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File: 1.25 MB, 676x778, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
27323983 No.27323983 [Reply] [Original]

Hololive Global

>> No.27323987

Homestar, stop calling Ame while she's streaming.

>> No.27323989

i cant believe Homestar Runner just called her live on stream

>> No.27323991


>> No.27323992

Gamer bottle time

>> No.27323993
Quoted by: >>27324034

ok I admit it, I'm in love with Amelia. Can't even fucking believe myself right now but it's the truth

>> No.27323995

I can't believe Amelia supports this fucking sicko.

>> No.27323996



>> No.27323997

Holy shit is that THE streamer who finished dark souls live?

>> No.27323998
File: 152 KB, 1422x1104, sunlit complex.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27324455

started on this from before the stream so it might not count

I'm doing skull reps right now, can pass you some notes if you want

>> No.27323999
File: 124 KB, 752x527, 1601951760538.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't wait for my date with Ame!

>> No.27324001
File: 192 KB, 1280x720, 【Mario Odyssey】Wood Kingdom ( ‾ʖ̫‾).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Elementary, my dear
>The Coin Game

>> No.27324003

>Minecraft collab on Guras channel
MASSIVE incline incoming

>> No.27324005

Can't wait for antis to keep pushing the girlfriend experience bullshit even though she keeps blowing them out.

>> No.27324006
File: 106 KB, 725x672, 1601267994783.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.27324007
Quoted by: >>27324049

oh God I watched arnis play this shit

>> No.27324009
File: 330 KB, 2500x2583, 1600975398148.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27324051

Well anon... that was a nice date. You deserve a reward.
Want to have some of my kitkat?

>> No.27324010

idols under the desk!?

>> No.27324011
File: 1.27 MB, 3002x1498, TheLastGosling.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27324013
File: 172 KB, 1157x1414, 1601670587199.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27324014
File: 149 KB, 1200x1200, 1590072947479.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The girls need more snack eating streams.

>> No.27324015
File: 134 KB, 402x486, 1572753603659.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the collab is at gura's channel
1mil here we come

>> No.27324016

Morifriends what happened with her releasing the Member only vods kek

>> No.27324018
File: 18 KB, 1114x514, 1free.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27324029

Made a coupon
Remember to do your reps

>> No.27324020
File: 164 KB, 1200x1200, 1584676677099.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27325114

>Amelia feeding me snacks

>> No.27324021
File: 1.68 MB, 1920x1080, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Amelia thread
>Can't listen to Amelia's voice

>> No.27324022

She drank "that" for dinner?

>> No.27324023

For a second there I thought it's moot in the pic.

>> No.27324024

Who's a hungry Anon? Choo choo!

>> No.27324025


>> No.27324029


>> No.27324034


>> No.27324037
File: 44 KB, 634x485, architect.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry, had to call her really quick and make sure she's getting the right "snacks" for that stream.

>> No.27324038

Idol meeting in the bathroom.

>> No.27324039

I literally was just watching Jerma's video of that game a day ago, was surprised she's playing it as well.

>> No.27324040

that didnt take long

>> No.27324041


>> No.27324043


>> No.27324044

Where'd you find this picture of me!?!?

>> No.27324048

I don't like posting during Mori's streams because then I have to take my attention off of her autism.

>> No.27324049
File: 2.21 MB, 746x668, 1533542253069.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27324163

>Amelia is a aris fan

>> No.27324050
Quoted by: >>27324122


>> No.27324051
Quoted by: >>27324074

maybe. is it the first peesa or second peesa?

>> No.27324053
File: 943 KB, 1366x768, 1601117368561.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27324084

Amelia, please don't sniff petrol from a can. Put the petrol in the car it goes. Don't be rama rama

>> No.27324057
Quoted by: >>27324287

Idol meeting!
Okay, I'm baaaack. It was just a, a quick one. Yeah.

>> No.27324058
Quoted by: >>27324081

She said 2-3 weeks after live so expect them in a week or 2.

>> No.27324059
Quoted by: >>27324105

>Tune in to snack ASMR
>Its Ame throwing oreos at her microphone and making time machine noises for two hours straight

>> No.27324060

you went on a date with Jerma

>> No.27324061
File: 65 KB, 901x450, 1578283721633.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Arcade date
>getting fed snacks in an ASMR stream
And they made fun of me for Goslingposting...

>> No.27324062

Wouldn't surprise me if she forgot about it

>> No.27324063
File: 1.79 MB, 2070x1380, 181023-ryan-gosling.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27324103

Ame's "arcade date" with me is an unarchived member's only stream playing where we will be playing Coin Game, and later she will be doing member's ASMR stream eating and feeding me Japanese snacks

>> No.27324066
Quoted by: >>27325194

Ame seems like a Jerma watcher desu. Im sure she liked to watch his bullshit. I wouldnt be surprised if she plays that fucking house building game

>> No.27324067
Quoted by: >>27324079

Why can't The Coin Game be archived? Permissions?

>> No.27324069
File: 937 KB, 1200x1600, 84817944_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27324071
File: 327 KB, 600x424, 1601164507609.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She seems like she's in a super good mood this stream, her joy is really contagious huh? I'm smiling too

>> No.27324073
File: 2.03 MB, 2945x3930, 1601909407813.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27324372

Amelia Watson

>> No.27324074
Quoted by: >>27324109

It's the first peesa.
If you want the second peesa too, you have to eat it from here.. *puts it between toes*

>> No.27324078


>> No.27324079

She said it can be archived, but not monetized because she doesn't have permission

>> No.27324080

Take meds

>> No.27324081

I remember when everyone shat on me when I said it'd be 2 weeks

>> No.27324084

Cam on Watson! Dont sleep on the road!

>> No.27324086

Goslings are never gonna go away. Get used to it fag.

>> No.27324087

>can stream games with no permissions for members if it's not monetized or archived
Quick what game that would be impossible to get permissions for otherwise would you want to see Ame play? For me it'd be a marathon sessions of Ghost Trick

>> No.27324088


>> No.27324090
File: 864 KB, 614x823, 1601700913836.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Teachads, let's fucking gooooooooo

>> No.27324089

Her being happy just makes me feel even worse for everything the doxfags have done to her

>> No.27324091
Quoted by: >>27324123

>unarchived member's only stream
Sure hope you're in the right timezone lol

>> No.27324092

>said swimsuit Mario was lewd last stream
>starts today as swimsuit Mario

>> No.27324093

>Breathy soft voice
>Fast cadence
>Gremlin squeals
>High and low pitch alternating on mood
>ADHD, makes weird noises
>GF bait for lonely nerds
Is Amelia Boxxy?

>> No.27324094
Quoted by: >>27324141

I'm gonna say it. I hate the random noises they aren't funny and they make me wince.

>> No.27324096

She got 12k viewers on her last Mario stream but now she have 17k viewers and the game hasnt even started yet?

>> No.27324097

>excitingly tune into an ame stream

>coat is on


>> No.27324099
File: 1.09 MB, 1920x1080, Detective ogey.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27324101
Quoted by: >>27324144

>Ironically calling it a date because she thinks its funny
>putting a weird twist on snack ASMR
And im still gonna make fun of you now

>> No.27324103
File: 144 KB, 365x365, 1600359428329.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27325114

Tired of winning yet?

>> No.27324104

It would be Kino

>> No.27324105

Id upgrade my membership if she did that

>> No.27324106


>> No.27324107


>> No.27324108
Quoted by: >>27324157

Sorry to interrupt Amelia stream hours but Mr. K is fucking amazing
please give this guy some love too

>> No.27324109

anon stop trying to trick me into RPing with you. however, I totally would go for both pieces for the record.

>> No.27324110

>take all your clothes off

god she's good at this, I love that she's feeding us goslings

>> No.27324111
File: 1.28 MB, 1024x663, 1601106350699.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27325114

>Taking all your clothes off in the woods with Amelia

>> No.27324113

The coat will most definitely be off for the members-only streams.

>> No.27324118

Yeah she sounds much more cheerful than the last days. Good for her.

>> No.27324119
File: 53 KB, 275x409, 1600477063915.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the collab we need

>> No.27324120

I can see Mario's nipples, and by extension, Ame's nipples...

>> No.27324121

>dead alive piano ver
Thank you Ksan.

>> No.27324122

uohhhh my god

>> No.27324123
File: 258 KB, 762x800, 1601743159834.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27325114

I would never miss a date with Amelia. Anytime, anywhere, I'm there.

>> No.27324126

God dammit now I wish I was a drawfag, I want to draw her naked and lost in the forest now

>> No.27324127

Gura leftovers.

>> No.27324130
File: 156 KB, 728x1220, 1601522948543.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you're supposed to take off all your clothes if you get lost in the woods
Kind of want to go camping with Amelia

>> No.27324131

Really just depends on timezones, who else is streaming and what day of the week it is maybe.

>> No.27324133

The voice does sound similar, now that you mention it.

>> No.27324137

Gura's leftovers and burger time.

>> No.27324136

How new?

>> No.27324139

People from Ina/Gura's stream migrated I assume.

>> No.27324140

>I think most Mori fans, both on here and elsewhere, are more into her music than her streams. But I could be wrong
Nope I love Mori's personality and enjoy all of her streams. I find her extremely relatable and entertaining. I think the reason why many deadbeats don't bother posting here during streams is because the anti-Mori brigade gets so annoying to deal with. I'd rather spend time with the youtube chat hugbox than see people shit on my oshi while I'm enjoying her stream. But hey maybe that's just me.

>> No.27324141

But Gura also makes random noises.

>> No.27324142

I thought people lost their clothes when they got lost because they were stripped from them by forest creatures

>> No.27324143

my wife is adorable when high on caffiene

>> No.27324144

Damn the Gosling falseflagging is fucking blatant. Good job giving yourselves something to complain about later.

>> No.27324145

no Boxxy is shit in comparison
if Boxxy was 2d she'd still be worse

>> No.27324146

The fuck is the coin game because it look like it was by someone who buy premade "games" from the Unity shop to farm stream cards that they sell to loop this over and over

>> No.27324147
Quoted by: >>27324431

I wanna eat smores with Amelia in the woods...

>> No.27324148

>gura and ame both high on caffiene

oh no, the substance abuse arc

>> No.27324155

it looped back around from funny -> extremely annoying -> back to funny again, i'm enjoying watching ame's fanbase fall further into despair with each new stream

>> No.27324157

Too slow anon i was already on it this man is too based

>> No.27324158

just straight up murder the goslings, ame

>> No.27324160

So even after the "incident", the Goslings are in full force again huh?

>> No.27324161
File: 187 KB, 1200x1200, sa2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gura will have karaoke member stream.. Can they be archived if it's a member only stream or it has copyright issue

>> No.27324163

I wouldn't be surprised

>> No.27324164

Thread nuke nande

>> No.27324165

>thread full of goslings
All those retards that said goslings were taking hits please show yourselves.

>> No.27324168
File: 85 KB, 630x900, 1600965503828.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is it about Amelia that makes me want her so much?
I mean Ina and Gura are very cute too but with Amelia, something... I just want to make her mine.

>> No.27324177
Quoted by: >>27324212

Who care save it and post it here anyway

>> No.27324179
Quoted by: >>27324202

No. Do your stream archive reps so you don't miss anything.

>> No.27324183
File: 98 KB, 600x350, 1578354764060.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27325114


>> No.27324184

Take your meds schizo

>> No.27324185
Quoted by: >>27324222

This. The people who complain about gosling posting when there's barely any in the threads are way more fucking annoying now than the gosling niggers themselves.

>> No.27324186

it sounded like she's still working on a song list. but i wouldn't count on it being archived.

>> No.27324189
File: 106 KB, 219x218, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"What is POG?"
"What is SourPLS?"

>> No.27324190

Maybe? If only members can view it, it isn't open to public viewing on youtube so maybe it's okay?

>> No.27324191

Pay up, pig

>> No.27324194
File: 94 KB, 732x298, Capture11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27325114


>> No.27324195
Quoted by: >>27324274

>I think the reason why many deadbeats don't bother posting here during streams is because the anti-Mori brigade gets so annoying to deal with.
>I'd rather spend time with the youtube chat hugbox than see people shit on my oshi while I'm enjoying her stream.
But not this. I don't interact with chats in general during streams.

>> No.27324196
File: 51 KB, 415x433, 1601918500574.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>let meee take over your bodyyy

>> No.27324197
Quoted by: >>27324254

Holy shit man. The first 5 mins of this stream was more fun than all of Inas and Guras today combined.

>> No.27324198

Mental issues. Yours and hers.

>> No.27324199

>let me take over your body
Yes, ma'am

>> No.27324201

baton-pass from Gura isn't to be underestimated. Still, Amelia gets 12k-15k average on her gaming streams.

>> No.27324202

Don't forget to use a VPN to buy everything in ARS for some reason

>> No.27324203
Quoted by: >>27324259

Oh no! Whole 3 guys

>> No.27324206
File: 974 KB, 1920x1080, 1601519123812.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27325114

This image contains a powerful energy...

>> No.27324207


>> No.27324208
File: 306 KB, 240x197, 518.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what is this..sour p l s

>> No.27324209
Quoted by: >>27324456

I actually don't know what sourpls is

>> No.27324210

>BTTV emotes
She's not even trying to hide it anymore...

>> No.27324212

Hopes someone post it poorshrimp here

>> No.27324216

Ame's karaoke somehow hooked them all back in. Don't ask me how.

>> No.27324217

i fucking kneel amechads

>> No.27324218

If it has anything with copyright it has to be deleted

>> No.27324219
Quoted by: >>27324616

If they don't have permissions for the songs it can't be archived and monetized, member stream or not.

>> No.27324220

wtf why is she making fun of Artia's voice

>> No.27324222
Quoted by: >>27324397

you're just asking for another gosling spam fest

>> No.27324223

Amelia's great ngl

>> No.27324224

She's like 90% her old self already

>> No.27324226

We're all Goslings here anon

>> No.27324228

I mostly do it to piss you personally off

>> No.27324229
File: 46 KB, 1019x483, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27324230
Quoted by: >>27324382

she won everyone back with her karaoke stream. She knows EXACTLY what shes doing

>> No.27324233
File: 1.41 MB, 2480x3508, EjUNvCTUcAAEssq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27324326

I love Amelia

>> No.27324235

>her mocking voice sounds like Artia's normal voice

>> No.27324238
Quoted by: >>27324361

Ame feels high energy and high quality today, actually enjoying it for once.

>> No.27324240

>is that what you want you sick fucks?

>> No.27324243


>> No.27324248
File: 19 KB, 141x150, 6c6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27324250
Quoted by: >>27324266

>the nut at the dead end

>> No.27324251

I have a possession fetish

>> No.27324253

It's called love dude...

>> No.27324254

>this is how deluded the goslings are
Listen, I like Ame, but you're insane. Gura's stream today was 10/10.

>> No.27324258
File: 650 KB, 742x492, chrome_2020-10-06_04-28-55.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27324259

Keep telling yourself that if it makes you feel better then.

>> No.27324260


The heat of the drama cooled off without any follow up to keep it on. Goslings found a narrative to debunk the drama and now everything is back to normal.

>> No.27324261
File: 985 KB, 4096x3304, 1601357012030.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27324336

>ywn break into Amelia-tan's house and irl Gosling post at her desk
Feels bad...

>> No.27324262

Quickest ticket in the west

>> No.27324265

That was fast

>> No.27324266
File: 269 KB, 696x379, 1600428492499.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27324268
Quoted by: >>27324298

will she get a moon if she collects all the purple thingies?

>> No.27324269

You're delusional and also responding to an obvious falseflagger.

>> No.27324270

Disregard schizonarratives and let the Gosling flow through you

>> No.27324271

Time to put on headphones for high quality stream watching
Shes BASED today

>> No.27324273

nice coupon!!

>> No.27324274

I wish the Meidos gave a flying fuck about Anti Mori posters the way they do about Anti Gura or Anti Amelia posters. Kiara and Mori Antis have free reign over the thread, and Ina doesn't have Antis.

>> No.27324275

Anon please, I can only save so many coupons in one day. I'm nowhere near that limit though

>> No.27324283

I wish to kneel to Ame and suckle on her toes

>> No.27324287

These posts are amusing.

>> No.27324289
File: 628 KB, 1280x544, GoslingPosting_Bloody.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goslings, it hasn't even been 30 minutes - restrain yourselves.

>> No.27324290
File: 314 KB, 400x613, 1574223057791.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27324293


>> No.27324291


>> No.27324294

This is fantastic

>> No.27324297

Ame drew this one.

>> No.27324298


>> No.27324299

Oh trust me, there is a lot of nut.

>> No.27324300
File: 282 KB, 377x498, wood kingdom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27324353

What did she mean by this?

>> No.27324301
File: 325 KB, 1450x2048, __watson_amelia_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_gozen_no_ko_hi__7c6bf76ce9a620bb00af1b44ded8b50e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm holding it back bro

>> No.27324304

He's goslinging hard over ina

>> No.27324303
Quoted by: >>27324785

>that shit pacman game

>> No.27324305

>big nut

>> No.27324306

Yep Mori is still my fav, I'd rather watch during her streams than post

>> No.27324307


>> No.27324315
File: 3.73 MB, 8600x8612, 1578353009642.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27324309


>> No.27324310


>> No.27324312

ame... pls...

>> No.27324316


>> No.27324318

big nut

>> No.27324319

>big nut .... wooooaaaoaoaaah

>> No.27324320

>big nut

>> No.27324321

ame's in full suggestive mode tonight, she's feeling it

>> No.27324322

>there's no nut

>> No.27324323


>> No.27324325

you can take the gremlin out of twitch but you cant take the twitch out of the gremlin
hope amelia just leans all the way into her goblin side

>> No.27324324



>> No.27324326
File: 18 KB, 638x418, EjiLYWEXYAAjSMq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My god I'm looking at my hololive folder and like 50% of it is Watson fanart
Something is wrong

>> No.27324328


>> No.27324329

Which holo made you reconsider 3dpd?

>> No.27324332


>> No.27324333

is she going to keep saying NUT

>> No.27324336

Inb4 Amelia Goslingposts on stream

>> No.27324339
File: 2 KB, 125x122, 1601438017796.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>big nut

>> No.27324341
File: 41 KB, 680x576, nut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27324343

Don't fret bro deadhomies and KFR employees are too powerful to need hand holding

>> No.27324342

Fuck off falseflagger.

>> No.27324348
File: 3 KB, 103x125, in my pants.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27324359

>I feel really naked
>Berating chat for being lewd

>> No.27324349

Im waiting for the ´´big nut´´ clip

>> No.27324351

Cover really needs to readjust Amelias eyes and get them more opnen. They are like closed half the time even though she is playing.

>> No.27324353

Sorry I’m having sex with her

>> No.27324354

Same, I tend to just watch Ina's streams outside of her drawing streams too

>> No.27324356

why are the red SCs always from people talking about how depressed they are

>> No.27324359

yea she knows what she's doing
I like Amelia when she's like this

>> No.27324361 [DELETED] 
File: 323 KB, 484x484, bullied Amelia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the rough week she had is over and it's a fresh Amelia. This energy is why I enjoyed watching her in the first place but last Mario stream was just after she was doxxed.. It was a pretty shitty week for Amelia but she came out swinging.

>> No.27324365

I'm doing my best...

>> No.27324366
File: 553 KB, 667x654, 1600421333254.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she's really going full twitch gremlin now. I'm impressed

>> No.27324367
Quoted by: >>27324402

What are you on about? Does it hurt you that much that she said SourPls

>> No.27324369
Quoted by: >>27324439

She has blurry vision, so she's probably squinting all the time.

>> No.27324370

It is what it is. I'm never gonna stop being a Deadbeat regardless so I don't mind quietly enjoying Mori's content. The occasional burst of discussion about her and her roommate's music and gameplay streams are enough to get me by.

>> No.27324372
Quoted by: >>27325240

AKA my IRL wife

>> No.27324373

>we tricked her
What the fuck Ame

>> No.27324375
Quoted by: >>27324418

Mentally healthy people don't throw away hundreds of dollars for a virtual girl's attention.

>> No.27324376


>> No.27324379

>hope they have a nice...

>> No.27324380

you already know why

>> No.27324382
File: 60 KB, 1019x485, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27324517


>> No.27324384

>enjoy your multiple husbands
what did she mean by this?

>> No.27324385

I'm glad I can safely ignore that narrative now.

>> No.27324387

>we tricked her
>hope you enjoy your multiple husbands

>> No.27324388

she's looking down at the switch

>> No.27324390

>aw she loves me
>heh heh heh we tricked her
>killed her after getting what she wanted

>> No.27324394

it builds character so i dont mind

>> No.27324393

The mario universe has tanks?

>> No.27324395

I'm convinced people who keep posting this haven't been watching

>> No.27324396

>enjoy your reverse harem!

>> No.27324397
File: 57 KB, 1433x593, 1601869793593.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27327282

nah, nobody enjoys spam, i hated it back then and i'd hate it if it ever showed up again but seeing a few gosling style suffering posts pop up when ame teases them with fake GF stuff is a pretty funny dynamic

>> No.27324398

our wife Ame is so cute!

>> No.27324400

>ahh she loves me! hehe we tricked her
>enjoy your multiple husbands

and she's right back to dunking on the goslings

minute to minute, playing with their hearts

she is an absolute master of this, i can't believe people thought she wasn't good at creating paypigs

>> No.27324402
Quoted by: >>27324416

dont worry about it esl-kun

>> No.27324403
File: 54 KB, 112x112, 1601368174608.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really digging this music in this game

>> No.27324404

They have given up on life. If your life reaches that point, you probably already have 1 foot in the grave.

>> No.27324407
File: 156 KB, 260x260, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im scared of gosling posters especially after last time. they can't control themselves, harmed ameila, raided that poor guy too. control yourselves onegai

>> No.27324409 [DELETED] 
File: 512 KB, 2040x3508, 1600415798572.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27324479

Amelia has been through rough shit and came out stronger for it. Weaker willed people would have graduated already.

>> No.27324413

>entire post got lost
Should've checked how far in the thread we were.

