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File: 958 KB, 2896x4095, 81e01bcf720bc0976f6037ed0fb5bf4f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
45163014 No.45163014 [Reply] [Original]

And now, human, that you are worthless to me, you shall have the honor of dying to my almighty spear, Gungnir! You should be grateful, a dotard like you deserves a far less glamorous death than I give you now. So prepare yourself to be gored, I at least will try to make it painless and quick for you!

>> No.45163050

Look I'm sorry I called you a brat, but you're kind of proving my point here with this, no?

>> No.45163181

Heh, I will die and you will continue to look like a child for eternity...

>> No.45163218


>> No.45163543

The fuck is a "dotard"?
Also, can you stop bothering me? I don't even know who you are, and your chuuni talk makes me wish it stays that way.

>> No.45163701

getting stabbed is still less painful than smelling her feet

>> No.45163769

That's not the Gungnir

>> No.45163863
File: 86 KB, 818x798, 1699060510911186.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I pin her down and do this

>> No.45163935

"Sakuya, your daughter is causing trouble again!"

>> No.45163966

Prove it.

>> No.45164078

"W-what?" Remilia asked taken aback
"For starters how are you even touching it? That thing was supposed to be made out of sunbeams, shouldn't it be hurting you?"
The vampire looked flustered now "Well you see uuuh... Patchouli! Patchouli put a protective spell on it that makes it so it doesn't hurt me" her confidence regained she readies her spear
"What about that cross?"
"What about it?" Remilia stammered
"What do you mean what about it, the cross is very clearly a symbol of Christianity but the spear is of nordic origin so why would it have one of those?"
Remilia seemed to be sweating now "A-ah...that's because...i-i did it to assert my dominance! I carved the cross on it" she laughed evilly
"That doesn't make any sense, the Gungnir is supposed to be indestructible and even if it were to break it would just repair itself"
Remilia chocked mid laughter "I-i uuuh...Made it...I...I changed it's fate so that it becomes breakable! My power of changing fates is absolute after all" Remilia made a smug face after her answer, some spit from the coughing still on her face
"Wait so now it's breakable?"
"Ye-no! After i changed it i made it so it's fate was to be unbreakable again!" She said while making a dramatic pose
"Did you also change the material? Because I'm pretty sure it's supposed to be made of gold and that doesn't look like gold"
"I painted it!" Remilia began sweating again
"That's not good for spears"
'I mean yeah i changed the materials when i corrupted it!" her face began turning red
"Wait, if you corrupted it then why did you need to put a protection spell on it?
Remilia began panting heavily, her face was crimson at this point
"You probably could have just made a spear foe yourself at that po-"
"ENOUGH!" she roared
"I WILL NOT BE MADE TO LOOK LIKE A FOOL BY THE LIKES OF YOU!" after her exclamation she threw the spear at me with all her might, causing a small sonic boom in the process and missing me entirely as well
Remilia stood there tears growing in the corners of her eyes
'It's not supposed to miss either"

>> No.45167112

Remider that Remi is a light eater so she won’t succ you dry

>> No.45167248

Charisma break incoming!

>> No.45167276
File: 315 B, 100x60, Beryl_Circlet_Icon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>45174371

Bad news.
Beryl Circle.

>> No.45167302
File: 2.43 MB, 2048x1536, remidie.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>45318799

Fool! You could have never predicted this!

>> No.45167964
File: 229 KB, 1654x1134, 1646524719681.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Typical of the bat brat. I want to pat her head after she gets caught lying and cries.

>> No.45169113

so this is what they refering to "youkai are weak to psycological attacks"

>> No.45170721
File: 74 KB, 564x800, Remilla lost her parasol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.45170753
File: 137 KB, 428x339, tea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>45190565

Looks delicious.

>> No.45171977
File: 793 KB, 864x1152, 1691016758159623.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.45173983
File: 1.72 MB, 2609x3689, 97500675_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no u niger

>> No.45174371

>made out of sunbeams
>Gungnir is supposed to be indestructible
Were those really attributes of the mythological Gungnir that I somehow missed or I am missing a reference to something else?
If it does pierce/lightning damage would that nulify the attack?
I think no enemy had a 2 atributte attack in SoTN tho

>> No.45174498

I'll be honest i just looked up gungnir and took information from a random site

>> No.45174547

kid, this is a wendy's

aren't you supposed to be in school or something? where's your mum and dad?

>> No.45174669
File: 1.44 MB, 850x1103, 1677267006878290.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who're you calling a DOTArd? I bet ojou-sama is a LoL player

>> No.45174881

>Were those really attributes of the mythological Gungnir that I somehow missed or I am missing a reference to something else?
For the record Remi obviously doesn't know either, and that was worse than it being painted red

>> No.45175300
File: 209 KB, 1352x781, 20231105_233050.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And the Remi woke up.

>> No.45179397

"Look, Remi...... we've been married for two years, now. Just because I ate the strawberry you secretly wanted but didn't want to admit doesn't mean you can make death threats. Keep this up and I won't make those parfait you like anymore when Sakuya gets too busy to do it."

>> No.45179664

This came out a few days ago

>> No.45179702

I bet Remi can't even pronounce "Gungnir". How about that now huh?

>> No.45179708 [DELETED] 
File: 538 KB, 788x1115, 73944149_p13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*wet filling noises*

>> No.45185380

You know, I understand the whole “facts and logic” thing gets tossed around a little too often and is used ironically in many cases, but here? Remi just got straight up reality checked. She may be able to kill our intelligent and knowledgeable hero here even without her fake ass spear, but it won’t undo the utter ownage she suffered.

