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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 160 KB, 724x1024, EfchkjPVAAAQRMq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
25521759 No.25521759 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.25521762
Quoted by: >>25521809

My cute Towa already choking on her words.

>> No.25521763
File: 88 KB, 488x637, myfriendshiinyuika.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25521809

>> No.25521764
File: 89 KB, 1280x720, POV Aqua.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25521809


>> No.25521765

one post per person. use it wisely

>> No.25521766
File: 335 KB, 800x800, 1595932621009.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25522106

I have been lonely ever since Mikochi left!

>> No.25521767
File: 689 KB, 1280x1829, 6dsryt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25521807

Ayame is always there for you!

>> No.25521768
File: 326 KB, 1920x1080, you are my one winged angel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25521770


>> No.25521771

How do I not get filtered by top chat? I just want the clown to see my love..

>> No.25521772


>> No.25521773 [DELETED] 
File: 7 KB, 225x225, cutie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25521801

>fuck nijisanji
>fuck meidos
>fuck clover

>> No.25521774
File: 1.16 MB, 1400x1000, 1595830247452.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to protect this dork

>> No.25521775
File: 260 KB, 1980x1080, 64A77305-B4FC-42E6-9C72-98FAB4F1858C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Submit to Mel !

>> No.25521776


>> No.25521777

twapi...your mic...

>> No.25521778

lets do our best today for our holos!

>> No.25521780

Towa... your mic...

>> No.25521783
File: 24 KB, 301x247, 1583283610836.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aloe's subs are going up though?

>> No.25521784


>> No.25521785
File: 44 KB, 287x222, bunstreetsbackALRIGHT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25521786
Quoted by: >>25521828


one year from now, how is cover doing?

>> No.25521787
File: 219 KB, 461x461, 1593433921266.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25521822

>Go take a quick nap after Roberu's fall gays
>Wake up to Aloe releasing an apology video
>2 week ban
>Voice project postponed
>Botan spamming 100
What the fuck else did I miss?

>> No.25521789


>> No.25521790
Quoted by: >>25521805

God hates autotune and punish those who uses it

>> No.25521791


>> No.25521792
Quoted by: >>25521889

So why did every holo disable stream chat archive?

>> No.25521793

I can't believe Towa fucking killed Nene...

>> No.25521794
File: 43 KB, 898x196, apologize.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A rundown for people who don't understand what happened.

>> No.25521795


>> No.25521799
File: 3.59 MB, 2796x3373, EfWI3jUUcAA_qvI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25521796

>that strong desk slam
Towappi is finally here.

>> No.25521798

Towa speaking from the hospital bathroom.

>> No.25521797

Cursed song.

>> No.25521800

I know how Towafags feel now...

>> No.25521801 [DELETED] 


>> No.25521802
File: 69 KB, 393x527, sample-29b6542e09ea3ba68275bf7775f0224d(1)(2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can I get some more info on Aloe and the boyfriend?

>> No.25521803
File: 471 KB, 560x500, 1597578887764.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25521805
File: 26 KB, 512x512, 1597654274279.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25521821


>> No.25521806

Towachama, your mic

>> No.25521807
File: 70 KB, 960x909, 1592761824765.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25521849

I claim this spot for a Cute Subaru, for the upcoming 3d

>> No.25521808
File: 49 KB, 499x204, 1586210140003.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The previous thread only lasted 90 minutes...

>> No.25521809

>3 posts at exactly the same second.

>> No.25521810

Towa looks so cute in Marine's stream.

>> No.25521811
File: 2.03 MB, 1028x1028, Haato_Akai_-_Skin_Dawn_of_the_Breakers_Illustration_01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Haachama!

>> No.25521812

Nice to see Robotowa making a return.

>> No.25521813
File: 116 KB, 773x1200, 1594988250616.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25521916

Day 18 Thread #9

Still waiting for Mikochi!

>> No.25521814

Just got unbanned for using vpn, what did i miss?

>> No.25521815


>> No.25521816
File: 121 KB, 827x1388, EZy7viuUwAAKCU1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to marry her...

>> No.25521817
File: 643 KB, 1204x1372, 1569851550858.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25521841


>> No.25521818


>> No.25521819

last thread only had 96 IPs
96 faggots shitposted 2000 times

>> No.25521820
File: 474 KB, 799x798, 1564230215181.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25521822
Quoted by: >>25521885

Choco died.

>> No.25521821

this will be a fucking meme from now on huh

>> No.25521823

I love Marine's drawing streams

>> No.25521824

>talk about knowing the context for memes
>EOPs in chat start freaking out about "she said DAGA KOTOWARU"
Truly a circus show.

>> No.25521825
File: 293 KB, 413x449, 1583461030166.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Give it to me straight /hlg/
Did she do it on purpose?

>> No.25521826
File: 342 KB, 502x492, 1594385902816.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not only mad because she has a boyfriend or revealing live2d
>nation that likes NTR and fine with cheating as long as both parties don't have feelings to each other
What the fuck with this hypocrisy? Do they seriously think that grown woman must be "untainted virgin" without life? If this is true, then Abe would never fix their birth rates, since their core mentality is rotten.

>> No.25521827


>> No.25521828

eng subs... BASED

>> No.25521830
File: 680 KB, 822x802, 1595764399789.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25521870

Aloe...it's not fair...

>> No.25521829

There's nothing left of his dick

>> No.25521833 [DELETED] 
File: 42 KB, 1255x171, Untitled1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reminder to ignore /vyt/ niggers

>> No.25521834
File: 712 KB, 1200x1742, 266c6da1924e4fdf7f667284ecef7369.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25521888

No specific reason. I just happened to have some friends who also want youtube premium. It's also cheaper, at least in my region.

Her membership contents are actually mediocre. She does a membership stream once every month. She also has some membership only wallpapers.

>> No.25521835 [DELETED] 

There are hot roommate posts in your area. And every time you post one or see one a /hlg/ idolfag virgin seethes. Visit: >>>/b/834396831

We welcome all newfriends with questions.

>> No.25521836

Marine fix your discord shit, it can't be Towa's fault.

>> No.25521837

Towa Mic...

>> No.25521838
File: 116 KB, 768x1169, EfnPHJdUwAEaNMz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

100 shota cocks for Botan!

>> No.25521839
File: 2.24 MB, 232x232, 1596644855684.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25521842
File: 754 KB, 700x1245, 1578844019193.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2 weeks from now... We will show them how strong the ALOE LOVE truly is!

>> No.25521841

my wife pecor

>> No.25521845

So, can someone tell me why Nene's supposed roommate's twitter is still open and has photos of her IRL?

>> No.25521846

Sora... on second thought, stay safe in your island with your actual friends

>> No.25521848

thanks again

>> No.25521849

i wish ui would free up some time to improve her daughters model, but being a busy highschool must be tiresome

>> No.25521850
File: 133 KB, 266x266, EfUxO_uX0AwcCP_.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are we here ... just to suffer?

>> No.25521851


>> No.25521852

>conveniently leaves out that she was given permission by her manager.
nah, fuck cover

>> No.25521854
File: 564 KB, 659x686, 1597655536771.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*ting* *ting* *ting*



and most importantly


>> No.25521856

Redpill me on the Towa hate

>> No.25521857

Time to watch perverted pirate and dumb debiru.

>> No.25521855
File: 509 KB, 1280x529, nenerunner.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25521858

Feels like this thread is 90% of the activity on /jp/

>> No.25521859

>aloe causing the doxes
>not nene

>> No.25521860

I thought they acknowledged that Aloe was told to stream by her manager, and they both forgot to take it down

>> No.25521862
Quoted by: >>25522064

ぇ?How did this place do anything?

>> No.25521864

Cute of him to mention us for doing literally nothing at all.

>> No.25521865


>> No.25521868
File: 1.02 MB, 1280x1024, Слышишь, тут эта, у Ботан, короче, разговор к те есть.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When is she starting gaming streams?

>> No.25521867

I hope you guys are ready to see how Towa is the best artist in all of hololive.

>> No.25521869

I hope she comes back with a singing stream.

>> No.25521870


>> No.25521871

Hey bros, let's be positive!

>> No.25521872

Just woke up. WTF happened to succubus?

>> No.25521873
File: 441 KB, 511x746, aloew.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25521875

Yeah, no you discord morons. Here's an actual rundown.


>> No.25521877
File: 477 KB, 667x757, honkhonk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dangerously *honk*

>> No.25521878
File: 88 KB, 333x291, 1506802039098.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25522300

>Bossan gets her twitter account suspended before she is forced to participate in this shitshow
百獣の王... I kneel...

>> No.25521879
File: 246 KB, 1034x1477, EflH8ADU4AAn1O6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine the amount of cocks that has been milked by her armpits

>> No.25521880
File: 356 KB, 688x500, 1584320476681.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25521993

ALOE LOVE!!!! be strong, chads

>> No.25521881

Wow Towa is kinda comfortable with Marine.

>> No.25521882
Quoted by: >>25522123

Still a retarded boomer with bad taste in games

>> No.25521883

who is 4ch?

>> No.25521884

Is this the supposedly pro polka? She's annoying as all hell. Nope, can't get into her.

>> No.25521885

Almost there.

>> No.25521886

haachama, get back inside, it's 8pm, your curfew has started!!

>> No.25521887

No idea, but it's pretty based either way. I have a feeling Botan is going places.

>> No.25521888

1 a month is enough for me, gonna give this brat my member then, cheers

>> No.25521889

New Youtube thing. It's buggy as fuck.
Wrong on the first sentence. It was done by the manager's permission.

>> No.25521890

I can't believe the reason of why Toi's mic is bad is because Twappi moved in with Sio.

>> No.25521891

See Toaw slowly making friends with everyone really make me smile a lot

>> No.25521892
File: 764 KB, 1600x900, asawata17-8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25522062

Todays news brought to you by the Sheepnetwork

>> No.25521894

She's cute and doesn't care

>> No.25521893
Quoted by: >>25522007

>implying 4chan has any power

>> No.25521895

The hacker known as 4ch did jack shit.

>> No.25521897

>i wonder where did they came from

>> No.25521898

>made a video for your future self
Whats her endgame

>> No.25521899
Quoted by: >>25521941

Any summarization on the current drama? And what does it have to do with Nene and some roommate?

>> No.25521900

But this is retarded, because she got her micro-brained manager's OK to do the stream in the first place, it was behind a password, and likely not even her fucking responsibility to delete. I'm seething at this bootlicker.

>> No.25521901

Collabs make Towa's voice stick out sounding even worse

>> No.25521904

Marine laughing at Towa...

>> No.25521905 [DELETED] 
File: 327 KB, 325x382, Aloe6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ALOE DESERVE THE ROPE I hope antis will bully her to suicide lmao

>> No.25521906
Quoted by: >>25521918

>*ting* *ting* *ting*
What the fuck is this? Where's the bell?

>> No.25521907

speaking of games
which games are they allowed to play?

>> No.25521909

>leaves out the boyfriend part
Guarantee this is a towafag, they always try to bend the truth for their m'ladies for some reason.

>> No.25521910


>> No.25521912
File: 295 KB, 307x430, 1597656379218.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thread lasted 1hr 32mins

>> No.25521913
File: 301 KB, 436x437, drool chama.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25521914

>discord tranny narrative
>conveniently leaves out the part about her being a whore, exposing confidential information about nijisanji force graduating chitose
as expected of discord trannies

>> No.25521915
File: 1.58 MB, 1542x1788, Efl0aM3VAAALEtt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25521916
Quoted by: >>25521976


>> No.25521917
File: 847 KB, 837x969, 4scwwyiqpg631.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aloebros how do we cope......

>> No.25521918
Quoted by: >>25521950

fork on glass anon, like you are doing a toast

>> No.25521920

2020 sure is an interesting year, isn't it?

>> No.25521919 [DELETED] 

No one would cry for you.

>> No.25521923

i was 1905 of them.

>> No.25521921

I love that artist

>> No.25521922

Same. She's finally growing up. Brings a tear to the eye.

>> No.25521925

hm hm hm

>> No.25521926
Quoted by: >>25522730

hahaha, you think she'll come back?
You think ANY of this was bad?
It's spreading like wildfire now, there's WORSE stuff that wasn't even brought up.
I feel bad for her. She might well off herself over some of the shit.

>> No.25521927
Quoted by: >>25521992

The same reason Matsuri's twitter is still open and has photos of her and she has a YouTube account with her IRL face.

>> No.25521928
Quoted by: >>25522072

All these EOPs are focusing on the wrong thing. It's not the purityfags who are blowing up and frothing at the mouth over this, it's NNDijifags because her roommate talked shit about Niji.

>> No.25521930
Quoted by: >>25522046

>Towa of all people on a drawing collab
But why...this is like inviting pekora to draw

>> No.25521932
Quoted by: >>25522047

Exiling myself back to /trash/

>> No.25521933
Quoted by: >>25522001

>that retard that numbers his holo reaction images is an anti
what a shocker

>> No.25521934


>> No.25521935


>> No.25521937
Quoted by: >>25521974


>> No.25521939
Quoted by: >>25522121

its almost a good thing asacoco isnt a thing anymore. imagine her trying to tiptoe around those drama nukes

>> No.25521940

Woah... Risu sounds like this?

>> No.25521941
Quoted by: >>25522841

Nene doxxed gen 5 through twitter. Aloe shittalked Niji company on her roommate account. Antis went nuts.

>> No.25521942

4chan did nothing though? There were dedicated Aloefags here.

>> No.25521944
Quoted by: >>25521995

I keep seeing ppl posting that Nene doxxed all of 5th gen, but how. Afaik she only got herself doxxed

>> No.25521945

She has been released from np-collab prison.

>> No.25521946 [DELETED] 
File: 159 KB, 359x359, 1566435059407.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aloe is a whore but fuck NND NIJINIGGERS

>> No.25521947

Watame finally set up her new PC.

>> No.25521949

Just woke up to this nice drama.
This is the true reason i watch hololive.

>> No.25521950

But she wouldn't do that.

>> No.25521951

>supporting a whore
what's wrong with discordcucks?

>> No.25521952

>You must be blind then. She banned many K**n spammers.
No, even in her Kson's account she didn't ban people mention Coco at all, she just ignores them.

>> No.25521954

>japan is one person
are you literally retarded

>> No.25521956

I knew this would be good but NOT THIS GOOD, Marine is the heart of Hololive she's so good.

>> No.25521957


>> No.25521958

Finally content

>> No.25521959

Towa fixed it! Marine really is a senapi after all.

>> No.25521960

How do you fuck up this bad in your first week holy shit

>> No.25521961

So, can Towa even draw?

>> No.25521962

I fucking hate every single one of you

>> No.25521963
File: 412 KB, 496x354, 1573981636497.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the FUCK did she meant by this

>> No.25521964
File: 200 KB, 1024x538, aloe fans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

me and the homies on our way to fade on some mofo aloe haters

>> No.25521966
File: 12 KB, 144x320, 0209.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25521967
Quoted by: >>25522003

Holy shit Marine knows how to fix it! AFTER NINE MONTHS TOWA NOW SOUNDS NORMAL

>> No.25521968


>> No.25521969

no idea but ive been craving a holo to play stalker for a long time

>> No.25521970
File: 174 KB, 533x800, Efj2P6fU8AEdLo_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25521971

What's this abomination?

>> No.25521974

>the moona of gen 5

>> No.25521976

need an edit of the hachiko statue with 35p on its face

>> No.25521977

People mad at discord, or mad that they were unable to get her fired. People that don't like Towa because of her voice or because she's boring don't actually bother posting anything about her.

>> No.25521978

>The one truly above this circus drama
Lamy is cool in more ways than one.

>> No.25521979
File: 310 KB, 324x452, honk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25521980
File: 238 KB, 500x500, EdDQ6ZfVAAEJg1M.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25521982

Well fuck polka. I can't believe I'm saying this but I would rather watch Risu than her.

>> No.25521984
File: 468 KB, 572x682, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25522053

Towa sama...

>> No.25521983
File: 180 KB, 1405x2048, EVBC5G_UEAA6CrF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25522025

I love Towa drawing streams, she feels like the autistic daughter I never had

>> No.25521985

Thanks senchou, now I can finally understand what Towa is saying.

>> No.25521987
Quoted by: >>25522033

Thats Ayunda, Risu is dead

>> No.25521988

Shes going to destroy Cover from the inside

>> No.25521990

anyone can draw

>> No.25521992
Quoted by: >>25522036


>> No.25521991
Quoted by: >>25522052

She's getting pressured by Marine's strong presence of yabai though.

>> No.25521993


>> No.25521994

No way in hell. But the way she stumbles is cute, so we forgive her.

>> No.25521995

She got doxxed from her art, and they guessed the others from people she was following on twitter.

>> No.25521996

She is Picasso of 4th gen.

>> No.25521998

But, this time, 4ch literally did fuck all.
Hell, Nene did more than 4ch.

>> No.25521999
Quoted by: >>25522264

hey i told anon it would last 1 hour and he said 2 hours, so we were both right

>> No.25522001


>> No.25522003

>it's true
how can we get her to collab more with marine?

>> No.25522002

Haato isn't taking Aloe's break well.
Haato is friends with all the twitcast whores.

>> No.25522004

dont bother to read the rest

>> No.25522005
Quoted by: >>25522108

For me, it's Omar.

>> No.25522006

she needs to stop using that voice or it's gonna escape!!!

>> No.25522007

we're too busy posting 20 times a fucking minute to have any impact on the world

>> No.25522008
Quoted by: >>25522069

The threads are like this because you faggots kept spoonfeeding retards that couldn't even lurk for a day.

>> No.25522009
File: 787 KB, 2485x4096, EfjHFM6U4AA7DH1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25522101


>> No.25522011
File: 378 KB, 415x1151, 1596393007837.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In spite of these trying times, I hope you and your favorite holos have a nice day.
t. Nousagi and Regular

>> No.25522012

She's more based than we could ever have imagined.

>> No.25522013

she hates being a vtuber and drops the cutesy act pretty often

>> No.25522014

Full rundown:

>Aloe makes a video talking about a friend who got doxxed internally in Nijisanji and generally just shit on by the people inside it
>This girl retired due to the complications of the doxx and the exploitative agency
>Aloe was worried that something would happen like her getting doxxed as well if she were join a place like that
>she joins Hololive
>gets doxxed by nijifags

>is a bit of a smoothbrain because she knew all of this, yet still didn't wipe her social media

>> No.25522016
File: 1.06 MB, 1920x1080, When you gonna watch.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25522028

Haachama now!

>> No.25522017
Quoted by: >>25522056

Hearing Towa in contrast with Marine makes Marine sound really cute in comparison.

>> No.25522018
Quoted by: >>25522055

Wait what the fuck?

>> No.25522020

I feel bad for laughing along to this

>> No.25522021
File: 9 KB, 275x93, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25522120


>> No.25522022
Quoted by: >>25522061

>Sheep only has 4k viewers.
Is this the end?

>> No.25522023
File: 67 KB, 1200x1200, 100-emoji-cutout_preview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25522024
Quoted by: >>25523246

>Do they seriously think that grown woman must be "untainted virgin" without life
idolfags are literally 30 year old virgins so yes?

>> No.25522026
File: 485 KB, 240x184, 4chan.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25522063

We did it bros

>> No.25522025
Quoted by: >>25522156

I love this dumb debiru like you wouldn't believe.

>> No.25522027

Girls that are not orc looking prefer to be easily doxable since it boosts their popularity or get them supporters to their secondary accounts while not breaching their contracts
K*on had a stream where she cut her hair live and showed her face on purpose to attract her holo viewers.

>> No.25522028

Literally never

>> No.25522029
File: 90 KB, 1334x750, EeaEucPVoAY2-Fk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you actually like her stop shitposting, seriously start making content for her to return to welcome cards etc. the works she's going to be depressed coming back and need confidence her fans never wavered so she shouldn't either.

surprise me Gokisei fans let's see what you're actually made of

>> No.25522030

Za Omaru

>> No.25522032

So let me get this straight.
Mio does nothing wrong and gets suspended for months.
Some slut fucks up and gets a two weeks slap on the wrist despite doing things that would get you fired in other vtuber companies

>> No.25522031

by stop posting wojaks.

>> No.25522033

Cuter than Risu unironically.

>> No.25522034
Quoted by: >>25522048

>replying to discord trannies with anything but fuck off

>> No.25522035

>when asked for feet pics Coco shows off her thighs

Im not disappointed, but I am

>> No.25522036
Quoted by: >>25522054

how new are you?

>> No.25522037

Disregard this summarize

>> No.25522038

Ultimate tsunderes.

>> No.25522039

Is there any vtuber who isn't a slut?

>> No.25522041

What did Botan do?

>> No.25522042

Ты волыной не свети, нехер.

>> No.25522044


>> No.25522046

The Marine/Flare/Watame drawing collab was pretty funny, Watame was out of her league. It's like she thinks she's just being nice letting them join in when from the outside it's like she's flexing on them.

>> No.25522047
Quoted by: >>25522170

Must we send ourselves to /trash/? The meidos are clearly too afraid of us.

>> No.25522048

fuck off

>> No.25522049
File: 258 KB, 427x367, 23113413412321343.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

congratulations, antis
you just bullied a teenager who just got her dream job. Now she might actually quit from shame.
Are you proud of yourselves?

>> No.25522051

got her twitter muted to avoid tweeting cover's corporate crap

>> No.25522052

Towa talks and react more which is good. This won't be a shit collab.

>> No.25522053

>Marine laughing through her nose at this
At least everyone here can relate with Towa's skill.

>> No.25522054

January 2020.

>> No.25522055

Marine supports everyone.

>> No.25522056

But Marine is always cute?

>> No.25522058

Fuck off

>> No.25522057

What is Towa's problem? Senchou is not laughing at her

>> No.25522059
File: 2 KB, 125x125, 1595593619637s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25522076


>> No.25522061
File: 85 KB, 800x566, 1_rvPt1PgeWoHquFsWFgk66g.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry me and the boys were late

>> No.25522063
Quoted by: >>25522135

I doubt many in this thread would get that reference anymore

>> No.25522062

Holy fucking based

>> No.25522064
Quoted by: >>25522149

You'd be delusional that shits on here don't get reposted everywhere. A few days ago I saw an edit of the Marine's "I kneel" on fucking FB of all places.

