Surgeon Simulator (which is hilarious), but the same people who did that had nothing to say when she played fucking Outlast.

>> No.27445719
Quoted by: >>27445757

INB4 beautiful but uncanny sound of the old ones drives anons insane

>> No.27445720

I'm a teamate but I also really like gura and ina. I like mori and chicken too but I don't see them as often due to being asleep when they stream most of the time

>> No.27445724


>> No.27445728

Why are we still here? Just to shrimp? Every night, I can't feel my leg… and my arm… even my fingers. The gallons of semen I’ve lost… the chumbuddies I’ve lost… won’t stop hurting… It’s like they’re all still there cunnyposting. You feel it, too, don’t you?

>> No.27445730

graduation when?

>> No.27445732

>She posted a cute outfit she picked for our date

>> No.27445733


>> No.27445735

I can't fucking believe Gura molested Ame's shoulder while Ame's soul left her body

>> No.27445736
Quoted by: >>27446901

Is it really worth it tp become a Japanese Idol? Hell even with what happened to Aloe, actual idols had it worse.

>> No.27445741

It doesn't have to be family friendly content all the time.

>> No.27445744
File: 2.85 MB, 1280x720, AmeDriveW.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27445756


>> No.27445743
File: 544 KB, 600x585, 1601870938423.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love her character backstory so much.

>Part time warrior
>Part time idol
>Past lives

It's all so transparent but also beautifully crafted. I hope she ends up being happy.

>> No.27445745
Quoted by: >>27445762

>gura asks chat how to name the horse
>thousand suggestions by the chat
>she glances once and picks joergen
I will buy her membership if she names a dog sven

>> No.27445746

This kind of thing is in the eye of the beholder. Personally I found it funny but less emotionally engaging than her zatsudans, maybe because the context was up in my face.

>> No.27445750
File: 60 KB, 915x455, 1601575062496.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just woke up, how was gura's minecraft?
Also how did your date with Ame go, goslingfags?

>> No.27445751

Holy based, she hates the chinks too

>> No.27445752 [DELETED] 

If this post was glowing any stronger I'd go blind

>> No.27445754

Genius if intentional

>> No.27445756

If this isn't kino then I don't know what is anymore.

>> No.27445757
File: 71 KB, 500x500, artworks-000073693701-sr9li0-t500x500[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27445777

The COLORS out of Space.

>> No.27445761
File: 775 KB, 4092x2893, Ej2ySg7UcAIy9_P-orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>huke liked it

>> No.27445763
File: 232 KB, 500x500, F5B55FA7-263F-4CC1-B3F0-05B1E49724F3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>trying to convince gura to sleep because it’s past her bed time

>> No.27445762
Quoted by: >>27445933

with your moms credit card?

>> No.27445767 [DELETED] 

I'm not attracted to kids either. But I gotta recommend taking the chance to lift up a little girl if she ever asks for help drinking from the water fountain. Wrapping your arms around her tummy, your chest against her back and her butt practically sitting in your lap? You remember just how pure and innocent they are

>> No.27445768


>> No.27445769

I have always been hearing some indeterminate British accent. But I don't believe for a second that's all there is to it. The whole thing is just Gura-accent.

>> No.27445771
File: 24 KB, 364x364, 1600224834555.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To answer both of your questions, both streams were 10/10

>> No.27445770

The date was pretty fun, I didn't see it as an actual date though. The game was kinda jank but ame made it work and the date schtick was entertaining with the little videos and stuff

>> No.27445777

I really hope she gives us the good ol' JIBUN WOOOO

>> No.27445780

I still can’t believe that HER number 1 music video has 33 million views. They never stood a chance.

>> No.27445781

Talking about backstories, what is the general gist of Ina again? She made her character complicated by being actually human instead of just being a mythological thing.

>> No.27445782 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>27445797

Yes, you're the only one

>> No.27445784 [DELETED] 


>> No.27445785
File: 1.00 MB, 1980x1381, 1550724726967.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27446300

A World With No Boundaries

>> No.27445797 [DELETED] 

spoke too soon it seems >>27445767

>> No.27445802 [DELETED] 


>> No.27445808 [DELETED] 
File: 302 KB, 419x424, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27445811

She read that floating book and attained enlightenment/tentacles.

>> No.27445816
File: 158 KB, 918x987, Gurame.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

10/10 Date, pic related

>> No.27445819

Do we really have people false flagging as pedos now? Antis have reached their final form, el

>> No.27445823

There is really no wrong choice here. No matter if she succeeds or crashes and burns she will be entertaining. I am in.

>> No.27445827
File: 202 KB, 1280x720, CXR5MBD6ZqFZC0.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27445828 [DELETED] 

Please don't let our oniichan, /hlg/, find out about this.

>> No.27445829
Quoted by: >>27445878

>music video
you mean the shitty tiktok meme song?

>> No.27445830

shut-in gets blessed and becomes a priest

>> No.27445833

Wait, so instead of glowsticks people will be flailing around drumsticks in concerts?

>> No.27445836
File: 6 KB, 342x44, 1602211597051.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I had been there for the date my jokes would have given us a straight up game over so it was probably for the best that I missed it.

>> No.27445839
Quoted by: >>27445864

On a scale of maximum effort and stress to effortless natural talent, how do you rank the ENs on what they have to do to play the part of their vtuber character?

>> No.27445840
Quoted by: >>27446324

i can't read what that middle watermark says

>> No.27445842 [DELETED] 

Stop right fucking now, stop posting and take your meds

>> No.27445847
File: 96 KB, 765x1080, 1601871641141.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ladies and gentlemen:

Ina's current most viral clip.


>> No.27445848

>it actually happened
God damn that's funny, this is the reason I lurk here so god damn much. The amount of autism continues to increase

>> No.27445850 [DELETED] 

this is not okay

>> No.27445853
Quoted by: >>27445901

I wont be home to see Ina's karaoke, is the xbox app capture a decent way to record it? Is there a time limit at all? Or should I just find something else to use?

>> No.27445854 [DELETED] 
File: 15 KB, 184x184, 1601778208771.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit lmao

>> No.27445855

Ok im supporting Venti now.

>> No.27445861

I bet it was cause I didn't shower

>> No.27445862

It was Polka and Luna all over again

>> No.27445863 [DELETED] 
File: 78 KB, 1019x485, 1602048035323.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27445988

please tell me this is bait

>> No.27445864
Quoted by: >>27445915

you mean who puts the most effort being their character?

>> No.27445865
File: 606 KB, 600x338, ezgif-3-cfd720c18e04.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27445894


>> No.27445866

>Ina taps the mic for a soundcheck
>Soft guitar comes on in the background
>She starts whispering
Would you be hype?

>> No.27445867
File: 5 KB, 355x40, 1602211594239.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Get cock blocked at the last second by a Vtuber stream.
>Not even a kiss on the cheek.

>just went back to the archive and the video to see what you meant


>> No.27445873

good clip

>> No.27445878
Quoted by: >>27445994

No ”She’s Back” ft. Belle Delphine

>> No.27445881


>> No.27445882 [DELETED] 

>I'm not attracted to children
yes you fucking are seek help

>> No.27445887
Quoted by: >>27446160

A lot of gurame. Did something happen?

>> No.27445888
File: 2.90 MB, 1080x1076, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It would be Kino, I would hope she does at least one XIV song.

>> No.27445889

She's a totally normal human priestess (not to be confused with Totally Normal Art Student) who read a book and got some tentacles.

I always put it down to a Keroro Gunsou thing where she's supposed to be destroying humanity but is too preoccupied with playing games and drawing anime girls to get round to it.

>> No.27445890 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>27445908

Falseflaggers are trying to create a new narrative.

>> No.27445892 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>27445988

Real shit?

>> No.27445894

Thanks for posting the source

>> No.27445897 [DELETED] 

F-falseflagger begone onegai!

>> No.27445900

She's a "hyooman". It's obviously a ruse, she's totally human, guys, don't mind the tentacle hair and elf ears and tentacles from another dimention.

>> No.27445901

If it's anything like Amelia's karaoke stream there will be plenty of anons recording vods, just check the archives and grab one of them

>> No.27445903


>> No.27445904

She promised a 2nd date anyway. Shes playing hard to get.

>> No.27445905

I forgot we are in primetime SEAhours now. Leaving this thread till sharkmeido comes back

>> No.27445908

as always, and fags re falling for it as always. Now we just need /hlg/ to come shit up the place and voila, dead hours

>> No.27445912
File: 553 KB, 780x1060, 1587858962152.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27445913 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>27445930

Is this revenge or some sort of distraction for laughing at /hlg/ wanting to fuck dogs?

>> No.27445914
File: 785 KB, 2429x3071, 20201009_154425.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drawing rep done.

>> No.27445915

Something like that, yeah

>> No.27445916

>Loves: Adventures
>Hates: One-sided feelings

>> No.27445922

Watching Gura makes me want to play Minecraft again but I haven't played in like 7 years

>> No.27445923
File: 926 KB, 2892x4096, 1601599912126.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're actually of a somewhat similar size to them at the very least, you just can't tell. At a population size similar to /a/ or /tv/ right now, FYI those boards have userbases of several million people, and since at least 90% of /jp/'s traffic is just Holos, yeah.

We also dwarf all discords combined. The lurker:poster ratio is immense and also, the IP count/thread is only a momentary snapshot of it here. It does not tell you unique in past 24 hours, week etc.

>> No.27445924

Second date means it was still above passing.

>> No.27445925

Fuck that'd be kino, I'd love it if she sang some FFXIV songs, not sure if there's any way to get karaoke versions of the soundtrack though

>> No.27445928


>> No.27445930 [DELETED] 

Obviously, but newfags would rather give it a (you) than ignore it

>> No.27445931


>> No.27445933
File: 102 KB, 1000x1695, 1601977693139.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing wrong with asking for your parents credit card to buy stuff.

>> No.27445937
File: 343 KB, 1816x1916, 1601367069779.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/hlgg/ server when

>> No.27445942


>> No.27445946

good bait

>> No.27445948

Ina would be disappointed in Artia for only going 100 bucks deep

>> No.27445950

Nice job anon

>> No.27445952

Very cute! Ina would be proud!

>> No.27445953

do your archive reps

>> No.27445956
File: 483 KB, 1049x1488, 1602229938393.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fell asleep watching Gura. Woke up for a bit hearing her get dabbed on by a creeper before going back to sleep.

>> No.27445957

>several million people
this is delusional

>> No.27445959
File: 11 KB, 300x300, s-l300[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27449097

Or Photon Ray-esque glowsticks because Hukepapa.

>> No.27445963

That was Kiara's idea.

You never question tenchou's ideas.

>> No.27445964

Good stuff anon, some lines look slightly janky but I like how you draw

>> No.27445968

The text is the best part of this
You may have actual talent for that.

>> No.27445969


>> No.27445970

Go for it. When I picked it up recently after not playing since beta, I enjoyed it. It really is a special game

>> No.27445973
Quoted by: >>27446078

Meido likes to use that image, so...

>> No.27445975
File: 1.31 MB, 480x480, ameliazoom.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Catching up on Ame's Mario streams, she sure enjoys saying "nut" a lot huh?

>> No.27445980

This was blown into proportion. JRCAch tricked the agency and was the reason why she was fired from that girl group. Do you know how? By making a blog about her eating a banana and a bun on a stick. Ridiculous right? He wrote a narrative that Idol girls should be pure and blahblah shouldn't be lewd and suck on food Blahblah.

Rumors escalated quickly on 2ch from being a lewd idol to dating this JRCAch. Their reasoning was how did JRCAch got those pics they must be dating. They were friends. The person trusted the ratt and, then got backstabbed.

>> No.27445986

>antis are so desperate now after very single fanbase here fucked them off that they are false flagging as pedos and Venti supporters

>> No.27445987

After the discord server

>> No.27445988 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>27446009

It's based on a real experience but it's not like I was turned in the moment as much as I was worried her parent would show up and judge me. It was only later at home the feeling really sunk in. this was years ago but I still remember it vividly because how often does a random kid ask you to hold them like that, even if it is just for water

>> No.27445989
Quoted by: >>27446064

Artia sure loves to beleeb in the shit she tells you not to beleeb in.

>> No.27445990
File: 49 KB, 1080x967, part 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27446065

>FE shitposting back on the menu

>> No.27445991

I like it. If I had to criticize anything it would be the feet and the somewhat odd head shape, but maybe im just imagining that

>> No.27445994

The video has a shark wall featured in it.

>> No.27445996

*every single

>> No.27445997

>going on a date with an otome game player
The game was rigged from the start. We were probably not triggering the most obvious flags.

>> No.27446002
File: 86 KB, 190x240, 1600319708619.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27446033

Honestly it's just funny to me. The streams were SO good we only have three bad posts in a two thousand post thread.

ENs literally can't stop winning

>> No.27446003

Youre still going it huh

>> No.27446004

>falsefagging as pedos

>> No.27446005
File: 78 KB, 400x400, 1579865451956.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HoloEN Mama/Papa parenting ranking:

SS: Kiara
S: powergap
A: Ame, Gura
B: Mori
C: Ina

>> No.27446006

Odyssey has a lot of nuts.

>> No.27446007

Man she's really desperate for offline superchats, huh? None of the other girls keep it up for this long. Actually unreal

>> No.27446008

She absolutely emphasizes it a little any time she says it just to make some ripples in chat.

>> No.27446009


>> No.27446016

More than Octopath Traveler?

>> No.27446017

I don't like Gura anyway, if thats what you want to hear. You're not the only one in this shark apologist hugbox

>> No.27446019

I'm going to become Ina papa and make her say daddy every night haha, hope you know what i mean

>> No.27446021
Quoted by: >>27446062

I'd make Mori and S rank mom with at least two children!

>> No.27446022



>> No.27446024
Quoted by: >>27446062

Gura can and will lose the baby at some pointñ

>> No.27446025
File: 772 KB, 1449x813, 1581864099294.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can't wait

>> No.27446029
Quoted by: >>27446060

>Plenty of English-focused streams
She started that before it became clear that Holo EN would be a hit.

>and then the 24 hours AssCreed marathon
She did that because she's going on a week long break, so she gave us plenty to tide us over.

>> No.27446031
Quoted by: >>27446054

I wish all of them did this. It's really annoying to rely on other resources to remember a stream is coming.

>> No.27446033

It's amazing to see the steady increase in thread quality since the bombs dropped

>> No.27446039
File: 253 KB, 452x384, 1600566976796.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do the ENs get way more memberships compared to the JPs? Talking strictly membership here not superchats

It's crazy to be in a members only stream and the chat is STILL un-usably fast

>> No.27446040

Your meds.

>> No.27446043
Quoted by: >>27446078

Actually, it is quite-correct.

Outsiders being completely unable to discern our true numbers has led to people underestimating this site's influence the past 15+ years straight. It's a trap of ignorance/folly and a cycle that never seems to end with newfags/hostile outsiders.

>> No.27446048
File: 1.01 MB, 2048x1448, 84896604.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have 10 seconds to create a completely random narrative off the top of your head. Go.

>> No.27446050

Uhh, guise. Holo Mama/Papa means their illustrator...

>> No.27446054
Quoted by: >>27446069

I'm not talking about putting up the link early. I wish all of them did it too. But leaving up the chat?

>> No.27446056
File: 150 KB, 909x1067, Eh1tnomU0AEsxUp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You want fries with that?

>> No.27446060

I agree, Korone seemed genuinely interested in improving her english for her audience long before holoEN. I'm cheering for her

>> No.27446062
Quoted by: >>27446103

Stupid tourists

>> No.27446064

Artia is a "do as I say not as I do" type of life coach

>> No.27446065
File: 704 KB, 2767x3158, 1568354045542.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's what I look forward to the most during those streams.

>> No.27446066
Quoted by: >>27446126

The JP girls honestly just want to make friends with the ENs with no numberfagging ulterior motives.

>> No.27446067

Im with HER

>> No.27446069

Kiara's chat is cringy, but not retarded unlike Gura's or Amelia's.

>> No.27446072
Quoted by: >>27446200

Kuroboshi doesn't seem to really pop in or even care about her streams that much. This is separate from Papa and Mama'nis, since Kiara and Huke are at the top

>> No.27446075

Mori and Gura are going to have sex with me

>> No.27446076

Shark cunny

>> No.27446078
Quoted by: >>27446120

So we have several million people frequenting threads about Hololive on 4chan and yet there's no Hololive with more than 1 million Youtube subs?

>> No.27446079
File: 1.19 MB, 1200x900, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27446102

>> No.27446084

Roberu is actually all 5 of the HoloEN girls at the same time.

>> No.27446085

While I can somewhat agree that /jp/ isn't actually small when you account lurkers and the thread/IP snapshot, the same theory can be applied to Reddit, and as most well-adjusted people are more aware of the "face of the internet" vs the "asshole of the internet", I can only imagine the lurking ratio to be tons higher over there.
Speculation of course, but I think it's reasonable to assume it's still much larger than /jp/.

>> No.27446091
File: 835 KB, 496x580, blah.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27446092
Quoted by: >>27446134

holoEN is a ploy to get chuubas into MSM and and to have western companies kneel to Cover for commercials with the english holos

>> No.27446094

All the girls are actually from 4chan and are browsing these threads every day

>> No.27446095
File: 33 KB, 496x379, 99999.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27446129


>> No.27446097

Man, this is some classic /b/ shit right here

>> No.27446102

there is nothing pushing this ship but a lot of mid tier fanart. Interesting

>> No.27446103

Why the fuck am I getting called a tourist for calling him a retard? Ina should not be that low. He NEVER likes things on his Twitter (which is a smart move) and literally his last two drawn images were Ina related. Fuck right off.

