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File: 141 KB, 1280x720, 1451703452773.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16050058 No.16050058 [Reply] [Original]

Umineko thread

>> No.16050068

touhou is better

>> No.16051117

what's your favourite umineko, and why it's erika?

>> No.16051120
File: 330 KB, 500x700, 472d47412455461b9698cfe8f777046ed93629cf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because she's the best.

>> No.16051258

I feared we were gone for good for a second there.

Natsuhi. She is for cuddling and head-rubbing.

>> No.16051722 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>16051757

So, why'd it get purged? Did anybody actually do it, or was it just because you guys kept talking about doing it?

>> No.16051757 [DELETED] 

Not sure. I was banned just for suggesting it like a week ago. It was just a joke, mind. Never thought people would go so wild for it

>> No.16051819 [DELETED] 

Ah, looks like two people did do it. Then the posts got deleted. Then everyone mentioning it got deleted. Then the thread got deleted immediately afterward.

>> No.16052039
File: 887 KB, 1456x1028, NO U.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16052137

Damn man this manga is fucking gorgeous.

>> No.16052524
File: 2.20 MB, 1836x1800, Touhou X Umineko_waifu2x_art_noise1_scale.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16057109

why not both

>> No.16053050

Erika, the detective!

>> No.16053116

Erika, the witch of truth!

>> No.16053130

Erika, the pervert!

>> No.16053200
File: 895 KB, 1114x1125, gaap shannon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love how lewd these two look.

>> No.16053266

Has the sprite version of Shannon's edit been posted yet?

>> No.16053284
Quoted by: >>16061610

Not that I remember.

>> No.16053347
Quoted by: >>16053395

Learning that Beatrice had a penis ruined this whole thing for me.

>> No.16053395
Quoted by: >>16054824

First of all, Yasu hadn't had a penis since they where a baby. Secondly, just because Yasu is male doesn't mean that the Beatrice in the meta world is.

>> No.16054266
Quoted by: >>16054273

Has the general finally died to the point where we don't have constant R07 threads?

>> No.16054273
File: 88 KB, 1280x720, bern.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


No the Seacats are so popular that the post count frequently decreases on weekends.

>> No.16054379

I wish for an erotic death battle between this Shannon and Gaap. Same setting as George vs. Gaap, but Shannon instead of the former.

>> No.16054820 [SPOILER] 
File: 235 KB, 500x500, 1478100913484.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My favorite is still Gabriel

>> No.16054824

The one that escaped with Battler was male though. Battler kissed a boy. I don't like it!

>> No.16055274

without love, yasu's vagina cannot be seen

>> No.16055658
Quoted by: >>16055813

I don't understand anything.

>> No.16055813
File: 101 KB, 397x393, 1469540071729.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You poor thing. Without love, you cannot see the truth.

>> No.16055872
File: 112 KB, 467x659, c9b33498c5af93ce5d215775f9a11e4b71f083d2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16057221

I love you Erika.

>> No.16055877

I-I have love

>> No.16055995

Anyone have a blue ray torrent for 1st seasons of higurashi, p-p-lease? nanodesuuuuuu~

>> No.16056045
Quoted by: >>16057377

>blue ray
it's deen
it won't improve shit

>> No.16056128
Quoted by: >>16061387

But the one that Battler married was a girl.

>> No.16057109
Quoted by: >>16059999

Quick, someone get all those Higurashi/Touhou crossover pics from the mid-late 2000s!

>> No.16057113


>> No.16057221
Quoted by: >>16057296

Is Erika a genuine psychopath or something or can she be saved and made into a good ___wife?

>> No.16057296 [SPOILER] 
File: 476 KB, 898x926, 1478148569501.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She just needs the right ___wife.

>> No.16057377

>I can't into private trackers, the post
What >>16056045

>> No.16057850
Quoted by: >>16059238

>I don't like it!
Then there's also the fact that Yasu is 3/4th Kinzo while Battler is 1/4th Kinzo which results in yet another generation of inbreeding

>> No.16058855

>Anyone have a blue ray torrent for 1st se
Buy it poorfag

>> No.16059046
Quoted by: >>16059082

>Bern calling Featherine AuAu
is she meant to be Hanyuu or something?

>> No.16059082

it's r07 making a reference to his own work, the absolute madman

>> No.16059238

He can' breed anyway. He probably thought he'd adopt a kid with George.

>> No.16059331
File: 377 KB, 800x1148, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16059340
File: 400 KB, 800x1148, 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16059362


>> No.16059362

i want to hug the erika

>> No.16059999
File: 511 KB, 657x917, __kochiya_sanae_higurashi_no_naku_koro_ni_and_touhou_drawn_by_warugaki_sk_ii__df34a8b778e2bb5349b1795275245373 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16060736

Quickly, think of an animal.
got it? good
thats the new wtc installment (____ no naku koro ni) whats it about, anon?

>> No.16060759


Farmland murder mystery in the American south

>> No.16061303

i thought of a seagull because this is the umineko thread

>> No.16061387

This exactly. Which is why Meta Beatrice > Yasu.

Eva-Beatrice best Beatrice though.

>> No.16061610
File: 280 KB, 966x1217, Shannon nude final.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry about that. It ended up taking me longer than I'd originally expected to finish Shannon's edit. Anyway, here's the final version of her nude sprite.

>> No.16061620
Quoted by: >>16061641

>How about an erotic death battle between this Shannon and Gaap? >>16053200

Same setting as George vs. Gaap in Ep. 4, flower garden during the storm.

>> No.16061641
File: 397 KB, 966x1217, Shannon outfit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And here's the semi-lewd outfit. The lewd outfit should be ready in about an hour or so.

Snuff is kind a turn-off for me, but I could at least try to think a scenario.

>> No.16061657
Quoted by: >>16061678

Lewd outfit Shannon vs. Gaap, could have some ryona and erotic moments between the two, maybe one of them get horny, and not necessarily one has to die. As the battle progresses they clothes could suffer damage.

>> No.16061660
Quoted by: >>16061678

So cute and sexy. Good work, anon.

>> No.16061678
Quoted by: >>16061716

>not necessarily one has to die
In that case I'm all for it. I'll start thinking of ideas while I finish Shannon's other outfit.

Thanks. With all the layering and minor shading, Shannon's semi-lewd outfit was probably the most complex outfit to make so far.

>> No.16061716

>I'll start thinking of ideas while I finish Shannon's other outfit.
Sure, go ahead. I'll leave up to you to decide which girl will win. I'm sure that you could make this more erotic when you can choose the looser. Heck, you can even go with hardcore stuff.

>> No.16061844
File: 315 KB, 966x1217, Shannon outfit 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, here's Shannon's fully lewd outfit.

>> No.16061865
Quoted by: >>16061951

Very nice.

>> No.16061869
Quoted by: >>16061951

So pretty. Love the garter belt and how squishy her boobs look.

>> No.16061897
Quoted by: >>16062026

That image makes Gaap's tits look so small compared to Shannon's.

I want to poke those pasties.

>> No.16061931
Quoted by: >>16062026

This is the one I want Gaap to fight against. Battle of the hot and lewd Seacat girls.

>> No.16061950
File: 547 KB, 1920x2464, shan2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16062026

Thank you. I had asked for the lewded Shannon in that thread a while back. Shannon and Beato are the hottest lewds. Also see through Jessica.

>> No.16061951
Quoted by: >>16061994

Thanks, this outfit was really fun to make. I'm really happy with how it turned out

>Love the garter belt
I was a bit worried about whether half a garterbelt would work, so I'm glad you like it.
>how squishy her boobs look.
Shannon's breasts are definitely the centerpiece of these designs, so I put a lot of time into making sure they looked right.

>> No.16061994
Quoted by: >>16062103

>Shannon's breasts are definitely the centerpiece of these designs
totally agree, they're so beautiful.

>> No.16062026
File: 1.90 MB, 4332x960, lewd lineup..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd rather tickle them.
Not to mention two of the biggest racks in all of WTC
I'm glad I was able to meet your expectations.

Now that Shannon is done, who should I do next? Sorry if I forgot, but I can't remember if someone has already requested someone.

>> No.16062036
File: 504 KB, 1094x1063, Lucifer2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Shannon looks so nice. Did you say before you had no interest in doing any of the stakes?

>> No.16062039
Quoted by: >>16062049

>I'd rather tickle them.
I love the way you think.

>> No.16062049

I've got nothing against doing the stakes.
I wonder... If her nipples got hard enough, would they start pushing her pasties off?

>> No.16062100

I think boob squishiness and the skin-safe adhesive stops that from happening, but you can fantasize anything you want.

>> No.16062103
File: 177 KB, 649x243, Shannon boobs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they're so beautiful.
They really are.

Also, we never decided on outfits for Kyrie, did we?

>> No.16062127
File: 522 KB, 1011x1217, Shannon lewd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16062154

One last thing. I gave them some better expressions.

>> No.16062154
Quoted by: >>16062157

The pasties would only come off if someone started sucking on them, since it would loosen the adhesive.

What are these faces trying to convey?

>> No.16062157

That's good problem solving, that is.

>> No.16062166
Quoted by: >>16062435

Which Seacats have the biggest boobs? Like, who would the top 5 be?

>> No.16062430
File: 1.62 MB, 3197x1449, stake fix.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16063764

So it turns out the steam sprites for the stakes only have one pose, which is kinda disappointing considering how many the PS3 version had. To make matters worse, the pose has them putting their arm over their chest, which would be pretty annoying to work with. So in the end what I decided to do was take a pose from the artbook scans and incorporate it into the steam sprite. Here's how it turned out.

>> No.16062435

Hard to say given the inconsistencies between the various artists. I'd probably go with Gaap, Shannon, Kyrie, Natsuhi, and Ange.

>> No.16062610
File: 318 KB, 966x1217, Shannon bust up.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16063405

Just for fun, I tried giving Shannon's chest a bit of an upgrade.

>> No.16062829
Quoted by: >>16062847

do you not have 410?

>> No.16062847
Quoted by: >>16062849

Sadly, no. Unlike the stakes, the Chiesters actually all have different figures, and would need to be done separately. Also, 45 and Dlanor's edits aren't actually completed works. They're just one-off pieces I made back before I started doing these projects. Think of them as a sort of preview.

>> No.16062849
Quoted by: >>16062860

ah, fair enough
looking forward to luci anyway

>> No.16062860

I'll most likely be doing all the stakes at once since it's just a matter of changing their hair. Though if anyone wanted I could also try to give slight variations to their figures to make them look a bit more unique.

>> No.16063296 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>16063395


I was thing that for the Shannon vs. Gaap request it would be great to focus on Shannon's breasts more than any part of her body, of course still giving some importance to the rest. On the other hand, focusing more on Gaap's legs than the rest of her amazing body parts.

>> No.16063300
Quoted by: >>16063423

I was thinking that for the Shannon vs. Gaap request it would be great to focus on Shannon's breasts more than any part of her body, of course still giving some importance to the rest. On the other hand, focusing more on Gaap's legs than the rest of her amazing body parts.

>> No.16063395 [DELETED] 

I agree. Shannon's breasts are the best place to focus on. Gaap's got more of an all-around figure, but her legs would be a good place to focus due to her outfit.

>> No.16063405
Quoted by: >>16063516

We need to go even bigger.

>> No.16063423

I agree. Shannon's breasts are the best place to focus on. Gaap's got more of an all-around figure, but her legs would be a good place to focus due to her outfit.

>> No.16063436
Quoted by: >>16063442

Sorry for deleting my other comment, it's just that there was a spelling mistake that was bothering me a lot.

>> No.16063442

Don't worry about it, I know that feeling.

>> No.16063447
Quoted by: >>16063516

>but her legs would be a good place to focus due to her outfit.
and her side boobs, of course

>> No.16063516
File: 480 KB, 966x1217, Shannon big boobs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The biggest I'm willing to go for now.

>> No.16063526
Quoted by: >>16063548

but they're not real

>> No.16063548

In the golden land, they can be as real and as big as you want them to be.

>> No.16063559
Quoted by: >>16065043

They're perfect just like that. I want to help carry them for her while she works.

>> No.16063727
Quoted by: >>16065674


midi music is fucking haunting

>> No.16063753

Guys, i just finished episode 1. What exactly have i just commited myself to?

>> No.16063759
Quoted by: >>16063787

have you read higurashi first?

>> No.16063764
File: 1.24 MB, 1024x1725, rtyrty.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That works.

>> No.16063787
Quoted by: >>16063793


>> No.16063793

read it first and prepare for a ride that makes samurai flamenco look like a non-ride

>> No.16063821
Quoted by: >>16063849

Be careful when reading the threads if you haven't been spoiled already. The series has been concluded for so long that people here tend to not hide spoilers because it starts to feel like common knowledge at this point.
Higurashi would be best to start with as Umineko likes to subvert expectations and leave little references, but it's not completely necessary.

>> No.16063849
Quoted by: >>16064172

yeah, im pretty much blind. All i know is that battler becomes a sorcerer later on. I did watch higurashi a while back though so i do have a slight understanding of what to expect but that was only the first season, i dont know what the VN holds in it. Currently going through the 1st tea party.

>> No.16063879
Quoted by: >>16064108

>tfw watched the Higurashi anime instead of reading the VN
Really regret it now, but I don't think I could bring myself to still read it after knowing the plot.

>> No.16064108

I watched the anime first too, didn't regret reading the VN afterwards at all. Kinda like rereading with much more new information.

>> No.16064172

> Going through the first tea party.
You're in for one hell of a ride man.

>> No.16064601

Can someone tell me what the author meant without love it can't be seen? It's been used constantly throughout the series.

>> No.16064745

"Have an open mind."

>> No.16064801

There are several meanings behind that line.One is a hint that the murders are an act of passion as opposed to methodical killing. Another interpretation is that the line is directed at the audience. The story isn't just a mystery that's made to be solved, it's a narrative that's worth getting completely invested in. You have to love the story and can't ignore everything just because all you want to do is solve the mystery.

>> No.16064831

It has another hint as well. If you take Sayo and add an I (I sounds like 'ai'), and then rearange the letters, you get Yos(h)ia

>> No.16064963

Same, if they harden enough I don't think that the pasties will fall off, but maybe their countour could become visible through them. Their adhesiveness would also become less effective when soaked in water or with drops of rain. By the way, I loved the idea of the rose-shaped pasties that someone mentioned in a previous thread. Her pinkish nipples giving color to the flower pattern is such a great idea.

