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File: 784 KB, 1280x640, 1448474107853.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21453216 No.21453216 [Reply] [Original]

Summer is very important for monster girls.
Monster Girl Pastebin: http://pastebin.com/UevqvF4h
Content Aggregator: Anubis.moe
Writers list: https://pastebin.com/RTLpHEmk
Sabbath Grimoire Scans: https://imgur.com/a/CATcaGk
Fanart Galleries: https://pastebin.com/DFXhrXkc
Mega Archive: https://mega.nz/#F!T24xwYLB!V_dXLWUSLQXqVsHqNuAwxQ

>> No.21453231

Gyaru monsters!

>> No.21453249
File: 98 KB, 1280x720, Krasue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21453331

Based Thai.

>> No.21453253
Quoted by: >>21453813

The doughragons are rising up!
To raid the fridge.

>> No.21453279
File: 266 KB, 1100x800, 72406919_p7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21453336

Do foxes have irrational fear of Batman?

>> No.21453291

>love the idea of giving my everything to a single MG
>Cant decide on which species i like the most,each one got their own charms and quirks
>feel like a harem will just lead to someone being unsatisfied or unable to please every girl
why is it so hard to decide a waifu

>> No.21453331

I don't think there's a head creature in any mythology that doesn't exist just to fuck your shit up.
Floating heads are a no go.

>> No.21453336

What is this referencing?

>> No.21453342

>feel like a harem will just lead to someone being unsatisfied or unable to please every girl
A lot easier to satisfy their urges as an incubus and there's various potions, spells and fruits to help.
That said it's best not to force these things, if you're destined to be a one waifu guy it'll happen, same with the harem.
t. haremfag

>> No.21453343

Why not go for a Doppelganger? If you really have the heart for it, you could fuck a different girl every day, while still fucking the same girl on the inside.

>> No.21453353 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.19 MB, 4093x2894, 1559479295913.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Woah, what are we gonna do on the fluff, dude?

>> No.21453357

dont doppels go full doki doki if you accept their true self?

>> No.21453371

No idea. Just some random pic

>> No.21453384

I have been single waifu man for long time, but I still love my top3 hard and have lately been pondering options of bigamy. I'm not the type to take a mistress, I'd rather love both of them equally. My waifu will always be number 1, I just don't want to abandon my top2 and 3.

>> No.21453393
Quoted by: >>21453592

They aren't shape shifters that change form freely. They take the appearance of one person you love or your ideal woman and take her place with you and if you see her true form she loses even that power.

>> No.21453417


Maybe try this

>> No.21453419
File: 275 KB, 858x800, Irredeemable villain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone telling dead baby jokes at a monster girl party is always going to upset some girls, but that's what you get for inviting a Yeti.

>> No.21453428

>white day falls over zippangu
>about to leave school, dejected that you didn't receive anything today, but that's pretty typical
>gyaru Cheshire starts trailing you as you leave the building
>"Wo~w. You really are sad, aren't you? What was even the point of buying all of that chocolate if those girls hardly knew you, anyway?"
>Wall her off as hard as possible to avoid crying like a bitch
>"Y'know, you could've spent that money on a hooker. It still wouldn't be very manly, but it would be a helluva lot more effective than blindly hoping a ten would return your affection."
>tuck away into a convenience store because you don't know how much more of this you can take
>hope that the crowd will dissuade her
>she starts whispering this shit into your ear
>"You could also buy a sex doll, if you really want to project an ideal woman onto something. She won't even tell you that you look like a homeless kid, or that your breath smells the way a swamp looks. That's what you really want, isn't it? Something pretty to fuck that doesn't eat, sleep or talk?"
>flee into the bedroom
>she teleports inside with you
>"Or, you could fuck me. I like pathetic men like you. Shame that most of them pussy out when I ask nicely."
>She pounces on you, pinning you to the cold laminate with her massive paws.
>"So, I'm done asking nicely. Starting today, you're going to eat chocolate every day, for the rest of your life."

And that's how you met your wife.

>> No.21453442
File: 574 KB, 890x1260, 6a1f7faacca29c14a3fc7714e3d2be6d19.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do so many of MGs grow up to be school bullies?

>> No.21453471

Seduction requires experience, so young monstergirls don't know how to get human boys' attention other than teasing and bullying them.

>> No.21453521
File: 1.09 MB, 640x360, ae977ee0b0d3638a1aa99e08851afdb2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21453763

What is this expression trying to convey?

>> No.21453529
Quoted by: >>21453544

If you don't really like either option, but definitely like one more than the other, are you supposed to to choose one or reject both?

>> No.21453539
Quoted by: >>21453551

I prefer surprisingly nice gyarus.

>> No.21453544

Just for the sake of sorting you should choose the one you like.

But then again if you don't care about them either way they will probably end up far down the list anyway so it really doesn't matter I guess...

>> No.21453547

What do you call a baphomet on a pike?
A lollipop

>> No.21453551
File: 155 KB, 868x1228, 5d141122d29e419761735c9f264513b8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21453561

The kind who talk to you and only lightly tease you for being a virgin.

>> No.21453562
Quoted by: >>21453733

A Winterstown Lich decided to play god one day, she wanted to bring mimics into the cold climate to trap travelers so she fused a mimic with a yeti and made a hugbox

>> No.21453586
Quoted by: >>21453593

gyaru selkie

>> No.21453591

what a fox

>> No.21453592
Quoted by: >>21453627

They still can change their body shape at least.

>> No.21453593
File: 426 KB, 800x1236, 36f30c54f7f8d2e8b8f6c889fea38a4b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21453601

Which selkies are we talking about here

>> No.21453594

Imagine Anjou, but with knife ears.

>> No.21453597

because most of them inherit their mother's aggression along with the sweet candy-like joy of praying on human boys

>> No.21453601
Quoted by: >>21453633

the ones that wear the seal suits, what other kind of selkies are out there?

>> No.21453604
Quoted by: >>21453624


>> No.21453624

anon its not the same,plus how can you mix things like say,a vampire and a echidna

>> No.21453627

They take the form of your unrequited love. They don't have control like that. Their normal form is the loli in the background and nothing says they can freely change their appearance besides the woman whose form they took.

>> No.21453628


>> No.21453633

once that arn't posers

>> No.21453642
File: 465 KB, 846x1189, 1559483012062.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only problematic species like Hellhounds or Chesires become delinquents. Some respectable monster girls, like Kitsunes, are in fact almost always model students.

>> No.21453686
Quoted by: >>21453705

Shouldn’t you be off raiding a chicken coop?

>> No.21453705

member the first time in zelda when you attacked the chickens to much and then they started attacking you?

>> No.21453710

You don't choose your waifu, your waifu chooses you. People who go into waifufaggotry doing that typically only last as long as their attention span allows before the next shiny thing attracts them.

When/if you find your waifu, you'll know. Don't force it, you'll just waste your time and money, and leave with nothing to show for it.

>> No.21453726

Wish these had been a thing when I was in school...

>> No.21453733


>> No.21453755
Quoted by: >>21453762

Remember that Cow High is best highschool.

>> No.21453762
File: 23 KB, 500x500, 1490277607575.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21453772

Hike, hike, hut!

>> No.21453763
File: 751 KB, 1000x680, 74706575_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21453784


I need a Cheshire making that face!

>> No.21453772

They do have a very successful football program

>> No.21453779

why is this dragon so fat

>> No.21453782
Quoted by: >>21453813

Dragons eat a lot to keep the fires burning.

>> No.21453784
File: 695 KB, 1146x1200, cheshire75.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21453893

Cheshire cats are too unpure for this world!

>> No.21453785

Wonderland has that effect
Alices are quite pudgy under those dresses

>> No.21453793
File: 933 KB, 1145x903, jubjub14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21453795
File: 378 KB, 654x941, Alice_extra_art_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No they aren't.

>> No.21453796

thats a big panty bow.

>> No.21453801
Quoted by: >>21453868

That's just an illusion

>> No.21453812
Quoted by: >>21453962

That just makes it even worse when they bully you.

>> No.21453813
File: 145 KB, 900x820, DsgdXn8V4AAzDPl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Insulting dragons should be against the law.

>> No.21453818

Dragons are just mad that they're starting to weight more than their hoard.

>> No.21453832
File: 183 KB, 700x575, Wrassle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ka goda?

>> No.21453868
Quoted by: >>21453956

If you like fat, pudge, thicc, or whatever you want to call it fine but when you start declaring that every single member of x breed has to fit a body type you like you sound like a faggot.

>> No.21453893
File: 75 KB, 598x870, D6-MgBYUcAAfj_U.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The word is impure, but I still love you anyway , Onii-san

>> No.21453923
File: 439 KB, 2550x3300, D6jcr9vU8AA0_b-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if they insult you first?

>> No.21453956


>> No.21453962

>a top student fox who are always nice to everyone
>everyone except you
>when others are around she's all smiles and sunshines but the moment she's alone with you she does a complete 180, becoming sadistic and lewd, and bullies you into doing incredibly indecent stuffs that would make Lilims blush
>of course nobody believes you because to everybody else she's little Miss Perfect
>you have no choice but to continue to live your school life as her personal fucktoy and plaything
>as time goes on she slowly starts to get more control on your life other than your sex life, such as your studyings or future plans and stuffs
>finally she makes you go to the same university she's applying, making you pretty much stuck with her for the rest of your life

>> No.21453964
File: 289 KB, 1582x1582, 1468757983735.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah yes, YS, some say YSM.

>> No.21453969
File: 373 KB, 741x1200, __mad_hatter_alice_in_wonderland_and_monster_girl_encyclopedia_drawn_by_kenkou_cross__997d15637825a1ae963f153fc6b9be53.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21454000

She's going to get fucked after saying that.

>> No.21454005
Quoted by: >>21454033

If I'm a faggot then why is my greatest wish to impregnate a monster girl?

>> No.21454021

What are you excited for?

>> No.21454031

Big queenly monsters.

>> No.21454033

Because you prefer alps, obviously.

>> No.21454042

Next week to end. After that I can finally breath after a month and half of schedules.

>> No.21454044
File: 613 KB, 859x1452, 1396339331505.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Baldur's Gate 3, Death Stranding, Silksong and Great Deceiver
Sadly I have no cool centuries-old Dark Elf domfu to buy games and make me eat her out while she tries them out.

>> No.21454045

Nothing in particular.

>> No.21454046

its not gay if you impregnate them.

>> No.21454051

>Pregnant woman

>> No.21454055

Commissions, new content for games I play and comiket.

>> No.21454064

A new commission of the wife. The artist has a huge queue for commissions, but hopefully in the next couple months I'll have some really good art of her.
I'm also looking forward to Doom Eternal and possibly Death Stranding if Kojima doesn't entirely fuck up the plot like he did with Phantom Pain (although that wasn't 100% his fault, fuck Konami)

>> No.21454081
Quoted by: >>21454098

>Baldur's Gate 3

Is that actually true?

>> No.21454083
Quoted by: >>21454106

Domfu buys all the games you are excited for, but doesn't let you play them. Only watch as she plays, if you been a good pet.

>> No.21454088

This would be much easier if it had images attached. I didn't even know what a phantom was and all these Zinpa girl names blur together.

>> No.21454095
File: 510 KB, 1000x1392, ce8ea454c9e1d46d4034c1c2ab1987ad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21454106

>> No.21454098
File: 158 KB, 647x1000, 1500587679326.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone checked the video file for the number 3 logo on Larian's site and it reads "Baldur's Gate 3 logo", so probably.
Which means no more Beamdog stuffing trannies where they don't belong. Larian's great.

>> No.21454106

Not like I play the games I buy anyway...
That poor little angel is getting S&M'd.

>> No.21454117

What happens when guys get turned to a monster? Or can that not happen any more? Like if they get hit by mutagen or cursed or turn themselves into a into a lich while seeking immortality, not knowing anything about the new monster order (NMO)?

>> No.21454123
File: 236 KB, 1372x615, Alp Stages.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alps happen.

>> No.21454125


>> No.21454126

Lurk more, gay newfag.

>> No.21454131


>> No.21454134

The order should stop training little boys, they always turn gay due to respecting their superiors too much.

>> No.21454143

The order should just give up.

>> No.21454147
Quoted by: >>21454160

Nobody except shitposters talk about the order.

>> No.21454152

>Stage One:
Hey dude, looking good!
>Stage Two:
Oh shit, no homo! NO HOMO!
>Stage Three

>> No.21454160
Quoted by: >>21454167

I think they're an interesting area to explore, but they need to be done well.

>> No.21454162

Your post is bad and you should feel bad.

>> No.21454167

wasn't just a metaphor for crushing societal expectations.

>> No.21454171
Quoted by: >>21454177

There's something off about being called Dude by a MG, alp or otherwise.

>> No.21454177

what about brospeh or brah?

>> No.21454190

Be very careful around little girls anon, you never know when one might be a Witch trying to steal your semen!

>> No.21454194

Better punch all little girls in the face then. You never know.

>> No.21454207
File: 146 KB, 789x1199, D8DnPYGUEAEsozZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Beware the mad scientist!

>> No.21454217

If I take off that mask will she die?

>> No.21454222

Why is she mad/

>> No.21454224
Quoted by: >>21454269

They alp. Most often succubi, but they can become most other monsters too. Look up the profile and the section in Fallen Maidens.
Every Alp so far doesn't try to hide that they were once male, so it's easy to avoid them if you don't want one.

>> No.21454249

>Cooked something up just for you my sweet!
I hate it when they go all yandere on you.

>> No.21454258

What are you supposed to do if you see a crying monster girl

>> No.21454259
Quoted by: >>21454399

Hug it.

>> No.21454269

Out of curiosity, all male monsters like centuars and minotaurs turned to girls too but still remember when they were masculine monsters?

>> No.21454277
Quoted by: >>21454385

That's a banshee. They do that.

>> No.21454279

while it is probably just a trap you still need to go up to her and ask what's wrong

>> No.21454281

Yes vaguely.
Although at this point only the really long lived species would remember

>> No.21454287
Quoted by: >>21454357

That happened thousands of years ago, almost all of them have since passed

>> No.21454304

Pat her head.

>> No.21454307

yes, but most monsters were simple beasts without a firm grasp on the concept of sex/gender. Only the higher tier species would and they probably wouldn't want it known.

>> No.21454330

You think it happened two days ago or what

>> No.21454355

You better spend time with lolis like Demons or Anubi that clearly are something else, then. Witches can't steal your seed if you pour it inside little girls that aren't Witches.

>> No.21454357
Quoted by: >>21454378

Only ones still around would be undead and probably dragons.

>> No.21454378

There are multiple Baphomets that are hinted at being ancient monsters but yeah the average beastman monster like his Minotaur example he gave would be multiple generations removed from the change unless they became undead.

>> No.21454385

Banshee-chan is sad she outgrew another bra!

>> No.21454396
Quoted by: >>21454419

More like Cowshe

>> No.21454399
File: 3.43 MB, 3125x3907, 1514077317261.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21455141

Big hugs and big fugs

>> No.21454405
Quoted by: >>21454419

Well she should know that that makes me happy!

>> No.21454419

Don’t! You’ll make her wail!
Don’t! You’ll make her sob with joy!

>> No.21454426

Not my fault that she outsizes most holsts.

>> No.21454452
File: 174 KB, 620x877, 43532819_p1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The spice must flow.
Yeah, I know it's strange seeing a sandworm with feet, but KC sez that they can change the point of attachment to their shell.

>> No.21454479

Strange things happen in there.

>> No.21454492

Nice, been a while since new sandworm porn.

>> No.21454541

Well then i am going to cry even harder by fucking her pregnant!

>> No.21454548
File: 127 KB, 969x1417, gazer shykactus shirtless cens.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wife commission

>> No.21454554

To be serious, I can sympathize with the social anxiety that many men feel these days, but I don't see the reason to put actual women down. Not because it will hert theyre fellings, but because it would cement a stigma that monster girl enthusiasts are just raging incels with sour grapes syndrome. I will take /jp/'s deviancy any day over being attacked by the regressive left. I believe that enthusiasts should make sure not to let their fantasies be tainted by gender issues. There's already too much identity politics in entertainment, so it's best to keep things pure by ignoring it. The root of monster girls is exotic love, personality, and beauty; all in the form of something that the mundane cannot provide

>> No.21454585
File: 397 KB, 827x1223, __kuma_and_wakasagihime_touhou_drawn_by_vanilla_nekomist__8cea0998efc704c9657a560e89cb2bbd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dont do it

>> No.21454598
File: 441 KB, 800x800, Took the bait.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21454601

He's dedicated, I'll say that. Unlike the yeti and burn down the thread guys he gets deleted on sight, but still posts his drivel. That's real dedication right there.

