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File: 1019 KB, 2896x4096, 1590776214438.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
27172556 No.27172556 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.27172565
File: 11 KB, 547x174, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can see this post, right anon?

>> No.27172564

>I'll fuck 'em up, Gucci?
what the fuck does this actually mean?

>> No.27172568
File: 250 KB, 480x473, peko.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

got damn

>> No.27172570


>> No.27172569
File: 120 KB, 422x1285, 1581228593935.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27172571

>everyone told her to record everything
>Miles dies anyway
I don't understand, do you get a different ending if you do?

>> No.27172572
File: 272 KB, 1323x1200, vinhnyu 281147.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Elementary, my dear

>> No.27172573
File: 1.59 MB, 600x600, salman.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27172586


>> No.27172575 [DELETED] 
File: 111 KB, 360x317, 1600918262825.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27172577
File: 282 KB, 1320x2048, Eio6vNPUMAAU93_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27172687


>> No.27172578 [DELETED] 
File: 66 KB, 1080x292, Jj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27172579
File: 374 KB, 500x500, 1601600477051.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

remember to thank the mods for taking out the sea monkey trash

>> No.27172580

>I'm gonna fuck em up, is that cool with you?

>> No.27172583 [DELETED] 

Given that she's a professional idol, are we allowed to talk about Kiara's roommate in the idol threads?

>> No.27172584
File: 10 KB, 275x183, download (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wasnt there during the debut lows
>wasnt there during the lars lows
>wasnt there during the loserbait lows
You fags have weak hands.

>> No.27172586


>> No.27172590

thanks mods

>> No.27172591

I'm pretty convinced that Gura is actually the dolphin trying to be the shark.

>> No.27172592
File: 86 KB, 720x1080, apps.32533.13952232406524200.357cef58-2385-4151-bb9b-05752b0372ad.d23f27e0-2957-48c0-9503-654330798e73.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gura mentioned having her eyes on Darkwood
I really hope she goes through with it. Darkwood's perfect for her - it's a super slow paced, atmospheric game that can be kinda tedious to play blind. Her whole stream-of-consciousness commentary is fantastic as Outlast proved. The large amounts of dead air combined with the high quality of the game itself make it a godly candidate, plus the fact that it's a relatively niche indie game (compared to some meme shit like Outlast) contributes even further because everyone doesn't know how it ends already.

>> No.27172597

She's buying Gucci

>> No.27172598

gucci = good

>> No.27172599
File: 17 KB, 389x389, 1601357763991.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27172600
Quoted by: >>27172752

>Playing multiple streams on Holotools
>Holo schedules
>Playboard Superchat Tracker
>Realtime Vtuber Subs Tracking
>Vtuber Glossary



CN (Overseas)

CN (Occupied)


>> No.27172604
Quoted by: >>27172650


>> No.27172606 [DELETED] 
File: 8 KB, 2501x47, chrome_STtp13mV4F.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>99% on the gura.zip
>file no longer exists
<span class="sjis"> ???[/spoiler]

>> No.27172607

Remember that purityfags are a bad thing.
Don't be a purityfag.
You wouldn't want every woman to shun you if you had a date with a girl before.
Don't do the same thing to them.

>> No.27172608

Ame's crying what?

>> No.27172612
File: 49 KB, 471x500, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27172675

>you now realize Ame didn't shower often was because she was homeless


>> No.27172613
File: 237 KB, 1417x2000, 1601464566045.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27172669


>> No.27172614
File: 29 KB, 632x607, 1597589742897.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27172617

Does anyone re-upload membership streams or are the shrimps with principles out of luck. I don't see myself sticking around if Gura locks all her kino streams behind membershrimp.

>> No.27172619
File: 1.10 MB, 1000x1412, 84572652_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27172620

Gura didn't mention Ina for her next stream playing DbD.
Did something happen?

>> No.27172621 [DELETED] 
File: 199 KB, 504x577, 1601097448195.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A** B**f***** posting gets deleted in attoseconds
>anti-Chinese racism gets to stay up

>> No.27172622

Someone should tell her that's she's too tame to be a shark

>> No.27172624

sauce please

>> No.27172626
Quoted by: >>27173136

Not dropping any money until Miko, Coco and Haato are safely back

>> No.27172631
File: 183 KB, 1260x1156, AmeliaAnnouncement.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27172674


>> No.27172632

Lmao jojofags based for once

>> No.27172633
Quoted by: >>27173855

this girl is definitely a lesbian

>> No.27172634
Quoted by: >>27172954

So Gura's playing jumpscare streamer bait games all October?
are we ready omochads?

>> No.27172635
File: 138 KB, 848x1199, 1601518595687.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27172725

I had fun watching my wife finish the game, see you tomorrow chumbuds!

>> No.27172637


>> No.27172638

She did anon. Go work on your hearing reps some more.

>> No.27172639
File: 186 KB, 480x480, 1601605575555.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can we talk about Gura offering ASMR streams for members only?

What do you expect those to be?
I found it kinda odd at first, cause she doesn't seem like the kind of girl to do traditional ASMR.
What can we expect? Will she actually do anything remotely lewd in there or will it be some kind of meme ASMR with her hitting random objects in the room or what?

I just have a lot of questions about what Gura ASMR will look like.

>> No.27172640
File: 701 KB, 885x572, 1600650533076.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no more cute ina + ame pictures
>no more cute gura + ame daughter moments

It just feels akward here now, really killed a positive force here, and seeing how/hlg/ treated Ayame and Towa I know we'll never go back

Just thinking of how cute and comfy the Ina Ame collab was just sucks now

>> No.27172642

She did some gag crying at the end of her stream to try and win back condomates.

>> No.27172643

arigathanks mods

>> No.27172641


>> No.27172644

some faggot actually commented on Amelia's stream about the stuff. spare me this bullshit please.

>> No.27172649
Quoted by: >>27173107

>the shark
>a big deal
>main eventer
>A+ player
>Guys want her
>Chicks too
>works hard
>works marks
>works smarks
>works anti-smarks
>works jabronis into a shoot
>works any gimmick given to her
>works through horrible doxes
>main evented the highest drawing hololive stream
>protects the bussiness
>protects her brand
>best member of Holo En
>best member of indie scene
>best member of the English vtuber
>Yagoo's favorite shark
>jannetied Amelia
>jannetied Pekora
>jannettied Kiryu fucking COCO
>looks good with any game
>makes any song sound better
>won the simps
>GOAT aesthetic
>GOAT Hair
>GOAT taste in big-tittied broads

The Alpha of Awe. The Brute of Brawn. The Cultivator of Class. The Duke of Domination. The Emperor of Eloquence. The Fiercest of Fighters. The Greatest of Glory. The Height of Heroism. The Imperator of Intellectualism. The Jarl of Justice. The King of Knights. The Lord of Loquaciousness. The Master of Mortality. The Naysayer of Noobs. The Overlord of Obituaries. The Prince of Passion. The Que-hagen of Quixote. The Ruler of Ruination. The Sultan of Smite. The Taskmaster of Trembles. The Undertaker of Ubiquity. The Vaeyen of Vociferousness. The Warranter of Weaklings. The Xenophobe of Xenogeny. The Yardmaster of Yesteryear. The Zhar of Zoroastrianism












>> No.27172650


>> No.27172652

>You wouldn't want every woman to shun you if you had a date with a girl before.
None of us have to worry about that.

>> No.27172653
Quoted by: >>27172719

Translate! I don't read moonrune

>> No.27172654

Yes she did, watch the fucking stream.

>> No.27172655
File: 198 KB, 360x450, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27172864


>> No.27172658
File: 329 KB, 528x517, 1A1561EA-8DD7-4A71-AB8F-369930F24CF5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait a minute, did Kiara never release a schedule? Somehow I never thought about that until now. The one night I’m fiending for a bird stream and there’s nothing scheduled.

>> No.27172660
Quoted by: >>27172919

I see what you did there.

>> No.27172663
Quoted by: >>27172688

Is it true she basically went WHEEEEEE at the end?

>> No.27172665

she gave a fake cry at the end and seamonkies are falling for it

>> No.27172667

Gucci, aside from being a brand name, is just slang for 'alright'

>> No.27172669

Based gangsta Mori

>> No.27172671

as it should be

>> No.27172672

But she did, retard.

>> No.27172673
File: 255 KB, 1187x803, 1570675224720.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course i can

>> No.27172674
Quoted by: >>27173123


>> No.27172675

Not to not have a home, but to have less of a home

>> No.27172676
Quoted by: >>27173011

It doesn't matter what I want, every woman shuns me regardless

>> No.27172677

That's Ame's roommate, just years out of date.

>> No.27172678

Also massive panic attacks every night
It's a great game

>> No.27172679
File: 906 KB, 900x1560, 1594759377364.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27172735

We haven't had chinkspam for 5 hours now. Coincidence?

>> No.27172681

I hope you can get the hearing aid you need anon

>> No.27172685
File: 141 KB, 682x519, firefox_wnXFinnXNI.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27172897

Stay strong bros... as a sheepfag and ayamefag for JP, it will be better over a month...

>> No.27172687

I’ll apologize when she changes her membership

>> No.27172688

yes she made her usual gremlin noise at the end but it gets cut off in the vod

>> No.27172692


Fuck off bugman

>> No.27172693

She was just making fun of the schizos, nothing really happened and she is just taunting them.

or maybe is was just the spicy noodles

>> No.27172697

First they came for the Chickenfags
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Chickenfag.

Then they came for the Deadbeats
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Deadbeat.

Then they came for the Teamates
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Teamate.

Then they came for me
And there was no one left
To speak out for me...

>> No.27172701
File: 46 KB, 200x200, 1600880148880.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27173021

Will she get the true ending on her first run?

>> No.27172702

where's that deadbeat ritualposter, how's the progress? any new submits?

>> No.27172704

im guessing probably just soft comfy chat close to the mic

>> No.27172706
Quoted by: >>27172755

how do i browse 5ch? what board is hololive en even on?

>> No.27172711


>> No.27172712

yes she did bait harder you fucking seafag

>> No.27172715
Quoted by: >>27172980

She's taking a few days off because she's moving

>> No.27172716
Quoted by: >>27173201

Because you need to realize parasocial relationships are unhealthy and enjoy streamers for their entertainment value and not on pretend gf value.

>> No.27172719
Quoted by: >>27175720

5chanon asked how was Gura's stream
>cute little

>> No.27172722
Quoted by: >>27172788


I feel emotionally dead

>> No.27172724

When you record stuff you get notes your character writes, and that's a big chunk of the storytelling. But Gura didn't read the ones she got anyway so people who kept suggesting it were retarded.
The DLC has you playing a parallel story as a different character, and the ending wraps everything up.

>> No.27172725
File: 983 KB, 1433x1080, chum guts.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had fun too.

>> No.27172726

my chinksect subhuman gremlin can't possibly be this cute!

>> No.27172729
Quoted by: >>27172809

I seem to remember escaping with his data in the Whistleblower? Or maybe my brain's playing tricks on me. But besides that you get more things logged in your journal

>> No.27172730
Quoted by: >>27172814

Yea but i dont pander to female goslingfags to get money

>> No.27172732

Why not
they collab'd yesterday

>> No.27172733

i could upload them just like i did with lamy and polka

>> No.27172734

She's moving right now apparently. So's Mori.

>> No.27172736
Quoted by: >>27172980

Kiara said she's moving during yesterday's minecraft stream

>> No.27172737
File: 411 KB, 2048x2048, 1601098139565.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tentacultists report your reps

>> No.27172735

This Suisei looks weird

>> No.27172738

>I need other retards to validate my choice and my feeling

>> No.27172749

>doesn't know what vagina bones are
>doesn't know what "Apex Predator" means
>doesn't know what "Nakadashi" means and asks chat about it
Is it still retard moe if she's just ESL? I think some of it is her being intentionally dense

>> No.27172750
Quoted by: >>27172812

>sea monkey trash

I saw that on the archives, what the fuck was it?
every thread on jp had it?

>> No.27172752

it's back up!

>> No.27172753

Just unsub and move on to Gura. She's dox-proof.

>> No.27172755


>> No.27172756
File: 64 KB, 680x555, EjPij8YXsAAt0eD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fuck are you on

>> No.27172757

I don't think she even has an asmr mic does she?

>> No.27172760
Quoted by: >>27172777

Honestly that could be really nice. I don't want it to be just whispering. I'd say soft talk is superior to whispering. Just little Gura imouto talking to me about her day or something.
Sounds good actually.

>> No.27172761
File: 526 KB, 2220x2160, 1600741286039.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Korone is currently at 863,000 subscribers, and gained 21,000 subscribers within the past 7 days. She 137,000 more subscribers to reach a million. If she keeps up her pace, she will reach a million in ~6.5 weeks.

Gura is currently at 610,000 subscribers, and gained 127,000 subscribers within the past 7 days. She needs 390,000 more subscribers to reach a million. If she keeps up her pace, she will reach a million in ~3 weeks.

Gura will be the first Hololiver to reach a million. Memes and the YouTube algorithm are a hell of a drug.

How does this make you feel?

>> No.27172763
Quoted by: >>27173926

still no chat replay on outlast part 2. i noticed part 1 also has no chat replay. is that normal?

>> No.27172764

>Mori has multipile tier streams
>Gura does it
You guys are such losers

>> No.27172765
Quoted by: >>27173154

First they came for the schizos
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a schizo.

Then they came for the troons
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Troon.

Then they came for the SEAniggers
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a SEAnig.

Then they realized all shitposters were gone so they stopped coming for anyone.

>> No.27172767

I don't give a fuck. Ame is still /mygirl/

>> No.27172773

good because they are whores (only exception are gura) and you should treat them like whores

>> No.27172775

Mori isn’t moving yet

>> No.27172776

You're retarded

>> No.27172777

>2 hours of nothing but soft loli breathing
gura pls

>> No.27172779
Quoted by: >>27172822

Or you can stop /v/ from controlling your opinions

>> No.27172780

Trinity chads still holding strong here.

>> No.27172782

I haven't done my reps for a whole month

>> No.27172784
File: 143 KB, 1817x1041, collab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine being this fucking weak.

>> No.27172788

I thought it was just an online thing...

>> No.27172786

This girl's got good taste

>> No.27172792
File: 12 KB, 302x273, EeK6lKKWoAY2thC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27172791
Quoted by: >>27172845

I want something good for me to fall asleep to, I've never been one of those ASMR freaks that require this shit to fall asleep but with Gura and her cute voice, I want to so bad.

>> No.27172795

give me a quick rundown

>> No.27172796
Quoted by: >>27172830

I hope not, those binaural ear mics trigger me. I hate when they blow into them or just always switch sides whispering faintly.

I guess I'm not big into classic ASMR

>> No.27172802

can't be racist towards non humans

>> No.27172803
File: 36 KB, 327x147, rrat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27174317

This is literally R.RAT

>> No.27172804

It doesn't matter because the coaster ended with it being a hoax, so whatever.

I'd focus more on Kiara and her cute cosplay.

>> No.27172805

Proud of my daughter.

>> No.27172806
File: 1022 KB, 1024x769, do it for amelia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

m-my wife

>> No.27172807
File: 331 KB, 640x640, tenor (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>really like Gura
>don't want her to reach 1 million subs so quickly
It just doesn't feel right, man. It should be Fubuki, Korone, Pekora, and then Gura. I also think it wouldn't be fair, since the other ones have been here for so much longer and are so iconic and representative of virtual youtubers as a whole. I like Gura, but I just don't like the idea of a western newfag becoming the biggest channel in Hololive in a little over a month after her debut.

>> No.27172808
Quoted by: >>27173019

Doxxfags and antis just need to be rangebanned at this point

>> No.27172809
Quoted by: >>27173032

Whistle-blower is the prequel, the message that got Miles to the asylum was sent by whistle-blower mc

>> No.27172812

faggots from sea asia are throwing shit and trying to dox and falseflag the girls
hopefully the mods range ban their country soon

>> No.27172814

Do you actually think a streamer is responsible for stalkers that dig deep into her life's events?

>> No.27172818
File: 488 KB, 692x770, chumgutschad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not really in it for the numbers, but I'm glad she's succeeding.

>> No.27172821
File: 1.52 MB, 300x453, good-night.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27172993

>> No.27172820


>> No.27172822
Quoted by: >>27172933

Anon, denial is even worse

>> No.27172823
Quoted by: >>27172912


>> No.27172826

The trinity still has the best content and chemistry out of all the girls, really couldn't care less about what their roommates do.

>> No.27172829

that picture is exactly how I feel watching that video

>> No.27172830

Can you link a non binaural holo asmr? I haven't heard of such thing

>> No.27172832
Quoted by: >>27172945

She's not /yourgirl/ at all, that's what you fags are advocating

>> No.27172833
Quoted by: >>27172865

You know, you SEAnigs only crawl out of your dunghuts if its numberfagging for Gura, Gura streams, or just anti-otherholos. I like the singing shark, I just hate you.

>> No.27172837

She's in the middle of moving apartments right now and won't be streaming much this next week.

Perfect timing, really, since she'll be back at 100% as soon as the collab embargo ends.

>> No.27172842

Ame did you take your meds?

>> No.27172843
Quoted by: >>27172975

Try reading fucking retarded Morifags

>> No.27172844

A little while ago I would have said she wouldn't keep the growth up and it would fall off. However I'm not so sure anymore.

>> No.27172846
File: 6 KB, 225x225, EiW42NdUMAAl99E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27172998

>*whisper* tootsie roll

>> No.27172845
File: 305 KB, 1060x1500, 265771.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thoughts on Gura doing heartbeat ASMR while she tells you about how much she likes you?

>> No.27172847

The only reps I did was the "keep living" rep.

>> No.27172850
Quoted by: >>27172920

Anon, do you even understand the history of western entertainers in East Asia?

>> No.27172852

Happy that HoloEN is a huge success. I’m also interested in seeing the seething that will happen

>> No.27172854
File: 82 KB, 1242x851, Art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


What did she mean by this?

>> No.27172856

Better hope she graduates before that then

>> No.27172859

Go complaint to the youtube algorithm.

>> No.27172860
File: 7 KB, 225x225, u7712377.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27172862

This page isn’t workingIf the problem continues, contact the site owner.

>> No.27172863

The holoJPs ended the Age of Kizuna, and ruled for many years, but now the last of them are falling. Shark will end the Age of JP and usher in the Age of EN. Are you all ready?

>> No.27172864

What is there to apologize for? She's good, and being used as political tool by by both sides. I'll just enjoy her content and not give a shit about the in between.

>> No.27172865

I am not a SEAnig. I just had my heart broken.

>> No.27172868

why are we still here just to peko post every day sea monkeys , tourists , and tribal trolls poor into our threads. every dead hour becomes a time for the mentality ill masses to clamor for their newest and darkest narratives. The gosling posts go from ironic to strait unicorn fag shit by the hour. its a never ending roulettes to find out which holo is next for roommate shit or which community gets degraded next , the innocence of things corrupted in seconds wholesomeness lost . these are dark time loops my friends and we bring it upon our selves even with foreign enemies at the gates baying for our holo's heads we only destroy and hate. was it worth it your empires of ash....

>> No.27172870

I'm doing my sleep schedule fixing reps

>> No.27172871

The weak should fear the strong

>> No.27172873 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>27172946

>came for the chickenfags
Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa you think anyone cares enough about Chicken to come for the few Chickenfags in these threads?

>> No.27172874


>> No.27172879

Same here chumbud

>> No.27172881
File: 215 KB, 584x585, 1600322161629.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>some anons were just NOW wondering if Ame being lesbian/bi was an act
Just from where do you people even come from? It was always an act

>> No.27172882

>he needs the whole thread to validate his own narratives
you sound like such a fag

>> No.27172885

Gura's stream was pretty good but she missed out on much of the plot because she's illiterate. That's about it for today.

>> No.27172886

please oh god oh fuck i would cry like a faggot if my heart didn't literally die first

>> No.27172887

Can we at least expect Amelia to get more porn now?

>> No.27172889

You fuck, Gura get all the perks at tier 1 while Mori have different perks for each tier

>> No.27172891
File: 313 KB, 1440x2032, 1601100214345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are condommates so fucking fragile?
One bad day and you all abandon your oshi when she needs you the most fucking pathetic lol

>> No.27172890

Kiara has single-handedly made me relapse into my pornography addiction

>> No.27172892

You know, I'd say it doesn't signal something negative in my brain if a girl I'm interested in dating has boned someone before, but that would be a lie. Regardless, I can ignore these things because I know it's retarded. Especially in cases like these ones it's super simple to not even have something of the sort appear in my brain. I can't really understand those that actually felt something bad because of it. Maybe someone who did can elaborate?

>> No.27172893 [DELETED] 

Pretty sure she’s NEET’s girl you little cuck

>> No.27172894

She already said she plays otome games and you thought she's a lesbian? Even ignoring all the narratives in these threads it doesn't change anything.

>> No.27172896 [DELETED] 
File: 125 KB, 1262x356, Idols are off topic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The meido is a fucking moron.
>idols are off topic despite being listed as an acceptable topic in the very rules he listed

>> No.27172897

Count me in >>27172685
It's the same as aloe case. Only took me 1 day to regain composure.

>> No.27172899
Quoted by: >>27173055

I just noticed the skindentation where her underwear is digging into her hips. God bless you huke

>> No.27172902
Quoted by: >>27172986

Hope she just calls me a stupid bitch and a fucking beta pussy for paying for ASMR

>> No.27172903
File: 33 KB, 172x140, 1601583798174.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27172945


>> No.27172904


>> No.27172906

>we'll never go back
How new
Stop throwing a tantrum. If you can't focus on the vtuber then leave, everyone who can is going to stay and enjoy themselves.

>> No.27172907
File: 9 KB, 300x168, It all comes tumbling down.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just get excited for next product. When a suitable replacement arises in GEN2, pray she doesn't get doxxed as hard or as quickly. People got over Ayame and Watame. You can get over Amelia too.

>> No.27172909

Bigger audience = more subs

>> No.27172910
Quoted by: >>27172991

Gimme a (you) if you're still holding strong.

I'm not just talking about Ame fans. I'm talking about all of you who had your oshi shit on. Be glad you're still here. You're gonna make it bro

>> No.27172912


>> No.27172913

Good luck being single for the rest of your life mate.

>> No.27172914
File: 106 KB, 1238x848, EjQm2xSVkAAYUec.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Western market is nuts. Not much you can do about it. Then you have the other markets who can't understand her that like her because she has a cute voice and a cute design. Outside of the occasional english streams, EOPs still get gatekeeped by the JPs even if there are a bunch of people who watch them despite not understanding them.

>> No.27172915
Quoted by: >>27173144

you can't do linear projection to something that is affected by uncontrollable exogenous(memes) variables
thought its very likely the race for 1 million will be between the cat, the shark and the dog

>> No.27172916

women wil shun you for being into anime pedo

>> No.27172919
Quoted by: >>27173088

i dont

>> No.27172920
Quoted by: >>27173066


>> No.27172921 [DELETED] 

she is not /mygirl/ but /tyronesgirl/ and she is taking advantage of his bbc i hope you are fine with sponsoring their condoms and tissues

>> No.27172922

if you are a 2D girl can you hire melody as a prostitute

>> No.27172925
File: 553 KB, 667x654, 1600421333254.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27173097

I don't care if she's a christmas cake and neither should you. She explicitly said in the past that obsessing to parasocial relationships will never work out but you niggers never listen

>> No.27172928

why are all of the holos such lesbians?

>> No.27172930 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>27172945


>> No.27172931

Hentai fucking sucks though, I've never really seen one that was any good for a time longer than 2 minutes.

>> No.27172932
File: 87 KB, 1227x933, 1590876293554.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not a drawfag but i've been keeping up with my kanji reps

>> No.27172933

No one had a problem until you started looking for one.

>> No.27172934
File: 545 KB, 749x900, Watson.Amelia.full.3069570.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>trinity existing after today

You're hilarious, don't let her drag down Ina and Gura like that

>> No.27172935

damage control

>> No.27172939

based anon

>> No.27172940

Die SEAnigger, just stay away from holos in general

>> No.27172941

Funny guy

>> No.27172942
File: 281 KB, 1174x2048, h (2de1flf8).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27173013

nyaa~ I want Gura to do her anime cat girl voice more nyaa~

>> No.27172945
File: 29 KB, 157x224, 1600826927937.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I clearly said Ame, not the person behind it, you little cuckbrains

>> No.27172946 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>27173046

>Doesn't know flabbyassposting and 300,000 yen-posting
Just how new is too new?

>> No.27172947
File: 140 KB, 444x256, 1576873018109.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>two mori streams in a row
deadbeats get your sleeping reps in now

>> No.27172950
Quoted by: >>27173028

>When she told you to lars
>Pretend you have a girlfriend so that you improve yourself and you don't have to make yourself believe that entertainers that are designed to appeal to you are meaningful to you,
>Do your reps until you have to confidence to find that girl irl.

Or choose to stay a K and keep believing in escapism.

Its too late for me since so I'll choose to stay deluded.

>> No.27172951
Quoted by: >>27173089

Reminder that /hlgg/ literally made Ame cry

>> No.27172949

i don't seem to experience the ASMR effect people talk about but i am excited to listen to recordings of her speaking in a soft voice. i am addicted to the sound of her voice.

>> No.27172952

She wants to fuck an anime girl.

>> No.27172953
File: 114 KB, 1200x675, CieefiXVEAAAMZQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27175883

To be fair, Vagina bones is a made up term. Her being ESL would contribute to her dumb APEX confusion since Apex isn't exactly a commonly used word. As for Nakadashi, she's technically japanese third language despite living in japan, so unless she was really lewd and knew porn terms, Nakadashi would probably just sound weird to her.

>> No.27172954

If it really happened the first time, she'll be very careful to never let it happen again.

>> No.27172955

Honestly surprises me too.

>> No.27172957
File: 85 KB, 1000x1000, 1601513341569.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Gura 900k celebration stream
>tells everyone to go subscribe to Fubuki so she hits 1m first
Would it be seen as based or insulting?

>> No.27172958

On one hand, I'm happy about her having so much success. On the other, I would prefer it a lot more if she had a much more comfy audience like Kiara.

>> No.27172962

If she doesn't have an asmr mic then there's no point

>> No.27172963

Too be fair all that info was very easy to find. Did she just forget to maybe try and clean things up at all? She was going for the man baby audience for a little bit so she had to of known people would dig into her past.

>> No.27172964
Quoted by: >>27173009

she is not real

>> No.27172969
File: 8 KB, 420x98, Screenshot_5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27172967

I was never an idolfag, I just think the trinity has the most entertaining streams.

>> No.27172973

Kill yourself you fucking nigger.

>> No.27172974

holy shit inject this straight into my veins

>> No.27172975
File: 45 KB, 580x569, 1594538079638.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe you don't speak English very well since it clearly states live strerams in the second tier........

>> No.27172977


>> No.27172980

Ah I see. Thanks.

>> No.27172982

Don't be fucking dense m8, you know you're wrong on this. Don't try to skirt by using a technicality.

>> No.27172984

then fuck off and go back, why are you here then?

>> No.27172986

It would be fun if she did some role playing.
One ASMR could be a cute innocent imouto. The other could be a total brat who laughs at you etc.

>> No.27172987

I would close my eyes, start jerking off while listening to this and probably cum so hard that it hits the ceiling.

>> No.27172988

I'm pretty sure it'll peter out soon because the karaoke is an unusual one-off boost; I woudn't be confident she'll pass fubuki/korone in time because they're really not terrible far off themselves and if they can ramp things back up themselves (3Ds, collabs, karaokes etc) Fubuki could clinch it.

In fact given how Fubuki is clearly aware of Gura's rise and has started to try to pander to English more etc she's already starting to work on her position and likely will pull out all the stops as Gura closes in.

>> No.27172989

Those fags can delude themselves on crumbs alone. Please understand

>> No.27172990
Quoted by: >>27173026

Based but also not going to happen.

>> No.27172991

Even shark got shit on if those monkeys remember.


>> No.27172993

god i wish i was NEET

>> No.27172994
File: 62 KB, 217x228, apex predator.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27173647

>almost a quarter of a million views for the archive video right after it ends

How strong is this apex predator wtf?

>> No.27172996

Unfathomably based

>> No.27172997

>you call her "Ame"
>she calls you weirdo
You guys just can't stop losing can you?

>> No.27172998
File: 1.88 MB, 480x480, 1601480065803.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27173038


>> No.27172999
Quoted by: >>27173059

I don't get this race to 1M when everyone will get eaten by the shark eventually even Ai. Is this just a consolation for shark food?

>> No.27173000
Quoted by: >>27173037

Who is more popular, Taylor Swift or Lisa?? Same with the vtuber.
Western already win before the fight.

>> No.27173003

>I am not a SEAnig. I just had my heart broken.
Move to SEA lmfao

>> No.27173005
File: 1.49 MB, 1920x1080, __kagami_kira_holostars_drawn_by_silou_b__13abfc9ac635d6dc3dd49d5f6db271c5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gura's done, so I'm gonna go back and finish Ame's vod. I guess a bunch of shitposters got banned, so hopefully the threads are fun again.
While it's off hours, does anyone want to talk about who should do the character design for Holostars EN's obligatory crossdresser? I think a Locon Holostar would be nice, but I think Locon can only really draw one face, so he's just look like the rest of Locon's heroines.

>> No.27173004

The better question is, why aren't you?

>> No.27173008

It would be seen as fake humility

>> No.27173007
File: 63 KB, 728x412, wbkoEyUg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>She's moving right now apparently. So's Mori.

>> No.27173009
File: 33 KB, 128x127, 1601514721127.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27173041


>> No.27173010

You're literally a retard anon. Please read it through again and think of what you've posted.
Also posting about a warning/ban is a good way to get a ban or extension to the ban, have fun.

>> No.27173011

you made an excellent point anon. it's only fair that you get to feel this way.

>> No.27173012

The sad part is that most of the people subscribing to Gura are r/anime redditors and normalfags who don't know anything about Hololive and are just following the trend for the memes.

>> No.27173013
Quoted by: >>27173069

When did she ever do it?

>> No.27173014
File: 1.26 MB, 1090x1077, mori1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27173064

time to go to sleep, so I can wake up to mori
night anons

>> No.27173016
Quoted by: >>27173047

Gura said on stream all tiers have the same rewards. Her sharkbrain sharkcircuited when making the member tiers

>> No.27173019

A better idea is to doxx the antis.