>> No.45185393
Quoted by: >>45201811

Not pictured: Sakuya off to the side with a nosebleed as she watches her mistress charisma break

>> No.45187535
File: 1.03 MB, 1113x567, 1680176037416550.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to feed Remilia raw garlic

>> No.45189586

I want to feed her my dick.

>> No.45189641 [DELETED] 

she italian she likes garlic

>> No.45190134

Remi doesn't like garlic because it burns.
Flan likes the taste because it's spicy.
But Remi loves truffles. Flan does not.
And Sakuya can't handle anything spicy or sour.
Patchouli can't handle movement.

>> No.45190565


>> No.45201811
Quoted by: >>45205207

What’s wrong with Sakuya

>> No.45201863
File: 241 KB, 871x644, IMG_1998.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>45201895


>> No.45201885
File: 318 KB, 600x600, remi you nincompoop!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>45204472

That's our Remi! Always failing when it counts!

>> No.45201895


>> No.45204472

Those images are so old holy shit

>> No.45205207
File: 133 KB, 780x1111, 1678519953744623.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's a bit of a sadist

>> No.45208342
Quoted by: >>45336339

Want a hug from the mistress

>> No.45209968

I love you.

>> No.45210399
File: 164 KB, 600x435, 1680756024878521.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post your oldest Remiry pic

>> No.45211530
File: 49 KB, 640x480, sddefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.45216646

Remi is French.

>> No.45217373

Correct. She is a French lady from the area of Normandy, and her sister is named after the French Flanders area. Plus, the French maid that caters to their every whim, and the mansion is styled after a French mansion with Italian decorations.

>> No.45217417 [SPOILER] 
File: 581 KB, 1280x720, 1685410797129397.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>45217485

>It's not supposed to miss

>> No.45217485 [SPOILER] 
File: 64 KB, 330x308, 1697275454303490.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.45220907
File: 210 KB, 771x1022, 1685614369771321.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Remi French
explains why she's afraid of baths

Flan is Flemish

>> No.45220916

I always liked to imagine that she moved to Romania to really go hard at LARPing as a descendant of Tepes.

>> No.45221583

Remi and Flan are brits and were given french names cause that was the fashionable thing to do.
Sorry anon, but your cute little vampires are ANGLO

>> No.45221612

they can't be since they're not ugly

>> No.45221650
File: 14 KB, 429x544, remilia romania.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.45224834
File: 154 KB, 595x818, __remilia_scarlet_flandre_scarlet_lunasa_prismriver_merlin_prismriver_and_lyrica_prismriver_touhou_drawn_by_rotan__ed4f852828f39a0432f92faf530106f5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Inferior latin genes SEETHING that they have nothing to do with the cute remimi and fran

>> No.45225645
File: 875 KB, 849x1200, 1694492336077747.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>45225716

Oh good lord what is wrong with that SA80, it's like they made a baby one for Remi and then stretched out the barrel and handguard like it was made of rubber

>> No.45225661
Quoted by: >>45225896

I lost to Remilia again in EoSD :(

>> No.45225716

Don't forget the plug bayonet.
I think Sakuya found a toy one and put a pointy thing on it to make it look less kiddy for Remy to play soldiers with.

>> No.45225859
File: 283 KB, 1079x1078, Remi French Proof.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remi and Flan are technically proto-French. They are from 1502 and 1507, respectively. That puts them in a time period where the French and English had a weird mesh thing going on, and the French and British upper classes copied each other a lot, with the English trying to copy as much French lifestyle, language, and appearance as possible. It wasn't until later that they decided to split and really be their own things.
Proof of them being Norman French descent, besides everything else that proves it from above, is that they have two weapons from/named from Norse gods. That came from the Normans. The English were a bit salty back then towards the Normans, and if the Scarlets were purely English upper class they wouldn't name their most powerful abilities after the ones that were giving them trouble a few generations before- it would be unbecoming of them.

>> No.45225896

I think I lost 4 1CCs on her last spellcard.
Touhou is much harder when you can't just press X to win.

>> No.45225973
File: 203 KB, 1000x577, eoea.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>45225996

Sorry euroniggers, but Remilia is a Turkish princess.

>> No.45225996
File: 631 KB, 2149x3035, hampire.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh yeah? Well then explain this!

>> No.45231475

We wuz dracula n shiet

>> No.45232076
File: 2.68 MB, 1920x1080, Remi vs Shota.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What would you do if were in this situation?
(also where are the english subs for this thing)

>> No.45232644

Well obviously as we can see from this short clip alone, trying to fight back or resist physically won’t do much. Our best hope would be to out charisma the mistress and talk our way out of being hurt and/or killed.

>> No.45233243

Lafcadio Hearn is a girl or possibly time splitted yukari in Hifuu Club Activity Record

>> No.45233852
File: 393 KB, 1322x2048, 20231113_135827.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>45234412

Remi is so small, just pick her up and she can't do anything.

>> No.45234412


>> No.45234617

What the hell is this from?

>> No.45234711
File: 416 KB, 1355x2048, 20231113_135831.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>45235302

She loves it.

>> No.45234932

Hod I wish Remi would kill me as she straddles me

>> No.45235302

Not everyday you get to meet your favourite actor.

>> No.45235786
Quoted by: >>45244664

You meant to say "dullard", right? What a dork.