>> No.16064987 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>16064999

It has yet another hint to it. If you convert Beatrice to numbers, you get 2, 5, 1, 20, 18, 9, 3, and 5. If you add those together, you get 63. If you multiply the number for h, the missing letter in your bullshit theory, by that, you get 603.

If you add the numbers for "love", 12, 15, 22, and 5, you get 54. Multiply that by the the number for letter you forgot about, y, and you get 1340.

Add the 6 and 3 in 603, and you get 9. Add the 3 and 4 in 1340 and you get 7. What's the first thing you think of when you think of 7? That's right, 7/11. Since we already have 7, we're left with /11.

Put it all together, and what do we have? 100 and 9/11. That's right, Beatrice did 9/11 in 100 kakeras.

>> No.16064998
Quoted by: >>16065134

It has yet another hint to it. If you convert Beatrice to numbers, you get 2, 5, 1, 20, 18, 9, 3, and 5. If you add those together, you get 63. If you multiply the number for h, the missing letter in your bullshit theory, by that, you get 504. I, which sounds like 'ai', is the ninth letter, and since Kanon and Shannon are the two human personalities of Yasu, that makes for two ais, or 99, which when added to 504 makes 603.

If you add the numbers for "love", 12, 15, 22, and 5, you get 54. Multiply that by the the number for letter you forgot about, y, and you get 1340.

Add the 6 and 3 in 603, and you get 9. Add the 3 and 4 in 1340 and you get 7. What's the first thing you think of when you think of 7? That's right, 7/11. Since we already have 7, we're left with /11.

Put it all together, and what do we have? 100 and 9/11. That's right, Beatrice did 9/11 in 100 fragments.

>> No.16064999
File: 95 KB, 400x400, Battler gets Baited.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16065006


>> No.16065006
File: 123 KB, 400x400, ahaha.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16065675


>> No.16065043

But if you don't help her she may get tired enough that she'll start sweating and her pasties will come off without notice.

>> No.16065134

>missing letter
You're probably just joking, but it isn't missing. Japanese doesn't distinguish between si and shi, so Yosia and Yoshia would be pronounced the same

>> No.16065344
File: 572 KB, 642x501, one truth.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16065535

You have to first ask yourself what is love?
After the typical BABY NO HURT ME, it's somewhat more complicated. Many philosophers and thinker have come to describe love as foolish, irrational and tend to simply describe passion instead of love.

Love is simply valuating something in your hierarchy of values that you deem to be selfishly important, either because it tells you something about existence, you enjoyed yourself in its company or it helps you survive. The higher something is in your hierarchy of values, the more you love it. For example, say that you love person X but love money more, then you wouldn't spend all your money to save that person from cancer or whatever because you never really highly valued them. If you do love them more than basically anything, you would throw away everything you have because that love is high in your hierarchy of values. If you value something lower in your hierarchy of values yet sacrifice something higher in your hierarchy, then that would be a contradiction of terms. If you love someone very much in your hierarchy of values yet aren't willing to sacrifice everything lower in your hierarchy of value for it, then it shows that you don't love it.

This is similar to Umineko. If you do not value anything, you cannot see any good traits it might have. You see this about most people who go on rants about how the phrase ''without love it cannot be seen'' as a criticism for why Umineko is shit without mentioning any positive attribute. Apathy is the dismissal of something being important and Nihilism not having any hierarchy of values or a self to form hierarchies.

Similarly, Erika says the opposite, that with love you start to imagine things which is also true. When you're in love with something, you tend to love it so much that you tend to have an over evaluate of it and then to love the idealized notion rather than the reality with all its flaws. Shakespeare was big on this and it's not really surprising that Ryukishi keeps referencing Romeo and Juliette. There are countless sonnets and instances where Shakespeare finds people who love the true person rather than the passionate idealized versions and this more describes the folly of love more than love itself.

Ryukishi saying that without love it cannot be seen, and that if you've decided that you hate something, you won't see anything good in the opposite viewpoint. Ange has no love for Eva, so she can't see anything else.
It has nothing to do with magic but heart and biases. How many times have you argued on 4chan or on the internet about something, and the person wouldn't see your point because of how much unfounded hatred they had for your position or the thing you like? Like some piece of media.

For people who are very vocal about Umineko being shit. You'll notice that one of the thing they bring up constantly is only the negatives; what they didn't like or pissed them off. Never going in the middle to find a common ground to indulge the idea of the other side. People only see one truth, their truth, and the people who also accept their version of the truth, and nothing else. This is the flaw of humans. We seek the truth but we cannot even agree with each other on which truth is the correct one.
Have you ever argued with someone and had a vicious smirk that you knew the other person was such an idiot for having that opinion or taste? That complete dismissal look of superiority. It's honestly the worst aspect of humanity. It reminds me of the quote by Nietzsche
>The man of knowledge must be able not only to love his enemies but also to hate his friends
Except that most people tend to never love their enemies or hate their friends.

Don't hate people. Don't look down on position you deem inferior. Just pick the correct position you think is right and be open to opinions.

Personally, it's a core message that I love about Umineko. This is the cold truth of humans. We are too tribal to be open to opinions but we try. We just fucking try. All this endless arguing for nothing when we all just want to be happy and find the truth. But we have to sneer at others who see the truth differently.
It's just sad.

The problem stems from our inability to properly communicate ourselves to others. Small semantics and dissuasion brings more argumentation than progress. It reminds me of a parable that I can't remember the name where a bunch of guys find a vase in the middle of the desert. They can only see through the cracks and a few can touch. One sees that it's a rope. The other feels that it's hairy. Another feels that it's rough like a rock. Another feels that it's wet. It's an elephant. Everyone is correct but no one is right.

But what has me optimistic that is although we cannot fully understand each other, we can have empathetic feeling of understanding the position of others if we are open. A union of opposites of love and apathy is the key to evaluating and finding the truth

>> No.16065354
File: 572 KB, 1280x956, Screen Shot 2016-11-04 at 8.34.33 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what if war & peace was a VN

>> No.16065535
Quoted by: >>16065548

I've only read Umineko up to about halfway through episode 4, but I like your explanation nonetheless.

Aside from the whole magic setting and all, it all seems realistic in that most people are in a vicious debate with each other, looking down on everyone else's arguments, like in >>16065354

>> No.16065548

The vicious arguments about what happened on Rokkenjima only become worse in later episodes.

How spoiled are you for later parts? As said before it's kind of hard to avoid spoilers in these threads.

>> No.16065561

i've read it all but the last time i did was when episode 8 came out (which i never finished), rereading it again now so it's all pretty fresh. i was younger when i read it too so parts like that in episode 1 went right over my head.

i posted the screen

>> No.16065596
Quoted by: >>16065619

Not very spoiled. Mostly all I know is that Bern does something bad/betrays people, Battler becoming some sort of wizard, and the existence of certain characters like the one in the OP and maybe some other things, but I can't remember. The story thus far has been so cyclic and "meta" (although I'm not sure if that's the right word to use here) that honestly some spoilers don't seem quite that bad. People dying and then coming back make any sort of conclusion thus far feel nonpermanent. Umineko's themes and the journey of reading it are still good nonetheless.

I don't usually browse these threads. Umineko is just so damn long though. Just recently picked it up again after a hiatus from reading.

>> No.16065619
Quoted by: >>16065979

There are some things that happen in the plot that stick. If it happens in the meta world it has a bigger impact than if it happens on a gameboard.

Glad you're enjoying the ride. It's sheer length can be hard for people to get into it, especially with the first few episodes, but once people start they tend to not want to get off.

>> No.16065674
File: 979 KB, 1850x2550, dlanor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it's charming.

>> No.16065675
File: 143 KB, 300x650, 1zujbl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16065688
File: 377 KB, 713x790, comp1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why did the anime fail to capture any of the impact the other versions had?

>> No.16065693

Because DEEN is complete shit. It's like everything that made Umineko umineko got sucked out. The whole show felt soulless.

>> No.16065697
Quoted by: >>16065709

>Runs towards Lucifer and gives her a hug.

>> No.16065700
Quoted by: >>16065715

Because you can't capture the atmosphere of a hundred plus hours vn with a short animated series with crappy off model animation.

>> No.16065708
Quoted by: >>16065720

because anime

>> No.16065709
File: 796 KB, 1676x880, comp2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too late for that.

>> No.16065713
Quoted by: >>16065720

I want to keep Lucifer from vanishing. I want to marry Lucifer.

>> No.16065715
File: 597 KB, 1517x809, comp3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can say that again.
They could at least try to give the characters some more emotion instead of leaving all the expression to the VA's

>> No.16065720
File: 531 KB, 1368x769, comp4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You'll have to deito her first.
Anime was a mistake.

>> No.16065727
File: 624 KB, 1280x958, Screen Shot 2016-11-04 at 10.50.16 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

deen was so shit

th-they're still discussing money

they've been talking about the inheritance for an hour

i don't remember this scene being -this- long

>> No.16065729

Even frozen she still looks hot in the manga version. Just look at her pose, specially at her chest and her thighs. Would like to keep her like that. Goddamn girl!

>> No.16065730
Quoted by: >>16065746

This is the only scene that I skip through on rereads. Everything else I'm fine with but this scene always kills me.

>> No.16065746

it's an important scene, eva laying the smackdown on natsuhi was top tier

>> No.16065762

The bit with Eva and Natsuhi was good, but the rest was basically an info dump. It's important to see once so that you understand the adult's situations, but it's not the kind of scene you want to reread again and again.

>> No.16065769
Quoted by: >>16065778

That part is fine, I'm mostly talking about the second half where they repeat information the cousins already covered. A lot of it is mostly redundant. Then again it's cool to see Krauss curve stomp the other siblings.

>> No.16065778
Quoted by: >>16065786

Why did Rosa even need money urgently? Was her loan due or something?

>> No.16065786

I think so? Rosa's early motivations aren't that well established, she seemed just to go along with it because her older siblings were doing it.

>> No.16065795
File: 52 KB, 500x500, smug iberian man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is Krauss so smug?

>> No.16065813
Quoted by: >>16065871

Well said!

>> No.16065819

Budget and while the anime is very 'show, don't tell', the VN is all about giving you the message with many different angles.

>> No.16065871

I take my themework in Umineko seriously. It's one of the few things I feel confidant about when discussing the series. I suck at theorycrafting.

>> No.16065898

>Umineko will never be considered literature simply due to it's medium.

>> No.16065903
Quoted by: >>16065915

this is a good thing

>> No.16065915

True. I'd really rather it not be associated with what passes for literature these days.

>> No.16065918
Quoted by: >>16065940

Well, there is a novelization of it. That doesn't really change anything though

>> No.16065940

Not like most people would be able to read it anyway. It's not as accessible as the manga or the Vn.
>Nobody will ever take it seriously when to recommend it or they'll say they don't like animeshit.

>> No.16065947
File: 1.45 MB, 1280x960, ep4_2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's really good I swear!

>> No.16065958

>not as accessible
I think it was discontinued as well. Volume 1 of Episode 7 was released June 2015, and there hasn't been any more since then

>> No.16065960
File: 71 KB, 650x1237, 2132434079_full.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16066006

>It's got well rounded characters, an interesting plot, and is a great critique on the mystery genre. Really!

>> No.16065965

how did we go from THIS

>> No.16065979
File: 146 KB, 400x560, 6f6df268-8179-41b4-9007-49daac97f0e9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's so weird having the ride on halt since Ougon is getting a steam release before Chiru is. I also just started reading because the steam PS3 patch is out. End of chapter 4 and I'm already spoiled on who the culprit is because of these threads. Guess that's what i get for checking in every day for waifus and memes.

>> No.16065993
Quoted by: >>16067165

You don't have to wait for the steam version, you can just get Chiru now. Even if you know the culprit, there's still plenty to look forward to.

>> No.16065994
Quoted by: >>16065998

It's still fun even if you're completely spoiled on everything. I didn't know they were releasing ogun first. It's weird because Ougon heavily references chiru. If there are any new readers who aren't spoiled at all by now they'll be thrown fora loop. Unless of course none of the expansions are going to be added to the steam version.

>> No.16065998
Quoted by: >>16066007

Their skipping straight to cross, so I assume they'll have the expansions too.

>> No.16066006
Quoted by: >>16066010

I mean don't get me wrong. I love these designs, but it makes it really hard to recommend it to anyone.

>> No.16066007
Quoted by: >>16066020

>release a fanservice game for a franchise when half the characters haven't shown up yet.
I don't understand this. Do they think ougon is going to sell better than Chiru?

>> No.16066010

I agree. I mean the actual story content isn't a problem but a lot of people would have a kneejerk reaction based on some of these designs. Dismiss it as nothing more than anime trash.

>> No.16066016
Quoted by: >>16066020

>Ougon is getting a steam release before Chiru is
Do we know this for sure? Neither of them have release dates yet

>> No.16066020
Quoted by: >>16066022

All we know is that Ougon's localization has currently been announced and Chiru's hasn't. No actual dates as far as I know.

>> No.16066022

There's probably not even a lot of motivation to publish it officially because of WH making it readily accessible with the JP version. If anyone wanted to buy it they could just import it.

>> No.16066032

But isn't WH also the one's behind the new steam translation?

>> No.16066059

I assume MangaGamer would want to release it either way. They don't earn anything from people buying the Japanese version

>> No.16066063
Quoted by: >>16066117

I don't see anything about them on the steam page. The sprites for the Steam release are also kinda terrible

>> No.16066085

Yeah, they're working with MangaGamer. The new translation is just an improved version of the old one

>We’ll be working with the team at Witch Hunt to update the translation for Umineko alongside this new, official release on our platform and Steam.

>> No.16066117

>use pachinko art instead of making new sprites.
Why did this happen?

>> No.16066135

>Creating new assets

>> No.16066149

I realize how retarded that idea was as soon as I posted, anon.

>> No.16066156
Quoted by: >>16066169

They did for Higurashi

>> No.16066169
File: 427 KB, 960x960, Why.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And they're currently releasing Higurashi at a rate of 1-2 episodes a year. Plus didn't they end up making changes to their sprites after the initial release?

They didn't just take the pachinko art. They made it worse.

>> No.16066175

Oh god I never actually looked at them side by side before. At least there's something somewhat appealing about the pachinko art. Who thought any of this was a good idea?

>> No.16066176
Quoted by: >>16066185

>instead of using the PS3 sprites we'll just make everyone as fugly as possible

>> No.16066185

PS3 sprites were never an option. But yeah, they really fucked up.

>> No.16066191
Quoted by: >>16066216

I think the first time I read Chapter 1, the scene where Maria gets slapped was just meme material to me because the anime had just come out and it was parodied everywhere.

