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File: 412 KB, 640x502, umidots.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16324337 No.16324337 [Reply] [Original]

What were the dots supposed to mean?

>> No.16324342
Quoted by: >>16337047

without love it cannot be seen

>> No.16325398

Excessive use of ellipsis, basically.

>> No.16325401
Quoted by: >>16326490

How do you know for sure?

>> No.16325473

Do you have ANY evidence that can back this up?

>> No.16326213

Does anybody knows the decoding code for umineko project PS3 to PC port?

Thinking of giving Umineko another read but I would like to try with voices this time and this port looks better than umitweak..

>> No.16326490

I think those dots above words are to emphasize on them. At least on manga it works like that, I dunno if it carries over to this through

>> No.16326688
File: 80 KB, 379x442, 1470354377238.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No clue, I'd skip the voices if I were you, though. They're nice at first, but if you read quickly it just gets annoying.
And it's fun to make your own voices for the characters and give them different accents while reading alone.
Erika is the only exception.

>> No.16326965
File: 313 KB, 900x992, 6558531_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16326969
File: 198 KB, 600x457, 8046784_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16326975
File: 102 KB, 550x622, 6311607_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16327010
File: 477 KB, 1229x845, yandelta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


IT means:

PUT FUCKING SEACATS IN THE SUBJECT 43r5435gresfgdtrrtjh45w5y4trstssgtgsfsjfgjfgjfjgfsgjfsy

>> No.16327646
File: 128 KB, 500x500, 1455849430961.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this tacky? I kind of want one.

>> No.16327677
File: 94 KB, 600x600, umineko-beabatteaparty-16118.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16327688

There isn't enough cute art of Beatrice and Battler together.

>> No.16327688
Quoted by: >>16327768

I didn't mean to reply to your post.

>> No.16327768
File: 310 KB, 640x480, ok.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16327866


>> No.16327774
File: 129 KB, 850x390, 083e7cb0777dd82dfcc05c7dbde46ddf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16327872

'member when everyone thought that Bern was one of the "good guys"?

>> No.16327866
File: 81 KB, 640x480, birb spaghetti.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16327872

Remember when you thought Beatrice was a one-dimensional villain.

>> No.16328834 [DELETED] 

so, let me get this straight.

stupid murders, magic? no, just some crazy planning. turns out to be some incest child. magic isnt real. why should I even give this shit a try, it sounds like shit.

>> No.16328839


>> No.16328894
Quoted by: >>16379088

It's all in the numbers?

>> No.16329259

so, I just started on EP1, and to sum it up, my dickhead friend spoiled some vital plotpoints to me, and I'm really upset and dont feel like continuing. Should I carry on bros? Is it worth it? Because from what I've heard, the story sounds kinda bland now.

I know that the main murder is Sayo, and he is the product of a some incest relationship with Kinzo and his daughter(who is the child of the real beatrice and Kinzo) or something like that. Sayo dresses up as both Shannon and Kanon, as well as Beatrice all throughout the story.also kinzo is already dead or something like that

is magic real jaypee? i'm really bummed out with it being revealed it was just cleaver planning all done by some trap.

I was enjoying the story, despite it's snail pacing, but this really really ruined it all for me. All interest has been lost, but I want to know if it's worth moving onward.

should I continue onward?

>> No.16329309
File: 76 KB, 599x563, BEATRICEEEEE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course.
You're walking into an umineko thread, what do you expect anyone to say? "no it sucks?"
You'll decide if it's worth it or not only if you read it.

>> No.16329560

Umineko is more about the journey than the end result in my opinion. Don't seem like very big spoilers to me anyway (I just finished episode 5).

>> No.16329602

Kill your friend,also trust me it is worth 100%
If magic is real?Look if you can look through it your own bro lol also it is fucking worth holy shit READ IT YOU FUCKING IDIOT

>> No.16329625
File: 118 KB, 352x480, but_oyaa1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16329635

Obviously magic isn't real. What kind of moron would believe in something so stupid?

>> No.16329635
Quoted by: >>16344325

if magic isnt real then how come my feels are real

>> No.16329676

It's the Japanese way of making text bold.

Get out of /jp/.

>> No.16331124


Umineko is litterally the best VN I've ever read. Your friend is an idiot.
Keep going though. It's more about the journey.

>> No.16331235
File: 124 KB, 467x700, 1482907439963.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16331347

drunk gunk

>> No.16331347
File: 226 KB, 850x638, best_girls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16332183
Quoted by: >>16332874

Always put seacats and/or umineko in the OP, when will people learn?

>> No.16332447
File: 30 KB, 300x300, beato WIN.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still can't get over how great of a story this is.
Does anyone know how long it took R07 to write it? I wonder how many hours a day he writes.
IIRC, he worked while making Higurashi but I wonder if writing is his full-time job now.

>> No.16332590
Quoted by: >>16332838

that's not the real truth. it's just one possibility within the catbox. there are other possibilities.

one of them is that the whole sayo thing is ryukishi's final gotcha to get the "goats" to stop thinking because "muh 'official' confirmation", despite various inconsistencies and the whole theory painting the entire family as a group of monumental retards, trapping the reader in a box of "using that theory as starting point to bend the evidence to match with it".

don't just read it with the whole sayo shit as a basis. try to solve the mystery yourself, and don't try to explain things through a "sayo". the story was supposed to be solvable from the first 4 stories.

it's a trick.

>> No.16332612

(You) had been eliminated from the game

>> No.16332838
Quoted by: >>16332905

>that's not the real truth.
People still believe this? Even after the manga shut down all the other possible theories?

>> No.16332859
File: 48 KB, 320x320, 1482242800024.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16333385

Is Mima a witch?

>> No.16332874

Fuck off with your generals, redditor.

>> No.16332905

ryu said once that he won't just give out the truth. the mango in that case would be the very deception i said.

"look, my good goats. here's what really happens. you can now stop thinking and ignore the inconsistencies and plot holes. because this is the truth, believe me" which is no different from "a witch did it, the end", a way to shut down thinking.

there are two possibilities.
a) ryukishi is a third grade hack who can't make a good mystery, so he explains it with split personalities.
b) the split personality thing is deliberately a shoddy and unsatisfying explanation, and thrown in your face on purpose. a trap he's been setting from the beginning to trip up people and trap them in an error, and nearly everyone fell in ryukishi's trap, stopping thinking.

"how could it be possible that the author who repeatedly tried to trick us for the entire duration of the story would try to trick us again? this time he's definitely telling the truth!"

the moment you believe you know the whole truth is when you forever lose the sight of it.

>> No.16333244

I also believe there's still mysteries to be solved in Umineko. That Yasu could be a red herring, trying to throw us off the scent of what actually happened.
Most of that I put down to the fact that I just can't bear that Umineko ended, and all those happy days of speculation and waiting for the next Episode are over.
Why can't we go back to those days, anon? Why?

>> No.16333370
File: 394 KB, 850x579, rf8fydfgghduf87.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hope you had a <merry christmas>, seacats. And let's hope the new year will give us the official next When They Cry.

>> No.16333385


Hello wizard Beato.

>> No.16333391


Christmas love from the aunts!

>> No.16333497

Which aunt would you
>fuck once
>cuddle up with at night
>drink gluhwein with all night
>go to a ski resort vacation with

>> No.16333782
File: 422 KB, 800x722, 2e83696e1ffbdc0109e8d9d666808a69.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd rather play this game with the uncles.

>> No.16333891
File: 183 KB, 500x575, dess.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16333917


FUCK Eva nightly.

Get Natsuhi drunk and give her a dozen unwanted creampies and orgasms.

Cuddle with Rosa after raping her.

Ski lodge sex by the fire with Kyrie.

Eva can join in on any of those.

