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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 308 KB, 1920x1200, EaOIoQrU4AEjLxU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
24355986 No.24355986 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.24355994
File: 103 KB, 288x288, maybe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24356012

I no longer fucking hate this bitch

>> No.24355996
File: 450 KB, 1500x1067, A70DE355-D107-4D36-9BE7-44DC7F2F9C47.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24356200

Early Kaichou

>> No.24356000
Quoted by: >>24356008

Aqua is black.

>> No.24356001
Quoted by: >>24356013


>> No.24356004
File: 211 KB, 850x1202, I hate this bitch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24356200

Imagine not hating this bitch.

>> No.24356005
File: 29 KB, 276x337, 1564071155017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your yubis
Hand them over

>> No.24356007
File: 99 KB, 915x752, Ea85qKJU0AIlOSw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24356042


>> No.24356008
Quoted by: >>24356085


>> No.24356011
File: 731 KB, 2048x1996, Aki 1592051886595.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24356012

do you like this bitch, or is it just neutral?

>> No.24356013


>> No.24356014
Quoted by: >>24356048

I missed replying to it in the last thread, so to the guy who edited the mikoboat song over lolicatgirls, I salute you sir, you reminded me that I should check /f/ every now and then while it's still alive.

>> No.24356015
File: 164 KB, 900x1200, 1586943709481.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24356092


>> No.24356017
Quoted by: >>24356025

3 threads died

>> No.24356020
Quoted by: >>24356032

i said:


>> No.24356023

How is it even possible for Marine to radiate such intense spinster energy. She surely isn't the oldest in hololive.

>> No.24356024

Coco made the most money despite everyone and their mom knowing who she is IRL
How did she do it?

>> No.24356025

Probably 20+ days old 2hu threads with 3 replies each.

>> No.24356027
Quoted by: >>24356063


Any rejecting?

>> No.24356031
Quoted by: >>24356045

>THREE threads
Come on.

>> No.24356032

love this autistic jewess

whats wrong with this post

>> No.24356033
Quoted by: >>24356043

please listen to my daughter!

>> No.24356034

That's the biggest reason though

>> No.24356035
Quoted by: >>24356238


>> No.24356036
File: 12 KB, 751x144, Unicorns.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys seem to love the 5ch anti/fanthread's opinions of you, so here's one for today.
>I don't want to put words in foreigners mouths but I'm pretty sure they're all Unicorns.
>If they weren't some of Lulu's popularity would spread to the other Nijis
>If you look at 4chan's /jp/ you'd understand, all the japanese content that's popular is about women.
Translators note: コーン is short for Unicorn, and Unicorn is slang for guys that only watch women(that aren't involved with men). Because Unicorns only appear before virgins. Geddit?

Are they right, /jp/?

>> No.24356039
File: 1.21 MB, 768x576, 1591805106647.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24356115

Love, butt, salamander feet.

>> No.24356040
File: 2.79 MB, 1848x2333, DE210794-2273-4656-83DA-B4A92244662B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24356070

>> No.24356042

i fucking hate the clip where she is singing on a boat
it made me curious about hololive and now i can't get out of this hellhole

>> No.24356043

stop using streamable i can't download from it!!!

>> No.24356044

I must protect Watame

>> No.24356045

Our worst IIRC was 5

>> No.24356046
Quoted by: >>24356479

Homos are shilled fucking hard here though

>> No.24356047

astelbro exists to disprove this

>> No.24356048


>> No.24356049
Quoted by: >>24356055

Why does no one love Choco...

>> No.24356053

Try youtube-dl, works for me.

>> No.24356055

she has the personality of a brick

>> No.24356056

It is the best clip and never fails to put a smile on my face.

>> No.24356058
Quoted by: >>24356219

kaoru ecchi

>> No.24356059

nah. idolfags get made fun of and holostars are talked about frequently.

>> No.24356060

How did this faggot not see all the homo posting?

>> No.24356062
File: 999 KB, 3840x2160, Ea98UHnUYAAwOG7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


No schedule yet, but Okayu's busy tonight. Possible guerrilla if she finishes whatever she's doing early.

>> No.24356063

I ask this as a Cocofag.

Why are Cocofags like this? numberwhores

>> No.24356064
Quoted by: >>24356073

Bricks are sturdy and reliable!

>> No.24356065
File: 12 KB, 200x251, smugsheep.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see the same Miko trap got someone else


>> No.24356067

how should I share it?
I want everyone to see her!
even you!

>> No.24356068

For the majority but Rikka 3D thread proves there's a lot of star support and a fuck ton of raiders

>> No.24356069

There's definitely some here, specially that pekora shit poster. But people, for the most part, seems level headed enough to know that they have no chance with the girls.

>> No.24356070

that would be a great costume for noel

>> No.24356072
File: 61 KB, 540x573, 1588453777605.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bunch of nerds on 5ch are calling us rapid idolfags. Really?

>> No.24356073
Quoted by: >>24357137

a single brick is useless except for throwing through a window

>> No.24356075
File: 1.13 MB, 2861x4073, yande.re 645663 gaou_(matsulatte) hololive macaron_taitei minato_aqua nekomata_okayu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't wait to watch Aqua today!

>> No.24356078 [DELETED] 

How the fuck is this garbage talking after Kaoru and Nijishit yesterday?

>> No.24356079
File: 1.51 MB, 1366x768, 81593513_p1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best girls

>> No.24356083
File: 79 KB, 496x276, inlovewiththecocov2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will marry Coco!

>> No.24356084
Quoted by: >>24356106

are they wrong?

>> No.24356085

*dark as the African night.

>> No.24356087
Quoted by: >>24356165

catbox.moe so i can just dl instead of going to the source code

>> No.24356088
Quoted by: >>24356165


>> No.24356090

>all the japanese content that's popular is about women
Are these retards implying they're any different

>> No.24356092
File: 127 KB, 297x297, 1589063105108.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reflection in the glasses isn't a giant bald fat old NTR protagonist

>> No.24356094

you will make it as a pet at best

>> No.24356098
File: 487 KB, 550x682, 1592155797666.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your games are finally coming back?
Your favorite VTuber is ending their vacation?
Celebrate the good times with a healthy batch of Family Mart™ Chicken, the crispy chicken snack that's sure to turn your celebration stream from Holodead to Hololive! Mmmmmmmm Family Mart™ Chicken, available now!

>> No.24356100

Someone should tell him about the origin of the watame-kaoru-coco art which leads to the Watame bash weeks ago.

>> No.24356103
File: 1.22 MB, 2075x1129, 1591593013865.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24356105 [DELETED] 
File: 250 KB, 368x409, 1591741171322.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck homos

>> No.24356106
Quoted by: >>24356139

Yes, save for a few dedicated autists, this thread is mostly fine with both male and females chuubas.

>> No.24356107

well im not gay so why would i watch a dude


our girl :3

>> No.24356109

Can you tell him that we all think he's a cuck?

>> No.24356110
File: 11 KB, 415x316, 1591390043417.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>getting smacktalked by 5ch of all places
>about idolshit

Isn't this where the most elite hiki-NEETs of Japan gather? How can we be more awful than that?

>> No.24356111
File: 146 KB, 1200x675, 1576037697197.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24356163

>When Aki chan is no longer Aki chan
MAN FUCK THIS GUY ! why he always got something negative to say? i'll be in my winery

>> No.24356115
Quoted by: >>24356126


>> No.24356116

I wanna brush her upper teeth

>> No.24356120
Quoted by: >>24356169

So assuming it's true that Coco made about 17.5 million yen this month and she keeps half because 30% goes to YouTube and 20% to Cover, she's made about $83k this month? Or am I converting it the numbers wrong here?

>> No.24356122

You have higher chances of getting the job than suisei

>> No.24356123
File: 354 KB, 450x450, thefriedofhololive.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24356124


>> No.24356125


cringe dude... cringe......

>> No.24356126
File: 3.49 MB, 3840x2160, 62061845_p5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24356133
Quoted by: >>24356536

>If you look at 4chan's /jp/ you'd understand, all the japanese content that's popular is about women.
are they referring /hlg/ or /jp/ in general? Because they are right if u look at it. Just check /jp/ catalog

>> No.24356134

I want Okayu to fuck Aqua in a 3D collab as Shion watches.

>> No.24356135

Man I used to supacha Luna all the time and watch her streams every single night and enjoy hearing her reaction to my supachats and her cute English "tank you" when i occasionally sent an English one and one time she even thanked me for my continuous support... Now I am working again and can't watch her streams anymore... It sucks man... I miss her...

>> No.24356136

i would like 1 juicy karaage namba 1

>> No.24356137
Quoted by: >>24356156

What happened to NND raiding reddit?

>> No.24356139

Fine is one thing, but a majority only really watch the girls and give passing support to the guys. I watch them ocassionally and always put them up on Jetri

>> No.24356144
Quoted by: >>24356168

>If they weren't some of Lulu's popularity would spread to the other Nijis
So that's about 2434 then, who cares lol. We /hlg/ here.

>> No.24356148

Towa's dead.

>> No.24356150
File: 126 KB, 1044x664, bec.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24356175


>> No.24356151
File: 1.82 MB, 1920x1080, 1591592560647.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do..I dont want to put words in for. Forigner.

>> No.24356153

Love Azki

>> No.24356155 [DELETED] 

>If you look at 4chan's /jp/ you'd understand, all the japanese content that's popular is about women.
Are they referring to /hlg/ or /jp/ in general?

>> No.24356156

They're too lazy to translate it to ENG.

>> No.24356157

Based wholesome ritual poster

>> No.24356158
File: 82 KB, 768x768, 1592649979262.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24356159
File: 490 KB, 1024x1024, 1592776094532.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24356193



>> No.24356163
File: 2.11 MB, 1920x1080, aki reclining.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As a half-elf, she's going to outlive us all. From the human perspective, Aki is eternal.

>> No.24356164

Why does Korone get seiso outfits while Okayu gets some weird half-lewd belly revealing outfit?

>> No.24356165

here you go, enjoy

>> No.24356166
File: 1.35 MB, 1153x775, 2020-06-22 09_53_40-【#ギャルと男の娘】兎になったらもう、最強!!!【にじさんじ_轟京子、月下カオル】 - YouTube.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24356167
Quoted by: >>24356183

Quick! You just sneaked through security during a fan meeting and you're face to face with your favorite Hololive. Also for some reason your least favorite is there too! You've got about 10 seconds alone with them before your gaijin ass is thrown out of the country forever.

What do you do?

>> No.24356169

35% after cover get their cut and before taxes

>> No.24356168

The probsbly see our Lu*uposting and Don't realize it's for meido summons too

>> No.24356170
Quoted by: >>24356224

Because of Antis Coco made fun of her reclining all the time despite her doing a great job and hardworking.

>> No.24356171
File: 134 KB, 715x1000, EY8OgpbVcAAPZe3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need more holos wearing other holos' clothes and/or smelling them.

>> No.24356172

Imagine being some strayan cunt and you hear the japanese neighbor girl through the walls, screeching and wailing about how cute she is in engrish. Its like she's asking to get glassed.

>> No.24356174
File: 99 KB, 237x295, Luna78.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude she's a vapid materialistic 30 year old cunt with a sugar daddy...

>> No.24356175
Quoted by: >>24356187

Why are you on /jp/ then tourist?

>> No.24356176

I miss Green Rushia already.
She fit the green cutting board shaped hole in Hololive.

>> No.24356178
Quoted by: >>24356456

Post the clip where Aqua says she's going to stop drinking so much soda and then immediately cracks open another soda

>> No.24356179
Quoted by: >>24356222

I hope you can catch her streams more dude
I think the nintendo stuff hit her plans quite hard other than the piano streams
She was in the middle of playing Skyward Sword

>> No.24356181

antis can't take down the beyblade boy.

>> No.24356183

Lick her armpits

>> No.24356186

Towa no...

>> No.24356187

Because I watch Hololive? What kind of stupid question is that

>> No.24356189

Tell that to pekofags and koronefags that barking about numbers all the time

>> No.24356190

Why is Miko so cute

>> No.24356192
File: 3 KB, 315x102, kek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I believe in my bro Kaoru and his fans.

>> No.24356194

This is so retarded for a 500 viewer stream

>> No.24356193


>> No.24356195

alright who the frick is spreading the wuflu around hololive

is it peko? she's been sniffing and stuff for months now

>> No.24356196

I hope he flirts hard with her

>> No.24356200
File: 81 KB, 894x1068, 1573615517942.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24356314

>ywn wake up Coco with a morning Paizuri

>> No.24356201
Quoted by: >>24356223

She's surely going to Cover HQ to pick up her game loicense... right?

>> No.24356202
File: 540 KB, 691x682, 1590558740893.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24356203

Explain please.

>> No.24356208
Quoted by: >>24357121


>> No.24356213
Quoted by: >>24356265

It's not wuflu, it's morning sickness.

>> No.24356216
Quoted by: >>24356233

Just usual niji antis mad

>> No.24356217

a-always r-reply

>> No.24356219


>> No.24356220

What type of job do you think each would have if hololive wasn't a thing?

>> No.24356222
Quoted by: >>24356258

Yeah her piano streams are relaxing and cute and I watch the archives often and a lot of her recent collabs with potatrio. It's just not the same when it isn't live... Also fuck Nintendo man... Luna is probably my favorite gamer in Hololive, up there with Okayu and Subaru... Hope to see her play again....

>> No.24356223
Quoted by: >>24356294

She's going to shoot up Nintendo.

>> No.24356224

Makes sense.

>> No.24356225

peko is a superspreader
if she kills a good hololive im gonna be so mad

>> No.24356226
File: 1.47 MB, 2000x2667, illust_82448314_20200622_095727.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24356227

No because shes been sniffing for YEARS before HL was a thing. Sora sounded pretty sick before and during her 3DLive, don't think it was the 'rona though or she would probably be too fatigued for it

>> No.24356231

Some antis and nijis are seething because this girl is collbaing with crossdressing man.

>> No.24356232
File: 516 KB, 1756x2479, __hoshimachi_suisei_hololive_drawn_by_puca_rasu__8ee6d0fb306d476ebac9e76b293fc80a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine how those spats seal in the flavour...

>> No.24356234

They're at the opposite conclusion of what we're like. How useless.

>> No.24356233

But why exactly, just because of the collab itself? That would be way too retarded

>> No.24356236
Quoted by: >>24356248

That's still $58600. And she gets to fuck Suisei and Kanata daily.

>> No.24356238

Same thing?

>> No.24356241
File: 1.97 MB, 5793x4067, 64896ad7aba01fffb516b2f118a7b8b7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder how Aqua's clothes would smell after a Ring Fit stream...

>> No.24356244

Both Watame and Towa got sick?

>> No.24356245
File: 172 KB, 1024x1447, Ea_WWwqUcAAiiYc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Noel surely loves her assets when she retweets fan art like this.

>> No.24356246

She does those streams naked.

>> No.24356248

she loses an extra half of it to trump-sama though

>> No.24356249

She's cringy yes but she is having fun and being cute so I don't mind it

>> No.24356250 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>24356282

>Kaigaianiki are all idolfags

>> No.24356254

I don't know, I don't try to understand autists. Might be because of malexfemale collab, holoxniji collab, who the fuck knows.

>> No.24356255

it's because Kaoru talks to a bunch of vtubers like a slut, and he's going to be collabing with a niji girl that actually does have idolfags.

>> No.24356258

Holy... Fuck... Stop... Typing... Like... This... You... Fucking... Retard...

>> No.24356260
File: 864 KB, 802x991, __shirogane_noel_hololive_drawn_by_envyvanity__a31dbd136e86720c9f9a513cb0cf3e98.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24356381


>> No.24356263

We probably have more anons that speak Japanese than they do English, even though they have so many more users.

>> No.24356265

Mommy Towa...

>> No.24356266
File: 175 KB, 720x400, 1592029139565.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fuck homos
That's exactly what the girls do, though.

>> No.24356267

Antis know kaoru is too chad too even care about it so they attack the collab partner instead

>> No.24356270
File: 29 KB, 463x453, 1591502801931.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>according to 5ch
pecor will ban your homing pigeon ass

>> No.24356274
Quoted by: >>24356300

Hostess, prostitute, JAV idol.

>> No.24356276


>> No.24356277
File: 803 KB, 691x682, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24356278


>> No.24356281

Pekochads can’t keep getting away with it bros...

>> No.24356282
Quoted by: >>24356310

That post may have been posted by one of our JSLs, but either way they may think 4chan represents the greater western Hololive ideology when we're really a minority.

>> No.24356284
File: 2.08 MB, 1920x1080, Aki Rosenthal – English poem When You Are Old.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24356348


>> No.24356285

Why do you keep quoting this number as if it's fact? Nobody knows how much cover takes.

>> No.24356286
File: 41 KB, 556x605, burnt pizza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

5ch is dai baka nipponjin

>> No.24356287

probably like fish sauce... oh my...

>> No.24356291

>ywn earfuck the fox

>> No.24356294
File: 153 KB, 960x950, pussy destroyer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even better.

>> No.24356296
File: 12 KB, 240x240, 1592546444469.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


bros I actually fucking love her what do I do

>> No.24356297


>> No.24356299
File: 210 KB, 1666x1180, 5wescozkzrx41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24356332

why falseflag as pekofans? what did she ever do to you?

>> No.24356300
Quoted by: >>24356324

Anon, you realize there are more Holos then just Miko right?

>> No.24356301
File: 246 KB, 1381x1500, EbEjIThUwAE69Y5[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24356355

Time marches onward towards her return

>> No.24356304
File: 92 KB, 1238x797, blade-runner-2049.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24356496

>Aqua will never wear your clothes leaving her scent on them
It's getting harder everyday bros...

>> No.24356305
Quoted by: >>24356338

Girls so far have said 30%-50% after google cut on stream so they must have individual contracts

>> No.24356306

>not being an ellipses anon

>> No.24356308

Hearty kek

>> No.24356309

Obsessively loving your idol is not healthy anon

>> No.24356310
File: 303 KB, 2597x2049, 1590798342709.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24356356

We are probably the biggest core fanbase for hololive in the west.

>> No.24356311

Support her

>> No.24356313
File: 546 KB, 986x1423, 48f1b6ae09028c840c82937246e9cefd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Marine's senchous

>> No.24356314
File: 829 KB, 1067x1433, 36DD0E67-D43E-4A7A-A560-3C34AB0D8ADC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Delete this...

>> No.24356317
File: 248 KB, 1478x1108, EXfC8bKUMAAg8t4@RedCompanyGUMI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24356318
File: 381 KB, 397x498, 1567622010626.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24356344

What if it's the same for us and we think they're a bunch of autistic unicorns when they're actually just like us and have a couple autists/shitposters?

>> No.24356319


>> No.24356320
File: 121 KB, 945x1024, 1592431070000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24356396

Please give Towa a listen and support her lots in this thread, too!



>> No.24356321


>> No.24356323
Quoted by: >>24356362

Haven't been on for two days? Did I miss anything big other than games back on the menu?

>> No.24356324

Yes, actually not so different than what they're doing right now.

>> No.24356328


>> No.24356329

What a whore

>> No.24356330

Aquas a dumb bitch couldn't even get her scooter license LOL

>> No.24356332
File: 165 KB, 979x979, 1585399885142.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pekora has so many smug faces, just ignore the sperg.

>> No.24356335
File: 699 KB, 1064x1026, westvirginiatier.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24356336

Wait a minute, why does this sound like it's some remake of gangnam style?

>> No.24356337

Those are some massive cannons

>> No.24356338

The only source I've ever seen is Haato saying she gets 50% of Superchats after all cuts, which would be 30% YouTube cut and ~30% Cover cut, what's the source on 30%?

>> No.24356340

>Men are attracted to women
>Women are attracted to men
>Industry has more male fans than females
>Therefore content involving women are more popular than the inverse
WOAHHHH nips just blew my brain up! How have I not come to this conclusion before?

>> No.24356341
File: 732 KB, 2508x3541, EaaDVHYUEAEuMGV@BORUMETE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24356344

It's true, people like to paint enemies, but it's more like a few ants.

>> No.24356347

She's a saint.

>> No.24356348

If this means people who wouldn't read Yeats get a little culture from something besides expiring konbini food, I'm all for it.

>> No.24356349
Quoted by: >>24356421

She said 35% in her birthday supacha thanking stream yesterday.

>> No.24356352
File: 11 KB, 222x102, based.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24356355

aqua is my future wife...

>> No.24356356
Quoted by: >>24356416

That's a nice joke. We have 250 IPs in any given thread. Not everyone posts in every thread so let's be generous and bump that number to 400ish unique posters. Let's add lurkers just for fun and set that number to 600. /r/Hololive alone has 25k members.

>> No.24356357

What do you think is each holo's signature game? It could be their favorite game, or one they've played a lot, or keep going back to, or had a particularly defining stream with. My picks:
Suisei - Tetris 99
Miko - GTA V
Haato - Getting Over It?
Choco - ARK
Aqua - APEX, or maybe Smash?
Pekora - Metal Gear series?
Kanata - Shinymas?
Coco - ARK?
Artia - Overwatch

>> No.24356359
File: 2.09 MB, 1920x1080, choco reclining.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24356360

took me a while to notice the difference

>> No.24356361


>> No.24356362
File: 847 KB, 1057x1500, 1570775616016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, some anon killed a person and posted a picture of it.

>> No.24356363

go crazy with a boxcutter at a train station, like all worthless idol-neets do faggot

>> No.24356365

kys, Aqua is gone and will never return.

>> No.24356366
File: 1.32 MB, 1127x1080, 1592600043832.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24356370
Quoted by: >>24356424

It's that perfect human song.

>> No.24356371

Only matsuri and fubuki

>> No.24356372
File: 231 KB, 720x720, 1591859768212.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24356377
File: 95 KB, 800x688, 1592621204298.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anons, only virgins get mad at being called virgins.

Are you a virgin for real, anon?

>> No.24356378
File: 48 KB, 139x162, 1592196559469.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On stage.

>> No.24356379
Quoted by: >>24356407

wtf who's spreading corona at the hq

>> No.24356381 [DELETED] 

I've been listening to Noel's Roommate's ear cleaning ASMR lately and I didn't expect to smile as hard as I did every time she whispered 'I love you' in English in my ear. Am I too far gone? Or am I still okay as long as I don't akasupa?

>> No.24356386
File: 176 KB, 827x2000, 35F85144-6914-4888-A39A-9E2D15CA3162.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24358428

Defile and ravage Tenshi.

>> No.24356388
File: 48 KB, 720x720, 1592787021852.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is me and my wife

>> No.24356389

bullying her womb...

>> No.24356390

to be honest I'll take this over the original

>> No.24356392
File: 92 KB, 436x412, 1411757710708.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is 4chan banner for a reason nerd.

>> No.24356394
File: 343 KB, 586x711, pprisu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

utattemita collab when

>> No.24356396
File: 125 KB, 564x690, 1589912860148.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never gets old.

>> No.24356397

Do as she says and support Holostars.

>> No.24356398

uuuhhh BASED?

>> No.24356399
File: 1.59 MB, 1513x1080, 1592067340578.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24356413

>getting over it
is this all japanese girls know

>> No.24356401
File: 289 KB, 1074x183, .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haato's translations...

>> No.24356402

I am, but I consider it a compliment.

>> No.24356405
File: 141 KB, 900x900, EazlV79VAAAGdEu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and the IDs will when they visit Japan.

>> No.24356407


>> No.24356408

Coco's Yakuza or ARK

>> No.24356411
File: 12 KB, 944x121, callingoutthetrumpers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh? How bout this older take then?
>Poster 1 is talking about posting some racist thing a niji said on 4chan(context: as revenge for NND wanting to translate and post shit on reddit)
>Poster 2 says that on 4chan you just get more popular the more racist you are

>> No.24356413

I once had a japanese woman come up to me asking for directions, but it was very hard to figure out where she wanted to go because she just kept shouting "GETTING OVER IT" at me.

>> No.24356414

I'd pick Super Bunny Man for Haato

>> No.24356415

Assuming he doesn't know English and merely glanced at some Hololive threads, he'd probably see almost nothing but pictures of the girls, largely because there aren't really too many images of the Holobros to post.

>> No.24356416

Yet with their numbers they get less than a tenth of the posts.

>> No.24356420


>> No.24356421
Quoted by: >>24356494

I'm pretty sure she didn't.

>> No.24356422
File: 256 KB, 2000x1529, 20200621_201001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey guys, i finally proposed and...
he said yes! im inviting you all to the wedding

>> No.24356424

>googled it
>RADIO FISH Accused of Ripping Off PSY
Well I guess I'm right about it being similar to gangnam style.

>> No.24356426


>> No.24356428
File: 497 KB, 488x492, perfect_sheep_smug.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They know us so well

>> No.24356429

You're married to an android?