>> No.45235843


>> No.45235859
Quoted by: >>45235875

They have no native britton genes which is why they are not ugly

>> No.45235875
Quoted by: >>45236367

Nonsense, they're full-blooded Northumbrians.
Why do you think Remi likes red bricks so much? It reminds her of her home.

>> No.45235884
File: 1.55 MB, 850x1202, 1698516171471239.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah, she used to be so charismatic and a dark beauty. But I suppose the usual dorky ojou-sama is fine too...

>> No.45236367 [DELETED] 

Umbria in italy though

>> No.45244151

Be quite dumbmpire

>> No.45244599
File: 698 KB, 1137x1595, 9d75db0dc10829ea8955705c8f2c48d2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>45246664

Dumb bratty mistress, I see you require correction. I'm going to impale you with very own "Gungnir" and blow my "Danmaku" all over your inside.

>> No.45244664

It is you who is the dullard for not realizing the dotard is still an applicable term in this context.

>> No.45245060
File: 403 KB, 1000x984, f71601f41a243c32a67478ffc22fdc68.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bruh kys monster u are low-key sus AF in dis world FR FR no cap

>> No.45245074
File: 396 KB, 616x551, remicry.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>45245298

W-what the fuck is she saying???
I don't speak black!! Go away, I don't have any crack you monkey!!

>> No.45245298
File: 509 KB, 1067x1600, 558391653c653a27fe1cdb967955dd7a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Black? Clapback you deadass steal senpai's souls, and make them your simps!

>> No.45246664

Holy cringe.

>> No.45248668

>Flan is Flemish
woohoo, holy roman representation

>> No.45248714

Anon, you do know where you are right? That particular post isn't even that bad. Have you seen the HSE Threads?

>> No.45250094

Faggot kill yourself.

>> No.45255395

Remilia is Romanian and she's my wife

>> No.45255405
File: 495 KB, 846x1200, 252673747.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

beat her up and feed her onions beans cause I'm not a shota

>> No.45255412

fuck 4chink and these outdated censors

>> No.45264510
Quoted by: >>45272860

I wish you a slow and painful death. May you stub your toe, may your food be cold and your plate be hot, may you always have a phantom itch where you just can't reach, and may your tongue always sit awkwardly in your mouth. Leave my beautiful wife alone.

>> No.45265299

>feed her onions

do you mean garlic?

>> No.45265321

She;s thinking about thos beans

>> No.45266408

Dying because you got the vampire lore wrong, probably happens a lot seeing how their weaknesses vary.

>> No.45267393
Quoted by: >>45274818

He means s-oy, 4chink still has that stupid filter in place, and vampires are treated like a kind of oni in Gensokyo

>> No.45272860
File: 31 KB, 830x630, 47589600.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>45274913

u mad?

>> No.45273583
File: 221 KB, 994x1322, IMG_2406.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>45274714

>> No.45273890


>> No.45274714
Quoted by: >>45282645


>> No.45274818

I wonder if you could defeat an oni by bathing a sword in sᴏy juices like it was some kind of holy water.

>> No.45274913
Quoted by: >>45293668

no shit he is u ain't got the brains of a friggin toad!!!!

>> No.45275826
File: 473 KB, 577x521, remilia28.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is a nigger ? A miserable pile of shit.

>> No.45282645


>> No.45291029
File: 591 KB, 1000x750, whyhasthisbeenonmycomputerfornineyears.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.45291496
File: 732 KB, 827x1168, 1679940731759592.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Going to the (indoor) pool with the Mistress!

>> No.45293668

Shut up!!

>> No.45293785
File: 1.52 MB, 1000x1419, 1693267269638284.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys quit it, or else she'll tell Miss Sakuya on you and then you'll really get it!

>> No.45299951
File: 20 KB, 690x387, 1657803986285.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread is barely clinging to life, just like Remi!

>> No.45300248
Quoted by: >>45300473

That’s what she gets for being a 500 year old chunni DORK! Let’s all give her a wedgie and pour beans down her back!

>> No.45300473
File: 58 KB, 620x517, remilia_natto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>45300518

surely nothing bad can come of this?

>> No.45300518
Quoted by: >>45304021

If you can do it, it means Sakuya's letting it happen

>> No.45304021
File: 126 KB, 850x608, spanks_incoming.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>45305480

That's Flan though.
No one can discipline Flan.

>> No.45305480
File: 1.28 MB, 900x1200, 1677436765649832.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>45311936

I could correct her, Flan feels like she'd be far more fun to bully since she would be totally unused to it

>> No.45311936
File: 326 KB, 800x800, 20231121_164107.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>45316392

Flan is already taken.

>> No.45316392

What’s she doing?

>> No.45316521
File: 125 KB, 800x965, IMG_2367.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>45316553

>> No.45316553
File: 69 KB, 850x778, remitea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>45317516

At some point in all of this, we forgot that the real prize was to see Remimi's smile.
Remimi IS a cute! Pat her head!

>> No.45316574
Quoted by: >>45316587

>Remilia is actually one of the nicer Youkai despite her chuuni ways.
This is why bitches like Yukari are the norm.

>> No.45316587

We bully Yukari too.

>> No.45317516
File: 618 KB, 1080x1314, 1694554831461916.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>45318476


>> No.45318476
Quoted by: >>45318586

Oh no she’s derpy and adorable

>> No.45318586
File: 234 KB, 269x430, smug remi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>45319800

the mistress is very charismatic

>> No.45318799
Quoted by: >>45350161

Do not die die the Remi!

