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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 98 KB, 1000x701, EfbMtMAU8AATNjw.jpg:orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
25474921 No.25474921 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.25475013

pinky pop hepburnnnnnnnnn

>> No.25475018

first for sio sucked my penis

>> No.25475074


>> No.25475103
File: 92 KB, 1500x1500, Ea-Iq3EUMAEO89b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25475277

You know now that I think about it Nobuhime is boring

>> No.25475360
File: 509 KB, 1400x2000, EfSLx8JUcAI6eP1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25475538

I haven't visited these threads in a week and I'm kind of sad to see the quality of posts is still garbage. At least I'm at the point where notifications and twitter tell me everything I need to know about whatever's going on in the scene.

>> No.25475382

Every time I hear of reincarnations, it reminds me of the scene in Detroit where Hank kills himself after Connor dies too many times.

>> No.25475420
File: 62 KB, 437x680, 1571981805409.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25475457

>> No.25475450
Quoted by: >>25475506

How can Noel have such a nice body while being a smelly hikineet fujoshit?

>> No.25475457
File: 570 KB, 1951x3035, 1586696255058.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25475471

And fuck old men!

>> No.25475506

she doesn't have a nice body, just big tits

>> No.25475538

Why would you think things would improve in one week when the quality of posts have been getting progressively worse since months ago.

>> No.25475565

shut up and post that pic

>> No.25475643

Nothing better than having both threads under 300 posts for smooth browsing.

>> No.25475665


>> No.25475680

I was looking at some videos before I made that post and I made it specifically because her body looked way nicer than I expected.

>> No.25475688

True, but progressively is not spiking. There was a downwards curve for a while but the time I dipped it became more like a ravine. The threads at least used to have good times to mitigate the children crying.

>> No.25475942

Can we save Akari? Can anyone save her??

>> No.25475953
Quoted by: >>25475973


>> No.25475973


>> No.25475974
Quoted by: >>25476065

cute sheep

>> No.25475975

She just needs to join Hololive!

>> No.25476052

Sephira sheep makes me really uncomfortable.

>> No.25476065

I really like this form.

>> No.25476142

I hope Yuuna's voice requests are more wild this time.

>> No.25476192 [DELETED] 

Post her tits then.

>> No.25476319

No traitors allowed

>> No.25476419

Can someone give me the basic gestalt on what went down at upd8? Are there also any other floundered vtuber companies I should know about?

>> No.25476420
Quoted by: >>25476675

the forgotten kamen rider rushia sister

>> No.25476463

I don't think anything in particular happened. They've just never been very helpful so a few of their talents have moved on.

>> No.25476527
Quoted by: >>25476738

>Are there also any other floundered vtuber companies I should know about?
Every single one of them?

>> No.25476613
Quoted by: >>25476826

Do you think Yuuna wanted a classic anime summer where she met a boy and they watched the fireworks together?

>> No.25476649

I'm not sure if my internet is being shit but archives are not buffering for me

>> No.25476675
Quoted by: >>25476747

I wonder what chuubas think about their massively more popular sisters

>> No.25476738

notable ones at least

>> No.25476747
File: 117 KB, 700x1000, EfeV_JKUcAICD4g.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25476827

I can't believe aqua's sister overtook rushia's other sister in subs

>> No.25476826

I thought she was like 20 something

>> No.25476827

Aqua should be more like her sister

>> No.25476849
File: 302 KB, 1310x627, 1597536226_1310627.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25476893

mel's sister...

>> No.25477256

lurk moar

>> No.25477436
Quoted by: >>25477472

A good papa love all his children equally, too bad he loves Rem more.

>> No.25477444
Quoted by: >>25477673

Mimi abandoned her friends for a mere 30k subs

>> No.25477472
Quoted by: >>25477503

ram is better

>> No.25477503

Not my fault he has shit taste.
They're both bad, by the way.

>> No.25477506 [DELETED] 
File: 94 KB, 640x360, snapshot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that channers are big doofus that ruin good things to themselves and all the ironic trolling ends up associated with the characters in your brain.
R*ddit cringelords posting embarrassing memes are the actual fans.

>> No.25477665
Quoted by: >>25477956

Go ahead, make something original out of love, no rehashing stupid meme shit that are already famous just for brownie points. I'm taking my time getting better at drawing, shit's hard.
The monkeys made cute little drawings for that hamster, they're better than reddit already.
I'm biting hard here.

>> No.25477673

And Hashiba. Pretty good deal.

>> No.25477718
Quoted by: >>25477979

Ironic trolling is fucking stupid and I've seen people who do it too much turn into retards who see everything through distorted ironic lenses, becoming incapable interactions with other people,but the lebbit fags aren't real fans either, they're more often than not EOP bandwagoners who only know one facet of the chuuba from translated clips and memes.
For an easy example, look at comment sections of translated Lulu clips, it's all "haha eldritch goddes" jokes, even when the video doesn't lend itself to jokes like that at all. Now look at english comments in her videos, a lot of fags making the same eldritch god jokes there.
I'm sure there are real dedicated fans over there, but the bad posters ruin even more good things than channers, because they spread their shit, while channers mostly keep to themselves.

>> No.25477812
File: 6 KB, 88x88, 1576611341265.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25477905

>AI chan
>#1 in ranking
>past week's views: 59k, 79k, 122k, 74k
>Kagura Mea
>#100 in ranking
>past week's videos: 53k, 60k, 120k, 131k
Mea chan is top tier now

>> No.25477905
Quoted by: >>25478041

not an impressive feat

>> No.25477956 [DELETED] 
File: 109 KB, 854x480, snapshot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good point but I'm focusing on drawing and learning Japanese. I'm never ever posting my horrible fanarts online though.
>meme brownie points
Still better than derailing the fucking thread into the same old political bullshit debate.

>> No.25477964
File: 319 KB, 2048x1536, Efb986WUMAEz80f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25483538


>> No.25477979
Quoted by: >>25478066

>EOP bandwagoners who only know one facet of the chuuba from translated clips and memes.
How come on. Who are you trying to fool this is exactly what /jp/ is, you're just an N4 calling out the N5s for being a fake poser.

>> No.25478041
Quoted by: >>25478185

WTF happened to AI chan? And why is the VA streaming in a separate personal channel?

>> No.25478066
Quoted by: >>25478079

Fine, but my argument about channers keeping to themselves still stands.

>> No.25478070
Quoted by: >>25478146

anon making eops mad again I see

>> No.25478079 [DELETED] 
File: 102 KB, 854x480, snapshot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25478144

Maybe you should keep to yourself more since I can't stand hearing your faggot opinions.

>> No.25478083
Quoted by: >>25478479


>> No.25478106

Which ones the fat tiddy one that just debuted

>> No.25478123
Quoted by: >>25478133

>tfw no Insidechan (v1 or v2) doujins

>> No.25478133

you mean no inside-chan v3

>> No.25478144
Quoted by: >>25478166

no one cares Koronefag now stop avatarfagging and making the thread worse than it already is

>> No.25478146


>> No.25478166 [DELETED] 

Squeal and whine as much as you want I'm fucking off from here before you bitches destroy the only enjoyment I still have in life.

>> No.25478185
Quoted by: >>25478256

AI is and A.I., she doesn't have a VA.
She's also not a streamer, so she's still consistently in the top 5 in views even with low activity and few hits.

>> No.25478205
Quoted by: >>25478234

Oh the irony.

>> No.25478207
File: 184 KB, 1920x1080, heyojisanits6000yenforaquickie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you could live with one vtuber, and you couldn't do anything sexual, just be their roommate or maybe servant, who would you want it to be?

>> No.25478234 [DELETED] 
File: 95 KB, 194x200, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shut the fuck up your cunt.
I'm fucking off back to R*ddit to enjoy things
I hope you die of unejoyment cancer.

>> No.25478244
Quoted by: >>25478271

Good luck anon. Remember to love yourself.

>> No.25478256
Quoted by: >>25478289

is this bait?

>> No.25478261
Quoted by: >>25478294

Everything you love will be destroyed anyway, it's only a matter of when

>> No.25478271


>> No.25478289

Those are facts.

>> No.25478294 [DELETED] 

The sun will eventually consume earth and then explode, what's your point? Faggot stop ruining my life.

>> No.25478295
Quoted by: >>25478326

What a wimp.

>> No.25478302
Quoted by: >>25478329

What do you guys do when you hit the image limit?

>> No.25478306

Charlotte, Ken or Iori.

>> No.25478326 [DELETED] 
File: 146 KB, 150x361, 1 (2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a picture of r*ddit founder

>> No.25478329

I look for more Lulu art until I can post more

>> No.25478332
Quoted by: >>25478408

What's stopping me from doing anything sexual?

>> No.25478343

This is just a reminder that Koronefags were always as awful as the Lulufags

>> No.25478392

Someone orderly and hygienic, so none of the chuubas

>> No.25478408

They won't let you and you'll get kicked out.
But feel free to sniff their panties or something when they're not aware.

>> No.25478445
File: 530 KB, 2340x1080, 20200816083214.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25478548

Coco is fucking massive

>> No.25478479
File: 61 KB, 720x720, Eff-RFFUcAEB7zi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25478528

Carajo, esta mierda ya llego a latinamerica.

Would you follow a vtuber from your country?

>> No.25478548
Quoted by: >>25490264

So you're saying I should choose someone that would molest me, huh?
It doesn't help that shion is tiny.

>> No.25478553


>> No.25478569


>> No.25478595

Already did

>> No.25478616
Quoted by: >>25478775

>hijo de tu madre p-
Makes me smile every time.
To answer your question, não.

>> No.25478645

Sure if they're entertaining and speak JP.

>> No.25478669

Only God knows what sort of disgusting aberration of a vtuber would come from my country, so definitely not.

>> No.25478743 [DELETED] 
File: 102 KB, 854x480, snapshot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I genuinely think fandom harms your enjoyment of things and you're better off not posting here.
I mentioned the other more chad site by name but it's not just limited to 4chan or that site, all fandoms are inherently trash you should never visit then.
She just got a perfect kirby no damage clear, btw

>> No.25478775

Wait, I take that back, maybe if she makes a shitload of references about the countryside and hear old school country music, I might watch them.

>> No.25478892
Quoted by: >>25478923

Most of the American vtubers are really awful.
One in particular is a complete bait and switch, expected a cool Gundam fan who played mecha games.

Turned into an alcoholic slob who just drinks, burps, and talks about the most braindead Asian American female shit.

>> No.25478923
Quoted by: >>25479052


>> No.25478926


>> No.25478967
Quoted by: >>25479722

It'd be one thing to consider following a german-speaking vtuber. Following an austrian one is an entirely different matter that I don't think I could do, honestly. I am mostly certain that it will never come to this, thankfully.

>> No.25478995

monoe no question

>> No.25479021
Quoted by: >>25479119

Pikamee should stop trying to push the family friendly content shit considering everyone knows she has a crippling loli fetish and is a sex offender

>> No.25479052

Were you in a coma? Lurk the previous 7 threads, I swear she was mentioned at least once in all of them.

>> No.25479078
Quoted by: >>25479092

why are you losers like this lol

>> No.25479092

go back

>> No.25479119
Quoted by: >>25479171

Pikamee should turn into a gyaru again and invite shotas to collab with her.

>> No.25479120
File: 595 KB, 774x1474, 597oOw3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25479132
File: 1.90 MB, 1075x1518, 1595844172812.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mary. All I need is to hear her voice to get through the day. I'd be fine with just that.

>> No.25479131

i can't believe this is real

>> No.25479134

>won't end until completed
When did Izumi start streaming?

>> No.25479151

I like Shizuka Rin but why in the fuck she plays FF XIV 24/7, does she get pay for that or is just autism?

>> No.25479171
File: 137 KB, 441x758, gyarumee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I was a shota

>> No.25479203

I figured it out. There's a number of en vtubers who play Gundam Vs and do watch parties that I thought you were referring to but I guess she isn't one of them.

>> No.25479222


>> No.25479244

It's hololivefag after all

>> No.25479305

Yes but she's already dead

>> No.25479367
File: 300 KB, 1867x2334, Eff7EYvU4AASoJi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25479467
Quoted by: >>25479605

a classic case of the MMO-hag
she's never gonna drop that game
Maxed out character?
She's gonna make another, and another.

>> No.25479605
Quoted by: >>25479718

I actually know a guy whose mom is very addicted to ragnarok, apparently it's therapeutic for her.
Any ragnarok chuuba, by chance? Mobile doesn't count.

>> No.25479630

y'shtola is hot

>> No.25479653


>> No.25479698
Quoted by: >>25479789

Is this /jp/?

>> No.25479707
Quoted by: >>25479740

why are all these nijisanji roasties such whores?

>> No.25479716

Not /jp/.

>> No.25479718

a ragnarok chuuba would be my kryptonite

>> No.25479722

Is there an Austrian vtuber?

>> No.25479740

Nice translated clip, faggot.

>> No.25479769
Quoted by: >>25479811

somebody called Pikamee "pokimane"

>> No.25479785

Another Holo drama.. they can't catch a break.

>> No.25479789


>> No.25479811

And you didn't screencapped it

>> No.25479938
File: 5 KB, 273x59, ss+(2020-08-15+at+07.59.29).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25479939
File: 252 KB, 482x491, 1569856778802.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25479955

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qb9ptIc0ubQ Mememe, Kaede, Siro, and Miya

>> No.25479977

who cares, they deserve it

>> No.25480015

my hot sister mememe

>> No.25480200

Is it true that now there are schools for vtubers? What do you even learn there?

>> No.25480228

I think there's been classes teaching how to stream properly for a while in colleges but I don't know if there are full schools dedicated to it

>> No.25480320

Insidechan v2 Apex (i think)

>> No.25480325

If there is a class on how to use microsoft words, then I don't see why not

>> No.25480400
File: 11 KB, 349x105, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25480486
Quoted by: >>25480561

I don't get her, is she trying to be sexual or not?
Some of her vids are just softcore porn.

>> No.25480561

She's trying to be popular!

>> No.25480609
File: 538 KB, 1920x1080, mpv-shot12430.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25488856

>> No.25480744
Quoted by: >>25481243

Pikamee is getting her ass whooped. But I admire her dedication.

>> No.25480794

I was watching one but then she became entangled with english vtuber community progressively got worse.

>> No.25480858

Hololive and competency are destined to never meet each other.

>> No.25480936

But did you follow her?

>> No.25481243

>Pikamee is getting her ass whooped
Call me when she's not getting that loser fat ass slapped

>> No.25481361

So what happens if Kaf gets held back or fails her final and doesn't get to graduate? No model update and has to display her shame for a full year (or more) for the public to see?

>> No.25481417

https://twitcasting.tv/mgmgoi4/embeddedplayer/600647859 13:45
Was that on purpose?

>> No.25481565
File: 1.50 MB, 1414x2000, EfdePgqUEAAAWZi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25481612
File: 238 KB, 1200x805, Efe4DhxVAAAuIUs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25481621
Quoted by: >>25481976

have there been any new niji x holo collabs this month?

>> No.25481640
File: 183 KB, 1086x319, himariwhy...jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25481654
Quoted by: >>25482671

>>Most of the American vtubers are really awful.
>>One in particular is a complete bait and switch, expected a cool Gundam fan who played mecha games.
>>Turned into an alcoholic slob who just drinks, burps, and talks about the most braindead Asian American female shit.

Hoshino Char?

To top it off her falling viewership is propped up by occassional injections of viewbots.

I think there's a silent crowd that's pissed off for the same reasons above.

>> No.25481661
File: 1.05 MB, 2591x3361, EfekbGbU4AAj-pT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25481693

we all have that one game with thousands of hours in it and we just keep replaying it and never getting bored.
You too have one, right?

>> No.25481723
File: 452 KB, 1920x1080, mpv-shot12431.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Coco, stop...

>> No.25481734
File: 1013 KB, 1122x1741, EfgExiuU8AEIA07.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25481767

I think Char's low hanging fruit stunt of that mug for nerd cred was so fake as fuck.

>> No.25481802

Based. Fuck Holocaust

>> No.25481819
File: 162 KB, 1600x1200, EfeSBXrUEAE_2Z7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25481838

It's their marketing strategy to stay popular like western showbiz

>> No.25481858

Milana Lavina

>> No.25481869


>> No.25481883
File: 894 KB, 1254x1771, 79039126_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25481895


>> No.25481901
Quoted by: >>25483357

Is Himari still advertising? God damn, she reached 100k, I don't think paying for ads is how she'll grow her channel more.

>> No.25481907
File: 70 KB, 470x470, 1571494211279.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25482333

get that crap outta here, spic weebs are so much cringier then gringos so yoj can imagine the kinda shit fanbase she has

>> No.25481966

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7y3Nk8VSxcM sacon

>> No.25481976

Just the other day https://youtu.be/AyA6cPtdIr4

>> No.25481996


>> No.25482065

Yokato and her mama.

>> No.25482125

These two lesbians flirting in front of Siro and Miya

>> No.25482200 [DELETED] 
File: 777 KB, 1920x1080, haci2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25482225

I am just going to use this opportunity to shill myself

>> No.25482225
Quoted by: >>25482485

>shill myself
as in, you are the vtuber?

>> No.25482254
File: 3.89 MB, 1555x2174, 82827075_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25482318

hanjo hanjo

>> No.25482333

Not really, no.

>> No.25482379

More delicious SioTama stuff. The probability that it wasn't her is just 0.0015%

>> No.25482414

chat is really horny today

>> No.25482438


>> No.25482443

That's a retard!

>> No.25482452
File: 42 KB, 344x135, 1597547918854.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25484461

>> No.25482466
Quoted by: >>25482477

Sana on twitch!

>> No.25482467
File: 41 KB, 344x135, 1597549688580.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25482477

hyper Pog

>> No.25482485

Yeah, I thought the voice gave it away lol

>> No.25482492
File: 39 KB, 344x135, 1597551258182.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25484461

>> No.25482618

Fall Guys fad already dying

>> No.25482658

You got any evidence to back that up

>> No.25482670
Quoted by: >>25482765

Has Sora played it yet?

>> No.25482671
Quoted by: >>25484198

You too? I didnt care for the gundam shit. But she seems to always be drunk and the burps are dissgusting to me. I dony like that shit some do it seems.

Out of the Tsundaria trio, I think the easily emotional Purin is the better of the three.

>> No.25482714

Miya is not that busty

>> No.25482765
File: 44 KB, 1000x1000, EYDezdLU0AE2vgz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sora don't play FOTM

>> No.25482837

yeah, so if she hasn't played it then it's not ded.

>> No.25482852
Quoted by: >>25482895

Exactly, she plays a month later after it died.

>> No.25482895

Give me a single example

>> No.25482951
Quoted by: >>25482965

Siro, Merry, Haneru and Tamaki

>> No.25482965
Quoted by: >>25483184

Poor Merry

>> No.25483016
File: 263 KB, 1280x720, malinayabai.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25483378


>> No.25483141


>> No.25483161

*gives anon single example*

>> No.25483170

I can't, the combini VOD is gone.

>> No.25483184

Yeah she's so out of place there

>> No.25483240

She did it boys. she beat doom.

>> No.25483353

Peekamii, you did it

>> No.25483357
Quoted by: >>25483398

That's her gimmick though, you thought it was eroge stuff? It's actually begging for views, subs and interactions

>> No.25483378
Quoted by: >>25483424

whats her gimmick?
her chat is all members so she must have some diehard fans

>> No.25483398
Quoted by: >>25483508

I've thought that she just didn't want to be called a vtuber but turned out that she actually hates them.

>> No.25483424

>all members
It's only 50 yen
even cheaper than Claire or Gil 100 yen membership

>> No.25483442

Gil had membership for just several hours.

>> No.25483451
Quoted by: >>25483730

wait why is Zumi there? she's pretty smart... isn't she...?

>> No.25483508

Yeah then I don't know what her end game is but video released yesterday was more interactions subs and stuff


>> No.25483538

Best of sausage

>> No.25483606
Quoted by: >>25483612

yeah but is she worth it?

>> No.25483612

50 yen is 50 yen i mean

>> No.25483638
Quoted by: >>25483699

Why are there two threads?

>> No.25483646
Quoted by: >>25483740

Pekora is the cutest fucking thing on the god damn fucking planet

>> No.25483662

- original songs not available for sale anywhere
- bonus songs only available on physical CDs
Why don't these Japs want me to buy their music?

>> No.25483699
Quoted by: >>25483737

Other threads image limited

>> No.25483730
Quoted by: >>25483747

There are only low IQ girls in 774

>> No.25483734

Japs have a weird obsession with exclusivity. If something is meant to be bought or consumed in a very specific way it'll be that way until the heat death of the universe.
"What's that? You wanted to listen to this exclusive never before heard track that was the hook for selling tickets to some fuck off middle of nowhere venue that you didn't even hear about because it was only advertised locally? Lol no"

>> No.25483737
Quoted by: >>25483756

These threads are already slow, wouldn't splitting them like that just cause them to be even slower? You can just use catbox to post images anyway.

>> No.25483740

not with that voice and attitude

its like putting daffy duck in a cute bunny cunny girl skin

>> No.25483747
Quoted by: >>25494355

but Mimi

>> No.25483756

The old thread is about to die so it doesn't really matter now, I do think it's kind of retarded though kek.

>> No.25483830
File: 135 KB, 1200x683, EfhAMhxUwAA3ey4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25484066

Bring back the horse

>> No.25483850
File: 678 KB, 600x800, 1597499385410.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Would you follow a vtuber from your country?
I watch Hana but other than her I exclusively watch Japanese Vtubers; i'd give some of the others a chance if they weren't all Indieshits though.

>> No.25483854
File: 41 KB, 344x135, 1597553695152.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25484461

>> No.25483855
File: 18 KB, 220x318, ss+(2020-08-15+at+10.47.25).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my baby boy

>> No.25483870
File: 41 KB, 344x135, 1597554847636.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25483892
File: 36 KB, 344x135, 1597556313949.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25484461

>> No.25483893

go away indog and watch the sqrrl before you come back

>> No.25483905
Quoted by: >>25483941

I don't watch holotrash

>> No.25483917

What a tease, the image cuts right before the bulge.

>> No.25483941
Quoted by: >>25484006

>tribalist ooga booga is an actual ooga booga
holy shit...

>> No.25483949
File: 40 KB, 604x453, 1597337666163.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25484029

I'm not a SEAnig, I only watch Hana cuz she's American. fucking hate the squirrel btw

>> No.25484006

Do you need to be a tribalist to hate Hololive?

>> No.25484029

>fucking hate the squirrel btw

>> No.25484033
Quoted by: >>25484070

>Do you need to be a tribalist to hate Hololive?
No, but it helps.

>> No.25484046


>> No.25484066


>> No.25484069


>> No.25484070

Thanks for the update. So if you don't like Hololive (leaving multiple shitstains on vtuber industry) you're anti, nijifag and tribalist.

>> No.25484088


>> No.25484098

Nope but it's one of many reason to hate them

>> No.25484101

>leaving multiple shitstains on vtuber industry
Such as?

>> No.25484146
Quoted by: >>25484159

Just woke up, what did I miss?

>> No.25484159

Absolutely nothing.

>> No.25484168

Well, you are anyway so that’s kind of a moot point.

>> No.25484173

Yes, there's a difference between dislike and hate, you dumd ooga booga

>> No.25484198

Knowing how Risu operates, then we can guess that Char is gonna string you all along forever and never touch anything /m/ related.

Screencap this.

>> No.25484200

If you use words like "holotrash" and hate on all their talent simply for being part of that company, yes, you're a tribalist.

>> No.25484261
Quoted by: >>25484323

That doesn't make you a tribalist. That means you aren't a deluded retard that thinks nijiholo are saving or helping the fad. No one cares about anyone else since they aren't part of the duopoly.

>> No.25484276
File: 234 KB, 400x400, 9834759834.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Instead of spending your time arguing over stupid shit how about you faggots harass the jannies into making a vtuber board? instead of another /v/ offshoot That way we could all simply segregate ourselves and actually have meaningful discussions.

>> No.25484298

>and actually have meaningful discussions.
haha you're funny anon

>> No.25484315


>> No.25484323

>That doesn't make you a tribalist. That means it doesn't conform to my extremely arbitrary gatekeeping definition
Hate and dislike are different, again.

>> No.25484341
File: 160 KB, 1488x2105, Ebc1an9UEAUtqr1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Noooooooooooooo you can't hate the two biggest companies! You're supposed to worship them you tribalist!

>> No.25484354

I have had plenty of meaningful discussions about vtubers on /tg/ where none of your tribalist bullshit exist

>> No.25484356
Quoted by: >>25484485

Reminder that Unlimited did nothing wrong

>> No.25484372

Then go back you fucking baby

>> No.25484387

It wouldn't be hard to one-up these threads Anon. If there's a whole board for vtube discussion people will be more likely to just not go into threads for things they aren't interested in/don't like. Obviously it won't be a perfect solution but it would be a lot better than being spread across 3 threads like here.

>> No.25484388

Reminder ec said good things about Mirei since they're both terrible people

>> No.25484394

whats this "UniVirtuals" tag for?

>> No.25484405


>> No.25484409

If you're naive and believe into management shield that don't make you better. Just somebody who's scared of finding out more and calling everything anti.

>> No.25484439

No rats allowed

>> No.25484458

Free slaves for Kokon to promote Hanjo Hanjo!

>> No.25484461


>> No.25484467

>a vtuber board
If it means I don’t have to share a board with idolshits/seiyuuschizos anymore I’m all for it. When was the last time jannies listened to us though? I don’t remember anyone asking for the countless /v/ spinoffs...

>> No.25484485
File: 113 KB, 1920x1080, 1imv7pyyn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25484592

Yes the did the worst thing ever. They killed my wife Kaede

>> No.25484554


>> No.25484583
Quoted by: >>25484621


>> No.25484592
Quoted by: >>25484693


>> No.25484607

You had to make a 4chan vtuber entirely for free in 2019 to make it happen for the guy who said even syamu had better content than vtubers. That was the time where all vtubers were males and Kizuna had the best content according to everyone but us.

>> No.25484613

Sio is innocent!

>> No.25484614
Quoted by: >>25485403

Is there a compilation of all the ones from the 46h event

>> No.25484621

Man this just reminds me of how much I dislike Sio's idol outfit.

>> No.25484650
File: 193 KB, 1065x780, 1596520514519.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you mean by that Anon? These >>25393949
people are totally 100 percent sane normal individuals.

>> No.25484669

so is she evil or not, who is ec? the narrative keeps changing

>> No.25484693
File: 1014 KB, 1400x1000, 1564644546461.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25484836

my Wife

>> No.25484698

Did they create their own language or something? I thought I was having a stroke when I tried to read some of those posts.

>> No.25484711

I thought she was smart. This is just too hilarious

>> No.25484712

You want to see some real autism? The idol threads are the way to go.

>> No.25484720
Quoted by: >>25484855

nozomi is cute but I don't want to look at her seiyuu

>> No.25484730
Quoted by: >>25484790

If you think that's the worse 4chan can do, you should have looked at what Starcraft 2 generals looked like

>> No.25484740
File: 793 KB, 800x800, Efg6zr2U4AA8UQj.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25484745
Quoted by: >>25485248


>> No.25484755
Quoted by: >>25484781

Who did Minamori Hero reincarnate as at NJSJ?

>> No.25484777

based real dykes

>> No.25484781

check the archive

>> No.25484790

Fuck those niggers. They're part of the reason /vg/ is there. Does /vg/ still auto sage if sc2 is in the OP?