>> No.27446109
File: 295 KB, 1018x824, numberfags.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gura is going to overtake Fubuki. Jesus Fucking Christ.

>> No.27446113


>> No.27446114

Hololive was created specifically to incite another world war

>> No.27446120
Quoted by: >>27446268

He said several million for the top boards of the site. Not /jp/. Million sounds like an overkill even for /a/, but eh, if not-meido says so.

>> No.27446123

Pekor........behind you...........

>> No.27446124
Quoted by: >>27446158

Ryan Gosling watches a lot of vtubers but he's mainly a fan of Nijisanji chads like Maimoto and Society Man. He feels real weird when some dude akasupas delirious amounts of ARS to the competition.

>> No.27446125

Until we get cucumber ASMR.
For a squid with only one brain cell, she's pretty smart.

>> No.27446126


>> No.27446129

Shoot your goo my dude!

>> No.27446131

>Korone dancing on the shark's grave after she comes back from break and gets 1 mil instantly.

>> No.27446132
Quoted by: >>27446155

Why doesnt the middle part fall down?

>> No.27446134

This is actually plausible, imagine turning on the tv and seeing Gura doing car commercials like Miku

>> No.27446136

Holo EN will be bought by twitch, ending the chinese menace but also ruining it.

>> No.27446137

stop numberfagging every 20 minutes

>> No.27446138

She's never gonna stop is she, she will devour everything beneath the open sky!

>> No.27446139

Alright, im subbing to shark just to get her past the finish line.

>> No.27446141
File: 320 KB, 1800x1668, EjUvn52VkAA6ifB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

An important question I'd like to ask.
Do you guys think vtubers, specifically Hololive with the gigantic boom on youtube, should be present in Youtube rewind?
And if so, who would be in it?

>> No.27446142

>create a random narrative
>chooses a narrative that's been around since day 1

>> No.27446147


>> No.27446149


>> No.27446150

I want every single person who ever mentioned Gura slowing down to come here and apologize in front of the whole class.

>> No.27446152
File: 684 KB, 978x654, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there is nothing pushing this ship
Nothing at all.

>> No.27446153

Fucked up my link lol

>> No.27446155

meme magic, also known as physics

>> No.27446156


>> No.27446158

Now that's a narrative

>> No.27446159

She mentioned it before that she gives no fucks about the rules and already spoke to her manager about it. Her chat is pretty tamed unlike other girls specially mori and amelias are just, you know, "unique".

>> No.27446160

>great collab
>ame wouldn't shut up about gura at the end of the "date"

>> No.27446161
Quoted by: >>27446201

>Literal whos who can't even break 1m subs

>> No.27446162
Quoted by: >>27446177

yeah i'm ina

>> No.27446164

bacon wrapped hotdog?

>> No.27446166

Don't make me think of that. Would be horrendous.

>> No.27446171

Youtube wont make another rewind after that disastrous 2018 one and the corporate top 10 bullshit one from 2019

>> No.27446174
Quoted by: >>27446228

Hey guys, its been 5 minutes
Can we compare gura subs again?

>> No.27446177
Quoted by: >>27446215

>no pun

>> No.27446178
Quoted by: >>27446213

Peanut butter hamburger?

>> No.27446179

None of this is real, this thread and all the girls are just figment of my unagii

>> No.27446180
Quoted by: >>27446186

Gen5 will be the last JP holo, and it's only EN from now on

>> No.27446184

Gura will be in Youtube rewind. Insider sources confirm.

>> No.27446186

The correct narrative

>> No.27446188
File: 175 KB, 326x282, EFC5B79B-C5FA-4791-BA3B-8876D12F651D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Catching up on Shark’s MC stream now
>Play Pekora’s bgm while watching the shark

>> No.27446191
Quoted by: >>27446202

someone post the crush clip

>> No.27446195

You want a bacon wrapped hotdog! ouhh ouhhh~

>> No.27446196


>> No.27446199

she sounds like she's 35 at the earliest

>> No.27446200

Yeah, it seems that it's just purely professional for him.

Huke is full blown doting parent. Natsuki and Nabi, you can tell they want to interact more but language barrier. Yukisame just retweets stuff.

>> No.27446201

>literal whos

They have 7 of the top 10 most superchated channels on the platform, including the #1 spot. Youtube would be retarded not to notice them.

>> No.27446202

tete - https://files.catbox.moe/dybc7o.mp4
romantic - https://files.catbox.moe/x1c7vb.mp4
crush - https://streamable.com/rugwal

>> No.27446204 [SPOILER] 
File: 122 KB, 1065x287, 1602231005494.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27447185

Jesus just looking back at these numbers feels unreal

>> No.27446206
Quoted by: >>27446502


>> No.27446213
Quoted by: >>27446279

Imagine the Pizza hut collab, but instead of Miku AR you get your favorite holo singing a song on the pizza box in AR

>> No.27446215
Quoted by: >>27446238

i'm ina pretty good thread

>> No.27446216

Gura will be the first HoloEN to collab with a Male.

>> No.27446217
File: 1.12 MB, 750x802, 1588569284657.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hololive by the elites created as a last refuge of genuine apolitical escapism in order to prevent the rise of incel death squads.

>> No.27446223
Quoted by: >>27446588


>> No.27446225
Quoted by: >>27446267

take your guy back please
we don't want him here
greetings, your onichan

>> No.27446228
File: 615 KB, 1063x1152, peko look.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Give it a couple hours.

>> No.27446229

I wish Gura actually had teeth like this

>> No.27446230
Quoted by: >>27446272

Wonder where Ina will rank when she changes her opinion to be a Holomama.

>> No.27446236
File: 14 KB, 316x389, 1601516700211.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Matsuri took a week off to crash-course cram her English in time for the collab ban lifting.

She's always looking for new angles to try to pick at with what she's doing and it seems the majority of the JP holos are all going "yeah I'd like to know them / I need to work on my English."

>> No.27446238
File: 130 KB, 354x385, 1602034824062.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27446240
Quoted by: >>27446253

no southern pickup line?

>> No.27446241

Gura is in a wheelchair

>> No.27446242

She's projected to hit 1 million in 8 days.

>> No.27446244
File: 319 KB, 1598x2048, IMG_20201009_011152.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Teamates, chumbuds, how do you cope with the knowledge that Gura and Ame will never love you as much as they love each other?

>> No.27446245

I said this a couple threads ago but Guras l2d seems unable to grin which is a missed opportunity with the shark teeth, i hope they can rectify that

>> No.27446247
File: 85 KB, 853x972, 1602204105945.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27446264

>Don't forgot to catch shark week with Gawr Gura! on Discovery.

>> No.27446248

Frankly, I'm kind of terrified by how many people are determined to audition for Hololive, with so many not knowing how Japanese company culture is like or how Cover's management does things.

>> No.27446249

I could not think of anything worse

>> No.27446251

>>"That German man does not look safe for my broadcast..."

If it was an act it would be cringy, but she's just that much of a legit bird brain girl. It's adorable.

>> No.27446252

i love whoever makes these

>> No.27446253

forgot that one

>> No.27446259

Considering Holos were being talked about on 4chan well before the r/hololive reddit even existed at all, if they are longtime fans they almost had no actual other choice but to be lurkers here.

Some of the ENs (more like most of them) don't seem to really-really know Hololive well but a few of them appear to be actual Holo geeks and it's almost impossible they don't at least know of here.

>> No.27446260
Quoted by: >>27446574

Most other fanbases would just use the offline for tribalism, name calling and generally toxicity.

KFC uses it for talking about soup.

>> No.27446264

>Gura narrating a shark documentary
fund it!

>> No.27446266
File: 60 KB, 600x321, homu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The thought of holoEN being corrupted by norms and suits scares the shit out of me

>> No.27446267

Funnily enough, I think anyone shitting up /hlg/ already was there before EN. This is newfag town obsessed with ENs.

>> No.27446268

>At a population size similar to /a/ or /tv/ right now, FYI those boards have userbases of several million people
I don't doubt it being millions on the big boards. If you just go by unique monthly visits the whole site gets tens of millions. It also seems hard to believe we're bigger than reddit, but vtubers might still be niche enough for that to be the case

>> No.27446271

Looks amazing, but Ina doesn't have gigantic cowtits like that.

>> No.27446272

How would that even work? Will she as Ina be the artist herself?

>> No.27446273

It's already corrupted by chink suits but I agree with the fear of normalfags latching onto it

>> No.27446274

HER is actually HIM

>> No.27446275

It would make me extremely happy if they were that great friends.

>> No.27446278

chicken tenders, get ready to fry

>> No.27446279

>Mori Happy Meal Toys
We have come full circle.

>> No.27446284

I keep plotting lines and it's really, really hard to tell if Gura or Korone will crack 1m first. Korone is taking some time off though right now so I think she'll slow down, the question is, can Gura keep up her current insane rate or not. Nobody knows. Today looked like she was starting to realistically slow down (mid-teens new subs/day) and then lol nooope 50k minecraft and thousands of new subs.

>> No.27446285
File: 1.44 MB, 450x472, 1588610641497.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait for gen2 and holostarsEN anon, all the grifters will be tacked on because they think it'll be easy money and vtubing is getting closer to mainstream

>> No.27446286

it is inevitable at this point

soon people's contrarian tendencies will need to find another niche to grab onto

>> No.27446296

This wouldn't even be surprising, I forgot how much better things are when you have apolitical entertainment to enjoy

>> No.27446300


>> No.27446309
Quoted by: >>27446322


>> No.27446310
Quoted by: >>27446351

Fubuki's played it before and I'm pretty sure one of the homos did too?

>> No.27446311

If she could get an alt-mode outfit like Rushia, maybe she can have an Apex Predator mode where she looks much fiercer like this, and goes and swears a bunch and gets all raunchy like she used to.

>> No.27446312
Quoted by: >>27446407

If the narrative that some of the Holos were scouted rather than auditioned, who would it be? We know Mori isn't one at least. If Ina was looking for friends, sounds like she applied too. Only plausible one looks like Gura.

>> No.27446313
Quoted by: >>27446361

Guys hlg is laughing at us again....

>> No.27446315

She didn't get money by crying over nothing in her roommates account though, just some attention from the few people who were watching. The crybabying in holoEN at least had reasons (tech problems, a chat with a touchy subject) unlike before, and she ain't crying anymore either.

>> No.27446314

Why did she activate the blush when Ame said romantic

>> No.27446316
Quoted by: >>27446351


>> No.27446322

That'd be so the opposite of meta.

>> No.27446324
Quoted by: >>27446518

Fuck off Reddit, and below that is Fuck off Facebook

>> No.27446332
Quoted by: >>27446354

Subaru hangs out with her Vtuber mama literally all the time

>> No.27446335
Quoted by: >>27446367

I'm guessing they probably have the resumes of their gen 1 auditions all on-file and expect a lot of the new ones to be chaff just looking to make a quick buck.

Also for all the talk of (random faggot twitch guy) getting into Holostars EN, Holostars overall is really focused for girls, fujos etc and has a big homo/otome type element to it. If they copy that pattern here it wouldn't be what you think it is at all.

>> No.27446336

I don't see anything bad about the idea.

>> No.27446337
File: 106 KB, 800x1024, Glowman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure bud

>> No.27446338

I was enjoying ame's date bgm and realized that it might've been a cover of my favorite song

>> No.27446340


>> No.27446349

So Ina is the EN Watame, I like it

>> No.27446350
Quoted by: >>27446627

PC parts are ridiculously expensive in Japan, so I guess that's why PC rentals are a thing over there

>> No.27446351

blessed thanks

holos playing the PS2 trilogy = anons dream

>> No.27446353

Miko has around 3000 members for comparison

>> No.27446354

Ui Mama isn't really a talent of Hololive...

>> No.27446355
Quoted by: >>27446365

Im going to be so contrarian that I will exclusively entertain myself by reading extensive historical documents and letters if normans start fiddling with the vtuber sphere. If there's one thing normalfags hate, it's histoy

>> No.27446360 [SPOILER] 
File: 271 KB, 1448x2114, 1602231726874.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27446393

Are you guys actually able to get it up to simple images?
Are you guys horny virgins or am I just jaded and desensitized?

>> No.27446361

you should go back and go back to spinning narratives about vtubers instead of other threads. Also don't dump dogfucker here that's your problem you created. Use the report function retard.

>> No.27446362

We're running out of niches.

>> No.27446363

>He doesn't know Ui-mama

You're missing out.

>> No.27446365

Dangerously based

>> No.27446367

But seriously, Japanese management practices, and Cover's incompetence is gonna be some heavy culture shock for these mainstream weebs.

Especially if Cover fucks up and tries to rush out another gen in a matter of days again.

>> No.27446366

Yeah and?

>> No.27446368

To be fair hololive is becoming a literal Idol group that could be the gateway for this girls to own a solo carrier. I wouldn't be surprised if some of this girls retire early and be pickup by producers to start their own carrier without the 2D face rig.

>> No.27446370
File: 824 KB, 1500x2193, 1602050936152.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27447283

I fell asleep halfway during my date with Ame, how was the rest of it?

>> No.27446372

Anyone know the full album/playlist used by ame during the date?

>> No.27446373

Mori literally posted on undertale general, feel free to go on google images and search for <mori's previous name> utg

>> No.27446375
Quoted by: >>27446404

Just started not even a month and Ame has 3.6k unique member posts in chat (Pekora has ~5.5k).

>> No.27446381
File: 1.26 MB, 1237x654, Screenshot from 2020-10-09 09-23-05.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thought this would give you a laugh.
The five of them have videos on that channel.
Enjoy that crusty 1080p.

>> No.27446383

how else am i supposed to play fortnite on vacation

>> No.27446385

The question is, can Fubuki do anything to get 80k in at least 10 days?

>> No.27446389

If it has to happen, and I stress: IF it happens...
Korone, let's be honest, is likely the reason most of us fell into this hole

>> No.27446390

Why is Autismcraft such a staple with Vtubers?

>> No.27446391
File: 238 KB, 495x495, 4c531878daeb27e7a311fe818d32809fae0bac2e[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ui Mama isn't really a talent of Hololive
Of course not....

>> No.27446393

If you can't get it up to imagination alone then I don't know what to tell you

>> No.27446394

Kiara go double check your equipment before the collab

>> No.27446398
File: 1.19 MB, 1610x789, 1601530440154.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I enjoy cleaning guns and reloading brass while watching holos. It makes me feel like they're going to be okay.

>> No.27446399

leaving hololive is one thing
becoming 3dpd is betrayal

>> No.27446400
File: 2.45 MB, 1210x2048, 1602058218763.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27446423

How many members does each of the HoloEN even have right now?

>> No.27446404

A lot of members still don't chat also. That one membership counter had Ame's confirmed memberships higher than that IIRC, and he was missing data from 3 streams.

>> No.27446407

>Only plausible one looks like Gura.
There's a stream of hers where her chat is telling her that she should audition for hololive en. So I doubt it.

>> No.27446408

another scatman/skrillex/astronomia cover with an even bigger memesong

>> No.27446409
File: 191 KB, 419x398, akari.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27446446

Vtubers are for autismos, by autismos, is this really a question?

>> No.27446410
Quoted by: >>27446446

I think you answered your own question there anon

>> No.27446412
File: 93 KB, 520x395, miku talks into a bacon-wrapped hotdog like a phone.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27446414

Because it's one of the most popular games on the planet, it can be played in many different ways at many different skill levels. You can have quick survival streams, long construction streams or sometimes you can just watch an alien cat dig a massive hole for 2 hours.

>> No.27446415
Quoted by: >>27446435

Speaking of Members, I'm surprised Youtube doesn't let you gift membership like Twitch does with subs.

>> No.27446416
File: 1.47 MB, 750x750, 1542737577673.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ina's karaoke streams is at 3AM

>> No.27446419
Quoted by: >>27446592

I love Gura. It’s nice to care about something again while I wageslave my life away.

>> No.27446420

Sure there are a few, like doing marathon streams. But if she suddenly started now, she will just come off as a desperate numberfag instead.

>> No.27446421

Watching gura's stream and I don't get the complaints about gura's BGM, I like it and it doesn't bother me

>> No.27446422

Lego MOC not viable for Vtubers?

>> No.27446423
File: 16 KB, 507x505, 1599000144388.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some anon scraped the chat I think. Of course this doesn't count the offstream joining.

The only confirmed is Gura which she stated she has 50 custom emotes slots so that's at least 5k membership.

>> No.27446424

I did the same in one of Kiara's streams. I even commented in chat about it
Kiara responded

>> No.27446426

Stop being a europoor

>> No.27446428
File: 1.13 MB, 2500x3500, 1601831719350.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At 4am here. Will unironcially wake up for it after trying to sleep for a few hours, then watch the movie and go back to sleep.
Sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do.

>> No.27446431
File: 174 KB, 777x290, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27446472


>> No.27446435

Their coding team can't keep up with all these features, they're a small indie website, please andastand

>> No.27446436
Quoted by: >>27446512


Anyone here explain why it's a meme AR?

>> No.27446439

doing so will kill the goose that lays the golden egg

>> No.27446440

Creepers are the most unfair thing of all time
>do not despawn in the day
>always aggro, even in the day
>destroy structures
>completely silent
>100% deadly even in full armor
>can be launched towards you by a skeleton arrow

Literally the most overpowered mob

>> No.27446442

Huh, Ina has a lot of members considering her low sub count. Isn't she 4th place in subscribers?

>> No.27446445

To be fair, Kiara probably has a leg up on Nene. She's trilingual, but more importantly knows English and Japanese which would probably be really useful to have

>> No.27446446

holo Factorio when

>> No.27446448
File: 342 KB, 2048x1599, 1587589809053.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think she's holding anything back, she just doesn't have time for art. The last time she made a complete image was her first schedule.

