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File: 444 KB, 2048x2048, EbAG2lSU0AAPdg4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
24346768 No.24346768 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.24346780

Yeah, now I see that it all forms "сахарная лирика", makes sense now.

Still, why Russian lol.

>> No.24346803
File: 667 KB, 2556x1436, hope-tomodachi-also-comes-back.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posting this again but Hinami, Kairi, and their "friend" deserve more views. So good to see they're all still well.

Aikatsu ED1, Calendar Girl


>> No.24346812

I didn't even know the third girl came back. I wonder if that one anon who really liked her knows.

>> No.24346823 [DELETED] 

why hololive has 2 threads?

>> No.24346853
File: 332 KB, 846x1000, 1592750630597.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fertilize the cock!

>> No.24346882

different anon but I've also wondered from the start why all of them (even mikeneko nanashi) have those, are they supposed to be babayaga?

>> No.24346933

No idea about what kind of demons they're supposed to be but I do know about the origins of their names.
Rene = Irene Adler
Anna = Anna Katharine Green
Chris = Agatha Christie

>> No.24346935

She's not completely back yet, considering she's not even named, maybe she just came back for this one collab, but yeah, hope the anon sees this.

>> No.24346941

Did anyone follow that QR code on Sio's collar? What was it?

>> No.24346979
File: 163 KB, 1500x1800, EbAHNABUMAA2CPi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No idea, but that reminds me to post her models papa.

>> No.24347023
File: 144 KB, 854x480, snapshot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tomari went Riichi in the first round and now Itou Life is Itou Dead

>> No.24347028

There was never a clear shot. She really overestimated the quality the stream could be and think anyone could just grab a shot of it.

>> No.24347058

I keep forgetting they have the detective thing going on.

>> No.24347080

Look at this slut

>> No.24347236
File: 212 KB, 1920x1080, 1522291692486.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss Gengen.
I miss Harukasu.
But most of all, I miss the Bastard.

>> No.24347251

what the fuck is going on here

>> No.24347273

I hope that one day I too can become a chuuba (when actually decent voice changers become available)

>> No.24347280

Just train your voice like Note mama dude

>> No.24347281

Decent voicechangers are available.

>> No.24347373

Takehana Note is a bloody genius, this is literally impossible for laymen.

The ones I've seen still require a lot of voice training, and with a low (European low, not Japanese "low") jigoe... well, maybe after a few years of training.

>> No.24347457
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>> No.24347474
File: 303 KB, 1003x943, EbCJwNQVAAAwL04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

https://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm37060328 Slightly related.

>> No.24347500
File: 433 KB, 1497x2119, Ea9EAyFUMAAnYhr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24347515
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>> No.24347531
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>> No.24347547
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>> No.24347564

I want to see more scandals and controversies avout vtubers.

>> No.24347569
File: 280 KB, 1184x1000, EbBpOcHU0AEEIM7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24347580

Holy shit, Izumi's fucking huge.

>> No.24347582

Out of curiosity, which ones are considered decent?

>> No.24347584
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>> No.24347606
File: 1.03 MB, 2591x3624, EbBBz8HUEAIHM-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24347607

As expected of a lewd housewife

>> No.24347695

Did you know that vtubers are not real but virtual?

>> No.24347726

I wish I could convince my subconscious of that. Today I dreamed that I met my oshi in person and it wasn't her avatar but the person behind (how I imagine them).

>> No.24347744

They're not physically real but virtually real.

>> No.24347767

Please go back to your idol thread and stay there.

>> No.24347906
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>> No.24347928
File: 239 KB, 1920x1080, mirei.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sensei Splatoon

>> No.24348015
File: 899 KB, 2592x1620, EbCyaE0U0AELQHh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Surprised she didn't go to sleep on the good feelings of that tourney.

>> No.24348344


>> No.24348366
File: 89 KB, 749x1082, 1592448668541.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24348375

i thought it's dragon lion and tiger or are their last names really just names not an indicator at all?

>> No.24348432

Why couldn't he just reincarnate somewhere else...

>> No.24348806

Yuduriku debut soon

>> No.24349004

Not before Yurari.

>> No.24349051

Maybe one day we'll figure out what the fuck happened with him. He's still getting mentioned as of this March so it's not that he was fired right after his initial reveal or anything.

>> No.24349412

She's back

>> No.24349416
File: 439 KB, 1743x1229, Ea6Xo7-UMAA5Pk7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]































>> No.24349639

I want to commission this artist

>> No.24349781


>> No.24349913

I feel like there's too many of these to keep up with nowadays. I swear every time I look a dozen more popped up overnight. Even people outside of Japan are starting to do it.

>> No.24349974

There's at least 7000.

>> No.24350013


It's a strange one. Those are the name kanji but the related animals seem to be giraffe (Rene), tiger and squid (Chris) based on their Twitter profiles.

>> No.24350084

It's literally impossible to keep up with everyone.

>> No.24350137

Jokes on you, I'm the Youtube AI.

>> No.24350163

stop banning my chuubas

>> No.24350223

They were not being lewd enough.

>> No.24350226

I don't expect to keep up with everyone. It's just I'm bombarded with information overload when looking for something to watch. Although I guess that's how the internet is in general

>> No.24350248


>> No.24350293
File: 173 KB, 1280x720, Ea96O1TU4AA4cP-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24350306


>> No.24350319

I find the process fairly simple. Just look if there is any of my favorites on and watch them, if not look for someone else I don't regularly watch but like, if not see if there is anything that just looks interesting or someone I have thought about checking out but never did.

>> No.24350338
File: 528 KB, 1920x1080, EbDY59RU0AAHWuw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also good

>> No.24350352
File: 289 KB, 1920x1080, EbDUyVbVAAEfbc5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and this too

>> No.24350356

Nothing beat a singing stream after prelim is over

>> No.24350363

Half the time I don't even make streams these days. I'll end up just throwing them in to the watch later list and watch at 1-1.5x speed depending on the person / stream.

>> No.24350413

With something this vast and rapidly changing there's always that fear at the back of your mind that whatever you chose to watch wasn't "the best" and that the culture is "leaving you behind". It's hard to describe

>> No.24350505
File: 281 KB, 1860x1350, EbCT8iTUMAA173d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It fuking hurts ;_;

>> No.24350601

someone on the vtuber wiki claims to have the archive of her videos

>> No.24350616

This is basically the same mindset I have. Figured that was the norm, honestly.

>> No.24350738
File: 15 KB, 128x128, parrot.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

babiniku boobies

>> No.24350886

very nice

>> No.24351084
File: 1.29 MB, 2150x3035, EbDM66fU4AEbkDh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to commit a crime, and nobody can stop me.

>> No.24351102


>> No.24351112

She might be weak and defenseless, but you have to remember even if you stole her purse there's probably nothing of value inside of it so you're just wasting your own time.

>> No.24351143
File: 234 KB, 1280x720, temp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watanuki ended

>> No.24351248

Get yourself killed while at it.

>> No.24351289
File: 236 KB, 1280x720, [Leopard-Raws] Watanuki-san Chi no - 12 END (TX 1280x720 x264 AAC).mp4_00_00_13.889.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And I failed to get good rips because I'm stupid, will have to do with whatever was on nyaa. Sad there were no captions for S2, it's a bit difficult to watch without captions.

One day I'll try to sub it. Also, so many cute feet.

>> No.24351395

I should probably buy the BDs of S1 at least but they're expensive as fuck, as usual with Japanese shows, and now that I'm locked inside the EU I'd have to pay a bloody 24% tax on top of it.

>> No.24351581

Is it good?

>> No.24351599


>> No.24351605

Usually you can find just simple dvds cheaper. If you wait awhile they usually sell non-collector BDs as well.

>> No.24351661

Is it better than Virtual-san wa Miteiru?

>> No.24351670

Depends on what you expect out of it. It's more or less your average sitcom, but with Vtubers as actors. I found it charming and reasonably funny, but the mocap quality may be off-putting for some and in that case I wouldn't call it brilliant enough to recommend it regardless.

People say S2 is better (not that S1 was bad), not least due to the new character, but I haven't really had the time to watch it yet.

DVD quality is trash, even TV rips are better than that. I found a used BD box for 11k yen, which is a good discount, but after importing it would cost me twice as much...

>> No.24351685

Not really. The five episodes I watched were passable, maybe it gets better but I've been burned by Virtual-San and that peaked in the first half. Wasn't a very high peak either.

>> No.24351693


>> No.24351736
File: 238 KB, 1920x1080, [GJM] Virtual-san wa Miteiru - 04 [0099577D].mkv_00_15_45.344.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're very different beasts. Personally, I liked Watanuki a lot more than Virtual-san, but the idea is different - Watanuki is a sitcom (with some actual light plot), and Virtual-san is a sketch comedy with the same segments in each episode (I don't know what do you call that genre in English, in Russia we had this "video comics" show called Calambur that is exactly the same as Virtual-san).

>> No.24351746



>> No.24351748
File: 1.88 MB, 1064x1500, 82321986_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24351782

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1LmYNMvOzz4 yukimaru

>> No.24351802


>> No.24351822

Siro and Akari are going to fall below Fubuki in subscribers and Hinata fall below Aqua

>> No.24351881

it will be Ai-chan, Luna and Hololive at this pace

>> No.24352145
File: 175 KB, 1280x720, Watanuki-san Chi to - 12.ts_snapshot_24.15_[2020.06.21_14.50.42].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Subs when?

>> No.24352203
File: 302 KB, 1920x1080, mpv-shot11504.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

3D was fast

>> No.24352274

That's a strange way to announce it.

>> No.24352334
File: 474 KB, 1920x1080, mpv-shot11505.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rushia is progressing fast

>> No.24352407
File: 480 KB, 1920x1080, mpv-shot11506.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tomorrow for announcement but still the 27th on the calendar

>> No.24352441
File: 432 KB, 1920x1080, mpv-shot11507.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

PP getting money through different means

>> No.24352526
File: 390 KB, 1920x1080, mpv-shot11508.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24352556 [DELETED] 

this is the lowest for a monday isn't it

>> No.24352557

Password was 06273D, truly a mystery

>> No.24352562

>ark password 06273D
If anybody still needed any convincing.

>> No.24352600

>Ver 2.0
>Ver 3.D

>> No.24352650

Let's hope it is like Subaru and the 3D reveal is Coco on her dragon form

>> No.24352790

The only thing I don't really get is why the whole gen is in the image. They're going to announce all their dates I guess with Coco going first?

>> No.24352825

I assume it's because they'll be coming out at a fast pace now, like once a week or so.

>> No.24352852

kaoru playing with muscle men today.

>> No.24353259 [DELETED] 

nice holospam

>> No.24353440

Who is the cute trap on the right?

>> No.24353473

trying to get them out before covid round 2?

>> No.24353476 [DELETED] 

not even 16k lol

>> No.24353937


>> No.24354131

I'd assume so, take advantage of it while the irons hot so people can use the 3D models on their own time. At least, hopefully Hololive decides it's worth the money for prominent members to just have a setup in their house before the second wave hits. If Roboco can do it there's no reason why Fubuki or Coco can't.

>> No.24354190

I;m thinking about thos Voms

>> No.24354218

I can't believe those other two bitches I don't care about bullied Pikamee and caused her to fuck up her later stream.

>> No.24354255
File: 1.23 MB, 2150x3035, Oda.Nobuhime.full.2469227.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Coming in late to the party here, but did we ever get a reason as to why Oda Nobuhime retired? I miss her...

>> No.24354259

https://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm36999869 Hana getting kusomaros from the japanese.

>> No.24354279


>> No.24354293

Jesus the second I found this shit this is all that cures my depression. It has done more than and counselor or therapy. And deep down inside I know that these girls are most likely ugly and fat

>> No.24354349

Yeah pretty much 99.9% of them are. Except Kizuna AI and Lulu are pretty cute in my opinion

>> No.24354371

Just remember that Japanese girls are always cuter and thinner than western girls.

>> No.24354372

Yeah pretty much 99.9% of them are. Except Ray and Rio are pretty cute in my opinion.

>> No.24354396
File: 279 KB, 1920x1080, 1592658658503.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24354401

You can stay here a little longer to get your depression back, don't despair!

>> No.24354419
File: 111 KB, 917x638, 1516955236780.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He was too strong so the fudoshi sent their agents to destroy him

>> No.24354436

holo gen 5

>> No.24354468

You don't care about them because you don't understand Japanese and need Pikamee as a crutch. They didn't "bully" her at all.

>> No.24354482


>> No.24354483

Narratives that have already been pointed out as wrong several times should be ignored, lest you want them to become mainstays like "Fairys hates the lolicon".

>> No.24354498

sure they didn't
I bet that reincarnated alcoholic nijibitch is the nicest person in the world

>> No.24354535

alcoholics are some of the nicest people, they're chill and know how to have a fun time.

>> No.24354542
File: 483 KB, 1484x2048, EbDNaL5UEAAea1Q.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24354554

>alcoholics are some of the nicest people
they're also known for depressive rants and actual physical assaults

>> No.24354592

Going full idolshit killed her main audience.

>> No.24354639

While the anon you're replying to is retarded, are you really implying Azuma was the one to start a fight, let alone a physical fight, with Yashiro or Chaika of all people?

>> No.24354735

Did he draw Tama as well?

>> No.24354740

It's a shame that video will never be translated because of its length.

>> No.24354798


>> No.24354881

I distinctly remember him being a Sirogumi so I'd assume he's drawn Tama before.

>> No.24354992
File: 3.13 MB, 2641x3800, 77312138_p3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep, he(?) used to draw Idolbu and especially Siro a lot.

>> No.24355281
File: 231 KB, 1460x2048, EbDcmjwUYAE1u2q[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love cockposting.

I remember Itou Life getting beaten up on in games with Haneru too. Is he just kszk?

>> No.24355510
File: 498 KB, 3258x2984, EbC1QDLVAAAiXpH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24355534


Smoking is not permitted on these premises.

>> No.24355583

Haha yeah there's no way Azuma pushed Yashiro down and violated him while drunk haha

>> No.24355712


>> No.24355789

oh nononono kerinbros not again!

>> No.24355844

Wait wait wait
Is this some sort of advanced RP or the character was really a different person? I swear, all this time I thought he was just Kerin trying too hard to do a hoarse voice.

