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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 20 KB, 400x400, artia tg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
25442299 No.25442299 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.25442303
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>> No.25442304
File: 88 KB, 488x637, myfriendshiinyuika.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25442305
File: 277 KB, 1200x1067, EfTl6zSUwAIqhfM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Early Kaichou

>> No.25442306
File: 374 KB, 2307x1771, Ee1B4pxVAAIozog.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25442307
File: 335 KB, 800x800, 1595932621009.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have been lonely ever since Mikochi left!

>> No.25442308
File: 29 KB, 276x337, 1564071155017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25442337

Your yubis
Hand them over

>> No.25442310
File: 874 KB, 3840x2160, 1596693568317.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25442314

Which Holo is going to be the first one to play "Hey You Pikachu!"?

>> No.25442315
File: 159 KB, 359x359, 1589809841729.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25442317

this is the one kek

>> No.25442319
File: 138 KB, 771x239, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25442320

>5 new holos
>none of them play fighting games
Subaru... Guilty Gear... Onegai...

>> No.25442322
File: 791 KB, 671x653, what the fuck did you just say about me you little mogu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25442323
Quoted by: >>25442389

lol 4 threads

>> No.25442326

But a lot of them play Fight Crab. And Subaru played that sausage game.

>> No.25442327
File: 21 KB, 224x269, 1569932673381.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>4 threads.

>> No.25442328

What color do you think Marine's nails are? I think they're black!

>> No.25442331
File: 3.36 MB, 2833x4000, nene.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25442807

Imagine the taste

>> No.25442330

Literally only shitposters on this thread think Lamy is Lamp now you deaf retard. Vtama disagrees, 5ch disagrees, even fucking NND disagrees

>> No.25442332
File: 260 KB, 1980x1080, 339BCCC2-5781-4C2F-8BBD-6B4508DD88B7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Submit to Mel !

>> No.25442333
File: 382 KB, 1897x1427, 1594561078830.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Coco's cocock..

>> No.25442334
File: 96 KB, 244x288, 36hy6u.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>4 threads

>> No.25442335
File: 532 KB, 1321x2007, EY7qaZoU0AAG9Iq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25442336
File: 111 KB, 220x220, 1595503759760.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>5 threads

>> No.25442337
File: 42 KB, 275x401, 1596916736879.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25442938

your tiktoks.. hand them over
for real what's her account's name? i want more cringe

>> No.25442338
File: 98 KB, 697x808, 15258154630.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25442364


>> No.25442339
File: 724 KB, 4096x2545, EfYi4yTUwAEEBdy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25442349

What would sex with Botan be like?

>> No.25442340
File: 115 KB, 1200x905, EfYI97pUYAIHhcX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Towa.

>> No.25442341

Hi, I am Fubuki's bf.

>> No.25442342
File: 43 KB, 680x383, 54364578.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25442343
File: 502 KB, 1435x2048, 1574338514532.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why Aloe will be the best 5th gen?
She likes drawing https://files.catbox.moe/cdamgn.png https://files.catbox.moe/u9g8zu.mp4
Is quite good at singing, has good music taste, was creating some music with FL Studio https://files.catbox.moe/3fncw4.mp4 https://files.catbox.moe/ns55st.mp4 https://files.catbox.moe/b3hzqg.mp4
Has been a fan of hololive for at least 6 months, based on her twitter likes and youtube playlist her favourite holos are Marine, Coco and Kanata.

>> No.25442344

how did botan get doxxed so fast. did I miss nenes and lamys? fuckk

>> No.25442345
File: 205 KB, 700x942, 1591823365321_1_0_1_0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ten fox, Kawaiiiyooo~

>> No.25442346

Wine red

>> No.25442349

Fifty times a day.

>> No.25442350
File: 2.15 MB, 152x188, 1589827596834.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25442419

my oshi..

>> No.25442351
File: 1.35 MB, 1071x1200, EeJvJx4U4AETmK3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25442850

I love Kanatan!

>> No.25442353
File: 580 KB, 1125x669, screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just a week left, you already bought your ticket right anon?

>> No.25442354

Miko, years ago.

>> No.25442355
File: 900 KB, 884x735, Hair went to another dimension.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25442404

Were Aki's twintails always detachable?

>> No.25442356

People over the age of 14 shouldn't be on tiktok. change my mind.

>> No.25442357

>Korone picks up a Civilization game
How long would the "just one more turn" go on for? 5 hours? 10?

>> No.25442358

I hope Artia does well on her exams

>> No.25442359
Quoted by: >>25442389

>4 threads
fucking idiots.

>> No.25442360
File: 73 KB, 288x288, yes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking hate this bitch

>> No.25442361

Ouga did before the permissions wave happened.

>> No.25442362
File: 981 KB, 3508x2480, 1566803775234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25442400

I honestly think she'll drop it shortly after getting first place once or twice. But I may be wrong.
But yeah it is fucking 5am, although I specifically booked laundry at 6am because I was going to be awake anyways for her stream.

>> No.25442363
File: 156 KB, 661x623, 1574757406867.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Range ban Poland

>> No.25442364
File: 203 KB, 1000x937, maririnhips.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

どんな世界も 目一杯の愛でできてる
したい話は 無限に溢れ出してくるんだ だから
Over za Border 超えてこう、あの境界を
赤いリボンで繋がったなら ほら、追い風が吹いてくる

>> No.25442370
Quoted by: >>25442390

Because Nene is tech illiterate.

>> No.25442371
File: 418 KB, 2196x2928, 1584477624514.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25442408


>> No.25442373

tiktok should be banned for the good of mankind

>> No.25442374

Anon give up. That guy is going to take this to his grave.

>> No.25442376

Starting to think that Alowa will spill even more spaghetti than Nene.

>> No.25442377
Quoted by: >>25442390

Nene doxed them all

>> No.25442378
File: 1.08 MB, 862x1320, totallyunkownperson.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25442413

Hello this is Inuyama Tamaki and with me is a totally new face I've never met before Od-Omaru Polka!

>> No.25442381
File: 608 KB, 800x1221, __sakura_miko_hololive_drawn_by_motsunuki__95065e68cbe7c897dc6456821cb468c6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Day 16 Thread #3

Still here, patiently waiting for Mikochi to come back!

>> No.25442382

How addictive is the Drop Dudes game

>> No.25442383

The most valuable thing is your attention, retard.

>> No.25442385
File: 84 KB, 277x277, soon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25442386
File: 80 KB, 824x824, 1595815707534.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25442883


>> No.25442387

>none of them play fighting games
and that's a good thing

>> No.25442388

Your favorite Hologirl had a great day today, and I hope she has another one tomorrow as well!

>> No.25442389

Wow it's almost like being super autistic about not making threads a minute early leads to shit like this, who would have thought

>> No.25442390

This was after the 5ch doxx

>> No.25442391
File: 428 KB, 500x500, aloe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which flavor is her favorite?

>> No.25442393
File: 1.23 MB, 2480x2125, 1596040240645.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25442418

I hope you did your FPS reps so you can snipe Botan

>> No.25442394

i think we should ban people over the age of 30 like the doggo

>> No.25442395
Quoted by: >>25442577

Nope. Can't justify spending that much for someone that's not my oshi but you have fun anon.

>> No.25442396

Isn't tiktok just musically, which was just vine? What makes it so bad now that it wasn't then?

>> No.25442397

Brown after she fingered me.

>> No.25442400

>I honestly think she'll drop it shortly after getting first place once or twice.
ah, so we're in it for the long haul

>> No.25442402

Honestly it's better that way. Not only are fighting games shit online, but they also can be pretty unfun if you aren't into getting bodied. I love them but I see why it's not a popular streaming choice. At least Fubuki mentioned that she likes Tekken and Guilty Gear.

>> No.25442403

dont forget the flips

>> No.25442404
Quoted by: >>25442429

Only with the L2D update. There was no option to hide them before.

>> No.25442405
File: 356 KB, 688x500, 1596077755869.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25442408
File: 229 KB, 1280x1144, ONEESAN GUMI 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25442445

these 3 are something else

>> No.25442409



>> No.25442410

>no u
and no they fucking don't, retard. stop making shit up. anyone can go and listen to her and they'll realize it's the same person

>> No.25442412

>No she brought other holos on so it wasnt entirely about herself
The show was entirely for herself and 4th gen only ever since the start. Coco literally said the senpais begged her to put them in the show.

>> No.25442413


>> No.25442415

So was Botan's dox real? Is she really a 40 year old lady? I really liked her debut actually, much more than the others. She's very well-spoken and had a lot of confidence. Plus good taste in manga.

>> No.25442417
File: 956 KB, 1754x1240, 1597260376036.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25442513

Towa is a whore

>> No.25442418
File: 200 KB, 1536x1536, 1580978202392.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Botan killing Gorilla in a match.
Please happen.

>> No.25442419
File: 27 KB, 215x361, 1591316446670.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the sheep cant stop winning...

>> No.25442420

How else will we prune the super dead 2hu threads?

>> No.25442421

As long as you don't get swamped with team games it's very addictive.

>> No.25442425

I want that please...

>> No.25442426

the contracts that everybody accepts without reading says that your life belongs to ccp after making an account there
they could legally use korone the dog to make commercials

>> No.25442427

oh gee I dunno maybe because it's chinese spyware?

>> No.25442428
Quoted by: >>25442462

She's Shrek

>> No.25442429

lorewise they have always been detachable

>> No.25442430
Quoted by: >>25442503

>Not only are fighting games shit online
They live in Japan, that's the only place there the online isn't shit, it's the enviroment they were literally built for

>> No.25442433
File: 241 KB, 1304x1304, honk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25442921

How about a smile, /hlg/ *honk honk*

>> No.25442434

https://twitter.com/ookamimio/status/1294285898729701382?s=20 Anyone translated Mio's diary entry for today?

>> No.25442436

they're already dipping their toes into the esports market with Botan. It's only a matter of time till a FG autist is added too

>> No.25442435

vine was funny

>> No.25442438

Just watched Botans debut.
wtf i'm a botanchad now?????????

>> No.25442440
Quoted by: >>25442468

So did Nobuhime retire because she was already casted as gen 5? All the gen 5 accounts were created back in April

>> No.25442442

Good, the fighting game community is the shittiest out there, no matter the game, unless they're playing melty blood on coco's bathroom it's for the better that they avoid those games

>> No.25442443

Why do you think she was so calm during her debut stream lol Experience

>> No.25442444

I wanna punch the clown

>> No.25442445
File: 437 KB, 484x861, weird nerd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't normally see parties with an elf, a knight and a goblin!

>> No.25442448


>> No.25442449
File: 597 KB, 629x521, __10-2017bd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25442477

Boomer stream.

>> No.25442451

Yes just search "as always" in the archive and you should hit the Miofag's post.

>> No.25442453

I wanna donkey punch the clown

>> No.25442454
Quoted by: >>25442478

yes last thread or the one before, The Anon is always doing it.

>> No.25442455

sadly yes

>> No.25442457

who cares about that shit when there's Grim Dawn, pleb

>> No.25442458
File: 317 KB, 1080x1448, 1597256768248.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Moona's greasy and sweaty armpit

>> No.25442459

Why does it matter

>> No.25442460

Plenty of holos play Smash. Isn't that enough fighting games?

>> No.25442461

Yes, she is ogre. You can compare voices.

>> No.25442462

Was that other pic some anon posted real? Still not good looking and a lot more emo, but not quite the shovel faced mud monster we thought

>> No.25442463
File: 619 KB, 945x546, slimeclimb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what happens next

>> No.25442465
File: 56 KB, 516x612, 1596928384560.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

welcome to the safari motherfucker

>> No.25442468
Quoted by: >>25442552

Polkas was created in June

>> No.25442469
File: 188 KB, 522x286, 1788911911.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25442470

I hate Nene aru

>> No.25442471

Dude why would you ever believe anything posted here

>> No.25442473
Quoted by: >>25442506

>they're still up.

>> No.25442474
Quoted by: >>25442637

Smash is not a fighting game anon, we've discussed this before

>> No.25442476

Which Diablo?

>> No.25442475

Is moona just like a regular human? they haven't done those in a while

>> No.25442477
File: 371 KB, 707x439, unknown (5).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Boomer forbidden love

>> No.25442478

I'll look. Thanks.

>> No.25442479

tell that to the inconsistent meidos
completely up to who it is for the day if the early stays or gets deleted

>> No.25442482
File: 618 KB, 567x613, 213211242344121.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25442849

fact: Watame is the prettiest holo

>> No.25442481
Quoted by: >>25442540

Is there any community where more pedos got outed in a week than the FGC?

>> No.25442483

awful grammar as usual

>> No.25442484
File: 683 KB, 2759x4093, 1574309735296.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25442548

Don't care though, her holo still does things to my dick.

>> No.25442486
Quoted by: >>25442509


>> No.25442489

Complete and utter success, as expected of Peko!

>> No.25442488

imagine the smell...like a day old fast food bag after the grease has had time to set in

>> No.25442490

I don't even know if you people are pretending anymore

>> No.25442492

A lot of them "play smash" but none of them "know how to play smash" if that makes sense.

>> No.25442494
Quoted by: >>25442632

Yes, but it shouldn't matter, right?

>> No.25442495

Surely the fg community in japan is good, they still have arcades alive there

>> No.25442499

She didn't specify... God I hope she played D2 eventually.

>> No.25442502
Quoted by: >>25442543

Okayu...don't look....

>> No.25442503

Offline is just a better experience and remember that Harada said that 60% of the players that play bamco games are on fucking wifi. I watch streamers in japan doing netplay and they still bitch about it. It's just one of those genres that are better played in the offline environment, how can you pop off online

>> No.25442505
Quoted by: >>25442544

Any Hologirl who loves what she's doing and is having fun is a great Hologirl.

I'd watch a literal Hologranny if she was loving every second of it.

>> No.25442506
Quoted by: >>25442529

Oh were they at someone's place? I thought they just did the collab remotely.

>> No.25442507

>Is she really a 40 year old lady?
Does it even matter?
Do you want to go to Japan and fuck her? Or just an idolfag?

>> No.25442508

Fighting games are fucking shit. Well the people that surround them are at least.

>> No.25442509

Yes. Have you seen one?

>> No.25442511
File: 723 KB, 1165x947, f42.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25442526

Botanchads I... I kneel.
She made such an interesting debut with so much effort put into it compared to the others that I couldn't help but to like her a lot.

>> No.25442512

pretending what?

>> No.25442513
Quoted by: >>25442551

I do wonder if Ayame and Towa are on good terms

>> No.25442514

Which one plays Terry/Ryu/Ken

>> No.25442517
File: 766 KB, 1448x2048, korosan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>趣味レベル is literally written right there
Your reps anon

>> No.25442516

Really idealistic to believe people here were ever pretending tbdesu

>> No.25442520
Quoted by: >>25442598

>Korone's chat has a spanish translator
I thought you fags were just joking wtf

>> No.25442521
File: 66 KB, 840x702, 1566508287724.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Realistically speaking which holo would make for the best wife?

>> No.25442523

no one knows
the site is berried under infinite levels of irony

>> No.25442524
File: 107 KB, 573x1024, 1596730134538.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i unironically like waki now and i blame you all

>> No.25442526
Quoted by: >>25442787

Nice joke

>> No.25442527

your oshi

>> No.25442528

I want to perform a magic trick inside the clown

>> No.25442529

talking on discord probably

>> No.25442530
File: 558 KB, 698x987, 12355463653624.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>same artist

>> No.25442532
Quoted by: >>25442771

To the anon that wanted Okayu's reaction to the Idol song part of Paper Mario:


>> No.25442533

How would people react to Polka being Nobuhime?

>> No.25442536
Quoted by: >>25442560

If Botan plays Diablo 1 or Diablo 2 on Stream I'm officially a Botanical

>> No.25442537

make-up and angles are a hell of a thing anon.

>> No.25442540
Quoted by: >>25442568

Smash isn't fgc anon

>> No.25442543

Can't believe Marine is doing both Korone and Okayu

>> No.25442542

Unironically Okayu

>> No.25442545

What's wrong with being old?

>> No.25442544
Quoted by: >>25442575

Isn't there a literal youtube granny who plays skyrim and shit? Being attractive used to help, but in the year of our lord 2020 you don't even need that, just a cute anime avatar

>> No.25442547
Quoted by: >>25443689

Now add Ririmu

>> No.25442549

sounds like youre starting to get it now

>> No.25442548
Quoted by: >>25442790

Those teeth are. scary...

>> No.25442550


>> No.25442551
Quoted by: >>25442576

Ayame wants to stream Valorant with Towa.

>> No.25442552

Gen 5 was in the works already but delayed by the rona

>> No.25442553

Have you fapped to any of the gen 5s yet?

>> No.25442554

Why are there 4 threads?

>> No.25442555
File: 2.18 MB, 2066x2923, 1595180768345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's the thinking man's fetish

>> No.25442556

Who will be the last holo standing today, doggo or dragon?

>> No.25442559

Okayu, probably. Though we've never tested her cooking yet.

>> No.25442560

But bro, blizzard permission...

>> No.25442561
Quoted by: >>25442599

>Plenty of holos Smash. Isn't that enough fighting games?
Fixed that for you

>> No.25442562

3 most likely

>> No.25442564

choco or aki

>> No.25442567
File: 1.23 MB, 1000x1399, 1597350367787.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25442590

Yes. Good thing it means shit and even the blandest 2d L2D or 3d models is superior to all of their real selves.

>> No.25442568

Then why is it at EVO?

>> No.25442570
Quoted by: >>25442624

Sorry bros but I can't stand old women.

Yes I know the average age in hololive is 33. But Botan is fucking 45+, and unlike the previous old hags we have, at least Korone doesn't pretend to be a "hello fellow kids" fag like Botan does with her gaming zoomer taste.

Botan is too fake for me, I'm selling my coins, sorry bros.

>> No.25442571

>hot dog in front
Moments before disaster

>> No.25442573

Choco is the dream wife for me

>> No.25442574


>> No.25442575

I think there's a vtuber granny yeah. Does face cam? I remember seeing one of her videos pop up on my main page when I opened it.

I'd definitely watch one who was a member of Hololive.

>> No.25442576
Quoted by: >>25442602

please no...

>> No.25442577
File: 185 KB, 320x370, 1596907555968.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25442693

Thank you i will. Hopefully your oshi gets a sololive in the future!!

>> No.25442578
File: 178 KB, 834x736, haato-matsuri.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25442614

>> No.25442579

She really starts sounding like Hinata when she is relaxed. The more I listen the more I hear it. Collab when?

>> No.25442581
File: 56 KB, 580x496, e4204f55564e9258470dcab98b82d158ccbf4eb5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yea some nips think Lamy is this chick, which was debunked by the chinks. There is also no way hololive will take a nobody with 800 subs plus not on Nene's follow.

>> No.25442582


>> No.25442583

Matsuri. She just needs to be dicked down and she will be the perfect partner

>> No.25442588


white lion go brrrrr

>> No.25442589
File: 366 KB, 1056x1699, 1597322995843.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where's the armpit licker when we need him?

>> No.25442590

I hear that and I raise you Coco's L2D vs her roommate

>> No.25442592
Quoted by: >>25442611

>She's very well-spoken and had a lot of confidence.
Yeah, she has 20+ years of experience compared to other holo members.
She looks like an ogre too.

>> No.25442593
File: 23 KB, 797x348, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25442594

Flare is peak yamato nadeshiko

>> No.25442595

If they can get Activision permissions for Tony Hawk, they may be able to get permissions for Diablo (though given how up their own ass Blizzard is, they'd probably try to force her to play Diablo 3 instead).

>> No.25442597

>Diablo 1 is on GoG

>> No.25442596


>> No.25442598

And she also got COP and CLP donations. And some EUR too.

>> No.25442599

>Plenty of Smash. Isn't that enough fighting games?
better fix

>> No.25442601

my favorite

>> No.25442602
File: 232 KB, 1200x1200, 1594609444290.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Botan please save these dumb demons from their bad taste.

>> No.25442604

Aki and Roboco.

>> No.25442605

This a thousand times.

>> No.25442606

Because mr ribs is a faggot and wanted the money.

>> No.25442607
File: 1.80 MB, 1655x1603, 3D51B59D-FB0B-45F5-9892-F1D0EA9A0AD2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ayame-sama let me lick the stuff off your soiled panties onegai

>> No.25442609
File: 1.33 MB, 1366x1536, You can say that again shion yo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Towa's purpose in life to just suffer, and struggle against her fate/destiny? Is she the Guts of Hololive?

>> No.25442610

>hololive will take a nobody with 800 subs p
They took Izuru didn't they?

>> No.25442611
Quoted by: >>25442726

>She looks like an ogre too.
No she doesn't?
She looks like a regular japanese 40 year old without 1 kg of makeup on her face.

>> No.25442612

Aloe followed Beatmario on Twitter.

>> No.25442613

Does Blizzard ask for permissions?

>> No.25442615
Quoted by: >>25442634

What the FUCK does it change? stop getting baited by this dumb doxxfag shit and just enjoy the content...
Fuck me why burgers are so fucking cucked all the time?

>> No.25442614
Quoted by: >>25442985

>Matsuri trying to replace Hoshikawa with Haato
she just cant stay away from those blondes can she...also damn Liger really does follow her literally everywhere doesn't he...

>> No.25442616

Aki if she wasn't married, she'd hate me for trying to interfere though so thats NG.
Okayu is crazy cute, so that's a big alternate target.

>> No.25442618
File: 1.23 MB, 1653x2338, 80982455_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25442824


>> No.25442620
File: 390 KB, 2165x2165, 1596026304979.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25442891

request accepted

>> No.25442622

Have you subscribed to any of the new holos? Im waiting for their first actual content stream but Lamy is almost a lock.

>> No.25442624

sell them low for me anon

>> No.25442626

Choco for trad wife, /yourfavorite/ otherwise

>> No.25442629

Probably a sexy red.

Which Holo has the best nails? I don't like Towa's nails, Aqua's blue are cute. Korone's yellow nails aren't very cute either, looks a like smoker's nails
>inb4 obvious joke

>> No.25442630

i use to hate it but now i don't mind it. i use to hate feet but now i don't mind it. 4chan changes you..

>> No.25442632

It shouldn't, but it does matter. The doxx killed her. She will never be the same after this.

>> No.25442634

It's eurohours you faggot

>> No.25442635


I'm sure she will enjoy it.

>> No.25442636
Quoted by: >>25442684

Lack loves his son.

>> No.25442637
File: 190 KB, 1107x575, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is that /v/ermin consensus?

>> No.25442639
File: 2.69 MB, 2514x1533, EdDwvFkUwAEAfd8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25442666

She doesn't do anything
She sits at home and plays video games all day

>> No.25442641

No, she is the whore of Hololive.

>> No.25442642
Quoted by: >>25443748

too late, I already know it's her and got her pics too

>> No.25442643

She is a harem protagonist

>> No.25442644

Bought it yesterday and played it for 9 hours

>> No.25442645


>> No.25442646
Quoted by: >>25442723

Pizza dad is 1/16th dark elf. His ears are a little pointy.

>> No.25442647
File: 98 KB, 488x1028, Ookami.Mio.600.2814201.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mio for me, but to each it will be different. Thinking theres a best wife that would work for everyone is stupid. I know for example someone like Mio wouldnt work for everyone, and some might think she's shit, but she is everything I like in a partner.

>> No.25442648
File: 983 KB, 1000x1412, 1596115390321.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25442649
File: 1.11 MB, 1123x1296, 1596639375808.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the whole Sio fiasco got me thinking

which Holo girls you think go on 5ch and which ones possibly shit-talk other vtubers?

>> No.25442650

Lamy is not Lamp because Lamy is the cute!

>> No.25442651

dead game my dear towafriend, only the people trying to turn it into an e-sports team remain

>> No.25442653

I haven't subscribed to any of the holos

>> No.25442655

I'm pretty sure Watame is going to go full Griffith at some point in future, no wonder disgusting Griffith apologist Artia instinctively seeks her out.

>> No.25442656

Lamy isn't Lamp but I wish she was

>> No.25442657


>> No.25442659
Quoted by: >>25442674

>already at 150k subs on day of debut

>> No.25442660

Coco does it here.

>> No.25442661
Quoted by: >>25442700

After she said she likes Trunks in the fall guys stream yesterday, I noticed Towa is pretty much Future Trunks, whenever things start going her way and starts feeling happy, something comes along to fuck her up.

>> No.25442662
File: 597 KB, 1063x1500, __Ed0egQ-VoAARH_d12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too late.