>> No.27446452

All you have to do is hit them then move back a few steps and rinse and repeat.

>> No.27446458

Doubt they would ever play Factorio, but I can see them trying Satisfactory for a few streams.

>> No.27446459

what cope is there when i'm happy to see them like that

>> No.27446460

The pacing between chit chat and focused gameplay can adapt to their preferences and mood nicely.

>> No.27446461

>FInally watched the gura minecraft stream
>Chat backseating like crazy
Why do these retards ruin potential content for themselves?

>> No.27446465

Maybe one day

>> No.27446469
Quoted by: >>27446603

Have you never watched any other streamer?

>> No.27446470

Why is HoloEN so stubborn about hiding what country they reside in? Hachamma has no issue telling us when she's in Australia, so what's the big deal? It's kind of frustrating.

>> No.27446471
Quoted by: >>27446511

If you have a shield, all you have to do is use it and it negates all their damage. I don't know why holos don't do it.

>> No.27446472
Quoted by: >>27447042

>stop being european
It's apparently not that easy to do.

>> No.27446475

All Gura had to do is not check the chat then

>> No.27446481
File: 575 KB, 747x693, plagiaristfox.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27446484
File: 33 KB, 227x210, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

from her discord. I checked Ames and Moris too, but the numbers aren't public and I didn't bother to 'verify' my membership because I dont really use discord

>> No.27446485
Quoted by: >>27446575

stop being a doxfag

>> No.27446488

It's pretty easy to figure out where the 2 best girls reside so who cares.

>> No.27446491
Quoted by: >>27446526

how fast after amelia and gura karaoke did people upload tthe whole uncut stream to youtube?

>> No.27446495

Her chat/member ratio is pretty hilarious. Just a flood of green names.

>> No.27446496
Quoted by: >>27446603

happens in literally any other gaming stream.

>> No.27446497

Probably a personal choice, mixed with Covers recommendation. I doubt it's the rule to not say the country they're in.
With this kind of job and considering the mental state of the average holo consoomer, it's natural to want to hide as much location details as possible.

>> No.27446502

ty for providing

>> No.27446503

That would be a dream come true for me. I can see Ina actually succeeding at it, but not actually enjoying it.
I'm fucking punished. Strategy and 4X games are my favorites, yet I can't see any Vtuber playing them.

>> No.27446507
Quoted by: >>27446651

Gura is making a game of it, and Ina is the only other one that makes it questionable at all.

>> No.27446509

I think it might be a nasty shock for them if they leave and try to strike out on their own. The wider entertainment world isn't all that forgiving.

>> No.27446511

because much of the time you are doing menus or looking somewhere else, and you only get 1/2 a second warning

>> No.27446512

It's a gun based on the AR18, a cheap (but still excellent) 1960s design made to be sold to 3rd world militaries, but it costs like 3k, destroys optics for some reason, has a reciprocating charging handle like a fucking AK, and the stock looks like an ugg boot.

>> No.27446518

perfect, thank you

>> No.27446521

She has the most average livestream viewers next to Gura.

>> No.27446523

>He doesn't know

>> No.27446525

it's a casual game that isn't limited to player skill and lets girls who are normally shit at video games play it
you can go really creative with it
interactions with multiple people at once, even when it's not a collab stream

>> No.27446526

Immediately, the megas have the best rips though

>> No.27446530
File: 707 KB, 960x960, ameltg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27446815

typical vtuber fans are little bitches that think their oshi is a virgin princess that must not have any displeasure/difficulty playing a game.
What else is new

Only Amelia might get out of this, but she will need to manhandle her chat first.

>> No.27446534

Kana is so cute

>> No.27446538

>Ina succeeding in automating production
>Ina has one brain cell
404 brain cell not found.

>> No.27446539
Quoted by: >>27446575

Why do you care?

>> No.27446540
Quoted by: >>27446554

Gen 2.

>> No.27446541

>holo CK2 never

>> No.27446542

She was probably the cutter. Those thighs looked very girly.

>> No.27446547
Quoted by: >>27446555

She has a discord?

>> No.27446549
Quoted by: >>27446619

That's the number of discord members in that server.

>> No.27446554
Quoted by: >>27446566

>he doesn't know she built up her own vtuber company

>> No.27446555

Yeah she posts lewds too

>> No.27446558 [DELETED] 
File: 22 KB, 242x288, pikameee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post more cunnies

>> No.27446564

People really like Ina. She is ASMR and she has nice drawings

>> No.27446566

Tsunderia is Gen 2

>> No.27446569

Pikamee, please seek help.

>> No.27446570

To be honest I don't think the rest of the entertainment world quite knows what to make of Hololive and vtubers in general. They're slowly getting more mainstream appeal with memeable clips and gacha collabs but for a great many people they're still considered 'a man who hides behind a cute anime girl avatar'

>> No.27446571
File: 52 KB, 272x254, 1601994921820.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do each of the Holos think about you jerking off to them during their livestreams?

>> No.27446572

Gura used to work for the glowniggers considering how undoxxable and opsec savant she is. Her popularity is not a coincidence but a carefully thought out plan using glownigger psyop skills.

>> No.27446573
Quoted by: >>27446596

Wait is that same-same or same-same? ...Or same-same? Wait, same-same??

>> No.27446574

>talking about soup

>> No.27446575

We all know where they live, the issue is that this "rule" might, for instance, restrict off collabs for Mori and Kiara because it would "reveal" they live in Japan

>> No.27446577

As shitty as they are sometimes the game would be a ton more boring without them. It makes it more dynamic/random instead of literally just a mining simulator + virtual legos.

>> No.27446588
Quoted by: >>27446715

Her stream from the other day showed her username with 97 next to it.

>> No.27446595 [DELETED] 
File: 280 KB, 2000x1504, 53dff72b419efbc64b5c87f3874a7fc3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27446650

the ultimate collab... one day...

>> No.27446592
Quoted by: >>27446623

i imagine this is what normans feel about sport teams?

>> No.27446596


>> No.27446598

And with all their skills and tricks, it was as simple as cunny?

>> No.27446599
File: 198 KB, 604x574, MOONAISGOD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27446679

Oh Moona, I love you so much.

>> No.27446601

Ame would shrug and sigh with a *yeah, do what you gotta do* expression.
Kiara would probably give instructions.

>> No.27446603

This one is particularly bad though just because its minecraft. It's one of those games that're more fun to find out by yourself so its all on Gura to not check chat.

>> No.27446607
Quoted by: >>27446649

Mori is too pure for that.

>> No.27446608
File: 91 KB, 1792x828, 1601786299791.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27446609

Ok good. I thought that I was the only one who does this.

>> No.27446614

it's to keep you on your toes at all times

>> No.27446617

I don't jerk off to them, so this doesn't apply to me. I watch them for entertainment, cause they put a smile on my grumpy face. But I imagine they're flattered and disgusted at the same time.

>> No.27446619

Well, in that case I fucked up because I don't know how discord works.

>> No.27446623

Kinda. Though I don't know if winning the Superb Owl quite ranks with winning the Golden Yagoo.

>> No.27446627
Quoted by: >>27446648

Lol why?

>> No.27446629

Some really well-targeted 30 second meme video which people didn't know they needed to watch.

>> No.27446630
File: 100 KB, 300x300, 3406346346.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Teabags really beliebed.

>> No.27446631

Gura is actually from Hong Kong and is using Hololive to strike back at China.

>> No.27446632

Fucking dropping my sub and membership.

>> No.27446633

She's the fourth most subscribed hololive girl in 3 weeks? Jesus christ.

>> No.27446636


Mori: genuinely has absolutely no idea it's happening

Ina: displeased about it, tries to pretend it doesn't exist, rewatches her livestreams to figure out what moments excite people to cut them out in the future

Kiara: displeased about it but knows it's part of her appeal, tries to forget she's enabling it, but also tries to ensure at least one jerkable moment per livestream (leading to her panick-talking about shoving things in her ass if the stream has gone on a long time)

Gura: knows and enables it, gets off to it

Ame: knows and enables it, gets off to it

>> No.27446644

Okay, but I really want an Ame Artia collab

>> No.27446645
Quoted by: >>27446667

Gura acting insecure about her PC was really cute.

>> No.27446646
File: 579 KB, 594x1048, like.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What did she mean by this?

>> No.27446648
Quoted by: >>27446669

Small market for it.

>> No.27446649

>he didn't listen to gang gang kawai

>> No.27446650 [DELETED] 
File: 436 KB, 2500x1762, 1582529422998.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27446651

i think gura is a secret troll genius, what with her fucking with her time zones, and putting that taiwan building in her screencap

>> No.27446652
Quoted by: >>27446681

>Mori: genuinely has absolutely no idea it's happening
She knows there's lewds of her and wanted to make a lewds hashtag

>> No.27446653
File: 267 KB, 595x326, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27446654

>Ina: displeased about it, tries to pretend it doesn't exist, rewatches her livestreams to figure out what moments excite people to cut them out in the future

>> No.27446657
File: 55 KB, 507x294, 1602167849940.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well, its dead hours so might as well. I am not a fan of Mori, but I do respect her to a certain extent. Calliope Mori is a hard working person. She auditioned in Hololive to promote her music, first and foremost. If the sources are to be trusted, she is somonewho loses her sense of purpose by working too hard without even thinking about the present situation shes in. With that said, it is not farfetched to assume that she is going to be involved in a lot of projects and will be conencting to a lot of people. Some you may like, some you may not like. She has shown interest in having collabs with internet influencers like "TheAnimeMan" a.k.a Joey. She has also shown interest in cllabing with v-tubers outside of Hololive. There's a high chance she will do a collab a "male" character which might not suit the idol nature of her work, at least not on paper.

So I just want to know the opinion of deadbeasts as well as other anons. Would this behaviour be tolerable to many? and would it be tolerable to you? We know Calliope is not someone that wants to help smaller channels grow and might even lead the way into something bigger than being just a hololive rapping reaper. But in these early days where she is just beginning to hatch out of the egg, will she be able to weather the tide that is inevitably going to befall on her? She was overwhelmed with the absolute amount of support that a virtual idol gets just for being a virtual idol. She doesnt know how to deal with this kind of audience. So she will probably fuck up a lot more in the future too. Will deadbeats still like her when that happens? When she finally eases into her idol character and stop being her "cringekino" self, would she still be the Calliope you have come to like/love? When EN gen 2 rolls around the corner, will this aspiring artist be forgotten by all those that supported her?

>> No.27446660

>Ina being displeased
You underestimate her

>> No.27446662
Quoted by: >>27446732

How was your date with Amelia? Did you manage to get her to spread her legs for you already?

>> No.27446664
Quoted by: >>27446698

>Hey buddy what's going o-
>Oh geez...

>> No.27446665
Quoted by: >>27446758

Maybe because Haachama lives in australia which is pretty much more sparsely populated than New York or California. Also, keep in mind that some mentally-ill sociopaths here would go far as cutting woman's head off using a nailfile. You dont want that to happen to your girls, do you?

>> No.27446667

>Gura acting insecure about her PC was really cute.
To be fair she isn't wrong, even if she had a 3080 people would shit on her PC because it's not a 3090

>> No.27446668

Teabags > Muukbangs

>> No.27446669
Quoted by: >>27446688

That still doesn't explain why parts are expensive, is there some sort of price markup?

>> No.27446670

pikamee is based and recent events only makes her more based

>> No.27446671

>Ina: displeased about it, tries to pretend it doesn't exist, rewatches her livestreams to figure out what moments excite people, gets excited herself but will never admit it

>> No.27446677

she likes the cute and funny

>> No.27446679
File: 268 KB, 512x512, 1587643582960.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27446749


>> No.27446681
Quoted by: >>27446710

Sure, but she probably thinks people are jerking off the lewds and not to her livestream I did it when she was recording GUH noises

>> No.27446683

Mori is actually trans and has suffered with her gender identity for a decade.
She's just showing off as a girl for her career and is compromising herself for wealth and fame.
Her old personality had a bunch of songs around gender identity, she really enjoys calling herself ya boi quite a lot and has made multiple comments about hating her boobs.

>> No.27446688
Quoted by: >>27446721

It kinda does. It's an enthusiasts hobby over there. Ever seen the prices for plastic warhammer 40k figurines? Or WWII Machine models?

>> No.27446691

Can't wait for that Pikamee collab

>> No.27446695
Quoted by: >>27446804

the blue tongue really kills it for me, it's a shitty shade in the first place but the highlights on the clothes being the same color makes it feel uncomfortably artificial

>> No.27446696

Watching Guracraft. Never realized this would be the server. Thought they'd have done it all together.

>> No.27446697
File: 943 KB, 1104x1060, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27446713


>> No.27446698

>uahhaha you want some help there?

>> No.27446706 [DELETED] 
File: 11 KB, 327x103, 1602174540588.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27446714

Yeah, this was kinda weird.
What was the overall consensus of this?

>> No.27446710

Well when she was doing her snacks collab and her L2D stopped working, she knew people wanted it fixed because of the breast jiggle. She wasn't wrong.

>> No.27446713
File: 148 KB, 1280x761, EjzjxaNVcAImssD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cute art. Western but not a bad style.

>> No.27446714 [DELETED] 


Fuck off and shill your whore elsewhere.

>> No.27446715

idk my username has 2002 in it because i made it in the year 2002
another number in mine is 79 because it was my old sport number
but most people it probably is their birthyear

>> No.27446717

I went from kinda meh about her to wanting her to grow alongside her lifelong passion as much as possible. Even if it means working with people I might not like as much as she does, it'd be nice to see her happy to achieve her dreams on a large scale with her new vtuber platform.

>> No.27446718
File: 51 KB, 500x500, artworks-000200591244-tnnv4a-t500x500[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27446817

I'm pretty sure you would need more than one person to remove that.

>> No.27446720
File: 90 KB, 352x747, 1600515523583.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Chicken has improved
I'm actually impressed. I thought for sure she was in a death spiral down but it looks like she's stabilized a bit. I'll give her another chance. If she makes a single yurifag joke in her Minecraft collab I'm done with her, but if she manages to actually restrain herself then I'll sub to her channel.

>> No.27446721

Well whats stopping them from buying from amazon?

>> No.27446731
Quoted by: >>27446740

>If she makes a single yurifag joke in her Minecraft collab I'm done with her,

Don't bother watching. Like I'm not sure what you're expecting.

>> No.27446732

We apparently didn't play our cards right and she went home early to babysit the shark.

>> No.27446740
Quoted by: >>27446776

Birdfags assured me she toned it down. Were they lying?

>> No.27446744

the Kiara Mori collab is definitely going to have some yuribaiting

I kinda hope Mori gets drunk beforehand and plays into it for once

>> No.27446746

the answer is always government. There is some sort of policy reason for this

>> No.27446749
Quoted by: >>27446778

I like to think there's a literal Horny Jail on the Hololive Minecraft server where CERTAIN girls can sit in time-out if needed.

>> No.27446750


>> No.27446751

>Would this behaviour be tolerable to many
Yeah, I don't give a crap. Deadbeats ate not goslings or idolfags.
If she thinks this or other collab will be fun, sure, let her do it.

>> No.27446755

Nice. Love this thicc autist indog more every day.

>> No.27446756

Anon I'm half-sure her manager basically wrote that in that it's supposed to be a thing she does. She's just both bad at doing it smoothly and more importantly it just falls flat because Mori actively doesn't want to play ball. If she's supposed to be tsundere it doesn't sound like it, she's more like just "wtf are you doing, stop."

>> No.27446758

Not revealing their city or state/province is understandable. All I'm asking for is country. It doesn't need to be so taboo. We already know what country every other branch resides in.

>> No.27446759

What's the difference between teetee and "yurifaggotry"?

>> No.27446768

I will still support her but I won't watch collabs with guys like Joey, I like and enjoy her content both old and new

>> No.27446769
Quoted by: >>27446780

Fubuki tweeted Gura's stream? Maybe she wants to collab

>> No.27446776

not this stream

>> No.27446778

Marine built a horny jail in her ship. Because of course she would.


>> No.27446780
Quoted by: >>27446805

They've all talked about how they've been in talks with JPs, Amelia is the only one who hasnt said directly who shes been talking to.

>> No.27446786

She works by her own wavelength. The production stream was basically her doing whatever she feels like and people like that.

>> No.27446788

I will watch and support her, I understand that she might work with mainstream faggots as this is her job

>> No.27446794

sexual tension

>> No.27446796
Quoted by: >>27446827

My narrative is that Mori does want to play into it, but she's too autistic to understand how to be tsundere so she's just tsun or just dere, and also she's shy and awkward so whenever the pressure is on her to respond to something Kiara does, she freezes up instead.

>> No.27446797
File: 98 KB, 224x217, 1600993167337.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are you faggots complaining about back-seating in fucking Minecraft? More often than not, I see the streamer actually actively asking questions to the chat about certain mechanics and shortcuts. It's a god damn sandbox game, and you need to look things up to understand a bunch of mechanics since there's no tutorial. When I played in 1.7.10 I always looked up crafting recipes and shit alongside watching other people's playthroughs so I could learn about the game.

>> No.27446803
Quoted by: >>27446830

>If Ina says humuhumu a single time in her next stream I'm done with her.
>If Mori acts autistic in her next stream I'm done with her.
>If Watson rages at the game I'm done.
>If Gura says shark I'm done.

>> No.27446804
File: 930 KB, 1080x1080, 1601485393377.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27446805
Quoted by: >>27446875

That means it's either Haachama or Coco, right? Haachama and Watson would smooth a lot of brains out.

