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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 92 KB, 637x900, EV9joRjUcAAc9pa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
25568634 No.25568634 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.25568637
File: 518 KB, 2079x2953, D4rXixPUIAE7Avx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Haachama!

>> No.25568638
File: 88 KB, 488x637, myfriendshiinyuika.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25568641
File: 1.84 MB, 1659x1988, 1586971208164.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25568640
File: 356 KB, 688x500, 1597408762059.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25568668

Good morning sex with Aloe!

>> No.25568642
File: 335 KB, 800x800, 1595932621009.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25568732

I have been lonely ever since Mikochi left!

>> No.25568643
File: 1.81 MB, 1500x1750, 82143942_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25568688


>> No.25568644
File: 932 KB, 2894x4093, 1575061391001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Botan!

>> No.25568645
File: 38 KB, 276x337, 1564071155017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your yubis
Hand them over

>> No.25568647
File: 260 KB, 2000x2000, EfVb_15UMAA3hvQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25568648
File: 2.46 MB, 1800x1125, CuteDragon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Early Kaichou

>> No.25568649
File: 260 KB, 1980x1080, 45CA71BE-3F72-48F1-9D6C-FE68E101E7F0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Submit to Mel !

>> No.25568650

something something hating bitch

>> No.25568652
File: 237 KB, 1085x1723, 6437265.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25568653
File: 108 KB, 400x400, ALOE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25568654
File: 109 KB, 277x305, 1568143796202.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Towa is a whore

>> No.25568655

reminder that if you hate aloe you are probably a nijifag

>> No.25568656
File: 116 KB, 1407x341, sex_shitai.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25568699

Fulfilling Polka's dream!

>> No.25568658
File: 319 KB, 1944x2048, EfuxtcPWoAE71Ki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25568723

I love Towa.

>> No.25568661
Quoted by: >>25568711

learning japanese is way too hard

>> No.25568665
File: 800 KB, 2625x4096, 1581976783671.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Aqua!

>> No.25568666
File: 544 KB, 3501x2710, 1597706745696.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will make an honest woman out of Aloe

>> No.25568668
Quoted by: >>25568830

Imagine waking up to her bouncing on your cock without your consent

>> No.25568669
Quoted by: >>25568696

>meidos give up on this place weeks ago
>thread hitting its lowest points

>> No.25568670
File: 301 KB, 436x437, sleepychama.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please post quieter so as not to wake my daughter.

>> No.25568671
File: 169 KB, 720x1024, Efc7nbYVAAElvHn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Kanatan!

>> No.25568672
File: 754 KB, 700x1245, 1574619494781.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25568698

2 weeks from now... We will show them how strong the ALOE LOVE truly is!

>> No.25568673
File: 195 KB, 1242x1698, 1597642113535.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25568770

Whew, now we can have a good thread

>> No.25568674

Think of all the dick you'll no longer get.

>> No.25568675


Fuck richfags and fuck women.

>> No.25568677
File: 46 KB, 600x424, 1597664064829.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25571451

Me, personally, it's botan!

>> No.25568676

Would Cover give her a new VA, or would they just let the character rot?

>> No.25568679
File: 244 KB, 391x438, 1592711325865.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25569455


>> No.25568681
File: 98 KB, 697x808, 15258154630.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25568710


>> No.25568682
File: 800 KB, 2362x3543, 1595211959189.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25568709


>> No.25568683
File: 411 KB, 2240x1600, Suisei102.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Suisei

>> No.25568684

>Carrier is already set for failure
should have done it westerday and went to niji just for laughs

>> No.25568685 [SPOILER] 
File: 710 KB, 1000x1396, 1597788131491.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25568702

true shion

>> No.25568687
File: 140 KB, 1240x694, 2334434656534435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25568725

God I wish I were Subaru..

>> No.25568688
Quoted by: >>25568729

why does this rabbit need thighs like that?

>> No.25568690
Quoted by: >>25568821

maybe send aloe dildo looking objects to cheer her up? she's obviously isn't interested in what those reddit cucks ate for dinner

>> No.25568691

Man Haachama wasn't in a good mood today.
Also the language she uses about her original song keeps changing to the point where I'm wondering if she's being cockblocked by management while they negotiate with music platforms or something.
Since all the girls have started trying to sell theirs but a few got pulled it might be something like that.

>> No.25568692

Any new narratives?

>> No.25568693

Is this the Discord narrative thread?

>> No.25568694
File: 840 KB, 788x1113, __yukihana_lamy_hololive_drawn_by_nishizawa__142e208b1e87fd9830bdc95258bab643.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Two hours till seiso goddess

>> No.25568695
Quoted by: >>25568854

Where and how can I find a japanese girlfriend who similar to the holos?

>> No.25568697
File: 295 KB, 1448x2047, shiontummy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wasting an image once per thread!

>> No.25568696
File: 15 KB, 281x328, 31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck happened

>> No.25568698
File: 1.10 MB, 1280x720, shebought.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are you going to do, bring flower to her grave (in Minecraft)?

>> No.25568699
Quoted by: >>25568722


>> No.25568700
File: 71 KB, 1240x311, the new 4devas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These will be the new 4devas by the end of the year, say something nice about them!

>> No.25568701
File: 383 KB, 392x390, 1574611202021.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25568702


>> No.25568703

When. the. FUCK. Did we let these people into these threads? Fuck off twitter fag.

>> No.25568704
File: 1019 KB, 2896x4096, 1597706247944.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nene, you'll pay for this!

>> No.25568705
File: 163 KB, 1003x950, 1597779654652.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25568741

yeah I think im a nijifag now

>> No.25568706
File: 206 KB, 491x536, 1597272293376.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25568749

Holo live для всех нас, давайте сделаем это снова здорово

>> No.25568707
File: 94 KB, 250x250, 1597549085467.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This gave me a good laugh https://twitter.com/unofficialusada/status/1295425086812385282

>> No.25568708
File: 163 KB, 1871x880, IMG_20200818_144621.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WTF did I miss this time?

>> No.25568709

What a dork

>> No.25568710
File: 203 KB, 1000x937, maririnhips.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ahoy! 宝鐘海賊団の船長、宝鐘マリンです~!

>> No.25568711
Quoted by: >>25568807

unless i was going to live there, id never bother learning it again

>> No.25568712
File: 576 KB, 582x771, 1591685803625.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25568714
File: 145 KB, 492x492, 1593056808061.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hololive already had a succubus
>gets another one
>Nijisanji already have a nun
>they get another one named Vera

>> No.25568715

It's /v/ hours anon, it'll be okay soon.

>> No.25568716
File: 712 KB, 820x999, 1592200663030.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>white knighting not a meme whore
>nor a "well she showed her legs on a livestream once" whore
>but an actual, for real, unapologetic, dick crazed whore prostitute
I can't even begin to imagine what goes on inside these people's heads.
Why are you like this?

>> No.25568718

Looks like friendly banter to me. But what do I know? I'm a socially inept autist. Tell me what I'm supposed to be looking for here, please?

>> No.25568719
File: 229 KB, 1420x1000, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25568944

Reposting for the last time for those that missed it.


207 videos from yt + 77 videos from vix.

info: https://github.com/abayochocoball/comet_archive


I will stop seeding in a month or two.

>> No.25568720

If you post that in the vtubers thread you will kill someone.

>> No.25568721
File: 147 KB, 1280x720, Towa32.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25568722

god this sounds like MY dream

>> No.25568723
Quoted by: >>25568781

The guy drawing this is honestly impressive. I kinda expected him to give up after a couples of them with that ridiculous goal but it seem like he wont give up soon

>> No.25568724 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>25568743

Oh look. It is this time again. All newfriends are welcome to post their questions.


>> No.25568726

I want to fuck Shion

>> No.25568725
Quoted by: >>25568769

i cant believe luna is dead https://files.catbox.moe/dcmkvh.mp4

>> No.25568727
File: 10 KB, 301x221, 32d2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25568745

>> No.25568728
Quoted by: >>25568756

As if this place wasn't exactly like this since months. The Coco 3D was the last stabbing.

>> No.25568729
File: 683 KB, 3429x4096, EfSheIkVoAAa2EO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's made for copulation, Bunnies are horny year-round

>> No.25568730

singing sss on pitch gave me a headache, i'll record it later

>> No.25568732

Sorry 35P, I was wrong in the previous thread. I've forgot that today there won't be Nyahello Hololive because of the members only video.

>> No.25568733
Quoted by: >>25568765

>>Carrier is already set for failure
Which one? I'm not a /his/chad, but I know a few carriers lika that.
It's career you idiot

>> No.25568736
File: 125 KB, 1173x900, EXOYWFTU8AAgG6d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25570110

Fourze becomes more and more fitting as Okayu slowly befriends everybody.

>> No.25568738
File: 398 KB, 721x599, 1597743800499.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope Aqua will play Mortal Shell, I'm watching someone play it and it looks pretty neat.

>> No.25568739

When are we getting Nyanpyou permissions? I miss that little fella like you wouldn't believe.

>> No.25568740
Quoted by: >>25568838

Nobody would repeat that mess. Replacing a VA for a vtuber would be shit on super fucking hard these days.
Better to take the loss than to try recoup any costs compared to the negative PR and potential pissing off of major fans. (and possibly your own vtubers)

>> No.25568741
Quoted by: >>25568767

Imagine choosing a side instead of supporting the chuubas you like regardless of their company

>> No.25568743

I don't know why are you still trying when meidos deletes your shit even on /b/.

>> No.25568744
File: 36 KB, 331x401, 1592346901456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>obsesses over reddit and discord 24/7
>still thinks that it is superior to them

>> No.25568746
Quoted by: >>25568798

You're just seething because Aloe is better than your favourite holo.

>> No.25568745
Quoted by: >>25568751

no bush, no buy

>> No.25568747

I fuck girls casually on the side and I'm also friends with them

>> No.25568748

Noel takes her dates with flare very seriously

>> No.25568749

чиво блять?

>> No.25568751

my man

>> No.25568752


>> No.25568753
Quoted by: >>25568823

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ALzcRXuRaEc Aki

>> No.25568754

Here's one of Choco's favourite songs covered by the holostars
Post covers
Have a cute clip too

>> No.25568755
Quoted by: >>25568791

Before I become a member for someone, I like to do a little bit of research so I don't regret my decision later.
I checked out Pekora and she's safe. Top tier idol.
On the other hand, Rushia? Huge whore irl.

>> No.25568756

But Coco's 3D sticky didn't even have any shitposting in them, once it reached 100k it was just reaction spam.

>> No.25568757

Miko... I can't take much more of this...

>> No.25568759

Why are nijicucks like this?

>> No.25568760
File: 25 KB, 462x366, 83762087_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25568805

What does she have in store for us tomorrow? Rest well sheep!

>> No.25568761

Monke is a better dancer

>> No.25568762

You wanted to see the /v/oid. Here it is, friend.

>> No.25568764
File: 226 KB, 480x480, 1591689455160.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25568765
Quoted by: >>25568955

>focus on one simple mistake
Guess I must be correct

>> No.25568767
Quoted by: >>25570023

I wouldnt mind peace but nijifags have crossed the line
they are even paying for news

>> No.25568768

you cant kill a demon bro

>> No.25568769

>Show penis.
>Luna dies and curls up in fetal position.

>> No.25568770
File: 292 KB, 1242x1698, arspls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25568771
Quoted by: >>25568825


>> No.25568772

Lamy my wife.

>> No.25568774
File: 167 KB, 280x281, 1597376607562.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is like the 5th yogurt related tweet

>> No.25568775
File: 197 KB, 1216x1038, EfjJHKuWkAA1qCx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love my cute autistic sleepy clumsy dorky daughter wife who always tries her best!
I hope she gets some rest, she's clearly stressed out about moving and the incident, I can't think of any other reason why she would be late to both her streams.

>> No.25568777
File: 381 KB, 397x498, 1574974047401.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, you. Post THAT clip.

>> No.25568778


>> No.25568779

I think I fucked up, after 6 years loyal to my waifu I'm starting to have second thoughts about her. Woke up this morning and for some reason thought my daki was actually Towa instead and felt a happiness I haven't felt in years. I honestly feel like I'm cheating now.

>> No.25568780
File: 378 KB, 404x476, 1588833478241.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25568781

Never waver!

>> No.25568782
Quoted by: >>25568842

now I'm just thinking of the vocaroo someone did of this

>> No.25568784 [DELETED] 
File: 93 KB, 690x633, screenshot(56)_2020-08-18.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25568785
Quoted by: >>25568908

The faggots will call me newfag or redditfag and idc so fuck you all.
I have been in /hlg/ for a long time and I agree with some anons here, false fagging and whore jokes are cool and I come here to shitpost, but this time a person is actually under heavy harassment and having the worst time possible just for being a careless stupid teen, pretty sure she has received death threats because that's how much of an asperg the nips are, and thats where I draw the line and I hope some anons do too in between all the human garbage in here.

>> No.25568787

Post mashups/overlays/whatever is called

>> No.25568788
File: 502 KB, 1079x1257, 1597553846383.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

4ch I'm thinking of doing a tribute to Mano Aloe to support her during these times. We all know she likes sex, so I am thinking of sending a picture of cum on her character. Do you all have any idea of how to stop the reddit cringe? We know Aloe hates pathetic otaku and also likes to have sex with dogs so I am thinking of commissioning a doujin from Mizuryu Kei

>> No.25568789


>> No.25568790


>> No.25568792

I hope Miko loses her voice forever and can never make another stupid sound ever again.

>> No.25568791

>chad tier money management
retards don't understand the value the money and giving it to the wrong people

>> No.25568793
File: 56 KB, 728x397, F4AD6A60-4F7B-44EB-95ED-C22BFD897393.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sora, why aren’t you friends with the other Hololive’s? Please do so until it’s too late

>> No.25568795
Quoted by: >>25568826

Soon reddit will claim Aloe as they did with Aki

>> No.25568796


Name a better cover from hololive, I dare you niggers.

>> No.25568798

I don't watch holoshit you fucking retard

>> No.25568799


>> No.25568801


>> No.25568802


>> No.25568803
File: 895 KB, 1000x1000, Efsnvt9U0AArtUx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25568812

I'm glad I'm not mentally ill like many anons here

>> No.25568804

Nah, she'll be back in two weeks to an audience of EOPs. I guess she better use this time to study English.

>> No.25568805

Rushia asking for a collaboration with the sheep! She's the last of the trio to mix with.

>> No.25568806

>Inpsychoanalyticliterature, aMadonna–whore complexis the inability to maintain sexual arousal within a committed, loving relationship.[1]First identified bySigmund Freud, under the rubric ofpsychic impotence,[2]thispsychological complexis said to develop in men who see women as either saintlyMadonnasor debasedprostitutes. Men with this complex desire a sexual partner who has been degraded (the whore) while they cannot desire the respected partner (the Madonna).

>> No.25568807
Quoted by: >>25568857

who on earth wants to be a gaijin in japan

>> No.25568808
Quoted by: >>25568811

Whos the pink haired slut?

>> No.25568810
Quoted by: >>25568981


>> No.25568811


>> No.25568812
File: 353 KB, 1500x2000, Ea5GeYsU4AAL-op.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please be patient, Some of them forgot to take their meds

>> No.25568813

"Information leakage"
I knew it wasn't gonna be anything new but I found that translation funny so thanks for the link anon

>> No.25568814
File: 2.30 MB, 400x400, 1597093656640.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25568816

Can you imagine how moist and stuffy Luna's bloomers get?

>> No.25568817
Quoted by: >>25568849

Man these people must be actually retarded, the way they speak just screams ignorance and group think

>> No.25568818
Quoted by: >>25568836

It's called mashup anon, always have been.

>> No.25568819
File: 1.19 MB, 1052x592, 20200818_【FallGuys】本気で1位を目指す!短時間決戦だッ💪🔥【白銀ノエル_ホロラ (2020-08-18) 17-34-14.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25568946

Never forget

>> No.25568821
File: 86 KB, 590x735, The-potato-looks-phallic-698397.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maybe send her pictures of vegetables that look like dicks and tell her how i ate a salad today or some shit like that

>> No.25568822

>discord and reddit fearing the hacker knowns as 4chan
>all the blame for stating the fact that aloe is a whore goes to nijinigs
/hlg/ can't stop winning.

>> No.25568823

This was so funny to catch live.

>> No.25568824

I share my yogurt with Sora. She gets it all over her face haha

>> No.25568825

but what if i dilat?

>> No.25568826
Quoted by: >>25568865

what's the issue?

>> No.25568827

Kind of based. I should do the same.

>> No.25568828
File: 2.87 MB, 1280x720, 1597007068146.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Need more dancing Toi.

>> No.25568829

I love the way Aruran starts dancing to it

>> No.25568830

>2 week no sex punishment!

>> No.25568831

Do it

>> No.25568832
File: 50 KB, 536x550, 1595914333869.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25568860

What will you do when you find out mikochi will never come back?

>> No.25568833

This Aqua pose will always give me a huge boner.
Every fucking time I see it I am diamonds.

>> No.25568834

Have you guys ever seen the comments in the streams of Nijis when they are collabing or featuring someone from Hololive?
Its really chill actually, just check the debiru debut and you can't find any negative comment about Korone, for example.

>> No.25568835
Quoted by: >>25568858

I had waited so long for this one to get unprivated still waiting for angelfish...
These ones are my favourites too along with -Error that you already posted

>> No.25568836
Quoted by: >>25568872

I thought mashups was reserved for combining different songs.

>> No.25568837
File: 2.24 MB, 232x232, 1594277380759.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rushia's goin over brothers! Based Sheep givin her the rub!

>> No.25568838

Yet unlimited keeps on doing it

>> No.25568841

I would but cover won't fucking free the video

>> No.25568842
Quoted by: >>25568859


>> No.25568843



>> No.25568844
File: 2.83 MB, 1920x1080, toi.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

happy toi!

>> No.25568845

How is he fooling anyone? Are they really that retarded?

>> No.25568846

Deep sexy voice.

>> No.25568847
File: 263 KB, 641x696, 1592298202015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25568868

the dumpling

>> No.25568849

Thankfully the average 4channer isn't like this!

>> No.25568850

who is literally anyone

>> No.25568851

I like that suntempo cover, and I like brilliant more than -ERROR.

>> No.25568852

I mean, /hlg/ is objectively superior, even with the SEA whorebots and the (You) addicted faggots here. This thread gets the fastest news among all the communities, literally the official subreddit can't compete because we stole everything from 5ch. Also compared to the complete userbase, even with the /v/ invasion, here the highest the rate of the actual JSLs/JTLs too. I'd like to think that we have more than 50 people who at least N3 which is probably more than any discord out there.

>> No.25568854

In your afterlife.

>> No.25568855


>> No.25568856

YOU'RE a whore, anon!

>> No.25568857
File: 852 KB, 2892x4096, 1596394495503.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

exactly what i meant

>> No.25568858

I should clip Choco singing Universe that she did in her last acapella stream and reupload it somewhere as well

>> No.25568859

I'm glad someone saved this

>> No.25568860

What is that face supposed to convey?

>> No.25568861
File: 28 KB, 696x564, toaw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25568864
File: 432 KB, 1265x1574, 1597772196535.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you excuse me I will now proceed to furiously fap my brains out to the clown

>> No.25568863

>someone wore an ahegao jacket to work once

>> No.25568865

It may be a problem it happening so soon before she has found her identity.

>> No.25568867
File: 581 KB, 948x1343, 1590232635700.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25568868

Suisei fears this woman.

>> No.25568870

epic redditor moment

>> No.25568871

>Very based post
maybe also send her a dick pick she might regain her hunger for fame again
Just leave reddit be, they are drones and the mods have them by their dicks at this point
The doujin Sounds cool but she will prolly retire soon so it would be better to commission art of better holos

>> No.25568872

Well, if you want to use NND term, you can call it chorus too.

>> No.25568874 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.54 MB, 1050x846, 1597788783485.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25568875

only for Botan though

>> No.25568876
File: 1.29 MB, 900x900, 1589994757238.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25568904

Can't wait for /ourgirl/ to comeback after her 2 week paid vacation for shitting on the nijikeks.

>> No.25568877

I'm actually boiling with rage. My hands are clenched and my vessels popping. My autism is at an all time high. How are people discrediting my chuubas for their hard work and say their life is on easy mode. The amount of effort they have to put and especially fear of keeping people's interest else be forgotten in the wind is stressful. Not to mention most of them have explained they are useless in outside society. For every one success story, there is tens of thousands that failed. Your favorite chuuba could of been the one that couldn't make the cut. Just because they are successful currently does not mean they don't have anything to worry about when they might not even be relevant next year. And you have some people like the new gen whose trying to start a new life and make progress in their life. Imagine someone like Aloe who might of had a tough life and wanted to turn it around, got accepted into hololive, and got fucked over with antis bashing her in every waking moment. If I wasn't autistic, I wouldn't let it get to me, but for you guys to trigger my autism, sasuga /hlg/.

>> No.25568878

Why do you guys care so much...?

>> No.25568880
File: 170 KB, 1000x1000, 1596840099122.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Miko! Congrats on 430K subscribers!

>> No.25568879

>We know Aloe hates pathetic otaku and also likes to have sex with dogs so I am thinking of commissioning a doujin from Mizuryu Kei
This needs to happen

>> No.25568882


>> No.25568884

Korone didn't accuse Nijisanji of doxxing and forcing Chitose into retirement. However true that may be.

>> No.25568885

It's no problem but thank you for the reminder about the members only video.
Mikochi is so inactive that Youtube subscriptions page made her channel place so low now.

>> No.25568887


>> No.25568889
File: 704 KB, 850x1189, 59532.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Botan?

>> No.25568891

Why are you like this, /hlg/?

>> No.25568892
File: 293 KB, 413x449, 1595247010625.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25568983

Didn't read

>> No.25568895


>> No.25568896

>Based post
Do it anon. We will support you.

>> No.25568897
Quoted by: >>25568998

Your ip is the same than that guy anon...
so I guess I will call you judgement kazzy now.

>> No.25568900
Quoted by: >>25568911

>holostars fight club
Oh no... is that what happened to Suzaku and Kaoru?

>> No.25568902

how do you know she hasn't done so already?

>> No.25568903
Quoted by: >>25568938

I'm craving for more Towa 3D

>> No.25568904
File: 263 KB, 850x1182, 1597674680817.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its gonna be a great time when she returns

>> No.25568906

Why don't you blame on NND, Yahoo and Nijishits for making her life even much worse? The antis here are nothing compared to those turboautists.

>> No.25568908

Just leave this place during this godforsaken hours.

>> No.25568911

>Oh no... is that what happened to Suzaku and Kaoru?

>> No.25568912


>> No.25568913

I don't see anything wrong with calling stinky Mea out for lacking normal human hygiene and being pretty disgusting on top of that

>> No.25568914
File: 797 KB, 725x809, 1595397461729.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey mongloids we have our images back you can stop fighting about pointless shit

>> No.25568915

I'm a big fan of the clown's noises.