But now, I can tell that scene really marked the shift in tone for the first episode. Even though the inheritance talk was pretty tense, the scene with Rosa and Maria in the garden puts the end to whatever lightheartedness was left for Chapter 1. This shit is so well paced.

>> No.16066194

The "Nippon Impossible" face

>> No.16066216

They really blew their load in the anime by having that happen in the first episode. Really shows the pacing issues with the umineko anime.

But yeah in the VN that scene is a complete 180 from what we're used to.Yeah the characters joke around a bit still after that, but the jokes are interspersed with a completely tense feel after that. The toxicity of the Ushiromiya family comes to full light as soon as Rosa goes ham on Maria. It also helps at how downright realistic that scene is portrayed, (in contrast to most scenes in higuashi). It's not really all that funny, you feel as uncomfortable as the cousins do watching it happen.

>> No.16066237

She has both of those faces in the actual pachinko game. They didn't do anything to the sprites at all, which is why some characters have full sets with all their poses and experessions, while others only have a few. And some characters in Episode 4 don't have new sprites at all

>> No.16066262
Quoted by: >>16066298

I wonder how many babies could she breastfeed with such an amazing pair.

>> No.16066298
File: 933 KB, 960x960, Ushiromiya Batora ora.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16066321

Babies? She could breastfeed a full grown man. But only a true breast sommelier would be able to handle them properly.

>> No.16066321
Quoted by: >>16066336

How would her milk taste?

>> No.16066336
File: 1.95 MB, 960x960, Shannon bounce.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16066510

Mildly sweet, with just a hint of vanilla. The kind of soothing taste you could fall asleep sucking on.

>> No.16066510
Quoted by: >>16066537

Are you the anon writing the Shannon against Gaap fight?

>> No.16066537
Quoted by: >>16066566

Yep. Though I haven't gotten much yet. Any ideas are welcome.

>> No.16066566
Quoted by: >>16066576

I will try thinking up of some by tomorrow.

>> No.16066576

I'll do the same, then we can exchange ideas and create a full scenario.

>> No.16066911

It's not that good. Calm the fuck down.

>> No.16066936
Quoted by: >>16067010

Neither is a lot of the stuff that's praised as great literature.

>> No.16067010

Yeah, so imagine Umineko's spot below those.

>> No.16067015

Say it in red mother fucker

>> No.16067165
Quoted by: >>16067212

How does the original translation hold up? I've been told it's wording can be a little awkward at times.

I've actually already gotten a download of Chiru with UmiTweak preinstalled into it. For some reason, the game is stuck in 4:3 resolution and does not upscale well at all in fullscreen. Does anyone here know where I can get a Chiru torrent with at least 720p resolution.

I'm still pretty new to the VN scene, so I don't really know all the good places to get VNs yet.

>> No.16067212
Quoted by: >>16067224

The only reason the wording may seem awkward at times is because the translators were being extra careful so as not to miss any potential clues. Personally, I didn't notice any problems with it. It's still a very good translation overall, and was the definitive English version of the narrative for several years.

A good resource for WTC stuff is
though it's been a while since I last checked, so I don't know how many of the links there are still active.

>> No.16067224

>The only reason the wording may seem awkward at times is because the translators were being extra careful so as not to miss any potential clues

The sentence structure is down right bizarre at times. It's not the stuff that might hold clues, it's just seemingly a failure to translate in a way that adapts to the English language. I don't have a specific line right now, but it's very often word redundancy and sentence divisions that read awkwardly.

>> No.16067238
Quoted by: >>16067252

It was never really noticeable for me. It certainly wasn't jarring enough to detract from the story.

>> No.16067252
File: 115 KB, 500x526, 1477956541277.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16067267

I wrote that a little harshly. It's not detrimental, it's just what I noticed and what I think was what that Anon was talking about.

>> No.16067267

Well, it's possible I just didn't notice it. Chiru was my first VN after all. I always kinda figured that it was just Ryukishi's writing style.

>> No.16067472

I was actually rereading the scene in EP8 where Ange reads the Book of Truth. I swear to God that they reiterated the same piece of info about Ange continuing to search for shot after she dies like 3 or 4 times in a few minutes.

>> No.16067706
File: 290 KB, 2048x1536, 1475672247959.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where do we venture next?

>> No.16067754
File: 80 KB, 966x1216, Shannon.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was fun to make.

>> No.16067766 [SPOILER] 
File: 46 KB, 452x477, 1478364295198.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16067815

Doing gods work

SPOILER george is fat enough to count for two people, therefore george's fat is the 19th person! In red!

>> No.16067815
File: 143 KB, 966x1216, shannon 2.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Version 2

>> No.16068075
Quoted by: >>16068218

does ryukishi actually talk to his fans? what if someone wanted to have a conversation with him?

>> No.16068218
Quoted by: >>16068246

There was an anon in one of these threads who said that he sent a letter to Ryukishi, and he responded

They also have events like the 07th Expansion Party sometimes, where fans can meet him.

>> No.16068246

as someone who doesn't speak japanese, how would I go about this.

>> No.16068286

What a slut

>> No.16068299

I'm not sure. I guess you could try writing to him in English. He probably knows it to an extent

>> No.16068434

You could try sending something in English anyway. Maybe keep the wording simple so that it's easier to understand and translate, even if he has to use a machine translation for the whole thing.

I don't know how to contact him directly, though.

>> No.16068455
Quoted by: >>16069438

just dial 0 and ask the operator to connect you to ryuichi san

>> No.16068819
File: 355 KB, 800x600, 3fa51017ebd25b121424b1e78d103665.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any seacats here who enjoy drinking?
I was thinking of creating an Umineko drinking board game. Thought we might play it in the threads. Of course that would only be useful is there was enough interest.
I've got enough ideas to make it interesting and engaging, but if no one wants to play it'd be a waste of time to create it.

>> No.16068846
File: 187 KB, 431x415, smugger erika.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16068859
Quoted by: >>16069969

>Makes fun of drinking
>Posts a picture of the girl whose master is named after wine

>> No.16068867

>not drinking

>> No.16068885
Quoted by: >>16068902

>Third-rate detective
It's like you want to abandon your detective's authority.

>> No.16068902
Quoted by: >>16069969

Are we forgetting that Erika got drunk with Bern at her wedding in EP6?

>> No.16068907

What's wrong with drinking? Is this what they call bait?

>> No.16068922

If it's anything like the Touhou drinking game I saw a couple years ago I'm in, that was really fun

>> No.16068960
Quoted by: >>16068964

It's a bad joke.

>> No.16068964
Quoted by: >>16068970

Much like Erika's status as a detective

>> No.16068970
File: 1.37 MB, 1280x960, ep6_5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16069818


>> No.16069033
File: 524 KB, 582x1023, erika lounging.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you?

>> No.16069035
Quoted by: >>16069202

>If it's anything like the Touhou drinking game
What's this now?

>> No.16069202

Man that's nostalgic. Years ago someone made a Touhou drinking game. I think it was like some sort of board game and the last number of your post decided your roll and the board was full of spaces you could land on and they all had different rules within Touhou lore. I wish I still had it somewhere. It didn't last long but it was a lot of fun, I'd love to see a seacats version

>> No.16069218
Quoted by: >>16069267

That depends. Is there room for one more on that couch?

>> No.16069227
Quoted by: >>16069267

I hate her but probably yes

>> No.16069267

I'm sure two people could fit if they snuggled close together. But It'd definitely be a bit of a squeeze. She'd probably end up partially on top of you.
There's nothing wrong with occasionally enjoying a drink with a cute enemy.

>> No.16069438

anyone know a real way to contact him? i just know twitter atm...

>> No.16069444
File: 460 KB, 1423x951, witches witching.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16069467


I would enthusiastically take part in this.

>> No.16069467
Quoted by: >>16069599

That's enough for me. I'll work on it during the week, expect it to be ready next weekend.

>> No.16069470
Quoted by: >>16069582

>She'd probably end up partially on top of you.
That sounds [Very Good]

>> No.16069548

I'm tired of drinking alone.

>> No.16069582
File: 1.50 MB, 1472x2120, Forgery of the purple logic vol1_064.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is nice. I kind of want to write a scenario about drinking together with Erika now.

>> No.16069599
File: 566 KB, 2000x1519, angemilk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Great just don't make it edgelord poison control inducing "Drink an entire pint of Jim Beam" every move.

Then we can round up some old heads and schedule a good time for everyone to play/get shitfaced. Unfortunately weekend nights suck for me right now.

>> No.16069810
Quoted by: >>16069945

Rose shaped pasties would make this better, with her pinkisk nipples coloring the pattern.

>> No.16069818
Quoted by: >>16069959

>Hugs her and tries to calm her down gently while patting her head.

>> No.16069894
File: 2.89 MB, 2540x2139, Battler Erika.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgery of purple logic seems pretty interesting.

>> No.16069945

I'd have to make both nipples and rose-pasties first. I was also thinking of doing one where a pair of hands are moving her breasts.

>> No.16069959

Erika is for cuddling.

>> No.16069969
File: 63 KB, 494x378, FErika323-upcloseandpersonal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Anyone who drinks is actively killing their brain and their intelligence. Anyone with a sub 135 IQ and non-INTJ personality should just jump off a building now and stop contaminating the genepool and let us Uberdetectives advance the human race.

Lets face it, the reason that you haven't become anything so far in your life is not because your lack of motivation, or the distractions around you. It's because you are you and nothing will change about that. You will remain an unmotivated brainlet till the day that you die without a single achievement under your belt.

Don't worry, we'll remember your noble sacrifice as an act of brilliance amongst a sea of stupid decisions and the one action that you will be remembered by will be your heroic act to further mankind.

One glass of red wine per day is fine though

>> No.16069984
File: 78 KB, 239x234, blargh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying I plan on having children or being a parent
>implying I'm not trying to kill myself and destroy my body as fast as possible
>implying your post hurt me

>> No.16069988

Reminde that Erika got drunk during her own wedding.

>> No.16069991

She also wanted to try smoking.

>> No.16069992

>Drinks with Gohda and Nanjo
>Drinks on her wedding

I think our little detective has a problem with the drink. Would explain quite a few things

>> No.16070026
File: 979 KB, 1293x1496, Erika clean.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to wash Erika's back.

>> No.16070121

i have an IQ of 142 and i like to get drunk and fap at erika everyday

>> No.16070190
File: 262 KB, 1196x568, erika strip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16070209

Does masturbating to Erika increase your IQ?

>> No.16070209
Quoted by: >>16070225

Yes. Do it everyday.

>> No.16070225

Does the effect stack if I do it multiple times a day? Does fapping to someone else negate the effect?

>> No.16070226
Quoted by: >>16070235

>fapping to anyone else
Heathen. You don't even deserve to breathe.

>> No.16070235
File: 2.90 MB, 2443x1417, To be continued....jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sorry. I don't know what I was thinking. Here, take this lewd Erika as an apology.

>> No.16070237

>Does fapping to someone else negate the effect?
Like whom?

>> No.16070245
File: 1.24 MB, 1180x850, nice boat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her fellow witch of truth of course.

>> No.16070259
File: 135 KB, 800x534, IMG_1520.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16070273

This Battler cosplayer

>> No.16070263
File: 1.28 MB, 1280x960, ep5_6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16070273

Or perhaps her partner?

>> No.16070268

How do you find out your IQ?
and don't you get bored of the same Erika porn?

>> No.16070273
Quoted by: >>16070284


>> No.16070284
File: 432 KB, 849x1200, Erika Dlanor Sex.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16070301

What if I fap to yuri of Erika and Dlanor?

>> No.16070301
Quoted by: >>16070390

That is still within the rules. Post Erika art made to promote Plasytation's Chiru.

>> No.16070510

>Where would you investigate first?
She could be hiding a murder weapon in her chest. Start by feeling her breasts for any concealed objects. If she starts acting indignant than there's a good chance she's hiding something. In that case you'll need to perform a more thorough examination. Slide one hand down front of her swimsuit and attempt to work your way between her breasts. If this proves too difficult then try lubricating her cleavage by licking it first. Once your hand is deep enough inside you can start feeling for clues.

>> No.16070518
File: 846 KB, 1254x827, __furudo_erika_umineko_no_naku_koro_ni_drawn_by_kozato_emaru__0bf442dc106c2fcef73095bb8bb5e44d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But what if you enjoy the feeling of her exposed skin?

>> No.16070521
Quoted by: >>16070562

She has very nice thighs.

>> No.16070526
Quoted by: >>16070542

Well, I don't. You asked what I would do. That's what I would do.

>But what if you enjoy the feeling of her exposed skin?
Then marry her.

>> No.16070542

It's a shame we don't get to see them more. I wish her skirt was shorter.

Fair enough. In that case, how would you enjoy your mummified detective?

>> No.16070546
Quoted by: >>16070562

I want to rubt hem.

>> No.16070360
File: 1.45 MB, 1246x1929, erika pleading.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When Erika sees your huge throbbing truth.

>> No.16070562
File: 688 KB, 1050x1200, Erika panties.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16070566

meant for >>16070521

I want to use them as a pillow

>> No.16070566

Cute pantsu.

>> No.16070388
Quoted by: >>16070390

This thread got lewd. I finished Umineko the first time a little before Halloween. Erika a cute.

>> No.16070390
File: 115 KB, 1200x847, 1457729017817.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like this?
>This thread got lewd
They tend to do that.

>> No.16070577

This just raises the question. Is Erika wearing Jessica's old bra and panties?

>> No.16070394
Quoted by: >>16070400

>Like this?

>> No.16070400
File: 1001 KB, 800x1276, 1457745977252.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This too I guess?

What should one do upon discovering a duct-taped detective?

>> No.16070409
Quoted by: >>16070438

Cover her entire body with duct tape till there isn't an exposed part left.

>> No.16070588
File: 405 KB, 750x1200, 36285629_p1_master1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16070671

Of course. What do you expect from the great detective? Though I think they'd look even cuter without the skirt getting in the way. Erika should just go around dressed like this.

>> No.16070422
Quoted by: >>16070438

Investigate the crime scene. There may be some hidden evidence somewhere.

>> No.16070430
Quoted by: >>16070438

Is it common?

>> No.16070438

It's consistent. Pretty much every thread has lewd patches scattered throughout.
What would that accomplish?
Where would you investigate first?

>> No.16070441
Quoted by: >>16070455

Duct tape her mouth and nose and see what happens.