>> No.25522066
Quoted by: >>25522140


>> No.25522065


>> No.25522067

Okayu, she's groomed exclusively for Korone.

>> No.25522070

Kek. Fucking EOPs and their made up rules. Just look at the English vs Nip comments on Polka's debut.
>JOPs: Oh my god Nobuhime welcome home I missed you! I almost cried when I heard your voice again!
>EOPs: Dude don't talk about that shit! Everyone and their mother knows who she is but don't endanger her career by digging it up! She's Polka now!

>> No.25522068

Haachama... your voice

>> No.25522069

I have gotten so fat you can't push me through the door anymore

>> No.25522073


>> No.25522072

And nijitards EN fanbase still think hololive fanbase is more cancer than them thanks to EOPhololive. Look at all recent shit that they caused to holos
L fucking O and fucking L

>> No.25522075
Quoted by: >>25522154

I still don't get Polka's humor...
Am I weird /hlg/?

>> No.25522076
Quoted by: >>25522115


>> No.25522077
File: 1.64 MB, 1280x720, 1594936004286.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25522078

>Towa getting bullied on stream
Finally some good fucking content.

>> No.25522079
File: 3.86 MB, 2709x4032, EfcPY27U0AIFemI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's just marking the 100 virgins that she's going to devour.

>> No.25522081

what? its all irrelevant
cover is actually doing their job and, well, covering her real fuckup with that live2d nonsense

>> No.25522080

Towa's doing her best!

>> No.25522082

Why you post this here? 5chan is on other side of planet

>> No.25522084

Is Towa drawing Aloe or Lamy?

>> No.25522086
Quoted by: >>25522141

Will they draw Aloe?

>> No.25522087
Quoted by: >>25522144

Teenagers are strong and can bounce back.
Just look at Haato.
Ignore Shion though. She has...issues....

>> No.25522088

What? Really? The shitty deadhours and burgerhours had over 300 IPs regularly for the past few days. I guess I should change my sleep schedule.

>> No.25522089

what the fuck polka

>> No.25522090
File: 961 KB, 1013x1600, cutesheep.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25522091 [DELETED] 

Can you guys post the porns leaks about every hololive members I know that you guys were talking something about aqua doing a sex tape and others like miko naked pic, korone, Rushia, etc
I sincerely just want to masturbate if the content is worth it

>> No.25522092

who the fuck is this retard with senchou?

>> No.25522093
Quoted by: >>25522125

>Towa doesn't even know mic setting for collab
Literally how,its been almost a year

>> No.25522094

Aloe's announcement has been translated.


>> No.25522095
File: 30 KB, 134x119, tower.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25522710

>talking about doing a 24 hour zatsudan
I knew Roberu and Polka were friends, but I didn't think they'd be this similar. what else could there be?

>> No.25522096
Quoted by: >>25524103

The mutual hatred is the glue that holds this community together. Hugbox shit makes me sick. Maybe it's my proximity to Australians that makes me enjoy posts like these the most.

>> No.25522097

Real purityfags don't give two shits about her because it's fucking obvious that she's a gigantic slut

>> No.25522098

Is Twapi drawing Aloe?

>> No.25522099
Quoted by: >>25522113

Tow can draw??

>> No.25522100

In Japan, yes.

>> No.25522101
Quoted by: >>25522139

gonna need a sauce on that polka pic anon

>> No.25522104

Spammed enough emotes to get herself muted when everyone else were posting corporate shilling.

>> No.25522105
File: 52 KB, 539x49, 7467883.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25522584

As I said you are blind, I've seen it happen many times, she bans them right away.

>> No.25522106

Me too

>> No.25522107

>>Aloe makes a video talking about a friend who got doxxed internally in Nijisanji and generally just shit on by the people inside it
wtf aloe is based.

>> No.25522108

i love omar

>> No.25522109
File: 28 KB, 420x240, ewkhdqqwsae0xpo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brother tune in to watame right now to find out

>> No.25522110

antitrannies will kill themselves at some point anyway

>> No.25522111
File: 110 KB, 1000x1000, 1597656240055.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doxxed Fang and weeabootrashboii
>doxxed all of gen5
>doxxed herself
>doxxed nijisanji

>> No.25522112 [DELETED] 
File: 746 KB, 815x841, 15445678979111.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no one bullied her here though. everything here is ironic

>> No.25522113

Hahaha no

>> No.25522114

How the fuck doesn't anybody get that the Live2D thing is just a front?

>> No.25522115
Quoted by: >>25523480

If being on a 5+ year old relationship is being a slut to you then you're just an incel.

>> No.25522117

She went full Lorena Bobbitt on his dick

>> No.25522118
File: 84 KB, 528x555, illust_83029259_20200725_025005.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Over 20k watching Towa being cute!

>> No.25522119

They're heartles Nijitards, it's probably the first erection they've had in years.

>> No.25522121

She would just self promote as usual

>> No.25522120


>> No.25522122

lmao since when did Towa start faking her voice like this? This is so different from her early streams.

>> No.25522123


you're still an autistic zoomer who has a worthless opinion

remember, if you are a zoomer your opinion on gaming is worthless as you are literally the lootbox generation.

>> No.25522125

She barely gets any collabs...

>> No.25522126

If she wasn't ashamed from being a whore then she won't feel any shame from this.

>> No.25522127


>> No.25522128

Towa is talking about you guys.

>> No.25522129

They're talking about Worldwide Kenzokus

>> No.25522130

Towa showing off her kaigainiki audience to Marine...

>> No.25522131

She was easily worst one in the 5th gen. Most likely whole hololive.
She will not be missed.

>> No.25522132


>> No.25522133

>this collab
As a wombfag I'm not used to this kind of autism.

>> No.25522135

>the thread
Try the entire site

>> No.25522134


>> No.25522136
Quoted by: >>25522199

what the fuck watame just tried to kill that child

>> No.25522137

A circus

>> No.25522138

l*ger probably madder right now that this speedsubber got this than when Matsuri NTRd him for an Octane Chad

>> No.25522139
File: 1013 KB, 2591x3624, EfSXwL4VoAIRNo0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25522222


>> No.25522140

thanks for the chuckle

>> No.25522141

>draws Aloe Vera drink
"Yes, I do like Aloe Vera"

>> No.25522142
File: 24 KB, 424x424, 1577477218990.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25522143

Reminder that Marine is a whore

>> No.25522144
Quoted by: >>25522211

I think Haato's not really representative of the average teenager considering she is especially mentally untouchable in no small part due to being mildly touched in the head.

>> No.25522145

So can we say that Cover is now having bad luck when it comes to demons?

>> No.25522147

sheepbro here, I think its pretty funny. Coco and Kanata were leaps and bounds ahead of the others after their debut and were the center of attention within their gen to such an extent that it made Watame anxious about her own slow growth in comparison. she's since focused on her own streams, interacting with her fans and having fun as opposed to stressing herself out and its paid off for her
>if she actually manages to do them live it might be even better.
Watame no Uta was great for showcasing the variety of her musical interests as well as her range and styles. something like https://youtu.be/rG5p6EKk6ys?t=137 is pretty atypical of what you'd see in an utawaka. it'd be nice to see even one "oddball" song added to the Saturday Night Fever streams for a similar effect

>> No.25522148

Holy shit I'm a Botanfag now

>> No.25522149
Quoted by: >>25522244

every narrative, every doxx from here is reposted from 5ch. and youre very stupid to believe that a japanese company would pay attention to 4chan or facebook of all places

>> No.25522150

I would like to

>> No.25522152
Quoted by: >>25522259

>Botan already has 200k subscribers

>> No.25522153
Quoted by: >>25522196

Towachads assemble!

>> No.25522154

You're not 15.

>> No.25522155
File: 379 KB, 603x337, 1595815201817.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25522156

Same, seeing her face every day gives me the motivation to keep on living.

>> No.25522158
File: 20 KB, 1013x234, 1594886785601.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25522286

>5th gen debut arc ended
>another yabee and drama arc started
Why does this keeps happening?

>> No.25522159
File: 5 KB, 380x44, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks Towa

>> No.25522160
Quoted by: >>25522251

>Hoje as
What in the fucking shit kind of language is that?

>> No.25522161

>tries to be smart
>gets suspended two weeks

>> No.25522163
File: 1.44 MB, 1800x1300, AAAHCOCOOOOO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25522221

Watame going to reach 400k this week!

>> No.25522162
Quoted by: >>25522182

>Towa can summon the kenzoku with her desk slams
You just can't make this up.

>> No.25522165
File: 261 KB, 1286x2048, 1597614975555.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally playing 5D chess while everyone else is playing checkers.

>> No.25522166

I think her drawing of herself burning of herpes around her mouth with an hair iron was pretty good

>> No.25522167

Like I expected her to be doxxed to shit. But for antis to harass her by actually calling her household phone is really a step too far in my books.

>> No.25522168
Quoted by: >>25522769

She knows her voice is fucking ugly.

>> No.25522169
File: 890 KB, 867x828, p4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The feeling is mutual, buddy.

>> No.25522170

I'm just tired of all the shit in these threads, so I'll come back whenever they send us to the shadowrealm, if they ever do.

>> No.25522171
Quoted by: >>25522188

>>doxxed herself
what did i miss?

>> No.25522172
File: 186 KB, 610x739, sluttyAloe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What am I doing, drawing Aloe begging for dick instead of working

>> No.25522173
Quoted by: >>25522196


>> No.25522175

Nobody here did jack shit, it's 5ch's doing retard.

>> No.25522176

We'll show her the reddit love instead

>> No.25522177
File: 127 KB, 1200x720, EfjNVWTVoAA2CXc-orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25522179
File: 332 KB, 538x377, 1533075474552.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25522182

We are very dedicated.

>> No.25522181

At least Towa is better than Luna.

>> No.25522183

Isn't she 30+? We have new narrative every day?

>> No.25522184

Is it just me or is Marine really kind?

>> No.25522185

jesus fucking christ

>> No.25522186

>aloe shittalks niji for letting go of a talent for getting doxxed
>aloe herself almost gets let go for getting doxxed
Ironic isn't it

>> No.25522187
File: 34 KB, 407x404, 1570575842347.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking love this sheep lads.

>> No.25522188

Her handwriting

>> No.25522189
File: 620 KB, 470x648, 1588451047415.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25522205


>> No.25522190

"We" didn't do shit

>> No.25522191

start with moona

>> No.25522192

Towa is very proud of her kindergarten drawing, please go along with her

>> No.25522194
Quoted by: >>25522518

knowing how w*men are like the irony is that Aloe probably has a far lower body count than the ones who pretend to be pure

>> No.25522193

this is like the second time you made this post already

>> No.25522195

i fuckn love this little shit

>> No.25522196
File: 1.59 MB, 1280x720, ENTER.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25522197

you are working my son

>> No.25522198


What a guy, really living up to his name

>> No.25522199

He must have deserved it

>> No.25522202

Requesting a sub update of Aloe.

EOPs are going to flock to her and sub to her in droves, she's going to soar.

>> No.25522203

>gen 5 already has drama not one day after the last debut

>> No.25522204


>> No.25522205

don't use my wife to shitpost you faggot.

>> No.25522207
File: 406 KB, 617x617, 1597655215546.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25522208
File: 474 KB, 1384x1162, 1597407031450.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>She leaked!

>> No.25522209
Quoted by: >>25522421

>wake up
>Aloe's in trouble
She really is Towa 2 huh?

>> No.25522210

Wrong thread, go to /nijisanji/

>> No.25522211

Haato is pretty close to the average teenager. They don't think things through, so they get shit, but stuff like that will usually wash over after a few days. Hololive probably also isn't her livelihood, so that helps.

>> No.25522213

Towa is spilling her spaghetti everytime because of Marine laughing so yeah, just you.

>> No.25522212

Yes. Somehow retards here are still trying to shit on her

>> No.25522214
File: 845 KB, 1075x1219, 1591110154237.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25522908

Shion yo and guests

>> No.25522215
File: 832 KB, 2238x3492, EfOQwp-UMAExV48.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The cute

>> No.25522217

Good call from all the anons that said Aloe was Towa 2.0

>> No.25522218

She's just a slut that acts nice to compensate for being so rotten

>> No.25522220

what happened with nijisanji?

>> No.25522221
File: 245 KB, 500x498, ppleech.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25522222
Quoted by: >>25522329


>> No.25522223
File: 218 KB, 461x461, 1582022241199.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25522224
Quoted by: >>25522290

If you fags want to stop discord or anything that EOP spread misinformation that she got fucked not because of bf problems but it is her badmouthing nijisanji.
Why not you guy tell them? Discord twitter facebook you name it.

>> No.25522225
File: 922 KB, 724x1023, 1595272341944.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm glad that Miko died before all of this shitshow happened.

>> No.25522227

Nene a shit. She caused this.

>> No.25522229

god i fucking hate him

>> No.25522231

Botan should replace the astrological sperm emoji with the 100//

>> No.25522233
File: 890 KB, 4096x4096, 1597611145331.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25522232
File: 15 KB, 443x455, 1592552844521.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shit-talked Ichikara
That's insta membership in my eyes. Good job Aloe.

>> No.25522234
File: 108 KB, 248x255, 1595758342610.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Saw this earlier today and got filtered while I saw it live. How can anyone hate her after watching this?

>> No.25522235

I wonder if all the Holo members know about Towa's overseas audience if Marine mentioned it.

>> No.25522236

no one will ever convince me that this wasn't on purpose.

>> No.25522237

Marine is actually overall seemingly one of the best personalities for when it actually matters. She's a bit cheesy and over-the-top with her char but that's just her char, she has a fake as fuck side but also isn't exclusively that either.

>> No.25522238


>> No.25522239
File: 11 KB, 276x328, 1595301527587.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25523591

>mfw she said she wants to buy her mom a house.
I will never stop supporting this sheep!

>> No.25522240

No idea, but Coco and Kanata look like the biggest sluts.

>> No.25522241

you people only hate her because she's chinese

>> No.25522243

She's the most experienced with workplace politics.

>> No.25522244
Quoted by: >>25522301

But the EOP/ESL bunch do repost things take from here instead of straight from the 5ch source. I too doubt that what we have here might could ever be the primary source for Cover's concern, but 4chan does help spread shits to other places a lot faster.

>> No.25522246


>> No.25522249


>> No.25522251


>> No.25522252
Quoted by: >>25522282

Even without her, they will find out about Aloe's roommate the moment she speaks.

>> No.25522253

Marine is one of the few holos that are great with everyone and Towa adores her for that

>> No.25522254

Watame has an accent?

>> No.25522255

he might be up to something with pink hair

>> No.25522256

why is this btich in my marine's stream? i fucking hate her voice

>> No.25522257
Quoted by: >>25522741

They're watching Marine, not Towhore.

>> No.25522258

Towa learning to draw from the best. She's going to be better than the kenzoku at drawing at this rate. Canvas friends get ready.

>> No.25522259

>ruined her chat for nothing
dumb Akiroze

>> No.25522260

>lose voice
>sing in the morning
I sometimes wonder about Haachama life choices.

>> No.25522261


>> No.25522263

>some guy is pretending to be my boyfriend
>p-please don't spam him

>> No.25522264
Quoted by: >>25522307

>hey i told anon it would last 1 hour and he said 2 hours, so we were both right
I see you anon, I see you fudging what we said.
I told you it will last more than an hour, because it was already slowing down. What I was doubting was whether it can last for a second hour. What you said was:
>will it even last a hour is a better question because its a no
fucking btfo

>> No.25522265
File: 153 KB, 306x480, 1576278672356.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25522266

Yes. It's a good enough reason.

>> No.25522267
Quoted by: >>25522319

Better than Luna's toddler scribbles at least, which prompted Marine to draw Luna being slapped in the face.

>> No.25522268

Holy shit, this lioness is the most based person I've ever seen

>> No.25522269

>you're laughing, you killed Hololive and you're laughing

>> No.25522270

I'm new to this vtuber shit, but why is there always some drama going around holy shit. Can't people enjoy the games and shit

>> No.25522271
Quoted by: >>25522323

At least they got permissions from Nintendo and Koei Tecmo, and there were also recent streams of stuff from Activision (Tony Hawk), EA (APEX), Devolver Digital (Fall Guys) and Microsoft (Minecraft).

>> No.25522272

That's just her character. She's not really a teenager dumbfucks.

>> No.25522275

Coco is a slut for money and that's how we like her

>> No.25522276
File: 292 KB, 2048x1756, 1591636990310.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Someone pretending to be my boyfriend
I fucking hate speedsubbers so fucking much holy shit.

>> No.25522279

Yes and?

>> No.25522280

I can't read kanji but it's something about dildo's

>> No.25522281

fucking kek

>> No.25522282

nobody would have figured out Aloe's roommate because she's a literal who

>> No.25522283
Quoted by: >>25522315

they still made her do it through polka unfortunately

>> No.25522284


3D already?!?!

>> No.25522285
File: 156 KB, 1104x1023, パコライ子.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This... This is just pakoraito. We finally have our own pakoraito. NND calls her pakoraiko.

>> No.25522286

life if cyclical

>> No.25522287

isint this the FBI open up fag?

>> No.25522288

Based as fuck

>> No.25522289

this fucking clown

>> No.25522290 [DELETED] 

Esl, discord fags per se are niggers, the merit of what theyre saying is irrelevant

>> No.25522293

>Marine can't help but laugh every time whenever Towa does something
I almost miss Mio's wheezes now.

>> No.25522295

Probably, she is very proud of her fans

>> No.25522296

We need to remove this guy

>> No.25522297

I love mikoti!

>> No.25522298

Why were people shitting on Chitose?

>> No.25522299


>> No.25522300

She was already high up there and this instantly turned her into the best fifth gen.

>> No.25522301

It doesn't fucking matter if Pablo repost on facebook something, by the time it gets to his hand in japan the heads are rolling already

>> No.25522302

you shouldn't be in /hlg/ then since there's actual antis ruining good discussion here

>> No.25522303
Quoted by: >>25522575

japanese antis are like twittertrannies, constantly froaming at the mouth at something to be mad at

>> No.25522305

This is the worst stream to attempt with your voice like this....

>> No.25522306

She's 19, retard.

>> No.25522307

hey between this thread and last thread ive had a drink so it was not my intention to fudge your words

>> No.25522308

I fucking love this old lady.

>> No.25522309

3 Days

>> No.25522310

3 days

>> No.25522311
Quoted by: >>25522565


>> No.25522312
File: 112 KB, 1000x1000, EfOwuTBUwAA0XOI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just wanted my drink and unwind with Lamy stream.

>> No.25522313

Yeah of course

>> No.25522314

Based Lion

>> No.25522315

still not on her main account so it's based as fuck

>> No.25522316

inb4 she's joking

>> No.25522317

>yfw it's real
Would bow down to Yagoo if he pushed out things this fast.

>> No.25522318

it says 3Days, it's a joke on the fact that it will be her 3rd day streaming

>> No.25522319

Technically it was hit in the face with an ashtray. Even better

>> No.25522320

Nijifags are cancer. Now it all makes sense.

>> No.25522322

I'm a Botanfag now.

>> No.25522323

I forgot Fall Guys was Devolver. Gungeon when?

God I hope this is a ruse.

>> No.25522324

fuck is a pakoraito/pakoraiko?

>> No.25522325


>> No.25522326

>Do they seriously think that grown woman must be "untainted virgin" without life?
They should simply ignore or deny any and all rumors and narratives about their non-vtuber lives. Aloe's message is actually fine since she didn't confirm anything concerning her supposed "bf" ("the person some suspected of being my boyfriend" doesn't confirm shit) and only retarded narrativeniggers continue to rip things out of context and twist them to fit their shitty rumors.

>> No.25522327


>> No.25522328

can someone give me a full rundown of the aloe situation

>> No.25522329
File: 199 KB, 1920x1080, 1597213162601.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25522330

I'm barely N4 but this translation is a shit.

>> No.25522331
Quoted by: >>25522373

Well, she's also one of the fakest.

>> No.25522332

>Aloe got churned for live2d leak
>Noel accidently post her shit on her roommate twitter that do softcore porn twice and get away with it
Damn Noel is powerful

>> No.25522335

what a shitposter lmao

>> No.25522336

aw man i love her already

>> No.25522337
Quoted by: >>25522565


>> No.25522340

I got honk'ed

>> No.25522338

I can't believe Haachama is still going through with this.

>> No.25522339

screencap this

>> No.25522341


>> No.25522342
File: 165 KB, 499x775, Cute Jester.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got my own bigger pic bitch

>> No.25522344
Quoted by: >>25522416

Except Aloe got it much easier than any Niji would have

>> No.25522345

Can I get a resume of why you guys are calling rushia a slut?

>> No.25522347

how is she so fucking based

>> No.25522350
File: 1.19 MB, 2168x1536, Mano.Aloe.full.3032889.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly, knowing this brat is/was friends with Chitose only makes my dick harder. I'm going to drop red supas for a week when(if) she's monetised.

>> No.25522349
File: 281 KB, 588x321, 1597592598622.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25522351

Undeniably based

>> No.25522352
File: 349 KB, 1464x2048, EfiVVrkUYAA-2bm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25523151

Can't wait for the OOC slips

>> No.25522354
Quoted by: >>25522388

We're being raided by /vyt/ nijifags.

>> No.25522353
Quoted by: >>25522419

>it's in only a day

Damn, while Botan is clearly the overall crowd favorite it seems Polka is Yagoo/Cover's favorite. What's odd is Polka's face rig is actually kind of crappy; you'd think they'd put in some effort there while Botan's is possibly the best-ever one of Hololive and Lamy's is also way-above-average.

>> No.25522355
File: 311 KB, 567x593, 1592860252013.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This girl know how to haggle, holy shit

>> No.25522356


>> No.25522357

I already love this clown

>> No.25522358

She just is, ok?

>> No.25522359

So Polka and Botan are leading 5rd gen by a landslide of a margin with all the shitposting they're doing, right?

>> No.25522361

Towa choking again and Marine getting her over it!

