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File: 754 KB, 1221x1150, 1601343480258.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
27038195 No.27038195 [Reply] [Original]

Hololive Global

>> No.27038201
File: 293 KB, 557x634, pray.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Mori has an amazing singing voice and her raps are great!
Kiara is very upbeat, shines positivity around her and is a pleassure to listen to!
Ina is an extremely talented artist, very calming and inspirational!
Gura is a charming daughter that makes you want to protect her, but can also make you laugh easily!
Watson is hard working and entertaining, always looking out for others!

Theyre all great and trying their best! It's not a war between them and you should be happy for all of Hololive Myth members.

Fuck tribalistfags.
Fuck falseflaggers.
Fuck doxposters.

>> No.27038202

bros...the 2hu threads.....

>> No.27038203

So did she pee or not??

>> No.27038204

Waachama time.

>> No.27038205

Artia is officially unpersoned

>> No.27038208

>phoenix sex lore again

>> No.27038209

Based meidos deleting the Artia thread

>> No.27038210
File: 175 KB, 1280x720, 【MARIO ODYSSEY】Let's Explore!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Elementary, my dear
Thank you, meidos.

>> No.27038212
File: 153 KB, 382x352, 1595909834574.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine buying a new console because of a loose cable

>> No.27038213


>> No.27038214

>procreation lesson
Kiara... your horny reps...

>> No.27038215
File: 86 KB, 182x269, dumbbird.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27038216

Gura can do whatever the fuck she wants.

>> No.27038217

my dumb wife amelia can't be this cute

>> No.27038218
File: 200 KB, 1149x1200, 1601353105476.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27040003

Gura a best

>> No.27038219
File: 108 KB, 939x487, 1598237204240.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Archive is erroring so I can't check right now, but apparently Amelia's non-copyrighted member streams will also get video archive versions? Pretty based.

>> No.27038220


>> No.27038222
Quoted by: >>27038265

why is chicken talking about phoenix sex

>> No.27038224

Sex Education with Kiara

>> No.27038225

Amelia is the HOTTEST hololive

>> No.27038226


>> No.27038227

why was the other one 404d

>> No.27038232

This thread was not early tho so no 2hu thread died

>> No.27038233

It's her

>> No.27038235

We're a different thread than the others mods. Don't make us merge with the low cultures that can't enjoy high quality girls.

>> No.27038236
File: 111 KB, 1000x1000, majestic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27038237
File: 880 KB, 1757x850, amelie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27038238

amelia doing the voice acting is awesome, I love when streamers do that

>> No.27038239

How can we get Ame to use her "Tech Support" voice?

I would literally coom if she just sticks to it.

>> No.27038240


>> No.27038241
File: 538 KB, 1078x832, Eip5bG6X0AE_xfx[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27038243

Pro controller TOO BIG

>> No.27038244
File: 69 KB, 180x201, 1601310967813.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Kiara describing in graphic detail how pheonixs "make love"
>I never did it before ... of course I've never did it before ...

>> No.27038245

He's doing his 英語 reps.

>> No.27038249

>Ame less viewers than Kiara
It's over bros...

>> No.27038246

>pro controller is too big
Damn she must have tiny hands. Imagine Amelia holding the OG Xbox Controller.

>> No.27038250

Holy shit Kiara is so fucking lewd i love her so much

>> No.27038251
File: 262 KB, 1125x2384, artia!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i don't hate artia

>> No.27038252
Quoted by: >>27038292

>"I'm gonna turn them all on"
Has she succeeded for you anons?

>> No.27038253

Bird is talking about some weird things.

>> No.27038254
Quoted by: >>27038706

Amelia's small, soft hands.

>> No.27038257

>Meido deleted thread because artia OP image
o i'm laffin

>> No.27038256
File: 104 KB, 1000x1000, hearts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27038297

In these trying times I just want to make a very special announcement.

I love Calli. She is a hard working girl who is doing her best to make both songs and art as a way to entertain her viewers. She is fully aware and capable to make a joke of herself, as she knows it will give her audience a good laugh and deepen her connection.

I love Kiara. A wonderful active person who is surprisingly more talented than she herself, or some haters, moght believe. She wants nothing more than to spread joy and actively interact with her fans, while growing both as a person and entertainer.

I love Ina. Shes a sweet girl who wants to spread inspiration with her art and help her fans improve their own skills, all while asking you to focus on your well being and health above all else. Even if you watch her as a sleeping aid, she will gladly serenade you with her calm voice so you could rest and recover after a hard day.

I love Amelia. Her antics and joker like behaviour cause so many people have the biggest smile on their faces throughout her stream, but also come out of them with some self reflection after her short bursts of wisdom or her being able to invoke feelings anons didnt think they could feel.

I love Gura. A wonderful girl that you just cant help but want to protect and see her grow, so she could open up more. Especially after listening to the few songs she did, and her ability to capture and invoke pure joy and positivity out of the simplest and smallest things.

Bless HoloEN.
Bless the anons who stick through the hardships of the threads.
I want all of them to succeed even if I have my favorite. I know that each girl brings joy to other anons and I dont want to rob the talent of their dream, or the viewers of their individual favorite.

>> No.27038258
File: 277 KB, 377x538, 1601346188651.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27039786


>> No.27038261
Quoted by: >>27038287

Damnatio memoriae

>> No.27038262

I mean the switch still overheats, like 5 times that one stream

>> No.27038263

Artia is canceled.

>> No.27038265

She wants fans to draw lewds of her.

>> No.27038266
File: 470 KB, 200x200, 1600136552196.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ywn have kids with Kiara
Why live

>> No.27038267
File: 212 KB, 251x368, Waachama.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watson playing Odyssey https://youtu.be/6VBQyNHxlR8
Kiara's Minecraft continuation https://youtu.be/4QU7u-jXDxg
>>Incoming streams!!!
Watson, Gura, and Mori OVERCOOKED 2 collab https://youtu.be/_HYTbLF_5eI
>>EN schedules!!!

>> No.27038269
File: 342 KB, 850x1006, Cute Chicken.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I Wanna make a litte Fenix with Kiara

>> No.27038270
File: 42 KB, 627x205, 1601054106592.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27038274

sex with Kiara sounds hot

>> No.27038276


>> No.27038278
File: 80 KB, 824x824, 1580448126942.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Artias only beyond this point
Step aside EN virgins and /vpol/ incels

>> No.27038283
File: 190 KB, 1200x1416, EiSpz39UwAEA1mi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Amelia confirmed to have TINY HANDS!

>> No.27038282

Numberfags, die.

>> No.27038284
Quoted by: >>27038453

>i wanna get all the lamps
>i don't know why

>> No.27038286
File: 1.59 MB, 600x600, salman.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27038314


>> No.27038287

i dont want to beleeb....

>> No.27038289

>found the redstone
Her inner German will be unleashed soon.

>> No.27038291

It's NOT pee.

>> No.27038292

From the first time she took off that coat.

>> No.27038293
File: 106 KB, 810x361, ArtiaMilkCoupon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27038294

She already has to use a kids xbox controller cause of her small hands

>> No.27038295

taiwan numba wan

>> No.27038296

I want to sex Kiara while the two of us burst in flames, she will later be covered in my ashes forever

>> No.27038297

Based and unitypilled.

>> No.27038301

>Decide to play vidya with friends instead of watching all the streams today
>tfw much happier
Take a break every now and then, guys.

>> No.27038302

It was kinda complex problem. She said that BOTW never overheated, so she thought all the problems with Mosaic were because of the shitty unoptimized indie game.

>> No.27038305
File: 160 KB, 1080x1235, 1601273853235.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27038365

>ywn emotionally manipulate kiara into being your "friend"
>ywn have her run to you crying whenever she fucks up a stream
>ywn insult her for being such a fuck up under the guise of helpful advice
>ywn remind her that only you would put up with her stupidity and if it wasn't for you, she'd be alone and helpless
>ywn make her completely dependent on you for emotional support

>> No.27038306


>> No.27038309
Quoted by: >>27038323

Artia is a persona non grata

>> No.27038312
File: 626 KB, 622x728, 1600359204639.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>immediately starts lighting all the lamps
autistic Superliminal Ame is BACK

>> No.27038313

Kiara hasn’t had sex with other Phoenixes... but what about humans and other myths?

>> No.27038314
Quoted by: >>27038410

gura is cute!

>> No.27038315


>> No.27038316

it's because it's blatant /pol/trash
the filename was "traitor.jpg"

>> No.27038317

I'm confused. why do we hate artia now? she didn't do anything.

>> No.27038320

keep your judas goblin out of /jp/

>> No.27038321
File: 89 KB, 698x663, 19578383229.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27038322

She peed

>> No.27038323
Quoted by: >>27038367

see >>27038257

>> No.27038326

I'm a completionist myself but if Amelia's going to play like that, this playthrough is going to take forever

>> No.27038330

I miss those behemoths

>> No.27038334

do u really belieb it?

>> No.27038338


>> No.27038342

Shes talking about cretinlure...

>> No.27038343

i'm happier watching the stream.
interacting with others tires me out.

>> No.27038344
Quoted by: >>27038382

I would be okay with Cali and Kiara being irl roommates. HoloEN house.

>> No.27038345
File: 399 KB, 2210x1719, 3beb0otxp5251.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27038347
Quoted by: >>27038400

You'll never feel this amount of joy from archives, anon

>> No.27038346
File: 87 KB, 472x601, 10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's your up-to-date top 10 holos, bro

>> No.27038348

you say that like it's a bad thing

>> No.27038349

She never piss herself

>> No.27038350


>> No.27038352


>> No.27038353
File: 266 KB, 1446x1704, Eiia25EXYAAnXl4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27038354

>gets covered in black soot
>"Why am I all spooky?"
Amelia, you can't just say that.

>> No.27038355

i believe she peed and now i love her even more

>> No.27038356

Always has been.

>> No.27038357

She spilt water all over her tower.

>> No.27038361

/jp/ - Hololive

>> No.27038363

I wish I could. It's sleep, work, Hololive, repeat.

>> No.27038365
File: 467 KB, 585x583, 1570092719506.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean everyone Gura cunny posts or post about how they want to sex Ame...
But what's up with Kiara lewders? They read and post like psycho crazy prisoners who haven't got pussy for decades.

>> No.27038366


>> No.27038367
File: 690 KB, 346x367, Gremlin Dance.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

see >>27038316

>> No.27038369
File: 54 KB, 1868x247, Executed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27038405

Reminder that numberniggers get publicly executed

>> No.27038370


>> No.27038371

Is she actually going for all the moons? God i hope she gets tired of it, some of those are retarded

>> No.27038372

Who the FUCK is this

>> No.27038374
Quoted by: >>27039131

I'm okay, I just have a cough and a bit of a fever. I'll feel better when I see her later.

>> No.27038375
Quoted by: >>27038409

>Playing multiple streams on Holotools
>Holo schedules
>Playboard Superchat Tracker



CN (Overseas)

CN (Occupied)

>> No.27038377
File: 310 KB, 407x490, 1585671706932.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27038378

>chicken more views than the whore

>> No.27038379

Yeah I kinda figured the filename was trying to bait people

>> No.27038382

Mori is moving closer to wherever she is apparently, could happen

>> No.27038387

>FBK down 1000
What the actual fuck?

>> No.27038388
File: 149 KB, 459x369, 1601063852927.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27038391

My daughter Ame loves Sonic the Hedgehog fanfiction so much

>> No.27038393
File: 63 KB, 211x219, bitch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Be honest: Do yu reale?

>> No.27038394

Rushia's paypig vanguard rides at dawn.

>> No.27038396
Quoted by: >>27038514

she's already apparently trying to get every coin and breakable object in this area

>> No.27038400
Quoted by: >>27038439

I don't doubt it, but they are just there to entertain you. Time spent with friends & loved ones is time you may not get again.

>> No.27038402

[chair clatters]

>> No.27038404

i just want a menhara gf to abuse bro

>> No.27038405

fairly certain that nigga ban evaded

>> No.27038406
File: 947 KB, 1116x1579, 1600411690617.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27038442

It's just that one retard, anon. We try to ignore him as much as possible.

>> No.27038409


>> No.27038410
File: 227 KB, 500x500, 1582944925884.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27038415

Given Odyssey rewards autism you shouldn't expect otherwise.

>> No.27038416
File: 305 KB, 1243x1754, EiDilfeWsAMM2Wr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can only reply to this if you've actually jerked it to Amelia's voice mid-stream

>> No.27038419
Quoted by: >>27038607

FBK is down 2000 since her 900K celebration.

>> No.27038418
File: 285 KB, 795x318, watson-runner.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"...and that's how I fixed the problem."

>"Dang. Weminds me of when I needed coastews, so I made some out of some old Sega tapes."

>> No.27038420

They hated Jesus because he told the truth.
You know who also hate Jesus?

>> No.27038421


Unscheduled stream you fuckwit. I'm not even going to give you a (you).

>> No.27038425

I unironically believe it's /pol/acks who hate her so much that it's looped into loving her

>> No.27038428

Yes, and I'm sick of pretending I don't

>> No.27038429

Soon cunnyposters will become pissfags and be so unbearable we push them off the board.

I can't wait.

>> No.27038431


>> No.27038433
File: 147 KB, 850x932, KFC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please stop numberfagging.

>> No.27038435

Fubuki makes a lot of money from the Chinese, so she got a lot of stray fire coming her way from all this Taiwan shit.

>> No.27038437
File: 158 KB, 376x326, 1600294754131.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27038525

Wait... Artia had a roommate?

>> No.27038438

Nobody on this board has played a 2hu game in half a decade.

>> No.27038439

I schedule that outside of stream times. Today was just a action packed day for EN

>> No.27038440

To any of you who plays minecraft, can't you fix stuff with one of it's base materials? I could have sworn that was a thing

>> No.27038441


>> No.27038442

Nah it's not that I hate them, but they come up with the craziest shit like that Pekora poster earlier in the threads and it's so funny. I guess Kiara attracts psychos, both fans and antis alike.

>> No.27038449
File: 167 KB, 428x264, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Graduation when?

>> No.27038451
File: 67 KB, 1482x192, drinkwater.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not only did she, but she left us a hint on twitter because she's HERE and wants us to know.

>> No.27038452
Quoted by: >>27038492

Is Kiara the only Euro?

>> No.27038454
File: 579 KB, 1524x1440, yummy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can only reply to this post if you've actually jerked it to Kiara's voice mid-stream

>> No.27038453

It's a mindset of 3D platforming days.

>> No.27038455
Quoted by: >>27038528

God I want to date Amelia so badly.
Why can't I be with her bros?

>> No.27038457

Odyssey triggers something in autistic people, Joseph Anderson had a similiar 'reaction'

>> No.27038458


>> No.27038464

Yes I really believe you should graduate.

>> No.27038467

Yeah but you need an anvil

>> No.27038469

Artia fags get out.
Go support the CCP somewhere else

>> No.27038470
Quoted by: >>27038521

Please andastd, she has a hole in her head and dips white knight pizza into flat Pepsi.

>> No.27038471

fuck off

>> No.27038472

They're all the same.

>> No.27038473
File: 226 KB, 1134x1770, 1593870750330.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gura peeing herself is hot but I will never become a pissfag.

>> No.27038475

Amelia's chat has almost made the complete transition to twitch, she really managed such a feat in about two weeks.

>> No.27038476

yeah but you need an anvil

>> No.27038477

Never, it's Kiara that elevated to the other HoloEN's level (except Gura).

>> No.27038478

Kiara's propensity to be self-depreciating and wail instead of getting angry attracts a very specific sort of person.

>> No.27038481

god almighty, Amelia's OCD will short-circuit with this game. it'll be fire extinguishers x100

>> No.27038483
File: 312 KB, 422x506, watson grin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27038484
File: 404 KB, 2000x2000, 1600320965931.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>less than chicken...

>> No.27038486

Yes just like you got rid of the brapfags. You're stuck with it forever now, anon.

>> No.27038488

She didn't pee you fucking freaks

>> No.27038492


>> No.27038497
File: 208 KB, 850x1202, SPICY CHICKEN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27038586

I mean...

>> No.27038498

guys i had to go during the outlast stream. what's this about piss.

>> No.27038499


>> No.27038503
Quoted by: >>27038538

I can't hate Artia. We don't know the full extent of her situation. For all we know, her family could basically be being held hostage.

>> No.27038508

>She cries and makes certain noises
Take a guess

By using an grindstone/anvil and it's only worth doing with enchanted tools or armor


>> No.27038509
Quoted by: >>27038586

Does it count if she was in the background?

>> No.27038510

Her IQ swaps between 20 and 200 at random

>> No.27038511

It has to be my browser. The thumbnail shows the correct length and it shows up when the video loads but then switches to 2 hours and it's not actually the first 2 hours of the stream but the last 2 hours so it just starts in the middle of the stream.

>> No.27038513

She has the perfect content for it. Streaming FPS' mixed in with gamer rage is a twitch magnet.

>> No.27038514


>> No.27038515 [SPOILER] 
File: 49 KB, 750x350, 1601357007907.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone have this in non-shit quality?
Censored because A*tia.

>> No.27038516
File: 251 KB, 1152x2048, EizwI8PUMAA7QUQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27038519

isn't that the girl who had a dude play for her and then got signed by some pro league and got caught?

>> No.27038520
File: 985 KB, 4096x3304, Ei6QFWZVoAAsiq8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.27038517

I believe the CNs and their loved ones will survive this incident.
Please be safe, good gremlin.

>> No.27038518

Her switch is busted anyway so it was a good call. I have a launch switch and I've never had the damn thing overheat, it's definitely not normal.

>> No.27038521
File: 177 KB, 866x1200, 1601180679456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yo seriously what is white knight pizza I tried looking it up and got 30 different recipes

>> No.27038523
File: 175 KB, 1047x1500, Aloe Love 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never, the 5 of them will never graduate for shit reasons like Aloe

>> No.27038525

And here I thought she was a vtuber spawned from the primordial ether

>> No.27038526

Can't wait for Artia to get forcefully flown back to China and get squished in an escalator!

>> No.27038527
File: 315 KB, 845x694, 1601038561971.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

7 and she peed
5 and she didn't
0 and a burglar entered her house, pointed her a gun and screamed and stopped the stream for that
Anything else and I die right fucking now

>> No.27038528

Stop being pathetic, anon. Do your self improvement reps.

>> No.27038530
Quoted by: >>27038563

You're better off not worrying about it. Schizos forgot their meds again.

>> No.27038531
Quoted by: >>27038618

>made some of your own coasters
why do that when you can go down to Bubs' and get a napkin for $32

>> No.27038532
File: 2.93 MB, 3464x2362, 1600753774616.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27038586

Her accent is so...exotic...

>> No.27038534
Quoted by: >>27038609

She lives in America (or Canada). Just because she's a chink doesn't mean she sides with those dipshits.

>> No.27038538
Quoted by: >>27038682

Thats such a dumbfuck argument....

>> No.27038539

that does it then

>> No.27038541
File: 40 KB, 411x454, 165337.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The holy trinity of Amelia sitting on your face while Ina ties you down with her tentacles and plays with your nipples and balls and Gura rides you like an apex predator.

>> No.27038545

That solves that.

>> No.27038546

Well, now it's confirmed for sure. Undeniable proof.

>> No.27038547

Gura literally PISSED and SHIT and CAME live on air to over 40 thousand people

>> No.27038548

Jesus I think my mind mentally blocked out her debut I get so jarred whenever I see it

>> No.27038549

so what you're saying is she needs a big strong rough American husband to round her out

>> No.27038550
File: 745 KB, 717x675, coco mitai.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27039333

https://files.catbox.moe/2gay9g.mp4 im zoomin

>> No.27038553

o-only once...

>> No.27038554


>> No.27038555

Thank you, Homestarposter.

>> No.27038556
File: 47 KB, 627x205, 1601172200717.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27038558
File: 114 KB, 210x233, 1583847394319.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27038560
File: 2.90 MB, 252x261, 1598733282370.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27038561
Quoted by: >>27038664

I'm genuinely starting to enjoy the chicken...this kind of content is something she should rely on...

>> No.27038562

Her debut stream was pure kino now that I look back on it

>> No.27038563

damn okay. sounded kinda hot but you're probably right.

>> No.27038565

4 Times and still wanking

>> No.27038567
Quoted by: >>27038617

>12,391viewers Kiara
>12,418viewers Amelia

>> No.27038570
Quoted by: >>27038611

Aloe was shit and a slut.

>> No.27038571


>> No.27038572


>> No.27038576

It's a damn shame Anonchama...

>> No.27038577

I think that's the best quality that exists

>> No.27038578

I really hope they do something about their garbage ass chat. Niggas who spam emotes or copy paste messages that everyone else is sending should just be executed irl

>> No.27038581

>How will they be able to rebuild, I'm just taking all their coins
Ameliafest Destiny

>> No.27038586
File: 53 KB, 547x322, 1601282019372.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What language would Kiara default to during sex

>> No.27038589

Isolated the pee audio

>> No.27038588

God damnit Amelia quit listening to the autists in chat.