>> No.27173020
Quoted by: >>27173036

She still gonna be in the 5 man collab this weekend?

>> No.27173021

If she doesn't check the wiki beforehand? no fucking way, the fake ending is very convincing

>> No.27173022

kill yourself in real life retard

>> No.27173025


>> No.27173026

This, not because Gura wont do it but FBK is really struggling thanks to the bugmen.

>> No.27173028
File: 348 KB, 1001x1055, 1600744020334.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a Gosling for Gura now. It ain't so bad, bro...

>> No.27173029

I probably should have expected a literal reaper to slowly kill me

>> No.27173032

Yeah but after you pass out on that table you wake up as the main game is ending and escape out the front door in Miles' car. The cool detail I'm probably remembering is Miles saving your ass

>> No.27173034

Yeah the stigma of these threads will carry on forever.

>> No.27173036

She might be able to stream from Manager-san's place.

>> No.27173037
Quoted by: >>27173109

You're right, but you should still fuck off Cheng

>> No.27173038
Quoted by: >>27173104

has mammoth-san said anything about Gura?

>> No.27173040

its a typical idol shtick. they even have a term for it when they do fake lesbian shit. i forgot the term though, its like burikko but for gayness

>> No.27173041

Amazing damage control

>> No.27173042

Leave the goslings in their folder anon, she's not real

>> No.27173043

you sound just like that deadbeat who had an aneurysm over the brapshit
enjoy your turntables m8

>> No.27173044

>talking and drawing
Where are the game streams?

>> No.27173046 [DELETED] 

chickens ass is flabby
two drumsticks
artificially inflated by hormones

>> No.27173047

Timestamp because she did not say that. This defense squad for Gura is a little ridiculous when none of you ever provide any proof besides "I say she said"

>> No.27173051

Has SEA been range banned yet?

>> No.27173053

I know this guy is trolling but how do you even counter this

>> No.27173054

Why teamates here are so weak? Membersheep are among the largest numbers of all holos and they already went through this same serious shits.

Is it a natural purging process?

>> No.27173055

people shit on him but he knows what hes doing

>> No.27173057

This is next level cope

>> No.27173059
Quoted by: >>27173280

It's just brownie points
It's all pointless anyways since Shark will likely sit at the top before the end of the year anyways with Mori or Ame sitting in the top 10.

>> No.27173060

fuck off, skinjob

>> No.27173064

Good night deadbeat

>> No.27173065
Quoted by: >>27173085


you guys believe that she really eats the spicy noodles right?

>> No.27173063
Quoted by: >>27173164

Gura's open to a language audience well over 10x the size of the JPs, this just inevitability calling.

If it wasn't her it'd have been one of the other ENs, an EN Gen 2+ etc pulling this kind of thing. And out of all the options she isn't so bad to have as a new star Holo.

>> No.27173066

Long story short:
>Western trained, ethnically local entertainers do very well.
>Western born, ethnically local entertainers do very well.
>Western superstars usually mean they're world famous, not just nationally famous.
I didn't keep track of all the history though but was not surprising to see someone born or trained from the west kind of shit all over the eastern locals. Does this go earlier then the Beatles?

>> No.27173067

She isn't wrong

>> No.27173069

kokoro clover stream

>> No.27173072
Quoted by: >>27173091

Try watching the stream next time champ

>> No.27173073
Quoted by: >>27173091

>You don't speak English very well

You're fucking retarded.
Click the membershrimp option, THE REWARDS ARE FUCKING SAME.
Now Kill yourself Morifags.

>> No.27173074
File: 188 KB, 910x760, 1600650658854.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27173078
Quoted by: >>27173470

Amelia is no longer cute, shes just dirty and filthy now and I cant look at her any differently.

>> No.27173079
File: 279 KB, 512x512, KiaraPain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So were getting another thread deleted now right?

>> No.27173081
File: 664 KB, 619x619, 1570803308275.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>SEAniggers are now falseflagging as chumbuddies
SEA purge when?

>> No.27173084
File: 580 KB, 1800x1012, 1600519450124.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27173223

idolfags deserve the rope

>> No.27173085
File: 25 KB, 112x112, 1601415424553.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ame, please don't use that emoji...

>> No.27173087

Oh damn forgot there were two streams today, nice

>> No.27173088

可愛い (kawaii) is "cute".
面白い (omoshiroi) is conventionally "interesting" but can also be used for "funny".

>> No.27173089
Quoted by: >>27173177


>> No.27173090
Quoted by: >>27173121

I'm drawing lewds of ina

>> No.27173091


>> No.27173093

I spent $100 on a tablet/software, spent two hours fiddling with the settings on Clip Studio Paint Pro and my tablet buttons, then gave up and haven't touched it in a week. After 4 years of being a NEET I'm legit not sure how to make my brain be productive anymore.

>> No.27173095

You're a fucking idiot. Now fuck off and never use an Ame image again.

>> No.27173097

>explicitly said in the past that obsessing to parasocial relationships will never work out
I was around for the gosling and Lars meltdown because she recommendes the movie but when did she explicitly say that

>> No.27173098

Tomorrow at 8:00 PST and the next day at 6:00 PST

>> No.27173099


>> No.27173100

Pity at least.

>> No.27173102
File: 114 KB, 1000x1000, 1600465058098.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If all that matters is time invested, why wouldn't you want Sora or Roboco to be first? You fake chumbud. Everyone's going at their own pace, it's not a fucking competition.

>> No.27173103
File: 93 KB, 1200x676, F973BF89-985B-4BF9-B1CA-5F59DFB13D4B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27174150

There’s some decent stuff just have to shuffle through the shit. Artia is into NTR.

>> No.27173104
File: 17 KB, 745x273, 1583216596268.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

unless he switched to a new account

>> No.27173105 [SPOILER] 
File: 626 KB, 918x702, 1601610273948.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27173106

The anon who kept posting this image was a fucking time traveler

>> No.27173107

wtf is jannetied

>> No.27173109

Take your meds schizo

>> No.27173112 [DELETED] 
File: 15 KB, 240x383, AmeliaWink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that they all have bf's and believing that they are pure untouched idols is fucking delusional.

>> No.27173114

Aren't they separate? It's possible they're still friends, but I still never found that post in archives of a debunk on that twitter message an anon supposedly sent to them. Either way, ain't it alright?

>> No.27173116
Quoted by: >>27173163

Purity is a good thing and God wants you to wait for marriage.

>> No.27173118

Janitor is a sperg, more news at 11

>> No.27173119

it's so fucking interesting to see how far behind their technology is compared to 4ch

>> No.27173121
File: 273 KB, 508x601, 1600904689705.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27173122
File: 348 KB, 722x598, tom baits.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27173123


>> No.27173124
File: 579 KB, 1524x1440, 1601532827578.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>those THIGHS
God I fucking love the chicken.

>> No.27173125

2.5D hentai > Doujins > 2D hentai

>> No.27173127
File: 517 KB, 1519x765, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27173219

Shit, posted in the wrong general. Anyway, for me it's Ame and shark

>> No.27173130
Quoted by: >>27173184

I get shunned for not having dated a girl. Does that count?

>> No.27173132

fuck off

>> No.27173134


>> No.27173136

If you're trying to send a message, letting them see a distinct drop in membership is more obvious than simply low number of them.

>> No.27173137

what happened with ayame

>> No.27173141 [DELETED] 

why are we still talking about this don't you guys get tired of rehashing the exact same conversation over and over in circles for hours?

>> No.27173143

What the fuck are you talking about you goddamn schizo
Nothing changed except your warped perception of reality

>> No.27173144

>the cat
Anon, Okayu's not that close to Fubuki or Korone....

>> No.27173145
Quoted by: >>27173360

Explain shitty western acts only getting big in Japan.

>> No.27173149

Learning ghosting from drawabox atm.
My right arm hurts...

>> No.27173150

Anons, I need a definitive answer. What was Amelia's fake crying all about?

>> No.27173152
File: 177 KB, 1080x900, EjQ2pq3U0AEo93x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27173154

That's quite a bit of overlap there anon.

>> No.27173155
Quoted by: >>27173239

but that wasnt anything innovative is what i mean... just the words...

>> No.27173161

>(omoshiroi) is conventionally "interesting" but can also be used for "funny".
How fucking new are you? I actually cringed reading this JP 101 intro class discovery

>> No.27173162

Kill yourself

>> No.27173163
Quoted by: >>27173204

If you believe in the Christian God, you're a sinner for ever fapped to someone that's married.

>> No.27173164

Is HololiveEN gen 2 a guarantee at this point?
I can't imagine they wouldn't jump on some more girls when they see all of them pull out 10-20k per stream and then have Gura almost smash 70K on a solo stream.
Not to mention the Western audience seems to be pretty partial to controversy so far from the /jp/ outside of this small group of retards I share a thread with.

>> No.27173168
File: 991 KB, 1500x1500, 1600812744699.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27173166

Saturday and sunday

>> No.27173169
File: 831 KB, 1920x1080, 1600756919085.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unironically hope this is true so every idolfag in this thread immediately necks themselves.

>> No.27173170

>He doesn't know about the schizobrain

>> No.27173171
File: 32 KB, 802x386, 5747.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just enjoy your oshi, bro

>> No.27173173

I can 100% guarantee you that Ina has ERP'd in XIV, raidfags are the biggest degenerates

>> No.27173177

Just her standard end of stream gag. She likely did it in reference to her noodles being too spicy.... or if your a bit more into conspiracy she did it as a jab at /hlgg/.

>> No.27173178

What is this new narrative?

>> No.27173179
Quoted by: >>27173198

Ordered my first MG gunpla and a new can of topcoat. Can't wait

>> No.27173180

As sad as the pewdiepie vs t-series debacle

>> No.27173181

Just as delusional as goslingfag?

>> No.27173183

not an idol fag so this wasnt a problem

>> No.27173184

I'll shun you either way, if that makes you happier.

>> No.27173185

5chanons just prefer it that way. Changing anything would be a mistake.

>> No.27173186
File: 25 KB, 159x158, 1598983645639.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bro... don't tell me OkaKoro is fake, too

>> No.27173187 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>27173258

Anons from other timezones are waking up or coming home from work.

>> No.27173189

>Let's draw!
>Without Ina

into the trash

>> No.27173190

The doxxing, probably

>> No.27173192
Quoted by: >>27173374

Yes. The threads will improve from here on.
For the next three days until all the bans expire and they all come back.

>> No.27173193

How do you pay in Clips

>> No.27173194
Quoted by: >>27173268

if she was your oshi you wouldn't have subbed to ame and gura

>also chile and not ars

>> No.27173196

>don't you guys get tired of rehashing the exact same conversation over and over in circles for hours?
Welcome to nu4chan.

>> No.27173195
File: 183 KB, 1079x1264, IMG_20201002_104558.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How retarded can you be?
This is membershrimp option.
How many times do I have to tell you?

>> No.27173198
Quoted by: >>27173330

Based, Which suit did you end up going with?

>> No.27173200


>> No.27173201

Bullshit sakuramiko knows it best, streamers are BETTER than gf

>> No.27173202

that's... pretty based, chink gremlin.

>> No.27173203

Her noodles were too spicy

>> No.27173204

Are christians even allowed to fap

>> No.27173206

>Is HololiveEN gen 2 a guarantee at this point?
Why wouldn’t it be? Even Holostars and HoloID get new gens despite having only a small fraction of the success HoloEN is having

>> No.27173209

You aren't getting back into my graces that easily, gremlin

>> No.27173211

Suisei is...so cute!

>> No.27173210

A little annoyed at first because I would have liked to see Fubuki take it, but I've come to accept the inevitable. In other words, I kneel.

>> No.27173215

Schizophrenia controls this thread. This is why gatekeeping should exist.

>> No.27173218
File: 51 KB, 415x433, 1601523586209.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She just ate some spicy noodles that she didnt think were gonna be spicy

>> No.27173219
File: 2.13 MB, 1912x2700, EiwWWPcVoAAm1XD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27173392

based anon
Amelia is great
I love her smile and laugh and even the gremlin sounds she makes.

Plus she's just as degenerate as me and doesn't mind people making lewd art of her if it's not too extreme

>> No.27173220 [DELETED] 
File: 70 KB, 1197x676, 19239112939123.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27173224

>point out a funny coincidence
>it's technically right
the fuck are you on about sperg?

>> No.27173222

i agree that it's sad for the JPers who have worked so hard and who are so good at it, but at the same time i can't say that gura's success is undeserved at all. she also worked hard for a long time to get to this point and she's really good at it too. ultimately i just hope that everyone realizes it's because of the language she speaks being so much more common.

>> No.27173223

Fucking kek, I remember this image when it was first posted
Made /hlg/ shit themselves

>> No.27173228


>> No.27173229
File: 34 KB, 112x112, 1583641133955.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27174414


>> No.27173230

I'm gonna watch Lars and the Real Girl tonight to cool off. This has been a wild last hours. I need a break from all this.

Anyone got links to where to stream it?

>> No.27173231

Spicy noodles

>> No.27173232
Quoted by: >>27173405

You literally couldn't make this shit up.

>> No.27173233

I like it.

>> No.27173235

>After 4 years of being a NEET I'm legit not sure how to make my brain be productive anymore.

>> No.27173236

They're just really good friends, anon, possibly even best friends.

>> No.27173239
Quoted by: >>27173363

No one said it was innovative.

The fuck are you talking about?

>> No.27173241

Goodnight KIARAAMANIACS and anti SEAnigger marks without a life that don't know it a work when you work a work and work yourself into a shoot,marks

>> No.27173242
Quoted by: >>27173339

no idea why thread keep screaming seanigs, some of them are just random numberfags as usual
when the worst shit with ame was not even in SEA up time

>> No.27173243
Quoted by: >>27173860

I havent done my reps for a few days now, I need motivation again

>> No.27173247

For once I actually think she’s fucking with us

>> No.27173248

I feel like they're just people who have never interacted with a woman before
If you've ever seen chicks in a group together you'd know that they always flirt with eachother for fun.

>> No.27173249

35 please come back. only you can satisfy my cold heart.

>> No.27173255
Quoted by: >>27173287

hooo boy

>> No.27173257
Quoted by: >>27173297

Its spreading huh?

>> No.27173258 [DELETED] 

so give it 24 hours and all the timezonefags should have it worked out of their system? fucking hope so

>> No.27173261

The main thing watson has to worry about is deranged goslings stalking her, in games and irl.
They're a pack of poorfags, its not going to hurt her earnings,
The stream sniping is a pretty notable issue for her future content.

>> No.27173260

then your an idol fag and you should an hero because the world is too fucked

>> No.27173265
Quoted by: >>27173307


>> No.27173268
File: 259 KB, 395x407, 1600714845252.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27173299

But I don't hate them...

>> No.27173270
File: 656 KB, 175x169, 1601605796768.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doxxing faggot getting so assblasted that nobody took him seriously so he just straight up posts it
These Goslingfags are insane, holy shit.

>> No.27173275
Quoted by: >>27173357

People get off on the suffering of others

>> No.27173277
File: 43 KB, 527x497, 1585686260647.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27173462

It is very ambiguous.
She says "it's additional" followed by "I would like to make sure nobody is left out". Someone who cares should ask her for clarification on twitter.

>> No.27173278


>> No.27173279
File: 153 KB, 1695x946, i love amelia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27173306

>> No.27173280

A part of it has some interesting discussion on how youtube works and how much hololive's success is driven by individual talent/character (art) rather than branding.

The other part is just as you said, participation points the same way you see flamewars over popular movies or what brand of videogame console.

>> No.27173281

Spicy hot raymen. Twitter is telling her to finish it without telling her it's going to be just as spicy going out as it was coming in.

>> No.27173282
File: 256 KB, 1250x1250, 1601597023047.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just want to see more yuri art, don't care what they actually lean towards

>> No.27173286
Quoted by: >>27173357

Checks out. Probably a teen.

>> No.27173287

Jap is hard man I spent 3 decades learning that shit only to find out I hate visual novels

>> No.27173288

spicy anons

>> No.27173289

Lol of course not are you retarded? The doxx came up when everyone at SEA was asleep

>> No.27173290

you sound like an ESL seafag

>> No.27173291
File: 1.83 MB, 2500x2850, AMELIA TEA ojousama.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27173649

Finished this yesterday, rested today, tomorrow I'll do something I guess...

>> No.27173292
File: 49 KB, 509x600, 1584981595009.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First and only chuuba I'll ever spend money on.
I hope

>> No.27173294

this is a delusion but hey what ever keeps you happy

>> No.27173295
Quoted by: >>27173510

Doesn't prove she isn't bi though

>> No.27173297


The fool, know he made himself at risk of being doxxed himself! Or at least get shit on.

>> No.27173299

then pay in usd or yen spic

>> No.27173302
Quoted by: >>27173364

Welcome to team cunny

>> No.27173303

The face of /hlgg/ everyone.

>> No.27173304
Quoted by: >>27173335

Nah they’re actually friends. Korone is still mosr comfortable talking to Okayu out of anyone. Did you hear Okayu’s fuwa fuwa time cover for koro’s bday gift?

>> No.27173305

This happened in towa's channel.

>> No.27173306
File: 232 KB, 379x454, 1601598373260.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27173352

Re:Zero is a bad anime

>> No.27173307
File: 196 KB, 1069x1500, 1600578142669.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oi watcha want?

>> No.27173309

HoloID just did auditions for a second gen, so you can bet your ass we're getting EN gen 2, probably sometime early next year I'd wager.

>> No.27173310
File: 552 KB, 780x1060, 1601572962248.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27173312
File: 342 KB, 850x1006, CHICKEN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah it's fucking hot

>> No.27173314
File: 20 KB, 702x200, rip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's OK because I pivoted to someone new.

>> No.27173315

it should be against the rules to break kayfabe in this thread

>> No.27173317
File: 64 KB, 356x407, 1601420232697.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Kissmarks right on the hips
Yeah, that's the good shit right there.

>> No.27173322

Imagine the hatesex Amelia's bf gets when shes destroyed in Apex/CSGO and needs to unload all the frustration..

>> No.27173324

Sheepfags in /hlg/ turned into a strong cult over time, it's too late for Teamates here since cult behaviour is getting constantly shut down by Amelia.

>> No.27173325

Of course it had to be a jojonigger

>> No.27173330
Quoted by: >>27173371

I was going to go for The Origin ver of the 78 but instead went with the Mk.II
I wanted the Double X so badly though but they were out of stock

>> No.27173331

>spergs sperging out everywhere they can
More news at 11.

>> No.27173332

>What's shakin bacon?
>Thanks for the sex homie

>> No.27173333

>Does this go earlier then the Beatles?
yes, the ventures were big in japan a few years before the beatles and were a huge contributor to the success of western rock music there.

>> No.27173336

Teamates were probably the second largest group of posters behind chumbuds and very rarely got the schizo/anti/shitpost brigade attacking their oshi. I hope they can handle the bantz and stick with their girl like the chickenfags and deadbeats do.

>> No.27173335
Quoted by: >>27173454

I did.
I want to start watching her but I wouldn't understand her and it makes me sad. Really love her singing/voice though...

>> No.27173339

There was a post about 3 hours ago right after he imgur link was passed around that some think is one of the meidos. Blamed south asia for most of the doxxposting.

>> No.27173343

I swear to god if she graduates because of you faggots...

>> No.27173347

There's a book its pretty bad, but It had a group of astronauts traveling to an alien races home planet because the alien race invaded earth and the astronauts are attempting diplomacy. They travel using sublight and get there being all suplicant to the superior alien race until only a month later another human ship appears. In the time it took the first ship to get there humanity figured out FTL (even before the aliens) and arrives acting all smug and aggressive They wanted to get there before the previous ship. and then hold a FTL gun against the alien races home planet to flip the power dynamic.

Strangely enough the second ship is called the commodore perry after the black ships that opened japan.

I never finished the book. but your post made me think of it.

>> No.27173348
Quoted by: >>27173839

Gura is a good girl, she said that she didn't want to make too much content that only membershrimps could see. She wants to spread her love.

>> No.27173350
File: 191 KB, 480x473, what did you just say peko.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27173406


>> No.27173351

Its not far behind, they just like it that way. Japanese websites usually don't look good either compared to english ones

>> No.27173352


>> No.27173355

>just had the audio of this running on the background without realizing this for the last 15 minutes
Her voice is fucking pure sex holy shit

>> No.27173357

Of course posting this on a site that requires an account to post is a risking move.

>> No.27173361
File: 640 KB, 2052x4096, 1600548577524.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get ready to do your protect daughterfu reps

>> No.27173360

A western entertainer who is shit in America might blow away the locals in East Asia. Tons of korean dance group members, Utada Hikaru, Bonnie Pink, Psy, etc. And its not to say they're actually shit, there's just too much good stuff to compete with in the states.

You can hear decent bands and singers do their thing in bumfuck nowhere U.S., Canada, and UK all the time, but they may not be superstar material.

>> No.27173363
Quoted by: >>27173453

You said autistic shit like "I see what you did there." when nothing was done it's just normal fucking exchange

>> No.27173364
File: 15 KB, 236x272, 1601002032450.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been on team cunny from day one.

>> No.27173369

Leave this thread for five minutes, do literally anything relating to art, then write down on a sticky note or something the date, and how much time you spent doing art.
Then do it again tomorrow.
Then keep fucking doing it. Even if you stop doing it, keep doing it.
This place isn't worth your time.

>> No.27173371
Quoted by: >>27173478

Based. Mk2 2.0 is a great fucking kit despite it being kinda old

>> No.27173373

>Gura used an emote that Ame made for her
Jeez, she really does adore her.

>> No.27173374 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>27173471

I really wished meidos permabanned these schizos

>> No.27173376

fuck off with the cult shit, I just want my retarded detective to play shootans and do voice acting/reading ASMR or some shit

>> No.27173377
File: 305 KB, 1608x1362, CuteSheep.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unsubbed from Amelia. I'm sorry Mori, I got seduced by a cute thing and then betrayed. From now on the only HoloEn I will watch is my Mori.

>> No.27173378

jojofags never knowing when to stop talking

>> No.27173379
File: 430 KB, 1600x1200, 1601590191621.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God I hope they move in with each other

>> No.27173385

of course it's a jojoredditor

>> No.27173386
File: 208 KB, 850x1202, SPICY CHICKEN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chicken has been the hottest EN by far but /hlgg/ has slept on her

>> No.27173388
Quoted by: >>27173534

Report to cover, anything that gets out of this thread needs to be reported to cover

>> No.27173391 [DELETED] 

Has this been deleted? I can't find it.

>> No.27173392

based footchad

>> No.27173397
Quoted by: >>27173688

>and then Gura
she shouldn't fucking get anywhere near a million in at least 6 months. She's done absolutely fucking nothing to deserve them.

>> No.27173398

Boy you guys are gonna really be pissed when you find out Calli AND Kiara have a boyfriend too.

It's me.

>> No.27173402

>posting that using watame
He isn't aware of the facts...

>> No.27173405

>first post is about their previous vtuber career together
Damn so they really are close.

>> No.27173407 [DELETED] 
File: 3.79 MB, 540x304, 1601077535603.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that the people seething and spamming doxshit over Ame honestly thought they had a chance to be her boyfriend. Pathetic!

>> No.27173406

Why does this one seem so much creepier than the peko and amelia ones?

>> No.27173408

I'm just about to do my work out reps then hit the hay for the night

>> No.27173411

>he says while posting the sheep that also had this happen to her

>> No.27173413

Why is a lesbian trying to appeal to me

>> No.27173415

remember to post again when you meltdown over realizing that they have a life

>> No.27173416
Quoted by: >>27173432

I just woke up, how does Gura's membership works?

>> No.27173418
Quoted by: >>27173450


>> No.27173419
Quoted by: >>27173573

>forgot the debut stream
>forgot the lars posting after the first marshmellow stream
>forgot about loserbait
>forgot about the cod:warzone take down

Admittedly not as yabai is this moment but its silly to think this is the first time hlgg has brigaded waachama.

>> No.27173424
File: 710 KB, 2604x2314, 1572397845916.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's say Gura wants to play a game that needs permission, would the game company kneel? With her influence rn, I don't think anyone would refuse her at least with Western companies.

>> No.27173426

They're legit very close friends. Have been for a long ass time

>> No.27173429

/r/ing Ame version of this please
I have a feeling it would get used often

>> No.27173431 [DELETED] 

She cried at the end of her stream!

>> No.27173432
Quoted by: >>27173467

tier 1 gets all, she just worded it in a dumb way
you get member streams + karaokes + asmr

>> No.27173433

anon I dont know how to tell you this but...

>> No.27173434

A reminder to everyone.
Use filters to ignore attention whores, they'll find somewhere else that will actually give them what they crave and these threads will return to normal.
If you need a guide, filter comments within the settings at the bottom of the page if you're using default 4channel.
If you're using 4chan X, filter words in between forward slashes (/)
Stop giving in to shit posters.

>> No.27173436

number guys atleast arnt doxniggers

>> No.27173437

hopefully most of her goslingposters either were banned or left so Teamates can appreciate our toxic gremlin in peace

>> No.27173440
Quoted by: >>27174118

Please hang yourself, you don't deserve hololive faggot. And don't use Watame for shitposting you cocksucker.

>> No.27173441
Quoted by: >>27173461

>The news are being spreaded to normalfags
Uh oh...

>> No.27173445 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>27173506

Sir/Madam are you implying that Amelia Watson is in a romantic relationship? That is not allowed, please cease.

>> No.27173448

Welcome to the chumzone (buddy)

>> No.27173449 [DELETED] 
File: 89 KB, 1242x716, 363636.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The retard is also posting it on other conversations on the video

>> No.27173450

Shy women are crazy

>> No.27173453

>Thread asking about Gura's stream
>Responses are variants of "cute" and "funny"
What was done was the observation you dense twat. That's it.

>> No.27173454

Same. I check out her streams but have no clue what she’s saying. She’s really good at games though and her covers are fantastic.

>> No.27173456

Yeah I believe so

>> No.27173457

I think they'll even pay her to promote stuff.

>> No.27173460
Quoted by: >>27174211

A game company wouldnt refuse anyone with more than 5k subs, why would they refuse free marketing

>> No.27173461

Normalfags dgaf, see Towa and Aloe.

>> No.27173462

yeah it's pretty vague going back to listen to it again. i guess i didn't really care because i make a lot of money and i love her channel.

>> No.27173463

If this shit turns into an Aloe incident I'll go full fucking autismo to each and every single one of you faggots posting this on Youtube/Twitter I fucking swear

>> No.27173464


>> No.27173467

Oh great, that's good! I thought tier 2 had bonuses so I got scared for a sec.

>> No.27173469
File: 797 KB, 1000x1413, 1600011906385.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And here I thought the Chinese had glass hearts. This is probably the most pathetic thing since the Goslings started. And then you wonder why you can never get with women.

>> No.27173470

You're mother is dirty and filthy, just the way I like her!

>> No.27173471 [DELETED] 

I just saw a bunch of 3 day bans in the logs, but they weren't any of the big 50 reply posts. They hopefully permabanned them but anybody autistic enough to dig that much is definitely autistic enough to ban evade.

>> No.27173474

Teamates, this is for you, never forget. Nothing else matters.

Don't make this sweet girl cry.

>> No.27173476
Quoted by: >>27173493


Report to cover.

What's this youtube account? Dont be a fuckwad and defend him.

>> No.27173477

>Western game
Yes without doubt, even xbox's official account kneels to her
>Eastern game
Nah they're too autistic, don't care how much free publicity gura would give them

>> No.27173478

So I've heard. I'm really looking forward to it!
Hopefully they get the Double X or the V2 in stock soon. I want that V2

>> No.27173479

Faggot, stay away from Gura you schizo

>> No.27173483 [DELETED] 

Post Link to these guys channels, give them a tast of their own medicine!

>> No.27173485 [DELETED] 
File: 179 KB, 929x927, 878384583485.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep. What a pussy bitch. Guy is clearly from these thread and /pol/

>> No.27173488

if it's a western company they'll kneel on the spot
Japs are anal though

>> No.27173493


>> No.27173494

i slept with her

>> No.27173495
Quoted by: >>27173545

>implying at least half the posts aren't from west taiwanese starting shit

>> No.27173497 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>27173531

I think a lot of people are even more far gone and just want her to be lonely and as emotionally dependent on her audience as her audience is to her. Idol culture is a disease.

>> No.27173498

If they were raised in the west they'd probably be actually for real lovers.

>> No.27173500

didn't she do some damage control. She knew what was up. People were sending her chats about it. So it was just fake crying targetted at antis. if it was real crying she probably would have kept it muted or done it sooner.

>> No.27173501

I just got around to watching the tier 3 of Mori's membership stream. Good stream overall but goddamn, how did she out of all the members attract the high spending simps?

>> No.27173503

capcom will never kneel

>> No.27173504
File: 431 KB, 1200x1450, 1601488444586.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She could get them pretty easily but she doesn't have any say on the matter

>> No.27173505

Indeed you really have to be a fucking virgin to compare a gf and vtuber. You put the vtubers on a pedestal but you don't even have the capacity to differentiate them. Ignorants

>> No.27173506
Quoted by: >>27173551

Ame's only love is detective work.

>> No.27173510

keep telling yourself that buddy

>> No.27173509 [DELETED] 

what the fuck

>> No.27173512
File: 16 KB, 246x186, IMG_20201002_005845.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27173549

>he belebd?
>domp it

>> No.27173514
File: 28 KB, 1047x88, unknown (4).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27173522


haha fucking bugmen is universal

>> No.27173515

so gura tier 2 is just for flexing?

>> No.27173518

Yeah she can singlehandedly get cover out of this permissions mess if she requested that shit personally. I don’t think she realizes how powerful she is right now. She’s pulling top tier eceleb stream numbers.

>> No.27173519

5ch was making fun of us specifically for that

>"Who cares if Towa has a boyfriend!" What happened to that attitude, foreignbros?