>> No.25522362
File: 2.03 MB, 560x420, 1597323136518.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lets start a normal discussion. What games do you want your holo to play? On the note has anyone of them played anything SMT related?

>> No.25522363
Quoted by: >>25522565


>> No.25522366

Cover really knows how to fuck up. They can never fuck up just a bit.

>> No.25522364
Quoted by: >>25522401

Towa wanted to collab with Botan!

>> No.25522367
Quoted by: >>25522397

Is Polka really confirmed to be whatsherface who retired?

>> No.25522368

shion yo...

>> No.25522369

This filter the EOP

>> No.25522370

Based shitposting clown redditor

>> No.25522371

sure for you see she didn't use the archive instead of asking to be spoonfed

>> No.25522372

for the longest time, noels roommate was more successful than most chubaas. if they tried to start up shit with her she will just leave. same way coco once said the reason hololive cover reign her in is because they are afraid shell just quit

>> No.25522373
File: 14 KB, 174x90, 1538886773020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you have to be fake to work corporate anon

>> No.25522374
File: 11 KB, 275x183, images (7).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sheeps you must do a better job spreading the gospel, these numbers are unacceptable

>> No.25522375

Based and subscribedpilled.

>> No.25522376

L*ger you fuck. Do your job.

>> No.25522377
File: 384 KB, 612x590, 1583995653837.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25522378

Marine works well with anyone.

>> No.25522380
Quoted by: >>25522400

You got that mixed up with someone else fucktards.

>> No.25522382

It feels like I can't leave this place for more than 10 minutes without missing out on something. These Gen 5 girls have been really lively especially.

>> No.25522383
File: 413 KB, 1768x2048, EfkNvniVAAAcqzI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Childhood friends with Nene
Lose virginity to Botan
Sex friends with Aloe
Hang out and drink with Polka
Married Life with Lamy!

>> No.25522384

Subaru knew she had one of the lowest overseas viewership numbers a month ago. They have to know if she knew she was at the bottom.

>> No.25522385

Hahahahahahahahahahha the god of EOP filtering

>> No.25522386

I want them to play Fire Emblem

>> No.25522387

>that intense blinking when she's getting emotional

>> No.25522388

ah, i dont care about niji outside of l*l*

>> No.25522389

You need better glasses.

>> No.25522390
File: 52 KB, 1200x675, 098327098437.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Gen5 going up in flames
>ClownCHADS keep on winning
So, where are you going to be in a year, /hlg/?

>> No.25522391

please korone play nocturne

>> No.25522392

lmao, what a chad.
Also fuck Twitter for being so shit.
Shame shit has happened on Youtube. In fact, I'm sure Instagram literally added interaction limits to punish bots but it's so low that it basically makes using the site awful for normal users.

>> No.25522393

Towa asking for a death sentence! Very devilish.

>> No.25522394

Towa confessing...

>> No.25522395


>> No.25522396
Quoted by: >>25522677

>Towa and Marine have some semblance of comedic chemistry
Maybe the most surprising thing to happen today

>> No.25522397


>> No.25522398

This drawing of the HoloFive has all of them: it's got
What a wonderful group!

>> No.25522400



>> No.25522401
Quoted by: >>25522447


she's spilling her spaghetti

>> No.25522403

Polka 3D already confirmed...

>> No.25522402
Quoted by: >>25522668

Rimworld, dwarf fortress. Anything in that vein. It would be perfect for streaming

>> No.25522405
Quoted by: >>25522485


>> No.25522404


>> No.25522406

That's someone else you dumb fucks

>> No.25522408

she cant compete against marine collab watamebro

>> No.25522409

the same fucking hole ive been in for the past 5 years

>> No.25522410

Ask yourself the same thing about american culture and then reframe it around japanese herbivores

>> No.25522411
Quoted by: >>25522565

What in tarnation? is this the fastest holomen 3D announcement ever?

>> No.25522412
File: 753 KB, 678x477, 1586476948459.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25522413
Quoted by: >>25522457

She said she become an utaite so she can fuck handsome guys

>> No.25522414

I'll be watching Botan and Polka along with my old favorites, just as I planned.

>> No.25522415 [SPOILER] 
File: 540 KB, 1048x1200, 1597659870336.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25522416

If she were Niji it would never have come up.

>> No.25522417
File: 53 KB, 914x514, 1595764358072.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aloebros...I'm not gonna make it...

>> No.25522418

I fucking hate speedsubbers

>> No.25522419
Quoted by: >>25522533


It's 3D(ays). She's playing around and you all just got rused.

>> No.25522421

More like Towa 11 by the end of these 2 weeks.

>> No.25522422

Towa and Lamy DBD collab confirmed.

>> No.25522423
File: 948 KB, 4096x2304, 0E1CF485-9D09-418F-AAEB-64356FCAE722.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sora... please stay safe

>> No.25522424
File: 1.78 MB, 3840x2160, 1597592557542.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.25522425

I want Miko to play Senran Kagura so bad but it's impossible now.

>> No.25522426

>Suisei Unkwown
We know her birthday and age though

>> No.25522427
Quoted by: >>25522565

>Speedrunning 3D
Nobu is too powerful

>> No.25522428

hopefully dead

>> No.25522429


>> No.25522430
Quoted by: >>25522473

oh shit 草 i thought calling her pakoraito was a reach but...this is real, huh?

>> No.25522431 [DELETED] 

If she's shitting on the nijiniggers, I love her. I will be an Aloefag.

>> No.25522433
File: 307 KB, 598x459, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All these faggots
It say's デビューから3Days
Do your reps anons

>> No.25522434
Quoted by: >>25522484

>is a bit of a smoothbrain because she knew all of this, yet still didn't wipe her social media
this. I blame her stupidity more than the nijifags honestly. she should've known full and well what she was getting into

>> No.25522436

>talked shit about a niji forced retirement over getting doxxed
>doesn't get forced retired herself
Now I know why the nijifags are so insistent on wanting her fired and they're so upset they only had her apologize and have a stream ban for 2 weeks.

>> No.25522437 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>25522552

translate niggers

>> No.25522439


>> No.25522442

>hurr durr muh banned account hurr
dumb ogre

>> No.25522443

The fuck is this Shion yo...

>> No.25522444

>people said Holo ID was a flop because it's just ID

>Gen 5 blunder
It's almost like Cover is incompetent or something

>> No.25522445

An ex niji that debuted last year. People found out he's obsessed with offpaco and was using nijisanji for easy pussy. Was sacked a few days later.

>> No.25522446
Quoted by: >>25522487

My wife Marine and my daughter Towa!

>> No.25522447

She's asked for collabs from a bunch of people and only a few of them have done it though...

>> No.25522448

Okay, what the fuck happened? What did you do /hlg/?

>> No.25522449

Aliens included

>> No.25522451

Lmao ride never ends
Ultimate shitposter

>> No.25522452
Quoted by: >>25522615

I swear I'm an ikemen, please offpako with me Aloe

>> No.25522454

3Debut heheheheheheheheheh

>> No.25522455

I love clown, it really expose retarded narrative chuggers EOPs here
Quick, post the 3D debut gosepl on Reddit, Facebook and Discord

>> No.25522456

And? Aloe isn't a teenager you absolute fucking retard.

>> No.25522457
Quoted by: >>25522579

she's not going to get any dick in hololive lmao even the stars avoid that shit hard

>> No.25522458

Seriously most of these have no source.

>> No.25522459

I see she is already trolling. kek

>> No.25522461
Quoted by: >>25522561

A DnD collab.

>> No.25522462

h-hhaha I was pretending to be retarded anon, pranked haha!

>> No.25522463
File: 3.78 MB, 3200x2560, 1597659856295.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

late but better than never
also phone posting coz my ISP is range banned it seems

>> No.25522464
File: 2.09 MB, 766x1006, 1590776234592.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Korone Starfox 64 お願い...

>> No.25522466

Sheep has a really crappy fake-sounding laugh. Fake laughs to me sound like pure condescension, like it's not -actually- funny to them at all but they're just pretending it is knowing these stupid followers will believe she's actually having fun and not putting on an act.

That being said, many/most holos have some cheesy trademark fake laugh and I don't like it.

>> No.25522468


>> No.25522470

Consider myself subscribed.

>> No.25522469

metal slug 3

>> No.25522472


>> No.25522473

I mean she did tweet that she want to fuck some ikemen fans. History repeating.

>> No.25522474
File: 506 KB, 1200x1000, Airani_Iofifteen_-_Portrait.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25522503

3D ays?

Iofi collab confirmed for Polka's 3D????

>> No.25522475
File: 1.24 MB, 1043x611, 1597616991168.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25524178

I don't know what to do now Suiseibros...

>> No.25522476

Fuck me she got me good, she's living up to her role it seems.

>> No.25522477

truly a shitposter

>> No.25522478

Sorry but autism is my priority. Sheep will probably be on after she has finished her Mona Lisa.

>> No.25522480


>> No.25522481


>> No.25522482

She's not even chinese, she just wears a china dress. Fucking retarded ass towacucks.

>> No.25522483


>> No.25522484

she probably thought no one would care that much or it would be lost, but never underestimate the bounds people will go to

>> No.25522485

It's a joke about the leaked video. I'm pretty sure it actually said 5nd and not 5rd, though.

>> No.25522486
Quoted by: >>25522517

>tfw invested everything into Botan and Polka stocks from day 1
Im already ordering my 4th yacht and 3rd house

>> No.25522487

I'm surprised 30k+ people still tune in.

>> No.25522489

Marine cant even draw anything without looking like shes flexing

>> No.25522490
File: 193 KB, 496x822, Screenshot 2020-08-17 at 11.26.45.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25522538

So talented...

>> No.25522491

>Please don't do things like spamming his DM
Didn't know japs were playing DnD, do you think that Aloe has played a session?

>> No.25522492


>> No.25522493

Very cute Nene stickman

>> No.25522495
File: 430 KB, 2012x1807, towa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25522494
Quoted by: >>25522549

I want to see basically all of them try Fall Guys, even the 5th gen. Especially the 5th gen. It'll show us a lot how they react to shenanigans and if they're any fun or not in actual streams.

>> No.25522498
File: 392 KB, 2560x1440, EfnWOG5U8AEPoig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25522497

There's no way Watame is that old.

>> No.25522500
Quoted by: >>25523067

Excuse me?

>> No.25522499

Towa get it together you're a senpai now but you're spilling spaghetti like a kohai

>> No.25522501

Monkey island 1 pls

>> No.25522503

mildly based post

>> No.25522505
File: 3.91 MB, 2560x2560, 1597659853589.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25522605


>> No.25522506

nice anon

>> No.25522507

I hate clickbaits.

>> No.25522508

Miko/Towa Saints Row 2 collab playthrough.

>> No.25522510

>the clown and the lion are the most based
Truly a circus

>> No.25522511

Maybe you should read the link you posted yourself retard.

>> No.25522512
File: 88 KB, 479x476, 1500064045352.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she was an absolute retard, probably a coverup on the leaks she did in the past and she just needs time to scrub them

>> No.25522513

Miko continuing Bully... She had so much fun playing it...

>> No.25522514

t-towa, what did nene do to deserve that!? I know it's a joke

>> No.25522515

linking this shit translation...read last thread, im not going to explain when this question has been asked too many fuckin times

>> No.25522516

poor Haato :( shes almost mute bros

>> No.25522517

shouldve invested in aloe
the most anti-niji holo
soon to become the face of cover

>> No.25522518

You're delusional. She's just a normal slut acting like a slut just like other japanese sluts, there are tons of them on twitter. She was just too stupid to be prepared for this shit and naive about infos on the internet.

>> No.25522519

oh my god read the fucking thread ive done 3 run downs already

>> No.25522520

Towa... stop acting menhera on Marine's stream...

>> No.25522522
Quoted by: >>25522553

I want Roboco to play bloodborne

>> No.25522524


>> No.25522526
Quoted by: >>25522577

Designated bully target

>> No.25522528


>> No.25522529
File: 77 KB, 211x215, 12421435113434335454.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aloe was the only one I liked from this gen....

>> No.25522530

not2hu theme fucking when?

>> No.25522531


>> No.25522532

The lion dances to the ringmaster's tune.

>> No.25522533

this is not ok

>> No.25522535

I want Botan to play Stalker

>> No.25522534
Quoted by: >>25522573

5th gen is bullying her drawing.

>> No.25522536

Literally says she's not 19

>> No.25522537

Read the fucking threads nigger

>> No.25522538

Better than anything I could draw.

>> No.25522539

How can we punish Nene for this?

>> No.25522540

Condescension is literally part of her character are you new?

>> No.25522542
File: 500 KB, 570x855, 1588130921711.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.25522544


>> No.25522545

inb4 they dont draw Aloe

>> No.25522546

>My OC made it

>> No.25522547


>> No.25522548


>> No.25522549

And now there are only 4 gen 5, so they can team up and all play at once!
I'm sorry about this one...

>> No.25522550

I hope you faggots are happy now. Instead of getting content you are killing holos before they could do anything. Fucking retards.

>> No.25522552

>Is it true you can pakoru (fuck with girl fans) if you become an utaite?
>If a woman become an utaite, do i get to fuck handsome listener?
Basically that.

>> No.25522553
Quoted by: >>25522571

ah a rare sighting of a roboco poster

>> No.25522554

Master rank IKUZOOOOO

>> No.25522555
File: 375 KB, 1500x2172, EfSObsnU4AEo9Ii.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

100 virgin cocks for Botan

>> No.25522556


>> No.25522557

>including a post about her being a fat whore
are you retarded

>> No.25522558
File: 2.82 MB, 888x500, 1584936697828.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25522601

Deep Rock Galactic collabs.

>> No.25522559
Quoted by: >>25522620

I want Polka to play Undertale and pretend it's her first time.

>> No.25522560

based smug illiterate retard

>> No.25522561
Quoted by: >>25522629

A DnD collab would be hilarious.
Clown said she likes TRPGs.
Can she pull it off?

>> No.25522562

It's honestly hilarious

>> No.25522563
File: 553 KB, 505x732, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Requesting blue hat on this dork

>> No.25522564

Twap desktop

>> No.25522565
File: 593 KB, 1889x1889, honkhonk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25522567
Quoted by: >>25522851

Step up, Aloefags

>> No.25522568

I like her voice, design and backstory, everything else ranges from meh to yabai. It's still a shame

>> No.25522569

Ok polka i admit that polka is based but polkafags are still niggers

>> No.25522570

We force her to sit on all our faces. Imagine how embarrassed and humiliated she'll be!

>> No.25522571
Quoted by: >>25522623

I'm in here all the time, except when this thread becomes unbearably shit during dead hours.

>> No.25522572

Blind ass nigger

>> No.25522573

I just realized Nene is an artist too, no wonder, kek.

>> No.25522574


>> No.25522576
File: 2.12 MB, 1500x2121, 1581264245828.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What collab do you wanna see the most?

>> No.25522575

How didn't I think of this comparison before, it's perfect

>> No.25522577
File: 1.26 MB, 669x1158, 1595772927316.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nene laughs
>Towa goes off
>laughter stops
Towa's fighting back...i'm so proud she is now a proper senpai, put that bitch in place

>> No.25522578
File: 59 KB, 354x333, 20200815224625388_000023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>aside from her being a slut
>liking that voiceFX shit
i like her design though shame about the VA
just fucking replace her or something

>> No.25522579

Her target is handsome ikemen fans, not fellow liver.

>> No.25522580
File: 221 KB, 1600x1600, 1597592407432.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25522632

>More like WagaYabai!

>> No.25522582

well she *was* joking...

>> No.25522584

>Coco's room background
>After manager change then
Yes, she banned some of it but that after her manager change. back to the goal post, she's not the one who banned Towa in her chat because It's the previous 4th gen manager that keeps deleted narrative in Towa chat that causes nips mad about it.

>> No.25522586
File: 607 KB, 2039x2894, EfSexWBVAAIBlBJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25523982

My cute summer wife Lamy

>> No.25522587
Quoted by: >>25522613

Reminder that the Hololive talent search postings in Japan specifically required applicants to be at least 20 years old.

>> No.25522588


>> No.25522589

I was wondering who the fuck Marine is drawing from 5th gen,but its actually Towa

>> No.25522590
File: 1.48 MB, 1152x648, 1597581720256.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Baited for this exact response

>> No.25522592

Whore leaking company information

>> No.25522591

towa x aloe playing sudoku

>> No.25522593

It -was- this one but... well, maybe in two weeks.

>> No.25522594


>> No.25522595
File: 67 KB, 841x473, Towautism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25522596

How likely is it that Cover covertly replaces "Mano" with another voice actress in this two week interim?

>> No.25522597
Quoted by: >>25522614

towa...what the FUCK is that

>> No.25522598
Quoted by: >>25522610

don't use A-chan for your shit posts, you faggot.

>> No.25522599
Quoted by: >>25522636

cover could have and probably should have just fired her, yet they took her side
im thinking based
her time will come

>> No.25522600
Quoted by: >>25522676

Still waiting for Miko

>> No.25522601

This looks way too difficult for the Holos.

>> No.25522602

what if towa was replaced during that week but we never noticed?

>> No.25522603
Quoted by: >>25522642

I cant believe japanese KEEMSTAR was right about the WHORE of hololive...

>> No.25522604

This fucking clown

>> No.25522605
File: 1.38 MB, 2187x1946, 1597659850948.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25522607

what happened haachama...

>> No.25522609
Quoted by: >>25522859

That's... actually pretty yabai. I want to give her a pass though since it was four years ago and she was a dumb teen.

>> No.25522610

i was not shitposting though

>> No.25522611

I love Gen 5 already. It's full of lively retards with the exception of a tard wrangler Lamy

>> No.25522612

>Yhe subscriptions are low?
>Yes, but we have a scandal strategy to make her boom after her "punishment".
>Do it.

>> No.25522613

It doesn't matter if you're scouted like her.

>> No.25522614


>> No.25522615

Fuck, I would have been a Korean ikemen and could have fucked Aloe if I lost weight and was taller.

>> No.25522616
File: 42 KB, 263x261, chrome_9wsXK0uPqi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice animu crossing villager, dork

>> No.25522617

>hoarse voice since yesterday
>cancels the English test that she could easily do without speaking much
>replaces it with a fucking voice imitation stream
Is Haachama deliberately sabotaging herself?

>> No.25522618

>liking that voicefx shit

>> No.25522619
File: 76 KB, 500x232, Mio rember.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based Miobro. I will never forget her and will wait warmly until YAGOO fucking release her jacket.

>> No.25522620

Permissions onegai. They hadnt even unprivate Undertale VODs yet.

Btw has any holo play Deltarune yet ? Polka fights against Jevil would be cool

>> No.25522623
Quoted by: >>25522671

i thought there was atleast 3 of you but yeah the thread does have its awful weather sometimes

>> No.25522624
File: 150 KB, 1024x1228, 1594300023906.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2 weeks in jail
First time?

>> No.25522626

That translation is complete garbage.

>> No.25522628
File: 241 KB, 827x1748, EfGR3QIUMAA6nef.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based Lamy setting up honeypots

>> No.25522629

If the clown manages to pull it off I'd drop a fat akasupa and a membership right then and there.

>> No.25522630

>wet senchou kisses

>> No.25522631
Quoted by: >>25522703

Is it true that Aloe was exposed as used goods?

>> No.25522632

I'm saving these pics just in case she gets deleted from everything

>> No.25522633

Korone to play halo 1 (never going to happen). I want to see her reaction when the flood is revealed.

>> No.25522634

Let's be honest, Aloe deserved it.

>> No.25522635

Sorry to burst your bubble.

>> No.25522636

fired for what?

>> No.25522637

Towa toilet again...

>> No.25522638

How good is Aloe english? Because thats the language she is gonna have to use for making money with that character now

>> No.25522641
File: 60 KB, 615x627, EfjZcaFU8AY7MJ6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

only two weeks anon our time will come

>> No.25522640

I want Aloe to collab with niji's once she comes back so autists can seethe themselves to death

>> No.25522642
Quoted by: >>25522905

But he hasn't mention the whore thwt cheat with kaoru though.

>> No.25522644

if these bitches got doxxed then how come its not on lagcapa.org

>> No.25522645

Botan showing Aqua her place

>> No.25522646

Subaru did, but she didn't fight Jevil iirc.

>> No.25522647

It's alright, anon, we'll see her again once the suspension is over.

>> No.25522650

wtf towa and marine are having sex on stream

>> No.25522651

Any chance for them to gain some bonds as a group is basically thrown out the window now. We're getting gen 4 autists all over again

>> No.25522653

I just woke up how is Towa x Marine going?

>> No.25522654

>Polka debut, is really good

>negative faggots show up

sorry nijis but no one gives a shit about your old man playing baseball.

>> No.25522655

Haachama hates English so much she's willing to destroy her voice to avoid it

>> No.25522657

>Marine drawing Towa instead because Aloe isn't allowed

>> No.25522658
File: 244 KB, 498x437, Hypnotized dumpling.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she just need a little fix on her mindset

>> No.25522659

i think Jewtube is shadowbanning my live comments

>> No.25522660
File: 2.72 MB, 1262x1500, 1577091725946.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25522661

They would be in 5th gen collab shed for a month anyway.

>> No.25522662
File: 77 KB, 354x333, 1597660225129.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fixed your image, its been upsetting me

>> No.25522663


>> No.25522664

fuckin kek

>> No.25522665
File: 2.84 MB, 1548x624, 1590026977286.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's on highest difficulty where shit can get real hectic.

>> No.25522666
File: 1.01 MB, 1396x787, cursedimage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25522667

>not tsundere
>get designated instantly as menhera
Towa is debiru

>> No.25522668

Polka loves sim games do maybe you may be lucky but I doubt it

>> No.25522669

>Is Haachama sabotaging herself?

>> No.25522670
File: 156 KB, 826x1400, EaU0t36UwAApIu1.jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time for me to have another existential crisis

>> No.25522671

they're usually only around during her streams, and I can't blame them for that.

>> No.25522672

Late on the party.

>> No.25522674
File: 293 KB, 1240x1754, EfnC4bzUcAU4DdS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Marine and Towa are cute.

>> No.25522673

just accept all holos are like 30 and come at peace with that anon

>> No.25522675

Subaru's Undertale...