>> No.27038592


>> No.27038593

Holy shit

>> No.27038595
File: 36 KB, 227x222, 1586088592763.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well shit

>> No.27038598

amelia is about to overtake kiara in viewers

>> No.27038600
File: 379 KB, 561x670, 1601099528139.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27038674

Amelia has OCD?

>> No.27038602
Quoted by: >>27038659

Reminder that there are 880 moons in this game.

>> No.27038601

no really, why live

>> No.27038603


>> No.27038604


>> No.27038606

>walk 5 feet
>did I miss something?
She's adorable but this is definitely going to wear on me eventually

>> No.27038607

She tweeted out that she's doing a second 900K celebration though, so it's all good.

>> No.27038609

The new narrative is that she is a hardcore CCP loyalist even though she lives abroad

>> No.27038610
File: 89 KB, 844x845, 1579273815635.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27038611

Cope faggot she sing better than any HoloEn

>> No.27038612


I'll never forget the true CEO of SEX!

>> No.27038614


>> No.27038617

Numberfags are gay

>> No.27038619
File: 38 KB, 1280x720, gosling.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27039910

I thought kiara would be my least favorite when EN debuted but now shes my favorite and my fap material

>> No.27038618

because He's fresh outta stock!

>> No.27038620


>> No.27038621

No dont believe these turbo virgins.

>> No.27038623

>Amelia liked this on twitter

>> No.27038624
Quoted by: >>27038656

Had to stop stream for a minute to cook, where's this descending tunnel that Kiara's in now?

>> No.27038626

Her debut was so kino

>> No.27038627
Quoted by: >>27038675


>> No.27038630

Oh my god this OCD

>> No.27038632

God I wish

>> No.27038634
File: 403 KB, 600x600, Tia摇_挂件.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27038637


>> No.27038638


>> No.27038639


>> No.27038640

i thought china was a big country

>> No.27038642
Quoted by: >>27038678


>> No.27038643

I'd love to.

>> No.27038645
File: 26 KB, 1387x115, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27038644
Quoted by: >>27038672


>> No.27038646
Quoted by: >>27038729

Dream on, Deadbrap.

>> No.27038647
Quoted by: >>27038716

It's 1 am in the states. The real question is why is Watson up?

>> No.27038648

Gura never piss herself

>> No.27038651
File: 2.35 MB, 3500x3121, 1597823416893.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still based

>> No.27038652


>> No.27038656

she's just going mining so that she can craft more things
wait a minue

>> No.27038657

I nutted to Superliminal

>> No.27038659
File: 132 KB, 828x1792, moona disapoint.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We only need one moon.

>> No.27038661

English, but with a German accent

>> No.27038662
Quoted by: >>27038690

Her autism's going to be so fucking great if she ever tries out Total War Warhammer II she said she's open to trying it out

>> No.27038663

>the kraut has picked up the redstone
time for her genes to activate

>> No.27038664

Yeah she's clearly like the myriad HoloJPs that aren't really good at video games or interested in being good at them, so Minecraft is perfect. Her audience of spergs has been completely engaged with her the entire time.

>> No.27038666

Will fap to this later, thanks

>> No.27038668

Fokin nice

>> No.27038670

This is causing Amelia's autism to super flair out there as encouraged by her chat fucking with her and her lack of mario knowledge.

>> No.27038671

It's kind of impressive that despite steaming barely any gaymen content that Mori and Ina can still have a solid fanbase. I just always assumed for a vtuber to be semi successful they needed a lot of gaymen shit on their channel.

>> No.27038672
Quoted by: >>27038708


>> No.27038674


>> No.27038675

ナイス ナイス

>> No.27038676
File: 226 KB, 734x422, 1503197038365.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27038779

Wow, amazing what autotune can do!

>> No.27038677

Amelia's curiosity is very cute.

>> No.27038678

>Schrödinger's Piss

>> No.27038679 [SPOILER] 
File: 2.90 MB, 480x270, 1601357306540.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Inafags explain this?

>> No.27038681

I deserved that.

>> No.27038682

Is it? She's already been sent back for reeducation before.

>> No.27038689
Quoted by: >>27038721

>shark talks about pissing on the floor after seeing bathroom door is locked
>wiping sounds after the final jumpscare that caused her to end the stream

>> No.27038690
Quoted by: >>27038747

Anon dont do this to me dont give me hope

>> No.27038691

I saw that coming a mile away dude.



>> No.27038693
File: 1.27 MB, 850x1200, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27038696

Kek, graduation when

>> No.27038697
Quoted by: >>27038757


>> No.27038699

She tinkles so politely!

>> No.27038701

I was expecting something different when I saw the length but this is based.

>> No.27038703

Not now barracuda

>> No.27038705
Quoted by: >>27038779

Are you deaf? That suto tune sounds like shit.

>> No.27038706
File: 283 KB, 484x484, 1601086571092.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you will never...

>> No.27038707

>Those tentacles all over that shark cunny

Oh my god Ina, I didn't know you had it in you.

>> No.27038708


>> No.27038709
Quoted by: >>27038762


>> No.27038710

>collects every single coin
>every light
>every poster

This is going to be a long ass stream.

>> No.27038711
File: 69 KB, 250x250, 1579795686685.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27038712

Doing god's work

>> No.27038713

Two clicks BEEP BOOP sounds like music!
I like her voice a lot and I know the difference between autotune and adding an effect. I just wanted to make that reference.

>> No.27038715

Do you not know what niches are?

>> No.27038716

Its three hours earlier on the west coast

>> No.27038718
Quoted by: >>27038748

>after this stream I'm gonna take a hot bath

>> No.27038721

The sound is nowhere to be hear

>> No.27038724

I wish I was a frog too

>> No.27038725
File: 71 KB, 710x710, 354265464326543.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do not

>> No.27038726
File: 253 KB, 450x450, Ame.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seeing a playthrough of Odyssey go from speedruns to a first time experience is some strong whiplash desu.

>> No.27038727

>I like these jaypegs of the frogs

>> No.27038728

>I wish I was a frog

>> No.27038729
File: 166 KB, 977x1499, 1601350671170.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After Mori ruins tomorrow's collab we will finally drive the deadbraps into the sea and we will be one step closer establishing these threads as trinity territory.

>> No.27038732

That's the normal level of physical affection between mothers and daughters in North America

>> No.27038733

>Really it could jump that high?
>I wish i was a frog

>> No.27038735

Yes she did
t. the pisslogged bandaid on her cunny

>> No.27038739

thats not very hydrodynamic anon..

>> No.27038742

Stop spoiling the Twister 3D collab

>> No.27038743
File: 163 KB, 445x252, yikes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27038747

You didn't stay through her SC reading after Limbo? Someone SCd her Total War Warhammer II and "We'll see. I can try out new games."
There's also that one SC reading where she said, "I'll consider playing strategy games, I don't know if they're good games to stream though. Let's see."

I am also a /vst/chad and I have a feeling our time is nigh.

>> No.27038748


>> No.27038749
File: 887 KB, 510x745, 132434123434.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go to be during Gura's stream
>get shit sleep, feel like i'm missing something
>ame has been streaming for 25 minutes
What is this sixth sense, also i'm guessing she bought a new switch

>> No.27038751

For at least Mori, she caters to an older crowd.

>> No.27038752

Based Mad Lad.

>> No.27038754
Quoted by: >>27038818

>People not knowing difference between autotune and vocoder
Checks out

>> No.27038755

>chicken brings her laptop to watch stuff in the bathtub
I love this dumb bird

>> No.27038757

Imagine how sweaty and smelly Amelia's ass would be.

>> No.27038759

Frogmelia art when?

>> No.27038762
File: 359 KB, 2048x1652, 1600195868786.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No! Remember what Ina said!


>> No.27038763
File: 144 KB, 1200x1300, 1601268128207.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Barracuda get out

>> No.27038764

Don't use my weak bladder wifedaughter to shit on the deadbraps.

>> No.27038765

How can a character model be so ugly? her forehead is like 2/3 of her face

>> No.27038766
File: 1.64 MB, 1912x876, 1600018403345.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27038790


>> No.27038767

>The audio quality
Okay that was pretty funny.

>> No.27038768

This but unironically as ironic Gurafag.

>> No.27038769

Based Hukepapa. I actually think he's not there this stream. At leas the wasn't before I left.

>> No.27038770

next meme

>> No.27038773

I'm looking forward to it

>> No.27038778
Quoted by: >>27038813

She did buy a new switch but doesn't have it yet, this is still the old one. The issue earlier was just a cable being loose.

>> No.27038779
File: 10 KB, 202x174, Sharksawa Point.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27038838

That's the idea of the song fags... the original sounds like that

>> No.27038780

>amelia keeps having to look down to find the buttons on the controller

>> No.27038781
Quoted by: >>27038813

Yeah but it turns out her problem was a loose cable

>> No.27038783 [SPOILER] 
File: 821 KB, 484x645, 1601357528802.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ummm... Inafags explain this?

>> No.27038785
File: 588 KB, 1000x577, 1600755272959.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27038831

>"Do you think I'm stupid enough to walk on the lava?"
>chat is full of yes

>> No.27038788

Mori is BY FAR the least interesting or entertaining. Shes got shitty boomer humor and feels like she is trying to fit in with the KOOL kids in school.

>> No.27038790


>> No.27038792
Quoted by: >>27038827

I'm /pol/ and attacking China is jewish finklethink

>> No.27038795

It feels like I lose 15 IQ points everytime I watch a chicken stream.

>> No.27038797

Our autistic daughter has never been happier. Look at all the pointless things she can backtrack for.

>> No.27038799

On a serious note, that one vocal tic Mori does where she goes super abruptly from the kind of cutesy, delicate sounding voice to abruptly dropping to her deeper, kinda tired sounding regular voice actually does turn me on just a little.

>> No.27038801
Quoted by: >>27038879

Can we just give 2hu a containment board already?

>> No.27038803


>> No.27038804

I think your taste is just shit, dude

>> No.27038805


>> No.27038807

>overheating already
Oh boy

>> No.27038808


>> No.27038809

It's over boys

>> No.27038810

RIP Switch

>> No.27038812

Fuck bros, I get impatient during a bath too, I always feel like I have something to do, I can never relax

>> No.27038811


>> No.27038813

Spose it's good for her to get it repl- yeah it's still overheating lmao

>> No.27038815

>the darkness is inside me
kiara is a slut for bbc confirmed???

>> No.27038817


>> No.27038816


>> No.27038818

Not this shit again.

>> No.27038819

>"It'll be really fast"

Kino timing.

>> No.27038820

It begins

>> No.27038821
File: 60 KB, 567x395, Watsons switch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27038822


>> No.27038823

Christ you people really are /v/ermin, literal fucking console war mentality

>> No.27038824

Oh no...

>> No.27038825
File: 248 KB, 1765x1200, 1600042070436.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ame will never enter you

>> No.27038826


>> No.27038828


>> No.27038827
Quoted by: >>27039453

Touristfags leave please.

>> No.27038829
Quoted by: >>27038868

>Switch overheated again
Poor Ame lmao

>> No.27038830


>> No.27038831

INT 1 WIS 10

>> No.27038832

Oh no no no no, Amelia pls

>> No.27038833


>> No.27038834

I was distracted did her game just crash or did she just finish playing?

>> No.27038835


>> No.27038836

RIP Switch...

>> No.27038838

Except the song sounds 100x better with just the og vocoloid shit.

>> No.27038839
File: 340 KB, 395x531, who dis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27038866

Ina is Horny

>> No.27038840

t. gremlin loving chink

>> No.27038841


>> No.27038843


>> No.27038845


>> No.27038846
File: 280 KB, 555x555, 1600639773683.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Autism detective foiled once again

>> No.27038848


>> No.27038849

Alright maybe it is a good thing she ordered that new switch...

>> No.27038850
File: 54 KB, 627x205, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Inspired by the Artia thread being deleted.

>> No.27038851


>> No.27038852

overheat counter: 1

>> No.27038853


>> No.27038854

>Switch died already
my sides

>> No.27038855


>> No.27038856

How mad is Amelia right now?

>> No.27038858


You decide, anon

>> No.27038859


>> No.27038862


>> No.27038863

Eyes far apart.

>> No.27038860
Quoted by: >>27039302

>it overheated
poor switch-kun

>> No.27038864
File: 722 KB, 2000x2000, KGnAELa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here we go

>> No.27038865

Switch overheated

>> No.27038866
File: 64 KB, 356x407, hornyina.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27038867

switch-kun is kill

>> No.27038868


>> No.27038869

Calli only has fans because she has the biggest tits.

Thats a fucking fact

>> No.27038870

Kiara would be in tears right now.

>> No.27038872

Trinity's good, but let them keep Chicken as a pet

>> No.27038874
File: 26 KB, 128x128, 1600235521181.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you fucking serious

>> No.27038875
File: 267 KB, 1402x783, M9BsjBFDVs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27038876

Nintendofags? Justify this shit

>> No.27038877
File: 115 KB, 1000x1000, 1600467127266.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i-it was just a bad port

>> No.27038878

Zatsu please Ame

>> No.27038879

Oh my god, we really are in a time loop...

>> No.27038881

Had to hop in the shower to clean my filthy corpse. I assume the sbitch overheated and shat itself???

>> No.27038883
File: 774 KB, 334x298, 1597654129315.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck is wrong with Watson's Switch? Did she somehow manage to get a faulty one?

>> No.27038884


>> No.27038888


>> No.27038889
File: 874 KB, 600x490, 1600407012831.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tribalfags leave.

>> No.27038891

I'm happy. I don't want her to become a depressed ugly dude.

>> No.27038892

>chicken jumped in lava and died

>> No.27038893
File: 115 KB, 1200x1200, EjDeosjU0AAlkJH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27039015

>> No.27038895


>> No.27038896

Idiot chicken...

>> No.27038897

what the fuck sock in water

>> No.27038899


>> No.27038900


>> No.27038898
Quoted by: >>27038926

Would you drink amelia's sock tea?

>> No.27038901


>> No.27038902

Sock Tea

>> No.27038904

>Sock water
You can't make this shit up.

>> No.27038903

>using sock as tea bag

>> No.27038907


>> No.27038908

You can't make this chicken shit up

>> No.27038909
File: 1.09 MB, 950x843, 1575834756943.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm not dumb enough to walk in lava
>Walks in lava

>> No.27038911


>> No.27038910

whoever said that chicken has genius comedic timing is right
>fell into the lava while reading superchat

>> No.27038912
Quoted by: >>27038977

>Zatsudan time
Stream is saved.

>> No.27038913

Sorry, fag my trinity is Mori/Gura/Ame.

>> No.27038914
File: 609 KB, 1200x1042, 1601189838508.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that the original reason shitposted about trinity was about saying who your favorites were, NOT about shitting on ones you don't like

>> No.27038916
Quoted by: >>27039022

>Ame's Switch overheats
>Kiara fucking dies to lava

>> No.27038915

Kiara please why

>> No.27038918

>Switch overheats
>Chicken overheats

>> No.27038919


>> No.27038917
Quoted by: >>27039022

>Both streams catastrophically fail at the same time

>> No.27038920

>putting tea leaves in a sock
what the FUCK

>> No.27038921

>can I put the tea in a sock?

>> No.27038922

Did she just say Tai tea, as in Taiwan?

>> No.27038924
File: 24 KB, 128x128, 1600655779673.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Amelia is visibly seething with rage right now

>> No.27038925

>back from wageslaving
>ready to watch Gura's VOD
>3 hours
jesus, what happened? was it that good or did she just commited to it like with the baby game?

>> No.27038923

she bought it off a weird guy from craigslist in a walmart parking lot. dude probably got sick of it overheating so sold it.

>> No.27038926

I would do anything for a taste of Amelia's sock.

>> No.27038927
File: 356 KB, 1080x1072, 1600865119398.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27038928


>> No.27038930

Holy shit Ame

>> No.27038931
Quoted by: >>27039031

CCP lover spotted

>> No.27038934


>> No.27038935 [DELETED] 

did all the holo's turn their chat-stream-to-video off ?

>> No.27038936
File: 240 KB, 345x406, TiredChicken.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Poor chicken, lost all her stuff in laval.

>> No.27038937
File: 346 KB, 1200x1697, 1601172111001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mori appeals to older failures and people who appreciate music/art skills.

>> No.27038938

she got it from a crime scene in a parking lot

>> No.27038940

>Sock tea
>Soaky thingy
Ame, your brit reps...

>> No.27038941
File: 73 KB, 816x816, 1540773164902.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>feet tea

>> No.27038942


>> No.27038947

rawg grau

>> No.27038948

Apex for the rest of the week we did it boys

>> No.27038950
Quoted by: >>27039061


>> No.27038949

>boiling water in saucepan

>> No.27038951

Good god I would.

>> No.27038952
Quoted by: >>27040719


>> No.27038953
File: 2.44 MB, 1920x1080, KFP-Staff-welcomes-YOU!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Threads have gone from unanimous hatred of /ourchicken/ to finally seeing the appeal.

Friends, KFP welcomes you. Following our leading Phoenix's work ethic, here the customer is king, and your satisfaction is our top priority. I enthusiastically ask that you look forward to:
>Kiara constantly on the verge of a mental breakdown.
>Kiara squealing and screaming in fear and/or frustration.
>Kiara crying.
>Bullying Kiara, sometimes sexually.
>Papa Huke bullying Kiara.
>Kiara degrading herself.
>Kiara being hilariously ill-equipped to operate technology or play videogames at a proficient level.
>Kiara being unable to acquire properly functioning technology in the first place.
>Kiara being obsessed with providing a high-class, satisfactorily tailored experience for the viewer and failing, leading to the first four points.
>Kiara trying her hardest to be a proper idol, and often failing.
>Kiara's lovely voice.
>A brand new, high-quality microphone to support said voice.
>Kiara's beautiful smile.
>Kiara's genuine enthusiasm for being a part of Hololive.
>Kiara reading every positive and negative superchat and twitter reply in order to see what the fans want, even if it hurts her to do so.
>A single membership tier for a meager 4.99 US Dollars that gives you access to all the wonderful paid perks of Kiara's channel.

I understand that some of you still harbor disdain and disgust for our dear chicken, and to you, I invite you to take out your hate and aggression on me. I will not raise a hand against you, nor hold your opinions or statements against you, in the same way that Kiara would do. We will always be waiting to welcome you, if and when you wish to take up the offer.

To those who are ready to accept the invitation and step inside the world of our fighting Phoenix, I simply implore of you one thing:
Please, enjoy!

>> No.27038954

making tea with ame's socks...

>> No.27038955

At least she goes directly to zatsu. Good job, detective.

>> No.27038956
File: 920 KB, 899x806, 1586540396969.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was fucking golden

>> No.27038958
File: 239 KB, 750x350, girlfriend advice high quality.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here you go retard

don't know why you want it

>> No.27038960
File: 507 KB, 528x606, 1600576363851.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chicken... why...

>> No.27038961

kiara 13k viewers with no holoen on, playing viewer boosting game minecraft. JHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.

still more average viewers than most of the holojapfags outside of like 4, though. holoen >>> holojp >>>>>>>>>> holoid >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>holocn

>> No.27038962
File: 121 KB, 828x996, Sad Peko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27038963

Ame zatsudans are better than any games

>> No.27038964

Can we have one fucking week without arguing about who did what bodily functions on stream? I swear the Chinese shills were an improvement.

>> No.27038966
Quoted by: >>27039480

It was really good, she only ended cause she pissed herself.

>> No.27038968
File: 442 KB, 1200x1042, cant triforce.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27038967

Amelia's sock tea...

>> No.27038969

Uh bros

>> No.27038970
Quoted by: >>27039019

just put the fucking tea leaves in the water if you don't have any teabags

>> No.27038971

i have the feeling it's covered with a blanket or something

>> No.27038972

Hardware purchases are always a gamble anon, most manufacturers have no quality control.

t. had 3 different GPUs overheat

>> No.27038973

This fucking shitty nousagi is just ripping Pekora off...

>> No.27038975
File: 17 KB, 389x389, gross.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27038976


>> No.27038977

what's a zatsudan

>> No.27038979

Ame should be kept out of the fucking kitchen, holy shit.

>> No.27038980
File: 137 KB, 1080x809, f10dc3ab1f8b4b2751355a898d3c74ef.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27039028

>chicken just died in lava
>respawns "I can go get my stuff from my body right? haha"

>> No.27038982

Ame does this to herself

>> No.27038981

It was a good time.

>> No.27038983


>> No.27038985

>Watsons Pantyhose

>> No.27038986



>> No.27038990
Quoted by: >>27039066

pantyhose tea...

>> No.27038988
Quoted by: >>27039061

As in Thailand

>> No.27038989

I hope she posts a picture of whatever monstrous tea she ends up making.

>> No.27038991

it's like poetry, it rhymes

>> No.27038993
Quoted by: >>27040719

>you will NEVER drink tea strained through Amelia's panties
Why live?

>> No.27038992

This dumb detective is going to poison herself

>> No.27038994
Quoted by: >>27039043

You will never drink amelias pantyhose tea

>> No.27038997
Quoted by: >>27039052

she knows what she's doing, doesn't she

>> No.27038999
Quoted by: >>27039066

>genuinely considering using pantyhose

>> No.27039000
Quoted by: >>27039066

Dear god

>> No.27039002
File: 180 KB, 783x243, 1600468385340.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27039003

>You will never drink Ames' pantyhose water
Why live...