>> No.27446807

It's teetee when you like it and yurifaggotry when you don't

>> No.27446806

she does kind of have a manly voice

>> No.27446808

K'sさん is playing piano is you're interested, did some Chrono Trigger and FF stuff.

>> No.27446811
File: 431 KB, 596x838, 1585056992869.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27448257

Teetee is genuinely cute moments between Hololive members. Yurifaggotry is screeching "TAKAMORI" at every single interaction even if it's incredibly mundane.

>> No.27446815
Quoted by: >>27446854

Amelia needs to bitchslap the joe spamming memefuckers out of her chat. I don't know how's she's going to do that though.

>> No.27446817

What this >>27446718 брат said

>> No.27446818

whether it makes heart hurt or your dick hurt

>> No.27446824

I'd say tete is in Holo context really more like of a girl's version of a bromance aka jokey friend thing that isn't actually a super-serious fling, where it just sort of happens over time. Yurifaggotry is Kiara going "I'm going to mary Calli!" etc literally on the first fucking collab, despite not knowing her at all and just throwing herself at her. It reeks of forced.

For example this might be an actual bit of tete but it's really nothing crazy, just cute, doesn't seem scripted or anything and is just playful friendship.

>> No.27446825
Quoted by: >>27446883

I was going to say sent it to ame but after the lolepocalypse she probably hates every single person here.

>> No.27446826

the shilling and brownnosing holos and e-celebs works

>> No.27446827

Yeah. Whenever Mori tries to act like a tsundere, it looks extremely forced, she's just not that kind of a person.

>> No.27446830

>Yuribaiting is the entirety of Kiaras character
Birdfags!? You said this wasn't true!

>> No.27446831

>We know Calliope is not someone that wants to help smaller channels
that 'not' was unneeded but still made me laugh. To answer the question, yes I'll support her

>> No.27446839

>people wanting roosterterth and normie popular streamers to join a holostars EN

what the actual fuck is wrong with you people

>> No.27446849
File: 186 KB, 480x480, m-lzX9qNKNHp8wS12JrICg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27446862


>> No.27446854

Her threatening bans shut the whole chat up for a moment

>> No.27446855

probably tax/tarrif/import bullshit

>> No.27446856

>Horny Jail only has one bed.

>> No.27446857
Quoted by: >>27446886

Who the fuck has ever talked about RT here

>> No.27446858
Quoted by: >>27446877

I like Mori she's my favorite and have decided she will be my future gf

>> No.27446861 [DELETED] 

Eh, if she saw the threads she knows the majority were against that shit. In any case there's no reason for it to be explicitly from 4chan. I'm not the anon who created this, but he already knows, so to send it is up to him.

>> No.27446862


>> No.27446866

gross teeth and not cute

>> No.27446870

They're newfags to the entire vtuber thing and don't realize that breaking what Holo is trying to do entirely, is a fucking horrible idea.

>> No.27446871

What else could you hope for? I don't have any expectations of HolostarsEN but I hope somehow Cover pulls off the same magic they did with Holomyth

>> No.27446875
Quoted by: >>27446905

Haachama seems the obvious one considering all the comparisons that have been made.

>> No.27446877

god speed anon

>> No.27446878

Took me a minute to process what Gura did there. Even though I know that pickup line.

>> No.27446880

>At work

This happened last time...

>> No.27446881

dat Minecraft boost
the video is also already at over 500k views

>> No.27446882

that's the power of cunny baby

>> No.27446883

Eh, if she saw the threads she knows the majority were against that shit and there's a meido handling it. In any case there's no reason for it to be explicitly from 4chan. I'm not the anon who created this, but he already knows, so to send it is up to him.

>> No.27446886



>> No.27446889
Quoted by: >>27446906

>Gura sleep paralysis

>> No.27446890

I may not like whoever she's planning to associate like the post-ironic and overglorified "annie may youtubers" and other characters such as nyanners, but if it helps her to reach a wider audience, so be it. Though to be honest, my recommendation to her is to avoid nyanners at all cost. She's a ticking time bomb especially with her really extensive history on this website.

>> No.27446895

Do you know where you are? This is barely /jp/ territory.
Never mind, you don't even realize it yourself.

>> No.27446896

Future anon here, if this is the correct timeline she's going to rick roll everyone in a final attempt to gain more subs but will be overtaken by both Korone and Gura in about a week from now.

>> No.27446898
Quoted by: >>27447090

I actually thought of this exact narrative too. Makes me wonder how much input Mori actually had in her character design.

>> No.27446899
Quoted by: >>27446974

Being tolerable to someone who isn't a deadbeat would imply I'm a schizo who can't just ignore what I have no preference for. I respect her passion and story but that's about it.
I will doompost though if she brings in external influences and shits up the core nature of hololive.

>> No.27446901

>Hell even with what happened to Aloe, actual idols had it worse.
Yeah Aloe got bullied out of her job, which is a bit better than getting stabbed to death

>> No.27446904

Fuck off with your internet celebrity discussions.

>> No.27446905

They could do a cooking stream together where Haachama gives Watson instructions and then Watson has to eat what they create.

She's a medical professional I'm sure she'll live.

>> No.27446906
Quoted by: >>27446924

imagine imagining

>> No.27446912

anyway, no. I'm majorly following Ina and Mori so I have time for one or two holoEN gen 2's if I like them as much as Mori and Ina. Might even drop a few JP holos if it gets too tight.

>> No.27446916
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>> No.27446924
File: 37 KB, 720x692, 88175386_1423227227863789_220286712243290112_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27446926

The clip that redeemed Kiara.

>> No.27446928

Kinda cursed.

>> No.27446929

shes playing all her cards right on twitter. simple as

>> No.27446932

do one for Ame plz

>> No.27446933

Aqua built that, and trapped Marine in it.

>> No.27446945

Ina = under the sea/ cave network
Kiara = a huge tree or tower
Ame = mansion
Mori = underground

Calling it now as their Minecraft home base

>> No.27446946

With cat ears?

>> No.27446949
File: 300 KB, 2000x2000, 1600551720305.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Makes me want a Gura/Okayu collab real, real bad. Her super deep voice to complement Gura's in songs.

We need it now.

>> No.27446953

>Kiara put on the same level as Black Rock Shooter and S;G.
Damn he must really like the chicken.

>> No.27446954

Ears too high and nekomimi is overdone.

>> No.27446957

I hope they build near Gura's underwater temple thing out on the shoreline as a kind of beach resort complex, that'd be cool.

>> No.27446964

Ina's base should be under Gura's Atlantis

>> No.27446970
File: 60 KB, 650x576, 1539507012957.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27446980



>> No.27446974
File: 227 KB, 1107x500, oea4ez991rr51.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sorry to say this anon but that process has started long ago. Mori might become the straw that broke the camels back but it definitely wont be her fault entirely

>> No.27446980

The lore is there, so i accept

>> No.27446983
Quoted by: >>27446995

fat chance. after that boring stream ame "slept" through i'm unironically trinityfagging hard. the other two just aren't fun.

>> No.27446994
File: 40 KB, 560x241, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>78k away from 1m
>~28-29 days away from 1m
>102k away from 1m
>~20-21 days away from 1m
>NOTE: currently on break, could feasibly slow down
>258k away from 1m
>~14 days away from 1m

in conclusion, cunny is powerful

>> No.27446995

nice opinion bro

>> No.27446996

reached 50k maybe 51k then stayed at around 48k

>> No.27447001
File: 992 KB, 1737x3500, Ej3h8e7XgAAQc9p.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Armor Gura.

>> No.27447003
Quoted by: >>27447292

>We know Calliope is not someone that wants to help smaller channels grow
Are you retarded?

>> No.27447006
File: 230 KB, 1532x622, Screenshot_20201009-060746_YouTube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My daughter-wife is singing in 15 hours.

>> No.27447011

holy shit my dick

>> No.27447012
File: 178 KB, 454x474, Nyanson.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27447018

Has anyone reverse-engineered the HoloEN server seed yet?

>> No.27447021

Is it true that each one of them has a different artist? I mean, Ame's design is reminiscent of Pochi

>> No.27447024

Holy shit that torso

>> No.27447026

Will there be a loli in every Hololive gen from now on?

>> No.27447030
File: 496 KB, 1223x370, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27448522


>> No.27447035
Quoted by: >>27447054

please post this every 5 minutes, or i get ADHD from not knowing the exact numbers, thank you!

>> No.27447039

A 200IQ move would be to make the inevitable chomp by shark into a stream, and play off it. You can gain subs in the process and defuse the tension.

>> No.27447040

Ironic since the best Hololive stream in the past month was Marine pretending to be a grandma

>> No.27447041

either ina or mori should have a base in the nether (if that's possible)

>> No.27447042

The British are working on it.

>> No.27447043


>> No.27447044

I wont watch what I don't enjoy. Even if its for Mori. To succeed in anything, you'll need to do some shit you don't want to, especially in the entertainment industry. Nothing anyone can do about it. Though now I do have a wish for Mori to just become a normal hololive idol streamer. A wish that can never come true.

>> No.27447045

Is that a real question

>> No.27447047

Nyanners is cancelled. All hair Nyanson!

>> No.27447048

blessed Amelinyan

>> No.27447054

god i hope so
it's a new hour so there was an update

>> No.27447058

hope so

>> No.27447062

Which JP personality are the EN's most like?

>> No.27447063

How hard do you think it's going to hit her when she realizes her simps donate to her in the hope she might fuck them

>> No.27447075

last stream she got like fifty $5 donations as payment for new recorders. Shits absurd

>> No.27447077
Quoted by: >>27447099

women are used to all men wanting to fuck them

>> No.27447083

There's more yuri tete in the biped collab than anything by "takamori"

>> No.27447089

>it just falls flat because Mori actively doesn't want to play ball
What are you talking about? She gushes about Kiara for five minutes straight, then Kiara shows up in chat and she's like "fuck off shitbird"
she's just too aggressively tsundere is all

>> No.27447090

If you've checked her older vids the demongirl is pretty shortstack-y. She seems to be comfortable with her body image, idk

>> No.27447092
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>> No.27447093
File: 166 KB, 384x287, FRENS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I... I kinda like it.

>> No.27447094
Quoted by: >>27447412

gura = korone
>kusoge focus
>insane growth and meme popularity
>yet doesnt seem to care about numbers herself
>popular with oversea viewers (gura maes 5ch kneel, korone has HEY GUYS)
>i love them both

>> No.27447099

Ironic because Mori is a virgin in her mid-20s.

>> No.27447102
File: 1.62 MB, 1200x1200, 1602060449264.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are shorks eyelids so glitchy on her model?

>> No.27447105

Probably glasses

>> No.27447112

Big deal I'm a virgin in my mid 40s

>> No.27447123

Herro connie chie woah Japanesu sama

>> No.27447122
Quoted by: >>27447143

Glasses or she sits in the dark maybe

>> No.27447125
File: 437 KB, 2000x1324, EjsHrFlUwAAtXFo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27447130

we can't get japanese men to fuck anything

>> No.27447138

she does know it's a problem, she mentioned her eyes being fucked up when she tried to wink, so maybe she'll fix it

>> No.27447142
Quoted by: >>27447150

>Her luck is immense though
Not so sure about that

>> No.27447143

Based shork

>> No.27447144

i can take one for the team and change that

>> No.27447147
File: 427 KB, 2000x1435, EjsHrh_U4AAGorK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27447150

It's immense on both sides of the axis.

>> No.27447151

Do people genuinely believe streamers will fuck them? I support her cause I like her content, I thought that shit is a meme, for vtubers at least as I can see how it works with twitch streamers and stuff

>> No.27447157

Finally got around to watching Mori's debut and ACTUALLY SUBSCRIBING TO HER FINALLY. Now subbed to all five

>> No.27447158

kek, her luck is so big that it reverts to negative then

>> No.27447160
Quoted by: >>27447180

Kiara makes me so fucking horny. Every few minutes of her mariokart gameplay is some crazy barely-innuendo, like she goes through a small gap in the course and she says "of course, I know how small holes work, hehe"

>> No.27447168

>not suit the idol nature of her work
stopped reading. fuck off idolfag. living does not suit you

>> No.27447171
Quoted by: >>27447206

what will the thread be like for Ina karaoke

>> No.27447172

i like to think (hope) the vast majority don't think this way, but there's probably some dudes out there dropping 500 bucks a stream hoping to be noticed

>> No.27447177

Yes. You haven't heard the sad story of that Pokimane mod who donated 20k then got upset she had a boyfriend?

>> No.27447178
File: 14 KB, 240x200, Novel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27447180
Quoted by: >>27447198

of course chicken wants to be a fucktoy

>> No.27447184

based brainlet mod

>> No.27447185

>be shark
>80k subs
>top 3 in a month trampling on the corpses of Coco, Aqua and Peko

>> No.27447187
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>> No.27447192


>> No.27447193
File: 48 KB, 451x463, 1600468142360.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't care about collabs outside of hololive
I don't care about collabs with men
I do care about collabs with internet personalities that should have nothing to do with hololive

I never want to see her associate with people who constantly fire shots at "otaku" culture while simultaneously leeching off of it like a bunch of parasites. Thankfully, Mori has shown herself as a very talented person and her self-deprecation is aimed more towards herself than the medium and the audience that she associates with. She should also keep her distance from ironic weeb female vtubers like ironmouse and nyanners. Gura already put me on edge initially, and I don't want to see Cover risk ripping anymore talents from the same category.

>> No.27447194
Quoted by: >>27447255

as much as i hate to use the word, that is pretty goddamn cringe

>> No.27447198
Quoted by: >>27447239

Kira getting gangbanged by her underpaid and overworked KFP employees!

>> No.27447206
File: 56 KB, 534x248, 1573675204116.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least 80% z̴̛̭̫̯̈́͛̋̏͜ā̶͔̦̝̟͉̠̗̘̼̗̳̦͉̗͍̇͊́̈́̊̑͊̏̐͛̑̌́̋̋̈́͐͜͜ͅͅl̷̡̨̛̩̩̠̰̞͔̮͙̜̩̝̼͑̉̑̎̒̀́͂̇̈̈́̿̈́̓̈́͝͠ģ̷̢̛̘͔͖̬̰̈̚o̴͙͈̘̜̤̜͕̗͍̝̙͒̀͂̋͂̎̄̂͐̔̿̌̇̕̚̚͜͝͝͝

>> No.27447211

i wasn't a goslingfag before, but after that date stream i've turned into one

>> No.27447225

>Her luck is immense
If anything that should be her HP/WillPower stat. Even though she does complain about set backs, she always gets back up again. Especially if you include past lives.

>> No.27447227

I will be directly comparing the thread to the ame karaoke to make conclusions about their fanbases.

>> No.27447229

Anitubers are otaku blackface

>> No.27447239
Quoted by: >>27447274

that's what they're truly paid in
some things are worth more than money

>> No.27447240

Wait, so ENs will have their own server after all?

>> No.27447242

Will we get EN stars or gen2 first? Will the stars be banned from collabing with EN holos like the current ones?

>> No.27447244

good shit
only incorporating niggerman would make it sheer perfection

>> No.27447246

I'm not an idolfag myself, just taking everything into consideration

>> No.27447250
Quoted by: >>27447268

for weebtubers etc i completely agree, but internet personalities i wouldn't generalize. Especially for Mori it would be cool to have 'collabs', if you can call them that, with music artists and producers

>> No.27447251

>Will the stars be banned from collabing with EN holos like the current ones?
Cover's still a Japanese company so most likely.

>> No.27447255

it's even worse when you see her replies.

>> No.27447254

I think this is better to be honest.

>> No.27447256

It would be beyond kino if gura built an underground city for the ENs in the holoJP server

>> No.27447258

Yes, it was the one were Gura played yesterday, and now Takamori will have a fresh start there too.

>> No.27447259

For some reason that's super cute and just works on her. Can't really see it for the other holoENs but it's perfect for Watson.

>> No.27447261
File: 452 KB, 700x1000, 1602119930228.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27447277


>> No.27447262

>Fuck off idolfag
>Posts in thread about virtual idols

>> No.27447263

stars maybe

>> No.27447265

I should see if calling her four eyes offends her

>> No.27447268

it's the difficulty of keeping it in character
would a being from the underworld deal with human music companies?

>> No.27447271
File: 2 KB, 272x26, 1583671205333.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am too.

>> No.27447274


>> No.27447277
Quoted by: >>27447295

Bro what did the leafs do

>> No.27447282
Quoted by: >>27447319

it'll be more interesting to see the EN girls build their own everything from scratch instead of building in an already built server

>> No.27447283

Fuck where I can watch the date stream

>> No.27447285
File: 1.35 MB, 1084x1214, gurano.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gura no!!

>> No.27447289
File: 609 KB, 2882x4096, 20201005_085628.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You idiots complained about the fast food gimmick and how shit it is but it literally gave us one of the funniest holoEN moments in the janitor joke. Kneel

>> No.27447292

She can work with whoever she wants as long as she doesn't compromise her work. Her music isn't my cup of tea, but after listening to her stream last night I don't think she's the kind to produce stuff that goes against her personal taste for money or fame, and that's enough.

>> No.27447295

have money

>> No.27447296

Jesus fucking Christ, he could have bought so much shit, and even if all he wants is sex he could have paid some professional clean hookers for that money, better looking and better in bed than her

>> No.27447297

I'm not sure. The JP server has a lot of history, it's like a museum of Hololive.

>> No.27447298

>We know Calliope is not someone that wants to help smaller channels grow
did you typo that 'not', anonchama?

>> No.27447300

The Holostars are not banned from collabing with the girls, the collab ban is for all collabs outside their gen and it'll end in a week.