>> No.24355896

He held auditions for them after Anchin and the original Angela quit

>> No.24355908

But Anchin is still around as Zen...
Either way, nothing of value was lost, all these extra characters suck, even Zen himself was funnier as Anchin, I quite enjoyed those real life videos with the shitty cosplay.

>> No.24355912
File: 93 KB, 768x637, EbCTBRiUcAESqJ8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24355929

Why is Neru such a slut?

>> No.24355940

Is it just me or Sugar Lyric is like the most worthless group of 774Inc?
Their gimmick just seems to overlap with Honeystrap and part of Vapt.

>> No.24356054

Anchin quit Kerin's dumb shit a long time ago without saying anything and he immediately held auditions for a new Zen right after

>> No.24356099

Every group and individual is worthless with the (im)proper mentality.

>> No.24356130

Damn, I never noticed.
I guess the new guy must be good, or Kerin's videos come out so infrequently that it made it harder to notice.

>> No.24356161

They're like the Animare newbies but with their own group. That's it.

>> No.24356312

not sure where he found angela fray but she did not want to be a vtuber

>> No.24356553

>Their gimmick just seems to overlap with Honeystrap
Gee, anon, I fucking wonder why.

>> No.24356711

Miya should stop trying to sing, her ECHO cover was worse than Hime

>> No.24356777

Late Morning BEST OF CUTE

>> No.24356799

its funny when some ships die/are confirmed not a thing, it never stops shippers

>> No.24356833


>> No.24356869
File: 801 KB, 763x1200, EastxplWoAA4Uwh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That confirms she's still editing most videos. AI-chan might be a super A.I. but she better be taking care of herself.
Non-chan will be streaming tonight

>> No.24356936


>> No.24357063


>> No.24357152
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>> No.24357208


>> No.24357402
File: 195 KB, 570x957, Pikamee O.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24357467


I've never seen anyone click while playing this game as much as Kano does.

>> No.24357478

>he doesnt know about the secret strength modifier

>> No.24357589

I hope she's okay now.

>> No.24357616

she was just burned out and need sleep so she will be ok

>> No.24357679
File: 801 KB, 1200x1280, 81120838_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24357708

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CoqEDsdnk98 suzu chieri sumomo apex

>> No.24357932


>> No.24357942

This image emanates completely neutral sex appeal.

>> No.24357957

Pretty sure my dick stopped working when I scrolled by that image

>> No.24358196

Got tired of vtuber shit and tasteless jokes from her management that she had to reenact.

>> No.24358197

Shiba a permanent resident of the FF14 retirement home now?

>> No.24358203

English nijifans rise up

>> No.24358216 [SPOILER] 
File: 295 KB, 1920x1080, 1592805640537.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24358227

someone post the webm

>> No.24358386

Probably never.

It's a hard show to translate because of the puns and such, though not as completely hellish as things like Joshiraku. I want to do it, I even started at some point, but not being a native English speaker hurts a lot when trying to adapt the puns and jokes — and you can't just leave things as they are and add a wall of TL notes because the entire humor of the show would be lost.

Also, the second season doesn't have captions, which makes it even harder.

Maybe if I manage to get an acquaintance to rip S1 and S2 from Prime when the second season finally drops there, or if I manage to get the BDs...

>> No.24358431

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H9I0VSY2Cc8 gorilla apex
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XGaVipSYKVs claire
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=enF-XTuHvcE rion splat apex
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bjlc5gAfnbw chriscraft
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kz4InxD2m6E shiba ff14

>> No.24358450
File: 190 KB, 1021x572, EbB1HFLVAAAGtS-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24358555 [DELETED] 

Haachama’s latest tweet... I don’t think it’s an act anymore

>> No.24358585


>> No.24358688


>> No.24358719

This Chris stream is a wild ride.

>> No.24358723
File: 140 KB, 800x1023, e0ddbcbb8291779f15ce9fb3d6693dde.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okayu is the cutest and has the best voice.

>> No.24358727
File: 121 KB, 781x1105, EbAu34VU8AAsKxO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24358784

How can Sirayuri be so cute and precious, what is she, an angel or something???

>> No.24358792
File: 274 KB, 850x720, EbC81UtVAAMazIq.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24358799
File: 673 KB, 2720x1536, Ea-3CQ0UcAEqGX5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24358808
File: 168 KB, 1360x768, Ea-TuyoUwAUMFEH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24358823

Loserbait go back to your Discord

>> No.24358840
File: 270 KB, 1239x1243, EazCuDxU8AE2nMU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24358843

Poly bridge

>> No.24358851
File: 1.76 MB, 1637x1158, EbDIC0EUEAAv3JJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24358856
File: 100 KB, 800x968, EbC5TW2UMAA3z5S.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24358862
File: 194 KB, 1920x1080, EbBKTVFUEAUGnoQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24358876

nice holospam again

>> No.24358886

As natural as Kaoru's networking.

>> No.24358964

I enjoyed it. You can post images of chuubas you watch too.

>> No.24359048

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E5fOoP42c40 monoe
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qy8YFrpcZP4 kokoro pokemon
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sWKhT-6b-Gc rushia ark
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1RFlApX0tVw mahiro shiny colors
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VtqUcZtWHJg hajimecraft
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-v3bqG1eod4 ichigo project diva
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gXLnu2ZBYMo tojiro

>> No.24359076

Why does amyamyaa look retarded there?

>> No.24359093


>> No.24359108

In that particular video.

>> No.24359122

I thought it's impossible to listen her at first, but it doesn't take much time to get used to her voice actually.

>> No.24359213

I know these kinds of questions are usually taken as bait posting but the Niji EN channel makes me wonder. Why the fuck IS hololive so much more popular in the west?

>> No.24359303

So your logic is if you acknowledge that your post is written like a bait it stops being a bait?

>> No.24359304

They’re also more popular IN JAPAN. They’re just popular in general. They’re better.

>> No.24359307

>the west
With the "English speakers" they're popular because Hololive is not as massive as Nijisanji, so less confusion about who's who, and there are no males.

>> No.24359308

A lot more fansubbed content. Their popular vtubers are a lot easier to enjoy even if you don't understand what they are saying all that well because they tend to do a lot more of the cute noises and reactions. The concept of Hololive as a whole is easier to grip, there aren't so many members, so its easy to get familiar with them all as a group. Popular members making content that would attract english language viewers.

>> No.24359311


>> No.24359331

What about in China?

>> No.24359339

The hope is that by getting out of the way the common nature of similar posts, the post itself could be distanced so that it would receive tempered replies.

>> No.24359345

There's a lot more Niji subbed contents in Chinese too but they're still not as popular there, so that can't be the entire story.

>> No.24359366

don't forget the main channel got subtitled skits and some of the girls like fubuki put out short meme clips

>> No.24359381

Pretty much same and wouldn't surprise is their /u/ is much more militant

>> No.24359387

The result is another flexing festival so your bait is working, congrats.

>> No.24359389

Not just the west. Hololive is fucking HUGE in Bilibili while Nijisanji doesn't have any presence there at all. Hololive thread in Japanese community is also a lot faster than Nijisanji thread.

>> No.24359390

Holo 2.0 Live2D just like Aqua before

>> No.24359399

that's exactly what anon meant by
>Popular members making content that would attract english language viewers.

>> No.24359401

If you couldn't tell by now, anons love repeating the same topics about niji and holo over and over and over instead of actually talking about anything currently happening at the moment

>> No.24359404 [DELETED] 
File: 12 KB, 200x251, smugsheep.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gonna just throw this (You) in here for people who only come to get ctrl+f hits.

>> No.24359429

There's nothing stopping Nijisanji from doing that too though.

>> No.24359456

Hololive has a heavier presence on nico nico too.

>> No.24359464

This is actually fake, NND, futaba, 2ch, are dominated by Nijinsaji, and most of what people actually talk about is the Holo drama, to the point mods got tired of it and banned Hololive threads entirely in futaba

>> No.24359478

ホロライブ タグを含む動画 : 6,693件
にじさんじ タグを含む動画 : 35,019件

>> No.24359489

That’s not true at all. Even on 5ch, the Hololive threads (not the unchi thread) are miles faster than the Niji ones.

>> No.24359506

Targeting foreign markets has been explicitly part of the business plan of Cover from the start. Ichikara has always given me the impression of being focused much more primarily on Japan despite having several international ventures, more like extra side projects than part of the main business.

>> No.24359507

Because of the copyright drama, every Hololive thread is an anti thread.

>> No.24359515 [DELETED] 

No really where all the other posters at? Why does everyone just let nijiholofags constantly ruin the thread? Why aren't you fags ever talking about anything other than the same old nijiholo shit

>> No.24359517

Uhh anyone going to tell him, bros...?

>> No.24359540

Of course you'd say this after nijiID and IN failed. You'd be singing a different tune if they were a surprise blowout.

>> No.24359544

they have a english twitter and r*ddit page for them

>> No.24359553

why aren't you?

>> No.24359561

The 5ch hololive antithreads have actually become fanthreads recently. No joke

>> No.24359582

I'm not sure why you would take that as being on either side just general observation. Like you can go on Cover's website or go back to pitches where they are trying to sell Hololive to investors before they were big and find them talking about China and the west. For Ichikara that stuff has only come really after they were already big.

>> No.24359585

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VLC2xaBp4ws wat
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SrTpNN_DSHw fubuki
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tZhCCPhYqKU moruna dark deception
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DpaOtoMFr0I mao dq3
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lCTyIvI17tA watame ark
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RQrdnWDtvP8 towa valorant
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P47TLXSlB1I kaza clubhouse games
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vNgNw-xCPyU kuku
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f22SUKo1M7I kyouko gta
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pn_5FdVArnI inui sekiro

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zwnjDPrr2W8 animare skit
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=THugRrEfpsY puchisanji

>> No.24359587

He clearly doesn’t know what he’s talking about already. Trying so hard to convince everyone that hololive isn’t as big as it is. What a joke.

>> No.24359626

When the idea is inherently subject to flamewars (niji-holo popularity comparisons), the only way to avoid it being bait is to write in such a way that people either misunderstand your idea, or it being TL;DR.

If you genuinely want an explanation that isn't just "lurk moar" (which doesn't even work that well when different anons interpret it entirely differently), admitting that it is prone to flamebait is a way to explicitly say you're not looking for it.
Mind you, anyone who is looking to avoid bait on contentious topics on 4chan is setting themselves up for disappointment.

>> No.24359642
File: 375 KB, 676x534, 2020-06-07_22-13-41.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Being in flames counts as being popular right?

>> No.24359643

>explicitly say
Well, implicitly say.
But even explicitly saying it can be taken to be disingenuous as well. It's like this site minimizes the consequences of casual BSing.

>> No.24359654

This is too 神 I don't think I can last the whole stream. It's only 10 minutes and my tummy hurts so much from laughing. Has any other tuber done this site?

>> No.24359663


>> No.24359664
File: 452 KB, 945x672, 20206692624.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh no where did all out threads go!?

>> No.24359688

why no one talk about the new ppp girl?

>> No.24359706

I almost read 女子アナ wrong, but I guess they're going to play with that word.

>> No.24359710 [DELETED] 

Because they aren't a niji or a holo
We only talk about them around these parts to the point that we almost have the same "disscussions" about them everyday!

>> No.24359714

I'm glad people still like Asahi

>> No.24359732

It’s a thread full of shippers. Then half way through Yomi comes in as a rival.

>> No.24359734

Not... enough...
need... more... 炎...

>> No.24359776


>> No.24359795

dont worry, hololive staff will get right on that

>> No.24359811
File: 1.06 MB, 1278x719, kamisamahainai.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Suddenly Nietzsche?!

>> No.24359867

Did niji ID really fail? I mean, sure, most of them haven't been gaining viewership at the average niji rate, so it's not a big success indeed, but Hana has great numbers, Zea and Taka are doing reasonably okay.

IN does seem to be a failure though, Noor is the only one with numbers worthy of note, and even she is apparently now niji EN, so I guess on paper niji IN doesn't exist anymore.

Still, I'm glad 2434 expanded, as much as my personal preferences skew towards Japanese chuubas, with a proper strategy and talent finding skill the potential for international chuubas is huge. Like, for example RU/EN/can-sing-in-JP-really-damn-well Yumemi Yumeiro with niji backing would get tens of thousands of subscribers for sure, and that's just on the surface.

>> No.24359870

Everyone knows Era is dead...

>> No.24359873

...no they won't? N5-kun......

>> No.24359892

This image does indeed prove that Akatsuki Uni is the most popular vampire bishoujo ossan 2077 virtual youtuber!

>> No.24360001

Their subs wholly consist of pity subs from hakooshi outside their target demographic, in other words people who will actually watch and support them monetarily. Fail is too severe a word to use yes, but they're barely hanging on, remember that view/sub numbers isn't everything. You can't even begin to compare the impact to HoloID which was a bullseye with their target audience, gachikoi SEA subhuman weebs, it's not even funny.

t. friends with person in charge of marketing and advertising both NijiID and HoloID to subhuman weebs, and anon is right, at least in this case, that Cover has a more solid expansion plan

>> No.24360006

I don't really think any of them have really "failed". Growth hasn't been explosive straight from the start but when you consider that they are working in a new market I don't know that its entirely reasonable to expect that. If you look at the growth of what are some of the biggest vtubers now many of them took half a year or more to even get to 50k subs and over a year to get to 100k, But now that is taken as a given in the Japanese market for people attached to big companies I guess some people think that anything that doesn't achieve that same level of success instantly is a failure.

>> No.24360027

The problem with NijiID as I've said is I have no idea where their audience is coming from. It's certainly not from Indonesia.

>> No.24360046


>> No.24360052

Indonesian are still their major viewer
Funny enough japanese are started to notice, at least Taka and Hana. Especially Hana since there is increase of JP sub of her clip

>> No.24360081 [SPOILER] 
File: 106 KB, 500x376, 1592819817141.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Scandalous picture of Kuku and Izumi

>> No.24360092

Anon, your Shirakami is broken again

>> No.24360105

Not that anon, but if Hana's streams are any indication, most of the viewers in the chat are clearly not from ID, but just English-speaking people from all over the world, not even just SEA. No idea about the others to be honest.

