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File: 55 KB, 720x900, chrischan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
25519259 No.25519259 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.25519261
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>> No.25519262
File: 293 KB, 440x428, FineChama.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25519276

I love Haachama!

>> No.25519263
File: 88 KB, 488x637, myfriendshiinyuika.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25519264
File: 159 KB, 359x359, 1586001527954.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I knew this would happen... Stay strong, Aloe.

>> No.25519265

Fuck Nene!
All my friends hate Nene!

>> No.25519268
File: 1.35 MB, 1071x1200, 1597406151286.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25519384

I love kanatan!

>> No.25519271
File: 450 KB, 1500x1067, KaichouEarly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck cover

>> No.25519270


>> No.25519272

Chris-chan is my favorite hololive

>> No.25519273

fuck purityniggers, fuck antis

>> No.25519274
File: 260 KB, 1980x1080, 05F6D917-B46B-45DF-89C7-4DB19A8B3795.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Submit to Mel !

>> No.25519275

I don't enjoy the hololive general. Where did the wholesome posters who support everyone go? Did they leave this shithole?

>> No.25519276

It's been zero(0) days since disaster.

>> No.25519277
File: 961 KB, 1008x534, 1597237093406.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25519328

This is a disaster

>> No.25519279

>OP pic
Please delete this. This is character is not even hololive.

>> No.25519278
File: 690 KB, 1280x720, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is nene... who is she... what is she...

>> No.25519281
File: 382 KB, 1897x1427, 1594561078830.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Coco's cocock...

>> No.25519282
File: 364 KB, 561x447, 1596716692392.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25519283

Voice drama thing is postponed too now

>> No.25519285
File: 435 KB, 561x420, 928673689367.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck cover

>> No.25519286

I hope the antis don't target us next.

>> No.25519287

I bet Nobuhime is really glad she finally got into a company that treats their talents with care and respect

>> No.25519288
File: 2 KB, 316x49, kusa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based japs asking the real question

>> No.25519289
File: 637 KB, 2675x2685, 1593724310924.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cover/Aloe was going to have to do something eventually, as long as any of that was up, the autists were going to attack her streams. Even now, you still have antis throwing fits over permissions to a point that Marine had to make a passive aggressive tweet saying she had permission to play fucking Hey You Pikachu. She would not be able to avoid something like this, especially when drama leeches like Narukami call attention to it(even if he tries defending them)

>> No.25519290
File: 1.47 MB, 946x1400, 1591250577342.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She got more thn a dick sashimi.

>> No.25519291
File: 595 KB, 1047x1076, 1584702172565.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25519447

>Why is x EOP pandering.
Now you know why.

>> No.25519293


>> No.25519294

i cant do my reps with all of those distractions. can yagoo go 1 hour without shitting the bed? big kusa

>> No.25519295
Quoted by: >>25519616

Always going to continue to support Aloe. Lets all continue to and give her our best when she returns.

>> No.25519297

How can we stop her?

>> No.25519296

It's over. She'll be homostar level when she gets back.

>> No.25519298
File: 14 KB, 636x125, 1592515786495.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25519299

Imagine living in japan and not vaporizing your old life every time you get a job

>> No.25519300
File: 31 KB, 420x467, suzumomo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

3 to go!

>> No.25519301
File: 70 KB, 228x221, spk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25519302

Does cover even screen their idols anymore?

>> No.25519303

The good thing about ritualchads is they identify the real threads

>> No.25519305
Quoted by: >>25519353

If you weren't an illiterate ESL you woudln't magnify a typo because you yourself would be able to recognise what the word was regardless

>> No.25519306
File: 37 KB, 507x441, 1588459317663.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25519362

Aloe... love...

>> No.25519307

Aloe did
>got her twitter banned because she put her debut date instead of her own birthday
>got suspended from streaming 2 weeks because of company material violation

She really fucks up a lot

>> No.25519309
File: 15 KB, 192x129, 2eu6ia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25519312
File: 2.42 MB, 2000x1162, 1597579488391.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He bought?

>> No.25519310
File: 160 KB, 680x510, 2e677e81ca8d308610f05814af709e8e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last couple of days have been pretty nuts

>> No.25519311
File: 301 KB, 344x398, 1593261818292.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25519313

Fuck Cover

>> No.25519316
File: 501 KB, 1200x849, DontForget.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25519317
Quoted by: >>25519406

Can hololive goes 1 (one) fucking week without any shit happen? Like, Jesus fuck, how do you manage to make so many fuck ups in such a short span of time? I'm getting too tired of all of this already.

>> No.25519320
File: 1.08 MB, 990x714, 1597495341054.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will NEVER forgive Cover.

>> No.25519321

lmao suckcucks already out defending her.

>> No.25519322
Quoted by: >>25519405

She'll hate Nene forever just because of this shitstorm. The 2nd gen 3 closeness dream is dead...

>> No.25519323
File: 137 KB, 992x476, 1590516007794.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dramashit is boring, can I be a clownposter too?

>> No.25519324

>Botan twitter banned

>> No.25519325
Quoted by: >>25519560

Rip ALoe.
Starting with dumbfuck drama cause crazy japanese idolfags can't stop themselves from doxxing and going nuts.
Calling her home about this shit? Fucking insane fuckers
Literally mad right now, fuck cover

>> No.25519326

Nene just wanted to be friends with the people she'll be working with...

>> No.25519328

Daifuku is not amused

>> No.25519329

She should have stayed retired.

>> No.25519330

It just keeps on tumbling down.

>> No.25519331
File: 770 KB, 2894x4093, Ee6q2JeU4AEfnbA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Towafags I understand you now. I fucking despise these unicorns

>> No.25519332

Towachads... so this is what it's like..... I kneel

>> No.25519334
File: 310 KB, 1280x530, 1594325142615.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nene doxxes her entire generation
>not a fucking peep from cover
>aloe's manager fucks up
>public apology to tens of thousands of people and a two week ban
what a fucking company

>> No.25519333
Quoted by: >>25519506

I'd rather struggle for years than gain towafags as an audience

>> No.25519335

They keep making demon girls because they keep not getting a succesful one, instead all their demon girls just can't fucking survive for shit
How they manage this? 3/3 succubus/devils 3/3 crashed and burned

>> No.25519336
File: 140 KB, 1263x678, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>She already knew at this point

>> No.25519337

It doesn't even make sense when someone like MATSURI WITH HER LEGIT ISSUES IS ABLE TO DO HER THING

>> No.25519338
File: 1.55 MB, 820x1011, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What went so wrong with this retard?

>> No.25519339

why do you think towa is at the hospital?

>> No.25519340

It was a common misconception back then too but in Chris's case the "manager" wasn't Cover staff. The guy liked calling himself that because he had made a shitty Live2D for some indie.

>> No.25519343

Tifa is streaming on Twitch in 2 hours.

>> No.25519344
File: 40 KB, 712x375, 1597070659862.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you imagine being Japanese and having to eliminate everything that proves you exist on the internet just to have a career or be an entertainer?

>> No.25519345
File: 609 KB, 3840x2160, 1597357243376.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Polka already puts 5th gen on her back.
I unirnonically believe she will be able to carry The Worst Generation.

>> No.25519347
File: 27 KB, 424x320, 1597053663961.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25519708

Real talk here, the managers are the fucking problem. First Mel's sad excuse of a manager, now Aloe.

>> No.25519348
File: 19 KB, 223x150, xmgp1f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What did Polka say? Seemed a bit nicer than nene

>> No.25519349

leaks her shit, breaks nda, deserved it.

>> No.25519351

Goddamnit Nobuhime

>> No.25519352
Quoted by: >>25519959

This script can only lead us to SummerSlam

>> No.25519354
Quoted by: >>25519423


>> No.25519353
Quoted by: >>25519395

>ad hominem til the cows come home
please just learn how to form a coherent sentence instead of ragetyping.

>> No.25519355
File: 1.12 MB, 683x896, 1597589168443.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25519356


>> No.25519357

I'm honestly disappointed at Cover for pandering to the antis. Of course I'm mad at the antis too, but Cover shouldn't have done it this way. Just issue a statement clarifying what happened, and move on. That's it.

Anyway. The overseas fans are bigger than before, and if we can be there for Towa, we should do it to Aloe too. Let's all be there when she comes back.

>> No.25519358
File: 388 KB, 567x612, 1594254864766.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't even watched anything hololive-related in a month.

>> No.25519359

Someone bring me up to speed, I woke up to that last thread going mental, it's not easy to parse.

>> No.25519360
File: 395 KB, 457x611, unknown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay ,whew, what a rough week it has been. But can you feel it? There's a light at the end of the tunnel. We really suffered through the worst of it. Weathered the storm. But it can only go up from here. There will be no more surprises, no more ill happenings or major negative events. It will be smooth sailing from here.

At this point, there's no way something worse can possibly happen.

>> No.25519361


>> No.25519362
File: 356 KB, 688x500, 1595378615830.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's two weeks of wait... Aloe love...

>> No.25519364
File: 221 KB, 1600x1600, 1597616912988.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honest question: are any of you actually going to watch her future streams out of pity or did your opinions on her not change? (e.g. I was gonna watch/not gonna watch her regardless).

>> No.25519366
File: 1008 KB, 850x777, 1596599539436.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25519451

She should've streamed with broken english, because only westerner cucks will support her now. Japanese people do not tolerate degenerates

>> No.25519368
File: 178 KB, 894x1689, IMG_20200810_144305.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Day 18 Thread #8

I love Mikochi!

>> No.25519369
File: 257 KB, 987x809, holosign.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25519371
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>> No.25519370

That only makes her more genuine. Aloe is going to come back strong.

>> No.25519372
File: 249 KB, 917x556, 1584193179931.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aloe edit when

>> No.25519374

Fuck Cover and fuck YAGOO.

>> No.25519375

Yeah I bet Roberu will end up making more than her per month.

>> No.25519376

I'm not really sure if i would be able to stream if my ex was getting harassed and I was getting harassed by fucking phone calls too.

>> No.25519380

I do it already and I'm not japanese. It's just too risky these days

>> No.25519378

I genuinely despise you.

>> No.25519379

She is responsible for point 1 only, point 2 is entirerly her manager fault but she gets the heat because Cover can't just stop sucking antis dicks

>> No.25519381


>> No.25519384
File: 792 KB, 4096x3386, 1589824393200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Second week without a schedule Kanatan!

>> No.25519386

>Botan looking at her in disappointment

>> No.25519387
File: 237 KB, 480x270, 1546338315977.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can we get a month of no drama please?

>> No.25519389

>She has recieved calls to her home for about things, please stop these.
Just leave her the fuck alone, jesus

>> No.25519388

what did nene do I'm literally fucking retarded help

>> No.25519390

Yup, everyone bow down and say sorry. It was totally the talent's fault exclusively. Sure, make them take their crucial first two weeks off. Society is all looking at you, make sure they REALLY know you're repenting for your mistakes! Fucking Japanese dipshits. I love the art you make but it's this kind of shit that reminds me that deep down they're not much far from the other asians when it comes to bullshit.

>> No.25519391

aloe had a sudden apology stream. 2 week 'suspension' in light of all the drama.

>> No.25519392

If only Aloe had accepted Watame as her senpai instead of Towa this would never have happened.

>> No.25519393
File: 23 KB, 350x539, 1595768194364.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25520696

That's why we need feminism.
So that succubi wouldn't lose their job from playing with their toys.

>> No.25519394


>> No.25519395

You don't even know what ad hominem means you fucking retard

>> No.25519396
File: 25 KB, 250x173, d5puv5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

News bummed out Clown.

>> No.25519397
File: 2.20 MB, 2048x1978, 1593261056839.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You motherfucker you posted this shit before and it kicked into full gear today. Double fuck you.

>> No.25519398
Quoted by: >>25519871


>> No.25519399
File: 57 KB, 960x784, bruhzone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just woke up.
What the fuck is going on? Can someone give me a quick rundown?

>> No.25519400
File: 356 KB, 531x486, 1581455973969.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25519401

don't worry we're pretty much there too, except worse

>> No.25519402
Quoted by: >>25519456

>aloe's manager fucks up

>> No.25519403

somehow this cured me of being a Towa anti, please expect my apology post later

>> No.25519404
File: 538 KB, 600x450, 1596051221273.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, on the bright side, there's Watame-lon head rap (long ver.) in 2 hours.

This feels strangely familiar...

>> No.25519405

I know i will. It's her fault and she's not getting punished.

>> No.25519406

Yeah. I want to go back to when the worst thing that would happen is a break. Now it's like Cover Corp is writing up reports by the week.

>> No.25519407
File: 112 KB, 215x227, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25519408

>Everyone in these threads are gonna hate Nene now because of this
Feels fucking bad man.

>> No.25519409

I was going to watch her because shes sexy. If she keeps singing with that vocaloid shit I'm going to unsub though

>> No.25519410

he really does have more power than we could of ever thought

>> No.25519411


>> No.25519413
File: 172 KB, 1024x640, qnhrh3zc4p111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post yfw omar won da holofive

>> No.25519414

Alowa will be fine. She will still be bigger than 99.99% of indies and have a rabid white knight fanbase. People talk about Towa as if she has it bad but she is better off than the absolute majority of people doing this shit for living.

>> No.25519415

Both, I loved her before but I will also watch her stream to help her

>> No.25519416


>> No.25519417

Was ignoring it even viable? Jp autism is strong, she was even getting calls to personal phones, even the supposed boyfriend was getting harassed. The harassment probably wouldn't end. Looks like she was fucked regardless.

>> No.25519418
Quoted by: >>25519574

Villager A

So a quick and rough translation of what was gone over in the video:

1) She had leaked her live2D model before she was allowed to, therefore breaking the contract.
2) As punishment for this violation, she has to take a 2 week break from streaming.

(this one here I'm really not too sure of the details, please do correct me if I'm wrong.)

3) A matter separate from this punishment that she addressed as it was causing rumors; due to allegations that Mano Aloe supposedly had a boyfriend, some fans were slandering and harassing her over this. Things got so bad that she started receiving unsolicited phonecalls at home cuz someone dug up her personal info. (wtf??)
She herself says that she is currently not in a relationship with anyone. (which I mean who the fuck cares even if she did, her private life is none of our business anyway)

And that's the gist of the video.

>> No.25519419
Quoted by: >>25519475

Just a reminder, Iofi got her whole personal profile leaked on her first stream and ID managers didn't even punish her or even made that shit public. Literally JP shit corps can't do shit right.

>> No.25519420

We'd have to make it to a week first...

>> No.25519421


>> No.25519422

Lurk more fag

>> No.25519423
Quoted by: >>25519530


>> No.25519426

God fucking damnit

>> No.25519425
File: 143 KB, 343x217, koropeek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Antis genuinely called her home phone number to harass her
People who support this are fucking cunts.

>> No.25519428

She is a literal dick sucking whore who pleases old men for money and this got leaked.

>> No.25519427

Choco had a great start and then got absolutely fucked by Youtube itself.

>> No.25519429


>> No.25519430
File: 98 KB, 697x808, 15258154630.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25519431

Wait, what the fuck did Nene do?

>> No.25519432

careful with your logic, you'll upset the redditors in here

>> No.25519433

I was pretty interested on her utawakus, now I need to wait 2 goddamn weeks for one.

>> No.25519434
File: 104 KB, 243x283, 1569547425725.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to hear coco's reaction to this

>> No.25519435

There were always shitters in these threads, even when it was just the virtual youtubers thread. You see these posts about missing Miko, but it wasn't that long ago that people were posting that she's a JAV whore who does offpako with her fans. But now, those kinds of posters are the vast majority, instead of the minority.

>> No.25519437


>> No.25519439
Quoted by: >>25520731

Cover made Aloe commiting dogeza for the leaked test stream from May, no streaming for 2 weeks
Oh and Botan twitter account is also banned for some reason

>> No.25519440

>Doing anything wrong

>> No.25519441

Fuck that whore Aloe, it will kill the momentum of Mio and Miko's returns in 2 weeks

>> No.25519442

The japanese autistic behavior is on another level, jesus

>> No.25519443
Quoted by: >>25519508

Please don't get Nene banned as well. One go-kise on hiatius is already bad enough, let's not fuck over more people

>> No.25519444
Quoted by: >>25519470

leaked gen5's identities

>> No.25519445

Antis harassed Aloe, her ex-boyfriend, and even started calling her actual house because of shit she did and now she has to go away for 2 weeks.

>> No.25519446

she shouldnt have been a normie with awful OP-sec anonchamma

>> No.25519447

EOPs can save you from Idol antis

>> No.25519448

its all so tiresome

>> No.25519449
File: 614 KB, 648x678, 1591791221841.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing cures being a weeaboo as well as finding out what Japanese are actually like huh.

>> No.25519451
Quoted by: >>25519549

remind me who is primarily marine's fanbase

don't use the sheep for retardposting please

>> No.25519452

Exposed the whore.

>> No.25519453

Garbage back when she was nobuhime, still garbage now.

>Carrying anything

>> No.25519454

>Holofive Sentai already dead

>> No.25519455

Break the timeloop...please.

>> No.25519456
File: 95 KB, 793x1024, 1597084789270.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25519627

>implying handling shit like test streams and the disposal of them aren't the manager's responsibility

>> No.25519457

wow they even know where she lives? thats kind of creepy and scary

>> No.25519458

She's one the two utawaku girls of gen 5 so, naturally I'd be listening. I'm now subbed to her even though I had no intention of subbing to any gen 5s for a while.

>> No.25519460

Her real life account got found out, given she is also an artist, which made it easy for doxxers to locate Aloe

>> No.25519459

I sympathize with her, but I don't feel acting like a reddicuck

>> No.25519461

I feel bad for her but that's only because I want to rape her consensually. In truth, Japs are fucking based. Don't let their women turn into Western whores.

>> No.25519462
File: 576 KB, 669x595, this shit again.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25519464
File: 725 KB, 860x1214, 1597328949651.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25519523

>rejected from idol audition after sucking yet another producer-sans cock
>go home to cry, phone starts ringing
>find out you got into hololive
>finally a fucking break! and all I had to do was spend a night with Mel's Manager
>get the contact info of your Gen
>industry veteran Nobuhime
>Masters APEX player Ereko
>learn you lost the Succubus role to a literal who
>you get the fucking Yokohama Chink meme character
>come up with a Plan to show Cover you shouldve got the first role you wanted, the CLOWN

>> No.25519463
File: 110 KB, 619x778, 1594098039423.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well shje did a pretty retarded thing with spamming emotes

>> No.25519466
File: 1.29 MB, 900x900, file_9wjwuog5vg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25519465

I was gonna watch her anyway because I like Gen5 so far

>> No.25519467

That's a hell of a monkey paw, so no. You know for sure the next month or even year the company will light on fire.

>> No.25519468
File: 243 KB, 483x489, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Clowns always have the last laugh

>> No.25519470
Quoted by: >>25519485

How the fuck did she do that?

>> No.25519472

Then she should have "apologized" and we all could have gone on with our lives, instead of punishing her for Cover's managers continuing to be molesters and fuckups.

>> No.25519473

Most likely it's not her "ex." That'd be a little too convenient. But honestly having a dedicated partner should help make a better streamer. You can see this from some big name twitch streamers and Watame for example is doing great.

>> No.25519474
Quoted by: >>25519546

What're futaba saying?


>> No.25519475
Quoted by: >>25519663

Are you really so retarded you can't tell the difference?

>> No.25519477

Imagine being so retarded you air out all the bad laundry on the internet and leave in details that can identify you.

>> No.25519478

No one in this thread matters, anonchama

>> No.25519480
File: 1.96 MB, 2066x2066, azumiku_0525 1294503514295529472_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25519515

All according to keikaku

>> No.25519479

Choco literally was gen 2's fastest grower before Youtube decided to ban ASMR and Cover went full retard trying to deal with it

>> No.25519481
Quoted by: >>25519543

/vyt/ invaded here a lot. Make a guess where oldfags goes

>> No.25519482

They are based as expected

>> No.25519483

Daily reminder HoloEN had no mention of social media experience or the like anywhere on it.
It was just a "hey wanna be a cool idol? give us some details!"
The pronouns, Abe, stop it, get them.

>> No.25519484
Quoted by: >>25519567

>Mio and Miko's returns in 2 weeks
Isn't Mio banned for 3 months?

>> No.25519485

by following them all on twitter at the same time

>> No.25519487

I believe it had something to do with using her private twitter for gen 5 stuff which led to 5ch being able to find everyone else's private twitters as well

>> No.25519488
Quoted by: >>25519685

Miko is gonna fucking die, isn't she?

>> No.25519486

No. I don't miss much for ignoring sluts like her or Towa, there's a huge buffet of chubas after all.

>> No.25519490

>leaks her shit
Manager's fault.
>breaks nda
Objectively didn't.
>deserved it
Hell no.

>> No.25519489
File: 31 KB, 406x406, EfjO3CRUwAAHF5n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25519491

holy fuck dangerously based

>> No.25519492

This, she should just retire desu.

>> No.25519493

I was going to watch at least some stuff from all of the 5th gen idols (mostly Polka though). I'm still going to watch Aloe and if anything these draconian actions and the abuse by antis just make me feel more sorry for her.

>> No.25519495
File: 34 KB, 128x128, 726121511597113367.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25519497
File: 16 KB, 545x190, 897056979567.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25519498
File: 277 KB, 498x498, nene.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do chinks have to ruin literally everything?

>> No.25519500

I don't like Japanese people. I like the Japanese language and the history War crimes included

>> No.25519501


>> No.25519502

>have to take a 2 week break

>> No.25519503
Quoted by: >>25519603

She was upd8'd in the throat by Aloe's news today.

>> No.25519504
File: 185 KB, 393x527, 41961846981.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't believe the "Liz goes to the second archive" is real here now.

>> No.25519505

Why is everyone blaming her like she wanted to get doxxed?

>> No.25519506
Quoted by: >>25519593

Helpful and loyal people would seem alian to anti's, I suppose.

>> No.25519507

Only towafags will hate her, and who gives a fuck about them?

>> No.25519508
Quoted by: >>25519748

Why punish one but not the other? How is it fair?

>> No.25519509
Quoted by: >>25519638

I was going to watch her because I liked the design and ended up liking the voice. WHAT A FUCKING SHAME she's going to be ignored by whole generations of senpai.

>> No.25519511

Lol fucking boomer

>> No.25519512

what the fuck? This is fake, right?

>> No.25519513
File: 185 KB, 588x483, miko-helm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In these troubling times, remember to seek solice with our one and only Miko.

>> No.25519515

will she be able to bear the shame? we'll see soon

>> No.25519514

Would of watched her singing stuff after seeing the arguments about it.

>> No.25519516

Threw her under the bus

>> No.25519519
File: 115 KB, 1200x905, EfYI97pUYAIHhcX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25519517
File: 2.85 MB, 596x640, 1591377196181.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So now that cover has officially kneeled to doxxfags who will be the next yabai? If something this simple can cause this much of a shitstorm anything is possible.

>> No.25519518


>> No.25519520

>2020 Generation
This year just keeps on giving

>> No.25519521

How did Nene doxx other gen5 again?

>> No.25519523

that's a really cute picture

>> No.25519525
File: 890 KB, 867x828, p4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25519524

sorry bro, i cant think of anything wholesome enough to cancel the shitposts

>> No.25519526
File: 125 KB, 884x720, 1580028683168.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking stop

>> No.25519527

What's this shit about Nene?

>> No.25519528

What did she mean by this?

>> No.25519529

It's definitely not and anyone saying she should've ignored it is retarded because her chat would be spammed 24/7 until she addresses it and that doesn't make for a good livestream environment
The 2 week break is retarded though and might quite literally kill her career

>> No.25519530

that's cringe too

>> No.25519531


>> No.25519532

I feel like throwing up now holy shit. I dont even have an appetite to post the ritual Shion, Mio and Miko post now.

>> No.25519533

>disappointed Botan
>worried Lamy
>content Nene
>confused Aloe
>HONK Polka
kek it's all there

>> No.25519535
Quoted by: >>25519809

I was going to watch her regardless, she was just a horny teen and everytime these antis dig up "boyfriend" shit its highly speculative. But she fucked up and it made me worried about her I'm glad she cleared up those test streams cause that shit would've literally killed her.