>> No.24356430
File: 104 KB, 663x900, 1588903928631.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>puts indogs in their place live on stream
>acknowledges the holostars' existence
>had Korone slide into her DMs and made out with Rushia on twitter
>happily shakes her tits around for her fans

Is she... /oursquirrel/?

>> No.24356431

Coco is Yakuza.
Aqua is Minecraft.
Subaru is that weiner game.

>> No.24356432

Ever heard the full version of doyathing? That's how Haachama is evolving right now

>> No.24356433
File: 936 KB, 644x644, wdytwa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24356434
File: 125 KB, 1280x896, 017_018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24356467


>> No.24356437
File: 118 KB, 1392x499, 1592412554976.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That broken censorship will never not make me laugh

>> No.24356438
File: 108 KB, 564x542, 1592343218409.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24358502

People don't lose it by 17? That's sad.

>> No.24356439
Quoted by: >>24356655

Not really. You just get laughed at and called a /pol/tard.

>> No.24356440
Quoted by: >>24356466

that was already posted though

>> No.24356443

>I don't want to put words in foreigners mouths but I'm pretty sure they're all Unicorns.
That's not what that says, it says he thnks we're Unicorns but just don't actually say it outloud
The rest looks fine
Also how do we know you didn't just post this yourself, someone was doing that before, posting over there and then screencapping his own shit

>> No.24356447
Quoted by: >>24356504

>Mel, Choco, Noel
Continue their lewd asmr/voice acting gigs

>Marine, Mio, Fubuki, Korone, Okayu
Fat pencil pushers

>Aki, Ayame, Towa
House wife

>Haato, Subaru, Shion, Towa
Sexually harassed secretary at big corp.

>Suisei, Matsuri, Sora, Azki
Trying and failing to be 3DPD idols.

>Flare, Coco
Independent content creator/streamer

>Pekora, Kanata, Watame, Rushia, Luna
Goes to Nijisanji

Considering suicide

>> No.24356450


>> No.24356451

Literally what the fuck is Haachama thinking right now

>> No.24356452

>acknowledges the holostars' existence

>> No.24356453

Yes she is... our dumb tree rat

>> No.24356454

>I think that foreigners are all idol fags but, don't want to admit it.
> If they weren't Nijisanji should be more popular beyond Lulu
> If you observe 4chan /jp/, you'd understand that all Japanese medias popular there are about women

>> No.24356455
File: 177 KB, 278x365, 1591502688503.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>massive social autist in collabs
Sounds like it!

>> No.24356456

Aqua is too adorable.

>> No.24356459
File: 18 KB, 360x344, 1591919130751.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24356499

How the fuck do OCchads make shit so quick and so good. I'm fucking struggling with making a funny Towa edit fuck.

>> No.24356460
File: 291 KB, 1000x1280, Ea7_hdDVAAIU0Nv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Coco has many yakuza fanart than ARK

>> No.24356461

engaged, anon, not married yet

>> No.24356462

Gay marriage isn't allowed in Japan nor the US you felon

>> No.24356465
Quoted by: >>24356478

Not much probably

>> No.24356467

imagine the smell...

>> No.24356466
Quoted by: >>24356514

What happened?

>> No.24356469

Not true, an insult is an insult. If someone called you a stupid faggot you'd probably get insulted even though you are possibly not a stupid faggot. Also the type of people who use virgin as an insult don't belong on this site.

>> No.24356473

She is delirious from being barred to go back to japan due to corona virus concerns

>> No.24356474

Unless a niji plays a hitler video on stream, I couldn't care less about any of them

>> No.24356476
File: 775 KB, 664x535, thepride.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just for you

>> No.24356477

So Towa and sheep have corona?

>> No.24356478
File: 157 KB, 363x375, Luna62.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24356479

>/hlg/ is representative of /jp/
You guys don't seem to realize how anomalous you are, there are people in this thread who don't even know who ZUN is and probably can't name at least 5 touhous.

>> No.24356480

The main issue is the niji brand is weaker.

>> No.24356481

Yea see, this anon noticed your shitty translation too

>> No.24356484
Quoted by: >>24356495

Wait he's canonically a robot?

>> No.24356485

Not until she posts a proper cover video

>> No.24356486
File: 1.43 MB, 1363x764, 1592647550887.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24356516

She lied...

>> No.24356488

as soon as DLC voice was a thing she was eternally based

>> No.24356494
Quoted by: >>24356573

Sorry man, you're not going to make me sort through four and a half hours of stream trying to find that part again, especially since now that I think about it it could also have been in the zatsudan the night before. Believe me or don't, I guess.

>> No.24356495


>> No.24356496

Just keep on chugging forward bro. The light is there.

>> No.24356497
Quoted by: >>24356531

>That's not what that says, it says he thnks we're Unicorns but just don't actually say it outloud

Yeah I had a brain aneurysm and realized it after. I woulda deleted and reposted it, but I figured it was still close enough(and it was already replied to). As for how you know I didn't do it, do you really think I'd make that retarded a mistake translating it if I posted that myself?

>> No.24356498

When's a holo that can play fighting games

>> No.24356499
File: 345 KB, 500x500, 1591002362453.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Years of shitposting on 4chan.

>> No.24356500
File: 845 KB, 800x450, ck - cooking and gothic lolita.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I came to /hlg/ from /ck/ after someone linked Mikoposting. I like to think of myself as a very lost spoiled food.

>> No.24356503

I know who ZUN is, he's that weird oldfag that Marine is into.

>> No.24356504
Quoted by: >>24356539

mikoti... pekora will stop her right?

>> No.24356505

Korone's should be either that weird kusoge she streamed for New Years or Dragon's Lair

>> No.24356506


>> No.24356507

being viral, and its working
these are viral than asacoco now

>> No.24356511

Pekora played Jojos awhile back, but that's about the extent of that.

>> No.24356513
File: 8 KB, 980x728, imporatnt pciture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there are people in this thread who don't even know who ZUN is and probably can't name at least 5 touhous.
I don't fucking believe it
on MY /jp/?

>> No.24356514
Quoted by: >>24356537

off topic so spoiler
haru used a derogatory term normally aimed towards native people during a stream and claimed he didnt know it was racist. he thought it was something you said to rile up friends. from the clip i saw, i believe him but thats up to you to decide

>> No.24356516

But she is coming back tomorrow.

>> No.24356517
Quoted by: >>24356524

She's making fun of otakus. Calling them degenerates and saying they are as attractive as a burnt gyoza.

>> No.24356519
Quoted by: >>24356549

>there are people in this thread who don't even know who ZUN is
Probably like 1%, even fucking /v/ (where most faggots come from) know who he is.

>> No.24356520


>> No.24356522
File: 471 KB, 480x480, 1591064566277.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24356523
Quoted by: >>24356603

>Caring about touhou in current year
Literally get with the times old man.

>> No.24356524

But Haachama loves burnt gyoza.

>> No.24356526
File: 134 KB, 828x1585, EZqR0egUMAEbx_N.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>holos that love to sing and dance
>lung scarring disease

>> No.24356528
File: 240 KB, 1760x1200, 1591980238258.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24356529

>I am chicken
That does look pretty damn tasty

>> No.24356530 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>24356567


why does this exist?

>> No.24356531

I mean, it could be that you're an N4 having fun LARPing, but I don't want to go full schizo I guess, anyway the opinion is dumb I think, this thread constantly talks about hating 'idolfags' how can most of the people in here be unicorns. That guy must have only read a few posts.

>> No.24356533

Holostars can play fighting games.

>> No.24356534


>> No.24356535

It's pretty funny how her content is basically mirroring herself. In her game streams sometimes she just starts running her mouth about everything and anything that comes to her mind and in her more dedicated talk streams she always trips over her words and forgets her train of thought. This is that but in a series of video edits

>> No.24356536
Quoted by: >>24356556

The only male vtubers I follow are old Haruto and Kerin.

The reason we watch women vtubers is because we are looking in some ways for a girlfriend/daughter or trying to fill the void.
The only reason to watch a male vtuber for someone who is not gay or a woman would be if they were doing something cool or fun.

>> No.24356537
Quoted by: >>24356546

Japanese native people or foreign native people?

>> No.24356538

Reimu, Marisa, Reisen, Flandre, Jackie Chan. Nailed it.

>> No.24356539

Do Japanese get neetbux?

>> No.24356540
File: 270 KB, 1635x800, 1592635174359.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24356554

These are my favourite touhous!

>> No.24356541

She got pumped and dumped after her date (the city exploration video, notice how she never filmed behind her because her 'boyfriend' stayed behind out of the shots), and as a result she's gone off the rails because she gave away her first time so stupidly despite aspiring to be an idol.

>> No.24356544
Quoted by: >>24356763

Why do people mention Towa and Watame, but not Marine?

>> No.24356545

STFU u grand standing faggot. When tf is Mima coming back and cunt punching her student?

>> No.24356546

japanese native people. he specifically used the term 土人 if you want to look that up

>> No.24356548

You can specify in the options to allow downloads.

>> No.24356549

I unironically didn't know who ZUN was until the Marine stream and I've been browsing /a/ since 2012. 2hu isn't as big as you think it is my guy... Literally all I knew about 2hu since then was fucking Reimu.

>> No.24356551

only faggots watch male vtubers
only cucks watch female vtubers with boyfriends

>> No.24356552
File: 76 KB, 1280x720, 1582643392866.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't fucking believe it on MY /jp/?
I know this is a bait, but after those spergs who keep asking for split keep protesting why 2hu allowed to has that many thread, the answer is yes.

>> No.24356554

Alice instead of Patchy for Shion? The character and colors match up better than Alice.

>> No.24356555
Quoted by: >>24356572

Yeah like I would believe that, newfag

>> No.24356556
Quoted by: >>24356734

I think the girls are pretty entertaining on their own tbqh

>> No.24356557


>> No.24356560

But I can and I fucking don't know what's Touhou, I just play some era game and know the character.

>> No.24356561

You unironically disgust me for browsing as long as me and not knowing ZUN.

>> No.24356564
Quoted by: >>24356577

How pissed would a Japanese person be if my gaijin ass called them this?

>> No.24356565

The artist for touhou games with the shitty meme art
>5 touhous
Alice Marissa Reimu Cirno Sayaka

>> No.24356566

I like this new Haachama a lot

>> No.24356567

Checked his other content and what the fuck is this person doing.

>> No.24356571

>I've been browsing /a/ since 2012
I don't think so bro.

>> No.24356572
Quoted by: >>24356600

I'm just being honest and giving you my personal experience. Think of it like this anyway, /jp/ is a 2hu containment board so you wouldn't really see many 2hu posts anywhere else on the board right? Except the occasional 2hu drawing in the drawfag thread.

>> No.24356573

I found it myself: https://youtu.be/QY5Omc7TwzA?t=590
She says 30% is taken by YouTube then it's split evenly between her and the company, so I guess 35% is correct.

>> No.24356575

Shit narrative

>> No.24356576

Yeah OK

>> No.24356577
Quoted by: >>24356601

depends on if theyre aboriginal or not i suppose, but since youre not japanese theyd probably assume you got it from a movie

>> No.24356578
File: 640 KB, 220x199, 1590251572212.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24356580

This post represents /a/ very well.

>> No.24356581
File: 238 KB, 1000x1361, 1591931857204.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24357083

>there are people in this thread who don't even know who ZUN is and probably can't name at least 5 touhous.
Bitch I'll show you.

My favorite holos

Favorite 2hus
>Kasen Ibaraki
>Komachi Onozuka
>Yuuka Kazami
>Eirin Yagokoro
>Shiki Eiki Yamaxanadu

Best 2hu games
>Perfect Cherry Blossom
>Imperishable Night
>Mountain of Faith
>Phantasmagoria of Flower View
>Lotus Land Story

>> No.24356583
File: 355 KB, 456x448, sniff this.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24356586

Wtf, why not just use streamlabs or a different donation link so the hologirls keep most of their money?

>> No.24356587

Can confirm, she cried when I said I wasn't going to call her later.

>> No.24356588
Quoted by: >>24356628

Is that even really derogatory though? I thought it just meant indigenous or native like you said.

>> No.24356590

Huh, I wasn't aware she had said it that many times. I thought it was only in her members only stream until yesterday.

>> No.24356592

I actually do watch male nijis but this thread is just way more active

>> No.24356596

Japanese companies HATE changing whatever is standard. Streamlabs might as well be a bitcoin miner to them, in their minds

>> No.24356597

Most of the holos have never played touhou games though.

>> No.24356598


>> No.24356600
Quoted by: >>24356634

Yeah not like I've ever seen "2hu anime when" or "which studio would aniamte 2hu" or "which 2hu game would fit anime better" threads on /a/

>> No.24356601
Quoted by: >>24356628

Aboriginal? Also, damn, I was hoping to find a quick ticket for pissing off Japanese.

>> No.24356603
File: 98 KB, 600x500, 1451149901360.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24356708

>Literally get with the times old man
>he said that in a thread where majority of girls are hags, 2hu fan girls and we even have 2 Touhou singers

>> No.24356606
Quoted by: >>24356625

it seems that 5ch's ritualposters are lunafags who spam naaaaaaaaa

>> No.24356607
Quoted by: >>24356616


>> No.24356610
File: 179 KB, 1080x326, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What did the squirrel mean by this?

>> No.24356612
Quoted by: >>24356646

I only know a little bit about 2hu because of salty bet, always bet on waifu

>> No.24356613


>> No.24356616


>> No.24356619


>> No.24356618

I thought YouTube doesn't allow it specifically because they want people to supachat and to get their cut? Or is that some other tool...

>> No.24356623

God, Japanese companies are so STUPID. I remember Coco even recommending Streamlabs after some of the girls were de-monetizated, yet it NEVER happened.

Why do people have to make simple things so complex and difficult

>> No.24356624

ok anon
Drunk guy who makes Touhou. Also a really good composer. I listen to Reach for the moon and Hall of dreams everyday.
>5 Touhous
Alice, Miko, Reimu, Marisa, Utsuho, Orin, Satori, Koishi, Sanae, Kanako.

>> No.24356625

based naaaaaaaaa

>> No.24356626

There’s nothing wrong with liking boobs.

>> No.24356628

its apparently turned into a derogatory thing by some people, kind of like the term indians for native americans?

think native americans, just people that were on the land before the current japanese got there

>> No.24356630
File: 760 KB, 848x1200, 1592316789780.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24356640

go go Roboco!

>> No.24356634

I just checked the archive and noticed quite a few 2hu threads. Huh. Never noticed them before.

>> No.24356635

you forgot to mention that we also post 5 times faster than whole /jp/ combined
/hlg/ unironically runs /jp/

>> No.24356639

Risu is a degenerate.

>> No.24356640


>> No.24356643

>don't even know who ZUN is and probably can't name at least 5 touhous
who cares, this is the /jp/ board, not the /2hu/ board

>> No.24356644
File: 769 KB, 1278x719, 【アニメ】新衣装お披露目!? - keep fighting.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24356646

That's outdated info, always bet on disrespect.

>> No.24356647

I think it's normal not to notice things until you learn about them.

>> No.24356648

Really makes me wonder, how many people here actually browsed /jp/ before coming to /hlg/?

>> No.24356650
Quoted by: >>24356696

This thread literally got me into looking at Holostars so he's obviously wrong

>> No.24356651

Don't worry anon, we've all been newfags at some point. Hell I'm still one to this day.

>> No.24356655

/int/ will love it

>> No.24356656

More like 10 times.

>> No.24356657
File: 127 KB, 1200x1600, af78b3e7eba3c4a306761a6ebe6e4c77.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanna do sexual things to this hag wolf.

>> No.24356658

whats a touhou again?

>> No.24356659

Cover fear that they will make a problem with Youtube and maybe doesn't get support from Youtube.

>> No.24356661

Holos with hats

>> No.24356662

Poor Peko.

>> No.24356665

japanese anime girls acting like retards with random noises seems like a surefire way to get your name out there, look at korone, fbk, and now haachama

>> No.24356666

La cabrona...

>> No.24356668

Ponzi scheme for funding beer business.

>> No.24356669


>> No.24356672

boatsluts but not boats

>> No.24356673
File: 34 KB, 900x506, timeloop1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Less than 5%.

>> No.24356674
Quoted by: >>24356686

Unironically I've been browsing /a/ for like 5 years now and I just found out like last month there was a stealth homo general. It's really easy to ignore and skip over certain threads if you're interesting or know about their image or subject.

>> No.24356675

Please do not have lewd thoughts about my wife

>> No.24356677

It’s not an anime girl thing though, Japanese do that in reality.

>> No.24356678

I can't believe pekora is fucking dead.

>> No.24356683
Quoted by: >>24356704

I choose to interpret this as Risu encouraging me to masturbate

>> No.24356684

Who?? No one knows or cares about that. This whole board should just be dedicated to hololive and holostars.

>> No.24356685
Quoted by: >>24356709

are we sure kaoru has a wife and not a husband?

>> No.24356686

What actually goes on in that general? I've never opened it

>> No.24356687

If I take your interpretation as accurate, he's trying to blame us for niji not being more popular? I don't like to be a tribalist, but I really starting to dislike them more and more.

>> No.24356689

I came for the vn threads around the time I watched Garcher and remained for the /ona/holes...
Touhou games seem frustratingly difficult and I can't understand to this day the hype around it.

>> No.24356691
File: 53 KB, 680x648, 1587922882537.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24356696

I think the reason that most EOPs watch only the girls is because the people translating on youtube are a bunch of thirsty SEA nigger virgins who will not translate Holostars. Most English speakers do not even know male vtubers exist.

>> No.24356695

Your whole mouth should just be dedicated to my dick.

>> No.24356697

Favorite holo
How you feel about these surveys with stuff nobody cares about

These are just dumb

>> No.24356698
Quoted by: >>24356725

Didn't she said she will have streamlabs open in a month few weeks ago?

>> No.24356699
Quoted by: >>24356724

>tfw no chubby Miso fanart

>> No.24356701

suppressed /u/ feelings towards Korone

>> No.24356703

Ok retard

>> No.24356704
Quoted by: >>24356727

She encouraged fans to make lewd art of her, so why not?

>> No.24356706
Quoted by: >>24356783

According to AsaCoco, Cover hesitated because there is a possibility of being banned from youtube

>> No.24356708
Quoted by: >>24356809

Well I did not care for the hag holos.

>> No.24356709

Yes, same way the holos don't actually have girlfriends but have boyfriend instead.

>> No.24356710
Quoted by: >>24356756

Which is funny, considering how little support they already get from YouTube.

>> No.24356712

it's just retards looking for (yous)

>> No.24356713
Quoted by: >>24356728


>> No.24356715

so seriously though who gave aqua corona i bet it was ayame that whore

>> No.24356718
Quoted by: >>24356738

What's that?

>> No.24356720

Civil homosexual discussion. It's funny how gay men and female BLfags on 4chan are so well mannered and have the awareness to quietly enjoy their hobby that may bother others while yurifags are literally the opposite.

>> No.24356721

I used to browse the eroge threads since 2012 or so, but eventually stopped because I stopped playing them.

>> No.24356724
Quoted by: >>24356743

It's not fair.

>> No.24356725

The whole thing about needing permissions to monetize game streams probably ruined that chance.

>> No.24356727
Quoted by: >>24356742

Why can't people make lewds of Moona instead?

>> No.24356729

Shes using the bgm from "gentlemen" from psy as well and is pretty much the same thing

>> No.24356728
File: 41 KB, 414x394, 1591442691252.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24356730

It's just someone doing in depth research collecting info on all of us for unknown reasons, I still reply though

>> No.24356731
Quoted by: >>24356762

All I want is for Coco to run a DnD game starring the 3rd Gen and Miko. It can even be a one shot, I don't give a fuck. All they've been doing lately is playing Missing Children one by one or ARK.

>> No.24356732
Quoted by: >>24356754

It's a shame because there are some amazing moments with the homos that nobody will dare to translate, but to be fair, the homos aren't so popular

>> No.24356734

Of course you can have both at the same time.
Having a fun girlfriend doing fun things is the best!

>> No.24356735

Then why are their English comments in Roberu's and Kaoru's streams? I don't watch the others so I can't speak for the others, but if no EOPs know about them why do they come to those two at least?

>> No.24356736

The last time I tried to call out 5ch as hateful shit heads and nothing like us, 2 fuckers came in like fucking SWAT and tried to convince me they're not.

>> No.24356738

you misspelled tenhou, its a mahjong thing

>> No.24356739

They need to figure out a better way to have online singing collabs. I remember the trouble Kanata and Suisei had when they tried to hold a singing duet collab and had to use discord.

>> No.24356740

I don't know, it's so irrelevant I don't know shit about touhou.

>> No.24356741

i tried to get threads going for my interests but nobody posted in them people just stick to their own generals

>> No.24356742

They did, on pixiv.

>> No.24356743
File: 152 KB, 828x1692, EaZFIuUVcAI9i-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not right.

>> No.24356744

Those homos linked me an OST for a series I couldn't find anywhere else on the internet, they're very based.

>> No.24356745
Quoted by: >>24356760

I came here like 2 years ago looking for LN threads because /a/ mods are cunts and I never found any. This board is useless.

>> No.24356749

>Risu starts getting more viewers and donations
>She becomes lewder


I-I don't know how I should feel about this

>> No.24356750
Quoted by: >>24356761

Gen 5 when?

>> No.24356753

But haachama isn't as popular as those two

>> No.24356754
Quoted by: >>24356808

theres two holostars translators that i watch that are really good. one is exclusively holostars and the other is holostars and niji boys, i can link if anyone wants to see but i dont want to open the floodgates of shit from here

>> No.24356756
Quoted by: >>24356796

What kind of support do they even get from yt?

>> No.24356759

That's what they say but women actually like asshole chads... Fuck this gay earth...

>> No.24356760

Fucking cunts, I want Kawakami to be discussed on /a/.

>> No.24356761

Not for a while thankfully. Maybe in late December/January? HoloEN will probably debut around August.

>> No.24356762

Didn't the dudes get more views because of english fags?

Ask FBK to do it. She's the one that does those rpgs.

>> No.24356763
Quoted by: >>24356792

W..what happened to Marine? I thought hers was a throat inflammation caused by stomach acid reflux?

>> No.24356764
Quoted by: >>24356779


>> No.24356765

She said in one of her streams specifically:
youtube cut is 30%
Hololive cut is 20% (lower than Nijisanji)
taxes are 5% for japanese and 10% for foreigners like Coco

Buying a voice pack is probably better because booth only takes a 5% cut.

>> No.24356766

I want to corrupt risu

>> No.24356767
Quoted by: >>24356807

>he's trying to blame us for niji not being more popular
You have to reach really far to get that interpretation from that.

>> No.24356769

apparently when the 5ch holo thread gets particularly shitty some of them like to lurk here, but some people said that this place is just as shitty

>> No.24356770
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>> No.24356771
File: 350 KB, 2048x1489, 1591259847622.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is cringe are the current wave of fans that don't just give it a watch and think what a cute retard before moving on. The fans that think this is so epic and must be shilled all the fucking time like a bunch of autists. The fans that never discuss what she actually talks about in streams but just screech lol Australia, lol feet, lol fkn cute , lol hi how are you,lol Haachama over and over to each other.

>> No.24356772
File: 274 KB, 1332x1864, 46345465.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does Luna like the Godzilla theme so much

>> No.24356773

I'm following Japanese musicians on twitter and seen some of them use this https://nana-music.co.jp/en/ for online jamming session, maybe they should try it.
What I meant was just pre-mixed a duo cover video though, maybe some song with many vocals originally and they both sing in different voice ranges would be interesting.

>> No.24356774

I said most, not all. Most EOPs come from the translations they see on youtube, reddit and /jp/ are much smaller by comparison.

>> No.24356775

>good manners and treat you well
Risu... how many more years until graduation?

>> No.24356779
File: 604 KB, 1032x1130, 81049955_p2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to treat her coldly.

>> No.24356780

You know the rules anon. Screencap or no dice

>> No.24356783
Quoted by: >>24356845

I don't see anything about Youtube banning Streamlabs for donations, at least not on the first google results. In fact, the streamlabs website has a guide to it setup for youtube.

>> No.24356784
File: 90 KB, 254x275, 1591629094540.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm gonna steal her nut and call her a nerd

>> No.24356786

some one should asked if she still a american citizen

>> No.24356787

she still not permanent citizen?

>> No.24356789
Quoted by: >>24356830

That's different than what she said in the linked video though, she clearly says it's split half and half, 20% is nowhere near half, even if you include taxes it's only 30%.

>> No.24356790

I don't even like the dog that much but I've been wanting to watch Midsommar for a while, seems like an interesting movie.

>> No.24356791

He said uttatemita, not karaoke collab.

>> No.24356792

>throat inflammation caused by stomach acid reflux
Its codespeak for sucking a dick too hard and swallowed too many cum

>> No.24356795
File: 528 KB, 607x800, 1588933845210.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know but I love it

>> No.24356796


>> No.24356797

Haato's trying to get that "meme queen" shit that FBK got but she unironically puts too much effort in her garbage.

