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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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>> No.27215917
File: 82 KB, 800x800, 1601515056071.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27215920

>Playing multiple streams on Holotools
>Holo schedules
>Playboard Superchat Tracker
>Realtime Vtuber Subs Tracking
>Vtuber Glossary



CN (Overseas)

CN (Occupied)


>> No.27215921

i was there that day

>> No.27215924

>can post images

>> No.27215925


>> No.27215926

That's fine.

>> No.27215928

I want more Rrisu threads

>> No.27215930

fine by me, more ASMR please tree rat.

>> No.27215931
Quoted by: >>27216128

>mori poking fun at her hard M chat

>> No.27215932
File: 321 KB, 600x337, 12127dba755.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27216006

collab when

>> No.27215934
File: 250 KB, 1448x2048, EjFidopU8AA_Svq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27215975

I love my shark

>> No.27215935


>> No.27215938
Quoted by: >>27215964

What the fuck is this game

>> No.27215939
File: 102 KB, 422x442, 1600753322258.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27216238

Comfy hours

>> No.27215940
File: 1.41 MB, 1000x1415, YANE 4964707.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Elementary, my dear.
Thank You: https://files.catbox.moe/m428sy.mp3

>> No.27215942
File: 319 KB, 1483x689, 1601667182538.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27216002

m-meido pls

>> No.27215944
File: 96 KB, 1600x699, 1601406919593.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GOOOOOOOOOOOD MORNING /hlgg/! Just wanted to remind you that the girls from HoloMyth (yes, THE gen 1 girls of HoloEN) will be streaming to you today on YouTube! Make sure to save your money for superchats and memberships so you can cash in on HoloMyth's time in the spotlight!


Sorry /hlgg/, we kept trying to warn you that these threads surrounding **global Hololive girls and their streams** doesn't include irrelevant bullshit, but you refused to listen. Day after day you stomped your feet and continued to get rangebanned on the false hope that we'll someday devolve into /b/ and /r9k/ degeneracy. Unfortunetly, people DO actually have higher standards for themselves and no one cares about some retarded roommate narrative. Guess you gotta deal with the hard truth that you bring nothing to the table and should probably kill yourselves! But don't worry, you can at least be comforted with the fact Hololive will keep going strong even when you're gone, with their greatest talent at the vanguard: the one-and-only HoloMyth!

>> No.27215946
Quoted by: >>27215972

Why the fuck did you guys take so long

>> No.27215947
File: 76 KB, 614x694, poolsquirrel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27215949
Quoted by: >>27216018

i cant stand mori's voice its way too deep for me

>> No.27215951

that's fine, risu a cute

>> No.27215956

Keep posting /ourtreerrat/ threads Nutchad

>> No.27215959

Honestly, I'd make them but I'm always scared I'' be a few seconds too late

>> No.27215960
File: 271 KB, 640x640, 1601598776457.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27215962
File: 219 KB, 502x502, 1601515872733.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27216033


>> No.27215964
File: 99 KB, 300x292, 1601525936848.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27215965
File: 104 KB, 355x153, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty sure it's this.

>> No.27215966

You just became a successful VTuber with HoloEN's 2nd generation! How do you give a shout-out to your /jp/ origins without alienating the casual viewer or destroying your channel with cringe?

>> No.27215968

It took 1m49s for the thread to be created. This calls for an investigation.

Archive of Amelia's karaoke stream at around 2020-10-03T01:15:00Z:

Original URL: https://youtu.be/yHy2lhZjnr4

>>27211414 >>27211902 >>27211831 >>27211210 >>27211520
Mirrors uploaded by various anons:

Audio-only version for low-bandwidth / non-visual friends:

>> No.27215969
File: 108 KB, 505x438, Confy Risu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based Risuposter

>> No.27215971
File: 1.92 MB, 1747x769, amelikajin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Important question: Who has more big dick American energy?

>> No.27215972
Quoted by: >>27216016

All the >early posts have got people anxious

>> No.27215973
File: 808 KB, 767x715, 1599742991757.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27216038

Risufags are getting uppity again, today I remind them

>> No.27215974

Sorry but I won't give money to someone who hates white people and white culture

>> No.27215975

I also love my wife

>> No.27215977

nothing wrong with that based nutter

>> No.27215978
File: 37 KB, 533x248, 1600837439893.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27215979

Keep up the good work

>> No.27215980
File: 1.42 MB, 248x189, f73.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27215992

Bado endu time

>> No.27215993
File: 1.14 MB, 4000x4000, 1594553088600.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27215994
File: 247 KB, 593x569, inahentai.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I redid the Ina naizuri drawing

>> No.27215996

I wouldn't say shit after seeing what people here have done to the girls

>> No.27215998

Why is dad so mad

>> No.27216000

Reminder to give Risu nuts next month

>> No.27215999

idk GOOD MORNING MADAFAKAS is pretty big dick energy

>> No.27216001

I wonder what time the collab will be. Mori is hosting it this time right?

>> No.27216002


>> No.27216003
File: 36 KB, 327x147, rrat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is literally R.RAT. Enjoy the stream, guys.

>> No.27216004
Quoted by: >>27216162

Mori is more of a normal American
Coco is how japanese people see Americans
so Coco

>> No.27216005
Quoted by: >>27216063

but yeah if you anti kira and mori post while claiming to be a trinity poster please stop because you are nothing more then a parasite latching on to a good thing and tainting it with your shit head opinion you are worse then goslings because you gosling for 3 people and anti post TLDR neck your self fake trinityfags

>> No.27216006

>that legendary Fubuki stream because Shion and Marine overslept
>Gura is friendly with Shion and Marine
>SHE likes the booze
Could we see a sequel some day?

>> No.27216011

you pretty much cant without losing your job lol

>> No.27216013


>> No.27216016

I think it was probably because nobody wanted to make clones because it was definitely not early

>> No.27216018
Quoted by: >>27216111

intimidated that her voice is deeper than your? fucking limp wristed fag

>> No.27216020 [DELETED] 
File: 328 KB, 1856x1944, p.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27216022
File: 25 KB, 159x158, 1589713733854.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27216024
File: 196 KB, 480x473, bro.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice zuri

>> No.27216033

Gura has some pretty cute nails.

Never took a moment to notice that...

>> No.27216034

You don't

>> No.27216035
File: 18 KB, 501x202, ZCJ7WZR[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Youtube comment on Ame singing Never Gonna Give You Up, actually made me laugh

>> No.27216038

don't do it Risu! It's a trap!

>> No.27216039


>> No.27216043
File: 211 KB, 382x428, 1576956168271.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

berry naisu

>> No.27216044


>> No.27216046
File: 2.05 MB, 400x406, 1601182803737.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27216244

>Ina vid at 8 in the morning tomorrow
I might actually go to sleep at a decent time

>> No.27216050
File: 303 KB, 1500x878, EjTgJ4kU8AIcd7L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27216052 [DELETED] 

The power of echo!

>> No.27216054
File: 65 KB, 1000x728, 1601346011968.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll just go ogey once and be done with it

>> No.27216055

You can reply to this if you want a magnet for the full video archive

>> No.27216056

I believe it's around this time tomorrow, or half an hour ago I should say. it's somewhere in her wine stream. or just wait for it to go up

>> No.27216057

Reminder that Amelia has a bf and you will never be with her

>> No.27216059


>> No.27216062 [DELETED] 
File: 235 KB, 501x711, 1601519631816.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Won't forget Pika

>> No.27216063
Quoted by: >>27216109

It's a handful of schizos who are trying to stir up shitfights. You can easily tell their posting style. "Hey X bros, why is Y so shit?"

>> No.27216065

i'm pretty sure the reason she failed at napping before karaoke was that she knew she'd sleep though it.

>> No.27216068
File: 10 KB, 71x61, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27217924

this is your average goslingposter

>> No.27216072

She said she was taking a break after her Doom stream then collab. Expect like 12-1 EST

>> No.27216075
File: 1.65 MB, 866x1200, ame.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27218940


>> No.27216082 [DELETED] 

Curious no one tried doxxing Pikamee yet.

>> No.27216083

Shark is overrated.

>> No.27216084
File: 898 KB, 2894x4093, 1601240153386.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's over, your hearts belong to us


Bonus: https://files.catbox.moe/m428sy.mp3

>> No.27216085

How do I get an autistic cingey dork gf?

>> No.27216091
Quoted by: >>27216172

>This calls for an investigation.
I thought you left. Good to know you never did.

>> No.27216093

Yes ribjob

>> No.27216094 [DELETED] 
File: 20 KB, 800x800, 1601521481706.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27216221

>It took 1m49s for the thread to be created. This calls for an investigation.
Not the first time, it's happening since yesterday, only NTR faggots are left in these threads... oops I said it, yes I'll take my meds now!! thanks in advance for reminding me based NTRbros.

>> No.27216095
File: 293 KB, 557x634, 1600641527779.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27216096 [DELETED] 

>spic asking how to move to Japan
>"no not now because of the c-word"

>> No.27216097 [SPOILER] 
File: 65 KB, 248x254, 1601699622976.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27216099
Quoted by: >>27216139

who would do the emergency 4 hour damage control stream while they slept in?

>> No.27216104
File: 1.55 MB, 1280x720, 1595234715830.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27216103
File: 8 KB, 225x225, 1601349097086.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit

>> No.27216105 [DELETED] 

Literally nothing and people still insist you lurk the threads

>> No.27216108

From previous thread, pretty nice

>> No.27216109

yeah they do it for every group or mega group and they spread dox naratives and skizo posts

>> No.27216111

its not even that i can tolerate someone like 39daph, its like her voice is a normal voice but dropped down an octave somehow

>> No.27216114
Quoted by: >>27216127

You can't. They're not real.

>> No.27216115
Quoted by: >>27216959

>HoloEN's 2nd generation
>Not Holostars
>You've become a member of a female-only group
Nani the fuck. Also I'd do a cooking review stream with Kiara cooking spaghetti, that's as good a clue as you're going to get.

>> No.27216118


>> No.27216120

Unironically Coco

>> No.27216125


>> No.27216128
File: 256 KB, 1250x1250, 1601597023047.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But isn't she also an M?

>> No.27216127

You're lying that can't possibly be true

>> No.27216130
File: 180 KB, 783x243, 1601677661775.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27216133
File: 7 KB, 358x76, 68684648648465.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My virtual little sister just liked my tweet. Feeling pretty good.

>> No.27216137

Shark is good. Her fanbase is terrible though

>> No.27216139

Fubuki/Ame would be the JR/King of chuubas.

>> No.27216146


>> No.27216148
File: 454 KB, 512x513, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27216149

Go dumpster diving

>> No.27216150

>killing mad murderer is bad
holy kusoge

>> No.27216153

Based teamates

>> No.27216152

I love Droodles

>> No.27216158
File: 7 KB, 300x168, images (7).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If the game is really hardcore cringeworthy material, then Mori seems to look better by comparison.

Anonymous Agony when?

>> No.27216157

Please stop posting this image as it makes me feel insecure about Kiara stealing Mori away from me.

>> No.27216160

This is not the way of Christ...

>> No.27216162
Quoted by: >>27216181

This. Mori is pacific rim, Coco is Metal Wolf Chaos.

>> No.27216163

JP is my favorite Jurassic Park movie.

>> No.27216164
File: 145 KB, 1651x1106, 1601521872938.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27216276

nice fucking job

>> No.27216165
File: 896 KB, 2894x4093, A0590AAE-A134-406C-860B-398B22B01DAF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Help! I’ve fallen in love with an anime girl

>> No.27216166
File: 579 KB, 1524x1440, 1601532827578.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27216168

Very nice, excellent work.

>> No.27216170

Did she ever end up getting to collab with Korone? I remember Risu being a big fan of hers.

>> No.27216171

Fuck, I hate how emotional this makes me. It hurts and I dunno why.
The flawed singing makes it better somehow.

>> No.27216172

I'm not actually him, just thought I'd fill in just this once. I fucked up on the math too, should be 1m51s.

>> No.27216174
File: 458 KB, 1000x500, 1601368678659.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27216176
File: 341 KB, 873x733, 1601657605795.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27216227


>> No.27216180

Ye ye

>> No.27216181
Quoted by: >>27216219

I'd like to see Mori's pacific rim, if you catch my drift

>> No.27216187

Coco is a rootin' tootin' good old boy from down south. Can't get more American than that.

>> No.27216193

Yeah I have to agree. She's still very good, just extremely boosted by hype and memes.

>> No.27216198
Quoted by: >>27216256

I mean Gura is in a completely different country so it wouldn't really work.

>> No.27216201

Does Kiara really hate white people? I guess it makes sense being a Germ and all

>> No.27216202


>> No.27216204


>> No.27216207
File: 359 KB, 900x561, 1601670225415.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27216375

Any chance of a dickless version? I think you drew Ina very well, good job.

>> No.27216208
Quoted by: >>27216245

Does anyone have a clip of Ame singing The Moon Song?

>> No.27216212

This game is cliche as fuck

>> No.27216215

I want to check my exo-skello-teen with Mori.

>> No.27216216

DAYUM, mom has some big titties

>> No.27216219
Quoted by: >>27216255

I don't understand

>> No.27216221
Quoted by: >>27216328

Stay mad purityfag

>> No.27216222

barracuda its too late

>> No.27216223

Ok bryan you can stop weirdly shooping her in your real life pics now

>> No.27216224
File: 208 KB, 850x1202, SPICY CHICKEN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not making it a 3some
What are you gay?

>> No.27216227

yo this FUCKING shark is CUTE

>> No.27216231
Quoted by: >>27216251

Makes it more relatable, I suppose.

>> No.27216235
File: 490 KB, 552x477, 1599940987687.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's a clip of Gura mentioning she talked with Marine earlier for those who missed it


>> No.27216236 [DELETED] 

Trinitychads, don't abandon the cause just yet. The threads may have turned against us for now, but we can regroup and regain strength. Deadbrats and chickenshits are only uppity because of yesterday's shitshow, but they have nothing against us Tentacultists, Teamates and chunbuddies.

>> No.27216238
File: 51 KB, 252x352, 1601413923940.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27216239


>> No.27216240
File: 1006 KB, 1000x1414, Gawr.Gura.full.3077960.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you trust her to give you a safe blowjob?

>> No.27216244

>8am PDT
made me worried there m8
though she would actually schedule something at 9:30

>> No.27216245
File: 240 KB, 764x626, uGkjJBz[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do your youtube reps anon

>> No.27216248

The first beatmap she picked in the osu stream earlier was the one I linked, we're making it bro

>> No.27216249

>Shark is overrated.
hard not to be with such explosive succes.

>> No.27216251
File: 58 KB, 641x635, 1601688513079.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was honestly the best song of the karaoke stream. It's hella cute

>> No.27216253
Quoted by: >>27216460

>Ame clearly nervous about doing karaoke
>Ina/Gura collab overlap to keep viewers low
>still ends up getting over 20k and people seemed to really like it
Pretty based

>> No.27216255

anonchama you inuendo reps

>> No.27216256
File: 136 KB, 280x360, OvenBakedChicken.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No. That anon is just a schizo.

>> No.27216259

Uh oh, meidos don't look...

>> No.27216260

>''ogey rrat'' occasionally
That's it. Maybe some meme reference like Ina's ''thanks for the dose doc''

>> No.27216261
File: 283 KB, 484x484, 1601086571092.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27216265

I made her sad bros...

>> No.27216266
File: 3.68 MB, 232x227, 1601477431203.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27216267

>I don't like speaking German
I'm not saying she must say "I fucking love German" but being so open about disliking your native language is a big red flag, tells a lot about her character.

>> No.27216272
File: 76 KB, 567x253, amescapism.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27216355

Threadly reminder that Hololive is NOT a girlfriend simulator! Become a better person alongside the support from your oshi!

>> No.27216273
File: 390 KB, 446x550, 1600241212588.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well yes. Many things perfectly going well creates a magical success story.

>> No.27216274

that's not comfy!

>> No.27216275

this better be all part of some elaborate joke cause this is getting kinda cringe but with none of the kino

>> No.27216276

got a feeling that this was drawn by a tumblrina

>> No.27216278

Update: Dad is still bad

>> No.27216279
File: 163 KB, 1000x1386, 1600637237043.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>chair clattering

>> No.27216283
File: 1.14 MB, 4093x2894, 1601616075098.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tribalfags are no longer welcome. Only Unityposting from now on.

>> No.27216284
Quoted by: >>27216330

She'd bite on purpose.

>> No.27216285

is kiara into asian guys im just curious...

>> No.27216291

no but I would do it anyways.

>> No.27216292
File: 266 KB, 1446x1704, Eiia25EXYAAnXl4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27216319


>> No.27216293

Should I commission some fanart of her in a Nazi uniform and fangirling over Hitler?

>> No.27216296

Coco, mori sounds more unnatural speaking english then her. Mori sounds like a robot most of the time.

>> No.27216297
File: 390 KB, 2047x2048, EixC468UwAEig2l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>take a peek at the main thread
>another yabai drama in progress
The ride never ends.

>> No.27216298
Quoted by: >>27216359

Is dad an idolchad?

>> No.27216299
Quoted by: >>27216359

the story is about an idolfag lel

>> No.27216309

>she is perfect now but she will one day be sullied
*hits pipe*

>> No.27216310
Quoted by: >>27216386


>> No.27216315

>Autistically turned girls into soulless dolls so they aren't defiled
>we are the doctor

>> No.27216318

why does this game have overwhelmingly positive reviews on steam when it's so bland and written so mediocre?

>> No.27216319
File: 947 KB, 1116x1579, 1600411690617.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My retarded chickenwife is so cute!

>> No.27216321
File: 337 KB, 1700x2132, 1601664646898.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm smiling, bros and I can't stop smiling.

>> No.27216322
File: 39 KB, 750x350, 1600802433638.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27216326
File: 147 KB, 702x355, iofi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27216327

can't believe polka is about to graduate..

>> No.27216328
File: 63 KB, 540x726, 7ebbd1c7e721fb396d36b821cf4caa30.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based. How many loads did you felch last night my fellow NTRchad?

>> No.27216329
Quoted by: >>27216386

Woah, calm there Neet. Only one is enough, okay?

>> No.27216331
Quoted by: >>27216373

>kiara and mori can get easy 3d streams since they live in japan
wew lad

>> No.27216330

but what about TWWIE

>> No.27216336
File: 78 KB, 1280x720, 4 HOURS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mori started the stream 90mins ago

>> No.27216337

huh? what'd they do now?

>> No.27216345

Damn Aya's family is fucked

>> No.27216346 [DELETED] 
File: 33 KB, 128x127, 1601501527294.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>MY favorite is Watson :^)

>> No.27216347 [SPOILER] 
File: 171 KB, 1005x1553, 1601700123029.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Missed Ame's karaoke but I had my first ever dream of her.
We were on a bus, on the way to a school field trip. We were mostly ignoring each other, but every now and then we would accidentally touch. I couldn't help but blush. I once again felt like a teenage kid who was in love. I wish I could recall what else happened in that dream, all I can remember now is how happy I was.

>> No.27216350

The cycle continues.

>> No.27216352
File: 24 KB, 428x424, ゴズリング6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27216394

Bros I don't want to turn Ame into a doll...

>> No.27216353

This is enjoyable.

>> No.27216354


>> No.27216355
Quoted by: >>27216770

HoloEN Fantasy Tactics when?

>> No.27216360

>my oshi replied to my tweet
later virgins

>> No.27216358

False flagger begone you wear many masks but i see through your lies do not invoke the holy trinity i was there when it formed

>> No.27216359
File: 334 KB, 720x888, latest[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*hits pipe*

>> No.27216363

It's over dissing (literal) janitors in Japan. Really compared to here yesterday it's not super-terrible. That'll be hard to top.

>> No.27216364
File: 114 KB, 252x352, 1601413918020.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27216370

What do you call Mori's style of rap

>> No.27216372
Quoted by: >>27216446

Is it actually worth the effort? she's already the least popular HoloEN.

>> No.27216373

I could actually see Kiara doing it, including the posing and semi lewd stuff

>> No.27216374

Polka made fun of jannies

>> No.27216375
File: 24 KB, 590x591, 1601444973125.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks anon, no dickless version because I didn't setup my layers that way

>> No.27216380

Steam reviews are the least trustworthy shit out there half the time

>> No.27216381

Don't make her remember that sad time of her life anonchama :(

>> No.27216383

How dare you criticize shark, anon. Now their defense force is coming for you.

>> No.27216384

Teasing girls is the best.

>> No.27216386
Quoted by: >>27216430

im western-born chinese though, do you think shed like non-jap guys...
not him, im 100% chink although i like white girls

>> No.27216387

Apparently Lamy made a joke about wagies and they really didn't like it.

>> No.27216391

She later complained to her friends about the creepy guy on the bus.

>> No.27216393

2010 was another time

>> No.27216394


>> No.27216395

gura got excited earlier when ina mentioned animal crossing but then they turned their attention back to the game and stopped talking about it. oh well.

>> No.27216401
File: 12 KB, 921x461, 1601691014285.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27216463

Anon no
Pull back
She wants you to find your own happiness

>> No.27216405


>> No.27216406

oh so another nothingburger, sasuga /hlg/

>> No.27216409

Missed the stream but I can apreciate this song.
Sounds really cute

>> No.27216410
Quoted by: >>27216459

Sounds based. Details please

>> No.27216416

Fuck, thats pretty tame compared to the last few days

>> No.27216422
Quoted by: >>27216454

lets be real here
shark can't wake up at 8am

>> No.27216424

On one hand I want her to see the footjob coupon but on the other hand I don't want her to hate me

>> No.27216425

So, literal banter? That's it?

>> No.27216427
File: 2.46 MB, 1174x1220, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27216464

Man Ame's cover my Kiss Me is fucking beautiful. I really love it.

>> No.27216428

Based Clown

>> No.27216429

Thanks, very nice

>> No.27216430


>> No.27216437
File: 705 KB, 846x920, 1600316733480.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27216488

It's time for our daily shark kneeling session.
You may kneel now.

>> No.27216442
File: 2.99 MB, 540x350, 1601519129842.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27216446
File: 27 KB, 474x474, 1585513029029.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like nazi anime girls so yeah

>> No.27216449 [DELETED] 

Anime crossing seems like something Gura totally would play. She hits all the stereotypical girl-autism interests with rhythm games and horror games after all.

What are the odds there is a 7 foot tall Sephiroth cardboard cutout in her room?

>> No.27216452

It's mostly just jap jannies that are mass disliking the VOD and shitting on it in the comments.

>> No.27216454

no big deal. it's lunch time in my town right now but it's already tomorrow in the real world.

>> No.27216455

My character obnoxiously and obsessively talks about Touhou for like 10 years and then suddenly starts coming up with wild speculation about other hololive members to the point where everybody hates her and wants her gone.

>> No.27216458

Animal crossing seems like something Gura totally would play. She hits all the stereotypical girl-autism interests with rhythm games and horror games after all.

What are the odds there is a 7 foot tall Sephiroth cardboard cutout in her room?

>> No.27216459
Quoted by: >>27216532

It's in hlg, see here:

>> No.27216460

un-archived stream so it's not surprising people came in once she started.

>> No.27216463

I know. I watched Lars when she asked me to like the good little teammate I am.

>> No.27216464

I'm into those cheesy kind of love ballads and shit too so I really enjoyed it.

>> No.27216467
File: 452 KB, 1500x1600, 1601114782159.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I beleb in you /hlgg/! Those romantic songs Amelia was singing? They were all about you!

>> No.27216468


>> No.27216469

From what I recall about the origin of this narrative, it was actually the opposite. She was decrying the derision of Europeans as xenophobic or this that the other.
Somehow fags managed to twist it into her being anti Euro. Her dislike of speaking German doesn't help, but I think that has more to do with her weeb autism than anything else.

>> No.27216472

Mori why...

>> No.27216477
File: 943 KB, 1366x768, 1601117368561.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Amelia, don't sniff petrol from a can. You put your petrol in the car, not on your nose. Don't be rama rama

-A friendly reminder by the Warburton Australian Outreach Community

>> No.27216478

Commission her in a SS uniform along with Pekora in Imperial Japanese Army uniform.

>> No.27216480
File: 13 KB, 375x159, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never heard of them

>> No.27216483
File: 297 KB, 523x406, mad dad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27216487

Every stream I'd sneak in "reminds me of Blade Runner" without explaining any further.

>> No.27216486

Why mori...

>> No.27216488
Quoted by: >>27218735

I still haven't risen from the karaoke stream.

>> No.27216491
File: 103 KB, 355x369, 1601580011767.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank you, artia

>> No.27216493

Yeah Ina got distracted, DbD isn't the greatest game for just talking over.

>> No.27216496
File: 1.45 MB, 1600x2000, 1601621985161.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27216541

>they have nothing
I'm not even a dradbrap or chickenshit but come on... the trinity is over for me, there is only one true God.

>> No.27216497

starting to wish I saved that "days since last HoloLive scandal" image now.

>> No.27216499

Thats cute. Having a dream about your favorite holo is really fun.

>> No.27216500
File: 197 KB, 623x473, mmmm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are the meidos actually chumbuds?

>> No.27216501


>> No.27216502

I completely understand the birds hesitation to speak german, who the fuck ENJOYS hearing german?

>> No.27216506
File: 8 KB, 205x246, Artia Autism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Na, i don't beelev

>> No.27216518
Quoted by: >>27216544

oh no shes gonna start rapping

>> No.27216520
File: 2.47 MB, 1500x878, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27216557


>> No.27216522

>Ame liked my fanart
>didn't retweet it
I feel only slightly happy

>> No.27216523

>you're pure, yet one day you'll be dirtied.
..so this is the dangers of having a daughter..?

>> No.27216526
File: 227 KB, 1500x514, HATS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, meidos are Unitychads.

>> No.27216527

Mori KEK

>> No.27216529

Mori is a gfd chad

>> No.27216530
Quoted by: >>27217281

Shut the fuck up, German is a beautiful language to listen to.