>> No.25442664
File: 864 KB, 676x1000, Harampits2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25442665


>> No.25442666
Quoted by: >>25442698

>Do anything
Then whats the fucking poiint

>> No.25442667

Okayu or Mio

>> No.25442669

I mean I'll probably tune into her sometimes, apex predator is better than anyone in hololive even the guys.

>> No.25442670
Quoted by: >>25442710


someone read this and figure it out im not a lawyer

>> No.25442672
File: 477 KB, 667x757, honkhonk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I subbed to Polka the day her channel was posted here!

>> No.25442674

Antis don't operate off of logic.

>> No.25442675
File: 1.21 MB, 2238x3217, 1597349963759.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You WILL submit

>> No.25442676

Korone's (dog) pussy

>> No.25442677
Quoted by: >>25442704

anyone on fgg can tell you it isn't and fgg hates /v/ just like hlg does

>> No.25442678

golden week... onegai

>> No.25442680

ahh, there you are.

>> No.25442682
Quoted by: >>25442713

Is the one on the left made by greatmosu? I kind of remember him retweeting a vtuber.

>> No.25442684

Lack seems to love his son more than any of his other children, given the amount of stuff he gives him. Probably made Roberu's parent jealous enough to give him shit too

>> No.25442685


>> No.25442686
File: 433 KB, 1000x1166, 1445458674744.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

inb4 Botan plays Quake Live

>> No.25442689
Quoted by: >>25442721

Read this https://mangadex.org/title/46506/misetagari-no-tsuyuno-chan

>> No.25442690

Not what you're looking for but:

>> No.25442691

>Normal body temperature for dogs and cats is 101 to 102.5 degrees Fahrenheit (38.3 to 39.2 degrees Celsius)

>> No.25442693
File: 712 KB, 1200x966, EeAYV9mVoAARN8k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That would be dream come true for her so I hope so too.

>> No.25442694

What Sio fiasco? I got banded for a month and decided to take a break from 4chan.

>> No.25442695

I only subscribed to Yagoo

>> No.25442698

that is the point

>> No.25442699

Okayu said she'd properly change the HDMI's and composite cables before I got back from work for our family game time.

>> No.25442700
File: 128 KB, 1280x720, EbfiIeQU8AUPxS7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25442758

Like minded people tend to become interested in one another.

>> No.25442701
Quoted by: >>25442727

I hope Noel gets that date with Watame soon and gets to smell her pits

>> No.25442702

Korone's red rocket

>> No.25442704
Quoted by: >>25442722

As toxic as the FGC is, smash is just the fucking worst. I've never been to a smash tourney where the stench didn't make me feel violently ill

>> No.25442705
File: 3.95 MB, 1920x1080, husband.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't worry about the numbers anons, just relax and enjoy your holo. EOPs can be frustrating but try to ignore them if you can, they're a small but very vocal minority. As long as you enjoy your holo and she enjoys what she does then that's what really matters.

>> No.25442706

Marine just left her hat at Korone's desk

>> No.25442708
File: 855 KB, 676x1000, Clownpits.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25442710
Quoted by: >>25443565

Regarding Websites and "Premium Access"
We understand that many third party websites have a "free" method to see their video content, as well as a 'premium' membership service that allows for speedier viewing.

For clarity, please note that as long as the website that hosts your Production provides a free method to allow viewers to see the Production, Blizzard Entertainment will not object to your Production being hosted on that site, regardless of the site's "for pay" premium service plans.

it's fine, they can do it.

>> No.25442711
Quoted by: >>25442735

Korone plays in literal "Fall guys".

>> No.25442713
Quoted by: >>25443296

I have no fukin clue, the only basis the nips believe its Lamy is becos this nobody's gachikoi starts following Lamy. Their voice and speaking habit is nth alike.

>> No.25442714

she is like 40 so that's very likely

>> No.25442715
Quoted by: >>25442838

Sio slapped Towa's ass in front of YAGOO.

>> No.25442716

Today I learned that armpit fags are possibly worse than foot fags...

>> No.25442717

US shaking in its boots because chinks entered the spyware social media market

>> No.25442718
Quoted by: >>25442775

Cope akifag

>> No.25442719

Botan fires up the old Unreal Tournament and plays a fan game on Facing Worlds. Imagine....

>> No.25442720
File: 229 KB, 1080x1740, Edr_jh4UEAMBiMT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25442721


>> No.25442723

1/16 Elf
8/16 Human
7/16 Pizza

>> No.25442722
Quoted by: >>25442782

Was your experience with your scene really that toxic anon
Here we just shit talk each other

>> No.25442724
File: 895 KB, 676x1000, Nenepits2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25442725
Quoted by: >>25442737

Which holo has the biggest penis?

>> No.25442726

No she does not

>> No.25442727
Quoted by: >>25442747

That wouldn't even be that weird, considering Noel talked about wanting to smell her ass...

>> No.25442728
Quoted by: >>25442746

/v/ermin doesn't care about fightans, it's the FGC consensus. Nobody wants anything to do with Smash (or worse yet Melee) players, and they clearly don't care about real fighting games either (just watch a compilation of Smash fans booing anything that isn's Smash at EVO). Also there is a big cultural divide, Smash community is descended from pussy ass basement kings whereas FGC was built in the arcades where you could get stabbed for using such "underhanded tactics" as THROWING.

>> No.25442730
Quoted by: >>25442759

Not Holo but I would be absolutely surprised if Mea DOESN'T spend a good chunk of the day shit-talking people she hates on 5ch and arguing with her antis.

>> No.25442735

She's already played Four Guys

>> No.25442737
Quoted by: >>25442755


>> No.25442738

Why do you fags care about nail polish so much?

>> No.25442739
File: 436 KB, 900x725, 1597421079436.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25442740

she was found out to be a 5ch poster who shit-talked other vtuber including Roboco (saying she's shit at Apex) and Pekora and Korone (saying they are actually rude)
she also doxxed several vtubers in there

>> No.25442742

It's like a middle of the day in murica dude

>> No.25442744

PPTenshi is a big fat idiot with a big fat butt

>> No.25442746

>that time JDCR talked about how he used to get beat up at the arcade but then he taught Tekken to a group of high schoolers that would protect him

>> No.25442747

she said Watame's fans would get mad at her if she did that so she'll stick to pits

>> No.25442748
File: 248 KB, 688x500, 1597370513323.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25442750

They are definitely not a small minority, but I agree.

>> No.25442751

I subscribed to all of them so youtube doesn't cuck me out of their debut.

I'm planning to unsubscribe to Botan, depending on how her streams go.
I'm 100% sure I won't drop Nene because she can sing.
Lamy is cute but I gotta see what she can do.

>> No.25442752

did that make 5ch like her more or less?

>> No.25442754
File: 527 KB, 800x606, victory_by_agriculture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25442804

>They will finally have to collab with you when you destroy them in subs

>> No.25442756


>> No.25442755
Quoted by: >>25442772

Go to sleep Artia

>> No.25442757
File: 1.99 MB, 1500x2172, 1585571682172.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like Botan's

>> No.25442758

Checks out since Towa and Future Trunks are my favourites too.
The anon that first brought up that thing about fans being like their chuubas really hit it out of the park

>> No.25442759

this is actually is super plausible
i'd be surprised if she didn't

>> No.25442762
Quoted by: >>25442801

>10-11 PM in Europe

>> No.25442764


>> No.25442765

Sorry for posting this here /hlg/, but I can't decipher the connotation of something:
Does 相方 sometimes refer to a platonic partner (e.g. someone you work together with), or is it exclusively intended to describe a romantic partner?

>> No.25442766

Did she really say they are rude? Didn't she say the people who think they are cheery all the time don't actually watch them

>> No.25442768
Quoted by: >>25442796

>not wanting those cute feminine nails wrapped around your cock
i love their roommates nails

>> No.25442771
File: 3.56 MB, 498x660, 1584796440482.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25442770

I subscribe to all holos that don't actively annoy me
So all but one

>> No.25442772
File: 11 KB, 271x280, urmom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25442773

No, I only subscribe to holos I actively watch.

>> No.25442774

I subscribe to all the holos, even the ones I don't care for like Temma and Moona.

>> No.25442775

I'm an everyonefag.

>> No.25442777
File: 36 KB, 112x122, 1597334941656.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to see Moona and Artia stream again

>> No.25442780
Quoted by: >>25442880

35p, we must remain elite.
She'll return for us.

>> No.25442782

I sat down to play a "friendly" of Guilty Gear, got assblasted by a wannabe pro, then told I sucked ass and to go home.

>> No.25442783

PPTenshi playing butt drums as punishment for not qualifying in Fall Guys!

Every party wins regardless of the outcome!

>> No.25442784
File: 473 KB, 2129x3000, EelyNbkVoAAMDt3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25443197


>> No.25442787
File: 332 KB, 1084x1080, 1590735459475.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>possibility of having both Diablo II and Warframe streams
No way fag

>> No.25442790

You lay in the bed with Botan.
You become the small spoon.
You feel sharp teeth against the nape of your neck
You realize you don't have long to live.

>> No.25442792

if i had to make a wild guess, i woudn't be suprised if Shion lurked there at least from time to time since she's pretty young and she follows nip Keemstar so she likes to hear about the drama

>> No.25442793

People wouldn't do that, right? LIE on the internet?

>> No.25442794

i'll stream snipe her, she can see me on furious heights.

>> No.25442795

wait, is that why she has a high subscriber count but really low viewership, or is that just because she's fucking boring like most pre-niji/holo style vtubers

>> No.25442796

Because it's hot


>> No.25442797

Only Nene. Will probably sub to Botan and maybe even Lamy but I'm not sold yet

>> No.25442799
File: 80 KB, 746x524, 4667914e78f0f736781ff2561d55b319eac4138d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They pretty much are telling her to quit and kill herself, also Sio is trying to dmg control hard but no one is buying her shit. She also want reprimands from note for ruining her reputation but she quickly deleted her tweet afterwards.

>> No.25442800
Quoted by: >>25442828

aqua playing fall guys.. why does she scream so much

>> No.25442801

>On a friday
As opposed to 2-4 PM on a weekday in America, yes

>> No.25442803

Wait is that considered toxic

>> No.25442804

She just keeps WINNING!

>> No.25442806
File: 190 KB, 2048x1990, EeisElfUYAQsS0G.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25442837

Branching out would be nice for the other holos, there are some great shooters for Ayame and Towa to play too.

>> No.25442807

tastes like dog.

>> No.25442809
File: 202 KB, 1400x1600, 1597413121773.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Subaru, she would be one helluva mother. Remember what tomboys are made for

>> No.25442810
Quoted by: >>25442843

You are correct

>> No.25442812

>Diablo II
You fucking know it's diablo 3 anonchama

>> No.25442813

yeah she said those people would know they're rude if they actually watched them

>> No.25442817
Quoted by: >>25442951

Not belonging to a company and averaging 6k is pretty good

>> No.25442818


>> No.25442819


>> No.25442820

That guy who tweeted that must hate her.

>> No.25442821
File: 479 KB, 854x480, EO9h0BlVUAEPS6d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just one collab... onegai...

>> No.25442822
File: 8 KB, 220x229, autism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25442902

You really want this, anon?

>> No.25442824
File: 841 KB, 676x1000, Harampits3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25442825

Even if I like D2, watching a stream sounds incredibly boring.

>> No.25442826
File: 1.45 MB, 1744x1532, Yagoo!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the number of exclamation points in the "おめでとう" tweets lines up with the number milestone
why is YAGOO like this?

>> No.25442828

No strategy guides to look up beforehand.

>> No.25442830

Dead game

>> No.25442829

If you look on her twitter you could see she's getting a lot of support though.

>> No.25442831
Quoted by: >>25442972

It's not diablo II, how stupid can you be?

Warframe is fucking garbage too.

>> No.25442832


okayu, aki, or pekora

>> No.25442833

I subscribe to all holos on a newly created account every day

>> No.25442834

All I know is that you didn't watch the debut anonchama.

>> No.25442835


>> No.25442836

I hope botan will have training streams with the other apex playing members.

>> No.25442837
Quoted by: >>25442931

Why is bibi so fucking cute?

>> No.25442838

Those were simpler times anon

>> No.25442839

Does anyone of you have Tower's Bibi cap?

>> No.25442840
File: 35 KB, 224x256, 1597294681435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pls no.
Don't destroy my dreams.

>> No.25442841

anyone else having this problem of 4chan images only loading 95% of them and only loading the rest if i refresh it

>> No.25442842

So the normal new guilty gear experience, a passage of rite

>> No.25442843

So the worst thing she supposedly said about Holo is Roboco being shit at Apex

>> No.25442847

Those both seem like they would be terrible stream games

>> No.25442846

Might as well go into a coma.

>> No.25442848

Take your yubis and shove them up your ass

>> No.25442849
Quoted by: >>25442910

Imagine holding hands with Watame

>> No.25442850
File: 611 KB, 1100x811, 1590777755815.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Absolutely blessed stream today. I want to hear her happy energetic voice again.

>> No.25442851

You're correct, as another anon said. The guy you're replying is a narrative fag trying to push bait.

>> No.25442852

this was fun to watch happen live where everyone thought she insulted all of Hololive and posted their full names and addresses or something

then it turns out she insulted like Peko and Korone and that's the end of Hololive's involvement with this

>> No.25442854
File: 1.04 MB, 2869x4072, 158388c25dacb08bef508e9e6a48362e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Personally, I like Aqua's nails.

>> No.25442853
Quoted by: >>25442908

How new are you?

>> No.25442855

Sio is fun, especially in collabs.

>> No.25442856

The Pekora/Korone thing is hyper headcanon'd in half of the comments here. It was neither bad nor wrong.

The Japs want Sio to unironically neck herself for the other things things she did. The rude comments weren't even that rude. Other than Roboco comment, which should send Sio straight to the headsman.

>> No.25442859
Quoted by: >>25442884

>Yagoo gives the most ! to Rikka

Based Yagoo supporting the Stars.

>> No.25442860

Even if you're right it's still a good thing because if she does get around to playing D2 because that means she'll be watching the cutscenes.

>> No.25442861

I see him in the chat every jump challenge stream
Pizzadad is a good pal, he deserves to be loved

>> No.25442862


>> No.25442864

you and me brother

>> No.25442865

I don't care if she's not the best wife, I wouldn't mind if she'd fuck up everything, still the only one I would marry is Towa.

>> No.25442866
Quoted by: >>25443012

Well hes asking abt 5ch, not twitter, literally no nips flame on twitter because they aren't anonymous

>> No.25442867
File: 515 KB, 1061x1500, EfXehvuUcAATL8r.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25442953


Why is Towa so perfect bros?

>> No.25442868

I admire your dedication

>> No.25442870
Quoted by: >>25443048

That's not even a serious criticism
More like nitpicking
The dox was the only real issue she committed

>> No.25442871
Quoted by: >>25442913

korone's never going to escape kirby 64 huh

>> No.25442872
Quoted by: >>25442890

what are the other things she did?

>> No.25442873

They're not games to stream, anon.

>> No.25442874

At the very least you can tell which holos don't shitpost on 5ch (assuming any of them do in the first place). That being the ones that take criticism the worst. A person constantly lurking on 5ch and 4chan would just brush off antis, you get used to it. Watame, Flare and Aki have all taken a single person's tweet speaking badly of them very personal, going as far as to reply to them or change their streaming behaviors. There's no way they'd survive on 5ch.

>> No.25442875

I miss her videos so much

>> No.25442876


>> No.25442877

YAGOO is a numberfag

>> No.25442878

It's twitter, what did you expect

>> No.25442880
Quoted by: >>25442905

I miss Mikochi...

>> No.25442881

From a Chink imageboard
>What the fuck is wrong with her? Women are bitches.
>The 100,000 subscribers are there just because she's new.
>These 1,100 people from before are the real fans who love her and would never leave her.
How do you feel about reincarnations, anons?

>> No.25442883

and then exit because she only wants to hang out with vtubers from twitch

>> No.25442884

>Based Yagoo supporting the Stars.
They are his personal harem, table tennis club and fight club after all

>> No.25442885
Quoted by: >>25442924

I hope instead of Apex Botan can stream CS or Valorant.

>> No.25442886

Not wrong.
Roboco's always been fairly average at games. She's just extremely cute, SSS+ tier design.

>> No.25442887
File: 66 KB, 725x1024, EekNiR0UYAAElCz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Towa-sama, you'll take me in if I lose my job, right?

>> No.25442889

she did dox vtubers but just not hololive ones

>> No.25442890

dox the members of her previous vtuber group

>> No.25442892
Quoted by: >>25442900

According to 5ch, the amount of exclamation points is equal to the number of times he has had sex with a holo. If he adds a "honto ni" before it, which he does with some of the girls, that means he's entered their anus before.

>> No.25442891
File: 841 KB, 676x1000, Tsunowaki3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25442893
File: 279 KB, 1664x936, mpv-shot0019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NHK bilibili rip

>> No.25442894
Quoted by: >>25443004

how can this mahjong genius lose her job

>> No.25442896
Quoted by: >>25442979

So this is the kind of content we can expect from Polka.

>> No.25442897
File: 47 KB, 700x584, Ed7lMfxUwAEiS5i.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25442899

she also called roboco a shit apex player which is just true desu

>> No.25442900


>> No.25442902

Who doesnt

>> No.25442904
File: 245 KB, 500x498, kanaleech.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25442934


>> No.25442905
Quoted by: >>25443017

I watch this almost every day and it still makes me crack up. https://youtu.be/ez45ZAO2S48

>> No.25442907
File: 69 KB, 1024x1024, 32141413123312.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>used to play table tennis during breaks at work before corona forced us to work remote
I didn't want this feel, YAGOO-san....

>> No.25442908
Quoted by: >>25442957

I'm talking about the fact that he gives the number of exclamation points lining up to whatever milestone the reach, he does this for all of them. If someone hits 300k, he does 3 exclamation points, 20k, 2 exclamation points, 1 million, 1 exclamation point. It's such a weird thing to do.

>> No.25442909

Cringe chinks.

I don't care about reincarnations. I wish doxxfags would kill themselves tho.

>> No.25442910
File: 1.21 MB, 1600x900, __tsunomaki_watame_hololive_drawn_by_hot_kakigoori__fc8b1e990af0b2fe8315a3bdb851b280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine just being in a bed with her during a cold night with a big fluffy blanket pulled over you and locking eyes with each other.

>> No.25442912

No one actually is, it's an ironic meme fetish

>> No.25442913

Mou ikkai...

>> No.25442915

I am

>> No.25442917
File: 631 KB, 1228x868, Eeqbi04UEAIr6no.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't care what happens, I hope friends stand together!

>> No.25442919

I'm not a chink.I just fuck one.

>> No.25442921
File: 110 KB, 1500x500, honk honk honks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25442924
Quoted by: >>25442936

I hope instead of a boring FPS she streams a good game instead.

Like Korone, Pekora, Aqua, and others are doing.

>> No.25442926

She was caught using a Polish VPN posting on foreign imageboards

>> No.25442927
File: 12 KB, 222x227, 1570951825246.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hope Towa dies

>> No.25442929

How is it even possible to figure that out? Even if she is found to visit the site, how could they link posts to be from her?

>> No.25442931
File: 134 KB, 1290x968, EfAf3CTUwAATHdJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25442968

Bibi is a shapeshifter.

>> No.25442934
Quoted by: >>25442963


Wait... are both asking for the collab or is it just PPT?

>> No.25442935

She also copy pasted our Aqua sex tape narrative.

>> No.25442936

If only Tribes was still alive and popular in Japan

>> No.25442937

Yeah. Nene because she's cute, Botan because she has good taste in games, and Polka because she's guaranteed to be kino incarnate.

>> No.25442938


now you know her id

>> No.25442939
Quoted by: >>25443030

Guys. Yes the 5rd generation is starting with 100k viewers per stream. But that was expected.
They probably have a lower cut of the revenues than the other holo girls.
Let's say Pekora makes 100,000 dollars in superchat money in a stream, she might keep 33%.
But these new holo girls? Only 10%, for the privilege of working at hololive

>> No.25442940



>> No.25442941
Quoted by: >>25443023


though i want it too, i dont think we gonna have another, anon...

>> No.25442942

I really hope management allow Towa to keep collabing with her she's too sexy

>> No.25442943
Quoted by: >>25443000

Towa is getting a second Yabee moment if she stays friend with sio...

>> No.25442945

Yea Botan is shit
I'll wait for polka instead

>> No.25442947

Personally I don't care about anything she SAID (she did say some pretty mean things about Haneru and a couple of niji chuubas), she might not have even meant it: how many times people in these threads say something bad about a chuuba they don't actually hate or a chuuba they even like just to shitpost, or because they were provoked by a shitpost? It's her leaking idolbu shit to our good friend Narunigger, which resulted in several of them getting doxxed.

>> No.25442949
File: 852 KB, 676x1000, Noelpits2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25442951

I'm an anonchama, I had "sio" mixed up with "siro" who legitimately is a dinosaur

>> No.25442953

Cute dumb dork.

>> No.25442955

the IP on her posts on 5ch matched with the IP she uses to post on note

>> No.25442956
Quoted by: >>25443740

IP adress

>> No.25442957

Yeah, it's been known for quite some time now. It's been featured on multiple AsaCoco streams.

>> No.25442958

get your test levels checked

>> No.25442963
Quoted by: >>25442986

just the leech anon, Watame has more subs she doesn't need ppt anymore

>> No.25442964

sio was hacked guys I swear

>> No.25442968

YAGOO please the bibi pillow

>> No.25442970

Is the quality of this one higher?

>> No.25442971

Your IP address is public on 5ch

>> No.25442972
File: 670 KB, 720x742, 1597239891780.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25443081

Why not m8, she only wrote the franchise name on the list, if she liked only III she would have specified I think.

Warframe higher levels is a very frantic game, even if it's not that skillfull, and it's also very pretty to look at the powers and effects, especially if her PC is good and she played as muchas she says. The worst part of warframe is the grind, which she probably alreadly done and is also willing to whale on it probably knowing the japs.

>> No.25442973
File: 436 KB, 1765x2048, 1591358051717.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25443024

Well, Watame only has to ask, it's not that hard. Fall Guys is a pretty fun collab game for example. Oh, she doesn't have it yet? Guess Watame is gonna have to wait until after next Chamatan to play it together.

>> No.25442975
File: 532 KB, 2000x2000, EbRI67OWoAIZNjJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25443064

Sio sleeping on the sofa!

>> No.25442978
Quoted by: >>25443003

You mean I get aroused, erect, and fap to armpits ironically?

>> No.25442977
Quoted by: >>25443089

how much

>> No.25442979

Depends. I doubt she'll have the same writter

>> No.25442980
File: 508 KB, 800x800, EfXRPaJU8AIGxFn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't believe I've only missed 3 of her live streams since she debuted.
Her sleep schedule is slowly killing me too.

>> No.25442981

God, poor Yohane can't catch a break

>> No.25442982
Quoted by: >>25443022

What the fuck does 5ch actually show every posters IP? Do nips not DDoS eachother?

>> No.25442984

Oh ok, that makes way more sense.

>> No.25442985
Quoted by: >>25443047

That's a 2018 comment. Hoshikawa didn't even exist yet.

>> No.25442986

Get on with the narratives. It's Watame that wants a collab cause she's tsun.

>> No.25442988

Genius nippon engineering.

>> No.25442990

yeah, in the end she will probably end just fine, i doubt there would be any need for a reincarnation, at worse she will lose her sponsorship and collabs towa is enough of an idiot to keep collabing with her

>> No.25442991

>checked the archived posts
>that bitch Sio ACTUALLY badmouthed Roboco
What the fuck. I hope she fucking hangs.

>> No.25442992

I hope Sio will overcome this without lasting consequences, 5ch would be in world of mad.

>> No.25442996

Yagoo... Mio's hoodie... The good one... Onegai..

>> No.25442997
Quoted by: >>25443094

Watch Sio reincarnate AGAIN

>> No.25442999

I still don't understand why that is a feature.

>> No.25443000

When Sio takes her flirting too far!

>> No.25443001

>that single tear
it speaks to me on a personal level

>> No.25443003

No, you just post about it here so you can fill the image cap faster.

>> No.25443004
Quoted by: >>25443074

>Sio loses her chuuba gig
>Gets involved in a real-life version of Kaiji

>> No.25443006
Quoted by: >>25443067

what isn't one of matsuri's fetishes?

>> No.25443007
File: 157 KB, 1200x802, Hololive concert.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Imagine being a Hololive member doing a live concert, and getting excited for dancing behind a black curtain, or under the scenary, while no one can see you.