>> No.27039007

lurk more

>> No.27039006
Quoted by: >>27039065

>Pantyhose tea
>w-what, that's not lewd!
She has to be doing it on purpose, right?

>> No.27039011


>> No.27039012

drawchads, do it

>> No.27039013

>you will never drink tea made from Ame’s socks
Bros.... I don’t think I’m gonna make it

>> No.27039014
File: 138 KB, 1000x676, 1543287242823.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pantyhose tea

>> No.27039015


>> No.27039016

God I want to drink Ame's pantyhose tea.

>> No.27039018
File: 81 KB, 1280x720, BULLSEYE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27039063


>> No.27039020

>Ame pantyhose tea

>> No.27039019

my wife only drinks sweet iced tea, please understand

>> No.27039021

>Thats not lewd its just an article of clothing you weirdos

>> No.27039022

See people complain about overlap but this kind of kino shit could not have happened otherwise. This is top tier.

>> No.27039023

I just started too, she wants to play both outlasts before the third(?) one comes out on 2021

>> No.27039024


>> No.27039025
File: 104 KB, 850x850, Colonel Kiara.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27039050

My poor retarded chicken forgot to keep any extra iron...

>> No.27039026


>> No.27039028
Quoted by: >>27039132

you forgot to crop

>> No.27039029


>> No.27039031

CCP doesn't deserve Artia.

>> No.27039034

She could only contain it for so long.

>> No.27039032

Watchaama!? Jesus christ, what the fuck am I hearing.

>> No.27039035

Joseph Anderson would hate this stream.

>> No.27039036

What the fuck is wrong with her and these weird food/kitchen things she does. I love it.

>> No.27039037

you cheeky cunt

>> No.27039038
File: 125 KB, 940x500, watson tea.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27039138

>ywn drink watson's tea through her pantyhose

>> No.27039039


>> No.27039043

im going to drink Gura's pee filtered thru Amelias panthose

>> No.27039045
File: 54 KB, 987x779, 1600384579015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>imagine Ame giving you a foot job and then using the cum covered stockings to strain her tea leaves

>> No.27039046

get confy and enjoy the best stream Gura and arguably hololive EN has produced

>> No.27039047
File: 457 KB, 677x677, Eic4UE1UcBEQkUt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

suffer kino

>> No.27039048

>Amelia turned her switch into a chicken voodoo totem
Narrativebros? Help me make sense of this

>> No.27039049

>I'm not dumb enough to go into lava
>goes into lava and dies
SC ding ding

Another video to dislike

>> No.27039050
File: 1.43 MB, 828x1179, 1600492094897.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27039052
File: 2.91 MB, 562x720, 1601012395795.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She wouldn't repeat it so many times if she didn't. She said it like 30 times.

>> No.27039053

I want to bully the chicken

>> No.27039055

kiara is in despair

>> No.27039056
Quoted by: >>27039193

Did something new happen?

>> No.27039058

Ame wanted to make tea... without a kettle and without a tea ball?
How old is she again? Is she still a dependent child?

>> No.27039059
File: 19 KB, 507x148, Screenshot 2020-09-29 023715.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

duality of kiara's jap fans

>> No.27039060

And then Ame!

>> No.27039061

>It was Thailand not Taiwan
I need to do my tea reps Anons

>> No.27039062

I want to drink Amelia's pantyhose tea

>> No.27039063


>> No.27039065

She knows exactly what she's doing.

>> No.27039066

No seriously, https://www.foodandwine.com/tea/pantyhose-tea-peoples-drink-hong-kong

>> No.27039069
File: 34 KB, 750x350, Free Roommate Coupon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27039068

Amelia couldn't contain herself anymore, we're full kappa now

>> No.27039070
File: 18 KB, 437x431, 1601267953351.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Amelia's thigh iced tea


>> No.27039072
Quoted by: >>27039111

>melt the milk and make it milky

>> No.27039071

She's mad as fuck but is containing herself instead of crying. Good for her.

>> No.27039073
Quoted by: >>27039480

She said she'd do longer streams and she delivered, it only ended because of a little accident.

>> No.27039077

Wtf? I thought Germans were supposed to love grinding???

>> No.27039078

drawfags please... draw Ame using her pantyhose to strain the tea

>> No.27039081
File: 71 KB, 704x709, 1600567056944.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All my clothes is clean

>> No.27039082

This is what Ame will use for her teabag

>> No.27039083
Quoted by: >>27039115

Uhhh do people put that much milk on your tea? I have never put any milk on my tea ever in my life.

>> No.27039084

>When you lose everything you've gotta get used to it

>> No.27039085
File: 426 KB, 528x528, 1600384106509.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27039910

>making tea with her old hose

>> No.27039086
Quoted by: >>27039149

She's a burger, a lot of us like the idea of tea but don't have a clue how to make it.

>> No.27039089
Quoted by: >>27039126


>> No.27039090

Heh that's pretty funny.

>> No.27039091

>Gura knocked herself out with her own knee by accident
>Amelia uses socks in her tea
>Kiara walks directly into lava
Holo EN is the most autistic generation yet

>> No.27039092

You know minecraft is probably a good game for her to exercise her emotions

>> No.27039093

based green

>> No.27039095
File: 14 KB, 928x126, 0Gi7jLM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I missed it, bros...

>> No.27039096

Please I need the "you fucking sick fucks" clip

>> No.27039098


>> No.27039100

Anonchama you have to understand, burger women are literal children.

>> No.27039102
Quoted by: >>27039156

Minecraft is breaking Kiara!

>> No.27039103


>> No.27039110

How many fucked foods have we gotten from HoloEN so far?
Gura had peanut butter burgers and mayo hotdogs
Ame has flat soda, pantyhose tea, and ramen stir fried in butter
Someone said something about eating straight condensed milk too, right?

>> No.27039111

Milk does not melt. It curdles.

>> No.27039112

unironically I think it's some kind of ghetto white people tradition

>> No.27039113 [DELETED] 
File: 164 KB, 626x640, watson_soon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27039115
Quoted by: >>27039141

Thai milk tea requires milk anon...

>> No.27039120

Her roomate is late 20s based on the photos and her taste in games.

>> No.27039121

Yo I wanna go make some milk tea now, haven't had it in a long time. especially with ame's pantyhose

>> No.27039122
File: 38 KB, 503x331, firefox_2020-09-29_00-38-48.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why do people baby these streamers so hard? just let them enjoy themselves for fucks sake

>> No.27039123

I can understand both sentiments.

>> No.27039124
Quoted by: >>27039320

I dunno what it even was.

>> No.27039126

"don't cry" and "it's okay to cry"

>> No.27039128
Quoted by: >>27039158

Lurk more you fucking nigger i fucking hate you faggots posting useless questions that could've been answered if you would've just shut your damn whore mouth
>duuhhh why supacha called?
>gguuuuuhhh *makes new thread early*
>uhhh why anti called?
>durrrr who coco is?
>uh uh sora who???
>uhhhhhhh why permission?
>what 5ch????
>uhrrrrr where 5ch link?
>post frogman and soijak
>WHERE DOXX??????????
>what kino means????
>what reps means????
>just woke up what happen????????
>hurr when is stream?
>duuuur what gosling means???
>what naizuri?????????
>what roommate means????
>bluuuh what rule 1 2????????????
>SIMP heh gotem
>uhhh just anime girl???
>durrrrrhhhh is my schizo narrative true??
>jp/indie collab when???????????????
>huh how play 2 streams???
>asanagi who????
>why thread deleted after 2000?
>why live stream only?
>what does membership give???
>durr how youtube-dl work?????????????
>im ray0 what do i akasupa???????
>what freechat????
>what oishi gachokoi??
>what gremlin is???
>just twitch????????
>supacha stream zzzzz????
>why all girls gay??????
>what ogey means????
>what rrat means????
>uhhrrr why mikocchi boat????
>durr what towa aloe do?????
>nurrr where superchat/membership money go??
>hurrrrrr gatekeep bad!

>> No.27039129

Thighced Tea

>> No.27039130

Pantyhose Teamates!

>> No.27039131

Wait you're not me

>> No.27039132


>> No.27039133

Member knows what's up.

>> No.27039137
Quoted by: >>27039153

https://www.foodandwine.com/tea/pantyhose-tea-peoples-drink-hong-kong Using pantyhose for tea is a thing

>> No.27039138
File: 529 KB, 860x735, 528-5285107_giornogiovanna-jojobizarreadventure-giorno-giovanna-giorno-drinks-tea-anime.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27039180

Drink the tea

>> No.27039139

If they had it together, they wouldn't be on Hololive to begin with Anon.

>> No.27039140

>pantyhose strainer
it was thigh iced tea all along, not Thai iced tea

>> No.27039141

Oh... Yeah I get it.

>> No.27039142

I thought Mori would have her membership streams up for free??? What happen Deadbros?

>> No.27039143

If someone doesnt draw amelia making tea in a saucepan with a sock im going to be disappointed

>> No.27039145
File: 1.08 MB, 1063x1500, 84F7D9C2-AAB3-480E-80B8-CFB9DE170B06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27039144
Quoted by: >>27039320

What was it?

>> No.27039146
Quoted by: >>27039189

Oh that.
Wasn't it just normal voice Ame doing tech support for Kiara?

>> No.27039148

Did she just say she's gonna put salt in her tea?

>> No.27039149

I'm a burger, dude.
Isn't she in CA? Did she grow up not knowing a SINGLE Asian or British person?

>> No.27039151
Quoted by: >>27039170

Hachaama isn't suspended, she's fucking streaming on HoloEN.

>> No.27039153

>Hong Kong
Amelia no!

>> No.27039152

Appear as caring and concerned, as opposed to asking her to make tea out of her panties.

>> No.27039157

>salt balances sugar out nutritionally

>> No.27039158

Based and lurkpilled

>> No.27039156
File: 420 KB, 500x500, GIANT DAD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine Kiara playing Dark Souls
Straight to Menerha hospital

>> No.27039159
File: 98 KB, 600x350, 1600140012143.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27039910


>> No.27039161

You just know she's smothered in thrush. That pantyhose tea will be delicious

>> No.27039162

They appeal to the artchads.

>> No.27039163

mayo hot dogs is normal though

>> No.27039164

why is chat not showing on stream?

>> No.27039168

This really confuses me. Thai Iced tea has salt in it?

>> No.27039170

You mean Wachaama?

>> No.27039174
Quoted by: >>27039369

/hlgg/ sings bro, you still around? Where do I send the vocaroo too

>> No.27039175

5 grains of salt

>> No.27039177
File: 146 KB, 1145x1227, 1600701315765.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw stream ended just as I woke up
I'll watch it right away, what am I in for?

>> No.27039178

You're saying it like it's a bad thing.

>> No.27039180

>It's Gura's special brew

>> No.27039181
Quoted by: >>27039221

Who taught Amelia nutrtion?

>> No.27039182

"I can save her"

>> No.27039184

>retarded kyoko tomato pfp ironic weeb
always the worse on any platform

>> No.27039183

>deadbraps desperately pushing gura pee
Too obvious.

>> No.27039185
File: 19 KB, 480x522, 1601327120346.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27039910

This is too much autism moe
I'm not gonna make it...

>> No.27039186

do ame fans have a sleep fetish?

>> No.27039188

Amelia... your insulin...

>> No.27039189

Yep. Impromptu collabs should be more of a thing.

>> No.27039191
File: 235 KB, 578x982, 1591557211563.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is like the Flare pizza all over again...

>> No.27039193

Gura pee'd, Ame pooped, Ina threw up.

>> No.27039194

Pretty sure someone uploaded it to streamable, anonfile and bitchute

>> No.27039195

Mayo on hotdogs is legit. Wienerschnitzel is a fast food joint in the states that has that on some of their dogs.

>> No.27039197

lot of squeals

>> No.27039199
File: 81 KB, 1000x1000, 1600389105892.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27039298

I've made tea using a Keurig and plastic cups my whole life.

>> No.27039200
File: 2.49 MB, 500x324, 1566387002362.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no sweet and sweaty pantyhose tea to drink

>> No.27039201


>> No.27039202

Why does Ames voice arouse me so much

>> No.27039203
Quoted by: >>27039323

No one drinks tea here. Only coffee and iced tea for most burgers.

>> No.27039204
Quoted by: >>27039240

What the fuck is a tea "ball"

>> No.27039205

>Do I look like I need a FUCKING?
Wow Kiara gets worked up when she's suffering

>> No.27039206

>it keeps going
holy shit amelia, I don't even know what I'm feeling right now

>> No.27039207

Gura's? A good time.

>> No.27039210

I think Watson's concoction is gonna kill me bros...

>> No.27039212

She legit got pissed off when one of these retarded faggots commented like this in her schedule twitter post.

>> No.27039211

It's probably awkward teenagers thinking that "being concerned for a content creators health" is endearing and kind instead of really overbearing and juvenile.

>> No.27039213

Thanks for that mental image anon, I hate it.

>> No.27039214

Amelia's used sweaty pantyhose tea...

>> No.27039215

chinese ones

>> No.27039216

What the fuck was the deal with that pizza?

>> No.27039218

>Hong kong milk tea also known as pantyhose tea
Oh no no no

>> No.27039219

In the cuckshed until the taiwan controversy blows over.

>> No.27039220

amelia zatsudan is awesome

>> No.27039221

Nutrition book she got off craigslist

>> No.27039222

i can't name a single topping on this monstrosity

>> No.27039223

Just up the saturation like all other food art and it becomes delicious

>> No.27039226

>she's smothered in thrush
What does this mean?

>> No.27039228

That looks nice

>> No.27039229

C h i n a
T a i w a n

>> No.27039232

Which one is gonna cum? What other excretions are missing?

>> No.27039231

How has Amelia survived up to now?

>> No.27039234


>> No.27039236

Blame the bugmen

>> No.27039237

>leaving stuff in metal cans in the fridge
Wachaama... please...

>> No.27039238
Quoted by: >>27039283

It is literally the middle of the night in the states Anon, relax.

>> No.27039240

it looks like an egg vibrator except you put tea inside

>> No.27039241
File: 368 KB, 640x515, minmo1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf don't call me a bitch ute????

>> No.27039242
Quoted by: >>27039305

>chat scared of botulism

>> No.27039244

thats fucking disgusting what

>> No.27039245

Tea isn't really that popular here

>> No.27039247
Quoted by: >>27039364

Mori has her music that went super viral, and probably a bunch of subs who are only going to listen to tracks instead of watching videos. Ina has a very well established fanbase from all the gatcha artwork she does, who'd be the prime material to follow a vtuber.

>> No.27039248

What the fuck was that sentence

>> No.27039249

I wasn't paying attention. Did Ame's switch overheat again?

>> No.27039250

Please don't remind me of that monstrosity.

>> No.27039251

Does she not have an understanding of multitasking?

>> No.27039254

>the fridge slows the germs down so they can't eat the food

>> No.27039253

holy fuck that run-on sentence

clip that

>> No.27039256

If it's them it's backfiring. Farting on stream is humiliating. Pissing yourself in fear is kawaii.

>> No.27039258

The situation went a little bananas

>> No.27039260
Quoted by: >>27039584

God I can't wait until she gets fed up with the sleep retards and calls them out directly.

>> No.27039262

she had a good time for basically the entire thing
she got jumpscared and peed herself right after the 3 hour mark

>> No.27039263

Why is Amelias chat so retarded, I'm getting secondhand embarrassment

>> No.27039264


>> No.27039265

Haachama is infecting everyone even when on leave.

>> No.27039266

>Ina threw up.

>> No.27039268
Quoted by: >>27039375

Yeast infection

>> No.27039267
File: 73 KB, 853x552, 1601268105282.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27039910


>> No.27039269

>First part: Sharkawa doing everything right coz she plays the game before... nothing scared here
>Second part: Start to get more interesting due to her autistic moves like "safe square"

>> No.27039270
Quoted by: >>27039345

Salt helps lemonade pop, too. It's not about being salty, it's about hitting your tastebuds and convincing your brain to drink something wet.

>> No.27039272
File: 1.02 MB, 915x827, 1600842244017.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27039931

I've seen this a million times and I still don't know what any of that shit is, other than the noodles

>> No.27039273

I know you can add a few grains of salt to coffee to reduce bitterness. Perhaps it has the same effect for tea?

>> No.27039274
Quoted by: >>27039362

Looks like yakisoba, gyudon topping, and fucking smashed up lady fingers or something.

>> No.27039275
Quoted by: >>27039300

Amelia isn't that smart. She's not dumb but she's not that smart.

>> No.27039277

Condensed milk and evaporated milk is fine though.

>> No.27039278
Quoted by: >>27039326

I wan't Amelia's thigh tea.

>> No.27039279
File: 675 KB, 480x270, 1463959414799.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

after the thai tea I will feed her my thai cum

>> No.27039281 [DELETED] 

It's because she's a jewish whore

>> No.27039282
Quoted by: >>27039360


>> No.27039283

don't acknowledge numberfags

>> No.27039284

I think there's...noodles?

>> No.27039285

Is there any way to record a stream without actually watching it? I'm going to be GMing during Amelia's second OSU stream and I can't watch it while also using voice chat and wrangling five idiots.

>> No.27039288
File: 526 KB, 846x920, 1600878243752.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

autism has given us some of the best marvels of humanity let us bask in its glow

>> No.27039289
Quoted by: >>27039316

she even treats them like children

>> No.27039291

Uh, at least Ina's fairly grounded?

>> No.27039292

>throwing out containers because it’s a pain in the ass to clean

>> No.27039293
Quoted by: >>27039419

Because they're all from here

>> No.27039294

you need to be older, or have experience with women
I actually caught thrush once and I'm a man

>> No.27039297
Quoted by: >>27039331

What's wrong with that

>> No.27039298
Quoted by: >>27039334

I thought they only became popular recently. Am I getting old or are you just underage

>> No.27039299

I sincerely hope she never fixes her switch. These gremlin intermissions are fucking quality.

>> No.27039300
Quoted by: >>27039412

She's knowledgable from all the suffering

>> No.27039302

Bitch needs water cooling.

>> No.27039303


>> No.27039301

He is implying she is infested with a systemic fungal infection. Typically manifests in the throat and mouth but you can get different species of fungus infecting your feet and toes and other various orifices.

>> No.27039304
Quoted by: >>27039329

Okay seriously what the fuck is a White Knight Pizza?

>> No.27039305

Chat is retarded, botulism is from sealed cans, not open ones. Oxygen kills it.

>> No.27039307

Wait are those bananas? My mind could only process the white blocks as Parmesan or something.

>> No.27039308

what the fuck was that curry story

>> No.27039309
Quoted by: >>27039419

Its Twitch chat kino

>> No.27039313

Holy shit has Ames casual chat always been this based? My sides are in orbit.

>> No.27039312
Quoted by: >>27039370

it would probably be so much fun to just hang out with ame, chatting about nothing in particular for hours. i'm going to die alone

>> No.27039314
Quoted by: >>27039361

noodles, meatballs, sauce, well done ham, and crumbled panko bread. i think.

>> No.27039317

He doesn't know...

>> No.27039316

That's the only saving grace

>> No.27039320
File: 266 KB, 424x439, 1595829938848.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27039349

Nothing special, just Amelia being called in to be tech support for Kiara as they troubleshoot streaming issues and get things figured out.

>> No.27039323

I'm in Texas and I guess all of our Asian and Middle-Eastern immigrants are more recent, so most white people are familiar with at least one culture's tea tradition.

>> No.27039324

>I will never forgive auto-jump
This is hilarious.

>> No.27039326

I'm not thinking straight.

>> No.27039327
Quoted by: >>27039365


>> No.27039328

This chicken has a potty mouth

>> No.27039329

ricotta cheese with tomatoes on top

>> No.27039330
Quoted by: >>27039352


>> No.27039331
Quoted by: >>27039368

once air gets in the mix, metal containers are bad. especially with anything acidic.

>> No.27039333
File: 122 KB, 377x323, 1601184588678.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fukken saved

>> No.27039334

I'm 30 but I've had mine for a fucking long ass time

>> No.27039335

Bird getting real pissed at Minecraft

>> No.27039336

>the Chinese shills were an improvement
No they fucking weren't
this is /ppvtgg/ - Peepee Poopoo Vomit Global General don't you know?

>> No.27039337
File: 510 KB, 1500x827, 5ca708f3d01590e01b225577a23dfb2d5b1d42dcb906234aa8a593707d2f5734.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got you dude.

Yeah that was me, here are the links.

BitChute stream link:

High quality AnonFiles download link:

>> No.27039341

>spoiled whiney toxic bird
Holy shit I'm in love

>> No.27039342

why is kiara so hot bros

>> No.27039343

Her zatsudans have always been god tier.

>> No.27039345
Quoted by: >>27039439

Interesting, I'm only going from herbal and black tea for reference so it sounded weird.

>> No.27039346

She's the motherly EN, so she gets all the childish fans.

>> No.27039347

She's used to it

>> No.27039348

Auto jump gets the rope!