>> No.27173522
Quoted by: >>27173540


>> No.27173523


>> No.27173524
File: 1.27 MB, 270x270, 1601179512397.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27173597

People don't realize the depression after that happened is probably what led her to be slobby and not shower for a while

>> No.27173525
Quoted by: >>27173543

Interesting cope mechanism anon. Maybe kick that habit of falling for internet celebrities

>> No.27173528
File: 178 KB, 355x362, continued_laughter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27173550

>schizo antis are from /pol/
Sasuga /hlgg/ this is what happens when you let crossboarders stay here.

>> No.27173530

Teamates are mostly /r9k/ tier virgins; they're not taking this well at all. Don't underestimate naivete.

>> No.27173531

You wouldn't be here were it not for idolfags

>> No.27173532
File: 96 KB, 1280x720, rare coupon art rep.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I want to draw a cute Gura
>I can envision it perfectly in my head
>My hands can't do it
Why is drawing so hard anons? I've been doing my reps...

>> No.27173534
Quoted by: >>27173593

Great thinking report a comment to cover corp, they'll take down the comment!

>> No.27173537


>> No.27173538

No, when you sub T2 you get a sound clip of her singing country roads.

>> No.27173539
File: 100 KB, 900x561, Eh7KYq5X0AA-dE3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the state of this general

Why do you autists care so much about roommate shit? You're watching the streams and supporting the girls because they're entertaining so none of this should matter, right /hlgg/?

>> No.27173540

rioting, horrific creatures

>> No.27173543
Quoted by: >>27173639

>he says, while posting in an internet celebrity thread

>> No.27173545

The meido thought it was South Asia.

>> No.27173547

Come on, Phoenix-chama. How can you be seen as a true weeaboo and not know the term "zettai ryouiki".

>> No.27173548

Spicy noodle.

>> No.27173549
File: 202 KB, 2000x1162, BOG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Artia was the other Bog all along

>> No.27173550 [DELETED] 

Its not like i can anything more than ogey

>> No.27173552

The wine party isn't members only?

>> No.27173551
Quoted by: >>27173610

Ohh, okay.
Is that what she calls it?

>> No.27173553

Can’t she just get permissions from Capcom USA? They literally pay people to play their games on Twitch.

>> No.27173554

They're right, this is fucking dumb as hell, being angry somebody found happiness with someone else is pathetic.

>> No.27173555
File: 1.50 MB, 1000x1413, 0d3cbfc0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is it a natural purging process?
Pretty much. I just want the idolfags and /r9k/ retards gone from her fanbase so we the real teamates can enjoy her streams at ease

>> No.27173558
Quoted by: >>27173589

I'm switching over, which of the IN girls fills the Ame role

>> No.27173559

Yeah, /hlg/g/is full of schizos, I'm talking about mormalfags, like reddit, twitter and youtube comments. They actually don't care about roommates.

>> No.27173560
Quoted by: >>27173651

VPNs obviously

>> No.27173561

to be fair, those spergs actually threaten to get JPs in serious trouble, people here just shit up threads for a day or 2

>> No.27173563

MY favorite is Watson.

>> No.27173564

You should be used to this if you were here pre-split

>> No.27173565
Quoted by: >>27173668

Because you don't have the knowledge. Keep doing your reps.

>> No.27173567

well, those VPNs the chinks use have to go somewhere, may as well be SEA. i'm convinced unironically that the chinese are behind this, as they are behind all evils

>> No.27173573
Quoted by: >>27173632

True and I did actually forget those first two, I'd say thread meltdowns by severity/number for each girl go Kiara>Mori>Ame>>>Ina>>>Gura.

>> No.27173581
Quoted by: >>27174091

I'm ok with that as long as it doesn't affect her mental health.

>> No.27173582
File: 12 KB, 420x128, membershrimp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i am not a particular expert with youtube chat logs, but outlast 2 still doesn't have a chat replay. i will check back again later in case it just takes time or something.

from the likes on the members-only post we can say there are 1,000 members at a minimum.

>> No.27173584

>no more tears
lost my brother in the same way so I know how she feels. says a lot about a person that's able to still get up and put a smile on their face especially when they're still going through it like she was talking about

>> No.27173585

KYS thank you

>> No.27173588
Quoted by: >>27173842

there is no us here, only idolfags deserve it
outside this thread, most other EOP, ESL would defend them

>> No.27173589

Hololive India is not even debuted yet anon..

>> No.27173590

>LMAO dude improve yourself
Keep coping, she wont ever see a cent from me ever again.

>> No.27173592
File: 664 KB, 3200x3200, 1601103961966.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what is Gura going to be "allowed" to sing on the archived karaoke stream? Most copyright-free music I know is just BGM w/o vocals.

>> No.27173593
Quoted by: >>27173629

Yes unironically
If you're retarded enough to take shit here and spread it outside then you deserve to get sued for spreading rumors to damage the reputation of their talent, "slander"

>> No.27173595
Quoted by: >>27173678

china delenda est

>> No.27173597
Quoted by: >>27175623

her depression got cured by dick

>> No.27173598
Quoted by: >>27173668

Just need some practice anon. Repetition and constantly practicing will help you get better.

>> No.27173601

thank you, huke

>> No.27173600
File: 37 KB, 579x536, 1601583418513.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sound argument m8, jus' wanna watch our lass score sum fakkin frags on th' telly

>> No.27173602
Quoted by: >>27173721

She changed it. The stream is members only, the vods are public.

>> No.27173605 [DELETED] 
File: 277 KB, 756x739, 1600763043432.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I literally can't watch Watson anymore. I just can't. I watch this shit to escape from the crushing reality of real life -- after reading about how she holds hands with that faggot N**t, how he's the only person she hangs out with, how the go out to eat together... it's ruined for me. There's no illusion anymore, it's been completely shattered. Call me a Goslingfag or a schizo, but that's how I feel about it.

>> No.27173606

Most Western companies consider streamers playing their games to be free advertising, even if it isn't part of an explicit agreement.

>> No.27173607

There's more then a few anons and normies who are doing it for the GF aspect, and this has been a thing since white knights. However, they're idiots for thinking EN girls 100% pure and should concentrate on the entertainment part (which includes a bit of flirting and stringing along).

>> No.27173608

Almost definitely, but she formatted it really badly and didn't clarify during the stream so people are going to spin it however they want.

>> No.27173610
Quoted by: >>27173631

Yes. She's a detective. Don't tell me you're a loser who cares about them behind the character, anon?

>> No.27173612

You made her cry.......

>> No.27173613 [DELETED] 

Teamate base got cleansed. Feels good.

>> No.27173614

>>"Who cares if Towa has a boyfriend!" What happened to that attitude, foreignbros?
If I could reply I would say "That's Hololive, this is Hololive global, the retarded stepchild that's kept in the basement".

>> No.27173616

Idols are supposed to belong to everyone, Anon.

>> No.27173617
Quoted by: >>27173792

What if only holoen get capcom permission or just gura? Would be unfair to the others

>> No.27173619
File: 1.20 MB, 1246x828, 1601176561050.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I realize now that my brutally racist comments about China in the face of the Coco scandal were very ignorant. This thread has taught me the truth - island chinks are just as vile as land chinks. All fucking flip shitstirrers should be incinerated.

>> No.27173620

Not him, but I am used to it.
Used to hating it.
And posting about how much I hate it.
And still do in /hlg/.
Every time. All the time.

>> No.27173621

how could anyone hate someone so nice?

She went through lots of shit in her life and still worked hard to get where she is now. And she still has a great attitude about life and wants to spread joy to other people. I'm just happy for her.

>> No.27173622

It'll blow over come tomorrow. Its worth remembering people's attention span is shorter than ever and people care less and less about pointless shit.

>> No.27173625 [DELETED] 
File: 19 KB, 1202x139, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this faggot needs to off himself

>> No.27173627
Quoted by: >>27173682

they don't understand towa watchers. they don't care about towa or her yabee or her content. they just like to pity watch her because it fulfills their power fantasy and savior complex at the same time

>> No.27173628

Let's focus on the real issue: Mori braps

>> No.27173629
Quoted by: >>27173694

So it’s okay if the allegations are true and obtained through public info?

>> No.27173630

Here is my narrative after watching Gura.
>Shark doesn't have cute and cheeky behavior
>Shark is not vocalized nor can project that high pitch squeak
She's just a dolphin wearing shark suit or a shark wannabe.

>> No.27173631

jesus, you don't have to be ashamed of being a cuck anon

>> No.27173632
Quoted by: >>27173837

Kiara threads have been surprisingly comfy lately. Last one only had like 175 posters/

>> No.27173635
File: 47 KB, 241x231, ohononono.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>even 5ch is laughing at us
Is this the worse general on 4chan?

>> No.27173636
File: 21 KB, 174x238, 1495212640342.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27173670


>> No.27173637


>> No.27173640

Damage control for what?

>> No.27173639

Damn straight. I ain't falling for anyone, I just like the vtubers.

>> No.27173642


>> No.27173641

strike that, membership chat log count coming shortly.

>> No.27173644

Same. It's all about that kayfabe.

>> No.27173647
File: 597 KB, 3013x2168, 1601351041922.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

very strong

>> No.27173649

>gamer chair

>> No.27173648

They're just glorified streamers using a virtual avatar you autists

>> No.27173650 [SPOILER] 
File: 34 KB, 720x754, 1601611460895.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys aren't actually mad that your favorite VTuber has a partner, right?

>> No.27173651

Fuck off, literally the arabs and spics of the pacific.

>> No.27173652
Quoted by: >>27173659

>he says while posting a flip

>> No.27173653
File: 129 KB, 812x469, reps.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been folding simple origami animals and then sketching them. I'm still an a complete beginner at both, but it's very fun. Aside from that I did my diet and Ring Fit reps, will continue drawabox lessons tomorrow. Feeling pretty good, time to sleep.

>> No.27173654
Quoted by: >>27173690

>Types out a fucking book
>Doesn't understand "per capita"
DaRightWish didn't lie about his ethnicity.

It has to be chinks using seanigger VPNs

>> No.27173656

Anyone have the clip for Gura's stomach sound? I want to fap

>> No.27173657

This one isn't

>> No.27173658

Whatever you're thoughts are on them having boyfriends, can we all at least agree that it is beyond stupid for them to keep leaving their old accounts readily available to the public? You'd think they'd learn with Aloe but here we are.

>> No.27173659

t. flip

>> No.27173661

hahahahaha literally an /r9k/ schizo

>> No.27173662

Dolphins are actual degenerates who rape and murder for fun, so I would prefer her to be a shark, sharks are more seiso

>> No.27173663
File: 309 KB, 608x595, 1574741518875.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey anons. I'm enjoying our time together in this threads. Surely you're not seeing someone else and cucking me right?

>> No.27173665

It's the first day anyway check on it after a week or so

>> No.27173666


>> No.27173667

I only care about them as entertainers, I don't care what kind of people they are or what happens in their life. Never paying a penny to any online streamer either.

>> No.27173668
File: 460 KB, 1280x720, Memebership Coupon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any tips/links/sources/where to start?
I am completely new to drawing. I have literally only drawn coupons for these threads, in my entire life

>> No.27173669

I mean....is he wrong? Definitely not the right place to share that info but....

>> No.27173670
Quoted by: >>27173863

Anon you just haven't been looking hard enough. They've been going on since day 1.

>> No.27173672

Could be a good loophole, it's worth a shot for sure.

>> No.27173673

you know that a business like cover can get licenses to use music, right?
Gura and her manager have to come up with a list of songs that either are already licensed for use by hololive, or can be relatively easily and cheaply licensed

>> No.27173674

not mad just empty

>> No.27173675

Do virgins really do this.

what a retard.

>> No.27173678
Quoted by: >>27173768

"Sinae delenda est" if you want to go the full mile.

>> No.27173680


>> No.27173681

Anything Cover has a license for

>> No.27173682
Quoted by: >>27173758

speak for yourself fag

>> No.27173684
Quoted by: >>27173742

The old one?

>> No.27173685

if info with that level of veracity came out about one of the popular JP girls like Miko the main thread would be in flames too

>> No.27173687

I thought I might sub to Ina and Gura, but in the end I had to prioritize Ina.
Sorry Gura, sorry membershrimps. I hope we can still be chumbuddies.

>> No.27173688

seethe faggot

>> No.27173690

Chinks are vile but let's be honest here, it's not like waterchinks are much better.

>> No.27173693 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>27173919

imagine being this assblasted over a girl having a fucking life Jesus please seek help if you have these feels this is unhealthy

>> No.27173694

Good luck defending yourself in a court of law

>> No.27173695

Can we start mass reporting this faggot

>> No.27173698 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>27173919

>treating someone as a virtual partner in a one-sided manner gives you a right to know their life history
I see I see

>> No.27173699
File: 78 KB, 590x579, Cuckadoodle doo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not cucking if we share

>> No.27173700

Good work on both ends anon, keep it up

>> No.27173701 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>27173833

>be a dumbshit doxxfag and dig deep into their personal lives
Literally no one to blame except yourself

>> No.27173703

>posts a flip

>> No.27173704

Should have took the virgin thing out and left it more impied. He's not an expert at baiting.

>> No.27173707

No because I'm not a retard.

>> No.27173706

Newfag lurker here, what exactly happened with Aloe? It got found out that she had an IRL boyfriend and shit hit the fan somehow???

>> No.27173709
Quoted by: >>27173740

>nooooo stop him!! he's making me uncomfortable!

>> No.27173712

Not mad just baffled at how much info she had public

>> No.27173713
Quoted by: >>27173844

I mean, I wouldn't want to nuke my shit incase Hololive decides to throw me under a bus like they do with all of their talent and then I'm stuck with nothing because I deleted my old life.

>> No.27173714

Nothing will come from his autisic rant, don't bother anon

>> No.27173716
Quoted by: >>27173756

we seem to be talking about different things. the only thing i can count in this chat log is memberships signed up during the stream, and that number won't ever change.

>> No.27173721

No, this is a new stream, the members vods aren't public yet, I think she said her current plan was 2-3 weeks

>> No.27173725

I ERP behind your back all the time.
I'm so sorry. It's not me, it's you.

>> No.27173726 [DELETED] 

reminder: vtubers are streamers and entertainers, you will never meet them in real life, and even if you did, you would never have a chance with them anyways. Take your fucking meds.

>> No.27173730
Quoted by: >>27173919

yes he is wrong faggot get help skizo you need it you are gonna hurt your self or others one day with this psyco shit

>> No.27173731

do you need to ask?

>> No.27173733

I am, yes

>> No.27173736

>sharks are more seiso
What if Gura is hiding her power level and is not really seiso like a shark should be?

>> No.27173738

I don't even know who you are.

>> No.27173740

t. Austerlitz

>> No.27173739

Not wrong. Should have worded it better though If he wanted people to take him seriously but he just wants a war.

>> No.27173742
Quoted by: >>27174346

her latest stream

>> No.27173743
File: 1.23 MB, 1920x1080, Ei1kWf6UcAE6REU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay I'm out. See you retards next stream (Mori?). Hope Meidos nuke these threads until you all stop being retarded again.

>> No.27173744

/r9k/ and /pol/ are mad that they've been found out and are currently doing damage control. Pleas keep posting this guy.

>> No.27173746

I don't know why they're laughing, it's not we made Ame publicly apologize and suspended like they did Towa or stalked her irl like they did Aloe
Most EOPs aren't even aware of this drama

>> No.27173748
Quoted by: >>27174571

is Ina holding an octofied Niggerman?

>> No.27173749 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>27173788

What's interesting is that if this happened to ANY other holoEN, there wouldn't be nearly as strong a reaction. The factors of Ameliakeks being one of the largest groups here, coupled with them literally being /r9k/, coupled with them watching exclusively for the girlfriend experience, coupled with them always shitting on others but never really getting return fire, came together to form a spectacular shitstorm.

>> No.27173752

doing work reps today and all weekend
I read /hlgg/ at work sometimes
Need to exercise tomorrow

>> No.27173753
File: 235 KB, 1200x675, megere.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aren't the Goslingfaggots just being ironic? No one's ACTUALLY upset at Ame not being single; they're just spreading fake outrage to keep the thread interesting.

>> No.27173754


>> No.27173755
Quoted by: >>27173772

I probably have a more fulfilling romantic life than most of them so no

>> No.27173756

Oh yeah, i'm retarded don't mind me then

>> No.27173757

That's really neat, I'd never considered that - helps practice a couple skills at once.

>> No.27173758

I don't watch towa so i dont need to
I also love how you pity fags always recoil when you get called out, confronting the fact that you are just as bad as the unicorns(you are on the other side of that particular autistic spectrum) always make you mad

>> No.27173762

Not a drawfag, but looking at art that you like the style of and emulating it is a decent place to start. Other than that there's tons of free tips and lessons on YouTube and the internet that you could try. The most important thing would be consistent practice though.

>> No.27173763

Yes there's a balance.Tons of people like to think in extremes, though. There's been alot less extreme posting since the meidos cleaned earlier today.

Whenever someone posts a poll, the side messages are lit up with seaniggers seething over the bands and tribal posting.

>> No.27173766

check the archive

>> No.27173767

He's not wrong. She can do without those viewers though. It's only a small fraction who cares. Coco has had a boyfriend, but she was still topping superchats.

>> No.27173768

thanks, i'll use that next time i remember that the chinese exist

>> No.27173772
File: 752 KB, 841x1000, 1601519517344.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27173829


>> No.27173775
Quoted by: >>27173870


It's fucking baffling how much she left out there. It's a 50/50 split in blame in my eyes, 50% the retards that get too into it but 50% on her for somehow assuming she was gonna be immune to this. If she knows the scene and the business she must have known this comes with the fucking territory no matter who you are. Fucking idiot, god damn.

>> No.27173780

It's been entertaining seeing all the people that have never browsed /jp/ be surprised by all the idol worship and shit storms related to it.

>> No.27173781

Yes you autistic fuck.

>> No.27173782

No one's upset besides a few mentally ill people who played girlfriend simulator and got burned.

>> No.27173784 [DELETED] 
File: 155 KB, 370x329, 1600140626656.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm actually okay with them having boyfriends. It's not something I actively think about while watching vtubers. The problem is doxfags dumping that shit in this thread and completely breaking the illusion for me while rubbing it in my face. The cuckposting is a bit too much, too. I can't go on like that. Sure, you could tell me to stop coming to the threads, but these threads make every stream more fun for me.

COVER need better opsec for their talents so that this sort of thing never happens again.

>> No.27173783

Unless Aloe ungraduated herself, I'm laughing harder at them Schizo than them laughing at us.

>> No.27173785

That's actually very true, dolphins are rapists

>> No.27173786

How we drive idolfaggots out of these threads?

>> No.27173787
File: 48 KB, 540x540, 1601259515434.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As someone who has almost no IRL presence and a personality that's practically 100% digital, that really doesn't matter to me. I will continue to treasure this shark and that's as close to a "real" relationship as I need.

>> No.27173788 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>27173917

Can I somehow just pay /hlgg/ $5 a month? Honestly it's the most entertaining part of this whole endeavor, in a sick schadenfreude/misery-loves-company way.

>> No.27173792

Id imagine they’d negotiate for a blanket deal. Wouldn’t make sense to only give them to Gura. Despite what numberfags here say the other ENs also get high-top tier numbers right now. If you’re doing 10k+ concurrents per stream you’re a high value streamer and companies will literally give you money to play their shit. Ina Ame Mori get 15-20k no problem and Kiara gets 10-15k, probably more if she didn’t stream at asscrack AM.
Depending on the success of following EN gens I could even see Cover expanding operations to the US so that their western streamers can operate under different legality. They’re leaving a ton of money on the table right now being restricted by permissions.

>> No.27173795

now that i think about it, it wouldn't be a bad idea if gura played faith

>> No.27173797

By driving out doxxfags.

>> No.27173799
File: 2.38 MB, 1452x1070, 1600404942920.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I watched guras stream and it was cute and funny

And that's all I needed. I apologise for being an anti before chumbuds

>> No.27173798
Quoted by: >>27173896

People started harassing her IRL and calling her home phone. She ended up taking a 2 week suspension immediately after her debut and then leaving right after because of how bad the harassment was getting.

>> No.27173800

There's always at least 5 people legitimately upset. That's just what I consider the bare minimum for anything that's happening.

>> No.27173804

Will you make me pray towards mecca?

>> No.27173805

In an ideal world it'd be Sora first. Too bad, that's just how it is.

>> No.27173811

Says the Aloe cancellers

>> No.27173814
File: 171 KB, 850x1100, __mori_calliope_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_ouxie__sample-7f02dcf7b259aec30ae11e7a42a4ca0a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel bad for sadboys, they're all so fuckin' pathetic!

>> No.27173813
Quoted by: >>27174126

What the fuck does "seiso" mean in this context?

>> No.27173815

I just gosling post to feel like i'm a part of something. I didn't think there were actual schizos doing it too

>> No.27173816
File: 127 KB, 160x580, 1601611782557.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is hilarious.

>> No.27173817

2D >>>> 3DPD
how many times do you retards need to be reminded?

>> No.27173818 [DELETED] 

Why do you normalfaggots always repeat this?
They’re idols, nobody is trying to go out with them, that’s the point.

>> No.27173823
File: 701 KB, 1078x2076, Screenshot_20201002-000910_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read this and look at her tail
She's an apex predator in bed

>> No.27173824

who has the best BGM? it's gura and peko for me

>> No.27173827

Just perma rangeban doxxniggers from existence

>> No.27173829

Sorry, I went too far

>> No.27173830

He is wrong, unequivocally. The entire reason there is a separation between the vtuber and their online persona is so they can live a relatively normal life in reality. "Amelia Watson" has never mentioned a boyfriend, or getting her back walls blown the fuck out or anything of that nature. Autistic retards had to dig for information on the person behind the avatar, and then mewled and whined about what they found. It's literally your own goddamn fault, erasing over a decade of your online presence is incredibly difficult if you aren't a total fucking loser and actually use the myriad social media platforms out there.

>> No.27173831
Quoted by: >>27173976

>After 4 years of being a NEET I'm legit not sure how to make my brain be productive anymore.
Tell me fucking about it. I didn't think it'll be this hard to go back into production mode.

>> No.27173832

How do you rate the outlast stream

>> No.27173833 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>27173890

>some fag posts a dox in /hlgg/
>whole general implodes for an entire day
>i'm somehow not supposed to notice that

>> No.27173835
Quoted by: >>27173896

She was posting a lot about penises and having sex.

>> No.27173837

It's a nice change from just a few days ago, I think it's mainly the time she's scheduling now and people giving her a chance after fixing her mic. Peak schizoposting ends a few hours before her stream so the threads don't go full retard.

>> No.27173839

I doubt it. It took her 3 weeks to do her first karaoke stream. Given that, I imagine that when she is doing semi-regular member karaoke, the non-member ones will be far and few between. Not to mention, those non-member ones will probably be limited to only approved songs so they can be archived in all likelihood.

You miss out on the best content, I don't really see much point in paying as much attention as I have. I'll probably stop watching most of her content and just stick to the few karaoke she does release. It's to much of a struggle to keep up in the threads and her game streams are way to inconsistent quality wise.

>> No.27173841

>he says while posting on a board with 7 active idol threads right now

>> No.27173842

Apparently not the SEAfags.

>> No.27173843
Quoted by: >>27173954

oh god i regret everything. i responded to him telling him to shut up and he sent the full doxx. fuck this retard

>> No.27173845
File: 256 KB, 480x473, bro.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27173886

>deadhours are dangerous times now
I'm OUT until next stream

>> No.27173844

> I wouldn't want to nuke my shit incase Hololive decides to throw me under a bus like they do with all of their talent and then I'm stuck with nothing because I deleted my old life.

Obviously deleting EVERYTHING is a bit extreme, but the amount of personal information Ame left out there is pretty overexposed for anyone planning to be a public name. (And given she was a streamer before, that was obviously the case)

>> No.27173846
Quoted by: >>27173951


These women aren't for sale for the highest bidder. They are entertainers who sing and play games and provide female company with no strings attached.

They are just modern day geisha. we show up, have a good time, and leave. but there's always that one schizo who thinks he's fallen in love and wants to save them.

>> No.27173848

no because they broke up a year ago

>> No.27173850

Sorry anon but I've gotta be straight with you, I've been playing video games online. Sometimes even with friends. Gomenasai

>> No.27173853
File: 96 KB, 527x455, 1600505906157.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to bed to wake up fresh for my Mori.

Stay strong tm8s, wagmi.

>> No.27173854
Quoted by: >>27173947

not reading that

>> No.27173855

Run Mori!

>> No.27173856
File: 13 KB, 592x144, shark fact.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This again?

>> No.27173859

Get the fuck out of /jp/ you fucking tourist

>> No.27173860
Quoted by: >>27173925

You need dedication reps not motivation.

>> No.27173862
File: 83 KB, 394x306, 1601600927825.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27173952

I want to look like pic related if they ever start selling merchandise

>> No.27173863

Ah, I guess I mean /u/ lewds specifically.

>> No.27173866

I'm just hoping AX happens again next year so I can stop by Ina's roommate's art booth, buy a print or keychain and tell her 10q

>> No.27173865

Chicken got so roasted she turned into charcoal.

>> No.27173870

Wan't it hard to find?

>> No.27173869
File: 117 KB, 661x623, 1601521443370.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgiveness is freely given, chumbud, all are welcome.

(unless you're a chink in which case fuck off)

>> No.27173877

Peko and Festival are my favorite JP ones. Ina and Kiara are my favorite EN.

>> No.27173880
Quoted by: >>27174399

Do you think any of the girls will give information about their pantsu color like some of the HoloJP girls do?

>> No.27173881

I honestly agree, The people have a right to know, and if there fine with it then it's fine

>> No.27173884

The schizos who keep digging and posting shit about them are the problem. No one would know about this stuff if there wasn't a bunch of losers hellbent on ruining the experience for everyone else here.

>> No.27173885
Quoted by: >>27173927

i dont look for roommates because i have a life and this Vtuber stuff is just a fucking relaxing entertainment for me unlike some of these people who should go see a shrink legitimately

>> No.27173886

Always were.

>> No.27173887

Nah, I'm not on any romantic conquest of my own or anything of the sort so I've got no reason to be angry.

>> No.27173889 [DELETED] 

Yeah, if the illusion of the character gets broken then everything just feels uncanny and you can't appreciate it. It's not even the boyfriend thing, the more of any information about the person behind the avatar that gets revealed without the context of the character the less I can buy the character.

>> No.27173890 [DELETED] 

>he stays on this general
There is literally nothing worth value staying on here, if you actually cared about chuubas you wouldn't be here.

>> No.27173893

Based tentabro. Warning though, drawabox can produce bad habits, it might be better to start by just visualizing a variety of objects without reference to understand how pieces fit together. Ganbatte!

>> No.27173895 [DELETED] 

they are foremost streamers behind avatar, retard
they have real life, nobody will harm them except for idolfags, that's the point

>> No.27173896

Thank you, I figured it was something like that. Sucks for her but that anon's right: it's probably wise to scrub your social media before signing up for this shit.
What in the hell is sex?

>> No.27173897

You're only dumb if you don't want to be found and not scrub it. Some people use it to their advantage like Coco.

>> No.27173898 [DELETED] 

You are probably replying to a tranny. They make a lot of hateful posts trying to belittle men

>> No.27173900

>say you're dropping ame because of what happened
>get called a schizo goslingposter
>say you're sticking with ame
>get called a cuck
You fags are tiring. Yes anonymous is one person.

>> No.27173899

she's been single for a year now though

>> No.27173905

maybe someday /incel/ will become reality and then we can be free of idol autism

>> No.27173908

I hate them but m8, we're on fucking /jp/, Fuck off tourist.

>> No.27173910

What stocks should I buy other than GOOGL since Youtube picked up quite a big portion of the donation and ad revenues? I am seeing a huge demand for virtual entertainment.

Help a fellow bro get rich please.

>> No.27173913

Oh god the dead hours are back.


>> No.27173917

Adding your own narratives to this cesspit is worth much more than any money, anon.

>> No.27173919 [DELETED] 
File: 26 KB, 719x885, sherlock pipe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oooor, she could stop emotionally manipulating the socially deprived for the sake of profit. SHE'S the one established the relationship in that context. If she didn't want to get so personal, she should've created more distance between her and her audience in the first place.

>> No.27173921

You said it, me. Now which EN should we fap to tonight?

>> No.27173924 [DELETED] 

This I can agree with. Those of us who are fine with just enjoying the character and are content being ignorant to the person playing it have these faggots dropping information here without spoilers or anything. They just need to be range banned or something, fuck off with that.

>> No.27173925

How do I do it anon, please help

>> No.27173926
Quoted by: >>27173963

% grep ': Welcome to MemberShrimp!!$' gura_shrimp.txt|wc -l
% grep ': Welcome to the Shark-Side!!$' gura_shrimp.txt|wc -l

at a minimum, gura received 1,808 T1 membershrimp signups and 315 T2 signups today. a very crude and inaccurate estimate (assuming all were in USD) is $12,000 a month in gross membershrimp revenue (i.e. before google and cover take their cuts).

>> No.27173927

Kind of hard to avoid it with retards here shoving it in your face every 10 seconds.

>> No.27173929

The only winning move is not to play

>> No.27173932

The best move is not play.
cuck schizo

>> No.27173934
File: 286 KB, 703x691, 1601594149205.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welcome, cunny brother

>> No.27173936
File: 311 KB, 416x591, 1600170216044.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mori streaming at nearly midnight again

>> No.27173935

>Autistic retards had to dig for information on the person behind the avatar
This, how hard is it for someone to understand? Stop looking at how the sausage is made and just enjoy it. Also don't lie to yourself and pretend you ever had the chance at marrying the sausage and you will be happy.

>> No.27173937

/biz/ is down the hall and to the left.

>> No.27173939

this whole idolfaggotry shitshow reminds me of that isekai prostitute manga on mangadex where shitskins are constantly sperging out in the comments section because it doesn't fulfill their fantasies

>> No.27173941

Yup Gura bgm is pretty addictive, Aqua has an awesome bgm too

>> No.27173943
File: 41 KB, 463x453, 1596415024722.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mods deal with these fucking island apes already.

>> No.27173944


>> No.27173947

Tldr all doxniggers are loser faggots who should be ashamed of themselfs

>> No.27173948
Quoted by: >>27174006

Reminder: You'll forget about most of this in a month and only remember when some desperate idiot brings it up in these threads.