>> No.16070452

Let Shannon breastfeed her. >>16067815

>> No.16070455
File: 478 KB, 800x751, __dlanor_a_knox_and_furudo_erika_umineko_no_naku_koro_ni_drawn_by_misti__a13bbb4330c0c1059286f7dd57baa33f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16070474

What could go wrong?

>> No.16070474

>Disposes of her corpse by burning it in the basement.

>> No.16070478
Quoted by: >>16070518

>What would that accomplish?
You could have fun bullying your own mummy waifu.

>> No.16070638
File: 3.51 MB, 580x829, erika jiggle.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16070653

I want to thoroughly examine Erika's boobs.

Erika would probably bite her.

>> No.16070653
Quoted by: >>16070672

>Erika would probably bite her.
In that case Shannon would pass out from the pain, fall over Erika, and accidentally suffocate her to death with her boobs.

>> No.16070671
Quoted by: >>16070715

I wouldn't mind that. I bet they hug her butt nicely.

>> No.16070672

Karma. You hurt boobs, boobs hurt you.

The only one who Erika would want to breastfeed her is Bernkastel or Dlanor.

>> No.16070715
File: 541 KB, 1080x1398, 31996896_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16070764

I'd like to do a lap pillow while she's dressed like that. Of course, I'd be facing towards her so that I can stare at her cute panties up close.

>> No.16070764

I like the way you think.

>> No.16070842

Something's quality doesn't necessarily deny its status as art/literature. There's plenty of schlocky stuff out there (vastly inferior to R07's work) that has definite literary merit.

>> No.16070983
File: 3.71 MB, 7000x1519, __furudo_erika_umineko_no_naku_koro_ni_drawn_by_maroyan__6acf1915e928bf0f2335fa7667a03d3f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which one is best?

>> No.16071002
Quoted by: >>16071019

Far right and the one in a pink bikini. Red and pink colors really suit her. Green would probably look also good on her.

>> No.16071019
File: 109 KB, 824x1079, Erika casual.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16071053

I agree. I also like the white bikini too. Sometimes something simple is nice.

I wonder how Erika usually dresses. I't be funny to see her lazing around home on a Sunday, reading through a bunch of old mysteries in just a t-shirt and panties.

>> No.16071053

I would like to lay my head on her butt and lounge about with her.

>> No.16071071
File: 344 KB, 403x1096, __furudo_erika_umineko_no_naku_koro_ni_drawn_by_miyuki_rei__6570143a24c965f1c5987581db1511ba.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Understandable. Erika has a very nice butt after all. I could spend an entire afternoon resting my head on those cheeks. Erika could read her mystery aloud and you could offer your theories as you rested.

>> No.16071079
Quoted by: >>16071125

It would be very relaxing to read with her like that. Very sweet and comfy.

>> No.16071085
Quoted by: >>16071125

White school swimsuit, naked apron and frilly bikini in that order

>> No.16071105
Quoted by: >>16071125

Is she purposely not wearing pantsu,ot did she forget?

>> No.16071125
File: 381 KB, 750x421, 37703510_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16071135

My only concern is that when it's that relaxing you could end up falling asleep and start drooling on her panties, so it might be best if she didn't wear any from the start.

Swimsuit designs are always fun.

She wouldn't just forget like that. Just look in her left hand. That's all the undergarments she needs.

>> No.16071135
Quoted by: >>16071152

You have me wondering if she would go bottomless for a day in bed like that.

>> No.16071152
Quoted by: >>16071191

I think she'd be fine with it so long as it's just the two of you. She might be more willing to go bottomless during the summer when it gets really hot. But during a cold winter you'd have to find a way to keep her bottom warm for her to before she'd agree.

>> No.16071191

Nude cuddles on a cold winter day seem nice. Skinship and bodywarmth.

>> No.16071354
File: 185 KB, 371x350, FErika350.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All this lewd talk

>> No.16071465

Is Ougon Cross canon to the series?

>> No.16071479
File: 459 KB, 1000x4446, seacats nge.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16071595
Quoted by: >>16072258

I wouldn't be able to resist burying my face in it

>> No.16072114
File: 80 KB, 300x344, 300px-Battler_Normal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16076757

What's in Battler's pocket?

>> No.16072184

Does anyone have a pic of the "I dedicate this tale to my beloved witch Beatrice" that happens at the very end of the VN?

>> No.16072258

I think I have some nudist tendencies.

>> No.16072310
File: 772 KB, 640x480, 2016-11-02_19-59-11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only this I think, no higher res version.

>> No.16072337
File: 729 KB, 800x975, 1460575510184.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16072390

Just what I wanted
Thanks anon
Have a lEwrika for your troubles

>> No.16072365
File: 1004 KB, 1373x1024, c44e08484b96415f1a85f89ab2fcc1c3eccb382e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16072428

>> No.16072390

I'm a bit pissed though it's not in my folder with the ps3 CGs. It'd make for an amazing wallpaper.

>> No.16072428

Erika has really grown on me.

>> No.16072629
File: 531 KB, 800x500, sbg_18.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a dozen painfully slow mediafire downloads later I found it
The file is too large to upload here


>> No.16072641
Quoted by: >>16072672


>> No.16072672 [SPOILER] 
File: 564 KB, 640x480, 1478459488166.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I liked it especially when it mocked or challenged you

>> No.16072832
Quoted by: >>16074924


B-b-butt they did Higurashi, and it wasn't so bad minus being badly drown at places. At least kai was was an improvement, right, and VO was good r-r-right?


God this manga is gorgeous, and higurashi one is too.

>> No.16072845
Quoted by: >>16072991

For me Eva went form total cunt to a dindu, I even felt guilty and sad for hating on her so much in the first place.

>> No.16072859

And I am just a completely dumb cunt who didn't even try to solve shit, but somehow guessed half of the things.

>> No.16072888

Would be nice, at least it will solve 'here is 20 important characters within first 300 pages and then 20 more and more and more" shit.

>> No.16072923

> and let us Uberdetectives advance the human race.

This was funnier that it should have been.

>> No.16072991

She's my favorite of the aunts. She has her flaws but it's apparent why she is the way she is, even in EP3.

>> No.16073696
Quoted by: >>16073709

I'm still angry after the end of Episode 3.

>> No.16073709 [SPOILER] 
File: 114 KB, 1200x900, 1478475281226.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16073717

You'll get over it eventually. Probably.

>> No.16073717
Quoted by: >>16074924

I tried. Even when they made Beatrice sympathetic I tried. I can't, Anon. I'm too mad.

>> No.16074883
Quoted by: >>16074895

I wonder of he truly loved Erika.

>> No.16074888
Quoted by: >>16074996

What happened to the rope thing on the pasties?

>> No.16074895
Quoted by: >>16074899

I want to show Erika some love.

>> No.16074899
Quoted by: >>16074903

She'll never acknowledge it as love.

>> No.16074903
Quoted by: >>16074919

Somehere inside she might. It's enough if she feels genuinely cared for.

>> No.16074919

>Somehere inside she might. It's enough if she feels genuinely cared for.
>implying she can see the gold truth
>implying she won't demand a red truth like she did for her boyfriend
Can you prove that there does not exist any evidence that you've been or will ever be unfaithful to Erika, even if you tell her that you love her?

>> No.16074924
Quoted by: >>16074950

Higurashi is easier to adapt into an anime, honestly. Also even the Higurashi anime was butchered at parts.

Another problem of the Umineko anime is that it seemed like they were trying to hard to make it feel like Higurashi at parts. At it's core, despite some similar characters and a similar structure (the same incident being repeated) they're completely different beasts.
I always thought that the scene with Beato at the end of episode 3 was the actual act, she was just putting on a show to piss Battler off more.

>> No.16074950

The scene earlier was very touching. I was very upset at the end of episode 3. Quite mad.

>> No.16074972

I always interpreted that as her genuine emotions, everything after that was because she realized that she couldn't live peacefully with battler. She acted like a bitch to give him more motivation. At least that's how I saw it.

>> No.16074995
Quoted by: >>16075028

It's certainly nicer to think of it that way. I wanted to believe in her.

>> No.16074996
Quoted by: >>16075018

I decided not to include it in the end. Plain pasties still work well, and would be much easier to work with in any future edits involving Shannon.

>> No.16075018
Quoted by: >>16076423

I dunno, just a round circle is a bit too plain? It's still fine.

>> No.16075028
File: 185 KB, 870x1236, regret.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It wasn't fake.

>> No.16075053

Forever mad. Forever.

>> No.16075058

Yeah Beato truly wanted to keep things like that for the rest of eternity. Until Angie came in and ruined everything. After that she decided to taunt Battler to keep him playing the game. She needed him to hate her with all of his heart. Umineko is suffering.

>> No.16075071

Especially since Beato dies in regret and gets replaced by a copy.

>> No.16075072
Quoted by: >>16075078

I can't forgive her.

>> No.16075078
Quoted by: >>16075115

But she's the one who was hurt the most by her own actions.

>> No.16075095
Quoted by: >>16075112

Ange didn't fuck things up. Battler was about to sign his resignation but noticed something was up at the last second. Ange just saved him from being pressured to sign.
Remember that Beatrice is the only one who can let people enter her golden land, and therefore knew Ange entered and let her in. Beatrice let her in because forcing Battler to sign wasn't a victory. She wanted Battler to understand her and he did at the end.

>> No.16075108

Winning is not a victory for Beatrice. Getting Battler to understand her and ending the game in a stalemate is a victory. That's why Lambda was getting pissed at her.

>> No.16075112
Quoted by: >>16075145

I really need to reread Umineko one of these days. I completely forgot about the plot point that Beatrice was the only person who could allow people to enter. I thought Ange was allowed to enter because she was one of Bernkastel's pieces.

>> No.16075115
Quoted by: >>16075123

These are complicated feelings that I'm feeling.

>> No.16075123
Quoted by: >>16075134

Perhaps what you're feeling is a mix of anger and love? Are you angry at the golden witch because you love the golden witch?

>> No.16075134
Quoted by: >>16075148

Love is a strong word. I certainly wanted to believe in her.

>> No.16075145

Nope. Only Bernkastel was allowed to enter as a guest.

>> No.16075148

Your trust was broken. Your faith in your love was shattered.

>> No.16075151

I still think love is too strong a word, but you're on the right track.

>> No.16075152

Without love it cannot be seen. Trust can be rebuilt, a life without love is a shallow existence. You'll never understand the truth without love.

>> No.16075255
Quoted by: >>16075314

Trust is like respect. Hard to gain but easy to lose.
Just because trust can be rebuilt does not mean it can ever be rebuilt, nor that a person will ever get over their betrayal and allow for it to be rebuilt.
Just like my betrayal by Bernkastel.

>You'll never understand the truth without love.
Incorrect. You can understand the truth without love but you need love to see certain aspects of the truth. But it should also be noted that if you have love, you start to see things that aren't there or you over value things that are there.

>> No.16075314
Quoted by: >>16075335

But is it wrong to overvalue something? With love and trust there's always the risk of that trust and love being broken. But giving something that trust in the first place means you think it's worth taking the risk of getting hurt.

I don't think it's entirely wrong seeing things that aren't there, as long as you don't completely ignore something's negative traits. Accepting them is all a part of trust and love. The reverse can be true too. Like Erika and Bernkastel if you hold no love for something you ignore most of it's positive or unique traits and mostly see it as a puzzle to overcome.

Love is like a gamble. There's a high risk of losing, but if you win a miracle can occur. It's themes like that which make me love Umineko so much.

>> No.16075335
Quoted by: >>16075430

It is. Many Shakespeare sonnet talk about this and I agree with him. When you romantically love something, you tend to love the romanticized idea of it more than the person itself in an attempt to ignore or disregard the flaws. Love is an illusion but it should never be ignored that illusions make you lose sight of reality.

>I don't think it's entirely wrong seeing things that aren't there, as long as you don't completely ignore something's negative traits.
The problem is more that people see things that aren't there but also chose or ignore the things that are there.
You don't really overvalue something if you recognize its negative. By acknowledging its negatives, you are placing a correct value.

>Accepting them is all a part of trust and love.
It's not really a question of accepting it but not seeing it. How can you accept something you can't see?
You see this a lot with young love. Especially idealized love.

>if you hold no love for something you ignore most of it's positive or unique traits and mostly see it as a puzzle to overcome.
Which is how I see it. But then I only love myself and Rika so meh. The problem is more the fact that whenever people talk about love, it seems and feels too vague for people to communicate what it means. Love, as mentioned before, is simply holding something or someone in your hierarchy of value that you consider important. If you do not have that, then you do not love it.
A person without love would look at a person, a lover, and see it more as an puzzle to overcome; a challenge. You love the challenge of the puzzle more than the person itself because that person has nothing to offer to you other than what they have to offer in terms of their personal history and whom they are.

Being in love and love are two different things.

>Love is like a gamble. There's a high risk of losing, but if you win a miracle can occur.
Ehhh, yes and no.I do absolutely agree with Ryuikishi on the concept of love but not in the way you describe it. If you overvalue something, you might think that everything is fine, that the person you fell in love with is the right person, and that everything is fine. That can make you lose your love or find yourself hurt when the illusion of love eventually disuses itself.
Being in love is a gamble and a fight to see if you are worthy of keeping it. If you win your conquest, you win the miracle of being happy in the illusion of love. There is a high risk of losing because of all the amount of factors of losing your love or not meeting the qualifications to hold that love.

>> No.16075430
File: 167 KB, 575x650, Battora.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Love is an illusion but it should never be ignored that illusions make you lose sight of reality.
You're not exactly wrong, love is an illusion. Getting completely caught up in the illusion causes you to completely ignore reality and believe in pure fantasy. If all you live for is fantasy then you're not living much of a life. However... Sometimes fantasy and illusions are necessary to get by in life. A little bit of fantasy to spice things up every once in a while isn't all that bad, as long as you don't let it completely drown out the truth. We need to indulge ourselves in fiction every once in a while, that's why people love to read stories. They want a little bit of escapism to forget about their problems in their life. But they can't completely get rid of or ignore their problems, they have to face reality eventually. You need to have a bit of moderation. You can't lose yourself completely to love, but life has a little more spice to it if you're in love and feel love. Seeing nothing but the complete objective truth while ignoring fantasy completely, (not just the illusions that are completely harmful) feels a little empty to me.