>> No.25484809

true homos

>> No.25484815
File: 288 KB, 562x1284, Seiyuuchads.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25484881


>> No.25484820

Could Ichikara just buy Appland and save other .Live girls.

>> No.25484836

At least she's still around

>> No.25484855

You're right since she's a voice model for AI

>> No.25484867
File: 85 KB, 640x360, mpv-shot12432.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking phoneposters

>> No.25484881
File: 121 KB, 828x996, 1597120674377.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25484949

>will you post cringy leek video now?
Well? Will you?

>> No.25484916
Quoted by: >>25484996

How different the scene would be if Unlimited and Appland didn't fuck up

>> No.25484927
Quoted by: >>25485028

Imagine getting caught shitposting
Imagine streaming yourself shitposting with a 3D model
If she didn't stop using her 2D this wouldn't be damning evidence

>> No.25484949 [SPOILER] 
File: 263 KB, 640x360, 1597560491283.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25484967

Here it is, don't say I didn't warn you though...

>> No.25484967

thnks anon i cring

>> No.25484995

That anon defending her saying she couldn't stream and post at the same time is probably feeling silly

>> No.25484996

We would laugh at Appland still not fucking let the girls collabing with anyone even themselves at all unless for events

>> No.25485028

2D > 3D confirmed

>> No.25485057
File: 3.97 MB, 2600x2830, EfgtAlAU8AEp1wv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25485080
File: 517 KB, 900x636, EfhVrjZUwAA-5qu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25485094

>> No.25485094

My favorite 5th gen design

>> No.25485096

Nice mega ne

>> No.25485145
Quoted by: >>25485343

Patra with the DS boost!

>> No.25485172

I actually can’t believe Sio is Kira.

>> No.25485181
File: 305 KB, 1451x2048, EdSgGCYVAAMOtr7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25485202
File: 192 KB, 2048x2048, Efg4YYxU4AQMeBO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25485221
File: 162 KB, 812x1240, EfdaYquU8AA-GdD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25485248

I'm the only one that feel bad for these vtubers with so little views? Lately I been seeing more and more of these cases.

>> No.25485254
File: 355 KB, 692x750, EfUgdJmUwAAAUxj.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25485280
File: 264 KB, 1920x1080, EfXSFQ7VoAAftaN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25485294

cheater cat

new crg member apex

>> No.25485304
File: 272 KB, 1998x1259, Efg9_cIU0AEpkVL.jpg orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25485316
File: 121 KB, 850x1235, 1597499582474.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25488568

They can't have a large following from the start Anon. unless you're a holoshit, than you're guaranteed 100k subs before you even debut

>> No.25485343

patra dark souls remastered

>> No.25485345

Here for you moral boost

>> No.25485382

siro, chieri, my vampire sister, and okome

>> No.25485384

Scroll down

>> No.25485403
File: 120 KB, 727x509, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, you are going to have to find each one of them in all these threads

>> No.25485447
File: 94 KB, 980x1360, 1526070055742.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25485476
File: 672 KB, 870x1230, 72110327_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25485518
File: 2.33 MB, 1419x2003, 78701364_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25485539
Quoted by: >>25485574

they're called incentives and it's not exclusive to the japanese market

>> No.25485547
File: 2.14 MB, 1290x2003, 79700342_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25485574

>they're called incentives
Incentives to what? Incentives to move to Japan just so I can buy their shitty merchandise?

>> No.25485588

It was you who created that thread then? As expected of a holofag tourist. You just had to force your shit everywhere huh? Why don't you post on /v/ too?

>> No.25485591
File: 1.33 MB, 1637x1158, 76882151_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25485616
Quoted by: >>25485653

>Why don't you post on /v/ too?
[spoiler[I am, at this very moment in fact[/spoiler]

>> No.25485653

Excellent post, I am so fucking proud of you anon.

>> No.25485658
Quoted by: >>25485702

holonewfag can't even use the spoiler function correctly

>> No.25485660


>> No.25485670

The fuck are you talking about, schizo?

>> No.25485672
File: 67 KB, 842x599, oh yeah.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25485721

How much English do you think she practiced since then?

>> No.25485693

Ah, I just remember that Koronefag came to this thread and spam their images after that Azur Lane collab.
All holoshitters are /v/ tourist it seems

>> No.25485702
Quoted by: >>25485740

>holonewfag can't even use the spoiler function correctly
They keys are right next to each other anon, my lightning fast typing is sometimes my downfall. Also i'm blind as hell so I couldn't see anything wrong with it until it got posted.

>> No.25485705
File: 107 KB, 613x428, Oda fanbase.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25485758

Also this while I'm digging

>> No.25485721

To be honest I stopped care about her after she changed to idol outfit and will not care about her now that she's a part of the idolshit company

>> No.25485740
Quoted by: >>25485764

You typed it out? The absolute state of holonewfags

>> No.25485757
File: 133 KB, 1200x675, DqrpvH1UwAEXXFR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25485758
Quoted by: >>25498576

Nobuhime really likes him. She's following a lot of political individuals, but NOT Obama. She only follows Trump, so that says something about her.

>> No.25485764

>he doesn't type it out
literally takes 10 seconds, are you actually handicapped?

>> No.25485765

Calm your paranoid schizopheria down you fucking retards

>> No.25485804
Quoted by: >>25485833

>everyone I don't like is a newfag holoshitter /v/tard.

>> No.25485833

Too green, my /v/ friend

>> No.25485865

what a dogshit thread

>> No.25485877
Quoted by: >>25486004

You already embarrassed yourself enough by admitting you post on /v/, not knowing any of the shortcuts and now greentexting

>> No.25485883
File: 866 KB, 1265x1034, 1595197234808.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25485907

You guys are just larping as schizos right? You guys aren't actually all schizos, right? Right...?

>> No.25485907
File: 128 KB, 2048x1152, Dv1zSGKV4AASJEq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello, I'm Nobuhime, nice to meet you

>> No.25485920

>The Eternal Newfag

>> No.25485934

Gotta love how holofans have a meltdown everytime they get caught

>> No.25486004
Quoted by: >>25486212

What the fuck are you even talking about?

>> No.25486022
File: 235 KB, 425x600, EfhEOc1UcAAM-EL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25486034

Schizochads, I kneel...

>> No.25486084

Lito Muller

>> No.25486117

You might have autism

>> No.25486173
Quoted by: >>25486469

I'm sorry for my fellow holofans that we didn't have enough autism and high dose of schizopheria to use this thread. Gomenasorry

>> No.25486212
Quoted by: >>25486469

If you don't even know what he's talking about I suggest you go back to the hololive thread or /v/. We don't do that kind of posts here, this is embarrassing.

>> No.25486228


>> No.25486234
Quoted by: >>25486469

Did we win? Did we lose? I'm afraid I just don't know....

>> No.25486375
File: 142 KB, 1570x910, EfYyeOZUEAAsNgh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25486379

Patra's new costume is cute, and also very bouncy.

>> No.25486387

Why are you fags so obsessed with that thread? Are you going to link it here every thread? You did it last thread and now in this one when it has nothing to do with us

>> No.25486453

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T2h5jqcmQHM siro gongon mito sora
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M8a82xZZ8ZM sryr unmetal
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ccCZTbtnGxk uge
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8QWBLEuSrqI mao fall guys
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4-4EqnCxwGs kohaku smash
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KcBiNbcsbHE kuku fall guys
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dc_dDKE-aOU debi watermellon
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RFEPpGFVPoU pekora dbd
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a7hn6Em0Y9k kanata dark deception
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zTGwLlotkEA amamiya bokunatsu
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OHTHpbI9B8o hal
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=egEAH3vBGVQ hayama apex
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GFGNprIFmQs hinata
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8sZDaPC5B-0 yua fall guys
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dclpdKc9O84 hisui ghost train
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VEox_AjXoxg kanda powerpro
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LJxzHVxXmC4 chihiro apex
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U_jXcPc0wnY subaru pikmin

>> No.25486469
Quoted by: >>25486628


>> No.25486512

At least for me, it's because it is the only general on all of 4chan where I cannot comprehend what is going through the minds of those posters.

If it was just imagedumping that would one thing, but at some level some communication is being attempted, and most of the time it is seemingly unintelligible.

>> No.25486588
Quoted by: >>25486825

>mito(nijisanji) and sora(hololive) with siro(EVIL.) and no one cares
nijiholofans really don't care about their flagships huh

>> No.25486594

Gongon is still active? I could swear she retired.

>> No.25486613
Quoted by: >>25486771

What is Mito doing with those literal whos?

>> No.25486628
File: 95 KB, 793x1024, 1595202033146.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25486685

I keep telling you fucks this

>> No.25486701

She's incredibly inactive but she's still alive

>> No.25486771


>> No.25486825

Who's the blond girl anyways? I feel like I should follow her given her company.

>> No.25486850

man kuku's pretty good at this game

>> No.25486851
File: 756 KB, 600x600, 1541164074217.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not retired, not really active either. Can't say I like it but at least she's not dead.

>> No.25486868
File: 332 KB, 1399x1030, Efhy__jUcAIfKy-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25486894

You can't beat the Kuk

>> No.25486916

I thought she might be too, but since I haven't played the game I couldn't be sure if that's the case, or if the other two are just retarded.

>> No.25486988

shes cute shes so cute why is she so cute kuku is so cute cute cuteku kukute

>> No.25487036
File: 172 KB, 721x457, how.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking Cover suits.

>> No.25487060
File: 549 KB, 2048x1437, EfeIKnwVAAEqK7H.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25487075

>> No.25487066


>> No.25487070
Quoted by: >>25487132

Wait, the new girl uploaded video on May?

>> No.25487074
File: 970 KB, 1200x1702, EfayMgfU8AIK1xo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25487075 [DELETED] 

Fuck off, /v/shitter

>> No.25487076
Quoted by: >>25487094

Patra's new costume really makes me want to breed her badly

>> No.25487093
File: 951 KB, 2000x1125, EfhOegtU4AAoPX1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25487094

Get in line

>> No.25487132
Quoted by: >>25487157

Streamed at her twitcasting account in May. Archive was removed today but thanks to >>25487066 you can still see it yourself.

>> No.25487146
File: 364 KB, 1884x902, LIVEbros.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am happy .LIVE is back, god bless Xylo

>> No.25487157
Quoted by: >>25487174

I guess her test stream?

>> No.25487175

You wish, previous streams with less popular guesses had like 3-4k viewers.

>> No.25487174

Are you trying to justify this stupidity?

>> No.25487197

Its like the summit of the their tribe leaders and barely anyone cares

>> No.25487231
Quoted by: >>25487244

nijifriends actually don't care about nijis succeeding

>> No.25487244
Quoted by: >>25487270

all the shit posting has made people stop coming to this thread
like so

>> No.25487270
Quoted by: >>25487297

time to reclaim the thread for kizuna AI

>> No.25487279

Is everyone looking forward to Sio's return tomorrow?

>> No.25487297

nijiholofans still get mad whenever people try to talk about her

>> No.25487367

https://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:hbir_WqsciAJ:https://twitcasting.tv/dedechiy/show works too

>> No.25487465
Quoted by: >>25487927

Kuku is kind of crazy.

>> No.25487515

Yokato and her mama again.

>> No.25487633

Nice 2 threads we're having here.

>> No.25487671

Imporant tweet regarding Shirayuri Lili.

>> No.25487681

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=to8KtDz9Yf4 ryushen
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RQYB3Wh8Lt8 meiji singing
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cnikSAgUp5E elu fall guys
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OevINI6D_14 chris
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MX_SedPUoos ebio fall guys
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JkxHGAdv6EY rushia clubhouse games
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1WEWhrdVTLE conono apex
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r_I6643ustM airplane cat
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cVUuGpp33ro furen tsugunohi
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hoFH29E0xRo ichinose
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kHxRZ_itxNs kohaku smash
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gskjH6sC3Ps levi singing

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x1TnVC9mkHQ hiyoko

>> No.25487684

It's not gonna be over until it gets resolved, I don't fancy Sio's chances.

>> No.25487735
Quoted by: >>25487768

These are great, have you guys seen this yet?

>> No.25487750

I want to stuck Hisui in the toilets!

>> No.25487754

Better have some snacks ready because it's gonna be one helluva shitshow

>> No.25487768

We did Sio, great track record

>> No.25487793

Ah shit, wrong wiki

>> No.25487798

If she made all of those I would be proud

>> No.25487927

Non-binary friendlies tend to be crazy.

>> No.25488096

Does anyone have a good getting started guide? I'm commissioning a facerig right now that should be done soon and such, but don't know if I should go ahead with my pretty lacking jap speaking, or just be one of the english streamers, can anyone more experienced shed some advice?

>> No.25488119
File: 238 KB, 1280x720, snapshot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i came

>> No.25488161
Quoted by: >>25488234

Not /jp/.

>> No.25488189
File: 2.70 MB, 1654x2339, EfJ8EZTU4AEwqBU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25488796

















>> No.25488234
Quoted by: >>25491725

I'm doing jp and eng subtitles and am mostly going to be around the jp tuber crowd

>> No.25488267

why not try both

>> No.25488370
File: 179 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25488545


>> No.25488392

sweep it under the rug, nothing happened

>> No.25488430
Quoted by: >>25488651

I wonder if she really is going to switch to shitposting at this place.

>> No.25488497

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i55GH7l4Y0I nijisanji koushien finals
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PbJOIxMDe74 sumire
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jGic9fABovE marine hey you pikachu
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gkcU3THu0DM yotsuha
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dxbqvOmHut0 megu
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ij1BrJxJQmk kuzuha hal reid apex
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L29Xi0DaVEI hal pov
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ntlYq-YK0Ps reid pov

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VeN4FFJLs1E rene
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g8ZIpBzQK8E haato

>> No.25488545

So the clue was fish. I've always wondered why is she so strangely knowledgeable about them.

>> No.25488547
Quoted by: >>25489191

https://www.twitch.tv/usagi_production sana

>> No.25488568

Stop using my images retard.

>> No.25488597

>blah blah we leave it to the police and lawyers

>> No.25488616
Quoted by: >>25488672

Can you imagine if an English fluent vtuber regularly shitposts here?

>> No.25488617

Damn so it really was a stalker-cum-hacker that broke into her house and used her network to do all of that.

>> No.25488646


>> No.25488651

she will probably shit post on r*ddit if she knew about it

>> No.25488672

Comdost and Eliene

>> No.25488759

Even if it actually is Sio she's announce the results of the investigation in public anyway.

>> No.25488762
File: 1.40 MB, 4096x2930, Efh4Q0hU0AILCq1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25493805

>> No.25488796

big soras

>> No.25488802

What an idiot
Don't waste the police's time...

>> No.25488822

Who also happened to claim it was her and capable of knowing things that only she herself could've known. Yeah, totally not worth stopping a stream over.

>> No.25488838

Fuck baseball and chuubas playing baseball game

>> No.25488857
Quoted by: >>25489015

based kuku finally got her win

>> No.25488856
Quoted by: >>25505957

now she just started putting wojak memes in her videos, where's the guy who said that it's "harmless" and she "wouldn't do that" now?

>> No.25488913

fucking hell

>> No.25488956
Quoted by: >>25489087

>brb gotta go change my IP!

>> No.25488976

I can't imagine being so addicted to shitposting just to do this.

>> No.25489015
Quoted by: >>25490337

Based on what?

>> No.25489080
Quoted by: >>25489175


>> No.25489087

>shitposting continue
>oh no I'm being stalked, totes the victim here teehee, see how innocent I am?

>> No.25489175

What happened? Did she cum from pokemon?

>> No.25489191
File: 438 KB, 1920x1080, mpv-shot12433.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Artia did it, she made Hololive great again

>> No.25489249 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>25489283

and here he comes with some shit /pol/ meme to top it off

>> No.25489283 [DELETED] 

How fucking new can you be?

>> No.25489325 [DELETED] 

are you actually trying to say that the "make x great again" isn't /pol/ shit? are you retarded?

>> No.25489333 [DELETED] 

How fucking /pol/ can you be?

>> No.25489359 [DELETED] 

Kill yourselves, newfags.

>> No.25489363 [DELETED] 

>so mad he has to samefag

>> No.25489381 [DELETED] 

>so /pol/ *he* has to samefag

>> No.25489393 [DELETED] 

you kill yourself first /pol/shit, not that it's the first time that the mpvfag has been posting /pol/ trash
work on your detective skills if you don't even know about the 1 minute repost time

>> No.25489411 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>25489427

>2016 came before 2013
Are you seriously that retarded?

>> No.25489425 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>25489459

>work on your detective skills if you don't even know about the 1 minute repost time
Sure thing phoneposter shit

>> No.25489427 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>25489497

who are you quoting there buddy? and you need some serious mental gymnastics to justify one of the most popular /pol/ memes not being /pol/ here

>> No.25489459 [DELETED] 

how new are you?

>> No.25489481
File: 447 KB, 1920x1080, mpv-shot12434.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25489507

Lize's hair...

>> No.25489497 [DELETED] 

The fact that you don't fucking know what popularised it in recent shows how fucking new you are you dumb metnal gymnast https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LmWQd8zhEg4

>> No.25489507 [DELETED] 

why aren't you posting a compilation of memes from coco's latest meme review? appearently there's some interesting ones there

>> No.25489537


>> No.25489539
File: 38 KB, 880x104, 324t4f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

163k viewers!? wtf holobros!

>> No.25489541 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>25489581

I'll chalk you up for trolling at this point, nice try buddy, not that it being a /v/ meme would make it any better

>> No.25489565

I wonder if it can reach 200k during the actual final match

>> No.25489570

not even the final

>> No.25489581 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>25489610

>i don't know what meme it is therefor you are trolling

>> No.25489583
File: 5 KB, 404x320, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

remember to filter mpv filename

>> No.25489610 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>25489642

who are you quoting there? and you've been trying to say that a /pol/ meme is actually a /v/ meme, as if that's any better

>> No.25489616

You're clearly upset about it since you didn't filter it properly.

>> No.25489642 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>25489663

I'm quoting you, faggot. And the point stands - that you are a retarded newfag that doesn't know his shit.

>> No.25489647

You're supposed to hide stubs you idiot.

>> No.25489663 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>25489712

no, I did not say that, you are paraphrasing not quoting, I think you are the retarded newfag, from a different board and you should go back there

>> No.25489681


>> No.25489712 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>25489727

>no i didn't say that, i said a /v/ meme is a /pol/ meme because /pol/ lives rent free in my head, but you are still wrong
Yes, i'm paraphrasing you, faggot.

>> No.25489716

Watching the CPU play baseball

>> No.25489727 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>25489739

misquoting and more /pol/ memes, what a surprise

>> No.25489739 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>25489773

What /pol/ memes?

>> No.25489740

When will they sell plushies of mya's cat?

>> No.25489741

Why? You'll just shitpost about it anyway.
Hide the posts entirely so we can get rid of you too.

>> No.25489773 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>25489831

>rent free
that is also a /pol/ meme, now will you spend another half an hour trying to say that it's actually from another cancer reddit board? as if that makes you any less retarded for using it

>> No.25489831 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>25489855

Okay, i'm terribly sorry that your mind is beyond fixated on one board as if it's everywhere. Do take care.

>> No.25489854 [DELETED] 

Do you seriously expect people are going to assume you quoted a game at most a couple million people have played as opposed to a slogan an entire country and millions outside of that country have heard just because the game said it first?

>> No.25489855 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>25489905

you seem awfully determined about denfending /pol/, almost like you're from there or something

>> No.25489875 [DELETED] 

especially since the mpvfag posts /pol/ shit all the time, it's very obvious where he got it from

>> No.25489906
File: 551 KB, 752x1062, 7wdiyuki98421.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25490026

When is she going to get a new costume?

>> No.25489905 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>25489930

You seem awfully determined to call everything /pol/, almost like you have some brain issues or something

>> No.25489930 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>25489958

how original, as expected of a retarded crossboarder newfag

>> No.25489958 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>25489976

The lack of self awareness from someone who calls everything /pol/.

>> No.25489976 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>25490039

I only call /pol/shit /pol/ though, you just happen to only post /pol/shit, I sure wonder why

>> No.25490026
File: 670 KB, 2000x2828, DRz1nMDV4AASojt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I requested on the form that they make the Christmas one.

>> No.25490039 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>25490077

>to only post /pol/shit
Now post your hacker gear that showed how "i" post only /pol/shit.

>> No.25490076
Quoted by: >>25490184

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lb411csGldg siro's event ending
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IbUy7sPuEpo ichinose apex
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u5_FiKklAKI marinasu
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FztEmE7F68Q suisei fall guys
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KM-POvAVwEI ruri
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KM-POvAVwEI tomoshika and pikamee
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OlWqr8tmMts kanata
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xD0YM8l1430 noracat deep blue
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CNLIL5p4_oY kuku undertale
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CNLIL5p4_oY yahiro
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rAl14FNppXA hashiba
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4hDh-JbPoPE kotone
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RL-t0p6rvjI inui tsushima

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ma1c9Mj4CG8 leona
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JT8Ap8H4l5E lize lulu first part
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w5HUtjHa27s second part
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=05Wk-W0TmR8 sumomo

>> No.25490077 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>25490099

all you've done so far in this discussion was misquote and post /pol/ memes, don't really need to be a hacker to come to the conclusion that you're a newfag from /pol/

>> No.25490099 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>25490129

Next you'll tell me that i came to this thread just now.

>> No.25490129 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>25490171

that seems pretty likely, I'm assuming someone is spamming vtuber threads on other boards again and you've found your way here from one of those

>> No.25490171 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>25490190

Threads like? Maybe anything else?

>> No.25490184


>> No.25490190 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>25490225

/pol/tards are always very sensitive about being called out so if you're defending them then you are most likely a /pol/tard

>> No.25490225 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>25490283

You sound very sensitive about /pol/, maybe you are from /pol/ too.

>> No.25490264

>Don't even try anything, I'm just using you as a dildo.

>> No.25490283 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>25490332

that doesn't even make sense

>> No.25490332 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>25490413

You are the first to bring up /pol/ in the discussion, bro. Even after pointing out that it was a freaking video game meme, a game that has memes as it's freaking center point.

>> No.25490337

A cock.

>> No.25490413 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>25490521

I pointed out that the mpvfag posted a /pol/ meme again, which he is wont to do, then you started throwing a piss fit and posting more /pol/ memes, and again if it was from /v/ how would that make things any better? /v/ shit is also cancer

>> No.25490427
File: 205 KB, 1280x720, EfidEYsUYAMx9bv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25490545


>> No.25490431


>> No.25490521 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>25490564

Any more goalposts you want to move?
It's /pol/ if i say so, if it's not it's still bad, i don't pay attention on how the meme (in the neighbouring thread, not board) is used so it's definitely /pol/.
That is beside how i pointed out that that specific case is not a freaking /pol/ meme, yet you keep yammering that it is despite not even knowing the origin or refference and immediately deflecting to 'hurr durr /v/ bad too'.

>> No.25490525

Why do I enjoy watching the AVtuber when she's playing games over her ASMR stuff?

>> No.25490545

I really like the idea of Uge being there

>> No.25490564 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>25490607

what a bunch of autistic sperging, are you a bit lost? did you think you're on /v/? well then I shall inform you that this is /jp/, maybe you clicked on the wrong tab or something, easy mistake to make, now close this tab and shoo shoo dumb kid

>> No.25490565

A weird nice change of pace?
You mean Rin? Did she decide to marathon it in one sitting?

>> No.25490600

Everyone else seems to as well. She had like 5k+ viewers on one of her blocks.

>> No.25490607 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>25490651

Good too see that having no arguments all you can do is pretend to be retarded.

>> No.25490622
File: 860 KB, 887x800, 41581058104.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25490661

>suisei's girlfriend has porn

>> No.25490632
File: 433 KB, 1920x1080, mpv-shot12435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking streamer advantage

>> No.25490651 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>25490703

cool crossboarder memes again, now you can crawl back to your shithole

>> No.25490661
Quoted by: >>25490734

Isn't it her sister?

>> No.25490671
File: 471 KB, 560x500, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25490765

>> No.25490703 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>25490776

This is one of the 'shitholes' i stay in, though. Why do you hate it that much? Why not go to one of your better places yourself?

>> No.25490733

>I was hacked!
>It was my brother!
That takes me back.

>> No.25490734

>still believing that shitty lie
Como on, son, who the fuck bathes with her sister as an adult?

>> No.25490765


>> No.25490776 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>25490922

hmmm no, this is certainly not the shithole where you belong, but at least you stopped misquoting, that's a step forward, now just stop using shitty crossboarder memes and getting pissyfits, you might even be able to fit in at some point

>> No.25490858 [DELETED] 

>a game at most a couple million people have played
>that one video alone has 2 million views

>> No.25490911
File: 424 KB, 1920x1080, mpv-shot12436.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25490922 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>25491016

>don't meme things i don't like
Anything else fuckboi?
>getting pissyfits
The irony.
>might even be able to fit in
Oh, so that's what you've been doing all this time. Were you declined the recent janitor application per chance?

>> No.25490986

Milana Lavina
Lito Muller

>> No.25491005 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>25491147

Newfags these days, right?
>/pol/ meme alert, wee wooo wee wooo

>> No.25491016 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>25491187

ah you're misquoting again, guess you're hopeless after all

>> No.25491089
File: 306 KB, 1920x1080, mpv-shot12437.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25491215

Better intro than Botan

>> No.25491121
File: 225 KB, 1000x1300, 1568159737271.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25491147 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>25491786

so these are the quality non-/pol/ posts

>> No.25491150
File: 339 KB, 1920x1080, mpv-shot12438.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25491215

>> No.25491179
File: 65 KB, 577x814, __tsukino_mito_nijisanji_drawn_by_nuezou__71c9b29dbd0c1953c624cfcbbffaab94.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25502023

Mito vs Chaika

>> No.25491182

lmao you think she's actually in contact with the police?

>> No.25491187 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>25491299

Misquoting your post where you tell me to stop posting memes you don't like, getting pissyfits (that you got), and fitting in (that you are apparently trying to do)?
No wait, we are back to you pretending to be a retard and ignoring what you said when i repeat it. Good on you, lad.

>> No.25491215

talking /pol/ shit by the way

>> No.25491297

Wait it's really Nobuhime?

>> No.25491299 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>25491376

what a bunch of autistic sperging, as expected of an esl /pol/ newfag, wait are you one of those brazilians that have been showing up lately? that would explain everything

>> No.25491330

stop shitting up the thread you fucking retard niggers. thanks and fuck you.

>> No.25491334

is it nobuhime?

>> No.25491337

>literally actually just Nobuhime
What the fuck, not even trying to hide it

>> No.25491345

Always has been. JOKE ITS ACTUALLY PEKORA 2.0

>> No.25491358

Is it actually her?

>> No.25491360

Isn't it obvious from her voice?

>> No.25491376 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>25491448

>what a bunch of autistic sperging
How ironic can one person get?

>> No.25491383
Quoted by: >>25491474

or is it mega, we can just wait on 5ch to tell us

>> No.25491388
Quoted by: >>25491461

Are you kidding me??? What would you do if someone was repeatedly breaking into your home and using your computer to make posts flaming your colleagues and praising you?? You'd sure as hell call the police!

>> No.25491392

Yeah it's her. She's not even trying to hide it when she started laughing.

>> No.25491427
File: 299 KB, 904x1280, EfexKjHUEAASbct.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25491618

only if the meidos control the shitty containment thread first

>> No.25491438

what's wrong with her mouth?