>> No.25519536

deja vu

>> No.25519537
File: 112 KB, 238x216, 1587079296908.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

True, kek. I've known japanese were also scum after working a few projects with them.

>> No.25519538
Quoted by: >>25519721

>She was leaking personal information from someone in another office.

>> No.25519540
File: 349 KB, 1464x2048, EfiVVrkUYAA-2bm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fellow Yukimin chilling while all of this unfolds

>> No.25519541
File: 131 KB, 828x1747, Ecvh1v1UcAIQF2M.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about you, /hlg/? Did this make you a whiteknight like 5ch says? Were the Towafags right all along? Should female neets not be trusted with corporate secrets? Do antis need to be hired to do background checks before contracts are signed?

>> No.25519542


>> No.25519543

ive been here since about December and still remember when anon gave out OJ copies and played some games

>> No.25519544


>> No.25519545
File: 285 KB, 560x500, 1597568422862.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25519597

Her clown world character is so unbelievably fitting. This fucking timeline

>> No.25519546

some shit about dildo sashimi

>> No.25519548
File: 754 KB, 700x1245, b845eef0b604d63b2285d95f379e677c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25519594

i'm a succuck.

if aloe wants to make sashimi with my dick she can.
if she wants to have morning sex with me she can.
if she's horny she can always ask to give her relief.
i will pay for aloe enko.
when she becomes a big singer and needs an ikemen for her yarimanko it'll be me.

i take the pledge that whenever aloe is horny she can use my penis and have my sperm

>> No.25519549
Quoted by: >>25519632

Being a pervert as a trait is not the same thing as being a literal whore, tourist.

>> No.25519550

>Botan knew this shit was coming, so she made twitter suspend her account on purpose, so she wouldn't have to mar herself with that soulless corporate bullshit blaming Aloe
Kashikoi lion.

>> No.25519551 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.65 MB, 1280x720, 1597653533195.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The Worst Generation
but buggy isn't part of the worst generation.

>> No.25519552
File: 102 KB, 437x437, 1594974274656.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25519553

I only post retard shit here. Good luck digging anything out from here, unless it's the FBI. Other social media? I dont exist.

>> No.25519555

Can we just ban all mentions of nene? She's such a blight on gen 5
What a waste of a character. She should just graduate

>> No.25519557

I don't get it, why did the Japanese keep posting Nijisanji in the chat? Did Nijisanji do something too?

>> No.25519558
Quoted by: >>25519615

Aloe redditors are mad that their whore got exposed and are desperately trying to shift the blame to someone else

>> No.25519559

Fuck this infested thread, I'm going to /trash/

>> No.25519560

not just calling her home but calling her ex-boyfriends home too? parasites

>> No.25519561
File: 16 KB, 514x56, Screenshot 2020-08-17 at 09.37.55.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25519596

Ironically those who need to read this can't read this

>> No.25519563

>Cover/Aloe was going to have to do something eventually
Not really. Just delete the video and move on. Not that hard.

>> No.25519564

Why the fuck did you say that? WHY THE FUCK DID YOU SAY THAT

>> No.25519562

Reality is stranger than fiction

>> No.25519565

in one of her pictures, you could see her monitor screen reflect in her eyes allowing you to see who she followed.

>> No.25519566
File: 117 KB, 1920x1080, sad kiryu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine if the actor behind Aloe character killed herself over this

>> No.25519567
Quoted by: >>25519629

Mio's jail time's been reduced to a month, and Miko's possibly return by the end of the month.

>> No.25519568
File: 2.12 MB, 1500x2121, 1597495016227.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does everything I enjoy go burning down in flames
It hurts, bros

>> No.25519569

she literally said it herself

>> No.25519572

>growing up people always said don't put your personal information on the internet
>now society basically revolves around doing that with social media wanting you to dox yourself so they can sell you ads

>> No.25519573

I didn't know Aloe was Sio.

>> No.25519574
Quoted by: >>25519716

>due to allegations that Mano Aloe supposedly had a boyfriend, some fans were slandering and harassing her over this. Things got so bad that she started receiving unsolicited phonecalls at home cuz someone dug up her personal info.
I don't get it, is the rest of Hololive thought to be virgins? There's enough evidence of other Holos having boyfriends or having had boyfriends that sperging out to this degree for this one seems disproportionate.

>> No.25519575
File: 211 KB, 1920x1080, Efi03tGVoAImbMv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shes going to be in hiding now

>> No.25519576
Quoted by: >>25519607

Just reinforced my burning hatred for Cover, honestly.

>> No.25519577
File: 436 KB, 900x725, 1597337887090.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25519578


>> No.25519579

11 PM STREAM probably

>> No.25519580

...what the fuck lol that's not even true

>> No.25519581

Yes, we get it. Cover is incompetent and it is so sad poor Aloe did nothing wrong blabla.
We don't need threads of white knights impotently shaking with anger because you fucks aren't going to do shit but vent in this thread anyways.
Equally we don't need a bunch of epic shitposters gloating, both of you shut the fuck up.

>> No.25519582

well at least she's not leaving
Shut up nerds
She will come back stronger with an entire EOP army behind her

>> No.25519583

stream time

>> No.25519584
File: 13 KB, 572x105, 1579228452242.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder who's behind this post.

>> No.25519586
File: 764 KB, 1000x1000, 1590902666094.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck sake Botan you HUGE baka.

>> No.25519587

One of these things is not like the others

>> No.25519588

Wew Polka must really regret wanking Yagoo in her debut. What a fucking shitbag.

>> No.25519589
Quoted by: >>25520759

No. Aloe AND her manager forgot to delete a 3 view test stream and this is the result.

>> No.25519590

made for breeding

>> No.25519591

>degens are being degens

>> No.25519592

5ch stalkers had a guess on her roomamate and seen said roomate started following some people she shouldn't have nothing in common with on social media while they had under watch, it wasn't intentional doxxing but yeah

>> No.25519593

oh im not anti towa retard

>> No.25519594

This, but I also want her to massage my prostate with her tail

>> No.25519595

nice screenshot of your own comment

>> No.25519596
Quoted by: >>25519635

I can't speak japanese and it's pretty obvious he's telling EOPs to do their reps

>> No.25519597

Shouldn't this be the other way around?

>> No.25519598

she has boobs to feed my 10 children very well

>> No.25519599
Quoted by: >>25519703

Still gonna learn their language though, if they're not gonna share their anime and chuubas with us kaigai nikki.

>> No.25519600

Korone is retiring?

>> No.25519601
File: 593 KB, 1889x1889, honkhonk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25519654

>after 4 debuts Gen5 seems like literal dog shit
>boring tit character, succubus meme 2.0, a fucking chink, only gamer is an old hag apex player

>> No.25519603

Haha holy fuck. Going from one dumpster fire to another shitshow.

>> No.25519604

Towa not cancelling. Moved to 1900H

>> No.25519605

As expected from someone with more than 20 years of experience in the industry

>> No.25519606

I would like her even more if she did it on purpose.

>> No.25519607

Do something about it anon, what are you waiting for?

>> No.25519608

I hope no one is stupid enough to believe that

>> No.25519609

i love nene!

>> No.25519610

why are towafags like this?

>> No.25519611
File: 379 KB, 1215x1200, Peko mating press.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>girl on girl mating press
So rare and amazing.
Imagine being Marine's co-worker when she is horny 24/7...

>> No.25519612

that would ruin my month

>> No.25519613

Anonchama, she literally did it with permission from her manager.

>> No.25519614
File: 397 KB, 688x500, 1597495382970.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25520417

A-Aloe love...?

>> No.25519615
File: 135 KB, 563x795, 1597083945370.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25519787

i dont give a fuck about aloe but nene literally doxxed the entirety of 5th gen by being retarded on twitter

dont act like shes done nothing wrong.

>> No.25519616

I hope that doxxfags are happy with this shit. I don't mind the doxxing itself but they aren't happy until they taste blood.

>> No.25519617

Bogdanoff'd rest of her gen.

>> No.25519618
Quoted by: >>25519742

When narukami starts?

>> No.25519619
File: 1.05 MB, 652x810, 1591011314063.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is just one more reason to hate Cover for me.

>> No.25519621
File: 98 KB, 635x900, EfdggDTUMAIUEyC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25519697

I won't hate her because it was genuinely a lapse in her retard brain but she is entirely to blame for giving the easy access to the jap doxfags

>> No.25519620

now these retards think that holos can't have boyfriends KEK. eops are fucking retarded

>> No.25519622

Wtf I love Botan now

>> No.25519623

I like her voice, still curios her singing without autotune.

>> No.25519624


>> No.25519625
File: 1.40 MB, 1546x739, 1593297176825.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't really give a shit about it, jp purityfagging is retarded, but I also don't give enough of a shit to whiteknight her

>> No.25519626

>"Should we tell Aloe?"
>"Shhh, no one needs to know."

>> No.25519627

Fucking retard, that's not the reason she got cancelled. It's because the fact that she has/had a boyfriend leaked.

>> No.25519628
File: 113 KB, 244x248, 1566599959662.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's honestly fucking hilarious

>> No.25519629

I missed that, thanks.

>> No.25519630

>only a fucking number
Dog God tweets are kino

>> No.25519631

I don't even know her content. She had a debut stream and a talking collab. She's didn't even do anything yet to be worth watching.

>> No.25519632
Quoted by: >>25519672

>literal whore
>twitter posts
based retardposter

>> No.25519633

people still somehow don't know that she did this

>> No.25519634
Quoted by: >>25519658

Did she get hacked or did she go full boomer?

>> No.25519635

just assume every JP comment is that

>> No.25519636

actually Based move, as expected of an APEX Master God Gamer

>> No.25519637

Is it normal to derive pleasure from all these white knights seething? Because holy shit im beaming. Im not even a purityfag but this shits hilarious.

>> No.25519638

She always just wanted Towa to acknowledge her and Towa probably will now.

>> No.25519640

Would tune in to some of her return streams, leave a like and supporting comments. If she can somehow win me over by then then I'll subscribe to her. Fucking hell I'm still mad.

>> No.25519641
File: 552 KB, 1164x1093, 1586461149474.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw when you're not a Towacuck or a Aloecuck

>> No.25519643

Aloe... Botan... Why didn't you just namedrop her...

>> No.25519644

>dead hours
>31.55 posts/min
what the fuck is going on now

>> No.25519645

being a hololive fan is suffering

>> No.25519646
Quoted by: >>25519684

Did I miss another narrative like the boyfriend one?

>> No.25519648

Please go back.

>> No.25519649

She has to repent. This was deserved. Anyone white knighting is a moron.

>> No.25519650
File: 37 KB, 836x190, 772161.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am literally untouchable

>> No.25519652
File: 767 KB, 3258x4096, 1597312107250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25519673


>> No.25519653

It's not Nene's fault anyways. Cover has some retard leaker that leaked all of their information before they even debuted. If anything Cover should go take care of that guy.

>> No.25519654

She was even worse than Lamy, honker.

>> No.25519655

All those years of experience really shine through. I unironically like her so much.

>> No.25519656
File: 38 KB, 451x407, 1592931116559.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's because the fact that she has/had a boyfriend leaked.
So it's entirely nene's fault then? Got it.

>> No.25519657

Would be nice if our internet went back to being something like that

>> No.25519658

she went boomer and to the twitter AI looked like she was a bot and got banned

>> No.25519659

Fucking genius move

>> No.25519660
File: 281 KB, 588x321, 1597592598622.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.25519662

holy fuck 5th gen burning down

>> No.25519663
Quoted by: >>25519733

Are you? leaking of personal information and face is miles above just leaking some live2D avatar that had only 3 viewers on it.

>> No.25519664
Quoted by: >>25519709

Make a nice clip with translated subtitles if you want attention

>> No.25519665


>> No.25519666
File: 39 KB, 635x515, minatoaqua 1288105046203199496_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your favourtie holo isn't a whore, right?

>> No.25519668

>finding out what Japanese are actually like

>> No.25519669
Quoted by: >>25519863

>"the person some suspected of being my boyfriend"
>ex boyfriend
Anything and everything that hasn't been directly confirmed by the holos should be treated as baseless rumors and narrativefaggotry.

>> No.25519670

People don't even remember now, but Cover's first response to Towa's yabee wasn't to make her apologize. They tried deleting/copyright claiming clips of the incident, but eventually realized that they couldn't keep it off the internet, and made her dogeza.

>> No.25519671
File: 300 KB, 379x454, 1593954424892.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25519672
Quoted by: >>25519700

Keep seething cuck

>> No.25519673
File: 484 KB, 550x873, miko-peace.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25519674

If they want 100% clean past chuubas, they should start breeding their own.

>> No.25519676


>> No.25519677

i kept asking about it but nobody replied. please explain because navigating nnd is difficult

>> No.25519678

I honestly don't know how twitter works. How can you tell she's banned? I can still see her twitter.

>> No.25519679

i find it disturbing more than anything. it's scary how many white knights there are here. i expected better

>> No.25519680

>Antis harassed Aloe
>gets even more damage from her company later
sasuga Cover

>> No.25519681
File: 277 KB, 372x454, 1596652346440.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe next time you'll make the gangimari face properly Aloe...

>> No.25519682
Quoted by: >>25519993


>> No.25519683

Cover threw one of the gen 5 girls under the bus for management incompetence and idolfag pandering while Nene joined them to suck up

>> No.25519684

She said some shit about Chigusa from Nijisanji after she retired

>> No.25519685

Eh, she's not going to be anon, she's fine. It's just an excuse for her to spend time with her family, this is also her first real break since 2 years of working non-stop, she deserves this break. And I said this as a 35P.

>> No.25519686

That just makes me like Botan more honestly.

>> No.25519688
File: 610 KB, 724x1023, Yukihana.Lamy.full.3036373.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25521512

Im glad our girl is safe.

>> No.25519687
Quoted by: >>25519732

Weekly Hololive drama.

>> No.25519689

If Cover keeps fucking over the rest and forcing her into primetime, no shit.

>> No.25519690

aqua is too autistic for anyone to handle but her parents

>> No.25519691


>> No.25519693

i only watch pure vtubers such as marine and pekora

>> No.25519694

i was seriously looking forward to her streams after discovering her horny posting on twitter, was expecting marine 2.0, but now i'm afraid she'll be turned into towa 2.0, although i hope she isn't as boring as towa

>> No.25519695

I drive please from Aloe suffering and crying

>> No.25519696
Quoted by: >>25519730

If Aloe having had a boyfriend is something she needs to apologize for/address in a public apology, then where's Coco's apology video? Where's Choco's? What the FUCK are Cover thinking?

>> No.25519697

Where's the apology then? Is she not "inconviniencing" Cover?

>> No.25519698
File: 73 KB, 230x230, 1597263184004.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25519788

>didn't namedrop Watame
>got cursed a week after debut

>> No.25519699

These guys sure are efficient

>> No.25519700

based retardposter

>> No.25519701

>Mio is in jail for youtube crime
>Miko is dying
>Choco is killing herself with drugs
>Watame is on a rollercoaster of in and out depressions
>Aloe is in jail for nothing
>Botan is in jail for twitte crimes

>> No.25519703
Quoted by: >>25519753

>Still gonna learn their language though, if they're not gonna share their anime and chuubas with us kaigai nikki.
Destroy their culture from the inside, take their women too.

>> No.25519702

Stop writing narratives, holy shit this place.

>> No.25519704

If you want a fun time, just drop into the fan discords and post Aloe's roomate's tweets and show them only 3 people saw the leak. They loose it everytime.

>> No.25519705

No asacoco to even partially address it like towas...

>> No.25519706

>Towa going to the hospital
Right, just tell us you went to your friend's house to console her.

>> No.25519707

Why did no one follow the age old internet wisdom of NEVER SHARING PERSONAL INFORMATION ONLINE.

>> No.25519708

don't forget Subaru's manager deleting her content too or whoever threw Mio under the bus despite approving and finalizing schedules being the managers job

>> No.25519709

I don't want attention, I don't even know what she said in this video. but apparently she said some really incriminating things that make her not completely blameless.

>> No.25519711
Quoted by: >>25519976

So was Miko going on vacation the trigger? Will Miko coming back save hololive?

>> No.25519712
File: 108 KB, 221x256, 1574468038709.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im just looking at this textbook PR disaster

>> No.25519714
Quoted by: >>25519769

I don't want to lose both Choco and Aloe in a single month...

>> No.25519715
Quoted by: >>25519734

imagine caring about a leak that no one noticed until after the debut...

>> No.25519716

It's because Aloe is new. Choco literally admitted to having at least 3 ex-boyfriends on stream and nobody cared. Antis are like sharks around new girls, waiting for a drop of blood in the water.

>> No.25519717

She didn't though she was just talking about dicks

>> No.25519719

Shes my favourite so far, she also has clear as fuck distinctive speech pattern
As a Japanese learner that makes it easy to understand. With other nips I can only pick out the odd word or two in their smushed natural talking, with Aloe I could understand whole sentances

>> No.25519721

Narrative goes is that she leaked info on a former niji.

>> No.25519720


>> No.25519722
File: 553 KB, 767x942, 1596202130884.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25519746


>> No.25519723

I'm getting a twisted sort of giddy schadenfreude thinking about how sad Aloe's roommate is right now even if I don't give a shit about her or Aloe.
Do y'all think it's fucked up to enjoy other peoples sadness and misfortune? Cause if so I think I need a two week break from here too.

>> No.25519726
Quoted by: >>25519750

Okayu and Korone falling out

>> No.25519727
Quoted by: >>25519768

Good Aloechad... we'll make it through this.

>> No.25519728

>aloe dead on arrival

>> No.25519729
File: 141 KB, 558x702, botan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25519759

so this is why botan was restricted

>> No.25519730

Imagine being N5. Laugh at this fuck.

>> No.25519731
File: 281 KB, 500x500, 1597472423681.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25519732
Quoted by: >>25519766

Honestly its amazing how fucking shitty Cover is. I wonder what tomorrow's arc is going to be.

>> No.25519733

Not from Cover's perspective

>> No.25519734
Quoted by: >>25519764

>imagine caring about a leak that no one noticed until after the debut...
Imagine reading the situation so surface level that you think that's what this is about.

>> No.25519736

>She will go far

>> No.25519737

Hololive Superchat Ranking for September 2020
>Rushia: WHORE YEN
>Towa 100,000 yen
>Aloe 0 yen (Youtube probably can't monetize channel with no video)

>> No.25519738

I was going to at least give her a shot before, the only thing this changed is that I now hate cover enough that if my favorite holo leaves I'm out.

>> No.25519739



>> No.25519740


>> No.25519741
File: 550 KB, 878x900, 1597568145806.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

always remember

bet on the demon

>> No.25519742

22 jst

>> No.25519743
File: 226 KB, 480x480, 1597648473075.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have been lonely every day since Mikochi went on break!

>> No.25519744

23h stream

>> No.25519745

I like artists. I have no appreciation for companies, no matter the country. Japan has amazing artists, their companies are garbage.

>> No.25519746

But most importantly

>> No.25519748
Quoted by: >>25519831

because she did literally nothing wrong, blame the fucking doxxing antis, retard
you actually don't care about fairness

>> No.25519750

whats happening with them now? Seriously can keep up with Hololive Telenovelas

>> No.25519751

Any timestamp on this? Haven't seen that yet except posted here

>> No.25519752
Quoted by: >>25519790

What happened to Botan Twitter?

>> No.25519753

>Destroy their culture from the inside, take their women too.
holy based, might get rich there and lobby for more US Army bases too

>> No.25519754

anyone have that image of sheep eating potato chips?

>> No.25519755
File: 900 KB, 707x1000, 1597393123505.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25519823

2 weeks from now... We will show them how strong the ALOE LOVE truly is!

>> No.25519756

I would sacrifice Towa to save Aloe.

>> No.25519758

holy shit lol

>> No.25519759
File: 190 KB, 708x510, 1596734842081.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this fucking kusoposting lion

>> No.25519762

I've known this for years after knowing how the VA industry is like

I just wish Japan corporations would actually crack down on this

>> No.25519761

She didn't share anything and still got found out though? How they did it is a complete mystery. It's some straight Yakuza connection shit.

>> No.25519763

based department certified

>> No.25519765

>Do y'all think it's fucked up to enjoy other peoples sadness and misfortune? Cause if so I think I need a two week break from here too.
Depends on whether they deserve it.
In this case it was her manager fucking up so she didn't deserve it.

>> No.25519764

I'm just reading through the japanese comments and too many of them are doing just that. Taking it at face value and shitting on her for it. It's just funny.

>> No.25519766
File: 136 KB, 367x361, 1597157288771.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Implying there will be a tomorrow after Watame-lon rap (long versions) drops

>> No.25519768

It's going to be fine, two weeks are nothing...

>> No.25519769
Quoted by: >>25521601

Choco is fine, don't say this anon

>> No.25519770

I would probably stop watching altogether

>> No.25519771
Quoted by: >>25519886

Cover should just convert Asacoco into an anti-narukami program that makes direct but mocking references to narratives in a digestible way. Harmess them into content and take the wind out of his sails.

>> No.25519772
File: 112 KB, 830x743, 1594553873699.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's literally, I repeat literally, nothing wrong with being a whore.

>> No.25519774


>> No.25519775


>> No.25519777
File: 267 KB, 407x316, 1589439958284.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25519779

I'm missing the autotune using succ more than you could ever imagine.

>> No.25519778


>> No.25519780

Nene just sacrificed Aloe for more time on the clock

>> No.25519781

Schadenfreude is fine dude, but at least save it for dipshits that deserve it.

Forgetting to delete a video on the internet and facing the wrath of 20000 keyboard warriors is not deserving of ridicule.

>> No.25519782

So many idiot foreigners trying to defend her. Get fucked and stay stupid.

>> No.25519785

i would definitely be a whore, too

>> No.25519786

i would stop watching anything from cover out of principle if that happened. even from my oshi.

>> No.25519787

Did she wanted to get doxxed?

>> No.25519788
Quoted by: >>25520276

unironically she's the only one who didn't namedrop watame


>> No.25519790

Shitty boomer doesnt know twitter rules

>> No.25519791

okayuu refused to eat more of korones terrible food and she raped okayuu in a fit of rage, atleast thats what anon told me

>> No.25519793
Quoted by: >>25519821

>445 posts
>after fifteen mintues
Will this thread even last two hours?

>> No.25519794
Quoted by: >>25520087


>> No.25519795

>scroll for 5 minutes
>can't find the first 100
holy fucking shit she definitely knew

>> No.25519797


>> No.25519798
Quoted by: >>25519855

>Kudou chitose
Literally who

>> No.25519799

Remember to never ever trust the demon avatar

>> No.25519801


>> No.25519803

Please be true, this is an ultimate middle finger towards Cover.
Literally telling them she won't stand their bullshits

>> No.25519806
File: 1.86 MB, 1857x1045, EflBDm5U8AAW7GQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can we just go back to watching Fall Guys? Dangit Cover.

>> No.25519805

fuck off edgelord, she did nothing that warrants this.

>> No.25519807

Based baitposter

>> No.25519808

Who was it again?

>> No.25519809

>horny teen
Was the stuff dug up years old or is she pretty young?

>> No.25519810

>Watamelon Rap (long) is a cover of No Vaseline directed at Coco, Suisei and Kanata.

>> No.25519811
File: 40 KB, 467x407, 1595058900332.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>antis need to be hired to do background checks before contracts
Doesn't need to be anti, just anyone would be good. Put a whore in an idol project? Yet again Cover shows they are amateurs and incompetent. They didn't learn anything with that con-artist guy niji guy. Fuck bitches and whores.

>> No.25519812

All of this is true except Watame. Watame is having the best few months she has ever had. She leaped over like 5 other Hololive vtubers in subs and almost every single one of the 5th gen love her. She pulled more subs in the last month than the onion.

>> No.25519815

Billion dollar industry kneels before me, the overweight neet CHAD.

>> No.25519817


>> No.25519821
Quoted by: >>25519858

will it even last a hour is a better question because its a no

>> No.25519822

Holy shit that's based

>> No.25519823
File: 14 KB, 293x145, firefox_IP5lTxL5UI.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2 weeks from now... We will show them how strong the ALOE LOVE truly is!
If it's anything like the TOWA LOVE, then I'm not impressed.

>> No.25519824
File: 140 KB, 362x326, 1597528177602.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you say so lmao.

>> No.25519825

every time this has been posted recent it just gets worse...