>> No.27447304

Gura yes!

>> No.27447309 [DELETED] 

>artemis liking blacked nsfw on twitter

fucking dropped

>> No.27447310

post the clip

>> No.27447312

I've rewatched that part about 3 times now

>> No.27447313

well, theres was that one collab with Kizuna Ai

>> No.27447315

Gen5 managed the same without the tacky gimmick. I guess it's fine, I just wish she wasn't so greasy all the time.

>> No.27447316
File: 506 KB, 515x528, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay but hear me out

>> No.27447319
Quoted by: >>27447352

They can build their own town in an empty part of the server.

>> No.27447321

they could just visit?

>> No.27447322
Quoted by: >>27447364

I agree it would be difficult to make it work, but I also think it can be done. I'm not thinking companies but indies. Wouldn't be surprised if there were indie artists that do vtuber production streams either, never checked

>> No.27447323

i need it

>> No.27447324
Quoted by: >>27447376

>better looking
that's the part that gets me
we love our EN girls because of their great personalities, while that twitch girl only has her looks (and she's not even that hot)

>> No.27447334

I think glasses suit Ina better.

>> No.27447339

never have I wanted to cum on some glasses this badly before. MORI SENSEI!

>> No.27447340
Quoted by: >>27447370

Yes, but through watching her streams he fell in love with her specifically, so no hooker would do. This is the power of preying on men's loneliness.

>> No.27447341

It also keeps the door open for a special event where they get a portal that links both servers together.

>> No.27447350
File: 240 KB, 351x525, yuuji.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27447366


>> No.27447352
Quoted by: >>27447383

my autism demands a clean separation

>> No.27447355 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>27447508

wait really

>> No.27447356 [DELETED] 


>> No.27447358
File: 399 KB, 1057x668, 1601518357761.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27447572


>> No.27447361

Yeah I can't deny that was solid gold.

>> No.27447362

>argues semantics

>> No.27447364

i guess probably if it was released just as the music videos and nothing ever mentioned about it or them in her streams

>> No.27447366

lookin' juicy there, yuuji

>> No.27447369
Quoted by: >>27447400

As long as they have a portal it's fine. If there end up being five GOOD generations of HoloEN you'll be happy they had a separate server.

>> No.27447370


>> No.27447375


Callis Schedule is packed.

>> No.27447376

>>we love our EN girls because of their great personalities
Lets be real here at least 70% is because of the cute anime avatar. Zero chance you'd be watching any of these thots without it

>> No.27447378

fuck amelia's date stream turned me into a goslingfag

>> No.27447379
File: 1.75 MB, 1300x1838, 64c353fdf0f52fc498b0f8cad98d918a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27447418

>> No.27447380

I'm starting to worry Gura might actually have ADD or something. Almost the entirety of her 3 hours of mc is "what do wanted to do" and "what was I talking about". She constantly gets distracted.

>> No.27447381

hmmm. you have a point

>> No.27447383
Quoted by: >>27447400

This. I like EN having their own server better. We get to see it start from a clean slate and develop with future EN gens.

>> No.27447385
File: 51 KB, 415x433, 1601918500574.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27447387


>> No.27447391
Quoted by: >>27447721

https://streamable.com/3v4f7d how long until the collab?

>> No.27447392
Quoted by: >>27447439

You're jumping at shadows retard. How do you breathe and type at the same time?

>> No.27447394

idols are 3dpd

>> No.27447396

that's my fault, i fucked her silly last night and i guess i went a little too hard

>> No.27447400

Also, the EN server is 1.15 while the Jp server is 1.13 or something with the old nether.

>> No.27447402
Quoted by: >>27447409

I would watch Ina draw just like iwatch lalalack and listen to Moris music because its my jam

>> No.27447403

Yes, obviously the avatar makes an insanely great first impression. But I have put all of them on as audio-only streams on the bus and had a great experience anyway. Can't say the same for some twitch streamers.

>> No.27447404

Humu humu, naruhodo ne~
Teach me, Mori-sensei!

>> No.27447405

kek. how the fuck does she come up with shit.

>> No.27447407

i watched HER streams in the past and liked mori's old music, so speak for yourself

>> No.27447409

Then why didn't you back when she streamed on Twitch?

>> No.27447412
Quoted by: >>27447431

>Gura is 30+ and can beat the shit out of people

>> No.27447413

Ina not using Huke's microphone in her thumbnail. What's the narrative?

>> No.27447415

This confirms that Mori needs toggleable glasses.

>> No.27447416

Trying to have an entertaining hours-long soliloquy while making plans is pretty hard.

>> No.27447417

>Kiara celebrated 100k
>Calli celebrates 400k
Wow so cool muh queen!

>> No.27447418
File: 242 KB, 565x527, 1602127242036.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27447421

I'm so conflicted.

>> No.27447422

She knows what she's doing. Gura keep stepping on the bugmen!

>> No.27447429
Quoted by: >>27447463

For me, it's ________________

>> No.27447430
Quoted by: >>27447469

twitch is a sea of potential watches that it's impossible to try and sift through them all

>> No.27447431

Korone is 22 and only just graduated from Tokyo U

>> No.27447434
File: 1.83 MB, 2000x2272, 1579300299230.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's because Kiara being the boss of her own company and a businesswoman is a really fun gimmick in general. I'm still hoping for /ck/ streams in the future, would be a really good use of that too.

>> No.27447435

I didn't know she existed, neither of them. I've been watching draw streams of artists for about 2 years now yet I never got to see her

>> No.27447437

Because most people didn't know about them and don't have the time to dig through a pile of dogshit indies. I'm sick of this worthless statement.

>> No.27447439
Quoted by: >>27447478

>jumping at shadows
>when idolfags literally graduated Aloe
do newfags really post about shit they don't know about?

>> No.27447441
Quoted by: >>27447483

great personalities might be a bit of a stretch, but they're entertaining for sure.
Mori is legitimately talented and It's a shame i didn't notice her sooner.
I actually listen to the streams of the holos without watching them more often then the other way around.
so 2D is not the reason.

>> No.27447443

calm down Kiara

>> No.27447444

she knows better than to spoil the reveal

>> No.27447445

Even as a Chickenfag I realize there's a difference. The former is basically free while the latter isn't so.

>> No.27447446
Quoted by: >>27447493

400k is a lot bigger than 100k, not to mention kiara's 100k was just after debut which is why it came off as tactless

>> No.27447447

I watched her old Persona, I followed a few twitch vtubers and she was a fun outlyer. It was insane when she made it in the big time and it's really nice to see her old self come out more and more.

>> No.27447451

Fucking garbage dude

>> No.27447452

Celebrating when you've literally done nothing is pretty cringe. Celebrating the progress you've made after a month of work is not cringe.

>> No.27447453

will Ina draw her own minecraft skin?

>> No.27447456

you do know about her thing witht he number 4 right anon? It would be hard to do a 444444 sub stream so she just settled for 400000

>> No.27447457
File: 254 KB, 518x485, glasseson.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27447460

Having a subscriber celebration stream in the first week is tone deaf. There's a reason 5th gen hasn't celebrated any milestones until a month in.

>> No.27447461

I dunno, I love watching Amelia's streams but never in hell would I date someone who rages that hard at a video game. That's a red flag regardless of whether it's exaggerated or not.

>> No.27447463

chicken's thighs

>> No.27447467

doesn't do it for me, sadly

>> No.27447468
File: 119 KB, 840x502, blush.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aside from leaning on ame, has gura used her blush feature elsewhere?

>> No.27447469

This, I remember hearing somewhere that so many people stream on twitch and get nowhere with it that just getting affiliate puts you in the top 1%

>> No.27447471

shes dropped an EP, hit a video with 3 mil views, hosted a song contest and has done 2 weeks worth of streams for 400,000 subs. What did Kiara do for her 100k?

>> No.27447474

The private hololive ERP calls

>> No.27447475

This is Gura's best laugh so far, so genuine. Too bad her volume was so low to hear it

>> No.27447477
Quoted by: >>27447704

How about round glasses?

>> No.27447478
Quoted by: >>27447559

You saw the word idol and immediately told him to kill himself because your monkey brain equates the word alone with idolfaggotry. Also nijifags are more responsible for aloe's graduation than idolfags. Dildo sashimi was a meme.

>> No.27447479

having had gamer gfs in the past, they rage that hard exclusively because they haven't been fucked hard. its actually a dead giveaway that she's single and living alone lol

>> No.27447483

i put a lot of it in the background to listen to

>> No.27447484

YES! when marine visited the chat

>> No.27447485

I watch niniyuuna.

>> No.27447489
File: 251 KB, 482x674, 1589005341061.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good morning, just woke up. That is all

>> No.27447493

100k was probably a big number to her at the time
now she probably feels inferior numberwise

>> No.27447494
File: 345 KB, 518x485, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cute anon, heres it with the glasses I used on the other.

>> No.27447495

This is getting kinda cringy with that roleplay

>> No.27447499

>those pics
Miko is gonna be obsessed with kiara if she ever meets her irl

>> No.27447501
Quoted by: >>27447513


>> No.27447505


>> No.27447506
Quoted by: >>27447531

Pro-tip, don't mention Ame and previous relationships unless you want to completely derail the thread. Meidos will be on your ass pretty fast.

>> No.27447507

she's need rimless glasses
and she's got the monocle so that kind of covers the 'glasses' part

>> No.27447508 [DELETED] 
File: 172 KB, 843x820, artym.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27447511

During her karaoke stream but I don't remember in which song (or in between them)

>> No.27447512 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>27447523

would he be a good EN holostar

>> No.27447513
File: 368 KB, 482x671, 1581850452154.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27447515

she's also a compulsive gambler and addictive personality

>> No.27447516
Quoted by: >>27447545

it's gonna be funny as hell if the JPs learn english to do offline collabs because they found out all the EN holos are actually decently hot

>> No.27447519
Quoted by: >>27447542

Miko isnt gay

>> No.27447521
Quoted by: >>27447568

>Meanwhile Gura hits 1M
>Meh, whatever
>shrugs it off

>> No.27447523

No, no one would be.

>> No.27447526


>> No.27447530

Thanks bro

>> No.27447531
Quoted by: >>27447546

thanks fellow redditor, updooted

>> No.27447533
File: 2.51 MB, 2000x2790, power.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can someone add Amelia (forme de gf) from the date stream

>> No.27447534

so not even an eldritch being can beat the cock huh.....

>> No.27447535
Quoted by: >>27447566

she will be bald anon...

>> No.27447536
Quoted by: >>27447554

>Ironic because Mori is a virgin in her mid-20s.

>> No.27447537

Kiara should celebrate every single 100k milestone, it's fun for the funs too to celebrate these things.

>> No.27447542
Quoted by: >>27447577

Do you have a SINGLE fact to back that up when she said that her favorite fetish is girl soles in tights without hesitation?

>> No.27447545

they're all doing their eigo reps after seeing the holoEN boom

>> No.27447546

fuck off newfag

>> No.27447547

makes me wonder if she's got a smooth or lumpy skull

>> No.27447554

Lurk more.

>> No.27447559
Quoted by: >>27447588

>living does not suit you
if this equates to "kill yourself" for you, then kill yourself faggot.

>> No.27447561

this chart went to shit after the last two alterations. Needlessly adding shit instead of actually being clever. Also involving biases. Shit chart 0/10

>> No.27447562
Quoted by: >>27447604

Which hololive members are these? Didn't know they joined.

>> No.27447566

naw, just shorten the bangs around her face and trim the back a little

>> No.27447568
Quoted by: >>27447643

it'd probably be considered tasteless for her to do a 'number celebration' stream when she's already so far out ahead

>> No.27447571
Quoted by: >>27447593

welp, dropped to jerkoff bait, she better be slutty as all hell in her debut or i'm dropping her entirely

>> No.27447572

I might want to learn more about this work.

>> No.27447577


>> No.27447578

The skin color is pushing it, but I still think it's more hentai rape bastard than actual nigger

>> No.27447584

Who the fuck is this

>> No.27447588
Quoted by: >>27447609

Did you think this was witty? Are you ESL?

>> No.27447592
Quoted by: >>27447600

>no Reaper Mode Mori yet

>> No.27447593
Quoted by: >>27447616

wait, that isn't the painter girl with big eyes?

>> No.27447598

la china...cochina...

>> No.27447600
File: 107 KB, 987x785, 1601806002482.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27448126

what a shame

>> No.27447604 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>27447658

The twitter shark is honorary HoloEN. Like Tamaki is to HoloJP

>> No.27447607
Quoted by: >>27447619

That's Beach NTR Doujin Man

>> No.27447609

>Did you think this was witty?
i mean, it kinda is, ngl

>> No.27447614
File: 8 KB, 501x115, 1579556117353.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It feels like every time I open twitter to look for gura art someone in japan dies in some train related incident

>> No.27447616

i dunno who the girl in the image is, but that anon said the artemis shark girl liked this picture on twitter

>> No.27447617

Holy based

>> No.27447619

Beach NTR doujin men aren't 200cm tall. Those are textbook nigger features

>> No.27447622
Quoted by: >>27447647

What does it mean

>> No.27447623

What the fuck

What happened

>> No.27447624


>> No.27447636

Seems like you're forcing your fetish

>> No.27447637
File: 343 KB, 960x540, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27447642

the guy making these doesn't waqtch Mori, Ina and Kiaras streams. Shit chart

>> No.27447643

1 million is a big deal though. I'd say its warranted at that point.

>> No.27447644
Quoted by: >>27447659

then don't open your twitter to search for gura lewds??? you murderer

>> No.27447646

I'm goslinging through the Earth's core when I remember that anon posting here that he has been following Ina's roommate's art for 10 years, met her on anime expo, got postcards and charms from her and month ago spat his drink when he heard her voice on debut.
I only discovered her few months ago

>> No.27447647

Science! Trending!
Someone died in an accident!
Trending with Keihintouhokusen railway line!

>> No.27447649

Takes your meds anon

>> No.27447653

>short hair
my fucking dick

>> No.27447656

my tomodachi.....

>> No.27447657

Kek'd, well done

>> No.27447658

Twitter tubers are cute but p*k*mee is the only honorary EN
The rest don’t belong in here

>> No.27447659

I'm willing to make those sacrifices in my quest for cunny.

>> No.27447664
File: 18 KB, 421x421, 1601558356895.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27447677
Quoted by: >>27447689

Ok but imagine this in OL attire

>> No.27447678

>nuked by a letter
my poor sides

>> No.27447679

i'm not sure if she'd actually do it, since it seems like she kinda doesn't give a shit about the numbers
i think she did at first as a "oh fuck i'm getting more popular than i thought i would be" but i don't think she cares now

>> No.27447683
File: 16 KB, 290x241, 1574890057760.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27447685

Ina bros movie night tonight

>> No.27447686
File: 91 KB, 1020x795, 2020.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27447688

Cant wait to watch this thread when Fubuki or Korone work their magic again, resulting in them reaching 1m before Gura.
Chummies will seethe after getting so hyped up over it.

>> No.27447689
File: 249 KB, 460x602, ca2h69.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ina has potential for some really cute alt outfits.

>> No.27447694
Quoted by: >>27447727

My shark trinity...

>> No.27447699
Quoted by: >>27447725

i'd be for having pika picked up here
she's helping me somewhat learn nip

>> No.27447700
File: 201 KB, 639x658, 1602210987935.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bloop! Turn off my alcohol inhibitors!

>> No.27447704
File: 267 KB, 518x485, glasses_tea.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried.

>> No.27447709
Quoted by: >>27447737

she will do for 1 million what she did for 700, which is gratefully and humbly mention it at the beginning of an unrelated stream and then recommend you check out the rest of hololive

>> No.27447711

Korone might get some meme moment, but I doubt that fubuki can pull it off

>> No.27447713
Quoted by: >>27447728

Ina bros setting up watchtogether or something for movie?

>> No.27447721

3 hours

>> No.27447723
Quoted by: >>27447766

who will reach 1mil first numberfags,

Gura or HER

>> No.27447725

The only thing I picked up from her is SO SO SO SO

>> No.27447726
Quoted by: >>27447750

now she looks like an asian with bleached hair

>> No.27447727

She didn’t even debut, maybe we’ll get a shark collab some day

>> No.27447728
Quoted by: >>27447738

That guy will probably set it up on the same room he did last time

>> No.27447729
Quoted by: >>27447752

I want to punch her face for some reason

>> No.27447730

They need to make glasses alt for all 5 of them, à la Persona 4

>> No.27447734
Quoted by: >>27447763

She might be forced to do something but she's been pretty consistent with not bringing too much attention to her channels ridiculous growth. She probably doesn't feel celebration is warranted considering how little time she's put into the company compared to her peers.

>> No.27447737

this i can see easily

>> No.27447738

oh nice nice

>> No.27447740
File: 150 KB, 867x1227, 1602066502872.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27447749

>yakihebi retweeting gura

>> No.27447741

only thing she can do is revive her chinese audience, but i doubt she can pull that off.

>> No.27447749

Well I hope he draws her

>> No.27447750
File: 153 KB, 382x352, 1600462527152.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What looks asian about her? Just the round glasses?

>> No.27447752

do your therapy reps

>> No.27447761
File: 44 KB, 426x367, 1593343714379.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27447763

She can do a karaoke stream to commemorate it I guess. I think her unarchived karaoke sort of celebrated a sub goal.

>> No.27447765

Former in English, latter in Japanese and other languages

>> No.27447766

imagine them hitting 1m at the same time

>> No.27447767
File: 361 KB, 1094x233, 1581393507838.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Minecraft bringing in the views.