>> No.27173950

Idolniggers are not a problem until some retard comes and riles them up

>> No.27173951
Quoted by: >>27174047

Its not just that, its that their geisha is better and they should badmouth and gossip the others.

>> No.27173952

Oi yo facking gil! Get yo fake shak ass outta here!

>> No.27173953

Time to jerk off to Gura and Ina

>> No.27173954

Nigga just report and ignore. You know those niggers are only doing it for the attention.

>> No.27173956

For someone who claims to be stressed out, I don't think she'd normally be up for ASMR. Maybe the manager pushed for it to capitalize on the loli money.

>> No.27173958

Grau was good this stream

>> No.27173960

Gura/Ina DbD Collab overlaps with Amelia Karaoke, right?
Is this archived or unarchived karaoke? I'm really hyped for the collab but if it's unarchived I'm going to have to watch the karaoke.

>> No.27173961

>Mori streaming at nearly midnight again
The wine stream is 3am for me, haha :}

>> No.27173963

nicely done linuxfag

>> No.27173969

Spend a week drawing what you like/fun stuff. Then when you're ready, head of to drawbox. It will suck the life out of you but you'll be a competent artist.

>> No.27173975
File: 564 KB, 781x1100, 665d93ff4c3ebb7cb6e2615dab15a0a0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well said me
Shall we beat it to gura?

>> No.27173976

well its better that you do it anon for your sake

>> No.27173977

Just like who you like and don't let any online schizos effect your decision.

>> No.27173978

Why do people want to live in ignorance? Do you get off to being missled and laughed at behind your backs?

>> No.27173979

Kiara must have something great by now, me. Maybe we should take a look

>> No.27173982

There are always at least 3 to 4 people who genuinely believe and empathize with all the "omg i can't, brossssss, she was supposed to be pure" and then actually get angry. Then you have people spreading that shit outside this thread.

>> No.27173983

Out of sight, out of mind. Deep down inside, you know the girls are getting dicked. It will only bother you when it becomes known to public via getting caught or not scrubbing hard enough.

>> No.27173985
File: 186 KB, 960x960, 1601174321894.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bad timing
You are like a child, try waking up 5 am

>> No.27173987 [DELETED] 

They’re idols and idolfags are their lifeline.
If you want just streamers go back to watching twitch whores.

>> No.27173988
File: 16 KB, 534x248, 1601280891836.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We already know the answer to that, now don't we?

>> No.27173993 [DELETED] 

>doing ANYTHING to help their talents
oh i am laffin

>> No.27173994
File: 114 KB, 576x764, 1588997495656.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How do we drive idolfaggots out of this virtual idol general?

>> No.27173995

Dolphin is also known to be brutal in bed too you know? Just search for "Aggression in bottlenose dolphins: Evidence for sexual coercion..."

>> No.27173996

I feel like it's just going to be soft chatting like she's very capable of

>> No.27173997

>8 am
Stop making me wake up early.

>> No.27173998
File: 168 KB, 518x657, 1600911725486.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you get used to it

>> No.27173999
File: 532 KB, 1274x776, me and loli.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to take a selfie with Gura like this

>> No.27174001

>going to bed at 6am
next week I'll stop and only watch holos during normal hours
I can't keep on watching these streams every night and then sleep til noon it's not good

>> No.27174002
Quoted by: >>27174023

SEAmonkey genocide when?

>> No.27174005
Quoted by: >>27174036

amelia doesn't even know how to sing who cares. rather listen to mori take another shit.

>> No.27174006

While I'm not gonna bring this up anymore in a month, I'm not gonna forget about it. I'm dropping Watson, I can't continue knowing what I know now. I'm not gonna try and ruin her for people who still like her, though.

>> No.27174007 [SPOILER] 
File: 52 KB, 425x290, 1601612214817.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27174011

As a animal productionfag that is a very unhealthy statement. Doesn't mean a person needs to go to the slaughterhouse but very many people think meat comes from the market.

>> No.27174012 [DELETED] 

Yeah I was thinking about it too. And I don't mind them having bfs. I wouldn't want them to live the lonely life I lead, Nobody should.

But I was bothered a bit by it. And I think you're right. bringing up the info about the roommate breaks the illusion about the character and its not an illusion of love, or an illusion of closeness. Its the illusion of the character

>> No.27174015
Quoted by: >>27174073

Truth doesn't exist

>> No.27174016 [DELETED] 

not everyone watches vtubers to have a surrogate gf experience you fucking loser.
laughing at your life lol

>> No.27174019 [DELETED] 

No, they're idols. They tried to be "entertainers" and failed on their own. Then they joined an idol group to take advantage of its established audience of idolfags. Our rules now.

>> No.27174022
File: 11 KB, 230x230, 1600857278014.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27174023
Quoted by: >>27174043

Today. Meidos already killed them of which is why the thread has been relatively calm so far.

>> No.27174026
Quoted by: >>27174053

You people really do need some medication, jesus

>> No.27174028

You'll be right back to watching her because you're just feeding off the drama of the day right now. You're all as pathetic as a bunch of bored housewives.

>> No.27174027

Based me

>> No.27174030 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>27174828

you dont have to watch v tubers stop being this fucking sad man talk to real people go outside

>> No.27174032
Quoted by: >>27174124

I really hope the rest of you faggots don't act the way you do here outside of 4chan.

>> No.27174034

My wife Sasha is adorable. Checked btw

>> No.27174035
Quoted by: >>27174075

Artia. Hands down.

>> No.27174036
Quoted by: >>27174083


You do know she did this on purpose right? Ame is not confident with her singing so she booked it when there would be less viewers.

>> No.27174038

I miss Miles. Rest in peace, man.

>> No.27174039
Quoted by: >>27174345

>The entire reason there is a separation between the vtuber and their online persona is so they can live a relatively normal life in reality.
Except that doesn't really work when their real life starts bleeding into the character. Ame has been the worst offender in this regard. Probably why the recent events have caused such an uproar among her fans.

>> No.27174040
File: 27 KB, 590x180, Meidos mad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27174043
Quoted by: >>27174067

The thread is not even remotely calm Ame what the FUCK are you on about

>> No.27174045 [DELETED] 

Not with homolive.

>> No.27174047

in the real world these schizos would be kicked out of the establishment and beaten up. Its a shame we can't do that to schizos

>> No.27174048
File: 102 KB, 422x442, 1601078639195.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Truly a worthy cause

>> No.27174051

you were never a fan faggot, leave

>> No.27174052

>I choose to treat you as my girlfriend so you're obliged to share your private information with me
These people need to be shot

>> No.27174053

get some new material

>> No.27174057 [DELETED] 

okay try to "cancel" them and see if the west gives a shit.
hololive is moving past idolshit into western streaming.

>> No.27174059

Some people just want to live in ignorance. If it lets them be happy, let them. If they don't know how they're laughing behind their backs, how will they know it happened.

>> No.27174062

Me on the right

>> No.27174063

membership statistics:
>mori: 1138+163+165+43+35=1544
>ame: 1400+442+117+64+60+57+117=2257-100 (debuff from /r9k/, gosling,/pol/,idolfags meltdown LMAO) = 2157 (missing 1 stream)
>chicken: 1056+121+94+91+105=1467 (missing 1 stream)
>ina: 1802+378=2180
>gura: 2130 (based)
including prechat +500~700 each

>> No.27174064
File: 2.23 MB, 3508x1756, AmeCoup_Tako.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking kek at
>back walls blown out

>> No.27174066

Did my Kanji reps and I swear I'll start my blender tutorials today probably

>> No.27174067

The thread is currently a peaceful garden of friendliness compared to the hellscape of like 9 hours ago.

>> No.27174068 [DELETED] 

will you stop trying to spread your cuck fetish by justifying what this lying whore been doing, you fucking ugly ass NTR degenerates in denial? maybe consider necking yourselves?

>> No.27174069
Quoted by: >>27174214


>> No.27174070
Quoted by: >>27174117

Is this the one where the loli rape him before blackmailing him because she record it all?

>> No.27174071 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>27174828

>I must form a romantic relationship with an entertainer I can barely interact with
this is why we can't have nice things

>> No.27174073

Peak nihilism.

>> No.27174074

I'll get new material when you take your meds

>> No.27174075

>just Bad Apple on loop
Come on now

>> No.27174077


>> No.27174078
Quoted by: >>27174097

update on guras sub count? who's she after next?

>> No.27174081
File: 2.45 MB, 2951x1080, Referenceboard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright anons, post your referenceboards. Get your reps in!

>> No.27174082

Can you imagine, as a nobody with barely anything to your name, ditching every account that brought you a miniscule amount of fame? If you were smart you'd torch everything from Facebook to Line to TikTok no matter how pointless it is in the end. If you were really smart you would only leave up the bread crumbs to your old E-personality that has already been heavily filtered

>> No.27174083

I feel bad now. I'll listen then, sorry Amelia.

>> No.27174084
File: 39 KB, 112x112, pats.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27174143

I'm still rooting for my oshi. You guys should do the same

>> No.27174087

Fuck off numberfag

>> No.27174089
File: 18 KB, 282x224, 1578111209330.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't kid yourself. It was confirmed towa was playing a game with male friends. There hasn't been anything of this caliber in the holoJP, where someone found out that they maintained a loving boyfriend they gushed over online while being an idol. Towa's yabee was lying about it and saying it was her manager actually.

>> No.27174090
File: 888 KB, 2000x2000, ina.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did a thing of Ina, please don't shit on me

>> No.27174092

Meds, now

>> No.27174091

bruh Amelia literally called out concernfags already
shes fine dont worry about her shes an adult and shes done this before

>> No.27174096

because truth hurts and sometimes isnt worth it for pain it will cause thats life welcome to world of white lies made to make you feel better dumb nigger

>> No.27174097

She's behind 20k~ after Marine

>> No.27174098

Thanks, was wondering about this

>> No.27174100

googl should get shitcanned in the near future if companies spend less on ads.
all of their other projects failed pretty hard like google glasses imo

>> No.27174105

this is the reason I laughed at this general, only retards losing their shit are people who already need help.

>> No.27174109

Almost 8 hours of shitstorm only for 100 memberships.

>> No.27174113

What you can't see can't hurt you.

>> No.27174115
Quoted by: >>27174198

just leave man you dont want to be here and we dont want you here

>> No.27174116
Quoted by: >>27174151

I would really like to shit on you right now.

>> No.27174117

no but look up haguhagu

>> No.27174118
File: 132 KB, 398x266, 1597093659911.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You don't deserve hololive
>You don't deserve the idol agency that forbids relationships in their contracts

>> No.27174121 [DELETED] 

They joined a Vtuber agency

>> No.27174122
File: 123 KB, 804x720, 1601013254416.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27174163


>> No.27174123 [DELETED] 

ok psyco please go take your meds

>> No.27174124

I generally act pretty polite and friendly on 4chan so the distinction doesn't really exist for me. The main thing that I do on 4chan and nowhere else is post rrat

>> No.27174126

She was a degenerate dolphin that's trying to be a prim and proper apex predator.

>> No.27174128

The cult is strong.

>> No.27174129

Ignore them, it's your money king

>> No.27174130

Thought gura would have much more considering her sub/view count. Do you have any stats separated by tiers btw?

>> No.27174133

idols belong to everyone
that's why we all support them
idols can't belong to one person
simple as

>> No.27174135

Truth without purpose is meaningless.

>> No.27174136
Quoted by: >>27174213


I'm a Legit psychotic murderer who spent years in a mental institution and even I think you guys are crazy.

And I've spent time with actual full blown schizos. Schizos are the worst.

>> No.27174138

how does ina have so much

>> No.27174139

You really do need something, medication, counseling, rehab, insulin shock therapy, just anything.

>> No.27174141
File: 54 KB, 757x335, 1584242393891.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are Ina's future movie watchalongs gonna be members-only? That's the deciding factor for my membership, desu

>> No.27174142

Yeah, and schizos are supposed to be confined in asylums.

>> No.27174143

>Actual good musician
>Lovable dork
Yeah, I'm thinking kino

>> No.27174147
File: 323 KB, 484x484, 152568234568245.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27174197

For a moment i thought Ame banned me from her youtube channel for stfu that other retard on the comments. It turns out she (or her mods) were just cleaning the comments and blocked it for 2 minuters or so

>> No.27174150

Is there anything that actually has a climax scene that isn't 5 seconds long and fades to white/focuses on some x-ray shit

>> No.27174151

Mori no!!!!

>> No.27174153

cute! very proud of you aspiring artist anon

>> No.27174156
File: 129 KB, 770x714, 1601021041005.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright fags it's dead hours survey time!
>Your Favorite HoloEN
>What instrument do you play

>> No.27174157

Is it safe to sleep now?

>> No.27174158

Better than what I could do. We'll both make it someday.

>> No.27174160

tfw too much of a cheapass to buy membership so i just turn off adblock while watching streams

>> No.27174161
Quoted by: >>27174217

The idol belongs to everyone. The roommate doesn't. You guys basically want them to have zero interactions outside of their job.

>> No.27174162

Not bad but your face proportion could use a little work, a bit too wide.

>> No.27174163
Quoted by: >>27174347


>> No.27174165

>trying to render before learning to draw
Decent, but how about doing things one at a time?

>> No.27174168

alright, you guys have a point somewhat, just don't become doxxfags and try to cancel them, that's the least i want to see from idolfags

>> No.27174172


>> No.27174173



>> No.27174177

Used to play violin but not anymore because I lose interest in things too quickly and want to die.

>> No.27174178

What misleading is being done?

>> No.27174179
Quoted by: >>27174203

no post stream tweet from gura....
is she going to do them in member only community posts now?

>> No.27174180
Quoted by: >>27174241

Gura was just streaming the end of an old game.

>> No.27174181

Truth is most girls have sex and have bfs by 18 if they are not troll like.
There's the truth for you, can you handle it?

>> No.27174186

I love Gura, but my love for utawakus is number 1. I'm looking forward to Ame trying (?) her best, but as long as she's enjoying herself, it's all good.

>> No.27174187

>forbids relationships with their contracts
So the "she hasn't been in a relationship for a year" guy was right?

>> No.27174188

None, I'm shit at music

>> No.27174190

well its accurate ever read the description of delusions and schizophrenia

>> No.27174191
Quoted by: >>27174270

It's fine for you feel that way, but please don't disturb those that want to keep dreaming.

>> No.27174192
File: 30 KB, 277x308, 86.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I was in a room with an idol/purityfag and a gun with two bullets, I would shoot myself twice to save myself from sharing a room with them.

>> No.27174193


>> No.27174194

Guitarvery poorly

>> No.27174195
Quoted by: >>27174240

Guitar, used to do it professionally but I haven't touched the thing for years now.

>> No.27174197
Quoted by: >>27174273

Was there any spam about recent events today? I mostly had it in the background while I did stuff, but the few times I payed attention chat looked like the regular twitch spam.

>> No.27174198
Quoted by: >>27174501

Go back to twitch normalfag.
Look at the fucking name of this board.
You don’t speak for anyone here you little faggot.

>> No.27174199
File: 525 KB, 658x717, 1579297592302.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I overestimated the schizos. I guess they really don't have any power at all.

>> No.27174203
Quoted by: >>27174219

Probably drunk and sitting in her own piss.

>> No.27174205

Get this one meidos. Looks like he's ready to start doxposting again

>> No.27174208

Friendship ended with AMELIA
Now CHICKEN is my best friend

>> No.27174209

She mentioned one member movie stream and one public stream every month

>> No.27174210


>> No.27174211

>why would they refuse free marketing
Ask that to Japanese vidya companies, they seem to hate it
Yes, with Western companies she wouldn't even need to ask for permission

>> No.27174212
File: 242 KB, 550x463, 1600920797454.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you don't care about this "let's all support this idol together and let ehr achieve this dream" aspect, which is centered around a girl relying on her audience to rise and giving all the happiness and success back to the audience, why are you watching a female streamer? Male streamers are typically more entertaining and better at games. I watch plenty of them.

>> No.27174213
Quoted by: >>27174449

If real, how'd they think it was a good idea to let you out?
And are you still crazy?

>> No.27174214


>> No.27174215

Just a couple of actual schizos and a shitposting doxfag trying to rile people up, but mods seem to be banning them pretty quickly and hopefully permanently.

>> No.27174216


>> No.27174217

>The roommate doesn't.
correct but i'm not here for the roommate i'm here for the idol
the roommate can do whatever the fuck they want i don't care and neither should you

>> No.27174218

Piano, haven't played it very much lately though

>> No.27174220

I think we lucked out that this shitstorm happened to Ame instead of one of the other girls.

Ame is strong so I know she will get through this. If this had happened to Ina or Gura, I don't think they would want to stick around.

>> No.27174219


>> No.27174222
Quoted by: >>27174308

None, I physically can't play most instruments ;_;

>> No.27174223
Quoted by: >>27174260


>> No.27174225
Quoted by: >>27174250

>HoloJP another meeting

Can i blame Gura now?

>> No.27174226

I don't want to know about it and I'm more mad at the retarded 2hu containment board ice fairy cunnyposters sperging the fuck out at the sight of a gosling

>> No.27174227

I think she said she wants to do one public and one membership only, but that was a while ago and I wasn't able to catch her recent streams so who knows.

>> No.27174229

Drums but I also have a piano.

>> No.27174231

Used to play viola until I fucked up my hand

>> No.27174232

Violin, made U.S. All National orchestra in high school and that's one of my only accomplishments ever

>> No.27174234


>> No.27174236
Quoted by: >>27174276

Yeah and smart girls keep it to themselves.

>> No.27174237 [DELETED] 

let me know when you successfully manage to fuck a vtuber.
I'll be fucking my gf in the meantime you loser piece of shit.
Don't even really post on 4chan normally really just wanted to share my disgust at you.

>> No.27174238 [DELETED] 

Encouraging everyone to keep quiet about dox info can slow the spread, but will never stop dedicated antis.

Rumors only get drowned out by wilder rumors.

>> No.27174239
Quoted by: >>27174283

You know, majority of gura's audience aren't commit enough to buy membership. It's normal.
347 shark-side (T2)
1783 shrimp (T1)
It's a joke number. We don't really know how many people who cancel shits.

>> No.27174240
Quoted by: >>27174272

>the thing
jesus fuck anon what's the narrative

>> No.27174241

Ina was streaming CoC and she still got that much. I wonder what Mori's numbers would've been if she had gone with the traditional model.

>> No.27174242 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>27174828

This is pathetic, even for you.

>> No.27174244

learn to sketch and get really fucking autistic about brushes

>> No.27174247

None, my dexterity is extremely low and my fingers can only play vidya (poorly)

>> No.27174248

amelia watttsssooonnn

>> No.27174249


>> No.27174250
Quoted by: >>27174267


>> No.27174252
File: 233 KB, 820x1206, 1528166796068.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27174726

Imagine thinking schizos had any power kek

>> No.27174253
Quoted by: >>27174332

Violin i guess

>> No.27174254
File: 153 KB, 1000x1000, EhIqYEjU0AUK-pA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who will be the first HoloEN to die to RFA?

>> No.27174255

Ame still has the highest memberships, huh.

>> No.27174256

Used to play tambourine

>> No.27174260

Bass, organ
keep slapping, chumbud

>> No.27174261


>> No.27174262
File: 518 KB, 1366x768, 1600404625771.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ina's design is so fucking sex, I'd almost feel bad for fapping to it but then that'd be a waste of a good design.

>> No.27174263
Quoted by: >>27174292

You brought this up on yourself trinityfags when you what on mori and kiara, you can't avoid kneeling now just take it in stride and move on like reaper and chicken bros.

Just keep in mind /hlgg/ is on borrowed time for when shark finally yabais.

>> No.27174265

None unless mandatory flute in middle school music class counts

>> No.27174266
File: 14 KB, 275x183, download (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Explain homostars

>> No.27174267

Towa mention about meeting, Flare cancel her stream because meeting

>> No.27174268

Ina, she sleeps terribly and has no energy, even fell asleep in her kitchen while waiting for coffee

>> No.27174269

I'm thinking Ina
now I'm excited for Chicken RFA, didn't she used to be a gym instructor or some shit?

>> No.27174270

Don't worry, I won't bother you Teamates, anonchama. I only hope that the actual schizos will calm down and leave you guys alone soon.

>> No.27174272

not him but are you ESL? no offense but that's a fairly common way to refer to something you don't have much warmth towards

>> No.27174273

Not really other than some anons getting baited about a certain word supposedly being blacklisted. The only annoyance was that one guy on the comment section trying to act like a messiah, but thankfully he and any reference to his comments got nuked

>> No.27174274

Tried to learn guitar when I was a teenager but dropped it out of laziness

>> No.27174276

normalfags don't hide it at all. They expect you to have a bf/gf by a certain age and bring it up in ordinary conversation.
4chan is a place for losers where this convention is flipped.

>> No.27174278

I'm not even anybody and I regularly prune my accounts of information

>> No.27174279


>> No.27174281 [DELETED] 

we just need to start fake rumors!
I heard gura slapped amelia in front of her kids!

>> No.27174282
File: 217 KB, 1370x2350, 1600554965267.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Orchestra mind

>> No.27174283

>It's a joke number. We don't really know how many people who cancel shits.

Well we can always make a poal...

>> No.27174284

what happens is for every person that is upset at something there are five to ten shitposters who hitch their wagon on and burn the thread down

>> No.27174286


>> No.27174289

No favorite yet. It's hard to decide because they all have their charms.
I can play Sax decently, Clarinet decently, and Piano poorly.

>> No.27174290

i used to play violin in middle school

>> No.27174292

ok grampa go back to hlg

>> No.27174293


>> No.27174294

Fuck the auto send on complete captcha.

>> No.27174295

I won't stop watching her but it made me feel weird giving her superchat or becoming her membership

>> No.27174298

Skin flute

>> No.27174299

When holoen gets their concert you can take a picture with gura's holoprojection for only $200

>> No.27174302

>still the highest number of memberships
S-such power...

>> No.27174301

How does the shark not have more memberships? Was expecting at least double.

>> No.27174303

I am pretty confident with my ability to whistle

>> No.27174305
File: 947 KB, 1116x1579, 1600411690617.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like Kiara will be the first one to try it and the second she does my dick is going to explode.

>> No.27174307


>> No.27174308

>None, I physically can't play most instruments ;_;
What's the narrative?

>> No.27174309

She has only really had one stream. However it shouldn't be too surprising. Gura has the most normalfag fans out the EN's. Normal people don't blow 5$ a month on youtubers. While she has more fans, that doesn't translate directly into members.

I know I won't be spending money (even though I've watched all of her streams) simply because I can't justify it.

>> No.27174310


>> No.27174312 [DELETED] 

More proof for what was already obvious.
The fags ok with an idol having cum inside her are normalfags.

>> No.27174313
File: 374 KB, 1646x1997, less_wide_ina.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not too bad honestly, just make her less wide and it'll look a lot better.

>> No.27174317


>> No.27174319
Quoted by: >>27174437

Cerebral Palsy

>> No.27174321

Ngl roberu is amazing

>> No.27174322

Take your meds faggot.

>> No.27174323

He's paralyzed.

>> No.27174324 [DELETED] 

>Our rules
Who the fuck is "we?" The screeching minority on a taiwanese finger painting board? If you want Japanese idol culture go worship Japanese idols. Nobody in the west gives a shit about that.

>> No.27174325

Good work anon, I haven't managed to draw a single line yet

>> No.27174327

Just woke up and I see this thread on fire because people found out Amelia had a boyfriend. Aren't you guys taking this way too seriously just like the deranged idolfags people here originally used to make fun off in the Towa, Aloe, Watame and Ayame cases? Did you really buy into the one sided fantasy you created for yourself despite Amelia never even suggesting on stream that there is more to the relationship other than a game streamer and a viewer? Glad some r9k faggots, pathetic lonely newfags and maybe resident /jp/ idolfags got BTFO by the doxx, now the self made fantasy around her stops.
Imagine thinking late 20s western women being pure lmao

>> No.27174330

>None but I wanna learn the Fife

>> No.27174332

what the FUCK

>> No.27174334

I mean, imagine she has 100 shizos who want to be her bf. That's insane.

>> No.27174335 [DELETED] 

Which explains why we haven't had chinkspam in the last 8 hours.

>> No.27174336 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>27174828

Hahaha what.
She's not responsible for the hypergoslings here manipulating themselves into gushing over her. For one, I don't even think she has ever done the "omg I love all of you guys" schtick when all the other four have done it. She displays the most anti-paypig behavior out of the entire HoloEN generation and probably hololive, which is why her superchats clearly lag behind everyone else. The most you can say is that she's actively putting on an act to entertain - which is her entire job. That some people find her cute and relatable enough to have their hearts broken over her is none of her business.

>> No.27174337 [DELETED] 

idols don't exist in the west retard. No one cares if taylor swift fucked ten boyfriends and ditched them all.

>> No.27174339

You don't even need to delete everything though, only need to get rid of the shit that makes it obvious who it is. If they can't 100% confirm that who they think is you is you then you can avoid controversy. Look at Gura with all the "it's her" posting. As long as people aren't certain you're free.

>> No.27174338
Quoted by: >>27174430

Yagoo should really drop the fujo bait design of holostars and start selling on the pairs or groups of 3 and making them be asshats with each other in constant collabs. Even maybe drop Lives and give a shot at pre-recorded uploads.

>> No.27174342

I don't care about what I or others know, I care about an entertainer getting bullied into quitting by retarded morons. AGAIN.
After Aloe, I will not hesitate to sell out all you motherfuckers to Cover or anyone else.

>> No.27174344

I feel like Ina is still just skin and bones so she would potentially die. I know the first week I had RFA I only played for two days because my thighs were aching from the squats, so the muscle-impaired have it tough. I'd rather be a fatty with a decent muscular frame underneath.

>> No.27174345

>when their real life starts bleeding into the character.
like how?

>> No.27174346
File: 2.64 MB, 600x666, 1571940814213.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some clips from today's Outlast stream
the main jump scare - https://files.catbox.moe/r50kpf.mp4
trance/hypnosis head pats - https://files.catbox.moe/1bdknb.mp4

(and for you anon >>27173742 ):
stomach growl v2 - https://files.catbox.moe/c6735w.mp4

>> No.27174347

She’s so adorable. I look up to her for fighting her anxiety.

>> No.27174349
Quoted by: >>27174506

Friendly reminder that dismissing people as crazy (gaslighting) is something people with actual personality disorders do.

>> No.27174350
File: 8 KB, 547x138, 999293291.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>3x average viewers a stream
>twice the subs
>same membership as ina/ame

chumbros where are your member reps

>> No.27174352

tl;dr nice blog faggot no one cares

>> No.27174354
File: 318 KB, 1400x1107, EjSJpKmXYAEMFwD-orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27174355

seek help you have an issue with your mental faculties please im not even jokeing

>> No.27174356

Drums but super behind on my reps, practicing is embarassing when everyone can hear you

>> No.27174357
File: 165 KB, 590x591, 1601444973125.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27174555

It's just a few people, despite the massive meltdown the video showed only like 60 dislikes

>> No.27174358

You don't deserve it because you're a mentally stunted child.

>> No.27174359
Quoted by: >>27174433

her job is to play a character, and leaving her irl shit all over the internet for people to find ruins her character.

>> No.27174362

Double bass

>> No.27174363


Whenever you see any posts regarding the shit storm, make sure you reply with "yeah im guy"

>> No.27174364

Piano, but I ditched it after humiliating myself in high school.

>> No.27174365
File: 422 KB, 216x194, 1601267804604.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27174478

This is honestly your own fault if you ever expected some girl who plays video games and occasionally sings for a living (and probably lives thousands of miles away from you) to have ever become your girlfriend

>> No.27174367

>let me know when you successfully manage to fuck a vtuber.
Way to miss the point of an idol

>> No.27174366

Piano, haven't played in months though.

>> No.27174368 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>27174405

I've been actively creating narratives about gura nationality

>> No.27174372
File: 361 KB, 750x750, 1570232580369.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A stream full of chicken's heavy breathing, panting and whining
I don't think I would be able to contain myself, I almost lost when she was talking about her hips and skinindentation

>> No.27174373 [DELETED] 
File: 28 KB, 908x396, 1531.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uh, can someone confirm this?

>> No.27174374

Don't know if you've noticed but schizos/shitposters always have a tendency to refer to themselves as "we". Best to ignore those posts all together or just give them an ogey.

>> No.27174377
Quoted by: >>27174467

The funniest part is the thread is on fire for no reason. So much flimsy info got thrown around, she may not even have a boyfriend currently judging from that one anon.

>> No.27174378

no hands

>> No.27174380

I have a keyboard from an impulse buy a couple of years ago, it's just been sitting in front of my window

>> No.27174381


>> No.27174384

Don't worry, anon. I support you.

>> No.27174386

Not to insult chumbuddies, but I think she just has a far lower average age demographic, and the 15-19 year old crowd may not have disposable income of their own.

>> No.27174387

Guitar that I spent $1400 but I fucking suck

>> No.27174388

its like 3 people resetting a router calm down anon
no one gives a fuck

>> No.27174389

>it's empty

>> No.27174391
File: 82 KB, 800x800, 1560737093514.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The people will know if they want to know
Don't break the illusion for other people, i had mine broken and it changed what i feel but that doesn't make it right for you or for anyone to force other people to know

>> No.27174392

legs don't work like that

>> No.27174394
Quoted by: >>27174424

>but /hlgg/ has slept on her
She's not making it easy to like her. Even though she's doing "well" she's been upset because her peers are so much better than her. She seems to be on the verge of an emotional breakdown and she seems inconsistent. I want her to do well but she's hard to watch and it's mostly self-sabotage.

>> No.27174397

Does it count if I can play actual songs via hand whistling

>> No.27174398

its amazing how gura managed to get so many good artists doing stuff for her

>> No.27174399

Ame would probably answer if she was asked about it for a marshmallow stream

>> No.27174400
File: 262 KB, 406x406, file_7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27174531

This industry is built on fantasy retard, around fostering and creating fantasies. Why are you not just watching a twitch titty streamer if you don't care? Literally why?

>> No.27174401

You and your siblings are here because your mother had cum in her. Take your meds incel.