>> No.24356798

for a monday its pretty stacked
one collab full of popular holos and another collab full of loser holos with noel in both

>> No.24356801
Quoted by: >>24356815

>10% for foreigners like Coco

I need some proof of this

>> No.24356803

Occasionally when I'm arguing with someone and their English is kind of off I sometimes think I'm arguing with one of them but then it could also just be a SEA so who knows. I don't think most of the people over there really care about here. I don't see them really talk about us that often.

>> No.24356805

This is the hololive fanthread so that's not the case. It's just another one of the countless theories in the hololive thread about why foreigners like hololive so much more than any other group.

>> No.24356807

>If they weren't Nijisanji should be more popular beyond Lulu
I was just going with that anon's post.

>> No.24356808
Quoted by: >>24356854

Hell yea I wanna see. Don't gatekeep good shit, reward it.

>> No.24356809

In real life you dorkus maximus.

>> No.24356810
Quoted by: >>24356842

>don't even know who ZUN is and probably can't name at least 5 touhous
who cares, this is the /jp/ board, not the /2hu/ board

Touhou was the Hololive of /a/. Touhou is one of the main reasons this board exists.

>> No.24356811

Stop talking out of your ass retard

>> No.24356812

she built her community that way

>> No.24356815

They get taxed twice.

>> No.24356816

festival... please take your meds

>> No.24356817

based mechafemale with feline auditory organs saving us from dead hologram hours.

>> No.24356818

You thought wrong.

>> No.24356819


>> No.24356820

Because it's fucking perfect in every way, unlike her.

>> No.24356821

Indonesia women are different, the asshole thing is western crap.

ID women believe a proper husband that's a gentleman, will be a proper man for her children and a good supporter.

That's why it's so easy to get ID or Flip girls. As long as you're good and actually work, you can find a wife out there.

>> No.24356822

*waits for aqua to get over covid*

>> No.24356824

You basically just described "35p"

>> No.24356825
Quoted by: >>24357580

Guess I'm flying to Manila this weekend

>> No.24356826

Iunno what they want, but they can fuck off all the same. Do like the Romans do or crucify yourself and save them some time.

>> No.24356827

What did Towa mean by this?

>> No.24356828
Quoted by: >>24356841

Why would anyone come here before?

>> No.24356830
Quoted by: >>24356851

She specifically gave the numbers in one of her streams.
The reason she says Hololive takes something like half of the cut is because they are also paying her taxes and taking the tax cut directly.
I am not sure how the tax part work for Coco, but it looked like she was paying double the taxes because she is counter as a foreigner.
I don't know if this was already implying her paying double the taxes to 2 coutnries.

>> No.24356831

Can i find a Risu out there...?

>> No.24356834
Quoted by: >>24356892

Are you implying Haato and Coco are unpopular?

>> No.24356835

Is that because they're majority muslim?

>> No.24356837

You're probably an asshole that doesn't realise you are one. Just missing the chad part to make it work.

>> No.24356838
File: 83 KB, 605x681, EYBZBrjUEAAf1Sz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24356847

Some anon put the instrumentals to Risu's acapella. Thanks anon!
Brave Jewel

>> No.24356839
File: 98 KB, 697x808, 8318bd98e991e41be2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24356852

the miko, the vampire, her sister, za warudo and Marine

>> No.24356841

To post about Raymoo's butthole

>> No.24356842

Same thing happened with monster girls and the djt, actually, a lot of the stuff on /jp/ are things that mods forced off from /a/. Aside from actually idols.

>> No.24356843

>you'll never cook for Towa and cheer up her day with an enjoyable meal

>> No.24356845

HoloID are already using streamlabs. People here are just retarded.

>> No.24356846

What did A-chan mean by this ordering?

>> No.24356847 [DELETED] 


>> No.24356848
Quoted by: >>24356902

nah, her recent stream is prof that she is really creative and does put in plenty of effort into her videos to the point where she cuts them short even if it means less supacha

>> No.24356849

Islam is starting to sound pretty based...

>> No.24356851
Quoted by: >>24356973

Unless you can link where she says that, I think I'll believe the video proof.

>> No.24356852

La Pirate forma Zun...

>> No.24356854

ok, this one anungmation is entirely holostars so far, and his translations are pretty good.
and this one kaname is excellent at translations. probably the most reliable translator i follow. they do both niji boys and holostars, but since the trinero debut theyve been more into shien right now. they also translate some clips on twitter exclusively so ill link the twitter too

these are the only two i watch consistently, but theres a few smaller channels that ive gotten recommended. cant find them right now though

>> No.24356856

>your oshi's birthday was before you joined this franchise so you can't get any sweet birthday merch
Fuck this gay earth

>> No.24356859
Quoted by: >>24356874

But Risu is a Christian...

>> No.24356860

Based Towa talking with Korone.

>> No.24356861

what pizza toppings are hololive approved

>> No.24356862

watch fucking noel just describe flare

>> No.24356863

I am probably just witnessing the rise of newer people getting into holos I guess as I also noticed it with Miko where 35p used to be some of the chillest bros.
Is this what it feels like to be an old man yelling at clouds?

>> No.24356864


>> No.24356867

Pubic hair

Rubble and bits of dirt

>> No.24356868

Ice cream.

>> No.24356871

I know that feel. Her birthday and anniversary is coming up soon, so I hope we get new merch then.

>> No.24356873


>> No.24356874

Why hasn't Moona slain her yet then?

>> No.24356875

I don't see how you'd get that he's blaming us for anything from that, but if you need a better explanation of what he meant, しそう, which the anon translated as "should" just means "it seems like it would" "you'd imagine that it would" "I get the impression that it would" or anything to that effect. It's that kind of "should."

>> No.24356876

Anything that comes out of the ocean

>> No.24356878

Even by religious standards it's chuuni as fuck, anon would love it.

>> No.24356877
Quoted by: >>24356908

If only birthdays happened annually...

>> No.24356880
Quoted by: >>24356977

We discussed what Miko talked in her streams all the time, especially when she's doing zatsudan/utawaku and some of her comfy streams. Try harder.

>> No.24356882

Someone post that

>> No.24356884

>tfw my birthday is the same day as matsuri's
everyone's gonna wish me a happy birthday!

>> No.24356885

What's her endgame?

>> No.24356886

What did Towa mean by this?! Does she know we're reading her tweets?

>> No.24356888

Our islam is super lax plus Flip girls are similar.

You can be fat and ugly. If you can just be a respectful gentleman and work then you're fine. Their parents are like that too. They're not interested with the man making tons of money or having this and that, it's being a good husband and father for her children.

>> No.24356889
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>> No.24356890
File: 441 KB, 1287x1644, 1591382106540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pecor vr horror stream in 8 hours
im so fucking excited

>> No.24356892

Uh yes. It may seem both of them are popular over here but they're below average compared to the girls in the other collab except sister claire and watame. Coco has stopped being relevant for months and haachama cant even break 100k with her original song.

>> No.24356897

this looks dangerous to eat

>> No.24356898

Does that mean the rabbit gets the studio today?

>> No.24356899

Abrahamic scripture are some of the most chuuni shit out there.

>> No.24356901


>> No.24356902

I like when she said she had been thinking to get help to make vids etc but realised she enjoyed it too much. She has a lot of potential already for being young.

>> No.24356903
Quoted by: >>24356935

Hate to break this to you (I don't) I already followed these YT channels.

>> No.24356906
File: 3.82 MB, 2223x3583, EbFePjRX0AA4PJq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What game?

>> No.24356905
Quoted by: >>24356975

No, Asians are relatively conservative. They don't do the liberal bullshit here.

>> No.24356907

i bet aki likes corn

>> No.24356908

I was born on leap day February 29, 1992, so technically I am 7 years old.

>> No.24356910

It looks terrible not gonna lie.

>> No.24356909
File: 273 KB, 413x510, 1590679615580.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't do it, she'll make you fat.

>> No.24356911
File: 3 KB, 117x108, 1591089435730.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24356912
Quoted by: >>24356934

Did we ever find out what the fuck is on that thing

>> No.24356913

>ywn have a cute Iofi wife

>> No.24356915

meat based ones
and double cheese

>> No.24356916

noel.. please feed her appropriately

>> No.24356917

What a great senpai Korone is.

>> No.24356919

Amazing, thanks anon

>> No.24356920

Wouldn't be surprised if it was FNaF.

>> No.24356921

Lmao at least make it less obvious you dumb menhera cunt

>> No.24356922

the wink makes it so much worse

>> No.24356925
File: 2.51 MB, 1800x1477, SuiChicki.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank you anon.

>> No.24356926

looks better than coco's ngl

>> No.24356928
File: 503 KB, 918x518, nicovideocap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry for not being gay enough I guess

>> No.24356929

Is Roboco the only holo that still has on-screen superchat notifications?

>> No.24356930
Quoted by: >>24356943

If you put anything other than meat or veggie toppings on your pizza you need to get the fuck out.

>> No.24356931

I still think it looks like a bad case of freezerburn

>> No.24356932
Quoted by: >>24357019

Just go to Iofi's hometown and you'll find cuter girls than Iofi, though I doubt they can speak JPs.

>> No.24356934
Quoted by: >>24356955

It looks like beef, crumbled shortbread cookies and stove top ramen to me.

>> No.24356935

that just means youve got good taste. i hope someone else sees those channels though and decides to check them out

>> No.24356937
Quoted by: >>24356969

is this pizza holo approved?

>> No.24356938

All I want is for Miko to play Boneworks

>> No.24356939



I keep telling others to come to either ID or another SEA country for a good wife. You WILL find one

>> No.24356942

Is this even food?

>> No.24356943
Quoted by: >>24356959

Are mushrooms allowed? I love mushrooms on my pizza.

>> No.24356945
Quoted by: >>24356953

Even Roberu is hopping on the Nostalgic Train!

>> No.24356947

Towa and Korone practicing their English together!

>> No.24356948
Quoted by: >>24356964

I wonder why they went away with them. It's very Twitch-esque.

>> No.24356949

Yea but then you have to be in SEA, is it really worth it?

>> No.24356950

What the fuck is going in this picture? Banana topping..? Noodles, bread crumbs...? And those cluck of meat pieces?

>> No.24356952

Iofi went to college so she's already more educated and out of most anons league.

>> No.24356953


>> No.24356954

He picked "should" for 波及しそうだし which was kind of a poor choice on his part.

>> No.24356955

It looks like trash

>> No.24356957
File: 445 KB, 463x720, 1592590444437.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to have missionary sex in the dark while holding hands for the expressed purpose of combating Japan's declining birthrate with Mio!

>> No.24356959

Mushrooms are vegetables, dumbo.

>> No.24356960

I don't get this interaction. Towa apparently takes note of what Korone says, but Korone also takes note of what Towa says?

>> No.24356961

That would suck. Affected: The Manor, Organ Quarter or Alien Isolation VR would be much better choices.

>> No.24356964

Miko used to have full on superchat notification sounds on her stream as well.

>> No.24356965

Just get a woman and leave

>> No.24356966


>> No.24356969

I'd eat this pizza.

>> No.24356970

>samefagging indogcucks

>> No.24356971
File: 443 KB, 1993x1329, abe-sama.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24356973

Then look up in the archive.

It was around the time she got her first salary at the end of march/start of april.
I can't remember which stream it was, maybe a member only stream?
It was around the time of this video:

>> No.24356974

Haatos very particular about her content so yes she tries very hard in a lot of what she puts out, also making sure her audience is having fun while she's having fun. She just throw things at the wall to see if they stick cause she's not a very expierenced entertainer and had a hard time figuring out what to do to make people like her a lot.

>> No.24356975
Quoted by: >>24357112

conservative women grow up to be shitty people, sure a liberal woman might be a bit more insufferable when she's young, but if you are going to be stuck with a woman when you're old, I'd rather it be someone who doesn't have archaic opinions.

>> No.24356976

Oh man I almost forgot that game was even a thing. Isn't there like six of them now?

>> No.24356977

The current wave of EOP fans is what I'm referring to
Stop getting your panties in a bunch

>> No.24356978

That thing has to have no integrity, it's going to fall apart the second you try and lift a slice.

>> No.24356979

Aki has in screen notifications for new members.

>> No.24356981

A lot of SEA countries are great to live in, Philippines is really nice

>> No.24356982

You'd probably be the equivalent of a millionaire there based on the currency conversion so maybe.

>> No.24356985

>>24356835 meant for >>24356888

>> No.24356988
Quoted by: >>24357072

Worse, I'm actually Australian.

>> No.24356990

Watching these streams have made me realize how lonely my life is.

>> No.24356992

I've seen them on the ID girls' streams as part of Streamlabs.

>> No.24356994
File: 241 KB, 600x1050, EZWcf5UUcAASNYS.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

best generation
best girls

>> No.24356995
Quoted by: >>24357129

This one is small and has some nice clips
Wether the translations are correct I don't know, but at least they get the message across

>> No.24356999

i could name 10 solely because of who i fap to the most

>> No.24357000

Someone post THAT image. You know the one im talking about

>> No.24357002

>Abe-sama was Mioposter all along
YAGOO Mio hoodie when?

>> No.24357004
File: 449 KB, 800x800, 1591722550615.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You dropped this fellow lonelychad

>> No.24357008

I play era games, do I fit in?

>> No.24357007

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vm3t3cKv7k8 Fubuki [APEX]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-EwKTpGUudA Roberu [Nostalgic Train]

>> No.24357009

Fubuki live!

>> No.24357012

Is there any particular reason why Rushia was the first of her gen to get a new outfit?

>> No.24357013


>> No.24357017

damn that's a cute fbk

>> No.24357018

I'd probably live in Thailand but that's about it.

>> No.24357019

>tfw can only communicate to Iofi in Japanese

>> No.24357022


>> No.24357023
Quoted by: >>24357287

When are we getting a HoloFantasy game YAGOO you FUCK?

>> No.24357024
Quoted by: >>24357147

Of all the SEA countries, you list the worst country to live in? Really?

>> No.24357025
Quoted by: >>24357156

Wake me up when Subaru start streaming or joins a collab.

>> No.24357027

Didn't you read the doujin? She works hard to please the execs

>> No.24357028


>> No.24357030

They played janken and Rushia won

>> No.24357031

>twintail FBK

>> No.24357032

take the night off okayu my wallet is running dry and i get paid tomorrow

>> No.24357037

Because she wanted it

>> No.24357040

remake your post without this gay shit

>> No.24357042

Look at all those akasupas

>> No.24357043


>> No.24357049

>Playing casual
What's the point

>> No.24357051
File: 665 KB, 800x999, 1590689426013.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yoisho! Can't wait to see how many supacha she gets!

>> No.24357052

She's one of Holos biggest earners.

>> No.24357053
Quoted by: >>24357100

She consistently earns the most, somehow always being top 3 despite no big events.

>> No.24357054

not even joking, they have the best chemistry out of all the holos, the are all very passionate about what they do and the fact that they're an actual group of friends greatly elevates their collabs

i'm hype for the gen 4 3Ds, but it will never be as good as theirs, plus flare is the only brown girl in all of holo live so that helps them

>> No.24357055

Question, why did Hololive go for HoloEN? Would have thought they'd go the route of Niji and have a HoloKR before reaching out to EOP's

>> No.24357056

You guys don't like banana chips, mystery meat, and ramen pizza?

>> No.24357057
File: 315 KB, 1524x2000, 1588413880395.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24357079

Maybe I'll take up the Sword of Islam after all.

>> No.24357058

She is getting members, is that goos enough?

>> No.24357060
Quoted by: >>24357147

This has to be a bait right

>> No.24357061
File: 122 KB, 672x672, 6C76A116-BEFF-42F4-B539-F7AF9DE6F752.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24357070

>> No.24357066

The sleepover stream was amazing.

>> No.24357068

Pretty neat: https://twitter.com/Hiiragi_Yuu/status/1274899471332147200

>> No.24357070

what a handsome lad

>> No.24357071

Isnt NijiKR going really poorly?

>> No.24357072
File: 793 KB, 800x1466, 1592687755383.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I was australian, I'd somehow find out where Haachama lives and stalk her.

>> No.24357075
Quoted by: >>24357159

Fubuki really makes it look easy, anytime someone like Matsuri or Roboco put out videos like that it's just missing that spark

>> No.24357077

trump gave her 2 bucks

>> No.24357078

I'm not a marketing genius but if I had to guess I'd say it's probably the fact that 30% of the comments in hololive chats are in english.

>> No.24357079

That's a rare gosling you have there friend.

>> No.24357080
Quoted by: >>24357093

Koreans dont care about vtubing

>> No.24357082

We know all of the hololives are pure virgins, but which one is the most likely to be a double virgin?

>> No.24357083
File: 1.47 MB, 946x1400, choco gun.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No SA

>> No.24357084
File: 150 KB, 1000x1478, 1584185084684.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24357086

brehs... i can't resist.. the urge... is too strong

>> No.24357087
File: 17 KB, 330x164, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Towa spotted in the wild

>> No.24357093

Why? They copy almost everything from Japanese entertainment.

>> No.24357094

Why be a vtuber in Korea when you can just get plastic surgery for cheap and join a C-list kpop group?

>> No.24357096
File: 3.75 MB, 1920x1080, Yoisho.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>me getting killed by FBK
feels good

>> No.24357099

Was looking through her description to see if there was a link to the fanart and
>Foxtail-Grass Studio/ハム
Oh cool, I had no idea about this.

>> No.24357100
Quoted by: >>24357310

>we will never hear YAGOO praising Rushia like he did for Aqua

>> No.24357101

Why would they go KR when KR is still all about kpop idols?

>> No.24357102

She'd kill you and feed you to the dingos

>> No.24357104

Box Hill, Melbourne, Australia.

>> No.24357105

But shes cute as hell

>> No.24357108

Yagoo saw all the EOPs in the live chats and saw dollar signs, hopefully it works out for him

>> No.24357109

They have plastics in place of vtuebrs.

>> No.24357112

At the very least she will respect you as a man and treat you well as long you do the same

>> No.24357113
Quoted by: >>24357143

Fucking snitch. I bet she's waiting for a chance to report to a manager to sabotage the stream.

>> No.24357115
Quoted by: >>24357179

FBK is terrible dude you should feel ashamed.

>> No.24357118
File: 157 KB, 990x1422, EaJM1D6U0AEl-uc.jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you have been blessed

>> No.24357119
Quoted by: >>24357146

That'd require going to Melbourne and I don't fancy being stabbed

>> No.24357121

based aussie

>> No.24357123

God I wish that was me

>> No.24357124
Quoted by: >>24357133

How did you find her though? Are you using matsuritracker?

>> No.24357127

Korea is big in mobages but not vtubers unfortunately

>> No.24357129

>Wether the translations are correct I don't know, but at least they get the message across
That sentence is self-contradictory.

>> No.24357130


>> No.24357131
File: 33 KB, 321x322, 1577074765527.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24357188

>holostars sing better than the hololives

>> No.24357133

I was just watching my wife's stream and there she was

>> No.24357134

there's just not that big of a market for it over here, our entertainment is saturated enough as it is. you wouldn't want us either, you already know the drama with niji KR, that's just how streamers are in korea. many of us just don't like the culture around it.

>> No.24357137

The window to my heart!

>> No.24357139

Can this be called stream snipping but reversed?

>> No.24357140
File: 286 KB, 2003x2048, fubuki dab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Gen 3>Gen 4>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Gen 1>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Gen 2

>> No.24357143
File: 847 KB, 350x350, tumbling into darkness.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24357157

Stopping saying such things about my wife.

>> No.24357144

Which server?

>> No.24357146
Quoted by: >>24357158

higher chance of being stabbed of sydney by a mudslime

>> No.24357147


>Insulting Philippines
>It's literally a paradise right now

Okay Americans..

>> No.24357148


>> No.24357150


>> No.24357154

Yea really sucks, I don't think I've even interacted with a girl on a personal level in about a year. And all my friends are chatting with me less and less since they're getting married and having kids and stuff. Falling into the hole was nice at first but when I think about my real life outside of the chuubas I get a pain in my chest.

>> No.24357156

Don't forget her collab with her mama.

>> No.24357157
File: 1.18 MB, 600x338, 1586311256545.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24357158
Quoted by: >>24357166

Good thing I don't live in that shithole either

>> No.24357159

FBK seems like the type who can do one take and throw it out there without caring how it actually turned out.

>> No.24357160
File: 16 KB, 210x309, 46CCAD2B-C06C-4881-AB10-2EC08DDBAC6D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24357193

>Just looked through the archive of the last 2 threads

What a mess holy fuck

>> No.24357166


>> No.24357168
Quoted by: >>24357253

The fuck you mean bro? I'm stuck in my condominium and out of a job. Vtubers are my only release from the dread I have of my financial stability

>> No.24357170

Here is your (You)

>> No.24357172

One day your favorite holo will graduate and theyll delete all their streams

>> No.24357173

whos the retard who mixed this

at least put a tiny fade in so it isn't so abrupt

>> No.24357174

Cabaret gen. They have nothing that makes them stand out other than milk their audience and tell otaku stories to pander. Literally the catering gen.

>> No.24357176


>> No.24357179

She has terrible aim. I hit her once and stopped because I felt bad killing her. I also want to see her win for once lol.

>> No.24357183

Become your own friend. Start talking to your reflection in a mirror.

>> No.24357187
Quoted by: >>24357253

I'm a fucking flip you retarded burger

>> No.24357188

It really is a mystery. I think my holo doesn't even have a singing coach.

>> No.24357189
File: 2.75 MB, 2247x3771, EbB7_ZNU4AEwMaB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24357190

Actually Gen 4 has some good chemistry too. The only problem is Towa...

>> No.24357193
Quoted by: >>24357206

Stop your reclining popularity first Coco

>> No.24357194
Quoted by: >>24357255

Gen2 is a strange gen, objectively it's strong, but it feels disjointed somehow.

>> No.24357195
File: 683 KB, 1920x2160, 1592452618332.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24357197
Quoted by: >>24357236

Okay list out three good reasons to live there

>> No.24357198

Yes and?

>> No.24357200


>> No.24357201

literal stacy.

>> No.24357203
Quoted by: >>24357231


>> No.24357204


>> No.24357206
File: 230 KB, 316x331, FCF9BC93-A4A3-423E-80F0-1E278F20EFB2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Black Organization
Please send help

>> No.24357209

thanks as always

>> No.24357210
File: 210 KB, 406x525, 1592261315921.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop it

>> No.24357213
Quoted by: >>24357264

Where do the gamers fit in?

>> No.24357216
File: 200 KB, 633x633, 1591251327326.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not if I graduate first!

>> No.24357217

>flare wants to watch a movie
>Somehow ends up at noel studios and watches it with her
>Marine calls pekora at fucking 1am in the morning because she's horny
>Pekora instantly picks up
>Always watching each other's streams
>That entire shitfest that was the sleepover stream
And that's just from the past week or so, I really cannot wait for the full gen 3 3D collab

>> No.24357218
File: 2.22 MB, 498x280, swing swing.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24357264

gen 2 is the best gen
gen 2 is the best gen
gen 2 is the best gen
gen 2 is the best gen
gen 2 is the best gen
gen 2 is the best gen

>> No.24357220

I love twin tails Subaru.

>> No.24357222

Do not do this please. My balls are too drained as it is and I might end up cumming blood.

>> No.24357223
Quoted by: >>24357295

where the fuck are their noses

>> No.24357225
Quoted by: >>24357264

Gen 1 and 2 have more wholesome girls

>> No.24357227
File: 142 KB, 543x455, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24357228

I think Matsuri masturbates to this video everyday

>> No.24357229

And they will even better in my memories

>> No.24357230
Quoted by: >>24357392

I wish i could help Marine

>> No.24357231
File: 277 KB, 463x724, 1590489860676.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24357232

>I also want to see her win for once lol.
You did it, good job

>> No.24357233


>> No.24357234


>> No.24357235

They're all already burned into my soul anyways.

>> No.24357236
Quoted by: >>24357278

Low cost of living
Everyone speaks English
Very friendly and nice people

>> No.24357238

first round champion

>> No.24357240
Quoted by: >>24357329

anon helped fubuki win!

>> No.24357241

That Gibraltar really carried FBK

>> No.24357243

>that's huge, brother
>lets go dude

>> No.24357244

she's trying to leech off popular holos now. First it was Aqua, then it was Coco, then it was Kaoru, now it's Risu.

>> No.24357246
Quoted by: >>24357329

She won. You may have set her on the path to victory by letting her live.

>> No.24357248
File: 133 KB, 850x661, 15B00B51-50A2-4471-9DB9-BA4CCEC99A31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Matsuri-chan, are you a virgin?

>Uh.. y-you’re pretty

>> No.24357249

I don't get it, how can you tell it's FBK before you got killed though?