>> No.25519826

No one fucking cares. Take your meds.

>> No.25519827


>> No.25519828
File: 62 KB, 1280x720, 1591318361593.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>entering a profession where identities being kept a secret is of upmost importance
nah shes fucking retarded even if she herself didnt expect to get doxxed.

fuck off defending that bullshit.

>> No.25519829

so if I take the context and machine translation, this wasn't even some malicious dialogue, just basically expressing her concerns about big agencies' management not protecting their talents' privacy and giving anecdotes about people she knew?

>> No.25519830
File: 683 KB, 585x614, t41343.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25519862


Kenzocucks you got a new girl to take care off

>> No.25519831

I don't see how this is about doing things wrong anymore. Everything that damages the brand must be reprimanded.
Also fuck yes she did things wrong, fuck you.

>> No.25519832

Kudou Chitose retired ages ago, and everybody knows she's sirose rei.

>> No.25519833

Okay that's two retards in one gen, that's too many

>> No.25519834

Her wording didn't actually confirm the boyfriend garbage (unlike a certain blond niji whore and an independent maid prostitute who don't even make an attempt at refuting it) so I'm gonna give her a chance.

>> No.25519836


>> No.25519837
File: 1.94 MB, 498x498, tenor.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

towaslut is friend with another slut. what a surprise

>> No.25519838

All women deserve the burqa am I right?

>> No.25519839

While she did stupid shit I think 2 weeks is too long
She might as well just quit unless she likes big Gaijin dick better than JOP dick

>> No.25519840
File: 490 KB, 1024x1024, 1592557973393.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This shit is fucked up
I'm sad
Good night hlg

>> No.25519842

>Homos having >100k subs
God I wish

>> No.25519843

that is not an excuse. do you think aloe wanted her l2d to get leaked? no, but she forgot to delete it and got punished anyways

>> No.25519844
File: 1.18 MB, 1650x1050, management.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I post this meme to reddit will Coco review it?

>> No.25519845
Quoted by: >>25519883

please stay away from her towafags, please

>> No.25519846

I was expecting her to graduate watching the stream 2bh.
The shitstorm would have been one of a kind.

>> No.25519847

>a strong dedicted and loyal cult
I mean... what are you expecting?

>> No.25519848
File: 774 KB, 334x298, 3c8026c3a56.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The hololive discord is blaming Nintendo EN fanbase and 4chan for all of this

>> No.25519849

whats she do

>> No.25519852

it was 4 years ago but it depends if you care about her age or not

>> No.25519854
Quoted by: >>25519938

It doesn't seem like Aloe knows much English, i hope she understands that we're here to support her. It'd really suck if she just assumes we hate her too...

>> No.25519855

a niji that retired a while ago

>> No.25519856

Cover would 1000% die, and if it got enough attention the entire vtuber scene would change greatly, at the least companies would be under much harsher scrutiny.

>> No.25519857

>posting with the girl who has a boyfriend
antis should spam the boyfriend's twitter to cover to get watame banned too, can't believe an idol has a boyfriend and uses the same switch! by japanese standards this should be cancelable

>> No.25519858

I don't know, it's slowed down a little, so I think it will last an hour.

>> No.25519859
File: 341 KB, 617x617, 1596745103929.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based shitposting lion

>> No.25519860
Quoted by: >>25519885

No wonder why they pander to EOPs lately EVEN they tend to not donate at all.

>> No.25519862


>> No.25519863

I mostly agree but they would never admit to having a boyfriend because that's just how idols are supposed to be in Japan. Unfortunately they can't afford to be completely transparent.

>> No.25519864

Fuck off chinks
Dumb fucking subhumans

动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门

>> No.25519866

They wanted a succubus personality I say it was Based move

>> No.25519868


>> No.25519869

holy fucking based, I love Botan now.

>> No.25519870
File: 93 KB, 627x733, 1571897282967.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25519871

What is this shit about? Translate it weebs I got filtered too hard

>> No.25519872

the hacker known as 4chan claims another victim

>> No.25519873

I'm not saying Nene was malicious in her activities, but she was definitely moronic. I won't dislike her over this but she was seriously stupid.

>> No.25519874

She was like in middle school when she tweeted those.

>> No.25519876

>Nintendo EN fanbase

>> No.25519878

aloe and nene getting axed before 1 week. impressive. botanchads add another point to the score board. lamyfags? I guess you guys can hang around, she doesnt do anything anyway. nobufags? nah

>> No.25519877

what exactly did she do?

>> No.25519879

>it's just 4 minutes of hard R's directed at cover

>> No.25519882


>> No.25519881
File: 146 KB, 238x216, 1568142471694.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the only gen 5 to never mention watame

>> No.25519883

Towa is doing too good for whiteknighting now, she doesn't satisfy the urge anymore.

>> No.25519884

hello based department?

>> No.25519885

only Americans have money to donate anyways, it's not worth it.

>> No.25519886

We already knew Cover is not smart, even without doing what you're saying Asacoco was already THE program that made the Holos felt more approachable and relatable for the casual viewers.

>> No.25519887

We'll never know if this is indeed the case, but this reminds me of Sora during the holocaust straight up tweeting that she's not happy with the way management handled things

>> No.25519889
File: 65 KB, 820x820, emoji-symbol-computer-icons-discord-png-favpng-74zNw6sdK0WTNtTqUnQRMvjvA[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25519890

How are they blaming 4chan for this when Nene was the one that allowed 5ch niggers to do their thing in the first place? Like, do they have zero awareness of any of the happenings?

>> No.25519891
Quoted by: >>25519932

Say what you want about western fans, at least they don't drop their support as soon as a controversy happens. I stand with Aloe.

>> No.25519893

kek, of course not

>> No.25519892

They probably don't even know that 5ch exist.

>> No.25519895
File: 1.11 MB, 1654x2339, 1597436576553.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Matsuri is menhera and playing APEX for 18 hours a day
>Oh wait, thats normal for her

>> No.25519894

>Nintendo EN fanbase
Holy shit these guys are retarded

>> No.25519896
Quoted by: >>25519979

Is nene the moona of holofive?

>> No.25519897

Coco has long since been broken in and now kneels to Cover at every opportunity. She won't touch this with a ten foot pole.
Post in anyways.

>> No.25519898

This is what nene deserves

>> No.25519899
Quoted by: >>25520189

Where are Aloe's roomate's tweets? I want to masturbate

>> No.25519900

Is this fucking lion serious

>> No.25519901

You typed your web address incorrectly anon. Here I redirect you https://egg.5ch.net/streaming/

>> No.25519903

There is if you want to get into something like Hololive

>> No.25519904

it's like jerking off. if you go way down the rabbit hole then there's no limit cause you can always find something else to stimulate it or desire to find something else to do it. then you just keep looking for more and more.

some little girl just who just wants to be a singer and has a complex about her voice isn't really something i want to feel pleasure from the failing. she hasn't even done anything bad except be a girl who was open about her sex a little bit. compared to the shit that's said and done here it's nothing.

>> No.25519905
Quoted by: >>25519941

Towa is making more SC money than a lot of holos with more subs

>> No.25519906
Quoted by: >>25520403

What were the replies she replied replying to?

>> No.25519907

Stop simping for a whore you retards. She literally admitted that she had a boyfriend, and probably had sex with him plenty of times. What you're doing is basically eating the semen of another man.

>> No.25519908

the antis are just gonna come back in full force when her 2 weeks are up, starting on fucking hard mode good luck

>> No.25519909

Really though, even after a rough start Aloe will be set for life. It's pretty impressive that you can have all that shit online, be a literal nobody and luck into Hololive. She's going to take a break for two weeks, and then come back to at least 100k subs.

>> No.25519910

>I finally found it a place i can call home....


>> No.25519911
File: 799 KB, 1103x1080, dark_and_bitter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Add the pureness of dildo sashimi to the perfect, clear darkness of coffee. Stir. Thats the state of Mano Aloe's mind right now
>A cup of cafe au lait

>> No.25519912

I already hate aloeposters.

>> No.25519914
File: 763 KB, 1280x720, bang.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know what these 5ch retards need right now?

>> No.25519915

>gets her account suspended instead of simply ignoring twitter
Nah, she is a dumb ogre.

>> No.25519917

Which discord?

>> No.25519918
File: 418 KB, 469x469, 1596291574272.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nintendo EN fanbase

>> No.25519919
Quoted by: >>25519973

Mother of all doxxfags

>> No.25519920

>identities being kept a secret is of upmost importance
It's really not. Most chuubas have their identities known anyway. What's the most important at that job is - being a good entertainer.

>> No.25519922

fucking good? she deserves literally any hate she gets after this bullshit.

>> No.25519923

Goddamnit I took a 3 hour nap and this shit happens

>> No.25519924
File: 26 KB, 512x512, 100.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25519925

Everything is 4chan's fault to them, even when we just get our info from 5ch most of the time.

>> No.25519926

Here's hoping it wasn't us...

>> No.25519927

Not publicly, but I guarantee you'd get a laugh as she scrolled through.
Maybe she'd wave Tenshi and Comet over to look.

>> No.25519929

I always knew Fubuki faggot was a double-agent. Go back. We don't need your dumb shit here either.

>> No.25519930
Quoted by: >>25521361

Coco didn't even touch Towa's yabee issue and instantly bans people on the chat and comments for mentioning it.

>> No.25519931

based lion

>> No.25519932

yes they do lmao, they just have lower and warped standards for what constitutes a controversy

>> No.25519933

SEAniggers hours

>> No.25519934

I thought Aloe was a gamer?

>> No.25519935

I'm gay, don't worry bro

>> No.25519936
Quoted by: >>25519952

Now we know why she was so quiet during this. Fuck man. That hurts.

>> No.25519937
Quoted by: >>25520306

The fact that cover still pretends they're idols first and entertainers second is silly

>> No.25519938

If a gaijin said he hates you to a Jap girls face she would kill herself on the spot.

>> No.25519940
File: 220 KB, 1920x1486, 1566970061930.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25519973

She did it, she debut.

>> No.25519942
File: 1.94 MB, 232x232, unnamed.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25519941

That's because they're equally as boring but don't have a yabee incident for cuckbux.

>> No.25519945

get banned pussy

>> No.25519947

Choco....please no.

>> No.25519948

are we botanposting now?

>> No.25519949
Quoted by: >>25519972

Did Botan do it on purpose

>> No.25519950

post screenshots or shut the fuck up about discord

>> No.25519951

Why the fuck are you guys even on /jp/ if you're not an Idolchad?

>> No.25519952

maybe in that time period she was already getting harassment phone calls

>> No.25519953

>ignoring request of corporate posting tweet regarding Aloe

>> No.25519954

Can someone spoonfeed me the newest drama?

>> No.25519955

its a mandatory tweet dictated by management, anon. you cant just ignore something like that. getting suspended so you cant be forced to post it is smart

>> No.25519956
Quoted by: >>25520061

If this is actually true, which i doubt it is, she's a big red flag and might actually get the other girls in trouble

>> No.25519957

lmao jesus

>> No.25519958

I'm gonna stick my kaigai nikki dikki into Aloe and she's never going to go back to a tiny Japanese man.

>> No.25519959

Table cage match with Coco and Polka.

>> No.25519960

>implying shitcord's opinions matter

>> No.25519961

c-clown's stream in 7 minutes...

>> No.25519962
Quoted by: >>25521261

Should've reincarnated as a noriopro

>> No.25519963

what the fuck is wrong with you schizophrenic? he's roleplaying a japanese you subhuman

>> No.25519964

What do you guys think Aloe is feeling right about now? You think she's feeling suicidal or anything that sever? I wonder if she has anyone to confide in at Hololive or anyone to talk to at all.

>> No.25519967

>Unfortunately they can't afford to be completely transparent.
If anything it's a good thing, if she directly admitted to it she would be sitting in my 4chin and BlockTube filters right now alongside some fairly popular whores whose names start with Hoshi and Me.

>> No.25519969

Steel your heart, anon...

>> No.25519968

Tourists have intruded this thread for too long. I just want to enjoy my idols in peace.

>> No.25519970

Sora... how on earth did you survive this long?

>> No.25519971

You just know Aqua is not going to tweet it

>> No.25519972

maybe she thought it was the calculator app and she was trying to calculate how much more money she'll make now that Aloe got shot

>> No.25519973

this says nothing

>> No.25519976


>> No.25519978

Poor Aloe. I almost want to make a twitter account and simp.

>> No.25519977

Spoonfeed this

>> No.25519979
Quoted by: >>25520021

Moona is literally a bit retarded, nene did it on purpose.

>> No.25519981
Quoted by: >>25520052

You see, this thing with Watame happened, now you ask "why the antis didn't do anything with Watame?", you should consider that your information is wrong, or that the japanese aren't retarded as the narratives are pushing, having a boyfriend maybe isn't as bad as being a slut literally crying for sex on social media. Just think about it.

>> No.25519982
Quoted by: >>25520035

This is fucking stupid. The disciplinary action is completely pointless

>> No.25519983
Quoted by: >>25520023

Idolchads just can't stop winning.

>> No.25519985


>> No.25519987
File: 481 KB, 800x800, 1559406854906894058.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck this was the real thread

>> No.25519986

graduation stream in 2 weeks


>> No.25519989

Watame must be sleeping with YAGOO now, right?

That's the only explanation.

>> No.25519990

shouldve joined niji, honestly. theyve already had their black company phase

>> No.25519991

sashimi cock kek

>> No.25519992
File: 683 KB, 641x696, 1597322742971.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's an easy shitposting target here now but that's about it.

>> No.25519993

Great, now Towa's dying

>> No.25519994
File: 248 KB, 688x500, 1597459211973.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry, Towafag discord trannies but the hacker known as 5chan is another castle

>> No.25519995

So what's the non-meme TL;DR with the drama rn

>> No.25519996

Why the fuck are you jinxing it Ayamechama?!

>> No.25519997

How can Polka solve this? Using rubber nen? LMAO

>> No.25519999

my dick

>> No.25520000
Quoted by: >>25520312

Idolfags have always been the rejects among the rejects in /jp/.

>> No.25520001

I want to think that the phone call harassment claim is just for Cover's ploy for pity points (like the western twitter 'death threat' shit), but with Jap autism it's not impossible.

>> No.25520002
File: 757 KB, 4096x2337, EflAnixU8AEftxO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25520003

"I knew I shouldn't have bothered with those unicorn infested companies"

>> No.25520004
File: 65 KB, 768x768, 283.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25520838

fucking nigger piece of shit he should apologize himself for shit his dumbass corp does, he supposed to defend the girls with all his might, not to fucking bend ass for 5ch like a bitch he is, i swear to god if he makes any girl apologize again i'll fucking kyoani their shit

>> No.25520005

Being a real idol.

>> No.25520006
Quoted by: >>25520127

WHORE apologists get out
We only stan pure holos here like Aqua and Suisei

>> No.25520007
File: 56 KB, 457x497, 1592349005919.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25520054

They laughed at us when the reddit reviwe happened. Who is laughing now?

>> No.25520008

Why do you people care so much about some slut in another country? I'd understand whiteknighting some seiso girl but this is just insane.

>> No.25520010


>> No.25520009

why is nene a shit? i can't believe she ruined this fucking gen

>> No.25520012
File: 133 KB, 990x722, 1593112581876.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do those managers get their job anyway? almost every drama is because of those "managers"
what do they manage exactly?

>> No.25520013
Quoted by: >>25520079

Cover is incompetent. Cover has always been incompetent. Cover will always be incompetent.

>> No.25520014

I just hope 5th gen is supportive behind the scenes.

>> No.25520015

holofive (four) is fucking dead and nene killed it

>> No.25520017
File: 393 KB, 617x617, 1590002159629.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25520060

I'm liking this boomer every minute.

>> No.25520018
Quoted by: >>25520063


>> No.25520020
File: 151 KB, 1582x1208, 1596542783662.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

like, that was a totally, totally yabee, yo

>> No.25520019

The poor girl was watching Kanata Coco and Marine videos on youtube a few weeks ago, shit sucks

>> No.25520021

>Niggers will believe this
Fuck this garbage thread man

>> No.25520022

>Nene conveniently is by her side

>> No.25520023


>> No.25520024

She could join 6th gen if she retires now

>> No.25520025

Omarun posted it for her on her account anyway so i have no idea what you're talking about

>> No.25520026
Quoted by: >>25520063


>> No.25520027
File: 51 KB, 1024x666, 874579664742.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Your genmate doxed you
>Your smoothbrain manager didn't take care of you
>Your employers threw you under the bus
If she sticks around (not quitting, that is) she's tougher than I'd be.

>> No.25520028

Why did Hololive even choose this person, holy shit Yagoo

>> No.25520029

she just fulfilled her 1st condition

>> No.25520030
File: 399 KB, 1600x1800, WkYqyjmeY8KcpFdiYefypj0eHmfBj2dRrNC0iOf9eUQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's why you stan a cute boomer instead of literal teenagers

>> No.25520031


>> No.25520032

I feel like we aren't getting the full picture. The NDA breaking thing seems like it's just a front and Aloe is actually taking heat for the stuff she said on her roommate's account. Can some JSL enlighten us?

>> No.25520033
File: 292 KB, 542x516, 1594355439362.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You now realize (for the 19295th time) that white knights have no power. Hololive brands itself as an idol group and at the end of the day Cover is at the mercy of idolfags and they have the final say.

>> No.25520034


>> No.25520035

antis are relentless, Aloe had no chance of getting rid of them if she tried to ignore it.

>> No.25520037 [SPOILER] 
File: 564 KB, 680x677, 1597654515968.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can one girl be so perfect?
She literally gets more cute each stream!

>> No.25520036

I always knew they were shit. I just like the shit they produce (entertainment/art). Their work ethics and how they go about some shit (communication wise) they're fucking shit at it and annoying.

>> No.25520038
File: 1.03 MB, 889x1200, Botan random encounter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Слышь, эта, дай мобилу посмотреть, а? Мне супачаты проверить надо нах

>> No.25520039

Instead of doing nothing and laughing at gaijin whiteknight, how about you fucks go troll at 5ch? Do something good for once

>> No.25520040

I honestly think Eugene did and still does as much as intervention as she can against her manager and Cover as a whole. It's the only way she could've survived this long under Cover.

>> No.25520041
Quoted by: >>25520194

I missed this Choco narrative, although i'm sure it's just something stupid

>> No.25520043

It was I who didn't delete her L2D test video

>> No.25520044
File: 17 KB, 242x327, 1595264448000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25520045

it is pretty fucked up unless they did something that would make you feel vengeful, taking satisfaction in some random person's suffering when they didn't really do anything to hurt anyone is textbook sadism

at least you recognize it's probably wrong to feel that way, so you aren't a psychopath at least

>> No.25520047

She will have 2 weeks to learn english.

>> No.25520048

Coolyabi this is not a good moment please

>> No.25520050

they're calling her home, her ex-boyfriend, and spamming how much they hate her everywhere so really bad. crying and feeling like she's going to fail her dream job. she was already extremely nervous and weak in the knees during her debut before all the most crazy stuff came out.

>> No.25520051
File: 71 KB, 720x719, 1592156368294.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's all so tiresome...

>> No.25520052

>this is a watamenigger on full damage control

>> No.25520053

I love you so much Ayameposter

>> No.25520054

Todd please

>> No.25520055

Unironically cucks.

>> No.25520056
Quoted by: >>25520146

Fuck off, I just want to enjoy the chuubas doing something fun to lift my mood up. Idol, normie, faggot, slut, dog, gorilla, I don't care, I just want some drama-free chuubas that I can enjoy seeing their streams without worrying about the possibility of them being banned from Youtube or outright disappeared from the face of the Earth at a moment notice.

>> No.25520057
File: 342 KB, 1489x1326, EfH9y9ZU4AIBnv1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is the cute

>> No.25520058


>> No.25520059
Quoted by: >>25520145

Cover management is just the ultimate form of leeching, they are parasites.

>> No.25520060
File: 145 KB, 2048x1152, 1597078561831.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25520098

>two months from now nobody will know what the fuck it means if you post 100 in the threads

>> No.25520061

She talked about it around 25:40

>> No.25520062

I'm sure her boyfriend is comforting her right now.

>> No.25520063
Quoted by: >>25520077


>> No.25520064

>No other option

>> No.25520065

doxxfags dug up some shit which resulted in cover punishing aloe with an apology stream and 2 week ban.

>> No.25520066
File: 7 KB, 356x86, spamming idiot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25520067
Quoted by: >>25520138

What did she say?

>> No.25520068


>> No.25520070

This didn't aged well huh

>> No.25520073
Quoted by: >>25520126

LMAO why 2 weeks? Towa arguably made a bigger issue and she only got a week

>> No.25520074
Quoted by: >>25520132

Oh shit, I was watching Rikka and this shit happens, nothing will happen tomorrow right?

>> No.25520076


>> No.25520077


>> No.25520078
Quoted by: >>25520101

Honestly you're right, that's already 3 for 3.

>> No.25520079

meaningless buzzword

>> No.25520080
File: 292 KB, 2048x2048, 1597256913365.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25521049

They all need to take some time to cool off imo

>> No.25520081

That does sound pretty gay

>> No.25520082

no no no fucking 4channelcuck

>> No.25520083

>Choco admits to have 3 ex boyfriends
>Nothing happens
This "pure idol" shit needs to die. Look at the fucking CocoXShion stream. You can't tell me those are "pure idols".

>> No.25520084

>Why do you people care so much about some slut in another country?

>> No.25520085

I think a lot of the regulars went to discord servers now for better discussion and translations

>> No.25520086

i like her voice and design and personality

>> No.25520087

Well at least this all happened on Monday. Nothing bad ever happens after Monday

>> No.25520088

Glorious Japanese nepotism

>> No.25520089
File: 898 KB, 2000x2000, 1597531116438.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25520718


>> No.25520090

EOPchamas please tweet to aloe and save her from hell

>> No.25520091
Quoted by: >>25520158

Aloe was going to have to do something eventually. Once the video started trending on NND, there was no way she would be able to avoid this. When Towa had her yabee moment, Cover tried to hide it by copyright claiming and taking down the videos, but they kept popping back up and the only action they could take was making Towa apologize. Antis are relentless, they're STILL seething over permissions to a point that Marine had to respond to them in a passive aggressive way over fucking HEY YOU PIKACHU. Anyone who acts like a decision like this isn't the better option is genuinely stupid and underestimates the power of japanese autism.

>> No.25520093
File: 332 KB, 538x377, 1533075474552.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25520167

newchads this is the current drama
>nene, thirsting for e-cock showed off one of her drawings and the based autist found out who she was and traced her followers for the other 5th gen
>apparently everyone found out aloe's twitter account and she was an absolute whore who masturbates 2x a day and eats penis sashimi or something
>shes also a gook apologists

>> No.25520092

>I don't care about the person behind the avatar
>What do you guys think Aloe is feeling right about now?
The absolute state

>> No.25520095

I don't have a vpn

>> No.25520094


>> No.25520097

She is 100% sleeping with her bf tonight. She does not want to be alone right now.

>> No.25520096

>40 years of shady past
She is next in the chopping block

>> No.25520098


>> No.25520101

hitomi as well. or was the dude not part of holo?

>> No.25520102


>> No.25520104

>I feel like we aren't getting the full picture. The NDA breaking thing seems like it's just a front and Aloe is actually taking heat for the stuff she said on her roommate's account. Can some JSL enlighten us?
They're japanese. By definition they won't say thing directly. The video was basically "I know I did some things that an idol shouldn't do, and I'll reflect on things." It's like when they say they're sick or that they went to the hospital when they want to take a break

>> No.25520105


>> No.25520106

If I were in her shoes I'd take it just as a challenge. No way I'd give up a job like this for anything other than my life. She'd literally be making 100X her current salary even with this setback.

>> No.25520107

It must be pretty fucking dire if I'm gonna be honest. I know from experience that women tend to be pretty bad at dealing with this stuff emotionally, they don't usually have the same cavalier mental fortitude some men can have.

>> No.25520108
File: 305 KB, 512x512, Queensheep.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nobody crosses the sheep

>> No.25520109

Не бейте, лучше обоссыте.

>> No.25520110
Quoted by: >>25520129

You would complain about it even if it was a seiso girl you retarded shitposter. Take this (You) and fuck off

>> No.25520111
Quoted by: >>25520133

Being a Holo fan is tiring...I wish my oshi was an indie...