Coco - Dragon. Ace is Appletun/Flapple.
Aqua - Water. Ace is Empoleon if it ever gets a Mega. Fucking GF.
Peko - Fairy. Ace is Azumarill. Alternatively, Fighting and Ace is Mega Lopunny.
Korone - Either Normal and her ace is Stoutland or Rock and her ace is Lycanrock.
Fubuki - Variety but focuses on ice. Ace is Alolan Ninetales.

>> No.27324416

sure bud

>> No.27324417

This is the best track in the game, it peaks early.

>> No.27324418

Most people aren't mentally healthy anon, it's about time you accept it. Just look at social media.

>> No.27324419

lemme know when she isn't getting scraps on playboard

>> No.27324421

She's good at satisfying her personal urges but that's about it, the SC stats don't back the paypig narrative up

>> No.27324423
File: 591 KB, 1400x868, shark.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27324428

Kiara needs to learn from Ame.

She literally had a shitstorm happen to her all week last week. But look at her go. Just pushes on and brushes it aside. Coming back stronger than ever. Fuckin love this girl.

>> No.27324429
File: 264 KB, 1518x2028, 1600478035990.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Odyssey has the best music in any mario game

>> No.27324430

Sleep tight sharky

>> No.27324432

Exactly what I do. Once the comfy feeling fades away from her stream, I come and post.

>> No.27324431

>tfw you will never go innawoods with Ame
>tfw you will never get naked and slather yourself in mud for camo
>tfw you never do nude night ops with Amelia

>> No.27324433
Quoted by: >>27324485

>blames the Goslings for anything
you need to go back

>> No.27324438
File: 33 KB, 526x454, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its because shes very tough willed. Shes had a lot of shit happen to her through her life and shes not going to let a bunch of low lifes ruin it for her. She earned her spot in Hololive and shes fucking killing it.

>> No.27324439
Quoted by: >>27324491

Then she should get glasses or contact lenses, if vision is bad. It's not healthy straining the eyes too much

>> No.27324440

Her energy is so fucking addictive, I MISSED IT

>> No.27324450

It's her own lust. She realized how much it turns her on to be able to wrap thousands of goslings around her finger and toy with them. Give them hope one second, then pull away the next. Repeat.

>> No.27324452


Is this a fucking joke?

>> No.27324453
Quoted by: >>27324472

> Overcooked Collab with Ame, Gura, Mori will be on Kiara's channel
Why? Did I miss something? Is Kiara joining the collab?

>> No.27324455
Quoted by: >>27324631

Nice work, took me a couple minutes to figure out it wasn't a 3d render, and I do 3d for a living.
I'd wager your VPs are a bit too close together, the boxes have a bit of a "diamond" effect.
Your AO's radius feels a bit small, like it follows all your creases with an equal radius rather than representing a certain amount of ambient light being lost based on surrounding occluders. If you have trouble gauging AO, it might be good to build out scenes in 3d and do AO renders to get a feel.
All you gotta add now is a bit of bounce light from those white materials and it'll look pretty photoreal.

>> No.27324456

BTTV emote of someone drunkenly breakdancing in a store

>> No.27324459
File: 190 KB, 1200x1416, 1600540578862.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the moment she takes control of something gun related starts swearing

She's such a fucking gremlin I love her

>> No.27324460
File: 12 KB, 250x178, 1592629387892.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop. I don't wanna fap to vtubers

>> No.27324461

good night gura, don't abuse your cunny too much watching amelia be lewd

>> No.27324465

One step before an heroing

>> No.27324466
Quoted by: >>27324481

Makes sense that those are the ones who need a friend-simulator (much less GF simulator) the most and get the most out of it.

Personally I've never supa'd a cent and fucking doubt I ever will. Memberships at least is an actual business exchange, you're buying a couple extra streams. Giving money just because you love them so much? Pure parasocial.

>> No.27324468

How is she planning on playing more Mario games when this one is going to take her months?

>> No.27324469
Quoted by: >>27324507

why does this game look so empty???

>> No.27324470

Fuck off retard

>> No.27324472

They said in the collab that they were gonna rotate who they play overcooked with.

>> No.27324475

>thumbnail says this can only go well
oh no

>> No.27324477

She's a good host and I hope her computer can handle that game better than Minecraft.

>> No.27324478
File: 70 KB, 900x598, 1600211078323.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27324518

>> No.27324479

to be fair to the others, the shit Amelia went through was bad but it wasn't to the level of Aloe. I'm just happy she's back to her hold self because she's way more fun like this.

>> No.27324480

>kill them all, hahaha

>> No.27324481

>Memberships at least is an actual business exchange, you're buying a couple extra streams.

That's some serious cope bro.

>> No.27324482
Quoted by: >>27324544

I would never harm Amelia.
t. unironic Goslingposter

>> No.27324485

might be the wrong label but you know what I mean. some of them are okay I guess. but there are unironic stalker types out here

>> No.27324487
Quoted by: >>27324506

She was not even included in the collab at first, and now she's hosting? strange.....

>> No.27324488

>Kiara hosting
Get ready for some more suffering

>> No.27324491
Quoted by: >>27324611

shut up motherfucker

>> No.27324492

>FPS Holo can't even aim a canyon

>> No.27324495
File: 242 KB, 744x1052, 1601341335080.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27324535

It'l be fine since as usual Amelia will be the one actually hosting it despite the channel

>> No.27324496


>> No.27324497

Ame your aim reps...

>> No.27324498

goslingposters are redditors
are you afraid of redditors? just tell them to fuck off

>> No.27324502

Legitimately putting it on Kiara's channel so she gets more subs. Holy fucking yikes.

>> No.27324504

It's going to be a beautiful disaster, I can't wait.

>> No.27324505
File: 87 KB, 444x511, 1600282991967.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On one hand I'm super happy she's joining on the collab. On the other I don't know how the 4 way dynamic's gonna play out.

>> No.27324506

maybe manager-san got fucked by cover...haha yeah right

>> No.27324507

Odyssey has a inital wow factor that quickly wears off after you beat it when you realize how soulless it is.
Its more obvious for spectators.

>> No.27324508
Quoted by: >>27324633

Schizos like that and doxfags is why we cant have a Vtuber board

>> No.27324511
File: 29 KB, 750x350, 1601599299530.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27324514

Well good thing Ame is already in the call to provide tech support

>> No.27324516

they did that with the second colab too

>> No.27324517

Anon pls, I can only cum so many times

>> No.27324518

God I wish I was that pillow

>> No.27324524
File: 96 KB, 1600x699, 1601561609925.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds based to me

>> No.27324526

muh controller sensitivity

>> No.27324527
Quoted by: >>27324577

Vs giving money for no real reason? It's like 1/100th as bad.

>> No.27324529

>It's hard to aim! WOOOOW!

>> No.27324531


Kiara's roommate already went through worst shit than Amelia before Holo.
She is probably already broken and just coping with the best she can.

>> No.27324532

I her manager bullying her? She still has the new potato right?

>> No.27324534
File: 15 KB, 601x105, 2020-10-05_20-37-50.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27324546

>she's still running laps around her kitchen

>> No.27324535

Oh right forgot the usual setup it's Amelia hosting on someone's else channel it should be fine but then again it's the chicken we're talking about

>> No.27324536
File: 364 KB, 1562x2151, 1601870453823.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27324559

>didn't collect all of those purple coins
I'm starting to get triggered...

>> No.27324538

Goslingposting has been in /hlg/ longer than your have.

>> No.27324540


>> No.27324542

>The other girls felt bad for her and decided to let her host it

>> No.27324544
Quoted by: >>27324553

see >>27324485

>> No.27324545

>technical difficulties are gonna be even worse than last time

>> No.27324546
Quoted by: >>27324591


>> No.27324547

>some kinda nuts?
>i don't need the nuts
>wait what kind of nuts...

>> No.27324553

Don't care. I love Amelia and that's that.

>> No.27324554
File: 2.57 MB, 1500x2318, 1601580123819.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27324556
Quoted by: >>27324676

With how much ame gives us in terms of raw material how is there not even an attempt at a JOI video yet?

>> No.27324557

the faggots behind it werent goslingposters though. They're from /v/ and twitter

>> No.27324559
Quoted by: >>27324648

>obsessively needs to light up every lamp in the beginning
>ignores actual collectibles

>> No.27324560

Best not to respond to blatant newfags or newfag impersonators

>> No.27324563


>> No.27324565

it'll work out, at the very least Ame is on hand to help out and maybe they want to help Kiara out this way by letting her host.

>> No.27324566
File: 201 KB, 1087x1633, 1600748027764.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't need any nuts

>> No.27324572

To be fair, Ame's shitstorm didn't really reach anywhere outside of /hlgg/. Probably around 95% of her viewers don't even know there was a shitstorm.

>> No.27324573
File: 1.82 MB, 320x240, 1407217643517.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27324574


>> No.27324576
Quoted by: >>27324595

it was something used sporadically, now you niggers spam it like it's a fucking emote, fuck off tourist

>> No.27324577
Quoted by: >>27324635

Bro... that's literally cope talking. You are paying money to a "virtual" anime girl for like 4 1 hour long videos. You are no better than the simps paying out 100 dollars to have their name show up in chat.

>> No.27324578
Quoted by: >>27325086

Wow a game run by someone who can't stream a game without it killing the stream

>> No.27324581

Just want to say it now, any collabs featuring Gura should be hosted off of her channel.
Her massive fanbase won't care about anyone else she's working with, but using her as bait to get people to watch other channels will be the best way to spread the growth around.

>> No.27324585
Quoted by: >>27324639


>> No.27324589

stream stuttering for anyone?

>> No.27324591
File: 119 KB, 225x474, 1600749707625.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27324592 [DELETED] 
File: 677 KB, 220x233, 1601865160276.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't want to leech off Gura
>so I'll just basically beg for a collab on stream
>And get into a 3 man collab with gura in it
>and have it hosted on my channel

>> No.27324593
Quoted by: >>27324618

It's really not, superchat is literally just throwing away money, at least with membership you get something out of it

>> No.27324594


>> No.27324595

it was something used sporadically
Were you here for Towa's 3D debut? It pretty much looked like Ame's karaoke stream.

>> No.27324598
File: 47 KB, 1019x483, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27324604

>unironic stalker types
Those would definitely not count as the gosling meme. The whole point of it is knowing that it's something you can't have it.

>> No.27324605


>> No.27324606


>> No.27324609

please dont fuck up Kiara

>> No.27324610

i have expanded my subscriptions from just gura T2 to also add ina and amelia T1

>> No.27324611

kys Gosfag.

>> No.27324612


>> No.27324614

Haha.... It's...

>> No.27324616
Quoted by: >>27324775

It's not just generic permissions like with video games.
If they want to archive the stream, they'll need a license for each song.

Additionally 3rd parties will have claims through Content IDs on royalties for the public performance license granted to YouTube even with the aforementioned license.
And this is only for the US. A global stream will need to deal with multiple variants of the copyright law.

>> No.27324618

That's the same justification the people paying money have "They are getting their oshi to read their chat, so it's worth it". They are getting "something" out of it. It honestly seems like cope to me.

>> No.27324619


>> No.27324620

a couple times, probably some CDN choking

>> No.27324621
Quoted by: >>27324869

please be patient. We have tons of newfags here from reddit

>> No.27324622
File: 107 KB, 1000x1386, 1600222265534.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know why, but as time goes on im starting to find Ame more and more unsettling.

>> No.27324623

So many problems last time, now its going to be worse

>> No.27324624

Falseflagging and shitposting with Lulu should be a bannable offense.

>> No.27324625
File: 90 KB, 575x387, 543355335441534.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Successfully listened to Ina draw at work and could listen to Ame's stream until I got home. It's not optimal but it's better than nothing.

>> No.27324626

Careful, you'll be called an "anti" for pointing out the obvious

>> No.27324627

I am making sure to save every coupon you make, anon. Good job so far.

>> No.27324628

>is literally a game about cooking and being a restaurant
>the bitchin' kitchen has said they should get Kiara on to play with them
2/10 I replied

>> No.27324630

I'm actually really looking forward to Ame getting past the city level, that's as far as I got before I switched to Xenoblade 2 and never got back to it.

>> No.27324631

Thanks. I've got other reps to catch up on for the time being, but I'll keep it in mind for future studies.
VPs do seem to be a little dramatic now that you mention it, yeah. As for AO, some of the previous crit I got from my instructor was that I was going too heavy on my AO - I'll see how it pans out in class - definitely need to be more aware of occluders, though -a lot of it was eyeballing and intuition,
Bounce light is a real pain to balance out for me - it's either too strong and obvious or way too mellow. Probably just need to do more lighting reps

>> No.27324632

>my internal clock
uhhh doesn't that mean something else when girls say it ????

>> No.27324633

>all goslings are schizos

>> No.27324634

i love this

>> No.27324635

what are you even talking about retard
5-6 bucks vs 100$ the 5 bucks are way cheeper and you arnt just tipping

>> No.27324637


>> No.27324638

very cute

>> No.27324639
Quoted by: >>27324679

we know now that ame will be secretely hosting it so it'll probably be fine.

>> No.27324641

The biggest difference is Ame understands technology and Kiara doesn't and that difference is why one can push through and the other doesnt see when Ame has a tech problem her brain lights up and remembers all the tech shit she knows whereas with chicken she has no tech part of her brain so basically she is drawing a blank has no idea what to do and goes into panic because she isn't used to the situation. Basically Kiara is like when a boomer fucks up their pc and gets scared

>> No.27324642
Quoted by: >>27324662

Based t*****ychad.

>> No.27324643
File: 40 KB, 399x579, Captureada.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'll play devil's advocate
I love Mori but her chemistry with the other two was off last time. Maybe Kiara will balance it better?
hosting on Kiara's channel should be fine as long as it's not on her PC
>t. non-kiarafag

>> No.27324644

Who gives a shit?

>> No.27324647

i tip waitresses too

>> No.27324648
File: 11 KB, 184x184, Amelia Gremlin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27324728

that's just how she is. She was super autistic about lighting every lamp in the first town.

>> No.27324649

she's not from our time.

>> No.27324650

Maybe a bit

>> No.27324651


Take your meds?

>> No.27324652

>spread the growth around.
You really are dumb 000.1 of the view will keep it on any of her other videos

>> No.27324654
Quoted by: >>27324755

On the plus side, this will be Kiara's first test after "redeeming herself" as to whether she can tone down the yuribaiting while in the same room as Mori. If it ends up dominating the collab when there's 2 other people there, then we will all know how the MC collab will turn out.

>> No.27324656

>Maybe Kiara will balance it better?

She's just gonna fucking homolust over Mori like she always does.

>> No.27324657

Ame your language...

>> No.27324658

shes really far behind anon, why shouldnt they?

>> No.27324659

you weren't supposed to point that out

>> No.27324661

i want ame to do something with my balls

>> No.27324663

>Am I supposed to do something with those balls?

>> No.27324662

gura is still my favorite

>> No.27324664
Quoted by: >>27324699

all goslings are mentally ill, but not all mentally ill people are goslings. Just like squares and rectangles.

>> No.27324665

>Am I supposed to do something to your balls?

>> No.27324669

>am I supposed to do something with those balls

>> No.27324670
File: 50 KB, 1019x483, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27324674

Did anyone clip Amelia's BIG NUT?

>> No.27324676
File: 41 KB, 657x269, TheAbsoluteStateOfTeamates.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty sure everyone's waiting for the ASMR stream first. I thought some anon was trying to make an AI one though.

>> No.27324678

>you guys are sick
amelia stop...

>> No.27324679

Didn't Ame hosted literally every collab she was in

>> No.27324680

>Can I go in that hole?

>> No.27324681

You hear that anons? You have a SICKNESS. And you know what you have to take for sicknesses.

>> No.27324682

>am i supposed to do something with those balls?
bros why won't she stop

>> No.27324684

>you guys are SICK you know that?
Stage 1 reached, stage 2 imminent

>> No.27324685

>I love you
Hear that? Later virgins

>> No.27324686

Can I redeem both coupons for 2 Ames?

>> No.27324688

Stop shitposting with Lulu please.
You've been doing it for a while now.
Save her pics for when it's actually necessary to post them.

>> No.27324689


>> No.27324690

Why do you people even like this shit i can go to some twitch hoe and see it

>> No.27324691
Quoted by: >>27324733

they're the same gen, why the fuck wouldn't they help her?

>> No.27324694

Based and [redacted]pilled

>> No.27324695 [SPOILER] 
File: 64 KB, 900x900, 1601955943349.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And with that out of the way, let's get into it.

>> No.27324698


>> No.27324699

>People who post a meme are mentally ill

>> No.27324700

Wouldn't you help your friends if they were in need of a boost? If you had friends of course.

>> No.27324702
File: 619 KB, 1000x1167, 44a9e8009b221c4290c6c7405640b32e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You guys want to lick my feet, you sick fucks?

>> No.27324703

I'm talking about the extreme ones who are bordering on Idolfag and Kpop stalker tier

>> No.27324705
Quoted by: >>27324741

Finally a Gura collab for chicken.

>> No.27324706

I pay a license to maintain a service because I have a stable income, it's normal in bongland. Project more.

>> No.27324708


>> No.27324710


It is what it is, not really complaining (outside of thinking Mori should be hosting since this was her thing, with amelia running stream obviously), but was hoping for this to be a retry with the three in hopes ame and gura could get more comfortable specifically with mori since the last time was very all over the place and they just barely started to get closer toward the end.

>> No.27324711
Quoted by: >>27325023

Not even close lol, I don't know if you're baiting, retarded or are just ignoring the current goslingposting amount

>> No.27324715

You shouldn't tell the truth

>> No.27324716
File: 37 KB, 225x350, 366398.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27324803

Do your Golden Kamuy reps

>> No.27324718
Quoted by: >>27324816

>"They are getting their oshi to read their chat, so it's worth it".
It's not guaranteed nor is substantial content like a membership stream is, if your oshi is say gura, then you're fucked because she doesn't do superchat readings

>> No.27324721
File: 96 KB, 1019x483, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27324723

... yea

>> No.27324725
File: 72 KB, 226x227, 1601829317625.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quality post

>> No.27324727

It's not going to work well. There was a far better attempt with a whole audiobook worth of Kate Winslet for ML and it's still not good enough.

>> No.27324728

It seems to just be about what she ends up fixating on

>> No.27324730


>> No.27324733

Don't bother this shit happens any time Kiara gets mentioned in anything

>> No.27324736

Go watch twitch hoes then?

>> No.27324737

Damn, anon. You're printing coupons at a fast rate.

>> No.27324739

It makes me happy to see her hard work paying off.

>> No.27324740

is golden kamuy any good?

>> No.27324738

>Maybe Kiara will balance it better?
The Bird's lust for Mori and their tsundere schtick will dominate the collab. Sure Mori was awkward last time but wouldn't it be better long term if Mori learned how to bounce off people with Kiara there?

>> No.27324741
Quoted by: >>27324782

i hope that gura's secret musical collab will be with kiara. they would sound good together.

>> No.27324743

Damn you're on fire tonight.

>> No.27324745
Quoted by: >>27324784

>the part of goslings that is bad is the picture they post
Anon, your intelligence reps...

>> No.27324746

Jesus anon, you're on a roll with these coupons

>> No.27324748
File: 584 KB, 1894x2048, 1600011123887.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mori on getting 3mil on RIP
Du yu beleeb?

>> No.27324750

>assuming that it was kiara's idea instead of the other girls genuinely wanting to help her because they are friends
4/10 made me reply

>> No.27324751


>> No.27324749


>> No.27324753

Someone should tell him to use clips from her old videos

>> No.27324754

oh. my new favorite. cool!

>> No.27324755
Quoted by: >>27324826

she won't tone it down and people here will seethe. At this point it's just part of the package and I want to watch her grow without worrying too much about it. It's pretty clear Mori agreed to the gimmick given how she plays into it from time to time, Kiara could do with being less aggressive about it but I'm resigned to that being one of her things.

>> No.27324756

Read the manga

>> No.27324757


>> No.27324758

> he thinks that Goslinging is just le funni meme
Newfag leave.

>> No.27324759

I missed you in the last 2-3 threads

>> No.27324760

In a good way right?

>> No.27324761

I'm convinced this is Amelia, she planned these jokes and coupons beforehand and she's posting them here fast.

>> No.27324762
File: 349 KB, 601x335, Amelewd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27324779

>> No.27324763

>not meatbag

>> No.27324768


The question is whether they split unintentionally into cliques. Since the pairs have established chemistry, but the whole is still not there.

>> No.27324769

nice picture of me anonymous

>> No.27324772
File: 95 KB, 850x1050, 1600651493065.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>has autism
>likes Golden Kamui
>likes Fallout NV
>runs around naked innawoods
Is Ame a [spoiler/k/ommando[/spoiler]

>> No.27324774

bretty noice. Coupon inspection stream when?

>> No.27324775
File: 109 KB, 502x248, 1231809581934.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Utawakus haven't been striked so far because everyone is off key or off pitch enough to fool ContentID

>> No.27324779

*clap clap*

>> No.27324780
File: 273 KB, 538x570, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27324913


>> No.27324781


>> No.27324782
Quoted by: >>27324802

it will be after the collab ban ends so is a jp holo

>> No.27324784

There is literally nothing wrong with goslingposters

>> No.27324785

>caring what the game is
Gura's commentary is all that matters and she made it hella entertaining.

>> No.27324787
Quoted by: >>27324829

I feel like Kiara will help balance the collab sure we get the few cringe lesbian jokes but ignoring those few seconds I think it will work

>> No.27324788

Yeah, but stick to the manga

>> No.27324789

i know one of you coomers has clips of gura saying lewd or suggestive things
please share

>> No.27324790
Quoted by: >>27324872

I really wanna go shooting with Amelia.....