>> No.25568916
File: 67 KB, 841x473, towautism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25568917
File: 2.61 MB, 1920x1080, 1595777646622.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at her go!

>> No.25568918
File: 1.00 MB, 1396x787, watarushia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh shit, it's finally happening!

>> No.25568920
Quoted by: >>25569241


>> No.25568922
File: 162 KB, 319x324, 1595942587909.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please stop doomposting with my foxwife, I do not like it

>> No.25568923

>nobuhime traveled back in time

>> No.25568925
Quoted by: >>25568962

Error's definitely her best so far for covers like that. Her Ikenai Borderline during the 3D was up there though.

>> No.25568926

Music rights are always a fucking mess, they couldn't sell Marine's song on geekjack.

>> No.25568927

towa is one of the cutest holos
and okayu is one of the best singers

>> No.25568930
File: 436 KB, 900x725, EfT3PtAUwAAkil2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goodnight fags, watch Nene in my place later

>> No.25568931
File: 106 KB, 512x455, 1576015283390.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you think these numbers will look in a month?

>> No.25568934

ours will be different, we will take the most unhinged disturbing photos we possibly can
>pour a glass of orange juice, mix in some toothpaste
>open the washing machine, throw in a red and a white shirt
>sign says caution wet floor, walk on it anyway
>order pizza with pineapple

then we send them to Polka

>> No.25568935

Coco is way too normalfag, she needs to be changed.

>> No.25568938

Can't wait for VR horror.

>> No.25568939

You realize that haato is a bigger slut than hoshikawa? she is free to do whatever she want in Australia where is full of fuckboys, with no parent control, while hoshikawa is just a japanese girl that act like a slut but acutally have little knowledge about sex beside a few boyfriends, haato must be a tinder slut in australia.

>> No.25568940

I supported your mom before she joined nijisanji by shooting my cum straight into her mouth

>> No.25568941
File: 9 KB, 424x95, Coom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25568942

I will never forgive Cover this bullshit 2 week ban

>> No.25568944


>> No.25568943
File: 101 KB, 1033x985, 1597714000261.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that time spend in this cesspool during dead hours is time wasted on not doing reps or video games.

>> No.25568946

forget what? what am I looking at?

>> No.25568948

nips are know for fake politeness and hypocrisy, the bugman is polite on stream but in the meantime he's checking holo's previous identities to find ammo for another backlash pulled out of his tiny yellow butthole

i saw like hundred nip comments with niji narratives saying 'hey guys i'm trying to help'. fuck them

>> No.25568949
File: 752 KB, 833x713, 1593392707588.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25568950

botan and lamy dont deserve to have more subs than nene and polka

>> No.25568951


>> No.25568952


>> No.25568954

That's wrong.

>> No.25568953
File: 73 KB, 512x363, 1597788957302.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25568955
Quoted by: >>25569008

Didn't even read it past "carrier" because I was pretty sure you weren't talking about CVs or CVLs

>> No.25568958

Tsuki no Shizuku made by an anon from here

>> No.25568959


>> No.25568960


>> No.25568962
Quoted by: >>25569080

All the songs in both 3D performances she has done so far were perfect for her.

>> No.25568963

You actually just snapped me out of my trance. See you fags in 14 hours.

>> No.25568964

If Haato is gonna do it due to influence of a single person then it means it's inevitable anyway
Why do you care

>> No.25568966


>> No.25568968

What's the latest goss, office ladies?

>> No.25568969
File: 557 KB, 750x1300, 1588196414196.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To that other Nousagi who is also archiving her. For some reason her member stream is already processed completely so you can download it the usual way.
Maybe membership streams are handled differently I don't fucking know because her DBD stream is still fucked.

>> No.25568970 [DELETED] 

>Reddit hates and is intimidated alpha men
-Aloe hates weak men but is willing to fuck a dog if an dominant man tell her to

Aloe is sadist and wants to be treated like trash by an absolute chad

>> No.25568971

But they do.
Nene a fucking shit

>> No.25568972
Quoted by: >>25569044

lamy mama is coming for you botan

>> No.25568973
Quoted by: >>25569004

Idols are pure
Haato is an idol
She's pure

>> No.25568975

Makes sense

>> No.25568977

Maybe after the fuckups will stop the tourists will fuck off.

>> No.25568978

>Maimoto was raped

>> No.25568979

Why not?

>> No.25568980

What is the origin for all the various misspellings for Towa? Twapi came from Aki, I think?

>> No.25568981

Already laughing like an idiot 10 seconds in.

>> No.25568982
Quoted by: >>25569020

Where did this dogfucking thing come from?

>> No.25568983

Stupid smug sexy lion

>> No.25568985
Quoted by: >>25569103

So, /hlg/ is superior because we get some questionable 5ch gossip faster?

>> No.25568987

>"You leaked it didn't you?"

>> No.25568988
File: 175 KB, 1047x1500, L8rdftNxZ9yVzbO_b8EbNvU2ZRVU6nmMfeRJXCyRk2E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25568993

What if Aloe had been scouted long ago, and her acting/being a slut was her way of method acting and getting in character?

>> No.25568990

u know i'm gonna take ur advice for once mrs narrative killer, imma gonna go play some games. specifically DMC5 since I saw that cover yesterday

>> No.25568989
Quoted by: >>25569034

>Coco and her leech
Fuckin shit.

>> No.25568991

My fucking sides

>> No.25568992
Quoted by: >>25569021


>> No.25568993

add >>25568988 to >>25568867

>> No.25568996

I honestly wouldn’t mind the Sora one since it means she actually interacts with them

>> No.25568997
File: 566 KB, 1200x1787, slut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's a good fit for a Tamagoro doujin. Slutty JKs are his thing

>> No.25568998 [DELETED] 

worthless /mhg/ nigger

>> No.25568999

is it weird i find /hlg/ more fun than video games or even streams? memes are just so much better for my adhd damaged brain than 6 hours long streams

>> No.25569000

Google translate fucking up her nicknames
Twapi came from google translating Towappi as Twapi somehow

>> No.25569001

Russia looks very tsundere for the cute sheep

>> No.25569002

>pekora has amnesia

>> No.25569004

This but with Aloe

>> No.25569005

Sara Hoshikawa knows about the little packets they hand out in the front of love hotels. It's not healthy to lie to yourself like this.

>> No.25569007
Quoted by: >>25569048

>at least N3 which is probably more than any discord out there
towacucks... dont forget those reps!

>> No.25569008
Quoted by: >>25569107

Anonchama, you missed westerday
also career is not just about CV's
Overall ur a retard

>> No.25569009

Where does the "Vtubers are a yakuza money laundering scheme" theory fall into this?

>> No.25569010
File: 45 KB, 398x484, IMG_20200819_061844.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.25569011


>> No.25569012
File: 261 KB, 1033x1344, 1595342715536.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25569031

Friendly reminder to ignore antis.

>> No.25569013

the day festivalbros felt the distance...

>> No.25569014

Lamy at the top

>> No.25569016


>> No.25569018


>> No.25569019
File: 105 KB, 222x264, 1568659423606.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>open video
>hear male voice
>close video
Fuck off homo.

>> No.25569020

self insert and personal experiences

>> No.25569021

Is that what she says when she's out walking her gimp?

>> No.25569022
Quoted by: >>25569071

Whats wrong with the dbd stream?

>> No.25569023
File: 282 KB, 1119x629, 1593484738723.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i choose to believe haato is pure

>> No.25569025
File: 305 KB, 1448x2048, EbmGTmdUYAYoR2B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah it's really either hit or miss, sometimes it's mere minutes and sometimes it's hours-days

>> No.25569026

>Grab my butt
Wish that was me being forced to do sexual things with her against my will

>> No.25569027

solidly in pekora tier

>> No.25569030

>anemachi is suisei's wife
Is that common knowledge?

>> No.25569029


>> No.25569031

>post off topic garabage

>> No.25569033

>see lunaposter
>hide post

>> No.25569034
Quoted by: >>25569073

Here's one with Watame just for (You)

>> No.25569035


>> No.25569037
File: 830 KB, 963x1200, aloedildo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25569066

I fucking love this slut

>> No.25569036
Quoted by: >>25569075


>> No.25569041

Toi is from DeepL

>> No.25569043
Quoted by: >>25569052

Someone post the Towa walking on grass comic.

>> No.25569044
File: 875 KB, 1167x1500, 1568191165302.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25569070

It doesn't have to be this way Lamybro

>> No.25569048

Thanks, don't forget your English reps too ESLcuck

>> No.25569049

I liked when Towa sang this during an Utawaku once too

>> No.25569050

Feel the pride

>> No.25569052
File: 117 KB, 768x768, EeI5JkPXgAAkB8m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25569100


>> No.25569053

is this thing working
um hello
Towa is a whore

>> No.25569054

Slow down there Towa

>> No.25569056

How many homofags are in this thread?

I'm a proud one, my favorites are Izuru, rikka and roberu

>> No.25569058


>> No.25569059
File: 331 KB, 1200x1641, EfN_kdIUEAE7Nca.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25569061
File: 1009 KB, 1000x1000, 1595822121466.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based as FUCK

>> No.25569062

i refuse to believe that Lulu really is just a normal art student

>> No.25569063

Botan and Lamy will decelerate. Lamy more than Botan.
Polka will keep rising fast with the power of Nobufags plus Holofags
Nene should keep stable numbers and get closer to Lamy overtime
Aloe is fucked and by the time she is back the gap between her and Nene will be 50k at minimum.

>> No.25569064

Nowadays everybody wanna talk like they got something to say
But nothing comes out when they move their lips
Just a bunch of gibberish
And motherfuckers act like they forgot about Anemachi

>> No.25569065

This. I just completed Killzone 3.

>> No.25569066
File: 485 KB, 750x798, idol purity.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25569068

And after that 3D live, they never spoke to each other again...

>> No.25569070
Quoted by: >>25569078

>Friends end up as rivals
It had to be this way

>> No.25569071

Basically Youtube is doing some new shit where videos are fully available on the webpage immediately after the livestream ends rather than before where it would only be the last 2 hours until it got processed.
But Youtube-dl still only downloads the last 2 hours. So unless you are downloading shit you won't see anything out of the ordinary except a missing "Chat replay".

>> No.25569073
Quoted by: >>25569154

>2/3 shit
Watame saves this, thanks.

>> No.25569075

That was a damn good collab, when are they going to do the follow up?

>> No.25569076

>we will never have a horny teenager succubus chuuba

>> No.25569077

Don't shitpost with the princess you faggot

>> No.25569078
Quoted by: >>25569113


>> No.25569080

I forgot Towa sang Tenkyuu for a moment.

>> No.25569081
Quoted by: >>25569109

Who is Anemachi?

>> No.25569082

Could somebody explains why Polka cried at YAGOO's cheese nan message? I'm confused.

>> No.25569083

Why can't we just enjoy their streams...

>> No.25569086

Yeah, they just tried nuking Korone's channel instead by acting like permission hall monitors.

>> No.25569089

what is the rationale behind being a numbersfag

>> No.25569090

who is this 'we'?

>> No.25569091

Not exclusively an homofag but I enjoy watching some of their stream from time to time.
I just wish some of them would play more interesting things, bless Shien and Oga for that, they should drag Astel to some collab.

>> No.25569093

I'm always thinking about Anemachi, but she's not fucking Suisei, so really there's nothing to talk about.

>> No.25569094

What was the 3D zoophilia?

>> No.25569095

Based himebro

>> No.25569096
File: 69 KB, 463x479, 1593597144812.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25569152

>the eternal anglo
>1400 hours in fucking Siege

>> No.25569097

Aloe is the most based girl in Hololive as it stands with her perfect tastes and character

>> No.25569098 [SPOILER] 
File: 6 KB, 680x74, 1597789484242.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25569099
Quoted by: >>25569106

Because nobody is streaming.

>> No.25569100


>> No.25569102


>> No.25569103
Quoted by: >>25569136

This is way more than nothing. Just remember the holocaust, we were the only ones who noticed it. Also, most people here actually watch streams. If you ignore the autists, you can have pretty good discussions here, better ones than anywhere else.

>> No.25569104

For me it's Shien, Oga and Roberu although I pretty much like all of them

>> No.25569106

>implying this place is any different when there are streams on

>> No.25569107
Quoted by: >>25569135

Carriers are very much about CVs

>> No.25569108

You're getting unreasonably mad again dude.

>> No.25569109

shadow suisui

>> No.25569111
File: 74 KB, 620x642, polka2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Polka's doing her best.

>> No.25569112
Quoted by: >>25569468

Hirame would also be pretty good.

>> No.25569113
Quoted by: >>25569121


>> No.25569114
Quoted by: >>25569127

she is a whore with shit taste tho

>> No.25569115

I wonder if lolo will ever come forward and just admit that she's rurudo, feels like she lost a bit of her niche by pretending she can't draw, drawing zatsudans like Ui's or Marine's are great

>> No.25569116

im watching luna subaru archive and its great wish i saw it live i knew she fell and all but i wasnt ready for her to do it a second time

>> No.25569117

Cover is gonna have to use one of the older gens to boost her. Matsuri usually takes on that role, so maybe we'll see collabs between them in the future.

>> No.25569118

Not you, faggot.

>> No.25569120

I feel sorry for the burgers, how do you handle dead hours, this thread is awful..

>> No.25569121
Quoted by: >>25569150


>> No.25569122
File: 125 KB, 721x539, 1597767527237.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25569126

Dunno about you man but I'm watching KoroKanata.

>> No.25569127

>she is a whore
True. That's part of why she's based
>shit taste tho
objectively false, can be disproven with empirical data

>> No.25569128

check em

>> No.25569130
File: 743 KB, 983x851, The Ultimate List.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We all can agree on this right?

>> No.25569129


>> No.25569132
File: 98 KB, 635x900, nene-point.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25569149


>> No.25569134

I bet you look at yourself in the mirror you fucking homo

>> No.25569133

if no one else is on its roberu or tenma dbd shien can be fun too

>> No.25569135

5chink or seanig?

>> No.25569136

the holocaust was the high water mark of hlg
unless there is a similar level happening that directly effects people her and spurs them into action, we will never see the threads that civil ever again

>> No.25569138

I really like Shien and Roberu, but that's about it

>> No.25569140
File: 300 KB, 1611x1611, Tokino_Sora_2019_Portrait.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25569156

Just caught up with the recent drama though the archive.
I can't fucking believe the things I'm reading here. Some of you seem very unironic about it too.
Just know this: You 100% deserve hololiveEN.
All the shitposting, false flagging, dox discussion, white knighting, etc. You deserve all of it.

>> No.25569141

Sounds like a plan.

>> No.25569144
File: 304 KB, 1090x1440, 1596299802868.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25569193

I think she's doing pretty good, separating the character also gives her more freedom.

>> No.25569147

What's so based about being two-faced? Unless you're into that.

>> No.25569145
Quoted by: >>25569171

Her tastes include kpop so I can't agree with you. And to remember /hlg/ thought HoloEn would bring that cancer into hololive

>> No.25569146
Quoted by: >>25569317

She didn't even know what one night stands were
I doubt she's pretending. Must be why Hoshikawa loves her. She's pure and ready to corrupt.

>> No.25569148

I'm just watching archives mang

>> No.25569149
Quoted by: >>25569172

>Towa shit C

>> No.25569150
Quoted by: >>25569165


>> No.25569151

me and my schizophrenia

>> No.25569152

>>the eternal anglo
God I bet that fucker has the worst accent imaginable
People from York speak like fucking spastics I don't know how to describe it but it's fucking grating

>> No.25569154


>> No.25569156

cool portrait bro

>> No.25569157
File: 793 KB, 1266x666, 8b4447b8cb2a7d1c7d2059ac15005c58.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

u post this again and see what happens APEX boy

>> No.25569159
File: 531 KB, 1064x469, 1587575148919.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25569160

holy based

>> No.25569161

Real question from a real retard that most of the time have trouble with recognizing voices here, is she REALLY rurudo?

>> No.25569162
File: 63 KB, 457x497, 1592528133205.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25569164

It actually is...

>> No.25569165
Quoted by: >>25569188


>> No.25569166

i agree that you have shit taste yes

>> No.25569168

Who is that?

>> No.25569169
File: 780 KB, 1045x794, 1568929527692.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Lamy really gonna overtake Botan? I'm scared Botanbros...

>> No.25569170
File: 592 KB, 1920x1080, e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you eat Watame's pizza?

>> No.25569171

>Her tastes include kpop
That adds to her slut appeal
It makes degrading her all the better

>> No.25569172

meant for >>25569130

>> No.25569173
File: 2.60 MB, 1920x1080, cat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25569195

The cat knows what you did...

>> No.25569175

Please play along with the little menhera.

>> No.25569179
Quoted by: >>25569196

She is rurudo.

>> No.25569182
File: 133 KB, 291x297, 1591520204727.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dead hours have truly arrived

>> No.25569184

Hide tier list posts
Ignore tier list posts
Do not reply to tier list posters

>> No.25569185

cute shit, i love my two moms

>> No.25569186

finally, nothing is happening
peace and quiet

>> No.25569187
Quoted by: >>25569221

-Reddit hates high testosterone men
-Aloe hates weak men but is willing to be a sexual deviant

If you're commissioning a doujin of Aloe make it BDSM. Start off with Aloe as a wannabe bad-girl stacy who later meets an absolute chad, that breaks her confidence and pride and later devolves her into a complete degenerate.\

>> No.25569188
Quoted by: >>25569200


>> No.25569189

Yeah, looks good. Feta cheese with watermelon is actually pretty good. Same with pickled red onions.

>> No.25569191
File: 235 KB, 578x982, 1593795795068.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gather around newfags. It's time for your rite of passage.

>> No.25569192

>SSS tier
Based bro. Now switch A and C....

>> No.25569193

i want to grab all 100 kgs of this little menhera tart and ride her like a rented mule

>> No.25569194

she streamed as rududo in the past with her live2d but deleted everything, probably to make a proper introduction in the new channel

>> No.25569195
File: 532 KB, 459x769, firefox_D9AuatDnNY.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25569196

Huh. I see.

>> No.25569198

No I won't, I will spam her next stream that she is rurudo.

>> No.25569199
Quoted by: >>25569220

She can just 'collab' with her mom and provide 'voiceover' for the drawing process

>> No.25569200
Quoted by: >>25569212


>> No.25569201
File: 617 KB, 1216x465, my-image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25569283

Someone asked me why I enjoy the "really fake ones".
Well they are playing characters so what's wrong with that? If you want real girls, don't watch vtubers.

>> No.25569202

I want to bully Nene!

>> No.25569204
Quoted by: >>25569238

Polka will surge the moment she can collab
Every one her "senpais" will join her collabs where she hosts a stream

>> No.25569205


>> No.25569208
File: 1.29 MB, 498x280, 77.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25569263

Would you eat Aqua's cooking?

>> No.25569209

unironically this is usually the best time

>> No.25569210

Looks gross but probably tastes amazing

>> No.25569211

Looks better than Flare’s

>> No.25569212
Quoted by: >>25569215


>> No.25569213
File: 530 KB, 800x800, 1592711405354.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25569253

do not entrust them with the lizard womans masterpiece

>> No.25569214

Damn Flare gets to eat THAT ?!

>> No.25569215


>> No.25569217
Quoted by: >>25569353

>Nene should keep stable numbers and get closer to Lamy overtime
The real test for Nene are the Haachama collabs.

>> No.25569218


>> No.25569219
Quoted by: >>25569282

When are they going to do something about Pekora's eyebrows?

>> No.25569220

God the image of rurudo trying so hard to collab with herself is really funny

>> No.25569221

this except make it an absolute chad who's actually a good guy at heart, and has such an amazing dick that he makes Aloe swear off her whorishness forever and become a proper lady

>> No.25569224
File: 27 KB, 222x264, 1597789240520 copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25569355

>see Luna
>shrink her eyes
>close photoshop

>> No.25569226
File: 1.97 MB, 2560x3600, 1567927259534.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25569228


>> No.25569231

are those fucking croutons? there is no place for those on a pizza so it should not be called a pizza
but I'd still probably eat it because I'm a slob

>> No.25569233

She already has twitter conversations with herself.

>> No.25569235

Likely...for now. She's the 1st one out the gate and keeps her stream times consistent. Very easy to make gains like that. The others just need to be more interesting (easy enough...Lamy is LAME) and stream more often too.

>> No.25569236

A collab with Roro, Towa and rurudo would be comedy gold.

>> No.25569238

Polka has connections with all the vtuber old guard, the collabs are going to be insane.

>> No.25569239
Quoted by: >>25569256

>Will have to watch discount Noel because no one else is streaming

>> No.25569241


>> No.25569242

When will the old holos get a redesign to bring them more in line with Polka and Aloe? They all look so boring now.

>> No.25569244

the fucking wink in there gets me everytime her confidence in it is something i cant understand
i would still eat it for flare without question

>> No.25569246

oh no it's the first one

>> No.25569247

henlo? beise depahtment? ookini?

>> No.25569248

It's terrible.... I love it

>> No.25569250

>towa eats play-doh

>> No.25569251
File: 174 KB, 640x360, 1596489439530.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

PPTrio collab... onegai...

>> No.25569252
File: 131 KB, 850x1200, 472E9435-3513-407E-92C4-6209D438636D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ayame-sama I want to make babies with you while your cat watches onegai

>> No.25569253

And here I thought I couldn't love Flare any further ......I was wrong

>> No.25569255

Looks like pizza that was left in the forest and fungus grew all over it....Elves eat this shit?!?

>> No.25569256

You don't have to watch her if you don't want to you know

>> No.25569257
File: 421 KB, 2048x1536, スバルのお子さまランチ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

at least give choco sensei some proper representation

>> No.25569259

Dino nuggets get me every time

>> No.25569260

Towa getting fat!

>> No.25569262

What makes Polka better than Nobuhime?

>> No.25569263

sure, it's really hard to screw up curry rice if you start with the golden curry roux

>> No.25569264

>Elves eat this shit?!?
Only the dark ones

>> No.25569265

What should I watch from today's archives? I know there's Luna's 3D and Ayame. What else?

>> No.25569266
Quoted by: >>25569280

dangerously low IQ

>> No.25569267

Noel is it really worth it...

>> No.25569268

Yeah, you know, gen 5 always had only 4 members. Kinda unorthodox, but I guess they went quality over quantity.

>> No.25569269
Quoted by: >>25569287

My wife roboco is the most feminine holo!