>> No.25443008
Quoted by: >>25443068

Which chuuba cares the most about their fans? Which cares the least?

Most: Coco
Least: Mio

>> No.25443009
Quoted by: >>25443038

which holo would enjoy playing EVE

>> No.25443011

Here's one that really hurts

>> No.25443012

5ch hates her and twitter is almost fully supporting her which is such a weird contrast, but like anon said I guess it's the anonymity, hope she and the fans accept the evidence and just admit it.

>> No.25443016

I mean she didn't say anything wrong, RBC does suck at Apex

>> No.25443017
File: 856 KB, 1040x903, mikochiii.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25443018
File: 60 KB, 920x613, 1565989962992.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This video hurts so much

>> No.25443020
Quoted by: >>25443045

Flare hates m*laes so I can't really blame him

>> No.25443021

You now realize that Sio was probably making fun of HPS during the tournament.

>> No.25443022

It would be pretty funny if you could ddos shitposters on 4chan.

>> No.25443023

Is the server hosted in china?
Gotta love playing with 400ms...

>> No.25443024
File: 531 KB, 874x636, 1596632258493.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How many fucking subs do I need to have more than you before you ask me for a collab?

>> No.25443025

This is why need Asacoco to comeback to remind people of Yagoobot

>> No.25443027

Buy Towa's hat, and I'll think about it.

>> No.25443028

have the nips never heard of dynamic ip?

>> No.25443030

>33% cut
YouTube takes 30%
Hololive takes 30%
Game companies takes 30% on royalties for allowing the vtuber to play their games

Why do you think all the girls are still poor and can't even afford their own apartments? They make 100% of the content and money, but only receive 10% of the revenue. It's literally slavery. The girls work 24/7 too.

>> No.25443032
File: 142 KB, 285x255, 1596438856667.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ahhh... simpler and happy times...

>> No.25443035
File: 1.11 MB, 1654x2339, EfH5PFRUYAEVqTw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25443205

>> No.25443034

They deserved it

>> No.25443037
File: 174 KB, 2048x1536, EfYhbAuXgAA1HF_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you like it /hlg/?

>> No.25443038
Quoted by: >>25443086

Probably Watame. She loves numbers

>> No.25443040
File: 22 KB, 288x288, Chris-pic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25443136

Say what you will about Cover, the only scandals any of the girls will ever be caught in is whether or not they have had sex or used an emulator

>> No.25443041

I can see them all very clearly right there anon

>> No.25443042
Quoted by: >>25443659

Its common for a lot of forums, small imageboards and many comment sections for some reason. Even big news networks. Dont ask me why, but its more widespread than youd think.

>> No.25443043

she's just like us....

>> No.25443044
File: 408 KB, 527x484, 1596391045262.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they say that you know a person by who they choose to hang out with and that fact that Towa is so close with Sio should tell you a lot about what kind of person she is irl

>> No.25443045
Quoted by: >>25443061

Have a stroke there anon?

>> No.25443046
File: 847 KB, 676x1000, Tsunowaki4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25443545


>> No.25443047

wow I did not even notice the date the video was posted...god I'm dumb

>> No.25443048

It wasn't even meant to be criticism of them, she was calling someone out for not actually watching their streams

>> No.25443049


>> No.25443050
File: 1.04 MB, 1280x720, Screenshot_2020-08-08-19-37-12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25443053

you're free korosan!

>> No.25443054
File: 23 KB, 700x700, orange-prison-jumpsuit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25443055

Watame's biggest enemy really is herself as usual. If she would just speak up so many problems would burn away like the fog on a hot day.

Instead she grinds and grinds silently, hoping her friends will finally notice her again.

>> No.25443056

based sio mea posting

>> No.25443057

Do you think they have a screen that shows them the crowd? I think I would rather not have to see a sea of dorky guys.

>> No.25443058
Quoted by: >>25443111

Nijisanji's latest recruits had a pretty well known vtuber who was reincarnated too
I hope she does her virtual Ansutabu again with Suisei and Toko

>> No.25443059
File: 691 KB, 1031x1005, 1569703730650.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25443060

what if Sio is in this thread RIGHT NOW??

>> No.25443061

jsut a little its fine

>> No.25443062

>Game companies takes 30% on royalties for allowing the vtuber to play their games
Nice fanfiction anon!!!

>> No.25443065

Everyone was

>> No.25443064

Towa collabing with Sio despite her being black listed in the industry!
Towa becoming undesirable among the community because of such!
Towa graduating early to live with her wife Sio!
Towa doxxing all of hololive!

>> No.25443067

Consensual sex

>> No.25443068

People will reply to this bait

>> No.25443069
Quoted by: >>25443133

Is it badmouthing if it's true though? Not even RBC thought she did great at the tournament

>> No.25443070

but she was right tho

>> No.25443071

So did we lmao, they sucked ass and only escaped last because a team of silvers with controllers were in the tournament

>> No.25443072
File: 1.98 MB, 1834x1979, ppduo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Those days would never come back.

>> No.25443074

>Going on the underground chuuba scene in risky bets just to see Towa again

>> No.25443075
File: 283 KB, 636x642, 1597410237372.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25443076

go to her lasted VOD and sort comments by new you'll see it all there. they rip into her hard

>> No.25443078

earning 10% is entirely normal for japanese showbiz

>> No.25443079
File: 261 KB, 1286x2048, D55583E8-281D-4A45-8A29-0CBD85DA0A6A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

finally, a real gamer...

>> No.25443080

Towafags are so innocent
Sio might have laughed at Towa million of times behind her back

>> No.25443082

How does that matter

>> No.25443081
Quoted by: >>25443166

D2 is way too niche, D3 is way more mainstream
I hate it but if she's going to stream diablo it will be 3 for sure

>> No.25443083

>Game companies takes 30% on royalties for allowing the vtuber to play their games
I wish

>> No.25443084 [DELETED] 


>> No.25443086

you dumb fuckers are WRONG. She doesn't love numbers, she loves MONEY

>> No.25443087
Quoted by: >>25443120

Aqua is so small

>> No.25443088

With that kind of performance? Of course.

>> No.25443089

¥4000 for the normal ticket

>> No.25443091
File: 743 KB, 640x268, gosling.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't do this to me

>> No.25443092
Quoted by: >>25443122

>he thinks royalties are fictional

>> No.25443093

It's just like this thread, only with more glowsticks.

>> No.25443094


>> No.25443095

I'm not particularly interested in Botan unless she's going to play Quake but the photos of her seriously don't make her look bad. She's less neotenous than the average JP girl but for a randomly selected human being her appearance is very normal. I can't see why it would bother anybody except gachikoi faggots

>> No.25443096

Considering how backwards they're, ISPs probably don't offer that feature which is tragic for streamers. It's really surprising how antis still not ddossing vtubers.

>> No.25443097
Quoted by: >>25443105

>no deep sexy voice
It was shit

>> No.25443098
Quoted by: >>25443131

Average japanese people are notoriously bad with tech. Especially IT. Their IT literracy is atrociously bad.

>> No.25443099

seen as the good guys
seen as the bad guys

wtf are we guys?

>> No.25443103

With that performance and hype who wouldn't?

>> No.25443104
File: 352 KB, 1060x1000, 1594553706407.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That WataCoco reupload really was a cry for help, wouldn't be surprised if the next one is WataKana.

>> No.25443105


>> No.25443107

>Watame is out of pptrio
>now she's made friends with Holo ID and Botan
we'll never return to happier times will we...

>> No.25443108
File: 879 KB, 676x1000, Miopits.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25443545


>> No.25443110

Seen as by who exactly?

>> No.25443111
Quoted by: >>25443167


>> No.25443112

So, she's an autistic Becky?

>> No.25443114
File: 77 KB, 1280x720, 354253237264.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25443115

>her voice wasnt garbage like towa

>> No.25443117
Quoted by: >>25443129

Literally nothing, no one takes us seriously

>> No.25443118


>> No.25443119

No, we're gals

>> No.25443120

The only holo shorter than her is Luna after all.

>> No.25443121
Quoted by: >>25443143

They're all rich as fuck. Especially Noel, who bought a 10,000 dollar asmr microphone.

>> No.25443123
File: 471 KB, 655x900, 1593909395045.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A menhera.

>> No.25443122
Quoted by: >>25443222

>he thinks royalties are some arbitrary flat amount and that there aren't numerous companies that don't take royalties

>> No.25443126

The chaos agents.

>> No.25443128
File: 1.45 MB, 1242x1233, The guys.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25443144


>> No.25443129

How could this happen...

>> No.25443131
Quoted by: >>25443244

It's amazing how they simultaneously manage to be geniuses with hardware and absolute morons with software.

>> No.25443130

What sites actually archive tweets, let alone one that doesn't work anymore? How did you actually find this?

>> No.25443132

do the newfags here know what ADIDAS GANG is?

>> No.25443133

People weren't mad at her for badmouthing RBC, they were mad becos she was trying to say she is not bad at apex then use whataboutism on RBC.

>> No.25443134
File: 13 KB, 443x455, 1591525136680.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25443142

seen as the good guys
seen as the bad guys
seen as the gay guys

>> No.25443136

Just you wait until I reveal which trip Coco posts under on /cgl/

>> No.25443137
Quoted by: >>25443165

We are that stupid villain who tries to defeat the protagonist but fails miserably

>> No.25443140

if we're ever seen as anything i'll have a lot to question

>> No.25443141
File: 476 KB, 188x174, 1390387404734.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>watame's morning voice

>> No.25443142
Quoted by: >>25443158

yeah well ur moms gay retard

>> No.25443143

are asmr mics tax deductible purchases

>> No.25443144

me in the red shirt

>> No.25443145
File: 76 KB, 846x652, 1596140526890.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25443204

>they actually got a good apex player to join holo
>she has to team up with Roboco and Matsuri

>> No.25443148

Chaotic neutral

>> No.25443149

they can be friends but i doubt theyll allow any type of association with her anytime soon especially for towa who has had previous incidents

>> No.25443151
Quoted by: >>25443207

gimme gimme

>> No.25443152

tfw I was too
>rbc computer explodes 2 games in a row
>matuli falling asleep every round
>ayame desperately trying to scoop the spaghetti back up

>> No.25443155
Quoted by: >>25443232

She probably doesn't feel that great being a 3rd wheel.

>> No.25443157

>the edgy teens who pretends they're not also using reddit

>> No.25443156


>> No.25443158
File: 205 KB, 400x400, 1596158589210.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25443159

The retards. And thats also the most accurate description out of all of the communities.

>> No.25443160

Artia lives in America, why would it be

>> No.25443161
File: 31 KB, 383x209, Annotation 2020-06-13 083338.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The narrative posters.

>> No.25443162

We are women gossiping at the hair salon

>> No.25443165
Quoted by: >>25443191

woah...are we Team Rocket?

>> No.25443166
Quoted by: >>25443203

She might hold it off until D4 comes out.

>> No.25443167

Nishizono Chigusa

>> No.25443169

The older gens also get more monthly salary.

>> No.25443172

I want to carry aqua on my shoulders

>> No.25443171
Quoted by: >>25443273

Leave nose alone...

>> No.25443173

It's crazy to me how readily Watame has leaned into it.

>> No.25443174

Why give a shit if Botan is old and Nene is a paid twitch actor? Just let me enjoy my wrestling.

>> No.25443176
Quoted by: >>25443327

Why did you make this post sound like you weren't also just pulling numbers out of your ass.
The only verified split amount we have (courtesy of a now privated Coco archive) is:
YouTube takes 30%
The remainder is split 50/50 between Cover and the talent.
YouTube: 30%
Cover: 35%
Talent: 35%

>> No.25443178
File: 279 KB, 912x876, 83304630_p9_master1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I honestly don't understand why a person using an anime avatar being so awkward with her coworkers make me feel such heavy feelings. As much as I like to shitpost about it, those pictures with Kanata and Coco without Watame hit really hard sometimes.

>> No.25443179

I'm sure Capcom copyright strike them all only because they didn't ask for permission, I'm sure Capcom had no ulterior financial motives.

>> No.25443180

We are comic relief

>> No.25443181
Quoted by: >>25443229

How big are Aqua's aquas going to get? Holy shit.

>> No.25443185

Irrelevant. Nobody thinks about us at all.

>> No.25443186

you shouldnt think your IP is private anywhere

>> No.25443187

that image is 100% true

>> No.25443188
Quoted by: >>25443277

what does it say about Ayame that she spends all her time with old men?

>> No.25443189
File: 833 KB, 1023x1079, 1594397519904.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sio never said a bad word about Towa.

>> No.25443190

The cute girls.

>> No.25443191
Quoted by: >>25443217

Kinda, at least the team rocket is funny

>> No.25443193

isn't it the same with Haato?

>> No.25443195

>discord talking about only watching TL content
Damn, is he a movie theater because thats some quality projection

>> No.25443194

She literally didn't shittalk Towa or Nose even once, even when she thought she was posting anonymously on a Manchurian basket weaving forum

>> No.25443196

Fan art posters

>> No.25443197
File: 850 KB, 676x1000, Harampits4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25443545


>> No.25443198
File: 1.53 MB, 1143x1066, 1596543901876.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the cool guys

>> No.25443200

We are the fall guys

>> No.25443202

That's not Kira.

>> No.25443204

Ayame and Matuli are fine.

>> No.25443203

So never

>> No.25443205
File: 35 KB, 686x386, 1593135925092.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to remain loyal to my oishi but...

>> No.25443207


>> No.25443208

i am
had a girlfriend that didnt mind it at one point never came harder.

>> No.25443209

The purchase it self wouldn't be. It would be the depreciation that is. I don't know what % they are allowed to claim for depreciation each year. Over some number of years she'll be able to write off the full cost amount

>> No.25443210

Polka's design filters me from drawing her so badly.

>> No.25443211

At what point people forgive the old unironic Towa... spammers and realize Towa haters are actually much worse? drop it already jesus fucking christ, move on, do you have nothing interesting in your life at all?

>> No.25443212


>> No.25443213
Quoted by: >>25443471

what happened to watame? she went from the perfect quiet yamato nedeshiko streamer to being a pervert?

>> No.25443214

Sio would never insult Towa because she would never insult herself

>> No.25443215
File: 481 KB, 1061x1500, 1597357522205.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25443240


>> No.25443216

Perhaps, if it's work related. But tax deductible doesn't mean free, it just means tax deductible. You still need to have the money to buy it

>> No.25443217

hey, we are funny!
have you not seen our Watame Ace Attorney edits?!?!

>> No.25443219


seems like it is

>> No.25443220
Quoted by: >>25443236

They probably never were that close and with holohouse happening it's probably even worse now.

>> No.25443222
Quoted by: >>25443227

Noel literally sells her body on stream, anon.

>> No.25443223
Quoted by: >>25443238

Yagoo could heem 85% of this thread

>> No.25443224

The Grand Betrayal... It was never the same after that...

>> No.25443225

roboco was just getting over her ptsd from happy set too.. i hope she doesnt take what sio said too hard

>> No.25443226

She didn't shit talk nose or towa at all, even when most of her shitposting was done during their collabs

>> No.25443227
Quoted by: >>25443367

What's that got to do with royalties though?

>> No.25443228

Towa is her insider source in hololive.

>> No.25443229
File: 1.33 MB, 1403x992, 22fb9980af6b04e64f0bffa8e4f2dae9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only time will tell.

>> No.25443230
Quoted by: >>25443307

The entire fourth gen is a bunch of loners who very rarely make the first move and ask the other party to collab.

>> No.25443232
Quoted by: >>25443281

Maybe she'll feel more comfortable if another pair of Holos move into the Holomansion first, or she finds someone to pair up with for the move. Less pressure on an individual if there's 5 of them there instead of 3.

>> No.25443234

Didn't YAGOO play Mario Kart with them during one stream?

>> No.25443235

damn sio kicked out from niji, gets caught doxxing, loses her job, only has mahjong in her life now. sad

>> No.25443236

>They probably never were that close
Now you're just being new

>> No.25443238

Unlikely, but he could certainly run away

>> No.25443239
Quoted by: >>25443267

As much as I love TOKONOKISE I don't think they will ever collab again, having said that twap and sio both had yabees and then lied about what happened, and Towa at least kept her job so who knows.

>> No.25443240
File: 111 KB, 1000x1000, 1597273367227.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25443242

Mikochi...please come back soon...god damn that morning voice is hot

>> No.25443243

He used to show up in their chats quite often too

>> No.25443244

Its also strange considering even the simplest apartments are more teched out than any other ones anywhere else in the world. Everything in their surrounding has this weird tech feeling to it. When I visited it during 2017,it felt like I was in a world where people use technology in the silliest places, but forgot how it works. Kinda like the mechanicus tech priests from w40k if you know that autistic reference.

>> No.25443246
File: 158 KB, 276x414, 1577837736639.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25443249
Quoted by: >>25443381

Pekora is taller than expected.
Miosha is fucking huge.
Aqua is a literal onahole.

>> No.25443247

He has

>> No.25443248
File: 349 KB, 604x813, 1597316454929.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>make an anonymous image board
>but your IP is public

>> No.25443250

"She" (or someone with her IP) was actually posting positive things about TOKONOKISE during their Apex collab.

>> No.25443251
File: 118 KB, 322x331, 1592248974341.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25443253
File: 62 KB, 960x750, 1596971855465.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love this crybaby sheep and only wish for her happiness.

>> No.25443254

How was the luna/matsuri stream do they hate each other now?

>> No.25443256

>Towa becoming undesirable among the community because of such!
I'm curious if Sio's roommate and Towa's roomate were friends before their first official collab. considering she got kicked out of .LIVE, I could see her reputation spreading among the small group of big vtubers... it would sort of put the puzzle together of why Towa was an outcast for so long

>> No.25443257

Thank you anon, appreciate it

>> No.25443259


>> No.25443262
File: 692 KB, 1440x4004, 1597437113270.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25443292

Because most of the allowed vtubers are Chinese

>> No.25443263
File: 381 KB, 397x498, 1576810177610.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need the BEST pekora clip for scientific purposes

>> No.25443264
Quoted by: >>25443323

Watame always talks to her viewers a lot it really builds a good connection but there are things she won't mention, something always goes unseen and the stuff she does like >>25443104 makes me worry.
>those pictures with Kanata and Coco without Watame hit really hard sometimes.
I feel the same. I'm not Watame's biggest fan but I really want PPTrio to come together again. Even knowing they're still friends it's hard to accept it with so few on screen interactions. Watching 5th Gen chirping away today reminded me of simpler times when Gen4 only collabed between themselves and were building good unity.

>> No.25443267

Sio is independent

>> No.25443268

Yagoo has a powerful body

>> No.25443271
File: 265 KB, 920x1440, 1595239921752.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25443304

do you guys really want to lick the tsunowakis?
i just want to sniff them

>> No.25443273 [SPOILER] 
File: 3.28 MB, 2894x4317, 1597437217019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25443310

I don't want to leave Nose alone and I don't want her friends to leave her alone either.

>> No.25443275

we're a basket weaving mongolian site

>> No.25443276

Will she join Hololive GAMERS?

>> No.25443277
File: 109 KB, 277x305, 1596914982895.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25443287

it means we have a chance too

>> No.25443279
File: 1.04 MB, 600x252, 1592863264050.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't..

>> No.25443280

>debunked by the chinks
that's litrally some bullshit you made up
they all agree it'd her you're just in denial

>> No.25443278

>I'm curious if Sio's roommate and Towa's roomate were friends before their first official collab.
yeah, they knew each other beforehand

>> No.25443281

I highly doubt it she's ever going to move into that meme apartment.

>> No.25443284

Succubus succs akuma, I want the lewds already

>> No.25443287
Quoted by: >>25443344

...if you have the money

>> No.25443291
Quoted by: >>25443506

Coco's model is gonna be the fucking Big Show.

>> No.25443290

I'm fairly sure they were real life friends before, usually Towa isn't that quick socially.

>> No.25443292
Quoted by: >>25443811

Huh, the list she tweeted seemed mostly western focused, I'm surprised

>> No.25443293
File: 611 KB, 840x1214, 1579470345145.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>When a lioness is in heat, a male will join her, staying with her constantly. The pair usually mates for less than a minute, but it does so about every 15 to 30 minutes over a period of four to five days.

>> No.25443294
File: 30 KB, 424x481, 1595790703653.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25443437


>> No.25443295

Japanese IT engineering. They do some idiotic shit from what ive seen while looking at some of the code of various webpages nips do. I thought western and indian coding practices were bad.

>> No.25443296
Quoted by: >>25443341

>Their voice and speaking habit is nth alike.
>being this deaf
seriously get you ears checked, it obvious to anyone who is not a complete retard that it's her

>> No.25443297

>someone linked Watame's early collabs
>that low voice she sometimes slips into
We've lost something very important along the way

>> No.25443299
Quoted by: >>25443362

Anon your seething is making you incoherent

>> No.25443302

PPTrio was a really bad concept from the start. It excluded Luna and Towa from the gen 5 """core""", and if 2 of the 3 ever became best friends it might even alienate the third (which is probably what happened). Everything about it was a bad idea.
PPTrio being a thing of the past will be healthier for gen 4 than anything else.
I genuinely hope Watame is able to fit herself fully back into the group. At least they allegedly had a trio day trip a few weeks ago, and did extend the invitation to the holomansion.

>> No.25443304
File: 861 KB, 676x1000, Tsunowaki5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25443307
Quoted by: >>25443486

This, Coco is too much of a fake extrovert to ask for collabs, the vast majority of them are not on her channel, probably because other holos ask her and not the other way around, Watame is just depressed, Luna isolated herself from everyone but Matsuri, Towa is shy and autistic as fuck.
On the other hand Kanata is really growing as a person and collabing with everyone.

>> No.25443308
File: 1.39 MB, 2646x3679, EfYlxv9U0AEFPWt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's what I call peak efficiency.

>> No.25443309
Quoted by: >>25443355

Coco’s endurance stream will be totsumachi, where she is free to join if she wants.

>> No.25443310

Nose's toes in your nose!

>> No.25443311

I wonder if we'll get a Bar Robel with Pikamee in the next week or two after how well the Project Winter collab went.

>> No.25443314
File: 625 KB, 537x578, 1596743786913.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's a very special day for yagoo
>today as usual, yagoo has run 20 kilometers on his tireless bike frame
>he comes into the office, exhausted
>shuts the door behind him
>suddenly watame appears behind him wearing nothing but sheep's clothing
>'happy birthdo-do-don, dear mr president...'
>by the next morning watame's subs are in the millions
>watame no asa seasons 1-4 are greenlit immediately

>> No.25443313

Botan... My dick is raw... Onegai, its been 40 times already... Im puffing blood not cum..

>> No.25443315

Do you think Towa will stop her stream if it goes over 12 hours? She wouldn't stream into Aloe's debut, right?

>> No.25443318
File: 269 KB, 1706x960, 10 pull + 1 guaranteed SSR event.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Brand new Hololive gacha mobile game launches today.
Who would you reroll for?

>> No.25443319

i wish you nothing but happy days, anon

>> No.25443323
Quoted by: >>25443440

>Watching 5th Gen chirping away today reminded me of simpler times when Gen4 only collabed between themselves and were building good unity.

For me it was hearing Kanata and Suisei arriving while Coco was reading supachas. Somehow seeing them so happy and carefree and then thinking how Watame likely was alone at that time made me feel a bit sad. It's partly her fault for not just going with the idea, but still.

>> No.25443324

do japs code in kanji?

>> No.25443325
Quoted by: >>25443395

Based artia plays TF2

>> No.25443327

That's before the holocaust

>> No.25443329
Quoted by: >>25443356

she has kids, right?

>> No.25443330

Yeah and if the male isn't up to it the female bites his nuts

>> No.25443335
Quoted by: >>25443459


Man she really doesn't care about Watame anymore

>> No.25443336

When American companies in Japan are willing to pay 3-4x what Japanese native companies are willing to pay for software devs, shit nip software is what you get.

>> No.25443337

She might pause it for Aloe's debut and resume afterwards

>> No.25443338

>and if 2 of the 3 ever became best friends it might even alienate the third (which is probably what happened).
that doesn't mean such groups can't work, Marine, Flare and Noel work great as a team

>> No.25443340
File: 30 KB, 603x494, EcqNXIbUMAAVHBg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25443349

I want a hololive who's so obsessed with armpits that she talks a lot about it even her own pits.

>> No.25443341
Quoted by: >>25443362

Dude are you some major simp for that nobody? Just get over the fact that shes not popular and is now retired.