>> No.27324792


>> No.27324793
Quoted by: >>27324828

Anti goslingposters are worse by far, this fucking argument has been going on for almost a month

>> No.27324794

fuck that's a good point
honestly Mori needs to collab with Ina, all of Ina's collabs have been perfect so far, shes surprisingly talkative and funny, would love to see how she bounces off of Mori

>> No.27324798

you can stop larping as an oldfag now

>> No.27324799

anon, you're spoiler reps

>> No.27324802

y-you can't tell me what to hope

>> No.27324803
Quoted by: >>27324877

Where is the anime now? The last part I've read in the manga was when they got separated

>> No.27324805

Sometimes I see this place becoming more like the fucking YouTube chat when its 20 of the same replies of just "oh my god she said balls"

>> No.27324806
Quoted by: >>27324977


>> No.27324808


>> No.27324811

I'm super happy for her but I hope she doesn't have to numberfag for every million she reaches

>> No.27324816

>Heh, I'm so much better than the simps paying for superchats that get seen by their oshi
>Pays 5$ for a few videos, heh, the value I am getting.

>> No.27324817
Quoted by: >>27324861


>> No.27324819
Quoted by: >>27324931

Yes but she doesn't believe she deserves it

>> No.27324820

Those fucking results lmao.

>> No.27324821


>> No.27324822
File: 96 KB, 960x655, hferv5ipl9r51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GurAme bro.....

>> No.27324823
File: 1.43 MB, 828x1179, 1601282323259.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27324825

They already did, should be a bloodborne collab coming up too, if they ever get permissions

>> No.27324826

the latest collab was fine so it can't get worse at least

>> No.27324827

You can't just dox me like that anon...

>> No.27324828

shut up redditor

>> No.27324829

Plus Overcooked is just better with even numbers, 3 people is not the way to play it.

>> No.27324832
Quoted by: >>27324883

anon, your grammar reps...

>> No.27324834

Whoops, forgot a bracket
Gomen anonchama

>> No.27324835

She did a collab with Ina really early on - think it was a release celebration of one of her songs.

>> No.27324836
Quoted by: >>27324891

why is ina sitting off in the corner...

>> No.27324837

>Ina sitting alone

>> No.27324838


>> No.27324839

> (what Your Boy trying real hard to say is thank you, and I love you. I never imagined my voice would reach this many people, coming from the underworld rap scene. thank you for making this worth it. thank you.)
Fucking hell it's shit like this that really gets to me. You can tell how much all of this means to her. God I love our boy so much.

>> No.27324847

>JoJo reference


>> No.27324852
File: 579 KB, 1524x1440, 1600981546465.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't mind if I do

>> No.27324853

Her toad voice is bretty good

>> No.27324855


>> No.27324854

Comes across less as numberfagging and more genuine disbelief that her music is this popular. I personally expected views to taper off after 1m but they're still going strong.

>> No.27324856

Toad Howard

>> No.27324857

Yup, we sure are.
Glad I could help you figure this out

>> No.27324858

Amelia Toad ASMR when

>> No.27324861

Based and nipplepilled

>> No.27324863


>> No.27324864

>Her Toad voice
Holy shit my sides.

>> No.27324866

is autism bad if it is endearing?

>> No.27324865
Quoted by: >>27324925

>Want to buy a hit

>> No.27324868

Given how both Mori and Kiara are imposter syndrome why don't they just fuck their mental illnesses out of each other? Sounds perfect right because imposter syndrome makes you think higher of the other person so both would be boosting each other

>> No.27324869

Yeah, it was already fucking annoying then
Towacucks started the decline and the fact that you didn't notice means you are either a schizo goslingposter or a former towacuck (and I don't know which one is worse)
you'll never fit in faggot, go back to whatever shithole you came from

>> No.27324873

>wana buy a hit?

>> No.27324874
Quoted by: >>27325010

Durr, actually I realized what your mistake is. Your camera is looking down but your vertical lines are converging towards the top.

>> No.27324872
Quoted by: >>27324916

>you will never show Ame your big iron and then later show her your Big Iron

>> No.27324877
Quoted by: >>27324946

I'm a mangachad so I couldn't really tell you, but it's gotta be around the same point since they couldn't have material for a season otherwise

>> No.27324880

Calli was going to host it before Kiara joined anyways.

>> No.27324881

>amelia imitating toad's voice
this gremlin..

>> No.27324882
Quoted by: >>27324997

How many nights do you think she spent sobbing into her bed, wondering what she was doing in Japan? Wondering what she was doing with her life?

>> No.27324883

>being this new

>> No.27324885
File: 191 KB, 307x320, 1601181255496.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27325020

y'all ready for the bitchin' kitchen round 2 (ft. kiara)

>> No.27324886
File: 12 KB, 232x227, 1601475920137.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't mind if I do

>> No.27324887

>with Kiara there?
without* Kiara there. Whoops typo.

>> No.27324890
File: 153 KB, 620x331, ANWYATm5ec.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27325050


>> No.27324891

Her family is just off screen.

>> No.27324892


>> No.27324894

>thinks memes preclude deep meaning
you need to go back

>> No.27324895
Quoted by: >>27324973

I hate her voice

>> No.27324898

tree rrat in the stream?

>> No.27324901


>> No.27324906
File: 43 KB, 1019x483, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27324907
Quoted by: >>27324959

why are all of the holo girls so directionally challeneged?

>> No.27324908
Quoted by: >>27325001

Now i understand why people said watching a vtuber grow is the best part of the experience

>> No.27324909


>> No.27324912
Quoted by: >>27325344

I can't believe they put preston garvey into my mario video game

>> No.27324911
File: 226 KB, 499x550, Screenshot_3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that if you are complaining about other posters you are shitting up the thread. Also nobody likes you.

>> No.27324913
File: 60 KB, 590x332, 86002154_1329298859766.j.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27324916
File: 169 KB, 1114x514, watson d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27325059

And then she shows you her Big Iron

>> No.27324917

Okay, at least one person here has fapped to this already.

>> No.27324918
File: 271 KB, 640x640, 1601862987328.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here Ame, for you

>> No.27324919

>oh fuck i forgot to open 4chan
"idol meeting 1 minute"

>> No.27324920

Not really. I've never been much into feet and I'm an S but I guess I could try it once.

>> No.27324923
File: 117 KB, 525x508, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welp, I guess thats decided

>> No.27324924
Quoted by: >>27325103

there is none, Kiara is a literal irl slut and attention whore

>> No.27324925

Toad is selling shrooms again...

>> No.27324926

I'm gonna abuse the hell out of this coupon.

>> No.27324928
Quoted by: >>27325279

Kiara follows the most people on Twitter
Gura follows the least

>> No.27324930

what the fuck anon it hasn't even been a minute

>> No.27324931
File: 191 KB, 555x678, 1533572693333.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder what her imposter syndrome is making her feel like right now

>> No.27324933

Include the question, it's the context.

>> No.27324934

I love her voice

>> No.27324935

dude how much caffeine are you on?

>> No.27324936

>goslingposting is based dude stop trying to ruin our fun
>ahahahahaha teamates are cucks goslings BTFO forever!!
>why are anti-goslings so annoying just let us spam our based /hlg/ oldfag meme bro
Fucking which is it?

>> No.27324937


>> No.27324941

we dont deserve you

>> No.27324942

Jesus dude how much coke did you do before this stream to churn these out. I mean, I get that they're minor edits, but you're absolutely on fire tonight.

>> No.27324943

Bet you there will be yuri bait and game crashes. And Kiara is at fault.

>> No.27324944
Quoted by: >>27325072

So what's the deal with Ina's wings? They don't seem to fit the rest of the design's theme.

>> No.27324945

What's wrong with your graphics card anonchama...

>> No.27324946

Ok, I've stopped reading like 2-3 years ago so I might have a lot of catching up to do

>> No.27324948
File: 2.38 MB, 1452x1070, 1571492941933.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27324947
Quoted by: >>27325062


>> No.27324949


>> No.27324950

GPU-san is the official arbiter of poll results

>> No.27324951

Anonchama, your GPU........

>> No.27324952

When are you fixing it?

>> No.27324953

Is that you GPUchama?

>> No.27324954

All 3.

>> No.27324956

anonchama your vga

>> No.27324959
File: 309 KB, 538x544, 6345236.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's just women in general.

>> No.27324961

bro are you posting these coupons on twitter?

>> No.27324963

>Implying /hlgg/ is a single person
come on anon

>> No.27324965
Quoted by: >>27325058

I swear to fuck I know your art from somewhere

>> No.27324966

I personally think the Amelia Arcade Date Member stream should not be archived.

Think about it. It should be a special moment that can be remembered, it's where Amelia can be more personal and tell stuff to members that they can hold and cherish forever.

It feels cheap if it's archived. Yet i'll still wear a nice suit and cancel any other plans. It's going to be super nice to tell people, "Sorry I can't do that, I'll be going on a date today and her name is Amelia!'

>> No.27324968

Take your meds.

>> No.27324970

what happens when two people with imposter syndrome meet?

>> No.27324969

The writing looks pretty girly too. Shit anon, you're onto something...

>> No.27324973

Then fuck off.

>> No.27324972

GPUanon... I kneel Good to know you're still here, bro

>> No.27324975

How are you so fast?

>> No.27324976
File: 1.10 MB, 1274x716, 1601181018181.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27324977
Quoted by: >>27325007

That's the joke, well done.

This is a business, Hololive wouldn't exist in the way it does now if there was no profit to be made. Cope.

>> No.27324978

Goodness gracious you're making these coupons at an industrial pace

>> No.27324979


>> No.27324980
File: 76 KB, 221x200, 1601790819627.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At this point I'm convinced you have two PCs and keep that old relic around to farm (You)s

>> No.27324981

Mori likes Asian men though. I don't think she's a dyke or even curious. Also she's probably an awkward virgin and would not be able to, as the kids say, "pick up what Kiara is putting down". It's a pity though because menheras can be fucked straight, Matuli is one good dicking or muff rub away from being fine and sex did wonders for Noel.

>> No.27324983

you just got btfo by the poal results fag

>> No.27324984
Quoted by: >>27325030

on one hand, it would be sort of annoying for multiple "how about you eat me" jokes aimed at Mori. On the other hand, more Gura/Ame cooperation as Kiara tries to flirt.

I can see it being entertaining even if they don't get too much done. Cringekino is back on the menu.

>> No.27324987

I don't like this trio/trifecta/triumvirate/triforce/triplet

>> No.27324988


>> No.27324990

>/hlgg/ is one person
guess how I know you are a retard

>> No.27324994


>> No.27324995
File: 336 KB, 651x601, 1600132217006.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is bait

>> No.27324997
File: 72 KB, 463x462, 1560210344058.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27325115

>said she spent so much time working hard that she lost sight of what she was even work for
Man, I'm glad she finally broke though

>> No.27324998

Do they really meet?

>> No.27325000
Quoted by: >>27325036

Are you actually waiting for 3080 before upgrading

>> No.27325001

it's why I like watching Kiara she gets knocked down but she rises up again

>> No.27325005
File: 2.13 MB, 1912x2700, EiwWWPcVoAAm1XD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I knew what her feet taste like

>> No.27325004

goslingposting is funny, cuckposters are jewish and should go back to /gif/, no one cares about the age of an image of ryan gosling

>> No.27325006
Quoted by: >>27325038

Fucking switch it to your built in gpu already anon

>> No.27325007
Quoted by: >>27325129

Than pay up your superchats.

>> No.27325010
Quoted by: >>27325426

Are they? I planned out my verticals using line tool, so they should be parallel.

>> No.27325009

who are you quoting?

>> No.27325011

>finding out her weight
anon this is the closest i'm ever gonna get to losing my virginity do not ruin this for me

>> No.27325014

based dyinggraphicscard anon
The only poal poster I can trust

>> No.27325015

Why is Ina sitting alone? I don't like this..

>> No.27325018
Quoted by: >>27325261

>overcooked collab starts
>gurame and takamori naturally drift into their respective pairs and rarely talk to each other for the rest of the stream

i see it happening already

>> No.27325019

kit kat and dog hair

>> No.27325020
File: 90 KB, 306x193, 20201005_235555.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27325029


>> No.27325023
Quoted by: >>27325114

>the current goslingposting amount
...basically none? Holy fuck why are you fags so annoying, you literally spam REEEEE STOP GOSLING SPAMMING like 20 times more than anyone actually goslingposts.

>> No.27325024

I dunno, I guess they spend all their time trying convince the other they've earned their success while denying it

>> No.27325025


>> No.27325026

Kiara's tenacity will break through and bend mori

>> No.27325027
File: 46 KB, 1019x483, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27325030

>I got a cucumber for you Kiara
>Oh tank you Caalee, put it right in me.. I mean right here ah ah ah

>> No.27325028
Quoted by: >>27325074

seafood generally
hamburger with peanut butter
hamburgers generally
hot dog with mayonnaise
tootsie roll
buttered popcorn
raw ramen
french fries with ice cream
caffeinated grilled cheese

>> No.27325029


>> No.27325031
Quoted by: >>27325068

Like a phoenix?

>> No.27325032

Whatever tea she last filtered through the stockings

>> No.27325033
File: 256 KB, 1250x1250, 1601597023047.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27325035

So are you just waiting for cyber monday to replace your stroked out gpu or what?

>> No.27325036

AMD coming out with anything to rival that stuff? Or anything a major but cheap upgrade to my 1060?

>> No.27325037

the date aspect is ironic though, she just wanted to play the Coin Game but hasn't had them get back to her manager about permissions yet. She also has the ASMR in the same week which I think is MO.

>> No.27325038

He doesn't need to change shit, it's nice to have prominent anons in here without resorting to namefagging

>> No.27325041

Probably like skin like everyone’s feet

>> No.27325042


>> No.27325043


>> No.27325044
Quoted by: >>27325152

When it comes to just interaction with chat, Amelia and Gura have that shit on lock down. Amelia engages chat very frequently to keep them engaged.

>> No.27325045

Of course the Driver would know

>> No.27325046

You're not REALLY going on a date, you know?

>> No.27325048

I haven't been on a date in over 5 years and I'm nervous.
I cried and watched Her (and cried some more) after the karaoke, I don't know if I'm going to make it through the date.

>> No.27325049
Quoted by: >>27325102

Amelia is full ADHD mode today, huh

>> No.27325050

Always happens, same with yurifags vs anti-yurifags, the decriers always become worse.

>> No.27325051

yep Kiara's rebound it's going to be pure kino when it happens

>> No.27325052

Like tea

>> No.27325054

At this rate you're going to get your own concernfags.

>> No.27325055

I'm just hoping that they can mitigate the discord lag to an extent and that the high pace of the game stops kiara from being horny the whole time.

>> No.27325056

Are you perhaps oneyplays?

>> No.27325057
File: 1.59 MB, 600x600, salman.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27325504


>> No.27325058
Quoted by: >>27325117

his artstyle looks like pendleton ward's (adventure time, bravest warriors)

>> No.27325059
File: 337 KB, 640x480, 1600724753526.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good End Unlocked

>> No.27325061

she's gonna have the sweatiest cunny ever after playing that game
unironically uooooohhhhing

>> No.27325062


>> No.27325065
Quoted by: >>27325075

Do just have an Amelia template and then you just add a hat or something?

>> No.27325067

From what I know of the leaks AMD has a cheaper card coming out that performs as well as the 2080 but nothing against the 3080 yet, unless I missed something

>> No.27325068

I was going for Tubthumping but yeah like a phoenix

>> No.27325069
File: 465 KB, 1500x1500, 1600295422159.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How the fuck did this get so popular?
>I just joined this hololive shit on a whim!
>Why does everyone love me?
>I just wanted to do music, what is all this shit?
>I can finally move out after all this time?
>People actually like my music?
>I'm not even doing anything special...
>...I need another drink.

>> No.27325071
File: 1.33 MB, 1920x1080, 1600195268786.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27325202

>Wasn't in the last collab
>Now she's just in it
>And she's hosting

>> No.27325072
File: 81 KB, 1071x799, cthulu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27325109

Cthulhu has wings and her design is basically Cthulhu

>> No.27325074

based dietposter, I wanted to do the same with Ame but it seems like she's not talking much about her food choices anymore

>> No.27325075

Aside from the toad and cowboy, all drawings have been original for each coupon

>> No.27325077
Quoted by: >>27325119

>the reason he can post coupons so fast is because Amelia's streams are prerecorded and he had an advanced copy

>> No.27325082

It's already hit 2x the views of anything from her past life and that's with the extensive music catalogue. I'd be wowed too.

>> No.27325084


>> No.27325085

Crashing the coupon economy with no survivors Coupon printer goes brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

>> No.27325086
Quoted by: >>27325122

Ame is going to host it and stream on kiara's channel like she does for most collabs. There will still be technical difficulties though lol.

>> No.27325087

Quest for THE NUT

>> No.27325088
Quoted by: >>27325111

It's true but I don't know why.

>> No.27325092

Big Navi supposedly as good as a 3070

>> No.27325094


>> No.27325096
Quoted by: >>27325175

Numberchad here
It's impressive to get 20k viewers during this time zone

>> No.27325100

while he would watch vtubers, he would draw them more ridiculous-looking
unless he's hiding his power level

>> No.27325102

It's cute

>> No.27325103


>> No.27325101

This segment of coupons is its own particular brand by now

>> No.27325104

Magical Nut, eh?

>> No.27325107
File: 542 KB, 780x1060, 1595076474667.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27325109

I get it but they're very specifically angelic wings, whereas the rest of her design is super Asian looking. I guess she has a halo too so she's kind of like an angel?

>> No.27325111

Simply a genetic predisposition to follow, not to lead.

>> No.27325114

Blind or retarded? kys >>27325023

>> No.27325115
File: 2.03 MB, 764x1200, 1601706090826.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The best part about it is her story is nowhere near over. It only just begun.

>> No.27325117
Quoted by: >>27325236

something that broad isn't very helpful, anon. I meant in the 4chan sphere, perhaps on twitter.

>> No.27325119

This is a powerful narrative

>> No.27325120

>did wonders for Noel
Having sex one time doesn't magically fix you anon

>> No.27325121
Quoted by: >>27325158

>anti goslingposters has more votes during an ame stream which is peak gosling hours
You can't make this shit up lmao

>> No.27325122


There's already the latent technical issue in the audio latency. I pray they find a new program outside of discord soon.

>> No.27325124

I'd bet 100% that she will make it members only. She already is making musedash and karaoke members only and those are the two streams everyone likes best. RFA is to good to be free. Will likely be unarchived as well.

>> No.27325125
File: 73 KB, 948x1168, 1592948560553.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27325278


>> No.27325127


>> No.27325129

No? If even 10% of the subscribers were members they'd have more money than what they're getting from superchats now and it'd be stable rather than sporadic. Even memberships alone as they are now are more than sufficient as income.

>> No.27325130

>ywn give ame the deep wood nut

>> No.27325132

>He's still seething over the Goslings

>> No.27325134

they're supposed to be cosmic beings?

>> No.27325135

Which one of you has the magical nut, be honest now

>> No.27325136

shhh don't tell them that

>> No.27325139
Quoted by: >>27325199

>Maybe Kiara will balance it better?
She's going to lust after Mori the entire stream

>> No.27325141

fucking newfag, if thats a lot of goslingposting to you then learn how to use the archive

>> No.27325143
File: 24 KB, 1331x204, [sjis].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

learn wacky text

>> No.27325142

It actually does for women though

>> No.27325145
Quoted by: >>27325205

>chris is a teamate
God I hope so...

>> No.27325146
File: 377 KB, 1638x2048, 8677868468687.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27325284

>> No.27325150


>> No.27325151
Quoted by: >>27325220

Give up schizo, you lost. No one likes you. You don't fit in.

>> No.27325152

Amelia has always been great at chat interaction. It's why people fell so hard in the first place. She doesn't milk superchats too hard though.

>> No.27325154

Got 3 (you)s, feelsgoodman thanks!

>> No.27325155

Mite b gud. Just time to wait.

>> No.27325157
Quoted by: >>27325210

Nvidia said they'll have shortages of 3000 series until 2021 (RIP Botan, Ina), so might as well buy what's available.

>> No.27325158
Quoted by: >>27325437

>posting the same thing in the poal chat and in the thread
Anonchama, your meds....

>> No.27325160

satan is at his most dangerous when he quotes scripture and hides behind a holy image

>> No.27325162

I imagine it's more founded from the fact that she's been entirely unnoticed her whole life and is currently stuck in a dead-end wageslave job, and now it's finally hitting her that all that work paid off. She's not used to it.

>> No.27325163
File: 51 KB, 1019x483, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27325165
Quoted by: >>27325220

retard mass replier

>> No.27325166

The narrative that outer entities are angels or demons is pretty common

>> No.27325167

>13/696 posts are goslings

>> No.27325169
Quoted by: >>27325272

Flare and Noel are within walking distance of each other.

>> No.27325170
Quoted by: >>27325209

Did her glasses brake or something? She keeps squinting and said everything was blurry in Gura's chat.

>> No.27325171


>> No.27325172

probably something like
>my music isn't even that good, the only reason anyone's watching it is because it's got Hololive slapped on it
>they want the brand, not me
>if anyone else was hired to play as "Mori" she would be just as popular as me
>or maybe more popular
>I'm just holding the Mori character back from its true potential

>> No.27325175

It's currently 9 to midnight in the US, and Gura directed her viewers over to Ame. It's a pretty decent time.

>> No.27325174


>> No.27325176

Could be like what angels are to God?
Cthulhu is a god, and while she is just a priestess, she's also what one would consider an envoy. Thus, an angel of god.

>> No.27325180
Quoted by: >>27325220

When it gets to 100 goslings then you have a right to complain

>> No.27325182
Quoted by: >>27325191


>> No.27325185

hello barracuda glad you came to work today

>> No.27325188

hopefully it's far cheaper so nvidia will drop the 3070S with a reduced price and I can get that

>> No.27325189

Fuck this shitbird so bad. I bet they're going to make Ame host it again holy fuck is the poor girl gonna get a break from carrying the collabs technically?

>> No.27325191

based antifucker

>> No.27325194

Definitely. She used to play tf2 and he and Star_ were THE tf2ubers at the time.

>> No.27325198

Here's your (You), now fuck off.