>> No.27174403

Yeah seeing the same thing

>> No.27174405
File: 410 KB, 631x900, 1600716336949.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been actively creating Guraposts, watch this

Please post quality Guras

>> No.27174406

I think a large chunk of her audience are literal children with no access to a credit card
Not trying to start some shit, I love the Shark, but seeing that 1 tweet with children watching Gura's debut I think the numbers make sense

>> No.27174407

no because you made it up for (you)s

>> No.27174409

>Aren't you guys taking this way too seriously just like the deranged idolfags people here originally used to make fun off in the Towa, Aloe, Watame and Ayame cases?
Mod confirmed it's almost universally SEAniggers, as you'd expect.

>> No.27174410

where's the black woman clap clip

>> No.27174413

What did you expect? Even at peak shitposting the threads only got 400 IPs, and obviously most people were just shitposting.

>> No.27174414
File: 31 KB, 112x112, sharkpat.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27174415

Many thanks and 10Qs

>> No.27174417

used to play piano/saxophone, haven't done so for a few years since focusing on art

>> No.27174418

I forgot about that chicken

>> No.27174419

>No fanart of chicken in Moon's outfit yet

>> No.27174420

>None. Would love to master drums, but I can't even master brushing my teeth regularly, so...

>> No.27174421

Snare drum

>> No.27174422
File: 427 KB, 3031x2480, 1601481573664.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes sir

>> No.27174423

Looks the same for me.

>> No.27174424

>Everything you said
Watch her Minecraft stream and tell me any of that is still true.

>> No.27174427

There's no hard evidence for towa and the "aloe" they defend is an anime character

>> No.27174428

Uhhh, narrativebros? My membership is still active, and even I don't see anything.

>> No.27174429


She's probably the worst at cultivating pay pigs out of the five to be honest. (you can argue Ina since she basically kept saying 'don't give me money, I have plenty of money so I don't really need you to donate but it's appreciated; but I guess it works well for memberships)

>> No.27174430

HolostarsEN is gonna be fire. I'm excited as hell for them.

>> No.27174431

Yeah she deleted it oh no no

>> No.27174433
File: 92 KB, 1280x731, A07857AC-82B8-488E-B8E3-41D7E17B657E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah this guy’s job was to play a character too. He didn’t have to hide all of his personal information though. People should use their heads and separate the two.

>> No.27174436
File: 14 KB, 654x289, 1601567416730.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah once you get past this hurdle you just don't care only unless you knoe that girls had an std infected dick in her
still I want to dick the cute shark girl and ill do everything in my power to do so

>> No.27174437
Quoted by: >>27174637

Damn no way, my mom suffers from the same shit stay strong man

>> No.27174438 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>27174496

Did you hear Kiara did drugs thats why she failed as an idol and why she is in constant pain also why her arm is fucked up a drug dealer broke it in order to punish her for not paying when she tried to steal drugs

>> No.27174442

autists from here probably posting dumb shit

>> No.27174443

I already knew that the flirting is just yuri pandering obviously, but the magic is gone. We can't even do any harmless yuri narratives similar to Matsuri anymore because of this shit. All those good webms aged horribly and now are lost like tears in the rain.

>> No.27174444 [DELETED] 

>Japanese idol culture
You’re absolutely correct there are no idols in the west, however Hololive is a Japanese company and /jp/ is the Otaku Culture board of all fucking places.
Where exactly do you retarded fags think you are posting right now?
Why are you acting surprised to find idol culture in /jp/ of all places? It IS the norm here.

>> No.27174445
Quoted by: >>27174652

Gura has a lot of poorfags watching her. She had almost 45k watching her during outlast and most of the names were gray.

>> No.27174446
Quoted by: >>27174579

Oh shit is Mori gonna keep working on those sketches she did last time? For some reason I thought that was all she would do...

>> No.27174447
Quoted by: >>27174493

At a certain point it doesn't matter whether it's ironic, it's fucking annoying

>> No.27174449

>And are you still crazy?
no, still being watched though.
I was in a suicidal depression and spiraled down until I panicked myself into a fight or flight response. I never thought that the anime my life would most closely match was higurashi's opening episodes.
I know exactly what I need to do to avoid it. I will not waste this second chance. I will Honor my victims memory and will make sure I do what I can to do right by them. I want to help others from making the same mistake I did.

Seriously if you're depressed, Get help. Meds are not a bad thing. But meditation is my own personal rock.

>> No.27174451
Quoted by: >>27174503

Why the fuck wouldn't it be empty when the only thing that would be there would be the stream she wiped as to not get hit by copyright bullshit?

>> No.27174452
File: 32 KB, 576x576, 1582997287276.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is /hlgg/ usable yet?

>> No.27174456

Whatever dude. Keep watching knowing someone is railing her every night, cuddling, kissing, holding hands, and more. Just admit it, the illusion is ruined.

>> No.27174457

I found that Garu is cute

>> No.27174458
Quoted by: >>27174502

why would she delete her community posts? Did something happen? Never bothered checking her community posts except for the u, one and the member only post asking for beatmaps

>> No.27174463

I already know I'd fap to it no hesitation.
I already did to Luna when she was doing it.

>> No.27174465
File: 111 KB, 1080x717, Screenshot_20201002_013342.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27174513

Looks like she nuked it. For what purpose

>> No.27174466
Quoted by: >>27174513

Same for me and I am an investigator. What the fuck?

>> No.27174467

>she may not even have a boyfriend currently judging from that one anon.
lol. delusional.

>> No.27174468 [DELETED] 

Been away for about 18 hours. I caught up on the stupid Ame shit, but what's this about Shark membership? Did she announce is during the recent Outlast stream?

>> No.27174470

I'm membered but it seems like she has the normalfag/kids audience which helps inflate her numbers. They generally don't pay.

>> No.27174471

>that bit of hair behind her thumb that isn't colored
This bothers me more than it should.

>> No.27174472

No, come back later

>> No.27174474

I'd like you to visit the use case of that one popular thot twitch streamer, who people had a meltdown over when it got found out she was actually married.

>> No.27174476
Quoted by: >>27174542


>> No.27174478

Nice bait centralist retardchama, where were you when /hlgg/ was taking the piss out on mori and kiara, everything is happening cause of enabled tribalism. Pretend it's just chinks trying to divert attention but the reality is only hugboxfags were right all girls are equal, equally yabai

You get what you deserve.

>> No.27174482

gura has massive popularity but subpar revenue compared to the rest of holomyth. but don't worry, she'll do just fine.

>> No.27174483

Getting a lot of subs just doesn't magically make memberships appear. All of the core audience for vtubers is already subbed to all the girls, to get significantly more memberships than the others she has to actually expand the core audience significantly beyond just the people who happen on her stream a single time and subscribe.

>> No.27174484
Quoted by: >>27174536

with good filters

>> No.27174485

normalfags can't into paying. They don't even spill to other holos.

>> No.27174487


>> No.27174486
Quoted by: >>27174527

My nieces and nephews watches her. That should tell you her audience.

>> No.27174488

Holy shit you actually fixed it, thank you for this motivation

>> No.27174490


>> No.27174493
File: 1.36 MB, 800x800, 1597643943704.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27174557

Haha... Tell me about it...

>> No.27174494

The top female Twitch streamers, despite being thots, are literal idols who cant disclose relationships without backlash.

>> No.27174496 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>27174573


>> No.27174497
Quoted by: >>27174675


>> No.27174498

As much as I hate doxxfags, and as a teamate myself. I'm glad this happened so soon, before goslingsachikois actually were serious and not mostly shitposting. It was going to happen eventually anyway.

>> No.27174501

jesus christ dude you ok?
besides theyre broken up itll be ok man

>> No.27174502

Might be trying to tidy it up for tomorrow's osu stream

>> No.27174503
Quoted by: >>27174529

There's no reason for her to delete the entire community section. There was also a thanks for her followers with a cute pic of Ame.

>> No.27174506

Everyone here is pretending to be insane and Poe's Law dictates it's impossible to distinguish actual mental cases from ironic memers.

>> No.27174507 [DELETED] 

Kiara is a flat earther.

>> No.27174509
Quoted by: >>27174756

Seething cuckposter still hasn't disproven it

>> No.27174512
File: 211 KB, 620x900, 1595168696565.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

EXACTLY, but people want that culture which is why kpop is absolutely dominating and western pop is becoming less and less relevant for people who want to invest themselves into celebs.

>> No.27174513

Some faggot probably posted the dox in there.

>> No.27174516
Quoted by: >>27174540

>yeah bro i love vtubers
>its just like barney bro
Yeah you're obviously very mature

>> No.27174519
File: 85 KB, 287x287, 1597177768293.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27174584

I don't, it's a girlfriend simulator and gachikoi are the ones who keep this afloat. Sit down.

>> No.27174518


>> No.27174520

You all don't realize what you've really done.

There were jokes about china not needing to lift a finger because the fanbase is destroying itself, but if CN really is rallying to slander coco and hololive, this is just the material they need. When they find it, they WILL use it in worse ways than anyone here wanted it to be.

The only way to fight back is to look over the evidence and come up with convincing or exciting narratives about why it's fake, and spread them as needed

>> No.27174522

I'm going with this narrative.

>> No.27174525
File: 2.03 MB, 1280x720, 1590275907748.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reporting in

>> No.27174526

Lonely holiday.

>> No.27174527
Quoted by: >>27174621

I'm curious how they got started watching her. Is it just twitter/youtube algorithm?

>> No.27174529
Quoted by: >>27174563

Do you have everything that was in it?

>> No.27174530
Quoted by: >>27174542

>stay away from /hlg/ cause of chink shit
>this shit happens
Can you fuckers go 1 day without causing a shit storm?

>> No.27174531

Funny that you posted Miko, whose past life is the NND equivalent of a twitch whore. Heck, almost all of the Hololive hires have been NND equivalents of twitch camwhores.

>> No.27174532

>Glad some r9k faggots, pathetic lonely newfags and maybe resident /jp/ idolfags got BTFO by the doxx, now the self made fantasy around her stops.
Well, there's at least one r9k faggot who is doing really well so...

>> No.27174536
Quoted by: >>27174553

But if you use filters, you can’t do your part in rangebanning SEA.

>> No.27174537

Meidos onegai
l*l* onegai
save us from the doxposting

>> No.27174539 [DELETED] 

Look, that fact is, the doxxed information about Amelia having a boyfriend is gonna leak to the Japanese fans (rapidly), to the Chinks (who'll make her a target), and eventually to the western fags who donate $300-$500 to vtubers on the sole premise that they believe she's their waifu.

And it'll be terrible to Amelia's bottomline. Terrible. She's gonna lose a lot of potential profits.
I don't think she cares about it personally, but financially? She's a bit fucked.
When she starts deleting her past and all information about her having a boyfriend, that means /jp/, and /hlg/, have won and you should all be ashamed of yourselves.

>> No.27174540
Quoted by: >>27174607

Gura unironically appeals to the Barney demographic.

>> No.27174542


>> No.27174543

Better now than later before there were real Goslings.

>> No.27174546 [DELETED] 
File: 153 KB, 360x360, 1599837244002.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27174572

someone prolly just posted some dumb shit and either her or some mods are cleaning it up. it not that serious bros lmao just check again tomorrow when she asks for more beatmaps

>> No.27174548 [DELETED] 
File: 246 KB, 463x453, 1601221407102.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27174577

So is her favorite senpai

>> No.27174549 [DELETED] 
File: 773 KB, 2591x3624, 1601427432292.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27174550
File: 216 KB, 510x546, 1601308944725.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27174551 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>27174700

Rangeban the SEAniggers already. They're starting to wake up.

>> No.27174553

I'm not the thread police, meidos signed up for this its their problem

>> No.27174554

anon it was like 10 hours ago

>> No.27174555

126 by the end of it. Still nothing burger but still a lot, haven't seen triple digits on a holo stream ever, or at least not since FBK and Matsuri started collabing with holostars.

>> No.27174557
Quoted by: >>27174628

Is that pic Mori returning to the scene of the crime

>> No.27174558

CN doesn't need to do anything when schizos will do it for free

>> No.27174561
File: 1.22 MB, 948x1156, GURA111.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27174563

Nope but I remember
>Thank you post with that pic
>around 2 other posts with Ame asking for osu beatmaps

>> No.27174564
Quoted by: >>27174592

good thing she barely had any of those demographics as her userbase

>> No.27174565
Quoted by: >>27174603


>> No.27174566 [DELETED] 

He's right

>> No.27174568
File: 226 KB, 1134x1770, 1601203734375.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27174569
File: 868 KB, 1072x3296, EjS1ypSVkAAaxRO-orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27174571
File: 103 KB, 640x853, aJBavVs_d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27174572

>it not that serious bros lmao
Uhhh Amelia is this you?

>> No.27174573 [DELETED] 

Rrat ;)

>> No.27174574 [DELETED] 
File: 234 KB, 1280x720, Kiara NO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kiara is the long lost grand daughter of Hitler and is seeking to use her phoenix flames to finish the job.

>> No.27174575

Idolfaggotry isn't about being pure, it's about relying on your audience for support and sharing all your success back to them. Miko JAV May as well be true it doesn't matter even 1% as much as her currently having a boyfriend. It just shows how clueless you are.

>> No.27174577

pekoland might be flat, who are we to tell?

>> No.27174578

This seems plausible

>> No.27174579
Quoted by: >>27174615

I don't even remember the first drawing stream.

>> No.27174580 [DELETED] 

I mean people doesnt donate hundred of $ to Taylor Swift.

>> No.27174583 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>27174624


>> No.27174584

>post it using watame

>> No.27174588 [DELETED] 

round earthers stay btfo forever

>> No.27174591
Quoted by: >>27174632

How recent is this? Also how did the gremlin get this many? the guerilla streams?

>> No.27174592
Quoted by: >>27174647

>It's true because I say so
Goslingniggers from here and everywhere else is arguably worse

>> No.27174595 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>27174645

Where was this posted

>> No.27174599

I am going to sleep now you fucking idiots.

If I see a cover announcement tomorrow morning, I'm gonna fucking

>> No.27174600 [DELETED] 
File: 136 KB, 280x360, OvenBakedChicken.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27174640

One day she will embrace her Austrian roots.

>> No.27174601


>> No.27174603


>> No.27174604

People pay tons of money to these women as a cope for not having a girlfriend. If Ame doesn't want that then she should have no problem saying that IRL she has a boyfriend and this is all just about having fun and not about a simulated-gf experience, but she knows that if she makes that explicit her viewrship and donations will tank.

>> No.27174605

why are you hyping bs, this ain't japan, and the chinks' raid are really pathetic. she will still do well, if anything, it wipes the sad idolfags and goslingfags out of the fanbase

>> No.27174606
Quoted by: >>27174633

vorefags pls...

>> No.27174607

Barney is old shit, old man. Elmo is the new hotness.

>> No.27174608
File: 421 KB, 1536x2048, EjKJN9oVoAEynkF-orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thoughts on Gura doing a silly meme stream where she's all grown up like how other Holos do loli versions of themselves

>> No.27174609

Actually One thing I did learn about Schizophrenia

Schizophrenia is way more prevalent among those of Asian descent Explains some of the SEA and CN anti autism.

>> No.27174610 [DELETED] 

>I've been to Brazil
but only because she was nearby living in Argentina... it all makes sense now...

>> No.27174611

Well, she should be fucked for that lmao. I don't ser why anyone same would drop akasupas for someone who has a boyfriend to support her financially and emotionally. She has to accept being a normal streamer like every other male streamer and get by with 5$ donations and maybe more after great achievements. Tough shit, Amelia.

>> No.27174615


Was shortly before her collab with Ina where they drew there too.

>> No.27174616

ok except it was fucking nothing

>> No.27174620 [DELETED] 

How dense are you that you see this thread as a part of /jp/? This is a containment thread. Nobody on /jp/ wants it here but there's nowhere else for it to go and it needs constant mod attention.
You're well within your rights to think that an American working for a Japanese company should be seiso, but when you start posting about "our rules" I feel obliged to give you the reality check that the Western audience doesn't care and your opinion has no weight.

>> No.27174621

I would guess so since they're always stuck on their ipados.

>> No.27174622

fuck off namefag.

>> No.27174623

Mori once stole a car and took part in an armed robbery with her wigger friends thats why she fled to japan

>> No.27174624


>> No.27174625

>thanks for watching stream! love ya guys! see ya tomorrow!
>"hey baby, beej?"
>"hehe, okay babe."
how the fuck anyone can watch someone who has a boyfriend is beyond me

>> No.27174626

nigger 5ch's been talking about this for hours now and it's mostly consisted of them mocking us

>> No.27174627
File: 142 KB, 704x750, 1585269431249.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27174628

It's just mori preparing a disstrack for her antis the way she know best. By being self deprecating...
At first I though all the brap jokes would sour that gif for me but it's fortunately still as funny as ever.

>> No.27174630
Quoted by: >>27174653

It's been literally 1 stream lole

>> No.27174631
Quoted by: >>27174650

SEAmonkeys are bad enough, I refuse to deal with tripfaggots. Fuck off and kill yourself

>> No.27174632

She is well-liked by broke people. They can't afford much SC.

>> No.27174633
File: 667 KB, 3490x2954, EiSLUwvVgAAlklI-orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgive me...

>> No.27174634
Quoted by: >>27174659

The normalfags don't even know what happened. Cover would have to be insanely incompetent to even consider making an announcement about Watson.

>> No.27174635 [DELETED] 

Bullshit, Kiara has personally told me she believes in the great ice ball earth theory

>> No.27174637
File: 889 KB, 554x1199, 1600470309486.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks Anon, I'm fully aware things could be worse for me. Sometimes I just feel a bit sad knowing I'm missing out on some things others can do. Hope you have a nice day.

>> No.27174639

Goodnight KIARAAMANIACS and anti jabronie marks without a life that don't know it a work when you work a work and work yourself into a shoot,marks

>> No.27174641

Do we finally have a fighting game fan?
Or is she a "Baiken fan"?

>> No.27174640 [DELETED] 

Those eyes.


>> No.27174642

Watson’s latest video has 2.5x the dislikes as usual. I thought people liked Mario Odyssey

>> No.27174645

Reply to a comment on her recent stream, looks like the OP comment got nuked so everything else went with it

>> No.27174646

Don't give a shit for donation whales. If you're willing to donate more than that for vtuber kayfabe, they deserved to get fucked.

>> No.27174647

wonderful, now compare that to the rest of the holos
she's a poverty-tier streamer with few akasupas to hold

>> No.27174650

Fuck off to /hlg/ and never come back
That namefag is unironically a seanigger.

>> No.27174649
Quoted by: >>27174707

Who's the artist for these? They're cute

>> No.27174652


Honestly, I don't think it's ever the price that actually stops people from spending on this kind of stuff. 5$ a month is almost nothing. Usually the problem is that it's hard to justify given what you get back and it's really bad precedent to set.

Seriously, once you start getting memberships for VTubers you really should consider what the fuck you are doing with your life.

>> No.27174653
Quoted by: >>27174666

your biggest boom of members comes from the first stream

>> No.27174654

Ina has a fur affinity page and has ordered multiple dragon dildos

>> No.27174655
File: 48 KB, 638x776, 1600992553884.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's only been 3 weeks since the debut

>> No.27174657


>> No.27174658

I won't watch all her streams anymore, but if she streams a game I like I'll still watch as I do for most of them. But unlike you, I'm being a depressed faggot. Rather, I'm inspired by it. I can't get her, but she's proof that girls like her exist and found love through streaming and with a dude who isn't a super chad. Gonna get myself fit and find my own Watson. Ran the first mile of my entire life today. Shit speed and time, but I did it.

>> No.27174659

With their track record, who knows at this point?

>> No.27174662

Cute image.

>> No.27174663

a seanigger's hands typed this post

>> No.27174664

Clarinet, I want to learn electric guitar tho

>> No.27174666

Yes, and she has the same member already so 1 stream more and she's gonna have more

>> No.27174667
Quoted by: >>27174736

I disagree when the real person starts gathering too much attention in real life the human brain that has not evolved to distinguish fact from fiction will invariably associate the real person with the character. See Aya Hirano and Haruhi Suzumiya

>> No.27174668
File: 267 KB, 2000x2000, 1600584291240.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27174683

That's based, now she has real street cred unlike most rappers

>> No.27174669

>namefag flip tranny
go back to your shit thread retard

>> No.27174670 [DELETED] 

This defeatist attitude is why these normalfaggots feel comfortable acting like they own the place.
Yes, I’m blaming you for not gatekeeping hard enough.

>> No.27174671

There's arguably been worse from holoJP. It's all on Ame to not have a meltdown over this happening.

>> No.27174672

No he's right HoloEN can never be a success
The only people who pay up are idolfags.

>> No.27174674
Quoted by: >>27174698

Ame members:

>> No.27174675

Mirror-world Gura, she's eating the Holos backwards through time.

>> No.27174678
Quoted by: >>27174699

She's just collecting references, it's normal for artists.

>> No.27174681
File: 19 KB, 374x245, murphylaw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maybe prepare yourself before you take a job that depends on your image?

>> No.27174683

I know right no longer just another soundcloud brapper

>> No.27174685
File: 116 KB, 900x1000, IMG_20200929_112005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go to bed
>have this warm soft feeling deep inside
Lads despite the schizo seamonkeyposting and the lonelyposting and the chink bullshit
I gotta admit I really enjoy hanging out with all of you and these streams are some of the best fun I've had in a long time, and I can't wait to do it again tomorrow. Stay comfy everyone but especially my fellow chumbuds and shrimps

>> No.27174687
Quoted by: >>27174718

Imagine the shitposting a month from now

>> No.27174688
File: 563 KB, 1164x1093, grass.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is it just me or is there a lot of seething about people dropping support for a girl after finding out she has a bf? why do you even care they stopped the support? you want them to continue doing it and keep feeling cucked? just let them be and move on

>> No.27174689

She just opened the membership today though. Isn’t that a good amount?

>> No.27174690

Because of Highschool band, I can play Invisible Touch on piano/marimba (not very well, but still)

>> No.27174693

in her last member stream she said the only fighting game she plays is guilty gear

>> No.27174696

isn't that the plot of tokio drift?

>> No.27174697
Quoted by: >>27174749

At least no schizos in the comments of the recent vod

>> No.27174698
Quoted by: >>27174727

Where's the option for "Hadn't subscribed yet but might not now"?

>> No.27174699

that is such a smart girl tough did she really need the 2 ft one

>> No.27174700 [DELETED] 

Which is it?

>> No.27174703

She might just like the music, GG's soundtrack absolutely fucks.

>> No.27174705

See you tomorrow, chumbuddy.

>> No.27174707
Quoted by: >>27174739


>> No.27174706

She said she' a fan of guilty gear in her T3 stream
She' plays johnny and even went to a tournament

>> No.27174713


>> No.27174718

We'll have make a counter for narratives per minute

>> No.27174719

is it? i never saw that shit

>> No.27174721

Yes, it's just (you)

>> No.27174722

Need I remind our crossboarder newfriends?

>> No.27174723
Quoted by: >>27174901

If it's not about having a surrogate gf experience then what's the problem with it being revealed that she has a boyfriend?

>> No.27174726
File: 200 KB, 513x437, 1596425764074.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are you guys obsessed with stuff "mattering"? 100 people didn't feel like supporting her anymore, period. Whether or not it "made a difference" is irrelevant to what they decide to spend their money on. They never cared about making a difference in the first place; stop acting like people made a mistake just because they disagreed with the majority.

>> No.27174727


>> No.27174729

>He says as he posts Watame and Coco

>> No.27174732
Quoted by: >>27174758

Money she can survive, if she gets graduated it'll hurt the rest of the gen like with Aloe. That's what needs to be avoided at all cost, 4chan is expendable as far as I'm concerned..

>> No.27174733
File: 31 KB, 128x128, 1600659930889.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly, good for you anon. This was also Ray0's takeaway from all the bullshit drama, and it's a perspective I can certainly agree with. Maybe once you get your own Watson, you'll be able to enjoy her streams like you used to.

>> No.27174734

Part of their entertainment is because of their imagined availability, If I just wanted gameplay and jokes I would just watch a male streamer.

>> No.27174736

The rest of the world has no idea about aya hirano, her scandal and her connection to the anime "the melancholy of haruhi suzumiya" .
In japan, that is a different story.

>> No.27174739

Much appreciated

>> No.27174740 [DELETED] 

ooh yeah it's gone on my end too, she knows members wouldn't want to see the stuff that rocked these threads earlier, i feel really bad for her.

if you actually read the curiouscat closely instead of immediately freaking the fuck out with the obvious kneejerk reaction, she's an extremely positive person who has sympathy for the sorts of people here who are struggling to make it, there's advice for the gosling guys in there that might numb the bitter sting of being disillusioned a little, please check it out if you happen to see a rip of it floating around

neet seems like a real cheeky shit though, fuck him

>> No.27174743
Quoted by: >>27174788

Gura eats random objects like batteries and other shit thats why she says things make her hungry all the time and her stomach hurts

>> No.27174745

Holy shit it feels like it's been months. I need to use this site less.

>> No.27174748

Whichever his tulpa tells him.

>> No.27174749
Quoted by: >>27174766

There were but they've been deleted I think

>> No.27174750

sorry you didn't grow up in the 90's, zoomer

>> No.27174752
File: 75 KB, 591x720, BLOATLORD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27174827


>> No.27174754
Quoted by: >>27174833

Based falseflaggers

>> No.27174755


>> No.27174756

disproven what?

>> No.27174757

Kys tripfag SEAnig.

>> No.27174758
Quoted by: >>27174910

She's not getting graduated. Aloe was graduated due to nijis

>> No.27174759

/jp/ is the key to the VTuber Instrumentality Project

>> No.27174761

i could care less about niggas dropping whoever, just don't come in here and shit it up for hours on end trying to get even more niglets to join you for whatever reason

>> No.27174762 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>27174811

I hope she reupload the stuff she removed

>> No.27174765

Meidos should just move this thread to /trash/

>> No.27174766

yeah looks like it only 155 comments kinda sus

>> No.27174777

Ame doesnt fuck her dog but she does run a puppy mill and has many incest puppies she sells to dumbasses

>> No.27174776
File: 481 KB, 1920x1080, mt2h4kimmxo51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27174842

I keep asking you to explain holostars

>> No.27174778

you didn't win jack fucking shit and she'll still be making more from playing videogames than you do

>> No.27174779

>Stop looking at how the sausage is made
Ah man, that is a fucking perfect description for why not to entertain doxfags who aren't just outright antis.

Keep in mind we have outright true enemies declaring themselves in both our sister thread /hlg/, and also Nijisanji fags have been trying to stoke the flames of drama in Hololive for fucking years now. The virtual youtuber thread was split up because Nijis and Holos couldn't get along.

Now with stuff like holoEN and shark BTFO'ing all the Nijis, you really think they wouldn't latch onto any weakness and yang it with all their might? That's what they're doing. That and newfags who ponder a lot about what exactly is in that sausage and hamburger meat.

>> No.27174781

God I hope she streams Strive when it comes out.
Too bad my main's dead and not coming back ;_;

>> No.27174784 [DELETED] 

male streamers aren't as cute though.
The characters is not the actress.
You just wanted to be deluded into thinking you had a chance at a love that was never actually there.


>> No.27174786 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>27174853

They work in shifts. SEAmonkey.

>> No.27174788
Quoted by: >>27174818

Just going to keep trying until something sticks, huh?

>> No.27174791
File: 2.24 MB, 232x232, 1598344722663.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The seethe is cute, those who don't care are out enjoying, its all cope here

>> No.27174794

Welp guess it's time to save Ina's shit just in case she ends up nuking stuff too.

>> No.27174796
File: 269 KB, 934x1261, DIGpsZzXsAAqBnD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27174869

What percentage of the EN fanbase do you think is composed of idolshit rapists like you?
Be honest.

>> No.27174798

Ina is just Plague with a really good voice changer.

>> No.27174799

i wish i started creating content earlier fuck fuck fuck ill never be able to be a holostars ever

>> No.27174803
Quoted by: >>27174943

Proud of you bro
I also started running recently due to wanting to find my own Watson. Who cares about how long it took you to do it, the important thing is you actually did it.
We are going to make it bro

>> No.27174806

>Coco potentially dead
>Artia dead
>Amelia dead
fucking christ le 2020 meme

>> No.27174805

Ina did 9/11

>> No.27174807

It's almost as if everything being in English brought in an audience which isn't as obsessed with japanese culture as the audience which watched everything in Japanese. I'm not sure how you expected to gatekeep this.

>> No.27174808

I hope Ame is okay

>> No.27174811 [DELETED] 

>I hope she reupload the stuff she removed
What was even up there? I'm a member but wasn't it just one post asking for beatmaps or did I miss some shit?

>> No.27174813

>Ray0's takeaway
never forget

>> No.27174814 [DELETED] 

Most people don't want to donate and "support" women that have a man, even ignoring the whole virtual gf thing/idolfags, it just feels wrong. I still like and will watch her streams, but I wish she'd be smarter with personal info. Its obvious all of them are in or had relationships before, but Hololive runs with the premise they're cute anime girls, and people don't wanna find out this kind of shit.

>> No.27174815
Quoted by: >>27174864

There's always schizos, you think those that donate $100+ supachats are doing it because the girls are entertaining?

>> No.27174816

i'm sorry, gura, i love you

>> No.27174817

can the new narrative be that Watson doxxed herself to fix/motivate Goslings into trying harder in life, just PURU PURU PURURIN?

>> No.27174818

shhhh yes now come on the more outlandish the better after all who is gonna believe it when something really does come out :^)

>> No.27174827
Quoted by: >>27174891

Damn, chumbuddies look like that?!

>> No.27174826

Nah they'll all be fine, even Coco.

>> No.27174828 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>27174875

All these cucked white knights rushing to the rescue

>> No.27174829
Quoted by: >>27174890

Probably downing a box of wine and a fistful of sleeping pills as we speak.

>> No.27174830 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.32 MB, 991x1080, 1601614335377.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27174917

>> No.27174831

Ina's doujin circle was banned from comiket

>> No.27174832

People actually watching the girls make this place great

>> No.27174833
File: 79 KB, 400x410, 1600436592337.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27174872

I'm a chickenfag and seeing the seething of amekeks gives me great satisfaction, both from people who drop her and people who seethe about people dropping her. I remember all the roommate shitposting by amefags. I won't forgive.