>> No.25569271

>Dino nuggies
Never gets old

>> No.25569273

Maybe if Watame wasn't such an autist and ghosted them we'd have gotten one by now

>> No.25569274
File: 646 KB, 1064x368, my-image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25569276
File: 33 KB, 599x599, 1583934318019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25569278

i hate you fags but its those moments that will stay with me forever you guys are ok sometimes

>> No.25569279

<span class="sjis">Towa...[/spoiler]

>> No.25569280


>> No.25569282

when fully grows in that unibrow

>> No.25569283

YOU are my kind of person!

>> No.25569284

She works for a less shitty company (which is a pretty scary thought).

>> No.25569286
Quoted by: >>25569318

>tfw you can be a stalker and Japanese Police will do nothing about it

>> No.25569287

azki is the best wife material though

>> No.25569288

Coco...why is your hair in that pizza?

>> No.25569289


>> No.25569292

looks like a disk was cut from the forest floor

>> No.25569293
Quoted by: >>25569304

this is a cry for help

>> No.25569295


>> No.25569297

I saw a post on reddit asking for a pptrio collab and it had Coco, PPT And Suisei as the picture

>> No.25569298


>> No.25569300

The Choco dino edit makes me laugh so much.

>> No.25569301

sounds like she was running away from a crazed fan but eventually caught up to her and attacked her

>> No.25569303

Damn Subaru gets to eat THAT?!

>> No.25569304
Quoted by: >>25569575


>> No.25569305

Is Suisei imouto a niji or something

>> No.25569306


>> No.25569307

this but unironically

>> No.25569309

Does anyone have the picture of ltg with Shien's head on it

>> No.25569310

4ch I'm thinking of doing a tribute to Mano Aloe to support her during these times. We all know she likes singing, so I am thinking of sending a cover of her song in her debut stream. Do you all have any idea of how to stop the reddit cringe? We know Aloe hates pathetic non-autotuned singing and also likes to have sex with dogs so I am thinking of commissioning a cover from Hatsune Miku

>> No.25569312
File: 297 KB, 1381x1953, 63253626.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25569325


>> No.25569313
File: 260 KB, 961x247, 1589922255047.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This sucks, I want to watch more Nene.

>> No.25569314

The power of a good design

>> No.25569315

Suisei's totsumachi

>> No.25569317

Ask me how I know you only watch badly translated clips.

>> No.25569316
File: 285 KB, 1165x1329, polkadisgust.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25569397

Fuck coco and fuck reddit fags

>> No.25569318

If I lived in Japan my favourite would already be mentally and physically scarred

>> No.25569319
File: 146 KB, 733x900, EMe2kXgVUAAlDab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a womb coomer's dream

>> No.25569321

Fellow numberfags what statistic distribution do you use? I'm using hypergeometric distribution with a simple anova.

>> No.25569322

we need this updated didnt two anons do a whole cover?

>> No.25569323


>> No.25569325
Quoted by: >>25569357

God, what a stupid fucking outfit.

>> No.25569326

Who is the gassiest holo?

>> No.25569327

luna was great
ayame fall gays was also cute as fuck
fubuki finishing yoshis island was good too

>> No.25569328

Go to sleep EUbro

>> No.25569330
File: 109 KB, 1243x834, 1594220070131.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post old or out of date /hlg/ memes and narratives

>> No.25569331
Quoted by: >>25569386

Running with Towa!
Hiding all of Towa's chips!
Intense sex with Towa!
Gotta burn those kilojoules off!

>> No.25569332
File: 777 KB, 220x293, 1597238943741.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25569333

seanig, your fixation on sex with dogs is unhealthy, get help

>> No.25569335
Quoted by: >>25569351

Towa's is honestly pretty cute.

>> No.25569334


>> No.25569336

how much do you have to pay hatsune mike to get her to sing?

>> No.25569339
File: 1.18 MB, 963x1200, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25569362


>> No.25569341
File: 407 KB, 2220x1080, Screenshot_20200819-004116_YouTube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it's cute that it's started with Korone and ended with Korone.

>> No.25569342

Youtube hosts videos. Watch them.

>> No.25569344


>> No.25569345
File: 284 KB, 640x360, 1593575374184.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25569346

Aqua got the rona

>> No.25569349
File: 164 KB, 713x489, absolute state of hlg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can we have a nice thread for just one fucking day?

>> No.25569351

>literally 0 meat
>radioactive looking colors
i dont know bro

>> No.25569350


>> No.25569352
File: 296 KB, 850x850, 1578850211852.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's strange seeing all this support for a person who did something like 3 streams. I can't fathom how honest their motivation are, if it was because they like or love her I would understand. But why go so far for someone you don't even know or have any kind of bond (or nice memories together).

>> No.25569353

Both Pekora and Marine said they were interested in doing collabs with Nene too

>> No.25569354
File: 777 KB, 1366x636, 1589405701407.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25569562


>> No.25569355

What's your endgame, anon?

>> No.25569356
Quoted by: >>25569402

Lamy will be more profitable with less subs because her seiso and ASMR is powerful

>> No.25569357
File: 88 KB, 209x216, toomuch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no u

>> No.25569358 [SPOILER] 
File: 988 KB, 1077x1103, 1597790419579.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i didnt save any of anons other funny edits after this one

>> No.25569359


>> No.25569360

Looks homely.

>> No.25569363
File: 151 KB, 1000x1000, 1596427924084.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aqua, her diet is atrocious. Aki could also be a contender after a long night of drinking.

>> No.25569362

Surprised that one guy hasn't shopped Towa's eyes on to her yet.

>> No.25569364
Quoted by: >>25569398

This is what happens everytime your holo plays fall gays

>> No.25569367
File: 61 KB, 600x1048, 07a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25569368

Based Aloe:

>Betrays corporativism shit
>Betrays nationalism (Corean cockhunter)
>Absolutely a slut
>Sashimi Dildo
>Likes sex too much
>Nipponiggers mad with her, nice lvl of trolling Aloe, you are good in this
>Shits on nijicucks
>Reveals the dark side of vtubing


>> No.25569369
Quoted by: >>25569383


>> No.25569371

You want to eat her?

>> No.25569373

Make that dick sushi she loves for her, on the platter.

>> No.25569374

theres eggs, plus you dont need meat with every meal americabro

>> No.25569375
File: 21 KB, 126x83, ゴズリング84.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where is he...

>> No.25569376

>>radioactive looking colors
Do americans really?

>> No.25569377

Get you a girl like AZKi, wife!

>> No.25569378
File: 72 KB, 360x450, 1584941571823.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

El fubuki...

>> No.25569380
File: 15 KB, 640x720, genius peko.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have some modern art. Someone that can actually draw needs to draw this...

>> No.25569381

Are you confusing Towa for Aki again?

>> No.25569382
File: 15 KB, 239x211, kRC5KE4n9k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25569417

reply with your "oc" macros

>> No.25569383
File: 29 KB, 463x453, sniff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25569384

>5ch has a general for discussing overseas people reacting to anime

>> No.25569385

me on the left

>> No.25569386
File: 1002 KB, 1000x1414, 1591082719450.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A happy life with Towa.

>> No.25569387
File: 27 KB, 429x421, 1596383761434.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no supportive caring Fubuki friend

>> No.25569388

That's just a filter, just like she plastered them all over the oil disaster.
It's one of the healthiest meals there though.

>> No.25569392
File: 1.88 MB, 800x1200, 1593264501007.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

probably out of date by now

>> No.25569394

It's really embarrassing honestly. I can at least give the yabee Towafags credit, because they had some time to get to know their chuuba. Aloefags are essentially supporting a gif because it makes them feel righteous.

>> No.25569395
File: 98 KB, 441x581, 1590470756292.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25569413

I thought /vyt/ becoming a battleground for spergs from here and nijithread is a bad thing, then I read the last thread.

>> No.25569396

Fuck do you mean?

>> No.25569397

The last thing we need here is a meme war between clown and gaijin.

>> No.25569399
File: 11 KB, 310x287, shion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do we like shion here

>> No.25569398

im gonna masturbate to this

>> No.25569400

This but unironically, I'm gonna gachikoi her fuck antis

>> No.25569402

I really doubt Lamy will get that big
There is no point debating about this now though, Pekora had the weakest start of the 3rd gen and Choco-sensei had the strongest start of the 2nd gen and look at where they are now

>> No.25569404
File: 1.61 MB, 3000x3000, 5061D504-59FA-4B2E-9657-7E1DBC1AEED1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Choose your destiny.

>> No.25569403

It's not that weird honestly.

>> No.25569405

Look at this fucking blind retard.

>> No.25569406
Quoted by: >>25569460

I want a towife..

>> No.25569407
Quoted by: >>25569473

pretty sure this edit was done by some anon here already

>> No.25569408
File: 253 KB, 459x857, 2rsnxb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The average age is surely much, much lower.

>> No.25569409
Quoted by: >>25569984

That's a big category on NND. Sometimes it's pretty fun to watch honestly. You're watching nips reacting to westerners reacting to anime or smash bros reveals.

>> No.25569410

>W-We sure could...
I don't know why that made me laugh so hard.

>> No.25569411
Quoted by: >>25569972

We are still doing this for real, right? Can't wait for the finished product.

>> No.25569412

I like this but unironically

>> No.25569413
File: 1.11 MB, 3000x3000, 1596258643767.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25569461

>then I read the last thread.
What happened Anon? I just got here.

>> No.25569414
File: 21 KB, 480x360, 0slaSd_0Nsd5tPW00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25569597


>> No.25569415
File: 411 KB, 617x617, 1597659422236.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like all hololives.

>> No.25569417
File: 340 KB, 639x820, cuteduck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25569418
File: 266 KB, 1200x1018, 1584756736586.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I choose option B: dragons and demons

>> No.25569420
File: 6 KB, 700x111, Chammer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25569421
File: 36 KB, 792x203, data.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We need to see if her growth drop will actually be significant, I have the impression she will stagnate faster.

>> No.25569422

Looks kind of traditional.
Traditional wife Towa!

>> No.25569424

Rushia for molesting
Danchou for marrying

>> No.25569427
File: 519 KB, 762x647, ae2f81d992eacda22f12f46b5e01cf4633dd2f2c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so let me make sure i'm right
Aloe fucks dogs, asks to get fucked on twitter, is a literal whore, and something about penis sushi
and theres people defending her?

>> No.25569428

Wtf I can't believe I have a high IQ.

>> No.25569430

Also compare Korone's debut to where she is now.

>> No.25569431

i just really want to slide my p0n0s in her wet slutty vag00 and jam it in

>> No.25569436
Quoted by: >>25569453

Anon, you've never seen vegetables?

>> No.25569437

White knights aren't people.

>> No.25569439 [SPOILER] 
File: 16 KB, 222x264, 1597790704078.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25569514

Warning: VERY spooky

>> No.25569441

Finally some semblance of sense around here. Talking about numbers 4 days in is literally fucking useless.

>> No.25569440
File: 800 KB, 1080x1080, Choco3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder how many more "zoomers" there are now

>> No.25569445


>> No.25569447
File: 933 KB, 930x522, woah.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25569448
File: 686 KB, 1412x2000, 1589939436563.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25569506


>> No.25569449

Something I'll never have...

>> No.25569450

Well, to be fair, we're kinda posting on /jp/ right now, so

>> No.25569451
File: 540 KB, 691x682, pekogasem.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

relatively new but I doubt 70% of the thread has seen this

>> No.25569452
Quoted by: >>25569490

For the last time for all you EOPs, she was talking about someone that was into dogs, not talking about herself

>> No.25569453

i dont eat vegetables
they are not really needed, I eat oats for fiber and pills for vitamins

>> No.25569455 [SPOILER] 
File: 125 KB, 953x289, 1597790759036.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't open this, Flare.

>> No.25569457
File: 1.54 MB, 1920x1080, 1586419216252.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25569552


>> No.25569459
File: 35 KB, 572x412, imagine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25569516


>> No.25569460
File: 1.18 MB, 1500x868, 1595802194577.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25569550

One day we will wake up from this world with what we desire.

>> No.25569461

Some faggot from here farmed easy (You)s by posting screenshots from discord

>> No.25569462

Sounds pretty funny desu, post screenshots faggot.

>> No.25569463

It sucks and she's stupid for not covering her tracks, but it doesn't warrant being doxxed and harrassed.
I really hate this culture of digging up people's past on the internet.

>> No.25569464

I'm a musicfag and it's interesting how she is the only one who put in a vocoder into her live singing, makes me think she knows more about music production than most of the others, and so is more serious about the singing part.

the real reason is I've personally dealt with a similar person before in my life. a young menhera utaite hell bent on acquiring clout through her singing and unable to avoid drama for her own good.

>> No.25569465
File: 333 KB, 545x378, 1584901447681.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was searching an image and I now I'm sad. Fuck you.

>> No.25569467

For legal reasons I must say left.

>> No.25569468
File: 82 KB, 654x530, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't wait for those futa Botan doujins

>> No.25569469

There is literally nothing wrong with eating dicks

>> No.25569470

She also gets fucked by koreans, which may be worse than dogs depending on where you're from.

>> No.25569473
Quoted by: >>25569697

MS Paint cropping faces onto the reaction image, or actually redrawn?

>> No.25569475
File: 2.01 MB, 1651x3300, haatoflip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25569478


>> No.25569479

i miss the roberu vs pekora falseflagging arc...

>> No.25569481

>Aloe fucks Korone

>> No.25569482

It's funny but not career ending
Shitting on niji made the psychos go at her and her ex

>> No.25569483


we should have a general asking why they are weirdos with used underwear in vending machines.

>> No.25569484
File: 161 KB, 301x299, Pego to sleep.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's time?

>> No.25569485

>pills for vitamins

>> No.25569486
File: 900 KB, 707x1000, 1587776379187.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25569539

I liked what little I saw and I feel bad for her, being harrased through phonecalls isn't regular hate.

>> No.25569487


>> No.25569489

Those are some solid machines.

>> No.25569490

>haha just asking for a friend

>> No.25569491
Quoted by: >>25569690

I'd like to see 5chans reaction to /hlg/ or even 4chan as a whole, that would be interesting.

>> No.25569495
Quoted by: >>25569715

Oh shit yeah, I forgot we doxed Haato's dad that one time.

>> No.25569496

5ch sure is mad at Nene...

>> No.25569499
Quoted by: >>25569838

I like how this is even more relevant taking account that Pekora killed Roberto "24h big event" and made him stall his fall guys stream.

>> No.25569500
File: 595 KB, 1920x1080, 1595538850983.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25569711

some really great ones came from that time

>> No.25569504
File: 56 KB, 359x383, 1591373251419 copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just find them funny

>> No.25569505

The bending over backwards was more career damaging than whatever she did.

>> No.25569506

The end of an era. No more AsaCoco, WataUta, Miko watching it with us, and FBK doing air AsaCoco.

>> No.25569508

Congrats EOP you got all wrong

>> No.25569510

What the fuck is going on with burgers

>> No.25569512

Why did she drink the tap water bros...?

>> No.25569513


>> No.25569514

Where we're going, we won't need eyes to see.

>> No.25569516
File: 225 KB, 1920x1080, 1587479491146.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25569517
File: 355 KB, 456x448, sniff this.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25569544


>> No.25569518

I'm going to assume to collab ban for Aloe is going to be longer than the rest of gen 5.

>> No.25569519
File: 626 KB, 2609x3827, 1591298209365.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If that qualifies, then so does this.

>> No.25569520

Her shackles were unleashed.

>> No.25569521
Quoted by: >>25569570


>> No.25569523


>> No.25569525 [SPOILER] 
File: 315 KB, 500x500, 1597790978612.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nene is made for bullying.

>> No.25569527
Quoted by: >>25569546


>> No.25569528

5ch is irrelevant and weak willed

>> No.25569530

What the actual fuck?

>> No.25569532
Quoted by: >>25569549

it's literally just a bunch of fujos from the nijian thread trolling the holofan thread, they've been tricked and showed their color in the ip thread

>> No.25569533

is there any point in coming here when matome exists.

>> No.25569536

So what else about her you fucks need to know?
grow some brains

>> No.25569537

I think the situation is pretty unfair. I'm not going out of my way to support her, I'll just watch her stream when she comes back.

>> No.25569539
File: 893 KB, 676x1000, Aloepits2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25569544
File: 2.90 MB, 1290x2080, 1592508010228.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25569545
File: 100 KB, 336x249, zehi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

@everyone ze,,,zehi,,

>> No.25569546
Quoted by: >>25569569

So no one got around to making a fixed version did they

>> No.25569547

Luludo draws and paints some incredibly lovely maidens. But would it kill her to design different eyes and faces for her characters?

>> No.25569548

hey guys I met my favorite Vtuber Aloe at the Pinsaro!
how cool is that

>> No.25569549
Quoted by: >>25569577

fujos don't watch vtubers

>> No.25569550

I hope all the anons can be happy someday.

>> No.25569551

Guys, I think

>> No.25569552
File: 2.00 MB, 1439x993, 1567967830118.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25569558

Can't believe Aloe was a white woman all along.

>> No.25569559

we need older ladies WE NEED MORE OLDER LADIES

>> No.25569560

I know most of you faggots lack empathy, but I think Aloe didn't deserve getting harassed with phone calls and getting a career-ruining break right after her debut. Don't get me wrong, I'm not going to make a fucking fangame for her like some of these discord whiteknights, but I'll watch her comeback and maybe drop a SC or two in support.

>> No.25569561

What did Nene do this time? I just woke up. Or was it about her that the other gen 5 got doxxed?

>> No.25569562
File: 1.40 MB, 1920x1080, how about another joke.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25569625

I miss the good ol days of no-collab 90k subs Towa

>> No.25569563
File: 61 KB, 500x306, 1591503563226.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your ears...

>> No.25569565
File: 19 KB, 318x259, 1595234074267.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

luna did a yamcha...

>> No.25569566
File: 1.42 MB, 1637x1158, 1597083544409.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25569569


>> No.25569570

same anon, she feels like having an amazing potential, I hope she comes back full of energy for us to hear her voice

>> No.25569571

For Shiore

>> No.25569572
File: 46 KB, 456x328, 17824_h7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25569622


>> No.25569573

There are at least 20gr of protein from the boiled eggs and meat stew, 250 calories of carbs from rice and potatoes, plus the fiber and vitamins from the veggies and miso soup. That a perfect meal for a tiny woman who stay inside all day and doesn't work out heavily.
Learn basic nutrition before you put shit in your mouth fucking dumb mutt.

>> No.25569574

That stream BTFO so many narratives it was glorious.

>> No.25569575
Quoted by: >>25569584

this is primal meal for kids

>> No.25569577

well I used fujo since it's easily recognizable by eops but they are called まんさん, mansan, in 5ch

>> No.25569580 [SPOILER] 
File: 488 KB, 2345x3582, 1597791178079.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25569581
File: 15 KB, 514x346, 1593226867892.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Towa has friends now!

>> No.25569584

Yeah no shit, she made it for Subaru's birthday because Subaru likes them

>> No.25569586

Wasnt there when it happened, but still worth a read

>> No.25569585

Shions butt is not that big Anon...

>> No.25569587
Quoted by: >>25569609

Is this still supposed to be jab at matsuri or is there some new meme.

>> No.25569588
Quoted by: >>25569620

Which stream is this from?

>> No.25569590

You're a good, rational man anon.

>> No.25569592

>counting calories
do europoors really? that's gay af not gonna lie

>> No.25569597

What the fuck where did you get that picture of me?

>> No.25569598
File: 1.00 MB, 1920x1080, 1588548482593 copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25569599

Yeah, and her eyes are .001mm further spaced than they should be. God I hate art.

>> No.25569600

Where can we complain about Watame's management, because whoever is in charge of her is fucking up her music career and it's straight up unforgivable to waste hololive's best talent like that, give her who ever is in charge of Suisei, she's better deserving of those opportunities

>> No.25569603

I fucking love her so much

>> No.25569604
File: 1.75 MB, 900x900, 1593068367546.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25569630

*goldfinger starts playing*

>> No.25569605

sio... is there any chance for collab in the future?

>> No.25569606
File: 114 KB, 1100x744, 1591854499059.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last weekend, there was a meeting with everyone who was able to attend at the Hololive studios. Those who lived far away (Helga Gurlukovich, staying with her family in Russia, Akai Haato, hunting down a dingo to get some spare money by selling its meat) were given a pass, but every other member was asked to be present. They all grouped inside the plain meeting room and sat around the rectangular table to discuss basic business. (According to hearsay) After YAGOO had wrapped things up and left the room, the members sat around and began to help one another plan for future streams.
It was during this planning that one of the members, Inugami Korone, began to passively voice her displeasure at Usada Pekora for stealing her thunder by playing Fallout 4 after she had just announced she herself would also be starting the Fallout series on twitter. Several others, sensing the calamity, left the room. According to 5ch, Inugami Korone, Usada Pekora, Shirakami Fubuki and Sakura Miko were the only ones left in the room as the conversation grew heated. Usada Pekora allegedly threatened to bring Korone to the Peko, a Pekoland term for the Pekoland Gulag. Korone knocked over one of the chairs and Fubuki tried to calm her down. It was then that Sakura Miko began to cuss in a language that the others assumed to be English. She slugged Korone across the face in front of Fubuki and threatened to shoot her and two kids. Fubuki told her to calm down, but then Miko slugged her as well. Her head smacked the table with a soft yoisho before she hit the ground. She touched her bleeding temple and muttered "aka...natsukashii" before losing consciousness.
According to 5ch, management could hear the scuffle from the beginning, but they weren't sure what to do, so they decided to ignore the issue and hope that it went away.

>> No.25569607

The shop...

>> No.25569609
Quoted by: >>25569621


>> No.25569610

She's no different from Marine but she joined hololive at it's peak so people actually paid attention to the doxx instead of ignoring them

>> No.25569614
Quoted by: >>25569642

Nice argument burger, ssg fatfucks

>> No.25569615

You're a bad, irrational simp anon.

>> No.25569616

Will the hololives ever set up streamlabs?

>> No.25569617

It's hilarious to me that we keep getting these "I don't know how anyone could support someone they know nothing about" posts while simultaneously ignoring that antis have been digging up every scrap of information to do the opposite. Don't start shit won't be shit, dumbass.

>> No.25569618

Honest question, why do you want to see Towa collab with a psychopath like Sio?

>> No.25569620
Quoted by: >>25569656


>> No.25569621

We all need to start somewhere m8!

>> No.25569622
Quoted by: >>25569651

Post the one with Aruran, Shien and Rikka in it

>> No.25569623

based, I feel the same, the shit she's going through is not the law of equivalent exchange so I may show a bit of support to boost her restart

>> No.25569624
File: 233 KB, 848x1200, EB0A854E-8C9A-4994-BCDC-905DA96A5BAB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25569641


>> No.25569625
File: 1.65 MB, 1920x1080, 1596360241490.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm glad punished Toaw is over, but I'm also glad I got to see her redemption arc and her healing arc.

>> No.25569627
File: 394 KB, 650x548, 1592831754219.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Edit when?