>> No.45319800

Absolutely adorkable. Would headpat the bat and be wholly unable to resist her charisma.

>> No.45324686
File: 14 KB, 198x200, 1690816329282526.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>45382308


>> No.45331404
File: 371 KB, 498x403, anime-remilia-scarlet.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.45331514
File: 797 KB, 1249x650, 1685996562526920.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to touch Remilia's huge wings

>> No.45331621
File: 341 KB, 1278x454, shoot.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>And now, human, that you are worthless to me, you shall have the honor of dying to-

>> No.45331640
Quoted by: >>45331944

I don’t think a “mere” firearm is going to hurt, let alone actually kill this monstrous and vainglorious child.

>> No.45331694
Quoted by: >>45331944

I doubt that firearm was blessed by JMB (PBUH), or had anything to do with him. In fact, I think that's just a knockoff of God's Ultimate Weapon, as passed on to us through His other son.

>> No.45331944
Quoted by: >>45336251

A mere demon spawn child is nothing compared to the power of God and God's own cartridge.

>> No.45336251

you daft dimwit, even Blade had to spend like.. four hundred thousand on special cartridges. Eating some French food would be more effective

>> No.45336339
File: 42 KB, 474x527, remilia and frandre みんなわたしのTシャツを着てくれる.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're weak. I want to give a hug to Remilia. Guess who she will prefer.

>> No.45350131
File: 224 KB, 1404x1398, 20231126_150828.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.45350161
File: 149 KB, 1000x1000, do die die the remi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a nice drawing. Probably my favorite one in the thread.

Nothing wrong with a little self defense.

>> No.45351091
File: 664 KB, 1141x1158, 1339118040120.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A chunk of Remilia's skull was blown off but all that seemed to do was make her stagger back half a step. The wound begins closing on its own as she resumed speaking. "...the honor of dying to the Scarlet Devil herself. Do not interrupt when you betters are speaking to you. Brutish behavior such as this is precisely why you are no longer worth keeping. Now, b-" He fired another shot, this time aiming for the vampire's heart. Once again, all that seemed to do was momentarily interrupt her speech. Remilia almost seemed more disappointed in him than angry. "Unworthy of it as you are, I had thought to do you a final courtesy but all you have done tonight is prove that you truly are unworthy of even that." Before he could pull the trigger again, she had crossed the distance between the two of them and thrust her arm though into his rib cage. He felt an unbearable surge of pain as she gripped his heart and yanked it out. The human was not even able to fully process what had happened before he dropped dead. The vampire tossed the heart aside again began walking away. "You are unfit even for consumption. I will have your remains taken into the forest where your equals can feast upon your carcass like the lowly beasts that they are."

A most terrible night for this poor gunman but a wonderful one for Rumia, who ate unusually well that night.

>> No.45351107
Quoted by: >>45352169

imagine remilla on your lap sucking your blood while sakuya is wrapped around your arm


>> No.45351163
File: 247 KB, 1771x1200, 314612727162156.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>45351178

Imagine waking up to this

>> No.45351178

They better not be pissing on me.

>> No.45351263

Anyone else like to headcanon her as being an adult? Not for lewd reasons, I think it's cooler even though kid Remi is canon.

>> No.45351269

I like imagining both sisters to be at least in their mid teens.

>> No.45351272
File: 215 KB, 638x278, Colt 1911 firing at 600 frames per second slow motion [LQB_zOvcNSU].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A chunk of Remilia's skull was blown off but all that seemed to do was make her stagger back half a step. The wound begins closing-
More chunks of her head start being blasted off.
Remilia keeps standing with only her jaw still attached, tiptoeing around randomly.
The rounds pierce through her lungs, with most of her brains blown out she cannot even feel it.
A bullet pierces her heart and she flops over motionless.
"Seven plus one, count 'em you gosh darn chupacabra mexican."
The stranger does a backflip and dabs on her twiching, mostly motionless body before jumping on his conveniently off-camera horse and galloping away.
Hours later her stump finishes regrowing into a new head. Remilia stands up to look around, just to notice that the gunman ran off and took some of her heirlooms as war trophies.
"M-mweeeh..." she stammers with tears in her eyes, crying like a little BITCH.

>> No.45351277
Quoted by: >>45352169

Dante vs Remilia.

>> No.45351282
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>> No.45351346

The likely true ending.

The better and hard to unlock ending.

>> No.45351462

Is she English? She wrote to Kosuzu in English and has an English surname.

>> No.45351486

italian. Flan is french

>> No.45352169

They are both from a time period where the English and French were kind of ambiguously mixed together. They both have more leaning to French, but it could be said that they have English ties. Their whole thing is having French mansion, French maid, Norman French weapons, etc, while speaking English and French as was popular at the time for both sides of the aristocracy. Flan is named after French Flanders near modern day Belgium, and Remilia is named after the Italian form of "Emilia". Patchouli is English, Koakuma being unknown since she's probably a summoned demon from the Ars Goetia or the orignal work it was copied from, Meiling is from the Sino-French war in Shanghai, and Sakuya is more than likely a Londoner from old with her spell cards and mannerisms, but may just be a French maid that worked for the English households of "nobility", as was the norm in the late 17-early 1900's-ish, though she has a pocket watch from Waltham (I know, it's probably just Zun snatching art) in the US, but it could be a luxury import from Remi, and she may be Eastern European, even, but there's no way to tell (thanks for never following through, Zun, you drunk asshat).

