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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 507 KB, 832x1200, Will O Wisp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13614924 No.13614924 [Reply] [Original]
Quoted by: >>13614928

I'll love you forever!

Monster Girl Pastebin: http://pastebin.com/UevqvF4h

Monster Girl Blogspot: http://monstergirlcollection.blogspot.mx/?zx=61f8bddc3f284770

Monster Girl Wordpress: https://monstergirlscollection.wordpress.com/

>> No.13614925

Ayyy, what the fuck?

>> No.13614927

Praise the mods/jannies!
They haven't entirely forsaken us yet!

>> No.13614928
File: 273 KB, 800x1000, Crow Love best love.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best Love.
What an awful thread that was.

>> No.13614929

Why. Why couldn't you just let it die?

>> No.13614930
Quoted by: >>13614955

I love my Onee-san though, but I also love my Jinko! They're both big girls, and I'm happy to serve them like a good otouto/boyfriend should. Can't there be a way to get them to get along?

>> No.13614932

Gonna cuddle a lich

>> No.13614933

RIP last thread. you will NOT be missed.

>> No.13614934
File: 973 KB, 1920x1080, MGK Wurm trapped in revolving door.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13614946

We back? Good.

>> No.13614937
File: 2.25 MB, 1200x1500, 1433414153007.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dragon playing games

>> No.13614938

It was better to delete it than napalm bomb it.

>> No.13614940 [SPOILER] 
File: 1002 KB, 500x281, 1433658893375.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13614947

Cats_ are olev.

>> No.13614942
Quoted by: >>13614944

I want to huddle together with my Alp waifu and Succubi daughterus together on a stormy night and say "And that, kids, is why you don't make threads early!"

>> No.13614943
Quoted by: >>13614977

>That Vulva
>Those soft thighs.
>Those breasts

I'll dive in and never come up for air.

>> No.13614944

I want to cuddle together with Chubby Alp Senpai as we see an Older couple walk by, as I ask her what she thinks about having daughterus!

>> No.13614945
File: 750 KB, 1200x1200, 3e84e32981ab35e5f91e117af45c2443.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First for cute mofu!
Wanna touch it.
Gonna touch it.

>> No.13614946

This door design is discriminatory. I intent to sue this establishment on behalf of wurm-chan for failure to provide equal access.

>> No.13614947

Manticore is best cat girl

>> No.13614948

There is no way that tail is real.

>> No.13614949
Quoted by: >>13614964

it had to be done honestly, no amount of deleting could have repaired that

>> No.13614951

Am I the only one that filters Chubby Alp Senpai?

>> No.13614953

That fox is packing one big fluffy tail.

>> No.13614954


>> No.13614955

So the context for this is your thugdere oni onee-san who dotes on you, her darling bookworm brother, finds out your dating a jinko from the rival gang?

>> No.13614956

How would anyone that filters it see your post?

>> No.13614957
Quoted by: >>13614966

Didn't you know? Foxgirls pad their tails instead of their bras. Don't tell her I told you.

>> No.13614958
Quoted by: >>13614966

What if she has 9 of them and just bunches them together to pretend to be younger?
Or maybe its a weave.

>> No.13614959

Did that filter your own post? And why don't you like Alps that are your superior and slightly overweight?

>> No.13614960

No, he's an annoying cunt.

>> No.13614963

Good night everyone.
Give your daughteru headpats and don't burn down the thread.

>> No.13614964

What happened?

>> No.13614965

I don't filter it, I just skip those posts. It's not like they piss me off or anything, they're just overused. They fade into the background for me, like tailpussy posts back when that was a thing.

>> No.13614966

Stupid tail extensions. She overdid it though, you can definitely see it's fake.
This I could see.
But my dragon daughteru has the stomach flu.

>> No.13614967

Them shiny skintight shorts though...

>> No.13614968

Check archive, it's pretty obvious.

But giving her headpats is what causes the burning.

>> No.13614969

/jp/ natives getting riled up by monster girls.

at least a hundred posts of shitposting.

>> No.13614971

Those are spats. Lots more out there.

>> No.13614972

>But my dragon daughteru has the stomach flu.
Then she just needs MORE headpats. Come on now.

>> No.13614973
Quoted by: >>13614976

Give her a head pat, it'll make her feel better

>> No.13614974

I'd gleefully give that anon a blanket party. With pool balls.

>> No.13614975

Those are spats you uneducated swine

>> No.13614976

But that just makes her queasy. And you don't want to be around when her dinner comes up. Metal bucket didn't stand a chance.

>> No.13614977 [DELETED] 

Who are you quoting?

>> No.13614978


>> No.13614979

I saw a few of those shitposts in other /jp/ threads earlier too, I think we just got so many because we're the biggest target.

>> No.13614980

Here we go again!

>> No.13614983 [DELETED] 

“Let’s see here…Miyazaki Rei,” the girl stood nervously at attention. She didn’t like these pressure cooker kind of situations. It was grating at her being, especially since her superior had his chair facing her. She couldn’t even see him! His expression or anything, “graduated top of her class, excellent marks, mhmm, mhmm…this is all good, on paper, but Miyazaki-kun.”

At the sound of her name the girl accidentally stuttered, “H-Hai?”

“There is a difference between simulation and reality. No matter how many times you practice, the real thing always will feel different,” she was told, “I’ve received reports of men and women dying from not being unable to adapt to that change. Some traumatized for life. The world of a Busou Tantei is much crueler than a dog eat dog world. It’s a world of hatred and despair…There is nothing to stop you from falling from grace and nothing that keeps the ‘dogs’ from attacking you. In short, nothing is guaranteed.”

“And…” her superior swiveled around to face her, “not even that pretty face can save you from anything, anyone’s wrath. There will be people that hate you. There will be people you kill. And…there, possibly, will be a person that will kill you. Knowing all that, would you still agree?”

Amber red eyes met with her officer’s as she answered, “With all due respect, sir. I was aware of the dangers and cruelty the Busou Tantei had to offer. Even in training I realized, I was diving feet first into hell. But…sir, if there is a chance I can do something worthwhile here, I’ll take it. If I can sentence criminals before they can do wrong again…Prevent them from ruining a person’s fortune, catch them before perverting a daughter or son, or…end them before they can take another person’s loved one…I will gladly take this step.”

>> No.13614985 [DELETED] 

“That’s the kind of answer I’d like to hear…” he thought aloud as he read through the last of her profile. He stopped at the final question: Why would you want be become a Busou Tantei?

Her answer, written in neat kanji and hiragana, said, To provide solace for all victims of criminals’ misdeeds.

The man continued, “As for you pairing, you shall be replacing a member of Izanami. The remaining member already has your file and she’s to meet you promptly.”

“Ah, thank you for this opportunity,” Rei thanked as she bowed to her superior. He quipped, “So polite…I wonder how long that will last…”

“What was that, sir?”

“Nothing. I was saying, Mikoto-kun should be here soon. She will show to where and who you two may all work with from time to time.”

>> No.13614987
File: 58 KB, 625x626, bait mermaid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13614988
File: 80 KB, 500x501, 1430675291544.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13614991


>> No.13614989 [DELETED] 

Ikari looks at the file she had been given blandly as the taxi zooms through traffic to the Busou Tantei base. She was smart, Ikari could give her that having blasted through all the classes with perfect marks something Ikari had never done. She really was a sort of special case in this faction, thinking back on how the job was usurped from her father. Back then Ikari was already thought of as a kind of executioner for her brutal sentencing and ability to always find the truth. Many called Ikari inhuman because of 100% success rate at mysteries and it was that popularity that easily slid her into the ranks of the newly formed Busou Tantei without having to go through the formalities of training.

She closed the file glad that she at least was being paired with a girl that was competent and not some brain dead man. Ikari's mind flashes to a memory of the last christmas where things were so awkward that Ikari forcibly removed herself from the setting. The girl her parents had grown was long gone, swallowed by the void of mystery and also...by the machinations of the person that betrayed her. The day that Ikari would face that man...would be the day she would decide if she existed or not, but until then, she would live as a half-human, a super detective without the ability to truly feel or be among normal humans. But that was a complicated mess that Ikari didn't want to think about right now, right now all she wanted to focus on was her work with the Butei.

>> No.13614991

Please stop wasting images

>> No.13614992

>First person that uses my OC.
Feels good.

>> No.13614993 [DELETED] 

The taxi driver comes to a stop a few steps away from the security checkpoint. Even now Ikari barely played by the rules, having her own taxi take her instead of the commute the base provided to get all detectives to their job on time. She checked in on foot and made her way through the crowd of people rushing about to begin their routine until she makes it to the building with her assigned superior.

Ikari makes her entrance then guessing already what they had been talking about.

"I was only a little late. Hey Miyazaki Rei, you want your file back? I don't need it anymore."

Ikari wasn't some kind of crazy mad intellectual rapist that assumed the whole world played into her hand and was actually capable of courtesy, but she also knew quite well how to bend them to her will, something she did not plan to do to Rei unless things didn't go well.

>> No.13614994

The natives are really butthurt tonight.

>> No.13614995

They're just jealous that their threads aren't popular

>> No.13614997

Their favorite idol must've gotten married or something.

>> No.13614998 [DELETED] 

The new recruit of Izanami jumped at the sudden appearance of a new voice. She turned at the mention of her name and met the face of, who she assumed was, her newest partner. She was taught how to work with people in her class. She made many acquaintances this way though she knew none would be her permenant one.

When Rei actually noticed, her partner was pretty. She was the epitome of a traditional ideal Japanese woman. HOwever, this didn't hinder the girl's ability to know how to respect her officer and even fellow man...well, woman.

"My file? Ah, well I don't need it," she managed to say then realized she didn't know the lady's name, "Eeto..."

>> No.13615000 [DELETED] 

Her hand lightly hit the file of Rei before she let it drop from her hand and fall onto the desk the supervisor sat at. She then pulls up a chair and sits next to Rei while facing the superior as he proceeds to scold Ikari. The whole time Ikari didn't introduce herself at all but rather assumed that Rei would put it together by the supervisors outburst.

"It seems like every week there is always some little violation you make that have to scold you about Ikari. This is a place of professionalism, I don't care if you don't use the morning convoy as most don't but at least have the decency to show up on time! H-hey!"

Ikari had taken that time to grab at another closed file and open it up.

"An E-Ranked criminal huh? To show Rei the ropes?"

"Eh...erm..Yes. He goes by the alias of Mad Spades. Spades knows nothing of the way of mystery and hes left quite a trial at his last murder scene where- I guess you'll just see."

Ikari's eyes slide over to the supervisor mysteriously

"You can't sugar-coat an E-rank to me sir. This is just another man who has created the third-rate world we now live in. He'll be down within the hour."

>> No.13615002 [DELETED] 

Rei listened as her superior scolded her partner about her preferences in transport or being a 'loose cannon'. She pieced that her new teammate's name was Mikoto Ikari. The recruit had heard of the name before, as it was well-known amongst those in the academy. The record was legendary, something everyone wanted to outdo. But, of course, this was far from Rei's amibtions so she didn't pay much attention to it. She heard as they talked about her first assignment.

E-ranked. Mad Spades. Last murder scene.

Those three phrases were the main ones she honed in on for her own internal reasoning. E-ranked. Most of these for petty crimes--what were formerly misdemeanors. This also meant they were fresh on the criminal scene...so Rei was slightly confused on this person already making a name for themselves but stashed that away for the time being.

But what stuck most was 'last murder scene'. This was a murderer and stuck more than once. Their crimes already affecting more than one person. Even it was a 'small fry', taking lives...wasn't forgivable.

"So can we go now?" Rei appeared ready to leave but didn't abandon her polit demenor as she bowed to her higher up, "Thank you for this opportunity, sir."

"Opportunity she tells me..." the man said, seemingly shaking his head in disbelief.

>> No.13615006

Uuuhh... well, I edited my shit so it doesn't read like garbage someone slogged together at extremely late hours at night.


Hopefully you all won't have to wade through stupid typos and repeating sentences that didn't get edited out.

I wanted to write, but it looks like today we're in full shitstorm mode, so I don't think now's really the time.

Anyway, comments, criticism, just want to call me a faggot, all good.

>> No.13615008 [DELETED] 

"Yes, lets go~ If you'll excuse me sir."

Ikari nodded at the superior and then took her exit from the tent back into the compound. The crowd in the base was slowly dying out as everyone was getting their contracts for the day like Ikari and Rei had just done. She couldn't have been more bored with the task at hand already and with glazed eyes she looked over to Rei.

"So...where is your car?"

>> No.13615009
Quoted by: >>13615014

They do anything to distract themselves from the fact that they're not nips.

>> No.13615010
Quoted by: >>13615031

>today we're in full shitstorm mode
Not really shitstorm so much as being "raided" by a handful of butthurt /jp/ natives.
And at this point it seems to be just one guy.

>> No.13615013 [DELETED] 

"It's in the garage," Rei replied. Ikari was already ahead of her, heading for the elevator. Rei gave yet another bow to the superior before going to catch up to her new partner. As the elevator descended she fished out her keys from her pocket. Their shoes clacked on the concrete to the underground parking lot as they entered. She pushed the unlock to find where it was hidden. She slid into the driver's seat of her silver Subaru R2.

"Eeto, Mikoto-san..."

>> No.13615014
Quoted by: >>13615022

Being a nip would suck. 12 hour work days, forced to drink with work buddies after, no time for family, wife would probably cheat on you with a construction worker, my dick would be puny, and the legal prostitutes would squeal like dolphins while I pork them without putting it in.

>> No.13615016
File: 694 KB, 1142x1198, 1432583320498.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

While I am a fan of mofu, kero deserves more love. so does rusalka :<

>> No.13615018
File: 791 KB, 1000x890, 1425129301401.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13616421

Frog Girls are lewd.

>> No.13615020

Kero is good to. I'd let an Akaname stick her tongue down my throat.

>> No.13615021 [DELETED] 

She was silent as they made their way to the car garage, Ikari's eyes already looking like they were off in another world only to be brought back down to reality when she heard her name sheepishly called out from her partner. Ikari had already slid in easily to the passengers side of the car leaning back as though she was completely relaxed.

"Hm? What is it? And you can just call me Ikari if you can. I'm not a fan of all those formalities. I'll probably just call you Rei unless you do something special alright?"

She smirked at this but her eyes continued to drift out the window instead of to her partner.

>> No.13615022

Hey man, don't shake the box.

>> No.13615023

In a story, how much of a character should the male be for your enjoyment? Focus being cute stuff.

>> No.13615024

took me a second to realize that was a tongue

>> No.13615027 [DELETED] 

"Ah...hai...then Ikari-san," Rei corrected as she checked through the mirrors and such with her car. The car hummed steadily when she started it, "Where do we begin our investigation of this criminal...eeto....Mad Spades...?"

It wasn't that she was inept at investigation, Rei simply had intended to take her partner--taicho, really--'s lead in order to a get a feel of the Butei's style. That and she was a recruit, wet behind the ears, so taking such charge seemed almost arrogant. Though she hoped she hadn't come off as absolutely clueless...

>> No.13615030 [DELETED] 

Her eyes slid over to view Rei again as she drove with a glare that just screamed "is this girl serious?"

"So thats your angle then is it? I wondered what kind of person you would be outside of the file of the perfect grade kid but I think a tale like yours is one I can read. You'll appear shy and standoffish like this until you do something cool that will warrant respect so you'll blossom into a beautiful flower of confidence~"

She said the last part with a bit of mocking hostility as her eyes were glued to the brilliant blue sky above them, Ikari's eyes seemed to almost have a strange blue mist pooling around them. Ikari sighed, she had read this story a thousand times, she knew she could sometimes be brutal with other humans but it was just because there was nothing interesting in the world unless someone stirred the pot to create something.

"Thats fine I guess, but when you get to that moment where you do something cool Im going to recite this moment and you're going to feel really dumb."

>> No.13615031
Quoted by: >>13615038

Kind of reminds me of snoop-anon. I wonder what happened to that guy?

>> No.13615032 [DELETED] 

Rei slowed as the light turned red. She didn’t glance over at her partner, instead checking her path. Behind, left, right, ahead. Her red-amber eyes appeared only focused on the task at hand yet she said, “Perceive that way if you wish, Ikari-san.”

“You aren’t exactly wrong as I am a shy and standoffish person,” the Butei admitted. The light shifted to green. She settled into a stead pace before she continued, “And without doubt will I be happy when have proven myself as a Butei…however, I am disappointed that I come off as such a shallow person to you, who I am supposed to be working with. But, I suppose that is based off your observations of people and who I am fits a certain type.”

She rounded a corner, observing a person speeding by, trying to get past faster than she could turn. Rei allowed them to pass before resuming her drive, “And just so I don’t shatter that perception you hold, I’ll achieve that moment. And when you repeat this time, I’ll laugh stupidly and say, ‘oh you remember that, Ikari-san? I didn’t know you could feel nostalgia. You didn’t come off as that type of person. Guess even you can be surprising, aibou’.”

With that Rei had parked her car, and stepped out. Anyone that had heard those words, would’ve thought Rei was being sarcastic in her wording. Sure, it hurt with the first impression she left so there was a tone of vexation, as people tended to get when toes were stepped on, but her words were sincere. Rei wore her mind on her sleeve. It was the reason why people either could trust her or believed she was crude.

>> No.13615033

Whatever you want man. You're the writefag.

>> No.13615035

I take anything that isn't a giant wuss with the common sense of a tomato.

That's probably not relevant when it comes to "cute stuff"...

>> No.13615036 [DELETED] 

However, that was not the silver-haired woman’s concern. It was why she was here. Her job. Her goal. Since Ikari gave no destination, Rei decided on a place. They were in a lower middle class district. Crime was moderate in the area, meaning the presence of Butei was not uncommon to the area. The house they parked before was the scene of the--Rei shuddered at the thought--latest victim.

She tied her hair back as she went under the yellow ‘do not cross’ tape. While she carefully crossed the porch steps, she drew up her face mask over her mouth and nose. Rei opened the door with ease, “Forced entry from shape of the door and its frame.”

There was a chalk outline for where the body had been when it was discovered. It was across the floor roughly 10 feet from the door. There was a trail of blood, “The initial wound wasn’t large…however then near where the body is…”

>> No.13615038
Quoted by: >>13615045

He probably pulled off the impossible and overdosed on marijuana, he practically drowned himself in the stuff after all.

>> No.13615040 [DELETED] 

Her daze seemed to be destroyed like the bursting of a bubble with Rei's counter-analysis. Ikari's eyes, wide open look over to Rei, her teeth grinding together as you can hear the sound of a defeated little girl that slowly evolved into an extremely amused fit of laughter escape from her mouth.

"Tchhh gghrrrrrhhh!!...khe...khehe......hehehahahahahaha!"

There was a bit of pain in her laugh as she realized that the way Rei had trapped Ikari was under the presumption that she was a heartless detective. And while her rep had built her out to look that way, she was still able to do those things...Or at least she wanted to believe so. But Ikari could tell that Rei was just defending herself from Ikari's initial attack, and welcomed it whole-heatedly.

"I think I'm going to like you Miyazaki Rei! My last partner was such dead weight when he first came out of the academy and every time I tested him like this he only proved how hopelessly third rate he was. However this is only the beginning, I'm going to test you several more times so that you'll become an ace detective like me! hehehahaa..."

>> No.13615041
Quoted by: >>13615061

>how much of a character
That's kind of vague.

>> No.13615044
Quoted by: >>13615061

I don't write cute stuff when I write, and men being cute isn't something I think most people here would appreciate or pick up on either, so it'd be a pretty moot attempt.

>> No.13615045
Quoted by: >>13615055

But anon, thou art meant to smoke it everyday.

>> No.13615046 [DELETED] 

"But now im never going to compliment you when you do something so you don't throw it in my face"[/color] She adds quietly to the side with a slight pout.

Eventually the car had finally made it to a stop.

"Where are we?"

Feeling a bit like a rookie herself Ikari tagged along behind as they entered the crude building up the point where the yellow caution tape clued her in as to what they were doing. This was probably the most recent murder to date in Tokyo, and with the manner of Mad Spades killing there was a very good chance that there was a link to the culprit in this scene.

Rei made a bee line for the body while Ikari began to survey the location. The trail of blood left behind the victim made its way to a table 10 feet inside of the house, where a pile of cards were left behind, or rather, there were two piles. The method of murder was the same, the culprit challenges the victim to a game of luck in which the person that draws the more spaded cards is the victor. So far Mad Spades has won every time and killed the loser for their bad luck. Ikari's immediate guess was that the game was rigged in some way to achieve the illusion of luck but up until now she had never had time to observe the deck of cards.

Her hands went down for the deck and she skimmed through them briefly not seeing a single spaded card...She wasn't truly that unlucky was she...? Where were they? It was then that Ikari realized the missing cards and the method of murder were the same they were probably all down his throat or something...

"You see anything?" Ikari calls out.

>> No.13615047
File: 316 KB, 1280x1672, Tsuyu squatting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13615051 [DELETED] 

“The fatal wounds were puncture marks along with a slit…at the throat. However…the slit doesn’t even look like it was killing blow…It seems a bit shallow…” Rei deduced as she crouched down, the long coat of her uniform brushing against the ground. She examined the slit mark closer. The deceased didn’t even seem to have been dead from blood loss, she thought. The woman responded as she noticed what was jammed in the wound, “Cards?”

“I suppose this is part of the reason this guy is called ‘Mad Spades’,” Rei mused to herself, rather than her partner. She readjusted the contacts on her eyes. It was standard for Butei. They transmitted information seen when it was activated. Normally it was used for confirming identities of criminals and pulling up info on corpses. The intel division normally handled those matters so she would get them within a few minutes, “How are things on your end?”’

>> No.13615052

Don't you mean Ribbutt?

>> No.13615053

Unfff latex...

>> No.13615054
File: 106 KB, 611x757, ss+(2015-06-07+at+03.08.07).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meow Meow Motherfucker

>> No.13615055
Quoted by: >>13615065

But Anon, I am too poor to afford the ingredients for the holy blazing ritual, and I often forget to perform it on the holy time of 4:20 p.m.

>> No.13615057

Yes yes, we already heard about it last thread.
Do you have anything that's new or actually interesting to share?

>> No.13615059 [DELETED] 

“The fatal wounds were puncture marks along with a slit…at the throat. However…the slit doesn’t even look like it was killing blow…It seems a bit shallow…” Rei deduced as she crouched down, the long coat of her uniform brushing against the ground. She examined the slit mark closer. The deceased didn’t even seem to have been dead from blood loss, she thought. The woman responded as she noticed what was jammed in the wound, “Cards?”

“I suppose this is part of the reason this guy is called ‘Mad Spades’,” Rei mused to herself, rather than her partner. She readjusted the contacts on her eyes. It was standard for Butei. They transmitted information seen when it was activated. Normally it was used for confirming identities of criminals and pulling up info on corpses. The intel division normally handled those matters so she would get them within a few minutes, “How are things on your end?”’

>> No.13615061

Just want to know how much effort I should put into his personality, backstory, etc.
He won't be cute himself, it'll be the MGs providing that.

>> No.13615063 [DELETED] 

"Its just as I guessed..."

Ikari didn't even have to look after hearing what Rei had said. This was a scene from the Mad Spades serial murders, of that, there was no doubt. The only question now is how did he get away after dealing the murder. Ikari would begin to narrow down the possibilities with his escape method as her goal. She moved to the side of Rei to begin the theory

"So he barged his way into the place and probably held the guy up, I bet he has some kind of complex about luck and made the deal that if he won Mad Spades card game he would live...Clearly he did not. How long has this body been here?"

Ikari calls out to the others that had set up the caution tape, this was a recent crime scene for sure, but how recent? A few minutes? an hour?

>> No.13615065

Literally heresy.

>> No.13615066
File: 100 KB, 900x1285, cute ant8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alien Queen

>> No.13615067 [DELETED] 

Rei once again came in closer to the corpse. Her eyes couldn't see what she needed from what he was wearing. The woman tightened her glove as she lifted the victim's shirt. She then frowned.

"I agree with that scenario," Rei responded, "However, discovery is fairly 'late'. This body is in livor mortis...this guy's been dead for at least two hours and hasn't been moved."

The Butei thought aloud, "But to get away quietly enough to allow even this amount of time to elaspe before investigators arrive..."

>> No.13615069

>personality, backstory, etc
He needs to have a consistent personality but beyond that depends on the story.

>> No.13615070

Wanna have a deep conversation with a slime then we hold hands

>> No.13615071

>Just want to know how much effort I should put into his personality, backstory, etc.
How deep of a rabbit hole do you want to throw yourself into?
Take the time to think up and write out a basic idea of how you want your story to progress and then write the characters accordingly, changing or altering different scenes if they need to be because of certain characters.
It really doesn't matter who a character is or what they are as an individual if they're just going to be around for a few paragraphs.

>> No.13615072 [DELETED] 

A speculative hand rose to her chin as Ikari contemplated all the clues she had. None of them pointed to where this guy was now but she was famous for finding the culprits off of vague and round-about reasoning. It was what had made her such a famous detective for she was never wrong when she accused a party--even when she had no evidence to back it up.

"So...just what is the heart of this tale...?"

Ikari says more to herself than anyone else as a strange blue accumulates around her eyes. This was a mystery that that was far deeper than any criminal the Butei would run into, for..it ran along the heart of all tales itself. The easy answer would be to assume that Ikari was magical and in truth...she would rather have that definition than what this truly was.

"The answer is in the name...isn't it...? Mad spades is a gambler, a risk taker, and so far he has been successful. It hasn't been because the deck was stacked but because...He made a closed room murder."

She didn't even blink when the gun was pressed against her head. There he was, far older than both Ikari and Rei, Mad spades stood behind Ikari with a gun pointed at her head, his hat obscured his eyes but nothing could hide his deranged smile.

"So you Butei dogs finally figured me out huh? I guess it can't be helped...However now...we are going to play a game."

The people that had been out keeping the crime under surveillance turned around with their guns pointed at Rei and Ikari as well. Spies for Mad Dog.

>> No.13615075

And now we're being spammed by, what, fanfiction?

>> No.13615076

Why are monsters so shit.

>> No.13615080

Yeah, it's one guy who's been doing it since the start of the thread, just ignore him and hide his posts or report him, he'll go back to crying about not being Japanese eventually.

>> No.13615081

they are getting deleted, Jan has awoken

>> No.13615082

I don't know. I'm curious myself, but I don't care enough to read any of the posts.

>> No.13615083
Quoted by: >>13615089

Based janitors!

>> No.13615084 [DELETED] 

Closed room, huh? Rei wasn’t a foreigner to the concept. However it had been long since she had dealt with it. At least since middle school…She prevented a moment of nostalgia before it could happen.

Rei couldn’t help but frown at the situation. To end up within the belly of the beast so early, the woman didn’t expect it. She wasn’t upset more than assessing her and Ikari’s situation. Mad Spades had them surrounded so pulling out her gun would’ve been a waste.

She kept her cool while staring down each individual barrel pointed towards them. Mad Spades said, "So you Butei dogs finally figured me out huh? I guess it can't be helped...However now...we are going to play a game."

“A game? And let me guess, we win, we live?” Rei asked.

>> No.13615088 [DELETED] 

"You guessed it."

Mad Spades nods and the two goons go to work. The first one works on shutting and locking the door as well as the windows while the second one forcibly removes the guns from both Ikari and Rei's inventory. Meanwhile Mad Spades sets the table for the game of luck. In a closed room like this Mad Spades can seem as lucky as he wants when the truth cannot leave the walls.

Mad Spades then gracefully gestures over to the seat across from him for Rei to take. Ikari then speaks up

"Well? Isn't this the part where you tell us how hopeless this situation is and why you are doing this? I know you're just dying to have our sympathy..."

Ikari rolls her eyes and then looks to Mad Spades for an answer. He folds his hands across his mouth and then utters

"I would if I were some comic book villain but I am not. But lets just say...I'm not a fan of the ROT act being passed and leave it at that."

Mad Spades begins to shuffle the deck before Rei showing an impressive form of shuffling that only master card dealers were capable of and then slams the deck down on the table before Rei. His eyes, deranged yet stoic peer deep into Rei pupils for answers.

"What is your name little girl...?"

>> No.13615089

It's always nice to be reminded that the Janitors still feel obligated to pay attention to these threads, even if it's begrudgingly.

>> No.13615091 [DELETED] 

Having no choice, the woman was stripped of her guns. With the gesture of her captor, Rei sat at the table with a gait that matched a Yamato Nadeshiko. She watched the eyes of the killer as he countered Ikari‘s quip. Her eyes watched both Mad Spades and the deck as he shuffled the deck. She didn’t flinch as he slammed the cards onto the table. His full attention was on her spheres, probably trying to decode her as he asked her name.

In a professional tone, “I’m sure it’s rather irrelevant to you as it’s merely another tally for your ‘victims list’. A more fascinating question would be inquiring about where you got your skills. Such adroit handling of cards surely couldn’t be merely a hobby. No, hands like those that moves swiftly and stealthy to both cover where cards fall and without shifting to be heard. Surely you were some kind of casino dealer, right Mad Spades-san? Or possibly a magician?”

Her speech pattern sounded like a child asking an adult a rather obvious question. However her tone gave off the intensity of an interrogator that was ready to shake down a stubborn accused. Rei said all this without an ounce of her previously timid self, “Especially since you decided to try false shuffles to hide the spades in your desired location. And it may be a shot in the dark but then you simply use that adept skill to produce this ‘akuma no un’ (Devil’s Luck). But correct me if I‘m wrong at any point, Mad Spades-san.”

>> No.13615094 [DELETED] 

“Of course,” Rei responded as she took the deck in her hands. Initially her hands fumbled about with the cards. Some threatened to fall out or refuse to slide in. She appeared pathetic, like a child that was still learning to shuffle. However, as she continued, her shuffling became more adroit. It seemed like blending of the playing cards. Fshh…the cards moved how she willed.

She already found how he hid his ideal cards within the deck. At first she thought to completely skew the cards within the deck. It would be a true test of luck for both of them. However, Rei knew her own luck. It wasn’t particularly good. So she dug into the skill she learned. Cheating with cards…were simply a more advanced form of card tricks.

Rei performed a hindu shuffle, deftly weaving her own illusion of luck. The teenager then sealed it with her running cuts on the table. She then settled the deck onto the table, “By luck,…? Is that what you call it? Then it seems we both have enough luck to escape death at least once. Let’s see who has enough to make it out again. Shall we, Mad Spades-san?”

>> No.13615097 [DELETED] 

Mad Spades blinked a bit, suddenly realizing that she was actually quite skilled in shuffling cards herself. A bead of sweat rolling down his head when he put 2 and 2 together that he was porbably going to be screwed in this hand...there was only one chance!

"Ah ah ah~ I said cut the cards not shuffle them again, here I'll take care of it detective-chan."

He picks up the deck and splits it into three piles and then rearranges the piles in a different order than they originally were but what the trained eye needed to see was the way in which he had performed his trick, for he had easily grabbed out the ace of spades from the deck and bumped it up in the order of the deck so that it would be the third card drawn. Was there a spades card as the first or second card to draw? Ikari hadn't seen...

"I'll go first..."

Mad Spades hand goes for the deck, he draws a Queen of Hearts.

"tch, ah well, you're move."

>> No.13615101
File: 244 KB, 450x600, Crispy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you a gyaru p'orc?

>> No.13615102 [DELETED] 

Rei honestly hoped he hadn't noticed that however reshuffling was the only way the Butei believed it would be fair. She ignored the honorfic that he added to her title as her attention was on his cut.

She watched as Mad Spades had switched up the cards again. Honestly, it mixed to where it would've been anyone's game. At least Rei thought until she noticed him slip a card that would be third. He insisted on going first...so that would his next card.

Mad Spades drew the Queen of Hearts before gesturing it was her turn. Rei put her hand over the deck before she took a breath. She pulled back, looking as she pulled it towards herself, "Ace of Spades."

>> No.13615103

Whatever this is it's giving me a better opinion of my own writing at least.

>> No.13615104 [DELETED] 

"W-W-what!? Thats impossible! How!?"

A wicked smile crawls onto Ikari's face as Mad Spades luck blows up in his face. She then directs that malice at her two captors, never having been in actual danger she tackles the one to her right onto the ground and then slams her foot into his stomach, and just as the other began to react Ikari pulled out her side arm, a small but powerful magnum and points it directly at your face

"Busted kehehehehehe..."

>> No.13615106
Quoted by: >>13615111

Do they wear sunglasses and lots of gold jewelry and abuse the hell out of tanning beds?

>> No.13615107

I'm imagining her as having a bad sunburn and smelling like bacon.

>> No.13615109 [DELETED] 

Taking Ikari's movement as a signal, the detective leapt onto the table. Quickly, Rei closed the distance between herself and Mad Spades. Pulling a knife from within her sleeve, she put the blade to his throat. The incline in his chair put Rei at an advantage to kill him if he tried to escape.

Rei repeated, "Ace of Spades. Or Swords in divination stands for seeing through the deceptions...and exposing it. Yare, yare it seems that this card wasn't the key to Butei's destruction but your own undoing."

Her scanner contacts could clearly see the facial features of the murderer. It went through the identification and confirmed his being as Mad Spades. With this confirmation, they were allowed to do their sentencing, "Mad Spades. You are have been charged with 3 counts of first-degree murder and 1 count of attemptive murder. Do you have any last words before you receive your verdict?"

>> No.13615111

I want to be her slave and earn my headpats from her!

>> No.13615113 [DELETED] 

"Someone as third-rate as him doesn't deserve last words Rei! Just end that idiot!"

Ikari turned her attention at his two assailants blasting the first one clear in the face and then without even flinching or moving pointing her gun at the guy below her foot and pulled the trigger on him as well, leaving a fine spray of blood all over the room.


All the while Mad Spades looked like he was in another world, muttering to himself and wondering just how on earth Rei was able to get the Ace of Spades on her second draw when he had put it at the third draw of the deck. Clearly life meant nothing to him until this problem was figured out as he had resigned from even cursing Rei's name as he was about to die.

>> No.13615117 [DELETED] 

Despite Ikari's words, the rookie did not listen. She wanted to be as fair as possible with her sentencing. However, when her accused said nothing, she knew that he would remain devoid until the end.

For a moment Rei felt a twinge of empathy for the man. He wanted revenge for those that killed his companions. Had he been a normal man..she might've reached to him. But...he wasn't. He was a killer, stealing the lives, the futures of others. However Rei also resolved not everyone could be content and if she couldn't overcome this trial...she might as well quit while she was ahead.

The woman told herself, like she had when she was in training, she would not--could not--back down. With that she said, "I judged that you are guilty and your sentence is death."

With the final word, she slit his throat. Blood sprayed on her clothes, face, and hair as the man fell back, dead before he hit the ground.

>> No.13615118 [DELETED] 

A small sigh escaped her lips as Minori Miwasawa paced around the office. A slight frown followed her sigh. They were supossed to get going already, what was keeping them waiting?

With a cup of coffee in one hand and a medium thick ebony cane in the other, the young woman would simply give up and stop near the front entry way. If she was there when her partner returned then at least that way she'd be easy to spot. Still..

"I wonder what kind of day today will be like eh Tatsu?" she whispered softly to herself with a small smile. She'd finish the rest of her drink before sloppily tossing the paper cup over towards the trashcan, not even bothering to see if she missed or not.

Despite the hasty manner of hers, the moment one would talk to Minori she'd respond with a classic actor's smile. Life was like a whole big stage now wasn't it? You've have to act a certain part if you wanted more in the future. Detective work was no different.

>> No.13615120 [DELETED] 

"Yeah, yeah, I'll listen to the rest of you nagging later," Sibella called back to her superior before she shut the door. Sometimes she swore the old man nagged her more than anyone else. However...Sibella knew that wasn't true. That was Ikari's position.

Her gray eyes checked about the vicinity for her partner. When Sibella couldn't see her, the woman started heading towards the break room. Because if the Butei knew Minori, she'd be off getting some kind of caffiene. Sure enough exiting the room was her partner.

"There you are," Sibella said, "We have our next case. Fairly simple, a Rank E criminal."

>> No.13615124 [DELETED] 

Minori glanced over once hearing her partner's voice. It was about time they ran into each other, though she would refrain from any snide remarks while her partner spoke. Once Sibella finished, Minori gave a frown showing her discontent.

"A simple Rank E guy? I don't see why they need the both of us if they're so keen on assigning us to such easy cases.."

With a small sigh, she'd tighten her grip and make her way closer towoards Sibella. Their boss wasn't going easy on them because of the cane was he? If there was anything Minori hated it was sympathy, still when most are told the story behind her limp, it was all she'd recieve.

If anyone deserved the compassion and sympathy she'd recieve, it'd be Tatsu.

She needed to shake such thoughts away though, no use tripping over the past. With that in mind, Minori's peircing brown eyes returned towards her partner.

"So what did the poor bastard do anyways?"

>> No.13615127 [DELETED] 

Minori glanced over once hearing her partner's voice. It was about time they ran into each other, though she would refrain from any snide remarks while her partner spoke. Once Sibella finished, Minori gave a frown showing her discontent.

"A simple Rank E guy? I don't see why they need the both of us if they're so keen on assigning us to such easy cases.."

With a small sigh, she'd tighten her grip and make her way closer towoards Sibella. Their boss wasn't going easy on them because of the cane was he? If there was anything Minori hated it was sympathy, still when most are told the story behind her limp, it was all she'd recieve.

If anyone deserved the compassion and sympathy she'd recieve, it'd be Tatsu.

She needed to shake such thoughts away though, no use tripping over the past. With that in mind, Minori's peircing brown eyes returned towards her partner.

"So what did the poor bastard do anyways?"

>> No.13615128
File: 778 KB, 700x1000, 5766b3cec5c0a1a8e53a3e3346645bf4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cool janitors deserve a cool pic, have a spider girl.

>> No.13615132 [DELETED] 

"I wouldn't exactly be taking pity on that bastard. He's charged with multiple counts of kidnapping," Sibella reported, "The only recorded account of his victims are 5, all high schoolers. However, off the record, the number's much higher."

As she delineated all the details, Sibella noticed the body language of her partner. Like the Butei, Minori also didn't like the difficulty of the cases they received. Her eyes shifted from the papers of the mission files to her partner leaning on her cane.

She never blamed Minori for her disability. In all honesty, Sibella found that people that have been hurt so severely are the strongest. The woman worked with a man blind in one eye yet earned a reputation of the best fighter of his class. He said so that no one could look down on him. Though Sibella didn't normally voice it, she could tell the same determination was within her companion.

That's why she voiced, "But...this may be the ultimate opportunity for us. So that we can say good bye to these small fry cases."

>> No.13615134
File: 90 KB, 780x455, America+according+to+anime+search+terms+i+live+in+shota_942a5d_4850278.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are anon by day a neet but at night a super hero. fighting against the demon queen and her monster girls


Fifth name generated is your hero alias. What's your quirk?

>> No.13615135 [DELETED] 

A suspicious glare came about Ikari as she looked to the one she had just shot. As his body began to fall over Ikari's hand nervously leapt at his chest where she assumed the device would be and sure enough...


Ikari pulled off a small locket type amulet with a K on the front. When she opened it she immediately spotted the audio recorder and insignia of that man...

"Tch...Rei we may have a pro-"

Looking back to Rei she could see that this was Rei's first kill on the field. She placed the locket in her pocket and then slowly made her way over to her. Ikari's hand raised up, twitching slightly as though extending comfort was something she wasn't good at and then placed it on her shoulder. The girl's pure white image had now been stained in red, had that affected Rei? It had gotten to Ikari on her first kill....

"Your...going to be alright?"

>> No.13615139 [DELETED] 

"Is that so? Heh.. all were female correct?" Minori's tone was it's usual, calm but slightly uncaring self. Of course she cared about the case, but with how sickening this world was, she wouldn't act shocked or afraid over this new culprit of there's.

She glanced over and saw her partner look over at the cane for a short second, but respected Sibella enough not to let it bother her. Luckily her partner still let her act indepent and like a normal human being. The last son of a bitch was quite the opposite, worrying that something happened to the brunette if she so left the person's site.

It wasn't until Minori wacked the moron upside the head with her cane that they finally allowed her a change in partners, and so far she held no regrets over the matter. If anything, she'd simply nod in return to her partner's final comment.

"That'd be nice, let's go catch the guy and see for ourselves then." With that said, she'd turn and walk towards the exit. That's where she assumed they'd head towards first, but Minori wasn't really sure. Still, she'd pretend she was, the woman was a bit stubborn that way.

>> No.13615140 [DELETED] 

The Butei couldn't help but smirk at the enthusiasm of her partner as she headed out. Sibella strolled to catch up to her. Outside were one of the observation vans, whose doors opened as the detectives exited. Two of the intel members that were going to be working with the duo, bowed and tried to help Minori in.

Sibella cringed for them as her partner made it clear....their help was not necessary. They were driving to the scene, with Minori and Sibella to themselves since the two intel thought it best to give a little bit of space.

"The thing about this guy though..." Sibella said, "...his victims aren't just females. The victims are both males and females within high school. They're all students that are considered to be exceptionally beautiful or handsome."

Sibell swiveled in her car to face her partner, "This is only a stroke of intuition...but I think I'm right about it. The characteristics of victims and...another piece of evidence points that it could be apart of an infamous trafficking ring. If we can help disrupt that ring....there's no way that boss'll keep us on these easy ones."

>> No.13615143 [DELETED] 

After it being over a year since the incident, Minori still hated the site of any kind of car. It was something however that she'd have to stomach, especially if she planned on sucessfully existing in this day and age. Still, when the two approached the vehicle she'd give in to her anger.

"Go away I'm fine!" She snapped as the two men approached her. They acted as if she was some kind of old woman, hell, even if she were an old bat Minori was self sufficient enough to walk to a car! Not afraid to hold back, she'd swing her cane towards their heads. After missing a blow to his face, one of the men, followed by the other finally back off.

"Ugh, people!" The woman would mutter before making it into the vehicle with her partner. She listened keenly, letting her mind train off in questions and thoughts over the matter.

"By trafficking you mean sex traffic?" Both genders though.. and they were the pretty brats. This definitely would become an interesting case, hell, it already was one.

Sibella's comment on the benefits of cracking the case left a big grin one the brunette's face. Her partner was right, if this was able to set off some sort of chain reaction from something small to something big, well, surely the reward would be as such as well, right? Still, there had to be something they were missing. This all seemed too easy.

"Were there any links between the kidnapper and any of his victims or were they all sporatic?"

>> No.13615145 [DELETED] 

Simulation was far too flattering compared to reality. They were mockeries of the true being of what she had to do. It could not capture how warm...how alive the blood was. No practice could duplicate the expression of a dying man's face. Of the vitality leaving their eyes.

The sight of her first kill was 'beautiful' by the standard that she was to execute her thoughts and dealings with the criminal. However, Rei couldn't have seen anything more ugly. Revulsion washed over her, threatening to make her sick.

A hand was placed on her shoulder and words of concern. The woman said nothing as her red-tipped fingers closed the eyes of her killer, May you have learned from this life...but take nothing from it...

"I...I am fine, Ikari-san," Rei responded, "but you were saying something...?"

>> No.13615147 [DELETED] 

"That's where the investigation would hit a snag, aibou (partner)," Sibella admitted as she spun around in her chair to the computer. The woman searched into the data surrounding the cases. Finally the screen pulled up a map of the city. On it were points with red dots, that had had a little flag telling the the victims name, age, with a picture.

Sibella admitted, "Judging by the locations it all appears to random. That's probably why this is only being treated as some crazy john doe that has a teenage fetish. However, I feel there's some pattern but it's just not so obvious...."

The woman turned to her partner, "You see something off about it...?"

>> No.13615149

>Fifth Name
>Carapace Web
...I'm a Spider Boy?

>> No.13615150

I want to read fanfiction with Chubby Alp Senpai, as we cuddle together by a fire!

>> No.13615152 [DELETED] 

Ikari who had always appeared confident in her stature faltered as Rei went back to what Ikari had been saying earlier, her eyes unable to even meet Rei's she instead stared at the dead body.

"Well...Its a really long and complicated story but...There may be a chance that I...do not exist. ...Strange huh?"

She winced at the memory of her old days as the All Seeing Detective of Fate. How she could resolve crimes with only a fraction of the investigation needed by normal detectives. When she had been betrayed by her partner she had done something she regretted as well as been chased out by said partner.

"I'd rather not explain here though."

>> No.13615154

Electric Priest

I shoot lightning from my cock.

>> No.13615155

>Chitin Charmer
So I'm some Bug slut?

>> No.13615156 [DELETED] 

She watched her partner as she hadn't met her gaze. Instead Ikari looked at her kill. Was it that sloppy? Or perhaps the woman had been too merciful in her partner's eyes? She didn't know but seemed compelled to look back down into where Mad Spade's slowly decaying body lie.

It was silent until Ikari suddenly made a declaration. The statement caught Rei off-guard so that she could not disguise the expression of confusion that graced her face. She didn't understand. Ikari was standing before her, wasn't she? She could feel the pulse going through her...

However, the woman said this wasn't the place, so Rei would no pursue it, "Okay....then....but I guess this is....case closed....?"

>> No.13615159

>Conjurer Plastique
So I can spawn high explosives?
My god, I'm Kimbley.

>> No.13615160 [DELETED] 

Ikari perks up a bit when Rei goes back to Mad Spades

"What this loser? Yeah case closed, he admitted to being Mad Spades and then bet his story on the draw of the cards. I'll just make a call to HQ to get someone out here to get the body and document it. I'll be right back."