>The problem is more that people see things that aren't there but also chose or ignore the things that are there.
And that's what completely losing yourself to the illusion is. It's the feeling you get when you first fall in love with something/somebody. You ignore all of it's faults and thing that it's completely perfect. It's only when you acknowledge somebody's faults that you are actually in love. You're accepting them despite their issues, not just pretending that they don't exist. Again it's the same thing with a piece of media. No story is completely perfect and it's stupid to treat it as if it's totally faultless, but you enjoy it despite some plotholes/issues. Umineko is a very flawed story but I love all of the ideas and concepts present in it, and I care about it despite acknowledging it's issues. On that note I don't think love runs by an exact formula. It could be because of our completely different ideas of love but I don't see it as a puzzle. To me it's not about finding X about person Y, it's about an experience. The more you learn is all a part of a ride. You ride through that high while still not losing sight of the reality of the situation. Maybe I'm just a bit of a hopeless romantic that way.

>There is a high risk of losing because of all the amount of factors of losing your love or not meeting the qualifications to hold that love.
And to me the gamble of losing that love makes the reward of keeping and holding onto that love all the better. It's not something that's perfect that you can always rely on, but when you manage to create that bond despite all of those risks you reach a true miracle.

>> No.16075541
Quoted by: >>16075555

After a betrayal like that I'm not sure. This needs a lot of personal introspection.

>> No.16075555
Quoted by: >>16077716

Beato's betrayal gets everybody the first time around. You have to let it sit for a bit. Episode three really smacks you in the face. Later helps kind of help cushion the impact though. Help you see it through her POV.

>> No.16076408
File: 954 KB, 1166x1217, Shannon vs Gaap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've come up with a full outline for Shannon and Gaap's erotic fight scene, and have just started to write it out. It should be ready either tonight or tomorrow depending on how detailed I end up making it. After that I'll be focusing on the stake's edit.

>> No.16076423

It's a bit minimalistic, but I think it works. It also makes it much easier to make things like >>16067754 I might add other things later though, who knows.

>> No.16076757

His hand
He's playing pocket pool with his dick

>> No.16076769

I'm excited! Thank you for your hard work.

>> No.16077084
File: 667 KB, 1575x2230, 1399551c57ae9659ddba5586ac11877e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16077213

>> No.16077201

It's been years since I've read the VN but I still regularly listen to the amazing OST. Can anyone remind me when Kuina plays? I've completely forgotten.

>> No.16077213

That ring would not fit on her finger.

>> No.16077229

Eagerly awaiting to read it.

>> No.16077320

the youtube videos often have comments saying when it's played

>> No.16077386

If my memory is correct it played during the court of illusions scene where Erika was destroying any possibility of the Culprit not being Natsuhi.

>> No.16077716

I recently finished the whole thing. I'm still angry.

>> No.16078047
File: 122 KB, 800x700, 999346662.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like /seacats/ but there's a couple of stuff I'm missing.
I want more game boards/mysteries, it's been over a month I think.
That drinking game someone mentioned sounded like fun, I want to see that as well.
Also, more lewd stories.

I can't be the only one.

>> No.16078088

I'm currently working on that Gaap vs Shannon lewd story. But yeah, I hope someone will try making another gameboard sometime soon.

>> No.16078092
Quoted by: >>16078301

When the Cats Meow.
Set in an old people's home full of eccentric old men and women with a strange or disturbing past. The cast also includes their carers, some psychologists, some doctors etc. In the old people's home they're all allowed to have cats, but only cats. Hundreds of cats roam the home in an effort to cheer up the pensioners and keep them company.
Old people are found locked in their room, dead, partially eaten/nibbled. Everyone assumes it's the cats that found the old people who presumably died of old age. But the main doctor confirms their deaths were not of natural causes, but they died of the scratch and bite marks. Who is killing these old people in locked rooms and blaming it on the multitude of cats with free reign of the old people's home? It turns out all these pensioners have their own dark secrets that may have provide motives for several of the other pensioners/carers/doctors/psychologists.
One thing is certain, when the cats meow, no one is left alive.

Neko No Naku Koro Ni

>> No.16078105
Quoted by: >>16078141

I have had an Erika fapfic on the backburner for months that just needs final touches. I will post it when I have the time to edit it in hopes that others will write about other characters too.

>> No.16078141
Quoted by: >>16078150

Not him but I really prefer discussing lewd stuff over reading it. Like the nightly rapings of Krauss. That might just be me though, I still love it when anons contribute in any way

>> No.16078150

I like both. The Erika discussion from the other night was fun.

>> No.16078156
Quoted by: >>16078213

>I want more game boards/mysteries, it's been over a month I think.

>But yeah, I hope someone will try making another gameboard sometime soon.

That's me. Blame writer's block and uni. I promised a game for Halloween but I just couldn't manage it. I really want to get another game started and it'll happen soon. I just want to change a few things so it doesn't become guesswork or a process of elimination. I might have to tweak the way we did game boards before. I've got a great puzzle ready though and that's always a good way to start writing a board. It's been a combination of laziness/writer's block and the fact that game boards were a bit too frequent. I'd like them to be something we enjoy once in a while. Anyway, I hope you'll all look forward to it. Boards are always more fun if more people participate.

>> No.16078170
Quoted by: >>16078195

>Also, more lewd stories.
My lungs burst and I can't breathe, so don't expect any lewd stories from me for awhile.

>> No.16078195 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.70 MB, 900x1200, 1478563694441.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16078241

Have a lewd Erika and get well soon.

>> No.16078213
Quoted by: >>16078240

I tried to join in a game board once but I didn't have the time. I'm always afraid to jump into a game board on /seacats/.

>> No.16078240

Why are you afraid?
Which game board was it, do you remember? Chances are, I made it, unless it was He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Mentioned.

>> No.16078241

I feel like I'm dying.

>> No.16078244


>> No.16078258
Quoted by: >>16078284

It was ages ago I don't exactly remember. It's mostly just nervousness I guess. Shouldn't be too afraid to jump right into a gameboard I suppose.

>> No.16078261

fairly sure it was Julian Ass-ange (the guy who kept going on about Ange's ass)

>> No.16078275

Sounds like it was a shit show.

>> No.16078284

No, you shouldn't. It's more fun that way. It's not like wrong theories are ridiculed, they should just spur you into changing your point of view. I've get a nice body disappearing scenario I'm writing for my next game and I'd love to see everyone's theories.

It was the Bern spanking anon actually. He got banned and eventually left. Even mentioning him could get you banned a while ago though I think it's safe now as long as we don't go on about him.
Anyway, I think that during the time when game boards were rife it was mostly him and me creating them and maybe one other anon.

>> No.16078287
File: 334 KB, 650x882, c396f5763d54fedbcd738f55a774c724.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16078297

>Focusing on just Ange's ass

>> No.16078290

>It was the Bern spanking anon actually
Oh shit yeah, knew it was something like that.
God damn did that guy like to talk about spanking

>> No.16078291
Quoted by: >>16078330

Out of curiosity, which gameboards did you make?

>> No.16078297
Quoted by: >>16078322

I want to to chain Ange to my bed.

>> No.16078301

I like the setting of an old people's home. Still holding out hope for When The Owls Cry though, I fucking loved that premise

>> No.16078322
File: 427 KB, 851x1200, f505faa3806bcc5c491d48f601a49c71.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16078356

I want to play the pocky game with her cleavage.

>> No.16078330

Erm, the one where Gohda elopes with Natsuhi springs to mind. Everyone dies in the end though.
I also made some short mysteries like Battler being killed in the middle of the snowy rose garden without any footprints leaving the crime scene and the one where Natsuhi is poisoned to death even though everyone ate the same food/drink.

>> No.16078356
Quoted by: >>16078382

I want to sleep in her bosom.

>> No.16078367

I just want to go home

>> No.16078377

Foxes would be good. They make a really terrifying cry at night. If you've ever watched Midsomer Murders, you'd know.

>> No.16078382
File: 94 KB, 600x600, 85b82df5ba4ece93fc68bdc9aed131c5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me too, but I can't help but think I'd be up all night snuggling my face into my new pillows instead of sleeping.

>> No.16078394
File: 338 KB, 850x616, 9487597623.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop sexualizing my little sister you monsters! Or I'll slice up your mother's tits and turn them into a sandwich!

>> No.16078403

What if Ange is my mother?

>> No.16078408
File: 996 KB, 825x1200, 000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She brings it upon herself. Just look what she's not wearing.

>> No.16078416
File: 603 KB, 728x800, my life is shit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16078520

If Ange considers herself less than dirt, then she shouldn't be wearing anything at all.

>> No.16078418
File: 643 KB, 960x960, 1476826358562.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16078436

I know. But I'm her brother, only I'm allowed to sexualize her. You perverts should keep away!

>> No.16078436
File: 362 KB, 1280x960, Battler Ange Beach.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then hurry up and sexualize her! She's getting tired of waiting.

>> No.16078478
File: 730 KB, 1719x2423, ange nopan skydiving.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16078485
Quoted by: >>16078504

they really, really like showing Ange skydiving don't they

>> No.16078504
Quoted by: >>16078555

Sex while skydiving?

>> No.16078520
File: 805 KB, 1280x960, hidden fragment.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16078553

That can be arranged.
Always nice to see someone enjoying one of my edits.

>> No.16078553
Quoted by: >>16078569

>you're so nihilistic that you just don't wear anything at all

>> No.16078555
File: 910 KB, 960x820, Ange bouncing.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not sure how that would work, but I'm curious to find out.

>> No.16078569
File: 733 KB, 1134x939, Kyrie Jessica Shannon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16078599

"Will wearing clothes bring my family back? Then what's the point?"

Either that or Kinzo started enforcing mandatory nudity for women on Rokkenjima.

>> No.16078592

Okay anons, serious talk. Ange's tits or Ange's ass. Which do you prefer?

>> No.16078595

Both.The whole is greater than the sum of its parts.

>> No.16078599

What better way to show your patriarchal system than to make all women naked like animals?

>> No.16078605

But say for example you were given the chance to cop a feel of one or the other. Which would you go for?

>> No.16078617
File: 261 KB, 538x436, 1469949256703+.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16078620

I have two hands and a face.

>> No.16078620
Quoted by: >>16078627

Fair enough, but which would go where?

>> No.16078627
Quoted by: >>16078671

Head goes to her bosom and both hands spread her asscheeks.

>> No.16078640
File: 56 KB, 385x600, TVG-PS3-1095_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. What makes Ange so great is the fact that she's a perfect mix. But personally, for >>16078605 I'd go with her boobs. There's just something about the idea of cupping those huge tits of hers and savoring the feeling of their weight on my palms.

>> No.16078671
Quoted by: >>16078695

>not sticking your head between her tits and pushing them up against your cheeks with both hands as you motorboat them.

>> No.16078695
Quoted by: >>16078719

>pushing them up against your cheeks with both hands as you motorboat them.
Why do that when I can do that with my head?
Motorboating is overrated imo.

>> No.16078719
Quoted by: >>16078732

It's all about admiring the softness and elasticity of her breasts by feeling them jiggle against your face.

>> No.16078732

Still overrated.
In a freudian way, he problem with breasts sexually is that we're drawn to them biologically more than sexually.

>> No.16078751
Quoted by: >>16078769

Aren't we drawn to both tits and ass for similar reasons? Large breasts and wide hips are both signs of maternity after all.

>> No.16078760

Well it's not like I don't like asses either. I just prefer focusing all my efforts on one at a time. That way you can savor their unique characteristics slowly.

>> No.16078769
Quoted by: >>16078835

Tits, yes, asses, no.
Wide hips are sign of good breeding, while breast attraction is just naturalistic desire from when we were babies. What you never felt to urge to suck or go headfirst into breast the same way a baby would? It's hypnotic.

>> No.16078835 [SPOILER] 
File: 199 KB, 600x850, 1478575264446.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16078853

But from the perspective of one seeking a mate, wouldn't both be considered good signs? Wide hips mean that she could safely give birth, while large breasts mean that she would produce plenty of milk. But yeah, breasts would also have that lingering desire from infancy in addition to that. I won't deny that when I see Ange's beautiful breasts I sometimes feel the sudden urge to tear open her blouse and suckle on nipples like a child would.

>> No.16078853
Quoted by: >>16078978

Hence, women should all have genetically perfect bodies and always be naked.

>> No.16078978
File: 778 KB, 2098x960, ange nudity.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>women should all have genetically perfect bodies
But wouldn't that mean there's no variety? For example, as much as I love big tits, occasionally I still yearn for a more modest chest.

>and always be naked.
I disagree. Clothes help us appreciate nudity more. If they never wore any, than it would eventually start to lose it's charm. What I think would be better is if they where to wear clothes normally, but be willing to strip naked whenever told.

>> No.16079018
Quoted by: >>16079031

Clothes are what make people human.

>> No.16079028
Quoted by: >>16079048

>But wouldn't that mean there's no variety?
I dunno. Don't you want every woman to have a body like those in Ryukishi's stories?

>> No.16079031
Quoted by: >>16079046

Personally, I don't think it's necessary to make them subhuman in order to sexual use them. Or rather, it's because they're human that it's fun to sexual use them.

>> No.16079046
Quoted by: >>16079071

Is it? Look at >>16078978 where on a whim, you can force a woman to remove her humanity at will, and by her own volition as well!
Would this not make women subhuman by default?

>> No.16079048
File: 425 KB, 750x600, bodies.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16079067

I do. But that still leaves room for a wide range of body types. What are your favorite body types?

>> No.16079067
Quoted by: >>16079109

Petite girls. But I like every body type so long as they don't have very large breasts to the point of absurdity.

>> No.16079071

Not quite. They're still expressing their own thoughts and emotions, all that's changed is the willingness to engage in sexual activity. They still have the ability to refuse, but they choose not to of their own free will.

>> No.16079109
Quoted by: >>16079117

When you say petite, do you mean like Eva-Beatrice, Bern, and Lambda? Or do you mean lolis?

My guilty pleasure is lolis/petite girls with moderate breasts. Not big overall, but rather large in proportion to the rest of their figure. Like Satoko or Lambda for example.

>> No.16079117
Quoted by: >>16079145

Girls like Lambda but that are actual women.
I'm a tall guy, and having petite girls is the best.

>> No.16079145
File: 224 KB, 467x541, gohda x cake 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16079149

Lambda's a good pick. She also seems like she'd be lots of fun in bed. Which seacat(s) do you find the most sexually attractive, based solely on appearance?

>> No.16079149
Quoted by: >>16079177

All of them? The problem is that the question becomes
>who would you fuck
And I'm stuck with just wanting to fuck all of them.

>> No.16079177
File: 44 KB, 564x679, 9258f6703827a84110fc34ef9e0e5616.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well in that case, which would be some of the ones you'd fuck first? Who would you most anticipate putting your dick inside of? Personally, I think Ange would be one of my top choices as far as appearance goes. As mentioned above, she's got a great all around figure and has both great breasts and a great butt.