>> No.24360130
File: 476 KB, 1920x1080, EbG5EUrUEAIeWth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24360146

How do you know if that's not an English speaking Indonesian?

>> No.24360156 [DELETED] 


>> No.24360252

>Rantaro is everywhere commenting on people's streams she like for attention
That lemon stealing bear whore!

>> No.24360278

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IJc-4C2itHk kmnz 2 year special radio
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dpwZTbctl4s ars pien
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9uVFbJg6im8 shiina pokemon
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lr0QUVTwHQo roboco rat sim
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CeqoKpeNqqE noel getting over it
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zWJhzPMn17Q lenri mahjong
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yvMBiEB--fc natsumi
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vP5-W4N7jqo mashiro
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dIZorLywvsQ uge apex
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JLi2QbbWrUk palette project
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XKUyz66-A1s miko ark
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K7-qlgak5ec haato
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LgOLYMVNWSs ritsuki apex

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N1I-77DKlZc akari
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EK5M__7vIC8 rime
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tKUvg3NZJkg uni

>> No.24360292

You know, Ars without her hood is still a big face.

>> No.24360370


>> No.24360379

Social media activities, official and fan/doujin events, networks, etc. In an attention whore-centric subculture still in its infancy like in ID, this is BIG and much more important than in the west or in Japan. Allegedly there's marketing metrics too but I'm not privy to those and I'm not about to try and make someone break NDA just to prove a point on fucking four channel so I can't vouch for or against that in this case.

That's probable, but there's some reason why that might not be the case. There's the problem of the average subhuman's grasp of English, and also just, why? There's no strong reason to write in English when the host speaks the same language as you.

>> No.24360411


>> No.24360423

why is ponpoko so low fps

>> No.24360429

I'll back up this to say that most Indonesians who would be so bound to the web to follow vtubers and pick up the relevant materials probably also know some English, if not being comfortable writing in it.

>> No.24360449

Majority of the ones in HoloID streams write in Indonesian.

>> No.24360453

Fuck her in the ass and buy her voice!

>> No.24360463


>> No.24360475

congrats on the baby!

>> No.24360516

Looks Indonesian to me

>> No.24360554

Now compare that with HoloID's traffic. Also you should be aware that Twitter is not used all that much there. Facebook is the platform of choice and that's where most of the traffic happens.

>> No.24360654

You know it was cringeworthy to commenting english when the said the person talking in japanese?
it's same deal, as in Hana speak mostly in English.
Also if you see the username in the comment you can see it has mostly Indonesian name as id

>> No.24360681

Nijisanji is too japanese for gaijin piggu

>> No.24360692

There are other livers besides Hana there.

>> No.24360694

I'd say HoloID turned out more successful because by the time of their debut Hololive has already laid solid foundation for them thanks to translated clips. English clips got interest from SEA -> SEA translators also started making their translation channels -> brought even more SEA.
Basically the usual formula of watching Nijisanji and repeating better/working parts after some time.

>> No.24360733

I'd rather keep it that way, for better or worse

especially considering how much hololive is morphing due to english listeners

>> No.24360735
File: 74 KB, 680x382, EbCQ11DUYAEp7V-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yesterday's Hashiba stream was great fun. Halfway through it turned into an impromptu collab with Haneru.

>> No.24360749

>porn thread is mesukawa

>> No.24360792

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mp3YqZBodKU love pii ASMR

>> No.24360804


>> No.24360833
File: 374 KB, 1920x1080, mpv-shot11509.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

High fidelity 3D model for the 27th shown

>> No.24360866

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iCXuZK7V2sQ chanmari pien
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yIweQjJvWSw nazuna apex
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bDiu8a4BqVQ futaba
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Geij32yx3bQ karuta
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GM0_tV4oDhM palette project
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j-yzggPoWXI kaiji mahjong
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LDXHv8rZbEw furen clubhouse games
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1khZh99DyBc ebio pien
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pc_81o1P19M rene 774 news
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s5fpLjJIP1o coco sims
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lnrFF5TnvYI suisei onryo
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=deWEKOrrG4U shellin clubhouse games
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WEnBD2t2Fag tojiro kei splat https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HR87XlIw6P8 kei pov
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GhEJ6zrZTL4 sephira cuphead
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U2VoTfdALwM kanae of the wild
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eJ2sZdCAFMc reid apex

v=EK_mGZoNw1g aki-kun
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VeAC7KHs2hU minami
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L1wq4nqC_fk omesis

>> No.24360908

Also it's because of how nijisanji's and japanese media merchandise model works, the monies are all from real-life event, merch, music CD and shits, gaijin pig can not and will not spend money with this type of business, pandering to them is waste of time, just treat them as side project, the only money you can get from them is from ads and supacha, and it's just a tiny amount compared to Japan market

>> No.24360911


No, really. Shit like Fubuki's Scatman blew up and people wanted more, creating a funnel that led EOPs to her and by extension the rest of Hololive.

>> No.24360931

SEAnig doesn't have money to spend

>> No.24360976

This, but also they can't. You have to jump through all sorts of hoops to send superchat from Indonesia because by default it's not available there.

>> No.24360996

Idk, Fubuki/Korone played absolutely zero role in me following the Holos (despite being the main meme/panderers of the gang).
I also thought Ui and Kagura were Holos and not solos.

>> No.24361029

My wife Sephira is too cute

>> No.24361035

I wonder how long will Pekora's stream be. I want to watch it but I also want to watch HimaLulu later.

>> No.24361056

Stay in your Holo stream please, I don't want anymore English in their chat

>> No.24361061

I like her, she's cute.

>> No.24361135

Most people also don't have autism like you, so you're more of an outlier dude

>> No.24361145

Fuck off. I primarily follow nijisanji but I won't stop enjoying the livers I like because of association.
My japanese is probably better than yours too, I doubt you can even pass N2.

>> No.24361165

Wonderful knockdown, bro. Don't forget to post it on your instagram.

>> No.24361197
File: 140 KB, 1280x720, EbHP87jUcAIfXEn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best of Cute video.

With guest voices.

>> No.24361207


>> No.24361213


>> No.24361218
File: 27 KB, 521x589, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Kazamiya Matsuri liked much on this board? I started to branch out and sje is one that caught my attention.
Only problem is to get access to most of her fanbox stuff it seems you need to be paying a high monthly level, anyone here that can talk about the worth of it?

>> No.24361227

I can't imagine many people would. It's incredibly simple to close the chat, block those that are particularly annoying or just filter English altogether even if it bothers someone that much.

>> No.24361235 [DELETED] 

fucking hololive ripoff kys

>> No.24361238

I still remember drunk Matsuri but she doesn't get talked about much here anymore for obvious reasons.

>> No.24361261

>I can't imagine many people would
126 million people in Japan disagree with you.

>> No.24361268

Why the hell do you fags care about the chat when you are there to listen to the tuber?

>> No.24361275

Care to add any more insights or is being an unhelpful, bitter piece of shit your only mode?

>> No.24361291

First time I'm seeing it.

>> No.24361298 [DELETED] 

You are better off asking in hte Holo thread. I doubt many people here can give advice on that.

>> No.24361309

EOP, I...

>> No.24361318

Korone about to celebrate the traditional Swedish midsommar holiday, jättebra!

>> No.24361325

She isn't known or liked on there either apart from people knowing her stream with Aki. But thanks for the reply. Ima leave the thread to whatever it is you do here then, sorry for asking a question.

>> No.24361332

The interaction between the chat and the streamer is an important part of many streams. I usually only tend to block people if they are being particularly retarded or live translating.

>> No.24361345


Chat and interaction with chat is an integral part of streaming, unlike shitsub clips.

>> No.24361352

Dumb dog

>> No.24361357

Not for Hololivers!

>> No.24361390 [DELETED] 

Nigger, why do you care what other retards, that most likely got blacklisted or some other shit, post in chat and not what you do yourself? Do you go on streams to fucking read some random fags comments or attemtp to interact yourself?

>> No.24361402

sasuga yuuzai homo clade

>> No.24361454
File: 429 KB, 1920x1080, 【漫画動画】理想的なプロポーズ5選.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's so nice that AI-chan is completely in charge. They should've done that from the start.

Also, I might be wrong but I think this is the second time Papa has been mocapped. He also appears to be about 180 cm tall.

>> No.24361477

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yoqPjn7W-7Q yotsuha
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y_A8AfuBiKw ritsuki luis apex
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VgP1OryiDXg luis pov
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oQYdZvNA3oo magrona
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4xm3PAh1rWw ribon minecraft dungeons
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R1nTrqknVBU sukoya
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7k-r7P9TXdQ pekora horror
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vAcaFEcj2N8 fubuki maneater
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LtRkymPyKFM tomari
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZkoIwqoOTZs natori
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PELTM7jRpQk kanda clubhouse games
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qJOmGDaNpwU umi honami overcooked
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_QpC5xE9wgU ichika
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GHjP_l3TRiU hoonie
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m-_Ing_5xwk piroparu batsumaru laeria apex
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qPLARCAGu38 laeria pov
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ISw22O_ED_0 bell 10k
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B-LCI28utWQ mito clubhouse games
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-K-wMrJKk6A naruse crossing
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mVMn1bxA9ko hoshikawa tsugunohi

>> No.24361493

Yes? bokke-tukomi is the core of all Japanese streaming including all vtubers that are not Hololive or streaming amateurs like Aishit

>> No.24361555
File: 178 KB, 386x420, imageproxy.php.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to fuck the dumbness out of this girl

>> No.24361560

It is? In the 15~ years I've been watching streams across various sites, I've spent less than 15% of that commenting. Actively commenting. Not just "haha!" or other stupid shit. Even that might be a stretch. Probably 10%/
Chats are worthless outside of small streamers because ALL chat systems are garbage, no exceptions. When you are speaking hundreds if not thousands of people trying to get attention, it becomes a fruitless effort to even bother using it at that point.
It's literally effort to type something that has a less than 1% chance being seen or even matter when you can just sit there and not and you'd not affect anything really.
Chat systems should adopt some sort of reaction-system for reacting to stuff so it isn't flooding chats with garbage. Equally they could add other useful stuff like numbers for asking suggestions / polls.
Something funny happens, click some dumb laughing emoji and watch a number increase. Chat spam is always bad, even if it is on-topic.
It's even worse when you start throwing in multiple languages because people don't read stream descriptions.

>> No.24361632
File: 173 KB, 1920x1080, mpv-shot11510.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nintendo betrayal

>> No.24361679

It more than likely wont be you specifically being interacted with on an individual level but nonetheless interaction between chat as a group and the streamer is very common and often adds a lot to streams. They will quite often pick up on a comment and then talk around or on that topic, or make a joke about it, engage in banter or whatever.

>> No.24361689

She's really cute

>> No.24361718
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>> No.24361720
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>> No.24361725

Cool, but you're watching NND streaming culture which you don't know anything about, EOP-kun.

>> No.24361761

The argument is not to stop commenting.
It's to care less about shitposting in the chat and care more about the stream and your own attempts of interacting with the tuber.

So you are promoting turning chats into shitpost platforms? Cause all you've been saying right now is in support of that.

>> No.24361763

Still becomes a massive pain as the viewers increase. The mental strain of trying to speed-read shit in the chat before it flies past is annoying.
It's already bad enough from a viewer perspective, imagine how worse it is from someone streaming doing something that demands their visual attention.
I've got no idea why streaming sites haven't bothered trying to fix the issue. It's a very big issue.
It's all shit. Doesn't matter where it comes from. Spamfests are the lowest common denominator for ADHD kiddies.
NND streams were so bad I stopped watching them outright, certainly didn't help NND looked like, and still looks like, massive AIDS.

>> No.24361796
File: 460 KB, 1080x1728, IMG_20200622_092949.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hololive and Nijisanji bringing out the big guns today

>> No.24361852
File: 184 KB, 1920x1080, mpv-shot11513.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pekora is dead

>> No.24361854

sacrificial spare meat

>> No.24361856

3d horage is more entertaining to watch compared to board games.
And it was inverse 2 days ago, no?

>> No.24361900

The asobi game seems pretty popular

>> No.24361937

Try to get better at following discussions before you shitpost, thanks.

If it's all shit, then why do most talking points come from the chat?

>> No.24361966
File: 213 KB, 1920x1080, mpv-shot11514.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pekora is fighting fucking lamps

>> No.24361990

I'm watching a non Holo, non Niji, average 1k live viewers vtuber's archive right now. She's actually pretty enjoyable. Small numbers don't always mean small amount of entertainment after all.

>> No.24361997

>chats keep shitposting
>why do you care more about chat shitposting instead of the tuber/interaction
>it's part of the "streeaming culture"
If anyone is the shitposter here, it's the guy that watches streams only to focus on the shitposts more than the stream/reasonable interaction itself.

>> No.24362021

Small numbers don't mean shit, it's all about exposure

>> No.24362037

Chat being shit != chat being useless
It's just a mess of spam, that's all.
There's many methods that could be used to clean up the need for spam but nobody seems to care to do it.
Whether it is minimum word modes or reactions systems, or other ideas.
It'd help both from a streamer and viewer standpoint, and make viewers feel less disconnect which can only be a good thing for retention.
As streaming continues to grow, it'll only get worse. Spamfests are garbage.
Look at Bilibili. Holy hell that's a mess of a site. That sites design fully embraced this idea and it's a fucking hellhole of UI clusterfuck.
I've seen amusement parks with less visual clutter.

>> No.24362038

>and he doesn't even name the vtuber

>> No.24362040

>Sio お披露目振り返り
Jesus anon was right, she's already doing Hololive milking technique. All hail the new queen, the third great unifier.

Nijisanji: Nobunaga
Hololive: Hideyoshi
Sio: Tokugawa
Which makes .LIVE Imagawa?

>> No.24362051

>1k live viewers
>small numbers

Where does that put me and my favorite chuubas with 10-150 live viewers...

>> No.24362068

Above those who have 0-9 viewers

>> No.24362071

Dedicated enthusiast.

>> No.24362074

Pekora's numbers are giving me a full boner right now

>> No.24362095

That's just Chinese web design in a nutshell. They seem to like the clutter much like how Europeans/Americans like (perhaps, also, too much) clean interfaces with huge empty spaces between everything and much less info on one screen.