>> No.25520112


>> No.25520114
Quoted by: >>25520219

She probably does, considering she's still one of Choco's closest friends despite the whole Tibet thing

>> No.25520115

shouldn't it be common sense to delete a stream like that out of fear that someone might find it. Holos have deleted streams over really dumb shit, so you'd think something like "a test stream on a public account" would be something a holo should've known on their own anyways. Is she retarded?

>> No.25520116
Quoted by: >>25520144

>Ayame is streaming
Truly a wild week

>> No.25520117

5th Gen is going through a baptism of fire

>> No.25520118
Quoted by: >>25520152

You heard her, she was crying on stream. But other Gen5 members are looking out for her and her senpais give her support as well. She'll get a warm welcome back when she returns.

>> No.25520119

Far out!

>> No.25520120

I guess I'm not as depressed by this as I thought I was if I can laugh like an idiot at this post

>> No.25520122

They probably just babysit and make sure the girls don't say anything "damaging"

>> No.25520124

>Hololive brands itself as an idol group and at the end of the day Cover is at the mercy of idolfags and they have the final say.
*vomits spicy noodles in your general direction*

Seriously, how the fuck is Haachama so privileged she can do whatever the fuck she wants? Just because of her 1st gen seniority?

>> No.25520126
Quoted by: >>25520197

Towa did way less of an issue, what are you talking about? All she did was lie.

>> No.25520127
Quoted by: >>25520169

Ironic since they're both also whores.

>> No.25520128

>All gokisei collabs are going to be awkward as fuck now

>> No.25520129


>> No.25520130
Quoted by: >>25520643

She will kneel like she did with nintendo permissions and privated videos.

>> No.25520131
File: 358 KB, 1280x1280, 1596919293138.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25520132

holy shit the flags stop

>> No.25520134

/jp/ is on team idol. If you associate with males, you're canceled. This is the Japanese way.

>> No.25520133

Then you would never even know her LMAO

>> No.25520135

I'm bored
give me new narrative

>> No.25520137

so, do you got a 100// from Botan, /hlg/?

>> No.25520139

Rest in Peace Hololive 5th Generation

>> No.25520138
Quoted by: >>25520907

That's what I'm asking. Apparently she sat on Nijisanji in the past but I don't know the specifics.

>> No.25520140
File: 122 KB, 637x900, 45646464687845154.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

as of this moment, who has the MOST punchable face in Hololive and why is it Nene?

>> No.25520141

>can be rearranged to aqut4n
Based poll.

>> No.25520143

I just wanted to enjoy her streams... I really like her dumb voice :c

>> No.25520144


>> No.25520145

When will Kanata become a manager?

>> No.25520146

You chose the wrong hobby then

>> No.25520148
File: 874 KB, 3840x2160, 1591088953408.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25520149

Haachama owns Cover.

>> No.25520150

>be a meticulous autist searching high and low for fuck ups to start the next witch hunt
>hurr hurr it's the girls' fault for not concealing their internet lives as if they're evading the Devil
No. The fact that you see this matter as black-and-white shows it as clear as day.

>> No.25520151
File: 379 KB, 410x500, 1585262062171.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well aloe, I hope you get your shit together now


>> No.25520152

There's no way Aloe will forgive Nene for this.
I'm looking forward to their first collab together since you'll know it'll be fake as shit.

>> No.25520153
Quoted by: >>25520250

Shouldn't it be common sense to not follow your co workers on your personal account when the line of work is built on maintaining secrecy?

>> No.25520154
File: 733 KB, 703x640, p5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25520156

Why? They're based.

>> No.25520157

I'm gonna ask them if they are mad they got nuked. Epic style.

>> No.25520158

>Cover tried to hide it by copyright claiming and taking down the videos, but they kept popping back up
Funny. Reminds me of a certain place on a certain board.

>> No.25520159

So anyways Shion is my daughter

>> No.25520160

>vomiting noodles is the same as being a whore
So are you a cuck or a woman?

>> No.25520161

>tfw didn't get a 100 from botan

>> No.25520162

they literally can't touch her, she lives in aussieland

>> No.25520163

Wonder if clown is going to say some canned bullshit or go offscript

>> No.25520164
File: 1.96 MB, 732x1080, 1596496790450.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It literally took no time for a Yabai moment. LMFAO.

>> No.25520165
Quoted by: >>25520228

thread theme


>> No.25520166

All in on her since Day 1 even though I knew everything about the dox. I love her and that's not going to change. Fuck unicornfags.

>> No.25520167
Quoted by: >>25520180

>>apparently everyone found out aloe's twitter account and she was an absolute whore who masturbates 2x a day and eats penis sashimi or something
I hope she masturbates even more now.

>> No.25520170
File: 3.25 MB, 498x359, Watame.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25520169


>> No.25520172

All holos debuted after 2019 have been shit, realize this YAGOO

>> No.25520174

cause they don't allow 13 year old 3rd world retards to spam there and they also show ip information so the schizo here can't do their usual routine of talking to themselves

>> No.25520175
File: 13 KB, 287x287, 1589612208777.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25520231

>Nene followed Ui in twitter before joining hololive
>Ui is Watame

>> No.25520179

Иди ботань дальше Ботан

>> No.25520180

dont worry her boyfriend will comfort her with dickings

>> No.25520181

There's literally nothing wrong with being a purityBVLL.

>> No.25520182

You can't make this shit up. I feel bad for her but Im laughing.
>it all starts with Nene being dumb and innocently doxxing everyone in gen 5
>diggers proceed to find a fucking dick sashimi in Aloe's roommate's history, and stuff about her boyfriend and being really horny in general
>with her personal info, diggers find a test stream where her live2D is leaked
>cover makes her apologize on stream and talk about her "ex-boyfriend"
>2 weeks suspension a few days after debuting
Fucking Nene

>> No.25520183

Sora and A-chan power duo aren't retarded.

>> No.25520184

Polka's stream still up

>> No.25520185

I kinda want to punch Aloe's sad face, I don't know why.

>> No.25520186
File: 69 KB, 468x464, 100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy based

>> No.25520188
File: 2.97 MB, 1920x6480, B96A449B-0756-4A98-9CBE-D48CB1228C21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25520245

I guess that’s the only logical explanation.
Sora is actually lucky to have someone like A-chann

>> No.25520187



>> No.25520189
Quoted by: >>25520216

>i want sex
>good morning sex
>i will die if I don't masturbate twice a day
>i am waiting for people to offer me money for compensated dating

>> No.25520190
Quoted by: >>25520215

You can cuss, vomit, fart, be a raging lesbian or be as unfeminine as possible on stream

But god forbid you be in any contact with a man.

Yes, idolfags are this delusional.

>> No.25520193
Quoted by: >>25520218

Just woke up from coma, what happened with gen 5?

>> No.25520192
Quoted by: >>25520262

It has a password on it, so it's not like it needs to be deleted right away.

>> No.25520194

She slept for 2 days, going for a third.

>> No.25520195


>> No.25520197

Lie, vs... have an incompetent manager and be a teenager on twitter half a decade ago?

>> No.25520198
File: 60 KB, 554x554, EfjUXKaVAAE0oPn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just want to smile again. Save me Polka.

>> No.25520201

men can settle things with fist fights but women are cunning and ruthless. It's over for Nene.

>> No.25520199

how tf is vomiting worser than this?

>> No.25520203

She has the same manager as Artia who doesn't give a shit.

>> No.25520204

Who was Aloe before this? What was her last streaming channel

>> No.25520205

lmao what the fuck you dumb cat

>> No.25520206
Quoted by: >>25520281

>Why you /hlg/ care about Hololive?
Okay retard

>> No.25520207
File: 40 KB, 595x547, 3123213123413124321421.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was her account hacked?

>> No.25520209

>Instead of doing nothing and laughing at gaijin whiteknight
Why would I do anything other than that? White knights are fucking pathetic and cringe. She hasn't even put out any content and all these soibois are rushing to defend her purely due to their savior complex and nothing else.

>> No.25520211

It's starting.

>> No.25520212

>Circus music starts playing

>> No.25520213
File: 300 KB, 345x379, 1597584557250.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25520214
File: 753 KB, 678x477, 1570449184668.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that polka BGM after all of this

COVER is a fucking circus KEEEEEEEK

>> No.25520215
Quoted by: >>25520378

Then go watch nyanners, faggot.

>> No.25520216
Quoted by: >>25520272

>good morning sex
kek, what the fuck is wrong with her

>> No.25520218


>> No.25520219
Quoted by: >>25520279


>> No.25520220
Quoted by: >>25520252

Being a retard still brings Cover idol money, being a whore won't.

>> No.25520221

RIP Aloe, the only one that fucked up

>> No.25520222


>> No.25520223

lmao the clown music is so inappropriate im dying

>> No.25520225


>> No.25520227

Just autism

>> No.25520228

Thread theme is this lol

>> No.25520229

Are people being retarded on purpose? It isn't just about "making her apologize" for the 2live shit, not on its entirety at least. They were harassing both her and the person they believe (whether he actually is or was doesn't really matter) was her boyfriend.
She 100% needed to talk about the phone calls, at least. That's no joke. Hell, if they have her home's phone number instead of a cellphone, they might even know her address.

>> No.25520231

The brain of an Aloecuck

>> No.25520233

this intro music is the best

>> No.25520234

Coco is a nigger fucker from Atlanta. Shion been a whore for so long it's her default now

>> No.25520238

Ну я вообще хз, почему адидас с гопотой ассоциируют. Я видел их в джинсах различных исключительно

>> No.25520237


>> No.25520239
File: 125 KB, 800x400, 1574472411609.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i fucking love polka's BGM

>> No.25520241


>> No.25520242

She wanted to get her account restricted so she wouldn't have to post about Alowa

>> No.25520243

It's not fucked up if you're simply an observer.

>> No.25520244

fucking muted

>> No.25520245

Everyone needs their own A-chan...

>> No.25520246


>> No.25520247
Quoted by: >>25520274

>Polkahime does not give a FUCK about the whore of hololive

>> No.25520248
File: 642 KB, 537x549, 1597495452431.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aloe loves Nene and Nene loves Aloe!

>> No.25520249

The thread theme of /hlg/

>> No.25520250
Quoted by: >>25520285

no you dipshit. all the hololive follow each other on twitter on private accounts. you're just a dumb fuck eop who doesn't see it.

>> No.25520251

This clown music is too much after Aloe.

>> No.25520252

I'm sure there's an untapped niche for whore idols out there.

>> No.25520254

i rather kiss nene if you know what I mean

>> No.25520255

>diggers proceed to find a fucking dick sashimi in Aloe's roommate's history, and stuff about her boyfriend and being really horny in general
Autistic people finding this aside, you have to be really stupid to leave thing like this online

>> No.25520256

What did she mean with this?

>> No.25520257

the clown made my sad go away

>> No.25520258
File: 217 KB, 601x1908, botan_herb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25520259

Polka is pure entertainment. Best Gen 5 by far.

>> No.25520261

polka is a fucking professional

>> No.25520262
Quoted by: >>25520303

She had the model as the thumbnail, though.

>> No.25520264

Why the fuck didn't she nuke everything...

>> No.25520266

my fucking ears

>> No.25520269

Okay you can shut up about that whore now
We're watching Polka

>> No.25520270

Based clown

>> No.25520272
Quoted by: >>25520301

is that wrong? youre just boring

>> No.25520273

Its all shitposts here, no serious discussion of 4chins!!!!

>> No.25520274

The show must go on
honk honk

>> No.25520275

>starting the stream with a laugh
i think we know who's the culprit

>> No.25520276
Quoted by: >>25520293

I can't believe Watame leads the 5ch antis all along.
unironically won't be surprised if she pulled a Sio someday

>> No.25520278

She's Aussie.

>> No.25520279

>he doesn't know
China cancelled Choco because one of her questions in Choco Onea with Okayu implied in a roundabout way that Tibet is its own country. Cover had to apologize, Choco was banned from bilibili, even fucking Artia had to tell people to shut up about it.

>> No.25520280

is russian easier to learn than japanese

>> No.25520281

Show me your sub/membership to every single member then. The vast majority only care for a couple of their favorites, which certainly wouldn't apply to someone who just debuted, dumb shit.

>> No.25520282

>clearly dissatisfied with how managers were ging to handle Aloe
>knew the corporate were going to make her post that souless tweet like the rest of the gen
>"How i can give them the finger?"
>*proceed to get her account banned*

>> No.25520284

the music is just a godtier punchline

>> No.25520285

okay neneshit

>> No.25520286

Why do people still not know what an idol in Japan is? It's not about acting a certain way. It's about not being in a relationship.

>> No.25520287
File: 53 KB, 512x512, 1505586995838.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25520289
Quoted by: >>25520339

Better question. Why do they care about her so much to leak shit and call her family?

>> No.25520288

What's Aloe's role in the troupe?

>> No.25520290
File: 802 KB, 620x459, 1597517471211.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.25520291

>that English

>> No.25520292
File: 563 KB, 1055x1080, Gogogogo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone got some popcorn? i'm just laughing at these retarded Japanese pushing their women into our arms, at this rate i'll be dropping my reps in a week, why do them when management and YAGOO will push the girls to pick up English because the Japanese fanbase can't stop ruining their lives with this shit.

>> No.25520293
File: 359 KB, 1600x1067, ewkhdqqwsae0xpo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

keep her name out of your mouth scum

>> No.25520296
File: 62 KB, 295x302, 1589908437896.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

people who whine about idol culture are worse than idolfags. those hoes are joining a company that almost guarantees them 1% salary(in japan) within months. following some ""strict"" rules(how is not talking about wanting to get dicked strict?) is a small price to pay for the sheer amount of money earning potential they have. if she is not cut out for this job she should go bag groceries and fuck off from hololive

>> No.25520297

>Are people being retarded on purpose?
Yes. Also known as "shitposting".

>> No.25520298
Quoted by: >>25520359

Which is also one reason the 2 week break might be good - she could literally be moving with Covers help. (likely not, it's Cover, they cover fucking nothing but negatives)

>> No.25520300

She's not a whore.

>> No.25520299


>> No.25520302

purityfags take things too far like usual, what's fucking new with these degenerates

>> No.25520301
Quoted by: >>25520346

Why do you tweet "good morning sex"? W-what's the motivation?

>> No.25520303

Not like anyone knows what it is aside from another anime character. 5th gen debuted with no prior notice.

>> No.25520304

The real clown is Botan after all

>> No.25520305
Quoted by: >>25520345

>have to watch risu or be filtered by the jester
fuck this, watame where are you

>> No.25520306

I suppose so, but I get the feeling that the people with 2 year memberships and hundreds or thousands of dollars in superchats and merch would not be as willing to pay that much if they knew their oshi was actively dating another man or was not a virgin, especially if their oshi is younger or seems younger. The girls shouldn't be targeted by antis over stuff like this, but at the end of the day one of the biggest selling points of this medium is the parasocial relationship between idol/streamer and her viewers.

>> No.25520307

Imagine not wanting a girl that's already good at sex. Jfc, it's how you filter out the lesbians.

>> No.25520308

>What's Aloe's role in the troupe?
The meat for the lions.

>> No.25520310
Quoted by: >>25520812

Probably not ANYMORE, considering her streaming schedule and the fact she even considered joining Holohouse.

>> No.25520312

I sincerely doubt you'd be met with enthusiasm if you started posting about how great it would be if all the 2hus had boyfriends in the rest of /jp/.

>> No.25520313

didn't know botan had autism as well

>> No.25520314


>> No.25520315

reactionary ape brains + reddit eops

>> No.25520316
File: 95 KB, 800x688, 1592348138597.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>streaming right after the happening
>this BGM
She got me. Time to invest in polkacoins

>> No.25520317
Quoted by: >>25520353

Based nobu dabbing on that retard!
Honestly I don't understand why you guys are defending Aloe when she fucking leaked confidential information, that's literally breaking the contract. Do you EOP faggots seriously think this is all about the dick sashimi and boyfriend?

>> No.25520318
File: 847 KB, 820x462, 1597581699867.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25520320

You retards caused atleast a part of this shit. Fuck whoever posted the shit against her and kill yourself. I'm out of this shithole. This place used to be so good a while back. I don't know what happened, was it /v/ or /pol/ crossboarders, or facebook faggots. God I'm so fucking angry right now.

>> No.25520321

The clown car

>> No.25520322
File: 61 KB, 718x474, entire circus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25520363

Hololive right now

>> No.25520323
File: 54 KB, 738x644, hee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Most Hololive member is a whore
Have you take the ID pill yet, anon?

>> No.25520324

>It's Showtime! Polka circus ni yokoso!
How do you rate Polka's intro?

>> No.25520325

Well I know Russian but I don't know Japanese. soo...

>> No.25520326
Quoted by: >>25520351

So what did Sio do? Everyone is talking about it in a roundabout way, and it's been going on for a while now

>> No.25520330

>supposed to be an idol
>confirmed having a boyfriend on stream
How was she not fired?

>> No.25520329


>> No.25520331

Just think, Watame almost met the same fate.

>> No.25520332
Quoted by: >>25520389

>She's a natural! So pro!
>double-digit seconds of dead air, uuuuuuuuuh
Wow truly legendary idol clown.

>> No.25520336

this BGM is fucking 100//

>> No.25520337

does Polka have the potential to turn this hopeless situation upside down?

>> No.25520338

You are overestimating 4chin, fellow discordfag

>> No.25520339

Because her actions have tarnished the reputation of the group which their oshi belongs to and therefore by extension their oshi. That's a pretty brainlet question, anonchama.

>> No.25520340
File: 104 KB, 216x283, 1589369204974.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


it has changed so much in recent months its literally unrecognizable now

>old /hlg/
>I found this holo moment by digging the archives months ago and made it a webm, you're welcome (5 replies)
>holy shit that holo played that game?
>yeah specially on this part it gets really good
>overall support of all the holos

>new /hlg/
>check this webm i made of this holo playing this game a year ago (0 replies)

the main factor is that the old generals actually linked interesting content they researched THEMSELVES creating discussion every new thread, nowdays the only shit you see is MY HOLO IS BETTER THAN YOUR HOLO LMAO which is boring as fuck.

>> No.25520341

This. If you white knights hates this so fucking much then why are you even in this community to begin with? Becoming upset about something for the millionth time and reacting surprised every time is starting to feel like insanity.
In the end all of you who complain are still going to watch streams therefore supporting the company that you so viciously hate.
Instead of bitching so hard how about you put your money where your mouth is and stop supporting the company altogether.

>> No.25520343
File: 3.93 MB, 1600x1000, AngeredWatame.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>SHE has been angered

>> No.25520342

Japanese will forever be failures...one way or another. Looking at history. Even when/if they win....they lose.

>> No.25520344


>> No.25520346
Quoted by: >>25520398

>Not greeting the concept of sex in the morning

>> No.25520345

>filtered by Jester
>need Watame
??? how does that work does Watame somehow magically speak better English than Risu but somehow that the Japanese can understand?

>> No.25520347

Did Marine's stream get shadowbanned? I don't see her collab with Towa in my sub box.

>> No.25520349
File: 3.82 MB, 3541x2508, 1597506067027.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this music
holy fuck its so surreal

>> No.25520351

shitposting on 5ch

>> No.25520350

Discord has the perfect spot for you anon

>> No.25520353

>eop faggots
>isn't up to date on his facts

>> No.25520354
File: 1 KB, 46x55, 1570499839603.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

spam this emote on botan's next stream kek

>> No.25520358
Quoted by: >>25520470

I actually hate this BGM so much. I fucking hate circuses they are full of weirdos and smell like shit

>> No.25520359

That's what I was thinking, yeah. Either that or making sure there's no one checking out her house, maybe even filing a police report, just in case.

>> No.25520360
File: 23 KB, 316x331, grass.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25520361

? she didn't

>> No.25520362

just Iofi's. Moona's if she used her 2nd outfit. never for Tree rat

>> No.25520363

I'm sorry but Hololive does not have Capcom permissions. Please delete this post.

>> No.25520364

maybe they're trying to pressure her into retiring by appealing to antis. Heh not bad I see where you narrative bros get the enjoyment from

>> No.25520365
File: 332 KB, 538x377, 1533075474553.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25520396

>no 5th gen mentioned watame

top fucking kek

>> No.25520366

If you're starting with just English it will seem just as ridiculous at times (a lot of it is built on nothing but "tradition" and there are a lot expections to the rules) but grammar is at least somewhat similar.

>> No.25520368

I want to see the dick sashimi.

>> No.25520371

Fuck off to discord you fucking snowflake.

>> No.25520372

EOP chads just can't stop winning.

>> No.25520373

Are there any wholesome posters left itt?

>> No.25520377
Quoted by: >>25520424

>Cringe circus music
Fitting for the clown of the gen

>> No.25520378

found the schizo

>> No.25520380

Posted what you fucking faggot /hololive/ just parrots whatever 5ch autist antis dig up after the Holos themselves fuck up like Nene did. You don't seriously think le ebic Fangchama and the amazing black gay asian booger eater ledditard are anything actually serious do you?

>> No.25520381

It was all fucking three. Be angry and gatekeep harder. We don't need more faggots here.

>> No.25520382

Fasleflaggers won

>> No.25520383
Quoted by: >>25520655

Iofi is a thirsty bitch. She would suck 30 dicks to marry a Japanese guy and get swept away from her shithole country.

>> No.25520384

>Fuck whoever posted the shit against her and kill yourself
We did nothing, whatever you seen from comming straight from 5ch like everything you consume from here, nothing but second handed shit
Go back to the r/Hololive discord where you come from.

>> No.25520385
Quoted by: >>25520426

Towa is dying...

>> No.25520386


>> No.25520388

That's because nobody watches Choco.

>> No.25520389

She is based please do not hurt the tourists

>> No.25520390

can't stop laughing at this music and timing

as expected as the #1 vtuber shitposter

>> No.25520393

I'd say the grammar is roughly the same level of complexity, maybe even a bit more complex. But it's much easier by the grace of using a proper fucking alphabetical writing system, and not some fucking hieroglyphs.

>> No.25520394
File: 406 KB, 617x617, botan 100.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25520395
File: 19 KB, 231x324, 8154845268574865.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Circus BGM
>Just after Aloe's apology
Polkas cold

>> No.25520397

Could you imagine the EOP and JOP casuals and their boycotting? Shit would be crazy.

>> No.25520396
Quoted by: >>25520420

4/5 of them mentioned watame, 1 did not and it was aloe

>> No.25520398

Look man, sex doesn't owe me anything and I don't owe sex anything, I'm virgin ok?

>> No.25520400

>EOPS talking about Aloe situation
fucking retards LMAO

>> No.25520401
File: 127 KB, 469x344, polll.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want reddit whiteknights to leave...

>> No.25520404
File: 1.73 MB, 2078x3035, 3bb3be8d7f171dce494904ad28b3c631.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine being this girl quitting an incompetence company just to join an another one. Good job!

>> No.25520402

whos this

>> No.25520403

it's deleted, someone pls post the archive

>> No.25520405

shut the fuck up tree rat

>> No.25520406

is polka a live streamer or a skit maker hmmmmm

>> No.25520407
Quoted by: >>25520455

The best part of old /hlg/ is that we unanimously agreed Mio was not a gamer.

>> No.25520409

>You retards caused atleast a part of this shit.
go back to discord tranny

>> No.25520410
File: 112 KB, 798x689, 1597579993797.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25520441

How can Coco even compete?

>> No.25520411
File: 76 KB, 785x1000, soy521.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>found the schizo

>> No.25520412

i can't wait to teach polka about the clown world via supachas

>> No.25520413
File: 499 KB, 2048x1862, 1597632794711.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>memeing about Kemono Friends
dare I say, based

>> No.25520414

I'm laying low, sorry. Maybe we can meet up again in the future.

>> No.25520416
File: 83 KB, 676x676, Azki326.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25520568

We gave up years ago, man.

>> No.25520417

Aloe love!

>> No.25520418
File: 142 KB, 1094x1500, 6923f96ee8fe82b0051eb1fc06a7e413.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They should have taken the clown/jester/circus aesthetic further.

>> No.25520420

that even worse lol

>> No.25520421
File: 74 KB, 230x230, aqua.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Kaoru gets fired
>Roberu does a stream making bug noises and car sounds for an hour
>Aloe gets temporarily suspended
>Polka does a stream with literal circus music and laughing her ass off
gotta say, these two deserve credit for making sure the show goes on.