>> No.27325199

She toned it down during the snack collab it will be fine the game will distract her from the jokes

>> No.27325201
Quoted by: >>27325218

Goslingposting is retarded cause its the same ''Girl does thing OH SHIT IM GOSLING'' post so I at least understand why people hate it but when it isnt flooding the thread the anti post about it are equally annoying

>> No.27325202

gotta help a bird in need. They discussed cycling who gets to collab in Overcooked in the future due to a player limit. I think it's sweet.

>> No.27325205

Chris would unironically be a trinityfag

>> No.27325206


>> No.27325208


>> No.27325209

She's trying to get used to contacts so she can be prettier for (our) date.

>> No.27325210

Looks like I'll be sticking with my 1080 for another year then.

>> No.27325211

>71 total results
nice sample size lmao

>> No.27325215

dude its a fuckin donosorr

>> No.27325218
Quoted by: >>27325250

Nope, not even close. Thread's practically derailed thanks to that anti-schizo-fuck, but ironically not the Goslingposting.

>> No.27325219
File: 407 KB, 394x557, 1600170075005.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27325220

Funny coming from an amefag lol
He was the disingenuous one
>Just wait for the thread to get shittier

>> No.27325227
Quoted by: >>27325607

Based as fuck. You should color this one.

>> No.27325232
File: 84 KB, 600x681, PS_merry_pipe1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I cannot think or comprehend of anything more cucked than having an archived members only stream. Honestly, think about it rationally. You are paying, watching live, and maintaining a membership to amelia for at least a week solely so she can go and get enjoyed by another subscriber. All the hard work you put into your beautiful little membership - reading her exclusive posts at bedtime, making coupons, making sure she had therapy questions to answer, superchatting her, posting pictures of ryan gosling. All of it has one simple result: her members only stream is more enjoyable for the subscribers that will eventually watch her in the archive.

Raised the perfect membership? Great. Who benefits? If you're lucky, a random subscriber who had nothing to do with the way she grew up, who enjoys her. He gets to watch her members only stream every night. He gets the benefits of her autistic and gremlin-like personality that came from the way you raised her.

As a subscriber who has a membership to amelia, you are LITERALLY dedicating at least $5 of your paycheck simply to raise a girl for another subscriber to enjoy. It is the ULTIMATE AND FINAL cuck. Think about it logically.

>> No.27325235

virgin japanese encoding vs chad unicode

>> No.27325236

Nevermind I know what it reminded me of: Dan Kim's stuff but no way he'd be here right now. Keep up the cool ame art my dude!

>> No.27325237


>> No.27325238

That's a pretty good sample size with 201 IPs in the thread.

>> No.27325240

thats very neat of you to share with everyone

>> No.27325241

Not if that vod is now on a porn site. Doxxers are scary.

>> No.27325243


>> No.27325244

Great post anon, I'm so glad you're here with us.

>> No.27325245

<span class="sjis"> you're a fucking hero m8[/spoiler]

>> No.27325246


>> No.27325249

>Moona out of nowhere
Oh shit.

>> No.27325251
File: 886 KB, 1053x3260, Untitled-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And yeah, I'm talking about the spread of the AO more than its outright darkness.
Once thing I'm suddenly realizing from "true" AO (none of that fake videogame BS) is that it can be very subtle, and a lot of it comes down to bounce light being occluded.
Top picture is your exact setup, skylight + sunlight that magically doesn't bounce any light. And the AO is barely noticeable. But introduce bounce light and the effect of "occlusion" gets a lot stronger.

>> No.27325250

Unfortunately there's not much to Gosling about during Mario

>> No.27325252


>> No.27325256
File: 219 KB, 1920x1080, 67867867846687.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ina called me out on mashing out filenames.
Bit rude imho.

>> No.27325257

>Moona-senpai showing up while Amelia is collecting moons

pretty cute

>> No.27325261


>> No.27325262

>possible Ame/Moona collab

>> No.27325263
Quoted by: >>27325286



>> No.27325265


>> No.27325266

How autistic is the Moon collab going to be?

>> No.27325267



>> No.27325268
File: 622 KB, 600x706, Squirrel with Gun.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27325270
File: 101 KB, 600x454, 1590335261329.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27325272

There's a difference between a one night stand and a full on intimate relationship.

>> No.27325276

Clip that

>> No.27325277


>> No.27325278
Quoted by: >>27326296

Please tell me anon you have the webm version of ogey rrat, I'm tired of watching that clip on youtube, I want a more accessible source

>> No.27325279

Funny for you to present this. Look at the number of tweets between the girls too. Kiara is really good at staying connect with the community. As much as I don't like the bird's content that is one of her strong points.

>> No.27325281

>a debuff game is giving ame 20k viewers
well this was unexpected

>> No.27325282



>> No.27325283


someone clip that

>> No.27325284

That's quite fun

>> No.27325285

That's brilliant

>> No.27325286


>> No.27325287


>> No.27325289

<span class="sjis">
*hits pipe*[/spoiler]

>> No.27325290
File: 204 KB, 767x900, Watson_You.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27325322


>> No.27325293

This was good.

>> No.27325294
File: 406 KB, 1280x768, 1601675597398.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27325325


>> No.27325295
File: 403 KB, 1920x1080, 【Mario Odyssey】Wood Kingdom ( ‾ʖ̫‾)_00.56.29.275.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27325340

>> No.27325296

Amelia gets pretty consistent viewers

>> No.27325300
File: 814 KB, 640x960, 1600579428432.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

another nightmare

>> No.27325302


>> No.27325306


>> No.27325307

the bonk comes full circle huh

>> No.27325308

Moona and Ame being lewd together!

>> No.27325310

I'm losing braincells.

>> No.27325313

ame better not collab with a filthy idfag

>> No.27325312

This is well done

>> No.27325314
Quoted by: >>27325336

<span class="sjis"> I don't belibit[/spoiler]

>> No.27325316


>> No.27325320

Ame, your direction reps...

>> No.27325321

gib onegai

>> No.27325322

Wow that’s me right now

>> No.27325324


>> No.27325325

Why does it fit so well?

>> No.27325326

Mario is debuff? Really?

>> No.27325327


>> No.27325330

amelia pls

>> No.27325331

>Ame called Moona a fucking fatass
woah kinda hostile there

>> No.27325334

Moona please

>> No.27325336

<span class="sjis">
do you know pekora[/spoiler]

>> No.27325338
File: 115 KB, 300x300, 1599510133585.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27325339

<span class="sjis">BOTTOM LEFT[/spoiler]

>> No.27325340


>> No.27325341

they might be filthy but they're pretty entertaining

>> No.27325344

>Mario, another settlement needs your help

>> No.27325345
File: 24 KB, 400x400, 1600734925477.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27325347

Bullshit aside, I'm genuinely excited for the collabs between ID and EN.

>> No.27325349

her describing what she thought dogs might be thinking at a dog cafe
immediately after this she wondered if it'd be clipped and taken out of context

>> No.27325350
File: 22 KB, 355x52, firefox_2020-10-06_06-08-54.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shut up the holoIDs are based

>> No.27325353
Quoted by: >>27325378

They're mad at and trying to cope because you good them red handed, good work

>> No.27325354
Quoted by: >>27325429

It's boring honestly, but that may be just me

>> No.27325355

I've wonder before if it bothers her that her musical success is tied to being a vtuber anime girl. Her music if fine, but HoloLive give her the instant reach to help her succeed. She seems to take pride in her music.

I want her to be happy with it all though. Mori's a great addition and I've been warming up to her for a while.

>> No.27325358
File: 7 KB, 329x105, 1588116395390.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She need some serious dicking, too horny

>> No.27325359

Excited isn't the word I'd use, but I'll watch it

>> No.27325360


>> No.27325361

if you haven't noticed some fag complains about literally every game they play. just ignore them

>> No.27325362


>> No.27325364

this particular game is boring to watch, the streamers themselves will have to do the heavy lifting

>> No.27325366

ame loves all her hololive senpais you dirty tribalist

>> No.27325367
File: 4 KB, 346x43, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27325369


>> No.27325370

Moona is pretty based.

>> No.27325373


>> No.27325379
File: 1.92 MB, 10000x10000, 1601605723352.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27325644

>The IDs finally have a chat they can shitpost in and be understood

>> No.27325374

>tfw moona is a goslingposter

>> No.27325375

>he doesnt remember the coco-moona stream

>> No.27325377
File: 6 KB, 338x51, moona.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27325380
File: 231 KB, 463x453, orrrat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all this innuendo over the past few days

>> No.27325378

It's whatever, it's amelia streaming time so I expected even more retards to deflect

>> No.27325381

moona needs to get bonked
getting more lewd every comment

>> No.27325382

I guess it's one of those games that if you really like it you've already played it and if you don't then you're just apathetic to it

>> No.27325384


>> No.27325385
Quoted by: >>27325397

Based Moona absolutely horny

>> No.27325386
File: 1.20 MB, 1435x1914, 68765635454543.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because Ame has the cheekiest breekiest smile in all of Hololive.

>> No.27325388

Jesus this fat WHORE

>> No.27325389

i think mori will be better when she gets proper equipment and more experience. im not into her right now but i dont hate or dislike her

>> No.27325390
File: 304 KB, 463x453, 1587943938410.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Moona and her lewd jokes
When a girl does this it means they're horny right?

>> No.27325392

wtf moona

>> No.27325395

Moona seriously cant stop trying to add EN to her harem

>> No.27325396
File: 1.26 MB, 1280x720, 1593346812044.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27325453


>> No.27325397

Off to stone her to death

>> No.27325398

<span class="sjis">

>> No.27325400


>> No.27325401


>> No.27325402
Quoted by: >>27325428

>Monna in Ame's chat
>"I see that you like to go in and out a lot"
>Plus Marine in Gura's earlier
What is going on tonight, is it a full moon or something? Why is everyone so horny?

>> No.27325404

ame might be my second favorite streamer behind xqc now

>> No.27325405
File: 81 KB, 476x664, 1598520321564.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The problem is moona is hilarious over text but in an actual voice chat scenario is always cringe

>> No.27325406

it's different with autistic girls

>> No.27325408


>> No.27325409

How can one not in front of Ame?

>> No.27325410
Quoted by: >>27325457

>It’s been 66 minutes

>> No.27325411


>> No.27325412
File: 459 KB, 1543x1401, 82437027_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27325435

>Moona going full shitposting
How can you dislike the moon

>> No.27325413

>the ones most likely to be Muslims are the lewdest

>> No.27325415
File: 167 KB, 960x1836, 1589147416806.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It just be like that. Real answer is that Ame's live2D can't not smile.

>> No.27325417

Ame needs to ban Moona. She warned you about saying bad stuff before.

>> No.27325419

Moona perving on Ame in the shower!

>> No.27325421

Moona, your islam reps....

>> No.27325422

Some 3080 cards have a manufacturing defect when it comes to overclocking, there's several videos on it. Honestly not too sure what to think of it since getting those cards are next to impossible right now anyways.

>> No.27325424

Who woulda thunk Moona had a giant swinging cock?

>> No.27325426
Quoted by: >>27325697

Oh yes, I think they might be parallel. But since your camera plunges down rather than being level with the horizon line, this should be a 3-point perspective situation.
...Unless you're emulating one of those fancy tilt-shift lenses, in which case what you drew is correct, just unusual for the viewer to look at.

>> No.27325428

Getting ready for the ban lift and the collabs. Got to make yourself noticed to get to the collabs.

>> No.27325430

You know what I'm gonna have faith in the bird for the Overcooked collab. She's gotten better over the past couple of weeks and did a good job during the snack collab. I think she has enough self awareness to not use the yuribaiting as a crutch and let their chemistry grow naturally. Bird will surprise us yet again bros.

>> No.27325429
Quoted by: >>27325441

It's you.

>> No.27325433

She's great this time though. Normally Mario Odyssey is boring but she's bringing it to life. Doesn't hurt that Gura passed the baton over to her at the end of her stream so she started at 15k.

>> No.27325434

Level nineTEEEEEEN

>> No.27325435

Because unlike newfags, I have seen her collab with Coco.

>> No.27325437

Just wanted to make sure you see it :^)

>> No.27325439
File: 329 KB, 720x720, Real Moona.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cant wait for HoloEn / HoloID collabs!

>> No.27325441

It's me then

>> No.27325445
Quoted by: >>27325563

I heard it was because they used cheapass resistors when it was supposed to be six expensive ones. Only affects certain manufacturers. Think the Asus card is safe.

>> No.27325446
File: 507 KB, 1991x2013, 1600802302078.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's the factor that scares me the most. I genuinely like her music, but I'll admit that I would've never found her roommate's shit if not for her V-tuber debut. Last thing I'd want is for her to think people like her v-tube identity and not her identity as a artist.

>> No.27325447

>Moona and Ame pretending to not be lewd in a collab
I need to see this.

>> No.27325448
File: 33 KB, 720x825, 149980092151661.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27325450
File: 614 KB, 648x678, 1575346703205.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not like that being forbidden to watch porn, talk to men or whatever makes you horny as fuck.
Why do you think the Church has so many pedophiles?

>> No.27325453

<span class="sjis">
hello this is moona from the microsoft refund department[/spoiler]

>> No.27325454

You forgot your Ayame image.

>> No.27325455

that lord of the rings text adventure thing was the best video and still makes me laugh

>> No.27325456

I want to fuck the fat out of this satellite.

>> No.27325457

It's up to you! I can keep going!!!

>> No.27325458

Should Ame collab with the tree rrat, or the cute fatty? I personally want to see her interact with the rrat.

>> No.27325461 [DELETED] 

Here's an example of what an arcade date with Ame would be like, if it helps the decision.

>> No.27325462
File: 66 KB, 480x502, 1582700931126.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why the fuck does every Holo she interacts with wants her syringe? It's not fair...

>> No.27325463
Quoted by: >>27325584

Imagine having seen the 66 minutes disaster and not loving this autist, for shame oldfag

>> No.27325465
File: 524 KB, 1242x963, 1601401755654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the fucking moon is hitting on my wife

>> No.27325467
File: 228 KB, 317x314, 1600929070858.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Risu and Amelia making weird brrrr noises for 2 hours collab

>> No.27325470

>These noises
I’m trying my best to not make a sex edit

>> No.27325471

I just realized Ame is going to collab with ID mostly, based

>> No.27325473

Ame your direction reps..

>> No.27325476

HoloID can get a good boost when they start to collab with HoloEN

>> No.27325477


>> No.27325478
File: 959 KB, 1086x906, 1 FREE BIG TORCH.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based and birdpilled

>> No.27325479

Also why Mia Khalifa was the most popular pornstar in the world for a while.

>> No.27325482
File: 589 KB, 1984x2019, 1601601104285.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright now this is starting to hurt, how do you not know how to long jump

>> No.27325485

HoloIDs have always been crazy, I'm fine with this.

>> No.27325487
Quoted by: >>27325527

<span class="sjis"> Ames moaning is going to turn me into a gosling poster Bros this can't happen please help me[/spoiler]

>> No.27325489
Quoted by: >>27325509

Anon the ID's are not muslims, Moona literally drank vodka on stream, she doesn't give a fuck.

>> No.27325490

Imagine all the built up sexual frustration

>> No.27325491
File: 42 KB, 1019x483, LewdInn.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27325498 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>27325673


>> No.27325499


>> No.27325500

>No one ever talks about Iofi

poor lowest-subbed-girl-in-hololive

>> No.27325501

And all female schools always seem to make Lesbians

>> No.27325504


>> No.27325509

She's just a bad muslim

>> No.27325510

You are a machine anon

>> No.27325511
File: 63 KB, 225x225, artia blob.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27325513
File: 46 KB, 680x680, EjOp_SYVgAIQL7k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27325515 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>27325554

What country is tickets a currency?

>> No.27325516
Quoted by: >>27325596

hope she does FPS collabs with Artia too

>> No.27325517
Quoted by: >>27325584

66 minutes makes you stronger

>> No.27325520

now THIS is quality

>> No.27325519

>nut machine

Wow Ame is just gonna name drop me like that?

>> No.27325521
File: 47 KB, 614x607, Eit4FDFWoAAkp63.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Amelia wants to find the NUT machine

>> No.27325522
File: 467 KB, 585x583, 1579927856570.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27325524

I work at the xbox marketing team and gura will receive a series x customized

>> No.27325525

I would love a 1 hour rubberducky collab with tree rat an amelia

>> No.27325527
Quoted by: >>27325605

<span class="sjis">One of us, one of us, one of us...[/spoiler]

>> No.27325528
File: 78 KB, 590x579, Cuckadoodle doo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Moona harem begins soon...

>> No.27325529 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>27325673

Is that... HER?

>> No.27325530

>Ame has no sense of direction and can barely knows how to use a map

>> No.27325532

you have more hope than most i'll give you that

>> No.27325533

The only thing they'll be cooking is her PC.

>> No.27325534

I know bro it's tearing me up

>> No.27325536

>Last thing I'd want is for her to think people like her v-tube identity and not her identity as a artist.
It's both for me. She is genuinely talented and her music has resparked my interest in rap. However I also really like the character she has created.
I hope she realizes that it was an exposure issue and that her talent shines through regardless.

>> No.27325538

rare coupon

>> No.27325537


>> No.27325539

>Risu and Amelia squeaking rubber ducks
>Risu and Amelia brrring at each other
>Risu and Amelia giggling together
>Risu and Amelia sighing with each other
>Risu and Amelia trying out their low sexy voices on each other

>> No.27325540
Quoted by: >>27325571


>> No.27325541

REMINDER: She does this intentionally She loves the lewd

>> No.27325542

Most musicians consider this their lucky break, which many don't get.

>> No.27325543
File: 96 KB, 271x216, 1595722188831.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>moona always hilarious on twitter and in chat
>is absurdly awkward in voice

Will she ever get over that?

>> No.27325544


>> No.27325545

Best one so far.

>> No.27325548
File: 898 KB, 2894x4093, 57434535413354.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am literally a nut machine.

>> No.27325546

>1 free long torch

>> No.27325547
Quoted by: >>27325619

>I can do share

>> No.27325549 [DELETED] 
File: 1.28 MB, 1500x1500, Squirrel NUTS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based and Risupilled

>> No.27325550
File: 362 KB, 720x682, 3129B98D-BB34-4877-88F2-A815B997AE41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27325552

fucking kek
everytime Mori rejects kusotori I get very happy

>> No.27325554 [DELETED] 


>> No.27325555


>> No.27325556

Rare coupon

>> No.27325558

amazingly based

>> No.27325559

>inb4 ame is the reason holoid gets their second wind

>> No.27325560

She really is criminally underrated

>> No.27325562

Wow sugoi!

>> No.27325561

wow! she's literally me!

>> No.27325563

It's because the manufacturers made it to spec given from nvidia, ironically enough the capacitors they used are on the cheap end even if they are to spec. Be sure to research the card your buying in case they use the cheap configuration style.

>> No.27325565

I love it when her face lights up after she gets something right/manages to accomplish her goal sure it might take a bit of work but her torch struggle was fun

>> No.27325569

And she was only active for 3 months. Fucking insane.

>> No.27325571
Quoted by: >>27325630

>implying the CNs aren't showered in subs on billy billy

>> No.27325572

Stop making so many, I can't stop saving them all!

>> No.27325575

No, autism is terminal

>> No.27325578

Maybe it will eventually bother her but right now I think she's probably just happy people are listening to her music

>> No.27325579
File: 31 KB, 174x145, 1600194888562.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Moona's just straight up flirting with Ame
I like this new OTP

>> No.27325581

>moona is shitposting in ame's chat
this shouldn't feel as absurd as it does.

>> No.27325583
File: 191 KB, 1483x689, multiple_goslings.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27325584

There's a difference between cringe kino and cringe. Mori is cringe kino. That collab was cringe of the highest order. Even Coco couldn't salvage that shit, and it's probably the reason they haven't collabed since.

>> No.27325586

I can't speak towhat's going through her head, but in my opinion all Hololive did was give her exposure. If her music couldn't stand on it's own merit infront of such a large audience then she wouldn't be nearly as successful as she is now. I think she'll settle into things once she puts out more releases and sees that her success was more than a flash in the pan.

>> No.27325589

iofi is based and i predict inclination when she starts doing collabs with ENs

>> No.27325590
Quoted by: >>27326009

>trying to build a harem
maybe moona actually is muslim

>> No.27325591

Uuuuh Korone-san???

>> No.27325593

Why would anyone fuck up something that cost so much?

>> No.27325595

Haha, onion.......berry hardo joke

>> No.27325596

I think the only problem with collabing with Artia is that one of them would have to come to the other platform. I don't see the HoloENs making Twitch accounts and Artia really doesn't like Youtube. Artia's making inroads with some twitch boys lately anyway.

>> No.27325599
Quoted by: >>27325722

please draw watson in the explorer outfit!!!

>> No.27325602

>sounds sexy as fuck when she sings, probably the sexiest in all of Hololive
>goes back to sounding like a total autist when she speaks normally
That's the duality of the moon and that's why we love her, anon.

>> No.27325603
File: 79 KB, 400x410, 1600550293471.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27325656

Literally ID version of Kiara

>> No.27325604

>her face
Never gets old

>> No.27325605
Quoted by: >>27325680

<span class="sjis"> no please no not like this niggurman save please[/spoiler]

>> No.27325606

Quality fucking coupons tonight lads

>> No.27325607
File: 58 KB, 1019x483, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27325608
File: 266 KB, 1446x1704, Eiia25EXYAAnXl4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27325645


>> No.27325610

50% of breaking through in any industry is getting your foot in the door and getting people to actually see the content you're producing. Hololive and its brand is that opportunity for her and I hope she continues to make the most of it.

>> No.27325615

now this is quality

>> No.27325618

It's easy to be witty on chat or twitter because you get to think and edit your reply before you send it, it's much harder to do it live. I love my autistic moon nonetheless, but I don't have high hopes for her in collabs.

>> No.27325619

milk truk just arrive

>> No.27325620

Moona is 100% wet and ready to fuck right now

>> No.27325623

damn anon you're on fire today

>> No.27325622


>> No.27325625

>the nasal strip for goslings
i love you

>> No.27325628

How the fuck does he do it

>> No.27325629

So fast... Ina sensei is that you?