>> No.27039349
Quoted by: >>27039433

Oh, then here you go https://www.bitchute.com/video/SfSissZAkWnx/

>> No.27039350
File: 62 KB, 120x120, 1600708012302.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes bro her impromptu zatsudans are kino

>> No.27039351

Fire noodles for breakfast

>> No.27039352

A true minecraft player.

>> No.27039353
File: 306 KB, 1299x2047, 1600858535858.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>unapologetically vulgar
I fucking love this birb

>> No.27039354

>I will never forgive autojump! Turn that shit off
>It's not like I was bad, it was the fucking autojump
She's learning.

>> No.27039355

Can't be bananas. Bananas don't powder when they are that wet.

>> No.27039356
Quoted by: >>27039388

Which stream was the Gura one

>> No.27039357

Im gonna miss these moments when she gets her new switch.

>> No.27039358

>how do i turn that SHIT off?
I love kusotori

>> No.27039360

Kiara having stomach pains, so she should be that.

>> No.27039361

wait, mb mb, its not well done ham, it looks like octopus

>> No.27039362

what do you reckon that single glistening fruit like thing is near the top middle

>> No.27039363

I'ts nice seeing Amelia really enjoy the game. She's literally checking every corner for everything.

>> No.27039364
Quoted by: >>27039473

People underestimate what a workhorse Mori is. She has more views than the bottom 3 girls by far and even manages to have more overall views than Gura.

This isn't because she's popular, but because she puts out so much content. She has made the most money out of the girls and I'm sure Hololive is pleased with her for that alone.

>> No.27039365

it's beautiful bird language

>> No.27039369
File: 419 KB, 1848x2048, 1600862275012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright fags, we're doing this. Deadbeats sing "Excuse My Rudeness, But Could You Please RIP?"
Please upload your acapella versions of the track to vocaroo, or a similar audio hosting platform.
Email submissions to CalliopeMori@cumallover.me
Will mix it up on 10th of October, and submit it to Calli's contest before the cutoff.

Original song - https://youtu.be/5y3xh8gs24c
Instrumental - https://youtu.be/-sihZLgIO_k (Description, linked under remix materials)
Lyrics (with romaji for EOPs) - https://pastebin.com/zemTGw95

>> No.27039368

It only affects the taste a little bit, you're not gonna get iron poisoning from that amount

>> No.27039370

Do your self improvement reps.

>> No.27039371

IIRC it was bananas, gyuudon, ramen, parmesan, potatoes, and a single meatball
Japanese pizza is fucked

>> No.27039372

Every Amelia zatsudan turns into either stories of her misfortune or stories of her food autism

>> No.27039374
Quoted by: >>27039480

She got jumpscared and pissed herself so she ended the stream

>> No.27039375

Thanks. Never heard that slang for it before.

>> No.27039380
Quoted by: >>27039438

What's wrong with that?

>> No.27039383
Quoted by: >>27039459

I seriously cannot imagine being so schizophrenic that you take obvious jokes as some sort of secret retaliation over the brapping

>> No.27039384

Peanut butter burgers are legit though. Shark has based taste.

>> No.27039387

God, I'm gonna fantasize about Amelia's pantyhose tea so many times

>> No.27039388
File: 563 KB, 1381x1447, EjDe1meX0AIt6J4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27039416


>> No.27039390

Never always look down. Words to live by kiara

>> No.27039391


>> No.27039396
File: 178 KB, 1280x720, 20200126162253_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27039682

Oh, I wasn't actually expecting someone to post it haha. Usually I fucking hate spoonfeeding
Thanks a lot anon, you're a sweetie

>> No.27039398
Quoted by: >>27039447

Search streamlink in the archives, an anon showed how to do it before.

>> No.27039397
Quoted by: >>27039490

Pekora is gonna show up in Kiara's chat one day you'll hear auditable squirting

>> No.27039400
File: 329 KB, 410x555, 1600067714115.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unironically does Amelia have autism or ocd? She seems serious about having to get those lamps.

>> No.27039401

Chat is always retarded. I remember one time when chat was telling a streamer they aren't supposed to bandage burn wounds. Which you absolutely should by the way, since burns are highly susceptible to infection. Just make sure it's a lint-free cloth or proper medical bandages.

>> No.27039402

>just have a pantyhose tea from a local teashop in Malaysia
Wait, is not normal?

>> No.27039404

What happened with the 5ch poster? didn't see his post today, it was 14th or 15th

>> No.27039405
File: 127 KB, 1280x720, comfy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27039426

imagine being hugged by ina and all her tentacles

>> No.27039408

Gay masochist.

>> No.27039409
Quoted by: >>27039682

May Allah bless your soul dear teammate, I will remember you.

>> No.27039410
Quoted by: >>27039440

Don't forget Mori using her potato PC to make a smoke graphics that lagged her entire stream

>> No.27039412

She's like a smarter Haachama.

>> No.27039413

Genuine OCD

>> No.27039415
Quoted by: >>27039682

Normal Amelia voice is fucking adorable...

>> No.27039416

Thanks friend

>> No.27039419

I wish, this thread is bearable at least when streams are going on
That's true

>> No.27039420

I love my autistic wife!

>> No.27039424

>everyone hates China
that's 5ch

>> No.27039425

waiting for shitshow to die down

>> No.27039426

Hm hm.

>> No.27039427
File: 316 KB, 624x561, 1601099160474.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27039430

No more until the China thing is over.

>> No.27039429

he said he was taking a break until chinashit cools down since it was most of the posting

>> No.27039431
Quoted by: >>27039682

Why is this a big deal anyway? It's not even a dox or anything just a random collab

>> No.27039432
File: 898 KB, 2000x2000, 1601326117780.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fell for this twice today

>> No.27039434

senior zoomer

>> No.27039433

I'm good bro.

>> No.27039435

said he was taking a break because it's all chinaposting on 5ch

>> No.27039436
File: 213 KB, 480x480, 1600655005427 (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a single meatball

>> No.27039437

I kinda want Kiara to spit in my mouth and call me a fucking piece of shit

>> No.27039438

Bad for your stomach.

>> No.27039439

For many foods, salt just makes them taste "more". I wouldn't try salting your tea all the same, but it comes from a place of reason.

>> No.27039440

That's one of the least autistic things she did.

>> No.27039444

I thought those were lady fingers.

>> No.27039446

Amelia no !!! You'll attract the Italian antis!!!

>> No.27039447
Quoted by: >>27039512

you mean youtube-dlc

>> No.27039448
Quoted by: >>27039483

Enter Mobster Watson

>> No.27039449

This voice acting...

My fuckin heart cant take it bros

>> No.27039451

Strong variations of both probably

>> No.27039453


>> No.27039456
Quoted by: >>27039472

>Mobster Ame
I didn't know Ame VA moments would be fun.

>> No.27039459
Quoted by: >>27039494

Nice try Deadbrap. Schizo strawmanning won't help you this time.

>> No.27039460

I bought some of these to try thinking they couldn't be that bad and couldn't even finish 1 package. Ina is strong. I need to do my spicy food reps

>> No.27039465

autism, she doesn't have any other rituals, just fixations

>> No.27039471

>fray when she gets loud
Looks like Kiara's mic still needs some tuning. Miles better than her original though.

>> No.27039472
Quoted by: >>27039496

She's from the Bronx, it's her real voice

>> No.27039473
Quoted by: >>27039583

Oh, I didn't mean that as a condemnation. She's by long and far my favorite, and the fact that's kept up in content with everyone but Ame despite working 3 jobs is pretty inspiring. I do think that she has a bunch of subscribers who're only interested in her music though.

>> No.27039474

Why can Kiara actively swear on stream but Gura has to censor herself?

>> No.27039478

Any Holo discussion is buried with a shit ton of posts about their undying hatred against the insectoids.

>> No.27039480

She didn't

>> No.27039481

Seriously why does her switch overheat? Is that normal?

>> No.27039482

Reminder that every dollar you donate to Amelia is a dollar going to closing the hole in her head.

>> No.27039483


>> No.27039484


>> No.27039486
File: 67 KB, 522x664, 1601134946559.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27039489

Bubba here. Overheat coming in a few minutes.

>> No.27039490
Quoted by: >>27039533

that was day 1

>> No.27039492

>Kiara is no longer a virgin

>> No.27039495

>Truly, we were on a Super Mario Odyssey!
Fuck off, Nintendo

>> No.27039494
Quoted by: >>27039580

>everyone I disagree with must be a morifag
I bet you hear voices in your head too

>> No.27039496

She said she got pizza there once, you dumbfuck.

>> No.27039498

She's got korean racial bonus for spicy food.

>> No.27039501

Kiara talked about being a virgin both literally and metaphorically this stream, why aren't you all watching her again?

>> No.27039503

>There's no problem with my phrasing, I was a Minecraft virgin until Yesterday!

oh Kiara.

>> No.27039502

Stop turning off the fan Bubba.

>> No.27039505

What a bizarre mishmash. Even hawaiian pizza is less of a nightmare.

>> No.27039506

>Her shock every time a pickaxe breaks

My fucking heart bros...

>> No.27039507
File: 1.27 MB, 934x983, 1585146329627.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27039614

She did

>> No.27039508

>someone post the Bottom Left meme

>> No.27039510

bubba do something!

>> No.27039512

or this

>> No.27039514

i guess this is why hukepapa's gone now

>> No.27039515
Quoted by: >>27039532

unf i wish i could lose my minecraft virginity with Kiara

>> No.27039516

oh no

>> No.27039518

2nd best 3d mario game of all time

>> No.27039517

She's autistic. OCD isn't what you're thinking it is

>> No.27039519

she got scammed in a craigslist bathroom

>> No.27039520

I don't think so. Never happened to mine even after 6+ hour sessions.

>> No.27039521

you're telling me that's not peak ludo?

>> No.27039522

I'm surprised she's not just boiling the water in the microwave.

>> No.27039523
Quoted by: >>27039588

Kinda weird that she lived there most of her life yet only got pizza once, don't you think?

>> No.27039524
Quoted by: >>27039574

i just want to see hot steamy yuri sex between ame and ina

until it happens i shall not die

>> No.27039525

>purple donuts

>> No.27039528
Quoted by: >>27039600

Because Gura's audience is children.

>> No.27039532
Quoted by: >>27039575

unf i wish i could lose my virginity with Gura

>> No.27039533

Well shit, I'd better go back and try to isolate the audio

>> No.27039535

do japanese people respond to american sushi the same way we respond to this abomination

>> No.27039536

Nice squeak

>> No.27039541


>> No.27039543

What does her crotch smell like Bubba?

>> No.27039547

Probably a bit, but it's also cute. She made a point to do the same thing with fire extinguishers and fire alarms in the sleep puzzle game.

>> No.27039553
Quoted by: >>27039600

Gura is aiming for the family friendly image, if her turning off blood in surgeon simulator and the way she acts is any indication

>> No.27039554
Quoted by: >>27039663

Would Bubba eat Amelia's face off if she falls into a coma or has a stroke?

>> No.27039555
Quoted by: >>27039598

Why is Kiara's audio still messed up. I thought she bought a new mic

>> No.27039556

>Kiara being more entertaining than Amelia
What fucking bizarro world did we just enter?

>> No.27039558

explains this stream's stomach pains

>> No.27039559

Autistic in the cutest way possible.

>> No.27039560

>Yagoo hiring a bunch of menhera and autistic women for his idol play-pretend.
Business as usual, anon.

>> No.27039562

Why is she keeping going? It's pretty much confirmed that it's a problem with her switch right, it will overheat again inevitably.

>> No.27039565

Never had my switch overheat but it can get hot, she also said she got it secondhand so there's probably something up with it

>> No.27039567
Quoted by: >>27039616

I did the same. Slowly working through the 5-pack and I'm showing some progress. Keep with your spicy reps!

>> No.27039570
Quoted by: >>27039614

Then explain that weird ending to her stream. It feels abrupt and like she's concerned about something

>> No.27039572

Gura chooses to censor herself because she is aiming for a younger audience.

>> No.27039573

not normal at all, I play animal crossing and other games for hours on my switch just fine

>> No.27039574
File: 1.14 MB, 4000x3000, 1601087910351.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27039575

She doesn't play Minecraft... yet. But you could let her slaughter you in DBD

>> No.27039580
Quoted by: >>27039655

I have. I bet you don't have internal monologue.

>> No.27039583

She's also has the auntie appeal. Older people are going to like her more than the younger HoloENs.

>> No.27039584

She already has, once.

>> No.27039586
Quoted by: >>27039639

This game looks fun, i might actually buy this

>> No.27039587
File: 11 KB, 900x450, 1590634235340.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27039619

>> No.27039588

Because she isn't

>> No.27039590

What the fuck is this bottom/top right/left meme anyways? Is it from Twitch? Someone explain onegai

>> No.27039592

Shut your bitch ass up you bitch

>> No.27039595

She's going the Pekora route

>> No.27039596

Tonight was a good collection of streams. Especially with no Mori shit to spoil it

>> No.27039598

its just your $5 headphones anon
her mic is too heavy for her microphone arm so its propped up on a bottle

>> No.27039599

Since you fucks seem to know so much about microphones, is Fifine 668 a decent choice if I'm just gonna be using it for voice calls with friends? My current mic is kind of rubbish.

>> No.27039600

She was literally playing Outlast

>> No.27039602

She can just cancel into a zatsudan whenever, it's fine.

>> No.27039604
Quoted by: >>27039672

How new?

>> No.27039606

Blowhole syndrome

>> No.27039607
Quoted by: >>27039672

newfag out

>> No.27039608

>it's that bi-
>it's that chick

>> No.27039612
File: 721 KB, 1710x1603, Eig9a7RUMAAimRU.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>intentionally trolled her PC twitter followers
this bird is unfathomably based

>> No.27039613


>> No.27039614

She didn't piss herself

>> No.27039616

I bought the black ones instead and enjoyed them, but even those are still a bit uncomfortable. I'll graduate to the red ones eventually. They do taste good, after all.

>> No.27039617

>It's that bitch!

>> No.27039618

>Attack Kiara for saying Iren
Fuck you guys...it's cute...

>> No.27039619

Good, but make the other hat a smaller version of the same autism hat.

>> No.27039620
File: 2 KB, 125x122, 1601069419107.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Gamer mode almost slipping out in fucking super mario odyssey

>> No.27039625

Top left

>> No.27039627

I keep switching back and forth, both are good.

>> No.27039629

>Voice acting
This stream is really good, it's getting up there along superliminal

>> No.27039631
File: 11 KB, 288x115, 1601350953810.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The rest of the EN girls' aversion to swearing is the reason why their collabs are subpar. Swearing is such an ingrained element of casual conversations between friends that's why their interactions seem so awkward.

>> No.27039633

I disagree, but Minecraft is definitely the kind of game that suits her stream style well.

>> No.27039634
Quoted by: >>27039666

She did and we have proof >>27038527

>> No.27039635

>"It's that bi- uh, chick"
Why does she feel the need to hold back on swearing so much? Kiara does it all the time so it's definitely fine right?

>> No.27039639

It's not bad. It's like 2nd or 3rd best 3 Mario game.

>> No.27039640
Quoted by: >>27039666

i have a golden shower fetish. gura is soaring up the rans for me

>> No.27039646


>> No.27039650
File: 77 KB, 801x801, 1583587081218.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27039666

She did!

>> No.27039651
File: 77 KB, 1024x512, Irons-2x1-7961[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you pronounce this?

>> No.27039652

Their second collab had a game where they tried to place each other on a chart where one axis was Purity (Top) and the other Intelligence (Right). While debating chicken's placement her artist, huke, showed up in chat and just said "bottom left", aka the dumb slut corner.

>> No.27039654

gap moe.

>> No.27039655
Quoted by: >>27039686

>schizo AND has to talk to himself in his head

>> No.27039659
File: 48 KB, 548x468, 1597875639530.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the entire chat trolling the chicken by telling her she has a BGM
I can't, this is golden

>> No.27039660
Quoted by: >>27039701

>ESL telling EOPs how English works
based Kiara

>> No.27039662

I hope Ame at least gets better with the controls if she's going to collect literally everything she sees.

>> No.27039663

Dogs aren't cats

>> No.27039664
File: 293 KB, 3318x1820, 1601303005675.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, they're idols!

>> No.27039666
Quoted by: >>27039785

She didn't

>> No.27039668

No wonder narratives are so easy to form.

>> No.27039670

Bought it at release and have had 8+ hour sessions, never happened once

>> No.27039671

look up "bottom left busta"

>> No.27039672
Quoted by: >>27039716

Wait it's the fucking chart? I swear I've heard people on twitch say like, "top left btw" devoid of context

>> No.27039674


>> No.27039675

2nd collab stream, newfriend
on chimkin's channel

>> No.27039677


>> No.27039678

ame needs to stop playing boring ass games. fucking yikes. first limbo now this overrated dogshit

>> No.27039679

switch-kun only has 5 or so minutes left huh

>> No.27039680


>> No.27039681


>> No.27039682

No problem.
The people here are the only friends I have so it makes me feel good to contribute in whatever way I can.

I definitely agree.

Probably because it was just 30 minutes of nothing but troubleshooting technical issues. I had a feeling it would get taken down so I saved it just in case.

>> No.27039683

She is so close to diamonds

>> No.27039684


>> No.27039686
Quoted by: >>27039737


>> No.27039688
Quoted by: >>27039806

calling it now, Kiara is gonna be the one to destroy that awkwardness once and for all in one of their collabs

>> No.27039689
File: 45 KB, 822x337, get_out_of_the_water.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27039758

>> No.27039691


>> No.27039690

Why contain it?

>> No.27039693
File: 3 KB, 236x37, BOTTOM LEFT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27039696


>> No.27039697
Quoted by: >>27039724

You guys do realize Youtube will instantly fuck them over for excessive swearing right?

>> No.27039698
File: 102 KB, 800x800, last thread.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27039701

You can take the Europoor out of Europe, but you can't take the poor out of the Euro.

>> No.27039702

Iron (or how Europeans pronounce it, Ironium)

>> No.27039704

Cloth press

>> No.27039706
Quoted by: >>27039723


>> No.27039708
Quoted by: >>27039775

Burgers say eye-urn, yurop says eye-ron.

>> No.27039712
Quoted by: >>27039809

I know about the chart I'm just dumb and thought it was something else
stop bullying me please

>> No.27039716
Quoted by: >>27039747

Different context. In most games that's how you open the menu to quit or leave the game.

>> No.27039720

I yearn

>> No.27039721
Quoted by: >>27040554

Political compass. They are saying that Kiara is a leftoid. That's why Amelia and Gura hate her.

>> No.27039723

This is correct.

>> No.27039724
Quoted by: >>27039808

The JPs (especially Coco) have dropped everything under the sun.

>> No.27039727

Maytag, just like it's spelled.

>> No.27039728
File: 112 KB, 1000x1000, Ei5aoN5X0AABKwP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck off grandpa

>> No.27039730


>> No.27039731

kiara carries holoen collabs. cant wait for the constant mori cringe-speak for the overcooked collab

>> No.27039733

>fat mori

>> No.27039734

I never swear and my friends like talking to me.

>> No.27039737
Quoted by: >>27039777

>Schizo, friendless loser AND spouts /pol/ memes
Imagine my shock

>> No.27039738
Quoted by: >>27039800

>fat mori

>> No.27039739


>> No.27039741
Quoted by: >>27039779

She said she won't unfortunately.

>> No.27039745

shark love!

>> No.27039747

Thank you
I was very confused

>> No.27039751
Quoted by: >>27039822

I honestly find galaxy overrated, galaxy 2 is -far- better

>> No.27039753
File: 165 KB, 961x1400, 1600824634687.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Gura cute

>> No.27039755

>sunshine at the bottom

>> No.27039757
File: 65 KB, 1440x1080, shaaaaark.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sharkbrain... don't have to explain shit.
Whatever it is, it's working

>> No.27039758

>You're gonna need a bigger boat

>> No.27039760

>better piss sitting
>water narrative

>> No.27039762
Quoted by: >>27039797

you did not just put 64 and sunshine below galaxy and odyssey haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

>> No.27039763
Quoted by: >>27039804

I still masturbate to this clip.

>> No.27039765

Swap Sunshine and Odyssey

>> No.27039764

chum play...

>> No.27039767
File: 102 KB, 422x442, 1584222527735.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

clips from the outlast stream my chumbuds
elbow smack - https://files.catbox.moe/btz72b.mp4
don't be scared, we can hold hands - https://files.catbox.moe/cuxteo.mp4
let the bodies hit the floor - https://files.catbox.moe/e709c6.mp4
cute peek in game and with avatar - https://files.catbox.moe/sdqk7e.mp4
the calories clip - https://files.catbox.moe/s45mth.mp4
patting bald people clip - https://files.catbox.moe/8x8vbu.mp4
the KO knee story - https://files.catbox.moe/b04vgc.mp4

Here are also some screams/squeals other anon(s) clipped
ending squeal - https://files.catbox.moe/katy6h.webm

>> No.27039770

>chum play
this is my fetish

>> No.27039771

>comfy bitch

>> No.27039775
Quoted by: >>27039815

>yurop says eye-ron
Continental ESLs, you mean, bongs and potatoes say it right.