>> No.25520422

all of them?

>> No.25520424

I just hear the Animaniacs theme song

>> No.25520425

No that's just a regular niji.

>> No.25520426

The oil was too strong kenzoku

>> No.25520427

Westerners are absorbed in the "ME ME ME" culture and are unable to understand basic rules.

>> No.25520428
Quoted by: >>25520517

Now that I thought it over, Aloe really deserves it. She's lucky she didn't get fired. Fuck that bitch.

>> No.25520430
Quoted by: >>25520451

>Said the towafag

>> No.25520431

tweet this to her

>> No.25520432

Polka. I'm guessing it makes a farting sound when you punch her face.

>> No.25520433
File: 232 KB, 1704x1704, 1591199596290.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm always here, support all the holos and post about the streams I watch. Don't let the flood of shitposting distract you from what's important.

>> No.25520434
File: 12 KB, 206x260, 1595964701697.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25520437
File: 231 KB, 850x1335, 1584635621467.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will never stop loving Aloe

>> No.25520438
Quoted by: >>25520493

Nobody who watches streams bothers spending much time here anymore.

>> No.25520440

It's still there for me
50 mins away

>> No.25520441

By living in (you)r head

>> No.25520445
Quoted by: >>25520830

yagoo himself should have addressed harassment instead of making a young girl ask her antis to stop, he is a fucking cowardly piece of shit

>> No.25520447

2 week ban in the first day? Aloe is fucking dead

>> No.25520448

Cheers Idolchad. Nips needs to reinforce traditionalistic upbringing more

>> No.25520449

>I want reddit whiteknights to leave
is this a 200iq baitpost?

>> No.25520450
Quoted by: >>25520485


>> No.25520451
Quoted by: >>25520464

I'm Aquafag, I never watch Towa.

>> No.25520452

I stay quiet most of the time. Maybe you will see once in every thread posting either Shion, Miko or Mio pictures.

>> No.25520453
File: 9 KB, 225x225, 16136744677.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Be honest with me, are there legit Aquafags in this thread?

>> No.25520455

I remember some schizo derailed an entire thread arguing that

>> No.25520456
File: 71 KB, 615x653, poll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I, for one, welcome the day the menace of Towafags are defeated.

>> No.25520457
Quoted by: >>25520515

They exist over at nijisanji if you haven't noticed already. Not even kidding, watch anything from Hoshikawa.

>> No.25520458
Quoted by: >>25521016

Wait until she gets monetization turned on.

>> No.25520459

Too early

>> No.25520460

Heimins if they bother.

>> No.25520463

you guys dont know how i fucking love clowns so much. i didn't get why other kids didn't like them

>> No.25520465
Quoted by: >>25520514

I just like Aloe more than Towa simple as
Aloe fucked up but atleast she has a better voice lmao

>> No.25520464


>> No.25520466


>> No.25520467
File: 34 KB, 297x296, 1586609745053.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The other site is better, some of the girls there are mods so you'll interact directly with them, their general populace can properly police even before mods intervene, good luck i'm going to do what I can here.

>> No.25520468
File: 318 KB, 373x442, 1568363873235.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25520527

>thread is moving faster than I can read/reply to posts

>> No.25520469

Yeah, but don't bring her up right now.

>> No.25520470

Reminds you too much of your own SEAmonkey nation?

>> No.25520473
File: 2.81 MB, 1219x922, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25520496


>> No.25520475

i married her in azur lane and got a membership

>> No.25520476

Excepting redditors to be rational is really hopeful

>> No.25520477

I agree, not deleting your presence online before going to Hololive is kinda retarded

>> No.25520478

I hate this bitch, What's the point of her when she is just a Peko who is WORSE at games.

>> No.25520479
File: 814 KB, 1150x1514, 923843902432784.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25520481

Idolfagging is the ultimate filter for sluts and whores

>> No.25520483
File: 19 KB, 486x322, 1589813470717.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25520484
Quoted by: >>25520539

She was the third most interesting of the new girls behind Polka and Botan for me, and I say this as someone who despises all the shit that she had posted with her personal account. I separate the person from the character otherwise there would always be reasons to nitpick any of the girls.

>> No.25520485


>> No.25520486

Everything about Polka is so fucking fake

>> No.25520487
Quoted by: >>25520510

Same. I've seriously amused the idea of going to clown school.

>> No.25520488

Black boyfriends

>> No.25520489
Quoted by: >>25520593

If people don't believe this, hopefully archives still exist. This general has drastically changed and I don't think I'm the target audienec anymore. Fuck I miss when people would make webms out of interesting sream moments and have discussions instead of just nonstop shitposting for 2000 posts

>> No.25520490

I catch her apex streams, thats about it

>> No.25520492
File: 188 KB, 349x388, polka.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/hlg/ really is fun. It's like watching the offspring of doom-preppers and paparazzi fighting for dominance over who has the shittiest opinion.

>> No.25520494
File: 3.59 MB, 2796x3373, __momosuzu_nene_hololive_drawn_by_kaneko_aaru__28ace88fa1a020efb58d1e67113f339e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25520493

this is true...i only come here during dead hours, or when i notice something is happening

>> No.25520495
File: 88 KB, 479x476, 1500064045352.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>most people here likes Aloe's design
>unforunately the VA is a slut
shame. how do we/they fix this

>> No.25520496


>> No.25520498


>> No.25520499

I'd like to think wholesome posting died with that matsuri-bro.

>> No.25520500
Quoted by: >>25520535

So what did Aloe say that got her suspended?

>> No.25520501
Quoted by: >>25520533

This shit was in my recommended

>> No.25520502
File: 730 KB, 2732x2026, MIOWHEEZE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hololive? More like DramaLive! Amirite?

>> No.25520503

bravo bravo

>> No.25520504
File: 336 KB, 1500x2000, 1594181744413.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now that we have Towa 2.0, do we even need Towa?

>> No.25520505
Quoted by: >>25520565

it was literally just the japs who dug into her dox and spread it around on 5ch that did this, but if your skin is so thin that us discussing it here caused you to get that upset you probably should take a break for a while

>> No.25520506

No thanks.

>> No.25520508

>/pol/ crossboarders
Part of it was a literal Pole crossboarder.

>> No.25520509
Quoted by: >>25520547


>> No.25520511

>complaining about the quality of a general hours after a huge happening
Literally what the fuck did you expect?

>> No.25520510

I almost got forced into going to clown school, I still like clowns though

>> No.25520513
File: 4 KB, 333x51, 1593187902312.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

botan in polka stream keek, somebody spam 100//

>> No.25520514
Quoted by: >>25520736

sasuga EOPchama...

>> No.25520515

Nice. I'll check her out.

>> No.25520517

She LITERALLY deserves the punishment for what she did, though I don't think getting fired would be too far lmao.
I don't get why the fuck people just immediately jump to defending her, is it because they actually don't understand the situation or can they just not help but to white knight?

>> No.25520519

We've done nothing, we just circlejerk over what makes its way over from 5ch.

>> No.25520522

Aqua is cute and funny

>> No.25520523

>she said she wanted to get dicked after signing a contract

>> No.25520524

She's a succubus, there's no need to fix anything

>> No.25520525

Easy, replace her.

>> No.25520526

Majority are conformists here so yes!

>> No.25520527
Quoted by: >>25521008

>1000 posts in half an hour
jesus fuck

>> No.25520529

Private meet and greet.

>> No.25520530

Aqua was my favorite before Luna stole my heart with her cute voice.

>> No.25520531
Quoted by: >>25520613

she's choking

>> No.25520532
Quoted by: >>25520551

What the fucking fuck, did we gone too far?

>> No.25520533


>> No.25520535

read the thread

>> No.25520536

/v/ took over and normalized their nonsensical shitflinging. There's even a wojak in this thread

>> No.25520537

Based, let's leave this place for reddit together bro.

>> No.25520538
Quoted by: >>25520550

Aqua isn't too interesting to me. She's always been one of the more boring holos to me. Dunno what it is, but her slurps don't do it for me.

>> No.25520539
Quoted by: >>25520632

>Despises all the shit she posted.
Damn she masturbates like any other human who cares.

>> No.25520541

When was the last time you saw a genuine clown?

>> No.25520542

Use this two weeks break to find a replacement

>> No.25520544

I miss the rushiaposter, he actually put effort into his shitpost, if you can even call it that. The man might've actually been an obsessed betrayed (in his eyes) fan

>> No.25520545

Jops not only mad because she has a boyfriend or revealing live2d
But because it also involve other party/companies



>> No.25520547

>all those No votes
Redditors please go back or at least go to Discord or something.

>> No.25520548
Quoted by: >>25520566

EOPs already spamming phoenix in Polka's chat because it's the one shitty translated clip meme they have

>> No.25520550
Quoted by: >>25520625

Maybe learn some Japanese, EOP-kun.

>> No.25520551

Fuck off already

>> No.25520552

though I think getting fired would be too far*

>> No.25520555
File: 206 KB, 393x508, 1579982063870.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25520556


>> No.25520557

Polka... your friends...

>> No.25520558


>> No.25520559

its sounds like you don't, literally what did she do?

>> No.25520560
File: 15 KB, 237x290, EejVtL4VoAAfOre.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So is gen 5 just cursed to fail?

>> No.25520562
Quoted by: >>25520581

>Fennec vs Phoenix
She knows

>> No.25520563

obviously because she's playing a video game duh

>> No.25520564

she does, but I still feel bad. I wanted her to be a degenerate slutty whore succubus on stream too.

>> No.25520565
Quoted by: >>25520622

yeah, now that I came to my senses I guess I didn't need to spergout like that. I think I'll take a break from these threads though.

>> No.25520566

holos are trained in dealing with autistic children that repeat themselves

>> No.25520567

there are so many EOPs in the chat holy shit

>> No.25520568

Fucking this >>25520416
I don't post in these shithole threads but I don't want to go to reddit/discord so I lurk the threads every once in a while
I miss the old threads so much

>> No.25520569

holy shit the technology of gen 5's avatars. they can move their arms...

>> No.25520571

Because seiyuu shield. Making a talent herself do it is way different that just putting up an official statement.

>> No.25520572
File: 348 KB, 662x837, 1596440353329.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, I have the appropriate filters in place so I won't have to see the narrative cancer when I am forced to come to this shithole during times like these because every other place on the internet is completely clueless about what's actually happening.

>> No.25520573

>she doesn't have a boyfriend anymore
so you're saying me there's a chance?

>> No.25520574
Quoted by: >>25520596

So I've heard about the testing Live2D thing and the twitter thing, but what other crimes has Aloe committed?

>> No.25520575

No, Aloe is the new maiden that needs to be saved.

>> No.25520576

>her grandmother fucked a fox

>> No.25520579

Numberfagging was shit but tolerable, now its just off its hinges and used to shit on everyone not at the top.

>> No.25520578

Ayunda is replacing Risu every stream now.....

>> No.25520580
Quoted by: >>25520638

>streaming like nothing happened
Polka savagely going the sololive route.

>> No.25520581

She knows people are spamming it in her chat

>> No.25520583

Yeah, there is more dirt

>> No.25520584
File: 461 KB, 1080x1344, 1588367261702.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes this is my favorite image of her

>> No.25520587
File: 122 KB, 577x358, aquafags.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based on a poll I took in the last thread, there are at least 29 of them. And they're all very horny.

>> No.25520588

This one is direct downgrade.

>> No.25520589

Is this cursed song?

>> No.25520592
Quoted by: >>25520611

its literally a swivel arm

>> No.25520593
Quoted by: >>25520730


just move out to n*j* s*nj* its literally the same as it has always been, no EOP swam, no idoldoxx faggotry, no shitposting, just vtubers being vtubers.

>> No.25520594

>so you're saying me there's a chance?

>> No.25520595
File: 2.68 MB, 594x704, 1582837967347.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is PPT really going deaf in one ear? as a fellow soon to be deaf in one ear person, I want to know if I should relate with her

>> No.25520596
File: 61 KB, 220x220, 1586918108426.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not paying respects to her senpai

>> No.25520598

Mio poster is smart as fuck.

>> No.25520600

She's lying

>> No.25520601
File: 61 KB, 1080x275, Screenshot_20200817_161304.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25520650

>> No.25520604
File: 154 KB, 342x342, azki.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah. There's a reason why many people came to old /hlg/: it's literally the best place to discuss Holos. Not full of idiotic memes like reddit, no power tripping mods like discord. We can actually have nice and open discussions here.
If there's an alternative to this shithole that's not reddit, discord, or fucking facebook, tell me. I want out.

>> No.25520607
File: 140 KB, 320x320, おっけー.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, I wake up at 4am to watch her streams.

>> No.25520606

I don't understand you retards at all, why wouldn't you just watch 3d women then?

>> No.25520608
File: 130 KB, 783x1024, EfnI0F-UYAA7z4M.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25520609
File: 1.04 MB, 256x192, 1556954889086.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25520649

>> No.25520610

They are still inferior to HoloID new live2ds

>> No.25520611


>> No.25520612

Lmao Gen5 was torpedoed even faster than Gen4 was.
Can Hololive just stop making demon girls already?

>> No.25520613
File: 193 KB, 1024x1024, 1592325281056.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not even the first one to do that

>> No.25520618

Polka is no true clown. She's not wearing whiteface or the stupid fucking rudolph nose.

>> No.25520620

Wasn't the HoloCaust on the same day as the short version of Watame-lon rap?

>> No.25520619

its fine

>> No.25520622

sounds like a plan, let's hope things are looking better when you decide to return

>> No.25520624

>Grandfather is a Fennec Fox
>Grandmother is a Human

>> No.25520625

I get a powerful feeling that even if I did I still wouldn't care for her.

>> No.25520626
Quoted by: >>25520664

I'm filtered by Zatsudans, not because i can't understand them but because 90% of them are boring as shit. I only like zatsudans where they are answering questions from the audience

>> No.25520627
Quoted by: >>25520645

The rise of another chama

>> No.25520628

It's just pretty sad because her momentum is fucking dead.

>> No.25520631
File: 233 KB, 607x615, 1500750736384.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

niggas do you even know what a "2 week suspension" mean?
top fucking kek its literally fired you niggas

>> No.25520630

>Falling for the oldest trick in the book

>> No.25520632

>sushi dildos and prostitution
>just masturbation
If it was her just being a regular women hanging out with guys or having a boyfriend, I would see nothing wrong with it.

>> No.25520633
File: 189 KB, 600x632, chuuba.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

someone post an aloe edit

>> No.25520636

Looking at you right now.

>> No.25520637
Quoted by: >>25520682

>2 hololive threads


>> No.25520638

Just the same shit when Towa happened

>> No.25520639

There was always a chance if you take her twitter posts seriously.

>> No.25520643

Her reaction to the Nintendo permissions was very critical but it was the kind of thing that had to be followed by the company actually getting its shit together so it couldn't work a second time. Even then she was one of very few who didn't make a template tweet about it.

>> No.25520642

And that's a good thing.

>> No.25520644

You just know

>> No.25520645

It's the opposite, Ayunda is the serious one Risu is the RISUCHAAMA?!

>> No.25520646

no, there isn't and never was or will be.

>> No.25520647

the biggest hurdles are learning the alphabet in cyrillic alphabet and learning Russian grammar rules

>> No.25520648

OK risu I know you're here, answer me.

>> No.25520649
File: 10 KB, 184x184, S-Idle2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25520701


>> No.25520650

based chink sabotage her coworker to avoid being the lowest sub of her hen

>> No.25520651

replace asacoco with dildo sashimi

>> No.25520653
File: 248 KB, 566x800, 1583697252036.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25520695

No holo makes me gosling harder than Aqua.

>> No.25520652


>> No.25520654
File: 134 KB, 635x900, maid dragon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We can actually have nice and open discussions here.
Bro... I haven't felt that here in a long time, unfortunately

>> No.25520655

Wouldn't we all?

>> No.25520656

Still gonna watch her, don't care about her roommate's horny posting or that she has a bf, it's just another streamer for me. It's unfortunate she's getting a lot of flak, but I thought she was pretty interesting in her debut and my opinion won't change.

>> No.25520657

>Marine Ch. 宝鐘マリンあとで楽屋こいや

>> No.25520658

Because she realized that she can get away with being her real self and putting 0 effort into her streams so why bother with a persona?

>> No.25520660

Welcome to ようこそ

>> No.25520659

god thats so funny

>> No.25520663

The alternative is just talking about it with a handful of people that you know are safe

>> No.25520665

keep it together Nobu

>> No.25520664
Quoted by: >>25520684

Then don't watch them? What's your issue?

>> No.25520666
Quoted by: >>25520683

>Aloe's design
The Aloefags here like her more than that. They seemingly knew about the dox as well before it blew up, they know what they were getting into. You can't fix something that's not broken.

>> No.25520668
File: 75 KB, 1280x720, 1590154939303.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are zero alternatives to this shithole. It's still the best place for discussion of tubers. You just have to get it into your peasized brain that this place isn't good 100% of the time and you have to learn how to dissociate from the thread instead of taking everything you see here seriously

>> No.25520667

The only thing Watame did that day was cried for 12 minutes after starting her Muse Dash stream and deleted the vod. Still a shame nobody saved that.

>> No.25520669

>Le Matsuri is so lesbian and perverted xD
Does anyone's schtick get old faster than hers?
I miss arguing with him

>> No.25520671

Just a reminder that he lost his smile and optimism at the end because of how menhera Matsuri was acting regarding Hoshikawa.

>> No.25520670
Quoted by: >>25520833

This place exploded when meidos stickied Coco's 3D. Retards made spam on /qa/ and that attracted other crossies with "GUYS WILL BE STICKY ON /jp/ EVERY WEAK GO SPAM THAT" and the rest is history.

>> No.25520676
File: 695 KB, 862x823, EfjPR0pUYAAA_M4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shionyo celebrates her 2 year anniversary today

>> No.25520677

I just woke up
what is going on?

>> No.25520678

this image makes me nostalgic for simpler times

>> No.25520680

any of you deepfuckers name your videogame characters after holos?

>> No.25520681


>> No.25520682

Fuck the early thread

>> No.25520683

she was designed to be a slut

>> No.25520684

God i have so many, which is why i'm watching a stream i don't care about at 6am

>> No.25520685

Aloe's roommate was(is) an inexperienced unprofessional kid.
She talked about behind the scene stuff(Nijisanji) on stream and left the archive.
She also said that she doesn't care about her face being recognized, because she has performed on some offline concert so it's going to happen.
She left so many personal information about herself and other people on the Internet, and it's not even funny.

You guys don't know how big this is.

If she collab with other Holos offline, who knows what would happen.
She might just accidentally doxx everyone one of them.

5ch was asking Cover to fire her days ago, because of how much shit they could easily find about her.
You could say that she's young so she doesn't know how to handle all these internet-information-management
stuff, but overall it's just she being unprofessional about all these.

>> No.25520686

>*rings bells*

fucking keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek


>> No.25520687

yeah, i remember when towa got fired when they put her on suspension too

stop posting dumb shit with my oshi, thanks

>> No.25520690

Aloe got suspended for 2 weeks.

>> No.25520691

Probably making some dildo sculptures to cheer up.

>> No.25520692

Yes she magically has like 2-3 live translators in her chat almost all the time

>> No.25520693

Slut was made to apologize for being a slut now white knights are getting uppity

>> No.25520694

haha clown girl go jingle

>> No.25520695

Always gets me how Gaou-papa draws her in school uniforms so often.

>> No.25520696

Women barely have kids and keep stable relationships in Japan, so they are already having a taste of it.

>> No.25520697
File: 92 KB, 1180x664, Ed2fLLAU8AEeieT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man I hope they re-doxx Botan I saw her twitch profile and that shit was pretty adorable, she already likes EOP too, Aloe is horny? good gonna have big American D ready for her when she comes back, thanks losers I appreciate it. Towa and Aloe keep sending them over our list grows they can't resist the English

>> No.25520698
Quoted by: >>25520753

She's gonna get disliked...

>> No.25520701
File: 1.91 MB, 256x192, 1550147475013.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25520703

>she makes an ayamarine joke after not noticing marine-senpai in chat

Fucking honker

>> No.25520705

Can't explain why the bell thing works so well

>> No.25520706

note that no one actually knows if Cover requires the same conditions as a typical idol agency would have. the fact that people are hidden behind avatar should in theory give them a higher degree of privacy but......

>> No.25520707

sorry pal this is the anti thread

>> No.25520708

Aloe graduated basically
Botan is sabotaging Cover because of their fuck ups with Aloe

>> No.25520710

>26k people watching the clown
How can a fucking rookie pull these numbers? is it because there's no relevant holos streaming at the moment?

>> No.25520711

Driven away by underage /vpol/. For every newfag that comes to these threads, there's another new shitposter parroting what a previous /vpol/tard did because he thinks it's the thread culture and it's the easiest way to farm for (You)s
I can pinpoint the moment threads started going to go into free fall mode: Coco's debut. You compare the thread of her 3D debut with Flare's from a week or two ago and the difference is night and day

>> No.25520712

These polka props filter me so fucking hard

>> No.25520714

Only in Dwarf Fort and Rimworld

>> No.25520716

PSO2 has a lot of those

>> No.25520717


>> No.25520718
File: 1.02 MB, 1280x1024, Слышишь, тут эта, у Ботан, короче, разговор к те есть.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25520773

How do we make her play Stalker?

>> No.25520719

so she's not actually 36.

>> No.25520721

Strange, I still have all the discussions I want here.

>> No.25520722

Who are you trying to convince here?

>> No.25520725
File: 56 KB, 428x458, 1591812258506.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25520726

Is this clown going to do the clown thing

>> No.25520727
File: 531 KB, 756x834, 20200817_021558.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hard to wholesome post when so much happens so quickly. when even the holos i support are going through these types of events, it gets harder and harder to find good things to talk about.

>> No.25520728

When Aloe does return, lets all come together and bring as much support as we can. Through watching,liking and commenting on her streams. Uploading clips,memes,sh*tposts,fan art. As long as we can help her out when she gets back to streaming.

>> No.25520730
Quoted by: >>25520883

You can call me anything but /hlg/ schizo level is pretty tame compare to nijis. I think someone on /jp/ compiles all board autism level and /hlg/ is lower than /niji/

>> No.25520731
Quoted by: >>25520860

Botan spammed emotes until she ended up banned. People suspect that it was to avoid having to retweet that corporate bullshit.

>> No.25520733

>she makes a joke
>*ring* *ring*
i love thisclown

>> No.25520734

because you are an ADHD zoomie and loud noises help you pay attention

>> No.25520735

I'm having a hard time imagining this playing out, those things are practically chihuahua sized

>> No.25520736

What about what I posted was EOP, eh?

>> No.25520737
Quoted by: >>25520765

Is it just me or Polkahime is having problems to maintain face.

>> No.25520738
Quoted by: >>25520795

By that logic you might want to fire Coco before she gets Suisei and Kanata in trouble

>> No.25520739

Where does that even come from? Her twitter?

>> No.25520740

dame yo anon-chama, you should know by now going to sleep is too risky, you'll miss seven fucking threads and will awake to a fresh horror every day

>> No.25520742

It is a sad reality and it is unironically a case of /v/ermins bringing their shitposting here. Just spend an hour on /v/ and you'll immediately notice the similarities.
The overarching discussion of Holos is barely possible anymore. I still have decent small discussions about my favourite but they are far and few, other than that most of this thread is just not worth reading.

>> No.25520743

so why cant cover google all this shit themselves and tell her to delete/private everything?

>> No.25520744

What's it matter? The rest of the Holos are the same except they don't slip up. You make it seem bigger of an issue than it really is. Aloe is just following in the foot steps of her senpai.

>> No.25520746
File: 195 KB, 518x807, mio (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dont mind the design, but I seriously cant stand the circus aesthetic or BGM

>> No.25520747

how can you accidentally doxx someone if they all already been doxx by nene?

>> No.25520748

Orgy whore taking two week suspension and hopefully graduating.

>> No.25520750


>> No.25520751

ill leave anti comments and anti tweets like I did today

>> No.25520752
File: 275 KB, 275x450, 1596688722185.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember when Mio was fired? yeah me neither. I mean I know Pekofags are upset Polka kids are about to replace your girl but it's time to bury the hatchet.