>> No.25522676

She'll save hololive when she comes back...

>> No.25522677

Marine is so fake that she can adapt to anyone's personality

>> No.25522678
File: 156 KB, 505x195, vyt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uhmm... /vyt/ explain?

>> No.25522680
File: 41 KB, 213x170, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25522735

You can hardly even see it being 3Days in thumbnail.
This fucking clown.

>> No.25522681

Cute and funny bullying session.

>> No.25522682

and she's not even imitating too well

>> No.25522684

marine flexing and encroaching towa's drawing space

>> No.25522686

Towa is tsundere towards kenzokus

>> No.25522687

Not really, there's something going on always just like any other industry that involves public figures, but these threads overblow it to a ridiculous extent since its a weird mix of shitty puritans, falseflaggers and genuinely awful people

>> No.25522689

aloe did nothing wrong

>> No.25522690

lower difficulties are very chill

>> No.25522691

>unprivate Undertale VOD
they can never undelete subaru's undertale...

>> No.25522692

>tweets from 4 years ago.
get a grip virgins.

>> No.25522693
Quoted by: >>25522719

Towa spaghetti, Marine a lezzie

>> No.25522695
File: 367 KB, 505x732, blue hat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25522711

>blue hat

>> No.25522696

If I took plastic surgary, can I fuck her?

>> No.25522697

why the fuck is she spamming 100 what the fuck does this mean

>> No.25522698
File: 622 KB, 993x757, 1597493362425.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's a cute Bibi

>> No.25522699

>that aqua impersonation
man that's close but holy fuck haachama stop straining your voice

>> No.25522700

>Is Haachama deliberately sabotaging herself?
She was singing in the morning, you tell me.

>> No.25522701

Haachama's Aqua voice is so cute...

>> No.25522703

No but it was exposed that psychos are calling her home.

>> No.25522704
Quoted by: >>25522740

was the first one any good?

>> No.25522705
File: 743 KB, 1278x717, 1591630698871.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kakage's stream right now

>> No.25522706

I have a feeling that she keeps nerfing herself fo no reason

>> No.25522707 [DELETED] 
File: 92 KB, 596x1008, soy432.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get a grip virgins.

>> No.25522709
File: 637 KB, 2480x3508, 1574808266015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How the fuck can Marine have such good synergy with pretty much anyone?

>> No.25522710

They are going to fuck on stream.

>> No.25522711

Thanks anon

>> No.25522712

that's one buff towa.

>> No.25522713

Thanks for the timestamp.

>> No.25522714

Towa's drawing has souls.

>> No.25522715

Coco IS a slut. In fact, beyond her animegirl avatar she behaves exactly like a twitch thot. This is why she never bothered with dox, because she wants her real self to be famous.

>> No.25522717


>> No.25522718

Aloe fucks 100 men

>> No.25522719

So business as usual.

>> No.25522720

damn watame getting filtered by that

>> No.25522723

Miko already bought Halo TMCC, now just waiting for her to come back and play it.

>> No.25522724


>> No.25522725

this info is wrong, it says Aqua is 24 when she went to school with Mea who is 19 and other doxxfags have her as 20

>> No.25522726

Idiot they can't collab for a month, but considering what Towa has been through they would ironically be good together, she'll be able to teach her how to survive this.

>> No.25522727
File: 424 KB, 1173x1080, 1595551332154.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just woke up. Someone redpill me what happened in the last 7 hours?
Looking at this thread, there seems to be a drama going on.

>> No.25522728
File: 32 KB, 426x462, 1579527663264.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go to sleep
>some shithow happens
EVERY FUCKING TIME. That said people are being WAY too harsh on Aloe

>> No.25522729

Especially in that bit from earlier when Marine was asking about Apex ranks and Towa explainig it made them seem like a mother and child.

>> No.25522730

what worse stuff?

>> No.25522732

I can't tell if Kakage is a big bully or not.

>> No.25522734


>> No.25522735

You can't beat this. Odanobu is the sekai ichi premier shitposter chuuba.

>> No.25522736

im scared for Haachama :(

>> No.25522737

so haachama with a sore throat can still impersonate aqua wow

>> No.25522738

Yes, but it's deleted.

>> No.25522739
Quoted by: >>25522777

What is it like to be a Towfag?

>> No.25522740

Yes. Give it a watch if you haven't already

>> No.25522741

This >>25522257
It's the first time that I watch Towa.

>> No.25522743

Kakage yo... stop redlining like the pro you are

>> No.25522744

Cover playing favorites again. This is why I prefer auditions than this bullshit

>> No.25522745

Why are we tolerant of wojak and frogposting in this general? The fuck happened?

>> No.25522746

knowing how to talk is a really amazing talent since people can naturally be very private

>> No.25522747

She's a good person.

>> No.25522748

make sure to tell her its her fault at every possible occasion.

>> No.25522751

It'll get deleted, I'm just ignoring it.

>> No.25522752
Quoted by: >>25522802


>> No.25522753

Towa is a whore as usual

>> No.25522755
Quoted by: >>25523008

Just go watch the 7 minute stream on Aloe's channel

>> No.25522757


>> No.25522758

chotto SAAAAAA

>> No.25522759
File: 971 KB, 1200x1200, 1590079704685.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God I fucking hate doxxfag subhumans
And why the fuck did Cover make such a big fuss over the live2d? It's fucking NOTHING.
For fuck sake Yagoo you better spend your time finding out how that chink faggot FANG TINGYU got a hold of your sextape.

>> No.25522760
Quoted by: >>25522852

Does Aloe have as supportive a papa as kakage?

>> No.25522761

Hey /v/tards, the ebin habbenig already finished, go away

>> No.25522763

naked dogeza

>> No.25522765

She knows how to talk

>> No.25522766

My fucking sides
Also the massive influx of newfags from both discord and reddit

>> No.25522767
File: 20 KB, 168x360, 1575591181716.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah but could she conquer HER?

>> No.25522768

polka is based and that's all that matters

>> No.25522769

She can sound even worse?

>> No.25522771
File: 58 KB, 600x525, 1595023876955.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25523008

>gen 5 gets doxxed
>Aloe said some stuff that breaks contract on another account
>suspended for 2 weeks

>> No.25522773

fucking read the archives anons have done like 50 rundowns already

>> No.25522774
Quoted by: >>25522807

I can't believe Marine just drew Towa sucking a dick.

>> No.25522775
File: 17 KB, 160x246, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25522789

this is actually a cute Nene

>> No.25522776
Quoted by: >>25522835

are you reporting son?

>> No.25522777

No translations in Marine chat apparently.

>> No.25522778

aloe x hitomi offline collab that will stay offline

>> No.25522780

Noel carried Gen 3 during their earlier days, and noel herself is a NND icon unlike aloe people finding her side stuff was just an eventuality

>> No.25522781

she was responding to her fans and didn't think twitter would ban her for spamming

>> No.25522782

>its in another language so its true
>wojaks being posted in the thread
Real /v/ tard hours

>> No.25522783

How do you guys have energy to respond to those in the first place?

>> No.25522784 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>25522818

I am kind of bored with roommate posting now. Everything was posted in: https://archived.moe/b/thread/834356056/ . You can just paste this link in every thread and you will get everyone to shut up when all they have to do is wade through 700 posts and not 700 threads. You are welcome retards. Unless it was never about keeping the discussion on topic because this pigsty is /hlg/ and you are all mentally retarded rabid redditors.

>> No.25522785

no, weve explained it so many fucking times. read last thread

>> No.25522787

who cares? it's not like they'll get banned if we have autistic tantrums about it

>> No.25522788


>> No.25522789

Very smol Nene

>> No.25522790


>Matsuri collabing with Uge-chan
Neat, I love Uge.

>> No.25522792
Quoted by: >>25522813

So Aloe is gonna be the Towa of gen5 (weakest member while being the cutest).
I guess I know who I am subscribing to.

>> No.25522795
Quoted by: >>25522826

Even before Towa brought it up I've been jealous of her special ability to be friends with anyone

>> No.25522796
File: 198 KB, 360x450, 1597603220948.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cover made Aloe apologize for some really minor stuff and take a 2 week vacation.
Now reddit is complaining and saying cover is incompetent because they don't realize their actual intent was hiding the real bad stuff like her slutposting, enjo kousai and doxxing of vtubers.

>> No.25522794


>> No.25522800

You realize aloe will never get to collab with other holos? It would be better if she just retired.

>> No.25522801
Quoted by: >>25522815

there are multiple doxxfag sites, some are missing holos that are on other sites too.

>> No.25522802

hololive biggest anti

>> No.25522804

There's no stopping any of it. You'll noticed we gave up months ago on "Who are you quoting?" posts and now everyone uses greentext for anything and everything.

>> No.25522806
File: 5 KB, 156x156, 1592079044098.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25522807

It was a really detailed dick, too. She has a lot of practice.

>> No.25522808

Based dad

>> No.25522810


>not Aloe
Back pedal'd again.

>> No.25522811

Hearing Towa not only screaming anymore at just the kenzoku but Marine is satisfying.

>> No.25522813

reminder that aloe literally UNIRONICALLY pleases old men for money

>> No.25522814

just report them? im not going to give them (you)s

>> No.25522815

show me the other ones then

>> No.25522816

She's a professional actor

>> No.25522817

>redlining Twap's drawing

>> No.25522818

aw its not the blackface pekora one, besides that anyone have a link to those old subaru videos? i never could find them

>> No.25522821

That's arguably bigger.

>> No.25522822

Haato won't care at the very least

>> No.25522823

cute Nene

>> No.25522825
Quoted by: >>25522877

Just report for off-topic and move on, yes they do get [deleted]. I've never gotten a single warning for doing so despite what others say

>> No.25522826

It's the reason why I admire her so much, It's pretty rare to see a mega otaku who is so sociable.

>> No.25522827


>> No.25522828

Aloe pleases hot ikemen listeners for money only

>> No.25522829

Stop fucking with Kaoru, what is this guy's problem?

>> No.25522830

Narukami can't keep up when Cover makes better storylines than him.

>> No.25522832

Report and ignore

>> No.25522833

that one is juicier.

>> No.25522835

Of course

>> No.25522836
File: 432 KB, 505x732, 1597660194537.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone beat me to it but I'll post mine anway

>> No.25522838

>gen 5 tried to recreate the gen 3 closeness
>completely fucked up with towa 2.0 who will drag down anyone she collabs with
Time for Polka to go sololive.

>> No.25522839

Be nice to people from /v/ or you'll just radicalize them into pure shitposters and false flaggers.

>> No.25522841
Quoted by: >>25522854

How exactly did Nene managed to doxx all the 5th gen tho lol

>> No.25522843

Imagine if it was Aloe that was behind the kaoru incident

>> No.25522844

his wife has literally said none of what narukami has said is true, and this guy keeps going. and antis still believe him too, its pathetic

>> No.25522845

>Sio, Ichinose, Roboco, Aki and Marine
basically Towa will be fucking Hololive before the end of the year something about her keeps making women wet

>> No.25522846

>Narukami can't keep up with the narratives
Kek, so this means we finally will know who is the WHORE OF HOLOLIVE besides Aloe

>> No.25522847


>> No.25522848
Quoted by: >>25522873

This fucking damn clown

>> No.25522849
File: 407 KB, 1587x2048, EdzrM8vUYAEdG3N.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25522883

She seems difficult but they could probably speak about burgers and fries.

>> No.25522850

>stuff is leaked
>people watch it
Can we get rid of the management and put these vtubers into the hands of someone competent?

>> No.25522851

I'm really looking to do something in support of Aloe. probably fan art.

>> No.25522852

I wonder how Guchico is taking the whole thing. Must suck that your Holodaughter got fucked over so soon.

>> No.25522854

She followed their roommate accounts.

>> No.25522855
File: 235 KB, 1097x794, accent.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are they like this? She clearly says "intonation".

>> No.25522858

>playing nice with tards

>> No.25522859

you also have to consider how much of this is actually her and how much of this is the persona she was putting forwards as part of her small NND streaming group; she had a personal twitter account that was already private while her there was a twitter account related to her NND account that was public. she could have been playing it up just like Noel and Flare play up the gay for fanservice.

>> No.25522860

i came here from /v/ 3 hours ago and i'm already a demon

>> No.25522861

>doxxing of vtubers
By that logic what Japanese Keemstar is doing is also doxxing.

>> No.25522862
File: 16 KB, 159x120, nene.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25522864
File: 55 KB, 520x500, 1567290917159.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can we all agree now that Aloe is the worst gen 5?

>> No.25522865

I love Marine

>> No.25522863

Whats the longest membership do you have anon?

>> No.25522866
Quoted by: >>25522907

One week.

Just one week without drama, is it too much to ask?

>> No.25522868
Quoted by: >>25522882

>#1 Idol is Marine
Towa do you really?

>> No.25522870

actually kind of based

>> No.25522871

>implying his wife knows
that's not how an affair works

>> No.25522872

No. People need to fucking learn to lurk more or leave if they're not going to adapt to a new board. There's a reason we have separate boards. I'm fine with people coming over if they take the time to lurk and learn how things go here and adapt and not just treat this as a fucking litterbox to take a fat shit in.

>> No.25522873

This has been posted 5 times already, we get the point

>> No.25522875
File: 135 KB, 1280x1000, 1594151734390.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25522962

Which premiere are you going to watch /hlg/?


I thinking of watching Moon Pride first since my fren is in there.

>> No.25522876
File: 183 KB, 562x233, 1597156085841.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So it's all Nijiniggers who's been harassing Aloe right?

>> No.25522877

What anon were talking about is getting warned or banned for reporting roommate info. It happened to me, but only at specific times. Different meidos play by different rules it seems. Wojack and other /v/ garbage gets deleted and no one gets anything for reporting it

>> No.25522878


>> No.25522879
Quoted by: >>25522909

just got here with my african internet. what did aloe's tweets say and who is her boyfriend

>> No.25522880

She used to work in an office, AKA social hell

>> No.25522882


>> No.25522884

No, she's the best.

>> No.25522883

i like the scene in this picture but holy fuck i would be mad at senchou for ruining a good shirt and eating like a fucking animal

>> No.25522885
File: 63 KB, 640x640, 1576502132163.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25524190


>> No.25522886

Only if we can agree that Polka is the best holofive

>> No.25522887

She probably knows more than some retard on the internet

>> No.25522890

Keem is not a holo though

>> No.25522891


Can we agree that you started browsing these threads two days ago, and it would be better for everyone involved if you fucked off back to /a/?

>> No.25522893

Was Towa always this autistic?

>> No.25522892

rurudomama... don't look Towa is doing her best

>> No.25522894
File: 35 KB, 1200x500, 1594882055162.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cant wait to want to kill myself again while listening

>> No.25522895

I'm confident that nene is airheaded and nice enough to actually play with her the moment she gets out of the 2 week ban

>> No.25522896
Quoted by: >>25522956

4 months 12 days on Towa. Been there since the start for her

>> No.25522897

I love my autistic girlfriend Towa...!

>> No.25522898


>> No.25522900

Spoonfeeding newfriends is the absolute worst. At least lurk for a period of time before you post and shit up the place. Everything is reposted every other thread anyway.

>> No.25522902

the narrative is that she found out and forced him to quit

>> No.25522903
File: 284 KB, 868x1228, Aloe3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25522957

>shitting on niji
Nah, I like her.

>> No.25522904


>> No.25522905

he said she was in hololive then he said he couldnt confirm she was in hololive
sounds like a WHORE who hadnt debuted yet to me

>> No.25522906
File: 1.08 MB, 2835x2126, 1597487889140.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mikoti... wake up...

>> No.25522907

You will get 1 week without drama, but the resulting drama afterward will destroy Hololive as you know it. Do you accept?

>> No.25522908


>> No.25522909
Quoted by: >>25522995

she said she loved me and that im her boyfriend and everyone lost their bloody minds!!!

>> No.25522910

no, you need to discipline kids otherwise they grow up spoiled, no one has a problem with crossboarders who behave

>> No.25522912

you mean best

>> No.25522913

Yes, and?

>> No.25522914

>Now reddit is complaining and saying cover is incompetent
No, now reddit is complaning 4chan dox caused all the shitstorm

>> No.25522916

she hasn't felt affection in months

please understand

>> No.25522917

>trying so hard to fit in.

>> No.25522918


>> No.25522919

I hope Fang is okay

>> No.25522921

Rurudou dabbing on Towa

>> No.25522922

Marine is sociable becuse she's not a mega otaku

>> No.25522923
Quoted by: >>25523129

>same way coco once said the reason hololive cover reign her in is because they are afraid shell just quit
source on this cocofag

>> No.25522924

They don't realize that Japanese people know the word "intonation." They don't think it's basic enough.

>> No.25522925

I just have to run into her in Tokyo and say "Hey, kimi kawaii" and Aloe is all over my gaijin d

>> No.25522926

I feel bad for her
She's just some retarded zoomer who got way in over her head with this shit

>> No.25522927

>crying to her mama
She's the best, isn't she?

>> No.25522928

based detective anon

>> No.25522929


>> No.25522930

Towa is such a fake suck up.

>> No.25522931

ah man its been a long time since ive seen NEEE thanks anon

>> No.25522932

Marine bullying Twapi by drawing her with no oppai...

>> No.25522934
File: 1.53 MB, 1920x1080, 1591157455072.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>redlinning Towa

>> No.25522935
File: 604 KB, 749x621, bgr351.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25522936

Are you retarded?

>> No.25522937

>gatekeeping for free

>> No.25522938

but yes

>> No.25522939

>Marine bullying Towa
>Kakage bullying Towa
>Rurudomama bullying Towa

>> No.25522941

You're new here, aren't you?

>> No.25522942

lets just say she had a wild ride
but in the end she is definitely /ourholo/

>> No.25522944

Towa is faker than Marine

>> No.25522945

>Enjo kousai
Wait she did underage prostitution? Oh wow.

>> No.25522946


>> No.25522948
Quoted by: >>25522965

Cant wait for Lolo to bully Towa!

>> No.25522950

You don't know much about Marine, do you

>> No.25522952

none of those posts have the same UNIX timestamp moron

>> No.25522954

Keeping retarded faggots out ain't free.

>> No.25522955

None. Games are for children and retards.

>> No.25522956

ah besides being a towa poster thats pretty dedicated of you anon

>> No.25522957
File: 30 KB, 160x188, 1584668805007.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do you guys hate Niji so much? Afraid of competition?

>> No.25522958

What was that about Mio? I didn not catch it.

>> No.25522960

god damn he's working fast today

>> No.25522961

Marine never knew Towa called them all chin?

>> No.25522962

Moon Pride definitely with that cast

>> No.25522963
Quoted by: >>25523019

The punishment is just to sate the antis bloodlust. Let them have a small victory so they'll stop blowing up the NND stuff and hopefully layoff the phone harassment. Unfortunate that it had to come to this.

>> No.25522964
File: 262 KB, 1448x2048, EfTFKUOUMAA_UjA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

With will happen to the 5th gen collab that was supposed to happen on the 22nd?

>> No.25522965
Quoted by: >>25522984

But I just said Rurudomama was already bullying her?

>> No.25522966

Bro Artia conqurer her , if she can a literal monkey could.

>> No.25522967

based [Archive > Image MD5]chad

>> No.25522968

This retard has been spamming his shit girl for like a week now.

>> No.25522970
File: 24 KB, 265x291, 1568052385640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25522991

>Aloe goes on 2 weeks leave.
>Subs still rising.
Get fucked Anti's, You'll never win.

>> No.25522969
Quoted by: >>25523018

The only thing I have a problem with about her is the koreaboo accusations, everything else is just her being young and stupid. Someone should keep an eye on her to prevent her from fucking up in the future and that's it

>> No.25522971

When is Mio's suspension up?

>> No.25522973
Quoted by: >>25523003

Dont forget her personal favourite
>Towa bullying Towa

>> No.25522974
Quoted by: >>25523123

do you really want to anger the wombposters

>> No.25522975

So, I gave Polka streams a chance and I find her to be tiresome to watch. Her character is essentially le ebin shitposter straight from Reddit. Was she always like this?

>> No.25522976
Quoted by: >>25522996

Marine yamate stop trying to give Towa lewd ideas

>> No.25522977

I thought she was banned off twitter? wtf you guys. had me worried.

>> No.25522978
Quoted by: >>25523013

You can't have the fruits of a slut-shaming society like Japan (cute, feminine, likable women) without the slut-shaming. You take away the slut-shaming and Japanese women become just like Westernized thots.

Aloe being btfo by the otaku masses is a sign that Japan is still healthy.

>> No.25522980
File: 2.12 MB, 314x378, korone_dance.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feels good to be a koronechad right now. Literally dramafree holo.

>> No.25522981

Fucking savage.

>> No.25522982


>> No.25522983
File: 259 KB, 683x683, Miko8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25523062

I don't hate niji, actually Lulu is my favourite. But I fucking hate nijifags, literally the worst and most insecure people of the internet. They are the ones who afraid of competition.

>> No.25522984


>> No.25522988
Quoted by: >>25523010

援助交際 =! Underage prostitution
It's just compensated dating

>> No.25522989

Towa is a fujo!

>> No.25522990

>warned for ironic shitposting for a 100% obviously serious post

Most people dont have a deep vocabulary

>> No.25522991

I think it's rising more than it would naturally, just because now Aloe gained the hearts of the majority of western fans

>> No.25522993


>> No.25522995

This, even for Aloe it's unthinkable to go out with this anon.

>> No.25522996

It's too late now. The devil is awakening.

>> No.25522997


>> No.25522998
Quoted by: >>25523053

Can anyone in this general formulate a simple opinion without invoking reddit?

>> No.25522999

'ate nijifags
love nijis

Simple as.

>> No.25523000
Quoted by: >>25523015

You guys shit on Towa's drawing, but it's not even that bad.

>> No.25523002
Quoted by: >>25523033

Marine talking BL even with Towa. Just how often does she do this?

>> No.25523003
File: 513 KB, 1110x412, 1593638930863.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25523005
Quoted by: >>25523020

Retardchama... she's just restricted from doing anything on her account.