Ikari steps outside of the room to pull out her company phone and began to go through the usual process of informing the chief that Mad Spades was down and that they could come get their prize. All the while her mind was focused on what she had truly uncovered here. She had never told anyone much about her past and to give Rei this much meant that already she really did trust her. But could she really drop all this on Rei too...? Maybe it would be better to just do this alone...

>> No.13615161

>cat burner

>> No.13615164

>Emerald Cleaver
oh yes.

>> No.13615166 [DELETED] 

Minori would remain silent as her partner spoke, the wheels in her brain already turning with each new bit of information given. Surely a pattern would be sensible, otherwise this creep was just an opportunist. Though if sporadic, that would play as a tougher way to find him, especially with such an impredictable strike point.

Raising her hand to her chin, the girl would hum in thought. She nodded to her partner's question as her eyes wandered towards the outside window.

Turning, she looked back at Sibella and her computer. "Do you have the information of the students, perhaps they may share another similarity that could play into this. Race, Religion, anything small might be enough to help us find a closer link towards this guy's taste in kid"

>> No.13615172 [DELETED] 

Rei watched as her partner walked out before her eyes fully surveyed the scene. Going over to the accomplices, she put her guns back in their holsters. It was just like the mystery novels she had been read when she was younger. A room locked and filled with corpses. Th first question was the simplest and nt exactly one that needed explanation. Who dunnit? The killer known as Mad Spades along with his associates.

Then was the second question: How dunnit? The modus operandi wasn't one particularly hard. It was a stab wound to cripple the victim. To cut off their escape. Then it was a slit across the neck where cards were stuffed. The combined blood loss and aphyxiation killed him. What a brutal...sadist way to murder.

Finally, why dunnit? Mad Spades wanted the attention, not from someone of the victim's family nor the infamy of villainy. However, he wanted their attention, a Butei's attention.

However, it was over. The blood on her was proof. Her red-amber eyes passed a reflective piece of decor that showed the smear of red. She wanted to clean it off...the case was solved so it should be fine, right?

Rei noticed Ikari and didn't want to bother her so she went further into the house to find the bathroom upstairs. She flicked the lights on with her elbow, so not the mar the room any more than she had to. The woman did the same with the faucet. Rei let the blood wash down the drain as she cleansed it from her skin though she knew it could never wash away the weight of what she had done.

As Rei looked back up to a mirror. but in the reflection she noticed a shadow scurry past the door. She drew her gun and stealthy went in the direction of the shadow. It led to an office. However, there was nothing in sight and no sign of a disturbance. Rei lowered her gun, believing it to be her imagination. She headed back down to Ikari, not seeing the wind waft the cutrains up.

>> No.13615178 [DELETED] 

"Well, I started to look into other things," Sibella answered as she messed with the keyboards again. The map disappeared. Small windows popped up in rapid succession. Each belonged to one of the victims, "There's nothing particular about their appearance as they possesed different colored hair and eyes. Most are Shinto but that's a given for those living in Japan. None attended the same high school. Some extracirruculars matched with some but not one that links all of them."

All this Sibella listed off, "...Although...I thought that normally traffickers would go for the weak, insecure, or clueless. You know like those that are poor or tourists. The only strange thing is that they aren't the typical idea of a kidnapping."

>> No.13615183 [DELETED] 

As Sibella spoke, Minori would reach her pocket for her pack of gum. Still listening all the while, she'd open it and plop one of the little strips of caffeine into her mouth. Sometimes carrying coffee everywhere was too much of a hassle, luckily there was a brand that provided a gum alternative. And being the caffeine junky she was, Minori would take full advantage of such a thing.

"Hm...." the woman hummed, as she crossed her arms and leaned further back into her seat. "So you think that this might be like a certain archetype our kidnapper's going through?" She recalled a case where a man focused on young girls with a talent of singing, perhaps if they found a hobby similar to that it could be a break for them.

"If, they each share a similar talent, perhaps that can be what makes them suiting for the captor's or even a specific customer's tastes.."

Or, perhaps all these victims did meet once before, like at a summer camp or something. But with the similarity in their social standings, perhaps such a theory would be a bit farfetch'd. Still, the woman would perk her ears towards Sibella's last statement. Holding out the gum, to offer her partner some, the woman would then ask,

"How were they kidnapped exactly?"

>> No.13615185

I have the ability to trigger spontaneous combustion in any living organism.

Wait, are you absolutely certain I'm not the villain?

>> No.13615190 [DELETED] 

Ikari closed her phone with the call being succesfully set up. Even now the sounds of ambulance sirens could be heard as the Butei deployed the clean up squad for the dead bodies. Ikari remembered a time where it would have been much harder to exterminate a third-rate criminal like this guy back before the Butei existed, now all they had to do was shoot the losers that got in the way.

However this system was also very dangerous for it would only take one slip up for the people to begin thinking that the Butei were not justice but murderers. There also had to be more people like Mad Spades out there that harbored malcontent for the Butei already...was it perhaps too late?

Ikari pushed the thought to the side, no matter what happens she would live, there would always be a need for detectives as long as there were people willing to do evil so it didn't matter what organization name she went under to make that happen.

Ikari returns to Rei and speaks up.

"The ambulance is on its way to clean up the blood and bodies, you ready to go? I could use a dri~nk"

>> No.13615193 [DELETED] 

Rei glanced back as if wondering if the shadow was merely a trick of the light. She came back to attention when she noticed Ikari wasn't talking on her cell phone anymore. Her partner mentioned the clean up, "Ah...hai...!"

"But...a drink...? We have time for that?" the girl wondered aloud.

>> No.13615196 [DELETED] 

Sibella gratefully took a stick. She was unwrapping the gum ash explained, "It's possible for them to have a certain hobby, though records would probably not have them. We'd have to asked their families or friends ourselves about that. That might be a pain to accomplish though."

The Butei popped the piece in as she went on, "As for how each of these guys were abducted...seems a bit fishy. It's been reported that each of the victims were out but seemed to be sick. Our guy then swooped in pretending to be a relative that came to check on them and swept them away."

"Now that sounds screwy."

>> No.13615198 [DELETED] 

"You just killed a guy I don't think anyone can tell us to do anything right now."

Ikari usually liked to take breaks in between cases as she help the hope that if she waited an actual interesting case would fall on her lap instead of the trash the butei throws on her. It was a waste of talent really especially with her new partner but then again Ikari supposed Rei should at least be weened into this world of blood instead of bring thrown right in.

In any case this was as good of an excuse as any to get away from work for a second and give some more clues on Rei's character. She didn't want to involve just anyone in her past life coming to haunt her so she had to make sure she was actually worth Ikari's time. So far she had passed but Ikari wondered if she was still too green for such an advanced case, what she was dealing with was something that was out of even the Butei's hands.

"You drive though, Now that I think about it we could get something to eat too, I haven't done that yet."

>> No.13615199 [DELETED] 

/monster/ makes better content than this shit. Stop shitting up /jp/ with these threads.

>> No.13615201 [DELETED] 

Rei nodded her partner's attitude about taking a break. The Butei fished her out her pockets and clicking on the unlock before opening the door, "You haven't eaten today, Ikari-san? That's not good for you. They say breakfast is important, moreso because we might be doing things like this often."

Her tone came off as motherly. It was that maternal instinct that she excelled in when she first started out. Her instructors had considered that her nature was more compatible for counseling and consoling for victims or conducting interviews with civilians in intel.

Many people were baffled--even with her reason--why she would pursue being a Butei. They said she too pretty a face or too sweet a demeanor. To that, she offered no answer. She merely stated it was her goal and that she wanted to be competent at it.

Rei awaited for her partner to enter before starting it, "Eeto...is there a particular place you were thinking, Ikari-san?"

>> No.13615204

Fuck you I'm enjoying this.

>> No.13615205
Quoted by: >>13615212

>hornet auger
i apparently hate bees enough to assault them with a drill

>> No.13615209 [DELETED] 

Ikari flustered up for a moment opening her mouth to make some kind of retort but choked on her own words and then closed her eyes and smiled as Rei began to lightly scold her for not eating. When she had had parents to scold her like this she just disregarded their advice branding them as being below the great detective Ikari, feeling a tinge of regret for pushing them away to the point that now she was basically all alone. Oh and the whole not existing thing. But she was a detective of fate...how could she ever comprehend something so small as the bond between child and parent...?

"I guess I just haven't seen much reason to worry too much about myself you know? Just roll with whatever happens and hope for the best..."

She climbed into the car then and peered out the window again as Rei began to drive off. Rei inquired where they wanted to go, to which Ikari would answer with

"Anywhere is fine really, Its not like I want a feast or anything, just stop at that Chinese place over there."

Ikari had pointed out a local Chinese Restaurant that had been open for quite some time.

>> No.13615212
File: 180 KB, 800x600, bibi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's terrible

>> No.13615214
Quoted by: >>13615221

Cry more though.

>> No.13615215 [DELETED] 

'True true,' Minori thought to herself as she simply nodded to her partner's statements. Perhaps it was too soon in the game to focus on a motive, Sibella's continuation in her facts seemed to be even further proof of such.

Minori sank into her seat while tapping her forehead with the end of her cane. With each tap came a new train of though as she let the ideas and possibilities manifest within her mind. The tapping stopped however with Sibella's final statement.

"Came to the schools?"

That would already pose a whole new scenario for the duo. For one, surely they'd have nurses or someone as a witness, two, the sign out sheets, they could probably find something on there, and three, their culprit needed to know the basic information of the ill students, and to know that the students were ill in order to succeed in such a feat.

"What game is this guy playin.."

>> No.13615217
Quoted by: >>13615226

Can't they just ban they guy? Is he evading ban?

>> No.13615219 [DELETED] 

"That's what we've been sent to find out," Sibella responded, "But, the difficulty will be immense with this lack of connection. And...it's best if this is resolved before the media start getting on our case for the lack of resolution. Ah.....just the thought of those vultures gives me a headache."

Sibella hated the criminals she had to chase. They were low lifes that needed to be dealt with immediately. After all, unless the Butei did their jobs, these walking convicts would've overrun the law by now. The civilians would've been stood no chance.

However, the woman also hated dealing with the media. To Butei they were no different from paparazzi for celebrities. They were the first to want to cover extreme cases that Butei had yet to resolve. They were there to denounce their jobs....yet first to appease the populace when they succeeded.

>> No.13615221 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>13615232

Complain about the /jp/ natives more first.

>> No.13615226


>Is he evading ban?

His posts have been deleted multiple times, but he's still going. What do you think?

>> No.13615232

Why would I do that? I think the natives are fine people.

>> No.13615241 [DELETED] 


>> No.13615244 [DELETED] 

"That's just an unnecessary gamble," Rei voiced, "Even if we are gambling our lives with this job, we shouldn't have to risk it when there's no reasoning behind it. And if you won't look after yourself.........I will."

If Rei's words were written on paper, it would have sounded like a threat. However, she intended it to be a gesture of concern for her co-worker. Although, she seemed to also seemed to be playing at Ikari's independent attitude. A person like the detective would've at least cringed at the (albeit reluctant) thought of assistance. When Ikari mentioned a local Chinese restaurant, her red-amber eyes glanced to where she was referring to.

"Hai," Rei responded to her partner's request. She carefully pulled in, grateful for the unusual tiem they were entering. There was still time before the lunch rush began so the restaurant appeared deserted. The notable exception were waiters and waitresses trying to sate their boredom with other tasks. Upon their entry, an angry foreign cry directed to the employees was heard from behind the kitchen doors. Workers hopped from their positions and tended to their posts as a young woman came to her podium. With a thick accent she asked, "Only two?"

Rei nodded as the woman gathered the materials before showing the Butei to their table. Nearly as soon as the duo were ushered to their seats, a waiter popped up, chiming, "Something to drink while you make up your minds?"

"Ah, any hot tea is fine," Rei told him.

>> No.13615250 [DELETED] 

Indeed the media were like mere vermin in the detective world. Nothing but a bunch of low leveled opportunists apathetic towards any sort of morality if it meant getting what they wanted. "If any find us I'll give them something to report about." The woman simply answered as she waved her cane in the air.

Minori was never above using her weapon outside of work. She'd gotten multiple charges and even a few refferels for such recklessness but it never bothered her too greatly.

"What do you propose we start with though?"

Bringing her can back down to the appropriate level, Minori let her brown eyes wander over towards her partner. This was definitely a case where they'd have to find the major clues quickly. With how this guy seemed to work his crimes it was only a matter of time before he'd try going for another victim.

>> No.13615254 [DELETED] 

.......I will.

Ikari remained quiet until the man asked for something to drink, deep in thought over something very close to what little heart she had left.

"hm? Oh can I just get a coke?"

The man nodded and walked off leaving the two alone in the quiet restaurant. Ikari was still as quiet as ever a bit at a loss for words at how to describe this. She really had brought up the idea of eating here because she was going to undergo the case of her life and wanted to see if Rei was able to go with her. Ikari had realized as she had been around Mad Spades that it wasn't luck that had saved him from being arrested but rather, that he had become a tool for Ishiguro's use. Yes...that man from so long ago was tracking her again most likely to finish the job he started.

Much like how it was before, Ishiguro had probably abused the red and blue truth to find a loophole for Mad Spades to exist as a post-mortem message, and when Ikari went to find a receiver to see if Ishiguro was listening in...she had found one.

Ikari went in for that same question one last time, to clear away anything that may be in Rei or Ikari's heart that could warrant suspicion. What was Rei fighting for...?

"So, that went pretty well all things aside. We walked into a trap for sure but we both played it off pretty cool I think. I'm tempted to ask how you got that Ace of Spades on the second draw but I think I have the answer.

You drew the third card instead of the second right? With a clever hand like yours I wouldn't put it past you to make it look like you drew one card but then grabbed another."

>> No.13615258
Quoted by: >>13615300

>Fusion conjurer
Clearly I can fuse any two things together. This seems really overpowered, without even going into nuclear fusion territory.
I'll just make money by creating custom chimaera.

>> No.13615260

>Frigid Wolf
A wolf themed cryomancer? Sounds pretty neat.

>> No.13615262 [DELETED] 

Rei couldn't help but be slightly nervous by the silence of her partner. Ikari muttered no word after the white-haired girl's declaration. Starting to think that she scared or estranged her new partner, Rei prepared to refine her earlier words when Ikari commented about the ordeal that was Rei's first mission.

When Ikari inquired about how Rei accomplished her slight of hand, she was silent for a moment. It was obvious she hadn't drawn her original card but weaved the illusion of picking up the necessary card Mad Spades mentioned. But the how she done so caused her to say,

"Gomen nasai, but I'm under oath to not tell you. It's a magician's secret that, as one's assistant, I can't say how to solve that."

>> No.13615270 [DELETED] 

The woman gave a slight nod in the direction of the waiter as he finished pouring her tea and reminded them of his eventual return. As Ikari sipped from her bubbling soda, Rei blew on the cup for a moment before she lifted it her lips. The way she held her tea was reminescent of a hostess of a traditional chanyo, or Tea Ceremony.

Warmth flooded her senses as she drank. It reminded her of the splatter that had been on her overcoat and face. The tea had heat, vitality like the blood had been. She gently placed the cup back down as Ikari pretended she was firing. Yet another reminder of her first on the field.

Then the topic took as turn from the subject of her first kill to Rei herself. She couldn't tell if Ikari was sincerely impressed or simply testing her new partner once more. Rei decided to test the waters too. To see more about her partner, "My past influenced my decision, Ikari-san, isn't that how it worked for both of us? Anyone who is a Butei?"

>> No.13615271

>Forgery Fist

I punch things?

>> No.13615272 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>13615279

"Now that's a real headscratcher," Sibella admitted. She sighed as she reclined once more, "There's a lot of ways that this investigation could go, unfortunately too many that our mystery kidnapper could get away with 2 maybe 3 more before we even get a solid lead. However....there's another option."

She glanced over to ensure her partner was listening in and that those drivers weren't engrossed in their conversation. Most Butei were too prideful to ask for help--Sibella normally being one of those people--even when their ability has shown to be inept at this field in comparison to someone else. However, this was one place Sibella would admit a person's talent if they managed to prove their apititude.

The woman crossed her legs, "Recently there were graduates from all fields of Butei training and most are assigned a mentor. Yet, there's a graduate that already has helped on the fields so thus has a workplace to himself. He's a bit weird but definitely a genius at deducing the way criminals work. I think I might have to call on him."

>> No.13615274
Quoted by: >>13615300

You forge weapons.

With your fists.

>> No.13615275 [DELETED] 

Speculative eyes meet her glass as Ikari contemplates Rei's response. She swirls the drink around with a palm pressed against her cheek as she speaks.

"I guess so, but with a description like that you could justify that you only breathe because you were taught to in the past, not that it was something inherent you know...?"

It was an interesting topic actually if you thought about it. The semantics behind instinct versus reasoning. Say for example a child learns how to make their bed incorrectly. They spend day after day doing the activity wrong and always suffer being uncomfortable in the bed because of it. But then one day, the kid decides to do something different, maybe its because hes fed up with the state of the bed or perhaps by accident and turns out to like. Did he come up with this idea by sheer luck? instinct? or a third more mystical thought process which can only be described as Meta? In other words, did the boy know how to do it all along in the back of his head and was just ignoring the messages? Would that mean that humans as a species are implanted with the set principle on keeping something like a 'bed' organized?

>> No.13615279


>> No.13615282 [DELETED] 

When you tear open the small things people do day to day to see why they do it in such a way you can make very keen observations when peering into that mystical third layer of reasoning. At least, that was how Ikari viewed it. So when Rei said that her actions could be influenced by the past, to a person like Ikari who could see the meta, she wondered if perhaps her motive to carry on was even more deeper than Rei herself realized. Or perhaps that it was an ideal not necessarily important to the flow of the story. Of course that could be over-analyzing and it could just be something Rei didn't want to get into, but with a case like the one Ikari was going to be getting into, every clue presented from the meta would be imperative to her success.

The waiter comes back, a notepad in his hand, hes ready to take their order. Ikari hadn't given it too much thought so she points to some obscure rice dish on the menu to get him out of her hair so she could deal with breaking the news to Rei. She wasn't sure what it was but for some reason...out of all the people Rei seemed like one worth trusting

>> No.13615285

The >>13615134
>Chemical Phase
Great, I'm some sort of Oomukade venom junkie.

>> No.13615286 [DELETED] 

Minori's ears seemed to perk as Sibella first brought up her alternative solution. Her partner alwasy did come up with rather interesting ideas, definitely the more creative of the two. Glancing over to show that her interest was grabbed, Minori would continue to lazily chew on her gum.

So find another Butei to help them? Seemed a little strange, but nonetheless she trusted Sibella's judgement. Her partner usually knew what she was talking about so Minori had little reason to actually doubt her.

Asking others for help wasn't a vice of Minori's but if it meant helping to prevent another kidnapping she was willing to do anything.

"Heh, seems interesting enough. Though.. what exactly do you mean by weird?"

After working in this specific field, Minori knew too well that there was a vast range of what "weird" could imply.

>> No.13615291 [DELETED] 

"He's not that type of 'weird', Minori," Sibella tired to assure her partner. She had worked with the guy a few times. And she hasn't heard of any type of harrassment, sexual or otherwise, towards other females of Butei. But, of course, she wasn't companions with him, "Or at least I believe not..."

Sibella shook her head for delving too far into the places that should, rightfully, remain 'unknown'. She answered, "Well, I say he's weird because he chose his current position rather abruptly. Also because his knowledge in the fields is a bit....robotic. Like he list off the weapons, psyche traits in our culprits, and such like he's reading a grocery list. It's a quality I find strange....that and the fact he sounds so upbeat all the time. You'd think analysts would be gloomy people and all that."

>> No.13615294 [DELETED] 

"You've heard of genetic memory, haven't you, Ikari-san? It was an interesting subject in psychology class," Rei mused, seemingly going off topic, "By that theory, all we know is just that: taught. It was encyrpted into our DNA by ancestors that have discovered a useful trait by trial and error before it's passed on to the offspring to ensure survival. By that logic, yes, we could say that breathing is not inherent but learned from the 'intelligent' ancestors that figured that out."

Since Rei and Ikari were speaking the entirety of the time the waiter allowed for the women. She barely glanced at the menu but already knew what she wanted. Without looking towards the waiter, she gestured towards Mapo Doufu. Sensing the aura the two were giving up, the worker gave no further questioning as he disappeared into the back.

"However, I like to believe that we all learn on our own and come into this world to fill our 'slates' with experiences. For I think, it's the experiences that truly shape us into our being. Like a parent bringing fragments of their profession home and enthralling their child with glimpses into the 'adult world'. Or the hardening of a heart because of the memory of a painful past," the Butei said this without the slightest alteration in her speech. Rei even hinted at the implications she thoerized about her partner without a switch in expression.

>> No.13615299 [DELETED] 

"Genetic Memory huh...?"

Her finger taps lightly on the table as Rei explains further. There were a few things in the world that rubbed Ikari the wrong way, and the idea of genetic memory was one of them. Not that she hated Rei for bringing it up but from the things she had experienced the concept seemed like a stab in the heart. Especially since it had that nasty cop-out answer of "dormant memory" it really could explain a lot of human nature very easily.

But if it was that easy, than Ikari would not be in the situation she was in now.

Her eyes would glance up as Rei then switched to her own personal opinion blinking in slow realization as she connected what Rei was saying with her own life. Quietly, she muttered

"If it was that easy...I would be allowed to exist then."

Her eyes shut tight and she rubbed at her temples a bit. It was time to let Rei in on all of her past, it was time she knew the "truth."

>> No.13615300
Quoted by: >>13615303

What if we combine this guy >>13615271 with this guy >>13615258?

>> No.13615302 [DELETED] 

"With truth, answers can be found in several ways. Observing the genetics, the science, as we've stated, Inductive and Deductive reasoning, to get clues from around us and use logic to turn them into fact. And the final one...the one that lets you peer past Neitzsche Tabula Rasa's and logic based upon past logic. This absolute reasoningIs the face of meta reasoning."

Her words at the end would flow from her mouth and scroll by the both of them as red and blue words.

The Red Truth is absolute law.

The Blue Truth is subjective to reasoning.

The Ikari Mikoto you know is not the original. The original does not exist.

It is possible for the girl in front of you to not even be real

"And the person that did this to me...Is back."

>> No.13615303
Quoted by: >>13615310

Like some duo? One forges weapons by punching things and the other can fuse those weapons to the guy's fists so that he can punch people with swords?

>> No.13615304
Quoted by: >>13615310


>Bomb Vibe

I am the greatest villain MGC has ever known. No lonely girl's comfort toys are safe.

>> No.13615307 [DELETED] 

Minori didn't look all that concerned when reassured by Sibella but that didn't mean she wasn't acknowledging what was being said. Instead it was quite the contrary. In a way, with how she described the man Minori couldn't help but find such an obscure nature to be rather interesting. Smirking the woman would comment,

"So a genius who's gift has made him an outcast?" It sounded a bit tragic, though it wasn't the first time she heard of something like that. It was a common phenomenon actually, one where one's gift made them stand out to the point of never really being able to fully blend in with society.

It could leave people isolated and estranged to the common world, it really was a tragic reality.

"Even if he's a wacko, let's just get going, I'm beginning to grow a bit restless." She added, not intending to come across as rude as she probably did. Minori just wanted to get the kidnapper behind bars before another teen fell victim to his trap.

>> No.13615310
Quoted by: >>13615343

You fiend! Come Forgery Fist! There is evil afoot!

>> No.13615311

You sound like the Kingpin, some brilliant crimelord that can still beat people to a pulp.

>> No.13615312 [DELETED] 

Sibella nodded in agreement as she nudged the back of the passenger seat to the gave. The 'navigator', looked back to the two Butei. Though the person gave the face of dutiful servant to the law, the detective could easily see through the paper thin facade. They didn't want to be bothered, especially when Minori nearly beat them with her cane. However, being the type of Butei she was, Sibella ignored the clear annoyance and rattle off an address. Before the navigator finished punching in the numbers and letters, the dark-haired Butei warned to travel quickly. Her gray eyes then gave a sideward glance to her partner, as if giving a silent threat to the navigator.

He spun around so fast, Sibella could've swore he nearly ripped his neck off. She covered a snicker as the woman stretched with her arms laced together. Within minutes both Butei felt the van slow to a halt. Opening the door, Sibella recognized the pristine building as one of the branches of the Butei. This one was dedicated to the forensics done for the agents on the field. And this was where they would find their 'lead-maker'.

Sibella walked at her normal pace around the building, the laboratories seemingly transparent with glass. It honestly made the detective think the scientists and experts appear like speciment themselves. Ironic. She didn't look back to ensure Minori was following--the woman was a big girl, she could figure out how to find the office if she got lost. She weaved about the facility with eyes on her. After all, Butei were only in the vicinity if they needed something. And she found that something within a 'corner' of the area. Unlike all the other labs, this one seemed like an actual office, with most of the windows drawn.

Sibella opened the door, "Hope I'm not intruding, Kesil, but was looking for some help."

>> No.13615313
Quoted by: >>13615329

>Bird Emperor

>> No.13615314 [DELETED] 

As she spoke, Rei noticed something. It may have been the way she tapped her fingers or the slightly movement in the eyes. Etiher way, the detective noticed her partner wasn't pleased. Although, she could applaud the woman for enduring it, Rei stopped so she could hear the explanation from Ikari herself.

At first it was barely audible yet she heard about Ikari mentioning her existence. While this could've been seen through any science, Rei believed what Ikari referred to transcended those studies. It was something she was well-versed in so the petite woman did the norm for herself: listen.

As Ikari rattled off the methods of discovering truth, Rei patiently watched the near trance-like state her companion was in. The first two were the basis of science. The final part, however, captured Rei's attention. The combination of red and blue kanji and hiragana weaved between the two as her partner alternated between the truths.

After her last statement, Rei remained silent for a moment. She switched her poise as she held her cup unusually--by her fingers grasping around the rim--and resting the back of her hands at her head. Escaping from her lips was a sound so weak, it was practically inaudible, "Ah, this is nostalgic...really so. Yappari....Kyahaha..."

She then placed her cup down, as if signaling the end of the brief soliloquy, "So desu. Then am I wrong to assume that you intend to pursue him...?"

>> No.13615316 [DELETED] 

During Sibella's silent conversation Minori simply sat there, arms crossed, with an irritated if almost angry face. Of course, she really wasn't angry but after catching the man's gaze she thought she might as well play along. Clearly it seemed to work as Sibella managed to convince him to drive faster with it.

It was times like this that the two made a rather good pair. Having one to play along to your plans definitely made it easier at least and when one wasn't leading rest assured going along would be their second duty.

Perhaps she should've growled to add onto the effect.

Still, there was a moment of concern hidden within the woman as the speed of the vehicle quickened. It wasn't anything to do with the driver she just... never felt safe in cars, especially when so fast. However they'd soon reach their destination and the concern would easily be dismissed. They had bigger things on their plates anyways.

Following Sibella, Minori would keep a quiet, but observant demeanor as they'd make their way through the building. Cane still at hand, she stayed close behind her partner's feet. Despite not being a fan of directions, the brunette at least knew how to follow behind another.

>> No.13615319
File: 148 KB, 1920x1080, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you be her otouto, /mg/?
Although, accepting means you may die being experimented on...
But then again, you might not.

>> No.13615322


>> No.13615323
Quoted by: >>13615329

I got Feather Baron. I guess I have harpy minions or something?

>> No.13615324 [DELETED] 

"Ah, I was going to go over some evidence for this C-rank murder case but seeing as you're willing to come in personally, I'm guessing this'll be more interesting?" the male asked as he turned to the Butei. Although he was only a recent graduate, Kesil already received many requests for his deductions. Normally people barging in would rejected as his work load already exceeded his expectations. However, upon seeing a familiar face from his undergraduate experiences, the guy was willing to put the work aside

"While it's not murder, we have a string of disappearances that might be tied into a ring," Sibella reported to him.

"So desu ka? It must be a blast for you to be investigating."

>> No.13615326
File: 611 KB, 654x1000, 7deb194aaf8b92660bc0a256a5737142.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All conflict in Tamriel is either caused by daedra or those fucking elves. Why are elves so nefarious?

>> No.13615327 [DELETED] 

Ikari nodded and reached into her pocket to get the communicator she had found on the scene.

"While you were dealing with Mad Spades I found this on one of his goons. I bet anything he set the whole thing up so he could find out what I was doing and begin building a case against it."

Quickly, Ikari downs the soda as though it were smooth liquor and then hits the cup down on the table with some force.

"This is something that is a part of my past, Something that is going to follow me until it is resolved. Thats why I kept asking about your resolve...Rei, I don't want you to get caught up in all this and end up like me. My detective instincts tell me you have a good head on your shoulders, you can still go back to the Butei and probably become an even more renown detective than me, But I...I am going to have to leave their company for a while."

As she speaks up she still keeps a strong expression on her face, but her eyes would occasionally fall to the floor when she met Rei's eyes. Like a dying man facing the reaper, Ikari was prepared to face her inner demons, the last bits of her past that she destroyed herself. She begins to raise from the table after that,

"Anyway, that kind of made things a bit heavy and melodramatic so I'll leave you now, Perhaps we'll meet again."

>> No.13615329

Are we going to get a whole bird nation here?

>> No.13615330
Quoted by: >>13615333

Because they're supposed to be slaves.

>> No.13615331 [DELETED] 

"Machinasai (Wait)" A hand was put on Ikari's as she started motioning to leave. Though she hadn't said it in a harsh way, Rei emitted seriousness as she said the words. She then gave the small smile that would've make her seem like a saint, "...It's a bit unfair to leave before getting the answer, don't you think, Ikari-san?"

Letting that smile melt into one more melancholic and more akin to the Butei, Rei looked down. Her eyes lie on the reflection within the dark mirror within her cup, "...I'm not very good when it comes to picking up on intentions people have for me. I also am not very good at vocalizing things about myself so please forgive any apathy I might have given off."

"Please allow me the opportunity to be more direct in my words," she gestured for the woman to sit once more. Rei admitted, "Ikari-san, I don't want you go on by yourself. It is a feeling and only a feeling, but I sense that you're involved in something dangerous. And I wouldn't want to see you in pain or worse from whatever or whomever it is. It is that thought that makes me have the resolve to be a Butei."

She let her amber-red eyes met those of her partner's to see the genuine expression much like a child attempting to be brave, "...Ikari-san reminds me of a friend I had when I was younger...he was my reason for being a Butei. If it can be helped...if it were even just one life, I'd like to help someone. And I already made me decision it would be Ikari-san that I would help."

Rei then flushed as if she had said something embarrassing, "Eeto...I said it didn't I? If no one would look out for you, I would do it. I wasn't lying about what I said."

>> No.13615333

But look what happened to the snow elves!

>> No.13615336 [DELETED] 

Minori held her tongue as they approached the new character in this mystery. He was surprisingly young, she'd honestly expected some crazy old bat or something along those lines. Then again, she always did have a rather broad imagination.

At first the woman simply hid behind her partner but having pride as both her greatest vice and her virtue, the brunette would easily change her mind. With that, she'd step over and stand beside Sibella. Not only for her own pride however, but to also show the support she'd hold in her partner, another sense of unspoken respect.

Still Minori would remain silent. With how casually the two detectives were interacting with one another it almost seemed rude to interrupt. With that, Minori would play to role of the simple observer, not that she really minded.

>> No.13615339

Of course I would.

>> No.13615340 [DELETED] 

Ikari's eyes squinted and she couldn't help but sigh lightly as she heard the wait from her partner. Ever since she had gotten in the car she had thought about this moment and predicted that if Rei had any sort of brain she would tell the girl she just met to stop before she tread down a path of self-destruction. She had known getting up and just walking away would only warrant a bit more pain and that expression on Rei's face and the tone in her serene words only cemented her doubts.

She cursed her brain for focusing so much on how to make their interaction not so third-rate that she ended up doing the opposite. Now it just felt like it was out of some manga where the "power of friendship" would prevail. She had wanted to appear tough and distant about this whole thing but Ikari had a feeling that by the end of this journey she wouldn't be alive, especially with the nature that the two had used the red and blue truths. Even if Rei wanted to help, what if she just got in the way? The kid was good but this wasn't battling guys with guns, this was a battle against creation itself. The timeline could resolve with neither of them even being born...Would she really risk all that just to help Ikari...?

Ishiguro had talked like that once...long before all this...

>> No.13615343

>Once all the adult toys are gone, you'll see.
>You'll see them for the uncontrollalble rape machines they really are.
>I will expose the fraud of a city for what it is, MONSTERS PLAYING HOUSE!

>> No.13615344
File: 292 KB, 373x666, 1269201069615.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All conflict in Midgard is either caused by Loki or those fucking ice giants. Why are Jötunn so nefarious?

>> No.13615347

I almost forgot how crazy she got for her nameless little brother in the show.
And then in the games, she says [YOU] look a lot like her brother, and just about falls in love with [YOU].
Confirmed for onee-san complex.

>> No.13615349
Quoted by: >>13615353

It comes up in alphabetical order. Why you hatin' on S?
I'm a mix of the Batman and Ghostbusters but geared out for spiders. I secretly maintain a wardrobe spun from my defeated foes.

>> No.13615353
Quoted by: >>13615355

And my mind goes to .Less drawing a trap Ushi Oni/Arachne/Jourgomunmanderdanderpanderpalala.

>> No.13615355

SHSHHSSHHHHH!! Don't give him ideas!

>> No.13615365

your story is easily my fave, keep writing!

>> No.13615369
File: 280 KB, 700x969, -0.124.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to grope a Shirohebi's boobies!

>> No.13615372
Quoted by: >>13615373

While we're sitting in the dead zone, what happened to so suddenly burn down the last thread?
I was under the impression that it was a bright young thing under 2k posts.

And to stay on topic...
>You post in this thread with the key of smuttification.
>Through it is another dimension. A dimension of Alps, a dimension of muscle. A dimension of mice.
>You're moving into a thread of both waifus and rapists, of longing and suffering.
>You've just crossed over into...The Midnight Zone

>> No.13615373


>> No.13615378

Jan is going to need a broom re-bristling after that

>> No.13615391
Quoted by: >>13615410

I want to kiss the tip of her tail!

>> No.13615392
File: 378 KB, 902x1280, Dragon girl riding on someone&#039;s shoulders.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen with Monstergirls when?

>> No.13615397

>All of those annoying wolfgirls who don't know the meaning of "No means no."

>> No.13615399

>Death appearing at the worst of times when you're underleveled and removing those vile pawns to protect you!

>> No.13615402

As far as I'm concerned, she can keep my heart.

>> No.13615403
Quoted by: >>13615410

I want to squeeze a Shirohebi's butt cheeks!

>> No.13615405

Wolves hunt in packs, Arisen

>> No.13615410

my niggas

>> No.13615416
Quoted by: >>13615423

I want to massage a shirohebi's tail.

>> No.13615421
File: 1.19 MB, 1748x2480, 1433532446084.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Miia!

>> No.13615422
File: 497 KB, 1200x1275, 1410665942032.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me too.

>> No.13615423

you're my nigga too

>> No.13615425

She's a beta orbiter that lets other girls try to fuck her man.

>> No.13615428
File: 285 KB, 702x917, Dark_Elf_extra_art_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Husband imprinting and 'claiming' has to be the worst shit KC has associated with monster girls.

A load of things could go wrong using KC's sex-utopia logic if you tried to write a somewhat serious story that isn't a complete hug-box.

Pretty good so far. I want to know what happens as the zoo already.

>> No.13615429

>Dat Zangoose.

>> No.13615432
File: 532 KB, 707x1000, 動くだぁりんとミーアが楽しみで肺呼吸がままならない!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me too

>> No.13615435
File: 463 KB, 880x1280, Oneday.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to pet a Shriohebi's head!

I want to hold a Shirohebi's hands!

I want to whisper lewd words into a Shirohebi's ears!

>> No.13615436

I want a Shirohebi to whisper lewd words into my ears!

>> No.13615440

I want to fuck a Shirohebi's Echidna mother's pussy!

>> No.13615443
File: 817 KB, 1200x1500, zangoose a cute.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13615446

>Zangoose pokemon hate Seviper and the rest of the snake pokemon
>Miia, however, loves Zangoose
>She finds them too fluffy and cute, and wanted one for herself

>> No.13615447

Yes anon I want this too.

An Echidna as your wife is fine too. They are all olev.

>> No.13615452

>a Shirohebi will never do ASMR for you

>> No.13615455
Quoted by: >>13615531


>> No.13615456

I want to be coiled around by an ara ara Echidna and her possessive but dere dere Shirohebi daughter.

>> No.13615469

You can remake one music video with monster girls. Which do you choose?

>> No.13615473

I want to twist and grind seductively on the roof of a muscle car in a Shirohebi music video!

>> No.13615474
Quoted by: >>13615543

>music videos
Pleb tier.

>> No.13615479

Tawny Kitaen pls go

>> No.13615521

Lordi's Would You Love A Monsterman

Totally redone as Would You Love A Monstergirl Could you understand the beauty of the beast

>> No.13615526
File: 355 KB, 607x754, 1421770438252.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ASMR Hellhound.
>Pants in your ear and growls about how she's going to ravage you.
>Flames can be lightly heard in the background.

>> No.13615531

>All this ASMR talk like its the best thing ever
Do any of you even own a decent pair of headphones?

>> No.13615535

My good pair broke ;-;

>> No.13615539
Quoted by: >>13615545

I kinda do, but ASMR doesn't really do much for me. Or maybe my attention span is shit. Probably the second one.

>> No.13615541
File: 151 KB, 700x872, 1395960163198.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ASMR creepy crawly
>Nervously whispers and stutters into your ear
Why can't this be a thing. Closest we have to monster girl asmr is that lewd zombie audio.
I wish, $20 headphones for me but they're comfy enough.

>> No.13615543


We're all plebs here, anon. No shame in liking MVs.
I'd probably want something boring like a Girl's Generation video with foxgirls.
But I the existence of real undead would make for a hell of a rendition of Thriller.

>> No.13615545

For me, pillow talk is a key part of intimacy, but sound by itself, especially from a stranger, isn't anything to get excited about.

Binaural recordings are interesting just from a technical point of view though. I've been looking for a good VST plugin. Creative Surround and Dolby Headphone are both too muddy for me.

>> No.13615548

*I think
The Bad Touch with Kakuen
Doctor Dick in live action

MGs would have such fun music videos. Or maybe not. They'd probably be all be so lewd as to make Destination Calabria look like it was scripted by a prude with a hijab fetish.

>> No.13615549

>tfw when planar magnetic master race

>> No.13615551
Quoted by: >>13615643

>ASMR creepy crawly
>all that tapping

>> No.13615555

Reanimator with a lich singer and full undead cast.


>> No.13615556
Quoted by: >>13615576


>> No.13615569

Well alright. Something found by accident.


Yep, rap and it sucks. It may not with monsters though.

>> No.13615571
Quoted by: >>13615577

I know nothing about headphones so i just read the /g/ wiki and got the ATH-M50s because they said it was good bang for your buck
>like its the best thing ever
Not the best thing ever, but depending on the video it's really relaxing, as long as there's not ear licking i usually like to go to sleep listening to them

>> No.13615576
Quoted by: >>13615579

Oh my. How would you do it though? Instead of James' face superimposed over everyone would it just be their natural smug grins?

>> No.13615577

They are really a pretty good entry midfi deal if you got them back when they were like $80 instead of after they jacked up the price to over double that.

>> No.13615579
Quoted by: >>13615590

Keep James, replace all the girls with monster girls

>> No.13615585

All I can think about is exceedingly lewd healthy girls.

>> No.13615590

This sounds like a horrifying Photoshop project waiting to happen.

>> No.13615600


>> No.13615606
Quoted by: >>13615816

Girls on film

>> No.13615617


This with Apsara or Anubis.

>> No.13615618

I got them on sale for 60 bucks

>> No.13615622

>Anubis in Skin-tight latex
This pleases.

>> No.13615629

Yes, duh.

>> No.13615634

What doesn't fucking please you, Anubisfucker? You could somehow be pleased by Anubi doing taxes in extremely modest clothing, or pleased by an Anubis in a plastic bubble getting embarrassed about getting out and touching someone for the first time in a long time.

>> No.13615636

Not him but I'd actually enjoy that stuff too. But you know what would be even better?
A Wurm with bubble wrap.

>> No.13615639
Quoted by: >>13615647

The first thing I'd enjoy because I come from a family of accountants, so I feel a sort of connection, seeing an Anubis like that.

The second thing I'd enjoy just because it's plain as fuck adorable.

>> No.13615640

What about anubis in the kind of outfits from taimanin yukikaze?
>You could somehow be pleased by Anubi doing taxes in extremely modest clothing
Well she'd be stressed after doing taxes, perfect opportunity for giving her hugs and affection.

>> No.13615643

>scuttling on a hardwood floor, creepily crawling ever closer
>she gets startled
>creepily crawls away in a hurry
This is cute, yes.

>> No.13615647

>Wurm bubble wrap
If only .Less was here.

Christ. Is there anything you wouldn't like short of flat out guro or ass to mouth?

>> No.13615650
Quoted by: >>13615665

I'm sure anubuttslut would like ass to mouth

>> No.13615652
File: 46 KB, 321x596, Pupa.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd rather see an Apsara in this.

>> No.13615653

>Glue Chiller
My sides hurt

>> No.13615654
Quoted by: >>13615657

>If only .Less was here.
More like Loen.

>> No.13615655
Quoted by: >>13615692


>Husband, bring me my amazing comfort blanket!
>pop pop pop

>> No.13615657

I meant him. Don't know why I typed .Less.

>> No.13615659
Quoted by: >>13615667

Would anubisfucker poop back and forth forever with an anubis?

>> No.13615665
Quoted by: >>13615670

>What about anubis in the kind of outfits from taimanin yukikaze?
I like the way you think.
>perfect opportunity for giving her hugs and affection.
I continue to like the way you think.

Well he's not wrong. Long as everything was kept nice and well-maintained.

But yes, I don't like guro, NTR, inflation (Either with air or excess of food), or stuff involving ears. Nibbling and scratching along the outsides, that's fine, but the insides of ears are goddamn filthy.

>> No.13615667


Seriously, just...what the flying fuck?

>> No.13615668
Quoted by: >>13615675


>Anubis air-guitaring like a madwoman alone in the bathroom, where no one will give her shit for it..
>Anubis at a hockey game, with Pharaoh beside her getting a little nervous about how violently into it her servant's getting.
>Anubis trying to hide how impatiently she's waiting for her stoic twin daughterus to go to their friend's house already so she can goof off and play vidya with her stepson all night without them knowing.

Secretly fun Anubis a best.

>> No.13615670
Quoted by: >>13615675

How about tentacles?

>> No.13615671

every time "flying fuck" is mentioned , i think of that remote controled toy helecopter that was just the word "Fuck"

>> No.13615674

>flying fuck
>not mid air sex with a dragon

>> No.13615675

That was great.

What about them?

As a Canadian, the second appeals to me the greatest. Stinkin' no-good Oilers...

>> No.13615676
File: 1.74 MB, 1416x1019, bodysuit Ran.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>taimanin yukikaze
This is not even a hypothetical for me.

>> No.13615679


>> No.13615681
Quoted by: >>13615683

>What about them?
What's your stance on them? Do you like them? Hate them?
Find it weird when they go in far enough to start expanding the stomach?

>> No.13615683
Quoted by: >>13615699

I'd pop a tentacle potion, that's what I'll say on the matter.

This...this doesn't help with...what?

>> No.13615689


And then we learned Anubis' secret shame...


>> No.13615692

Looks like I'm still a genius with my ideas!

>> No.13615699
Quoted by: >>13615706

Finish the video

>> No.13615706
Quoted by: >>13615712

I did. I just...don't know what to make of...any of it!

>> No.13615709


>> No.13615712
Quoted by: >>13615715

Would you perform the sexual act described with an anubis, yes or no?

>> No.13615713
File: 1.14 MB, 1160x2040, 1431862502796.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13615725

I want to milk a big tittied Wolfu.

>> No.13615715
Quoted by: >>13615720

I'm going to go with no.

>> No.13615720
Quoted by: >>13615723

Even if she desperately begged you with tears in her eyes?

>> No.13615723
Quoted by: >>13615731

I don't fucking know. This entire line of inquiry is so bizarre I'm still trying to wrap my head around it.

>> No.13615725
File: 490 KB, 700x900, Go ahead!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, what's stopping you? Get to milking.
But in exchange she'll milk you back.

>> No.13615727
File: 178 KB, 1000x1000, 1397262339059.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You will never join an MMORPG with your alcoholic Apophis homeroom teacher, completely unbeknownst to the both of you
>She will never fall in love with you over the internet, and eventually ask you to meet her

>> No.13615731
Quoted by: >>13615737

How can you say you love her if you can't even form a poop loop?

>> No.13615732
Quoted by: >>13615738

Thats no wolfu

>> No.13615734

Sensei deserves love too

>> No.13615735
File: 605 KB, 1000x1128, Focus - Hocus Pocus INCOHERENT YODELING.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What'cha doing nerdlings?

No Xcom Snaketits this time.

>> No.13615737
Quoted by: >>13615743

I knew some variation on that line was coming I'm just surprised it took this long.

I don't recall the teacher in P3 having issues with alcohol...