>> No.16333893
Quoted by: >>16335738

Ok. Aunts:
Fuck Eva (it would be a hate-fuck, I really don't like her, but I imagine a hate-fuck would be utter extacy)
Cuddle Natsuhi (she deserves cuddles, I'd massage her forehead and kiss it to get rid of the migraines)
Drink with Kyrie (I bet she'd be great company while drinking, probably play some mind games together and flirt)
Go skiing with Rosa (just her and me in a ski lodge? There'd be cuddling, drinking AND fucking involved)

Fuck Krauss (just to see how he likes getting raped at night)
Cuddle Gohda (he just seems like a lovely fellow, I want him to be the big spoon though)
Drink with Rudolf (much like Kyrie, he'd be great company and have a story or two to tell)
Go skiing with Rosa's estranged husband (and kill him in an impossible murder, with footprints in the snow tricks and everything, probably blame it on an Owl or something)
Then again, skiing with Nanjo seems like a lot of fun as well.

>> No.16333908
Quoted by: >>16333925

My hand. I'm sorry, I just don't have the energy for that sort of thing.

>> No.16333917
File: 234 KB, 1318x1249, 04743809726.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that you, Krauss?

The aim of the game is to figure out which thing you'd most like to do with each of the characters. But that list just seems like Krauss' daily (or rather, nightly) to-do list.
We all know he rapes Eva nightly. I bet he gets Natsuhi drunk in secret, slipping vodka ice-cubes in her drinks and such, which is why she constantly has headaches, Krauss keeps her permanently drunk so he can do what he wants with her. Krauss also seems like the type who would at least cuddle with Rosa after raping her, her being the youngest sister and all. I wouldn't put it past Krauss to fuck Kyrie when given the chance though.

>> No.16333925
Quoted by: >>16333944

You don't have the energy to cuddle up with a milf?

>> No.16333938
File: 409 KB, 468x1141, 65.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16333977


Eva deserves it.

>> No.16333944
Quoted by: >>16333977


>> No.16333977

Oh, I agree. In fact, I find that merely the nightly rapings of Krauss are not enough to subjugate the whore that is Eva.

I want her in the middle of the room, being raped and probed from all sides by old men. Krauss, Gohda, Nanjo, Genji, Rudolf, fuck it, Kinzo. Spitroasting her, while others watch on masturbating, spitting on her unsightly face and body as she cries out for Hideyoshi to save her, but he and George are tied up in the corner, forced to watch.

I pity you, anon. Nothing like a good cuddle with a big-breasted older woman. Oh yeah, tell your mum I said hi.

>> No.16335673


Is he saying what I think he's saying?
Is it actually happening?

>> No.16335688
Quoted by: >>16335732


>> No.16335711
Quoted by: >>16335732


>> No.16335716
File: 1.53 MB, 5000x4710, umineko man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're being a goat and Ryu is cross-baiting you with paranoia. Unless you've reasoned out a valid theory that contradicts all evidence, you can claim there's an alternate ending all you want but it won't do any good.
I shouldn't throw stones in a glass house of not reasoning out the story or inventing my own theories, but the main message of the story is to take your own meaning from your hardships and try your best to figure it out and not give up, so while you say there's another answer, it seems silly to state it without actively trying to make a new theory.
I'll think on it and see if I can think of any other twists.
I have difficulty with puzzles so any leads anyone has would be nice.
I would be delighted if R07 had another hidden riddle/foreshadowing underneath it all.

>> No.16335731
File: 84 KB, 480x360, kyrie cool.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Natsuhi again
>nightly rape
Krauss (for karma)

>> No.16335732

He'll start working on the next When They Cry game in 2017.

Fuck, I hoped he's done for.

>> No.16335738

When the Owls Cry WHEN

>> No.16335745
File: 35 KB, 764x552, 1468516222235.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16336006

Are vodka ice-cubes real?

>> No.16335776
File: 32 KB, 480x405, 1482628224485.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can we atleast expect fast translation this time

>> No.16335797
File: 157 KB, 480x480, 0000000lol.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16335877

Can we expect translations at all this time? I haven't heard anything about Trianthology and past Hotarubi's first chapter being translated.

>> No.16335895
Quoted by: >>16335919

Witch Hunt is dead

>> No.16335919

aren't they working with mangagamer to retranslate umineko?

>> No.16336006

Yes, you can make them. Not with your ordinary household freezer though. You need to set it to -27 Celcius (-17 Fahrenheit) for the vodka to freeze.
Enjoy your cocktails, anon!

>> No.16336043

Who seacatsbgm here

>> No.16336095
Quoted by: >>16336680

since you want a well reasoned out one:


enjoy 8+ hours of reasoning. or reject it immediately like a goat.

tl;dr rosa culprit makes more sense than maid with split personality

>> No.16336145
File: 178 KB, 376x475, eri_hanbesoa1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16336543 [DELETED] 

Happy New Year everyone
Is Rikafag around?

>> No.16336593 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 260 KB, 1106x838, 1483106241160.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess not, well. This is for both of you, I was bored so I drew a little.
Enjoy the party.

>> No.16336643 [DELETED] 

That's very cute.

>> No.16336680
File: 357 KB, 900x1311, img000016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That theory is kind of outdated now, with all the additional reds in the manga. For instance, the explanations for the chain room in Episode 3 are all disproven

>> No.16336683

Maybe MangaGamer will do it, since they have both Umineko and Higurashi. It would make sense for them to license the next WTC as well

>> No.16336768

You got enough time to learn japanese before its released.

>> No.16336878 [DELETED] 

Thank you. Damn you're such a good artist.
I'm running out of things to say, other than it crushes my heart and I'll treasure look at it every night. And I'll drink to your health.

>> No.16337013

<span class="sjis">        r―‐┴--ニ_‐-:::_``.....、
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>> No.16337047
Quoted by: >>16337148

the only correct answer

>> No.16337148

>yfw most people don't realize the true multi-layered meaning of the word love and go with the most goatish version of love = romance, missing all other types of love like family love, tragic love, hobbyist love, fanboy love, love for a country/group, self love etc.

>> No.16337472

It's funny how no one seems to really care that Ryuukishi just announced that there will be a third fucking WTC.

>> No.16337496
Quoted by: >>16337712

What did he mean by this?

>> No.16337540

WTC is pretty irrelevant now. I'm excited, but it seems most people lost interest after Umineko

>> No.16337621

Is it just that one manga you're talking about, or did he announce an actual game?

>> No.16337632
Quoted by: >>16337652

So is it actually legit this time? I have trust issues after the "Chiru anime confirmed!" thing that happened a couple of months ago

>> No.16337652

Completely unambiguously legit.
He says he's going to start working on it in 2017 and that he intends to make something completely different from Higurashi and Umineko.

>> No.16337691
File: 1.36 MB, 925x661, 1480180076203.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16337722

>something completely different from Higurashi and Umineko.
I hope it's a battle harem like his new manga

>> No.16337712

I'm assuming he might do something other than the 8 resetting arcs connected by a meta since that's what is common between Higurashi and Umineko.

Though, he could also be referring to the tone and might do something other than a murder mystery this time around.

>> No.16337722

>[ひぐらしのなく頃に] [ROSE GUNS DAYS]の

It's like Umineko doesn't even exist

>> No.16337898
Quoted by: >>16337901

Does it specifically say that it's a game? He said at a panel a while ago that he hadn't decided on the format for the next WTC and that it could be an anime or a manga

>> No.16337901

He doesn't specify.

>> No.16338043
Quoted by: >>16338124

I just want my 4 Question Arcs and 4 Answer Arcs, and I want them to VNs and I want them to release every half year.
I mean, that's what I'm used to. I don't want a manga or an anime. I want a series of VNs with Ryu-chan's terrible but endearing art and a smashing OST by his friends zts and Dai and everyone.

>> No.16338124
Quoted by: >>16338312

That would be perfect.
Although hasn't zts not worked on an 07th game since Umineko?

>> No.16338312

He'll be back for a project like this, surely. If it is a series of 8 VNs.

Anyway, let's discuss what setting we'd like for the next WTC. Did he say it was going to be different? So no mysteries or deep hidden secrets?

>> No.16338344

A WTC without mysteries sure would be something.
I just hope he's not referring to the medium, like if it was released as a manga or something.

>> No.16338400

>Anyway, let's discuss what setting we'd like for the next WTC
I know it's like a meme these days but I am actually hoping for a When The Owls Cry. Or at least a snowy setting, a snow lodge somewhere high in the mountains.

Didn't Ryu-chan write an extra story for that one well-known Japanese snow lodge mystery VN recently? Maybe he got the idea to make a full WTC out of the setting. God, I hope so.