>> No.25520753

for what, stop doomposting

>> No.25520757 [SPOILER] 
File: 55 KB, 700x500, 1597655962645.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25520756


>> No.25520759

And as always the shitty managers get away with their fuck ups.

>> No.25520761

I named my psyduck subaru

>> No.25520762
File: 233 KB, 848x1200, 3D4F2BC1-116D-4ABB-A011-E88239CB92C5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25520813

Titties, yo.

>> No.25520763

Marine stream delayed.

>> No.25520765

She has to remind herself to not be Nobuhime

>> No.25520766

it appeals to an specific kind of people

>> No.25520767

I'm assuming you mean her 3D debut, in which case I will agree. Before then the narratives were annoying but almost never malicious from what I've seen, there's some real heinous shit spread around these threads now. I've been limiting my visits here as much as possible lately because it just hurts to look at.

>> No.25520768

apparently her roommate said she turned 36. it's pretty confusing where people get their information now

>> No.25520769

I know someone did a 3rd generation Etrian Odyssey V run before

>> No.25520770

When I worked in tourism, it was said that Japanese people are the worst customers. They're lovely when here but give them anonimty and they're the worst possible.

>> No.25520771

All the newbies are getting >20k live, it's people checking them out to see if they're worth sticking to.

>> No.25520772

ur fucked

>> No.25520773
File: 569 KB, 777x670, 2z.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At gunpoint, bratan.

>> No.25520775

Aqua sure has grown a lot.

>> No.25520774
Quoted by: >>25520852

did she fuck the bassist this time?

>> No.25520776

Because honorabru japanese company take no responsibility, it's all the talent's fault please understadn

>> No.25520777

I hope you're baiting

>> No.25520778

>is it because there's no relevant holos streaming at the moment?
Yes. Cover is pushing the clown for summer slam, better get used to it. Going to get real old when chubas you like are pushed to dead hours to make room.

>> No.25520779
File: 1.86 MB, 1032x1606, 1597409921622.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me and my братья getting ready for the адидас лев stream

>> No.25520780

Good post.

>> No.25520782
Quoted by: >>25520938


>> No.25520784


>> No.25520785

We all know why, also still less than Bossan.

>> No.25520786

The transformation to Gibara is complete.

>> No.25520789

Some retard said it and another retard believed it and said it, too. /hlg/ telephone games.

>> No.25520791

I used to hate whoever kept posting this shit.

>> No.25520795
Quoted by: >>25521073

Coco hasn't doxxed anyone

>> No.25520793
Quoted by: >>25520868

Man, Polka fucking LOVES playing with those hands.
I am so glad someone actually likes playing with the hands. It instantly adds to the character.

>> No.25520799

>has sucked managed dick before
>a rookie

>> No.25520800
Quoted by: >>25520859

So two week suspension is just gonna magically stop the harassment? Lmao bitch is gonna retire soon from all the harassment.

>> No.25520801

Start hype and there's no one on. It will die down quickly.

>> No.25520804

I mean you could immediately tell that she is young because of her taste. Unless she is lying about those. I don't know where 36 comes from as well

>> No.25520806
File: 57 KB, 498x538, firefox_IsNUmCBm7w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25520841


>> No.25520807

White knights gonna white knight. She's lucky that she didn't get fucking forced to graduate in all honesty. I'll still tune in to when she returns to see if she sings well since I'm a fan of the reol style though.
Also Cover really needs to quit being completely incompetent. I mean do they do any research about their talent at all? Can't they tell them to practice better net privacy etiquette when they're investing so much into them already? It's so fucking retarded.

>> No.25520809

Here's my narrative:
Aloe is an actual whore and a doxing bitch. This incident will only make her plot revenge on idolfags by setting up other holos and blackmailing them together with her fuck buddies. She will reveal the dox and the blackmail materials after to make the idolfags kill themselves.

>> No.25520810

Aloe got suspended for 2 weeks for leaking 2d avatar and forgetting to delete it. She's also being harassed irl cause japs are mad at her.
Botans twitter got suspended or something cause she spammed 343284723 emotes to 32473284 people in an hour

>> No.25520811

More people should go strike up a conversation rather than complaining too. Even if it's dumb shit as long as it's about a stream or whatever.

>> No.25520812

Yeah, if she does it must be some anime-tier BF where they call each other by their last name and get embrarrased when they hold hands

>> No.25520813
File: 161 KB, 588x495, 1594525324398.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25520814

Let me just break into your house - actually, the back door was conveniently unlocked, discovered after a ten day stakeout - and report you as a piece of shit for what was found. I'm the morally superior individual btw. Toodles.

>> No.25520817

The wacky clown music fits the theme but I really don't think it suits a zatsudan at all, it's too bombastic. She switched to another BGM in her debut that was much better.

>> No.25520818
Quoted by: >>25520858

>she likes endless eight
sasuga clown

>> No.25520819

Polka likes Endless Eight. Thoughts?

>> No.25520823
File: 132 KB, 995x956, EfSwNczU4AE5Mf_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Thread so focused that no one posted this


It has English subs, by the way.

>> No.25520824

I will of course. Also please don't shit on Nene for this, she's autistic for following them so early but the blame doesn't lie on her

>> No.25520820
File: 212 KB, 933x277, ehhh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25520849

>people just now discover the wonders of proper SFX use by chuubas

>> No.25520821

>liking Endless Eight
So she's a schizo...

>> No.25520822
File: 242 KB, 700x700, 1593949998576.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>new /hlg/
>holy shit that holo played that game?

>> No.25520825
Quoted by: >>25520939

Hold me anon I miss /sqg/'s EO5 launch threads

>> No.25520827

True! Those mean japanese people have no chill!! Have an upvote kind sir!

>> No.25520826
Quoted by: >>25520891

>It's endless eight day
So it's okay to post dumb question today?

>> No.25520828

Nene better watch her back, Aloe has 2 weeks to plan revenge

>> No.25520829
File: 194 KB, 389x297, 1557893918257.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like it. Fits the situation honestly.

>> No.25520830

Cover actually did give a direct response:
they apologized for how she her actions caused inconvenience and anxiety to fans

>> No.25520832

Who would've known YAGOO was both the ultimate cuck and the ultimate kneeler. Manager rapes your talent? Send him a sternly-worded letter. NND autists cause a stir about permissions? Drop not only Nintendo games, but all games you don't have specific permissions for, even the ones that have guidelines that say you don't need them. 5ch antis didn't like literally anything? Force your talent to suck their tiny cocks. What a joke.

>> No.25520831
Quoted by: >>25521057

It's because literal 5ch posters post here now.

>> No.25520833

It's doesn't matter, antis from /vyt/ are far worse and they come to spic it up every time.

>> No.25520834
Quoted by: >>25521497

>the same
>except they don't slip up
Read that again yourself.

>> No.25520835

holy shit aloe really is the towa of hololive

>> No.25520837

Based timeloop poster gets it. You guys have to learn how to ignore retards and get your own conversations going.

>> No.25520838

Do it, Allah willing

>> No.25520839
File: 942 KB, 900x1200, 74231842374320325.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25520901

Shion! I'm still a bit sad of what happened but i'm looking forward to her anniversary stream.

>> No.25520840

Only for utawakus or meme games like Fall Guys

>> No.25520841

That looks a lot better without the hat and jacket.

>> No.25520842
File: 1.59 MB, 1513x1080, 1593795369282.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fall guys again
I'm starting to get tired of this already.

>> No.25520843

Where were you when Squirrel goes brrrrrr died?

>> No.25520844
Quoted by: >>25520919

so when /eceleb/ board get made
do each holo get spit into their own generals or are we still doing mamamia orgy like here?

>> No.25520845
File: 128 KB, 2048x1152, 1597563240016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn gaijin that's a funny joke

>> No.25520846
File: 15 KB, 1256x1144, EX38VYnWAAEZ0eh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25521121

How many Polkas could you fit in a single car?

>> No.25520847
File: 497 KB, 800x999, 1596000897851.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

polka likes endless 8. lamy like timeloops.

guys, we're never escaping this. the loop will change slightly but continue forever. we're not at the apex of the loop either it's going to get worse.

>> No.25520849
Quoted by: >>25520983

SRYR has great comedic timing

>> No.25520852

bandfucker should just debut as a vtuber. all those people wanting a deep voice waifu will be satisfied because she has the range to pull it. she will also filter idolfags from the start because she is a literal whore

>> No.25520854
File: 951 KB, 1278x717, 1574021594840.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25520855

There are 3 active threads?

>> No.25520857

so when is the nene ban?

>> No.25520858

good taste

>> No.25520859

why is she a bitch again?

>> No.25520860

If that's true, I have incredible respect for Botan

>> No.25520861
File: 1.15 MB, 1280x720, rs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Show me your armpits!

>> No.25520862

hmm because the fans are worried about the other holos getting harassed and doxxed because one of them is not that good at keeping her identity online secret

>> No.25520865

She had to stream it if only to use that thumbnail. Shame i'll miss it, that game has karma catch up to her so fast.

>> No.25520866

so they threw her under the bus. honestly, fuck yagoo.

>> No.25520867

>Towa the clown wants to stream at 6 instead of 9. Now you have a stomachache.
>Yes Yagoo...

>> No.25520868

How long before Mea and broken arm saga?

>> No.25520874

>catering to the worst parts of otaku culture
what did xe mean by this?

>> No.25520876
Quoted by: >>25521014

with all the uploads of this, nobody ever bothered changing store to konbini

>> No.25520877
File: 195 KB, 499x536, 1589380919987.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is your favorite holo drama-free?

>> No.25520879
Quoted by: >>25521377

This is so true, it hurts. I don't even get why Coco debut drew 100k viewers or why it exploded the thread.

>> No.25520881

cringe but truthpilled

>> No.25520882


>> No.25520883


yeah, the schizo level is relative to the size of the community (the smaller, the bigger schizo) /hlg/ thankfully is big enough that it doesn't suffer of that as bad as other generals do.

>> No.25520886
File: 108 KB, 1280x720, K3iUsK8JkQ0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25520945

I remember that stream. Tons of Coco and Aqua wholesome moments. Take me back to that time please.

>> No.25520887

Everyone and their mother knows what Coco and Festival look like. And it wasn't that bad slut Aloe that caused all this shit to leak, it was the experienced based "real" idol Nene. I guess she'll need to get the axe too.

>> No.25520888
Quoted by: >>25520929

>nothing about a manager fuck up or cover fucking up
yeah hes a small dicked retard

>> No.25520890


>> No.25520891

Holy shit...are we in endless eight right now?

>> No.25520892
File: 614 KB, 1074x1080, kaoru.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are ya winnin son?

>> No.25520895

I wonder if luna regrets making the switch to dramalive

>> No.25520896

I approve of this image

>> No.25520898
File: 110 KB, 1000x1000, 1597398119993.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just wanted to watch chuubas being happy together...

>> No.25520899

Reminder that Pekora is a slut.

>> No.25520900


>> No.25520901
File: 518 KB, 1536x2048, Efio_TlXkAAh_WP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It sucks, I can't even remember the last time things were calm around here

>> No.25520902
Quoted by: >>25521041

So who will cover throw under the bus during the next drama?
Take your bets

>> No.25520904
Quoted by: >>25520972

Coco doesn't have the balls to feature this MEME.

>> No.25520905
File: 1.70 MB, 498x278, suisei.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cool kids club

>> No.25520906
Quoted by: >>25520947

>why cant cover x
You know why.

Has any of the JPs actually got doxed before though? I mean Aloe had her phone number out there, and no self published photos online are not dox.

>> No.25520907

She said someone at Niji's office doxxed Kudou Chitose full profile: from real name, to home address, to school she attended. And that's why Chitose pulled the plug on her V-tuber career as well as Utaite career. Well, she eventually reincarnated so there's that.
Now people angry she badmouthed competitors.

>> No.25520908

Well she's not tired of 50k+ live viewers so deal with it nigger.

>> No.25520910


>> No.25520912

You'll be lucky if it is "when" and not "if" at this rate.
This shit blew the fuck up because they acknowledged it instead of silently deleting everything ASAP.

>> No.25520913

>hosted on marines channel
>talking to towa

>> No.25520914


>> No.25520915

not even trying anymore lol

>> No.25520916


>> No.25520917
Quoted by: >>25520944

There are no true polka fans so obviously.

>> No.25520918

>endless eight

>> No.25520919

if it's really an eceleb board and not a vtuber board they'll have to drag me kicking and fucking screaming, i'd rather not post at all than share a board with normalfags from /b/, /r9k/, etc.

>> No.25520922

cringe redditmeme, and I agree with the sentiment

>> No.25520923

Post it on reddit

>> No.25520925

Ebin reddit meme

>> No.25520926
File: 157 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault_live.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25520976

Yeah she looks way better without the jacket. The new ID outfits are great.

>> No.25520927

>Polka is a Bananafag
God tier taste.

>> No.25520928
File: 88 KB, 221x205, 2ujzs5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25520970


>> No.25520929

Oh the poor fans feeling anxiety about this. What a joke.
Managers are more important because god forbid it's the company's fault. That's unacceptable.

>> No.25520930

Go back to plebbit you nigger faggot.

>> No.25520931

Not that that, Watame delayed her Zelda by 2 hours too, to be after Aloe dogeza AND Nobuhime

>> No.25520932

Imagine getting hit by this after excitedly waiting two months for your debut...

>> No.25520933

Yagoo pinning the blame on Towa...

>> No.25520934
File: 373 KB, 1000x1000, 1594550129039.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25520979

You've been visited by the perfect inclining sheep of upcoming collabs!

>> No.25520935

Does YouTube automatically shadowfilter your message from appearing on-screen sometimes? I have no idea why my messages only appear 1/4 of the time.

>> No.25520936
File: 375 KB, 852x1441, 1593220189842.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She knew...

>> No.25520938


>> No.25520939

Next Stage literally never ever

>> No.25520940

>Everyone: Boohooo it's so sad that Kaoru is gone, some of us are taking the day off and we're going to cry...
>Roberu: https://files.catbox.moe/1bnpy4.webm

>> No.25520941

>totes get it
Who the hell translated this?

>> No.25520942

Too fucking long. It's like a lefty meme. Just say:
>wait, they're fucking incompetent?
>always has been

>> No.25520943


>> No.25520944

>polka stream on
>dozens of people posting about it

>> No.25520945

Imagine the amount of shitposting and numberflinging we'd have here if the stream happened now. These threads took a turn for the worse so fast.

>> No.25520946

Poor girl.

>> No.25520947

Haato got doxxed through her dad via this shit thread.

>> No.25520949

she badmouthed Nijisanji, so... Nijisanji antis went after her?

>> No.25520950

polka a cute

>> No.25520951 [DELETED] 

post this in /r/hololive or send this to coco

>> No.25520952

factually true.

>> No.25520954

Based habib

>> No.25520955

Maybe Nobuhime is the truly cursed one after all; no matter where she goes she's managed poorly.

>> No.25520956

Polkahime not being respectful towards Senchou-sempai. :thinking:

>> No.25520957 [DELETED] 

Post it on reddit

>> No.25520960

Cancer meme format but this be true

>> No.25520961
Quoted by: >>25520998

The excuse was Towa wasn't feeling well so Marine had to delay the hosting

>> No.25520962
File: 152 KB, 416x295, 1592917752520.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I an Aquafag if she my top 5 but not my favourite?

>> No.25520963

No see she's more valuable, I'd bet my bottom dollar they're punishing Aloe fully aware it's her fault, but she's "worth more."

>> No.25520965
File: 511 KB, 1920x1080, 1565351937859.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks man keep trying

>> No.25520966

Marine senchou...

>> No.25520967
File: 295 KB, 307x430, 1587529658640.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25521003

>> No.25520968
File: 1.24 MB, 1043x611, 1597616991168.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's too tiring lately, but unfortunately there is no other alternative than inactive image boards which may have a discussion once every 6 hours. The best that you can do is Ctrl + F your favorite and start a discussion with people who actually care. At least that's what I do

>> No.25520970

Sio bullied your holo robobro

>> No.25520971
Quoted by: >>25521056

Feels good being a Cocofan right now. Nothing happening, a game stream everyday, and my girl always at the top of superchat rankings. Another girl is added in Coco's "Don't Collab Ever" shitlist.

>> No.25520972
Quoted by: >>25521028

I always wonder but where does coco gather meme to make her content? reddit?
she doesnt actually luke here right?

>> No.25520975

It goes to hell once you let rampant shitposting become an accepted part of the thread's culture.

>> No.25520974
Quoted by: >>25521272

Is Polka mocking someone with that senpai reference? No senpai acts like that as far as I'm aware.

>> No.25520976

With the jacket she's just too obviously leaning on Aerith's design

>> No.25520977

The only way we can get comfy discussions again is having two threads at the same time
One will be for the retarded kids that only spam buzzwords for 2 hours hitting the post limit and the other one will be the slower one with anons that actually discuss the holos and know when to shitpost

>> No.25520979

watame is the only thing keeping me with hololive at this point

>> No.25520980

Get it together Nobumeme...

>> No.25520981

Kaoru really understood that you need to quit while you're ahead

>> No.25520983

she's my favorite non holo tbdesu,

>> No.25520985
Quoted by: >>25521015

>300 IPs
some of them are bound to be newfags

>> No.25520986


>> No.25520987
Quoted by: >>25521011

Imagine whiteknighting a literal whore.

>> No.25520988

So we've gone back to this, huh... What a strange sense of deja vu....

>> No.25520989

they were already calling her house and harassing her at the time

>> No.25520990
Quoted by: >>25521122

yes it filters it from top chat, so if the liver is showing top chat on screen instead of live chat, your messages could be filtered out

>> No.25520991

That voice grates my ears.

>> No.25520992

Literally dethroned by Peko in every aspect

>> No.25520995 [DELETED] 

So since we all hate Aloe now, does that mean Sio is kosher again?

>> No.25520996
Quoted by: >>25521265

A lot of people here knew much about Holo's roommate though, so what's her to contribute here? And if she do so, she's basically asking for a lifetime sentence because she's fighting against a corporation.

That aside, I don't think Cover is treating her misconduct that harshly because she's still an investment. Her 2 weeks sanction is so Towa tier that she could rebound easily after she is monetized in the future.

>> No.25520997

Based, fuck niji and their schizo fans.

>> No.25520998

what I'm saying is your narrative doesn't add up, so you should use a believable one.

>> No.25521000

Drama-free chuuba = boring shit

>> No.25521001

He was like a father trying to distract a crying baby with funny noises...

>> No.25521003
Quoted by: >>25521043

When are we getting lewd art. I need some serious honkers in my life.

>> No.25521004

Please never leave

>> No.25521005

Fuck I miss etrian odyssey so much

>> No.25521006
File: 133 KB, 600x632, botan shop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25521030


>> No.25521007

Does she know?

>> No.25521008

>Prime time hours

>> No.25521009

Find out when the shitstorm happens in 3 hours or so.

>> No.25521010

This thread didn't do jackshit. 5ch was on it way before retards copy pasted the links here.

>> No.25521011


>> No.25521012

>kenzocucks asking for a 2nd sloppy seconds
You literally can't make this up

>> No.25521013

I like the BGM, but I don't like how she rings the bell every time.

>> No.25521014

You know what to do

>> No.25521015


>> No.25521016

Will Cover survive until then?

>> No.25521017

a one-off comment on 5ch isn't bullying.

>> No.25521018 [DELETED] 

post this on reddit goslingposter.

>> No.25521020

So it's nijiniggers running defense for Ichikara, classic. It's Nintendo all over again.

>> No.25521021

>having two threads at the same time

>> No.25521026

How it doesn't? Towa is designed scapegoat, you can't have Marine not being perfect and making look like she delayed the stream

>> No.25521027

They ALL knew anon. But entertainers got to entertain. Just like a real circus.

>> No.25521028
Quoted by: >>25521059

>I always wonder but where does coco gather meme to make her content? reddit?
She explicitly says it's Reddit anon, It doesn't make sense that you don't know this.

>> No.25521030


>> No.25521031
File: 202 KB, 349x374, screenshot_2020-05-22_01 41 19.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because he understands its all business as usual. truly the ji-san of holostars

>> No.25521032
File: 148 KB, 767x953, EK2w1jGU8AAST4j.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

depressing, YAGOO himself is an AKB fuck maybe they were always doomed

>> No.25521033
File: 108 KB, 286x340, Luna30.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Moruru doesn't count

>> No.25521034

Why does someone become an anti? What has gone wrong in their life?

>> No.25521035

Wtf is this nonsense? We literally know how Coco looks like and she's LITERALLY FOR REAL is wearing addidas everywhere and hanging out with kanata and suisei and can easily be recognized.
Same for like half of them lol
I am YET to see anything worth a punishment that Aloe did desu. All of this some dumbfuck idolshit wankery

>> No.25521038
Quoted by: >>25521116

the spastics will still come to the normal thread and shit it up anyway

>> No.25521037

well I like pekora
but does she have any real drama?

>> No.25521039

>know when to shitpost
this is a lost art, it'll never work in these days.

>> No.25521041

I am posting from the year 2020, October 11th. Rushia has just announced a six-week hiatus after a violent outburst in a collab stream where she made some rather hurtful comments in the heat of the moment. She has promised to seek help with her anger issues.

>> No.25521040
Quoted by: >>25521165

I wish we could go back to when the threads were around 8 hours long

>> No.25521043

theres like one piece out there thats pretty good anon

>> No.25521042

yeah I watch homos.

>> No.25521045
File: 670 KB, 1237x903, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

time to protest
you also won't see any of my money, Cover

>> No.25521046

hololive got way too popular
the post rate here is high enough that even the lowest quality shitposts are bound to get a few (You)s
these people have been doing this for years at their home boards but decided to stay here even if they don't watch the streams at all

>> No.25521049
File: 205 KB, 1448x2048, Ee38q7IUEAEhyc8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stay frosty

>> No.25521051
Quoted by: >>25521083

You just exposed yourself as a posing newfag.

>> No.25521052
Quoted by: >>25521116

Shitposters would still shit up the "comfy" thread even if we do that. They won't leave it alone

>> No.25521055

>prime hours
>literally 1(one) stream on and majority of the posts happened before that.

>> No.25521056

We still have to be vigilant, fellow Cocofan. The Doukyo-zu is still a potential future issue.

>> No.25521057

that would explain a lot

>> No.25521058
Quoted by: >>25521100

I'd rather Towa deflect dor corporate than go to hospital for real, not gonna lie.

>> No.25521059

well I don't actually watch her
I like my holo to have nose

>> No.25521064

well the problem is Mio nuked the archives so we cant really do that anymore now can we

>> No.25521063

>I agree with it so its good
anyone expressing this sentiment needs to leave immediately

>> No.25521067

I think Aloe deserves the punishment in all honesty.
You know what she doesn't deserve? Getting her music shit on by retards who don't know what autotune is.

>> No.25521068
File: 151 KB, 269x439, risummer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25521069

You need to login first anon-kun.

>> No.25521070
File: 48 KB, 718x864, firefox_xuGnF2MMrH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25521097

>> No.25521072

I only ever anti in self-defense

>> No.25521073
Quoted by: >>25521433

Who did Aloe doxx?

>> No.25521074
Quoted by: >>25521330

use a phone to send messages, and your PC to watch streams. Youtube is fucked up. This is the only way my messages appear on the stream.

>> No.25521075

prime time hour threads are normally slower from what ive seen

>> No.25521076
File: 488 KB, 559x722, unknown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25521239

What's the collab on the 18th gonna be? Will Watame finallycollab with Coco or Kanata? And better yet, will she wear the Wataburger cap today?

>> No.25521077

For an anti, disrupting someone's career is the only way to get a sense of accomplishment

>> No.25521078

better than a boring slut

>> No.25521081 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>25521163

I like Sio more now that she got outed as a shitposter.

>> No.25521082
File: 266 KB, 480x480, Flare4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Antis have literally nothing on her.

>> No.25521083

Yeah sure thing flipfag. As much as you want to take credit for the dox (why the fuck would you want that), you didn't do shit.

>> No.25521084
Quoted by: >>25521183

you're still missing the part where she talks about senshitibu stuff on that NND video about her concerns regarding a vtuber she knew from another company

>> No.25521085


>> No.25521086

Based department indeed

>> No.25521087

For the lulz

>> No.25521089

It all start with seething numberfagsperg from cancer thread start falseflag like two week straight. Combine with newfags that we got a lot lately and oh boy...