>> No.25569629

Which is why you die of obesity and cancer and Europeans die from diversity richness and uncleanliness.

>> No.25569630

The 900 Luna please...

>> No.25569631

You never EVER want to fuck with music rights. Those guys are hounds.

>> No.25569632

Quit trying to ruin Towa's reputation, faggot.

>> No.25569633

I bet she gets off thinking about otakus masturbating to her.

>> No.25569634

pretty much how i feel
my money is for my waifu though so i won't be giving any, and i wont tweet any support because my twitter feed is 99% touhou and i will keep it that way
all i can do is drop a like

>> No.25569636

>She touched her bleeding temple and muttered "aka...natsukashii" before losing consciousness.

>> No.25569640

I actually had a Hololive dream last night

It was Sora calling in Suisei’s totsumachi

I need therapy

>> No.25569641
File: 175 KB, 1363x2048, 1577739705337.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all holos should be thicc

>> No.25569642
File: 573 KB, 1024x576, timeloop6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25569658

This is like almost word for word the exact same fucking conversation that was had the first time Towa's meal was shown
For fuck's sake
Down to the europoor/burger shit and everything
Get me out of this fucking loop

>> No.25569643

How old is this poll even? 4 months ago?

>> No.25569644
Quoted by: >>25569665

I want Towa to be with people who make her happy.

>> No.25569646

hololive should scout for thick skinned roommates like Coco and Sio.

>> No.25569647
File: 1.51 MB, 2894x4093, 1580529620063.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't forget that time she tweeted "SEX SEX SEX I WANT SEX"

>> No.25569648

I'd like to see watame release an EP or something

>> No.25569649

If antis lose, that's a win in my book.

>> No.25569650

I wanna see her succeed just to spite the autists who rallied against her, but I'm not gonna support her financially or anything

>> No.25569651
File: 825 KB, 920x613, Heavyweight Homo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25569662


>> No.25569652

Because he doesn't watch Towa because of Towa, he's a mentally ill /u/ fag who watch her because of his fucking ship only.

>> No.25569653
File: 1.69 MB, 1900x1343, There&#039;s 4 cups on the tray.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Oh my god, you guys came!" Towa shouted as she arrived at the table. "I'm so happy!" her happiness would be short lived as the four looked at her in silence for a moment. Finally, Coco broke the silence. "Who invited the menhera bitch?" She asked, laughing but also clearly annoyed. Watame and Luna shook their heads, and all three looked to Kanata. Before she could say anything, Towa chimed in. "Uh...I work here...I thought you guys knew? Isn't that why you're here?" The group looked at her for a moment, before they started laughing. "You work here? That's pathetic! I should put this into my next Asacoco!" Coco shouted, hardly able to breath. "We only came here because it was the cheapest place in town." Watame added, slamming the table and wiping her eyes. "NAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" Luna responded. Even Kanata couldn't help herself among the uproarious laughter and began to giggle a bit before attempting to stifle it. Towa's smile had long since faded, and she now bit her lip as the girls slowly began to stop laughing. Almost monotone, she gave them the usual "Welcome to Nishnari Pizza, what can I get for you." Coco asked for one large deluxe pizza, 4 colas, and for Towa "To not screw this up like everything you do." Towa simply nodded and walked to the kitchen.

While Towa was supposed to have a co-worker, she seemed to always be missing. Towa thought about how her manager doesn't seem to care about it and only hounds her, but she decided to ignore such thoughts and focus on getting the pizza ready. Ten minutes later, she pulled the pizza out of the oven and brought it to the table. As Towa brought out the large pizza, she could hear the girls laughing about their latest collab stream, while planning their next one. "Left 4 Dead sounds great! It's a good thing we don't have to deal with Towa, she'd probably be too scared like a big dumb baby." Coco said, laughing, then looking over to Towa. "Oh, speak of the "Devil"" she continued, making finger quotes. "It looks like our pizza has finally arrived. Took you long enough." Towa tried to think of a reply but clammed up, when Watame spoke up, asking where their sodas were. Towa simply said "Sorry." and walked back to get a tray of sodas while the four began scarfing down their pizza.


>> No.25569654

i dont care much for sio's side but towa seemed happy when they collab it would be nice to see again but if not nothing changes much for me

>> No.25569656

Thanks anon, hopefully it returns soon.

>> No.25569658
File: 376 KB, 478x580, 1585436707153.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can you not?

>> No.25569662
File: 1.60 MB, 1204x1920, Boss aesthetic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Perfection in its simplest form
Shien's smug expression is so fitting

>> No.25569664
File: 13 KB, 287x287, 1593541087719.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>People on my friends list are slowly starting to change their pfp to vtubers

Is this a bad sign?

>> No.25569665

Sio literally doesn't have the ability to care about anyone and doxxed people who were close to her before
She is a danger and if you care for Towa you should wish she never talk with or meet her again

>> No.25569666

Doesn't the sheep have some of the highest amount of covers and original songs for a not even one year old holomember?

>> No.25569667
Quoted by: >>25569732

100% on board with Roboco or Sora or Matsuri or Azki, or preparing that dinner for our children on Saturday night with Choco.

Towa needs someone to cook for her.
Coco needs an exorcist.

>> No.25569670

and then anon woke up, his pants all soiled from jizz

>> No.25569671
File: 47 KB, 212x494, 1597084669388.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if there was ever a stream that didnt need subs it was this one. it was probably the most eop friendly stream ive ever seen since it was just noises and hime-sama yelling.

>> No.25569672
Quoted by: >>25569756

>i'll use this face and you'll all forgive me
Nice try but we won't be forgiving you anytime soon, slut.

>> No.25569673
File: 37 KB, 298x186, chrome_LLN53wYZaR.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this server still up?

>> No.25569674

I just hope she's able to bounce back from this. This is much heavier than the Towa yabee and I'm really worried about how it'll affect her future streams/works.

>> No.25569675
File: 51 KB, 255x208, 1594178345155.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25569676

Sio did nothing wrong.

>> No.25569677

As long as they don't change it to Hitomi Chris everything's good.

>> No.25569678
File: 140 KB, 1280x720, timeloop5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25569681

That's not even the reason why she's getting shatted by antis in the first place.

>> No.25569682

>can you not?
go back

>> No.25569683

Want them to play some chess/shogi.
Too bad there aren't any cute plugins.
Like hololive characters instead of boring shitty chess pieces.

>> No.25569684

It's insane how cover makes them buy their own computers. Any half-way legitimate business would supply their employees with hardware. They can expense the hardware, make sure all their employees can run the same games, and prevent them from accidentally loading up personal shit (e.g. eroge) on a live stream.

>> No.25569685
File: 666 KB, 1200x848, 1594617060121.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25569985

>Luna and Sheep inclining like crazy
I really like this yonkisei season 2

>> No.25569687

Shit I wanted to unironically support Aloe's return but now her fanbase will be infested with brainless EOPs from Reddit and Discord she'll have to pander to. Aloe should probably just become a turboslut and do slutty member only streams to scare them away.

>> No.25569688
File: 418 KB, 2196x2928, fuutan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are having a good night, right anon?

>> No.25569689

Guys, I think Roro might be Rurudo

>> No.25569690

5ch hates us and thinks reddit is better

>> No.25569691

It was taken down a while back.

>> No.25569693

will my oshi ever know how much i love him...

>> No.25569695
Quoted by: >>25569847

Marine screams the same shit live almost every day. Why does she get away with it?

>> No.25569696

still make me kek, it's been a while since i see "suisei is russian" narrative

>> No.25569697
Quoted by: >>25569911

actually drawn, must be in the archives, if not just wait for someone to post it again

>> No.25569699
File: 1.89 MB, 1748x1250, 81690322_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No fuck off it's Aki time now.

>> No.25569700


>> No.25569701
Quoted by: >>25569719

kinda shitty that Aloe is getting pilloried for exposing information that makes the corporations look bad, while sticking up for her fellow vtubers, and even has to apologize for it, while Sio is going to get off scott free for talking mad shit on her fellow vtubers, doxing them, and will never apologize for it

>> No.25569702

Does no one in the japanese fanbase support Aloe? legit question.

>> No.25569705

You're fucking crazy. Somebody tell this man he's fucking crazy.

>> No.25569706

W-Well we hate them too !!!

>> No.25569707

Before long it will become thick with normies as always. Nothing can exist in perpetuity. It's like a force of nature.

>> No.25569708 [DELETED] 
File: 101 KB, 1518x450, unknown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25569737


>> No.25569709

No way, their voices sound nothing alike

>> No.25569710

so the minecraft server is supposed to go down right? when?

>> No.25569711

I like to imagine how confused the Nips would be seeing some dumb shit like this

>> No.25569714 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.56 MB, 1713x2032, 1597791645121.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just hope Towa and Nose can still hang out...

>> No.25569715
Quoted by: >>25569741

Sure flipfag. "we" totally didn't just copy past what 5ch found and claim credit for a dox like complete bastards.

>> No.25569716
File: 250 KB, 1280x720, idolclub.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he should look harder, Sio in her past life was paired with Chieri and it's one of the person she shat on the most
Or look at what she said about Kanon

Towa should stay very far away from her

>> No.25569718

there are probably quite a few people who think there was an overreaction

>> No.25569717
Quoted by: >>25569747

Someone post that youtube comment about the sashimi

>> No.25569719
File: 619 KB, 2048x1982, 1596983335204.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

blame aloes management.

nene fucked up and she took the fall for it because of her incompetent manager.

>> No.25569720
File: 283 KB, 668x960, 1588389174168.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bros what happened to this thick cutie pie?

>> No.25569721
File: 485 KB, 970x1011, 1597371683035.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not really, because its 8am where i live i hope youre having a good time though

>> No.25569724

>and prevent them from accidentally loading up personal shit (e.g. eroge)
>implying Cover doesn't want them to do that

>> No.25569727

fuck off back to where you came from

>> No.25569728

Kakage, don't look...

>> No.25569729
File: 1.21 MB, 1500x1789, 1580305934371.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25569761

Cuddling with Botan... I wonder what it's like...

>> No.25569730

Go see for yourself

>> No.25569731

Is Haato the most friendly holo?
She was one of the first to collab with Towa after her suspension.
She introduced Hoshikawa to Matsuri.
She broke the ice between Suisei and Matsuri.

>> No.25569732

With the oil incident the other day I think Towa needs an in-house carer.

>> No.25569733

>no streams in sight
I'm mostly gonna be doing reps until my brains fall out, I don't know if that qualifies as good or not

>> No.25569734

Nose still care for Towa!

>> No.25569736

It's Lolo and they are different people.

>> No.25569737

We have that archive now
Did anyone ever check whether all this was true?

>> No.25569738

Why were the pekofags so much better than the sheepfags, weren't they supposed to be the same people

>> No.25569739
Quoted by: >>25569746

You call this thick?

>> No.25569740

Sio supporters have brain damage, honestly.

>> No.25569741
Quoted by: >>25569763


>> No.25569742

All she has to do is remind them she is 15 when she does something slutty and they'll leave

>> No.25569743

aqua is really never going to play ocarina of time again is she

>> No.25569745

>give her who ever is in charge of Suisei
Suisei is in charge of Suisei
All the Hololive management personnel suck, so Suisei just contacts music producers and sets shit up on her own

>> No.25569746
File: 1.25 MB, 1264x1500, 1578464164986.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25569747
File: 18 KB, 488x181, 1586524455973.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

JOPs are alright sometimes.

>> No.25569748
File: 37 KB, 312x333, 1592348093364.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25569859

>tfw my little brother got into the Vtuber fad even before me somehow
>he doesn't even know Japanese

>> No.25569750

>Or look at what she said about Kanon
What did she say about Kanon?
I heard she shat on her a lot, but I can't see why considering it's such a tiny channel after (recently) becoming two years old
What the fuck would such a small chuuba do to gain Sio's ire?

>> No.25569752

I love Kakage but this is such a mess

>> No.25569754

right after she finished her skyrim run!

>> No.25569756

I now remember she had a cum chalice right there too.
Honestly, her not streaming for 2 weeks(maybe prolonged indefinitely) is such a waste.

>> No.25569759
File: 68 KB, 296x357, 1597640196538.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25569760


>> No.25569761

32 year old gamer wife botan who goes to samba lessons in her free time

>> No.25569762

One of them for sure, bellow the Haachama persona she's a really good and sweet girl.

>> No.25569763


>> No.25569765

>give her who ever is in charge of Suisei
Suisei is in charge of herself because Cover is absolutely fucking useless.

Sheep is working on the same over time, but she's a bit more focused on her streaming because she doesn't have the outside connections that Suisei has. Hurry up and move into the Holomansion, Sheep. You can lean on Suisei for connections.

>> No.25569767
File: 128 KB, 1200x1203, 1594103581219.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes, late night shitposting is pretty fun. mixed with the serious posts.
cheers to you positive flarebro

>> No.25569769

I just woke up, but I think I'll be able to have a good day today. Thanks, anon.

>> No.25569768
File: 112 KB, 753x715, 1592855409664.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25569801

>earliest Towa pic is March
God, I've been a Towafag for 6 months.

>> No.25569770
File: 63 KB, 1091x162, sion.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25569772

Alright, he's pretty cool.

>> No.25569773
Quoted by: >>25569790

Sio's last company was absolutely fucked.
She was anonymous though and never said a bad thing about Towa.

>> No.25569775

Of course, also even if Sio wouldn't do anything with her, her bad reputation would probably harm Towa because she's never recovered properly anyway. If I'd be Towa's manager's place, I'd ban any collab with her and with Aloe too. But shippers don't care, they'd even force them because muh forbidden relationship.

>> No.25569776

i'm glad our feelings are mutual, hard to name a place worse than 5ch. kiwi farms maybe? idk

>> No.25569777
Quoted by: >>25569804

I hope gen5 works out and hololive keeps being successful

>> No.25569778

not that Kanon
The girl who quit the idol club along with her and did the Christmas stream with her

Not related to hololive so I'll stop talking about that now

>> No.25569781
File: 305 KB, 478x480, 1591688132660.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder if he's still here

>> No.25569782
File: 261 KB, 1286x2048, 1592628259862.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25569883

>implying she'd have any free time with the copious amount of sex that we'd be having
Silly anon

>> No.25569783

Nose cares for her friends!

>> No.25569784

im surprised towa has enough patience

>> No.25569785
File: 412 KB, 789x811, 1593263489955.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he never delivered

>> No.25569788
File: 37 KB, 590x466, 1574467098976.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It hurts.

>> No.25569789


>> No.25569790
Quoted by: >>25569839

Yeah, because currently Towa has not done anything to make her angry. What happens if she accidentally does though? That's the very simple point he's trying to make.

>> No.25569792
File: 177 KB, 1600x1600, 1581388162147.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25569820


>> No.25569795

I wonder, does anyone actually use the dildo she cut up as a joke as some kind of negative thing? There's no way, that'd be insane. How could you even turn that into anti ammo?

>> No.25569798
Quoted by: >>25569806

thats not thick, thats the same stick figure anatomy but with massive chest balloons. its not even like there arent jp artists who cant draw proper thickness

>> No.25569800
File: 526 KB, 609x900, JINBEI FLARE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's afternoon over here, but yeah, i'm having a pretty good time catching up on some streams and doing work, i hope you also have a great day or night

>> No.25569801
File: 89 KB, 473x900, Valentines.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit happens

>> No.25569802

Subaru isn't gonna continue HL2 is she?

>> No.25569803

Towa's autism knows no bound.

>> No.25569804

I can't say I care about gen 5 yet, but I also don't want them to crash and burn, so sure I'll drink to that.

>> No.25569806
Quoted by: >>25569852

what's thick then? post an example

>> No.25569807

S-She knew...

>> No.25569808

I still want more Monster Rancher fom her.

>> No.25569809

I'd say Towa has recovered, she's more popular now than she has ever been and I really think the rest of the girls should be looking out for Aloe since she's going through a tough time, I like to think Towa cares for her at least.

>> No.25569813

good, HL2 is garbage and was only worthwhile at the time as a tech demo

>> No.25569815

not right now, I don't want to share a tiny bit of history with newfags and tourist

>> No.25569816

All holos are whores.

>> No.25569817

so it wasnt autism, she was just playing it safe all along...

>> No.25569819

I just don't think it's her thing.

>> No.25569820
File: 74 KB, 159x169, living with botan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss gooseposters.

>> No.25569821
Quoted by: >>25569992

Wait, she was selling her sweater design? Fuck I want one so badly.

>> No.25569822
Quoted by: >>25569843

At it's core it's a funny way of saying "I wanna suck dick"

>> No.25569823

Watame should just do it herself. Hololive is like 50 people in total or something.

>> No.25569824


>> No.25569825


>> No.25569826

only for me though, you're only allowed to touch your pathetic dicklet while you watch

>> No.25569828

have any of the other girls made any mention of aloe? i know polka made some twitters posts about it

>> No.25569829
Quoted by: >>25569854

Why should they care about someone who wants to rape Korone?

>> No.25569830

imagine how sio shit-talked about towa after this

>> No.25569831
Quoted by: >>25569848

That means i have chance to fuck them.

>> No.25569833


>> No.25569835
File: 198 KB, 389x460, ゴズリング104.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25569838
Quoted by: >>25569888

Roberu moved his fall guys stream to earlier though?

>> No.25569839

Towa did blow her off on twitter!
But I do get what you mean, whatever happens I hope their friendship is still amicable even if they can't collab.

>> No.25569840
File: 589 KB, 1178x2048, EfjJddhVoAEOmq9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25569841

imagine how unkempt she is!
to old to bother shaving!

>> No.25569842
File: 90 KB, 583x900, 1566416022956.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25569891

Could be worse, I was a Pekofag before that. And Matsurifag back in 2019

>> No.25569843

But everyone wants to suck dick. Except for thee ones who want to lick pussy. Humans have a sex drive, that's why there's still humans.

>> No.25569846
File: 3.33 MB, 1696x1448, 1597339401095.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25569961

Hey you, Look at this cute Fennec

>> No.25569847

She's gay so there's no threat of penis.

>> No.25569848
File: 59 KB, 1280x720, 1512081206098.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, sure.

>> No.25569849
Quoted by: >>25569896

why would you do that? Literally shittest take I have seen here today, even worse than deathposting

>> No.25569850
Quoted by: >>25569951

Make a new one and find out

>> No.25569851

And Nijifags saying not supporting the company but the chuubers. Why are they such hypocrite jealous fucks, no wonder their global expansions are all dead on arrival

>> No.25569852
File: 192 KB, 825x1500, synecdoche445_0033.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25569910


>> No.25569853

At this point its suisei bossing her manager around and the only thing he does is give her the green light if she can do something or not
She has 7, maybe more projects all in the works right now, whereas Watame has... uh... plans for another live maybe? What are Watame's aspirations and how is she working to achieve them?

>> No.25569854

I can relate, I want to fuck Korosan too.

>> No.25569855


>> No.25569856

I want her to collab with Sio so she gets fucked, though, I don't mean the literal way of fucked, before you call me a shipper.
I just feel like Towa's retarded enough to do it, if she doesn't then I'll actually believe the manager prohibited her.

>> No.25569859

shitty gay discord zoomer filthy frank culture
best one can hope for is ww3 so that all these little sprouts get to die painfully in the north pole

>> No.25569860

She's literally just a younger Marine. She even draws apparently. Marine even said she thinks she has the most compatibility with her.

>> No.25569862

>Practically had an orgasm when she hosted Suigita on her radio show with FBK

>> No.25569861

Nooooooooooooooooooooooo my dark past

>> No.25569863
Quoted by: >>25569871

leaving rddit whiteknights, niji falseflaggers and discordfags aside
i really feel bad for aloe...

>> No.25569865

the artist's reply though https://twitter.com/necokoro22/status/1295648480426246144

>> No.25569866

apparently nijitards tried to spin it as a narrative at first, but jops didn't care much, so they switched to the boyfriend narrative to make gachikois angry, but aloe had no gachikois yet and it failed too

this is a comedy that writes itself, those antis are literally iq89, idk how they even dox somebody

>> No.25569867
File: 162 KB, 480x480, 1597462339568.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25569868

Based department?!

>> No.25569869

This thread seems pretty slow /hlg/. What's wrong? Run out of steam?

>> No.25569871

ok whiteknight

>> No.25569872

So would I though, so that's understandable.

>> No.25569873
File: 37 KB, 720x681, 1594737527543.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, since no one is currently streaming, reply to this post your

>favorite chuuba
>entry to the SSS sing along

>> No.25569874
File: 13 KB, 219x339, 1593795171205.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25569875
Quoted by: >>25569906

no that's ZUN nerd

>> No.25569876

Marine is definitely bi

>> No.25569879
File: 363 KB, 585x570, aquasome.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can feel the pure autism poured into this.

Thank you, anons.

>> No.25569882
File: 564 KB, 850x1202, 1597792319351.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine being told that this will be your persona from now on
Lmao come on kakage I know you like hags but this is nowhere near Rosetta level

>> No.25569883
Quoted by: >>25569904

Anon... you'd be exausted ater a few rounds.

>> No.25569885
Quoted by: >>25570018

To be fair, it's not like Watame has the connections to do all the things herself yet, she's just a ex-part timer that suddenly got big because of Hololive boom. Her name carries some weight but nowhere close to Suisei's level.

>> No.25569887

only faggots would do that
probably towacucks

>> No.25569888
Quoted by: >>25569920

You are right, I only remember he moved his stream by one hour to not coincide with Pekora.

>> No.25569889
File: 69 KB, 463x453, 1593394916874.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Cringeshit again
Just give up, it was pathetic.

>> No.25569891
File: 353 KB, 1108x2020, EVF2RcJUUAAgzHk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25569922

I watched Noel and Haato in 2019 without knowing anything about hololive and vtubers. I was just an ASMRfag

>> No.25569892

It's a doggy dog world, anon. Does it suck what happened to her? Yes. But it's also fair that Cover has to watch their image and protect their brand. They're going through a lot of shit right now, with the permissions and Miko gone and the Kaoru scandal and everything. They don't need this too.
I wish Aloe the best, maybe she can start over at Nijisanji.

>> No.25569893


>> No.25569894
Quoted by: >>25570044

>Towa because she's never recovered properly anyway.

As would easily believe this prior to her 3d debut. But after her 3D debut the Japanese actually started to shift back to positivity regarding her. A lot of JP comments were like "I didn't know she was this good." "Oh wow, what a cool voice." "Did you guys know this?" "She's actually really cute..." etc.

Towa actually has recovered even though her usual stream views went up by like 1.5k-2k. She gets lots of goddamn superchats.

>> No.25569896
Quoted by: >>25570283

What kind of tech company makes their employees buy their own hardware?

>> No.25569898

Was Nakamura there too so FBK could also orgasm?