>> No.25523006

well she tried to, we dont know yet if shes just a matsuri who cant get laid although she did have a boyfriend

>> No.25523007

what competition, niji is left in the dust

>> No.25523008

Fuck cover. Just fuck em.

>> No.25523009

Go back to your thread, corporate warrior.

>> No.25523010
Quoted by: >>25523047


>> No.25523011
Quoted by: >>25523082

>look mom, I said it again!

>> No.25523012

to be fair though towa has that subaru shtick going for her where she really shines when people are bullying her

>> No.25523013 [DELETED] 

as much as I hate nijiniggers you're probably right. I hate how companies in my country have pushed the narrative that eating McDonald's and being fat is perfectly okay and healthy

>> No.25523014
File: 375 KB, 932x1092, 1590783481920.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based dogbro
Inb4 tiktok

>> No.25523017

Yes. She was big back when 5 minutes long scripted videos were the norm.

>> No.25523015

It's cute!

>> No.25523016 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>25523301

Nijisanji lives rent free in your heads holotrash, remember you will always be the cancer of the vtuber fanbase

>> No.25523018
Quoted by: >>25523042

I'm on it. Leave it to me! I won't fail you!

>> No.25523019
Quoted by: >>25523044

Kneeling to antis is even more pathetic
10/10 management suck my cock coverfaggots

>> No.25523020
Quoted by: >>25523189

Oh, so she just can't post? Ok. Sorry for being retarded.

>> No.25523021

100 days minus days elapsed

>> No.25523022

Japs have shit taste, who knows? No wonder Reddit EOPs flock to her.

>> No.25523024

I like her more than Towa

>> No.25523023

Want to try and articulate an opinion without using buzzwords next time, you underage faggot?

>> No.25523026

Now that Nintendo permission is here, can we actually have that legendary stream back, please?

>> No.25523029

If your neighbor is an actual shit eating retard who constantly trespasses your lawn spreading his feces all over, it would be hard not to hate them

>> No.25523030

It's pretty obvious which company's fans are afraid of competition.

>> No.25523031

some type of otaku is just like her and super sociable. it's not very rare in japan.

>> No.25523032

We said she's muted

>> No.25523033

Every chance she gets.

>> No.25523035

Holy shit, I totally forgot Towa and fubuki used to nerd out about the game. They should collab sometime

>> No.25523036


>> No.25523037

>hurr towa sucks at drawing
i bet you faggots can't even draw a single anime tiddy

>> No.25523039

Their only mistake was hiring Aloe. This is probably the best outcome possible after the NND video

>> No.25523040
Quoted by: >>25523079

>Towa likes Original works of BL

>> No.25523041

We're too tired from watching her endurance runs to start drama.

>> No.25523042

make sure to spank her every time she tries tweeting something dumb

>> No.25523044

anon the truth is that yagoo was the anti poster all along

>> No.25523046

Dildo Sashimi too OP.

>> No.25523047
Quoted by: >>25523106


>> No.25523048

>Towa loves BL
Well, Kenzoku, you know what to do, get to it.

>> No.25523049
File: 61 KB, 400x400, sio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the WHORE of hololive gets increasingly nervous

>> No.25523051

It is what it is
Thats just Jap companies for you

>> No.25523053
Quoted by: >>25523080

Personally I find her closer to /b/ than Reddit. Does that count?

>> No.25523055

He art has honestly gotten a lot better.

>> No.25523056


>> No.25523057

Towa looks like an accomplished mangaka when compared to me.

>> No.25523059

>using everything under the sun to harass the Holos
If anything Nijifags are the ones that afraid of competition. The Nijis themselves are some of my favorites.

>> No.25523061
File: 1.22 MB, 1796x2625, 77200532_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's not a single one of those up shut the fuck up and TALK ABOUT OTAKU CULUTRE (Vtubers)

there's a Marine stream up right now and you're bitching about shit that's already been taken cared of. You are more of a annoyance than the shit you're whining about

>> No.25523062

Says the dumb holofag using Hololive's popularity as an reason to btfo nijifags, both of you are cancer.

>> No.25523063

I don't. I like a lot of them and it'd be dumb to hate streamers between companies when so many of them are friends. I hate you though. No, I take that back. I despise you, and all your ilk.

>> No.25523064

damn towa gets to fuck THAT

>> No.25523065
File: 378 KB, 1407x777, vermin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based archivebro BTFO'd /a/ and /v/ monkeys

>> No.25523066

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eIxrTfHnzG0 Fubuki
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gz-P6_sGknE Pekora
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6aaHNvAca1k Watame-lon rap
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DZkzuroPalI Auran

>> No.25523067

>3D ays
Tell this jester you can't bait when it's right there in thumbnail.

>> No.25523069

He does, he's just that guy.

>> No.25523072


>> No.25523071
Quoted by: >>25523099

What accent does she have, though?

>> No.25523074
File: 85 KB, 629x355, 123.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25523075

Wait, she just told us BL Kenzokus ikemasen!

>> No.25523077

i had a dream a few weeks before the gen 5 announcement about this situation...bros...

>> No.25523078

>changing the topic to shoujo
Good Towa. Slap that Ship Captain back.

>> No.25523080

Surely you mean /s4s/

>> No.25523079
Quoted by: >>25523146

>Kenzoku orgy
N-no thanks bros...

>> No.25523081
File: 44 KB, 600x900, ESqlUQOUwAEQsxN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

time for that bibi x bibi action

>> No.25523082

At this point I'm pretty sure it's some sperg from the other thread.

>> No.25523083
File: 2.91 MB, 1034x1477, 1596938955861.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Come back stronger!

>> No.25523084


>> No.25523085


>> No.25523086


>> No.25523087
File: 270 KB, 480x480, 1475028388844.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So we can all agree that 90% of the holo girls have bfs and when the stream ends they get a good pounding?

>> No.25523089
File: 19 KB, 314x238, 1581560125599.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying newfags even know about that.
Plus it wasn't even that big of a deal.

>> No.25523090

I like Senchou now.

>> No.25523091


>> No.25523092

I like Lulu, Ange and Chihiro. The talent is good, but fuck that company and cover as well.

>> No.25523093

Marine is getting old. Only one drawing while Towa is starting her forth. What a baba!

>> No.25523094
File: 712 KB, 1500x1500, 1595898950394.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just woke up
Summary of the yabee?

>> No.25523095

>confused Hoshikawa's greeting for Suisei's
Dumb Haachama

>> No.25523097

>Pekora: Kenshi
to get bullied by starving bandits
>Korone: UFO enemy unknown
To add SC names into disposable scrubs
>Luna: Mount and Blade
See her create and conquer nations
>Marine: Darkest Dungeon
Dunno but she plays mobile and the game has pirates

I wish cover let them play more games.

>> No.25523098

That is what you get for not respecting the sheep

>> No.25523099

Sheep accent

>> No.25523100
File: 100 KB, 750x739, Buff Towa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25523156


>> No.25523101

>Senchou's favourite shoujo is kimi ni todoke.
Fucking based

>> No.25523102

Wait what's the story behind this? Why didn't Botan tweet this and instead had Polka tweet a screenshot?

>> No.25523103

Take me back in the timeloop anon, I want back to the days of wholesome matsuriposter

>> No.25523105
Quoted by: >>25523196

Aki Factorio.

>> No.25523106
Quoted by: >>25523241

Do you really think you just call it "underage prostitution"? Compensated dating is just an euphemism at this point

>> No.25523108


>> No.25523110

I'm honestly impressed with how hard you've committed to this character.

>> No.25523109
Quoted by: >>25523175

>2 hags liking kimi ni todoke
that shit's old at this point, despite it running for over a decade

>> No.25523111

Why are most of you defending Aloe? Did you fucks forget that she's a slut always talking about sex?

>> No.25523112
File: 336 KB, 445x486, 1594405472555.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25523168

Botan is based as fuck

>> No.25523113

All Haato can say when imitating Towa is konyappi...

>> No.25523114

Are you the same guy who started whining when people were making fun of Noel's singing? You should stop being so serious and try to have fun bro

>> No.25523116

She likes BL in manga, she liked shota pictures on twitter, but she hates the 3D stuff

>> No.25523117
File: 41 KB, 659x759, EfMJAJpUEAAvzKW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25523159

>watching Marine and Towa being autistic during a tax law lecture
Tecnology truly is the salvation of mankind. Instead of staring at an old man talking inane bullshit about the toys of the jewish overlords I can watch cute girls doing cute things.
Thank you Hololive and thank you technology.

>> No.25523119

it's called soft skills and it's the single most important thing in any workplace in any field everywhere in the world

>> No.25523120
Quoted by: >>25523150

Did Towa just say she makes Sushi as a part time job?

>> No.25523121
Quoted by: >>25523181

She was dangerously close to having drama about supporting vs not supporting BLM.

>> No.25523122

Damn Marine just crossed off Towa's shitty drawings and called her a time wasting idiot to her face. Towa is literally crying right now.

>> No.25523123

It's obvious how much she fakes it

They are impotent because they know I'm right

>> No.25523125

>Korone: UFO enemy unknown
Now I want this too.

>> No.25523126

Aloe got into a fistfight at cover and had to issue an apology video. 2 months ban from streaming.

>> No.25523127

/a/ should know how gatekeeping works

>> No.25523128

>when i depressed because my accent (intonation)
why though? she was a kindergarten right? her intonation is pretty much perfect

>> No.25523129


>> No.25523130
Quoted by: >>25523212

I assume she's banned from doing any collabs too?
Gen 5 is off to a great start.

>> No.25523131

I unironically prefer it to the usual fake voice

>> No.25523133

Go back to your thread, corporate bootlicker.

>> No.25523134

>when the stream ends

>> No.25523136
Quoted by: >>25523313

>shit talked niji
i mean... that's pretty based

>> No.25523137

>talking about sex
How terrible....

>> No.25523138

newfag here

The only holos I care about are:

Korone, Aqua, Mitsuri, Haachama, Rushia, Luna, Flare, Miko

Others cant really grab me

>> No.25523140
Quoted by: >>25523170


>> No.25523139

No but I can agree that Kuro needs a good pounding ASAP

>> No.25523141


>> No.25523142

Just annoyed at nijifags and their underhanded tactics. I do watch a few Nijis

>> No.25523144
File: 26 KB, 368x368, EaoCW7EUwAMZe4F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25523145


>> No.25523146

Bro... chu~

>> No.25523148

I wonder what her new voice will sound like.

>> No.25523147
Quoted by: >>25523294

Still a drama.There also the whole shit about her altering Ultraman game name to avoid copyright or some shit.

>> No.25523150
Quoted by: >>25523190

She used to when she was a student.

>> No.25523151
Quoted by: >>25523254

>have I told you guys about when I sucked the dick of all the boys at the daycare center I work at?

>> No.25523152

>Towa will never umaaaaa you

>> No.25523153
Quoted by: >>25523206

is she really a slut or just a coomer larping as one?

>> No.25523154

Because do not fucking try to dig up their past and relate the person behind the character to the character she's playing. This applies to Botan too, leave her looks the fuck alone. Why can't you guys enjoy the entertainment without being doxfags?

>> No.25523155 [SPOILER] 
File: 115 KB, 271x216, 1597661645530.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25523247


>> No.25523156

El diablo familia luchador!

>> No.25523159
Quoted by: >>25523303

>not wanting to explore the effects of the laffer curve on revenues and how to legally characterize income for the purposes of taxation.

>> No.25523161
Quoted by: >>25523242

>coco once said the reason hololive cover reign her in is because they are afraid shell just quit
this doesn't make any sense, if they were afraid she'd quit they'd give her more agency, not restrict her.

>> No.25523162

shit incel options

>> No.25523163
File: 527 KB, 1061x1500, b738b9ea87421a2cdb9a7aa0e7b225f0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anniversary streams in 2 hours!

>> No.25523166
Quoted by: >>25523302

Minna... (cough)

>> No.25523167

I don't give a shit about 4 year old tweets. Getting punished because mane-san forgot to delete a test stream is bad.
People calling her personal phone to harass her is absolutely horrible and she doesn't deserve that.

>> No.25523168

But she did nothing?

>> No.25523169
Quoted by: >>25523224

>>Luna: Mount and Blade
Her character would probably look hilarious

>> No.25523170
Quoted by: >>25523258

That game finally out of development hell?

>> No.25523171

Fuck, same

>> No.25523172

It's just above the kind of stuff a parent would put on their fridge. It's cute in a raw kind of way. Meanwhile the best I can do is stick figures.

>> No.25523173

Haato's first good impression
She really captured Miko's liveliness

>> No.25523175

They're almost at same age...

>> No.25523176

She made NND/nijifags seethe, and there is nothing more respectable than giving NND/nijifags anger-induced aneurysms.

>> No.25523177

I still hate aloe for being a whore but I fucking hate NND nijiniggers more

>> No.25523178

We all know that there is no way Korone could beat this even on the easiest difficulty

>> No.25523179


>> No.25523180
File: 352 KB, 1010x1010, 1587431135251.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

feels good that our girl HOSIMATI is drama free

>> No.25523181
Quoted by: >>25523448


>> No.25523183
Quoted by: >>25523280

No not sex!!!
I just confessed my sins the other day!!!

>> No.25523184

It's towacucks defending a slut as always.

>> No.25523185
Quoted by: >>25523556

She's a slut anon. A FUCKING SLUT. With the revelation that she had a boyfriend, we can all be sure that she isn't a frustrated virgin.

>> No.25523189

nah don't be. retards here said she was banned when she was just muted.

>> No.25523190

Cute imagery.

>> No.25523191

What the fuck Haachama actually sounded like Mikoti

>> No.25523192
File: 232 KB, 780x891, 1590831914891.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Weeaboo trash boi is that you?

>> No.25523193


>> No.25523194

I think polka is fine. It's just her fans keep spamming her because 'muh shitposting queen nobuhime' ended up setting her with ridiculous expectation. Take a look at posts above you. They treated the "3 Days" thing to be some sort of epic shitpost when it's a kinda mild chuckle worthy joke at best.
In fact, that's the problem with most of these Holos. Their damn fags. Remove them and you'd find them much more bearable.

>> No.25523195
File: 5 KB, 354x41, abayo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25523196

Actually a good idea, but a sim game that's more cutesie like slime ranch probs has a higher chance to succeed.

>> No.25523197

Wait I don't get it, who is Towa's real parent, Kakage or Rurudo?

>> No.25523198

Scroll up.

>> No.25523199


>> No.25523200

>Towa going in order of debut
>gets to Aloe
>stalls by redrawing the body and eyes over and over
>gets stopped from drawing by Marine's layering
I wonder if they're avoiding it.

>> No.25523201

Only a gaijin can sate her lust

>> No.25523202

Fuck you Poland. I just wanted to enjoy cute 2.5 girls doing cute things

>> No.25523204

>why though? she was a kindergarten right?
You don't know what jobs she's talking about applying for, it's not necessarily the school job.

>> No.25523203


>> No.25523205

Go back faggot, your reading comprehension is worse than a SEAnig

>> No.25523206

Did you not see the dildo picture?

>> No.25523208

I know but I want her to try

>> No.25523209

This. So long as they themselves no longer talk about it (like some nijis and independents) I couldn't care less about the roommatefaggotry and what they did prior to joining holo.

>> No.25523210
Quoted by: >>25523261

Aloe did nothing wrong!
I hope my autistic wife is being a good senpai and helping her!

>> No.25523211

Lamy cancelled a stream today, what was it supposed to be?

>> No.25523212

Obviously, yeah.
This is going to hurt her initial growth quite a lot.

>> No.25523213

Marine is too much of an otaku goblin to get a bf.

>> No.25523214

WHY THE FUCK DON'T THEY JUST HIRE SOMEONE WITHOUT A SHADY PAST OR A BOYFRIEND? Is every girl in japan a whore? The only people who need to be shamed are the guys behind the hiring process

>> No.25523215

quick someone post some boogers!

>> No.25523216


>> No.25523217

>Aloe's fuckup apparently had manager approval
Seriously, what do these managers even do? Can I be a Cover manager? I can't speak or read Japanese, but it seems like it won't make a difference for my competency.

>> No.25523219

Can't even goalkeep properly, useless.

>> No.25523220

kgb is good at scrubbing info

>> No.25523221

Marine playing modded darkest dungeon so everything is lewd

>> No.25523222
Quoted by: >>25523238

Some people actually have both mom and dad, Anon.

>> No.25523224
File: 380 KB, 680x961, 1464832107974.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25523361

I can only think of this when imagining luna mountainblade

>> No.25523225

>Marine saying she's good at speed
The irony is strong.

>> No.25523226
File: 15 KB, 599x433, nene.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25523300

I'll show you!

>> No.25523227
Quoted by: >>25523238

Towa has two menhera moms.

>> No.25523228

uhh bros, are we not yet update the lygers list of crimes?

>> No.25523232

>he eats his boogers while watching black gay porn

>> No.25523229
File: 101 KB, 246x246, 1578372985761.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2 week suspension right after debut
She's not gonna recover from this is she...

>> No.25523230


>> No.25523231


>> No.25523233

median peak concurrent views for the last 30 days.
excluding gen5

25990 pekora
24817 marine
21065 korone
19449 aqua
16861 shion
16484 suisei
13100 ayame
12344 mio
11378 rushia
10833 fubuki
10815 subaru
9871 okayu
9734 noel
9731 coco
9038 watame
8853 kanata
8266 matsuri
7382 haachama
6581 flare
5199 luna
5045 towa
4784 aki
3634 sora
3348 mel
3126 roboco
2256 choco

>> No.25523234

Their fans have caused problems for our girls and the idiots from /jp/ were the reason from the schism, i'm don't hate 2434 as a corporate entity I don't agree with their tactics but I really don't like japanese and /jp/ fans of them because they are disgusting.

>> No.25523235

>Why don't you want your favourite holos to interact with a slut
Eh, why...?

>> No.25523236

Based Botan kept spamming the 100 emote. Twitter BAN, please andasted


>> No.25523237

Why don't you read the thread. Any thread.

>> No.25523238
Quoted by: >>25523292

So they collaborated on the design or something?

>> No.25523239


it's one idiot sameposting and unplugging his router.

mods should range ban the spammers.

>> No.25523240
Quoted by: >>25523276

I want Pekora, Miko, Korone and Okayu to play 100% Orange Juice as Aru, Kiriko, QP and Yuki. I want Polka to play Nobunaga's Ambition Sphere of Influence.

>> No.25523241

It doesn't matter. University students and adults do Enjo kousai too. I'm autistic about japanese translations anon. Nothing against you

>> No.25523242
Quoted by: >>25523543

Either that Anon is talking shit or Coco was. That dosounds like one of Coco's delusional bullshit.

>> No.25523243

They'll just brush over mentioning her.

>> No.25523244

I love everyone who shit on the nijifags and you have micropenis

>> No.25523245

well, she is drawing it

>> No.25523246

I'm 32, non-virgin though (sold it to the whore) but don't have those delusions.
Age doesn't matter. I saw plenty of people who still has mentality of a teenager even in their 40's.

>> No.25523247

lmao. 35P here,thanks for the laugh, anon.

>> No.25523248

>Seriously, what do these managers even do? Can I be a Cover manager? I can't speak or read Japanese, but it seems like it won't make a difference for my competency.
They were hiring for EN and the requirements were living in Japan, being able to go their office, business level Japanese and native level English
So no

>> No.25523249
Quoted by: >>25523288

collab with Aloe

>> No.25523251
File: 416 KB, 553x650, 4112966F-B39E-450C-BEDE-D95C16B33BAA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally the first time I posted that image when I saved it from /v/

>> No.25523254

>tfw no penis inspection day with lamy sensei

>> No.25523255


>> No.25523256

>searching by md5
You realize people can save and repost images from other people, right newfagchama? Your screenshot just reveals him to be from /a/.

>> No.25523257
File: 338 KB, 1447x2039, EfUCShBU8AAhyFq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's canceled?

>> No.25523258

yeah think it's well past 1.0

>> No.25523259


>> No.25523260

Is Korone reclining?

>> No.25523261

I could see Towa reaching out to her actually. Hope everything turns out fine.

>> No.25523262
File: 52 KB, 250x171, 1533306821553.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25523288

easily guessed as a collab

>> No.25523263

Good riddance.

>> No.25523264

I don't care, I like her character design and her voice.

>> No.25523265
Quoted by: >>25523407

The hags of Hololive are naturally autistic.

>> No.25523266
Quoted by: >>25523275

But after the first load the game is always on the easiest difficulty.

>> No.25523267


>> No.25523268
Quoted by: >>25523306

She's the most boring holo. So enjoy your drama-free holo

>> No.25523269
Quoted by: >>25523407

She kept spamming the 100// emote. Narrative says she did it on purpose to avoid shilling corporate crap.
I believe it.

>> No.25523272

I still find it hilarious that the guy got mad about it on a stream for such a shitty game.

>> No.25523273

Kenzoku bullying Towa!

>> No.25523274
Quoted by: >>25523299

Kill yourself.

>> No.25523275
Quoted by: >>25523929

That's just a bug bro
I doubt Korone would play the very original anyway

>> No.25523276


>> No.25523277
Quoted by: >>25523365

Is Marine drawing with a mouse?

>> No.25523278
Quoted by: >>25523327


>> No.25523280

Like I said, people want to have their cake and eat it too.
>Wow Japanese idols are so sweet and feminine, this is so much better than Twitch thots and American celebs who are annoying, narcissistic, and generally repulsive!
If you think there's no problem with women being busted up whores, then why is every Holo character a young, single, feminine girl? Put your money where your mouth is and support a character who's canonically a dried up, bar-hopping, carousel-riding thot.

>> No.25523281
File: 102 KB, 294x287, 1584290922806.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not fucking fair

>> No.25523284
File: 3.02 MB, 320x288, 1594140934848.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25523483

>Be Ayame
>Do Nothing

>> No.25523282
File: 377 KB, 864x480, EfgcVWYU0AEZvLw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was so proud when this happened. She busted her ass off just to prove she could do the challenge

>> No.25523283
File: 1.16 MB, 1282x719, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25523285

>not remembering the Bitch narrative

>> No.25523287


>> No.25523286

top ones are getting more bottom ones are getting less compared previous months, I think

>> No.25523288
Quoted by: >>25523342

I looked further and found tweets, it was supposed to be a drinking stream but she changed that to something undecided 6 hours ago, and then cancelled it completely just now.

