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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 41 KB, 463x453, 1601653609197.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
27280345 No.27280345 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.27280352
File: 3.98 MB, 2315x1323, do it for Haachama@0.84x.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Haachama!

>> No.27280356
File: 29 KB, 276x337, 1564071155017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your yubis
Hand them over

>> No.27280361
File: 108 KB, 600x451, 1600959624253.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27280365
File: 1014 KB, 2892x4096, 1599240714691.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27280372
File: 40 KB, 540x540, every fucking day, every single fucking day this little mogumogu sits there and gives me this smug look on her face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27280384

>your favourite holo
>your favourite holo image

>> No.27280385
File: 961 KB, 1274x712, nene.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27280387
File: 1.33 MB, 1403x992, 1596103998885.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27280386

>apex again

>> No.27280388
File: 38 KB, 498x498, 1601474164006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Artia is a traitor~~~~~~

>> No.27280393

>three threads and a basedjak global thread
As the kids say nowadays, this is "based"

>> No.27280392

Try not to blow your image load so soon, dumb virgins.

>> No.27280394
Quoted by: >>27280449

>Okayu's roomate will never sit her fat ass on your face
I think about this everyday

>> No.27280395
File: 243 KB, 1280x1790, 1601616149358.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27280932

God I miss this sexy bitch

>> No.27280401

Holo Live Brazil when?

>> No.27280402

Anyone else thinking that Robocos tits are too big for her?
They arrent bad big but just kinda too big
doesnt really fit

>> No.27280404
File: 335 KB, 800x800, 1595932621009.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have been lonely ever since Mikochi left!

>> No.27280408
File: 562 KB, 960x1280, LifeWithCoco.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Early Kaichou
I will wait for you.

>> No.27280410
File: 91 KB, 679x255, 1599165191263.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do they taste like?

>> No.27280413
File: 1.11 MB, 1123x1296, 1572586662393.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Towa is a whore

>> No.27280415
File: 37 KB, 533x248, 1601042324246.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27280428

Hello I would like to redeem this coupon.

>> No.27280416

My fucking sides man

>> No.27280419
File: 142 KB, 940x1243, 1598922166121.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I LOVE Towa!

>> No.27280420

shrimp probably

>> No.27280421
File: 190 KB, 1107x1657, 1589707011010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27280469

I love this Festival like you wouldn't believe

>> No.27280424
File: 97 KB, 206x295, 2nl0l2k6wci51.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the biggest shock in this whole China debacle was hearing that ARTIA of all people was the only actual Chinese nationalist of the HoloCNs, literally even the Chinese have said she's the only one...

>> No.27280425
File: 177 KB, 1540x1260, 1601444020855.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27280932


>> No.27280427
File: 1.66 MB, 1501x844, 1601810048011.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Towa.

>> No.27280428


>> No.27280431
File: 32 KB, 213x120, 1601696446740.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh I didn't know this was scheduled, the Homos x VOMS alliance is strong

>> No.27280435
File: 489 KB, 1800x2160, F1C436E6-1F27-4802-8609-DD78CD73BF40.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Astel is my wife!

>> No.27280436

RBC with her Kano Mortal Kombat eye patch getting platinum for sure

>> No.27280437
Quoted by: >>27280477

nice early thread you mouthbreathers

>> No.27280438

Gyoza. Duh.

>> No.27280439
File: 138 KB, 1107x1657, 1589707011010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27280469

I love this Festival like you wouldn't believe

>> No.27280445

Is every thread gonna be early from now on?

>> No.27280446

how do we still have dead hours right now

what's even the point of holoEN

roboco doesn't count, she's streaming apex and sucks

>> No.27280448

I miss lunaaaaaaaa

>> No.27280449

i'd much rather grope her big tits from behind and poke her fat ass with my boner

>> No.27280453
File: 2.75 MB, 960x540, 1599687235677.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27280507

Choco regaining her full power when?

>> No.27280455


>> No.27280456

Morning activity...

>> No.27280461
File: 367 KB, 500x600, 1593017732632.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27280467
File: 55 KB, 377x390, small.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27280466

>Pikamee and son

>> No.27280469


>> No.27280470 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 806 KB, 939x795, 1601856735635.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>heres your holoen bro

>> No.27280472

prolly cause she is the only one they know is vocal about it, the others either have unknown private accounts or are smart and stay shut about this kind of issues

>> No.27280474
File: 98 KB, 697x808, 15258154630.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27280473
File: 160 KB, 1748x1240, 1592678882151.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

me too anon me too

>> No.27280477


>> No.27280481

You did get your friend Gifts for her birthday right?

>> No.27280482
Quoted by: >>27280563

I think I'm addicted to Towa. Everything about her drives me crazy. I can't get her out of my head. I can't stop listening to her incredible voice. It gives me shivers, her singing is like a drug to me.

>> No.27280485

Give me a raise, shitty ceo

>> No.27280488
Quoted by: >>27280561

only /v/ crossboarders like Korone
only /jp/ regulars like Luna.

>> No.27280491

He’s collabed more with voms than kuku now..

>> No.27280497
File: 243 KB, 500x500, 1601756740047.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27280504

Told you guys Chowa and Civia arrent spying cunts

>> No.27280507
File: 424 KB, 1963x1963, EhswgWCUcAEnKCI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27280533


>> No.27280508
File: 115 KB, 287x342, Luna32.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>liked by Amelia

>> No.27280512

What the fuck man, I feel bad for shitposting schizo shit for (You)s earlier. Why do these people exist

>> No.27280521 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 106 KB, 1077x807, 1601856835143.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

say something nice about her body

>> No.27280522

wrong thread

>> No.27280523

I hate 4chan on the one hand, but on the other hand I get all of my hololive information from here.
I wouldn't be able to keep up without this place, how could you even monitor 50 twitter accounts and YouTube channels

>> No.27280524


>> No.27280526
File: 1.50 MB, 1029x1800, 1601453749871.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry she's been busy at my place anon

>> No.27280528 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.76 MB, 10000x10000, 1601856849172.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27280527

Why would people talk about their political opinions on social media? Did their parents not teach them to keep that crap to themselves?

>> No.27280530

Sio put ass on my face onegai...
can you post your dox shit in EN at least?

>> No.27280532

How does she attract so many schizos?

>> No.27280533

i wish i was subaru in this moment

>> No.27280536
File: 230 KB, 316x331, 1594346509635.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27280540

Cause most of them only care about the prime times, so unless cover manages a schedule with the idea of being Live 24/7 we will forever have dead hours

>> No.27280541

I want her to sit on my face

>> No.27280544

the Gen 1 CNs all have speculated roommates(hard to guess given how many bilibili accounts there are out there) but all of CN gen 2 was found

>> No.27280546

kill your parents and then yourself

>> No.27280548

based and ameliapilled

>> No.27280549
Quoted by: >>27281370

Damn, and people say I should take my meds.

>> No.27280553

what fucking friend?

>> No.27280557

do you think those 13 chums who watched Sora's first broadcast is still around supporting Hololive

>> No.27280561

Only falseflaggers like Luna. Nobody unironically likes her.

>> No.27280560

Bossu don't look

>> No.27280562
Quoted by: >>27280620

All of EN is from Europe.
Also, didn't you know EN was made to entertain JAPAN? You think COVER gives a shit about the west? They're just doing their reps.
>roboco doesn't count, she's streaming apex and sucks
Also this.

>> No.27280563
File: 2.85 MB, 1064x972, 1597923414507.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a nice kind of feeling when she is streaming.

>> No.27280564

She's got nice eyes

>> No.27280569

I miss Watame, why can't she stream for 24 hours like Korone? Quality over quantity?

>> No.27280580

Yes, I've fapped to my friend today. That counts right?

>> No.27280582
File: 22 KB, 497x406, gordon-ramsay-good-food-meme.png.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FINALLY some good fucking content.
What a legend.

>> No.27280585

checks out

>> No.27280590
File: 147 KB, 800x800, canvas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

janitor fans better

>> No.27280591
Quoted by: >>27280638


>> No.27280597

Is there any actuall reason RBC mainly plays the robot character or is it just her favourite?

>> No.27280598

grand theft assassin was both quality and quantity

>> No.27280599
File: 289 KB, 1200x1585, 1601782267044.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to work for akukin kensetsu

>> No.27280601
File: 221 KB, 828x1280, The Architect.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When's the next Roboco eating stream? Those are her only good streams.

>> No.27280603

>Did their parents not teach them to keep that crap to themselves
Yes and also talking politics gets easy reaction and views

>> No.27280605

nice ass i guess

>> No.27280606

Not true. I unironically like Luna and I am not a nobody.

>> No.27280608
File: 363 KB, 1500x2574, cha1599896346712.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27280671

Rushia keep being exceptionally charming and cute!

>> No.27280620
Quoted by: >>27280667

>All of EN is from Europe
at least read a single fucking thread before posting
holy shit

>> No.27280625

Is she farting into the mic in the third image?

>> No.27280629

She has an entire patreon full of gravure. So what?

>> No.27280630
File: 156 KB, 441x473, painpeko.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27280632
File: 11 KB, 734x203, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If nobody likes Luna, then why is she my only membership?

>> No.27280631

Same reason they talk about their fetishes.

>> No.27280633
Quoted by: >>27280668

What a whore. Meidos onegai. Did they even bother to delete the tiktok last thread?

>> No.27280636
Quoted by: >>27280742

Stream Towa...!

>> No.27280637

Not for awhile since she did one yesterday for an hour

>> No.27280638
Quoted by: >>27280664

Why do you keep posting your stupid Watame poal

>> No.27280641
File: 88 KB, 636x900, EjZoiuBUcAEsNER.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

amanekanatach....schedule onegai,..

>> No.27280643

butterface syndrome at work here

>> No.27280645
Quoted by: >>27280689

>When's the next Roboco ASMR stream? Those are her only good streams.

>> No.27280646
Quoted by: >>27280742

>stream Towa

>> No.27280649

Do you think Shien liked seeing Moona in his chat in the past because he knows that Moona is fat and therefore likely has a fat ass?

>> No.27280661


>> No.27280662

Because you just spent 5 monopoly dollars just to shitpost.

>> No.27280664

I'm insecure about my tastes...

>> No.27280665
File: 236 KB, 852x232, 00032.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hololive really is a cancer upon /jp/

>> No.27280667
Quoted by: >>27280740

>he doesn't know

>> No.27280668

why is poru poru so cute

>> No.27280669

G-d damn, what the fuck is going on
It's not even the 25th
Is this just the average burger hours?

>> No.27280671

belly made to be stretched

>> No.27280680
File: 21 KB, 534x248, 1601550745955.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27280711

Please take your meds, stop doxposting and watch roboco

>> No.27280681

i dont even know who this is supposed to be

>> No.27280683

looks like the other 10 touhou threads with 4 posts each

>> No.27280685

the absolute state of global

>> No.27280686
File: 129 KB, 480x360, Foxed_Fubuki.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>global has a meltdown and turns into a dox shitpit for over a day
>instead of increasing board moderation meidos just go back to not moderating the board at all

>> No.27280689

asmr is garbo
i just want her to be close to crying whatever shes actually doing
i dont care

>> No.27280690

SEA woke up

>> No.27280692
Quoted by: >>27280706

Moona was in Shien’s chat?

>> No.27280693

fuck off, monkey

>> No.27280695

His name is scarily similar to my brother's name

>> No.27280702

i cant believe pekora destroyed the box.

>> No.27280703

Burgers are home from work and SEAnigs are waking up

>> No.27280706
Quoted by: >>27280733

a while back during a few of his streams Moona would pop in

>> No.27280709
File: 1.36 MB, 1800x998, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah a few new threads that are only supposed to be 2 is the cancer.

Not this

>> No.27280711

I'll watch Roboco when she gets good at Apex.

>> No.27280712

hololive pekora gen

>> No.27280713

Might as well have subbed in ARS, it'd be the same amount of money.

>> No.27280716

Reminder that these ten (probably five) posters within the first twenty posts cause the image limit to be ten lower than it should be every thread.

>> No.27280721
File: 36 KB, 750x742, 1564291090249.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hololive fanbase is made up of these """"people""""
>you're giving (you)'s to them in this very general


>> No.27280725
Quoted by: >>27280829

Miko... my wife...
Luna... my daughter...
What am I supposed to do without them? I am nothing without my family. I have nothing.....

>> No.27280726
Quoted by: >>27280755

should have never employed sharkmeido
swear to god place is more garbage since he exists

>> No.27280728


>> No.27280733

That’s cute! HomoID is cute

>> No.27280738

These fucking flips man.

>> No.27280739
File: 138 KB, 675x1200, Eea_9lKVAAAuDoC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We will never ever see something like this again.

>> No.27280740

>he pretends
Fuck off. Go back.

>> No.27280742

She did an incredible singing stream earlier, don't be greedy.

>> No.27280743

polka is alive

>> No.27280745
File: 43 KB, 463x453, 1598231837172.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Those are the same """people""" who use this thread to vent about their shit life.

>> No.27280751
Quoted by: >>27280817

Reminder that if you care about the image limit you're probably a terrible poster and shouldn't be posting anything let alone images

>> No.27280752

This can't be fucking real.

>> No.27280755
Quoted by: >>27280804

I just want split janitor back

>> No.27280758
File: 1.26 MB, 3072x4096, Eaf3iGlXgAMC7rv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love my daughter!

>> No.27280761
Quoted by: >>27280799

who fucking cares at this point
pekofags and enshitters would just waste them anyway so i kinda wish we had more ritualposting

>> No.27280763
Quoted by: >>27280789


>> No.27280764

Must suck to be a fan of a Holo who is literally dying. Miko fans too... Keep waiting.

>> No.27280772

>those same people reply with ogey and rrat to your posts

>> No.27280774

>you're giving (you)'s to them in this very general
No I don't.

>> No.27280778
Quoted by: >>27280851

wasnt that yesterday?
im losing track of time

>> No.27280784

It was her best yet, shame it's private now.

>> No.27280789
Quoted by: >>27280865

If Polka is in high spirits I'm sure Lamy is doing better. This shit is almost over.

>> No.27280790
File: 576 KB, 762x713, 1601007792854.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cafeteria in my soul

>> No.27280797

>Marine, the fat ass of HoloJP
>Moona, the fat ass of HoloID
>Chicken, the fat ass of HoloEN
So who is the fat ass of HoloCN?
Who is the fat ass of the Holostars?

>> No.27280798

These threads would be much better if Coco would just graduate.

>> No.27280799

>someone posts literally anything
>OGEY RRAT DistortedPeko.jpg

>> No.27280803
File: 18 KB, 978x96, bilibili.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Swim faster Yogiri!

>> No.27280804

i'd take a actuall janitor at this point

>> No.27280810
Quoted by: >>27280849

Why are people unironically south east Asian?

>> No.27280813


>> No.27280816

>waaaah why isnt there 50 touhou threads
Go bitch about it to /a/ and /mu/ when those generals in that pic used to belong to those 2 boards

>> No.27280817
Quoted by: >>27280861

Do people really care about image limits?
Some of the best threads are the ones in which not all images are used up by the end or they are fully used up near the end of the thread

>> No.27280819

thank god

>> No.27280821

Polka's ASMR was cute and funny.
Too bad you got filtered and missed it.

>> No.27280829

you should have protected them... it's all your fault...

>> No.27280830

is this the fucking $500 bryan?

>> No.27280831
File: 12 KB, 320x320, slurp peko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post more kepos

>> No.27280833

rushia is so dumb

but i still akasupa'd her.....

>> No.27280839

>NuNeckbeards are just 12yo
pretty funny clip, it shows well all sides of /hlgg/

>> No.27280841
Quoted by: >>27280897

>EN on chink site
I'm impressed

>> No.27280845

Every single decision they made since EN was announced is abysmal. At this point I embrace the clownery and only expect everything to tumble down even further.

>> No.27280848


>> No.27280849

the weather is nice here

>> No.27280851
Quoted by: >>27280993

It was like 14 hours ago.

>> No.27280854

Thanks bro we're gonna go for a fancy dinner.
T. Masketta Man

>> No.27280855

Let's say you get a membership in a strong currency, like Euros or British Pounds.
Theoretically, the holo would get more money. But is that really true, or does YouTube pocket the profit?

>> No.27280856
Quoted by: >>27281160

she's chinese and became an iron blooded patriot for the CCP after Americans/Canadians didn't want to be friends with her stinky ass and the Chinese felt she was betraying them by studying abroad.

>> No.27280857


>> No.27280862
Quoted by: >>27280930

Don't care about HoloCNs.
Don't care about HoloENs.
Don't care about HoloIDs.
Don't care about Holostars.
I only care about Japanese girls.

>> No.27280861

They're illiterate 80 IQ monkeys who get frustrated when they can't post reaction images
You can bet they'd be posting wojaks too if they didn't get banned on sight

>> No.27280865
Quoted by: >>27280909

they probably cancelled their streams yesterday to go check on her and make sure she is okay

>> No.27280866

seanigs are THIS high test?
i bow
i kneel

>> No.27280867
File: 378 KB, 1877x1057, Ed92pxbU0AEEDpF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not my oshi but Aki is really cute

>> No.27280868
Quoted by: >>27281006

Roboco is gonna win!

>> No.27280872
File: 15 KB, 227x222, 1600986712779.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the EN thread is actually supporting that roastie because "muh cute loli"
I'm so sorry.

>> No.27280874

Youtube recommended me a roommate video, and people in the comments are making references to the Holo in question...

>> No.27280876
File: 307 KB, 463x453, 1600439648799.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27280939


>> No.27280885

I see nothing wrong with making kancolle and love live faggots seethe

>> No.27280888
File: 303 KB, 482x465, yogiri angry.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27280963

>trying to numberfag against Yogiri now

>> No.27280897
Quoted by: >>27281013

Even more impressive is that her whole #thisonesforcoco only managed to slow down her sub gain there instead of even stopping it

>> No.27280907
File: 230 KB, 463x453, sniff right.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27280908

>Rushia will never cry and gaslight you until you akasupa her
Feels bad.

>> No.27280909

Yeah that's what I think too.

>> No.27280916

with ENs it's extremely depressing to see that. Amelia's roommate was a literal who and now every comment on her youtube videos have nothing to do with the video it's just "CONGRATS ON GETTING INTO HOLOLIVE!!!! EVERYONE ELSE KEEP IT A SECRET OKAY!?!?!"

>> No.27280918

What else is new?

>> No.27280922

I like her DS gameplay videos. I've been watching them while working for some time now.

>> No.27280928
Quoted by: >>27280982

why don't Sora, RBC and the rest join a gen instead of being genlets it's annoying

>> No.27280930


>> No.27280932
Quoted by: >>27280977

Careful, I can almost see up your skirt!
Your sweater is tied a little too tight around your breasts!
You should clean the icecream from your body before it gets sticky!
You should pull down your shirt, it's almost halfway off!
Be careful not to get wet!
Try not to fly so high while wearing a skirt!

>> No.27280933
File: 288 KB, 874x234, 645646456.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27280969

Why is Watame like this

>> No.27280934

I'm using a VPN in order to give her 1000 ARS :)

>> No.27280939

"My potions are too strong for you, traveler."

>> No.27280942
Quoted by: >>27281149

I don't think they care

>> No.27280943

Holy shit, that Aqua/Subaru interaction was some of the most autistic shit I've ever seen.

>> No.27280946
File: 72 KB, 463x453, 1600369477511.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you know pekora?

>> No.27280953

>Welcome to the secret club bros XD

>> No.27280956
Quoted by: >>27281010


>> No.27280957

yes i fapped to her as a gift

>> No.27280962
Quoted by: >>27281546

what about the Aqua/Noel interaction?

>> No.27280963
Quoted by: >>27281028

You may be the only okay HoloChink, but you're still a Chink. Now bow Zhang, like we should've let MacArthur do.

>> No.27280965

Pekofags really are the worst posters in these threads, like if Peko suddenly ceased to exist tomorrow and all traces of her vanished these threads would double in quality.

>> No.27280969

she has to take the place of the dragon and steal her gold as fast as possible

>> No.27280970
Quoted by: >>27281010


>> No.27280971
File: 241 KB, 1920x1080, C65D4149-C1B7-410E-9E79-9FF42D817EBA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope Sora streams a game this week, even if she’s tired from hosting for three straight days

>> No.27280974

>Aqua has to go to the office
>Asks to stay with Subaru instead of Shion

Bros???????? I thought Shion lived in Tokyo???????????

>> No.27280977

lol. based.

>> No.27280982
Quoted by: >>27281617

RBC has been campaigning forthem to be called Gen 0 but the others haven't said anything.

>> No.27280983

>he thinks that the ogey spammers are nousagi

>> No.27280986

I wish meidos would go back to banning them

>> No.27280987
File: 611 KB, 757x665, alien.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27280993

maybe i shouldnt do the same thing every fucking day and i could tell days appart again

>> No.27280999

It was amazing, I can't wait for that Nikisei offcollab.

>> No.27281000

She's scared of the kusogaki.
Meanwhile Subaru is a friendly, approachable stacy.

>> No.27281001
File: 257 KB, 457x325, 1600010023119.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not like it matters for Amelia anymore

>> No.27281003

this but unironically with homosharts

>> No.27281004
File: 410 KB, 1206x1632, IMG_20201004_202457.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Day 67 Thread #3

Forever waiting for Mikochi!

>> No.27281006

Roboco carrying her team!

>> No.27281010


>> No.27281011
File: 3 KB, 125x103, 1601152626484s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Venezuelan here, can certify.
The people who defend dictatorial regimes do not live under them.

Also give Artia a break, she is retarded.
She is the only commie I have ever liked.

All through history we have killed our enemies and took their women, I don't see why this is any different. We will overthrow our chinese oppressors and take HoloCN to ourselves. This was what our founding father Simon Bolivar would have wanted.
We don't attack women, we kill their husbands and force them to love the west with our dicks.

>> No.27281013

they know they can't do anything against the shark
plus people are already forgetting about the yabee so going for both coco and the shark is just going to divide their already weak "forces"

>> No.27281016

She doesn't want to bother Shion too much. She has severe commusyou

>> No.27281021


>> No.27281023

She tried so hard...

>> No.27281024

my fucking ears you robot cunt

>> No.27281028

MacArthur is the fag responsible for chinks. If America didn't get in Japan's way there would be no PRC.

>> No.27281031

Wow i thought Roboco was actually about to win
good thing shes reliable

>> No.27281033
Quoted by: >>27281362

remember when this thread took the cambridge english test alongside haachama and revealed its esl nature

>> No.27281034
Quoted by: >>27281069

Rare footage of RBC screaming

>> No.27281037
File: 20 KB, 223x176, PekoSleep.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27281039

RBC choked but had a good run at almost winning champion herself.

>> No.27281041

It was so close, RBC-san...

>> No.27281048
File: 564 KB, 2256x4224, 83736724_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's been 34 days since Mano Aloe "graduated"
I'm glad that she's alive but she's definitely not doing ok. I hope everything gets better for her.


>> No.27281049
Quoted by: >>27281093

roboco's robocunt...

>> No.27281051

Will you watch Civia's return stream on youtube when this all dies down?
Will you superchat her for your kiss?

>> No.27281054
File: 186 KB, 559x161, 4356534653465.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine dropping your spaghetti in front of Subaru of all people

>> No.27281056

I want to take Chowa as wartrophy home...

>> No.27281059


>> No.27281058

Can somebody post Shien's crippling ass addiction

>> No.27281061

Faggot, everything went wrong ever since Archduke Franz Ferdinand got shot

>> No.27281063
File: 187 KB, 316x331, cocoKusa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27281147

>Gen 5 3d debut
>Last one whoever debuts they all show up
>Suddenly a shadowy figures comes out the back of the 4 girls
>It's Aloe's 3d model
>She bows and apologizes and announces she's back

Book it Yagoo

>> No.27281065

Shion yo is dying right now

>> No.27281068

Most pekofags are /v/ermin, search the filenames on /v/‘s archive.

>> No.27281069

Nice post

>> No.27281075

Why is Aqua staying at Subarus house
I thought she was staying at Noels house

>> No.27281076

RBC, your grenade reps...

>> No.27281078


>> No.27281079

Holy shit, I always wondered why I could never seem to recall anything substantial about Ayame or end up watching her streams despite her having a middle-of-the-line sub count in Hololive, so I went to her channel and literally all she does is solo-stream Apex

>> No.27281090


>> No.27281093
Quoted by: >>27281109

I want to fist Robocos Robocunny

>> No.27281095

What a god

>> No.27281097

She stayed with Shion the last time she went up to Tokyo. Aqua has been trying to be more outgoing so no surprise she's trying not to rely on the same few girls.

>> No.27281098


>> No.27281102
File: 513 KB, 710x1805, 1593253959363.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just imagine if we get a vtuber board
>wojack spam
>[whatever happening is going on] vtubers for this feel?
>who is the PS5 of vtubers?
>doxxing general
>twitch vtubers general
>numbers general

>> No.27281103
Quoted by: >>27281121

She asked Subaru to stay at her house for her trip to Tokyo.