>> No.25491441
File: 353 KB, 1920x1080, mpv-shot12439.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25491448 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>25491540

how new can you get?

>> No.25491461

Not if that someone is yourself...

>> No.25491462

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ORtGWpn-HAs leona's birthday
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uNWPUyAxOKo nobuhime
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AbvU24dqot8 yua dbd
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZrfMHAAvS68 tomari fall guys
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WYKxX6oM_CM honami puzzle de pon
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tSev39BUuWI kanna
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qzBcxJWdynI dwu
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UUFCMVx92q0 bell bunny man
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HBImOS2md_w wat uge apex
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7tRnL8Q8IkE uge pov
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s892tjJnG_Q hadou

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sz9HQ5DqtvY ponpoko

>> No.25491474


>> No.25491514

uh oh that's the bad word, you shouldn't say that

>> No.25491540 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>25491581


>> No.25491552
File: 496 KB, 1920x1080, mpv-shot12440.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25491581 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>25491634

cool crossboarder meme

>> No.25491618
Quoted by: >>25491737

Wait, you mean this isn't the containment thread?

>> No.25491624


>> No.25491634 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>25491678

What is a crossboarder to you? Or you take pride in being a containmentfag?

>> No.25491635

Nobuhime >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hero

>> No.25491646
Quoted by: >>25491716


>> No.25491666

A very rare case where the link dumper doesn't trip a filter.

>> No.25491678 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>25491779

look in the mirror and you'll see

>> No.25491689
Quoted by: >>25491944

So, did "ec" actually post on 5ch with her IP visible? Or was it supposedly decoded from the ID?

>> No.25491716

The boyfriend stalker second season starts now

>> No.25491725

There's no market for English vtubers but there is for bilingual vtubers.

>> No.25491737

holofags yet again declaring that they just come here to shitpost, as if they do anything else in their own thread

>> No.25491742
File: 343 KB, 1818x895, OP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25492033

Mito is too OP

>> No.25491779 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>25491866

Nice explanation, shitposter kun.
Don't forget to post
>cool crossboarder meme
to get your point across better.

>> No.25491786 [DELETED] 

Better than your quality "I'm a fucking retard who only uses one thread on the entire 4chan and so should you" posts.
Seriously kill yourself, or at least stop posting.

>> No.25491811
File: 83 KB, 607x640, as many as 400 tens.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I went into the containment thread to see if the clown really was Nobuhime since both nobody was really talking about it here and I wasn't really sure from the 20 seconds I heard until she started screaming less than a minute later, and I now understand distinctly why people aren't talking about her or anything really related here. It's all "buy buy buy sell sell sell", people doing the say one thing and repeat it in on and off greentext thing, a bunch of oh no no no stuff, just general fucking garbage that made me realize anons really weren't fucking kidding.

Well, whatever, I'm just happy she's back and knowing her the retards she'll be catering to are like her, I.E. not them.

>> No.25491866 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>25492129

you are a crossboarder though
quotation marks technically aren't for paraphrasing either, now you can go back to your shithole buddy

>> No.25491869 [DELETED] 

It's not about using just one thread or board, it's about minding where you are.

>> No.25491886

Not your blog, also go back there.

>> No.25491905

The last paragraph would've sufficed. You don't add anything by bringing that shit here.

>> No.25491925


>> No.25491944
Quoted by: >>25495940

explained here

>> No.25491955
File: 512 KB, 1920x1080, mpv-shot12442.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25492033

Gibara hitting a home-run to show the flaming team the way of the gomikasu

>> No.25492081 [DELETED] 

what do you expect, these are probably brazilian newfags, they are incapable of understanding etiquette

>> No.25492129 [DELETED] 

Yes, i do spend my time on multiple boards. That's why you telling me to "go back" sends me here.

But it was, until some faggot got mad that about /pol/ despite not even knowing the original context. He didn't blame /v/ as the origin or /hlg/ that have been using that meme in that particular context for a while now (yes, the context is a freaking senator armstrong quote), he went straight for the irrelevant jackpot and called anyone who pointed out it's not /pol/ or crossies.

>> No.25492208

Yeah stay here with totally sane people that talk about vtuber properly and not doing consolewar shit at all. You're more suitable in here

>> No.25492219 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>25492565

well make sure you don't spend time here anymore crossboarder trash

>> No.25492245
File: 568 KB, 1920x1080, mpv-shot12443.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25492336

Her mam

>> No.25492266 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>25492565

and of course it's some holoshit newfag, of course the retards who can't behave always come from there

>> No.25492297
Quoted by: >>25492337

Is the other thread living rent free in your head? Literally nobody cares about them but you start bringing up what they do in here and start shitting up the thread. Seriously, you should just stay there if you're that obsessed with them.

>> No.25492310 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>25492337

Just stop, please.

>> No.25492321
File: 481 KB, 1920x1080, mpv-shot12444.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25492336

better report for soft core porn

>> No.25492337
Quoted by: >>25492399

cool crossboarder meme
and he should fuck off from this thread

>> No.25492350


>> No.25492374
File: 246 KB, 1645x896, Shishi....jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shiishii bullying is the best

>> No.25492390
File: 462 KB, 1920x1080, mpv-shot12445.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25492399
Quoted by: >>25492449

Hey, tourist, just fuck off already. It's obvious that this isn't your board.

>> No.25492408
Quoted by: >>25492482

Trash design compare to Nobuhime.

>> No.25492449

you first crossboarder

>> No.25492482

It could be good if it wasn't so crowded

>> No.25492495

I don't know who nobuhime is but her voice ceiling is too loud. hard pass. looks like botan is the only one worth anything in this batch.

>> No.25492561

>I don't know who nobuhime is
Thanks for lettings us know, newfag.

>> No.25492565 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>25492647

Who can't behave? The retard that called everything he doesn't like /pol/?

Sorry, bro. You'll have to live with me here.

>> No.25492611

Why is it that the post vaguely insulting /hlg/ suddenly gets a slew of replies telling anon to fuck off?

>> No.25492615

Thanks for visiting, can you return to /hlg/ now?

>> No.25492642

wrong thread

>> No.25492647 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>25492915

I only called /pol/shit /pol/, which it is, you're the one who went on a raging fit, misquoting, posting more /pol/ shit and whining that you are a crossboarder but people should put up with you anyways
then you'll have to live with me shitting on you every time you post your /pol/ shit here, might as well speed things up and start posting your wojaks now

>> No.25492698

State of /vyt/
>Blue niji debut
"Omg it's her omg", "I love you", "holotard Btfo"
>Clown debut
Absolute silence, "stop shitting up the thread faggot"

>> No.25492701
File: 453 KB, 1920x1080, mpv-shot12446.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25492734

who quote though

>> No.25492752

This is the holo-anti thread, if you actually want to discuss hololive this isn't the one you should be in

>> No.25492793
Quoted by: >>25492966

You're only allowed to like Nijisanji in here. Lurk more.

>> No.25492837
Quoted by: >>25492908

This is really a close match

>> No.25492853
File: 444 KB, 1920x1080, mpv-shot12447.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ASMR, the FANBOX content is back publicly!

>> No.25492870
Quoted by: >>25492966

Nijis welcome
Holos not
As simple as that

>> No.25492908
File: 327 KB, 1733x893, normalday.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25492915 [DELETED] 

I explained to you that it wasn't fucking /pol/ you dumb nigger.
Instead you called me /pol/, said it deosn't matter if it's not /pol/, and even if it's /v/ that i am still /pol/ becasue you personally don't like me.
>but people should put up with you anyways
Something something being a pedantic faggot saying how others misquote him while misinterpreting shit himself. Kiss yourself.
>still thinks i'm /pol/
Do that twice.

>> No.25492932
File: 497 KB, 1920x1080, mpv-shot12448.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She has a dream

>> No.25492950

Why is this thread so garbage?

>> No.25492966
Quoted by: >>25493085

Excuse my newfag, but why? I know /hlg/ can be bad but that shouldn't mean the girls should get hate as well right
Unless there's another reason I'm unaware of

>> No.25492987

Look I like Nobuhime, but I hate Hololive. I can always just disassociate the clown and Nobuhime.

>> No.25492986

You can tell who are still using this thread since normal function brain people already left this thread

>> No.25492995 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>25493147

Hey janny, when you wipe this guys post can you do us all a favor and wipe everything he's posted in the past hour too? I wanna see if he was actually samefagging super hard and causing a stir. Guys like this need to be shamed for the betterment of the thread afterall..

>> No.25493019 [DELETED] 

I mean, you can't really pretend that you're not /pol/ after using that word buddy, this entire post must be satire desu

>> No.25493064

Start from >>25489191

>> No.25493066 [DELETED] 

Nijisperg wouldn't shut up about his holoboogeyman. Just report and ignore.

>> No.25493085

>I know /hlg/ can be bad but that shouldn't mean the girls should get hate as well right
The girls don't get hate like how Narukami gets it. It's the Barneyfaglite's that do. FFor the most part anyways, Cover's still a shit company.

>> No.25493111 [DELETED] 

Because of spergs like this >>25491811

>> No.25493122
File: 526 KB, 1920x1080, mpv-shot12449.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daifuku abusing her luck again

>> No.25493147 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>25493262

>I wanna see if he was actually samefagging super hard and causing a stir.
1. They are
2. Wipes just encourage them to grab a new IP for every post to avoid that

>> No.25493200
File: 379 KB, 1920x1080, mpv-shot12450.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25493220

Fucking kuso daifuku is luckshitting again

>> No.25493246
Quoted by: >>25493310

Did Polka get 100k peak?

>> No.25493262 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>25493331

>Wipes just encourage them to grab a new IP for every post to avoid that
Isn't that strictly a good thing? It makes it obvious to everyone, and if they're that dedicated to shitposting then its not like mods could do anything to begin with in the first place.

>> No.25493310

Views? She can't because her stream is shadowbanned

>> No.25493331 [DELETED] 

>It makes it obvious to everyone
Apparently it hasn't

>> No.25493384
File: 488 KB, 1920x1080, mpv-shot12451.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25493454
Quoted by: >>25493645

Why isn't kuku more popular?

>> No.25493458
File: 328 KB, 1599x897, Shishi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking shitty daifuku win again

>> No.25493512
File: 556 KB, 1920x1080, mpv-shot12452.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25493542

191k people watching people watching CPUs play virtual baseball.

>> No.25493621

real baseball players on tv are also a kind of cpu

>> No.25493638
File: 446 KB, 1920x1080, mpv-shot12453.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25493645

Because she doesn't have a popular brand behind her.

>> No.25493685
File: 263 KB, 1297x830, t34yger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25493824

191k...how could this happen to us holobros?

>> No.25493689

Japanese love rng, why do you think gacha and pachinko make so much money?

>> No.25493699
Quoted by: >>25493908


>> No.25493704

Bots for one and All for bots!

>> No.25493726

all sports are is weighted random number generators that we attach narratives to anyway

>> No.25493740
Quoted by: >>25493831

>I'm Omaru Polka...
>I'm Omaru Polka...
>I'm Omaru Polka...

She's not even hiding it.

>> No.25493748

It's really her? Then where did the leak come from? Employee?

>> No.25493767


>> No.25493784

I laugh every time I realize that Sio will just get away with it. Again! She's such a genius.

>> No.25493805

Ultimate showdown soon

>> No.25493811

Found one of them by the artstyle and found the rest by seeing who they recently followed

>> No.25493824

But it happened to Nijisanji? Just do Holo ARK baseball for the Holos!

>> No.25493830

>leak come from? Employee?
her own gen coworker following their previous lives on twitter

>> No.25493831

I honestly keep expecting Hero to slip up and Nobu has had way less time to adjust, probably a matter of time.

>> No.25493841

Is the chat replay fucked on youtube lately for anyone else? When you skip to a time the chat starts scrolling from 0:00 instead of skipping to that time.

>> No.25493908

Those are lots of subscribers.

>> No.25493948
File: 403 KB, 1920x1080, mpv-shot12454.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25493960

Why do people suddenly care about Nobuhime? Barely anyone gave a fuck when she retired and in the year before that.

>> No.25493979

All I'm hoping from both the new nijis and holos are new lewds.

>> No.25493988

How many times does it happen for you guys not to realize that pre-debut leaks of the reincarnation type are just to drum up hype?

>> No.25493995

From Cover, it's strategy marketing to attract their old fans and hyping them up

>> No.25494000
File: 535 KB, 1920x1080, mpv-shot12455.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25494039
Quoted by: >>25494719

Oh yes, Oda "I'm not going to revive" Nobuhime

>> No.25494057

Stop shitposting and watch my wife now

>> No.25494075

People have had that problem, yeah. Today though I've had chats from different streams start to carry-over/overlap when switching between them. First time I've noticed that.

>> No.25494092

How else are you going to get good boy points with anons here? Metaposting?

>> No.25494110

No one cares, I bet those who haven't known her before on the other thread didn't even bother look at her archived twitter and youtube, they want the Hololive in front of her name to bother with it

>> No.25494143

click hide chat and open it again, this sometimes doesnt work with really long streams though (still had problems with a 9 hour stream)

>> No.25494144

Nene is a (unintentional) doxfag.

>> No.25494171

funny how the root of the problem is left untouched again

>> No.25494188

I didnt really care about her but if she has good synergy with the other 5th gens Im willing to give her a chance

>> No.25494287

You guys are just mad at Nobuhime because she's now more popular than your favorite vtubers.

>> No.25494307

Who the fuck even want to join Hololive?

>> No.25494323

Time to decide who the King is

>> No.25494331

Who will be reincarnated next?

>> No.25494355

Unbelievably, both her and Ichika didn't make the cut for the dumbest.

>> No.25494363

People that want 100k subscribers day one.

>> No.25494380

Anyone who wants to be successful i guess.

>> No.25494400


>> No.25494418
Quoted by: >>25505622

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HOhx5VNNXgI sryr

>> No.25494424

I don't think an instant YouTube Silver Play button and guaranteed 4 figure live viewers is a bad deal for a starting streamer.

>> No.25494427

Lamy has 170k after 4 days

>> No.25494440
Quoted by: >>25494499


>> No.25494468
File: 115 KB, 1001x226, 837129672.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25494499
Quoted by: >>25495284

It'd be funny if Sio reincarnated as a Holo.

>> No.25494565

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wMJ2vE9pGto laeria and ayami
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7NfnQu_qvvw hoshino mea
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VNNiXCDlH1g meika and his brother
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pxnciM6fKyE hiina
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l8racLaARzU mayuzumi anniversary
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0sGXkyDh5Xo mishiro
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HOhx5VNNXgI sryr
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oLbmRZ1-jbU magrona apex
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=putmM5hhLx8 akane fall guys
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vZXX-B-qX44 goat fall guys
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7DpUERQo8Q4 ange belmond blair witch
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=809wiuXtFKY coco fall guys
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=paCzf1uZEqc okayu pekora clubhouse games
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=moOUJYAlPqE pakael apex
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=whRqQZZQOOM akirose watame clubhouse games

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pXsrPEkk_Ec tojiro
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=APeOKJwGTYo leona

>> No.25494569
Quoted by: >>25494719

It's weird given how risk-reward works in cover, with all their legal mess but still having a high enough popularity to warrant interest for new memebers.

>> No.25494579
Quoted by: >>25494669

lets hope the algorithm doesnt suspect anything bad with their sudden growth

>> No.25494584

I would join them even if I have to become a babiniku. Too bad I'm not Japanese.

>> No.25494602
Quoted by: >>25495050

Braindead fanbase that will watch and give you money no matter what.

>> No.25494645


Anyone who wants to retire before the age of 40.

>> No.25494669

Basado el bandido.
How is that Lamy got so much post reveal despite being lackluster? You'd expect her to be like the other 3.

It's no doubt mostly old holo regulars doing the bandwagon stuff and joining in for the sake of the companies growth. The numbers past 200k is what you should pay more attention to, given how slow some previous gens had it.

>> No.25494678
Quoted by: >>25494735

Free 100k EOP subscribers

>> No.25494719

Thanks to all the leaks it was pinpointed that most of members has already joined in March (other than Nobumega who could have been really going to stop vtubbing >>25494039 but then YAGOO came in and slapped her with a huge wad of cash)

>> No.25494735

considering how inconsistent they are with even high sub talent like FBK and matsuri...

I think only Gen3 is the only one who can consistently be at top for at least actually having a theme as an idol unit

>> No.25494768

Look at all those dead EOP subs

>> No.25494775

First debut and no shadowban

>> No.25494798

i'm actually quite happy for ereko, i used to watch her main channel 2 years ago where she was averaging less than 50 viewers. hope she makes it far

>> No.25494799

If you're a girl who wants to become a Vtuber, where would you apply for at first?

>> No.25494842

To the company where I can flirt with men

>> No.25494868

100k is pretty much the only landmark that matters. Streaming chuubas are still too niche to get to 1M as of now.

>> No.25494890

To the company where I can be harassed.

>> No.25494927
Quoted by: >>25495318

To the company where if I'm not in the top 10% I get dumped by management and told to solve my own problems.

>> No.25495050

Why nijifags are always calling the fans of the other companies "braindead" and other shit? They did the same to Idolbu but that didn't stop them from burning and crashing

>> No.25495102

People who believe in the future of vtubers. That is, soulless cashgrabbing from idolbuta otaku.

>> No.25495130
File: 151 KB, 1342x749, 6752440565.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25495469

Off to a good start, Izumi.

>> No.25495138
File: 206 KB, 1280x720, 1597583971860.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25495469

>> No.25495191
Quoted by: >>25495261

hina picking fights with idolfags

>> No.25495208
File: 283 KB, 1280x720, mpv-shot12456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25495550

>> No.25495261

Best producer on the market

>> No.25495284
Quoted by: >>25495323

Her character could be a two-faced, gossiping harlot

>> No.25495318


>> No.25495323

she should fit right in hololive then

>> No.25495364

We can ask Polka how the management compares in a few months. But given the antics of the other girls she probably feels free as hell

>> No.25495406

it might be the complete opposite then what she had

atleast there isnt much to get in her way

>> No.25495419
File: 46 KB, 536x847, 2020-08-01 165624.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go back

>> No.25495422

At this point there really shouldn't be any doubt about what cover is: all heart and no fucking head

>> No.25495469

Big brain is a girl's most attractive body part

>> No.25495537

Apparently watching nijisanji and shittalking hololive is make you good fanbase. Look at how insecure they are >>25495419

People can watch both you know?

>> No.25495549

that thread really is a reddit extension

>> No.25495550

cute rat. too bad though

>> No.25495577

I see the holonpc is raging again

>> No.25495599

I too love reddit reviews.

>> No.25495609

For the Holo newfriends they will only know Polka as that girl who had a sad graduation with los of translated clips of said graduation in different languages. They can now pat themselves in the back and say Hololive did good saving her or something.

>> No.25495638

https://twitter.com/ui_shig/status/1294978935906693122 This whore actually skipped Hololive newbie debut who's also Norio's best friend to watch Nijisanji huh. I hope Norio and Hololive boycott her.

>> No.25495648
Quoted by: >>25495721

Isn't npc a /pol/ meme

>> No.25495651
Quoted by: >>25495702

I would say both niji thread and holo thread are similar, just holo thread is a lot more green. Its just a meme to hate hololive at this point

>> No.25495661
Quoted by: >>25495682

This make me love her even more

>> No.25495682

Can you fucking learn English already?

>> No.25495702

no, they're not. you can actually have discussion in the niji thread

>> No.25495704

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MM2B6qLG6NY beat mario singing
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yb_-aP_GhHI ribon ghost train
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YgsZvbu6MVc chronoir
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I6CAFuEidnI ars
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pz1rP7eP43Q hajime training
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3WI0Dg0sWYg kyoukocraft

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_GlqT6O0UVo hololive skit

>> No.25495718

Because you just want your positive fix to escape reality while ignoring all their looming problems dirtying everything around them.

>> No.25495721

A /v/ meme actually.

>> No.25495730
Quoted by: >>25495761

Got more word than /pol/ shit spergkun?

>> No.25495758

Please listen to Mia's song.


>> No.25495761
Quoted by: >>25495814

what language is this supposed to be?

>> No.25495789
File: 211 KB, 1342x752, 0383873304.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rene! is not as dumb as the others in english.

>> No.25495814
Quoted by: >>25495842

Oh it's fucking lowercase SEAtard again. I'm done

>> No.25495818

Everyone apologize

>> No.25495824

and they said rene was the dumb one

>> No.25495829

She looks appropriately smug.

>> No.25495842
Quoted by: >>25495889

you're the one posting incoherent broken english though

>> No.25495845


>> No.25495863
File: 108 KB, 1207x369, COPEx191449.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please up your game.

>> No.25495889
Quoted by: >>25495923

Attack broken english first. Classic insecure SEAspergtard

>> No.25495909
Quoted by: >>25496071

Big number nijisanji good
Small number hololive bad

>> No.25495923
Quoted by: >>25495967

are you having a stroke?

>> No.25495940

I don't get it. This video doesn't even mention the IP addresses from Note, it just tries to prove that two posters on 5ch have the same IP (and are Tama), which doesn't mean shit because they could be behind ISP's NAT and share the external address
I don't really understand Japanese so I might be missing something

>> No.25495954


>This whore
Norio is a literal prostitute

>> No.25495958

Met has no idea who this guy is.

>> No.25495967
Quoted by: >>25496003

Change your keyboard, you shift key is broken

>> No.25495983

Honestly, without your bias with/against Hololive, who here is happy for Nobuhime's comeback?

>> No.25495986

Hololive isn't low enough to use bots to fight bots. By the way, Nijisanji members must get a lot of subscribers from this hugely successful stream.

>> No.25496003

nah it's good, you should take another language course though

>> No.25496007

>watching her husband's baseball team
I don't see the problem

>> No.25496018

why do tribal retards care so much about numbers?

>> No.25496033
Quoted by: >>25496291

Ui has always been a Nijisanji fan. She didn't even make any art for Hololive aside from Subaru when they weren't as famous as they are now.

>> No.25496043

It's because they're retarded.

>> No.25496070

Do Hololfans really think that it's a fine way for a vtuber to behave like these days? Showing off your model to a limited group of fans 2.5 months before a debut and not even trying to change this kind of thumbnail?

>> No.25496071

None of those are small numbers though, if you'd have suggested any of the streams on that page would have gotten that amount 3 months ago you'd probably get laughed at.

>> No.25496092

I dunno, I always liked her more as mega and she seemed to be trying too hard as Nobuhime.

It's just /v/ermin garbage.

>> No.25496113
Quoted by: >>25496162


>> No.25496157
File: 476 KB, 1920x1080, mpv-shot12457.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25496362

>> No.25496162

Then you don't need to be offended about being called braindead. Because it's clearly not a norm anywhere outside Hololive.

>> No.25496164

You can't talk positively about hololive in here without sperging so
No holofag is retarded

>> No.25496193

Nijifags started it then the new holofags adopted it

>> No.25496209
File: 470 KB, 1920x1080, mpv-shot12458.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25496299

Remember : no porn

>> No.25496216

Why are there so many autistic ESLs in this thread?

>> No.25496221

>the new holofags
The absolute state

>> No.25496248

I only watched a few Nobu vids so I wasn't really that excited, but her Polka debut was really entertaining so I'm happy

>> No.25496252

Nobuhime, for me, was a symbol of vtuber history. With her now in Hololive it now only feels like she's a small part of a group that has their own success and leeching off of them. I would've been more happy if she went independent or at least joined a smaller company but hey, if I'm Nobuhime I'd also just go to Hololive/Nijisanji cause of money.

>> No.25496271

Nobuhime is dead. I dont want this bastardization of her who has to adjust for the Hololive ecosystem

>> No.25496274

Probably 5ch anti thread tourists trying to shift this thread's opinion of whichever group they support.

>> No.25496281
Quoted by: >>25496405

Want to guess how I know that you're a newfag?

>> No.25496291

Is that so? Now I feel bad for Subaru. Mio is dead and her mama is an enemy. Fucking hell.

>> No.25496298

You weren't here when the Koronefag along with the A fags started sperging about numbers?

>> No.25496299

Look at those HARAM shoulders!

>> No.25496315

This round of BakaOu is just going to end with everyone getting zero points, isn't it?

>> No.25496325

Brazilians flooded this fad erecently

>> No.25496332

Do you really think that watching a niji stream makes you a hololive enemy? Holy fuck

>> No.25496348
Quoted by: >>25496984

It was not really bad until Nijifags started using hiyoko screenshots

>> No.25496357

He clearly wasn't, he's only been here for less than a month

>> No.25496362

Who's this? Hololive ID? Damn good design.

>> No.25496379

You really need to break out of that victim complex

>> No.25496387
Quoted by: >>25496984

Holy shit why are you trying to lie when you're so clearly a newfag

>> No.25496394
Quoted by: >>25496514

If that's what you think, then Subaru is also Hololive enemy.
She and Ui appear to congratulate Maimoto 3D.

>> No.25496403

Anyone care to remind me why Hitomi Chris was sacked again? Definitely not because of any leakage, right?

>> No.25496405
File: 182 KB, 1171x689, 520152015210.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember how Mito was going to kill and devour the kings? Me neither

>> No.25496421
Quoted by: >>25496490

Wow Anons easily fall for (You) baits now...

>> No.25496442

Remember how the aifags started the whole numersfagging to bitch at nijisanji just like how you're doing now?

>> No.25496445
File: 1.32 MB, 1300x1480, 1596057621435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25496446

Someone's stuff was leaking out of her, alright.

>> No.25496456

At least you're being honest now about that chip on your shoulder

>> No.25496470
Quoted by: >>25496498

>kill and devour
He just read some YouTube/Reddit comment that mentioned Hajime's fuck up.

>> No.25496490


>> No.25496498
Quoted by: >>25496571

Was it really a fuck up if he was right though?

>> No.25496514

>If that's what you think, then Subaru is also Hololive enemy.
No she's not. Pretty sure they dragged her there. I can confirm that Subaru actually watched Polka's debut instead of baseball.

>> No.25496527

I have been only following nobu for 6 month before she graduate. She rarely post but by the time I am starting to find her charming, she is gone.

>> No.25496535

Nice absolute dumpster fire of a thread you guys have going today, keep it up

>> No.25496539

You mean Cover staff.

>> No.25496571
Quoted by: >>25496619

I would've thought Luna would start getting more subscribers after she came back, but I see it's still going slowly.
Also Mito is going to get kicked out of the top 10. This guy>>25496498 goes to some Olympic tier mental gymnastics to think he's right and even then he's wrong.
I never really understood why he hates Siro so much though.

>> No.25496580

>Remember how the aifags started the whole numersfagging
What the actual fuck are you talking about? There's like three Aifags itt, best of morning anon and the two others that respond to his post. Why you picking on the Kizuners?

>> No.25496611

Subaru hates Maimoto confirmed

>> No.25496614

Just giving you a hint since Aloe's case is the same breach of a contract so you won't need to act surprised if she gets hers suddenly terminated.

>> No.25496619

Watch out aifag, hololive will devour your eop audience
Very shit try aifag, you can only fool the holonewfags, everyone else still remembers how cancer you are

>> No.25496629

Not like its any different from last thread or the thread before that

>> No.25496652

I hat Polka's face.

>> No.25496678

Don't try to reason with him, he somehow convinced himself that the people that have been bullying him are fans of AI.
Though maybe he's not wrong, she has many fans. I don't see how it's related though.