>> No.24357250

I'll kill myself before that happens

>> No.24357253

And? You must be a self hating one, our country is great

Look bro, I'm sorry about your situation but that's not with everyone right now. It'll get better

>> No.24357255

Aqua's off doing her own thing like the autist she is, sometimes with shion. Subaru is more known for OKFAMS and miosuba than gen 2 at this point, ayame barely streams, shion yo... and choco literally plays nothing but ark

>> No.24357257
Quoted by: >>24357329

gj anon, now give her an akasupa to save her for real

>> No.24357258

>ZUN aka composer god and 2hu man
>5 2hus
>Best game
SA specifically stage 2 and 6

>> No.24357260
Quoted by: >>24357269

I've already started archiving all their videos.

>> No.24357262
File: 62 KB, 370x329, 1591219869663.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24357271


>> No.24357263

>Coco's 3D debut this month

What the fuck is Cover thinking?

>> No.24357264
Quoted by: >>24357275

between 1 and 2
>Gen 1 and 2 have more yawn-worthy girls

>> No.24357268

Milking as much money as possible before the company goes under

>> No.24357269
Quoted by: >>24357315

How do you grab the ones from blbl?

>> No.24357271

I watch this video every day.

>> No.24357273


>> No.24357275
Quoted by: >>24357293

you're supposed to look at the coin

>> No.24357276

Coco is going to be one of those really weird ones in 3d because she's nowhere near as tall as her character is supposed to be

>> No.24357278

So those are the reasons that makes it a paradise? Fine

>> No.24357280

Hashikawa is eternally BASED for putting Matsuri on eternal suicide watch

>> No.24357282
Quoted by: >>24357306

this is why im not bothering with learning jap, once shes gone ill be able to start watching anime again DUBBED

>> No.24357283
Quoted by: >>24357350

>Everyone is going to be trying to make eye contact with her in the 3d collabs but they just end up staring at her tits

>> No.24357284
Quoted by: >>24357314

Clearly they never think. Coco's superchat money for her 3D debut is going to be gimped since her small dedicated paypigs are out of cash from her birthday plus voice packs

>> No.24357287

I hope it's a fighting game

>> No.24357288
Quoted by: >>24357314

Unironically a bad decision, should have waited for Coco’s gachikois to get their salary, all of them have been fully drained this month.

>> No.24357290

Fuck this generation shit, OKFAMS is where all the fun is.

>> No.24357292

Haven't you learned by now? Money never runs out as long as you start a new stream. You can't get a lot in one stream, but if you do multiple streams, it just works.

>> No.24357293

oh let me try again........................................................................................................................................................................................................Aqua is the only good thing to come outta Gen 2

>> No.24357294

>Everybody stares at Coco's thunder tits
>Coco extreme hoverhands everybody by a meter above their heads

>> No.24357295
File: 1.09 MB, 1920x2160, 1592799381065.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

right here bro

>> No.24357297

On the plus side her character is exactly as tall as i am so i can use her to imagine how tall the other holos would be next to me

>> No.24357298
File: 78 KB, 463x352, 1574042166665.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24357302
Quoted by: >>24357325

All these talks about which gen is the best gen, when we already know which one's the BEST gen: https://files.catbox.moe/da3nbq.webm

>> No.24357303
File: 25 KB, 416x430, 1576887870156.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24357306

>tfw one day you'll have learned Japanese and go back to rewatch your holo
>you're finally able to understand them, but she's not around anymore

>> No.24357307


>> No.24357309


>> No.24357310

No one is proud of what Rushia is, but she's necessary

>> No.24357312

てぇてぇhas a different meaning coming from Matsuri.
Hoshikawa knew how dangerous this was!

>> No.24357313

/hlg/ saves FBK once again!

>> No.24357314

Corporate bootlickers never cease to amaze me

>> No.24357315

I hadn't thought of that at all honestly.
Good thing Pekora doesn't use it anymore. I think.
I honestly can't even tell. Fuck bilibili is annoying as hell to navigate.
But I'm pretty sure youtube-dl can grab videos from bili bili

>> No.24357317

If you think that's good, the current 5ch narrative is that all of gen4's 3D is going to follow one week after another IE: The 27th, The 4th, The 11th, The 18th, the 25th

>> No.24357319

it's something

>> No.24357320

oh yea fuck that then, that would actually make me kill myself

>> No.24357321
File: 38 KB, 451x407, 1592799895382.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24357324
Quoted by: >>24357336

How the fuck are those posts bootlicking

>> No.24357325

Hearing Miko sing and look like an idol is a blessing.

>> No.24357327
File: 16 KB, 428x424, that_ryan_gosling_stare.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24357328

What? All i care about is Coco making as much money as possible because i love her, Cover can go fuck itself.

>> No.24357329
Quoted by: >>24357345

Their Gib did all the work. I'm just glad she finally won something for once.

>> No.24357332
File: 1.15 MB, 3500x2459, 1592685017446.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good lord I want to impregnate fbk's butt

>> No.24357336

Unironically bemoaning a corporation not exploiting consumers more

>> No.24357337
Quoted by: >>24357392

>Marine calls pekora at fucking 1am in the morning because she's horny
For what purpose?

>> No.24357338

You can't do this to me anon...

>> No.24357340


>> No.24357342

This is a terrible feeling.

>> No.24357344

Are they trying to burn out their audience?
At this rate they will have a new live event in 2 months.

>> No.24357345

well she is gold after all, ill just pretend shes like me and doesnt give a shit when it comes to normals then goes full tryhard in ranked except fubuki wont put her fist through the wall

>> No.24357346

I can get behind this narrative

>> No.24357349

I can sorta get why if they want to get them out ASAP for other things + holo summer is also on the way so they need to make space for that

>> No.24357350

There's a part in Marine's stream where she makes fun of Marine who can't think of anything to say back so she just throws a soft jab at her and I couldn't help but think she'd be hitting her in the crotch.

>> No.24357351
Quoted by: >>24357359

Nice reading comprehension retard

>> No.24357352
File: 104 KB, 795x920, 1592063318125.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24357365

Same but every Hololive butt.

>> No.24357358
File: 436 KB, 890x1080, 455D37AB-3D59-4D87-84FC-BBF10E06142A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24357380

This makes no sense at all, are you ok anon?

>> No.24357357

ending it all right now

>> No.24357359

Nice double digit IQ shoe shiner

>> No.24357360

How do you guys know how tall she really is

>> No.24357361

But I want Coco to get MORE money from her 3D debut just like the other girls.

>> No.24357363

aquas bp is mine

>> No.24357364
File: 114 KB, 360x344, advanceddepressedfubuki.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You hurt me in a deep and fundamental level...

>> No.24357365
File: 1.65 MB, 810x756, 1586589367674.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holobutts are a blessing

>> No.24357366 [DELETED] 

redpill me on tamaki
why do people hate her now?

>> No.24357367

>FBK will never res you in apex while going "yoishio"
just let me die

>> No.24357369

not holo

>> No.24357371

peko isn't a trap why did they draw balls

>> No.24357374

>every other gen gets a 3D debut once a month
>gen 4 debuts within a span of one month
Remember when 3D debuts were a special thing?

>> No.24357375

Now is a good time to cash in before Coco's popularity declines further and further.

>> No.24357376

man APEX is such a wild game at times
modern FPS are like sensory overload to me, there's so much happening

>> No.24357377

The only bad thing that came out of gen 2 is Choco

>> No.24357378

>ywn give her a big red raging supacha in her butt

>> No.24357380
Quoted by: >>24357387

I'm definitely doing better than an off-topic slutposter

>> No.24357382

I don't like this gif because it looks like she has a "peko" that she shouldn't have...

>> No.24357383
File: 229 KB, 1756x988, 【3Dコラボ】そらみこでライブに向けてアイドルレッスン!💓~【ときのそら_さくらみこ】-9naJKEZwb3E.mp4_snapshot_01.06.28_[2020.01.18_15.04.58].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will always remember these times with a warm feeling in the future..

>> No.24357385
Quoted by: >>24357420


>> No.24357384

What can you do when covid fucks your plans this hard. Had japan not gone into state of emergency we'd probably see one every 2 weeks or so and have them all out by now

>> No.24357387
File: 183 KB, 842x1200, EXU2bXSUEAAFzPX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24357398

who's posting off-topic sluts?

>> No.24357388
File: 104 KB, 724x1023, 1592712624157.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who are the best artists on Twitter for Hololive porn? I need to update my feed.

>> No.24357390

They're trying to get 3D debuts out of the way before 2nd wave makes the country go into lockdown again. probably.

>> No.24357391
Quoted by: >>24357441

I'd write her a single, heartfelt mail even knowing she'll never reply. It would be giving closure to something important to me.

>> No.24357392

Sometimes when you gotta go, you gotta go
She wants someone that tries to run away from her so you already failed the first checkbox

>> No.24357393

Cover needs money because Aqua is graduating soon.

>> No.24357397 [DELETED] 
File: 278 KB, 645x1260, Festival is over.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24357409


>> No.24357398


>> No.24357399

You guys want to see something hilarious? This is the first post i've ever made on /hlg/.
Two months ago, when i had the illusion that /jp/ was one of 4chan's best boards, one of the few that still gatekeeped newfags to maintain quality, and i came here with the intent of being super respectful and trying to learn the board culture properly not to embarrass myself. If only i knew the shitshow that these threads are, with doxxfags coming in literally every day. How naive i was.

>> No.24357403
Quoted by: >>24357411


>tfw my favorite holo will never kill me

>> No.24357408

Did Luna get a lot of supacha when she graduated last time?

>> No.24357409

Kill yourself.

>> No.24357411

They get to marry you instead

>> No.24357414

Jokes on you I'm never learning Japanese

>> No.24357415

Honestly, this very same thread could be on any board and it would be the exact same. /jp/ is still a """decent""" board among the trash that is 4chan today.

>> No.24357417

If you really care, stop giving attention to shitposters like you're doing now and stay on topic.

>> No.24357418

This thread isn't representative of /jp/, it's pretty much a /v/ colony. Most posters here have never posted on /jp/ outside of this thread at all.

>> No.24357420

She's a fucking dork

>> No.24357421

How do I unsubscribe from this blog?

>> No.24357422
File: 155 KB, 370x329, 1589441204157.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

former EOPbros
how did you handle the "mental resistance" on learning nip? I always go around either browsing the chuubas' archives or lazily browse here instead of doing my reps

>> No.24357423

That's not Roberu!

>> No.24357424

I mean it's about time they got their 3D

>> No.24357426
Quoted by: >>24357517

I fucking remember you, what the fuck

>> No.24357427
Quoted by: >>24357438

I just want Aqua to collab with one of her sisters before she graduates.

>> No.24357428


>> No.24357429

Do your reps on the phone as a distraction from other responsibilities.

>> No.24357431
File: 471 KB, 480x480, watame.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24357432

The real "mental resistance" is leaving this place. Learning nip is fun when there's nothing else going on in your life. I don't play games, watch shows, do anything other than hololive.

>> No.24357435

Gatekeeping is a meme. Every board gets exposed to shitposting lol.

>> No.24357436
File: 246 KB, 920x1440, 09d87f6db24d9d26566a4e8409f0c95e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24357452

Imagine Korone using your face as her seat during one of her long 12+ hour streams. You would feel the full weight of her body pressing her fat, warm, shapely rump right onto your face. Your nose would be buried deeply between her cheeks and you'd have no choice but to sniff the sweaty scent of her anus filtered through soft panties washed with cheap detergent. Every once in a while she would wiggle and adjust herself, letting you get some fresh air before her large bottom squishes against your face again.

>> No.24357437

This guy has some pretty good Luna and Haachama. He's done some Marine too

>> No.24357438

If this is how we get comfy Aqua ASMR, I'm okay with it.

>> No.24357439

Don't reply, report and move along. You are part of the problem if you don't do these easy 3 steps

>> No.24357441

>your holo isn't around anymore, but YAGOO still has access to the account and roleplays her for you

>> No.24357444

not gonna lie, that shit got me

>> No.24357447
Quoted by: >>24357532


>> No.24357448 [SPOILER] 
File: 564 KB, 680x677, 1592800968605.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24357466


>> No.24357450
File: 2.52 MB, 530x700, 1592724092939.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24357460

If they delete all their streams, that's just them trying to help you let go.

Did you just watch this too? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xFrE5q5zJQU

>> No.24357452

Gachikoi Lives Matter

"I can't breathe"

>> No.24357453

Why would anybody post in any threads on /jp/ other than this one? They're all full of faggot nerd shit.

>> No.24357454
Quoted by: >>24357492

Just think about that fact that you could be talking with your chuuba if you knew nip instead of talking to a bunch of random people on the internet

>> No.24357459

thats not true, i came here once 10 years ago on a /b/ raid back when /v/ was good

>> No.24357460

Look at her go!

>> No.24357461

>That cunt who said 5/10
I’m gonna deck him

>> No.24357463

do you believe her?

>> No.24357464
File: 734 KB, 960x720, 1589684653741.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After watching anime for years, taking classes of very basic jap for about 12 months, and some duolingo, I can understand about 60% of what's being said without even paying attention.
Most subbed clips somehow can't even translate basic shit properly.

>> No.24357466
File: 406 KB, 532x523, nooooo2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24357470

Which hololive would be best for anal?

>> No.24357471
Quoted by: >>24357601

Japan won't get a second wave. The only reason a ''second wave'' is happening in the US is because of the protests and ''protests''.

>> No.24357473
File: 68 KB, 612x706, 20200620_211159.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

goodnight /hlg/, im glad things have calmed down since earlier! ive been busy but i managed to rewatch rikkas 3d debut to see any details i missed and...he really is cute. holopro is full of cute people! each and every one of them deserves our support too, lets wish the best for all of them! fubiki and roberu are both streaming right now, so lets give them a like!

astel has been really cute on twitter recently, hes a lot happier after his break, im really happy for him. i wonder how quickly he will hit 10k? lets aim for the end of the week! im sure thats possible, especially since hes streaming most days. todays clip is a clip showing how bad he is with horror games, isnt he cute...i feel bad for him because im also bad with horror, but him being scared makes me feel braver somehow
also, izuru is premiering a new cover in 7 hours, make sure to tune in! hes one of the best singers in holostars, so dont miss it

>> No.24357474
File: 44 KB, 475x433, 1590361868475.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright anons

Tell me your biggest Hololive fantasy, be it lewd or pure

>> No.24357476


>> No.24357477
Quoted by: >>24357487

Is Watame sick or something? Why did she go to the hospital?

>> No.24357480 [SPOILER] 
File: 96 KB, 291x272, 1592801147890.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24357510

who indeed?

>> No.24357481

A genie turns me into a japanese girl and I join the 5th gen of Hololive and everyone loves me and I have lots of friends and lots of fun.

>> No.24357485

Get Kanatan to swear in spanish

>> No.24357487

For a checkup since her throat wasn't feeling so great.
Says her vocal chords are fine but she has slight swelling in the general area so she's resting and drinking some bitter medicine.

>> No.24357488
Quoted by: >>24357498

For every day you don't do your reps, do 10 more pushups every day for the rest of the month. You'll either learn nip or get jacked.

I didn't get jacked

>> No.24357489

Lulu joining so I can post about her with my friends

>> No.24357490

My biggest fantasy is to meet my favorite holo and enter a healthy relationship with her where every day is fun and i'm not so lonely anymore. You tell me.

>> No.24357492

But what if you're an autistic sperg who can't into conversation in English. What are your chances in Japanese?

>> No.24357493

>doxxfags hurt me and my holo
Literally why people continue ''doxxing'' Holos.

>> No.24357494

She's a leech.

>> No.24357495

I want to marry my wife and have a sexual intercourse in a missionary position for the sole purpose of procreation

>> No.24357496
File: 102 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

being able to hold okayu while she sits on my lap playing RPGs under a blanket

>> No.24357498

squats and oats, anon

>> No.24357500


>> No.24357501

This general is still good at certain times. The bad threads are just so much worse now and threy barely got to that point within this last week. I wonder why that is.

>> No.24357503

Roboco is powerful

>> No.24357504

Sora is my mother and raises me properly.

>> No.24357507

Why does everyone in HoloLive says 草 and Tee-Tee?

>> No.24357508

This, but I want to make it happen for real because I am a delusional retard.

>> No.24357509

I want to be able to meet them irl
And thank them for making me happy

>> No.24357510
Quoted by: >>24357538

I'm sorry, but I just can't lewd Miko.

>> No.24357512

Aqua going pro in League

>> No.24357513

Coco's futa cock is so big she can fuck her own ass

>> No.24357514

My chuuba and his fans being really happy with their lifes

>> No.24357515

grass tea is nice and popular among viewers

>> No.24357516

Why does everyone in 4chan say nigger and fag?

>> No.24357517

Niot that anon but one time i got recognized because i posted on /a/ about a specific prefence i have and then posted about it again in a thread on /vg/ like 3 days later. It's really bizarre how you can recognize posters even in this purely anonymous environement.

>> No.24357518


>> No.24357519

why is haachama so good at the whole "shitpost made into a video" thing
how do we beat her

>> No.24357521 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>24357570

Ayame collabs with Towa in an FPS game and tells Towa that she sucks, then Towa has a mental breakdown over it and ends up graduating.

>> No.24357520

Being one of her friends that she'll ask to come and play games with, on a play date, for an opinion, advice, help fixing her computer, you know the deal since I'll never be good enough to be the one who takes care of her forever. I don't mind settling for this.

>> No.24357522

a social bitch with menhera traits

>> No.24357523

Korone to be my friend so we can play retro kusoge together

>> No.24357524

Having Towa berates me.

>> No.24357525

This >>24357490
Playing GTA with Miko would be fun too and an achievable dream.

>> No.24357526

Learning Japanese gets more enjoyable as you go on. Of course you will hate reading practice when it's 90% just looking up words, but the more often you do it, the more it becomes just reading - same for listening. Eventually you hit a point where you can read most casual Japanese online without a resource, and the words you do know exceed the words you don't. This is where you hit your stride IMO, and you'll no longer dislike practice until you start reading books and the process begins again. But really, I hit this point and now it pretty much learns itself.


>> No.24357527

Because they're brain-damaged.
Because they're pandering to the brain-damaged.

>> No.24357528

holoEN succeeding.

>> No.24357529

So if what Kanata said is true about only getting around 20, 000 yen a month, does that mean Cover only pays them minimum wage for every hour they stream? According to Google, Tokyo minimum wage is at around 900 yen. Assuming they stream every day of the month (30 days) for an hour, it totals to 27,000 yen before tax. That's kinda fucked if it works like that, would rather they get a decent base salary instead.

>> No.24357531

Aqua coming back and not retiring i mean graduating

>> No.24357532

>Towa and Korone interacted
>The Koronefag Kenzoku is nowhere to be found.

>> No.24357533

I had a dream where I was in the same apartment building as someone's roommate and I managed to catch her using her tuber voice while walking up to the unit
I said that I recognized her and I was proud of her work, she said that she was happy and that I should keep it a secret

>> No.24357534

To see one of them (ok, Pekora) break through and become a mainstream celebrity in Japan

>> No.24357536
Quoted by: >>24357544

I want my holo to slaughter everyone who responded to this in earnest

>> No.24357537

goodnight astelposter

>> No.24357538
Quoted by: >>24357575

That's fine because I'll do it for you until she's addicted to nothing else but my cock.

>> No.24357539
Quoted by: >>24357571

She's not one of the big guns

>> No.24357540

It turns out she was actually a trap.
Who knew?

>> No.24357542

You forgot かわいい and エリート!

>> No.24357543

didint izuru release a new cover last week? he going hard

>> No.24357544
Quoted by: >>24357551

I hope your Holo is Aqua and I hope she slaughters me by sitting on me.

>> No.24357546

The salary would be different for older gens.

>> No.24357547

A little thought experiment for people who aren't American : Say hololive, for some inexplicable reason, opened a branch on your country. What would a holo from there be like? What kind of stereotype their character would embody?

>> No.24357549

As soon as she officially comes out with Sugita, Peko will be the first truly mainstream Vtuber celebrity.

>> No.24357550
Quoted by: >>24357571

They're only actually required to stream 3 times a week, so it's a bit more reasonable if you think about it like that.

>> No.24357551

Aqua is not fat!

>> No.24357552

Bless you Astelbro, he had some fun interactions with Shien and Izuru earlier. That was nice to see. I've also been looking for his ダダダ tenshi lately, so if you could direct me there if you already know, that would be nice.

>> No.24357553

I don't think any of the holo are close to Tsukino Mito and Sio's mainstream popularity for that yet. Even FBK can't book gigs with mainstream figures like those two.

>> No.24357554

Risu gf so she can use my PC for more streaming opportunities, and so I can know that she's happy...

>> No.24357556
Quoted by: >>24357572

A talking tree person that swears a whole lot.

>> No.24357560

Hugging Noel in bed. Just that, hugging eachother until we both fall asleep

>> No.24357563

Whatever you say Aqua. Get off 4chan and start streaming again!

>> No.24357564

Holding hand with Pekora

>> No.24357565


>> No.24357566

The only chuuba I've ever dreamt about was Haachama for some reason

>> No.24357567

Eritto Ingurishu~

>> No.24357568
Quoted by: >>24357581

I had a dream today were I got scolded by Sora for making a bad misinterpreted comment based on a meme which I would never write in real life..

>> No.24357569

Having a Towa gf and best friend to share both good and bad things with. Basically my current life plus Towa.

>> No.24357570
Quoted by: >>24357594

pussy too scared of the family attacking him

>> No.24357571

Does anyone know if there's been information leaked regarding minimum streaming hours required? 30 hours a month? 15? 10?

>3 times a week
So just 12 hours a month, nice

>> No.24357572


>> No.24357573

I already applied, but regardless if they opened, I'd apply again. I'd be a lonely deadpan but empathetic hikkyloser who'd do outdoor streams in the forests if the iphone streaming would allow that to youtube. Also a bit autistic about racing games and alcohol.

>> No.24357575

As long as she can still make videos

>> No.24357576
Quoted by: >>24357587

>tanned alcoholic slut with a foul mouth
I'd say I wish we could just keep Haachama but I don't wish Australia upon Haachama.

>> No.24357577
Quoted by: >>24357590

You sound like someone who thinks they're way more interesting than they are

>> No.24357580

I think provincial people are generally nicer and Manila kind of sucks to live in but it's where most of the business is at. Cebu is a good mix of both provincial and metropolitan living in the right places where you can own a business and also build a mansion in the "suburbs"/outskirts if you want to, and a has a good mix of nature from beaches to actually cool climate mountains. Bacolod in Negros is great for very chill and relaxed living with a mainly agrarian society outside of the city, outside the rotational blackouts on the weekends (but if you're a foreigner you can probably afford a generator or just do what locals do and spend time at businesses). All of this is out of lockdown, right now it's pretty fucking shit no matter where you are. t. Burger in Flipland

>> No.24357582
File: 3.44 MB, 2745x3680, EalxnvaU8AABeJE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24357581

it's your conscience telling you to stop being such a shitposter

>> No.24357585

Going on a date with Towa that starts out awkward but ends up being a real blast and the start of a beautiful relationship.

>> No.24357587

fuck that give me a bogan who just slams down bourbon and smokes cones all day holostarEN please hire me

>> No.24357588
Quoted by: >>24357617

HoloBR. Truly something that should never be realized. Probably a football-playing brown tomboy? Which by the way is not representative of woman here at all so it would surely be disastrous in that regard. Just give her a samba dancer outfit and everyone's happy.

>> No.24357590
Quoted by: >>24357604

That hurt me even if it wasn't me you're replying to
Fuck you

>> No.24357591

I want to play through the coop campaigns for halo 1-3 with Miko.

Sorry if that's too degenerate

>> No.24357592


>> No.24357593

Lords of the Locker Room but with Marine and Korone

>> No.24357594

it was too mean-spirited

>> No.24357595

HoloCN already exists

>> No.24357596

I'd like to go to a baseball game with PPT and Korone.

>> No.24357598

Why do whiteknights love Towa so much? It's common knowledge that any woman with a lot of male friends has never been single for long. Towa 100% has a boyfriend right now.

>> No.24357601
Quoted by: >>24357815

everybody getting hit with a second wave of covid this coming winter, but americans going to be hit the hardest because of their poor job during the first wave and the protests

>> No.24357604

I only said it because it also applies to me, if that makes you feel any better

>> No.24357605

Who cares, I just enjoy watching her
I want to wife another holo

>> No.24357607

Colombia here, she would be an Amazoness warrior that is drunk almost every time and knows how to make some good coffee

>> No.24357608
File: 305 KB, 1920x1088, unnamed1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24357642


>> No.24357609

You cracked the code, white knights are cucks.

>> No.24357610

This makes sense to me, I'm glad it happened at all, but sucks we're still in this potentially forever.

>> No.24357613
File: 374 KB, 447x462, 1590212909184.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is your favorite korone meme?

>> No.24357617
File: 2.77 MB, 2841x4000, 77891524_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24357640

Who is your favorite holo huebro?