>> No.27039777

Who are you quoting?

>> No.27039778


>> No.27039779
File: 256 KB, 860x793, WTF Bloodborne.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27039813


>> No.27039780
File: 29 KB, 681x383, shutterstock_editorial_10580125f-e1591816164466[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fat Mori

>> No.27039782

>thinking cunny
>chum play
>water narrative
>retard story

>> No.27039781

>Swearing is such an ingrained element of casual conversations between friends
Bad news but you and your friends might be dumb.

>> No.27039785
File: 146 KB, 800x800, 1600914709416.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can't deny truth satan the numbers are power

>> No.27039786

Was this posted up somewhere or did you screencapture

>> No.27039790

There's literally nothing about Outlast that makes it a not kid friendly game.

>> No.27039791

I enjoy it when Kiara casually swears.

>> No.27039794

For some people, avoiding swearing has little to do with projecting some kind of "family friendly" image and everything to do with having control over what comes out of your mouth. Crassness doesn't make you cool or brave.

>> No.27039795

I feel bad for Ame.. 12K on a very popular game

>> No.27039799
File: 244 KB, 500x501, 1600708930445.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27039796

>Amelia will never be your Chain Chomp mommy

>> No.27039797
Quoted by: >>27039847

64 is dated. It was a great game for its time, but the camera is non negotiable.

>> No.27039798

When will Goslingposting finally end?
It's pathetic.
Have some dignity bros.

>> No.27039800

Yes please. Feed that PAWG more cheese doodles and wine.

>> No.27039804
File: 562 KB, 627x667, 1601327933831.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Possibly based

>> No.27039806
File: 331 KB, 2309x1088, freeKiara.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's too much of a try-hard.

>> No.27039808
Quoted by: >>27039881

Youtube barely registers English swears when it's listening for Japanese

>> No.27039809

In kiara's chart you would be in CENTER LEFT

>> No.27039810

>Attempts to censor self with a star
>Still types out full word anyways
Based Haachama

>> No.27039812

Mori is a fatass?

>> No.27039813

Here, have all my Noel menhara clips to cheer you up.


>> No.27039814

Her roommate's model looks significantly better than her current one i beleb

>> No.27039815
Quoted by: >>27039902

Do potatoes say it right? The only potato I've heard is Oney and his ass pronounces it eye-ron.

>> No.27039817

i havent watched a single holojp stream since holoen debuted

im no longer a weeb

>> No.27039820
Quoted by: >>27039954

You faggots whine about it way more than people even do it at this point. Fuck off already.

>> No.27039821

Chicken voice makes my downstairs go upstairs

>> No.27039822

galaxy had more soul and more memorable levels. Makes sense since it was an original.

>> No.27039823

>watching chicken literally

>> No.27039824

>loli reps

>> No.27039825

Feels great for EN to pave the way for more permissions. A lot of the JPs don't understand the English rules that foreign game companies have so they play it safe, but now the ENs are opening the way for more variety.

>> No.27039828
Quoted by: >>27039924

Kiara still going huh, she must like minecraft. I'm glad. I don't watch her but it seems like she's finding her stride

>> No.27039831
File: 56 KB, 585x543, 1600919307328.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27039914

>Kino nigger ass

>> No.27039832

Wtf happened?

>> No.27039835

Its a guerilla stream.

>> No.27039837

I don't know but I really wish it was the other way around

>> No.27039838

I have both so yes.

>> No.27039839

Probably just low class or /sp/

>> No.27039841
File: 24 KB, 424x424, 1600478639489.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Oh my weed!

>> No.27039843
File: 167 KB, 226x287, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this face is so adorable

>> No.27039845

someone posted a 5ch dumpster dive about 10 hours ago, was about the ENs

>> No.27039846


>> No.27039847
Quoted by: >>27039863

Yeah, ground breaking for the time, but doesn't hold up sadly.

>> No.27039848
File: 324 KB, 306x432, 1600264327766.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You'll miss us when we're gone.

>> No.27039850

>seeks weight gain so much that he's morphing into Colonel Sanders

>> No.27039853

what do the purple donuts do

>> No.27039852
Quoted by: >>27039886

She'll have a fat ass if you catch my drift

>> No.27039854
Quoted by: >>27039904

PG-13 is still child friendly.

>> No.27039856

If it's every other word, sure, but the occasional profanity is how you indicate that you are relaxed with them, especially if you otherwise have to make awkward attempts to censor yourself.

>> No.27039858

Is Gura the only one that squeals and whistles instead of screaming?

>> No.27039859
File: 43 KB, 1024x571, 1595428713555m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fat mori

>> No.27039863
Quoted by: >>27040328

I have a feeling a lot of people are gonna realize this after playing 3d all stars

>> No.27039866
File: 307 KB, 768x1024, 84260189_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Ina!
Frankie Valli Version

>> No.27039867

Where do you think ame gura and ina are on the political compass

>> No.27039868
Quoted by: >>27039900

wtf Kiara just did the anime WOWW perfectly

>> No.27039876

I just got home from work, was shark stream any good?

>> No.27039877

what did she say?

>> No.27039881

Coco regularly swears even when she's mostly streaming in English.

>> No.27039884
File: 216 KB, 1800x1501, 1601083089639.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone clip smug shark? https://youtu.be/fp_tHKAjhyU?t=10303

>> No.27039885

Are you gonna start doing the word clouds now? I hope so because I couldn't be bothered doing them anymore

>> No.27039886

She's already fat.

>> No.27039889

Each kingdom has purple coins that act as a currency for that kingdom only and you can use it to buy stuff.

>> No.27039890


>> No.27039894

same position as the purity/intelligence chart

>> No.27039895

I love you

>> No.27039897
File: 180 KB, 566x800, Ei2frNEVkAEAHvI.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it was really good. 3 hours

>> No.27039898

>ending squeal - https://files.catbox.moe/katy6h.webm
I thought you guys were joking but she actually peed herself didnt she?

>> No.27039899

it was, 3 hours of 10/10 shark content

>> No.27039900


>> No.27039902

In my experience they do, the accent distorts it a bit but the fundamental pronunciation is correct. Maybe it's different between Nothern and the Republic, dunno.

>> No.27039904

It's rated M

>> No.27039907

well its switch meltdown time, it was a nice stream lads

>> No.27039910
File: 149 KB, 320x240, 1600319434558.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly, I was bored and autistic so I counted because you seemed like kind of a baby


There are seven goslings in this two thousand post thread. Please refer to this clip:

>> No.27039913

she can invest those into the local economy for new outfits

>> No.27039914
Quoted by: >>27040198

Will we ever see Gura's bottom teeth?

>> No.27039915

Amelia: Votes Democrat but doesn't really think of politics. Thinks racism and sexism are bad but doesn't care enough to look at the issues or do research
Gura: Doesn't vote or know politics
Ina: Always votes because thats her civic duty. Probably a democrat

>> No.27039916
File: 1.08 MB, 1000x1710, Leigh-Keily-Pierce-Brosnan-Sharp-33368-COLOUR[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But she can get BIGGER

>> No.27039917

Stop reminding me. I'm trying to avoid masturbating right now.

>> No.27039918
Quoted by: >>27039957

What made you give up, anon?

>> No.27039919 [DELETED] 


>> No.27039921

Ehhhhhhhh she's more like a shortstack

>> No.27039923
Quoted by: >>27040299

I unironically think it's likely

>> No.27039924

I had faith she would. I never gave up hope.

>> No.27039929

Don't.12K is still a very high number, even considering it's a stream at midnight US time.

Ame's been streaming to a dozen (12) people for most of her streaming career. Didn't really "take off" to a few hundred until mid-2019.

>> No.27039931
File: 2.65 MB, 2000x2000, 1591547189412.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27039967

>other than the noodles
I have seen this a million times and I have only realized those were noodles

>> No.27039932
Quoted by: >>27039953

Ina is a Canuck. Gura is your typical zoomer, not a fake zoomer like Amelia.

>> No.27039933


>> No.27039935
Quoted by: >>27039997

only when something interesting happens.

>> No.27039938

The Korone-Rare thing probably also started that movement, Rare and Kirkhope responding so positively to Korone's stream was a key turning point I'd say.

>> No.27039945

While boring, this is probably 100% accurate. Especially considering age/racial demographics.

>> No.27039946

What's the context of the "Youtube breaks Noel" one?

>> No.27039948
Quoted by: >>27039985

>Midnight in US
>Gorilla stream
Shut up retard.

>> No.27039949


>> No.27039950

I hope we get to see Gura play some Resident Evil

>> No.27039953

lol they're probably around the same age dude

>> No.27039954


This. >>27039820 Goslingposting was always a part of these threads culture. It only started getting hate when it got overly spammed to the point that it was eating up the entire image limit in like 10 minutes of Ame's streams and then they were spamming the long ASCII posts. Now we've come all the way back around to where the anti-goslings are the more annoying ones. No one overdoes it anymore, it's fine.

>> No.27039956
File: 269 KB, 500x575, SadSharkHours.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw default icon on YouTube despite getting to pick out the Twitter one.

>> No.27039957

My laptop is a piece of shit so it took me forever to make them, also the threads turning into absolute garbage just made lose the motivation.

>> No.27039958

I think that's just an English thing.

>> No.27039959

Nah. The only thing fat about her is those tits.

Her roommate your average cute white girl who likes to drink, or at least as far we can tell since she doesn't dress against her bodytype. Probably a bit thicc/pudgy, but it's proportional with her tits and ass, and she doesn't have a fat face.

>> No.27039966
Quoted by: >>27039999

Ina's a leaf, anon.

>> No.27039967

Its not just any noodles its baby star ramen so it has a nice crunch to it and seasoning to it

>> No.27039968
File: 664 KB, 2173x1268, 1599638040474.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Amelia is a "dinosaurs have feathers" person


>> No.27039969
Quoted by: >>27040037

Gura is getting drunk and crying due to the embarrassment of pissing herself on stream

>> No.27039970

Don't do this Ame I will dump you !

>> No.27039972

If you're into watersports.

>> No.27039971
File: 228 KB, 500x501, shark9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

:3 Remember, Gura wants you to hydrate! We can't be chumbuddies if you're dead :33333:3

>> No.27039974


>> No.27039975

>I'm gonna kill you, Chain-Chomps
>They're dying, nooo!
Classic Ame

>> No.27039977

Is her fps tanking after becoming the dino or is it just my stream?

>> No.27039979

What do you guys think each girl is gonna end up in terms of viewers?

Amelia:10k-20k depending on time
Ina:15-20k depending on time
Calli: 15k

>> No.27039980
File: 42 KB, 480x542, e07.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's like I'm naked right now
>I just wanna bully them

>> No.27039984

I hope not

>> No.27039985
Quoted by: >>27040039

Off yourself, westfag

>> No.27039986


>> No.27039988

Of course she's pro-feathers, she's biased.

>> No.27039989
Quoted by: >>27040009

I swear everytime amelia says chain-chomps I hear ching-chongs

>> No.27039991

And she censored the nudity and gore...

>> No.27039992
File: 59 KB, 184x184, 0957cdf6c59dc92e265dfe766e6895b7eabdc609_full.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your mom Isha ho!
Your dog Isha ho!
Your face Isha ho!

>> No.27039994

I love my menhera boin boin wife!

>> No.27039997

Neat, I might pick it up again eventually

>> No.27039996
Quoted by: >>27040299

Unironically, as someone who has no horse in this race... yeah, I think she did. Maybe not a lot. But enough to want to end the stream so she could go clean up and change her pants.

>> No.27039998
File: 77 KB, 680x680, 1593622451164.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here you go anon

>> No.27040000
Quoted by: >>27040051

Youtube demonetized her stream

>> No.27039999
Quoted by: >>27040053

Then whatever party trudeo is in.

>> No.27040003

I want to make shark babies with gura.

>> No.27040004

Featherheads rise up!

>> No.27040006
Quoted by: >>27040033

>sunshine at last

>> No.27040008


>> No.27040009

Thank god it's not just me. I did a double take

>> No.27040012
File: 10 KB, 338x149, images (5).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For now.

>> No.27040013
File: 1.01 MB, 2304x4096, 1601056239545.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need details cause I was working overtime but how cute was Gura's Outlast stream, I need details now.

>> No.27040016
Quoted by: >>27040095


>> No.27040018

She can't be this retarded

>> No.27040019
File: 1.77 MB, 1646x1440, Sekiro Laugh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thx... i think i will masturbate to this

>> No.27040023

I could see Cali hitting those numbers since she is going to be streaming older games. SotN is going to be popular and her collab with Ina on BB is going to be a huge draw.

>> No.27040024
Quoted by: >>27040061

after howv long?

>> No.27040026

Bros... are we just watching twitch streamers in disguise? I had this realization and i'm fucking freaking out here
>take your meds, schizo
no, fuck that, last time i did that i had to suffer through 3 days of narcolepsy mixed with psychosis, fuck that poison

>> No.27040030

It was 10/10
Cute AND funny

>> No.27040031

what did chicken say about drawing? i was taking a shit.

>> No.27040032

thats nu science canon, boomerchama

>> No.27040033

I think its a good game. But 3d mario is pretty stacked list.

>> No.27040034

How long until the switch overheats you think?

>> No.27040037

Gura's already passed the fuck out lol

>> No.27040039
File: 332 KB, 949x531, file_90.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27040081

>11pm pst
>1am cst
>2am cst

>> No.27040040

Her tits are fucking huge man, shame everyone thinks she's fat though.

>> No.27040042


>> No.27040044


>> No.27040045


>> No.27040046


>> No.27040048
File: 240 KB, 744x1052, 1601341401304.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27040129


>> No.27040049


>> No.27040050

>that ojou ohoho
bros... I'm feeling a lot better all of a sudden

>> No.27040051

Ahhh, now it makes sense. Thanks anon.

>> No.27040053

What a waste of quads
Canada actually has a left wing party and a moral right wing party, so it's not so easy to predict how people vote

>> No.27040054

>are we just watching twitch streamers in disguise?
No, you're watching Hololive in english, sperg.

>> No.27040055

God bless those squeaks.

>> No.27040056
File: 775 KB, 1010x1094, 1596629702494.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27040120

Amelia's fat ass on my face

>> No.27040057

Youtube lag cut off part of her stream so nobody saw her make the jump to get to the crow after failing multiple times.

>> No.27040058
File: 558 KB, 367x265, 1d5.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my god, that voice acting.

>> No.27040059

Holy shit Ame's himesama laugh
My dick

>> No.27040060
File: 39 KB, 500x290, 1587894490568.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>featherfags unironically believe this

>> No.27040061

6 months

>> No.27040065

You mean a person who is objectively correct?

>> No.27040067
Quoted by: >>27040099

They can't show chat right now so she's considering adding a slideshow that shows fanart like ame and mori do

>> No.27040068

There it is

>> No.27040069

overheat counter: 2

>> No.27040070


>> No.27040071


>> No.27040072

I knew it was coming soon.

>> No.27040074

Kiara stumbled onto something that works for her, like really works.

Ame Mario is just okay, I like seeing her play shooters/puzzle games more though.

>> No.27040076


>> No.27040077

Overheat again

>> No.27040079


>> No.27040080

RIP again switch-kun

>> No.27040081

Oh I know the time is shit for burgers. I just can't let an opportunity to shit on a westcoastfag go to waste.

>> No.27040082

>she's having fun
>even doing the autism noises
>switch dies

>> No.27040083


>> No.27040084

Please, tell me someone clipped it.

>> No.27040085

Well you predicted it

>> No.27040086

*Ahem* Fuck you

>> No.27040087

my heart can't take it

>> No.27040088
File: 239 KB, 500x500, 1601094395938.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks, chumbro

>> No.27040090

Amelia was too hot for playing switch....

>> No.27040091
File: 98 KB, 574x567, unknown68.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27040092
File: 270 KB, 1036x1664, 1601302275127.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I knew it was going to die before she beat the level

>> No.27040095

I want to but too much school shit

>> No.27040099

a thanks sounds about right

>> No.27040101

JP wise, no, they're too different from your usual twitch e-thot.
EN wise, I'm not sure since I have only watched Ina and she is too similar to JP Holos so I wouldn't consider her "twitch" at all.

>> No.27040102

>get up to take a piss
>miss voice acting
it's not fair bros

>> No.27040105
Quoted by: >>27040299

Sorry bros, actually i came on her and she had to end the stream to clean herself properly.
The scream was actually because she was surprised with my huge load.

>> No.27040106

>goes right back into food talk
she's getting too used to do this

>> No.27040107


>> No.27040108

Console fags will defend this.

>> No.27040109

you bastard

>> No.27040110


>> No.27040111
File: 44 KB, 290x290, 1532534323666.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27040112
Quoted by: >>27040165

she said she isnt getting that much fanart and she will do the slideshow thing soon i think

>> No.27040113

Is this like new Star Wars but with Jurassic Park? Or closer to flat earth? WTF is your damage?

>> No.27040118

>that immediate pivot to dinner talk
I love this retard.

>> No.27040120


>> No.27040122

oh god ame..

>> No.27040123
Quoted by: >>27040176

Dinosaurs weren't real so they had no feathers

>> No.27040125
Quoted by: >>27040171

Holy fuck what is wrong with Japanese women

>> No.27040129


>> No.27040132

Don't worry zatsudan will carry this

>> No.27040133

Do your game bottle reps

>> No.27040134

Switch kun...

>> No.27040136
File: 131 KB, 1000x1336, 1601347795563.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>missed her do ojousama laugh
you poor soul

>> No.27040137

Fat titties. I couldn't believe it at first. Wonder what her students think of her.

>> No.27040139


>> No.27040142

Bird, why are you shipping so hard

>> No.27040145
File: 382 KB, 2000x1331, 1575695135602.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27040147

That was a smooth as fuck pivot

>> No.27040153
File: 94 KB, 800x800, large_79848860-927d-4abc-9a9d-9dafa1dec758.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27040195

stop drinking this shit ame

>> No.27040151

No one believes that you dumbass

>> No.27040154

>take brewed tea and add instant tea mix

>> No.27040156

>ame telling everyone to get brain damage

>> No.27040157

Simply put yes? If you have some definition of what Twitch streamers are other than entertainers that stream a variety of things then maybe not

>> No.27040159
Quoted by: >>27040185

flock off feather-face

>> No.27040162

>chicken sandwich with pickles

probably chik fila, based ameribrap

>> No.27040164
Quoted by: >>27040237

>Chicken Sandwich with pickels
Ame... your whiteness is showing...

>> No.27040165

F-word that chicken, I've sent her all sorts of art works and she hasn't liked any of them.

>> No.27040168

minotaur bullying and PLAGGED are hyper-fappable

>> No.27040169
Quoted by: >>27040251

Been busy, how did she "fix" her switch? Was it just a cable? Is she still planning on getting a new one cause the stupid overheating shit?

>> No.27040171

Please be patient with them

>> No.27040173
Quoted by: >>27040202

Ame's a pro, she knows if something doesn't workout to have backup plans. See how Kiara freaked out about her El Gato on stream yesterday, she could've swapped to a backup plan.

>> No.27040174

holy shit imagine being a non-american in this thread and having no chick fil a

>> No.27040175

>cum cum cum

>> No.27040177
File: 365 KB, 550x686, 1575093848642.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27040856

This bshark was literally made for instant loss mating press

>> No.27040178

>Ames gamer bottle
Alright, which one of you is that.

>> No.27040176

Based. Satan planted the dinosaur bones to truck humanity.

>> No.27040179

>Ojou laugh

>> No.27040180
Quoted by: >>27040307

It really is a shame that she's both in Japan and should know far better then ever meet anyone who knows her as Mori first. She's cute, and would be fun to hang out with. I've just gotta find my own Mori, I suppose.

>> No.27040182
File: 178 KB, 1200x1128, 1600567443980.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Chicken /r/equesting more fanart of her and mori kissing

>> No.27040185

Que te jodan!

>> No.27040186

>Amelia "oh hohohoho~"

my penis cannot handle this

>> No.27040187
Quoted by: >>27040272

Could also be Popeye's.

>> No.27040189
Quoted by: >>27040263

>are we just watching twitch streamers in disguise?
Without shitty unfunny emote metas and stolen 4chan/reddit memes, yes

>> No.27040193

jinxed it

>> No.27040195

They have some good lemonade/pink lemonade though Anon.

>> No.27040198

you must suffer from lore misconception shes like dracula from billy and mandy scrape and lick

>> No.27040199
File: 274 KB, 1206x1201, EiznmtiUYAETmeB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27040200


>> No.27040201


>> No.27040202

she doesn't have a backup plan
she just thinks of something fun on the spot

>> No.27040204
File: 11 KB, 184x184, 1597471078398.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Expecting a foot fetishist to have more than double digit IQ

>> No.27040205
File: 632 KB, 638x588, 1601263439915.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27040206

>Bubba has a sister

>> No.27040208
File: 141 KB, 301x330, 1600648513070.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Real fucking lore hours.

>> No.27040209

>two yappy dogs

>> No.27040207


>> No.27040211

>bubba sister
the lore deepens

>> No.27040212

There is little evidence T-Rex had feathers. Rex babies might've had fluff similar to what you'd see on a vulture hatchling, but it's more the microraptors that had feathers, not the larger theropods

>> No.27040213


>> No.27040216

Why does Ames' model make that face when everyone else just sleeps?