>> No.25523289

she's actually doing better recently

>> No.25523290
Quoted by: >>25523470

>Coco that low but somehow still has the highest supacha

>> No.25523291

This is the state of this thread, just look at how many speedposters got baited

>> No.25523294

It's actually been a bit surprising people didn't bring this up more here. Her admitting to that really amplified the whole permissions debacle.

>> No.25523292

Kakage just really likes Towa.

>> No.25523293

sex jokes aren't even funny

>> No.25523295

Outer Wilds

>> No.25523296

For a moment their I thought Marine mentioned Sio.

>> No.25523297


>> No.25523298

have you seen the drawfags in these threads? definitely the only good things to come out of here

>> No.25523299

take your meds filthypino

>> No.25523300

cute suzumomo

>> No.25523301

>he saying this while still can't keep coming to /hlg/

>> No.25523302

Are there even 35ps left?

>> No.25523303
File: 19 KB, 486x322, 1571937899703.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My problem isn't really with the manner it's done, I agree that it is very fascinating. But the use of the funds gathered is mostly corruption or overinflated state machinery in my country. It is overwhelmingly tiring knowing you can change the how but the why will always be frozen in its frame above the whole.
Thank god Holos heal my soul, and I'm also grateful that so many of them are good.

>> No.25523304

It's not a collab, don't listen to those idiot.

She had a drinking stream set up but cancelled it.

>> No.25523305

Why doesn't Hololive create their own streaming site?

>> No.25523306

>She's the most boring holo
come on now you arent even trying

>> No.25523307


>> No.25523308

actual autism

>> No.25523309

>5045 towa
>4784 aki
>3634 sora
>3348 mel
>3126 roboco
>2256 choco

>> No.25523310

>aki under towa
but the reddit boost...

>> No.25523311
Quoted by: >>25523350

>Shamelessly admitting to being a /v/ermin.
Fuck off or at least stop posting unrelated images and avatarfagging with anime.

>> No.25523312
Quoted by: >>25523386

https://youtu.be/axZ9LYMvrPo Soon

>> No.25523313

can i get the non-meme version of what she said about niji?

>> No.25523314



>> No.25523316

Didn't know that Miko is Gen 5!

>> No.25523317
File: 13 KB, 175x76, Aloe Love.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25523315

> Reddit
I know man I hate anything from there I don't know why but I do, 4chan says it's bad to it must be true!

fuck Polka man no good qualities at all like no former experience at a top entertainer, no ability to adapt after a gen mate fucks up her stream, no fun jokes with her fans what a worthless piece of shit oh yeah REDDIT

>> No.25523318

I can actually see that. Lots of comments I see relate this to the Towa accident. Why are those fags like this?

>> No.25523319

they can't even protect their own talents, you expect them to do that?

>> No.25523320


>> No.25523321

support coco kaine

>> No.25523322
File: 877 KB, 676x1000, Aloepits4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25523324


>> No.25523327
Quoted by: >>25523417

raw data from VNUMA

>> No.25523325

nice job retard

>> No.25523326

It's weird to see Towa pass both Roboco and Choco but Roboco and Choco are about the same. I think Roboco even went up, but Choco is the same.

>> No.25523328

based retard lion

>> No.25523329

Inclining actually

>> No.25523331


>> No.25523332
File: 1.81 MB, 1378x1654, 7207698.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The best holos to already exist are sluts always talking about sex, being a niji-anti is just icing on the cake.

>> No.25523333

Not at all. The fucking Kirby stream was at 800k the same day it ended

>> No.25523334


>> No.25523335
Quoted by: >>25523391

>smoking and drinking backstage

>> No.25523336


>> No.25523337

What the fuck I just found out Aloe is a WHORE and is suspended for 2 weeks. There is literally nothing wrong with being a whore.

>> No.25523339
Quoted by: >>25523392

Do you think Coco will ever get tired of fucking black guys?

>> No.25523338

Still more than 99% of vtubers out there.

>> No.25523340
Quoted by: >>25523560

be sure to do your fitness and japanese reps anon and im sure you can lift aquas fat ass off the ground one day

>> No.25523342

exactly. shes going to be drunk calling aloe

>> No.25523343

VN featuring Lamy when?

>> No.25523345


>> No.25523344

anyone below the Towa-line should be graduated honestly (aside from Sora)

>> No.25523346

Idles and OLs are not held to the same standard

>> No.25523347
Quoted by: >>25523375


>> No.25523349
Quoted by: >>25523367

Get in here

>> No.25523350 [DELETED] 
File: 128 KB, 405x205, cope.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't worry I'll keep posting

>> No.25523351
Quoted by: >>25523367


>> No.25523353

They want to be viewed as saviours

>> No.25523354
Quoted by: >>25523526

Is that a chocoball? would you like to explain yourself anon?

>> No.25523355
File: 527 KB, 800x606, victory_by_agriculture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25523387



>> No.25523356
File: 305 KB, 512x512, unnamed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>9038 watame
>8853 kanata

>> No.25523357

I'm still here, just trying to think of how I can evolve boatposting even further.

>> No.25523358

Hey just in time for a Tokyo Dome of EOPs to give her 10 gorillion Argentinian pesos, you fuckin know it'll happen.

>> No.25523359

>it wasn't even that big of a deal.
It was a big deal back during those days. Really shows you how things have changed.

>> No.25523360

why are towafags like this?

>> No.25523361

I can imagine her sending an army of recruits at the enemy and then panicking after they all die.

>> No.25523362
File: 966 KB, 809x960, 9269535bc1ae83122a1675038e98eef3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25523363
File: 193 KB, 1241x1690, EfRob-TUEAE6LNY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please watch my fren's and her friend's premiere:

I guess you can watch Watamelon too if you like: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6aaHNvAca1k

>> No.25523365

Pretty sure its just an ipad with a pen. She used to mention it in the descriptions so I'll have a hunt through her old streams for you

>> No.25523366
Quoted by: >>25523384

Hopefully some have bfs, it's pretty sad to be in your 30s and not have a partner, you basically failed as a woman

>> No.25523367


>> No.25523368
File: 89 KB, 262x262, watame.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>9038 watame
>8853 kanata

>> No.25523369

There is more to it than that, look around.

>> No.25523370

The debirus and demons support each other

>> No.25523371

>watamelon and moonpride at the same time

>> No.25523372

Keep doing it for her, Miobros

>> No.25523373

Drinking stream

>> No.25523374

she was also a hospital receptionist and a hotel janitor

>> No.25523375


>> No.25523376

See, this is the kind of numberfagging I need
Comparing subcriber count is stupid

>> No.25523377

Fuck off f/a/ggot.

>> No.25523379

>2 premieres

>> No.25523380

>had manager approval
Why do you guys believe this?

>> No.25523381

How long back was that? Feels like years.

>> No.25523382
File: 3.38 MB, 1596x2258, 83451314_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(bun bun cha x N)

Everyone's long awaited, PEKO RAP!
Are the preperations done? HURRY UP!

Finally made the 3D appearance,
go ahead with the self introduction!

th' Name is Usada Pekora peko!
Feels lonely easily and ET CETERA.

A BUNNY GIRL whose a entertainer?
The spirit as an IDOL!

HIKAKIN's big brother is SEIKIN!
Its gonna get them angry!

Isn't it attractive? This BODY!
Isn't it cute? This FACE!

GIRLS & BOYS drooling all over!
Its not tasty! Pekora's thigh meat,

Please take care of even such a Pekora!
From now on as well let's carve Pekora STORY―!

(bun bun cha x N)

>> No.25523384
Quoted by: >>25523413

especially in Japan

>> No.25523385

>towa draws aloe
>Haato does an aloe impression
Well at least they're not gonna act like she doesn't exist.

>> No.25523386

I had no idea this was a thing

>> No.25523387

Sorry Watame, I'm watching Ruri's song

>> No.25523390
File: 120 KB, 250x250, Suisei_CCP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>drama free
Explain this CCPfag.

>> No.25523388

>Watching Watame waiting for her own premier
Peak comfy

>> No.25523391
File: 188 KB, 615x411, 1587271141501.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based suisei

>> No.25523393
Quoted by: >>25523446

Why does Toa hate Polka so much?

>> No.25523392

Hopefully? Yes. Probably? No. She's a blatant whore

>> No.25523396


>> No.25523397

Zatsudan. She talked about it on her earlier stream.

>> No.25523398

Marine talking about lewds again with Towa...

>> No.25523400

>why doesnt hololive give up the biggest static media userbase in the world
I dunno

>> No.25523401

>Amane Kanata retweeted Watame-lon head rap

>> No.25523402

mirei and hoshikawa literally talked about sex on stream in a collab and no one gave a shit.

Nijisanji also had a collab with a hentai ero mobile game.

I guess this is the difference between pandering to idolfags and normalfags.

Maybe her and pakoraito should meet up and have hot steamy pako

>> No.25523404

>his wife

>> No.25523405

>the use of the funds gathered is mostly corruption or overinflated state machinery in my country
pretty much every country tbdesu

>> No.25523406

Damn those fucking suck in Japan.

>> No.25523407
File: 85 KB, 530x504, 1579678254754.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Isn't she fucking 35? Why is she acting like a little kid trying to "stick it to the man"? Someone that old should know to respect her superiors. Worst part is Botanfags defend this shitty behavior because they also have a jealousy-fueled hatred towards successful businessmen.

>> No.25523408


>> No.25523409
Quoted by: >>25523451

yeah no fucking shit, SHE IS A FUCKING SUCCUBUS. What kind of dumbass succubus that doesn't always talk about sex and cocks?

>> No.25523411
File: 497 KB, 850x1214, 9087a9e9f01e10890d6de002e5f0cf91.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25523477

I don't understand Haachama, her viewership is too low for a 500k subscribed channel...

>> No.25523410

I hope based incel samurais mass dislike every Aloe stream and bully her through the livechat and superchats.

>> No.25523412


watch marine be a doujin artist IRL

>> No.25523413

i want to give marine the loving family she wants so dearly!

>> No.25523415
File: 14 KB, 636x125, 1578388530841.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

White knight and cuck complex. They get a rush from thinking that they're defending the empowered-sluts-yet-fragile-ladies on the internet.

>> No.25523416
Quoted by: >>25523472

I just hate personal intrusive harassment. Nearly every girl have horny thoughts too, do you guys really want asexual girls as your idols?

>> No.25523417

thank you

>> No.25523418
Quoted by: >>25523438

>she has a bf


>> No.25523420


>> No.25523421

I like this data but please include the amount of hours streamed next time

>> No.25523422

We're just lying dormant while also shitposts about other holos.

>> No.25523423
File: 213 KB, 1908x535, firefox_0nxiiRlO3O.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25523425

The Holos love their kouhai!

>> No.25523426
Quoted by: >>25523456

Her being a based whore isn't the reason why she got suspended in the first place.

>> No.25523428

Forgot streams are still gone, fuck this

>> No.25523430
File: 124 KB, 493x487, 1576878677852.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the fuck is our girl rapping

>> No.25523431
File: 14 KB, 487x407, 116003496_666444937294889_2142538718087895860_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25523432


>> No.25523434
File: 103 KB, 580x1031, 1597509540210.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cope. She's out of fucking control, like the top 1% echelon of shamelessness.

>> No.25523435


>> No.25523436
File: 23 KB, 430x454, 1582133734047.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25523474


>> No.25523437
Quoted by: >>25523538

So this is the power of having male and female ships on nijisanji....all of the girls there might be sluts so if they’re all sluts....no one will be....

>> No.25523438


>> No.25523440
File: 295 KB, 379x428, 1597618127608.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No drama because she barely streams and if does it only 1 hour.

>> No.25523441

She's 42 or something.

More importantly, she's old enough to not want to get involved in corporate bullshit.

>> No.25523442
File: 2.05 MB, 1024x1400, 1573032569241.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25523487

Miryokuteki desho? Kono body

>> No.25523443

>no problem with women being busted up whores
How about a middle ground strawfaggot, I think most people will prefer a women with less or none previous partners. But to act like you do to mere mention of sex is absurd. I can't see you as anything other than a religious extremist.

>> No.25523444
File: 380 KB, 2048x2048, 1582484687302.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25523445

Haachama just woke up so I'm pretty sure she doesn't even know

>> No.25523446

She's pretty daunting to draw.

>> No.25523447
File: 53 KB, 651x569, 1595946692743.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just checked out the 2chan threads and its literally the same shit posted here
they even have the pics with girls staring at unprepared sashimi dildos

>> No.25523448

Retards on twitter being retards on twitter. I doubt anything could have happened from it.

>> No.25523449

>Why is she acting like a little kid trying to "stick it to the man"? Someone that old should know to respect her superiors
Based, butWhy are you trying to make me buy Botancoins? Stop fucking doing it.

>> No.25523451
Quoted by: >>25523511

That's what her character she's voicing is supposed to do anon, not the actual person behind her voice

>> No.25523453

Well that was shit, I should have watched the sailor scouts instead

>> No.25523454
File: 1.21 MB, 1162x657, wataMelon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25523455

Aloe = Towa
Polka = Coco
Who are the other three?

>> No.25523456
Quoted by: >>25523642

based on what?

>> No.25523457

Why wont the antis also bully Nene too for being stupid and doxxing them?

>> No.25523458

Why is it so hard to maintain kayfabe? Stupid japs.

>> No.25523459
Quoted by: >>25523501

Based. Fucking reddit clowns don't even realize that they're drawn to hololive in the first place because the girls put on a cute pure anime girl act and that they would never have been interested to begin with if they were completely twitch thots who just happen to be using an anime avatar.

>> No.25523460
File: 30 KB, 424x481, 1597560899975.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time for comedy gold.

>> No.25523461

No one give a fuck about her being a whore, nijifags are mad because she talked shit about their company. It's the same when people say antis mad because Towa talked with men, when most of them was mad because they thought she cheated.

>> No.25523462

mikoti covered by the logo...

>> No.25523463

Is that anonymous or tied to her identity?

>> No.25523464

Marine trying to change to ero topic but Towa deflecting easily
How does the debiru do it

>> No.25523465

I ENJOY sheepposting. Its fun.

>> No.25523466

man id fuck matsuri so hard she would wish she was gay

>> No.25523467

I wonder if they take our OC edits. Do they like boatposting too?

>> No.25523469
Quoted by: >>25523519

>Marine getting to eat Towa's sushi

>> No.25523470

Before coco it was rushia. We would still be timelooping about why rushia gets so much superchat if coco didn't exist.

>> No.25523471

Actually I am pretty sure he had posted about Prisma so it might legit be him

>> No.25523472

Just don't have sex before marriage. It's that easy. They can be all ero they want. Just no sex.

>> No.25523473

>PPT in Watame's chat

>> No.25523474

cute bibi shirt

>> No.25523475
Quoted by: >>25523557

They sound really good together. Glad to be hearing Kaede and Inui as well.

>> No.25523476
Quoted by: >>25523493

Imagine being upset that the literal succubus is a whore IRL. She is just that dedicated to her character.

>> No.25523477

She pulls good numbers with her event streams, but those usually take planning so usually she just does member style streams or quick streams like this.
She's also back in school so she can't do as many of her really big idea streams like she did before this month.

>> No.25523478

>Literally dramafree holo.
Probably also a former camwhore with tits as big as hers.

>> No.25523479


>> No.25523480
Quoted by: >>25523498

Thinking of or being near penis in anyway makes you a slut.

>> No.25523481

she's like a sex factory. kek

>> No.25523483
File: 366 KB, 1536x2048, EK6o7hiWsAIw7MN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As expected of the oni.

>> No.25523484

Chekera cho chekechekera cho
Chekera cho chekechekera cho

>> No.25523487
File: 1.44 MB, 2573x3287, 4576542742652436.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25523764


>> No.25523489
Quoted by: >>25523552

>mere mention of sex
Are you retarded? How can anything that Aloe's roommate posted be described as "mere"?

>> No.25523491
Quoted by: >>25523517

Towa is pure!

>> No.25523492
Quoted by: >>25523681

This is so fucking cringe... But you're cringe as fell for browsing reddit.

>> No.25523493

She prepared her whole life for her role. What a dedicated pro

>> No.25523494
File: 518 KB, 1884x1400, 1581509205662.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25523799

The fact that Kanata retweeted the Watamelon Rap melts my heart, maybe the PPTrio isn't dead afterall.

>> No.25523495

irl marine would never ever draw lewd doujins

>> No.25523496

>median peak concurrent views
the fuck is this? just post the average

>> No.25523497

She's too pure to get affected even by the most heated Holo second to only Matsuri.

>> No.25523498

>all guys are sluts
checks out

>> No.25523499
Quoted by: >>25523600

She didn't talk shit on nijisanji

>> No.25523500

Which chat

>> No.25523501
Quoted by: >>25523590

The attraction is to the character dumbass, there are plenty of twitchthots playing pure princesses

>> No.25523502

Go to your thread.

>> No.25523503

>I'm waiting for sex requests or compensated dating requestes
>Good morning sex
>@udon_lol sex
>When walking to a vending machine on my way home O saw a couple having car sex and I just ended up staring at them intensely
>I want to play Shironeko, skype with people or have sex
>I want to forget abour everything! I want to have sex!

>> No.25523504

Yes, now tell her to do her fucking totsumachi

>> No.25523505

Aloe chan...

>> No.25523506

During her collab with tamaki ui and suisei Marine was talking about what she's using for drawing but I don't remember... I think it was Cintiq 13HD or something like that

>> No.25523507

Bitch is jealous of Watame's steady incline and the fact that she has already surpassed her in subs so, she's trying to leech. What's there to explain?

>> No.25523508

Literally worse than twitch sluts. Imagine actually defending this shit

>> No.25523509

oh no no picked pockets tenshi!

>> No.25523510
Quoted by: >>25523542

Watame's Zelda stream

>> No.25523511

no, that's what you called method acting. You become the character itself instead of pretending to be someone you're not.

>> No.25523512

Towa never wavers, not even in the face of lecherous women!

>> No.25523513

based, unironically made me change my mind about aloe. still think nijiniggers are fags though

>> No.25523514

How is this allowed?

>> No.25523515
File: 1.14 MB, 707x1000, 1583947976112.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is she going to recover or is she done for?

>> No.25523517

pure cute

>> No.25523520

Tokoyami "Sushi Leader" Towa

>> No.25523521

slept for like 15 fuckin minutes
what's the drama with aloe?

>> No.25523519

>marine wants sushi after todays events
I wonder what type...

>> No.25523522


>> No.25523523

Lamy = Kanata
Third horse in a two horse race of popularity
Botan = Watame
Most popular to normies
Nene = Luna
Niche one.

>> No.25523524

no wonder she said she was a literal livestock before getting her hololive job...

>> No.25523525


>> No.25523526
File: 128 KB, 1200x675, watameN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Him being black adds to the shock value

>> No.25523527

lmao you will die as a virgin

>> No.25523529

Sorry, I'm not a purityfag incel faggot.

>> No.25523530


>> No.25523532

Nothing can penetrate the autism shield.

>> No.25523533
File: 1.40 MB, 1200x900, ppleech.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25523537
File: 315 KB, 724x748, EfnGxFRUwAA4VEI.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they are making fun of us..

>> No.25523538

do you really think hologirls aren't sluts?

>> No.25523540
Quoted by: >>25523605

>trying to start up average vs median again

>> No.25523542

Fuck, opened too late and I missed it

>> No.25523543
Quoted by: >>25523711

it's not delusional at all, Coco being the kind of earner that she is, with the intelligence she has, could easily quit and bring her audience with her if she plays it well.

>> No.25523545

>trying to leech fron watames stream

>> No.25523544
File: 200 KB, 394x360, hanabi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good TL anon

>> No.25523546

niji shitalking

>> No.25523547
Quoted by: >>25523655

Both actually

>> No.25523549

Kakage papa is a fucking bully

>> No.25523550


everyone makes mistakes as a kid, this is a good learning experience and they will grow from it.

>> No.25523551
File: 31 KB, 480x401, 1596282880339.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like this sheep, she's fun.

>> No.25523552
Quoted by: >>25523646

Are you really just gonna ignore my post the the one I replied to and single out a single word because you can't think of a response?

>> No.25523554

The Japs are fucking retarded. Turns out the overseas posters were actually the good one all along. I prefer the redditors to this shit

>> No.25523555

What about handjobs?

>> No.25523556
File: 327 KB, 325x382, 1567193939956.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We need a holo who can fill the slut niche

>> No.25523557

Yeah, that was awesome. Gonna watch Watamelon now.

>> No.25523559

She speedrun the Towa Yabe strat.

>> No.25523560
File: 1.82 MB, 4000x1430, d567ad9b69739113b562419365a04dca.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25523981

Will do! Thanks anon!
Have a good day you all!

>> No.25523561

I don't know what she's using in this stream but she for sure has a graphics tablet.

>> No.25523563
Quoted by: >>25523613

I don't see the problem here, sluts are hot

>> No.25523564
File: 258 KB, 498x498, flare.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>4 years ago
you people are stupid

>> No.25523565
Quoted by: >>25523657

Are you a Christian? It's 2020 anon...

>> No.25523566

Aloe doujins are going to be fire

>> No.25523567

I just hope even more drama will surface soon. Mano's apology was DELICIOUS. Did you hear her trembling voice? This is what I was looking for. I hope Nene would have to dogeza in front of everyone too soon enough.

>> No.25523568

if the art connection to Nene's roommate didn't give it away they would have still found out anyways. none of their accounts were private and Aloe's roommate is the only one followed by all of the others, Lamy and Polka's voices were giveaways to people familiar with their previous lives, all you had to look at was who they had in common...
it's funny because these two incidents are completely different. Towa lied about who the voices were, Aloe on the other hands biggest problem was (1) her and her manager forgetting to delete an approved test stream and (2) that she had a personal life before Hololive

>> No.25523569


>> No.25523571
File: 2.23 MB, 1363x1524, unknown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25523572
Quoted by: >>25523651

I haven't been in these threads since April
Can someone tell me wtf is going on with 5th gen? Also where the hell did asacoco go?