>> No.21454602

Give your wife some clothes you barbarian chauvinist! At least an apron with a "kiss the cook" on it.

>> No.21454625
File: 387 KB, 800x1200, 7e3c0a6b96ca20dfb5f7f2c93f82ef9f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21454650

Cute mermaid.

>> No.21454637

Not really.
The spell standard is that the forces you hold the portal open with also provide a barrier to things like that.

>> No.21454650
Quoted by: >>21454664

Mermaid maids?

>> No.21454653

That's a good art style for her.

>> No.21454661
Quoted by: >>21454686

I want to go to the beach with my three kiki maids!

>> No.21454664
File: 1.44 MB, 1200x1049, 59036707_p4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21454668

Pear is the best shape.

>> No.21454682
File: 80 KB, 374x520, __sandworm_monster_girl_encyclopedia_drawn_by_monorus__f04f683db4d3b2ba49307303aa6de9f6.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Today was a good day for requests.

>> No.21454686
Quoted by: >>21454704

They will make such a fuss over all that sand! We can sweep it up in half a year if you don't mind the work!
I'll just save that for later...

>> No.21454702

Sandwormbabies and mofucores are so cute.

>> No.21454704

They are going to relax. Master's orders

>> No.21454705
File: 2.08 MB, 2940x3600, __high_orc_monster_girl_encyclopedia_drawn_by_kenkou_cross__c49ebb19c3b79d46f7e67d9db5a2db17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did you know that pig's orgasm lasts up to 30 minutes?

>> No.21454723
Quoted by: >>21454729

thought she was pregnant from the catalog thumbnail

>> No.21454728
Quoted by: >>21454772

I did. It's interesting what all you can learn from hentai.

>> No.21454729

One can wish

>> No.21454736
File: 477 KB, 1280x2276, 76OSOGy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21454741

I did not, but P'orcs and H'orcs have risen up in my rankings now that i do.

>> No.21454748
Quoted by: >>21454754

I desire a hugely busty apophi maid.

>> No.21454753

being bullied like this is hot

>> No.21454754
Quoted by: >>21454762

She is planning a takeover!

>> No.21454762
Quoted by: >>21454778

Of my face with her bust?

>> No.21454772


>> No.21454778
Quoted by: >>21454856

That too. Scheming snek

>> No.21454826

>legendary trait: poison master
So many nemesis Orcs make a ton of OC

>> No.21454856
Quoted by: >>21454875

>I can't believe my maid harem is made of super powerful monster girls!

>> No.21454857
Quoted by: >>21455555

Glad you're finally getting art sandwormfag. It's good to see.

>> No.21454875
Quoted by: >>21454924

>They are all scheming to acquire the power of your special bloodline

>> No.21454924

>A series of extremely powerful monster all scheming to add the family to the bloodline.
>Each has to try and cater to his tastes.
>They're all naturally busty as well.
Coming this fall

>> No.21454925
Quoted by: >>21455013

i wish i drew like this, i would draw little hellhound lolis raping big grown men all the time

>> No.21454978

is harboring fairies illegal?

>> No.21454992

What would you do if your baby monstergirl daughteru's first word was "dick"?

>> No.21454995

Only if the fairy circle constitutes a disturbance of the peace or noise violations. I mean, who wants to live next to the guy who makes love to wind chimes?

>> No.21455013

Why don't you start learning then?

>> No.21455016
File: 246 KB, 900x900, Smoking Baphomet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21455041

Take a long "really?" look at my wife.

>> No.21455030

I wouldn’t be surprised.

>> No.21455031 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 2.06 MB, 1565x2404, 1559501324956.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21455035

>t. kdf

>> No.21455035

I'm not kdf, I'm just asking.

>> No.21455041

I actually laughed out loud at the pic because the cigarettes that Bapho is holding is from my country, and is known as something like an 'old men's cigs' because it is notorious for its reputation as something only really old guys would have.

>> No.21455061

work harder on that magic chastity belt I've hid in my crafting shed in the backyard

>> No.21455109
File: 574 KB, 1920x1080, 74998354_p12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21455112

Visiting my parents would be off the table for one.

>> No.21455141
File: 1.94 MB, 1776x2600, 1554738991845.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21455169

>Big hugs and big fugs

>> No.21455153

Be deeply confused because neither me nor my waifu use that word to refer to a penis

>> No.21455156

stuff them into your pants and smuggle them

>> No.21455167

Which mgs are made for incest sex?

>> No.21455169
File: 332 KB, 667x1000, 8751baaf61950e1f55fd7d8838a778a2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yea verily

>> No.21455187

Mice and devil bugs

>> No.21455193

Most slimes. Little ones have to eat, after all.

>> No.21455200

Petty much any on a case by case basis if you really want it but by breed. the basic Slimes, Devilbugs, Large Mice, and Dark Elves.

>> No.21455223

Slimes, Devil Bugs, etc.

>> No.21455224
Quoted by: >>21455234

Are Khepris into incest?

>> No.21455226
Quoted by: >>21455244

When I get teleported into the MG world I want to be adopted by a group of onee-chans.

>> No.21455234

Possibly if you wanted to. If you really didn't you could probably have daughters split off into a colony of their own to look for a new king.

>> No.21455238
File: 28 KB, 700x620, sfa40e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21455244
Quoted by: >>21455270

Sounds dangerous anon! What if they use shotification potions on you!

>> No.21455270
Quoted by: >>21455281

They won't, I'd already be shorter than them.

>> No.21455281
Quoted by: >>21455286

Well thats good. Now the only question is what species would you want them to be?

>> No.21455286

Pharaoh, Holst, Cheshire, Kej and Ochi.

>> No.21455289

A lewd and nude Yeti commission coming

>> No.21455294

>REACTION video of every MG being cummed on their hair (except kejorous of course)

>> No.21455295
Quoted by: >>21455302

Sounds like an interesting group of adopted onee-chans.

>> No.21455297
File: 16 KB, 970x220, wock.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21455428

Would Wockfag go to a showdown like this with his waifu?

>> No.21455302
Quoted by: >>21455316

They're a fun group.

>> No.21455308

Are they all egyptian themed?

>> No.21455316

Neat also i need to know this >>21455308. Do they all were gold and mini ties?

>> No.21455320

>Pyramid filled with milfs of various species
sounds like a place to explore

>> No.21455324

No, only the Pharaoh.

>> No.21455406
Quoted by: >>21455438

Demon and Kiki if adopted daughterus count.

>> No.21455428

Our usual Wockfag? Because if so there is no way the guy would do this, he's at least 70% pure.

>> No.21455438
File: 1.60 MB, 3000x4000, 75036259_p0_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Adopting a monster seems a perilous road for even the most well intentioned of parents.

>> No.21455444
Quoted by: >>21455465

What gives you that ridiculous idea?

>> No.21455465

He keeps the lewds for himself.

>> No.21455476
File: 97 KB, 1200x892, D4MYSTlWsAIAIio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he's at least 70% pure

>> No.21455488

He liked the /ss/ doujin with a tentacle blowjob in it.

>> No.21455497

From all the MGE waifufags I think he's the one who has the most tame stuff.

>> No.21455506

That’s only because like 3/4 of the waifufags here don’t get commissions.

>> No.21455514
Quoted by: >>21455526

whichever MG your sister turns into

>> No.21455517
File: 633 KB, 1094x1547, 001_Cleanish.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He doesn't commission lewds because he has whole doujin to fap to.

>> No.21455526
File: 152 KB, 1200x900, 1535415051371.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if I don't have a sister?

>> No.21455527
Quoted by: >>21455557

Might keep some to himself and also >>21455506
A lot also don't get commissions.

>> No.21455531


>> No.21455535

It’s kinda hard to give examples when they purposefully don’t put themselves out there.

>> No.21455536
Quoted by: >>21455545

>ex written on her thigh
Such mysterious creatures.

>> No.21455541
Quoted by: >>21455613

That's counting every person who says "I like x" as a waifufag

>> No.21455542
File: 541 KB, 1001x882, 1539889349258.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Big girls!

>> No.21455545

That's part of the doujin title

>> No.21455555

I have no idea who this "sandwormfag" is.
I didn't even pay for that pic-I got it from a drawthread.

>> No.21455557

Just keeping it to himself means he probably wouldn't participate in the meetup.

>> No.21455559
File: 197 KB, 999x846, D27pv3aX0AAzk_V.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21455638


>> No.21455577

wow, that sucks

>> No.21455584
File: 114 KB, 1016x963, IMG_20190602_162300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21455592

Such a big dragon!

>> No.21455592 [SPOILER] 
File: 147 KB, 600x600, 1559507198554.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21455655


>> No.21455601

You know the thread always says a wock would btfo a dragon in a lewd content but i wonder how the dragon would handle losing, what with their superiority complex and all.

>> No.21455613

I mean we had an impromptu survey a while back and we had like 40 waifuists, plenty for species you pretty much never see going off of art.

>> No.21455618

Might have to sneak past this captain. She looks strong!

>> No.21455631

A dragon would probably think herself above such base acts.
On the other hand, a salamander who lives for competition- I wonder what might happen?

>> No.21455638
File: 405 KB, 794x1200, Salamander.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want a big stoic lizard warrior waifu to physically prevent me from leaving bed in the morning

>> No.21455644
Quoted by: >>21455725

>H'Orc musk, concentrated so strongly it's a liquid.
>Just a drop can turn a man into a slut of P'Orcs for 3 hours.

>> No.21455648
Quoted by: >>21455666

If a Harpy was trying to help you get a date would that maker her a wingman

>> No.21455655

What does this image signify?

>> No.21455666

If you don't have any luck, and that Harpy goes home with you to give you a sloppy blowjob instead, that would make her a Swallow!

>> No.21455678

>long orgasms
no thank you

>> No.21455682

read the filename, dolt

>> No.21455687 [SPOILER] 
File: 539 KB, 564x547, 1559508455579.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Say the filename out loud.

>> No.21455693
Quoted by: >>21455752

I'm a kakuen waifufag but I don't get commissions

>> No.21455702
Quoted by: >>21455721

Wocks exist because the Queen of Hearts got sick of a Dragon being too high and mighty instead of being lewd.

>> No.21455721
Quoted by: >>21455770

How mean of her.

>> No.21455725
Quoted by: >>21458022

Joke's on her, I'm already a filthy filthy slut for P'Orcs.

>> No.21455726


>> No.21455752
Quoted by: >>21455769

Out of all the smug girls why a kakuen?

>> No.21455758
File: 1.71 MB, 3956x3024, IMG_20190518_173431513~2(1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21455762

How large should a Dragon's transformed state be?

>> No.21455769

I like smug monkey girls

>> No.21455770
Quoted by: >>21455808

It’s the Wonderland way.
Cheshire cats are pretty much the one Wonderland species that exists, not because the queen was annoyed at the original girl, but because she got along swimmingly with the werecat.
Damn lewd cats.

>> No.21455775

Small dog.

>> No.21455795

The virgin yuu reaction image vs the chad

>> No.21455808
Quoted by: >>21455978

Well i didn't vote for her.

>> No.21455876
File: 220 KB, 1017x1200, ded.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21455895

>> No.21455879

At least the size of Smaug the Stupendous.

>> No.21455895

>Anon accidentally stumbles into a Mist Continent 'Sex Dungeon'.
>Is greeted by his soon-to-be Jiangshi Mistress

>> No.21455899

darkskin elf buttholes

>> No.21455901
Quoted by: >>21455911

Honestly now I'm just imaging the opium dens they use to have but with monster girls and a lot of kinky sex instead of drugs.

>> No.21455911
Quoted by: >>21455957

A lot of stoned Monkeys lying around and giggling.

>> No.21455922
Quoted by: >>21455959

Turning Paladin-chan into an Automaton defender of justice!

>> No.21455947
File: 157 KB, 800x837, D5434WBV4AAX4ba.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21455955
Quoted by: >>21456155

>tfw have to warm up your mistress everytime she wants to dispense punishment

>> No.21455957

>Go to the mist continent for a vacation
>Get lost
>Accidental end up on the bad part of the town
>Stumble into some shop to ask for directions
>The air is heavy with some kind of smoke
>You can hear strange sound coming from inside the shop
>The Jiangshi receptionist is dressed in latex fetish gear
>You try to ask for directions
>"Oh? A foreigner? Why don't you come inside the shop"
>Try to decline, say you don't have any money
>She insist, saying "the first time is free"
>You are lead to a room
>The smoke is even heavier here
>You are getting light headed
>It's filled with stoned Kakuen giggling about nothing with one another
>"I brought you girls something 'extra'. Have fun~"
>You hear the door lock behind you
>Looks like you're gonna be here for a while

>> No.21455959

I thought you couldn't turn a girl into automaton don't you have to find them?

>> No.21455964
File: 464 KB, 733x1200, tB8u9Fiq_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Beware the small summer yetis, they've acclimated to warmer temperatures and now nothing can stop them

>> No.21455966

That's how it is in the cannon. I assume the other anon has some other head cannon or something.

>> No.21455978

She doesn't need anyone's vote. It's her realm, after all.

>> No.21455991
File: 722 KB, 615x961, 1559488928412.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i want to keep my echidna wife as BIG as this


>> No.21455999
Quoted by: >>21456025

we can rebuild her, we have the technology

>> No.21456010
File: 1.39 MB, 1061x1500, 60553989_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hmmmmmm, yes.

>> No.21456025

>Human boy squire desperately begging a gremlin to save a severely wounded Paladin-chan

>> No.21456034
Quoted by: >>21456046

So does your echidna wife

>> No.21456035
Quoted by: >>21456083

how strong is your pet wan

>> No.21456046
Quoted by: >>21456185

this fox needs heavy rubs
oh really? hopefully she has magical items or spells to help,i cant do everything

>> No.21456083
File: 186 KB, 850x560, Hellhound11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

strong enough to break through glass like fucking air

>> No.21456099

Researching spells so every pregnancy is multiples!

>> No.21456130
Quoted by: >>21456205

>anon becomes the most famous human in monster history,swimming in riches and daugherus

>> No.21456149
File: 23 KB, 250x263, i5smgLL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pocky games with Dragons

>> No.21456155

The Undead dominating the Living is the hottest thing ever!

>> No.21456185
File: 1.87 MB, 2053x3000, JuneBride_10_edit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21456227

She is the mom-est, after all.

I feel like alchemy is more likely to contain the answers you seek.

>> No.21456205

My ultimate goal

>> No.21456227

Both can do so!

>> No.21456236


just set this guys loose on the order

>> No.21456292
File: 551 KB, 2000x2700, zz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21456297

That's some smug right there.

>> No.21456316

I can't choose a waifu, there are too many good girls.

>> No.21456324

You don't choose a waifu, she chooses you and you'll know

>> No.21456325
Quoted by: >>21456628

We all know that feel. One day, I'm obsessed with one girl; the next, I'm all about another, and then three hours later I want a different one. Hell, sometimes I switch right after fapping to a certain girl.

>> No.21456334

Where are all the snake women at?

>> No.21456348

That sounds absolutely awful.
I would have a mental breakdown kinda quick if that ever happened to me.

>> No.21456377

This. I want to live in some undead kingdom.

>> No.21456391

on the breeding snake pits

>> No.21456396

Would being chased by a horde of lusty zombies scary or arousing?

>> No.21456414
Quoted by: >>21456436

It took me laying down in a lake, staring at the stars to figure it out.

>> No.21456416
Quoted by: >>21456434

Depends, how busty are they?

>> No.21456419
File: 1.82 MB, 2240x1610, 1559100046967.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21457307

>> No.21456424

I want to be dominated by vampire blood knights instead

>> No.21456427

snake convention
slithercon 98

>> No.21456432
File: 66 KB, 392x546, firefox_em9AmBJY9w.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gonna stuff a myconid!

>> No.21456434
Quoted by: >>21456435

Minimum is a D cup

>> No.21456435

Then yes

>> No.21456436


>> No.21456437

I want to impregnate the horde

>> No.21456449
Quoted by: >>21456454

you wont,the horde will outlast you

>> No.21456450
Quoted by: >>21456456

think of the girls you're most like to run into and the ones that best impact your lifestyle

>> No.21456454
Quoted by: >>21456483

they'll make his cock impregnate them

>> No.21456455

Corpses can't get pregnant

>> No.21456456

devilbugs mostly, the occasional mousegirl

>> No.21456457
Quoted by: >>21456462


>> No.21456462
Quoted by: >>21456612


>> No.21456473

>tfw no wight mistress to ara ara at your penis

>> No.21456480
Quoted by: >>21456489

Does a Legion type MG sound interesting or boring?
>One mind several bodies
>bodies share a cookie cutter general look but build may vary
>can spawn more bodies with mamono mana
>its a harem and not one at the same time

>> No.21456483

>anon was never heard of again

>> No.21456489
Quoted by: >>21456501

It's basically a queen slime without the slime

>> No.21456501
Quoted by: >>21456513

i imagined the spawned slimes were a new individual MG

>> No.21456512

a couple of zombies holding anon down while humping him!