>> No.27281109
Quoted by: >>27281155

Don't fist the robot.

>> No.27281111
File: 566 KB, 473x684, 897307C0-37A1-487C-8149-563AAF7B55C8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27281116

He also wanted to fuck the Chinks over, but never got the ogey.

>> No.27281117


>> No.27281118
File: 1.21 MB, 1920x1080, yogiri......png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27281252

Yogiri's song choice and music video really do not help getting rid of the narrative that she actually auditioned for HoloJP but was rejected and made a HoloCN gen 1 because she also knew Chinese...

>> No.27281121
Quoted by: >>27281143

But she asked Noel that too earlier

>> No.27281123
Quoted by: >>27281238

She has a god tier design and voice. Shame they are both wasted on a literal whore who only cares about making a quick buck streaming apex and they going back to fucking her bf

>> No.27281125
File: 2.92 MB, 430x258, hololive lamy chest breasts.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remembering Lamy

>> No.27281128
File: 836 KB, 1138x1771, 84798787_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your oshi is fit.

>> No.27281132
File: 286 KB, 1026x1404, 1599362951118.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't you bring those cursed ideas upon this land

>> No.27281135

condomates are actually retard.
no surprise there.

>> No.27281140
Quoted by: >>27281238


>> No.27281142

No, because I don't fucking trust her and originally she had some reason to be linked to pro-ccp sentiment. Prove her honor. I swallowed Listerine after finding out.

>> No.27281143

That was for a sleepover, like without work, Aqua is going for work this time.

>> No.27281147

She moved on.

>> No.27281149

That anon is actually a little behind, Amelia actually nuked all her roommate stuff because people kept doing that and were digging too deep. All her old YouTube videos are gone now.
There are definitely some holos who don't care, but quite a few of them have privated/deleted almost all their past life stuff, so they obviously care.

>> No.27281153
Quoted by: >>27281187

I'm imagining all the calories we could burn together fucking like rabbits all day

>> No.27281155
File: 928 KB, 900x1200, 68951891_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if I fuck her tits instead?

>> No.27281160

Take your meds.
Artia has a lot of friends in the West, like Civia, and Chat

>> No.27281165
Quoted by: >>27281360

Why should I forgive her? She's Judas!

>> No.27281167
Quoted by: >>27281182

mel was born to be raped

>> No.27281173
Quoted by: >>27281285

>doxxing general
It's super cute of you to think that half the board won't be dox threads.

>> No.27281175
File: 93 KB, 666x187, 1599337735131.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27281199

Someone post the pasta

>> No.27281179
File: 1.12 MB, 2480x3508, Civia!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao do you really believe that?

>> No.27281182

I want to be manager's sloppy 5rds!

>> No.27281184

Not surprising know Aqua's history with Subaru. She probably wouldn't have endured if not for Subaru.

>> No.27281187
File: 74 KB, 715x1024, EjZbzqVU4AEMFdk@Waowwaowgalen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27281197

One night in Subaru's and the next in Danchou's.

>> No.27281199
Quoted by: >>27281295


>> No.27281213

Even worse, if we get a board it would be an e-celeb one so we would get all those plus the frequent raids from the /v/tards posting their literally who e-celebs in our threads. It's already happening.

>> No.27281217

Did you forget about Pearl Harbor? Do your history reps. If Japan didn't bomb Pearl Harbor the US would not have gone to war with them.

>> No.27281222

>Haah haahh stream
based married slut

>> No.27281225
Quoted by: >>27281277


>> No.27281228

mildly based

>> No.27281229

If Civia continues streaming on youtube, do you think she'll ever mention Artia? She never did before despite how much Artia brought her up in her streams, and now it seems even less likely

>> No.27281232
File: 166 KB, 1080x1210, _20200916_160526.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it's part of her character or something. I don't watch aqua so I don't really know

>> No.27281233

Which one was it

>> No.27281235

>Japan did Pearl Harbour for no reason

Do your non-textbook history reps.

>> No.27281238

Dripping with envy. Seethe more please

>> No.27281242
File: 614 KB, 648x678, IfOnlyYouKnewHowBadThingsCouldBe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27281619

>No /v/ tier "who's next gen" rosterfagging

>> No.27281244

Because USA embargoed them.
Take it to /his/.

>> No.27281246
Quoted by: >>27281309

Of course she does, she's an effective spy. All she does is shout Twitch tier cancer and make shallow, innocuous comments about peace and anime. She has no friends and she's Judas. We have her dead to rights as pro-CCP and supporting the punishment of her parent company and her senpai!


>> No.27281252
Quoted by: >>27281327

thats depressing
imagine if we had Chowa over Aloe
or over Matsuri

>> No.27281255

It reminds me of that Aquafag that uploads pictures of Aqua in the outside and Aqua gives a like to all the images

>> No.27281258

Aloe love!

>> No.27281260


>> No.27281262
File: 58 KB, 1280x720, volgin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

[Volgin after he finds out Eva is a Chinese spy]

>> No.27281265
File: 89 KB, 1223x1093, 1592577351049.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is shion the only one who has an opening animation for her streams? The only other holo that's close is haato but she just loops it over and over till she starts.
Shion has an op loop like all the other girls and then it transitions into the "it's stream time!" op. Did she make that herself?

>> No.27281266

Imagine investing as much time into something as Roboco and STILL being shit at it. That's pretty much definitive proof that it doesn't matter how devoted you are to something, if you don't have a talent/knack for it, you'll always be mundane, much like with drawing.

>> No.27281272

>doxxfag hours

>> No.27281274
Quoted by: >>27281330

his ass addiction is he wants a girl who has just, the FATTEST ass, thigh gaps are NOT allowed, he wants an ass that spills out when she sits down or something like that(he said something about when the girl sits down)

>> No.27281275
File: 2.03 MB, 3343x3241, cc91c9c27ed58ce83399e2968a184d54f24b75be1117dd4fefa3a66c5eda35db2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can hardly describe how happy I'd be to see one even half as populated. Maybe after she spends some time organizing herself for a couple months; two streams a day will probably never return though, something like that really isn't in-line with her life goals.

>> No.27281277


>> No.27281279

>muh japans at fault

>> No.27281281

No, she is actually like that.

>> No.27281282



>> No.27281285
File: 335 KB, 786x720, 1601239911330.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27281379

>half of the board
more like 95% of it will just be dox threads let's be real here.

>> No.27281286

They did them because we threatened their expansion in those waters and threatened sanctions on them. They barely killed shit and we fucked them hard, what's your problem? lul

>> No.27281288
Quoted by: >>27281318

Being butthurt is not a reason to go to war.

>> No.27281293

>doesn't matter how devoted you are to something, if you don't have a talent/knack for it, you'll always be mundane, much like with drawing.
careful you'll trigger the butthurt suisei fan

>> No.27281295
File: 822 KB, 900x728, 1596188039866.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27281384

Beyblade ASMR, the Watame shitstorm, trinero collabs, the collabs with the VOMS...
All those moments lost, like tears in the rain...

>> No.27281301
File: 144 KB, 201x271, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine having your own personal RBC blowjob machine please artists i only watch her in hopes new art is made to fap to

>> No.27281302

>Your oshi
>Would she hate you for being a disgusting fat bastard

>> No.27281303

I'm not sure what I'd do if this happens

>> No.27281304 [DELETED] 
File: 30 KB, 400x400, artemis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bros redpill me on this girl, it looks like every chuuba know her, tons of fanart, she is mod in pikamee's stream and she hasn't even made her debut yet

>> No.27281305
Quoted by: >>27281445

>much like with drawing
Anon please stop projecting

>> No.27281309

How do you salvage your twitch-career if you're artia during all this?

The only thing I can think of is doing the naked dogeza in front of Coco and begging her for forgiveness and asking her to collab to try and cast doubt on the betrayal

>> No.27281312

a vtuber board would turn out exactly like /asp/ did after they made it about wrestling - based as fuck.

>> No.27281313

Nice trashy, clingy Chinese whore anon.

>> No.27281317
File: 587 KB, 850x480, 1598245844280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27281394

>Clown makes a joke
>People angry at the clown

>> No.27281318
Quoted by: >>27281433


Being mad that the country you forced to interact with the outside world is expanding is not a reason to embargo them.

>> No.27281321

I hate Southeast Asians so much

>> No.27281322

She'd hate me for other reasons.

>> No.27281324

>last message is on the day of yonkisei debuts

>> No.27281326
File: 3.01 MB, 1392x2048, 1589524113511.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm fine with less streams as long as there are streams, I just hope that she's happy and doing well

>> No.27281325

Matsuri also likes her, I honestly don't know where she came from.

>> No.27281327

Fuck off, Matsuri is great.

>> No.27281329

So Vinci is confirmed a chink or taiwanese right?

>> No.27281330

Pretty based, might subscribe later

>> No.27281333
Quoted by: >>27281389

why are there so many wrestling fans in this thread?

>> No.27281344
Quoted by: >>27281449

What did she mean by this?

>> No.27281346

Civia actually mentioned Artia in a YouTube stream. She said something along the lines of "Artia is my wife, but I'm you guys wife too". Can't remember the wording

>> No.27281347

unironically kys if you watch wrestling

>> No.27281351
Quoted by: >>27281380

Unironically yes, he hasn't been seen since the chink outrage began and he akasupa'd Civia on both her streams

>> No.27281352

/asp/ is awful

>> No.27281354

I give no mercy to Judas and Judas was lucky he killed himself before worse could happen. He's lucky that the worst another man did to him was cast his name into stone as the lowest of traitors.

>> No.27281358
Quoted by: >>27281445

Yeah and some people think it's as simple as looking for something you're good at, as if every single person with an IQ over 100 has some sort of hidden talent like some sort of fucking anime.

Even then imagine being born with a knack for something you hate

>> No.27281360

Hurting little girls is not what men do.
We hurt men so we can protect little girls.
Specially retarded ones like Artia.

My spic ancestors are smiling at me imperial, can you say the same?

>> No.27281362

That was actually pretty fun. Seeing tons of ESLs fail was すごい.

>> No.27281365

twitchies don't care or at most see the only account posting about this and call it photoshopped
Artia could come back and at most put sub-mode on and no one would bat an eye

>> No.27281368

What are the redeeming qualities to Shion?

>> No.27281370

You really should, or that will happen to you.

>> No.27281374
File: 194 KB, 1300x1300, 35512746-crying-asian-boy-isolated-on-white.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Think we're ever gonna have a month where weak asian babymen won't throw some insane histrionic crybaby tantrum over some nothingburger bullshit and try to harass the girls off the internet?
First coco and haato, then polka now lamy.

>> No.27281375

Even the holoEN girls RT her stuff, there must be something going on

>> No.27281377

All holos
I am fit and lovey, but I am not Asian so who knows what they think about filthy gaijin

>> No.27281379
Quoted by: >>27281437

What are they gonna do once they have a fucking pastebin with doxes and theres nothing to talk about?

>> No.27281380
Quoted by: >>27281457

Who? But fuck them and fuck HoloMoments.
So Civia is a pro-CCP clingy whore.

>> No.27281382

oh a new holo girl huh? how cool of you to post her here

>> No.27281384 [SPOILER] 
File: 880 KB, 1283x517, 1601858981488.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're forgetting something important, a one of a kind experience.

>> No.27281385
File: 58 KB, 504x501, pogarthur.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27281387
Quoted by: >>27281663

>surveyposting this early

>> No.27281389

Narratives are spicy on both sides

>> No.27281394


>> No.27281396
Quoted by: >>27281499

Being pushed by the company that kamiko kana girl made. They're also responsible for budget korone

I dunno where they're getting their investment money from, but they're an actual serious push

>> No.27281398
Quoted by: >>27281504

niji fans went into a frenzy and started harassing a Niji over the fact that she complained that people harass Nijis. I don't think we'll ever have a week where this doesn't happen.

>> No.27281399

She also mentioned Artia while shitting on Twitch, saying she wouldn't stream there.

>> No.27281401


>> No.27281402

My ancestors were fucking French and Native Americans. I should be high on wine and cacti right now. I'm also raised Christian, so honestly I should be beheading traitors and heathens.

>> No.27281403
File: 115 KB, 900x888, 1595908687876.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27281409
File: 425 KB, 3000x3000, EifKElgVkAAGJYi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27281412

post cute clips NOW

>> No.27281414
File: 1.55 MB, 1920x1080, 81062944_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27281434


>> No.27281418

It's fucking music to the ears, anon. Why can't you understand that?

>> No.27281423

Hey I'm a newfag and I have a question. Why doesn't Sakura miko have any GTA V videos on her channel? Don't tell me she didn't play it because I've seen the translated clips. Did she delete them because she said the n word?

>> No.27281428

It's even worse when you reverse the to: and from:

>> No.27281431

Why everytime Pekora laughs I want to rape her

>> No.27281432
Quoted by: >>27281943

Swear to God buddy, you better put a bullet in at least 50 Chink men. Do it for Coco. God's will is peace through his divine wrath.

>> No.27281433
Quoted by: >>27281460

Embargoing them is a slap on the wrist compared to Japan's version of Greater Asia and how they went about doing it.

>> No.27281434
Quoted by: >>27281477

sharp fang

>> No.27281435
Quoted by: >>27281496

there better be a follow up pic

>> No.27281437

write fanfics or something. Maybe make a guide on basic OPSEC? It would still be of better use to them than whatever the fuck cover is doing.

>> No.27281439


>> No.27281441

the six millions...

>> No.27281445

It's not projecting if it's true.
You're right, some people are lucky enough to be born with talent in something that they're passionate about, and some people are simply garbage at the things they like, forever chasing, knowing they'll never be good enough.

>> No.27281446

google the holocaust

>> No.27281447

please don't hurt the rabbit...

>> No.27281448
File: 21 KB, 485x449, 1601266284597.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27281551

the fun is over
corporates are kneeling to people whining for no reason on the internet

>> No.27281449

Those replies though. Programming is complete

>> No.27281450

The holocaust...
6 million privated videos...

>> No.27281453

there was a point in time they mass privated every lets play stream every girl did so they didnt get sued into oblivion

>> No.27281455

There was a video massacre due to copyright

>> No.27281457
Quoted by: >>27281514

>So Civia is a pro-CCP clingy whore.
stop falling for narritives
and before you type some snarky reply post your fucking proof
and no shizo images

>> No.27281458

Are you chavista too? Because you sound exactly like a closeted one by defending that backstabbing cunt

>> No.27281460

It would have been based, actually.

>> No.27281461
File: 802 KB, 1037x583, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are these two models made by the same person? Hard case of sameface going on.

>> No.27281462

onegai... permissions...

>> No.27281465

what happened to lamy I just got back from vacation

>> No.27281466

Next narrative: Aqua is actually an aryan white woman.

>> No.27281469

The only thing I regret about the chink chimpout is that we didn't manage to unleash the spics on bilibili.

>> No.27281470

>doxxing general
number 1 reason why there shouldn't be a vtuber/eceleb board. It's gonna create a bunch of obsessed stalkers, We already have enough of those weirdos in these threads.

>> No.27281472
Quoted by: >>27281505


>> No.27281476

Her fans are all 15 year olds who don't even know what communism is. They'll just spam POGGERS and all that other twitch cancer.

>> No.27281477
File: 194 KB, 380x337, 1596333772579.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fang love.

>> No.27281479
Quoted by: >>27281518

Nah, saying nigga was basically so popular that all other holos/vtubers copied it

>> No.27281482
Quoted by: >>27281561

that looks insanly comfy

>> No.27281485

>watching end of Korone stream cuz I missed it
>nothing but Korone replying to comments telling her to sleep

I wish there was a way to report these faggots.

>> No.27281487


>> No.27281491

Agreed, tywa has enough on her plate

>> No.27281496 [SPOILER] 
File: 447 KB, 3000x3000, 1601859236721.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


don't open it if you're eating

>> No.27281499

>budget Korone
Anal-only Korone is okay.

>> No.27281503

Does she still do these? That's hilarious.

>> No.27281504
Quoted by: >>27281883

Reminds me of the girl who got doxxed and harassed for saying vtubers should be careful about getting doxxed and harassed citing a Niji as an example.

>> No.27281505


>> No.27281509

Hololive got too popular

>> No.27281510
Quoted by: >>27281608

You have to understand anon asian 'men' aren't "men" they're bitchy, whinny, vindictive, little babies. They are small, and weak, so they lash out at anything that make so much as threatens to make them feel bad about themselves.

>> No.27281512
File: 755 KB, 823x561, 1594170063397.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27281745


>> No.27281513

>trap character
>turns out to be a literal womanizer irl
Oh the ironing

>> No.27281514

She liked the apology letter Hololive put out on Twitter, pro-CCP. And calling her a clingy whore is fine, when her character is "everyone's clingy, anime wife".

>> No.27281516
File: 2.79 MB, 260x560, akipeekaboo.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27281834

My oshi is so kind and caring!! I love her!!

>> No.27281517

God why didn't I listen

>> No.27281518
Quoted by: >>27281548

My favorite was Rushia playing the game just to get that point, saying it twice, and dropping the game completely

>> No.27281519

post like this are proof EN was a fucking mistake
this is one of the few places where i see people legit go "hello new 10iq anon here please spoonfeed me" and people giving genuin replies
fuck off and jump off a bridge

>> No.27281520

I think it is in line with her life goals. She usually misses streaming a lot after leaving for some time. If she has no pressing matters in near future I can see her trying to catch up on streaming. Maybe not two times a day but longer streams would be a given. But who knows, maybe there are more meetings ahead and we're gonna just have to see her an hour a day. Still infinitely better than nothing though.

>> No.27281522
File: 326 KB, 800x770, 1601596686882.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what percentage of this thread is made up of ESLs?

>> No.27281524

Why no holos playing among us? Even the nijis JP gonna play it tonight

>> No.27281523


>> No.27281531
File: 1.60 MB, 3541x5016, 1601859241708.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What kind of date would you take your Sora on?

>> No.27281532

>being this new
Please tell me it's bait

>> No.27281534

Not gonna happen, but eventually they will bored and will be back if there is another drama. For Lamy though they smell blood and want more, I think they will not leave her alone just like Aqua after smash incident bombard with dislike and nasty comment for like 3-4 months I kinda forgot.

>> No.27281535
Quoted by: >>27281583

you are google engish

>> No.27281537

Wait until America goes to bed or post during the weekday

>> No.27281541

The 6 gorillion views

>> No.27281543

But the Holostars have all played it anonymous!

>> No.27281544

My guess is about 2/3rds. It stinks of flips and euros in here.

>> No.27281548
File: 655 KB, 1522x3492, 1595996147257.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God Rushia is so unintentionally based. I love this menhera slut so much.

>> No.27281546

Which one?

>> No.27281550

How is Lamy handling the harrassment campaign? Botan doesn't give a fuck and Polka has been around for a long time so it's probably nothing new to her, but Lamy and Nene... I worry about them.

>> No.27281551
File: 30 KB, 450x320, image-450w-1027043095.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Butthurt asian men are scarily similar to progressive leftist women from the west, when it comes to working themselves into some tantrum spiral over nothing.

and next

>> No.27281553

Spopnfeeding is necessary though. I've been in these threads for over 6 months and I still don't know what the word "oshi" actually means because nobody will tell me.

>> No.27281554

The holos are not retarded enough to play Among Us anon, pls andastand

>> No.27281556

the zoo

>> No.27281559
Quoted by: >>27281595

how can you fall for the most basic of baits?

>> No.27281561

It was, I think that stream sold a lot of people on him. What a god damn shame it all ended like this. That PES team was left unfinished wasn't it?

>> No.27281564
File: 632 KB, 1291x1686, 1601859392837.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you a duck?
How many children would you?

>> No.27281565

>She liked the apology letter Hololive put out on Twitter

I thought that was just Artia and Rosalyn?

>> No.27281566

Everyone's new at some point dumbass

>> No.27281573

a cute one!

>> No.27281575
Quoted by: >>27281638

>playing with people that will spam Taiwan and janitor

>> No.27281577

it means delicious

>> No.27281583


>> No.27281588

>liking a tweet makes her pro-CCP
sure thing

>> No.27281590


>> No.27281592
File: 203 KB, 354x447, 1591472185914.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw virtually no online presence that can be tied to my irl identity
>not a single photo uploaded to the net
>never reused aliases in two places
>never used my real name anywhere

I'm gonna be the undoxxable EN vtuber star just you guys watch!

>> No.27281593

She's right for once, but she'll always be a whore regardless.

>> No.27281595

Ironic shitposting is still shitposting

>> No.27281598

nice bait
you're my new oshi

>> No.27281599


>> No.27281600

why does she hate seamonkeys so much

>> No.27281603
Quoted by: >>27281638

After BasedDept in Roberu's game, I think it's pretty obvious why the Holos won't do it.

>> No.27281605

her chat

>> No.27281608

I wonder if asian men realize that all this crybaby shit they do makes all of them look even more pathetic and weak in the global perception. Maybe lay off the theatralics?

>> No.27281610
File: 252 KB, 1613x2048, cocotaiwan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27281615
Quoted by: >>27281691

You're right

Also for all the crying people do here about cancel culture they sure love shitting on a girl for two weeks straight for liking a corporate twitter post

>> No.27281616

Why the naked dogeza?

>> No.27281617
File: 2.80 MB, 1848x2333, 55D05CA1-75EC-4D20-8E4E-A23A1573C3F3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27281688

They already performed together in the Hololive concert

And given each one has their own separate friend group and career paths they still manage to interact with each other in work

>> No.27281619

but anon we already get that, mostly people posting jerma for no reason

>> No.27281622
Quoted by: >>27281712

Was also Civia. It's what linked Rosalyn and Civia to Pro-CCP sentiments. The personal profile shit is what linked Artia to Pro-CCP.

>> No.27281628

She almost quit because she got sick of dealing with their shit.

>> No.27281632

Only one problem amigo.
There's like a billion uninteresting neckbeards with no social life on the internet who have a "low profile", because they dont socialize outside of anonymous messageboards. For women it's a totally different story.

>> No.27281634
File: 64 KB, 708x491, 1585822046164.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27281855

I have been lonely ever since Cocochi left!

>> No.27281638

Full collab tho https://twitter.com/hashtag/にじ宇宙人狼?src=hashtag_click

>> No.27281643

Which holos would be in your ideal Among us collab? For me:

>> No.27281645
Quoted by: >>27281704

>Uploads an image to 4chan
Look guys I have no presence on the internet!

>> No.27281644

Hope you guys are watching my son

>> No.27281649

they hate their fans

>> No.27281651

What other Holos have liked it? How odd the HoloChinese are liking it. Hmmm?

>> No.27281655

she wanted a white boyfriend and she just got islander asians instead

>> No.27281660
Quoted by: >>27281713

I want to live in Towa's navel.

>> No.27281663

This is actually a good thing, parrot-kun. The more posts before the image limit is reached, the less we get retarded doxxposting and surveyspamming at the end which means constructive anons won't abandon the thread past 1500 posts. Use your brain.

>> No.27281666

You underestimate autism, as long as there is a connection, YOU, people will find it and follow down the trail

>> No.27281667
Quoted by: >>27281709

Lamy said she's taking a break to reflect on her crimes

>> No.27281675
Quoted by: >>27281750

Clip watchers trying out a taste of her stream. I mean, she's boring regardless but that "boing boing" meme just really tickles the balls of these SEAniggers.

>> No.27281678
Quoted by: >>27281768

Good for him I guess

>> No.27281679

Moona's moonas

>> No.27281680


>> No.27281681
File: 211 KB, 1392x1968, EiR0tfRVkAM4HIc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Okayu reading superchat
>"Whenever people asked me my type, I never knew what to answer. Watching your stream made me realize that gentle girls are my type."
>"So basically, you mean your type is me. Haha."
>"It's fine to just say it. I don't mind."
>"Just say, 'I like people like Okayu, or actually, I just like Okayu.'"
>"I don't mind, so no need to hold back around me, okay?"

She's such a bully. I love her so much.

>> No.27281688

>pic related
hololive videogame when
gacha game, rhythm game, full fledged jrpg, anything

>> No.27281691

I don't cry about cancel culture. /hlg/ is not one person you false flagger. No one buys your shit, Civia's content already sucked and her gimmick was terrible. Her linking herself to pro-CCP support and punishment of Cover says enough about her. Prove I'm wrong, you have not.

>> No.27281692

Okayu was MADE to play impostor

>> No.27281694
Quoted by: >>27282092

Like 7 ducklings.

>> No.27281699
File: 97 KB, 947x2048, 1601596937864.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still really don't like Coco. She comes off as a bitch for some reason. Like the kind of woman that would ask for the manager over the simplest issues.

>> No.27281700
Quoted by: >>27281714

I'm always terrified doxxing will reach boxxy levels of bad where people will show up outside someone like Peko or Korone's house then just leave a note for her

>> No.27281702

Why are the ENs such lazy bitches?