>> No.24357621
Quoted by: >>24357647

Go to a Suisei concert and then she lets me enter backstage.

>> No.24357620

Stop projecting Rushianigger.

>> No.24357622

FBK on the incline!

>> No.24357623

Her saying the GTA word

>> No.24357625

>A gaucho, someone from a villa, a cocky girl.
I think it could work, somehow

>> No.24357627


>> No.24357630


>> No.24357631

They will never be honest with their wages but I'd imagine they got minimum wage salary just to be an employee of Cover then receives bonuses based on their performance.

I doubt these girls would continue working with YAGOO if they were compensated with peanuts. Especially Subaru.

>> No.24357632
File: 2.94 MB, 1920x1080, 1589630756177.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24357654

Imagine the smell.

>> No.24357634

Mio is definitely the basedest of holos.

>> No.24357639
File: 5 KB, 156x156, coco surprise.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You, Haachama, Pekora and Miko are all stranded on an island. You have to choose one to:
>sacrifice themselves and eat their corpse
>go out and explore the island for supplies
>stay at camp with you to fuck
Which ones do you pick for which tasks?

>> No.24357640
File: 402 KB, 1920x2000, 1589868113792.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haachama, she's too precious

>> No.24357641

Aqua listens to Tupac.

>> No.24357642
Quoted by: >>24357762

Dude why are you posting member stuff here?

>> No.24357643

I hope she does have a bf, and is on the way towards creating a big, happy family that Abe would be proud of.

>> No.24357644

Izuru is pretty based, check him out

>> No.24357647

I want to enter Suisei's backstage.

>> No.24357648
Quoted by: >>24357695


>> No.24357649
Quoted by: >>24357669

eat miko, peko goes exploring while i fuck haachama all day

>> No.24357650

I really enjoy how quickly she can bring out clipart and start something. Hammering youtube itself is a favorite of mine.

>> No.24357651
Quoted by: >>24357659

Just look at Vocaroofag, and you know why I don't want a Holo branch here.

>> No.24357652
Quoted by: >>24357669

I sacrifice myself so that Pekora and Miko can fuck while Haachama finds supplies

>> No.24357654
File: 3.94 MB, 422x318, SNIFFFF.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Okayu in this moment

>> No.24357655

Just your tipical fujoshit, a mariachi girl, narco girl and some dancer girl.
And yeah, it could work here.

>> No.24357656
Quoted by: >>24357675

Does her gaijin summoning word count?

>> No.24357657

piki piki

>> No.24357659

Where is vocaroofag from anyway? Some SEA shithole i presume by how he sounds. Either that or Canada.

>> No.24357661
Quoted by: >>24357676

Sacrifice Peko, rabbits are tasty
Tell Haachama to explore and gather supplies
Fuck Mikochi.

>> No.24357662

Pekora ears regenerate really fast.

>> No.24357664

I will kill both Haachama and myself so Pekora and Miko can fuck and survive.

>> No.24357665

Go out because I don't want to see their faces

>> No.24357667

I can't imagine what someone from HoloPH should be. What the fuck
Naisip ko basurero dahil kay Miko

>> No.24357668

I choose the option 4:
>Find a hidden alcohol stash and drink together until a rescue party finds us!

>> No.24357670

>Unga Bunga jungle sex

>> No.24357669
Quoted by: >>24357681

>killing Miko
That's not very cash money of you, Anon...
>killing yourself
Noble, but foolish

>> No.24357672

I love Towa and I'm no whiteknight, I made fun of her jacking off people on stream for weeks before actually watching her and joining the family. I think she just hit all the right notes for me, her voice, her sense of humour, her attitude towards games and her mami's amazing design, but most of all her habits/manners were something between what I am and what I want to be and that made me stick with her.

>> No.24357675

I know you're referring to HEY GUUUUUUYS but recently she just said X-potato five times in a row and flooded the chat with eops instantly, it was actually funny

>> No.24357676

>Tell Haachama to explore and gather supplies
Congratulations! You have died.

>> No.24357678

I'm assuming he's from the same shithole I'm from, Singapore

>> No.24357681
Quoted by: >>24357711

You're the fool, once they eat me I'll be a part of them forever.

>> No.24357684
Quoted by: >>24357711

Eat pekora because for the rabbit meat, send miko to look for supplies since she would do a good job at that, I guess fuck haachama but she would mainly be there for moral support I dont want retarded children.

>> No.24357688
Quoted by: >>24357707

i like experienced women
virgin women suck at sex

>> No.24357690

>eat miko
>send haachama to finds supplies
>fuck the rabbit

>> No.24357691
File: 61 KB, 624x624, 1591741171822.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24358068

The Madonna-Whore Dichotomy (MWD) denotes polarized perceptions of women in general as either “good,” chaste, and pure Madonnas or as “bad,” promiscuous, and seductive whores. According to the theories this arises from unresolved sexual complexes or evolved psychological tendencies, I present the argument that Towafags have inadvertently
flipped this dichotomic tendency at the moment Towa suffered the yabee incident, this event acted as a trigger wherein most anons paradoxically shifted their image of Towa from a perceived whore to a Madonna irregardless of the evidence provided.

>> No.24357692
Quoted by: >>24357726

Your favourite holo will never be your girlfriend, m8. No matter how much money you shovel her way.

>> No.24357693

Haachama stew sounds good, especially with how smelly her feet is.

>> No.24357694
Quoted by: >>24357713

Sexy Deep Voice

>> No.24357696

Bighead Matsuri...

>> No.24357695


>> No.24357697
Quoted by: >>24358781

>Also a bit autistic about racing games and alcohol.
Filling up racing niche could be a big hit for you desu.
Your fanbase will be full of people who are rich enough to have racing rigs and/or people who actually have a bunch of cars and rice them and they might throw a bunch of money for you.

>> No.24357698
Quoted by: >>24357706

Honestly I have no idea. Nothing good ever comes out of this shithole.

>> No.24357699
File: 249 KB, 367x366, The retard sees a retard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24357717

This. Imagine trusting Haachama with your life

>> No.24357700

I hope she has a bf, I also hope the older holos (age-wise) have families.

>> No.24357704

>Some SEA shithole i presume by how he sounds. Either that or Canada.
I laughed more than I should lo seinto

>> No.24357705
Quoted by: >>24357760

you got the clip of that?

>> No.24357706
Quoted by: >>24357720

It would be probably a "flaite" or a "huasa"

>> No.24357707

But you're never going to have sex with her. So you're basically saying you like women when they've had sex with lots of men for some reason that isn't related to your chances with them.

>> No.24357710

I'm not entirely sure it'd work out that well.
As for the stereotype, it'd be that same cold russian girl you see in anime all the time.
Drawn by Hayami Rasenjin of course.

>> No.24357711
Quoted by: >>24357738

until they shit you out and and every cell in a person's body replaces itself every 7 years so that's as long as you'll be a part of them
>calls Haato a retard
>not making more rabbit children to have a larger population

>> No.24357713
File: 420 KB, 1268x901, 1589532361056.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24357714
File: 30 KB, 461x461, Richama!_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to build a new rig together with Risu, and laughing at every simple mistakes she made while I rubbed my face all over her fluffy tail.

>> No.24357715

Yeah thats what I was referring to. An X-potato is fine too.

>> No.24357717

I'm trusting her with the life of my baby inside her.

>> No.24357718
Quoted by: >>24357728

Imagine the Suisei collab

>> No.24357720
Quoted by: >>24357739

Actually the first thing that came to my mind was "otaku that swears a lot" so basically an otaku flatie? I don't know.

>> No.24357721

He has a weird Chinese-British accent. So it's Hong Kong, Singapore or Vancouver

>> No.24357722
File: 114 KB, 1280x1000, Ea7XM14UcAAjGA0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fbk's mama spoke truths about Hololive. He comments about Holos trying to help Holostars but that's just Holos feeling bad because Holos are doing good and Stars aren't. Critics that, if they just had stayed as a female group Hololive would have gained more in the long end, since the investment in a female vtuber gives more money as long as the girl has a cute voice.
He really wanted to make more goods with fbk's image but Holo management stops him because hololive has to take a cut and they have to arrange all things but he feels like they could have done a better job by letting a third party to manage goods instead of Hololive just going around begging to companies. If only they had managed like Niji, they'd have won 3x more.
His involvement with fbk is just a job and also he feels that fans will kill him if he had become close with Fubuki's inside persona. He said that he wasn't involved in development of fbk's figure, even though all, he'll endure with it 'cause Hololive still pays enough to live leisurely.

>> No.24357723
File: 811 KB, 2414x3386, 82427249_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gun range date with the hikki miko, there's an indoor range close by with a really good BBQ diner attached to it that I think she'd enjoy.

>> No.24357724

Sacrifice haachama, pekora and miko fuck and I pretend to go look for supplies but instead I watch them from hiding

>> No.24357725

I don't get this. What does the image on the left have to do with her message?

>> No.24357726
Quoted by: >>24357747

There is a longer term plan however around this.
Spend all your time on making it so you can marry them when they retire.

>> No.24357727
Quoted by: >>24357749

I mean, you don't have many options...

>> No.24357728

I'm still not sure why the PRIDE is associated with Russians.

>> No.24357729
Quoted by: >>24357734

Each of the Holos get a moped.

>> No.24357733
File: 449 KB, 1448x2048, EZhTj7FU0AgPsO9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24357742


>> No.24357734


>> No.24357735

One of her grandparents is unironically slav. Not confirmed if it's Russian.

>> No.24357736

Come and give their song a listen. It's really good. Yesterday, Rikka made a 3D debut and it was really fantastic. So dont forget to support the holostars.


>> No.24357738
Quoted by: >>24357776

Why would we want to repopulate a deserted island thats retarded.

>> No.24357739
Quoted by: >>24357761

There isn't an "otaku flaite" anon, that 2 concepts are too diferent

>> No.24357741

Earth chan seemed to be alright. Quite a lot people liked her when her channel was posted in /vyt/ back in the old days.

>> No.24357742
File: 3.78 MB, 2449x3112, 0e8c70e333d472eded24946446767e8a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24357743

>FBK humming Tsubasa wo Kudasai to herself
She too goddamn cute

>> No.24357744
File: 100 KB, 1242x1241, 1563796191462.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All, and I mean ALL streams and videos getting officially and fully translated by non-SEAniggers within two weeks.
But that will never happen.

>> No.24357746
Quoted by: >>24357759

It's how whiteknight cucks imagine themselves.

>> No.24357747

5 years...

>> No.24357748

Thanks collab poster!

>> No.24357749

Haato might be a great scavenger. She's part auzzie right? She should have some experience on the Outback, no?

>> No.24357750

Roleplaying as Mel's stalker and rapist

>> No.24357751
File: 145 KB, 1119x792, IMG_20200609_202710.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bros I'm falling in love with a drunken erufu...

>> No.24357752

Damn, I guess I'll just completely believe this...

>> No.24357753

Yes im her boyfriend

>> No.24357754

It's a 5ch meme, Anon.

>> No.24357755

This reminds me of that worldwide version cover of this song, with people from many different countries singing each line in their own language. It's really cool.

>> No.24357758


>> No.24357760

Nah, but it was recent. Somewhere in the getting over it or missing children or stigmatized property streams almost certainly

>> No.24357759

Ask 5ch
5ch made that

>> No.24357761

Maybe. Well something like a moe thugh might work. Actually yes, I really want a delinquent Holo.

>> No.24357762
File: 265 KB, 1920x1080, unnamed2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24357885

Stupid duck keeps posting scaled down images as ""wallpapers""

>> No.24357768

Too long, can vocarooanon read this?

>> No.24357769
Quoted by: >>24357832


>> No.24357770

A country with lots of alpacas so just make her one, everyone loves those fluffy fuckers.

Their wool is expensive but alpacas are often raised by poor people around here, so maybe have her be a streetwise, cunning girl that aims to climb up in the vtuber ranks to live a good life with all her fans.

>> No.24357772
File: 1.62 MB, 2223x3583, EbFePjRX0AA4PJq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm gonna fuck a bunny

>> No.24357774
Quoted by: >>24357790

Kinda cute how 5ch still associates blond haired caucasians with the word foreigner.

>> No.24357775
Quoted by: >>24357792

>5ch cucks
My point still stands.

>> No.24357776

>Why would we want to repopulate a deserted island
So you can eat the children until help arrives. Think man, THINK!

>> No.24357778

Damn, la familia look like THAT?

>> No.24357779
Quoted by: >>24357808

Probably, i mean, you have
>Pekora, she would probably ate all the food
>Miko, same as retarded as hachaama

>> No.24357780

Got a link to this? It's insightful.

>> No.24357781

Holding my little shion daughters hand as she "NEEE"'s for me to stop and get her ice cream just for coming to the store with me.

>> No.24357784
Quoted by: >>24357806

This song always weirds me the fuck out. It's literally just them sining about how you shouldn't kill yourself in an extremely on-the-nose way

>> No.24357787

Have any holos played undertale?

>> No.24357790

They just like how it looks, the low percentage of blondes in most places is not really a secret.

>> No.24357792

The Japanese imagine themselves as a blonde foreigner. Gotcha.

>> No.24357793

Towa WAS and then her save data got fucked up.

>> No.24357796

Join the family.

>> No.24357800
Quoted by: >>24357819

>Roboco read Donaldo Trampo supacha
Roboco is a Democrat unsubscribed

>> No.24357802
Quoted by: >>24357866

If I recall the guy on 5ch said that reading that message made him feel like making that little doodle.

>> No.24357804
Quoted by: >>24357874

hews I know you fucking lurk, draw risu

>> No.24357807
Quoted by: >>24357816

Is this Hews?

>> No.24357806
Quoted by: >>24357824


>> No.24357808
Quoted by: >>24357831

Miko's retarded is a bit different from Hachaama's retarded. It's hard to explain but the ultimate point is that Miko is less retarded

>> No.24357811

I'm pretty sure Subaru did

>> No.24357815

>poor job during the first wave
Actually, per million, America is about the same as most European countries.
>there'll be a second wave this winter
No, there won't be. And every non-Western country will understand how to not over-react, just like the first-wave.

>> No.24357816


>> No.24357817

Subaru, Mio, Towa, Choco, Suisei and Matsuri, go check Jetri.co

>> No.24357819

She knew that was a fake Trump. She didn't believe in fake news.

>> No.24357821

I'm hews, AMA

>> No.24357822
Quoted by: >>24357859

I wouldn't bet on it, Paris Syndrome is a thing.

>> No.24357824

I don't know what is there to explain. Just read the lyrics. It's basically saying that even if your life is shit you should keep going. It even talks about maintaining basic habits like eating properly and talking to people. It's a song about suicide prevention.

>> No.24357825

Whether the narrative of Korone being a singlemother/divorced/widow, I want to take care of her. I want to cook her food and take care of that dumb dog so much.
Give her all the attention in the world.

>> No.24357829

Subaru has an amazing playthrough. Mio, Matsuri, and Suisei have beaten it too I think. Korone and Okayu have beaten it on their own time in the past.

>> No.24357830
Quoted by: >>24357852

Who is your favorite holo?

>> No.24357831
Quoted by: >>24357855

That doesn't change so much the situation

>> No.24357832
Quoted by: >>24357872

This used to be the link but Mito quit the VOD

>> No.24357833
Quoted by: >>24357852

how often does Iofi slide into your DMs for nudes

>> No.24357836

https://twitter.com/ayunda_risu/status/1274934444541874176 Based????

>> No.24357840
Quoted by: >>24357880

>Matsuri is on break
>tweets up a storm every day
what did she mean by this

>> No.24357841

holy fuck
why are these threads so fucking fast?

>> No.24357844

Why didn't anyone tell me Fubuki was so cute?

>> No.24357846

It's even worse than that.
They are sabotaging their own channel for no reason thinking that by making collabs with them some of their fans will subscribe to the holostar channel, disregarding the fact that most of the holos have a 98% male viewer base, and some of the biggest superchat contributors feel NTR'd and stop contributing to their channel after this.

This may be a good test to see who is psychologically weak and easy to guilt pressure into doing something they don't have to do.

>> No.24357847
Quoted by: >>24357875

When are they giving Towa... a stupid Arale Bibi hat?

>> No.24357849


>> No.24357850

The squirrel is getting too powerful.

>> No.24357851

Whoa both version have subs now.

>> No.24357852

Don't worry about it

>> No.24357853

Cover should've focused on group band approach for the Stars instead of making them an idol considering that all of them cant dance. It would also take a different approach for the Stars instead of trying to copy the girls.

>> No.24357854

This is the will of /hlg/

>> No.24357855

Yea I suppose you're right

>> No.24357856

I've never watched a single stream by this squirrel but I love how based she is.

>> No.24357857

Risu go fuck off.

>> No.24357858

Gotta love how she seems to do whatever she wants, there are no rules for the tree rat.

>> No.24357859

I really want to find out what it's like to be in Japan as a blue-eyed, blonde-haired guy.

>> No.24357860

Because we're got a lot to shitpost about and only so little time to do it in

>> No.24357861

/v/ and /a/ run this place.

>> No.24357862

I'm going to fuck you.

>> No.24357863

Please post the results here when you're done with your analysis.

>> No.24357864

how based are you
I'd say a lot

>> No.24357865
File: 76 KB, 768x1024, 1588690352199.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dreamt about Subaru like 2 nights ago even though I really like her but don't really watch her too regularly. We went on a fishing trip on my car to a nearby beach, camped near the rocks and cuddled inside our sleeping bag after catching nothing, waking up completely broke me and I still remember the dream vividly constantly.

>> No.24357866

Nope I'm misremembering, he just said that he was free on the train so he drew it

Why that message is there will have to remain a mystery

>> No.24357868
Quoted by: >>24357890

mozambique only!

>> No.24357872

Well guess I'll just believe you then. Cover's incompetence is nothing new anyway.

>> No.24357873
Quoted by: >>24357898

Hololive is at its peak and /v/ is sleeping over because their meidos don't want them to talk about e-celebs.

>> No.24357874

>seafag drawing seafags
wouldn't be surprised if there's some like, inherent feelings of awkwardness there

>> No.24357875

I'm sure she would love it, but that's not the kind of art she would retweet or use for anything.

>> No.24357876

Fucking squirrel stop being like that, im gonna fall in love with you...

>> No.24357878
File: 37 KB, 312x333, 1591435169788.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

god my listening comprehension is god awful, which holo is the easiest to listen to in order to improve that....

>> No.24357877

We're not fast. They are slow.

>> No.24357880

She needs her attention, its like a drug that keeps her living

>> No.24357882

I don't like Towa that much but I thought her making fun of that quickshot was funny af so she's cool

>> No.24357883

Gettin a little too cocky there. Seriously, trying to get to 100k is going to be hard.

>> No.24357888

Okayu by a wide margin.

>> No.24357885
Quoted by: >>24357896

they are for phones retard

>> No.24357886


>> No.24357889


>> No.24357890

I've played like that before, it's fun on a fresh account in the low level lobbies.

>> No.24357892


>> No.24357893


>> No.24357894

Put a trip on risu so I can filter you

>> No.24357896


>> No.24357897


>> No.24357898

100% this, plus generals are discouraged on /v/ and I guess a general about e-celebs wouldn't fly on /vg/ either

>> No.24357899
File: 220 KB, 461x461, EVTKx_tUcAAwjxd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24357901

Aqua's big black ass!

>> No.24357902

>FBK will never be your immortal granny
why even exist

>> No.24357905

She could get alot if she makes a proper cover video
But she's too poor to do that

>> No.24357907

But, why Mozambique?

>> No.24357908
File: 404 KB, 760x1058, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24357918

subaru, marine, shion, mio

>> No.24357909


>> No.24357913

Most are easy enough for practice while solo
Haachama though, what the fuck...

>> No.24357914
File: 562 KB, 848x1200, Ea9jgKeVcAAMCZU[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could you really resist...

>> No.24357915
File: 505 KB, 655x612, 1591556618438.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24357916
File: 292 KB, 800x800, Ea3Lk-mVAAAoR3n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>going to be hard
It will take 10 days

>> No.24357918
Quoted by: >>24357926

How do you deck work if you don't have internet?

>> No.24357919

/a/, /v/, /wsg/, offsiters from twitter/reddit, you name it. These threads have the most activity on the entire site because of it.

>> No.24357920

FBK the ARS Goddess

>> No.24357922
File: 1.96 MB, 1280x720, 1591029011180.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I couldn't, then we'd both wake up the next morning, hungover and full of regret.

>> No.24357924
File: 633 KB, 1024x768, 1592047384849.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got chu mate

>> No.24357926
File: 546 KB, 760x1058, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24357936

works fine without internet

>> No.24357930
File: 309 KB, 666x900, 1588006050958.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24357994

Fat cat, always eating rice balls.

>> No.24357931

Also only three of the replies to this post are insulting Towa. Rejoice towafags, your girl's slowly making it!

>> No.24357933

Apex meme

>> No.24357934

>not riding the wave while it's still hot
Fuck off, cocky little shit

>> No.24357935
File: 179 KB, 1280x720, 50 cents akasupa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Toma Fubuki, compra dulce de leche

>> No.24357936
Quoted by: >>24357954

Do you manually write the sentences? Sounds like it would take a while to transcribe from the audio.

>> No.24357939

We already know that Haachama on a deserted island with listeners results in her dying every time.

>> No.24357940
Quoted by: >>24357988

why is fubuki playing for so long?

>> No.24357944

beach date with mikochi! getting wasted and looking at the stars!

>> No.24357945

Hololive is somehow the most exposure I have to the entire country of Indonesia. I can't even point to it on a map.

>> No.24357946

Wow look at all these akasupas in FBKs stream

>> No.24357950

Isn't it in Donesia?

>> No.24357951

>white bank of argentina
>black thumb
Mi negro...

>> No.24357954
File: 687 KB, 760x1058, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

manual yes, but you can kind of save some time with the auto generated captions sometimes and yomichan's anki export feature. the auto generation is wrong a lot of time though so gotta fix that

>> No.24357955

All I know about ID is that you can get good food there for 50 cents.

>> No.24357956

I think it's somewhere below Japan and near the flips. Indonesia is like a ton of islands or something right? Maybe even near Singapore?

>> No.24357958

My friend pretended to be a girl from Indonesia for free items in Gunbound. He ended up learning a decent amount about the country so he could keep his ruse going.

>> No.24357959
File: 346 KB, 661x750, EZ1YgVXUcAAX5-M.jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24357972

She's in it for love not money!

>> No.24357963
File: 54 KB, 232x287, 159425_457692.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can't resist this /hlg/

>> No.24357965
File: 90 KB, 978x825, what the heck festival.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what did Matsuri mean by this?

>> No.24357966
Quoted by: >>24357991

How do I use this meme currency?

>> No.24357968
Quoted by: >>24357983

Isn't it just the poor man's Philippines?

>> No.24357971
Quoted by: >>24358107

Stop... that's haram

>> No.24357972

Women love only one thing anon...

>> No.24357975

I like Risu because she got some real talent. She can go from a high pitched little fuck to this:
Not to mention she can speak decent english, japanese and whatever the fuck they speak in Indonesia.

>> No.24357976
Quoted by: >>24358127

4th gen is a bunch of fatties and can't match up to 2nd gen like Matsuri.

>> No.24357977
File: 216 KB, 500x376, 1588226281336.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24357978
Quoted by: >>24357987

Seeing as how the director(s) in 3D streams can affect objects and spawn things, I started to wonder. Is the 3D tech (programming, tracking hardware) developed in-house?

>> No.24357980


>> No.24357983

how the fuck is that possible

>> No.24357984

What surprised me the most was its size. I've always thought Indonesia was similar to Malaysia if not smaller. Turns out it's actually bigger by a factor of six. No wonder Cover and Niji were interested.

>> No.24357985
File: 431 KB, 1080x719, Screenshot_20200621-183247_YouTube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The face of Hololive.

>> No.24357986
File: 118 KB, 713x800, 1591426898651.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One day she will finish it?

>> No.24357987

I'm pretty sure they're just using a Unity scene and placing in objects.

>> No.24357988

She's playing until she gets an akasupa

>> No.24357990

didn't the thumbnail use to change?

>> No.24357991
Quoted by: >>24358029

You could change your location with a VPN but PLEASE don't do it, argentinian money is so shit the transaction cost from the akasupa is more than it's value, making the holo actually lose money from getting it

>> No.24357993

Its a cute face.

>> No.24357994
File: 108 KB, 827x1169, Ea2cCnlUwAAZini.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24358032

The stomach of hololive!

>> No.24357995

I'm sure most anons here are similar, probably didn't know Bali is inside it too

>> No.24358001

>pick up something
>got shot

>> No.24358002

I think they were changing the thumbnail every x days and then lost interest after Ayame w

>> No.24358003

What the fuck is Bali

>> No.24358009

Bogans favorite beachs and recreational spots.