>> No.13615738

No, it's an Okuu. But still a monster and it was the first thing that sprang to mind with "Go ahead and massage my tits."

>> No.13615739

It's actually easier to milk the waifu if she's milking you too

>> No.13615741
File: 51 KB, 1177x769, 143589345206.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Succuthugs are the best.

>> No.13615743
Quoted by: >>13615752

Okay, she wasn't alcoholic, but she definitely got drunk a lot during their playtimes.

>> No.13615744

Playing Skyrim

>> No.13615745

I'm getting up to go clean my kitchen after making dinner

>> No.13615748
Quoted by: >>13615773

Thinking about how it's 4am...again.
This isn't good. You need to pop on like three hours earlier with this reminder.

>> No.13615752


Regardless, an excellent plot for an MG story.

>> No.13615759

Eating muh döner, watching chinese cartoons.

>> No.13615773
File: 246 KB, 765x1500, I lied.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hire someone who can you bum.

I'm out making dosh earlier in the day.

>> No.13615783
Quoted by: >>13615790

Would you say...loads of money?

>> No.13615790
File: 223 KB, 1864x1083, Now we&#039;re fucking talking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hospital Dosh.

>> No.13615803
Quoted by: >>13615817

>Mushroom girl
>Those eyes
>Doesn't turn you into a mushroom man
What kc's Matango should have been.

>> No.13615805
File: 304 KB, 837x870, 01b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What would you choose Alien Queen or Froppy?

>> No.13615807
File: 293 KB, 700x933, 1418553650827.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Froppy, easy

>> No.13615814

Ayy lmao
Xcom has mosnter girls?
Since when?

>> No.13615816
File: 34 KB, 600x399, i am cum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>jabberwock and kraken pillow fight
>hinezumi sumo match
>apsara milk massaging
>holstaur cowgirl
>dullahan falling into a pool and a lifeguard rescuing her head
>lilim wrestling with a slime girl

>> No.13615817

I think he'll un-screw Matango a lot with his today's mindset if he ever goes re-doing older ones .

>> No.13615818

Since >>13615790 was announced lately. She's a bit over the line for my tastes but each to their own.

>> No.13615820
File: 51 KB, 433x870, cute ant5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My queen

>> No.13615823


My only hope is that they make it possible for Viper's to use their targets as bodyshields for extra TACTICOOL decisions.

>> No.13615827 [SPOILER] 
File: 8 KB, 380x283, 1433680346680.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13615846

>literal sword

>> No.13615837
File: 86 KB, 485x750, ayy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post cute ayylmaos

>> No.13615843
File: 189 KB, 629x489, cute an-WAIT WHAT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13615846
File: 16 KB, 338x400, WE HAVE HOSTILE SNAKETITS INCOMING AT OUR LOCATION OVER.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah that one was pretty questionable...

At least they did right by snaketits though.

>> No.13615848
Quoted by: >>13615871

That snake is cheesy

>> No.13615851
Quoted by: >>13615871

I'm pretty sure that's furry.

>> No.13615852
Quoted by: >>13615871

>posting furry

>> No.13615859

Anon you're a furry. She doesn't even have a human face.

>> No.13615871

I was just scrolling by because I hate these threads, but fuck off, furry is pretty much monster girl.

>> No.13615874
File: 192 KB, 619x933, 1427000456174.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13615877

>furry is pretty much monster girl.

>> No.13615875

you're so cute.

>> No.13615876


>> No.13615877

Miia a shit

>> No.13615889

>I was just scrolling by because I hate these threads, b-baka!

>> No.13615891
File: 209 KB, 382x651, is it furry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13615914


>> No.13615899
Quoted by: >>13615903

Looks too ayy lmao for me

>> No.13615903

>transformation tag

>> No.13615905
File: 972 KB, 470x265, 01.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13615910
File: 511 KB, 992x1097, WE WILL HAVE SEX WITH THEM and MOUNTING THE DANGEROUS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't care.

These threadcaps can summarize up my stance pretty well on wanting to fug Alien Snag Lady.

That isn't true anon and you know it. Or at least I really hope you know it.

>> No.13615914

I care more about the face, personally. Snout=furry.

I've seen some things with human skin that I'd consider furry.
Then again I've seen some things with human faces that I'd consider furry.
Kinda got to take it on a case by case basis.

>> No.13615919
File: 423 KB, 776x1200, Cupid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Report furries, discuss delicious brown and/or kuudere

>> No.13615922

While we're talking about furries, let me add that Polt is unarguably one. She's got a wetnose and body fur and multiple breasts and all.

But /mgg/ loves her for mysterious reasons.

>> No.13615925

I don't, she's got a nice ass but she's too furry for me

>> No.13615927
Quoted by: >>13619388

People don't want to fuck Polt though

>> No.13615930

Yeah, but her face looks human so I'm cool with it.

>> No.13615934
Quoted by: >>13615936

She has a snout and full body fur. You are a furry.

>> No.13615935
Quoted by: >>13615936

>button nose
>human face

>> No.13615936
Quoted by: >>13615940

Hey it's cool, I don't really like her all that much anyway.

I'm still staying here though.

>> No.13615937

Kuudere with heart pupils confuses my dick.

Captcha I'm fairly certain this image is a woman's hip in a string bikini, what are you doing

>> No.13615940
Quoted by: >>13615948

>it's cool
Furries are never cool

>> No.13615948
Quoted by: >>13615954

what are you hoping to acheive with this post?

>> No.13615950

Because it isn't western. It's a lot less ugly in cutesy manga style.

>> No.13615954


>> No.13615958
File: 2.64 MB, 264x240, 1421348879.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>literally "it's okay when japan does it"

>> No.13615959

Well I guess it's mostly because Polt isn't full-on kemono like Cait Sith is.

Furries look weird no matter the art style though. Animals with human hair are weird. Why would they need hair? They're animals. They have fur.

>> No.13615965

this is /jp/ what else do you expect?

>> No.13615970
Quoted by: >>13616008

Japan can suck a dick. I've been there, I know how shitty a country it is.

Their pop-art is far more visually appealing than it's western equivalent though.

>> No.13615989
Quoted by: >>13616032

>Titanium Fly
The indestructibility of titanium, all the annoyance of a fly. I will ANNOY the Demon Queen and her lackies into submission here in the Shota Region. And if being obnoxious fails at least I spit acid.

>> No.13616008
Quoted by: >>13616057

Scenery seems nice, I'd like to go there just to road trip from Hokkaido to Kagoshima.

>> No.13616032
Quoted by: >>13616040

It's actually pretty brittle.

>> No.13616040
Quoted by: >>13616046

Not in superhero land. The word Titanium in your title gives you only a bit less defense than Adamantium or other fictional metals.

>> No.13616046
Quoted by: >>13616054

Superhero land is full of idiots who enchant aluminum to make it a cost productive mithril.

>> No.13616054
Quoted by: >>13616058

That's genius!

>> No.13616057

The land itself is nice, it's the society that lives on it that sucks.

It's like if you took a bunch of middle class suburban white people, removed any value they might give individuality, filled a country with them, then made it all worse in some vague, undefinable way.

People don't usually notice because it's hard to see as a tourist. You only get to experience the suck if you live there for a while.

It is very pretty though, outside the cities. Reminds me of the pacific coast highway in places.

>> No.13616058
Quoted by: >>13616064

Get out Tanuki.

>> No.13616064

I'm not trying to sell it, but I could save some money on my armory. Shit's not cheap, you know. being able to call it Mythril automatically increases it's power, yet for the cheaper price of aluminum.

>> No.13616087
Quoted by: >>13616110

>People in superhero land having the metallurgy for aluminum

>> No.13616094

You know what's great? Monsters in outfits that don't suit them in the slightest.
>Buff Oni in a maid uniform
>Creepy crawly in a cute idol outfit
>A Manticore that dresses like a nun
>Elf in a white wedding dress

>> No.13616110
Quoted by: >>13616120

I'll just buy some foil at the store. Checkmate, supervillain.

>> No.13616118
Quoted by: >>13616143

>buy the new mithriluminum armor at a cheap cheap price for the work commute
>Works for a while, most monstergirls try to break it and leave when they get tired or after they shatter their hands punching it
>You feel fucking invincible and start arrogantly flaunting your virginity
>Until the day you meet a baphomet who can disenchant on the spot

Me and my new waifu would like to lodge a complaint about your mithriluminum

>> No.13616120
Quoted by: >>13616143

>It's tinfoil
Checkmate pre-1950's land

>> No.13616121

I'd try to think of something for a Kraken but it always seams to suit her. Suit? Accentuates her curves. Casual tank top? Highlights her ample bosom and hints of more skin. Giant coat that changes her silhouette? That's just cozy to me.

>> No.13616130

Kraken is a hard one, there's just so much that suits her, same with Kitsune really.

>> No.13616140

>Your kraken waifu will never wear ridiculously oversized socks on each tentacle for christmas morning as she cuddles you.

>> No.13616143

Titanium Fly Incorporated is not responsible for any injuries, accidents, or other bodily harms that occur while using our products. Mithriluminum is made for novelty purposes only and is not recommended for real battlefield use.

Good, then when I enchant it, it will stop not only physical blows, but psychic attacks as well.

>> No.13616240
File: 55 KB, 290x361, 1399146610906.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to make sweet tender love in the missionary position with Charon.

>> No.13616245

I wanna find a Dark Elf and give her tight loving hugs and kisses! I wanna cuddle her and tell her what a wonderful girl I think she is! I wanna be an absolutely pure gentle and loving soul to her!

>> No.13616246

Well good for you. I hope it's an enjouable experience for the both of you.

I read the greentext. Was not nearly as erotic as the thread implied it would be.

>> No.13616248

>bullying dark elves
Absolutely haram

>> No.13616253

>Ebony fingers
>Tremble at his simple words
>Of sweet vanilla

>> No.13616259

Mah nig.
Fucking Chrome, why do you pop up in your own designated section instead of opening up in my desktop like you should?

>> No.13616260
Quoted by: >>13616265

Know what I want to see? Monster girls dressed/looking like the Monogatari girls.
>Karen Honeybee
>Shinobu Werebat
>Kanbaru Kakuen

>> No.13616265

Shinobu is already a vampire

>> No.13616267
File: 479 KB, 850x1787, 8325831622f2700f0f7831e5dcbbb387.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're supposed to marry them first, then you bully them with tender dickings

>> No.13616269
Quoted by: >>13616278

>treating an elf as an equal
Bullying elves is haram

>> No.13616273
Quoted by: >>13616277

There's no bullying, I'd be completely unable to bully her and I don't think I could do anything to hurt her, even in the slightest.

Though if her Dark Elf instincts kick in and she wants to hard dom me, I'll understand, since that's the way she knows how to express her love, and I'd never turn down any of her love. All I'd want before she began her domming session though is one kiss from her sweet lips.

>> No.13616275

>wanting hobo's sloppy seconds
Enjoy your aids, retard

>> No.13616277
Quoted by: >>13616288

>describes bullying an elf
>says he doesn't want to bully elves

>> No.13616278
Quoted by: >>13616281

>implying a wife is equal to her husband

>> No.13616281
Quoted by: >>13616295


>> No.13616284 [SPOILER] 
File: 638 KB, 1200x1000, 1433688767481.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13616291

>Elf in a white wedding dress

>Sensible Chuckle.jpg

>> No.13616288
Quoted by: >>13616294

How is wanting to tenderly, kindly, and gently partake in a Dark Elf bullying? Would holding hands with her near a fireplace as I tell her how my life has improved ever since she entered, and I never wish to be parted from her, and showering her with doting compliments bullying too?

>> No.13616291

Whoops meant

>Sensible Chuckle.gif

There, all is right with the world.

>> No.13616294
Quoted by: >>13616299


>> No.13616295
File: 127 KB, 531x471, 1433256711913.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>comments on marriage

>> No.13616299
Quoted by: >>13616304

But how?

>> No.13616300

>Diviner Bane

It will be quite sacred....for you.

>> No.13616302

Would put a baby in/10.

>> No.13616304

Treating elves as anything other than slaves is denying them their rightful place and upsets them immensely

>> No.13616306
Quoted by: >>13616312

Well meme'd

>> No.13616308
Quoted by: >>13616313

No it doesn't, plus these are Dark Elves so they're dommier!

Besides, everyone deserves love and kindness! And everyone deserves to get to discuss with their lover what they think their daughterus will look like

>> No.13616312
File: 222 KB, 1200x1453, muramasa5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't blame me when your elves start hating you for not being harsh enough
They'll start breaking shit just to be scolded

>> No.13616313

>tfw my dark elf daughteru inherits my shitty brown hair

>> No.13616318
File: 150 KB, 1158x819, Lilim Bilim.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a funny joke.
Elves ever being loved

Why is captcha showing me a picture of a mouse being bathed?

>> No.13616321

Far more likely than succusluts being loved.

>> No.13616323
Quoted by: >>13616428

I like Succubi and Elves. Call the cops idgaf.

>> No.13616331
File: 121 KB, 772x1083, f8e57ffe561ab4a34b1d1ac8c4b5d1db.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Elves are love. Fuck you, fuck all the faggots with muh slavery meme and fuck the japs.

>> No.13616338

Elves can be loved, just not tenderly.

>> No.13616342

Want if I want muh slavery, but I want to be her slave?

>> No.13616346
Quoted by: >>13616353

I'll love a elf tenderly

>> No.13616347
Quoted by: >>13616351

Elves are unacceptable.

Manakete however are olev, so don't lump them together by accident or you'll regret it.

>> No.13616349
Quoted by: >>13616368

I want to spank an Elf until her butt is bright red, and then have her lay on top of me while I rub aloe on it.

>> No.13616351
Quoted by: >>13616376

>elves > otherkin

>> No.13616352
File: 314 KB, 840x1200, 06f4f65eefa2c650dd6ee00363221e36.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to love an elf tenderly and you can't stop me

>> No.13616353
Quoted by: >>13616358

That's very mean

>> No.13616358

She deserves it

>> No.13616368
Quoted by: >>13616431

Who's awesome? You're awesome!
I'm going to write about an Elf licking her boyfriends exotic, round ears and you can't stop me!

>> No.13616372
File: 440 KB, 600x700, 6830e3538b7a79aaeb4b3a54f61a9afa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13616379

All I want is a dark elf childhood friend who is a bit clingy but incredibly caring and gets easily jealous when I don't pay attention to her.

>> No.13616376
File: 732 KB, 2454x3266, Manakete.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, plz.


>Pick hamboigahs capshit
>Both options are clearly chicken sandviches

And then there's this silly shit.

>> No.13616379
File: 690 KB, 1110x1600, 01c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


We need more dark elf vanilla

>> No.13616387

>ends up as cum slave

>> No.13616392
Quoted by: >>13616400

Clearly, the captcha god agrees with me.

>> No.13616395

You guys are sick.

I want to find the Dark Elf with the hardest dom desire, then tenderly and vanilla-ly love her.

>> No.13616399
Quoted by: >>13616404

I agree.

>> No.13616400
Quoted by: >>13616417

Manakete is basically a Dhampir but with Dragons.

>> No.13616402
Quoted by: >>13616419

>being dommed by an elf


>> No.13616403
File: 124 KB, 850x723, 274d6f54d6e2167fc426c99994f67054.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Were you hoping to peek at some panties? Too bad pervert, you'll only get spats!"

how do react?

>> No.13616404
File: 111 KB, 850x744, 1415894646049.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Be gentle, it's her first time.

>> No.13616409

I want to toy around with an elfs ears

>> No.13616410

But spats are more erotic.

>> No.13616411

That's even better, I like spats more.

>> No.13616417

And I'm basically Jesus, but white and with less magic kung-fu powers.

>> No.13616418
File: 1.39 MB, 861x1400, 14398.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nowi is cute! CUTE!

FE if should have more lolis that you can marry and breed

>> No.13616419

>Not being dommed by an Elf after a session of tender vanilla love

>> No.13616421
File: 804 KB, 408x512, 1419086044636.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13616425


>TFW Akaname is technically kero kero
>TFW she'll never get writing given the stigma associated with them

>> No.13616423
Quoted by: >>13616432

>being dommed

>> No.13616425


>> No.13616428

You. You motherfucker. You mah nigga.

>> No.13616429
Quoted by: >>13616432

Elves are for being dommed, you fool.

>> No.13616431
Quoted by: >>13616511


Don't you fucking tempt me to write a sequence involving just that.

>> No.13616432
Quoted by: >>13616439

If your Dark Elf can't tie you up and step on you to shwo ehr love she doesn't actually love you!

>> No.13616433

I want to lay out under the stars with an elf, listening to her drone on about the cosmos before I turn over and start leaving hickies across her bare neck and shoulders. The entire time she'd squirm under me, opening up her robes to tweak those rosy little nubs once I move on to her ears.

>> No.13616439
Quoted by: >>13616442

>likes being stepped on
No wonder you keep coming back for more.

>> No.13616442
Quoted by: >>13616447

I love being stepped on by the girl that loves me!

>> No.13616443

Breeder here, selling dire kiki lolis to good home.
Can serve as bodyguards and top tier maids, lineage stretches back to housekeepers (and consorts) of barbarian warlords and one mailman

>> No.13616447

Your loss.

>> No.13616453

>not selling pure breed kikis
They let anyone be a breeder these days.

>> No.13616459
File: 175 KB, 1000x1000, 1420343803343.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dire kiki
On the subject of Kikimora's, they're labeled as Harpies, yet they give birth viviparously.

If I were to rearrange my folders, would I put Kiki's in the Harpy folder or Fluffy folder?

>> No.13616460
Quoted by: >>13616468

How kiki can breed a kiki?
Futa kiki?

>> No.13616468
Quoted by: >>13616478

>not aryan kikis
Anon pls.

>> No.13616469

I want to take Chubby Alp Senpai to gawk at the Dire Alps and make her feel inadequate!

>> No.13616470
Quoted by: >>13616480

Sorry Anon, can't breed kikis with just kikis, unless you're a wizard. Besides, this is like breeding a labradoodle.

Q&A is live birth.

>> No.13616472


I'd put them in their own folder. Well that's what I'd do anyhow.

>> No.13616473
Quoted by: >>13617667

>forcing fatty alp slut

>> No.13616478
Quoted by: >>13616489

But they are slavic in origin, which makes me think, would a delinquent Kiki crouch around in a jumpsuit?

>> No.13616480

>not being a wizard breeder
I shall take my business elsewhere then.

>> No.13616483
Quoted by: >>13616504

>Chubby alp senpai is embarrassed and wishes that she were big and strong like them.

>Dire alps wish they were small and, relatively, thin like her

>> No.13616487

>they're labeled as Harpies
No they aren't

>> No.13616489

>tfw your maid squads and eats sunflower seeds
She is so fired.

>> No.13616494
Quoted by: >>13616496

In comparison to being a wizard baker...

>> No.13616496

That's what we called my buddy in college.

...for reasons.

>> No.13616500
Quoted by: >>13616510

Feel free, I prefer the all natural route as opposed to the magic route.
Did you know that 30% of all breeders with wizard backgrounds use transmutation and alchemy to grow/make kikis.

>> No.13616501

Fuck off with your fat transgenders

>> No.13616504
Quoted by: >>13616509

>Lilim grants their wishes
>Dire Alp becomes a cute Stage 3 Alp and finds a husband almost instantly
>Chubby Alp Senpai just gets her new Dire body chubby
It can't be helped, what an odd senpai

>> No.13616508

>Dire Kikimora

>Anon has a maid, her name is Svetlana
>She's the sweetest thing ever
>She also terrifies everyone because she's 7 feet tall and speaks in broken English

>Doorbell rings, Svetlana answers it
>Little kids selling girl scout cookies, now shaking in their boots
>"О, я извиняюсь"
>She crouches down to be closer to eye level, puts on a bright a cheery smile
>"Can I helpings you?"

>> No.13616509
Quoted by: >>13616526

dire alps are naturally strong fat.
Because even a dire alp is bulliable

>> No.13616510
Quoted by: >>13616523

>breeders with wizard backgrounds use transmutation and alchemy to grow/make kikis.

Well yeah, godda have them stat bonuses.

>> No.13616511
Quoted by: >>13616527

Why would I tempt you by saying I'll do it? Or do you just distrust my abilities? I don't blame you.

>> No.13616512


>> No.13616516

>Mastah, children are of the cookie sellings.

>> No.13616518
Quoted by: >>13616524

>russian kiki
...I am ok with this.

>> No.13616523
Quoted by: >>13616530

Only if they are good at it
Have you ever seen a low dex kiki?
Clumsiest vatborne I've ever seen.
Soft as all get out though.

>> No.13616524
Quoted by: >>13616536

Well they are from Slavic lore

>> No.13616526
Quoted by: >>13616533

A dire alp that can protect you from all the bullies so later in private you can bully her all for yourself!

>> No.13616527
Quoted by: >>13616545


Fucking stop being so self depriciating Alp, Jesus.

>> No.13616529

>you will never have a buff, ex-military Kikimora as your personal meido from a young age

>> No.13616530
Quoted by: >>13616546

>dex as dump stat
Absolutely haram

>> No.13616533

Yes. That is their purpose.
Well, that and sweaty spats sex.

>> No.13616536

So everything worked out great.

>> No.13616540

Get out of here Kiki.

>> No.13616541
File: 59 KB, 630x356, Black-Lagoon-RobertasBloodTrail-main.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So basically, kiki-roberta?
I'm completely OK with this

>> No.13616542
Quoted by: >>13616588

Dire Kiki is legitimately neat sounding.

>Fair Anon is working on his car
>The jack goes out and he's pinned underneath it
>Dire Kikimora comes in, panicking and exclaiming in broken english about Master
>Then lifts the car up with her hands so anon can escape
>Fair Anon is out getting Midnight groceries and is ambushed by a Manticore
>Dire Kikimora beats her up before gently "shooing" master anon home
>Manticore is forever branded as a pussy tail pussy...pussy

>> No.13616545

You made me do it.

>> No.13616546

They've got to make choices.
Strength is a popular one for most alchemy born kikis, it makes your maid weaker but let you live out the "Rape the made" fantasies.
Dex we've gone over
Con leads to skinny kiki's who seem to be stuck with the japanese cold.
Wisdom kiki's tend to be as dangerous as a wurm while intellect kiki's rarely know anything.
And Charisma kikis?
50/50 shot you get a kuudere who never speaks or a THICK kiki (sometimes you get both though)

>> No.13616550
Quoted by: >>13616556

>implying strength stat has any bearing on rapebility

What breeder school did you go to? Arizona?

>> No.13616553
Quoted by: >>13616556

>kuudere who never speaks
Seems to me that both strength and charisma seem perfect as dump stats.

>> No.13616554


Being self-depreciating would be how I'd deal with Mamono.

But I imagine it'd horribly back-fire so probably not.

>> No.13616555
File: 538 KB, 750x728, 6d469ef7cfdaacc386942d61f524a721.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tell me

5 monstergirls that would be all over bishies
5 monstergirls tha would be all over bara men
A monstergirl that would be all over shotas

>> No.13616556

Hey, it makes it easier when she's barely able to hit you and, when she does, its with a damage penalty.
It does make them almost unusable for furniture moving.
Although if you want to have an extremely rapable Kiki then look no further than a pygmy kiki

But then your kiki is just going to look at people who speak to her, silent as the grave.

>> No.13616560
Quoted by: >>13616631


Alp I swear to unholy fuck you're worse than the other faggots combined if you're that down on yourself when it comes to writing. People actually like your shit/like you whereas I usually get a "fuck off".

>> No.13616561
File: 243 KB, 1172x866, kiki vs manticore.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we will never have more stories of Kikis beating up rapey monstergirls

>> No.13616562
Quoted by: >>13616575

>look at people who speak to her, silent as the grave

But that's my fetish...

>> No.13616563
Quoted by: >>13616575

>pygmy kiki
Woah, hold on there mate, let's not go overboard.

Geez, this is like dealing with a car salesman.

>> No.13616575

Kuudere kiki who cuddles you in bed, expression blank except for that pink blush on her cheeks.

Come on Anon, portability of a hobgoblin, adorability of a familiar, and the stackiest of short stacks.
They do have some trouble with high to reach places so they work best when paired with a normal/dire kiki or if you buy them ladders

>> No.13616579

>5 monstergirls that would be all over bishies
Amazons, Dragons, Onis, Lilims, Jinkos
>5 monstergirls that would be all over bara men
Onis, Dragons, Jinkos, Lizardmen, Salamanders
>A monstergirl that would be all over shotas

>> No.13616581
Quoted by: >>13616594

Look man, just take some points from strength, and put it into dex/cha.

And I'm not gonna buy two, I'm not that much of a NEET.

>> No.13616588
Quoted by: >>13616603

>You set out for work one fine morning
>The day goes by rather quickly, but something is nagging at you that you can't quite remember
>The lunch hour finally rolls around and you finally realize that you didn't take your lunch with you this morning
>Whatever you'll just get some fastfood or something
>That's what you think until you feel a terrible shaking growing stronger with every second that passes
>Some people are screaming from the floor below. You get up wondering if maybe there's a robbery going on
>That is until your 6,3 kikimora maid smashes through the wall holding a heart shaped lunchbox in her hands
>"Mastah! You are of forgetting lunches again!" Her heavy accent mixes rather nicely with the tone of concern
>Most of the other office rats are now staring intently as she opens the lunchbox and holds out a fork for you
>"Now, Saying ahhhh!" In plain view of your boss, the rest of the floor, and the broken wall she feeds you like a kid.
>She leaves afterwards, but not before throwing you on your desk for an impromptu massage
>Just as the day ends your boss calls you in to discuss your last two weeks
>This is the second time this has happened

>> No.13616589
Quoted by: >>13616606

>Kuudere kiki who cuddles you in bed, expression blank except for that pink blush on her cheeks.

>> No.13616594
Quoted by: >>13616605

Very well, enjoy you kiki and have a coupon for half off of the next one you purchase from us.
Please remember that kiki's have starting proficiencies in simple weapons and halberds but are not proficient in any armors other than light.

>> No.13616603

That's adorable.

>> No.13616605
Quoted by: >>13616606

>not proficient in any armors other than light.
Leather it is.

>> No.13616606


What about
NINJA kikis?

>> No.13616609
Quoted by: >>13616612

kunoichi is already a thing.

>> No.13616611
Quoted by: >>13616612

For what purpose?

>> No.13616612
Quoted by: >>13616616

Ninja maids.

>> No.13616614

Lilim, Vampire, Wight, Amazoness, Mermaid

Alice, Echidna, Baphomets, Lizardmen, Salamander


>> No.13616616
Quoted by: >>13616619

>no suprise attack on the maid
Anon, what are you doing?

>> No.13616619

What? You don't want maids with sneak attack and trap sense?

>> No.13616622

I don't, I do the sneaking/trapping around here.

>> No.13616628
Quoted by: >>13616638

But you give up being able to surprise the maid with a hug.

>> No.13616631
File: 527 KB, 1452x950, 1419796338249.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know when I said "I don't blame you", I meant that in the sense that you didn't know who I was and had no reason to trust me. It all got out of hand after that. Why don't you take a chill-pill and spank and Elf.

>> No.13616638

Hey, even ninja maids can fail perception checks.
Why, do you give your Kikis bard or barbarian levels?

>> No.13616640

sweet jesus that booty

>> No.13616652
File: 220 KB, 890x1280, muramasa2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Muramasa is incredibly lewd, even for an elf

>> No.13616655

I don't see the appeal of spanking. I guess it's a dom thing?

>> No.13616656
File: 826 KB, 777x1200, ab1564ae5590546aa171d6bcd592e6d6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13616663

She's such a lewd elf.

>> No.13616660

It was designed by the Elven Goddesses to be seated on a man's face.
It feels good for the recipient, duh.

>> No.13616662

I'd rather just caress her butt with my hands

>> No.13616663
File: 248 KB, 601x850, muramasa3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13616687

>5 monstergirls that would be all over bishies
Most of the high tier
>5 monstergirls that would be all over bara men
Most of the medium-low tier

>> No.13616691
File: 60 KB, 850x478, 1421817874.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13616693

Stop posting the same muramasa pics over and over again in every thread
It's getting annoying as fuck.

>> No.13616693

I've never seen that one.

>> No.13616696

>I've never seen that one

>> No.13616698


Elves, ladies and gent.

>> No.13616699


It's just a picture of an elf being penetrated from behind. She'll be fine.

>> No.13616707
Quoted by: >>13616718

>Girlfriend being used lightly, since she was more of an older sister than anything who still liked to climb into his bed at night to use him like a body pillow.
This is already pretty good.

>> No.13616710
Quoted by: >>13616715

Don't worry, middle-aged Accelerator doesn't kill her.

>> No.13616715

She dies later though, unless I read fake spoilers.

>> No.13616718
File: 171 KB, 800x800, 1433621412926.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13616721


Too bad there's more fun things I could be writing about. Like a Kraken doing this to somebody because she's a squid, not a kid

>> No.13616721
File: 236 KB, 900x663, Genki CC Dark Elf Sundress 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13616728

Is she a Greyhawk/Lodoss style Dark Elf, or an MGE styled Dark Elf?
>Too bad there's more fun things I could be writing about. Like a Kraken doing this to somebody because she's a squid, not a kid
Are you procrastinating by chance?

>> No.13616728
Quoted by: >>13616731


Fairer skinned Pirotess.

The question isn't whether or not i'm procrastinating it's when aren't I. You should see the backlog of stupid ideas I have that will probably never see fruition. But back to doing other things like Grim Dawn/Diablo/Torchlight and jacking it in San Diego

>> No.13616731
Quoted by: >>13616763

Which writefag are you?

>> No.13616735

Did anyone save that story of the guy with the Shirohebi wife adopting his human niece after his sister died? After a while, the niece starts turning into a Shirohebi slowly and it's scary?

>> No.13616739
Quoted by: >>13616754


Now when you say slowly and scary are we talking about furfaggotry bullshit like from Jyoka, or Brundlefly?

>> No.13616741
File: 89 KB, 1320x365, shirohebi niece.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13616754

Just scary in the change. Slow transformations can be terrifying to those around them Also it happening to kids creeps the hell out of me

>> No.13616763
Quoted by: >>13616803


Was just curious because the shit from Jyoka was absolutely disgusting in levels of "Hugh wott".

The ending had some girl getting NTR'd by the grandfather of an AYYY LMAO snek from X-Com 2 and you fucking see her legs getting smaller and smaller as they lose bone and muscle mass while she transitions into a fucking scaly.


It doesn't matter.

>> No.13616788
File: 135 KB, 300x200, ARE YOU OKAY.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13616802

>Is she ok

>> No.13616802

I'd a Terry Bogard Monster girl.

>> No.13616803

this is some body horror kind of shit, I imagine a transformation like that being extremely painful. Imagine each scale poking its way through your skin from the inside

>> No.13616808

>tfw no buttsnake to do butt stuff with

>> No.13616813

It's better if you imagine transformation as a pleasurable experience. Yeah it doesn't make physical sense...but so do a lot of things about Monster Girls.

>> No.13616815



That's some of the shit from Jyoka when it comes to body horror, and it made me think the fucker is David Cronenberg's illegitimate son/relative because just what the fuck, man.

You've been warned.

>> No.13616818
Quoted by: >>13616822

At least it's not like that ushi-oni transformation from last year. Shit was nightmareish with the rapid cracking/reforming of bones and the like.

>> No.13616821
Quoted by: >>13616834

It's kind of hard not to think up body horror scenarios when there are mg's involved. Alot of their bodies are drastically different from a normal persons, making the transition seem pleasureable is for me hard to believe.

>> No.13616822
File: 185 KB, 1304x529, Cronenberg attempts writefaggotry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


At least we already know who to fucking blame for this

>> No.13616824

It ended up in a tie last time I asked, so here goes. Pick one.

1. Sea Slime proactively dates a guy some more
2. Heist on a Dragon's hoard

>> No.13616825
File: 2.26 MB, 370x185, 1355684471531.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people getting transformed into furries

>> No.13616829

Turning into furries.

Where the fuck is my bomber plane fleet filled with napalm?

>> No.13616830
Quoted by: >>13616849

Dragon hoard heist.

>> No.13616831

I still don't regret capping that.

>> No.13616832
Quoted by: >>13616833

I don't know if I would call that cronenberg, since at least the victim is cognizant and seems to be driven by some sorta monster girl evil now. Brundlefly was way more fucked up.

>> No.13616833
Quoted by: >>13616839

Brundelfly wanted to teach kids how he eats. How could you call him fucked up for wanting to spread knowledge?

>> No.13616834

Things like Kitsune, Holst, Cheshire and nearly human stuff like that are okay though.

>> No.13616837
Quoted by: >>13616851

That's a lot longer ago than I thought. Jesus christ.

>> No.13616838

Reservoir Dragons please.

>> No.13616839


Brundlefly story with a girl turning into a Beelzebub. Teaching little MG kids how she sucks her man's cock

>> No.13616842

I might have to add some torture into it now.

>> No.13616849

Okay, looks like this is it then. Update whenever.

>> No.13616851
File: 1.00 MB, 500x315, nawdsi7Dh91qhvghto1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's been 18 months since that got posted
Dear god kill me

>> No.13616852


Okay, I laughed.

>> No.13616853

Best episode right there.

>> No.13616855
File: 569 KB, 1229x1300, d32cb85feeefe95035e6f925526af825.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No big, tomboy monster-girl childhood-friend with a crush on you she doesn't even know is there to manhandle you in a playful way.

>> No.13616858
Quoted by: >>13616884

That's a lucky guy.

>> No.13616864
Quoted by: >>13616884

She is a big girl

>> No.13616878
File: 216 KB, 990x1400, snusnu1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love this artist.

>> No.13616884
File: 235 KB, 945x1400, 8f61f5ba31d81501fa6dfbfc9fca5f57.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13616887


>YFW strongfat waifu after a day at the gym ready to go at it in bed

>> No.13616899
Quoted by: >>13616901

shit, damn I guess I really am here forever

feels good tbh

>> No.13616901
File: 26 KB, 372x404, Kesaran_Pasaran_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is home, after all! Such wonderful dreams you'll dream here!

>> No.13616919
File: 147 KB, 561x813, A Wurm Can.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watched the 60's Batman movie yesterday. We need campy goodness with our Monster Girl superheroes too. Like with Super Wurm, who does whatever a Wurm can.

>> No.13616928

wurm = hulk

>> No.13616930


Yet the evil still walks the earth

>> No.13616932

In the previous thread:

NEET vs NEET. Whoever wins... They'll still stay indoors.
Alpanon posts chapter 10 of Vertex
Vagina pompoir tech is revealed.
Averageanon posts The Dark Lord Wants to Rule the World! In it, the Necromancer fucks (up?) a group of bandits.
Lizardgirls have no classroom courtesy.
Quicksilver posts more Ropes and Cheese. In it: Mousegirl bondange. Loving mousegirl bondange. Loving mousegirl conception bondage.
"The wife and I are one. To turn over the Slime Man suit would be to turn over my partner, which is tantamount to indentured servitude or prostitution, depending on what state you're in."
Puppy-girls! Kitten-girls! Kissing!
Idothisthing did a thing involving a kikimora and the stock market.
Harblador writes more Loli-Oni.
Slimegirls use their entire bodies to see and sense things. Their writefag potential grows everyday.
Fuck cake.
ThatBollocksWriter posts Yandere(?) Kitsune.
Pantyquest updates with the Hinezumi and Hobgoblin guides.
I learn that Splatoon has the deepest lore.
Ravagestar updates Rushka
Fallen Brides: Mimiru has been further translated.
Canadian geese are skill assholes.
.less draws a kikimora receiving her first broom, a slimegirl drinking beer, and an anubis mechanic in a tube-top.

I'm not late. Everyone else just posts too early.

>> No.13616936
Quoted by: >>13616962

>Alpanon posts chapter 10 of Vertex
Didn't realize last thread lasted for two weeks.

>> No.13616938

I want this so bad. Maybe I'll even try and write something about this.

>> No.13616942

What species will you use?

>> No.13616943
Quoted by: >>13616962

Where the fuck have you been for the last six months?

>> No.13616946

The one you hate the most

>> No.13616947


Then do it faggot if I can do a silly Dark Elf short for 2300 words in like 30 minutes with extremely questionable quality and morality

>> No.13616953

If I get off my arse and do it, Werewolf. I love the idea of a tough tomboyish Werewolf playfully wrestling with a helpless anon and getting strange yet pleasurable feelings about it all.

>> No.13616956

This is acceptable and good.

>> No.13616962
Quoted by: >>13616967

Spiritual quest of self-discovery.

Oops. Meant to say "finishes". He completed it here: https://archive.moe/jp/thread/13600741/#13600804

>> No.13616966
Quoted by: >>13616970

Do Wurms "glide" along the ground or slither?

I'd also imagine that they'd be able dig and punch through rocks as if they in Fist of the North Star or something.

>> No.13616967
Quoted by: >>13617005

So what'd you discover? That there is nothing new under the Sun and that you should just praise it and get bitches?

>> No.13616970

They slither, but also burrow through earth, sea and air. And occasionally fire, but that's only when they're on a roll.
Young Wurmlets also use skateboards.

>> No.13616976

cute as fuck.

>> No.13616978
Quoted by: >>13616979

>Young Wurmlets also use skateboards.
Skateboards reinforced with titanium?

>> No.13616979
Quoted by: >>13616990

No. Skateboards infused with their hopes and dreams!

>> No.13616982

They'd be more like boogie boards with wheels than anything.

>> No.13616983

>Young Wurmlets also use skateboards.

I imagine they grab their stubby tails so they look like a hoop and then roll

>> No.13616985
File: 445 KB, 1536x860, 84601ef023b9730311a3f1fa57d4d005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Why don't you like me? Is it because of my skin? I-I can change it somehow! Please don't leave me Anon. Please... Just give me a chance at least!"

how do you gently convince her to fuck off?

>> No.13616990

What would you tell your Wurm daughteru if her single goal in life was to become an airplane?

>> No.13616991

I have my waifu beat her up.

>> No.13616992

You're so edgy I have to hold back this therapy-Yeti from cuddling you or she'd cut herself on you.

>> No.13616995

>Implying I convince her to fuck off nor change her skin color
Elf hater pls go

>> No.13616996

You might make it boy, but by the skin of your teeth.

>> No.13616997

I'd tell her to keep dreaming and make the impossible possible.

>> No.13616999

>there are people in this world that wouldn't want to make daughterus with a Dark Elf

>> No.13617001
Quoted by: >>13617044

>Look this practical joke has gone too far, I know a girl as beautiful as you could never be interested in someone like me.

>> No.13617005
Quoted by: >>13617013

I discovered that the wurm will continue to turn, no matter what anyone says to try and convince her otherwise.

>> No.13617007

>Not liking deliciously brown elves
You're the real monster.

>> No.13617008

Easy, I tell her to fuck off by taking her home, giving her dinner, impregnating her, and then marrying her.
Then I put a little meat on those bones for snuggling purposes.

>> No.13617013

That's no good, her head will get all spinny and she can't burrow straight. She should have taken that left turn at Albuquerque, but no, she kept spiraling right.

>> No.13617025
Quoted by: >>13617027

Fuck off.
You are not only nigger but also an elf. That is the worst possible combination
Kill yourself.

>> No.13617027
Quoted by: >>13617036

She's no nigger, you see curly hair or big lips on her?

>> No.13617028

Was gone yesterday, the first posts ITT were kind of ominous. What happened last thread?

>> No.13617030

and increditastic shitpost brigade.

at least three hundred posts of shit.

>> No.13617031

Nothing. What thread? Shut up and post about Monsters.

>> No.13617032

Some fag created the last thread early, thread got spammed so much the janitors had no other choice but to nuke it.

>> No.13617036
Quoted by: >>13617038

How do you know she doesn't have those? Elves can use glamour to appear qt, but their true countenance is always more disturbing than anticipated.

>> No.13617037

>implying the only tears I would make her produce would be either ones from breaking her hymen or tears of joy as I impregnate her.

>> No.13617038

I know because this is what I believe to be so, and that's that!

>> No.13617044

>tfw she actually drops it and starts laughing, saying you can't blame her for trying

>> No.13617050

>get molested by an arachne who teases you about only having two eyes
>go bully some dumb monoeye afterwards to feel better

>> No.13617051

Yes I can.

>> No.13617055

too far anon, too fucking far

>> No.13617056

>helpless anon
Is he a helpless bara, bishie or shota Anon?

>> No.13617058

>Can't bully monoeyes either because you can't fire badass monoeye lasers like them

>> No.13617060
Quoted by: >>13617081

>not impregnating them both

>> No.13617065
File: 1.29 MB, 1320x1396, 42953026.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bully a mono eye
>Make a terrible mistake and do it while her Gazer friend is there
>Get bullied again
>The Arachne sees it and laughs so hard it draws a crowd
>Everyone sees your humiliation

>> No.13617067

I want to throw her in the P'orc pigsty and tell them to have their way with her!

>> No.13617074

Yuri is a bold move anon.

>> No.13617077
File: 737 KB, 735x1028, 17ecb986a60d6e6c20cdad3078254c79.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Hehe, you're not as dumb as you look Anon. Yeah I don't really care about you, but I need a favor, you up for helping a cutie like me?"

How do you react?

>> No.13617080

Pay up, bub.

>> No.13617081

I'd just impregnate the Arachne. She's going to pop out a ton of kids because she's part spider. A small family to her is 6 kids. Plus I want my kids to be superior 2+ eyes and not monoeyes.

>> No.13617083

>P'orc pigsty

What do you think that smells like?

>> No.13617084

It's not yuri if it's for humiliation's sake and you promise the p'orcs extra cake that night for their efforts.

>> No.13617086

Forced yuri femdom is olev.

>> No.13617087
Quoted by: >>13617131

What's the favour?

>> No.13617090


>> No.13617093
Quoted by: >>13617185

P'Orc sweat and dried cum.

>> No.13617094
File: 114 KB, 938x346, nope.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13617113

i want /pol/ to leave

>> No.13617098

Bacon, lewdness, and elf tears.

>> No.13617100

Brown skin does not make you black faggot.

>> No.13617101


You people never forget anything that writefags cook up, fucking do you.

>> No.13617103

Would you date a troll that uses her body to cultivate peppers like carolina reapers and ghost peppers exclusively, and frequently uses them in her cooking?

>> No.13617104

>Getting bullied by an arachne for only having two eyes.
Quality over quantity, slut.

>> No.13617107
Quoted by: >>13617145

I'd just kill the spider, since I kill those fucking things on sight anyway.

>> No.13617108
Quoted by: >>13617134

God no.

I like a little spice in my food, but not that much.

>> No.13617109
Quoted by: >>13617134

Jesus christ no. I hate spicy things.

>> No.13617113
Quoted by: >>13617124

/pol/ here, I've got 3 /pol/ threads open in other tabs right now
Delicious brown is the best, especially with white hair.

>> No.13617114
Quoted by: >>13617134

Fuck that. The spiciest thing I can handle is fresh black peppercorns.

>> No.13617119
Quoted by: >>13617126

Ask her if she's found a husband yet. Many people are terrified of spiders so I doubt she'd find it as easy as a Lamia or Succubus.
The only reason she's being a bitch is probably because yet another cute boy she liked saw her scuttling over to him and ran away screaming.

>> No.13617120
Quoted by: >>13617152

I want dark elf cuddledom. I want her to cover me in her blankets and label me her personal, precious cuddleslut. I wanna drink her hot cocoa and ahegao from the pleasure of it running down my throat like the nectar of the gods. And then, when she's sleeping and vulnerable, I want to hold her tight as she suffers bad dreams and calm her with a whispered mix of "I love you" and "I'm here"

>> No.13617124
Quoted by: >>13617139

SWEDEN JA threads?

>> No.13617126

All three of those species are known to be predatory in some way or another I don't think that'd work too well.

>> No.13617130

The spiciest I can go currently is cayenne pepper.

...but I'm willing to try recipes featuring those items so long as they are used in moderation.

>> No.13617131
File: 317 KB, 510x800, 91cab316380378c360f1d0ccc4ccd425.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"I just need you to talk to this friend of mine who thinks you're cute. Don't know what she sees in you though... She's a bit special by the way, speaking impairment."

how do you react?

>> No.13617134

this saddens me as someone who grew up in the south west that so many people hate spicy food. BUT ghost peppers are not even enjoyable in the slightest so I can't blame you

>> No.13617138
Quoted by: >>13617162

>Sorry, I don't do pale girls. Unless she's at least Jabberwock-Shaded Brown no can do.

>> No.13617139

Nigger thread, kebab thread and a thread about some retard who got shot by the cops after he did drugs and decided to attack them.

>> No.13617145
File: 69 KB, 584x642, MissionFailed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13617155

Unless you carry around a can of aerosol and a lighter with you at all times I think you'd just get bullied some more.

>> No.13617146
File: 905 KB, 1128x1600, 41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13617185

>tfw no cute naive kitsune waifu and daughteru

>> No.13617147

Chaika go home, you aren't a monstergirl! I'd still do you though.

>> No.13617149
File: 149 KB, 640x480, pain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you will never be breastfed by an apsara

>> No.13617151

Worth giving her a chance at least, what's the worst that could happen?

>> No.13617152

>having bad dreams

What a wimp.

>> No.13617155

that poor addict has an Arachne living in him...

>> No.13617156

Nah, I don't believe her.

I'm going home.

>> No.13617157
File: 2.60 MB, 10000x10000, chaika.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13617159
Quoted by: >>13617164

She fears that I'll leave her for some manticore with a thick tailpussy. Elves have the worst self image issues, man.