>> No.27325630

>implying anyone here cares about the chinese knockoff version of jewtube

>> No.27325631

nice touch with the goombas

>> No.27325632

>Moona loves nuts

>> No.27325633

me with the mustache

>> No.27325634


>> No.27325637
File: 241 KB, 495x495, 1600890441008.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Gura will do campfire karaoke
Oh FUCK yes

>> No.27325636


>> No.27325638

After she drops cash for a speaking coach.

>> No.27325639

UUOOHHH Dog erotic, dog's ass and legs

>> No.27325641


>> No.27325642

Zoomers never played N64.

>> No.27325644

Guess they were the SEAfags after all

>> No.27325645
File: 108 KB, 400x400, 1601870553158.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cute Chicken!

>> No.27325646

daammn retweet this to her when she makes an appropriate comment and it'll enter general circulation, I guarantee it

>> No.27325649

Tree rat of course. Now if they could get Artia in there too it would make for a dangerous amount of goblin energy.

>> No.27325650
Quoted by: >>27325742

>Last thing I'd want is for her to think people like her v-tube identity and not her identity as a artist.
Yeah I hope she realizes that people like her music and not just the character, 3 million views happened because people genuinely like her stuff even other musically gifted v-tubers struggle to pull in those type of numbers

>> No.27325651

Feels like a pretty likely collab. It's not like she can collab with most of the JP Holos with how little Japanese she knows.

>> No.27325653

>bringing up the chart
oh god here we go

>> No.27325654

>that video where she fucks one of her dorky virgin fans
Fuck, imagine if Amelia did it with one of the anons

>> No.27325655
Quoted by: >>27325775

>pay hundreds of dollars, if not a thousand dollars, for something
>refuse to use its full potential

>> No.27325656
Quoted by: >>27325705

without the constant suffering

>> No.27325658

Kiara will forever live this suffering...

>> No.27325661
File: 362 KB, 646x637, 1601275497202.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I have a theory, what if couponanon is Ina?

>> No.27325664

jesus moona

>> No.27325663

There are tons of talented people out there that just haven't gotten their big break. Exposure matters. Reputation matters. Brand matters. Mori didn't magically become a better artist after becoming a Holo but people don't just like her music because it's from a Holo.

>> No.27325667

Ame officially denies Kiara being bottom left.

>> No.27325669

>watson baiting her chat into calling kiara retarded so she can laugh
why does she hate her so much

>> No.27325671

fucking Art

>> No.27325673

Yeah it's her, not sure if she tried doing these more than one or two times. Most of it was about getting food though.

>> No.27325672
File: 485 KB, 1105x1494, ooh my heart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gura sings can't stop falling in love at the campfire karaoke

>> No.27325674
File: 101 KB, 1019x485, 1601696175253.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, I gotta go to bed Teamates. Love you guys, see you tomorrow probably!

>> No.27325677
Quoted by: >>27325696

>specified gen 1
I wonder if she has seen/met gen 2 yet

>> No.27325678

I want to fuck this Islamic moon

>> No.27325680

<span class="sjis">Niggerman has no power here, for Gosling is a feeling out of space[/spoiler]

>> No.27325682
Quoted by: >>27325775

You overclock because you know you're not going to use the card for ten years so you might as well shorten its lifespan for more performance

>> No.27325683
File: 4 KB, 196x33, 1600567575851.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27325732


>> No.27325684
File: 53 KB, 1180x150, Moona&#039;s only two states, hungry and horny.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone tell Moona to jerk off before chatting.

>> No.27325685
Quoted by: >>27325757

Peak comfy, but I'll miss it if it's member content

>> No.27325686

>Wheres the nut machine

>> No.27325689

Moona Hoshinova hololive-ID you are bottom left?

goslings btfo again

>> No.27325690
Quoted by: >>27325726

chat is moving so absurdly fast I cant catch moona's shitposts someone PLEASE HELP

>> No.27325691
Quoted by: >>27325723

And no, I'm not drawanon, I'm just some poor sap using his art. Kudos for his speed though.

>> No.27325692
Quoted by: >>27325750

Coco was clearly a terrible collab partner for her, but she's had some good collabs since. Her artia and lofi collabs were good, and she's somehow able to understand the engrish of hololive girls. With the right partner I'm sure she could shine.

>> No.27325694

Part of the reason I picked up her roomate’s albums instead of just racking up the views on youtube, since I actually do like it and there is at least one or two fire songs on each album. Probably helps her to find out that people genuinely enjoy her songs, she just needed the exposure for people to find out about it. I am left wondering how many other good artists there are languishing in the same hell that she was, buried under the shitpile of garbage produced by the average content creator. Her recommendation of the pachinko rap was neat, since I liked it enough for an evening of jamming and would have never found it on my own.

>> No.27325695

I feel like Amelia given her past would will really comfortable occasionally streaming on twitch

>> No.27325696

I doubt gen2 is already ready to go

>> No.27325697
Quoted by: >>27326237

The assignment was for 2P box construction. Since the focus is on the lighting projection and values. I didn't really take that into consideration.
Kinda dreading the day I have to go into FOV and lenses though, took a glimpse in the past and it seems like a lot of mindgames

>> No.27325698
File: 543 KB, 1280x720, 20201006_062138.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27325700

No, you're just deluding yourself into thinking they're not the same. People have to stop the stream because of mori saying some weird shit like if she were in an anime club.

>> No.27325702
Quoted by: >>27326233

Want to know something scary anon? She's literally animated a song about exactly this scenario. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aPSrw6ZYUA4

>> No.27325703
File: 117 KB, 480x281, zoom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27325701
Quoted by: >>27325849

What's up with Holos and vore?

>> No.27325705

>Iofi not constantly suffering

please don't go look at her twitter

>> No.27325707
File: 53 KB, 752x527, 1601951760538.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bros... Moon beat us to Ame...

>> No.27325706

I’m interested in seeing the collabs that will happen with Ina/Gura/Amelia since Kiara and Mori are probably mostly going to do JP only collabs

>> No.27325708

Just started watching and holy shit she's actually carrying this shitty debuff game, what happened?

>> No.27325712

why do so many holos want to eat me

>> No.27325713

>Gura singing collab
pls be Mori

>> No.27325716

I wonder if she'll run into a Mr. Jewel Box situation

>> No.27325715

It's an old narrative, but it checks out

>> No.27325718

Excellent showing tonight, sleep well.

>> No.27325720

well yeah Kiara is very left middle though calling her bottom left during her streams is kino

>> No.27325721

Easy to with a tumblr artstyle

>> No.27325722
File: 46 KB, 1019x483, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27325723
File: 83 KB, 850x1025, 1581196645756.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good night teamate

>> No.27325725

I love the ID girls so much

>> No.27325726
Quoted by: >>27325970

get ytcfilter

>> No.27325728

What the fuck? Ok she's based

>> No.27325729

Is suisei

>> No.27325730

Sorry but huka papa's opinion supersedes everyone else's

>> No.27325731 [DELETED] 

<span class="sjis">

N̵͉̯̬̍̌̉͛ͅį̸͚͈̳̃̂̓̋̉́͘ģ̶̧̜͎̦̙̱͇̓g̷̰̼͎̠̥̪͒͗͐͠ȩ̵̜̺̻͉̥̟̭͓̣̇̓̏̈́̑ȑ̷̫̪̩̮̝͇̣͇̓́̓̎m̸̡̡̧̖̞̩̭͇͎̎̚á̸͈̻͓͍̤̈́̀͂͝n̶̨̜̭͈͒ h̶̡͎̳̮̫̼̯̫̼͆͠a̶̡̯̯͉͙̱͑̑̍͗̓̈́͜͜͝͠s̸̖̍̄̊̈̇̌̃͗͛͝ ũ̷̱̼̫̱̺̺͉͍͋͌̍̌́̐̒̓̕ͅl̵̫̖͇̫͕̐̈́̇͊̇͐͂͋t̵̨͉̻̻̙̃͗̃̈́̾͘͠i̵̡̼̬̝̎͂m̷̧̠̦̻̼̽̾a̴̢̪͉̻̗͙̦̼͈̒̿̈́͛͌͝t̷͇̣̼͋͑̓̊̐̉̈́͌̈̚e̷̡̛͍͖͉̹̣̿͐͒̍̈́̌̈͜͝ p̸̳͈̯̬͎̙͖̟̳͗̾̓͜͝ŏ̴̱̯̰͇͎̙͖ẇ̴̡̬̖͎̃͒̽é̷͉̙̩̽̾r̸̢̡̩̹̞̠̪͖̍̒̀̍͐̚ f̷̩͇̯̗͆̈̈́̍̚͝ͅl̸̡̺̳̱̹̪̦̥̭͔̋̏̈́͑̔͠ḛ̵̢̥̍̉͘d̶̘̜͖͓̜̥̮̯͗̏̂͌̋̓͗͊̎̕g̷̢̢͖͍̮͖̜̟͛̌̄̒̊͋̑̌͐͝l̵̡̨̦͕̻̈́̀͐͊͐̔͠ï̴̭͌̽̍͝n̶̡̧̼̹̜̟̩̟̐̋͒͘g̶̡̛̳̯͙̤͚̱͆̽͋̾̉̋́̑̾[/spoiler]

>> No.27325732

Never 4get hyper based hukepapa

>> No.27325734

truly an inspired work

>> No.27325735


>> No.27325736

Thank you based anon!

>> No.27325739

I hope they sing Linkin Park.

>> No.27325741

>the only problem with collabing with Artia is that one of them would have to come to the other platform
No, they wouldn't. Are you stupid?

>> No.27325742

Even fellow holos with more subs like Watame get way less views on their songs, Mori got this many views because her stuff is genuinely great

>> No.27325744


>> No.27325745
File: 1.00 MB, 2894x4093, 1601424285438.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27325747

Fucking based drawanon

>> No.27325750

Coco is second only to Marine in collab partners. They are both highly entertaining and bring quality to everything they are a part of. If Coco can't make it work with Moona, when she can make fucking Kanata the leech interesting, that's on Moona.

>> No.27325755

Holy shit Moona, kek.

>> No.27325757
Quoted by: >>27325921

She already said it's member content. Sorry bro.

>> No.27325758
File: 119 KB, 1024x1024, 1600109472264.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Amelia jerking off a plant for Moons

>> No.27325759
File: 362 KB, 561x350, 1601951561305.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Potential collabs for Ame
>Hololive ID
>Natsumi Moe

anyone I'm missing?

>> No.27325760

Uuuuuhhh yeah I'm thinking this is based.

>> No.27325763

Sleep tight anon

>> No.27325764

Please supa Amelia, she's using up all her money to grow this plant.

>> No.27325765
File: 42 KB, 828x120, 4050CEC9-A21A-4CBE-86C6-8D8CD768E808.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27325806

>> No.27325766

oh fuck, the Ame Moona collab is going to be such a shitshow

>> No.27325767

*heavy panting* W-WE-WE'RE ALMOST THERE *more heavy panting*
Amelia, please, stop

>> No.27325768


>> No.27325771

>Mori liked this

>> No.27325772


>> No.27325774

wait a minute, that narrative

>> No.27325775

Because some people don't want to fuck up something that cost that much

>> No.27325776

ive never seen another holo stay in a stream for this long. moona really wants that clout huh

>> No.27325778

Who do you think has Highest collab energy of EN?

>> No.27325779

Moona calm down holy shit

>> No.27325780

moona is fucking shitposter.

>> No.27325781


>> No.27325783

>Really into it.

>> No.27325785
File: 379 KB, 561x670, 1601099528139.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My schrödinger detective wife.
both gremlinkino/girlfriendkino until you open the stream.

>> No.27325786
Quoted by: >>27325826


>> No.27325794


>> No.27325796

doesn't sound like Ame

>> No.27325798
File: 200 KB, 256x256, 1596421900274.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

<span class="sjis"> no make it stop[/spoiler]

>> No.27325799


>> No.27325800

Then you don't watch them very often. Fubuki and Flare did this literally the other day for Watame.

>> No.27325802
File: 149 KB, 800x400, kiara rub my belly coupon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

decided to do my art reps and drew this coupon.
use it well

>> No.27325805

Based Moona

>> No.27325806

How big is your chat window? lmao

>> No.27325807

I just understood something. Moona is happy that Ame is getting Moons.

>> No.27325809

she's straight-up horny

>> No.27325812

Anon, your brain reps...

>> No.27325813

based truth teller

>> No.27325814

Is iofi the only exception in HoloID that has really good English?

>> No.27325815

moons like ame tho ...

>> No.27325817

This is a blessed stream.
Collab in 10 hours too

>> No.27325818

Herself from the past
She prerecords one half of the collab with someone else controlling a second character, and when she livestreams she pretends to interact with the prerecorded part and pretends to be playing the game with herself as a time travel bit. This would be hard to memorize and probably scripted so it would be shorter, like an hour.

>> No.27325819

Now moona is just being annoying

>> No.27325820

>belly rug

>> No.27325821
Quoted by: >>27325846


>> No.27325823
File: 49 KB, 1019x483, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can you tell amelia is my favorite

>> No.27325824


>> No.27325826

I never get tired of that clip

>> No.27325828
Quoted by: >>27325845

Maybe Holostars since she’s been openly talking about them

>> No.27325829

y'know everyone praises made in abyss but I thought it was boring. beautiful series though, it was well done.

>> No.27325832
Quoted by: >>27325846


>> No.27325833
File: 590 KB, 2792x3579, EjnmphpUcAA0G_k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27325835
Quoted by: >>27326233

>people like her v-tube identity and not her identity as a artist.
Is she even putting on any type of act most of the time?

>> No.27325836
File: 71 KB, 939x487, 1583251542107.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27325871

The couch is overplayed by now but I still like when they cover their eyes with the back of their hand

>> No.27325838
File: 289 KB, 1598x2048, BC5F27D6-656E-4936-9514-B58FADFC9B24.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27325839


>> No.27325841

They have all good english
But iofi and risu are pretty much fluent

>> No.27325842

Kiara since she speak Jap

>> No.27325844

moona is stealing ame from us ON STREAM

>> No.27325845

lol no, they aren't even allowed to be in their chat

>> No.27325846

Damn now I feel dumb because the the obvious JP advantage.

>> No.27325848

Iofi has really good english though

>> No.27325849

The better question is why is there no vore art even after all the shit they say

>> No.27325852

they are so chaotic, also I believe they are not allowed to colab with Project Melody as Coco has mentioned before

>> No.27325853

yeah but they're friends, ame/moona are strangers

>> No.27325854
File: 12 KB, 320x320, 1601528450812.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27325857
File: 572 KB, 3030x2146, watson chad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why yes, how could you tell?

>> No.27325858

I've been wondering when did those 3 hit it off?I know it was a while ago but I never expected those 3 to be so close. Watame spends more time with them than gen4.

>> No.27325859

I'm not sure there's an overall "best partner" for collabs. Some people just don't vibe together at all, and part of putting together a good collab is knowing who to pair with whom

>> No.27325860
Quoted by: >>27325929

>lacy black pantsu

>> No.27325861

It's insane

>> No.27325862

Very nice

>> No.27325863


>> No.27325864
Quoted by: >>27325927


>> No.27325866
Quoted by: >>27325953

Anon, you're kidding right? Surely you'll overclock and install a +500 dollar liquid cooling solution to offset the heat generation. No you'd probably fuck that up too.

>> No.27325867

i'm afraid to ask how long you've been saving thumbnails from twitter.

>> No.27325871

Do both of those but with Gura or Mori if you may

>> No.27325873
Quoted by: >>27325953

>fuck up
you won't

>> No.27325875
Quoted by: >>27325953

You would need to push it faaaar beyond community-tested clocks and temperatures to do permanent damage to it. Silicon is much tougher than you think. If it's any reassurance, all chip manufacturers play it pretty safe with their standard clocks because they can't be sure how highly the chips are binned.

>> No.27325877
File: 5 KB, 337x50, 1586274509980.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uh based?

>> No.27325879
File: 219 KB, 502x502, EikcpDdUwAEsxWw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27325880
Quoted by: >>27325902

Moona gonna nab so many subs from this.

>> No.27325882

>No free moon coupon

>> No.27325883
File: 70 KB, 727x396, 1 free golden yagoo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here take my rare coupon.

>> No.27325884

This is a cool idea, I hope she does this as a bit at some point

>> No.27325885
Quoted by: >>27326037

thats a fucking jerma effort joke
I'm loving these 10/10 gura

>> No.27325886

keep going gura
gotta make use of that caffeine

>> No.27325887

It's ok, teammates are used to getting cucked anyways

>> No.27325889
File: 108 KB, 505x438, 1601335410750.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a non-game collab where they just play with bubble wrap, rubber duckies, or something else while chatting would be cute and probably help solve any international crises

>> No.27325890

Can I rub it from either side? This is important.

>> No.27325892
File: 111 KB, 1016x485, 1585614293139.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I could tell from the beginning

>> No.27325894

Based cunny

>> No.27325895

fuck off with that sjw

>> No.27325899
File: 651 KB, 1920x1080, EjSjKPCUcAEaTz6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love my Muslim wife!

>> No.27325900

Never would've guessed

>> No.27325902
Quoted by: >>27325945

Please sub to my burger queen.


>> No.27325903

>Moona supports GEOTUS
based and redpilled

>> No.27325904

That would elevate Amelia to a god-tier holo if she does that.

>> No.27325905
File: 5 KB, 407x48, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27325910

cu*ked again....

>> No.27325911

We know Ina, we know...

>> No.27325913
File: 177 KB, 281x321, 1601273461130.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27325943

>beat Mario odyssey
>beat the post-game ultimate level
>never knew this area existed

>> No.27325914

>ride the big one

>> No.27325915

Who's outfit is this?

>> No.27325916


>> No.27325917

crashing this coupon economy...WITH NO SURVIVORS

>> No.27325918
Quoted by: >>27325977

That would be difficult as fuck but it'll pay off if she can do some sick magician's force interaction with chat

>> No.27325919

Who actually has the best Austic screech now i want to know. Korone, Risu, Ame, Aqua?

>> No.27325921
Quoted by: >>27326154

Fuck, anons don't share member content so I guess I'll just lay on my bed and cry
I hope she has fun

>> No.27325924
File: 114 KB, 850x1202, 1601337901416.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We ride the big one
Someone stop her please

>> No.27325925

based muslim conservative

>> No.27325927

Just saw it appear on my timeline

>> No.27325929

I'll take that as canon

>> No.27325930
Quoted by: >>27325962

kiara. she's the only one I care see collab with JP, really. I have a feeling the others will be trash

>> No.27325931

Ill get membership if true

>> No.27325935
Quoted by: >>27325947

Can rub it with my tongue?

>> No.27325936

The idol outfit

>> No.27325937

That stream and the bubble wrap sold me on Risu

>> No.27325938

amelia.. stop

>> No.27325942
File: 171 KB, 340x433, drgf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Risu has the most powerful voice range in all of hololive

it's impressive she's a high pitched squirrel considering her real voice is lliterally dr girlfriend

>> No.27325943

I knew there was a Deep Woods, but I never knew how to get to it

>> No.27325945
File: 83 KB, 792x859, Screenshot_2020-10-01 [OUTLAST] I AM RUNNING(1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But I'm already a member.

>> No.27325944

This would be incredibly easy to do, whichever cover employee or holo browsing this thread should totally get amelia to do this

>> No.27325947

doesn't say you can't

>> No.27325948

Did I miss something? Are Ame and Moona friends or did Moona just randomly decide to chill in her stream?

>> No.27325949

This and Risu vs Virgilio will always be my favorites

>> No.27325951

Generic holo idol outfit

>> No.27325953

I see Because i don't do thing i have no idea about

>> No.27325955

I think I need to make a separate folder for these

>> No.27325956

dangerously based

>> No.27325957

Why is Ame such a size queen?

>> No.27325959
File: 1.28 MB, 2956x3802, 684884648468468.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27326046

>> No.27325961
Quoted by: >>27325990

>her real voice is lliterally dr girlfriend
kek I never thought of it that way but you're totally right.

>> No.27325962

the only bad thing is Kiara can't live translate during collabs because she doesn't want to kill conversation flow

>> No.27325966
Quoted by: >>27326033

>lecture in 1 hour cancelled because professor is sick
thank you based coronachan

>> No.27325967
Quoted by: >>27325997

Someone post THAT Moona tweet. You know the one.

>> No.27325968

>I think I can move to lake kingdom now
Ame you hit the threshold like 30 minutes ago

>> No.27325969

They're colleagues, and we have no idea how much or little they've been talking offstream

>> No.27325970
Quoted by: >>27326012

does that extension have a dark mode?

>> No.27325971
Quoted by: >>27326000


>> No.27325973

<span class="sjis">
Moona stop my dick[/spoiler]

>> No.27325975
Quoted by: >>27326057


>> No.27325976

I can only stand the high pitched shit for so long, its a shame she settled on that for the majority of her streams

>> No.27325977

The coolest part would be if she has cover employees enter chat under rando youtube accounts so she can make it look as though both past and present her is reading chat

>> No.27325978
Quoted by: >>27326015

What is the dinosaur for? It must have a purpose yea?

>> No.27325979
Quoted by: >>27326019


>> No.27325981
Quoted by: >>27326021

Yeah her and Subaru have absolutely ridiculous ranges

>> No.27325984

>anything for my queen

>> No.27325987

Ame just called Moona her queen. It's over, folks, Moona won

>> No.27325988

>Anything for my queen
She’s leaking out

>> No.27325989

the hololive idol outfit

>> No.27325990

How do we know that not an act

>> No.27325993
File: 212 KB, 691x569, 1601873307106.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd unironically love a Dr. Girlfriend vtuber

>> No.27325995
File: 34 KB, 873x377, 1600666926656.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks for all the work anon its not much but here's my rarest coupon

>> No.27325997


>> No.27325998

>goslings NTR'd on stream by moona

>> No.27326000

Can I get more??