>> No.25496701

Holy shit loserbait, you're still here, what a pathetic sack of shit

>> No.25496703
Quoted by: >>25496750

The hololive thread is too shitty (which is actually amazing) for them, so they come here and shit up this one

>> No.25496750

Nobody sane enough to post here anon. It just us now

>> No.25496794

>she has many fans
She has the most fans out of all chubas if we go by subscribers

>> No.25496820
File: 1.11 MB, 1123x1296, 1590186853211.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks grandpa, I'm considering coming here instead from now on.

>> No.25496825

While I'm happy she's back, I liked her because of her Haruto shitposts so I hope she can at least recreate some of that feeling with someone else

>> No.25496875
Quoted by: >>25496912

Been like this all week, I wonder why. And yes, this is even worse than before, even though I doubted that was even possible.

>> No.25496879
Quoted by: >>25496995

I just wanted to discuss cute chuubas...

>> No.25496912

There were lots of big events this week, we'll probably go back to the usual level of shit soon.

>> No.25496913

>Just keep in mind that even if you don't like Nijisanji the moment you criticize Hololive you'll be branded as anti and nijifag (which is basically the same thing in Hololbrainlets' minds since Nijisanji is responsible for all Hololive's fuckups).
Wanted to link my previous post but hilariously it was removed while Holofag's parody >>25464865 stayed. Guess it shows how they always feel like they're being unreasonably attacked from everywhere.

>> No.25496974

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UJPxetn5-zo rion fall guys
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CHMP0VC-0Es chima singing
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=alihBdytnUY noracat fall guys
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pE0xEJsdM6U sukoya fall guys
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WxVYUJm68ic saku fall guys
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IxaSkrTJtiE ayame apex
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gf6F8xbKESM levi
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ofdC8Xggxhk hoshikawa detroit
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xY6-u4e0Gy0 mikoto apex
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xVJfDcc2OCo flare super metroid
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D6cEgxVnv4U natori clubhouse games
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PbpcvuXJcto traplover rushia mea
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9xsyyTXaTDA chigusa
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l9Dr9wy7qW4 itou life
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ydl2qu1Okj8 tojiro 60k
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ezMtFkAI90U matsuri fall guys
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bPAWuzUvx-0 kanna fall guys
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fJSWkRoodyg claire

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U3HkBRJtWtw gibara fall guys

>> No.25496984

Was meant for >>25496348

>> No.25496995
File: 2.78 MB, 1050x1080, 1585900203207.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25497184

I do too.

>> No.25497154
File: 296 KB, 1280x720, mpv-shot12459.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25497640

>> No.25497184

Acting like a bootleg Mea, almost certainly cuter than the real one though.

>> No.25497188

Thanks for link me to the most based post of that thread >>25462920

>> No.25497213
Quoted by: >>25497436

Maybe you were the shitposter all along

>> No.25497218

Numbers are not in japanese, it's the only thing EOPs can talk about.

>> No.25497228
File: 130 KB, 1280x720, mpv-shot12460.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25497321
Quoted by: >>25497347

I like it, although it probably it had been better without that thing in her thigh

>> No.25497347

She designed it herself apparently

>> No.25497436
Quoted by: >>25499355

Maybe you were insecure all along.

>> No.25497485
Quoted by: >>25497626

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DHUth62q9mc asmrin 事後

>> No.25497503

Where's paranja?

>> No.25497626

Is she playing on a legit ds or an emulator?

>> No.25497627

beatmario is actually fucking good
this bangs

>> No.25497640

nice, yagoo got a new outfit

>> No.25497646
File: 17 KB, 225x225, 1597584206567.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25497752


What now?

>> No.25497760
File: 241 KB, 601x681, 1294954852003360769.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25500273


>> No.25497770

That's tame compared to their hololive threads

>> No.25497809
Quoted by: >>25498051

She's coming back already?

>> No.25497817

190k locust viewers vs 100k stable fanbase. I wonder which one is better for sponsor deals. Or maybe those suits are just dumbasses who think like "unga bunga bigger better".

>> No.25497868 [DELETED] 


>> No.25497912

ya know its kinda funny how eop hololive fans pretend they're in "the vtuber hole" when all they do is watch clips all dug up to be easily digested

>> No.25497923
Quoted by: >>25497960

Give it a few days and Hololive will be back on top dominating the top average viewers.

>> No.25497948
Quoted by: >>25498014

Even if you're just shitposting, you're actually right. These big events that have little relation to Vtubers never leave an impact.

>> No.25497956

So we enter the .LIVE apologize arc?

>> No.25497960
Quoted by: >>25498086

It’s funny because I’m finding comments and tweets about jp fans leaving because the EOPS take up too much of the chat

>> No.25497975

I'm glad you found a way to feel superior to them

>> No.25497980

What's the point of doing sponsored deals for EOPs?

>> No.25497999

quick rundown

>> No.25498014
Quoted by: >>25498082

What left an impact? Coco's 3D stream where she fell out of relevance a week later and now has to suck up to reddit pewdiepie fans to try and stay relevant?

>> No.25498051
Quoted by: >>25498165

She's streaming Fall Guys tomorrow in an undisclosed location.

>> No.25498052
File: 18 KB, 137x211, trashcan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25498135


>> No.25498082
Quoted by: >>25498143

I don't know if you're pretending, but it was beneficial for Coco's growth and the following 3D reveals from Hololive gained much more traction.

>> No.25498086
Quoted by: >>25498168

It doesn't stop them from having the highest views and most superchat donations. Who cares if it's EOPs when they are making bank?

>> No.25498098
File: 61 KB, 560x163, mpv-shot0041.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was watching the archive of Norio's stream and spotted a fellow /vyt/ poster

>> No.25498135
Quoted by: >>25498347

I wonder how that bed will look a few months from now

>> No.25498143

>it was beneficial
Sounds pretty vague, and I guess it wasn't beneficial enough for her not to rely on making reviews about wojak memes.

>> No.25498165
Quoted by: >>25498235

>undisclosed location.
Ah, yes, forgot that she needs to leave the hacked shitposter house.

>> No.25498168
Quoted by: >>25498307


>> No.25498183

>feminism sucks
And /pol/ too

>> No.25498222

Cover has had far too many scandals and I'm pretty sure that most of Japan views "idols" as glorified prostitutes.
Japanese businessmen are too paranoid to sponsor anyone who doesn't at least look sterile.

>> No.25498226 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>25498268

here's your thread holotranny >>25497097

>> No.25498235
Quoted by: >>25498360

Probably the police took her work PC for investigation. That's if she really took this matter to the law enforcement.

>> No.25498249

what you're doing is literally unga bungaposting too though

>> No.25498261
Quoted by: >>25500543

The most incel poster in this thread probably.

>> No.25498268


And this is yours >>>/pol/

>> No.25498307

It's funny to me how you faggots dismiss the views that EOPs give, but have no problem counting the normalfags that only watch because of baseball and aren't going to stick around.

>> No.25498347

In pristine condition because she sleeps in the bin with her people.

>> No.25498360

No, see, what she'll do is she'll stream from a new location, confirm she's using a new IP (somehow), all while her manager shitposts as ec from the old place. And then she'll go all smug and all "see, I'm in this new place but my old IP is still hacked and being used for slander!!!1!!!1! I'm innocent, is hackerman!!!1!!1!!!"
You can't tell me this isn't the type of dodgy shit she'd pull. Screencap this post.

>> No.25498373
Quoted by: >>25498457

EOPs won't stick around for long either, they quickly get bored and move on to the next fad. They are normalfags, just not even Japanese.

>> No.25498391
File: 306 KB, 817x800, EfjJCpUU0Acf8eT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25498410

Japanese normalfags can buy stuff, you get no penny from EOPs

>> No.25498417

https://youtu.be/X_P1S4VnaOI that one cute dark-skinned asmradiotuber practicing guitar and singing

>> No.25498419
File: 60 KB, 768x768, EfjHJtjUwAIZd6Z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25498460

>> No.25498424
Quoted by: >>25498595

you fucking idiot, she lurks this thread and now she'll steal your idea. good job

>> No.25498446


Isn't this straight up bullying? Are nips this fucked up?

>> No.25498457
Quoted by: >>25498501

>EOPs won't stick around for long either, they quickly get bored and move on to the next fad.
How many months has it been since you've started saying this at this point? Eight? Nine? Ten?

>> No.25498456
File: 690 KB, 744x1052, Efi00B-UYAAAeza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25498460

Sexualizing Sharu doesn't feel right.

>> No.25498474

Not really. booth has partnership with middleman service and people also buy from geekjack and stuff all the time.

>> No.25498486

fuck numbernigs.

>> No.25498491
File: 1.27 MB, 884x977, 1576996517315.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25498524

Patra really needs some anti-aliasing

>> No.25498501

One maybe two? But you can put your eggs in the EOP basket, that's what kizuner did before she came back crawling to the Japanese fans begging for relevance, after years of being discarded.

>> No.25498524

low res patra!

>> No.25498553

>you can put your eggs in the EOP basket, that's what kizuner did before she came back crawling to the Japanese fans begging for relevance

This is funny because it's happening with Fubuki and Mel right now.

>> No.25498555
Quoted by: >>25498589

If they're going to buy something, it's going to be the konami game they're shilling, not anything related to vtubers, but keep been delusional that those views matter, just like when Ai-chan was on national TV, right?

>> No.25498569
File: 81 KB, 1000x1000, 1577732191692.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25506378

I really want Sio to be innocent. I'd like to see the state of this thread when she gets absolved.

>> No.25498576

a lot of nips like trump purely on the basis of him being anti-china. they're not really aware of a lot of the domestic issues in the US.

>> No.25498589
Quoted by: >>25498900

Are reddit wojak memes related to vtubers?

>> No.25498595

What makes you think I'm not Sio's husband?

>> No.25498599

Mel never really pandered to EOPs. She was an ASMR slut who got bent by the big youtube purge, never found a new niche, then took an extended break, and still somehow hasn't thought of something interesting to make content out of

>> No.25498627
File: 119 KB, 616x458, 151733975915586859.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25499615


>> No.25498633
Quoted by: >>25501792

Don't forget when she was raped by her manager.

>> No.25498637

That's what we're calling that now?

>> No.25498640


>> No.25498682

What's wrong with watching clips?

>> No.25498714
File: 178 KB, 1235x1756, Efh-Vs5U4AE69mv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25498735
Quoted by: >>25498895

you get a very only a window of a whole picture

it creates misunderstandings

>> No.25498744

You missed
>all they do
Nothing wrong with watching clips

>> No.25498745
Quoted by: >>25498898

I'm talking about what happened the other day, some of her gachikoi in Twitter were commenting they felt discarded because of her recent overseas focus and she spent several hours talking to them, and retwiting stuff

>> No.25498762
File: 410 KB, 2048x1169, Efeu7FWVoAEUyym.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25498828

Watching several clips of some vtuber and thinking that you know her know is the same as watching several AMVs from some anime and thinking that you was able to understand it's plot based on that.

>> No.25498830
File: 2.42 MB, 4096x4096, Efi48UeUEAANWX-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25498870
File: 338 KB, 1098x2048, Efi4thoUMAM_TwW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25498895

It's time-saving and way more efficient though. Plus it's easier to find and catalog exciting moments than with using the entire stream. Even Japs watch 切り抜き clips all the time.

>> No.25498898
Quoted by: >>25498971

So you're talking about Aki's overly long 200k stream superchat reading that she's not able to even read it all in one seating? Unless you're talking about something else/more recent.

>> No.25498900

I don't think there is a single Hololive fan here that likes Coco.

>> No.25498932

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RcSCyavUjMw pandy apex
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TAwsar_T54M chronoir league
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mqbO-uC3mEM loli kaza moira utako
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mEkXbP_mVrI saku fall guys
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IdfMNFdMtP8 rion fall guys
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NMncbvShN2A shiba ff14
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xjQmC9s2Dwc hisui hamtaro
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gwv-oHpq3xg suzu
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ai9vrTJji9I patra
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nX4vk354EJA hakase singing
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T48hF62WYP0 haru asmr

>> No.25498961
File: 2.28 MB, 1842x2497, Ee05sbbUwAEnwXi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25498971
Quoted by: >>25498998

He was talking about Mel, not Aki.

>> No.25498998

Yet he described what happened with Aki

>> No.25499003

Not really. Not everyone thinks like that. Most people just think, "oh, this scene is nice, I like it, she's funny" and move on.
Just like when someone watch an AMV or even movie or game clip they'd think, "oh, this scene is nice, I like it", that's it. Maybe that will spark their interest to check out more, maybe it won't. But not a lot of people would think "that you was able to understand it's plot based on that"

>> No.25499011
File: 518 KB, 1000x700, EferkFqU0AEzmy-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25499013

This guy is always fucked up. He's sent his gigantic fanbase to spam Himawari's streams many times before.

>> No.25499041
File: 1.04 MB, 2500x3521, EfiekqpVoAAvgXA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25499054

>maybe it won't
Definitely won't because you need to know Japanese for that.

>> No.25499065
File: 115 KB, 261x181, 1521629153773.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25499260

>that you was able to understand it's plot based on that

>> No.25499076
File: 282 KB, 1501x2048, EfdXHmfU8AogoQo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25499094

>> No.25499094

she will announce retirement when she gets back due to recent pregnancy

>> No.25499106

Yeah this is why you shouldn't have illusions about japanese people, they draw cute girls sometimes but they're generally mentally ill pieces of shit.

>> No.25499118
File: 231 KB, 1018x1513, Efc24G2VAAAA96E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25499131
Quoted by: >>25499260

Nah it is like that. People just watch several clips from debut streams and think that they're familiar with vtuber now.

>> No.25499159
File: 417 KB, 626x885, Efh-gg0UYAETN5h.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25499174
File: 1.01 MB, 1600x2500, de3csbk-470a2894-990b-4b84-9c7d-9ea4760126ef.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25499177
File: 1.81 MB, 2644x4366, 71655486_p17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25499215

>> No.25499192
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>> No.25499213
File: 1.14 MB, 1071x1514, 77482562_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25499215
Quoted by: >>25499273

Thanks, it doesn't look like holopicspam now.

>> No.25499229
File: 160 KB, 1105x1493, 1572239130534.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25499242
File: 1.10 MB, 1005x1421, 78573164_p5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25499246

The real question is why can't fans get along?

>> No.25499260
Quoted by: >>25499467

That's what the quoted poster wrote verbatim.
Not really.

>> No.25499270

What the fuck.

>> No.25499273

He is trying to spam holopic because people started bashing his favorite company

>> No.25499341
Quoted by: >>25499482

you already know the answer to that dont you

>> No.25499343
Quoted by: >>25499482

I don't want foreign languages talking about random things drowning out Japanese viewers who are actually commenting about something to do with the stream. Most of all though I don't want western streaming culture changing vtubers.

>> No.25499349

What triggered sperg-kun now? The shitposting stopped and people discuss vtubers again?

>> No.25499352

Maybe because some fans don't want to acknowledge problems of their company and prefer to blame everything on others?

>> No.25499355

See >>25497436

>> No.25499366

People were flooding the past thread (which is still up) with images too. What's the point of pointing it out now?

>> No.25499370
File: 311 KB, 2048x1451, Efil0GuUEAE06w_.jpg orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25499372

gee I hope big nose doesn’t kill herself because of this

>> No.25499379
Quoted by: >>25499482

The second Coco retires I'll never post anything about Hololive again.

>> No.25499384
Quoted by: >>25499482

Because 4chan has always been a den of autism and tribalism, and if you aren't with my group you are an enemy to it.

>> No.25499410
Quoted by: >>25499441

We’ve been over this. Image dumps AREN’T spam. Janny agrees. Shut up already.

>> No.25499441

Dumping images for no reason whatsoever is /jp/ tradition

>> No.25499460

What a piece of shit.

>> No.25499467
Quoted by: >>25499717

Yes, that's what a quote is. Also, you're wrong. But this is probably because you don't read English YouTube comments, which is a sign of high intelligence.

>> No.25499482

What I'm really confused over is how and why Hololive seems to get more EOP viewers. I see a few english comments in Niji streams but I don't watch super popular ones so maybe it's different. But for any Hololive vtuber it seems that there are more english comments with some not even talking about the stream. Is it all thanks to Coco or is it something else?
Fair point
Also true, but I wouldn't know about other sites since I don't really browse them. But what >>25499343 is kinda annoying though.

>> No.25499497

I know right? Fucking Siofags and their chronic oneitis.

>> No.25499524
Quoted by: >>25499733

Are we talking about Cover? Because as far as I can tell, at least on this site, everyone thinks Cover is an incompetent shitfest carried only by their talents

>> No.25499525

Nijifags were never interested in getting along with other fans, this has always been the case since the 2D vs 3D shit and how they always lash out to validate their inclusion in the thread.

>> No.25499535

Hololive got tons of translated clips. Nijisanji doesn't have as much. The reason for that I have no idea

>> No.25499572

I'm pretty sure it was just dumb luck. A couple of clips went viral on hololive's side, which spawned a huge demand for more clips that ESL translators were more than happy to fill. More clips means more exposure, leading to here

>> No.25499597
Quoted by: >>25499648

Were aifags ever interested in getting along with other fans? Didn't you try to boot out any vtuber other than ai from these threads at first?

>> No.25499609

And this guy had the gall to commission that one art of him surrounded by vtubers? For fucking shame. Turns out I can't trust a single one of those 3D japanese youtubers.

>> No.25499615

don't forget all the money that channel gets from views

>> No.25499627

The azurlane collab brought in their subreddits and they are the definition of ironic weebs who are starved for entertainment, wasn't really hard to target them.

>> No.25499648

Remember the first 2D vs 3D war was just Aifag trying to kick Eilene out of the thread?

>> No.25499673
File: 148 KB, 1240x874, EfhTKo2UwAA-4ET.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


























>> No.25499698

Thanks for linking my post and letting me know you got BTFO.

>> No.25499702
Quoted by: >>25499809

I can only assume you're one of those people who wants to shit on the girls too just for having a different company tag at the end of their name than the one you like. The other thread has been shitting on Cover's management well before news even broke in this thread. What world do you live in?

>> No.25499703

Come on anon don't start this again it's tiresome to scroll
Like what >>25499572 said it might've been luck, but iirc they had a collab with a game that I can't remember, though I'm not sure if that was before or after their random boom in popularity. Maybe it's something about Hololive having more people who have a grasp of the english language?

>> No.25499706

Damn why would he bully that poor girl like that.

>> No.25499717
Quoted by: >>25499820

Thanks for the praise, stupid.

>> No.25499733

The Hololive girls knew about the copyright issues and didn't stop, you're a perfect example of a fan that doesn't want to acknowledge the problems of their company

>> No.25499769

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zmuXfMyM9CQ yomi fall guys

>> No.25499783

Actually I just think the copyright issues in general are absolute bullshit and that the japanese need to fix their copyright law. It's not a matter of who was doing what, it's a matter of "It shouldn't have been a problem at any point for anyone in any company"

>> No.25499804

You're a bad person.

>> No.25499809

I live in the world where I was able to see that those girls are clearly not angels (especially thanks to Aloe's shitfest) and don't need to be separated from their company (because that's exactly what they need from you).

>> No.25499818
File: 893 KB, 803x1148, EfjT1h5U4AAgjpV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25499865

>> No.25499820
File: 203 KB, 1920x1080, 1521369108326.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any time.

>> No.25499819
Quoted by: >>25500219

>though I'm not sure if that was before or after their random boom in popularity
Before. Anons here were also scoffing at how insignificant Azur Lane supposedly was and look where they got Holo to lmao, really shows what anons know.

>> No.25499833

There is a different between criticize and outright shittalking

>> No.25499856

Actually the faggot got karma because it's been revealed that he had some sort of offpako

>> No.25499865
Quoted by: >>25499916

I wish more chuubas would use an eyepatch, it's nice

>> No.25499880

Oh you're one of those "fuck copyrights" kinds of fans. If they're part of a company and stream on Youtube they should try following guidelines that exist for a reason.

>> No.25499911

Another day another win for the false flag anons in /vy/ threads 草

>> No.25499913
File: 4 KB, 292x92, 0222.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25500219

How many fucking time are we going to talk about this.

>> No.25499916

Especially indies with shit Live2D that always messes up one eye.

>> No.25499967

Oh you're one of those corporate bootlickers. If a company releases a product people should be able to use it as they see fit. These billion dollar companies don't need to be squeezing any more money out of people, especially since the costs of licensing and royalties flows down, it doesn't stay at the top. Copyright laws clearly weren't written for the modern era, and need to be fixed

>> No.25499987

Better stop supporting Cover then

>> No.25499988

The reason is simple. Hololive saw a possibility of expanding to the West after the Azur Lane and started enabling non-Japanese fans first by Haato's English only streams and Fubuki's short anime girl noises clips and then by the whole Coco debut and her actions.

>> No.25500007
Quoted by: >>25500043

Fuck copyright amirite guys XDD

>> No.25500043

Wow great response, you really addressed the fact that copyright laws weren't written with the idea of the internet and electronic formats in mind. Don't worry, I'm sure the fact that copyright is slowly strangling creativity due to the oppressiveness and overreach of the system won't cause any issues.

>> No.25500054

I think Hololive is easier to enjoy if you don't understand the language at all too. With almost every member there is a cute voice and character (that will immediately appeal to the typical audience that might be interested in vtubers abroad), who makes funny noises and big reactions. You can get some enjoyment from regardless of having a clue what they are saying.

A lot of other vtubers, if you don't understand Japanese at all then you are left with next to nothing to keep your interest. It doesn't really matter how funny what someone says is if you have no idea what it is.

>> No.25500097

Right, I forgot Idolbu was Otoutobu. What are the chances it was Sio's otouto too?

>> No.25500121

>With almost every member there is a cute voice and character (that will immediately appeal to the typical audience that might be interested in vtubers abroad), who makes funny noises and big reactions.
What a stupid argurment,that applies to pretty much every single chuba out there.

>> No.25500131

What are those reason?

>> No.25500144

I still can't believe there actual people who would unironically defend Japan's draconian copyright laws and archaic, dementia-ridden corporations, on a site that was founded on consumption of illicit material under those laws, on a board that to this day is inundated with content much more severely violating those laws as well. How can you post on /jp/ and be like this?

>> No.25500155
Quoted by: >>25500287

It really doesn't though.

>> No.25500167

Nuh uh, don't you remember the silent vtuber project or the handtuber?

>> No.25500168


>> No.25500199

Saying like true EOP, as expect of hololivefag

>> No.25500210

People will literally defend anything if it targets someone in a different tribe

>> No.25500214
Quoted by: >>25500379

Even within hololive that is true. The most unpopular holo with EOPs is Subaru, which definitely needs some sort of japanese understanding to be enjoyed

>> No.25500219

I see, I don't keep track of stuff too well so it's nice to learn something from here.
I don't use that site, are they claiming that it's officially endorsed by HoloPro or is it just "officially" the place to discuss Hololive on Reddit?
I thought about this too, but Nijisanji and indie tubers also have those that make funny noises and big reactions. I get that it's not the majority of them though. I thought it's more of a loop kinda thing that continuously draws more people in like
>funny noises and big reactions
>people go to the streams
>repeat but it's for the whole production company

>> No.25500244
Quoted by: >>25500295

Nooooo, not the 1.1-billion dollar corporation! Those evil Holofans are killing CAPCOM now too!

>> No.25500265
Quoted by: >>25500460

>Nijisanji and indie tubers also have those
The ones that do tend to be the ones you see more English comments on.

>> No.25500267

Hololive fans are mentally ill

>> No.25500273

Wish I had that guy's wit

>> No.25500287
Quoted by: >>25500540

Cute design, cute voice and reactions. My god, what an unique concept, certainly ONLY HOLOLIVE have this, no other chuba share this same characteristics. You're certainly not a Hololive only fag for thinking this.

>> No.25500294

Because people like you keep giving them their (You)'s

>> No.25500295

That's right, let's threaten all developers because poor girls had to lose their archive because of their games.

>> No.25500306
Quoted by: >>25500436

Now that's fucking rich, I am the Hololivefag? Really, please tell me how this don't apply to Animare, Honeystrap or even VOMS.

>> No.25500308
Quoted by: >>25500364

You know there's actually nothing wrong with the copyright laws, they are functioning as they are intended. There's a more complicated reason to why western streamers have less trouble streaming games.
Initially western videos made about games weren't made for entertainment, they were game reviews. And to review the game they also showed footage of the game. So their argument came from the angle of customer protection, namely that companies shouldn't be able to fool people into buying games with marketing campaigns. And game reviewers were standing up for consumer rights, which made it a lot more difficult for game companies to navigate and try to claim copyrights on the videos, since that would always end up antagonising their customerbase. Also a lot of those youtubers had very big following, big enough to crush the popularity of a non AAA game. So the companies had to find a negotiating ground with them, and they went with the if you can't beat them then hire them approach. So they started giving early copies to video makers streamers, pay them sponsorships and such. This obviously ended up favouring the people who were more positive and upbeat about games, rather than people making really critical and nitpicky reviews. Then these people would generate a lot of buzz and hype before the game even launched, essentially becoming marketing tools for the companies, creating this symbiotic relationship between the two, even if companies were forced by customer protection principles at first. Such a thing never went down on the japanese internet, gaming videos are seen purely as entertainment, and the games are tools for that entertainment. There's no angle of customer protection, so copyright laws works in full effect, if someone tries to monetise their products the companies have a right to claim the benefits of that monetisation.

>> No.25500344

Why have we gone back to the copyright discussion? We've been through this several times now.

>> No.25500364

Okay Tom Scott

>> No.25500369

Because >>25499733 decided he wanted to beat the dead horse one last time.

>> No.25500378

But I'm ESL

>> No.25500379

>which definitely needs some sort of japanese understanding to be enjoyed
now that the duck meme has caught on in the english speaking community there seems to be plenty who get enough enjoyment from typing quack quack in the chat

>> No.25500395

I'm just saying, it's not like japanese copyright have problems, the circumstances and history are just different from western streamers.

>> No.25500397

less than 30% of kizuna ai fanbase was japanese when she started and it move to 60% before she left upd8

>> No.25500406
Quoted by: >>25500460

It's the actual official forum, with a Cover employee as the moderator, as well as several of the vtubers

>> No.25500428
Quoted by: >>25500650

Indies don't have issues with copyright, only corporate chubas backed up by suits do, so I don't give a fuck, both are cancer, and if they get fucked by each other somehow I don't care.

>> No.25500432

Explain to me why Nijisanji didn't have to purge most their archives then? Maybe because they actually have staff that know how system works and negotiated the rights staff beforehand? Why do you try to blame different targets?

>> No.25500436
Quoted by: >>25500602

You really need a high intellect to be able to appreciate the intricacies and sophistication of VOMS.

>> No.25500444
Quoted by: >>25500520

>enjoyment from typing quack quack in the chat
god, I hate the western streaming community

>> No.25500446

There's defending that kind of shit and then there's understanding that it's just how things are and that companies have to adapt and act accordingly.
I'd welcome a change in the laws, but if a company breaks the ones currently in place, they have no one to blame but themselves.

>> No.25500460

Perhaps, but I only regularly watch Hayase, Levi and that OL that plays fightans so maybe I'm out of the mainstream loop.
Sucks to be them then, criticism seems to be heavily cracked down on there and it turns into some sort of hivemind of opinions.

>> No.25500461

It can't be helped, the hololive fanbase is full of retards afterall

>> No.25500477
Quoted by: >>25500518

Easy. Backdoor dealings through SONY connections.