>> No.13617160

Everyone has bad dreams. They just evolve from spooky scary stuff into seemingly plausible yet absurdly shitty days and situations when you grow up.

>> No.13617162
File: 356 KB, 973x821, california chaika.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13617171

California Chaika!

>> No.13617164

It's sad thb. They think they need some sort of exotic gimmick like fluffiness, or multiple legs, or horns and wings.

>> No.13617166
File: 1.69 MB, 1100x1200, Delicious_Brown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13617169
Quoted by: >>13617179

African Queen

>> No.13617171
File: 1.37 MB, 1024x1280, comi__60_by_p01ntless-d8vyh7p.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Far too light. Pic related is the minimum amount of brown needed for this dick to run.

>> No.13617173

Gold is perpetually great.

>> No.13617174
File: 76 KB, 1024x1024, 01x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13617217

I choose flamethrower

>> No.13617176
Quoted by: >>13617193

Do we have any stories about explicitly brown girls?

>> No.13617178

Anything but African Queen

>> No.13617179

>Anything other than evening elvan and dark vanilla
Good thing you spoilered that there crappy taste, friendo

>> No.13617183

California Chaika is literally perfect, pleb.

>> No.13617185


Source on that?


>You will never slather a haughty Dark Elf's ears, navel, and inner thighs with honey before tossing her to the P'Orcs in the pigsty
>You will never tell them to go "full ham", almost invoking the presence of the Unclean Ferry Woman
>You will never feel the need to masturbate furiously as you see the P'Orcs rip and tear her out of her bounds before dry humping her in what looks like kneeling cowgirl, suckling on her tits and lapping at all that delicious bee gold
>She will never ahegao from over-stimulation on her ears due to P'Orc tongues and softness being applied directly to it for no less than thirty minutes
>She will never weakly mewl that your cock is going to drive her crazy as you force-feed her Holstaur milk to make her softer, the nectar coated folds of her vagina offering little to no friction against you as you press into her
>You will never fuck the Dark Elf silly in the P'Orc pigsty, the smell of semen, mud, and P'Orc sweat all around you
>You will never pay the P'Orcs off with an otouto to cuddle and love all day long for a week
>The Dark Elf will never suffer PTSD and get aroused simply by standing in the vicinty of a P'Orc, often times wanting to involve them in your sex escapades

It hurts to live

>> No.13617186

Bedouin dreams, the okinawan and dark vanilla. I'm in indecisive asshole who'd be happy with any of those. The others are fine too though

>> No.13617191

None of them.

>> No.13617193

We have Bob's Khepri story where she talks like Chaika.

>> No.13617194

1. Dark Vanilla
2. Evening Elvan
3. Scent of Cinnamon
4. Indian Summer
5. Dusky Dravidian
6. California Gold
7. Amazon Chocolate
8. The Okinawan
9. Bedouin Dreams
10. African Queen
9000. Red Earth
9001. Turkish Rosewater

>> No.13617198

if by "filter" you mean "manually hide comment/reply chain" then no; I do it too. it's awfully forced/repetitive.

>> No.13617199
Quoted by: >>13617219

>playing vidya with Jabberwock
>wrecking her in Diddy Kong Racing
>she uses her extra mouths to aggressively nibble and lick your ears
>uses the surprise to take the lead and win on the final lap

I won't forgive her!

>> No.13617200

1-4, 10/10. But personally there's a powergap after 4 and I just stop caring.

>> No.13617202

>1. Dark Vanilla
Wrong already

>> No.13617209

Disgusting. I guess I have to make do with desert girl stories where I can imagine them as brown.

>> No.13617211


We also had a turkish rosewater Manticore once.

>> No.13617216

>you will never throw disobedient P'Orcs into the Rancor Girl pit

>> No.13617217
File: 206 KB, 866x965, 1433384856946.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13617224


>> No.13617219

Return the favor when she's playing, only not on her ears.

>> No.13617220
Quoted by: >>13617232

Hutt Monster Girl when?

>> No.13617221

Dammit, why am I always gone when a new thread gets started? Butthurt natives are so damn funny.

>> No.13617222

If we're doing rankings here
Tier 1: Bedouin Dreams, The Okinawan, Dark Vanilia
Tier 2: California Gold and Evening Elvan
Tier 3: Scent of Cinnamon
Tier 4: Indian summer, Dusky Dravidian and Turkish Rosewater
Tier 5: Amazon Chocolate, African Queen and Red Earth

All shades of brown are lovely, some are just more lovely than others.

>> No.13617224

This is how wisps are born
>"Tell me husband, what is the code to your reactor?"
>She licks your ear as she whispers huskily, "sex sex sex"

>> No.13617230
File: 839 KB, 750x816, Malakili.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yfw some faggot-ass edgy paladin one day comes and kills your sweet Rancor girl.

>> No.13617232
Quoted by: >>13617243


Hutt Monster Girl vore when?

>> No.13617238

>Not Important is actually a pissed off succubus who wants to overload a dark matter reactor to change her entire city into a demon realm.

>> No.13617243
File: 3.76 MB, 476x224, UNENDING RAGE.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13617244
Quoted by: >>13617255

Wisps are under-utilized. We also need art featuring Wisps with varying body-types, colors, and hairstyles.

>> No.13617248


>> No.13617250

>Goes through town bringing the hapless prude fools to orgasm as messily as possible.
>Sacrifices her essence to activate the dark matter reactor that turns the city into a demon realm
fund it.

>> No.13617255


>TFW no Will-o'-the-Wisp stories
>TFW too much of a pussy to do one because my stories are all starting to sound the same

>> No.13617263
File: 192 KB, 482x877, 1419234794273.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to force my Kiki to lose her virginity to dog dick as punishment after I set her up to break a vase.

>> No.13617264
Quoted by: >>13617537

>TFW too much of a pussy to do one
do it, go ahead.

>> No.13617269

I love Wisp. I'll do smut of her and get it done within 48 hours. I need a break from planning this other story and this will force me to just straight up write something.

>> No.13617273

While fucking a human girl infront of her?
>"What a shame, this could have been you but you had to break that vase"

>> No.13617275
Quoted by: >>13617299

How is Wisp formed, anyway? Is she a ghost type

>> No.13617277

Can monster girls use the spirit energy of other species? Can an oomukade get addicted to having a dog lick her lewd tattoos all over? Can they claim animals as husbands, even unwillingly?

>> No.13617284

>a vase
Christ you're a big baby.

>> No.13617285

Yoooooooo too far.

>> No.13617286

>While fucking a human girl infront of her?
YES. Excellent.

>> No.13617290
Quoted by: >>13617299

Yes. She's listed as a ghost in her profile.

>> No.13617293

Sorry to reign on your beastiality fetish, but no, only humans can produce SE.

>> No.13617294
Quoted by: >>13617302

Just fuck a human girl like >>13617273

Of course, you're have to deal with a yan kiki afterwards.

>> No.13617295

Nah, only human males produce the energy they need.

>> No.13617299

Whoops. Meant for >>13617275

Everything but monsters have spirit energy. Or at leas elves, dwarves, and other races have spirit energy in significant amounts.

It could also work like DE, meaning there are multiple types of SE for each species.

>> No.13617302
Quoted by: >>13617306

>not fapping into a jar of dog cum and seeing if she'll drink it all to get her beloved mastah's sperm

>> No.13617304
File: 416 KB, 888x1356, 1433221781536.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oppai loli?

>> No.13617305 [SPOILER] 
File: 485 KB, 1111x1600, 1433707845414.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



what the fuck

>> No.13617306
Quoted by: >>13617324

What's stopping her from drinking from the source?

>> No.13617309
Quoted by: >>13617313

No. Don't start now with that shit.

>> No.13617310

One interesting thing I came across in the setting info of MGE is that the majority of the inhabitants just treat SE and DE as the the same thing. "Magical Energy". Most are unaware that there's a difference.

>> No.13617311

I don't care if they're stupid.
I don't care if they're strong.
I don't care if they're dangerous.
I don't care if they're wrong.
I'm gonna court a Wurm.
Take her for a night on the town
Treat her like a lady of the highest bearing,
Like a Queen newly accepting her crown.

>> No.13617312
Quoted by: >>13617325

>Sorry to reign on your beastiality fetish
Isn't it rain?

>> No.13617313

Just report and ignore posts pertinent to whatever the fuck that guy wants accepted here.

>> No.13617319
File: 172 KB, 800x600, dog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> lose her virginity to dog dick
Fuck yeah, that is my fetish

>> No.13617320

I prefer semi-mature Suzu-type lolis.
>Captcha made me pick cookies
Not helping.

>> No.13617324

There's no way she would turn on me and brutally rape me before forcing me to give her sloppy oral and cleaning the bath. That's absurd.

>> No.13617325
Quoted by: >>13617334

He's literally taking lordship over the other guy's bestiality fetish.

>> No.13617330

Fuck off

>> No.13617332

Link was gay for real for not hitting that

>> No.13617334

But I thought it was from the whole "not to rain on your parade" saying. Cause no one wants to have their parade rained upon.

>> No.13617339

He's bullshitting dude

>> No.13617347

I know. I was just joking. He also could have meant reign in instead of reign on. That could have just been a typo.

>> No.13617349
Quoted by: >>13617354

>Why is captcha showing me a picture of a mouse being bathed?
I don't know, but I'd like to see that.

>> No.13617354

I want to see a mouse being lovingly bathed by a slime.

>> No.13617359

>How sad that you fucked that dog, Emma
>I thought you were pretty attractive back in the day
>If you weren't a bestiality slut I might have married you...

>> No.13617360

That sounds platonic and lovely.

>> No.13617362
File: 160 KB, 704x832, 9744f4ca57a936c9bce1bac289c149f1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Writefags, what is a piece of obscure vocabulary you want to use on a future occasion?

>> No.13617363

I want to be caught watching a Slime bath an embarrassmed Mouse, then get pulled in to enjoy the struggle snuggle.

>> No.13617367

Skirr because I need more similes for "fly".

>> No.13617368
Quoted by: >>13617376


>> No.13617370

That sounds nice too. Mouse and slime cuddles at the same time.

>> No.13617373

>what is a piece of obscure vocabulary you want to use on a future occasion
None, I'm not pretentious enough to use words for their own sake.

>> No.13617375

I wish we had some material pertaining to a threeway with a dude, his monstergirl waifu, and a slimegirl pleasuring them both while they have sex with each other.

>> No.13617376
Quoted by: >>13617384

Harblador already used that on several occasions IIRC

>> No.13617381
Quoted by: >>13617388

Slime's are gross tho.

>> No.13617382

Slimes and multiple partners are among my fetishes. I would definitely read this.

>> No.13617384

Everyone does.

>> No.13617388
Quoted by: >>13617401

Slimes are olev. I'm sorry for your taste.

>> No.13617390



>> No.13617392


>> No.13617393
File: 35 KB, 604x347, future monster girl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13617406

>not merging

>> No.13617396

Is it NTR to fuck POW's through your waifu?

>> No.13617397

Time to use ctrl+f then, it'd be like finding hidden Mickeys or some shit.

>> No.13617401
Quoted by: >>13617408

But they get slime everywhere!

>> No.13617402

Would you want to see a Hellhound get gangbanged by a pack of wolves

>> No.13617403

I don't, but it's only through conscious effort to not be a cheeky lil shit.

>> No.13617404

A whole bunch. The premise for this adventure story I'm writing is basically an excuse for me to sneak in a bunch of middle English words, outdated idioms, any kind of slang older than 40 years, and rarely some archaic sounding gobbedlygook by making up germanic derived compound words.

It's all for humor mainly. I'll admit that a third of the jokes in it will be some form of "back in my day..." situations and misunderstandings.

>> No.13617406
File: 542 KB, 850x1067, 1424333082328.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13617424

Seems like something a slime could do naturally to me.

>> No.13617408

And then they just reabsorb it back into themselves.

>> No.13617415
Quoted by: >>13617475

You the timeskip mc guy?

>> No.13617419
Quoted by: >>13617475

What monstergirl species will appear?

>> No.13617424

>Slimegirls merging with other monstergirls, aborbing them during the throes of orgasm
>Only to create a slime-hybrid monstergirl

This is the fetish I never knew I had.

>> No.13617427

Three way MFF relationships have always been my sort of thing. Like Sayori's doujins where the girls will play with each other when the master's away but when he's around it's threesome fun for everyone.

Plus depending on the type of girls involved it opens up a lot of possibilities. Like a Lamia coiling herself around a man and and a Werecat, using her tail to decide the pace them fuck each other at and tightening it as they cum.

>> No.13617432

I use descriptive stuff all the time to be accurate, but I try to couch it in context so you don't need to pull out a dictionary.

I don't do it just to do it. There's a purpose. Like I'm doing a desert one right now so I have about five different words for sandstorms, most of them quite a bit more badass than sandstorm. And I talk about Hathor worship in a couple places, so the menat and the sistrum are relevant. Stuff like that.

If I have to use something really uncommon, I try to let it be educational but not treat the audience like dummies at the same time. It's a balancing act. Then again, so is most of writing stories.

>> No.13617434

MFF is just boring to me. I prefer MMF for porn.

>> No.13617436
Quoted by: >>13617439


>> No.13617437

But, Anon, it's gay if their balls touch.

>> No.13617438

>Wanting extra dicks
Guys I think there's an Alp posting in mgt.

>> No.13617439

How is he a cockatrice?

>> No.13617441


>> No.13617442

Kikis are Wolf types.
Yes, they're obedient dogsw who will wan for you.

>> No.13617445

Dog girl > Wolf girls.

>> No.13617446

I want a harem of Alps. One regular Alp, one Loli Alp who's actually the second oldest, one Chocolate Alp who's the oldest and softest, and a Dire Alp!

>> No.13617454

it's good to have you back, recapanon.

>> No.13617455

my taste >your taste

>> No.13617457
File: 699 KB, 1089x1600, 05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not mother and daughteru threesome
Pleb and cuck

>> No.13617458
File: 248 KB, 833x1100, 1422300090537.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't want a girl that will throatfuck him with her tongue
>he doesn't want femdom and snuggles

>> No.13617462

You're right, I don't want femdom.

>> No.13617463
File: 239 KB, 403x880, 1422135868103.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13617470

>not wanting to DP a Cyclops while she goes insane from the pleasure and pain of her anal and vaginal virginities being roughly taken simultaneuously

>> No.13617468
Quoted by: >>13617472

Just skip the daughteru, MILFs are where it's at.

>> No.13617470

Why not just grow another dick? Or take a doppelganger potion? you just wana fuck men by proxy, alp.

>> No.13617472
Quoted by: >>13617480

No, milf a shit for cucks
Only good with daughteru bundle

>> No.13617474
File: 207 KB, 800x1000, Anubis Mechanic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13619242

>an anubis mechanic in a tube-top.
I am ever more a happy guy.

>> No.13617475
Quoted by: >>13617485

Yeah, I've been doing a lot of planning for it. I've never attempted a story like this before, and I feel like I'm setting up a pen and paper rpg campaign sometimes. Doing research so I can pretend I know a lot about a certain subject, keeping track of certain details,planning far ahead because I know if I just started right now I'd be at risk of writing myself into a corner.
A lot if everything goes well. There will be several different locations they travel to which means a lot of supporting characters and antagonists. Some might even get their own cute or smutty oneshots after they've gotten screwed over by the protagonists or their role in the story is fulfilled.

>> No.13617479

>wanting a shitty dog that doesn't listen

>> No.13617480

Frumpy CC aunty and slutty loli niece is best.

>> No.13617481

No pan is so nice. Google's not giving me anything except a DMCA claim. Any hint on how I can find this?

>> No.13617485

Sounds like it'll be big. Good shit man we need more sagas.

>> No.13617487

Based Namaniku. So glad I bought that book.

>> No.13617492
Quoted by: >>13617514

God forbid a femdomy/switch monstergirl do femdom things when she feels like it.

>> No.13617494

I may have just ordered a print of a pic I commissioned of Ruto.

That aughta be nice.

>> No.13617497

>Aunty is a teacher for niece's class
>A classmate has a crush on aunty
>Niece teaches him how to fuck
>He deflowers aunty and makes her cum profusely with the skills her niece taught him

>> No.13617498
Quoted by: >>13617518

Wolves and lions can't be truly tamed, doesn't mean you can't bond and teach them a few tricks. Free spirits make the best bros.

>> No.13617500

I tend to use more "Exotic" words for colors. Try to be more descriptive as far as the exact shade and tone I intend for things to be.

>> No.13617502
File: 542 KB, 1160x1050, 01b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13617506

>slutty loli
Yeah, they are pretty good

>> No.13617506
Quoted by: >>13617520

Ah yes, Satsuki Itsuka.
King of the Slutty Lolis.

>> No.13617507
Quoted by: >>13617511

where is her butthole?
I know girls don't poop but they still have a recreational butthole

>> No.13617511

Covered by the underwear.
Anatomy, dude.

>> No.13617514

I agree, they are truly the worst.

Rather have a jewnuki.

>> No.13617517
Quoted by: >>13617524

I'll put an end to your memes.

>> No.13617518
Quoted by: >>13617555

Our priorities are somewhat different it seems.

>> No.13617520
Quoted by: >>13617536

He shares that title with Maeshima Ryou
His lolis also very slutty

>> No.13617523

Anyone with a brain would rather fuck a jewnuki than a hellhound.

>> No.13617524

No...I've passed one on to you.

>> No.13617527

What's the source of this?

>> No.13617529

Hellhounds won't ruin your back account.

>> No.13617532

What am I looking at here exactly?

>> No.13617534
File: 275 KB, 800x1000, Susan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13617536

Well, all of Satsuki's lolis are slutty.
Maeshima Ryou I think just has the one slutty loli. I'm almost certain that it's the same slutty little exhibitionist loli in nearly everything he writes.

>> No.13617537


You don't understand man. Literally everything I write is feeling like it's starting to run together like the flood of paint from The Pagemaster.

>> No.13617539
Quoted by: >>13617559

Faggotry anon, faggotry.

>> No.13617541

I want to ruin a soft Tanuki's bank account.

>> No.13617547
Quoted by: >>13617561

>implying your tanuki waifu would ruin your bank account

/mgpol/ pls go.

>> No.13617548

Futa jabberwock fucking catboy in his boypussy

>> No.13617549
Quoted by: >>13617563

I can just curb stop a jewnuki and leave her.

Can't leave a Hellhound because she's a stupid cunt that can't handle refection, just like most monsters.

>> No.13617555
Quoted by: >>13617567

If it's waifus you want then bros can be good waifus. In their own way. A pet waifu is nice but it doesn't truly feel like life partners. Got to have someone who can reign you in and isn't afraid to be blunt when needed. Then you do the same the for them, and you're both better for it.

>> No.13617557
File: 44 KB, 344x433, ss+(2015-06-07+at+01.53.30).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13617560

>Futa jabberwock
I know I'm responding to bait, but no you cockgobbling faggot.

>> No.13617559

>Hidden faggotry
Is less slowly realizing that we don't want to see that shit?

>> No.13617560
Quoted by: >>13617580


prostates need love too

>> No.13617561
Quoted by: >>13617587

But that's h ow they work. They find a man they like, and ruin his life so they run into their arms. They also control the human slave trade, the world leaders, the media, and the video game industry.

>> No.13617563
Quoted by: >>13617616

It's not even a matter of rejection. Many just operate that way and even get off on it. Fine with me, monsters should be monsters.

>> No.13617564
File: 62 KB, 600x709, f857ad7d18b4096c19a8d7f973178cdf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Harpies are for ______

>> No.13617567

That's one way to look at it I guess.

>> No.13617569
Quoted by: >>13617597

You don't know that. What if she's just sitting there like "I want monsterboys in heat to go and stay go" it even almost looks like she's just trying to gently move him aside, severly embarassed at havin some bitchboi rub his ass againts her

>> No.13617570



>> No.13617572

He can only pull the same epik trole so many consecutive times until it doesn't receive attention anymore.

>> No.13617573

Wing wrapped hugs.

>> No.13617575


aquires more and more coin
to entice anon

The man checks his mail
Gaudy gilded gold parchment
reads "please marry me"

The avaricious
Gets a single short letter
"Please stay far away"

>> No.13617577

>Implying your opinion matters
He'll draw what he wants as he ever has.

Just be thankful he still does some random practice sketches based upon requests in this thread. God knows he doesn't have to.

>> No.13617579


>> No.13617580
Quoted by: >>13617591

I agree, but this isn't the place for it. Also I can't insert as a catboy.

>> No.13617581

Big fluffy hugs, raising cute fluffy chicks with that love to cuddle with daddy.

>> No.13617585


>> No.13617587
Quoted by: >>13617599

Lies and deception.

As expect of you, fox.

>> No.13617589

Anon Jabberwocks have Tentacles

>> No.13617591

You can insert in a catboy

>> No.13617592


For fuck's sake. Why can't this stupid meme just die already.

>> No.13617594
Quoted by: >>13617629

Have to agree with >>13617577

Besides, that one really isn't that bad, so who cares?

>> No.13617597

.less said last night it was Catmilf in her younger days

>> No.13617599
Quoted by: >>13617608

The manipulative loan shark part is true though.

>> No.13617608
Quoted by: >>13617626

Well, we can't all be "courtesans", can we?

>> No.13617610
Quoted by: >>13617623

So what, she gives her fagboi son the same haircut she had? That's kinda weird.

>> No.13617613

Pretty sure he never confirmed that.

One guy in the chat box just kept hoping it was so.

>> No.13617616

Not with me, I don't want to be forced into marriage

Hell I don't want marriage at all, like fuck I'm trusting monster girls.

>> No.13617618

Can someone post .less last night's creation?

>> No.13617619
Quoted by: >>13617627

People just jumped to a conclusion and assumed things.

>> No.13617623

Maybe she has a complex about wanting to fuck herself, that's why she raised her son to be a girl

Man, this is starting to get some deep lore.

>> No.13617626

You can be if you really try. Just find some rich CC and seduce her and you're set.

>> No.13617627

People do that? On 4chan?
Say it ain't so!

>> No.13617628
Quoted by: >>13617646

Make sure never to fuck a shirohebi.

>> No.13617629
File: 837 KB, 789x594, 1395264521895.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not going to be grateful for art that exists solely to offend me and create shitstorms in a thread I frequent. I appreciate the sketches he pumps out on occasion, but that doesn't mean I have to accept bait.

>> No.13617630
File: 568 KB, 741x1222, 1432709096205.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13617639

Why you gotta be so salty?

>> No.13617632

That just makes you more appealing for 1/3 of them. You're like the perfect super tsundere.

>> No.13617638

>I'm not going to be grateful for art that exists solely to offend me and create shitstorms in a thread I frequent.
You don't seriously believe that, do you?

.less draws what he wants. He doesn't actually draw stuff just to piss you and the other autists in this thread off. Yeah, he might have a chuckle over "Oh man, the thread's gonna freak out over this one", but that's not the motivation behind him actually drawing it.

Grow some skin you silly conspiracy theorist.

>> No.13617639 [DELETED] 

Oh fuck off.

>> No.13617640
Quoted by: >>13617716

>some deep lore.
No really. And I always feel bad for innocents being dragged into rampant cocklust. Like a whore who sells her daughter who just wants to study to her pimp to get drugs or something. Shits fucked. Some people find it hot, probably because of some "muh sufering boner" faux-edginess, but I just can't into it.

>> No.13617642

Your pic reminded me of the fact mgq paradox hasn't had any news since last month.

>> No.13617643

>being offended in the first place
>on 4chan
Besides, if you know it's "bait", it's not meant for you.

>> No.13617644


That or she just wants to fuck what would be a girl emotionally and is very much a male physically, to the point of getting pregnant with retard babies.

Why the fuck are we even discussing this.

>> No.13617646
Quoted by: >>13617662

Same here.
I'll be sure not to.
Which ones do I need to look out for specifically?

>> No.13617647
Quoted by: >>13617652

Would a cupid be willing to kill in the name of love?

>> No.13617650
Quoted by: >>13617679

>Yeah, he might have a chuckle over "Oh man, the thread's gonna freak out over this one",
>but that's not the motivation behind him actually drawing it.
Oh dear, you couldn't be any more wrong.

>> No.13617651
File: 243 KB, 490x490, 46753737.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13617679

>He doesn't actually draw stuff just to piss you and the other autists in this thread off

>> No.13617652

How do you console a disillusioned cupid who no longer believes in a thing called love?

>> No.13617653

Exactly. Just report and ignore it when he posts stupid shit meant to fuck with people. He already got banned for a little bit last time he did, so it's only a matter of time with how active things have been. Of course, I can say all this because I give zero fucks about art in general. So losing him wouldn't be bad for me.

>> No.13617654
Quoted by: >>13617667

How can I get less or another drawfag to draw Chubby Alp Senpai?

>> No.13617655
Quoted by: >>13617679

Not to be a dick because I like .less but he does do that on occasion. Remember the Cait Sith with a dick he couldn't resist to draw?

>> No.13617656
Quoted by: >>13617679


I'm pretty sure that if .less was actually going to draw fagboi Ballsacks getting fucked in the ass by cat-trap from Anons wanting it, he's a bit more capricious than you think

>> No.13617660

Stop sucking his dick so hard dude

>> No.13617662
Quoted by: >>13617682

Any of the ones who like to take choir boys and turn them into monster loving sluts.

Dark Priests, Cheshire, Mad Hatter, nearly all Succubi and their offshots are the prime candidates.

You'll avoid the outright brutes I'm sure but these ones take a slightly different, but still forceful, approach.

>> No.13617663
Quoted by: >>13617692

semen infused valentine chocolates.

Alternatively, stab her with her own arrows.

>> No.13617665
Quoted by: >>13617683

Look if you hate the art, don't go conspiracy theory. Say you hate it for whatever reason and move on. Drawfags are big kids and the better ones have thick skin.

>> No.13617666

You don't.

You congratulate her on figuring out that everything she believed in is a lie.

>> No.13617667
Quoted by: >>13617670

See >>13616473

>> No.13617670
Quoted by: >>13617680

Please do not call her a slut, that's rude and false.

>> No.13617675

Any more stories like this?

>> No.13617676

Cloacal triple penetration after a Lich grafts you two extra dicks.

>> No.13617679

I forgot how many people think everything revolves around this thread.

You may have a point with that one example. But to be fair, if that is the case, it was pretty irresistible. Do you remember how big of a shitstorm was going down over Cait Sith? Yeah yeah, arguments about "Not making things worse". But honestly, these threads are shit a good 80% of the time, and that shitstorm clearly wasn't dying any time soon.

>> No.13617680

"Forced" however is super true.

>> No.13617682
Quoted by: >>13617703

I'm pretty sure I could avoid all of them. Bear mace is the way.

>> No.13617683

I don't think this falls under conspiracy theory. It's only one guy thus there is no conspiracy.

>> No.13617685

There was that Apophis thing from last June that was never pastebinned.

>> No.13617689
Quoted by: >>13617696

Chubby Alp Senpai never forces though, she always asks for consent!

>> No.13617692
Quoted by: >>13617708

>stab her with her own arrows.
>They don't work
>Further solidifying her disbelief in love
>You fucked up and got her with the dud arrows, but because you shot her with the less powerful dud arrows, she built an immunity to the more powerful real arrows, and they won't work on her either
>She's even more depressed
>enters gladiatorial tournaments to lose herself in archery, gold and booze
What now?

Yeah I'd like the fat old alp meme to quit being forced too. It's kind of obnoxious.

>> No.13617696
Quoted by: >>13617717

Look, if we're gonna pretend to be retarded, I need a moment to prepare.

>> No.13617698


I haven't done TF since that Ushi-Oni greentext, with good reason. I don't see how going from a human physiology to say, a centaur or Lamia could be pleasurable given that there's distinct characteristic differences in locomotion and some such.

There was, however, a pretty good SCP knock-off of a woman's gradual transformation into a Holstaur after being fed their milk and put under observation for the duration of her transition.

>> No.13617703
Quoted by: >>13617709

Most of those are stealth monsters though. I forgot Tanuki there.

Unless your plan is to spray every human woman that's friendly to you in the face you're going to need to learn how to fight fire with fire by learning how to detect them and guard your mind.

>> No.13617708

Have fun in the arena with her. For glory.

>> No.13617709
Quoted by: >>13617732

Go for Hikki life bitch. Not interacting with anyone and working from home.

>> No.13617716
File: 1.09 MB, 1250x1800, 22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13617842

>And I always feel bad for innocents being dragged into rampant cocklust. Like a whore who sells her daughter who just wants to study to her pimp to get drugs or something.
Fuck you, this is one of the hottest things ever

>> No.13617717

OK, tell me when you're ready.

>> No.13617720

Well shit, I think the sites image system just shit itself.

>> No.13617721
File: 183 KB, 707x1000, cutie family.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Making a family with

>> No.13617722

Albino Lamia now has anemia on top of Albinism, Leukemia, and her myriad other medical ailments.
What do you do to cheer her up? Do note she's very queasy from chemo earlier, so if it's food make sure it is the type that comes up easy.

>> No.13617724


>> No.13617725

Yep, it did.

>> No.13617726

Lets party

>> No.13617732
Quoted by: >>13617738

Why not just invest in learning how to ward them off? Then you can live your life and avoid them.

Hikki is a good strategy but if you get a devilbug/ giant mouse infestation, or haunting you're pretty much screwed because you're often outnumbered and have no friends or family to back you up because you isolated yourself.

>> No.13617735

So here's a question guys, given that yandere Will-o'-the-Wisps are to be expected would you want just straight smut with little to no exposition or shenanigans?

>> No.13617737

Well what else are we supposed to do aside from spamming images and complaining about it? Talk about how mg's would have to use specialized tools for basic things like simple engineering and writing?

>> No.13617738
Quoted by: >>13617858

Bear mace and some talismans should take care of them. I'd learn how to ward them off from home.

>> No.13617740

i need exposition, makes my already broken thinking feel better

>> No.13617743

Yandere stories benefit heavily from exposition, as it allows insight into the yanderes obsession.

>> No.13617745

There´s plenty of smut in general already. I rather read shenanigans. As far as im concerned it doesn´t even need smut.

>> No.13617748

I'd rather not have them at all.

Most of KC's recent monsters have been complete shit.

>> No.13617752
Quoted by: >>13617768

Will O Wisp fits right in with most of his stuff, what are you talking about?

>> No.13617754

Both, silly smut is the best.

>> No.13617755
Quoted by: >>13617767

Cry me a river, and build a bridge to get over it.

>> No.13617759
File: 78 KB, 611x765, Cute Kiki receiving her first broom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don´t forget to love and headpet your Kiki lots!

>> No.13617761
Quoted by: >>13617784

I want introductory shenanigans.

Like Anon waking up in the middle of the night to find her hiding behind his bedroom window, but he can see her because she's a big fucking ball of fire

Or have her hid behind a telephone pole while chasing him but it's a little ineffective because she's a big fucking ball of fire

Also she needs a good reason for going after him particularly. Did he visit her grave when he was a child and not realize it? Is he the direct descendant of a man she once loved but could never have? Is she perhaps just attracted to his scent.

Then as time goes on speckle some smut into the exposition like having her kiss him sweetly when he's waking up and such small but sweet things.

Then full blown smut at some point leading us to the end.

>> No.13617763

>Most of KC's recent monsters have been complete shit
He should stop doing new ones for a while and update the art and profile from the older ones. That harpy...

>> No.13617764

Never understood the headpatting thing, honestly. I was always more into hugging them for some reason.

>> No.13617767

Dad? What are you doing here?

>> No.13617768

Yeah I guess you're right.

Shit monster for a shit setting, hell are there any other monster girl settings that aren't complete shit?

>> No.13617770

I'm doing some spooky smut. I know some people think there's enough smut but there is never enough if you don't have at least one story of them doing their gimmick to a T.

>> No.13617773
Quoted by: >>13617781

Hugs are nice

>> No.13617776

my headcanon.

>> No.13617778
Quoted by: >>13617794

Are you in here for the sole purpose of being angry over everything?

>> No.13617781

Which it why Yetis are love.

Yetis should be professional hugtherapists.

>> No.13617782

Your tastes an comments give me the impression you just want human women with extra bits on them. Don't expect everyone to want the same with monster women.

>> No.13617784


I can try to work with that. I think. I dunno, we'll see as the week goes by.

>> No.13617791
File: 129 KB, 405x882, Tenderloveandbully.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hugs are absolutely fine anon!
Be sure to hug and nuzzle with your Kikimora!
She is gauranteed to love it and melt in your arms!

>> No.13617793

>not hugging her from behind
>not whispering sweet nothings into her ear

Step it up senpai.

>> No.13617794
Quoted by: >>13617797

Aren't we all?, you flaming faggot?

>> No.13617797
Quoted by: >>13617831


>> No.13617803

Which monstergirl is a best at helping someone in a broken home? Particularly given that just leaving or beating people up isn't a great option and the malevolence could extend to her too.

>> No.13617808

Kill yourself faggot.

>> No.13617818

You've discovered that your waifu has been hiding her terrible fetish from you all this time.

What is it?

>> No.13617819


Succubus. Prove me wrong.

>> No.13617820

>broken home
You mean the one place where you learn not to be a faggot? Why would you not appreciate that experience?

>> No.13617821
File: 108 KB, 752x1063, She notices you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don´t worry anon. I´ll suprise hug her from behind and softly whisper in her ear why she is the best thing that has ever happened to me.

Love the Kikimora.
As Kiki´s are olev.

>> No.13617828

Very good, I would accept nothing less.

>> No.13617829
Quoted by: >>13617832

She's into roleplaying as wizards and paladins while I have sex with her.

>> No.13617830

Female gain fetish, pregnancy, and a hyper (male) fetish.

Explains why she keeps drooling over the Sabbath Catalog.

>> No.13617831
Quoted by: >>13617847

So I'm not in the hate central? Where the fuck am I then?

>> No.13617832
Quoted by: >>13617843

So she normal, is what you're saying?

>> No.13617833


Oh man it could be anything. I have no idea.

>> No.13617834
File: 397 KB, 560x787, 410c245b7fa669fce1ab9c83ebdab898.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Living doll.

Until you come home one day to find your dad throwing out the woodchips speckled with the silk dress and white hair.

"Dolls are for faggots you homo." He'll say while throwing a handful of her remains into your face.

>> No.13617837
Quoted by: >>13617841

Her fetish is putting wooden clothespins on her ears and nipples while she's masturbating

>> No.13617839


she wants me to fuck another girl while she watches.

>> No.13617840
Quoted by: >>13617860

>whispering sweet nothings
>not whispering sweet somethings
>like how much you'll love her, from now to beyond the end of time itself, in such capacity that your words express only a shadow of the affection you feel for her

>> No.13617841

the kicker is, she's an elf

>> No.13617842

I cut myself just by typing a response. Careful with those edges.

>> No.13617843
Quoted by: >>13617851

She's a Lilim, anon.
She shouldn't be doing this.

>> No.13617846 [SPOILER] 
File: 390 KB, 750x1058, 1433713978154.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13617847

A place where people try to like and enjoy things while having to put up with a few faggots who can't stand people liking what they don't like.

>> No.13617848

>Implying her love won't cause her to rebuild.
>Implying your dad won't awaken strapped to the bed as her half rebuilt body leers at her.
>Implying she won't tell him that he needs to "take it easy" as she force feeds him demonic energy potions before returning to your arms as you sleep.

>> No.13617850
Quoted by: >>13617873

kikis are nice and all, especially if your are a neet or work at home, but it's kind of disappointing that their career goals in life is just to keep the home tidy. it's like they are selling themselves short

>> No.13617851

Lilims do a lot of things they shouldn't, let's be honest here.

>> No.13617853
Quoted by: >>13617857

>Implying she won't tell him that he needs to "take it easy" as she force feeds him demonic energy potions before returning to your arms as you sleep.

Alp dad when?

>> No.13617855

>Crow Tengu
Maybe a light ryona fetish? Or she just has a thing for hands.

>> No.13617856

>spoilering an image when we can't even view it

>> No.13617857

>Imply he won't be like KGA with a beer belly.

>> No.13617858
Quoted by: >>13617864

Everyone thinks that but all of those monsters aren't just going to line up in one spot for you to spray their faces with. Fight the pack with your own pack.

>> No.13617860

>in such capacity that your words express only a shadow of the affection you feel for her

Indeed, words don't do it justice. So instead, you show it with your actions.

>> No.13617861
Quoted by: >>13617898

Use the archive.

>> No.13617863

Nigga you gay.

>> No.13617864

I'll put alarms around the house and cover myself in holy water.

>> No.13617866
Quoted by: >>13617875

Didn't realize images were fucked right now. Sorry.

>> No.13617869

Absolutely disgusting.

>> No.13617872

Is this opposite day? Hasn't it constantly been stated that this sort of thing leads to people with daddy/mommy issues, and a whole bunch of degenerate behavior?

>> No.13617873

It´s more than that. It´s their career goal to have their husband ascend to a high status and high incomeand retire early while building up a large familiy of cute Kiki daughterus.

They might always have cleaning and tidying in their agenda, but it is certainly not the only or most important thing they have in their agenda.

>> No.13617875
Quoted by: >>13617879

Thumbnails load and nothing else. THANKS MOOT

>> No.13617877

Those are known as "failures".

>> No.13617879
Quoted by: >>13617881

Who's moot?

>> No.13617881

Some faggot.

>> No.13617885

Those people are faggots that didn't get disciplined hard enough.

>> No.13617887
Quoted by: >>13617897

But I'm not a degenerate

I said while posting in a monstergirl thread

>> No.13617892

Am I the only one who wants to see monsters in casual lazy clothes? Sometimes it's too cold just for underwear

>> No.13617896

What would your MG waifu do if the George Romero Magic transformed your body into an actual bloodthirsty zombie, regardless if you were already dead and buried or re-animated as an undead?

>> No.13617897

I sometimes wonder about people who complain about "degenerate" things in this general when they want to fuck snake/spider/whatever ladies.
I think everyone wants to see that.

>> No.13617898

I tried. Archive're fucked too somehow.

>> No.13617900

I'd like to see a Kiki in something more modern, like something she'd wear on a date.

>> No.13617902

That's what software is: A house of cards, being held together by spit and duct tape.

I'm amazed we're even here at all.

>> No.13617905

I would like to see this too.

It was just that domouse pic.

>> No.13617907
File: 336 KB, 500x750, f71886f927dbcf86676f6fff7ae6ea40.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You will never cuddle with your waifu wearing a sweater.
>You will never convince a lamia to wear a giant sock on her tail
>You will never watch the kiki cleaning your house in a sweatshirt and panties
>You will never see a lizardgirl in spats and school shirt
>You will never see any kind of monstergirl wearing casual cute clothes.

>> No.13617912

>You will never watch the kiki cleaning your house in a sweatshirt and panties
But she has to, that's her "wife" uniform after she finally gets that promotion.

>> No.13617915

hey images work again, party is over guys

>> No.13617916


Truly we are only put on this earth to suffer.

>> No.13617917
Quoted by: >>13617927


>modern Kikimora
>her native language is spanish and she calls you papi

>> No.13617922
Quoted by: >>13617932

>You will never convince a lamia to wear a giant sock on her tail

>> No.13617927
Quoted by: >>13617937

that's kinda hot.

>> No.13617932

I'm imagining a sweater long enough to cover almost the whole length of her tail. Like, just a regular sweater, but longer. Unf.

>> No.13617934

I want to smash a chair over the head of my monster girl bully repeatedly!

>> No.13617937

Of course it is, especially when paired with a big booty that she practically flaunts whenever she bends over to dust something.

>> No.13617938

Good luck with that

>> No.13617939
Quoted by: >>13617946

As long as you rape her afterwards.

Otherwise, that's just uncalled for.

>> No.13617945
Quoted by: >>13617954

I can only imagine Monster Girl wrestling now.

>she's a big buff Oni who has a crush on you but expresses it through teasing, forced kissing, and bullying
>get fed up with her
>challenge her to a match
>it turns into some big school event with an announcer and everything
>for contrived reasons you're both wearing luchador outfits

>> No.13617946

>Fucking up a bully for bringing you unwarranted torment
>uncalled for

>> No.13617948
Quoted by: >>13617952

He didn't express what kind of bullying was involved. It could be justified or the equivalent of sperging out and assaulting someone.

>> No.13617952
Quoted by: >>13617964

>He didn't express what kind of bullying was involved
Exactly. It could be the kind that's ruin your self-esteem and pride for the rest of your life, or even something that'd cause serious physical harm to you.

>> No.13617953

Yeah, we should always strive to be men of virtue.
Otherwise, we are as bad as those cum-guzzlers.

>> No.13617954
Quoted by: >>13617979

>The ref is a succubus that's conveniently short sighted when a foreign object is used against you

>> No.13617964

What about some stuff that's just sort of annoying and irritating?

>> No.13617969 [DELETED] 

She wouldn't care about the mental health implications of what's going on? It would depend which series the succubus is from I guess.

I wasn't talking about a strict home, I meant a struggling for money, crimes and court summons being dodged, PTSD kind of thing. Filled and surrounded by people who think it'd be funny to [/spoiler]sneak up behind a sleeping cat with an airhorn.[/spoiler]

It can cause all kinds of issues.

Why a living doll?

Given that most monstergirls are magically powerful and dolls make creepy as shit horror antagonists, that is probably what would happen.

>> No.13617972

That's not really a bully anon. People in these threads just call teasing bullying for some reason.

>> No.13617973

Then cracking their skulls open will not be necessary, telling them to fuck off and generally not looking like a wimp should suffice. Just don't take actual abuse by strangers because "muh monstergirls" or "it's just tsunbullshit!" and pretend to be okat with it. Eye for an eye.

>> No.13617978

She wouldn't care about the mental health implications of what's going on? It would depend which series the succubus is from I guess.

I wasn't talking about a strict home, I meant a struggling for money, crimes and court summons being dodged, PTSD kind of thing. Filled and surrounded by people who think it'd be funny to sneak up behind a sleeping cat and blow an airhorn.

It can cause all kinds of issues.

Why a living doll?

Given that most monstergirls are magically powerful and dolls make creepy as shit horror antagonists, that is probably what would happen.

>> No.13617979
Quoted by: >>13617985

Now I'm imagining it devolving into something like Luffy Vs. Foxy but I probably lost you there.

>> No.13617980


Succubi are naturally empathic, Anon. She'd have least a mild interest in knowing what's going on.

>> No.13617981
Quoted by: >>13617990

>forced to carry a vial of semen with you when you are out late at night so you can throw it as a distraction encase you are cornered in a dark alley

such is life in monster city

>> No.13617982


>> No.13617985
Quoted by: >>13618001

Indeed you lost me, just like any 100+ episode show that's not Precure or Digimon does.

>> No.13617987

>Your Living Doll onee-san will never drag you under the bed to have lewd play time with you one night
>Like that scene from Poltergeist

>> No.13617989

>I wasn't talking about a strict home
I know what you meant. I'm just sayin: What better place to prepare you for the shitshow that is called living than a little taste of it?

>> No.13617990

I hope it's not your own semen. That would just cause them to like the taste and track you down for further milkings and husbandoing.

>> No.13617999
Quoted by: >>13618007

isnt that part of the plan?

>> No.13618001

It's a fight where the MC is much stronger than his opponent but he almost loses because he keeps falling for stupid ruses, cheating, and Home Alone style funhouse shenanigans.

>> No.13618007

Well, if you wanted to hook up with them you could have skipped the vial part and let them have sex with you.

>> No.13618009
Quoted by: >>13618021

>some guy donates his semen so he can be tracked down and raped by random street monsters so you don't have to

He was a real hero. He was a true patriot

>> No.13618014

Oh, because that's just as much fun.

>> No.13618016

hey, the vial offers the choice of location

>> No.13618018
Quoted by: >>13618023

but what if you had things to do that night but you still wanted her later?

>> No.13618019
Quoted by: >>13618023

I want a Cheshire to smug all over me.

>> No.13618021

>Turns out he's been dead for over a decade and his semen had been replicated multiple times over the years
>His body was cremated and his soul was taken by charon so not even liches or will o wisps are able to get him

>> No.13618023
Quoted by: >>13618027

Good point.

I want to lick and eat her smug

>> No.13618027
Quoted by: >>13618041

I want her to smug me hard and slow.

And then we can cuddle.

>> No.13618029

She will rape you harder as planning.

>> No.13618031

How romantic~

>> No.13618035


>> No.13618039
Quoted by: >>13618044


Would you watch Kung Pow with your waifu?

>> No.13618041


>cuddling a Cheshire who grooms you while kneading with her paws as her entire purring body rumbles gently against you

>> No.13618044

Get with the times old man, there's now a webm for that.

>> No.13618045
Quoted by: >>13618058

You're supposed to put a puzzle in the vial that let her reach you after a series of daunting tasks that will prove her love.

>> No.13618050

Oh yeah. I'd scratch her behind the ears as she does that.

>> No.13618058

Raised by an Echidna were you? I like it.

>> No.13618065
Quoted by: >>13618075

>Fill belly with kittens
>Rub belly

>> No.13618067

I wanna hug a Kiki while she is busy

>> No.13618075

I want her to say lewd things as I fill her.

>> No.13618076
File: 91 KB, 454x800, Rick 03 Possibly the best male character in the series aside from Rance.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anons, are you strong enough to protect your waifus and fight for a thing you believe in?
Will delete pic soon

>> No.13618082

One time I opened a jar of pickles without beating it with a hammer. So yeah, probably.