>> No.27281704
Quoted by: >>27281751

>shitposting on an anonymous internet board
That's how they'll get you, anon.

>> No.27281705

Same but switch aqua for subaru

>> No.27281706
File: 82 KB, 716x1001, Ef8pLOtUMAIKXfI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course
Would depend on her health after the first one

>> No.27281709
Quoted by: >>27281846

Poor girl, I feel sorry for her. Why do asian men love overblow theatralics so much and why do asian men not accept apologies? They act like white women.

>> No.27281712
Quoted by: >>27281748

Anonymous, I've not seen anything about Civia liking it. I saw that Artia liked it AND had the personal profile shit. Are you sure you're not confused?

>> No.27281713
File: 324 KB, 1451x2048, EiQnI1HUMAEN6Cl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just want to touch it.

>> No.27281714

So you mean Aloe?

>> No.27281717
Quoted by: >>27281812

Lamy is taking a break. She's the main target and it probably doesn't help that part of the "rationale" was that she's a rich girl.
Nene hasn't been harassed at all, right? After all, she planned it.

>> No.27281722
Quoted by: >>27281870

Those retarded pecor edit images make me laugh, I love her stupid big face.
What does she see with those big eyes??

>> No.27281724


>> No.27281728

How can she be so perfect

>> No.27281729

This. Coco needs to graduate before she corrupts the rest of the girls.

>> No.27281736
Quoted by: >>27281782

Lamy's shaken enough to take a break, though that made the antis even more bloodthirsty. Nene is untouched but some Nenefag schizos are starting to spin a narrative that Nene's being bullied too much by the other three girls.

>> No.27281738
File: 1.39 MB, 915x1080, 1601820901799.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't get that at all, she feels more like a cheeky older sister to me

>> No.27281743
File: 2.66 MB, 2456x1736, 55.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Coco's cocos

>> No.27281745
Quoted by: >>27281815

Kanata-mama does things to my heart
Bully Kanata does things to my dick

>> No.27281746

is it wrong to like Aqua's bunny girl sister's design more than Aqua?

>> No.27281747

What's sex with aloe like?

>> No.27281748
Quoted by: >>27281970

She's hiding it. It was there, check archives the day it went down. Side note, it doesn't excuse how shit her character and content is.

>> No.27281750

What is it with SEAniggers and repeating shit ad nauseum? First time I noticed it was in korone's karaoke stream where they all started mindlessly spamming FBI FBI FBI after one dumb anon made a "open up fbi joke" while she sang the Kodomo no Jikan OP. The rest was thousands of SEAniggers relentlessly spamming it over and over, as if it gets funnier every time you repeat it and the winner is the guy who manages to outspam everyone else.

>> No.27281751

only if you use an "anonymous" board that displays a user ID (ec code) that corresponds to your IP address

>> No.27281755
Quoted by: >>27281936

a very traditional one, probably take her to a nice little restaurant with good food (nothing big and fancy) and then walk a bit together and end up somewhere nice like next to a river or a park where we sit down and discuss shounen anime under the starlit sky

>> No.27281756

forced corporate vtuber, even domo hates her

>> No.27281757
Quoted by: >>27282193

>he says posting Pekora

>> No.27281758

Disappointing. She gets up and leaves just when you're starting.

>> No.27281764
File: 15 KB, 281x328, 1601154071581.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only wanted to watch cute anime girls doing fun things on stream, why does there have to be retarded drama every other week?

>> No.27281768

Good for whom

>> No.27281773
Quoted by: >>27281811

she seems the kind to fight her own fights though instead of calling for help

>> No.27281776
File: 62 KB, 1024x576, EjhhglLU4AAXuXM[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27284309

happy birthday friend

>> No.27281778


She probably cries during and after.

>> No.27281779

You're surrounded by other men waiting in line

>> No.27281781
Quoted by: >>27281816

Do you think Moona keeps fries in the folds of her tummy for quick snacks? I hope so.

>> No.27281782
Quoted by: >>27281845

Lamy needs to grow a spine if she wants to stay as a vtuber, antis are never going to go away.

>> No.27281784
Quoted by: >>27281849

Why do you come to this thread if you only want to watch the streams?

>> No.27281789
File: 84 KB, 1011x725, 1596783574830.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haha moron you just uploaded a picture of yourself.

>> No.27281791

Has Roboco ever actually won a chicken dinner?

>> No.27281793
File: 242 KB, 502x538, 1599848251168.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No one cares about Artia drama outside schizos in these threads

The shit that could be spammed in her chat (twitch doesn't fucking care btw, they all love her) is the same that was spammed in every other Hololive member's chat
She got more substantial hate for not celebrating national China day hard enough
She only had time to stream once a week on twitch and probably likes Bilibili more now anyway.

People here hate Artia herself more than fucking Cover or the CCP. The outrage vs them died off so quickly it's pathetic, but hate vs Artia survives because like two people trying to force the meme of her somehow being a "traitor"

>> No.27281794

As many as she could handle

>> No.27281801

Can please hurry up and get drunk on stream so we can have your old content back?

>> No.27281803
File: 571 KB, 554x731, 03-115014.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sumimasen, did you by any chance see Joseph?
He ran away again

>> No.27281804

Because Chinese think 100 years of "humiliation" (yeah right) is valid reason to terrorize and ruin everything.

>> No.27281807

SEAnigger culture. That's literally all I have to say about that.

>> No.27281809
Quoted by: >>27281825

I think Matsuri is good again today


>> No.27281811
Quoted by: >>27281843

in women that's a bitch trait desu

>> No.27281810
File: 182 KB, 1920x1080, 1601733901786.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a packaged deal. You get to watch damaged girls be cute anime girls doing fun things on stream, but the company kicks them down at regular intervals due to antis.

>> No.27281812

despite 5ch shit talking Nene during her debut and calling her racist because of the arus they're now holding her up as a good girl who needs to graduate and move on to a better company. a convenient change in narrative because it lets them hold her up as an example to shit on the others

>> No.27281816

I'd steal them

>> No.27281815
File: 95 KB, 637x900, EcP3BN8UwAMCYQi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please stop having impure thoughts about my daughter.

>> No.27281825

I can't wait to watch her play more APEX

>> No.27281831
File: 69 KB, 180x201, 1601310967813.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Roberu is beginning to have SOPs in chat thanks to that spic talking about him, god help him

>> No.27281834

Aki is cute! CUTE!

>> No.27281838
File: 73 KB, 851x851, EjOmMwBVoAc1j34.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw Hiro could literally sell you out

>> No.27281843

yeah but then she's less likely to call the manager if I'm right
unironically she'd be the kind to kabedon a nerd in high school and demand his lunch money

>> No.27281845

I agree, but it's hard to do it alone. At least Botan and Polka should be there to help her through it with their experience.

>> No.27281846

public figures are held to a different standard in Japan than they are in, say, America

we're used to actors and athletes shitting all over the little guy but nips understand that the collective is far more important and powerful than any individual so when one of their celebs (e- or otherwise) steps out of line they're quick to remind them that their relatively privileged life is only made possible by the public, and they're not too keen on accepting empty apologies either. i remember some idol having to shave her head to show she was sorry.

>> No.27281849

as if you could escape something like aloe or the dreaded T word situation if you never came here

>> No.27281850


>> No.27281851
File: 2.92 MB, 2508x3541, 516925.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love my wife Choco!

>> No.27281853
Quoted by: >>27281882

What did she mean by this?

>> No.27281855
File: 49 KB, 518x561, 1597481785962.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27281859


>> No.27281868

more like obligated to, she doesn't have to like the CCP to support them, if she has family in the mainland she has to be pro CCP

>> No.27281870


>> No.27281871

No one's trying to force any kind of meme. Are you literally ignoring everything that links her and her social media accounts to pro-CCP statements. Let alone the campaign by Chinese to not only protect her, but push more punishment onto Cover and Hololive talent? Let alone the screenshots of all the stupid gay-ops and raids they plan? Do you ignore everything because you like the shittiest thing Twitch could ever offer? What is your malfunction? Do you actually fucking trust her when there's every reason to know she's full of shit? She can fuck off back to China if she likes it so much, oh wait, she fucked that up to and lost her apartment.

>> No.27281872

A better company like 2434 right?

>> No.27281873
Quoted by: >>27281901

actually it's because a spanish clip of Roberu is starting to get popular, has near 20k views, which isn't high for hololive standards, but it's pretty big for holostars clips.

>> No.27281875

how can one girl get bullied by youtube so much?

>> No.27281876

Try going to sankaku complex and you will see its a global issue

>> No.27281882


>> No.27281883
File: 314 KB, 600x600, 84065641_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the girl
the girl? HER NAME WAS ALOE ! !

>> No.27281884
Quoted by: >>27282559

No one's forcing this meme, it's reality and you can't admit it. I doubt even you know why. Let's ignore the Chinese openly stating she's the hardcore nationalist. I'll never support this bitch again.

>> No.27281890
File: 2.72 MB, 1688x3270, 1601860143113.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's just the mentality of ironic weebs and normies anon, they always have to say SOMETHING.
There is no concept of just shutting up and enjoying the stream, they have to make themselves known as much as they can.

>> No.27281888

your wife is a criminal

>> No.27281889

can i get a quick rundown

>> No.27281896
File: 1.82 MB, 2048x1218, 1601697199817.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27282049

>SOPs in chat thanks to that spic talking about him, god help him
First time I heard of this, god fucking dammit I hate them so much.

>> No.27281901

Really? What clip?

>> No.27281908

no, that's just them trolling her to troll the others. Saying she needs to quit and go to Nijisanji because antis are pro-Ichiraka.

>> No.27281909

>Pekofags Talk about Peko

Nothing happens

>Shitposters use Pekomeme

Anon gets his feelings hurt

>> No.27281910

>sexually inappropriate towards coworkers
>gives TMI during live streams
>has admitted to trying to sexually attract men in real life
"ummm based senchou? I love womb"

>sexually inappropriate towards coworkers
>gives TMI during live streams
>has admitted to trying to sexually attract men in real life
"ewww I hate this fat menhere when will she graduate"


>> No.27281911
File: 932 KB, 1500x1600, 1591770503594.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27281929

I would like to play with Roboco's butt

>> No.27281912
Quoted by: >>27282008

I don't like this image
I feel like she staring directly into my soul or she has a murderous intent in her eyes

>> No.27281913

I just need Okayu, Luna, and maybe Korone, in a game with Subaru.

>Killing her when one of them is the impostor
>Incriminating/voting her out even when they're not

It'd be so much fun.

>> No.27281915
File: 136 KB, 850x1200, 1593278193614.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27282038

I don't want to and I'm trying really hard not to but I don't know if I'll be able to resist her charm forever.

>> No.27281920

haha womb

>> No.27281921
Quoted by: >>27281985

Didn't they actually turn on her though? Or was that just some Taiwanese peeps.

>> No.27281925
File: 238 KB, 478x351, 3297B017-923C-4957-8AD8-4D84DE75BC27.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is there no English translation of Sora geeking out?

>> No.27281927

Peker, I...

>> No.27281929

I want her to crush me with her 100 kg ass.

>> No.27281931

Well for starters, Matsuri is a fat menhera

>> No.27281933


>> No.27281934

Basado mi hijo Roberto

>> No.27281935

Marine isn't a menhera, she's just horny.

>> No.27281936

Cute romantic anon.

>> No.27281940
File: 300 KB, 1378x2039, 1309901288272875526_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really like Luna.
I like her dual cutesy/comedic attitude and way of speaking. She knows that many people find her voice and language annoying, that's why she plays it up, especially in collabs. She maintains a multi-faceted persona that is a cutesy innocent baby at face value, but this is set up to drive the comedy when she gets angry, sad, or talks about how sexy she is. Coco knew how to use this with her asacoco english segments. She pulls you in with this contrast until you can't help but find even her normal antics charming. I've gotten to the point where I find her to be cute, even when she's annoying. Her completely nonsensical vocal tics are infectious and you can't help but mimic her whenever she does them.
Then you hear things like her hajimete no chuu cover, or her cooking streams. I had no idea the sound of someone's slippers scuffing the floor could be so adorable. The way her footsteps fade in while she yells "MINNAAAAAA" makes me clench my face and hnnnngg. The fact that she decides to run back and forth between her computer and kitchen to give picture updates is so stupid and cute, what is wrong with her? Then she gets winded and starts slumping, it's fucking unreal. Behind this cutesy dumb baby is a woman that has 0 stamina and gets serious injuries just from falling off a fucking chair. A chair that she was scared off of by a shitty horror game, even when she wasn't playing! She is so fucking fragile and it's adorable.
After learning of just how fragile she was, I began to be attracted to her. The idea of having to be gentle with her to avoid hurting her and the fact that she'd have no stamina for sex just makes my dick absolute diamonds. She wouldn't even tap out and slump down on the bed, either, she'd keep getting up and go again for 1-2 minutes before panting and wheezing all over again. And she's fucking ONE-HUNDRED AND FORTY CENTIMETERS TALL, she is literally THE smallest holo. Her tits only LOOK big because the rest of her body is so small! In reality, they would easily fit in your hands.
All of these things beckon my desire to pump gallons of semen inside her stupid baby princess womb.

>> No.27281941

Pirate has the charisma to pull it off

>> No.27281943
Quoted by: >>27282034

Anti commie protests come in cycles and spics are massive weebs.
Unironically expect Watame flags when the right wing coup begins in Argentina.
For you guys ARS is a meme but they have been extremely salty for what I seen because their goverment turned their currency into a joke.

>> No.27281944

If you wouldn't, you are 100% gay.
3 or 4

>> No.27281945

matsuri fans are deranged

>> No.27281947
Quoted by: >>27282174

SEA is literally a clout chaser haven, anon. SEAniggers advertisements, twitter, and social media milk these internet memes and jokes to death.
t. SEAnigger

>> No.27281948

marine's womb

>> No.27281950


>> No.27281953

>Wears glasses irl
>Has black hair irl
"I fucking hate this bitch"

>Wears glasses irl
>Has black hair irl
"Love u onion"


>> No.27281957

it's an among us clip obviously.

>> No.27281958

that's a pretty good lineup, a good balance between tryhards, dumbasses and wildcards. I think Fubuki or Mio would be super fun to see in that game.

>> No.27281961


what's the name of the bunny girl idol with the soul of a comedian? somebody told me you guys would know.

>> No.27281960

It has to do with being actually menhera. No one hates Matsuri, but she really screws herself over a lot and people worry she alienates herself from friends.

>> No.27281965

You have to be autistic to not see that one of them lays off when she realizes someone feels uncomfortable.

>> No.27281970
Quoted by: >>27282010

I have trawled through the archives for mentions of Civia on the 27th and found one guy making the claim that she did, and another guy correcting him that it was Artia that did it and not Civia, and him replying that Civia still can't be trusted because she's chinese.

I found no definitive proof of your claims whatsoever

>> No.27281972


>> No.27281978

Coco's roommate has brown hair, anon.

>> No.27281979

>"Love u onion"
jouzu na joke

>> No.27281980
File: 192 KB, 850x1133, 1598631094652.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But I fucking love this bitch?
Explain what?

>> No.27281983
Quoted by: >>27282031

This is like asking why people would be disgusted by you hitting on them vs an attractive male doing it.

>> No.27281985

Taiwanese. No Chinese have turned on her, she's their idol. (lul)

>> No.27281987


>> No.27281996

Do you know Pekora?

>> No.27282004


>> No.27282007

Marine doesn't play apex 24/7 and actually streams interesting content

>> No.27282008

Thsts what i like the most about it

>> No.27282010
Quoted by: >>27282765

Really? I'll drop this and focus harder on Artia if you can give me screen shots or at least post numbers if you care about image limit. I can verify that shit and ditch half my hate on Civia.

>> No.27282012


>> No.27282023
File: 626 KB, 1280x705, 1596335014476.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Marine stops if the other person is uncomfortable
>meanwhile Matsuri keeps going and eventually the other person counters hard and we find out Matsuri is full of shit

>> No.27282028


>> No.27282030

Bros... I just want to see a Hollow Knight playthrough from someone who isn't shit and who gets invested in games...
Twappi's playthrough is dead... and L*l* only got 71%...

>> No.27282031

Everything's okay when you're pretty.

>> No.27282033
File: 32 KB, 640x427, mf6elvu9e4r51[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27282034

>I seen because their goverment turned their currency into a joke.
There hasn't been a single government that hasn't done that. There was one that tried but the blowback after that killed the economy like five times as hard as usual.

>> No.27282035
File: 33 KB, 347x441, 1599964068972.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if i love both of them?

>> No.27282037


>> No.27282038
File: 1.90 MB, 1413x2000, 1594047186206.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27282179

Fair enough, her thighs also does something weird to me but please try your best and keep it to a minimum

>> No.27282048

Based as fuck anon, keep loving your oshi she's great

>> No.27282049
File: 12 KB, 552x66, Screenshot 2020-10-04 221822.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27282078

All they can talk about is what language they speak, it's so fucking annoying

>> No.27282055
Quoted by: >>27282559

>probably likes Bilibili more now anyway.
Good, that bitch better stay away. I hope HoloEN manages to avoid her.

>> No.27282058
File: 230 KB, 600x600, 1600840103236.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27282109

Yeah lol this shit pretty much confirms that Artia can stream whenever she wants on whatever platform she wants and only needs to ban (you)

>> No.27282060
File: 385 KB, 1438x1049, 1601474062790.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27282120

love u onion

>> No.27282065

based someone loves me

>> No.27282068
File: 150 KB, 1060x1500, echo!!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spade Echo played through the whole game...

>> No.27282069

She's retiring. After the one week break she's going to say she's quitting for good to take care of her mom and grandma.

>> No.27282071


>> No.27282073
Quoted by: >>27282559

Nice deflection Xi, she's not welcome here or twitch neither is Civia they're both traitors

>> No.27282078

Is there a reason why they use their full names as yt usernames?

>> No.27282080
Quoted by: >>27282414

I don't know which clip he's talking about either but from a quick google search I'd assume it's this
It's not even the latinoamericans this time, goddamit you fucking spaniards and your insufferable accent.

>> No.27282082
Quoted by: >>27282106


>your yubi
"hand them over"


>> No.27282084


>> No.27282090

>People here hate Artia herself more than fucking Cover or the CCP
What's the problem unless you're one of her paypigs?

>> No.27282092
Quoted by: >>27282119

Subaru's very active, healthy womb!

>> No.27282097


>> No.27282106


>> No.27282109

Can stream to all of very few people. You think this bitch would be more appreciative of Cover literally saving her streaming career. You've answered none of my questions because you know you can't. You have no proof she has had nothing to do with the statements linked to her and the Nationalist Chinese openly protecting her.

>> No.27282116

why wouldn't you

>> No.27282118

Can someone who's more experienced in APEX explain Roboco's weapon choice right now? Why is she using the g7 + alternator instead of alt/ g7 + mastiff?

>> No.27282117

I don't like bat soup...

>> No.27282119

Subaru doesn't have a womb she's too young

>> No.27282120

yep, this is a joke

>> No.27282123

EOP chads just can't stop winning.

>> No.27282129

among us solo homo summary
>temma was fun, especially when spazzing out
>rikka did alright though clearly he was not that familiar with the game, fans coddled him and he noticed it
>izuru's english is better than most would assume, he didn't trust anyone and was overall more interesting than expected
>pizza dad was fun with his papa antics and his english is "goodest"
>astel's stream was also fun and he did try to use as much english as possible
>roberu stopped giving a fuck near the end and barely used english, made up a terrible meme through piss poor effort and a ton of fags think it's the funniest shit ever because he's reddit approved, the worst solo ""english"" among us stream

>> No.27282130

They are relatively new to the internet

>> No.27282132

Asien men tend to love creating histrionic drama as much as white women do,

>> No.27282133
Quoted by: >>27282158

This is what you get for threatening my subcount, son.

>> No.27282134
Quoted by: >>27282143


>> No.27282139
File: 3.43 MB, 2800x3000, 5ae42a6b1dfa4f45cfdbc41ccbad7fbf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27282143


>> No.27282145

Korone is taking a week off to spend it with Miko because she missed her too much

>> No.27282146

We also hate the CCP, iunno what they're on about.

>> No.27282148

He's really growing...

>> No.27282149

I fucking hate you fags, whenever something is over I keep saying towa... in a disappointing tone

>> No.27282156
File: 39 KB, 400x400, 1591827764426.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All vegetarians begone.

>> No.27282158

Rikka is surprisingly violent.

>> No.27282161
Quoted by: >>27282233

Towa still wants to play it...

>> No.27282163
Quoted by: >>27282367

I was there, son had fun.

>> No.27282165
File: 633 KB, 605x566, 1601497804036.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27282201

But eating meat is murder...

>> No.27282168

Nah, she's hitting the gym because she ate too much birthday cake.

>> No.27282173

woah rikka calm down

>> No.27282174

Funniest SEAnigger moment was when mikoti did her google maps world trip and all the flips screamed in chat she should go visit the phillipines. Well she did and then everyone could watch her awkwardly clicking her way through some south east asian corrugated iron sheets slum and watch people carry potable water in gasoline tanks.

>> No.27282175

There was a point in time where Google was pushing Google+ and decided to force real names on all user profiles. And then domestic violence victims started getting murdered and they decided to shut down Google+.

>> No.27282176
Quoted by: >>27282259

>Spanish and English translations in chat? Wow this is amazing
Roberu ... don't encourage them...

>> No.27282179
File: 173 KB, 1064x1189, Ec9MTpKVcAEnMkj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27282427

I'm fairly sure it won't come to anything indecent, my only dream is to rest my head on those soft legs and thinking about it unironically helps me fall asleep, I always had problems with that before

>> No.27282183
File: 503 KB, 668x934, 03-113706.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27282258


>> No.27282193


Except none of them act like that.

>> No.27282196

Pew pew~
Hey baby~

>> No.27282197
Quoted by: >>27282294

Watame trying to cheer someone up on twitter? I don't get it.

>> No.27282199
File: 205 KB, 700x942, 1591823365321_1_0_1_0_0_1_0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27282240

Ten fox, Kawaiiiiyoooo~

>> No.27282201
Quoted by: >>27282321

I hope when coco comes back she does an impossible burger asmr.

>> No.27282204

There's a chance casanova isnt his real family name.

>> No.27282205
Quoted by: >>27282235

I wonder who the first holo to meet Miko's baby will be

>> No.27282207

Why did she spill her milk

>> No.27282213

How come marine and aqua are in such good terms? They aren't even from the same generation. I don't even realize when they started collabing so often and talking so much. Like I know marine is friends with almost everyone but her and aqua are almost on another level.

>> No.27282215

He went back to Pekoland

>> No.27282219
File: 429 KB, 542x572, 1600654435050.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and people wonder why she's almost 25k away from Fubuki

>> No.27282220


>> No.27282223

lactose intolerant

>> No.27282225

When do the Holos play Phasmophobia?

>> No.27282233

Literally... just send an email to Team Cherry... Cover onegai...

>> No.27282235


>> No.27282240

Ten fox babies with Fubuki!

>> No.27282243

i like how you typed all this up when you really just wanted to post the last line
i'll give you an extra point for effort 1/10

>> No.27282244


>> No.27282245

Which holo has the most suckable toes?

>> No.27282251

as a filthy gaijin I don't mind having more EN oriented content coming from the JP because cute girls saying things in broken engrish is cute and often humorous BUT I don't like how there is a sudden surge of it after the release of HoloEN (and their obvious success so far) and how so many JP holos suddenly say they love us foreing pigs when only very few of them said it before and even then it was said sparingly

>> No.27282254
File: 299 KB, 985x1513, 1600405297253.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the threads are super slow today...
are we...reclining?

>> No.27282256
Quoted by: >>27282591

Aqua is super autistic so she needs someone like Marine with high social skills to be her friend
Marine likes her because she's cute

>> No.27282257
File: 3 KB, 250x28, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

By the way, 1500 for Roberu's daily morning zatsudan, what the fuck. Has something happened (other than the spics) or is he just inclining super hard?

>> No.27282258

Soon graduate....

>> No.27282259
File: 63 KB, 511x680, 1597923698947.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are they real translations?:

yes? deal with it they're tying to help your boy
no? deal with it

>> No.27282261

why do chinese people hate vegetarians again, i assume it's not normal reasons like preachiness

>> No.27282267
File: 421 KB, 1613x2276, 1574317045187.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27282269

They should play Melty Blood

>> No.27282272

Do they have enough VR headsets for a full team?
Flatscreen just wouldn't be nearly as entertaining.

>> No.27282273

Aquamarine is much older than this Minecraft revival, of course they're good with each other

>> No.27282275

You described it perfectly because that's literally how it looks outside my house.
I still don't understand why SEAnigs and spics constantly pester holos to come to a place like this.

>> No.27282280

Yeah I also noticed that
Guess the Among Us stream brought in a lot of people

>> No.27282283

are you winning, son?