>> No.25443342

im guessing so ive seen koreans do that shit

>> No.25443344
File: 259 KB, 395x407, 1596845235745.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25443363

did you expect her to work for free?

>> No.25443349

literally watame

>> No.25443351
File: 22 KB, 600x567, ee1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ima betto desu ne
That sounded really erotic

>> No.25443350


>> No.25443352


>> No.25443354

My oshi of course

>> No.25443355

>Sheep taking the first step
oh boy

>> No.25443356
Quoted by: >>25443390

She's 40 so yeah probably

>> No.25443357

I hope it doesn't take that long, poor Towa...I suck at APEX but I hope the folks she plays with are up to it.

>> No.25443359


>> No.25443360
File: 75 KB, 768x544, EdKNCMQXkAAelXg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Happy Soran Girl

>> No.25443361

seen as the armpit guys

>> No.25443362

keep coping faggots and stop making shit up

>> No.25443363

overnight service please and i'll tip well after

>> No.25443364

She wants to be done for Aloe, she for sure wants to watch Aloe, but the Endurance stream is getting done one way or the other.

>> No.25443367

That proves holomoney isn't enough.

>> No.25443370

Static IPs are usually considered a desirable feature and dynamic IPs are usually considered second rate service everywhere in the world. Static also helps with security in some ways such as allowing IP whitelists. The user error of shitposting without thinking about IPs is the backwards part.

>> No.25443371

Anti likes burning their career with shitpist rather than dossing the streams.
They skip that for actual stalking howver

>> No.25443377

She was doing that before she joined Hololive though. It's a non-factor

>> No.25443381

>Aqua is a literal onahole.

>> No.25443382


>> No.25443383

the feed guys formerly seed guys

>> No.25443387
File: 354 KB, 400x400, 1574926520531.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25443457

>if you sleep 8 hours you'd be having sex 64 times a day for 5 days

>> No.25443390

so she's half Marine's age?

>> No.25443393

She'll be forced to by management. She probably would resume the endurance stream right after Aloe is done, though.

>> No.25443395
Quoted by: >>25443835

i wish a holo plays tf2
too bad about the game's current state

>> No.25443396

what the fuck it sounds just like her

>> No.25443398
File: 28 KB, 385x268, ex.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

python supports it, but I have no idea how common it is for nips to actually use this functionality

>> No.25443400

PPTrio was built around AsaCoco and that was mostly on Coco. But since Coco and Kanata were really close right at the start they had something to hold on to once the massive burnout started for both Coco and Watame. Watame on the other hand didn't have THAT strong of a connection. Once they started being more public with their friendship Kanata and Coco started plotting actual Holohouse as in Doukyozu plan and that spearheaded them into lots of publicity together, but Watame wasn't a part of it.

I wonder what would have happened if AsaCoco/WataUta never came back at all, or they didn't take a break from it in the first place. And in retrospect I'm so glad Watame talked Kanata out of doing her own morning show. Watame and Coco got burned so hard it started affecting them in the worst ways. Those overachievers learned the hard way.

>> No.25443401

>tfw you don't know a lot of Japanese but a little bit but can enjoy game streams but not the long talk streams

jealous of people that can understand the zatsudans desu

>> No.25443402
Quoted by: >>25443483

No upvotes needed https://youtu.be/nxOHQ4wNKzg

>> No.25443405
Quoted by: >>25443458

>A new banner shows up months into the game, so you've invested a lot of time in it.
>One of the new cards powercreeps all other that came before it.
>The new content starts to get harder to cater to that new card.
>But the card is of your least favourite holo
Do you pull on that banner?

>> No.25443408
File: 448 KB, 425x425, 1596028009380.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25443452

barbed penis and fanged blowjobs

>> No.25443409


>> No.25443410

>INR donation
What the fuck? I thought that rupee was blocked by supacha?

>> No.25443412
Quoted by: >>25443425

>jealous of people that can understand the zatsudans desu
Learn then

>> No.25443414

I don't care if she's just a 3*, I'm going to get Towa!

>> No.25443417
File: 58 KB, 302x459, 1593044694117.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Suisei's off-channel cover song

>> No.25443418
File: 107 KB, 700x800, 20190410212237.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25443420

>If she would just speak up so many problems would burn away like the fog on a hot day.
>Instead she grinds and grinds silently, hoping her friends will finally notice her again.
A lot like me, back then during my old MMO days.

>> No.25443421
File: 32 KB, 600x480, swift.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It could be much worse

>> No.25443424

Shien if homos are included

>> No.25443426

>the two 5th gens I am most looking forward to are having their debuts
>more MariKoro kino incoming
This is going to be a good weekend.

>> No.25443425


sure, it's gonna take time tho

>> No.25443427

Sex friends!

>> No.25443428

>half Marine's age

>> No.25443429

Something like that, yes.

>> No.25443433


>> No.25443436
File: 2.54 MB, 1191x1684, 1595239716741.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25443437

Does Pekora think people are calling her menhera?

>> No.25443438
File: 384 KB, 900x900, 1596722663313.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think Watame's playing up the ojisan stuff to remain relevant.

>> No.25443439

4th gen idol outfits when?

>> No.25443440
Quoted by: >>25443513

I can't fault Watame for it, her circumstances are different. She is missing out on it but at the same time she has no real reason to move, not like Kanata or Coco who just want to get away from their places. Though now she might have with that loneliness and horrible sleep pattern. She should at leave visit them for a few days when they move in, it would benefit them all.

>> No.25443441
Quoted by: >>25443480

Coco literally was inviting watame to holohouse day fucking 0. She easily could've been a part of it.

>> No.25443442
Quoted by: >>25443460

I don't think it was her. Most of the shitposts were done when she was streaming. It was probably done by her boyfriend

>> No.25443443
File: 20 KB, 293x317, 1585932472832.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is the real reason PPT hasn't asked Watame for a collab? She doesn't seem to have any problem asking for collabs.

>> No.25443445

Anon just study. If you truly want to enjoy this to the fullest, you have to put in the work.

>> No.25443444

the contrarians

>> No.25443447

Okayu and Mio without a doubt, even though I'd love to have a certain inkya as my wife

>> No.25443448


>> No.25443450

Well, isn't like there is another 200 japanese girls who sounds like Aqua doing JAV in this moment.

>> No.25443449

>Pekora is a genderswapped tyler1

>> No.25443451

dangerously based and if I ever want to get fired I'm going to go out writing code like this

>> No.25443452
File: 275 KB, 1524x2048, botan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25443473

Botan's sharp nails scratching and digging into your back while you mating press her like there's no tomorrow and she keeps begging for more!

>> No.25443454
Quoted by: >>25443474

keep those reps consistent and you will get there. its a marathon not a race anon.

>> No.25443455

She was doing it before hololive, she also has to pay rent on 2 houses and cover the cost for a car and expensive equipment

>> No.25443457

>She rapes your unconsious body as you try to sleep, eventually collapsing as you can't catch a brake over all those days

>> No.25443458

Yeah, that card is the progress bitch. I just use her to clear events.
Otherwise I shower my oishi with all the gifts and affection grinding.

>> No.25443459

Surely not, it would such a waste if they reconciled for absolutely nothing. I refuse to beleive that this reunion will be for nothing.

>> No.25443460
Quoted by: >>25443560

I don't know it ot'd be better or even worse.

>> No.25443461

Cannot wait for her next stream

>> No.25443464

Korone actually correcting google translate
Is she learning for real??

>> No.25443466

I couldn't give a damn about the Holos singing. If the Holo is a good singer, I'll enjoy it, but if they don't sing at all, it wouldn't be a dealbreaker.

>> No.25443467
File: 872 KB, 676x1000, Tsunowaki6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25443469

she did say she liked underaged girls a while back. i just hope she doesn't own a bicycle.

>> No.25443470
File: 1.51 MB, 1920x1080, cuteoni.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The ultra rare drop

>> No.25443471

watame nadeshiko

>> No.25443473
Quoted by: >>25443497

only for a minute though

>> No.25443474

>its a marathon not a race anon.
I thought the marathon is a race too, just long

>> No.25443475

kek fuck you

>> No.25443478
Quoted by: >>25443521


>> No.25443479

Burnout is always rough for sure.

I think both Coco and Watame are getting back into scheduled programming a bit now though from what I saw? Watame is going to try 3 singing a week and Coco is doing asacoco again now that she's moved?
Balance in life and work is hard, and especially for something like this when they do their work in their home. Many people around the world are experiencing this now as well thanks to C-19 and working from home.

>> No.25443480

From how Holoapartmentcomplex is organized right now I think the doors are still opened for everyone who wants to join. It's not over just yet. Hopefully. Maybe.

>> No.25443481

Watame is so big and has such a good growth now, it wouldn't be right to try and benefit from that.

>> No.25443483

god this so aids

>> No.25443484
Quoted by: >>25443514

I had to go to work right after Botan's debut how did the zatsudan with Nene and Lamy go? I know it's super early but I curious to see what kind of chemistry they are going to have.

>> No.25443486
Quoted by: >>25443522

I like Watame precisely because she is a depressive girl. It makes her precious and relatable.

>> No.25443487
File: 1.07 MB, 3057x4096, 20200814_115417.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25443491

>You die
>You're reincarnated as your favorite vtuber's desk
Does she beat you?

>> No.25443492
File: 219 KB, 480x480, 1596818302518.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25443567

Fubuki sucks lmaoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

>> No.25443495

the point is you dont have to sprint for the finish. stay consistent and you'll get there.

>> No.25443497

Getting edged for a minute at a time for 4-5 days...

>> No.25443498

What is the real reason PPT hasn't asked Matsuri for a collab? She doesn't seem to have any problem asking for collabs.

What is the real reason PPT hasn't asked Okayu for a collab? She doesn't seem to have any problem asking for collabs.

What is the real reason PPT hasn't asked Luna for a collab? She doesn't seem to have any problem asking for collabs.

What is the real reason PPT hasn't asked Flare for a collab? She doesn't seem to have any problem asking for collabs.

See how it works anon? There’s literally 30+ holos

>> No.25443500

Mukirose Steampunk Mode SSR to fill out my MAX MUSCLE party composition.

>> No.25443499

Too soon, you should act your age, anon.

>> No.25443503

Reincarnation isn't real, stupid. Most of you here are going to hell.

>> No.25443504

that's hilarious

>> No.25443506

>starts off by introducing everyone
bah gawd!

>> No.25443507
Quoted by: >>25443543

You know how Watame leaned into armpit stuff and Watamelon? She likes to capitalize on those things and it does pay off. Don't know how she actually feels about this but it helps her.

>> No.25443509

rushia and coco

>> No.25443512
File: 676 KB, 1002x781, 1592508198190.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25443550


>> No.25443513

Watame sounds genuinelly sad and depressed recently, I hope she finds a bff soon, hopefully in the 5th gen

>> No.25443514
Quoted by: >>25443582

Nene and Lamy have amazing chemistry, Botan is kinda awkward I think. It wasn't as good as yersteday's stream

>> No.25443515
File: 177 KB, 281x321, 1597329406602.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haachama is objectively the best holo.

>> No.25443516

nice, here's a (you)

>> No.25443520

PPT only leeches from top tier streamers. Watame is too close to her for any gains.

>> No.25443521
File: 3.37 MB, 2591x3624, 1595239858273.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25443566


>> No.25443522

I'm just happy she is growing so well. i cant wait for her wata no uta 2.0

>> No.25443523

If she's learning English, whats stopping any anon here from doing their reps?

>> No.25443524

I'm at the same point as you anon, starting to understand Korone more and more but Marine still filters me. We just have to keep going.

>> No.25443527
File: 2.86 MB, 3504x2612, Towa9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25443612


>> No.25443526
Quoted by: >>25443556

Watame comes off as a very unapproachable person

>> No.25443528

Whatever's the best card Ui winds up doing the art for.

>> No.25443529
File: 2.14 MB, 1873x1873, EbnUxOCUcAYGVrK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25443612


>> No.25443530
File: 145 KB, 800x789, 1595979141151.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How long will Hololive last? A few more years? Decades?

>> No.25443531
Quoted by: >>25443572

Botan... save the sheep...

>> No.25443538

I'm about to start when korosan goes offline

>> No.25443540
File: 213 KB, 1800x1059, 87416e06d99966befe17be38ff1fa8c7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25443541

Yeah, and those other holos aren't as close to her as Watame (supposedly)

>> No.25443543
File: 589 KB, 2296x3541, 1596742764918.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25443639

Can't fault her strategy, just the authenticity. But arguing authenticity on a medium predicated on lies is hardly useful.

>> No.25443544

Three years tops

>> No.25443545

Calm the fuck down, armpitanon. For goodness sake.

>> No.25443546
Quoted by: >>25443594

*collabs with Towa*
heh, nothin' personnel kid

>> No.25443547
File: 717 KB, 800x1130, 1574484511873.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

like maybe 4 years?

>> No.25443548
Quoted by: >>25443592

Miko will die before the end of the year, Cover won't handle it properly and Hololive will implode. Enjoy it while you can.

>> No.25443550

This image is fake

>> No.25443551
File: 471 KB, 717x768, Aqua aaaaaa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Suisei

>> No.25443553

A more appropriate question is: When is your favorite holo graduating?

>> No.25443554

Number 1 in cringe

>> No.25443555
File: 1.52 MB, 1844x1844, 1584223578529.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25443556
Quoted by: >>25443759

Close friends rarely need collabs. How many times have Towa and Okayu collabed? Once? Kanata and Coco used to not collab at all yet they were completely fine as friends.
That's why Kanata collabs with Towa, right?
I wouldn't say unapproachable, maybe not proactive and silent. See Haachama's case.

>> No.25443560

She can't reveal the truth since the mahjong yakuza would murder her

>> No.25443561
Quoted by: >>25443586

Holy fuck that bastard stole 11 image slots

>> No.25443562

>read a comment in Korone's chat that said Marine is using Korone to get more popular
I laughed

>> No.25443565

As long as it's not a membership-only stream.

>> No.25443564

April 24th 2021

>> No.25443566
File: 807 KB, 676x1000, Tsunowaki7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25443567
File: 851 KB, 1280x720, abayo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Abayo, chocoball!

>> No.25443568

Like 3 years, 5 if we are lucky

>> No.25443569
Quoted by: >>25443948

Anon I just got promoted

>> No.25443571

Now that's a big grass.

>> No.25443572

one can only hope she finds a bff. her fans can only do so much

>> No.25443573

5 years absolute tops, provided there are no major controversies.

>> No.25443574

number one retard

>> No.25443576

None of them are part of the PPTrio

>> No.25443578

The holos motivated me a lot to pick up learning Japanese again. Now I'm able to perfectly understand things like Noel talking about enjoying the smell of hamster ass and I'm left wondering if it was worth it.

>> No.25443580

fucking amazing

>> No.25443581

Don't fucking post that

>> No.25443582

Interesting, we'll have a collab with all five once Polka debuts so we can get a better idea how they are all going to interact. It would be great if we got another 3rd gen but I think 3rd gen was a once in a lifetime kind of thing.

>> No.25443583
File: 127 KB, 900x1190, 56154864549874.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25443609

jesus, man... no more tsunowakis for you

>> No.25443584

She's literally the only holo who actually is taking english lessons lol

>> No.25443586

he can't control himself, if anything it's the wakiposter's fault

>> No.25443587

It's not his fault. Stop posting armpits

>> No.25443591

Not far off the mentality of leechfags on /hlg/

>> No.25443592

I hope you'll die first.

>> No.25443593

Noel as tank, Suisei and Matsuri as glass cannons, Fubuki hit and run, Shion and Aqua as magicians, Watame, Aki and Mio as healers. Coco as the alchemist which support the whole party, Okayu as the strategist which admin everything.

>> No.25443594

towa appeals to a different market

>> No.25443595
File: 2.68 MB, 2480x3508, 1588729353226.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25443617

Cute accidental bumps. Though I think she did hit it today a few times.

>> No.25443599

5 years tops, most of them will move on to bigger things after that

>> No.25443600
File: 71 KB, 953x737, 1594505514626.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, but she drops her phone and slamd her head on me and constantly.

>> No.25443602

No, she beats her thighs instead while I get potechi crumbles

>> No.25443604

Until Yellowstone erupts and buries human civilization under it's ash. So around 2025 maybe.

>> No.25443606

occasionally but she mostly just drops her controller on me

>> No.25443607
File: 1.40 MB, 2786x4096, 1597085169229.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I originally learned Japanese to gain access to obscure pornographic material, this is par for the course.

>> No.25443608

me on the right

>> No.25443609

that anon is a good luck charm. happy days to you

>> No.25443610

Years after I'll be fluent in Japanese. But honestly, if Botan can start it as a 40+ years old woman, I don't see any reason that why should the younger ones graduate.

>> No.25443612
File: 3.76 MB, 2534x3648, 79181345_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25443613

It's only a matter of time until someone like Matsuri does something absolutely retarded and ruins everything.

>> No.25443614

Frequent Shun Goku Satsu used against me.

>> No.25443615

Anyone else not bothered at all with the possibility botan might be an obasan? I'm more comfortable picturing a mature woman behind that voice and avatar than some early 20s girl. An obasan gamer god also sounds pretty cool

>> No.25443616
Quoted by: >>25443658

Noel is a fat FUCK

>> No.25443617

The real win here is being reincarnated as one of her butt checks

>> No.25443618
Quoted by: >>25443636

>Your favorite hololive stops being a vtuber and becomes a seiyuu
Would you be happy?

>> No.25443619
File: 268 KB, 700x500, is it really.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25443638


>> No.25443620
Quoted by: >>25443643

So pretty much hololive ends when it turns into a big drama nuke and implodes from the inside because everyone starts hating and gossiping about each other right

>> No.25443622

me on the left

>> No.25443623

its in those moments that everything becomes worth it for me

>> No.25443624

me on the left

>> No.25443625
File: 1.46 MB, 1533x2013, EetlJUmU4AMCg8V.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Extremely softly.


>> No.25443628

I starting to like Lamy, but FIX THE DAMN MIC.

>> No.25443631


>> No.25443632
File: 792 KB, 2560x1440, 1596950349242.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25443633
Quoted by: >>25444023

Do you think holos use their models as material to shlick

>> No.25443634
Quoted by: >>25443654

the correct saying is
"it's a marathon, not a sprint"

>> No.25443635
File: 3.30 MB, 2100x2400, 1597422668488.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fang love

>> No.25443636

yes, extremely

>> No.25443638

whenever i see pictures of polka. I can only think about joker quotes.

>> No.25443640
Quoted by: >>25443746

I'm assblasted a woman over 10 years my age is better than me at apex.

>> No.25443639
Quoted by: >>25443703

For sure, can't accuse her of playing to her strengths. It's how most holos play this game. So long as it's something Watame herself enjoys. Some holos discover points of appeal so fun they end up loving them, like Subaru. Kanata also has zero shame admitting she loves little girls now that ShinyMas exposed that side of her and people roll with hat.

>> No.25443642


>> No.25443643

Pretty much anons, but there will always be chuubas to watch, so at least you have that. And as long as holos are still profitable they will still be around.

>> No.25443648 [SPOILER] 
File: 725 KB, 860x1214, 1597438584889.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25443697


>> No.25443649

How did you get our sex tape?

>> No.25443650

Botan is trash

Aloe is better

>> No.25443651

>Can't post images

>> No.25443652
File: 263 KB, 183x752, Lol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Youtube is trying to say something?

>> No.25443653

An unironic Holo-obasan would be legit.
Unpopular, but a max comfy stream where she tells you how proud she is of you and is glad to see you in her stream would be nice. A strapping young lad like you will make a fine husband one day.

>> No.25443654
Quoted by: >>25443686

stop being pedantic

>> No.25443656

imagine the fangjobs

>> No.25443658

She lost weight tho

>> No.25443659

Historically it was done because a lot of Internet access was done from an institution such as a university or corporate network, with their own blocks of IPs. Knowing that your IP address will be logged was a good deterrent to trolls because the network administrator of the host you're abusing could directly contact your own network administrator and get you into trouble, possibly even have your network access revoked.
IRC has a similar thing with identd, only that's designed to make you accountable to your system administrator when you're chatting from a multi-user system, by exposing your username to the network.
Today these countermeasures are pretty fucking useless against the vast majority of users though since enforcement is lax outside the corporate/academic world.

>> No.25443660

even youtubekun goslingposts with us

>> No.25443661

Do we actually like Towa or are we just shitposting about it?

>> No.25443664
File: 535 KB, 4096x2545, 20200814_135649.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25443679

Botan's nails are hot
I want a handy from her

>> No.25443663

in my heart
and my hard drive

>> No.25443665

imagine throat swabbing nene while she goes AHHHN

>> No.25443668

dead hours?

>> No.25443669

Will the Holos ever make Pewdiepie numbers per streams?

>> No.25443671
File: 44 KB, 466x659, images (62).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ywn be married to Luna and have a heir on the way while being the richest man in The Candy United Confedaration and it's rightful king by marriage.
>ywn begin reforms to the public system including an education program for the candy peasant children
>ywn incentivize a brain drain in the continet by creating the court employments of sugar scientist and generals of sweet knowledge
>ywn use your newly acquired geniuses to develop better production methods for sugar, creating thousands of unemployed that begin flocking to the now expanding and bloated candy cities and subsequent sugary slums
>ywn start having occasional and progressively more frequent insurections over the rights of the sweet workers in the state owned candy and pastrie factories
>ywn have a young and upcoming captain lady begin climbing in your ranks by her efficiency and lethality in dealing with the rebelions, making workers fear her mace far more than losing a few fingers in the cogs
>ywn have a thropy ceremony where you meet and become great friends
>ywn fall in love with each other while begining to influence on the other decisions
>ywn further her career while pushing extremely hard retalations against any rebels and establishing an inquisition like organization where the leader is Noel
>ywn use her support and diligance to utterly silence and censor any unpleasant information that would be released to the public
>ywn start an affair on the same day you convince princess Luna of the necessity of the military reforms and gets it approved
>ywn raise the soldiers pay and start employing most unemployed and underpaid able men into service, making it a competitive profession in the market and adjusting the state factories pay based on it
>ywn see an economic and millitary boom in your country so big all the other nations star alliances in fear of your might
>ywn eliminate the noble cast by winning full support both from the millitary and the candy people
>ywn be approached by Noel in your quartes in the middle of the night while Luna travels and have passionate sex before she proposes you an idea
>ywn be proposed a full on invasion of elven lands with the purpose of obtaining a lower race slave force to do the unsightly work of the sugary ubermensch
>ywn be told the next day that your researchers have found a mixture of dark powder with explosive capabilities
>ywn look at Noel in your right on the throne room at the exact time she looks back at you and smiles

LMFAO why even live

>> No.25443674
Quoted by: >>25443683

Gen5 likes Watame and she already gave them a free meme to lean on. If sheep snatches one of them as a collab partner it could turn things around for her.

>> No.25443675

She already said on Twitter that it's fixed for next time, some of her Discord settings were fucky

>> No.25443679

>Botan will never give you a handjob while she nibbles on your ear

>> No.25443680

Try looking up old PC-98 games to make use of that Japanese I guess.

>> No.25443683
File: 224 KB, 1708x1080, 1580822871246.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25443711

shes gonna be friends with aloe, i can feel it

>> No.25443685
Quoted by: >>25443733

Do you have a higher quality version of this picture?

>> No.25443686

it's not pedantric, those phrases literally mean different things. dont have a stick up your ass because you got it wrong, just accept it and move on

>> No.25443687

She did

>> No.25443688
Quoted by: >>25444735

5th gen have all 100k+ so far

>> No.25443689
File: 159 KB, 1028x1500, Dl7TDo3VsAAXXIB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't forget the graduated cow.

>> No.25443693
Quoted by: >>25443715

Actually I like the fact that she's old, because that means the age isn't matter if you're a vtuber. So basically this gave me hope that most chuubas will be with us for many more years.

>> No.25443694


>> No.25443695
File: 91 KB, 260x260, 260px-Houshou_Marine_-_Portrait_3D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gentleman, I will now say the A word!

>> No.25443697

She probably smells nice

>> No.25443700
File: 246 KB, 170x613, Screenshot_2020-08-14 【#ホロ女子トーク】金髪組4人のマジトーク✨~恋バナ編~【ホロライブ】.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25443701


>> No.25443703
File: 3.77 MB, 2480x3507, 1594558865386.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25443743

Honestly I think most neet women are perverts after consuming Japanese media. No matter what role you try to play, you don't instantly start screen capping your coworkers avatars at pervy angles and talking about sniffing armpits without having some perverted tendencies.