>> No.16079208
Quoted by: >>16079223

The problem is still that I can chose. I don't think of the body type, but would would be the most vulnerable and prone to be used and tricked into sex, then would become a slave to her own desires. I would fuck anything from a loli to a late mother who looked good.

>> No.16079210

It depends on the sex. A blowjob from a loli, a tittyfuck from an aunt, missionary with a stake, a buttjob from a Chiester. Every character appeals to me in different ways.

>> No.16079223 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>16079243

[spoilers]like the Maria stuff from a little while ago?[/spoiler]
So in other words it's kinda pointless to ask based on appearance alone?

>> No.16079243
Quoted by: >>16079253


>> No.16079253

i want to make a full fanfiction of that scenario sometime. It was a fun premise

>> No.16079327
Quoted by: >>16079360

I'm embarrassed to admit I was looking forward to this upon finishing the VN and have yet to find any.

>> No.16079360
Quoted by: >>16079386

Any what? Gameboards? Lewd stories?

>> No.16079386
Quoted by: >>16079428

Lewd stories.

>> No.16079428

Anyone in particular you'd like to see one of?

>> No.16079535
File: 2.57 MB, 4000x2500, Ange tits and ass.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Truly a question for the ages.

>> No.16079562
Quoted by: >>16079814

Ange would have been my first pick. Her or Erika.

>> No.16079711
Quoted by: >>16079720

Is there a lewd story archive somewhere?

>> No.16079720
Quoted by: >>16079721

All the threads are archived on warosu.

>> No.16079721
Quoted by: >>16079742

Seems like it would take a lot of work going through all of them.

>> No.16079742
Quoted by: >>16079758

The last few threads were pretty good

>> No.16079758

Thank you. I wonder if there are any fapfics.

>> No.16079814
File: 803 KB, 1000x1420, Ange is pushy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16079822

How about this? A scenario set during Episode 4, in which Ange accepts Lambdadelta's deal to sabotage the game in exchange for getting to stay with Battler. Deciding that it's the best course of action, Ange begins her task of maintaining the game's balance. As part of this duty, Ange must prevent Battler from defeating Beato, and does so by misleading him whenever he starts gaining too much of an advantage. The first few times things start looking bad, Ange handles it by simply giving Battler a bit of poor advice, and for a time that proves to be enough. However, as the games continue Battler begins to get more and more experienced, and it becomes harder for Ange to trick him with each new closed room. Realizing she was in danger of losing her brother should this continue, Ange begins to experiment with... 'other' methods of distracting him.

>> No.16079822
Quoted by: >>16079828

I quite like it. I'll admit to having lewd thoughts about the two of them for a while. Incest is a huge favorite.

>> No.16079828
Quoted by: >>16079829

I like the idea too. I've already started thinking of ways that Ange could distract him. They would start off fairly innocent and slowly transitioning into more outlandish methods as Battler continues to improve and becomes harder to hold back.

>> No.16079829
Quoted by: >>16079851

I took such a quick liking to Ange. That's a very good idea, Anon.

>> No.16079838

I wonder who will win. Don't know who to cheer for.

>> No.16079851
File: 252 KB, 870x1236, incest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16079852

Well in that case maybe I'll try making a full fapfic out of it. I've still got to finish the Gaap vs Shannon one too.

By the way, have you read the manga adaptation yet? If you like the idea of Battler and Ange incest, you might enjoy it. There are quite a few more incestuous undertones there.

>> No.16079852
Quoted by: >>16079856

I have not, it's been suggest to me, I plan on reading it. I felt very strongly for Ange.

>> No.16079856
Quoted by: >>16079872

At the very least, you should definitely read Episode 8's manga. It has a bunch of original content that adds a lot to the story, and it also explains the answers to the mysteries.

>> No.16079872
File: 1.11 MB, 825x1200, Umineko Manga 8-1a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16079879

Also for stuff like this.

>> No.16079879
Quoted by: >>16079904

Delicious bottom. It's on my to do list!

>> No.16079904
File: 217 KB, 800x700, __ushiromiya_ange_umineko_no_naku_koro_ni_drawn_by_misumi_kouji__4134dc712083d7122bf18e9b9023fb06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ange's butt is on most people's to do list.

>> No.16079919 [SPOILER] 
File: 645 KB, 640x480, 1478596150342.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What was this about? Battler found the truth at this moment. Does it have to do with a ring or something she's wearing on her left hand?

>> No.16080171
File: 339 KB, 640x480, 2016-09-08.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

would you be able to do 410? I love the way she's just so casual about everything
also does anyone feel the original sprites are way sexier than the ps3 ones?

>> No.16080332

No story, but I often imagine contracting 410 for sexual services. Her ears would perk up a bit and she'd grin with a red face when told why she's there. I'd get her to give me elaborate lapdances and then grind and bounce her butt into my lap until I bust, all while she's cracking silly lines and nihihihihi-ing with a big, confident grin on her face the whole time. Maybe I'd get her to play a videogame on the computer while she grinds into my lap at the same time one night. She'd bounce or move around as she focuses on the screen and comment on how she's doing.

"500 kills in a row, nihi!"

>> No.16080380

You could challenge her. Give her a time limit, say 2 or 3 hours, and then have her try to make you cum as many times as possible using only her butt. I imagine she'd get more aggressive towards the end as she tries to beat her high score.

>> No.16080404
File: 201 KB, 512x600, s41_a13_def1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16080409

>also does anyone feel the original sprites are way sexier than the ps3 ones?
Not really. Don't get me wrong, I like the originals. But when it comes to sexiness I prefer the PS3 or even the Steam sprites.

>> No.16080409
Quoted by: >>16080415

I want a naked nihi bunny who can't believe she took off all her clothes.

>> No.16080415
File: 261 KB, 626x591, favoriterabbit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about one who CAN believe it?

>> No.16080436

That's also good.

>> No.16080446

That seems like a "I can't believe you haven't taken off your clothes nihi!" bunny.

>> No.16080456

>is that an erect penis, nihi?

>> No.16080508

I can imagine someone summoning her for some demonic ceremony, then getting an erection upon seeing her in her uniform. She'd probably start teasing them about it, crouching down in front of them and giving their dick a few pokes through their pants.
>From playing cards, to going on a date, to piloting a helicopter, we'll take care of 'anything' -poke- nihihi!

>> No.16080702
Quoted by: >>16080715

>what is your wish
>I just wanna have sex with you

>> No.16080715

>dedicating your life to the study of black magic all so that you can summon a cute bunny girl and fuck her brains out.
Would it be better for her to take the lead as she teases you, or for you to give her orders?

>> No.16080758
Quoted by: >>16080765

>dedicating your life to the study of black magic all so that you can summon a cute bunny girl and fuck her brains out.
I mean, isn't that why Kinzo wanted to bring back Beatrice?

>> No.16080765
Quoted by: >>16080768

But he really loved fucking her.

>> No.16080768
Quoted by: >>16080801

Why else would you fuck your own daughter who looks like her?

>> No.16080801
File: 226 KB, 848x480, Double Kinzo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16080806

To slowly create your own clone through generations of inbreeding?

>> No.16080806
Quoted by: >>16080825

>literally fucking yourself

>> No.16080825
Quoted by: >>16080832

I wouldn't put it past Kinzo. He's determined to make himself a proper successor.

>> No.16080832

>no one is a good successor
>I know I'll just fuck myself and that person will be a worthy successor
>a literal Kinzo 2.0

>> No.16080968
File: 50 KB, 495x700, umineko_all07.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just combine this with 'close your eyes, i'll be gentle' - Belphegor.

>> No.16080977
File: 718 KB, 1280x960, Shannon vs Gaap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, so here's part 1 of Shannon vs. Gaap erotic fight scene. I'm currently working on Part 2. I decided to skip the actual trial and started off right when the actual fight begins.

Suddenly, beneath Shannon’s feet, a pitch-black pitfall opened its mouth wide. Shannon had no time to react. After being swallowed up, Shannon fell out of an identical hole that had opened up in the ceiling of the arbor. As she fell, Gaap hit her with a carefully timed roundhouse kick, her leg digging painfully into her flank. As Shannon was knocked away, another hole appeared where she was launched and swallowed her up again. This time, the exit appeared in front of the waiting Gaap who had already begun the windup for her next kick.

“Welcome back. *giggle*”

Once more Shannon was knocked away, this time landing in a muddy puddle with a splash. But she didn’t stay down for very long. Her breathing was ragged and her legs trembled, but she struggled to get to her feet. Her hat had long since fallen off, and that last fall had caused her garter to snap, hanging limply at her side.

Then without warning, Shannon turned away from Gaap and began running in the opposite direction. After being momentarily surprised at this display of cowardice, Gaap shrugged. It was only natural after all. Shannon was no match for her in a fight. That didn’t mean she was about to let Shannon escape though. It would be a huge pain if she made it back to the guesthouse and warned the others of lord Goldsmith’s plan after all.

“You won’t get away that easily.”

Another pitch-black portal opened up beneath Shannon’s feet, it’s pair appearing above Gaap, ready to drop Shannon into another vicious combo. But Gaap’s roundhouse kick ended up hitting nothing but air. Puzzled, she looked up at her portal, only to see a pair of pale legs dangling from the ceiling of the arbor. Turning back to where Shannon had been, Gaap saw the maid half-submerged in the ground, hanging by the railing of the rosebush she had been running alongside. Turning back around, Gaap made to grab at one of Shannon’s legs, but only succeeded in pulling off one of her stockings as they retreated back into the ceiling. Climbing along the fence and making her way back to solid land, Shannon managed to pull herself out of the hole. Not even sparing a moment to catch her breath, she immediately resumed sprinting towards the guesthouse. Gaap clicked her tongue in annoyance.

“Such an incompetent maid, not coming when you’re called. Well then, I’ll just have to go to you instead.”

Gaap summoned another portal and casually hopped into it. Reappearing in front of Shannon, she cut off her path of escape. She wagged a finger at Shannon as if admonishing a misbehaving child.

“That’s no good Shannon. You can’t leave a guest unattended in the rain. I’ll have to scold you some more for such rude behavior.”

Lunging forward, Gaap delivered another spinning roundhouse kick to Shannon’s flank. Unlike the previous times however, Gaap’s kick didn’t cause Shannon to fall over. It seemed Shannon had braced herself for the impact and had somehow managed endure the pain. Wrapping her arm around Gaap’s leg, she caught her in a desperate hold. She was probably hoping to prevent Gaap from unleashing any more kicks upon her. Gaap sneered at her efforts.

“What’s this now? If you were that interested in my legs you could have just said so. How about I give you a little peek?”

Saying this Gaap teasingly lifted the hem of her dress, showing off the full length of her leg.

Shannon ignored Gaap’s provocations. This was her chance and she knew it. She had planned ahead for just this situation, and now she had her opponent right where she wanted her. Wordlessly, she reached behind her back, sticking her free hand into the rose bush behind her. She hadn’t been running away this whole time. She had merely been luring Gaap to this spot. As her hand found what she had been searching for Shannon sighed, relieved that she hadn’t misjudged the location. With a practiced hand, she took hold of the object she had hidden there earlier, drawing it out from the roses. Upon seeing that thing Gaap’s eyes widened and her voice died in her throat. It was only natural. After all, the thing Shannon was holding was an anti-magic tool of such high caliber that even a high-ranking demon such as herself couldn’t help but be afraid of it. As Shannon saw Gaap’s expression change from shock to horror, a soft smile rose to her lips. And then, without an ounce of hesitation, she pointed the barrel of the Winchester at Gaap’s trembling face.

“It was fun playing hide and seek with you again after so long. Goodbye, my very first friend.”


While thinking of ways for Shannon to actually fight Gaap, it somehow ended up geing a lot more action-packed than I'd planned. Part 2 will be more lewd though, so don't worry.

>> No.16081022
Quoted by: >>16081039

>fighting while naked
Such as it should be.

>> No.16081039
Quoted by: >>16081051

They're no naked, not yet at least.

>> No.16081051


>> No.16081169

>Belphegor notices you have an erection.
>She leads you to a quite place and slowly takes care of it for you.
Best wife.

>> No.16081192

>she doesn't immediately drop her skirt and fuck you raw, regardless of being seen
Worst wife

>> No.16081201
Quoted by: >>16081253

It's so that you can peacefully take a nap after finishing.

>> No.16081253

>not simply coupling your dick in her mouth, slowly sucking on it but not making you cum as you rest.
What better comfort than a woman's warmth?

>> No.16081260

That's sounds like something Mammon would do.

>> No.16081282
Quoted by: >>16081309

Belphegor is very diligent. She'd probably continue to gently keep your dick warm with her mouth the entire time you slept. Then once Its time to get up she starts sucking seriously so you can enjoy waking up to a nice big ejaculation.

>> No.16081309

Best wife.

>> No.16081614

My esteemed gentlemen of enhanced melanin. I read Seacats a several years ago until it went literally batshit with all that kakera shit.

But still, I'd like to finish it someday so I have 2 questions: Does it makes sense in the end like Higurashi? Where can I pirate it?

>> No.16081647
Quoted by: >>16081683

>Does it makes sense in the end like Higurashi?

Where can I pirate it?

>> No.16081680 [DELETED] 


>> No.16081683


>> No.16082105

belphegor's ponytail is the best ponytail

>> No.16082129

I would give her the order to take the lead as she teases me

>> No.16082175

>until it went literally batshit with all that kakera shit
I don't remember when it wasn't batshit with kakera shit

>> No.16082321
Quoted by: >>16082849

This sounds incredibly sweet and intimate, though I imagine most would just think it perverse. That dedication to wifely duties is quite nice, too.

>> No.16082357 [SPOILER] 
File: 215 KB, 800x800, 1478644821281.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is something I want. I'm going to learn to summon cute bunnies.

>> No.16082366
Quoted by: >>16083526

>rock verson of main theme
this is the best soundtrack ever created

>> No.16082568

This is so great, anon. Please keep going on. Damn, these two.

>> No.16082771

>“What’s this now? If you were that interested in my legs you could have just said so. How about I give you a little peek?”
>Saying this Gaap teasingly lifted the hem of her dress, showing off the full length of her leg.
Considering that Gaap is so lewd that she probably doesn't even wear lingerie or underwear to begin with, while the demoness is showing off her extremely beautiful leg Shannon could insert the weapon in her pussy and fire it to finish her off. Gaap after a failed kick tends to leave her crotch area and sideboobs unprotected.