>> No.13618091

I wanna go on an adventure with a succubus paladin

>> No.13618095
File: 257 KB, 894x894, 1419394632325.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Until the cows come home.

Holstaur added: http://pastebin.com/JpDxZbD1

>> No.13618101

I'll fight to make a world in which my daughteru can live in peace and find happiness, even if I have to defeat dozens of paladins and villains to do so!

>> No.13618102

Cows are bad.

>> No.13618103
Quoted by: >>13618110

>strong enough to protect your waifu
Actually she's the one protecting my smile

>> No.13618110

And what will you do when the one who protects you is overpowered? Who protects your protector?
Become strong enough to protect her smile in turn.

>> No.13618116
Quoted by: >>13618130

>That Apsara entry

Oh my. I want one to do the lewdest dance possible for me.

>> No.13618123

Is there any monster girl that can defeat the Chosen One?

>> No.13618126


>> No.13618128

Madara probably can.

>> No.13618130
Quoted by: >>13618137

Oh great, another Eros cultist crazy.

>> No.13618131


>You will never have a shortstack holstaur with a bust bigger than any other you've seen.

>> No.13618134

You know what I'd like? Something about a Hellhound that's a loving, perfect wife that'll make boxed lunches for her husband and make romantic gestures at every chance but when it comes to the bedroom her feral instinct to dominate takes over against her will and terrifies her partner. She cuddles him after and brings him breakfast in bed the next morning once the instincts subside but the poor guy still gets scared shitless on a nightly basis.

It could end in healing for both of them with the Hellhound learning to reign in how scary she is at night and the man learning to become braver and more active in sex. It's probably for the best I don't/can't write with shitty ideas like this.

>> No.13618137

I'm no cultist, it's just they have hot women.

>> No.13618138

>just be considerate of other students and don't cause a sexual stampede.
Too late, I'm touching as many cows as I can before they bring me down.

>> No.13618140

The chosen one? Jeff Jarret?

>> No.13618146

This is kinda how Hellhounds are, actually.

>> No.13618149

It really is, they're entry states they're hard femdom but they actually really love their partner and aren't sadistic shits like manticores. They'll even play along if their partner wants to dom them for a change but will always go back to femdom.

>> No.13618150

>Run through the dorm touching as many Holstaurs as you can.
>Eventually get tackled by a 4 foot tall Dexter Cattle Holstaur and get pinned by her disproportionately massive breasts.
>Other Holstaurs watch in envy as she dry humps you out of sexual desperation.
>They all go into heat as well and rush outside.
>A friendly male student walking past the Holstaur dorm sees the horde approaching him.
>"Good morning girls." He says as he waves his hand cheerfully.
>They tackle him to the ground and all you can hear is desperate mooing.
>The herd then moves on to find another.

Good job Anon.

>> No.13618152
Quoted by: >>13618535

Corehound girl when?

>> No.13618153

Monster Girl City College is a scary place.

>> No.13618156
Quoted by: >>13618168

>Holstaur counter-raid
>Stampeding through the campus
>Most of the male dorms are left in ruins
>Doors ripped from hinges
>Bedframes buckled from the forceful riding
>Everyone & everything coated with milk and semen
>Majority of the male students don't show up to class the next day
>Some are just too worn out to move their legs, but most are stuck in Holstaur marshmallow hell

>> No.13618157

Aw, I want to be tackled and gangraped by Holstaurs.

>> No.13618158

It's pretty much hellhound with one or two silly ideas tacked on but barely anyone likes portraying them how they actually are because of the shitstorms about femdom. I mostly just wanted a reason to imagine a hellhound in a naked apron bringing breakfast in bed.

>> No.13618161
Quoted by: >>13618188

I can't see a hellhound being a housewife but whatever.

>> No.13618164

That's a load of bullshit.

>> No.13618167
Quoted by: >>13618176

>That one student who was in the chemistry lab leaves the college and prepares to go home
>Looks out the window from the 4th floor
>Sees a bunch of crazy cows attacking everyone in the campus
>"Welp, time to spend the night in the janitor room again."

>> No.13618168
Quoted by: >>13618179

As soon as I know its coming, assuming I'm not the one who started it, I'd just wait naked in my room with my arms stretched out to hug which ever one gets to me first.

>> No.13618169

did you bother checking?

>> No.13618176
Quoted by: >>13618186

>Hiding in the closet of that creepy Kikimora janitor.
>The one who has her own stash of unmentionables, but they belong to male students.
>Pressing them into her face and inhaling.

I don't know Anon.

>> No.13618177

Have you actually read their profile?

>> No.13618179
Quoted by: >>13618190

I'd probably hide somewhere in my room and try to hide my scent.

Monster girls don't want to be fed they want to hunt. You gotta give them a little challenge.

>> No.13618180

Don't engage him.

>> No.13618182
Quoted by: >>13618192

Thanks Doc

>> No.13618185
Quoted by: >>13618200

>but barely anyone likes portraying them how they actually are because of the shitstorms about femdom
You complain about this, but I've never actually seen anyone portray one even close to a sub.

>> No.13618186

In the gym's equipment room it is, then.

>> No.13618188
Quoted by: >>13618191

She might ask for her advice from other MGs.

>> No.13618190
Quoted by: >>13618194

>Monster girls don't want to be fed they want to hunt. You gotta give them a little challenge.
Not Holstaurs, especially ones in heat. Why would they pass by a perfectly fine and willing man to go find some difficult guy?

>> No.13618191

No, I say that I don't want her wanting to be a housewife

>> No.13618192

That's actually a dark grey and neon purple.

>> No.13618193
Quoted by: >>13618196

All the entry says is that they recognize men are fragile, it says fuck shit about them being loving and caring outside of sex.

You can have your headcanon, it's cool cause half the shit here is threadcanon.

>> No.13618194

And then you have a run it with the swole Oni gym teacher, all sweaty from the latest training session.
If they can't find me they don't really want me.

>> No.13618196
Quoted by: >>13618217

>In this way, they lash out violently at men with their lust, but they never treat men carelessly. They also recognize that humans are frail beings, and they treat them with care as "their one and only male," something more valuable to them than anything else. If an enemy tries to harm their male, they'll leap to his defense and attack the enemy with full hostility and ferocity, unlike how they treat their male. Even if the enemy isn't killed, they will surely witness the sight of hell.
>No matter what, they just won't become a "pet dog," but they do recognize the men they capture as their husbands and shower them with love just as any other monster would. But the more their love deepens, the more their lust blazes, heating up their desire to have sex with their husband and get pregnant. It's expressed as increased ferocity, and they'll end up spending even more time riding on top of their husband.

>> No.13618197
Quoted by: >>13618203

Where all the jocks mill about smoking, shooting the shit, and trading prono mags?

>> No.13618200

Of course you didn't. The fire usually ignites way before that point.

>> No.13618201
File: 72 KB, 540x688, Sup bro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, at least Holstaurs aren't as dangerous as the Minotaur 'Frat girls'.

>> No.13618203


God dammit, fine. The roof, then. I'll just go grab my portable tent...

>> No.13618205
Quoted by: >>13618212

>If they can't find me they don't really want me.
Exactly, more cows for me.

>> No.13618207

I wanna hug a vampire from behind

>> No.13618209

They don't look so tough. That one Minotaur girl just spends all day smelling flowers...

>> No.13618212
Quoted by: >>13618223

And heeere come the harpies!
I'm sure one will sniff me out.

>> No.13618216
Quoted by: >>13618223

So the airborne monsters can see you out in the open?

>> No.13618217
Quoted by: >>13618233

Yeah, you can assault them and dom, and they won't hurt you while having sex, but that doesn't mean they are loving and caring in any way.

Since we're cherrypicking anyway here's the part you decided to omit.

>After capturing a man they're into, they keep him within reach so they can violate him whenever the urge arises. If they feel like having sex, they'll pin a man down right then and there and have sex with him, and if they feel like getting pregnant, they'll violate him so much his semen will be milked dry. The sex is extremely rough and wild.

Like I said, if you want your threadcanon hellhound just go for it anyway, there's no need to manipulate the words of KC to make it feel supported.

>> No.13618218

>Hellhound is always in charge
>She's the dom in bed, she decides what he wears every day, she decides what he eats every day
>He never makes a fuss because, for the latter two at least, it's not done out of a sense of domination
>She just wants to make sure he looks sharp at work and to ensure he eats right and doesn't stuff his face with junk
>He gets in a car accident on his way to work one day
>He survives, but has to stay in the hospital for about a week
>He wakes up to her sobbing
>She's so happy to see that he's awake and aware
>Spends the whole week with him, refuses to leave his side
>When he's discharged she dotes on him non-stop
>Even cooks/orders unhealthy junk if he wants it

>> No.13618223
Quoted by: >>13618226


Fugg'n SHIT

I'll just rappel out the back of the building and jump over the wall while no-one's watching.

>> No.13618224
File: 779 KB, 664x909, 1431586978294.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No way, the Holstaurs are way worse. Minotaur? You know what you're getting up front and can avoid it. Holstaurs are tricky. They have all the power, but it's hidden. You never know if the gentle cow sitting next to you in biology is going to stay calm, or if she's just one poorly-interpreted comment away from mounting you right there.

>> No.13618226
Quoted by: >>13618253

I'm sure the Kunoichi will love that.

>> No.13618232
Quoted by: >>13618306

Just give her the daily D. Which I would be sure to do.

>> No.13618233

>Cherry picking
Anon, that wasn't cherry picking. It posted all the context of a paragraph that was not related to the previous one. Your quote, however, is cherry picking as it's only a small portion on a paragraph that supports your own claims.
For the entire part:
>After capturing a man they're into, they keep him within reach so they can violate him whenever the urge arises. If they feel like having sex, they'll pin a man down right then and there and have sex with him, and if they feel like getting pregnant, they'll violate him so much his semen will be milked dry. The sex is extremely rough and wild, but they don't cause pain and agony for men through it. They only thing induced is pleasure so wild it causes a man to submit to them from the bottom of his heart along with the ejaculation.

>> No.13618234

That's what makes them fun.

>> No.13618235
Quoted by: >>13618249

I want a loyal loving dom Hellhound waifu

>> No.13618240

>monsters caring about their husbands

They can just get a new one.

>> No.13618244

I don't want to kill an Apophis that was my mentor and pretty much my second mother in a field of easter lilies!

>> No.13618245

What a thrill

>> No.13618246

She was a true Patriot

>> No.13618249

Loving dom is the best dom. It's the only dom for me.

>> No.13618253

These girls can't be serious.

Uh, barricading one of the rooms? Hiding inside the pool? The library? Emergency helicopter extraction through the window like an action movie?

>> No.13618260
Quoted by: >>13618267

>barricading one of the rooms?
Slimes sneak in
>Hiding inside the pool?
School swim team has extra practice.
>The library?
Otaku Oomuroke goes crazy from all the sex in the air.
>Emergency helicopter extraction through the window like an action movie?
Wurm sees the cool explosions

There is no escape.

>> No.13618263
Quoted by: >>13618288

>Hiding inside the pool?
Aquatic monsters. Also the Jinko on the swim team.
>The library?
All the nerdy ones.
>Emergency helicopter extraction through the window like an action movie?
Chunni ones. Also the rich ones who want to play the bad guy and rape you.
>barricading one of the rooms?
Some dragon will see it as a fortress to be brought down for the treasure inside.
There is no winning with monster girls.

>> No.13618264
Quoted by: >>13618288

ha, you think barricading can help you

>> No.13618267

Fucking hell, why can't I escape the fucking monstergirls?!

>> No.13618269

There is one escape. But you probably don't want it.

>> No.13618271
Quoted by: >>13618288

It's your fault for attending a mixed school when your aunt offered you her spare room in that nice little town with the human college.

>> No.13618275
Quoted by: >>13618288

You arent taken already.

>> No.13618279
Quoted by: >>13618281

Is it castration? If he can survive it castration is the only way.

>> No.13618280
Quoted by: >>13618288

>Uh, barricading one of the rooms?
Sure, make it obvious. Slimes or ghosts could sneak right in.
>Hiding inside the pool?
That's when a couple of mermaids yank your swim trunks off

>The library?
Crow Tengus, Lichs and other nerds are reading smut in there to there to calm their urges when you come in
>Emergency helicopter extraction through the window like an action movie?
Helicopters cost a lot. It's owned by a vampire who makes the pilot fly it over to her mansion.

>> No.13618281
Quoted by: >>13618289


Get a human girlfriend. Preferably one that's ultra conservative and worships the chief god every Sunday.

>> No.13618282

That won't work. The Lich in the chemistry lab will bring him back. That, or the wights in the theatre department just get new ghost husband

>> No.13618284

Humans aren't allowed to win in /mgt/.

>> No.13618287

It's a good thing too. Humans are awful.

>> No.13618288


Fine. Desperate times call for desperate measures. I will seek help of a female human girl and ask her to pretend to be my girlfriend!

This will work, right? It HAS to work! I'm doing the unthinkable here!

>> No.13618289

That sounds terrible. I'd rather castrate myself.

>> No.13618290

Humans are alright.

>> No.13618291
Quoted by: >>13618301

Still better than monsters.

>> No.13618295

I hope she's okay with NTR because that's gonna happen.

>> No.13618296
Quoted by: >>13618316

They may try to turn her into a monster girl.

Just for shits and giggles.

>> No.13618301
Quoted by: >>13618312

>This is what humielovers actually believe

>> No.13618302

She's either secretly a MG or about to be turned into one
Or you'll be kidnapped and raped

>> No.13618306

>give her vitamin D
>get vitamin D from her milk

the circle of life~

>> No.13618312
Quoted by: >>13618322

Yeah, I figured it was about time.

>> No.13618316


I'm officially out of options. All that's left for me to do is swallow my cyanide capsule, get on my knees and pray for FOXDIE to take me away before they find me.

>> No.13618322
Quoted by: >>13618336

If you don't like monster girls then you shouldn't be in the monster girl thread.

>> No.13618324
Quoted by: >>13618342

I think they'd more likely turn her into an MG. But then again that's just my silly headcanon.
And then a Will O Wisp comes for you.

>> No.13618328
Quoted by: >>13618342

Get ready for an eternity with jealous ghost
Or hell, i'm pretty sure monstergirls that are powerful enough can just straight up go to the afterlife and drag you back

>> No.13618329

She attends the university too? I give her three weeks before the demonic energy warps her into a monstergirl

Maybe you'll wake up to find two gigantic leaking tits pinning you down and her caring face asking if you don't mind going steady for real before she forces one of her nipples into your mouth

Or perhaps she'll coil you up in her new purple scales while detailing how her apophis labmate gave her a delicious drink and how she'll be making most of your decisions from now

Worst case scenario she walks up to you one day with dark skin like coffee and snow white hair along with long elf-like ears telling you that she met up with the amazoness volleyball team and that she wants to see you in her room right this instant.

Most likely she'll just end up a blue-skin demon and sneak into your room before making you dream of cumming deep into her demonic pussy and giving her your seed.

Worst case she accidentally inhales some spores and you end up fucked by a matango.

>> No.13618330
Quoted by: >>13618342

Good luck with that Will O Wisp.

>> No.13618336
Quoted by: >>13618344

You would have a point, had I said anything remotely like that.

But as you look down, your hands are empty.
They always were anon, the whole time...

>> No.13618337

I want to explore the wastes with my loyal wolfu at my side!

>> No.13618338

That's pretty hot.

>> No.13618339
Quoted by: >>13618364

Hummingbird-chan is a story now! I de-greentexted it, fleshed it out a little and fixed a few minor things. She also has a name now.


>> No.13618342
Quoted by: >>13618348

>All this overkill for one dead man
Monstergirl College is extra fuckin' scary I'll tell you what.

>> No.13618344
Quoted by: >>13618354

I didn't know I was talking to Oscar Wilde but then again you came off as a faggot anyways. I'll repeat if you don't like monster girls then you shouldn't be in the monster girl thread.

>> No.13618345

are there scenarios where all human women are turned into monster girls?

>> No.13618348

You could just not go.

>> No.13618349

>you swallow hard and take the plunge
>you ask a filthy pd humie woman to be your girlfriend
>to your surprise she is absolutely delighted and is actually quite nice
>one day the cows attack
>you smugly walk past them, hand in hand with your girlfriend
>your smug is cut short though, when a helicopter suddenly flies over you, turning and landing a few feet ahead
>a beautiful blonde woman jumps outside, clad in a strange winged armor
>shockingly your gf pulls a plastic halberd out of her purse and points it at the helicopter
>while they poke each other with their toy weapons the helicopter's pilot comes out and gives you a sad, yet warm smile
>he introduces himself as your girlfriends father, and husband of the vampire now rolling in the mud with her daughter
>as the color drains from your face, he pats you in the back and welcomes you to the family
>your face when

>> No.13618354
Quoted by: >>13618362

Petty insults and repeating your empty point...

Well, if you huff and puff hard enough, maybe something will happen.

>> No.13618357

I'm ok with this.

>> No.13618359

I thought I was already in there and the problem was more about getting out before the Holstaur rape stampede reaches me.

...My face when indeed. Game over I guess.

>> No.13618362
Quoted by: >>13618369

Put down Dorian Gray. It's only meant to be read in high school. Dodging my point only makes you more of a faggot and me more correct.

>> No.13618364
Quoted by: >>13618370

Nice. Always good to see a cute greentext get fleshed out. Keep it up, friend.

>> No.13618368
File: 238 KB, 739x1048, 1429867160353.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There needs to be more stories about human adventurer parties becoming monster girls.

>> No.13618369
Quoted by: >>13618373

>my point
You mean the thing you don't have?
Go on then, impress me.

>> No.13618370

Thanks! I definitely will.
Next up is the mouse-bondage one, probably in a few days though

>> No.13618373
Quoted by: >>13618377

>I can dodge this shit all night long while still accepting cocks in my mouth
You don't say.

>> No.13618376


Congrats, you now have three Ushi Onis sans seals. Was getting everyone raped part of your plan?

>> No.13618377
Quoted by: >>13618394

So you start with nothing and end with nothing.

At least you're consistent.

>> No.13618381
Quoted by: >>13618387

But that's my point. Corrupted human girls tend to become a handful of monster girl types.

I wish there was more diversity in the stories.

>> No.13618382

I'm going to take her tiny crown.

>> No.13618387


Because outside of that handful you need lilim intervention

>> No.13618389

>"Hey! I remember you three from the starting zone!... Wow you guys look a lot different now... Is that a tail?"

>> No.13618391

What if he joined the No Rape Allowed Club?

>> No.13618394
Quoted by: >>13618411

You blowhard like a faggot and ignore points instead of arguing because you don't have a foot to stand on. My point: you don't like monster girls and would rather shitpost about traitors then join in discussion. You: Meh meh huff and puff like I do on cocks. Meh meh impress me with your erection. Meh meh even though I would never give an actual response I'll just downplay what you say as nothing.

Sorry kiddo that's three dodging responses. You've got nothing. I win, you lose.

>> No.13618397 [SPOILER] 
File: 1004 KB, 1275x707, 1433722552052.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13618422

I love Miia

>> No.13618399

>get a qt tsundere paladin, kuudere mage and ara-ara rogue to join you in your adventure
>planning to get al heroic and shit
>half a week of travel later you are jumped by a ushi-oni
>your dick-ass mage throws her a spell of fuck you and showers everyone with gore and blood
>she also teleports you all away from her
>you set up camp and start tending to their wounds
>later in the night you wake up to three pairs of yellow eyes looking at you with madness and lust
and that's why you only adventure with your bros

>> No.13618400

You could just say it was a magic artefact or some shit.

>> No.13618402

Do you have a limit on cow-tits?

>> No.13618403

Not necessarily. There are cursed items too.

>> No.13618405

Yes, bigger than her head is too big

>> No.13618408

Too fat. As long as she isn't a fatty then I don't really mind.

>> No.13618411
Quoted by: >>13618419

>Implying I ever said I don't like monsters
>"winning", on the internet

Wow, the power of your autism is a sight to behold.

>> No.13618419

You're right. Not like you would ever say that to me because you're a child. The only way I win is if you stop shitposting in this thread which we both know you won't do. Trolls +1. Me 0.

Your debate skills are shit. Consider learning some of that.

>> No.13618422

That looks decent.

>> No.13618425
Quoted by: >>13618447


I have updated the story about the Mantis.
However, this portion of the story does not have very much about the Mantis in it.
I apologize.
Somehow, this woman wants to be heard.
I feel I may have to restrain her soon.


>> No.13618431
File: 227 KB, 1020x653, Prepare to be bullied, nerd..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw your Holstaur onee-san bullies you when adults aren't around.

>> No.13618433
Quoted by: >>13618463

I want this too, but in a slightly different format

>You're the leader of an adventurer group wandering into the depths of a catacomb
>Your group is composed of three girls, each of which specializes in their own way and yourself
>The four of you descend and do well the first few levels.
>Until you're caught in a trap and the four of you are separated

At this point the story divides into the perspective of each party member as they try to get back with the others

>Tank/warrior girl ends up fighting her way through dozens of monstergirls.
>Doesn't realize when her fighting skill turns to simple bloodlust and she starts rampaging
>Her body slowly shifts as scales spring up and her gauntlets burst into red claws
>By the end she's reveling in the bloodshed around her
>But she's no longer satisfied with smallfries
>She wants to face a worthy combatant
>She can only think of you and in her mind lust and desire take root

>Magician girl finds her way to a library after searching for an exit
>Becomes enchanted by the books and refuses to leave, choosing instead to study them closely
>Goat horns begin to peek out from the edge of her hair
>Time passes by and the pile of tomes grows larger
>By the time she's done she's become a fullfledged baphomet
>Her only wish now is to find you and make you her onii-chan.

>Paladin girl chooses to continue her mission of smiting demons without you
>Kills several low level succubi with ease and becomes cocky
>Cocky enough to go after a lilim to test her faith and power
>Instantly blown away by the demonic energy
>Horns spring forth from her head and smooth blue skin replaces the old pasty white
>Her mind becomes warped with desire and her mission changes

Then when those sequences are over we return to anon who has just woken up and sets off searching for his old companions. He finally sees their shadows in the distance and rushes over only to be set upon by three monstergirls strangely resembling his friends.

Then rape.

>> No.13618436

You know what, fine.

If you're that petty, then take your "victory". I'll even let you have the last word.

>> No.13618437
File: 1.32 MB, 1710x906, Top10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How much of a fag am I?

>> No.13618440
File: 441 KB, 1200x1697, 19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to find the gaps.

>> No.13618442

Then I just go find some other cow to touch if she wants to be shit.

>> No.13618444


but I can't hate you because you have some good ones mixed in there too.

>> No.13618446

You seem to have a thing for dominant women.

And that's great. Good taste.

>> No.13618447

Noice, I'm following 'ya.

>> No.13618448
Quoted by: >>13618511

That's some good tastes. Only ones I'd question are the Dhampir, Ninja Girl, and Valkyrie. Replace them with something better, like a Jabberwock or something and you'd be 10/10.

>> No.13618449

A least you're consistent.

>> No.13618450

Anon. Holy shit Anonymous. I mean holy god damn mother fucking shit
Give me a high five and act like nothing happened

>> No.13618452
Quoted by: >>13618459

>makes up strawman
>other party doesn't bite
>gets super pissy
Not him, but you have no business calling other people childish.

>> No.13618454

Other then the meme girls, you have good taste.

>> No.13618456

Great taste

>> No.13618459
File: 197 KB, 1824x749, What a strawman is.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13618469


>> No.13618461

11/10 choices m8

>> No.13618463

>slaying monster girls
meh. I'd rather some 3rd faction to kill off without feeling guilt.

>> No.13618464
Quoted by: >>13618479

It's disappointing that that's just another Giantess picture.

>> No.13618466

>No Kakuen.

>> No.13618469
Quoted by: >>13618476

>TL;DR: Misrepresenting the opponents argument

>> No.13618474


>All those memepicks
>Picking Dhampir, who's been nerfed to hell last month
>Picking Lilim, the very definition of cancer

It's like you want your team to lose. Top fag.

>> No.13618476
Quoted by: >>13618484

>Too long; didn't read.
Maybe you should have read it.

>> No.13618477
File: 117 KB, 623x800, 1388798319594.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13618486

KC should add a Lovecraftian faction that is only partially corrupted and makes for good mooks.

Like a few of the fishmen and elder gods are under the Demon Lord's influence but others are fighting back. Make a good campaign.

>> No.13618479
Quoted by: >>13618487

>Just another Giantess picture.
Nigga you need to learn how to have fun with big women.

>> No.13618480
Quoted by: >>13618492


What happened?

>> No.13618481
File: 35 KB, 499x492, 1417674256059.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13618498

>no Wurm
besides that ok i guess

also, you better not consider all of them your waifus or you're a gigantic fag

>> No.13618482

My way around this is to make it kind of cartoony or lighthearted.

Like something that would kill a normal person would just knock out a monstergirl. Although I would still portray it as hurting and doing some internal damage.

>> No.13618484
Quoted by: >>13618503

What for? We've been over this one: That pic and its definition are bad.

>> No.13618486

The Deep Ones don't even need much of a change.Just make them cuter and all female, and keep the parts about them bargaining with humans to breed with them.

>> No.13618487
Quoted by: >>13618531

>Can't hug
>Can't hold hands
>Can't kiss
>Can't fuck without being used like a dildo
>Can't hold in your arms

get better taste and do so quickly.

>> No.13618488
Quoted by: >>13618509

Is there an uncensored version of this?

>> No.13618492

KC lowered her attack power to the point of making "duels to the death" with her mother look like kiddy pretend fights.

>> No.13618496

I thought that's what it always was.

>> No.13618498

>also, you better not consider all of them your waifus or you're a gigantic fag
Anon it's not a harem, read the filename. My waifu is a vampire

>> No.13618499


>> No.13618503

Your definition of what a strawman is what's bad. When did I take an outside analogy and knock it down as a defense of my argument? When did I even have to do that? All he said was ad hominem attacks and that I had nothing. That's why I countered with pointing out he was dodging. Read the the screen cap and not use a misunderstood definition of what a strawman is before you take up defense of some idiot that can't even prove an argument. Especially when you can't either.

>> No.13618509

The original version doesn't show vag or anything, just I was banned recently so I figured I wouldn't take any chances.

>> No.13618511

>Something better
Nigga you looking for a fight?

>> No.13618513
Quoted by: >>13618514

>outside analogy
That's not a strawman at all. It really is misrepresenting another's argument.

>> No.13618514
Quoted by: >>13618522

Then you don't know what a strawman is. Congratulations. Remain ignorant.

>> No.13618520
Quoted by: >>13618529



>> No.13618522
Quoted by: >>13618533

>a sham argument set up to be defeated
>Most commonly in the form of a misrepresentation of another argument.
I'm sorry, but the dictionary has been proven to be smarter and more reliable than armchair knowitalls.

>> No.13618525

A master panty thief at work.

>> No.13618528
File: 455 KB, 847x1200, JabberJabber..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How would you feel if your parents called you and told you that on your next birthday an ancient and powerful Dragon would come to take you away and marry you?

Apparently one of your ancestors offered a descendant of her choosing as a sacrifice to her. When you were born she decided to finally make use of the offer.

They apologize for not telling you sooner as they had hoped the arrangement would wither away over the years, but they just got a letter from her not too long ago.

What would you do?

>> No.13618529

Fucking vampire mains are almost as bad as Lilim mains.

>> No.13618531
Quoted by: >>13618542

>Can't hug
She can hug you, like a stuffed animal.
>Can't hold hands
Who says? She'd just have to be gentle, or you could just rest in her hands.
>Can't kiss
What? You're saying she couldn't press you against her big soft lips?
>Couldn't fuck without being used like a dildo
Well now you're just showing that you're either a maledom-fag or you're just not adventurous.
>Cant hold in your arms
There are many parts of her that you could hold in your arms. Her face, her titties, her booty, etc.

>> No.13618533
Quoted by: >>13618548

Rewording what I said is not proving you right. You're just agreeing with me with out knowing it.

>> No.13618534

Let it happen

>> No.13618535


When you write one.

>> No.13618537

I'd have to accept my responsibility but is it really a Jabberwocky? Can't I get a real Dragon Girl?

>> No.13618538

I would be honored and giddy that a proud and strong dragon wants me. I would marry her.

>> No.13618539
Quoted by: >>13618547

>doesn't know what a strawman is
>also doesn't know what ad hominem attacks are

Is this your first day?

>> No.13618541
Quoted by: >>13618927


Where'd you make this at? I feel like flaunting my exquisitely shit taste as well.

I like your list, bro, no homo

>> No.13618542

Where did that come from?

>> No.13618543

I'm not going to be happy if it is anything other than a Ryu, as far as dragons go, but it's not like I could help it anyway. Accept my fate.

>> No.13618544

> Don't care much for delicious brown, angels and cosplay-tier girls in general
Yet for some reason, I feel oddly warm every time I see her and can't stop thinking of her and doing hand-holdey things with her these last few days. Why? I don't want this.

>> No.13618547
Quoted by: >>13618559

Keep staying ignorant. I'm sure that will work out for you in the long haul. Just remember this conversation.

>> No.13618548
Quoted by: >>13618556

There was no rewording, you moron. Are you the same guy who thinks claws are tusks as well? Or are you the guy who thinks lead and gold have the same density?

>> No.13618549

Whichever you prefer, she's not necessarily an ordinary dragon though. A bit more elite than the typical example.

>> No.13618554

don't talk to retards, it's infectious.

>> No.13618556
Quoted by: >>13618571

Now that is a strawman. Thanks for giving us an example.

>> No.13618559

>Just remember this conversation
It's in my "stupid things stupid people have said to me"-list for sure.

>> No.13618560

Used as a dildo, so she has power over you, maledom-fags hate that, etc.

>> No.13618563

>Choose wurm
>She's exactly the same as a regular wurm except a posh british accent.
>"I do say Sir Anon, those cuddles this morning were rather top notch don't you agree?"

>> No.13618564


Well too bad. You get an Akantor.

>> No.13618567
File: 117 KB, 620x877, jabberwock_2_by_lutherniel-d8ilpiq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I happily marry her and NEET it up together! Like in >>13614937! Anyone have that greentext of the boy who gets wed of to his immortal Dragon Protector and finds out she's a NEET?

>Not liking best Dragon
Disdain for plebs

>> No.13618569

>wanting to be used as a dildo
I think most people would hate that.

>> No.13618571
Quoted by: >>13618583

That was not strawmanning.
At all. Can you actually elaborate on how it is if you're so sure? And don't do that BS tactics of dodging the question or redirecting it back at me. If you're so 100% that your definition of strawman, that differs greatly from a dictionary, is so correct then you should be able to explain just how.

>> No.13618572

I'm ok with it, I like all the powerful monstergirls

Can't she be a vampire though?

>> No.13618573

>best Dragon
But anon, that's not vanilla mge Dragon.

>> No.13618575

Haughty, hot-tempered and passionate Red Dragon it is then.

>> No.13618576

If it was really a Jabberwock i would honor that ancestor of mine and express my extreme gratitude.

>> No.13618583
Quoted by: >>13618601

What you did was bring up an analogy of another person and how I was like them in order to prove me wrong by association. That is a strawman. You also misrepresented me so by your own defition that is a strawman. I never dodged.

>> No.13618592

That's tangential to the point of non sequitur.

>> No.13618593
Quoted by: >>13618604

It sounds fun. Depending on how literal we're talking here. If dildo means getting sucked into a vagina anyway and not used and treated like a sex toy. IMO the best giantess are the ones that are as big as they can get while still allowing relatively normal sex.

>> No.13618598
Quoted by: >>13618605



>MFW Jabberwock telling you to 'Amend thyself of yon fric-a-frac, little knight. For your vorpal blade should sing snicker-snack, were we to fight,'

>> No.13618601
Quoted by: >>13618612

Those weren't analogies so much as legitimate questions since you share noticeable qualities with the two of them. They were more closer to Ad Hominem, you idiot.
I didn't misrepresent jack squat.

>> No.13618602

Tell them I'm too busy to be sacrificed but I'm open to a few dates.

>> No.13618603
Quoted by: >>13618609

I'm not an unreasonable man, let's take this to a vote.

>> No.13618604
Quoted by: >>13618613

Well, the "loss of control" is really the big dividing point between maledomfags and femdomfags, so I don't think we'll see eye to eye on that one.

>> No.13618605

Sounds like a clever pick-up line.

>> No.13618607

>Arranged marriage
That's my fetish

>> No.13618609
Quoted by: >>13618626

Now hold on there Mr. Scientist, you worded that completely different.

>> No.13618612
Quoted by: >>13618616

Whatever you want to tell yourself to believe you're right. I'm not him. You misrepresented me as him. That is a strawman by your own definition. Ad hominem would be me calling you a faggot. Which you are. Cry harder.

>> No.13618613
Quoted by: >>13618619

Half of the dom aspect is a mental and attitude thing between the two partners. Like you could just dive right into her vagina because you wanted to without any regard for maledom or femdom.

>> No.13618614
Quoted by: >>13618625

How long could you distract a Dragon Girl before she gets bored and rapes you on top of her vast treasure hoard?


>> No.13618616
Quoted by: >>13618628

>Cray harder
>Still mot getting the definition and resorting to hyper petty name calling
Well I had a feeling you were a shitposter earlier, but this cements it.

>> No.13618619

>Half of the dom aspect is a mental and attitude thing between the two partners

>you could just dive right into her vagina
Let's not get too romantic in here.

>> No.13618624

What monster girl is best for bullying two nerds who keep debating on a Nicaraguan basket weaving guest book?

>> No.13618625

>implying a Dragon would want someone like me anywhere near her.

>> No.13618626
Quoted by: >>13618635

I mean, the spirit is the same, right? I never specified how large she was compared to you.

>> No.13618628
Quoted by: >>13618637

Way to dodge my obvious win of a point. Anyways good luck to you. You obviously have a narcissistic personality disorder to butt into other people's fights and try to defend them as if you were to win them as the other person was flagging. You didn't but I'm not going to hold that against you.

>> No.13618629
File: 177 KB, 436x500, 1426495953069.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But my parents also arranged me to marry a vampire girl. And a Lich. And a Lilim. And a 9 tailed kitsune. How are we going to settle this mess? And why are my parents such shit?

>> No.13618631

Gazer. The answer to who is best to bully is always Gazer.

>> No.13618635

>the spirit is the same
That's not very scientific, if I may say so.

>> No.13618637
Quoted by: >>13618656

And you're also one of those guys who is up their own ass and has to get the last word on things too?
Boy, you really don't know squat about logical fallacies.

>> No.13618643
Quoted by: >>13618647

Is your mother a Cheshire?

>> No.13618646
File: 636 KB, 1200x1200, 1404265433708.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll take the sassy fox.

>> No.13618647
Quoted by: >>13618666

How is that relevant to this situation? Yes.

>> No.13618649

How would your waifu react if you were taken in custody and sent to pre-trial detention for something you didn't do? What would she do to get you out or prove your innocence?

How hard would she panic if she found out you were sent to a prison full of rape-happy monstergirls?

>> No.13618656
Quoted by: >>13618659

>don't know squat about logical fallacies
He is a master at making them though.

>> No.13618657

She probably wouldn't give a shit.

>> No.13618659

One doesn't have to properly know about them to use them. The guy needs a dictionary like a diabetic needs insulin.

>> No.13618661

>More panic
>The officials have never felt such heart wrenching tears
>Just holy shit she can make them feel bad
>Goes beyond the panic, and becomes superpanic mouse

Why wouldn't there be male only prisons in such a world? I blame those dang tanukis.

>> No.13618662

Keep a close eye on our daughter. God forbid this turns into another Oldboy...

>> No.13618664
Quoted by: >>13618676

>implying jabber is even in the top 3 of dragons

>> No.13618665

I would too. Mofu is lovely.

>> No.13618666

>How is that relevant to this situation?
Because I can see a Cheshire mom doing something like that for shits and giggles

My waifu is rich as fuck. I wouldn't go to prison, and If I went she would guarantee that nobody touched me there.

>> No.13618667
Quoted by: >>13618695

She looks like a smug delinquent who'd try to threaten to blackmail you if you were her babysitter, but also looks extremely vunerable to hugs and headpats.

>> No.13618668

I call shenanigans on their story, they probably got fed up waiting on me to give them grandkids and took matters into their own hands.

>> No.13618676
Quoted by: >>13618683

>Having this bad taste

>> No.13618679

Hope that I can prove her innocence, and that it's not some conspiracy to get rid of my waifu.

If I got sent to a prison, the she would be terrified. My ass would be owned the second I walked into my cell. I just hope they don't rape me too hard before I get out.

>> No.13618683

>thinking tentacle slut dragon is anywhere near the top

I cannot deal with plebs of this magnitude.

>> No.13618685

Let me guess, you think vanilla Dragon is the best?

Do you also play as Mario in Mario Kart?

>> No.13618690

It's called Mario Kart for a reason anon. Not Luigi Kart, not Bowser Kart, not Donkey Kong Kart. MARIO Kart.

>> No.13618691

Vanilla is in fact the best.

Who could even argue?

>> No.13618692

Guys, guys.

Ryu a best

>> No.13618694
Quoted by: >>13618698

If you were sent to a male prison, you'd come out as an Alp, Anon.

It's something much, much worse to think about.

>> No.13618695

>"Anon, buy me an ice cream."
>"No? Well then, I guess I'll just tell my parents that you tried to molest my fluffy tail~"

The worst part is she will blackmail you into performing lewd favors for her, which will give her more to blackmail you with. A never ending cycle of fox mischief.

>> No.13618696

Mein nigger.

>> No.13618697
Quoted by: >>13618709


>Implying the vanilla Dragon holds a candle to Akantor-sama

>> No.13618698

>Not wanting to be an Alp
Alps get all sorts of cool bonuses, they get wings, magic, and have equal rights in MGC! Alping is the best decision one can make in their life!

>> No.13618700

I want to punish her for being a bad girl.

>> No.13618701
Quoted by: >>13618716

There, pesky foxgirl defused.

>> No.13618704
Quoted by: >>13618721

Clearly the musings of a madman.

Get a lamia, why don't you?

>> No.13618708

This way, male prisoners can be useful, rather then mooching off the government all day. It also keeps the monstergirl prisoners happy.

>> No.13618709

I will end you and your house.

>> No.13618710

Not necessarily. If you have a waifu, you'd probably turn into another one of her kind.
Still do not want.

>> No.13618713

You're walking in the woods, there's no one around and your phone is dead. Out of the corner of your eye you spot her Who is she?

>> No.13618714

She'd break in to save me of course. You don't fuck with a Shirohebi's man.

>> No.13618715
Quoted by: >>13618733

This isn't some Sengoku war.

>> No.13618716
Quoted by: >>13618765

Cuddling her so suddenly might cause her to bite your arm. She has to warm up to you, make her depend on you.

>> No.13618720
Quoted by: >>13618734

I refuse to be blackmailed about something I didn't do!

>> No.13618721
Quoted by: >>13618742

>Not wanting the best of both worlds

>> No.13618722
Quoted by: >>13618733

I'll kill your house and burn down your family!

>> No.13618725

>Police arrive to arrest Anon
>Find a Lilim standing in their path
>"Ma'am, we need you to step aside please"
>"Ma'am, step aside or we'll be forced to move you"
>"You're welcome to try"

>> No.13618726

I don't want a monstergirl waifu.
I just want to be purely platonic friends with one.

>> No.13618727


>> No.13618731
Quoted by: >>13618760

Too bad, you will have a waifu and you will like it.

>> No.13618733
Quoted by: >>13618748

It is now.

Bring it, false prophet.

>> No.13618734
Quoted by: >>13618746

Who do you think they're going to believe? Their innocent, well-behaved and polite (at least when they're around) daughter or the man they just hired to be their babysitter who they don't know too well?

>> No.13618735


>> No.13618736

Shia LaBeouf

>> No.13618737

>The past few days were hectic.
>A new city, a new job... and a new maid.
>After the maid saved you from that rapist, life continued on as normal.
>You had mountains of papers and years of tasks ahead of you.
>The only thing different was an additional companion.
>The maid was ... strange to say the least.
>She was constantly at your side, even at work.
>It was uncomfortable to say the least.
>Life was decent and today was a very nice day indeed.
>Today was the day the new hand-holding doujin was going to come out, and you had pre-ordered it to your fapping delight.
>It was going to come today.
>You rushed home in a desperate lust filled frenzy.
>The kiki stood at your doorsteps with a stoic look on her face.
>A pile of books were at her hand.
>Is that what you think it is.
>Fuck no
>no no no no no
>"Dearest master, having such .... depraved drawings aren't fit for someone of your caliber. I will be removing these obscenities from your sight"
>You had wasted so much money for those.
>The kiki crushed the books with her hand.
>Just how strong was she
>"Dearest master, I have organized a schedule for you to become someone befitting of your status. Though it may be difficult, it would be my greatest honor if dearest master would accept the schedule."
>This is too much for you.
>"Can I think about it after I shower?"
>You try to buy time, knowing the inevitable outcome.
>"Very well master."
>The maid replies hastily.

>> No.13618738


>> No.13618740
Quoted by: >>13618760

But what if she loves you?

>> No.13618741
File: 1.18 MB, 700x990, ___3_dragons_____by_butter_t-d66vqer (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>still no updated version with Jabberwock and Ryu

>> No.13618742

>a waifu without legs
>anywhere near best

You might as well get a horse pussy dragon.

>> No.13618745
Quoted by: >>13618812

The maid is fired.

>> No.13618746

I should have expanded, I will only be blackmailed by something I actually did, it's going to be mofu mofu time!

>> No.13618748
File: 127 KB, 900x900, 1dda31e5f9116d656c0989936a397edc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It is now
Great. Do I side with the Takeda house, and their unstoppable cavalry units? Or do I go with the Uesugi house?
Wait, what am I thinking? Dokuganryuu House

>> No.13618749
Quoted by: >>13618758

>just when she's starting to warm up to you, you'll never announce that you've found a girlfriend

>> No.13618751

>destroying Master's possessions

>> No.13618752

Jabberwock might ruin the composition unfortunately. Not enough green on her.

>> No.13618753

Three words. Full body hugs

>> No.13618754

German suplex the meido.

>> No.13618756
Quoted by: >>13618767

hugs are the best

>> No.13618758
Quoted by: >>13618770

No Anon! She'll go yandere on you!

>> No.13618759

Get rid of the bitch.

>> No.13618760
Quoted by: >>13618781

No, I won't. I'm unable to love and I don't want to. I could handle having a monster girl friend, but nothing more than that.

I'd feel incredibly sorry for the poor girl, she'd deserve infinitely better but I guess I could take solace in the fact that she'd surely realize her mistake quickly.

>> No.13618763

>no wing hugs
I renounce you anon.

>> No.13618764
Quoted by: >>13618808

>Have to find a husband and mostly meet apathy, disgust, and outright hostility because 'it's gay'
>Have to interact with other monster girls and meet scorn because you could've BEEN a husband

Alps have a hard knock life.

>> No.13618765

She'll only get ice cream if she promises to drop the blackmail bullshit. She only has one chance.

>> No.13618767
Quoted by: >>13618772

Hug sucks.

>> No.13618770
File: 26 KB, 1291x249, yandere babysitting.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seems like a good premise.

>> No.13618771
File: 152 KB, 650x585, oomukade2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's why you pick the waifu with the most legs

>> No.13618772

you must have not gotten many hugs when you were a child

>> No.13618778

Creepy, stinky bugs have no business in the domain of superior beings.

>> No.13618779

I want her to bite me.

>> No.13618780

What are the chances of one being able to slap an unsuspecting MG's butt and successfully disappear into the crowd in a busy area full of people without being spotted by his "victim"? I need to know for scientific and social research purposes.

>> No.13618781
Quoted by: >>13618811

Would you at least be willing to fuck her platonically?

>> No.13618783
Quoted by: >>13618795

Sweaty and stinky oomukades make my lower parts happy. I want to get drunk on the stench of the oomukade pit!

>> No.13618786

Most will recognize your scent. You're screwed.

>> No.13618787


Monster girls have Mary Sue powers and will find you in seconds.

>> No.13618789

So what are your favorite Monster Girl artists, ones that take commission?

>> No.13618791
File: 878 KB, 1000x1360, oomukade9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not liking oomukade musk
Pleb taste, remove plebs

>> No.13618793

Depends on the species. Ones with a keen sense of hearing, smelling, or energy detection lowers your chances.

>> No.13618795
File: 117 KB, 224x220, 1431349968965.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13618839


>> No.13618798
Quoted by: >>13618815

What kind of shitty kikimora is she? No good maid would destroy her master's property like that, much less open his mail and judge him for it.

>> No.13618799

Which Monstergirls would just want to be fuck buddies?

>> No.13618807

Red/Blue Onis

>> No.13618808

>End up crying in the park after a particularly nasty round of verbal abuse
>A friendly Houri comes up to comfort you
>Becomes a close platonic friend
>Brings you into a harem
Good end?

>> No.13618809

Many of them. In MGE you actually aren't guaranteed to marry the first girl who has sex with you. You can get passed around a lot, or it develops that way as you/her keep coming back for more, or they just want a quick fuck and let you go afterwards.

Also Alp, seriously, it's one of their gimmicks according to the setting for. They can be just like your friend from before except you have no strings attached sex every now and then.