>> No.24358010
Quoted by: >>24358056

Imagine the sex

>> No.24358011

She probably fucked the guy in charge to keep her picture there like she always does for everything she wants

>> No.24358016

Yoisho is fubuki's fuck

>> No.24358017

Would you guys care if your favorite holo collabed with a homo?

>> No.24358018

an island where tenkaichi budokai held

>> No.24358019

>hijack your boat

>> No.24358020
Quoted by: >>24358045

what the fuck google

When 4th gen 3d comes out matsuri is gonna collapse
She'll leave custody of her corpse with the matsurisu

>> No.24358021

I'm an ESL What chuubas should I watch?

>> No.24358022
File: 171 KB, 1301x807, 1568122262076.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24358043

>> No.24358024

I love catgirls but Okayus design isn't doing it for me, it's just bad

>> No.24358025
File: 152 KB, 633x1000, EZq9Tr2WoAcs3mF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24358054

>> No.24358028
Quoted by: >>24358061

I think Ayame was the last girl, they changed it to each girl for one day and since Ayame was the last day she just got to be there forever.

>> No.24358029
Quoted by: >>24358049

That's some fucked up process.
Shouldn't youtube remove this payment option?

At least I understand why I can get a red SC with 50€.
We are considered poor compared to japanese/american standards...

>> No.24358030
File: 179 KB, 1200x675, EVossPmUEAEH0KT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When's the next large hololive group song?

>> No.24358031

Not if I'm that homo

>> No.24358032
File: 92 KB, 778x1024, EapD7pgWAAUaWPy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's an even better image

>> No.24358034
File: 414 KB, 714x609, 1588219837358.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The rat

>> No.24358035
File: 74 KB, 600x200, 1578336660244.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't even start.

>> No.24358036

Haato, Risu and Coco.

>> No.24358041

The ID girls

>> No.24358042

>loom at supercha total after stream

>> No.24358043

Mother of Holostars...

>> No.24358044


>> No.24358045
File: 793 KB, 1878x792, E-translators.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Google creates better narratives than this place

>> No.24358047


>> No.24358046

Which holo would be okay with polygamy?

>> No.24358048
File: 75 KB, 1280x720, timeloop3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off, I don't want to summon the spergs.

>> No.24358049

Youtube still gets its cut so I don't think they'll change it anytime soon

>> No.24358051

Do you have all the thumbs archived?

>> No.24358054
File: 263 KB, 1378x2039, EYaS6OwVAAIbTo7.jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

as you fish!

>> No.24358056

>insert penis into her

>> No.24358058

>one of the top tier holo designs
>wasted on a boring, lazy cunt

>> No.24358061

Ayame wsa the first

>> No.24358062

You won't see it until Holofes.

>> No.24358064

Ayame would be okay with an open relationship

>> No.24358065

i thought bali was its own little island off near new guinea?

>> No.24358068

Stop misapplying the madonna-whore complex, I only originally used it to make fun of anons who couldn't fap to their favorite holo

>> No.24358070


L*ger?! M*tsuli??

>> No.24358071

Potential husband candidate for my daughter. I would be very happy.

>> No.24358072


For anemachi...

>> No.24358073

>do anal

>> No.24358075
File: 362 KB, 712x1027, 1590965166304.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24358077

>She shoves finger up your ass

>> No.24358078
File: 3.48 MB, 1080x2340, -zue37Q5-buebX10Z9xT3cSu0-1t0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24358080

Korone, Risu, Haachama.

>> No.24358083
File: 319 KB, 1638x2048, EYKbgRsUcAAaWKp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This girl.

>> No.24358086
Quoted by: >>24358101

why are her panties still on?

>> No.24358087

That was a SHITTY joke eh? haha!

>> No.24358088

Do you think she would want the Titanic recorder cover playing during sex?

>> No.24358090

When's dog going to play DOOM...

>> No.24358093
Quoted by: >>24358141


>> No.24358094


>> No.24358097

Suisei is going to end up losing until the end. It's rigged.

>> No.24358098


>> No.24358100
File: 336 KB, 2048x2048, EbB4QOTVcAYUR_y.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24358101

Don't be silly, idols can't actually poop ...right?

>> No.24358102

Imagine sitting next to a guy on the train and out of the corner of your eye you see him drawing shitposts like that

>> No.24358103
Quoted by: >>24358112

You got permission to ask that question?

>> No.24358106
Quoted by: >>24358115



Who comes up with these names?

>> No.24358107

but still better than wearing hijab but dressing like a whore..

>> No.24358108
Quoted by: >>24358128

Only some holos I'd be a bit confused or annoyed over, but certain ones I could see having fun collabs or collabs that just make sense like an Aki and Roberu collab. And in this scenario, I purely mean for zatsudans or game collabs, music is a different story and I honestly just don't want that because I feel like music would lead to shipperfags because "OMG THEIR VOICES SOUND SO CUTE TOGETHER!!!!!!!!"

>> No.24358110

Let it go, nigga.

>> No.24358112


>> No.24358113
Quoted by: >>24358140

get over it already

>> No.24358114

I would not watch it and try to ignore the existence of the stream...
If it got really bad and happened very often I may get triggered into the Kizunai AI clone saga depression syndrome and switch to a new vtuber.

>> No.24358115

it's me, sorry bro.

>> No.24358116
File: 131 KB, 780x483, Chex-Quest-780x483.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never because no permission but she can always play chex quest

>> No.24358121

Towa is losing superchat AND viewers. Take that, white knights.

>> No.24358122

Sora's pooping...

>> No.24358125
File: 108 KB, 1280x720, [Coalgirls]_Aikatsu_005_(1280x720_Blu-ray_FLAC)_[3340DC4A].mkv_snapshot_02.43_[2016.07.13_16.48.42].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24358124


>> No.24358126

They can only poop when their butthole is covered by my mouth

>> No.24358127


>> No.24358128

https://files.catbox.moe/qe2yod.webm can you blame them?

>> No.24358133
Quoted by: >>24358143

I'm an hour late on this but it looks like Towa might be playing APEX tonight instead of Valorant. I hope so because I don't like watching Valorant.

>> No.24358134

>tfw you know enough Japanese to understand like 60% of the stream
>you are not aware of the existence of that one chuuba that would surely be your favorite
>once you do found her, she has already graduated, or worse, be replaced
Would this be considered worse?

>> No.24358135
Quoted by: >>24358164

>tfw your holo apparently watched aikatsu and followed these rules to the line

>> No.24358136
File: 69 KB, 604x340, cdc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24358168


>> No.24358138

>Pekora: Marine, I found a massive poop, you must be nearby
>Marine: What are you talking about? Senchou's poop isn't huge like that, it's tiny!
>Pekora: Aren't you supposed to say you don't poop?
The ARK collab last week was pretty hilarious

>> No.24358140

She hasn't finished GOI either...

>> No.24358141

She has a beautiful voice

>> No.24358143
Quoted by: >>24358155

I hate watching solo Valorant. It's just kinda boring and very the same.

>> No.24358145

It's time for real tete hours



>> No.24358149
File: 291 KB, 1242x906, 74656169-3E0E-428E-B43F-D476673A3A2C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tower is just like me...

>> No.24358150
Quoted by: >>24358170

Mozambique is deliberately the weakest gun in the game. The only reason you'd use it is to style on people. Players ping Mozambiques on the ground as a joke.

>> No.24358151
Quoted by: >>24358157

what's the deal with permissions?

>> No.24358154
File: 26 KB, 1828x159, Niji.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like the Nijisanji anon was right but he was couple of days off. Niji anon tell us more details about Hololive.

>> No.24358155

There's something horribly fucked about the UI because half the time I can't tell that they've died and I'm watching them spectate a teammate.

>> No.24358157
Quoted by: >>24358162

do you even have permission to ask this anon?

>> No.24358161

I honestly wouldn't feel that sad if Fubuki graduated and it's a shame I feel that way.

>> No.24358162

yeah i asked the captcha, and it said "sure, just solve this stupid puzzle for my AI system"

>> No.24358163

You can't just post this and not tell us what the international thing was.

>> No.24358164

Only Kanata does it.

>> No.24358165
Quoted by: >>24358183

They didn't announce shit, retard

>> No.24358166
Quoted by: >>24358177

I wonder what happened to that guy

>> No.24358168

I agree with >>24358136, fuck off don't even start

>> No.24358170

It's better than the pistols with that "new" attachment. 100+ damage to unshielded players is a serious threat.
It was however irredeemable garbage before that.

>> No.24358174
File: 764 KB, 3000x1504, C1CD3206-C4B7-432D-8936-D36FA96D4082.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Luna finally found her niche and is growing nicely.
>Meanwhile Towa is still Towa
What can she do to stop being the dead-weight of it’s gen?

I understand the webcam and male discord incidents really fucked her up but it’s been months, surely nobody still cares about that, right?

>> No.24358175

I still want the homos to play a WWE game with custom characters that look like them

>> No.24358176


>> No.24358177

Obviously thursday came and we didn't get shit so we said fuck that guy.

>> No.24358180

Narrative-hours, post your best!

>> No.24358182
File: 661 KB, 986x1754, 82483794_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24358183

they rebranded one of their branches into an English branch
and just made an official Niji English channel

>> No.24358184

Oh no, now I want that too, but we're probably never going to get it. Fuck.

>> No.24358186

>surely nobody still cares about that, right?
You're underestimating the power of autism.

>> No.24358188

>capping your own post
larp somewhere else retard

>> No.24358189
File: 73 KB, 562x562, 1592635502443.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24358191

I wish we would get a wrestling fan Holo

>> No.24358193

YAGOO has actually spent all our supacha money on wonderful things that no one in Hololive and Holostars can talk about, but we'll see it in the upcoming months.

>> No.24358194

she needs to be less psycho on the rare collab she does get

>> No.24358195

Love between girls is fine though.

>> No.24358198

FBK just got supas!

>> No.24358200
Quoted by: >>24358234

In that case it's easy to find out who has a boyfriend or something similar.
That would be the holos most eager to do collabs with the holostars or those getting caught...
And you could add some uncertainty to the holos who stream less often..

>> No.24358201


>> No.24358205

Oh boy I can't wait to listen to EN vtubers speaking in an Indian accent.

>> No.24358207

Wow. They made a youtube channel. HUGE. Call me back when they actually translate whole streams and not just make short skits.

>> No.24358208
File: 287 KB, 744x1052, 1592567422198.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rushia is literally made for BIG fandead cocks

>> No.24358210

My favorite part is how lots of replies got a win after looking at her results lmao
Her reactions every day is cute as fuck

>> No.24358212

Alright, I'm retarded. That's actually something. Looks like the insider is legit. Sorry for calling you a retard.

>> No.24358214

Just woke up. What's the latest fanfiction?

>> No.24358215

Be herself.

>> No.24358217
File: 139 KB, 581x581, 1560262309012.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>something big for international EOP audiences

>> No.24358218

Imagine Marine vs Luna

>> No.24358219
Quoted by: >>24358263

That Aki is housewife.

>> No.24358220

Fandeads are all lolicon so they got small cocks.

>> No.24358221

I watched a clip of them out of curiosity, and they actually have normal sounding voices, which makes me wonder if the NijiINs were even INs to begin with.

>> No.24358223

i still can't get used to her new design, did i get filtered?

>> No.24358224

At least was something

>> No.24358228

HoloEN will actually be Holo India.

>> No.24358230

aqua come back from vacation

>> No.24358234


>> No.24358235

What if they're a programming vtuber. Those indian youtubers are pretty useful

>> No.24358237

I'm gonna wish them luck. Niji will not support them and they're gonna need a game plan ahead of time.

>> No.24358241
File: 312 KB, 642x591, angry okayu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24358246

>All leaks about Niji
>the Hololive part is just speculation
dumbassess, just because he knows what's going on with Niji, doesn't mean he knows shit about Hololive.

>> No.24358244

Accent training is a thing in India, but some of them could be overseas or something

>> No.24358245

Wait for Towa's dancing and hip movements when she gets her 3D debut. It'll be her big break.

>> No.24358246


>> No.24358247

Please don't trigger my PTDS, anon. I spent countless hours going through stackoverflows and shitty Indian youtube tutorials on how to program when I first started learning programming.

>> No.24358248

Math teacher vtubers

>> No.24358249
File: 523 KB, 715x1045, Hoshimachi.Suisei.full.2834300.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Suisei is in need of a MAJOR comeback! I got you, son! Mom? *hit noises* *ding* Yes! Amazing! A surprise save from Suisei’s….mother? Your moves were a little bit off my child, you must be hungry. Fuel up on Family Mart™ Chicken. Thanks Mom. Now, let’s smash this noob!

>> No.24358251
Quoted by: >>24358273

>Niji will not support them
Are they allowed to monetizate or THEY DO IT FOR FREE?

>> No.24358252
File: 454 KB, 703x792, 1576036763631.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24358268

I wouldn't be surprised if that was a Niji employee considering that Ichikara posted a post about 4chan on his twitter, Too lazy to find it.

>> No.24358254
File: 143 KB, 828x1639, EZ18v1TUMAA2lNF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I showed you my nut please respond.

>> No.24358255

FUCK I missed one

>> No.24358256

I don't think she'll ever be as popular as the others on anything that isn't singing or dancing, but she probably has the higher engagement % from fans in her gen with the exception of kson (not Coco). Towa is the niche herself.

>> No.24358257
File: 65 KB, 233x202, chrome_2020-06-22_16-04-48.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why roboco...

>> No.24358261

You can't bait Risu that easily.

>> No.24358263
File: 682 KB, 2480x3508, 1592590508888.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24358301

its a narrative i believe in

>> No.24358264

Aqua's break was because she got married and went on a honeymoon vacation. She is now pregnant and will eventually start talking about how nauseous she is in streams.

>> No.24358265

jamming to this

>> No.24358266
File: 191 KB, 1080x576, r.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24358267
Quoted by: >>24358432


>> No.24358268
Quoted by: >>24358284

oh yeah, he's likely actually a Niji employee, but that wouldn't really mean he knows anything about the Holos, the post that anon even capped is just him speculating about Holos because of what he knows about Niji members.

>> No.24358269

Towa has had nearly equal growth with Luna in the past month.

>> No.24358271

There was an anon saying he liked rat. I expect supacha from him.

>> No.24358272
File: 186 KB, 1200x1759, 9401C49B-B4BA-4F63-809B-DB468BDBDD02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish i have JK Marine as girlfriend

>> No.24358273

What I mean is, NijiJPN is already "Sink or Swim" and they basically told KR and ID to fucking do good and then nothing, NijiEN is basically on their own outside of mercy/pity from the other branches and you can bet JPN does not care,

>> No.24358274
File: 62 KB, 402x679, 1573824626112.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cute rat...

>> No.24358275

the only thing towa has going for her is her design. even ppt is more engaging.

>> No.24358276

i hope she shills more famichicki anemachi really needs that sponsorship

>> No.24358279

Most people don't realize that she generally has a strict stream schedule, and most are either in the mornings or in the evenings, from 8-9, for a couple hours. She's probably busy with real life stuff otherwise. Streaming frequently and for long hours has a pretty strong correlation to the speed of growth and the simple fact of the matter is she doesn't stream a ton comparatively to other holos.

>> No.24358281
File: 2.58 MB, 720x720, 8OjBjSKd7wJO1xM3.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When Aqua comes back, she'll reveal that Hololive has permission again due to how hard she worked for it...

>> No.24358283

This is what happens when you only have permission to play 5 games

>> No.24358284

>implying he hasn't met Subaru and Matsuri and talked to both of them personally

>> No.24358285
Quoted by: >>24358293

aqua spend 3 weeks sucking every dick at nintendo just to get games back...

>> No.24358287

NijiEN is already doomed because it's literally just a branch that was already failing being rebranded to something else and hoping that will somehow change things.

>> No.24358289
Quoted by: >>24358294

just imagine this little onion going around with peices of paper asking game studios for permission

>> No.24358290

show bobs and vagene vtuebr plis

>> No.24358291
File: 683 KB, 1135x990, 1567999124885.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24358347

Her stream times are weird, I don't watch Towa cause she's not for me but as an Eufag her hours are weird, Maybe she has a part time job or something but she's rarely on at prime time hours like everyone else unless it's a collab.

>> No.24358293

Can confirm, my dad works at nintendo

>> No.24358292

i can't believe aqua had sex with the corpse of satoru iwata while yagoo watched.

>> No.24358294

Why imagine if it's actually what she did...

>> No.24358295

Oh shit, that's even funnier. GOOD LUCK NijiEN!

>> No.24358296

>went to check their channels
>they are already calling themselves Niji EN
>speaking mostly in japanese
Apparently the JOPs took a liking to them.

>> No.24358297

Incoming weekly acapella!

>> No.24358299
File: 253 KB, 1093x427, nijiid.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm fucking glad holoID can get JPs collab after their first month. Exposures from Asacoco and other holoJPs help too.

>> No.24358301
File: 2.56 MB, 2160x3054, 1590539401485.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine Aki being sex deprived and drinking all day because her husband doesn't even come home in the weekdays and always too tired and sleeping during the weekends.

>> No.24358302

>pajeet streamers

>> No.24358303
File: 3.70 MB, 3840x2160, 80277935_p3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys leaker here, since our management works very closely with Holos I can tell you that Kiryu Coco will have her 3D steam on the 27th and may or may not get a call from one of our members but definitely from at least one of Hololives. Also the sky is blue sorry I can't say anymore it's against my NDA i'll keep you posted on more HUMONGOUS news later.

>> No.24358304
File: 986 KB, 830x724, 5435345345345.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not a Niji employee nor a Holo employee but even I know some Holos have boyfriends. How? Because I'm not a delusional virgin.

>> No.24358307

I doubt he would personally interact with members of another company, if he worked for Ichikara, chances are he'd primarily be talking to members of Ichikara while the actual managers of Niji members would be the ones talking to vtubers of another company.

>> No.24358308
File: 522 KB, 1648x2186, EbCOaBJUEAELyeW@hitowotaberuyou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24358309
File: 100 KB, 1050x1000, 1582928369556.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.24358310
Quoted by: >>24358319

I liked the part where you excluded the most popular NijiID from this image

>> No.24358311

Fucking tree rat, do a song cover please

>> No.24358312

girl u so beutiful
bobs show bobs
no no superchat
give $500 in itunes giftcards instead

>> No.24358313
File: 28 KB, 350x365, 1572189839933.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We need more people like you Anon, At least the majority of us don't care.

>> No.24358315

I imagine this time might be a good opportunity for small indie devs who want more people to notice their game. They can just send a formal message or letter to Cover saying that they have full permission to stream their game and a holo might end up picking it up as a result.

>> No.24358317

Why does Towa tell every hololive member to refer to as menhera...

>> No.24358319

We already know Hana has the most subs. Even more than holoIDs.

>> No.24358320
File: 385 KB, 504x749, 1590967933495.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24358342

D-does anyone have Haachama's "Girls are cute if they're almost retarded" iimage?

>> No.24358321

EA and Ubisoft already unlocked...Nintendo will be soon...

>> No.24358322
File: 499 KB, 771x653, 1592436479864.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24358324
Quoted by: >>24358339

>tfw we have no gamedevs here using hololive as their shill
To be fair the holos don't always do a great job. They make the game seem broken a lot of times.

>> No.24358327
Quoted by: >>24358357


>> No.24358328

I mean few girls definitely had boyfriends and there is very good evidence to suggest that. Some of them even admitted it in their previous life.

>> No.24358329
File: 469 KB, 1920x1080, 1565538695323.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is Spades watching Korone's stream on her stream?

>> No.24358331


>> No.24358332

The only NijiID worth saving to Niji as a company will be Hana.

>> No.24358334
File: 643 KB, 1575x887, 6A52B7BA-C7C5-48C7-AB91-231080417561.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24358352

150k soon!

>> No.24358335

I was in the thread this guy was posting in, and he literally said that he rarely actually interacted with the vtubers, and he even said that if you tried to apply for a similar position in Cover, that you shouldn't be going in expecting that you'll get to have long conversations and tons of interaction with Holos.

>> No.24358336

she played 60 seconds too, they probably have a list in their discord of games they're allowed to play and girls pick stuff from it to get a break from arkpex

>> No.24358337

there was an anon who made videos about custom wwe vtuber characters having matches and got a few retweet from some of them

>> No.24358338

have any of the girls played cave story or just undertale and earthbound?

>> No.24358339
Quoted by: >>24358351

I'm a filthy enginedev with a full time job, expect a game from me after the heat death of the universe, if the holos are still around then.

>> No.24358341

How can Towa be more menhera than Marine?

>> No.24358342
File: 469 KB, 602x790, 1592573343016.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24358345

I'd show this tree rat my nuts.

>> No.24358346

>implying devs have the time nor are even aware of vtubers
Cover and the Holos should be the ones sending emails out, not the other way around.

>> No.24358347

Think she works at a pizza joint, delivering pizzas.

>> No.24358348
File: 1.06 MB, 2894x4093, 1590938451183.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24358360

I think she just accepted it a long time ago.

>> No.24358349

Okayu played Earthbound.

>> No.24358350
File: 99 KB, 636x900, EbGGWuLVAAAWu5Z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okayu's schedule is up. Weekend's still undecided, so she'll update us later.

>> No.24358351
Quoted by: >>24358371

How does one become an engine dev in this day and age? All the engine dev jobs I see require like 10 years experience minimum.

>> No.24358352

Not soon enough! Looks like we'll be in the "Please subscribe" corner this week.

>> No.24358353
File: 162 KB, 637x571, ESrdNsUXYAEBReV.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a Hololive Gachikoi and I can assure you YAGOO would never hire women who have or had realtionships with men, Even though the seiyu is never seen and only the 2D/3D live if I find out that they have had sex I will not support COVER co. It is perfectly resonable for a woman to stay single as an idol from 17-80 years of age as long as I donate her 5000 yen to her a week, which is more than enough for her to support herself especially with the funds from COVER, also she should cater to my every need including: only playing games I like, not fucking doing zatsudans at the end of endurance streams, always perfectly waking up on time and never being sick and definitely NO TALKING WITH OTHER MALES !

>> No.24358354
Quoted by: >>24358362

Why did she get such a slutty new outfit?

>> No.24358355

Should we try to get New Blood on this?They're a pretty based publisher. A friend of mine is under them and has a game demo out.

>> No.24358356

God I'd love a Cave Story stream. I don't think I've ever heard a holo talk about it though.

>> No.24358357

Acapella is better because it means she can sing anything, though I hope she do it like watch-together stream, linking the music she's using so everyone can click play at the same time.

>> No.24358358

Ange played Undertale

>> No.24358359
Quoted by: >>24358368

whats the thursday one at 7pm?

>> No.24358360


>> No.24358362

Because she's da bess.

>> No.24358364
Quoted by: >>24358376

Aqua singing Platinum Disco is unfathomably cute

>> No.24358365

Do it anon. Do it now!

>> No.24358368
Quoted by: >>24358380

Nickname for their 7 days to die team I think.

>> No.24358369
Quoted by: >>24358379

But they would pick games in japanese. If you friend has one ready, then go ahead.

>> No.24358371

You go intern at a company that actually makes their own engine and hope they convert you to full time. Or you make an engine in your own time as a hobby and don't do it as a job. It's advanced level autism, only get into it if you are actually really serious about programming.

>> No.24358372

She doesn't the fucking dragon kept playing to her narrative and didn't bother to walk it back and let everyone know it was "just a prank bro" Now other members that haven't off collabed with Towa legit think she is one.

If you watch her collabs with people not from hololive like her mother Rurudo or Sio they don't call her that.

>> No.24358373

Because dealing with companies is 10000000x times worse than dealing with solo streamers.

>> No.24358375

rushia bread

>> No.24358376

Aqua singing Renai Circulation is so cute...

>> No.24358377
File: 720 KB, 2480x3508, 1562598215566.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

@Donald_Trump ze,,,zehi,,

>> No.24358379
File: 20 KB, 339x245, 1564912935738.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24358380
Quoted by: >>24358391

fuck, might end up just watching koro marine 3d instead

>> No.24358381


>> No.24358382

Nice that we have JOPs posting here too. Your english is great bro!

>> No.24358387

Why don't you just stay there?

>> No.24358388

That's a nice thought Suisei fan!

>> No.24358389

Thank you!

>> No.24358390

Why does Roboco fear our president?

>> No.24358392 [DELETED] 
File: 726 KB, 685x960, lulu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

meidos onegai

>> No.24358391
Quoted by: >>24358402

I wouldn't blame you. Those streams have seemed a little aimless. She has another stream 2 hours later anyway.

>> No.24358393
Quoted by: >>24358400

why does this guy keep doing this?

>> No.24358394

>click catalog
>very first thread is furry porn
im glad i left

>> No.24358395

If you look in the chats of people she's collabing with, they're all full of ヘラ様 too, Kanata had to specifically tell people to stop with that shit in her chat.