The only outcome-fuck that guy.

Don't have to imagine. Remi is sucking blood while being held in the lotus position and being lovingly filled in more than one way. Sakuya would never intrude on such things.

She's an adult trapped in the body of a young girl, who would be considered an adult or child depending on time period. She has the mind of one, but the play drive of a girl and the prey drive of a hunter.

Dante wouldn't target her because she's not a mindless or sadistic killer. Devils who show restraint and compassion are left alone.

The surname was given, so original could be anything, and pronunciation could be altered over time. "Scarlet", "Scarlette", "Escarlete", etc.

>> No.45352219

>Dante wouldn't target her because she's not a mindless or sadistic killer. Devils who show restraint and compassion are left alone.
I could see the initial encounter being based on a misunderstanding but they team up to do some wacky shit later once it's cleared up.

>> No.45352870

its ok anon. Im with you. If remilia had to kil you, that means she could'n extract anything value from you, so she will have to search for another basedboy wimp to cater to her pointless capricious whims. as long as there are rebelious and righteous people , the vampire scums will never have it easy or have peace.
better to die on your feet than to serve in bondage.
>Dante wouldn't target her because she's not a mindless or sadistic killer. Devils who show restraint and compassion are left alone.
Funny, she didn't show any compassion nor restraint to the gunner who she know he didn't have a chance (she didn't go for non letal reduction of an assailant)

>> No.45352922
Quoted by: >>45353090

It's on the gunman for not following villain monologue rules.

>> No.45353090
Quoted by: >>45353677

Then you're a fool who misses the point. The true gentleman makes her see him as her equal and rules by her side.

And she was playing a bit and acting out her part of a play when the asshole pulled a gun and shot her. He best be thankful he got off lightly by being killed quick and painlessly. He could've been hogtied and dropped at Eirin's ball crushing factory after being forced into a time loop by Kaguya because she's a (moon)bitch like that.

Not even sure who the guy was. First we're reciting a play for the upcoming Christmas party, next thing some jackass comes strolling through the mansion doors and pulling an Alec Baldwin. What'd he expect?

>> No.45353677

>Then you're a fool who misses the point.
she never had a point to begin with
>The true gentleman makes her see him as her equal and rules by her side.
vampires would never see anyone as equal, a byproduct of their proudfull yet parasitic culture
>What'd he expect?
being capture alive for interrogation?

>> No.45353772

Mmm.....no, very unwise.

>> No.45353910

>being capture alive for interrogation?
He knows damn well he would have been captured and slowly drained for blood at best.

>> No.45358590
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>And now, human, that you are worthless to me, you shall have the honor of dying to-

>> No.45358620
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Quoted by: >>45359813


>> No.45358637
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Quoted by: >>45358876

In toho canon vampires can only regrow limbs, one bullet to heart or beheading would kill her, partially blown off head would maybe regrow but she'd be retarded for a while after.
At least refer to official material when writing fanfics

>> No.45358876
Quoted by: >>45359080

Even the heart isn't accurate. If the whole body is destroyed except the head, they can regenerate fully within a single nights span of time. In order to kill them, it's a multistep process that's a closely guarded secret. And even then, thanks to the way Gensokyo handles belief and thought forms, even if completely "eradicated", they'd just respawn like a videogame character like goat girl did in the Blood Pools.

>> No.45359080

Pretty sure it said "as long as head is attached to the body" and not "as long as head remains"
>thanks to the way Gensokyo handles belief and thought forms, even if completely "eradicated", they'd just respawn like a videogame character
Just tell humans in the village that vampire from the mansion died from bronchitis, they won't know any better
>it's a multistep process that's a closely guarded secret
Leave out on the sun? Throw in a lake? Cover in beans?

>> No.45359109

This reminds me of that episode of Love Death Robots where a youkai hunter defeats a kitsune ny throwing a bucket of piss on her.

>> No.45359154
Quoted by: >>45359953

Nope. Just the head remaining.

And it would take more than the villagers just being told, they'd have to be fully convinced. Which is an issue for anyone trying, as the entirety of the place has checks and balances to prevent such a thing. And they were technically separated from human-specific belief and were able to self-actualize as a whole, so it basically boils down to that annoying kid you were play fighting: "I killed you." "NUH UH, I HAD INBULNERABILITY! IT DIDN'T COUNT!"

And the beans, water, and sun (and cross, which does nothing for these two in particular) only weaken them. But assuming, again, that the body goes kaput....they just asspull a respawn because "reasons". The only way to remove them would be for them to actually break the specific rules the higher ups have in place, and even then these two are bound by an unbreakable contract by some rules lawyer from Hell. Only other option is Reimu going Crimson Slasher, by there goes her (meager) livelihood and she's coming after you with her bullshit no-clip haxx because you took away her tea time and she'd actually have to work.

>> No.45359813
Quoted by: >>45361744

Imagine getting doused in Aussie piss and then fucking cleaved in half by a oversized Bowie knife.

>> No.45359953
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Quoted by: >>45362430

Just cut some trees and whole geysokyo goes kaput, ez game no re.
Also it's piss easy to make villagers believe shit, most official toho manga revolve around characters trying to find out where absurd, vague rumors are coming from, and most of the time they're either completely accidental or started from some youkai scarping the barrel for belief-fuel.
A human with half a brain could start a rumor that would massacre all youkai, which is what Yukari is afraid of, but she's incompetent to stop it if someone with actual intent to do that happened to be in the village. That's probably why Suika is trying to fix Onis' reputation.