>> No.27216531

doujinrap? weebcore?

>> No.27216532
File: 31 KB, 204x223, 1597120137249.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man what the hell

>> No.27216535

Me. Spending 5 dollars to hear it.

>> No.27216536
File: 155 KB, 1600x900, bullshark-teeth-e1471883685330.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27216564

Reminder that shark teeth form rows upon rows going back into their jaws.

>> No.27216541


>> No.27216543

absolutely SCUFFED

>> No.27216544

She's unironically collecting samples for a song.

>> No.27216545

Pretty sure they're condomates

>> No.27216546

Lamy: I'm a janitor
Botan: lols
Pokla: so you've been cleaning up shit for 20 years and still a janitor
Lamy: lols

Comments: Ive been a janitor for 40 years how disrespectful!

>> No.27216554
Quoted by: >>27216649

Good lord if it wasn't incredibly-obvious to you for days if not weeks already, you probably shouldn't even ask because I can tell you "yes" and you'll still not see it.

>> No.27216557
File: 2.62 MB, 1920x1080, 1601599644418.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27216563
File: 25 KB, 400x400, 1578240245889.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bird is actually a fascist
Uhhhh based?

>> No.27216564

how horrifying

>> No.27216566

mori please do some screaming i want you to go into nu-metal territory PLEASE

>> No.27216569

oh lord, that "nnGUH"

>> No.27216572


>Not HolostarsEN

And it's easy if I became a HolostarEN, because I won't have 10K+ people watching me, ever. I could literally just quickly reference these threads and no one would give a single fuck. Penis power, baby.

>> No.27216571
Quoted by: >>27216614

>Ame's Karaoke stream
I can't believe I missed it

>> No.27216573
File: 29 KB, 128x128, EhyoCFeVgAEIJmu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its too late
im gonna become rama rama with Amelia

>> No.27216575
File: 506 KB, 1920x1080, 8677686874686876.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For those who haven't watched the karaoke stream. Huke made Amelia's microphone.

>> No.27216578

Jannies BTFO. No more Hotpockets from Polka

>> No.27216591

>game is literally calling idolfags deranged lunatics
Absolutely based

>> No.27216594


>> No.27216598
File: 2.90 MB, 1600x1800, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really like how much the Holos RT fanart. Its a small gesture but it really gives back to the community.

>> No.27216602

Huke did all of there mics, it's the same model with a different color band and mascot

>> No.27216604
File: 234 KB, 1280x720, 1601533635335.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27216634

Villager gas chamber in her MC streams when?

>> No.27216605

based nips are gonna destroy the 5th gen once and for all

>> No.27216607
Quoted by: >>27216641

Japanese antis are working themselves into a frenzy over nothing, it's retarded. Or rather, it's Niji faggots.

>> No.27216609

I think he made one for all the girls

>> No.27216614
File: 732 KB, 900x900, 1601439422528.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27216725

>missing it
teamate.... you missed the greatest stream yet

>> No.27216617

Might as well use Nyanners or Ironmouse then.

>> No.27216620

Compilation when

>> No.27216625
Quoted by: >>27216706

Did Ina do her own? she has a tentacle holding a microphone

>> No.27216624

That's cool of him. He's truly the sweetest dad.

>> No.27216626

yeah, i think that's one from the batch he made when kiara got her new (irl) mic

>> No.27216633

Kiara is not dead.

>> No.27216634

She had already imprisoned that merchant, she's awakening

>> No.27216637

Polka and Lamy making fun of poor people i guess
some dislikes on the video and jp comments saying they really dont need this type of thing right now with everything else going on

>> No.27216641

To be fair, we've sperged out over incredibly minor things too

>> No.27216642
Quoted by: >>27216689


>> No.27216645


>> No.27216646

Man i'm missing some RPGmaker Kinoege now

>> No.27216649

The thing is that I come here once in a while so I can't keep up with all that happens, why is it so obvious?

>> No.27216650
File: 13 KB, 272x185, German Stug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27216655


>> No.27216663
File: 134 KB, 533x321, BOO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27216685


>> No.27216667
File: 574 KB, 720x1356, Capture+_2020-10-02-23-51-53.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heres some translated comments

>> No.27216673
Quoted by: >>27216720

I hope she's got her electricity and hasn't pulverized her back from the move.

>> No.27216681

Me. I would kill to hear her sing this during a karaoke stream

>> No.27216683
Quoted by: >>27216710

Yeah German is the Chinese of European languages

>> No.27216685

Is this a goslingposter?>>27216667

>> No.27216688

Mori's wide eyed expressions are the best

>> No.27216689
Quoted by: >>27216723

Thats really a Mori noise?

>> No.27216690
File: 305 KB, 478x480, 1593747823219.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jannies seething

>> No.27216692
File: 2.33 MB, 1817x1748, 1600868677860.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are there gonna be any Gura streams over the weekend?

>> No.27216694

Honorary bugmen playing the hurt feelings card I see.

>> No.27216695
Quoted by: >>27216727

This has to be her real voice right?

>> No.27216702

Fuck I won't be able to make it. Hope there's an archive.

>> No.27216704

wrong version, fuck

>> No.27216705
File: 712 KB, 1200x892, 84761307_p0_master1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tickling gura!

>> No.27216706

She definitely did her original one with her tentacle holding the mic. I forget who said it when, but someone said Huke made all of them mics so she's probably just not using it.

>> No.27216710

WRONG! That's Spanish.

>> No.27216718

Songs I get, some german songs are great, but fuck a stream just in german

>> No.27216719
File: 864 KB, 614x823, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27216720

she didnt have to move furniture im pretty sure

>> No.27216722

I get where they're coming from but come on it's just a shitty joke

>> No.27216723


>> No.27216725

I am watching the archive now.

>> No.27216726

When will we get a holoENdurance streamer? 1/2 hour streams are nice and all, but I like being able to just throw one on all day and chill.

>> No.27216727

I honestly think her stream voice is her real voice

>> No.27216731

her schedule ran out tonight, please watch her tiwtter for updates.

>> No.27216738
File: 250 KB, 700x600, 1600975766485.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27216739
Quoted by: >>27216813

German with an austrian accent sounds great. Hanover accent is indeed disgusting to listen though

>> No.27216740

HoloEN snack-eating collab, you can count that as a Gura stream I guess.

>> No.27216743

Bro the fuck is with all these red supers I don't understand

>> No.27216744


>> No.27216746

>mori PiP

>> No.27216752

why are hololive fans so fragile?

>> No.27216756
File: 54 KB, 196x191, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ame did a 5 hour stream awhile ago

>> No.27216759

Give it a month or so for them to all settle in and get through the high speed early days.

>> No.27216762

Give it a month or two

>> No.27216763

Ugh, why can’t she be real?

>> No.27216767

Not even letting a little pee out though :/

>> No.27216770
File: 3 KB, 94x99, 1597412220074.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ame - Gunner/Calculator
Shark - Dragoon/Templar
Ina - Morpher/Illusionist
Kiara - Summoner/Black Mage
Cali - Elementalist/Assasin

>> No.27216776
File: 345 KB, 457x611, unknown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm glad /hlgg/ managed to find peace after days of rampant shitposting. It's only gonna get better from here, folks.

>> No.27216778

What? People with good taste have more disposable income than you?

>> No.27216780


>> No.27216781
File: 3 KB, 211x39, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27216783

can't wait for those 24-hour streams with Amelia

>> No.27216785

said the /hlgg/ poster

>> No.27216786
File: 729 KB, 2014x2465, 1601467121409.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe Kokoro Clover. She still hasn't finished that game.

>> No.27216787
Quoted by: >>27216916

Some guy spending 100 dollars to try and make Mori say Kiara's her wife. again. yurifags got bank.

>> No.27216788


>> No.27216789

it's literally from HER

>> No.27216792
Quoted by: >>27216832

>verified dad
The fuck?

>> No.27216793

Dad's in chat
And we don't know why

>> No.27216794

Don't curse us Ayame

>> No.27216798

Ame's karaoke really cooled the place down.

>> No.27216801
File: 25 KB, 194x194, 1600670173330.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27216802
File: 639 KB, 1350x1920, 04.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because idols

>> No.27216805
File: 454 KB, 564x873, 1599961310609.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27216806
File: 619 KB, 1000x1167, 44a9e8009b221c4290c6c7405640b32e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27217558

Amelia is incredibly attractive. Just wanted to say that.
Good night guys.

>> No.27216807
File: 308 KB, 401x671, 1600529269064.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27216809

What will be stronger, her weebism or her hatred of her German heritage?

>> No.27216810

oh god please

>> No.27216812

It's pretty weird but i guess it's the difference of audiences
It's that the motherfucking ARG dad what the fuck

>> No.27216813

Funny enough, her normal voice in her roommate vids is much cuter than the one she puts on in her streams.

>> No.27216814

Ayame is a whore

>> No.27216816 [DELETED] 
File: 66 KB, 320x320, 196nly.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since Goslings are back on board with Amelia, I'll share one of the clips from her secret channel.
Kissies mp3: https://files.catbox.moe/hcluvp.mp3
Facecam version: https://files.catbox.moe/nvsnsf.webm

>> No.27216815
Quoted by: >>27216896

It's not hard to get better after hitting rock bottom.

>> No.27216818

Was I there?

>> No.27216819

Okay thats funny as fuck.
Nathan Barnatts a riot.

>> No.27216822

That manga is so fucking trash, my god.

>> No.27216826

what a fucking schizo...

>> No.27216828
File: 16 KB, 566x99, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What did she mean by this?

>> No.27216827

This manga hurts deep...I found myself identifying with the killer and it scared me...

>> No.27216829
File: 719 KB, 768x856, 1587279204271.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First and last poal I save.

>> No.27216830
Quoted by: >>27216850

What a weird fucking crossovers. VTubers really are approaching YouTube mainstream

>> No.27216832
Quoted by: >>27217125


He's a youtube celebrity of sorts.

>> No.27216833
File: 154 KB, 650x700, 1601537215646.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27216988

>more of this kusoge next week

>> No.27216837

>The wagie sim where nothing you do matters
Come on, she wasted at least 2 hours to the resource minigame

>> No.27216838

Listened to some of Amelia's songs from the karaoke stream. I hope she keeps practicing and gets better. Her voice has a nice quality to it.

>> No.27216839
Quoted by: >>27216875

I'm pretty sure the german in that is total gibberish, but I'd be down to listen

>> No.27216841
File: 85 KB, 198x198, 1599961808369.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the Dad channel that had a gimmick and gained lots of subs trying to leech now that his views are shit

>> No.27216842 [DELETED] 
File: 3 KB, 41x43, 181911.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27216845

What drives SEA to be weird psycho antis about virtual youtubers from JP and America, why do they do it here as well

>> No.27216847
File: 15 KB, 376x136, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They are getting smarter

>> No.27216849
File: 238 KB, 634x900, 87686768446846868.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27216850
Quoted by: >>27216885

They're getting shoutouts and references from major companies. It's really only a matter of time until one hits a big news channel.

>> No.27216851

Well uh.....
Looks like that HolyMYTH ARG might not be that too far off the table

>> No.27216853

Nathan Barnatt watches Calli?

>> No.27216856

meido-chan your work is not yet done. ganbatte

>> No.27216857

Because it was all Amefags who set the threads on fire in the first place

>> No.27216859 [DELETED] 


>> No.27216860


>> No.27216862
File: 24 KB, 376x352, 1601388946608.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27217148

>getting better
I'll take my le meds right now, thanks for your concern.

>> No.27216866
File: 15 KB, 281x328, 31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since when did Mori stream discussion become acceptable?

>> No.27216868 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>27216906

cute dog

>> No.27216870

/hlg/ are even more mentally ill than the SEAnig goslings. The entire thread pretty much just seems to be nothing but schizo antis waiting for every chuuba to eventually slip up. Even /hlgg/ stopped giving a shit about Artia's roommate's supposed comments after like two days but /hlg/ will basically carry this grudge until Polka's fired and they'll keep bringing it up for eternity afterwards.

>> No.27216872

You might want to see a therapist

>> No.27216873

It's Niji falsefag antis. Fuck all of them, I hope their shitty black company burns to the fucking ground.

>> No.27216875

It has German lyrics tho, and there's already some German weeb who did a cover of it.

>> No.27216877 [DELETED] 

Cool clips, but this isn't the timing for that, try to post it in a week or 2 when the drama has died

>> No.27216883

what a totally unexpected outcome

>> No.27216885

urge to doompost returning

>> No.27216889
File: 79 KB, 400x410, COMFYCHICKEN.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27216890 [DELETED] 

>bright blue hair
Dropped again

>> No.27216894
File: 84 KB, 1920x1080, 1600089635370.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, what?

>> No.27216896

We are still only 2 weeks into holoEN
There is no way we have already hit rock bottom yet

>> No.27216899 [DELETED] 

cute dog

>> No.27216900
File: 15 KB, 221x157, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mori now has hollywood connections.

>> No.27216906 [DELETED] 

>want to see Bubba
>don't want to see HER again
What do I do

>> No.27216907 [DELETED] 

you just KNOW

>> No.27216909

The eating snacks thing (which looks to be just a group zatsudan, not really a bad thing IMO) and that seems to be about it.

However Gura's been known to just decide to do something with only a couple hour's notice before so it's not impossible.

>> No.27216911

Not gonna lie bros, she's hella cute, not attractive in the normal sense, but cute, bless her.

>> No.27216912
File: 819 KB, 1356x1368, 160FC4F0-4265-43A3-92EB-E4C9DB678613.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want Amelia to notice me

>> No.27216913

please get help anonchama im not mocking you im concerned

>> No.27216915

You dumbasses will never stop with this shit huh.

>> No.27216916

She already admitted it though, why spend money to hear it again?

>> No.27216917

>my wife kiara bortfloew

>> No.27216918

These aren't hololive fans you retard, the video of the "offensive joke" was put on NND and used Lamy's perspective. Then they raided her video to dislike bomb it while other 5 gens didn't get anywhere near as many.

It's just another attempt from antis to false-flag and try to attack hololive.

>> No.27216919

I only love Amelia, not her roommate

>> No.27216920

What did he mean by this?

>> No.27216922


>> No.27216923

That supacha makes him sound like a creepy ojisan

>> No.27216928

That's pretty based.

>> No.27216929

in a roundabout way they were, just not in the way they might think.

>> No.27216930

Don't care. I am here for Amelia only right now.

Fuck off.

>> No.27216932
Quoted by: >>27217047

>My wife Kiara bortfloew
What did he mean by this?

>> No.27216931

Might want to take a dew days off from these threads anon.

>> No.27216933

she liked it to finally make him stop probably
fucking weirdo

>> No.27216936

I love how she looks unhappy

>> No.27216940

I think that's the point.

>> No.27216941


>> No.27216944
File: 146 KB, 238x216, 1600371593950.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's sad

>> No.27216946
File: 19 KB, 534x248, 1571000570029.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27216948

Spic or seanigger?
Betting on Spic

>> No.27216949

I've only gosling posted once as a meme but damn this is good repellent

>> No.27216950

It's obviously a wig dumbass

>> No.27216951
File: 67 KB, 409x499, 1600802636215.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27216981

The muzzle stays on during oral

>> No.27216952
Quoted by: >>27217009

Hope she blocked this attention whore

>> No.27216953

This guy is still at it, huh? Hahahahahha

>> No.27216956
File: 72 KB, 463x453, 1601528681473.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Lamy and Polka are getting reemed by JOPs for literally making fun of jannies
Well that seems harmle-
>Lamy's video has over 1000 fucking dislikes and a shitload of comments getting unironically mad at them
Okay this is just uncanny at this point, these motherfuckers LITERALLY were laughing at us and our roommate autism. But they somehow seethe about jannie slander? We're really two sides of the same coin: we see their controversies as nothingburgers, and vice versa.

>> No.27216959
Quoted by: >>27217038

>>You've become a member of a female-only group
Why are you saying that like it's a bad thing? We all want to be the little girl here, Anon.

Magical gender-swaps only. Trannies get the gas.

>> No.27216964


>> No.27216965
Quoted by: >>27216986

are teamates the worst fanbase of all hololive?

>> No.27216966

ojisan posting is a japanese meme btw

>> No.27216967

Based rubber ducky fucky

>> No.27216971

based bane of goslings

>> No.27216972

That's his whole persona. He's a creepy guy who plays videogames and that's his thing.

>> No.27216975
File: 33 KB, 400x400, 1420945702751.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27216976
File: 98 KB, 1047x943, Eik5Ia8UYAE1Bij.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27217027


>> No.27216977

What's wrong with being an idolfag? Isn't that basically the target demographic for hololive?

>> No.27216981


>> No.27216985

>danger hair

>> No.27216986
Quoted by: >>27217003


>> No.27216988

God please no.

>> No.27216992

chicken please sing rammstein or megahertz

>> No.27216994
Quoted by: >>27217221

Even if we doubled all our collective autism we're still only a fraction of what 5ch and NND can pull out

>> No.27216998

Someone should go tell him

>> No.27217000

That's kinda his whole shtick

>> No.27217003

fuck switch the two posts

>> No.27217007

Liking the girls for doing idol stuff is fine, but idolfaggotry is when people get assmad whenever the girl has a life outside of her persona.

>> No.27217008
Quoted by: >>27217024

>Lamy's video has over 1000 fucking dislikes
lmao we're fucking nothing compared to them

>> No.27217009
Quoted by: >>27217077

She literally liked that post

>> No.27217013
Quoted by: >>27217288

Different culture. Japanese don't cuck like westerners do, Idols are expected to be eternally appreciative of the support they get. Japanese don't react well to Pokimane style whores who outright mock their paypigs

>> No.27217014


>> No.27217020

oh fuck i just realized this is the guy who comments on every twitter thread Ame posts
he just says "Amelia Watson"

>> No.27217023

Nigga I been to /jp/ long enough, YOU are mentally ill.

>> No.27217024

I'm glad because that way we can laugh at them instead of seething with them.

>> No.27217025

I always feel so pity for people who photoshop anime girls next to them.

>> No.27217027


>> No.27217028

This guy showed up in the chat during Gura Ina time

>> No.27217031

shiiiii.. you'll upset the manager again.
>inb4 schizo take meds get theraphy

>> No.27217034

I can sorta understand because I think making fun of any job is pretty shit, but the overreaction is still insane

>> No.27217038

That'd be neat, I could do a good ojousama voice provided I still have my Received Pronunciation.

>> No.27217042


>> No.27217043

oh fuck ARG time bois

>> No.27217045

Cultural difference makes it far easier to whip the JOPs into a frenzy honestly. Most of the shit these threads have been through is 80-90% shitposting.

>> No.27217046

Seriously? Over jannies?

>> No.27217047
File: 335 KB, 902x380, chickenthighs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Kiara will never bortfloew with you
why even live?

>> No.27217050
Quoted by: >>27217078

Fuck why does everyone have to look so bad don't make me pick up the slack I don't want to make a twitter.

>> No.27217052
Quoted by: >>27217085

Mosaic stream was a endurance stream in a whole other meaning of the word. The game isn't especially long or hard, but it was bricking her Switch to the point it overheated five fucking times each with a ten minute session of waiting after as Ame filled the dead air. It's a testament to her autism that she had the patience to finish it. She wasn't really enjoying it.

>> No.27217059

dadbeats rise up

>> No.27217065

dont forget that these types of "people" are still amefags

>> No.27217067
File: 143 KB, 819x1142, 1600201287550.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27217177

I want to be Gura's househusband and cook her lots of food so she doesn't starve herself!

>> No.27217068
File: 240 KB, 345x406, TiredChicken.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It hurts.

>> No.27217069

So holoJP gen 5 was a mistake afterall?

>> No.27217071 [DELETED] 
File: 86 KB, 600x600, 600px-PikameeAmano-thumb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nowhere else to post the original based shark

>> No.27217074
Quoted by: >>27217125

Who the fuck is dad

>> No.27217077
Quoted by: >>27217137

Good, then he can finally stop posting shit since she noticed him

>> No.27217078

Make her swoon for your handsome twitter face

>> No.27217079

That's just your average SEAnig poster.

>> No.27217086

I have done anime training by beating my cock with a hammer every single day for a week. My dick skin is as durable as industrial steel.

>> No.27217085
Quoted by: >>27217216

was her switch already fucked or did that game somehow break it?

>> No.27217088
Quoted by: >>27217141

For people annoyed by the dislikes the Lamy dislikes: it's dumb, but imagine one of the ENs said something remotely political in their streams, the reaction would be the exact same. Not condoning either behavior, but cultural differences exist.

>> No.27217092

He looks way too young, probably underage.

>> No.27217100
File: 997 KB, 747x748, Kiara wink.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do we have any other winks on record? Don't think Gura or Mori tried it yet

>> No.27217101


>the fucking ARG Dad is in Mori's chat right now

2020 is just a wild circus ride

>> No.27217102

of course it's a fucking flip. He looks like he's wearing highschool uniform in this video. Dunno what exactly but it's probably some no-name private school

>> No.27217103

>what's wrong with being a schizo who gets mad when a girl have a normal life outside of her character

>> No.27217107

Thank you, and thanks to all who archived.

>> No.27217109
File: 831 KB, 1079x874, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27217110
Quoted by: >>27217296


>> No.27217112
File: 13 KB, 332x145, f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27217132

what inspires people to post this absolute drivel

>> No.27217114

you just know

>> No.27217118

also the better shark

>> No.27217119

Can someone edit out the roommate and only leave Bubba?

>> No.27217122

They have both done it

>> No.27217123


>> No.27217124

I know Mori did, possibly in the members streams, if it's not turned up I'll find it in the morning.

>> No.27217125


>> No.27217129
File: 58 KB, 912x701, EiRi2NrUwAI8hvv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27217132


>> No.27217133


>> No.27217136
Quoted by: >>27217163

Did Mori say Dad is no chad?

>> No.27217137
File: 20 KB, 626x354, Episode_190_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is just the beginning.

>> No.27217140

nothing, there are idolfags who will threaten to murder the woman irl and idolchads who will just move on to the next fotm

>> No.27217141

The fuck are you talking about

>> No.27217143

Everybody knew Artia *had* to say something about that situation if she cared about her family in China. Anons who complained about that never liked her in the first place, it's completely different from finding out your oshi laughs at your supas with her totally ex bf after she goes off-stream.

>> No.27217148
Quoted by: >>27217220


>> No.27217150
File: 2.64 MB, 600x666, 1599157439438.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27217152 [DELETED] 
File: 154 KB, 441x673, pikoe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27217447


>> No.27217159

>Mori giving tech support


>> No.27217163


>> No.27217165
File: 3 KB, 241x86, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stay the fuck away from EN, small fry

>> No.27217167
File: 1.16 MB, 1024x768, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27217267

Janitors are always a low hanging fruit in comedy but there are certain examples of janitors being one of the best characters in the entire show.
Malcom in the Middle also ends in a really wholesome way where Malcom is a janitor while going to college. I think most people who think it over respect the job because its something someone has to do.

>> No.27217170 [DELETED] 
File: 95 KB, 300x300, i771m5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fine, also have a clip of her building a pc with normal hair

>> No.27217177
File: 223 KB, 475x473, 1600911674104.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27217195

I only know how to cook beef stroganoff so she better get used to that

>> No.27217178
Quoted by: >>27217383

Mori has done plenty of winks, and Gura did it along with Ina today

>> No.27217183

nipple? nipple.

>> No.27217190 [DELETED] 

Anon, leave her alone.

>> No.27217191
File: 355 KB, 640x480, prositKiarabros.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ein prosit.

>> No.27217192 [DELETED] 


>> No.27217195

I hope Gura likes mexican food

>> No.27217197

>This will be the man Mori's roommate ends up dating

>> No.27217201
File: 270 KB, 359x486, 1597451445966.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone have a superior edit of Gura's bakamitai without her comments?

>> No.27217204 [DELETED] 


>> No.27217205

he's on the quest to gain a million subscribers. You should help him

>> No.27217211
Quoted by: >>27217304

>Amelia desperately tries to convince everyone she is not a boomer episode 10

>> No.27217216

hard to say. I can't remember if it was a theory in the thread, or if Ame confirmed it while chatting but her switch is supposedly first generation and those can be kind of temperamental on some games. It was lagging with Mario when it was first meant to be played which is what contributed to her getting a new Switch.

It's a toss up on whether the game was just that poorly optimized or if her switch was going anyway.

>> No.27217217
File: 96 KB, 1000x1000, 1600979114467.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here you go chumbud

>> No.27217220

>all opinions I don't like are dox

>> No.27217221

Dude I don't know about 5ch but NND is very dead compared to the past

>> No.27217225 [DELETED] 


>> No.27217227 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>27217297

Holy shit, where do you find this shit
The hair was bad but I don't mind the tattoos

>> No.27217234

Wasn't really feeling Mori, but after today. She's kind of a cutie

>> No.27217235

anon that guy is an ARG channel its pretty cool to get that kinda overlap but it will increase the number of skizos

>> No.27217238
File: 10 KB, 401x100, risu ducky international.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is still the funniest post to come from this general

>> No.27217245
File: 197 KB, 1200x1593, Eif523JU8AAvZ13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss her so much...
I can't imagine the hell Cocofags and Haatofags are going through.

>> No.27217248 [DELETED] 

she just keeps getting cuter and cuter.

>> No.27217250

>he hasn't been in the thread for the last 4 days

>> No.27217252
File: 1.67 MB, 4093x2894, 786768687486468.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't give him (you's).

>> No.27217253
File: 2.91 MB, 900x712, 1591691397674.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27217254
File: 1.44 MB, 2439x2438, EjMgKAHWoAEIHC4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

InaGura Or GuraAme?

>> No.27217255

did you really respond to yourself twice?

>> No.27217257 [DELETED] 


>> No.27217259
Quoted by: >>27217317


>> No.27217262

What does she feel about getting doxxed harder than any other holo on this site?

>> No.27217267
Quoted by: >>27217300

I can think of worse jobs then being a literal Janitor. Still kind of funny that jannies are the cause this time.