>> No.27040219
Quoted by: >>27040260

>TWO dogs
>and a cat

>> No.27040220

Once she got into it it became her best stream so far save for gameplay, fun reactions, good talking and generally a fun time.

>> No.27040221

Buba's secret!

>> No.27040222

How many animals does she have in her house!?

>> No.27040223
File: 119 KB, 225x474, Gura.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which one of the ENs likes her friends the most? Assume they know the roomates.

>> No.27040224

Once actually, while she was fleeing from mobs in minecraft and screaming NOO I DON'T WANT TO DIE.

>> No.27040226

its a cat

>> No.27040227

>two dogs and a cat
That's a lot of animals for one person to take care of

>> No.27040230

>Amelia schlicking on stream and claiming it's the other dog
Holy shit bros..

>> No.27040234

so thats three dogs bubba miki and wellington

>> No.27040232

For Gura, too early to tell.
Amelia might have normalized already with ~10k
Chicken too with 10k.
Ina might have even more if she drawstream more.
Mori is reclining fast so it might not even be 15k.

>> No.27040236

I wish I was this dog

>> No.27040237
Quoted by: >>27040337

She already said Dr. Pepper was too spicy for her, she literally is incapable of getting any more white. Albinos are less white.

>> No.27040238

>dog threesome

>> No.27040239
Quoted by: >>27040333

I knew there were two dogs.

>> No.27040242

Her baggy clothing probably hides it for the most part, I wonder if she's as big as Noel though

>> No.27040244

what if bubba's "sister" is just her putting the mic down and fingering herself??

>> No.27040246
Quoted by: >>27040292

How does she take care of 2 dogs and a cat? Doesn't she live alone? Or with her bf?

>> No.27040247

just rewind the stream, bro

>> No.27040248
File: 512 KB, 2040x3508, 1600415798572.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chumbuds, how does it feel to know Shark will never love you as much as she loves Ame?

>> No.27040250


>> No.27040251

Loose capture card cable. Still getting a new Switch because of overheating

>> No.27040252

Don't say "you just know", okay?

>> No.27040254
File: 3.79 MB, 540x304, 1601071722691.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27040298


>> No.27040255
File: 687 KB, 780x544, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27040257

No, Hololive's hiring process has standards. Either way, leave.

>> No.27040258

All of them

>> No.27040259

Wellington's a cat.

>> No.27040260

You can't just have ONE dog, they'll get lonely.

>> No.27040261

Wellington is a cat

>> No.27040262
Quoted by: >>27040278

Two dogs, one cat, and her boyfriend

>> No.27040263


>> No.27040266

Why does she get to have a second peesa dog?

>> No.27040267

Whoever did her L2D absolutely popped off. As far as I know, she's the only one with good teeth animation too.

>> No.27040268

Probably practice with how to disengage from the face scanning given how long she's been doing it.

>> No.27040270

She kicked a chihuahua live on stream

>> No.27040273
Quoted by: >>27041155

Not really she's more youtube then twitch
No, she the one trying the hardest to be like the jp holos

>> No.27040272

Probably was, I know her roommate essentially admitted to being BLACKED so that would be par for the course.

>> No.27040276

Gura and Ina legit seem like friendless asocial types which is why they like Amelia so much because she's the type to be friends with everyone.

>> No.27040277

Already been decided:

>> No.27040278

You listed Bubba twice.

>> No.27040279

Every single one of these things is a different flavor of e-celeb. You might enjoy some and not others, that's normal. These girls aren't doing the same thing as titty streamers if that makes you feel better.

>> No.27040280

>fur babies

>> No.27040284
File: 164 KB, 1599x1162, Guanlong_wucaii_by_durbed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A known relative of the Trex had feathers

>> No.27040286

>House is infested with mice

>> No.27040285
Quoted by: >>27040364

How often does Amelia get mounted by her dogs?

>> No.27040287

What is this autistic bird going on about?

>> No.27040288

amelia confirmed to have a rodent infestation

>> No.27040289
Quoted by: >>27040341

Cats are lazy little shits and sleep all the time, so really it's only the two dogs that need walking and playtime. Letting them run around the yard if possible is also a thing they can do alone usually. Keep in mind Hunting Terriers aren't a big dog too

>> No.27040290
File: 6 KB, 200x252, download (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or a Dreamcast controller

>> No.27040291

Wellington is a superior pet, because he is a cat

>> No.27040292

As much as she has to stop them from barking herself, I'd assume she's alone.

>> No.27040293
File: 414 KB, 1200x1281, 1600549770794.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>now realizing that none of the Holos fit into the ojuo-sama trope

>> No.27040296


Bros help me

>> No.27040298
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>> No.27040299

I only hear her and not anything else

>> No.27040300

>there are rats in her place
waachama, your hygiene reps..

>> No.27040302

Shark wants to smack fat boings around, it's a good cause to cope with.

>> No.27040304

Take the whole bottle. You'll feel better.

>> No.27040307
File: 13 KB, 358x358, Eaql35uWkAI5amt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw will never get a cute tomboy dork gf with massive tits

>> No.27040308

>has rats and mice in her place
do americans really?

>> No.27040310


>> No.27040313

go back and take your meds on the way there

>> No.27040318
File: 1.29 MB, 850x1200, 1594860970066.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27040907

That's not the kind of love I want from her anon

>> No.27040317
File: 968 KB, 746x663, 1601014257797.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Two dogs and a cat
Okay Ame didn't have friends before hololive

>> No.27040319
File: 1.15 MB, 1917x798, Yutyrannus_huali.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And size isn't an issue either.

>> No.27040324
Quoted by: >>27040355

>There's actual featherfags in this thread

>> No.27040325


>> No.27040326
Quoted by: >>27040357

I always tell them to remove the pickles don't think chicken goes with them very well

>> No.27040327

Desuwaaaaa-chan will join hololive, just wait.

>> No.27040328

I've already seen it happening. 64 is a zoomerslayer

>> No.27040332

How else am I going to pew pew at home

>> No.27040333

You do realise she already said she had two dogs and a cat two streams ago right?

>> No.27040335
Quoted by: >>27040346

Why the fuck does Amelia's switch keep overheating?!

>> No.27040337

>Dr. Pepper was too spicy for her
But that's... what? That's not what "spicy" means?

>> No.27040339

>Bubba and Wellington lick each other

>> No.27040340

I can't believe bubba and miki are under Amelia's desk and I'm not...

>> No.27040341
Quoted by: >>27040381

>Cats are lazy little shits
Isn't that based on the type?

>> No.27040342

T. rex is dinosaur. It is not "all dinosaurs". Nor is it "dinosaurs". Pinning the argument on a single charismatic species is dogshit.
I don't expect Ame to be a paleontologist, but y'all stupid dumb.

>> No.27040343

Get new meds, take those afterwards

>> No.27040344

She's thicc. Not in any way fat.

>> No.27040345
File: 104 KB, 766x974, 1601348020377.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ojou really doesn't work well in English

>> No.27040346

Maybe it's dust

>> No.27040347

Kiara is the most upbeat and fragile. She's an easy target for the mindbreak fetishists.

>> No.27040348

It's New York, they're everywhere even if you don't see them. Even Japan, known for their cleaniness, has rats everywhere in their cities.

>> No.27040351
File: 76 KB, 960x500, 20200928_215853.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27040371

>Wellington the cat

>> No.27040352

I know, that's the little evidence I spoke of. I do believe grown Rexes had spines at best however, since scaly skin impressions have been found.
But that's enough off topic for now.

>> No.27040354

Talk to your doctor and get new meds schizo.

>> No.27040355

You mean people who understand science and aren't just manchild spergs going NOOOOOOOOO THATS NOT HOW MY DINOSAUR TOYS WERE WHEN I WAS A KID NOOOOOOOOOO THEY CANT HAVE FEATHERS REEEEEEEEE

>> No.27040357

same but i hate pickles so ill get them removed from anything.

>> No.27040359
Quoted by: >>27040387

A cat is a lazy roommate not a pet.

>> No.27040363
Quoted by: >>27040670

That was supposed to be Haato

>> No.27040364

She is white, so...

>> No.27040368

It true but it not look as cool you know

>> No.27040371

Wonder how often it gets called "Beef".

>> No.27040372
Quoted by: >>27040552

Nah, Noel is a genetic freak. Mori isn't small by any means though. Her tits are just dying to burst out in that one video.

>> No.27040377
File: 46 KB, 188x175, 1601360308426.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27040417


>> No.27040379
Quoted by: >>27040424

amelia lives on the west coast

>> No.27040380

We had one before she "evolved"

>> No.27040381
Quoted by: >>27040450

That I can't tell you because I know jack shit about cats other than the ones I had liked to walk around the yard, kill birds, and lay around the house and harass me until I pet them

>> No.27040383

why cant they show the chat on stream anymore?

>> No.27040384
Quoted by: >>27040503

Have you ever talked to a brat rich girl? They're basically just that.

>> No.27040385
Quoted by: >>27040441

Mori could if she'd stop being so awkward

>> No.27040386

She's on the west coast, the date for the moon get was for the 28th

>> No.27040387

Who will wake you up to feed it

>> No.27040391
Quoted by: >>27040448

ame is in cali

>> No.27040396


>> No.27040404

how new?

>> No.27040407

geopolitical dispute but I actually prefer no chat

>> No.27040410
File: 526 KB, 1414x1000, 1600563619616.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27040423

>Can't sing fly me to the moon

Fucking seriously?

>> No.27040414
File: 852 KB, 3588x4425, 1601066438849.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that yayyyy
Clip it plz

>> No.27040415

>Actual posh britbong doing the full ojousama role
Desperately needed.

>> No.27040416

T-word got banned cause of Coco

>> No.27040417

Is this Loss?

>> No.27040418

The Chinese.

>> No.27040419
File: 60 KB, 720x374, 1601272461589.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27040421

scared of the T word

>> No.27040422

>It's New York
It's not, dipshit. Stop saying this.

>> No.27040423

notoriously bad for copyright claims

>> No.27040424

Yes. And roaches too

>> No.27040426

Is Amelia shadowbanned? She doesn't show up on my subscription page

>> No.27040429
File: 355 KB, 816x457, EhwJ5C-UYAAHiPT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Have been wanting Ame to go full MASTER RACE since her play toy keeps over heating
>ironically am starting to love the LORE cooldowns more

Probably worth her not replacing it right away.

>> No.27040431

Amelia's probably california based on her apparent timezone and the fact that she also mentioned lizards.

>> No.27040432
Quoted by: >>27040469

Great improvement imo

>> No.27040434
File: 51 KB, 680x521, inanis pancakes lmao.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

https://streamable.com/cj3uzt Dude Pancakes LMAO
https://streamable.com/72kou1 Kani kani kani~
https://streamable.com/qlz2en No fighting, bad!
https://streamable.com/oe9vbh Never give up, Never surrender!
https://streamable.com/e2v7mm no sunshine...
https://streamable.com/xmsxh1 You can go to bed,take it easy
https://streamable.com/btp38i Drink of the intellectuals
https://streamable.com/vqaw4a Dango Dango Dango~
https://youtu.be/MoNRQCcdToI Ina - I'm Horny!
https://twitter.com/ninomaeinanis/status/1309632969531953152 Woomy~!
Added titles for no embed anons

>> No.27040437


>> No.27040441

there is literally NO way she could pull that off, she is literally the opposite

>> No.27040443

I was just about to ask that

>> No.27040444
Quoted by: >>27040496

In twenty years they're going to tell you that feathers are bullshit too.

>> No.27040448
Quoted by: >>27040540

Her time zone from the desktop leak shows she's EST.

>> No.27040449


>> No.27040450

>and harass me until I pet them
Or sleep on you

>> No.27040451

At least Polka seems fine with it.

>> No.27040452

why is EN so fucking cautious about everything. feels like they're walking on eggshells every stream for the most part.

>> No.27040453
File: 248 KB, 1280x720, Elizabeth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27040454
Quoted by: >>27040524

Have you seen her roommate's cover of easy breezy? She is absolutely a fat ass. Just a couple layers of lard away from being Okayu tier.

>> No.27040462

>her students

>> No.27040464
File: 771 KB, 2199x2737, EiepLWPU8AAjSg3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>only red supas get a kiss
It's time

>> No.27040467

the gremlin is out

>> No.27040468


>> No.27040469
Quoted by: >>27040518

But how am I supposed to know if my messages got through the Top Chat filter?

>> No.27040470

based amelia

>> No.27040471
File: 27 KB, 375x499, 51LVSuZnFWL._SX373_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>genetic freak

>> No.27040472

She has been unleashed.

>> No.27040473


>> No.27040475

wait what did she say

>> No.27040476

We already have someone for that

>> No.27040477

>What I did to your mom last night!
She's surfacing rapidly.

>> No.27040478
File: 1.37 MB, 1075x1518, 1600750852651.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27040530


>> No.27040479

>She's revealing her true self
Bros it's happening...

>> No.27040480

Good timing

>> No.27040481

>Amelia ground pounded my mom
I'll never recover bros

>> No.27040482

Gen 2 better have a French ojou-sama.

>> No.27040483
Quoted by: >>27040521

I just wokeup and missed most of the morning streams.
Which ones are worth watching?

>> No.27040486

She's being unleashed.

>> No.27040488
Quoted by: >>27040530

Clip that

>> No.27040490
Quoted by: >>27040766

Amelia what the fuck?

>> No.27040491

>Ame will never ground pound you

>> No.27040493
Quoted by: >>27040766


>> No.27040494
Quoted by: >>27040766


>> No.27040496
Quoted by: >>27040589

Well yeah sometimes that's how science works, anon.

>> No.27040498
Quoted by: >>27040530

>Ame just admitted pounding our mom last night

>> No.27040499
File: 184 KB, 973x1400, 8upseppfolo51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27040500

Ame walked on your mom last night HAHAHAHA

>> No.27040502

Because they're not stupid.

>> No.27040501
Quoted by: >>27040530

Amelia ground pounded my mom...not sure if boner...

>> No.27040503

Rich people who speak English live all over the planet. There isn't a unique identifiable speech pattern associated with class that maps universally. The closest match might be British RP, which in America just reads as "villain".

>> No.27040504


>> No.27040505

>people who understand science
based retard.

>> No.27040508

They dont have the excuse of being foreigners .

>> No.27040509

ground pound = mating press

>> No.27040511
File: 38 KB, 640x360, That's kind of hot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus Christ Amelia

>> No.27040512

>Even Japan, known for their cleaniness, has rats everywhere in their cities

>> No.27040513


>> No.27040514

Do you guys genuinely like birb or is it just out of pity?

>> No.27040515

Could be, doesn't show up on mine either. Can't imagine why though...

>> No.27040516

She is just full on roommate at this point

>> No.27040517

Kiara mentioned us guys!

>> No.27040518
Quoted by: >>27040549

Pretty sure top chat is the default setting on the side bar as well, if you don't see yourself you didn't make it

>> No.27040519

Luna if she spoke in a normal voice.

>> No.27040521


>> No.27040522

Would you attend Amelia's wedding bros?

>> No.27040523
Quoted by: >>27040555

>S*ch* is back.
Soon she will recover to her full power bros.

>> No.27040524
Quoted by: >>27040591

Anon, your roomate reps.....

Look up the video for Veritas that features her.

>> No.27040526

They are more vulnerable to western cancel culture unlike the JP branch. A jest every now and then will pass but the wrong word clipped out of context will get the roasties attention

>> No.27040528

Is chicken talking about us

>> No.27040527
Quoted by: >>27040543

>Amelia is shadowbanned and is still beating Kiara in viewers

>> No.27040529

>I haven't checked one of those bad sites in awhile
so.. Kiara actually confirmed that she's read either here or 5ch?

>> No.27040531
Quoted by: >>27040568

How will I recover from Ame banging my mom...?

>> No.27040530

How many of you would watch her take your mom to pound town ?

>> No.27040533
File: 66 KB, 400x400, 84355868_p2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>those bad sites

>> No.27040535

I'm getting married to Amelia

>> No.27040536

>missed both the OHOHO and the pounded your mom joke

>> No.27040537

Cringe, and also off-topic.

>> No.27040539
File: 416 KB, 445x544, 1601184362410.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27040579


>> No.27040540

watson misdirection

>> No.27040543

Chicken stream is over... she is reading supachas now so its ok

>> No.27040545

EN youtube mods are much more retarded than the ones that look at JP videos. they're probably SEA

>> No.27040546
File: 36 KB, 482x436, 1529635400131.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Kiara talking about ignoring the bad sites
Fuck fuck she thinks we genuinely hate her
Fuck that fucking schizo tranny who screen capped these threads

>> No.27040547

>kiara browses /hlgg/

>> No.27040549
Quoted by: >>27040597

You always see your own messages even if no one else does.

>> No.27040551
File: 584 KB, 1920x1080, jp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27040552

How do noel and mori look irl?

>> No.27040553
File: 176 KB, 330x330, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How much of a shitshow is this going to be?

>> No.27040554
Quoted by: >>27040564

Which holo is a nazi

>> No.27040555
Quoted by: >>27040594

It’s a Dr Jekyll and Mr. Hyde situation

>> No.27040557

Her retardation, whines and moans turn me on.

>> No.27040558

>ywn be ground pounded by Amelia's tea-stained arse

>> No.27040559

I fucking hate that discord tranny.

>> No.27040560

It'll be kino

>> No.27040561

Western politics is volatile and has seeped into every aspect of our lives. It's hard to say anything and make some group angry.

>> No.27040562
Quoted by: >>27040592

I thought she said overcucked
I need to stop coming here

>> No.27040563

Ame and Gura will be adorable, and Mori will be cringekino as usual.

>> No.27040564

Pekora, Aqua, Shion, and Ayame

>> No.27040566
File: 830 KB, 2598x3897, 1575196700103.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will Gura like/retweet this fanart comic?

>> No.27040568

MoonMoon is clearly Ame's true senpai as a streamer.

>> No.27040572
Quoted by: >>27040625

>she thinks we genuinely hate her
Do you fucking blame her?

>> No.27040573

So how big are those?

>> No.27040577

Fuck you all for hating on the Bird

>> No.27040579

Is getting cucked by your own mother based or cringe?

>> No.27040581
Quoted by: >>27040596

No one has seen Noel's face but Mori is idk average I guess

>> No.27040582

Pretty sure she did a couple days ago

>> No.27040584

She already did.

>> No.27040585
File: 242 KB, 744x1052, 1601341335080.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chicken called us "the bad site"?

>> No.27040586

Fuck chicken and fuck chickenfags, I can't decide which is more pathetic.

>> No.27040587

One of them is going is going to be extremely quiet and the whole thing awkward, my bets on gura

>> No.27040588

I want Amelia to ground pound my face with her ass.

>> No.27040589
Quoted by: >>27040688

You're so close to self awareness yet so far, midwit.

>> No.27040591

Reminds me of Ashley Johnson

>> No.27040590

it's based cringekino

>> No.27040592

she fucking did it on purpose

>> No.27040593

Ame and gura are going to bond while Mori panics over the game. It'll get bad enough that gura discretely sabotages the food process in order to make Mori freak while Amelia laughs

>> No.27040594

Now who is Jekyll and who is Hyde

>> No.27040595

Mori will start every request with "can ya boi get some ____" until only deadbeats remain.

>> No.27040596
Quoted by: >>27040628

>no one has seen noel's face
anonchama your roommate reps...

>> No.27040597
Quoted by: >>27040700

I guess there's really no reason to chat then

>> No.27040598


>> No.27040599
Quoted by: >>27040653

Not Coco’s roommate level but still pretty massive

>> No.27040601

Do your stalker reps if you want to watch Noel rub shaving cream on a human effigy

>> No.27040604

Good she should fear us

>> No.27040606

>That little interaction with Mario on the pause screen
Ame is such a naturally talented entertainer. I'm glad she made it onto the EN team.

>> No.27040608
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>> No.27040609
File: 8 KB, 328x372, 8803CBDA-7104-468B-8E50-4F38620CB212.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27040630

Pity-hate for me. Every time she cries, I like to imagine me raping her. Shit gets me SOLID.

>> No.27040607

>chicken saw the tranny anti comments
Join the 41% already wherever you are

>> No.27040612
Quoted by: >>27040636

Based, since it makes my mom a Chad.

>> No.27040613

Anon we literally have a ritualposter with some 2 page essay about how much they hate Kiara, why the fuck would she EVER come here?

>> No.27040617

Both Kiara and Amelia are boring as fuck, graduation when?

they're annoying and have low viewers, literally the bottom 2 of HoloEN

>> No.27040620

Correction: it's Mr.Hyde and Mr.Hyde

>> No.27040622

Watson is Jekyll Amelia/S*ch* is Hyde

>> No.27040624

It's based cringe suffering kino

>> No.27040625

No I don't, but dipshits antis have since fucked off and more people have warmed up to her so it's not nearly as bad anymore

>> No.27040627
File: 32 KB, 376x369, oi u cheeky wanker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27040628
Quoted by: >>27040651

Didn't know that, I take it it's on some private NND vid or something?