>> No.21456513
File: 164 KB, 984x1200, CoW-4cBVYAAnD5R.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21456537

For queen slimes? Nah, they're all one big MG with many slime bodies, most certainly a single girl when it comes down to it.
They do tend to "roleplay" for the bodies though, so some act as guards, etc.

>> No.21456532
File: 56 KB, 409x489, 1428891646994.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anything to confess?

>> No.21456537
Quoted by: >>21456589

Ahh thank you for the info anon!

>> No.21456544

Yes i havent cummed in months

>> No.21456552

i touch myself to anus presentation

>> No.21456555

Fuck off with this stupid fucking "teehee confess your sins guise!!!" bullshit that just brings in complete shitposting faggotry.

>> No.21456569

Not really.

>> No.21456574
File: 248 KB, 1198x940, 24c (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21456582


>> No.21456579
Quoted by: >>21456582

shut up faggot

>> No.21456580
Quoted by: >>21456596

Fuck off with this stupid "fuck off" bullshit that just brings in useless faggotry that is in fact worse than shitposts.

>> No.21456582

Kill yourselves. It happens every single time.

>> No.21456584

You know that one scene in the sword in the stone , the squirrel girl scene ,
If I were that kid I would have rolled with it .

>> No.21456586
Quoted by: >>21456610

Looks like you really made him mad.

>> No.21456589
File: 156 KB, 833x1005, 66971990_p6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21456723

One other thing is that queen slimes are produced by a rare mutation that causes a slime to be unable to properly divide.
So, it's possible that any slime out there could be a queen slime waiting to happen! But it also means that daughters aren't really an option for them, barring magical intervention.

Presumably, it can happen to any slime subspecies as well.

>> No.21456594


>> No.21456596
Quoted by: >>21456602

>Ignoring how every single time some retard posts the "confess your sins" shit there's always a influx of furries, NTR, trannyshit or outright faggotry that always comes around eventually
I'm starting to become convinced that a lot of people that get assmad about people typing "fuck off" are just shitposters mad that anons don't tolerate their shit

>> No.21456602
Quoted by: >>21456619

Your fagposts are just as bad as their shitposting.

>> No.21456610

I doubt it's just one guy at this point. Maybe some discord faggots getting together.

>> No.21456612

It says in her entry she can

>> No.21456619 [DELETED] 

>hurr you're just as bad as people posting furshit, NTR, trannyshit, actual faggotry or Giantess trash along with a myriad of other /d/ shit that isn't welcome
Fuck off retard.

>> No.21456624

You understand that telling people to fuck off doesn't do anything, right? There are 0 people in the history of 4chan who have actually left a thread after being told to fuck off.
inb4 you react as if I'm the one posting fetish shit and not just a rational person trying to explain a simple concept to you

>> No.21456627
Quoted by: >>21456659

Yes i actually value you as little as those same people

>> No.21456628

Same, for me it's always the same three girls one after another.

>> No.21456632

>you fuck off!
>no you fuck off!
>no u!

>> No.21456633

Fuck off-kun lacks all sense, Anon.

>> No.21456636

I wish I had friends

>> No.21456644
Quoted by: >>21456666

Of course I'd rather practice the golden rule when it comes to trash posts like those. But since there's a bunch of newfaggots here now you occasionally have to be vocal when it comes to shitposting and it's unfortunate.

>> No.21456649

He never learns and ended up a shitposter himself.

>> No.21456659
Quoted by: >>21456673

You're not exactly subtle, anonymous.

>> No.21456666

the only recent faggot that wasn't a blatant shitpost which needs no annoying assmad posts in response was some fucking /tg/ cunt. really annoying fucker that just keeps talking about every mg enslaves men and TOGETHER HUMANITY CAN KILL THEM.

>> No.21456673
Quoted by: >>21456683

That's because subtlety isn't needed when addressing a shitposting piece of shit like you and him.

>> No.21456683

The anon dddoth protests too much, methinks

>> No.21456690

Son of a bitch I mean't doth. FUCK

>> No.21456693
Quoted by: >>21456697

go ahead and put up your dumbass mass reply and get shot down then

>> No.21456697
Quoted by: >>21456702

Nah, I'm just gonna make fun of you one last time for being so mad.

>> No.21456702

and you lost

>> No.21456712

i'm a pedophile

>> No.21456714

okey dokey Mr. KDF-san.

>> No.21456715
File: 156 KB, 480x640, Baphomet32.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21456718

I jerked off to that tentacle rape scene from muv luv

>> No.21456722
Quoted by: >>21456744

but how do you feel about extra little girls?

>> No.21456723

i think you just opened a door to me anon,oh snap

>> No.21456744
Quoted by: >>21456762

fairies are sexy as hell. i really love extra little girls like fairies. i want to see them work hard to make me cum while i relax on the couch or on the computer. it was good for me when KC said that you can penetrate and have normal sex with them, i can imagine filling them up like onaholes but smaller and sexier

>> No.21456745

I want to wake up with a lich in the morning, see her staring at me as I awake, and roll over and cuddle her for hours to keep her from laboratory work.
No darling, you stay here with me and warm up~
No work for you~

>> No.21456747
File: 1.49 MB, 2208x2992, 6 - LrdJ61s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope you get a visit from the Sabbath Scouts tonight!

>> No.21456749

I buy more miniatures before painting the ones I own
I need a leanan-sidhe to straighten me out

>> No.21456751
Quoted by: >>21456968

I like girls that this thread hates. They're not futa or anything like that though.

>> No.21456756

i want a thighjob from a familiar

>> No.21456762

having a small group of fairy maids pleasing you would be great

>> No.21456764
Quoted by: >>21456769

same, i want to rape a bunch of little cute witches and have a loli harem in one night

>> No.21456766
File: 153 KB, 1000x1515, 1546226724809.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21456776

I want all the familiars

>> No.21456767

charybdis is pronounced with a k

>> No.21456769
Quoted by: >>21456786

Only if you fill her cunny with your cummies soon after!

Good man

>> No.21456776

Same. Their hands look so soft.

>> No.21456784
Quoted by: >>21456791

I want to inhale deeply of their tail puff. Bonus points if it can magically knock me out.

>> No.21456786

i'm gonna fill her with love and her favorite treats

>> No.21456791

what do you think the magic floating around it is for!

>> No.21456792
File: 102 KB, 344x520, Charybdis_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i felt like that was the case

>> No.21456799

do your parents know?

>> No.21456800
File: 212 KB, 341x444, 1452044693225.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not like anybody ever talks about them anyway.

>> No.21456804

I do but solely to express my hatred of them

>> No.21456806

not him but i'm so glad nobody is around to see my folders

>> No.21456809

i wasn't being serious sorta

>> No.21456811
Quoted by: >>21456844

same, i have a shit ton of loli porn, the sabbath would either be proud of me or go full speed on hooking me up a witch

>> No.21456816

I'd genuinely fall myself off a cliff if anyone close to me ever found out.

>> No.21456838
File: 317 KB, 808x800, 65417260_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21456841

Foxes are dumb.

>> No.21456841
Quoted by: >>21456876

What kind of self-respecting fox lets herself get led around on a leash?

>> No.21456844
Quoted by: >>21456851

thank god that mg's have magic to make others not notice the guy railing a little girl in the alley because the sexual tension when they met was too much but they were in public.

>> No.21456851

Oh, they'll notice anon. They'll definitely notice. They just won't care though.

>> No.21456876

Lazy ones.

>> No.21456887
File: 280 KB, 1481x779, Screenshot_2019-06-02 Succubus Compilation Honey Select Porn - SpankBang.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You may onely choose one.

>> No.21456891

No thanks, you can keep them.

>> No.21456894

Whichever one has a type advantage against yours.

>> No.21456905

Big buff jinko wife playing with the housecat.

>> No.21456919
File: 507 KB, 595x842, tsurara_onna_by_butter_t_dd6aurt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21456932

>> No.21456932

I'm a slut for dangerous monstergirls.

>> No.21456934
Quoted by: >>21456948

>Eager ochimura bandit noises.

>> No.21456940
Quoted by: >>21456948

you might have a bit of fun at the fox festival that's coming up

>> No.21456948

Ochis are nice, but I'd worship a Tsurara like an Ice Queen.
But I was told foxes are kind and fluffy, and not at all dangerous.

>> No.21456950

Ochis are not nice!
They're fierce and terrifying!

Especially the lordless bandits that haunt the roadways and battlefields for freshly raised 'sisters' to bring into the fold.

>> No.21456965
Quoted by: >>21457035

I had a good time at Medieval Times

>> No.21456967
File: 1.89 MB, 1200x853, 1559486424572.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21456975

>But I was told foxes are kind and fluffy, and not at all dangerous.

Of course they are. You can always trust foxes.

>> No.21456968


>> No.21456975
Quoted by: >>21456982

i see she's got that i-can-have-you-all-to-myself-whether-you-like-it-or-not look on her face

>> No.21456976
File: 928 KB, 850x1200, iLqBUEJt_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tsuraras are nice girls once you warm up to them

>> No.21456982

You'll probably be fine as long as you don't break the seal on the rock behind her.

>> No.21456984
File: 415 KB, 667x1000, 0756bd397bf41c4ecffef9f30d2edb79.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to be raped by a goat

>> No.21456987
File: 1.05 MB, 1000x1414, 74578055_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I was told foxes are kind and fluffy, and not at all dangerous

>> No.21457002
File: 366 KB, 667x1000, dd0upje-43caa4c1-8579-4616-96a6-a64e1a65d0a2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to be raped specifically by this goat

>> No.21457005

Massive slut

>> No.21457007

>be tallest anon at your school
>you're finishing up putting some stuff in the gym storage room when you hear the door lock behind you
>turn around to see several shortstacks blocking the door
>the lead girl tells you they've all had their eyes on you for awhile now and that you're going to be their boyfriend, or else
>she tries to kabedon you, but she's only eye level with your stomach while her tits press against your crotch
What can one boy do against a gang of shorties?

>> No.21457009


>> No.21457011
File: 632 KB, 956x1373, __baphomet_monster_girl_encyclopedia_and_etc_drawn_by_terupancake__f2b4980ad9bb0d245f6d6e3d9d0f26a0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, who doesn't

>> No.21457018
File: 366 KB, 966x395, weresheep harem.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to rape everything in the farm

>> No.21457019

I think you pick them up and put them somewhere else. Or put your hand on their forehead as they windmill towards you.

>> No.21457022
File: 152 KB, 322x722, 1559484265485.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love foxes with unconventional fur colors!

>> No.21457023
File: 45 KB, 850x478, Amagi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Traitorous yandere fox a shit. Amagi-neesan is infinitely better.

>> No.21457027

Is it time for Kitsune power hour?

>> No.21457032
Quoted by: >>21457038

What would a monstergirl have to be depressed about?

>> No.21457035

I bet a lot of monsters would like "embarrassing"/fun entertainment like that. From an immature cheshire yelling the chants louder than anyone else in your row, to a haughty vampire hiding her slight smile behind an unfolding fan when her section's centaur knight scores a tricky hit.

>> No.21457038
Quoted by: >>21457082

>tfw no husband

>> No.21457041
File: 1.54 MB, 1379x1000, 1559484219861.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21457087

It always is

>> No.21457042
File: 88 KB, 699x812, 1557269422364.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to sleep on my Kitsune momster's plush body while wrapped in her tails.

>> No.21457048

Why are there so many subs in these threads?

>> No.21457055

Good night anons, take care and don't burn down the thread.

Instead, get ready for monday and another week of work.
For those who have waifus that don't work, be sure to give them a goodbye kiss in the morning.

>> No.21457056
Quoted by: >>21457103

Because you're a newfag and don't know that these threads used to have more rapey monsters in the past.

>> No.21457067
Quoted by: >>21457219

I've found picking short people up by their legs works wonders for fucking with them so long as they're short enough that you can lift your arm at a right angle. Makes the perfect distance where their hands can't reach you and they can't run away.

>> No.21457069

because square sandwiches are for betas

>> No.21457079

I want a thighjob from a loli Dark Mage. Or more accurately I want to fuck her thighs in actual sex positions minus penetration and grope her petite body, like doggystyle pounding that makes her big loli ass jiggle with every slam and her fluffy purple hair sway all over the place. Imagine finishing it by tossing her on her back and exploding all over her slim midriff, the barely visible bumps on her chest and her cute face just as she locks her intense golden eyes with yours.

>> No.21457080
Quoted by: >>21457103

>why are there so many subs in threads that have a high focus on a fantasy setting full of proactive daters?
Cmon, you can do it.

>> No.21457082

Well, while very true, surely there can be other reasons.
Perhaps she struggles with her monster instincts with an abusive and manipulative husband, and the resulting feeling of betrayal gives her chronic depression?

>> No.21457087
Quoted by: >>21457144

Don't trust them! They'll trick you into having sex with them!

>> No.21457103

And you're just going to let them dominate you rather than throw them off and pursue someone else? Or at least reverse the situation so that you're dominating them?

>> No.21457114
Quoted by: >>21457183

Does it matter?

>> No.21457117
Quoted by: >>21457183

Why do you care what others do?

>> No.21457120
File: 764 KB, 1304x1400, 75039392_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21457126

What monster girl is best at pinning down the party healer and fucking him senseless until he behaves like the good little heal slut he is?

>> No.21457127
Quoted by: >>21457183

>at least reverse the situation so that you're dominating them?
"I'll show you the power of humanity!!"
>Instant loss 2koma

>> No.21457136
File: 345 KB, 500x750, 1514219024416.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What monster girl is best at pinning down

>> No.21457144
File: 646 KB, 800x798, 1559484218455.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How dare you slander honorable members of society! They're not Tanukis you know.

>> No.21457149

Gonna bring her to bed to get comfy for sleep

>> No.21457152

You're the idiot from a couple of threads ago, aren't you

>> No.21457155
Quoted by: >>21457168

I couldn't a manticore, needle phobia, pleasurable or not.

>> No.21457157

Fuck me manticores are so sexy. I just want her to force me to suck her tits as she drains me dry.

>> No.21457166

Dark slime. She could even get her MP recharge midcombat and continue casting at the same time.

>> No.21457168
Quoted by: >>21457183

I would say she doesn't care but
>needle phobia
That just makes here care EVEN MOAR

>> No.21457173
File: 391 KB, 814x830, 1478387775145.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21457185

Not that she doesn't look perfectly plump and fuckable in those too-small clothes, but why did that demon raid a gremlin's closet?

>> No.21457183

Because of shit like >>21457127, >>21457168, and >>21457126 is fucking pathetic. There are so many anons who find enjoyment in the idea of themselves and others being overpowered by someone with a twisted sense of empathy.

>> No.21457185

that automaton needs to stop jump-scaring that window gremlin

>> No.21457195
File: 2.27 MB, 1250x1600, 74607499_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welcome to the monster girl thread my dude.

>> No.21457199

oh it's this faggot

>> No.21457206
File: 210 KB, 535x790, 388.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Beware the Sabbath.

>> No.21457207
Quoted by: >>21457222

cute ancient evil

>> No.21457209

Did the lack of self-awareness give it away?

>> No.21457210
Quoted by: >>21457215

because subs>dubs

>> No.21457215
Quoted by: >>21457232

The thread is woefully lacking in monster laying.

Take the ball gag out of your mouth before you speak or else people probably aren't going to understand you.

>> No.21457218
Quoted by: >>21457223

But i don't like lolis. Why would i fear?

>> No.21457219

I imagine there'd be some problems with that method.
>pick shortstack up by her legs
>her skirt flips upside down, showing she's not wearing panties

>> No.21457222

All ancient evils are cute, especially the ones who don't understand modern ways and technology.

>> No.21457223

Well, you shouldn't really.
They're extremely dangerous to people who are lying to themselves about not liking lolis though. Their information network is incredible especially with all those Ratas.

>> No.21457225 [DELETED] 

no i think everyone very clearly understands that you're a huge faggot

>> No.21457226

But I love lolis.Why would I fear?

>> No.21457227

Bruh, MG femdom is leagues different from the usual malesub faggotry.
For one, Monstergirls know how to make a man feel loved and wanted beyond his paycheck or looks.

>> No.21457232
Quoted by: >>21457266

newfags go

>> No.21457233

oooooh boy, imagine a passionately religious old hag catching you with a big horned demonic underage girl riding on your big grown man cock like it was one of those fucked up ritual scene from those supernatural horror movies

>> No.21457240

What? It's not like they're just rolling over for the first monster who finds them-they're always specific about what monster they want.