>> No.27447771

fucking NERD

>> No.27447773
File: 1.09 MB, 1280x720, gura_skb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gawr Gura bery bery kawaii! Come play with the nice big girls at Nijisanji! c:

>> No.27447774

I can't decide whether it fits or not, polarizing.

>> No.27447782

kenkoubu likes yaoi though?

>> No.27447784

I cant believe gura is going to get an STD

>> No.27447786

The amount of pressure in that call would probably make her actually dip.

>> No.27447788
File: 560 KB, 957x973, 1602171782715.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27447836

Amelia sounds

>> No.27447789

what kind of wishful thinking is that

>> No.27447792

who're they? i only recognize ayame, second one from the right

>> No.27447793

those glasses make me think of harry potter

>> No.27447801


>> No.27447804


>> No.27447805

This is bait, right?

>> No.27447807
Quoted by: >>27447819

They would literally have to reenact the fucking Bee Movie to gain enough subs in time

>> No.27447812

Nijisani is the trash bucket of vtubing.

>> No.27447815

They're bery bery nice girls! From Nijisanji!

>> No.27447819

Hey, Kiara might actually read the entire script if you donate enough

>> No.27447820

My fucking sides, thank you Anon.

>> No.27447821

>Members only! Lets chat!
>Chat still moves a a million miles per hour because 5 bucks isn't a big enough barrier to keep the Mexicans out
What's the point?

>> No.27447831
Quoted by: >>27447861

Thank god. The moment she locks a karaoke behind membership is the moment I have to pull the trigger.

>> No.27447836

>oi do you have a loicense for that gosling post?

>> No.27447842

Nijis were actually serious competitors for Hololive, but they screwed up with their EN launch.

>> No.27447845
Quoted by: >>27447899

I'm a diehard teamate but I'd want an Ange gf more than an Ame gf....

>> No.27447848

Mori was right

>> No.27447850
Quoted by: >>27447872

That's because its all "been there, done that" for her so far. But she hasn't gotten 1 mil on her old channel. That gold play button is a hell of a drug.

>> No.27447859

I don't understand a lot of the slang mori uses.

>> No.27447861
Quoted by: >>27447878

She already said that's happening next week

>> No.27447862
Quoted by: >>27447883

you mean their IN launch kek

>> No.27447872
Quoted by: >>27447985

wonder if they'll send 2

>> No.27447873

Wasn’t their EN launch just a rebrand of India

>> No.27447876
File: 237 KB, 1417x2000, NxO0UEL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mori was right. T3 chat was super comfy

>> No.27447877

Cause it's "old school", it's a part of the appeal for ne

>> No.27447878
Quoted by: >>27447891

Fuck, goodbye Ame

>> No.27447879

I'm in my mid thirties, me neither. Its definitely not 2000s slang

>> No.27447881


watch moona's doom later

>> No.27447883

I like Noor's design but that's pretty much it, dunno what the fuck Ichikara was thinking about this one
Would love to give Cover a slight pat on the back for EN's success

>> No.27447886

This edit was removed by the mod in leddit while the other one stays up probably because it looks like her roommate

>> No.27447889

>6 am

>> No.27447891


>> No.27447895
Quoted by: >>27447910

a group onee-sans that enjoy being very, very nice to young girls

>> No.27447896

How many chicken thighs did she bring this time

>> No.27447898
File: 489 KB, 557x557, 1600404757033.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27447978

Literally one of my best stream experiences and I really want her to keep doing it though I feel a bit selfish for saying so.

>> No.27447899

She's really cute but the NTR fetish is concerning...

>> No.27447910

hit me wit da clip onegai

>> No.27447911
File: 213 KB, 720x480, 1567548206515.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27447923
File: 945 KB, 2294x4096, 1600639263975.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27447967

What will Ina sing in her Karaoke strimm tomorrow? Is it exclusively anison?

>> No.27447928
Quoted by: >>27447983

.the 2000s were 20 years ago
its too early to start drinking, fuck

>> No.27447929

She actually fits in there, or HER at the least

>> No.27447932

I'll watch it until the takamori collab starts.

I still can't manage to watch multiple streams at the same time like some chads here.

>> No.27447936

>pointed ears
>tentacle hair
she just thinks and claims she's one when she clearly isn't anymore upon reading the necronomicon
the rest of her family apparently are normal-looking humans and don't mind her current appearance

>> No.27447940

she looks like a character from harry potter

>> No.27447941


Didn't they review a porn game on youtube? It's still up I think.

>> No.27447944
Quoted by: >>27447991

>gura is actually writing ideas down on paper
I love this dork

>> No.27447950
Quoted by: >>27448026


>> No.27447952
File: 429 KB, 560x770, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is one of ina's peers
$1000 for this

>> No.27447957
File: 305 KB, 518x485, wedasds.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27447966
File: 448 KB, 496x515, 1601334424190.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27447984

tonight is going to be fucking crazy bros. Ina karaoke into members movie watching, watson member asmr at the same time and also gura's member's musedash. what the fuck do I do?

>> No.27447967

We have no idea but I imagine it will be mostly weeb stuff. I'd like her to sing Korean stuff, she said she was practicing some, but not for this stream.

>> No.27447973
File: 69 KB, 495x478, 1601728826924.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27448022

Looks like I have to sleep through Ame Apex if I want to watch Takamori Minecraft and the trinity member streams.... my old ass body can't pull these long hours anymore...

>> No.27447977

Gura being happy about a crappy map in minecraft. So innocent!

>> No.27447978
Quoted by: >>27448016

She will upload those after a few weeks, right? If so I don't mind at all

>> No.27447983

it's only early if you're under 21

>> No.27447984
Quoted by: >>27448055

be a poorfag and only watch the karaoke

>> No.27447985

You have to pay for extra copies

>> No.27447991

What's wrong with that? I have a pad on hand specifically for that purpose.

>> No.27447995
Quoted by: >>27448015

Yeah pretty much, and they weren't doing well at all.

>> No.27447999

Can someone post the full schedule?

>> No.27448000

She hasn't actually changed the memberships yet. She was supposed to after she finished the members only streams, I think she changed her mind again and will keep them since there was enough positive feedback on the quality of those streams. Mori likes them too. So there's still hope.

>> No.27448002
File: 8 KB, 88x56, mori.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>come here to post the winking bird screenshot
>duplicate file exists
>this is the same thread from 4 hours ago
damn dead hours suck

>> No.27448008
File: 55 KB, 616x527, 1600971402891.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Those prices

Holy shit.

>> No.27448015

pajeets don't have money for memberships or SC's

>> No.27448016
Quoted by: >>27448051

Yeah I think she said 3 weeks after.

>> No.27448020

Hmm, maybe. Or maybe seeing the anime avatars would help somewhat.

>> No.27448022

Eh, it's fucking Apex, so don't worry about that.

>> No.27448023
File: 14 KB, 480x480, 1602160338384.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She also used it when Ame said "Is that what you want?" to her "Can you crush me?" question. >>27446202

>> No.27448026

you'll have your time too, zoomer

>> No.27448028

Remind me not to complain about the popular twitter artists who ask for 100 for a doodle they shit out in 30 minutes

>> No.27448030

i like these more because i can keep up
normally i have to jump past hundreds of posts to try and be up-to-date

>> No.27448031
Quoted by: >>27448054

hurry up and post the closeup webm one, this thread isn't gonna archive itself

>> No.27448034

The way Kiara bounces up and down sometimes reminds me of a chicken pecking at the ground.

>> No.27448037


>> No.27448048

Cute how she had to hide the face so people wouldn't recognize it.

>> No.27448051

Yeah that's fine, I watch most streams from the archives anyway

>> No.27448052

Why $1000 for that? For $1000 I'd expect a near photo realistic background with plenty of detail. That looks like a talented high schoolers sketch.

>> No.27448054
Quoted by: >>27448099

dont have it but i do have this
only replying so that this thread can die faster

>> No.27448055

Don't even watch the karaoke cause you are already asleep...

>> No.27448058

>mentally unstable
Isn't that like, a requirement?

>> No.27448063
Quoted by: >>27448270

the eyes are a dead give away though

>> No.27448072

Because someone is willing to pay for it. I’ve seen what you describe easily cost 2-3k if not more.

>> No.27448074

uh, which of these vtubers play armored core, bros?

>> No.27448075
Quoted by: >>27448098

Kiara got rejected from Gen 5.

>> No.27448078
Quoted by: >>27448104

>it's real
What in the fuck were they thinking?

>> No.27448079

Get her out of there NOW.

>> No.27448080

not a requirement, but by the time you make it as an idol you will most likely have swallowed enough semen to become insane

>> No.27448081

You'll become one after Hololive either way.

>> No.27448082

/ic/fags hate this kind of shit. It's common decency among artists to keep their prices in check, not going too low or too high so the market remains healthy. But these lads don't really give a shit because they get professional work anyway and don't have to live off commissions, so they jack up the prices to an insane degree just so no one bothers them unless it's some really fat pay pig.

>> No.27448086

i think its aimed more at enterprise level clients.

>> No.27448088
File: 1.55 MB, 1280x720, Fubuki blast pure.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She wouldn't have it any other way.

>> No.27448094
File: 212 KB, 251x368, Waachama.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27448116

>>Incoming streams!!!
TakaMori Minecraft https://youtu.be/cbfSlGJ6sAw
Celebrating 400K subs with Mori with some wine https://youtu.be/porsb6Xo-4c
Ame Apex at 1pm PST/4pm EST
Ina's Unarchived Karaoke https://youtu.be/-u7jp3QHIjc
Kiara's FE3H gameplay continuation https://youtu.be/_jxv5PbSUP0
>>Teamup schedule!!!
>>EN schedules!!!
https://twitter.com/ninomaeinanis/status/1313009141456150528 (JST at reply)

>> No.27448097


>> No.27448098

Nene Kiara offcollab where they console themselves for being rejects by not rejecting each other WHEN

>> No.27448099

i have this as well but i don't remember if its the right one

>> No.27448103

It's wild how far someone like Calli has come in such a short ammount of time after joining Hololive. I'm so happy for her. I loved her music for so long and now she finally has a platform where she can be herself and share her passion. Her songs at 3.5million now. That's more than all her old work put together. Absolutely bonkers.

>> No.27448104
Quoted by: >>27448124

>India is the second most populous country
>India has its currency in the worlds top ten
>so maybe.....?

>> No.27448108 [DELETED] 
File: 234 KB, 443x785, 1601933671198.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So Amelia is basically emotionally abusing Goslingposters by stringing them along with a this GFE stuff even though she already has a boyfriend?

>> No.27448111

cmon she cheered on gura's stream today and tweeted it out, friend just wants to be friends

>> No.27448113
Quoted by: >>27448135

Remember when gura only posted "a" and /jp/ already figured out it was her just based off that

>> No.27448114
Quoted by: >>27448127


>> No.27448116

>2 hours for minekino
>its 5:30 am for me
what i must do

>> No.27448120

Really good edit

>> No.27448124
Quoted by: >>27448153

Too bad about that giant fucking wealth gap...

>> No.27448126

Oh shit, forgot about this sketch. I should go and finish it

>> No.27448127

Joe is busy with your mom, he has no time to be a vtuber.

>> No.27448129

She's having a blast too. She was in Kokoro Beats live DJ on Wednesday and was bopping hard.

>> No.27448130

Shes single

>> No.27448132

Goslingfags are either masochists, retards, or ntrbrains and deserve everything that comes to them.

>> No.27448135

I remember when she posted it and I already knew I won't like her

>> No.27448140

Same, she is definitely a hard worker who deserves to succeed

>> No.27448145

She seems extremely happy and out of her shell during her autism sound stream. She really is starting to hit her stride.

>> No.27448146


>> No.27448153

it was interesting to look up, but like 70% of Indians were below the poverty line in a country with multiple millionaires. Shits wild in SEA

>> No.27448160
Quoted by: >>27448210

single in my soul

>> No.27448163

Holy shit that’s insane

>> No.27448168

India isn't part of SEA, anon. It's an entirely different trash region.

>> No.27448169

calli works super hard and it's really nice to see her doing well

>> No.27448171

shes with her bf lole

>> No.27448173

Sleep and check the archive or persist but it might be longer than an hour stream

>> No.27448178
File: 136 KB, 354x480, DD5E87A4-EFF6-48AF-9EA2-B69B2F1F0B36.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just letting you know that only the first akasupa each stream goes to the condoms. The rest help pay for my new 3090. Thanks bros.

>> No.27448181
Quoted by: >>27448204

My narrative is that Fubuki and Korone are actually happy Gura is taking the weight off their shoulders by blowing past their numbers and making a mockery of subscriber count comparisons in general.

>> No.27448182
File: 146 KB, 827x1281, EiRihEdVoAAkM9S.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27448215

I know right? It warms my heart and motivates me to keep going.
That was a really fun stream, turned my wednesday into a party pretty much.

>> No.27448187
Quoted by: >>27448240

Is it SEAniggers time again?

>> No.27448188

i still wonder what goes through covers heads when they recruit holos and how they decide who to let in
>i choose the literal homeless rat with no family, home or money
>how about the already famous youtuber?
>what about the socially awkward girl who barely talks?
>That girl who sent her same resume for the 5th time? nope
>oh shit she sent it a 6th time, shes in!

>> No.27448191

>he doesn't know

>> No.27448193

Do yu rly belieb dat

>> No.27448195
File: 96 KB, 700x786, 1602183475137.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27448321

I'm watching the guracraft stream and it's a lot of fun but WHEN IS SHE GONNA SWITCH TO GAME MUSIC?

>> No.27448198
File: 346 KB, 1884x1225, EjMuZz1XgAYzsLP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27448197

This is a place where normal people don't feel any economic growth despite showing in the numbers.

>> No.27448204

Isnt being an idol supposed to be fun?

Everyone watch this:

>> No.27448205
File: 69 KB, 250x250, 1600129332716.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm PST and I'm already suffering

>> No.27448209

they spawn children second only to literal bugmen chinks. Of course that's going to happen

>> No.27448210


>> No.27448212

Maybe something happened between 5th and 6th

>> No.27448214

She's a big girl, I trust she knows what she's doing. She's doing a hell of a lot better for herself than a lot of other people her age.

>> No.27448215
File: 256 KB, 1600x1559, 20201003_025114.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish she could promote some of her old music but I'm glad she's going to be able to freely create more that a huge audience can see.

>> No.27448218

it seems like they pick either people who obviously will depend on cover for life, or people who they can't possibly imagine could need cover, no in between

>> No.27448219
Quoted by: >>27448301

>shark will slay pekora any moment now

Today is a good day.

>> No.27448222
Quoted by: >>27448261


>> No.27448225

I worry about how she’ll have to fight or pay for the rights to her own music in the future though.

>> No.27448228
File: 785 KB, 2480x3508, IMG_20201007_085255.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>My parents are in another timeline

>> No.27448229
Quoted by: >>27448258

this makes me actually wonder how much is Ina's considering her Passpartout playthrough has her talking about setting prices and negotiating for higher prices
she doesn't take any private commissions anymore and companies can definitely offer those pricings

>> No.27448231

I just hope that she realizes that it's not specifically because she joined Hololive and her success is all tied to the character Mori Calliope but because you have to have some type of promotion to get your music out there.

>> No.27448236
Quoted by: >>27448274

What did she mean by this

>> No.27448237
Quoted by: >>27448273

Nick Jr. really was an amazing analogy for Gura's Minecraft stream. 95% of the jokes and sounds she makes wold fit in perfectly, and vice versa. It's even sea-themed. I'm not knocking it, you can like whatever you want, I'm just saying this is what watching Gura feels like for non-chumbuds.


>> No.27448239

>asking that dumb ass parent question when it was pretty much confirmed that theyre not in the picture anymore
That guy asking the question is ngmi

>> No.27448240

Yes, it's evening for flips which explains the drop in quality.

>> No.27448241
File: 43 KB, 590x437, 20201003_121335.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Grandma in the coin game

>> No.27448242
Quoted by: >>27448278


>> No.27448245
Quoted by: >>27448272

... so, in other words, she's being "carried" by her own talent? Retard

>> No.27448248

Yeah, I agree, best we can do enjoy her old work and remember where she came from while supporting each new track she puts out.

>> No.27448252
File: 67 KB, 640x900, e2lapbq78qq51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If Amelia is taking us out on dates and spending all her time with us then doesn't that make her bf the real cuck?

>> No.27448253

>I am not a fan of Mori
>types this all out
Anyway, she's a parasocial friend of mine, not a gf, so we cool

>> No.27448254
Quoted by: >>27448281

>shark's minecraft stream is already over half 500k views

>> No.27448257

I have a feeling she tried to respond in the most neutral way possible just to avoid that and it happened anyway.

>> No.27448258

Ina's reactions to being lowballed in Passpartout really showed she has experienced a lot of the professional art industry, she was simultaneously ready for it and disgusted by it

>> No.27448261

She said she actually wanted to be placed there for the joke but gets legitimately upset when her chat spams bottom left now. Very interesting.

>> No.27448262

Those prices are the professional artist way of saying they don’t do commissions unless you are willing to pay way above the acceptable price range. Plenty of amateur artists could give you something similar at a more reasonable (while also not underselling ) price

>> No.27448265

Chicken...I KNEEL

>> No.27448266

She doesn't have a bf anymore

>> No.27448267


>> No.27448270
Quoted by: >>27448510

her artstyle is too unique/cartoonish/western-style that it's very recognizable

Ina's is more or less safer because her artstyle probably looks the same as every other pixiv artist if your eyes are not well-trained/you're not that keen in artstyle recognition

>> No.27448272

I laugh every time this bait catches someone, it's sublime

>> No.27448273

I mean, its not the first time anons have tried to fuck their childhood. There a mlp board a few doors down

>> No.27448274
Quoted by: >>27448294

Her parents are dead, homeboy.