>> No.16338459
File: 253 KB, 498x747, 132690147195.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When The Chefs Cry
Set in a Japanese hotel where Gohda is head chef. It's all set before Umineko, before Gohda went to work on Rokkenjima.
It's all about Gohda's misadventures in the kitchen. He acts like a Gordon Ramsay figure and makes all the chefs cry by forcing them to cut onions all day. Slowly, chefs and hotel residents start to die horribly. The big twist is that Gohda was behind it all and got away with it before moving to Rokkenjima, thus tying it in with Umineko and revealing that Gohda was the true culprit of the Rokkenjima Massacre.

>> No.16338603

I would read all 8 episodes of this.

>> No.16338687
Quoted by: >>16338852

I love this idea. Set it in a secluded ski hotel or something so no police get involved.
We could get cameo's as well. Maybe one episode Detective Delicious turns up as a hotel guest and ends up investigating the case. He eventuallly confronts Gohda in the kitchen but as we all know Gohda can't lose in the kitchen and the guests are served a very "Delicious" soup that night, if you know what I mean.

>> No.16338852

I bet Akasaka could ruse Gohda. They'd have a fistfight all over the hotel, and backed into a corner, Gohda would slowly open the door behind him and reveal...the kitchen! We, as fans, know that Akasaka can't survive that

>> No.16339264
File: 128 KB, 767x1000, f6f26cb8f125e7b5fce579da111be568.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I the only one who finds Kinzo extremely sexy in this image?
If I could look like that at his age I'd be very blessed indeed.

>> No.16339388

He's dead, anon.

>> No.16339392

Is Hotarubi still updated and uploaded? Ryukishi was planning to release a new game but I thought Hotarubi isn't even finished yet

>> No.16339408



>> No.16339416

>new WTC

Oh dear god

And you thought the meta between Higurashi and Unineko couldn't get more fucked

This is going to be a car crash

>> No.16339593

The meta world will be an online virtual reality room where the readers will discuss the story.

>> No.16339872

Is it likely that MangaGamer will release the new version of Umineku Chiru soon? I'm planning on doing my 3rd read of Umineko starting February, and I'd like to do the whole thing with the updated trans.

>> No.16340650
Quoted by: >>16355772

There's no information about Chiru so far.
MangaGamer announced their release of Umineko July 2015 and released the Question Arc July 2016.
They also announced the CROSS version of the fighting game October 1st.

I'd guess Chiru would come between 6-12 months from now.

>> No.16340829
Quoted by: >>16341787

The question is, what is going to be "completely different", and what does Ryukishi think makes a WTC game a WTC game? Is the looping necessary for a WTC game, or will he toss that out? Is it being a mystery necessary, or will it be a different genre? Is the four-and-four necessary (though I'm not sure how that'll work without looping), or will the story itself have a different structure?

>> No.16341787

>what is going to be "completely different"
Going by my more than ten years of experience with trashy japanese media, I can say with some degree of confidence that it means nothing at all.
He could say "completely different" and release something that in fact is extremely similar to his previous works.

>> No.16344325


>> No.16344360
Quoted by: >>16355772

10/10, would participate.

>> No.16344958

Lambdadelta is LITERALLY me

>> No.16349323
Quoted by: >>16351884

What did it mean when it said Beatrice can only be seen by love?

>> No.16349389

There's a new WTC and it's all YOUR FAULT

>> No.16350688 [DELETED] 

Does that mean that Lamdadelta is you?

>> No.16351006
File: 219 KB, 600x607, 5656355.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

<Happy new year seacats>

Incidentally, which Umineko do you think masturbates the most? I'd say it's probably George.

>> No.16351069

Wait, a new When They Cry? What are the chances of Bern or Lambda being back? They did sort of tease it at the end of Umineko

>> No.16351086

I've seen a couple of pics around here from the Umineko anime with what appear to be joke subs. Is the anime worth a re-watch with these joke subs, did they even sub the entire thing?

>> No.16351108

Pretty likely. I hope we finally get Lambda's backstory

>> No.16351152
Quoted by: >>16352258

They'll very likely play a role.
I just wonder if Okonogi will be back as a different person. Or maybe someone else from Higurashi or Umineko will turn up as a different character.
I'm hoping Delicious shows up in some form.

>> No.16351742

bad writing

>> No.16351884

maybe something like only those who know the true multi-dimensional depth of love (more than just shallow romance and promises of love struck kids. love has a multitude of meanings, from shallow ones like hormone-induced romance to deeper ones like unconditional family love or love for items, actions or places, to irrational ones like obsession) can see and understand the truth behind beatrice, her motives and why did she do what she did.

>> No.16351897

It's George.

>> No.16352098
File: 571 KB, 480x640, evacyute.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16352258

I kind of want an odd character to pop up as a returning character. Somebody unexpected.

>> No.16353536

He's at it again, guys.

>> No.16354963

I feel like there's way too little discussion going on her now that we know we're getting a new WTC.
Which animal do you want to see cry? What setting would you love to see? If it's anything like previous WTCs, it'll be secluded.

Whatever happened to When They Cry IN SPACE? I haven't followed the news that much but wasn't Ryu gonna do a project set on a spaceship or something?

>> No.16355000

>Whatever happened to When They Cry IN SPACE?
Trianthology was released in August. It's unrelated to WTC though

>> No.16355016

>Whatever happened to When They Cry IN SPACE?

>> No.16355229
File: 140 KB, 814x710, fjty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is said that if you look into your bathroom mirror at midnight and say "Krauss" twelve times, Krauss will appear and rape you. Anyone care to try this out?

>> No.16355283

I would do anything just to feel the touch of another human being, I'll report back in the morning

>> No.16355697

When you're reading Umineko, you know how your mind voices the words you're reading?
Do you read Beatrice as Beatrice, or as BEATORICHEEEE?

>> No.16355772

>car crash
*hot mess

This is truly some meta shit. I'm happy Umineko brought all these anons together because of moments like this.

>third read though
That's some dedication

Why does it take so much time?

>> No.16355777
File: 378 KB, 630x467, lambda engrish.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Were you christmas cake on the 25th then?

>> No.16355779

>What are the chances of Bern or Lambda being back
pic related

>> No.16355787
File: 16 KB, 768x256, 1458505297867.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16356828

I don't know if they full on duwang subbed it, I've only see a few of these too.
I'd watch it if it exists. The bad animation would make it even funnier.

>> No.16355800

Tomita and Okamura. Or the baseball player who wants to fuck maid cheesecake coming back would be pretty out of left field and some might not pick up on it at first.

>> No.16355808
File: 94 KB, 540x532, 000000000000000 me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16356061

How do you make this kind of thing?

>> No.16355815
Quoted by: >>16361019

Godspeed, Anon.

>> No.16355820

Beatrice, (unless it's Kinzo) but I read too fast for my brain to think up voices most of the time.
I guess I should try to savor it more.

>> No.16356061
File: 1.90 MB, 933x3943, hiddenimage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16356619


>> No.16356238

Any updates on that fighting game that was announced?

>> No.16356619

Thanks pal!

>> No.16356828
Quoted by: >>16356884

They're DameDame! subs.

>> No.16356884

thanks you're a based Anon.

>> No.16360674

Sort of going back to the movie thing, would a story like Umineko work in the west? Are there any successful time-loop book series here?
I completely love Ryu-chan's storytelling. The looping effect he uses in both Higurashi and Umineko really compels me because they're great literary tricks one could use to flesh out characters, see them in different scenarios etc.
What I'm saying is, I've often thought of writing a story similar to Higurashi/Umineko. Isolated setting, mysteries going on, and at the climax, the story reverts back to the start. Now I won't claim I'll ever write this, but I'm just curious if there's even a market for something like that in the west.
What demographic would it even go for? Young-adult fiction?

>> No.16360828

>Are there any successful time-loop book series here?
Edge of Tomorrow was pretty successful if movies count

>> No.16361019

It was terrible, I don't want to talk about it.
I was surprised that he wanted to cuddle afterwards though, that made me feel warm and loved.

>> No.16361583

Is Yasu the strongest Tulpamancer that has ever existed (or not existed, who knows)

>> No.16361595

Fansubbing is dead thanks to Daiz.