>> No.16082795
File: 146 KB, 1200x1348, 2 gaap heels no_bra tagme umineko_no_naku_koro_ni.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what I meant for Gaap leaving huge openings due to failed kicks that allow her enemies to attack her sideboobs, thighs, or crotch area.

>> No.16082805
File: 521 KB, 1024x1498, gaap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Gaap is so lewd that she probably doesn't even wear lingerie or underwear to begin with
She definitely doesn't

>> No.16082811

Gaap doesn't wear anything at all.

>> No.16082818

You guys have given me a new appreciation of Gaap and 410.

>> No.16082821

She is among the sexiest, if not the sexiest girl in the series. Gaap knows that her body is beautiful, so she isn't afraid nor ashamed of showing off her tits and ass. Not even when fighting erotically in the rain, with drops of water accentuating her smooth and fair skin.

>> No.16082835

She'd probably be fine fighting totally naked in the rain.

>> No.16082841

She's definitely the most overtly sexual female.

>> No.16082849
Quoted by: >>16082867

It's both sweet and perverse, the best combination.

>> No.16082867

It's too bad such a combination is so rare. It really is the best.

>> No.16082876
Quoted by: >>16082915

Notice how the pumpkin started blushing after Gaap sat on its top. The bastard is so lucky to get to touch Gaap's perfect butt cheeks. They must feel divine.

>> No.16082910
File: 952 KB, 780x871, belphe1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

poor belphegor, felt pity for her when she got shot

>> No.16082915
File: 384 KB, 1030x1498, pumpkin battler.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm just waiting for a pair of hands to come out of the pumpkin's eyes and start caressing Gaap's perfect thighs and buttocks. from inside the pumpkin you hear a faint "ihihihi"

>> No.16082919
Quoted by: >>16082931

I couldn't resist if I were that pumpkin. Maybe I should try writing some lewds.

>> No.16082931
Quoted by: >>16082933

Go for it. It's pretty fun once you get into it, and we'd like to hear your stories.

>> No.16082933

I embarrass too easy to share them. I have trouble writing characters that feel like characters as well, they're always so flat.

>> No.16082943

>poor belphegor, felt pity for her when she got shot
stakes just wanted to be friendly but were ordered to kill people
ep4 was great showing the stakes being nice

>> No.16082946

>Gaap just smiles and spreads her legs, giving the hands access to her pussy.

>> No.16082948

Then maybe you could try coming up with erotic scenarios?

>> No.16082950
Quoted by: >>16082969

This is getting rather arousing.

>> No.16082957

>A girl spreading her slit with her fingers, inviting you, as she opens her legs
This is the ultimate female submission.
Japan really knows their kinky stuff. It's even the best when a girl says to take her first time while blushing. It's idealistic and stupid but goddamn is the idea itself so hot.

>> No.16082963
Quoted by: >>16082970

I really wish Umineko had more fapfics.

>> No.16082967
Quoted by: >>16082972

>I embarrass too easy to share them
everything people create themselves is embarrassing, anon
just one of the rules of the world

>> No.16082969
Quoted by: >>16082977

It's even better because Gaap would just continue talking nonchalantly to Beato as the hands begin playfully fingering her entrance.

>> No.16082970
Quoted by: >>16086625

Gaap has the widest pussy. Her hole is endless; like you're fucking a universe.

>> No.16082972
Quoted by: >>16082984

I can't handle that! I can't fap to my own work either.

>> No.16082977
Quoted by: >>16083020

Casual lewd is best lewd.

>> No.16082984

>I can't fap to my own work
You can't? I do it all the time. For me the lewdness is even more satisfying when it's something I created.

>> No.16083020
Quoted by: >>16083035

It really is great. Engaging in various sexual activities while going about you daily life.

>> No.16083035
Quoted by: >>16083054

The best. With her dress even her sitting in your lap while you're inside o fher.

>> No.16083054
Quoted by: >>16083071

You're just lounging around when Gaap suddenly portals in. You greet her while pulling out your dick as it gets hard from her appearance. Gaap then sits on your lap, leaning into you as you enter her warm slit. You start bouncing your hips up and down as she strikes up a casual conversation.

>> No.16083071

she creates a portal from her slit to her mouth and gives you a blowjob without you even having to change position

>> No.16083076

That sounds dirty, especially if she's doing it mind conversation with Beato.

>> No.16083106

She could also use it to have you inside of her subtly, maybe wiggling her hips around throughout day to day life.

>> No.16083526
File: 1.27 MB, 1920x2715, portrait_ep5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is a little shit like Erika allowed to have such a gorgeous portrait?

>> No.16083530

I want to tenderly lewd Erika.

>> No.16083566

Because of her ego.

>> No.16083572
File: 2.18 MB, 2080x1926, furniture censored.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who is the best furniture?

>> No.16083575
Quoted by: >>16083580

Crap, wrong person.

>> No.16083580
Quoted by: >>16083589

I'm going to respond regardless. It's between 410 and Dlanor. I think in the end I'd pick 410.

>> No.16083581

Because it represents how very deep below in her soul she actually is a great person.

>> No.16083583


>> No.16083586

is the hand in the bottom right meant to be Batora?

>> No.16083588
Quoted by: >>16083624

I really want to make her feel loved.

>> No.16083589
Quoted by: >>16083591

410 is best for teasing, Dlanor is best for tender loving. Lucifer is best for dating

>> No.16083591
Quoted by: >>16084014

I wonder how each of them kiss. Closing your eyes and kissing someone, getting their feelings through that. That's important to me.

>> No.16083596
File: 405 KB, 580x730, 1475704435013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16083598

I prefer this version.

>> No.16083598
Quoted by: >>16083613

Do you think she knows she's showing off her thighs like that?

>> No.16083613
File: 610 KB, 1200x727, 1475695647428.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16083627

I love the idea of sex with Erika starting out somewhat hardcore and slowly devolving into vanilla as you shower her with affection.

I think that's her intention. Heck, from that position she could easily lift the part of her skirt covering her crotch and give you a peak at her panties.

>> No.16083624
File: 2.63 MB, 1024x578, doraeri-v2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16083627

She just needs a partner cares for and brings out the best in her.

>> No.16083627
Quoted by: >>16083652

I wish I could be that partner for her. Her paranoid over being cheated on was something I could relate to, it gave me a bit of a soft spot for her. She's a good girl, deep down.

>> No.16083635

I feel kinda bad for 45 and 00. 410 is so much more popular than them. Usually it's the leader who's the most popular of the group.

>> No.16083652
File: 446 KB, 892x1300, sweet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't feel the need for it to be me, so long as it's someone. I honestly think Dlanor fit's that role the best, and not just for yuri purposes. Their interactions really did feel like they were making Erika a better person.

>> No.16083655
Quoted by: >>16083673

I definitely agree with you.

>> No.16083666
Quoted by: >>16083686

I guess I feel harder for her than I first thought.

>> No.16083673
File: 2.38 MB, 1000x4435, rivals.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I also like her relationship with Battler at the end of the series.

>> No.16083674

If we choose to interpret it in a non Yuri way would Dlanor be that one friend that's always down your throat if you start dating Erika? Wants to make sure you don't hurt/abuse her or anything. Always has Erika's back constantly to make sure she recovers from her previous shitty relationship?

>> No.16083676
Quoted by: >>16083704

I like that idea. It might help Erika ease into another relationship, help her to feel more comfortable

>> No.16083677
Quoted by: >>16083704

Probably, though it's kind of amusing imagining Dlanor acting like that, since she'd probably remain comically stoic the entire time.

>> No.16083686
File: 2.73 MB, 915x6580, Erika sad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The manga has some great Erika crying moments. It really makes you sympathize with her more.

>> No.16083704

yeah no matter what context it is Dlanor's relationship with Erika would be completely important.
She'd probably threaten to tear you to shreds while not showing even a shred of emotion. Imagine holding hands with Erika and Dlanor is just watching the two of you from afar with a bland expression on her face the entire time.

>> No.16083716

I still like the yuri angle though. Erika x Dlanor vanilla is a nice contrast with the more hardcore Lambda x Bern.

>> No.16083741

hardcore > vanilla

>> No.16083754
Quoted by: >>16083762

I like both a lot.

>> No.16083758
Quoted by: >>16083808

Winning Dlanor's approval/blessing would be quite lovely though.

>> No.16083759
Quoted by: >>16083785

The thing about Erika x Dlanor is that it can be both. While their relationship is generally sweet, they both still have the qualities for more hardcore stuff. Just look at their nicknames; the "intellectual rapist" and "Death Sentence Dlanor."

>> No.16083762
File: 105 KB, 612x838, vanilla sex.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16083765

Mostly everything hardcore is within my fetish zone. Hardcore has more passion which makes it more interesting.

>> No.16083765

Both have their place. I wouldn't say there's more passion in hardcore sex.

>> No.16083774

There is. There's more emotion, more powerplay, more passion.

>> No.16083777
Quoted by: >>16083780

I disagree.

>> No.16083780

Which type of sex would you like to have with Erika, hardcore or vanilla?

>> No.16083783
Quoted by: >>16083788

Both. Context and mood are important in deciding such a thing.

>> No.16083785
File: 475 KB, 654x1200, Erika and Dlanor sex.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I mentioned before how hardcore fucking and vanilla love making differ and how Erika and Dlanor's roles would switch depending on which on e they engage in.

The passion involved in the two are different, so it's hard to really compare them. fucking is more physical while the making love is more emotional.

When fucking they’re mostly just focusing on pleasuring each other and thus things tend to get kinkier. There's more teasing, fondling, and actual sex during these scenarios. Erika is more dominant here due to her perverted nature and due to Dlanor being a kid.

Meanwhile, making love is when they're simply finding joy in being intimate with their beloved. Things like hand holding, kissing, cuddling, and loving dialogue are more prevalent here. Dlanor is the dominant one in these situations due to being more emotionally stable.

>> No.16083788
Quoted by: >>16083796


>> No.16083796

It depends on context. Both are good in the right situation. Spontaneity is also important, you lose a lot in planning.

>> No.16083797
Quoted by: >>16083817

I stand by my preference. Start hardcore and transition into vanilla.

>> No.16083808
Quoted by: >>16083813

What about winning Dlanor over as well? Make it a threeway relationship. That way you can get in on it while also having yuri.

>> No.16083813
Quoted by: >>16083928

Would Erika be okay with something poly amorous like that?

>> No.16083817
Quoted by: >>16083829

That's not how it goes. You start vanilla, go more and more hardcore until you read the top, go back into vanilla, and then it comes back, like a ghost whispering in your ear, and you go full hardcore.

>> No.16083829
Quoted by: >>16083840

Normally yes, But with Erika it's different. She's a pervert and difficult to gain emotional favor with, so it's more natural for her to start off with hardcore then go to vanilla after she starts opening up to you. After that you can switch between the two whenever you feel like trying the other for a bit.

>> No.16083840
Quoted by: >>16083851

>implying you don't want to break Erika

>> No.16083846
File: 3.45 MB, 993x7080, super sweet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One more manga scene between Erika and Dlanor. This might be my favorite part for them. I really liked Erika's suggestion about making new mysteries for Dlanor to challenge after becoming the Game Master.

>> No.16083851

She's already broken. I want to help repair her.

>> No.16083854
Quoted by: >>16083860

This. I do think she's probably a bit of a pervert.

>> No.16083856
Quoted by: >>16083875

Everyone can be broken more.

>> No.16083860
File: 412 KB, 950x907, erika pervert.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's definitely a pervert, and not just a little bit either. It's not really a bad thing though.

>> No.16083864

It is a part of her I find very appealing. One of many!

>> No.16083872

She's the most perverted female in the series.

>> No.16083875
Quoted by: >>16083882

Where's the fun in that though? That's like saying you prefer used goods.

>> No.16083882
File: 50 KB, 445x322, Sadism will always be fun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16083892

I like used goods when I'm the one who used it.

>> No.16083885
File: 224 KB, 450x530, Erika Battler.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of the great things about hooking up with her is that you know your going to be in for a LOT of sex.

>> No.16083892
Quoted by: >>16083904

But you're not the one who broke her, unless you're self-inserting as her ex or Bern. Going by the logic of your picture, corrupting Erika wouldn't be satisfying at all, since she wasn't even pure to begin with.

>> No.16083904

You misread the image. The more pure something is, the more satisfying it is to corrupt. Erika is still pure in some aspect.

>> No.16083928
Quoted by: >>16083937

Sure she would. The usual flaw with threeway relationships is that they tend to be built around a single person with two people in love with them. This leads to that person receiving two people's worth of affection while the other two only receive half a person's affection. The only way to make the relationship work is if those 2 are also in love with each other. In other words, each person in the relationship needs to love every other member in the relationship.

In this situation Erika and Dlanor would love each other in addition to loving you. That way nobody feels left out and the relationship is stable. In fact, Erika might prefer it that way since a relationship built on three people will be less likely to break down like her previous one.

>> No.16083937
Quoted by: >>16083970

Winning both of them seems like quite the challenge.

>> No.16083938

Out of curiousity, what are the other parts?

>> No.16083970
File: 377 KB, 654x470, Erika Dlanor lustful.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It would no doubt be very difficult, but the payoff would be well worth it in the end don't you agree?

>> No.16083995
Quoted by: >>16084054

Threeway sex with them would be pure bliss.

>> No.16084002

I very badly want to kiss Erika

>> No.16084012

How about kissing her pregnant stomach?

>> No.16084014
Quoted by: >>16084039

What kind of kiss would it be? Like >>16083591 said, It's important to know how they would do it.

>> No.16084039

I want to kiss both of them.

If Erika's kissing you then it would play out differently depend on her mood. When you take the initiative and kiss Erika, she might reflexively flinch at first as she's briefly reminded of her previous lover. Feeling her tension through her lips, you'd bring a hand up to stroke her cheek and wipe away any tears she has. Taking comfort in that show of affection, Erika would relax into the kiss and start kissing you back. She'd lean into you, wrapping her arms around your back as she lovingly pushes her soft lips against yours.

>> No.16084054

Assuming you were successful in getting to the point where you, Erika, and Dlanor have all agreed to date each other in a threeway relationship, where would things go from there? How would they develop into a more amorous direction?

>> No.16084148
File: 212 KB, 471x600, IMG_002241.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16084160

Bet even Rudolf was sorry he had to shoot her. Then again, she IS kind of immortal, as Beatrice just can summon her back. Still, yeah, she deserved better.

>> No.16084160

With all her diligence, would Belphegor have been able to keep Rudolf faithful to her alone if she was his partner?

>> No.16084168
Quoted by: >>16084177

Depends if she can hold his reign in bed.