>> No.25500501

When did I blame different targets? Cover is fucking incompetent, and as a company should have handled the copyright issues themselves. The Japanese copyright system is also fucked and needs a drastic overhaul. Both can be true.

>> No.25500505
Quoted by: >>25500661

They are bullshit, but that doesn't mean they can ignore them.

>> No.25500518

Don't you fag know that nijisanji had backing from konami first?

>> No.25500520
Quoted by: >>25500629

She enjoys the quack quack jokes though. What's the problem?

>> No.25500540

Look at the top of Nijisanji, you have people like Kuzuha, Kanae, Maimoto, Yashiro who are off the cards for a lot of foreigners just by virtue of not being cute girls. Then people like Mito, Lize, Ange, Inui who aren't conventionally cute in the kawaii anime way and aren't know for big reactions. There are of course plenty of others at the company that are conventionally cute in that anime kind of way or do big reactions but like I said there are also a lot that don't. However with Hololive it's almost every member you can get that from.

>> No.25500543


>> No.25500577

If only that faggot yagoo was half as smart as CHADnashi. No permissions, no problem~~~

>> No.25500602

I want to FUCK Pikamee

>> No.25500615
Quoted by: >>25500687

>the top of Nijisanji
>Kanae, Maimoto, Yashiro
So you're a newfag that only watches Hololive and only knows Nijisanji because it's shitposted here, actually fuck off, get a brain.

>> No.25500628

Anyways I'm looking forward to either Aloe's retirement which will fuck up their audience or no retirement of Aloe which will fuck up their connections with other companies.

>> No.25500629

It's the kind of thing that gets old really fast

>> No.25500647

Every corporate Vtubers following the rule why would Cover do it as well? With how Cover breaked the law makes every big gaming companies tighten their copyright policy and makes other small Vtuber agencies life miserable
Fuck Cover

>> No.25500650

Everyone has to deal with copyrights. Nintendo recently went back on their leniency regarding streaming.
When AI-chan was streaming Mario Kart, not only did she turn off monetization but she also wasn't allowed to restream to bilibili; since they don't have the feature to turn it off.

>> No.25500661

You say that, but very often the Japanese do. Doujinshi isn't legal and is always one complaint away from being taken down, but companies ignore it and nothing happens. Even in the west streaming operates much the same, where the "free use" aspect of streaming is questionable. But companies don't say anything, and nothing happens. It's only when companies like Nintendo, with a long history of abusing copyright, come into the picture that it becomes an issue.

>> No.25500687
Quoted by: >>25500797

No not really. In terms of average viewership as of recent times those are the males that tend to be within the top 10 for the company overall, which I would say is a fairly decent measure for their popularity within the company.

>> No.25500712

what did she do?

>> No.25500732
Quoted by: >>25500750

Aloe is one of the 5th gen right? What did she do and why would it involve other companies?

>> No.25500750

leaked her model back in may

>> No.25500763
Quoted by: >>25500828

You say "leaked in may", but no one found out about it until yesterday

>> No.25500774

>not knowing what leaked means

>> No.25500793
Quoted by: >>25500871

Pakoraito/Hitomi Chris

>> No.25500797
Quoted by: >>25500862

Did you get into vtubers this year?

>> No.25500828
Quoted by: >>25500871

Was the same with Pakoraito

>> No.25500862

No. Are you going to explain what is wrong with that as a measure of current popularity? If not we might as well just stop here because this isn't going anywhere.

>> No.25500871


>> No.25500873

You're telling me Naruto isn't a homoerotic anime about a emotional blonde and a reclusive goth?

>> No.25500895

>leaked her model back in may
But what does that have to do with other companies?

>> No.25500899

Why would that stop the involvement with other companies?

>> No.25500925
Quoted by: >>25501300

that I don't know. Maybe the original poster is claiming that they could be afraid of sensitive information being leaked

>> No.25500945

Nothing and it wouldn't, remember this isn't an antiholo thread

>> No.25500970
Quoted by: >>25501068

Antischizos like to imagine grand, elaborate scenarios in their minds that lesser beings are simply not equipped to comprehend.

>> No.25501050

Because that will show that they can't deal with their security problems accordingly and will decrease their credibility a lot.

>> No.25501065
Quoted by: >>25501254


>> No.25501067
Quoted by: >>25501222

she done it on a private twitcast and forgot to delete it, fuck off retard.

>> No.25501068
Quoted by: >>25501470

I can take a whack at it.
If Aloe isn't retired it shows that she's secretly sleeping with YAGOO, which will destroy her relationship with other coworkers. This will cause her coworkers to describe her as hard to work with, or just spill the beans, lowering her reputation with other companies. Eventually she becomes an hero on stream to escape the shame

>> No.25501090
Quoted by: >>25501374

I love Fubuki, but I can't watch her while she panders to that cancer in her chat. Her content is so different than it was just last year, between both the pandering and Cover fucking everything up. I miss the drawing collabs with Matsuri and the chuuni singing streams. I miss FGO pull streams and drawing games that were down for maintenance. Now it's just silly sound acapellas every week and OH REARY? WENDY'S BAHGAH? Scatman was a mistake.

>> No.25501114
Quoted by: >>25501204

By the way her case is already featured in many blogs (including non-vtuber ones) just like it was with Pakoraito.

>> No.25501204

Private twitcast with 3 views what a scandal

>> No.25501205
Quoted by: >>25501369

>Look at the top of Nijisanji, you have people like Kuzuha, Kanae, Maimoto, Yashiro who are off the cards for a lot of foreigners just by virtue of not being cute girls
The people you mentioned, ignoring Kanae and Kuzuha are not the top of Nijisanji. Chronoir appeals to a different crowd, gamers and danshi idols fans.
> Then people like Mito, Lize, Ange, Inui who aren't conventionally cute in the kawaii anime way and aren't know for big reactions.
Your opinion about Sanbaka and Mito is very subjective, how is Inui or Lize not "cute anime girls?" How are they less cute than Matsuri or Coco? What makes you so confident over this made up criteria?
>There are of course plenty of others at the company that are conventionally cute in that anime kind of way or do big reactions but like I said there are also a lot that don't
Do you think only Nijisanji and Hololive exist? How are idolbu, animare, honeystrap and the so many other only girls chubas group not "cute in a convetional anime way"?
>However with Hololive it's almost every member you can get that from.
And you can't get that from thet other idol groups chubas out there, why exactly?

>> No.25501214

Speculation and shitposting have more posts than actual content from the scene. What a tragedy.

>> No.25501222

you think she did private lewds with the model? that's fucken hot.....

>> No.25501228
Quoted by: >>25501286

>that will show that they can't deal with their security problems
Why? Who cares?
>will decrease their credibility a lot
Why? Who cares?

>> No.25501244
File: 650 KB, 2048x1536, 1568372099215.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't we have a dedicated tribal war thread and leave this thread for actual vtuber discussion?

>> No.25501254
Quoted by: >>25501399

Didn't leak company's private information. He was guilty for keeping addresses of some of his fans and got punished for that.

>> No.25501286

Seems like you don't understand how business works at all.

>> No.25501300
File: 224 KB, 1125x2436, dotup.org2230310.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guess so. And I'm sure Cover wouldn't fire her because of this either. It really doesn't seem like that big of a deal to me. Nijisanji fired Raito because of a twitter post that said he wants to spike Hime's drink, not because he leaked the info, no? For Hololive, there's Hitomi Chris but I don't know what really happened then.

>> No.25501344

Because it won't work due to human nature. That tribal war thread would probably be peaceful as hell unless heavily monitored by jannies.
There's no fun shitposting in a dedicated thread for said shitposts.

>> No.25501368

The amount of translated clips Niji and Holo had was like night and day then Covid hit and Holo just took off completely, I don't think Niji girls act any different than Holo ones though.
They play game do zatusdans and all kinds of silly shit.

>> No.25501369

They are at the top according to their viewing figures in recent months at least. Not sure what measure you are using. I didn't claim my opinion was objective, it's an opinion you are free to disagree with it but thats how I see it. I never suggested anywhere that only those companies exist. I specifically said I was talking about Nijisanji only at the start. Likewise I didn't say you couldn't find it in other groups I said that is part of what makes Hololive easy to enjoy for foreigners.

>> No.25501374
Quoted by: >>25501532

>chuuni singing streams
Still does this a bit. Her tribute stream to Wowaka and samfree was amazing. Probably the best stream she's ever done bar none, actually.
>I miss FGO pull streams
She still does gacha streams just with different games. Lately it was AL and before that was Twisted.
>and drawing games that were down for maintenance
She did that with ARK not too long ago.

So just what the heck are you talking about? The only thing I guess is collabs, but that's not just her. The rest of the company is suffering from it because of tightened policy. But not because of a change in her contents or a shift to pandering.
Fubuki a year ago was also very different from Fubuki two years ago, by the way.

>> No.25501399


>> No.25501406

>there's Hitomi Chris but I don't know what really happened then.
Stole shit

>> No.25501421

>Akiroze trying to leech form .LIVE
how desperate can she get?

>> No.25501441

gotta profit from the coming .LIVE surge
thanks Sio

>> No.25501446

wait two idolbu streams at the same time, how is this allowed?

>> No.25501458
File: 171 KB, 236x416, 584108541058140.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25501538


>> No.25501460

Any solution that requires moderation isn't viable.

>> No.25501468
Quoted by: >>25501538

I can't believe Aki will steal all of .LIVE's viewers

>> No.25501470

They all rode his dick at least once anon.

>> No.25501480

Right back at you.

>> No.25501493
Quoted by: >>25501513

Using recent months of average viewers is not a good way to measure a vtuber's actual popularity, surely you know this if you've been around for a while?

>> No.25501501
Quoted by: >>25501536

https://youtu.be/fxfdA2BsOOM gorilla sleepy moruna stream, endurance fall guys

>> No.25501513
Quoted by: >>25501671

Which measure do you suggest then?

>> No.25501532

>Fubuki a year ago was also very different from Fubuki two years ago, by the way.
I'd say her character/presentation certainly was, but her content wasn't that much different. More Openrec and late night privated streams, but otherwise eh.

>> No.25501536

>endurance for first place
Yeah I don't see this ending with a win.

>> No.25501538

rosenthal popped up on suzusuzu's chat earlier and brought up the idea of a clubhouse games collab

>> No.25501572

so she's going to stream forever, I don't see the downside of that?

>> No.25501603

>They are at the top according to their viewing figures in recent months at least. Not sure what measure you are using.
Numberfag, I'll tell you a secret, just because the only thing you can understand as an eop are numbers, that doesn't mean it's actually an indicative about who is "top" of anything. Gibara and JK Gumi are by all means more important to Nijisanji than Maimoto or Yashiro, even if the first rarely streams. And, hell I've no idea what numbers you're even checking either, since Yashiro doesn't even have that high viewership.

>> No.25501609

Which vtuber(s) has gotten 1st in Fall Guys anyway? Can't be that many since they're all hetakuso at games.

>> No.25501617

Choose your champion

>> No.25501634
Quoted by: >>25501772


>> No.25501641
Quoted by: >>25501772

Hima, Fuwa, Akina and surely others

>> No.25501657

>objective numbers aren't objective
So how heartbroken were you when the Tokyo Olympics was postponed, because I'm sure you trained a lot to qualify for the mental gymnastics HOLY shit

>> No.25501659

Are we rating their popularity as streamers or their popularity in some big hard to measure picture

>> No.25501661

You guys so often sound like you exclusively watch nijisanji.

>> No.25501671

What chuba have their own radio show? What chuba have record deals? What chuba showed up in tours? What chuba gets invited to popular personality radios? What chuba gets collab with Konami, Sanrio and etc? That's not Maimoto for sure.

>> No.25501677
Quoted by: >>25501803

I didn't say anything about who is more "important" to the company. I'd rather not post numbers here but the average viewer figures are fairly easy to find compiled over a month or so.

>> No.25501695

both fanbases are retarded and probably dont watch each other's content so can you faggots shut the fuck up and stop talking with each other?

>> No.25501705
Quoted by: >>25501772

Temma, Miyabi, and Aruran have all won as well as the others mentioned

>> No.25501723
Quoted by: >>25501747

By that measure, Kizuna AI is the single most popular Vtuber in the scene.

>> No.25501725
Quoted by: >>25501751

>What chuba have their own radio show? What chuba have record deals? What chuba showed up in tours? What chuba gets invited to popular personality radios?
I can't believe Suisei is the most important Hololive all along

>> No.25501731


>> No.25501744
File: 979 KB, 1400x849, Ed7fib8UwAE5HA7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, I know this is a difficult concept to understand but maybe she become friend with her on their last collab and want to do something together

>> No.25501747

She is, you fucking idiot.

>> No.25501751

shes honestly one of the few good things at hololive, and initially (and probably still) hololive staff do very little to help suisei

>> No.25501756

Nijisanji has fired him (at least officially) because he was bragging that he has joined Nijisanji first and foremost.

>> No.25501772

Boys don't count because they're gross.

>> No.25501792

If you don't pull in numbers you become the company's onahole? Man, Hololive is pretty hardcore.

>> No.25501798
Quoted by: >>25501839

It's not my fault 95% of female vtubers suck ass at games

>> No.25501803
File: 54 KB, 838x735, 023566.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25501855

>I'd rather not post numbers here but the average viewer figures are fairly easy to find compiled over a month or so.
I did, that's why I'm asking what the fuck are you using.

>> No.25501818
File: 294 KB, 1275x1800, EfiANkIUEAEDpme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25508242

All of the new HNST outfits are incredibly sexy.

>> No.25501823

IMPOSSIBURU, anon said everyone hates everyone else in the vtuber scene and it's impossible for two streamers to just become friends and enjoy each other's company without having ulterior motives

>> No.25501827

>What chuba have their own radio show?, What chuba gets invited to popular personality radios?
People don't watch that shit
>What chuba have record deals?
Who cares, people who can sing well maybe? They're neither popular or important though
>What chuba showed up in tours?
All people with 3D will show up in future events eventually

>> No.25501834

All sorts of different people do? Maimoto specifically though is on the upcoming series of live events that was just announced, and has lead the 2 biggest sponsored live streaming events of the year, one of which was a Konami game.

>> No.25501839

It's not your fault either 100% of male vtubers are gross and icky.

>> No.25501850
File: 13 KB, 660x117, 2020-08-16 190633.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25501925

>The reason for that I have no idea

>> No.25501853
Quoted by: >>25501882

Yes, anon, that correct, people don't watch the radio

>> No.25501855

Average simultaneous viewers for solo live streams.

>> No.25501860

since when does Ayame know 96Neko

>> No.25501871

>>What chuba have their own radio show?, What chuba gets invited to popular personality radios?
>People don't watch that shit
Oh, it's clueless anon again. Nothing to see here, move along people.

>> No.25501882

Actually nips watch internet radio shows all the time.

>> No.25501896

I'm starting to think I'm going crazy because I swear it's the same fucking posts everyday.

>> No.25501905

Welcome to 4chan. I hope you enjoy seeing the same posts for the rest of your stay.

>> No.25501914 [DELETED] 

that's 4chan generals, aka poor man's reddit for you

>> No.25501915
Quoted by: >>25501967

it's the same in /hlg/, repeated roomate posts I don't know why I still come here.

>> No.25501918

Akirose does whatever she wants. She's not bound by invisible rules like everyone else. She even gave a superchat to a male western streamer once.

>> No.25501925
Quoted by: >>25502306

So in other words he's essentially saying there is no such thing as a cute niji huh. Based chinkman.

>> No.25501967

Because as shit as it is I still unironically believe it's the best place to discuss vtubers. Reddit only cares about big name nijis and hololive (not holostars), and even then only really posts shit stale memes. Discord is filled with powertripping faggots and dicksucking ESL translators.
4chan is shit, but it's still the least shit place.

>> No.25502010

I see you have high standards for your e-celeb gossip circlejerks

>> No.25502023

delicious goblin cake

>> No.25502026
Quoted by: >>25502309

Himawari is a girl!

>> No.25502085
Quoted by: >>25502157

what are you doing here? and what's wrong with wanting to have at least some semblance of a quality discussion?

>> No.25502098
Quoted by: >>25502157

I see you're from /v/.

>> No.25502121

I dont understand why males are popular, just assuming most vTuber fans are also males. Unless a big part of the fanbase is fujoshits.

>> No.25502125
Quoted by: >>25502363

Only 3d is gross.

>> No.25502138

The same reason male streamers are popular. People like the feeling of "hanging out with the boys", and female streamers can't provide that

>> No.25502152

There's that word again.

>> No.25502157
Quoted by: >>25502211

I'm just saying, there's a reason why there's no quality discussion in e-celeb gossip circlejerks, because it's not a quality thing to talk about to begin with
I don't mind rolling around in filth but I never pretend that I'm not rolling around in filth, we're not discussing classic literature or the scientific method here, we're gossiping about what japanese girls on youtube do, there won't be quality discussion arising from that

>> No.25502176
Quoted by: >>25502307

at least according to tamaki a feamle viewership of more than 20% is extremely rare for male vtubers

>> No.25502211
Quoted by: >>25502283

Not every board here is /b/ or /b 2.0/ like /v/, if you want to shitpost so much stay on /trash/.

>> No.25502213
File: 661 KB, 506x810, 1576091808370.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's kind of sad that Lulu is the only one of her sisters who doesn't use the same banner

>> No.25502254

Who were they quoting?

>> No.25502283 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>25502368

I'm not talking about shitposting, technically who is shitposting here? I'm pretty sure people are just talking about subjects related to vtubers, this is just the level of discussion that you will get from this topic, if you want to have some high quality constructive discussion talk about the pros and cons of empiricism or something

>> No.25502284

Welcome to the jungle

>> No.25502306
Quoted by: >>25502410

Actually what they're saying is that Hololive is nothing but kawaii uguu with no substance.
And they're right as seen from the EOP popularity.

>> No.25502307

Depends of the chuba, chronoir core fanbase are girls, even if the average viewers are guys, Kanae had over 30% of female viewership, and that's very high considering that his content is just gaming.

>> No.25502309

Please don't spread slander. You might get sued.

>> No.25502327

Why are there two /vy/ threads up with over 1K posts each?

>> No.25502340


>> No.25502363
Quoted by: >>25502405

Wrong! The male voice is gross as well.

>> No.25502368
Quoted by: >>25502524

Stop pretending to be retarded, numbershit and tribal wars are related to chubas, but it's not something you should want here.

>> No.25502389
File: 134 KB, 900x900, 1575340697709.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

700 new posts and it's all fucking nijiholo shitting up the thread

>> No.25502390

Because a retard made a new thread due to the image limit instead of waiting for 2000 posts

>> No.25502405
Quoted by: >>25502460

Stop hating yourself so much.

>> No.25502410

That's the wrong way of looking at it, because niji also has livers going for kawaii uguu but they're not nearly as popular. So the only logical conclusion is niji isn't as cute as holo.

>> No.25502414

The other one is image capped and it was at nearly 2K when this one was made.

>> No.25502424

That's good for susu actually

>> No.25502460
Quoted by: >>25502544

I'm a cute girl. We all are here.

>> No.25502465

You're a nice guy, don't come here tomorrow when Sio will stream again

>> No.25502498

Why are still being this delusional about everyone being the bestest of friends all the time when Sio was just caught shittalking all of her "friends"

>> No.25502500
File: 512 KB, 1000x1399, 83345235_p15.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Isn't Bossu also an alcoholic? Of course, Aki want to be friend with her

>> No.25502524 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>25502578

I think that's just your personal problem, they're just intrinsically part of this topic, it's like keeping a cat and getting angry when it meows, you shouldn't keep cats if you can't stand meowing

>> No.25502527

The mouse I bought my smol indie tuber arrived and she's enjoying Apex with it!
Why haven't you shelled out the big bucks for your favorite yet?

>> No.25502530

That's just her actually

>> No.25502540
Quoted by: >>25502621

>Bossu also an alcoholic?
I think its rarer to find non alcoholics in japan these days

>> No.25502544
File: 671 KB, 1200x675, 82882772_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25502658

You're gay then.

>> No.25502575
Quoted by: >>25502621

Sio is innocent

>> No.25502578
Quoted by: >>25502610

I hope you get range banned.

>> No.25502581

She's 17 and it's illegal for 17 year olds to drink in Japan!

>> No.25502592

Welcome to falseflag city.

>> No.25502597

At this point it's clear that there will be no change, might as well join in on the tribal fun

>> No.25502610 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>25504153

I don't think that was a very high quality post from you

>> No.25502621
Quoted by: >>25502646

She's an alcoholic sexcosplayer with lots of sex friends.

She's black-out-drunk-until-the-next-day-every-other-day alcoholic.

Yeah and I'm MrBeast.

>> No.25502646
Quoted by: >>25502773

What are you doing in /jp/, MrBeast?

>> No.25502655

How fast and big do indies should grow within three months?

>> No.25502658

do you think Itou Life will ever let a woman voice her for some h-game in the future?

>> No.25502681

I think he posted an animation with stock female moans and shit, so probably yeah

>> No.25502694

about 3 subs

>> No.25502709
Quoted by: >>25503637

1-5k subs for true indies. 10-30k if they have connections already and can collab from the get go.

>> No.25502715
Quoted by: >>25502753

I thought you bought her an actual living mouse at first and I even read that as you buying her a smol mouse and I thought what sort of degenerate likes to keep rats as pets but then I remember mice are kind of cute like cuter than rats well sometimes there's ugly disgusting ones too but sometimes you get a cute mouse now and then when they're closer parentage-wise to other rodents and I was like aww maybe that's not so bad a chuuba playing with a mouse and petting it and feeding it maybe it's like a little hamster and maybe it makes cute squeaky mousy noises too when she streams and she's playing APEX with the mouse wow! wait APEX mouse wait, and then it clicks and then it's not as cute anymore but what I'm saying is good on you anon doing something nice ok I'm done thank you if you read this

>> No.25502753
Quoted by: >>25505135

Mice are very smart and even though I wouldn't have one as a pet I respect people who do, I also don't like using mousetraps when mice season happens in my home, I prefer to use the box traps and let them go when they get caught.

>> No.25502773

Research. I want to buy a vtuber company for my next vid, just deciding which one.

>> No.25502786
File: 125 KB, 580x435, d06ec7fab2fb4316aa2c942d37a4462309f7d3b8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25502861

based chinks

>> No.25502790
File: 59 KB, 314x635, 1588974082364.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25502861

I don't get it

>> No.25502888

Because I'm poor, alright? I don't even have money for naisupa. The most I can do is become a member and make bad fanarts for them.

>> No.25502899
File: 457 KB, 2048x1151, EfjkUmoU8AAhrjh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25502975

>> No.25502902

he posted porn MMDs voiced by someone

>> No.25502933

>Decide to give Char another shot
>Come in to stream
>First thing I hear is a loud burp

Yeah, Ok. Naw I'm good. She was suppose to be kino bros

>> No.25502964
Quoted by: >>25504029

She's trying really hard to get more attention, bro.

>> No.25502972

The fact you seem to think fucking around with an L2D during your training to a private group of people on a random no-name Twitcast from artists YOU commissioned means sweet fucking nothing to literally anybody.
Artists don't give a flying monkeys fuck what happens after they get paid.
t. actual artist.

>> No.25502974
File: 564 KB, 659x686, tophonk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25502975

Zumi doesn't look like Zumi there.

>> No.25503028
File: 296 KB, 1536x2048, EfiwMLlUwAAjhNS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25503031
File: 420 KB, 1920x1080, Efi9dokUcAEK6fm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25503264

>> No.25503056

Yeah? That's true. Guess what you do about it? Go make your own fucking group / discord / whatever.
Don't mod shit people. Tell people straight there'll be no moderation of content outside of illegal shit. Done.

>> No.25503065

What a shitty excuse for a skirt. Badly designed "sexy" designs are the worst.

>> No.25503066
Quoted by: >>25503129

>what is mio's papa
>what is nanakagura
>what is shigure ui

>t. actual artist.

>> No.25503086
Quoted by: >>25504029

All she has to do is stop being like every other tuber and dial back the shitty alcoholic trash girl from the OC personality.
One stream of her playing a mech game and her nerding out about Char is all she needs but its like she's just a completely different person on stream compared to her Discord messages

>> No.25503094
File: 861 KB, 1024x1024, Eez8aTyVoAAT4cN.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25503107
Quoted by: >>25503177

I don't think he is talking about the artists. I think he is trying to argue something more along the lines that big companies or potential partners, sponsors, collaborators or whatever, will see that. Then conclude that since they can't control the release of an important asset like that, they may be unable to keep any confidential information confidential they come into possession of as part of any business deal with them.

>> No.25503112
File: 344 KB, 2359x1405, Efim38LUMAUeY5C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25503124

I don't think that's a skirt. It looks like an apron tied to the side.

>> No.25503129

What about them?
What possible reason would ANY of them care for someone testing out their model to a group of their friends on a private stream?
Go, I'm waiting. In fact, I'm going to go make some food. I'll give you 20-30 minutes to come up with a decent response.

>> No.25503137
File: 468 KB, 1260x980, EfjaEehU0AEggiU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25503150

Playing Fall Guys while sucking on pacifier

>> No.25503161

you guys should make a vtuber board on 8ch

>> No.25503169
File: 441 KB, 2000x1414, EfjTV1WVoAAjG0_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25503177

It could have been for fucking ANYTHING.
"Oh hey guys I'm playing around with some Live2D program can you check my stream to see how it is? I got a nice model commissioned for it"
There's plenty of programs going around thees days.
We'll never know since it was a private stream.

>> No.25503243

trying to holospam again?

>> No.25503245

The face, tits, thighs and shirt are cute so it's 4/5 good.

>> No.25503264

What a shitty excuse for a T-shirt.

>> No.25503331
File: 389 KB, 1536x2048, Efjx_S8U8AA385s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25503547


>> No.25503394
File: 68 KB, 854x480, snapshot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25503772

Don't let nanashi know Rene's smoking.

>> No.25503474

Can't believe there's this huge of a flaming homo in the jay

>> No.25503535
File: 589 KB, 2000x3000, Efj2AyvUYAAUuNz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25503650

>> No.25503547

I think she should stop imitating Sio.

>> No.25503552
File: 2.25 MB, 2000x2000, 1575915699208.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25503573
Quoted by: >>25510058

Who do you want to smoke-kiss with?
Yomi, Akane, or Rene

>> No.25503592

If she did, I wouldn't be interested. Ito should do her own moans.

>> No.25503595
Quoted by: >>25503878

pikamee is great & very cute

>> No.25503599

okay this zombie girl is pretty nice.

>> No.25503623

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZlatvUwYhFI crimson

>> No.25503637

Is subs purely the growth metric, or how do you fit stream watchers and VODs for the graph?

>> No.25503650

so pretty

>> No.25503673
Quoted by: >>25503697

How did your indie vtuver allow you to mail it over?

>> No.25503697

Not him but I'm guessing the Amazon wishlist

>> No.25503759
Quoted by: >>25503891

There is another new mech fan vtuber that came out this weekend, let's see if she can cut it compared to Char.

I fear Char will never ever deliver and just string everyone along in the same way Risu does with getting a new pc.

>> No.25503772

Silly anon. Everyone already knows Rene is smoking hot

>> No.25503878
File: 938 KB, 2917x4050, pikamee-edit donut steel-EfSe_9nUEAo6yKY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yesterday she did some period blood joke or something, does somebody have the timestamp?

>> No.25503891

ariarinchan , she does art streams, and I seriously wonder if she will actually deliver on the mech stuff.