>> No.16361804

I went into the story already knowing the ending/plotpoints and I still really enjoyed it.

>> No.16361840


>> No.16361919

The premise of Umineko alone is interesting enough that I could see people being interested if they advertise it right. It'd have to be a TV series rather than a movie and a lot of things would need to be cut for it to actually do well here though.

Also, Groundhog Day is one of the more well known time-loop films. I'm surprised that more film-writers haven't made something similar considering how well that movie was received and how much can be done with a story involving time-loops.

>> No.16362074
File: 200 KB, 1280x720, blush and coffee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

b-black b-batora is a good theory, it only lacks a few clues on his backstory because we know almost nothing about prime Battler and his 6 years out of the family are completely vague.

>> No.16362094
Quoted by: >>16362107

The detective isn't allowed to be the culprit. It's also stated in red several times that it isn't him

>> No.16362107

There's another Battler (The baby), so its not like the red matters, and while he may not be the culprit in the first four arcs, you have to remember the first two are Yasu's fiction where she's the culprit, while the other 2 is just Tohya trying to remember.
Battler straight up stops being the detective on Chiru though, and i'm talking about Battler being the detective on the original Kakera.

>> No.16362108
Quoted by: >>16362157

I meant, Battler being the culprit on the original kakera. Goddamit brain.

>> No.16362157
File: 648 KB, 2000x1445, img000031.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The manga confirms that Rudolf and Kyrie were the culprits in the original

>> No.16362171
Quoted by: >>16362186

And the whole reply chain is about the manga just being another ryu07 deception.

>> No.16362186
Quoted by: >>16362192

I though the red from the manga still counted though? And that only the parts with Yasu was a supposed deception because none of it is red?

>> No.16362192
File: 113 KB, 254x252, dunno.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're talking about your page, it really doesnt affect the B.Battler theory. His family might have been an accomplice.

>> No.16362204
File: 1.03 MB, 1075x1526, B.Battler.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16362245

One of the things that most stuck to me is the fact that even Lion's kakera isnt spared of the tragedy.
I know there's all the karma bullshit, but supposedly, there should have been no sibiling fight for the gold or big revelation about it, just the contract for money at best, and no fight should have sparked that would end up in the family killing on another, i'm sure Kyrie and Rudolf would be fine with just getting the money, and they themselves mentioned they only shot because it ended up being convenient.

I mean, in Lion's kakera, I think they dont even know the bomb exists to get rid of all the evidence. And conveniently, Battler is the only one who doesnt appear in the whole Episode. And yet, the tragedy still happens.

We're shown in the "truth" that it was just something that ended up being convenient to them, not planned. But in Lion's kakera it has to be planned, it makes no sense for them to just end up killing one another.

>> No.16362241
File: 185 KB, 454x454, hmm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16362249

>looking at the manga's reads
>Ushiromiya Ange definitely dies in 1998
Did she really die or did meta BATTLER manage to create a miracle?
Or are they saying "Ange" died?

>> No.16362245
File: 1.14 MB, 1440x2048, img000004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bern explains to Lion why it still happened

>> No.16362249
File: 537 KB, 1000x1465, img000038.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16362252

It's because she changed her name to Yukari Kotobuki

>> No.16362252

Ah, just like I thought. Just was a bit unsure.

>> No.16362254
Quoted by: >>16362261

This is still weird as fuck though, technically, Battler shouldnt become Tohya in this kakera then.

>> No.16362261
Quoted by: >>16362304

The number of people should also fuck up the chance/idea of Kyrie and Rudolf, as Kinzo would also be in the basement with all the gold shit.

>> No.16362304

>Kinzo would also be in the basement
Not necessarily. He could have gone back to his study after giving them the riddle, or something like that

>> No.16364366

the entire point of forgery no. XXX was that theory being retarded

>> No.16365914

It'd be interesting to have Kasai come back as an old and retired, but no less badass character.

>> No.16367251
File: 56 KB, 645x773, 1483551192759.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16368451

>tfw you're a screenwriter and instead of actually being productive you've just been thinking of ways you could copy Umineko and make it into a tv show for a western audience
Getting pretty close, I think.

>> No.16368214
File: 58 KB, 201x325, FErika361.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lewd Erika

>> No.16368451
File: 145 KB, 364x466, dla_defa3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Misuse the quote function one more time and you <>>>/d/ie+the+death>

>> No.16369385
File: 129 KB, 922x692, 20170105071805_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait a minute
Jessica sang "Tsurupettan" in 1986, but Immaterial and Missing Power was not released until 2004!
Something doesn't add up... I think that Jessica is the culprit!

>> No.16369404

Why are there no Krauss lewds?
Could we all chip in and commission some art?

>> No.16369467

We can always write lewd stories about Krauss.
That's still allowed, right?

>> No.16369568

Truly the best Umineko scene.

>> No.16370005

What do you expect from the new Naku Koro Ni? Will it live up to the franchise's name, or will it be an abomination like Higanbana and Rose Guns Days?

>> No.16370050

I don't know. R07 knows.

>> No.16370083
File: 12 KB, 399x44, bcrying.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would love to have optimism, I've read every single piece of R07 that I could and I'd love to meet him one day and have a chat with him, but with the way fansubbing is going right now, I'm a bit scared really. At this point after RGD got translated, as far as I know witch-hunt is dead, so that doesn't bode well for 2017 fansubbing, especially when it comes to r07's works, since we all know he likes to use his own, ahem, avant-garde art style, which doesn't draw many people in. Sure you might have a glimmer of hope in mangagamer, but until the new WTC proves to be popular I wouldn't count on them.

So all in all? Doom and gloom.

>> No.16370170

>witch-hunt is dead
They aren't dead, they're just busy working on the Umineko re-translation with MangaGamer

>> No.16370186
Quoted by: >>16370284

Oh okay. Good to hear. My hope is still alive a little bit

>> No.16370284

Yeah, I wouldn't count them out yet. They're still together as a group and dedicated to Ryu-chan. I'm sure that if they have the means, they will endeavour to translate the next WTC.

Anyone have that photo of Ryu-chan with those members of Witch Hunt? It was adorably dorky.

>> No.16371273
Quoted by: >>16372948

It would be kind of cool if the new WTC is released at this years summer Comiket, since August 2017 is both Umineko's 10th anniversary and Higurashi's 15th anniversary

>> No.16372948

That would be cutting it really close.
I would prefer if he gives it some time even though he's a fast worker.

>> No.16374069
File: 184 KB, 568x600, Santa Krauss Rape Mode.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16378532

Does this count?

>> No.16374104
File: 148 KB, 338x832, Screen Shot 2017-01-06 at 5.54.18 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16379979

Does she have the Palsy?

>> No.16374108

Where can I find the full image?

>> No.16374128
File: 404 KB, 1315x1300, volume down.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tsurupettan starts playing

>> No.16374259
File: 2.00 MB, 809x930, pettan.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16374978


>> No.16374333

kuso post

>> No.16374863
Quoted by: >>16375011

The diary is truth, not the images themselves.

>> No.16374872
Quoted by: >>16378557

The origins of this rumor comes from when Eva was hiding in the bathroom, saying ''please don't let Krauss find me, please don't Krauss find me'' without realizing that Krauss was already in the bathroom, right next to her, in the darkness, the whole time.

>> No.16374878
Quoted by: >>16374978

I can see why people went to see her sing.

>> No.16374882
File: 414 KB, 900x1323, yasu11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16374895

This makes me depressed

>> No.16374895

You can't always get what you want

>> No.16374970
File: 329 KB, 686x1060, the meaning of life.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16375483

This gives me hope for live and as the reason why you should live.

>> No.16374978
Quoted by: >>16375020

meant for >>16374259

>> No.16375011
File: 1.11 MB, 2000x1445, img000030.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16380390

Why would they show unrelated images? But anyway, Ange says on the previous page that she has "heard this somewhere before" and Bern says "I told you countless times that there was no Game Master". What else could it be except for Episode 7's Tea Party?

>> No.16375020
File: 100 KB, 960x834, Jessica_sex_censored.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Jessica flaunting her own endowments while singing about flat chests.