>> No.25443705


>> No.25443707
File: 135 KB, 365x297, 1597428863070.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dont think you can just run off with noel anon you need to take responsibility

>> No.25443708


>> No.25443710
File: 331 KB, 2560x1440, 1574993823521.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Matsuri's legs.

>> No.25443711

>leaks state Aloe is a fan of Coco and Kanata
>no mention of Watame
Well, we can at least hope it's nothing but speculation.

>> No.25443713

>watching click bait anti-China videos

>> No.25443715
Quoted by: >>25443757

And from what I've seen the younger ones seem more likely and willing to basically disappear

>> No.25443716

They do it constantly in collabs and the 3D debut.
He usually gets like 30-70k.

>> No.25443719

Ahlona !

>> No.25443721
File: 171 KB, 720x900, 1589765498416.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Matsuri blanco

>> No.25443722
Quoted by: >>25444469

I mean honestly I never understood the whole problem with hiding who you are behind the avatar. No, your personal shit shouldn't get in the way of professional shit, but actors act all the time and people don't have issues with knowing that it's an actor behind the character. Normal people with working brain cells don't get mad at Koyasu for not actually being a shredded vampire or Tange for not having magical girl card powers.
Don't advertise it in your stream but if somebody finds out who you are behind the camera it shouldn't be as big of a deal as everyone makes it out to be.
Fuck Japan and its autistic idolshit culture.

>> No.25443725
File: 487 KB, 3622x848, bend2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

getting choked by flare's legs

>> No.25443728

It's a fact now. Did you hear her laugh? she is nearly 50 for sure. That ain't a young girl laugh.

>> No.25443731

Do we like her voice already?

>> No.25443733
File: 215 KB, 990x1400, noeru.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25443755


>> No.25443734
File: 471 KB, 1920x796, 1524668686015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25443760


>> No.25443735
Quoted by: >>25443764

Matsuri's Thighs...

>> No.25443736

Man Aruran’s arms are so fucking thick and like 1.4 times longer than they should be
He looks like a fucking gorilla

>> No.25443740
Quoted by: >>25443765

Japanese Tech Companies Are fucking trash

>> No.25443741

The Holo Niji war is going nuclear!?

>> No.25443742
File: 703 KB, 640x640, 1590473371055.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25443779

>catching up on Onigiri King
>She finds a photo booth
>Bobby's force ghost shows up in the photos
This game does not hold any punches huh?

>> No.25443744
Quoted by: >>25443766

Holy shit Marine's neck is long as hell.

>> No.25443743

That is part of their appeal too. The amount of pervy screencaps and comments during 3D always reminds us that these women love it just like we do (even if it might be just part of the character).

>> No.25443745

Festival argentino

>> No.25443746

Japan is weak as fuck. NA and EU are full of sweaty tryhards

>> No.25443748


>> No.25443750

3 years tops, but cover is too retarded and incompetent that a huge controversy or bullshit that would make holocaust cute can pretty much happen anytime and would implode Hololive.

>> No.25443752

i couldnt care less desu

>> No.25443755

Thank you

>> No.25443756
File: 2.95 MB, 950x606, 【#宝鐘マリン1周年】ゲストと一緒に3Dでドタドタ!!【ホロライブ_宝鐘マリン】-VblQWr0rm7Y-4.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Laughing at Flare when she embarrasses herself

>> No.25443757

I know, I just think it's still better like this, because they don't have to be conscious about their age, they don't have "expiration date" like real life idols. If they willing to continue it for decades, they can.

>> No.25443758
File: 29 KB, 900x900, 1595186376024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How Will Botan fare against El Macaco?

They are both master tier so it should be somewhat fare fight

>> No.25443759
Quoted by: >>25443817

>Close friends rarely need collabs. How many times have Towa and Okayu collabed? Once? Kanata and Coco used to not collab at all yet they were completely fine as friends.
I think Okayu talked about this once.
With collabs, you usually go
>want to collab? are you free? when are you free? x day is fine for you?
while with Korone she would just go
>what you doin lets hang out

>> No.25443760

Just noticed she turns up the blush on her face after she reads the suupa, it just keeps getting more painful...

>> No.25443761
Quoted by: >>25443790

Imagine going out to a date with her, feeling lightheaded after finishing your drink and then waking up in her basement where your life of sexual servitude awaits you

>> No.25443764
File: 246 KB, 1141x1625, e6c00ba9680ecb18f9a873e45ac06029.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25443873

festival's tan...

>> No.25443766

Her whole model and rigging needs a proper rework.
She straight up clips through the ground at times.

>> No.25443765

Japanese Tech IS fucking trash

>> No.25443767

I'd always pick someone who's having fun over someone only begrudgingly playing a character because its her job. At least there's quite a few holo girls that have internet histories that prove they love or at least enjoy their job from time to time.

>> No.25443768

Voted #1 in the Semi-annual Homeless Cook-off, featuring her famous Vegemite-encrusted old boot casserole

>> No.25443770
Quoted by: >>25443849

New girls are boring so far. Need to wait for them to drop the acts before the real hololive starts.

>> No.25443771

Anons, which Hololive girls would never, by any means collab?

>> No.25443772
File: 953 KB, 1000x1412, 1596667880733.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25443788

>> No.25443773


>> No.25443776

This was one of the cutest things I've ever seen.

>> No.25443778

migatte no matuli...

>> No.25443779
Quoted by: >>25443814

The whiplash is seriously intense. I like it.

From this:

to THIS:

and then back to this:

>> No.25443788
Quoted by: >>25443843

When's Gaou-papa gonna barge into Cover and demand they update Aqua's model with her current 3 sizes?

>> No.25443791

When will Aqua forgive Pekora?

>> No.25443790


>> No.25443792
Quoted by: >>25443855

Gorilla is gonna wipe the floor with her
screencap this

>> No.25443793

Can't see it lasting one One Piece arc

>> No.25443794

Aqua and Pekora.

>> No.25443798

marine's flexibility is made for a perfect mating press

>> No.25443801

Flesh-fang is patrician, though.

>> No.25443804

More please

>> No.25443808

Coco and Artia.

>> No.25443811

her plan was to lure her fellow CNs in and to invite vtubers on bilibili and twitch; essentially making sure she has people to play with whether she's streaming on bilibili for her Chinese audience or on twitch for the western/SEA one

>> No.25443809


>> No.25443812
Quoted by: >>25443824

Hololive is literally a ticking timebomb, and it's come close to exploding several times already. We've just been lucky so far.

>> No.25443814
Quoted by: >>25443886

There's at least one more opportunity for her to cry in this game

>> No.25443813

Fuck Doxxers
Fuck Narrativefags
PekoMiko is the love I choose to believe in https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jOrHxrYzPY4

>> No.25443817

I think that one recent Pekora clip is a good counterpoint to this, where she was really afraid of asking Okayu to collab and went through all kinds of scenarios in her head only to be told 'okay, let's collab'. I can see Watame doing this exact same thing.

We can only speculate if Watame and PPDuo talk much offline, but they never mention almost anything about talking with her on stream. The last interaction mentioned was when they went to eat about a month ago.

>> No.25443818
Quoted by: >>25443827

Lion vs Gorilla
The battle to determine the KING OF THE JUNGLE.

>> No.25443820


>> No.25443821

How does this happen?

>> No.25443824

welcome to everything in general

>> No.25443825
File: 143 KB, 1080x1080, 1597068935102.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im more into sharkteeth

>> No.25443827
Quoted by: >>25443837

Tigers are better than both

>> No.25443828
Quoted by: >>25444050

Any timestamp on haato's fallguys stream where simp topic was brought up?

>> No.25443829

Pekora and anyone with less than 500k subs

>> No.25443830
Quoted by: >>25443855

if she actually is more skilled than Gorilla, i'll stop being a misogynist

>> No.25443833

Korone and Aqua
Pekora and Aqua
Ayame and Watame
Korone and Watame
Ayame and Kanata
Ayame and Luna
Ayame and Coco

>> No.25443834
Quoted by: >>25443857

Senchou is pretty flexible for a boomer.

>10 years ago I was able to reach my dick

>> No.25443835

Choco has TF2 palyed in her battlemetrics

>> No.25443837
Quoted by: >>25443851

Tigers more like NIGGERS

>> No.25443838
Quoted by: >>25443880

Pekora is much much more introvert than Watame though.

>> No.25443839
File: 178 KB, 1071x2006, 1596809770979.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do the Gen 5s smell like?
Asking for a knight-maiden.

>> No.25443840

>ywn have an arcade date with Towa and play shooters all day.
>ywn stop by at a at a local カツカーレ shop because its raining and order the extra large size
>ywn ever take Towa home while shyly grabbing her hands (almost, because you realized you have just arrived at her place)
>ywn ever ever ever be kissed by Towa because she had a good time with you
>ywn ever ever ever exchange Line contacts with Towa before she close the door.

>> No.25443842

Even Flare's faceplant is graceful as hell.

>> No.25443843
File: 609 KB, 848x1200, 83672006_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

papa made Aqua Alter so it's all good

>> No.25443845

>Still no bookworm holo

>> No.25443847

Please forgive me AstelBro but I just had a dream were a cougar Botan teaches Astel how to play the "predator game" while he's spilling his spaghetti inside her.

>> No.25443849
File: 290 KB, 366x460, 1597413730686.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just wait for Polka

>> No.25443850
File: 211 KB, 2048x683, 1566079151726.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

like piss and a frank zappa concert

4th gen smells the best

>> No.25443851

Wouldn't that be apes?

>> No.25443853

La enana pervertida

>> No.25443855
Quoted by: >>25443874

She probably got there mid 2019 when the game was not very competitive. El Macaco is really good

>> No.25443856

Who isn't ever going to play Fall Guys?

>> No.25443857

She is in her early 20s

>> No.25443859

all of them smell like ____me_____

>> No.25443860

Hello guys, just watched Botan's debut and she wants to play Diablo and Grim Dawn? This makes her automatically the best hologarota.

>> No.25443861

Towacucks are pathetic

>> No.25443862

Does Ayame declared war to 4th gen or something?

>> No.25443864

Bros... I just found out that Pekora has surpassed Hinata's subscriber count.

It feels like yesterday when Pekora had 300k subs and Hinata felt like a big number, but now Hinata is officially irrelevant

>> No.25443866
File: 282 KB, 393x385, sheep2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Watame and PPDuo

>> No.25443867
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>> No.25443871

in the order of that image:

>> No.25443872
Quoted by: >>25444256

Less than a year, some stalker will find out one of the girls has a boyfriend and Cover will colapse, some of the girls will get reincarnated and do fine though.

>> No.25443873

Matsuri's chub...

>> No.25443874
File: 23 KB, 347x340, 1596303112013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw she turns out to be worse than Matsuri

>> No.25443875 [SPOILER] 
File: 261 KB, 1033x1344, 1597439426299.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

An expression of pain and longing.

>> No.25443876
Quoted by: >>25444285

Probably the ab roller.

>> No.25443880

With how Watame is right now I don't know how much of her extavert energies actually apply to vtubing.

>> No.25443879
Quoted by: >>25443902

That looks shopped. I can tell from seeing a lot of pixels in my time.

>> No.25443881

Not entirely hololive but Luna and Sasaki/Himawari can't collab.

>> No.25443882

>Nailfags have infiltrated this general

>> No.25443883
File: 243 KB, 699x721, 20200806_203423.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25443952

>falling for the PekoMiko "tete"

>> No.25443886
Quoted by: >>25443967

No more sadness for the cat, please. She's already buying a keychain and trying to make a video of him. Her heart can't take it.

>> No.25443887

Sora, coco, choco

>> No.25443888
Quoted by: >>25443895

She collaborated with Rushia literally today, anon.

>> No.25443890
Quoted by: >>25443899

Coco will never collab with Moona ever again.

>> No.25443892
Quoted by: >>25443918

Can you fucking imagine it? I got kinda worried after looking up her old channel

>> No.25443895
Quoted by: >>25443903

3rd gen doesn't count.

>> No.25443896

Coco and Choco have followed absolutely every single trend, anon.

>> No.25443899


>> No.25443901

I think they're referring to Team Fortress 2, not TitanFall 2

>> No.25443900

Playing Time Crisis with Towa!

>> No.25443903


>> No.25443902
File: 72 KB, 360x450, 1591971091552.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does this?

>> No.25443904
File: 97 KB, 220x241, 1597245436366.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if Polka does a watch along stream for the Joker movie i'll start simping for the first time in my life

>> No.25443906

To be fair, I wasn't one before hololive.

>> No.25443907

Seems like a game sora might play honestly

>> No.25443908

Which holo is super into cunnilingus? What about anilingus?

>> No.25443910

>we live in a SOCIETY LOL
Fuck off back to your shitter board please.

>> No.25443911

el fiesta...

>> No.25443913
File: 302 KB, 713x1000, 2020-04-16_EVu-tSnUMAYNaTD_@bakusyousuika_-_satoshi_yamaguchi_山口智.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>check Marine's followers
>6 followers you follow
>she's followed by Satoshi Yamaguchi, ex-Gainax animator, noted Touhou enthusiast, director of the OP for Touhou Cannonball
>He drew her back in April
How the fuck did I miss this?
>check who Marine follows
>she doesn't follow him
Get it together Senchou! You can't afford to not make this connection!

>> No.25443914
Quoted by: >>25443931

Where are you people coming from?

>> No.25443916

This. Gackt is a pure example of how this works correctly.

>> No.25443918
Quoted by: >>25443935

what did you find?
did she not play a lot since then?

>> No.25443919

Didn't know Hinata has more than 500k subs

>> No.25443920

Oh shit, that asmr channel with the vampire girl by the campfire! I had been searching for her for a while.

>> No.25443922
File: 954 KB, 2894x4093, 83618423_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25443923

Coco is a Sonychad and fall guys is console exclusive for PS4 so I think It's not impossible

>> No.25443924

Anon don't...

>> No.25443926


>> No.25443928


>> No.25443929
Quoted by: >>25444176

I wouldn't rely on battlemetrics for things like that, it seems quite inaccurate at times. It also says Choco played CS today on Russian servers while she was streaming.

>> No.25443931
File: 908 KB, 1600x916, 1597167941673.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25443950

this is my board
we've always been here

>> No.25443932

Choco only plays apex
Coco only plays ark (not even minecraft)
Sora only plays horror games

You can't defeat this argument.

>> No.25443933

Coco owns Sony consoles only because Sega releases games on them, she's a Sega fanboy.

>> No.25443935
Quoted by: >>25443968

Yeah her apex videos are from early to mid 2019

>> No.25443937

Coco has ignored a ton of them, especially the Nintendo ones.

>> No.25443936
Quoted by: >>25444003

Sora and Coco. Sora is too tech illiterate to get ARK running and generally only plays horror games. Coco is to self-concious sbout her singing and crass attitude to collsb with Sora.

>> No.25443938

considering how she was identified in the first place... https://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm37352155

>> No.25443940
Quoted by: >>25443954

I am grateful Polkafags will save Pekora from becoming Momiji 2

>> No.25443942


>> No.25443943


>> No.25443948
File: 356 KB, 1460x1342, EYQU6_tUwAECcyV copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25443946
Quoted by: >>25443965

Damn, i must have missed all those Animal Crossing.

>> No.25443947
File: 36 KB, 540x511, chowa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In anticipation of the next debut, an old poll returns, Towa, Chowa, or Alowa?

>> No.25443949

Considering Watame had n
>We can only speculate if Watame and PPDuo talk much offline, but they never mention almost anything about talking with her on stream.
They didn't talk recently that's for sure, Watame only knew that Coco moved after seeing her stream and few days ago she still had no idea if asacoco will be back.
It would be tragic if Watame wasn't part of asacoco and I guess it would confirm a lot of narratives.

>> No.25443950
File: 691 KB, 2414x2158, honks__.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25444047

>country's election coming up soon
>write in Polka's channel URL as my presidential candidate
they're gonna lock me up for sure this time

>> No.25443952
Quoted by: >>25444007

Even in that dj Peko tenderly loved Miko compared to raping Rushia

>> No.25443953

t. I actually don't watch them

>> No.25443956
File: 604 KB, 3840x2160, EfVnuHWUYAAUfBN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25444010


>> No.25443954


>> No.25443955

should we expect more HPS moments?

>> No.25443957

Coco hates videogames.

>> No.25443958
File: 3.99 MB, 410x410, 1596660344493.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

clown boys WW@!

>> No.25443959
File: 681 KB, 985x696, 7e73e8d37a9f6d84eb18f05a3b0b972935b4b474.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chowa's girlfriend would never do what Sio did.

>> No.25443960
Quoted by: >>25443976

I kinda want to play Ark.

>> No.25443962
File: 194 KB, 2048x1152, EdYDBicU0AAkFIn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25443963

Begone purityfag, long painted nails are kino

>> No.25443965

Nintendo aside (which obviously doesn't count towards FG), Coco jumped on the APEX trend, the GoI trend and the Shinymas trend in pursuit of viewers. Why do you think she wouldn't touch FG?

>> No.25443967

Hopefully she can stay strong

>> No.25443968

doesn't sound promising
will be fun to shitpost about tho

>> No.25443969
File: 601 KB, 592x640, Coming back to life.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25444009

>> No.25443970

You're just a number to her

>> No.25443971

>Literally learned japanese and moved to Japan because of a video game

>> No.25443973

>imagine believe this

>> No.25443976

It's a lot of fun for like two days. Then you get settled in enough that it's basically nothing but resource gathering.

>> No.25443977

I should really stop writing shit without looking at the reply box.

>> No.25443978

She's just free entertainment to me

>> No.25443980

AZKi, she's pretty hot ngl

>> No.25443983

A really big number.

>> No.25443984
Quoted by: >>25444015

When will the Twap's meet up?

>> No.25443985

Choco had no idea what Fall Guys was when someone asked her today in a SC. I could see her getting curious and eventually trying it though.

>> No.25443986

god taste in games then

>> No.25443988


Fuking Polka doxxin Botan's age, kek I love this clown.

>> No.25443989

Because she realised that jumping on bandwagons doesn't actually increase her viewership.
She's still consistently around 6k - 8k viewers every single stream, no matter what she plays.

>> No.25443990
File: 472 KB, 850x892, 1596294268728.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25444011

>openly racist, homophobic and transphobic
is there a more based vtuber?

>> No.25443992

>Considering Watame had n

>> No.25443993
File: 108 KB, 248x255, 1595758342610.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25444262

That's pretty depressing. She talked how she was thinking of doing Watame no Uta 3 times a week but wasn't sure of it yet. Hopefully she finds collab partners if things don't work out with Coco and Kanata.

>> No.25443994
Quoted by: >>25444078

If management is still gonna tell Coco that she can't cover any actual news then there's really no point to it, and I doubt it would even come back. If Coco puts in even half the work she claims to in order to make it, it's not worth it to put that much effort in without being able to make the best content.

>> No.25443995
File: 180 KB, 1280x1536, 1592174211449.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25443996

mini moona...

>> No.25443997

Number One

>> No.25443999
File: 366 KB, 2048x1909, Ee5gYBdUEAIatZ8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Happy dead hours, friends

>> No.25444000

when i see polka, i think of joker

>> No.25444001

I'm part of her realizing her dream. It doesn't need to be more than that.

>> No.25444003

I'm sure they won't collab because Sora doesn't want to ruin her public image but you have a point

>> No.25444004
Quoted by: >>25444020

>Coco jumped on the APEX trend
How many APEX streams does she have? 2? 3? i wouldn't consider that jumping on a trend.
I'll give you Shinymas, but then she gets credit for playing stuff like Sims 4 before anyone else, i don't really consider her a trend chaser.

>> No.25444005

Her sole reason for owning a PS3 and PS4 is for playing Yakuza

>> No.25444006

While I agree with what you said, lately Choco has been trying to diversify her content. Fall Guys is a fun game that brings high viewership, wouldn't surprise me at all if she ends up playing it.

>> No.25444007
File: 451 KB, 627x420, 1593000936884.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25444059

Peko doesn't love Miko. Pekora only sees her as a rival.

>> No.25444009
File: 3.07 MB, 2400x1662, 75554025_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25444010
Quoted by: >>25444025

Is she gonna be the least seiso gen 5?

>> No.25444011
File: 620 KB, 1280x720, 1595970317757.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25444015
File: 228 KB, 638x510, twerp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the twerps!

>> No.25444016

How new?

>> No.25444017
Quoted by: >>25444112

Not even. I hate youtube and google, so I don't have an account and I watch all the streams through mpv. I literally don't exist to them.

>> No.25444020
Quoted by: >>25444051

9 streams at a glance, which isn't insignificant.

>> No.25444022

considering that Sio shitposts in 5ch, it is not unreasonable to assume that some holo shitposts here, right?

>> No.25444023
File: 1.01 MB, 1920x2160, miko's_senchou_folder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do you think holos use their models as material to shlick
Why use their models when the piles and piles of fanart are a ffar more efficient resource?

>> No.25444025

I hope she starts out super jittery and seiso and then BAM! It's all an act and the fuckken circus has started you bastards and she just laughs at everyone.

>> No.25444026

>named herself after a gaming protagonist

>> No.25444027

And a name!

>> No.25444028

artia of course

>> No.25444030

watame doesnt have the guts to do what she dreams of doing. cant even collab with her holomates. suisei on the other hand is what these wannabe singers should be

>> No.25444031

Well we already know that Coco comes here

>> No.25444032
Quoted by: >>25444048

No? she only hates bing bing wahoo cringe shit

>> No.25444033

>Korone and Aqua

>> No.25444034

Sio did nothing wrong.
And even if she did it was so she could make Towa choose between her or the other Holos who left her alone.

>> No.25444036

Coco doesn't follow trends, she tries to make new ones.

>> No.25444037
File: 170 KB, 1600x1200, 6864e6dd694a766eb7175443459697b3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25444060


>> No.25444038
File: 175 KB, 600x535, EfY2AGWU4AAl_da.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can they live up to expectations

>> No.25444039

Mobile obviously

>> No.25444042

All holos know japanese, why would they shitpost here if they could shitpost on 5ch instead?

>> No.25444044

Coco recently played Minecraft

>> No.25444045


>> No.25444047


>> No.25444048
Quoted by: >>25444074

Can you translate this post into English please

>> No.25444049

And also a monthly obligation that causes her to stay up all night and get 0 fucking sleep haha

>> No.25444050

Around the 5 hour mark

>> No.25444051

Damn that's more than i thought and i watch her a lot, guess i just ignore Apex by default and forget it exists.

>> No.25444052
Quoted by: >>25444064

Luna and Marine had great chemistry, too bad they don't talk anymore

>> No.25444053

We know that Artia has posted on /jp/ under her old persona.

>> No.25444054
File: 331 KB, 1200x1641, 1597357788997.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do we love elves?

>> No.25444057

They will save gen 5

>> No.25444058
Quoted by: >>25444092

does her roomate has the same ass? some people here calls her fat

>> No.25444059
Quoted by: >>25444085

You can't destroy my headcannon even if you try

>> No.25444060


>> No.25444061

Wholesome friendship that doesnt feel cringe like KoroOkayu

>> No.25444062

It is the opposite. Sora actually reached out to Coco, only to be rejected because Coco wasn't confident enough to sing with her.

>> No.25444064


>> No.25444065

Yes, and?

>> No.25444066

When will she be back?

>> No.25444067
File: 81 KB, 680x383, ETiark5U4Aci8oz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you trade any two of the 5th gen designs for these two?

>> No.25444068

I wonder if Artia feels happy that people here like her even when they call her a dumb or retarded little sister

>> No.25444069
File: 107 KB, 991x1080, 1591311992208.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25444086


>> No.25444071

Coco's spouted at least one /jp/ meme on stream so either there is a very rich anonchama or she browses here.

>> No.25444072
File: 218 KB, 392x503, 1597363243601.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25444087

>Joker posting is gonna be a staple of this thread
can't fucking wait

>> No.25444073

Artia definitely does. Risu knows what 4chan is so maybe. Coco I'm not sure but it wouldn't surprise me if she did indeed lurk here.

>> No.25444074

bing bing wah-oo yippie okie dokie

>> No.25444075
Quoted by: >>25444106


>> No.25444076

Zion is just another layer of matrix

>> No.25444078

I don't understand how hard is it to slap together a few powerpoint slides of some recent events and just come up with shit along the way. No one expects her to do the videos or to write super detailed scenarios, just create a few slides and talk shit. If someone wants to do the collab segments, that should just shorten her workload after coordinating it.