>> No.45361744

Just imagine the shock Remi will go through as she receives half a liter of Australian gold in a mason jar to the face and dress.

>> No.45361799
Quoted by: >>45362095

No matter how hard she kills him the memory of being drenched in piss will never leave her.

>> No.45361813
Quoted by: >>45362095

It will be even more shcoking for the protagonists who will discover that his arrows hits their bounding box, which is twice their size, and not their hitbox.

>> No.45362095

I guess you can say she’s pissed off. Or on in this case. And even when she kills hims the dude is likely to respawn while she’ll always have to carry that terrible shame for the rest of her immortal life.

Lucksman moment.

>> No.45362430
Quoted by: >>45362750

Rumors about things actually happening in the village are very different from spreading supposed ways of killing vampires.

>> No.45362750

Hey, somebody gets it.
And it's hard to change perception on this for the villagers considering they've watched her and her sister tank the sun, one handed carry a 100 year old tree through the village, be as strong as an ink and as fast as a tengu, etc, etc.
Kinda hard to think differently when you see a young girl toss a building like a paper ball.

(Seriously though, I get people screwing around and being little shits about certain characters but some of the most hateful, retarded, and mentally fucked up perverts with a perpetual hate boner seem to always have it out for Remilia. Even those against Flandre don't give her so much hate. And out of all the characters in Touhou you all could pick from, Remilia just hangs out in her room reading manga and being a gremlin. Why not any of the other little shits? It don't make sense)

>> No.45362784

They just don't like how popular she is.

>> No.45363038
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>> No.45363064
Quoted by: >>45363143

lmao how is she ever going to recover from that?

>> No.45363143

Elegantly, and with charisma and nobility. You've never had a custom-made antique chippendale for personal use to flex on the poor?

>> No.45363239
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In case of emergency...

Suddenly, Remilia's powers vanish!

>> No.45363244

That's handy. I was never sure of what order you were supposed to tap out the sign.

>> No.45363317
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>most hateful, retarded, and mentally fucked up perverts with a perpetual hate boner seem to always have it out for Remilia
oh hey, that's literally me!
Also Flan is just better, stronger, more popular and has cooler wings!
Nobody ever brings up the original, hand-scribbled by ZUN himself high chair

>> No.45363354


>> No.45363560

She's sitting in an old style chair that was designed to have a half table specifically for tea time. It's not a high chair.

This does nothing to her or her sister. They collect crosses for fun. YahWeh is "weak" in Gensokyo and Jesus is treated as just some guy that could resurrect like over half of the people living inside the barrier.

>> No.45363647
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Quoted by: >>45363902

Check THIS out

>> No.45363902

So we have to beat her up and then have a party with her, followed by her competing with Byakuren as the false messiah and youkaichrist?

What's funny is that the original wing artwork for Remi looks like wings, and she may be "related" to the other PC-98 chick I can't remember the name of. So even when Patchouli says something about people thinking she's like an angel/red mist looks like angel wings, Remi goes "yeah, I know I'm hot shit, but a devil that looks like an angel? Lol, okay. *sip*"

>> No.45363944

How much stronger

>> No.45364330
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no tio no.

one big fart and you'll fall apart

>> No.45364346
Quoted by: >>45364542

you know what, your face is a > byproduct of their proudfull yet parasitic culture !!!

>> No.45364426

>Pretty sure it said "as long as head is attached to the body" and not "as long as head remains"
>they can recover within a single night even when their body is blown away, so long as their head is intact.
PMiSS vampire article.
I think it's pretty much a Jojo ref, but honestly in regeneration this would be more than jojovampires but similar strength and pain tolerance I think.
Makes me wonder if for regenerating beings a machete would be better than a handgun since if you chop some muscles or limbs you can at least stop them from moving.
But on the other hand projectiles getting stuck inside the body might impede movement and regeneration.
Although I guess it's impossible to tell since such types of regeneration don't exist irl.

>> No.45364463
Quoted by: >>45364530

Depends on what kind of regeneration and whether it pushes out bullets like regeneration does in some media.

>> No.45364530

True, forgot about that. Wonder if things like barbed arrow tips would be effective then, or things to big to push out like in(ironically) impalement.
But I guess most works don't expand much on regeneration. And I also guess it's hard to experiment if you got a regenerating creature chasing you.

>> No.45364542

Try again next time, anon. You can do it.

>> No.45365536
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Makes sense that ZUN didn't overthink it and just referenced Jojo for his vampire facts at the time. There's that whole chuuni line about bread after all.

>> No.45367177
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No, He is omnipresent and not weak in Gensokyo. He simply doesn't have any followers because everyone follows the deluded retarded faith otherwise known as shinto.
>"Muh 8 morbillion gods!!!"

>> No.45367228

No shit sherlock, Remilia is a loli, of course she sits in baby chair

>> No.45367353
Quoted by: >>45367392

Then that kind of punches a hole in the idea god is omnipotent then. Otherwise he would halt people being killed and oppressed if not outright wipe out that land of demons like it’s neo-Sodom and Gomorrah.

>> No.45367392
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Seems like a variation of the "If God is omnipotent, why does he allow evil" argument. If that's the case, then that argument (as with the tens of other stale arguments used by atheists to justify their disbelief) has been debunked.
(St. Thomas Aquinas, ST.I.Q22.A2.Rep2)

>> No.45367968

That's not a debunking at all. The existence of "the plan of universal nature" as something that sets constraints on what God can and cannot do makes him very much not omnipotent. Aquinas is just coping and making excuses.