>> No.16375381

How does K1 know what Card Captor Sakura is in the year 1983? I think something is afoot!

>> No.16375483

Ange's interactions with Beatrice, Erika, and Eva in Episode 8 were all really great.

>> No.16378532
Quoted by: >>16378540

Damn it anon, I just masturbated.

>> No.16378540
File: 274 KB, 500x666, KRAUSS Beatrice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well do it again

>> No.16378557
File: 52 KB, 410x570, 0827348669.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love the image of Krauss standing behind the shower curtains in the dark, waiting for Eva to have said his name twelve times before pushing away the shower curtains with force and showing her his Krauss Cock, grinning at her menacingly.

>> No.16378571

To think that the entire tragedy could have been avoided if Gohda just slipped some aphrodisiacs into the food. Everyone would just have sex all night, not caring about Beatrice or the epitaph. In fact, I bet they'd all just have sex in the hall, against the epitaph and against the portrait, so hard until they just break or fall off the wall, but still the Ushiromiyas would fuck.

>> No.16378585
Quoted by: >>16378655

Actually, I think seeing everyone suddenly fucking would just spur Yasu into blowing everything up in an impotent rage.

>> No.16378655

Yasu's still got an asshole, right?
Bitch wouldn't even make it out of the mansion.

>> No.16378739

This reminds me of this fanfic, which is basically the same scenario.

>> No.16378800
File: 196 KB, 300x610, 834uh94.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16378807


Just a short one this time, this one shouldn't take too long I think.

Jessica is missing. After an intense search of the mansion, the family come across one of the bathrooms. The shower is running, but the door is unlocked.
Natsuhi and Krauss say that this is the bathroom Jessica usually uses to take a shower in the morning.
Battler tries to open the door, but something is blocking the way. After pushing harder, he finally opens the door and finds Jessica, naked, slumped against the door. She has a gun in her right hand and a fatal wound through her head.
All signs point to suicide. How could she have been murdered if it wasn't suicide? There was nobody in the bathroom apart from Jessica. Her dead body was blocking the door, so how would a killer position her there and still be able to leave the bathroom?
As everyone decides Jessica must have tragically taken her own life, Battler muses. Eventually he says Dame da.....ZEN ZEN DAME DA, that this can't have possibly been a suicide.
For one, why would Jessica keep the shower running if she went into the bathroom to kill herself? Why would she strip naked, knowing that her family would be the first to find her after killing herself? And one more thing, there was no towel in the bathroom when they found the body.
Krauss and Natsuhi confirm that Jessica keeps her towels in her own room, and always takes one from a stack before going to the bathroom, yet there was not a single towel present at the scene.

/RED/ Jessica was murdered.

How was it done?

>> No.16378807
Quoted by: >>16378844

The fatal wound through her head isn't the fatal wound that killed her?

>> No.16378820
Quoted by: >>16378851

I am kind of worried about R07 honestly, it seems like he is doing too many things at once, he's doing that Hotarubi manga and that Harem manga which I'm not sure how far he's already finished with. I guess he's not doing the art for those VNs, though. Hope he doesn't burn himself out or something.

>> No.16378844
Quoted by: >>16378879

/RED/ Jessica was killed by the gun in her hand. However, she didn't shoot herself. Someone else shot Jessica in the head with that gun and killed her.

But how did they escape the room locked by Jessica's body?

>> No.16378851

It does seem like a lot, which is why I interpret his tweet about the next WTC as him starting work on it in 2017. I really can't see him publishing it this year, especially if it's a VN like Higurashi/Umineko.

>> No.16378879
Quoted by: >>16378915

Say it in red, "There was no one but Jessica in the bathroom at the time of her body's discovery".

>> No.16378915
File: 176 KB, 400x406, 87874742.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16378945

Gladly, anon.

/RED/ There was no one but Jessica in the bathroom at the time of her body's discovery.

Technically speaking, Battler was inside the bathroom when they discovered Jessica, but that doesn't count because:

/RED/ Battler is the detective.
/RED/ Before the family arrived at the bathroom and opened the door, Jessica was all alone in the bathroom, dead, slumped against the bathroom door, which was unlocked.

How do you figure that? A locked room based entirely on a dead body blocking the door? The door doesn't even need to be locked for this locked room to occur!

>> No.16378928

Just dropping by to say that Umineko is so unbeliavable bad, especially the later parts and it's so long it's not even worth a read, and you all have some serious shit taste.

>> No.16378945
File: 39 KB, 238x190, battler_pointANGRY.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16378967

/BLUE/ Jessica's death wasn't instant, she moved to the door in an attemt to flee the room but died after reaching the door. By doing this, the killer had no need to be in the room during Jessica's death, creating an illusion of a closed room.

>> No.16378967
Quoted by: >>16378998

Good thinking, anon. However!

/RED/ Jessica's death was instant. She was shot in the head by the culprit and died immediately.
/RED/ The killer escaped the room after murdering Jessica.
/RED/ No windows exist in the bathroom, the only way in and out of the bathroom is the door, which Jessica was lying against!

Get those grey cells working, anon. I know you can do it. Remember Battler's reasoning.

>> No.16378998
File: 64 KB, 510x158, battler.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16379038

/BLUE/ By using the towel as a rope around Jessica's wrist, the killer could've dragged her closer to the door from the outside before closing the door!

>> No.16379038
File: 81 KB, 850x1133, 972367624375.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16379218

Hahaha, <VERY GOOD>.
You've basically gotten it. The towel was the key to this locked-room mystery.
The killer (let's say it's Kanon, but it's really not important for this mystery) knew Jessica's patterns. He awaited her in the bathroom she uses to shower in the morning. He shoots her once she strips herself, places the gun in her hand and slumps her against the door while it's still ajar. He placed the towel Jessica brought underneath her firm buttocks and got out of the bathroom. He then pulled slowly on the towel, dragging Jessica against the door, closing it and leaving her slumped against it, dead. He then took the towel and destroyed the evidence.

Hope you enjoyed playing.
This is sort of what these mysteries are meant to be like. I don't like to drag them through three threads. Just a couple of posts should be enough to solve the mystery. Seems either I'm getting better at them, or you are.

>> No.16379088

Number 1: That's magic.

>> No.16379218
Quoted by: >>16379260

Fuck. I was the guy who first responded and I thought it might've been something like that even before I posted but then held myself back because I thought it would've been too simple. I was also the first one to respond to the Christmas mystery too but I wasn't around for the solution.

>> No.16379260

I thought I'd make it a bit simpler this time around, putting a lot of emphasis on the missing towel in my opening post. The Christmas mystery dragged way too long (was meant as a Christmas treat, ended up taking over the threads for three or four days), so I thought I'd simplify things. You do mean the Christmas mystery with Kinzo in his room, not the random Christmas mystery with Battler and the footprints in the snow I did a couple months back?

Also, that's interesting to hear. I always assume I'm dealing with one player when I make these mysteries. I'm glad there's at least two people in these threads who actively partake in them.

Also, if any of you ever want to put up a mystery, feel free. I'd love to experience being on the opposite side of a mystery, having to solve it.

>> No.16379313

Without blogging about your personal family situation, let me ask you this. Would you have killed in the Gold Room? Provided you knew about the bomb mechanism, would you kill everyone, destroy the evidence and escape with all the money.
With that amount of money you could easily take on a new identity and live the life of your dreams. The authorities would assume you'd died in the explosion. Well then, would you?

>> No.16379325

No. My only family is my mother, who's close to dying anyway. Don't wanna take that away from her.

>> No.16379392

No need, with that much money we could split it between us and still live comfortably. The Ushiromiya's could have too, there was no reason for them to fight over it.

>> No.16379411

No, I would have split it between me and my siblings. It's more money than I'll ever need

>> No.16379436
File: 121 KB, 600x800, 5580485431f33204223d668977920357.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're all fools! Who cares about mothers? Who cares about siblings? Who cares about family?!
You could get rid of all of them forever! They would never bother you again! You could live the life of a billionaire without anyone questioning you, no one to judge your actions! You would truly become a King!
You people are WASTED on this chance!

>> No.16379593

It's a game of trust. Sure, you didn't pull the trigger but can you trust your siblings not to do the same.