>> No.27448275
Quoted by: >>27448310

She doesn't even have a boyfriend anymore, stop replying to idiots.

>> No.27448277


>> No.27448278


>> No.27448281

Can I get an update on pewdiepies latest video as well, numberfag?

>> No.27448283

are these your OC anon? They're really good but probably need a proofread

>> No.27448285

Damn. I think even Fishine doesn't charge that much, and she has way more of a portfolio/experience

>> No.27448289

I just watched the Gura Minecraft archive. She's really not very smart, huh bros?

>> No.27448293
File: 288 KB, 1000x469, 1602211175084.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27448294

Oh shit I thought she was just making some roundabout statement about then to avoid bringing up her personal life.

>> No.27448295
Quoted by: >>27448331

Did Gura show us her PC specs in Minecraft?

>> No.27448296

Do u rly

>> No.27448298

Kek, I even read that last part in her voice. God bless pekoposting, peko.

>> No.27448299
File: 867 KB, 637x900, 533.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's be honest here.

Kiara is being carried across the threshold by me after we exchange wedding vows.

>> No.27448301
Quoted by: >>27448308

>pekora is kiara's senpai (by success)
>kiara is gura's senpai (by group dynamics)
>gura is *soon to be* pekora's senpai (by success)

>> No.27448303

Damn, I'm happy for Roberu.

>> No.27448304

Not bad but ESL English always kills these things for me.

>> No.27448305
File: 238 KB, 577x297, guhnight.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27448306

She does, it’s me

>> No.27448307


>> No.27448308


>> No.27448309

Imagine loving YUGIOH that much

>> No.27448310
Quoted by: >>27448323

>MY favorite is Watson

>> No.27448314

Kek that's my son!

>> No.27448316
Quoted by: >>27448611


>> No.27448319
Quoted by: >>27448611

I think Mori would fight you over her anon. I don't think you could beat her.

>> No.27448320


>> No.27448321

weak. subject yourself to training. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XohhaT18ja4&t=117s

>> No.27448323

I understand you SEAniggers don't have friends, but you can still be friends with someone you were with.

>> No.27448325

whats up my boy? Ready for the Minecraft collab with Kiara today?

>> No.27448327

Is this the cutest GUH so far? Can it be beat?

>> No.27448328

Is it finally time for Mori to go on the dere offensive?

>> No.27448331

>did SHE break opsec
Of course not, it's HER.

>> No.27448332

Nice desu ne

>> No.27448333


>> No.27448334
Quoted by: >>27448403

Amelia-tan is a good girl.

>> No.27448335

Naw naw naw, she needs those small Tomb Raider shades.

>> No.27448336

Doesn't faze me after seeing what furries will charge and pay for.

>> No.27448339

>Trinity will have a members stream later at almost same time with each others
Finally the time to choose

>> No.27448340

Mori getting her new computer means that cover money is finally starting to come in, right? It's been a month.

>> No.27448343

Calli is love

>> No.27448346

>Can't post gura

>> No.27448347

>be mori
>probably straight as hell
>just wants to survive through her job and finally get money after suffering through part-time jobs and minimum wageslaving
>people ship you with your co-worker
>said co-worker is also shipping herself with you due to her lesbianisms
>try to avoid romantic interaction just so people dont ship you with her
>people ship you with her anyway
>fuck this shit im out

>> No.27448349


>> No.27448353

No anon, plz no. My heart won't be able to take that.

>> No.27448354

he just keeps winning

>> No.27448356

Calli is Death

>> No.27448355

Become a meido

>> No.27448361

>6:45 PM in Manila
>Thread is shit
Sasuga, monkeys...

>> No.27448362

Do you realy belieb

>> No.27448363

She uses it all the time in her streams.

>> No.27448364

That mine should be named "gurag".

>> No.27448365

I can't stand that Kiara has two hats. I mean, TWO fucking hats?

>> No.27448366

lmao no, shes probably dipping into her savings

>> No.27448367
Quoted by: >>27448384

ideally they'd be paid every two weeks, but with a japanese company i could see it being once a month

>> No.27448373

No SEAniggers yet. They're stuck in traffic.

>> No.27448374

It's actually impressive how it happens like clockwork. It really is the same like 6 people

>> No.27448375

>baseball cap
>plain t-shirt
>halfway zipped-up hoodie over it
>tight jeans
Hire me, Cover.

>> No.27448376

Pleasu understandu gaijin. Server hot ree!

>> No.27448378


>> No.27448380
Quoted by: >>27448413

Cover gave her the computer. She dipped into her savings to buy her new $5,000 mic

>> No.27448381
Quoted by: >>27448416

the only people who are bothered by gay attention are straight men, straight women literally don't care if gay women hit on them

>> No.27448383

holy shit i pinpointed the exact moment that the brown people woke up and entered the thread. truly worth staying up for.

>> No.27448384
Quoted by: >>27448409

In one of Coco's zatsudan's she said it was monthly. But I don't know if that applies to every branch or just jp.

>> No.27448388

Japan idolshit has a thing where girl/girl relationships are fetishizes and allowed to be light yuri. Blame the game.

>> No.27448391

Teacher salery is garbage and she's living in a foreign country which isn't cheap. She probably doesn't have much savings.

>> No.27448397

think about this a bit seriously,
if she's currently has a bf:
>he didn't wake her up for a collab
>he didn't take her pets to the vet
>he didn't make healthy meal for her
>he didn't help washing dishes
This guy must be really uncaring/ignoring af. Not surprised she has to use lonely people as an outlet of an unfulfilled relationship.

>> No.27448403

She really is. She's had a rough life and that only made her a kinder person. I can't believe there are people who wanted to ruin the one really good thing to happen to her in her life.

>> No.27448405

please understand, they are ostracized by the societies they're living in and rightfully so

>> No.27448407

the little death

>> No.27448409

i imagine being outside the country wouldn't make the paychecks any faster

>> No.27448410
Quoted by: >>27448426

Best case scenario is that Cover is paying for it with the understanding that the costs will be taken out of her already guaranteed SC earnings when they come in. I believe Pekora mentioned that she organized a new PC with her manager that way recently.

>> No.27448413

They didn't give her shit. What they may have done is cut an advance out of her expected first couple checks. She got a loan.

>> No.27448415

I know the SEAnig are shitting up the thread but you're not making it any better by giving it (You)s.

>> No.27448416

I will believe you, woman expert anon

>> No.27448417
Quoted by: >>27448552


>> No.27448422

The kiara calli shit is more forced than any other forced teetee ive seen in hololive history

>> No.27448425

long distance relationships are a thing you know

>> No.27448426
Quoted by: >>27448516

Cover works in some weird fucking ways.

>> No.27448427
Quoted by: >>27448444

Gura naming her horse Joergen confirms that she's in this shit to win. She's aiming for the PewDiePie audience now, and that's far beyond the realm of Vtubers.

>> No.27448428

it's because you don't know Japanese

>> No.27448433

Cultists. Are you going to watch the FFXIV live letter that starts in 10 minutes?

>> No.27448435

I'm not playing FFXIV, why should I.

>> No.27448436

The ship was something planned by both of them, so you don't need to worry about Mori.

>> No.27448437

no the fuck they aren't lmao. Your gf is probably fucking another guy right now anon. Might want to call her

>> No.27448438
Quoted by: >>27448457

It's attracting a very cancerous fanbase too. The amount of tumblr style fanart is worrying. These people don't care about Hololive, they only see it as another vector to push globohomo.

>> No.27448439
Quoted by: >>27448462

bound to be fail 90% of the time.
source: me and my friends' experiences

>> No.27448441

how little things are there to do in the phillipines that most entertaining thing out you can do is shit up perfectly good chuuba threads. isn't there a hurricane you guys need to prepare for?

>> No.27448444
Quoted by: >>27448463

how far is too far though
and what is the price of such adventure

>> No.27448445

well in my defense we only really communicate through superchats

>> No.27448447

Keep believing it chief. Maybe it becomes real.

>> No.27448448

It's shitposters, you won't change their mind because they don't actually care.

>> No.27448450
Quoted by: >>27448471

Who is left to murder in ShB, we literally killed everyone of note

>> No.27448451
Quoted by: >>27448477

Why is that a bad thing? Doesn't that mean the pros can chase the big fish and leave the smaller commissions to artists who haven't made their break yet?

>> No.27448454

>fall asleep to guracraft
>wake up to nenecraft

>> No.27448455

I'm not a /vg/ tranny, why would I?

>> No.27448457

All the girls are getting tumblr fanart, Anon.

>> No.27448458

How new?

>> No.27448460

If the demand is there, you price accordingly. Its the name of the game.

>> No.27448462
Quoted by: >>27448490

supposedly this was the reason why n*** and her broke it off. probably didn't help that ame was very depressed at the beginning of the year because her grandmother passed.

>> No.27448463

aatracting western media attention. Whatever she says will be a political statement unless she herself says otherwise

>> No.27448464

>caring what the roommate is doing

>> No.27448470

Dog version would be WanSon

>> No.27448471

Shadowbringers MSQ is over. Now its setting up for 6.0 MSQ. We have Fandaniel and Zenos and the empire itself.

>> No.27448475

Menhara is considered a plus on your Holo application


>> No.27448477

Because it makes artists who have reasonable pricing look cheap in comparison, and that impacts their reputation among people who are interested in premium talent.

>> No.27448478
Quoted by: >>27448599

Collab when?


>> No.27448487

Damn, they even got the vtuber design price up.

>> No.27448490

so who is alive in amelias family? is she Naruto or some shit?

>> No.27448492

isn't it menhEra like mental health?

>> No.27448496
Quoted by: >>27448522

how many live viewers did guras minecraft stream have? its at more than half a million views now.

>> No.27448498

it's been a long while since I've played. Can you dress up as Hilda/Yotsuyu/Omega-F yet?

>> No.27448499

She has an aunt so she's like Peter Parker. She said all this on her marshmallow stream today! No doxx!!

>> No.27448500
Quoted by: >>27448639

I really hope they drop the bullshit act with Kiara and Mori's collab within the first few minutes or it's going to be so damn predictable. Mori is cringekino but Kiara forcing the ship is just straight up cringe. If they just play together and have a good time then the tee tee comes out naturally.

>> No.27448501

that 4th clip got me laughing badly

>> No.27448506

he didn't do his JP reps
judging by the copypaste of doxxish information outing him as a SEAnigger, we can guess why

>> No.27448510

I personally think Ina's style is more recognizable than Mori's, because Mori's can be mistaken as just another stylized western cartoon style while Ina's actually pretty distinguishable with how she drew her eyes/faces
but it all comes down to familiarity with the artist really, both of them are recognizable in different ways

>> No.27448511
Quoted by: >>27448668

do you keep this whole list in a notepad or something like that, non

>> No.27448513

I know who's the real villain

And he's SLOPPEH

>> No.27448514

yeah kinda

>> No.27448515

Realistically how is this going to work? Only about 3 of the girls can hold a conversation in Japanese and I assume watson and ugra dont speak fluently. Are they only going to be able to collab with coco? We know how Marine wants to get with gura a lot and it would fit thematically but I just don't see this working out. It would just be them struggling to get through anything.

>> No.27448516

Cover is a company that in terms of scope and audience has become huge, but still operates like they've barely changed at all from the days of being an indie tech company with a vtuber side project in terms of policy and such.

>> No.27448519
Quoted by: >>27448610

she was homeless for a while after her parents died before her aunt and grandmother took her in. now she lives with her aunt and her family. her brother is still alive but we don't know if he lives with her.

>> No.27448522
Quoted by: >>27448528


>> No.27448524

Doesn't Mori hate menheras? Prospects of her JP collabs aren't looking too good then

>> No.27448528

holy shit

>> No.27448534

I hope she came her after her last stream and saw that everyone loved it.

>> No.27448537

She hates the sadboy act I'm pretty sure. I do too, nothing cool about being unhappy

>> No.27448540

You know what game should Ame stream?

>> No.27448541

>Doesn't Mori hate menheras?
where did this narrative come from?

>> No.27448550

She hates people who brand themselves menhera to get attention.

>> No.27448552


>> No.27448556
Quoted by: >>27448591

Imagine Noel-Mori boob ASMR.

>> No.27448558

Has anyone asked any of hololiveEn members about tabletop rpgs/dnd? Was there any response?

>> No.27448564
Quoted by: >>27448586

Coco can speak english just fine.

>> No.27448565

as if mori isn't a menhera herself crying at the drop of a hat

>> No.27448566

Mori played the world of darkness before and someone mentioned she likes 40k orcs

>> No.27448569

Niji already has their own EN branch. Do something with those or at least scout better talent for the next wave of hires.

>> No.27448568
Quoted by: >>27448593

Mori used to DM World of Darkness and apparently has permissions to do a HoloEN game.

>> No.27448571
Quoted by: >>27448593

Calli used to GM Hunter: the Vigil games and wants to do some with the girls.

>> No.27448583

I know orange woman bad but the Polka/Coco Keep Talking collab was really good and a great example of using a language barrier for a really fun stream

>> No.27448584

Yup. Mori even offered to GM for it.
But at the moment it's just a 'maybe'

>> No.27448585

It's her curse. You can't have a 10/10 body and not be a mental nut case.

>> No.27448586
Quoted by: >>27448608

Yeah but are the EOPs only going to be collaborating with coco?

>> No.27448588

Ina wanted to play something with EN. Mori DM'd Hunter in college.

>> No.27448589
Quoted by: >>27448703

>someone mentioned she likes 40k orcs
Wait hold on, what?

>> No.27448591

>assaulted with English jibberish on my left
>assaulted by Japanese jibberish on my right
I would pay top dollar

>> No.27448593


>> No.27448597

>judging by the copypaste of doxxish information outing him as a SEAnigger, we can guess why
Anonchama, that's just the list of Noel rage clips.

>> No.27448599

Holy fuck, talk about a hi def model

>> No.27448608

How could you forget our Indonesian friends?

>> No.27448610
Quoted by: >>27448637

That makes no sense. Why would they let her try being homeless for a bit before housing her? Unless for some reason she needed to go into hiding?

>> No.27448611
Quoted by: >>27448632

Mori's fine with it. She's too excited about her upcoming marriage to me.

>> No.27448618
Quoted by: >>27448647

"Forced" it's too much of a buzzword, but it was rushed and badly acted, Mori going with a tsundere character harms their chemistry since it's actually a complex role and not easy to deliver. They planned this ship based on the death and rebirth traits of their characters and are probably even having fun with it, I don't think it's a bad dynamic, but it's not like they have experience doing this kind of stuff.

Most if not all dynamics between the characters felt forced at the start every single gen in JP, particularly if it's something you have a bias against, like yuri content. But every time, as times went on they fleshed things out.

People will not understand why I'm saying this, but the sooner Mori drops the tsundere act, the better will be for the people that don't like yuri, as their relationship and chemisty will progress into a more natural direction without them having to play a role.

>> No.27448622
Quoted by: >>27448650

Ina is drunk today

>> No.27448621

>doxxish information

The fuck are you smoking retard.

>> No.27448624

Gura had been doing this for a literal month as Gura. You think she is going to sound genuine at all if she gives this kind of speech? "Thank you all from the bottom of my heart for supporting me for all of these long 45 days. I don't know what it means to be Hololive's top idol because I just like to play games and make funny noises."

For so many of these girls, being an idol is and had been their dream forever. They finally realize that dream, and then some fucking autotune burger memer who already had close to a million subscribers just casually rolls up, steals the spotlight and becomes the top figure in an industry she doesn't even care about. Even if she's the most popular by a landslide, she simply hasn't been part of Hololive long enough to deserve to be recognized as any sort of meaningful Senpai-like figure.

>> No.27448625

If Amelia had such a hard life, why don't we shower her with love and SC? Should we tell reddit about her backstory?

>> No.27448627

I want to take Kiara to the Schlampenkuche.
Cover her in seiso sauce.
And put her in the oven.
So when she resurrects she can become true seiso Kiara.

>> No.27448632
Quoted by: >>27448646

I weird, member posting this

>> No.27448636

>Doesn't Mori hate menheras?
Apparently shes good friends with Kiara so probably not

>> No.27448637

maybe she wasn't on best terms with them at first

>> No.27448639

Man their first collab together was hilarious the fuck are you on about? Try not to take the yuri shit too seriously they clearly don't

>> No.27448642

fuck off where you came from shithead

>> No.27448644

I love Kiara so much. But the Mori yuribait shit is so obnoxious that I can't even watch streams with both of them. It wouldn't be so bad if Mori & Kiara actually had an ounce of chemistry (I mostly blame Mori for that because she's so awkward when interacting with the other girls, not just Kiara).

>> No.27448646

You okay, anon?

>> No.27448647
Quoted by: >>27448699

>They planned this ship based on the death and rebirth traits of their characters
fuck that makes sense
but then wouldn't mori be chasing chicken, since chicken always is reborn and escapes death's grasp?

>> No.27448650

>dude alcohol lmao

>> No.27448651

>Hololive's top idol
Not so fast. She still has to surpass fubuki.

>> No.27448652

I'm sure ame doesn't want people constantly throwing her a fucking pity party and just wants to have fun

>> No.27448653

having an idol dream doesn't mean wanting to be the best, retard

>> No.27448656

>Posting clips is "doxxing" now
Why the fuck didn't you retards gatekeep the fucking redditors? Look at this shit

>> No.27448662

Lots of awkward english, awkward japanese, silence, and nervous laughter. Cringe or cringekino?

>> No.27448663

She's not going to be a senpai figure. She's being treated like a talented younger sister.