>> No.27326001
File: 38 KB, 1163x618, coupon wind up toy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27326002
Quoted by: >>27326054

goodnight fellow condomate

>> No.27326003

People has been fighting if it was AmexGura or AmexIna, but it was actually AmexMoona all along

>> No.27326004
File: 310 KB, 795x795, 1581387155825.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>have long dick
>not fat
>but super ugly face-wise and a manlet and a jawlet too
Is any of you guys the lowest of the lowest of the bottom?

>> No.27326005
Quoted by: >>27326042

Almost based taste, it would be perfect without the chicken.

>> No.27326006
Quoted by: >>27326189

gura mentioned heartbeat asmr so it's ver

>> No.27326007
File: 319 KB, 1019x485, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit, the foil edition! What a lucky pull!

>> No.27326008

oh no...

>> No.27326009

Moona is trying to recreate the Ottoman Empire with Holos, I can dig it.

>> No.27326010
Quoted by: >>27326022

Aqua. Not even a competition.

>> No.27326011

This is an excellent idea actually

>> No.27326012

i don't think so. i think it's just inheriting dark mode from my youtube preferences.

>> No.27326013
File: 5 KB, 253x72, moon...png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27326014
Quoted by: >>27326047

autistic "number go up" mentality plus shut-in plus weeb who buys dragon dildos as a "joke"

>> No.27326015

There's some rocks you can only break with the t-rex, and under is a

>> No.27326019

Isn't that why "Being Guts is suffering the manga" taking so long?

>> No.27326021
File: 192 KB, 720x853, rp9q7lrcrej51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Risu tries to improve on her bad voice, where Subaru is the opposite and is trying to hide her MASSIVE Seiso idol powerlevel

>> No.27326023


>> No.27326022

Care to give me a clip example?

>> No.27326025


>boomer with failed music career struggling to make ends meet working a shit job
>completely broken girl that was abandoned and homeless and dropped out of school
>extremely antisocial introvert with no real friends and spends time erping and ldring on a furry mmo
>raging alcoholic
>impostor syndrome-mentally unstable-had to deal with stalkers-extreme distrust in men-

do you see the common denominator? they all need someone to hold them, love them, and to save them.

i can save them.

>> No.27326030
Quoted by: >>27326169

Isn't Ame a big fan of all of the hololive girls, she probably enjoys the attention from them a lot.

>> No.27326033
Quoted by: >>27326091

class cancelled for the semester?

>> No.27326036
Quoted by: >>27326074

>Coupon Gacha
I'd play.

>> No.27326037


>> No.27326039
File: 44 KB, 573x369, 😂chomp🦈.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27326040
Quoted by: >>27326068

Does the blue moon unlock new powers or some shit or is it just for completionists?

>> No.27326042

I can't imagine having this shit of taste.

>> No.27326043
Quoted by: >>27326098

Mario fucking sucks. I bought this and still didn't pass the mexican stage so boring

>> No.27326045
Quoted by: >>27326092

Is there an easy way to make these into gifs with some slow shimmer effect

>> No.27326046
File: 292 KB, 1080x1055, 1600114637639.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why armpit?

>> No.27326047
Quoted by: >>27326087

>buys dragon dildos as a "joke"
When did she do that

>> No.27326048

They probably talk on Discord just like Gura with Marine/Shion

>> No.27326049


>> No.27326052

Lmao that's a good one

>> No.27326053
Quoted by: >>27326182


>> No.27326054
Quoted by: >>27326075


>> No.27326055


>> No.27326056

dunno If i should save this to my coupon folder or my gosling folder

>> No.27326057

Every time I've tried to watch her streams the first thing I hear is Seamonkey jabbering so I just close the tab. Maybe it's just consistently bad timing, but I've yet to hear much of the half-dozen non-ID languages she allegedly speaks.

>> No.27326058

RIP pekora

>> No.27326059

Moona you can't have your cake and eat it too. That's literally how the idiom works.

>> No.27326060
File: 1.20 MB, 1500x2000, 1584608224313.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27326128

Why not

>> No.27326062

I have over 200 coupons name one you want I most likely have it

>> No.27326063

A foil coupon?
You could say it's...

>> No.27326068
Quoted by: >>27326152

Moons are colored per world. Nothing special other than you need to get a specific amount before moving to the next one

>> No.27326072

Based Taste

>> No.27326073
Quoted by: >>27326124

>MASSIVE Seiso idol powerlevel

>> No.27326074

/hlgg/ gacha game when?

>> No.27326075


>> No.27326077
Quoted by: >>27326108

God, she's so fucking fat

>> No.27326078

this was a pretty good shitpost until the last part

>> No.27326080

Holy based. Proud to be a pikadad today.

>> No.27326081

You're not wrong...but.....


>> No.27326079

>hyperfocuses on single negative aspect of a girls character
>self-centered enough to believe they can "fix" these problems efoortlessly
>doesn't actually watch any of them
Guess how I know you are a redditor

>> No.27326083

I already saved them

>> No.27326084
File: 246 KB, 463x453, 1575555110199.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27326086

YAGOO already got there first, that's his entire strategy

>> No.27326087

you just know she did

>> No.27326088
Quoted by: >>27326134


>> No.27326091

hopefully. its shit like computer architecture and old computers

>> No.27326092
File: 760 KB, 1024x720, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure, I desu.

>> No.27326093

So how long before she get to 1M

>> No.27326095


>> No.27326096

Oh shit, I forgot Mori was going to make another vodka challenge.

>> No.27326098

just say "I have shit taste" next time

>> No.27326099

>Lost her bathing suit from getting hit by waves on the beach

>> No.27326100
Quoted by: >>27326164

kiara chair sweat coupon

>> No.27326101

She's farming lewd posters and goslings like no tomorrow.

>> No.27326103
File: 13 KB, 421x92, 566545432234324.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27326136


>> No.27326106

The waves of the ocean, bros as old as time.

>> No.27326107
File: 139 KB, 1028x519, oxygen mask.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27326108
File: 1.62 MB, 677x960, 1601785796497.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27326110
File: 1.23 MB, 2896x4096, 1600671869092.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

H-her swimsuit has fallen off before?

>> No.27326109

>amelia was homeless and parentless
There's a 100% chance she got raped

>> No.27326111
File: 573 KB, 600x688, Mate GUra.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27326112


>> No.27326113
File: 19 KB, 590x350, 1597134108509.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27326114
Quoted by: >>27326158

>I'll never be those waves

>> No.27326115


>> No.27326117
File: 72 KB, 463x453, 1600320977385.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27326174


>> No.27326118

>Stream is biffereing for a bit
>comes back
>"bathing suit comes off"
what did I miss?

>> No.27326119

>have you guys ever been at the beach and there's a big wave and it takes off your bathing suit
>get hit by a big wave again. and again. and AGAIN. and your bathing suit comes off

holy fuck ame i'm gonna fucking GOSLIIING

>> No.27326120
Quoted by: >>27326165

16 days

>> No.27326121


>> No.27326124


>> No.27326126

The doujins write themselves

>> No.27326127

Sorry I already did that for you
ogey rrat

>> No.27326128

something about this one is too loli like it doenst fit ina

>> No.27326130

Jesus christ Ame
> Getting hit by BIG waves AGAIN and AGAIN and AGAIN~

>> No.27326131
Quoted by: >>27326183


When are we going to start classifying coupons by rarity and adding 1st Edition mark?

>> No.27326132

Finally, someone else that is aware of the truth

>> No.27326133

We need a big tit tomboy MILF for Gen 2

>> No.27326134
File: 124 KB, 940x500, 1601932243836.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27326136

pitchads are the strongest

>> No.27326141

The ocean being a bro.

>> No.27326144

If gura gets 16000 a day for the next 20 days she'll beat Fubuki to a 1million if fubuki stays at 4000 a day steady.

>> No.27326146

An introduction to Watson Amelia?

>> No.27326145

It's happening to you too? are you EU?
Also she was saying she got hit by big waves over and over again at the beach and it fell off

>> No.27326148
File: 573 KB, 2048x1556, EjlVFwgXsAElqN2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27326150

you cant even save yourself you loser

>> No.27326151

Time traveller here, its in about 3 weeks. You guys have no idea whats coming. I hope to god something alters the timeline soon...

>> No.27326152

Damn Ame's gonna spend weeks on this game alone.

>> No.27326154
File: 96 KB, 271x216, 1600743054218.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anons don't share member content

>> No.27326155

The Rainbow Fish AKA COMMUNISM

>> No.27326158

>ywn pound Ame again and again and again

>> No.27326159
File: 829 KB, 1067x1433, Her smile and optimism.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27326185

>you will never pound Ame so hard her swimsuit falls off

>> No.27326164
Quoted by: >>27326375

I don't bother to save Kiara coupons

>> No.27326165
Quoted by: >>27326202

Right now or do it count her next stream with Ama or Mori?

>> No.27326166
Quoted by: >>27326188


>> No.27326169

Ina and Kiara are the only ones who watch a lot of Holo streams.

>> No.27326171
Quoted by: >>27326526

I want this but with Moona and (You) with N**t by the door

>> No.27326172
File: 366 KB, 528x528, 1601518974707.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27326200

Moona is getting into her private messages.

>> No.27326174

she's still mad about those blue ores in minecraft

>> No.27326175
Quoted by: >>27326329


>> No.27326177

thanks anon

>> No.27326178


>> No.27326180

>What are these... BLACKS?
ame no

>> No.27326181

wtf did she just say about blacks NIGGA

>> No.27326182


>> No.27326183

1st edition is a great idea, how could rarity be done though?

>> No.27326184

>Ame sliding into Moona's DM

>> No.27326185

I don't want sand up my butt and peehole.

>> No.27326186

Should I buy this bing bing wahoo game? It looks kinda fun

>> No.27326187

>HoloEN collab without Ina
Ina... your collab reps... onegai...

>> No.27326188

hello there

>> No.27326190

Uhm what?

>> No.27326189

i am so glad i joined the Shark-Side

>> No.27326191
Quoted by: >>27326209

>What are these... BLACKS?
Amelia no...

>> No.27326192
Quoted by: >>27326209

>what are these blacks?

>> No.27326193
Quoted by: >>27326316

not numberfagging but who averages the 2nd most viewers outside of gura

>> No.27326194
File: 2 KB, 24x24, ame.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27326228

>> No.27326195

Hell i post Patron porn online

>> No.27326196
File: 269 KB, 355x478, 1601388252015.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27326316

Hey numberfags, how are the other girls doing?

Obviously gura is #1, but I wanna see a chart of the other ENs vs the JPs down below

>> No.27326198



>> No.27326199

Jesus christ Amelia I think you've had too many private chats with Kiara.

>> No.27326200
Quoted by: >>27326230

Here's the real test of your devotion, would you become Indonesian if it mean being able to DM Ame?

>> No.27326201
File: 56 KB, 1019x483, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Moona has been added to the Ame Harem.

>> No.27326202

using current daily growth of like 16k to 18k

>> No.27326203

>i can save them
not sure if it's what you were going for but that made me laugh

>> No.27326204


>> No.27326205


>> No.27326208

>unzips dick

>> No.27326209


>> No.27326207

Ame's harem is growing

>> No.27326210


>> No.27326211


>> No.27326212

I will never forgive Cover for delaying Shuba's 3DLive and making her cry

>> No.27326214

Risu is always giving us the good clips
And the no nut challenge one which I can't find

>> No.27326216
File: 53 KB, 329x329, 1599961532677.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>amelia talking about her in an enf situation
she literally hits every one of my fucking buttons I cant take it anymore

>> No.27326217

Post Kiara's super chat than. Oh wait, you won't because it wasn't shared or it was only shared in that thread (which no1 cared about because it wax Kiara).

>> No.27326219

it's one of the better Marios

>> No.27326226

>what are these blacks
Ame, I...

>> No.27326227
File: 96 KB, 767x1226, pekorabaldneck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'd say Marine first, she can make anything interesting. Her conversation skills are unparalleled and she's very good at reading the different personalities of the Holos and getting the most out of them. She always has a funny story ready, can smooth over any yabai moments, and is great at keeping everyone involved to their comfort level

Second place is Coco, she brings a lot of energy to whatever she's doing and is also really good at leading Holos out of their comfort zones. She also is surprisingly empathetic and can help them with some real shit, like when Aqua was dealing with Antis or Watame was dealing with Kiara syndrome.

Shortly behind Coco I would say Fubuki, and I mean not shortly at all. In fact I consider them tied for second place. Fubuki has different aspects than Coco, she is a great moderator and can pull content out of literally anything, a recent example being Shion and Marine oversleeping by 4 hours. I actually don't like Fubuki that much but I respect her ability

I'd place Suisei third I guess, that might surprise some people, but Suisei is competitive as hell which is always funny. It also makes her competent at a bunch of games because you know she practiced beforehand. If it's a singing collab she's obviously going to elevate it. And she can hold her own in a conversation as well Also she attracted the attention of Holos when she was still languishing in INNK hell, so obviously they wanted to collab with her as well.

4th place for me would be Watame, although I think some would disagree, Watame is really good at going with the flow and can easily follow whatever vibe is going on, no matter how insane it gets. This results in some great moments when you can make her say super lewd things. However I feel she's also not really a leader, so the stronger her partner is, the stronger overall the collab will be.

Next would be a tossup between Mio, Subaru, Choco Sensei, they are all good moderators at multi person collabs, but don't really add a lot themselves. Again this is all just my opinion.

Special mention goes to Miko, although sometimes she can be hit or miss, she definitely brings her own personality to collabs. Polka has also been great in everything I've seen her in, but Gen 5 is still too new to make a definitive ruling.

People might be surprised that I left Pekora off this list given how popular she is and she's definitely entertaining. However I feel like she's always doing the same thing, which works by the way, its always funny to see her get bullied and mess up, but it also kind of feels one note in a collab and doesn't always bring out the best in her partner/partners. Again, it's a mild criticism, it obviously hasn't gotten old yet since everyone loves it.

Anyway, those are my opinions, feel free to have your own.

>> No.27326228

Ame for ants

>> No.27326229

Man, Amelia's hair is so shitty looking

>> No.27326230

You gotta do what you gotta do.

>> No.27326232

based drawtism
how do you do these so fast and so well

>> No.27326233
Quoted by: >>27326261

Yeah, this video and the one it's a sort of sequel to are the only things she's ever been affiliated with to get more views than these new songs.
She seems pretty genuine to me, the only things that seem played up to me are her intentionally stumbling over slang and the yuribait stuff, though I may have forgotten something.

>> No.27326234


>> No.27326235

She can't keep getting away with it!

>> No.27326236

>See Ina drawing in livestream
>bought a small wacom to start.
>can't draw a line or write a single fucking letter without it looking awful
What am I supposed to do? I never drawn anything in my life and now around thirty makes me want to draw but everything is horrible, even feeling uncomfortable taking the pencil. Maybe it was a mistake to buy such a small table? I want to continue but I feel like shit right now.

>> No.27326237
Quoted by: >>27326709

Dunno, sometimes I look at the backgrounds of ultra big name artists and they can't even bring their parallel objects to a vanishing point.
Then I remember I can't draw appealing characters worth shit and I cry a lot.

>> No.27326238

It's a fun game.

>> No.27326239
Quoted by: >>27326257

Anon...at this point you've basically singlehandedly replaced Watson's coupon economy....

>> No.27326240

So do you think she will get anything when she hit 1M?

>> No.27326244


>> No.27326248
Quoted by: >>27326281

Cover gives her a new outfit

>> No.27326249

Disregard that I suck cocks, didn't read it. Of EN, right now I'd say Kiara.

>> No.27326250


>> No.27326251


>> No.27326252
Quoted by: >>27326336


>> No.27326253

just practice making a line every single day
then curve
then shape
just do it everyday until you like it

>> No.27326254
Quoted by: >>27326336

he said of en retard

>> No.27326257

its like when the dollar went from goldstandrd to fiat currency

>> No.27326258

just you keep at it anon

>> No.27326259

I never trust a poll's results unless GPUanon posts it to the thread.

>> No.27326260

Shit, meant members chat.

>> No.27326261

So if i understand 95% of her streams she not playing a character right?

>> No.27326262
Quoted by: >>27326336

>Highest collab energy of EN?
>Doesn't list a single EN

>> No.27326263
File: 48 KB, 638x776, hell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27326318

I fucking hate them for it.

>> No.27326264

I don't think these Odyssey streams are very entertaining. Sorry, but I think I'm going to get ready to sell my Ame stock if it continues like this.

>> No.27326267

anon.. You should've at least gotten an XP or Huion. They are quality enough at this point and its like 3 times the size of a small wacom. I had a small pen and touch, but got Huion. Its so much better

>> No.27326269

>raging alcoholic
what is the source on Gura being a serious drinker? is it just a case of the narrative going too far?

>> No.27326270

A shadowban on her celebration stream

>> No.27326271

Probably gonna have to get used to the tablet, just do repetitions of basic stuff until you're comfortable.

>> No.27326273
Quoted by: >>27326336

smol brain

>> No.27326274

this Mario stream is really fun compared to the previous two.

>> No.27326277

no because Cover is a black company infact she will probably get a creep manager

>> No.27326278

why is it after decades of video games, devs still decide that underwater levels are a good idea

>> No.27326280

drawabox, loomis, vilppu, proko
Check the /ic/ archive for a mega full of beginner artbooks

>> No.27326281
Quoted by: >>27326294

What do you think it will look like

>> No.27326282

>not enjoying amelia frequently talking about being naked and then acting like there was nothing lewd about the comment

>> No.27326286
Quoted by: >>27326336


>> No.27326289

that's not water she's drinking every stream

>> No.27326290

>big yoshi
and you faggots are arguing

>> No.27326291

I respectfully disagree, as a Goslingposter.

>> No.27326292

Just like you start horrible at a game and at some point after hundreds of hours it becomes second nature, its all about muscular memory. Feeling like shit never goes away, though.

>> No.27326293
Quoted by: >>27326336

didnt read lol

>> No.27326294
Quoted by: >>27326338

3 bandaids

>> No.27326296
Quoted by: >>27326327


>> No.27326297

The Moona shit saved it I think

>> No.27326299

Tablets are a bitch at first

>> No.27326300
File: 2.79 MB, 954x1500, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27326328

finally some good perflat ina art

>> No.27326302

its just narrtives and skitzos who belibe those narritves

>> No.27326306

>Not watching Ame for her retard stories and gremlin noises

>> No.27326307
Quoted by: >>27326353

Agreed, I think for Ame Splatoon 2 is more suitable. Still a good stream to put on the background for the laughs and hiccups though.

>> No.27326309
Quoted by: >>27326372

if you are a native english speaker its pretty clear
plus HER constantly talked about getting drunk

>> No.27326311
Quoted by: >>27326336

Thanks for your opinion even though you didn't answer the question. Appreciate the effort.

>> No.27326312

They're a staple by now

>> No.27326313
File: 80 KB, 998x643, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thats all the coupon making for now. Fun stuff.

>> No.27326316

I'm curious as well. no clue what site they use for that shit

>> No.27326317


Away with you falseflagger.

>> No.27326318
File: 96 KB, 288x288, 1595427848752.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>first time in forever Subaru shows genuine sorrow
>Mio immediately fucking hauls ass over to her house even though Subaru said she's fine
>Okayu hops on a bus and flies over there as well

I can only hope the ENs grow into such levels of friendship.

>> No.27326320

it's the narrative going too far. but she started it.

>> No.27326321
Quoted by: >>27326369


>> No.27326322

REMINDER: Ame is for rough kinky fetish sex

>> No.27326323

This music is making me sleepy, I need Ame to screech and wake me up.

>> No.27326324

>selling before the date

>> No.27326327
File: 104 KB, 408x453, 1587343849848.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27326357

Are these the most famous 2 seconds in human history?

>> No.27326328

the hard part is drawing Ina flat without turning her into a loli

>> No.27326329


>> No.27326336

Thanks for the (You)s :^)

>> No.27326337

Anon I swear I know your artstyle from somewhere.
Did you do any quests on 4chan in the past?

>> No.27326338

Dangerously based

>> No.27326339

Thank you for the 20+ new coupons anon. Your work now takes up 2% of the entire coupon economy

>> No.27326340

Thanks for the coupons, I hope Ame accepts them on coupon inspection day.

>> No.27326344 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 106 KB, 927x500, 1601959606875.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27326346
File: 673 KB, 1366x768, folder.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27326435

anon, you're going to fill my folder fast at this point

>> No.27326347
Quoted by: >>27326390

I found my old Bamboo tablet last week and tried to draw along with Ina today.

I ended up with a stick figure by the time she finished the first "rough" sketch of FBK and lost all motivation.

>> No.27326348

god i want to make mio the mother of my children

>> No.27326349
Quoted by: >>27326362

It's Plato

>> No.27326351

Yes this was actually what I was looking for, Thank you for digging it up.

>> No.27326352
Quoted by: >>27326395

I wish Ame would unzip my dick...

>> No.27326353

I wish more VTubers would play Splatoon in general. Maybe when 3 comes out and it receives a resurgence in popularity.

>> No.27326354

>You guys have no idea whats coming.
What did schizo-chama mean by this?

>> No.27326355

Have another, you deserve it.

>> No.27326356
File: 161 KB, 413x382, 1600759634924.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

t-thanks anon
have a good day/night

>> No.27326357

No, I can think of 19 seconds that are more famous.

>> No.27326358


>> No.27326360
File: 1.03 MB, 1267x708, 1601875278980.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope so as well.

>> No.27326362
Quoted by: >>27326436

Lmfao the CYOA quests where 7 decided the next answer? Yeah that was me.

>> No.27326363

Bless you anon. I look forward to your work in the future.

>> No.27326365

No problem. Have another since you're so nice

>> No.27326368


>> No.27326369
Quoted by: >>27326438

not an esl just like that spelling better

>> No.27326370

>REMINDER: Mori is for wholesome sex

>> No.27326371

Lake world is by far the smallest world. The ocean level is much less about diving around and more about comfy beach stuff.

>> No.27326372

you mean she is drunk during stream every time?

>> No.27326375
Quoted by: >>27326399

Are you one of the antis?

>> No.27326376


>> No.27326377

rest up couponanon
you are pretty based

>> No.27326378

Your coupons now have a very unique place in the Watson coupon economy.