>> No.25444079
Quoted by: >>25444118


>> No.25444080

Kakage, you have to let it go...

>> No.25444081

nene for drill hair

>> No.25444082

No, but nene would have been fine as the tanuki.

>> No.25444084
File: 204 KB, 850x850, __tokino_sora_hololive_drawn_by_amagai_tarou__sample-3ba3a0d1948a3fe715ce4605830fdcf9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am thinking. Thinking about Sora's armpits.

>> No.25444085

I don't need to.
It's my headcannon too.

>> No.25444086

Old baba that has ingested male cum

>> No.25444087
Quoted by: >>25444142

Towa is the original Joker

>> No.25444088
File: 528 KB, 800x1100, 83650681_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25444122


>> No.25444090

I went to the same school with ks*n here in atlanta and yes, she does.

>> No.25444091
Quoted by: >>25444106

Marine looking pretty different there, Anonchama...

>> No.25444092

The only person who shares any features with their holo is Noel. How do you not know this?

>> No.25444093
File: 180 KB, 1145x1193, 1596730134538.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

seriously this is the first time i feel like calling one of the girls "my oshi"
it's just something about this fucking clown

>> No.25444094
File: 299 KB, 1280x860, 1596618882010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25444095
Quoted by: >>25444165

for me, it's the feet.

>> No.25444099

I love kakage's art but I don't know, I don't like the design that much

>> No.25444098
File: 79 KB, 686x386, EfaTUOfUMAAcysv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yo anon, ready for this totally gnarly collab? Hang ten!

>> No.25444100
File: 437 KB, 1800x800, Clown Times.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25444102

I'm wondering about it too... Hopefully quite soon, but I don't get my hopes up. At least she's making short morning videos on Twitter, that's something.

>> No.25444104

So, uh, what are you guys watching now?

>> No.25444105
Quoted by: >>25444145

Their teammates set the bar low for them.

>> No.25444106

Forgive me, I have room temperature IQ and haven't slept in over a day.

>> No.25444107
Quoted by: >>25444267

>it's just something about this fucking clown
It's her design. You don't have much else to go on, yet.

>> No.25444108

I thought it says "Ultimate Kino" for a second. But yes, I'm ready.

>> No.25444109
Quoted by: >>25444119

Does anyone else think the stars just look way too different from each other, art style wise?

>> No.25444111
Quoted by: >>25444130

I'd trade Nene for the tanuki, Kakage's design is just shit

>> No.25444112
Quoted by: >>25444260

>I watch all the streams through mpv
can someone direct me to a guide on how to do this

>> No.25444114

Watching Korone's tiktok confirmed my greatest fear about chuubas, a bunch of IRL 5s acting as virtual 10s

>> No.25444115
Quoted by: >>25444173

how many dicks did she suck on a daily basis?

>> No.25444116

Just give me the bird hat.

>> No.25444119
Quoted by: >>25444149

Just like the girls

>> No.25444118




>> No.25444120
File: 501 KB, 472x566, 1596917035173.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25444122
File: 933 KB, 2651x3762, c4bf37d96b429f32be25d221d1c05758.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25444137


>> No.25444124

Has any Holo gotten a Fall Guys win yet?

>> No.25444125

She's getting a surgery next week. she'll be back after she gets discharged.

>> No.25444126
File: 536 KB, 1626x1372, matuli vs harambe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Matuli wasn't even a fight but Botan could be an interesting match

>> No.25444128

she seems to be fine now but we'll have to wait until the 23rd for her announcement

>> No.25444130
Quoted by: >>25444217

Nene needs a better design. Maybe after she reaches 100k subs they'll give her a second outfit. And then she can wear that all the time like Flare does.

>> No.25444133

It's gonna be absolutely tubular brah, hope they pick up some sweet dubskis

>> No.25444134
Quoted by: >>25444168

None of the girls yet
I think of the boys Temma won?

>> No.25444136

>it's just something about this fucking clown

her armpits

>> No.25444135 [SPOILER] 
File: 718 KB, 1024x768, 1597440584312.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Coco nudes.

>> No.25444137

You guys already gave me a foot and a waki fetish, i don't need a back fetish too...

>> No.25444138

Nice desu ne

>> No.25444139
File: 12 KB, 1787x112, 124055296.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25444140
Quoted by: >>25444162

Shion probably considering how young she is and the fact that she follows nip keemstar

>> No.25444141 [SPOILER] 
File: 520 KB, 900x1071, 1597440596209.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25444174

cursed image

>> No.25444142

anon just because Towa IS a joke, doesn't mean she is a Joker

>> No.25444143

Is Polka going to be the designated EOP pandering 5th gen?
Does Nobuhime know any English?

>> No.25444144

It's possible to have teams in Fall Guys, or are they each just going to queue at the same time and hope they get in the same match?

>> No.25444145
File: 584 KB, 1800x2122, EfYpB6pU4AAVhre.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Funny how Polka thinks the opposite


>> No.25444147

Pretty sure Cover's marketing intern posts here, given the attention to less popular holos and the polls/show merch/memberships posts

>> No.25444149

There's way more of the girls whose designs fit together than among the guys.

>> No.25444151

They better fucking use the gothloli tanuki design in the future.

>> No.25444153
File: 704 KB, 1280x720, 1594835134663.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25444201

Gokisei is disappointing as fuck so far

>> No.25444154


>> No.25444155

Remember to sell your clowncoins tomorrow. If Polka actually is Nobuhime it wont really effect much since people who are Nobuhime fans already assume that and EOPs and what not wont know who that is, but if it's not Nobuhime you can catch the dip and make bank once prices go up simply because Polka is great.

>> No.25444158

I just wonder what the holos would even do in this thread. Would they be narrativeposters, secret goslingposters, lewdposters, or would they just lurk and see what some anons think about them?

>> No.25444159

please please made it real please

>> No.25444161

Polka confirmed worst.

>> No.25444162

i meant on 5ch not here of course

>> No.25444163

Are they going to be repurposed for HoloEN?

>> No.25444164

is Aqua supposed to be a maid?

>> No.25444165
File: 164 KB, 1470x1400, 1595764699402.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25444202

Why the feet?

>> No.25444166

Can have a team of 4 iirc

>> No.25444167

Temma is a two times champion.

>> No.25444168

Temma is in the lead with 2 crowns vs everyone elses fat zero

>> No.25444169
File: 213 KB, 480x480, 1591151860681.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25444206

>The Pekora/Korone thing is hyper headcanon'd in half of the comments here. It was neither bad nor wrong.
Wasn't the whole thing just some weird ass deflection by Sio anyways?
Something about someone criticizing her for being quick to become negative in her streams so she retorts that Korone and Pekora also are quick in getting negative and if you think otherwise you are just a clip watcher.
Which makes me really curious as to what she considers to be "negative" because I can't see a single thing in the past 30 or so streams I've seen with Pekora that I'd consider "Becoming negative".

Or was all that just some guy tricking me with his explanation.

>> No.25444170
File: 616 KB, 640x640, 1596506498062.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Catfags are too horny for their own good and deserve to be shot.

>> No.25444172

A useless one.

>> No.25444173

0. she was the nerd one

>> No.25444174

if anything, it cursed my dick to get hard

>> No.25444176

Must've been her boyfriend

>> No.25444177

you can make a team to get in the same match with your friends

>> No.25444178

there's like 400 people here on the best days
why would they waste their time here

>> No.25444179
File: 382 KB, 2048x1320, EfUpthPUwAIyP-r.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25444218

But I've never fapped to her anon. I just like lewd art.

>> No.25444181

You can group up to get in a match, it'll force you onto the same team in team games but otherwise you're still technically competing with each-other at the end.

>> No.25444184

She forgot about that.

>> No.25444185

>I went to the same school with ks*n here in atlanta
I'm disturbed that this being a possibility had not occurred to me at all until seeing this post.

>> No.25444186

Roboco... you have to jump....

>> No.25444187
File: 391 KB, 833x1102, 1596899337234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ano saaaa
chotto saaaa
neeeeeeeeeee saaaa

>> No.25444189
Quoted by: >>25444198

>m*le vtubers

>> No.25444191

Noel and Mel doing anything ASMR related

>> No.25444192

I'm more worried about what these poor grills will do if it'll ever fails... for some of them hololive has been a saving grace.

>> No.25444193

True Neutral

>> No.25444194
Quoted by: >>25444213

No she's supposed to be an onion

>> No.25444195
Quoted by: >>25444214

it's not the sort of certainty that would hold up in a court of law because you can't ever say "ip address = this person"
but yeah, she totally did that shit

>> No.25444198

Okay dyke

>> No.25444201


>> No.25444202
Quoted by: >>25444284

I wish I knew anon, /hlg/ gave me this fetish, I think it's just the size and shape of them and imagining the smell after a long day..pressed on my face..

>> No.25444203

Smart ones should be aware they could get jobless quite soon, and not only save all that money, also invest a bit of it into things to potentially help them to land on another job.

>> No.25444204

Does Hololive own their avatars/likenesses? Would Yagoo allow them to continue using their channels if Cover went under?

>> No.25444205
Quoted by: >>25444227

>and Pekora and Korone (saying they are actually rude)
Do your fucking reps stupid EOP holofags.

>> No.25444206

The way I read it is that someone was claiming that Sio should be more like Pekora and Korone, who the poster said were always 'creating a fun and happy atmosphere', compared to Sio who has a tendency to get a bit serious and dour more often. To which Sio replied that if you think Pekora and Korone are just off the wall happy go lucky through all their streams, and don't have their own serious/introspective moments, then you're only watching clips. Which is absolutely true.

It wasn't as if she brought up Pekora and Korone out of nowhere to deflect. Like she did with Roboco.

>> No.25444208

Korone has literally never pretended to be attractive. No one has ever commented on her looks.

Meanwhile everyone has commented on Noel and Coco, and turns out they are hot as fuck.

Why the fuck would you believe Korone was good looking?

>> No.25444209
File: 348 KB, 1493x2048, EfaTxuuUMAAlHLV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25444210

Which holo actually cares about her fans? Which holo has the best community?

>> No.25444211
File: 614 KB, 744x1052, 1595728261778.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've done nothing wrong.

>> No.25444212

This is a Hololive thread, you seriously think those things get posted because a member of staff is here?

>> No.25444213


>> No.25444214
Quoted by: >>25444232

What if it's an IP address from a device that person owns?

>> No.25444215

who was botan before joining hololive? she sounds familiar

>> No.25444217

I don't understand why people hate nene design. She looks cute as fuck.

>> No.25444218
File: 204 KB, 1596x897, Ec1sphxU8AEj-vL.jpeg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25444238

I'm not the one who made the rules, anon.

>> No.25444219

No, i wouldn't simply because the scarecrow's design is fucking horrid. If it was just the tanuki, i might consider it

>> No.25444222
Quoted by: >>25444449

you guys are underestimating Aloe

>> No.25444223

/v/ has really mindbroken you when it comes to astroturfing huh

>> No.25444227
Quoted by: >>25444364

Korone shittalks her viewers all the time and I love her for it, hell she's slowly starting to do it with her EOPs.

>> No.25444228

>Which holo actually cares about her fans?
Pekora for sure, multiple accounts of her cherishing the gifts fans send her.

>> No.25444229

I'd take an entertaining 5 over a dull as fuck 10.

Sorry Noel

>> No.25444230

Who do I watch now for more Fall Guys

>> No.25444231

They have a subreddit and a Facebook page why the fuck would they post here

>> No.25444232
Quoted by: >>25444261

Then you just say other people have access to the device as well.

>> No.25444233

jesus she obliterated that guy. this is how rushia should react to boing boing desu.

>> No.25444235

her live2D is terrible and amazing at the same time
it makes her look like a total fucking spaz, which is exactly what she is.
What a match made in heaven

>> No.25444237
Quoted by: >>25444268

Miko, Pekora and Watame

>> No.25444238
File: 84 KB, 1309x926, EfXwM50UwAAZx71.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd let her beat me.

>> No.25444239
File: 1.42 MB, 2500x1500, 80882676_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25444354

i love haachama!

>> No.25444241

I like it too. Maybe they don't like the colors?

>> No.25444242
Quoted by: >>25444270

Look, from the start, we're talking about dirty Otakus, social rejects, and creeps. Not sure why you were expecting top models, both for males and females, doing this kind of job.
Not like we're any better, are we?

>> No.25444243
Quoted by: >>25444389

god aqua is so fake...

>> No.25444246

HoloEN is gonna be furies and other western style design characters
screencap this

>> No.25444245


>> No.25444248

How do you send them gifts? Send them to Cover specifying it's for whoever?

I'd love to send my holo something nice for once.

>> No.25444249

Not in here, but all of them come from NND, they for sure are aware and have made their respective trips to 5ch

>> No.25444252

Miko, she would have quit if it wasn't for the 35P.

>> No.25444253

Noel isn’t even a 10 she has the face of a troll

>> No.25444255


>> No.25444254


>> No.25444256

Hololive is the "bigger thing" for a lot of them. Botan subs passed her former lives decade+ long history in a single day. Korone had gone from having a small but dedicated audience in both of her former lives to being one of the top 10 subbed vtuber channels
with a few exceptions, I see most of them getting to the point where they decide it's too much and fade into obscurity
that already happened and it didn't collapse

>> No.25444258
Quoted by: >>25444291

>Like she did with Roboco.
I swear I'll never forgive the cunt for doing that. Roboco's the sweetest girl in the world, why would you bring her out of the blue like that.

>> No.25444260
Quoted by: >>25444311

If you use GNU/Linux. It's as simple as running 'mpv [youtube url]' in the command line. Otherwise, if you use mpc or something you'll need to have the youtube-dl script in the same directory as mpc.

>> No.25444261

But if you own it, it's your responsibility. And if you claim someone else did it, they'll ask you to provide proof of that.

>> No.25444262
Quoted by: >>25444366

Bakatare was almost that but both FBK and Flare don't really work with Yonkisei a whole lot. If Watame finds some group outside of that and PPTrio I'd be fine with that. How high are the chances of Miko having a stream with her upon return (aside from a big celebration)? Watame has been putting some work for her sake and their accidental collabs in Minecraft were pretty fun.

>> No.25444263
Quoted by: >>25444306

nips create drama out of such stupid shit, holy fuck. it's like they intentionally want to bully someone while being morally superior reddit style

>> No.25444265


>> No.25444267

well we pretty much know she'd Nobuhime so

>> No.25444268


>> No.25444269

Definitely not Watame

>> No.25444270
Quoted by: >>25444286

There are a fair amount of young and somewhat attractive western streamers, is this just not a thing in Japan?

>> No.25444271
Quoted by: >>25444293

When it’s their birthday they will open it up for gift sending. It’s on their website

>> No.25444272
Quoted by: >>25444306

>The way I read it is that someone was claiming that Sio should be more like Pekora and Korone, who the poster said were always 'creating a fun and happy atmosphere', compared to Sio who has a tendency to get a bit serious and dour more often. To which Sio replied that if you think Pekora and Korone are just off the wall happy go lucky through all their streams, and don't have their own serious/introspective moments, then you're only watching clips. Which is absolutely true.
In that case I don't even understand what they are complaining about regarding Sio since I barely consider becoming serious and dour something worth complaining about, unless it is the kind of dour that just brings the mood down completely.
In that regard I agree that the same happens with Korone and Pekora. Pekora has plenty of moments where she gets serious or breaks off from your typical "sunshine and rainbows" kind of attitude but I mean isn't that a good thing?
The Nip complaining seems to have pretty shit taste if he wants a permanent "happy-go-lucky" stream with no contrast.

>> No.25444276

You know surprisingly there aren't a lot of furry vtubers. They're all busy playing second life and vrchat

>> No.25444277

You've grasped the truth, have you? If all people can think of to insult your oshi is her roommate, then you probably have a good oshi.

>> No.25444278

Was she having a bad day or what

>> No.25444279
Quoted by: >>25444293

There is usually a 2-3 week window to send them something before their birthdays, sadly missed out on Marine's this year.

>> No.25444281
File: 249 KB, 917x556, towa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25444282

Holy shit she mad as fuck.
That dude got BTFO

>> No.25444284
File: 3.90 MB, 2429x3520, 1597066016954.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25444285
Quoted by: >>25444461

Man, I used to love Gackt so much. Completely forgot about that dude.

>> No.25444286

You are aware the difference of twitch thoting and having to use an avatar, right?
Shouldn't be too hard.

>> No.25444289

they have their own guidelines written somewhere you could probably just check hololiveEN twitter near delivery dates for more info if you cant figure out the 日本語

>> No.25444290
Quoted by: >>25444358

the ones who stream more than 1 hour a day

>> No.25444291

Roboco is the Hololive girl with the most hate and drama behind here going back years

>> No.25444292

The end goal of hololive is to stop you from being such superficial men and finally give a chance to "uglier" women, you all have standards waayy to high

>> No.25444293
File: 287 KB, 727x1029, 1596117381205.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what you're telling me there's a chance.


>> No.25444294

Literally all of them except Ayame and Rushia, who are disgusted by the job in general

>> No.25444295

Am I the only one who doesn't really get the popularity behind this guy?

>> No.25444296

nintendo used to request 40%. wonder which stance they have now

>> No.25444298

Twtch really did fuck up with this incident.

>> No.25444299
File: 32 KB, 712x375, Haachamachama.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25444320

Someone get Haachama a table ot something so she's not looking at the floor all the time

>> No.25444300
File: 1.37 MB, 2856x4072, 008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25444361


>> No.25444303
Quoted by: >>25444335

Did vtuber Keemstar actually say something new or just repeated what we all already knew?

>> No.25444304

>180k live viewers

>> No.25444305

I want to mating press Luna.

>> No.25444306
Quoted by: >>25444325

No one really cares about what she said about the Hololive girls, the real drama is about what she said and leaked in regards to her old coworkers (and she also said MUCH harsher things about certain other vtubers (even ones she's collabed with recently)), but this isn't the place to discuss it.

>> No.25444308
Quoted by: >>25444370

Towa will try to get sponsored by Nord VPN

>> No.25444309
Quoted by: >>25444322

>I'd love to send my holo something nice for once.
What have you been sending her up until now?

>> No.25444310

in a lot of ways dr disrespect is just a vtuber but for 12 year old american boys

>> No.25444311

i have the mpv windows version

>> No.25444312
Quoted by: >>25444329

Imagine Botan wrapping her claws around your cock while she milks you with her cute warm mouth!

>> No.25444314

Miko. Miko.

>> No.25444316

HoloEN are going to be retired designs with slight tweaks

>> No.25444317
Quoted by: >>25444324

But anon my favourite stoner is online right now

>> No.25444318

based as fuck

>> No.25444320
Quoted by: >>25444478

she needs a neckbrace, get Choco one as well

>> No.25444319

>implying all the EOPs in chat aren't 12 year old american boys

>> No.25444321
Quoted by: >>25444334

Who the fuck doesn't like orange on a girl?

>> No.25444322

Supas, naturally.

>> No.25444324
Quoted by: >>25444777

Go back amigo

>> No.25444325

Why did she hate Kanon so much I don’t get it

>> No.25444326

He's funny and has a personality. Two things we don't give a shit about over here

>> No.25444327

Interesting, have they narrowed it down to when exactly she nuked her Twitter and Youtube? I'll admit I'm new when it comes to reincarnations, do they normally keep their Twitter activated despite deleting all of their Tweets and such?

>> No.25444328

they all do in a way since the fans are their source of income

>> No.25444329

Can she just wrap them around my neck

>> No.25444330

It's funny how as soon as someone discovers some dirt on vtubers they threaten to sue for defamation
Sounds very American, if they were really Japanese they'd shave their hair and grovel and apologize

>> No.25444332
Quoted by: >>25444342

Ah so it's not a matter of want to, but have to. Sou nanner dess karr, it's onlyfans.

>> No.25444333

Gen 5 has been pretty disappointing so far. When it comes to the debut alone, gen 4 was much better and when it comes to personality, gen 3 is in a another league. Will Polka and Aloe save this circus?

>> No.25444334

She looks a bit washed out overall, not a lot of contrast.

Design is good though, her hair buns are cute.

>> No.25444335
Quoted by: >>25444384

Full damage control in favor of Sio.

>> No.25444337


>> No.25444338
Quoted by: >>25444410

that cant be true...


>> No.25444340

I am going a jog at 6am tomorrow but then I'll miss a lot of Towa's endurance stream, since I need to sleep early..

>> No.25444342

Yes, most of the time is about "having to".

>> No.25444343
Quoted by: >>25444357

>I'll judge them off two streams where they show literally nothing about themselves.
uh huh.

>> No.25444345

All of them.

>> No.25444346

>Implying vtubers aren't for 12 year old boys

>> No.25444347

I refuse to even google this guy's name, let alone watch his videos, simply because I keep seeing his dumb face everywhere and I do not want to see it ever. Fuck the algorithm.

>> No.25444349

I don't get it either. Legit has been playing the same character for 10 years almost and only recently took off.

>> No.25444350

ok shill

>> No.25444351

Even the Roboco thing is kind of tame, given that she said it on the internet not really as Sio but just as a shitposter. I can't imagine not being able to vent a bit on a site like this so I can't fault someone for doing the same. It's not a nice thing she said but it's just a tree in a forest on that site.
Doxing other tubers is fucked though, but I want to hear what she has to say first, I'd like to believe there's an explanation

>> No.25444353
Quoted by: >>25444371

I don't get it either. The L2D could be better but the design itself is great, easily my favorite out of the new ones. I like the simplicity, I think Polka, Lamy and Aloe are overdesigned as fuck.

>> No.25444354

why do girls look so rapeable?

>> No.25444355

Not really, not for Kakage's abomination. I think these were working designs up until very far in Gen5 though. I remember Kanata talking in mid June that Gen5 auditions were still going and I think she said something about the designs that's completely off the mark now, something about ghost/supernatural type or similar. Maybe she just misenterpreted Lamy though.

>> No.25444356

It's failing because its only increasing my love for 2D

>> No.25444357


>> No.25444359
Quoted by: >>25444374

Jesus fuck i've watched too many Fall Guys streams.

>> No.25444358
Quoted by: >>25444385


>> No.25444361

Those fucking onions.

>> No.25444364
Quoted by: >>25444383

Sio didn't say that Pekora and Korone are rude. She said they aren't always cheerful and they talk about negative things too, which mean depressed shits, and people who only know them through funny clips are fucking stupid.

>> No.25444365

thank god aqua isnt streaming ocarina of time today so i can actually get some sleep for aloe
im living off 30 minutes right now because her awful gameplay was just so mesmerizing

>> No.25444366
Quoted by: >>25444482

Dunno Bakatare just doesn't seem... deep enough I guess. It's like the 2nd option for those in it and there's nothing wrong with it. I just wish she found someone who she could collab a lot with.

I'm not sure if Miko will be in shape to do much in the near future even if she returns.

>> No.25444367

>12 year old american boys
More SEAnig than american but anyway you're right

>> No.25444368

For me, it's the level of detail. Her clothes all look flat shaded and it makes her look like a paperdoll.

>> No.25444370


>> No.25444371

Agree. Based nenebro.

>> No.25444372

Love all the people here who pretend they've been following this shit since summer of last year. You aren't fooling anyone

>> No.25444376
Quoted by: >>25444388

>can't post images

>> No.25444374

To be fair, Fall Guys is probably unintentionally fantastic streamer bait. It helps it's a fun game on its own besides the retarded team games.

More platforming shenanigans would do the game wonders.

>> No.25444382
Quoted by: >>25444395


>> No.25444383

>and people who only know them through funny clips are fucking stupid.
Wait a minute, that is the same as when we complain about EOPs who only know about them through translated meme clips...

>> No.25444384

So he’s Towa’s boyfriend who just watches her and Sio have fun while he sits in the corner like a cuck

>> No.25444385
Quoted by: >>25444405

Towa is just about to do a 24 hour stream!

>> No.25444388


>> No.25444389


>> No.25444391
Quoted by: >>25444403

Come on, anon. I love the game, but the devs aren't completely clueless about what they were concocting.

>> No.25444393
Quoted by: >>25444422

180k for the 2 biggest streamers in the world doesn't seem much
It feels like the most popular holos could reach that in one year

>> No.25444394

>men have too high standards
It's everyone who does anon. Not just men.

>> No.25444395

me underneath

>> No.25444398

If they're used for EN I want the tanuki to be an ojou-sama with a Brit accent who goes HOHOHO.