>> No.24358396
File: 83 KB, 1280x1000, EbAKMKuU4AA9D2v.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24358399

Does this also apply to you and to the other fans giving superchats ?
Witting in their chat is technically talking to them.

>> No.24358400
Quoted by: >>24358405

The leader of the free world likes Roboco.

>> No.24358401


>> No.24358402
Quoted by: >>24358410

hoping for a surprise uta, but ill take a zatsudan if i must

>> No.24358405
Quoted by: >>24358414

no, the guy keeps going to various vtubers and keeps trying to get them to say "thank you donald trump" it's not that funny, it just gets annoying when a vtuber is reading through superchats and they have to look at some green superchat from "Donald Trump"

>> No.24358407
File: 200 KB, 1000x1000, Kanata dab.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, bless PPT, in another timeline her and Towa are the OTP as they were original meant to be

>> No.24358410
File: 85 KB, 600x600, EYn_bKTUMAAKYgI.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24358421

I just want a game this week. I miss having a nice 2-5 hours with her. All her other streams are always kept to an hour. I'd wager zatsudan or karaoke is probably correct for that day though.

>> No.24358411

Well I mean she's an eleven. Must feel nice being associated with a huge rack for a change.

>> No.24358414

Shit like that is how you know we're starting to reach the twitch audience. At least there's no TTS or mediashare

>> No.24358415

Towa is literally nicknamed Tokoyami Menhera in their Discord server. Kanata said this herself.

>> No.24358416
Quoted by: >>24358483

Do you think Coco has noticed the EOP's think she hates Towa? I would hope she doesn't, but it's really easy to think she does. It just betrays any sense of solidarity in gen 4 and as we see with gen 3. Solidarity sales.

>> No.24358417


>> No.24358418

Big women must learn to love their assets or hate themselves

>> No.24358419

AHAHAHAHA, really anon?

>> No.24358421
Quoted by: >>24358423

hell i'll take an apex stream if it had a goal, whats tuesday?

>> No.24358422

Kanatan belongs in daughter tier.

>> No.24358423
Quoted by: >>24358443

Shion and Okayu are finishing the thriller/comedy Onryo.

>> No.24358425

I'm in love with this tree rat.

>> No.24358426
File: 166 KB, 1064x419, 1592628329709.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is the only relevant tierlist and you know it

>> No.24358428

Is there one of these with Coco's duds on their lunch date?

>> No.24358430

eleven as in 11/10 looks or eleven as in japanese?

>> No.24358432
Quoted by: >>24358460

>tfw my mind filled in the blanks
God fucking damn it.

>> No.24358433
File: 2.84 MB, 592x956, 1571560771487.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24358434

I could totally seduce YAGOO

>> No.24358436

stop samefagging Risu
nobody likes you itt

>> No.24358437

where's holostars?

>> No.24358438

Any body who knows anything about Nijisanji know they are going to try their hands in the EN market and they hired some translators recently to sub highlight clips to get more EOPs.

>> No.24358440

>New Blood
Oh that was a company I was thinking of joining

>> No.24358441

this is like the marine old hag joke tho
shes not actually the biggest menhera she prob just has some issues so its ok to joke about it. the real menheras theyd never joke about, just like they never actually call out korone for being an old divorced hag with 2 kids she doesnt take care of

>> No.24358443
File: 35 KB, 594x303, chrome_2020-06-22_16-28-09.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so thats what spirits meant, thanks

>> No.24358444

I like her!

>> No.24358445

lmao there he is again, the white knight who thinks towa aint on it too

>> No.24358447

Risu, Haato and Coco to be rebranded as HoloEN

>> No.24358448

damn not ever tiermaker made to the dating tier on this one

>> No.24358449
File: 513 KB, 720x900, __tokoyami_towa_hololive_drawn_by_myusha__125adc52debef194a0ceb481ed9f6c9f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24358487

>> No.24358452
File: 242 KB, 502x538, 1591613128554.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24358453

Who is that girl?

>> No.24358455

To be fair I wouldn't date myself either.

>> No.24358457
Quoted by: >>24358533

Haato should stop pretending to be retarded and start using her normal speaking voice. She sounds way better, especially in english

>> No.24358458

I'll say it again
Risu's squirrel voice > adult voice

>> No.24358459
File: 576 KB, 582x771, 80192C98-3058-4D24-AD2C-79DA9EF7E406.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Love my shitposting titcow dragon.

>> No.24358460
Quoted by: >>24358482

what is it?
games onegai?

>> No.24358463

Can’t wait for the Artia and Coco collab to be awkward as fuck because Artia only knows how to spam twitch memes..

>> No.24358464
File: 49 KB, 800x700, 1575819657277.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She will be HoloPH

>> No.24358466
File: 622 KB, 600x706, 1588068177838.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24358468
Quoted by: >>24358489

Artia somehow learned to speak 'english' through a discord shitposting server, she's basically some kind of autistic savant.

>> No.24358470

It is probably like that. The same way everyone in Hololive jokes about Rushia as menhera too. I'm just correcting the other two anons with their narratives.

>> No.24358471


>> No.24358472
Quoted by: >>24358478

el goblino

>> No.24358473
Quoted by: >>24358481

Help I've fapped to Marine 5 times today and I can't stop

>> No.24358474
File: 15 KB, 443x455, 1590667551314.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24358479

I hope she and her fags can shut up after that.

>> No.24358475

What is wrong, anon? Are you scared Risu will soon have more subs than your favorite holo?

>> No.24358476

shittiest taste ITT

>> No.24358478


>> No.24358479
File: 45 KB, 322x720, 503D4876-FE93-4A38-9BA4-A25C0B95C6AE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying that they ever would

>> No.24358481

Must be nice to be so young

>> No.24358482
Quoted by: >>24358488

I don't know what it was supposed to be but I thought of

>> No.24358483

>Do you think Coco has noticed the EOP's think she hates Towa?
that interaction between them during her birthday stream dispels any narratives that poisoned your brain into thinking like that
their roommates interact and follow each other in twitter too

>> No.24358484
File: 135 KB, 600x419, 1592508213336.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>eyes immediately gravitate to pits before tits
What has the internet done to me

>> No.24358486

A hiki with shit conversational skills doesn't make a good boyfriend so it's understandable.

>> No.24358487

I love these images of Towa in a dress, I hope she gets some nice alt outfits on day.

>> No.24358488

oh that makes more sense

>> No.24358489

That's not that weird, I know a few people who learned English from games like WoW.

>> No.24358490

Shown you the true path of god.

>> No.24358492

Move Risu to Wife
Lofi to NDA
Aqua to daughter
Mio to NDA
Korone to Wife and I would 100% agree

>> No.24358493
Quoted by: >>24358498

Shion and Luna should be in the compensated dating tier.

>> No.24358494
File: 3.41 MB, 3000x4000, 13C83090-A577-45C4-9828-F19B39EDD396.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dont forgot to watch her today

>> No.24358496
File: 287 KB, 587x595, 1592711180013.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24358498

Luna is pure

>> No.24358499 [DELETED] 
File: 47 KB, 598x363, bet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24358562

But gambling is haram.

>> No.24358500

just remember there's pretty much a 0% chance you'll ever meet your holo anyway, so whether she'd like you or not is irrelevant

>> No.24358502

Anon that still to late

>> No.24358503

Did xqc just copy Hololive's games?

>> No.24358506

Hey man, 0.001% is still more than 0.

>> No.24358507

is there anything worse than an ironic weeb?

>> No.24358509

Niji gonna havest all the EOPs from us.

>> No.24358511

I can't wait for Aqua's grand return in which shMissing Children

>> No.24358512
Quoted by: >>24358796

Everyone and their mom in Japan plays that.

>> No.24358514
Quoted by: >>24358523

I live in Melbourne. What are my chances now?

>> No.24358515

Of course I'm a virgin anon, I only fuck people in the ass.

>> No.24358520
File: 109 KB, 1080x1080, Ea2-aCLUMAAsCGI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

JP holos? maybe. At least I have full infos on Iofi's location, and after that I'll raid holohouseID with my best friend Soo-Min.

>> No.24358521

Thank god.

>> No.24358522

Why Risu?

>> No.24358523
Quoted by: >>24358526

still 0% because i already found her

>> No.24358524

Jokes aside... he's right

>> No.24358525


>> No.24358526

Dang it

>> No.24358530
Quoted by: >>24358546

Wait she's streaming today? When?

>> No.24358531
File: 1.46 MB, 1468x2006, Meru5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love this vampire.

>> No.24358533

Because she barely speaks indo and is the Stacy of her group that's why and I like her
She's alright when she's not being lazy

>> No.24358536

yeah i'm watching out of curiosity too and she's speaking in a normal american accent but there's one stream where she's chatting normally in japanese which was oddly tolerable.
this just proves that japanese is the superior language.
for the curious: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UI9Z1uJVIPc

>> No.24358537

Because she gave middle finger to indogs begging her to speak more Indonesian and less English/Japanese.

>> No.24358539


>> No.24358541

She's in B city in T university, my sources says so.

>> No.24358542

I become a successful artist who knows nip and finally get slim fit. Despite being a burger I become a successful vtuber artist like pochi/iofi and become someone choco finds interest in. All this would take enough luck to win the lottery 3 times in a row

>> No.24358544
Quoted by: >>24358547

Stop posting such lewd content.

>> No.24358545
Quoted by: >>24358552

I'm gonna get accepted into HoloEN. I'll make it big, and from there I'll be able to meet my holo.

>> No.24358546
Quoted by: >>24358557

She is on Tamaki stream tonight, go watch it unless you hate Tamaki

>> No.24358547

Shut up Moona

>> No.24358549

Her comeback is probably gonna be a 3d stream isn't it.

>> No.24358552
Quoted by: >>24358582

Do it faggot. Carry my dream with you.

>> No.24358551

If Choco is the goal, you can just focus on getting a job with a high salary. The only problem is being able to meet her in the first place.

>> No.24358553
File: 330 KB, 1920x1080, 1566565772682.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No you don't and fuck everyone involved in this scandal too, it's fucking retarded.

>> No.24358556
Quoted by: >>24358567

Better start prepping your bank account for that lottery win 3 times in a row tomorrow anon.

>> No.24358557
Quoted by: >>24358579

>big return is in a Tamaki collab

>> No.24358558
File: 15 KB, 689x219, mikoboat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who wants some more 5ch posting?
Niji's EN rebranding came up in their thread too, and this guy has an interesting take.

He says that while Hololive did invest internationally they weren't actually focused on the english speaking market, and their success in the english market is purely a fluke based on Miko's nigger clip and mikoboat clips going viral and that niji won't be able to replicate that kind of thing.

Goodjob Mikoboat posters, you're the reason for Hololive's success in the west.
I personally think it was azur lane+the fact that a fairly large amount of decent-to-badly translated clips already existed from taiwanese or autists like lyger when azur lane happened

>> No.24358559

Australia is a scary place

>> No.24358560

She finally went Full Retard

>> No.24358562

The self doxxed one is a lesbian that should have been thrown from a rooftop years ago and yet she is still alive, she doesn't care about Muslim rules

>> No.24358563

Looking at past events, including some with Towa's roomate, I actually wouldn't be surprised if it was Towa herself who came up with the menhera nickname, rather than being a joke cracked by someone else that caught on.

>> No.24358565
Quoted by: >>24358638


>> No.24358566

Haachama’s latest tweet... I don’t think it’s an act anymore, she’s gone

>> No.24358567
File: 25 KB, 128x128, ohgodohfuck.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24358624

stop giving me hope

>> No.24358568

Her bwain...

>> No.24358569
Quoted by: >>24358577

Bathing and showering with Miko before it devolves into lesbian sex.

>> No.24358570

yea this is pretty much how my daily life goes, she might have got into my stash, sorry

>> No.24358571

I don't think it's the only thing that's the only reason, but it helped

>> No.24358574

Coco dislike English, Haato don't know enough English, and Risu is just Haato 2.0

>> No.24358577
Quoted by: >>24358605

You need to be BORN AS A WOMAN to have lesbian sex, sorry but you can't

>> No.24358579

She will have her own stream day after that

>> No.24358580

Risu's english is miles better than Haato's.

>> No.24358582

Give me 2 years
I keep on thinking that that's too long but I remember that they just did a "hololive 1st Fes" and it'd be fucking hilarious if it stops at "hololive 3rd Fes" and then the franchise (or the fad) just up and vanishes. The only thing that can stop me is me!

>> No.24358583
File: 1.28 MB, 1004x1054, 1570402751880.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24358658

One of the twitter accounts that got retweeted onto my time line that got me into Holo is FILLED with Holo clips, This is just a general Vtuber le funny clip account so it's not biased against any but 99% is filled with Hololive, I just think they have more comedy value than Niji, Also Niji has about 200 fucking streamers imagine trying to get into that if it's your first interaction with V-Tubers.

>> No.24358584

Risu's english is so much better than Haachama's its not even funny.

>> No.24358594

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dir7hokyKdk Temma

>> No.24358595

It even syncs up, amazing. Good job.

>> No.24358597

Dating, fucking, and then marrying any of the female holos, a twink would do too.

>> No.24358599
File: 721 KB, 1203x746, attractive holo list.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my opinion, but you are welcome to change.

>> No.24358598

That's 100% someone from here posting there.

>> No.24358601

I am Noel's crippling back pain

>> No.24358602
File: 124 KB, 850x664, BD21AB78-E78A-4A47-81C6-7AAD2259706B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Use your last images wisely, /hlg/.

>> No.24358603


allah is upset

>> No.24358604

Could be but i believe it has more to do with the english subbed content, there were videos called random hololive moments which were the start of how i got into holos.
iirc the first video was an okakoro video of okayu not being able to sleep without korone

>> No.24358605


>> No.24358606
File: 20 KB, 443x455, 1592313910805.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24358619


>> No.24358607
File: 28 KB, 455x372, 1585458339065.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24358619


>> No.24358609
File: 148 KB, 1280x1000, 1592099011786.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24358619


>> No.24358610

Based list

>> No.24358613
File: 201 KB, 1740x1080, Ea2_yY_UMAIRhHh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24358614
Quoted by: >>24358703

>Miko sexy instead of cute
I honestly can't find myself to lewd or see Miko in a sexual mannor.

>> No.24358615


>> No.24358617
File: 292 KB, 900x823, EbDA2adVcAABiuU.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's it, I'm destroying Nintendo.

>> No.24358618
File: 751 KB, 2897x4096, Ea8TF2OVcAAlVsn[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanted to be captured by Rushia

>> No.24358619
File: 454 KB, 1358x679, 2F1DFF71-4748-47A9-AB02-3E022C3057EB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24358627

I said wisely!!!

>> No.24358620
File: 1.09 MB, 1306x1959, 82279177_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24358623
File: 56 KB, 662x633, EbF-mcDXYAAchSi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24358624

1. Get a job
2. Get good at it to get a high salary
3. Learn nip because Choco isn't going to learn fucking English for you
4. Lose weight in that span of time, do it slowly but surely. You have ~5 years anyway

These are the most important. What's next would be finding out a way to be able to interact with Choco. Be it your drawfag fantasies or being a VTuber or what have you
If in 5 years you fail to marry Choco, at least you were able to do 1-4 and improve yourself instead of wasting away. Absolutely worth it. Good luck faggot you better share some erotic ASMR she made for you personally

>> No.24358625
File: 239 KB, 1846x1773, 1591130631654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haha it's Towa

>> No.24358626

Le Rushia Rose

>> No.24358627
File: 113 KB, 870x753, 1592501628502.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24358628
File: 519 KB, 2625x2448, 1575571862820.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24358672

Why do you bait retards with this for attention, God just fuck off.

>> No.24358629
File: 295 KB, 1280x1000, 82487445_p6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24358758

Goodnight hlg

>> No.24358630
Quoted by: >>24358676

Pretty spot on list, I would put Okayu in COOL and Risu in cute though

>> No.24358632
File: 732 KB, 872x635, __natsuiro_matsuri_and_hoshikawa_sara_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_envyvanity__b84dfd836a2a18895cd0db6e8bd96620[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24358634

>> No.24358633


>> No.24358634


>> No.24358635
Quoted by: >>24358683

>3. Learn nip because Choco isn't going to learn fucking English for you.
But Choco understands English pretty well, she just dont want to reply to it.

>> No.24358636


>> No.24358638


>> No.24358639

>"who is Aqua" meme will be dead soon
>there are people posting here who will be seeing her live for the very first time and she's only been gone two weeks

>> No.24358640
Quoted by: >>24358651

Know I get it why they call her dumb

>> No.24358641
File: 24 KB, 512x516, EaZJCIwU0AIZCVu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24358642
Quoted by: >>24358657


>> No.24358643


>> No.24358644


>> No.24358645

Dumb ESLs

>> No.24358647

The Hololive girls (the ones that are not land whales) already have a boyfriend or at the very least a sugar daddy
Your romantic attempts are useless unless you are making CEO tier yens and even so pure Jpn blood > gaijins

>> No.24358648

Damn, Risu...

>> No.24358649

iofi btfo

>> No.24358651


>> No.24358653

But it was actually due to FBK's scatman.

>> No.24358656

Abe-sama please... allow this intrusion of bloodline.

>> No.24358657

jojo haha

>> No.24358658
Quoted by: >>24358675

This you can sub to literally all 30ish Holo and that force is only a 3RD of Niji total size, I see people complaining about "dead hours" here but imagine have so much content you don't even want to bother getting started.

Yagoo also pays attention to the holo's past, KorOkayu,MikoPeko,KanataSui etc. he builds his team with people who already have high levels of trust. Most of the Niji's are just randos with no previous records of working together they form nasty cliques on a cast esque status. Forexample see if Mito would ever do a collab with any of the >100k Niji's, FBK will collab with the fucking Holostars she doesn't give a fuck and is willing to help her team.

>> No.24358659

She's loosing it.

>> No.24358660

Has someone given an akasupa to Towa with sexy deep voice?

>> No.24358663

How come hiring Coco is not a heavy investment?

>> No.24358664

Never know until I try.

>> No.24358665

how do you say rip in sandspeak

>> No.24358666

I wouldn't have expected her to learn English for me anyways
If by some miracle I do become the draw chad ive envisioned for myself ill be sure to bless hlg with all my love

>> No.24358668
Quoted by: >>24358677

I doubt it

>> No.24358670

Thanks for letting us know, Yagoo.

>> No.24358672

Dumb Suiseifag

>> No.24358674

the n word clip is too old for the current EOP boost, the azur lane boost worked more on japs and chins than EOPs, and most people who used Mikoboat don't know about Miko or Hololive

>> No.24358675

> they form nasty cliques on a cast esque status. Forexample see if Mito would ever do a collab with any of the >100k Niji's,

>> No.24358676
Quoted by: >>24358693

I disagree, Okayu's new outfit showed how hot she was for having her belly exposed, but if you're talking about her in her hoodie, then I agree. Risu should stay in pretty because she has both cute and onee-san voices which she called "DLC".

>> No.24358677
Quoted by: >>24358684

someone post the miko JAV webm

>> No.24358679

"Please stop making hentai about me booohoooo"
"No tits are the biggest idholo tits, visualize them"

>> No.24358681
Quoted by: >>24358687

>image board
>can't post images

>> No.24358682

fuck you m**na show bobs

>> No.24358683

I doubt it'd be good enough to be conversational. I can't imagine being in a relationship with someone like that.

>> No.24358684


>> No.24358685
Quoted by: >>24358700

Holos are business bi and heterosexual irl

>> No.24358687
Quoted by: >>24358701

we have 239 posters, We need our own board.

>> No.24358689

That's not her

>> No.24358690

ah never change holothreads

>> No.24358691


>> No.24358692

Miko is like a kid.

>> No.24358693
Quoted by: >>24358737

understandable, i thought okayus normal outfit had exposed midriff as well though

>> No.24358695


>> No.24358697
Quoted by: >>24358704

Miko needs a new outfit that isn't le shrine maiden related.

>> No.24358698

She's hitting Matsuri levels of desperate for attention.

>> No.24358700

Yuri retards can fuck off kusa kusa

>> No.24358701
Quoted by: >>24358825

No we don't. This is active because everything is contained in 1 thread

>> No.24358702

Outside of the few collabs and super chat reading, Coco barely use english.

>> No.24358703
Quoted by: >>24358749

Does this change your mind?

>> No.24358704
Quoted by: >>24358711

She talked about some casual attire she'd like on one of her membership streams. The ideas she came up with were pretty cute.

>> No.24358705

Holo EN has already been announced and Hololive doesn't need to run an official english clip channel because there are already hordes of SEA translators doing it for them.

>> No.24358706

Fucking Doxxfags I swear !

>> No.24358707

incorrect, my favorite holo definitely does not have a boyfriend!

>> No.24358708

All she needs is to make lewd asmr on Twitter and it will rain attention and new fans

>> No.24358709

of course she is
she's fat

>> No.24358711

Good I think having 1-2 outfits that are related to the character background like Marine Pirate etc and a casual streetwear outfit is perfect.

>> No.24358713

azur lame has no effect on EOP market.

>> No.24358714

I can't believe it....

>> No.24358716

I'm pretty sure Flare is already married with kids or actually gay, dorks like her are in huge demand everywhere and start pumping out kids as soon you ring them, seriously it's easier to find a fucking unicorn than dork pass 25 who isn't married or gay even if dork in question is 4/10.

>> No.24358717

>and their success in the english market is purely a fluke based on Miko's nigger clip and mikoboat clips going viral
I thought it was thanks to COVID and everyone spending way more time online.

>> No.24358721

I only see a pink panda

>> No.24358722

Is the boat song video? Ain't clicking that no matter how hard you samefag it

>> No.24358725


>> No.24358726

it is.

>> No.24358728

if you have to ask you already fell for it anon

>> No.24358729

If it was solely due to COVID then all vtubers including indies should have been affected the same. There was still something extra that needs to account for the growth of the hololive as a whole.

>> No.24358730

It because the chinese put out subs and meme clips

>> No.24358733

>hen all vtubers including indies should have been affected the same.
uh no?

>> No.24358734

Reeeee click it!!! I must mikoroll everyone reeeeee

>> No.24358735
Quoted by: >>24359165

I believe you mean few collabs, super chat reading, english songs only karaoke, oficially translated asacoco and teaching english and "japanese for real".

>> No.24358737
Quoted by: >>24358750

I guess I forgot after not seeing her belly in her hoodie for a long time.

>> No.24358740

>all vtubers including indies should have been affected the same
Why, exactly?

>> No.24358742

First Vtuber clip I saw

>> No.24358743
Quoted by: >>24358759

This is a common misunderstanding. Coco and Haato using english isn't a way to appeal to westerners, it's for Japanese people who like foreign sounding girls.

>> No.24358747

anons have it all wrong and it was really the youtube algorithm shitting out these clips to so many people

>> No.24358748

this was the one that led me astray.

>> No.24358749
Quoted by: >>24358804

It looks so different to her avatar that I can't picture Miko looking like this

>> No.24358750

I wonder if her baggy clothing has room for 2 people simultaneously.

>> No.24358752

>Okayu isn't popular enough to get a figure
It hurts bros...

>> No.24358753
Quoted by: >>24358768

>still mad and full denial stage about holos getting wet with EOPs giving them superior dollar attention

>> No.24358755

She'll get one eventually, mate. They all will.

>> No.24358757

Its a cry for help you fools. We need to get her out of there.

>> No.24358758

korone and her two kids

>> No.24358759

its such a foreign concept to english speaking countries, but its the same way to us when they speak japanese

>> No.24358762

oppai mousepad soon at least, even a nendo would be nice though

>> No.24358763

Something something preorder FBK
Something something bullshit about the rest getting figs

>> No.24358764
Quoted by: >>24358774

Is there anything more wholesome than boyfriendposting? I find it incredibly heart warming to think that they are being loved.

>> No.24358765

Too fat

>> No.24358768

He spent his time learning moonrunes just to get ignored while EOP fags just need to exist to make all of the Hololive go full English speaking, please understand

>> No.24358773

God, I wanna fill Mio.

>> No.24358774

Ok cuck

>> No.24358777
Quoted by: >>24358794

Where is Mel?

>> No.24358779


>> No.24358781

Fascinating, what other niches have potential? Though Vihaan of Niji is doing the racing thing but not as much.

>> No.24358782
Quoted by: >>24358790


>> No.24358786

More specifically he says that hololive did no overseas development aside from asia, so he's talking more about official outlets ala hololiveCN.

Coco doesn't really do a lot of english stuff anyway, it might as well just be a character thing about her.

>> No.24358788

https://www.amiami.com/eng/detail/?gcode=CARD-00012225 anyone know if this shit would be worth getting? does this game have a chance for signed cards like weib Schwarz and precious memories?

>> No.24358790

the classic teeth falling out dream, everyone has it.