>> No.27040630

epic. simply epic.

>> No.27040631

I found her stream pretty comfy so no

>> No.27040632

>4 player game
>only bring 3


>> No.27040633
Quoted by: >>27040739

mice are basically impossible to get rid of if you live anywhere rural, or near other people with mice.
even if you kill them all, new mice will move in.

>> No.27040634
File: 46 KB, 507x263, 1600705915791.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27040649

You are, tranny.

>> No.27040635

How much of a degenerate is Amelia if she's 100% unleashed?

>> No.27040636
Quoted by: >>27040676

It's a shame she didn't pass those genes down

>> No.27040641

>thank you, donald

>> No.27040642

with that logic, holostars would have been long gone

>> No.27040643

She's definitely not my favorite, but I like watching her. Judging by her existing streams there's a general trend where a bunch of bad things will happen to her, either by her own fault or just bad luck, and she'll get pushed to the point of starting to cry and wanting to quit, which she'll then keep going and make a 2 steps forward, one step back type of progress. Maybe I'll get tired of it, but so far I enjoy the emotional rollercoaster she has.

>> No.27040645

literally Pekora

>> No.27040646

>Huke made it for the end of the stream
Good papa.

>> No.27040647

Is she wrong?

>> No.27040648


>> No.27040649 [DELETED] 

Just because your holo cries all the time doesn't mean you have to too.

>> No.27040651
Quoted by: >>27040702

she literally posted a selfie on twitter before her sleepover with flare

>> No.27040652

Not every collab has to be Trinity + 1 anon, let Ina rest.

>> No.27040653

Cup size

>> No.27040655

TBF it's probably for the best. Too many schizos here and she doesn't have thick skin

>> No.27040658

Join the 41% already

>> No.27040659

>has to emphasize pantyhose are clean

>> No.27040660
File: 895 KB, 3678x3035, 1599721379265.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You claim you're about that life? well get your dick slit ! if you're really about that then slit your dick and make it into a pussy you coward !

>> No.27040661

Ina has like 40K less subs than Ame though

>> No.27040662

kill yourself retard

>> No.27040664
Quoted by: >>27040747

Probably got double Ds

>> No.27040666
Quoted by: >>27040692

>chicken actually hates us
How will we ever recover

>> No.27040667

I actually like her roommates content. I wish she would just unleash her old self but Cover might have a permanent limited on her.

>> No.27040668

4chan degenerate

>> No.27040669


>> No.27040670


>> No.27040671

I'd never watch someone out of pity. I enjoy her streams quite a lot

>> No.27040672
Quoted by: >>27040719

>Panties as strainer

>> No.27040674

Suck a dick, numberfags.

>> No.27040675

I want to feel bad for Chicken for getting bullied but 70% of her income is coming from people feeling sorry for her so

>> No.27040676
File: 95 KB, 850x1050, 1600651493065.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27040677
File: 62 KB, 460x725, aNgjm1r_460s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stay mad, tranny.

>> No.27040678

Ina needs to catch up on her deadlines

>> No.27040679
Quoted by: >>27040741

I don't hate them, but they're definitely the weakest out of 5 girls

>> No.27040680

Its 1 to 4 players...
Watame and Boton did it as a duo collab

>> No.27040681 [SPOILER] 
File: 417 KB, 709x940, 1601361252407.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do not bully the chicken.

>> No.27040684

Back to discord, tranny.

>> No.27040686

oi, you got a loicense for that vtuber stream yr watching?

>> No.27040685

When are you joining the 41% tranny

>> No.27040688

lmao sure dude

>> No.27040689


>> No.27040690

Chickenfags are legitimate schizos who think the chicken is reading everything they type, it's impressive in a way.

>> No.27040691
File: 11 KB, 271x280, Artia U MOM IS GAY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27040692

I'm glad she does. It just means we have more in common.

>> No.27040694
File: 2.82 MB, 250x313, 1532212369567.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you guys think a male branch for the EN hololive would work better than the current JP one?

>> No.27040696
File: 29 KB, 454x415, 1599715465283.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>low viewers
forgot your image

>> No.27040698


>> No.27040700

I've been testing it, when the chat is going full speed only about 1/4th of what you send is going through.

>> No.27040701

Ame plays boring games she doesn't particularly like but the games she really likes are also super fucking boring. Zatsudans until the end of time.

>> No.27040702

I haven't kept up with all the JPs roommates in awhile, I'll go check it out

>> No.27040704

She's cute, but roommate posting is not allowed.

>> No.27040705
File: 98 KB, 1334x750, EgsZ8efWAAAjVhw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27040733

Nobody will cry when you die, so kill yourself like you've always wanted.

>> No.27040708
File: 150 KB, 497x475, 1600575715068.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27040790

>everyone finally ending
Anyone else just have some massive exhaustion wash over them?

>> No.27040709

The game works best with 2 or 4. With 3, one person always ends up getting awkwardly isolated, and it'll probably be Calli.

>> No.27040710

cute !

>> No.27040711
File: 319 KB, 1357x2261, 1570784582594.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27040717
Quoted by: >>27040788

Why doesn't Ame just buy a strainer?

>> No.27040718


>> No.27040715

That's not a chicken...

>> No.27040719
Quoted by: >>27040751

It pantyhose

>> No.27040723

Her staying far away from this place is the best thing she could do even if she was just generally liked in an Ina or Amelia way.

>> No.27040727
File: 163 KB, 723x666, 1600893690582.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Platonic love
Not Romantic love

>> No.27040728

my god, kiara is training the EOPs to send cringe supacha just like the JOPs

>> No.27040731
File: 123 KB, 1080x1080, 1600656470626.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27040733
Quoted by: >>27040760

Your mom will cry

>> No.27040736

Can we agree that Amefags and Chickenfags are not welcome in this thread, and they really should fuck off because no one likes them?

>> No.27040737
Quoted by: >>27040785

Please no holostarsEN ever

>> No.27040738

>supachat faggot spoiling pantyhose tea
Find this man and kill him

>> No.27040739
Quoted by: >>27040782

use poison bait stations, i had months long issues with them using regular traps & my cats until i set some of those up in attic/closets

t. rural

>> No.27040741

Amelia is literally the best girl though
Seethe more, tranny

>> No.27040744
File: 72 KB, 972x489, 1600474060607.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just because you have voices in your head telling you to cut your dick off doesn't mean you have to listen to them

>> No.27040745

Cancelled within a week, graduation in a month

>> No.27040747
Quoted by: >>27040910

How can you tell

>> No.27040748

Stuff is still on youtube

>> No.27040749
File: 152 KB, 1280x720, BAN RTA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27040751
Quoted by: >>27040786

Same difference

>> No.27040752
File: 209 KB, 478x600, 1600971189872.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

InaGuMe chads recognize that trinityfagging is tribalfagging bullshit
InaGuMe chads like all the girls but also love the chemistry with Ina, Gura, Ame.

>> No.27040753

She fucking mumbling the "Ame's gamer bottle"

>> No.27040754
Quoted by: >>27040832

A menhera and 2 autist

>> No.27040758

Please get a trip so we can all filter you

>> No.27040759

Holy KEK

>> No.27040760
Quoted by: >>27040798

I don't have a mother.

>> No.27040763

Back to discord, tranny.

>> No.27040762
File: 147 KB, 212x325, 1575255558901.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You could try a little harder you know

>> No.27040764
File: 65 KB, 310x271, 1601276092700.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah I could never compete with Roberu hes fucking ultrachad tier

>> No.27040767

reminder that Ame is /ourgirl/ and still the most popular on /hlgg/

>> No.27040766
Quoted by: >>27040796

Wait, I went to the bathroom. What happened?

>> No.27040768

>Hahaha pantyhose? You guys are weird
>Ok so I'm thinking of going ahead and doing the pantyhose thing

>> No.27040769

Fuck off with your tribalism

>> No.27040770

Last time you said Mori and Kiara, next time it'll be Ina, can you fuck off?

>> No.27040773

Post the others.

>> No.27040774
File: 795 KB, 1000x1200, __takanashi_kiara_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_coll_erichankun__467e5ca2db74c6448f0fd5ffa866c617.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1 free (you)

>> No.27040775

thank you for the coupon, anon!

>> No.27040777
Quoted by: >>27040922


>> No.27040778

Yes, make a poal about it

>> No.27040779

>she's a daisychad

>> No.27040780

Exactly my feelings on the matter.

>> No.27040781


>> No.27040782

wont the rats get wised up after dozens of them died?

>> No.27040783

cute af

>> No.27040784

You aren't welcome

>> No.27040785

I just want Plague, but he's doing his own vtuber thing anyway.

>> No.27040787

Thats what the trinity is. Its about understanding the three as a group is just a superior subset of the girls. Nothing about them individually.

>> No.27040786
Quoted by: >>27040805

It not anywhere near being the same

>> No.27040788

She is, but she wants to make it tomorrow morning to wake up.

>> No.27040790

When they all wind up going one after another kinda like today it feels like a fucking marathon
But now I gotta get some sleep before the collab happens

>> No.27040789
Quoted by: >>27040843

I want chicken to get better
not because I have any particular foot in the love/hate chicken race
I want them all to be successful and have fun together so I have more fun stuff to watch
chicken feels like she just needs to wrap her head around what being this kinda streamer is like and things will get better

>> No.27040792

Ame has a harem

>> No.27040793 [DELETED] 
File: 187 KB, 586x1932, anti.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

41% speedrun when

>> No.27040794

I wish I knew who Amelia and Kiaras roommates are, missed the doxxing early on.

>> No.27040795
Quoted by: >>27040822

Better, probably. Well, probably not. Even though most people don't stick around simply because they want to fuck the 2D model, part of the initial draw is 'cute girl doing x' and there aren't enough thirsty girls and gays to sustain a real market. Same reason that there aren't any successful male focused gatchas.

>> No.27040796

She said she was ground pounding our moms

>> No.27040797


>> No.27040798


>> No.27040802
File: 171 KB, 1005x1553, 1601344549815.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ame just refreshes superchats when she doesn't want to read any more, fuck everyone else
Based as fuck.

>> No.27040805

Only cause you're not as creative as ame.
You KNOW which part she'll use

>> No.27040806

/jp/ says no but remember when literally all the idiots in this thread said a HoloEN would suck?

so yeah...HoloSTARs EN would be fire, basically Anime PDPs and Markipliers it would literally not fail

>> No.27040807
Quoted by: >>27040841

It starts 7 in the morning for Amelia and Gura if she's truly west coast, so they're waking up at 6am minimum to get prepared. I'm going to guess the first 30 or so minutes are going to be a sluggish start until whatever caffeine they pound down takes hold.

>> No.27040809
File: 24 KB, 480x437, 1452341400_IMG_9839.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27040811

Only if it's literally Shroud, or have really clippable memes like Vinny

>> No.27040815

literally first result on google

>> No.27040816
File: 196 KB, 1124x1636, 1576270716286.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still can't believe Gura pissed herself
God that's so fucking hot

>> No.27040817

How do you fail suicide multiple times?

>> No.27040818

They're not that smart.

>> No.27040822
Quoted by: >>27040908

desu there are a lot of girls in the west who are giant weebs or fujos

>> No.27040824

Slime girl for HoloEN Gen2

>> No.27040825

>Using translate to read nip SCs
It's all gone full circle.

>> No.27040826

Go back to resetera

>> No.27040828

You underestimate the stupidity of mice.
you can set mousetraps literally right next to each other and mice will just walk past their dead family to get caught

>> No.27040830

god she's so cute, bros...

>> No.27040832

3 menheras, 2 of which are autistic

>> No.27040833

Amelia roommate playing Overwatch when she was on Twitch

>> No.27040835

nope, they were all gone after a few weeks for me, the small juvenile mice too light to set off the traps ate it after their parents died and that was that. isolate food sources like pet food bags, cereal, etc so they have no other food options to speed it up

>> No.27040836

Trannys lost the balls to finish it when they took the pills.

>> No.27040839

By not actually trying, or not tying the rope the right way

>> No.27040840
File: 286 KB, 703x691, 1601351239872.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I didn't agree, but I really do

>> No.27040841

Ame said that she's probably going to just stay up since she's a gremlin.

>> No.27040842

Is Ojitan Amelia's #1 gachikoi? He superchats every stream.

>> No.27040843
File: 123 KB, 1000x1000, 1600725235023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's definitely getting there, she's having a lot of fun with minecraft and the new mic is amazing.

>> No.27040844

it's hot and cute and funny

>> No.27040845

Not him, but this thread is way comfier without chickenfags and amefags, I'm not hating, just stating facts, chickenfags and amefags are everything that is wrong with HoloEN

>> No.27040847

>new IP
https://files.catbox.moe/kpur8h.mp4 go back to /hlg/ and reddit

>> No.27040850

so whats with people liking some and hating others cant u just enjoy the free entertainment or click off if its not entertaining to u

>> No.27040849

>don't miss me too much
>miss her

>> No.27040852

Damn, samefagging must be really fun huh?

>> No.27040855


>> No.27040856


>> No.27040857

>Ojou laugh

>> No.27040858


>> No.27040859


>> No.27040860


>> No.27040861

>that laugh

>> No.27040862


>> No.27040863


>> No.27040864

>end of stream OHOHOHO

>> No.27040865


>> No.27040866


>> No.27040867

By being a discord tranny failure at life that schizophrenically posts hate messages against a chicken-themed vtuber on a mongolian basketweaving forum.

>> No.27040868


>> No.27040869
File: 24 KB, 364x364, 1600224834555.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27040871


>> No.27040873


>> No.27040874


>> No.27040875


>> No.27040876

Ending Ojou did you catch that

>> No.27040877


>> No.27040878

>OOOHOHOHO sign-off
AAAAAAhhhhh Amelia step on meeeeeee

>> No.27040879

They'll eat the dead, which may spike the population briefly.

>> No.27040880

>Ojou laugh

>> No.27040883

>Ojousama laugh
100% in the thread

>> No.27040884
File: 29 KB, 916x788, 1601339300205.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Don't miss me too much"

>> No.27040885


>> No.27040888

Yeah i'm glad i didn't miss it

>> No.27040889

Luna is a baby ojou-sama, it's fine.

>> No.27040890
Quoted by: >>27040924

Do you fellas reckon she does that laugh when her dog fucks her?

>> No.27040892
File: 306 KB, 1465x1410, 1601340838831.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ameliachads.... we've won....

>> No.27040893

That was a pretty good ojou laugh.

>> No.27040895

We won, bros...

>> No.27040897
File: 1.45 MB, 1242x1828, Ehybyc4UMAAdDwk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Silly me guys forgot my image again

>> No.27040898
File: 10 KB, 262x206, 1600978929461.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not him, but
stopped reading there

>> No.27040900
File: 1.51 MB, 1613x953, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27040901

I have a feeling that Vinesauce would want nothing to do with Vtubers lol

>> No.27040902

That was a good ohoho

>> No.27040903

Amefags are a bit creepy but overall they're fine.
Chickenfags literally barely even post when she's not live, the fuck are you on about?

>> No.27040904

When will Amelia stop being a jewess and buy a new switch?

>> No.27040905

I don't even want ara ara anymore just give me the ojousama from now on

>> No.27040906
File: 661 KB, 970x720, ohoho.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that ohohoho

>> No.27040907
File: 569 KB, 640x720, 1600350537458.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you think you'll ever get the same level of love from her

>> No.27040908

Sure, but compare how big Hololive clips are to Holostar clips, if any really even exist. Cover could probably make money off it since they apparently do literally nothing which means no investment, but they'd get a better return off of working on Gen2 EN.

>> No.27040909

We have found our ojou-sama

>> No.27040910

I'm not gonna post the roommate photo but it's just a rough guesstimate after staring at a cup size chart for 5 minutes and comparing

>> No.27040911

Huke is getting fucked up by the chicken today

>> No.27040913

Fucking got me anon

>> No.27040914

God, she's so arousing

>> No.27040915


>> No.27040916
File: 109 KB, 190x240, 1600319708618.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well today was pretty much god-tier, everyone has one of their best streams ever, it was especially nice to see Gura blow up narratives

Great threads from you guys too, I swear this general is inclining despite what people say

>> No.27040917
Quoted by: >>27040941

but she fucking did you tard

>> No.27040920
File: 30 KB, 584x228, 1601351162434.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27040921
File: 164 KB, 1200x1200, 1601326921056.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Don't miss me too much~

>> No.27040922

nice repeating numerals, also thanks I was waiting for this clip

>> No.27040923

chikin being a daddy's girl again

>> No.27040924
Quoted by: >>27040970

No, she does when she ground pounds your mom.

>> No.27040925
Quoted by: >>27040961

like a few hours ago

>> No.27040927
Quoted by: >>27040961

she already ordered a new one and will pick it up tomorrow

>> No.27040930
Quoted by: >>27040950

did the chicken eat during her stream? I remember her saying her stomach and head was hurting before I left.

>> No.27040929

Who? The shark? I agree.

>> No.27040931
Quoted by: >>27041069

You don’t want a live2d meat?

>> No.27040932

Nice bait Ame, you showed us what to be on the lookout for.

>> No.27040933

>not him

>> No.27040934

Does somebody have a timestamp for the ya mom comment?

>> No.27040938


>> No.27040941

Why did it overheat again then?

>> No.27040945


>> No.27040947
File: 1.03 MB, 790x738, bRkfYgV.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based and Larspilled. Thread quality during streams is definitely inclining

>> No.27040948

because the new one is still in the mail

>> No.27040949

Not an Amefag but she really surprises me sometimes.

>> No.27040950


>> No.27040951

Shes cute for a white girl

>> No.27040952

>not him
Yeah sure

>> No.27040953
File: 129 KB, 1200x600, 1575144852424.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27040955
Quoted by: >>27041062

Glad there was no Mori

>> No.27040956


>> No.27040958


>> No.27040959
File: 158 KB, 364x351, 1212.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27040961

Oh, my bad.

>> No.27040962

Because her new one hasn't arrived yet Anon. Do your listening reps

>> No.27040963
Quoted by: >>27041040

Jesus, that gross laugh is worse than their gross language.

>> No.27040964
Quoted by: >>27041069

Why so?

>> No.27040966
File: 14 KB, 156x110, 1470751706364.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27040967

Only if jerma is in it, he thought about vtubing for a second

>> No.27040968

I've been there. Trying to meet a deadline running on nosleep, close your eyes and suddenly time travel.

>> No.27040970

What does that look like

>> No.27040971
Quoted by: >>27040995

So your culinary reps. All of those are are legit good food.

>Peanut butter burger
See the elvis sandwich
>Mayo hotdog
It's a standard condiment
>Flat soda
Based. Carbonation sucks
>Pantyhose tea
It's a legit lifehack if you don't have a filter or cheesecloth
>Stir fry ramen in butter
Sounds good. Not all ramen have broth
>Straight condensed milk
It's sweet. Better if it becomes dulce de leche

>> No.27040972

It hasn’t arrived yet

>> No.27040975
Quoted by: >>27040990

I was hoping this was Miko, but I'm fine with that result.

>> No.27040977
File: 296 KB, 480x480, 1591634339621.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>only watch those two ENs regularly

>> No.27040979

>Shes cute for a white girl
You haven't seen enough white girls Anon.

>> No.27040980
Quoted by: >>27041012

She has rat face and orange teeth. Looks way worse in non cosplay pics too.
Amelia is cuter.

>> No.27040981

>Kiara started superchat before Amelia
>Amelia ended
>Kiara still going

>> No.27040982
File: 183 KB, 1260x1156, EiQXP6mVgAA00zM.jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off Bezos. We don't need your Prime!

>> No.27040983

Someone please clip both of her ojou laughs, I beg of you

>> No.27040984 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>27041042

Wait, is the tranny cute? Tfw no hatefilled cute girlfriend (male)

>> No.27040986
Quoted by: >>27041035

Roughly 1:25:0. The cut scene had ground pound in the chat box.

>> No.27040987

How does Hololive have models created that match the voices so well? They’re all absolutely perfect.

>> No.27040990

You'd know it wasn't miko if you'd seen om3tcw enough times

>> No.27040994

Girl's pee themselves all the time. They will literally pee themselves from sneezing or belly laughing even if they dont really have to go yet.

>> No.27040995
Quoted by: >>27041019

>It's a standard condiment
Not on hotdogs. Sounds good though, since I put mayo on my burgers

>> No.27040996

Mayo is fine as a condiment on hotdogs.

If you haven't taken a can of condensed milk, poked two holes in opposite sides and drank straight from the can then you've wasted it.

>> No.27041002
File: 236 KB, 360x450, Mano_Aloe_Portrait.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a waste

>> No.27041005

Dead hours tend to give rise to a shit load of doomposters since there aren’t any streams to prove them dead wrong, also Cover being complete retards with Coco and Haato wasn’t doing these threads any favors. Aside from that these threads are always a blast during streams.

>> No.27041006
File: 147 KB, 1200x1135, 1600236436206.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27041289

She's my favorite.