>> No.24362103

Pekora is giving me a full boner right now

>> No.24362113
File: 378 KB, 1920x1080, mpv-shot11515.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New idol choreography

>> No.24362116

Most vtuber's chat doesn't have spamfest or even OOT comments.

>> No.24362130

The modern whitespace heavy UIs in recent years is so god-awful.
I think it's partly fuelled by touchscreen nonsense as well for their big fat fingers. Stylus > fingers any day.
I find myself fixing websites more often than not with user-styles.

>> No.24362150

I hope after her contract expire Natonato quit and when she reincarnate she join up with Sio just for spite.

>> No.24362160

草、かわいい、助かる are probably the most mass spammed comment types.

>> No.24362167

I do actually have one chuuba I often listen to who is in that range (she's fun, likes retro-ish games, is an actual mom, though a little autistic; honestly it's a shame she doesn't get a lot of live viewers, especially now that she finally has a proper setup), but in general I've found that the majority of 0-9 chuubas keep silent for most of the time so their streams are a bit dull...

>> No.24362184
File: 844 KB, 4000x2500, munburo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Moonlight Blossom Deceit
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XWYHf3tXLSs Fuwa
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sFxKtYpq17M Ibrahim
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1uCB-Ad5hFk Mayuyu
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9YRS_PWtZB4 Mirei
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dKnKAawnchs Rion
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=61bEhbtKocI Shiina

>> No.24362211

Don't forget the てぇてぇ

t. てぇてぇしか言えないてぇてぇ鹿

>> No.24362229

Holy shit look at the schedule, these Nijisanjis are gonna kill each other at 22:00 with 20 streams going on at the same time. My guess is YashiPanda winning in live viewer number.

>> No.24362252

>spammed comment types
This EOP is too funny. Why do you think they have wipes in everything?

>> No.24362301

I don’t know why you always argue with EOPs about comments. They don’t know Japanese anyway so they wouldn’t know if they’re just saying something or replying to the chat in the first place.

>> No.24362339
File: 91 KB, 708x1000, EbGy06VUwAALv3I.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sio 3D zatsudan

>> No.24362344

Cover should make viewbotting less obvious.

>> No.24362377

Holy fuck what's wrong with her upper teeth/mouth

>> No.24362390

I don't know why you pretend that shitposting is how you prove your point.

>> No.24362419

It's the same faggot who cried and bawled last time he got told off about his subs dependency. I'm interested to know why he stuck around despite that episode.

>> No.24362420
File: 188 KB, 1754x1240, EOuyMQzU4AUgAZW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So her old model is dead, just like when Tama when from 2D to 3D, she already change her youtube icon

>> No.24362437

Nothing, is just shitty lightning

>> No.24362463

If you look at analysis of comments in vtuber chat its not uncommon to find 20%+ of all chat comments containing 草.

>> No.24362485

Hima killed in 4 seconds by Lulu as expected

>> No.24362491
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>> No.24362492
File: 69 KB, 570x1170, ESg_AjnU4AE7NPg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish she had gone with this model to pay homage to her old model

>> No.24362496

It's dead gives away when she stopped collab with nijisanji tuber starting collab more with hololive tuber

>> No.24362528

The Kizuna AI look is fine.

>> No.24362533

She just did collabs with Mirei, Maimoto and Meiji though.

>> No.24362542

She become a slut, she's been collab with everyone, even with Animare

>> No.24362558

So I'm listening about Kerin's situation right now and damn 2020 wasn't easy on him at all.

>> No.24362570

She will suck out there fan to the last drop

>> No.24362571

I believe Animare still have some unique viewers (who don't watch Nijisanji/Hololive). Also explains why Kaoru went after them first.

>> No.24362572

Wait, Hima is Pink? Lulu is Yellow? Why?

>> No.24362574

I don`t think that`s how collabs work

>> No.24362581
File: 2.95 MB, 2894x4093, 75511094_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah, so that's why I dislike the outfit the moment I saw it

>> No.24362582


>> No.24362598

Big brains

>> No.24362603

She's not sucking, just exposing herself to bigger audience.

>> No.24362615

It worked for hololive tho

>> No.24362618
File: 80 KB, 930x870, Ea4wKPiVAAAtbfu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's wrong with it? Going with Best of Cute seems like the right choice.

>> No.24362621
File: 240 KB, 525x557, 1565704707961.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still can't get it.

>> No.24362632

she back

>> No.24362640

If you don't understand the difference you really don't get it at all.

>> No.24362655

Why the fuck Narukami talking about Kerin instead of hololive, he doesn't want the juice drama fire on Niconino and right now?

>> No.24362657

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hjDD1LzLUrc met apex
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eLYyu1OUB4E aki-kun
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jDZL5APW0tw sryr
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KpfxV2UsxZk kanata
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VnM9ih_GUXY coco apex
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8k_c4ysqgZ8 ichinose
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wh8PX19yZhE flare
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nr1JQzFvAvw korone watching midsommar
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UF3jzH6VsAI yashiro saku clubhouse games
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bUD94wmsEbs ryushen
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8bAPidgm64U hima lulu super bunny man
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gQOkHLukcfw debi watching midsommar
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5zaNX8ELpvk izumi pien
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MyRCzQTPqQg togabito
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R55iK0OC9Tw natori souls
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KGDn1fQ27tU honami
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1uCB-Ad5hFk mayuzumi deceit
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YQqdnL-utYA tomoe

>> No.24362705

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rI-qSckEwxQ taisa's birthday
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GUKjo4kENHM mishiro
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yaPdY8VhTMA chriscraft

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q53_-Rn2wqI hoshino mea
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xYXGfzgjEoE toko

>> No.24362716

Didn't he post video defending them yesterday?

>> No.24362727

Tell me about Sio, why does she like giraffes

>> No.24362761

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rE9lqKs6m1U nobuhime q&a

>> No.24362774

And That's A Good Thing

>> No.24362779

Animare is the good girls club

>> No.24362800

Scared of being sued.

>> No.24362809
File: 978 KB, 1191x1684, EXvgbxFXYAEnMd2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, they are going to be good girls or else

>> No.24362843

Uruha is weird. I always thought she was boring as fuck and she should still be but then I started wathcing her in dead hours and now I'm really starting to like her.

>> No.24362845

Lol D.E Kirin is in this too. And the gorilla. God i love this, this is what I always wanted out of Ai, MORE COLLABS!

>> No.24362870

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZwxwnxG27Fc koyori no archive singing

>> No.24362880
File: 97 KB, 1200x674, DnJZhPOUcAA7Xsj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's up with the .Live psy ops? you shouldn't have let your overlords drop her, relax and die already

>> No.24362909
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>> No.24362944
File: 1007 KB, 2900x4096, 1571260034281.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lulu and Hima actually pretty competent at this game.

>> No.24362947


>> No.24363034
File: 274 KB, 1280x720, EbBTK8VUEAUgzqi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's almost time for tonight's best stream, get in here

>> No.24363059


>> No.24363081

You guys always hype these streams and they end up being unremarkable and messy.

>> No.24363106

Shigure Ui is a Hololive now??

>> No.24363114

Thankfully, no.

>> No.24363147

Does youtube not like it when lots of people repeatedly view a new video? More than a few times now on new songs I've seen views that were rapidly rising suddenly stop and then restart hours later at a lower number.

>> No.24363178

B is Watame

>> No.24363182

>small chuubas constantly like and repost each other
Cute but also sad

>> No.24363216 [DELETED] 

So it's basically a copy of Marin imitator stream but hosted by Tamaki?

>> No.24363228

The eye tracking on Sio's model is really good what the fuck

>> No.24363240

So it's basically a copy of Marine imitator stream but about Ui and hosted by Tamaki?

>> No.24363247

I like the tiny chuubas who greet everyone who enters their stream.

>> No.24363256

The power of gacha money.

>> No.24363265

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8ynT1gr_zXM yumeo
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B8aZTA0Zi9U sumire apex
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zSgIsXiB3EM renecraft
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1N-WXzM1zKg hajime getting over it
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r66nCyJqnPA fumi
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AtCQIAsjWTs miko sims
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R4m5hsffW3A mao go home
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0MBZz_Xk7Oo mary
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=78woYqUAPqE rikka
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k6Grzd6QQ4k haneru
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=87j00D9wmL0 oneechan

>> No.24363303

If you're going to inspire yourself on AI-chan you might as well take some of her good things.

>> No.24363320

Claire is too cute for this

>> No.24363321

Great, you can read. Do you want an award for that? This is probably the most apt instance of high INT, low WIS I've ever seen in this thread.

>> No.24363329
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>> No.24363350


>> No.24363386

I think holos would be more than happy to help out Towa`s gf

>> No.24363402

What is the problem exactly? It's exactly the same thing as when people on twitch all spam some emote in reaction to the stream isn't it?

>> No.24363437
File: 622 KB, 843x604, douiukoto.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24363455

Honestly it's just better to ignore him. The dude's butt hurt over every little post is immeasurable, he really should take the dildo out of his ass sometime soon.

>> No.24363480

Maybe she doesn't wear glasses.

>> No.24363552

The 'highschooler mahjong savant' uniform fits her so much better than a generic idol outift

>> No.24363567

If you see that as a good thing, you might be a child or disabled.
Emote spam is equally bad. Twitch culture encourages it through monetary transactions, it is infinitely worse.

>> No.24363576

noooo not the tags!

>> No.24363633
File: 87 KB, 2048x2048, EZGdHkDUcAEIXJG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's been a while since I caught one of her karaoke streams and she's singing one of my favorite songs. Today's going to be a good day, /jp/.

>> No.24363732

is this a straight up bullying stream?

>> No.24363755

Yes, pekogyaku start to finish.

>> No.24363818


>> No.24363833


>> No.24363840
File: 73 KB, 800x800, EbC17s1U0AI7IMd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My knowledge of her is ankle-deep as I've only really watched her through a handful of collabs, but if you want to know about what's the general idea of stuff in her fanbox there isn't really a good way to know without footing the bill yourself. Nips generally, and this is a very spread-thin usage of the word "generally", don't talk about what's in stuff like that and basically tell you to "fuck off and spend the 20 dollars, asshole". Which I get it and makes sense but there's a difference between "just give me this paid shit for free" and simply asking what the hell it is you're buying.

But I digress, not really much anyone here can say about that since while it's possible there's someone here who knows what's in there, the only mentions I've seen of anons subscribing to fanbox-like stuff was for Nobuhime, Yomi, I believe the entire Nursegumi excluding whats-his-name, I want to say Akkun and probably more than a few others I'm forgetting over the years. Hopefully there's some anon who can answer your question but if not the literal only other option you got is asking the nips themselves, just mentally prepare yourself for the reaction. Or maybe like I mentioned earlier my experiences are just totally locked into the different subset of people than the vtuber scene. Fuck if I know.

>> No.24363933

great, thanks

>> No.24364144

Well, if you can't help someone out with something specifically the next best thing to do is point them on the right way I feel. But admittedly I didn't want anon to believe that the only posters here nowadays are the type who freak out about the tiniest thing, imply that nobody is allowed to get discussed beyond people from the two biggest groups, so on and so forth. Vocal minorities and all that, sometimes even I forget /jp/ is a board of lurkers and it takes a good smack to remind me of that.

>> No.24364163

why are 2 people watching midsommar at the same time?

>> No.24364168
File: 179 KB, 731x1414, EbHrdEsX0AUtB-Z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never knew Moe could say something so erotic.

>> No.24364169
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Hima is getting dunked

>> No.24364186

Oh boy. Which english speaking chuuba is losing their mind next?

>> No.24364196

Wait, they're still going? Figured it'd only be a 2 hour stream tops.

>> No.24364220

Lulu wants all the carrots

>> No.24364222

They want the carrot in that stage

>> No.24364231


>> No.24364238

what tends to happen in the summer?

>> No.24364289
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>> No.24364297

I can't remember the last time I heard Lulu so excited. This was a great stream.

>> No.24364304
File: 371 KB, 1920x1080, mpv-shot11519.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There was 4 more levels

>> No.24364316
File: 582 KB, 1920x1080, mpv-shot11520.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Next time

>> No.24364319

Heat, light clothes, insects

>> No.24364323

They were planning and executing that last stage like it was some Black Ops.

>> No.24364326

she does seem to hold back a lot solo

>> No.24364351


>> No.24364356

Increase of dolphin porn

>> No.24364409

I imagine even for experience streamers its harder to keep up energy levels when you're just talking to silent screens, a lot easier to get excited when you're resonating off someone else.

>> No.24364428

LizeLulu is buffing her socializing skills

>> No.24364438

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=voLe7uUQ5Bc Bell Apex

>> No.24364454

this stream really reminds me how talented and skill lulu is when she's not pretending to be retarded.

>> No.24364479

Anyone find IRL people x vtuber collabs uncanny? I'm talking about radio shows with a camera, or appearances where the vtuber is in the monitor beside the IRL people.

The format I found to be the least repulsive is either by not showing the human at all, or the Mahjong Souls official streams where both the human and the vtuber are overlaid via green screen on a drawn background.

Also "pretend" physical contact by the 3d actor against the 'rendered' vtuber is the cringiest shit ever.

>> No.24364513
File: 252 KB, 1536x2048, D-kSgOZUcAABN5x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24364523


>> No.24364547

Poor poor forgotten Holo.

>> No.24364549
File: 103 KB, 1024x576, DfGBR4FU0AMOrL9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Also "pretend" physical contact by the 3d actor against the 'rendered' vtuber is the cringiest shit ever.
Imagine being this gay

>> No.24364554
File: 87 KB, 750x1334, EbH44iBU4AQJQ8y.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24364563

Its kinda weird, but its supposed to be kind of funny. You're not supposed to take it seriously. Remember, nip humor isn't exactly refined.

It works better on radio shows though yeah

>> No.24364586
File: 509 KB, 2000x1334, A7R03025.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking love those

>> No.24364587

It isn't. Think about why they have wipes everywhere, it's the same reason. Use your head. I know you can do it. We believe in you!

>> No.24364589

Airi and Airi collabs are the best, though

>> No.24364591

mafia kajita is literally the only one who can manage to make it not cringe and that's because he's a massive softhearted bro and a big vtuber fan to begin with.