>> No.24358794

locked in my basement

>> No.24358795

Why can't niji replicate hololive?
1. the designs from holo side are more solid and thematic. Someone might argue that the designs are all over the place but just take a look at nijis you will know why I said that.
2. nijis insist being more of a real person while holos try to strike the balance between something close to anime and real people.
3. number: they're not too many it's easy to choose who to follow.

>> No.24358796

but he's not from japan...

>> No.24358801

I genuinely believe that any holo who isn't already secretly taken would probably be a realistic snipe for anyone prepared to put enough effort into it.

>> No.24358802

>nijis insist being more of a real person while holos try to strike the balance between something close to anime and real people
this is absolute bullshit

>> No.24358804

This, Miko's model has that look of slight retardation to it.
I blame the eye spacing personally.

>> No.24358805
Quoted by: >>24358816

Can confirm, I'm Suisei's boyfriend

>> No.24358806

Nah DOG GOD will keep us safe.

>> No.24358807

I can't get into Niji just because I don't know where they rank in seniority. With Holo, I know what generations they are on, what Gamers are and What the 3D, 2D people are.
It just seems more simpler in my mind than the clusterfuck of talents Niji have to offer.

I do watch individual Nijis but only on their own and not really their collabs with each other.

>> No.24358810


>> No.24358813

Why would a more successful company copy a less successful one?

>> No.24358814
Quoted by: >>24358912

Yes, that's the literally exactly how YAGOO wants you to feel.

>> No.24358815

EOPs played a big role into making hololive become as popular as it is now
>few nips watch them
>kaigai nikki get it trending
>more nips start watching because of the youtube algorithm amd herd mentality
Without us, they would still be under nijisanji in terms of popularity
Miko would've already retired if we EOP chads didn't get her nigger clip trending

>> No.24358816

no that's me

>> No.24358817

Towa making friends in high places...

>> No.24358821

the new Holostar target has been confirmed.

>> No.24358822


>> No.24358825
Quoted by: >>24358863

yes we do. /hlg/ has more posts/min than /jp/ combined.

>> No.24358826
Quoted by: >>24358835

no, it's youtube algorithms, and it's very obvious that's what it is too, based on the huge number of people who say they came from
>usada construction
also gtav clips were commonly posted on social media through last year, mostly miko, where some people still weren't familiar with vtubers and thought they were unironically a.i. but they never caused any big boost, at least not nearly as big as the one back in march/april
mikoboat seems suprisingly mostly contained to this website, I personally haven't seen it outside of here unless you count demo but that was a screenshot of a /v/ post anyways

>> No.24358827


>> No.24358829

She and Fubuki are in his chat teasing him over autographs

>> No.24358831

Doing my reps with Towa-sama!

>> No.24358833

Did she just tell them to get a room?

>> No.24358835
Quoted by: >>24358877

Mikoboat's done some cruising around twitter.

>> No.24358836
Quoted by: >>24358847

Niji is still the more successful company, they had no reason to imitate hololive. Niji's whole strategy is to throw shit at the whole and see which sticks, then promote the shit out of their popular ones. Tsukino Mito is still the most mainstream vtuber.

>> No.24358838
Quoted by: >>24358850

Which would be better
>double down on learning Japanese so you have a chance of understanding her better before she graduates
>double down on learning to draw better so you have a chance of making her and her fans feel more appreciated while she's here
Basically consume content better and have a better time or create content better and leave a bigger impact?

>> No.24358839

The devil flirting with her gf

>> No.24358842

the ones in their 30s maybe. the younger ones can afford to be picky

>> No.24358844

I would stop watching her and move on to my second best

>> No.24358845
Quoted by: >>24358883

Stop shillling yourself here, Risu.

>> No.24358846

ト / wa /...

>> No.24358847

>Tsukino Mito is still the most mainstream vtuber.
Because she's a huge degenerate and that fucking gun video she made.

>> No.24358849

Temma... the previous autograph was awful

>> No.24358850

I believe it would be best to focus on both, but if you really had no other choice. The former would be absolute since at least you'll have memories of her.

>> No.24358854

I don't know. Is there even such a thing as a fan being able to win over their oshi's heart? The only one I know of is Oda and his wife who used to cosplay as Nami.

>> No.24358855

I think it'd be fun. Also, fuck you. Stop asking this every thread, you god damn retard.

>> No.24358858

They just want to get Temma attention so Choco will collab with him again....

>> No.24358860

>dead hours
I sleep

>> No.24358863
Quoted by: >>24358869


Because we are in a single thread, so we get to read everything. If we missed a thread, we just need to go to the archives and look for that thread.
Now imagine if we were spread in our own board. At first, hundreds of random threads popping up, most of them with 10 replies at most. Threads get archived quickly because someone creates a new thread. If you follow 10 holos you would need to watch 10 different threads
A holo fucks up -> half the catalog getting spammed with that moment, sliding other threads
Then people get fed up and you end with a shitty /vp/ clone

>> No.24358869
Quoted by: >>24358898

but then I could go to a specific tuber general and not have to look at the main thread full of shit posts/off topic faggotry.

>> No.24358871

buyee, my shirt, onegai....

>> No.24358874


>> No.24358875


>> No.24358877

still seems like it's a reference most EOPs on youtube don't recognize, whereas I can't fucking count how many times I scroll down on a translated clip and see something to the effect of "it all started with band-aids and now I'm in vtuber hell" (or scatman)
even in /hlg/ if you look back at any time someone asks where everyone's first intro to hololive was people respond with that
it's a very safe assumption then that youtube algorithms are responsible

>> No.24358878


>> No.24358880


>> No.24358883


>> No.24358885

Google translate-kun is a master of narratives

>> No.24358887

Just fuck already

>> No.24358888

What a brave and ambitious video from Haato, glad to see her take a stance in these dark times.

>> No.24358891

I like Risu but she desperately needs a new mic. Her mic died multiple times in the acapella stream. She needs some studio grade shit to handle her dynamic voice.

>> No.24358892

Why is it so hard for seaniggers to not have full conversations in someone's waiting chat? Fucking peenoise spamming chat in their niggerspeak

>> No.24358893
Quoted by: >>24358931

What the fuck?

>> No.24358894

we might be in the golden age of chuubas

>> No.24358895
Quoted by: >>24358927

Just give her aka supachat anon...

Cover should pay for that shit, I can't believe how bad is her setup

>> No.24358896

Why is Sio so thirsty for the Tower? Are they friends in their past lives?

>> No.24358898

And the tuber general would be dead because it would be so slow that it gets slided by spam threads asking dumb rethoric questions

>> No.24358899

cant she borrow lofi or moonas?

>> No.24358900

>tfw asked her if she changed her mic because the acapella stream one is shit
>it's literally the same mic
fuck you /hlg/ for these shit narratives, now i'm embarassed

>> No.24358902

Delicious devil clam

>> No.24358905

i love butts

>> No.24358907

Risu should stream more often!

>> No.24358911

Sio wants to join the band orgy

>> No.24358912

It's difficult though, because of the competition. Like this guy said >>24358814 also considering we're talking about this, it's not that likely that only anons have this idea in mind. What about the gachikois throwing money at them like crazy? So they're probably rich already, and know nip. That's like a massive headstart, since anyone delusional enough in here are probably wastes of space (like me)
Although, I personally feel like if you were serious about it, you shouldn't stoop to that level (donating). Once you donate, you already lost. I don't know how to word it without being demeaning, just that you already put yourself in that subservient position, you establish that sort of relationship between you two. It's also why I think getting a job with a decent salary is important, not because you need to be rich, because there's no fucking way you're catching up with what they earn (unless it's FBK with her ARS), but to alleviate against the air of inferiority since they're sorta rich and famous.
Speaking of, if you are retarded enough that you just want to be with A holo, not with YOUR holo, you could probably pick someone with low enough supacha earnings after Cover + Youtube + Tax by checking the playboard site.
My shitty post is a bit disjointed but I had fun thinking about it. I might serious post about what might actually help next time someone brings up their delusions again

>> No.24358913

>Can only play meme games and westcucks because of antis crying
>Spade Echo
>Plays P5S
They should go full bilibili desu

>> No.24358914

Probably, Nar*mi was friends with a lot of people.

>> No.24358923

mainland > cuck island

>> No.24358925

based haato rejecting her quarter privilege

>> No.24358926

She sould go back to her old mic, she didn't have a problem before
AT2020 is a fucking meme
A proper interface puls a cheap as fuck BM800 would do a better job than that piece of shit

>> No.24358927

Maybe if multiple people drop an akasupacha telling her to buy a new mic she'll do it.

>> No.24358928


>> No.24358930

Get out of here Risu

>> No.24358931

black history means something totally different in japanese, google translate sucks. it just means a dark past (bad events in the past)

>> No.24358933

Poor form you tree rat.

>> No.24358935

Can confirm, Japanese living in Australia and just had sex with Haachama.

>> No.24358936

The first time I ever saw Miko saying the N word was because of 35p posting it here. Same with mikoboat. My first hololive exposure was Suisei talking about her parents learning that she was a vtuber.
Bandaids and Usada construction are more interesting clips to get into hololive because they provide more info and context into the hololive idols, whereas Nigger and Mikoboat are just cute girl making dumb sounds so it's not really all that special. FBK's scatman is on another level but it was just really hilarious.

Other surveys showed the same way people getting into hololive, with Miko being one of the minorities compared to FBK, Coco, Matsuri, Suisei, and Pekora

>> No.24358937

Risu, I have just seen that you are going to stream tonight https://twitter.com/ayunda_risu/status/1274933808656089089

I won't miss it!

>> No.24358938

>go full bilibili desu
Remember the Tibet thing? They're better off on Youtube.

>> No.24358939

EOP pocket money superchat > Japanese yen superchats with 2 extra 0

>> No.24358940

>dark past = black history
sound plausible

>> No.24358941

good thing i can just squint my eye to turn nippon

>> No.24358943

Guys I think Risu is here

>> No.24358945

>They should go full bilibili desu

>> No.24358946

I went to sleep after AsaCoco and now I get up to a Rushia stream, being in Europe is really great in terms of timezones

>> No.24358947

black history is only nigga related in muhrica

>> No.24358949

>HoloEN girls are all likeable, smart and have a pleasant voice, some of them even know japanese.
>But they only play Overwatch, League of Legends and Fortnite.

>> No.24358952

Hello Risu, i love you!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.24358955

Can a narrative chad explain this one for me, please?


>> No.24358957

>went into the stream chat for 2 seconds and left immediately after
>her tweets with the other holo signatures will get more attention than Temma's stream
what a fake, attention seeking bitch. If you're going to half ass your attempt to advertise some of these boys, why even bother talking to them in the first place?

>> No.24358958

>get to play whatever you want at the cost of not speaking about anything related to china
Sounds like a win-win to me?

>> No.24358962
Quoted by: >>24359057

Temma is not very good at this

>> No.24358961

better than ark
im sold

>> No.24358965
Quoted by: >>24358972

Over half of Niji look like Danganronpa escapees or tryhard imitations of Pinky Pop Hepburn or Kaguya Luna.

>> No.24358966

Get money, get fit, learn business Japanese, apply for a management position as the token ornamental foreigner, and optionally wait for your holo of choice to age out to 30 and become desperate. Bam.

>> No.24358968

What's the difference with apex, ark and getting over ir?

>> No.24358970

Are they 6 stacking OW? That could be fun.

>> No.24358971

Soooo no Missing Children then?

>> No.24358972
Quoted by: >>24359099

>Over half of Niji look like Danganronpa escapees
My fucking sides

>> No.24358973

Risu I'll rape you dumb whore
You have no idea how much I'll manhandle your tiny little asian body, I'll turn you into my onahole, I'll fuck you so hard while choking you dumb bitch

>> No.24358974

>implying the line up won't be one RTSfag, one FGfag, one Racingfag, and a token FPSfag

>> No.24358976

7D chess, can’t even begin to understand it, sorry.

>> No.24358978
Quoted by: >>24358999

I thought lyger got cucked to death?
Has he just accepted his role in life as the bull prepper for whichever holostar matsuri manages to con into sex?

>> No.24358979

too edgy and a bit cringe.

>> No.24358983

lol no, they'll all just be League and Overwatch players.

>> No.24358984

>Artia is lyger with voice changer
Wow no wonder she's such a piece of shit

>> No.24358985

Be sure to take pictures of her armpits then send them to me.

>> No.24358986

Rise get the fuck out and go buy a new mic already

>> No.24358988

If the Holo EN isn't a meme spouting retard with no pronouns and can converse in Japanese and is an RTS/FPS fag I'd watch them in dead hours.

>> No.24358989

no tabletop?

>> No.24358992

Artia is going to save Matsuri by sacrificing herself to lyger and getting them both executed in the Chinese prison...

>> No.24358993

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sWKhT-6b-Gc Rushia [ARK]

>> No.24358996

I'm more interested in lewd ASMR lesbianism t b h

>> No.24358997 [DELETED] 

holoen tabletop podcast

>> No.24359000

>implying most of them aren't speedrunners

>> No.24358999

He's already been posting translations featuring the homos for a couple of weeks now, and he's always in their collab streams and commenting on her tweets about them. Sometimes I think the thread is more obsessed with him than he is Matsuri.

>> No.24359001

Well you see L*ger hacked Artia's account in a ploy to get into the Hololive circle through HoloCN contacts, where he will then work up to meeting Matsuri. Why Artia? Because shes sufficiently far away to start working his way up unnoticed.

>> No.24359006

>be married to Choco
>wake up and see that she is streaming ARK
>tell her you're going to work
>be met with a "mhm"
>same thing happens when you have to get into bed early for the next day

>> No.24359007


>> No.24359010

>Remember the Tibet thing? They're better off on Youtube.
>playing all the games you want instead of talking about politics
Sounds pretty based. Nobody fucking cares about Tibet or HK anyways, people just say it to piss off chinks

>> No.24359011

>hear that mhm
>cum in my pants

>> No.24359012

Let's be real here. Tabletops in the west are for nerds. JP still makes sense since reading books is still cool.

>> No.24359013

Based funposter. I enjoyed the delusions.

>> No.24359014

dunno but Sio seems like she's working on gathering a big harem to harvest lesbian superpowers from to dominate in mahjong.

>> No.24359015

I hear Choco gave him the password after Matsuri insulted her dino babies.

>> No.24359018

At least you know she isn't cheating on you, I guess

>> No.24359019


>> No.24359020

>Artia’s organs are already scattered throughout China and it’s been l*ger all along.

>> No.24359021

I would support this

>> No.24359022

Suisei being perfect again...

>> No.24359023

I understand I'm second to her spinos anon I'll have her dino nuggies ready for her when she wants

>> No.24359025

why do they never have clothes on in ARK?

>> No.24359028
Quoted by: >>24359035

How is it different from the endless Ark, Apex, Valorant and Japanese horror kusoges?

>> No.24359029
Quoted by: >>24359058

>implying you wouldn't snap after a month and start questioning who Choco has been playing with and loves so much more over you since ARK can be played with other people

>> No.24359031

she's fucking temma bro

>> No.24359033

Why is she so perfect Sui bros, FUCK.

>> No.24359034
Quoted by: >>24359047

I thought Choco was fucking Temma

>> No.24359035

Overwatch and League just flat out aren't interesting at all to watch, the fact that they even have such a large esport following is just ridiculous.

>> No.24359036

gen 1 and 2 are getting live2d updated, finally something to milk their paypigs with, maybe fubuki will get supacha https://twitter.com/hololivetv/status/1274976189719777280?s=19

>> No.24359037

I would genuinely watch ARK more if they didn’t run around naked with deformed bodies 90% of the time.

>> No.24359038

You run faster naked

>> No.24359039

It's useless since the dino acts as armor and a weapon. It even acts as a bag. You might as well pretend you're the dinosaur when playing ARK.

>> No.24359040

If you really loved her you'd play it with her, forever

>> No.24359043

Why can the holostars hit high notes better than her?

>> No.24359044
Quoted by: >>24359123

>Choco will never tell you mhm itterasshai~ without taking her eyes off the screen, while her Ark BGM is playing in full volume through the house

>> No.24359046


>> No.24359047
Quoted by: >>24359065

I meant Matsuri FUCK

>> No.24359049

Pls no

>> No.24359051

Suisui so perfect!

>> No.24359052

They have shit durability, breaks way too often, makes your character overheat in certain places, and farming them is a hassle.
Might as well use your dinos instead.

>> No.24359054

Surprise RushiaKanata collab?

>> No.24359053

? so what will even change.

>> No.24359057

Yes, he's adding way too many technical lines to his sword part of the signature.
Should have kept the blade/handle to a single line.

>> No.24359058

>start questioning who Choco has been playing with and loves so much more over you since ARK can be played with other people
Just check the server she plays, she's always alone dude

>> No.24359059

>increased range of motion and expressions
Okay Clover... what about an alternate outfit?

>> No.24359060

Kanata has been playing ARK for 5 hours already today...

>> No.24359061
Quoted by: >>24359083


Did they put something in the water today?

>> No.24359063

Haato really needs it, her L2D is atrocious.

>> No.24359065
Quoted by: >>24359090

no Matsuri isn't fucking Temma, Choco claimed him after their DBD collab and he's still at the top of her list after all this time. Fatsuri can't compete with the Chocosaurus

>> No.24359066

Towa has spoken....

>> No.24359067

Finally they're fixing Choco's dumb ass fucking live2D face.

>> No.24359069

How do I efficiently grind youtube views on someone's video?

>> No.24359070

Sad! But true

>> No.24359073
Quoted by: >>24359100

Surprise PPTenshi collab in Rushia's stream!

>> No.24359078

Miko is alive. ARK at 19:00 and a supacha reading zatsudan maybe at 23:00.

>> No.24359079

I still don't really like Suisei, but her singing voice is always nice to listen to.

>> No.24359080

Whatever we get better be good enough to replace vibrating Haato.

>> No.24359083

she just having a good squishee

>> No.24359084

I'm kind of hoping that they take the risk and go bigger than just adding angles. All three could use art touch ups, if not design reviews long as they don't go too far.

>> No.24359085

Cover song fucking where

>> No.24359088

fubuki should get a tiktok for supachats

>> No.24359089

Thank fuck. I really hope Subaru is included too.

>> No.24359090

>losing fbk and then choco right after

>> No.24359091
Quoted by: >>24359101

>updating their live2ds
but I found Matsuri and Haato's live2ds charming how they were...

>> No.24359094

>yfw they can now go 360 degrees
Would aka supacha my bank account until empty.

>> No.24359095
Quoted by: >>24359109

suisei is perfect i'd lick her nose.....

>> No.24359096

Pink hair for everyone!

>> No.24359097

this post is enough to convert someone into a goslin poster

>> No.24359099

But it's fucking true, look at the wiki.

>> No.24359100


>> No.24359101

post the eyebrow one

>> No.24359104

What level is Risu on? I don't think I've ever seen another Holo do that.

>> No.24359106

Oh no I love how fucking weird is Matsuri's face

>> No.24359107

Towa kneels before the pride..

>> No.24359109

I'd tongue punch her shitbox.

>> No.24359110

Our Towa is so social!

>> No.24359112

why can't she stop WINNING

>> No.24359114
Quoted by: >>24359128

That mic is really fucking it up, you can hear it clipping the sound constantly

>> No.24359116

>token russian girl who plays Dota 2 and literally nothing else

>> No.24359117
Quoted by: >>24359143

You know what'd be a good Korone game in this drought of games?

Beyond Good and Evil.
>Short enough she could do it in an all-night stream
>Japanese subtitles
>Ubisoft approved

>> No.24359118

>instead of healing she sends the listeners to heaven
That's new.

>> No.24359121

Ahh, the good ol' days of holo getting fucked hard by ARK

>> No.24359123


>> No.24359125

Haha it's L0L0
Is rurudo a menhera?

>> No.24359128

She was messing around the settings as she sings that, that's her way to test it.

>> No.24359133

Matsuri isn't even coming back anytime soon, so we won't get to know hers unfortunately.

>> No.24359139

Kanata has lent Rushia some of her amazing trouble-finding luck.

>> No.24359140

wtf i love dinos now

>> No.24359141

Towa loves Suisei's singing...

>> No.24359142

She literally has conversations with herself, it's kind of worrisome

>> No.24359143
Quoted by: >>24359174

She has a tag for game suggestions anon.

>> No.24359144

Her channel is still empty...

>> No.24359146

an extremely cute menhera

>> No.24359149


>> No.24359152

Wait, since when was this Rushia stream a Kanata collab?

>> No.24359153
Quoted by: >>24359164

PPT/Rushia ARK? Let them remember...

>> No.24359158
Quoted by: >>24359171

>piercings on all 4 ears
What did she mean by this

>> No.24359160

since a few minutes ago

>> No.24359162

Rushia noticed that Kanata is online and invited her for a call.

>> No.24359164

I forgot about this. I miss it... back when I used to watch both Rushia and PPT.

>> No.24359165

>english songs only karaoke
it because she didn't know many japanese songs at first, now do more
>asacoco subs
something staff at hololive do and she retweet and comment on it using japanese
>Japanese for real
only 2 episode and she didn't do another one for months

>> No.24359167

the fact that she's taking so fucking long for the channel makes me start to think it's not gonna be rurudo who voices her at this point

>> No.24359169

feels good when dumb shippers don't have anything to latch on to create a narrative for your oshi

>> No.24359170
Quoted by: >>24359177

Haachama works hard... I gotta respect her efforts

>> No.24359171

She's got more exes than Towa.

>> No.24359174

I can't be bothered to turn on IME and restart my computer to type all that in japanese, and I don't have a twitter.

Feel free to do it for me.

>> No.24359176

Whoever it is, I bet she's a lesbian
How about that, faggot

>> No.24359177
Quoted by: >>24359205

Hoshikawa is kinda based not gonna lie

>> No.24359179

the chance of posting an image on /hlg/ should be random.

>> No.24359181
Quoted by: >>24359210

I clipped Rikka's Hello World from the stream because I couldn't wait for the final mix to be released, hope other anons can enjoy this as well. I feel slight regret that I contributed to hyping the Holostars too much here, hopefully the sperg is not at the end of this thread.

>> No.24359184
Quoted by: >>24359199


>> No.24359185
Quoted by: >>24359198


>> No.24359186 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>24359197

Zena dps chart lah?

>> No.24359187

That's a win bro

>> No.24359188

Holy squirrel

>> No.24359197

this is /hlg/ not /drag/

>> No.24359198

Are we getting Valorant or APEX or something completely new?

>> No.24359199
Quoted by: >>24359207

She's 30 hours worth of playtime behind an actual addict.

>> No.24359200
Quoted by: >>24359216

I hear your favorite holo briefly glanced at a holostar while they were both at the office once, I'm sorry, but your holo has lost her purity....

>> No.24359203

And that's a good thing

>> No.24359204


>> No.24359205

Yeah. She's just very attractive on several levels. I can feel for Matsuri now and I hate that I'm slowly becoming a hoshikuzu because of matsuri

>> No.24359207


>> No.24359208

>ARK is still demonetized.

>> No.24359210

Thanks mate. I enjoyed it too.

>> No.24359211

I seriously do not understand the appeal of ARK

>> No.24359214


>> No.24359216
Quoted by: >>24359227

I hear you gay

>> No.24359219

You need to be a cute girl to understand the appeal of ARK.

>> No.24359221

I didn't know Yogiri could sing in japanese so well...

>> No.24359222


>> No.24359223

Minecraft with dinosaurs and XP grind

>> No.24359224

Rushia even uses a small and cute body in Ark, she must love being a small girl

>> No.24359225

Is FBK about to play that game Kaoru did this morning?

>> No.24359227

what's wrong with that what's wrong with sucking dick

>> No.24359228


>> No.24359231

what's that, you don't like to spend 400 gigs of space and possible graphics card combustion to chill the fuck out with some cute dinos??

>> No.24359232

Rushia Watame てぇてぇ

>> No.24359233
Quoted by: >>24359241

Good that I look exactly like Oyayubi-kun irl.

>> No.24359234

Dinosaurs are cool.

>> No.24359237

lmao Rushia still fucking died

>> No.24359238
Quoted by: >>24359245

AZki poster... where are you...

>> No.24359241


>> No.24359243

please anon, dont bring back depression posting

>> No.24359242
Quoted by: >>24359250

I'm a dinofucker so I understand the appeal.

>> No.24359245


>> No.24359246
Quoted by: >>24359248

Words to live by

>> No.24359248

words to die by

>> No.24359249

Minecraft without the mining, but with a lot more crafting, exploring, fighting and creature taming.

>> No.24359250

scalies pls go and stay go

>> No.24359251

I hope Rushia (Rosado) stays forever

>> No.24359254

Post the image

>> No.24359255

I love her

>> No.24359256


>> No.24359257

Pure wisdom

>> No.24359258

It's not even her final form.

>> No.24359260

here anon

>> No.24359261


>> No.24359262


>> No.24359265

We can't...

>> No.24359268


>> No.24359272

Fuck holostars

>> No.24359273