>> No.27174834
File: 297 KB, 1174x620, Untitled2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me all 5 members of holoEN have nothing posted in their community page.

>> No.27174836

All three will be fine.

>> No.27174841

Man, that member only Ina drawing...
She is so fucking FLAT.

>> No.27174842

What about Holostars invalidates anything he said?

>> No.27174843

I don't care about that shit, I care about any of the ENs getting harassed into graduation like what happened with Aloe.

>> No.27174844
Quoted by: >>27174938

>most people
Keep your projection to yourself, thanks.

>> No.27174845

your right

>> No.27174846

I was in a better place before the doxfag antis kept digging
I want to go back.

>> No.27174850

Ina member only stuff still up

>> No.27174853
File: 162 KB, 306x473, colo_scheme_flip_queen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take ur medz
I wouldn't be surprised if all this shit was from the /pol/ack retard

>> No.27174852

And welcome art

>> No.27174855

Join the membershrimp and you'll get Gura's members-only post.

>> No.27174859

Ame's gonna be fine>>27174811
. Only the disillusioned losers here are on suicide watch.

>> No.27174860
File: 484 KB, 1800x1012, 1530539393517.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that this is the face of idolfags and schizos

>> No.27174861
Quoted by: >>27174943

This was inspiring to read anon. We can all make it if we try.

>> No.27174862
Quoted by: >>27174905


>> No.27174863
File: 27 KB, 1000x666, uni.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27174864

Anon, Mori got thousands of Canadian dollars because some redditors thought it was funny.

>> No.27174866 [DELETED] 
File: 45 KB, 524x726, 1600982914511.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27174867 [DELETED] 

Do you guys seriously think this was a big deal? Aloe got like 1/3 of her like bar red but you fucks couldn't even dent Ame's.

>> No.27174869

It's cool that in the beginning of that movie there is an anti guy that's throwing beer cans at the girls
Some people just have irrational hatred for cuteness

>> No.27174870
Quoted by: >>27174905


>> No.27174872
File: 147 KB, 850x932, KFC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't stoop to their level, chickenbro. Just watch your favorite holos and let them seethe.

>> No.27174873

Two way street, did you really think EN would magically ignore idolfagging cause lmao all whores. Cucking and simping are two sides of the same coin, your either a poorfag or a cuck, chads never exisited you schizos

>> No.27174874
Quoted by: >>27175037

>Ina is just Plague
So do I just put my credit card info directly into the chat stream to join or what?

>> No.27174875 [DELETED] 

anon please seek help honestly

>> No.27174876


keep up the good work anon!

>> No.27174879 [DELETED] 

Idiots, in the west, vtubers are treated like the typical e-celeb instead of idols. Normalfags will not care as much as if the girls are pure or not.

>> No.27174883 [DELETED] 
File: 33 KB, 1271x230, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The hell are the Jannys on

>> No.27174884
Quoted by: >>27175044

If Amelia had properly scrubbed her accounts prior to debut everything would have been fine. Then again this isn't going to affect many people, probably.

>> No.27174885
File: 290 KB, 1038x1666, 1601338767206.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27175036


>> No.27174887
Quoted by: >>27174920

are ina's coc streams worth watching i watched the first one live but fell asleep during it so idk if i should bother

>> No.27174888 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>27174898

A power trip.

>> No.27174889
Quoted by: >>27175006

yeah and they provide the most money
say goodbye to her supas

>> No.27174890

or having stress-relief sex with her boyfriend

>> No.27174891


>> No.27174892

I'm not an idolfag but sluts deserve to be harassed Inshallah

>> No.27174893 [DELETED] 

Shit the fuck up newfag
It was never because of the boyfriend, fuck all of you retards spouting misinfo

>> No.27174894


>> No.27174898

So nothing new

>> No.27174900 [DELETED] 

Because the actual EN audience dont give a shit. This thread is in the minority.

>> No.27174901

goslingfags getting ass blasted for the fifth time.
Like Amelia warned in her third stream not to do this parasocial shit. It's unhealthy.
Work on yourself, put yourself out there.

Girls like Sachi or Amelia exist and there's hope.

>> No.27174904

Do you think everyone who donates to male streamers are either gay or a woman? Sometimes you just want to pay for entertainment

>> No.27174907 [DELETED] 

I thought people here were clamoring that the goslings and gf schizos would be gone.

is this just more narrative bait

>> No.27174905
Quoted by: >>27174932

Because of Mori's ties with the yakuza

>> No.27174908 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>27174931

what on god's green earth are you actually talking about. nothing material has changed.

>> No.27174909
Quoted by: >>27174936

they were killing idol fags doxers and sea monkeys like great mods

>> No.27174910
Quoted by: >>27174941

The reason is irrelevant, the problem was the harassment at the end of the day. I'm just saying that if this place becomes compromised from that shit and Cover takes action on 4chan then you've only yourselves to blame.

>> No.27174911
File: 92 KB, 636x900, 1600567560763.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey here's an interesting survey I cocked up
>Favorite HoloEN
>Favorite Rapper (Yes, Calliope counts)

>> No.27174912

Seems she/her manager panics after the doxx and sudden drop of memberships. Maybe they are checking the comments.

>> No.27174915
Quoted by: >>27174950

i like amelia

>> No.27174914


>> No.27174916

Wait, why was this deleted? It wasn't a dox or off-topic, not even a shitpost

>> No.27174917
Quoted by: >>27174961

Does Ame eat kitkats from the side, all at once, or one at a time?

>> No.27174918
Quoted by: >>27174979


>> No.27174919

>Peach talking about Coco situation
Holoen gen2 when?

>> No.27174920

She makes cute whimpering doggo noises when scared

>> No.27174922

these guys look like the type where you can talk to about porn all day long

>> No.27174924

Truly an anon that thinks for himself.

>> No.27174927 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>27175254

Agree. I just hope he doesn't find out about the reaction here and says anything compromising just to piss people off.

>> No.27174928
Quoted by: >>27174946

In times like these, it's important to remember ogey rrat

>> No.27174929

I'd rather they be on full turbo banhammer mode than being left alone like we have for the past week

>> No.27174931

he is deranged for real

>> No.27174932

Isn't Coco the one with Yakuza ties and a gang in Mexico

>> No.27174933 [DELETED] 

Aloe was attacked because of the perceived attack on nijisanji. Most people couldn't give a damn about the dildo sashimi or the boyfriend.

>> No.27174934

But I give money to male streamers too?
Should I want to fuck them as well?

They're entertaining and better than the shit movies and tv shows and I feel like I got something out of it so I pay them.

>> No.27174936
Quoted by: >>27175045

Yeah the thread quality has inclined after the Schizocaust.

>> No.27174937
File: 34 KB, 580x548, GoslingPosting2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys are watching Drive tonight to get into the right mood, right?

>> No.27174938
Quoted by: >>27174988

Its true though, if this info leaked out everywhere, I guarantee it'd have a big impact in her viewers and superchats/memberships. Its sad but its the truth, its not about the virtual gf aspect, its about breaking keyfabe.

>> No.27174941
Quoted by: >>27175167

No one is harassing Ame, no one is sending death threats. If 5ch can get away with just doxxing so does 4chan

>> No.27174943

Thanks bros, we can do it. And thank you for not pointing out the fact I forgot to put the 'not' in-between "I'm being"

>> No.27174944

Next thread lets a gooooooo

>> No.27174946


>> No.27174947
File: 511 KB, 698x682, Screen Shot 2020-10-02 at 12.33.02 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HoloEN honorary member saving us from schizos and narratives with a stream in an hour!

>> No.27174948

either tech n9ne or hopsin

>> No.27174950


>> No.27174951
File: 362 KB, 2192x2337, EjSF1KmU8AA7jR-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27174955 [DELETED] 

after reading alot, i wont shame anyone for cancelling membership or unsubbing'
everyone gets different stuff out of this, maybe you really needed to think she was pure

you can still think shes single, i think she is right now
if you cant think that, then move on, it will get better,
we still have the shark

>> No.27174959

God I love this fucking game, I was glad to hear she'd try it but I just hope it's not too hard for her.

>> No.27174960

Isn't he a v begging dickhead though?

>> No.27174961

ask NEET

>> No.27174962
Quoted by: >>27174984

No one here has ever watched Drive. Their brains are too poisoned, and would miss the point of it entirely

>> No.27174963


>> No.27174964
File: 277 KB, 505x705, 1570550226968.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mating pressing Gura...

>> No.27174967

Coco is gura but just useing a voice changer

>> No.27174970

The actual EN audience will probably never even hear of it, but if they do, they would protect her like good little white knights because that’s what west normalfaggots do.

>> No.27174969


>> No.27174974
Quoted by: >>27175022

Why did Ame delete all her community posts?

>> No.27174975

Kendrick's stuff before To Pimp a Butterfly

>> No.27174976

Please no.

>> No.27174977

Doesn't Luna only know like 5 words of English kek

>> No.27174979

Her art is t̸o̴o̸ g̴̙̈́r̶͖è̶̘a̸̦̥̳̞̗͐t̵̰͙͎̃ ̷̢̘̏̏͌f̵̬͑͆̈́̒̀ǫ̶͚̼̗̿́̿͒͠r̶̙̤̈́̃ ̸̨̨͕͈͇̭̥̳̺̘̪̗̜̳̺̤͍̓̍͋̌̽͛̆́͜͝͝͠t̶̡̨̡̫̯͛͋͌̾̊̓͜ḩ̸͎̳̼̜͆̾̈́͘ị̷̡̜̤̣̯̯͔̈͜ṡ̵͔͙̊̓̐͗́ w̸̡̨̭̝͓͈̻͚͓͓͍̳̘̻̹̻̰͍͔̱̝̃͒͐͑̉̾̂͂͆͗̿̀͛̄̈̎͒͒̆̑̎͌̎̀͊̈́̎̀̚͘͠͠͝͝͝ͅǒ̸̢̧̢̬̤̣̺̱̱͔̗̘̥̝̫̻̳̣̖̭̥̽̽̄̑͆̐̑̿̒́́͛̍͆́̍̍̃̇͆̈́͂́̂̑̆̆͆̓͒̃͊̏͑r̵̺̝̯͔͙̗̩̟͈͙̰̗͇͈̩͉̻̄͗͛͌̔̍̄͊̏̒̾̑́̊̍̃̆̇͆̃̂͊͌̐̀͂́̆̓̚̚̚͝͝ļ̶̖̹̣̣͍̣̟͇̯͈̟̤̱̺̼̭̜̯̟͈̮̙̗̺̪͍̔͊ͅͅd̷̨̬̠̳̣͔̰̩̭̳̞͙͉͎̗̬͖̥͑̈́́̈̾̂̉͐̎͂̔̚͝

>> No.27174981 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>27175026

The majority of this thread also dont give a shit. Schizo idol/waifufags are the minority here and deserve a rope.

>> No.27174983

I a real human being.

>> No.27174984

>real human bean

>> No.27174985


>> No.27174986


>> No.27174988
Quoted by: >>27175017


>> No.27174989
Quoted by: >>27175059

You're the minority. No one wants to fuck vtubers in the west, It's fucking creepy.

>> No.27174990

That's part of the appeal

>> No.27174991

What should've been.

>> No.27174993
File: 154 KB, 852x480, 1600740158452.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2 AM? That's a pretty tough time for me. But if it's for my princess's smile, I'll do anything.

>> No.27174992

>tfw /jp/ unironically got me to watch ryan gosling's movies

>> No.27174994
File: 1.75 MB, 5850x5850, 1601586573067.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder how the next gen of HoloEN will be like

>> No.27174995

not really into rap but I enjoy some chelmico and m-flo songs

>> No.27174996

it honestly wouldn't be surprised if she did deliberately leave it up, she's too smart to make a mistake like that. guess it's up to everyone to draw their own conclusions as to why it wasn't purged the second she got accepted into holoEN, i really hope she had the best intentions behind it and wasn't just trying to taunt idolfags in the wake of the aloe drama

>> No.27174998

>Hunter X Hunter

>> No.27174999
Quoted by: >>27175061

>Using Vtubers as "emotional support"
Anon that's not how this works. You're meant to pretend you're not mentally ill and then we can pick apart your post and tell you that you are. If you just go out and say you're menhara in your post then what the fuck do you expect us to do now?

>> No.27175001

Honestly its for the best. I rather deal with schizos then reddit whiteknights.

>> No.27175002

Luna is the only good HoloJP past gen3.

>> No.27175004

I'm (most likely deluding myself) on the last bit of info that Ame is free as a bird.

>> No.27175006
Quoted by: >>27175034

losing like 100 retards isn't the end of their career

>> No.27175009

I watched it like 5 years ago and to be honest I don't see how it's that relevant

>> No.27175010

I honestly thought this movie was boring as fuck, objectively well made but boring as fuck

>> No.27175011

There's a difference between what Mori and Amelia bring to the table. People pay for Mori's music. Amelia received significantly less in superchats, but much more in membership proportionately. There's a reason for that.

>> No.27175012

Amazon pressed by gura...

>> No.27175014

I learned a bit of piano

>> No.27175016

lil ugly mane

>> No.27175017


>> No.27175018 [DELETED] 

I didn't expect to get so many replies. But the volume of replies reveal to me you personally believe that it's true no matter how hard you want to hide it. It's gonna reach Cover, 5ch, reddit, China, whatever, and when it does, it'll keep spreading that Cover will "cover-up" the issue and Amelia will lose a lot of potential money (though probably not as serious as graduating).
People will unsub, stil giving hundreds of dollars, etc etc.

And the worst case scenario is that it gets so bad Amelia herself will address it in her own stream which is highly possible. Maybe then, the "simps" would reign down hundreds of dollars in a stream where Amelia admits she has a boyfriend

>> No.27175019 [DELETED] 

>people don't wanna find out this kind of shit.
Then they shouldn't have gone looking for it in the first place. Unless you are saying SEAniggers are subhuman filth that should be killed and don't qualify as people, in which vase I agree.

>> No.27175021 [DELETED] 

ogey SEAape

>> No.27175022 [DELETED] 

Someone asked about a boyfriend probably

>> No.27175024

I dunno but the guys who did the Anarchy Reigns soundtrack I guess.

>> No.27175025

koron's english only was actually pretty entertaining

>> No.27175026

this mainly swear its the same 5 people and like 4 trolls who are perpetuating this dumb shit

>> No.27175027
Quoted by: >>27175097

Paige is popular enough and she only has the prominence she has now because she's Pat's girlfriend. In the West more people want funny girls like Paige and Amelia than pure idols because they see them as entertainers and not virtual girlfriends.

>> No.27175028

She tries her best and that's all that matters

>> No.27175029


She starts babbling out ideas of words. It's pretty great. (her metroid EN stream is top top tier)

>> No.27175033
File: 293 KB, 1500x2122, 1596879621494.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27175032
Quoted by: >>27175075


>> No.27175034
Quoted by: >>27175178

No it's actually better. The goslingfags were always the most dangerous and most likely to actually stalk her irl.

It's not enough to tell them to fuck off in the first Q&A. Maybe now they'll get the point.

>> No.27175035

Be funny if they gave the role of cowgirl to a British person.

>> No.27175036
File: 440 KB, 823x1192, 1601448329088.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27175377


>> No.27175038
File: 297 KB, 640x672, 1600650157839.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27175037

Ina only take saiyan's female for currency.

>> No.27175039

Did Ina'nis forget about the lewd tag?

>> No.27175041

⋆carti⋆ ! +:) ++

>> No.27175042

She isn't as bad as Matsuri, but it makes Korone look likes a Rhodes scholar.

>> No.27175043
Quoted by: >>27175099

Probably 5 fucking lolis considering how wildly successful Gura is. And that's a good thing.

>> No.27175044
Quoted by: >>27175067

Nah, I never liked her, but this will hurt her biggest contributors. The dudes dumping $200+ donations and buying the expensive memberships are the same type that use them as GF simulators. Streamers make their living off those types, just 3 big paypigs dropping her could result in $1000+ dollars a month gone. Losing 200 members is less devastating than losing those 3 paypigs.

>> No.27175045
File: 155 KB, 1267x1641, Orlug9M.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The incline about as steep as a speedbump and just as effective.
Entering long ass dead hours now.

>> No.27175047

Stop explicitly mentioning it then you tripfagging retard, the fastest way for this to go away is to stop talking about it and to report everyone who does.

>> No.27175048

>lot of seething
Yeah, a lot, like 4 people who knows how to press reset on router.
And dumbfucks who are ironically shitposting for lulz not realizing monkeys from Indonesia and Philiphinos are posting these shit on facebook for (You)s.

>> No.27175049

SciFi theme or I riot

>> No.27175051

Tyler the Creator

>> No.27175053
Quoted by: >>27175126

Quick post narratives to cause skizos to melt down or idol fags to hang themselves

>> No.27175054

That's what happens if you don't put the censor bars in.

>> No.27175056


>> No.27175057

Gura is a cute who need all the hugs and head pats

>> No.27175058

>Ame has a bf
>horriblesubs is dead
Worst day ever jesus

>> No.27175059
Quoted by: >>27175150

Idols are not for fucking, that’s the point, retard.

>> No.27175060
File: 961 KB, 760x1200, 1601202784903.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gura confirmed beautiful. ifunny confirmed true?

>> No.27175061

Using idols in this way is normal and millions of people do it every day. I find it fascinating even if I don't do it. That's why they make so much money in the first place.

>> No.27175062

Didn't get the memo? Fuck off.

>> No.27175064

I just want a cute girl to play strategy games. XCOM and the likes are fine, doesn't have to be map painters though bonus points if she does play them.

>> No.27175067

they deserve better desu, amelia just keeps fucking up.

>> No.27175069


>> No.27175072

Is there a way to get youtube to give me live streams of cute anime girls? It's dead hours and I want some sound.

>> No.27175073

no the volume of replies you got reveals you're a fucking flipnigger namefag
I'm not even gonna give you a (You)

>> No.27175074

why does Gura BTFO every other Holo EN in their best qualities?

Better singer than Mori
More of a gremlin than Amelia
Comfier than Ina
Funnier than Kiara

>> No.27175075

Holy fuck this is gold. I usually skip out on Luna since I hate her voice but I might have to check out the next EN stream.

>> No.27175076

yeah, turns out she's a black man

>> No.27175079

Slim Shady

>> No.27175081

Korone actually tried to learn english

>> No.27175082
Quoted by: >>27175109

HoloEN is trademarked by nijisanji

>> No.27175084

Kanye West

>> No.27175089

I've been curious, do the 5ch bois know what a genius play Gura did with the word "shrimp"? That it carried to menbershrimp is pretty fucking good. Those japs and their wordplay would really appreciate it.

>> No.27175090

Yeah but a company can't make a living off what male streamers get from being good entertainers. There's a reason it's an idol company

>> No.27175092
Quoted by: >>27175134

One more gura stream left for the week... Not looking forward to these threads over the dead weekend.

>> No.27175094
Quoted by: >>27175127

Denzel Curry

>> No.27175097

anyway you look at it revealing their boyfriends is dangerous and unnecesary and only leads to further doxing. it's better they keep the purity act even if ironically

>> No.27175096
Quoted by: >>27175127

Denzel Curry

>> No.27175099
File: 1.95 MB, 400x304, MY DICK.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27175100

Petition to kick Amelia from holoEN so Civia can take her place and properly tame all the goslings here.

>> No.27175102

That's really funny for some reason

>> No.27175104

Dunno, Dr. Dre and Snoop Dogg?

>> No.27175105
File: 361 KB, 3000x2070, 1571268558415.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hoo boy, 5ch's shitting on Artia...

>> No.27175107


>> No.27175109

If that narrative about Cover being owned by Ichikara turns out to be true I'm gonna laugh myself to death

>> No.27175111

if i wasnt busy killing idol fags and gosling niggers you tribe jews would be gassed

>> No.27175113

Toss up between Yung and Convolk

>> No.27175116
File: 29 KB, 239x158, tentacult.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reps for 2 weeks straight now
my hands hurt but it hurts so good

>> No.27175117

she's getting dicked down on a pile of money. she doesn't care.

>> No.27175118

She's referring to Gura's voice

>> No.27175119
File: 216 KB, 425x352, 1593901115252.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27175120
File: 264 KB, 1080x582, Screenshot_20200924_115934.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish Ame tried other FPS games. Apex is alright but Valorant looks like crap. Didn't she say that game had only 5 maps? That's ridiculous

>> No.27175121

Aloe is because of tribalism. That boyfriend/sashimi shit is just an excuse to smear her

>> No.27175122


>> No.27175123
Quoted by: >>27175145

>More of a gremlin than Amelia

>> No.27175126

100% chance that lamy has a boyfriend, she's too good at emotional button pushing.

>> No.27175127


>> No.27175128


>> No.27175130
Quoted by: >>27175165

her legs wrap around your abdomen and you feel her tiny, gentle frame beneath you pressing against yours. she feels so small in comparison and you worry you might crush her beneath her. suddenly you feel nails dig into your back and something warm brush against your pelvis...

>> No.27175131

someone whos decent at shooters
amelias fun to watch her gremlin rage
but I also gremlin rage at how dogshit some of her decision making is

>> No.27175132

Amelia tears... they were reals...

>> No.27175133

>5ch's shitting on Artia

Yeah like she cares. They dont even watch her.

>> No.27175134

Saturday should be the whole gen collab at least. Do we know who is hosting that yet? Gotta be Mori or Gura I'd imagine

>> No.27175136

Why are fagfags like this? Where are the anti falseflaggers when you need them?

>> No.27175137


>> No.27175138
File: 59 KB, 684x493, EN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27175140

>I mostly like crews like the wutang clan, three six mafia and cannibal ox but danny brown is probably the solo rapper that i like the most

>> No.27175141
Quoted by: >>27175185

>Horriblesubs dead
didn't know about this, but haven't they only been scraping crunchyroll subs for years now? I assume another group will fill that gap in pretty easy.

>> No.27175144

Tribalniggers are worst posters behind SEAniggers and schizos.

>> No.27175145
Quoted by: >>27175186

Watch her Fallguys stream, Gura can gremlin with Amelia no problem.

>> No.27175146

we are too, fuck chink loyalists

>> No.27175147

Bro... Apex has TWO maps

>> No.27175149

No, I'm going to watch Bladerunner then preorder cyberpunk.

>> No.27175150

Have sex incel
This is the most amount of influence you'll wield in your life, shitposting on a imageboard with the rest of the incel losers LOL

>> No.27175151
Quoted by: >>27175171

Did they find out about the CCP thing?

>> No.27175154


>> No.27175155

>Comfier than Ina

>> No.27175156
Quoted by: >>27175205

>horriblesubs dead
what happened? I don't watch anime anymore.

>> No.27175158


>> No.27175159

Should I watch Guras Outlast vod first or Ames Mario?

>> No.27175160

None, I have no artistic talent, but I would really like to learn how to play piano

>> No.27175162

I want her to try those F2P fps games that are swarmed with south americans

>> No.27175165
Quoted by: >>27175227


>> No.27175166

I wish I had the "Nanora is English" clip on hand as well. I highly recommend watching that last Super Metroid stream when you get the chance. By the end you'll question whether you ever knew English in the first place.

4 I think she said. Riot is a shit company so that doesn't surprise me in the least.

>> No.27175167

That's why I said "if". Also Cover didn't have anti-doxx/harassment measures in place back then.

>> No.27175168

UNITYchad I kneel.

>> No.27175169

Nah, I think she was authentically naive as to what legit Japanese vtubers are like and treated it like twitch/western culture.

She doesn't appear to really have a super-deep knowledge of anime/manga really, just cursory/entry level stuff and can't speak a lick of moon. Why would she know such details about how idol kayfabe works in Japan? Moreover, it's also the fault of Cover/the managers to not forcefully catch her up to speed and scrub all the stuff that would instantly bury an idol in Japan. inb4 "a vtuber is not an idol", well Hololive was specifically, directly designed to be idol-like, and to garner the idol culture around these things. Play by their rules or don't play at all, IMO.

>> No.27175170

Korone knows enough vocabulary that you can actually understand what she means.

>> No.27175171
Quoted by: >>27175208

I think so. They're posting pics of her btw. There's this one really saucy one.

>> No.27175172
Quoted by: >>27175256

Post something based

>> No.27175176 [SPOILER] 
File: 46 KB, 1274x529, 1601615142216.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27175233

>> No.27175178

It's triage. Good. Before that they just hid behind, "I don't care whether she's attached I'm not in it for that, btw any idea for getting closer to her, haha, wink wink"

>> No.27175177

Traitor deserves it. Dumbass thinks she's safe by just ignoring this shit.

>> No.27175179

I can play pretty much every low brass instrument but the Tuba is where my love goes.
There's something magical about playing tuba since you have so much power over the entire band.

>> No.27175180

1.6 when?

>> No.27175181
File: 2.62 MB, 1920x1080, 1601599644418.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Baste and unitypilled.

>> No.27175183

>Pink guy, Yung Gravy
There is a very limited number of rappers that I actually like

>> No.27175182

It's a really big map though.

>> No.27175184
Quoted by: >>27175271

Calm down normie

>> No.27175185

>for years now
That's all they ever did

>> No.27175186
Quoted by: >>27175216

Gura has not once stopped mid stream to microwave her hot pockets

>> No.27175187

We need a big tits MILF who play cooking games for Gen 2

>> No.27175188

go back

>> No.27175189


>> No.27175191
File: 50 KB, 713x627, very based.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello, fellow unityCHAD.

>> No.27175192

Death to traitors. There is a reason that traitors have the worst punishment

>> No.27175193
File: 22 KB, 584x585, 1600322161629.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27175370

No way

>> No.27175198

yall ina niggas got good taste wow

>> No.27175199

mike joooooones

>> No.27175200
File: 29 KB, 117x115, 1601600853894.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

save the best for last

>> No.27175201

Gura's outlast stream was good.
Ame's mario stream was background noise because I don't think anyone could make that game an entertaining stream.

>> No.27175203

lil darkie, she'd love him the edgy little fuck too

>> No.27175205

they've been doing it for over 10 years now and it's probably time to move on

>> No.27175207
File: 109 KB, 190x240, 1571872701661.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope someday I can bring the same amount of joy into somebodies life as HoloEN brings to mine

>> No.27175208
Quoted by: >>27175242

>There's this one really saucy one.

>> No.27175209

Outlast is pretty if you just want kino. Mario if you actually enjoy Ame's roommate leaking and raging.

>> No.27175210
Quoted by: >>27175293

someone post american bikini artia

>> No.27175215
Quoted by: >>27175289

I don't really care that much about what the roommates are doing but Hololive is not a group of regular gamergirl streamers. Hololive specifically sells the "idol" experience as said by Yagoo himself. What the idolfags need to learn is that roommate stuff almost always leaks so they need to be more realistic and separate the art from the creator. The DURRGETTALOADOFDESEIDOLFAGS fags need to get it hammered into their heads that Hololive is literally a virtual idol group and not a random group of male dudebro/boob streamers. Whether or not the idolfags' reactions are logically justified is almost irrelevant, as are any comparisons to IRL streamers; you get what you see on the box with those but people dropping 500 dollar supas are specifically paying for an anime girl, not a real person. It behooves the performer and Hololive to protect that information better if they don't want to lose those whales.
I'm just here to see drawing and karaoke streams so whatever. It's just annoying to see people going nuts over dox and people ?pretending?? to be ignorant of why letting this info leak is a bad idea (for business).

>> No.27175216

Yea, but she's stumbled over her bottle ridden desk in a stupor, which is equal.

>> No.27175217

Valorant looks like a CSGO clone with powers and shit. Doesn't help that it looks like a mobile game

>> No.27175219
Quoted by: >>27175255


>> No.27175218

>Even membering honorary EN Pikamee

So this is what it feels like to kneel...

>> No.27175222
Quoted by: >>27175299

Ina / Cali Life Style

>> No.27175224 [DELETED] 
File: 206 KB, 210x194, 1595344857941.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will the tribalism get worse when gen 2 arrives?

>> No.27175226

Don't listen to a lot of rap but I like Kanye

>> No.27175227


>> No.27175231

Good, Artia was overrated as fuck and Chinese Holos were a mistake from the beginning. The only people who liked Artia were SEAniggers and Chinks.
> But muh one funny moment
Not worth it

>> No.27175232

she did? fuck, okay I gotta admit that's pretty based

>> No.27175233

This was the last time they spoke as friends...

>> No.27175234

It's CSGO with a dash of Overwatch and much worse than either.

>> No.27175236

If /hlg/ has taught us anything, yes

>> No.27175237
Quoted by: >>27175272


>> No.27175239

>Not wanting to kill yourself because a streamer has a boyfriend is being a white knight.
lmao, I still can't beleev you fucking schizos are real

>> No.27175242

If you see it you'd know what I'm talking about.

Protip: Install 5ch thumbnails script

>> No.27175247 [DELETED] 
File: 201 KB, 1087x1633, 1600660817574.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Amelia says she likes to talk to her family in her free time
>her parents are gone
>her brother is dead
>her grandmother is dead
Who does she have left to talk to?

>> No.27175246

Unfortunately yes.

>> No.27175250 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>27175291

These threads are tribalism incarnated

>> No.27175251
File: 2.96 MB, 454x498, 1599683934431.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27175346

I'm still going to watch Ame's streams and support her because it's hours upon hours of fun content. The people crying are either creepy gosling individuals or those who don't even watch EN streams.

>> No.27175254 [DELETED] 

>his twitter location
The little shits already gloating on social media. It's just gonna make more antis take it out on her to spite him.

>> No.27175253

I wonder if they can get anyone to actually do a mommy character right in English without looking like some washed up housewife that hasn't even seen a gameboy before.

>> No.27175255

Choco and most of Gen 2 really is underrated.

>> No.27175256
File: 67 KB, 409x499, 1600802636215.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heres me feeding my daughter

>> No.27175257


>> No.27175258 [DELETED] 

her boyfriend of course, she's known him since 2014 so they're close like family

>> No.27175259
File: 517 KB, 2480x3611, kiara!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is she so sexy and what would you do to her?

>> No.27175261

It has only been two weeks for HoloEN gen 1
We have not even begun to see peak shitposting

>> No.27175262

Kiara’s Minecraft series is actually kino. I can’t wait for her to enter the JP server.

>> No.27175265
Quoted by: >>27175335

Can someone link me Gura's official Billi channel? I can't seem to find it.