>> No.25503918
Quoted by: >>25505114

135 CM!

>> No.25504008
Quoted by: >>25504090

looking back I wasn't sure what got me into watching vtubers like I do now. A few years ago I clearly remember seeing a video tweet of gamebu members 3d crawling on all fours captioned with something like "man vtubers nowadays are scraping the bottom". At that time I thought vtubers are cringe and I'd never get into it.

>> No.25504029
Quoted by: >>25504072

The viewbot injections in her VODs aren't hiding the obvious. Have you flagged the ones with suspicious amounts of views?

>All she has to do is stop being like every other tuber
...in which ways is she like the rest?

>> No.25504072

playing the same damn games we've seen hundreds of times and also the fact that she has no other content except "dude im drunk haha"
I've seen her make a real cocktail more times than she's mentioned a single mobile suit on stream

>> No.25504090 [DELETED] 


>> No.25504153 [DELETED] 


>> No.25504165

Is Armored Core VD too boring for streams?

>> No.25504202

Saku did it!

>> No.25504242
Quoted by: >>25504491


I can see how streaming mech shit not bring any fans or grow her channel. That is very niche in my opinion. She could still give a try since she has absolutely no merch shit on her channel.

>> No.25504245
File: 381 KB, 1920x1080, mpv-shot12461.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25506569

>> No.25504307

I like her bloody clothes and scars. Is she an R18G chuuba?

>> No.25504313

funs over she's playing with 2 guys who are hogging the airwaves with their chatter

>> No.25504326
File: 227 KB, 848x1200, Efj77W1UMAAdHXF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25504354
Quoted by: >>25504408

why is she whispering

>> No.25504383

I'm e member but I started to prioritize other things over her streams lately and I don't know why

>> No.25504408

she just wants to make friends
it's 4am and her parents are asleep

>> No.25504419

lmao that one guy has such a hyper nerd like voice.

>> No.25504479

I love gossiping

>> No.25504491

Well that's the problem. There's an argument for locking down niches/exclusivity. Then there's people who are sold on the vtuber idea but getting bait-and-switched.

>I came here for a vtuber that doesn't do as everyone else, but all I got was Nintendo and Fall Guys.

Face it, Kamiko Kana's growth is from cute noises and ageplay, and just affirms Mea's redpill spiel when she was smartening up her audience that one time.

>> No.25504611

>Why are still being this delusional about everyone being the bestest of friends
Probably because the group still stuck and took all the hits together in the worst of times.

>> No.25504653

watch a real mecha fan.

>> No.25504766

Sio was always deemed as a backstabber cunt, only .raibu haters defended her, now that she's been exposed, they all fucked off tho, these cowards.

>> No.25505033

Rude imouto.

>> No.25505059

Sio will get away without apologizing a single time, that's my girl.

>> No.25505090
Quoted by: >>25505475

how does she do it

>> No.25505114


>> No.25505135

Just put out a big bowl with oil inside, works like a charm.

>> No.25505143
File: 297 KB, 2112x587, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25505430

It looks like the algos have started promoting pikamee or something, her subs have accelerated a lot in the last few days.

>> No.25505233

Oh shit, did anon delivered?

>> No.25505240
File: 295 KB, 1536x2048, EfZTsSpVoAIr0oM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25505818

Just a reminder Ringo retweeted her art tags and she brought up an important point.
There is R18 art tags BUT there is also R18 GURO tags.

I hope you put those tags to good use!

>> No.25505343

>uh police investigation
>will take a long time and I will let you know
>never mentions it again.
can't wait.

>> No.25505430
Quoted by: >>25507700

It was fun while it lasted I guess, time to look for another girl.

>> No.25505471

The more streams I watch, the more I realize I like the video uploads format more.

>> No.25505475

When you are cute enough, you can do no wrong

>> No.25505544
Quoted by: >>25505630

Time to watch Gibara

>> No.25505557

Both have their place I think.

>> No.25505622

I can't beleive Lily got Swatted by google's secret police!

She has friends that can pay her bail, though, right?

>> No.25505630

I suppose.
Streams are good as white noise and for listening comprehension practice, though.

>> No.25505788

You have to watch streamers with a different mindset, otherwise you'd end up only watching AI-chan.

>> No.25505818

I like it when vtubers ask to be brutalized

>> No.25505892

You'd love sandbag あきらマン.

>> No.25505945

zombie is comfy

>> No.25505957

Coco literally belongs to big white cock.

>> No.25505986
File: 174 KB, 1200x1200, ENQkm8XU8AEFI9j.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish Mei had a tag for ryona or something since she's apparently into it.

>> No.25505993

Are you https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dS-n4ISwPaw&lc=UgwXghbeX-LsZyQw-GV4AaABAg ?

>> No.25506072

Her short interaction with AI reminded me a lot of Nobuhime's only collab with her, since Oyabun poked her character full of holes.

>> No.25506121

Distance learning!

>> No.25506143

is hololive Luna having more fun then her previous character?

>> No.25506164

Anyone mind sharing if this Aho is growing fast or slow for an indie desuwaa?

>> No.25506174

she would have never survived if she stayed in Nijisanij.

>> No.25506182

i thought she genuinely loved Apex though

>> No.25506208
Quoted by: >>25506231

at least vtubers don't play fortnite anymore

>> No.25506231

peanuts-kun played fortnite with viewers recently.

>> No.25506280

Why is it always brazilians?

>> No.25506290


>> No.25506335


>> No.25506356

Fucking hell, I just went back to her stream to check, that one faggot called the rest of the hive like a fucking wasp.

>> No.25506360
Quoted by: >>25507414

what happened to Youtube archiving streams with livechat almost instantly if within 2 hours? It takes forever now

>> No.25506374

Who was her before she was Luna?

>> No.25506378

Just imagine the idolbuta mass suicides when Sio gets away with it, despite their efforts to make sure otherwise

>> No.25506423
Quoted by: >>25506554

Might be easier to ask "which".

>> No.25506474


>> No.25506519
Quoted by: >>25506530

Honestly guys we can't be sleeping on VirtuaReal from China. They've got some really nice talent 琉绮太美可爱啊我想抱抱琉绮啊

>> No.25506530
Quoted by: >>25506551

Post it on the Chinese culture board.

>> No.25506551
Quoted by: >>25506575

I forgot to mention that they are vtubers.

>> No.25506554

Which slut was her before she was Luna?

>> No.25506569
Quoted by: >>25506655

cute happy panda

>> No.25506575
Quoted by: >>25506860

Oh, sorry for what I said then.

>> No.25506655
File: 1.21 MB, 350x350, 10d58579e00a706f7bc6ac986cf63f2a681f45c4.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25506707

Alright I completed my magnum opus I'm gonna send it to her when I figure something out

>> No.25506737

The Holos love using google translation and deepl trying to meme themselves

>> No.25506805
Quoted by: >>25506817

why are there so many contextless posts

>> No.25506813
Quoted by: >>25507056

cute handlebars for tonight, Ai-chan

>> No.25506817 [DELETED] 

You are pathetic. Never make a post in these threads ever again, whiteboi.

>> No.25506841

It's so sad. All these has been vtubers still cling to the little viewers they have. Mirai Akari having sex with fat old men to stay popular.

>> No.25506846

cover should save all those showroom vtubers

>> No.25506860 [DELETED] 

They still don't belong here. Anon can talk about chink nijis in the nijithread where they belong
Imagine being a fucking chink shill though

>> No.25506870

what the fuck is wrong with Fumino Tamaki, Every clip I see of her she's always doing some shit.

>> No.25506901
File: 19 KB, 400x400, 1547931016009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25506928
Quoted by: >>25516360

racist shit doesn't belong here either

>> No.25506934

What's wrong especially with chinese vtubers? I don't see the indonesian tubers getting this kind of negative attention.

>> No.25506948

/pol/ is really angry about china nowadays because their orange clown declared them as the new boogieman

>> No.25506952
Quoted by: >>25507101

Indo vtubers don't even get brought up

>> No.25506988

They missed a vblogger when starting Nijisanji so she came.

>> No.25507043

Did anybody ever archive Nobu's fanbox stuff before she closed it?

>> No.25507056
File: 946 KB, 1419x1920, 78c4e05a4c4b2845603c8c212938bf49.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25507129

That's ChAIna, AI-chan is Japanese.

>> No.25507101

Demonstrably false. ctrl+f "haram" in this very thread. Hana gets posted every other thread. Random latams get posted every once in a while.

>> No.25507129
Quoted by: >>25507202

But I want AI-chan in a chinese dress for maximum chumete!

>> No.25507130

So, was she really Mega?

>> No.25507202
File: 299 KB, 1575x2048, EViKJcGUcAAWR5C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25507221 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>25507245

>nooooooooooooo don't hate on the hate on the chinese!!!!! b-b-b-b-but indos though!!!!!
the absolute state /cn/ chuuba shills

>> No.25507245
Quoted by: >>25507285

go back to your board

>> No.25507256

These worthless sluts speaking English and giving attention to fucking gaijin is making me mad.

>> No.25507280

I wanna knock up this vtuber.

>> No.25507285
Quoted by: >>25507301

This is my board. Sorry that I prefer Japanese things over Chinese things on board for Otaku Culture

>> No.25507291
Quoted by: >>25507331

it pass 6am in the morning in japan and between 5pm and 2pm in the Americas

>> No.25507294

Really hate these damn poltards, why don't they just kill themselves?

>> No.25507301

your misquoting and crossboarder shit proves otherwise, now go back

>> No.25507314


>> No.25507331

I already punched my wall twice when I heard Watame speaking english. I'm going to completely trash my room if I hear another vtuber speaking english because of disgusting westerners.

>> No.25507376
Quoted by: >>25507401

What did she do now?

>> No.25507381

Become a nijichad today

>> No.25507401

I think today she made uber eats drivers compete against each other, but she dislocated her jaw again midway

>> No.25507408
Quoted by: >>25507440

Yeah and your lowercase post makes you look like one of the many shitposters here, but you don't see me being a schizo calling you some boogeyman now do you

>> No.25507410

Were the drivers black?

>> No.25507414

It really is fucked now. I don't think they even remotely tested this new feature they have rolling out.
I was watching Chimacraft from earlier and it's already had 2 errors with playback within 30 minutes.
I'd rather have the broken busted shit from before than this, at least then I KNEW the stream was fully processed.
I'd rather see a very visible "time to process to your region - x minutes/hours" than this fucking mess of guesswork.

>> No.25507435

>hot dog are the enemy

>> No.25507440

like you are doing now? well your shitpost got deleted so you can fuck off now

>> No.25507453
Quoted by: >>25507495

What is your fucking problem? Are you autistic?

>> No.25507495

So you're okay with your favorite vtuber becoming a disgusting reddittrash whore like Kiryu Coco? This is why I hate when they speak english, the moment they pander to westerners they ignore their actual fans (japanese) and that makes me really angry, they're abandoning the people who made them famous to begin with.

>> No.25507522

Okay yeah you're autistic.

>> No.25507524


>> No.25507541

>they're abandoning the people who made them famous to begin with
the chinese?

>> No.25507554

Yesterday I was trying to watch a relatively short stream <2hrs just after it aired which I thought would be fine like usual and it was buffering so much I just stopped. I thought it was just some kind of bug or problem with the video but its a general thing?

>> No.25507634

I wish I was her caretaker, I'd relocate her jaw every day

>> No.25507700

same, I can't even follow the chat anymore and she talks 80% in english now and I prefer her japanese

>> No.25507701
Quoted by: >>25507730

And that means it's ok for you to keep spamming Chinese subjects on /jp/ because?

>> No.25507730

you do not belong here, go away crossboarder

>> No.25507766

Yeah, seems they've changed up how the processing system works.
Usually videos only 2+ hours were stuck in processing limbo, but it seems now everything will show the full time but just buffer like dicks instead.
Seems they are changing things on the site in general, I got a pop-up the other day asking if I had any issues with my subs page not showing videos, showing things not from subs, and a few others.

>> No.25507774
Quoted by: >>25507872

There are some really awful english fans out there. Some just speak in memes from other channels, some speak only english and in all caps demanding the streamer do exactly what they want, and others hold conversations with random people in the chat instead of actually talking about the stream.

Though to play devil's advocate, there are some really bad JP fans too. Instead of doing what the english speakers do they actually spam the chat or donate something really hurtful.

>> No.25507828

https://live.bilibili.com/7214750 Konnie
https://live.bilibili.com/15536 Heimao

>> No.25507846
Quoted by: >>25508252

needs more fat belly, more fat ass, more sharpened teeth and more uncomfortable tears

>> No.25507872
Quoted by: >>25507900

Any vtuber who FUCKING DARED to speak English should have her contract terminated and fired on the spot. Why do they even try to get overseas fans when they're for Japanese viewers only. I'm sick of western pigs shitting up everything. I swear if I see another vtuber succumb to the reddtor pest and start speaking english I'm going to destroy my room. I can't fucking take it.

>> No.25507892

Lets study Japanglish

>> No.25507894

are there vtubers that you used to watch but stop after they got a redesign or start using a new costume more?

>> No.25507898

I remember some months ago a YouTuber whose archived streams always started at around min 10 for like a week.
Why does it look like Google is always trying to kill youtube? Everything they do with the website is always wrong.

>> No.25507900
Quoted by: >>25507911

What is wrong with you? Do you get upset when they try to read english dialogue/writing from games like outlast or say shit like "hambahgah"?

>> No.25507911
Quoted by: >>25508020

I just don't want them to corrupt a good thing. They're destroying something I like

>> No.25507945
Quoted by: >>25507965

you can hear her computer overheating

>> No.25507965
Quoted by: >>25507983


>> No.25507979

why is は sometimes pronounced (wa)
i thought it was (ha)

>> No.25507983

oh sorry, I didn't notice since I only know Japanese and Portugues

>> No.25508020

The only thing vtubers corrupt are themselves. No one told them to play western games. No one told them to speak english. And I sure as shit don't think Coco is the type to go around telling the girls to pander to western fans.

>> No.25508047
File: 485 KB, 1488x2104, 80617916_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25508312

Morning best of cute...
She sure has forgotten about it often lately.

>> No.25508082

Coco is literally a born and raised american slut, that used to stream games wearing slutty cosplay with half of her tits out, she's the type to tell the others to copy her whore behaviour.

>> No.25508101 [DELETED] 

Kson/Coco is a literal slut just like Canaan/Noel

>> No.25508123
Quoted by: >>25508210

I hope she takes them to Roppongi to hunt for big african cock

>> No.25508157

All gaijins are the same shit confirmed?

>> No.25508182

it confirms some are much poorer than others

>> No.25508185

>she's the type to tell the others to copy her whore behaviour.
Do you have any fucking evidence of this? Again, when has she felt the need to tell the girls what to do?

>> No.25508210

What are you, gay?

>> No.25508234

Behind the cameras she tells them to worship big westerner cock since that's the key to fame.

>> No.25508242


A lot of 774's recent offerings have been mediocre, but Mary and Sharu's new outfits are god tier and I like ~~Akarin~~ Patra's more than I expected.

>> No.25508252

Feel free to edit it more, I just added some hair highlights and her エロい antenna.

>> No.25508283 [DELETED] 

wait until you hear about noel

>> No.25508295

Morning BEST OF CUTE (Bilibili version)

>> No.25508312


>> No.25508317 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>25508349

Her nico masturbation videos are kino.

>> No.25508339

Don't respond to the autistic ESL

>> No.25508349 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>25508391

link me sometime

>> No.25508353

I know about her too, that's why I don't like any of the big breasted sluts on Hololive, they're all ex-camwhores.

>> No.25508370
Quoted by: >>25508511

Shut the fuck up, apple radio time.

>> No.25508374

That's the previous one. It's a little longer until today's.

>> No.25508391 [DELETED] 


>> No.25508399

They look up to Coco since is older and has more experience as a streamer/social media person, when Watame, and I think Suisei, were being targeted by antis, they mentioned talking about Coco.

>> No.25508433
Quoted by: >>25508458

Coco/Kson probably has sex with the people who donate the most to her.

>> No.25508458

She's an idol so of course that's prohibited.

>> No.25508466 [DELETED] 
File: 855 KB, 632x512, ringoworld.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25508511

Sorry I'm late, Ringo Radio

>> No.25508469
Quoted by: >>25508515

So since she's an idol she only fucks old men in suits?

>> No.25508498
Quoted by: >>25508515

That's allowed if you have a lot of money

>> No.25508503

She once made a stream where she was getting ready for a date with some foreign man. She's a slut.

>> No.25508511

Yeah, no shit >>25508370

>> No.25508515

No. Jesus fuck why you dicks think life in japan is like a hentai doujin.

>> No.25508533
Quoted by: >>25508584

It's not, but the idol industry is rather infamous

>> No.25508546

It's actually worse, anon. Wait until you learn about the casting couch.

>> No.25508584
Quoted by: >>25508598

And? Does that really mean we should act like schizophrenics when literally anything happens? You retards NEED to chill.

>> No.25508598
Quoted by: >>25508662

Has anything even happened?

>> No.25508612

>I'm so happy that we're getting a lot of international viewers lately!Please, everyone abroad, please be friendly.
Vtubers love English speakers. Now shut the fuck up and accept the truth.

>> No.25508638

>Some literally who begging for views by pandering to western trash
She's not even a real boy, so lame.

>> No.25508658
Quoted by: >>25508733

people are mad that their years of learning Japanese aren't giving them an edge over other 外国人 and that not speaking Japanese actually gets more attention from the tuber

>> No.25508662
Quoted by: >>25508689

Basically Kson/Kiryu Coco was caught having sex with 4 fat old men

>> No.25508689

I knew it. Fucking tattoo'd slut

>> No.25508705

It became really inconsistent lately. I had to wait 4 or 5 days to watch a 2-hour stream from Anko and a day or so later she had a 3-hour apex stream that was processed in that same day.

>> No.25508733

uh i learn japanese for vns and not chuubas so no.

>> No.25508751 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>25508813

Noel is a good girl. She whore herself because she is really poor and can't go to school which make her have no friends. Nico nico viewers is literally her only friends for 10 years even after she reach 20.

>> No.25508813 [DELETED] 

She was following her natural female instincts

>> No.25508816
File: 79 KB, 572x680, Efk3AzgWAAIai0t.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didn't think CSR would draw vtubers.

>> No.25509000
Quoted by: >>25509069

Having all female talents doesn't mean they're hostess club. Only Hololive antis with rotten brain think that. Not normal people.

>> No.25509030 [DELETED] 
File: 37 KB, 1024x768, EfjEF5UUEAMIcul.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why can't we just kick nijiholofans out of this thread? What even is this discussion they're having right now

>> No.25509051

Anons, it still feels fucking weird to me that Nobuhime is now Polka
The bighead was such a prolific shitposter back in the day it feels fucking wrong to see her as new holo #5-5. Are they even allowed to make inmu jokes under Cover?

>> No.25509069

How is knowing their past life anything to do with being rotten? Coco was a titty streamer, Noel was a camwhore, what are you even complaining about.

>> No.25509072

Because it would require moderation.

>> No.25509075
Quoted by: >>25509091

I need a pathetic vtuber desperate for views and subscribers right now

>> No.25509086

I wouldn't even know they're having a discussion if you didn't bring it up. Please reply to them directly next time.

>> No.25509091
Quoted by: >>25509149


>> No.25509118

Why is her mic so low? I can't even hear her because of the bgm.

>> No.25509131
Quoted by: >>25511351

I tried starting discussions about my favorite indie chuubas threads ago but I didn't get any replies so I just gave up.

>> No.25509149

She's pathetic. Just what I wanted.

>> No.25509187

She need money.

>> No.25509329

So embarrassing. She started 5 months ago and no one watches her.

>> No.25509378

is she a hamster or some other kind of rodent?!

>> No.25509387

She can be anything you want, anon. That's how desperate she is. Her chat is infested by BRs

>> No.25509419

She's a hamster

>> No.25509421
Quoted by: >>25510379


>> No.25509465


>> No.25509508
Quoted by: >>25509540

I love these pathetic desperate vtubers

>> No.25509523
Quoted by: >>25509577

YUA is still our queen.

>> No.25509540
Quoted by: >>25509556

Please leave this board

>> No.25509556
Quoted by: >>25509578

So you'd rather watch big famous vtubers who don't care about you?

>> No.25509577
File: 567 KB, 692x896, D4NHL2zU4AUW1LY.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok but what about Yua?

>> No.25509578
Quoted by: >>25509596

No, I want you to leave

>> No.25509584

cute and funny

>> No.25509596
Quoted by: >>25509787

You're literally no match for me, nerd. You better apologize before I frickin kick your ass.

>> No.25509678

FUCK, a vtuber is following me but I don't even tweet anything useful, what do I do!?

>> No.25509696
File: 129 KB, 700x500, 1597493297510.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For those that are getting mad about Polkahime.

Just remember that upd8's management was trash, constantly scripted the fuck out of her with no real freedom, and wouldn't let her collab with Tamaki until the very end.

Hololive management is fucking retarded especially with the shit over the last few weeks, but at least they'll let her do whatever she wants (within reason) and she'll be allowed to collab with Tamaki very soon.

In fact you could probably have a guess that Tamaki pulled some strings to get her the job...

>> No.25509705

upload dick pics and see if they like any of them

>> No.25509729
Quoted by: >>25509901

You're dumb, upd8 didn't manage anyone that wasn't also under Activ8.

>> No.25509746

it was aqua

>> No.25509753
Quoted by: >>25509816

>do whatever she wants
except play games that company doesnt have explicit permission, or even help with anything

but hey the take is higher if they get monetized

>> No.25509762

Start replying to her posts, if she replies back that means you have a chance.

>> No.25509787

Go pet the cat

>> No.25509801
Quoted by: >>25509897

Your new is showing.

>> No.25509816
File: 1.04 MB, 512x1080, 1597523965783.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25509843

>(within reason)

>> No.25509843

seriously, lets hope their monetization goes smoothly so they can get operating

the question is, what.

>> No.25509868
Quoted by: >>25509951

how high will her power level be now

>> No.25509897


>> No.25509901
Quoted by: >>25509951

I honestly don't understand why retards like him still believe upd8 managed everyone. Especially when Nobuhime complained about her actual management when she was retiring

>> No.25509951
Quoted by: >>25509997

From what I remember about Nobuhime, the video format suited her well because she's not a really good streamer. Though being very entertaining isn't that important if you're part of a big group.
Well, there's also the confusion that the team that used to manage Kizuna AI had the same name before they went back to Project A.I.

>> No.25509997
Quoted by: >>25510148

>Though being very entertaining isn't that important if you're part of a big group.
yeah you just need to make cute noises for cute noise compilations

>> No.25510058
Quoted by: >>25510869

yomi doesn’t smoke anymore dummy

>> No.25510148

Not exactly, but they need to just participate in whatever they feel like doing together. The rest is just noise, and the chance of them saying something that can be mistranslated for views is high if they just put enough hours.

>> No.25510155
File: 195 KB, 900x900, iww5pjb4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25510244

The heart-pupil cat girl built for corruption doujins released a song cover, please give it a listen and subscribe as well.

>> No.25510166

I wonder if it was Noel who recommended her rival in titty streaming

>> No.25510170


>> No.25510205

I wonder if there will be drama between them

>> No.25510243

uh oh this doesn't look too good

>> No.25510244

>heart pupils
But she is already corrupted.

>> No.25510273

probably nothing actually spicy

>> No.25510274

Aren't they on friendly terms?

>> No.25510340
File: 107 KB, 900x600, EfkjRRLUwAAQRuq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25510379
File: 281 KB, 692x1280, sxzSFSja8ItMy-L1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And she woke up.

>> No.25510438


>> No.25510462
Quoted by: >>25516595

Here's an example of what Char COULD be streaming but instead is doing the opposite.
Also follow my cute FEMALE vtuber.

>> No.25510468


>> No.25510488

Uhhh, why do I see a "Hola" in my indie chuuba's chat with 5k subscribers and 50 viewers?

>> No.25510524
Quoted by: >>25510538

they're realizing its easier to get noticed in small chats

>> No.25510538

Well, at least he stopped when he realized nobody understands him.

>> No.25510674

Recommended for what? Macoto isn't doing anything new.

>> No.25510799

Join Hololive if you want a successful and stable career. Join Nijisanji if you want to offpako.

>> No.25510820


>> No.25510834
Quoted by: >>25510959


>> No.25510842

Funny, considering Hololive is the only one with successful ofupako cases. Roboco, Mel, Kaoru, supposed extra mystery case.

>> No.25510856


>> No.25510869
Quoted by: >>25511442

She definitely dug her vape thing out of the trash, you can hear her prep it sometimes on twitcast

>> No.25510888

I bought Yuuna her capture card she barely uses

>> No.25510959

Yes. Even the regular JP youtuber I'm watching now also have one.

>> No.25510972


>> No.25511002

Nobuhime joined for the money, its her personality. She fits right well in the fake cabaret whores of Hololive and their superchatting paron.

>> No.25511065
Quoted by: >>25511289

Roberu morning breakfast

>> No.25511116

>For those that are getting mad about Polkahime.
You're implying /hlg/ are actually considered the people of /vy/. I'm happy she's back, I'm not going to say Cover's not a shitty company because they clearly are, but it doesn't matter because you can't even bring up Hololive these days without attracting retards who assume everyones a retroactive redditor or attracting said redditors in the first place. I'm more than happy just watching streams by myself like I've been doing for the roughly past 30 months of my life.

>> No.25511119
Quoted by: >>25511228

Wait really?
How much was it?

>> No.25511159
Quoted by: >>25511228

Why didn't you buy her RFA?

>> No.25511160


>> No.25511175
File: 161 KB, 1000x821, 1591563361183.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25511181

Shit, at least you didn't convince her dad to buy it Cummyboy.

>> No.25511202

Where's the phone she uses to shitpost

>> No.25511208
Quoted by: >>25511262

Y'know, if she hadn't shit on the boys or the young girls and ignoring the personal information bit, I'd still probably have supported her, but I feel absolutely no fucking sympathy for her after that. I can't believe Siohater or whatever name you want to give him was right all along.

>> No.25511228
Quoted by: >>25511269

19k. About the same as they cost in dollars. Was an elgato hd60s

Wasn't on her wishlist and she wouldn't be able to stream it without a capture card anyway. She stopped doing those phone animal crossing videos and started streaming it normally after she got it

>> No.25511262

Insider Bro confirmed the sio ip was spoofed, you're dancing to the trolls' tune.

>> No.25511269

ah right, im glad she was able to stream AC with it at least, thanks for that anon

>> No.25511289

>1k watching
It's more than expected. I don't watching them but are they actually getting more and more popular?

>> No.25511293

Anon, I don't think people here knows what spoof means.

>> No.25511295

Japan can get as hot as 40.5°C, I hope your favorite vtuber is well.

>> No.25511306

Just pretend Roberu's Nijisanji. If he were, he'd be more famous than he is now with Holostars.

>> No.25511311
Quoted by: >>25511344

Kaoru's networking actually made people realize they exist

>> No.25511323
Quoted by: >>25511392

Most of them have ar conditioning, so it's a pointless worry.

>> No.25511330

yes yes anon we get it
it was her cat that fingered her and Sora is a real JK with A chan in a garage or something and Kurumi was beaten by her husband

>> No.25511342

Then link it.

>> No.25511344

Shame it got him fired

>> No.25511351

I'm sorry I never replied to you when you brought up miyu or higiri or kou, anon.

>> No.25511383
File: 831 KB, 1920x1080, EfdczNmUcAEPd8L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25511400

She can't feel the temperature.