>> No.45368170
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I like thinking about how a christian would fare in Gensokyo as much as the next guy, but this is basically powertiering with God. There is a reason no one likes powertier autists.

>> No.45368239
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There is a reason no one outside of your hugboxes likes outspoken "antchi-chtheists". Go outside, retard. Take a walk. Attend a sermon, better yet.

>> No.45368277
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Quoted by: >>45368309

You wouldn't happen to be a devout catholic by any chance

>> No.45368309
File: 103 KB, 712x1000, remischooluni.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Devout? Check. Catholic? Nope.
I'm a Protestant. I respect all denominations, regardless, though.

>> No.45368313

I never cared about loli but the mistress makes me rock hard.

>> No.45368401
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The only outspoken off-topic shitposter here is you. This is the Remi thread, not sand cult scripture study group.

>> No.45368430
File: 125 KB, 850x1173, remirawr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then go ahead and post about Remi! No one's stopping you! Like I will.

>> No.45368507
File: 158 KB, 800x595, 1630493961685.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These threads are already pretty much powertier threads centered around Remi because of fags that make posts like OP and >>45351091 that naturally attract >>45351272 kinds of replies.

>> No.45368734
Quoted by: >>45368748

So the obvious takeaway here is to not rely on gawd or that useless shrine maiden (who Remi is probably paying/bribing to prevent her from getting merked) if we want to see her slain. Which is why I have a likely full-proof plan to destroy her once and for all and maybe her edgy sister rice pudding too.

>> No.45368741


>> No.45368748

Ruining her economically by giving every SDM inhabitant multiple kids to look after!

>> No.45368805
Quoted by: >>45368897

My brother in ZUN, she’s not even old and physically mature and developed enough to get preggo before she turned. To say nothing of her undead state also preventing conception as well. You won’t be making dhampires with her. You can possibly do so with Sakuya, Patchouli, and Koakuma but the first two are antisocial and the last is possibly a life-draining succubus. It won’t work.

>> No.45368897

Hong is social enough. Patchy just needs some other book nerd to connect with. Sakuya is a lost cause though.

>> No.45368914
Quoted by: >>45369504

What does Sakuya even do in her downtime?

>> No.45368935
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Don't even think about attacking Remi by using economic means. The vamps own the banks, real estate market and several adjacent industries. And they all work together to destroy anyone who threatens one of their kind to protect their enormous profits.

>> No.45368940
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Quoted by: >>45369504

Hey. You've been going around saying some reckless things again, are you looking to get exterminated again, huh?

>> No.45369386
Quoted by: >>45370736

What else are we gonna talk about here?

>> No.45369504
Quoted by: >>45369728

Oh yeah my dumbass completely forgot miss gatekeeper. You’re still going to have to prove yourself to her in some way to be worthy of not just her time, but carrying potential children. Still think even if you were a bookie and even have/know some magic Patche will still not be up for doing the horizontal bop with you. Dead on about that frigid maid as well.

Clean, polish, and sharpening her knives and maybe read a book or two.

Not pictured but the likely followup: Remilia sliding the corrupt shrine maiden ¥15,000 to get her to fuck off and the latter unscrupulously accepting it.

>> No.45369728
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Pictured: the Hakurei miko taking bribes from the Scarlet Devil.

>> No.45369749

Fucking called it.

>> No.45370736

About how smooth Remi's room-temperature bottocks are, preferrably!

>> No.45371635

Patchy would probably get an asthma attack in the middle of sex

>> No.45371654

I will defeat you with my cock

>> No.45371730
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>> No.45371735
Quoted by: >>45372340

Sakuya just needs an equally aloof man who will lighten her workload for her.

>> No.45372340
Quoted by: >>45372399

Alfred Pennyworth is probably Sakuya's dream man.

>> No.45372399

Both dutiful caretakers to bat themed masters, both deadlier than they appear at a glance.

>> No.45373987
Quoted by: >>45376998

I think, we all think, /jp/sies should fuckin friends. So, how about this time, we don't kill each other, but next time, we'll beat each other up

>> No.45376998
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Spot on! Colossians 3:13!

>> No.45377124
Quoted by: >>45377207

You can blame ZUN's shitty writing for this primarily. DBZ-tier powerwank seems to be in japanese blood.

>> No.45377207

The fandom is debatably better at writing than ZUN. Hecatia is NOT the strongest and he probably said that while drunk off his ass.

>> No.45377855

Nah, I actually think it makes sense Hecatia is the strongest assuming ZUN is as clever as I think.

>She's a Wicca god.
>This is represented in her clothing, meant to appeal to the youth.
>Wicca's are a minor religion with only a few million followers.
>This is still, by Gensokyo standards, insane amounts.
She's basically a small fish in a tiny pond.

>> No.45378152
Quoted by: >>45378158

I only believe Reimu hasn't tried to marry into the Scarlet's money only because she does not believe paper money is real money.

>> No.45378158
Quoted by: >>45378269

Who would want to marry her in the first place?

>> No.45378204
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Quoted by: >>45378227

Hecatia is the strongest and there's nothing you can do about it short of disregarding canon and becoming a secondary. No amount of wildly exaggerated "Yukari can just manipulate the border of X and Y to win" or "Remi can manipulate fate to do this and that to win" will ever change that. Those kind of arguments sound about as silly as "Cirno can use her power to set the opponent's temperature to absolute zero to permanently stop them from doing anything" now that Heca is established as the strongest and by a notable margin.