>> No.27175267
Quoted by: >>27175303

When was that?

>> No.27175270

Whoever keeps writing the raps in /hlgg/

>> No.27175271

holy shit, it really is /v/ermins and /pol/tards

>> No.27175272
Quoted by: >>27175345


>> No.27175274

If you could friends or her fellow ENmates as family.

>> No.27175277


>> No.27175278

The trance headpat technique

>> No.27175279

Tf2 permissions when?

>> No.27175280

i would verb her adjective noun

>> No.27175282
File: 35 KB, 480x360, 1448476388041.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope there is a humiliation play HoloEN in Gen2.
How can we get Yagoo to change his archaic ways NTR bros?

>> No.27175283


>> No.27175286

Imagine Amelia getting depressed by the leak and plopping her head on her BF's lap as he strokes her bangs away from her eyes.

>> No.27175287 [DELETED] 
File: 224 KB, 576x607, 1601589018922.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder this still hasn't been debunked

>> No.27175289

Nigga most of the JP are also forner NND streamers on the same level of western female camwhores jesus this level of cope

>> No.27175290 [DELETED] 

>the artist deleted all of Gura's lewd
Why. Fuck Twitter

>> No.27175291 [DELETED] 

I don't know how this place can manage to be worse than /pol/ and /v/ when it comes to tribalism and fanbase wars over fucking anime girls playing video game

>> No.27175293
File: 501 KB, 1280x1280, 1595083022289.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was all a lie.

>> No.27175295

>Gura sang in front of the equivalent of a sold out stadium
She must be really happy.

>> No.27175296

Sugarhill Gang

>> No.27175298

>horriblesubs dead
That's fine, someone else will do what they were doing or there'll always be other groups subbing a show you wanna watch probably.
>ame's happening
Eh, don't give a shit.

>> No.27175299

Sounds like Parrapa

>> No.27175300

humiliate her in public she is into that

>> No.27175302

She has more than 1 siblings afaik.

>> No.27175303
Quoted by: >>27175339

>"oh oops"
>*bottles clattering noises*
That's our Gura

>> No.27175304

Never happened.
t. Someone who watched every stream live

>> No.27175305 [DELETED] 

Because it's both /pol/ and /v/ at the same time.

>> No.27175306


>> No.27175307
File: 53 KB, 598x402, amelike19.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, I think she's well aware of how vtubers are treated
She liked this but there's a whole column

>> No.27175309

I thought I was being led to believe /hlgg/ is now shitpost central? Was /hlg/ actually worse than this all along?

>> No.27175311

Also apparently pro CS players helped design this shit? No wonder it's not fun to play

>> No.27175312

what do you do for a living unitychad..

>> No.27175313

seems pretty clear the dead brother narrative isnt true, and it was a grandparent

>> No.27175316

She has an aunt that helped raise her and her brother is alive

>> No.27175317
File: 3.79 MB, 10000x10000, Gura!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27175368

did I miss something? I was aware of her parents and grandmother but brother? the same one she mentioned that she helped build a PC for?

>> No.27175318 [DELETED] 

>hasn't been debunked
Anon...your archive reps...

>> No.27175320 [SPOILER] 
File: 208 KB, 1010x900, 1601615555617.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Break her shell and call her a cutie.

>> No.27175326

to get in the mood for what...

>> No.27175328 [DELETED] 

Blame that brittney venti whore and her hive mind of supporters.

>> No.27175329 [DELETED] 

She's straight up lying

>> No.27175331

>after reading alot, i wont shame anyone for cancelling membership or unsubbing'
They deserve to be mocked though

>> No.27175332

Anon, she only showed her face in stream not even more than twice back in NND days, she's not even doing sexy cosplay like pekora, just with normal cam talking with her listeners. You're clearly exaggerating.

>> No.27175333

schizos post in both threads.

>> No.27175335


>> No.27175336

She happy anon. She said on her stream today that she had fun and cried tears of joy after the stream.

Really proud of my daughter. Feels good being a chumbro.

>> No.27175338

why does Amelia BTFO every other Holo EN in eating?

Eats more than Gura
Eats more than Kiara
Eats more than Ina
Eats more than Mori

>> No.27175339
Quoted by: >>27175363


>> No.27175340

The excitement carried through to her Outlast stream today. It was great.

>> No.27175342

Because we get the worst of both in the form of tourists.

>> No.27175345
Quoted by: >>27175384


>> No.27175346

this fox gets the best gifs

>> No.27175347
Quoted by: >>27175373

Anon... I ate the other peesa kitkat... and didn't save you any... Forgive me...

>> No.27175349

goddamn idolfag

>> No.27175351

I'll keep waiting for Halo and Titanfall 2 as long as I need to.

>> No.27175353

Bro I can't watch that, Hana's doing her new costume reveal then.

>> No.27175355 [DELETED] 
File: 32 KB, 446x394, EfjO3CkU8AAkyVJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27175385

Some faggots actually sent her this?

>> No.27175354 [DELETED] 

Artifact test didn't prove shits

>> No.27175356


>> No.27175360

As long as they are more careful than the current gen

>> No.27175362

Anybody else can't pick a clear favorite yet?
>Mori's original music and cute self-deprecation
>Kiara's upbeat attitude and minecraft kino
>Ina's god-tier quiet chatting and art
>Gura's little jokes and amazing singing
>Ame's funny stories and gremlin mode
I can't keep watching them all, I don't have enough time

>> No.27175363

He can’t give you one because it doesn’t exist

>> No.27175365

She could just forgot about it. Being smart doesn't mean you remember everything what you have said online

>> No.27175367

God I fucking hate that hammerhead mutt.

>> No.27175368

man thats a big ogey dogey

>> No.27175369 [DELETED] 

She has a boyfriend that cooks her food

>> No.27175370

It's two maps that have go through massive changes each season that effectively make them new maps.

>> No.27175371
Quoted by: >>27175405

cuz she fat

>> No.27175373

don't even want it now. amelia has ruined kitkat for me.

>> No.27175377
File: 29 KB, 431x531, ame_wink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27175379

Looks like you need to do your archive reps even more anonchama

>> No.27175381 [DELETED] 

>yes I totally dumped my bf after making those comments teehee
The lying is really disgusting, this makes me dislike Amelia more than the boyfriend thing desu

>> No.27175384

>no more gloating greasy neet cum

>> No.27175383

Sometimes i forget Mori exists.

>> No.27175385


>> No.27175386

I thought most of the threads today haven't been archived cause of doxxposting?

>> No.27175388

She's doing it again? What the fuck? Oh god don't make Fubuki suffer through it again.

>> No.27175390 [DELETED] 

Yeah, they must have reported him because he tweeted that his account is locked in his other account. What a bunch of pricks

>> No.27175391 [DELETED] 


>> No.27175392

Can't decide if this feels great or terrifying that she will break the muzzle

>> No.27175393

Tell me about it, Valorant looks bad

>> No.27175394

It wasn't

>> No.27175396

i'd disagree and funnily enough i think she's probably one of the most idol savvy of holoEN from some of the things she's said and done. she's almost 100% confirmed to be an /a/ lurker and is keenly aware of hikikomori/NEET lifestyle enough to speak to the people suffering from it and slip subtle hints to the thread (in b4 shut up schizo, there's a hell of a lot of coincidences for them not to be directed here), she's not just a "twitch girl" even if she's not flexing as hard as ina when it comes to otaku power level

>> No.27175397

>she's too smart to make a mistake like that
You guys really put a lot of trust in these girls' "master manipulator" skills
It's most likely that she did forget to scrub that one small account just because
She did the whole NHK schtick as a convenient gag that she can pull out with streams like her Subliminal playthrough
It's not her goal to turn vtubing into her personal "antis BTFO" revenge porn, she just likes playing games and found a way to capitalize on that
She just ain't that smart and there's no 5D chess going on, anon

>> No.27175401 [DELETED] 
File: 1 KB, 153x29, v2t3xlp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WHAT was meant by this

>> No.27175405

Fatter than Pika?

>> No.27175406

Not gonna lie japs know that twitter can go nuclear against anime at any moment, why do they still use it? move to fantia or pixiv you faggots

>> No.27175412

Exactly what it look like?

>> No.27175415

I would skip Ame's. Shitposting aside it was pretty boring and went on for far too long

>> No.27175418
File: 285 KB, 795x318, 49EE4E6E-4CA7-4593-A2AD-C9994882214C.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27175444

“Watson Detective Agency.”

>”oh. Man. Have I got an amazing idea fow youw shawk fwiend.”

“Okay, what cha got?”

>”okay, get this: Beaw holding a shawk giwl. It’ll do gangbustews!”

“That... sounds like it’s be pretty good, actually.”

>”I know! Isn’t it gweat? Oh, by the way, you’we now weading this in Stwong Bad’s voice.”


>> No.27175417

Haha...ha... I've honestly memory holed the worst events but those times were frankly horrendous, mostly due to the meidos taking so long to nuke the idiots.

>> No.27175420

was that not there before? fuck him either way though

>> No.27175421

2 from EU
2 from NA
1 from Japan
Soon we'll be having 24/7 HoloEN streams.

>> No.27175425

>Favorite vtubers went from Roa Pekora -> Akai Haato -> Suzuhara Lulu -> Mori
Sorry HoloJP, but actually understanding things live grants HoloEN that big an edge.

>> No.27175429 [DELETED] 

this artist deletes their stuff all the time. its not because its gura lmao

>> No.27175428 [DELETED] 

So she has a friend in hololive? Who is it?

>> No.27175432

>since I hate her voice
Watch her Ring Fit Adventure stream which is LITERALLY after sex asmr then say that to me again my friend.

>> No.27175434
File: 864 KB, 3500x1968, Architect.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27175435

How is Chinese sentiment for Hololive right now overall? Has it cooled it down?

>> No.27175436 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>27175802

when you put it like that it sounds like she dumped him and hes mad/revenging

>> No.27175438

Well then that makes her all the more fucking retarded to leave all that shit up then. Given she's a neet, a dropout etc she doesn't seem to understand quite how the world works or how to properly integrate into a job.

>> No.27175440

>Noname/Chance the Rapper

>> No.27175441
File: 19 KB, 476x147, 1591208112533.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is he right?

>> No.27175442

Gloating, but you knew this.

>> No.27175443

Complacency, laziness. Just the usual stuff. What makes it worse is that some artist deleted their raw files after posting it on twitter so if it is deleted it's gone forever

>> No.27175444

Why are you still here homestarposter? You're too good for these threads...

>> No.27175447
File: 42 KB, 402x659, trinity.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27175575

Sorry just a trinity bro here.

>> No.27175451

>European chuubas
No thanks.

>> No.27175453

What did shark even do?

>> No.27175455

yeah, Holo ENs should avoid political topics at all costs. Gura should have known Israel/Palestine was too sensitive a topic no matter how much she believes in the Right of Return.

>> No.27175457

Do your sleep reps. I'm going to bed early so I can catch her later at 5.

>> No.27175458

I don't think Gura had that kind of intention when she said it was for coco, but yes I think if a jp slipped like that thered be some sort of repercussion.

>> No.27175459

will members only movie watchalong streams be archived?

>> No.27175461
File: 822 KB, 4096x2304, 1601090595877.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27175462

I'm hoping that none of them aren't in fucking JST. At least Kiara has been nice and streaming at late hours my time, but good grief I've missed so many Mori streams because she only streams at 3 - 7 AM my time

>> No.27175464
Quoted by: >>27175480

I was gonna ask how to filter parent posts and all their replies like this, but you montaged this together manually, right?

>> No.27175465
Quoted by: >>27175482

>for coco senpai

>> No.27175467

what was the wrong move? giving a shoutout to Coco during her non archived karaoke stream?

>> No.27175468 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>27175506

Ame is now lying about it lmao???

>> No.27175472 [DELETED] 
File: 69 KB, 463x453, 1598457457959.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does Trump testing positive for Covid-19 mean for my Holoraibus' future?

>> No.27175473
Quoted by: >>27175866

Weren't the JP holos explicitly told not to mention Coco or something? Not sure if it applies to other branches

>> No.27175474

Dedicated a song to Coco

>> No.27175476

Yes, yagoo knows he can't touch the shark or the EN momentum dies down

>> No.27175477

She said the C-word

>> No.27175478
Quoted by: >>27175528

Is this because of the Coco thing? What Gura did can be interpreted as paying respect to her senpai. So there is a plausible deniability there

>> No.27175479
Quoted by: >>27175489

so who is the Trinityfag karma going to catch up to next?

>> No.27175480
Quoted by: >>27175508


>> No.27175482
Quoted by: >>27175493

what's wrong with that? EN only exists because of Coco.

>> No.27175484 [DELETED] 

>Reminder this still hasn't been debunked
You have to be insane to think this isn't just her lying. yeah the roommate totally dumped the guy she worships and has been with for years but somehow they both still play games together. lmao.

>> No.27175485

She probably just forgot that shit existed. It seemed like an obscure site in the first place.

>> No.27175486
Quoted by: >>27175521

Pixiv isn't social enough for them, that's why they moved to twitter.

>> No.27175487


>> No.27175489

Trinityfags themselves. They get the torment that being tribalist bring them

>> No.27175490
File: 1.14 MB, 4093x2894, 65901f84f4f7a516cfe5b9b92de61e98[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love everyone in HoloMYTH!

>> No.27175493
Quoted by: >>27175514

A song about breaking the law. Right after Coco was suspended.

>> No.27175494

And here you are speaking like an expert as if you worked with the japanese before. STFU

>> No.27175496

He'll nuke the chinks.

>> No.27175498
Quoted by: >>27175566

Noel is a literal camwhore, but besides this do you seriously expect newfags to know anything? Fucker probably found this place a week ago.

>> No.27175501

didn't the japs move away from pixiv? why would they want to go back?
and apparently twitter not being designed to be like pixiv/deviantart/whatever works in favor of them
I only follow Japanese artists + jp chuubas + the holo ENs on my twitter and so far I've only encountered one case of SJWfags trying to start shit with a Japanese artist (najuco)

>> No.27175502

With his last dying breath he will order a nuclear holocaust on china and coco will be free

>> No.27175503

He won't be in holoEN gen 2 now

>> No.27175504

Drums. Haven't played in years though

>> No.27175505
Quoted by: >>27175638

I already have one good EU time zone chuuba in mind that I'd like them to recruit.

>> No.27175506 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>27175701

Saying you've been single when you clearly aren't (and if she wasn't, it's nowhere near a year, it's not even 6 months) is lying anon.

>> No.27175507

taunting, obviously

>> No.27175508

man it would be handy if the site had it as a feature..

>> No.27175512

Nah. There was enough plausible deniability because Yakuza.

>> No.27175514
Quoted by: >>27175540

Oh, yea, look at that, what a coincidence. :^)

>> No.27175515

Demanded that Japanese apologize for the Comfort women

>> No.27175516
File: 11 KB, 236x306, MAKE IT STOP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It has only been two weeks for HoloEN gen 1
Fuck it feel like 3 months, so much happened

>> No.27175518

Land of the free weeeeeeeeeeeee

>> No.27175521

Fantia is literally the twitter that permits loli. And now I sound like a shill

>> No.27175523 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>27175617

Well shit, guess Amelia worships every other EN member because she's in all their stream chats. Almost like THATS A THING SHE DOES.

>> No.27175528
File: 35 KB, 570x239, 1596473279573.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Chinese seethe'd about it but there's no call for her head yet.

>> No.27175529

Mikochi.. I'll join your membership if you just come back to us... I promise...

>> No.27175530

I'm just gonna disregard this comment and assume it's one of the 50 cent army monitoring and trying to stir shit up among the Japanese cause of the stupid taiwan thing.

>> No.27175531
Quoted by: >>27175576

>It was the biggest topic in the community by a mile, and for her it was also her job
>Every hololive got a warning about not showing chat in their streams, among other things
>The song lyrics were about breaking the law

If it wasn't intentional, she's an idiot. More of one than I could believe.

>> No.27175536

I hate Amelia because she tricked me into bricking my computer

>> No.27175540

Very based on her part.

>> No.27175543
File: 1.45 MB, 1600x2000, d3a5d257a1a05bb41ccf3c2107302860.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that if your oshi knew you acted the way you would and disrespected their friends, they would hate your guts and not even look you in your pathetic eyes. Get a grip on reality and stop being an anti.

>> No.27175544


>> No.27175547

Bili numbers?

>> No.27175548

She's probably American. If the chinks harass her, it could turn political fast

>> No.27175553
File: 112 KB, 239x321, doog.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Going through and watching some tidbits from some of the JP girls I can't understand and holy shit I love this fucking dog more every day.

>> No.27175555

Yeah, she really didn't need to call the falkland islands "rightful argentinian clay"

>> No.27175558
File: 80 KB, 288x288, 1598457308401.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dunno but I didn't see any post about it so I did it just to let you know, anonchama.

>> No.27175566

You don't need to project your cope on me friend, I don't really care who they are. My point, which you seem to have missed, is that there's a reason why they separate their IRL selves from their Hololive personalities. You'd have to be braindead if you think people are giving hundreds or thousands of dollars to them solely because of the entertainment value. Hololive is essentially the 2D equivalent of the attractive gamer girl who says hi and mentions your name when you drop 100 bucks on her stream. As soon as the rabid hormone driven fish find out that she's not available, they'll turn. MY ENTIRE POINT IS THAT IT DOESNT MATTER WHO THEY ARE AS LONG AS THEY DONT LET IT GET OUT.
Hell, you don't even have to look far for evidence. Do you remember that someone got graduated over something similar or were you not here for that?
It's like you guys don't even bother to read or think of a reply before posting

>> No.27175567

The antis get conversion therapy next year

>> No.27175565

Guys get the fuck off Warosu. I can't look through the archives because the site keeps crashing.

>> No.27175569 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>27175597


Holy hell people fall for fake screenshots easily
>No proof it's fake must mean it's real!

>> No.27175570

Maybe if their business model wasn't about providing a fake gf experience then they wouldn't get burned when the charade collapses

>> No.27175572

>Xinping trying to kill another president

>> No.27175573

Coco is still a member of Hololive. You're allowed to talk about her.

>> No.27175574 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>27175659

>I don't know who you're referring to
>I will give me friend a heads up also

>> No.27175575

Stay strong bros...

>> No.27175576


>> No.27175577

Good thing I'm a unitychad then.

>> No.27175578

I'll never forgive ame for ground pounding my mom :(

>> No.27175586

You'd think if they told her not to mention coco she wouldn't of done it, but im under the impression the EN holos weren't given any briefings aside taiwan supas.

>> No.27175590

Nice art
I only wish happiness upon Hololive EN, hope they do more collabs in the future

>> No.27175592 [DELETED] 
File: 143 KB, 501x443, 1601414230238.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what is your favorite thing to do with N**t
>lewd stuff!!!
I thought I was going to be able to move on, but then I saw this. This is what broke me. I can never watch her again anons. I'm going to have to cope with Shark, and pretend she's not there during collabs.

>> No.27175594
Quoted by: >>27175609

It was certainly intentional, dragonnight with baka mitai being last? There's a message there for sure.

>> No.27175596

idk if this has been done before but do vtubers ever acknowledge fan songs about them? i always see them sharing art but never music.

>> No.27175597 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>27175631

>It's fake

>> No.27175604
File: 86 KB, 775x768, 1594231424784.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not like they can do anything about it anyway.

>> No.27175605

>Managed to find out about unarchived karaoke stream not even streamed for them
>Cover management thought it was even a good idea to promote EN on bilibili and set up accounts despite the cultural differences
Jesus fucking christ both the fanbase and the management are retarded and mental.

>> No.27175608
Quoted by: >>27175626

Another one for the Unity folder.

>> No.27175609
Quoted by: >>27175662

the message is that the chat requesting the songs has a hardon for yakuza songs...

>> No.27175613 [DELETED] 

What happened to Ame? Can someone summarize?

>> No.27175617 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>27175691

yeah but that's character stuff. the roommate stuff is real.
and something we'll never get ourselves

>> No.27175618

Travis Scott
Collab with Gura on autotuna when

>> No.27175621

It's Hololive GLOBAL, where you get global news

>> No.27175623

You'd think so, wouldn't you.

>> No.27175624 [DELETED] 

Full run down:
Bing bing wahooooooooooo ogey rrat let's a gooooooooo

>> No.27175626
File: 312 KB, 1214x1214, 1601100094088.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27175629 [DELETED] 

Ame has boyfriend, idolfags commited suicide. The End.

>> No.27175630
File: 804 KB, 1001x1055, 1600964711335.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anybody know where I can find the full version of this? I've been looking fucking everywhere

>> No.27175631

not that guy but it's pretty easy to fake those and ame usually types in lowercase both as her roommate and as her vtuber so

>> No.27175633 [DELETED] 

She ate fire noodles and they made her cry. Idk how Ina ate what, two of this things?

>> No.27175634

Ame was Aloe the entire time
She thought she could slip into HoloEN for a second chance but we are too smart for that shit

>> No.27175638
Quoted by: >>27175664

Is it the Scottish one?

>> No.27175640
File: 176 KB, 512x512, 1594963027841.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27175679

Today is so fucking cursed

>> No.27175641 [DELETED] 

It must feel good. Really good to know that you got to fuck a girl the internet now fawns over. All those private moments are yours. I'm jealous honestly.

>> No.27175648
Quoted by: >>27175690

a korean eating spicy korean noodles shouldn't surprise you too much anon

>> No.27175649

It's just the 小粉紅s, no one really gives a shit.
The last time they pulled this shit on a taiwanese kpop singer, they single handedly caused the prochina taiwanese candidate to lose an election.

>> No.27175650 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>27175675

Ame has a boyfriend. Condomfags and Idolfags commited suicide. The End

>> No.27175655 [DELETED] 

ame is just pewpiedie using a voice changer

>> No.27175656


>> No.27175657
File: 74 KB, 1024x576, kyoani.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27175672

Yes, Yagoo KNEELS to Gura. After the fiasco that was suspending Coco, if he dared to do something to Gura he would have a Kyoani 2.0

>> No.27175659 [DELETED] 

Wow what a lying whore

>> No.27175662

Hey I'll interpret it my way and you yours. I'm not gonna spam this shit like narrativeniggers either.

>> No.27175664

If comfyRana comes to HoloEN Gen 2 I'm not sure I could handle the coom.

>> No.27175666

>leaving out anything that points to the initial "lewd stuff!" just being one of her bad "haha funnys"
I'm not saying she probably didn't do something with him, but good lord you need to step out of these threads for a while man

>> No.27175668


>> No.27175669
Quoted by: >>27175689

Who need antis with this company?

>> No.27175670

Based and shaark pilled.

>> No.27175673
File: 1.01 MB, 1441x1080, 1601086945710.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27175672
Quoted by: >>27175695

This image is what these threads have felt like for the past 12 or so hours.

>> No.27175675 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>27175694

Idolfags are still here I think, still trying to keep their delusion going that the girl with better internet cleanup skills never saw a dick in their life.

>> No.27175678

Anyone got the proper name for these things? I'm curious about them

>> No.27175679
Quoted by: >>27175729

this is the price we pay for having gura's blesed karaoke stream. was it worth it?

>> No.27175680


>> No.27175685

Room for 2?

>> No.27175686 [DELETED] 

So I just caught up on the drama, why is everyone automatically assuming this Sachi person is Ame?

>> No.27175688 [DELETED] 

Now only does she have a boyfriend but now she's lying about it

>> No.27175689

We were the antis all along anon

>> No.27175690 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>27175717

o that makes sense then lol i try to stay away from roommate shit as much as i can

>> No.27175691

>I love this stream
>I love this stream
Same thing.

>> No.27175694

I do not understand you. Why are you not watching a man play a game?

>> No.27175695

>past 12 or so hours
Are you kidding me? Theres been like 4 good threads since debut

>> No.27175696

so today we have:
>amelia bf
>goslingbros\larsbros on suicidewatch
>artia getting excuted
>horriblesubs died
>trump positive on covid19

>> No.27175697
File: 24 KB, 220x220, Imperial_Cross.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Witch Hunter
Warrior Priest(ess)
Gold Wizard

The Empire of Hololive

>> No.27175698

God I want to fuck Lamy.

>> No.27175700


>> No.27175701

You have no fucking idea what you are talking about. They broke up last year and you shizos are harassing her for old shit and no reason.

t. old s***ifag

>> No.27175708

>Sage Francis

>> No.27175710

meidos best girls

>> No.27175711 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>27175752

Its her there's literally no dispute about it, vods and everything have proven it

>> No.27175713
File: 246 KB, 463x453, 1600996058380.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27175714
File: 255 KB, 515x474, 1600051813237.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Only Ame has used the emotes Ina made for them
Why won't the others include her cute emotes she made for them?

>> No.27175718

ever since i started watching hololive i have the urge to fap less now and its been 4 days since my last session... i think im becoming pure

>> No.27175717 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>27175749

from her debut stream where she speaks korean I've figured as much, the roommate shit was just shoved to my face without me even putting any effort at all so I'm sorry for doing the same to you anon

>> No.27175720 [DELETED] 
File: 657 KB, 675x1200, Brittany.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


hmm I wonder why people seem to like this shark so much

>> No.27175721
Quoted by: >>27176132

does anyone recall which two streams besides gura's debut and last night's karaoke had songs in them? i am editing together all the karaoke audio.

>> No.27175724
Quoted by: >>27175742

Amelia is officially the new CEO of sex

>> No.27175725
Quoted by: >>27175819

Did she talk about it back then?

>> No.27175728 [DELETED] 
File: 320 KB, 864x866, e8tg32.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27175766

He problably fucks her bareback since they're in a long term relationship, shes on contraceptive pills. Imagine creampieing Ame right after a bad Apex stream while she's in full gremlim mode. Kinda jealous not gonna lie.

>> No.27175729


>> No.27175732

Please goslingfags do not move on to shark, either improve your life to the point where you can get your own watson irl because they exist or just kill yourselves.

There were at least three times Amelia said not to do this parasocial gf shit and you're still doing it and getting mad.

>> No.27175733

The first Kiara Minecraft stream and the FE streams from her were super fucking good threads. You gotta stick around til like 5AM for the really nice stuff to go on here.

>> No.27175734

1 day into October, what could tomorrow bring

>> No.27175736
Quoted by: >>27175996

>artia getting excuted

>> No.27175737
Quoted by: >>27175822

One of the listed is a political stunt.

>> No.27175738
File: 20 KB, 152x92, 1600952346075.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You faggots keep stirring shit up, wait until the bottom feeders on youtube caught the wind of this.

>> No.27175740

Man now I really want some statistics on how much idolfags actually contribute to their earnings. The people shitting on idolfags really need a wake up call if they think a majority of their earnings, and as such, the livelihood and popularity of vtubers, doesn't come from such gachikois.

I'm also open to get myself BTFO if proven wrong.

>> No.27175742
File: 184 KB, 749x1334, 1600751818385.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27175745

Imagine simping for a 3DPD that looks more like a shark than fucking Gura.

>> No.27175749

Not like she hid it. She literally listed Korean as one of the languages she spoke and no one speaks that shit besides Koreans.

>> No.27175751

some people say it's money, some people say it's fame, some people say it's having everyone at your beck and call. but this.. this is true power, cuckolding losers on the internet. must be nice.

>> No.27175752
Quoted by: >>27175776

Did she ever say it was her? If not, it's just speculation then.

>> No.27175754
File: 240 KB, 744x1052, 1601359864910.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just woke up and checked Amelia's video. It has barely any dislikes, does that mean that goslingdoxfax finally lost?

>> No.27175759
Quoted by: >>27175888

>horriblesubs died
First I’m hearing of this. What the fuck?

>> No.27175760

lol seethe harder nigger-chan. a googoogaga shark loli with more talent in her tiny left pinky toe than you have in your entire piggu disgusting body is living your dream effortlessly

>> No.27175762
Quoted by: >>27175773

>amelia bf
>>goslingbros\larsbros on suicidewatch
It's not enough to be on suicide watch. They actually need to suicide.

Everything else on here is actually pretty neat.

>> No.27175764

I find out about big events in the most random threads on here. Like the 2015/2016 attacks in France in a GochiUsa S2 thread on /a/ and Blade and Soul general on /vg/, respectively.
Maybe I spend too much time on here

>> No.27175765

It really is literally her. The evidence is indisputable. We went through it all 12 hours ago.

>> No.27175766
Quoted by: >>27175791

>contraceptive pills
Doesn't these meds fuck with a person's head?

>> No.27175771

>amelia graduates and goes back to being homeless
Best ending

>> No.27175772

The threads during the AmeIna collab stream and the Kiara minecraft stream were really comfy.

>> No.27175773

This is true.

>> No.27175775

is she just doing this because her application to HoloEn series 2 was rejected lmao

>> No.27175776

Cope as much as you want but it is 100% her

>> No.27175777
Quoted by: >>27175874

Idolfags may not make the majority of the viewers, but they make the majority of their revenue. No sane person would drop hundreds of dollars multiple times in a month for some streamer.

>> No.27175778

>hammerhead eyes
Keep your mutt away from these threads and don't come back.

>> No.27175782

YAGOO is best girl though. He's a retarded business owner but retarded girls are the best.

>> No.27175783

Don't forget Steve is in Smash now too

>> No.27175785

She looks more like a flounder

>> No.27175786

tell lamy to stop gaslighting me

>> No.27175787

salty salty hammerhead shark is jealous of the little Same-chan's success and talent.

>> No.27175791

yeah they give those pills to young girls but they aren't really healthy
they mess with the reproductive organs and hormones, and change the persons personality

>> No.27175793
File: 108 KB, 400x400, EhzHFTHVgAEL2oT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I finished watching Gura's karaoke

God-tier fellas, shame I missed it live but I'm happy for the chumbuds who got to see it.

>> No.27175794

>Trump positive corona

What the fuck, how do we save Coco from CCP now?

>> No.27175795

10/1/2020 cursed

>> No.27175797

Feels like he's gonna be cancer to play against.

>> No.27175798

don't forget minecraft steve announced for smash

>> No.27175802

>recent roommate activity a week ago
they are on good terms at least if not still together. He might just be autistic/a retard. Still a piece of shit regardless

>> No.27175801

Well shit, people know who we are. Suck it /hlg/

>> No.27175804

look at twitch and see how many millionaire streamers are there and divide them by the number of idolfags.
idols as a concept do not exist outside of japan.