>> No.24364611

Never bothered me in the slightest.

>> No.24364632
File: 510 KB, 877x620, EKaXzEbUYAAEbdp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a lot easier to get excited when you're resonating off someone else.
Yep. It's why some of the best streams in the scene had been collabs, it's so much easier to work off someone else and you both become more than just the sum of your parts. OTN, PPTrio's Heave Ho, Sanbaka's first couple of Minecraft streams especially, BANskura even the nights when it was just Ken Onee-chan and JotomoIgusa, probably more than half of Norio's collabs, and of course 天魔機忍 ver.G. Literally countless others too like picture related. Eat shit, Hakuya.

>> No.24364672

I think it depends on the type of content they're providing, gamer streams are almost always better in collabs because there's more excitement. But imo someone like Mito works a lot better solo. Her group content is good too, but when she's able to just go through her prepped material by herself is where she shines.

>> No.24364678

>Anyone find IRL people x vtuber collabs uncanny?
Not even slightly, unless it's old people trying to be hip and cool.
>Also "pretend" physical contact by the 3d actor against the 'rendered' vtuber is the cringiest shit ever.
If it's old people, yeah. Generally it's not unless you're Ai, but stuff like the RAGE PUBG collabs and the aforementioned Mafia streams were more than fine. Virtual-san ironically had the best version of it if you ask me.

>> No.24364686
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>> No.24364710

That's not the same

>> No.24364746

There's more than a few streams and streamers where it's just one person and they've ascended to a legendary status and I'm not trying to say otherwise, just pointing out that collabs can be ungodly good. Didn't even touch on big events like the Kohaku, the wholesome niconico stream whose name I and apparently a bunch of other anons forget as that vague description is its name now, old RAGE streams so on and so forth. There's some real fucking magic in all three of these different kinds of streams; individual streams, collab streams, and massive group streams.

>> No.24364848

Seiyuu are 2.5d.

>> No.24364871


>> No.24364916

I don't like Sio's dumb idol/mahou shoujo costume. What the hell was she thinking?

>> No.24364930

Mao is such a goddamn cutie

>> No.24364950
File: 190 KB, 1920x1080, EbH4kA2UMAMBNEl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Our husband hit 300k subscribers. I'm a little emotional seeing yet another one of my favorites reach such a milestone.

>> No.24364986

2nd imaginary tournament when
2nd vomit collab when
2nd lyrics werewolf when

>> No.24365155
File: 265 KB, 1200x630, EbFH9lKU4AAX4dm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buy the chips.

>> No.24365299

Does it taste like vtubers?

>> No.24365318

lightly salted

>> No.24365326

2hrs ago
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B-6-48RTQns flare muse dash
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fe53Y2tVbpE dola karaoke
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_L5f2hl9jLA akirose muse dash
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aLCEMmEaijs eli zatsu
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c8rz81Qzzxo levi monster rancher

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KMjQhgAwrMM deronchi pien
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oXwJbsBGUec ponpoko peanuts pien
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cfn2ciTGRh0 patra asmr
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uWrnerLCBxU rantaroukura
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ngQAlMmTJPU ayame zatsudan
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aMsZFZszK90 akina pien
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HKFYsYT5F8k shion zatsu
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b6OpJNmr49U naraka zatsu
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lTn5HuVkk3A hakase 51 games
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p8dfbmsYQ5A choco a-chan moruna coco noel haato collab
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SrtCI6Dg3XQ ririmu zatsudan
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tkXC4VExF8g toya gakkun TABS
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eR5uWnpctZo miko zatsu
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1guSUEg6c7Q hayama apex

>> No.24365427

Garibenger was peak vtuberism so not really no

>> No.24365565

But shes not a Holo?

>> No.24365577

I have no idea what a wipe is.

>> No.24365618
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>> No.24365672


>> No.24365704

Anons right though, she's not part of Hololive. She's part of Cover, and is then a part of Inonaka Music along with Suisei which is a subsidiary of Cover, but then Suisei intergrated into Hololive proper months later, but Azki is still just a part of Inonaka Music. Unless something changed in since the Shitiest Start but I remember that the big announcement was joining Inonaka Music proper.

>> No.24365707

Hololive Pro not Hololive. You don't call Holostars Holo do you?

>> No.24365773

crimson desu

>> No.24365813

I don't call Holostars period.

>> No.24365833

Probably rape.

>> No.24365853

I do, since the feud is over.

>> No.24365859

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o5xxtZ7vR9k disco

>> No.24365928

what does she even do anyway?

>> No.24365964
File: 126 KB, 1280x720, 01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Edo lena
she has a great voice.

>> No.24365983

Actual music. Hence why suisei didn't fit in at all.

>> No.24366060

Be Papa's favorite girl because she actually puts out. Seriously, the way Suisei got completely ignored despite being way more entertaining and thus marketable than Azki was probably one of the biggest cases of mismanagement in the entire scene.

>> No.24366077

univirtuals rise up

>> No.24366092

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QKCkF6hB6tc shiba ff14
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cidYQFEB3bc mayuzumi ibrahim duo zatsu

>> No.24366096
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>> No.24366108
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>> No.24366115

god i wish i was that toilet

>> No.24366123

AZKi was a bigger deal because she's an actual singer and is skilled at it.
Suisei is a half ass idol drop out who can't sing or dance for crap, and she tried to join a music company. Of course Suisei got ignored when she has no talent.

Hololive only saved Suisei because she didn't actually need to be talented to be successful, she could just fail and play tetris all day. AZKi is still making it solely as a singer.

>> No.24366136

But she POOPS in there!

>> No.24366146

vtubers are dead as fuck ngl
can't find any of them interesting anymore.

>> No.24366163
File: 3.69 MB, 1756x2479, 81706817_p1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Suisei is also a better singer than AZKi though?

>> No.24366168

I'm sorry for thinking you can use your brain. Maybe next time don't act like you know what you're talking about with your 15 years of useless experience when you have no idea of even the most basic aspect of Japanese entertainment?

>> No.24366176

Good joke.
Only holo even close to AZKi's level is Sora.

>> No.24366183

Watch AI-chan>>24361197

>> No.24366184

>AZKi was a bigger deal because she's an actual singer
And I said "marketable". Getting popular covers on youtube doesn't mean you're popular, Azki can't work with anyone beyond herself and barely does anything as a vtuber by herself unprompted; even Aoi does more than her in that regard. You'd be hard pressed to even call Azki a modern utaite.

>> No.24366188

AZKi is making what? Scrapping the bottom?

>> No.24366193 [DELETED] 

Great now the Suiseifags are here

>> No.24366211

Please don't be sad AZKifag

>> No.24366213

you realize she regularly has original songs right?
she's only a half vtuber, she's there for singing not for vtubing.

>> No.24366224
File: 289 KB, 1400x4000, 1573970517112.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The guy who shills this girl, thank you. She's my wife now.

>> No.24366242

I realize that her papa sent all the original song to her favourite leaving Suisei with nothing. Too bad her original songs barely get any views without ads.

>> No.24366257

That's literally my exact point; she's not a
very marketable vtuber. Suisei is. I'm not saying "Suisei is better than Azki in every single way" like some other retards will say, but Azki is essentially just an utaite. Even utaites do twitcasts nowadays whereas Azki feels like she's just there for business plus singing and not much else. Which is sad, because we've seen vtubers who've been in that exact same scenario before and end up breaking out from that and growing massively as vtubers because of it. She's even gotten close to doing the same thing too and I sincerely hope she does, but she's just not a good fit for the vtuber scene as a whole and I thoroughly believe it was a mistake to push her over Suisei for so long.

>> No.24366272

Azki sounds like she needs to poop real bad but she's holding it in as hard as she can but it's not enough and there's a bit of poop sticking out like a prairie dog when she sings

>> No.24366277

People repeatedly commenting the same thing on mass is generally referred to as spamming and you have yet to present a single convincing argument as to why they should be considered anything other than that.

>> No.24366286

She's doing the radio thing with two other girls. Most people don't know or care about it though since it's, you know, AZKi.

>> No.24366292
File: 983 KB, 1320x935, EWfwIEyU8AAvog0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope Sio still uses her old model. Or at least gets an outfit similar to it for her 3d because like some other people said it looks better on her.

>> No.24366298

hololive as a whole gets far more attention and advertisement than azki does though?

nigga, why are you trying to make suisei some sort of underdog? she's one of the most popular girls in one of the most popular vtubing groups. AZKi is just a singer in an off-branch that barely gets any attention.
suisei got shafted because she joined a music branch, not an idol branch, and she is not a good musician period.

>> No.24366306

I rarely actually watch anything anymore and only stay for the spicy drama now

>> No.24366312

That's exactly why I meant by "she's coming close to doing the same thing", yeah.

>> No.24366340

I'm saying that because I know what's been going behind the scenes while Suisei was in INNK. You sound like you have your own headcanon about that so good luck with that.

>> No.24366345 [DELETED] 

You must be -this- weeb to ride the /jp/.

>> No.24366347

cute shark

>> No.24366360

I still love my wife Sio even though she has an idolshit outfit now

>> No.24366367

>I know what's been going behind the scenes
Are you staff/producer? Because otherwise it's also your own headcanon.

>> No.24366377

No shit. It's clear anons just one of many trying to derail because suisei got mentioned. She's apparently despised in the holothread if all the deleted posts about her are an indication.

>> No.24366381 [DELETED] 

This is what happens when you nijiholofans keep posting here. You get some retarded infighting

>> No.24366408
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>> No.24366418

Nah but I've been following producer's/AZKi's/Suisei's activity during that time.
For example I'm sure most people don't even know about this event's existence.
That was the last pity event that was given to Suisei before manager started completely ignoring her.

>> No.24366427

>i know what goes on behind the scenes because i watched some videos of her back then

>> No.24366428

Sio says she’s already ordered another 3D model with school costume.

>> No.24366431 [DELETED] 

so just more proof that the hololi/v/e containment thread tries to ruin this one

>> No.24366438

I wish my wife Rene would stop playing that blocky game and come to bed to sleep with me already.

>> No.24366452
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>> No.24366456

It's not like it's a hidden thing, the whole raiding thing has been talked about left and right and it gets proven every now and then when the thread absolutely explodes. It's why some subjects are too touchy, didn't figure talking about Suisei getting fucked over for the better part of her career was one of them though.

>> No.24366457

is she actually popular in japan? she seems to be a literally who in both the west and japan

>> No.24366468

Delusional anon...

>> No.24366471

So you've decided to greenpost after since you don't have any other arguments. gg

>> No.24366478

>Most people don't know or care about it though since it's, you know, not on youtuber
People only talk about youtuber shit here, even twitter shit get ignore halt the time here

>> No.24366500

>I've been following producer's/AZKi's/Suisei's activity during that time
That's not behind the scenes you turboautist.

>> No.24366510

I wouldn't say popular, but she's moderately successful, which considering she basically only cares about singing that's not too bad of a situation.

>> No.24366524
File: 138 KB, 688x815, EZffzA7WoAUkzkL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no she's my wife

>> No.24366529


>> No.24366534

You need to ggo back faggggot

>> No.24366542

Check the views. It's that simple.

>> No.24366547


I have high hopes for her ASMR stream.

>> No.24366552

Oh he copypasted something from 5ch I guess its confirmed true now. Like everything on that website.

>> No.24366570

yes, 5ch posts. you can tell its true because anon can't even read it.

>> No.24366575

Adding to that AZKi told during her 4th live event that her manager said that he'll stick with her no matter what when she was just starting so Suisei was literally the third wheel all that time.

>> No.24366594

Maybe that'll help.

>> No.24366596

Some of it's true like the water thing, I remember that blowing up on twitter though not as much as the similar thing with the Idolbu, but no idea if the stuff about a Suisei song going to her is true or not. It wasn't exactly hidden knowledge that she was getting shafted pretty much the entire time though. Pretty much anything that's just an opinion can be safely discarded.

>> No.24366597

its pretty consistent with everything else on that channel. the old videos have no views, even the now popular shows.

>> No.24366603
File: 58 KB, 227x131, pandaotaku.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love their collabs. I hope they collab more often now

>> No.24366650
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>> No.24366661

translate it weebs

>> No.24366664

It's a hidden knowledge for anon(s) here since they have their own understanding of what was happening
>nigga, why are you trying to make suisei some sort of underdog? she's one of the most popular girls in one of the most popular vtubing groups. AZKi is just a singer in an off-branch that barely gets any attention.
>suisei got shafted because she joined a music branch, not an idol branch, and she is not a good musician period.
But nope, I'm the one who's delusional here.

>> No.24366668

I'm not even interested in this, just find it funny when people copypaste things from there as if it has any more authority than just someone making shit up because its in Japanese.

>> No.24366682

sounding true is exactly how you make bullshit up retard.
Its safe to assume for every 1 true statement 4 others are complete bullshit.

>> No.24366684

Just because it's in Japanese doesn't mean that it's made up, EOP. It's just a chronology of what happened in the past.

>> No.24366696

I have never said it was made up.

>> No.24366697

That's why you posted a legitimate source for it, right?

>> No.24366704

Fair enough, but in this case it's not complete and utter bullshit but some stuff you can actually trace back and find yourself. There's still plenty of stuff that can't be confirmed or is just opinionated like the literal first line, but it's a fact that they over-sold water and Suisei didn't get any original songs during her time with them and generally just got ignored.
Also true, and I thoroughly agree with you.

>> No.24366728

It was 2ch all this time. Which makes it complete bullshit I guess.

>> No.24366735

Only delusional people choose to believe unsourced claims so yeah, you're the delusional one retard.

>> No.24366739

I don't know why you're stupid enough to post a matome site and kill your own point.

>> No.24366760

>I read it on 4chan
you realize why you're stupid, right?

>> No.24366770


>> No.24366771 [DELETED] 

>nooooooooooooooooooooooo suisei is the underdog i say!

>> No.24366790

I've seen the kusoAZ thing before for myself. She had a live called the shittest start that had Suisei as the opening act.