>> No.25523574

From the way that she uses it to try to cover up when she is upset or sad, it looks more like she just does it out of habit.

>> No.25523575

>title is literally redline
Reality is stranger than fiction.

>> No.25523576
Quoted by: >>25523690

There is literally nothing wrong with this, and if you think there is, unironically have sex

>> No.25523577

She should be given a chance. Some Aloefags seem to really like here, maybe they'll keep supporting her still.

>> No.25523578
Quoted by: >>25523638

Guys I don't like clowns but I can't stop watching the nobu dango ASMR/spoiler] and now I'm confused...

>> No.25523579

Absolute pekonquest.

>> No.25523582

I believe in a little slut succubus
And you should too

>> No.25523583


>> No.25523584

>no one gave a shit.
Did you miss the part where they were getting bombarded by dislikes so they had to disable the like and dislike button?

>> No.25523585
Quoted by: >>25523662

Translate it weebs

>> No.25523587

does pekoras stream title say shes going to win or she already won because i don't remember seeing a victory

>> No.25523586

only the young ones are too afraid to shittalk their superiors
the older you get, the more you don't give a shit and speak out your mind

>> No.25523588
File: 157 KB, 1396x773, konbini.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the fuck fubuki

>> No.25523590
Quoted by: >>25523654

Yes, the "cute pure anime girl" character, which is superior to twitch thots playing princess, dumb tranny.

>> No.25523591
File: 1.81 MB, 498x498, 1596574544961.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25523648

>she will need ~70 millions for this
This would be a long road for sheep.

>> No.25523593

>she's a slut always talking about sex
Sounds based to me.

>> No.25523594

Stop spreading fake bullshit she was doxxed way before aloe ever talked about it.

>> No.25523595

The purest Holo is a devil.....

>> No.25523596


>> No.25523598


>> No.25523600

I honestly think this was the tipping point.

>> No.25523601

Is pekora doing an endurance stream? she's 100% never gonna be 1st

>> No.25523602

if she plays up the succubus role my dick will be pleased

>> No.25523603
File: 1.08 MB, 1283x727, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What in the fuck?

>> No.25523604

Marine's voice really stands out in singing collabs.

>> No.25523605

I'm not trying to start fuck all. I just want actually stats and not the middle number.

>> No.25523606


>> No.25523608
File: 581 KB, 1000x1412, 76929231_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally some good fucking doujin, he get's it

>> No.25523611

Unless she actually gets herself fired, she'll still do better than most non-holo chuubas just by virtue of being in hololive. Unless you care about fanbase wars and number shitposting, I wouldn't worry too much.

>> No.25523612

marine resisting the urge to make this 18+

>> No.25523613

I'm personally in favor of her playing into the succubus character. Only way to fully recover from this desu

>> No.25523614


>> No.25523615

Polka's and Botan's accounts and channels are stlill active and open for public too
They're not afraid because they did nothing wrong

>> No.25523616
File: 416 KB, 975x500, 30e63648d835f4d4b2c9a48352f9374ee1af375d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So wait, Mano-Chan got doxxed and they forbid her from streaming?

What did I even miss?

>> No.25523617
Quoted by: >>25523702

Towa's art has unironically gotten better

>> No.25523619

Fact is she's serious about music and has a lot of 歌枠 spread across the internet and joined Hololive to make it as an actual singer despite her stylistic choice. She's going to work twice as hard now, but she'll recover.

>> No.25523622

To be fair if I was a girl I would be a total slut, too, so I can't blame her. Pure girls are of course better, but it's not something I can judge.

>> No.25523620
Quoted by: >>25523647

The konbini demon returns.

>> No.25523621


>> No.25523624
File: 231 KB, 850x1335, 1576374610055.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She was 14 years old when she posted all that sex shit can you please stop being retards and realize that she was just a edgy teen typing cringy shit?

>> No.25523623

Is this what it's come to? We're literally cancelling people for old tweets?

>> No.25523625

Fubuki is dead, long live to the new Demon Kurokami

>> No.25523627
File: 213 KB, 1528x861, firefox_HIh3ChKcUm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>replacing Aloe

>> No.25523629
File: 352 KB, 1060x1000, 1596159824680.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

will PPT finally ask her for collab?

>> No.25523630

Those tweets are 4 years old, and if she's pretty young already she would've definitely have been back then. I just hope she's still just as horny now so I might actually have a 0.01% chance of fucking her compared to the 0% for the other Holos

>> No.25523631
Quoted by: >>25523689

How is Aloe different to other whore-like holos? You know which one's I'm talking about.

>> No.25523632

>fbk redebut as gen 6

>> No.25523634

Ei heito erebens dess

>> No.25523635

literally who?

>> No.25523636

Thanks Coco.

>> No.25523637
Quoted by: >>25523665

What the fuck is this Fubuki stream?

Why am I in a Lawson's?

>> No.25523638

Same boat, my fear of clowns might be cured by her.

>> No.25523639

Literally me

>> No.25523640

imagine being a corporate bootlicker

>> No.25523642

based on her 4 years old tweet

>> No.25523641

Read the fucking thread you retarded faggot

>> No.25523643

this shit is a few months old, I remember seeing this a while back

>> No.25523644
Quoted by: >>25523698

Wow, Marine just said Towa sounds like an old lady in front of 30k people.

>> No.25523645
File: 111 KB, 238x311, 1596138515384.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aruran is playing Touhou. You like Touhou, right /jp/?

>> No.25523646
Quoted by: >>25523717

You're strawmanning so what did you expect me to say?

>> No.25523647

Ehhhh, I want Kurokami.

>> No.25523648

>700k for a house
Is she trying to buy one middle of of Tokyo or some other retarded shit.

>> No.25523649

you'll eat your apex and you'll like it, young man

>> No.25523650

>ohayo sekusu

>> No.25523651
Quoted by: >>25523703

>Also where the hell did asacoco go?
mix of burnout and being busy with Holohouse prep. she's doing weekly Reddit Meme Review streams to make up for it

>> No.25523653


She's back!

>> No.25523654
Quoted by: >>25523804

>yes the cute pure anime girl character
Theres are hundreds of those behind shitty live 2d retard

>> No.25523655
Quoted by: >>25523786

Huh I don't see it in the Watame-lon premiere

>> No.25523656

EOPs here think it's because the slutty tweets but those are just extra, the main problem is the nijifags.

>> No.25523657
Quoted by: >>25523844

Japan isn't Christian and people still have premarital sex there, but it's socially taboo in order to limit that behavior, which is generally harmful for long-term pair-bonding.

>> No.25523660

>49min to get 5 wins

>> No.25523661

This general defends Marine of all fucking people. You should have expected this.

>> No.25523662

>NND nijiniggers still mad

>> No.25523663

Towa drawing is pretty cute

>> No.25523664
Quoted by: >>25523750

It's more about the Njisanji shittalking than about anything she tweeted.

>> No.25523665

>not wanting to shop from Kurokami's konbini

>> No.25523666
File: 355 KB, 1024x1024, char_261_sddrag_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Another arknight character

>> No.25523669

Do Kanata and Watame really hate each other even before it became well known?

>> No.25523670
File: 67 KB, 418x524, 1593371848142.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fresh sheep clip for you sheepfrends

>> No.25523671

going to fap to succubus doujins until she returns...

>> No.25523672

dango daikazoku.... watame..

>> No.25523673

Nah fuck touhou, only good for jerking off.

>> No.25523674
File: 108 KB, 635x900, 1594907835256.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why don't they just switch Fall Guys to Japanese? By the looks of it, the Steam version supports it.

>> No.25523675

If you don't think that "ohayou sex" isn't the funniest shit then I can't help you

>> No.25523677

1 gen 6 early debut pushed forward because of Aloegate

>> No.25523679

I need pizza dad in this trying time thanks

>> No.25523680

I'll bite, is he playing on easy mode?

>> No.25523681

I wanted to see if all the cringe slut defenders in here were redditors and I could easily match them up to reddit posts to confirm it.

>> No.25523682
File: 116 KB, 266x339, 1597662735632.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25523747

This new fbk is getting more SC that my white wife.

>> No.25523684
Quoted by: >>25523710

doesnt that mean she was 14/15? literally the horniest time of anyones life?

>> No.25523685

Girls that talk openly about sex and have an acceptable personality are hot

>> No.25523687
File: 1.28 MB, 2591x3624, 1597349386768.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you have the strength to fight off this big cat if she tried to force herself on you?

>> No.25523686

no because all her antis are edgy 14 yo's who discovered /pol/ 1 year ago

>> No.25523688

>that Matsumoto impression from Towa

>> No.25523689

She said a certain other company did a bad.

>> No.25523691

>literal fuck themselves up
>ah fuck nijifags
You know what? I’m gonna make THAT image

>> No.25523690

Go donate tokens to some Chaturbate whore. Most of us are here because Judeo-Americanized culture and media is disgusting.

>> No.25523693

Antis found her old twitter account where she posted pictures of dildos. Also, they found her boyfriend.

>> No.25523692

Of all people, Towa must be the one that can relate to her situation the most

>> No.25523694

But doing things which annoy Nijifags is based

>> No.25523695

I haven't been able to watch MariTowa, but please tell me she's doing fine

>> No.25523696
File: 166 KB, 1404x768, firefox_udULbxFCX3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25523726


>> No.25523697

Marine and Towa discussing Bleach!

>> No.25523698

are we not allowed that say that about that menhara?

>> No.25523702

Her lammy and Polka are cute.

>> No.25523703

>Reddit meme review
I can't believe I actually liked Coco at one point, Jesus Christ.

>> No.25523701

You can't reason with antis

>> No.25523704

Only this place care about the tweets this much because most people here don't understand the context and what actually happened so they're just parroting the same shit as usual

>> No.25523705
Quoted by: >>25523775

I just want you guys to know I really love watame

>> No.25523706
Quoted by: >>25523770

She's gonna be the Towa of gen5, cute and wholesome but unpopular due to early drama. In her case is even worse because it just gimped her at debut.
Are demon designs cursed?

>> No.25523707

Nene only did a moona-iofi. Aloe is just a slut who bitch about the industry.

>> No.25523708
Quoted by: >>25523800

Man why'd bleach turn to shit after soul society? I still liked it during arrancar stuff but fullbring into ending was some dogshit. Hearing Towa and Marine talk about it makes me nostalgic

>> No.25523709
File: 106 KB, 1920x1080, Eb5c6fwVcAAuLA5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25523823

>Towa likes Romi Park
>Rangiku Matsumoto
You gorgeous chuni dork I fucking love you

>> No.25523710
Quoted by: >>25523738

she's 22 now

>> No.25523711

Can't wait for the day when cringe dragon leave and see nothing changes. I love seeing people with inflated sense of ego knocked down a few pegs.

>> No.25523712

I like cute girls playing touhou, not ojiisans

>> No.25523713

Seems like there's a fair amount of Japanese comments on Nene's video claiming she's putting the rest of Hololive at risk with her incident and should be fired.
I don't see how that's the case though, I guess they're trying to argue how she spoke about behind the scenes industry stuff in her twitcasting? Seems a bit of a reach though.

>> No.25523715

the average usually gets too much influence from outliers like 3D streaming
hence, some numbers inflate

here is the average

28957 marine
28583 pekora
25305 shion
22241 aqua
21127 korone
16164 ayame
15494 suisei
14087 fubuki
13160 mio
12940 rushia
12893 okayu
12550 noel
12117 subaru
11790 coco
10369 haachama
10359 towa
9580 kanata
9308 matsuri
9208 watame
7928 luna
7897 flare
6044 aki
4154 mel
3716 sora
3435 choco
3331 roboco

>> No.25523714


Please review it Coco

>> No.25523716

Asamiko newsman! Please help her!

>> No.25523717

>no u
>slut always talking about sex?
what is this if not mention of sex?

>> No.25523718

It doesn't. Devs are idiots.

>> No.25523721
File: 341 KB, 1080x2012, IMG_20200817_171953.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25523719

>actual Touhou
hello based department?

>> No.25523722

She's evolving.

>> No.25523724
Quoted by: >>25523769


>> No.25523725

There's no options to change the language in the game.
The game detects your region and uses that to select a language, but it's currently bugged.

>> No.25523726


>> No.25523729

>towa sympathizing with a whore after her own yabee incident
towa please...are you really going to throw away your second chance because of slut pride or whatever the fuck...

>> No.25523730


>> No.25523731

>15yo succubus
>is a horny zoomer
She's literally perfect for her role, why would she be done for?

>> No.25523732

like we've said antis are literally twittertrannies who are in need of dilation

>> No.25523736

>Normal mode
Pathetic. I can understand Marine, women are incompetent, but if you are a male, challenging lunatic is only natural.

>> No.25523737

Noel doesn't interact with males you colossal retard

>> No.25523738

18 isnt that much different honestly

>> No.25523739
Quoted by: >>25523769

he's not artia, UFO/normal

>> No.25523741
Quoted by: >>25523789

>over 4 years ago
>7 mentions over 2 months
who the fuck even cares.

>> No.25523742

Pekora rage is too good.

>> No.25523743
Quoted by: >>25523773

It's amazing, planning to invite pekora to a collab so she can make her wet with her deep voice next

>> No.25523744

i can smell the discordfaggotry in this post

>> No.25523746

Toi will do that with Sio first.

>> No.25523747

She's getting KUROKAMI'd

>> No.25523748

she's trying to leech

>> No.25523749

It's the gamergate effect, people don't have the balls to say they hate sluts and whores, so they pretend they're mad because of some unrelated, minor transgression.

>> No.25523750


Actually if you read the Japanese comments it’s mostly criticism towards cover and her basically getting donned as pakoraito v2.

I want her to return though because she seems fun

>> No.25523752
File: 35 KB, 640x612, angry sheep.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>9580 kanata
>9208 watame
I like the other one better

>> No.25523751

My knight is degenerating...

>> No.25523753

RIP demon kurokami

>> No.25523755

I can't believe Kurokami is fucking dead.

>> No.25523757
File: 559 KB, 1098x1000, twap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This drawing stream is cute as fuck and great rep practice, twap is such a dork but her drawings are cute and the two of them seem to get along well

>> No.25523758

Korone-san your children....

>> No.25523759

Seriously, how the fuck is ayame that high? She is literally never active.

>> No.25523760

What was that?

>> No.25523761

How good are Watame antis nowadays?

>> No.25523763
Quoted by: >>25523864

wait what how is haato higher on this list than matsuri?

>> No.25523764

rape pecor!!!!!

>> No.25523766

im glad he recovered enough to work out though, stupid knight...

>> No.25523767

>real fubuki appears
aight I'm out

>> No.25523768

Towa must die.

>> No.25523769

Finally some good gameplay.

>> No.25523770
Quoted by: >>25523868

No no no, Towa is unpopular because she's boring.

>> No.25523771

She's growing stronger.

>> No.25523772


>> No.25523774

>Seems a bit of a reach though.
That's because it is. It's literally NND/Nijishits who want to fire her because she talked about a friend of hers who was forced to retire after getting doxxed in Niji and they want Hololive to do the same.

>> No.25523773

>Towa's deep voice ends up being her most powerful weapon
Future is looking bright.

>> No.25523775

based, Watame is perfect

>> No.25523776
File: 120 KB, 362x437, lose yourself.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No more games, I'ma change what you call rage
Tear this motherfuckin' company off like two korone's caged
I was playin' in the beginnin', the mood all changed
I been chewed up and spit out and sniped off stream
But I kept shitposting and stepped right in the next milestone
Best believe somebody's getting the sponsored videos
All the pain inside amplified by the
Fact that I don't get enough supacha or
Members and I can't provide the right type of
Money for my gambling addiction cause man, these goddamn ARS don't buy quartz
And its no script, there's no Kizuna Ai
This is my life and these times are so hard
And it's getting even harder tryna whale in all these gachas, plus
Teeter totter, caught up between bein' a chuuba and a menhera
Cover Kaoru drama, screamin' on Miku, too much
For me to wanna stay in one spot, another day of Minecraft's
Gotten me to the point, I'm like a cat I've got
To formulate a plot or end up graduated or banned
Success is my only motherfuckin' option, failure's not
Matsuri, I love you, but this stream's got to start, I cannot go on without Oga's cock
So here I go, is my shot
live2D, fail me not, this may be the only yoisho that I got

>> No.25523777
File: 1.21 MB, 1121x759, wana.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25523778

Peko's Fall Guys is so ugly

>> No.25523779

I can't believe the konbini demon blew up

>> No.25523780


>> No.25523781

>Lamymama soundboard

>> No.25523782 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>25524054

Towa doesn't care about and nijiniggers and anti subhumans

>> No.25523783

aloe is even better now

fuck nijifaggots.

>> No.25523784
File: 220 KB, 373x527, 1597662931116.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>she broke so hard that now is using Lamia voice pack to masturbate

>> No.25523785

Really good. Might be just because of Marine but good nonetheless.

>> No.25523786
Quoted by: >>25523963

It was during countdown I think. Does it record countdown comments?

>> No.25523787

>using nene bot

>> No.25523788

Man, I missed this dumb white cat, I love her.

>> No.25523789
Quoted by: >>25523865

Once a slut, always a slut.

>> No.25523790

i can smell dilation from this post

>> No.25523791

she's creating demand by being absent, think a limited offer deal or you can just take the narrativepill and say that her watchers are cucks

>> No.25523794

>even Fubuki got Lamy motivational drug audio

>> No.25523795

>all this shitflinging
>all this corporate tightwalking
>all this constant bad news
>all this whiteknighting
>all this blaming
>all this doxxing
>all this bullshit
I just want to watch cute anime streamers

>> No.25523797

peko that voice you just made...

>> No.25523798
File: 282 KB, 400x365, radical.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You gotta hit the gym, then the beach, then the gym again broski!

>> No.25523799

There's unannounced Watame collab on 18th, prepare to be disappointed though.

>> No.25523800
Quoted by: >>25523876

Mangaka was done with story but publisher wanted more so it went to shit as he had to scrabble together whatever garbage he could.

>> No.25523801
Quoted by: >>25523826

wtf towa stole rbcs glasses??

>> No.25523802

What the fuck?
They are already replacing aloe?

>> No.25523803

Easy, less video but with more views.

>> No.25523804
Quoted by: >>25523883

And this is the hololive thread so we talk about the holos and not those other ones, you fucking retarded nigger tranny faggot

>> No.25523806
Quoted by: >>25523843

What did Aloe say about Nijisanji

>> No.25523807

the real question is: would she have the strength to fight me off if I tried to force myself on her?

>> No.25523808

Going by their logic, you could argue the same about Nene's roommate who basically doxxed them all. Obviously that wasn't her intent but it was a result of that.
So yeah, if their claims of being "Hololive fans concerned about the girls' safety due to leaking information" are actually how they feel then their logic is flawed.

>> No.25523809

Fubuki's daily shitpost videos and her appearing in every stream chat made me forgot that she was on a break at all.

>> No.25523810

For how much money would Marine draw a cumshot on Towa's face?

>> No.25523811
Quoted by: >>25523862

She's not your mom fucking retard.

>> No.25523812
Quoted by: >>25523840

They're amazing together no MariKoro but i'd be dammed if I didn't want more.

>> No.25523813

>Botan "Game Over" clip
>Nene "Ganbarre" bot
whats the narrative with FBK now?

>> No.25523814

Senchou is M my sides

>> No.25523815


>> No.25523816

An ARS akasupa

>> No.25523817

>hi friends

>> No.25523819

FBK using Botan's game over screen for her and now Lamy gave her a yoshi yoshi voice message as well. Cute senpai.

>> No.25523820

>all these stream snipers bullying pekora

>> No.25523821

Hey friends!

>> No.25523822


>> No.25523823

I wish she'd just embrace her ikemen voice.

>> No.25523824

Peko seething.

>> No.25523825

She just has to wait for the next holocaust for an excuse to private the apology video like Towa.

>> No.25523826

she's just borrowing them, she's not a devil anon...

>> No.25523828

Her dad is a fucking monster

>> No.25523829

You're not alone.

>> No.25523830
Quoted by: >>25523867

Towa should keep getting interesting collabs like this, it's fun.

>> No.25523831
File: 177 KB, 100x100, towa.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25523917

After a long and healthy life with me, passing away side by side holding hands and reflecting on the fun things we did together!

>> No.25523833

Holy kek Slime Climb truly is the great equalizer.

>> No.25523834

>Towa 10k
Yeah that's definitely getting inflated by events.

>> No.25523835
Quoted by: >>25523888

>i can smell the discordfaggotry in this post
Well "cancelling" someone because of old tweets is absolutely a discord/twitter/r*ddit faggottry.

>> No.25523838

Send an akasupa

>> No.25523840

Marine can bring out the best in anybody.

>> No.25523843
Quoted by: >>25523887

That Chitose got internally doxxed, was treated badly by the company and basically was forced into graduation.

>> No.25523844

Lets not forget that women in Japan are more likely to cheat on you than in any other civilized developed country. It's literally a country for cucks.

>> No.25523845
Quoted by: >>25523956

Someone TL’d Aloe’s latest stream:

>> No.25523847

What does yumejoshi mean again?

>> No.25523848
Quoted by: >>25523889

how tf will roboco see oh god

>> No.25523851

I can relate

>> No.25523852

smart sheep

>> No.25523853

13 dollar ARS akasupa

>> No.25523854

Holy shit I love this sheep

>> No.25523855

How new?

>> No.25523857

Fuck off nigger

>> No.25523858

You can do that and stop coming to these threads, this is not an insult

>> No.25523859
Quoted by: >>25523909

Can you fags stop bullying my currency

>> No.25523860

>a character who's canonically a dried up, bar-hopping, carousel-riding thot
So Marine?

>> No.25523862

I am going to unironically pay money to some shady witch so she curses that bitch to death.

>> No.25523861

tell her to draw a yoghurt spill

>> No.25523863

>Aloe making nijifags foam at the mouth

Please Cover don't fire her

>> No.25523864
Quoted by: >>25523895

Do you not know how median and average works?

>> No.25523865

that's not how humans work, retard. just because you're a retard now doesn't mean you can't learn how to not be one in the future.