>> No.27282289
Quoted by: >>27282355

After 8 months here i have developed a smell fetish and now i ask my gf to shower only once a week.
Thank you

>> No.27282290
File: 1.93 MB, 1400x987, 1596947922783.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fat inaka onion

>> No.27282292
Quoted by: >>27282338

My love for Aqua is reaching unhealthy levels, what can I do to stop it?

>> No.27282293
File: 120 KB, 928x1590, EjS_4NzVkAEvHvv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love this dog too much, bros. I just want her to be happy.

>> No.27282294
Quoted by: >>27282333

She's a good girl.

>> No.27282296

This has been normal numbers for him for a while

>> No.27282297

This is a very pleasant image, thank you.

>> No.27282298

Marine views aqua as her daughter

>> No.27282300
File: 1019 KB, 1280x720, 1591796980277.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm back from a 3 day vacation, anything important that I missed?

>> No.27282299


>> No.27282302

Chinese people basically eat everything that lives so the idea that someone could be choosy about what their put in their mouth comes off as offensivve

>> No.27282304

usually gets 1k in his morning streams now, but it's likely a boost from the fact that he gained near 4k subs in the last day.

>> No.27282305

EN has floated the idea, probably sometime this month

>> No.27282307

It's the lack of streams.

>> No.27282308

Almost no streams today.

>> No.27282311
File: 352 KB, 700x641, 1594125778783.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27282405

korone embracing her western fans is nothing new retard stop sperging out

>> No.27282315
File: 61 KB, 1000x707, 1601577352874.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aqua...Hotline Miami onegai...

>> No.27282318
File: 976 KB, 2000x2100, 83698502_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27282390

for some reason she spilled this lemonade too

>> No.27282319

marine views herself as the queen of hololive and doesn't feel insecure around aqua

>> No.27282321
Quoted by: >>27282345

the impossible whopper?

>> No.27282322

>anything important that I missed?
The chance to better your life in those 3 days.

>> No.27282325

Shit, you're right. They're trying hard to pander to us, but I assume it's mostly genuine. Like, they do like us to an extent past the money. That said, ya it's funny watching the reactions, at least it's been good for motivating Korone on her English.

>> No.27282327

That place looks disgusting as hell. If i were a flip, I would be fucking embarrassed

>> No.27282329

Nah, people just died of boredom watching Roboco stream.

>> No.27282330

No fucking streams.

>> No.27282331


even though I find glasses to be a turn off, don't know why

>> No.27282333

Makes sense, thanks.

>> No.27282335
File: 40 KB, 397x510, koro muscle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Onegai muscle!

>> No.27282337


>> No.27282338
Quoted by: >>27282993

Nothing, unlike Rushia she has no dirty secrets that can ruin her for you. You can pretend that soundalike AV was her though.

>> No.27282340


>> No.27282341

Sugita's waifu? Is Pekora

>> No.27282344
Quoted by: >>27282387

They'd usually range in the low thousands right?

>> No.27282345

Yeah, or one of the meat alternative ones.

>> No.27282346

This dog won hearts and minds

>> No.27282355

Why are you like this Noel, please let Flare bathe herself more

>> No.27282358

This, let people help son. Best son. /ourson/

>> No.27282364

Damn, Roberu's up to 1.5k viewers for his morning streams now? The incline is real.

>> No.27282367

I was there, too. For the entire thing. And he didn't put any effort into the last few games and just went for the kills without giving a single fuck since he clearly wanted it to be over.

Worst stream gets last place. Deal with it.

>> No.27282369


>> No.27282371
File: 238 KB, 2023x1095, play ARK nanora.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27282373

Probably just hoping for a spot of sunshine in a sea of water-filled gas tanks, shacks made of sheet metal, and muslim terrorists.

I don't get how the Flips even have that last one. It's a set of islands, just kill them all and if more come, kill them too.

>> No.27282376
Quoted by: >>27282398

Maybe someone should tell yagoo having mentally ill asian men bully each of his talents off the internet is a bad look for the company outside of asia.

>> No.27282382

It is the default option.
Most of them don't know they can change it.

>> No.27282384

Lul, all the CCP shills fucked off for now. Good, wonder why they did so I can do it more.

>> No.27282387

Yeah, around 1300

>> No.27282389

For his morning zatsudan? Last time I checked it was around 900~1100, haven't watched these streams in a while though. And +500 viewers is crazy for someone like him.

>> No.27282390
Quoted by: >>27282425

Kinda silly to have a vtuber whose gimmick is that she spills various liquids

>> No.27282395
File: 1.40 MB, 1196x669, 342f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27282463


>> No.27282397
Quoted by: >>27282526

i wish okayu had a secret menhera side, imagine how hot it would be for her to suddenly snap out of nowhere and start beating the shit out of you while sitting on your face

>> No.27282398

but that's when we get 400+ ips

>> No.27282399
Quoted by: >>27282482

What are you talking about? Korone's steered into having western fans since noticing they existed.

>> No.27282405
Quoted by: >>27282865

it's not just Korone, you fucking newfag who just started watching a week ago

>> No.27282411
Quoted by: >>27282509

Now we have Holofive(one)

>> No.27282412

It hurts to know I share a hobby with people like these

>> No.27282414
Quoted by: >>27282541

Ah, this is indeed bad news.
All latin americans hate themselves but spaniards are proud of their language.
You wont be able to shut them down.

>> No.27282416
Quoted by: >>27282512

Fuck off.

>> No.27282420
Quoted by: >>27282441

They don't hate vegetarians, they think Westerners will hate Coco if she is portrayed as one.

>> No.27282425

the chinese seem to love it

>> No.27282427
File: 181 KB, 1015x1440, EfZD5GYUEAA4qJL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27283198

Now I want Kanatan ASMR.
I want to rest my head on her thighs and come to a peaceful and relaxing sleep.
Whatever happened to her ASMR mic anyway, she only used it once for that holohouse collab

>> No.27282435
Quoted by: >>27282443

I miss Towapex!

>> No.27282436
Quoted by: >>27282467

They've got BBTAG permissions, that's almost close enough to Melty...

They should play Soku. They have Touhou permissions, right?

>> No.27282439

You don't get to keep a janitorial job for 20 years by pissing off your boss.

>> No.27282440

Would you let Suisei pee in your ass with her futa cock?

>> No.27282441

Are they that sheltered?

>> No.27282443
Quoted by: >>27282481

I miss Towaku...

>> No.27282448

the whores of hololive

>> No.27282449
File: 623 KB, 1014x570, you.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27282452

No, futa is fucking gay

>> No.27282453
File: 380 KB, 544x926, 83099679_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27282455

Marine is manchild, she maybe 64, but she sure as has a mind of a 14 year old

>> No.27282456
Quoted by: >>27282942

Still laughing from that clip. Does anyone have it? Saw it last week

>> No.27282461
File: 368 KB, 541x717, 1579608180722.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]







>> No.27282462

Fuck that they should play UNI

>> No.27282463
File: 94 KB, 1279x453, Fucking skank ass hooker sheep.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27282560


>> No.27282467

Everyone has TouHou permissions.

>> No.27282468
File: 401 KB, 445x587, 72elhn3y5q251.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck yeah I would

>> No.27282470
File: 5 KB, 335x40, painpeko.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27282496

I want to put a bullet through my skull.

>> No.27282475
Quoted by: >>27282521

Online warfare is a lot of random shitposting until something sticks

>> No.27282476
File: 479 KB, 1500x1079, 1591025204945.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've come to post tummy

>> No.27282477 [SPOILER] 
File: 889 KB, 1027x786, 1601861732502.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27282586

my ass belongs to kaichou

>> No.27282481
Quoted by: >>27282570

Twapper wake up onegai.

>> No.27282482
Quoted by: >>27282523

I know you only watch Korone but it has been happening on other channels, too.

>> No.27282484
Quoted by: >>27282574

how come Echo is the lewdest of the CNs?

>> No.27282493
Quoted by: >>27282613

Reminds me of RBC potentially being able to understand most 英吾 sentences since she likes to read out a few of those in stream or in the comments after her streams.

>> No.27282496

This is what you get in exchange for him succeeding

>> No.27282498
Quoted by: >>27282543

Chinese stamina is short, like their penises.

>> No.27282501
Quoted by: >>27282629


i don't get it

>> No.27282502

Just woke up, how was Lamy's asalamy today?

>> No.27282507

no they shouldn't, Brick
nobody should.. hell, nobody does lmao

>> No.27282509
Quoted by: >>27282599

What does that even mean

>> No.27282511

>fun personality

>shit personality

>> No.27282512
Quoted by: >>27282568

Unironically kill yourself.

>> No.27282516
File: 3.47 MB, 984x1459, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone know the cover of the yellow doujin?

>> No.27282521

Sure, but they could try. They're so brainwashed they can't even bant. They just try to shout or act superior and have nothing to show for it. I ditched any Chinese friends I had as they were all fucking annoying with that shit.

>> No.27282523
Quoted by: >>27282598

I'm not saying it isn't, just saying that implying Korone is some bandwagoner hoping to snap up some of the HoloEN surge is wrong.

>> No.27282526
File: 537 KB, 900x1273, __nekomata_okayu_hololive_drawn_by_jirofly__dbbd576afdf861eac1e8846f8bd21178.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27282579


God I wish. Her line readings have some good what-ifs at least.

>> No.27282525
File: 1.92 MB, 1280x1200, 1586613579331.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

next meme!!!

>> No.27282527

fucking bitch wastes her milk

>> No.27282530
File: 293 KB, 1117x2000, 1577462110172.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27282532

I think they switched to bullying lamy, because she's a soft target.

>> No.27282538

They dont, but they think we do.

Its the narrative game but on their court.

TRUMP slapped MERKEL and called her a MUSLIM in front of PUTIN

>> No.27282539
File: 19 KB, 772x119, imagen_2020-10-05_033807.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did the antis already give up or since they are janitors they are busy working and cant dislike

>> No.27282541

>All latin americans hate themselves
Not me, I just don't want to shit up their chats in a language they don't understand at all. I'd rather just chat with my N5 Japanese.

>> No.27282543

they just fucked off after a point, almost like they got abducted for being bad shills.

>> No.27282544
File: 45 KB, 846x427, chinese micropenis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that the Chinaman fears the westerner.

>> No.27282546

They're trying to "defame" Coco by painting her as a Trump-loving vegan, so yes, the particular bunch of people taking it seriously are that retarded.

>> No.27282548
Quoted by: >>27282656

which holo has the most squeezable cheeks?

>> No.27282550

Just how many pages is that book? And is that a Marine doujin at the corner?

>> No.27282552
Quoted by: >>27282618


>> No.27282559

Man you guys are really smart, much smarter than Cover who continue to employ Artia despite her being a "traitor." You should clue YAGOO in, he obviously needs your help. While you're at it, let him know Korone is a five time divorcee with kids, Ayame is a streetwalking prostitute, Pekora and Aqua hate eachother, etc. Somehow Cover misses all this stuff that people say on the internet and is therefore definitely true.

>> No.27282560
File: 22 KB, 254x313, smug sheep.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27282566
Quoted by: >>27282618

Haha pretty good, don't bother searching for it though haha

>> No.27282568

Get the fuck out of here with your CCP whore.

>> No.27282570
Quoted by: >>27282590

Stop it with all the distorted Towa names, I can't take it anymore

>> No.27282574
File: 117 KB, 750x1061, 80729509_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the cunny

>> No.27282575
File: 890 KB, 867x828, 1600911762980.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Working class scum can't afford to spend all day hating anime girls on the internet.

>> No.27282576

>since they are janitors they are busy working and cant dislike
KEK, tho it's also shit drama so most just go look for better bait to get pissed at

>> No.27282578
Quoted by: >>27282623


>> No.27282579

here's hoping we get another one at the end of the month, unless she plans on having an early member stream

>> No.27282582
File: 1.27 MB, 3508x2480, __sakura_miko_and_35p_hololive_drawn_by_lims_neko2lims__966ac2fd17d75387bcc96103c281607e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27282635

Hang in there 35p, she's going come back to us soon

>> No.27282584
File: 142 KB, 712x1024, 1573851753850.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27282696

>a vegan
the fuck? how would a dragon even be vegan? Thats a dumb fucking argument anyways

>> No.27282586
File: 247 KB, 1126x289, hugeppinkoko.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And Coco's ass belongs to Kanata

>> No.27282589

fat pekora

>> No.27282590


>> No.27282591
Quoted by: >>27282610

>Marine with high social skills
Marine gets herself into weird situations all the time though.

>> No.27282595
Quoted by: >>27282646

Wouldn't Pekora be more CE, while Haachama is more CN?

>> No.27282598

>implying Korone is some bandwagoner hoping to snap up some of the HoloEN surge is wrong
Who implied that? It certainly wasn't me.

>> No.27282599
Quoted by: >>27282780

Lamy, Botan and Polka will graduate because they said something bad

>> No.27282601
Quoted by: >>27282625


>> No.27282602

They might not have noticed, wait till the stream begins I guess.

>> No.27282605

Well they did miss everything about Aloe.

>> No.27282610
Quoted by: >>27282713

why do you think having high social skills means you don't get into wierd situations

>> No.27282612
File: 496 KB, 460x766, 1593908731774.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27282613

reps sir

>> No.27282617
File: 300 KB, 2000x2000, 1589588762062.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27282743

Good man.

>> No.27282618
Quoted by: >>27282651

What happened?
Checking her channel, did she delete the archive? Will she put it back up ?

>> No.27282619
Quoted by: >>27282740

I unironically spent my 15 years of internet being careful to not leave connections between emails or posting photos online so the only way I would been doxxed is if someone hacks my actual PC.
Not that it would matter tho, I'm handsome and no info would get me in trouble.

>> No.27282623

Not an argument. Pretty funny though! You should take your act to Reddit and Youtube, they love mindlessly repeating things that were funny years ago but have since been run into the ground. Do it again btw, you'll really own me the second time!

>> No.27282626
Quoted by: >>27282855

More of Artia's glorious people that she totally has no relation to despite open declarations of trying to protect her. End the fucking suspension Cover and let's see just how hard CCP get filtered!

>> No.27282625


>> No.27282629
Quoted by: >>27282703

wait i linked the wrong video
I don't get this one https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XhE_fqLK0Nk

>> No.27282633

I started eating tortellini because of Towa and you fags.
What the fuck is wrong with me lads.

>> No.27282635

Soon™ is taking a long time...

>> No.27282636
File: 17 KB, 1293x96, 4154564164.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27282661

our son 1k like, 0 dislike

>> No.27282639

I was just thinking...

Weirdo recluse who lives in their bedroom. Won't show their face except with a mask (L0L0). Super cute tiny voice. Only wants to draw lewds. Probably has a step-brother?

Was Eromanga-Sensei about Rurudomama?

>> No.27282641


Marine's social intelligence is just on another level. It goes beyond Hololive unicorns like Peko, Aqua, and Korone, she's friends with Shiina, Hinata, Patra, basically anybody that's ever made a name for themselves in the VTubing community.

>> No.27282642
Quoted by: >>27282764

most prolly don't get this joke nowadays

>> No.27282646

peko is NE

>> No.27282648

Sounds like a lot of shit no one cares about. Miko literally follows Trump's Twitter.

>> No.27282651
File: 85 KB, 1300x867, 76477091-close-up-of-asian-child-crying.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What happened?
Asian baby men throwing tantrums and sending death threats because she giggled at polka's janitor joke.

>> No.27282652

They are not larping after all lol

>> No.27282653
File: 183 KB, 427x381, 1598220881261.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27282654


>> No.27282655

Huh, this original song is actually pretty good

I wonder if Sora can still pull off a soft voice today


>> No.27282656

The answer to all these cute things is always Aqua

>> No.27282660
Quoted by: >>27282701

At least you don't say towa... and its 96246238 other variations at random

>> No.27282661

let me fix that real quick

>> No.27282665

Towa deficiency.

>> No.27282667

Towa is my Oshii and Tortellini is my Oishi

>> No.27282670

>fucks men on Discord
>fucks her bandmates
>fucks the staff members
>won't collab with Holostars
Fuck Towa

>> No.27282674

>JP chat posting the order to watch Star Wars movies
>Shien posts the bomber kids hideout code from Majora's Mask

>> No.27282675
File: 389 KB, 731x1330, 20200918_181347.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27282676
Quoted by: >>27282694


>> No.27282680

>roberu avoiding reading superchats that have "cafeteria" in them

>> No.27282683
Quoted by: >>27282735

watch archives

>> No.27282684

I want Echo on youtube right now!
She is the only chink Holo I care about.

>> No.27282687
File: 329 KB, 2048x1152, 120754065_3858831064130264_2373100899104695960_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27282690


>> No.27282692
File: 74 KB, 252x264, hlg08292.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you tell retards to stop typing their bullshit on chat and they actually obey

>> No.27282693

It's true
I fucked Towa

>> No.27282694


>> No.27282696
Quoted by: >>27282747

On one hand it could just be ironic shitposting, imagine people taking shitposts here seriously as some sort of plot to attack the girls. On the other hand I can believe there are people serious about it. See: mentally ill people on places like /pol/ believing that post numbers are mystical and can manipulate reality.

>> No.27282698

>you will never be milked by okayu
why live?

>> No.27282701
Quoted by: >>27282778


>> No.27282703

Luna accidentally spoke with her mic unmuted. That's pretty much it.

>> No.27282706
File: 258 KB, 1600x1600, EgKaeoGXsAAxop6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fuck Towa
I'm trying.

>> No.27282707

cute&sexy cat

>> No.27282710
Quoted by: >>27282786

rrrat! Btw, this is not an argument when we know how hands off they are. You're full of shit and run out of arguments to protect your broken CCP idol, take her and fuck off back to Bilibili. She sucks at Twitch even with the serious head start she got.

>> No.27282713

She does it herself by being weird

>> No.27282724
File: 508 KB, 800x800, んなあああ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27282726
File: 152 KB, 694x437, 1570335552683.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27282746

Can he be stopped?

>> No.27282731

I wish regular holos could collab with holostars. Fuck unicorns for ruining all the fun for everybody.

>> No.27282733

>Roberu liked the Dark Knight movies
>never watched Star Wars

>> No.27282735
Quoted by: >>27282757

why watch archives when i can watch RBC be kuso?
t. しお

>> No.27282737
File: 21 KB, 232x227, 1601353108768.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27282883

This pic was not made by nousagi, that's for sure.
Fuck off homo

>> No.27282739

I wish I could fuck Towa, but I would be happy with a headpat too

>> No.27282740
Quoted by: >>27283053

You do understand that being a celebrity usually implies the opposite of whatever you are doing, right?

In any case the fun part is most doxers are actually insiders. Look at Sio.

You manager will rat you out in two weeks because he will be sick of all your bragging.
Then Hiromoot will reveal your posts because he is probably sick of it as well.

>> No.27282742

those custom sticks are so fuckin beautiful, i wish i had the patience to build one.

>> No.27282743

That's a nice fuckin tummy right there

>> No.27282747
File: 1.83 MB, 718x500, 1585586491440.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27282823

actually that pasta isnt too bad, but howd you cook them? Sunday dinner or just you in the mood for some pasta? Either way im not a massive torterlini person
most likely the case

>> No.27282746

Roberu 3D leaked?

>> No.27282748
Quoted by: >>27282781

Go back to Bili. They have forums over there.

>> No.27282749

Nobody cares about the homos, when will you fags finally get that

>> No.27282751

i knew i was brought to be his father

>> No.27282753

Towa sucks

>> No.27282754

No one cares about it, that's why Chinese antis are so terribly ineffectual overseas. The scariest antis are the ones in your cultural sphere anyway. JP holos are most threatened by JP antis, and EN antis for EN holos, that's just how it is.

>> No.27282756
File: 156 KB, 850x1084, 1592610232399.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27282831

I hope my friend has a happy birthday!

>> No.27282757
File: 825 KB, 900x900, ois.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27282760

Hello? Based Depertment?

>> No.27282761
File: 1.03 MB, 820x547, philippines.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27282802

>S-sugoi nee

>> No.27282762

I hope Towa dies

>> No.27282764
File: 95 KB, 1345x645, hlg is dead.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27282814

Here's how many references that are dead now
my highest (you)

>> No.27282765
Quoted by: >>27282829

>>26975375 is the earliest thread I can find talking about it

There are three posts saying or implying that Civia liked the tweet, and three posts saying that she didn't, and zero proof one way or the other(but plenty of proof about Artia).

>> No.27282772
File: 84 KB, 612x900, EjevjiMU0AYJnt9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>spics on roberu

>> No.27282773

Huh, neat.

>> No.27282776
Quoted by: >>27282816

Jesus, he's going to suppass Rikka by tomorrow morning.

>> No.27282778
File: 732 KB, 1048x484, 1600518598000.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Towawa getting adopted by her kouhais...

>> No.27282780
Quoted by: >>27282928

If you don't want to tell what it was, can I get a keyword at least to check the archive?

>> No.27282781
File: 368 KB, 1576x2363, 81615314_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27282884

if you want to bait me to post more you could just ask anon

>> No.27282786
Quoted by: >>27282884

Yeah man, hands off a literal traitor in their ranks. Makes sense to me, cause I'm a mentally ill pol fag that doesn't watch any streams and is obsessed with China. You guys are so fucked you have no idea how ridiculous you look.

>> No.27282787

She is objectively a rather bad person though, laughing at people who do actual useful work while she flaps her 2D tits at beta men for money.

>> No.27282791

>death threats
Holy fuck, don't make shit up
Barely anything hololive fans care about this at all. Did you even read Lamy's twitter?

>> No.27282792
File: 669 KB, 833x1000, 1600659357347.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27282909


>> No.27282794

T-that's just the cities. Towns are alright.

>> No.27282795

i think i have depreshion

>> No.27282800
Quoted by: >>27282903

Yea maybe ineffectual against companies that aren't fucking retarded. But with Cover the chinks can get people suspended for 3 weeks!

>> No.27282802
Quoted by: >>27282945

How the fuck did you get this picture of my house?
Please don't dox me.

>> No.27282809
File: 759 KB, 1492x552, yoobee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27282861

>Hey guys! Let your spic shit on this tag

>> No.27282813

And even some ENs are in Japan, not even the EN antis can get to them and do real damage.

>> No.27282814
File: 508 KB, 562x571, 1594037395580.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27282866

if you wanted to be more authentic make it a gamecube controller and have a luna skin, thus making smash a baby game, but i would file that under abuse and making luna look bad
the fuck people ACTUALLY dont know what the mikoboat's catbox file is named? what a shame

>> No.27282816

The Shark gets more live viewers than Roberu has subs LMAO

>> No.27282823
File: 232 KB, 1200x1200, 1594609444290.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27282829
Quoted by: >>27282900

All this and me asking for bloody post numbers and you won't even do that? Give me a minute. You damn well better be worth it, cause I swear Civia's snatch isn't.

>> No.27282830

Korone was very clearly starting to have a focus on Overseas months before HoloEN.

>> No.27282831
File: 150 KB, 861x1218, EZ1a2R9UEAEGI1s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do too! Looking forward to her celebration stream.

>> No.27282836
Quoted by: >>27282912

There were a couple comments telling her to kill herself on Youtube last night, but they're probably removed by now.

>> No.27282838


I like JOKE

>> No.27282847
Quoted by: >>27282949

whats your job irl

>> No.27282854
Quoted by: >>27282912

>Holy fuck, don't make shit up
Check the niconico video. The situation has totally escalated and she's being pelted by stupid histrionic drama shit from mentally ill netiziens.

>> No.27282855
File: 110 KB, 1120x535, barbarians_at_the_gate_thinking_they_are_gate_keeping_when_they_are_the_reason_rules_1_and_2_were_im-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know, I keep wondering if most of the Holos dedicated antis are actually women jealous of their sucess.

You dont sound like a peko poster but I think I seen your writing style before in post attacking the schizo and defending the homos.

Who knows, maybe this whole place is
turning me into a schizo as well.

>> No.27282856

SOPs are harmless you guys are just racist.

>> No.27282858

Do japs often go through with the death threats or is just for bullying?
I know women can be emotional but if its just bullying then who cares.

>> No.27282860

who is scheduled today that isnt on the webpage im about to go to sleep

>> No.27282861

korosan... The yubis, they're the wrong way around...

>> No.27282862

*shits on the floor*
Clean it up, loser

>> No.27282865

Fubuki has done western pandering for a while now
Luna's an outlier but her "english" may as well be another language
Roboco's the only one that seemed actually desperate

>> No.27282866

I've said this many times, if drawgame anon was still here, i bet not many anons could draw or guess all the jokes

>> No.27282868

>Matsuri having a menhera attack thirsting over a youtuber

>> No.27282871


>> No.27282873


>> No.27282874
File: 95 KB, 700x644, bdiq7oc9qor21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no you don't

>> No.27282878
Quoted by: >>27282922

Izuru, Miyabi and Roberu "watching discovery channel" collab tomorrow

>> No.27282883

How new?