>> No.27217268

Report and ignore.

>> No.27217275

I really love that laugh Gura does where it sounds like she is trying to hold it back, very cute and very funny.

>> No.27217276

Yeah, no one is complaining about legit opinions. The majority of the threads have been nothing but low effort shit posting.

>> No.27217281
Quoted by: >>27217324

Frederick the Great is the greatest German to ever live and basically thought of the German language as a savage's tongue so I'm gonna defer to Ol' Fritz on this one.

DId he have a stroke?

>> No.27217282
File: 2.78 MB, 790x844, 1601388636486.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27217383


>> No.27217283


>> No.27217285

Welcome brother

>> No.27217288

I have nothing against Risu.

>> No.27217290
Quoted by: >>27217333

If only Risu tried harder we could have avoied the soon to come french revolution......

>> No.27217291

She'll probably feel better in the long run, the worst has passed now it should be smooth sailing till the end of her career

>> No.27217292
Quoted by: >>27218091

harder than Iofi?

>> No.27217293


>> No.27217295 [SPOILER] 
File: 100 KB, 1280x720, 1601702262992.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27217296

This made me watch the vid to see just how bad it was. Polka was funny as hell, but I already know how sensitive japs are to know this won't end well.

>> No.27217297 [DELETED] 


>> No.27217300

Dirty Jobs, that TV show, did a great way showing how dogshit some jobs can be and how people should respect those who do it.

>> No.27217301

>dad just smacks maid to the side

>> No.27217304

if she really were a boomer she needs to break out the boomercore FPS games.

>> No.27217310 [DELETED] 


>> No.27217315
File: 74 KB, 471x490, 1578912845967.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27217316

I'm this close to get a membership for chicken.

But her stream times are absolutely dreadful...

>> No.27217317
File: 335 KB, 800x800, 1598837064477.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27217318
File: 122 KB, 425x400, 1600608921443.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27217321 [DELETED] 

Dude fuck off.

>> No.27217322
Quoted by: >>27217490

it was a good stream. I honestly need to check out more of her content.

>> No.27217324

Frederick the Great was a homosexual, the greatest German was Bismark you gayboy.

>> No.27217327

>honest people just trying to make a living by doing a necessary job that most people don't want to do
>get made fun of by everyone in society, including fake internet anime girls who do nothing for the world
Yeah I'd be pissed too, fucking entitled bitches.

>> No.27217330

hey autism anons, send Ameila a message about her twitch so she nukes that too

>> No.27217331

Now imagine how 35P feel.

>> No.27217332
File: 95 KB, 485x594, Pickle amelia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then she says "i've turned myself into a pickle"
funniest shit I've ever seen

>> No.27217333
Quoted by: >>27217385

next time two rubber duckiesor even bubble wrap and ducky at the same time?????

>> No.27217335

She knows it was only a few schizos...probably...

>> No.27217336


>> No.27217337

Her comments are the best part though

>> No.27217345 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>27217439

oh man I didn't mean actually link it, you'll make these nerds lose their shit

>> No.27217346

Once you get over the initial cringe and stick through a whole stream she'll really start to grow on you

>> No.27217348 [DELETED] 
File: 76 KB, 349x249, 209.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ayyy jesus cristo, ayuda a esta pobre alma

>> No.27217349 [DELETED] 

You stupid fucking doxxfags are gonna get cover on hiro's ass and force him to shut us down. FUCK OFF.

>> No.27217353
File: 455 KB, 2640x2946, 1601629364454.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27217354

A blue anime girl wig isn't danger hair

>> No.27217359

All 3 endings in one run. We did it, deadbeats.

>> No.27217365

Oh jeez look at the time, primetime for SEAniggers to be shitting up this thread with dox posts.

>> No.27217366 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>27217477

I doubt that will happen, calm down.

>> No.27217367
Quoted by: >>27217434

>she got the good end
>Chat kept spamming it was going to be bad end 3
man chat is retarded

>> No.27217371

Would Monaco be a good collab game

>> No.27217373

Hey pal, the imgur got nuked, can you reupload it?

>> No.27217375 [DELETED] 

I wish

>> No.27217376 [DELETED] 


>> No.27217377

>mori's chat screaming dio when the knives come out
>slowly switches out for sakuya
Reasonably impressed with them

>> No.27217378
File: 90 KB, 1280x720, 1574653066847.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Follow her example and FAITO, never give up!

>> No.27217379
Quoted by: >>27217443

I see a post like this every single time mori streams. Yet when she's not streaming she gets shit on constantly

>> No.27217380
Quoted by: >>27217446

The best part is since Ame's probably in these threads she's definitely noticed him and will puprosefully never acknowledge Los Goslingo Loco just because it's funny.

>> No.27217383

there's a good gura wink in the first DBD but here's today's ina-gura winking

>> No.27217384 [DELETED] 
File: 60 KB, 579x709, 1598103754712.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27217385

let's not go that far, only god knows what the bubble wrap can end up triggering

>> No.27217386 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>27217477

>being this new

>> No.27217388

Karaoke duet when?

>> No.27217390

InaAme, shark is for hug not fug you dumb fuck

>> No.27217396

I hope she does the true end.

>> No.27217404
File: 140 KB, 362x326, 1601229129789.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you happy?

>> No.27217405


>> No.27217407 [DELETED] 

Nah, they just want to rile people up. Relax your stacks.

>> No.27217409
File: 169 KB, 512x512, 1601664244683.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im just barley hanging on. I'm just living off of Ina for now, but it's hard being a chickenfag

>> No.27217411 [DELETED] 
File: 698 KB, 497x488, 1600483269350.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27217412 [DELETED] 

Doxxfags deserve the rope, but please do lurk more if you're this uneducated.

>> No.27217415 [DELETED] 

this is fine
i finally won't have to deal with constant toku references and inside jokes when looking at mecha discussions

>> No.27217418
File: 26 KB, 480x404, 28279103_1662020230503876_4463642438074497432_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spics in general are probably the bigger weebs in terms of numbers, but SEAniggers take the cake with autism and general social maladjustment.

>> No.27217417 [DELETED] 

>immersion ruined
Fucking lol

>> No.27217420 [DELETED] 

We literally have had serial killers on here.

>> No.27217425

2nd hardest

>> No.27217426
File: 37 KB, 303x370, 1601521830250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's rite ye glorius basterd.

>> No.27217427

i arrived at just the right time i see

>> No.27217431

You're just mad that you didn't get to kek Kirito like that chad.

>> No.27217433
File: 248 KB, 535x532, 1600789399804.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27217434
Quoted by: >>27217533

It technically is still bad so chat is right. True end is fucked up

>> No.27217438
File: 845 KB, 900x900, EjVyfmdVoAAeUx5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27217462

How was Amelia's Odyssey streams? I only watched the first hour

>> No.27217439 [DELETED] 

/hlg/ sucks because theres always doxxing
lets go doxx in /hlgg/

>> No.27217440

only thing more annoying than doxfags are the people who act like getting doxed is gonna cause a girl to graduate

>> No.27217441
File: 654 KB, 1200x1236, k0ud3d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Medios ban these fucking doxxing SEAniggers

>> No.27217443

Yeah, I don't know if the other deadbeats leave during the other hours or just aren't falling for the bait any more.

>> No.27217444
Quoted by: >>27219185

Fucking sega genesis dude watching vtubers what a world we live in now

>> No.27217446

better to ignore him anyway, giving him any attention will just play into his delusion.

>> No.27217448 [DELETED] 


>> No.27217447 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>27217593

>Monoe fuses with Pikamee
>Not enough suicide watch in the world to save Tomoshika

>> No.27217449

What the fuck are the meido doing?

>> No.27217450
File: 726 KB, 777x571, 1601180060813.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27217451

>They give me their money every day
what did shit mean by this

>> No.27217453
File: 747 KB, 940x1078, Adolf Hitler, Weeaboo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's in her blood.

>> No.27217459
File: 279 KB, 346x427, 1597290286524.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> I have seen many foolish humans
> They give me money every day


>> No.27217458 [DELETED] 
File: 131 KB, 402x562, ゴズリング37.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27217462

they're not good for long streams

>> No.27217468
Quoted by: >>27217497


She looks like my grandma when she was young, what the fuck


>> No.27217470

Huh, I think I love flat chest now....

>> No.27217471

Damn, Mori is a savage.

>> No.27217472
File: 64 KB, 356x407, hornyina.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27217474 [DELETED] 
File: 1.66 MB, 1580x2355, 84543266_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Medios we need you.

>> No.27217475

It actually shitted up the place horribly
It chilled down when amefags went to sleep

>> No.27217476 [DELETED] 

Todd Howard approved

>> No.27217477 [DELETED] 

Do you retards really think Cover wouldn't just contact Hiro and tell him that this this site is potentially putting his talents at risk with their private lives being invaded?

>> No.27217479
File: 97 KB, 1829x324, f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good October so far!

>> No.27217480 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>27217589

>no content
>immersion ruined

>> No.27217481
Quoted by: >>27217504

Would be pretty based if mods turned on country flags out of nowhere.

>> No.27217483
Quoted by: >>27217846

Now do a pitjob

>> No.27217486

Those foolish humans, giving me their money.

>> No.27217487

Can we get a full-on tactical nuke and get out of here?

>> No.27217489

Better late than never I guess.

>> No.27217490

it's actually a unique idea, very out of the box. Not sure where this idea came from but it's fun. It'd be neat to have some more goofy gmmick streams

>> No.27217491


>> No.27217494 [DELETED] 

>no one actually discussing the tread
After the complete spam posting of the Ame thread. Are there really that few deadbeats?

>> No.27217496 [DELETED] 

>Protecting its talent

>> No.27217497

maybe it's an oedipus complex that's driving all of us to gosling over her

>> No.27217498 [DELETED] 

This fucking girl really is a gremlim, hahaha.

God bless her.

>> No.27217501

pls stop doxxing you're only making me love her even more

>> No.27217504

please do

>> No.27217505

Does anyone genuinely enjoy watching this game?

>> No.27217506
Quoted by: >>27217534

>Move to Town USA with Dad! We have True Value hardware stores!

>> No.27217507 [DELETED] 
File: 3.74 MB, 2067x2923, 84541260_p1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck doxxfags.
Fuck SEAniggers.

>> No.27217508
Quoted by: >>27217604

Why do you guys complain about Goslings so much? They seem pretty harmless to me.

>> No.27217511

It's ending...

>> No.27217512

alright everyone's seen it it's over can we move the fuck on now?

>> No.27217515

>>I don't like speaking German
>I'm not saying she must say "I fucking love German" but being so open about disliking your native language is a big red flag, tells a lot about her character.
Just means that she didn't become Japanese enough, because they love German.

>> No.27217516

It's 1:30 bro I have 1 braincell left to watch her

>> No.27217517

Racism is against the rules anon...

>> No.27217518 [DELETED] 

What I need is my dick in that soft wet c*nny

>> No.27217519 [DELETED] 


>immersion ruined

Made me chuckle a lil bit, what a champ.

>> No.27217521

/hld/ when? Thread was fine until that stupid dox fag came. I just want to talk about the streams and the girls, I don't fucking care about who they are.

>> No.27217522

Moris yt chat is pretty chill so once the SEAniggers showed up i just moved into there

>> No.27217523

I'm here, not really into the game but I like her commentary

>> No.27217524
File: 226 KB, 1134x1770, EigioLuUwAAGCgH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27217760

Flat is justice

>> No.27217525 [DELETED] 

Don't think they'll bother with this place if they haven't touched 5ch.

>> No.27217529
Quoted by: >>27217544

Just fucking leave the girls alone already, damn creeps.

>> No.27217530 [DELETED] 

Dropped 300 times over

>> No.27217531 [DELETED] 
File: 121 KB, 400x400, 1601475679390.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27217533
Quoted by: >>27217545

what's the true end i can't recall

>> No.27217535

Mori has lost a lot of popularity over the last few weeks(here). Not to shit on her or anything, it's mostly just her hours and the early superchat fiascos stalling her content.
I don't think many people actively dislike her, though. Aside from trinity posting she doesn't even get targeted by shitposters/schizos/antis much.

>> No.27217534

man arg fags are gonna be confused by this chapter of the dad manga

>> No.27217538

The feelings of presence is yabai...

>> No.27217540 [DELETED] 


>> No.27217541

Even she's feeling the kusoge

>> No.27217544

I'm sure you just changed the dox posters minds.

>> No.27217545
Quoted by: >>27217563

Aya becomes Dad

>> No.27217546

I wasn't really interested in watching a RPGMaker game, it's nice she finished it considering the first stream with that game was interrupted by reading superchats.

>> No.27217550 [DELETED] 
File: 1.15 MB, 2302x2160, e4b517c851f47512f7c7b6ed1200e14a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27217610

Kill yourself Doxxfags and SEAniggers. No one wants you here.

>> No.27217552

now this is kusoge

>> No.27217553

Was the moral of the story that you can't escape becoming an idolfag?

>> No.27217555
File: 2 KB, 125x122, AmeliaW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27217558

Stop it. For the last time, Amelia is NOT Haachama in disguise.

>> No.27217559

God, that was a real fucking kusoge kek.

>> No.27217561 [DELETED] 

holy shti wtfffffffffffffff im going to fap to this

>> No.27217563


>> No.27217565
Quoted by: >>27217582

I love the way the shadow on Mori's big fat fucking tits moves back and forth

>> No.27217566

>Giving doxniggers attention


>> No.27217567
Quoted by: >>27217614

Wasn't interesting when you guys are focused on the doxxing. Just watching mori stream while watching shit go down in thread. Can you guys leave amelia alone?

>> No.27217568 [DELETED] 
File: 255 KB, 569x427, 1601347710623.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27217569

>Aya became Dad
What was the point of the game again?

>> No.27217571

>Literal zoomers who never saw Mad Father letsplays
God I'm old...

>> No.27217572
File: 131 KB, 1000x1336, 1601353500764.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to turn Watson into a doll

>> No.27217573 [DELETED] 


>> No.27217574

She scared a lot of people off with the superchat stuff, membership stuff, and generally streaming at really bad times for NA. It'll get better though.

>> No.27217579

dad is mad
that makes me sad
which makes him bad
but he's also chad?

>> No.27217580

Why are doxfags so obsessed? Why do you fags care so much about their personal lives?

>> No.27217582

Yeah, the tit highlight really ties it all together

>> No.27217585 [DELETED] 

>doxxposters are back
why can't they be perma banned?

>> No.27217589 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>27220872

Assumed people would know how to check clips, sorry. There's 25 of them.

>> No.27217591
File: 123 KB, 804x720, 1601663673847.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanna be a cowboy...

>> No.27217592

how is she so perfect

>> No.27217593 [DELETED] 
File: 187 KB, 592x761, pikashika.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The assimilation doesn't end there

>> No.27217594 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>27217622


>> No.27217601

sick rhymes bro

>> No.27217604
Quoted by: >>27217625

they filled a thread up to the image limit with blade runner spam with like 1,000 posts to go earlier.

>> No.27217605

Everyone will become a boomer in time.

>> No.27217607


>> No.27217608
Quoted by: >>27217634

With or without nipples?

>> No.27217609

Her streaming is perfect for BR just perfect because she's my favorite

>> No.27217610

post the futa one

>> No.27217611
Quoted by: >>27217776

i've been watching her MC streams because it's legit funny to see her struggle and eventually make progress, but I HATE when she starts talking like that, it's something I didn't expect from either her character or her real personality, it really feels like she does it cause she thinks that's what the western audience wants from vtubers (because of the GTA and FAQ subbed videos) and not because she actually talked like that before this, i know she's a grown ass woman but I just feel like i'm watching a little girl attempting to say those words and getting that cringe inducing "no, stop that" feeling

>> No.27217614
Quoted by: >>27217747

Were you even there during the THAT event? The one who leaked it was was a slightly dissillusioned Teamate, deadbeats had nothing to do with it.

>> No.27217616

Did Reaper watch retards like Pewdiepie or Markiplier?

>> No.27217617

Honestly can the mods just perma ban everyone here?

>> No.27217619 [DELETED] 

/hlgg/ and doxxing, never change.

>> No.27217620

Make sure to tweet this to her.

>> No.27217622 [DELETED] 

wow im sure you are soooo invested in holo en and are not just a troll

>> No.27217623
Quoted by: >>27217642

>dad is mad
>that makes me sad
>which makes him bad
even if a chad
I rather see him dead
what a pretty lad
then I became dad

>> No.27217624

Her Mario 64 is suffering kino. She just spent the last like 10-15 minutes fucking with the canon in wet dry land.

>> No.27217625
Quoted by: >>27217677

Seems like more of a problem with /jp/s image limit than with goslingposting.

>> No.27217627

Im going to be sad in 10 years when all of this is gone and Im left a depressed middle aged man

>> No.27217628
Quoted by: >>27217656

This, 10-11am is perfectt for me, watching her while I cook lunch is super comfy

>> No.27217629

Her non-game streams are great for me, these weekend streams are killing me though.

>> No.27217631

post it to Twitter using their couple hashtag

>> No.27217633

Nothing, it sucks.

>> No.27217634


>> No.27217637

What is it about South and Southeast Asia that causes such autism? Is it because they're mostly living in the shithole parts of their country so they straight up don't know better?

>> No.27217638 [DELETED] 
File: 31 KB, 554x443, 1598457163041.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why yes the teamates/condomates are the worst in this general, why do you ask?

>> No.27217640
File: 267 KB, 2000x2000, 1600642112860.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quick poll!

>> No.27217642
Quoted by: >>27217657

>I rather see him dead
ESLchama, that's not how you pronounce that word...

>> No.27217644
Quoted by: >>27217687

Ha. I'm already a depressed middle aged man...

>> No.27217646
Quoted by: >>27217686

By wash her hands she means take a massive shit again right?

>> No.27217651
File: 75 KB, 1080x1220, 1594520530360.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hating tattoos
Literal fags

>> No.27217652

its just ur typical old school rpgmaker story, sucks she didnt get the bonus scene's with Dio and the Dad one

>> No.27217656

Yep, her timeslot is very fucking good to me. Best girl for sure.

>> No.27217657

Dunno, I say "ded" for dead and dad.

>> No.27217660
Quoted by: >>27217664

Didn't we have this exact same poal earlier?

>> No.27217662

Anon... Even if it doesn't go away, the second part is still going to happen.

>> No.27217664

comparing time zones

>> No.27217667

i missed something. why did we lose yt chat?

>> No.27217670
File: 39 KB, 550x255, 1601540504479.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vote for your favorite stream today!

>> No.27217672

bad poll
give the "I don't want to know" option

>> No.27217673

Body modification is disgusting, trashy, and low-IQ to be honest.

>> No.27217674 [DELETED] 


>> No.27217675

All I want for HoloEN gen 2 is a brown tomboy with abs

>> No.27217676

me :)

>> No.27217677

That was also during the GuraIna collab, their spam completely drowned the other conversations.

>> No.27217682

What RPGmaker games do you want Mori to play?

>> No.27217686

Of course thats what you have in mind, shithead.

>> No.27217687

Anon. . . your immortality reps. . . .

>> No.27217689
Quoted by: >>27217730

What about Mori's draw/wine streams

>> No.27217691
Quoted by: >>27217714

Well that was a fun stream, I need to watch Calli more

>> No.27217696 [DELETED] 

Because these threads all full of redditards and refugees from other boards

>> No.27217700 [DELETED] 


>> No.27217702

Mori's comically huge titties

>> No.27217704

Space Funeral

>> No.27217705

I want her to make one on stream

>> No.27217706

Where's the "I don't care and don't like spreading it but it's hilarious to watch because it kills the gosling cope" answer?

>> No.27217707


>> No.27217708 [DELETED] 

Blame SEAnigs. Threads were fine for the whole day then went to shit as soon as they woke up.

>> No.27217709

>Someone with a Tatoo
fucking degenerate

>> No.27217710

Holy shit she didn't mute the stream again. You can hear the background out of the music. MORI!!!

>> No.27217714

I was just about to type this, I wish she streamed at hours I could watch her more often.

>> No.27217715
File: 16 KB, 416x234, muslimchickslyinggosling.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27217802

Why don't the Gosling fags just make one of the ID girls there oshi? Chances are they're Muslim so you can go crazy and honor kill them if they have a boyfriend.

>> No.27217716

the one true kino Thug Hero Party

>> No.27217717 [DELETED] 

Here have this (you)

>> No.27217718
File: 440 KB, 960x1602, .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw my skin is so thick that I didn't even notice the shitpost

>> No.27217721

I don't know I really think RPGmaker games are just not good stream material. I hope she at least plays through Blasphemous before she starts on the next one.

>> No.27217723

Thank god our perfect waifu, Amelia Watson, doesn’t have any.

>> No.27217725

Witch's house

>> No.27217727

Vtubers themselves are probably around to stay. Individual ones are going to start graduating or moving on of course, getting replaced by others. At some point maybe even entire companies like Cover or Nijisanji go under. But there will always be more out there somewhere, new ones giving things a try

>> No.27217729


>> No.27217728
Quoted by: >>27217782

Are you implying /hlg/ has never dealt with doxxfaggotry?

>> No.27217730

Those were yesterday for me...

>> No.27217734
File: 140 KB, 312x312, 1601124746310.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27217786

There's nothing happening here, we are watching Mori's stream

>> No.27217740

One of the Mogeko/Deep Sea Prisoner ones

>> No.27217742
File: 238 KB, 1751x985, EjVWUeTU4AAvGYT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27217799

Alright deadbeats it's been fun, but I want to catch when Kiara does her guerilla, so have fun having her read the akasupas and see you in a few hours.

>> No.27217743

Maybe Reaper can find a niche in playing boomer games.

>> No.27217745
Quoted by: >>27218869

i hope every girl in holoEN gen 2 has tattoos

>> No.27217747

Yeah, I was. I always say, while I don't like all the girls the same amount I want them all to succeed. I even want you guys too succeed in life, please take care of yourselves.

>> No.27217748

It was a good try though

>> No.27217750

Monster girl quest paradox

>> No.27217751 [DELETED] 


>> No.27217752

shut up and jam gaiden
unless you mean horror games

>> No.27217755
Quoted by: >>27221323

She needs to hold the dick with her tentacles.

>> No.27217756

I really, REALLY didn't want to have to post this... but you faggots leave me no choice

>> No.27217757

Corpse party (does that count?)

>> No.27217760
File: 31 KB, 597x171, 250abd8e-359c-442a-9672-fe25a5ae5e93.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27217762

Thug Hero Party

>> No.27217763

dont like tats but also dont care about anything beyond the curtain so it wont bother me

>> No.27217764
Quoted by: >>27217781

Shut up and jam might be a good one actually

>> No.27217768
File: 2.68 MB, 2220x1228, 1600506989901_0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that in 3 years we went from Kizuna AI's basic shit to full body tracking, virtual pornstars, and vtubers becoming a massive phenomenon.

In ten years Gawr Gura will be broadcast directly into your brain.

>> No.27217771

blessed results

>> No.27217774

You too anon

>> No.27217775

doggo had a hard childhood...

>> No.27217776
Quoted by: >>27217919

She legitimately speaks Japanese better than she speaks English. She's lived in Japan for like 10 years or something.

>> No.27217778

The Way

>> No.27217783

How do the mods looking at this general have their sanity intact still?

>> No.27217781

The music would probably be prohibitive, but I'd love it too.

>> No.27217782

Not to this extent. It's damn near concerning that niggers here feel the need to know EVERYTHING about these girls. Literally fuck the fuck off. Their life. Their business. Their bullshit. Not yours.

>> No.27217785
Quoted by: >>27217876

Then why are you blaming doxing on deadbeats?

>> No.27217786

I haven't watched her since the first mad dad stream but she's gotten noticeably better at it, I'm glad for her.

>> No.27217788
File: 101 KB, 560x420, Black Souls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27217806

Also reminder that Leaf is the worst piece of shit in the game

>> No.27217789


>> No.27217790
File: 539 KB, 854x480, 1593429014575.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like tree rat, her hungry and autistic friends

>> No.27217791

What the FUCK, anon?

>> No.27217793

Yeah no...too much yab for family friendly content...

>> No.27217794
Quoted by: >>27217829

What the fuck is wrong with Korone

>> No.27217798
File: 926 KB, 2892x4096, 1601599912126.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just replying to doxfags = mass bans from here on out. Not fucking kidding, just ignore them at your own peril.

>> No.27217799

Good night brother

>> No.27217802

Only Moona and Iofi are muslim

>> No.27217803

I don't understand the appeal of Aqua. Can someone explain to me why people like her?

>> No.27217806

i'm getting filtered by the old king guy in the abyss help

>> No.27217807
File: 191 KB, 480x473, what did you just say peko.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you can't just post that bro

>> No.27217809

Embric of Wulfhammer's Castle

>> No.27217810
Quoted by: >>27217928

Shut Up and Jam Gaiden
Corpse Party
Treasure Hunter Claire

>> No.27217814


>> No.27217816


>> No.27217820

delete this

>> No.27217822

Korone giving no fucks about mocking bugmen's treatment of her kouhai, good dog.

>> No.27217821

Dumb and cute

>> No.27217827

Oh, she's using the new mic, nice.

>> No.27217828
Quoted by: >>27217879

I remember as a kid seeing movies and shows based in the future where celebrities are AIs or holograms etc and now I think this is unironically the start of those things becoming real

>> No.27217829
Quoted by: >>27217859

Korone is legit depressed and let's out bursts of it at a time. She unironically seems to be pretty bad about it.

>> No.27217830

I don't have any evidence to support it, but the fairy demons in my head are telling me the doxxfags are all tentaculstists...

>> No.27217832


>> No.27217835
Quoted by: >>27217843

Speaking of mp4s, can some post the miko missing one?

>> No.27217836

Ames Valorant vod worth watching? I hate that game...

>> No.27217840

>tfw opened that third one first at full volume

Fucking kill me.