>> No.13618811

No, I know I'm old fashioned, but I don't believe in sex without love. The only monster girl I'd have sex with would be the one I'd have married. Besides, I wouldn't want to possibly harm our friendship in any way just for the sake of getting my dick wet.

>> No.13618812


>Actually fuck that.
>You were grateful that she saved you from that rapist, but trashing your stuff was haram
>"You're fired."
>The maid doesn't bat an eye.
>"I'm sorry dearest master, could you repeat your words?"
>You spent so much money on that, and she just crushes it without a thought? Fuck that. You're pretty pissed.
>"Very well."
>The maid goes upstairs and begins packing.
>Fuck. The doujins are crumpled beyond saving.
>The maid steps out, a large bag in hand.
>"Master, I am deeply sorry-"
>"Please leave. I want to end this quickly."

>> No.13618815

She's probably entering in the yandere zone

A red one probably, a blue one I'm not sure

>> No.13618817


>> No.13618820

Ahh justice.

>> No.13618823

Get her plastered enough, perhaps with help from a red one, and a blue one would do. She might regret it afterwords (if I understand the profile right), but it's still plausible.

>> No.13618824

You could have destroyed her dreams even further but I guess this is the most direct way to a result.

>> No.13618829
Quoted by: >>13618885

Oh no. Does MG Maid Central offer battle maids for protection, or will I have to waifu a Hellhound?

>> No.13618832

Stay right where I'm at and tell her if she wants me she's going to have to stay here and work the land with me.
Also wonder which one of my ancestors was a piece of shit, because from what I've heard my whole family has been awesome always.

>> No.13618837

Guys do you understand that probably the kiki broke the books because she really, REALLY, want you to ask her to do the same, right?

It's like you don't remember how possessive they can be.

>> No.13618839
Quoted by: >>13618847

You fucking bet it is! I want her many tickly legs to wriggle all over me, the venom coursing through my veins making the experience a breathtaking one. I want us to explore each other with our tongues! I want our drenched bodies to writhe in passion as we have sticky, smelly sex!

>> No.13618840

Jabberwock got braces and she asks you if they make her look geeky.
Do they? Her BFF Lilim certainly thinks so.

>> No.13618842

Oh we know. Doesn't mean she was in the right in the slightest though.

>> No.13618844


>> No.13618845
Quoted by: >>13618856

They do, she should get some glasses to complete the look

>> No.13618847

Then sink into the smelly abyss and never return.

>> No.13618856

Might as well wear a cape to school and prance about while daydreaming of unicorns and fending off orc raids.

>> No.13618860
Quoted by: >>13618873

I want to break a monster girl's heart and make her go yandere for me!

>> No.13618862
Quoted by: >>13618920

Red I could see, but Blues are total waifu material.

Personally though, I'm not really into the idea of a "Fuck buddy" at all.

>> No.13618866
Quoted by: >>13618933

We doing two routes at once nigs
>Perhaps a good shower would take care of your anger.
>What she did was pretty brash but still. she might have wanted what was best for you.
>You were still pissed though.
>You take a shower to cool your anger.
>There were no towels.
>The day keeps on getting worse and worse.
>You were wet and stark naked.
>You sneak out like a ninja. After all, asking for towels is pretty embarrassing.
>You notice the kiki sitting on the couch gasping.
>Shit is she hurt?

>> No.13618873

>your shirohebi stalker overhears this
>gets upset
>decides to just rape you for being a slut

Does that kind of count?

>> No.13618876

It's not rape if I want her to!

>> No.13618877

But I hate snakes.

>> No.13618880

Well if it were some other monstergirl of your choice with the same scenario would you be okay with the situation? Would it count?

>> No.13618882
Quoted by: >>13618889

I hate real snakes with a passion, but all Lamia are top tier. except for Apophis.

>> No.13618885

>Your first maid goes yandere after you mention seeing someone
>In the end she scares away the girl you were seeing and you hoped that would be that
>Nope. This was just the excuse she needed to go crazy
>Starts walking you to work and stays nearly an hour after until you ask her to leave
>You can still see her looking at you from outside with binoculars
>All your clothes are bugged in some way. The amount you've found is amazing
>You're pretty sure she's drugging your dinner and that's why you have gaps in your memory between eating and waking up
>You finally say enough is enough when you come home only to find her masturbating over your clothes and smearing her love juices on everything she can as a 'tactic to keep master pure' as she put it
>You call a different maid hotline and ask for something scary and mean
>At worst you'll just have to buy a gun and you're thinking of doing so anyway
>You tell them to send her to your address while you're at work so that they can battle it out while you're away
>It's late when you finally get home, the light is on and all's quiet as you enter
>There are no broken tables or chairs, just the two kikis sitting together with eyes wide and alert as you enter
>The kiki they sent is a bit older than your current one. A giant scar runs across her face and several more scars decorate her arms
>Her skin is also much more pale and her hair black as night.
>"Juu are mastah?" She has an accent you can't quite place, eastern?
>"Yes. He is our loving master." There's a knowing smile on your old kiki's face as she answers
>"It was thoughtful of you to hire her master. We've both agreed that you need more observation and care than only I can provide."
>"With two of us working together we'll finally be able to forge you into the perfect master. Isn't it great?"
>"Jaa! We will be of making short work of you!"
>You feel a cold sweat run down your forehead as the two kikimoras glare with vicious smiles and devious eyes.

Bad idea.

>> No.13618889

mein neger.

>> No.13618895

Indiana pls

>> No.13618897
Quoted by: >>13618960

Bad idea yet not a bad end?

>> No.13618898

>oomukade stinking up the house again
>casually call her to the bathroom
>the second she enters you slam and lock the door behind her
>she looks and see the tub full bubbles and starts panicking
>you grab her in your arms and she feebly begs you not to do it
>you reassure her it must be done and drop her into the tub
>once in the tub she resigns to her fate
>shampoo her hair and scrub her carapaces as she pretends to pout
>she tries her best to stifle her giggles as you scrub everyone of her little legs

>> No.13618901

Is it sexual bullying? I might be into it that way.

>> No.13618905
Quoted by: >>13618909

I hate succubi!

>> No.13618909

But they love you. What are you going to do about that?

>> No.13618910
Quoted by: >>13618919

I'm going to hate them aggressively with my dick.

>> No.13618911

You are my nigga

>> No.13618914

I need it.

>> No.13618919

Hate fucking them may give off a different idea than you may be trying to influence.

>> No.13618920
Quoted by: >>13618951

>Reading up on Red Onis
>Notice pic on Wiki

I don't know how I keep missing these things.

>> No.13618923
Quoted by: >>13618935

I'm going to politely tell them to leave me alone because I don't really like them!

>> No.13618924

>bathe along with her and ignore her growing arousal
>after you finish, you embrace her
>then whisper in her ear
>"now, make me filthy."

>> No.13618925
Quoted by: >>13618935

If they truly love me, the best thing they could do is stay away. It may be unfair and unreasonable to push my hatred on their whole species because of the unforgivable sins of one of them, but alas I can't trust or stand them anymore.

>> No.13618927
Quoted by: >>13618977

Sorry I didn't see your comment.


>> No.13618933
Quoted by: >>13619323

>"I can't have him paying attention to others..."
>Shit she was masturbating wasn't she.
>"I've fallen for him! The butcher of Milan has fallen hopelessly in love with him!"
>She starts to giggle as she reaches orgasm.
>"I know you're there master~ I can smell you. I'm sorry your maid had been so naughty~"
>This was completely unlike anything that you've known about her. You notice a bottle of wine on the ground.
>She's drunk.
>She drunkenly staggers to you and collapses in front of you.
>"Hehe. You smell so good master~"
>She has a lazy grin on her face and begins licking your face.
>"And you taste great too~"
>Her breasts are pressing on top of you with her flushed red face about to kiss you.
>Then something hits your head. Pain courses through your body and you feel a syringe.
>"Dearest master. Please wake up. You are late for work."

>> No.13618934 [SPOILER] 
File: 3.55 MB, 500x281, 1433730412420.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hire a terrifying other maid!
>Hire a battle butler to defend you from your bad idea

>> No.13618935
Quoted by: >>13618947

That might work with the nicer ones but those would be the ones you want and you are pushing them away. The aggressive ones will go after you regardless. Unless this is a clever weeding out process that you will go after the ones that will leave you alone then you have a short list of the ones you want.

Case in point. If you are giving yourself a short list then you will only go after the ones you've rejected.

>> No.13618940

I'd hire the fuck out of a karate bug girl

>> No.13618947

But I don't want any of them. I don't care if she's the nicest, purest, most devout and loving girl in the whole universe, my distrust and dislike of succubi knows no bounds.

>> No.13618951
Quoted by: >>13618970

Notice what pic exactly?

>> No.13618954

Mantis Kamen Rider show when?

>> No.13618955
File: 185 KB, 800x1113, 50647171_p23_master1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds reasonable.

>> No.13618960

The bad end comes when you wake up to the sound of two kikimoras quietly standing at the foot of your bed watching you with eyes wide open

The bad end comes when you talk to a girl at work and a week later she announces that she's moving due to some security issues

The bad end comes when they slowly and methodically erase everyone you've ever loved from your life. Parents? You don't need them when you have two loving kikimoras. Friends? The kikimoras will be your best friends.

The bad end comes when you find them putting their blood into your favorite meals

The bad end comes when you're not allowed a second of privacy for as long as you live

The bad end comes when one holds you down while the other threatens to cut off your cock if you ever get hard while thinking about another girl

The bad end comes when they start branding you as theirs by dragging their talons across your skin to creat light wounds

The bad end comes when they drag you out of the bar when you just wanted to wind down after work and interrogate you for hours on end about who you were planning on fucking behind their backs

The bad end comes when you wake up everyday hoping that today they won't stop your suicide attempt like the last twenty times

With yanderes you lose.

>> No.13618961

I'm reminded that some security company in Japan did a series of ads that has a woman sitting in a cafe, at a table with all the original Kamen Riders, assigning them each to a room of her home for them to guard.

Pretty good sales pitch. "Our security is as good as having a super hero in every room of your house."

>> No.13618969

There any monster girls that would understand what "Salitieri, Poore, Nash, De Brutus, and Short" is a reference to?

>> No.13618970

Looks like a world guide pic of one drinking sake off of a guy's member.

>> No.13618975

I'd rather commit sudoku than get raped by a monstergirl.

>> No.13618977 [SPOILER] 
File: 676 KB, 1710x906, 1433731318011.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13619059

I'll delete it.

>> No.13618978

you committing suicide was her plan all along so she can rape you in the afterlife

>> No.13618979

Yada yada Charon's infinite pun works yada yada yaa Will O' Wisp eternal rape

>> No.13618981

She'll make more sudoku puzzles for you

As many as you want

>> No.13618982

You have Vampire and Dhampir which easily cancel out Hellhound and Manticore, so you really aren't that much of a fag at all.

>> No.13618986
Quoted by: >>13618993

Ah yes. Truthfully, I dislike alcohol, and Onis for the most part because of it.

But even I find that concept boner-inducing.

>> No.13618988


I don't see what the problem is, they're just showing their love for you.

With yanderes, I win.

>> No.13618993

>But even I find that concept boner-inducing.
Now, I definitely ain't an expert on the effects of alcohol on penile tissue, but wouldn't that burn and be pretty painful?

>> No.13618995

Can Cupid heal the shattered remains of a broken brutally ntr'd heart?

>> No.13618996
File: 1.38 MB, 360x202, Food.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13618999

On the bright side, when you accidentally glance at a succubus looking girl who turns out to be a Lilim and the kikimoras disappear mysteriously after trying to kill her, you'll appreciate your freedom like no one else in the world!

>> No.13618999

>the kikimoras disappear mysteriously after trying to kill her
Why does this give me the urge to laugh?

>> No.13619001
Quoted by: >>13619006

Your fault for having a human gf

>> No.13619004

Fuck if I know man.

Let's just say MAGIC/MAMONO MANA and enjoy the fantasy.

>> No.13619006

Human girls and 3dpd have nothing to do with it.

>> No.13619009
Quoted by: >>13619017

Would she shoot herself so she can heal you personally?

>> No.13619011

He's a big guy, he can take it

>> No.13619013
Quoted by: >>13619031

Lilim is a stupid bully, she's not as cool a beauty as Jabberwock! I want to hug Jabberwock and tell her she's the coolest girl I know!

>> No.13619016

>For the first time in years you sleep peacefully without fear of being attacked or molested
>Just before falling asleep you hear someone knocking at your window
>It's the lilim. She's riding on the back of a ball of pure mamono mana.
>She's holding both of your kikimora maids by their collars.
>She winks and gives you a mischievous smile before flying away into the distance
>A few weeks later your kikimora maids come back
>They're no longer interested in being yandere, instead meekly deferring to you most of the time
>They're both loving and gentle now and do their best to make you happy without overstepping their boundaries
>But whenever you mention lilims they break down and begin to cry helplessly until you cuddle them back to health

Thank you Lilim clause.

>> No.13619017

>Has to shoot herself to love and want to help you
That would be horrible in many ways and would only make things worse honestly.

>> No.13619025

Because giant evil musclemaids trying to beat an arch-demon to death with sharpened brooms only to get wrecked into another dimension is kind of hilarious?

>> No.13619031
Quoted by: >>13619038

I bet you wouldn't call Jabberwock's BFF a bully to her face.

>> No.13619037

This time lilim was a shit.
I would ask lilim clause to make them more yandere

>> No.13619038
Quoted by: >>13619051

Yes I would! Lilim is a bully! A big stupid bully! And her chest isn't as soft as Jabberwock's!

>> No.13619051

So you'd tell Jabberwock, to her very face, that her BFF is an awful person?
Anon, she'd probably give you a black eye, a caved in eye socket, and some brain damage.

>> No.13619055

Worth it.

>> No.13619057

Jabberwock knows Lilim's a bully though. Jabberwock is usually the one who keeps Lilim in line.

>she'd probably give you a black eye, a caved in eye socket, and some brain damage.
Now you're mixing the girls up. Lilim is the one who beats up little kids, not Jabberwock. Lilim cut a little kid with her spade tail once. Jabberwock is nice and cool and stands up for her little otouto.

>> No.13619059

Nobody can survive 10 Holstaurs in rape mode

>> No.13619066


Bro-Lilim is Best Lilim.

>> No.13619069
Quoted by: >>13619084

If she stood up for the kindergartener, she'd stand up for her BFF.
She knows about Lilim's hard life, what with her mother constantly drinking and berating her and even putting a cigarette out on her face before, so she won't tolerate you being harsh.

>> No.13619072
Quoted by: >>13619077

I want to tease a tomboy lilim

>> No.13619073
Quoted by: >>13619076

How do you feel about Mad Hatters?

>> No.13619075
Quoted by: >>13619084

>Lilim cut a little kid with her spade tail once
Which is what kickstarted her character development into a decent young lady.

>> No.13619076

I want to sell her hats.

>> No.13619077

I want a tomboy Lilim to tease me

>> No.13619084
Quoted by: >>13619090

I don't care, Jabberwock is the coolest, if Lilim is gonna make fun of her and call her geeky, then she's a stupid bully who can't recognize coolness when she sees it.

>> No.13619090
Quoted by: >>13619105

>She's a stupid bully for calling her friend a geek when she kind of looks like one
They're pretty close. When people are close enough they can joke about that kind of stuff.

>> No.13619105
Quoted by: >>13619131

No one's allowed to joke about Jabberwock though. Jabberwock deserves better, she deserves love and respect!

>> No.13619107
File: 55 KB, 204x184, 1369545536035.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You will never be breastfed by a Holstaurus

>> No.13619126

I want to rape a fox.

>> No.13619131
Quoted by: >>13619283

You're a little too obsessive. Is your step mommy a Shirohebi?
At least Tommy isn't this crazy, then again he's crazy for pussy pussy.

>> No.13619141
File: 567 KB, 715x897, 1414121438952.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13619187


>> No.13619143

I want to hold a Cupid's soft hand.

>> No.13619155
Quoted by: >>13619187


>> No.13619159

I want to fuck a Cupid's plump butt.

>> No.13619166
Quoted by: >>13619176

I don't want to sexualize her. I just want to be her friend and have lunch with her or something.

>> No.13619168

I want to make a Cupid chocolates for Valentine's Day! Made with my own natural cream filling.

>> No.13619170

Can your monstergirl wife be your best friend?

>> No.13619171 [SPOILER] 
File: 756 KB, 776x1200, 1433735673882.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's kind of sick bro.

>> No.13619176

>Not straight up sexualizing every single monstergirl right off the bat
You fucking nigga of mine. Same here.

>> No.13619184

Of course! That's my goal, and why I want a wife who shares in my interests, hopes, dreams and aspirations.

>> No.13619186

uh i think that's the point

>> No.13619187
Quoted by: >>13619938

It's horrible.
I want to strip one down and push her face into a cushion, a hand gripping the nape of her neck as I grind my crotch against her tail. Each little muffled gasp or cry would be the sweetest thing, rubbing her thighs and assuring her I'd be gentle at first.
Of course until I get so caught up with pumping her fox hole full of semen, her waist has hand prints when I finally let go and she lays there slumped against the ground with the most vacant look on her face.

>> No.13619194
Quoted by: >>13619240

I think that still needs some work.

>> No.13619198
File: 2 KB, 120x125, 1390020558711.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You will never go for a walk with your vampire waifu under the moonlight
I love the night and I would kill half of the people in these threads for a vampire wife

>> No.13619199

You can have you're waifu, but you can only do anal.
Do you accept?

>> No.13619200
Quoted by: >>13619203

I think I'm falling in love with Cupid!

>> No.13619203
Quoted by: >>13619215


>> No.13619206

can anybody survive 10 of anything in rape mode?

>> No.13619209

But she poops from there.

>> No.13619210

if they are really tiny

>> No.13619211
Quoted by: >>13619253

10 dormouses
10 fairies
10 alps

>> No.13619213

Seems like a win win. Can I still inseminate her through alternative means though? Love to have little baphos running around.

>> No.13619215
Quoted by: >>13619217

I have absolutely no idea. But for like 2 days now, I can't stop thinking about her and I feel like I'm always blushing like an idiot when I'm doing it, I don't understand it either, she really isn't my type, I usually like big, strong dragon girls. I think she shot me.

>> No.13619216

I love anal though. We can just adopt or something.

>> No.13619217

Kill yourself.

That always helps.

>> No.13619218

You ought to do other corrupted girls like this.

>> No.13619227
File: 345 KB, 741x1200, 255_mad_hatter_L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Experiment #356; Mad Hatter conversion

Parameters: Human woman is placed inside a sealed off room with a mad hatter's detached 'hat' so to speak.

Initial observations: Subject finds no interest in the hat after noticing it. Vocalizes a desire to be let out, threatens legal actions.

3 hours: The hat's spores have begun to noticeably affect subject. Strange behavior including wandering around the room and staring at the hat have occurred no less than three times.

3.5 hours: After pulling away and reaching out several times the subject finally places the hat on her head. Immediately noticeable changes take place including dilated pupils, a rubor spread across her face, and an increase in body temperatures similar to a high fever.

4 hours: Subject has sat down and does not move or respond to any stimuli. Her expression is dazed with a trail of spit rolling down her chin. First mycelium have made their way into the spinal section. Eyes begin to rapidly shift from side to side similar to REM sleep.

6 hours: Subject has stood up of her own accord. Movements are sluggish. Mouth opens and closes without producing words. Eyes have shifted from a dark brown to a strong hue of violet. Hair has begun to change color starting at the roots and snaking downwards.

12 hours: Subject has made her first request in the form of a limerick. Exact desire was for the observer at hand to open the door and join her for "Forcey fun times"

15 hours: Since her first request the subject has continued verbally communicating with the observer repeatedly asking for sex as well as suits, gardening equipment, and three aglets. Through an undetected mechanism she has correctly guessed his hair color, age, and preference in women.

Note: Switch observers every two hours. The last guy was fidgeting with the locking mechanism while playing with himself when I got here.

>> No.13619228

My waifu doesn't have an arse, what do I do

>> No.13619231
File: 111 KB, 302x424, d1a8260e53f288453e619c31735d3604.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

20 hours: Physical changes have stopped. Mycelium is now well-rooted throughout the subject's body and several vital organs have stopped working while their functions are carried out by the fungus itself. The subject's eyes seem to change hue repeatedly (especially while being directly observed) and her hair has settled on a light purple that shimmers similar to neon.

24 hours: Air inside the room takes on a purplish tinge as spores are now being expelled in enormous quantities through the mushroom cap. when questioned on the exact mechanism the subject asked the (female) observer if she'd like one of her own.

Note: Why are we continuing at this point?

26 hours: Secondary subject has been introduced. Healthy male of the same age as the first subject now referred to as SubjectA while male subject takes on designation SubjectB.

26.1 hours: SubjectB begins to cough immediately after being introduced into the room. Comments on the air quality while asking SubjectA how she can stand it.

26.2 hours: SubjectB quickly grows accustomed to the spore-filled air. SubjectA initiates a conversation relating to phallic shaped objects in which subjectB eagerly participates.

26.5 hours: SubjectA has convinced SubjectB to disrobe and begin masturbating. He seems doubtful at first but quickly complies after she whispers something in his ear.

26.7 hours: SubjectB and SubjectA copulate vigorously. SubjectB tries to stop himself or disengage several times but is convinced to continue by SubjectA.

27 hours: SubjectB has stopped resisting SubjectA’s commands. No matter the severity of the command SubjectB unwaveringly carries it out as long as SubjectA verbalizes it. This includes playing tag, reciting the alphabet backwards, listing all his sexual partners previous to Subject A, and thrusting his hips into the air until ejaculating.

Note: I think we can safely end the experiment at this time. Send in the Flame Sanitation unit and the remains down to lab #33.

>> No.13619233
Quoted by: >>13619257

Are you the guy who did the Manticore transformation? I liked that.

>> No.13619240

Yea, that's about how non effort dicking around after initial dicking around weeks ago typically goes. Who needs actual color when you can mess with a filter on a camo layer.

>> No.13619242

So you gonna built that spaceship with her anytime soon?

>> No.13619245
Quoted by: >>13619248

>camo cupid with explosive tipped arrows

we rambo now

>> No.13619247
Quoted by: >>13619270

Christ, you went all out.

>> No.13619248

Mean ol' sheriff doesn't want no Cupid in this town.

>> No.13619250

white one is best

>> No.13619251

I like the second to last the most.

>> No.13619253
Quoted by: >>13619256

>10 alps

Oh my.

Now I'm trying to imagine finally being caught by them, but even though they all went through that hard work and know what needs to happen next, they're all still in a state of inner turmoil, until one finally works up the courage to be the first...

>> No.13619255
File: 366 KB, 1000x1111, 1410314097664.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13619261

Would Master like the list of dastardly deeds to do this week to help him take over the world next?

>> No.13619256
Quoted by: >>13619331

What about 10 stage 3 alps? Could your pelvis handle it? Could anyone's?

>> No.13619257

I don't remember doing one of those. Do you have a pastebin link or a cap?

>> No.13619260
Quoted by: >>13619270

LiliCupid please.

>> No.13619261
Quoted by: >>13619264

>"Who the fuck are you?"

>> No.13619264

The Long Suffering Maid.

>> No.13619270
Quoted by: >>13619277

It's actually kind of hard not to when you get going. You tweak a few things "oh this looks nice" and before you know it you have 15 different color variations.

I'd hate to know what p2/recolor anon's folders/files look like. I just happened to do cupid on a whim this time around.


>> No.13619277
Quoted by: >>13619611

A white-haired red-eyed Cupid with a Blue and Black motiff.

>> No.13619278

Well, alright...I'll pump her so full, we'll get daughterus from the run-off.

>> No.13619283

Hey now, stereotypes aren't cool, even if they happen to be true.

Just because someone wants to love their Jabberwock 6th Grader Senpai, protect her honor, and sticks their tongue out at anyone who even looks at her funny doesn't mean they're obsessive. Loyal is a better word.

>> No.13619284

>Have a tomboy Lilim neighbour.
>She's got a couple thousand years on you, but she's been your friend since you were a boy.
>Black sheep of the family, more concerned with cars, beer and rock and roll than spreading perversion and debauchery to the far ends of the world.
>Spent many summers working on that vintage car in her garage, learned a lot of shit.
>She babysat you a lot, your parents reasoning that if the Lilim wanted you, she'd've taken you already, and with even the teensiest whiff of her scent on you, no other monster would dare try to force themselves on you.
>Incidentally, you also happen to be privy to some serious state secrets.
>Like how the Demon Lord is, apparently, lactose intolerant and gets real nasty farts.
>Alice has been tripping balls since the Lincoln administration.
>Mari had a chuuni 'Cowboy Phase'.
>And how Druella's favourite bedroom 'toys' are a tutu, a jumbo tub of potato salad and a jar of bees.

>> No.13619286

Fight fate.

>> No.13619287

This man speaks the truth. Jabberwock Senpai has had a hard life anyway, since she's got a part-time job delivering stuff and she's too silly to get the address right!

>> No.13619290
Quoted by: >>13619296

>a tutu, a jumbo tub of potato salad and a jar of bees
And what, pray tell, can you do with these magical items?

>> No.13619292

Anon, you've been digging though her trash. You're unsettling the wocks.


>> No.13619296
Quoted by: >>13619302

Ask Nick Cage.
Was there something unclear about what I said?

>> No.13619302
Quoted by: >>13619316

You've got the wrong set of wocks.

>> No.13619310
File: 800 KB, 531x666, Wurm_2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you let your reptilefu incubate you?

>> No.13619315
Quoted by: >>13619341

Yes, we all need to learn to be patient. Jabberwock is a great deliverygirl, and the perfect reason to keep buying Spongebob toys online using Mom's credit card to get a chance to talk to her after school! If only I could remember to get the address right.

That's all just for the Jabberwock fan shrine, if Jabberwock saw how big a fan I was, she'd give me lots of hugs and nestle me in her wocks!

>> No.13619316

Please don't take away my hopes and dreams. I want to imagine Anon helping Jabberwock senpai deliver something and then he almost gets /ss/'d by some CC who ordered a bunch of kinky stuff, but then Jabberwocky comes to save the day!
Yes. But how would a Dragon do that? Describe the appropriate position for me so I can write about it.

>> No.13619323

Good thing Maid Central offers a removal service and compensation whenever this sort of things happens.

>> No.13619328
File: 213 KB, 694x541, 4N97nii2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You will never be born into a family of tombskeepers in Egypt
>You will never have a human imouto who is forced to undergo a sacred rites t preserve the seal on the spirit of Apophis
>By carving an incantation into her back
>She will never let her hatred for the life that she was forced into to fester inside her so much, that she breaks her own seal and becomes Apophis herself

>> No.13619330

The milk man can.

>> No.13619331
Quoted by: >>13619338

>10 stage 3 alps
They'd be way less hesitant, even exchanging high-fives and tongues just to get each other riled up. One whispers "You're about to be raped, bro." And your eyes go wide when you see another empty a bag and out falls vials of girtablilu venom, oomukade venom, pseudo-matango spores, the works(lord knows what favors they've done to get ready for this moment).

Days later you'll be discovered by other humans when they find you on the streets, naked, smelling of beer and pheromones, mouth hanging open, multiple tally marks written on your thighs, and your hips thrusting on their own into the air.

>> No.13619338

End of Act 1?

>> No.13619341

But she's in 6TH grade.
She can't have a job delivering things then.

Anon she's getting a restraining order for her and all Wocks in the world. Because of you obsessiveness you won't be able to tell what the Wock was cooking ever again.

>> No.13619342

Grapesnake a shit, so is Egypt.

>> No.13619348
Quoted by: >>13619361

>She can't
She can if she got a fake ID from the delinquent 2nd graders, the Dastardly Duo!

>> No.13619361
Quoted by: >>13619369

The same ones mad at her for telling the teachers about their plan to glue the 5th grade Wight teacher's hair to her back?

>> No.13619362
Quoted by: >>13619369

She gently lays on you like she would with her treasure hoard, her wings shielding the rest of your body and also helps retain warmth. She gets very protective of you while like this. Doesn't want you to leave or move around so suddenly and if she thinks anyone or thing suspicious is lurking nearby she'll growl at them and possibly roar if it's a legit threat.

>> No.13619365

But why would she get a restraining order, I'm just being a good little loving otouto! She knows I'd gladly do anything for her and I love her more than anything in the world, she doesn't need a restraining order!

>> No.13619369
Quoted by: >>13619378

You'd be surprised what a Dragon will do to get the money to buy faux jewels. A girl's gotta have a big hoard to seduce cute Anon-kouhai after luring him in with the pretense of helping him with his math homework.
I might try to work this in somewhere.

>> No.13619370

Probably curled around you and as best she can while caressing and humming.

>> No.13619373
Quoted by: >>13619378

Fuck *kohai
All this debate about Jabberwock and Lilim is making me forget my Jappanese Honorifics

>> No.13619378
Quoted by: >>13619393

Anon is already boogieing in the palm of her hand whether she likes it or not.

Because she doesn't like stalkers?

>> No.13619388
Quoted by: >>13619392

I do, but that's just cause she's a fun character.
And also has an okay body.

>> No.13619392

I'd give her puppies too, because I bet she stinks like heaven after a workout.

>> No.13619393
Quoted by: >>13619405

It's not being a stalker, it's being her biggest no. 1 fan and wanting to always be right by her side! She's cool, strong, beautiful, and better than everyone! Better than the 2nd grader delinquents, Lilim, myself, and even that nice Sheep Nurse in charge of Penis Inspection Day!

>> No.13619405
Quoted by: >>13619409

That nurse has long been fired. Her replacement is an Alp that talks like an extremely flamboyant gay guy, like Shore Leave from the Venture Brothers.

>> No.13619409
Quoted by: >>13619415

She's Super, thanks for asking!

>> No.13619415
Quoted by: >>13619420

She's wanted in 4 states for kidnapping charges. That damned Weresheep and her van...

>> No.13619420
Quoted by: >>13619438

I meant the Alp. That's why I quoted Big Gay Al.

>> No.13619438
Quoted by: >>13619441

Think you can stand the Alp nurse's long rant and not blow your brains out?

>> No.13619440
File: 335 KB, 838x844, 095538ec82b64654a0302f70fa07b61c..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You will never make a dragon need prop herself against a wall to take your relentless pounding.

>> No.13619441

Of course I can, her rant will make it easier to ignore all the pictures she takes for "medical use".

>> No.13619454

>2chan maid
Been a while since I saw one of those.

>> No.13619473
File: 175 KB, 1117x1002, 1423123470261.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13619481

Snu-snu is fun!

>> No.13619481

No thanks.

I'd rather not have any contact with monster girls as a kid.

>> No.13619483
File: 130 KB, 1000x1000, 1422263615165.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This kid is insanely well hung.
Not even pattycakes?

>> No.13619485

Night Anons, cuddle the daughteru
hug the daughteru
sit the daughteru on your lap anddon't burn down the thread

>> No.13619486
Quoted by: >>13619496

No thanks.

The youngest age I would like to be when introduced to monster girls is 16 at the least.

>> No.13619490

Oh my, it's getting hot in here! Having my waifu incubate me was a bad call! Hope the straw we put between me and the gold doesn't catch fire...

>> No.13619491

>This kid is insanely well hung.
One of the props of being an incubus.
If that's what you like.

They're just big girls compared to him.

>> No.13619496

You're a weirdo.

>> No.13619498
File: 208 KB, 776x1000, 7ba63d48020cb822c2e95cf80f577391.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just came back from watching Tomorrowland.

>> No.13619499
Quoted by: >>13619515

That was a completely mediocre movie.

>> No.13619505
Quoted by: >>13619632

>You will never build a golem
>you will never have her question you about feelings and how they work
>you'll never pat her head and cause her arcane flow controllers to divert it to her cheeks and cause them to warm up.

>> No.13619510
File: 791 KB, 708x1000, 3774.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That adorable time when your centaur waifu cosplayed as a reindeer for the holidays.

>> No.13619515
Quoted by: >>13619592

It's reception is pretty divided. Some say it's storytelling is murky or it's message anvilicious. Others than it's has a great pace and that it's a nice respite from other movies with usual darker themes.

I thought it was pretty good. If there's anything wrong with I believe the ending was a bit unsatisfying, but otherwise it was good.

>> No.13619518
File: 362 KB, 1920x1080, Nagi hugging a bear.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13620062

Any kind color anons around to color this for me?

>> No.13619524
Quoted by: >>13619533

It's nowhere even close to Christmas you fuck.

>> No.13619525
Quoted by: >>13619542

But there isn't enough room on my lap for two dormice! Unless!
I put my wife on my lap and daughteru on HER lap! GENIUS!

>> No.13619533
Quoted by: >>13619538

Calm down No fun-kun

>> No.13619538
Quoted by: >>13619562

Can we get through halloween first? I'm sick of all this Christmas crap being shoved down my throat.

>> No.13619542

Ah yes, the incredible lap stack.
How you can get close to your waifu and daughterus.

>Capcha is now spaghetti and Gundams.
Well, OK then.

>> No.13619562
File: 505 KB, 800x1130, 1428946914186.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There will always be Christmas crap as long as there are Christmas Cakes, Anon.

>> No.13619566

Damn, Z-ton girls are beautiful.
His girl faces always make me think of Fire Emblem's Olivia.

>> No.13619574
Quoted by: >>13619581

>>Mari had a chuuni 'Cowboy Phase'.
Not sure that's a "Phase". She's still pretty chuuni, wanders around like a cowboy is want to do, and even has a big fancy hat. So...

>> No.13619579

>Marik is an Apophis
With or without the crazy-as-fuck hair?

>> No.13619581
Quoted by: >>13619588

I want to throw a pee filled water balloon at Mari and ruin her pride and clothing!

>> No.13619586

I'd enter her shadow realm.

>> No.13619587

He was so crazy, the crazy went to his hair.

>> No.13619588

I want to pin Mari down and shit on her chest while sticking my dick through a Denny's glory hole!

>> No.13619592
Quoted by: >>13619594

Last movie I saw was San Andreas.

Was a pretty good disaster flick. Only real qualm is the ending, which suddenly thew "AMERICA!" right in your face at the very end. It was weird and out-of-place.

>> No.13619594
Quoted by: >>13619600

>Not liking "USA"
Commie go and stay go

>> No.13619600

It just felt out of place. Nothing else about the film was particularly patriotic or some such, so having this moment at the very end just seemed weird.

>> No.13619603

Someone clearly doesn't enjoy muh freedumbs.

>> No.13619605

It had the destruction of the hellhole known as San Francisco and California in general. As far as I'm concerned that's as American as it gets.

>> No.13619611
Quoted by: >>13619618

I over thought the fuck out of this. First two images are the poor attempt of "Oh, I'm stupid he literally meant profile lilim colors" after 40 minutes of aimless messing around in the general direction of blue/black. Bow and extra bits ended up monochrome due to mistake I can't bother fixing.
Hopefully one of these work for you. I'm spent and probably won't do any other variants. Which is more to cover incompetence on my end than anything else.

>> No.13619618

Thanks for this, i like the third one.

>> No.13619632
File: 941 KB, 955x1351, b7471ba21852c0b0b9b20f996fcf0466.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You will never meet a cute girl your age as a kid and fall in love with her,only to discover that she's actually a incredibly human-like golem.
>You will never grow old as the years pass, seeing her stay just as small, young-looking and smart as she ever was.
>You will never find it awkward to deal with her now that everything between you has changed so much.
>She will never tell you that for her nothing has changed. Even the way she feels for you.

>> No.13619649
File: 138 KB, 1000x800, 401.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yo, you scopin' dat fat ass abdomen?

>> No.13619653


>> No.13619661

I wonder what the first farmer that saw giant scorpions eating his crops thought.
especially after spraying him down with pheromones to make him jump the nearest girl/his waifu.

>> No.13619666
Quoted by: >>13619677

>giant scorpions eating his crops
> spraying him down with pheromones to make him jump the nearest girl/his waifu.

>> No.13619671
Quoted by: >>13619677

Scorpions don't eat crops. They eat animals. Hell, they even eat other scorpions.

>> No.13619677
File: 36 KB, 249x255, Sanri Scoprion.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This lil fella

>With soft black flesh and shells as hard as iron, it's time to learn about the insects of the demon realms. Some of these insects can grow as large as dogs. Many are herbivores and eat the fruits and vegetables of the demon realms. They're even sometimes known for eating a farmer's whole crop; It's been said they're the natural foe of demon realm farmers.
>A common pest for farmers in the demon realms, they spray a concentrated liquid magic from their tails when disturbed. These demon realm insects are excellent shots and typically spray anyone that disturbs them. This causes an immediate intense arousal so that the person who disturbed them will leave to find a partner and the insect will be free to eat the crops.

>> No.13619680

The fuckin' bug is literally tellin' the farmer guarding his crops to "Fuck Off".

>> No.13619681
Quoted by: >>13619688

Thanks to their unusual looks and the pretty patterning on their shells, it is also quite common for groups of children to try and capture one of these demon realm insects. This results in a lot of young monsters and their male friends getting hosed down and is actually a very common way for monsters and their male friends to awaken to their sexuality.

During harvesting season large hordes of these demon bugs can appear and it's not uncommon for all the workers in a farming village to band together and wage a war to oust these interlopers. During these battles it is common to rely on the strength of incubi since the magic of demon bugs is lessened when used on incubi (However, the magic is just as effective as normal against their wives and daughters which can force them to retire from battle).

During these battles there are also occasions when an oversized demon realm insect can appear and join the fray. The insect boss' massive tail is able to produce copious fountains of magic that it then sprays all over the place (some farmers even compare this with the tsunami waves of the ocean). These demon insects wildly spraying their magic around are known for causing large orgies which mean a lot of couples enjoy joining in the battle to spice up their love lives.

>> No.13619683
Quoted by: >>13619713

I wanna cum on it and turn it into a mega lewd girtablilu who has a thing for making and munching tasty as fuck salads, with chicken schnitzel bit in it. Fuck I'm hungry.

>> No.13619688
Quoted by: >>13619713

Thanks to all the sex occurring during a battle with these demon insects and the liquid magic soaking into the area, a lot of mana is released which absorbs into any crops yet to be harvested meaning they will be come bountiful and of higher quality. Even if the insects win and they manage to devour all of the crops in the area it isn't seen as a bad thing. All the mana released during the battle will also soak into the soil ensuring a bountiful and high grade crop next year. Thanks to this, even farmers that lose their crops typically say things like "Damn, I'll beat up those bugs next year", "Heh, next time you damn bugs", and similar things. This, combined with the fact that no one is killed by the insects, turns the battle into something akin to an annual festival enjoyed by all.

Scorpions are weird.

>> No.13619689
Quoted by: >>13619705

Since a Kikimora is part wolf, would she coo softly into the moonlit night?

>> No.13619697

>Giant scorpions that eats crops and throw lewd magic.
>farmers are perfectly fine with losing an entire, yearly crop to this fucks because 'lol got laid'.
KC what the fuck.

>> No.13619698
File: 551 KB, 2039x600, 4341.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you think monstergirls and human girls talk about when they're out on a date and in the restroom together?

>> No.13619702
File: 2.22 MB, 2560x1440, 1759438954223.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Junk in dat insect trunk.

>> No.13619705
Quoted by: >>13619711

I thought she was an off-harpy

>> No.13619707

Cute boys and problems that concern people with vaginas.

>> No.13619708
File: 420 KB, 1699x500, 6c7ed190334a2a007b1c5f20964d66e2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not posting an English translation
Nigger come on.

>> No.13619710
Quoted by: >>13619724

There's a better translated version than that one.

>> No.13619711

How to bed their prey.
More like a wolf/harpy hybrid, though the traits of the latter seem more prominent. She's still technically part of the wolf family, for some reason.

>> No.13619713

Not scorpions, they just look like 'em.

Well, "lol got laid", and because they know it'll mean a better harvest next year. All the more motivation to make sure the same thing doesn't happen again.

I feel the need to point out that, due to the logistics of the MGE, the DR Insects do not Monsterize, except in extreme cases. ie. You keep one as a pet, shower it in love and jizz, and eventually it'll turn into a Furry-Tier Scorpion-esqe girl.

>> No.13619719

Didn't know it existed, sorry.

>> No.13619720
Quoted by: >>13619731

>Giant scorpion hordes
>Oversized ones that spray waves worth of magic
>Literally an event boss

But they're called Sanri Scorpions.

>> No.13619721

Man, I'd so pour 'dat sticky gooey Demonic Energy into some city's water supply.

>> No.13619724
Quoted by: >>13619739

Feel free to post it then.

>> No.13619729

Poor little yandere human girl.

>> No.13619730
Quoted by: >>13619736

They don't actually need food or money to survive. Farming is just a side hobby. "lol got laid" is the essence of their being.

No, fuck that. I'm having my lewd salad munching girtablilu lilim and you can't stop me. I'll feed it nothing but cum and dark matter for a year.

>> No.13619731

>Sanri Scorpions.
Didn't it say somewhere that that was still more due to shared appearance?

...y'know what, they're weird, I'm not even going to question it.

>> No.13619736
Quoted by: >>13619742

It's no fucking use if there's a batter harvest next year if the insects are gonna eat it anyway, and knowing how thing works it will probably just make next year's horde even stronger and bigger.
I would question how these guys even survive every year if it wasn't for the fact they probably just feed from their waifu's demonic energy.

Are you saying that the literally just raise those crops so that the fucking scorpions come and everyone can have their scorpion-sex-festival.
That makes sense.

>> No.13619739

I would had already done so if I could find it.

>> No.13619742
Quoted by: >>13619748

>just raise those crops so that the fucking scorpions come and everyone can have their scorpion-sex-festival.
No, they raise crops because they want to raise crops. It just doesn't matter if the crops fail because they don't actually need them to survive. Sex scorpions are just a bonus.

>> No.13619748
Quoted by: >>13619758

I guess sex gets boring pretty quickly when you can have it constantly for days without stopping.

And if it doesn't you can always go to Pandemonium.

>> No.13619757
File: 33 KB, 196x210, 86swrukgfhv7k7k3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13619772

I would rather talk about these guys.
>Cute looking.
>Pretty smart for a plant/tentacle/monster.
>Will help you rape your wife until she's a screaming ahegao mess with heart-shaped pupils.
>Great s a pet for kids.

>> No.13619758

That's why they do so much new shit to spice up their sex lives. KC is writing himself into a corner and his setting will devolve into Slaaneshi-esque bestial orgies before the century is out.

>> No.13619759

Start jacking off.

>> No.13619762
File: 196 KB, 342x359, 1433734139364.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yfw a Monster Girl tries to rape you and ends up chickening out

>> No.13619771
File: 114 KB, 1200x900, 1400134304160.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe she just feels guilty?

Maybe rape isn't always the answer?

>> No.13619772

>Will help you rape your wife
Nigga I don't need help with that. Get your own pussy.

>> No.13619773

Were you disillusioned by this?

>> No.13619782
File: 129 KB, 554x638, 1432141990127.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13619812

>Maybe rape isn't always the answer?

>> No.13619786
Quoted by: >>13619792

I want to go through paladin training with my childhood friend, and become an unstoppable tag-team!

>> No.13619789

Rape is not the answer, It is the question,
Yes is the answer.

>> No.13619792
Quoted by: >>13619799

Do you slap her ass every time you switch places during a fight?

>> No.13619799

And versa vice. Our bond is unbreakable!

>> No.13619802
Quoted by: >>13619813

I know right? I blame the media for teaching girls that bullshit about "respecting the feelings of men"

>> No.13619803
Quoted by: >>13619808

Sion version best

>> No.13619808

That's because Sion a best.

>> No.13619812
File: 3.65 MB, 2796x3384, 2bce08bc1b402514ee5a46c14c88d832.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13619815

It's funny because succubi are supposed to be cunning seducers who entice men into having sex with them, not brutish rapists who take their man by force, whether physical or magical.

>> No.13619813

>Be Bishie
>Go to the bar
>Drink Cream Soda, pretending it's alcohol
>"Oh dear, I think I'm deeply intoxicated and my judgement is impaired! I sure do hope no big powerful Monster Girl takes advantage of me!"
>Big lusty Apophis ara aras and asks me if I need help
>Tells me she'll take me home
>Here we go
>Get in her car
>The anticipation makes my dick rock hard
>Drives in front of my apartment
>"Well, here you go."
>I get out of the car.
>"Y-You too..."
>She drives off
Fucking hell this is bullshit

>> No.13619814 [SPOILER] 
File: 289 KB, 1007x997, 1433747115191.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you?

>> No.13619815

>Artstyle has limbs be skinny-as-fuck
>Succubutt still has dat succubutt
Unf, that's what I like to see.

>> No.13619818

>that mouth
No. No, And I would a lot of things.

Should have made your intentions clear.

>> No.13619821

That's got to be one of the most monstrous forms of a Scylla I've seen.I don't feel safe, so that's a no for me.

>> No.13619822
Quoted by: >>13619832

Oh my. It's like your luck points are below zero somehow.

>> No.13619826
Quoted by: >>13619843

>Not tripping and stumbling, feeling her up, making her want to rape you
>Not actually getting drunk

>> No.13619828
File: 950 KB, 843x1000, 381.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd like to be hugged between horse titties.

>> No.13619830
File: 914 KB, 1272x1800, 861f4a77f6fe20fbff4db4b2c298b53b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would rather my scyllas be less monstrous.

>> No.13619832

Still better than lancer luck.
Not by much though. Elizabeth best LANCAH

>> No.13619833
Quoted by: >>13619836

Centaur's worries could have been cute if it wasn't such an LSD-induced clusterfuck.