>> No.27326379

Now that you mention it, they probably did some CYOA's before. Its frustratingly familiar.
You don't have to expose yourself dude, but just know your cute art is appreciated.

>> No.27326380
File: 10 KB, 219x187, 1600137568969.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love doing the same retarded noises but I'm a 27 years old male

>> No.27326382

You took a while to type it all out you deserve a (You). Unless you copy pasted that shit than you can choke on a dick.

>> No.27326385

Gura please...

>> No.27326388

Mori is for plying with alcohol until she thinks anal is a good idea

>> No.27326389
File: 49 KB, 472x423, 1600313183965.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27326416

I'm having a great time, much more than her multiplayer shootan streams

what exactly do you want her to play?

>> No.27326390
Quoted by: >>27326415

Don't compare yourself to a legit professional who does this stuff everyday. Practice at your own pace. If you keep at it you'll improve. Don't worry about your art looking bad, everyone's art sucks in different ways when they start out and the only way to iron out those issues is by ritual practice.

>> No.27326393
Quoted by: >>27326532

Gonna be a bit hard for them to do that given how 2 of them live in Japan. Maybe I can see Mori and Kiara doing that for each other though.

>> No.27326394

God all you ESL seanigger antis should be rangebanned forever.

>> No.27326395

...you mean your pants?
i won't judge tho whatever youre into man

>> No.27326398

What is wholesome lesbian sex like? Kiara should be prepared for it

>> No.27326399

No too busy jerking off during her streams

>> No.27326402
File: 2 KB, 184x156, 1581165009317.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27326449

Imagine all the gamer rage moments and the desk banging if she streams splatoon

>> No.27326406
Quoted by: >>27326456

The only problem with Ame is that she's a hard S and I'm also an S. So I kinda wanna see her dominate Gura and Ina instead.

>> No.27326407



>> No.27326410
Quoted by: >>27326417

Males can be cute too, anon.

>> No.27326411
Quoted by: >>27326417

You're cute

>> No.27326412

Another on the house for the (You)

>> No.27326414
Quoted by: >>27326620

So do you think HER can make her voice sound this deep? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RIc-cfdYk58

>> No.27326415

I couldn't even figure out how to draw a face by the time she was done with the rough draft. It's soul crushing.

I might try again later when I'm not getting dunked on by a paid professional.

>> No.27326416

not him but I want her to play spore

>> No.27326417

>tfw ugly as fuck
Not me that's for sure

>> No.27326418

Reminder: Anything you do to Ame you have to record and show to Gura so she can masturbate to it, and vice versa

>> No.27326419

>ya boi wakes up the next morning with a hangover, a sore ass, and a Deadbeat in her bed

>> No.27326420

She mentioned playing Fallout 3/NV/4 already but I wouldn't mind watching her play it again, permissions aside
She can give herself a challenge by going max luck or pistols only or whatever

>> No.27326422

Sounds like a fucking dog, is that why people like her?

>> No.27326424
Quoted by: >>27326508

You poor fool. Typing this from my private Gura epstein island paid for with sharkcoin

>> No.27326425

not based

>> No.27326426

aqua is mentally retarded, and thats putting it nicely

>> No.27326427
File: 127 KB, 218x245, 1601757072710.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27326428

Only Overwatch beats Splatoon when it comes to games that makes me rage.

>> No.27326429

That's what yagoo made vtubers for

>> No.27326432
Quoted by: >>27326548

>whispers OH I HATE IT

>> No.27326435

>not having a specific coupon folder

>> No.27326436
Quoted by: >>27326448

I hope you took me calling you Oney as a compliment

>> No.27326438

Reminds me of this

>> No.27326439

Just spend that time during her stream figuring out how to draw a face. Gotta take it step by step.

>> No.27326440

Gura says nigger live on stream and it jeopardizes not only HoloEN, but all of Cover. I left just as shit began to hit the fan.

>> No.27326441


>> No.27326443
Quoted by: >>27326453

Is she getting sleepy or it's just the tracking acting weird?

>> No.27326445
Quoted by: >>27326459

Why do you think alcohol is a prerequisite?

>> No.27326446

>can you beat fallout new vegas without making any gremlin noises

>> No.27326447
File: 128 KB, 750x533, 9D437C57-BE0E-4763-AF2D-2D9E7557D35E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kiara just retweeted someone with "anal fuck" in their username...

>> No.27326448

I've gotten Oney and the Adventure Time guy a lot.

>> No.27326449

The only time I've ever raged while being a squid is during Splatfest. Other than that, Splatoon 1 and 2 are probably the happiest I've ever been playing a multiplayer game.

>> No.27326452

Splatoon's ass to watch unless they're decent at it.

>> No.27326453

I can't blame her if she's getting sleepy with this music.

>> No.27326455
File: 178 KB, 406x430, 1601872309253.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm gonna say it at 1 mil

>> No.27326456

Ame isn't a hard S, she's a bratty teasing M who hasn't been topped yet because everyone who likes her is a mewling faggot

>> No.27326457
Quoted by: >>27326470

I unironically act like this in my car and sometimes at home when no one is around, and I'm 32, so it could be worse

>> No.27326458

I didn't believe the schizoposts when they first said Ame had sensitive information online, I won't make the same mistake twice

>> No.27326459

She needed to drink to get through her early streams, anal is a big undertaking

>> No.27326460
Quoted by: >>27326475

is it me or is ame stream audio always fucked

seems like the game audio is always louder than her

>> No.27326464

Looks like cringekino's back on the menu boys!

>> No.27326467

I feel you bro i tried fiddling with my old guitar after watching the Mr.K today and felt miserable. just gotta keep the reps going

>> No.27326468

She’s letting Mori know what she plans for her

>> No.27326469
Quoted by: >>27326705

She would gremlin before even meeting Doc Mitchell, I can guarantee it.

>> No.27326470

Well I do it when playing with friends and I make them laugh at least

>> No.27326471

I want to believe this narrative

>> No.27326472

My dad is in his 60's and has done that shit since I was a kid.

>> No.27326473

that bird sure is horny

>> No.27326474

Bakaqua is real.

>> No.27326475

how fucked are you ears anon? She's way louder and her voice stands the fuck out

>> No.27326477

No worries, as always Mori took the heat off of that already.

>> No.27326478

the curse of the 25th...

>> No.27326479

This is accurate

>> No.27326480

wtf is M and S

>> No.27326484

Cute can be a personality trait. Just look at them. They're not cute just because of their appearance, at least not the 3D one.
And beauty is (mostly) subjective.

>> No.27326485

Either she's really fucking dumb or the character she's playing is really fucking dumb, or she's just kind of dumb and plays it up to really fucking dumb for laughs. Either way it's pretty funny. She scored a 1 on Choco's test. She's also somewhat like Pekora in that things almost always blow up in her face.

>> No.27326486

powerful sneezes

>> No.27326488

Nips dont care, the normie EOPs wont even notice and just look at the art instead.

>> No.27326490
File: 54 KB, 234x173, 1600745832060.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I hate when Amelia plays shooters!
>I don't like her Mario streams!
Soooo.... what do you want her to play?

Go ahead and list some literally who grand strategy game. Get it out of your system.

>> No.27326491
Quoted by: >>27326531

>those frenchie sounds
Ame should play Gravity Rush

>> No.27326493

is subaru okay though

>> No.27326492


she knows how it goes

>> No.27326495

NGL, I expected her to fuck around too much and slide down the ramp.

>> No.27326494

Anonchama, your fetish reps...

>> No.27326496

Masochist and sadist

>> No.27326498

Ame please, you were the only one who could stop her

>> No.27326500
File: 4 KB, 237x31, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ame WILL come to Brazil

>> No.27326501

Anonchama your hentai reps

>> No.27326504

M for Mori S for Shark

>> No.27326506

It's the gap between retardedness and being good at games

>> No.27326507
Quoted by: >>27326612

>hasn't watched Inu x Boku SS yet
We got another one fellas

>> No.27326508
Quoted by: >>27326552

How'd you buy an island without selling any coin?

>> No.27326510
Quoted by: >>27326705

>She can give herself a challenge by going max luck or pistols only or whatever
Why stop there. How about upping the stakes by making it a perma death Fallout run with some kind of batsu game punishment

>> No.27326511

Coco and Haachama are graduating aren't they? Cover kneels to China so hard and everything is ruined forever.

>> No.27326512
Quoted by: >>27326561

this harlot sneezes for PLEASURE

>> No.27326514

Man, it's going to be bloodbath when Gura reaches top 3. I can tell people will start subscribing more to Korone and Fubuki when they see the shark approaching, it's going to be a race among those three for the million sub. and it turns out the three of them reaches 1M within 48 hours of difference

>> No.27326515

John Titorchama....

>> No.27326516



>> No.27326520

anonchama... your sadism and masochism reps...

>> No.27326521
File: 282 KB, 1624x2048, 1601172190537.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27326553

>encouraging sneeze compilation.
uh oh

>> No.27326522

She's an idiot savant in things like Apex and DS

>> No.27326523

I don't want her to stream anything that doesn't replicate the experience of being on a romantic date with Amelia.

>> No.27326524

Ame you should know you can't alter the timelines by now.

>> No.27326526
File: 121 KB, 940x500, 1601959101496.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27326576

I gave it my best effort

>> No.27326527
File: 77 KB, 1280x720, strategybros.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27326583


>> No.27326529

I want her to play Mushihimesama Futari!

>> No.27326530

sneezing for the pleasure of it

>> No.27326531

>ps game

>> No.27326532

I hope Mori and Kiara do each other too.

>> No.27326533


>> No.27326534
File: 528 KB, 920x495, Screenshot 2020-09-30 090250.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i almost forgot to post this image again

>> No.27326536

Of course.
Girls are the cutest when they're almost mentally retarded.

>> No.27326535
Quoted by: >>27326705

Max luck is the only way to play NV, unlimited currency. Out of principle max luck is the best way to play 3 and 4 as well

>> No.27326540
File: 74 KB, 230x230, 1601177999855.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i wanna make Aqua have her first sexual experience
>i will kiss her. softly at first. looking into her eyes and telling her how cute she is.
>slowly, we'll begin to passionately embrace each other, reveling in our retarded lust.
>as we consummate our lust, our bodies sweating, my thrusts matching hers, her drool falling into my stomach as she rides me
>not entirely sure why it feels so pleasurable for her but unable to hold back ever if she tried to.
>her moans would become chewbacca-like roars or glorious, uncontained climax before she fell on top of me
>i would erupt furiously inside her, impregnating her mongol eggs with my seed creating the antichrist

>> No.27326541

Nancy drew games

>> No.27326542

Only Kiara has.

>> No.27326543

>what do you want her to play?
Monster Girl Quest.

>> No.27326544

Nah, they just aren't posted at all
It's okay, I understand people don't want others to get for free something they paid for, it's completely natural

>> No.27326545

ignore >>27326440 he's a shitposter from the future.

Basically what happens is that Gura hitting 1 million subscribers triggers a chain of events that can't be stopped. Hololive and vtubers in general become mainstream. I am from a world where all of your worst nightmares have become reality. You think anime going mainstream was bad? You haven't seen anything yet.

>> No.27326546

is this how world war 3 begins?

>> No.27326548

I absolutely loathe how vividly this post made me imagine it.

>> No.27326549

You wouldn't play the Pocky Game with Mori or Kiara.

>> No.27326550

Not one of those anons but Mario Kart and Smash woud make for good content, even more so in collabs

>> No.27326551

Wizardry 8 or shes a fukkin casual

>> No.27326552

Sorry, I sold the coin and then bought it, and at a good time too. Just to be clear

>> No.27326554

cute innocent anonchama

>> No.27326553

She already knows about the hiccup comp.

>> No.27326555
Quoted by: >>27326633

Here's a simple exercise you can do to get better lines:
Draw 3 random points on your canvas (somewhat close to each other) then try to draw a line in one stroke that touches all three points
Keep doing that for 10/15 minutes
Do it every day until it feels natural and your lines actually touch the three points consistently

Also save your exercise pages so you can use them to see your improvements over time

>> No.27326556
Quoted by: >>27326679

Ina should play bayonetta.

>> No.27326559

I want her to play with my heart

>> No.27326560


>> No.27326561


>> No.27326563
File: 608 KB, 816x624, 1581383354942.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27326901


>> No.27326565
File: 221 KB, 400x442, 1601873142657.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27326566

Disappointed she didn't read "Wow, this is really deep"

>> No.27326567

Wow, I didn't think you could actually make it down that hole without being a fish

>> No.27326572

One of them should unironically do a watch-along of Brazil.

>> No.27326574
Quoted by: >>27326604

Kiara's already gone to Brazil.

>> No.27326575


>> No.27326576

Im eternally amused how this version remains untouched by the meidos.

>> No.27326578
File: 1.55 MB, 400x286, fug dis.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>JP only stream

>> No.27326580

Why do people say Amelia offers the girlfriend experience?

>> No.27326581

What's a good game for Ame to flex her voice acting chops?

>> No.27326582

Mori, go back to work.

>> No.27326583

Gen 2, brother... Gen 2...

>> No.27326585

>>her moans would become chewbacca-like roars or glorious, uncontained climax before she fell on top of me
>>i would erupt furiously inside her, impregnating her mongol eggs with my seed creating the antichrist
Ended better than expected kek.

>> No.27326587
File: 1.84 MB, 1524x1440, 1601842098858.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Erotic Chicken.

>> No.27326589

city building / management games !!
any of them

>> No.27326590

sounds more like a dream than a nightmare desu

>> No.27326591


Wow I can't believe she just said that

>> No.27326595

a game she's good at

>> No.27326596

stay pure anon

>> No.27326600


>> No.27326601


>> No.27326602

Nationwide riots, followed by the largest mass-slaughter of communists in history.

>> No.27326603

Train Simulator

>> No.27326604
Quoted by: >>27326642

she was just visiting some family in the area

>> No.27326609

this but with me instead of (you)

>> No.27326610
Quoted by: >>27326715

>Amelia goes to Brazil and GETS SHOT in a favela [JP Subs]

>> No.27326612
Quoted by: >>27326650

That anime is pretty mediocre but god fucking damn if the OP isn't one of the best songs to scream out in your car



>> No.27326614
File: 188 KB, 557x290, 1601523100469.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cause your big fat head sunk all the way to the bottom

>> No.27326615

Because they're antis who don't actually watch her streams and just parrot a retarded narrative.

>> No.27326618

I think it's because of all the girlfriend experience she offers.

>> No.27326619

They are already making Gura's 3D model, be prepared for the debut in this month.

>> No.27326620

ogey rrat

>> No.27326621
Quoted by: >>27326643

Total war Warhammer isn't grand strategy.

>> No.27326622

It's alright I'll keep killing time before the event.

>> No.27326625

Oh god, I'd sure hate for things I enjoy to become socially acceptable

>> No.27326627

VA-11 hall-a

>> No.27326628

It's a challenge stream, Anonchama.

>> No.27326629


>> No.27326632

I had a feeling this was coming... when is the first virtual president?

>> No.27326633

what if you do it with four points ???

>> No.27326638

Is ogey stronger or is rrat stronger?

>> No.27326639

>the antichrist
Almost choked on my saliva right at the end.

>> No.27326642

Were they related to a certain German leader?

>> No.27326643
File: 33 KB, 128x127, 1601688616467.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27326691

>She ends up playing Beastmen

>> No.27326646
Quoted by: >>27326722

Can't wait for her 3D model to debut for Amnesia and people going full autism in the thread "OMFG ANON WAS RIGHT THEY'RE HERE THEY'RE HERE" while it's very likely for it to happen and that anon merely guessed it right

>> No.27326650

My favorite aspect was the legendary voice cast

>> No.27326651

Just like... YOUR MOM!

>> No.27326652

rrat is stronger

>> No.27326653
Quoted by: >>27326661


>> No.27326655

It all makes sense now!

>> No.27326654

I want her to actually just talk. I've said this multiple times now. Her strength is her charisma and she's not utilizing it, she's more enjoyable talking than actually trying to play a game or commentating it.

>> No.27326656
File: 139 KB, 1280x720, imdoneasking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you cannot escape

>> No.27326657


>> No.27326658

>"My eggs!"

>> No.27326661


>> No.27326662

You can't anon, you'll become too powerful

>> No.27326665

Ame is quite skilled at being flat

>> No.27326666
Quoted by: >>27326918

I want her to stream herself making a computer live not sure how it’d work though

>> No.27326667

>You've become skilled at becoming flat
>Ame gets offended
What did she mean by this.

>> No.27326671

ogey flows nicely but rrat has better cadence

>> No.27326679
Quoted by: >>27326699

>step on me

>> No.27326680

>play the Pocky Game with Mori
>she doesn't understand what it is and just eats the entire stick herself before offering you one from the box

>play the Pocky Game with Kiara
>she's too bouncy and excited, winds up accidentally stabbing you in the face with the stick and breaking it in half

>> No.27326684

i want to eat kiara too!
specifically her thighs

>> No.27326685
Quoted by: >>27326718

Anonchama, it's basic physics. Ogey is the fucking potential energy that is converted into rrat. rrat is the culmination of the resultant force from ogey.

>> No.27326686

rrat's stronger. It's the only thing that beats ogey

>> No.27326687
File: 266 KB, 767x440, Screenshot_2020-10-06 ogeyrr at.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27326689

>No calli made it

>> No.27326690
File: 968 KB, 746x663, 1601014257797.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>everyone giving meme answers because they got called out

are grand strategy spammers the holostars of /v/?

>> No.27326691

she is a super degenerate so it would make sense.

>> No.27326692
Quoted by: >>27326728

Ame is such a talented streamer. I love all of HoloEN but she feels so natural compared to the rest of EN. I get that the others didn't really stream much before but its just kinda night and day. 'uv me some gremlin streams.

>> No.27326694

Otome games

>> No.27326696

>kink shaming mario
come on ame

>> No.27326698

>you sickos

>> No.27326699
Quoted by: >>27326909

That's exactly why
Especially when there are executions where she literally steps on enemies.

>> No.27326701
File: 62 KB, 687x960, 7a53c41551618f2265ccfc8f71d350b7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27326702


>> No.27326703


>> No.27326705

I usually go max luck on these types of games anyway for the lulz
permadeath sounds great yeah
kek she'd fail immediately

>> No.27326706
File: 121 KB, 828x996, 1574313881812.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Listened to ogey rrat on repeat for 20 minutes
>Completely unfazed by it
What did you guys do to me?

>> No.27326709

I think stuff like that tends to be glossed over in favor of nice rendering / design etc. so long as there aren't glaring mistakes with the perspective itself. Most people won't really realize all the extra time/effort that goes into it either, so it probably doesn't justify the time spent in a deadlines context.
I think appealing characters definitely leans more towards the shape design and silhouette side of things, so maybe you could look into that.
You're supposed to keep going, that's what. Of course you're not going to match up with a industry veteran after a few days getting into it. Just remember that at some point, they were in your shoes as well - no one's born with the ability to calculate perspective or draw perfect anatomy. It's a learnt skill. Keep practicing and you'll make it eventually.

>> No.27326710
File: 208 KB, 850x1202, SPICY CHICKEN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They are quite nice.

>> No.27326711

I just want to watch her have fun, fuck the rest of these niggers
valorant is boring to me because its a shitty csgo reskin though

>> No.27326713
Quoted by: >>27326739

There is no rrat without the ogey. The ogey is what makes the rrat great.

>> No.27326715

reminded me of this video, this fucking nip goes into a favela and starts taking pictures with armed drug dealers like it's nothing

>> No.27326716
File: 33 KB, 121x138, reset dunno.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I bet some people are into [drinking pee]. you sickos.
Its fucking over she isn't even pretending anymore.

>> No.27326717


>> No.27326718

Anon did his physics reps

>> No.27326720

I would play with either of them

>> No.27326722

put me in the screencap

>> No.27326724


Ogey got botted. It was like a mil behind

>> No.27326727

Who the FUCK would press rrat more than ogey!?

>> No.27326728
File: 186 KB, 680x763, 1600661236619.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27326751

fuck off false flagger we dont want your kind here

>> No.27326730

>is that what you wanted you sick fucks?

>> No.27326731
Quoted by: >>27326887

>more rrats than ogeys
when did this happen?

>> No.27326734
File: 1.12 MB, 800x714, 1601718580970.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine going back in time and trying to explain this Leonardo da Vinky or any other great mind of the past

>> No.27326735

I'd like to sink my big fat head into her bottom

>> No.27326739

I ogey therefore I rrat

>> No.27326740

what's even the prerequisites to get 3D?
What are the requirements for more 3D streams past their debut one?

>> No.27326741

Didn't take long for s*ch* to take over

>> No.27326742

The best games for VTubers are ones where they're having fun and interested in it, I don't give a shit about the genre.

>> No.27326743
Quoted by: >>27326796


>> No.27326746

Was that a reference to chumbuddies and their obsession with Gura's pee?

>> No.27326748
Quoted by: >>27326787

she didn't know what it said

>> No.27326750
Quoted by: >>27326887

delete this rratfag

>> No.27326751

Im being serious tho? Shes just good at being a streamer. She interacts with chat a shit ton and constantly makes jokes that involves chat.

>> No.27326752

The subs

>> No.27326753
Quoted by: >>27326796


>> No.27326756

it makes mustard gas

>> No.27326757

used to be 200k I believe, but obviously thats gonna change now

>> No.27326761

Man I don't wanna numberfag but Ame's supa amounts during streams are pretty depressing. Hopefully member count is making up for it.

>> No.27326762
File: 109 KB, 472x444, 1600060087629.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27326811

Are any of you gonna record Ina's karaoke stream

>> No.27326765


>> No.27326767
File: 50 KB, 939x487, 8763544587786.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally nothing wrong with a little bit of pee.

>> No.27326770
Quoted by: >>27326786

Why stop at the thighs?