>> No.27282884

Dude yes, if you fuck up the image limit it's gonna piss people off.
How is she a traitor when she's the one that nationalist Chinese are defending? Fucking answer this please, if you actually care or fuck off with your false flagging.

>> No.27282887


>> No.27282892
Quoted by: >>27282997

She didn't giggle at janitors. She giggled at the joke that marine was a janitor that turned to piracy. This outrage only works if you pretend you're 20 IQ and ignore the entire context of the skit.

>> No.27282900
Quoted by: >>27283005

I literally linked you the thread you lazy bastard
>>26978587 if you want one of the people denying Civia did it

>> No.27282902

based son casually getting 1700 viewers on his chat stream.
I'm so proud.

>> No.27282903

Suspension was more to address the actual threat rather than chink antis. The CCP actually doing something would be bad for Cover, the suspension and apology kept the politicians away.

>> No.27282909

More than I believe in you, you Chink Judas.

>> No.27282910

Ah yes.
Does anyone here even have any of these things? Yes, you're all exactly what I project onto you.

>> No.27282911

You have such a weak will anon if you actually let yourself be shaped by /hlg/. That's really pathetic.

>> No.27282912

They are not hololive fans
Are you guys retarded
Go to 2ch and see they shit on Hololive all the time, you don't even need a drama for it

>> No.27282913

Not him but I don't have any of those
Not even tea and cookies

>> No.27282920

I have literally nothing in this picture

>> No.27282921

Damn, can Roberu hit 2k before his stream ends?

>> No.27282922

Those are always fun to watch. Roberu needs a gig with Discovery Channel JP, as they know about Roberu's watchalong.

>> No.27282925

Where do you even come from to post shit like this?

>> No.27282928

Janitor and Marine
It was just a shitty joke between Aqua and gen5 but the antis used it to shit on gen5 and Lamy decided to take a little break while Botan and Polka don't give a fuck

>> No.27282929
Quoted by: >>27282994

does lamy hate the working class?

>> No.27282932
File: 599 KB, 775x677, l2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holo graffiti is funny. I actually don't think i would have been a fan of Holo past watching a few clips if not for seeing them in these shorts.

>> No.27282934
File: 802 KB, 620x459, 1597517471211.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine posting that image on /jp/

>> No.27282935

of those things I only have tea

>> No.27282937
Quoted by: >>27283081

i fear i would get less than 50% of it right because i came here during the towa 3D video debut, so you can rag on me for being a newfag, but i've always been on /jp/. I just hated vtubers up until i got convinced reluctantly

>> No.27282940
Quoted by: >>27283000

wtf Towa's latest utawaku disappeared I haven't watched it yet why...

>> No.27282942


>> No.27282945
Quoted by: >>27283016

So I'm posting here with south east asian slum dwellers and discussing cute anime girls?
Anyone here not from the third world?

>> No.27282948
Quoted by: >>27283081

if i had the pastebin with all the shit i would host it instead of the OG guy, but that french notepad chatroom thing died because nobody posted in it for 24hours

>> No.27282949


>> No.27282950
File: 214 KB, 1125x750, 81033626_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27283027


>> No.27282956

This is bait. Even the spics on here absolutely hate the spics that spam their chats. La edad promedio del retrasado que está ahí y spammea "XD" o ":v" no debe superar los 15. O por lo menos sus edades mentales.

>> No.27282959

10/10 bait pretty much everywhere

>> No.27282960
File: 308 KB, 480x480, Cool Peko2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shut the fuck up, Ogey?

>> No.27282962
Quoted by: >>27283108

Not sure what you're going with here, because the original post you replied to was talking about people throwing a tantrum and sending death threats. Obviously those were never hololive fans in the first place but it doesn't mean the death threats don't exist.

>> No.27282963

reminder that brazil speaks portuguese not spanish, your godspeed absolute unit retard

>> No.27282967

>says the faggot who prefers someone to lose their job over a fucking joke
The pot calling the kettle black.

>> No.27282978

Don't have a pet. Too many hobbies.

>> No.27282983

Good friends maybe, but even then half of them only respond when it suits them and want to buy weed

>> No.27282991
Quoted by: >>27283019

Hey it beats them actually knowing how to properly rile up the sjws and ethots.

>> No.27282993
Quoted by: >>27283035

So Aqua did made AV videos after all

>> No.27282994


>> No.27282997

context is a poor excuse, it still doesn't change that all of them are people of questionable character (ie bitches)

>> No.27283000
File: 119 KB, 1404x1098, EjcKv60UYAAK4Lw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She will hopefully reupload it soon, it was her best one yet.

>> No.27283003

Roberu is speedrunning turning his chat into a shithole at fucking 60k, at this point he either crashes and burns or his chat will reach levels so awful that not even korone's can compare in a couple of weeks

Was the incline worth it son?, no it wasn't because cover won't even give him a 3D, not that he could ever use it if he got one since marine can't stop hogging the studio

>> No.27283004
Quoted by: >>27283172

They're not forcing Holos to retire, apologize, get suspended, stress out and wanna kill themselves like nips, chinks, and flips respectively.

>> No.27283005
Quoted by: >>27283054

Thank you, fine, I'll drop hating Civia. I'm not childish, I'm not going to die on a hill I'm wrong on. Like I dropped my follow on her Twitter and YT lul, her content still sucks. Answer this, why do you care so much?

>> No.27283006
File: 520 KB, 560x420, I AM TMD.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I HATE Towa!

>> No.27283008

Damn Roberu is kind of cool

>> No.27283010

I'm trying to get a degree

>> No.27283015

>pet is dead
>girlfriend dumped me
>no friends
>no goals achieved
at least I'm not depressed

>> No.27283016

Hey, just because I live in a third world shithole in a shoddily made house with corrugated iron roof doesn't mean that I can't post about my oshi in this Mongolian basket weaving forum.

>> No.27283017

Kamen rider Roberu, finally a toku holo?

>> No.27283019

It's as hilarious as the NNDfags attempting their chocoball raid. They still bring it up from time to time, some tried to link this jannie incident to chocoballs to show that Hololive has a history of making offensive comments.

>> No.27283020
File: 608 KB, 669x562, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27283021

>dog barking at other dogs for being dogs
You should be the most ashamed.

>> No.27283024
File: 2 KB, 82x125, 1589164176904.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27283027
Quoted by: >>27283072

Awww shit, sure showing me, keep going Zhang.

>> No.27283028
Quoted by: >>27283077

>bored fags pretending to be antis again
Explain to me why you're like this.

>> No.27283035

Yeah with me, they are unreleased though.

>> No.27283037
Quoted by: >>27283129


Look at these hololive fans
They sure love Hololive!

>> No.27283040

i wonder who made this and what was going through their head when they did

>> No.27283045

imagine having friends

>> No.27283046
File: 621 KB, 498x498, 2324.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Cunts with no imagination LARPing as people angry about the jannitor joke while other cunts LARP as retards taking the bait timeloop

>> No.27283048


>> No.27283050

absolutely nobody cares

>> No.27283051

Ok anon, you need a little lesson
Most of SOPs don't care at all about the chuba, they just go there to attention whore and make the chuba say their retarded phrases so they can share with their third worlder friends.
They also feel like they deserve to be treated like royalty and will start to shit the chat if the chuba isn't speaking on spanish or saying their retarded phrases.
For last, when SOPs become antis, they are as autistic and mentally ill as the japanese, trying as hard as possible to destroy the chuba they are against it, even if it means damaging other chubas they like.
I know that not all SOPs are like that, but the majority have a culture where they see streamers in general just as circus animals.

>> No.27283052

nice aqua sized aqua, anon.

>> No.27283053

Still, the only big nope information getting leaked is personal adress.
That is the only doxx I would worry about, but considering the Holo girls havent had any trouble with that yet(besides Mel) especially with how much they blab about their real life on streams, I guess its not that hard to avoid.

>> No.27283054
Quoted by: >>27283535

Cause' I like the Unicorn

>> No.27283055

Nice thumbnail

>> No.27283064

its ok anon there is no timeloop

>> No.27283068
File: 826 KB, 498x498, nice joke very very hard.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice joke anon must've been very very hard

>> No.27283069

Fellow degenerate whitepilled Lunaito, I just want to let you know that you are not alone, I feel exactly rhe fucking same.

>> No.27283070
File: 73 KB, 179x225, 1601554336575.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27283431

>see this
>check Roberu's stream
>it's full of EOPs and like three spics including the translator

why you guys can't accept that EOPs are worse than SOPs?
Literally the only chat with annoying SOPs is Korone's chat

>> No.27283072
File: 2.70 MB, 3024x3858, 79710249_p1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27283158


>> No.27283076
Quoted by: >>27283148

I would agree with you if it was Izuru, but Roberu of all people knows how to handle and filter his chat.

>> No.27283077

they need the attention their parents never gave them

>> No.27283081
Quoted by: >>27283162

Last time I played, some anons got 0 points, a literal retard but it was still so fun to play
Such a shame really, was a fun way to pass dead hours

>> No.27283084

Will he be the first homo over to need a mod?
It is an accomplishment, in a sense.

>> No.27283086

Yeah yeah yeah. Get back to me when someone complains about spics like Rushia did with flips.

>> No.27283087

That would be Korone

>> No.27283088

What are you guys working on right now?

>> No.27283090

Lol who the fuck won’t laugh at that shit. Every person I know will laugh at that kind of joke

>> No.27283097
File: 394 KB, 768x432, 1588448094617.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

next meme!!!

this template has a lot of potential still

>> No.27283103

Sometimes having all that shit is not enough, or what you want in life at all.
Its just what society makes you believe that you need.

>> No.27283104

anon, either ignore them and post about marine hatefucking aqua or filter them.

>> No.27283106


>> No.27283108

Because these death threats exist not because of this drama, they are usually just on 2ch
That retard acts like those who sent death threats are triggered by a joke or something

>> No.27283110
Quoted by: >>27283219

Why do homosharts always attack holos?

>> No.27283116

iron golem farm for the massive underground railroad im making in MC

>> No.27283117

I love this shit and I hate the schizos, antis and especially these fucking Chink antis that are hurting innocent people and especially innocent people that make me feel better about myself and entertain me. Also yes, I do defend the Holostars, they're all fine and talented folks that have more than earned their keep, I really was right in saying they'd evolve into great entertainers. Also, please do respond with keyboard warrior comments or inane shit about just live with antis. Cause I do, but not here. When they literally come here to make shit worse.

>> No.27283126

Fake bitch!

>> No.27283129
File: 32 KB, 387x387, hyper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27283272


>> No.27283137

So did 5chong found anything new on the PekoAqua drama?

Pics and links would help greatly. Thanks.

>> No.27283138

Congrats for being a shitty person who is friends with other shitty people.. I guess?

>> No.27283140

>context is a poor excuse, it still doesn't change that all of them are people of questionable character (ie bitches)
They're women you absolute loser lol.
What kind of a weak powerless castrate do you have to be to actually get upset to women giggling and doing women stuff?

>> No.27283142
File: 1.13 MB, 1195x886, lul.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27283257

>> No.27283144
Quoted by: >>27283266

I have no clue if she's the one "nationalist Chinese" are defending, because the only source of that is "trust me, it's true" posts on twitter from people with 10 followers. It's no different from the stupid narratives that take place here prefaced with "trust me bro, 5ch says it." Even if it was 100% true that "nationalist Chinese" are in the tank for Artia, all that means is... nationalist Chinese like Artia. It doesn't mean Artia herself has done anything wrong. Just a lot of innuendo and conspiracy theories, which are unfalsifiable by their nature. If you were born ten miles in a different direction you'd be tweeting about Donald Trump being a Russian agent instead.

>> No.27283146

Nice try deflecting hate on your gremlin Chang, disprove that she's a traitor if you can, until then I'll never stop hating on this bitch

>> No.27283148

I really don't think so, he's good at ignoring his chat, but it still goes to shit regardless, a prime example is his xenoblade chat after the idolfag thing it was straight up on of the worse chats in holo history, and he did nothing to moderate, he just ignored it

>> No.27283154
Quoted by: >>27283225

>Fuck Towa
i'd honestly kms after if that happened, i'd have peaked in life

>> No.27283155
Quoted by: >>27283170

Is it even the top video on NND anymore

>> No.27283157

Dude, shut the fuck up. If the HoloENs started joking about people flipping burgers at McDonald's there would be a lot of angry wage slaves. A bunch of wealthy girls playing video games for a living making fun of wage slaves is a fucked, regardless of context.

>> No.27283158

Try harder, maybe I'll care about your stupid worn out CCP whores. No I won't fuck off to Bilibili, don't bother Global with this shit either.

>> No.27283162

i could attempt to remake it, but the list was fucking massive and some of the shit too retarded to keep

>> No.27283165
Quoted by: >>27283333

Shading reps, I want to do some fanart for flare

>> No.27283166

I said this before but most spics who can only speak spanish are either mentally challenged or children.
They should be banned on sight.

>> No.27283170
Quoted by: >>27283276

hiroyuki owns part of niconico and he's been pushing it so that it stays at the top
hiroyuki is going to destroy hololive because he's sick of us on his websites.

>> No.27283172
Quoted by: >>27283222

You're correct, and even the anglos are worse with their retarded moral superiority trying to "lecture" the chuubas (see: the uk fujo that was lecturing Astel on the use of the word "trap") but I wouldn't go as far as to say that they're harmless. They still hurt streamer-chat interactions with their spam and the vast majority of them are ironic otaku that are there only because they want the chuuba to say swears like "pene" o "conchetumare".

>> No.27283175

>What kind of a weak powerless castrate do you have to be to actually get upset to women giggling and doing women stuff?
Japanese, this is why they don't have enough kids.

>> No.27283177
File: 2.30 MB, 518x220, 1599356336950.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't care if Artia is communist, I only care what religjon she is and until I know that I won't become an anti.

>> No.27283185

Shitpost vid, but it requires me to do annoying photoshop of HoloEN full avatars, so it's taking forever

>> No.27283188

Muslims were here before the Spanish arrived and the Islam majority part of the country was only added during the American times.

>> No.27283192

Spics have been in his chat ever since he did the alphabet utawaku though.

>> No.27283195

So I see aqua finally finished her ship, but what did marine even contribute? She was the one that wanted it built in the first place. I just hope the other members will come visit it so all the hard work pays off. In that server though, is this the most intricate design?

>> No.27283196
File: 211 KB, 437x383, 1601600711043.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27283264

Burger flippers deserve to be mocked though

>> No.27283198
File: 118 KB, 708x1000, EX5cMMQUEAAtAXU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's one of the things I really hope for if it comes to Kanata's ASMR, just her voice whispering things, it'd be pure heaven. She can sound so gentle but her pronunciation gives her voice a distinct texture, it's clear but with a very subtle lisp. I'd pay for something like this. For now we have these amazing samples:
Just this but for longer would be enough for me. If she did something like "falling asleep together ASMR" I don't think my heart would be able to take it. No idea where her mic is now but it's way overdue for some use.
Or maybe she should do another bone cracking ASMR https://files.catbox.moe/it75hl.webm

>> No.27283200
Quoted by: >>27283229

>what is early 00s comedy
You must have been born yesterday.

>> No.27283207


>> No.27283209

She's a member of the Nation of Islam

>> No.27283212
Quoted by: >>27283247

IIRC it had like 200 or at least in the hundreds, I don't even remember all of it unless it gets mentioned

>> No.27283213
Quoted by: >>27283382

Why does reddit love Roberu so much when he's not even the best homostar?

>> No.27283219
Quoted by: >>27283244

How is rightfully carring Marine a bitch attacking holos? No actual hololive fan likes Marine

>> No.27283221

stop exposing yourself as a retarded brazilian

>> No.27283222
File: 153 KB, 427x381, 1600170921134.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

woah woah woah lets slow it down, those aren't exactly anglos or WASP Americans are they? We know what they are.

>> No.27283224

Coco wanted to play it but fans scared her and now that she know the game is safe she can't stream.

>> No.27283225
File: 831 KB, 3541x3501, EjgNqNxXgAE5IYL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have to stay around to make Towa a happy mama.

>> No.27283229

burger flippers still get mocked but I don't think I can recall a comedian ever mocking janitors. it's a pretty thankless job and many don't criticize it.

>> No.27283235

Well if this clip is any indication, I think HoloEN made the JP holos realize why they have so many overseas fans despite the language barrier. Most likely it inspired them to engage them more.

That being said from a business perspective, western english speaking markets are probably the best choice for Cover to expand since they are virtually unopposed over there as opposed to most asian markets where they have to deal with fierce competition from nijii and others.

>> No.27283238

>since they are janitors they are busy working and cant dislike

>> No.27283243

I just want to say that janitors are disponsable and easily reaplaceable and should know their place. If any of you have that job as anything besides a side or temporal job you deserve to be ridiculed by Lamy mama, thanks.

>> No.27283245
File: 285 KB, 1418x2006, 1599687655616.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27283244
Quoted by: >>27283390

Take your meds.

>> No.27283247
Quoted by: >>27283277

i mean, most rounds ended up just being people counting the letters and just guessing before someone even started drawing
case in point, every single time i saw something that would fit okayu

>> No.27283249

Which holo would enjoy playing Karryn's Prison?

>> No.27283252
Quoted by: >>27283309

Go back to /pol/ you fucking fag.
Why are you talking about killing Muslims on a board about anime streamers?

>> No.27283257


>> No.27283259

>won't collab with Holostars
he doesn't know

>> No.27283262

Am I a purityfag if I just dont want my oshi to have a boyfriend?
As in, I dont really believe she would date me or anything so its not like I want the place open or shit like that. I just want her to be single like I am.
The idea that we have that in common makes me like them more, and if its ever revealed they have a boyfriend I would just not stop watching them and move on.
I guess its easier for me to do that cuz I never donate to streamers.

>> No.27283263

The people begging for her to go to sleep won...

>> No.27283264

at least they have a real job

>> No.27283265

>Superchat asking who Roberu's favorite Hololive girl is
why are these people like this?

>> No.27283266
Quoted by: >>27283366

Okay, so what about the response tweets confirming the translations? Why would they like her if she wasn't pro-CCP? This is very different, as we very much have proof of nationalist Chinese coming to her defense and wanting her to be their method to wedge into Hololive unity. You still can't disprove the comments on her private accounts, nor her privatizing yet another Twitter account. She could easily come forward and disavow the other accounts claiming to be her. She doesn't, she instead hides behind shallow, innocuous statements on her Artia Twitter. She doesn't care at all, she feels no shame or sympathy to her company or senpais. She has only said she doesn't wanna talk about it, meaning that bitch is hiding. You're defending someone on very hollow ground and reasoning. Why?

>> No.27283269
File: 528 KB, 607x800, 1597861516722.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was a bad week for chink janitors

>> No.27283272
File: 22 KB, 614x171, eggplantnurse.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27283301

everyone should watch hyper please girl, she's very cute and funny!

>> No.27283273

Damn, any picture of Aqua makes me want to fap to her, even this tiny one

>> No.27283274

The fact that people feel the need to defend them proves that they also think that burger flippers are beneath them and needs to be coddled. Just like SJWs and minorities

>> No.27283276

I can believe this narrative.
We are a cancer.

>> No.27283277
Quoted by: >>27283304

I was a guesschad myself anon, liked it when people kneeled, i really miss those days

>> No.27283279
Quoted by: >>27283339

>As if they weren't mocked already
IF you're asian, it was THE thing to mock at. "If oyu don't study or get bad grades, you might as well go flip burgers"
Hell even white burgers say that to other people. IT's a low end, braindead job that anyone can do. It's not something you should be proud of wagecuck.

>> No.27283289

Isn't the Chinese religion the CCP?

>> No.27283291

I know they all have bilibili channels but did the EN streams even get simulcasted over there before the drama started?

>> No.27283298
File: 152 KB, 707x371, 1582800787308.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27283496


>> No.27283301
Quoted by: >>27283332

It's funny that this thread complains about clips being taken out of context when that clip itself was taken out of context

>> No.27283303

I don't consider myself a purityfag, I would just rather they don't talk about it.

>> No.27283304

same, but in the end shit was repeated so much everyone was a guesschad by the end because most of us couldnt draw what the fuck we even picked or the choices were trash

>> No.27283306
Quoted by: >>27283326


Guitar son, non-archived English song stream

>> No.27283307

Pretty much everyone agrees that the chances of anyone from gamers onwards collabing with a holostar is pretty much 0 right?, it feels like polka was the final nail on the coffin, long time friends with roberu, worked in the same company and not even a follow

>> No.27283308
Quoted by: >>27283370

damn, you just can't stop trying to sound macho on the internet. Now that's a new level of pathetic.

I came here expecting anything but people trying to sound like they have any worth 24/7

You manage to disappoint even on that

>> No.27283309

seething mudslum spotted.

>> No.27283317

You know, that's a very humanistic view on things, I like the idea. Thank you. Also, if you think about it, HoloJP have virtually no effective antis over here. We almost unconditionally love us, so I guess some pandering isn't that shallow.

>> No.27283318
File: 219 KB, 412x444, 1591646454736.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i wonder what ricardo thinks of the lamy polka drama

>> No.27283319
File: 225 KB, 802x704, 1591507153026.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why did Pekora hate Fallout 4 so much?

>> No.27283326

Old man desperately trying to hold onto his top spot

>> No.27283328
File: 1.49 MB, 1000x1520, 1572020313721.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i fucked up the other pic so take this one

>> No.27283332
Quoted by: >>27283351

Was there a context? Because that clip always make me sad.

>> No.27283333
Quoted by: >>27283424

Shading is fucking hard. I don't understand how light works at all.

>> No.27283335
File: 220 KB, 1200x675, Ee-MU6PUMAA3quo (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay... Yeah, you know what? I-I’m sor-I'm sorry. I know. It's just, you know, it's been a rough few weeks, Murray. Ever since I...mocked those shit mopping janitor guys.

>> No.27283336

Loading screens

>> No.27283338
File: 1.26 MB, 950x841, 1601123177480.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aqua should do a speed run of Ghost trick.

>> No.27283339

It's not about being proud of it you faggot, some people have no choice. I get your 14 and don't actually get it, but being certified doesn't mean you can just get a good job.
I don't really care but people are right to think that a born rich cunt who plays video games for a living shouldn't mock those doing thankless work.

>> No.27283341

I hope so, I was neutral on the mater until Fubuki and Oga did collabs, it was so painful to watch that I'm better having them separated

>> No.27283343
Quoted by: >>27283381

>disney song
its gone forever, anon

>> No.27283348

Don’t worry everyone always ignores your retarded image dumps anyway

>> No.27283349
Quoted by: >>27283377

Yes the girls are cunts, nothing new you imbecile

>> No.27283351

Japanese people were pretending to be EOPs

>> No.27283358

Why is this retard so sexy

>> No.27283360

Take your meds

>> No.27283364

It's not worth the trouble anyway. The are plenty of vtubers outside of Holo that they can collab with.

>> No.27283366
Quoted by: >>27283433

I just read some disturbing tweets. There's about 500 CCP agents waiting for you under your bed. They found out you're on to them and have decided to silence you to save Artia. Don't doubt me, the tweets have been confirmed, by other tweets. If you check your bed and the CCP agents aren't there, it's because they figured out you're on to them and are in your closet. Make sure you keep checking every nook and cranny of your home. The tweets can't be wrong after all. Things one the internet confirmed by more than one person are never wrong. That's how they proved Putin controls Donald Trump and Reddit found the Boston bomber.

>> No.27283365
Quoted by: >>27283416

What's the most hated company Usada Construction or Akuki construction?

>> No.27283369
Quoted by: >>27283482

I just want them to be able to mingle like normal human beings. Hell, the nijis do it...

>> No.27283370

Nice reddit spacing, chang.

>> No.27283371

Some of the yukimin on twitter are quite poetically gifted. I wish I had the balls to write the things they write for my oshi.

>> No.27283374
Quoted by: >>27283426

Why would I want them to come to Colombia? There's fucking nothing here unless you'd want to ruin your career by doing drugs

>> No.27283376

I don't speak 15 year old incel.

>> No.27283377

>the girls are cunts
are holostars fans really this retarded

>> No.27283381

It's not uncommon to just remove the offending song.
Towa leaking her Disney powerlevel is always cute though.

>> No.27283382

The answer is always memes

>> No.27283388

The holoEN's might, Amelia has mentioned them pretty often without giving a shit.

>> No.27283389
Quoted by: >>27283447

God I really want to make Tortellini for Towalini...

>> No.27283390

You need to take yours first.

>> No.27283395
Quoted by: >>27283596

You're not alone on that one even the pro stars threads on 5ch fucking loathe those collabs

>> No.27283396


>> No.27283398

roberu based tastes

>> No.27283399

>This is what losers unironically think
Maybe instead of watching so many vtubers and indulging in your hobbies go do something worthwhile you deadweight.

>> No.27283400

why the fuck did no kenzoku archive it that's what I want to know

>> No.27283405

For some reason game was taking forever to load for her.
She enjoyed the game but streaming like that was annoying I guess.