>> No.24366793

It's true bro
source: I swear bro

>> No.24366805 [DELETED] 

So this is the power of holofans? Not bad

>> No.24366811
File: 28 KB, 435x461, 1520319253511.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can tell it's a raid because nobody actually cares about Azki this much and it's been common knowledge here forever that the guy who used to run her and Suisei is shit at his job.

>> No.24366840

The point is less that AZKi is some perfect angel that can do no wrong, and more that whoever is crying about Suisei is trying to bring down AZKi in order to do it. When AZKi has had it far worse than Suisei does.

>> No.24366842

Remember that time when ADzki barely got any claps at that hololive idol event?

>> No.24366847

4chan is a reputable source, I know because I use it for all my academic papers (journalism) I pass and with for FOX News now

>> No.24366875

They both had it pretty shit, Suisei had it shit by being the red headed step-child and Azki has it shit because the guy doesn't know how to market and hired someone who barely can do anything but sing. Simple as that.

>> No.24366900

I don't see why she'd totally abandon her 2D model, she can't use a 3D model for everything forever nor would she want to even if she has the choice.

>> No.24366935

>she can't use a 3D model for everything forever
Tama-chan did...

>> No.24366963

No one had it worse than Holostars and I guess Mel, Cover is an absolutely inept black company.

>> No.24366964

Yeah, because she didn't have a choice being someone under a tightly leashed company pushing shitty half-coded programs to try and make their investment worth it. Now she's someone under no company/under a much looser leash. I don't watch her much so I don't know the specifics but I've seen enough to know that much at least. I'd imagine she'd use it when she can but I don't believe for a second 100% of her streams going forward will be in full-3D.

>> No.24366969

Yeah, and look how that go for her, that what I thought

>> No.24366982

But Rikka got a 3D model, which retroactively means Holostars has no problems. Just like how Hajime has no antis because his break already happened but isn't still happening.

>> No.24366990

Holostars could have it worse, they're moderately successful for small time vtubers and gaining popularity now. they just tried to capture on a niche that wasn't there and fell flat.
at least now they're getting some much needed support from the hololive side of things and getting some collabs.

even mel's wasn't that bad. she had a creeper manager stalker, but compared to some of the other companies out there and what their management gets away with on their girls..

>> No.24367006

Another thing is setting up for 3D is a pain in the ass. Having to slap on a bunch of trackers, making sure they are all well charged.
Far easier to sit your butt on a seat, throw a phone / camera up and L2D it up.

>> No.24367023
File: 61 KB, 1200x905, 1527791673053.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You forgot your image.

>> No.24367040

The implication was there, but there's also the whole just not wanting "people will see my entire body movements" part as well. Some days you just aren't in a mindset for that.

>> No.24367087

She can do an intermediate setting, using the 3D model with the 2D tracker just like Sakura Miko, Tokino Sora and Natsumi Moe. I agree with >>24366292, we need a 3D version of her 2D outfit. I love how her jacket is too big and cover almost her hands.

There's a fan rendition though

>> No.24367105

call it bait all you want, but objectively holo has it the best of any vtuber company. cover actually cares about their talent and works hard to make sure all their needs are met and regularly gives them new perks and advertisement.

Hell even the biggest "problems" cover has is just a result about caring too much about their talent. They're forbidding them to play games because they're worried about their girls being sued out the ass for copyright violations. that's better than what other companies are doing letting their vtubers shoulder that burden.
And even mel's "drama" was just cover trying to handle it in a discrete way so that mel wouldn't be affected by it publically and shunned.

name literally any other vtubing company that cares as much about their talents as cover does.

>> No.24367124

The issue with Mel was not about having a stalker that was also a staff, the issue was that she was ignored by management when she asked for help. How the hell people still twist this is beyond me, when Cover themselves admited they fucked up in their "apology letter" after the leak.

>> No.24367127

Now you're just trying too hard.

>> No.24367131
File: 906 KB, 810x1200, 87d92482cf68.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very nice of Mei doing this

>> No.24367142

I take my reply back, you're just shitpost.

>> No.24367146

Speaking of that, she moved much much better, and way more actively, in her 3D reveal than what I expected an undou busoku recluse would be. Spinning around and stuff.

>> No.24367147

The anon you're replying to isn't serious, by the way. Can't blame you for missing it because sometimes the thread doesn't immediately update when it says it does though.

>> No.24367148

Exactly the reactions I was expecting. Thanks for proving that you either don't know a lick of Japanese or have a tunnel vision bounded by stereotypes.

>> No.24367166

anon, hololive is perfect. i read it on 5ch so its true.
you wouldn't know because you can read japanese, but believe me. see

>> No.24367170

>I can use ggl translate so it must be true!

>> No.24367171


>> No.24367187

ok you’re just plain wrong

>> No.24367189


>> No.24367194

What a slut

>> No.24367198

sio ahegao next stream?

>> No.24367199

what's happening? More of Harukami exposé?

>> No.24367206

>or have a tunnel vision bounded by stereotypes.
That's exactly what it is because that's the site we're on. 90% of the shit posted by matome sites is innately fanfiction or otherwise attempting to cause a stir, and 10% of it's actually true. But once you actually link one it doesn't matter because of said tunnel vision. Compare it to how there's still people finding out the clones are on a different channel now because even those who don't care about ai one way or another have mentally checked out of every post regarding her; same logic, different thing. It's your own fault.

>> No.24367208

>pointing us to your translation software
just learn nip faggot lol.
if you spent any real amount of time reading 5ch you'd realize how fucking retarded they are.

>> No.24367210

Retard alert.

>> No.24367213

Thanks for proving your a newfag, newfag.

>> No.24367217
File: 338 KB, 1470x1800, EbH5OZAU4AEd3C4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the kind of content I signed up for.

>> No.24367243

When is Sio setting up her own vtuber management agency?

>> No.24367253
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>> No.24367279

I thought you said they're not clones anymore, like how Superman Red and Superman Blue aren't clones of Superman Clark Kent but are split entities

>> No.24367287
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>> No.24367307

Here's a good example of what I was talking about with the mentally tuning out thing, because I have literally no fucking idea what this anon is talking about.

>> No.24367311

Wait didn't Sio's ahoge move? Am I misunderstanding something?

>> No.24367312
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>> No.24367316
File: 8 KB, 208x115, 1592851800221.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where the fuck is it
why did they give her liposuction

>> No.24367324
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>> No.24367333

Where's it lead, /jp/? I'm a NEET with no need for a phone so I can't scan QR codes.

>> No.24367336

What did I tell you about not doing /co/ comparisons?

>> No.24367337
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>> No.24367382

You never replied to my non /co/ comparison of AI being Ikari Yui and the clones being Ayanami Rei

>> No.24367383

It leads to Kusunoki's Youtube channel

>> No.24367392

I'll protect their smiles.

>> No.24367407
File: 97 KB, 1425x1128, 1577000053459.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know, I probably should have expected something as simple as that. Thanks anyways anon.

>> No.24367426

Yeah she poked it and stroked it until it changed shape multiple times

>> No.24367428

I don't think boys should wear girls clothing

>> No.24367432

Cute sea slug.

>> No.24367458

What do you have against /co/? :(

>> No.24367471
File: 172 KB, 1280x720, 1567956709114.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mean "men among men"?

>> No.24367474

Holostars have it better than bottom tier nijis

>> No.24367502
File: 3.67 MB, 2150x3035, Ea_DuBjU0AARQlD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24367512

its only depressing because every single one of them were more successful before they became vtubers.

>> No.24367516
File: 313 KB, 1280x1720, Ea-D4cMUMAAFu94.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24367530

Because it sucked as well and that's not what happened.
read something else

>> No.24367535
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>> No.24367547


>> No.24367548
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>> No.24367561 [DELETED] 

okay stop it with the nijiholosio spam

>> No.24367566
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>> No.24367574

It's like explaining basic arithmetics to a dog that can't even comprehend numbers. It's futile. You don't even know the most base of basics, and can't seem to google it up as well. There's no merit in it.

>> No.24367576
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>> No.24367582
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>> No.24367584

It's not like Hololive prohibits you from other online activities

>> No.24367586


fixed that for you

>> No.24367588
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>> No.24367590
File: 571 KB, 1584x891, 1563454682687.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

in general, i wish there were more vtubers in shark kigurumis.

>> No.24367592

How long before Sio start using english to pull in the EOP subs boost?

>> No.24367594
File: 392 KB, 2048x1152, Ea3RKQoUwAA98Ru.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

me and my sisters

>> No.24367595

Okay what about, like SpongeBob when he and Patrick got that pencil and they drew the DoodleBob except here they drew two DoodleBob?

>> No.24367598
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>> No.24367616

Gaijins hate Mahjong.

>> No.24367619
File: 2.84 MB, 3000x3000, EbHvkskVAAQ3Lke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24367621

Okayu was scorpion all along?!

>> No.24367626

I'm quite happy to admit I am wrong but you are yet to be able to give a single compelling reason why spamming should not be considered spamming because Japanese people are doing it.

>> No.24367630

Really? Far as I know there was only two guys, think one was Robert, who had an internet presence. And the guy people said was Sentan but I forget which one, think it was the old guy, but I checked and they sounded nothing alike. If that's true that's kinda sad.

>> No.24367631

I wonder why anyone would ever try to villify the girl who seems to be stuck at INNK instead of just going to the Hololive branch like everyone else

>> No.24367635

Spongebob is still /co/. And again, that's not what happened. Aipii and Love-chan are no longer Kizuna Ai

>> No.24367636

I can easily imagine a bunch of chuubas having sex, but I can't with Pikamee for some reason.
I think it has to do with the way she talks
Maybe it's just me

>> No.24367638

no,the clones are her ai childrens

>> No.24367642

That's not true, Mahjong Soul is a Chinese product after all.

>> No.24367647

Is AI the pencil?

>> No.24367648


>> No.24367652

Generally when someone says gaijins they mean westerners.

>> No.24367666


>> No.24367678

She's my paizuri partner.

>> No.24367686

What the fuck are any of you talking about?

>> No.24367687

Professional wrestling analogies are okay with vtuber thread, strangely enough.

>> No.24367689

what if she teach them about the game?

>> No.24367723

I liked her old model better. This new design looks like straight out of an idol show. Her old model was more attractive because of the cute hairstyle and comfy looking clothes.

>> No.24367724

you can imagine her not having too much fun with it and being disappointed

>> No.24367725

Thankfully we have Tomoshika and her slutty navel and shorts

>> No.24367729
File: 73 KB, 700x805, D3AMA66U8AE4uv7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, obviously. Wrestling is a huge part of the scene.

>> No.24367735

Oh, I think I get it. It's like when the God Emperor of Mankind made the twenty Primarchs to lead the Astartes right? So Ai is the Emprrah and the clones are like idk, Roboute Guillimann and Ferrus Manus, like very good but not Ai?

>> No.24367745

how does it make you feel that nips use the term niji all the time?

>> No.24367761

so did someone achieve her last stream where she messed up and started panicking?

>> No.24367762

Feels bad man

>> No.24367765

Stop legitimizing this bitch

>> No.24367770

Will she have the same voice when she comes back?

>> No.24367783

It's not like anyone still remember what she sounds like.

>> No.24367792

Okay, but who is Horus?

>> No.24367805


>> No.24367813

They'll probably just pay her to do MVs and voice messages for anniversaries

>> No.24367816


>> No.24367819

If she sounds different it's because her health complications changed up her larynx.

>> No.24367820

He sounds so self-entitled I want to throw up (on him).

>> No.24367822

Ah, the age old /jp/ classic mindset.

>> No.24367831

So basically Riko's (voice actor only) route. I can see that.

>> No.24367843

Is there something I'm missing? It's just someone getting happy people they like are following him.

>> No.24367849

I mean, if you're going to cry about people being EOPs because they shorted the name to niji, you should probably start going to 5ch and 2chan to tell them to stop because they're obviously being EOPs.

>> No.24367852


>> No.24367855


>> No.24367867

Pika is too wholesome.

>> No.24367872

Yeah I noticed once I actually went to his twitter that he's the guy anons are freaking out over for some reason. Couldn't tell just from his twitter icons thumbnail.

>> No.24367897

So the Chaos Gods are China? Makes sense.

>> No.24367924

A lot of people don't realize this but Tzeentch spelt backwards is China.

>> No.24367946

It's quite understandable that people would come to see that shorthand as an indicator of low quality poster when such a large proportion of the posts it is used in are low quality.

>> No.24367947

Just a bunch of retards sperging out because he's friendly and getting attention, and it's hip to hate Hololive just now. (or Cover generally)

>> No.24367962 [DELETED] 

So since you don't realize why anons are freaking out about him you believe it's shitposting.
Speaking of which most of dislikes at upcoming collab have disappeared.

>> No.24367964
File: 1.99 MB, 400x225, Raccoon-Steals-Cat-Food.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In this industry, it's impossible to differentiate between someone being genuinely excited about interacting with the people they like and someone rubbing against bigger vtubers to get a piece of their audience pie.

>> No.24367969

No. You’re just being conditioned like the little sheep you are.

>> No.24367972

probably because everyone time someone makes a post with the name shortened you sperg about it for the next 2 hours.

>> No.24367983

If you think about it, Nurgle is the only one who could have created the Corona Virus.

>> No.24367988

No shit, sherlock.

>> No.24367999

I haven't ever argued with anyone about it.

>> No.24368005

No, I have a rough idea why anons are freaking out about him but I said "for some reason" because I refuse to believe it's as stupid as >>24367964 and there's gotta be something I'm missing. Though I'm probably not missing anything and it really is just as dumb as that.

>> No.24368024
File: 60 KB, 153x244, 1565706271925.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't believe you've figured it out noda.

>> No.24368050

>he's friendly and getting attention
That's what makes you gullible. I hope you'll repeat those several examples of small independent vtubers (was it Wrench?) with their own networks to make me realize that he's clearly not repeating Fubuki's networking scheme.

>> No.24368056

I don't care about any of that and you should really get help if you believe I'm your boogeyman, I'm just making fun of you for buying into the whole "because japan thinks so /jp/ has to as well" meme.

>> No.24368057

beautifully disgusting babi

>> No.24368086
File: 540 KB, 827x465, 1550795969309.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who cares if it ends up with fun collabs and people making friends jesus christ

>> No.24368091 [DELETED] 

Just Hololeeches doing their thing. Nonstop spamming niji's twitter and attention seeking in their chats.
I give it a generous 6 months because he pretends they o longer exist after leeching off of them

>> No.24368114

Literally nothing wrong with networking. It's called being sociable, you autist.