>> No.21457247

Sounds like fun. I would do that to all of the shortstacks

>> No.21457248

just put "MAN" between every word he types instead of a space and you'll get the idea of of how he came to be so gay.

>> No.21457263

>of of

>> No.21457266

They best hope they get who the want. A hellhound bitch isn't going to just leave you alone just because you aren't a dogfucker.

It's nice that your wife at least allows you to use a keyboard. Maybe you can persuade her to give you adequate sleeping hours at this rate.

>> No.21457274

>normie shit
Wow, a real life manly man that's so manly and alpha!

>> No.21457277
Quoted by: >>21457421

Fine with me. It's just another layer to the bullying because it's now use their hands to stay decent until they lose strength from being held up for extended periods or time or try and fight back ineffectively while I get a show.
Smalls are just designed in a way that anything they do will just make things worse for them or better for their tall overlords.

>> No.21457278

where do you work, anon?

>> No.21457281
Quoted by: >>21457313

>They best hope they get who the want. A hellhound bitch isn't going to just leave you alone just because you aren't a dogfucker.
Mana markers exist. Besides, KC sez that when a monster girl husbandos a man, it's because he secretly wanted that monster girl to husbando him. Yeah, it's bullshit, but we buy it.

>> No.21457282

Your wife has beautiful suckable nipples.

>> No.21457283

Probably by this point he's just replying to himself, so please don't bother with him and just wait for the janitor

>> No.21457307

That's some top tier fluffy but some bottom tier tail placement.

>> No.21457313
Quoted by: >>21457324

>muh mana markers
You really think your average man is just going to know what those are, or how to access them? Mana markers tend to be used by monsters to mark spots where they can kidnap and enslave men.
The only monster that stops humans from being mistreated are dhampirs.

>> No.21457314
File: 94 KB, 768x1024, 1528472366158.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21457386

Big bullies!

>> No.21457319

Oh no. How horrible.

>> No.21457324

Honest question: what kind of idiot goes into MGE with the intention of creating a fantasy where they're in a loveless relationship with a monstergirl they hate?

>> No.21457327


>> No.21457332
File: 64 KB, 416x608, sip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Judging by the history of this thread, there's plenty of retards lining up to do just that.

>> No.21457336
Quoted by: >>21457383

his next reply will be "lmao pathetic loserfag not manly enough to rape monsters into the dirt, mge drowns other HFY mg settings".

>> No.21457362

Hugbox inflation. It's not enough to have your fantasy handed to you on a silver platter with little or minimal effort anymore, now you also need other people to not have their fantasies around you if you dislike those fantasies. It's the root of a lot if not most of the weird behavior in the thread.

>> No.21457381
File: 259 KB, 791x1204, 6810431E-F66D-4D98-A3CB-057E5FA0331A-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21457387

Risen from the grave
Her body stitched anew
But nothing has changed
For her heart beats for you

>> No.21457383

These anons have fantasies that are far from loveless. It's just their definition of "love" is screwed up.

I don't know what you're saying, anon. You're going to have to get the key to your ball gag from your wife, anon. Maybe you can bargain with her by offering to quit your job.

>> No.21457386
File: 842 KB, 1280x720, Weresheep49.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why lie?

>> No.21457387

Etrigan, please

>> No.21457388

I'm sorry that you're that dumb, anon

>> No.21457390


>> No.21457417

Yay, my grape juice is here!

>> No.21457421

>Smalls are just designed in a way that anything they do will just make things worse for them or better for their tall overlords.
I wonder if there is a group of fanatical shortstacks that go around telling other short girls to just give up and submit to vertically superior human boys.

>> No.21457433

Same kind of idiots that bitch about content that doesn't fit their narrow interpretation of what's correct even when it's contained to a pastebin and a short blurb.

>> No.21457435
Quoted by: >>21457473

I think i would poach my self a very stacked shorty from that group. Show her that she belongs with my cock inside her shortbody.

>> No.21457440

I wanna lick my Dear Hatter wife!

>> No.21457451
Quoted by: >>21457458

As the the queen of creams king it only makes sense you would want to taste her!

>> No.21457455
Quoted by: >>21457470

Where do you lick?

>> No.21457458
Quoted by: >>21457497

I'd take it as my solemn vow, that every moment I were not stuffing her or coating her with cream, I'd be caressing, kissing, licking and fondling every available spot!

>> No.21457461

Doubtful. That sort of thing is just common knowledge there wouldn't need to be a group disseminating knowledge everyone already knows.
Why do you think the shortstacks came to him in the first place rather than hide or run? His top-down view and natural strength would have lifted their hiding places off them and his greater stride would have caught them midsprint and all fighting him would do is tire them out for no benefit so they just know to present themselves to him in a contained area free from prying eyes to maintain some mild dignity and save themselves the effort and exertion.

>> No.21457467
File: 154 KB, 826x754, 1512963170563.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how tiny is your waifu?

>> No.21457470
Quoted by: >>21457479

The neck, behind her ears, her sides, all the spots one might not first think of to show that I cherish EVERY part of her body, not just the bombastic parts!

>> No.21457473
Quoted by: >>21457501

Shorts instinctively flock to and imprint on the tallest man in the room like any other woman does.

>> No.21457475
File: 379 KB, 585x800, 73331293_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel bad about generic Werecats.
They got all of their limelights stolen by that annoying, purple skank...

>> No.21457479
Quoted by: >>21457486

Bet she tastes like mushrooms.

>> No.21457484
Quoted by: >>21457562

Which one?

>> No.21457485
Quoted by: >>21457515

I'm a cat person. But being nice to cats has never resulted in the gods granting me with a cat girl. Why it be like is?

>> No.21457486
Quoted by: >>21457490

Yes, but more importantly, she strongly tastes of beautiful

>> No.21457490
Quoted by: >>21457499

Wonderland sure is wacky!

>> No.21457494

Small enough to fit comfortably on my lap and have her mouth right at level with mine so we can make out for hours. Aka ideal height.

>> No.21457497
Quoted by: >>21457509

What a dedicated king you are! Queenie is probably extraordinarily happy with your comitment!

She is only 4’4” tall, but is quite big in the chest and ass region!

>> No.21457499
File: 587 KB, 1200x1200, 134453451248.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21457516

But the giant lightly glowing mushrooms at night are sure romantic!

>> No.21457500
File: 198 KB, 1091x750, 29173245mHXUaKZz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21457501
Quoted by: >>21457508

I hope they don't mind if i only take one of them home.

>> No.21457508

You'll have to fight and win against the tallest man they're forming a harem around to prove you're the alpha male of the pack to earn that kind of privilege.

>> No.21457509
Quoted by: >>21457586

She is my queen! I dont want anything other than her! And as a bonus, she probably wont go burning down any cities. Just flood them with sex and debauchery!

>> No.21457513

She's an inch or so shy of five feet tall, so pretty small I'd say. Our daughteru is really tiny though, She'd stop growing at three and a half feet.

>> No.21457515
File: 105 KB, 817x1080, __sen_granblue_fantasy_drawn_by_peko__2a7fa2c550ce3ae772b42733cd276477.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21457688

Maybe when the portals open, anon. Maybe when the portals open...

>> No.21457516
Quoted by: >>21457520

Has your wife got a name anon?

>> No.21457520
Quoted by: >>21457539

Chantrelle! Of House Mistybottom!

>> No.21457526

>vanilla werecat childhood friend
>kind of shy and sweet, but easily talked over and ignored
>shows up to school one day in a cheap purple wig, stockings and miniskirt
>walks up to you in your regular lunch spot after morning classes, already blushing. She's fumbling with a few cue cards, muttering to herself silently. Finally:
>"H-hey anon, what do you get if you cross a raven and a writing desk?"
>"Oh, a riddle?"
>"Yeah!" Her face lights up surprised, before melting into a confused half-smile. "How did you, I mean, yes, but...let me try another one-"
>In her haste, she accidentally fumbles her cards, dropping them in a pile in front of you
>Eyes darting everywhere, she just runs away blushing and embarrassed, accidetally also dropping pawn-shop "cheshire heels" that wouldn't fit over her meaty foot paws from her backpack
Poor girl. Best not to bring it up again to tease her with once she pretends it never happened.

>> No.21457533

Oh bless her, she's absolutely adorable. I wanna pet that cute werecat and tell her I dont want no memes in my relationship, so she's perfect

>> No.21457536

Now that's a story you just gotta tell everyone, including all of your future kids

>> No.21457539
Quoted by: >>21457552

Does she have a cute nickname too? Or does she make you say her full name every time?

>> No.21457543
File: 205 KB, 944x966, 1414451705524.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Space Outlaw Anon pulls of yet another daring heist, this time in the territory of the Tomb Queens
>As he makes his daring escape from the fleet of pursuers led by Commissar Anubis, he opens up hailing frequencies and plays her a song


>> No.21457544
File: 257 KB, 516x898, 1545885534807.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21457560

>get into accident, girlfriend dies
>it was bad, you got injured and just about lost your mind when you saw her slipping away
>luckily she was still in good enough shape to be resurrected
>it took a little while but she was raised without any problems and is back at home
>with one caveat
>she doesn't remember the accident, or anything up to a few months before
>those just happened to be the months where you moved in together
>it's also the time of your proposal
>a lot happened in those last few months, and all of it is gone
>you're still a wonderful couple, but suddenly you've gone back to the jitters and anxiety leading up to that night you finally popped the question
>she sobbed with joy for most of the night last time, but what about now? Can she even cry now, the way she is?
>she seems like the same girl who made you fall in love before, but who is she now?
>you decide to hold off for a little while as you both adjust to her unlife, but you think about it a lot
>maybe too much
>that first kiss after the turn was strange
>her lips were always so warm, but now they're cold like glass
>that shine in her eyes has changed into more of a dull glow
>she feels so delicate to hold now
>because she is delicate
>she needs you
>now more than ever
>what the hell are you waiting for?
>ask her again
>no, ask her now
>not tomorrow, anything could happen by tomorrow
>she's still your favorite person in the world, so tell her
>tell her you're going to be with her, and make her happy, forever
>she's still the same wonderful girl
>"You're still the same wonderful girl"
>will she marry you?
>"will you marry me?"
>she nods, but doesn't say yes
>she just cries
>she cries a lot
>her blood runs cold but somehow those tears are warm
>she hugs you even closer than before, and she's stronger this time
>she squeezes the breath out of you, and it hurts the spot where your rib was broken
>but that's okay
>you get to look forward to another cold kiss soon
>and to her, you're that much warmer

>> No.21457552

Sometimes I'll affectionately offer my face as her seat while calling her 'Miss Tea-Bottom'. Which is of course a fitting play on her last name, but also quite fitting! Otherwise Just Chantrelle or Ma'am or Dear Wife. She'll sometimes poke fun at my eccentricities and call me 'My Dear Human Husband' because I always call her my Dear Hatter wife. Its just lovey married banter!

>> No.21457557
Quoted by: >>21457575

Super cute stuff anon.

>> No.21457560

good end

>> No.21457562

the ittan momen

>> No.21457565
Quoted by: >>21457575

>calling her 'Miss Tea-Bottom'. Which is of course a fitting play on her last name
Oh you're proud of yourself for that one aren't you

>> No.21457575

Thank you very much anon!
I happen to think I can be a bit witty with words from time to time. Its why I was so drawn to Mad Hatter in the first place I think!

>> No.21457586
Quoted by: >>21457595

Sounds good anon. I will make sure to visit her lands with my waifu!

>> No.21457595
Quoted by: >>21457614

While such a day when she ascends to such a position would be far away, we'd be happy to have you! Just be sure to be on your lewdest, lustiest and most hedonistic behavior, as per her law!

>> No.21457614
Quoted by: >>21457652

That should be easy then. She will probably make her slime clothing much sexier, gooier, and even slightly see through!

>> No.21457622 [SPOILER] 
File: 476 KB, 904x1280, 1559536212897.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Something's off about this kraken.

>> No.21457629

Oh no! She gave auntie Ursula her voice in exchange for a pair of legs!

>> No.21457652
Quoted by: >>21457703

Not to mention sticky, strandy and of course gushing all over you! She'd fit right in with the atmosphere and would be a welcome guest of honor! Such a lewd wife you have!

>> No.21457677

lmao the squid kid is pretending to be a human

>> No.21457688

This kitty's a fan of easy access isn't she? Seems really gropable and squeezable.
>a raven and a writing desk
>answer is "a riddle"
I don't get it.

>> No.21457694

>I don't get it
Sounds like something out of the Adam West Batman.

>> No.21457701

There is a famous riddle that goes like: "Why is a raven like a writing desk?"

Actually it's from Alice in Wonderland and it was proposed by Mad Hatter.

>> No.21457703
Quoted by: >>21457714

Indeed, she is just the lewdest and i love her for it every day! Although i do wonder what prolonged exposure will do to a Slime carrier.

>> No.21457714
Quoted by: >>21457725

What do you mean by prolonged exposure? You mean to that particular Wonderland realm scenario? Well I can tell you, all who stay long would have their sexual features boosted considerably should they stick around!

>> No.21457720

>I don't get it
Good, you're halfway to understanding it then.
The point is she's proposing a riddle and so the answer is "a riddle." The actual statement makes no sense on its face and it requires thinking it out to get to the answer which makes the question a riddle.
In short what DO you get when you cross a raven and a writing desk? You get a riddle.

>> No.21457725

I mean to the magic of wonderland and the Queen/Empress of hearts! I would like to see if it may provide some interesting changes to my waifu!

>> No.21457738
Quoted by: >>21457761

Oou, delightful! A bit more burgeoning bustline and plumper luscious lips are staples of such changes!

>> No.21457748
Quoted by: >>21457761

Usually prolonged exposure just means it's hard to leave, or conversion for species that already have Wonderland versions (maybe? I forget).
The big changes require personal attention from the Queen herself.

>> No.21457758
File: 3.97 MB, 2122x2619, 1491417989924.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What would your dream wedding with your waifu be like anons? I'm curious.

>> No.21457760
Quoted by: >>21457770

I don't think we'd have one, she doesn't recognize any earthly or celestial authority before which we could be wed.

>> No.21457761

>burgeoning bustline
Dear lord my waifu was already a shorstack!
>plumper luscious lips
That would be quite seeing her using those lucious lips to polish my pole!

Oh well. Then maybe we shall meet up with her as well!

>> No.21457770

A wedding doesn't have to be religious. If anything I figured monster girl weddings wouldn't be to begin with. Going through the motions of a big ceremony and exchange of vows could still be really emotional and memorable though.

>> No.21457773
Quoted by: >>21457816

A traditional one with our families. If we don't find a priest to say our vows, she can get one of her relatives to do it.

>> No.21457785

>this isn't a wedding, this is anal sex!

>> No.21457794

"we're married now"
"ok good i hate formalities"

>> No.21457813
File: 129 KB, 1000x1500, SoW Arena Taunt02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The whole horde doing an arena tournament where the last one standing becomes the wife meanwhile the rest stay as concubines

>> No.21457816

Something like this >>21457773. Small and simple with our families, but still classy and comfy. Technically our true wedding would be the first time we have sex, but we're certainly not inviting anybody to that and we'd still want some sort of ceremony. Maybe we'd get soul married at the ceremony, or we'd wait until our second one with our daughteru so the three of us can do it at the same time.

>> No.21457824
Quoted by: >>21457874

Every time I see this I wish there was more.

>> No.21457833

We sign some papers, then go home and get our asses kicked in Super Smash Bros like we do every other weekday.

>> No.21457842

Why are we getting less and less of stories lately?

>> No.21457845
File: 263 KB, 1280x1256, ah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Traditional style in an Eros temple.
Boy is she gonna make me pay for making her a blushing mess in public though.

>> No.21457849
Quoted by: >>21457856

Stories in general? Greentexts/Pastebins? Writefaggotry? Published material?

>> No.21457850
Quoted by: >>21457908

There's no point to writing. It doesn't matter. None a this matters

>> No.21457856


>> No.21457867

Same as the rest of the respondents, for the same reason.
The appeal of monstergirls is how unlike human women they are, and how much more pure the love is.
Marriage is baked in to the experience of existing together, not a showy facade to be carefully curated on Facebook.

>> No.21457874

The drawfag is from /a/ so I doubt that we will get more

>> No.21457890

Do you guys give different fur/scale etc color from the norm of her species to your waifu?

>> No.21457894

My Waifu has purple/lavender slime.

>> No.21457900

I'm not a fan of hand paws though I can see the appeal.

>> No.21457906

She's a tanned Dragon with black scales. A Black Dragon, if you will.

>> No.21457907

my wife has pastel pink fur as part of an effort to not look scary

>> No.21457908

I bet monster girls would be great at helping with depression.

