"W-what?" Remilia asked taken aback
"For starters how are you even touching it? That thing was supposed to be made out of sunbeams, shouldn't it be hurting you?"
The vampire looked flustered now "Well you see uuuh... Patchouli! Patchouli put a protective spell on it that makes it so it doesn't hurt me" her confidence regained she readies her spear
"What about that cross?"
"What about it?" Remilia stammered
"What do you mean what about it, the cross is very clearly a symbol of Christianity but the spear is of nordic origin so why would it have one of those?"
Remilia seemed to be sweating now "A-ah...that's because...i-i did it to assert my dominance! I carved the cross on it" she laughed evilly
"That doesn't make any sense, the Gungnir is supposed to be indestructible and even if it were to break it would just repair itself"
Remilia chocked mid laughter "I-i uuuh...Made it...I...I changed it's fate so that it becomes breakable! My power of changing fates is absolute after all" Remilia made a smug face after her answer, some spit from the coughing still on her face
"Wait so now it's breakable?"
"Ye-no! After i changed it i made it so it's fate was to be unbreakable again!" She said while making a dramatic pose
"Did you also change the material? Because I'm pretty sure it's supposed to be made of gold and that doesn't look like gold"
"I painted it!" Remilia began sweating again
"That's not good for spears"
'I mean yeah i changed the materials when i corrupted it!" her face began turning red
"Wait, if you corrupted it then why did you need to put a protection spell on it?
Remilia began panting heavily, her face was crimson at this point
"You probably could have just made a spear foe yourself at that po-"
"ENOUGH!" she roared
"I WILL NOT BE MADE TO LOOK LIKE A FOOL BY THE LIKES OF YOU!" after her exclamation she threw the spear at me with all her might, causing a small sonic boom in the process and missing me entirely as well
Remilia stood there tears growing in the corners of her eyes
'It's not supposed to miss either"