>> No.27041009
Quoted by: >>27041035


>> No.27041010

But remember that there is the Dead Miko one... just the boat

>> No.27041011
Quoted by: >>27041080

die lizfag

>> No.27041012
Quoted by: >>27041050

I've not seen a pic of her to judge yet

>> No.27041014

Kiara has half-zatsudan superchat reading

>> No.27041015

There's a few copies with different filenames floating around.

>> No.27041016

Kiara is persistent about reading them all.
She also regularly meanders into regular chat.

>> No.27041017


>> No.27041018
Quoted by: >>27041038

CEO of S E X

>> No.27041019

it's really good

>> No.27041023


>> No.27041024

Kinda envious of them as a vomsfag

>> No.27041026

chimkin just giving away kisses right now

>> No.27041025

Kiara kissing ASMR

>> No.27041027
Quoted by: >>27041093

chinese lose war get raped by japan, japan abandons taiwan and taiwan left alone to its own devices for TEN YEARS. china ignore taiwan entire time so taiwan starts acting as its own country until when china finally come back, taiwan tell china to fuck off. now taiwan and china sit in decade long stalemate, because if taiwan declares independence it means war with china, and also china would never hand over independence to anyone. although china could attack taiwan, a lot of people in china have relatives in taiwan, so china doesn't want to outright declare war either.
and when you say taiwan, chinese get reminded of ass fucking by japan, ass fuck so hard taiwan no want to associate with them. and china still butt hurt almost a hundred years later, throwing a fit because saying taiwan means you recognize taiwan as a country and not the ROC(republic of china)

>> No.27041028


>> No.27041031


>> No.27041032


>> No.27041035

Thanks friends.

>> No.27041036

1 free sex plz

>> No.27041037

I wasn't sold on her based on her tweets, but her debut vstream won me over.

>> No.27041038
Quoted by: >>27041057

Ame is the CEO now

>> No.27041039
File: 248 KB, 535x532, 1600789399804.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>chicken kisses for akasupa

>> No.27041040
File: 501 KB, 1280x1280, 1601234402196.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27041115

I want to fuck this goblin I want to stick my dick in it I want to impregnate this laugh I want to prove that my white dick is stronger than anything she can even conceive of I want to fuck the communism out of her I want to build a better world starting with Artia's chinkroach pussy I want to annihilate her I want to run a bullet train on Artia I want to have her beg me to stop fucking her I want to marry this goblin

>> No.27041041
Quoted by: >>27041067

>holoen threads went from anti shitting them up now underage coomers fagging everything up
When will it end

>> No.27041042

How fucking desperate are you to date a mentally ill tranny that spergs out over streamers pretending to be anime girls on the internet? Jesus christ even dating a literal faggot is a better alternative.

>> No.27041043

clipping ame's stream

disturbing curry story

>> No.27041044

Yeah. Way better than that circus looking ass clown polka

>> No.27041048

>SC calling Kiara a "ball of positivity"
C'mon now

>> No.27041050

I'd post but janis are fags. Do your own doxxing.

>> No.27041057

Not until she makes a dildo sashimi

>> No.27041058

Why do I get the nagging feeling that Amelia might deliberately graduate after reaching a certain point?

>> No.27041060
File: 437 KB, 419x580, 1486849204141.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>want to listen to the "OH HOHO" at the end of the stream again
>somehow, the archived version is like 1-2 seconds shorter.
>now it sounds like she's moaning instead.

aight, I will be back. fapping time.

>> No.27041062
File: 106 KB, 692x508, 1601184304181.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Deadbeats on suicide watch. Graduation by the end of October guaranteed.

>> No.27041064


anon that's literally my fucking life

>> No.27041065
Quoted by: >>27041158

Ohohoho please. Quickly

>> No.27041067

When you leave.

>> No.27041069
Quoted by: >>27041120

I mean, he just seems like the antithesis of played-up characters and cutesy anime girl avatars and the corporate side of the whole thing. Not to mention Vinny finds the whole cutesy anime aesthetic somewhere between comical and outright weird/creepy.
>Live2D meat
Pretty sure we already got that when he streamed Worms

>> No.27041070

Imagine the smell

>> No.27041071

She could have been happy...

>> No.27041075


>> No.27041079

I fucking DESPISE Mori. I can't even fucking imagine pooping onstream as a fucking idol. That kind of shit blows my mind. I used to hate Kiara the most, but it's become FUCKING CRYSTAL CLEAR that Mori is not only the least entertaining, but the least professional as well.

Fuck Mori.

>> No.27041080

Don't know about him but I was looking forward to Liz forma de nukige vtuber.

>> No.27041082

Did the same thing once but with a mug and old yoghurt in it. Was nasty as fuck

>> No.27041084


>> No.27041085


>> No.27041087

I just came to the realization that I knew a woman like the shark and was friends with her for years and didn't decide to make a move on her before she disappeared from the face of the Earth. Fuck my life, bros.

>> No.27041088


>> No.27041089

one of us

>> No.27041090
Quoted by: >>27041105

yikes chang not a good look

>> No.27041092


>> No.27041093

The great irony is that Taiwan viewership--which is how this whole thing started--is obviously inflated by Chinese viewers that vpn out of there.

>> No.27041095

Okay now I know you're joking

>> No.27041097

I did this last time I made curry...

>> No.27041100

How does she always manage to make me into diamonds?

>> No.27041101
File: 233 KB, 463x402, 1600760221751.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Agreed I can't wait to see what the future holds

>> No.27041102

You can buy infinite moons so there's no point in getting them all since you never will.

>> No.27041103

You have brain problems

>> No.27041105
Quoted by: >>27041139

what is means not a good look?

>> No.27041107

God dammit Ame
I don't know whether to be happy or upset that I relate to this
She's too relatable

>> No.27041108


>> No.27041109

dick sashimi..

>> No.27041110

Finally someone without brain problems.

>> No.27041112
Quoted by: >>27041176


>> No.27041115

You can have her corpse after ch*na is done with it.

>> No.27041116

I want to fuck the chicken

>> No.27041117

Why did only a few vtubers express their care about coco?

>> No.27041118

Ame has unlocked new avenue with this VA schtick.

>> No.27041120

Sounds sus to me. Like waiting to drop a vtuber reveal under their label.

>> No.27041121

This is 100% relatable.

>> No.27041124
Quoted by: >>27041164

voice reminds me of something in

>> No.27041127

Mori has shit hours, shit numbers, and shit content. Plus deadbeats are the most obnoxious fans. Thankfully we won't have to wait long to be rid of them.

>> No.27041135
Quoted by: >>27041146

>overcooked collab in a few hours
>chicken not invited

>> No.27041139
Quoted by: >>27041180

It means June 4h 1989.

>> No.27041146
Quoted by: >>27041252

>New trinity


>> No.27041149

mori pls tell her

>> No.27041150
Quoted by: >>27041171

She makes more money than your favorite though...

>> No.27041151

I was friends with a girl that was just like Amelia. She died in a car crash.. Watching Amelia feels like my friend is still alive somehow.

>> No.27041152

>Kiara unarchived karaoke

>> No.27041155
Quoted by: >>27041274

Is this why Kiara’s my favorite? Am I an idolfag at heart??

>> No.27041156

There's probably a general company order to not speak about it and let PR handle everything.

>> No.27041158
Quoted by: >>27041204

>ohoho what's this

>> No.27041163

Today I finally gave in and subbed to Gura. She's good.
I've been subbed to Ina from the start and to Amelia for a while.
I unsubbed from Calli a while ago and was never (and will never) sub to Chicken.

I think that's my final lineup for HoloEN gen 1.

>> No.27041164

She's not wrong. It's almost as bad as "Kurosaki-kun..."

>> No.27041168


>> No.27041169
Quoted by: >>27041199

Literally every time I make curry

>> No.27041170
Quoted by: >>27041258

>didn't decide to make a move on her before she disappeared from the face of the Earth

>> No.27041171
Quoted by: >>27041193

As expected of an obese Jewess.

>> No.27041173
Quoted by: >>27041211

They took our game idea...

>> No.27041174


>> No.27041175

My condolences.

>> No.27041176

As a Latinfag, I was pleasantly surprised how good her pronunciation was.

>> No.27041180


>> No.27041183

Hope you find those meds, buddy.

>> No.27041184
Quoted by: >>27041275


>> No.27041187

No en streams till the collab right? Abayo

>> No.27041188
Quoted by: >>27041209

No one cares

>> No.27041189

Stop giving him pity (you)s

>> No.27041190


>> No.27041192

hoes mad x24

>> No.27041193

She's skinnier than your favorite and has larger breast too...

>> No.27041194
Quoted by: >>27041275


>> No.27041196
Quoted by: >>27041275


>> No.27041195

I just returned. Did I miss Ame-kino?

>> No.27041197


>> No.27041198
Quoted by: >>27041275


>> No.27041199
Quoted by: >>27041257

>there are people in this thread who don't eat the same thing for every meal until their leftovers are gone

>> No.27041204

wtf i love amelia now

>> No.27041207
Quoted by: >>27041222

You missed multiple ojou laughs, anon...

>> No.27041208


>> No.27041209
Quoted by: >>27041247

You are replaying to it, fag.

>> No.27041211

Most vtubers play HFF at some point. HoloEN's time will be soon, maybe.

>> No.27041216

why tf would you subscribe to these people? they aren't even real

>> No.27041217

You missed ojou-sama kino. Also she pounded our mom last night

>> No.27041222

Damn it

>> No.27041223
Quoted by: >>27041314

Curry in a container???

>> No.27041224
Quoted by: >>27041272

Wait a minute. This isn't japanese.

>> No.27041225
Quoted by: >>27041245


>> No.27041228

looks like China has their fingers deep in the Japanese entertainment industry
coco will be lucky to survive and be deported to the US at this point

>> No.27041233


>> No.27041236

How is that disturbing? That's everyday life.

>> No.27041239
Quoted by: >>27041265

>missed OCDkino
>missed Ojoukino
>missed bubba's sister reveal
>and more


>> No.27041241

What a fucking kino day
>More Ame lore, gremlin rage, and multiple streams
>Gura's best stream yet
>Chicken finding her stride and enjoying being a dumbass in minecraft
>Ina art game
I'm exhausted

>> No.27041243

the only reason you people hate kiara and mori is because none of you will ever learn japanese

>> No.27041245


>> No.27041247

Replaying to it? What game?

>> No.27041248

Same reason you pay to watch a wrestling event

>> No.27041249

>go through vtuber commission twitters
>something sus comes up

I can't say, but I feel things a certain way going on.

>> No.27041252

The most important defining feature of THE trinity is that Mori isn't in it shitting it up

>> No.27041251

>threads start talking about dramas as streams start ending
The balance of nature.

>> No.27041253

Since when does that matter?

>> No.27041256

>TakaMori OTP
If there was a name for cool, it'd be you

>> No.27041257

I have an autistic rule about never eating the same thing back to back, or I'd never make anything different.

>> No.27041258
Quoted by: >>27041367

I can relate, brother. The only friend who I could spill my guts out to killed himself earlier this year.
I genuinely loved her. She moved across the country and I was never able to contact her again. We kissed once, but nothing more than that.

>> No.27041260

real enough to cause so much anger china lost a few thousand years in man power as a result of heart issues

>> No.27041265

Why did this happen to me?

>> No.27041267

Hey boys, I've got a serious question. How do I find a girl like these ones? I don't need her to be high energy all the time, but girls I know and have met just aren't interested in this sort of thing.

>> No.27041268

a-amelia is that you

>> No.27041269

Based, today was kino

>> No.27041271

I'm at surprised chicken out of all people had the big fucking cajones to say something to both Coco and Haato. Shit is wild, she's got the biggest Cojones in all of Hololive.

>> No.27041272
Quoted by: >>27041306


>> No.27041274

I thought the same. She's an idol that I can understand language wise.

>> No.27041275


>> No.27041276

Hi newfriend

>> No.27041277

I take it this is your first holo controversy? They're not allowed to talk about it

>> No.27041281

Don't talk about Coco. Don't look like Coco. Don't even speak like Coco.

>> No.27041282

Winnie the pooh, that's who lol

>> No.27041285

And Mori didn't stream at all. Just Kino af.

>> No.27041286

idols aren't real either, we just drop the pretense

>> No.27041289

My avian waifu is kissing people for money and I don't know how to feel about that

>> No.27041291
Quoted by: >>27041315

It's because she's German. German people have this huge thing against nazi like countries for some reason.

>> No.27041295

It's because she knows she's at the bottom of the barrel like Nene, two former idols.

>> No.27041296
Quoted by: >>27041371

More like Cover made the retarded mistake of buying into the Chinese market with sponsors, Arknights, HoloCN, broadcasting on Bilibili, etc.
It's entirely their own fault and the talent are the ones who get shafted, it's a fucking debacle.

>> No.27041300
Quoted by: >>27041327

Maybe because if other vtubers talk about it doesnt make the situation better.

>> No.27041306

Take a hint retard. Bring this shit to /int/.

>> No.27041308

She did stream, it was just earlier than the others.

>> No.27041309
Quoted by: >>27041363

You don't, these kinds of girls don't go out much

>> No.27041312


>> No.27041311

Why do we spend half the day shitposting about HoloEN when they constantly give us kino whenever they stream?

>> No.27041313

finally I can rest. streams were great and the threads were pretty fun today. hope the fun will keep going in the collab.

>> No.27041314


>> No.27041315

I wonder why?

>> No.27041316

Excellent taste

>> No.27041318

Amelia ground pounds your mom last night

>> No.27041321

All she did was say she's waiting for them. Showing support for your senpais is normal.

>> No.27041325

>be a 7/10 or higher
>stumble into a hotel party at an anime convention
>acquire weeaboo gf

>> No.27041323
Quoted by: >>27041360

Rank todays stream

>> No.27041327

so putting in message of you did nothing wrong, this is bullshit, we support you between chink death threats is a bad thing?
aren't you one the wrong site Xing? you can't do this kind of thing on slow 4chan boards

>> No.27041329

Why is chat disabled for Ame's archived bing bing wahoo stream? Did people spam the T word?

>> No.27041331

>They read and post like psycho crazy prisoners who haven't got pussy for decades.
You forget that a lot of people here haven't even gotten pussy once in their lives

>> No.27041336

Cosplay as Sora from Kingdom Hearts and go to a con.

>> No.27041338

We're basically housewives gossiping over celebrities if you think about it

>> No.27041339

How else do we fill the deadtime? Just saying 'x is good' gets boring.

>> No.27041340

When does Taiwan become the so-called "T-word"? lol

>> No.27041341
Quoted by: >>27041347

>>be a 7/10 or higher

>> No.27041342

Is that her natural laugh?
Because it is gremlin as fuck and reminds me of Artia.
I love it

>> No.27041343

how can vtubers be real if our eyes aren't real?

>> No.27041347

My dick is an 8/12 does that count

>> No.27041349
Quoted by: >>27041427

She's losing control. Sachi is winning.

>> No.27041348

I'll see you guys in 6 hours at the collab.

>> No.27041350

they've been disabled for everyone today after the coco incident

>> No.27041355

try thinking about it a little harder

>> No.27041358

lots of japs want to suck china dick for some reason

>> No.27041360

Honestly 9/10 overall. Some of the girls still could be more natural and have less issues, but it was fun as fuck regardless.

>> No.27041363

>thinking that everyone here goes out much

>> No.27041364
Quoted by: >>27041372

You missed sleepy and hungover Japanese lessons.

>> No.27041365


>> No.27041367

Fugg. I kinda feel empty now after reading these because it reminded me when my uncle killed himself last year. Crazily enough, when we were taking the bus to church after hearing the news from our relatives, the bus got delayed because there's a dead old man in the road.

>> No.27041368
Quoted by: >>27041380

Online games. DESU though, a lot of girls with our interests have low self esteem and likely depression. Just like us.

>> No.27041371
Quoted by: >>27041414

The two biggest chuuba companies have China divisions and Chinia business interactions, mate.

>> No.27041372

I wouldn't say I missed them.

>> No.27041373
Quoted by: >>27041388

Nah its her gremlin joke laugh

>> No.27041374

It is an intentionally parodic formulation, poking fun of how silly it is to not be allowed to say it, ala "F-word", "S-word", "N-word", etc.

>> No.27041377
Quoted by: >>27041416

Goslings, purchase rope.

>> No.27041378

Collab is 7 hours friend

>> No.27041380

So you're saying there's a fucking chance?

>> No.27041382

Didn't realize the collab was that early. Better go to bed now.

>> No.27041387
Quoted by: >>27041435

On the assumption you're not doing this for the (You)'s, what drives you to be so negative and cynical with life? Why do you have so much anger and resentment and unhappiness within you? Were you hurt while growing up? Do suffer from sociopathy?

I will never understand people like you, who's only goal in coming here is to throw your verbal diarrhea around expecting it to stick to something. It's utterly meaningless and everyone else who's sane just looks at you as if you're sick in the head.

Please stop humiliating yourselves and take care of yourselves first.
t. not a deadbeat

>> No.27041388

Fuck. I thought it was her natural laugh.
Still like her tho.

>> No.27041393

You don't, these girls are rare as hell and don't go outside. And if they do get in relationships it's gonna be with the top 1% of the 1% of weebs

>> No.27041399

Nah, it's an intentional gremlin laugh, her way of making it clear that the dumb joke was ironic. Still cute as hell though.

>> No.27041409

she's actually so autistic she might have picked up on the dudes sound isolating her farts and just went, well this is also my fetish.

>> No.27041411
Quoted by: >>27041421

You need to wait for some period of time fot the chat to return. It's youtube system.

>> No.27041414
Quoted by: >>27041432

And this is what it gets them. Dealing with China is a deal with the devil, everyone fucking knows this.

>> No.27041415

Yes, they're out there. You just need to be in the right circle.

>> No.27041416

This, but tribalists and numberfags.

>> No.27041417

They fear being linked to the problem. Japs have a huge herd mentality

>> No.27041419

You do know there are actual people that get married after meeting in MMO's, right? There's always a fucking chance.

>> No.27041421

Yes, anon. Go out and find someone with your interests :)
They might be disabling them to avoid any more drama with a certain island region.

>> No.27041422

Honestly no. By the time the woman is seeing your dick she has probably already made her call. Confidence, sociability, not being obese, and being reasonably presentable are more important factors in that "7/10" than an appendage she won't see right away.

>> No.27041427

Why contain it?

>> No.27041431

>Banning the ace and stopping live chatroom just because of t-word
I don't know now, maybe Chinese fanbase is what really makes Hololive succeed. Coco failed to take note of this.

>> No.27041432

It's fine, China is literally destroying any advantage they got from Trump retreating the US from the global stage by doing genocides and their out of control nationalists starting shit with people online everywhere

>> No.27041433
Quoted by: >>27041477

This makes me wonder if Kiara gets isolated from the other girls outside of work.
Calli, Gura and Amelia are clearly the type to openly say the n word and other slurs, while Ina is the type to giggle at the stupid shit her friends say. Kiara on the other hand seems like a no fun allowed SJW.

>> No.27041435

I'm just saying, if you fucking make a career out of doing this, you might as well do it. Forgetting to turn your mic off when you're making tens of thousands of dollars per stream? Yeah, that's fucking stupid.

I'm mad because I could do it better, but I was born with a cock and balls and that makes me worthless.

I'm mad because pieces of garbage with a vagina can walk in off the street and make thousands in a night on the back of Cover's money hiring actual songwriters and autotuning them.

And you should be, too. Mori is NOT a good streamer. I don't give a FUCK about the shit. It's the principle.

>> No.27041444


>> No.27041445


>> No.27041447

Go to a farmers market, you'll find all sorts of "quirky" type girls

>> No.27041448

>stumble into a hotel party at an anime convention
That doesn't work anymore, you'll just get cancelled now for hitting on girls there.

>> No.27041449
File: 174 KB, 1200x1446, 1600576262708.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27041479

>collab just had to be with Mori, at fucking 7am

Ugh fuck. Well, Gura did just say she was going to be doing some streams at EU-friendly times this week.

>> No.27041451

If you have to ask, then no, it doesn't.

>> No.27041452


>> No.27041453


>> No.27041456

>stopping live chatroom

>> No.27041457

fuck off chink

>> No.27041462

FBK is huge on bilibili and everyone knows that she rules Hololive with an iron fist.

>> No.27041463

Honestly, if China was still under Deng instead of Xi during this era, China would be scary as fuck. Too bad both sides are busy shooting themselves in the foot.

>> No.27041464

They've already gotten more sanctions this year from the Hong Kong affair alone.
Guess we'll see where this goes.

>> No.27041467

We got ourselves an actual incel

>> No.27041469

>Chinese fanbase is what really makes Hololive succeed
Not even remotely, cooperations just love licking Chinese arsehole

>> No.27041470

>maybe Chinese fanbase is what really makes Hololive succeed
You couldn't be farther from the truth, Chang.

>> No.27041472
File: 281 KB, 1777x1379, 1601268928320.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also wait a sec can I go over the image limit? Just me? Huh.

>> No.27041473

go back

>> No.27041477

Kiara swears and talks about losing her virginity in minecraft on stream, she's bottom left for a reason

>> No.27041478

>I will murder you Commie Chink

>> No.27041479

Did you see Gura's schedule? nothing EU friendly about it