>> No.27326771
File: 1.97 MB, 540x225, 1601960679127.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27326840

So what's the last Gosling of Amelia's plan? My money's on La La Land
>You have both spent a lot of time together living out a fantasy
>Now you must both face reality
>But you promise to stay true to yourselves and seek out each other once you've reached your own goals
>Time passes
>She comes back with a man you've never seen before in her arm
>All you can do is crack the smallest smile knowing you shouldn't do anything to interfere with her happiness

>> No.27326773


>> No.27326775

Da Vinky?

>> No.27326777
File: 497 KB, 1764x2508, EjnvV4kUYAAV1ld.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27326776

it's extremely bottable anon

>> No.27326779
File: 34 KB, 227x222, 1601884932957.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27326887

why are rratfags like this?

>> No.27326781

>Imagine trying to explain this to the great minds of the past
They'd understand, great minds think alike after all

>> No.27326782

Old flash games

>> No.27326785

Imagine if all of EN debuted with 3D immediately.

>> No.27326786

why does she have the most attractive design?

>> No.27326787

she's basically fluent in japanese, of course she know what it said

>> No.27326790

Okay lets settle this

>> No.27326791
Quoted by: >>27326836

>they just hand this mf a gun
holy shit thats hilarious

>> No.27326796


>> No.27326799

nice pit

>> No.27326802

connect four

>> No.27326804

I have a boner https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nBPygy8h5kc

>> No.27326805
File: 244 KB, 1134x1548, 1600899627194.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now guys I want you to be honest here
Have you ever uttered the "ogey rrat" thing irl?

>> No.27326807

have you spam clicked rrat? once you experienced it you understand.

>> No.27326810
File: 21 KB, 232x227, 1601589519697.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27326887

rratfags need to calm down

>> No.27326811

i'll plan to.

>> No.27326813

Has Bubba barked at all this stream? Is he sleeping?

>> No.27326814
Quoted by: >>27326863

>This HUNGRY MUSLIME is FUCKING you're waifu and basically you're a fucking IDIOIT (click here to find out how!)

>> No.27326816

Ogey is incomplete without rrat.

>> No.27326819
Quoted by: >>27326913


>> No.27326820
File: 160 KB, 500x669, 1594298696306.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27326821
File: 118 KB, 940x500, watson not lewd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27326824

halo 3

>> No.27326827

only ogeeeeey

>> No.27326828

"Ogey" yes "Rrat" no

>> No.27326829
File: 3 KB, 264x32, 1596700080489.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27326886


>> No.27326830
File: 50 KB, 1019x483, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27326832
File: 997 KB, 747x748, 1601701791458.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She gets it from her papa.

>> No.27326834

Now I want Gura and FBK to collab

>> No.27326835

Divide that by 10.

>> No.27326836

It's like he has no sense of danger

>> No.27326837
Quoted by: >>27326853

>Sometimes I dream about cheese

>> No.27326839
File: 104 KB, 766x974, 1601348020377.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying the ENs will ever get 3d
Anons theyre not gonna fly out foreigners with the 'Rona to the hololive office

>> No.27326840

This is the narrative I once believed. Now I realize that it makes too much sense

>> No.27326841

I'm not a complainer, but I wouldn't mind if she played some point and click adventure games.

>> No.27326842
Quoted by: >>27326946

Metroid Motherfucking Prime

>> No.27326844


>> No.27326845

I really think its all dependent on what type of fans they attract. Mori appeals to an older audience they typically have more expendable income. Kiara appeals to the idol suffering fans so she gets a lot too.

>> No.27326846

give her some money then you dumb ape

>> No.27326848

I can;t roll my tongue so I only do the ogey

>> No.27326850
Quoted by: >>27326892

isnt there home 3D now for Marine and Pekora? BEsides, Chicken and Mori live in Japan

>> No.27326851
Quoted by: >>27326891

ya boy and the bird might, at most

>> No.27326853

Amelia has been spending a lot of time with Gura or the other way around

>> No.27326854

Is she really trying to 100% this fucking game

>> No.27326855

I say it out loud every time

>> No.27326856

>this is making your girlfriend ame cum every night while you can't even give her a 5 dollar membership

>> No.27326857
File: 46 KB, 463x453, 1593984353067.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there anyone here who hasn't?

>> No.27326858

Wasn't there a botnet on this?

>> No.27326859
File: 169 KB, 1500x1321, 1601870397482.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27326906

She's the one most likely to make use of it with the bobbing and lewd commments

>> No.27326860

The talents will have to come to their office, dummy

>> No.27326862

>implying the ENs will ever get 3d
I mean HER have the stuff to stream with a 3D model so

>> No.27326863
Quoted by: >>27327058

im clicking but nothing is happening do i need to download a addon for 4channel?

>> No.27326864

Seemed like it and you're right
There's no fucking way they can allow EN to get 3D right away since they need to make models.
Same thing with Gen 5.
It's kinda sad that they're probably going to cycle through Gen 5 first since it'd be easier and the logistics would be an issue in of itself.
Also this. Imagine them actually flying 2 burgers over and a fucking leaf.

>> No.27326865

I like the way rrat sounds so sometimes I say it to myself while I walk around my apartment and have a little laugh.

>> No.27326866

>Zero Escape Trilogy
>Don't Escape 4 Days to Survive
>There Is No Game
>World of Horror
>Signal Simulator Zatsudan
>Hypnospace Outlaw
>The Hex
There's plenty of games out there to choose from

>> No.27326870
File: 1.82 MB, 1276x710, faivu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27326930

>getting 3d ever when theyre not even in Japan

Hell they still need to do gen 5 3d, cover is WAY behind on 3d shit. They need to stop doing new tubers and catch up on improving their current roster

>> No.27326871

Only when posting in here and watching the webm.
God, I love that dumb inkya.

>> No.27326873
Quoted by: >>27326927

>Is spread eagle by Ina's tentacles.
>Tentacles going into all sorts of places

>> No.27326876

So, the basic theology behind it is that rrat is the culmination of the covenant given to ogey during the flight from Egypt. As such, ogey, as the ultimate sacrifice, forms a new covenant between yagoo and man with the absolution of sin. Ogey is incomplete without rrat and rrat is given context and history by the thousands of years of history of Ogey in the Pentateuch. This was mostly discussed by the early church fathers pre-Nicene creed, so do your theology reps desu.

>> No.27326883

Not yet

>> No.27326884
File: 364 KB, 589x996, Ina.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are taking school seriously right now, right anon?

>> No.27326886


>> No.27326887
Quoted by: >>27326911


>> No.27326891
Quoted by: >>27326900

Did you forget about HER

>> No.27326892

Yeah but the home3d is shit and doesn't work well.

>> No.27326893

It's a HL2 reference you dip

>> No.27326895
Quoted by: >>27326941

No way Cover is going to pass up the money potential on Gura or Mori's Canadian overlords.

>> No.27326896

god, I want Ina to be my teacher

>> No.27326897
Quoted by: >>27327223

you said you were going to bed, you're as bad as your oshi

>> No.27326899
Quoted by: >>27326945

In imitating it I learned how to front roll my Rs, now I can pronounce 'perkele' correctly

>> No.27326900

HER isn't in japan, anon

>> No.27326901
Quoted by: >>27326916

YTTD Mori stream when?

>> No.27326906

i always notice how much she bobs up and down
i wonder if she does the same thing off stream too

>> No.27326907


>> No.27326909

I have no idea how the whole "permissions" shit works, but Nintendo published the Switch version, so maybe it's fine to play

>> No.27326911
Quoted by: >>27326985


>> No.27326912


>> No.27326913
File: 32 KB, 598x300, inapls.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is having a vore fetish a prerequisite to joining Hololive?

>> No.27326914

But she has 3D tracking equipment

>> No.27326918

She can do it like Haachama cooking. Gloves and very zoomed in

>> No.27326916

When maybe the fucking game would finally be fully released

>> No.27326919

Someone link this to Mori so she can make a beat out of it

>> No.27326922

It's not her anyway

>> No.27326923

I'm a hopeless dropout and haven't had a class in years

>> No.27326925

nonstop, i think i have a disease

>> No.27326927

A useful coupon for the future
"this isn't lewd" had better be said in the doujins

>> No.27326930
Quoted by: >>27326962

Haven’t they been giving 3D models to 3rd Gen recently for streaming? Maybe they’re focusing on that for the time being.

>> No.27326935 [DELETED] 
File: 7 KB, 316x66, numbers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm new here, mainly watch twitch
watched today's hololive EN streams out of curiosity and i don't get how pic related number of people can watch this unironically. neither of these girls have any personality whatsoever (comparing to the only other ones i'm familiar with - matsuri and pekora, let alone someone actually funny like nyanners), they just sit and do their shit and awkwardly talk to themselves, no chat interaction, no reaction to donos, nothing. what am i missing?

>> No.27326936

A good singleplayer FPS, Im tired of trash competitive FPSs

>> No.27326938

ah ok haha kind of weird, at least he has trigger disci-
>puts gun up to his head and puts hand on trigger
im out

>> No.27326939

Do you think kiara can meme herself into actually loving calli

>> No.27326941
Quoted by: >>27326970

>doing anything that requires extra effort

You guys as always put way too much faith in this company, I blame the YAGOO memes

>> No.27326943
File: 41 KB, 1019x483, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its a half-life 2 reference.

>> No.27326945
File: 2.93 MB, 3464x2362, 1601871185799.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do speechlets really have to learn how to do it?

>> No.27326946
Quoted by: >>27327071

could ame pull off a Metroid Prime stream? I don't think any one of them could desu

>> No.27326948
Quoted by: >>27327003

Next year.
I was going to give it my all until Covid fucked me sideways.
I'm not good with online classes. I lose all my motivation.

>> No.27326949

Have you not?

>> No.27326952

Is HoloEN going to be allowed in Holomura MC server or are they going to be in a separate server for a while?

>> No.27326954

One (1) Free concernfag post

>> No.27326956

Rev up your ogeys, we got a live one

>> No.27326960
File: 1.92 MB, 427x381, 1586871167657.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27326998


>> No.27326961

You're retarded.

>> No.27326962

I hope not, those fucking models SUCK and look worse than their 2D.

>> No.27326963
Quoted by: >>27326978

>gura will get as many subs as the top girls have in just a month
kind of sad

>> No.27326966

go back

>> No.27326967

go and stay go

>> No.27326969

>i'm new here
okay now leave

>> No.27326970
Quoted by: >>27327010

There is only one thing Cover likes, money.

>> No.27326972


>> No.27326973

Next time don't make your shitpost so obvious.

>> No.27326974 [DELETED] 

Normies ruin everything as expected.
||I feel like it's going to be far worse than that||
>I am from a world where all of your worst nightmares have become reality.
Now I definitely believe you.

Anonchama, please. ||Nothing nice ever happens.||

>> No.27326975

Oh no, it's retarded...

Also go back.

>> No.27326976

>what am i missing?
the stream, for one thing

>> No.27326977


>> No.27326978
Quoted by: >>27327007

She's going plus ultra

>> No.27326979


>> No.27326982

>let alone someone actually funny like nyanners

>> No.27326981
File: 195 KB, 463x453, 1589198645531.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really ticked all the boxes there anon, good job

>> No.27326985


>> No.27326987

Brand and algorithms. Youtube has alot higher potential for viewers under the right conditions.

>> No.27326988


>> No.27326989

>mainly watch twitch

>> No.27326993

I said "rrat" to my cat earlier tonight when I got home. I liked it.

>> No.27326994

0/10 too obvious

>> No.27326995

Feeling a light ogey to a strong rrat on this post

>> No.27326996

Mori for sure is going to be the first EN to get a 3D model since she's the more popular of the two EN streamers living in japan, Gura will get one immediately after this covid stuff calms down

>> No.27326998

A-anon? Anon can you hear me?

>> No.27327001

>All that instant (You)s
Good job, anon.

>> No.27327002

>discord spoilers

>> No.27327003

I'm in the same boat.
I lost my job like 2 month before Corona and unemployment ain't cutting it for Tuition and places aren't hiring as badly around me.
My dad also refuses to do taxes so FAFSA fucks me over.

>> No.27327004


>> No.27327007
Quoted by: >>27327036

more like shes going mainstream which is never a good thing

>> No.27327008

Stopped reading at nyanners.
Get better bait next time.

>> No.27327009

You gotta try harder than this to earn my (You), anon

>> No.27327010
File: 632 KB, 638x588, 1601263439915.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh yeah because the giant mountain of money they could be making on Merch has really compelled them to work on that!

Enjoy your holoEN keychains 1.5 years from now!

>> No.27327011
Quoted by: >>27327043

Normies ruin everything as expected.
I feel like it's going to be far worse than that
>I am from a world where all of your worst nightmares have become reality.
Now I definitely believe you.

Anonchama, please. Nothing nice ever happens.

>> No.27327012

no, only those utterly illiterate in javascript could have been duped by the jokes in the page

>> No.27327013
File: 3 KB, 98x125, 1601568782931s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27327015

>vertical bars for spoilers
Go back.

>> No.27327018

Let's go PS1.


>> No.27327019

>double bars for spoilers
discord tranny detected

>> No.27327021

good job youre gonna rake in a lot of (you)s with this one

>> No.27327022
File: 7 KB, 128x128, 3BDA12FA-3E19-482E-AE79-BADAAECDCA95.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27327057

>It was the game not me brooo

>> No.27327023



>> No.27327025
Quoted by: >>27327056

What do *you* mean? **It's not embarrassing.**
||Maybe a bit||

>> No.27327026


>> No.27327027
File: 87 KB, 248x238, 1601579273690.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ogey rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrat

>> No.27327030

How do i download video when chuuba steraming again? i want to save Ina karaoke stream since she won't archive it

>> No.27327032

Ame... your depth perception...

>> No.27327036

This is what Cover probably wants anyways.
The market will be bigger than they could have ever hit with just their normal girls.

>> No.27327037

I fucked up and will commit sudoku as penance.

>> No.27327039

why of course I have
you don't?

>> No.27327041

>tfw Ame is literally DSP

>> No.27327042
File: 501 KB, 642x618, 1601673996262.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I took care of my work in a timely manner so I could watch more Ina

>> No.27327043

Don't try to salvage it. You fucked up.

>> No.27327046

Thank you meidos

>> No.27327049


>> No.27327050

Pink cat is fucking boring and her voice is annoying

>> No.27327056

Well now its just obvious bait. Have a (you) anyway.

>> No.27327057
Quoted by: >>27327073

>accidentally posted the thumbnail from an image I made
I am a dumbass

>> No.27327058

sorry anon, you need a 4chan gold account to click the link, guess moona is gonna steal all your burgers and waifus

>> No.27327061

It's amazing how Ame bruteforces every single boss.

>> No.27327063

amelia you peice of shit, hes fucking dead

>> No.27327066

Nice one anon, have some more (You)s on the house

>> No.27327069
Quoted by: >>27327095


>> No.27327070

Not to mention they're going to have to reach their audiences overseas so it's even more effort for them.

>> No.27327071

What do you mean?

>> No.27327073

No it makes it funnier

>> No.27327074

Keep up and don't lose hope, anon.
Many people died this year so it's not like there won't be many job opportunities the next.
Also, the need to recover the economy.

>> No.27327075

Yes ma'am.

>> No.27327080

did the ogey rrat site really give out viruses?

>> No.27327081

>kill boss
>get three moons
>groundpound 3 spots
>get three moons
what were they thinking?? Couldn't they have at least made the rarer moons a different collectable

>> No.27327083

It's like Coco never left

>> No.27327086


>> No.27327090

>My dad also refuses to do taxes so FAFSA fucks me over.
Damn you're literally me
I have to use my cousin's information for finical aid

>> No.27327093

Suffering Kiara dakimakura!

>> No.27327094
Quoted by: >>27327128

*clap clap*

>> No.27327096


>> No.27327095
Quoted by: >>27327140

Thank you

>> No.27327099
File: 14 KB, 298x74, 1571137925720.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27327101
Quoted by: >>27327210

youtube-dl [url]

no, you can't start from the beginning if you're late. be on time. press ctrl+c exactly once after the stream ends and then wait a long time. if you press ctrl+c twice the file will be trash and you will never be able to fix it.

some people use streamlink but i don't know anything about that.

>> No.27327102

I didnt expect you to simp for Amelia but you really should jerk off and sleep bro.

>> No.27327103

I wonder which big tech company will be the first to have a vtuber mascot

>> No.27327104

sasuga reddit bird

>> No.27327105

it makes sense because the bosses are fucking babby tier

>> No.27327108

no...reddit bird....

>> No.27327109
File: 240 KB, 345x406, TiredChicken.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kiara no...

>> No.27327111

What the fuck Ame just genocided those Goombas.

>> No.27327112
Quoted by: >>27327128



>> No.27327117

Then fucking stay there

>> No.27327121

You can just check the source yourself.

>> No.27327122
File: 169 KB, 560x460, aloe8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people being careful trying not to get the last image

I'll show you. Pussies.

>> No.27327127

*clap clap*

>> No.27327128


>> No.27327135

>the goslings always come back
Amelia's not even hiding it anymore

>> No.27327136

>They always come back...

>> No.27327137

Based meido

>> No.27327138
Quoted by: >>27327201


>> No.27327139

>He will come back
>They always come back


>> No.27327140
Quoted by: >>27327239

remember to share

>> No.27327141

yes it installs ogeyrrat.exe which gives you a RAT

>> No.27327142

I wanna go fishing with Amelia!

>> No.27327143


>> No.27327144

That doesn't count maideochama...

>> No.27327146
Quoted by: >>27327175

>ame is fishing
>fish gets away
>"he will come back, he always comes back"

>> No.27327150

I loved her design

>> No.27327152
Quoted by: >>27327207


>> No.27327153

Does anyone have the +1 image cap coupon

>> No.27327157


>Plushies of their mascots, 50 bucks
>Amelia pocketwatch, could make it a cheap plastic replica, 60 bucks
>Framed Ina art, 50 bucks
>Plastic KFP bucket, 40 bucks
>Gura hoodie, 150 bucks

>> No.27327158

>they always come back

>> No.27327161

>chicken sliding into the collab
oh boy can't wait for everyone to shit on her and Mori for being the only ones actually talking

>> No.27327162

yeah here you go

>> No.27327163

<span class="sjis">[/spoiler]

>> No.27327164

>that image
Meido-san, I'm gonna COOM

>> No.27327165

>Ame thread
>can't post Ames

>> No.27327171

It's almost as if I was her real boyfriend haha...

>> No.27327173

I love Watchama!

>> No.27327172

cockteasing cunt. could have at least posted a worthy fairy like Luna Star,

>> No.27327175

She is a skilled angler and a master baiter

>> No.27327178

Good taste, meido.
God I love Hikasa Yoko's voice.

>> No.27327179

she really wants to know which one's the biggest lmao

>> No.27327182

Odyssey is easily one of the worst Mario titles.

>> No.27327184

How Ame?

>> No.27327187


>> No.27327188

>New Donk is the biggest
What the fuck is that guy talking about, the hub is small, it just has a lot of sub-areas.

>> No.27327189

forgot the plastic scythe

>> No.27327191


>> No.27327192

Yeah, I'll just post it right here

>> No.27327193
Quoted by: >>27327226

Ina wants to do an artbook once she draws all her senpais.

>> No.27327194

How can one company be so Jewish yet hate easy money?

>> No.27327196

<span class="sjis">[/spoiler]

>> No.27327197

Now post Crim's jumbo sausage

>> No.27327199


>> No.27327201

What does it mean?

>> No.27327202

>Your favorite thing about Ame

>> No.27327203


>> No.27327207

>seeks attention on stream
>seeks attention on twitter
What does it mean? Does she need my cock?

>> No.27327208


>> No.27327210
Quoted by: >>27327260

So i just need to start download when stream start? do i need to keep the tab active?

>> No.27327211

First Amelia on 4Watson?

>> No.27327212


>> No.27327218

It's an abstract kind of sugoi.

>> No.27327219

They really don't have a knack for business

>> No.27327223

Ill go to bed after Ame's stream.

>> No.27327226

She won't be able to. Marine couldn't' even release Line stamps.

>> No.27327228


>> No.27327227

lewd gremlin

>> No.27327229

Shes fun to watch, has a really unique voice

>> No.27327230

I usually just focus on her stream.

>> No.27327233


>> No.27327234

...Her dog is cute, I guess.

>> No.27327237
File: 31 KB, 518x288, 1601076892275.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well then. I miscalculated and am once again in plain sight.

So here, have this.

>> No.27327238


>> No.27327239

I hope my internet not fuck me up

>> No.27327240


>> No.27327241

The fact I can disassociate her from her fans here.

>> No.27327246

I'll have sex with the poster below me

>> No.27327247

<span class="sjis">n[/spoiler]

>> No.27327249

Her dumb childhood stories of eating various things and barely surviving.

>> No.27327250


>> No.27327251

I want to have angry toxic gamer sex with her

>> No.27327252


>> No.27327253

Her laugh

>> No.27327255


>> No.27327256


>> No.27327257


>> No.27327260
Quoted by: >>27327281

it's a command-line utility. it has nothing to do with your browser at all. you can exit your browser completely.

>> No.27327261


>> No.27327265

Her voice and gremling power.

>> No.27327266

Her beautiful voice.

>> No.27327268

Her sense of humor.

>> No.27327269

Ame Love....

>> No.27327270

Are you fucking serious? Line stamps are like THE easiest no up-front cost merch that everybody does.

>> No.27327271

She's much more of a gamer than the other HoloENs. I look forward to her playing Witcher 3 or any of the other big boy adventure games.

>> No.27327274

Based Senchou-meido

>> No.27327276

Her singing

>> No.27327277

gura orgasm squeaks

>> No.27327278

Her voice

>> No.27327279

Wow an anime people only give a fuck about before being forgotten because it porn

>> No.27327280

Now kiss

>> No.27327281

Alright, thank you

>> No.27327282


>> No.27327283


>> No.27327288

good background noise

>> No.27327292

Now kiss

>> No.27327295

>this ost
>ame just running around looking for secrets
ah im feeling like everything is going to be ok

>> No.27327298


>> No.27327300


>> No.27327301

I don't think she was planning on asking for permission.

>> No.27327302

>meido is both a peko poster and a chumbuddy
Can't get more based than this