>> No.13619836

Angel a best

>> No.13619843

>Be shota
>Walk into bar, hopin to fuck some lonely single MILF pussy
>Ask for the "Hard Stuff"
>Bartender asks for my ID
>I hand her my School Library Card
>"Alright, this checks out."
>Have several shots of vodka
>Alcohol completely consumes my shota head
>Last thing I remember before being knocked out cold is multiple big tall Monster Girls looming over me
>Wake up
>Tucked in a cozy bed with the sun shining in, and birds chirping on the outside
>Mature Thunderbird with thick thighs comes in
>"Oh, I see you've come too little boy! I noticed you passed out in that dreadful establishment so I brought you here for some rest! You just lay down as much as you like, I'll fix you some oatmeal and call your parents!"
>As she leaves I pull down my pants and check my shota penis
>Completely untouched and limp
>"Y-You too..."

>> No.13619845
File: 239 KB, 422x600, c041f71b08b11225577a9e15ed171632.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Horse titties are a miracle of the universe and I'm sure their milk could rival that of holstaurs and minotaurs.

>> No.13619850

O-oh... Sorry, man.

>> No.13619851

MiiaMom has the most balanced out breasts of the bunch, AND hips that don't lie.

>> No.13619859
Quoted by: >>13619961

Gyaru might be low-tier, but Papi Mom is still fantastic.

>> No.13619861
Quoted by: >>13619867

So how do we ensure our younger Monster Girls grow up happy, healthy, and know proper rape techniques? And how do we fight off the cultist Lizard Girls who keep leaving pamphlets at schools titled "The Magic of Consent and Respecting Men!"

>> No.13619863

Did you ever see that recent episode of Bizarre Foods? Andrew was in Kazakhstan and drank horse milk. They love that stuff over there, and he said it was the sweetest milk he'd ever tasted. That it tasted like a vanilla milkshake.

>> No.13619867

We should sell cupakes, and put rage shroom in every hundreth one. That way nobody can trace it back to us! And females buy cupcakes at a far higher rate than males!

>> No.13619868

>horse milk
>rivaling holst milk

Did you wake up today thinking, "I want someone to rape my throat with their fist"?

>> No.13619876

>Be bara
>Walk into a bar, badly need some pussy
>Start looking for the sluttiest succubutt in the place, something you can really pound
>Crowd seems pretty light, probably came too early
>Only likely wenches you can find flinch away at the sight of you
>Oh well
>Decide to just have a few and wait for the real sluts to show up
>Last thing you can remember is slipping on the way to the bathroom
>Wake up in a poofy pink bed
>A tiny sleeping Alice is laying on top of you, cuddled into your burly chest
>How the fuck does this keep happening?

>> No.13619888

I honestly fail to see the problem.

>> No.13619889


>> No.13619895

No regrets. Alices a cute.

>> No.13619902


>she wakes up and gives you the biggest smile, snuggling her face into your chest and hugging you as though you were the Christmas present she asked for.

>> No.13619904

That's what you get for being bara.
Goddammit anon. Goddammit.

>> No.13619911

Seriously though, her post-sex regeneration would let you all sorts of /d/ tier shit with her.

>> No.13619924
File: 255 KB, 1016x1025, 14527832452343.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13619962

Alices are quite rare. You've done well Anon!

>> No.13619928
File: 547 KB, 1812x3138, Alice.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not even once

>> No.13619935

Wouldn't it get tiring having completely re-introduce sex to an Alice every time you dick her? Muscle memory aside, having to constantly deflower her seems like a pain.

>> No.13619938


Apply yourself.
No, I'm not calling this bait, I like rape and I didn't get so much as a tingle from this.

>> No.13619943
Quoted by: >>13619956

Some people are into that.

>> No.13619944

>be traitor
>walk into a fashionable Monster Girl part-restaurant part-brothel they've maid out of a church
>see a Lilim holding some celebration, surrounded by a noisy crowd of bodyguards, friends and business partners of all specimen
>come to the table and stand until they all notice and stare silently at you
>bow down before a Lilim and plant a meek kiss on her shoe
>"At your service, Lady Lilim"
>she spends a mere second surprised before instantly catching on, her centuries-long life of sheer dominance letting itself be known
>"Oooh my~ What an original eccentric subject I've got here!", as she reaches her arms and lifts your face up
>"Sooo~ You want to serve the Monsters... boya?" her gaze drowning your very soul in it
>get an accounts clerk post at DL's headquarters
>"A-at least the wage isn't that bad..."
Our pain is just as real guys.

>> No.13619945

Wouldn't the little girl routine get really annoying fast?
Even more so when she forgets everything. be like that movie 50 first fucks.

>> No.13619947


>> No.13619951

She subconsciously remembers everything from all the other times she had sex with you, so even if she's mentally a virgin she could easily be an Elder Succubus physically.

>> No.13619954

Sounds like a nice life.

>> No.13619956


>> No.13619959

I just want to be raped by my Mistress, all this consent and "Let's get to know each other!" bullshit can fuck off.

>> No.13619960

Fuck, I want to save her so bad.

>> No.13619961
File: 430 KB, 1200x1734, pure_love_mellow_156.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pure gyaru girls are the best.

>> No.13619962

Do MGs have rarity values? Can I trade an Alice card for a Jinko card?
Lilim card for an Ushi oni card?
I'll give these shitty matango cards away for free if anyone wants them.

>> No.13619963
Quoted by: >>13619969

I'll remind you that in that instance, once her purity was revealed and she got a boyfriend, she dropped the gyaru shtick.

Also Jun a best. Jun simply a best.

>> No.13619964

God I love this one.
I'll give you any card you want for all the Holstaur cards you come across. Gotta get em all.

>> No.13619965

I'd take her home and mentally heal her while physically turning her into even more of a whore.

>> No.13619966

Yes, there are even Unique cards that there is only 1 of, They are always super rare foils worth lots of money

>> No.13619968

Why do I want a Mamono TCG now?

>> No.13619969
Quoted by: >>13619979

Okay, yeah, but you know. Still.
She was lovely.

>> No.13619970

>Not collecting all the cards of your specific waifu in all languages, plus misprints
I've got a binder of just Jabberwocks. Get on my level bitches.

>> No.13619973

Unless you're marrying her, virgins a shit.

>> No.13619976

>tfw traded foil cheshire for a rare jabbberwock
>And that jabberwock for an uncommon bee girl
I was a stupid kid but shit.

>> No.13619979

Don't remind me of the failed attempts at Monster Girl Trading Card Games.

All Juns girls are lovely.

>> No.13619980

>tfw each individual Monstergirl has her own card
>tfw the only way to get new cards is to dick more Monstergirls

>> No.13619987

>Gotta get em all

>> No.13619988

R.I.P. GriMagia.

>> No.13619996

Nigga that's what I'm doing. My herd will be the only herd.

>> No.13619999

It's that way because KC is shit at writing.

>> No.13620005
Quoted by: >>13620011

>A girl who dresses up as a catgirl for her crush whose computer she broke
>A girl that has webcam sex with her crush next door
>A dark skinned CC swim coach
>A shortstack with hips that don't lie
>A HEALTHY braids girl with freckles

>> No.13620011
Quoted by: >>13620054

>>A shortstack with hips that don't lie
She wasn't all that stacked. She was quite petite. Petite girls a best.
Especially with hips that just do not lie. Hot damn.

>> No.13620030
Quoted by: >>13620044


>You'll never have this kind of relationship with an eldrich abomination, who loves protects you, but doesn't appear before you as anything other than a familiar for fear of scaring you away
>You'll never come to accept her.

>> No.13620044

>You will never go on a quest to stop and save your waifu from destroying the world when her own ever-increasing strength causes her to become steady more and more insane by the day and turn into Giygas

>> No.13620054

>dat stomach bulge

>> No.13620062

Yell at me if something is wrong and I'll fix it tomorrow, in a few weeks, or maybe not at all. The time of slumber is upon me.


>> No.13620064

And it was good.

>> No.13620066
File: 1.32 MB, 1280x720, Nagi from R9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13620127
File: 387 KB, 1099x1102, 1433743018020.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look what I got.

>> No.13620140

Makes a change from her murdering Lamias in their natural habitat.

>> No.13620152
File: 1.50 MB, 3509x2056, Risky and Shantecubus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shantae's pretty great.

>> No.13620163
Quoted by: >>13620172

>Mum WIP
I'm now imagining Anon getting his mom to draw cute monstergrils for him. Based Mom.

>> No.13620167

>A 2010 survey by the National Institute of Population and Social Security Research found that around a quarter of unmarried Japanese men in their 30s were still virgins

Unicorns invade Japan when?

>> No.13620172

>Your Lamia mother starts to draws manga for you
>They start of normal enough, cute slice of life romance that's easy to read
>Week by week they get lewder
>Eventually they're To Love-Ru levels of lewd
>The biggest change of all is that the main girl is now a Lamia that looks awfully familiar but that must be your imagination, right?

>> No.13620174
Quoted by: >>13620177

Is the main girl happen to be a mother and the MC her son who suspiciously looks like you?

>> No.13620176
File: 268 KB, 900x870, 184378364897.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A-Are there any bars in Monster Girl City that would cater to guys looking for a spooky time?

>> No.13620177
Quoted by: >>13620181


>> No.13620178
File: 552 KB, 938x643, ...png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You will never be on a track team with a boyish, short-haired, dark-skinned girl who outruns everybody on the team
>And isn't afraid to admit she's bored with track
>She will never one day invite you to ditch club with her and go out on the town
>She will never take you with her to the clothes store to try on several kinds of clothes
>She will never tell you that she''s been thinking of trying to wear more girly clothes recently, but can't get into it, exactly because it's too girly
>You will never tell her that, oddly enough, the gyaru style works for her
>She will never tell you, "Oh please. I'm a Pharaoh, my mother would kill me if she saw me wearing those gawdy clothes."
>You will never realize in a mind-blowing moment of revelation that your best friend and clubmate is a Pharaoh
>She will never be mad that you didn't know until now

>> No.13620179

plz no spooks

>> No.13620181

I'm gonna do it!

I'm gonna dick the Motheru!

>> No.13620184

I just want the snake pet, man.

>> No.13620185

Girls creating lewd things about you is my fetish.
>A leanan sidhe will never paint a masterpiece of your naked body, and absolutely refuse to sell it or even let any one else look at it
>She'll never have it put on a daiki and kept in her bed at all times

>> No.13620186

Maybe some casino and bar owned by a vampire. It's staffed by boys wearing those cute casino vests and There's a secret back room where they entertain paying customers in private

>> No.13620187

Now even lewd ghosts?

>> No.13620188
Quoted by: >>13620194

But I want to share a bloody mary with a Vampire, hang out with a delinquent Ghoul girl while she tells me about how her sisters are bitches, or just a timid ghost girl who's a little shy about the fact that she died after falling asleep in a warm bath.

>> No.13620189

>tiny fairy cuddling a tiny daki with me on it
muh heart.

>> No.13620190

There's a nice establishment called the Dead Drop that's run by a rather milfy Wight

>> No.13620194

Alright, fine. Maybe a little spook is ok.

>> No.13620198
Quoted by: >>13620206

Not dicking her would be wrong. Milf Lamias need love too.
That's more adorable than lewd. Leanan Sidhes are great.

>> No.13620199
Quoted by: >>13620202

Try the Shivers Down Your Spine, a nice little pub in the Undead Quarter.

>> No.13620202
Quoted by: >>13620210

Isn't that the place where the wisp who gets drunk and tries to pick up guys via ASMR hangs out? Yes please

>> No.13620203

>High-Born Girl acting so normal and tomboyish that nobody realizes she's a high-born rich girl
I like it. I like it a lot.

>> No.13620206

Then I'll do more than dick her! I'll take responsibility!

>> No.13620210
Quoted by: >>13620213

Hear rumors about that. Though it's more well known for having its own band. Really good group, plays a wide variety of music every night. People seem to really like the Wight vocalist. Lich drummer is a real cutie though.

>> No.13620213

I dunno, I always had a thing for the zombie bassist. It's really cute how she blunders around on stage. She forgot about her own bass solo to hug me once.

>> No.13620217

>Gloomy loner monstergirl that always seems to stalk you
>She's too shy and lacks the self-esteem to ask you out
>So instead she writes stories in which the two of you are together and have plenty of amazing sex described in such detail and being so perverted even a lilim would blush.

>> No.13620222

>Somehow, her stories get leaked online
>E-Mailed directly to you
>She used both your real names
>Full real names, so there's no doubt

What do?

>> No.13620227
Quoted by: >>13620230

Act them out with _____her_____.

>> No.13620230
Quoted by: >>13620234

How would you wind up doing so? Think she'd race over to try and explain herself? Or would you go to her? What then?

>> No.13620231


>You begin to harbour interest for this girl who is too shy to outright rape you, a far cry from the normal monster girl
>You happen across an email with her stories
>Start to re enact the scenes where you meet her, and wait for her to catch on
>Weeks later, as she rests panting in your arms, the cum flowing back from her creampied pussy, you ask her if it was how she imagined
>She blushes, realizing you knew about her stories

>> No.13620234


>> No.13620236

>Gosh darn it, Anon, you stick it in me right now! O-Or you're grounded!

>> No.13620237

Very nice.

>> No.13620242
File: 616 KB, 2240x1680, 1674437863443.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I-I ain't afraid of n-no g-g-ghost!

>> No.13620245
Quoted by: >>13620248


>> No.13620248

Oh yeah? What's she gonna do? Give me paizuri in my nightmares?

>> No.13620250 [SPOILER] 
File: 220 KB, 1000x707, 1433758017625.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13620253

Did someone say ghosts?

>> No.13620253
File: 312 KB, 833x1200, Ghost Waifu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ghosts are love.

>> No.13620257

green jabberwock next

>> No.13620260 [SPOILER] 
File: 545 KB, 600x675, 1433758421176.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heard you guys like ghosts.

>> No.13620262

Stay away from me spooky ghost Tomoko!

>> No.13620267

This is the nature of ghosts!
They're girls who failed to stay in the game.
Will-o-wisps are the greatest of failures, dying as foreveralones and then lurking around for one last chance.
Such losers are only worthy of your constant affection and copious amounts of hugs.

>> No.13620270

I want to see 2PAnon recolor Will-O-Wisp into the color scheme of Tomoko as she is in her school uniform.

>> No.13620277
Quoted by: >>13620304

I would love a wisp

>> No.13620304
Quoted by: >>13620325

And she would love you! Even if you die! You'll never be alone!

>> No.13620325
Quoted by: >>13620452

Good thing you don't have to shit when you're dead. Could be awkward.

>> No.13620331
Quoted by: >>13620348

Oh no, a Ghost Lamia!

>> No.13620348

This got me thinking. Imagine slaying a dangerous Ushi-Oni only for her to come back as a vengeful spirit who haunts you, raping your violently in your dreams.

>> No.13620400
File: 1.25 MB, 1231x1280, 1421093306576.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>slaying a dangerous Ushi-Oni
But why. Curb her dangerous behaviour with friendship and dickings.

Love the Ushi, marry the Ushi.

>> No.13620406
Quoted by: >>13620447


>Be average, working-class Anon.
>Sittin' in a Danuki deli, munching on a sandwich.
>Distracted by the weird Lilim holiday-thing going on across the street, it takes you a minute to realize that something is very, very wrong.
>Your eyes widen with realization and fear as you stare down at the sandwich in your hands and hear the approaching footsteps of the chubby old Danuki that owns this joint, before she roughly pulls you out of your seat and gives you the Heimlich.
>Afterward, while wiping the tears out of your eyes and catching your breath, you can't help but be glad that no one else was around to see that.
>She leans down, real close to your face and messes up your hair with an infectious laugh.
>"Any time, Kiddo."

>> No.13620408
Quoted by: >>13620413

Play with the ushi's fluffy ears?

>> No.13620413

I'd rather play with her lovely horns.

>> No.13620414


Honestly? Maybe.

I have a thing for the weird ones.

>> No.13620415
Quoted by: >>13620421

Gonna hug a vampire without being bit

>> No.13620420


I want to wear a Loli-Ushi on my back and fight crime.

>> No.13620421

that is like saying "Gonna hug a Succubus without getting raped"

>> No.13620437
Quoted by: >>13620439

I'd do one of those group hugs and hug a vampire and succubus at the same time

>> No.13620439
Quoted by: >>13620446

Now you don't have blood nor semen, good job.

>> No.13620446

but if I have no blood I won't have semen so the succubus will control the vampire and if the succubus is busy with the vampire she won't be able to rape me

>> No.13620447
File: 218 KB, 726x860, They aren&#039;t all chubby. Just the best ones..png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13620574

Tanukifucker anon approved.

>> No.13620452
Quoted by: >>13620456

I bet she'd happily let you shit in her cage, because that's what true love is about.

>> No.13620456

>ectoplasm is ghost shit
>her blue flames are actually spiritual excrement shitting up everything she touches
>this is a metaphor for the life she led

>> No.13620462
File: 526 KB, 1080x1920, YA BETTAH RUN CHARLES!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What'cha doing nerds?

>> No.13620466

Playing Blood Bowl.

>> No.13620469


Yodeling into Druella's cavernous snatch.

>> No.13620478

Reading Preacher, which is amazing as everyone says it is.

>> No.13620489
Quoted by: >>13620524

Just got home.

>> No.13620494

Sipping coffee, window shopping and fantasizing about outfits for monster girls. Like a Wight in a tracksuit.

>> No.13620524

>Just go home.

I am home. For a nerd you really aren't smart and I thought that was kind of requirement for nerd-dom or does it work some other way?

Enlighten me on your nerd ways and maybe I'll teach you how to throw a football.

>> No.13620527
Quoted by: >>13620530

... He said got.

>> No.13620530
File: 201 KB, 651x1200, El viento me despeina Sube el aroma de colita Luna, luna de nadie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sleepy.

Have a troll for you troubles. Also good music.

>> No.13620531

Wanna hug dark elf

>> No.13620540

Trying to justify to myself why I'm not doing what I'm supposed to be doing.
Well too bad! They're not real!

>> No.13620547
File: 932 KB, 600x1000, 1404673591035.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13620553


>> No.13620548
File: 543 KB, 850x777, sample_3f3785130cdcaf46a3f78de23928b98a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13620595

Oh wow aren't you quite a shitposter over there Mister, and some aggressive git too!

Might as well ignore your routine questions from now on! Fareunnerd!

>> No.13620553
Quoted by: >>13620555

Why are you wearing my shirt, Nee-san? It doesn't even fit.

>> No.13620555
Quoted by: >>13620557

Are the spats yours too? Pervert.

>> No.13620557
Quoted by: >>13620559

Hmm. I don't know.
Wait, I wrote my name on the inside, let me check.

>> No.13620559
Quoted by: >>13620580

Doing stuff like this with your sister is only okay if she's a Succubus, you deviant.

>> No.13620561
Quoted by: >>13620564

Gonna hold succubus hands and play a game of red rover

>> No.13620563

What monster girl would enjoy listening to Primus?

>> No.13620564
File: 691 KB, 1200x1600, 1393993432690.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13620565


>> No.13620565
Quoted by: >>13620567

Red rover red rover send them bitches over

>> No.13620567
Quoted by: >>13620570

This makes the Succuloli giggle.

>> No.13620570
Quoted by: >>13620572

RedRover is the perfect game to closeline someone

>> No.13620572

Closeline? You keep using words I don't understand.

>> No.13620574

There is something wrong with that Tanuki. But I can't quite place it.

>> No.13620575
Quoted by: >>13620579


ssshiiiiiiiit i spelled that wrong

>> No.13620577

I'll assume he meant clothes-line.

>> No.13620579
Quoted by: >>13620581

See, I would have known what that was. Go home, you're drunk.

>> No.13620580

What are you talking about, Anon? If you don't do naked huggy time once a day your sister will get sad and your family bonds will suffer.

>> No.13620581
Quoted by: >>13620583

man I;m tired as fuck but I wanna keep posting

>> No.13620582
Quoted by: >>13620589

Dhampir raised as a human?

>> No.13620583
File: 167 KB, 1526x696, Dream Team.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go to bed.

>> No.13620588
File: 583 KB, 1000x1666, Shag the Sheep.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You seem to be pissing someone there.

>> No.13620589

Been done a couple times.

>> No.13620591
Quoted by: >>13620598

I don't wanna

>> No.13620592
Quoted by: >>13620598

P isn't even anywhere near M, I think I need a weresheep too.

>> No.13620593
Quoted by: >>13620599

Keep posting. The typos are getting funnier the longer you go.

>> No.13620595


>> No.13620598
Quoted by: >>13620601

Be my guest and add her then. But after that it's straight to bed young man!

>> No.13620599

I'm not even the other anon. There's two of us that forgot how to type.

>> No.13620601
Quoted by: >>13620603

I'm gonna stay up until it is normal sleep time

>> No.13620603
Quoted by: >>13620604

Sleep time is when you're tired.

>> No.13620604

welll im not tired of being tired

>> No.13620633

How would a kiki force her master to sleep? Drugs

>> No.13620664
File: 272 KB, 800x950, 1398185869140.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13620668

By pleading with him with tears in her eyes, using her cuteness as a weapon.
>"Please master you must for the sake of your health"
>"If not for yourself then for me"
>"I'll read you a bedtime story and stay with you till you fall asleep"
How could you deny such a cute maid?

>> No.13620668

not sure I could, I want her to be little spoon

>> No.13620683
Quoted by: >>13620689

You know what can make someone get tired? Sex.

>> No.13620689
Quoted by: >>13620693


But who would I be having sex with?

>> No.13620693
Quoted by: >>13620707

The Kiki, when you're not following her advice for the sake of your health and she gets tired of your shit.

>> No.13620707

>Now, now master, the restraints are there for your own good!
>Hmm? This duster I made out of my own feathers? Why it's for the soles of master's feet, of course!

>> No.13620711

Anyone have that one screencap about anon wanting a Kikimora but not wanting to dick her without getting to know her / marrying her first?

The followup was amazing with at least 6+ anons berating him on how he's basically using her as a slave by not "paying" her with spirit energy since she sure as shit wouldn't be accepting dosh.

>> No.13620712

The adventures of goofball ronin and his Inari wife when?

>> No.13620713

It's not rape if I twine my fingers with hers, nibble at her neck and scratch her head while she ahegaos.
It's also not rape if she puts the tip of her spade tail between our mouths when we kiss.

>> No.13620717
Quoted by: >>13620752

>Zombie lewd audio
W-where can I find this?

>> No.13620719
File: 27 KB, 292x594, Lizard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I demand that you prove yourself worthy!

>> No.13620723
Quoted by: >>13620726

Worthy of what?

>> No.13620724
Quoted by: >>13620726


Of what?

>> No.13620725

I'd rather not waste her time with my complete lack of training, physical, combat or otherwise.

>> No.13620726

Tender cuddlefucking by the fireplace

>> No.13620736
Quoted by: >>13620745

>I'm a 200 Dan in Kendo, fresh off my graduation of fighting the Ghost of Miyamoto Musahsi every day for 1 one year, 3 times a day
Okay, let me grab a twig and we can start

>> No.13620737

Oh. Well, I err uhh... My love... IS A FEVER! Longing still... for that which no longer nurseth the disease!

>> No.13620739


What; no fighting? Aw man.

>> No.13620745
Quoted by: >>13620755

>the Ghost of Miyamoto Musashi
So even in the afterlife he'd rather play with swords than fuck Otsu?

>> No.13620752
Quoted by: >>13620763

It's cheesy and in english but there you go.

>> No.13620755

Nigga Mushashi started dueling when he was 13.
He was basically born by the sword.

>> No.13620763
Quoted by: >>13620770

>In english
Into the trash

>> No.13620770

Where it belongs really, I'd love to find some in Japanese but without knowing the tags it's kinda hard to go through /jp/'s clusterfuck of an audio directory.

>> No.13620773

I accept

>> No.13620786
File: 448 KB, 500x275, Dr.-Who.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13620797

Please don't do that.

>> No.13620797
Quoted by: >>13620814

Those raindrops on his face look like they're enjoying themselves.

>> No.13620814
Quoted by: >>13620827


>Slime "sneezes" on your face
>The little bits of slime start dancing

>> No.13620827

>Slime sneezes her fluid onto you
>They droplets are actually just tiny versions of the slimegirl
>They all start cheering and partying on your face, dancing through and between strands of your hair

>> No.13620832



>> No.13620834


>Guys tries to get it off of him
>Slime uses this chance to grab and husbando him

Beware this new tactic.

>> No.13620840
Quoted by: >>13620852

>more Wight

>> No.13620852
Quoted by: >>13620854

What use is a Wight with such an itty-bitty waist?

>> No.13620854

She has thick thighs and a big butt to compensate.

>> No.13620901
File: 193 KB, 560x640, 50005000_p3_master1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13620950

>not incubating your reptilefu
You're doing it the wrong way around.

>> No.13620905
File: 128 KB, 422x500, Baphomet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Flat is justice

>> No.13620908

Too boney.
Needs some meat for adequate cuddling.

>> No.13620910

Tiny is justice, totally flat is wrong. I recently saw a nip porno where the girl had literally no tits at all and it was shit.

>> No.13620913
File: 356 KB, 1010x1400, 1398455548117.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13620915

Yes. Musclelolis are the best.

>> No.13620915

Not what I was going for but muscle loli is fine too.

>> No.13620948
Quoted by: >>13621030

>Drinking milk from a Holstaur
>After finishing she pulls you into a hug
>One side of your head is directly put against her chest where you can hear her heartbeat.
>She lets out a contented sigh

>> No.13620950

>That image
"Hey, sweetie. What are you eating ther-- Oh."

>> No.13620972
Quoted by: >>13621432

Depends on the girl, an athletic tomboy type can pull off being flat.

>> No.13620982

It was also 3D so

>> No.13620998 [SPOILER] 
File: 366 KB, 500x553, 1433781293989.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Anon will never secretly enter the Amazonian Champion Trials overseen by the Amazon Queen
>He'll never defeat the last competitor and become champion
>He'll never rip off his silly disguise and point upward to the Queen's viewing platform proclaiming that he's come for her
>That he'll take her head as the ultimate trophy and put an end to the attacks on the Order
>The murmurs from the arena audience will never be of how the Virgin Queen prophesied that her one true husband will have the strength of an Amazon
>A blinding light will never violently light up the area of the platform
>The Queen will never descend the stairs in all her magnificence
>She'll never congratulate anon on coming this far before promising that this is where his journey ends
>She'll never wreck his shit, say her attacks were all just a ploy to garner hero attention, then end her attacks on the Order if he promises to be her obedient husband

>> No.13621003
Quoted by: >>13621228

>That ending.
It's shit. What was all that buildup for.

>> No.13621004
Quoted by: >>13621228

KlK is shit

Amazonesses are good tho

>> No.13621006
File: 132 KB, 697x800, baby factory.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please don't abuse or overuse your succubus

>> No.13621007
Quoted by: >>13621228

Might as well have her teleport behind him.

>> No.13621010
File: 136 KB, 300x300, Anime_sexyCreatureGif_Alice.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Onii-chan complex is shit.
Electra complex is fat better.

>> No.13621011
Quoted by: >>13621046

I'll cuddle the succubutt as much as I want and there's nothing you or her can do about it!

>> No.13621016
Quoted by: >>13621228

>that ending
U w0t?

>> No.13621023
Quoted by: >>13621046

I'll cuddle her so hard and long she gets dizzy.

>> No.13621025

>not using tracks from the Sengoku Basara animu like https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6ygJYJEfcj8
Basara and Unicorn were Sawano's best works anyways. Still, it's nice to see that Amazons are getting some love.

>> No.13621030

I think my ears just popped.

>> No.13621039

That was a weak ending, but Satsuki as a monster girl is something I can get behind.
She was one of two good parts of that show anyways.

>> No.13621044
File: 1.02 MB, 954x1504, bdDJ1Vy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sacchin Paladin when?

>> No.13621046
Quoted by: >>13621126


>Succubus invades your house and tries to rape you
>You instead catch her off guard and hug her
>She gets bewildered and is taken out of her element
>She becomes addicted to it.
>Sometime later the two of you are laying on a couch, cuddling with each other.

>> No.13621047
Quoted by: >>13621053

That's what they make soul jars for.

>> No.13621053
Quoted by: >>13621140

Can you use a soul jar as an onahole, like that pic with the slime in a jar?

>> No.13621057
File: 347 KB, 640x420, CG0068.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13621058

I'd carry her wherever she wanted

>> No.13621058
Quoted by: >>13621059

She looks seasick. Is he bouncing her on his dick as he walks?

>> No.13621059

being in heat is apparently pretty bad

>> No.13621064

What if a succubus went too far during sex and absorbed all of your soul, but instead of being eaten, you just continued to live within her body, right next to her soul?
Then you could get it on with her soul, having weird metaphysical soul-merging sex, transcending physical pleasure and entering a world of literal pure bliss together. And from the outside, anyone watching the succubus would just see her ahegaoing for minutes, or even hours at a time.

>> No.13621065
Quoted by: >>13621075

Not unless you want your daughter to grow up to be a man staling whore.

>> No.13621075
Quoted by: >>13621085

>Implying your daughter will have any time to make other men stale when she's already fawning over you.

>> No.13621085
Quoted by: >>13621114

That's the problem. You're married for years to your wife, and she thinks she can butt in and ruin that because of her feelings for daddy.

>> No.13621087

That's pretty homosexual.

>> No.13621091
Quoted by: >>13621106

I don't think that's how soul eating or body-sharing works.

>> No.13621102
File: 233 KB, 606x860, 1415564681035.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13621111

Are you prepared to dance all night around the pyres with your waifu during Midsummer?

>> No.13621103

Do we know the lifespan of any monstergirl?

>> No.13621106

It is in my deluded head.

>> No.13621111
Quoted by: >>13621113

Sounds intoxicating.
Longer than any of us, that's for sure.

>> No.13621113

You bet it is. And the night ends in the bushes.

>> No.13621114
File: 253 KB, 800x1127, a7007eda1b6370b651daaafdc52aae8f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13621447

She's not butting in if the wife was waiting for her.

>> No.13621118
File: 438 KB, 810x1030, 29536ed44accc14f5fa6bf9d57739233.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13621121

Just that it varies from hundreds to thousands based on the type and that they can allow their partners to live just as long as they do due to mana and incubus shit.

>> No.13621126
File: 158 KB, 604x553, Flap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13621169

>Let go of her for a moment to go to the bathroom
>She struggles to stay attached to you, lazily holding onto your arm as you get up
>Come back a minute later
>She's gone from the couch
>Maybe she finally gave up and left your house
>Sit on the couch and turn up the TV
>Not even a few seconds later, you start feeling that something's wrong
>It feels like you're being watched
>A shadow slowly washes over your head
>Look up
>It's the Succubutt hovering over you with her wings like pic related, with her hands behind her back, smiling at you
>Oh, she's still here
>Her gentle smile suddenly turns into the smuggest smug you've ever seen
>She opens her arms, revealing a large blanked that she's been holding behind her back
>Lands on you before you can react, covering you both with the blanket in the process

And then Anon was snuggled for the rest of the weekend by the Succudlebug.

>> No.13621127
File: 176 KB, 1440x810, 1400084148226.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon if you insist on positing NGNL at least post best girl, she also fits in the thread.

>> No.13621131

Nigger my are you.

>> No.13621140
Quoted by: >>13621146

I would not recommend it.

>> No.13621145

Lilims are supposed to be capable of living at least ten of thousands of years, and all monsters and incubi are capable of expanding their lifespan by becoming more powerful/having more sex.

The real question is how old is the setting, and how long was it that the Demon Lord too power.
The medieval stagnation in this setting must be absurd, considering the Chief God has been keeping it this way for who knows how long.

>> No.13621146
Quoted by: >>13621171

Why not? Souls are immaterial, you can't get jizz on them.

>> No.13621168

Would you still love you're waifu if she was a cannibal?
As in she preys on her own species, not humans

>> No.13621169
Quoted by: >>13621200


>She smiles happily, rubbing her cheek against yours
>Her tail wraps itself around your waist


So what other MGs would you want to turn into a cuddlebug?

>> No.13621170

Her own species? That would be impressive. I want some too.

>> No.13621171
Quoted by: >>13621174

Because then she'll get out, you fool.

>> No.13621174

Not if you make sure to install a condom on the device, make it airtight. There'll be no holes then.

>> No.13621181
Quoted by: >>13621196

It's too early to pretend to be retarded.

>> No.13621183
File: 498 KB, 829x800, 4473.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13621194

Anon, I don't even know, but she's preaching at me. The fuck?

>> No.13621190


Not sure I can blame her, cows are delicious.

>> No.13621194

>actual demons


>> No.13621196
Quoted by: >>13621205

Why can't you just be cool and think with your dick?

>> No.13621197

Only if she were a slime or a vampire.

>> No.13621199

Would condoms be considered kinky fetish stuff in a world with monster girls?
Like, semen denial instead of orgasm denial.

>> No.13621200

Off the top of my head, excluding the obvious ones like Yetis, I'd say Ushi-Onis, Zombies, Bear girls, Kunoichis and Amazons.

>> No.13621201

>It was just another evening in Mordor, the moon was shining through the smokey clouds of ash and campfire's were burning as P'Orcs cooked meat, drank something that vaguely resembled beer, and spent some 'quality time' with their slaves, something you really wish you could have been doing.
>With the P'Orcs, not the slaves, as far as you were concerned the slaves were nothing more than rivals, weak, twiggy rivals that mewled for help whenever you walked past.
>Seriously, just wait till the initial rape frenzy is done and then walk out, it's not that hard.
>"You really aren't one for pity are you?" Celes asked as the pair of you sat in the scraggly branches of a tree, awaiting your new "contact" in the P'Orc horde of Mordor "Not everyone has a mithril pelvis and a libido that 'unnatural' barely begins to describe."
>You felt moderately offended at that, your libido wasn't unnatural, it's just that everyone else's were too small.
>The elf ghost gave you a flat look at that, pointed ears twitching in something that was most likely annoyance.
>"I will never understand you ranger," the undead sighed, as she rested her translucent chin in her hand, "anyways, your new 'associate' has arrived, don't do anything too rash."
>You told her that she needn't worry, when had you done anything like that?
>She ignored that comment, most likely because she knew you'd be here all day if she did.
>That and she didn't want you to be late for your meeting.
>In the distance you'd long since spotted your associate, a short, thin specimen of their species who was doing her best to remain hidden behind a tree, a few leafy fronds from some plant sticking out of her hair as improvised camouflage and her face painted gray with soot.
>Unfortunately for her, said tree had no greenery and it's bark was black, not gray, making her attempts at stealth quite useless, especially considering the two mountains sprouting from her chest.
>It was Funbags, warchief in the making and your newest comrade.

>> No.13621203


>> No.13621205
Quoted by: >>13621211

Because I don't want to end up on the news, stuck in a glory hole with a mousetrap clamped on m y dick.

>> No.13621211
File: 1.34 MB, 900x1900, 1428304915439.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's that? Another guy who dislikes mice? How boring.

>> No.13621215

>more oppai loli P'Orc

>> No.13621217

>tie her up
>fuck her with a condom
>she's begging you to take it off
>you pound away, looking as indifferent as you can
>she promises o make you feel good, you just have to take that thing off
>show her the condom
>slap her around with it
>make her watch a you flush it down the toilet
>she tears up
>"That could have gone inside me"

I can get behind this.

>> No.13621224

I don't know who that artist is, but their distaste for drawing feet is palpable.

>> No.13621225
Quoted by: >>13621230

What the fuck did I just say about retarded?

>> No.13621228
File: 146 KB, 480x800, STANDING.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1000 word limit.

>> No.13621230

And what did I just say about thinking with your dick like all the cool kids do?

>> No.13621239
Quoted by: >>13621250

Then continue it in another post.

>> No.13621242

So it wouldn't have been "Powerful guy loses at the end because /mgg/" if you had more words?

Somehow, I doubt that, but do as you will.

>> No.13621249

It's a 2,000 character limit, and that wasn't even close.

>> No.13621250

What's there to continue Bitch wanted a husband and she rused herself one. The end.

>> No.13621261


Do you prefer your harpy butt feathered or not feathered?

>> No.13621262

Not feathered.

>> No.13621267

Human skin with feathery pubes.

>> No.13621270

I want to be a healer in a JRPG party, and get kidnapped by Amazons and forced to become a house husband!

>> No.13621271

Like Papi.

>> No.13621274

What happens to the rest of your party?

>> No.13621276

>She wasn't all that skilled combat wise and her wits were a little...lacking...but she had two things you were looking for, an inside source of information on the P'Orcs and a way to strike at the Black Captains.
>She also had a chest you wanted to motor boat the hell out of, something fate had denied you so far.
>Without a sound you leap from the tree and landed without a sound on the hard packed earth, confidently striding towards your hidden ally.
>"Who sings in the night?" the call came as you drew close, the P'Orc dropping down to the earth as if to make herself less noticeable.
>You ignored the call phrase and asked Funbags what she wanted, staring down at the P'Orc as her breasts stopped her from getting as low as she wanted.
>"Awwww, it's not gonna work if you ignore the reply phrase, what if someone hears us?" she asked, still laying on the ground as she eye'd a nearby bush suspiciously, the only nearby bush on the barren hill.
>You let her know that you'd be able to deal with whoever was listening before asking her how the captain business was treating her, picking the top heavy P'Orc up by the waist so she could stand.
>"It's going great! I think the girl's are really starting to like life under good ol' Funbags," she said in her most triumphant tone, a big grin on her face "I've got them trainin' harder and forging more weapons than ever before, they'll be beggin' for me to be warchief soon."
>You doubted that, you'd seen her 'training' firsthand, it involved a lot of bored P'Orcs watching her flail about with a sword MUCH too big for her and the 'forging' was just them snagging some leftover scraps from the foundries of larger hordes. Her hold on power was tenuous at best, and everyone seemed to know it but her.
>Didn't stop her from bragging though, you'd lost count of how many P'Orcs you'd needed take down (to bed) after she'd run her mouth one too many times.

>> No.13621278

>not an alp

Good one.

>> No.13621280
Quoted by: >>13621311

The only Alp I know is a dashing rogue, a ruggedly handsome swashbuckler and a gentleman adventurer extraordinaire.

>> No.13621282
Quoted by: >>13621306

I would slap those so hard.

>> No.13621284

Uh-oh. Sounds like we'll need a shakedown soon.

>> No.13621286
Quoted by: >>13621311

Check your privilege, men can be sluts too, especially if they're the only male in the party.

>> No.13621306
Quoted by: >>13621336

With love?

>> No.13621311
Quoted by: >>13621319


the joke

your head

>using check your privilege

Get the fuck out.

>> No.13621319

Of course, this Alp was forced to adapt to her new lifestyle by donning a fake mustache and soul patch.

>> No.13621323

More Setouchi.

>> No.13621325
Quoted by: >>13621330

>you will never ejaculate in that krang mouth

>> No.13621328
Quoted by: >>13621356

Let me guess: Femdom.

>> No.13621330


>> No.13621332

Hey guys, I'm going to kidnap and cuddle Alps in my basement, give them messages and scented bathes, pamper them and shower with affection and thorough dickings and there is nothing you can do to stop me!

>> No.13621333
File: 2.16 MB, 720x405, warframe jiggle.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You ever just have one of those moments where you think about what the fuck you're doing? Found myself fapping to Warframe porn before I realized what I was fapping to.

I think I'm starting to slip. I need help.

>> No.13621336

with rhythm

>> No.13621338

Oh wow, is that 100% humanoid schoolgirl Promestein vanilla?

>> No.13621339
Quoted by: >>13621348


No, you've slipped as far down as you can slip. Now you're just sliding from side to side, like a wurm on an ice rink.

>> No.13621344
Quoted by: >>13622278

>Still the information she gave you was top notch, making it well worth the additional bedding you had to do
>Besides, look at that big grin of hers, she was so happy to help that she could barely contain herself, although Celes still didn't approve of the arrangement, she only tolerated the busty little P'Orc's involvement at best
>Anyways, it was time for your little rendezvous with the captain, asking her for what news she had today
>"Not much I'm afraid," she said in an embarrassed tone, "girls have been a little less talkative than normal, must be a little bored."
>"Or they just don't like you," the melodic, and annoyed, voice of Celes said, appearing next to you and giving the chesty girl a look of disdain, "I doubt your subordinate's would follow you if they didn't think you'd defeated their old captain."
>The thought of being disliked seemed to be an alien concept for Funbags, a small pout forming on her face
>"Nah, couldn't be! The girl's love me!" the chesty captain told the spirit, eyes locking and the air heating between them "You're just jealous that the ranger needs my help and not yours knife ears. Along with something else."
>The way Funbags puffed her chest up a little bit left no doubt about what she was insinuating, Celes visibly straightened at that little accusation
>"I'll have you know that I've been here MUCH longer than you have and have been MUCH more useful than you!" the elf said quite sharply, "Besides, elves are supposed to be lithe and fair, we don't need those mounds of FAT on our chests."
>Funbags only responded by smiling, stepping closer to you so her softness was pressing against you
>As much as you enjoyed the feeling, you had a mission to do, forcing the P'Orc and growling elf ghost apart so you could find out what Funbags had learned
>"Well, you know those Black Captains you're going after?" she said in a slow voice.
>"Well, I know someone who may have fought the Black Hand."
got work, more later

>> No.13621345
Quoted by: >>13621401

And then every exit in anon's house was blocked and the house set on fire. There were no survivors.


>> No.13621348
Quoted by: >>13621357

>as far down as you can slip
you can always fall even further beyond
like in /mlp/

>> No.13621350
Quoted by: >>13621401

Do what you want

>> No.13621351
Quoted by: >>13621373

Which monster girl is best for bathtime?

Which monster girl is worst for bathtime?

>> No.13621354
File: 67 KB, 848x729, Swashbuckling Alp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I demand you unhand these damselles this instant, knave!

>> No.13621356
Quoted by: >>13621369

Is that a problem?

>> No.13621357
Quoted by: >>13621363

Do pony girls count as monstergirls?

Also, it got just a little bit colder when I typed that out.

>> No.13621363

those are certainly monsters

>> No.13621364
File: 69 KB, 848x729, Swashbuckling Alp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Added strings to make the fake facial hair stand out as more fake.

>> No.13621367

Feeling the need to touch yourself to the sight of those buns is perfectly natural.

>> No.13621369

No, I am merely demonstrating my mutant powers.

>> No.13621372
Quoted by: >>13621410

Oh sure, every time I get a new fetish I think for a moment about how fucked up it is. Then I get over it and fap like there's no tomorrow.

>> No.13621373
Quoted by: >>13621378


Hellhound, slimegirl, thunderbird, glacies, and mega holstaurus. All at once.

>> No.13621378
Quoted by: >>13621384

Would Mega Holstaurus float?

>> No.13621384
Quoted by: >>13621393

Natural breasts are buoyant, so yes.

>> No.13621393
Quoted by: >>13621567

Well yes, but could she be used as a raft?

>> No.13621398
File: 372 KB, 650x860, 5321.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you cuddle your Weresheep daughteru to sleep when she's feeling lewd? Because, you know, you can't dick the daughteru.

>> No.13621400
Quoted by: >>13621405

>tfw drawings still better than writefaggotry

>> No.13621401

That's fine. That means I can lock all my Alps in my underground self-sustainable bunker. It's small and a bit cramped, but it'll support all of us, and we'll all be stuck in there, forever and ever!

ok thank you

It's too late, they're all addicted to my cuddle pile! They're all reduced to handholding sluts who beg for their daily kissus and dick!

>> No.13621403
Quoted by: >>13621451

But how would I have a weresheep daughteru? I don't like sheeps.

>> No.13621405

No bully pls.

>> No.13621410
Quoted by: >>13621424

Worrying about it is the worst thing to do, embrace the newfound pleasure and fap away.

That said some of the stuff I fantasize about now would have made me want to hurl 3 years ago.

>> No.13621415
File: 122 KB, 862x720, 1347939648364.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you can't dick the daughteru.

>> No.13621424
Quoted by: >>13621441

The me from the past would be scared of the me of the present. But the me of the present thinks the me of the past was an insufferable brat, so all things considered, future is bright.

>> No.13621427

Jesus what the fuck is happening with the monstergirl threads on /a/, they'are starting to be filled with normalfags and 3D lovers

Suddenly I feel like this is my home instead of /a/

>> No.13621430

>Because, you know, you can't dick the daughteru.
Are you sure about that?

>> No.13621432

Holsty Milk. Good not for just titty monsters, but for making flat lolis as squishy and huggable as can be.

Best taste tho

>> No.13621438

I have no idea what's happening, I don't go there. What's important is that they finally have the threads they wanted, because everything bad has been moved here.

>> No.13621441

I can agree with every part of that.
Makes me really glad these threads moved to /jp/. It always happens on /a/ whenever something gets an anime, especially something as popular as EMG.

>> No.13621447

A model of a happy family, that is not.

>> No.13621449

>Still going to /a/

You seriously felt the endless cycle of horsepussy and rachpsoting over EMG there was a better home this entire last year? Come on bro. Come on.

>> No.13621451
Quoted by: >>13621464


>> No.13621454
Quoted by: >>13621465

Are you an /a/ native if I may ask?

>> No.13621455
File: 187 KB, 535x465, Come here little fly.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13621491

There something wrong with Rach? She's the reason I first entered a Monster Girl thread you know!