>> No.27448668

Yes. Noel's rage makes me hard.

>> No.27448671

I imagine all celebrity is like this, anon. People with less talent and passion get an unfair amount of recognition for reasons that have nothing to do with what they deserve. That's the fickle reality of the entertainment industry.

>> No.27448673
Quoted by: >>27448720

That's sadly all true. But what can she do? Every action she could take short of suicide will breed even more misery and hatred.
She is in a shitty situation.

>> No.27448677

Artia from HoloLive China and Amelia from HoloLive Englash collaboration delivery when?

>> No.27448687
Quoted by: >>27448717

Mori interacted just fine with Gura in their latest collab because they were focusing on the game. She is the kind of autist who asks "where to/for what purpose?" if you ask them if they want to go for a walk.

>> No.27448689


>> No.27448692


>> No.27448693

What is your point?

>> No.27448696

sooo ive been away for 2-3 days or so. any latest happenings? did you fags sperged out again?

>> No.27448699

The idea is that Mori kept going trying to get Kiara's soul and failing, and Kiara misinterpreted this as Mori being in love with her, and fell in love with her instead, going full Lum (Urusei Yatsura) on her.

You will notice that Kiara acts towards Mori very similarly to these types of characters.

>> No.27448700

>Shirakami Fubuki 922,000
>Inugami Korone 898,000
>Usada Pekora 749,000
>Gawr Gura 744,000

>> No.27448703
Quoted by: >>27448718

Warhammer 40k

>> No.27448705

anon your archive reps

>> No.27448708

Doesn't her talking about numberfagging imply someone in Hololive is a numberfag and she's sad? Wonder if it's one of the girls or management.

>> No.27448712

because its just streaming, people stream to 10 viewers for years trying to make it. throwing up a stream for a couple hours to make $100 is still worth it.

>> No.27448717
Quoted by: >>27448749

>She is the kind of autist who asks "where to/for what purpose?" if you ask them if they want to go for a walk.
Fuck, I feel attacked.

>> No.27448718
Quoted by: >>27448753

No I know that, I'm asking when she talked about it

>> No.27448720
Quoted by: >>27448776

It hurts even more because you know people like AkiRose worried about her low subscriber base. Now Gura comes along and just fucking smashes everything and it hasn't even been a month yet.

>> No.27448723

Way to outing yourself as a retard.

>> No.27448726
Quoted by: >>27448761

ame had an amazing date stream

>> No.27448728


>> No.27448729

Ame and I both fucked your mom

>> No.27448732
Quoted by: >>27448823

numberfags reduced to this when the image limit is hit

>> No.27448736

Pekora: Pain

>> No.27448740

just read 80k posts bro

>> No.27448741
Quoted by: >>27448803

cant do archive reps, online classes basically shackled me

>> No.27448746
Quoted by: >>27448822

They still get a salary, YAGOO cares more about the homos than he does he holos. The 50 cut he takes from the girls goes straight to finacing the homos.

>> No.27448749


>> No.27448753
Quoted by: >>27448805

No idea, she herself mentioned World of Darkness but 40k but is something I've heard here

>> No.27448756
Quoted by: >>27448782

It's ok to like Kiara now

>> No.27448758
Quoted by: >>27448831

Yeah I can totally see Fubuki going like this:
>Hey, thank you all for supporting me for reaching 1 million subscribers! But... The important thing... Is that you made me reach this goal first before any other Hololiver! Thank you so much!
What a stupid faggot you are. Even if somehow she's so shallow to care about this, do you think she actually compares to her? They pander to two different languages, and Gura's one is WAY more popular than FBK's one, of fucking course she has more subscribers. Imagine if Gura was a HoloJP and had the same kind of popularity, she'd be 200k subs at best now or something like that.

>> No.27448760

survey time, my negroes
>fave HoloEN
>which HoloJP do you want them to collab with?

>> No.27448761
Quoted by: >>27448811

isnt that tommorow?

>> No.27448774

>There are probably a huge amount of people who didn't know who Fubuki was when she showed up in Gura's chat
wow I hate this.

>> No.27448776

You don't know what Akirose has been through. She really isn't that much of a numberfag, otherwise she would have retired last year.

>> No.27448777
Quoted by: >>27448850

Mori Wine Drinking Stream with Aki!

>> No.27448778

my only complaint is i can't keep up with the rate of posts
like during peak times there's a thousand posts per hour like how the fuck am i supposed to read all that?

>> No.27448780

>It will be hard because of her lack of hard JP skills, so anyone really

>> No.27448779


>> No.27448782
Quoted by: >>27448792

Please don't lie to him anon.

>> No.27448783

Marine and her bad english any EN

>> No.27448785

I think I'm slowly turning into a anti for Gura. I know it's not her fault, she's done absolutely nothing wrong but it just irks me at how fast she grows when you have other Hololive members that have worked their ass off, some of them for years, to build the subscriber base they have. What a weird fucking feeling period

>> No.27448786

interesting dynamic

>> No.27448787

>woman says she doesn't really care
women tend to overthink things a lot. this gura situation is gonna break their spirit. that's why i fucking hate this forced success.

>> No.27448791

So this...is the power of Gap Moe.

>> No.27448792

It's not a lie.

You lost, bro.

>> No.27448794

There were a bunch of people who didn't even know who Amelia was when they collab'd, I fucking hate Gura's fresh cunt chat.

>> No.27448797
Quoted by: >>27448816

Everyone has to start somewhere retard. Gura is getting the JPs more exposure.

>> No.27448798
Quoted by: >>27448825

Just you wait until Sora turns up for her 1 mil celebration. That is going to hurt when she confuses all of the zoomers.

>> No.27448800
Quoted by: >>27448819

Now that I slept on it, I really didnt like Ame's date. I really was in it ironically and she playing the dinner straight puts me off
That said, if she's doing an interactive otome game on the fly then I'm all in again

>> No.27448803

if i can do archive reps to a post dating back one week just to find the thread where /hlgg/ got hit with its first major groundbreaking doxx, you can scroll back 2-3 days

>> No.27448805
Quoted by: >>27448840

Yeah the guy was full of shit, she never mention 40k once. You probably bamboozled.

>> No.27448810
Quoted by: >>27448870

That just makes you a faggot.

>> No.27448811

it was tonight but ame fucked up the time so she said she'll do something to "make up for that"

>> No.27448813
Quoted by: >>27448827

Both big weeb and degenerate

>> No.27448815

Shion, FBK, Miko

>> No.27448816

>Sora shows up to personally congratulate Gura on reaching 1 million subs
>The chat explodes into "Who is this? lol"

>> No.27448819

Post nut clarity anon?

>> No.27448822

Any recommendation for holostars worth watching?
I'm a newfag for whom this is nothing but a passing interest atm, but hearing this about Yagoo makes me respect him more. Maybe all he needed was friends he can shoot the shit with, and the Holostars are this for him.

>> No.27448823

kinda pathetic thats all their contribution can amount to

>> No.27448824


>> No.27448825

>Gura sings SSS for her one million
>Chat asks which anime this song is from

>> No.27448827

>art collab while taling about fetishes

>> No.27448829
Quoted by: >>27448870

>hating a girl you don't even dislike because some numbers that none of the girls care about are greater or less than other numbers
you're a weirdo anon

>> No.27448831
Quoted by: >>27448856

Fuck off faggot. This maybe hlgg but I'll be damned if I'm gonna let you shit on FBK.

>> No.27448833

Fubuki is the best option. Get that dyke pirate that fucks everything that moves away from her.

>> No.27448834

stop being a numbersfag

>> No.27448838

subaru is already happening and pekora is too easy, so... Suisei, maybe? There's probably an idol angle to play there.

>> No.27448840

Anonchama your doxxing reps...

>> No.27448846

>can't post boards

>> No.27448850

Oh now this would be fun. Off-collab with Aki would be amazing.

>> No.27448851

rapping with DOOG

>> No.27448856

>reading comprehension
Guess I'll start shitting FBK for real just to piss you off then.

>> No.27448855
Quoted by: >>27448870

Did HER sub count bother you as much, Anon? She's simply regaining that + bonus for being under the holo brand.

>> No.27448857

So, how do we cancel Gura bros? Clearly she's causing misery to the Holos. If she weren't here, everything will be back to normal right? We need to get rid of her now, or else the hard work of the other Holos will be wasted.

>> No.27448858

>holostars worth watching
No. Wait until they bring out the femboi gen. Until then it is just some personality free Japanese guys.

>> No.27448859

that pekora stream holy shit lmao

>> No.27448860
Quoted by: >>27448918

Damn even Artia is losing subs on billbill

>> No.27448867

If Kiara went "DARLING!" like characters like that do, nonJP people would get it better.

>> No.27448868

Quick post all the clips you have of the "date"!

>> No.27448870
Quoted by: >>27448928


>> No.27448871

Nousagis absolutely LOSING IT lmao

>> No.27448873


>> No.27448879

Insider info: Mori's first JP collab will be Roboco, since RBC has worked with kokorobeats recently for a new track. Feel free to come back to this post when it becomes reality.

>> No.27448881

Astel but I only care about his singing streams

>> No.27448882

>hating on a girl because of what numberfags post here on a taiwanese handweaving site

>> No.27448883

Support other Sharktubers until her audience is sufficiently diluted

>> No.27448887

Ina, Kiara are also losing subs but gura is doing fine on billbill

>> No.27448888

First you have to find Joe.

>> No.27448894
Quoted by: >>27448913

Ame's girlfriend experience is to recruit a bunch of virgins to literally die for her the second something bad happens to her irl.

>> No.27448900

Insider info: Miko will give birth in 4-5 days and stream it live

>> No.27448901



>> No.27448903


>> No.27448905

Wait, so Mori not being in love with her is canon in-story too? Fucking based.
>be Death
>just try to do your job
>get this
>"I hate it"

>> No.27448907

Astel and Roberu are some of the /hlg/ favorites. Rikka and Izuru are there if you want some talented singers, Astel is good for that too. Shien and Pizzadad are some entertaining autist if you like that.

>> No.27448909

Watch our son Roberu

>> No.27448913

Narrative, not history

>> No.27448915

The Hololive girls aren't really anime girls, they are just real people who use a software program to create virtual avatars

>> No.27448916

Drinking zatsudan with orange woman

>> No.27448917

press alt f4 xD

>> No.27448918

Shit sucks. All she wants to do is stream and play ganes on twitch with her fellow HoloCN members but she is locked to contact with bilibili.

>> No.27448921
Quoted by: >>27448989

Just kill yourself dogfucker

>> No.27448922


All of them, she should go full Gotta Catch 'em All, at least one stream per week where she translates stuff and helps the HoloJP communicate with their western fans.

>> No.27448928


>> No.27448931

>Got a German Gosling's life story in superchat
>Started laughing when he said he was missing a gf
Pure Stacy energy.

>> No.27448943
Quoted by: >>27448967


>> No.27448944

MY favorite is WATSON.

>> No.27448947
Quoted by: >>27448966

Get her to press f3 next time she plays minecraft.

>> No.27448948
Quoted by: >>27448964

today - 23,110 week - 121,891 across all channels

>> No.27448954
Quoted by: >>27449029

Haato was always planned to be the original HoloEN due to secretly speaking perfect English (with a thick Oz accent) but rejected it because she didn't want to be distanced from the JPs. Coco also turned down the offer and so HoloIN was made as a cheap stop-gap solution.
Haato also was responsible for helping narrow down the HoloEN applicants, as hinted at by her use of the music used in one of HER videos.

>> No.27448955
Quoted by: >>27448967


>> No.27448960
Quoted by: >>27448969

Nobody gives a shit about sub count except you faggots, so I hope Gura gets to 1m first so that you all schizos kill yourselves

>> No.27448964

Artia's more pressing problem is the fucking weirdos she lives with

>> No.27448966
Quoted by: >>27448970

I went to sleep at 2 hours mark, did she ever press F3?

>> No.27448967

>collab in a mental institute

>> No.27448969

Absolutely based.

>> No.27448970
Quoted by: >>27448985


>> No.27448971

>FGO gudaguda event

Yep, Ina will be Ayame again isn't she, less stream

>> No.27448972

why are you here even?

>> No.27448981
Quoted by: >>27449065

>FGO event
>FFXIV update that includes grind
We lost Ina.

>> No.27448984
Quoted by: >>27449041

Yes and no, Mori is a tsundere character, that's the point.

>> No.27448985

What a shark. Did not yield in to the chat

>> No.27448989


>> No.27448993

She'll still stream, she's just excited her favorite servant (True) was finally created

>> No.27448997

Sora? Is that someone from that Lovelive/imas anime?

>> No.27449003

Imagine Gura capturing and interrogating you.

>> No.27449008
Quoted by: >>27449092

She was a Nobukatsu stacy?

>> No.27449010

Anon the moment Gura passes Pekora I'll be a full Gura anti. I will make these threads hell for the cuckbuddies

>> No.27449019

>Collab with HER to prove it's not HER.

>> No.27449021

Speaking of which, did she draw any of the servants?

>> No.27449025

Fuck off barracuda

>> No.27449027

Just woke up anything interesting happen

>> No.27449029

Haachamas australian accent is really cute.

>> No.27449028

>Anon the moment Gura passes Pekora I'll be a full Gura anti.

See you in two hours then.

>> No.27449031
Quoted by: >>27449055

wish i could post cute art man

>> No.27449034

you have a few hours to get ready, then

>> No.27449038

Hang on, m8, are you trying to say that anime isn't real?

>> No.27449041

I guess the idea is that Mori will eventually start falling in love with Kiara too through her repeated attempts to kill her. Something like Kiara being the one person she will always be able to see

>> No.27449042

Fuck I didn't go to work just to see more Minecraft kino

>> No.27449043

That would be one hell of a happening

>> No.27449052

She get all of those 3 new servant

>> No.27449054
Quoted by: >>27449080

I miss Civia...

>> No.27449055
Quoted by: >>27449066

next thread soon

>> No.27449058

How many fridges do you have.

>> No.27449056

Ha look at this faggot

>> No.27449062

Don't worry, meidos are standing by to send you on a nice relaxing vacation.

>> No.27449065

well it was nice knowing her

>> No.27449066


>> No.27449067
Quoted by: >>27449084

>Favorite EN
>Favorite manga

>> No.27449069


>> No.27449070

It's going to be with Sora. That's her ticket to legitimacy with the other girls. None of them would dare disrespect Sora.

>> No.27449072

Let's pretend you're a businessman /hlgg/. You know China is a huge market with lots of paypigs and millionaires willing to spend and invest in whatever great idea you just came up with, and they have shown interest in it. You also know it's autismo central. Would you go ahead with it?

>> No.27449074

>followed by YAGOO pre-holo and has her own arts retweeted by him after she became one
>is already well-off financially so definitely not joining for monetary reasons
>is already well-known between certain circles so she isn't joining for fame reasons either
>instead she stated her reason to join hololive is out of pure passion towards VTubers, to the point she wanted to become one so she could inspire others at their hobbies
>is most likely commissioned for the holoEN promotional art
>has her character's artist personally picked by the staff, which happens to be her long-time favorite artist
>has a dedicated chat moderator fitting with her theme
>has influence in holoEN to a certain extent, which is shown on how she knew Kiara being a latter addition to the group and having planned a 'big project' in her debut stream revealed to be FFXIV, which is most likely her idea
tell me how Ina isn't a scouted addition again

>> No.27449078

>You'll be my second 1 star to lvl100 katsu!!!
Yeah, I'm guessing we lost her

>> No.27449080

She is just another thing the Chinese have taken from us anon. Never forget, never forgive.

>> No.27449084

Machikado Mazoku

>> No.27449085
Quoted by: >>27449115

>she just switches voices and plays both like a ventriloquist
Would be actually hilarious and kino

>> No.27449088

She hasn't drawn a Servant, no. From what I know, the only art she's drawn for FGO is for NA's 3rd Anniversary as a promo art.

>> No.27449092

She talked about how her and Namie dreamed of this day.
So she should be in a really good mood for he karaoke stream

>> No.27449093
Quoted by: >>27449139

RBC started working with K's at least 6 months ago. Would it really mean that Mori will collab with her though? What would they even do together?

>> No.27449097

i still found it funny how multi collored pen become sword

>> No.27449099

what she said in one zatsudan implied she applied normally

>> No.27449101


>> No.27449102

everything there reads like she auditioned and they were over the moon to have her

>> No.27449107

Still can’t believe gura hid a Taiwan building in her thumbnail

>> No.27449108

next thread

>> No.27449111

You wont find high iq responses with neets that dont own a business let alone get their lives in order

>> No.27449115
Quoted by: >>27449134

>at one point they sing at the same time

>> No.27449114

If China was such a great market then holoEN wouldn't be kicking the shit out of HoloCN in every metric. It's not at all worth it, especially since the Coco Taiwan fiasco already proved that kneeling to the chinks pisses off the western fans who actually spend money.

>> No.27449130
Quoted by: >>27449142

How long until seed crackers find the holoEN server seed

>> No.27449134


>> No.27449135

well she has stand drawn already

>> No.27449136

I bet ina regrets not going hard into the lottery event now.

>> No.27449137

It's war then
Let the salt flow downstream the Mississippi!

>> No.27449139

Sing? Play a game? Who knows. Mori mentioned she really likes RBC's singing voice when KBeats played a track with her during his RIPRemix contest judging stream as well.

Also, keep in mind that RBC is one of the few holos to have done a proper collab with the non-Japanese speaking HoloIDs, she's a pretty likely bet to do collabs with the HoloENs, even the ones that don't speak any meaningful amount of Japanese.

>> No.27449142

hopefully never