>> No.24368113
File: 87 KB, 771x816, 1572916489946.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Now, what were you saying about collabs being a horrible sin, anon-kun?

>> No.24368122

What exactly happened? I haven't been keeping up with Pika as much as I'd like to recently.

>> No.24368141
File: 51 KB, 768x768, 1520541151404.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reaching out to and interacting with other vtubers is wrong. Don't question it. Shut the fuck up.

>> No.24368143

she was doing a talk stream and burned through what she had planed in half and hour and then started panicking cause she didn't know what to talk about

>> No.24368147

>holos leeching
lol, we're not talking about tamaki here. holos bring the holo name to the collabs which automatically brings in more viewers than normal. plus when holos collab they're actually fun and entertaining.
people should be grateful that they're noticed by holos.

>> No.24368152

Is this meant to be ironic? She literally said that she didn't want to depend on collabs to grow anymore.

>> No.24368154

It metal gear solid and Ai is big boss

>> No.24368171

I'm just making fun of the fags who think collabing is wrong, no idea what Shirayuri's stances are on it now but she's basically the first example of "talking to everyone on twitter and making something fun happen that improves everyones lives" I thought of.

>> No.24368187

It's more like Matsuri's actually. You know how hard she attention seeks. Remember when she was all of Yashiro and Fubuki's dicks? What happpened to that? Or all those times she spammed chuubas chats and no longer collabs with them? What happened to that?
Or how she hops from one nijimale to the next when she's ignored after throwing red supachas at them for attention

>> No.24368198

How does a black incompetent company that sexually harasses their employees like Hololive manage to have less people quitting than Nijisanji

>> No.24368211

Why he doesn't shave?

>> No.24368217
File: 455 KB, 773x711, 1523274335367.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>networking scheme.

>> No.24368245

Matsuri is just mental. Quite sad really.
She's like hyper extroverted. She needs attention or she just bubbles up in to a sorry state of depression.

>> No.24368252

No it's a networking scheme

>> No.24368359

Please refrain from posting corpses

>> No.24368360
File: 877 KB, 707x7101, ed3c53e3116e7019a3d59c44.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really don't understand why it's so hard to see the difference between trying to build relationships naturally and just throwing replies anywhere in hopes of being noticed.

>> No.24368373

Wanna know how I know you're an autist?

>> No.24368384

People have been doing this for literal years.

>> No.24368400

Well you're right, most posts with that word can safely be ignored.

>> No.24368403
File: 321 KB, 1200x853, 1518896194941.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, I...

>> No.24368409

Try to find out what シュバり means instead of that.

>> No.24368420

Imagine being so deluded to reality that everyone is happy and just trying to be friends with each other instead of using them for their own personal gain.
I mean remember when Gibara hung out with Choco and Ichika?

>> No.24368430

Even still, there's nothing wrong with reaching out to people over everything and nothing. That's what's started like, 70% of all vtuber relationships both big and small.

>> No.24368432


Nijisanji fans are beaming for the prospect of Kaoru collabing with their girls, just look at all those likes

>> No.24368436

But... The Aiposter already said they're not clones (anymore) unlike Snake

>> No.24368441

I don't need to look at this screenshot to feel a tight sensation in my heart. The second hand shame is unbearable.

>> No.24368449

You can do both you know, right?
You can be networking and building friendships at the same time.

>> No.24368457

Matsuri is still obsessed with Hoshikawa, she still collabs with Mayuyu, she still talks with Gundou, that clip of her giving supachatos to the oil prince when they never spoken before actually gave him a popularity boost given that he had recently debutted. You've a point about networking for the sake of networking with FBKI. Matsuri does for attention seeking, I don't know about Kaoru, because I don't follow him, but implying that Matsuri has ulterior motives makes no sense.

>> No.24368458

I'm not disagreeing with you, I'm just confused why theres anons who are even remotely angry over replying to people on twitter.

>> No.24368467
File: 1.45 MB, 1676x1367, EakiMSPX0AEy5JO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24368468

This is why you have no friends.

>> No.24368472

Because some retards on 5ch are angry about it so you have to import it to /jp/

>> No.24368478

lol the dislike botter antis got banned again

>> No.24368483

That's business.
I'm still confused as to what happened here, 700-odd dislikes vanished. It's not a new stream since my like is still there.

>> No.24368493

>trying to build relationships naturally
You sound like you've never been in a workplace situation even once in your whole life.

>> No.24368494

botters and new accounts got banned.

>> No.24368497

Because if they're not shitposting they want to be angry for the sake of being angry. It has happened before and will continue happening.

>> No.24368499
File: 287 KB, 1236x846, anon........jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>24346233 the original amount for reference
>>24346311 for predicting the worlds most obvious future

>> No.24368505

Because they were from bots, it's an anti raid, youtube takes some time to detect shit like this, that's why anons told you to wait for a day yesterday.

>> No.24368520


>> No.24368523

It's leeching 100% of the time with big chuubas
Even Sio is leeching right now.
The only time you can say chuubas are actually friends are some literal whos that don't work for a company

>> No.24368526
File: 36 KB, 717x900, 1567211902674.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah, I see, I understand everything now.

>> No.24368530
File: 188 KB, 1000x1000, Ea9Qs5cU4AAVMNT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]















>> No.24368537

Ah I see, I wasn't sure if that was the case or not given the comments in chat.
They should just get rid of the anonymous likes/dislikes in the first place, make it harder to abuse on top.
I tend to ignore dislike-bombs generally due to time.

>> No.24368540

Magrona re-awoke me to the wonders of cleavage. Bless his slutty little heart.

>> No.24368548

happened a hundred times already, some 5ch autists have a lot of fake accounts to dislike bomb streams, after youtube notices it being fake accounts they get deleted and the dislikes disappear

>> No.24368568

Aren't they still clones that took different shapes? The only thing that's for sure is that they're not Kizuna AI.

>> No.24368575
File: 1.17 MB, 640x360, ひなまつりおじさんお披露目配信 - 005109.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's nice

>> No.24368625
File: 102 KB, 385x260, 1515338127880.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most of his replies are the normal kinda stuff you'd see from a fan or fellow vtuber, and if he was only trying to gain and didn't actually care about anyone half of these replies wouldn't exist between them being towards people who just aren't popular and them just being simple "good mornings" "congrats" etc etc as opposed to "please collab with me please i need you to please please please" like anons have been implying he's been doing. I've seen everyone do this, even the Kings before and after becoming them.

The fucks the problem?

>> No.24368639

Ai wouldn't do that.

>> No.24368648
File: 128 KB, 1000x1000, 1520343583210.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit, got me there.

>> No.24368665

That's because Al doesn't interact with anyone in the first place. It's all management

>> No.24368693
File: 432 KB, 833x1200, 1515619299768.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you forget all the gay shit she did with Luna and the other Kings

>> No.24368705

Well yeah, because it was fake and gay and fake-gay.

>> No.24368718
File: 1.09 MB, 4096x2303, 1561842745332.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ai should have stayed gay, then she'd still be popular like the homolives.

>> No.24368727

You mean fake attention seeking shit anon has been whining about?

>> No.24368728

Did you somehow miss today's video?

>> No.24368736


>> No.24368745

So all vtubers are friends who genuinely care about each other and would never have any ulterior motives. Sounds about right.

>> No.24368748

New Morning News in 15 Minutes


>> No.24368753

Sio doesn't work for a company.

>> No.24368758

Remember Roa and Sensei? Me neither

>> No.24368763

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JxYwZksNkiQ Naraka shadowverse been on for 3 hours
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0uB47Qq4Lao Kuzuha Apex been on for for 2 hours
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QKCkF6hB6tc Shiba FF14 been on for 3 hours

>> No.24368766

Probably because its one of the few actual examples to what anons are complaining about; completely fake relationships. If they actually had something going they'd all have collabed far more, but every showing at any event was basically just a formality and the Luna hug was the only real example of something that wasn't just business and nothing else.

>> No.24368791

You're acting like you can't help others without hurting yourself.
collabing with other people doesn't make you lose viewers, but it does introduce someone else to your audience as well which helps them out.
collabs also make for better streams in general which in turn helps everyone out who does it.

being friends with other people helps you out, but it also is just a fun thing people do because they genuinely like other people and have a fun time together. there's no reason to collab with people you don't mesh with as it just makes you look bad.

>> No.24368793

No at least not the girls because girls can never ever genuinely care about other girls or anything else that's not their own self they're just physically incapable

>> No.24368809

Nice devolving a point you disagree with into something it's not. Yes, every living human being has 'ulterior motives' for actively going out of their way to talk to another, but nobody cares so long as it doesn't hurt anyone. Just like how you made this post to milk (you)'s.

>> No.24368810

Oh okay so it's fake when AI does it but when a holomale does it's totally real and genuine
This thread really fucking hates AI huh

>> No.24368814 [DELETED] 

You might find those links at the right thread.

>> No.24368829

Oh wow, you were fast today. Explains a lot.

>> No.24368834

So that's Spiderman and the clone saga like Ben Reilly who became his own person, the Scarlet Spider, but he said it wasn't like that with the Ai clones?

>> No.24368857


>> No.24368863

You've only realized this just now?

>> No.24368865

So someone who gets a 3D model in 6 months and have a bunch of well known people shout her out doesn't work for a company?

>> No.24368875
File: 204 KB, 2048x1463, www.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24368896

And you guys said I was crazy when I told you the moderation is biased.

>> No.24368901

Her case is special

>> No.24368912
File: 366 KB, 1920x1080, 1567219627601.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who's the Mishima of vtubers?

>> No.24368935

You realize people can see timestamps when posts get deleted, right? You just deleted it yourself dude.

>> No.24368950

It's pretty obvious. The one previous thread that had that tribal war shit going on took like 6 or 7 hours to delete some, not all, of those posts, but me making posts complaining about them gets deleted lightning fast and get multiple post blocks

>> No.24368956

You can't actually delete posts really fast, there's a timer. You can try it if you want.
This discussion is pointless though.

>> No.24368970

I know that. The post was deleted a little over a minute after you made it. Moderation isn't that fast unless you post porn, and even then that's a tossup.

>> No.24369009

You really believe in this entire thread, the whole thing in the past several hours, your post about "the right thread" was deleted so lightning quick and fast yet just after the 1 minute you need to wait for a self-delete and only your one singular post was deleted? If janny had it out for you, every single post you've made in the past hour or two would have been deleted at the same time, if janny were actually here dozens of different posts would likely be deleted as well, and if mods had it out for you then you'd just be banned right now and there'd be nothing you could do about it. Who are you trying to fool?

>> No.24369028

Lol, a vroid model!

>> No.24369031 [DELETED] 

Oh no the schizos are posting now

>> No.24369034


>> No.24369039

You don't have to believe me, but I don't see why would you go lengths to defend something like that.
This guy had a similar experience>>24368950

>> No.24369041

not them, but I had a single post that was deleted in another thread for seemingly no reason, while everything else in the thread was left up including the posts i was replying to and the ones replying to me.

i wouldn't be surprised if hiromoot is using youtube's bot to automoderate 4chan now.

>> No.24369047

Sio is a super businesswoman according to /vy/

>> No.24369056

Thats what I think, some of the posts being deleted but others left alone makes it seem like it's a robot meido that looks for certain keywords

>> No.24369060

See my post complaining about them was already deleted while all the other shitposting is still up

>> No.24369076 [DELETED] 

I'm going to say it then
"The links at the right thread".
Let's see if I get postblocked in the next couple of minutes.

>> No.24369095

ah /vy/ said it so it must be true

>> No.24369097 [DELETED] 

Oh, and here's another.
"The schizos are posting again".

>> No.24369103

>robot meido
wtf it's 2010 /jp/ all over again?!

>> No.24369117
File: 585 KB, 1920x1080, mpv-shot11521.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24369129

it has to be someone who works for free

>> No.24369133

That other anon in convinced that you're deleting your own posts though.

>> No.24369152 [DELETED] 

Well, it's been about a minute and a half since my second post and about 3 since the first one, and they're still not deleted. Guess there's no robot meido.

>> No.24369155

Did they actually censor her?

>> No.24369171
File: 515 KB, 1920x1080, mpv-shot11522.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24369208 [DELETED] 
File: 5 KB, 417x104, byebye.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And that's both posts gone. Hope you liked the experiment /jp/.

>> No.24369226
File: 432 KB, 1920x1080, mpv-shot11523.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24369230

listen eilene gave me a 20 dollar budget so I had to make do

>> No.24369238


>> No.24369313

Given Youtube banned an A-chan + Korone stream 3 times I think because it saw the drawing of Korone as a pair of tits, it's hardly surprising.
Choco also apparently got some censorbar treatment for an update yet to come out.

>> No.24369320

Also forgot that China hates lewd.

>> No.24369326
File: 343 KB, 1920x1080, mpv-shot11524.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Live kusozako in the making

>> No.24369337

he just shows up every day to babysit asacoco, you should've noticed it by now

>> No.24369352
File: 435 KB, 1920x1080, mpv-shot11525.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24369367

almost thought he wasn't gonna hit his quota but just in time

>> No.24369478

I'm missing something here, I don't see a censor in that picture.

>> No.24369485

I don't watch asacock so I don't know

>> No.24369520

true, just saying that there's no real need to make up theories, he just comes here every day during this hour

>> No.24369524

She normally has a large boob window.

>> No.24369540

She has a tit window and she has slits in the side of her skirt

>> No.24369550

Ah, I thought anon meant a mosaic censor. Now that you point it out they did get rid of her titty window, that fucking sucks.

>> No.24369673

Oh no Towa is trying to force networking with Subaru and leeching off of her audience tonight

>> No.24369743

Goes to show they didn't leave her to her own devices for being at the bottom like they do in some other companies.

>> No.24369751

They both have awful voices

>> No.24369753
File: 11 KB, 472x151, 1591581167012.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24369761

she's been in a lot of collabs recently, she's coming up in the world.
her sio and okayu apex collab was pretty great though,

>> No.24369766

If your posting dumb tribal war shit like that then your post should be deleted, I wish they were keyword bans but its more likely the janny has just woken up.