The only reason you get a number of posters on 4chinz pushing this narrative is because idolfags are losers and there's a lot of them being loud here.

>> No.27175806

All in one day
sasuga october

>> No.27175805

it was life-changing

>> No.27175810
Quoted by: >>27176023

What's your favourite song chickenbro

>> No.27175812

Goslingfags are precisely goslingfags because of the fact that they're in love with her. So yes, every single one of them is most likely genuinely upset.

>> No.27175817

whats this about Amelia lying? anyway i can get a explanation without it being a doxxpost?

>> No.27175819

She was sadposting about it in her discord around the time her grandma was in the hospital.

>> No.27175820
Quoted by: >>27175874


It's an "open secret", one of those types of things the girls know but never ever admit because they desperately cling to the idea that they are "good people", like everyone protecting their sanity really.

Business-wise, of course you want men to obsess over the perceived availability of you, or in this case, your avatar. The illusion generates money, much like a magician will generate more money the better their illusions are. This is why some of them will go full girlfriend experience while others try to just stream normally, but they all know why they get paid by the hundreds by these men. It just makes them feel better to never, ever admit it. This is the type of business Japan does with these sorts of things. Nobody likes to admit it but this is reality.

>> No.27175822

God I hope it's Amelia's bf.

>> No.27175823

I wish it could be archived on her channel as it would really increase her growth but copyright would completely fuck her.
I don't know why singing something isn't considered fair use since you're completely transforming it into your version with your voice.

>> No.27175827

It was amazing, I felt happy, the kind of happy I used to feel back in highschool kind of happy.

>> No.27175829

Naaahhh the original is way better for shitposting with, I'm saving that instead

>> No.27175830
Quoted by: >>27175907

If you actually have proof of this then you might singlehandedly save the threads.

The only 'proof' the thread has they're still together are the fact he's still liking ame art on twitter, which could just mean they're still friends after an amicable breakup, but the thread's running wild with it.

>> No.27175831
Quoted by: >>27175932

Full moon, baby. I love this shit.

>> No.27175833
Quoted by: >>27175932

Full moons are bad

>> No.27175836

When are you getting real karaoke kino?

>> No.27175838

the simulation is starting to break...

>> No.27175839
File: 132 KB, 771x558, 20201001_223732__01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

search for samyang fire noodles, there's a couple different varieties. The chicken one is p good, I only put half the sauce though cause ima bitch

>> No.27175840

Your archive reps... Anonchama...

>> No.27175842

A hammerhead shark

>> No.27175844

So it's 50/50 on it? Good enough for my anxiety

>> No.27175850

i believe she could secure world peace through the power of her angelic voice alone. on a serious note, i teared up watching it and i haven't teared up in something like a decade. she broke through the numbness and deep-settled depression to touch my heart again.

>> No.27175851
Quoted by: >>27175891

its pretty surreal, you'll also see this idolfagging cashflow on p*ki's subs and other western female streamers, i guess male loneliness is universal

>> No.27175854

You are gonna get banned for asking.

>> No.27175855

god i wish i knew how to speak glorious nippon, their hololive is just so much more entertaining

>> No.27175856
Quoted by: >>27175956

samyang fire noodles are really spicy, i wouldn't recommend to eat too many at first

>> No.27175858
Quoted by: >>27175943

Are her parents gone as in basically abandoned her/in prison or some shit? Really every new piece of info just confirms the white trash childhood narrative.

>> No.27175859
Quoted by: >>27175996

>artia getting excuted
>horriblesubs died

>> No.27175860
Quoted by: >>27175904

What broke me to be honest was seeing that faggy looking cunt gloating about it online.
I may be a fuckup with a lot of issues but I have enough self respect to not pay for another man's condom while he's gloating about it.

>> No.27175862
Quoted by: >>27176023

Where did you find it? It's blocked everywhere on YT in my country.

>> No.27175864
File: 1.41 MB, 1000x1415, 4529c44.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27175866

>Weren't the JP holos explicitly told not to mention Coco or something?
No that's just a narrative. But the JPs are smart enough to not add fuel to the fire.

>> No.27175867

made some changes:
>Phantom thief
>>Slightly foreign, comments on society
>>Designated "I am a genius/Oh no!" character
>Computer virus
>>Either very tech literate or completely tech illiterate
>Sky/Space Pirate
>>The musical one. Genre decides whether they are steampunk-like or biotech-like
>Fallen angel
>>Ruined by the internet

I'll take my check in the mail

>> No.27175870

This reinvigorates me and makes me want to love her now. Thank you. Poor lonely detective.

>> No.27175872
File: 629 KB, 600x277, KACHITORITAI MONO MO NAI.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27175885

Me and the boys coming for the antis

>> No.27175873

Seriously, cough it up or mod-san will likely not look kindly on you for dragging this out further. Mods just want this retarded shit to end. End it.

>> No.27175874

Watame and Ayame exist and they're among top earners. Their bfs are the real open secret.

>> No.27175883

Shes a girl. She isnt actually interested in weeb culture. Hell she doesnt even watch anime anymore. Do you really believe she used to watch 15 shows per season like some of us?

>> No.27175885

You're a shrimp not a shark.

>> No.27175886

I honestly think if you showed a good screenshot you could curb this before it gets more out of hand

>> No.27175888

Looks like it's real. Google it.

>> No.27175887
Quoted by: >>27176001

reminder the mod said do not reply to dox posts. it's long past time to shut the fuck up.

>> No.27175891
Quoted by: >>27176031

p*ki has a boyfriend tho, it's not idolfagging.

>> No.27175892
Quoted by: >>27175933

And a new Niel Circiega album

>> No.27175893

That's definitely a chink trying to stir up shit so who even cares what they think?

>> No.27175897

Post it, be the savior this thread needs

>> No.27175900

t. Ame coping

>> No.27175902

no way someone puts a guy on that big of a pedestal and then breaks up with them and remains close.

>> No.27175904

Based, I agree with you bro. The people calling him a Chad make me sick to my stomach. I can only hope they're saying it ironically.

>> No.27175905
Quoted by: >>27176023

Glad you got to see it too. It was like being in a concert with everyone.

>> No.27175907 [DELETED] 

Everything got nuked and even if I had actual proof I wouldn't post it because some of you faggots are insane and deserve to suffer.

>> No.27175913

Will amelia get sacked/retired because of this? I hope even if she retired because of this she will still stream as her roommate.

>> No.27175917

So what’s up with Artia? Did she get the axe?

>> No.27175919

>>horriblesubs died

>> No.27175920
Quoted by: >>27176115

It makes sense that since he doesn't have much going for him and Ame is now raking it in that he's trying to keep in touch in hopes of getting back together.

After a breakup one side will commonly be rather wishing hard to be back together and will keep pursuing for a while, sometimes years, pandering and spending a lot of effort trying to keep in touch. Ame really, really doesn't fucking need him anymore that's for sure but he probably thinks he needs her more than ever.

>> No.27175921

Would the keep the myth theme?

>> No.27175923

Nice new ip brother.

>> No.27175927

>everything got nuked
Yeah apart from, you know, everything

>> No.27175928

maybe if the schizos on 4chan can get the rest of the normalfags on reddit and discord to care about idol purity bullshit.
I want them to try it actually lol. Gives me a laugh.

>> No.27175930


>> No.27175932

Loony and Moonpilled

>> No.27175933

>New mouth album
Holy shit I had no idea I love you anon thank you for letting me know

>> No.27175935
Quoted by: >>27175996

>artia getting excuted

Can I get a reminder of this, I wasn't aware

>> No.27175936

It would be the height of comedy gold if everything that happened in the past 12 hours was over literally nothing

>> No.27175940

No. This place and maybe 5ch are the only places that would care about that

>> No.27175942

Finally some good news

>> No.27175943

I've seen girls that look like her. I wouldn't be surprised about the whitetrash part desu.

>> No.27175945

Yeah sure. One more chance, fix this or you'll be no better than the other doxfags.

>> No.27175946
File: 12 KB, 320x320, 1601528450812.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27175948
Quoted by: >>27175962

from gura sticky thread to 8 threads of suffering. what a fucking day. good night /hlgg/

>> No.27175949

I don't like hiphop/r&b/whatever you fags call it

>> No.27175950

While you're right on that last bit for a good chunk of anons here, it'd also shut them the fuck up so this place could be moving a little smoother. If you could find just anything using some methods the anons here have used, you could fix this place on your own.

>> No.27175956

Looking at them on google, it seems like there's lots of different fire noodles at different scoville ratings. Maybe I'll rewatch Ina or Hachaama's stream to see if she mentions the flavour she got. Highest mention I saw was 8000 scoville which isn't mindblowing.

>> No.27175959
File: 277 KB, 463x724, 1601579311783.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27175976

>woke up to enjoy Korone birthday stream
>ended up in roller coaster of schizo posting
sure has been a wild day

>> No.27175961

You there, prove it. Save these threads.

>> No.27175962

Good night anon. Think I might get some rest as well.

>> No.27175963

i looked into it
broken up for ALMOST a year
i'd say that fits the ~december narrative
thats what im gonna go with

>> No.27175965

>mommy lamia

>> No.27175967
File: 37 KB, 291x440, 1598004163930.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Would the keep the myth theme?
add a slime girl and I'll sell my soul to give them daily akasupas

>> No.27175971

Thank god. He's not going to show up rambling to the next shit show now.

>> No.27175972

im going to FUCK

>> No.27175976

why did doog stream on her birthday instead of going out to celebrate or someting?

>> No.27175977

I'm not suffering when i've got shark

>> No.27175980

fund it

>> No.27175981

Please no my dick can only get so erect.

>> No.27175984

>Rance 01 + 02 up for preorders

>> No.27175989

Because its not her actual birthday dumdum

>> No.27175990


>> No.27175992

gura tied w/ amelia
tupac tied w/ kendrick

>> No.27175996
File: 81 KB, 806x807, 1601588734338.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27176001

Things got so bad a mod actually posted? Also how does everyone know it's SEAfags, did they get called out?

>> No.27176003

small complaint about gen1:
it seems like one the characters is really myth
two more are 'sort of' myth
two are not really mythic at all

it seems like being a spiderholo or zombieholo or werewolf would be a big handicap, I don't know if it could be pulled off into a model that you would want to see every single day

>> No.27176005

>all on the chinks' founding holiday

>> No.27176011

We have reached the bottom. There is absolutely no way something worse can happen in the next hours. We only go up from here, one way to better times.

All of you go do your rep reps, I assure you everything is gonna be alright.

>> No.27176014

Looking at the JP branch, no

>> No.27176015
File: 1.40 MB, 1546x739, 1601140342106.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She has no friends

>> No.27176016
Quoted by: >>27176165

mod said they think the posts are from that region. my personal theory that i'm sticking with is that it's chinks posting on SEA VPNs. Let us spit on the chinese. tfu tfu

>> No.27176018
File: 772 KB, 1000x1438, __civia_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_fukahire_ruinon__a64814e6afe84b01060cc45129b448d0[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Instead of being schizos and doxfags
Why don't you say something nice about Civia instead?

>> No.27176020

>all the stuff that would instantly bury an idol in Japan
Everything's different dude, not every scenario plays out like the stereotype. There was a member of an indie group called JyuJyu that people found out was dating a fan and all she had to do was apologize and "break up" with him (i.e. be more discreet). She's still in the group and doesn't seem to have suffered any ill effect. Mirin is still performing with Dempagumi.inc after announcing, on stage even, that she had gotten married and didn't really face a backlash and the only reason she's likely retiring soonish is that she's pretty old by idol standards (early 30s, has been with the group for like 12 years). Nao still performs with Negicco despite being married too.

Also there's the Holos that everyone either knows have boyfriends (Towa, Ayame) or are suspected of being married (Aki) and they're still fine. Aloe only graduated because of a few psycho antis harassing her family and boyfriend when Cover would've been fine just letting it blow over (which is the actual point of the suspensions).

>> No.27176023
File: 137 KB, 827x1385, EhwOJZYVgAAaXDz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fly me to the moon, of course. It was one of the best renditions I've heard.
Gura doesn't seem comfortable with Japanese because she doesn't know the language and only sings the lyrics, but those English songs... Hooo boy, if we get more of those, I can see chumbuds dying all over again.

I got them as soon as the DL was linked and quite a few anons posted it so you should be able to find it in the archives. I believe if you look for a magnet link, it should be easy to find the torrent.

I opened up the archives and got the video with the chat replay, so it was like I was there... but banned. Seeing YAGOO and Shion commenting was fantastic, plus the JPbros' reaction to the "aishteru" wasn't to be missed. Also, Watson reminds me of Kanata, she went CRAZY in the chat.

>> No.27176024

>There is absolutely no way something worse can happen in the next hours.
Don't tempt fate. Last thing I need is a Mori bf dox.

>> No.27176026

Sexy princess

>> No.27176027
File: 293 KB, 557x634, EhcfcYMUYAIvVn0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank you very much

>> No.27176028
File: 32 KB, 386x577, 1600791555904.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder if the anon who made this masterpiece is doing okay after today

>> No.27176029

We got to many warewolf and vampire types already. Mayber replace them with like a slime girl and another one with horns.

>> No.27176031

>not idolfagging
There won’t be any outrage for her boyfriend leaks if that’s true

>> No.27176033

Yes they got called out, especially flips. SEAmonkeys just need to be rangebanned now.

>> No.27176034

me today

>> No.27176035
Quoted by: >>27176208

So Artia is getting hated by chinks too?
Thought she was a pro commie chink like they are.

>> No.27176039
File: 566 KB, 457x611, 1586207704977.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You forgot this

>> No.27176041
Quoted by: >>27176095

civia is a dirty slut and I love it

>> No.27176046

Always about them, isn't it?

>> No.27176045

Someone willing to make those is beyond the level where this would affect them.

>> No.27176049

>unknown.png poster can't post his png
You have no power here.

>> No.27176052
File: 105 KB, 1242x1085, 1601584324110.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27176053

As a social network Twitter is so much more effective than Pixiv, while the risks of signal boosting to try to hurt anime is a tragedy of the commons, no individual bears the risk.
So this is only going to change if an alternative site becomes a much better social network. If anything the super-ephemeral nature is something that some creators like.
Blame the world that Twitter made through the hate retweet.

BTW, I bet at least one of the current en holos was recommended to cover through the interview process and didn't go through the ordinary application process.

>> No.27176054

Very cute but a kiss slut (not necessarily a bad thing).

>> No.27176056

Ina is the only other one who has a boyfriend that we know of. Mori is too busy for a relationship, she said so herself. Not to mention she's an alcoholic spaghetti spilling autist in a foreign country.

>> No.27176058

I just know this picture alone jinxed teamates.

>> No.27176063

watame also had a bf, no reason to expect she didn't pick up a new one within 3 months. As a passing normie this is the average amount of time it takes to pick up a new rebound relationship.

>> No.27176065

dont forget schizo-chama redeemed Ina

>> No.27176067

Wait, Horriblesubs is dead? How were they even considered a sub group when all they did was rip CR subs?

>> No.27176070

This was what I saw last night just after the karaoke stream and here we are

>> No.27176072

She supports her homeland.

>> No.27176073
Quoted by: >>27176111

It's 15% who donate ~80%, then you have 8% of top donors aka gachikoi who make the majority of all earnigs, stats are public you can dig them up

>> No.27176074

>we have reached the bottom
Kek, no. You retards will keep doxxing and stalking, eventually more yabais will come because you fuckers deserve it.

>> No.27176075

bro scythe swinging isnt code for janitor, its code for getting dicked.

>> No.27176076

The ame bf dox was the best thing that could have happened.
This guy is moving on to your oshi now.

>> No.27176077
Quoted by: >>27176336

Wait, she got hate from the china too? That traitor narrative might be fake then

>> No.27176086

>”I have evidence that will lead to the savior of /hlgg/“
Anon on suicide watch
Also why did you wait so long to post in that case you dumb shitter? This is assuming what you’re saying is true.

>> No.27176088

2+ hour collab stream with the holoMyth girls when

>> No.27176089

/a/ has changed man...most of its residents are spics that have never used IRC

>> No.27176090

No need for a doxx. Mr. K is it.

>> No.27176091
Quoted by: >>27176332

They're just rippers but sat on that throne for a decade and it's not certain someone else with their setup exists to take over.

Sure there will be actual fansubs again that might take a day or two to come out, just like the old days, but I'm guessing a successor to HS will fill the void very fast.

>> No.27176095

Don't talk about my wife like that

>> No.27176101

>2 hour


>> No.27176103

That’s way you go for the safe bet like Aqua and Pekora

>> No.27176108

wasnt Ina's like a online ffxiv rp boyfriend or am i forgetting something

>> No.27176110
Quoted by: >>27176150

She's my wife too and I get to talk about her anyway I want.

>> No.27176111

you really think the canadians were trying to fuck mori?

>> No.27176113
Quoted by: >>27176174

I've put off watching Ninomae, been too busy with work.
Is she a total poser or is she actually into lovecraft? I'm a nut for that shit

>> No.27176115

>clipped 8 days ago
Anon, its gonna be ok

>> No.27176116
Quoted by: >>27176202

>Amelia could graduate
>a holo could get covid
>Miko doesn't come back
>Cover suspends Gura
>HolostarsEN confirmed
There's plenty worse that can come, 2020 is already fucking cursed.

>> No.27176117

>girls live in likely 4-5 different time zones
unfortunately not likely anon, at least anytime soon

>> No.27176118

Anon she gives out kisses like a german prostitute after the fall of berlin

>> No.27176120

>because some of you faggots are insane and deserve to suffer.
truer words have never been spoken. Fuck them honestly.

>> No.27176123

why are Ina's Gucci Tentacles on the bed?

>> No.27176125

Why not just shut down HoloCN and move Artia and Civia on HoloEN 2nd Generation?

>> No.27176126
File: 154 KB, 650x700, 1601537215646.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really hope Kiara and Mori are actually moving in together, that'd be sweet.

>> No.27176128
Quoted by: >>27176167

Aloe being harassed was more because she pissed of Nijifags due to her version of how Chitose retired. No one was harassing her because of the boyfriend thing.

>> No.27176132

nevermind, i found them

>> No.27176133

nah I want a cowgirl

>> No.27176142

why don't all the holos in japan live together in a big pretty girl mansion
I don't get it

>> No.27176144

Well... October started off with a bang

>> No.27176145

>Have to listen to Mori loudly ripping ass in the next room while Kiara tries to stream and not gag
No thank you.

>> No.27176147
Quoted by: >>27176192

No, they we're trying to succeed from the commonwealth.

>> No.27176152

I forgot about this, it's been so long already

>> No.27176150

She's also my wife and I agree with you, easily the sluttiest hololive but I like it

>> No.27176153
File: 10 KB, 831x138, cas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this true?

higher tier Gura membership has asmr? i don't remember her saying that

>> No.27176154

inb4 they're both going to the Holohouse

>> No.27176156

Some of the donors are insane that they use it to flex their wealth than being noticed by their oshi. Look at coco’s gachikoi or Mori’s Canada superchat

>> No.27176157

Now THAT's a cute ogey if I ever saw one.

>> No.27176159

do they even have space like that in Japan?

>> No.27176160
File: 118 KB, 322x372, 1601329453861.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anybody gonna upload Gura's member only streams? I don't wanna give my money to cover/youtube

>> No.27176163
File: 266 KB, 1446x1704, Eiia25EXYAAnXl4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27176165

>mod said
Not believing him unless the faggot mod post it in red. If he's gonna rangeban, I swear just fucking do it already. All these finger pointing only results in more shitposting in the end. I don't care what happens either way since I post in these threads like once per two threads.

>> No.27176166

Its all the same

>> No.27176167
Quoted by: >>27176217

I still don't get why they were so pissed off at that. Everyone knows Niji is too big for a close knit community and that they're cliquey as hell and bully the shit out of less popular vtubers like Luna for example.
>No one was harassing her because of the boyfriend thing
Not true, a lot of 5ch was angry at her for having sex.

>> No.27176169

No kidding. I've been here all day and it turned out to be a very special day

>> No.27176170

Why do you guys mock us? Is wanting a non-bf having vtuber so controversial to you guys?

>> No.27176172
Quoted by: >>27176190

Today was a real bad day.

>> No.27176173

It does. It seems both tiers are the same and she just didn't clarify because shark brian.

>> No.27176174
Quoted by: >>27176209

she doesn't seem to know much beyond the surface level stuff, likely due to FGO with Abigail and Hokusai

>> No.27176176

they would get doxxed and get kyoani'd

>> No.27176180
File: 49 KB, 344x648, 1601515161073.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate how I stop looking at the Hololive threads for a whole day and so much has happened suddenly.
What the fuck happened recently?

>> No.27176184

No both get the same

>> No.27176185

just pay in ARS

>> No.27176186

>i dont want to support my chuuba


>> No.27176187
File: 709 KB, 600x505, 1600360862866.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly, I am really hoping for them sooner than later. Dead hours have been pretty awful for me, and due to time zones I'm sure the HoloEN girls find it really rough to collab.

>> No.27176188

she didn't say anything during the stream, but it's mentioned among several possibilities in the description. the tier lists are kind of confusing and i can't blame people for being confused but i don't mind personally.

>> No.27176190

gura streamed, therefore it was a good day.

>> No.27176192



>> No.27176193

no it's standard text on all of their community posts

>> No.27176194
File: 184 KB, 1199x940, 1601170844568.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27176220

Yuri narrative aside, I think that would be really good for them, Mori would gain an IRL friend and they'd both get better chemistry

>> No.27176196

the only issue with Lamia/Spider would be the 3d models unless they could figure out how to make them slither when they move

>> No.27176199

I don't she plans to lock any streams behind the higher paywall but she hasn't clarified.

>> No.27176202

If that Miko or Gura ever comes true, I would be sad.

>> No.27176203
Quoted by: >>27176216

Curious as to how the 3d model would work, with you know, the bottom-half being a snek and all

>> No.27176205

People here being insane can and will cause backlash that reaches Ame herself - in fact, it already has.

For her sake, sharing any information you have will make it better.

>> No.27176206
File: 823 KB, 1500x1500, 1601094602410.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm so burned out on all the happenings all year man. I just wanna be comfy now.

>> No.27176207
Quoted by: >>27176289

Wouldn't everyday be a good day then at this rate?

>> No.27176208

Artia already got '''reeducated''' once and is desperate to flee commie chinkhole to America, and is already planning on it. She most likely wants out, and her neutral posts were probably her only way of plausible deniability showing support.

The narrative posting of her being judas got really out of hand.

>> No.27176209

Damn, that's a shame. Like I said, I'm a nut for the lovecraft mythos so the prospect was exciting.

>> No.27176210
File: 307 KB, 463x453, 1598428061151.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Chinese use Taiwanese VPN to bypass Chinese filters
>Complain about anti-nationalistic things anyways

>> No.27176216

She become a human with a snek tail

>> No.27176217

I talked to one of my Nijifag friends and he said that Chitose was like a perfect Golden Cow. Saying anything bad about her like how they percieved Aloe's statements was is like the equivalent of getting a fatwah declared on you.

>> No.27176219


>> No.27176220
Quoted by: >>27176270

Do they even get along irl? I know they live and work in the same country but still

>> No.27176223

Its stats in a long run, hype donations to flex a week after their debut aren't secure.

>> No.27176231

you make a good point, anon

>> No.27176233

Why has /hlg/ never had a meltdown to our extent when the JPs had yab moments? What does onii-chan do that we don't? Is it the language barrier that allows them to live in blissful ignorance?

>> No.27176240

Does JOPs have ever find out who is Gura's roommate? I really want to see their reaction when her channel just fucking put Fbk to shame.

>> No.27176244

We can get through this together Towabro

>> No.27176250


>> No.27176252
File: 599 KB, 1116x1216, polka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27176314

why are you so caught up on the relationships of an entertainer? D Y R B that you had a chance with them? Is a behind-the-scenes relationship that would never normally be made public so detremental to your viewing experience that you'd cry about it?

>> No.27176254
Quoted by: >>27176342

They have cliques that don't like each other aside from professional interaction.

Coco/Kanata/Watame is an outlier.

>> No.27176256
Quoted by: >>27176360

It's like a never-ending rollercoaster, /hlg/ only had HAPPENING things of this magnitude maybe once a week during the Summer and once a month during Spring.

But no worries, we'll always pull through, just like Towa did.

>> No.27176258

>find out who is Gura's roommate
No how can you find someone when they post fuck all about their life online

>> No.27176260
File: 96 KB, 1600x699, chadpon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27176315

>> No.27176262

Lamy is going to be playing RFA. Time to listen to lewd elf.

>> No.27176265

they're casuals

>> No.27176269
Quoted by: >>27176279

They did.

>> No.27176271

All these doxxing incident were awful but it makes me appreciate Shark's skills at being a ghost.
Now if only she stops streaming shit horror games she'll be the best Holo

>> No.27176270

Idk if they've met IRL but they seem they really supportive of each other and talk frequently

>> No.27176272
Quoted by: >>27176323

You need proofs other than just "i know" or "i was in some discord." There's tangible evidence for it so only tangible evidence against it (beyond that one DM) would be in order to kill this shit dead.

>> No.27176277

chicken... I miss you...

>> No.27176278

gura has more than one roommate

>> No.27176279
Quoted by: >>27176321

So what did they say

>> No.27176288

Luna... I need Luna... Give me Luna...

>> No.27176289

if she keeps up the tempo she can singlehandedly make every day a good day no matter what shitfuckery is afoot

>> No.27176292

Notice how the thread isn't shit right now? And it's deep dead hours? The schizos and chinks mostly got purged. And I'm fairly sure we've been getting subverted by the chinks pretty hard for the last day or so. This place was hell after the Gura sing stream, and it screams of retarded bugman psyop shit. We ran them right the fuck off when they tried their normal shilling, it all lines up.

>> No.27176297

I hope he isn't just so we get shit like this for the others.

>> No.27176298


>> No.27176300

I miss chicken too. I needed her today

>> No.27176302

I don't think some of them would want to.
Peko said she doesn't even want to play minecraft if there are more than 3 peoples on the server because she prefers to be alone or with just 1/2 friends.

>> No.27176304

Cowgirl or cow girl?

>> No.27176305
Quoted by: >>27176328

I think he meant her roommate's channel

>> No.27176307
Quoted by: >>27176357

Other than the boyfriend shit, Ame's curiouscat was really interesting and a good find

>> No.27176312
Quoted by: >>27176341

It's the birthday of Korone the character itself. No idea if it's her actual birthday or not.

If anything I'd think Cover would make sure there's no correspondence there to help avoid doxing, but given all the fuckups they've done I wouldn't put it past them to slip up on this too.

>> No.27176313

The lowest tier also has ASMR. She just copied her perks from the first tier like a noob

>> No.27176314

It's about breaking keyfabe and not scrubbing her yabee stuff before signing on to a fucking Japanese idol company.

>> No.27176315

Seeing this coupon really makes me want to draw something similar to it.

>> No.27176318

>hated as a traitor by chinks
>hated as a traitor by /hlg/ and /hlgg/
Somebody get her a citizenship already.

>> No.27176321
Quoted by: >>27176371


>> No.27176323

archive reps...

>> No.27176324

>after the Gura sing stream
ameina collab was comfy tough

>> No.27176325

thread is pretty slow suddenly, just been reading with ames 4 hour stream in background. Amazing schizo display today though

>> No.27176327

Gura's "Fly me to the moon" cover was sexy

>> No.27176328

I see

>> No.27176330

I really don't care what you faggots think but if you idiots manage to give the chinks or whoever the ammo they need to graduate one of the ENs and cripple the whole gen I am going to throw you under the bus.

>> No.27176332

I'm just glad that 2020 killed off both HS and Jamini's Box.

>> No.27176333

Apparently i was dumb. Not her roommate but her old channel which has over 950k subs.

>> No.27176335

I have noticed that the threads slow down in the last couple hundred posts
but yeah compared to earlier today we are at a crawl

>> No.27176337

we'll make it through the collab chickenbro

>> No.27176336
Quoted by: >>27176359

>That traitor narrative might be fake then
She's still a traitor, but only to the CCP now.

>> No.27176340

They aren't completely insane

>> No.27176341

whats the "Birthday" of the Holoen girls then?

>> No.27176343
Quoted by: >>27176353

>Is it the language barrier
That's literally it, you can easily dismiss everything before by
>5ch says
This time, we're the 5ch

>> No.27176342

Anonchama, your name remembering reps...

>> No.27176346

And mama made breakfast with no hog.

>> No.27176348

The only proof against the current narrative is a questionable DM screenshot. Even then, Ame is not beyond lying.

>> No.27176353

>This time, we're the 5ch
Holy shit...

>> No.27176355

i don't know the lore for the others, but gura's is the release date of jaws.

>> No.27176357
Quoted by: >>27176376

If the bf stuff wasn't there, the goslings probably would have fallen for her even harder. It was a necessary wakeup call and purge.

>> No.27176359


>> No.27176360
Quoted by: >>27176383

i've been here since april and i literally do not remember anything of this magnitude hitting /hlg/, the towa yab was pedestrian in comparison to this, it sucks

>> No.27176362

Coco had a bf
so did Watame, Ayame, Choco and a bunch of other ones.

You're just looking for an excuse to hate the chuubas because you're deeply insecure.

>> No.27176366

Ame makes any gremlin slurp noises
>haha that’s the sound of her cleanup

>> No.27176368

Ame's is January 6

>> No.27176371


>> No.27176374

Not good enough. I've been lurking these threads 12 hours straight, if there was real proof I would have seen it. Larping that you have something that exonerates her is getting close to the retarded shit people have been pulling over Aloe still in /hlg/.

Post it and end this shit, or drag it out and get banned.

>> No.27176376

Why do images of Ryan Gosling make you flip your shit so much

>> No.27176383

Could be a combination of chink shills and tourists

>> No.27176387

Mori's is 4/4 because 4 = death

>> No.27176389

How is it possible that there are still people like you around. Amelia shut this down hard in her QA with lars and the real doll and you still exist.

These are normal people behind the scenes and normal people have healthy relationships. Ame's whole schtick was that she was trying to cheer you on to better yourself so you can find your own irl Ame.

>> No.27176390

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