>> No.25521090

Nice trips, but you should fuck off

>> No.25521091

Do any anons here eat while watching your chuuba, if so what do you enjoy eating?

>> No.25521092

Too much wholesome posting created cucks, which then created people who shit on cucks and whiteknight faggotry.

>> No.25521093

Who's gonna have to shave the head of their L2D skin first?

>> No.25521096

He is. I genuinely have no hope for Cover surviving any significant length of time.
The management have always been massive fuck-ups way in over their heads.

>> No.25521095

Aloe disrupted her own career.

>> No.25521097

I want to undress this squirrel. Do you think the back side has a hole for her tail?

>> No.25521100
Quoted by: >>25521162

she posted about this on her roommates account hours ago

>> No.25521101

That's the point

>> No.25521102


>> No.25521104


>> No.25521106

This is way too sad to look at.

>> No.25521107
Quoted by: >>25521128

Good. Now fuck off

>> No.25521109
File: 459 KB, 568x551, best.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

D-Does anyone still discuss the duck here or do we not do that anymore?

>> No.25521110

No she didn't. Her dad's potential "work place" was revealed but that's literally it.
You didn't find out anything more about her or even her dad. You only know them by the handles they use online.

>> No.25521111
File: 1.90 MB, 850x1202, 1590418984436.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25521113


>> No.25521114
Quoted by: >>25521214

She wears normal clothes and a mask when she's with them. She's not a retard. The information they say is just misdirection to help them hide.

>> No.25521115
Quoted by: >>25521139


>> No.25521116

Just look at the other thread. It's actually pretty nice and decent compared to this shithole of a thread

>> No.25521118

honk honk

>> No.25521120 [SPOILER] 
File: 810 KB, 1000x1000, 1597656715548.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hahahahahah ow wait you're serious AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

she's a time bomb, spoiler don't get too comfortable with her

>> No.25521121
Quoted by: >>25521172

How many fingers could you fit in Polka

>> No.25521122
Quoted by: >>25521164

I still don't get the criteria for top chat. How does it know what to filter and what not to filter? Is there some hidden scoring being kept on every user and every message? It sure as hell doesn't filter spam either. Or it does, it still gets through, so it's confusing.

>> No.25521123

the show must go on

>> No.25521124

Cheese and cured meat

>> No.25521125
Quoted by: >>25521452

Remember how people cried about that "Suisei is a smoker" thing? I wish narratives stayed like that and not became constant malicious spam that goes on forever.

>> No.25521127

Why risk her own career over another retard's fuckup?

>> No.25521128

you think I'm leaving?
I'll continue to shit the threads until Aloe is back.

>> No.25521129

No thanks, you really think these faggots will stick to their thread? The only thing ti do is to whether the storm, kiddies will get bored soon, the only problem is there's a constant stream of new ones. If cover get's their shit together for a couple of weeks, thing will calm down

>> No.25521131

On 4ch? For (You)s.

>> No.25521132

Damn... that's actually cute...

>> No.25521133

>5ch is one person/group
I and guys were just laughing at Dildo Sashimi and her showing company's stuff to her patrons.
Absolute madman.

>> No.25521135

The show must go on!

>> No.25521137

>Pekora hid Mikochi FallGuy

>> No.25521138

where are her horns?

>> No.25521139
Quoted by: >>25521157

wow im honored to have towa to respond to my post! You always have been my favorite and i think people give you a hard time

>> No.25521141

I feel sick...

>> No.25521142

Wholesome posters moved away long ago

>> No.25521143

Just some light snacks. Sometimes fruits.

>> No.25521146

tfw no threesome with luna and moruru

>> No.25521148
Quoted by: >>25521190

>but that's literally it.
We got the feet pics.

>> No.25521150

Why the fk the Eops attacking the Jop holofans? Do they want to lose their chubas piggy bank

>> No.25521152

it has actually worked multiple times until the parallel thread gets nuked

>> No.25521153
Quoted by: >>25521176

Antis won't stop until their target gets the rope.

>> No.25521156

If Towa can back from what she did which is way worse since she lied then Aloe can come back no problem.

>> No.25521157


>> No.25521158

We already have two threads. The other one is just so dead, you don't even get discussion.

>> No.25521161
File: 527 KB, 1061x1500, b738b9ea87421a2cdb9a7aa0e7b225f0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess? I think she's a bit depressed because of uni or someshit Just like me!

>> No.25521163 [DELETED] 
File: 141 KB, 1098x1065, Goddess.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like Sio more than any of the holoshitters. I followed her since her previous incarnation's debut. Her being outed as a shitposter is truly a blessing for me. She is no longer a queen. She's a goddess.

>> No.25521164

there are no real rules because youtube ai sucks dick and im convinced its randomized at this point

>> No.25521162

She didn't post about hospital part. She mentioned it on stream, i think? Still, it worries me more than current drama.

>> No.25521165

Same. Fuck this shit I'm not going to post in these shit threads anymore
I bet I'll be happier with just watching their streams and following them and nip artists on Twitter

>> No.25521166
File: 967 KB, 1366x1080, 5jy6dl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No. But she's too big to fail.

>> No.25521167

Anons, I think Risu is making me feel things I wasn't expecting to ever feel. I'm starting to truly understand Goslingposters...

>> No.25521168
File: 322 KB, 463x596, Sui.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25521169

No shit Ayunda prefer streamlabs not just because more money comes to her, but because half of her youtube superchats are clearly from people abusing VPNs to aka supa with monopoly money

>> No.25521171
File: 735 KB, 668x954, 1589535921624.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25521241

Getting through the archived threads the other day I saw someone asking where all the duckbros at and he got no replies. Sad stuff.

>> No.25521172
File: 78 KB, 506x432, h0nks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25521221

Depends. Where are we sticking them?

>> No.25521173

when is a hololive going to teach me how to code?

>> No.25521175
File: 4 KB, 125x125, 1597574225493s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For all the shit she gets in the threads (understandably) and her recline she's somehow is still chugging along.

>> No.25521176
File: 165 KB, 499x775, Cute Jester.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25521254


>> No.25521178
Quoted by: >>25521227

she obviously couldn't keep her in, can't have people thinking it's a collab.

>> No.25521180


>> No.25521181


>> No.25521182
Quoted by: >>25521234

I hated the Duck since last year and I will never accept the Duck in anything but the garbage dumpster.

>> No.25521183
Quoted by: >>25521244

No I watched that video. I literally do not see how it's a big deal. And she didn't even mention that in her apology?
Her concerns are legit too

>> No.25521184

Somehow, Sora's only problem is not collabing with her coworkers

>> No.25521185

Her dads blog had what school she goes to

>> No.25521186
Quoted by: >>25521246

I can't stop whistling Polka's circus theme and I have the feeling I'll be on this shit all day

>> No.25521188

Ask NND they've got about 110 problems but your bitch ain't one

>> No.25521189


>> No.25521190

You have no idea who's in those photos.

>> No.25521191

Is polka a menhera, her mood has shifted like 20 times since the start of the stream

>> No.25521192

JOPs are retarded, why not? Anything goes

>> No.25521195

Cover did Narukami's job already.

>> No.25521196


>> No.25521197

Duck is cool, I didn't watch her much lately since there's a lot of streams going on. But I always look forward to more duck

>> No.25521198

Have you ever switched your holo?
If yes, do you regret your decision?

>> No.25521199
Quoted by: >>25521228

That's not a drama though.

>> No.25521201 [DELETED] 

Sio's god tier design makes me like her more than a lot of others if I'm being honest.

>> No.25521207

you niggers aren't even trying to hide it

>> No.25521208


>> No.25521209
Quoted by: >>25521310

>way worse
We'll see, i guess.

>> No.25521211

dead ship

>> No.25521212

I just wake up, could someone give me some keywords to find the Aloe drama n warosu?

>> No.25521213

>302 images

>> No.25521214

She wears her addidas shit during her kson streams too lol

>> No.25521215
Quoted by: >>25521240

What is t his about Polka supposedly eating Haachama's food? Did they know each other from before?

>> No.25521216


>> No.25521217

She's a jester

>> No.25521218

their hands on 2D model is hilariously bad

>> No.25521219

Do you not remember her changing character on twitter every day?

>> No.25521221

I have to test every hole.

>> No.25521222

If I'm hungry, mostly just chips.

>> No.25521223


>> No.25521224

Remember Kaoru? This has been the wildest month. Has it been a month? What fucking day is it? Have we died and gone to vtuber hell?

>> No.25521225

Luna is gonna be like 2 years into streaming and anons are still gonna be making these dumb posts

>> No.25521226

Yeah I think I'll start posting in the shitpost thread and go or create 2nd threads

>> No.25521228

b-b-but the narratives!
Sasaki literally slapped her face off.

>> No.25521227

true. it just stinged a little since Mikoti is on hiatus

>> No.25521230

EOPs don't care about anything besides fueling their savior complex.

>> No.25521231
Quoted by: >>25521242

She's BPD.

>> No.25521232

>their hands on 2D model is hilariously bad
It's not fair that Nijis get 3d moving hands. I thought Cover was a technology company.

>> No.25521233




>> No.25521234

I'm glad to see you're still here tsundere anon

>> No.25521235
Quoted by: >>25521285

>No tweet from Coco today
I miss Coco.

>> No.25521236


>> No.25521237

What did Towa do? I'm out of the loop.

>> No.25521238

>thinking 4chan had a hand in any actual dox of the Holos save for the indogs (who the fuck cares about them)
Thanks for the laugh you fucking retard. This place is so fucking powerless it's hilarious. Actually, I'll rephrase that. The non-Japanese base are so fucking insignificant it's laughable.

>> No.25521239

Watame and Watame.

>> No.25521240

She just said that she would like to eat it.

>> No.25521241

am duckbro, can't find the summoning posts because there's a million goddamn posts a second

>> No.25521242

that's not even remotely close to how bpd works. it takes months

>> No.25521243
Quoted by: >>25521291

>Sasaki literally slapped her face off.
What happened really? Is it just Sasaki acting like a bully, like always, and Moruru quitting some time after?

>> No.25521244
Quoted by: >>25521423

what exactly did she say in the video anyway? from what I know, it's kinda senshitibu information as in why would you talk about it while having your live2D model out
it kinda makes sense that she doesn't mention it in her apology, someone has pointed out that the Japanese in general don't usually like addressing some things directly to apologize for them if they can help it.
of course her concerns are legit. getting harassed through your phone is pretty awful.

>> No.25521245

>2nd thread gets deleted
>I have to come back here

>> No.25521246

The theme reminds me of something you'd find in an old adventure game like Monkey Island.

>> No.25521248
Quoted by: >>25521289

>this thread in its' current iteration
yeah we're in hell

>> No.25521249
Quoted by: >>25521296

I see no reason why would she leave. She found her niche, fanbase, money and friends.

>> No.25521250

the worst part about Kaoru's retirement was that he didn't evne have any trap doujins drawn about him before he had to go

>> No.25521251

Use your brain for a few seconds, anon.

>> No.25521252
Quoted by: >>25521262

twitcast dedechi
thats it basically

>> No.25521253

>all of gen 5 gets doxxed
>Aloe said some stuff that breaks contract on another account
>suspend for 2 weeks after apologizing

>> No.25521255

It's a shame how everyone just forgot Kaoru.

>> No.25521254

Marine has the same thing as >>25521176
so maybe all of them do
Also, Rosalyn is always holding a book. And Watame with the harp. It looks dumb after a while

>> No.25521256

>the fox ears twitch
muh dick

>> No.25521257
File: 172 KB, 1049x992, IMG_20200817_173540~01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25521258

Meido deleted it

>> No.25521259

>Whore suspended for 2 weeks
Guess it's a tradition for sluts now.

>> No.25521260

They're actually fucking behind the scene bro.

>> No.25521261

Noripro is probably worse than Cover with the idolshit. I mean they literally have a male member that is not allowed to interact with the females. Tamaki had to reassure her fans like ten times during the reveal that there won't be any collabs. Even though as far as I could tell, the chat was 100% for them collabing.

>> No.25521262


>> No.25521264
Quoted by: >>25521277

youtube-dl https://dl01.twitcasting.tv/tc.vod/v/570613021-1597655743-1597684543-359cfc2d-4fb3f852c87baabf/fmp4/index.m3u8

For those that want to save it.

>> No.25521265
Quoted by: >>25521382

But none of them leaks enough information for them to be harassed directly.(leaking home phone numbers)

>> No.25521263

okayu schedule changed, members only line reading on saturday 21 JST

>> No.25521266

MioSuba VR horror...

>> No.25521267
Quoted by: >>25521288

Nice blog

>> No.25521269

im sure all of the people furious about idolfags would have totally bought memberships, bought merch, and tickets to events instead of just giving a subscribe and watching a couple translated clips every week

>> No.25521270

Well it's not a collab. Can't have people thinking it's a collab.

>> No.25521272

She knows people are thinking she'll be conceited because she already has a lot of experience and following

>> No.25521271


>> No.25521273

Wait, already a month ago?
Fuuuuuuuck, I'm losing my notion of time

>> No.25521275
Quoted by: >>25521387


>> No.25521274


>> No.25521276

She lied, like he said. No doxxing or past life drama tho.

>> No.25521277


>> No.25521278

I just woke up, what's the latest on Nene lads

>> No.25521279

It's okay she knows she sucks at Apex given her several day Ark vacation

>> No.25521280
Quoted by: >>25521303

does polka have another pair of ears under her hair?

>> No.25521281
Quoted by: >>25521431


>> No.25521282


Towa's alive.

>> No.25521283

sucks doesn't it?

>> No.25521285

If Coco was living, she wouldn't let this be

>> No.25521286

She a cute

>> No.25521287

im sure your gay speculation isn't cancer

>> No.25521288
Quoted by: >>25521324

Nigger it was better than this shitfest of a thread

>> No.25521289


>> No.25521290

suspended for being a whore? then why are ayame and rushia not suspended?

>> No.25521291

Luna just didn't like that character design and she probably realized she's getting nowhere with that identity.

>> No.25521292

china does heavy lifting but not like the nnd incels.

>> No.25521293

anon, i akasupa on a regular basis

>> No.25521296
Quoted by: >>25521328

friend and when she moves on to the next girl or guy it's over

>> No.25521295
Quoted by: >>25521307

When is Aloe's next stream I really enjoyed her Debut.

>> No.25521297
Quoted by: >>25521318

Undermining bitch, the Watame of 5th gen

>> No.25521298

Very nice. I think Luna is one of my favorites and her collabs are always high quality.

>> No.25521300

Wow, prison changed Mio alot!

>> No.25521301

she's fucking retarded and i love her for it

>> No.25521302

/vpol/ has taken over. It's over man.

>> No.25521303

Is there an holozoo animal that doesn't?

>> No.25521304

Mano Aloe will be the Shindo Raito of hololive

>> No.25521305

>Chat talking about a 24 hour talking stream
I get the two are friends, but these similarities are getting scary

>> No.25521306
Quoted by: >>25521459

You fucking retard, are you even aware the old /hlg/ literally last for a month only because of Towa's scandal? Old /hlg/ was never a thing. Ever since the start of March everything has been shit just because of Towa making everyone here lose their shit.

>> No.25521307

Anon... I...

>> No.25521308

She's doing her literal job as a jester. She's bringing people's spirits back up.

>> No.25521310

you don't think lying is worse? All Aloe stuff is roomate shit it's not even related to Holo.
Aloe's phone number even got doxxed ffs.

>> No.25521311

Give it time.

>> No.25521312

How can you guys tell Botans twitter is banned? Doesn't it usually say account suspended if they are banned? I don't know how to use twitter

>> No.25521313

I wish Holostars got more translated clips

>> No.25521314

Cute and based.

>> No.25521315

She's literally trying to fix the shit atmosphere made by your cunt.
White Knights are really low IQ beta faggots.

>> No.25521316

she is whore and has killed holofive

>> No.25521317

Weak bait, but pekomiko is livelier than never.

>> No.25521318

>the watame of the 5th gen
so incredibly based and perfect in every way?

>> No.25521319

cunning and ruthless master manipulator behind a cute facade

>> No.25521320

That's unfortunate

>> No.25521322

>Stupidly pander to the worst aspects of otaku culture
>The thing that created it and supported it so that you could even become aware of it
You fucking retards it is this very thing that spawned this phenomenon that you love, holy fuck I can't believe you people are so retarded you think removing this part from the equation would leave this industry unchanged.

>> No.25521321

Burning down the 5th gen.

>> No.25521323

Couldn't Mio just upload regular videos or is cover too scared of a third strike

>> No.25521324

I don't care.

>> No.25521325

An actual moron, but she's cute so it's okay.

>> No.25521326
Quoted by: >>25521363

The holos can't compete with Roberu's moving fan/squid/apple

>> No.25521328

Luna is the most active in collabs. Again I see no reason.

>> No.25521330

It's still totally random. I just now noticed this is a thing. So fucked up. You truly have to be a simpchad just to ensure you have a chance that she will at least glance at what you've said...

>> No.25521331
Quoted by: >>25521351

it still hurts that he was just gone like that

>> No.25521333

Shion's design is seriously way too revealing
I don't know why this doesn't get pointed out very often

>> No.25521334

Go ask Kaname.

>> No.25521336

Towafags are just retarded.

>> No.25521335

She slapped your mom in front of YAGOO, she dropped you that's where the brain damage came from sorry to tell you this way.

>> No.25521337
Quoted by: >>25521384


>> No.25521338

Dumb orange animu grill

>> No.25521339

Now to do a talking collab about fifth gen. Jesus.

>> No.25521340

>Nobuhime is done? Give the permission to Marine to stream

>> No.25521342 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>25521421

At least, we got Fangchama and WeeaboTrashBoii...

>> No.25521343

Are you the same guy that said we should watch out for Pekora, the biggest draw of Hololive?

>> No.25521344

why is your mom not suspended

>> No.25521346

Meanwhile Polka is almost at 28k. Are you kneeling yet?

>> No.25521347

put that bitch in a hijab

>> No.25521348

They still think they have to enlighten the savages

>> No.25521349

she's muted

>> No.25521350

EOPs dont watch her that much actually.

>> No.25521351

not a homofag but it was really cruel to his fans that they just deleted everything without any warning whats so ever

>> No.25521352

found tourist that pretend become old citizen in here. what a fucking retard

>> No.25521353

She's a niji spy

>> No.25521354

Better safe than sorry. Anyone can abuse jewtube's strike system.

>> No.25521355

I wonder how Shion feels about army of Oji-sans fapping to her.

>> No.25521356

>Hololive is a circus already
Coco was right all along.

>> No.25521357

schizo searching for (you) have tane over. their tiny brains will always reduce everything into shit flinging repetitive spam because that's the easiest way for a loser retard to get a (you)

>> No.25521358

It's just the subhuman dramawhores coming out of their holes when shit happens. It's not usually this fucking edgy in here.

>> No.25521360

some jp comments on aloe video look like theyve been written by actual insects

>> No.25521361
Quoted by: >>25521542

No, it's her manager I know because I follow Coco every stream since debuted and Coco never bans people even spam bot.

>> No.25521362

unironically the worst news from this aloe fiasco is that towafags will latch on to her

I'm not a towa anti, but her fans are repulsive and will make her harder to follow

>> No.25521363

He got so much extra stuff, such a lucky son.

>> No.25521364

found tourist that pretend become old citizen in here. what a fucking retard

>> No.25521365

They are slowly inclining, give it time.

>> No.25521366
Quoted by: >>25521397

he wasn't a trap though, just a crossdresser. there was no pretending to be female or acting feminine

>> No.25521367


I'm sorry, but this isn't even funny anymore. What the fuck happened?

>> No.25521368

>Shion's design is seriously way too revealing
>I don't know why this doesn't get pointed out very often
It does in a sense, with people being desperately horny whenever they see her.

>> No.25521369

her alt and new year ones are more modest

>> No.25521370

I like her bell prop so much

>> No.25521372

how will she jinx Marine this time

>> No.25521371

I wonder if Korone will even interact with Polka.

>> No.25521373

her yukata is way nicer but i dont want to bully her belly with my penis

>> No.25521375

we got too cocky cocobros...

>> No.25521377

Coco, as a good numberfag, decided to spam all EOP social media to get them to watch her because she wanted big numbers. She even used the cringy #jointhefutureJP hashtag.
Here we got a sticky for the first time and that spiraled out of control, with /vpol/ crossboarders coming here to see what's going on and overcomed their stay.
Then the rest of the 3D debuts followed the same pattern of short posts with all caps locked and that kept happening for a month, so newfags assumed it was normal behavior in /hlg/ to talk like fucking monkeys all the time.
And these low attention spam retards saw that the best way to get (you)s was to be like an edgy faggot by spamming low effort harmful narratives. Other newfags started picking it up, so they competed to see who was the most retard among them all
Gen 5 announcement was the final nail in the coffin, with a huge influx of even newer newfags trying to copy their shitposting
/hlg/ failed at gatekeeping and now we have 400 unique IPs during low traffic hours for 2000 posts, so threads are way to fast to hold a meaningful discussion and the easiest way to get attention is to be a retarded pole/algerian

>> No.25521378

I can feel my shoes expanding.

>> No.25521379

You've been saying this since her debut as Luna.

>> No.25521380

Monthly Cover drama. Is there a hololive member without drama? No right?

>> No.25521381

I fapped to her often

>> No.25521382

Do we even know how they got her phone number?

>> No.25521383

It's almost like the old "idolfag" Hololive was a semi-obscure joke, retard. Like to the point nijiniggers just shut down any mentions of it with pure numberfagging. It's almost like moving out of that niche was one of the reasons it exploded in popularity.

>> No.25521384
Quoted by: >>25521472

She does not and no one knows about her past either. She is a blackbox

>> No.25521385

Very cute and her zatsudan was pretty good. She can carry a stream well when she's not nervous and gets going, I have very high hopes for her.

>> No.25521386

Aqua Fall Guys today!

>> No.25521387
Quoted by: >>25521426


>> No.25521389

Just woke up, what did I miss?

>> No.25521390

Watame got more popular

>> No.25521392

Of course i don't. Aloe's baggage can't be resolved with an apology, it'll haunt her forever. Exactly because people care so much as to send threats to her home address.

>> No.25521393

You see her upper half most of the time

>> No.25521394

See, I don't really get that because she acted the same exact way with Himawari and PPH before that. The only difference is that she never actually collabed with them, and the most would be a phone call.

>> No.25521395

They're playing it super safe. They're scared of a third strike, and they don't want to give antis a reason to rampage and send like false DMCA claims that could get her channel terminated.

>> No.25521396
Quoted by: >>25521446

so is apex cross-platform or is that still a few months?

>> No.25521397
Quoted by: >>25521412

Isn't crossdressing pretending to be female?

>> No.25521398

When was the last time we had a drawasaurus game? Does anyone still have the pastebin?

>> No.25521400

>I wonder if Korone will even interact with Polka.
She doesn't even interact with Pekora

>> No.25521401

I wonder how much yagoo paid to get Polka

>> No.25521403


>> No.25521404
Quoted by: >>25521428

>I can't believe you people are so retarded
You mean you actually thought EOP reddit white knights had a shred of intelligence? They're emotionally driven dullards who just want to feel like they're protecting m'ladies on the internet. Basically SJWs.

>> No.25521405

Imagine if she embraced the bitch persona, i would kneel so hard my knees would reach China

>> No.25521406


>> No.25521408

watame had the best 3rd debut, streams for hours every day, stopped being coco's sidekick and instead started collabing all over the place

>> No.25521411

Holy shit polka is absolute chaos

>> No.25521412

no, crossdressing is just wearing clothes of the opposite sex

>> No.25521413


>> No.25521414


Just so you know while you are still watching Polka's stream... she dropped another song

>> No.25521415

sheep is god

>> No.25521416
Quoted by: >>25521451

Is she talking about her time in circus

>> No.25521417
Quoted by: >>25521435

trust me, you don't want to

>> No.25521420
Quoted by: >>25521445

basically the clown and botan are based, everyone else is cringe

>> No.25521421
Quoted by: >>25521444

Am I supposed to know who the fuck those are?