>> No.27217842
Quoted by: >>27217864

pocket mirror

>> No.27217843
Quoted by: >>27217895


>> No.27217846
File: 176 KB, 245x384, 1601690845146.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27217848

Please stop posting this. Think of how the chink antis will respond.

>> No.27217849

Fuck. How can us fellow deadbeats recover from this?

>> No.27217853

For mediocre horror plots along the same lines a la the early 2010s craze, the Strange Men series, or really anything by Uri

>> No.27217858
Quoted by: >>27217872


>> No.27217859
Quoted by: >>27217957


>> No.27217861
File: 820 KB, 500x348, 61bd32541db5beb5d01b10848f27ff80.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Insanely based if true.

>> No.27217864

My man.

>> No.27217866

Clearly you haven't seen her scream neeeeeee for like 5 minutes

>> No.27217869
Quoted by: >>27217956

If you're a big teamate I guess, outside that its just another valorant stream

>> No.27217870

The Minecraft neighbor wars are what got me into Hololive

>> No.27217872

This is a good one.

>> No.27217873
Quoted by: >>27217900


>> No.27217874

what's her problem?

>> No.27217875


>> No.27217876
Quoted by: >>27217945

I'm a deadbeat, my friend. I don't point fingers, because there is no proof and then you fall in the trap of the falseflaggers.

>> No.27217878

She's retarded yet surprisingly good at some games, see her Dark Souls and Sekiro runs.

>> No.27217880
Quoted by: >>27217956

Game is shit, more about her meltdowns.

>> No.27217879
File: 201 KB, 892x502, cover4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not a goslingposter BUT

>> No.27217881
Quoted by: >>27217956

it's more of an anime/manga zatsu so check it out for that

>> No.27217890
File: 66 KB, 1184x675, lisa_rpg__the_painful_by_kredous_dbd7zcc-pre.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

.flow or LISA

>> No.27217892

Well I mean we know Ame probably grew up white trash and lost some IQ points getting that blow hole.

>> No.27217895
Quoted by: >>27217913

Does anyone happen to have the one where she fades back into existence? Forgot to save the link

>> No.27217898

someone with more talent than me draw a worn out frustrated cute meido

>> No.27217899
Quoted by: >>27217956

she couldn't queue for half the stream so it was basically a zatsudan

>> No.27217900
Quoted by: >>27217999

You wanna get her to Ascend and get targeted by a cult?

>> No.27217905

She's a little dumb but she's good at video games and she's cute

>> No.27217909
File: 407 KB, 1108x831, 1386544931247.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was the shark/squib collab any good? About to watch the VODs I missed.

>> No.27217912
Quoted by: >>27217956

Her Valorent streams are basically talking streams. So just put it on in the background and podcast it. Her voice is worth it and it was really short.

>> No.27217913


>> No.27217919

i'm talking about her cursing every random minute anon, I was into her at first because of her multilingual talents, but she let me down really fast

>> No.27217923 [DELETED] 

I hate fucking coming here because YOU NIGGERS ARE THE FUCKING WORST kinds of people to talk to. Literally the fucking worst. Stay the fuck out of these girls' lives. God damn creeps.

>> No.27217924

Is this going to be our new meme? I want to sleep at night without this fuckface haunting my dreams

>> No.27217926

Thanks anon

>> No.27217927
Quoted by: >>27217971

Isn't LISA GameMaker? Unless you mean the original. Also it's way too heavy to be a good stream game.

>> No.27217928


>> No.27217930
Quoted by: >>27217968

Miko's coming back today right?

>> No.27217932

Her cursing is great, though.

>> No.27217934

She already played wadanohara and Ib so nothing I wanna watch honestly

>> No.27217938

I haven’t watched surgeon collab yet. Which out of the three do I watch?

>> No.27217941

Sanity check please Mr meido

>> No.27217942

She's dumb and autistic in a cute way.


>> No.27217943 [DELETED] 

I love you too, anon

>> No.27217944


>> No.27217945
Quoted by: >>27218046

You posted
>wasn't interesting when you guys are focused on the doxxing.
>Can you guys leave amelia alone?
In response to a Mori post. Do you think people would interpret that as anything other than blaming deadbeats for yesterday's shitshow?

>> No.27217946 [DELETED] 


>> No.27217951 [DELETED] 

its the chinese, anon

>> No.27217952
Quoted by: >>27218124


>> No.27217954 [DELETED] 


>> No.27217956

Thanks for answering. I will put it at the end of my priority queue then.

>> No.27217957

Bullshit, korone is just an well adjusted adult full of gamer culture and old folk's wistdom.

>> No.27217958
Quoted by: >>27218064

Gura's POV with Amelia's audio.

>> No.27217963

I don't get it

>> No.27217966
Quoted by: >>27218064

gura with amelia's audio

>> No.27217968

She hasn't given birth yet

>> No.27217969
Quoted by: >>27217992

>Big ups to Mr. Fat man
It's our time

>> No.27217970


>> No.27217971

Nah, Lisa the painful is RPG Maker. Also, Mori seems like she would like heavy tones in games, she talked about a lot of serious stuff in her songs.

>> No.27217975

Ya. They're both kind of low-fi but its friends having genuine couch fun with each other. Ina also further showing she's more competent/gaymer then people give her credit for. Pretty much the Trinity do well with each other.

Ignoring all their sleep deprevation and eating issues lately.

>> No.27217977 [DELETED] 


>> No.27217982 [DELETED] 
File: 201 KB, 373x345, youdungoofed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yeah my gf Amelia makes a quick buck on the side playing a cartoon girl on the internet for some cucked simps that throw money at her, how can you tell?

>> No.27217984

She's mostly just talking about anime/manga and it was pretty low energy. Didn't really seem like her heart was in it but maybe that's just me letting this place live in my head.

>> No.27217989

She is literally an ESL, swearing doesn't have the same connotation to her as it does to us.

>> No.27217992
File: 890 KB, 835x1200, 1595244122549.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

time to rise

>> No.27217995
File: 76 KB, 631x680, 1576468167943.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Big ups to seig heil
Abayo Mori!

>> No.27217997 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>27218051

didn't they break up

>> No.27217998
Quoted by: >>27218064

Gura or Watson. Ina was having major tech issues.

>> No.27217999

Imagine the shitstorm that would cause

>> No.27218007 [DELETED] 

>leaving stuff open to bait doxxfags en masse, shifting the thread culture and finally getting meidos change their behavior even more than Gura did
this sounds way too high IQ, we might've even gotten dedicated meidos and jannies just for this thread

>> No.27218010 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>27218032

You ever hear someone's voice and imagine what they look like? I do it to voice actors sometimes.

Well anyways I was way off. I'll forget their face by tomorrow and move on with my life.

>> No.27218027


>> No.27218028

Fuck off, we don't need to go through this again.

>> No.27218029


>> No.27218032 [DELETED] 

Just fuck off and leave them alone. It's an invasion of privacy and there's no good motivation to pull such a stunt.

>> No.27218033

It was nice. SniperCHAD Freddy was cool. Their conversations get cut off by the game sometimes though.

>> No.27218035
Quoted by: >>27218049

goddamit i was watching aki's stream
tell me you're joking

>> No.27218034

That's one of her best quirks though, it's adorable gahddammit

>> No.27218037 [DELETED] 

Imagine actually being this dude. Getting to enjoy the hololive golden ticket while putting zero effort into it.

>> No.27218038

i want to grope calli's massive fucking tits

>> No.27218043 [DELETED] 

I wouldn't be surprised, considering that this one thread has been regularly more active than most of the rest of the site in the last three weeks.

>> No.27218046

Well, my apologies, that is not my intention. I sometimes have trouble expressing myself properly.I'm not the brightest person. I was just referring to the people doxxing. I would rather not have any of these people potentially harassed.

>> No.27218047 [DELETED] 

i believe dedicated meido was confirmed a thread or two ago

>> No.27218048

big up to hitler did nothing wrong

>> No.27218049

>Big ups to zee... zee. zee heil!

>> No.27218051

yes and stop replying to bait posts.

>> No.27218053

Considering it ended with it being an ex, probs fine.

>> No.27218055

Mori's tits are for chicken claws only.

>> No.27218058

literally filler words for ESLs bro

>> No.27218060

What did she like?

>> No.27218061
File: 255 KB, 693x549, Jerkit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27218075

Mori's big pale tits!

>> No.27218064

Okay thanks bros

>> No.27218065 [DELETED] 
File: 2.24 MB, 232x232, soundhttps3A2F2Ffiles.catbox.moe2Ffnehik.mp3.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God I fucking hope so

I want Hiro to reopen janny applications so I can deal with these faggot SEAmonkeys myself

>> No.27218068 [DELETED] 

Considering the rageposting yesterday, we have a new angry meido.

>> No.27218075
File: 70 KB, 550x680, 1573468903018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27218081
File: 1.04 MB, 1006x825, 1600627279513.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ina/Gura + Ame stream
Thread is active and engaged
>Mori streams right after
>mostly off topic
Were the trinity fags right? I like Mori the most, but holy shit, it's like no one here like our holo.

>> No.27218082
File: 67 KB, 746x607, 1600909449399.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27218088
Quoted by: >>27218095

To be fair, it was a fucking RPGmaker game stream

>> No.27218090

I'm here just watching her and chilling.

>> No.27218091

Why on earth did she have all her online profiles have the same username?

>> No.27218094


>> No.27218095
Quoted by: >>27218108

DbD is fucking kusoge.

>> No.27218096

one more week deadbeat, and she'll have all the fun she could ever want

>> No.27218097

She's just played kusoge and is shouting out supas, thread would be dead for most of EN

>> No.27218098

I'm busy actually watching Mori and not following the idiots here.

>> No.27218100

I like the game but it's not as engaging

>> No.27218103


>> No.27218106

Was fine until the monkey woke up.

>> No.27218108

It is, but it was a fucking collab

>> No.27218110
File: 77 KB, 2000x1500, 1585537030968.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Deadhomies are too busy watching to engage

>> No.27218111

I'm watching but it's a kusoge

>> No.27218112


>> No.27218114
File: 109 KB, 596x628, keksimus Maximus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27218116

I want to gently remove her coat, raise her arms and stare at her armpits for the rest of my fucking life.

>> No.27218117
File: 46 KB, 1274x529, 1601539325615.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27219126

>> No.27218118

Well it was 3 simultaneous streamers including the most popular one vs just one

>> No.27218119

Fuck I can hear it

>> No.27218121

too busy actually watching the stream to give a shit to what people say here

>> No.27218122

What kind of cross-gen collabs do you guys want to see once the ban is lifted?
Personally, I want a Korone/Gura collab where they play a 2-player kusoge and just make noises at one another

>> No.27218123

To be fair, gasoline is has an oddly pleasant smell, I almost feel bad that I can't detect it much anymore as I get older.

>> No.27218124

You're great, but going to someone's yt channel and getting hit with a video that auto-plays is literally the thing I hate the most about youtube and I fucking hate how almost everyone seems to do this shit. When I click a channel I just want to see the most recent videos.

>> No.27218126
Quoted by: >>27218205

wtf deadbeats watches the stream instead of shitpost

>> No.27218127
Quoted by: >>27218140

Teach peko to do it.

>> No.27218133

Not a morifag but I prefer it this way, amefags shit up the thread really bad so I'm thankful you guys keep it chill

>> No.27218136

All this proves is that le epic trinity fags are the shitposters

>> No.27218139
File: 106 KB, 1238x848, EjQm2xSVkAAYUec.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really really really hate the idea of collabs so soon. I want to see them on their own and I hate that people seem to want the opposite.

>> No.27218140
Quoted by: >>27218204

can you imagine a gasoline huffing peko stream lol

>> No.27218141


>> No.27218145

I was too busy watching ma boy play the game to care about what /hlgg/ cared for.

>> No.27218146

>Favorite EN
>Theme you want to see Gen 2 follow

>> No.27218147

eh, it's later, and I wasn't too invested in the game, even though I love Calli. also it's hard to focus on this game with the thread open.

>> No.27218151

Thread was derailed by doxxposting

>> No.27218154

Mostly watching the stream. Right now the stream is ending.

>> No.27218157

>Hades Permissions

>> No.27218161
Quoted by: >>27218187

I was just chilling with a glass of pinot noir. I can't believe our boy actually managed to make a shit game entertaining.
Thread was pretty fucking crazy though. Meidos please do you fucking job.

>> No.27218164 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>27218230

If it gets too fast or difficult to moderate they will eventually ban the thread from here, it happened before with other topics on other boards. Still, it's kinda baffling that the most tech savvy one was the one who got screwed first, isn't she the most knowledgeable about Hololive? like when she answered 51 to the quiz. I'm sure she heard about Hololive drama before applying for the job.

>> No.27218165

There really isn't that much to discuss considering what she's playing

>> No.27218167

>French accented older mommy lamia

>> No.27218170

wew im fucking dying

>> No.27218176
Quoted by: >>27218215

>Hades permission
Ludo inbound.

>> No.27218183
File: 28 KB, 602x323, vcyc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27218185

Nice who got it ?

>> No.27218187

>Meidos please do you fucking job.
Meidos are working hard for days at this point. Even they need a smoke break every now and then to take a break from wrangling a pack of fucking retards for hours on end.

>> No.27218191

Oh fuck, I wasn't paying attention. Really? Holy shit I want a holo to play Bastion.

>> No.27218192

Our Mori.

>> No.27218193

retarded girls are the cutest

>> No.27218196
File: 196 KB, 1280x720, 1601526777989.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27218203
File: 92 KB, 400x500, dusty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27218204


>> No.27218205
Quoted by: >>27218238

I wish deadbraps watches stream forever then.

>> No.27218208


>> No.27218211

listen you stupid turkey quit flicking your bean to the lewd ame art and stream something

>> No.27218212
File: 148 KB, 1280x1280, 3242303914.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The future looks bright hell yeah

>> No.27218213

play an RPG and tell a random NPC to take their meds

>> No.27218215

It's gonna be so fucking good. I can't wait for her snark vs. snark fight against Meg

>> No.27218216

Kiara, your own fanart....

>> No.27218217

InaGura for sure

>> No.27218221
File: 25 KB, 534x248, 1600811205432.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27218250

Sleep well anons, it felt good to breathe today with you.

>> No.27218222

Ame with anyone else that doesn't speak a word of English, see how they overcome the language barrier.
And obviously Ina and Marine completing each other's drawings or something like that.

>> No.27218224
Quoted by: >>27218249

based money mori finally moving on from kusoge

>> No.27218227
File: 34 KB, 400x400, 20200929_145050.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27218355


>> No.27218230
Quoted by: >>27218368

My idea was that she intentionally left it open to orchestrate the whole chain reaction
I might just kneel to the other dimension

>> No.27218231
Quoted by: >>27218241

>only 5k viewers

>> No.27218238


>> No.27218241

she's just reading superchats for like the last 20 minutes what do you expect lol

>> No.27218243
File: 538 KB, 1000x1620, 1590000275846.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ancient warrior hero design
>Muse design
>Pagan priestess design
>Graeco-Roman god design
>Imperial throne claimant hero princess design

>> No.27218247
Quoted by: >>27218305

>she saw Dad
>she knows the ARG thing

>> No.27218249
Quoted by: >>27218344

I think she intends to do blasphemous first, but I hear that's pretty good.

>> No.27218250 [DELETED] 

I can't look at her the same anymore after the doxfags...

>> No.27218257
File: 30 KB, 424x389, 20200918_042504.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27218283

There's not too much of it unfortunately.

>> No.27218261

Call me basic, but Kiara and Pekora for the meme

>> No.27218266
File: 262 KB, 581x600, ameliayujiro.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27218267

That's actually pretty neat, I'd love to see that

>> No.27218270

Prepare yourself for non-loli Gura



>> No.27218276


>> No.27218280

poorly redacted got cucked

>> No.27218283
Quoted by: >>27218366

her character design is too complicated, they need to give her an alt. outfit

>> No.27218285

Actually a good theme, damn.

>> No.27218290
Quoted by: >>27218317

>she didn't slip
mission failed bro

>> No.27218293

lol kiara DENIED

>> No.27218295

>Mission failed

>> No.27218297

too early

no theme themes are a gimmick just give us good voobers

>> No.27218298

are people trying to lure her to say nigger again?

>> No.27218299
File: 438 KB, 1075x1192, 1600062641917.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd probably out myself faster than I could begin to think of something clever. I'd probably say nigger or faggot accidently 1 week in.

>> No.27218302

Holy shit that's fucking great.

>> No.27218305

>she knows the ARG thing

>> No.27218306

Nah the first letters of his message spell out "My wife Kiara"

>> No.27218310

No, they were trying to get her to say 'my wife kiara'

>> No.27218311

It said "My wife Kiara"

>> No.27218312

No it was the guy trying to make her say kiara is my wife lmao

>> No.27218313
File: 51 KB, 486x347, 20201003_020246.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27218317

What was the thing?

>> No.27218318

oh god im going to cry again fuck

>> No.27218319

all it takes is a 10% speed reduction to turn her into this and people still say she is using some (unspecified) kind of voice changer.

>> No.27218326
Quoted by: >>27218350

Please slow this down like the others, please

>> No.27218327


>> No.27218331

The first letter of every word in the message spelled My Wife Kiara

>> No.27218333

>rpgmaker games

>> No.27218337

It said something like "My Wife Kiara"

>> No.27218338

Kanye Quest

>> No.27218341
Quoted by: >>27218671

There's a decent amount but goddamn am I tired of all the CalliKiara art pairing. It feels real fucking forced now, Calli doesn't seem capable of continuing the bit in a satisfying manner so just jettison the whole thing and let each character do their own stuff.

>> No.27218342
Quoted by: >>27218371

>Zeeg heil
>That funny feeling at the back of your rectum
Any other slip ups mori did this session?

>> No.27218343

They shat the marketing-bed with Kizuna Ai.

>> No.27218344
File: 812 KB, 1000x731, 18805725913.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27218346


>> No.27218348
Quoted by: >>27218352

>Someone sneaks $500 in at the last second

>> No.27218350

please don't

>> No.27218352
Quoted by: >>27218362

Nah it was a long time ago

>> No.27218354

>Hades permissions means Supergiant permissions
fuck yeah

>> No.27218355

this and this
cute spacesuit chuuba playing shmups never ever

>> No.27218356

Redpill me on Hades

>> No.27218357

He was trying to get her to say My wife Kiara bortfloew

>> No.27218361

>Dad is still in the chat
The fuck...

>> No.27218362

Fuck, I thought the spacha reading was ending

>> No.27218365

Sounds like her real voice.

>> No.27218366
File: 1.60 MB, 1020x1866, hotwings.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i honestly want the henshin belt to get us a toku outfit for her but she mentioned her alt will probably be a dress like pic related
it might be super fucking hot though so ican't complain too much

>> No.27218368

Well, it's true she'll become impossible to criticize in any discussion soon enough if she goes full victim mode like miss 4chan 2014 if you know what I mean.

>> No.27218370

SuperGiant Rogue-like game.

>> No.27218371

The latter is a guy that donates many times every single stream, she usually catches herself but guess she's just given up now lol

>> No.27218372


>> No.27218374
File: 194 KB, 1244x937, 20201002_204324.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Tentacult, thoughts?

>> No.27218375

So even with this game she got near 15k, which is about the same numbers Ina and Kiara have done with CoC and Minecraft. This is going to be EN average?

>> No.27218376

Isometric roguelite game from supergiant, it's really fun.

>> No.27218378

>Mori/Gura Transistor OST Karaoke
I need this
Good isometric hack and slash roguelike

>> No.27218379

Do you guys think Gura would sing Silent Night for a Christmas karaoke or is that nogo because of religious connotations?

>> No.27218380
Quoted by: >>27218407

Holy shit, Chicken looks like THAT?!

>> No.27218381

Someone needs to play Transistor, but I'm not sure who. Amelia? Maybe Ina?

>> No.27218383

Trinityfaggottery was born out of the chemistry disparity between NA and JP sides of EN. If they can fix this in the next collab I think trinity will normally be disbanded.

>> No.27218385

>she's learning new cringekino
oh no

>> No.27218389
File: 256 KB, 480x473, bro.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27218390

Do the nips really give a fuck about that?

>> No.27218392
File: 492 KB, 2067x2924, 1601265711950.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27218393

15-20k seems to be average for ENs

>> No.27218394
Quoted by: >>27218413

She seemed to have no qualms about stirring mild controversy with her most recent karaoke stream.

>> No.27218395

I can't stop listening to Gura's Fly Me To The Moon cover. Please help...

>> No.27218403


>> No.27218404

A rougelike that sacrificed replay value for story. Gameplay is still great though.

>> No.27218407
Quoted by: >>27218440

No, she actually looks like this:

>> No.27218410
Quoted by: >>27218433

man too old, too hairy, too dark.

>> No.27218411
Quoted by: >>27218437

>who got it
This isn't a thing is it? Cover is the one getting the permissions so their permissions should apply to all their employees shouldn't it?

>> No.27218412
File: 108 KB, 1000x1000, 1600246873192.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Mori/Gura Transistor OST Karaoke
Can we get all of them, Build That Wall is still my favorite track to listen to.

>> No.27218413
Quoted by: >>27218458

what did she do

>> No.27218414
File: 36 KB, 580x326, nice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27218415
File: 14 KB, 480x360, ghsot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Big-ups to Ghost

>> No.27218416
File: 201 KB, 1000x1200, 20201003_020857.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27218418
File: 242 KB, 565x527, 1601683395608.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27218419

EN brought a lot of newfags into the fold, just depends on if they stick around. We haven't even reached a full month even though it has felt like a goddamn year, so I will personally wait until a couple of months out to see if these new viewers are remaining.

>> No.27218421

Breddy good I'll probably fap to it eventually

>> No.27218425

Mori will find it hard to say no to that. If she's had some wine in her, she's doomed.

>> No.27218427
Quoted by: >>27218442

holy shit that "nngah" at the end made my cock tingle

>> No.27218430

Honestly if the numbers do burn out and stabilize, it'll be pretty fucking impressive considering that most of Hololive would kill to even have half those viewers

>> No.27218433
Quoted by: >>27218635

are you retarded

>> No.27218434
Quoted by: >>27218470

Mouth not stretched enough. I want the whole anteater experience

>> No.27218435
File: 2.49 MB, 500x324, snow in summer.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27218477

Imagine Gura humming this...

>> No.27218436
File: 145 KB, 828x1719, 1599784642504.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27218523

How do you know?
Polka is sus

>> No.27218437

I meant more as in who asked for it first no ideia how it works

>> No.27218441

the combination for the credits was my favorite https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GDflVhOpS4E

>> No.27218440


>> No.27218442


>> No.27218443


>> No.27218447

Weird tentacle but I really dig the position and her face
good shit, we don't deserve you

>> No.27218450

>She even managed to fuck up her own order

>> No.27218454
Quoted by: >>27218575

Bastion was so good. It's still my favorite Super Giant game.

>> No.27218458

Directly dedicated multiple songs to Coco despite the recent China controversy. She either has a lot of balls, or she's perfectly aware of how Cover can't touch her with her currently driving EN. Probably both.

>> No.27218460


>> No.27218463


>> No.27218464

donate that to him tomorrow night

>> No.27218466

GOD DAMMIT [cans clattering]

>> No.27218467

Will fap

>> No.27218468

What if we reply to the guys replying to the doxfags?

>> No.27218470

Anteater mouth is so fucking disgusting, please don't

>> No.27218474

All in all it was a great day Goodnight my homies

>> No.27218477

No lie, I think I'd really cry like a bitch

>> No.27218478

I still have yet to find when said "hambones"

>> No.27218479

>Doom reps to make the stream experience better

I love my drunk reaper. Night deadbeats.

>> No.27218481


>> No.27218482

>All these people talking about Hades, Bastion, and Transistor
>No one brings up the kino that was Pyre
That game being a huge flop is really upsetting. I'm happy Supergiant was able to bounce back with Hades though.

>> No.27218483

I'm more of a to the base guy myself.

>> No.27218484
File: 145 KB, 650x900, 1601521520809.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apex CUTE!

>> No.27218488

God damn, the ending transition gets me hard every single time.

>> No.27218491

Mori's actually pretty fun to watch despite the shit game

>> No.27218494
File: 172 KB, 1220x1220, EjUAdREXkAA8fuV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Already listening in loop since I woke up

>> No.27218495

Mori said*

>> No.27218497

What the fuck was that PEACE?

>> No.27218499

Mori's getting a lot better at streaming.

>> No.27218502


>> No.27218503

Mori what the fuck

>> No.27218505

And that success led to a terrible fanbase

>> No.27218506

I kneel

>> No.27218508
Quoted by: >>27218532


>> No.27218512
Quoted by: >>27218536

It was from a old tweet back in 2014 where she made a reference to /v/

>> No.27218516
Quoted by: >>27218536

literally look on the archives. I don't want meido to rangeban me

>> No.27218518
File: 1.05 MB, 1017x1019, Eh3hdpLU0AA41LV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27218552

Trinity? that slut Amelia is not allowed near Goddess cute and funny Gura and Loomis Ina ever again, she is a blight on hololive

>> No.27218523


>> No.27218526

It's good, I love the eyes.
Tentacle looks weird, and why the mosaic when posting here?

>> No.27218527

unironically this, gura's chat is insufferable

>> No.27218530
File: 777 KB, 1192x677, 1601660616104.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27218920

Apex fanbase for apex idol.

>> No.27218532

What did she mean by this?

>> No.27218534


>> No.27218536

Oh, I thought it was in one of her streams as Mori. If it's roommate shit then whatever.

>> No.27218546
File: 122 KB, 386x1081, 1572735163111.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27218577

Today's /beg/ reps

>> No.27218548

Her own fault for intersecting with pikamee mario 64

>> No.27218551

All stream chats are insufferable

>> No.27218552

I don't even like Ame, but caring about them having relationships is straight cope, they've all had or have BFs.

>> No.27218558
File: 183 KB, 438x486, 8B48D49A-315B-4E5F-A088-E072FD0945CD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How come EN Gen 1 got a theme, when ID, Stars, CN, and 4 gens of JPs didn’t get one?