>> No.21457909
File: 1.72 MB, 1806x1293, los2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been writing two stories for a while now as commission work. Unfortunately, one is futa and the other is 40k so they won't get posted here.

>> No.21457911

My tundranubis has snow white fluff and hair with amber eyes but her skin is still a beautiful brown. Not that I mind black hair in the slightest.

>> No.21457914
Quoted by: >>21457922

Is it smut or serious?

>> No.21457918

My kakuen has gold fur instead of brown and silver instead of white fur

>> No.21457922
Quoted by: >>21457928

Most of it serious with a smut ending. Even if you remove the smut it can stand as a story on its own.

>> No.21457923

Is it weird to have female friends that also like monstergirls?

>> No.21457924

Not really. I'm a fan of the vanilla palette.

>> No.21457926

Does she want to sex Granberia?

>> No.21457927
Quoted by: >>21457933

I'll take what I can get. Link?

>> No.21457928
Quoted by: >>21457933

Maybe try posting it on /tg/'s monster thread?

>> No.21457930

Is there even a better rivalry than Kiki vs Shog

>> No.21457933

Neither are done yet. The 40k one is at 9k words but it's not yet over.

>> No.21457936

Cow pattern best pattern. I really wanna run my hands though a Holstaur’s leg fur, I want to know what it feels like.

>> No.21457938
Quoted by: >>21457945

Women like MGE for very different reasons then men do.
But all in all, it's odd but kinda sexy.

>> No.21457939


>> No.21457945
Quoted by: >>21458003

Is it just monstergirls or MGE?

Like? is it Yuri?

>> No.21457952
Quoted by: >>21457958

>Crowd cheering 'Ushak! Ushak! Ushak!' While Anon is tied up and caught in the middle of the P'Orc mosh pit.
>If Troll-san wins, she'll free him and take him back to her safe cottage.
>If Ushak wins, well... Her title isn't just for show.

>> No.21457958

NTR is heresy.

>> No.21457968

A. Depression yielding writers block.
B. More than half of them these days just get some asshat calling me /tg/ and telling others to ignore me or some other asshat trying to ruin it in some way so it's just not worth it anymore.

>> No.21457971
File: 865 KB, 900x1200, 1525824205296.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21458013

I wonder what shortstack lamia look like. I wonder what shortstack echidna look like.
>her tail is only long enough to wrap you up to your thighs
>still lightweight and portable

>> No.21457972
Quoted by: >>21458031

>calling me /tg/
Well stop writing about edgy monster killing then.

>> No.21457978

no, I do

>> No.21457988
Quoted by: >>21458031

Is it HFY smut or HFY non-smut?

>> No.21458003
Quoted by: >>21458010

>Like? is it Yuri?
Depends on the person in question, but I most found it either comes down to
>Being a super sexy mosnter girl that is super good at sex and can dominate men with how sexy they are
Which is just strait up power fantasy.
Monster girls are sexy, yo.
>The world/setting itself is sexy
Mostly a corruption from what I've seen
>A mix of the other alternatives.
Being corrupted into a sexy monster girl by another monster girl is hot.

>> No.21458005

I'm currently writing a monster girl thing that isn't MGE.
More "40k but all the other races are monster girls" smut. It's coming along quite well.

>> No.21458010
Quoted by: >>21458020

>>The world/setting itself is sexy
>Mostly a corruption from what I've seen

>> No.21458013

Sounds cute!

>> No.21458014
Quoted by: >>21458037

Hey guys it’s been a while since I’ve been over here. I haven’t properly been in one of these threads in like a year, what did I miss? Any new girls? Any awesome new stories?

>> No.21458020
Quoted by: >>21458029

I have no idea how to put it into words.
Basically how the setting works, corruption, heroes, and stuff like that is the thing they like about it.

>> No.21458022

A man of culture I see.

>> No.21458028

Why can't I commission you damn it!

>> No.21458029

You could have said they just like MGE or KC's world. Unless thats not what you mean?

>> No.21458031

It's usually something loveydovey but neither MFY or HFY barring danuki robbing, hellhounds/manticores being their usual selves, or things like kiki's not being like hellhounds and men being men.
If sticking to species traits is /tg/ I guess I'll go there from now on.

>> No.21458037
File: 41 KB, 358x400, 1541635851288.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21458061

>Any new girls?
Many. Also World Guide III came out.

>> No.21458040
Quoted by: >>21458050

No, that's exactly what I mean. I'm just retarded.

>> No.21458041

CoC is a corruption world that's pretty popular.
It pays to be specific.

>> No.21458043

90% of the time, when someone is bitching about being called /tg/ it's because they really did do some stupid shit.

>> No.21458044
File: 219 KB, 400x1215, 1559527232129.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21458045
Quoted by: >>21458082

Just ignore it man. Fuck off should have lost all meaning to you after retards used it against setting material that wasnt even bad.

>> No.21458049
Quoted by: >>21458065

>I will never shotgun beers and shoot guns with my Red Oni waifu at our wedding reception
That hurt more than it should’ve.

>> No.21458050

Ah then that clears it up. glad to help anon.

>> No.21458051

100% of people who make assumptions based on percentages are idiots

>> No.21458061
Quoted by: >>21458078

Like how much? I remember when Banshee came around, who came after her?

>> No.21458065

Oh man I would love for my brother or one of my friends to marry an Oni, I could see various local breweries fighting to cater at Oni weddings.

>> No.21458068

I love the idea of consensual corruption something about a women taking a shot of DE or having a roper egg implanted or Pslime infect them and then them taking their boyfriend/husband forcefully as they transform seems hot as fuck to me.

>> No.21458076

this but ropers are absolutely fucking disgusting

>> No.21458078

Banshee was only six months ago, nowhere near a year.
Since then we've had Ocelomehs (rape cats) and Myconids (good Matangos).

>> No.21458079

Why don't Kikis just rape their masters instead of being teases and getting raped?

>> No.21458080
File: 639 KB, 1125x1600, x6 (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21460952

>Get adopted by a Dragon
>Tell her you want to move out and be independent

>> No.21458082

True enough but depression isn't picky when it comes to fuel and negative shits still negative shit even if it is groundless.

>> No.21458083

That's not proper maid conduct.

>> No.21458089
File: 648 KB, 768x1024, 64797704_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21458091

Because "teasing you into 'raping' them" is how a lot of species work.

>> No.21458091

But that so much more effort

>> No.21458093

Not that much more to an MG.
And besides, it's fun.

>> No.21458096
Quoted by: >>21458108

They're maids. They're natural-born hard workers.

>> No.21458108

Life is probably tough for lazy kikis. It must be hard for them to pretend to be as hardworking as their species suggests, and to resist the temptation to just snuggle all day.

>> No.21458111

So is she someone's waifu? I've seen a lot of artists drawing her

>> No.21458113

I want to have a lazy kiki as a childhood friend and clean her room for her and have her mom walk in on me cleaning while she is being lazy and playing video games

>> No.21458120

Because it's their fetish.

>> No.21458123
File: 404 KB, 1000x943, Np7l8ml.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kiki's play the improvement game so they can raise their husband. It's like a casual raping and corruption of the soul and personality while scratching that mothering itch they have.
Masters a slob? Help him become a habitual clean liver who picks up on his own of his own volition and feel pride at a job well done and in him growing up into a man.
Master is lazy? Help him get up, get out, and get active and feel pride at a job well done and in him growing up into a man.
Fast forward a few years and that lazy NEET slob of a master is now dressing well, grooming properly, fit, active, employed, has a bright outlook on life, eating well, and all around healthy. Gee, its almost like some mysterious force changed them into a completely different objectively better person or something...

>> No.21458125
Quoted by: >>21458136

I love it too. I love the idea of the facilities that specializes on truing human girls into MGs.
Just this idea of a fairly average woman entering with her BF, them directing her too a room, turning her and the two having mad sex and going home.
I bet you could choose what you wanted to become out of the MGs you can directly transform into (roper, Pslime, etc) or you can take the DE treatment have have it "reveal your true self"

>> No.21458131

Thats fucking degenerate

>> No.21458134
Quoted by: >>21458154

Kiki childhood friends are really comfy, but that particular one is probably going to be really uncomfy in the immediate future.

>> No.21458136

Exactly. Maybe even doctors trained to give recommendations and to do tests to determine your compatibility.

>> No.21458142

Is there any age limit on how old dragons/lizardmen have to be before they can go full mere?
Like, if you were playing around with some dragon kid and wrestled her down in a game, would she go mere for you even if she doesn't understand it yet?

>> No.21458149

Consensual corruption is great. Especially if she's really excited leading up to it and really gets into the monster mindset even while she's still human. She savors the transformation and really gets off to the feeling of turning into a monster, overpowering and fucking her husband until his brain explodes. The absolute sincerity that comes with being a monster is really romantic too, like she wants to show him just how deeply she loves him by becoming a being of shameless love.

Conversely I also like the idea of monster husbands trying their best to incubize and the wife slobbering over his potent incubus mana. I'd go to great lengths to become the perfect incubus lover and satisfy my girl's monstrous lust.

>> No.21458150

Believe it or not corporations hire people with lazy tendencies for a lot of positions because they tend to find shortcuts through the system to get shit done faster that nobody thought about. It doesn't increase their efficiency but it means they perform at level and it provides usable info that can be taught to others to make shit happen faster/cheaper.
Tl;dr lazy kiki's will just sweep things under rugs and carpets and then once a week, make that 2 weeks, they'll just give the whole mess a once over with the vacuum cleaner. Problem solved.

>> No.21458154

>really uncomfy in the immediate future.
Whats the worst that could happen she isn't allowed to see anon for a few days?

>> No.21458156
Quoted by: >>21458159

>Dragon childhood friend acts like a storybook princess around you
>whenever you ask why, she kind of pouts and says it doesn't count if you don't remember

>> No.21458159

God damn that's cute.

>> No.21458161
Quoted by: >>21458251

>monster mindset even while she's still human.
Jesus now i cant stop imagining about this. Coming home to your wife only to find her furiously masturbating. Then only for her to see you and demand you fuck her silly while spreading her sopping wet pussy.

>> No.21458175

>monster mindset even while she's still human.
Now I'm thinking about how fucked up it would be in reverse

>> No.21458186
Quoted by: >>21458190


>> No.21458190
Quoted by: >>21458201

I have already read that one. Need more smut and stories about it.

>> No.21458201
Quoted by: >>21458213

Its a shame beast doesn't write smut but is a massive corruptionfag.

>> No.21458213

Indeed. At least magus is writing. Once he is done his current batch of requests maybe he would be willing to do something with it.

>> No.21458251
Quoted by: >>21458271

>get home to your wife sitting on the couch, trying to look casual but clearly very flushed
>you greet her as you always do and chat a little bit about your day, but she just sort of nods and gives one-word answers
>there's a brief silence before you notice she's shaking a little
>"Y-you know hon, I heard an interesting rumour while I was out today." She stammers, her voice trembling
>"Apparently you can become a succubus if you f...make love for a whole day without stopping. After taking a succubus nostrum, that is. Maybe."
>you sit down next to her, and patiently let her speak
>"I was just thinking that might be fun... to try. Just for fun, you know. Doing it all day. Might be neat."
>at that point she's curling her toes and grinding her thighs together as she grips your thigh, hard
>"I know we agreed to see a specialist on our anniversary, but... how about we just, like..."
>she seems to have trouble keeping her eyes on yours, and keeps glancing down
>then she starts tugging on your shirt
>"You think so too right? It sounds fun? Yeah you do. You're horny right now aren't you? P-pervert."
>"No really, I just think it would be a good way to end this, um, dry spell. Yeah. I mean it's a long weekend, and we haven't done it in a few days..."
>"here, just let me-" she suddenly rips your shirt open, buttons clattering on the floor. "...Get this FUCKING THING off-"
>she's all over you like fire on gasoline, you've never seen her so horny
>the bottle on the kitchen table was a dead giveaway as soon as you walked in the door, but it's more fun this way, you think
>she's been talking about it since your last anniversary
>why wait?
>as soon as you've both stripped down it becomes obvious just how excited she was waiting for you
>she slams down on your lap and starts straddling you before you can even clear your stuff off the couch
>neither of you are sleeping tonight
>not until she's got horns and a tail

>> No.21458271

Good shit my man.

>> No.21458328
File: 459 KB, 900x1100, 1559486406960.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Foxes in space

>> No.21458334

Maybe one day I will write about space outlaw anon and the quirky characters he interacts with.

>> No.21458335
Quoted by: >>21458361

Would mofu feel better in zero gravity? It might have more volume.

>> No.21458349
Quoted by: >>21458381

I'm starting to come around on foxes.

>> No.21458350
Quoted by: >>21458356

Heavily pregnant tsundere monsters!

>> No.21458356
File: 902 KB, 1473x2000, slime tsun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21458366

It's not like she wanted to make a family with you, baka!

>> No.21458361
File: 552 KB, 800x892, 1559484223110.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, they don't need zero gravities to make their fluff fluff.

>> No.21458366

I will wait on them hand and foot.

>> No.21458381
File: 1.18 MB, 850x1135, 69606194_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21458390

Good, because you can always trust them

>> No.21458390
Quoted by: >>21458411

Okay but I prefer foxes with high heels and big butts.

>> No.21458401
File: 603 KB, 970x1450, 1539078871125.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be laying next to your nacha wife in bed, watching her smile in her sleep
>you figure she's dreaming about using you as a chair as she slings more verbal abuse at you
>unbeknownst to you, she's actually dreaming about being lovey-dovey with you, telling you how you are the best thing to ever happen to her and that she couldn't imagine being without you
Nachas are nice

>> No.21458411
File: 135 KB, 1000x1245, __original_drawn_by_deneb_noble324__3cd5c815d21c854e6f0e50e7f93652bb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21458443

No worries, they do come in all sizes

>> No.21458412

>smug Nacha

>> No.21458443

That's a pretty nice fox. I'm not usually into cosplay tier monstergirls, but foxes have been really appealing lately.

>> No.21458449

She's probably the only girl I'd actually end up bitch-slapping, and I'm not a violent or mean person in the slightest.

>> No.21458471

On a monster this is the key

>> No.21458481

for me it's

>> No.21458509

It’s actually the exact opposite

>> No.21458556
Quoted by: >>21458707

>"A craftsman knows what he makes will only be as good as the ingredients that go into it. A bridge can be meretriciously planned out and be built by the best engineers, but will fall apart if the wood is weak. A sword made from inferior metal likewise will not be of use to even a master swordsman. The same can be said of humanity. Either by design or from chance, all man are born in this world flawed, slaves to their nature. All of mankind's ills can be blamed on this , as dreams fail to materialize due to limitations of man and the darker side of man's nature cause them to turn on each other. Even the greatest of alchemists failed in their goals to purify human nature, and it seemed nothing could change the nature of a man. That was until the new Demon Lord came to the throne.

>"Monsters, who seemed to be as much slaves to nature as mankind changed overnight. Where there were once snarling beasts that existed to tear humans apart became something more in some cases changing entirely. Species once nothing but mere animals became capable of speech and learning, towns and cities sprung up when monsters were no longer content living in the wild, once slaughterers of mankind lived and worked together. Many races living together for the pursuit of one goal. It was amazing, and many would have said it was impossible.

So I ask this? What if mankind could gain this power? Rather then have the ability to grow in power if they pleased a god, what if they could rewrite all of humanity down to the core, throwing off our faults and realizing complete control over our fate? If this power can only be gained through allying with the monsters, then it must be done. Some more short-sighted humans are fine with a select few becoming like gods, but I will bring the divinity denied to us for so long to everyone"
-An excerpt from a paper written by an unknown incubus mage.

>> No.21458571
File: 55 KB, 850x708, __original_drawn_by_qq0124678__sample-e943c2cdb1144931d065527664cad4e6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21458628

Now listen here you little punks!

Order Women are beautiful, smart, wise, powerful, pretty and sexy!

>> No.21458628
Quoted by: >>21458684

Yeah, once they've been corrupted into succubus knights.

>> No.21458684

>posts prime dark valk material
>let's just turn her into a basic bitch succ

>> No.21458700
Quoted by: >>21458709

>basic bitch succ

Hey, words can hurt, you know

>> No.21458701

I want to help the undead enslave the living!

>> No.21458702
File: 133 KB, 993x1200, 1540006684092.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21458710

Succ knights are cool though

>> No.21458707

You're not subtle you copy and pasting monkey, go away.

>> No.21458709

I'm just saying. Theres a million and 1 normal women out there that will go succubus when their lands go demon realm because that's the default transformation to neutral demon energy exposure plus alps. We don't need to go out of our way to make it even more lopsided.
That's an army woman. Her attitude and mannerism would be wasted as a succ but would fit perfectly as any one of several other mamano like a lizard man or ocelomeh.
Just lock her in a room with a grab bag full of warrior-type mamano and see which way she goes.