>> No.25569899


>> No.25569900
File: 28 KB, 598x109, Screenshot 2020-08-19 at 01.12.53.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25569902
File: 155 KB, 850x1202, the white lion king.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watame is planning on being a good senpai to her new kouhai!

>> No.25569904
File: 1.99 MB, 1500x2172, 1574380393556.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't worry about me anon, I make sure to do my stamina reps everyday

>> No.25569905

oh wait... there's a 5th one?#

>> No.25569906

No, it was Suigita. She literally couldn't stop herself from wanting to talk about his "Meat-kun" the entire fucking time.

>> No.25569907

I never entered, catch me dead with actually having to listen to my own voice

>> No.25569908

I went on 5ch to see if they were really mad at aloe or not and it doesn't look like it...


>> No.25569910

this is fat not thick...

>> No.25569911

Anyone got this image saved? I've never even seen it.

>> No.25569912

Maybe when this thread is utter shit, but it's only partially shit right now.

>> No.25569913


>> No.25569914

>History of horny posting
>Succubus character
I bet you they hired her in the first place because of goofy lewd girls like Marine and Matsuri turning out to be gold, with every intention of her slowly going down the same road to get that same bit going. And now that everyone's screaming whore whore whore, she's going to have to stay squeaky clean and completely denied what her entire moneymaking gimmick was going to be. Poor girls going to be stuck playing safe and boring until she dies to obscurity.

>> No.25569915

no, no, no, she had an actual autistic fit and couldn't even talk to ZUN

>> No.25569919

Kill yourself faggot

>> No.25569918

What is that type of bra called? The one where you are wearing bands/straps? that Cover the nipples?

>> No.25569920

it was Marine, and after his stream ended, the Fall Guys servers went on maintenance

>> No.25569921

Normalniggers need to experience strategic bombing. Stay out my fucking fandoms.

>> No.25569922

>Didnt invest early thanks to Choco in 2018
Sucks to be a slowpoke I guess

>> No.25569925

IMPORTANT question:

>> No.25569926

Nah, I feel you anon. She definitely didn't deserve any of that shit. Japanese fans are fucking autistic on an unparalleled level so I kinda want them to go eat shit after this.

>> No.25569927
File: 1.24 MB, 1242x1374, YabaiPeko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25569949


>> No.25569928

>fall guys servers
he's talking about jumpking anon-kun.

>> No.25569929

No it was Pekora, everyone was joking about it.

>> No.25569932
Quoted by: >>25570004

> but I think Aloe didn't deserve getting harassed with phone calls and getting a career-ruining break right after her debut

But I also believe Cover did good by giving her a 2-week break. There really isn't any point of her streaming right now while this shit is still fresh. Also letting Aloe calm down and Cover getting time to sort out the mess. Take the loss now instead of having to deal with that later on in her career. That would be more damaging.

>> No.25569935
Quoted by: >>25570104

Only lesbians are comfortable with talking like that around men because dicks are jokes to them

>> No.25569937
File: 561 KB, 1543x1560, 1597783493151.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you guys think of the Vtuber Top 11?

>> No.25569938
Quoted by: >>25569997

There's some people who shit on her for it, but when I saw the actual tweet I laughed my ass off. She was talking about things she wanted to do for Christmas or something. I still think Aloe has potential. She's going to be way behind everybody else in her gen, but her personality is interesting and should be entertaining.

>> No.25569941

She can play up the demure shy succubus who begs for dick.

>> No.25569943
Quoted by: >>25570065

I don't even know what the fuck is that and SSS is a mediocre song anyway

>> No.25569944
File: 359 KB, 645x505, 1597325649945.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>brainless EOPs from Reddit and Discord
So the exact kind of people from these threads?

>> No.25569945
File: 346 KB, 1078x2049, 1591623129476.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25569946

generic literally who

>> No.25569947

this is definitely out of date with how the yonkisei crumbled

>> No.25569948


>> No.25569949

Oh, I was expecting a full redraw.

>> No.25569951


>> No.25569953

im very happy for my friend fubuki

>> No.25569956
File: 213 KB, 720x480, 1576058790609.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fubuki chicano...

>> No.25569957

Maybe I should go back to Ai one day

>> No.25569961
Quoted by: >>25570070


>> No.25569962

Feels good watching the holos get so popular despite all they've had to put up with.

>> No.25569963
Quoted by: >>25569971

>Aloe fucks dogs, asks to get fucked on twitter, is a literal whore, and something about penis sushi
where's the problem exactly

>> No.25569965

I haven't watched a Kizuna Ai video in 4 years. and Kaguya Luna in 2 years.
This list needs a more relevant timeframe.

>> No.25569966

Did you go to the fan thread or the anti thread?
(the anti thread is usually labeled the fan thread, and the actual fan thread is usually called 有ファンスレ)
in the anti thread they all p much hate her and Nene, you may not be able to tell at first glance 'cause they call Aloe "Dildo" and Nene "Kanecchi"

>> No.25569967

Why don't you go back to whatever board you came from with you singfaggotry and generalfaggotry? Threads don't need a new post every fucking minute or even hour.

>> No.25569968

Surprised there is no Coco.
Guess that's being EOP for you.

>> No.25569970


>> No.25569971

>>Aloe fucks dogs, asks to get fucked on twitter, is a literal whore, and something about penis sushi
>where's the problem exactly

>> No.25569972

of course, just post it here

>> No.25569973

he is just saying that reddit is seemingly mad aat the jap netouyo pig vtuber fans and wonder why having a boyfriend is bad

I was in the threads when the doxxing happened and yeah it was a bunch of netouyo who saw that Aloe liked korean stuff, got really pissed and decided to look really hard in her history to fuck her over

>> No.25569975

why do fubuki and aqua have so many subs? I don't particularly dislike either but it's strange to me how popular they are

>> No.25569976


>> No.25569978
File: 238 KB, 1610x1920, ETOpgrOUEAARBbJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25569990


>> No.25569984
Quoted by: >>25570011

>Smash bros reveals
Please tell me there's one with Etika's reaction to Mewto. I need something to make me smile.

>> No.25569985
File: 216 KB, 1200x1011, 1596631181941.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate filler get back to me when the angels start inclining

>> No.25569989

It's not one general? what?
Can you link me to the Nene hate one? I'm not even sure... did Nene do anything?

>> No.25569990

baqua you moron

>> No.25569992
Quoted by: >>25570019

Yep and they still won't deliver on Mio's hoodie.

>> No.25569993

forgive me for showing my ignorance, but are HimeHina the ones that did that selfie MV? It used to be posted on /wsg/ alot

>> No.25569994
Quoted by: >>25570028

If Cover did their due diligence, they would have realized Aloe is just some stupid slut who isn't suitable for Hololive, but that would mean they're competent.

>> No.25569995
Quoted by: >>25570050

The anti thread actually really likes nene and she is seen as the new haven for the many 35P in the thread but anti appeared after the guerilla stream, though they mostly come from the nijian thread so it's just a temporary thing

>> No.25569997
Quoted by: >>25570064

>She's going to be way behind everybody else in her gen
I half expect Polka to scoop her up and tell Cover that this bitch is with her. She's shipping up to be a fucking moneymaker and knows it, I can see her doing what she can to help give Aloe a needed boost.

>> No.25569999

She probably got traumatized after losing to phantom Ganon after going in with full health + 3 bottled fairies.

>> No.25570003

I wonder when Fubuki will become the number one.

>> No.25570004

I just don't think Aloe can ever catch up now.
I don't know, maybe the way Sio is dealing with it is better?
At least it wouldn't have been in the news I guess.

>> No.25570005


>> No.25570006

Fubuki is just because of the meme videos. As for Aqua I don't know.

>> No.25570008

Aqua is the best gamer in Hololive and Fubuki got a lot of subs with meme shit like singing Astronomia or Scatman. Aqua has been declining since then. She used to be #2 but Korone passed her, and Pekora will pass her in a few months. Fubuki is much more consistent, but she also slowed down a bit. I still think Pekorone will be #1 and #2 (Korone on top) eventually.

>> No.25570010

Why do they hate Nene?

>> No.25570011

i dont know if it was posted on nnd, but i saw a video going around of some japanese guys reacting to etikas reaction to smash reveals and it was so wholesome. let me try to find it for you...

>> No.25570014

>maybe she can start over at Nijisanji

are you genuinely retarded or just from reddit?

>> No.25570018

Eh, one can argue that the hololive name carries a lot of weight on its own. If worse comes to worst, she can ask suisei since she's technically a connection by her own right. Tenkyuu was made prior to being in hololive, and NCP (although practically a miracle) was made when she barely broke through the populace. If she can do it, watame can too, especially considering her bigger reach at the time.

>> No.25570019
Quoted by: >>25570032


>> No.25570020

>whoever is in charge of her is fucking up her music career and it's straight up unforgivable to waste hololive's best talent like tha

>> No.25570022

is Ai still a thing?

>> No.25570023

Yahoo News writers are paid pittance, and paid based on number of articles and words. It's a fucking grind that leads them to write low-quality articles about literally ANYTHING. I highly doubt any shady incentives are needed to get them to write that, just a slow-enough stream of news in other realms during a 4-hour window.

>> No.25570024

That guy jumped off a bridge

>> No.25570026
File: 770 KB, 1772x1181, Een9FA_U0AAfSId.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're inclining, believe in them.
VR horror soon, brother.

>> No.25570027
File: 667 KB, 2000x2000, 1592719661425.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25570254


>> No.25570028

>If Cover did their due diligence
Gen 3 and 4 would have completely different people behind the chuuba avatar

>> No.25570030

she has a very unique niche. a horny knowledgeable with music production singer? god yes

>> No.25570031

Fun stats from 5ch
How long it took each girl to get superchat enabled

そら  87日
ロボ子 87日
みこ  182日

メル  65日
アキ  53日
はあと 38日
フブキ 40日
まつり 40日

あくあ 54日
シオン 35日
あやめ 121日
ちょこ 109日
スバル 107日

ミオ  26日
ころね 20日
おかゆ 14日

ぺこら 32日
るしあ 52日
フレア 53日
ノエル 17日
マリン 20日

かなた 47日
ココ  45日
わため 28日
トワ  24日
ルーナ 25日

ラミィ 6日
ねね  5日
ぼたん 4日
アロエ –日
ポルカ –日

>> No.25570032
Quoted by: >>25570147

You can't get them anymore can you?

>> No.25570034
Quoted by: >>25570055

Open your arms so I could lick your armpits, Towa.

>> No.25570035
File: 207 KB, 768x960, fbkargie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25570039

Orgullo Argento

>> No.25570038

The fact that Korone took the #2 spot from Aqua still shocks me to this day. It really came all of a sudden.

>> No.25570039
Quoted by: >>25570079

cursed image

>> No.25570040

Pics of the cumshot prank where?

>> No.25570041

if they're smart, they'll stick to the plan, because after this revelation, i'm pretty sure that anybody who wants to be her fan is already ok with her going lewd

>> No.25570042

Godspeed anon. This is the first I'm hearing of this and would like a good laugh during these trying times.

>> No.25570043

No way a normal human being can act like Sio does with the antis
Aloe is just a kid, her taking a break is a good decision

>> No.25570044
Quoted by: >>25570844

I know, I watch her every time and I talked about her with a few japanese fans, but still, it's just the beginning of her incline. Just imagine an another scandal, it would damage her forever. I think it's the best if she'll avoid every possible chance of yabee in her whole carreer. She can be friends with Sio offline but collabing with her would be a bad choice because even if Towa didn't do anything, maybe a few anti will start to associate Sio's problems with her and spread some rumors and narratives. It's better safe than sorry.

>> No.25570045


>> No.25570046

Do memberships next

>> No.25570048

Too skinny. Nice tits, though.

>> No.25570049


>> No.25570050

why are the 35p drawn to her? She seems nothing like Miko

>> No.25570051

She's reclining, hard, because of the VAs shenanigans(yes, I know all Ai channels have the original VA back now) but some people still watched her streams.

>> No.25570052
File: 3.08 MB, 1447x2047, aquafeet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Updated collection of Aqua's covers https://mega.nz/folder/7ypjkAxD#gsRfQxKSI7SP8PyaQY8YzA
Let me know if some song is missing!

>> No.25570053

I was more surprised the anon just filmed himself cumming on a picture of her like no one would save it https://files.catbox.moe/h2i4to.webm

>> No.25570054
Quoted by: >>25570130

Enough slander, .Live's or .LIES management were the one the betrayed Tama, Chieri backstabbed her by saying it wasn't in the clubs (i.e HER) interest for Tama to speak out, Tama was VERY cordial with what she said no names and professional language. Pino said Tama would be fine (blatant lie) and they fired her, SIRO DID NOTHING it took UmaP prostrating himself to the top brass to make an official statement to calm fans that had wasted days off AND HE GOT FIRED.

What you anti don't realize is that regardless if Sio is guilty or not (she obviously isn't) it wouldn't matter assuming EC is 100% her the actions are justified. Black companies should get their shit together and protect their talent or burn.

>> No.25570055
File: 601 KB, 826x1752, 1596136293556.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She just needs to take her jacket off.

>> No.25570058

Their situations are different.
Sio was malicious in her comments, and yet she still streams like nothing is happening like she's got balls of steel.
Aloe is addressing it because she's just starting, there probably wouldn't be as much hate because it wasn't so malicious, but the management didn't want to take the chance.

>> No.25570060

Just make your own.

>> No.25570061

I fucking hate the 5th gen whores

>> No.25570062

>azki and mel
>not dead

>> No.25570063

When is Fubuki continuing her Sunshine run?

>> No.25570064

Didn't she bring up Aloe in her stream while the other 5th gen girls stayed quiet?
I'm guessing Polka won't let Holofive die

>> No.25570065
Quoted by: >>25570098

Yesterday an anon posted a >/hlg/ sings SSS when on a whim and got quite a few responses. The unfortunate result of the first few entry is here >>25569228 but there's a better mixed sample here >>25549692. I think it's fun

>> No.25570066
Quoted by: >>25570113

Roberu utawaku today bros.

>> No.25570067

i think my friends are too, we use discord once in a month to catch up about things and i accidentally blasted a pekora stream into the call and nobody told me until i realized and they never talked about it

>> No.25570070
File: 723 KB, 1000x1120, polka_0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>She will never DING DING DING at you

>> No.25570072

I wonder if she has purple pit hair to go with that jungle bush she hides down there

>> No.25570073
Quoted by: >>25570095

The growth mostly came from worthless gaijins though.

>> No.25570074
File: 155 KB, 501x631, 1595872805086.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25570085

increase the cooldown beteween posts and the quality of this thread would increase exponentially

>> No.25570075
File: 563 KB, 900x900, 1577732676094.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25570092

Matsuri is forever the fall guys champ of /hlg/

>> No.25570077

One day I'll finally be able to lick the sweat from towa's armpits after an Apex stream

>> No.25570079
File: 244 KB, 996x631, FBK pecho frio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25570091


>> No.25570080

wait wtf is this horse porn meant to be in there?

>> No.25570081

You can see how all of the issues started sith Marine and Noel

>> No.25570082

>newfags will fall for this

>> No.25570083

I want to lick Towa's tummy.

>> No.25570085

shut up baldqua

>> No.25570089

sio is a mentally ill sociopath and aloe is a zoomer normalfag

>> No.25570090

pegora :DD

>> No.25570091


>> No.25570092

Did she actually win? Botan got her snapped from a hacker and a few other girls got really close.

>> No.25570093

I want to pat Towa's head.

>> No.25570095
Quoted by: >>25570107

Eh, the views still there and the supas still coming in. If you want to talk about worthless gaijins that would be Fubuki's subcribers tbqh.

>> No.25570098

its fun...everyone was having fun before people decided it was cringe

>> No.25570100


>> No.25570101
File: 105 KB, 1080x616, g59ijunbgph51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is FGO /hlg/ related now?

>> No.25570104

Anon have you ever actually spoken to a woman?

>> No.25570105

Just imagine....6th gen is going to have it even EASIER!

>> No.25570107

Fubuki's friends...

>> No.25570110
File: 72 KB, 1280x720, EAr30kiU0AA9_3w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25570136

I don't know why this exists but I'm glad it does

>> No.25570112


>> No.25570113

Roberu would be the perfect Holostar if he improves his singing.

>> No.25570114
File: 363 KB, 688x500, 1566721371718.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25570116

I want to eat Towa's cooking

>> No.25570118
File: 361 KB, 688x500, 1577757447770.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25570137

It already was.

>> No.25570121
Quoted by: >>25570156

>before people decided it was cringe
Yeah, the doxposters did and they weren't even hiding it.

>> No.25570122

HoloEn is next and the next Yabei will be one of them fucking their managers with the microphone on.

>> No.25570123

You can have your bullshit on the board it belongs to or just admit that you faggots are all from /a/ so this thread can be finally moved out of /jp/

>> No.25570125

Matsuri and Baqua won 2 days ago

>> No.25570126

Matsuri and Aqua both have wins
Aqua has like 6 crowns last i checked

>> No.25570127

None of these characters look anything like the holo you associated with them outside of an extremely basic level. Please develop eyesight.

>> No.25570128
Quoted by: >>25570150

>I went to anti central to see if they're mad at Aloe, it seems after a successful mission of removing her they're are not

>> No.25570129

Even if Towa's cooking was bad I would still eat all of it, she would have to clean the oil spill though.

>> No.25570130

Is it some kind of meme or do you really believe what you wrote?

Sio is EC, it's a 100% thing
So do you think she was justified in writing the personal information of Natori?
We know absolutely nothing about why she was fired but there was a huge scandal about leaks before that, starting with october actually and there is probable cause to think she was the leaker
And go read what Chieri wrote again, in no way did she backstab her
You are just being manipulated by the script Sio wrote, the fact that by chance we finally know the truth is the proof that karma exists

But again it's not the place to talk about this so let's talk about hololive

>> No.25570132
File: 1.69 MB, 1230x915, -hlg-.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25570294

>> No.25570135
Quoted by: >>25570153

Botan is chill and doesn't tilt
however, I want her to show some more extreme emotions, those will be kind of special

>> No.25570136
File: 115 KB, 1173x900, EXOYWFaU0AIMg-8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it's because of the old sketch with Korone, Okayu, and the meteor.

>> No.25570137
File: 453 KB, 688x500, bonk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25570139
Quoted by: >>25570152

>last tweet 13 hours ago


>> No.25570140
File: 407 KB, 2048x1950, 1593182334348.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

chips and sheep

>> No.25570142


>> No.25570143

if you can discuss hololive in your /vg/ general then yes

>> No.25570145
File: 1.08 MB, 2894x4093, 1596259279279.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25570158

Old hags should NOT be allowed to be this cute

>> No.25570146
Quoted by: >>25570231

gamers get their supa faster than yonkisei? that's quite surprising

>> No.25570147
Quoted by: >>25570247

I can't even manage to find any mention of it on her booth pages. None of the anniversary or birthday packs mention anything about a sweater or apparel. All I found were postcards, tapestry and an acrylic stand.

>> No.25570150

There's... actually a lot of anti threads it seems. There's more anti threads than generals?

>> No.25570151

Not after Aloe graduated

>> No.25570152
Quoted by: >>25570309

She's embarrassed of the company she works for and everything she's done for them

>> No.25570153
Quoted by: >>25570160

can't wait till she says the n-word

>> No.25570154
Quoted by: >>25570165

It's the same artists you mong

>> No.25570156

Ironically enough all of the doxposters are your fellow crossboarders. None of you belong here.

>> No.25570157
File: 376 KB, 512x724, Okada_portrait_2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25570196

I think anon is just pointing out the artist. Please let Lack design more servants...

>> No.25570158
File: 1.02 MB, 1620x2160, 83741757_p1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Old hags
*slightly older maiden

>> No.25570160
Quoted by: >>25570171

man she can't even say the c-word

>> No.25570161

Make sick beats and good music
Get on mogra etc
Hard part will be her nonmusic content. Her zatsudans will be awkward until she gains confidence.

>> No.25570163
File: 106 KB, 478x313, 1592107040290.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pekora 600k
watame 400k


>> No.25570164

Surprise, the nips don't like having to share a thread with them either.

>> No.25570165
Quoted by: >>25570172

Who fucking cares? It's still an extremely thinly veiled attempt at bringing gachagarbage discussion into this thread

>> No.25570166

The anti threads are just fan threads
Except for the Sio thread, it's an actual anti thread
Don't try to understand it, it's 5ch

>> No.25570167

I noticed something, if it's Towa x Sio it's "yurifaggotry". However if it's PPTrio, Noel x Flare, Watame x Haachama, Peko x Miko, Matsuri x Luna, etc are fine.

>> No.25570169

I'm a Cover anti.

>> No.25570170

AI is for SOPs now, someone may be able post the absolute ciudad of her chat

>> No.25570171
Quoted by: >>25570181


>> No.25570172

what? azur lane is allowed but FGO isnt?

>> No.25570174
File: 254 KB, 1246x1723, 01578068-6941-48BA-854F-ABABB68CA53D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25570236

Ha ha wallaby.

>> No.25570176

its not gay if its in house

>> No.25570182
File: 390 KB, 2165x2165, 1597435312606.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is Hololive so perfectly made for pitsluts?

>> No.25570180

None of it should be, i don't care about whataboutisms

>> No.25570181
File: 477 KB, 667x757, palooka.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25570366


>> No.25570183
File: 1.17 MB, 1135x1800, 63253631.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25570184

Any flipbros here. I swear memberships cost 135php before. It's suddenly 129php now.

>> No.25570188

If it's said jokingly it's fine.
If it's obsessive it's yurishit

>> No.25570189
File: 59 KB, 321x280, towa smug.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine Aloe comes back and reaches out to Towa asking to be her friend, and Towa responds with, "Wait, who are you?"

>> No.25570191
Quoted by: >>25570208

I mean, hasn't pretty much EVERY holo artist done something Fate related?

>> No.25570190

Only one person in that list isn't a holo. Also, most ships have chilled out from their initial /u/ faggotry levels.

>> No.25570192

he is a chinkshill
chinkshit is not welcome here

>> No.25570193

die gachanigger

>> No.25570195

7th gen starting with 500k subs and monetization! All of them will be bigger whores than Towa and Aloe combined! And retards will whiteknight them from day 1!

>> No.25570196
Quoted by: >>25570284

Okada rate up when? I still have him NP1

>> No.25570197

those aren't fine either, you just haven't been here at the right time, there's a dedicated portion of the thread who's blood boild at the mere thought of lesbians,

towa and sio just have it worse since sio is not a holo, and towa is towa

>> No.25570198

*slightly more than slightly older ogre

>> No.25570200
File: 2 KB, 125x125, 1595593619637s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25570201
File: 123 KB, 913x1315, IMG_20200628_032335.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Day 20 Thread #4

I love Mikochi!

>> No.25570202

That's not a pizza. That's a "funny pizza" someone's mom made for their kids birthday party which all the kids hate because they thought they were getting pizza and it all ends with the mom crying at night because no one liked her "funny pizza".