>> No.16379613
Quoted by: >>16379643

I trust them to not be retarded. Nobody NEEDS all 10 tons to themselves.

>> No.16379643
Quoted by: >>16379674

Greed takes over, anon. And petty family disputes can suddenly turn into motive for murder. If you know you can get away with it, and so can your family, who can you trust? One bullet is one ton of gold more. The whole point of Umineko was this horrible moment in the Gold Room where human greed took over and made the tragedy happen.

>> No.16379674
File: 42 KB, 410x580, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The whole point of umineko was girls with skinny thighs

>> No.16379678
Quoted by: >>16379685

The whole point of WTC is boxing gloves.

>> No.16379685

Float like a cicada
Sting like a seagull

>> No.16379688
Quoted by: >>16379763

With lust it cannot be seen.

>> No.16379694
Quoted by: >>16379710

Hoot like an owl.

>> No.16379710
Quoted by: >>16379734

Seriously, what will the next animal be?
What else cries? Wolves? Deer? Foxes?
How about it being centered around a small farming village? When The Cows Moo.

>> No.16379717
File: 49 KB, 200x242, FErika363.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16379724

I think umineko is very deep and sophisticated.

Note how I have a few layers of sarcasm here, where I said Umineko is very deep and sophisticated, I had an Erika image with boxer shorts on her head to go along with it, indicating that I'm in fact being sarcastic. However a sharp reader will notice that I am in fact serious and I think this VN is a step above other VNs.

However if you think about this spoiler that you've just read, you'll start to wonder whether I am actually serious about Umineko being sophisticated and ONLY THEN do you find out that you're finally playing the game that I concocted. Was I being serious or was I not being serious? Your choice.

>> No.16379724

I believe your words are true to your heart, anon.

>> No.16379734

frogs could work

>> No.16379739

Swamp setting? I could dig it.

>> No.16379745

What about a village/farming setting with moles crying?
I could dig it
I'm so sorry.

>> No.16379749

Group of "friends" going out camping.

TV show like bear grylls filming an episode in the swamp

Deforestation guys clearing a swamp

pick your team

>> No.16379751

But which girl has the best skinny thighs?

>> No.16379763
File: 909 KB, 1123x919, Which one.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16379782

Without lust tits cannot be seen.

>> No.16379775

I'd go for for the Magpie. Doesn't sound too far off the Cicadas to be honest.

>> No.16379782
Quoted by: >>16379808

If she's stuffing her bra for the wedding, I don't see why I have to get the wedding ring thrust on my average-size penis. She's cheating.

>> No.16379808
Quoted by: >>16379833

>stuffing her bra
Her boobs are half hanging out of the dress, and she even has cleavage showing. Pads wouldn't do that. It's more likely that she's duct taped her breasts under the swimsuit.

>> No.16379833

Mascara would show cleavage if done good. Why would Erika tape her breasts under the swimsuit? Face it, she's flat.

>> No.16379849
File: 521 KB, 1450x1036, FErika333.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16379865

Shes canon busty

Stop the lies
Even in the original sprites she's busty, just that her hair covers up her bust

>> No.16379857
File: 2.25 MB, 1920x1080, ep605_a1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She did it to smuggle duct tape onto the island.
Plus you can actually see some boobflesh peeking out over the top of the dress.

>> No.16379865
File: 3.51 MB, 580x829, erika jiggle.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16379893

I love that shot.

>> No.16379893
File: 934 KB, 400x225, 003442894.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16379921

Reminds me of this

>> No.16379921

I want to bounce Erika's tits till they spill out of her dress.

>> No.16379945 [DELETED] 

Which witch would you titfuck?
Only one witch allowed.

>> No.16379950 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>16380191

If Erika is really as busty as in the pics above, definitely Erika. Otherwise, Beato.

>> No.16379958 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>16380090

Titjobs or for manchildren
Blowjob or nothing.

>> No.16379970 [DELETED] 
File: 536 KB, 1384x1000, twins.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16380191

If I choose Beato, could I get a double titfuck from the twins?

>> No.16379979

kana~ kana!~

>> No.16379983 [DELETED] 
File: 2.86 MB, 2429x1366, lambda paizuri.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16381918

I'd titfuck a busty Lambda until I'm dry.

>> No.16380090 [DELETED] 

Which furniture would you get a blowjob from?

>> No.16380095 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>16380191



>> No.16380109 [DELETED] 


>> No.16380185 [DELETED] 
File: 280 KB, 850x1181, 013a0a14021fb556a404d344303ce810.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16380191 [DELETED] 
File: 482 KB, 960x960, beato cleavage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All this love for beatits

>> No.16380390

>Why would they show unrelated images?
Red herring.

>> No.16380445 [DELETED] 

>Implying Virgilia or Gaap isn't best furniture.

>> No.16381918 [DELETED] 

it's bernkastel with the knockers

>> No.16382093 [DELETED] 
File: 962 KB, 2000x1996, paizuri bern censored.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Depends on the version really. Sometimes Lambda's bigger, sometimes Bern is. But Lambda's at least never flat, unlike Bern.

>> No.16382333
File: 251 KB, 900x1323, yasu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16382370

Did they deserve this?

>> No.16382370


>> No.16382664 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>16382698


>> No.16382667 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>16384816

Isn't Bern almost flat?

>> No.16382698 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>16382768

With or without boobs?

>> No.16382768 [DELETED] 
File: 2.03 MB, 1856x1856, bullying.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16382822

What do you think?

>> No.16382822 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>16383001

Well, tittyfucking big boobs would certainly feel better, but watching the futility of a flat chested tittyfuck would have its own appeal. In the end it depends on whether you like oppai loli or not.

>> No.16383001 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>16383016

Does anyone have that image of Maria being discouraged that everyone has large breast and that makes her unique in the cast?

>> No.16383016 [DELETED] 
File: 120 KB, 549x360, umineko loli.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one?

>> No.16383036 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>16383108

That's the one.

>> No.16383108 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>16383154

Flat chests really are rare in Umineko aren't they? There's only 3 or so out of the Dozens of females in the series, and even then it's because they're children.

>> No.16383154 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>16383180

Other than Ange, who's loli form doesn't exist, and Lion, who's a catbox, Maria is arguably the only true flat chested in the series.

Therefore, I'll have my Maria flat chested.

>> No.16383180 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>16383219

Dlanor, Bern, and Erika could potentially be flat depending on the artist, but most people seem to agree that they should at least have something.

>> No.16383219 [DELETED] 

Dlanor doesn't exist. Neither does Bernkastel.
Erika's dead.

>> No.16383295

Speaking of oppai loli, in the previous thread some anon explained that the reason Satoko and Takano started developing breasts so early was because of a physiological reaction to losing their father figures at a young age. But if that's true, why didn't Maria also have that reaction?

>> No.16383302

Maria is developing breasts in the original sprite.

>> No.16383321

Oh that's right, I forgot about that. Man, that's some attention to detail.

>> No.16383374

Loli Ange's original sprite has breasts as well though, despite being only 6. I think that's just how Ryukishi draws lolis, I doubt it has any deeper meaning

>> No.16383383

Is that why ange turned out so stacked? Come to think of it, it seems like every little girl in wtc has lost their father. The only possible exception I can think of is Akasaka's daughter.

>> No.16383390
File: 131 KB, 231x394, Ri_pc_cas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16383486

Rika was flat

>> No.16383471

That's because of good genetics on her mother.

>> No.16383486
Quoted by: >>16383508

Is Rika the flattest girl Ryukishi has ever made?

>> No.16383508

What about that chinese loli in RGD?

>> No.16383546

i don't think anyone should take it more seriously than "ryu07 just likes big oppais"

>> No.16383772 [DELETED] 
File: 257 KB, 960x960, Maria big bra.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What could have been...

>> No.16383779
File: 602 KB, 1382x960, maria aging.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What could have been...

>> No.16383786

Mama would be so proud!

>> No.16383800

I wonder how it would have affected her bullying in class.

>> No.16383809
File: 360 KB, 640x2362, 1342934913550.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16383824

The other kids would bully her for being so different, but once she reaches middle school she'll suddenly become popular amongst the boys.