>> No.21458710
Quoted by: >>21458718

Every monster knight is cool.

>> No.21458718
File: 120 KB, 799x1199, 1541600615067.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21458792

That's also true

>> No.21458723
File: 246 KB, 1920x1080, 1492533822222.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21458777

I want to get cornered by a group of popular egyptian girls at my school and forced to become their servant!

>> No.21458732
Quoted by: >>21459067

Monstergirl energy makes everything better? No, Monstergirl sex magic ruins nature... The part where Nature itself, as in Elementals, gets roped into this with no say? No forest fires, so old wood gets to stay up forever and new seeds never get sunlight to grow. No floods, meaning anything that needs flood season is screwed. No earthquakes - are the tectonic plates even moving anymore? No harsh winds, implying the temperature cycle is screwed up. Even things Man was never meant to know have gotten roped into this, and beyond that now we have a War God who won't kill, a Sea God who won't even send REAL storms, a Death God who's perfectly fine with letting the ONE THING that's supposed to happen to all life, her ONE JOB, not happen? The part where reality is slowly becoming a hentai-flavored Warp? The part where being in a Dark Demon Realm means you will never see the Sun again? The SUN!

What about the fact that the DL, being a succubus, is literally incapable of understanding any relationship that isn't sexual? If some girl's not into me but we still have common interests and so hang out, why am I suddenly the one in the wrong for being able to accept that? Being able to accept her as a person? By the same token, why can't a guy just have a cat or dog as a pet instead of them turning into YET ANOTHER sex-crazed hanger-on?

>> No.21458772

Is he copy-pasting stupid shit from /tg/ again?

>> No.21458777

How would they bully or blackmail you?

>> No.21458786

Oddly enough that last one one seems like an original, he'll probably wait 2 days and post it on /tg/ like he has in the past. Along with replies anyone gives him which will likely be him as well.
That's his usual behaviour, copy and paste content from each board with occasional samefagging.

>> No.21458792
File: 529 KB, 3412x2324, 1549146740588.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21458839

So cool!

>> No.21458807

How do you get a pharaoh to respect you as her equal?

>> No.21458814

Defy her god voice if she crosses a line with it

>> No.21458839

The flash step! Such an advanced technique!

>> No.21458840

First occurence of that copypasta was the /jp/ thread for some reason then they just go back and forth with it between both threads.
Its probably the same guy who tried to crash the threads that one time.

>> No.21458844
Quoted by: >>21458862

Render unto Caesar

>> No.21458862

ave, true to caesar

>> No.21458865
Quoted by: >>21459146

It'd start off innocent enough at first, maybe an anubis or desert snake asking for some help with their homework. Of course being such a nice guy, you'd never wonder why an anubis would need help.

So you follow them, but instead of the library they end up dragging you to karaoke instead! Sat at the head of the table is the school's one and only pharoah. They force you to sit down, and soon you're surrounded on both sides by big brown girls who can't keep their hands to themselves. They steal your phone and put all of their numbers into it too!

It's all downhill from there, there's not a moment to yourself where the egyptian clique isn't teasing you. Every day, almost as if on schedule, you recieve a bombardment of sexy images from them. They always drag you away during breaks at school and force you to sit with them. They'll ask you to do menial chores for them like bringing them food or helping them with their ties. The entire time the pharoah sits there smugly as her girls torment you.

It's exhausting, inbetween them stealing your breaks and dragging you onto various trips on your days off, you barely have any time to yourself. Even so, none of them have gone as far as to have sex with you, despite the posturing and more than a few suggestive hand motions.

One day at the usual hangout spot, the pharoah gets into your personal space and stares you dead in the eyes. Her warm breath splashes against your face. Part of you finally snaps, the constant teasing, the pictures, the close proximity to them all. You steal her lips while her servants cheer her on. Contrary to what you expect, she only pushes back. Part of you wonders if you played right into their hands. The thought is short lived as the lamia pulls you away from their leader with a lecherous grin, and tells you that you need to save some for the rest of them.

>> No.21458879

Tell her that you are her only access to pop tarts.

>> No.21458933
File: 813 KB, 1638x2048, Cutecloakwife.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got a new wife picture.

>> No.21458940

Stern braid Lich!

>> No.21458950

Skull pasties are a good touch, never thought of that. Cute as always Lich dude.

>> No.21459027
Quoted by: >>21459060

Wear more clothing Lich.

>> No.21459060

Over her dead body.

>> No.21459067
File: 241 KB, 1224x827, too long, didn't read.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21459094

Realistically, what would you do if your MG waifu appeared in front of you?

I'd probably pass out or break down crying the moment she touches me, perhaps both.

>> No.21459100
Quoted by: >>21459127

Realistically, it'd be a brief struggle and then we'd fuck.

>> No.21459105

Undress slowly, not making any sudden movements and keeping my eyes somewhere around her toes.

>> No.21459107

Convince myself that I've gone insane.

>> No.21459114

She's a cutie!

I'd be in shock for quite a while, after that she'd need to spend a whole day trying to deal with a very confused me.

>> No.21459127

Sounds accurate.

>> No.21459142
File: 213 KB, 900x1200, 72838580_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wonder how she manages to float out of water.

>> No.21459146
Quoted by: >>21459314

Why must girls be so mean? I just wanted to study. ;_;

>> No.21459215

Call an ambulance since there'd be a desk going through her body.

>> No.21459217

Same thing I do when anything far out of the ordinary occurs: Calmly accept it and get on with life.
For her, step 2 in my 2 step process would be take a nap together because jesus fuck I need one.

>> No.21459223

>tfw no mered loli dragon gf

>> No.21459247
File: 30 KB, 530x436, ss+(2018-06-01+at+03.01.37).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dumb lim.

>> No.21459305
Quoted by: >>21459312

Attempt to mentally prepare myself for the inevitable.

>> No.21459312
File: 110 KB, 850x812, Manticore gonna dom you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot my pic

>> No.21459314

The only studying you'll be doing is how best to please your new desert harem.

>> No.21459326

I want to fuck your wife in the ass

>> No.21459355
Quoted by: >>21459497

I remember a story about a male prostitute who wears pink (because pink means no sex - cuddling n stuff only?) and meets a kitsune.
Can anyone sauce me up?

>> No.21459404

Every girl gets better when she is brown and has abs

>> No.21459415
File: 317 KB, 2000x3500, Brawny Lamia covers her shame.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Indubitably old chum.

>> No.21459416

I want to see a documentary on succubi narrated by morgan freeman

>> No.21459424

Cheshire Jinko hybrids a cute

>> No.21459435

Counterpoint: Every girl gets better when she's a loli, including the ones that are brown and have abs.

>> No.21459443
File: 677 KB, 977x1200, Gremlin0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has there been any good gremlin art/stories recently?

>> No.21459457

You're on to something amazing right there.

>> No.21459488
Quoted by: >>21459507

I think Punaldin did a Jigsaw parody for 'em.

>> No.21459493

Every girl gets better when they're stronk, taller than 7', milky white ranging into almost plastic white, blonde, blue eyed, have just enough chub layered over the muscle to be deep_skin soft, nap often, affect a country girl mentality and attitude, and occasionally moo.

>> No.21459497
Quoted by: >>21459754

Pretty Human by Seafoam

>> No.21459507
Quoted by: >>21459518

That wasn't recent

>> No.21459510
File: 113 KB, 1000x1000, cadfb7e5fbcd509e1f46c128df49b632.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21459518
Quoted by: >>21459566

Most recent to my memory, lad. Don't keep tabs on the Gremlin anywho.

>> No.21459526


No...just no.

>> No.21459566
Quoted by: >>21459703

True, it's a shame Gremlins aren't more popular in terms of content.

>> No.21459581
Quoted by: >>21459591

All we have is punaldin and Beasts stories among a few others

>> No.21459582
File: 134 KB, 863x1200, psp8s9v.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21459591
Quoted by: >>21459601

Do you mean theres a roulette for gremlin?

>> No.21459601
Quoted by: >>21459627


>> No.21459627
Quoted by: >>21459634

This ones a bit different from the others.
Very nice.

>> No.21459634
Quoted by: >>21459656

How is it different?

>> No.21459641

I want to find a Dhampir who's trying to blend in to human society and trick her into awakening her monster instincts by spiking her food with my blood.

>> No.21459656

Minor here and theres
For one, the the "Big sex moment" that happens in this is not the first time the fucked.
And the guys one of the few to read the damn book.

>> No.21459657
Quoted by: >>21459684

I am sure her vampire we mother will be glad for that. Might even give you a reward!

>> No.21459684

I wonder if damphirs cannot inherit titles in the Court of Night

>> No.21459689
Quoted by: >>21459761

Congratulations, you've earned yourself several full moon's worth of hate sex, and an eternity of random jabs over your method of seduction.

>> No.21459703
Quoted by: >>21459731

I wish I had the disposable income to commission art/stories of her.

>> No.21459705
File: 408 KB, 2692x3489, Ochimusha20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21459715

>> No.21459709

stop what i was doing and just stand there staring

>> No.21459715

>Gosh, I wish I had a maid.
>I'm right here, M'lord

>> No.21459731

I'm planning on it sooner or later, but she's going to have huge tits

>> No.21459754

May you find an onion ring in your fries kind anon

>> No.21459756
Quoted by: >>21459776

there's a secret club for single monster girls going on tonight, you guys wanna join in on crashing the party and steal all their chips and bean dip?

>> No.21459761

Mamonobama makes blood drinking very pleasurable for both parties.

>> No.21459776
Quoted by: >>21459821

> A club of secret single monster girls
>Crashing it with the lads
That club is going to be pointless soon enough.

>> No.21459816

How huge are we talking here?

>> No.21459819

Orbital breach huge

>> No.21459821

There will always be single ladies.

>> No.21459824
Quoted by: >>21459827

Nothing /d/ tier, but D - G cup size. This is a long way off, I'm still in the middle of commissioning a bunch of OC images and I'm not made of money.

>> No.21459825

Good taste!

>> No.21459827
Quoted by: >>21459830

how tall are we talking?

>> No.21459830
File: 768 KB, 1029x1400, c106051b12bcd05ef284a605260e9fa3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still short. I'm not going for anything that looks silly, just more of this sort of thing.

>> No.21459847
File: 167 KB, 600x800, 74931917_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21459853
File: 203 KB, 1835x821, Baron Robber.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alternate ending to pic related for those who want something else. Changes in the spoiler.

>"Where's that damn kiki off to? That rosuke better be working! I paid good money to get her here!" the Danuki thought to herself as she made impatient strides around the manor.
>Suddenly, a thud occurred and a decorative cup dropped from a shelf.
>"I bet that blasted Slav disorganized the broom closet!"
>Her guess was right, but for the wrong reasons.
>The maid screamed muffled warnings while uselessly struggling in her ropes.
>The danuki turned quickly, tail bristled up, and shushed the maid so that she could listen and try to detect any ambushes
>She quietly lowered herself to the kikimora and removed the handkerchief.
>"What happened?" she sternly inquired.
>"A burglar got me. He was so fast I couldn't react. He's sneaky, too, since I only saw him after I noticed several of your things were missing."
>The danuki clenched her fists. "He will be lucky if he will be in a good enough shape to leave with himself."
>A loud footstep alerts her.
>Then another. And another.
>She was told that this burglar was sneaky.
>She quietly closed the door, trying to conclude whether she should just stay hidden or try to ambush him.
>Her plotting was abruptly interrupted by a pair of hands grappling her arms, binding them together. More restraints were put on her legs and mouth
>The subdued and confounded danuki growled in confused frustration. There was nowhere to hide in that closet.
>The hand opened the door to reveal a kikimora. Her kikimora, to be exact, and without a single inch of rope on her.
>She turned around to see that the kiki in the closet grabbing her head with an unfamilar arm. It was the burglar in disguise all along. A face she recognizes. Her eyes flared up with even more anger and confusion.
>The burglar spoke "I'm not going to hurt you. However, I didn't come to this house to take any of your valuables."
>He hoisted her over his shoulder, then emerged from the closet.
>"I've come to take you on your 'mandatory vacation'."
>She made quite a struggle. She was a workaholic and hated anything involing 'lazing around'.
>"Don't worry." He assured. "Your maid will take care of things while you're gone."
>The kiki appeared and gave a thumbs up to her angry mistress and the kidnapper.
>Mistress was furious that her maid conspired against her, but her fury was short lived when her abductor smacked her bottom.
>"Until you learn to relax, I'm not going to let you out of those ropes, so you best keep your composure or else we won't be doing many other activities. Not that I'd complain."
>She groaned at the mild discomfort of her bindings, trying to persuade him to loosen them to increase her hopes of escape.
>"Don't worry. I'll replace those ropes with something much more comfortable and secure. Let's just get to our ride first."
>She hoped it was a short ride. She didn't like the tinge of excitement she was feeling in her predicament.

>> No.21459878

>and men being men

>> No.21459887
File: 830 KB, 2480x3204, Fgo_liliraune_jeanne_and_mordred_by_ibenz009_dd7sjjf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21459888
Quoted by: >>21459932

Seething maledom fags

>> No.21459900

Anything involving mg in any media or story made you cry?

>> No.21459906

i'm gay for mg's

>> No.21459908

Nope. I'm not the crying type.

>> No.21459911

That one about the girl with the claws that lived in the sewer or something. Always breaks my heart.

>> No.21459921

but why space

>> No.21459927

That was my first monstergirl manga/doujin. Fuck that ending.

>> No.21459932
Quoted by: >>21460923

As opposed to being boys? Anon needs to elaborate.


>> No.21459934

Oh God damn why you have to remind me?

>> No.21459947

I have cried exactly two times to video games, but Ammy is not an MG.
I don’t think I’ve ever cried over a written story, or if I have I don’t remember it.

>> No.21459955

I cry everytime i think of that mizone batgirl and remember that she is a part of such a shit doujin.

>> No.21459962
File: 1.04 MB, 2200x2281, Space Elfu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spess, yes.

>> No.21459976

All my yes

>> No.21460003
File: 554 KB, 774x1032, cutebathwife.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another wife picture!

>> No.21460019
Quoted by: >>21460043

Who drew that one? Its really nice.

>> No.21460043

Incredibly, you're really on a roll.
Says @hime0 in the image, probably their twitter.

>> No.21460050

Nice wife.

>> No.21460051
File: 429 KB, 696x1242, darkstrat2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The best!

>> No.21460056
File: 176 KB, 705x1000, 3F84F1B3-CD09-42C5-8226-CAE443967DCA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So KC is doing another magazine cover.

>> No.21460062

the best!

>> No.21460083
File: 55 KB, 1242x600, lqt6jdzfs0231.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21460092
Quoted by: >>21460131

>Ahuhu~ just as planned~
How do you beat them bros?

>> No.21460105
File: 261 KB, 1200x1600, D7k2gxFXYAE4hGf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Devils deserve more love.

>> No.21460131


>> No.21460154

nope but i got tragedy scenarios that run in my head

>> No.21460157
File: 959 KB, 2480x3507, 447b816ed05823ab7e3181f4e2e685b4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21460167
File: 54 KB, 640x1138, jpbVSrR_d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21460168

Fuck off back to /d/ vermin.

>> No.21460228
File: 704 KB, 1500x1388, 75019593_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know just who can deal with her.

>> No.21460231

succubi are more attracted to sleeping men because that's when men are in their most vulnerable state

>> No.21460266
Quoted by: >>21460299

The only Alp I would marry

>> No.21460274
File: 298 KB, 1023x1920, tumblr_ppmlhodPN01ue18pho3_1280.png.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21460295

>> No.21460280

Since I like wood working would I be able to make a mimic a chest

>> No.21460290

Yeah but Mimics are picky about what chests they reside in.

>> No.21460295
File: 3.60 MB, 480x270, Lemon of Troy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing lemons can't solve.

>> No.21460297
File: 587 KB, 1952x2321, Mimic3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21460299

Of course! As she’s expected you would! Soon you’ll fall into her dastardly pajama cuddling trap!

>> No.21460313
File: 417 KB, 1891x1299, 6RmsbxFE_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Left or right?

>> No.21460327
File: 91 KB, 1016x963, D6YHcovXkAcUscE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21460330

Right, thatat's a pretty nice bicorn design.

>> No.21460337

Monogamy always.

>> No.21460339

Saving dogs always gets me tearing up. I wonder if I could do the same.

>> No.21460341

>I Can Be Your Angle Or Yuor Devil

>> No.21460364
File: 64 KB, 603x1024, C3V4tUSVcAAjIaH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Whatcha drinking tonight?