>> No.16084177
Quoted by: >>16084190

I think she'd be able to keep up. It would be a challenge for sure, but with some hard work and lots of late nights but she should manage to satisfy his libido.

>> No.16084190
Quoted by: >>16084212

You underestimate his manhood. There's a reason no woman could tame him.

>> No.16084207
Quoted by: >>16084225

Would that even be important to her?
Unlike Mammon or Asmodeus, Belphegor would probably not even mind, as long as Rudolf is having a good time.

>> No.16084212
Quoted by: >>16084315

I'm not underestimating anything. I'm just expecting great things from the stake of sloth. Even Kyrie, with her maddening devotion to Rudolf, was unable to fully satisfy him because she was always thinking of Asumu, living in her shadow due to her envy. Belphegor would focus 100% on the man in front of her, making sure he's attended to properly until he can do nothing more than laze about in the afterglow of their lovemaking.

>> No.16084225

While it's true she has no desire to keep him all to herself, she is determined to satisfy her partner. Rudolf's faithfulness would just be a side effect of his total satisfaction. That's the beauty of it. She's not trying to restrict him, he'll do it of his own volition.

>> No.16084261

I just want to cuddle Erika.

>> No.16084278
File: 1.47 MB, 1282x1917, 29162104_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16084530

So Dlanor's not allowed to join in?

>> No.16084312

Me too. But I want to do it naked under the covers.

>> No.16084315
Quoted by: >>16084338

>implying living in one's shadow didn't make her try harder to please her.

>> No.16084338
Quoted by: >>16084367

That's not enough. misguided effort will only go so far. Say for example Kyrie's giving Rudolf a handjob. Her head would be full of thoughts like "did Asumu do this for him? Am I better at it than she was? I have to try harder so that he only thinks about me!" But in the end that enthusiasm would just make her stroke harder and that's it.

Meanwhile, Belphegor would be more focused on how to make Rudolf feel good. She'd be thinking things like "The way he's twitching... I should give the head a bit more attention." or "It hasn't been very long since his last ejaculation. I should slow down a bit so that he can recover first before I kick things back up."

>> No.16084367
Quoted by: >>16084381

>giving a handjob
No wonder she never won.
Do I have to explain and describe what love means? It's a system of values where you put a person very high in your hierarchy of value. And, as such, anything below your hierarchy of value can be sacrificed for you to obtain happiness.
If Kyrie wants her man, she needs to sacrifice everything, give up everything including her body and soul to him, while going against whatever Asumu can give and more.

If she can't do that, she's not deserving of his love.
She should be reading everything on eroticism, working out to have the best body, pleasing him every possible way possible and helping him successfully in his career.

>> No.16084381
Quoted by: >>16084386

It was hypothetical. What you described is how I imagine Belphegor would try to please him. Kyrie's methods were more likely to involve eliminating any rivals rather than working to improve herself.

>> No.16084386
Quoted by: >>16084396

Kyrie explained that the only thing she did special was be a good business partner. That's entirely stupid. Asumu played the moe card.
Uguuu Rudolf-san...

Seriously, a meager woman wins the heart of any man. I mean, tell me you wouldn't want to keep Moe Rena in your arms forever.

>> No.16084396
Quoted by: >>16084399

I was more worried about protecting Satoko.

>> No.16084399
Quoted by: >>16084408

I'd protect her with my dick when she's hiding in my bed.

>> No.16084408
Quoted by: >>16084418

As long as she's happy, that's fine. I won't deny that I also wanted to fuck her.

>> No.16084418
Quoted by: >>16084437

Completely naked Satoko sleeping with you under the covers with only her black stockings.

>> No.16084431
Quoted by: >>16084436

Shouldn't we be making a new thread pretty soon?

>> No.16084436
Quoted by: >>16084439

No, let's talk about how Satoko should only be wearing stockings and nothing else.

>> No.16084437
Quoted by: >>16084441

So she took off her stockings, removed her panties, then put her stockings back on again?
Muttering Ni- Ni- as she softly clutches your penis.

>> No.16084439

We could always just continue talking about that in the next thread.

>> No.16084441
Quoted by: >>16084450

What's lewder than telling a little girl to get completely naked in front of you, only to then put back a selective piece of clothes?

Also, think about it, how else is she going to remove her panties without first removing her stockings first?

Plus, it's lewder if you don't want to go the full sexual since, well, she's still a little girl, meaning that you can rub your dick on her marshmallow butt and on her bare slit without penetrating her. Full lewd without doing anything sexual is the best.

>> No.16084447
File: 255 KB, 512x512, 377d25c1a69409a4e7a5ed28921a0c85.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16084450

And if you don't care and want to go full sexual, you tear apart her stockings like a child on Christmas, and do whatever you want with her.

>> No.16084450 [SPOILER] 
File: 129 KB, 1400x1016, 1478695499693.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Full lewd without doing anything sexual is the best.
I can appreciate that.

I'd go full sexual eventually, but first I want to have fun trying out tons of fun lewd things.

Would Satoko be living with you in this situation? Or would you be living with her and Rika?

>> No.16084456

>Neck looks fucked up
>Chest is immaculate
They've got their priorities right.

>> No.16084465
File: 479 KB, 1233x1758, 111b667bbf321347f881c054b8e60b0b89d5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16084476

If Rika is in the picture, Satoko will be sleeping in the dog house because I wouldn't care about her. Or I'll be sandwiched between Satoko and Rika and won't do anything sexual at all for the sake of Rika.
Sextoko is for sex. Rika is for handholding and drinking alcohol, waiting for her to grow older and experience a childhood before doing anything.
Love is selfish, but it is selfless in its sacrifice for that love.

>> No.16084476
Quoted by: >>16084483

I'm the other way around. I care about Satoko a lot more than I do Rika. But for the sake of conversation perhaps it would be best to continue under the premise that It's just the two of you.

>> No.16084483
File: 104 KB, 600x650, 7315cfba9172dba984d2600567b47a20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16084496

God I'm such a naive idiotic romanticist whenever I think or talk about Rika.

If it's me and Rika, I wouldn't do anything. At all. I'll let Rika enjoy her childhood while she can while taking care of her and enjoying myself with her like drinking or just doing whatever.

>> No.16084496

Is it that you simply have no sexual desire for Rika? Or is it that you do and it's just overpowered by paternal feelings?

>> No.16084510
File: 2.86 MB, 1500x2000, twintail rika maid.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16084529

No, it's simply love. I deeply love Rika. My love for her is what stops me from wanting to have sex. But, think of it this way. Rika spent 100 years trying to obtain her happiness to experience a childhood. By having sex with her, I would be essentially treating her like an adult to a certain degree. Or loving her as an adult. Would I be so selfish to destroy her desire for a childhood to suede my sexual desires?

No. My love for her is deeper than any desire. As I said, love is selfish, but it also requires sacrifice. My love for her is greater than my sexual desires.

I would do all sorts of kinky sexual things with Satoko. Even Rika, but only when she's older and got to experience the childhood she deserved and earned.

>> No.16084514
Quoted by: >>16084529

Let's look at it a different way.
I don't love Satoko. I would fuck her and abuse her to whatever way I want for my own enjoyment. But I could never do that for Rika because I love her.

>> No.16084529
Quoted by: >>16084539

I don't think it was exclusively about experiencing her childhood, but rather about living her life past that point in time. But I see your point regardless.

I love Satoko. I'd never want to see her abused. I also like Rike, though not quite as much. For me, love is what fuels my lust, not what hinders it. In a realistic situation I would probably refrain as you do, but that doesn't stop me from fantasizing about make believe scenarios.

>> No.16084530
Quoted by: >>16084535

Dlanor can come to. I know it sounds selfish but I need the comfort.

>> No.16084535
Quoted by: >>16084546

So does Erika. I'm sure you'd both enjoy having her involved as well.

>> No.16084539
Quoted by: >>16084548

You should always remember that love fuels your lust, not your lust fueling your love.

I honestly can't think of anything lewd about Rika, which is funny because I endlessly imagine all sorts of lewd scenarios with other characters. Maybe it's because I imagine lewd situations where I have full control over them, and don't want to have complete control over Rika.

>> No.16084546
Quoted by: >>16084556

I hope we can help each other.

>> No.16084548
Quoted by: >>16084559

That's probably it. Generally in the scenarios I imagine, the other character is always happy as they engage in sexual activities. It's not about control, it's about taking joy in each other's mutual pleasure. That's why it doesn't feel wrong to me.

>> No.16084549
File: 118 KB, 300x300, rika over rena.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16084561

I also have this somewhat mystifying notion of wanting Rika to control and break me. While men do fear and instinctively desire to forcefully control and make women submit to them, we have a desire to find a woman who will make us bend and kneel down.
Somewhat like the relationship Akasaka had with his wife. A strong man, sacred of his woman. I want Rika to grab me by the throat and step on my face.

Or maybe I'm just so broken that I can only respect someone who can break me.

>> No.16084556
Quoted by: >>16084566

I'm sure you can. Just imagine the 3 of you cuddling together on a bed, talking about mysteries and laughing happily.

>> No.16084559
Quoted by: >>16084574

I dunno. For me, I don't care about having the other character or girl happy. It's just satisfying my sexual interest and nothing more. But that sort of control doesn't work when it's mutual, when it involves love.
I doubt you would use Satoko like a ragdoll, right? But would you do it for, say, some stake you don't care about?

Or, again, maybe it's just me, and because Rika is the only thing I love.

>> No.16084561
Quoted by: >>16084573

Then what about sexual scenarios in which Rika is the dominant one? When it's her coming on to you of her own desire?

>> No.16084566
Quoted by: >>16084584

Thank you for the nice imagery.

>> No.16084573
Quoted by: >>16084612

I dunno. Part of me would do everything in my power to stop her. I mean, what the fuck do I do if Rika is half drunk, with her dress barely on her body, and starts to rip my clothes off?
I'm rather anal about being in control. But in that situation, I just don't know...
If she foregoes her own happiness of having her childhood and comes to me in a sexual way, then I would oblige. I just won't be the first one to make the first move.
Though if she forgets the next day, I won't pursue the matter. Unless Rika purposefully pretends that she doesn't remember anything after Hanyuu tells her what we did last night.

>> No.16084574
Quoted by: >>16084579

The idea of using someone like a ragdoll would just make me feel guilty, and I wouldn't be able to enjoy it. Maybe you could say that I love every character to some extent.

>> No.16084579
Quoted by: >>16084589

I see. Well, maybe it is me. I would treat every character like a slave or dirt if I had absolute power over them.

>> No.16084584
Quoted by: >>16084613

You're welcome. I'm glad you enjoyed it. I like to imagine sweet scenarios in addition to lewd ones.

>> No.16084589
Quoted by: >>16084614

Well, at least you can feel love for Rika. That's worth something at least.

>> No.16084612
Quoted by: >>16084628

So the drunk scenario would likely end up as a single night of passion between you two.
>If she foregoes her own happiness of having her childhood and comes to me in a sexual way, then I would oblige. I just won't be the first one to make the first move.

What if she merely decides that being in a romantic/sexual relationship with you would make her happier than experiencing an idealized childhood? If there was no alcohol or regrets involved, and Rika just wanted to experience those things with you?

>> No.16084613
Quoted by: >>16084633

I have been feeling down. It helps. Sorry for being selfish.

>> No.16084614 [DELETED] 
File: 117 KB, 300x300, nihilistic battler.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it? I don't know. It makes me nihilistic except for my own life and my love for Rika.

>> No.16084628

>What if she merely decides that being in a romantic/sexual relationship with you would make her happier than experiencing an idealized childhood?
If she chooses to become an adult rather than live her childhood, then that's her decision and path to happiness. I dunno, I might not accept the offer immediately. Reminding her of her desire to have a childhood is something I would likely do.
I still feel that experiencing a childhood is more important than having sex.

>> No.16084633

Don't worry about it. There's nothing wrong with being a bit selfish when you're down. Everyone does it. Things will get better.

As long as you have that love there's still hope. Maybe try thinking about what it is about Rika that causes you to love her, and then try to look for those things in other places? It might help you to appreciate more.

>> No.16084653
Quoted by: >>16084662

For example, Satoko is Rika's best friend. She's an important part of Rika's ideal childhood. Hurting her would make Rika unhappy too. So even if you don't love Satoko you could develop a hesitance to hurt her.

>> No.16084662 [DELETED] 
File: 116 KB, 300x300, battler nihilistic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16084731

I love her because she gives me strength when I had none. I fell in love with her when I was in the worst moment in my life. I was in a literal hell and prison. Once I escaped, I went into a deep depression, was unable to connect to anyone and when I did, I felt nothing for anyone. Rika gave me strength in her endless hope and desire to be happy. It gave me hope and I loved her at that point. If I ever met her, I would do everything in my power to make her happy. Her optimism inspired me, but I am unable to match it. I keep being cynical and I hate myself for everything that happened to me.

Oh, of course, the scenario of abusing and using Satoko only applies if Rika is out of the picture completely. If Rika is around, I would never do anything to Satoko. Love is selfish, but also requires sacrifice to uphold that love.
Just as I would never hurt Rika, I would never do anything that would affect Rika's happiness like doing anything to Satoko.

>> No.16084672
Quoted by: >>16084731

I can't help but feel guilty.

>> No.16084731
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Quoted by: >>16084768

As for me, I read Umineko during some of my formative years, and it probably shaped my way of thinking to some extent. The way everything in the story is a mixed bag, and nothing is pure evil for no reason. That's why I'm able to love everything, and try to understand others. I don't know what happened to make you the way you are, but by talking to you like this, even if it's just a little bit, i'm able to understand you and your way of thinking. That's why I can say for sure things will get better in the future, even without any real basis.

And that's what makes it alright. You understand where you're wrong and regret it. That means you'll definitely make things right.

>> No.16084768
Quoted by: >>16084772

I hope so. I feel a lot less cynical and nihilistic as I used to be, perhaps due to Rika.

>> No.16084772
Quoted by: >>16084781

Then that's a sign that things are already improving. It might take a while, but I'm sure someday you be able to love lot's of things the same way you do Rika.

>> No.16084781
Quoted by: >>16084791

I hope so too. Thanks.

>> No.16084791
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Your welcome anon.

>> No.16085504
File: 190 KB, 500x688, seakats.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bronove is
Try and prove me wrong
You just can't

>> No.16086364


New thread

>> No.16086621

That was fantastic! Really writing. I love the dialogue and the end.

Consider posting this on an umineko community or tumblr or something

>> No.16086625
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