>> No.27218559
Quoted by: >>27218719

she's very comfy to watch but in a different way compared to say Ina I'm not quite sure how to describe it

>> No.27218563
File: 80 KB, 288x288, 1598457308401.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27218593


>> No.27218566

Cause fuck em, dats y come

>> No.27218567

The girls can barely speak Japanese they're N5 except for Mori and Kiara who are like N3 at best. Mori is too much of a sperg to stream with anyone that's not EN and Kiara will probably get her dream collab with rabbit it'll be a mess and she'll never JP collab again.

>> No.27218575
File: 565 KB, 705x482, 1375783345379.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27218599

>Bastion came out 9 years ago
Where does the time go

>> No.27218577

Nice one

>> No.27218580

>caring about Youtube chats in the first place

>> No.27218585

Socially inept, wears her emotions on her sleeve, cute and stupid

>> No.27218586
File: 360 KB, 748x848, 1600691233793.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't stream and record in vlc without the annoying youtube bloat

>> No.27218589
Quoted by: >>27218617

Wasnt hololive gamers a theme?

>> No.27218593

Based peko

>> No.27218594

Same, the JPs can keep their filthy hands off the ENs

>> No.27218595


>> No.27218596
Quoted by: >>27218604


How does it sound more appropriate, it’s not possible bros....

>> No.27218597
File: 429 KB, 1620x2160, 20201003_021636.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27219564

When I can't even read my own feelings
What good are words when a smile says it all
And if this world won't write me an ending
What will it take just for me to have it all

>> No.27218599

I remember playing it all in one sitting the day it came out.
Summer of Arcade was such a fun idea for the Xbox, I'm sad they did away with it.

>> No.27218601

more like success breeds obnoxious retards who won't shut up. Like you.

>> No.27218604
Quoted by: >>27218865

it doesn't

>> No.27218606
Quoted by: >>27218629

I'm more talking about her fanbase in these threads.

>> No.27218607

Yep, every one of her solo streams feels comfy now, and still has some of the cringe I have come to enjoy. I hope she can be less nervous in collabs

>> No.27218614

Deadbeats jerking now?

>> No.27218616

the real reason chumbuddies are so bad about sending SC is that we are saving up for more powerful computers to successfully watch the stream

>> No.27218617

IIRC the GAMERS formed after the members debuted. They're just essentially holos who played a lot of games/ loves games.

>> No.27218622
Quoted by: >>27218829

I thought Ina was like N3 as well.

>> No.27218624

I don't know to stream from my video player...

>> No.27218626

Probably a bad idea to drop this kind of thing into this cesspit, but I'm tearing up like a faggot and I have to tell someone. For the last ten years, I've been dead inside. I thought myself literally incapable of feeling love again. I was just listening to Gura's Fly Me to the Moon again, and I had one of those moments where your whole perspective almost physically tilts. She made me realize that I can still love. I'm not in love with her. I'm not a schizo or an idolfag. But her singing helped me break through some kind of mental or spiritual barrier idk wtf, I feel alive and hopeful again for the first time in years. I'm going to do all of my reps and I'm going to go out there and find someone to be happy with.

Thank you Gura.

>> No.27218628

Maybe later

>> No.27218629

ok now which mask are you wearing today Ina , kiara or ame

>> No.27218632

12am gang here

>> No.27218634
File: 2.03 MB, 764x1200, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rate the stream.

>> No.27218635
File: 609 KB, 2048x2048, __mori_calliope_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_ninomae_ina_nis_artist__8e11d4fe852b7e3e710ac8cc5b1ee1b4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ina should be reserved for /ss/

>> No.27218638

Nice blog post, faggot.

>> No.27218639


>> No.27218643

same except for me it was her ride on time + konosuba ed

>> No.27218646

after all those moans i sure am

>> No.27218650
Quoted by: >>27218728

Nice https://twitter.com/NLO28636331/status/1312205179626774528

>> No.27218651

Can't tell if my dick like it or not

>> No.27218652




>> No.27218653

ok now I see where that anon was coming from saying gura fanbase is the worst

>> No.27218658

>I'm not a schizo

>> No.27218659

mad father is a kusoge but I watch mori for mori and her autism and not what she plays

>> No.27218661

Best of wishes anon. I'm glad you found motivation to set yourself free. I wish you nothing but happiness. Take some time and smile.

>> No.27218662
Quoted by: >>27218691

I know Mori IS N3, but has there been any proof that Kiara is too. From what I understand, Kiara is better than Mori at Japanese.

>> No.27218667
File: 213 KB, 1365x2048, 1601695640486.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27218698

1:17 you can still hear her unique voice tone "stamp" when she says "in other..." and that's something only a smol being can pull off. Kinda makes me imagine.

>> No.27218668

Upvote bro.

>> No.27218670

Because EN market is very serious business and required care. Same reason they all got great designs and high spec models. Yes, even the chicken.

>> No.27218671

I feel the same way. It's so forced and inorganic but there's a certain crowd who have latched onto it and are forcing it even harder. Pretty boring to be honest, Kiara and Mori have no actual chemistry at all it's just Kiara yuribaiting, Mori acting like what she thinks a tsundere is and retards lapping it up.

They need to take lessons from Flare and Noel on how to make a proper yuri ship

>> No.27218675
File: 92 KB, 640x632, 1601566947336.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27218676

I still feel like she's not that good at actually commentating over the game itself unless some dumb bullshit happens, but maybe it'll be better with DOOM and Blasphemous.

>> No.27218678

shark sucks lol

>> No.27218679

Good luck, fag. You'll be back.

>> No.27218682
File: 365 KB, 634x479, never give up.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27218686

Kiara is able to speak Japanese better than any of the other HoloEN, she's definitely above Mori's level.

>> No.27218689

Mori/10. She's getting more comfortable streaming and it makes me happy. Fuckling hell I don't want to go full gosling

>> No.27218691

Kiara claims she's more comfortable with Japanese than english so she should be N1.

>> No.27218692

Did Gura overtake Haachama yet?

>> No.27218696

The whole thing is literally just a corporate made pairing

>> No.27218697


>> No.27218698
Quoted by: >>27218723

Whos the artist for this?

>> No.27218707

Yeah, it's a fun dynamic but a short-lived one. Maybe as they collab more there will be more chemistry for it. Right now it's hit a wall but I know some will keep trying to force it and it could start to annoy the girls and fans.

>> No.27218708

Few days now, she's already behind Senchou by 10k or so

>> No.27218710
File: 68 KB, 798x798, dying cat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27218713

I enjoyed it. I didn't care for the game, but it was relaxing overall.

>> No.27218716
File: 20 KB, 976x110, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27218881

She's literally gonna eat Hololive itself soon.

>> No.27218717
File: 378 KB, 1200x1042, 1601619477691.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the west needed a japanese to pull the femininity out of their women
Yagoo may be an amateur but he has an ideal. See you again next time chumbro.

>> No.27218718

Just woke up, tell me if there is anything worth checking the archives for other than Lamy hating jannies.

>> No.27218719

Ina is calm, and soft spoken so it’s chill. Mori is loud and energetic, but she does a good job capturing the ‘hanging out with a friend’ mood. There’s no pretense that she’s special, especially after seeing her drop her guard and relax in her drinking streams. Hard to feel nervous watching someone who almost fell asleep in front of you, so it creates an intimate but not Gosling experience.

Mori, if you check the thread before bed, don’t feel the need to go overboard on the Doom reps. We’ve been suggesting them since you were frustrated with yourself for fumbling buttons, not because we expect you to blow through the game.

>> No.27218721

I unironically hate Gura. She's not funny. She's literally r*ddit's vtuber now.

>> No.27218722
Quoted by: >>27219156

Yeah I can't blame them too much for it since it's obvious that it was pushed by cover and not the talents themselves. They just haven't had the time to develop any kind of real relationship so the whole thing falls flat.

>> No.27218723

please remember to use saucenao and iqdb before coming back to ask

>> No.27218726
Quoted by: >>27218929

Yeah, Gura is on her way to dominate the horny pirate as we speak.

>> No.27218728

Goddammit I just finished. Whelp time for round two

>> No.27218733

Did Ina forget about the lewd tag? I think it'd be awkward to bring it up in chat...

>> No.27218735
Quoted by: >>27218795

Same here chumbuddy. I can't stop listening to the recordings.

>> No.27218739

who's your favorite chuuba anon

>> No.27218741
File: 360 KB, 2000x1800, EjUQ-n2UYAAPTco.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone have the full version of this?
or any other clips of HER singing seriously

>> No.27218744

Kiara is fully fluent in Japanese. She was flexing her Kanji knowledge in Moris stream.

>> No.27218752

All of HoloEN are reddit vtubers...

>> No.27218758
Quoted by: >>27218778

don't fucking post gosling, retard

>> No.27218761

Have a good laugh, anons.

>> No.27218762

Deadbeats, what can we do defeat trinityfags? They've gotten really cocky lately, and I don't think we'll survive if they continue with their antiposting without some challenge.

>> No.27218767
File: 457 KB, 2048x1832, 1601479657937.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27218768

That’s it I am investing in sharkcoin right now.

>> No.27218769

Couldn't have said it any better myself, watching her streams feels like hanging out with a buddy in high school

>> No.27218770

>5mbps upload for streaming
She's not gonna make it. Maybe a 720p30fps stream at 3mbps will work.

>> No.27218777
Quoted by: >>27218848

All her songs from the karaoke stream.

>> No.27218778
Quoted by: >>27218812

make me

>> No.27218783
File: 9 KB, 480x360, KEKW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27218787

wew lad

>> No.27218791


>> No.27218795
Quoted by: >>27218959

if you are interested in audio with less stage banter, i have recovered from my mental retardation and i have put the MP3s (and added M4As) in a mega folder instead of in a pastebin full of URLs. i also updated all the tags with dates and original stream URLs in the comment fields.


>> No.27218797
File: 976 KB, 800x1280, 1525923409341.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Put more effort into your falseflag.

>> No.27218798


>> No.27218801
File: 246 KB, 463x453, 1601326517486.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27218802
Quoted by: >>27218837

That's the worst part for sure, it's so transparent. The cynic in me sees it and I picture some Japanese dude at Cover realizing the time zone differences are going to create a natural 3:2 split in how this 5 person team operates, and they just looked at the yuribaiting that flowed naturally in HoloJP and immediately started with full Matsuri mode for Kiara, and told Mori to act "tsundere" and she wikipedia'd what that means over the weekend.

>> No.27218808

It's just bants, I like Mori too. Don't sweat it, deadbeat.

>> No.27218810

You can open the URL directly in VLC's network stream option, but Streamlink seems to be more stable with playback and supports recording to a file at the same time. I might be running an outdated copy of VLC though.

>> No.27218812

Have sex

>> No.27218814

ENs theme is almost certainly post hoc, not only is it loosely based, Mori, Ina and Gura must have chosen their themes themselves.

>> No.27218816
Quoted by: >>27218821

see ya, cocksuckers
hope the chink dick was worth it

>> No.27218818

I think that's a good way of explaining the Mori appeal. Watching her feels like hanging out on the couch with a bro. She's easy listening, down to earth, has good taste and seems like someone who would just be fun to hang out with. The ideal GF for many people.

>> No.27218819

>Kiara who are like N3 at best.
>Mori is too much of a sperg to stream with anyone that's not EN
You clearly don’t watch them

>> No.27218820

ogey tree rrat

>> No.27218821

They are that dick

>> No.27218822

get fucked

>> No.27218824

It looks like it's just a Japanese translation of the faggot English post they made when they privated all their videos.

>> No.27218827

She gives off that daughter vibe that you want to protect, but I don't think she doesn't do anything worth hating unlike the others minus Ina.

>> No.27218829
Quoted by: >>27218854

she said she probably only pass N5 on stream

>> No.27218837
Quoted by: >>27218861

Mori has no idea how to play tsundere properly. She told Kiara to fuck off in her stream yesterday which is a bit to tsun tsun

>> No.27218838
File: 328 KB, 361x480, 1592998610584.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Install mpv

>> No.27218839
File: 29 KB, 717x407, 20200928_010204.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27218867

Imagine having the biggest hololive clip channel and then shooting yourself in the head because a dragon said Taiwan.

>> No.27218842

rip in pieces

>> No.27218844

I don't get it, what happened?

>> No.27218848

ive already seen all of these, what im asking for here is clips of HER

>> No.27218849

>gura, ina and ame still haven't posted there yet
pretty based ngl

>> No.27218853

They're done, dissolving.

>> No.27218854

She could probably do better if she hadn't skipped her kanji reps...

>> No.27218855

They got butthurt about the Taiwan stuff

>> No.27218859

Reminder that all holos have lots of hot sex with their lovers every second you're not watching them until proven otherwise.

>> No.27218861

A proper tsundere would tell her to go die from cancer. It's like you people have never seen an anime made before 2010.

>> No.27218862

I can't read this

>> No.27218863
File: 80 KB, 300x300, e1e213a2er31t123i112a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27218922

Poggers, dood.

>> No.27218865


>> No.27218867

Most of the fags who ran that channel are chinks so of course they'd side with china

>> No.27218868

Ina said that she hates reddit and redditors with a burning passion during her last drawing stream.

>> No.27218869

>Gen 2
Drug addict
Convicted felon
Literally a prostitute

>> No.27218871

Those are literally the worst type of tsundere.

>> No.27218877

>be the biggest hololive clip channel
>one day a dragon say the T word
>since you are a Chinese cocksucker you decide to appeal to them and ban all CoCo clip and shit
>get boycotted
>now they dissolve
good riddance

>> No.27218878
Quoted by: >>27218974

Someone translate this from bug for me. Last I remember was after their autism fit someone on the Reddit made a post about how they were using their verified status to get other translators copyright strikes and the Hololive rep there said they'd look into it. Did Cover completely ass fuck them?

>> No.27218879

Let out a good pekora laugh, thanks

>> No.27218880
File: 89 KB, 262x262, 1601132502075.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27218881

~20 days to 1 million
FBK needs a 5k a day pace to beat her

>> No.27218885
File: 324 KB, 1920x2680, 1601697411224.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't care, they are just trying to get nip attention with this

>> No.27218887

This, they objectively aren't leddit pandering shits. Ina literally said she doesn't use it.

It doesn't really matter if reddit likes her, that doesn't make her "theirs" and is a faggot cop-out. That's like saying you shouldn't like (your favorite food) if reddit likes it. They like her because damn near everyone likes Gura pretty much, that isn't hard to process.

>> No.27218897
File: 32 KB, 563x164, Screenshot_20201003-023723_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek. Fuck those chinks.

>> No.27218899

Turns out that channel is a bunch of actual Chinese people translating clips, so when reddit dragon implied Taiwan is a country they blew their channel up.

>> No.27218901
Quoted by: >>27218919

That's like Taiga from Toradora, a Tsundere with literally no redeeming characteristics. Selfish, violent, messy, dependent, emotional, manipulative and just an all round cunt.

>> No.27218903

>miss one gura/ina stream
>feels like i havent watched hololive in a week

>> No.27218904

Kiara is unironically better at Japanese than Coco.

>> No.27218908
File: 146 KB, 827x1281, EiRihEdVoAAkM9S.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good because I like seeing my boy have fun. It's cute when she gets mad or flustered too :}

>> No.27218915
Quoted by: >>27218934

It's actually not impossible if she pulls out all the stops like gets a 3D scheduled and collabs / streams round the clock. However, it'd be pretty fucking tough to pull that out of her ass when she's been usually pulling 2k a day aka almost 50 days away at the usual leisurely pace.

I also think Gura will slow down soonish but there's no telling how much or when. It'll honestly be fucking tough to predict whether Gura/Korone/FBK break 1m first, could be any of them.

>> No.27218916

Didn't SHE use it back then?

>> No.27218917

>This, they objectively aren't leddit pandering shits
did you just conveniently forget about s*nz*w*? Literally the definition of leddit

>> No.27218918
File: 431 KB, 651x566, f4c33b5c519c6eaaab04a585213f5aec.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well it happened. WILL HE FINALLY STOP?

>> No.27218919


>> No.27218920

Holy crap, bro I remember this cartoon
Oh shit the feels

>> No.27218922
Quoted by: >>27219066

>posting a traitor

>> No.27218924

The reason that spectrum of tsundere died off is because they're dogshit. Someone tells you that and you just aren't going to associate with them if you can help it, Helga from Hey Arnold ass shit, no thank you. Louise from Zero no Tsukaima is as far as you go.

>> No.27218925

Wtf Ray0, I thought u were a amefag

>> No.27218929

Turns out the horny pirate is the one getting fished!

>> No.27218930

Can't read insect. What does it say?

>> No.27218934

>I also think Gura will slow down soonish
We've also said this last week and there's still no signs of stopping...

>> No.27218935
Quoted by: >>27218952


>> No.27218938

>random flip got more attention from Ame than /hlgg/'s autistic doxing
oh nonono

>> No.27218940


>> No.27218942

I have to work all weekend bros (the last 24 hours and the next 72)
what am I going to miss ?

>> No.27218945
Quoted by: >>27218990

Is Gura really going to maintain that pace though? Surely there's a plateau, not that many westerners can be into shark cunny right? Does that place have a weekly log on trends, I'm interested in seeing her weekly distribution of subs and if it's dwindling or not.

>> No.27218947
Quoted by: >>27218989

This is her new boyfriend

>> No.27218952
Quoted by: >>27218966

I'm pretty sure she did it so he'd stop spamming her mentions.

>> No.27218954

>Hololive Moments is created and helped by thousands of fans from Bilibili, those creators are our most important partners, and we value them more than anything else, even over the VTubers themselves.

>> No.27218956
Quoted by: >>27218972

动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 劉曉波动态网自由门

>> No.27218959
Quoted by: >>27219062

Very nice, anon. Are the M4As lossless trims from the original streams? Side note, the actual name for 12 is "Odoro yo, fish".

I think most people would get filtered by MPV myself included, so VLC / MPC-HC are the safe choices.

>> No.27218961
Quoted by: >>27218987

Why else would she have bothered to? Takes a millisecond to click on that to prevent what could be a months/years long cringefest from him.

>> No.27218962
File: 340 KB, 2048x1716, 1601393651420.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here: >>27113874

Sorry Inamate but mpv is too barren for me, I prefer to use players that have more buttons than the minimum needed ones.

>> No.27218964

The big collab and who knows what afterwards, since they'll be posting their schedules after the collab. Your girls will wait for you to get back :)

>> No.27218965

Gura slowly looking at Ina while saying popcorn is so damn cute. How long until she go to the hospital for malnutrition?

>> No.27218966
Quoted by: >>27218998

>block - he notices and goes even further
>do anything - same as above
>mute - he doesn't notice and keeps going

>> No.27218968

Damn that dudes got a wide ass nose. My nostrils are too small, this fucker must have stole mine.

>> No.27218972

Why are responding to me like I'm a bugmen when all I want is a summary of chink cope since I can't read their retarded language? I don't dislike the copypasta, but why do I deserve it with sheer curiousity?

>> No.27218973
File: 2.50 MB, 296x431, 1601443707161.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Amelia liked it
Fucking hell, she never fails to make me laugh. SASUGA BRYAN-KUN

>> No.27218974

chinks detected

>> No.27218977

Literally who?

>> No.27218980

The collab
Mori doom
Ina animal crossing and mario kart
Kiara might be doing something not quite sure yet

>> No.27218983

There are styles of rap?

>> No.27218986

That's what it says

>> No.27218987
Quoted by: >>27219027

They never stop. It'll just escalate into "every day until she retweets" "every day until she replies" "every day until she adds me".

>> No.27218988
File: 149 KB, 1200x1200, 1590072947479.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Architect stream snack eating collab, Mori DOOM stream, probably Kiara Minecraft. Probably some others that I forgot.

>> No.27218989
Quoted by: >>27219007

Great, another chad I can't measure up to.

>> No.27218990

She's actually been accelerating, she was at 12ish thousand a day around the time of Taiwan, then started going up to 25k, and now is at a constant 20-22 pace.

>> No.27218991

Getting some anime OP vibes from
Anyone know if Mori has more songs that feel like that?

>> No.27218994

Yeah, and that's a pleasant surprise to me honestly. It'll happen sooner or later, like I said, I don't actually know when. If she maintains it for close to a month yeah she'll easily clinch 1mil. But if it slows down to 15k, or especially down into the 10s or into mere-mortal territory of sub-10s? That could slow her down enough to not catch it.

Keep in mind Korone is on track to hit it in not-long either since she's been piling on 2-3x Fubuki's subs like a drum and that probably won't stop. If Gura slows to Korone-speed of 5-8k a day she won't catch her; she'll have to stay way-ahead aka in the teens per day to probably beat everyone to the finish line.

>> No.27218995

Amelia's graduation

>> No.27218996

That's Japanese you mongoloid.

>> No.27218998

Probably was still the best bet. She does it now before it becomes a multimonth "thing" that gains traction with other twitter weirdos, so he won't have that pushing him to continue, if he does she can now just block him because he's spamming and she'll have people on her side for throwing him a bone.

>> No.27219000

The karaoke stream from this week plus regular streaming should be enough by itself to carry her momentum for a while, even if she wasn't planning an archived Karaoke soon. When you factor that in I wouldn't be surprised if she stayed around this rate for a month more.

>> No.27219006

I can't read chink either but I read it just fine.

>> No.27219007

how can we even compete?

>> No.27219008

It repeats what they said on their channel then it adds that it's thanks to their cn translations that hololive became big because at some point the bilibili hololive income was higher than youtube's etc they're just very butthurt.

>> No.27219009
Quoted by: >>27219035

I bet her stomach gets tied into a knot from the stress of streaming and starts making all kinds of loud noises.
So she streams on an empty stomach because growling sounds are cuter than gross indigestion sounds.

>> No.27219013

Me, as long as it's spoken by a cute girl, even chinese ain't that bad.

>> No.27219017
File: 183 KB, 493x449, 1601144314827.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it's lost to time, anon. Have no fear though, I'm sure she'll do Christmas songs again.

>> No.27219027

Give them an inch and they'll take a mile. See how we went from "Coco needs to apologize" to "not good enough, she needs to be fired".

>> No.27219031

Los Goslingo Loco will never stop. Now is the quest for a retweet.

>> No.27219035

Do sharks fart though? It would be pretty weird if one of the member asmr streams was just her upset tummy. Asking for a friend.

>> No.27219039
Quoted by: >>27219059

>damn near everyone likes Gura pretty much
Well, yeah, her model, character and personality were all literally designed to capitalize on everything that their target audience finds highly endearing and will want to support/protect. It's kind of funny that people think they're drawn to her of their own volition. There are a million girls out there who could play the role just as well given the chance to have such guaranteed exposure through an established brand.

>> No.27219043

Just finished a 72 hour brain transplant. Any news on FromSofrt permissions?

>> No.27219045


>> No.27219047
Quoted by: >>27219098

I'll have to keep an eye on that then, Gura will be a good indicator of any sort of current "maximum" amount of subs an EN Hololive can get. I think FBK or Korone deserve the 1mil milestone more, but it would be fucking hilarious if Gura got it.

>> No.27219052

never ever

>> No.27219053

Nothing yet

>> No.27219055

Alegend should become Anhero

>> No.27219056

Is it me or does DbD as a survivor look boring as hell? Basically just a loading screen simulator. At least it looks like the killers each have actual abilities but the survivors are all just gonna have perks that make them marginally better at repairing or healing or whatever it is they were already doing. Am I wrong?

>> No.27219057

What does bilibili drama have to do with holoEN? Fuck off with this shit. Chicks deserve the rope, but this isn't what this thread is about at all. Fuck off /hlg/ and /pol/

>> No.27219059

Brb making Hollowifes.

>> No.27219061
Quoted by: >>27219075

Elden ring

>> No.27219062

>Are the M4As lossless trims from the original streams?

no, it's not possible to make the banter edits and in/out fades i need for the type of presentation i am going for without going through LPCM.

>Side note, the actual name for 12 is "Odoro yo, fish".

thanks, i'll fix that later.

>> No.27219066

Lets be real anon she probably had a gun to her head, its the CCP. Shes been ''''''reeducated''''' once already for badwrongthink.

>> No.27219072
Quoted by: >>27219092

She said during her early streams that EN Manger is working their ass off to try and get them. EN Mangers actually seem to be getting off their ass and getting permissions.

>> No.27219073

DbD is literally just hide and seek with more steps

>> No.27219075
Quoted by: >>27219086

ohhhhhhhhhhhhh elden ring

>> No.27219076
File: 679 KB, 2529x4096, 1598639518834.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27219081

Did you just slightly change a post from that one Matsurifag that was trapped in the Philippines?

>> No.27219086

I doubt you can even imagine it

>> No.27219088

her veil actually starting to look cool

>> No.27219091
Quoted by: >>27219125

Mori has only made like 2 posts there, one being the music event
She even said she never used reddit in her life during one of the first streams, she was just forced to because of the job
Chicken is the only actual redditor

>> No.27219092

Looks like he's doing something besides harassing Marine after all.

>> No.27219095
File: 242 KB, 452x410, 1601442083913.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When are we getting ring fit?
Who do you want to see playing it?

>> No.27219097
Quoted by: >>27219412

DbD is honestly an extremely boring game because of how it's designed. Honestly I wish the girls could get permissions for Friday the 13th because that has actual unique survivor objectives that isn't REPAIR ALL THE GENERATORS VERY SLOWLY.

>> No.27219098
Quoted by: >>27219105

>Gura will be a good indicator of any sort of current "maximum" amount of subs an EN Hololive
She isn't even trying yet.

>> No.27219104

When they buy it. Mori.

>> No.27219105

She is trying and youtube keeps shadowbanning her

>> No.27219106

Say the line, Senchou!

>> No.27219111

I want Ina for the ACTUAL heavy breathing and pained moaning.

>> No.27219112

Kiara, I can imagine the swearing and noises already.