>> No.13621456

>going to /a/ for any reason

I guess it would make sense if you liked anime and can deal with the shit. Good thing I don't like anime or shit

>> No.13621460

I never visit it but would peep when EMG airs, just to check how things are.

But who knows, maybe I'll get to see the same here.

>> No.13621461
Quoted by: >>13621480

Try some Metroid Porn to dig yourself up if you feel like Warframe is too much?

I mean, c'mon, some a' dem bodysuits are fantastic.

>> No.13621463
File: 130 KB, 639x381, 50652e59e16a292b8e20f0603dbca1ac.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

With me as the big spoon, arms wrapped around her wait, gently rockling my hips back and forth as my dick slides in and out of her.

On a futon.

On the driveway.

So my dickhead neighbor and his daughter can see.

HFW she asks why they don't have a relationship like that.

>> No.13621464
Quoted by: >>13621467

For what purpose?

>> No.13621465

I'm from the old core from /a/, yes. I don't even think I will open an EMG thread while and after the anime airs.

>People on the EMG threads calling me a newfag when I've been in these threads since they started to be a thing on /d/
Fucks sake.

>> No.13621466

>they'are starting to be filled with normalfags and 3D lovers
So like the entire board? Seriously how have you not seen that?

>> No.13621467
Quoted by: >>13621482

Implying? I wasn't implying. I was quoting. Directly.

>> No.13621470

>Without a sound you leap from the tree and landed without a sound
I swear. Everyone and their dog does this.

>> No.13621473
Quoted by: >>13621498

>3D Lovers
I really do ponder how much of this is serious around here...

Now that is a travesty. Really, what do normalfags even get out of MGs? Why chat in an EMG thread or the like? Do they just compulsively go from one harem anime to the next?

>> No.13621474
Quoted by: >>13621508

You're a terrible father and neighbor.

>> No.13621475

I don't.

>> No.13621478
Quoted by: >>13621508

>they'are starting to be filled with normalfags and 3D lovers
Oh, I can explain that easy Anon!

>Anime coming out
What the fuck did you expect to happen?

Fuck you dude my daughter is fucking great she's already got a huge fucking hoard saved up. And you guys are the real obnoxious neighbors, I can hear your sheep wife baa every fucking night you two do it tell her to shut up so we can sleep.

>> No.13621479

It begins.

>> No.13621480
Quoted by: >>13621493

>Metroid Porn
We need some cute Metroid girls that can't resist the urge to hug their partner.

>> No.13621482
Quoted by: >>13621485

>using quotes correctly
How dare you?

>> No.13621483

That's how it always goes, friend. The old guard gets usurped.

>> No.13621484

The greater logic centers of my mind and personal morality consistently tell me "Do not dick the daughteru".

But by god if it isn't some of the lewdest, most tempting shit around.

>> No.13621485

I've got big cojones, Tommy.

>> No.13621486

Sad thing about /a/ is, I believe "posting standards" is a part of the boards vocabulary, fortunately it isn't widely used.

Also, do they still have the adorably irrational fear that we'll raid them for whatever reason?

>> No.13621490
Quoted by: >>13621516

Sometimes they do, and other times they've posted MGE stuff without anyone flipping their shit.

>> No.13621491

When variants of "Rach a best" is a full 1/4 of a thread, it's a problem. Good thing that doesn't exist here since the split. Oh, there's rachfags here, but they're pretty chill. Either that or they get it out of their system over at /a/ or the board on eight.

>> No.13621493

Well, I did just mean Samus, but sure, that sounds nice.

Actually, could Samus count? I mean, on the one hand, she's been spliced with Super-Bird-Alien DNA, and can roll up into a ball.
On the other, outwardly, she looks entirely human...

>> No.13621494

Sounds to me like you don't believe in democracy there, sonny.

>> No.13621498

They don't like things that aren't like them. They like to pretend like they aren't normalfags and aren't the same as everybody else, so they go to places like 4chan and /a/ so that they can say 'lol so nrdy' and can look cool in front of their normalfag friends. When they get there though they forcibly try to change everybody and everything to their way of thinking because obviously anybody different than them is wrong, so they shitpost nonstop and call other people newfags to make it seem like they've been there all along and everybody else is wrong. They do this until the entire thread/board becomes like them, then they leave because 'its not cool any more', they find a new thing to destroy. Normalfags are literally cancer, they feed on the destruction of good things, then move to something else when they're done.

>> No.13621505

from behind and in her poop shoot
it's not real sex that way and is therefore A-OK

>> No.13621508

How's it feel knowing your daughter will become a female lizard to a Chad Thundercock?

>terrible father
Not by monsters standard I'm not.
Hey, after the fifth time I found a pamphlet on the evils of incest nailed to my door, the odd looks, and how my daughteru and I were disgusting sinners, I reserve the right to be a dick to that dude.

>> No.13621510

>Also, do they still have the adorably irrational fear that we'll raid them for whatever reason?
Yes, which is pretty retarded because the ones who are from /a/ didn't stop posting just because the threads moved here.

>> No.13621512
File: 131 KB, 800x600, Have dating sims went to far.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She probably doesn't count.

>> No.13621516
Quoted by: >>13621521

Is there any other stuff they flip their shit at the mere mention of 90% of the time?

Like here, we've got futa, yuri, NTR, monsterboys, etc.

>> No.13621518

Unless she's hiding some feathers somewhere no.

>> No.13621520

And it didn't quote for some reason >>13621493

>> No.13621521

I dunno, I don't spend that much time there. Why don't you take one for the team and find out? For science?

>> No.13621522
Quoted by: >>13621539

I thought that's what tumblr was for?

That and the sharing of lewd shit.

>> No.13621525
Quoted by: >>13621571

>Not by monsters standard I'm not.
Monsters are terrible parents, if you adhere to their standard you are a terrible parent. Maybe if you didn't have a child specifically for the purpose of fucking her, people would think you weren't a terrible person. Maybe if you actually cared for your wife, and didn't go sleeping with other women, they would think you were decent.

>> No.13621526

The answer is no.

>> No.13621533

>How's it feel knowing your daughter will become a female lizard to a Chad Thundercock?

If he manages it, he deserves it.

>> No.13621534
Quoted by: >>13621539

So they're hipsters.

>> No.13621536
File: 417 KB, 624x1004, the_perils_of_slow_gradual_realization_by_kipteitei-d8r92cq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that Wolfu Waifus need to be taken on walks, or else they end up gaining weight. Those that gain weight are subject to loads of medical issues and will likely be miserable.

Please take your wolfu on walks and exercise her. Abs > Flabs. To help fight wolfu weight, tell us how you want to exercise your wolfu!

>> No.13621537
File: 247 KB, 800x1122, 1413168483035.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uh-oh! Your waifu is on the bed, dressed in something goofy and refuses to break character while demanding sex!

>> No.13621538
Quoted by: >>13621550

>How's it feel knowing your daughter will become a female lizard to a Chad Thundercock?
What shitty headcanon do you have that those animals still exist?

>> No.13621539
Quoted by: >>13621556

It keeps the bulk of them contained, but some of them think tumblr is too mainstream for them, and that they have to convert other places.
Worse, normalfag hipsters.

>> No.13621542

Give my waifu a strapon to ream her anus with as I ream my waifu's anus.

>> No.13621546

>sister is a metroid

am I a metroid?

>> No.13621548

You get the fuck out.
If she's pretending to be a native, I pretend to be a settler and rape her. If she's something else, I be the antithesis of that and rape her.

>> No.13621550


>> No.13621553

/monster/ doesn't have much on EMG. There maybe a thread or two about it but the board is mostly CYOA's, image dumps, writefaggotry, and drawfaggotry.

>> No.13621556
Quoted by: >>13621560

Containment is a myth, a large amount of tumblr and reddit users post on /a/. Don't believe me? Go lurk /r/anime sometime and see the countless mentions of /a/ and people posting stitches/jokes from there.

>> No.13621557
File: 260 KB, 497x638, homestay_translation-update.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't mind exercising with her, but she tends to go overboard with it

>> No.13621558

Nope, parents remarried. So its incest with her is totally ok because she's not actually blood related and everybody wants you to get together but you're too suborn and think incest is wrong!
Coming this summer.

>> No.13621559

Delete that

>> No.13621560

>le reddit and tumblr are bad guys! meme
/r9k/ pls!

>> No.13621563

Depends, can you see your organs through your stomach? If not she might be your step sister.

>> No.13621567

It depends. I don't know what the density of holstaurus breasts are, but if their volume was large enough (though again, I have no idea what the rough scale would be, due to not knowing the density) then their buoyant force exerted could be enough to keep the holstaurus and a +1 afloat, perhaps. Though it's also entirely possible that, at that size, they might just be too large for the holst to stay afloat during a backstroke anyway.

Unfortunately, doing a Google search for breast density only gives me results for things relating to cancer and mammograms, and no actual hard numbers.

But, with some further reading, we find out that breasts are composed mostly of fat and breast tissue, which is where the milk comes from. The density of human fat is 909.4kg/m^3. You can probably assume that holsts have a higher ratio of breast tissue to fat than your average human woman, but seeing as how I don't know its density, I'm going to exclude it entirely.

Actually, no, wait, let's Google the average density of a human. It's around 990 kg/m^3, and the density of seawater is about 1020 kg/m^3. Now we need to know the volume of a human, I think. Wolfram Alpha says it's about 0.0664 m^3. I can't remember where to go from there, because it's been years since I did this stuff in high school. You do something with volume and density to work out the buoyancy, and then see if that buoyancy is enough to cancel out the weight, or something.

>> No.13621568
Quoted by: >>13621581

I re-enact that one skit from Robot Chicken where the wife wanted to role play Pirates of the Caribbean. That should get her to stop all this stupid dress-up nonsense.

>> No.13621570

>Defending tumblr and reddit

>> No.13621571

>caring about the opinions of mansluts, bitchboys, bishiefags, anti harem fags
>listening to men who don't fuck their daughters

Smug loli maid.jpg

>> No.13621573

You'd have a point if a ton of the stuff that is killing boards wasn't popular on those sites.

>> No.13621574

>demanding sex
That's not how things go in my house.

>> No.13621579

Reddit and Tumblr are honestly nice websites and I don't get the circlejerk. I'm almost 100% sure at least 4/5s of this thread of an account on both and they're just no admitting it because it isn't cool.

>> No.13621581

Dammit I thought of that too. Its pretty much the first thing my mind goes to when I think of role play sex.
Don't respond to them, its really obvious bait.

>> No.13621583

The only thing tumblr is good for is the hosting of porn and quality artwork. And yes, there is a sea of awful art too, but the same can be said of dA, Pixiv, anywhere. But there is quality stuff to be found if you know where to look.

reddit is only good for being just another place that game info and helpful tips are posted. All other facets of the site are worthless.

>> No.13621584
Quoted by: >>13621618

>I'm almost 100% sure at least 4/5s of this thread have an account on both
Top kek.

>> No.13621589
Quoted by: >>13621618

I've thought about getting a tumblr so that I can properly follow the artists I like, but reddit?

Hah, fuck that.

>> No.13621592

If you people were fish, you would have been caught and eaten years ago.

>> No.13621593
Quoted by: >>13621618

Oh wait, you're serious?

>> No.13621594

I think you're over estimating. I'm sure that acceptable environments like the the IRC have a much lower number than 80%.

>> No.13621600

Social Darwinists pls go and stay go.

>> No.13621601
Quoted by: >>13621607

>you people

What do you mean "you people"??

>> No.13621603
Quoted by: >>13621616

If I were a fish, I would've gone after an anglerfish, just to see if all the rumours were true.

>> No.13621605

>Reddit and Tumblr are honestly nice websites
>I'm almost 100% sure at least 4/5s of this thread of an account on both
Nah go fuck yourself

>> No.13621607

Everyone but him, obviously.

>> No.13621614

Big fat purring cat tats pressed onto your body.

>> No.13621615

I want to be caught and "eaten" by a Karken.

>> No.13621616
Quoted by: >>13621644

I'd love to see how KC manages to get around the true facts of the Anglerfish in his inevitable Anglerfishgirl.

>> No.13621618
Quoted by: >>13621690

Nice meme bro

Reddit is where I go to have serious discussion, 4chan is where I go to have fun

Yeah, why wouldn't I be? Like I said, just because it's a meme to hate the websites doesn't mean you have to pretend. 4chan is the Global rank icon 795 biggest website in the world, and has millions of people from around the world visit it a month.

4chan isn't some secret cult that you only visit and no other website. It's a big iconic part of the internet and most people visit it. Stop acting like some secret guild.

>> No.13621619 [SPOILER] 
File: 452 KB, 750x752, 1433791276958.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how are you today, anon

>> No.13621620

>/a/ isn't even here and people are already at each other's throats with le tumblr and reddit

It's going to be a very entertaining summer.

>> No.13621622

And that concludes the good portion of the thread.
Stay tuned, because up next we have 5 hours of shitstorms!

>> No.13621625

Cheshire cat tats?

>> No.13621629

Bait time?

>> No.13621630
Quoted by: >>13621639

No. Oppai loli cait sith

>> No.13621631

But carkin don't even have mouths. They just have grills in the shape of mouths.

>> No.13621632
File: 275 KB, 957x933, 50647171_p37_master1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Waiting for that second part to come out.

>> No.13621633

Nah, I'm just gonna ignore the shitposters and talk about the thing I came here for.

See >>13621625

>> No.13621634

Damn, cant party during a shitstorm

>> No.13621635

I didn't not know I wanted this till now.

>> No.13621639

That's a whole lotta nope for me.

>> No.13621644

>She is a monstergirl who loves to hug. Because she is a monstergirl who loves to hug so much, it is sometimes said that those who are hugged by an anglerfish girl will never escape, and will be confined to an endless life of being milked by her over and over.

I tried to make it as redundant and accurate to the other profile translations as possible.

>> No.13621650


>Get caught by a monster who says she's going to eat you
>She playfully nibbles on your earlobe and licked in some areas
>She whispers how delicious you are.

>> No.13621652

You pretty much nailed it.
Throw in some "Nah, all the guys like it because of not-brainwashing" and it's good to go.

>> No.13621653
Quoted by: >>13621698

Any kind you want bro.

>> No.13621654

Pretty much what happens with lamias, hellhounds, and manticores too.
That's part of why they're great.

>> No.13621659
Quoted by: >>13621664

No black scelera?

>> No.13621663


That's Yeti's shtick you whore.

>> No.13621664
File: 103 KB, 555x639, 005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13621673

That's probably a human form she uses to stalk her man with.

>> No.13621665
Quoted by: >>13621671

Fear boners followed by heart boners are the best.

>> No.13621671
Quoted by: >>13621693

Aren't fear and arousal in the same part of the brain?

>> No.13621673

kind of hate the giant moth body attached to the back of her head tbh

>> No.13621688

That's OK, it hates you too

>> No.13621690
Quoted by: >>13621703

>Reddit is where I go to have serious discussion
>replies are ordered by popularity
Sure brah

>> No.13621691


>> No.13621692
File: 86 KB, 1200x400, 1431872435324.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13621732

Ignore the fact that she's actually a parasitic moth that mutates her host in order to find a man to mate with.

Pay no attention to the pulsating moth who is pumping her full of chemicals and making her think that she wants to do those things.

>> No.13621693

All the primitive drives are in your old reptile core. Fear, hunger, sex, sleep.

>> No.13621694

Translator-fag often posts EMG scans with their corresponding translation.

>> No.13621698
Quoted by: >>13621706

Then she shall be Cheshire. And her cat tats shall be the biggest and lewdest, as shall her catbutt.

>> No.13621703

Don't reply to him

>> No.13621706

That'll cost you about tree-fiddy.

>> No.13621715

That's when I realize she wasn't a Chesire but a Gah Dom Loch Ness monstar.

>> No.13621722
Quoted by: >>13621737

Okay I'll give you tree-fiddy, just let me enjoy my curvy lewd kitty.

>> No.13621732
Quoted by: >>13621735

>she's actually a parasitic moth
Where'd you hear that from?

>> No.13621735
Quoted by: >>13621746

I made it up.

>> No.13621737
Quoted by: >>13621743

NO! If you give him da money now, he'll assume you have more!

>> No.13621743

If he gives me the Cheshire I won't need to give him more.

>> No.13621746
File: 260 KB, 700x973, 1433476855298.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13621752

Oh, you worried me you salty dog.

>> No.13621752

Its probably true, though

>> No.13621768
File: 528 KB, 545x830, 87993ec310f55130fb1efb677f9c7ac1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your daughteru one night comes and shyly asks you if you can sleep together since it's so lonely with only the both of you in the house. You're sure that she's a bit too old for this sort of thing, but she insists.
The house really seems much more cold and silent since the accident, and she has barely wanted to talk to anyone since then.

What do?

>> No.13621770

She's a little old to be sleeping in bed with her dad, isn't she?

>> No.13621771

Sure, she's my daughteru and I couldn't say no to her.

>> No.13621773

Why not?

>> No.13621774

Let her in and cuddlefuck her while telling her how much I love her and how pretty she is.

>> No.13621775

Why is my daughteru human? Where did I go wrong?

Still cute, okay she can get half the bed.

>> No.13621778

She's adopted. Your MG waifu loves her like she was her own.

>> No.13621784
Quoted by: >>13621786

>Your MG waifu
Why do you think it's so lonely with the two of you?

>> No.13621786
Quoted by: >>13621791

Your MG waifu is away on a business trip

>> No.13621789

>Since the accident
You mean the waifu is dead now?

I doubt my daughteru would want to sleep in the same bed as a lousy excuse for a husband/father like me, but OK. I was just a househusband, I always obeyed my wife and lovingly and kindly raised the daughteru. Without her anymore, I'm useless, I can't live and survive on my own. I might as well be dead, that's how useful I am. The only reason for living anymore now is to make sure my daughteru is happy and try to meet her needs the best I can.

I'd b a complete depressed wreck without my waifu to guide me.

>> No.13621791

>Business trip

Waifu is a cheating slut confirmed.

>> No.13621794
Quoted by: >>13621807

Why isn't my waifu there

>> No.13621797

Why didn't your waifu shape you up to be a respectable, self-sufficient man before she died?
Why didn't she, on her deathbed, inspire you to be the best you can be to show your daughter the way to a happy future?

>> No.13621806

One has to wonder: In a world where monsters exist that are pretty much more attractive than human women in just about every way, what measures do people take to ensure humans survive. I mean, yeah, there are still going to be human couples, but probably not enough to ensure stable populations of humans. Would the government have some sort of donation program for human women to have kids, or would they incentivise couples having human children?

>> No.13621807

The accident.

>> No.13621809

We've talked about this before. The Farms.

>> No.13621812

I hate your stupid threadcanon anon.

>> No.13621815

It's the most likely one to work though, in fact it'd be guaranteed to work. If you don't like it, then tell me what you'd do.

>> No.13621816

long as you don't try to sex me up while I'm trying to get my beauty sleep sure

>> No.13621817

>Would the government have some sort of donation program for human women to have kids, or would they incentivise couples having human children?
Probably both. Monstergirls are also interested in human women having children so I can imagine a monstergirl being a wingwoman

>> No.13621823

Four words. Monster girls birth human sons.
Boom, fucking amazing I know, and no shit 'solutions' like>>13621809

>> No.13621827
Quoted by: >>13621863

>Tanuki jerks her husband off into a cup
>Uses it to artificially inseminate a human woman
>Gives her room and board for the duration of the pregnancy
>She gives birth, it's a boy
>"Okay congratulations thanks for the kid now get out"

>> No.13621828


>> No.13621835

But how else are traitors supposed to jack off?

>> No.13621836

Consider that monster world only has at max, 35'ish million people worldwide. That's humans and monsters. Humans outnumber monsters almost 10:1 in MGE.

A simple limit on the number of children a monster couple can have before they reach a certain population works in-perpetuity. Enforcing it would be kind of tough, but them's the breaks. KC is more for the whole extinction of humanity and continuation via the 3rd race of monstergirls and incubi though.

Your headcanon is just as shit as his, anon.

>> No.13621839

>A simple change that would solve literally all the problems.
>'No that's shit and so are you'
I honestly don't understand.

>> No.13621841

>How do we stop people from having cancer?
>Just remove cancer as a concept! Problem solved!
Anon the whole point of the question is to figure out how to overcome the problem of Monster Girls not having human boys. Just saying they can doesn't solve the problem, it's like saying a problm shouldn't exist.

And besides there is literally nothing wrong with farms, it is the perfect win-win solution.

>> No.13621842

>monstergirl being a wingwoman
I imagine onis doing this

>> No.13621844

It doesn't sound like the worst thing that has been said all day. What was the problem people had with it in the first place, anyway?

>> No.13621846

You don't have to, Anon. People with shit ideas often miscaculate how shit their ideas are.

>> No.13621847

>Monster girls birth human sons.
As long as it's something rare I'm ok with it. Something like, 85/15?

>> No.13621849

Why was monstergirls giving birth to human children a bad thing? I can't remember the last time someone posted reasons against it.

>> No.13621850
Quoted by: >>13621865

>one is future canon in mge
>other is camp to stick humans into
>just as shit as his

Oh yeah, totally the same, genius.

>> No.13621853
Quoted by: >>13621858

>And besides there is literally nothing wrong with farms, it is the perfect win-win solution.
This is what traitors actually believe.

>> No.13621856

Disdain for plebs.

>> No.13621857
Quoted by: >>13621873

Of course you don't undertstand. You're for it.

>> No.13621858
Quoted by: >>13621873

Alright then Mr. Paladin, tell me the problems with Farms.

>> No.13621859

Fuck off traitor-kun.

>> No.13621863
Quoted by: >>13621878

>The accumulation of demonic energy throughout the nine months ends up warping her
>Nobody notices the symptoms other than herself, but she's too terrified to speak about it
>When she finally gives birth it's to a healthy and happy tanuki daughteru

>> No.13621865
Quoted by: >>13621869

>Incubi are humans

>> No.13621869

According to traitors, they are, only a bit better.

>> No.13621872

I like the farms as long as the older women get monsterfied when they hit menopause and are then freed into the world.

All those delicious Ara Ara monstergirls looking for husbands.

>> No.13621873

So that automatically means I can never understand the opposition?
I'd say 'you are literally treating your fellow man like livestock' but you're a traitor, you don't care what happens to any human being so long as you get your dick wet.

>> No.13621878
Quoted by: >>13621921

What if every human women had a monster girl babies do to some bullshit demon magic

What if monster girls replaced all competition this way?

>> No.13621880
Quoted by: >>13621893

What if she's a vampire?

>> No.13621889


>> No.13621891
Quoted by: >>13621897

More like looking for counseling or taking revenge after half a life of slavery.

>> No.13621892

Not him, but I care very much about my fellow man, which is why I want them to live long lives and never worry about going hungry.

>> No.13621893

She gets dicked.

>> No.13621897

Nobody would care what they think.

>> No.13621899

Why not just go after a monster girl who just looks human, like >>13620178?

>> No.13621902

Releasing the women and letting them monsterize to compete for the few husbands of their own would be counter productive to the purpose of farming humans.

>> No.13621906

if they've spent their entire time in their breeding human boys then they could easily get ten human boys out.

>> No.13621914
Quoted by: >>13621920

Are we culling the human girls born? Or letting them grow up to become breeders and eventual monsters?

>> No.13621917

>you are literally treating your fellow man like livestock

The whole point of the farms is to ensure humanity lives so they can continue.

In the beginning Human Girls are given two options: Corrupt themselves into Monsters, or go to the Farms. The only exception would be women who hit menopause, it'd be pointless to send them to the farms. Any female members of the Order or women who are considered terrorists of the state would automatically be sent to the farms.

Girls sent to the farms have all the food and luxury they need, it's essentially a hedonistic lifestyle. They don't have to care about anything but their simplest pleasures, and they get fucked on the daily. For human girls that probably never get pussy and can't find jobs since they're inferior to a Monster candidate, it'd be heaven.

Hell, some Monster Girls would probably sneak into farms, and other Human girls might end up voluntarily going there too. It's pretty much a "Give up on life" place, where you can focus solely on the simple things and never worry about taxes, or neighbors again.

The farms ensure Human Women as a species survive, and that Human Boys get pumped back into society, sustaining the population. I see absolutely no downsides to this system at all.

>> No.13621919
File: 384 KB, 1024x576, a308d18ebde8ac9b6ef3c7fd031c48e7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Anon... Despite treating y-you like shit all this time... I actually always thought you were re-really cool... Did you ever f-f-feel the same way... about me?"

How do you respond

>> No.13621920

>making more anti-monster humans

>> No.13621921

Then there wouldn't be any more men.

>> No.13621923


>> No.13621924

Oh Nothing. I'm certainly not using 1000th Dan Kendo Techniques to create tears in Reality locking you in an inescapable maze of dimensions filled with Eldritch Horrors that could rend flesh by merely being within the same realm as you.
I'm just sitting here with a helpless leaf, that couldn't cut talc, let alone dimensional barriers.

>> No.13621925

>Please use your sippy cup, you keep spilling your kool aid all over you. You're like a child sometimes I swear. I sometimes wonder why I bother hanging out with an immature Dark Elf like you. I-It's certainly not because I like you or anything.

>> No.13621927

If they're spending their entire life from puberty to menopause they can get WAY more than 10 out. Lets say they hit puberty at 10 and menopause at 50, that's 40 years they could be birthing children at a rate of 1.25 per year. Lets also say the boy to girl birth ratio is 50%, that's still 25 possible boys they could birth.
Obviously all these numbers are rounded as fuck but still, 10 boys is a very low estimate, the sperm quality would have to be pretty shtity to be that low in that amount of time.

>> No.13621929


>> No.13621934
File: 89 KB, 896x358, Yorick.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13621935
Quoted by: >>13621941

>The farms ensure Human Women as a species survive
>implying you even care

You just want monsters to get their spirit energy generators, traitor scum.

>> No.13621937

Hey yo tony where'd you get that fresh pepperoni

>> No.13621940

>implying you give a shit about the human women
All you care about is that humans are inferior to monsters yet monsters still somehow rely on human men to literally survive.

>> No.13621941

Yes, but whys that bad?

Human Women don't die off as a species and get food, water, and dick. They're happy.

Monster Girls don't die off as a race and can adopt cute little human boys to raise and give their daughter an otouto. They're happy.

Human Boys get sex and loving homes. They're happy.

Who loses in this arrangement? The Order? The Order was gonna lose anyway so who cares.

>> No.13621942
Quoted by: >>13621955

That's the point, monster girls are a interdimensional menace that goes world to world depleting the 'resources'

>> No.13621945

> I see absolutely no downsides to this system at all
If you don't mind you losing your head, along with the rest of your ilk, then no, I suppose there aren't any.

>> No.13621952
Quoted by: >>13621973

>"Does this mean I get your stuff?"

>> No.13621953

>how do you respond
did you finish the ketchup, fatty?

>> No.13621954
Quoted by: >>13622023

See, you lost the moment you admitted your fellow humans are just livestock for your monster mistresses.

What kind of moron would listen to a single word after that?

>> No.13621955


>Can there be a peace between us?
>Peace? No peace.
>What do you want us to do?

>> No.13621956

>"I caught a dark elf!"

>> No.13621963
Quoted by: >>13622023

>be a prisoner/baby factory/food

Boy, they sure did a number on your brain, Jimmy.

>> No.13621966

>Human Women don't die off as a species
That's your first problem, you're treating human women as another species, you're treating them as literal cattle. I almost don't want to ask if you'd be perfectly fine with your mother and any other female relatives you have being put in there.
Whats to stop anybody from abusing them? All they do is birth children, so why should anybody give them anything other than the minimum of what they need to survive? Whats to stop anybody from hurting, or even killing a few of them? They can always be replaced, and they're just cattle so its no big deal.
>Who loses in this arrangement?
Humanity as a whole. I don't understand how people like you even exist, you're entire way of thinking goes completely against self preservation and the preservation of our species, you literally aren't human.

>> No.13621973
Quoted by: >>13621979

That's my shtick you fuck.

>> No.13621977

>That's your first problem, you're treating human women as another species
>Implying they're not

>> No.13621978

>human women
>species apart

>> No.13621979


>> No.13621980
File: 434 KB, 1164x1463, 1423330332356.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't we just kill the monstergirls and hook up with the cute paladins?

You wouldn't seriously send your sister or your mother to a farm, much less turn them into monsters against their will?

Pic unrelated, she's just a nerd knight.

>> No.13621985

Paladins are dumb mean and smelly. I hope they all die alone.

>> No.13621987

No, but I'm up for killing all traitors and living in a world where humans and monster girls are actually equal.

>> No.13621991

I'd run my mother and sister over with a car if I could get away with it.

>> No.13621993

I'm going to infiltrate into the Order and poison all the females with diverse monstergirl venoms!

>> No.13621994

Man, I really want to like monster girls.
But this KC-land dystopia and these traitor fascists are really not helping.

>> No.13621997
Quoted by: >>13622010

Need to kill a ton of order folk too then, they wouldn't like that idea.

>> No.13621998

>tfw most traitors are probably monster girls.

>> No.13622000

>Human Women don't die off as a species and get food, water, and dick. They're happy.

Isn't that kind of fucked up though? Pretty sure most women have goals and aspirations outside of being well maintained breeding machine.

Is it worth damning half the human race for qt mg gfs?

>> No.13622001
Quoted by: >>13622010

But anon, if humans are left to their own devices , they'll destroy monstergirls. Which is why we need traitors.

>> No.13622003

Not the kind of monster girl I want to hang out with.

>> No.13622005

That's why you just focus on the girls and completely ignore the setting itself. There's a reason MGC and stories set in modern times are so popular, the girls are amazing but KC is awful at world building.

>> No.13622008

>Is it worth damning half the human race for qt mg gfs?

>> No.13622010

Or you could do like the other guy said and kill all the reverse-traitors.
Pretty much this, KC's world sucks ass.

>> No.13622011

Not really a great point to bring up, but I getcha.

No seriously, fuck MGC too.

>> No.13622013

Are we talking here about cute 2D human girls or 3D bitches?

That's what will make me join one side or the other

>> No.13622015
File: 208 KB, 750x1050, 1423330300349.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13622020

I want to set out on a monster killing quest with a qt paladin and watch her slowly transform into a dullahan without noticing until I take her head off of her shoulders and rape her mouth!

>> No.13622020
Quoted by: >>13622045

She's fucking ugly. The artist fucked it up with the face.

>> No.13622023

Why are Paladinfags such easily triggered?

>You said no-no word so who cares if your proposal is the most logical one!

Well they can certainly leave, but there's not much out there for them. As a human girl they'd be largely ignored in favor of Monster Girls by everybody, and the demonic energy in the air would probably convert them to Monsters anyways.

The only girls that'd be there by force would be the Paladingirls since they killed people are are bad.

In a farm they have luxuries and don't have to worry about anything but resting and fucking. It is as easy as life gets. Outside they have to worry about money, shopping, eating, trying to find a human boy to fuck, not corrupting, and so on. It is as easy as life gets.

In a world with Monster Girls, yeah they would be a whole different species compared to Harpies, Lamias, and shit.

>Whats to stop anybody from abusing them? All they do is birth children, so why should anybody give them anything other than the minimum of what they need to survive? Whats to stop anybody from hurting, or even killing a few of them? They can always be replaced, and they're just cattle so its no big deal.
That'd be retarded why would they? I mean, do you see people beating up Pandas because "Who can stop them?" No, that'd be counter intuitive to the whole point of keeping them. And besides Monster Girls aren't fucking soulless you know.

>Humanity as a whole. I don't understand how people like you even exist, you're entire way of thinking goes completely against self preservation and the preservation of our species, you literally aren't human.
The whole fucking point is TO ensure humanity lives. That is the entire reason for it. If that wasn't they'd just let Human Girls stick around in Monster Girl society and inevitably die out.

Anon most people aren't determined, they're shallow and basic. If they want goals then they can leave the farm and get them, most wouldn't though.

>> No.13622028

Fuck these traitor and order shitheads.

Third faction all day, every day.

>> No.13622030

Well meme'd.

>> No.13622031

Loner faction best faction

>> No.13622033

Sign me up for the genocide crusade.

>Just ignore the world anon, you have me, don't think about anything else. Just stay here, with me, forever.


>> No.13622034
Quoted by: >>13622043

>As a human girl they'd be largely ignored in favor of Monster Girls
Not sure why you thought I was only talking about the females.

>> No.13622039

No, you're not allowed.
So sayeth Eros.

>> No.13622040

Wait, do we work together/hang out or are we hyper individualists?

>> No.13622043
Quoted by: >>13622056

You think the Human Boys would be prisoner there? Dude Human Boys would be lining up for a job where you got to fuck countless chicks with no obligations and get paid for it.

>> No.13622045
File: 168 KB, 600x900, 1423353120446.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fine, take this one.

but now she'll only become a lizardgirl.

>> No.13622050

We take very man/woman/MG we can get.

Lots of assholes on the horizon...

>> No.13622053
Quoted by: >>13622078

>That'd be retarded why would they? I mean, do you see people beating up Pandas because "Who can stop them?" No, that'd be counter intuitive to the whole point of keeping them.
You're calling human girls cattle, do you see people fucking with cows all the time? Yes, because there's a lot of them and they are lower than humans, which is what you're saying human girls are. You're trying to put them at a lower level than humans while still having the mentality that they are equal, which is fucking retarded.
>And besides Monster Girls aren't fucking soulless you know.
When it comes to human women they are.
>The whole fucking point is TO ensure humanity lives. That is the entire reason for it. If that wasn't they'd just let Human Girls stick around in Monster Girl society and inevitably die out.
So you'd rather ever human either be a breeding slave or a cum slave than have a world world where humans and monster girls are actually equal? Just admit you want to serve some monster girl mistress with your life and be done with it, stop trying to bring everybody down with you. Just because you know some shitty people doesn't mean literally every human that has ever been and ever will be is a shitty person.

>> No.13622056
Quoted by: >>13622078

>implying you'd let human boys who are born there just walk out
Tell me another one

>> No.13622065

Monstergirls are alright, but I think humans are nice, too.

>> No.13622070

Then you're a horrible order paladin that needs to die!

>> No.13622071
File: 498 KB, 1920x2160, Colored Anubis mecha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13622076

Depends on the human. Anyway, can we get back to discussing what the thread is about now?

>> No.13622072

Typically we're on our own a lot, but when we have to we'll work together.

>> No.13622076
Quoted by: >>13622083

>what the thread is about

Is it about monstergirl gattai?

>> No.13622078

Cows also aren't sentient. And I never called them cattle, stop trying to change shit.

>You're trying to put them at a lower level than humans while still having the mentality that they are equal
How am I doing that? Again, it's not like they have to stay, it's just that most would choose it since it's easier than the alternative.

>So you'd rather ever human either be a breeding slave or a cum slave than have a world world where humans and monster girls are actually equal
Stop changing shit. There's no slavery, being a husband isn't slavery. A world without some population control ensuring there was a balance of Human Boys to sustain the population and Human Girls to sustain the Human population isn't equality, it's doomed because inevitably one of those towers will collapse on itself and destroy everything.

>Just because you know some shitty people doesn't mean literally every human that has ever been and ever will be is a shitty person.
>When it comes to human women [Monser Girls] are [soulless].
Bravo Order

That's the point, the Human Boys born there get shipped out and adopted by Monster Girls. They grow up and a few might get a job there while in college to pay the bills.

>> No.13622083
Quoted by: >>13622102

>Pyramech GATTAING with Wurm mech and generic third mech meant for filler
>Forms super mech
Someone pls

>> No.13622088
Quoted by: >>13622105

Okay I think "farm" is mostly giving people an image of a place with shitty living conditions and is basically a prison. I mean what's this place like?

>> No.13622091

>Human Boys born there get shipped out
Like the cattle they are.

>and adopted by Monster Girls
Oh great, now they can grow up to be traitorous degenerates like you.

>> No.13622099
Quoted by: >>13622106

What's wrong with giving human boys loving and happy homes where they can learn to live with and love monstergirls

>> No.13622102
Quoted by: >>13622118

The Pharaoh's mech, because the Pharaoh is to Anubis what the Silver Ranger is to the rest of the Power Rangers.

>> No.13622105
Quoted by: >>13622110

It'd probably be like a massive Hotel, only with high security to ensure no undesirables get in, and far into the country out of sight from the general population. They probably let human girls do whatever as long as they don't leave and engage in so many fuckings a day until they're pregnant in which case wait until birth, and repeat.

Oomukades would probably try to sneak in all the time for free dick.

>Being this soulless

>> No.13622106

>Ripping them from their human mother
Keep digging, you're almost in China.

>> No.13622110

>Says the guy in charge of the cattle farm

I appreciate the keks, no really I do.

>> No.13622113
File: 606 KB, 1400x1900, b171fcf8222e2420e51639d246d011b0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to touch the tanuki.

>> No.13622115
Quoted by: >>13622119

Their mother is too busy to raise them. Besides, what about the poor Monster mothers that want a cute baby boy?

>> No.13622117
Quoted by: >>13622131


>> No.13622118
Quoted by: >>13622198

Will there be a Green Dragonzord? And a Dragon playing the flute while wearing the Green Ranger outfit?

>> No.13622119

To busy being cattle, you mean.

>> No.13622121
Quoted by: >>13622130

>Implying their human mother even wants him, or would recognize him
To her it'd be baby #38. To a loving Wight though, it'd be a beautiful baby boy for her to raise.

>> No.13622122

Like the good obedient goy you are?

>> No.13622129
File: 137 KB, 620x877, 65.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's more twisted scenario than usual I just thought about.

What if a guy travels to a world where there's nothing but men and monstergirls? But the monstergirls can't give birth to sons. Baby boys just show up on the nights of new moons, while some monstergirls vanish without a trace.

He tries to explore around and near the old edifices of the fallen human civilizations and each time, his holstaur companion pulls him away in fear, though he's sure he hears noises and the sounds of machines vibrating into his feet.

After a vicious war that destroyed almost everything, the human civilization has moved completely underground where they merged with the last remnants of the pure dwarves. The passage of time has corrupted them in ways they made sure mamano mana could not.

Since all the main stock animals went extinct due to a combination of the war and mamano mana transforming them into monstergirls, the monstergirls are the main meat supply, once they are purified of residual mana of course. Non-stock monstergirls steal their husbands from the others.

Man was always the original most terrible monster after all.

Yes I was thinking of the Time Machine, but it's still an interesting inversion of traitor-kuns farms I think.

>> No.13622130
Quoted by: >>13622137

>implying that's your decision to make

>> No.13622131

All over although mostly that lovely tail of hers.

>> No.13622134
Quoted by: >>13622146

What would happen if I pulled that leaf off her head?

>> No.13622137
Quoted by: >>13622147

If she wanted to raise a family she wouldn't be in a farm. She's in a farm to enjoy a pleasurable easy lifestyle, not raise a family.

>> No.13622138

Good thing being a necromancer is so cool.
I always wanted a Dark Elf Wight fucktoy.

>> No.13622141
Quoted by: >>13622154


>> No.13622146

It would be extremely painful.

>> No.13622147

Oh, NOW you decide it's opt-in.
Isn't that convenient?

>> No.13622154

>when it's a straight parody of the OG example

>> No.13622155
Quoted by: >>13622168

She's a big girl

>> No.13622157
File: 863 KB, 277x300, 1399405247305.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13622159
Quoted by: >>13622163

What do you care? You don't even like monster girls. Why are you here?

>> No.13622160
Quoted by: >>13622169

normal animals aren't affected like that by mamono mana
overall meh/10

>> No.13622162
Quoted by: >>13622167

Unless you were a Paladingirl it was always an Opt-Out program.

It's just that Opting Out involves corrupting into a Monster Girl.

>> No.13622163

>changing the subject
Ok, I'll play along.

Please point out where I said that.

>> No.13622167
Quoted by: >>13622177

Yes, I can see some folks having a problem with that system.

>> No.13622168

For you.

>> No.13622169

Objects and animals are. Just not the demon realm animals. Though KC also adds "The animal loves you" to the requirement criteria.

>> No.13622171
File: 153 KB, 500x700, 720e0fa3c615ecc74e43eb0d3cf7923f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you prove that you are worthy enough to fight by a Valkyrie's side?

>> No.13622174
Quoted by: >>13622179

Can I fight under her?

>> No.13622177

Well that's just how the world works. With all that demonic energy floating around in a Monster Girl society, you think a human girl wouldn't corrupt?

Besides, those that don't want the life in the farm probably wouldn't care about that. Human Boys wouldn't want them, employers wouldn't want them, and they'd stick out like a sore thumb.

>> No.13622178

I can't tell if those victory posed fingers are by the m.guy on the right or the girl above the,

>> No.13622179

No. She likes it on her side.

>> No.13622183

>Well that's just how the world works
How very japanese of you. No wonder you like MGE dystopia.

>> No.13622184

Big Chief sends you one when you become worthy. Her being there is the proof. Next question.

>> No.13622191

>Well that's just how the world works.

Funny, because before the new Demon Lord, the world worked a different way and that changed. Therefore it could change again.

>> No.13622194
Quoted by: >>13622225


Would you travel with a Valkyrie while listening to the Valkyrie Profile ost?


>> No.13622198

Why not?

>Anubis is the leader of the Desert Patrol
>Spinx is the second in command, the brains of the team
>The Khepri twins are the team defenders. They excel in fastball special-ing each other, and using their shells and demonic enegery spheres to create barriers
>The girtablilu is the sneaky infiltrator. Everyone treats her as if she's some intimidating, dark and brooding edgemaster, when in reality she's just an average, friendly girl
>The Sandworm is the team transport

>When they encounter a foe too dangerous for one team to face, they'll join ranks with the Dragon Force, lead by the fiery Red Salamander.

>> No.13622200

Good goy, why try to make the world a better place?

Just do as your mistress commands, and you'll get your dick wet. And that's really all that matters.

>> No.13622206
File: 210 KB, 480x608, 6219c0c69bcc5b2946f43b13ab5f5589.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>13622225

Actually they come when you're dead/dying and decide whether or not you go to Odin's playhouse or Freya's house of treehugging. They also sometimes fall in love with heroes.

>> No.13622209
Quoted by: >>13622211

Nice dubs. I wish I could get dubs.

>> No.13622211
Quoted by: >>13622218


It'll happen someday, anon.

>> No.13622216

I want to kiss a human girl and do nothing else.

>> No.13622218

Then you did it again. God damn it. I'll never get dubs.

>> No.13622220

>Being a human girl shill
Yeah, how's that working out for you? She hasn't cucked you yet and stolen your Wii U has she?

>> No.13622225
Quoted by: >>13622239

Sorry, I'd annoy the shit out of her by singing Ride of the Valkyries every time. Not humming, singing in full onomatopoeia.


Not in KC's give-no-fuck-about-proper-mythology version. Chief sends them to worthy heroes. KC has a really screwy pantheon when you think about it.

>> No.13622227

MGIDF pls, is that all you got?

>> No.13622239
Quoted by: >>13622248

I wasn't talking about KC's setting to begin with, so it doesn't matter what it does there.

>> No.13622243

Where does he talk about human girls in there?

>> No.13622248
Quoted by: >>13622274

Come on now. It's the absolute assumed default unless you state otherwise and you know it. Don't play coy.

>> No.13622274

>assumed default
Maybe for people who forget we're a monstergirl general, and not a MGE general.
Also I clearly posted a Valkyrie Profile pic instead of KC's. That should have been enough for you to realize I wasn't talking about his setting.

>> No.13622275

Stop confusing 2D human waifus with 3DPD, retard.

>> No.13622278

>Someone who had fought the black hand? You were almost drooling at the though of the information you could get from them.
>Soon those leather boots would be back where they belong.
>With a shout of joy you lifted Funbags into the air and gave her a bone crushing hug. This was the best news you'd heard all day! All week! All mo- no, that was learning that the kittens would be coming soon.
>They would be getting so many belly rubs.
>Lost in thoughts of boots and kittens, you could barely notice that Funbags was having a little difficultly breathing as she attempted to tell you the obligatory catch that came with this information.
>"T-too tight! Too tight!" She gasped as you came to your senses, setting the poor creature down so she could suck in great breaths of life giving air, the little movements making her chest rise in a pretty nice way.
>"A-as I was -cough- sayin', there's a little snag I hit Ranger," she coughed, her cheeks red "see, the person's currently seein' as a -cough- slave owned by nasty ol' Gimmy the Slaver."
>You replied with a "so" and an arched eyebrow, you'd fought a lot of slave owning P'Orcs before, most of them were too busy doting on their slaves or riding them into the dirt to notice you.
>"'So' you better hurray up Ranger, Gimmy likes to break her slaves before tossin' them out." Funbags told you with a little impatience in her voice "They last about a week before the chains and whips get to them....Actually it's pretty interestin' to watch, especially when she takes her whip an-"
>You interrupted Funbugs little description by asking her how long the slave had been held.
>"About seven days since she got captured ," the short girl told you, the words making your heart drop into your stomach like a stone "so you may want to -"
>Hurry! You had to hurry!
>With rushed thanks and a ruffle of your informants black hair you were off like a bolt of lightning, sprinting towards your next target as fast as your legs could carry you.

>> No.13622291
Quoted by: >>13622295

I don't care if it's a normal Wurm, a muscle Wurm, a super Wurm, a pygmy Wurm, a great Wurm, a dark Wurm, a light Wurm, or a lilim Wurm, just give me a WURM!

>> No.13622295

>yfw she asks you if you only like her because she's a wurm