>> No.25570203
File: 228 KB, 638x510, Eevv6R0UYAIsH-R.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25570205
File: 1.55 MB, 1767x2500, 1582730666601.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it just works

>> No.25570207
Quoted by: >>25570220

Which holos drop the sickest, dopest, stupidest rhymes?
Nightmare mode: No Watame.

>> No.25570208

Pretty sure this is the first time rurudo did something for FGO.

>> No.25570210

How is the sheep going so fast? I thought her appeal was kinda niche.

>> No.25570211

Ai, like all of the old huge vtubers that are still active, mainly appear in japan-only broadcasts of something or other

>> No.25570212

stupid whore I will break your horns and clip your knife ears

>> No.25570214

Is Towa going to get mad that some new, sluttier girl is trying to steal her EOP white knights?

>> No.25570215
Quoted by: >>25570336

Don't kid yourself, it's always yurifaggotry.
The only reason it gets brought up with Sio is because you want to force discussion about a non-hololive vtuber in the hololive thread by using that yurifaggotry as justification.

>> No.25570217

tick tock nijiggers

Top 20 earners will be solid hololive soon

>> No.25570218

For people that aren't retarded tribalist, Always has been.

>> No.25570219

All my favorites are on the incline right now. It's great.

>> No.25570220

ur moms pussy flaps

>> No.25570221

at least AL had a collab but this isn't a gachanigger gen

>> No.25570222

Throwing Mikoti into the dumpster next to Subaru!

>> No.25570223

didn't Azure Lane have an actual Hololive promotion? FGO didn't to my knowledge

>> No.25570224


>> No.25570225
File: 1.25 MB, 1200x1697, 20200819_013627.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25570228

But she's old enough to be my wife's mom!

>> No.25570229
Quoted by: >>25570256

The fuck is a funny pizza?

>> No.25570231

They had the bad luck of debuting at around the height of Youtube's AI and demonitization fuckery period.

>> No.25570232

Not a gachacuck but
>Azur Lane
Hololive collab
No Hololive collab.

>> No.25570236

Letter B!

>> No.25570237

It's really not the same audience, Towa's audience bully her all the time.
I like to think Towa will look out for her.

>> No.25570238

her design is like Miko's if she was 2D and she's stupid but cute like her, obviously not at the same level but it works as temporal replacement

>> No.25570239
File: 19 KB, 314x238, 1586598132735.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which holo will reach 1 million first?

>> No.25570241
File: 658 KB, 1102x1245, numberfags.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aqua is still doing okay, she is reclining yes but she does have the sololive and the Chinks to make money

>> No.25570242

Hey guys, just got out of the shower. Is it true that Korone is Nobuhime?

>> No.25570244

Who the fuck is sio?

>> No.25570243

Sheltering 35P and streaming decent game choices for very long hours during a time with constant events in the background. Big boost time.

>> No.25570245
Quoted by: >>25570258

imagine the sex

>> No.25570247
Quoted by: >>25570320

Pretty sure they were exclusively sold on ebten.

>> No.25570249
File: 128 KB, 1280x720, 1593278414320.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25570305

Remember to support their forbidden love

>> No.25570250
File: 290 KB, 1032x1606, 1581938211355.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>immediately starts trying to shove people off in fall guys
Why is she so aggressive? That's not an attractive feature...

>> No.25570251


>> No.25570254

>anons pick a Holo like themselves as their favorite
Huh, it makes sense.

>> No.25570255

HimeHina are great. Pekora is amazing too. She should become an idol or something

>> No.25570256

it's a pizza someone's mom made for their kids birthday party which all the kids hate because they thought they were getting pizza and it all ends with the mom crying at night because no one liked her "funny pizza".

>> No.25570257
Quoted by: >>25570295

literally me

>> No.25570258

Endurance sex with Towa!

>> No.25570259

I will kll myself if this retarded fat dog is the first one to reach 1M

>> No.25570261

thanks anon

>> No.25570262

Towacucks are annoying with that tho

>> No.25570263

everyone likes to see girls crying

>> No.25570264
Quoted by: >>25570668

damn aqua only takes 30% of that 700k, you guys. we need to donate more or she'll be forced to live in some shitty tube hotel

>> No.25570265

please be more like mel, /hlg/.

>> No.25570266


>> No.25570268

Oh no no no no

>> No.25570269

Pitpussy doesn't trigger the youtube algorithm

>> No.25570270

FBK, shortly followed by Korone as long as neither of them fuck up.

>> No.25570271
File: 336 KB, 445x486, 1587555318964.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25570295

Because it's fun

>> No.25570272

actually she's been going up, the gap between her and peko was actually much closer a week ago, Peko even passed her at one point and then Aqua shot back past her.

>> No.25570274

Still love Ai, Luna for some reason has had more content as Luna AND P**** her roomate is making what seems like almost daily videos it's insane. Akari is pissing me off I know her neck is healed but she hasn't done a single fucking live since she came back and i'm starting to think she should just retire. I want Shiro (character) to die I hate her. Good job on the rest YAGOO I guess.

>> No.25570275
Quoted by: >>25571000

She got dumped by her boyfriend and became an emotional sponge for her viewers
Also stopped trying to focus on singing and started doing 6 hour gaming streams

>> No.25570276

Anything new with Nene? Has she apologized to Aloe yet?

>> No.25570277

Haachama and Watame are separated by an ocean otherwise they would be having hot, sweaty make-up sex nonstop.
t.my headcanon

>> No.25570281
Quoted by: >>25570317

is that the famous reddit fanart they are sending aloe?

>> No.25570282

I'm a 35p and I don't really care all that much about Nene

>> No.25570283
Quoted by: >>25570302

>Tech company
choose one and think again why they let their employees freedom to do as they wish, it's not that hard anon

>> No.25570284

He's limited anon. No way to get him outside of special banners.

>> No.25570285

Towa only hates Nene. Other than that she's just oblivious to everybody else.

>> No.25570286
Quoted by: >>25570299

She's a lion, bro, and it's hot as fuck

>> No.25570287


>> No.25570289

Why would she apologize?

>> No.25570290


>> No.25570291

>Don't be the person you don't want to be.

>> No.25570292

apologize for what

>> No.25570294

Still can’t believe all it took was a few funposts with the sheep bullying pekofags and kanata, one week later there were 5 sheepbros doing the same thing each with their own twist.
We are still growing

>> No.25570295

Think about the poor guy you're shoving off of that ledge! How do you think he feels?

>> No.25570299

Guess you could call her an... apex predator.

>> No.25570300

>Rushia #2
How does she do it?

>> No.25570302
Quoted by: >>25570480

Cover is a tech company

>> No.25570304

For not being a slut.

>> No.25570305
Quoted by: >>25570348

It's even more forbidden now!

>> No.25570306

Either Fubuki or Korone barring tragic unforeseen circumstances happening to both, in which case it will be Pekora.

>> No.25570308

every gen5 except botan hates and despises aloe

>> No.25570309

She should at least try to be friends with the other girls...

>> No.25570310
Quoted by: >>25570335

Holy fuck matsuri gachikois are rich.

>> No.25570311
Quoted by: >>25570364

>they call Aloe "Dildo"
5ch antis you guys are alright

>> No.25570312

our daddy told us to not be ashamed of our doxxes

>> No.25570313
Quoted by: >>25570514

She pretends to be your gf.

>> No.25570314

I think Nene was planning on being a teetee pair with Aloe based on the few stream we do have.

>> No.25570315


>> No.25570316

>Why is she so aggressive? That's not an attractive feature
maybe not to little beta boys like you

>> No.25570317

No, it's like two weeks old, my guy.

>> No.25570319

I want to Fuck towa's armpits

>> No.25570318

It's not that she's reclining, others are inclining too fast.

>> No.25570320

>End of sale
Well, there's always next lifetime, unless someone puts one up on yahoo auctions.

>> No.25570322

Nothing gives me more pleasure than shoving off a scout during memory match. Gets me one unit of ecstasy away from climaxing.

>> No.25570321

where are the saudi oil princes. I wish they would donate to my holo. better yet I hope they personally request the roommate and fly them to dubai

>> No.25570326
Quoted by: >>25570334

she's actually pretty mellow compared to the others who can't stop screaming at everything

>> No.25570331

how does this niji vampire dude do it?
is he just the Fujo sponge?

>> No.25570332 [DELETED] 

Get that noose nigger.

>> No.25570334
Quoted by: >>25570406


>> No.25570335

Remember when we used to doompost with Matsuri...

>> No.25570336

Sio and Towa fags are pathetic really

>> No.25570338

>That's not an attractive feature
it is if the character is a lion

>> No.25570341

imagine growing up with botan as your bully
and then she bullies you into dating her
and into sex

>> No.25570342
Quoted by: >>25570370

I want to take a nap on senchou’s lap and let her give me kisses


>> No.25570345

Something happened to Mel?

>> No.25570346

Yep, don't mess with that guy's and kanae's fans.

>> No.25570348


>> No.25570351

He is actually pretty entertaining and funny
And he has a strong past life on twitch, he has been building his fanbase for years

>> No.25570350

Based Tokyo Ghoul (Vampire dude). How the fuck does he do it?!?!

>> No.25570352

Too much effort; she's the sleepy kitten type. Usually.

>> No.25570353

She was about to, but then Towa found her in an alley, slammed her against a wall and left her there unconscious with multiple concussions. Now Nene doesn't even remember who Aloe is.

>> No.25570357
Quoted by: >>25570371

Towa is a whore.

>> No.25570358

I'm curious how the managers in Cover talking with the girls. I'd like to imagine the angry, agressive man who's yelling to the crying girls and calls them dumb bitches before the whole office. I want to be that manager who do that with Aloe and with Towa back then.

>> No.25570359

haha and then she holds you down in the amazon position and makes you finish inside on an unsafe day
wouldnt that be weird haha

>> No.25570361

What's wrong with Coco's gachikois? This is concerning

>> No.25570363

I can't wait for Towa and Nene to collab.

>> No.25570364
Quoted by: >>25570381

I still haven't found the anti thread. 5ch seems to like Nene. Are these narratives just being made up?

>> No.25570365

>getting close to 600k in almost a year
What the heck, i though meme magic was meme.

>> No.25570366


>> No.25570368

>ywn lazily cuddlefuck with Botan

>> No.25570369


>> No.25570370
Quoted by: >>25570408


>> No.25570371

Please don't disrespect my wife like that

>> No.25570374


pekomiko is dead long long ago

>> No.25570375

>I'd like to imagine the angry, agressive man who's yelling to the crying girls and calls them dumb bitches before the whole office
It's none other than the almighty knee-slapper

>> No.25570376
Quoted by: >>25570392


she bullies you by using you as her pillow
like a lion laying down on their prey until they feel like killing and eating it

>> No.25570378

How does the seven man slayer get away with it

>> No.25570379

Towa is a cute!

>> No.25570380

>making a video of an image

>> No.25570381

The anti thread was renamed holofan thread about 2 months ago when cover claimed they would start sueing anyone who go too far with insults and doxxing

>> No.25570383

You sure have a wild imagination.

>> No.25570384
Quoted by: >>25570391


>> No.25570385
Quoted by: >>25570394

Is this post translated from jp?

>> No.25570387

What the fuck is this shit? None of this ever happened.

>> No.25570388

Less than 15 minutes until healing mommy

>> No.25570390

God I hope Aloe accepts her inner slut and goes balls deep with this succubus character. Instant gachikoi material right there.

>> No.25570391


>> No.25570392

she bullies me in games

>> No.25570393

Or they're just really meek nerdy types who can't say no when Haato proposes going to film herself touring Australian alleyways.

>> No.25570394
Quoted by: >>25570418

Towa is a who

>> No.25570396


>> No.25570397

I imagine them hunchback betacucks too scared of say the wrong word and send a gold shitting brick goose away from their company.

>> No.25570398


>> No.25570400

Bros you didn’t tell me Nobuhime is so funny

>> No.25570401


what the fuck is 5ch

I thought only 2ch mattered there

>> No.25570402

Morning spooning?

>> No.25570404

Towa is very friendly with the managers these days!

>> No.25570405

id like to think that not even japs are retarded enough to risk pissing off their golden goose(s)
manager san probably realizes that his paycheck is directly dependent on his holo staying happy and productive

>> No.25570406

Missed the live stream. Never going to forgive youtube for this.

>> No.25570407

why make a video when you can just do this?

>> No.25570408
Quoted by: >>25570425

>kissing towa
probably tastes like cigarettes and old men sweat

>> No.25570411


>> No.25570412

>She introduced Hoshikawa to Matsuri.
Lol, nope.
>She broke the ice between Suisei and Matsuri
Again, nope.

>> No.25570414

what did she do?

>> No.25570417

She's just a slightly less smelly mea

>> No.25570418
Quoted by: >>25570432

A who what?

>> No.25570420
Quoted by: >>25570424

2ch doesn't exist anymore you know

>> No.25570421

she slapped Yagoo's ass right in front of Aloe

>> No.25570424
Quoted by: >>25570444


how come? is 5ch a shittier version of it?

>> No.25570425


>> No.25570426
Quoted by: >>25570442

5ch is the nips equivalent of reddit.

>> No.25570428
Quoted by: >>25570472


>> No.25570430

Fact: Haachama is the most powerful person in Hololive

>> No.25570432

Towa is

>> No.25570435
Quoted by: >>25570461

What is she, filipino?

>> No.25570438


>> No.25570439

Best time of the day is here

>> No.25570441


>> No.25570442

There's no upvotes here.
One of the comments had a a guy admitting he was an unemployed 41 oji san and he said he knew that many others like him were posting there.

>> No.25570443
Quoted by: >>25570457

Her 3D(ays) stream is just a parody of vtubing. Almost kind of meanspirited with fake emotion but too silly to take seriously ultimately.

>> No.25570444

Same thing, it was renamed to 5ch after the original owner left
You should know him, he bought 4chan

>> No.25570445


>> No.25570447

Is what?

>> No.25570450

fact haatos are the most power people in hololive and haachama doesn't deserve them

>> No.25570452

retard strength is pretty powerful

>> No.25570454


>> No.25570455

I wish he'd leave 4chan

>> No.25570456


>> No.25570457

it wasn't very funny

>> No.25570458
Quoted by: >>25570514

Girlfriend simulator.

>> No.25570459
Quoted by: >>25570468

for breeding

>> No.25570460

what kind of sick freak would chop up a dildo and then eat it?

>> No.25570461

Unironically, yes.

>> No.25570466

Aren't most of the managers female?

>> No.25570468

Imagine the little debirus.

>> No.25570470

Wowa is a thore.

>> No.25570472


>> No.25570474

sounds based to me

>> No.25570476


>> No.25570477

Why would anyone want a less smelly version of Mea? That's her charm point.

>> No.25570478
Quoted by: >>25570483

>Aren't most of the managers female?
That explains why Cover's so incompetent.

>> No.25570479

a really horny sick freak

>> No.25570480
Quoted by: >>25570501

Anon I think you are completely missing the spirit of vtubing, they need to be free to stream as they want and not being controlled in that way or they will decline

>> No.25570481

She knows martial arts right?
She's probably in the upper echelon of fighting ability.

>> No.25570483


>> No.25570488

I miss moot, hiroshima is just not good and loves to mine data.

>> No.25570490

Honestly, all memes aside, that is so fucking rad that I stand behind her on principle.

>> No.25570492

the paypiggies must pay

>> No.25570495
Quoted by: >>25570528

She would get destroyed by Korone

>> No.25570496

what sort of things could she have done with the dildo, seems like a waste to just chop it up

>> No.25570499


>> No.25570500

The kind of person that cuts up and eats their old onaholes.

>> No.25570501
Quoted by: >>25570532

you're forgetting the nip corporate culture

>> No.25570504
Quoted by: >>25570521

Can't wait for virtual youtuber board so I can create a Towa general thread.

>> No.25570506
Quoted by: >>25570513

Females can be scary too. Just imagine the anger of the old lady manager who works all day because her chuuba is a dumb retard, and despite that makes much less money than her.

>> No.25570508
Quoted by: >>25570558

why is Haneru so popular?

>> No.25570510

>just watched botan stream
>ends with a cheater
do you need seperate code or something to catch cheaters in japanese? it isn't this bad in the west

>> No.25570513


>> No.25570514
Quoted by: >>25570561

Do they not mind her having several boyfriends in real life?

>> No.25570515
Quoted by: >>25570525

200k tonight Lamychads

>> No.25570517

Be healed in the morning chat, hlg

>> No.25570518

pecola story!

>> No.25570519

Thank god for her early streams

>> No.25570521

>vtuber board
never gonna happen

>> No.25570522

that would explain a lot

>> No.25570524

I think she also said she did track.

>> No.25570525

>SC already raining and the stream has not even started
Im proud of my Lamybros

>> No.25570527
Quoted by: >>25570564


moot is a faggot who went to work for sjws

go figure, he went from 4chan to a hugbox.

>> No.25570528

yeah by sitting on her with her fat ass

>> No.25570531

but lamy's boring, why would i listen to someone that puts me to sleep?

>> No.25570532

That one that destroyed the heavy controlled vtubers and sunk them in second plane under the ones with more creative freedom? They learned that lesson already, look nobupolka

>> No.25570533
Quoted by: >>25570549


>> No.25570535

Are we the bad guys /hlg/?

>> No.25570536

*cough* american pie *cough*

>> No.25570538

If someone could convince gookmoot it would be a new video game board he'd be down for it.

>> No.25570541

post a webm of vampire dude punching matsuri in apex

>> No.25570542

im going to sleep with my head on lamy mamas lap

>> No.25570545
Quoted by: >>25570560


>> No.25570546

Well you obviously don't have to watch her if you feel that way anon

>> No.25570547

Sounds like a natural-born winner to me.

>> No.25570549

a thread concentrating everything is more fun

>> No.25570550

Why is Watame's name written as わためぇ sometimes? Is it a pun with メー being "baa?"

>> No.25570551

Lamy's content isn't my taste but I will love amd support her, she's the angel of the dead hours. I think Cover probably forced her to stream in this timeslot, just like with Nene later.

>> No.25570554
Quoted by: >>25570579

The 3 new boards we just got means anything can happen.

>> No.25570555

I'm surprised Hiroshimoot hasn't just bit the bullet yet and made /incel/ where people can also post vtubers

>> No.25570556

all i like to do is post cute pictures

>> No.25570558

She was gachikoi queen until aqua I believe.

>> No.25570557

depends, are people with low iq "bad"?

>> No.25570560
Quoted by: >>25570571


>> No.25570561

They don't. rushia have the most cucks and simps gachikois.

>> No.25570564

Yes, but he was OUR faggot

>> No.25570566

cradle me mommy

>> No.25570571
Quoted by: >>25570608

what kind of parents name their son moot anyway? are they saying his life is pointless from the start?

>> No.25570574

ah yes, morning healing, based larry sending everyone back to sleep

>> No.25570576

This thread is inclusive, we have the worst and the best people of the whole fanbase here.

>> No.25570577

If your Holo saw the history of every post you've made here, what would they think?

>> No.25570579
Quoted by: >>25571281

they only add useless boards, not ones people actually want

>> No.25570586

I just found out that Haachama likes to decapitate her fans while they are portrayed as pigs?! What on earth was Cover thinking

>> No.25570588

Who's moot?

>> No.25570594

what are the chances moot watches hololive? (i think high)

if he does, what are the chances he is in these threads being a faggot about something?

>> No.25570597

she is a cruel yet fair mistress

>> No.25570599

Who even watches Lamey? What's the appeal?

>> No.25570603
Quoted by: >>25570640

some pussy ass bitch who didn't have the balls to delete /pol/

>> No.25570604

>why is there so much 腋

>> No.25570607

She would probably blush at all the love I've poured out for her.

>> No.25570608





So practically, he was a redditor anyway.

>> No.25570609
Quoted by: >>25570699

I know right? It's just all zetsudans

>> No.25570610

I bet he was the "Can I be a ritualposter too?" ritualposter

>> No.25570611

I think it's what you call a set of luggage

>> No.25570613


>> No.25570615

It's nice to watch someone with a warm and relaxing presence.

>> No.25570616
Quoted by: >>25570659

Lamy's superchats are just so insane. I can't imagine making this amount of money so quickly.

>> No.25570617
Quoted by: >>25570679


>> No.25570618

/hlg/ is chaotic neutral.

>> No.25570620

Heads can be reattached

>> No.25570622

Why do I keep seeing people with no avatars say "I love you" in every stream?

>> No.25570623
Quoted by: >>25570631

>damn he's good

>> No.25570624

>theyre still throwing supacha at Larry

>> No.25570625

My wife Lamy is streaming.

>> No.25570628


>> No.25570629

>damn he cute
>why doesnt he superchat me more ARS?

>> No.25570630

Sorry they're all me.

>> No.25570631
Quoted by: >>25570638

hey alright

>> No.25570632

this. its a nice change of pace since some of the other girls are turning me into kanata

>> No.25570635

Probably think why I'm such a manwhore.

>> No.25570636

she would instantly become my gf and we would live happily ever after. Except after this post

>> No.25570638

meidos, take him outside

>> No.25570639

何だ? 読めない!

>> No.25570640

>we will never return to pre-/pol/ 4chan

>> No.25570641

She would be embarrassed why are her fans like this

>> No.25570643

she's totally marry me for all the whiteknighting i've been doing for her

>> No.25570644

is an avatar a requirement?

>> No.25570648

They would ask you why you make the same post every thread.

>> No.25570649

so far her voice is nice but I'm waiting for the fabled titty asmr

>> No.25570651

>Lamy is the Lulu of Hololive

>> No.25570652

Damn, this guy is obsessed.

>> No.25570655
Quoted by: >>25570696

Moot works for Google now.
Google, of course, own reCaptcha.
reCaptcha takes a Screenshot of your browser window every time you fill it out and sends the data to Google.

I think the likelihood that moot posts on 4chan is low.

>> No.25570657

>She wanted to stop the monetization before she was going to play but didn't know how
Our technologically illiterate mom...

>> No.25570659
Quoted by: >>25570724

I wonder how old gens like Suisei feel about these girls making so much on their first fucking week
I would seethe

>> No.25570660

Lamy? More like lame-y, lmao

>> No.25570661

>Your favorite holo
>Game you're currently playing

>> No.25570662
Quoted by: >>25570675

>why do you post so much about my armpits anon?

>> No.25570663

She would probably marry me on the spot

>> No.25570664

lulu isnt boring tho

>> No.25570666

That I'm a two timing bastard. But it's not my fault, that little slut Shion is way too seductive!

>> No.25570668


>> No.25570670

But she doesn't play games.