>> No.16383833

Fuck Rosa
Cuddle with Natsuhi
Drink with Kyrie
Kill Eva

Fuck Rudolf
Drink with Hideyoshi
Ski resort vacation with Krauss

>> No.16383888
File: 604 KB, 960x960, Maria Battler grope bra.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16383918

So would Battler.

>> No.16383918
Quoted by: >>16384040


>> No.16384040

Aren't promises great?

>> No.16384381
Quoted by: >>16384988

...12 years old?

>> No.16384816
File: 104 KB, 259x403, bigfatcattats.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16384840


>> No.16384840
File: 2.00 MB, 500x3080, berns boobs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just how fat are those cat tats?

>> No.16384988
File: 851 KB, 1838x960, maria age 9-12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You asked for it.
I figure Rosa was finally forced to give up on buying Maria new custom bras.

>> No.16385414
Quoted by: >>16385436

loli >*

>> No.16385436
Quoted by: >>16385619

oppai loli

>> No.16385619

loli > satoko > oppai loli < Rika

>> No.16386441

But Satoko = oppai loli

>> No.16386610

Loli with small boobs > flat loli > busty loli

>> No.16387404

by 18 her titflesh envelops the known universe

>> No.16387444
File: 634 KB, 1736x1234, battler universe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A universe of breasts

>> No.16387798
Quoted by: >>16393983

By age 20 her tits have obtained voyager status and traverse multiple universes.

>> No.16393792

How do you read the VNs? I always find it hard to get comfy. I usually end up with my keyboard on my lap, tapping the space bar when needed. I want to re-read them, but I keep remembering how hard it was to just lie back and read in a comfortable position.

>> No.16393983
File: 133 KB, 500x500, 67w5w767.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit, did we really just go 24 hours without a single post? Is it because there are like three semi-Umineko related threads up? Next thread should really have Umineko/Seacats in the topic

>> No.16394026
Quoted by: >>16394058

I didn't even know about this thread until a day ago.

>> No.16394058

It really is important to put that stuff in the OP. I wasn't aware of this thread for two days after it was posted. Next time I say we jump ship and make a new thread with Umineko/Seacats in the title.

>> No.16394084
Quoted by: >>16394213

Also be sure to post the same "New Thread" link in all the current threads so that they don't keep making multiple ones.

>> No.16394213
File: 375 KB, 800x600, 68155c843f55e59cef92a2af7d2be515.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Agreed. Hope people won't fuck up with the next thread.

That said, which witch's lap would you most like to use as a pillow?

>> No.16394265
File: 846 KB, 1254x827, __furudo_erika_umineko_no_naku_koro_ni_drawn_by_kozato_emaru__0bf442dc106c2fcef73095bb8bb5e44d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Erika's. Imagine having her read you a mystery while you rest your head on her thighs.

>> No.16394283

Hmmm...maybe she could clean my ears while she's at it

>> No.16394316

Dammit, why does relaxing with an intellectual rapist seem so appealing?

>> No.16394340
Quoted by: >>16394349

Sensual as that sounds, I wouldn't trust Erika with a q-tip near my defenseless ears.
I guess that's party of the allure though

>> No.16394349
Quoted by: >>16394363

Erika would probably be rough just to mess with you. Bern on the other hand would puncture your eardrums just for fun.

>> No.16394355 [SPOILER] 
File: 131 KB, 335x411, 1484091992692.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll go with the one nobody ever picks

>> No.16394363
Quoted by: >>16394409

>Erika would probably be rough just to mess with you.
I could stand that. I'd even like it. Wonder what she'd do once she found out that her messing with my ear caused a boner. Would she continue reading the mystery while cleaning my ear or would she slowly put the book down, bend down to look me in the eyes and whisper something naughty in my ear?

>> No.16394370

I never understood her appeal myself, but to each their own I suppose.
For me, Erika seems like the best choice, if she behaves. Same goes for Eva-Beatrice. Though Ange would be great as well.

>> No.16394409
Quoted by: >>16394455

She'd remove the q-tip and start poking the tip of your hard-on through your pants with it as she whispers obscenities into your now vacant ear.
Ange's got the body for it to be sure, but a lap pillow with her seems like it would be pretty awkward.

>> No.16394424

Honestly, I picked her out of pity because she literally never gets chosen.

>> No.16394434
Quoted by: >>16394490

> Erika with thigh highs
I'm not sure if that's better or worse than her usual tights.

>> No.16394455
Quoted by: >>16394478

>Ange's got the body for it to be sure, but a lap pillow with her seems like it would be pretty awkward.
How so? Because her breasts would basically be resting on your face? Or because of her horrible personality?

>She'd remove the q-tip and start poking the tip of your hard-on through your pants with it as she whispers obscenities into your now vacant ear.
Boner achieved.

>> No.16394478

>How so? Because her breasts would basically be resting on your face? Or because of her horrible personality?
A bit of both really. She'd probably stay totally silent throughout the whole thing, and you wouldn't be able to tell what kind of expression she's making with her breasts in the way.

>> No.16394490
File: 405 KB, 750x1200, erika without skirt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think this is the best attire for a lap pillow.

>> No.16394524 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>16394587

If she was wearing that, I'd be going for a crotch pillow definitely. Listening to the sound of her telling me mystery stories with one ear, listening to the sounds of her vagina with the other.
What if she gets to a really interesting bit of the mystery story and you feel your other ear getting wet?

>> No.16394538

But if you can't see her face, then she can't see yours either. That means you can secretly turn and look up her miniskirt without her realizing. And as we all know, Ange has a habit of going commando.

>> No.16394576

Ange's body is desirable enough, but her personality does leave a lot to be desired. Ange is for bullying and then making love to afterwards.
Erika is for lap pillows.
Lambda is for eating sweets with.
Bern is for drinking tea with while discussing mysteries.
Beato is for hardcore titfucking.
Virgilia is for completely non-sexual bedtime storytelling.
Maria is for head-patting.
Ronove is for jerking off together.

>> No.16394585
File: 185 KB, 500x345, ronove.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ronove is for jerking off together.
It's not gay if it's Johnny Depp.

Also, what's Eva-Beatrice for then?

>> No.16394587 [DELETED] 

That's when you challenge her to a match to see who can solve the mystery first. Winner gets to order the loser around.

>> No.16394601
File: 3.95 MB, 1918x2112, Ange welcome.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16395028

Ange is for breast pillows

>> No.16394619
Quoted by: >>16395028

Imagine Erika walking around in her panties like that, wiggling her hips side to side with a smug look on her face.

>> No.16394644
File: 134 KB, 620x712, Lambda eating.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16395028

>Lambda is for eating sweets with.

>> No.16394646 [DELETED] 
File: 181 KB, 850x833, bvjfhjf595.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mystery Anon here. Why can't Erika be real? I'd love to entertain her with one of my mysteries. I bet we'd have great chemistry. She'd scold me if the mystery was either too easy or too hard.

>> No.16394659 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>16394684

She'd probably realize the answer to the mystery early on but intentionally keep coming up with alternate theories that somehow still work.

>> No.16394684 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>16394751

That does sounds like her. To be honest, I doubt I'd be able to write a mystery that that intellectual rapist couldn't solve in five minutes. I like the idea of her playing along with alternate theories though. Heated arguments, furniture thrown around the house and then, passionate sex while she screams out alternative theories. Perfect girlfriend material.

>> No.16394751 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>16394889

What sex position would suit Erika the most?
For that matter, what positions suit the other witches?

>> No.16394889 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>16394940

My own personal fantasies aside, going by character, Erika is a top. She'd ride you like a fucking bull.
Erika would be cowgirl position. She wants to ride you and fucking look you in the eyes while she's doing it.
Ange is for missionary. She'd try to avoid your gaze but your eyes would inevitably meet and she'd look away instantly, blushing.
Eva-Beatrice would be reverse-cowgirl. She wants to ride you, but doesn't give a shit about you and doesn't want to look at you. To her, you're just a cock attached to a male body, so she'd face away. But hey, at least you get to watch that sweet ass.
Beato is for nothing but titfucking.
I think Bernkastel would be doggy style. She wouldn't want to look at you. That said, she'd be an unemotional being throughout anyway. Still, I bet you'd enjoy it.
Lamba'd difficult. She's quite playful and up for anything, I think. Do what you want with her basically.