>> No.25444399

i think its pretty intentionally streamer bait, they did a lot of beta stuff for streamers.

not that it matters really, its still very fun and ive put a bunch of hours into it

>> No.25444403

Definitely seems like they miscalculated just how popular it'd be, at the very least.

>> No.25444404

Even if you know Japanese you aren't going to know what a vtuber is really like if you only watch clips.

>> No.25444405
Quoted by: >>25444424

I hope not...and I'll be sleeping so I can't wish our girlfriend good luck.

>> No.25444409

bros, pikamee looks like THAT?

>> No.25444408

Abe's plan

>> No.25444410

>that cant be true...
it's most definetely true

who do you think has the free time to watch streams, but lack the self awareness to not know that writing english/spanish is retarded and pointless? 12 year olds, that's who

I remember when I was 12 and used to watch justin TV. Wrote a bunch of stupid shit in chat.

>> No.25444412

Most of them, though Miko is pretty known to have the best fanbase for a long time. Pekora is up there too.

>> No.25444413

Anons, it's time to ship Towa and Aloe, forget that 5ch whore

>> No.25444414

>Polka debuts
>she isn't Nobuhime
how vast will your disappointment be?

>> No.25444416

Dude just doesn't want to get sued. Backpedalling is his biggest strength.

>> No.25444418

In gen 4 Kanata and Coco had debuts that immediately left a strong impression but those were exceptions to the rule. Debut streams being awkward is the norm, especially since they stray so little from that same old template where they talk about their fan name and their hashtags and their oshi mark and their mama and so on.

>> No.25444419
Quoted by: >>25444528

A lot of Japanese people only 'watch' vtubers through clips, just like how a lot of people only 'watch' western streamers through clips on youtube.

>> No.25444420


>> No.25444421

But I already ship Towa with Aki

>> No.25444422
Quoted by: >>25444442

Doc got 500k yesterday

>> No.25444423
Quoted by: >>25444437

I love pikachu!

>> No.25444424

dont worry shes playing with the family you'll have time to wake up and tell her

>> No.25444425

Does Fall Guys allow for private matches? I need a vtuber tournament

>> No.25444426
Quoted by: >>25444463

Could an artchad redraw this panel but with Polka instead please?

>> No.25444428

>No HoloEN mommy that can live translate and encourages you to do your reps daily

>> No.25444429

who will GET satans 4s

>> No.25444430

Your own definition of boyfriend sounds weird, but it's okay that's your hobby I won't judge.

>> No.25444431
Quoted by: >>25444451

Yeah, she didn't say anything noteworthy.
But narrative fags and shit posters won't shut up about it to use it as bait.

>> No.25444432
Quoted by: >>25444466

Would you play PPTs butt drums?

>> No.25444434
Quoted by: >>25444490

Inexplicably, no.

>> No.25444435


>> No.25444436


>> No.25444437
Quoted by: >>25444481

wtf anon, you can't say that here, go back to your containment board!!1!

>> No.25444438

>t. Abe

>> No.25444442

a-at least we have more superchat

>> No.25444443

botan a cute

>> No.25444449

i'll say this again
she's the sleeper hit. she'll overshadow the rest of gen 5

>> No.25444450


>> No.25444452

Fine, but I will wear my VR googles the whole time!

>> No.25444451

>Yeah, she didn't say anything noteworthy.
She did, just not about holos.

>> No.25444457

Must impregnate Botan

>> No.25444458

nice try

>> No.25444461

but thats because its not easy to pirate stuff anymore

>> No.25444463

Anonchama, please...

>> No.25444466

Sure but only with my dick or my tongue

>> No.25444467

>you all have standards waayy to high
no I don't. I'd definitely go for Botan's roommate but she definitely
wouldn't go for me :(

>> No.25444469
Quoted by: >>25444513

it's not idol related, Nijisanji isn't an idol company but they still have the same belief. ultimately it stems from a few different thought processes such as Kizuna Ai and the first generation of vtubers had their personality act as the character they portrayed or the mentality of NND where there were layers of separation between public/private which gave way to the absolute taboo of showing the entirety of your face while streaming

>> No.25444470
Quoted by: >>25444476

would be neat if there was a chuuba with a Panty and Stocking style dual avatar. One goofy and cartoon looking that they use most of thte time, and one that's a super hot bombshell that they bring out for special ocassions

>> No.25444471

I only care about holos in the holo thread.

>> No.25444473


>> No.25444476
Quoted by: >>25444495

FBX could pull it off, middleground between shiro and kuro

>> No.25444478
Quoted by: >>25444539

Aki's been looking like her spine is fused.

>> No.25444479

I don't give a fuck about idolbutas

>> No.25444480

Every day I regret not archiving Subaru and Mio's streams.

>> No.25444481

But i like this board...

>> No.25444482

I think they actually had more fun collabing on accident in ARK a month ago https://youtu.be/_c2_CvfS-xw?t=17564
It was just low energy enough for everyone to keep up. Funniest (and saddest) thing was them noticing Kanata dying alone somewhere wondering where she is when she was dying in her own traps because Choco overslept their date.

>> No.25444485
Quoted by: >>25444511

No, but the game is barely 2 weeks old so we should expect some kind of updates in the future.

>> No.25444486

>it's been months since korone and watame collabed
surprised at the lack of narratives honestly

>> No.25444490

It's not that inexplicable. Most BRs don't allow for private matches, Fortnite is the only one I'm aware of that allows anyone to make a private match. It makes sense because it keeps people in the matchmaking pool and stops people from trying to play the games with too few people.

>> No.25444491
Quoted by: >>25444519

>sheep is already about to hit 380 subs
jesus, wasn't she at 350 like a week ago? sure feels like it

>> No.25444492

I'm happy hololive exists, a place for talents that otherwise would be wasted, they get a second chance in form of cute anime girls who mostly enjoy the same things than us, talents worth being rewarded because of the smiles they bring us, the girls are having a good time and we are too thanks to them, I hope this lasts as long as it can. Remember anons, never fall for narratived or hate, we are lucky to be alive at the same time to enjoy this.

>> No.25444494

Let's see what the opinions here are

>> No.25444495


>> No.25444496

I want to pound PPT in the ass while Suisei is forced to watch!

>> No.25444497

A-chan 3D debut

>> No.25444499

I actually think Botan's roommate is kinda cute..

>> No.25444501

I don't recall Korone and Watame ever collabing unless it was part of a larger collab.

>> No.25444502

Watame tried to steal one of Korone's kids because she's barren

>> No.25444503
Quoted by: >>25444581

>instead of poal.me
fuck out of here

>> No.25444504

everyone near her says she has a really nice butt. i wonder how nice it looks

>> No.25444507
Quoted by: >>25444556

Whoever kept shilling Roberu, thank you.

Finally decided to watch his last stream and he's one entertaining guy.

>> No.25444508

Where is the "none so far, they're all very boring" option?

>> No.25444509

Got to admit, I really haven't been keeping up with my APEX reps for this endurance stream.

>> No.25444511

We had an update yesterday. All they did was add a shitty reskin of a stage.

They are garbage developers. The game will die before they fix it.

>> No.25444513
Quoted by: >>25444587

correct not an idol thing or even a company thing its a japan thing.

>> No.25444514

PPT's boypussy...

>> No.25444515

I'm not retarded enough to have expectations like that, so indifferent.

>> No.25444516

Mikofags, explain.

>> No.25444517

We had poals for every girl. It's Nene>Botan>Lamy so far

>> No.25444518
Quoted by: >>25444569

PPT is pear shaped confirmed.

This also means she's absolutely perfect.

>> No.25444519

The loneliness just fed her massive incline.

>> No.25444520

Man, their 3D sure has gone a long way.

>> No.25444521
Quoted by: >>25444566

Based pasta poster.

Now Kys.

>> No.25444522
Quoted by: >>25444581

>not poal.me
not even gonna open it

>> No.25444523
Quoted by: >>25444533

Well get to it anon! I can't play APEX either so you'll need to carry both of us!

>> No.25444525

Y-yeah! A situation like mel’s will never happen again!

>> No.25444526

Watame is __________

>> No.25444527

But Towa and Alowa are old friends...

>> No.25444528

Not a really strange thing either, since it's humanly impossible to even follow just what Hololive produces daily unless you do something like stack 6 streams at once (but then you're not really watching/listening to any specific one and this is barely different than clip viewing really).

What I find interesting myself is how so many of the Japanese clips also include Japanese subtitles. It's amazing for a N4-chama like me.

>> No.25444530

Must be small but firm and tight

>> No.25444532


>> No.25444531


>> No.25444533
Quoted by: >>25444630

It's too late anon, the stream starts in an hour. Hopefully I can just get a charge rifle and farm damage for Twoi before I die.

>> No.25444536

>your favorite holo
>your favorite sex position

>> No.25444535

a sheep!

>> No.25444538



Matsuri, Miko, Okayu, the holy trinity of oji-sans.

>> No.25444539
Quoted by: >>25444576

>Aki's been looking like her spine is fused.
Well she was in that car crash...

>> No.25444540
Quoted by: >>25444575

Sex? what's that?

>> No.25444542

Only one of them can sing. And that's nene.

Everyone can play games, have chatting, streams, etc. Only those with passions will go beyond that, and that's Nene.

>> No.25444543

a very nice and gentle person

>> No.25444544
Quoted by: >>25444552

>wanna find Subaru's Duck debut
>video is private
Fuck me

>> No.25444546

has Watame's Zelda stream processed already? I want to know if it's just me that can't watch the whole thing (as it has happened before)

>> No.25444547
Quoted by: >>25444578

Is this a video from 1998?

>> No.25444548


>> No.25444550

loved by all.
21 greets in her birthday

>> No.25444551

a whore

>> No.25444552

At least it didn't get deleted.

>> No.25444553

It's okay, I doubt the family has got much better.

>> No.25444555

why doesn't he have a picture of Pewds next to him on screen

>> No.25444557

Which holos have confirmed pets?
Roboco has koromo.
Okayu has temari.

>> No.25444556

Same, he was shilled to me and honestly. Great find. I like him a lot. I wish him success. He has a nice voice.

>> No.25444558

too shy for her own good

>> No.25444559


>> No.25444560

eating chips

>> No.25444562

but most of them were twitch (nico) thots

>> No.25444563

aqua suisei shion
pronebone and doggy

>> No.25444564


>> No.25444566

I wrote that myself anon, more reasons to kms

>> No.25444567

based, the world needs more wrestling x vtubers interacction/references
holo or niji will collab with NJPW eventually

>> No.25444568

Works for me normally and is full length

>> No.25444569
Quoted by: >>25444617

Using PPT's butt as a pillow every night, truly only an angel has the power to bring heaven to the mortal plane.

>> No.25444570


>> No.25444571

I should update this.


>> No.25444574

pikamee is gwenpool?

>> No.25444573

gear cleaning ear fuck

>> No.25444575
Quoted by: >>25444611


>> No.25444576

Aki got a broken leg, but that truck didn't stand a chance.

>> No.25444578
Quoted by: >>25444588

>25th July 2018

>> No.25444580

numberfag bitch

>> No.25444581

It's interesting how /hlg/ has adopted unique "standards" for external links, like
>all polls should be poal.me
>all video links should be catbox or streamable
>all drawing games should be drawsaurus
>community drawing board is always aggio

>> No.25444583

Fine for me, try opening stream on incognito tab, sometimes that works for me.

>> No.25444587

Using your name on the internet is retarded everywhere.

I wish Facebook never existed and we still hid outselves under usernames and avatars. Fuck this normal faggotry. I can't speak if I'm not anonymous one way or another.

>> No.25444588

So basically 20 years ago in vtuber years

>> No.25444589
Quoted by: >>25444644

>posting some literally who American wrestler
Miko commentating over a wrestling match actually sounds pretty kino desu.

>> No.25444590

Depressed and needs a true friend

>> No.25444593

Dang, FBK's cat looks expensive

>> No.25444594
Quoted by: >>25444624

Has any Hololive covered this song?

>> No.25444595
Quoted by: >>25444652

I don't care about sex anymore

>> No.25444597

>not poal.me
>asking this before all the debuts have finished
sasuga retard

>> No.25444598

Taiga and his bitch Mio com'on son...

>> No.25444599

Wathcing Subaru's Fall Guys archive and she seems to be so much better than the other girl. How come if she is the most normalfag holo?

>> No.25444600


>> No.25444603


>> No.25444605

the one who will free hololive and start the rumbling!

>> No.25444606

Brennan's pretty based. He has the Nico Nico Knee and Cruel Angel's Thesis as signature moves.

>> No.25444608

>the amount that they're shit talking eachother
Fucking Fall Guys collabs when? I need to see Marine and Pekora compete

>> No.25444609

she will be so no use worrying about it

>> No.25444610

imagine the roles for each holo in the game

Gen 0
>Sora is the Waver of hologacha with her universal utility
>RBC is the high DPS unit that cannot be healed by others and relies on self-sustain instead
>Miko is a magic glass cannon
>AZKi is a dedicated debuffer
>Suisei is a more offense-oriented buffer than Sora, with a special equipment that turns her into a DPS unit instead (and her DPS is actually pretty high)

Gen 1
>FBK is hologacha's fastest unit with considerable DPS
>Matsuri is the physical glass cannon
>Mel is a charm inflicter that drains enemies
>Haato is a tank, which upon taking enough damage transforms into Haachama who has boosted stats (except defense that got way lower) and very high confusion infliction. Her special equipment allows her to be in the Haachama state at start
>Aki is a healing-support tank, with her buffs varying based on the allies' situation

Gen 2
>Aqua is a high risk-high reward physical DPS that relies on successful attacks/blocks/dodges to maximize her damage output
>Shion is a burst magic DPS
>Choco is a healer that can inflict charm and debuffs enemies
>Subaru is the Lancer of hologacha: decent attack and defense, good speed, amazing survivability
>Ayame has high damage output that needs setup first which can waste turns. Despite that, her DPS is still pretty high and consistent

>Korone is a tank with high survivability as she gets tankier the longer the battle and can heal herself
>Okayu deals a lot of damage against enemies inflicted with status effects, essentially the main DPS for status heavy units
>Mio is a healer/support unit that can summon Hatosaurus as a meatshield

Gen 3
>Pekora is an evasion tank that can inflict confusion and reduces enemies' accuracy in exchange of increasing their attack
>Rushia summons fandeads to act as pseudo-baits and assist her in skills
>Marine is basically Matsuri+Ayame, highest burst damage but usually will have to skip her turn after each burst that leaves her vulnerable
>Noel is a tank with high physical attack/defense. While she lacks gimmicks, she's a reliable unit to have
>Flare is a consistent magic DPS, like Noel she's one of the less gimmicky units

Gen 4
>Coco is a tank, but has high attack (though still lower than Noel) and a buffing skill that boosts an ally's stats for a certain amount of time with some drawbacks
>Kanata is a healer with defense/status protection buff and Coco's buff skill but less impactful in terms of merits and demerits
>Watame is a jack-of-all-trades support, she can heal and buff allies but not as much as the more dedicated support units
>Luna is a support unit that grants party-wide buffs as her passive, and can change the effects with her skills
>Towa is an evasion tank but has a considerable defense to qualify as a defense tank

>> No.25444611

Oh, it's a new /hlg/ narrative? damn

>> No.25444612


>> No.25444613

He posted edits with Coco and the Sheep too, kek. Hololive x WWE when?

>> No.25444615

>How come if she is the most normalfag holo?
she's not

>> No.25444616

Turns out getting exercise and sunlight helps you game too. General healthiness improves all parts of your life.

>> No.25444617

you better eat out her ass first before sleeping on it my man

>> No.25444620


>> No.25444621

>believing the narrative

>> No.25444624
Quoted by: >>25444669

Jetri says that Watame did it.

>> No.25444626

Also seaniggers.

>> No.25444627
Quoted by: >>25444642

Kanata has two bunnies

>> No.25444628

>how would I know?

>> No.25444630
Quoted by: >>25444672

You still have 2 hours actually I think anon, that's still enough time. I suck at team games because I worry about letting my team down and get upset..

>> No.25444631
Quoted by: >>25444668

Her panting and moans were great.

>> No.25444632

mikochi and marine
missionary and full nelson

>> No.25444633
Quoted by: >>25444636

She recently admitted she is turning into an otaku

>> No.25444636

With everything locked down what else is there to do?

>> No.25444637

Lamy is the ____!

>> No.25444638

More pekora fall guys later

>> No.25444639

Just by this post you proved you didn't watch the gen 4 debuts anon, try harder to lie next time.

>> No.25444642

kazoku peko

>> No.25444643
Quoted by: >>25444660

I appreciate the effort you put into writing this post

>> No.25444644

>literal who
He's been around here long before he turned to wrestling anon

>> No.25444647

Damn, you just know that Taiga is the boss of the household.

>> No.25444650


>> No.25444651

im trying to learn mahjong's rules to watch holo mahjong streams and i dont think its worth it bros, it's too much

>> No.25444652


>> No.25444653


You're absolutely right.

>> No.25444654
Quoted by: >>25444673


>> No.25444655

Speaking about gacha I wish we had an arknights collab

>> No.25444657
Quoted by: >>25444862

you've come to an important realization

>> No.25444658

It's time for your daily dose, anon


>> No.25444659

Mahjong is very easy to learn the basics of

>> No.25444660

Anon BTFO.

>> No.25444662

It would just mean that she's a tryhard attentionwhore considering her Twitter so I'll be a bit disappointed but I'll still give her a chance

>> No.25444664
Quoted by: >>25444862

>im trying to learn mahjong's rules
do not do this

>> No.25444665


>> No.25444666
Quoted by: >>25444728

i miss mio

>> No.25444667


>> No.25444668

In fact she is moaning quite a lot. What the fuck she is doing while playing a children's game?

>> No.25444669

So this is how things are, huh?

>> No.25444670


>> No.25444671
Quoted by: >>25444683

Korone and Aqua. Anything else is headcanon and narratives. This is the only one that will absolutely never happen after what went down between them.

>> No.25444672

Just relax and enjoy the game with Toi.

>> No.25444673

That's Botan.

>> No.25444674

I like the fact that they send her lots of carrot themed gifts

>> No.25444675

forget mahjong, i feel like a brainlet cuz i get filtered by most games in Clubhouse
how do these girls have the time to learn all this shit on top of their schedules?

>> No.25444677

Gen 4 is peak Hololive. Change my mind.

>> No.25444679

lmao 2cat

>> No.25444680

Who's the loli on the far right?

>> No.25444681

I wouldn’t be surprised if Brennan lurked in these threads.

>> No.25444683

Something happened?

>> No.25444685

Looks pretty good to me
>amazing survivability

>> No.25444686

Gen 3

>> No.25444688

ive only started following hololive around the end of May so this is my first gen debut. it seems okay to me. they are just introduction streams

>> No.25444690

So, how about that Botan?

>> No.25444691

yeah, gen 4 is the peak, because that's when everything started to go downhill

>> No.25444692

gen 3 is at the top of the pekoing order, peko
though it's dumb to compare them when they all have strong and weak members

>> No.25444694

Come on Anon, Lamy's just Noel 2, I hope she gets better in the next few streams

>> No.25444695

>im trying to learn mahjong's rules
Anon, no!
Escape while you still can!

>> No.25444696

most boring holo

>> No.25444697
Quoted by: >>25444736

Gen 3* Fixed that for you. Gen 4 is just shitposting and memes...with a dork (Towa).

>> No.25444700

>It's been 66 minutes

>> No.25444701
Quoted by: >>25444879

He is

>> No.25444703
Quoted by: >>25444738

Towa has Towanwan at her family home.

>> No.25444704
Quoted by: >>25444895

>Korone is a tank with high survivability as she gets tankier the longer the battle and can heal herself
Isn't that kinda broken?

>> No.25444705
Quoted by: >>25444724

Clubhouse Games are really easy to understand though.....

>> No.25444708

Well done, I changed my mind

>> No.25444710

superior 5th Gen.

>> No.25444712
Quoted by: >>25444730

>buy a cat to try and calm down your new cat

>> No.25444713

i would gacha so hard for the girls if they did

>> No.25444714
Quoted by: >>25444740

Korone told Aqua to stay away from Okayu and Aqua slapped her right in the knees.

>> No.25444716
Quoted by: >>25444729

Sora's collabed with males and a fucking gorilla. She can handle Coco.

>> No.25444717

Botan has a cat

>> No.25444718


>> No.25444719

Please no, that might pull me back in
The art would be god tier though

>> No.25444721

You say that as if it was a bad thing.

>> No.25444722

Angry Mio is so incredibly non-threatening, you just wanna pinch both sets of her cheeks.

>> No.25444723
Quoted by: >>25444752

Which hololive vtuber is most likely to "graduate" or "retire" and then suddenly reincarnate in Nijisanji or somewhere else?

>> No.25444724

The only one I don't get is hanafuda

>> No.25444725

Roboco's becoming a crazy cat lady at amazing speed.

>> No.25444726

When is the robot streaming? I miss her...

>> No.25444727
Quoted by: >>25444765

Bros, Ayame can't keep getting away with this, what the heck? She just pops in for 2 or 3 days and then disappears for a week or two. This is genuinely worse than her straight up leaving because the anticipation for more of her giggles makes the wait that much more unbearable

>> No.25444728

Me too, bro. Me too...

>> No.25444729

did sora really collab with that gorilla?

>> No.25444730

It actually legit worked for me but I was probably just lucky.

>> No.25444731

most of them have a pussy

>> No.25444733

4 is great, but marine and peko make 3 the most important generation

>> No.25444732

Early Gen4 was amazing. For better or for worse they propelled Hololive even further into mainstream. When corona hit and they started focusing on solo grind it all fell apart for that generation as a whole.

>> No.25444735

Hahaaaaa~n. Yeah...

>> No.25444736
Quoted by: >>25444744

Every sankisei fag deserves the rope

>> No.25444737

/v/ tourist, Sora actually wanted to collab with Coco but Coco rejected it because she sounds like Mickey Mouse on drugs.

>> No.25444738
Quoted by: >>25444743

Does she though? Last I heard that was imminently untrue.

>> No.25444739

fuck off with ur chinkshit
/cn/ board when

>> No.25444740


>> No.25444742

Was it a guerrilla collab?

>> No.25444743

Towanwan lives.

>> No.25444744

buttblasted towacuck

>> No.25444746

How new?

>> No.25444747
Quoted by: >>25444761

nah botan will be fun to watch cause she'll actually be good at games

>> No.25444748

Gen 4 has Towa, whereas Gen 3 has literally no bad members. Even the weakest (arguably Flare) is better than Towa.

>> No.25444749

You just know.

>> No.25444750

She's Noel without the mental issues, which means she's just boring as fuck.

>> No.25444751

most wholesome and pure Hololive

>> No.25444752

You normally reincarnated into a better life.
Like going independent to hololive
Or nijisanji to hololive
Or some other shitty group to hololive.

You don't reincarnated out of hololive.

>> No.25444754
Quoted by: >>25444760

I love Towa!
Flare is great too.

>> No.25444756

coming to you live, from WWatame

>> No.25444757

>and she seems to be so much better than the other girl
Did we watch the same vid? She was awful. Even hachaama ended up doing better

>> No.25444759
Quoted by: >>25444790

A Pekofag who isn't a raging shitposter and actually made a good post? jesus christ this place really is going to the shitter.

>> No.25444760
Quoted by: >>25444770

nobody cares neutral towacuck

>> No.25444761

??? I don't watch Vtubers for esports

>> No.25444763
Quoted by: >>25444782


>> No.25444764

Them's fightin' words my friend

>> No.25444765

oji-sans want to hear her giggles too, be patient and wait until she's done with them

>> No.25444768

Lamy is Noel but without her weird quirks, gen 3 to bounce off and the menhera
so Noel without everything that makes her kinda good

>> No.25444770


>> No.25444771
Quoted by: >>25444799

>Weaker than Rushia or Noel

You should actually watch Flare's streams. Your opinion would probably change.

>> No.25444772

On the subject of gacha is that FGO anon who wanted Bryn for summer here? Well, I assume you've already seen the news.
Even got Summer Abby too so I'm very pleased

>> No.25444773


>> No.25444775

For me, it's gen 0.

>> No.25444777

>someone just asked a vtuber question
Put down the bong anon

>> No.25444781
Quoted by: >>25444794

How long did it take Haachama to get to the final game? Subaru did it when I clicked on her stream like 30-40 minutes in.

>> No.25444782


>> No.25444783
Quoted by: >>25444802

Do we know who is taking the second SSR slot yet? Hoping it's not abby so I can get a nice easy double loli for summer

>> No.25444784
Quoted by: >>25444816

Gen 3 is literally the most powerful gen.
They've got the highest cumulative subs, the highest cumulative supas and, the highest average viewers. Say what you will, they're the most successful generation of hololive.