>> No.24369792
File: 149 KB, 1000x1000, EbGwW-6U8AAJVZ-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at this disgusting forced networking.

>> No.24369806


>> No.24369887

Hey, I wouldn't be opposed to it. I just made and then deleted some of those posts to prove a point that anon was in fact not either being targeted by a robot or a janny and was instead just deleting his own posts to cry about how awful he's being treated.

>> No.24369937

This is what she should have been done... like 2 years ago!

>> No.24369938 [DELETED] 

oh he's being a schizo again

>> No.24369949

Sir I'm afraid you have shitetastetis. Have you considered killing yourself?

>> No.24369979


>> No.24369986 [DELETED] 

So these are the kind of posts holofans make

>> No.24369988

oh no

>> No.24370000

backstabbing dog

>> No.24370040

Consider the rope.

>> No.24370083

There was a based English Vtuber after all

>> No.24370137

What does this have to do with anything? I'm not clicking the link in this tweet.

>> No.24370152

Gimme the quick rundown here. I can't wait for these fuckers to infect HoloEN and NijiEN with their drama

>> No.24370190

Girl was actually a pedophile who takes nude photos with 8 years old brother to share with others + aggressions, scamming etc.

>> No.24370194
File: 472 KB, 745x625, natsumimoe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's up yolks, Natsumi Moe here to remind you to please buy my VRoid dresses. Rent is due soon and I don't have enough money. If I don't pay this month I'll be evicted and have no choice but to move in with rapedo- I mean comdost. haha

>> No.24370213

>a 30 pages document just because the girl likes lolicon and dated a 14 year old when she was 17

the absolute state of the west

>> No.24370217

How would she move in with Comdost if he literally lives in a third world country that isn't America?

>> No.24370219

Western Vtubers are a mistake

>> No.24370227

I really want to get all of the 774 tubers, but getting 13 out of a possible 35 might be tricky.

>> No.24370238

How expected.

>> No.24370240

why would you bring this evil here
this looks like a parody except it's a real person

>> No.24370242

Who the fuck cares? Get this tumblr shit out of here, mods.

>> No.24370247

Comdost lives in America

>> No.24370267

I thought he was in Venezuela? Did he finally escape?

>> No.24370271

Anon's just preparing you guys for nijiholoEN

>> No.24370284

He is a foreigner living in America. The Venezuelan thing is a meme.

>> No.24370302

Okay, now I know you're lying Cumcast. Go back and stop threadshitting.

>> No.24370322


>> No.24370333

Compost is busy drawing lolis being fucked by dolphins

>> No.24370341

Sounds unimportant

>> No.24370365


>> No.24370372

Looking forward to today's AI-mama.

>> No.24370391

But """""anons""""" will make it sound more important than it is because they think we care about their drama.

>> No.24370404

Just your usual cancel culture bullshit the west is obsessed with

>> No.24370407

think about this. that could be YOU getting cancelled for the pettiest shit

>> No.24370411
File: 28 KB, 705x305, EapXoVCXYAYBy2_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24370419

But who is this "fourchan"?

>> No.24370421

the funny thing is, noel still has hers

but then again, she could just easily lose it

>> No.24370469
File: 306 KB, 1240x1754, Ea-B9PoUYAEJ_Dv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They are the anonymous hackers. They are legion.

>> No.24370496

Only if you were retarded enough to get yourself enough of an online presence and leaving paper trails that lead psychos back to you.

>> No.24370537


>> No.24370543

I haven't kept up with her, is her cancer better?

>> No.24370573

I find it funny when compared to the /hlg/ threads trolling NND trying to bait them on r*ddit

>> No.24370581

Did you have a stroke? What the fuck does the latter half of your post even mean?

>> No.24370600
File: 398 KB, 554x912, EbHzPxQU0AAHAjP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24370638

Niji KR will save her!

>> No.24370641

I think he's referring to how NND autists tried to "raid" the official hololive subreddit to try to #cancelhololive in the West, as they have been for the past several weeks in Japan. It was highly embarrassing and even the absolute dredges of the EOP community were taking the piss out of them. /hlg/, being /v/, couldn't help but join in on the reddit fun and joined in on trolling the NND autists. The NND autists came off as giant retards, /hlg/ came off as giant retards, and reddit normalfags ended up being the most civilized group out of the three.

>> No.24370665

I have legitimately no idea what any of this means on a first read, and on a second read I think I understand but it sounds so insanely stupid I'm instead going to pretend these past couple of posts have just been a fever dream and move on with my life.

>> No.24370667 [DELETED] 

fucking nijileech

>> No.24370677

Just like this thread obsessed with cancel hololive everyday!

>> No.24370707

I recalled several of the univirtuals were mad because of Hololive doing auditions.

>> No.24370718

I've seen a lot of shit here, but aside from the most obvious of obvious raids nobody here seems to really care about "canceling hololive". People say Cover is shit, they've been varying degrees of shit since the start, but nobodies really trying to shame people albeit rightfully like with Gamebu or something.

>> No.24370729

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QSbqjRR6ntA kakage

>> No.24370779

You can buy her model?

>> No.24370810

The virgin narukami report with tangible info from 5ch vs the chad exposure with verified info western drama involving pedophilia

>> No.24370818

Yes. Eilene has to cut back on expenses so she's selling off Moe. Unfortunately for her, no one has offered to buy Moe even though the asking price has been reduced all the way down to 500 yen.

>> No.24370821

Those are seething fans of Nijisanji. They're always that obnoxious and they are fond of starting petty fights when their favorites are not winning nor being praised.

>> No.24370836

Please get out Teeps. Nobody cares about your dramas about nobodies.

>> No.24370850

nnd spends a good portion of its time shitting on nijisanji too though, whenever there is a drama there its straight to the top of the rankings

>> No.24370851

Nothing is wrong with saying cover is shit anyways

>> No.24370852

Is it even allowed to sell vroid clothes?
I want her to crash and burn so hard

>> No.24370860
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Mods are asleep, post brats.

>> No.24370877

I read this as braps and then remembered the anon in the niji thread obsessed with her farting that one time

>> No.24370881
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>> No.24370887 [DELETED] 

Use the proper thread.

>> No.24370909
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>> No.24370912

What’s your favorite Kson moment?

>> No.24370923
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>> No.24370982

Absolute best of both worlds

>> No.24370999

What happened now? Why is she having a breakdown on twitter?

>> No.24371016

Comdost is a black company

>> No.24371019

Lack of money. She basically did a Mira Pink.

>> No.24371047

When she wears adidas

>> No.24371060
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Not if they're 2D.

>> No.24371064


>> No.24371068

Anons have been talking about how Eilene pumped and dumped her for weeks, so I'd assume that. I feel bad for her but at this point she's probably had so many chances to pull out and with a little bit of research she would have known what she was getting into, so not too bad.

>> No.24371084

Constant physical and sexual abuse by her coworkers but she can't do anything about it otherwise Eilene will stop paying her.

>> No.24371299

There's no way someone who can't even pick her own shampoo could do this on her own

>> No.24371334

Sio's obviously part of a company, but it doesn't seem to cut into her content so until it's confirmed what company she's a part of I don't really think it matters. Same deal as Gamebu, Rukiroki, so on and so forth. Only thing I can tell is that it's not Yostar or any other chinese company for obvious reasons.

>> No.24371436
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Moe gets an average of 400 views when she streams on twitch but 30k+ whenever she does it on youtube. Why does Eilene keep changing the password to the account?

>> No.24371449

I think you accidentally added a 0.

>> No.24371464

probably was raped during the summer as a kid and something triggered some ptsd flash backs

>> No.24371468

who cares about moe, watch melody instead

>> No.24371475


>> No.24371500

why do vtubers even go to twitch? are they really that tone deaf? its not the place for them. if the most popular vtubers are on youtube, its obvious that the viewers are also there. people don't like having to use multiple sites. and more than that want to use a platform like twitch, what's next, vtubers on facebook gaming?

>> No.24371535

Moe was accepted into HoloEN but Eilene threatened to release the vocaroos if she didn't decline the offer.

>> No.24371539

she lazy and doesn't care about getting popular, she doesn't even notifies her fans she streaming half of the time

>> No.24371666

>breakdown on Twitter
what are you talking about, what happened?

>> No.24371681

Ctrl+F the thread next time, lazy anon.

>> No.24371705

I was thinking anon was talking about something else similar to this>>24370083

>> No.24372102

>Shonencon deflections

>> No.24372187

Please tell me that isn't a word you're actually trying to bring here.

>> No.24372215

most westerners prefer to use twitch over youtube for streaming. not sure why

>> No.24372222

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=585k67nXnJ8 hazuki miyu zatsudan

>> No.24372265

Thoughts on ironmouse?

>> No.24372278

twitch takes less of a cut from donations, it also is where more english people will go to watch streams, especially if you're playing vidya.
there's just a bigger english speaking audience on twitch than there is youtube, and twitch is easier to promote yourself on.

>> No.24372289
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Simple. If you get popular enough, you can negotiate better cuts. Getting popular as an english speaker on Twitch is significantly easier than getting popular on Youtube, let alone getting popular on Youtube as a japanese speaker. Also much less competition. And I already know what you're thinking and I agree; even if that's correct it doesn't mean jack shit because the room for growth is marginal at best due to Twitch being filled with the kind of nerds who likely don't care for anime bullshit enough to watch a virtual youtuber.
And you'd be right. But the logic makes sense on paper and that's all it's gotta be for someone whose clearly as out of touch with the scene as Eilene.

>> No.24372306

Youtube is literally cancer when it comes to streaming. Terrible platform with no support or human beings being responsible for anything.

>> No.24372447
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https://twitter.com/houshoumarine/status/1272529259324735491 Don't think anyone posted these.

>> No.24372465
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>> No.24372475

easier to leech and send viewers to other streamers

>> No.24372477

*lewds the rabbit*

>> No.24372481
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>> No.24372488

I'm surprised Youtube hasn't implemented a hosting feature yet

>> No.24372491
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>> No.24372503 [DELETED] 

nice holospam again

>> No.24372508
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Marine's character setting...

>> No.24372627

Judging by all the random bans, the difficulty people can have sorting it out and shit like that I don't think they give too much of a fuck about their streaming.

>> No.24372678

That reminds me, what ever happened to that anon who kept freaking out whenever lewding Pekora was mentioned? I'd imagine he moved over to the holothread but I can't imagine he'd stay there given that apparently they're posting porn there left and right, which'd probably scare him away. I remember him being/claiming to be a drawfag though.

>> No.24372681
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>> No.24372690

I like her more than moe and miya all eng vtubers are trash

>> No.24372744

I'm mad I read this it just highschool drama of a girl who was in a relationship with a boy 2 years younger than her and her friends backstabbing her by cherry picking shit to make her look more evil than a regular internet thot.

>> No.24372756


>> No.24372825

I've even seen what looked to be tribute photos of pictures of her that have been deleted in the archive.

>> No.24372935
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XxypicxfXaI ABO Apex

>> No.24372982

That’s not true at all. Amazon takes a bigger cut from everything. For example subscriptions in Twitch take 50% while Youtube memberships take 40%. Bits also take a bigger cut than superchats.

>> No.24373088

It's an independent company as in not tied to any of the major agencies and exist only for managing her. It's like with Ai-chan she's technically an independent but noone is going to consider her that because she's Kizuna fucking Ai

>> No.24373114

AI-chan is independent as far as operations go, but her backing is huge.

>> No.24373125

I didn't think aifags could get more deluded

>> No.24373145

Ah yes my favorite indie chuuba, Kizuna Ai.

>> No.24373151

What's there to be deluded about? Ai-chan is operating under similar capacity to Sio, it's just Ai-chan accomplished more because she's better. Even though they're circumstances are similar

>> No.24373162
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he's right though, pretty much everyone here would call Kotone a "indie' but she still has a company and people backing her.

Is there some magical amount of money you need to receive in order to no longer be considered and independent?

>> No.24373177

I wouldn't call AI-chan independent for the fact that she's technically owned by a bigger company, even if she operates independently.

>> No.24373186

No, attention whoring

>> No.24373237

Just because you're pushing for technical correctness doesn't mean it's right

>> No.24373239

Nijisanji is my favorite small indie company

>> No.24373263


>> No.24373290

I wonder if the whole wedding thing came from government money

>> No.24373308

Mine is Hololive

>> No.24373318

She said on stream that the youtube chat is shit. It's like when the ESLs invade a japanese vtuber, but without any japanese comments. A chat full of those people.

>> No.24373333
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She should just join chaturbate already, very easy.

>> No.24373345

Also, a company with more than 50 workers is automatically not small.

>> No.24373358

Indie=/= small, shitbrain

>> No.24373360

Thanks for the clarifications, aspie-kun

>> No.24373372

Even Mira is afraid to do chaturbate.

>> No.24373378

>more than 50 workers
Cover only has 30-something idols though

>> No.24373382

YouTube take 30% and Twitch take 50% if you don't make a partnership with them to drop it to 20% to 30%

>> No.24373399

Cover covers everything, not just the idols. The other streamers and the staff also count.

>> No.24373434

How much did comdost spend on this commission?

>> No.24373453
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Mira did lewds so I don't get it, and Moe got a set up, digitrevx model and lewd vocaroo experience so it's easy.

>> No.24373491

Don't worry, when Eilene realizes they need to pay bills, they'll make Moe convert into a htuber.

>> No.24373497

Mira streamed herself playing a hentai game, but she used ribbons surrounding her body. That's the farthest she went.

>> No.24373505

>Cover covers

>> No.24373520

Nijisanji Livers

>> No.24373535

Just making clear for the other example. Kizuna AI Inc. is a small company with allegedly less than 15 workers, but it's a subsidiary of Activ8 which has over 100.
However, their activities don't overlap. The former manages everything related to Kizuna AI and her former(?) clones and the latter does r&d on VR and mocap technology; as well as managing the upd8 network, though we know they barely do anything. Since AI quit said network, they have no direct link and only go to them for tech support.

>> No.24373575

Which nijisanji with liver problems?

>> No.24373583

Alcohol-hardened Livers...

>> No.24373722
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3D model costume update when