>> No.27283409
File: 778 KB, 744x817, 1590882957032.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

peko's hair looks better when its tied up

also she did good thanking rushia and making her slime trap retard proof

>> No.27283416
Quoted by: >>27283636

Aqua construction
>A literal black company
>uses bribes to get worker
>CEO's partner has been a janitor for 20 years
>build only one decorative building that serve no purpose
>Motto "Jannies need no pennies"
Usada construction
>a white company(self-admitted)
>doesn't need worker,the one and only person in it is both the CEO and the worker
>partnership with Nousagi.inc that function as advisor
>build multiple constructions that benefit the Holomura as whole,as well as a cute penguin
>Motto "Ain't no construction without little explosion"

>> No.27283419

>Redditors still butthurt about janny shit
Boring. Janitors are subhuman. Now clean up my shit.

>> No.27283424

For real man, even getting the brush strokes right is hard even heavily relaying on references it's still hard to get it right

>> No.27283426

I wasn't talking about (You) in particular, but it is a common knowledge that third worlders keep pestering everyone, not only holos to come to our shitholes.

>> No.27283431

no. if they were equal in numbers, SOPs would be more annoying

>> No.27283433

My bed doesn't have a frame, that bitch is on the ground as I like it.

>> No.27283446

How new you have to be to think that Pekoposters give a fuck about Peko

Literally every single board in this is shithole as some retarded, repetitive meme. And the only reason why they keep doing is because you keep giving them attention

>> No.27283447
File: 501 KB, 1128x1128, 1597423791868.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cooking the nice kind of food for Towa that she couldn't have as a kid!

>> No.27283452

She's already killed her unicorns after her dox, so she might as well. I think Mori's naive enough that she might be willing to collab, but I think those are the only two. The rest are weeb enough/business savy enough to realize that it's probably a losing proposition

>> No.27283457
Quoted by: >>27283619

Not that anon, but I'm doing a master's degree and have a part job in a shitty place f to pay for it because I want to be in a better place, quit that self pity, none of the holos mocked it with malicious intent, and no one should be proud of not trying to get in better jobs, I know my place right now and it's nothing to be proud anon.

>> No.27283459

I wouldn't trust Amelia to be honest, she's clearly just making shit up, she didn't even know who astel was the first time around and suddenly the next week he's one of her favorites

>> No.27283467 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>27283547

Is it true that Botan (or is it Polka?) just said 'fuck jannies' in front of millions of live audiences and caused a storm? 'Cause I didn't know Vtubers could be that based.

>> No.27283469

literally not worth it for all the shit it will bring.

>> No.27283471
File: 1.39 MB, 1638x1422, 1595332145595.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

which peko would you peko

>> No.27283473
Quoted by: >>27283651

There are starving children in Africa right now, and instead you're wasting time shitposting on this site rather than leading a humanitarian effort to support them. I, too, can play this card. Pretentious fag.

>> No.27283474
Quoted by: >>27283516

All you need is a good death, other things are just distraction to your ultimate goal.

>> No.27283482

Nah, not worth it they wouldn't even have decent chemistry

>> No.27283484

how could one not get that pasta? Seriously its a richer brand but its that expensive?

>> No.27283496
Quoted by: >>27283523

Cocock... come back...

>> No.27283497

peko classic for me, thought they all look great.

>> No.27283507

short peko looks like a girl that has a lot one night stands

>> No.27283509
Quoted by: >>27283555


>> No.27283516

I wish a chuuba would read Mishima or Daizai on stream. Now that would be a kino stream.

>> No.27283517

As if I needed another reason to detest wageslaves.

>> No.27283518

poggeru RBC Apex champion get

>> No.27283520
Quoted by: >>27283569

If you're a wagie I don't hate you but I won't respect you for doing simple unskilled labor and will joke about how your job sucks a lot

>> No.27283521
Quoted by: >>27283581

It was funny how she spilled oil lmao, but also kinda sad because oil's a bitch to clean up

>> No.27283523

pour one out for Coco's Cocock... ritual poster...

>> No.27283526

Apologize to RBC!!!

>> No.27283528
Quoted by: >>27283557

Kanade Izuru No Archive Utawaku 10/02/20
Daniel Powter - Come Back Home by Izuru
Kanaria - KING by Izuru
Maroon 5 - Memories by Izuru
Adele - When We Were Young by Izuru
One Direction - Night Changes by Izuru
Ed Sheeran - Thinking Out Loud by Izuru
Izuru mating call

>> No.27283535
Quoted by: >>27283635

Why? You can easily get annoying, clingy gf's that actually look like her character. You're not a bad person, you'd do better finding someone.

>> No.27283537


>> No.27283542
Quoted by: >>27283698

>I think Mori's naive enough that she might be willing to collab
they have a manager you know

>> No.27283547

Lamy said being a janitor was gross
then Polka said janitors are fucking stupid and that if you've been a janitor for a long time you should consider suicide and never breed
then Botan said it's bad to be a janitor for that long but you shouldn't say it out loud because they pay our bills

>> No.27283549

hair down peko is beautiful. That's pure wife material right there.

>> No.27283553
Quoted by: >>27283613

Has Roboco won any matches yet?

>> No.27283555
File: 253 KB, 1378x2039, 1601808167906.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nna... nna

>> No.27283557
Quoted by: >>27283625

is someone also archiving Rikka's no archive happening right now?

>> No.27283560

making a nrw list sounds like a worthwhile thing to do, i don't think the original drawasaurus anon and his list are coming back, he has been mentioned many times before but there was never any reaction. a decent amount of prompts on the old list were retarded and a lot of shit has happened since, so it'd need a big overhaul anyway

>> No.27283561
File: 439 KB, 417x518, luna.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry but i would rather kill myself than work a normal job. I don't "watch so many vtubers". I lost my job as the game company I worked for shut and am now back at college to get properly certified.

Again, You are a faggot and don't understand anything outside "get degrees get job". I have skills, I have had jobs and am continuously improving myself.
Don't talk down to me you creep.

>> No.27283564

you'll cowards dont even keep an image of your oshi in your wallets

>> No.27283567
Quoted by: >>27283656



>> No.27283568
Quoted by: >>27283602

To the anon that owns the mega folder of the hlg aggie canvases: the final post yesterday got deleted. Can't see why. So I saved a copy of it here: https://files.catbox.moe/6g3u1f.png

If you're here right now I hope you can add it. Thanks.

>> No.27283569
Quoted by: >>27283600

Nobody cares if you respect them. You are less than nothing.

>> No.27283570

If you don't make over $100k/year, you should not be watching vtubers.

>> No.27283572


>> No.27283573
File: 373 KB, 1448x2048, 1593604957159.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27283603

Rikka's singing is just making me miss this fucking bitch even more.

>> No.27283576

Do you really beleb it?

>> No.27283578

Yes peko.

>> No.27283579

Yes, yes, the China hate is all fine and well, however...

>> No.27283581
File: 1.17 MB, 3000x1851, 1599723403540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It did take her like four days to clean up, but that might just her being Towa...

>> No.27283584

What is this? An image made for aquas?

>> No.27283589

Sounds like they could put /tv/ to shame

>> No.27283596
Quoted by: >>27283678

Why? Too awkward? Flirty?

>> No.27283598


>> No.27283600
Quoted by: >>27283662

Okay, and I don't care about "nobodies" not caring about if I respect them or not. Now clean my shit up.

>> No.27283603

anon, she's in a better place now

>> No.27283602

I can see maybe one reason it would get deleted. Also whoever drew that cute Ahoge should tweet it to her she'll love it.

>> No.27283604
File: 637 KB, 2675x2685, 1593724310924.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy crap your headcanons about whether or not people will or will not collab with holostars are fucking stupid, god, can you guys shut up already. You guys literally can't help but reply to obvious bait and then spend hundreds of post unironically arguing over it, for real, just STOP. It's been like this forever, it's time to stop!

>> No.27283606
File: 336 KB, 1000x768, 1587975556361.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck you i want bibi plushes now

>> No.27283608
Quoted by: >>27283667

I just want to lick it

>> No.27283613

RBC just champion'd... and you didn't see her...

>> No.27283619
File: 189 KB, 850x1520, Cool Peko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27283770

Clearly said it's not about pride. I don't work a shitty job like that, doesn't mean i like rich cunts who are only even able to be in the position they are because of luck to mock those less fortunate.

Im not even going against Lamy - I don't know the context, just sick of seeing underage cunts on here thinking they understand how stuff works telling people how easy it is.

>> No.27283623

You seem really insecure. You know the original joke was about Marine working as a janitor for 20 years right?

>> No.27283626

working as a clerk at gamestop doesn't count as working wagecuck.

>> No.27283625

No, I. I'm kinda just watching it.

>> No.27283629
Quoted by: >>27283680

I believe she'd be very ineffective at something like cleaning up but also from the picture it wasn't just like she spilled some oil it looks like she flung it across her entire apartment.

>> No.27283630

Why are you both arguing faggots if you think the same about improving yourselves and not staying as a low qualification slave

>> No.27283631


>> No.27283632
File: 95 KB, 598x720, 1583377906949.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do your Apex reps.

>> No.27283633
Quoted by: >>27283732

shipperfags and people who want intergender collabs are doing far more harm than good
female gachis hate when their boys collab with girls too

>> No.27283634
File: 95 KB, 352x397, 1599340345426.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27283635
Quoted by: >>27283814

I think you have a fundamental misunderstanding here anonymous. If I wanted a girlfriend, I wouldn't be here. I watch holos for the simulated intimacy without any of obligations that an actual relationship comes with

>> No.27283636
Quoted by: >>27283796

Uuuhhh aren't you forgetting something? Usada construction is basically a state-run company, the CEO has ties to the Pekoland government and the company was directly responsible for the construction of their reeducation camps. There is footage of the CEO herself overseeing it.

>> No.27283639

Finally kino

>> No.27283641
File: 155 KB, 1311x774, miko graveyard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't even know if she's in that one TCG. I would buy packs until I got one of her to keep it in my wallet.

>> No.27283640

nobody does that. Even though that does sound kinda cool.

>> No.27283647

Can someone post the maringlish that moona somehow understood screencap

>> No.27283651
Quoted by: >>27283749

That is literally nothing like what i was saying. You ESL?
I said those who are fortunate shouldn't think they're above those who aren't.

>> No.27283656

Now why would a guy make himself look like a girl?

>> No.27283658

ohh man this'll be good

>> No.27283662
Quoted by: >>27283699

I'm not a zookeeper, I don't get paid to clean up after animals like you.

>> No.27283663

Keep this shit to your discord.

>> No.27283664
Quoted by: >>27284364

Towa... don't make me pay for it...

>> No.27283665

its happening

>> No.27283666

oh god can you imagine the gamebreaking white knighting there?

Towasama imposter please kill me! We can't vote for Towasama she's an angel!

>> No.27283667
File: 971 KB, 1000x1414, 1592200137192.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27283741


>> No.27283668

I think I'm a short-peko kind of guy.

>> No.27283675

Did Roboco win yet?

>> No.27283676
Quoted by: >>27283724

Poor Rushia she was just curious about the trap, I bet she knew it was her own fans that suggested the name for the pickaxe

And yeah Peko hair looks better like that

>> No.27283678

it felt like your fav chuuba awkwardly flirting with a bro and you are just like... yikes, not in screen please ain't here for that

>> No.27283680

It was a very Towa thing to happen.

>> No.27283681

I want to do it, yes

>> No.27283693

I dont think there is anything that they stand to gain, at least on the female side.

>> No.27283696

>everyone joins with some variation of towa's name

>> No.27283698
Quoted by: >>27283742

You assume cover's competent enough to give them a manager that's smart enough to explain the drawbacks of such a collab to them

I would never assume competency when it comes to cover

>> No.27283699
Quoted by: >>27283727

Damn sorry, I didn't realize I was talking to a comedian, let me know when you do your next stand-up gig

>> No.27283700

Rikka is dumbass sexy

>> No.27283705

>Shien doing an Apex collab with his sister

>> No.27283708

It reminds me of the Slowpoke tails from Pokemon Gold and Silver, which were said to be "very tasty"...

>> No.27283709
Quoted by: >>27283793

How many variations of Towa will there be?

>> No.27283712


>> No.27283716

I wonder if Bibi likes Bladerunner

>> No.27283718
Quoted by: >>27283759

Towa sus

>> No.27283723

Towa among us and all 9 randoms have some version of Twap... as their name.

>> No.27283724

i think rushia is back and she was happy to get that pickaxe in return

>> No.27283725

>Maybe I'll hit 1M subscribers!
I can't. It's just too unfair to her to get blown out by someone who has been at it for a month, is practically incapable of collabing with anyone at the moment because of her inexperience and seems to barel her job seriously.

>> No.27283727
Quoted by: >>27283744

You are autistic

>> No.27283729

Remove the ears.

>> No.27283732

People fails to realize the biggest paypigs of the boys are just female gachikois and idolfags

>> No.27283733

I actually expect people to vote for her instead of skipping just to hear her scream

>> No.27283737
Quoted by: >>27283860

>Towa amongus
>every name is "Towa" "Towappi" "Torre" "Tortellini" "Tower" etc.
I would laugh so hard

>> No.27283738

it's the TOI copypasta made real

>> No.27283739
Quoted by: >>27283979

Just imagine how many pounds Coco will put on during her suspension. Kanata's cooking might be too effective to her waistline.

>> No.27283741

i need more erodoujins of holos now

>> No.27283742

they are and they did
things like that are obvious, they're the reason hololive is successful

>> No.27283743

I'm actually hyped

>> No.27283744


>> No.27283745

Does Towa know enough english to play with her viewers?

Because she certainly doesn't have enough friends to play it with holos lol

>> No.27283747

But kenzoku always bully Towa.

>> No.27283748

You fags better not let the discordies get in, let them seethe

>> No.27283749
Quoted by: >>27283941

Let me tell you something. My family is very low income growing up. My mom stayed at home and my dad worked at a garage getting paid 50 dollars/day. I studied and applied myself. I'm now working as a pharmacist making 130k a year. I'm not fortunate nor lucky. I was an introvert, I didn't have connections or any social skills. People make excuses on why they failed instead of accepting it and using it to move forward.

>> No.27283754
File: 342 KB, 512x724, shuten.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How come there's no oni vtuber when their design is so god damn sexy?

>> No.27283759
Quoted by: >>27283878

Doesn't sus mean a fag who's in the closet? are you calling her gay?

>> No.27283765


>> No.27283769

Ayame ...

>> No.27283770

please step on me with your pekosneakers and laugh pekora

>> No.27283772

No one watches holostars

>> No.27283779

>fierce competition from nijii

>> No.27283781


>> No.27283783
File: 774 KB, 1464x2040, 84382752_p1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27283784

DUH!!!! TOWA!!!! DUH, TOII!!???!!1 TOWER!!!!!

>> No.27283786

Dumb debiru is going to get bullied.

>> No.27283787

>twapo becomes a homostar
she already sounds like one, the transformation will be complete

>> No.27283789

Hey all you asia experts.
Is it really normal in asia to not accept apologies and double down? I always assumed japs are constantly apologizing, yet all the hololives drama gets stirred up really bad as soon as someone apologizes and haters double down. Is that normal in asia?

>> No.27283792
Quoted by: >>27283960


>> No.27283793

All of them

>> No.27283794
Quoted by: >>27283836

I feel like I'm in a fucking insane asylum of dementia ridden retards

>> No.27283795

what did he mean by this

>> No.27283796

Doctored videos, don't believe the anti Pekoland propaganda

>> No.27283801

I still can't believe they got Kermit the Frog to swear on Cameo.

>> No.27283804
Quoted by: >>27283840

>Falseflagging Luna again
Has the baby finally made it?

>> No.27283807
File: 61 KB, 500x306, 1591503563226.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Remove the ears.

>> No.27283809

Towa is pretty good at English, she also made a lot of holo friends!

>> No.27283810


>> No.27283814

There's still better than Civia. Whatever, a promise is a promise, have your unicorn. Artia's still a fucking traitor tho.

>> No.27283817

please tell me someone archived Rikka singing a hard day's night
please I'm begging you

>> No.27283824


>> No.27283829


>> No.27283830
File: 310 KB, 2048x1758, IMG_20200829_151452.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been waiting for this.

>> No.27283836


>> No.27283838

Toi sus...

>> No.27283840

It makes me so proud that she's finally made it.

>> No.27283846


>> No.27283847
File: 292 KB, 800x800, EauUe1iVAAYPViV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27284414


>> No.27283848
Quoted by: >>27283902

Chicken is basically Houou Soldier isn't she?

>> No.27283860

Alright you fucks, if anyone's going to try to play if she eventually does it, take a name now so we don't get shit like Toi and then a Toi1 and a Toi2 appears because of a name being repeated.
I'll take Twappi.

>> No.27283864

Shien has a sister?

>> No.27283868

I think she's the only that has directly tweeted to them? Ina has tweeted to Shinove. This of course by no means implies that they'd collab but seeing as she's the one that has brought them up the most, I'd say that there's a chance. Not an Amelia x Homo 1 on 1 collab but instead her + someone like roberu + a third party like Pikamee. I could totally see that happening.

>> No.27283871


>> No.27283872

What is towa's real name

>> No.27283878

ur mom sus

>> No.27283879
Quoted by: >>27283911

I like the character development of Luna, she also went from generally hated to generally liked/accepted, for me included.

>> No.27283885

Matsuri among us with either all her romantic interests or Roberu's harem for even more narratives!

>> No.27283888

I'll use "Artia loves CCP"

>> No.27283891
File: 1.32 MB, 1920x1080, 1596157025606.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

school is closed

>> No.27283894

Will anyone tell Towa that there's a japanese translation mod for Among Us, or are you guys going to make her show off her eigo reps on stream?

>> No.27283896
File: 1.28 MB, 1004x1054, 1593372029476.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Japs consistently getting mad at clip baits by antis on NND and making literal nothing burgers into false narratives
>Chinks getting mad at literally anything they convince themselves is bad

I thought EOPs would be Hololives downfall? What happened?

>> No.27283899


>> No.27283900

Towaroni and cheese

>> No.27283901
File: 981 KB, 1200x1200, 1601727360144.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27283902

Pretty much downright to the sword that fits into the shield, a shame that she hasn't even watched sentai

>> No.27283903
File: 601 KB, 1240x1754, 1595897648807.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have never worked a day in my life and I am 27 years old.

>> No.27283904

If only Sio was alive...

>> No.27283907

>be janitor
>slave away at a shitty job all day
>nobody respects me, kids bully me and throw dog shit at me
>come home after 22 hour workshift
>watch Lamy, Botan and Polka
>tribute all over the screen for Lamy Mam as I send her daily morning aka supa
>smell some used socks I bought on internet as I imagine it to be Botan's
>ensure I go through daily clown sissyfication ritual for Polka
>never watch Nene cuz that bitch reminds me how I will never be a CEO
>it's my 20th anniversary being a janitor with no pay raise
>plan to spend all day watching Lamy and sending her ak supa
>out of nowhere Lamy says that janitors are subhuman trash and should never breed
>Botan proclaims that she bullies her janitor every day
>Polka looks directly into the camera and says: "Kill yourself Janny"
>H-how could they betray me like this?
>Cry, shit and cum
>dislike bomb those three ungrateful sluts
>Lamy starts crying and takes a break from streaming
>I didn't mean to~ Mamy...
>Tribute one last time and finally rope myself

I can't believe Yagoo supports lower-class discrimination like this

>> No.27283908

the problem is the people that are upset aren't fans, they were enemies before the incident even occurred
holo execs continue to fail in recognizing this

>> No.27283910

Well, there's Mikoto but she's from another company. No oni in hololive though.

>> No.27283911

I fucking love luna. Didn't really pay attention to her until she started with her piano streams. Such a gem.

>> No.27283913 [SPOILER] 
File: 185 KB, 1440x1317, 1601864981547.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Torre Siempreoscuridad

>> No.27283914

I'll take Towa, as my wife.

>> No.27283919

Maya Sakamoto.

>> No.27283920
File: 567 KB, 1038x737, EcBBq3XVAAABO2Z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27284027

Tomoe from Nijisanji.

>> No.27283923
Quoted by: >>27284060

Not like that'll matter when most players who get in will be EOPs

>> No.27283924


>> No.27283935

It’s thankless because anyone can do it and they are replaceable. The fact is society values that rich cunt who plays video games more than the poor downtrodden janitor

>> No.27283937


>> No.27283938

twappers tokoyakingus

>> No.27283940

what does ikuzo mean?

>> No.27283941
Quoted by: >>27284064

so you think your dad is a piece of shit who deserves to get laughed at by girls who make their living playing video games all day? lmao

>> No.27283943

More shenanigans with Tomoe? I need to watch that.

>> No.27283946

Stop posting your gay voice it's nowhere near as good as the original

>> No.27283948

Why did the unicorns die? boyfriend? I dont watch nor care about her so just curious

>> No.27283949

I shall take Twap.

>> No.27283950
File: 3 KB, 610x50, fraternity.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What did they mean by this?

>> No.27283951
Quoted by: >>27283986

don't speak too soon, if it ever got truly mainstream then there is enough out there to make western twitter mad and want to cancel holos

>> No.27283953

You now know why 70% of japanese women would rather jump a frumpy looking gaijin dick than to give one of their emotionally unstable japanese boys the time of day. Some japanese men act like white women on their period constantly.

>> No.27283954

ikuzo where?

>> No.27283955

it's pretty obvious; all the EOPs who would try to cancel someone are on /pol/. everyone here just wants to "watch" anime girls play ringfit.

>> No.27283957

Yep, and just like that I'm 25% gayer. Thanks Rikka.

>> No.27283960
File: 46 KB, 1000x1000, EhidSWuU4AAYuwZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27284082


>> No.27283962

"i'm gonna cum"

>> No.27283967


>> No.27283968


>> No.27283975

what is with this place and loving unpopular chuubas like Towa or the homosharts? Is it the contrarianism?

>> No.27283979
Quoted by: >>27284028

Kanata was already in house wife mode, I can't image just how hard must she be leaning into it now

>> No.27283980

Chuubas are like Egyptian gods anon. There's a "real" name we all know, but if you learned their REAL, secret names you'd have too much power.

>> No.27283982
File: 48 KB, 971x102, 1601722689134.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27283983


>> No.27283986

I mean its pretty simple, just don't call someone a nigger or a faggot. Also don't acknowledge trannies and they will never get cancelled.

>> No.27283988

yes, it was a massive shitstorm in the other thread from what I hear

>> No.27283989

I'm Taiwan

>> No.27283993
File: 1.95 MB, 630x540, autism.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kenzoku here better be the fastest motherfuckers out there because I need to laugh at a lobby full of towa variations

>> No.27283997

Actual autists. Ignore them

>> No.27284001

It's what you say before you nakadashi

>> No.27284004

what could go wrong?

>> No.27284005


>> No.27284013

jhfklhhjkbkjh klj h

>> No.27284020

Matsuri is likely collabing with Hero reincarnation this week, she randomly retweeted her schedule that says "collab with an OUTSIDER!??!?!"(doesn't say who). Watch it be APEX AGAIN!

>> No.27284022
Quoted by: >>27284208

I don't get the rationale behind this. If a married seiyuu is voicing my favourite anime character I'm not gonna stop watching that anime. I like the character.

>> No.27284023

>K*S*N 26th
>A youtube video will go up soon!!
... I was excited to see what it was about...

>> No.27284026
File: 60 KB, 215x245, 1597191999896.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27284027

I can't believe Shien is finally leaving the nest.

>> No.27284028

Coco is the only person in the entire world I feel anything like envy or jealousy towards.
kanata wife...

>> No.27284030

I may download it just to try and get in

>> No.27284032

just autism i think

>> No.27284033

>oh I totally like her now because she's not at the lowest end of the totem pole anymore
not very lunaito of you

>> No.27284035

is he still playing with a controller?

>> No.27284042

Shut the fuck up Artia stop posting here you traitor bitch

>> No.27284044
Quoted by: >>27284080

>what is with this hyper-specific hobbyist general being more into this hobby than other places?

>> No.27284047
File: 3.02 MB, 320x288, 1584251006637.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you forgot her?

>> No.27284052

who will be the asshole who joins with Towa's roommate name?

>> No.27284059
Quoted by: >>27284093

Will no one call her Chigusa? I mean everyone call Polkahime... Polka now, but Chigusa is always Hero.

>> No.27284060
Quoted by: >>27284154

It would be better for her English stream than APEX.

Most kenzoku are Japanese though.

>> No.27284062

Helping Towa practice her among us reps!

>> No.27284064

? Grow a skin you fucking turd. He mocks himself consistently. Always using him as an example of what will happen if we don't study. Saying he is doing a low-end job. Face the facts kid and stop looking away. We never had money to buy anything. Always borrowed things like games from cousins hand-me-downs. I dont' want that life? I better study hard get a job and make money. He knows he's a loser. I know it too. If your meek little heart can't handle the truth, you're unironically ngmi.