>> No.25444785

reminder that 5th gen will return hololive to it's pre-3rd and 4th gen glory

>> No.25444786
Quoted by: >>25445011

What the fuck is this niche F/GO terminology? Speak in terms humans can understand.

>> No.25444787
Quoted by: >>25444793

Towa is better than every 3 Gen member.

>> No.25444788

so im guessing gen 5 wont do any real streams until they're all done with their introductions?

>> No.25444790
Quoted by: >>25444813

The meme that Pekoposter are shitposters have been dead for a long while now since the falseflagger jumped ship to Watame.
I barely see Pekorafags post unless her stream is going on or people feel particularly gosling/horny after seeing a picture of her.

>> No.25444791
Quoted by: >>25444819

Reminds me I spent $200 trying to get Summer BB and didn't get her, did get an NP2 MHXX so I'm not complaining

>> No.25444792

That one homo reincarnated out but it was Holostars so it's actually pretty understandable. I'm surprised they've managed to retain all the girls for as long as they have

>> No.25444793

big kusa

>> No.25444794

>Subaru did it when I clicked on her stream like 30-40 minutes in.
that's not really an indication of anything anon. You could get paired with complete shitters and rng your way to the finals. Being good at the game just ups your chances

>> No.25444795

>Subaru realizes getting hit by that rotating stick throws you far ahead
>Subaru makes really good teamplays at the egg competitions
The rest are regular stuff, but I'm still watching. Also I can say she did better than Marine, Pekora and Flare. I'm yet to watch Haachama and Aqua.

>> No.25444796


>> No.25444797

Probably not. Earliest I'd expect anything is monday

>> No.25444799
Quoted by: >>25444857

He said peak Hololive. Are we talking objective numbers, as in subscribers, superchats, etc? Then yes Flare is (arguably) weaker, although her superchats put her at the top. If we're talking opinions, personally I like Pekora the least of Gen 3.

>> No.25444802

I'd say that revenue should make Abby an SSR a given but then again Illya would have made bank as well and she is just a SR.
I want Abby to be SSR just on the chance she'll be a stronger servant but I can't complain regardless, I've been waiting for this with golden fous for a long time.

>> No.25444804

Yeah it looks like they they are going to do a zatsudan with every debuted member after each debuts.

>> No.25444805

The gen 3 fags are those people who thinks Marvel movies are peak cinema

>> No.25444807
Quoted by: >>25444822

gen 4 has towa lol

>> No.25444809

He didn't reincarnate, he deincarnated. He went back to his old account

>> No.25444810
Quoted by: >>25444833

>marine's thumbnail
This granny just won't give up.

>> No.25444813

>Pekofags aren't shitposters anymore because they're using Watame for falseflagging now.

>> No.25444815
Quoted by: >>25444878

They did a Minecraft stream once very early on. Aqua was being Aqua as usual. Korone asked her if she ever gets tired of pretending to be retarded. Aqua sort of deflated and mumbled that she wasn't "pretending" or anything and then the rest of the stream was filled with awkward silences up to the end.

>> No.25444816

Marine and Pekora carry the entire gen, the other 3 are literally worthless and perform worse than kanata

>> No.25444817

I'm really not surprised, the girls have really good deals and their co-workers are old friends.

>> No.25444819
Quoted by: >>25444846

If the gacha fucks me over when I try to get Abby I might as well just rope myself.

>> No.25444821

They are peko

>> No.25444822
Quoted by: >>25444834

yes, this is why it's peak

>> No.25444823
Quoted by: >>25444843

>You’ll never put Senchou in a full Nelson and fuck her brains out

>> No.25444825
Quoted by: >>25444837



watch akagi, it's more fun

>> No.25444828

im not liking the instant collab after the debut. should follow lamys debut small zatsudan then collab
yes i know lamy didnt have anyone to collab with right after her debut

>> No.25444831

Anyone got the timestamp where Butan plays Lamy's and Nene's messages?

>> No.25444833

She won't be happy until she makes Youtube AI kneel to her charms.

>> No.25444834

peak shit? i agree

>> No.25444836
Quoted by: >>25444868

Mahjong causes great damage to the human spirit without a single benefit.

Watching streams only requires the basics of how tiles group up and how ron/tsumo are declared. You can ignore the details and arcane stuff at first, and learn those points later one at a time as they come up.

>> No.25444837

I wonder if Okayu can play Mahjong from all the Akagi she's read.

>> No.25444840

I get that you have beef with Marvel but that has nothing to do with the holos

>> No.25444842

im a gen3fag and bresson is my favorite

>> No.25444843

Sad because that's actually what she'd like

>> No.25444846
Quoted by: >>25444861

I got regular Abby with a single fucking ticket so who knows.

>> No.25444847
Quoted by: >>25444856

Fake Sankisei fan. Probably not even a fan of Marine or Pekora either.

>> No.25444848

its to showcase their dynamic since they'll only be able to collab with eachother for a while

>> No.25444850

hololive is just too new to make generalizations like that. Even the Nijisanji to hololive comparison has only one example. I bet you someone will graduate in the next year or two.

>> No.25444851

Why in the actual fuck did I go to the archives. I saw things a man shouldn't see.

>> No.25444853

On the one hand its nice seeing the smaller groups, on the other hand it kind of takes focus away from the debuter and will make the final one with all 5 feel not that special.

>> No.25444854
Quoted by: >>25444877

marvel movies make the most profit, so it totally sheepfags who think so peko

>> No.25444856

i don't like gen 3, that's why i can admit that outside of those 2 gen 3 is a failure

>> No.25444857
Quoted by: >>25444867

Isn't Flare one of the higher earners despite having a lower sub count?

>> No.25444861

It took me like 400$. Probably the absolute worst luck I've ever had with a gacha, something 800+ quartz

>> No.25444862

Mahjong is not a complicated game at all, and it's easier to learn now than ever. It's also crazy fun imo

>> No.25444863

literally who

>> No.25444866

>Aki views still inclining since her 200k stream
Wtf bros, I thought you said all the Redditfags were dead subs...

>> No.25444867

Flare and Towa are both exceptional earner anomalies.

>> No.25444868

All you really need to know is what it looks like when someone gets shadowrealmed

>> No.25444870
Quoted by: >>25444956


>> No.25444872

Flare and Rushia are still top earner, and they all get decent amount of viewers.

>> No.25444873
Quoted by: >>25444956

the absolute state of the thread

>> No.25444874

Shiranui Flare

>> No.25444875
Quoted by: >>25444905

Rushia and Flare make huge earnings with lower views and subs than Marine and Pekora. To call them dead-weight or failures is only admitting your own double-digit IQ.

>> No.25444877
Quoted by: >>25444945

What about those meme horror movies that make 80-100m with a 2m budget? Sheep must cream at that.

>> No.25444878

Korone is an asshole confirmed.

>> No.25444879

wew I was about to say that he has the face of a villain

>> No.25444880
Quoted by: >>25444956

Anon this is why people call us holotards

>> No.25444883

The ASMR slut

>> No.25444885

when is Patra gonna reincarnate into Hololive like everyone else?

>> No.25444887

Aki deserves it. She's a great girl and only wish the best for her.
Although her chat is basically unreadable twitch garbage now, which is sad. I appreciate her efforts to try and keep up for now.

>> No.25444888

She was inclining before that happened.

>> No.25444891
Quoted by: >>25444916


>> No.25444894

Why are you like this, Sio?

>> No.25444893

it's Flare

>> No.25444895
Quoted by: >>25444914

It can be balanced with the proper numbers.
Also I'll wait until Gen 5's entire introduction and development to update this list, but based on first impressions alone so far Botan is another Ayame-like DPS, Polka is a status inflicter, and the rest are supports in varying ways.

>> No.25444896
Quoted by: >>25444900

>perform worse than kanata
This is some bad bait.

>> No.25444897
Quoted by: >>25444914

Why did you ignore 5thgen

>> No.25444900

And yet

>> No.25444901

her chat has taken a toll but everyone said some would stick it was just up to aki herself after the fact if they would stick and she has been going along with the pandering to encourage them to stay

>> No.25444902

tit haver

>> No.25444903
Quoted by: >>25444956

>he doesn't know

>> No.25444904

99% of it is fake garbage, anon.

>> No.25444906
Quoted by: >>25444913

today was not that bad

>> No.25444905

Yeah, 3rd Gen is extremely powerful. They work hard and it shows.

>> No.25444907

Simply a coincidence, reddit did nothing.

>> No.25444908

The algorithm bro

>> No.25444913


>> No.25444914

See >>25444895

>> No.25444915

Give it two weeks

>> No.25444916

>bananas at apex
>great singer
how can humans compete against this gorilla

>> No.25444917

The question came from a genuine place. She wanted to know the tolls of becoming a meme before she did it herself.

>> No.25444918

That's Flare's girlfriend Patra

>> No.25444920

didnt marine watch 来る not that long ago? technically its an art movie

>> No.25444921

Aki disagrees with you.

>> No.25444923

>gen 3 is a failure
Nice small brain...

>> No.25444924


>> No.25444926
Quoted by: >>25445026

you probably didnt even go that deep

>> No.25444927

I hope Aki is strong enough for what's to come. Those viewers will not stay around for long (see: Mel) and some of her JP fans are getting annoyed by her new interactions with her foreign viewers.

>> No.25444928

Aqua already playing APEX https://apex.tracker.gg/profile/pc/MinatoAqukinn/matches

>> No.25444930

Flare has the ability to fuck any vtuber she want regarless of sex and age, the whole vtuber community is Flare's harem and that's a fact anons

>> No.25444931

Putting up songs from Gen 4 really does help in rolling gacha, Chowa was right.

>> No.25444933

Why are so many of the holos assholes to Aqua?

>> No.25444934

Mel had a bunch of viewers for her comeback stream but they never came back because she's boring

>> No.25444936
Quoted by: >>25444956

>not knowing Patra
I really wouldn't care if this thread got permanently deleted tomorrow.

>> No.25444937

>her chat is basically unreadable twitch garbage now
Her attempt to damage control on twitter made me a bit sad.

>> No.25444939

You can't, accept your inferiority and strive to be as gorilla as you can

>> No.25444940

I appreciate this new season buffs.

>> No.25444941

im becoming a vtuber

>> No.25444942

Cope edgelord

>> No.25444943
Quoted by: >>25444948

stop being a lyger

>> No.25444945

low budget horror films are hit or miss, marvel has an established branded universe with people knowing what to expect from the product, and even if profit ratio is lower they still make more money overall, while 9 out 10 horror films of the same company have failed

>> No.25444946

I want at least one of them to do a senpai meeting stream like Kanata did back in the day, where they talk about other holos and what they like about them.

>> No.25444947

______ _______
|___ / |__ __|
/ / __ _ | | _____ ____ _
/ / / _` | | |/ _ \ \ /\ / / _` |
/ /_| (_| | | | (_) \ V V / (_| |_ _ _
/_____\__,_| |_|\___/ \_/\_/ \__,_(_|_|_)

>> No.25444948

She just posted on twitter...

>> No.25444949
Quoted by: >>25444971

Based, post screenshots of seething Japs if you have any.

>> No.25444953
Quoted by: >>25444998

So just like Aki than

>> No.25444955

Imagine trying to be friends with this autist

>> No.25444956

are you guys trolling or serious? how am i supposed to know? this is the hololive general

>> No.25444957

Mel is just nice tits/coomer bait. I went to watch some of her stuff before Aki started getting a boost. It's just not entertaining.

>> No.25444958

It's only been five days. She's already slowed down from 13k in one day to 4k today. She should be back down to her natural 1k-2k per day growth in a week. Aki is apparently going on a five day vacation starting on the 20th, that gap should cause most of the floozy Redditors with a short attention span to go looking for someone else to white knight and her growth will stabilize once more.

>> No.25444959


>> No.25444960

Wrong, she is cute !

>> No.25444962


>> No.25444963

I knew I fucked it up...gomen

>> No.25444965

trolling or a newfag tourist, I can't even tell anymore.

>> No.25444966

>No chance of hitting diamond this season
She just can't compete with the god gamer Matsuri.

>> No.25444967

Give it a year and holos will be able to reaincarnate out of Hololive into KsonPro

>> No.25444969

It's just an average ASMR slut

>> No.25444970


>> No.25444971

Just check her twitter, anon. See >>25444937
Some JOP's started complaining on twitter that she's not paying as much attention to them as before and Aki had to post walls of text about how they should dislike her and not her new fans etc

>> No.25444976

Anonchama...the elevens made an entire wiki

>> No.25444977

pathetic, everyone knows her unless you are a newfag, which is fine, but dont pretend she's a no one or isn't relevant anon

>> No.25444979
Quoted by: >>25445010

I don't watch any vtuber outside of hololive
suck my dick

>> No.25444980

What did she say on Twitter?

>> No.25444984

>almost 2k RP from diamond
When does the season end again? I'm curious how hard she'll need to be boosted to hit it

>> No.25444985

Because Aqua likes it. If Kanata of all people bullies her it's a character trait, not a coincidence.

>> No.25444986


>> No.25444987

>totsumachi whats that
>sorry anon i have some other work to take care of we'll have it soon promise!

>> No.25444988

>watame as vince
>coco as austin
>kanata as the rock
book it

>> No.25444992


>> No.25444994

It's not too late to follow his example

>> No.25444997

The fuck are they complaining about? The streams are still in Japanese. She says maybe one english phrase here or there and they sperg?

>> No.25444998
Quoted by: >>25445033

No, Aki is cute

>> No.25445000


>> No.25445002

>Aki had to post walls of text about how they should dislike her and not her new fans etc
That's very Japanese of her. But she shouldn't give in to spergs on either side.

>> No.25445006

holy --

>> No.25445007
Quoted by: >>25445021


>> No.25445010


>> No.25445011

It's the closest I can have to a comparison.
Sora basically buffs all your stats (attack/defense/speed) and contribute to your team's overall survivability by reducing incoming damage.
As for Subaru I've given the concept right after, but she basically can't really be taken down easily and has surviving lethal damage as one of her skills

>> No.25445013
Quoted by: >>25445065


>> No.25445015
Quoted by: >>25445031

I wish I were gay, falling in love with these girls feels terrible.

>> No.25445016

>The elite adidas crew, dressed like a small army of sleazy pawn shop owners

>> No.25445018

And people say JOPs are better than EOPs, every part of the fandom has its own retards, we just happen to have a few more

>> No.25445019

No shit, both flare and homura are extremely charming

>> No.25445021

It was supposed to say Za Towa but line spacing..

>> No.25445024
Quoted by: >>25445062

Toko and Nose can't even collab because people will just start asking questions...

>> No.25445025

This is the kind of OC I could get behind

>> No.25445026

I never wanted this

>> No.25445027

aww sunnuvabitch

>> No.25445030
Quoted by: >>25445123

I don't want Marine to reincarnate. Her character is perfect.

>> No.25445031
Quoted by: >>25445072

That doesn't help at all, you would fall in love with a holostar instead like i did

>> No.25445032

>>25444971 >>25444927
It was one guy who was pissy that Aki didn't read his superchat among the mountain of supas Aki received a few days ago and another guy who started arguing with him. None of Aki's other Japanese fans have been saying anything negative about the surge of overseas chat.

>> No.25445033
Quoted by: >>25445066

Mel is cuter than Aki

>> No.25445034

Your favorite holo

How many hours of work it took you to get to N5

>> No.25445036

Love Korone and Suisei.
Simple as.

>> No.25445037
Quoted by: >>25445051

i dont get it

>> No.25445038

So is it confirmed that Hitomi Chris would later go on to become Sio?

>> No.25445039

Aki is inherently likeable.

>> No.25445040

I'm N6

>> No.25445041

i like that narrative
lets use that

>> No.25445042

N5 what now

>> No.25445043

Today for sure
She'll have it planned
100 percent
She'll do a zatsudan with her schedule today then plan it for 450k

>> No.25445044

No, however Sio is actually Aloe

>> No.25445047
Quoted by: >>25445085

Did any hololives win in Fall Guys yet?

>> No.25445048

yeah im confirming it

>> No.25445049


>> No.25445051
Quoted by: >>25445089

He's a WWE wrestler

>> No.25445053

didn't require work

>> No.25445054

>EOPs boost his Holos viewer count
>still seeth about it because she says a few English words
Why are Japanese so autistic?

>> No.25445056
Quoted by: >>25445091

dont open unless you want to get promoted

>> No.25445059

Only people that come to mind of "reincarnating" is Mel (got screwed in every way, needs a fresh start) and Choco (she doesn't seem all that interested in it anymore).

>> No.25445060

>The streams are still in Japanese.
I've actually had not seen an Aki stream in a while and decided to check her Fall Guys stream. I was actually taken aback by how much English she was speaking compared to before. It doesn't bother me, of course, but I can see how her JOP audience might sperg out over it.

>> No.25445062

Give it a month... Just like Ma-fia...

>> No.25445065

RBC x Towa x Melissa apex when?

>> No.25445066


>> No.25445071

15 minutes until asamiko!

>> No.25445072

Statistically speaking, there are less holostars compared to hololives, so the odds of me failing for one of them would be less likely.
Plus I don't watch the holostars.

>> No.25445073

Who will be the first 5th gen to say "poggers"?

>> No.25445075

anon, don't ruint their narrative...

>> No.25445076

dunno but I can understand 90% of what she says
still learning how to read 'em

>> No.25445078

Japanese autism shouldn't be news to anyone

>> No.25445080
Quoted by: >>25445093


>> No.25445081
Quoted by: >>25445093

Im betting on Polka

>> No.25445085

Didn't Temma win?

>> No.25445086

Your favorite holo

Would you suck her dick if she had one

>> No.25445087
Quoted by: >>25445098

I've got an idea for Cover to make billions but I'll save it for the next thread.

>> No.25445088

It's just a lot of "Thank you" and reading out superchats that are in english and maybe a few comments from members. Still less than what Coco does.

>> No.25445089
Quoted by: >>25445188

I wonder if it's an actual weeb or a faggot who will fallback once he discovers all holos have some kink that would get them cancelled in the west

>> No.25445090
Quoted by: >>25445108

Theres more EOP autists but the JOP autism is like 50% stronger so it evens out.

>> No.25445091

i want to bully this smug little thot

>> No.25445092

God yes

>> No.25445093


>> No.25445094 [DELETED] 


>> No.25445095

Twice in two hours

>> No.25445098

whatever it is they probably won't do it

>> No.25445099


>> No.25445100

>just had my first holodream
>it's me asking fubuki to let me pinch her cheeks and she lets me to


>> No.25445102


>> No.25445104
Quoted by: >>25445113

>if she had one

>> No.25445108

>JOP autism is like 50% stronger
try 500%

>> No.25445110

Lucky. The only holodream I've had was terminator robots chasing me while yelling HELLOBO~~

>> No.25445113
Quoted by: >>25445118

Why are PPfags like this?

>> No.25445114

Nene will and have a reaction like "Ookina changusu??"

>> No.25445115

Sounds like something a FRIEND would do.

>> No.25445118
Quoted by: >>25445132

What's wrong with sucking dicks?

>> No.25445121

>not asking to fuck her in the ass

baka desu

>> No.25445122


>> No.25445123
Quoted by: >>25445141

Can't believe they made her use a loli voice in her previous life

>> No.25445124


>> No.25445125


>> No.25445127

I don’t think she’s ever spoken more than 2 sentences of English, she simply thanks English supas etc.

>> No.25445128

>question asks about hololives
>mentions a homostar
Why are homofags like this?

>> No.25445129

This fall guys is fucking hard

>> No.25445132
Quoted by: >>25445140

Being a fag

>> No.25445133


dead hours hate.... newbies should stream on dead hours

>> No.25445140
Quoted by: >>25445146

Not gay if she's a woman

>> No.25445141

Imagine being part of a duo who break up and your partner goes onto be Marine or Korone and you fall into obscurity, it's sad to think about

>> No.25445142

I had a dream about Iofi once, everyone called her Lofi and said you have to watch Lofi's stream then she got mad and started shouting but I couldn't understand her probably because I've never seen her stream or heard her speak

>> No.25445143

Why wasn't divegrass during dead hours instead?

>> No.25445144

I suppose

>> No.25445146


>> No.25445149

Lamy said she's going to help fill the morning timeslot

>> No.25445150
Quoted by: >>25445171

Please let Drills live. The other one doesnt really look like vtuber material.
Sorry Kakage I know you love hags but not all of us do.

>> No.25445153
Quoted by: >>25445156

I miss Asacoco and watame no uta so much. It always gave us something to look forward to during dead hours.

>> No.25445154

Towa's feminine dick...

>> No.25445155
Quoted by: >>25445208

Seeing someone not knowing her in /hlg/ hurts me. Please lurk more. I'm not mad, just really hurt.

>> No.25445156

Watching /hlg/ narratives materialize into reality was fun, yes.

>> No.25445157


>> No.25445166


>> No.25445167

I was waiting for someone to say it that dumb futa dragon was built for sex

>> No.25445168
Quoted by: >>25445170

but Lamy prime time Lamy is boring, I can't imagine morning Lamy will be any better...

>> No.25445169

Best girl re-confirmed

>> No.25445170

Well we can't always get what we want can we anon

>> No.25445171

Kakage already has a daughter anyway.

>> No.25445172


>> No.25445173

asacoco was cringe and coco isnt funny

>> No.25445174
Quoted by: >>25445185

Weren't they announced as something unrelated to gen 5 anyway? I hope they're not wasted on ID gen 2 or EN though

>> No.25445175

I'd like to fill her slot in a timely manner every morning

>> No.25445179

reminder that Coco spends at least 2 hours a day shitposting here

>> No.25445180
Quoted by: >>25445224

This AsaTowa when?????

>> No.25445182

I want Lamy to play a horror game

I want Botan to play Tetris

Which would be worse?

>> No.25445185
Quoted by: >>25445195

They weren't technically announced in association with anything, but everyone assumed it was gen 5

>> No.25445184


>> No.25445186
Quoted by: >>25445216

Well, technically this is would be holoEN's timeslot.

>> No.25445188

Pretty sure he used to be a football player that beat a bunch of autists on /vp/ with a honchkrow

>> No.25445190
Quoted by: >>25445202

you're cringe and not funny how's that for a change

>> No.25445191

She's still at it?

>> No.25445192

did she not learn from round 1?

>> No.25445193
Quoted by: >>25445209

Jesus fucking Christ it's been like 12 hours, what did she do

>> No.25445194

I'd slurp the pool of spit right from her mouth instead.

>> No.25445195

I was asleep for the gen 5 annoucement but I remember waking up and wondering what the hell happened to them.

>> No.25445197


>> No.25445198


>> No.25445199

...anyone practicing lucid dreaming to meet their holos?

>> No.25445200

How do you fuck up that badly

>> No.25445202

that hurts

>> No.25445204

Lamy is the chosen one

>> No.25445205

Your second favorite holo

Why don’t you do your reps

>> No.25445206

If Coco ever lurked here she probably already left when she saw the state of the threads during 3D debuts.

>> No.25445208

hello, is this reddit?

>> No.25445209

slept I suppose, and just left it there all night...

>> No.25445210

Literally doing them now

>> No.25445211

being a gachikoi sucks i never signed up for this

>> No.25445212

No I'm practicing Japanese so I can understand them.

>> No.25445213

i do them everyday

>> No.25445215

what is she doing?

>> No.25445216

When is HoloCN's timeslot?

>> No.25445217

Because it's midnight and I've put it off all day
I'll try

>> No.25445218

that's not accurate. she moved her stream to prime time and went from 7-12k viewers to 2-3k. she did it pretty quickly too so she never built up a big core audience to keep the same viewership in prime time.

>> No.25445219


>> No.25445220

Towa needs someone to look after her...

>> No.25445223

Subaru. I do them every day.

>> No.25445224


>> No.25445225

I do, but every time she gives me THAT look it feels like it isn't enough

>> No.25445227

Haven't missed a day yet

>> No.25445228

successful people dont spend time in this place

>> No.25445229

Actually, I had a somewhat lucid dream (looked real but I couldn't control stuff, only subconsciously) like a week ago. I was clearing some bandit building, then used smoke grenade and made one of the bandits stab me and propose to Miko because I were injured. She agreed and the rest of the dream I were lying at the hospital and thinking about her.

>> No.25445230


>> No.25445231

I'm getting cockblocked by my thesis

>> No.25445232

Literally doing right now.

>> No.25445233