>> No.25511392

ASMR sluts like Noel turn of the AC so the mic doesn't pic up the noise, she's in danger.

>> No.25511397
Quoted by: >>25511428

sio will win again. siochads always win.

>> No.25511400

The zombie joke writes itself.

>> No.25511415
Quoted by: >>25511461

ASMR sluts deserve the rope, so I don't see the problem.

>> No.25511424

Be sure to buy ZonBko's merch!

>> No.25511426

you cold up the room before you start dumbass

>> No.25511428

She'll never win another game of Mahjong off Tenkai though.

>> No.25511442

Fucking retard, she should sell that for the highest bidder.

>> No.25511461
Quoted by: >>25511512

That's a bit harsh. I also don't respect ASMR sluts much by default, but honestly I feel absolutely no sympathy for anyone who double or in one case triple dips. Would love to see all of their channels get banned so we can hear some sob-story about how they're going to go broke because they've only got 50k bucks in the bank and will have to, god forbid, not eat out every night.

>> No.25511512
Quoted by: >>25511543

>not eat out every night.
or in this case, abuse uber eats bikers

>> No.25511519

Are vtubers catalogued anywhere? I'm trying to find iyashikei girls and there are just too many tubers to search through.

>> No.25511540

Good, I want to see her sweaty boobs and her panting due to heatstroke.

>> No.25511543

To be fair everyone is abusing them during lockdown. It's the one thing I won't hold against any ASMR slut.

>> No.25511559
File: 1.02 MB, 4096x2778, EfhsdorUcAUtLdV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25511617

>> No.25511568

They're dumb. White noise makes it better.

>> No.25511591

Those are failed offpako. Successful offpako cases are the one that outsiders don't know about.

>> No.25511592

They are the white noise. I don’t need anymore.

>> No.25511594

ASMR is white noise in the first place. The idea is creating the white noise you want instead of picking it up from the environment.

>> No.25511617
Quoted by: >>25511791

that's a great おしり

>> No.25511619

Reminder to support .LIVE again

>> No.25511693

only if they have interesting content anon

>> No.25511695

Two wrongs don't make a right.

>> No.25511724


>> No.25511759

Arisu no...

>> No.25511764

I only watch mushroom tits

>> No.25511791

It looks like a very flat 尻, to be honest.

>> No.25511814


>> No.25511835

Seconding this
I’m studying Japanese right now so I can be a bilingual vtuber but I know nothing about the technical things to keep in mind

>> No.25511844

Watching natori right now

>> No.25511875
File: 632 KB, 724x1023, 78573164_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25511912
Quoted by: >>25512737

A streamer is not a single person. Get a team of at least three to help you moderate the chat and advertise you on social media.

>> No.25512006

Anon's catgirl maid is streaming.

>> No.25512018
Quoted by: >>25512097

I had to close the stream.

>> No.25512097
Quoted by: >>25512878

What, Sukiyaki is great.

>> No.25512104


>> No.25512223

remember potechi

>> No.25512260
Quoted by: >>25512311

Shark teeth

>> No.25512288
Quoted by: >>25512721

Someone explain. I thought cheetos is happily living as EMA right now.

>> No.25512311
Quoted by: >>25512496

tummy fat

>> No.25512425

Pikamee needs to be impregnated ASAP

>> No.25512459

Working on it, chief.

>> No.25512496
Quoted by: >>25512521

lots of tears

>> No.25512521
Quoted by: >>25512620

dolphin squeaks after every thrust

>> No.25512573
File: 1.80 MB, 2626x4320, 71655486_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25512620

But that's the tofu girl.

>> No.25512721

Basically she said that the real reason chitose left was because her real identity got leaked and she has a very persistent stalker. Which doesn't really made sense because it won't change that much with her joining kamitsubaki.

Also blurted the usual stuff about the seiyuu industry (mainly Sigma Seven) with the dating restrictions, as well as how vtubers who are utaites/twitcasters in their previous life tend to have a lot of baggage.

>> No.25512726
File: 218 KB, 858x1200, __mokota_mememe_live_and_1_more_drawn_by_mutsutake__8bd93a56c92ae1cd0baaf20412572c09.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25512737
Quoted by: >>25512981

I'm curious as to what numbers you guys are expecting to consider it "good" channel growth
>a newbie vtuber convincing anyone to moderate their chats and advertise for them
Outside of shelling out money, give me one way to do this when you have nothing on your name

>> No.25512765

What makes her so special?

>> No.25512866
File: 159 KB, 1600x1200, EffDru0UwAAhHzC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25513150

How about them nijiholos eh?
They're like the McDonalds and Burger King of this fad amirite

>> No.25512878

She was singing Country Roads at the time

>> No.25512885

Well she uhm..
She's a catgirl maid and her mic is kinda bad, maybe we should buy her a better mic?

>> No.25512906

She interacts with her viewers and know them by name.

>> No.25512930
File: 633 KB, 1287x1800, 1597632317092.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25513067

this is relevant here just once

>> No.25512981
Quoted by: >>25513061

>Outside of shelling out money, give me one way to do this when you have nothing on your name
Literally friends, not necessarily close friends, just friends, join some vtuber/streaming community, find people interested on streaming willing to try just for fun or experience

>> No.25513025

Important message from Apple Vamp

>> No.25513037

kano is getting over it...

>> No.25513059


>> No.25513061

>Literally friends, not necessarily close friends, just friends

>> No.25513067

ahh, tawawa...

>> No.25513150

No Brutus allowed

>> No.25513232

can somebody give me the tl;dl?

>> No.25513247

Fuck off EOP

>> No.25513284

Natori disabled superchats on her stream?

>> No.25513334


>> No.25513346


>> No.25513418

Not everyone is greedy shit like Hololive you know

>> No.25513452
File: 239 KB, 2048x1867, __amano_pikamee_and_hikasa_tomoshika_voms_drawn_by_oshizawa__ea3ab63f4f32e45b53222414f7df2948.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25513559

You must defeat her girlfriend first.

>> No.25513549
Quoted by: >>25513611

This fatass is going to get 100k subscribers

>> No.25513559

god i would kill for tmsk. i would die for her

>> No.25513590

ZonBko's cold, rotting, maggot-infested sexy body.

>> No.25513611

I hope she cries

>> No.25513636
File: 270 KB, 1097x2048, EfiXBM9U0AI-rX5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25513731

How did Nips react to Nobuhime returning as a Hololive?

>> No.25513735
Quoted by: >>25513757

Which yuri pairing is the most fake? I am so sick of fake yuri pandering holy shit I'm gonna puke.

>> No.25513757

The only real one and are fucking a lot are Tomoe and Sukoya. All others are fake.

>> No.25513787

Just check the dislike

>> No.25513811
Quoted by: >>25514018

pikamee time

>> No.25513962

they only enable it for games they are certain to be allowed

>> No.25514018

She didn't say the gamer word. What a disappointment.

>> No.25514073

>An anon recommends Layers of Fears.
Please stop.

>> No.25514170

watch my video

>> No.25514210


>> No.25514223

you have nice legs

>> No.25514246

she probably had a black boyfriend back in Texas, please understand

>> No.25514264
File: 47 KB, 165x210, Screenshot_2020-08-17 TikTokの撮影中の様子を撮ってみました.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you trying to get me to have sex with you?

>> No.25514383
Quoted by: >>25514431

she said she not going to say it because everyone wants her to say it.

>> No.25514431

What an uppity fatass

>> No.25514603


>> No.25514649
Quoted by: >>25514850

3D full tracking + duo = good. I can feel "decent" Virtual Youtuber vibes from videos like this.

>> No.25514682
File: 460 KB, 1920x1080, EfmJVrCU0AAPmzU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25514697

one of them can't sing

>> No.25514712
Quoted by: >>25514780

Don't make fun of Deron

>> No.25514718


>> No.25514733

Dont make fun of Marine

>> No.25514749
Quoted by: >>25514866

aren't they a bit old for this
or would they be just right actually?

>> No.25514758

Deron tries okay

>> No.25514762
File: 232 KB, 1406x2048, EfmDYXAUEAYKoGA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25514778
File: 291 KB, 1636x1473, EfiqbodU4AAhVzv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25514780

her original songs are underrated

>> No.25514803
File: 308 KB, 1813x1546, Efl5tMoUYAEWBcb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25514825

Holy fucking shit. I want to bang the Hololive pirate so goddamn bad. I can't stand it anymore. Every time I go to Youtubaa I get a massive erection. I've seen literally every rule 34 post there is of her online. My dreams are nothing but constant fucking sex with Marine. I'm sick of waking up every morning with six nuts in my boxers and knowing that those are nuts that should've been busted inside of Marine's unfertile 30 y/o pussy. I want her to have my mutant human/cosplayer babies. Fuck, my fucking mom caught me with the Patchy the Pirate real life sized action figure. I'd dressed her in my sister's skirt and went to fucking town. She hasn't said a word to me in 10 hours and I'm worried she's gonna take away my PC. I might not ever get to see Marine again.

>> No.25514829
File: 782 KB, 2574x4096, EffyDdLUcAExeYt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25514850 [SPOILER] 
File: 140 KB, 900x900, 1597639821853.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25515026

>I can feel "decent" Virtual Youtuber vibes from videos like this.

>> No.25514849
File: 283 KB, 512x512, Efd0hOxU0AErEz3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25514859

magical milfs

>> No.25514862

裏切り者 need not apply.
I bet Marine would get horny if she read this.

>> No.25514866
Quoted by: >>25514942

Might be a bit too young

>> No.25514881
File: 1.08 MB, 2684x3978, EffMvqQXYAEMDub.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25514956

>> No.25514885

>Fuck, my fucking mom caught me with the Patchy the Pirate real life sized action figure. I'd dressed her in my sister's skirt and went to fucking town. She hasn't said a word to me in 10 hours and I'm worried she's gonna take away my PC.
just use your phone anon, or go visit /ona/ if you want something to put your dick in and imagine it's the pirate.

>> No.25514894

Anon's kitty is live

>> No.25514903
File: 349 KB, 1464x2048, EfiVVrkUYAA-2bm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25515010

>> No.25514930
File: 174 KB, 533x800, Efj2P6fU8AEdLo_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25515010

>> No.25514942

4/5 of them at least

>> No.25514949
File: 285 KB, 863x1200, EfluOj_VAAU5dQV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25514956

Pics like this actually helps me sexualize the dog.

>> No.25514974
File: 147 KB, 1280x720, EfmNQ6jVAAAy1c6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25514985

Everything below her neck looks like they belong on a goblin. This is why you should really study proportions and anatomy before investing all your points in coloring.

>> No.25515010
Quoted by: >>25515188

Very disappointed she's not at least Noel big

>> No.25515026

A former management guy said in chat that one of them is doing already a different chuuba. I don't know who is though.

>> No.25515028

this dumb bitch playing MGSV is pissing me off, I can't watch somebody who doesn't even know how to play a stealth game

>> No.25515031
File: 1.60 MB, 1668x2388, EfmOsXLVABUJW8u.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25515060

Marine's got a very specific type of song, please understand.

>> No.25515070

nice holospam

>> No.25515105

love-pii is fucking dead.

>> No.25515128

which one?

>> No.25515141


>> No.25515144


>> No.25515145


>> No.25515148
Quoted by: >>25515178

aipii is dead but love chan is just hanging on

>> No.25515177
Quoted by: >>25515201

Is this how the clone saga ends?

>> No.25515178


>> No.25515188

You're gonna have to wait until gen 6 arrives with Macoto as one of the girls.

>> No.25515201

No, the blue one with the big tits will continue after a while.

>> No.25515220
File: 10 KB, 191x247, ai642.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25515253

wooooow how horribleee~

>> No.25515253
Quoted by: >>25515340

she the one Ai chan loved kissing

>> No.25515254
File: 953 KB, 2340x1080, Screenshot_2020-08-17-01-08-29-001_com.google.android.youtube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25515287

Please give my Hamster wife a watch.

>> No.25515265
Quoted by: >>25515329

Oh well, she was doomed from the start.

>> No.25515287
Quoted by: >>25515350

Her viewership is taking a dive, huh? Then again, it's 2am in Brazil.

>> No.25515308

Wow the one I actually liked. Fuck that fucking sucks man. What happened? Did she want to renegotiate her contract and opted to walk instead?

>> No.25515329

They were doing pretty well, actually. They had more than enough members and superchat to keep going.
They couldn't stream for weeks,I would guess she was the one who couldn't do it without a studio.
Either that or she wanted to do something else, since she's a VA with zero experience.

>> No.25515340
File: 32 KB, 422x550, ai369.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's just show business. Honestly, trash should be put where it belongs.

>> No.25515350
Quoted by: >>25515411

Only real fans watch her at 2am. Because I won't. Sleep is the best

>> No.25515392

lol, never watched the clones but I kinda liked the blue haired one's design minus the random pink everywhere to know that she's a clone

>> No.25515411

That's when she spies on you!

>> No.25515423
Quoted by: >>25515464

Ai should be focusing effort on funneling momentum back to her channel before trying to spread wide with the clones.

>> No.25515424
Quoted by: >>25515769

hololive will adopt the clones

>> No.25515454

She never grew into me, she was kind of unremarkable. Though she could apparently compose and made a few songs.

>> No.25515464

What are you talking about, she already gain all her lost subs back and is still growing.

>> No.25515475
File: 4 KB, 276x42, ss+(2020-08-16+at+10.23.47).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't be this retard

>> No.25515493


>> No.25515502

she the main clone that did most of the gaming stuff and mixed music for their new channel.

>> No.25515540
File: 3 KB, 279x35, これわ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25515553
Quoted by: >>25515691

how long before she become another vtuber

>> No.25515563


Really enjoying the recent resurgence of Project Winter collabs.

>> No.25515591
File: 4 KB, 326x41, 1596230181949.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25515609

>> No.25515609
Quoted by: >>25515676

We get it, anon, EOPs are retarded, close the chat and move on.

>> No.25515672

Why is Mimi always with Hashiba now

>> No.25515676
File: 3 KB, 259x35, ss+(2020-08-16+at+10.35.52).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25515751

alright, just one more and im done

>> No.25515691
Quoted by: >>25515979

How long before she becomes a holosanji?

>> No.25515736
Quoted by: >>25515771

But at this pace, she eventually die as well.

>> No.25515751

At least he's self-aware.

>> No.25515769
Quoted by: >>25515818

Just like with Korone and Okayu

>> No.25515771

We'll see. There wasn't much difference between solo and duo streams and she's more talented as an entertainer than the other one.

>> No.25515786


>> No.25515815
File: 261 KB, 1030x1659, EfiF_pmUMAAer6d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Touch the rabbit. Do it now

>> No.25515818
Quoted by: >>25515851

Those designs were so good.

>> No.25515851

Yes and AyaMina could have been successful if they were in a better management company

>> No.25515862
Quoted by: >>25515884

Ai clones for gen 6

>> No.25515884
Quoted by: >>25515913


>> No.25515889
Quoted by: >>25515916

Wait not the pink one, I liked her. Shit I'm sad now.

>> No.25515913

Gen 7 then.

>> No.25515916
Quoted by: >>25515933

Pink hair is "love-chan". She'll just go on by herself. The other one is retiring.

>> No.25515919
Quoted by: >>25515982

I tipped sio $100 in her booth for her voice packs before her shitstorm

Should I do a cashback refund

>> No.25515933

Oh that's fine then.

>> No.25515944

Love-chan is the tokufag right? I like her.

>> No.25515979

6 months for new Holo, 3 months for new Nijisanji.

>> No.25515982

Sure if you want your name to get blacklisted from their payment service.

>> No.25515986

Please watch my wife, she’s almost at 500 subscribers.


>> No.25515988

Fatamee was not prepared for Trevor Philips

>> No.25516033

To be honest that scene is pretty hard to watch

>> No.25516063
Quoted by: >>25516143

I just started watching Pika last night, what's the consensus on her and why doesn't she have any porn?

>> No.25516081
Quoted by: >>25516102

5 hours until nuke

>> No.25516102

what nuke is even around? 5th gen debuts are done, niji don't have 3D or any big events today

>> No.25516140
File: 267 KB, 1920x1080, EfmejsEUYAA5kl4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25516142
Quoted by: >>25516221

He's probably referring to Sio's planned stream.

>> No.25516143

"Wow her accent is fucked both in Japanese and English..."
"...she's kinda cute I guess."
"Ok she's pretty funny"
"Ahh she messed up her stream haha cute"
"She messed up again. She's pretty clumsy hah.."
"Holy shit what is her problem? How is she so bad at streaming?"
"This chuuba is FUCKED"
"I love her"

This is the evolution of a pikafag

>> No.25516195

How did Pikamee react to the sex scene during Trevor's introduction?

>> No.25516221

she'll literally proceed like nothing happened because that's literally the only feasible way out for her. expect lots of dislikes or blocked comments but nothing truly big will happen, and in a month nobody will even remember what happened

>> No.25516223
File: 102 KB, 1276x1073, IMG_20200815_211047.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't followed theses threads for a while but it's so weird to me how vtubers as a whole have progressed. Kiryu Coco was a mistake and pandering to reddit makes me sick. Also do people actually watch new ai?

>> No.25516236

stream warned her but she still screamed and paused

>> No.25516252

Where'd this nickname come from. People found out how she looks?

>> No.25516262

she got turned on

>> No.25516294

My guess is because she talks about donuts a lot

>> No.25516322
Quoted by: >>25516365

My wife got 500 subscribers recently and is going to do a 24 hour endurance stream to celebrate.

>> No.25516360 [DELETED] 

Where do you think you are? Go back to your safe space holotard.

>> No.25516364

She's cute but she sounds really boring

>> No.25516365
File: 5 KB, 185x65, nmnmn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25516453

not yet Anon

>> No.25516453
File: 84 KB, 270x269, wife.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's not my wife. This is my wife.

>> No.25516455
Quoted by: >>25516657

I wouldn't call it nuke but Nijisanji will take some damage from Hololive

>> No.25516501

That whore probably blocks them on sight.

>> No.25516505


>> No.25516527
File: 823 KB, 1500x1300, Efc-b7kUcAEd7Bw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25516538
File: 553 KB, 1500x1312, Efc-eJaU4AA5ys0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25516595

I actually agree on this point. Now we just have to make her notice her foreign fans.

>> No.25516621

I admit it, I can no longer hide it. I was the one who went to Sio's house, used my hacking skills to hijack her wifi from a van outside and used it to post those messages. Sio is entirely innocent, it was all me. I'm also her brother, by the way.

>> No.25516644

I can't believe Kuku is dead

>> No.25516657
Quoted by: >>25519308

Because of Aloe's "leak"? It doesn't make sense at all since Chitose was doxed almost immediately after fist stream and even as Ema still keeps contact with some people from Nijisanji.

>> No.25516665

Maybe there's a chance for her to stay, if the fans are vocal enough.
Letting them know people want her to stay is probably worth a shot.

>> No.25516671

How long before she becomes a Tsunderia?

>> No.25516687
Quoted by: >>25516795

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uwLqkAK4rjY yomi apex

>> No.25516691

it a force meme one or two anons trying to make, because they don't like her and call a fat white Tumblr bitch

>> No.25516698
File: 19 KB, 349x181, haha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25516706

I want a cockroach themed vtuber

>> No.25516727

Sio and natonato look the same

>> No.25516741
Quoted by: >>25519119

Hope we get an explanation in autotune

>> No.25516793

hal still streaming huh

>> No.25516795

did this NEET ever get her room cleaned

>> No.25516804

how much money do you spend on vtubers monthly? how much money have you spent in total? was it worth it?

>> No.25516810

She's also trending on Niconico

>> No.25516833

including Amazon wishlists, about $100 total but i'm done buying shit for now, superchats aren't worth it anymore

>> No.25516858

Only $10-20, literally only Lize's voice packs.

>> No.25516892
File: 128 KB, 900x1000, EfiVmMyVoAEGAr5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25516893

I'm a merch kind of guy. Maybe around $200 every month.

>> No.25516911
File: 280 KB, 2000x1500, EfibgljU0AAgkM1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25516940

I don't spend money on vtubers, but I did buy Hatoba Tsugu's figure.

>> No.25516977

Who is Aroe and why is she being flamed?

>> No.25516983
Quoted by: >>25517593

>Go to the bathroom mid-stream
>Come back and the video went private
Is there a way to find it and watch it again? Wayback Machine doesn't work

>> No.25517029

One membership for Ritorun just to fit in with all the other members

>> No.25517054

/hlg/ will be going mental over it for the next 12 hours if you're curious

>> No.25517074

Around 40 bucks for memberships. Plus 10~20 bucks if any Rion voice pack is released.

>> No.25517089

Female Pakoraito from Hololive.

>> No.25517090

I only spend 100 yen on Yuuna's FANBOX

>> No.25517140

Cover never let me down

>> No.25517166

She is worst than pakoraito in every aspect except the underage drug rape.

>> No.25517201

She's not going anywhere. They deleted Chris faster than this

>> No.25517206
Quoted by: >>25517224

Yeah but she's a Hololive, not Nijisanji. They don't need to keep the same standard of firing people.

>> No.25517224
Quoted by: >>25517322


>> No.25517251
Quoted by: >>25517265

>The comment said "Gaijin's already whiteknight-ing her"

>> No.25517265

They saw what happened to Towa.

>> No.25517276
Quoted by: >>25517368

>except the underage drug rape
I don't think that's something you should ignore making comparisons.

>> No.25517281

She's planning to rape Holostars instead

>> No.25517286
File: 228 KB, 706x1000, CopeEveryDayHoloSHITS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25517325

Hololive on suicide watch yet again! Will this be an thing every week? HAHAHAHA

>> No.25517295



>> No.25517310
File: 1.06 MB, 1200x675, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25517624

>> No.25517322

Oops. But then again, Hololive and Holostar might be completely different, like how they are managed and their contracts and such.

>> No.25517325

They had a whole lot of 3 leaks in a whole week with 2 of them happening yesterday.

>> No.25517348 [DELETED] 

Do you watch his gameplay streams as well?

>> No.25517368
Quoted by: >>25517441

Well its the only thing that she didn't do.

>> No.25517393

Lost all my respect for this man.

>> No.25517404

>except the underage drug rape
I'm new to vtubers. Mind sharing what happened?

>> No.25517441

Well, it makes a huge difference in trying to attribute one person to another.

>> No.25517494
Quoted by: >>25517532

Nice. If Cover try to ignore the problem his upload will definitely make them act (as usual).

>> No.25517532
Quoted by: >>25517578

Cover don't give two fucks about this loser you weirdo.

>> No.25517551
Quoted by: >>25517630

Why, he didn't ruin the people you want to get ruined?

>> No.25517554

Watch Patra play Super Mario until she reaches 300k subs

>> No.25517557

he just talks kind of funny but he's harmless

>> No.25517570

Take my pity sub Flare lover.

>> No.25517578

You wish. They've already done announcements timed right before his streams/videos multiple times in past.

>> No.25517593
Quoted by: >>25517841

no, you're fuck kid

>> No.25517602

You people are weird acting like he has any sort of power, He's a gossiping manchild who knows nothing.

>> No.25517623

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CtiljySnfoY SRYR doing a meme

>> No.25517624

That Yuni is outdated.

>> No.25517625

Then why he didn't reveal the bitch name back then?

>> No.25517630
Quoted by: >>25517724

He defends someone who he would usually attack only because he himself was also at risk from getting things leaked. If he would attack her, that would mean admitting the leak was true.

>> No.25517645
Quoted by: >>25518251

GunKan is back

>> No.25517678


>> No.25517724


>> No.25517725

Please sub to Patra

>> No.25517741


>> No.25517799


>> No.25517817

Hoo boy.

>> No.25517834

Didn't know there were so many pathetic paypigs here. Explains quite a lot.

>> No.25517841


>> No.25517862


>> No.25517891

Does HL japanese fanbase hate the EOPs?

>> No.25517915
Quoted by: >>25518049


>> No.25517916
File: 28 KB, 384x237, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do EOP faggots do this?

>> No.25517918


>> No.25517924

Way less than JSL's and EOP's themselves though.

>> No.25517941

Ah shit here we go

>> No.25517944

Is the worst design getting killed off?

>> No.25517947


>> No.25517961

If they'll just going to send her on a weeklong vacation over this it's gonna be hilarious.

>> No.25517965

That's not chinagirl or nobuhime design though?

>> No.25517968

I swear if she retires 2 days after debut I'm going to kill everyone in this thread

>> No.25517981

fuck EOPs

>> No.25517998

Start with yourself

>> No.25518009

Another one for picture diary club?

>> No.25518013
Quoted by: >>25518025

Is this the Towa of this gen?

>> No.25518025

Even hlg called it before the doxx.

>> No.25518028
File: 5 KB, 340x42, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25518029

What did we do?

>> No.25518042
Quoted by: >>25518061

She's probably just going to address the model "leaks".

>> No.25518049

Aw fucking come on, seriously?!
RIP, I was looking forward to her as well.

>> No.25518054
File: 4 KB, 268x90, numbers.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25518055

My guess is she won't retire. The damage would be too big if she leave here.
Let her apologize, but push past it. If I'm the manager I do so.

>> No.25518061

this really is most likely

>> No.25518068

Well she's not gonna get fired then. Probably just a shitty apology

>> No.25518069

Bros. I thought Luna would be retiring first

>> No.25518073
Quoted by: >>25518150

Doubt they'd let a newbie who just debuted do a farewell stream. Just going to be an apology and "taking a break".

>> No.25518085

She is the fucking walking damage.

>> No.25518094

just an apology, some pretend tears of regret and everyone will move on, maybe throw in some surprise monetization stream and rake in those consolation aka supachas

>> No.25518106

Does anyone outside of this board and Cover care about the leaks?

>> No.25518134

vtuber antis with a popcorn in hand, HL antis, people who follow vtubers for the gossip element, mostly trash.

>> No.25518148


Who is this guy and why is he so popular?

>> No.25518150

I doubt she'd even take a break.

>> No.25518155

Uh, there's something wrong. I can't throw her some superchat.

>> No.25518156
Quoted by: >>25518205

Maybe try to look at the chat?

>> No.25518168
Quoted by: >>25518205

Just look at her chat, anon

>> No.25518170

I have to say though, people were right in her being Towa 2.0.
Here come the whiteknights. That's if it isn't "i'm leaving bye"

>> No.25518171

You can't even read his name?

>> No.25518178

>If I'm the manager I do so
this is not english

>> No.25518183

He's fucking good.

>> No.25518184
Quoted by: >>25518212

How fucking pathetic one can be to support such a shitty company. They’re already a laughing stock for people that don’t even watch vtuber.

>> No.25518185
Quoted by: >>25518224

he hosted the vtuber apex tourney, newfriend

>> No.25518198


>> No.25518205

All I can get from the speed it's going at are heart emoticons

>> No.25518209

So how did the slut leak the models? Through twitter?

>> No.25518212

dont worry, hololive will always have western simps to support them

>> No.25518224

Also his team won a non-vtuber Apex tourney.

>> No.25518251
Quoted by: >>25518290

Are people going to stop shipping them knowing Gundou is a huge lesbian slut that fucks little impressionable schoolgirls regularly?

>> No.25518269

No.... She's being disliked! It was supposed to be our gen

>> No.25518290

Low effort try. Go back.

>> No.25518310

Never even seen this girl, she sounds like Mashiro.

>> No.25518320

It's just the Live2D stuff nothing big.

>> No.25518322

Not until they become a nuisance, which in Hololive's case they are.