>> No.27284067
File: 693 KB, 884x493, 1599338369071.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This collab on Tomoe's channel is hilarious if you want to give it a watch.

>> No.27284069

How fucking new?

>> No.27284080

watching vtubers is not a "hobby"

>> No.27284082


>> No.27284083

I just happen to love Towa.

>> No.27284086

I'm ready to watch.

>> No.27284090
File: 1.04 MB, 2000x4093, 1574830355019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27284110

are people still mad at gen 4?

>> No.27284091


>> No.27284093

Hero rolls off the tongue easier than Chigusa

>> No.27284094

Holy shit ponytail Peko is gorgeous.

>> No.27284096
File: 3.15 MB, 1385x1920, 1588765024021.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27284098

Anything can be a hobby

>> No.27284101

Just ike their holo, artiafags are the worst community.

>> No.27284102

It's not normal. Also you're looking at a small minority of insane people and extrapolating it to the entire nation.

>> No.27284103
Quoted by: >>27284152

Same, I can't believe that I work from 8PM to 8AM and when I arrive at home to watch my holos they are shitting on me

>> No.27284110

Right now people are mad at Gen 5

>> No.27284118

Time crisis meets hololive.

>> No.27284123
File: 794 KB, 2362x3507, o kawayo ojou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there's no oni holo yet wtf you are definitely not brain damaged anon get better bait material

>> No.27284125
File: 153 KB, 344x296, 1601796818510.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27284127
File: 254 KB, 827x953, 1600923100540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27284134

i feel like im taking crazy pills

>> No.27284136

Would take home.

>> No.27284139


>> No.27284140

1 > 2 > 3 > 4 > 5 > 6

>> No.27284150
File: 705 KB, 852x480, 1595162504576.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sure some of us will get in, usually we get a few of us in the APEX endurance.

>> No.27284152

Lucky, I wish my holos would acknowledge me

>> No.27284154
Quoted by: >>27284198

>most kenzoku are japanese
almost half of her supacha are in foreign currency anon

>> No.27284157

totemo ureshii yo~

>> No.27284171

It would be extremely painful.

>> No.27284176

Towa is so cute, I want to bully her.

>> No.27284179

working? ehhh I'm looking up materials for an exit bag

>> No.27284180
Quoted by: >>27284271

yeah I think your dad would have been better off roping himself when he was younger and letting your family starve on the street rather than suffering make money to support your sorry ass too
obviously nothing good came of it

>> No.27284182

Among Us is so garbage, I can't wait for this FOTM dies down.

>> No.27284183
File: 276 KB, 1748x2480, EjdPjehU8AEWu-i.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Need more baby holos.

>> No.27284187
Quoted by: >>27284246

Posting Mel content every day until she joins reddit, day 34

>> No.27284198
Quoted by: >>27284898

Yeah, almost.

>> No.27284208

I agree, though as you said I like the character so they need to keep that shit out of camera or while being the chuuba, otherwise I'm fine with whatever they do outside their job.

>> No.27284218
File: 120 KB, 583x529, 1599628297264.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh you are right, Matsuri really has a lot of friends on Niji.

>> No.27284221


>> No.27284222

So how do you guys think Towa got the idea to play Among Us?

Did she jack it from the Holostars?
Read about how successful the Holostars were on 5ch?
See that Niji was going to play it?
Pikamee or Monoe?

>> No.27284226
Quoted by: >>27284283

what about project winter?

>> No.27284232

Any predictions on the next arc after minecraft? Surgeon simulator 2?

>> No.27284235

Witch one of you fags made this

>> No.27284237

towa lurks here

>> No.27284240
Quoted by: >>27284311


>> No.27284241
Quoted by: >>27284281

but it is as much as watching anime is

>> No.27284243
File: 379 KB, 1100x3303, 1596928530476.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27284334

cute fandead

>> No.27284245
File: 327 KB, 1000x822, enter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

onii-chan can i borrow your DS?

>> No.27284246

Does she even have EOP viewers? or viewers for that matter

>> No.27284247

a lot of people here probably still live at home with parents who make enough to pay for their neet children, so naturally they get offended on behalf of others.

>> No.27284251

she jacked off the Holostars

>> No.27284252


>> No.27284255

Probably from Coco when she was hanging out with her the other day.

>> No.27284262

her boyfriend played it so now she wants to play it.

>> No.27284263
Quoted by: >>27284292

Which of the chuubas is into college educated men from Guatemala?

>> No.27284269

It's better than project winter since it removes 90% of the actual gameplay to just make it pure werewolf/mafia

Watching vtubers fumble around in project winter because they all suck at playing video games just pissed me off most of the time

>> No.27284270

All of the above?

>> No.27284271

i made it, while you're not going to. That's the fact in this argument. I make 130k a year and have a leisure life and go on vacations with my parents and have fun, while you're stuck lamenting on life and thinking you're going to make it when you haven't even made the first step. Talk to me when you're at the starting line.

>> No.27284272
Quoted by: >>27284318

Oh man, is it time to rev up the trade L*l* for Matsuri narrative again?
That was my favorite narrative personally konlulu~

>> No.27284273

maybe Among Us.

>> No.27284274

Coco said she can play it in her place.

>> No.27284278

All of these + Coco talking about it before

>> No.27284281

both arent hobbies

>> No.27284282

What Towa variation will you use when you join the game?

>> No.27284283

Good shit.

>> No.27284286
Quoted by: >>27284467

>tfw no Aqua, Shion, or Ayame streams

>> No.27284287

Aruran played with her during their fuck session

>> No.27284288

just don't jam the stylus up your vag

>> No.27284291


>> No.27284292


>> No.27284294

I don't play Among Us though.

>> No.27284296


>> No.27284298

>putting question marks before their actual post
Why do schizos and boomers do this? Just post an image or ask a question if you're confused on what he just said

>> No.27284301

coco probably talking about it

>> No.27284307

I don't have a DS, go back to your room Pekora

>> No.27284308

>he didn't watch her Werewolf stream

>> No.27284309
File: 252 KB, 1174x1712, FubuKING.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27284788

Happy birthday FRIENDS

>> No.27284310

I'm still actually sad that Matsuri and Luna went each one their own way, and probably not because of Luna, after all this time seeing matsuri have "disagreements" with Fubuki or hoshikawa and Luna... man it just ruined matsuri for me can't take that person seriusly as fun or having teetee anymore.

>> No.27284311
Quoted by: >>27284341

I mean Matsuri must already have a reputation no? I doubt people who are not her friends
would want to collab with her.

>> No.27284313

Diablo 2 8-players RTAs arc

>> No.27284316

use a filename I don't recognize

>> No.27284318

I love L*l*, I want her to collab with Koone for some shitty ancient kusoge.

>> No.27284319

She's friends with the holostars

>> No.27284320


>> No.27284322
Quoted by: >>27284759

I can't wait for one of her games to be just 9 guys with 9 different distortions of her name

>> No.27284325


>> No.27284326


>> No.27284332


>> No.27284334

Rip cute ghost
also I can read all of that!

>> No.27284337
Quoted by: >>27284435

I can't believe Towa, who has already had several near doxxing incidents, is going to doxx herself by revealing her IP in Among Us.

>> No.27284338
File: 68 KB, 640x759, im0sry7ijmn41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ngl, I respect that menhera, cuz she isn't numberfag

>> No.27284341

Matsuri collabs with a new vtuber every day

>> No.27284342
Quoted by: >>27284411

If oi'm raycist, roight, den 'ow come Pekrah's me faiv'rit chuuba?

>> No.27284344

But I hate FOTM games as I'm a contrarian like Towa and her kenzoku

>> No.27284347

anon, he was being sarcastic.

>> No.27284350
Quoted by: >>27284410

just because she's good at social deduction games doesn't mean that she'd decide to play one that's only officially available in english

>> No.27284351

but Nose didn't play it

>> No.27284355

there was a guy on this thread deffending NNDfags by saying that you can't joke in public
the sjw are coming

>> No.27284358

God, just imagine how fat Pekora was as a kid. Imagine how fat she is now that she has become a hikkineet vtuber.

>> No.27284362


>> No.27284364

just use bluestacks

>> No.27284368


>> No.27284370

Speaking of Matsuri, didn't she plan some sort of off-collab with Luna around a month back? Something about staying with Luna for a few days? Did anything come of that?

>> No.27284376


>> No.27284391

Yeah, Towa fucking loves these kinds of games.

>> No.27284392

you don't know a single thing about me are you sure you aren't projecting? yeah you make 130k a year I totally believe you

>> No.27284402

Bros... Subau having fun playing Wind Waker is so cute...

>> No.27284406

Towa's boyfriend

>> No.27284409


>> No.27284410

Nice logic.

>> No.27284411

because Pekora is a racist

>> No.27284412
Quoted by: >>27284646


>> No.27284414

So that is how she gave her ears to Coco... No wonder she had to ask permission to her manager

>> No.27284413


>> No.27284416

I'm kinda late. What's Peko's reaction to Aqua's gift in minecraft?

>> No.27284418

a 22 year old woman staying over at a 36 year old's place is weird as fuck

>> No.27284422

The difference is that there is no way that Miko understands a thing about what Trump tweets.
Not trying to support them trying to defame Coco though. I think it kinda makes sense but it's just out of touch.

>> No.27284429

i will not and after her you are next

>> No.27284435
Quoted by: >>27284575

Aren't girls cutest when they are a little retarded?

>> No.27284442

Not him but you are a faggot. You think just beacuse you can do it anyone can and refuse to understand that the fact you were able to get to the position you have had an element of fortune. There is probably many of people who worked just as hard as you and didn't succeed. Some people are just born stupid, some people choose the wrong college and dont get the right education. No one is saying that you can't be successful if you're born poor, just saying if you are born in a very fortunate position, it is unkind to shit on those who probably weren't.

And You haven't made anything you faggot, I don't know your name, your going to be utterly forgotten when you die. Making money means nothing.

>> No.27284443
File: 67 KB, 500x663, 35p.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27284518


>> No.27284448


>> No.27284450


>> No.27284454


>> No.27284455

Apology or not, nobody will ever kick up a fuss unless it directly involves their livelihood. At best, people will swear off watching the show (for a while) as opposed to employing maximum autism to scream at the voids of the internet. >>27282539 may be hilarious, but it does have some truth to it. Who the fuck has time to waste on this crap?

As for jokes of that nature, no one gives a shit because this is 101 material if you ever grew up watching comedy here. Then again, I'm old so I could be out of touch with how kids operate these days.
t. malaysian.

>> No.27284456

Anon... just let it go... Matsuri is currently thirsting over an unknown youtuber right now

>> No.27284458

no its not

>> No.27284464


>> No.27284465


>> No.27284467

Aqua off-collab with Shuba should be today

>> No.27284471

The gift was nowhere to be found.

>> No.27284476

Someone did something off screen and the chest disappeared. We will never know.

>> No.27284482


>> No.27284484
Quoted by: >>27284576

Anon the others do it all the time?

>> No.27284517
Quoted by: >>27284562

Is this a potential new narrative?

>> No.27284518
File: 352 KB, 701x886, 1571991323195.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stay strong 35P

>> No.27284520


>> No.27284522

Why does Artia sound like a low iq retard whenever she speaks? I can hear the mouth breathing that that chink makes whenever she opens her dumb stupid retarded mouth.

>> No.27284527
Quoted by: >>27284546

japanese girls don't get fat...

>> No.27284531

I'm still sad that no holo/homo plays 4x, rts, gs, or anything more autistic than those

>> No.27284536

How the fuck? I'm disappointed now.

>> No.27284546


>> No.27284547


>> No.27284548

i have 4chanx set to auto show spoiler text so thanks for the 3 tabs of mikoboat

>> No.27284549

If they we're normal women yeah but they are all autistic people so it's not weird.

>> No.27284552
Quoted by: >>27284591

she learned English from twitch like that one hearthstone gook girl

>> No.27284553
Quoted by: >>27284676

lmao, i can't not imagine these chuubas waving these sticks around to move their arms.

>> No.27284561
Quoted by: >>27284672

Anon you should have watched her utawaku, she was the deepest and sexiest she has ever been.

>> No.27284562

We've already narratived it every which way and gotten bored.

>> No.27284564 [SPOILER] 
File: 175 KB, 906x1400, 1601866298610.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon with huge hand rubs Fubuki's hairy head.

>> No.27284566


>> No.27284575
Quoted by: >>27284599

Yeah but they can't be too retarded so you have to constantly watch over them.

>> No.27284576

Ayame's stayed slept over at Korone's place a few times which is I think the biggest age gap so far.

>> No.27284578

cute friend!

>> No.27284580

can u rely sey dat?

>> No.27284587
File: 195 KB, 682x399, EjhnJwGXgAAfULd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's a low IQ retard

>> No.27284591

Twitch AND Discord. So yeah, she got the bottom of the bottom of the barrel for English education.

>> No.27284595
File: 207 KB, 900x900, 1574182877774.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

happy birthday anyways. She did make me interested in holo because of her MAD videos

>> No.27284597
Quoted by: >>27284645

shion marine?

>> No.27284599

Towa's the kind of person that needs to be looked after!

>> No.27284606

>you're only allowed to like popular things
what an abhorrent post

>> No.27284610

>I can hear the mouth breathing that that chink makes whenever she opens her dumb stupid retarded mouth
So her mouth is not open all the time, so she's not breathing through it then? Mouth breathing signifying lack of intelligence is an old wive's tale anyway.

>> No.27284613

in case you didn't know artia is esl

>> No.27284615
File: 605 KB, 982x1622, ERuBMRbUcAAjpmT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of the best streams.

>> No.27284624

I heard her covers for the first time this morning. Holy shit why does she hide power level so much lol

>> No.27284626

Get outta my room, fatty.

>> No.27284633

Hope you enjoy your break Sora


>> No.27284641

maybe its just me but I think there is nothing weird with having older good friends when you are above 20, even more if it's the same sex, dont mind that anon, must be a schyzo.

>> No.27284645

shion is 18 and MArine is 27/28
Ayame was 21 or 22 and Korone 35

>> No.27284646
Quoted by: >>27284687

What's wrong with Spore?

>> No.27284658

Roboco is still streaming guys

>> No.27284661

come here so I can break your neck and skin you in 6 seconds

>> No.27284672

I missed it. Is there an archive of it anywhere yet?

>> No.27284673
File: 180 KB, 799x1200, 1590871369615.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27284926


>> No.27284676

I don't think Holos use this setup as they can see and touch each other freely in 3D collabs

>> No.27284678

She used to use her normal voice but she was forced/forced herself to change it because the japs dislike deep voices. Towafags, someone post that clip of Towa's debut voice vs Towa's current voice, the difference is astonishing.

>> No.27284682

Did people really get mad at her for saying she would not marry some random guy on the internet? I thought it was just jokes but now I am starting to wonder. There are more schizos in this community than I had previously assumed.

>> No.27284686

What? Really?

>> No.27284687

it's not just regular spore, it's spore DS

>> No.27284689
File: 53 KB, 598x529, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27284690
File: 333 KB, 600x917, 1594937817573.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27284740

*awkward towa noise*
next meme!

>> No.27284698

I'll insult Bibi

>> No.27284699

I'd rather watch the holostar sing

>> No.27284701

Only if you wash your hands first and play it in here where I can see you. Last time I lent you something it came back all sticky.

>> No.27284702
File: 40 KB, 360x360, 1601697765609.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sucky sucky onegai...

>> No.27284708


>> No.27284709
Quoted by: >>27284741

Just got back, what happened to Polka?

>> No.27284713

me too

>> No.27284714

I'll never understand the third worlds obsession with public baths.

>> No.27284715
File: 203 KB, 500x500, 1599813021939.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27284716
Quoted by: >>27284763

Never owned a DS so I don't know about it

>> No.27284717


>> No.27284722
Quoted by: >>27284834

is she going there to laugh at the people who clean the bath house?

>> No.27284724
File: 663 KB, 2048x1536, F7339F07-FA5E-4DB1-BBF1-1D7A75043282.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sora on TV!

>> No.27284723


>> No.27284725
Quoted by: >>27284773

It's sad because it's actually worked. Towa's been gaining more japanese fans ever since she dropped the deep sexy

>> No.27284727

Sadly not, mane-chan has it hostage.

>> No.27284728
Quoted by: >>27284770

Time for the weekly meme review! Haha..ha...ha...

>> No.27284736
File: 1.26 MB, 1850x2414, 1601700562239.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know the link for a long time, but i still click everytime anyway. I love Mikochi!

>> No.27284735

peko you better not wipe my save data!

>> No.27284740

how the fuck should I read this?

>> No.27284741
Quoted by: >>27284901

society happened.

>> No.27284742
Quoted by: >>27284881

I love Polka, but I can see how the Twitter apology with a generic template can piss people off by being insincere. I doubt there are even a handful of actual jannies that are pissed off or even know of her existence though, so it's definitely antis stirring shit.

>> No.27284746

That's super normal for old woman.

>> No.27284748

very common bonding practice not gay at all

>> No.27284750


I hope you're ready for another 24 hour Yubisoft stream.

>> No.27284749

Do you have hot spring/sulfur infused bath in the West?

>> No.27284751

Wish me luck lads, I'm about to become a criminal.

>> No.27284759

I'll be waiting for that

>> No.27284762

She sounds normal in Chinese.

Also it's a fucking character, do you really beleb that people sound like their avatars 100% of the time? People like it and she's cute.

>> No.27284763

It's shit, like Mario 64 DS

>> No.27284770
Quoted by: >>27284854

Anon... that was yesterday, today was supposed to be the asacoco

>> No.27284772


>> No.27284773
File: 547 KB, 2705x2100, 1595698368033.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still love her, even if she sounds like she smoka.

>> No.27284774

Whatever happened to that fangame? Dead in the water as expected?

>> No.27284776

sorry nene... I am too stupid for zatsudan...

>> No.27284778
Quoted by: >>27284884

There was a Spore for the DS? I'm guessing it was an absolute piece of shit, even more so than the already shitty PC version?

>> No.27284783
File: 844 KB, 1064x742, 1601801420581.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you agree with the official /hlg/ breast milk tier list?

>> No.27284785
File: 67 KB, 185x202, 1600669346908.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27284788
File: 159 KB, 1000x1356, 20201004_181208.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Happy Birthday!

>> No.27284789
Quoted by: >>27284968

She didn't looked fat in that cosplay video, so I doubt it. Besides Japanese food as very few chalories, even the Western style cakes made in Japan tasted insipid for me

I am kinda surprised how can anyone get fat in Japan. Even the smelly Otaku in Akihabara are mostly normal/kinda chubby

>> No.27284790

They really are just NoeFlare 2, downright to the hot springs vacation

>> No.27284791
Quoted by: >>27284816

yes you can imouto, what game?

>> No.27284796

I hope that the people who responded to this post were not as mean to their siblings as they would be to little Pekora. The bond between siblings is strong and should not be tainted with hostility and disrespect.

>> No.27284803

1. She's a chinese, she sounds normal for chinese ESL
2. Her english education consists of reading twitch chat and Discord for 7-10 years (she's been watching Twitch since it was JustinTV)

>> No.27284804
Quoted by: >>27284841

Lunch with your CEO!

>> No.27284814

>you will never carry Roboco to a win in Apex

>> No.27284816

Nintendogs of course!

>> No.27284821
Quoted by: >>27284845

Nene CUTE! Nene GOD!

>> No.27284822

do you really want to learn what is unpopularity in the chuuba world?

>> No.27284833

>chocolate milk
Kill yourself

>> No.27284834

you son of a bitch

>> No.27284837

octopus musha musha!

>> No.27284838

Artia lactates ice cream, know your lore

>> No.27284840
Quoted by: >>27284894

Maybe she'll reconsider when she finds out how fucking samey and awful asscreed's side content is.

>> No.27284841

>no dislikes
Supernenechi.... I kneel

>> No.27284843
Quoted by: >>27284896

The new AC so far seems like shit, worse than Odyssey, I hope she doesn't get disapointed with the changes.

>> No.27284844

no what a stupid fucking list I'm drinking pekora's rabbit milk right now

>> No.27284845

im weak to nene's voice....but im weak to a lot of hololives voice's

>> No.27284848

This thread would be so much better if more people watched Hachaama's mixer stream that had all those indie v-tubers

>> No.27284849
Quoted by: >>27284910

I actually treated her better than my little sister
I'll still say I don't have a DS but I would tell her to fuck off in a harsher tone

>> No.27284853

No please. Not the sunflower again

>> No.27284854

I'm sorry I've lost track of time. How many years until I get Coco back?

>> No.27284861

>Polka not at the top
Hello Janitor

>> No.27284869

Why are you fuckers not listening to the acoustic English stream?

>> No.27284872

I'm watching Rikka english utawaku

>> No.27284875

Burger here, there are some. But public bathing as a whole isn't really much of a trend.

>> No.27284881

Is definitely antis, normalfags don't even know who she is

>> No.27284884

Yes, it was even more awful

>> No.27284889

I'm watching Roboco.

>> No.27284894
Quoted by: >>27285007

Let's be real. Korone eats kusoge for dinner. Is going to take a while but she can do it.

>> No.27284896

>worse than odyssey
Why? They seem the same to me

>> No.27284895

No, Korone. No.

>> No.27284898

More recent data shows that 60% of her supacha income is in overseas currency, too lazy to look up the chart though.

>> No.27284899

unironically have siblings

>> No.27284901

Understandable, have a nice day!

>> No.27284902

Valhalla looks like crap even for an AC game, but maybe the new post-Origins games would actually fit her playstyle more with their more dynamic combat.

>> No.27284903

when will she realize AC2 is the best AC title?

>> No.27284907
Quoted by: >>27284943

Only thing americans can compare is sharing a hot tub at the local vacation hotel

>> No.27284908
Quoted by: >>27284979

Aqua's milk probably tastes like shit because she has a shit diet.

>> No.27284909

nene’s munching sound is cute...

>> No.27284910
Quoted by: >>27285055

Mean. Your siblings are your only true allies in this world.

>> No.27284912

>Your oshi
>Your go to karaoke song

>> No.27284920

pretty good, but I always imagine Polka to taste like birthday cake.

>> No.27284922

I was until nene goes on

>> No.27284925

piano man

>> No.27284926

I hate it

>> No.27284932
Quoted by: >>27284978

>Nene uses margarine instead of butter
Unsubbed and left membership.

>> No.27284941

my brother is an unironic schizo so I'm too afraid to take out my pent up aggression on him like I can pekora

>> No.27284943

the only public bathhouses I hear of in North America are those places way up in the Canadian Arctic that people visit so they can see the northern lights.

>> No.27284946

Piano man.

>> No.27284947

country road

>> No.27284949
Quoted by: >>27285000


>> No.27284951

Piano Man

>> No.27284952

>watching vtubers is not a "hobby"
Yeah, its my reason for living.

>> No.27284956

Il Comendatore, Don Giovanni

>> No.27284967

There are a lot of them in Europe and Caucuses. Pretty sure Turkey is also full of them

>> No.27284968

Her own mother has called her fat.

>> No.27284970

I don't do karaoke because I'm not a boomer

>> No.27284975


>> No.27284978

>vegetable fat instead of milk
She really is disgusting.

>> No.27284979
Quoted by: >>27285002

Aqua's been trying to improve her diet. She doesn't drink much redbull anymore i don't think ever since she got her water dispenser.

>> No.27284986

Torero, alternatively, God knows

>> No.27284987

Orion wo Nazoru / Konayuki

>> No.27284989

Japs have no appreciation for a girl with deep sexy

>> No.27284991
Quoted by: >>27285020

I watch both every time they're posted. You can't even troll me with these, I'm the kind of guy who loved Never Gonna Give You Up in 2007.

>> No.27284993

>Bohemian Rhapsody

>> No.27285000
Quoted by: >>27285424

to intelligent too work

>> No.27285001

that's life

>> No.27285002

>ever since she got her water dispenser.
they can't drink the tap water in Japan?

>> No.27285007

Let me hope.

>> No.27285012

fuck, I gotta buy it!

>> No.27285013
Quoted by: >>27285274

If you're so much as even 5 lbs over, asian mothers always say that

>> No.27285020

nobody should ever be mad at this

>> No.27285021

Smooth Criminal

>> No.27285024

All holos
I can only sing 5nizza soldat

>> No.27285025

There's a city in Arkansas called Hot Springs with hotels left over from the early 20th century touting such things.

>> No.27285037

I want to drink that bath water

>> No.27285044

oh fuck

>> No.27285046


>> No.27285048
Quoted by: >>27285076

There's no way that Towa's Among Us will be in the following 8 hours, right? I want to watch it live because I know there's a chance one of you fucks might force her to private it.

>> No.27285049

Killer Queen.

>> No.27285051

>Producing milk

Menopause says no

>> No.27285053

>Kenzokus' dream of among us full of tortellini and variations is going to become a reality

>> No.27285055

Shush, I treat her better nowadays.
Although that's not saying much because I rarely interact with my family and siblings despite living with my brother.