>> No.27219114

Not soon enough
All of them

>> No.27219121

Mori, bitch needs the exercise.

>> No.27219123
File: 1.89 MB, 1748x2480, 1601479657938.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27219124
Quoted by: >>27219172

You are wrong, but only for higher levels of play. At the basic bitch baby level, it's indeed pretty straightforward.
At higher levels, which is what Gura will play, it gets into autistic mindgames and buildshit. Have faith in Shark.

>> No.27219126

Love it thanks

>> No.27219125

Niggas acting like reddit is some stupid religious cult is pathetic. Don't waste your time with forum warz, kids.

>> No.27219128

Amelia. That fat bitch

>> No.27219135
Quoted by: >>27219251

She has just under 2/3 of her old sub count in 3 weeks.

>> No.27219136

Ina doesn't strike me as the kind of person who exercises so definitely her

>> No.27219139
File: 48 KB, 622x629, 20201003_015306.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That stream will be a coomfest for the ages.

>> No.27219140

>ame no longer follows 69's on twitter

>> No.27219141
Quoted by: >>27219190

SA will pay for kicking out moot.

>> No.27219144
File: 13 KB, 233x204, 1329285661970.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>countless drawfags everywhere
>almost no soundfags

why is it like this
I just want cool arranges of my chuubas singing
And no, ape rap doesn't count.

>> No.27219145

>all the yelling for huke papa between moans

>> No.27219148
File: 302 KB, 410x410, 1594792869025.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm horny...

>> No.27219150


>> No.27219152

Where's the clop of her talking with Senchou and her stomach deciding to growl loudly in front of her senpai?

>> No.27219156
Quoted by: >>27219177

>pushed by cover
kiara has already said in two separate streams that she finds mori attractive irl
its getting pretty hard to believe this is all cover when kiara simps for every single female character she sees in fire emblem

>> No.27219159
Quoted by: >>27219176

Be the change you want to see

>> No.27219165

nothing really stays put
she'll be gone one day

>> No.27219166

Really need an Amelia edit of this.

>> No.27219167

>Mori sits on the floor
I can't tell if this is extreme devotion the Japanese lifestyle or she was the poorest of poorfags.

>> No.27219168

Gasoline gives me a headache (diesel is even worse). That said I really like the smell of chlorine/chlorinated water for some reason.

>> No.27219169


>> No.27219171
File: 12 KB, 320x320, 1601413773068.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well Kiara will be the one to moan a ton like JP but I wouldn't mind Ina doing it...

>> No.27219172
Quoted by: >>27219257

>for higher levels of play
So gura would have to grind offline to get to the point where it would be interesting?
That's kind of a bummer

>> No.27219174

You need to be over 18 to post here.

>> No.27219175

How about they put out some original songs instead of derivative cover garbage?

>> No.27219177

It's a mix of cover designing the characters with this in mind and Kiara having very little social awareness.

>> No.27219176

but anon I can only do trackers and mml

>> No.27219183
File: 3.09 MB, 2560x1440, sketch-1601708275520.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27219185

>sega genesis dude

>> No.27219187

I wonder if Gura would play co-op Kunio-kun with Korone, that'd be neat.

>> No.27219189

Probably the latter since she said she's getting a real chair and desk soon.

>> No.27219190

It's pathetic bullshit and a waste of time, time that could be better spent watching more streams.

>> No.27219204

I feel like panting Ina would be the most lewd.

>> No.27219206

Are there any Ina anti's here? Can you explain why your don't like her? She seems like the least divisive holoEN to me and I want to understand your thinking.

>> No.27219211
File: 1.30 MB, 1000x1412, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God, that would be legendary.

>> No.27219213
File: 60 KB, 915x455, 1601575062496.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just woke up, how was dead by daylight?

>> No.27219217

Definitely the second one. Apparently her desk was fucking tiny.

>> No.27219218
File: 23 KB, 205x210, 1569338658059.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27219222

Do you think EN manager just wanted to get an Ahoy! instead?

>> No.27219227

Funny and cute

>> No.27219228

I don't have the photo of her work area, but from what I remember it was basically the size of a litteral closet

>> No.27219229
Quoted by: >>27219268

Ina wasn't as scared as I wanted her to be, but the exchanges between the two were cute, if not awkward.

>> No.27219230
Quoted by: >>27219276

I'd say a persons personality can be much more easily predicted to fit into certain groups based on if they use something like reddit vs something else like 4chan tho, even if some parts of reddit may be alright
Here, you're forced to read every shitty opinion, small or large, and the only thing to bring attention to a post is its amount of replies which could be people arguing against them or for them. People here are more likely to have open minds and willing to see other points of view
Reddit however silences non majority opinions by either direct censorship from zealous mods, or soft censorship with a voting and hiding system where the least popular opinions are shifted to the bottom out of sight. Redditors are more likely therefore to have a single set mind and be less willing to have open discussion or change opinions, alongside a higher rates of some superiority complex since they can see they are a part of the majority aka being shit cunts

>> No.27219233

Cute, lots of powerful yuri moments.

>> No.27219235
File: 76 KB, 600x600, 20201003_030135.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tonight we sleep like kings.

>> No.27219238
File: 265 KB, 560x560, 1563138083261.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All of the moaning and going "oh fuck"

>> No.27219239

She said ahoy but he wanted the other one.

>> No.27219244

So, now that they're back, which Holo is gonna be the first to a Pendulum song for karaoke?

>> No.27219246
File: 2.44 MB, 2000x3000, 1601173744319.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gura and Ina playing with Korone and Okayu. The perfect ratio of high energy and chill on both sides

>> No.27219251
File: 28 KB, 824x328, watch_out_theres_a_shark.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gura might beat HER to 1M if she keeps doing karaoke streams

>> No.27219252

The edits will be the stuff of legend

>> No.27219255


>> No.27219257

Yea, sadly. That said, in a past life, she adored that game. She absolutely will grind it.

>> No.27219260
File: 351 KB, 1473x2047, EiokI0kU8AAAthz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27219282

What? I love Ina.

>> No.27219261
File: 618 KB, 638x541, 1591878218264.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27219263

Surely Mori did not spend entire Japanese residency in sitting room.

>> No.27219264

You know, I 99% bet he expected her to just say "Ahoy!" because that is her actual catchphrase, and Marine for some reason, assumed he wanted to hear "I'm horny." Why? I don't know, it's Marine.

>> No.27219265
Quoted by: >>27219299

>Missed the karaoke stream
>Just went back and did my vod reps
You could write an entire dissertation on her song list and how she's playing 4D chess with goslingposters

>> No.27219267

In these threads? Most drawfags and people coming up with OC have left this place from all the shitposting

>> No.27219268

I don't know about the game but survival pov was pretty boring, I liked the hunter pov way more
But gura and Ina talking make it worth it for me, they are always cute
But it isn't a horror game? lol

>> No.27219269

If you watch when she says that, not a moment later she says that she’s always dreamed of having a proper desk and multimonitor setup. I can’t imagine trying to do serious work on a single laptop screen, but she continues to impress.

>> No.27219271
File: 13 KB, 414x415, 1488048043563.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi I'm ugly, autistic, paranoid, talentless, unfunny and I sound like shit.

Please look forward to my debut on holostarsEN.

>> No.27219272

I can't sleep so I'm gonna open Ina and Gura's DBD vods and try to sync them up.

>> No.27219276

This is why if you have to browse Reddit, you sort comments by controversial

>> No.27219278

I'm not sure how you can even judge a chat with 30 to 40 thousand people in it. At that level and above it just becomes noise.

>> No.27219279

We need Gura ring fit I'll tell you what.

Or fuck, any EN ring fit.

>> No.27219281
File: 2.85 MB, 498x426, tenor (1).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is the first time ive unironically wholly gosling

>> No.27219282

I'm not asking people that like Ina. I'm asking people that don't like Ina why they don't lie her dummy

>> No.27219283
Quoted by: >>27219350

Second one. Which is why even if Mori's content isn't really for me, I'm so happy she's making bank now, good for her for escaping the fucking howling snake pit that is poverty.

>> No.27219284

After Gura's Fallguys spergout, I want to see that frustrated Shark in RFA.

>> No.27219285
Quoted by: >>27219399

Only if collab on this


>> No.27219287


>> No.27219292

If I wasn't doing three jobs and being a workaholic, that actually looks comfy.

>> No.27219293

Mori " Big Rice" Calliope is a weeabo

>> No.27219294

I feel so sad every time I see this image

>> No.27219295


I didn't know Gura was Japanese

>> No.27219299

Cant wait for someone to do it

>> No.27219298

Reminder that gosling poster deserve the gas chambers

>> No.27219300
File: 73 KB, 128x128, 1596560208542.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is RFA an actual stream game or do you fuckers just want to see girls moan?

>> No.27219302

I actually never realized the char was on the floor in this picture until now. I thought it was just the angle.

>> No.27219304

What do you think?

>> No.27219305

My god it's so cramped.

>> No.27219306

He specifically said "how are you?" and wasn't satisfied when Marine said "I'm fine, and you". Pretty sure he was looking for *that* line.

>> No.27219309


>> No.27219311

Did she already have the Hololive set up at this point? The phone is in the holder

>> No.27219313
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>> No.27219317
File: 590 KB, 2869x3585, 1601510792207.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sweaty Shark

>> No.27219320
File: 168 KB, 518x657, 1600531126658.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ywn be the slime on the left and be her footrest

>> No.27219325
File: 121 KB, 400x400, 1600996118279.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bro the meidos are here...

>> No.27219330

Ah the fabled Asus ROG laptop that is almost 6 years old. I can't wait for her new PC to arrive.

>> No.27219333

Doubt it, probably just kept the same set up because her apartment is a fucking shoebox.

>> No.27219336

Ina antis? Never heard of them.

>> No.27219340

>Drawing as a hobby
>Bought a cintiq pro 32 with remote

>> No.27219343

Hlg always thrashing Holo EN, yet their oshi kneel down and liking EN.

This is what I observed.

>> No.27219346

Anon what the fuck do you think

>> No.27219348

Hololive has taught so many people to archive shit it's unreal, I never watched her but I'd love to listen to more of her serious singing and can't find shit

>> No.27219351

I'll make sure to drop $100 on your monetization stream

>> No.27219350
Quoted by: >>27219452

I mean Japanese apartments are cramped as fuck but if you look at Moris setup she wasn't doing too badly. More lower middle class than poverty, you don't buy 20 inch Cintiqs when you're in poverty

>> No.27219353


>> No.27219355

I'm not sure but thought the same, no clue when this photo was uploaded as there isn't a "last updated" thing on spotify
Assuming she did this a while ago tho she likely was confirmed hired 3-4+ months ago.
This could be some other thing tho she got for non holo purposes that just happens to cross over

>> No.27219356

It's not a hobby though. She got paid to do music videos and does her own music videos.

>> No.27219357
File: 61 KB, 272x367, 1465737234538.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Play PUBG with HolostarsJP and I'll sub.

>> No.27219359

is this same artistmode tablet ina uses?

>> No.27219365
Quoted by: >>27221377

It's from late July when she had already teased it so almost certainly

>> No.27219366

turns out 4 chan is all skitzos no matter the board

>> No.27219370
Quoted by: >>27219778

Doesn't seem that bad. It's better than what you'd get in ex-Soviet countries thats for sure.

>> No.27219371
Quoted by: >>27219405

>The End of the World
I never knew about this song but this is such a good song. I am glad Amelia sang it.

>> No.27219372

Ina is mostly inoffensive, which can be a good or a bad thing depending on what people want out of a character. She doesn't have any bad moments I can think of, but she also doesn't really have any standout moments either, like Gura's karaoke sessions or Amelia's girlfriend simulator. She's just a consistent 7 or 8 on the quality scale, never oscillating much from that position. I'm not knocking it, but for people who want an emotional rollercoaster character like your pekos or rushias or matsuris or seemingly kiaras, ina may be a bit boring.

>> No.27219374
Quoted by: >>27219385

She did tons of animation on her main channel. She just wasn't a professional like Ina was.

>> No.27219376

According to them it's just one seething shitposter.

>> No.27219377
File: 87 KB, 680x383, 15961023515852.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you really have to ask?

>> No.27219382

She draws the animations used in the music videos she makes.

>> No.27219384


>> No.27219385

Hell she drew and animated the intro screen for herself and Kiara.

>> No.27219387

does every holo have crazy orbiters like this or is it just ame

>> No.27219388

I'll be there.

>> No.27219392
File: 256 KB, 1600x1559, 20201003_025114.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking love more Serious art of Mori.

>> No.27219393
Quoted by: >>27219427

When did this happen?

>> No.27219396

woah who woulda guessed /hlg/ is full of self-loathing weebs larping as JSLs

>> No.27219399

i'm assuming Rushia gets the In Flames sections?

>> No.27219405

fallout radios have a lot of really good old songs, check them out, if you liked that one you'll probably like most of them

>> No.27219408

Basically they're becoming too much of bitter actual-weeaboos to see the forest for the trees. I don't mean like the "lol they like anything japanese" broken, ruined definition of that term - I mean like they will never ever accept non-Japanese holos, even if they're legitimately called Hololives and are under the same fucking company and are loved by everyone besides them. Which is just asinine really. Or more like they think we're all tourists when no not only have I used /hlg/ since it was the vtuber thread going back to 2017, I was here on /jp/ the fucking day it was made in Feb 08, I've got infinitely more merit to call myself /jp/ than probably 99% of those fags who have been here probably not even 6 months. And, I am fine with HoloEN.

I wasn't fine with it before it debuted, I thought it'd be a fucking horrible abomination but no, they're actually way closer to legit than I had assumed and have to credit Yagoo's golden touch for picking talent even out of a pool where 99.9% of the applicants would be fucking trash at being a Holo.

>> No.27219410

It's just ame, how have you not noticed this by now?

>> No.27219412

There's a more obscure game called White Noise 2 which got ate up by the DbD hype(and the fact DbD got licensed characters). It's honestly a much better game for something like a collab. Sadly the game is dead as doornails so its literally impossible to play without a custom lobby.

>> No.27219414
Quoted by: >>27219494

you know its werid how she has all the drawfags and all those psudo goslings and dont forget the fucking ina posters who were just as frequent as the ame posters but they some how arnt the antis or divide false flaggers but what do i know i just got shork brain

>> No.27219420

It's all of them. It just comes with the job.

>> No.27219422

Think she's too chill and comfy to hate, plus people dug in her roommate's Twitter but didn't find anything to schizopost about

>> No.27219425

Same, and the Parental Advisory sticker brings back memories of listening to Eminem with my friends as a kid.

>> No.27219427
Quoted by: >>27219514

Marine talked about it a week ago so I'd probably say a few days before that.

>> No.27219433

I want her to rape me while I'm forced to look into her dead, soulless eyes

>> No.27219442
Quoted by: >>27219471

Like others have said, Ina is pretty inoffensive. That being said, there was a huge push near debut of antis and shitposters trying to attack her over tomboy shit.
There just isn't any ammo to shitpost about her, really.

>> No.27219447

>Favorite EN
>Do you think survey posting is ever done by official Cover management

>> No.27219452

True, I guess I'm stretching back more in her roommates past from what I know, obviously her artistic talents got her in a decent enough position to move to Japan.

>> No.27219471
Quoted by: >>27219521

>trying to attack her over tomboy shit.
everyone loves tomboys though

>> No.27219479

No but the girls and/or staff most definitely come here and read feedback

>> No.27219482
Quoted by: >>27221422

The problem with being a pure hardcore weeb is they don't see that japs are westaboos. By completely abandoning western roots, they actual become "less japanese".

>> No.27219483

If we were in 2030 I'd think it's just a guy training an algorithm to make fully automatic hololive threads run by bots

>> No.27219486

Probably at least a couple times

>> No.27219490
File: 84 KB, 680x383, 1601411638408.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Amelia is the enmity physical DPS, where she gains a stackable attack buff whenever she's attacked/her attack misses/gets debuffed or status'd. Also has a skill that debuffs the enemy's attack and accuracy
>Gura is a fast physical DPS that deals more damage whenever she attacks the same target, and gains attack boost whenever she scores a kill. She's almost always guaranteed to attack first due to her speed, but still has considerable defense to take some hits
>Mori's a status-oriented DPS with insta-death affliction. Her attacks and offensive skills has a chance of insta-death, with higher chance when the enemies are status'd beforehand. Can still deal considerable damage even to death-immune enemies
>Kiara is a tank with versatile skillset, due to having a heal and an offensive skill, and has a passive endure/Guts that activates once. Her ultimate draws aggro and grants her constantly-active Guts for a certain amount of turns
>Ina's the universal support unit. On FGO terms, if Sora is the Waver and Suisei is the Merlin, Ina is the Skadi. She can debuff an enemy's defense and status resistance, place a party-wide buff/debuff that may bind (similar effect to freeze) enemies and heal allies at the start of the player's turn for certain amount of turns, and create an afterimage of an ally that does the same thing as said ally and heals the ally if it's destroyed, on top of having a chance-based passive that tells the enemy's next move

>> No.27219492

so what is gosling posting supposed to represent

>> No.27219494

man but didnt that one twitter tranny have an ina avatar and didnt the roomatesdoxniggers have a drawfag who just so happened to post it and didnt those same ina posters try to adopt the shark as soon as possible and kill the og trinity when the roommate shit came out *hits pipe*

>> No.27219502

it represents that you should lurk more

>> No.27219503

It's basically just the new >tfw no gf

>> No.27219508

God I hope not

>> No.27219509

its lonely people who want a GF or wife or daughter and use gosling photos

>> No.27219511

Glad to know it. Being an objective person at this kind of place is pretty based.

I kinda respect meidos too, He is also hlg before and now have my respect for liking EN too.

>> No.27219514

Wait didnt you guys not heard about the EN manager being a female? Kiara and Ame has already called her a she when chatting live on discord.

>> No.27219516

Unlikely, as a lot of them are about local meta/drama shit that's irrelevant to their big-picture analyses of the demos/markets.

It's not impossible if there is some pressing question on their minds they might just ask here that would be faux pas if not impossible to ask on reddit, such as "why exactly do you hate Kiara / what would you do to fix Kiara" and so on.

>> No.27219521
File: 86 KB, 680x453, 20200809_225624.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They are a dying breed, anon. We must protect them from extinction.

>> No.27219532

so he got fired and they replaced him that or there is like two managers

>> No.27219542
Quoted by: >>27219622

Kiara single pulling in dungeons and Ina losing her mind is something I would love to see.

>> No.27219543

Ur mom
If they actually came here they'd be scarred for life and quit.

>> No.27219551

There's probably two
one for the girls in NA
one for the girls in Japan

>> No.27219558
Quoted by: >>27219578

Could be the general manager of the EN branch. Why would personal managers for the girls need to be in the Cover office

>> No.27219564
Quoted by: >>27219581

Wait, she sang that too?

>> No.27219565

That's a nice OPINION you got there but I agree with your last line which is 100% true, there is indeed only 2 and half real Holos in HoloEN and it could be worse. What most people here are seething about from my pov is the stubbornness of the tourists to turn Hololive into yet another westernized shitshow that has nothing to do with Hololive just because they want to feel better about themselves and get compliments from their discord buddies or from whatever community they came from (definitely more than one horde came here).

>> No.27219574

So uhhhhhh who do we watch now?

>> No.27219575

If they did they prob wont anymore, not after the amelia freakout

>> No.27219576

Ame called them a she but I'm pretty sure Kiara called them a he. It's probably for the two regions like this guy >>27219551 said.

>> No.27219578

either makes sense

>> No.27219580
Quoted by: >>27219598

Go do your sleep reps

>> No.27219581
File: 50 KB, 468x360, 20200929_144017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27219837


>> No.27219588

How were gura, ina and amelia?

>> No.27219590

missed it/10

>> No.27219593

Aight fellas real talk here, how can Cover followup on EN Gen 1 given how high spec they are?
Pivot to niche viyda genres? A whole gen of established musical talents?

>> No.27219598
Quoted by: >>27219617

It's only 5:30 in Australia

>> No.27219600

What do you think Hololive will go for on building up Holostars en? Fujobait, cool bro factor, etc

>> No.27219603

backlog reps

>> No.27219607

No, it's done by anons who want a lotta (You)s

>> No.27219608 [DELETED] 

Pikamee is suffering so hard that she almost just ragequit SM64

>> No.27219611 [DELETED] 
File: 1.20 MB, 2736x2740, 1601254234944.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you really BELEB the "my family is in danger" narrative?

>> No.27219613
Quoted by: >>27219689

I'm not sure if Hololive is big enough for that, unless they have a really dedicated manager. And uh, cover managers don't fit that profile.

>> No.27219617

I mean, there's Pikamee.

>> No.27219618

Why is the thread so dead right now? I get that no one is streaming, but in normal Holo dead hours, its still more active than this.

>> No.27219619
Quoted by: >>27219667

Look at the most popular male streamers on twitch. They will do that.

>> No.27219620

next gen might be less focused on game skill and maybe on capturing a wider market girls who are multi lingual and are willing to do streams in those languages

>> No.27219622

>"Okay Ina I'm still kind of new to this so I'll go slow to not make things hard for you"
>Ina with her 99% parse face

>> No.27219629

anon we are surrounded by the corpses of those with whom meido lost patience

>> No.27219630
Quoted by: >>27219690

Go for more wildcard literal whos like Ame. Just make sure they have a downtrodden past so that they have the strength of character to be interesting and fun.

>> No.27219633
Quoted by: >>27219682

After the ID Gen 2 they already have planned they really need to take a fucking sabbatical from debuting gens for a while.

>> No.27219634

Just do what they did last time, find some menhera indies

>> No.27219637
Quoted by: >>27219654

I wanna see a EN stream of a team RPG

>> No.27219642

we are on the corpses of dead sea monkeys enjoy it

>> No.27219646

SEAniggers and most of the schizos were banned by based meidos. Burgers are asleep and Euros are waking up. Mainly the mass banwave though.

>> No.27219647


>> No.27219649 [DELETED] 
File: 80 KB, 225x236, 1594622524651.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27219676


>> No.27219654
Quoted by: >>27219680

Dragon's Crown might be fun.

>> No.27219656
Quoted by: >>27219711

Amelia said she was catching up on art, but she didn't see my art because twitter doesn't scroll 1 more day into the past
I feel so bad

>> No.27219658

Meido is watching and absolutely clobbered people up and down all day today/yesterday. That + the stupid drama ride the other day probably has exhausted people like all fuck. Things were buzzing earlier with the collab and karaoke (then mori after), but now that those are done and no more streams for a while, people are doing their sleep reps.

Or, they're over back in /hlg/ because there's a shitstorm currently going on there with niconico anti bullshit.

>> No.27219660

Are there any streams planned or just the coab?

>> No.27219667


So a spanish speaker who is a sperg, got it

>> No.27219677
Quoted by: >>27220481

It's true dead hours, following a banning spree

>> No.27219676

Look, I like Pikamee (VOMs overall actually) but they're just not Holos. There IS a thread for them, /vyt/.

>> No.27219678

That's one long ass foot. And what is the yellow substance supposed to be?

>> No.27219679

Have we heard Ina sing yet?

>> No.27219680

>Kiara immediately picks the massive tiddy sorceress

>> No.27219682
Quoted by: >>27219728

you aren't supposed to watch every stream from every streamer
it's OK if they go up to a population like 15-20 in 3-4 gens to fill out the roster

they will probably keep making gens until they see saturation (IE, lower revenue per each streamer)

>> No.27219683
File: 713 KB, 679x1028, 295994986096211.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since it's the western adaption we're talking about...

>> No.27219684

Yes, twice

>> No.27219687

yes and PC-kun died in the middle of it

>> No.27219689

Yagoo does the surveys. He datamines the responses and feeds them into his app.

>> No.27219690

I still have to wonder how the fuck they found Ame.

They must have asked a "do you know how to deal with internet insane people" type question and she was the one with the most impressive "BOY DO I" response.

>> No.27219693

Who suffered from SM64 more? Pikamee or Kiara?

>> No.27219692

A bit

>> No.27219697
Quoted by: >>27219710

still love all the girls but inafags definatly are sketchy and i dont fucking trust them shark has numberfags, ame has goslings , mori has deadbraps who besides being the but of jokes arent bad and kiara has rabid niggers who latch onto MUH JP IDOL but those shits are too fucking quiet.

>> No.27219699
Quoted by: >>27219749

some EU friendly holos please

>> No.27219702

>random instadeath
At least make it as controllable as Perish Song from pokemon (all affected units die in 3 turns). It's also thematic!

>> No.27219703

What fate classes would the HoloEN girls be?

>> No.27219710

If you hate everyone why are you in this thread

>> No.27219711
Quoted by: >>27220326

just RT it

>> No.27219713

Anon there were auditions. Cover didn't go dumpsterdiving through Twitch to find her.

>> No.27219714
Quoted by: >>27220087

They would be fine if their scouting team can keep tracking their talents background. Imagine nyanners or problematic people got into EN, that will be disasters.

Global is freaking huge pool for talents. I believe there is someone out there who can still outclass EN specs.

>> No.27219715

Because he hates himself the most

>> No.27219721

Mori liked this

>> No.27219723

HolostarsEN won't ever happen, if they don't make one for the CNs and IDs then don't expect to see a EN version.

>> No.27219728

They need to take a break because the company's already too big for them to manage. They need to lay down some tracks for their chuuba train.

>> No.27219729

How was Amelia karaoke? Was sleeping cus EU

>> No.27219730

The first, 100%.

>> No.27219732

Gura - Lancer
Mori - Assassin
Amelia - Berserker
Ina - Caster
Kiara - Saber

>> No.27219733

I could swear this photo was mirrored the first time it was posted.
These are one and the same thing. Shit sucks.

>> No.27219734

hate the fans love the girls not that hard and some of you are cool sometimes

>> No.27219735

meh. it is karaoke though

>> No.27219739

>yagoo has them go through a two week aloe simulation
>if they come out of that swinging, they get put on the shortlist

>> No.27219742

It caused some unfortunate relapses among the weaker willed anons.