>> No.25523866

Is it not dream girl

>> No.25523867

haachama cooking collab with towa when?

>> No.25523868

Nah, she's unpopular because jops have shit taste for deep voices.

>> No.25523869

What do you mean?

>> No.25523870

You but female and a nijinigger watching tokyo ghoul

>> No.25523871
Quoted by: >>25523912

I bet Towa wont even clean them before returning. How devilish

>> No.25523873
File: 328 KB, 407x576, 1594107562289.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's already lewded Towa.

>> No.25523875

Probably the most celibate Holo even if involuntary.

>> No.25523876

But he couldn't be like Toriyama, where people still decently liked the direction of his story. He had to make some of the dumbest fullbring and quincy garbage arcs because they're so poorly written

>> No.25523878

Watame has gone through so much... I hope all her dreams come true.

>> No.25523879
Quoted by: >>25523908

I hate sluts. My favorite holo has outright said she would never collab with males, so I hold all holos to that standard.

>> No.25523881

Read her tweet make me think she was either childish/mentally unstable consider how young she was at that time
It reminds me of Matsuri

>> No.25523882
File: 179 KB, 1280x720, 1579487301045.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25523921

About 20 bucks.

>> No.25523883
Quoted by: >>25523966

>the goalposts are moving on their own
And even still, youre premise is garbage when half of them dont act pure at all

>> No.25523885
File: 84 KB, 1028x1214, end my suffering.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to spam "Jap dogs you deserve to be nuked twice by the USA fuck Hiroshima fuck Nagasaki" all over vtuber channel for cancelling aloe!!

>> No.25523887

Seems like a lie to me when she said herself that she wanted to focus on music and didn’t like to stream as much.

Forgot to mention that aloe has been known to play up shot pre holo which unfortunately a lot of NND nijiniggers picked up on.

>t. Utaite autist

>> No.25523886

>why is every Holo character ... single

>> No.25523888

>thinking about everything in terms of who's "cancelled" and who's "triggered"
Reddit brain. It's bad when people are socially shamed for being "racist" because telling the truth about nonwhites is good.
It's good when people are socially shamed for being whores because being a whore is bad.

>> No.25523889
File: 64 KB, 800x800, 1595018783864.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25523890

>Stealing my (You)s
Cheeky fag

>> No.25523893

dangerously based whiteknight

>> No.25523892
Quoted by: >>25523922

I wonder if Towa likes Sugita too then

>> No.25523895


>> No.25523896

I wouldn't fight her off even if I have the strength.

>> No.25523894
Quoted by: >>25523920

>6044 aki
b-b-b-but muh reddit power....

>> No.25523900

>What games do you want your holo to play?
Battletoads by Pekora. I want to see the suffering.

>> No.25523901

Miko from Kaguya-Sama

>> No.25523902

> I think most people will prefer a women with less or none previous partners
maybe incels and teenagers, but adult men prefer experienced women. You'll understand soon when you grow up.

>> No.25523904

Towa likes Gintoki?

>> No.25523906

Fuck, how do I compete with Gin-san.

>> No.25523908

reason I hate most of the oldfags. they constantly collab with literal who males and non-holo sluts who also collab with males

>> No.25523909

It’s okay to donate in ARS as long as you actually live in Argentina, and aren’t using a VPN instead, for me atleast.

>> No.25523910

Please make one with the watadonalds

>> No.25523911
Quoted by: >>25523939

Gintama chads, Towa likes us. Fucking based.

>> No.25523912
File: 359 KB, 1903x1180, EZOfsVuVAAA0pL0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't bully the robo

>> No.25523913
File: 13 KB, 448x48, sneed(72).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25523916
Quoted by: >>25523933

You can't.

>> No.25523917

Stop making me feel like Gosling.

>> No.25523919

do it

>> No.25523918


>> No.25523920
Quoted by: >>25523983

>Literally stay for 2 streams and then leave
Viewer retention is what helps streamers. Not sudden spikes of subs

>> No.25523921
Quoted by: >>25524010

>Bill artwork is literally just a pile of rocks

>> No.25523923

I see Polka is already on top of her trolling game

>> No.25523922

Everyone loves Sugita.

>> No.25523924

Towa is an S...

>> No.25523925

I feel bad for the semen demon bros

>> No.25523926
Quoted by: >>25523959

>adult men
Misspelled cucks

>> No.25523929

I don't see Korone playing OpenXcom or a modded UFO. But the reboot is fine too.

>> No.25523931

Chen, no!

>> No.25523932

What's with this rabbit attracting all the bullies

>> No.25523934

>tfw malding faster than Sugita
never had a chance bros

>> No.25523933


>> No.25523937


>> No.25523936

>pekora pleading with GOD

>> No.25523938

Why would I fight her off in the first place?

>> No.25523939
File: 436 KB, 900x725, 1597421079436.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25524056

>likes gintama so much she literally becomes Kagura
There is another one

>> No.25523940
Quoted by: >>25523992

>Akazukin Cha Cha
I feel old knowing this anime.

>> No.25523943

>ywn be as cool

>> No.25523944

Go back to your thread.

>> No.25523945
Quoted by: >>25523980

Man this is not a pair I expected to get along so well

>> No.25523946

How can I compete with Akito and Gintoki?

>> No.25523947

Pekora bros... I though she was playing off screen... what is happening...

>> No.25523949
File: 117 KB, 1560x720, Ed2es23UwAAD9FH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Miss me with that shit Towa-sama I don't take hits from women

>> No.25523948

Holo's talking about shows I've always written off as normalfag shit is making me regret my choices. I might have to bite the bullet and watch bleach, naruto, gintama and HxH. At least one piece is stupid long so it would take a lifetime to catch up

>> No.25523950


>> No.25523951

Imagine Towa whipping you but then asking if you're ok after every hit.

>> No.25523952

Can't compete with Sugita

>> No.25523953


>> No.25523954

Sounds like a good chance to say this
Stop stirring shit with JP fans
They are just as appalled by the doxxing incident and they are asking legit questions
Why 2 weeks for something that was done with the management's approval and why is the punishment is the same as with Towa's incident.
Among those that even mention the boyfriend thing, most say - who cares.
Why would she even bring up a boyfriend, if there is a rule about not mentioning "past lives"
And if she did nothing wrong, what is she going to reflect on for 2 weeks.

Those are not my words but merely a short summary of what is going on on niconico and youtube

>> No.25523955

Damn Nijisanji fans are even fucking with Pekora. They just won't stop.

>> No.25523956

That's full of errors.

>> No.25523957

EOPs getting baited

>> No.25523960
File: 3.65 MB, 3150x1772, EfnidWrVAAA-BOK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25523959
Quoted by: >>25523971

stop deluding yourself.
You are not better because you've never had sex.

>> No.25523961

Towa trying to be S and failing terribly...

>> No.25523962

Chen, yes!

>> No.25523963

Oh it doesn't so I guess it's gone forever

>> No.25523964
File: 901 KB, 1000x1000, 1594299158425.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Marine and Towa get along so well, how does Towa do it bros?

>> No.25523965

>top 1% echelon of shamelessness.
I have gone from neutral to really looking forward to her streams.

>> No.25523966
Quoted by: >>25524053

There are literally zero holos who confirm currently having a boyfriend or regularly having sex with guys, and they all know better than to do so because they're not brainlets like you. The closest is Choco confirmed past boyfriends and look how popular she is. Coco has a confirmed ex but I don't think she's confirmed it as Coco herself, and I don't know how well known her roommate is to her fans so I can't comment on the correlation there.

>> No.25523967

There are hundreds of nijisanji channels

>> No.25523969

If she was a holostar you guys would be writing "based" and "Our son is winning".

>> No.25523972

Can we split the thread into Hololive and HoloAnti already? Thanks.

>> No.25523971

Cuck cope

>> No.25523973

You can't compete with Gin-san, no one can.

>> No.25523976

>always the one to get bullied

>> No.25523978

I watch coco... she was probably a bar-hopping carousel riding cosplaying slut prior to hololive. Now she gets to ride the holohouse carousel.

>> No.25523980

Marine seems pretty much impossible to not get along with unless you're impossibly stuck-up.

>> No.25523981

i want to take aqua to disneyland with her parents!

>> No.25523982
File: 1.84 MB, 2591x3624, EezpiIAUEAMRDI-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The heat...

>> No.25523983

As annoying as Towa's English fans can be sometimes, they have at least stuck around. I'll give them that.

>> No.25523985


>> No.25523986
File: 182 KB, 291x275, 1572629483257.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he watches homostars
Explain yourself.

>> No.25523987

This is the biggest lie she's ever told. EVER.

>> No.25523988

S...emen Demon!

>> No.25523989

I wish she would hit me like she hits her desk

>> No.25523991

this is a split i can agree with

>> No.25523992
Quoted by: >>25524017

Knowing it isn't an issue, watching it as it aired maybe but just knowing of it is fine.

>> No.25523993

I really wish we could.

>> No.25523994

why are towacucks like this?

>> No.25523995


>> No.25523996
File: 805 KB, 719x780, nenekill.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25523997

pekora twin heh

>> No.25523999

God dammit you dumbos are fucking clueless.

>> No.25524000

Coco's American, that's her brand.

>> No.25524001

it's nice that you're clarifying things, but doubt anyone will give a shit about it here. still, if you're the type to say every little thing counts it's good

>> No.25524002

Don’t bother, fags here are mostly blaming nijifags

>> No.25524003

Who are you watching /hlg/?
>Audio on
Sometimes unmute pekora when she's winning

>> No.25524004

all the jp comments are i see are nijitrannies seething

>> No.25524005


>> No.25524007
Quoted by: >>25524034

Just look how small she is

>> No.25524008
File: 798 KB, 1261x1227, 1597590565189.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What happens if Towa collabs with the IDs? Will it work?

>> No.25524009

so basically she's a literal sex demon?

>> No.25524010

When you're printing 100 trillion dollar bills, you can't really afford an artist.

>> No.25524013
Quoted by: >>25524050

Is there anybody who actually can't get along with Marine?

>> No.25524014

>4 years ago
How are you guys differnt than twitter trannies ? Peak cancel culture shit

>> No.25524015
File: 562 KB, 1001x778, 1596543205379.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Trying to put wax on you
>spills it on her floor
I can totally see it happening

>> No.25524016

She's geeking out for once in a long time

>> No.25524017
Quoted by: >>25524051

Let's just say I'm a little bit younger than Korone.

>> No.25524019


>> No.25524020
Quoted by: >>25524037

bros before hoes

>> No.25524021

2 weeks is way too fucking much for this.

>> No.25524022

I won't try to stop you, because I know it's useless, but try not to harass indies, thanks.

>> No.25524023

Didn't Towa already kick the shit out of kenzokuchad?

>> No.25524024

Lol fucking peko

>> No.25524026

sugita can make every girl cream their pantsu just by looking at them. you cannot reach 1% of his power level

>> No.25524027

When will Hololive adopt the Kunoichis?

>> No.25524028

Kek fucking peko

>> No.25524029
File: 2.26 MB, 1902x910, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25524030

Played my like a goddamn fiddle.

>> No.25524032

Peko is playing with fire...

>> No.25524033
File: 12 KB, 365x273, Ichimaru_Gin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*turns your S into an M*

>> No.25524034
File: 129 KB, 1028x1028, 1543492219615.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25524084


>> No.25524035

Towa needing emotional support from her partner!

>> No.25524036
Quoted by: >>25524060

Shut the fuck up retard

>> No.25524037


>> No.25524038

If my son was saying that he wouldn't be my son anymore

>> No.25524039
Quoted by: >>25524120

dog play illbleed

>> No.25524041

Cover should really feed their talent. Bunch of malnourished shorties.

>> No.25524042

Only towards Desk-Kun.

>> No.25524044

>make holoanti thread
>everyone in the holoanti thread posts on both and just shits it up more
And don't pretend it wouldn't happen because the holoanti thread is /vyt/ and it already happened.

>> No.25524043

i just want some bros to hang with

>> No.25524045

She then followed it up with headpats and hugs. She truly is a devil

>> No.25524046
Quoted by: >>25524129

It's like I'm just getting to know Towa rn. Did she ever had this kind of stream before?

>> No.25524047

Someone make a holo thread on >>>/trash/. Maybe that will turn out to be more comfy.

>> No.25524048

fucking pekora is bullying now

>> No.25524049

Trying to be an S failing horribly and then getting bullied sounds like a Towa move.

>> No.25524050
Quoted by: >>25524107

I'll be waiting for HoloID and Marine collabs.

>> No.25524051

And I'm a little bit younger than you, but I only heard about Cha Cha in the mid 2000s.

>> No.25524052


Muted but turning on sound when it looks like she's about to lose her shit:

>> No.25524053
Quoted by: >>25524090

And now we apply the same standard to aloe and get the same thing lol

Do you have any self awareness whatsoever?

>> No.25524054

>temporary blocked for posting troll posts
Meido confirmed for being a whoreposting nijifaggot.

>> No.25524055
Quoted by: >>25524100

Do people unironically think the holos don't have boyfriends or have sex?
I thought I was deluded

>> No.25524057

I only have Towa's and it's been about a month

>> No.25524056

Yeah, she's truly the best thing to come out of 5th gen

>> No.25524058


you realize if she's constantly talking about wanting sex but not HAVING sex, she is pure, you socially ignorant retard?

>> No.25524059
File: 379 KB, 781x670, 2020-08-17_08-25-57.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A couple streaming can get this many viewers, why is Hololive so scared of boys and girls streaming together?

>> No.25524061
Quoted by: >>25524095


>> No.25524060
Quoted by: >>25524089

>Shut the fuck up retard
>New IP only to say this
Can you stop abusing your airplane mode?

>> No.25524063

>not watching your bros
Also male streamers are funnier than girls around 70% of the time

>> No.25524064

Towa-Suba-Lofi might work they actually talk together in discord

>> No.25524066
File: 649 KB, 1800x1495, 1593642949244.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25524074

Yes and?

>> No.25524068
Quoted by: >>25524146

This thread is basically the same, those are seething trannies and these are seething virgins. The two side of the same coin.

>> No.25524069

Except Kaoru, no drama.

>> No.25524071

They hired the perfect person.

>> No.25524072

Yeah, I think so. When I was in 5ch(some board like old /b/) a few days ago, they already knew about her slutposting and shit like revealing live2d on her personal account, but no one mentioned Niji stuff at that time.
Probably someone found out that she was gossiping about Niji after that and that's why they had to do something about it.

>> No.25524074
Quoted by: >>25524161

Why do all the pink guys in my life leave me when I need them the most...

>> No.25524075
Quoted by: >>25524119

>holoanti thread
What is /vyt/?

>> No.25524076

>Antis start seething the moment a holo appears with a homo
Gee I don't know

>> No.25524077

I watched Roberu in the morning because there was nothing else

>> No.25524082

>thinking about everything in terms of "cancelling"
The reason trannies "cancelling" people is bad is because the trannies are wrong on the issues. They're pushing culture in a bad direction. In fact, they're pushing culture in the opposite direction we're pushing by shaming whores. Being a whore is bad. For Japanese women to remain feminine (at least in the way they present, or the ideal they strive for), they must be socially shamed when they act out of line. Otherwise you just get pure trash like what we have in America.

>> No.25524084

Name my band!

>> No.25524085

90% of the JP comments on that video are actually retarded.

>> No.25524086

My friend

>> No.25524087
File: 205 KB, 1440x900, ____preview_2015-11-15_00050.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What games do you want your holo to play?
Sky Rogue.

>> No.25524088

Fucking poser gurofag Marine. Bet she hasn't even seen Shintaro Kago shit.

>> No.25524089

Gotta use it when flying, you know?

>> No.25524090

The allegations against Aloe were that she currently has a boyfriend, and is a massive whore to boot, idiot.

>> No.25524091

Twitterfags are trying to doxx 5ch by using the public IP available in the site to revenge Aloe.

>> No.25524092
File: 85 KB, 715x822, 1574673328632.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's a proper S who takes care of her partner.

>> No.25524093
File: 478 KB, 1080x2618, IMG_20200817_182726.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek jfc temma go take more sleep.

>> No.25524094
Quoted by: >>25524117

Towa-Moona would be an autismfest.

>> No.25524095

Artia yo...

>> No.25524096

just woke up and saw aloes video. she truly was the towa if gen 5..

>> No.25524097
File: 464 KB, 2334x1800, sad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>check archive
It can't be helped i guess

>> No.25524098
File: 35 KB, 296x375, respect.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25524099

I would like to see that. Lets hope Towa keeps the collab train going

>> No.25524100

people actually think they are lesbians so probably

>> No.25524101

God, no wonder she chose that design.

>> No.25524102

>superchat drops to 0

>> No.25524103

I love how despising each other is strenghtening our community because fuck i hate all of you so much

>> No.25524105

Are they talking about guro?

>> No.25524106

I like watching the liver actually win games.

>> No.25524107

Iofi would work well since she speaks Japanese, can draw and is a massive fujo.

>> No.25524108
Quoted by: >>25524130

>when you grow up
why aren't you married yet grown up anon?

>> No.25524109


>> No.25524110

Just tuned in to FBK's comeback stream and she's actually getting akasupas
Happy fox

>> No.25524111

Have you not seen Astel?

>> No.25524113

Because Pekora can get 55k by herself with fall guys.

>> No.25524112
Quoted by: >>25524182

This shit always makes me laugh especially the one having car sex, shit sounds so fabricated.

>> No.25524115

No towa, you can't like gory things, you are cute and pure!

>> No.25524118
Quoted by: >>25524165

>the allegations
>but not the proof
So you dont have any self awareness

>> No.25524117

We need to make this real

>> No.25524119

It's pretty clear it's not just them, we have had 200 new regular posters since April, these faggots are the new normal now.

>> No.25524120

It really would be perfect, but I'm pretty sure the company that made it is dead.

>> No.25524121

Damn, Towa likes guro in anime. Didnt expect that

>> No.25524123

dilate more tranny

>> No.25524124

So a collab stream?

>> No.25524125


>> No.25524126

Man I had a perfect dream about Mel seducing me and I wake up to this shit. Fucking Cover.

>> No.25524127

You know which audience the holos appeals to right?

>> No.25524128

The threads are too fucking fast.
You're all getting tickets

>> No.25524129
Quoted by: >>25524145

Her member streams are pretty intimate.

>> No.25524130

who says I'm not?

>> No.25524131

Yeah because that would totally fix the problem and not worsen the situation

>> No.25524132

I miss this slut already

>> No.25524135

Considering that nijidrones had her in their sights, this could have gone much worse I guess.

>> No.25524136

Shaming women for wanting to have sex is what caused the reactionary feminist movement in the first place

>> No.25524137

She's a poser

>> No.25524139

Astel worried for his brother...

>> No.25524140

3m6d for Towa.

>> No.25524141

She dared to say nijisanji is shit and mistreated her friend on her personal account that's unforgivable

>> No.25524144


>> No.25524145

I watch the recent one but I heard nothing quite like this collab.

>> No.25524146

Culture can never be a vacuum. If you don't take a moral stand for anything, the people who do take a moral stand will dominate. Because conservatives in America capitulated to libertarianism, mass culture has shifted far-left. Maybe you enjoy vulgar, trashy culture, but I consume Japanese media precisely because I don't.

>> No.25524147

Really now? I was checking too and there's a lot of people asking why she only needs to be suspended for 2 weeks while Kaoru got fired.

>> No.25524148


>> No.25524149

Towa needs to apologize to Roboco.

>> No.25524150


>> No.25524151

I like how not only is Fall Guys perfect for Pekora, but the audience clearly agrees and anticipated her playing it, the views are always really high

>> No.25524152

Next years schedule

>> No.25524154


>> No.25524155

>356 Ips
What the hell

>> No.25524156

You just said it, JP FANS, the problem is that the antis are the vocal minority over there and over here too

>> No.25524157

I remember anons saying Marine and Towa wouldn't last an hour.

>> No.25524158
Quoted by: >>25524191

she still is. she did a kson stream putting on makeup for an hour at 11 pm before going to get fucked at roppongi

>> No.25524159



>> No.25524161
Quoted by: >>25524183

there was more than one?

>> No.25524164

>massive whore
literally every vtuber

>> No.25524165

So dox doesn't count as proof according to you? They need to literally speak it from their own mouths to confirm things or their real identities need to be found and stalked/filmed in real life? It's extremely obvious why people are uppity about this, you must be seriously missing some brain cells.

>> No.25524166

If you're married and watching chuuba's you're turning your wife into a cuck. You're literally married to a cuck now. How can you even live with yourself?

>> No.25524167

The dark knight rises.

>> No.25524168

It has guro moments.

>> No.25524169

Because Pekora and Marine split up get can get more than that.
I know Marine is doing a collab, but it's Towa, so it's not like she's getting a number boost.

>> No.25524171

Collabing with Iofi is cheating. She is fluent enough in jp to not be awkward

>> No.25524173

this is a bit right


>> No.25524174

No it isnt, decadence and "rights" inertia did

>> No.25524175

>Holoband incoming

>> No.25524176

Fubuki's return has such relatively low viewership. Sad!

>> No.25524177

No, Jewish immigration in the early 20th century caused that. All of the early feminists were Jewish.

>> No.25524178

Seems like she's working on her song covers. This workautist probably locked herself in her room again spending the whole day working on them.

>> No.25524179

so you married an experienced woman or she became one after you married her?

>> No.25524180

I want to go back to a time when 150 was too many

>> No.25524182

>14/15 year old girl making shit up for clout
She sounds so patheticaly horny. I want to watch her more now.

>> No.25524183

Pink mensch and Kaoru

>> No.25524184


>> No.25524185

damn pekora is on full tilt

>> No.25524186

Don't want to get KEKED.
Niji is the women's demographic. They want a woman and guy to self insert into the women. We want a gf experience.

>> No.25524187

bless this shitposting clown, makes me glad i fapped to her eating dango ASMR

>> No.25524188

Wow that was a short stream for watame

>> No.25524190

How I wish for this

>> No.25524191

t. EOP

>> No.25524193

Shit's normal after what happened recently.

>> No.25524194

>your cock is here!!!
>your semen is here!!