>> No.21460369
Quoted by: >>21460384


>> No.21460375
Quoted by: >>21460384

Water, alcohol is for weekends.

>> No.21460381

Water. With a bit of lemon.

>> No.21460384
File: 405 KB, 1280x1811, Undine4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21460392

cream soda

>> No.21460401
File: 289 KB, 472x600, 1490504627269.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21460437

Whiskey caribou.

Is it just me or do white horns' flushed faces look like they've just had a sip from hubby's drink and it was a little too strong for them?

>> No.21460402

mg pee

>> No.21460419

Im feeling festive, make me a nice margarita

>> No.21460437
File: 268 KB, 842x595, white_horn_mge_____march_s_rewards__by_butter_t_dd2q3ek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're always hot.

>> No.21460447

where do you and your waifu live?

>> No.21460470

In different worlds.

>> No.21460493
File: 209 KB, 1419x829, Sandworm33.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Inside her!

>> No.21460513

we live in the Catscratch District of the Fishrock Kingdom next to Dagon Harbor and Cunny Joe's Loli Shack

>> No.21460516

I imagine me and my Night Gaunt wife would live deep within in a cave. I imagine we would have our own fairly large chamber deep within the cave that is fairly inaccessible to anyone that can't fly and looking out over a passageway that leads out by flight. I would like our cave to be in a major undead demon realm and somewhat close a large city that we could sell our mana cage mana for money and pick up demon realm produce and potions we would need but also near a forest with natural locations like a lake we could fly to.

>> No.21460528

Just a normal apartment, until I can start building our house.

>> No.21460531

I live in the coat realm and she will join me when she is ready for sleep. She will hide the coat overnight somewhere out of the way.

>> No.21460536
Quoted by: >>21460552

What happens if you drink part of an undine

>> No.21460547
Quoted by: >>21460657

alcohol is for losers

>> No.21460552

Pretty sure that's vore.

>> No.21460557

Deep in a forest, in a comfy cabin. Its small but its also peaceful, and all we need.

>> No.21460560

what about slime jelly then?

>> No.21460576

I like to think about living in a mansion with the entire harem, each girl has her own room for personal use but there's one master bedroom for where all the fun stuff happens and where we would end up sleeping most nights.

>> No.21460626
File: 176 KB, 1050x958, D5YQpZjUUAELfey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This can only end one way.

>> No.21460646
Quoted by: >>21460670

A very simple place in the rolling hills around a small Mediterranean style town. Pink stones that warm in the sun, with a garden kitchen that smells of herbs in the morning and saffron in the evening. A nice poplar of pears, figs, you name it. But the prize being a rolling vineyard, with soil as black as my wife's hair. Thick, plump grapes to make into wine. A nice, quiet life.

>> No.21460657
File: 160 KB, 1200x676, RedOni28.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Says you.

>> No.21460670
File: 178 KB, 1280x878, 1500515403887.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thick, plump grapes
don't do this to me anon.

>> No.21460688
File: 945 KB, 1189x1400, 73945989_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21460903

Too late.

>> No.21460696
File: 98 KB, 896x661, 74721824_p55.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21460702
File: 66 KB, 831x831, D4yyfGRW4AAugSL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21460709

>> No.21460709
Quoted by: >>21460743

Ana is a cute name not sure why she felt the need to put it on her shirt

>> No.21460743
File: 211 KB, 1043x852, yao.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21460873


>> No.21460762

It's only vore if the victim is swallowed whole.

>> No.21460763

Thou shalt not dick the daughteru

>> No.21460768

good idea

>> No.21460769
Quoted by: >>21460799

Apple juice that I made myself after a good harvest this year, also it's starting to ferment so it's really sweet

>> No.21460771
File: 462 KB, 706x1000, 1532324357382.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21460801

Even other men's daughters?

>> No.21460797
File: 789 KB, 1066x1400, 74944906_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She saw your ___.

>> No.21460799
Quoted by: >>21460819

>fermented apples
I can't see that in these threads without the horrible flashbacks.

>> No.21460800
File: 1.42 MB, 1804x900, 88c0468c429adaa44c9e4e53c08c2a03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21460816

Need 4 sacred spirit monsters

>> No.21460801
File: 813 KB, 1200x675, 1559477979016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

other daughters are alright

>> No.21460816
Quoted by: >>21460841

My religion is mofu with fat asses

>> No.21460819
File: 34 KB, 458x405, __anubis_monster_girl_encyclopedia_drawn_by_latenight__51a2c244db14cbe1058c29b4b99aabdd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I kind of miss MGU actually.

>> No.21460821
Quoted by: >>21460831

Well? What did she see? Finish you post, anon.

>> No.21460831
File: 500 KB, 1039x1004, 66759782_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's your job.

>> No.21460841
File: 113 KB, 850x852, __kaga_azur_lane_drawn_by_kure_masahiro_-d32c20b255113c3e4f197d43508d20cb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mine too.

>> No.21460873
Quoted by: >>21460883

Why is umal the correct answer?

>> No.21460879
File: 1.62 MB, 1240x1754, zombutt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21460893

>> No.21460883

amal means charity in malay

>> No.21460893
Quoted by: >>21460906

She needs new clothes

>> No.21460903

Stacked sisters!

>> No.21460906
File: 600 KB, 694x1157, Zombie11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She needs no clothes.

>> No.21460917

But I think a princess dress would look even better on her

>> No.21460921


But she'll get cold if she doesnt wear anything.

>> No.21460923

A vague allusion to "girls were girls and men were men.".
Basically things like kikis being kikis and her master sweeping her off her feet to go on a much needed vacation.
I've done my fair share of "guys were gals and hellhounds were hellhounds" to.
Like I said, I stick to species traits.

>> No.21460925
File: 174 KB, 1163x2048, D8AUUaQXUAE-5qm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21460962

>> No.21460929

take naps.

>> No.21460930

>spend the night with a seductive, generously voluptuous woman
>wake up to a short flat tanuki passed out next to you
what do

>> No.21460947

Family buffalo ranch just on the plains side of the northern rockies.
Best kind of country life with my holstaur wife.

>> No.21460952

This looks stupid as fuck.

>> No.21460962
Quoted by: >>21460990

that's a nice belly dance

>> No.21460964

Take her money as compensation in an out of court settlement and kick her fridge body out.

>> No.21460966
Quoted by: >>21460984

Sweet the best of both worlds, also the obvious thing to do next is pet tanuki tail

>> No.21460984
File: 102 KB, 1107x605, GyoubuDanuki27.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pet tanuki tail

>> No.21460990
File: 160 KB, 931x1450, 7GpuouvT_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21461596

But can she beat the reinging champion?

>> No.21460993

That's a spanking.

>> No.21461004
File: 418 KB, 1280x951, 0jVeVgI4_o.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21461245

My waifu can beat up your waifu.

>> No.21461011

Remember when raising the dead that you have a chance to make a ghost and zombie from a girl, two for the price of one!

>> No.21461212
Quoted by: >>21461229

I doubt it works that way

>> No.21461215
Quoted by: >>21461229

>not going for the ghost, zombie, skeleton trifecta
>not seeing if the zombie is willing to be a skeleton factory

>> No.21461229
Quoted by: >>21461269

Of course it does!
One is raising the spirit, the other the corporeal form!

Now THAT doesn't work that way

>> No.21461245

If I defeat her, do I get beetle armor?

>> No.21461269
Quoted by: >>21461295

>ghosts are souls that corrupted as they left the body
>zombies are bodies that corrupted and became a whole new species labeled "zombie" that gain the memories of their previous bodies "owner"
>damage to zombie bodies is repaired with sex
>can rip out a skeletons worth of bones from a single zombie with rip'n'tear+sex loop then corrupt the skeleton you've made
>skeletons function the same way as zombies
>could also do the same thing with a lich who can necromancy her own skeletons to life

>> No.21461295
Quoted by: >>21461467

This sounds like something Lich-san would do.

>> No.21461297
File: 744 KB, 1500x2000, 74982710_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any last words?

>> No.21461302

Tits could be bigger.

>> No.21461312

"The other one called you "Fat" when you weren't paying attention."
Then proceed to use the distraction that hopefully caused to escape.

>> No.21461349
Quoted by: >>21461353

Look at the wall behind them and yell "there you are!"
Then bolt

>> No.21461353

>grapes anubis checks behind them
>grape rape noodle keeps staring at you

>> No.21461370

I'm going to save that Pharaoh and remind her of who she really is!

>> No.21461394
Quoted by: >>21461478

What if you took a Pharaoh and an Apophis and did a mind swap on them

>> No.21461396
File: 502 KB, 2000x1500, D6dBASxUwAEd1C8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21461571

>> No.21461400
File: 351 KB, 954x1324, 1432911129-4822-jaquette-avant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21461422

I guarantee you, this shit will make you cry like a little girl.

>> No.21461422

Saya did nothing wrong.

>> No.21461437

I can hardly muster the willpower to write anything of merit this day and age so all I can dream awake is big, juicy Apophis grapes.

>> No.21461464
File: 51 KB, 652x517, Angel13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Exercising with angel-chan!

>> No.21461467

Lich-san sounds like she needs to get laid

>> No.21461474

I'll do it tomorrow.

>> No.21461478

Grape snake would still grape even if she isn't in the right body

>> No.21461485

I want to exercise with her in the bed

>> No.21461491
File: 149 KB, 688x743, tumblr_pg3mbiNqbL1rfc8o8o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Name a better combo.

>> No.21461513


>> No.21461516

Anything + Cow

>> No.21461520
Quoted by: >>21461528

Even Flat chest + cow? Cause then you get a chestlet with milk

>> No.21461522
File: 734 KB, 1191x1300, __holstaurus_and_lich_monster_girl_encyclopedia_drawn_by_nav__74b3a6750360b1fb25a41b8c4ddf38ac.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21461528


>> No.21461528

Which is still a good thing, we already know milky paizuri is good but I want to see what milky naizuri is like.
See, it's always good.

>> No.21461533

Troll + anything

>> No.21461537

No girl of mine is doing that Zumba shit. She's going to be lifting weights.

>> No.21461538

You+Your Waifu

>> No.21461546

Be surprised and resolve myself to pounce her

>> No.21461547

Youko + Hellhound

>> No.21461552

Loli Kiki+kinky BDSM

>> No.21461556

yeti + hellhound

>> No.21461561
File: 280 KB, 500x833, 1461819243772.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

vampire + inari. Think about it.

>> No.21461563

Dark Mage

Combine those five however you want and you will get a better combo than that.

>> No.21461565

I like my blood being in me but I also like fluffy tails fuck that's a conundrum

>> No.21461566

Somewhere around a monster friendly town

>> No.21461567
Quoted by: >>21461589

Nope no no.
Keep your biters away from my mofu.

>> No.21461571


>> No.21461583

Bunyip+yeti. Fluffy hug snek

>> No.21461588

Kakuen + mad hatter

>> No.21461589

Fine, wight + inari. Still a high class undead with high class mofu but no biting. Wimps. but just think of how powerful and supernaturally beautiful she'd be.

>> No.21461591

I'm sure she could find a way to convince you

>> No.21461594


>> No.21461595
Quoted by: >>21461610

What a coincidence. I was going to suggest something a little similar
Kej + Vampire.

>> No.21461596

What a fine ice flower!

>> No.21461600

I love this idea. Identical girl split in two instances. Imagine her lewdness when her ghost self possesses her zombie self

>> No.21461609
Quoted by: >>21461629

Will they envelop me completely in their mofus while slowly sucking blood out of me?

>> No.21461610

A kejpire sounds unbearably sexy. I think it can be agreed then that we need a zipangu vampire variant.

>> No.21461614

i swear she was 18!

>> No.21461621
File: 1.01 MB, 3000x3000, 54637073_p2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21461642

>Why are you running?
>You'll only get raped tired.

>> No.21461622

>Enveloped by fluffy tails while being bited
Vampire biting is supposed to feel good so, double pleasure.

>> No.21461627

thought about it
didn't work for me

>> No.21461629
Quoted by: >>21461635

You drift off to sleep in her many tails while she very gently drains you. You don't even notice the blood loss because she keeps you so warm and comfortable for the whole process. Then when you wake up you get to play with her ears and drink sake with her in the onsen.

>> No.21461635
Quoted by: >>21461643

>You drift off to sleep
cant sleep, insomnia

>> No.21461636

Wighthorns still kind of intriguing.

>> No.21461638
File: 101 KB, 674x1199, awqV0OEF_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21461640

A White Horn that isn't warm isn't a white horn at all.

>> No.21461642

Sign me the fuck up.

>> No.21461643
Quoted by: >>21461671

I'm sure she wouldn't mind using her vampire magic to help with that. You just need to ask nicely while you're snuggled up in her tails.

>> No.21461644
File: 868 KB, 700x1002, 1479779908237.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21461647
Quoted by: >>21461653


>> No.21461653
Quoted by: >>21461664

Isn't that more or less a Minotaur?

>> No.21461654

Kej wights are also pretty nice, having ghostly hair instead of claws that can wrap itself around your spirit.

>> No.21461661

Jiangshi basically are aren't they?
Execpt its chi or your life force, and they sometimes steal it by taking your breath.

>> No.21461663

JInko and holst

>> No.21461664
File: 715 KB, 1667x833, qHZ2Rgqu_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Minotaurs have inferior milk.

>> No.21461671
Quoted by: >>21461727

Can't fix this
I'm hopeless

>> No.21461675

Large Mouse + Alice

>> No.21461686
File: 280 KB, 1033x660, 1492484922334.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some one needs a beating

>> No.21461691

What is she drinking?

>> No.21461697

I live in a rural/country mansion with my three kiki maids

>> No.21461708
File: 752 KB, 1200x1600, 6nlsiO2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WTF, I thought I had a pic attached.

>> No.21461712


>> No.21461721
File: 534 KB, 750x900, 51750958_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21461725

Maybe so, but if you throw Hellhound into that you're gonna get like, cinnamon milk or something.


>> No.21461726

Nii-san's cummies.

>> No.21461727
File: 202 KB, 891x578, CM9emKbj_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21461751

Don't say that.

>> No.21461733

dragon + kraken

>> No.21461734


>> No.21461736
File: 2.21 MB, 2306x3600, 1485550521708.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Non loli species + Loli

>> No.21461741
Quoted by: >>21461749

it's filled with the sequel of water: water 2
bapho-chan truly has transcended, lads

>> No.21461749
File: 301 KB, 1500x1500, Undine8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21461771

Oh really?

>> No.21461751

My eyes are stapled open wide
As I lay down on my side
I am bouncing off these walls
As I focus on the clock
Time stands still, but I cannot
I should strap myself in bed
I guess I'll sleep when I am dead

>> No.21461756
Quoted by: >>21461811

Glory to the Pharaoh!

>> No.21461771

Can you mix things into a Undine?

>> No.21461777

Not really a monster combo, but Zipangu Princess Pharaoh

>> No.21461785

boob hat

>> No.21461811
File: 439 KB, 2631x1860, Lwb8yFQL_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21461818
File: 83 KB, 660x705, SMW9rMSS_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21461827

You can mix lots of stuff into an undine.

>> No.21461827
Quoted by: >>21461860

>Not doing jello shots of your heavily intoxicated slime wife

>> No.21461835

yes, you put co2 in it and make a bubbly undine

>> No.21461854
File: 2.34 MB, 2929x4169, 73226508_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21461866

>> No.21461860
File: 251 KB, 900x1200, 72741427_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if I do it with a shog?

>> No.21461866

i want her to be my broodmama

>> No.21461874
File: 2.06 MB, 2000x1541, __cheshire_cat_monster_girl_encyclopedia_drawn_by_rushzilla__8c0925242883d81e41bf8d6ecdc21f24.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

F@ C@ @ASS

>> No.21461876

>drinkin me water

>> No.21461882

I've seen fatter

>> No.21461885

in the past six hours i have had 6 shots of gin, two bottles of cider, and a sippy sipppy of rum. I think I'll take another to make sure I get porper fucked.

>> No.21461886


>> No.21461887

Fat Cat Atass?

>> No.21461892


>> No.21461894


>> No.21461946

i wish she was facing her ass towards me so i can look at her junk

>> No.21461963
File: 602 KB, 1024x768, 62733439_p3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21461971

Apply yourself.

>> No.21461967
File: 1.09 MB, 2048x2048, 15596053534111122989096340787750.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sweet Eros another wife picture!

>> No.21461971

apply face and inhale

>> No.21461976
Quoted by: >>21461982

she drunk?

>> No.21461982
File: 1.51 MB, 1675x2724, mywife.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21461991

Groggy from waking up!