I don't like to sexualize Virgilia and Maria.

>> No.16394932
File: 391 KB, 675x600, bdd43b1e35f18f1e99daf9821156a6ef.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All this talk of witches' laps and sexual positions. How gay can you get? What real men want is a summer holiday with the guys!
If you had to plan a summer trip with Kinzo, Nanjo and Genji, where would you go, what would you do?

>> No.16394940 [DELETED] 
File: 224 KB, 450x530, Erika Battler.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16395011

All excellent choices
I'd say Lambda would be good for 69. She probably tastes sweet, and would suck your dick like a lolipop.

>> No.16394947
File: 1.76 MB, 2133x2214, 1475629093619.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When looking at Nanjo there in that pic, it makes it hard to realize he's the one behind all the murders.

>> No.16394952
Quoted by: >>16395024

Work together to fake Kinzo's death then go for a cruise in the Bahamas while the family scrambles with the inheritance issue, only to come back a week later and reveal that it was a ruse while laughing at their incompetence.

>> No.16394982

you can hold a mouse and click. or if you have a gamepad, you can use joy2key to set space under one of its buttons and click it.

>> No.16395011 [DELETED] 

I was actually going to post 69 for Lambda. The position just never appealed to me so I omitted it. I agree though, the whole candy thing works with the 69 position.

>> No.16395024

My man. That's exactly what I'd do. Leave the family on the island and have a fun two weeks in the Seychelles with Kinzo, Genji and Nanjo. Drinking beers and cocktails, chilling on the beach. Those three are definitely the best guys to hang out with. I'd like to have Gohda there as well for company and culinary skills.

>> No.16395028

I want to fall asleep on those things.
Meant for >>16394490
What is that in her right hand?

>> No.16395051
Quoted by: >>16395080

I imagine it's beef jerky?
We all know Lambda loves a big stick of dry meat in her mouth.

>> No.16395068 [DELETED] 
File: 541 KB, 1080x1398, erika upskirt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16395112

In the unlikely event that you could best Erika in a battle of wits, what kind of punishment game would you give her?

>> No.16395080 [DELETED] 
File: 512 KB, 842x1559, __lambdadelta_umineko_no_naku_koro_ni_drawn_by_augetsix__633abeeddbe417cb38bf3a31921ccd9c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Taffy maybe?
I want Lambda to sensually lick frosting off my dick

>> No.16395112 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>16395148

As you said, it's highly unlikely. However!
I'd most likely mentally torture her, much like she did with Battler in his logic error. I'd keep her sex-starved, locked in a room, until she could solve the mystery. The make-up sex afterwards would be amazing.

In all honesty though, if she couldn't solve my mystery, she'd be so furious. I'd probably force her to wear a Rika outfit until she solved it. And I'd make her say "Nii-paaaah", and she'd blush really hard and pretend she's not bothered.

>> No.16395148
Quoted by: >>16395324

>And I'd make her say "Nii-paaaah"
Reminds me of a series of Umineko D&D videos I saw several years ago, in which Erika gets forced to go a long period of time ending all her sentences with kero.

>> No.16395166
Quoted by: >>16395190


>> No.16395190
File: 623 KB, 760x855, __beatrice_umineko_no_naku_koro_ni_drawn_by_ayuayu__afd998e86cedc1a01bb8f1bda748c933.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16395226


>> No.16395226
File: 470 KB, 534x800, hby7yt743h.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16395250

Sorry, just checking to see I wasn't banned. One of my posts seems to have disappeared and I have no idea why.

Anyway, on the subject of Beato, have some Beato.

>> No.16395250
Quoted by: >>16395281

I understand. "Beato" is my go-to ban check.
Which Beato is best Beato?

>> No.16395281
File: 642 KB, 907x1136, 5465465425.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16395298

Ha, I wondered about those random "Beato" posts. Always thought they were bumps.

And to answer your question, which Beato's are you talking about? I like to keep Yasu and Beato seperated. So my favourite Beato is smug Beato.

>> No.16395289
File: 127 KB, 581x485, 7537487.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Old man love is purest love.

>> No.16395296
File: 174 KB, 437x480, shesabigfatbitchshesthebiggestbitchintheseaoffragments.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16395378

>the one nobody ever picks
there's a reason for that anon

>> No.16395298

I meant things like Bice, Kuwadorian Beatrice, Original Beato, Human outfit Beato, Comatose Beato, Chick Beato, Beato the Elder, etc.

>> No.16395301
File: 850 KB, 900x750, grdtytyufrui.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16395318

I wanna get drunk with Ange!

>> No.16395318
File: 803 KB, 1000x1420, Ange is pushy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16395406

I get a feeling Ange's brocon tendencies would get out of hand when she's drunk.

>> No.16395324
Quoted by: >>16395338

It's a fangame, anon.

>> No.16395338

Huh, cool.

>> No.16395378
Quoted by: >>16395423

I mean, she's an interesting character, and she's plenty attractive, but something about her just seems unappealing.

>> No.16395406

>your lusty little sister will never squeeze your arm between her massive tits.

>> No.16395423
File: 176 KB, 437x480, shesanevilbitchifthereeverwasabitchshesabitchtoallthehumansandwitches.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16396727

the unappealing part is that she's a bitch

>> No.16395667
File: 187 KB, 300x486, beato laugh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

which seacat has the most annoying laugh/wail?

>> No.16395871
File: 71 KB, 266x238, 1463216000546.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16395899

She can't help it though

>> No.16395899


>> No.16396139

Not sure if this counts, but Kinzo's cough always got on my nerves. It sounds less like actual coughing and more like his voice actor is trying to puke up a lung.

>> No.16396717

Has anyone backported the new translation to the non-steam version, or am I gonna have to do some onscripter surgery?

>> No.16396727

too many fingers for an umineko character

>> No.16398100
File: 127 KB, 1197x993, blackler.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So who's the culprit?

>> No.16398104

R07 for sure

>> No.16398255
Quoted by: >>16398367

It's you Black Battler.

>> No.16398367
File: 59 KB, 547x737, frustratedblackler.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16402985
File: 134 KB, 648x709, 63459750828-06838-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16403163

24 hours again...what's the matter seacats? Cat got your tongue?

>> No.16403163

>iwaihime translatin never
>Trianthology translation never
>Hotarubi translation never
Whey even live?

>> No.16403224
Quoted by: >>16403306

MangaGamer's licensing survey should start soon, so you could tell them you want Iwaihime and Trianthology

>> No.16403306

I was doing it in previous years. It's all useless.

>> No.16403374

A new WTC will get translated though, right? After the success of Higurashi and Umineko, surely a competent group out there will pick it up?

>> No.16404469

Your silence is unnerving me. Surely the next WTC will be translated?

>> No.16404511
Quoted by: >>16404722

Are you bored?

>> No.16404533
Quoted by: >>16404722

Hard to say really. Being an actual part of the WTC series should generate some interest, but it seems translations for R07's works have been getting more rare lately.

>> No.16404722

I always am.

I know the neglect of his other works since Umineko doesn't show much promise, but surely a flagship title like WTC will get a translation? What's The Witch Hunt up to these days?

>> No.16404759
Quoted by: >>16404830

>What's The Witch Hunt up to these days?
Aren't they making the new translation for the Steam releases?

>> No.16404830
Quoted by: >>16404863

Surely they'll pick up When The Owls Cry, right? A dedicated translation group like that, re-translating a series of novels five times the size of War and Peace? Surely they'll grab onto the next WTC and translate it? Is there any way to contact them, see what they think about Ryu-chan's next project?

>> No.16404863

You could try checking their websites contacts page or something to see if you can get a hold of them.

>> No.16404893
Quoted by: >>16405070

>I always am.
Well, sucks to be you kyahahahaha!

>> No.16405070
Quoted by: >>16405078

We're all eternally bored, aren't we?
Why else would we dwell in, let's not dance around the subject, a general dedicated to a VN series that's been finished for years?

>> No.16405078

Because the VN has a ton of content that makes it good for discussion