>> No.27285064

Chop Suey!

>> No.27285067

Her genmates are under fire yet CEO is streaming as usual, fucking based.

>> No.27285068

>your oshi
>what part of her body wouldn't you lick?

>> No.27285070
Quoted by: >>27285100


>> No.27285072

cruel angel's thesis

>> No.27285076

I want to sleep, she usually either does early streams or late streams so I'm napping.

>> No.27285077

If it was good enough for the Romans...

>> No.27285079

Why does Watame not have her own separate tier?
And Noel for that matter, cows give the best milk after all.

>> No.27285083

You can play with pirated version.

>> No.27285085

Gods know if JP
In the end if ENG. Even after 15 years I still know the lyrics to that song for whatever reason.

>> No.27285087
Quoted by: >>27285103

train in vain

>> No.27285091

man remember when your oshi used to stream? those were the days...

>> No.27285093

her colon

>> No.27285096

Wow. She at least could play any of the other games that are out already. Valhala can turn out to be fucking terrible for streaming.

>> No.27285098


>> No.27285100


>> No.27285103

muh nigger

>> No.27285104

I'm sure playing on mobile works but I cba to install it

>> No.27285108

I miss her...

>> No.27285112


>> No.27285114
Quoted by: >>27285274

That doesn't mean much from Asian parents, lmao

>> No.27285119

I don't think there's a single part of Towa I wouldn't lick. Like not one single square nanometer.

>> No.27285120

Damn i regret coming here, my dreams are in ruins i didnt know ojou and rushi have boyfriends

>> No.27285121


>> No.27285123

I would deepthroat all 20cm of her girthy cocock.

>> No.27285122


>> No.27285125

my oshi streamed yesterday so I do not know this feel

>> No.27285131

Se me olvido

>> No.27285135

Fake bitch tier: Watame

>> No.27285137

Is that a trick question?

>> No.27285138

We will never get kanata schedule anymore.I wonder whether kanata roommate fans know about her current live now, i still see some of her fans (that don't follow kanata) replying to her tweets, some even still NozoKoba fan, kinda heartbreaking desu.

>> No.27285141
Quoted by: >>27285156

>Image board
>Can't post image

>> No.27285148


>> No.27285150

funny memes....

>> No.27285151
Quoted by: >>27285169

man I can understand 75% of what nenechi says

>> No.27285153

Dan Dan Kokoro Hikareteku

>> No.27285154

What are you talking anout she just streamed a few hours ago for roughtly 9 hours straight, 9.5 hours if you count the concurrent stream.

>> No.27285155
Quoted by: >>27285183

rushia has a boyfriend? thats news to me. I just know of her niconico strip RPS streams

>> No.27285156


>> No.27285161
Quoted by: >>27285176


>> No.27285168

Why. Masturi is exactly the kind of girl that would be ok with anal, especially when she feels like her menhera outbursts might have made you think about leaving her soon and she feels like she needs to do something to grab your attention.

>> No.27285169
Quoted by: >>27285194

Well have of what she says is aru and her name.

>> No.27285175

Noel's milk is affected by all the greasy shit she eats

>> No.27285177

Ojou... Your stream...

>> No.27285176

in the end

>> No.27285183

same, though ojou having one is news to me

>> No.27285188

>Nene applied to Hololive five times

>> No.27285193


>> No.27285194


>> No.27285204


>> No.27285207

The tomato one actually got me.

>> No.27285215

I've seen someone posted an image of ojou to bad it's deleted

>> No.27285217
Quoted by: >>27285746

NND has always been absolutely toxic and many hololive members were a part of it.

>> No.27285216

>Nene wa Nene
Truly a philosopher.

>> No.27285221

how would nene fit in the other gens?

>> No.27285225

Disgrace to Matsurisus

>> No.27285228

look at her go

>> No.27285238
Quoted by: >>27285268

How many Lamy babbies have killed themselves without her morning streams?

>> No.27285245
Quoted by: >>27285335

As fun as it'd be to see Amelia pull all her pseudo-girlfriend tricks on cherry boy Astel in the middle of an Apex fight, she speaks 0 Japanese.

>> No.27285246

she probably applied for gen4 and got rejected, then the gen5 applicants were weak so she got in
its pretty obvious that gen5 is low-spec compared to gen3/4
I mean, look at Polka. All she has going for her is that she used to be a vtuber.
Polka can't sing, she can't dance, she can't draw, she can't game, and she's poor as fuck. What is Polka's talent aside from being a retard?

>> No.27285251
Quoted by: >>27285472

I've been watching this shit since January, but this is too much cringe for me to handle. I'm just gonna go back to anime.

>> No.27285255
Quoted by: >>27285293

Posting just to say that Subaru and Luna are cute, I like the ones with unorthodox voices.

>> No.27285256

yellow ledbetter

>> No.27285262

which holo is most likely to use yagaru

>> No.27285264

That's why her gen is called Holofive!

>> No.27285267

blowjob asmr

>> No.27285268

probably more than a couple of janitors but it's not like she cares about them

>> No.27285274

t. 300 pounds asians who say things like "ugh my mom called me fat again, asian moms always fat shaming am i rite?"

>> No.27285276

nice noises

>> No.27285285


I really don't get this logic. If you care about their real life why not just watch regular tots on Twitch? Do you think they go around saying yubi, peko etc? They are just acting.

>> No.27285286

>You will never have Lamy gf
>She will never whip a tiddy out for you on a hot summer day
>You will never taste her delicious Lamy Milk that probably tastes like a nice vanilla milkshake

>> No.27285288
Quoted by: >>27285305

What's YOUR talent aside from being a retard, huh?

>> No.27285290

Yagoo liked Nobuhime, that was it.

>> No.27285291

She's a BL fujo and probably wants to collab with 2 homostars then try to make them do gay shit in front of her.

>> No.27285293
Quoted by: >>27285384

What about Miko?

>> No.27285296

It's my life

>> No.27285299

>can't sing, she can't dance, she can't draw, she can't game
That's like half of the holos at least and probably includes your oshi as well

>> No.27285305

getting (You)'s on 4chan

>> No.27285306

>Nene applied to Hololive five times
CEO... Is everything happening your revenge?

>> No.27285316

Luna can't sing, she can't dance, she can't draw, she can't game, and if she fell she'd break all the bones in her body. What is Luna's talent aside from sounding like a retard?

>> No.27285335

>she speaks 0 Japanese.
That hasn't stopped Risu.
Although even if she collabs with the homos she will never ever collab with Astel. Even thoughthey both like Apex, as you have mentioned, Waton's Japanese is awful and Astel turns into a weatherman when talking to girls so there's no way that collab would ever work.

>> No.27285341

she's bilingual

>> No.27285343


>> No.27285344
Quoted by: >>27285525


>> No.27285347

>can't sing

>> No.27285348



>> No.27285350

shes royalty

>> No.27285356
Quoted by: >>27285406

Cover should hire a Rakugo pro.

>> No.27285359

Completely forgot about Rikka's singing stream and only caught the last two songs, damn.

>> No.27285367
Quoted by: >>27285461

Etriam Odyssey Holo WHEN

>> No.27285373
Quoted by: >>27285552

Yagoo liked Moruru, that was it.

>> No.27285378

luna can sing tho and shes a decent dancer. The joy of luna is knowing that shes pretty good at piano and shes pretty good at learning unless its mario sunshine. Some of these girls arent the best singers, but they all have fun, and thats what matters

>> No.27285380

Twapper accidentally doing an English stream before her real one is pretty funny.

>> No.27285384

She's another one that I like, but I haven't watched too many clips with her as yet. I'm still making my way through the ones that catch my eye.

>> No.27285387

I'll destroy you nanoraaaaa

>> No.27285406
Quoted by: >>27285452

That's Pekora and Marine.

>> No.27285414
Quoted by: >>27285739

I thought it's free on the phone

>> No.27285419

Roboco is complaining about the influx of gaijins in Apex's Tokyo servers.

>> No.27285422

my sides

>> No.27285424
Quoted by: >>27285453

what do you do when youre not watching chuubas?

>> No.27285428

the party is up!

>> No.27285435

>Subaru overtook Ayame in subs again
>Ayame hasn't tweeted for days
>No new streams in the near future
We're back to how it was... were these past few months just an anomaly...
Why are we tormented so?

>> No.27285436
Quoted by: >>27285498

I can't believe RBC just said that about white people.

>> No.27285452

That's manzai, not rakugo. Polka did some rakugo excerpts in her misc videos, they fit her motormouth pretty well.

>> No.27285453
Quoted by: >>27285533

watch sports

>> No.27285461
Quoted by: >>27285596

What the fuck does that even mean? A holo who likes EO or a holo designed by Himukai?

>> No.27285472

Right because people don't do the same for anime characters

>> No.27285498

Did she lose vs people with shit ping? How bad can she get?

>> No.27285503

are you me?
I feel like shit about it tho

>> No.27285506

I heard her tummy hurts

>> No.27285516
Quoted by: >>27285544

she could be dead for all we know...

>> No.27285522
Quoted by: >>27285626

Why? Is she getting bodied harder than usual?

>> No.27285525

This stream, she said that when she didn't get a response to her application after 2 weeks she would send in another and got a response at the 5th time. She was also not planning to give up until her 10th application.

>> No.27285533

what sports?

>> No.27285540
Quoted by: >>27285648

>starts naming holos who are good at Minecraft
>doesn't bother to mention Aqua
Why does Korone hate Aqua so much?

>> No.27285544

Intense cervix pounding from her boyfriend probably. She'll be ok in a few days

>> No.27285546

Cover should hire an alcoholic

>> No.27285551
Quoted by: >>27285612


>> No.27285552

Didnt she have quite literally 4-5 different channels she dropped before Hololive? She seems happy with her current arrangement so thats good.

>> No.27285553

I know none of you here watch the ENs, but Kiara just had a huge yabee moment and everyone's trying to cancel her now. It's really bad, I don't know if she'll be able to bounce back from this.

>> No.27285557

Toaw was ahead of the curve with Apex streams. Will the other holo girls (no one gives a shit about the guys) rip her off and start playing Among Us as well?

>> No.27285559

that's strange, because roboco is a libtard.

>> No.27285562

what a whore

>> No.27285563

can confirm
source:I'm her boyfriend

>> No.27285568


>> No.27285572

Same. Feels like shit desu

>> No.27285574


>> No.27285575

isn't that just Yagoo

>> No.27285582
Quoted by: >>27285610

they already hired ***zawa

>> No.27285587


>> No.27285594

Twapper is likely playing it because of Coco though, I'm surprised the other girls aren't ready to jump in.

>> No.27285596

I'll take either

>> No.27285606
Quoted by: >>27285678

Coco actually wanted to play Among Us first anon, don't give towa too much credit for originality

>> No.27285610

shark drunk stream is gonna be lit

>> No.27285612
Quoted by: >>27285642

My oshi is not an alcoholic!! She can quit anytime she wants to!!

>> No.27285614

Do you guys think Nene has any weird fetishes?

>> No.27285615

Redeem for 1 Yab

>> No.27285618

I fully expected it

>> No.27285619

a daring synthesis

>> No.27285625

The cringe is gonna be so good. I'll be happy if it's even half as good as the Discord call.

>> No.27285626
Quoted by: >>27286133

She noticed that there's a lot of players that use aggressive tactics and they usually don't have jap nicknames

>> No.27285628
Quoted by: >>27285637

loli tummies

>> No.27285633
Quoted by: >>27285784

>shien telling EOPs to shut up
based as FUCK

>> No.27285637

It would be weird to not have that fetish

>> No.27285638

She likes to stick beetles up her butt.

>> No.27285642
Quoted by: >>27285679

And you're not an holoholic, right? So you can quit anytime you want too!

>> No.27285644

Damn, I guess it's over for EN

>> No.27285643

>Polka can't sing
What a bitch.

>> No.27285648

No one really likes Aqua, Senchou just tolerates her but only because she a sweet old lady

>> No.27285653
Quoted by: >>27285662

Is this actually true or are you just making narratives out of this one clip?

>> No.27285654
Quoted by: >>27285688

is anyone saved Rikka english song stream?

>> No.27285658

"Yabai" is my reaction to political bullshit in Hololive streams too.

>> No.27285662


>> No.27285669

Which holo could make an anon cum the fastest?

>> No.27285673

this is not ok

>> No.27285678
Quoted by: >>27285736

Victory doesn't go to the almost first, the woulda coulda shouldas. Or goes to the people who actually do it first. That's why Towa's a trendsetter, and Coco is in stupid bitch jail.

>> No.27285679

Yes!! I can!! I just don't want to...

>> No.27285682


>> No.27285688

[EN] Anon: Did anyone save Rikka's english only singing stream?

>> No.27285690
Quoted by: >>27285704


>> No.27285697

Makes me wonder if they picked Gen5 by people who applied at least 5 times.

Better apply 6 times if you're applying for Gen6, just to be safe.

>> No.27285699

Oh my god

>> No.27285700

WTF bros. Her Peko obsession lead to this?

>> No.27285704


>> No.27285737
Quoted by: >>27285779


>> No.27285736

Doesn't change that she's hopping on a trend herself anon
>Coco in stupid bitch jail
kek, that's pretty funny though

>> No.27285739

Good luck typing out a room code before 9 people on keyboard though.

>> No.27285746
Quoted by: >>27285819

Maybe that's why there are so many menhera Holo. These girls spent so much time on NND they're mentally damaged.

>> No.27285758

Ayame cause she's a whore

>> No.27285759
Quoted by: >>27285837

You scared the shit out of me man.

>> No.27285762


I have membership to polka, she is japan otaku meme core, if you visited nico douga in the last 10 years for memes (Oruga, kemono friends, higurashi, cookie, hakata no sho, KONO KAWA FUKAI, kuroe rumeru, cinderella girls) you would understand.

if you are a japan memelord she is your girl, (as if the MAD video was not evidence enough) not that you would understand though, she will completely filter you if you are an EOP gaijin.

>> No.27285779
Quoted by: >>27285797


>> No.27285784
Quoted by: >>27285920

Once again, homoshits copying the hololives

>> No.27285787
Quoted by: >>27285858

Does she meme drop NND as hard as Marine? I might have to open up my wallet if that's the case.

>> No.27285788


>> No.27285789


>> No.27285797


>> No.27285805
Quoted by: >>27285873

It's the reason bakatare was formed.

>> No.27285810

This isn't right...

>> No.27285816

At this point, what are the odds of Mano Aloe coming back?

>> No.27285818

you were paid in one(1) smile and wink this week. If you want more start a union

>> No.27285819

I mean no shit, there's a reason NND was known a "Zoo of young women" they get their kick of bullying the shit out of young girls, the site is and has always been complicit of a lot of bad stuff, but it was the place to be for nerd so people put up with it

>> No.27285830
Quoted by: >>27285950

Shion yo...

>> No.27285831
Quoted by: >>27285853

It turns out Nenepro was the real black company all along that the jannies should've been angry about.

>> No.27285833

What a retarded tier list.

>> No.27285835

the other 5th gen girls are laughing at us for being poor! but we work hard!

>> No.27285837

Kek even if I knew what was coming, deep down everybody knows that chicken has the highest chance in all of hololive of having a yabee, so for a second did I fall for it

>> No.27285838

So you're saying Polka panders to /jp/ vets who've been here for 20 years.

>> No.27285840

what the FUCK Kiara

>> No.27285841
Quoted by: >>27285926

My impression is that Cover would welcome her back if she wanted to return, but that's not based on anything solid.

>> No.27285842
Quoted by: >>27285873

Flare likes to drink A LOT, Flare not being able to handle alcohol very well is the reason bakatare exist

>> No.27285846

how many times has flare and noel fucked compared to shion and marine or okayu and korone?

>> No.27285853

Whaddya mean, NenePro is your law abiding orange company aru

>> No.27285855

0, there is no way.

>> No.27285858


she literally memedrops every couple of sentences, (even did some when watching comando), she also did the whole LOUISEEEE copypasta thing, KIBOU NO HANA song, "only gradeschoolers play touhou on easy smug girls" copypasta and BATTORU DOME things on the MAD video


>> No.27285860

Her boyfriend got lonely again

>> No.27285862

0 because there is no way Flare's cock will fit inside danchou

>> No.27285863

I know dead hours and holos taking days off is normal but is there any reason why its been ultra dead today?

>> No.27285864

super nenechi...

>> No.27285866
File: 36 KB, 320x320, 1601249076107.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27285873
Quoted by: >>27286028

Stream? Context?

>> No.27285875

did you really spend 10 years pretending you understood mediocre japanese memes

>> No.27285876


>> No.27285882

That's it bros. Hololive is done for. Let's pack it up and go back to severe depression

>> No.27285886


>> No.27285896

Every time she opens her mouth, I just want to grab a belt sander and file down Nene's ugly fucking snaggletooth

>> No.27285908

Your oshi.

>> No.27285917


>> No.27285918

none of them fuck
they only flirt for the viewers
Coco and Kanata on the other hand fuck at least twice a day, that's why Kanata bring Coco food all the time

>> No.27285920

I fucking love Luna

>> No.27285921

Towa could make me cum with her eyes alone

>> No.27285924

Coco and Haato being gone, Polka, Lamy and Botan having to tip toe the jannies situation, lack of permissions, people being busy with health issues, recordings, meetings, there's many reasons.

>> No.27285925

explains why she is so fucking boring.
applied till they gave up and let her in.

>> No.27285926

I agree, but when is the point of no coming back?

>> No.27285928


>> No.27285931


>> No.27285937


>> No.27285938

Korone used to get unwarranted hate on NND but Pekora got hate because she used to torment streamers and talk behind their back on streams.
She would call for her fans to raid other channels and start rumors about other streamers.
There are videos out there about game tournaments and when Pekora's voice would be heard, chat would all spam 4444444444 (Die die die die) because they knew she was a bad person.

She used to have a really foul mouth as well (she still has one, but it was far worse). If you've ever heard Mea before, that's what Pekora was kind of like, not as brutish with the burping and stuff but she would swear constantly. Just non-stop swearing and vicious words. She was not a friendly person, you can still feel that in her streams. She's a violent girl, when she would play games and a male would talk to her, she would react violently and try to team kill that person.

Of course, Pekora has changed for the better, I think everyone has accepted that. She's one of the most beloved holos now. But don't get it twisted, Pekora was basically an internet delinquent.

>> No.27285941
Quoted by: >>27285968

CEO will be doing Ringfit tonight. I repeat, this is not a drill. CEO will be doing Ringfit tonight.

>> No.27285946

it's the fourth of the month, aka "sexually pleasure yagoo day"

>> No.27285947

ceo ring fit!

>> No.27285950


>> No.27285960

Hiroyuki aka Japanese moot is in nene's chat

>> No.27285962

dead is comfy

>> No.27285963
Quoted by: >>27285990



you are missing out on an awesome rabbit hole

>> No.27285968


>> No.27285975
Quoted by: >>27285987

Imagine the disaster when people find out hiromoot is dating Nene.

>> No.27285986

Mikochi I miss you...

>> No.27285987

If that was true why don't we have a /nenepro/ board?

>> No.27285990
Quoted by: >>27286025

japanese humor is mostly awful

>> No.27286000

>aqua draws better than me

>> No.27286004

Quiet before the storm

>> No.27286010


>> No.27286013

He doesn't even remember he owns 4chan.

>> No.27286014

pekora is a piece of shit

>> No.27286019
Quoted by: >>27286058

NND is a garbage site and japanese "humor" is both unfunny and 10 years behind the west. Polka is ok tho

>> No.27286020

Gomenasai Ken-sama

>> No.27286024

are we still in /jp/?

>> No.27286025
Quoted by: >>27286075


that is what EVERY EOP says ever, unironically.

>> No.27286028
Quoted by: >>27286093

It's privated, but a brief summary would be, Flare got way too drunk on stream to the point where FBK had to get involved in order to keep her on check, she grabbed whoever was available on discord who happened to be watame and they made her play horror games until she sobered up, by the tail end of the stream flare said something like "we're the idiots who stay up until morning" and that's were bakatare got its name, latter on they streamed sober and since they got along the group stayed

That's the reason as to why they played horror games during the offcollab

>> No.27286029
Quoted by: >>27286071

kanatach....your twitter reps....

>> No.27286030

She won't. She can live with funding from her fanbox. She will just stream for aloetard from now on.

>> No.27286036

>had a nightmare that involved yagoo abducting me and genderbending me into an idol
>he even made me undergo idol boot camp too

>> No.27286039

Didn't Pekora once scream verbal abuse at her NND audience for 1 hour straight? Her rage issues used to be pretty bad.

>> No.27286040

Is there any update on nene's rundown?

>> No.27286042

can I get full of her singing this

>> No.27286046
Quoted by: >>27286113

2 ton nenechi...

>> No.27286049

are you sure you didn't look at hiroyuki nakamura instead?

>> No.27286058

Because Reddit memes and wojaks are the absolute pinnacle of comedy

>> No.27286059

I mean her past life was a gigantic shitposter so yeah makes sense

>> No.27286060

>your oshi
>what anime are you watching this season

>> No.27286061


>> No.27286064

I'm jealous of everyone getting holo dreams.

>> No.27286069

its youtube's fault

>> No.27286071
Quoted by: >>27286134


>> No.27286073
Quoted by: >>27286092

do you know pekora?

>> No.27286075

deflecting criticism of Japan by saying you're EOP is also what EOPs say

>> No.27286081

I don't watch anime I'm not a weeb

>> No.27286084
Quoted by: >>27286100

INCOMING choco apex

>> No.27286086


>> No.27286092


>> No.27286093

Not him but the last part about the horror game offcollab didn't click until now. Thanks.

>> No.27286095

>Adachi to Shimamura

>> No.27286100

I'll watch the chicken instead.

>> No.27286101

It's not worth having Holo dreams when you wake up at the end and have to deal with the soul crushing pain for the entire day.

>> No.27286104

Anime has been shit since 2010

>> No.27286105

Not enough

>> No.27286109

Son and pizza are playing doctor with pikamee soon. zehi zehi

>> No.27286113
File: 1.86 MB, 1158x1540, 84798916_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27286114

they aren't always good dreams
I once dreamed that my oshi was ugly irl
that was my dream

>> No.27286115

i hate memes they arent funny so you can suck my dick bitch

>> No.27286120

Fuck you, I'm still jealous of you dreamfags

>> No.27286123

probably just haikyuu and jujutsu, havent watched anime since may

>> No.27286126

Sorry Roboco, Choco is gonna play apex.

>> No.27286127

Like 7 different shows for the first time in almost 8 seasons. Last good seasons were winter 2018 and fall 2017

>> No.27286132

Too early to count, the season's barely started.
I just dropped Kamen Rider Saber today though what a dogshit season.

>> No.27286133
Quoted by: >>27286149

The fuck does that even means? grifters? smurfs?

>> No.27286134

>immediately vanishes again
Did she catch Ayame's disease

>> No.27286135

>Can't sing
You fucking clearly don't watch her. She's also a pretty good utaite with a decent following before her nobu days

>> No.27286141


>> No.27286142

>303 images

>> No.27286146

GochiUsa and Oniisama

>> No.27286149
Quoted by: >>27286190

they don't play passive like bitch ass japs

>> No.27286150

>actually get around to checking out homo stars
>they're pretty based
>check out roberu's among us stream the other night
>that fucking voice
even if it is exaggerated for the sake of the character that shit sounds very unfitting. i always imagined him with a deep suave ass voice, a younger hayami sho or something

>> No.27286155

>There are videos out there
gay faggot just buy the live downloads and put on catbox

>> No.27286158


>> No.27286162

The fuck

>> No.27286168

Funny janitor. Polka is easily the most interesting of the four.
Botan has her FPS skills, but Lamy and Nene are completely boring and talenless.

>> No.27286169

>sounding like a retard
Anon, have you ever watched one of her ringfit streams? Luna has one of the most orgasmic moans of hololive, not even the asmr holos can keep up with the absolute boner that Luna can give you with her moans. It's even better because she tries to keep the Princess persona but it keeps on breaking with the moaning and low voices.
tl;dr Luna is a sex goddess.

>> No.27286171

Tonikaku Kawaii

>> No.27286172

No one asked, no one cares

>> No.27286173

>wow youre so contraian anonchama, very cool keep it up
Leave no one asked you to be here, if youre just here to spew Anti shit everywhere

>> No.27286174

roberu is the subaru of holostars

>> No.27286178

pointy nips

>> No.27286185

Rikka please go and come back

>> No.27286190

Good, that's how Apex is fun to watch

>> No.27286191

i dont think i remember asking anyone though

>> No.27286192

He is great

>> No.27286201

Nothing really caught my eye for Fall but I watched kanojo okarishimasu and oregairu last season.

>> No.27286211

I think it fits, he looks and sounds like a lively older brother

>> No.27286214


>> No.27286215

>meido is nenefag

>> No.27286216

You cared enough to respond though...

>> No.27286217