>> No.25518391

She truly is the Towa of this gen

>> No.25518414

Wow! It's two weeks guys! She's totally going to be completely different when she returns!

>> No.25518427

Seriously, what the FUCK is wrong with Cover?
A fucking private test stream on some nobodies Twitcast that only got found out thanks to Nene IDing everyone.
Fuck OFF Cover, fire your stupid suits.

>> No.25518442

2 week break, Cover's a joke

>> No.25518449

2 weeks break for testing her live 2D?!

>> No.25518461
Quoted by: >>25519175

She actually addressed the boyfriend part?

>> No.25518477

Oh no, she's going to cry bros! What should we do? Maybe try to assemble support messages with all languages possible???

>> No.25518495

only bought marine Gensokyoholoism. It was a really good marketing by putting a small sample in the intro of every video. Im kind of disappointed at how there only 5 songs but they're quite good.

>> No.25518554


>> No.25518565

become a cult like towa

>> No.25518606

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CstQXC0_OPI SRYR ViViD collab

>> No.25518620
Quoted by: >>25518741

Not even as bad as yabee and even that wasn't bad.

>> No.25518627

300k Patra!

>> No.25518628

Come to Brazil

>> No.25518630

I still think Cover is better than Ichikara despite their recent fuckups

>> No.25518648

I might onto something here
I think Cover is retarded

>> No.25518659

holy shit what a joke of a company dude lmao

>> No.25518672

I have a message for Cover kabushiki kaisha

>> No.25518691

you guys don't get it. in one week she'll already be monetized and we'll get those red consolation superchats

>> No.25518726

If you only care about Holo(shit)live than yeah, of course.

>> No.25518741

The boyfriend will surely be more damaging to her career than leaking a live2d

>> No.25518759
File: 54 KB, 507x1200, 1597650197989.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25518763
Quoted by: >>25518815

Silly Aloe, you're supposed to use the revival method only if you're monetized

>> No.25518776

Congrats for reaching 300k subs Patra!

>> No.25518779

>Cover management is this bad
>The girls won't quit anyway
I can't tell if they're just stupid, signed a shitty contract (which goes back to being stupid), or Cover's actions are being overblown right now

>> No.25518785

this is what idolshit gets you

>> No.25518791

This. Ichikara is shady as fuck, I mean, there's Shiina's boyfriend+rimjob incident and she continued to stream without saying anything.

>> No.25518809
Quoted by: >>25518835

>The girls won't quit anyway

>> No.25518815

She's seething right now thinking about all the missed pity red supacha

>> No.25518819
Quoted by: >>25518902

t.Cover exec

>> No.25518835
Quoted by: >>25518892

Whoops didn't mean to quote
I thought Coco mentioned getting less than she expected? I get it was a tax thing but if they get less than they expected the chances of it being money is a bit low

>> No.25518866
Quoted by: >>25518971

What a joke. I’m waiting until some companies got tired of their shit and file a lawsuit against them. Let’s see how they’re gonna deal with that.

>> No.25518879

All the comments are saying they'll wait for her. Pakoraito my ass, if anything she'll get even more popular after this

>> No.25518889
Quoted by: >>25519076

Nice new company Polkahime.

>> No.25518892
Quoted by: >>25519072

>I thought Coco mentioned getting less than she expected? I get it was a tax thing but if they get less than they expected the chances of it being money is a bit low
Then why stay? Camaraderie?

>> No.25518902

I've been considering that they won't actually fire her and I was right. They need to keep that positive image and don't want to worry their idolbuta too much. So money is definitely a priority.

>> No.25518907

I much prefer cold professionalism to heartwarming incompetence.

>> No.25518937


>> No.25518971

This is just standard Japanese corporate behavior, it's not exclusive to Cover.

>> No.25518980

How about cold incompetence that is hololive?

>> No.25518990

Feigned heartwarming.

>> No.25519017
File: 19 KB, 368x193, 3FRWE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25519026

FAKE heartwarming. Fixed that for you.

>> No.25519054

Why do people expect her to be fired? It's like removing a shitty product from the shelves that you already paid for. Some idiots are gonna buy it anyway and if you're lucky people will forget about the incident in a week and act as if nothing happened.

>> No.25519072
Quoted by: >>25519112

Exactly what boggles me
Why would ANY of them stay? If they're stuck on a bad contract just pull some light shit and get fired, no legal issue involved

>> No.25519076

Imagine being MEGA right now

>> No.25519101

If you are trying to maintain a certain image, then having shitty products on the shelve is damaging to that.

>> No.25519106

Punishment or not, taking a break until things blow over is the right call. She and her boyfriends are apparently getting actual death threats. Idolfags are mentally ill.

>> No.25519112

bound by the hololive family in a contract of blood. I think some of them moved into a sharehouse provided by cover already.

>> No.25519119

There was no autotune wtf

>> No.25519144

hopefully during this time off they can fuck like rabbits and release a sex tape to make some extra cash

>> No.25519154

Shit, *boyfriend.
That wasn't meant to be plural.

>> No.25519157
Quoted by: >>25519226

You are the one who's mentally ill if you're ok with her.

>> No.25519166

Kaoru was discarded pretty quick over literal rumors when he was the one growing the fastest among homostars and giving them a good name, so I don't blame people for thinking that.

>> No.25519175
Quoted by: >>25519252

She said she already broke up with him before she joined holo, and pleaded that we don't send hate messages towards him

>> No.25519182

Well, if it's not option one, and it's not option two, then by order of elimination it must be option three.

>> No.25519190
Quoted by: >>25519199

Did she address this?

>> No.25519197

How can one company as as fucking incompetent as cover? How is blaming your talent for their manager's fuck up the move they came up with?

>> No.25519199
Quoted by: >>25519237


>> No.25519204
Quoted by: >>25519266

That’s how most thing work. Not for holofags though, they’ll literally eat up everything cover throws out. At this point they might as well just sell bathwater or shit like that.

>> No.25519226

I thought this place hates idolbu? Go back to hololive thread please.

>> No.25519228

Are you retarded?

>> No.25519237
Quoted by: >>25519308

you think niji will do something about it

>> No.25519252

What, she broke up with her boyfriend for money? Wow what a bitch.

>> No.25519255

He's my contribution, I hope it helps.
Non est innocentia, sed solum gradus culpae.

>> No.25519266

>might as well just sell bathwater or shit like that
That's a good idea actually. I think people would actually buy it

>> No.25519269

She was shitting on vtuber industry in her stream but ended up working for Hololive anyway. What else can you say about her?

>> No.25519280
Quoted by: >>25519363

>nijichads chillin like usual
>holos having another drama meltdown

>> No.25519284

There is this video tagged with Aloe on NND and gaining lot's of view/comment.

>> No.25519292


>> No.25519308

no because what she is saying strictly false. >>25516657

>> No.25519315
Quoted by: >>25519424

what do you mean by shitting on the industry? you mean other vtubers?

>> No.25519341

Looking back at the last month, does it really look like cover is trying to maintain a positive image? I would imagine most of the people that cared about that would have stopped supporting them by now.

>> No.25519363
Quoted by: >>25519522

That's only because Nijifagji are so used to meltdowns by now that it barely registers anymore.

>> No.25519377
Quoted by: >>25519469

Even if it's false doesn't it count as slander?

>> No.25519382

You mean just like Pekora? One of the most popular girl?

>> No.25519412

Ain't it slander though? Just like they accused Narukami of ?

>> No.25519424

No about the way it works. Like you're too shackled when you work as vtuber and need to hide any interactions with males and your boyfriends, also votaku are gross etc.

>> No.25519438

Kaoru was making them barely any money and the risk of him affecting their cash cows was getting pretty high, so I don't think you can really compare them.

>> No.25519469
Quoted by: >>25519713

What do you want them to do? Sue her? It’s unnecessary and troublesome.

>> No.25519499

Because he's in Holostar and Cover deem him as disposable.

>> No.25519522
Quoted by: >>25519554

Nijisanji didn't have fuckups of this caliber for a while. They only get harmless stuff like somebody criticising member for promoting Totoro during other's 3D reveal (which ended up being just one faggot spamming from different accounts).

>> No.25519554

yumeo, hajiki, pakoraito

>> No.25519556
Quoted by: >>25519718

Honestly I don't really care that much about any of this. I can just see that being a line of reasoning as to why you might want to get rid of someone.

>> No.25519602
Quoted by: >>25519675

Yes anon, it is all the management's fault, the cute anime girls are infallible and can do no wrong. And anyone that claims otherwise is an anti.

>> No.25519661
Quoted by: >>25519710

Harmless, harmless and happened a while ago and a great example of how Pakoloe's situation was supposed to be handeled.
Yumeo's situation was hugely overblown by anti and was about a short period from his private life before becoming a vtuber.

>> No.25519675

The manager never told her to delete it. If they weren't an incompetent fuck-up none of this would have happened.
The whole boyfriend and super nympho nonsense would have been ignored since nothing relating to her directly would have been shown.
"Nene has similar Art" is nothing compared to "this mad nympho with dildo sushimi is 100% a Hololiver because she has a video of her L2D"
The manager is at fault. 100%.

>> No.25519692

The only recent one is Yumeo, and look how he's treated now >>25519471
Even while he was on break other members were cracking jokes at his expense.

>> No.25519710
Quoted by: >>25519802

It's the same thing.

>> No.25519713
Quoted by: >>25519789

I expected an apology at least. The accusations she made against nijisanji members were pretty bad.

>> No.25519718

The thing is cover have always tried to sell Hololive as a tight knit group. Firing any of them at this point will be way more disastrous than trying to play it down.

>> No.25519776

Yeah, clearly.

>> No.25519784

The contrast between japanese and western comments is fucking hilarious.

>> No.25519789

Well, it’s Cover. I didn’t expect them to have any sense of morality.

>> No.25519802
Quoted by: >>25519861

Which one? The dildo or dreaming about fucking pretty singers? Or maybe gossiping about vtubers and other companies?

>> No.25519835
Quoted by: >>25520072

Someone please make a translation of the NND videos about the holo girl

>> No.25519851

leaked mode/l2d pissing off hololive fans
boyfriend issue pissing off gachikoi idolbutas
slandering chitose pissing off nijisanji fans
how can one girl fuck up so much? she's lucky the hate in vtuber scene is split between HL5 and Sio right now.

>> No.25519850

One side have already seen the stuff she's done and other is either EOPs or those who are labeling everything anti.

>> No.25519853

Their literal culture is being brought up to suck the dick of their superiors. No surprise.

>> No.25519861
Quoted by: >>25519888

>hugely overblown by anti and was about a short period from his private life before becoming a vtuber
Read your fucking post.

>> No.25519875

They’ve been shitting at each other for while. I wonder how long before it becomes serious.

>> No.25519888
Quoted by: >>25521079

I have no fucking idea how you see no difference.

>> No.25519902

I can't even see any Japanese from looking at top comments.

>> No.25519913
File: 108 KB, 1280x720, sat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>how can one girl fuck up so much?

>> No.25519921
Quoted by: >>25519998

Well she still has white knight EOPs.

>> No.25519943

Aloe was going to have to do something eventually. Once the video started trending on NND, there was no way she would be able to avoid this. When Towa had her yabee moment, Cover tried to hide it by copyright claiming and taking down the videos, but they kept popping back up and the only action they could take was making Towa apologize. Antis are relentless, they're STILL seething over permissions to a point that Marine had to respond to them in a passive aggressive way over fucking HEY YOU PIKACHU. Anyone who acts like a decision like this isn't the better option is genuinely stupid and underestimates the power of japanese autism.

>> No.25519966

>leaked mode/l2d pissing off hololive fans
Japanese Hololive fans? Maybe. Oversea fans? Not really.

>> No.25519984

>Once the video started trending on NND
It was already trending long before that video which is a part of a stream that was uploaded earlier.

>> No.25519998

Well isn't she she luckiest girl in the world.

>> No.25520011

>they're STILL seething over permissions to a point that Marine had to respond to them in a passive aggressive way over fucking HEY YOU PIKACHU
Nani the fuck, it's true.
What the fuck is wrong with those morons when they can't even google publisher's name.

>> No.25520071

>Nani the fuck

>> No.25520072
File: 8 KB, 1013x122, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't worry I have the most important one stowed. when do you want the subs?

>> No.25520075
File: 246 KB, 1034x1477, EflH8ADU4AAn1O6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm still going to support her, fuck the haters

>> No.25520125

So nothing?

>> No.25520136
Quoted by: >>25520355

and thus towafags 2.0 were born

>> No.25520155

Nice armpit, I will now subscribe to your girl

>> No.25520171

she just play KNIVES OUT with her boyfriend today

>> No.25520173

>pink hair
oh, no wonder

>> No.25520176

The only fuckup Cover made here was hiring this girl in the first place.

>> No.25520177

their logic was "it wasn't developed by nintendo, so the license doesn't count!!!!!" which is a dumb argument because that means Niji would be in trouble too for playing Pokemon, Kirby, and even fucking Clubhouse games.

>> No.25520196

>No matter what bad things she’s done I’m still gonna support this person that I barely know for 2 days!
Holoshitter everyone.

>> No.25520202

How did they find her phone number?
Did they went and try all the existing numbers calling half of japan a whore?

>> No.25520208
Quoted by: >>25520391

https://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm37370617 someone translate this

>> No.25520217

The pink hair = slut theory has never been broken

>> No.25520224

Wasted design just like towa

>> No.25520235

delicious armpit

>> No.25520236

free money for her boyfriend

>> No.25520265

looks like a Liz ripoff

>> No.25520268


>> No.25520283

I really hate Japanese corporate culture. I wish my indie chuubas won't join any company. Not really, but I still hate it.

>> No.25520328


>> No.25520355

With all the Cheetos stuff, she's turning it up to Towa 11.
This is beyond Towa 2.0

>> No.25520387
Quoted by: >>25520443

Ririmu... not my daughterwife, anything but her.

>> No.25520391

Would be better if somebody translates 15-20 minutes of this stream starting from around 26:00
She has blabbered about a lot of spicy stuff.

>> No.25520392

nijimales having the time of their lives right now in 3D while holo is burning once again

>> No.25520408

This clown music is almost as bad as Old MacDonald but at least it's appropriate in this case, I guess.

>> No.25520415
Quoted by: >>25520577

Remind me again, what time is sio gonna stream tonight?

>> No.25520423

pledging undying support to someone with 0 content is just hilarious

>> No.25520443
Quoted by: >>25520497

But she has white hair..

>> No.25520454

Will Nobupolka say anything about her colleague? Or just pretend that nothing happened?

>> No.25520461
Quoted by: >>25520482

How many times they have fucked up this year? I can’t count anymore.

>> No.25520480
Quoted by: >>25520521

This was all orchestrated by Sio to shift attention away from her when she returns, holy shit what a smart girl genius

>> No.25520482

Not enough to count on one hand in just one month.

>> No.25520497
File: 211 KB, 1125x2436, ririmu costume.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25520546

She has pink now. She's growing up. Soon she'll be all pink.
Oh god no. Go away Mr Blobby I don't want the dick.

>> No.25520521

Wrong. Some people are already comparing Pakoloe to her as well.

>> No.25520546

T-they're just highlights.. Oh fuck, it's because she's getting older right? When she's a mature succubus the Ririmu we know will be gone..

>> No.25520549

>2 enjou in the same day
Now this is good.

>> No.25520577

who cares

>> No.25520590
Quoted by: >>25520634


>> No.25520617

>Kaoru gets fired by Cover
>Immediately after the news drops Roberu does a stream where he makes a bunch of bug and car sounds
>Aloe gets sent on a two week suspension
>Immediately after Polka does a stream where she is laughing her ass off and jingling keys over really loud circus music
these two really know how to make sure the show still goes on.

>> No.25520634
Quoted by: >>25520702

how the fuck did I miss this

>> No.25520640

Polkahime has a mind of steel for streaming just right after that

>> No.25520641

Holobrainlets have already started complaining about idol culture and fans. Hololive with their fans is a huge circus.

>> No.25520672

She's doing her job. That's how their company works.

>> No.25520675

they really need to stop trying to convince themselves of being idols

there are only 2 real idols, and the rest are just normie streamers

>> No.25520702

They really didn't seem to do a good job of publicising it, the only thing I saw about it before hand was a single tweet from chaika without any images around a week ago maybe.

>> No.25520704
File: 166 KB, 1024x576, EfnEnU1U0AEmNRs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25520894

>> No.25520720


>> No.25520732

Finally their unstable multicultural fanbase in imploading

>> No.25520781

Imagine ignoring everything she's said and only focusing on the part that she had a boyfriend. They're the opposite of idolfags but still just the same.

>> No.25520783

Watching Hololive and complaining about idol culture, are these guys retarded? It's like complaining about anime on 4chan.

>> No.25520803

So what are you guys going to do when we get our /vtb/ board? I reckon it'll be just full of Hololive threads.

>> No.25520853

Some of them seem pretty annoyed with the white knighting they are doing right now
It's the first time I've seen any real dislike for the gaijin

>> No.25520856
Quoted by: >>25520958

Implying it will happen.

>> No.25520875

Do you really think Nobuhime would care about this shit?

>> No.25520878

Wow, a whole board for the sperg to shitup!

>> No.25520894
Quoted by: >>25520994

wait is that moemi or yomemi.

>> No.25520909
Quoted by: >>25521066

Anymore to add anon? You are used to these type of words that are not from /jp/

>> No.25520921

It would be safer to remove the cancer tumor and locate it to a different place where it can grow while not bothering others. So I won't be opposed if it will be just Hololive and other internet celebrities.

>> No.25520937

Yeah, Vtubers are totally just Hololive lmao.

>> No.25520948

gaijin holofans vs jap holofans

>> No.25520953

Why just vtubers and not all internet celebs? /incel/ is the board we need.

>> No.25520958

Well, we already have 3 new necessary boards...

>> No.25520959

Sperg from here is gonna falseflag all thread like usual unless there are jannies stop them

>> No.25520993

You have no idea how bad of an idea this actually is since you keep trying to push for it. It would just be kiwifarms but even worse because it's actually anonymous.

>> No.25520994

That's my wife.

>> No.25521019

Spergs from this thread will have their field day.

>> No.25521048
Quoted by: >>25521159

Who do we have in Team Chris now? Chris, Sio, Towa and the new girl?

>> No.25521061

Stop being a incel.

>> No.25521066

Great metapost anon. Care to post anything about vtubers instead?

>> No.25521079

Not him but this whole reply chain, holy shit, how can someone has so little self awareness like you lmao

>> No.25521145
Quoted by: >>25521220

What the hell does 荒野行動 mean?

>> No.25521147
File: 234 KB, 1000x1500, Efm4e7vUwAELjAI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25521149
Quoted by: >>25521194

Some of them need to kill themselves for being corporate dick-suckers.
Sure she fucked some stuff up, but this is 100% the managers fault.

>> No.25521159

Chris, Annyan, and Rene

>> No.25521194

>She fucked some stuff up
>100% the manager's fault
Does not compute.

>> No.25521200
File: 149 KB, 827x1330, EfmzI4XU4AA33DS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25521660

>> No.25521220

That's the title of a game

>> No.25521247

If the manager told her to delete the video like a sensible person, none of this would have mattered. Period.
Nene adding everyone meant sweet fucking nothing since it isn't absolute proof but mere internet rumors.
Even if there were voice recordings it meant nothing.
The simple addition of her L2D test is what made this blow up.

>> No.25521268

>If the manager told her to delete the video
Not really something you'd need a manager for, that's just common sense.

>> No.25521284
Quoted by: >>25521438

Aren't those just NNDretards/antis tho?
Her manager has some of the blame since they were aware of the test.

>> No.25521294

>common sense.
>hololive "talent"

>> No.25521299

Would be even better if she did anything with that kind of thumbnail.

>> No.25521332

They need to stop hiring dickbrain for manager

>> No.25521341

stop streaming nobu you aint cut out for it

>> No.25521409
File: 784 KB, 2149x3035, EfjtfTeUMAoAxNp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25521429




















>> No.25521418

"Common sense"?
"Nobody knows who I am, it's passworded, this is fine"
She's clearly tech illiterate enough to not realize all it took was a friendly add by a fellow colleague that would lead to an absolute SHITSTORM.
Most people on this site could probably be doxxed if they put in a single username from people they know on social media through text analysis alone.
(yes, because this site is filled with that type now)
That ain't common sense, son. Stop using your curse of knowledge to make something look like common sense. We know what it is like because we are used to posting on this shithole for many years. I mean, fuck, 2 people that posted the leak of the 5th generation singing Fukkireta got doxxed YESTERDAY.
The manager is supposed to fill that role in telling them how to fix their online presence so shit doesn't bite them in the ass.
This should have been dealt with MONTHS ago.
They can still use social media, they just need to wipe everything dodgy long before they debut. There's a huge delay time from hired to debut. This is true of most companies.

>> No.25521429

What's with Fu Mihi Ko and Sora?

>> No.25521438
Quoted by: >>25521561

I agree but not fucking 100% like that anon said.

>> No.25521490
Quoted by: >>25521571

Sora is just one small part of his long list of vtuber obsessions, remember that he went on a Ene, Shirayuri and Choco spree before.

>> No.25521505

the twitcast is eye-opening. I do not want this girl anywhere near hololive member or the vtuber industry for that matter

>> No.25521529
File: 672 KB, 1575x2100, EQu9H20VAAEfJd6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sora is very sexual

>> No.25521541

Pakoroe saikou!

>> No.25521546

Just shut up and watch Sio being cute

>> No.25521561

Okay, 90%, you happy? Ignorance doesn't imply blame.
Being an actual manager for a talent implies almost all the blame. It's their literal job.
Cover are filled with incompetent fuckwits as evidenced by the countless issues since last winter from Mel to copyright nonsense to mass privating videos to DELETING Subaru and Shions archives instead of privating.
This is no secret. They keep hiring absolute shitters that are even less literate at tech than the goddamn streamers are.

>> No.25521571

>Ene, Shirayuri and Choco
I understand those three but Sora?

>> No.25521572
Quoted by: >>25521579

情報漏洩 is trending

>> No.25521578

More like, what's with Fu Mihi Ko and proper faces?

>> No.25521579

Why are you questioning people taste?

>> No.25521587

Fucking an aidoru is pretty much a standard fantasy.

>> No.25521598

The fuck, there's no way she could come back from this.

>> No.25521611

That's Hololive for you.

>> No.25521637
File: 309 KB, 1904x1071, mirei2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25521678

Mirei FGO gacha with Kanda

>> No.25521638
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>> No.25521646
File: 1.86 MB, 1600x900, 581048541058014.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25521678

It's ok, anon, you can says you're gay

>> No.25521656
File: 218 KB, 1116x1147, EfnLtDJU0AABuOk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25521660


>> No.25521664

About to get Kaoru'd out the back door.
Shame, I liked her design.

>> No.25521672
Quoted by: >>25521693

translate it weebs

>> No.25521678

bets on the final amount?
I still think brown sora was better

>> No.25521681

From Aloe's twitcast I find it interesting that she referred to her job at hololive as "voice actress" (seiyuu).

>> No.25521693
Quoted by: >>25521876

go back to hlg

>> No.25521695
Quoted by: >>25521788

So do they just not do any background checks at hololive?

>> No.25521707
Quoted by: >>25521740

It's just a job for these NND whores really. Look at Coco/kson

>> No.25521724
Quoted by: >>25521929

cause at this point it is. hired to play a role rather than just be a vtuber

>> No.25521736

Seiyuu reject

>> No.25521740

of course it's a job. what else would it be?

>> No.25521757
Quoted by: >>25521831

A way of life, fuck those holosluts

>> No.25521769

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cAT1PIvqZ2I crimson

>> No.25521779


>> No.25521788

Nah, they hire sluts on purpose so they're not adverse to sex for favours.

>> No.25521831
Quoted by: >>25521938

You're delusional, most vtubers have a job/life besides vtubing.

>> No.25521866

Nijisanji has soul.

>> No.25521876

Spotted the crossie

>> No.25521903
Quoted by: >>25522019

She wasn't working at Hololive at that time. It's about her previous work.

>> No.25521908

They have soul but it's still a job. It's just nijisanji is way more lax so the talents have freedom to do what they want to do.

>> No.25521911
Quoted by: >>25521936

Yet again nijichads are chilling while the EOP and JP fanbase fight eachother

>> No.25521929
File: 36 KB, 715x614, dcy53ypos0o21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hired to play a role rather than just play a role

>> No.25521931
Quoted by: >>25521986

sure anon but I don't know what that has to do with anything? it is still a job for these people

>> No.25521936

Who cares about some fags playing with onions cardboard and some slut and her fake boyfriend?

>> No.25521938
Quoted by: >>25522050

You're the one who's delusional. Considering the amount of streams/hours most of Hololive do they only have a side job at best.

>> No.25521953
File: 348 KB, 859x600, 1578707158953.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25521972

More less hands-on with overbearing management, outside of definite NG shit.

>> No.25521986

He's underage, don't worry about it too much.

>> No.25522019
Quoted by: >>25522151

No, she explicitly mentioned vtubing in that video. Right after the part where she talked about the Sigma seiyuu agency.

>> No.25522045
File: 610 KB, 2160x3072, EfjlzLTUwAUOCHL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New Patra is really sexy. It's even sexier than her normal lewd clothes.

>> No.25522050
Quoted by: >>25522102


>> No.25522060
Quoted by: >>25522248

Nico douga is calling her pakoraiko / パコライ子

>> No.25522071
File: 162 KB, 1000x786, 1596156308186.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25522083

nijiholofans force a thread to 2k posts yet again

>> No.25522102

What a way to prove your point!

>> No.25522151
Quoted by: >>25522278

She did but 5th gen got added at around March-April the earliest. This is a stream from October.

>> No.25522200


>> No.25522242

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5TWMAuqpI5U asahi
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D7BX7MCBVm0 chaika yashiro kagami nintendo labo
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RbYvfxKsJhs anko wat apex
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YYsDXTWiXOU wat pov
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8UADsDEddtI haato
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3JDINB4I1bU ebio fortnite with pros
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hEoRrMGwbaE hajime
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uejkrpI_w74 ibrahim gta5
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zOqmTYot-cw mirei kanda fgo
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Bh3sy7phr8 kyouko gta5
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EP-LyXvf9_s watame link's awakening
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mdJP7mDiHhQ nazuna sena apex
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GsK7_sbjKzo sena pov
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c0vuN4Fm_6M akina 180k
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wx28jAyCpVw marine towa drawing

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AYvRopXS0Ns akari
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=go0M6VgSVIU haneru
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JvtepJZUe90 uni
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U_XItoaJMvc meika
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dZPiZ8G2ByY omesis
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0EbtPXaL6as puchisanji
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l2VzmbYZd3c anibit

>> No.25522248

If Laeria can't get rid of Akkun's virginity, will Aloe do the job?

>> No.25522250

Nanashi making getting fired jokes will never not be unfunny. In fact Nanashi's sense of """humor""" will never not be unfunny.

>> No.25522278
Quoted by: >>25522365

The timeframe she mentioned for erasing her content as dedechiy is mid 2020, she's 100% talking about hololive.

>> No.25522291

That's like saying anon's jokes are always funny

>> No.25522321
File: 511 KB, 1200x838, EUxbpNoU4AA88ax.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to fire my jokes in Nanashi's funny place.

>> No.25522348

Now this is the e-celeb gossip that we need

>> No.25522365

She didn't erase it though, and from what I've heard it was 2019, not 2020.

>> No.25522381