>> No.21461991
Quoted by: >>21462060

How can a lich be groggy?
Undead are supposed to be tireless.
Able to do the same motions over and over without getting weary.

>> No.21461994

Lots of wife today.

>> No.21461997

Cleaning alcohol. Anything weaker might as well be water to her.

>> No.21462003
File: 98 KB, 800x586, what_s_this_for__by_desertfoxkatbox_dd1s3ne-fullview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21462020
File: 664 KB, 1600x1200, 71483843_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21462033

>over hooves
Incredibly dumb horse.

>> No.21462060

Ita a mental thing. Like not having your coffee in the morning.

>> No.21462064
File: 617 KB, 658x960, DarkMage36.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

which occult group do you hail from, young anon?

>> No.21462109
File: 884 KB, 1004x1420, 1542339881046.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wasn't young until your fat ass slipped the shota potion in my coffee!

>> No.21462123

Shin Megami Tensei.

>> No.21462150
File: 103 KB, 1059x1200, DarkMage2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21462522

fun fact: magic is more powerful if your body is small!

>> No.21462170
File: 107 KB, 756x1024, Barometz_mge_18_by_uradori_dd3hxpa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21462262

>> No.21462235

Delete this

>> No.21462240
File: 126 KB, 939x779, 1535139986553.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21462250


>> No.21462242
File: 575 KB, 3264x2448, 1559607975878.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21462275

Is this loss?

>> No.21462250
File: 205 KB, 1200x1200, UmiOsho5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't know she watched The Simpsons.

>> No.21462262
Quoted by: >>21462283

Looks comfy

>> No.21462274
File: 69 KB, 718x505, snap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21462275
Quoted by: >>21462331

Looks like Gain.

>> No.21462283
File: 60 KB, 800x565, Weresheep36.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21462289

...if a little cramped.

>> No.21462289
File: 64 KB, 182x192, 1463030767429.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21462306

God I remember when that pic was new

>> No.21462306
File: 72 KB, 531x750, comfy weresheep.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2015 was a good and fluffy year for me

>> No.21462331
File: 1.93 MB, 2105x1488, 4plSrGSj_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can it clean my sheets?

>> No.21462364
File: 528 KB, 1075x1518, peak mofu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21462418

>> No.21462369
Quoted by: >>21462425

I want to read something. But 95% of all of MGE nongreentext fanwriting has no appeal.

I think it is because they are stories about how some guy romances some waifu, but I do not want to read about someone who is not me doing personal things. I want to read fun stuff about the setting, food for my personal fantasies that I can use when I imagine myself in a MGE-ish setting. That is stuff that is often done well in greentexts: eg that Titanias run a censorship institution for the bowdlerization of media, or "if you don't have money for a lawyer, a Wurm is assigned to you".

But it's rare in long form. The best example is Paladin Reintegration Programme (despite the lighthearted HFY) - lots of fun details about the setting, detailing many different kinds of monstergirl; it is a great prompt to imagine yourself in a society with such features. But for whatever reason such writing is rare.


>> No.21462377

Good night anons, take care and don't burn down the thread.

Instead, remember to stay hydrated.
If you don't an undine will be provided.

>> No.21462392
Quoted by: >>21462403

>posting more shit from /tg/

>> No.21462403
Quoted by: >>21462410

Don't be so paranoid.

>> No.21462410
Quoted by: >>21462420

You have to go back, faggot.

>> No.21462418
File: 225 KB, 1200x879, 73426501_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are like little baby.

>> No.21462420
Quoted by: >>21462433

I'm sorry, I thought this thread wanted more than "I want to do X with monstergirl Y" posts.

>> No.21462425

I'd say the monster girl roulette every girl has a gimmick or sorts

>> No.21462427
File: 692 KB, 1280x1829, 1558661100683.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21462456

We all understand the merits and appeal of smug monsters, but what are fun ways for us to be smug in return?

>> No.21462430

>fairies riding your cock and wiggling around on your various sensitive parts of your dick to guide your body into doing different movements similar to Ratatouille

>> No.21462433
Quoted by: >>21462439

>this shit again
Go on, retard. Get going.

>> No.21462439
File: 2.73 MB, 1296x1812, 1547299499355.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fuck off anon

>> No.21462447
Quoted by: >>21462469

Called it.

>> No.21462456
File: 1.50 MB, 1024x1280, 1555207537242.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The best smug is the smug one has on account of their mate.

>> No.21462469
File: 99 KB, 902x642, D7DkTqHXkAAO11z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should've texted it instead.

>> No.21462473
Quoted by: >>21462490

What's interesting is all the little side stuff that's going on.
Like all the monsters the stories mention during conversations about other people using the roulette.

>> No.21462477

ty, seems good

>> No.21462490
Quoted by: >>21462538

Whats weird is that quite a few roulette uses seem to be friends with other users
The only time it happened with the monsters is the kunoichi one, where she notes she sees the Ryu we from the earlier one.

>> No.21462503
File: 149 KB, 794x794, D8L1XEGWsAIwZXP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21462515

That's a convincing argument

>> No.21462519
File: 456 KB, 640x905, 1559486428005.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to take a deep whiff on that mofu

>> No.21462522

I want a big dumb fatass Dark Mage to shotafy me!

>> No.21462533

What do you think cheshire cat ass tastes like?

>> No.21462538

We know the sabbath is in london
Baphomet roulette when?

>> No.21462539
File: 1.47 MB, 1500x2000, 69939071_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go to bed already.

>> No.21462549
Quoted by: >>21462564

But it's only noon!

>> No.21462564
Quoted by: >>21462595

Found any bunyips, aussie?

>> No.21462574
Quoted by: >>21462635

Make me.

>> No.21462592

I woke up 20 minutes ago, though.

>> No.21462595
File: 246 KB, 615x959, 1527403763224.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How I wish anon, how I wish.

>> No.21462603

Only is she promises to lick my face

>> No.21462635
File: 1.35 MB, 1308x1799, Weresheep35a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alrighty then.

>> No.21462652

Braids are for tugging.

>> No.21462662
File: 82 KB, 867x960, 1559539367545.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Multi-armed MGE girl when?

>> No.21462678
File: 771 KB, 2100x2331, D5A6WSMUwAAkztj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21462699

>> No.21462699
Quoted by: >>21462723

Bling. Lots of bling.

>> No.21462723
File: 93 KB, 779x750, 3XRde86o_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21462728


>> No.21462728
File: 51 KB, 500x375, Tiny coins.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Missed one, oyabun!

>> No.21462751
File: 179 KB, 500x466, tumblr_p8zk6hntOP1u4o4koo1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What's a "divorce"?

>> No.21462752

Politics, bro

>> No.21462779

Kakuen + Gremlin.

I need a Grease Monkey.

>> No.21462799

It's what I'm gonna do to you if you don't start sucking my dick right this second.

>> No.21462804
File: 369 KB, 698x800, 1559002350000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21462810

I want a whiff of this mofu

>> No.21462807

What is something a young monster can do that is cute and innocent but if she was an adult would be lewd

>> No.21462810

I want to invite a Rata into a Mating Press! An exclusive news outlet just for her!

>> No.21462816

Twister with her big brother

>> No.21462824
Quoted by: >>21462839

I read that as "to a Mating Press" instead of into. As if MGs going through their mailbox and they'd get a formal invitation to a Mating Press with elegant stationary and handwriting

>> No.21462839

Sounds like a hot new lead for Rata-chan! Time to get to the bottom of this 'Mating Press'!

>> No.21462841
File: 151 KB, 474x600, succubus00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21462849

So how easy would it be to seduce a succubus?
Can you seduce a succubus, or is it her seduction spell that she casts on you that makes you want to seduce a succubus?
If you were to simply expose yourself in front of a single succubus, would she instinctively go down on you?
How many seconds pass from when you grab her tail to the inevitable rape that occurs afterwards?

>> No.21462849

You would already have been seduced by a succ if you want to seduce her. They are the masters of love and lust and only got even more powerful after one of their kind became demonlord.

>> No.21462850

Sucking your dick

>> No.21462870
File: 813 KB, 842x820, 1555532496150.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I give my rata waifu hands-on experience every night!

>> No.21462879

God, girls reaching out to the viewer always gets the heartboner going. Something about being desired like that just gets me. I want a MG to hold me tight in her arms and never let go.

>> No.21462885

sitting on onii-chans lap
playing with toys
pretend doctor
fooling around
raping onii-chan
you know...cute stuff a little monster would do

>> No.21462890
File: 1.35 MB, 963x1500, 1559486418208.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21462995

What would the shampoo ads targeted for mofu MGs be like?

>> No.21462924 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>21462961

Steal her pennies

>> No.21462946

Steal her pennies

>> No.21462949
Quoted by: >>21462961

Why aren't the spoilers working?

>> No.21462961
Quoted by: >>21462965

Nice one nerd

>Says while using spoilers
You are a dumb one

>> No.21462965

I wanted to make it say p(enn)ies, making the reader guess what I was going to say, but alas.

>> No.21462972

Is there such a thing as too much tail

>> No.21462983

legend has it once in a while a man gets lost in a kitsunes tails never to be seen again

>> No.21462995
File: 489 KB, 752x1062, 1495609089919.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably very lewd but with the facade of being classy. Lots of shots of incubus men caressing and smelling their wives' shiny ears and tails, or burying their faces in it while she makes a show of loving the attention. Maybe a cameo from a celebrity couple. The camera would cut or move back to the shiny fluff before anything explicit happened but the ad would openly state that it increases your sex appeal and he won't be able to resist touching it.

Not too far off from the real thing, just more direct.

>> No.21463012

It's why I'd like to see a modest kitsune. One unfluffed tail, wears comfortable but baggy clothing, usually has her hood up, rarely cuts her hair, and is too introverted to talk to anyone in-person.

>> No.21463030
File: 150 KB, 1200x1200, DtAgyiIV4AAEFgg.jpeg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21463044


>> No.21463039

Modest Mofu is still mofu and thus the best

>> No.21463041

I want to be /ss/ed by the Tough military leader of all dragonia and have her show me her soft side.

>> No.21463043

I want to be Mofu Judge.

Giving a rating based on volume, softness, bounciness, condition and 'floof' factor.

I'd need to thoroughly inspect and touch it to give an accurate score.

>> No.21463044
File: 651 KB, 794x1200, __yoru_original_drawn_by_otokuyou__8adf488d06a141845f0c89c48c636ee8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21463081
Quoted by: >>21463084

if a female adventurer fails a Echidna dungeon, would she instantly be converted to a monster girl or would just just be slightly corrupted and then sent away, so that she slowly becomes more and more of a monster?

>> No.21463084
Quoted by: >>21463096

It depends on what she corrupts into. For example if she is corrupted into a kistune-tsuki or slime carrier she would probably be let go to go home.

>> No.21463096
Quoted by: >>21463134

>Female adventurer takes on a Echidna too high level for her
>Gets beaten into the ground
>Wakes up just outside with no visible damages
>Guess they didn't care?
>Her abdomen feels odd, probably one to many hits here
>She's actually now a slime carrier and doesn't even know it... yet.

>> No.21463104

It's a trap anon, but either way you're "screwed". If you run they'll just hunt you down either way. Best thing you can do is go be nice to them so that way they are "nice" to you afterwards

>> No.21463106

Casual cuties make for wonderful monsters

>> No.21463109
File: 1.98 MB, 1754x3027, 122817.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A comfy apartment in the city!

>> No.21463117
Quoted by: >>21463134

Also imagine if she was a skilled local Melee player and you teased her by making Fox noises.

>> No.21463134
Quoted by: >>21463145

>Walks home to her guild feeling oddly sticky and gooey.
>however it feels quite nice and refreshing.
>once she gets home she starts telling all the women in her guild about it.

>melee player
what a stinky fox.

>> No.21463138
File: 754 KB, 1200x1600, 52363820_p14.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21463149

>Whatcha doin' down there anon?

>> No.21463145
Quoted by: >>21463168

I don't know why but the idea of unknown corruption is really hot.

>> No.21463149

Searching for treasure.

>> No.21463158

Honestly, one of the weirder things that could happen while dungeon diving is someone trying to "defeat" the end boss by offering their body to her but it truing out she's already married.
That's gotta be really awkward.

>> No.21463165

>House Husband appears!
Can you beat him?

>> No.21463166
Quoted by: >>21463220

You get one of her daughters in that case.

>> No.21463168

Agreed. Especially when that corruption then spreads unknowingly.

Could be worse. You could literally walk in on an echidna and her hubby having sex. I don't see an echidna taking interruptions to sexy time well.

>> No.21463220

>Echidna comes running out
>"It's my time to shine!"
>Rapes the adventurer, not even waiting for her mom to go away

>> No.21463238

>>Echidna comes running out
I mean to say "Echidna daughter" but I guess I'm just retarded.

>> No.21463261
Quoted by: >>21463382

>Kikimora mother-in-law comes to visit
>Doesn't say a word, only offers you a small curtsy and shoots her daughter an icy glare
>Silently walks around your home, inspecting everything and using her finger to check for dust and dirt
>After nearly 4 hours, she seems satisfied and returns to the foyer
>Her expression is warmer now, and she tells you that she and her master would be delighted to have the two of you over for a neighborhood grill that's being planned, and to tell your parents that they're invited as well
>She offers a much deeper curtsy this time, and gives her daughter a kiss on the cheek as she leaves

>> No.21463265

What happens if she gets beaten instead? Does she join the party?

>> No.21463287

Only if you put a ring on it.
Otherwise all you’re getting is a consolation treasure from mom & dad.

>> No.21463288

Those are the rules of adventure. Of course that doesn't mean she adventures for free. You owe her one kid for every dungeon she helps clear.

>> No.21463348
Quoted by: >>21463375

What about a Parasite Slime with multiple hosts?
As in a sort of harem where all the girls share a single mind.

>> No.21463375
Quoted by: >>21463391

So a queen slime with more mind break.

>> No.21463382

What a boring old bitty. I'm putting whiskey in her coffee.

>> No.21463391

That is both very sexy and horrifying.

>> No.21463473
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Quoted by: >>21463477

Dead thread

>> No.21463477
File: 1.16 MB, 1500x972, Wrench Wench singing Dancing Queen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21463488

I'm lifting and procrastinating. Give space outlaw ideas if you have them.

>> No.21463488
Quoted by: >>21463502

Space outlaw MGs?

There is a pirate clan wholly made out of horny MGs who would ambush and abduct unsuspecting spaceships to make human males their husbands

>> No.21463502
Quoted by: >>21463532

I was thinking more of a male hero and his crew that sail the seas of space on a ship held together by duct, bubble gum and the hopes and dreams that fill their hearts.

>> No.21463532
Quoted by: >>21463538

I...really don't know anything about those kind of humorous settings.

Maybe make one of his crew memebers terminally depressed Automaton, just like Marvin from the Hitchhiker series?

>> No.21463538
File: 34 KB, 640x480, Aisha approves.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21463549

>I...really don't know anything about those kind of humorous settings.
Watch these:
Outlaw Star
Cowboy Bebop
Space Dandy
Irresponsible Captain Tylor
>terminally depressed Automaton
She must be sad she's been separated from her registered user.

>> No.21463549
Quoted by: >>21463557

Only watched Bebop from the list. Wouldn't exactly say that show is that hopeful, but I guess it does have its moments.

So you're trying to make male hero bounty hunter going after dangerous MGs?

>> No.21463557
File: 551 KB, 930x986, Commander.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21463576

Not necessarily exclusively a bounty hunter, smuggling and courier work are also perfectly valid.
Threadcanon has established there's a horny commander from the Dragon empire chasing him but I don't know if I'm going to write that or not.

>> No.21463576
Quoted by: >>21463578

>horny commander from the Dragon empire

You should definitely write that. Romance between two opposing sides is the best, after all. Imagine how intense all those teasings and verbal foreplays would be.

>> No.21463578
Quoted by: >>21463620

But what kind of heist would he have to perform to get her to chase him across the stars?

>> No.21463620
Quoted by: >>21463628

To truly piss off a Dragon, you'd have to severely hurt their pride.

So there is a Draconic Fleet, returning triumphantly from their salvage mission where they recovered a really ancient artifact from some long-extinct civilization. They fought tooth and nails for it with its neighboring empire, and after long and epic battle they managed to finally win, they decided to have a parade for their fleet to show off their victory to all of the galaxy. At the peak of their parade, they opened up their maximum-security cargo ship to boast their newly acquired artifact, to only find a thank-you note signed by Anonymous.

That would make any Dragon chasing him all the way across the galaxy.

>> No.21463627

>Shiki actually drew more of his kitsune

>> No.21463628

Bonus points if Outlaw Anon had been posing as a freelance reporter, got and interview with the Dragon commander, playing to her vanity, bedded her and stole her access codes in the process.