>> No.25570671

unironically the worst part of /pol/ is contained to /pol/ right now. the zoomers from /v/ flooding in and forcing their new normal is the current largest cancer

in this thread its invasion from bugs

>> No.25570674

If I'd akasupa someone in a 3D stream with Hitomi Chris as my avatar, would it appear on the background among the others?

>> No.25570675

I love kson's armpits!

>> No.25570676

League of Legends

>> No.25570677

Burnout Paradise remastered

>> No.25570679

I don't mean to sound condescending, but do you guys have a mom?

>> No.25570681
Quoted by: >>25570902

/new/ wasn't much better

>> No.25570682

Dwarf Fortress

>> No.25570684

She doesn't think.

>> No.25570685

they'd probably be fine with most of my posts until they find the greentext stories and then they'd probably never browse the internet again

>> No.25570687

They don't feel the same needs at all, you don't understand why Lulu is popular

>> No.25570688

Battle for Bikini Bottom Rehyrated

>> No.25570694

Fall Guys

>> No.25570696

he already said he still lurked, though that was awhile ago

also thats all metadata, they probably don't spy on their own employees, that would take way too much effort for no return

>> No.25570697


>> No.25570699

whatever EOP

>> No.25570701
Quoted by: >>25570722


>> No.25570702
Quoted by: >>25570843

Death end re;Quest 2

>> No.25570703

Yes and I love my mom. Why do you ask?

>> No.25570706

yes but she's 3DPD

>> No.25570707

Shogun Total war.

>> No.25570710


>> No.25570712

WoWI'm never gonna get Faceless One title...

>> No.25570713
Quoted by: >>25570731


>> No.25570714
Quoted by: >>25570836

and you? what kind of mum did you have to be like Lamy anon?

>> No.25570717

Fuuuck no. Well, if Lulu was just a normal boring person...but we know that's not-

>> No.25570718

Persona 1, fun game but it's slow as fuck

>> No.25570719

Of course. I love my mom.

>> No.25570720

Venus Blood Frontier

>> No.25570721

Lamy is at 13k live viewers right now
She was at 24000 in her first zatsudan and 18000 yesterday

>> No.25570722


>> No.25570724

I'm an oldfag with a decent career and even I'm just so fucking envious at the amount of money they pull in. I doubt any of them are mad per-se, but they're probably not doing an irony when saying they wish they could do a new debut.

>> No.25570725

monster hunter

>> No.25570726

Marina's Cuckolding Report: Sensitive Wife and Great Fuck College Student

>> No.25570727

Hollow Knight

>> No.25570731
Quoted by: >>25570874

Did you enjoy 5.3 anon?

>> No.25570730


>> No.25570732

Phantasy Star Online 2

>> No.25570734


>> No.25570735
Quoted by: >>25570766

She's reclining...

>> No.25570736

/pol/ spills into /v/, which then overflows onto the rest of the site.

>> No.25570737

I just came back from work, was there anything that happened?

>> No.25570741


>> No.25570740


>> No.25570742

Still playing Bannerlord...

>> No.25570743

One Step From Eden

>> No.25570744


>> No.25570745

I don't play video games

>> No.25570747

Her stream just started, at least wait until it finishes.

>> No.25570746

Reclining already, fucking sad. I bet Nene will have more viewers than her later.

>> No.25570748

Master Chief Collection.

>> No.25570750

Muv-Luv. Are vns games? If not, then Bloodborne, Mario Kart and Jump King

>> No.25570752

Manko Aloe
Maiden Rape Assault: Violent Semen Inferno

>> No.25570753
Quoted by: >>25570779

Ogre Battle: The March of the Black Queen

>> No.25570754

Yakuza Kiwami

>> No.25570755


>> No.25570756

Eop here happy to be playing the game in English after using the translated patch for so long

>> No.25570758

now i feel bad for hornyposting about ayame and cheating on my oshi

>> No.25570759


>> No.25570760

Didn't Botan and Nene had close to 40k? Could it be euro sleep hours?

>> No.25570763

daemon x machina

>> No.25570764
Quoted by: >>25570817


>> No.25570765


>> No.25570766
Quoted by: >>25570778

I dont get it, is her back tired because of her big lamy's?

>> No.25570767

nothing even though i have a massive backlog

>> No.25570770

I have no idea where you pulled those numbers from

>> No.25570774
Quoted by: >>25570841

Lunaitos I woke from dreaming that Hime was playing Fall Guys, those "pyon" will haunt me in my sleep.

>> No.25570778

No, because of her small neck

>> No.25570779

>Ogre Battle: The March of the Black Queen
What the Orge battle 64 is one of my favorite games and I didn't even both to look up if there was more. I just assumed there were only tactics orge. Good taste anon

>> No.25570781

I feel like /pol/ can never be deleted or else you unleash something far worse upon 4chan

>> No.25570782

I've only fapped 5 times in the last 2 months after gaining an oshi.

Is this some kind of mental illness? I went from like everyday+ to this almost overnight after watching a bunch of videos in a row.

>> No.25570785

It's pretty impressive that even the smallest hololive is bigger than probably 80-90% of vtubers.

>> No.25570786

ive been here for 4 months and i still dont know what kino means and at this point im too afraid to ask

>> No.25570790
Quoted by: >>25571330

She's going to get barraged with SC again when she hits 200k this stream.

>> No.25570794


>> No.25570796

that means you're a cuck

>> No.25570798

That I need to not care about what others think and just watch her stream..likely going to get advised to never come back here.

>> No.25570799

I could be remembering wrong and i probably am, but they had more then 15k definitely.

>> No.25570800

my favorite vtuber is not a holo

>> No.25570801
Quoted by: >>25570938

are you one of those people that thinks videogames being infested with politics isn't relevant to videogames? The posts on /pol/ don't resemble the ones on /v/ at all. they barely even wojakpost

>> No.25570804

Watching my new mom and my new daughter!

>> No.25570806

of streamers even

>> No.25570809

To a Haaton uchikubi is a reward.
Also its basically a dead word anyway you can count the number of times she's used it in the last few months on one hand.

>> No.25570810

>Why did you post the same picture of me hundreds of times?

>> No.25570811

More like 99%, you underestimate the amount of vtubers out there

>> No.25570812

i just watch people play games

>> No.25570814

These days I don't think /pol/ spills anywhere any more that the culture war warriors trying to battle them. Which makes things even worse.

>> No.25570816
Quoted by: >>25570847

It's called not being a hedonistic slug and being focused on something. Now use it to better yourself so you can be someone your oshi is proud of.

>> No.25570817
Quoted by: >>25570833

Few anons playing xiv, are you new or what anon?

>> No.25570819
Quoted by: >>25570944

It's 昨日 and it means yesterday

>> No.25570821

Botan had 40k at one point on her fall guys stream but it went down somewhat fast

>> No.25570823

I'm not a videogamefag but i recently re-played WC3 and Red alert after digging through stuff off my old hdd.

>> No.25570824

>Rune Factory 4

>> No.25570826

Please fuck my wife!

>> No.25570828

it's a shitty /tv/ meme, it's not worth knowing

>> No.25570831

/pol/ here, yes, we refer to it as the samson option

>> No.25570833
Quoted by: >>25570892

I played forever ago but never got that into it, trying again since they expanded the free trial

>> No.25570834

Lamy is stealing Noel's market

>> No.25570835

Video games are for children

>> No.25570836
Quoted by: >>25570933

I don't have a mom, to be honest. She left dad when I was 2 or so. Actually, maybe I got this whole thing wrong, maybe this is why I don't see her appeal - can't relate.

>> No.25570837

I feel like I've only gotten hornier since being introduced to Aqua. Something about shortstack retarded girls makes it impossible to not want to masturbate at almost every opportunity.

>> No.25570839

legends of runeterra

>> No.25570841

Anon, that was real

>> No.25570842


Luna made a weird farting sound

>> No.25570843


Same. I loved the first game.

>> No.25570844

I agree that right now Towa really cannot collab with Sio or Aloe at all. Like seriously at all. If Towa wants to collaborate with Aloe, I won't be surprised if she waits while the other Hololive members collaborate with Aloe first.

Regarding collabing with Sio. I honestly don't think she'll ever be able to collab with Sio again IF Sio is definitely found guilty. But even if she isn't, it will take a long ass while before they can collaborate again.

>> No.25570845

I've been here for years but not on /tv/ so I don't know either.

>> No.25570846


>> No.25570847

if your oshi isn't proud of you jerking off to her 5 times a day you picked the wrong oshi

>> No.25570848


>> No.25570849
Quoted by: >>25570865

she should be sad, because my posts aren't about her

>> No.25570851

Nice what girl you going for? Dolce for me

>> No.25570852

why is no one watching lamy here?

>> No.25570853

sounds normal to me

>> No.25570854

>quake 4

>> No.25570859
Quoted by: >>25570905

>/pol/ here
go back

>> No.25570860

I just listen to her on background because what else really?

>> No.25570861

she does that all the time lol

>> No.25570862


>> No.25570863


>> No.25570864

Be honest with me, are you a burger?

>> No.25570865

Same, I want to keep her relatively free of shitposts in here.

>> No.25570867

She's nice background noise for my EOP ass.

>> No.25570868

>Rami plays Monhun and is a GreatChad main
Alright she's based

>> No.25570869


>> No.25570870

I am but she's just talking about games atm

>> No.25570871


>> No.25570873

Watching Lamy literally bores me to sleep

>> No.25570874
Quoted by: >>25570916

Yes. Story is still great, trial is good and so is the Nier raid.

>> No.25570876

I'm listening on the side but it's probably the last time I watch one of her zatsudan, she is extremely boring so there is nothing to say about her stream

>> No.25570877

as a /his/fag I'm surprised I've never heard of this

>> No.25570878

Matsuri has probably already read all my posts

>> No.25570881
Quoted by: >>25570929

Zoomers are bad but I feel like /pol/ has exerted a permanent influence on the culture of the site
The time in between /new/ and /pol/ when they didn't have a place to organize and belong was the best because people on /pol/ shit would fuck off elsewhere

Yeah this is why making it was a mistake. It was supposed to be containment but it created way more of them by giving them a place.

>> No.25570882

>15k viewers already
She finally stabilized?

>> No.25570883

what fuck

>> No.25570884

she has IBS

>> No.25570885

dragon age inquisition

>> No.25570886

Lamy's lamys are impressive, but I can't understand.

>> No.25570887


>> No.25570888
Quoted by: >>25570918

>rune factory 5 is vaporware

>> No.25570889
Quoted by: >>25570920

This happened during gamergate. Thread quality on the rest of /v/ crashed and it was never that good, to begin with. It's not worth doing or the rest of 4chan would suffer the same fate.

>> No.25570892

ARR is a bit of a slog but I promise you it gets so great as you keep playing. Jobs feel better and the story goes up in quality significantly. If you're feeling tired don't force yourself do quests, take your time and enjoy it.

>> No.25570893

Playing the switch port now and after realizing that Margaret has the personality of a wet dishrag I went for Xiao Pai.
I really want some more RF5 news already.

>> No.25570894

kino is german for movie theater, it doubled as an ironic nazi reference and now it's its own thing referring to good cinematography (or just entertainment)

>> No.25570895

Because she's an eop filter

>> No.25570897
Quoted by: >>25570903

looks like lamy has her own live translators now

>> No.25570900

what the fuck

>> No.25570901

But I do

>> No.25570902

/new/ was good fun and /new/smen didn't spam other boards.

>> No.25570903

A spanish translator too, kinda funny

>> No.25570904

I'm watching her but it's fucking 2:20am here and I really should sleep instead

>> No.25570905
Quoted by: >>25570919

I've been here longer than you and on more boards than you guaranteed

>> No.25570908
Quoted by: >>25570977

>luna quitting every game even when she won
dumb luna

>> No.25570909

Haven't played a lot recently.
Last game I completed was Return of the Obra Dinn, which fits.

>> No.25570910

not him but how's the new expac? i stopped playing back when they released the alexander raid

>> No.25570911

Will gen 3 ever be topped?

>> No.25570912

i am im waiting for よしよしbot

>> No.25570914

nah, they'll just make a fuss for a little while then fuck off to some other place. as we've seen on other websites, deplatforming works.

>> No.25570916
Quoted by: >>25571013

Do you feel like the story for the nier raid is extremely disappointing? I'm starting to think Yoko Taro is a hack.

>> No.25570917

its a /tv/ meme, if youve been in 4chan for more than 1 year you'd know already

>> No.25570918

I forgot it was even supposed to come out its been so long since I heard anything.
Going from cancelled to vaporware isn't much of an upgrade I guess.

>> No.25570919
Quoted by: >>25570957

If you identify as being /pol/ you haven't been here longer than me

>> No.25570920

Because a lot of "/pol/" posters are just 4chan posters. They won't leave their other boards just because /pol/ is gone, and an outlet for political shit is removed.

>> No.25570921

I know this is kind of a newfag question but why do the holos say "yeah, bye" so much? Do they want viewers to leave?

>> No.25570923

I'm taking it easy, don't feel like I have to rush through everything to get the most out of my sub time which is nice

>> No.25570922

I have memories but they're not real. They're just implants.

>> No.25570924

SHB is honestly super well put together, if you liked Heavensward storywise you'll like Shb for sure. Stormblood is weaker but necessary.

>> No.25570925

What the fuck I never watched her, I thought it's just a meme

>> No.25570927

I've been a bit burned out recently so not much but I was playing Persona 4

>> No.25570929
Quoted by: >>25570945

Or, you know, politics has infested every subject. Do you see much /pol/posting here? no? why is that?

>> No.25570930

I don't give a fuck about any of them except Clown.

>> No.25570931
Quoted by: >>25570939

i have been fapping exclusively by hands free humping my onahole in order to train my endurance, stamina and thrusting power so i can give my Oshi the proper womb destroying pounding she deserves

>> No.25570933

if you are saying that unironically then it's understandable, Lamy is calming like a caring mom but being atractive hence why people likes her.

>> No.25570934

Thanks Lory

>> No.25570935
Quoted by: >>25570946

Return to Castle Wolfenstein

>> No.25570938

Last time I visited /v/ half the threads were about trannies. I know /v/ has always had trouble staying on topic, but at least the threads used to be peripherally relevant.

>> No.25570939

inspiring stuff

>> No.25570940

would my oshi think bad of me if I donated using ARS?

>> No.25570944


because ive already got a superior soft spoken big titty holo mommy

>> No.25570945
Quoted by: >>25570976

>Everything I dont like is /pol/
go kill yourself

>> No.25570946

I see the boomer rubbed off you

>> No.25570948
Quoted by: >>25570959

are you using a vpn to do so?

>> No.25570953


"we" are not the 2-3 people constantly shitposting.

we need post IDs like pol has. easy to spot sameposting.

>> No.25570954


>> No.25570957

/pol/ is just the board I go on most, I don't "identify" as being /pol/ outside of representing it occasionally

>actually needing this concept explained to you when people say they are from x board all the time on cross subjects or live events
oldfags almost universally go on more than one board

>> No.25570959


>> No.25570960

Nene got close to 30k at some point, which honestly was pretty good considering it was a guerilla stream her manager pulled out of their ass

>> No.25570961

we know at the very least that watame would laugh at you

>> No.25570963

im curious to see how lamy is at DBD also i want choco collab when thats an option

>> No.25570964

Lamy Fall Gays might be good...

>> No.25570965

Shadowbringers is FFXIV’s best expansion yet. Best story and overall the most polish. I’d argue gameplay for most jobs is the best they’ve ever been too.

>> No.25570967


>> No.25570968

Just finished Saints Row: The Third remastered the other day.

>> No.25570972
Quoted by: >>25570979

Don't be a poorfag. I used vpn to donate in $ instead of my shitty eastern european currency.

>> No.25570973
Quoted by: >>25570976


>> No.25570974

>I don't "identify" as being /pol/
you just did
now go back

>> No.25570975

if you donate the minimum you're a dick
if you donate actual exchange rate equivalent then its just funny

>> No.25570976

meant for

>> No.25570977

Anon please andastand she is 0 yr old bb

>> No.25570979

but i could have 7 red superchats for 100 dollars if I donated using ARS

>> No.25570980

>All of the yukimin join her queue and guarantee that she wins
Might be cute

>> No.25570981

>Lamy anything

>> No.25570982

Didn't Larry say she didn't play games?

>> No.25570983
Quoted by: >>25571218

why is lamy trying to be a mommy when she has the voice of a 15 year old?

>> No.25570985


>> No.25570986

Was Lamy holding back a burp?

>> No.25570987

Hello, is this the 4chan off-topic general chatroom?

>> No.25570991

They'll laugh at you, either publicly or privately.

>> No.25570993
Quoted by: >>25570996


>> No.25570994
Quoted by: >>25571005

Didn't Lamy say she hates EOPs?

>> No.25570996

meant for

>> No.25570997

>falling for akasupa meme

>> No.25570998
Quoted by: >>25571021

You have to pick a different currency. They are on to the fact that red ARS means nothing.

>> No.25570999

According to 5ch, Matsuri has been secretly feeding her laxatives in hopes of sabotaging her career.

>> No.25571000
Quoted by: >>25571025

That's not true, watame never had a boyfriend, she is pure!

>> No.25571004
Quoted by: >>25571031

Definitely. I remembered how I played it in a computer club back when I was a kid. So it's pretty fun now, has a tinge of nostalgia to it.

>> No.25571005
Quoted by: >>25571019

Only the nonwhite ones.

>> No.25571006
Quoted by: >>25571036

Is nene stupider than aqua?

>> No.25571012
Quoted by: >>25571023

Did lamy said she hates black people?

>> No.25571013

Well I thought the story was better than the first raid tier at least. Maybe I’m a smooth brain but I liked the twist at the beginning with 2B and 2P. It’s interesting how they try to make you make choices too with the two kids, even if they didn’t amount to anything in the end.

>> No.25571015

How would they know that?

>> No.25571016
Quoted by: >>25571029

>damage control
kek go back retard

>> No.25571017

Laughter with up and down arrows.

>> No.25571019

based ookini etc.

>> No.25571020

No wonder she gasses out so quickly.

>> No.25571021

>They are on to the fact that red ARS means nothing.
Are you shitting on me, because if you aren't then that's fucking hilarious

>> No.25571022
Quoted by: >>25571068

Lamy's stream is literally a virtual hostess bar. I hope you guys pay up so I don't have to.

>> No.25571023

Yes, pekora has competition

>> No.25571024


>> No.25571025

oh loook, a nip

>> No.25571026

No time for games between work, reps and streams.

>> No.25571028

According to 5ch, the source comes from a source on 5ch.

>> No.25571029

I don't even like it anymore since the election, the fuck is wrong with you retards? you're probably all cancer from /v/ to begin with judging by the replies

>> No.25571030

/pol/ doesn't have a hololive thread, retard.

>> No.25571031

I have fond memories of it aswell, especially of the multiplayer and later of ET:Wolfenstein

>> No.25571033

start one then

>> No.25571036

we don't yet...

>> No.25571037

She wants to try

>> No.25571040

Damn can't believe Lamy is gonna call out Togashi live on stream for being a lazy ass

>> No.25571043


>> No.25571045


>> No.25571046

It's a Russian dadrock group

>> No.25571047


>> No.25571048

Now Lamy is doing the daily Look I Am An Otaku Just Like You corner

>> No.25571049

surely she will play the low effort ones

>> No.25571050

based, togashi is a fucking hack

>> No.25571051


>> No.25571052

Lamy's voice reminds me Yuka Iguchi

>> No.25571053

>Lamy misspoke marine as senpai


>> No.25571055

Chances of a holo playing Factorio?

>> No.25571057

Didn't Lamy say she hates you personally?

>> No.25571058


>> No.25571059

Ahh I wanna digitize my dick so I can fuck Lamy

>> No.25571061


>> No.25571063

Wtf Lamy just called Aloe and Towa whore

>> No.25571064

wait i can donate in another currency if i use a VPN?

>> No.25571065

There's nothing wrong with superchatting in ARS.
A lot of holos don't even reply to superchats unless they're red. They're gaming the system by forcing people to superchat a BIG amount if they want attention. So what's wrong with turning the system back against them?
I don't care if they laugh at me. I laugh at them too.

>> No.25571067

>can see topic of discussion on the fucking screen
>jojobronies: JOJO

>> No.25571068

And that's what YAGOO wants from Gen. 5 onwards. More zatsudan focused cabaret Vtubers.

>> No.25571069 [DELETED] 

im paste

>> No.25571070
Quoted by: >>25571079

They aren't autistic enough for it I guess

>> No.25571072

Lamy just flew over my house!

>> No.25571074
Quoted by: >>25571248

pekora in the OP every thread

>> No.25571075
Quoted by: >>25571093

thats not what senpai means

>> No.25571077


>> No.25571078

>It's a doggy dog world

>> No.25571079

towa is definitely autistic enough to make it work

>> No.25571080

But she is not intelligent, nihilistic and with a wicked sense of humor like literally me™

>> No.25571082

dude you really need to lurk more

>> No.25571085
Quoted by: >>25571122

the only downside is you're branded as an argentinian

>> No.25571089 [DELETED] 


>> No.25571092

Work harder on your bait

>> No.25571093

Lamy said marine without senpai at first

>> No.25571094
Quoted by: >>25571132

You care enough to want them to read your message at all costs.
That's worse than paying the full price for a red superchat from my point of view.

>> No.25571095

Bros... Lamy is growing onto me...

>> No.25571100

Alright dude

>> No.25571102

Lamy chocked while drinking... I don't want to goslingpost not now anons

>> No.25571103

HxH is normalfag as shit, what are you talking about?

>> No.25571104

>Her mic picks up her gulping down her water
Bros...? I don't think I can hold it any longer...

>> No.25571105
Quoted by: >>25571123

Watame does that and more.

>> No.25571106


>> No.25571107

Is there competitive multiplayer mode in factorio? She's not the right brand of autistic.

>> No.25571108

Give me rundown on the Aloe situation.
>test stream from 2019 set to friends only instead of deleted or some shit and antis get their hands on it
>use it to find her actresses twitter
>full of korea love and horny posting
>something something vtuber secrets?
>antis parade it about and now she's banned for two weeks
Is that right?

>> No.25571109
Quoted by: >>25571236

The 4th gen 3D debuts were announced on a wednesday. Today, it is wednesday on Japan. Roberu has finally passed the 30k subs threshold, and he has a stream scheduled for sunday prime time, when he usually takes them off. He's going to announce his 3D debut today. I want to fucking believe.

>> No.25571110

>how do you do my fellow otakus?

>> No.25571116

I think we'll find out in a month or two but pretty obvious Lamy will take so much profit from Noel and Rushia I'd be furious if I were them.

>> No.25571118

but why

>> No.25571120

Anything interesting happen in the last 4 hours?

>> No.25571121

let me play doubles advocate. for all intensive purposes we understood the brass stacks

>> No.25571122
Quoted by: >>25571143

better than being a seanigger

>> No.25571123

Yeah and I watch her too.