>> No.25521423

Her live2D wasn't out.
I don't think it was sensitive information, more like her experience and concerns?
Either way she should've nuked that video MONTHS ago.
Guess here's one thing she did wrong - was to dumb to nuke everything.

>> No.25521424
Quoted by: >>25521453

Fuck no, it's not at all remarkable when Cover chases everyone else out of the timeslot.

>> No.25521425

you have to make korone budge with collabs and most people are the type to not pry too much

>> No.25521426

This clown is efficient as fuck

>> No.25521427

do your rebs :DDD

>> No.25521428
Quoted by: >>25521457

They aren't the ones canceling the succubus. That's the jap fucks you suck the cocks of who did that.

>> No.25521431

Everyone will play it

>> No.25521433
Quoted by: >>25521477

Literally herself and her "ex boyfriend"

>> No.25521432

it's time to get envicted to >>>/trash/

>> No.25521435

you're right :c

>> No.25521436

Is Aloe’s whore moment is on the same level, or worse than Towa’s yabee moment?

>> No.25521437
Quoted by: >>25521502

It exploded in popularity because people caught on to the cute anime girls who act like cute anime characters and not unironic twitch sluts who are just using an avatar, cuck.

>> No.25521439

>people falling for low effort bait
the absolute state of newfags

>> No.25521440

>another song
they're really pushing her as the face of gen5

>> No.25521441
Quoted by: >>25521556

Did you even watch one second of the video anon?

>> No.25521442
Quoted by: >>25521474

For years I thought those magazines like Women's Weekly about celebrities were vapid and pointless.

And look at me now.

>> No.25521443
Quoted by: >>25521534

They all used that hashtag. I highly doubt she came up with it.

>> No.25521444

One is a redditor who posts her and eats boogers.

>> No.25521445

>reddit clown
>not cringe
le honk honk XD

>> No.25521446


announced but no word on an actual release date besides "Fall"

>> No.25521447
Quoted by: >>25521475

Coco is the Hitler of Hololive

>> No.25521448


>> No.25521449
Quoted by: >>25521556

>another song
Have you even watched the video, you dummy?

>> No.25521450

It was Polka that relayed it. Not banned, just can't send tweets for bit.

>> No.25521451

I think it's just a joke title about holos rewatching their debut streams.

>> No.25521452

>I wish narratives stayed like that and not became constant malicious spam that goes on forever.
Fuck off

>> No.25521453

Literally the only reason I'm watching her is due to Senchou's delay

>> No.25521454
Quoted by: >>25521556


>> No.25521455

Fall guys is just the FoTW, it's gonna be forgotten soon

>> No.25521457

>implying SJWs don't think a woman draining men through sex is "empowering"
Sorry but your side is the one defending her right to be whore, cuckhead.

>> No.25521458

More and more people start recognize her for good entertainer she is despite not shouting every single second and going manhera

>> No.25521459

Well that's not true at all.

>> No.25521460

get clowned

>> No.25521461
Quoted by: >>25521508

All these cute anime girls should never be in a relationship. I want ALL of them to be available for dating.

>> No.25521462

I don't know if you retards are serious, but why the fuck would you blame Nene for this shit? She literally just made drawings for fun, its not her fault that autists being autistic would dig that deep lol

>> No.25521464

Well, Nozomi is a cosplayer and streamer. She went public before Holo.

>> No.25521463

>Literally no one else on
>Massively hyped
>Can't beat Pekora's average

>> No.25521465

>nijis are mad because this girl shit on nijisanji as an exploitative agency that drove some of its own talents to retire
>she was worried her own stuff would get doxxed too
is that the jist of this?

>> No.25521466

just funny to me that towa and aloe are both demons and have been the only 2 girls with the same "vacation" time now, i guessed aloe was going to be the towa but not to this degree of accuracy

>> No.25521468
Quoted by: >>25521516


>> No.25521470

>95% chat are JOPs

>> No.25521471

Whoa, insightful post, anon. Got anymore pearls of wisdom?

>> No.25521472

>no one knows about her past either
She was doxed right before her debut, being a big titty ASMR streamer

>> No.25521473
Quoted by: >>25521597

Watame sacrificing sleep for numbers. Meanwhile Kabaya is having hot steamy time with Suisei.

>> No.25521474
Quoted by: >>25521562

What have I become...

>> No.25521475

Nah, Coco would've actually conquer Russia.

>> No.25521476

She is too cute and too smug that I can forgive it.

>> No.25521477

I mean I guess but a bunch of holos did that and they're still fine

>> No.25521478

It's like you've never heard of the concept of evolution before.

>> No.25521479
Quoted by: >>25521500

>she calls the rest of gen 5 by full name

>> No.25521480

Yeah I didn’t expect 9 anons fall for bail this shit. Shows you how shit the threads have gotten.

>> No.25521483
Quoted by: >>25521524

>god-tier 3D debut
>original song debut
>Watamelon meme song debut
>goofy Hololive intro song debut
>Watamelon meme song debut part 2
>streams for hours on end
Watame is busy

>> No.25521482
Quoted by: >>25521533

i would be more mad if aloe was a whore but she is a succubus so its fine in my book

>> No.25521485

[Keanu liked that]

>> No.25521486

watame and kanata are reddit now

>> No.25521488

hololive mods on damage control mode

>> No.25521489

Well maybe it Hitler had been a fire-breathing dragon

>> No.25521491

I was expecting a lot more (you)s to be honest, i might make another bait later

>> No.25521493
Quoted by: >>25521528

She stopped being Coco's cumpet. Nothing good can come out of being friends with that reclining bitch.

>> No.25521494

She also covered the green striped fall guy which represents Rushia though

>> No.25521495

Is she guilty of some crime? No. Is she the first step in causing the dox? Yes. How do you not understand this?

>> No.25521496

>wtf hard work pays off?!?!

>> No.25521497

noel literally linked her roomates twitter this week kek

>> No.25521499

trying to watch an archive and i got the same 20+ minute ad 3 times in the past 15 minutes. its skippable but holy shit. are the ads getting worse?

>> No.25521498

why would you come to /fallg/ just to diss the game

>> No.25521500

The weak fears and respects the strong

>> No.25521501

He really wanted to be Kaoru too. I didn't think that tuning in to his SotC completion stream was the last I'd see of him.

>> No.25521502

Couldn't have said it better myself. Fuck nijiniggers (except Lulu, she's an exception) and fuck normalfags.

>> No.25521503

I legitimately can't keep up with what the fuck Polka is talking about

>> No.25521504

>new holo with ugliest design fucked everything up for everyone

>> No.25521506


The autists are the problem ye, but nene still did smol brain moment, it was still a pretty dumb mistake.

>> No.25521507

she fucking sucks at singing

>> No.25521508

They will never date you even if they were available dumb incel-kun

>> No.25521509

Next time you will tell me that Ronald isn't /jp/ related.

>> No.25521510
Quoted by: >>25521543

I kinda agree this thread need to be purged for two whole months. After that if still shit purged permanently. Then again the shitposters will probably moved to /vyt/.

>> No.25521511

This might be the worst English I've seen in this fucking thread.

>> No.25521512

Just wait for her to get drunk.

>> No.25521513

Can't wait for her to retire before the year.

>> No.25521514

keep fighting fuhrerchama

>> No.25521515
Quoted by: >>25521526

I'll repost this in next thread with an image

>> No.25521516

but not today

>> No.25521517

anon from two weeks ago is that you?

>> No.25521519

sidekick isn't just a role, its a mentality. PP is stuck with that mentality and she will not grow because of that

>> No.25521518

detached herself from the american dragon and let ppt latch on instead

>> No.25521520

>nijis are mad because this girl shit on nijisanji as an exploitative agency that drove some of its own talents to retire
Holy shit that explains so much about why she got so much hate compared to other holos who've had unsavory past lives doxxed. NNDijifags are fucking insane folks.

>> No.25521521
Quoted by: >>25521567

so, if not that stuff, what exactly would warrant people to harass her through her phone?

>> No.25521522
Quoted by: >>25521554

Every women is a whore. You'll be the stupid shit who thinks, "my wife can't possibly be a whore". Sure if you don't follow the rules of your trade you'll face punishment. Doesn't justify these guys harassing someone.

>> No.25521523
Quoted by: >>25521548

You don't use an adblock?

>> No.25521524

I should add
>weekly Watame night fever constantly sucking in viewers

>> No.25521525
Quoted by: >>25521550

I don't get what its got to do with Aloe. Whose twitcast is that? Aloe roommate?

>> No.25521526

thanks lad

>> No.25521527

Its generational factor.
The young learn from the edgy celebrities, and make them as role model. Trying their hardest to imitate /v/ and /pol/ cesspool of shit. If you see the millenium kids on social media, the only thing they do is out-irony the popular joke of the day and call it as humor. To a point they take the irony as part of their life and it became part of this 21st century culture of "I'm just pretending to be retarded" for real.

The same thing happens here, but the mods possibly just gave up and just ban doxxposting here and there Yes everybody left, and gatekeeping public idiots off from niche social circle is the only way to go from here.

>> No.25521528
Quoted by: >>25521540

literally all of her numbers have gone up this week

>> No.25521530

God I hate reddit

>> No.25521531
Quoted by: >>25521553

Basically it's all Towa's fault.

>> No.25521532

Towa's yabee is about yabee, an isolated incident(more or less).
Aloe's yabee is about Aloe herself, what she said and did for years.

>> No.25521533

She is not a succubus in real life though, so there's no excuse for being a slut in real life.

>> No.25521534
Quoted by: >>25521586

None of the others spammed to people to watch her 3D debut as much as Coco did, it was fucking obnoxious

>> No.25521535

Pretty sure they were shitposts but of course it gets harder and harder to distinguish reallity from shit.

>> No.25521536

>not having adblock in the year of our lord twenty hundred and twenty

>> No.25521537

oy vey!

>> No.25521538

Let's be real... with how much shit around aloe had she would've been 100% doxxed even without Nene

>> No.25521539

Coco couldn't conquer Fubuki, no way she can conquer the land of winter

>> No.25521540

>reddit reviews
Yeah, dude.. good incline lol...

>> No.25521542

>Coco never bans people
You must be blind then. She banned many K**n spammers.

>> No.25521543
Quoted by: >>25521706

>moved to /vyt/
They were already there.

>> No.25521544

It's called method acting anon, look it up

>> No.25521547

To be fair, Aloe's case is like k*on were chatting with k*son fans like “Hey I'm going to be a Vtuber and here's my live2D and I heard some rumors about other Vtubers!” before her debut.

>> No.25521548
Quoted by: >>25521616

ive got it on my tv, so i cant use adblock

>> No.25521550


>> No.25521551

And yet cover bows to idolfags because they still are, have been, and will always be the biggest spenders and supporters of these girls.
You can say all your pretty sentimental words of support but if you don't cough up any money then that is all it is going to be - words of sentimentality that she probably didn't read because you wrote it in English.
Hate it all you want but this company literally only exists because of idolfags, it is a fucking industry made with them as the core audience in mind.

>> No.25521549
Quoted by: >>25521593

maybe she is and thats why she chose it, did you think about that possibility anon?

>> No.25521552

What was Towa's yabee moment?

>> No.25521553

business as usual

>> No.25521555

The reddit 5th gen has changed

>> No.25521554
Quoted by: >>25521635

Woah cool it with the misogyny there, you're not going to get upvotes on reddit with posts like that...

>> No.25521556


not yet because she was streaming.

i can't believe im getting clown'd

>> No.25521557

why is everyone freaking out about aloe?
did japanese keemstar saw her past tweets?

>> No.25521558 [DELETED] 

Don't worry, it could've been worse.

>> No.25521560

I hope you are not still using Internet Explorer anon

>> No.25521562

Half an hour ago I sat down with the intent of subjecting myself to the second episode of Aqua's Ocarina of Time war crime. It's hilarious but fuck does it hurt.

But here I am, trying to keep up with Vtubers Hourly. I'd rather have 27 different hololive threads than this.

>> No.25521564

Idolfags should kill themselves.

>> No.25521565

Watame no uta was a mistake, if she actually manages to do them live it might be even better.

>> No.25521566

Haato doxxed herself you mean
incorrect retard 5ch was reddit-tier in that interaction, the only other board that reached our autism was korean 4ch

>> No.25521567
Quoted by: >>25521590

Because they're insane fuckers? There's no justification for harassment like that.

>> No.25521568

Wtf she's based

>> No.25521569

Haha reddit you sure showed them peko

>> No.25521570


>> No.25521573

I've still got mine.
Matsuri a cute! I hope she and her friends will have days of happiness ahead of them!
I love you Matsuri!

>> No.25521574

god i love polka's dumb face so much

>> No.25521575

Sora... I beg of you, please buy the game

>> No.25521576

Go back to discord, zoomer.

>> No.25521577


>> No.25521581

She would get dox sooner or later with or without nene, blame the autists only, it wouldn't have been a problem had they not be autistic

>> No.25521582

Stream consistency is the number 1 predictor of success.

>> No.25521583

You mean nijiniggers, that makes their opinions twice as irrelevant

>> No.25521585

Good post.

>> No.25521586

She advertised the others too, and Marine's before them. I see no reason why someone wouldn't want their first 3D stream to be an anticipated event in the first place though.

>> No.25521591

>What the fuck happened?

>good L2D
>good 3D
>great singer
>soft personality
>despressed, lonely girl

>> No.25521590
Quoted by: >>25521653

you're absolutely right.
what then, would warrant her to need to apologize for anything?

>> No.25521593

Does that mean I could get a real dog girl wife in real life?

>> No.25521594

Polka in the show must go on mode.
As expected from a pro. Still salty about using all her graduation SC for a new original song tho.

>> No.25521596

>Idolfags should kill themselves.

>> No.25521597

She's sleeping all day, more like she's sacrificing free time for numbers. But if she's enjoying it there's nothing wrong with that.

>> No.25521600
Quoted by: >>25521644

Maybe you'll be more comfortable in r/hololive or discord

>> No.25521602

>still are
lol no

let's watch rushia over the next couple of weeks and see if that's the case (spoiler alert: it won't be)

>> No.25521601

>losing 10kg in a short time
>only cooks on stream and orders delivery until she maxes out her credit card
>sleeping two days straight

>> No.25521603

WTF i will keep loving Aloe now

>> No.25521605


>> No.25521607

Dropping watame no uta was the BEST decision she could've made...
And I liked watanouta...

>> No.25521608
Quoted by: >>25521633

desu you need a high IQ to enjoy Polka

>> No.25521612

Holy shit, Nijifags are the ultimate cancer.

>> No.25521613

You just have to find her anon, ask lyger for advice

>> No.25521614
Quoted by: >>25521640

Can anyone clue me in on the nene meme, how was she even unintentionally doxxing aloe?

>> No.25521615

Bet the one who makes this meme never give supacha. This is like F2P players complaining in a gacha game

>> No.25521616
Quoted by: >>25521703

Friend, search up pi hole.

>> No.25521618
Quoted by: >>25521669

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wx28jAyCpVw Marine and Towa
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8UADsDEddtI Haato
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EP-LyXvf9_s Watame

>> No.25521620

The first step in causing the dox was YAGOO for starting Hololive

>> No.25521621

Unironically based
On what though?

>> No.25521625

Cover is basically Russia when they would implement a scorched earth policy to prevent troops from looting homes for supplies. They've privated and deleted... all these videos to prevent any sort of copyright claims

That's probably a really shitty comparison to make

>> No.25521624

aqua's prestream BGM just makes me think of filthy frank playing a recorder with his nose

>> No.25521626
Quoted by: >>25521667

Nene literally only followed Gen 5 on her PERSONAL account. The fact that autists dug through fucking art similarities of all things to find it is not even close to her fault.

>> No.25521627

tell me about the clown

why does she make EOPs seethe

>> No.25521628

Pretty much lmao

>> No.25521630
Quoted by: >>25521696

idolfags are literally the same as twittertrannies, they have the exact same tendencies

>> No.25521631

>idolfag WILL kill themselves
ticktock, incel.

>> No.25521632
Quoted by: >>25521644

Should tweet that to Cover!

>> No.25521633

you are supposed to put desu at the end of your post

>> No.25521635
Quoted by: >>25521692

As expected. Room temp IQ. Enjoy getting fucked over in the future.

>> No.25521636

I love this clown

>> No.25521639

honk honk

>> No.25521640

followed them all at the same time and then made ~parallel posts between both twitters. people id'd the art

>> No.25521641

I hate the clown

>> No.25521643

Polka go eat what the fuck

>> No.25521645

>And yet cover bows to idolfags because they still are, have been, and will always be the biggest spenders and supporters of these girls.
You have to be a special kind of retard to think that people from 5ch ANTI threads spend any more on the girls than the people here, in fact, they probably spend less. They aren't "kneeling" to the gachikois (how would Aloe even have any at this point), they're kneeling to antis and nijiniggers running their latest op. Good thing you're helping them through you sheer stupidity.

>> No.25521644
Quoted by: >>25521665

And your mom would look better without the black cock she takes on the daily by the neighborhood, but you don't see me complaining too much about that one senpai.
>Having social media.

>> No.25521647

polka = cringe

>> No.25521648

Idolfags are the one who give the holos tons of money. EOPs spouting memes don't give them any income

>> No.25521649

N-No my idolfag narrative...

>> No.25521650
Quoted by: >>25521661

So when is Shion Fall Guys? I cant wait.

>> No.25521651

I fucking hate this bitch

>> No.25521652

>but does she have any real drama?
Tiananmen Square

>> No.25521653

She literally apologized for 1 thing - her live 2d "leak". And like... fuck it didn't leak BEFORE debut so it's mega nothingburger too.
She addressed "ex"-boyfriend and phone calls cause of harassment

>> No.25521654

Aren't we going a bit too fast?

>> No.25521655

meant for

>> No.25521658

Idolfagging is the greatest filter for whores and sluts. It's the core audience and keeps the girls in line. Get fucked faggot

>> No.25521659


>> No.25521661

Are there even Shion members here

>> No.25521662

People take offense because she's gossiping/leaking/making shit up about Chitose's situation while she's in the industry herself. Like, if you are worried about people doxxing you why'd you doxx someone else by exposing their situation for retiring?
Honestly the simple explanation is just that's she's pretty dumb and who doesn't like gossips. Not the biggest issue if you ask me, especially since shes not even a vtuber back then.

>> No.25521663

based nijiniggers deserve the rope

>> No.25521665

what's wrong with that? I've got a twitter where I just follow hentai artists

>> No.25521666

lel what did they expect? It's literally a sub run by them, not some fan sub where they can freely bash Cover.

>> No.25521667
Quoted by: >>25521700

No, see, you have to delete every single account you've ever had on any website ever and never talk to your family again to join Hololive and everyone should know that.
When the fuck did "streaming as an anime girl" become joining the Men in Black, I thought the avatar was mostly there to avoid this stupid bullshit.

>> No.25521668

>all jps are idolfags
really low iq hours

>> No.25521669

I hate this

>> No.25521670


>> No.25521674
Quoted by: >>25521741

There's that one 52 years old Shionfag.

>> No.25521671

Did she just reject the JOJOniggers?

>> No.25521673

Wait for the Musk genetic experiments, grab Korone's va and remake her into dog wife.

>> No.25521675
Quoted by: >>25521684


>> No.25521676


>> No.25521677

new thread already i have OC

>> No.25521679

5th gen is the worst gen now thank to towa mk2

>> No.25521680
Quoted by: >>25521697

I used to think the people pushing for a vtuber board were schizos, but I'm beginning to see their point.

>> No.25521682

>Promote hololive is the bad thing
>Coco needs to care this shithole
Here we go some fucking Coco antis again, I will not deny that Coco's the one who brings the most EOP to this thread but It's worse because you guys keep shitpost about her 24 hours and dragging her into every discussion that causes tribalism shit.

>> No.25521683

yes boy

>> No.25521684

literally me

>> No.25521685
Quoted by: >>25521726

>doxx someone else by exposing their situation for retiring?
What does doxxing even mean anymore...

>> No.25521686
Quoted by: >>25521705

the relentless onslaught of coom images won me over recently

>> No.25521687
Quoted by: >>25521714

shion very very cute face

>> No.25521688

>twitter got temporary suspention
>doxxed by fellow coworker
>literal nympho
>have to use autotune for singing
>lack of firm management from cover so the test stream didnt managed well
>bf trying to win her over
>spilling rl info to the nets
>forced to apologize

>> No.25521690

Rate my Holos

>> No.25521691

hmm honestly exposing someone's situation for retiring should only be up to that certain someone.

>> No.25521692

My oshi isn't a whore and I don't support newbie whores I have no idea about because it makes me feel like a big man on the internet. Cope.

>> No.25521694

I'm laughing at ENNijifags that think hololive is more cancer fanbase than them

>> No.25521696
Quoted by: >>25521723

Horseshoe theory, anon.

>> No.25521697

I just want my Towa thread and report all troll and low quality posts.

>> No.25521698

hololives thread blight

>> No.25521699

mea is one of the highest earning chuuba and she talks about watching orgy on her big screen. idolfags who want to worship their shit is whatever, but the schizo idolfags who are incels attacking everybody else need to drop dead.

>> No.25521700

well yea apparently thats what it takes to avoid japniggers

>> No.25521701

>no polka
shit taste

>> No.25521702


>> No.25521703

holy shit

>> No.25521705

Welcome to the ojisan club.

>> No.25521706

>Implying they don't come here to shitpost.

>> No.25521708
Quoted by: >>25521741

why family?

>> No.25521709

>Is there a hololive member without drama? No right?

>> No.25521710
Quoted by: >>25521733

Imagine being this much of an uncultured moron.

>> No.25521711

How is it? She's one of my favs but I haven't pulled the trigger yet

>> No.25521712

>is afraid of getting doxxed by nijifaggots
>gets doxxed by nijifaggots
I'm now an Aloeknight.

>> No.25521714

and boice

>> No.25521715

>good tastes
>only good during shouting
so basically 5/10

>> No.25521716

This thread lasted 90 minutes...

>> No.25521717

why did they hire her again? Yagoo fire her and give Chowa the avatar, move her to Hololive JP ONEGAI

>> No.25521718


>> No.25521719

Tbh I didn't even like Aloe but all this shit makes me want to write her encouraging messages cause damn... all this stupid idolfagging makes me sick.
Hope she'll recover from this

>> No.25521720

>its a clown
>doesn't fucks around

>> No.25521722
Quoted by: >>25521746

>been reposting the cringiest shit I can see on reddit in this thread
>get people unironically agreeing/praising it
fucking hell

>> No.25521723

>horseshoe theory
>a retard crutch for describing extremes
pick both

>> No.25521725

Good taste.

>> No.25521726

It's literally nijiniggers being mad about her exposing ichikara as a shit company and hiding it behind doxx concerns.

>> No.25521727

good lord what the fuck happened? took a break for a week and from the looks of it, the gen 5 debut sounds like a shit show

>> No.25521728

threads are too fast

>> No.25521729


>> No.25521730

pretty solid taste anon, good on you supporting your chuubas

>> No.25521732
Quoted by: >>25521753

Add in a Coco and you got a fine mix

>> No.25521731
Quoted by: >>25521742



>> No.25521733

vocoder autotune, tomaytoe tomahtoe

>> No.25521734
Quoted by: >>25521745

This all is the fault of cover relying on idol gachikois for supachas. Why can’t they just make good quality merch instead?

>> No.25521735
Quoted by: >>25521750

Watame new bgm?

>> No.25521738

Marine has a good voice.

>> No.25521739


Nice BGM, watame

>> No.25521741
Quoted by: >>25521756

It's for his kids

>> No.25521742

finally a good stream

>> No.25521743

So you're saying life will never be boring with her around? Sounds like I should invest

>> No.25521745

Because the only people who'll buy those are also idol gachikois? Are you redditors seriously this retarded?

>> No.25521746

meidos rarely come by here, last night Lulu poster was posting porn to counter doxxes and mods didn't show up until the last half of the thread

you'll know when they show up

>> No.25521747

It's a vocoder you retard.

>> No.25521748


>> No.25521750

No, she said she will upload her BGMs in future though.

>> No.25521751


>> No.25521752


>> No.25521753

oh fuck I forgot her
Shes in that list too lol

>> No.25521755

MASTER artist Twappi

>> No.25521756

im happy anons children is growing up in a proper household then with no shit taste