>> No.27219743
Quoted by: >>27219801

ID and CN aren't as big as EN, of course they didn't decide to invest in a sub-branch. EN meanwhile is rivalling JP less than a month in.

>> No.27219745
Quoted by: >>27219768

Mori is Assassin, Gura is Lancer, Ina is Caster, Kiara is Saber and Ame is either Archer or Berserker.

>> No.27219746
Quoted by: >>27219855

Haruka is probably one of the best english indie collab options for Mori since she's not in the Ironmouse/Nyanners/Melody etc degenerate/lewd clique.

Still want Ironmouse collab.

>> No.27219747

she sucked but her song choices were very well chosen to say the least

>> No.27219749
Quoted by: >>27220802

what would an EU friendly hologirl do differently?
stream times?
I promise I'm not asking because I'm a recruiter trying to figure out this exact problem...

>> No.27219753

Not a lot of technical skill in sight (which was expected) but she put a lot of soul into it. Goslings returned in full force.

>> No.27219754

She’s a bad singer but very cute

>> No.27219756

You are being silly, the EN market is a big opportunity

>> No.27219759
Quoted by: >>27219801

CN and ID bombed, EN is soaring. Why do you think they need to invest in all 3 branch regions equally?

>> No.27219764
Quoted by: >>27219787

Gura lancer
Mori Assassin
Amelia Caster
Amelia(s*ch*) Berserker
Kiara Saber
Do I even have to say Ina's

>> No.27219768
Quoted by: >>27219797

Ina is definitely a Foreigner though.

>> No.27219769
Quoted by: >>27219817

I like her. Gonna follow her and keep an eye out for EN Gen 2.

>> No.27219773

>Ina not Foreigner

>> No.27219775

so whats the new narratives now that most of them have been nuked or are forbidden

>> No.27219778

Not really.
>this post was made from a well-insulated central-heated commieblock while sitting on an actual chair that lets you sit, like, above the floor

>> No.27219780

It was fantastic. She has a great natural singing voice but needs some training. She can really shine if she had vocal classes. I loved it personally.

>> No.27219782

She's a lot more talented than she lets on, granted it was built from the failures she went through all life

>> No.27219783

Fuck the goslingposters, fuck the doxxfags, no other holoEN has gone out of her way to indirectly interact with us as much as her despite all the shit we put her through
Amelia Watson is /ourgirl/

>> No.27219785

MarIna draw stream.

>> No.27219787

apparently you do because the two replies before you didn't catch it

>> No.27219788
Quoted by: >>27219814


>> No.27219789
Quoted by: >>27219814

Cover has worked out an agreement with hiroshimoot and they now have 4 managers constantly watching these threads.
Said managers are on suicide watch.

>> No.27219790
Quoted by: >>27219838

you don't understand how growth companies work
if they slack for even a minute, someone else will swoop in and steal their marketshare
they need to expand and dominate now

their management structure only needs to be expanded a bit, the girls themselves have to do most of the work once you get them up and running. they don't need many more managers/support staff to support 20 girls instead of 5

>> No.27219793

She has the weakest voice of HoloEN by far, but it was still cute

>> No.27219794

I hope she makes it Gen 2, her streams are peak comfy

>> No.27219796

The hololive panel is just a phone app? I thought it was a PC program or tablet.

>> No.27219797

You're technically correct considering her inspiration and Papa, but post-FHA classes are lame.

>> No.27219800

gosling posters are just useful idiots we still need to find the puppet masters pulling their heart strings

>> No.27219801

Not even the JP Holostars are popular, what makes you think an EN version would work? I ain't against the idea but I just don't think it'll ever happen

>> No.27219806
Quoted by: >>27219858

This got leaked and we've all been anal devestated

>> No.27219810
Quoted by: >>27219872

The iphone tracks the facial movements and sends the data to the PC and the live 2D software

>> No.27219812
File: 206 KB, 1174x1220, IMG_20201003_093952.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Collab when

>> No.27219814


>> No.27219817

I'm betting they probably have a big portfolio of "maybes" if not enough spare talent discovered to rush out Gen 2 if they felt like.

I mean in re-opening auditions now, or in a year, they're going to be getting more and more fake golddiggers in who only see it as get rich quick lottery and weren't authentically trying to be vtubers before. The ones who applied for the first round all went into it assuming it might not turn out any good at all and authentically-wanted to do it and are likely the most honest applicants they'll get.

>> No.27219820
Quoted by: >>27219847

>indirectly interact with us
Take your meds, nigger

>> No.27219823
Quoted by: >>27219844

I wonder if Mori realizes she has fallen into the Japanese subculture of drinking.

>> No.27219825

Male streamers are culturally more accepted in the west, anon. Japan has idolfaggotry weighing holostars down really hard in a lot of ways.

>> No.27219827
Quoted by: >>27219905

Pikamee is suffering more since she actually advance more in the game... I hope chicken comes back for more sufferkino

>> No.27219828


>> No.27219830

They've made 3 fucking gens of Holostars despite knowing they aren't as popular after the first one. What makes you think they won't at least try?

>> No.27219834

What makes you think holostars would do worse on EN than it does in JP?

>> No.27219837

Friendship ended with Monika
Amelia is the new Club President

>> No.27219838

No one is going to swoop in and dominate Hololive any time soon. Their biggest competitors are a joke and they have so much mindshare that their name is inextricably linked to vtubing as a whole. Easing off the gas for a small bit won't kill them but it will allow the girls a chance to grow before they're overshadowed by yet another debut.

>> No.27219842

What game would they play?

>> No.27219843
File: 215 KB, 1200x783, 1585163620281.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any streams within the next 12 hours?

>> No.27219844
Quoted by: >>27219881

You're making a pretty big assumption that people who work in Japan are obliged to drink. Also that she didn't do that before she even moved.

>> No.27219847
Quoted by: >>27219877

Two weeks ago I'd have agreed with you but the evidence keeps piling up

>> No.27219850

dudes in the west get huge stream numbers for gaming
they just need some guys with huge ego/ personality but who aren't cringe and they can be doing 10k liveview streams easy

from a business point, they would be dumb not to try. it's an entirely different ecosystem than japan. there are plenty of 'normal' male streamers in the west doing 10k, 20k, 50k stream numbers right now. if they can get the western holostars to hit even half of those numbers they will be making huge return on investment

>> No.27219853 [DELETED] 

I need ogeyrrat original webm asap please

>> No.27219854
Quoted by: >>27219864

>enmity physical DPS
the fuck is that

>> No.27219855

Mori all but confirmed it. She has 10 collabs lined up already apparently and most of them are indie EN. Fingers crossed the twitch cancer doesn't leak into HoloEN too much

>> No.27219856

Nijisanji may debut their EN early next year, but frankly, their format just doesn't work in the west I don't think. Hololive doesn't really have true competition at the moment.

>> No.27219858

shit you guys are still on that leak well heres the new leak strait from yagoo himself

>> No.27219863
Quoted by: >>27219887

lol asmongold holostar just imagine for a minute

>> No.27219864

Higher damage the lower HP you get

>> No.27219865
Quoted by: >>27219906

>Welcome Hololive Imaqtpie!

>> No.27219868
Quoted by: >>27219924

Holostars flopped in Japan because the fans are idol fans who just want girls
HolostarsEN would benefit from the fact the vast,vast majority of western fans don't care much about idols as a concept

>> No.27219870


>> No.27219871

Ame/Gura cup head would be funny as fuck.

>> No.27219872

They couldn't just make a webcam do that?

>> No.27219873

I can't believe he did that to Mikoti....

>> No.27219875

They already have twitch people in EN.

>> No.27219877

So the coupon handwriting autist was really her showing off which lewd ones she made herself?

>> No.27219881
Quoted by: >>27219894

>You're making a pretty big assumption that people who work in Japan are obliged to drink.


>> No.27219882

Wtf YAGOO would never
I still watch om3tcw every time for the fun of it

>> No.27219884
Quoted by: >>27219920

>Nijisanji may debut their EN early next year, but frankly, their format just doesn't work in the west I don't think.
Seen a few posts saying this without elaboration. Why not?

>> No.27219883
Quoted by: >>27219910

Wrong link, buddy

>> No.27219887

speaking of the mong, if he ever does mediashare, someone needs to dono that clip of gura talking about how she wants to slap a bald guy's head from outlast

>> No.27219890
File: 1.54 MB, 3600x3600, 1594767624609.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

UNO collab when?

>> No.27219891

Oops wrong person meant : >>27219855

>> No.27219892
Quoted by: >>27219937

Don't think so. Not even ID has anything lined up.

>> No.27219894
Quoted by: >>27219939

I'm speaking from first-hand experience.

>> No.27219896
Quoted by: >>27219998

Mori made it to MOGRA, I'm proud of her

>> No.27219897
Quoted by: >>27219944

The phone only sends raw movement data to the PC so there's less chance of a fuckup revealing their actual face. Hooking up a webcam that is actually taking video increases that risk.

>> No.27219898

Me too

>> No.27219902 [DELETED] 


>> No.27219905

Christ shes literally suffering

>> No.27219906
Quoted by: >>27219958

as far as I can see they have no moat
even individuals could get in this game pretty easily. imagine a new Gura comes out of left field, same level of talent and quality of model.
Of course they would be able to generate six-figure subscriber numbers even if they aren't hololive brand!
And no, not every girl out there will be that level of quality, but that is why cover needs to be scouting these girls aggressively and debuting the good ones as quickly as possible. Time is money

you're joking but he is Hstars EN first wave

>> No.27219907
File: 3.33 MB, 1920x1080, aki desktop.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't have a picture of an EN desktop, but you can see here what a Holo needs to stream.

>> No.27219910

Shit wait anon thats the wrong file heres the right one


>> No.27219911

REAL yab moment

>> No.27219913

She's broken...

>> No.27219914
Quoted by: >>27219979

Yeah but they're employed by Cover so they need to play by Hololives rules. Independent streamers are Pokimane whore tier and have a whole different culture to Hololive

>> No.27219917

My wife shark!Chino is so cute

>> No.27219920

Their style is very japanese variety show. It could be translated if you were really competent, but it's fundamentally something very niche when put onto a global market. Compare this to Hololives more universal idol DNA and this is why there's such a big difference in international success.

>> No.27219923

Streets of rage

>> No.27219924

Ok but how would holostars en have their avatars designed? Cute, muscle bro, monster, etc.

>> No.27219925


>> No.27219926 [DELETED] 
File: 216 KB, 358x604, 1600729450350.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking mariyo...

>> No.27219927
File: 18 KB, 480x360, hqdefault (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As soon as they realize they can get it free on Xbox.

>> No.27219931

Niji is quite formidable in Japan actually, they have a million whos with not a lot of subs but all combined makes for a very large market similar in scale to Hololive's influence tier.

You just don't really hear about it in the West at all for several reasons, for one a lot of Nijis are of more normal everyday people and aren't going for the idol angle at all, two they just haven't had the clip translators + viral magic to make it like Holo did.

>> No.27219937

Then I'm gone, sayonara niggers
Time to do my reps

>> No.27219939
Quoted by: >>27219968

I am to, guess it depends on the part of Japan

>> No.27219943

The iPhone has a super special camera for facial recognition.
It blasts your face with infrared dots and shit.

>> No.27219944

Oh, I was wondering why that hasn't happened to anyone yet besides that one fat japanese guy who was behind a female vtuber.

>> No.27219947
Quoted by: >>27219990

>2 people still replied with the wrong class for Ina even though it's painfully obvious she's a Foreigner
Mori - Assassin
Kiara - Saber
Amelia - Ruler
Gura - Lancer

>> No.27219950

Boirds gonna do a members only stream to test out her new internet, so if you're a birdchad or unitychad you can check that out.

>> No.27219952 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 12 KB, 190x269, 1601711466826.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27219955
File: 578 KB, 826x772, 1601584193552.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't have fucking UNO

>> No.27219958

>same level of talent and quality of model
You do realize that while Gura is a decent holo, most of her popularity comes from hype and the Hololive branding, right? The fact that even normalfags know about her is completely due to the massive surge in popularity that Hololive has going at the moment. Her absolutely retarded level of success can't be recreated without that same branding behind it.

>> No.27219961

Anyone have the clip or whatever of Ina singing before Pc-kun died?

>> No.27219968
Quoted by: >>27219992

It probably depends on the line of work, I work in development/programming and a long time ago I had a shit job in hotel catering. Nomikais are/were a thing but I've never been obliged to drink alcohol.

>> No.27219973

Can the xbox connect be used in a similar way?

>> No.27219976
Quoted by: >>27219985

Hololive telling her boyfriend I love you:

>> No.27219979

Well I don't really watch any of them. I've checked a few indies, and they mostly seemed harmless. Well besides I guess melody being a cam girl is the only thing I remember really. But If I remember coco wasn't even able to mention her after the first time, so I don't know.

>> No.27219985
File: 596 KB, 639x617, luna.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27219987 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>27219995

How do you feel about Gura's rebellious older sister?

>> No.27219988

you know i contemplated a big scenero where i hire a VA to pretend to be one of the Holos and lead the Roomate niggers on a while goose chase that ends in some website that collects their IPs so i could send it to the maidos but i dont got money or knowledge enough in order to do this level of narrative posting

>> No.27219990

FGO and its classes are shit, they all fit into the original 7 easily.

>> No.27219992

You might just be too autistic to notice your coworkers talking shit behind your back because you don't socialize.

>> No.27219995

Not hololive.

>> No.27219997

I wonder who in the 5 owns an Xbox.

>> No.27219999


>> No.27219998

Mori fucking won...

>> No.27220000

I want cover to push for all target audience
Holostars EN with shonen,shoujo,joshi, design and more. It would be interesting at least.

>> No.27220002

I can't believe it's a coincidence that she was the biggest before Hololive and she's the biggest in HololiveEn.

>> No.27220005

This. If you turn down a drinking party then you will never be accepted.

>> No.27220006

shes' talented and has a great model (cute, expressive)
the holo brand got her to 50k-100k viewers, but the rest are from reposts and etc.
westerners who are watching her don't care about the HoloLive brand, they would watch any material with the same quality of streamer

>> No.27220011

Is it free on the windows xbox store?

>> No.27220012
Quoted by: >>27220025

It's a damn shame because some of the Holostars have great content. Roberu's bar collabs are great.

>> No.27220014
File: 16 KB, 534x248, 1600843921026.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27220047

where the fuck is the art of her having fun with her own tentacles? I can't be the only one who has thought of this

>> No.27220015

Don't project on me, m8, I'll drink on occasion but only if I feel like it and I'm not the only one.

>> No.27220022

Rhythm Heaven

>> No.27220024

Also, you don't have to drink alcohol at nomikais.

>> No.27220025
Quoted by: >>27220072

I like Roberu but i hate his chat. They keep spamming shit like winning son, its fucking cancer

>> No.27220031

Mori is too deep in the JP ecosystem for it to be mostly EN indies. I doubt that she wouldn't collab with HoloJP senpais so that's already at least 2 slots, probably more than that. ID collabs are likely. There are at least 2 JP indies she would collab with no matter what to give them publicity. Sugar Lyric's Rene already confirmed a collab. Hana is very likely. Hisupi and Mori's roommate are mutually following each other and they had zero public interactions so there is that.

>> No.27220041
Quoted by: >>27220048

Would you trust Risu with your nuts?

>> No.27220047
Quoted by: >>27221487

This shorta fits the bill.

>> No.27220048

I would give her enough to last her all winter.

>> No.27220049

if they went and didn't drink they probably got away with it because theyre gaijins. natives would 100% get looked down on.

>> No.27220050

I literally work as a janitor and Polka is hilarious lmao

>> No.27220051
Quoted by: >>27220071

Ok that doesn't change the fact they're passive aggressively shittalking you behind your back. It's one of those things where you're not "obligated" to go, but really you are since if you don't then you're going to be "that guy"

>> No.27220058

Based janny.

>> No.27220057

Im glad she's doing a collab with rene, i cant wait to listen to the songs

>> No.27220059
Quoted by: >>27220104

Boogey Voxx collab is pretty certain too.

>> No.27220069

Damn kids.

>> No.27220071

Then I guess something like half the company is shit-talking behind each other's back. Not drinking alcohol != turning down nomikais.
Don't try and push shit when you don't know, m8.

>> No.27220072

It's kind of a weird feeling. I hate the winning son shit but it did help him gain a lot of attention. His streams can hit over 1k.

>> No.27220080

Based janitor poster

>> No.27220081

yab moment.... https://files.catbox.moe/17brit.webm

>> No.27220086

i can fucking taste them chickenbro

>> No.27220087

speaking of talents, I wonder if they will consider scouting than auditions on the long run. While holoEN's success can lead to more potential talents auditioning, scouting may be needed eventually to ensure the quality of the talents
someone like Ina couldn't possibly be an audition pick, and if they can manage to get someone as high-spec as her consistently then holoEN future gens are in pretty good hands

>> No.27220089

If I were to one day marry Chicken and I invited all of you fags would you behave?

>> No.27220099

Tfw I haven't even thought about Holo id since en came out

>> No.27220100

The ZR is strong with the chicken

>> No.27220103

Yes sure why not Mori

>> No.27220104

>a male

>> No.27220106

I'd eat all the food before the ceremony even started and object during the "if anyone has any reason they should not be married here" and point out that she's a non-virgin and that makes her unmarryable.

>> No.27220110

No, because you stole my wife.

>> No.27220111

Only if you put DMX on the wedding.

>> No.27220112

im gonna fuck your wife

>> No.27220118
Quoted by: >>27220129

>if anyone objects to this union, speak now or forever hold your peace

>> No.27220120

Has a nice singing voice, and that's about it.

>> No.27220122


>> No.27220125

Gotta say, Ame's singing is pretty damn shit. She's cute so it's fine, but Coco is unironically better.

>> No.27220128

Of course if its for you Mori

>> No.27220129


>> No.27220134

Very good pronunciation!

>> No.27220140
Quoted by: >>27220162

Ame just has a weak voice from lack of practice. I think Coco is legitimately tone deaf.

>> No.27220141

If you have free food then sure

>> No.27220142

Only if the ceremony was held in a generic KFP, complete with a ball pit for the Schizos to play in.

>> No.27220146
Quoted by: >>27220218

>but Coco is unironically better.
Let's not get carried away now.

>> No.27220153

Ame was able to hit some notes correct at least.

>> No.27220157

hamburger with peanut butter
hot dog with mayonnaise
buttered popcorn

>> No.27220160

Hear me out. Rossboomsocks.

>> No.27220163

still blows my mind that HER personality is the complete opposite of what everyone thought

>> No.27220162

coco sounds like a french woman with clogged sinuses

>> No.27220164

How come Amelia's kareoke stream is privated?

>> No.27220168
Quoted by: >>27220186

I put mayo on my hotdog. There's nothing wrong with it at all.

>> No.27220170

Pull the /feh/ wedding

>> No.27220172


>> No.27220177

song copyright

>> No.27220179

How would you feel if Microsoft bought COVER Corp?

>> No.27220181

Hot dogs with mayonnaise is actually pretty nice, it's no different than putting mayo on a burger. Gura has good taste.

>> No.27220183


>> No.27220185

She's afraid of youtube atm, she mentioned it in Outlast. It's why shes trying to prioritize staying clean.

>> No.27220186

that's fine. i'm just making a list of foods gura has described

>> No.27220189

She sang songs that she didn't get (((permissions))) for.

>> No.27220198
Quoted by: >>27220207

>hot dog with mayonnaise
Why did people get freaked out by this, again? Doesn't everyone put mayonnaise on their hot dogs?
And I don't mean JUST mayo, retards, I mean mayo alongside the usual mustard and ketchup.

>> No.27220203

Die inside and move on to some indies

>> No.27220204
Quoted by: >>27220283

What did she say about it?

>> No.27220205

Ame has amazing potential if she learns to master her voice. This song is fucking beautiful because her natural voice is so good.

>> No.27220207

it's definitely less unusual than the PB burger.

>> No.27220212

Well, cleaners work hard so that their children won't be one.

>> No.27220213
Quoted by: >>27220262

I concluded my astral projection reps.
How was the Ina and Gura collab?

>> No.27220214

What has Microsoft bought that is even remotely similar to Hololive?

>> No.27220217

Better than Facebook or some chink company, I guess.

>> No.27220218

Considering how "unconventional" Coco's voice is, she's a way better singer when she tries. She can hit high notes without cracking, which implies a lot of practice. Ame's voice is much weaker in comparison.

>> No.27220219

>Sings a song from HER during Karaoke
She really is just fucking with us huh

>> No.27220220

Does the video of haachama or coco saying taiwan still exist anywhere?

>> No.27220223

As long as they stayed the fuck away from the actual content and worked harder to get permissions, I wouldn't care. In fact shit would probably get better since Microsoft is an actual capable corporation unlike the trash Cover is.

>> No.27220229

That's language, not personality

>> No.27220240

Keep doing your job well, janny.
Lord knows we need somebody to do it.
you too meidos

>> No.27220241
Quoted by: >>27220327

It's far too early for her to break out. She also might just be naturally more subdued she ever let on as HER.

>> No.27220246

I cant find the coco or hachama one, but there's a translated clip of Ars from Niji reading out countries, but the original stream cuts that part out because of the T word

>> No.27220249
Quoted by: >>27220303

mhm https://files.catbox.moe/bg5yud.mp4

>> No.27220250

Those nip are really soiboys. They can bully their oshi but can't defend them from chinks.

>> No.27220253
Quoted by: >>27220585

Might be good because MS has the political and power pull to tell the Chinese to fuck off.

>> No.27220254
Quoted by: >>27220585

Better than fucking Tencent, at least, that'd be a disaster.

>> No.27220256

Coco is decent at the songs she’s rehearsed a bunch, but when she’s just singing along to something her pitch is all over the place.

>> No.27220262
Quoted by: >>27220316

Gameplay was often kind of boring as being a survivor in DbD mostly means playing hide and seek and watching a little bar fill up at a generator.

However, Ina/Gura were both way less-awkward than they had been before, Gura especially actually sounded pretty close to like she does in her own streams aka they can actually talk to each other now without freezing up. Which is a fucking fantastic development, that's one less awkward autist for EN collabs.

>> No.27220277

Now that Ina had a collab with every other EN who do you think she works best with?

>> No.27220278

I think the thing is that Coco struggles with her weird voice (which isn't even that far removed from her real voice, considering her roommate) despite actual practice, Ame has a good voice but clearly hasn't practiced much if ever at all.
Coco is technically a better singer but Ame has much better potential if she ever gets proper training.

>> No.27220283

Mentioned she censored the de-finger scene with bloop because the youtube algorithm was finicky, and she didn't want to displease it too much.

>> No.27220284


>> No.27220293


>> No.27220296

I dread the day they pick up an actual Asian vtuber.

>> No.27220297
Quoted by: >>27220315

Does Mori realize she has the power to constantly pull in red SCs without actually intending for it?

>> No.27220301
Quoted by: >>27220308

brain small what mean

>> No.27220303

I wasn't expecting that and that was a hefty laugh.

>> No.27220308
Quoted by: >>27220358

She probably got told to take it off or else it'll make the bugs crawl more since they'll see the return date as a sign of mockery.

Haachama removed the return date from her twitter name.

>> No.27220315


>> No.27220316

Also, some random bit of news to fall out of that stream is that Marine and Gura talked by voice chat as well. New frens etc.

>> No.27220319
Quoted by: >>27220351

What's the niconico shit?

>> No.27220324

I'm leaning towards Ame, but that might just be because their collab had great moments like the triple 1 and connect 4

>> No.27220325


>> No.27220326

doesn't work, not showing up in the tag

>> No.27220327
Quoted by: >>27220389

This honestly. It would shatter the whole innocent, cutely anxious thing she has going for her now would probably ruin the wholesome imouto experience for a lot of the people who need that to fill a void.

>> No.27220334

It took Sony investing heavily in Ichikara for Nijisanji to go from a permanent dumpster fire black company to a somewhat respectable enterprise. They would get all the permissions too. As long as MS doesn't interfere too much and is just in it for the money it should be fine.

>> No.27220339

Would you watch holostars EN with astolfo design but sounds like middle age men? Ex. Kaoru with more girly build.

My only fear, this character will be a gate for sjw and trannies.

>> No.27220340

>Marine and Gura talked by voice chat as well.
This raises many questions considering that neither seem capable enough in the other's respective native language to communicate.

>> No.27220344

All of them. All of her collabs have gone well and I look forward to more of them in the future.

>> No.27220345

That might actually improve conditions for the girls so whatever. Cover is pretty incompetent.

>> No.27220350

i would pay real money to watch that collab that's going to happen RIGHT NOW

>> No.27220351

Lamy made fun of wagies while joking around with Polka, janitors (actual ones) in particular and apparently this is a controversy in Japan.

Or really it's not and it's more like the thousands of Niji psycho antis are collectively going "WOOOOOOOOOOOOOW did you SEE that, how horrible graduate them now" etc.

>> No.27220354

I very much disagree simply because of the fact those numbers are garnered from normies watching a normie streamer. As much as you think weebs have taken over the world, it is still a huge gate and a minority.

>> No.27220355
Quoted by: >>27220602

I avoid tranny characters on principal.

>> No.27220358

Okayu did the same thing. It's probably nothing.

>> No.27220360
Quoted by: >>27220375

stomach rumbles transcend language barriers

>> No.27220364

ATTENTION: Here are the canon pairings for Hololive English
>Mori x Dad
>Amelia x Mister Metokur
>Ina x Mandalore gaming
>Gura x Yagoo x Hiding in Public
>Kiara x Huke

Prove me wrong

>> No.27220369

When that collab happens in the future it's going to be hillarious

>> No.27220370
Quoted by: >>27220602

twitter sjws and discord trannies hate traps, though.

>> No.27220372

Yeah Gura didn't say exactly how. I'd guess it was an adorable-sounding call with combinations of broken English and broken Japanese winging it, probably both sides using google translate to move along too, as Gura had said she had talked to Shion basically though a google translate conversation.