>> No.25571127

Konpeko konpeko konpeko
Chess? I haven't played a lot of games recently.
I like RimWorld a little bit, and EVE but that's months ago

>> No.25571128

Last time when I sent a fucking red superchat in $ she doesn't even read my name just gave me a thank you while she read some faggot's message with 500¥

>> No.25571130

yes and towa is a whore

>> No.25571131

She knows it's over, that's why her roomate has been doing traditional streaming again.

>> No.25571132

so what's the full price of an akasupa?

>> No.25571133
Quoted by: >>25571156

Joke's on you, JOPs love fat gaijin males, they are fun to laugh at.

>> No.25571135

I really doubt it, she doesn't have the charm of Rushia and she doesn't show her tits like Noel

>> No.25571137


>> No.25571138
Quoted by: >>25571199

TowAki factorio would be incredible since Aki is of the weird experimental type and Towa is the autistic keep trying until it works type

>> No.25571140

which holo

>> No.25571141

Given how easily Lamy cleared the beginning parts of Getting Over It (after a "bit of practice" and watching a few others play it), either she is lying or is very proficient at adapting her hand-eye-coordination to the abstraction layer of that game's mechanics.

>> No.25571142
Quoted by: >>25571168

add almost certainly deaht treaths, calling her family and friends and her personal number to stalk her

>> No.25571143

>Spics claiming they're better than Asians
You're even worse than niggers.

>> No.25571144

Guess you got yellow'd friendo.

>> No.25571145
Quoted by: >>25571244

she talked shit about ninji and then they astroturfed by concern trolling about professionalism and cover's contract rights lmao

>> No.25571146
Quoted by: >>25571214

I just can't bring myself to like Haato's new model, it's so bad...

>> No.25571148

She took the coco method of streaming during dead hours, it's working pretty well

>> No.25571153
Quoted by: >>25571169

at least argentina has a sliver of white. meanwhile seafags not even a single one

>> No.25571156

String beans can keep laughing, the only place they're safe is their room.

>> No.25571158
Quoted by: >>25571186

which holo to not SC her anon

>> No.25571159

official reason is because she didnt delete the test stream, that's it
most likely they dont really care but need to give the antis some time to cool down so theyre sidelining for now her for her own good

>> No.25571161

I would like to know as well

>> No.25571163

Torre is a whowa

>> No.25571164
Quoted by: >>25571184

I wish the boomer would rub off on me if you know what I mean

>> No.25571165
Quoted by: >>25571183

sorry if i hurt your country

>> No.25571168

>things that never happened

>> No.25571169
Quoted by: >>25571193

>sliver of white

>> No.25571171

Sucks for you, attention whore.

>> No.25571175


>> No.25571176

God bless Lamy for streaming in dead hours.

>> No.25571178
Quoted by: >>25571190


>> No.25571182


>> No.25571183

tang ina mo bobo
Most powerful race in the world.

>> No.25571184


>> No.25571186


>> No.25571187

i can't believe your favorite would do this

>> No.25571188
Quoted by: >>25571244

talked shit about her previous company and has a boyfriend

>> No.25571189

If a nip recognized a Vtuber on the street and ask her if she was X, she'd probably deny it or run. But what if it was a decent looking foreigner?

>> No.25571190


>> No.25571191

Indeed, Sio is innocent.

>> No.25571192

This is why you should only send your akas to my wife roboco.

>> No.25571193

Do I really have to post my penis on here?

>> No.25571198


>> No.25571199

Another game for Aki to create weapons of mass destruction.

>> No.25571200

no decent looking foreigner can speak japanese

>> No.25571201
Quoted by: >>25571210

not surprising

>> No.25571202

Who? I never donate if there's a superchat rush. Usually only on スパチャ読み中 I donate.

>> No.25571203

Maybe you should say something interesting then you fucking loser

>> No.25571207


>> No.25571208

Pff ahaha

>> No.25571209


>> No.25571210
Quoted by: >>25571222

I thought indonesian vtubers knew english.

>> No.25571211

Who? Oh you mean Ayunda Treerat.

>> No.25571212

Anonchama she literally said it on her apology vid, she was getting called to her home (lives with parents), her friend number was being called too. And I recommend you to go to some asperg nip forums and read what they are wishing her and sending her, take your head out of your butt

>> No.25571213

Seethe more retarded EOP

>> No.25571214

Don't worry, the plans for her next model upgrade are complete!

>> No.25571217

best chuubas for calm/chill streams ?
I already listen to Watame and Lulu

>> No.25571218

Mommies come in various voices.

>> No.25571219

love hotel time

>> No.25571220

>his chuuba didn't do her currency exchange rate reps

>> No.25571221


>> No.25571222

They do but they're all retarded

>> No.25571223

I still don't know what hlg means

>> No.25571224
Quoted by: >>25571250

I want more nene utawakus...

>> No.25571226

I mean anon Lamy is on right now

>> No.25571227
Quoted by: >>25571247

is there a chart for the list of red superchats and their corresponding value? I think I saw one before

>> No.25571228
Quoted by: >>25571246


>> No.25571229

She did say she played it for hours already, it's only that she got past the lamp for the first time last night.
The only liar here is you, either that or you're a fucking EOP.

>> No.25571232

Absolutely disgusted yet also secretly flattered by the amount of semen I have spilled to them.

>> No.25571234
Quoted by: >>25571260

I can't believe how much factorio changed in 1.0. You get petro directly from crude I used to be so fucking confused by all the oil separations.

That said, it's probably too complex for vtuber audience even if the streamer can handle it. I just hope Marine can stream Rimworld one day.

>> No.25571236

Sorry, but you still need the press release of the announcement of the announcement first.

>> No.25571235

She'd immediately drop her panties and beg for you to fuck her brains out right there in public.

>> No.25571244

>she talked shit about ninji
What did she say?

>> No.25571245

Lamy is so bad at impressions it's cute

>> No.25571246

Depends on what she's doing, if she gets mad expect angry baby noises and sucking her teeth

>> No.25571247
Quoted by: >>25571278

there is one for the countries with meme economy

>> No.25571248


>> No.25571249

Why do you watch Japanese vtubers when you can't understand Japanese?

>> No.25571250

It was heavenly.

>> No.25571251

Goddman you are deluded anon.

>> No.25571252

kana sukoya

>> No.25571253

>that laugh
Bros why is lamy this cute?

>> No.25571256

the test stream was from may, the stream in 2019 is her shit talking nijis and how vtuber companies operate or something.

>> No.25571257
Quoted by: >>25571269

>tits jiggle all over the place
It's really hard to keep my eyes on her face.

>> No.25571258

when is japanese KEEMSTAR going to btfo Aloe?

>> No.25571259

Haachama goes to school in Australia, right? I can't believe that nobody at her school watches hololive and recognizes her based on her voice and the fact she's Japanese

>> No.25571260
Quoted by: >>25571266

Oh shit 1.0 is out??
Fuck I have uni shit to do I can't fall into that time sinkhole again

>> No.25571261

At least LARP better next time.
Risu ignored the 500 but read the 300, get the amount right.

>> No.25571262

Haachama is too cute.

>> No.25571263

Don't need to, simple as.

>> No.25571265


>> No.25571266
Quoted by: >>25571276

Yes it's out.
Hades 1.0 is out aswell.

>> No.25571269

too much culture

>> No.25571270

Ok this is based

>> No.25571272

they should be glad gen 5 debuted now instead of months ago when the models were ready.

>> No.25571276
Quoted by: >>25571285

>Hades too

>> No.25571278


>> No.25571281

Avoiding /v/ is never useless.

>> No.25571283

unironically Luna when not in a competitive game, I was surprised but its good

>> No.25571284

She'd think you're a fucking creep, you're delusional.

>> No.25571285
Quoted by: >>25571300

Actually I fucked up my bad, the trailer for it is out, Fall 2020

>> No.25571286

>tfw pekora gets yabee because of /pol/ meme posting

>> No.25571288

Did anything worth talking about happen in the last 4 hours?

>> No.25571290
Quoted by: >>25571301

I love Mikochi so much bros...

>> No.25571293

Coco got the nuclear launch codes

>> No.25571294

yen is more expensive than dollar

>> No.25571296
Quoted by: >>25571374

That's why I don't bother superchatting popular vtubers. If you want to interact with a streamer, indies are much more appreciative.

>> No.25571297

I fucked your oshi

>> No.25571298

Americans, why are you like this?

>> No.25571300
Quoted by: >>25571311

Faggot, you made me check.

>> No.25571301

what do we think of lamy?

>> No.25571304

Luna's piano recitals are the best relaxation for me.

>> No.25571305

I-Is this the new narrative?

>> No.25571306


>> No.25571308

I'm a fan.

>> No.25571310
Quoted by: >>25571384

>Haachama goes to school in Australia, right? I can't believe that nobody at her school watches hololive and recognizes her based on her voice and the fact she's Japanese
How can you not believe this? Hololive has an audience of like 300k EOPs, probably only like a third of that are familiar enough to recognize voices. Of that 100k, probably maybe 5k are from australia out of a population of 25 million. The chance of one of them running into her and hearing her speak is low.

>> No.25571311

I got baited aswell cause the guy that told me was redownloading it now

>> No.25571312


>> No.25571313

Luna piano and Alice guitar learning streams

>> No.25571315

Into the Radius

>> No.25571316

Luna's piano recitals, most Kanata streams, Choco cooking streams

>> No.25571317
Quoted by: >>25571328

I'm glad. Aussies are insane and I bet Haato stands out.

>> No.25571319

I like Lamy's Lamys.

>> No.25571320


Hologay? more like holopro

>> No.25571321

i think you're overestimating the popularity of vtubers outside of japan anon

>> No.25571323

so now that the dust has settled, can we agree that (not counting the off stream drama) Gen 5 is pretty boring so far?

>> No.25571322



>> No.25571328

What happened to that one guy sending her supas stalking some random asian girl he thought was her? Did he get arrested and fuck off or what?

>> No.25571329


>> No.25571330

What went wrong?

>> No.25571331
Quoted by: >>25571343

Feels weird seeing the flags.
I kinda like it

>> No.25571336

90% of the "English" audience are SEAniggers, Anon.

>> No.25571339
Quoted by: >>25571356

Polka has been entertaining and Nene's spaghetti is fun to watch, but the other three are boring.

>> No.25571341
Quoted by: >>25571349

Izuru is so good. I look forward to his 3D utawakus.

>> No.25571343
Quoted by: >>25571355

Flags are great. I'm all for implementing them on all boards.

>> No.25571346

miko's piano stream! ;_;
flare is pretty relaxing during her zatsudan or ARK streams
everyone has already said luna
lamy and nene seem pretty nice so far

>> No.25571347

Have any anon upload SSS cover? I want to do it

>> No.25571348
Quoted by: >>25571358

i'm so fucking gay for izuru's voice

>> No.25571349
Quoted by: >>25571360

He needs to make enough money for the commute to the 3D studio first

>> No.25571350

Polka is the best thing to happen to hololive since 3rd gen

>> No.25571351

No. I find Polka's streams really entertaining and funny.

>> No.25571353

Sorry but I'm already down with the clown

>> No.25571355

no way, my fav holos would be associated with my country...

>> No.25571356
Quoted by: >>25571370

Botan's playthrough last night was fun, because she wasn't just desperate to save herself but aggressively try to annoy people, haven't win but easily the most fun Fall Guys playthrough so far.

>> No.25571358

same, would fuck him, but i'm not gay

>> No.25571359

notbuhime is fun and i enjoy nene and lamy

>> No.25571360
Quoted by: >>25571369

Not like this anon

>> No.25571363

No, I do not agree with you.

>> No.25571366

Her eye placement and movement is kind of creepy

>> No.25571367

The clown is pretty fun, and Botan has potential as a chill, and actually good, gamer which Hololive really lacks, but the rest so far has been quite boring.

>> No.25571368

go check the comments on her apology video. JOPs BTFO that slut. it's pretty funny.

>> No.25571369
Quoted by: >>25571377

There's also the issue of having food for the trip... he can't just keep eating weeds and insects on the side...

>> No.25571370

She was positioned very well to win the last game she played if not for someone cheating

>> No.25571371

>no one has said roboco
roboco is very chill, check out her asmr streams or just watch an old minecraft stream if they're up, otherwise ark is nice too

>> No.25571372
Quoted by: >>25571392

why is this thread more civil than hlg usually is...

>> No.25571373

marine is gaining momentum
I didn't know the pop team epic guy was on youtube

>> No.25571374

Or members streams. I don't think I have ever had a popular vtuber pick up my normal non-superchat comment in regular streams but in member streams it has happened multiple times.

>> No.25571375

Yes. Kinda disappointed with Polkahime turned out to be just Coco with another flavor desu.

>> No.25571377


>> No.25571378

The calm ARK streamers usually do it for me (Aki/Choco/Roboco/Kanata). Hasn't been as much ARK in the past week or two though as usual.

>> No.25571379

Clown is good and Botan is fine but I really hate Lamy and Nene/Aloe are just kind of irrelevant

>> No.25571380


>> No.25571384

This. No way you're going to find one person in a population of 25 million.

>> No.25571387

She said a niji who was her friend got doxxed and nijiggers are angry that their company isnt perfect so now they use that as excuse to drive her to suicide, she literally didn't talk shit

>> No.25571389

I really like how low energy and chill Aki's streams are

>> No.25571390

I am healed.

>> No.25571392
Quoted by: >>25571405

People are getting filtered by the flags and ID's

>> No.25571395

I have a love/hate relationship with Choco's ARK streams, most of the time it's really comfy and she's just making cute noises, but then she'll just fucking shriek out of nowhere because a dino looked at her the wrong way and wake me up.

>> No.25571396

to do my listening reps anon

>> No.25571401

>Hasn't been as much ARK in the past week or two though as usual
And that's a good thing. Fuck ARK, and I can thank Fall Guys million times for making a SHIT game finally fall from grace.

>> No.25571403
Quoted by: >>25571441

Polka's good.
Aloe hasn't had the chance to do shit.
Nene is pretty boring so far.
Botan might be good once she starts playing games.
Haven't watched Lamy once so far.

>> No.25571405

This. I was going to make a shitpost but then I remembered I made a wholesome post with my chuuba attached so I didn't.

>> No.25571407

Even this loop is healing

>> No.25571410

>Hasn't been as much ARK in the past week or two though as usual.
Won't be long until 5th gen get shown the ropes.

You will watch Polka play ARK and like it.

>> No.25571411

add marine >>25571373

>> No.25571413

I want to feed Lamy mama

>> No.25571416
Quoted by: >>25571420

Morning roberu

>> No.25571420
Quoted by: >>25571431

Utawaku time?

>> No.25571423


>> No.25571424

yandere holoEn girl

>> No.25571425

so lamy is for mornings now?

>> No.25571427


>> No.25571428

Lamy's back! For superchat healing

>> No.25571429

>Hasn't been as much ARK
My personal narrative is that they feel threatened by gen 5 and are doing more collabs and other stuff because they want to strengthen existing bonds to ensure they don't get pushed down to towa levels.

>> No.25571430

Shocked no one said Okayu

>> No.25571431

that's tonight

>> No.25571433

Ah yes my favorite anime.

>> No.25571434

taking a break from VC4 and trying Risk of Rain 2 for the first time

>> No.25571435

Imagine hating Ark irrationally just to make your oshi less happy. Fuck off back to /v/.

>> No.25571436
Quoted by: >>25571493

what is it with japanese people taking a long time to say absolutely nothing

>> No.25571439


>> No.25571441
Quoted by: >>25571473

I'm excited for botan but you have to face reality anon
fallguys is a game

>> No.25571444

Lamy is going to hit 200k subs in a second and then get hundreds of more bucks.

>> No.25571447
Quoted by: >>25571464

I hope Kanata really pick up bass.

>> No.25571448

What the fuck that was actually good

>> No.25571449


>> No.25571450

Who watched the Miko membas?

>> No.25571451

button seems like she'd be into rock music
she's convinced me to get back on top of my r6 siege reps

>> No.25571452

God, roberufags are so fucking annoying. We get it already, you're watching a faggot, you don't need to spam the thread.

>> No.25571454
Quoted by: >>25571487

wtf is lamy gobbling dick behind the scenes?

>> No.25571459

Shigure ui

>> No.25571460

Is Lamy playing up the chewing so her live 2D can pick it up? It's pretty cute

>> No.25571461

This literally happens when anything happens in any stream

>> No.25571462



>> No.25571463

So how many people will Lamy siphon from Rushia and Kanata now that she has perfected the shtick of "helpless moe that you want to protect"?

>> No.25571464

I want to pick up Kanata's ass too.

>> No.25571465

No it doesn't.

>> No.25571467


>> No.25571469

I love Towa.

>> No.25571468

Voracious elf

>> No.25571471


>> No.25571472

shut up pekofag

>> No.25571473

She was about to win tho if not for the cheater

>> No.25571474

You're not winning

>> No.25571475

He's baiting, don't bother replying to him.

>> No.25571476

Wait what happened?

>> No.25571477

every time I transition from Lamy to Roberu, I get ridiculous whiplash

>> No.25571479

unmute when you're eating snow bitch

>> No.25571480

nene interests me because of her singing
polka because of her antics and i love clowns really

>> No.25571483

I love Roberu's frequent "heh" sound

>> No.25571482

Just don't make your oshi sad, ok anon?

>> No.25571485

lamy wa fuwa fuwa

>> No.25571487
Quoted by: >>25571500

Yea she's choking on my cock right now

>> No.25571489

>shit game
ARK is the best

>> No.25571490

No way, fag.

>> No.25571492
Quoted by: >>25571496

So this is how it feels to have a girlfriend. Thanks Lamy...

>> No.25571493

they say multiple times he's acting like an old man dude

>> No.25571495

I would never make Meru sad!

>> No.25571496

Nooooooooo what about RUSHIA

>> No.25571498

>310 IPs
>over 600 posts filtered

>> No.25571500

oh silly anon, 2 inches hardly qualify as cock.

>> No.25571499

lamy chews with her mouth open...

>> No.25571503

Please, respect my daughters

>> No.25571504
Quoted by: >>25571538

I'm brazilian and rushia is my gf.

>> No.25571505

Aloe happened and there are a lot of antis sperging on twitter now?

>> No.25571507

they have different time slots, so it's not like their direct competitors

>> No.25571508

It'll only get worse.

>> No.25571512
Quoted by: >>25571525

post the filter pastebin towafriend

>> No.25571514


>> No.25571517
Quoted by: >>25571532

I can't belive Lamy is sucking dick on stream...

>> No.25571518

yeah don't show her your fucking yogurt tribute

>> No.25571524

Lamy is just Rushia with tits

>> No.25571525

So you can dodge them? No way. Also I don't watch Towa.

>> No.25571529

Rushia is my daughterwife

>> No.25571531
Quoted by: >>25571548

So noel?

>> No.25571532

Towa flashbacks ensue

>> No.25571533

good, all of you leave for lamy while rushia becomes my girlfriend alone

>> No.25571536

holy shit look out it's a vampire

>> No.25571538
Quoted by: >>25571578

prease come to japan ! !

>> No.25571539

Lamy is more like a mom to Kanata being like a daughter. Lamy will probably siphon from Noel and Mio.

>> No.25571540


>> No.25571541

They aren't similar at all

>> No.25571543

She's basically saying follow Ui's advice.

Don't use your oshi's avatar.
Don't attach your oshi's tag to your name.

And if you must?
Don't say anything she wouldn't type herself.
Don't say anything you would hate having said to you.

>> No.25571544
Quoted by: >>25571560

So my girlfriend?

>> No.25571548

Noel is adult Luna

>> No.25571550

How pointless.

>> No.25571551

Rushia is just Lamy with no tits.

>> No.25571555

rushia has anger issues, lamy is chill

>> No.25571556

Lamy really likes to say thank you..
Nene really likes to say sorry...

>> No.25571557

Pekora is just Aqua with rabbit ears

>> No.25571558

>don't use your oshi's avatar


>> No.25571560

You mean my wife?

>> No.25571563

Aloe is just smug Towa

>> No.25571567

To be honest, the watamelon rap could be so much better with some original lyrics

>> No.25571568

REALLY REALLY Good advice too bad we'll never see that exercised here

>> No.25571569

Aloe is just Towa with panties

>> No.25571570

because people will think you are them

>> No.25571573
Quoted by: >>25571603

yes. we know both are whores

>> No.25571574

Is Lamy really gonna thank every superchat individually?

>> No.25571575


>> No.25571576

Because most people are retarded and can't comprehend basic manners; By wearing her as your banner, your actions then reflect on her.

>> No.25571578

I will give her a supa saying that I love her in portuguese.

>> No.25571579
Quoted by: >>25571593

I think Lamy's mouth sensitivity on her live2D is pretty high, even her just saying soft things has her mouth open relatively big
Maybe just the act of the mouth moving, even while closed, makes the software think its open

>> No.25571582

w-what are you implying here anon ?

>> No.25571583


>> No.25571584

It should be obvious look at the trolls in the thread( i.e. Pekora) if you use their avatars it'll make them look bad if you their fan say or do something stuipd, it will indirectly make people think the original is somehow involved.

>> No.25571585

Because It makes people hate the vtuber instead of the retard.

>> No.25571591

That's a downgrade!

>> No.25571593
Quoted by: >>25571618

she might have practiced the mouth movements.

>> No.25571595

Cabaret gen 5...

>> No.25571597
Quoted by: >>25571610

its the idols job to do so. if you don't, the fan will stop supporting them.

>> No.25571599
Quoted by: >>25571617

I can't stop looking at Lamy's heaving chest

>> No.25571600

I stopped using a shion avatar because it honestly felt weird to leave JSL comments and tweets on other streamers' shit
"thanks for the support but I guess I'm not as good as shion to you" kind of feeling

>> No.25571601

Because you end up representing them in some capacity no matter what.

>> No.25571603
Quoted by: >>25571615

no we don't

>> No.25571607

watame is taking singing and english lessons

>> No.25571608


>> No.25571610
Quoted by: >>25571621

unless you're suisei

>> No.25571611

Towa doesn't wear underwear!

>> No.25571613
Quoted by: >>25571619

i love shion!

>> No.25571615
Quoted by: >>25571629

she is a whore
there now you know

>> No.25571616

>/pol/thread immediately becomes doxxtard central

>> No.25571617

Lamy boing boing

>> No.25571618

yeah, I would imagine she's pretty skilled in eating ASMR so she knows how to do it well

>> No.25571619


>> No.25571620

just look at sheepfags

>> No.25571621

suisei doesnt thank her supachas? based and thats how it should be

>> No.25571623

If you're a fan of Rurudo the joke is plain if not i'm not going to explain it to you because then there is no joke.

>> No.25571626

do not insult your own son

>> No.25571627

Towa Sio

>> No.25571629

no she isn't

>> No.25571633