Or who knows, maybe Marine is rapidly becoming good at English or it was just a very short "how do you do" icebreaker not needing a lot of details.

>> No.27220375

and my pants barrier

>> No.27220377
Quoted by: >>27220397

Metokur is going to die of canceraids in less than a year, don't fool yourself.

>> No.27220379

Huke definitely wants it bad enough.

>> No.27220388

Uh oh. Look who's talking about it now.

>> No.27220389

Obviously they play a few things up but I think for the most part it's their actual personality. Gura nervously giggling and being a cute dork all seem pretty genuine

>> No.27220392

Nah, it has such a different meaning in the West and would attract throngs of the absolute worst people who would also suddenly have big problems with lots of other Holos.

>> No.27220393

Off topic but,
How did the innuendo of roommate come into being? Did a vtuber claim deniability with that or something?

>> No.27220394

>Would you watch holostars EN
No. We already have tons of talented western male streamers who are good at games and/or entertaining. Not interested in seeing a mediocre one dress up as an anime fuccboi and sing karaoke.

>> No.27220397
Quoted by: >>27220517

He's already dead, it's all deepfakes now.

>> No.27220400

I would be a holostar EN with astolfo design I don't have a middle aged man voice tho

>> No.27220407
Quoted by: >>27220446

Do you really think Ame likes smokers?

>> No.27220409
Quoted by: >>27220602

stop shilling your shit you pedo. I know who you are.

>> No.27220410


>> No.27220411
Quoted by: >>27220518

You amefags are delusional. She has a weak voice, bad control and she misses the notes constantly. She's Noel tier, if now worse.

>> No.27220414

Isn't that nice Jannies, Hiroshimoot has your backs after all.

>> No.27220416
Quoted by: >>27220438

Maybe Gura was preemptively apologizing for blowing past over a year's worth of Marine's hard work with her obviously superior talent and unique, engaging content.

>> No.27220418

>Ina x Mandalore

>> No.27220420
Quoted by: >>27220444

If it happened and FBK didn't leave, it would probably be alright. Until they get pulled into E3 to shill Skyrim 2 with Todd Howard.

>> No.27220426
Quoted by: >>27220486

How cute. He's using that picture /a/ drew of him as his avatar from when he took over moot.

>> No.27220438

They exclusively talked about kani

>> No.27220442


>> No.27220444
Quoted by: >>27220620

What do you think Todd's superchats were for?

>> No.27220445


>> No.27220446
Quoted by: >>27220457

Metokur was in Ame's chat at one point

>> No.27220451

Her voice is pretty, but it would require too much work. She'll need a voice coach, and like maybe a year of grind. She's not doing that.

>> No.27220457

uh proofs

>> No.27220470

>Ina x Mandalore gaming
I only accept Ina x Plague.

>> No.27220475

Did you really just ask WHO?

>> No.27220480

>Kaoru with more girly build.
>more girly
>Not taking the Hanabatake Chaika route

>> No.27220481

What is there to do in regular dead hours anyways? The surge of roommate posting was the anomaly, not the norm.

>> No.27220486
Quoted by: >>27220650

I really wish he would interact with us more. Moot randomly showing up in /a/ and posting was good times. But I guess those days are long gone now.

>> No.27220499

Watch out, he's the overlord of this place

>> No.27220504

He was shitposting Taiwan numba wan and probably got banned in the chat. Look on the /jp/ archives

>> No.27220507
Quoted by: >>27220570

Gura: Lancer she has a fucking trident
Mori: Assassin she's literally death
Kiara: Saber she has a fucking sword
Ina: Foreigner there's literally a class for the elder gods
Amelia: Berserker (Madness E+)
Amelia (Gamer Gremlin): Berserker (Madness B)

>> No.27220510


>> No.27220517


>> No.27220518
Quoted by: >>27220629

It's a property of who are unsure of their voice, they don't 'attack' the notes rather they slide into and out of them so they seem sharp or flat. I can see potential and her voice is actually quite good, she just needs more practice and confidence. She spent a whole week tearing her singing down before the event so she's definitely unsure of herself.

>> No.27220519
Quoted by: >>27220542

Arkham editions?

>> No.27220520

Despite the Maringlish memes Marine's actually okay at English. Not conversational but enough to communicate.

>> No.27220526
Quoted by: >>27220665

>not Mori x K's
One job
Our akasupas will pay for /ourboy/'s wedding

>> No.27220542
Quoted by: >>27220553

which CoC stream is this from and where, i assume the 3rd one?

>> No.27220548

Maybe very basic communication, perhaps.

>> No.27220551

Some faggot who forgot he owns this place.

>> No.27220552

Her English was basically meme speak. Let's go onmyouji.

>> No.27220553


>> No.27220554

I totally understand that though. She doesn’t like speaking German on stream because it’s cringe for her. A similar matter as what she mentioned about how she swears more in English than German. You instinctively feel your native language better, and acting an anime girl to randos most of who can’t understand the language anyway is total cringe.

Ah your dumb narratives.

>> No.27220558

Yeah, this basically.

>> No.27220560

She unironically is not.

>> No.27220570
Quoted by: >>27220601

>>Ina: Foreigner there's literally a class for the elder gods
Ina is just a human who taps into the power of the elder gods with the Necronomicon so she'd be a caster

>> No.27220575


>> No.27220585
Quoted by: >>27220661

Microsoft would absolutely kneel.

Tencent is very hands off whenever they take a stake. In general Chinese companies are hands off.

The virtual youtubing space seems really risky. Even Hololive doesn't seem that profitable to me.

>> No.27220588

I hope you fags get a different thread if homostarsEN happens.

>> No.27220592
Quoted by: >>27220635

You can change your channel name and you also can't click on names in chat to verify.

>> No.27220594

It IS HoloEN and not HoloGER you know. She got shit on for speaking too much Japanese and people are trying to get her to speak German?

>> No.27220595

>I think it's lost to time, anon. Have no fear though, I'm sure she'll do Christmas songs again.
I can only imagine the state of the threads when that happens. Her karaoke threads will be increasingly larger happenings as the hype and subscriber base grows.

>> No.27220601
Quoted by: >>27220716

Ina was literally designed as an FGO Foreigner because it's kuroboshi and Ina is a huge whale on FGO

>> No.27220602


Based. I'm glad majority of vtuber market still hate this kind of thing. I got paranoid when cover revealed kaoru because they will attract trannies and sjw

>> No.27220603

true and based

>> No.27220615


>> No.27220620

He wanted to make sure they had enough money to buy Skyrim: Special Edition

>> No.27220628

who else enjoyed Amelia's karaoke stream?

>> No.27220629

Well, she has good reasons to be unsure, because frankly, this song is the musical equivalent of stepping on a rake. Which is really weird, considering her roommate's previous profession. I guess she never really cared about singing in the first place.

>> No.27220633

It's a cultural thing. Germans don't like speaking their language under contexts like those Kiara is usually in on stream. It's embarrassing and weird for her, probably.

>> No.27220635
Quoted by: >>27220671

He was tweeting about it on twitter. Its pretty much him

>> No.27220641

If the rumors of that ffxiv collab come true what would each girl's race/class be?

>> No.27220650

>Moot randomly showing up in /a/ and posting was good times. But I guess those days are long gone now.

>> No.27220657

I'd trust MS to handle Cover better than their current venture capital masters who just want to sell their stake for as high as possible. Worst case is their current VC owners selling Cover to some Chinese company.

>> No.27220661
Quoted by: >>27220846

>hololive doesn't seem that profitable
>get a third of the girls' revenue
>have almost no expenses besides salaries
The only way they're not in the black is if they're even more incompetent than any of us could imagine..

>> No.27220665
Quoted by: >>27220763

he's already been married if the band's wiki page is anything to go by. might not want to mix his personal life in with music anymore

>> No.27220666

Is the thread that dead that people latched onto this bait for discussion?

>> No.27220670

Gura will be a Lala Dragoon and it'll be brilliant.

>> No.27220672
Quoted by: >>27220695

So what games on GamePass would you like to see holos play?

>> No.27220671
Quoted by: >>27220756

I don't remember seeing him tweet about it.

>> No.27220681

the fact that they have a "ffxiv" discord channel isn't a rumor, it was in one frame of one of ame's streams. of course, research and development doesn't always produce results.

>> No.27220682

fuck me, this minecraft chicken suffering VOD is getting my dick hard, she just keeps dying and crying

>> No.27220687
Quoted by: >>27220760

I get the feeling it's 100% Ina's idea just as an excuse to continue her MMO addiction and the rest don't really-really care much about it. The big Holo collab effort game is basically the Minecraft server, that and ARK although MC's got a lot more history and is definitely back in style now.

>> No.27220689

After the last few days, I prefer the term 'comfy', not 'dead'. This night has been peaceful and almost entirely void of SEAniggers and schizos.
Let us have this.

>> No.27220695

Halo Bloodgulch sniper rockets only BTB.

HoloEN+ID vs HoloJP

>> No.27220711


>> No.27220714


Gura: Lala/Dragoon
Ame: Midlander/Machinist
Ina: Aura/Astro
Mori: Highlander/Dark Knight
Kiara: Miqo'te/ERPer

>> No.27220715

Kiara's minecraft content is kino, it really brings out her bully bait character.

>> No.27220716
Quoted by: >>27220904

Oh, so Gilles de Rais is a Foreigner now too?

>> No.27220717 [DELETED] 

FHighlander DRK
FMiqote PLD
FMidlander MCH

>> No.27220718

That was a good song choice because the original was sung badly on purpose

>> No.27220721
Quoted by: >>27220762

I miss her so much... i had to cope watching Pikamee stream for sufferkino, but its not the same... will she stream soon right?

>> No.27220726

>watching amelias karaoke stream
amelia... your singing reps...

>> No.27220729
Quoted by: >>27220759

Like we've all been saying, it's actually a fucking fantastic stream, Kiara both lucked out with unfortunate events but also reacts well to it to make it entertaining. You sort of want her to suffer for being a little shit so much, but when she actually-does she seems to really take it to heart and you hope she at least recovers her stuff and doesn't get too sad.

>> No.27220732

I really enjoyed all the english songs ame sang t b h. Especially kiss me and over the rainbow.

>> No.27220735
Quoted by: >>27220843

I liked it. Everyone watching had fun.

>> No.27220740

How would this even work? The moment their names are revealed people are going to stalk them in game.

>> No.27220743

Kiara will pick a Viera so she can be closer to her senpai. Mark my words.

>> No.27220748

FHighlander DRK
FMiqote PLD
FMidlander MCH

>> No.27220756


>> No.27220759

i feel bad for watching her suffering. it seems like every time i tune in she is suffering. i want to believe that it's on purpose, but i don't think it is.

>> No.27220760

Dunno if its an excuse, but yeah, its probably her idea. Might be amusing to see ina whipping the shitters into shape, but I dunno how it'd work out beyond 2 or 3 streams.

>> No.27220762

i watched the dark souls vods for that, they were great

>> No.27220763
Quoted by: >>27220796

>Mori is NTR'd
She truly is one of us

>> No.27220765

I'm dumb as shit and deleted it and still forgot to fix it

>> No.27220773
Quoted by: >>27220784

Everyone but the antis and schizos

>> No.27220774
Quoted by: >>27220793

Her suffering is moe! You just don't understand!

>> No.27220779

Amelia AST
Gura DRG
Kiara PAL

>> No.27220784

I'm glad the schizos and antis got btfo by our meidos.

>> No.27220793
Quoted by: >>27220883

no, i understand completely. it's just harder to watch knowing there is someone really struggling in real time and not just acting from a script.

>> No.27220795

Its called gap moe, and it's art.

>> No.27220796
Quoted by: >>27220842

been, anon. divorced in 2015

>> No.27220802

Need to be the whole package personality is the most important. Someone like Haruka/Girl_DM

you want more coverage so you dont have dead hours

>> No.27220804
Quoted by: >>27220815

Hololive Phasmophobia games when

>> No.27220805

Why aren't you a vtuber yet? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OQv5-WzYG1c

>> No.27220807

How Calli attract a simp army? Her SCs are not really slowing down at all.

>> No.27220815

Gura is pushing for it, so maybe soon

>> No.27220821

>not scholar
I can see why she has to hide her actual powerlevel, but you'd think she would play with a class she's comfortable with to help others get into FFXIV as well

>> No.27220823
Quoted by: >>27220848

You really think Kiara's not gonna play the bunny race?

>> No.27220825
Quoted by: >>27220909

simping akas on mori is a meme now so people keep doing it, but people wont do it enough that itll stop being a meme. Mori has gotten really lucky on this, she just sits back and rakes it in.

>> No.27220829

A lot of her first week or two were dominated by superchats, and she had a cinderella atmosphere to her when she reacted to them. Stuff like that gets you loyal and consistent paypiggies. Same thing happened to Kiara with her breakdown, just to a lesser degree.

>> No.27220835

Please let us have a Gura thread to escape these doxfag nut jobs.

>> No.27220842

Alright, I see

>> No.27220843

Seeing Amelia be a bit embarrassed to be singing made my heart really warm.

>> No.27220845

I think she literally absorbed a little bit of Pekora's cosmic comedy aura.

>> No.27220846

I'm not sure where I got this number from but I heard they had about 80 or so employees? Superchats are not reliable and they aren't much either. Most of the money probably comes from sponsorships.

>> No.27220848
Quoted by: >>27220992

It's way too tall and butch
Kiara seems like the kind of girl to go for the uguu uwu cute anime girl aesthetic in an MMO

>> No.27220849

just got around to watching the amelia karaoke

how much gosling posting was there did they all come back

>> No.27220860
Quoted by: >>27221055

No talent, shit voice, not interesting, not funny, bad personality, and no skills to make one myself.

>> No.27220864

Because I finally got my shit together and stopping be a worthless NEET or I would probably give it a try.

>> No.27220869
Quoted by: >>27220993

>how much gosling posting was there did they all come back
They came back. Hard.

>> No.27220872

>Already taken down
Poor girl. She probably thought she fixed things with the last stream but this shit never ends.

>> No.27220877

>haato and coco pissed off the chinese
>Gen5 pissed off the japanese
How can EN piss off the western fanbase?

>> No.27220882
Quoted by: >>27221069

I personally think it's because her reactions are pretty genuine. When people finally acknowledge your hard work and it's finally paying off you just have a different atmosphere around about you.

>> No.27220883
Quoted by: >>27220910

It's not like she is being tortured. Suffering in videogames is part of the experience.

>> No.27220895
Quoted by: >>27221055

Im beyond boring and monotone to the point where I was called bot, ai, etc.

>> No.27220898

were you not here yesterday or something

>> No.27220904

Foreigners are people who survived from getting insane from the eldritch, Gilles went insane when he read the book instead

>> No.27220909

>she just sits back and rakes it in.
Is this what they call day of the rake

>> No.27220910
Quoted by: >>27220944

it's not just minecraft, it's all the other problems she had with her old mic, and then her new mic, and then her capture card. it's always something new.

>> No.27220912

mori drops an N bomb

>> No.27220926

It's matter of time, honestly.

>> No.27220927
Quoted by: >>27220953

By hiring a tranny as HoloEN.

>> No.27220929

Has anyone clipped all the cute noises mori makes?

>> No.27220935
Quoted by: >>27220993

If the schizo shit hadn’t happened we would have been full blown ASCII mode again.

>> No.27220937

I'd fucking drop a 100$ in a heartbeat

>> No.27220941

>Aqua said that it's a job to be proud of, you can brag to your kids that "this is the railroad that papa built"
>Aqua reveals that Marine is a janitor for her company, they break out into laughter
>Botan laughs that a janitor is building a railroad and comments that this is beyond the job scope
>Lamy says it's dangerous and gen 5 agree
>Polka says: "I wouldn't want to tell my kids that I'm a janitor", does a very brief skit of a kid asking his father what he does and the father embarrasedly muttering "janitor"
>Lamy laughs and agrees with Polka
>Botan says that a janitor is a respectable profession, but doing it for 20 years might be a bit concerning
>Polka is wondering what career advancement is like as a janitor in a serious manner, Botan says there's not much advancement to be had and Lamy says it's a tough job.
>Lamy then jokes about a janitor turning to piracy

>> No.27220944

not even mentioning the shit thrown at her for daring to speak japanese in her streams.

>> No.27220953
Quoted by: >>27221006

/pol/schizo, your meds.

>> No.27220959

If she ever does a karaoke for rap and chooses basically any old school rap, then its going to happen.

>> No.27220973

She did it twice, we even have a clip of her saying lazy negro floating around, there was no response at all besides some keks here
If she had a full gamer moment perhaps the response would be different, but I doubt it would be as bad as normal streamers get. The anime avatar dampens the effect

>> No.27220979
Quoted by: >>27221055

The only thing I have going for me is that I have a "good" rp voice and I play strategy games but I can't save my own life when it comes to conversing.
Also, Pochi needs to hire better riggers and an actual marketing team.

>> No.27220989

Please link the clip

>> No.27220992

yea but counterpoint: pekora

>> No.27220993

damn, wish i coulda seen it in real time. Stream was actually ok

>> No.27220998
Quoted by: >>27221012

Can we go a week without extreme levels of autism in Hololive? At least this won't affect the EN girls, but man, Gen 5 has been so rough.

>> No.27221005

>Aqua setting up her kouhai to get in trouble with the entire nip internet
What an evil girl...

>> No.27221006
Quoted by: >>27221231

You're a minority, tranny. Majority of the HoloEN fans don't want them.

>> No.27221007

So I guess we're an antiboard after all. Thanks a lot, Hiromoot.

>> No.27221012

Idols, even if virtual, are always going to go hand and hand with autism.

>> No.27221018


>> No.27221028


>> No.27221032
Quoted by: >>27221070

what did he do?

>> No.27221036

i can't believe it...

>> No.27221055
Quoted by: >>27221181

What most people perceive and call 'charisma' is just outward confidence. So long as you train that, you can cultivate a certain magnetism around yourself when interacting with others.
Emphasis on outward, projected confidence.

>> No.27221056

What they said was true though. That is how society, at least in Asia, sees janitorial/waste mangement jobs.

>> No.27221059

Which HoloEN has the most powerful singing voice? I don't mean the best voice or the most talented singer, I mean which one of them would be best suited to singing loud power songs similar to Towa's ERROR?

>> No.27221065
Quoted by: >>27221116

Lisa is a way better Last of Us.

>> No.27221069

It really sounds like she is actually getting upset in this stream when the simping starts.


>> No.27221070


>> No.27221078

>troll superchat names
>"dropping the n bomb"

>> No.27221086

"You either die a hero or live long enough to become the villain"

>> No.27221087

Christmas carol stream would save a million souls.

>> No.27221089

it's got to be mori

>> No.27221107
Quoted by: >>27221183



>> No.27221111

Well that doesn't sound yabai at all when you put it like that. Another glass hearts kind of situation.

>> No.27221116

Great game but horrible to stream as an idol.

>> No.27221125


>> No.27221129

What happened yesterday?

>> No.27221133
Quoted by: >>27221151

U-Using Risu...? For what??? Not sex, right? Haha

>> No.27221143


>> No.27221151

I prefer the mature deep Risu voice.

>> No.27221152

not normally one to out my retardness but i'm among equals here, was skimming through a bunch of janitor talk in 5ch earlier and genuinely thought they were talking about their mods the entire time.

>> No.27221160

I didn't see it was specifically HoloEN, which is obviously Mori.

>> No.27221167


>> No.27221176

I'd hate it because they'd pull some dumb shit like Microsoft only games or only allowed to play games with sponsored/partnered companies.

>> No.27221181

What Im interested the most in is the conversational aspect. I find fascinating how people can talk for hours about basically nothing and still be entertaining. How the fuck do they do it?

>> No.27221183


>> No.27221188

I had an orgy with all the holoENs

>> No.27221192

Yesterday? Gura did her Karaoke stream, Amelia did her Q&A session, and Peko played and failed at Fall Guys for 8 hours straight.

>> No.27221197
Quoted by: >>27221210


>> No.27221204

do the NND dorks feel left out now that everyone's focusing on china or what

>> No.27221207
Quoted by: >>27221267


>> No.27221210

>Peko played and failed at Fall Guys for 8 hours straight
Again? What the fuck peko

>> No.27221215
Quoted by: >>27221238

All my troubles seemed so far away

>> No.27221219

just b urself

>> No.27221221

probably gura. I belt she could belt one the fuck out if it was the only song she had to sing that night if she had to.The other goofballs cant stack up when Gura's in first gear.

>> No.27221231
Quoted by: >>27221565

/pol/schizo...your medication.

>> No.27221238

Now it looks as though they're here to stay

>> No.27221251
Quoted by: >>27221271

Someone posted a 10% slowdown of all of Gura's song recently, does anyone still have it? I tried searching youtube for it but can't find it

>> No.27221253

She could have a full on /v/ rant on stream and most viewers would just laugh their ass off. Who do you think watches vtubers in the West?

>> No.27221255

That's a problem in today's modern society really, people have forgotten how to just interact. Most people turn to their phones in social situations. It's a lot easier when you are in a group so as to fill in the "dead" air making it easier for others to interject when they have something to say

>> No.27221258

honestly Mori's the only one that fits the deeper voice bill in holoEN

>> No.27221260
Quoted by: >>27221282

>all holo sub streams included on gamepass
>they get to play all games featured in gamepass
Sign me the fuck up.

>> No.27221261

Ina's chemistry with Gura is really great, it's like they were friends for a while before.

>> No.27221262
Quoted by: >>27221310

When is the next collab

>> No.27221267

How the fuck do you even translate this clip

>> No.27221268
Quoted by: >>27221385


>> No.27221271

It's literally at the beginning of this thread, fucking read god damn it

>> No.27221277

Staying on point, keeping focused, and always keep pushing the dialogue forward. More than anything else, deadtime has to be eliminated completely. In the case of a streamer, you have to realize that you're essentially carrying a conversation with chat solo and need to make it, and the viewer, feel engaged. You also need to pick up on things and continually transform incoming information into conversation, be it from the game or chat itself.
It's a dumb analogy, but think of it as like putting coal into a trains engine. You're fueling the conversation and keeping it going at a steady pace.

>> No.27221282

I'd actually buy Gamepass if this was a thing.

>> No.27221310

Tomorrow on Mori's channel

>> No.27221311

>there's not much advancement to be had
That's kinda true though, this kind of jobs are usually for those who literally couldn't get hired anywhere else or for boomers who never got an education and cannot get into heavy physical labor because they're too old.

>> No.27221323


>> No.27221334
Quoted by: >>27221485

Only a matter of time before Mori dips into weeb metal.

>> No.27221340

nice trips satan

>> No.27221345


>> No.27221359

Mori hands down

>> No.27221377

>Teased it
When was this?

>> No.27221385
Quoted by: >>27221457

honestly she unironically fits Aimer's songs instead, her singing Hana no Uta would be kino especially considering how big a Fate fan she is

>> No.27221389
Quoted by: >>27221488

You know that that strikes right at my weak spot as I like her, but consider that it could be the dam breaking, eventually leading to /jp/ getting flooded with vtuber threads like when wrestling was allowed on /asp/ and destroying all that actually-was /asp/ beforehand. /jp/ isn't just touhou threads, there are almost 40 generals on the board, some of them have been here approaching ten fucking years and it'd be cruel to just fuck them over for nothing.

>> No.27221409

Given that criteria it's Mori without question... even though she's certainly not the best singer

>> No.27221413
Quoted by: >>27221524

Isn't that the same guy who said he couldn't draw lewds of Ina because of her personality? I guess he couldn't hold it back.

>> No.27221422

>The problem with being a pure hardcore weeb is they don't see that japs are westaboos. By completely abandoning western roots, they actual become "less japanese".
That's Kiara's problem too, in a way.

>> No.27221423

Cover management is here without a doubt. That tiny yab find from earlier has been totally nuked.

>> No.27221441

Did Mori post when it was that they were doing the collab?

>> No.27221442


>> No.27221443

Good, I've had enough of doxx dramafags.

>> No.27221451
Quoted by: >>27221480

I don't know where Ina clip poster went, but this should be added to the collection.

>> No.27221455
Quoted by: >>27221516

Wait, this isn't already /gura/?

>> No.27221457
Quoted by: >>27221465

If Ina ever does a requests open type karaoke I hope people go for Disillusion. Gotta rep the ogs mang

>> No.27221465
Quoted by: >>27221545

kek, maybe /ame/

>> No.27221480

he got banned

>> No.27221483

I hope so.

>> No.27221485

>screamo intermission

>> No.27221486
Quoted by: >>27221513

>Cover management is here without a doubt.
I don't believe it cause that would mean they're finally doing their jobs, but hey third times the charm

>> No.27221487

>Loli Ina
This just looks so wrong.

>> No.27221488

Ding-dong diddly worked into a shoot, the people’s champ.

>> No.27221489

Well that's sad.

>> No.27221513
Quoted by: >>27221581

EN is different than JP. EN has been getting permissions left and right and moderate the chats. They actually seem like they do their jobs.

>> No.27221515
Quoted by: >>27221566

Why? he was just a ritualposter with Ina Pancakes image

>> No.27221516
Quoted by: >>27221545

sorry bud you're in /ame/ post-banwave

>> No.27221520

Yes and I'll also bring along my wife Mori.

>> No.27221524

He's probably in this thread right now, waiting for the next cum tribute

>> No.27221545

you retards getting this cocky is the reason why the doxx shit blew up so badly

>> No.27221564
Quoted by: >>27221572

Kiara will stream to subs in a few hours to tst connection.

>> No.27221565

You'll never pass.

>> No.27221566

We have a live-in meido banning anyone who comes within 10 feet of a schizo shitpost.

>> No.27221570

it was always /ame/

>> No.27221572

Isn't she in the process of moving?

>> No.27221577


>> No.27221581

>moderate the chats
Not sure if this is observer bias cause JP chats do get moderated when it's not another language