>> No.45378227
File: 79 KB, 850x587, __shiki_eiki_and_zun_touhou_drawn_by_ichimura_kanata__sample-09ea182a56feda646c4cd58b6c11eed5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And what backs up Heca being the strongest? ZUN is nothing more than a chink with zero writing skills. He needs to stop drinking and hire a fucking proper writer to do his shit instead of thinking his chink ass can think up a semblance of a story after downing five pints of beer.
He's a developer, not a writer.

>> No.45378267
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Quoted by: >>45378289

>And what backs up Heca being the strongest?
Word of ZUN.

>> No.45378269
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>> No.45378289
File: 1.43 MB, 2910x4017, __remilia_scarlet_touhou_and_1_more_drawn_by_ougiikun__698cb648c4516e9199e4eb719fb6b566.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>45378349

The word of a borderline retarded alcoholic with zero experience in storytelling?
Got you.

Ignore coping hecafags, back to remiposting

>> No.45378349
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Quoted by: >>45378373

The word of a borderline retarded alcoholic with zero experience in storytelling who just so happens to be the creator of 2hu and all its characters including Remi. I don't understand why any Remifag would have a problem with Heca's existence when Remi was never the strongest to begin with. She's not even the strongest in her own game because of Flan.

>> No.45378360

She is the greek goddess of magic. Even there she was a powerhouse.

>> No.45378373
File: 176 KB, 850x1202, __kirisame_marisa_touhou_drawn_by_kaamin_mariarose753__sample-fb57f9bb54cb5f1f2366b9261dd99ec9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I cite these sources:
And every other Touhou game.

The Touhou protagonists are the strongest characters because you can defeat Hecatia, Flandre, and all of the other characters secondaries consider to be the strongest.
QED end of discussion

>> No.45378422
Quoted by: >>45378467

The protagonists win in a silly danmaku game which has rules where no one dies. If everybody where out for blood it would be a complete different story. Marisa and Reimu would have been long dead since EOSD because Sakuya would just cut their throats in time stop.

>> No.45378467

They can survive and thrive without spell card rules because they defeated Junko who didn’t abide by them.

>> No.45378487
Quoted by: >>45378509

But Junko is not the strongest, Hecatia is, and Hecatia never fought outside the rules.

>> No.45378509
Quoted by: >>45379189

Hecatia loaned her powers to Junko in LoLK though.

>> No.45378557
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Quoted by: >>45378591

Beating someone in magic dodge ball doesn't make you stronger than them.
>Junko who didn’t abide by them
What do you even mean by this? Junko used spellcards just like any other 2hu and abided by the rules. Just because her cards represented a more ruthless style doesn't mean that she still didn't work within the confines of the system itself.

>> No.45378591
File: 13 KB, 394x506, __remilia_scarlet_touhou_drawn_by_lilian_duleroux__af066b56fd6b8b85d57336a55f5d43be.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you retarded or are you just a secondary? One of her spell cards is literally named ""Pristine Danmaku for Killing a Person."
If you want a direct source, here you go: https://en.touhouwiki.net/wiki/Junko

>Junko's spell cards contain some of the most simplistic patterns ever for a final boss of the Touhou Project. Her spell cards are designed "purely" to do just that rather than showing off various kinds of patterns. Most of her spell cards use circle danmaku shapes, which is significant as circles[6] are widely viewed as "pure shapes".

>> No.45378600
Quoted by: >>45378622

Not to mention:
>Her spell cards violate the spirit of the spell card rules. While the rules were in part designed to prevent bloodshed, Junko has multiple spell cards made to kill.

>> No.45378622
Quoted by: >>45379166

Poor Junko. Imagine bringing a real gun to a paintball battle and still losing.

>> No.45378638
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Quoted by: >>45378657

Nothing you said or quoted invalidated anything I said. She still respected the rules of Danmaku in LoLK. She fought using spell cards, lost, and accepted the result. Just because she employed a particular philosophy of pattern design in her cards doesn't mean that she didn't abide by the rules.

>> No.45378657
File: 621 KB, 1628x2048, __remilia_scarlet_touhou_and_1_more_drawn_by_donata_donatasama__e59fa34bacd4b752d2ee9b198180da37.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>45378692

Okay you're retarded, end of discussion. I'll repeat this oncemore and then stop because you have the attention span of a chipmunk and are likely waaay too young to even be using this site.
>Her spell cards violate the spirit of the spell card rules. While the rules were in part designed to prevent bloodshed, Junko has multiple spell cards made to kill.

>> No.45378692
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Quoted by: >>45378759

>Her spell cards violate the spirit of the spell card rules
Does not mean that her spell cards violate the rules themselves. If you cannot understand that there is a difference between being unsportsmanshiplike and being an actual cheater, then I don't know what to tell you. You can abide by all the rules of a game and still play in a way that others would consider unfair. Junko never cheated or broke any spell card duel rules in LoLK. She just used cards that had designs which were considered to be of bad taste.

>> No.45378759
Quoted by: >>45378834

Her spell cards are designed to kill a person and as per the rules you can't kill someone.

>> No.45378834
Quoted by: >>45378857

If some of Junko's cards were actually lethal and she had in fact used said cards in her fight against the protagonists, she would have violated the spell card rules, not the spirit of the spell card rules.

>> No.45378857
Quoted by: >>45378914

EN touhou wiki editors usually aren't native speakers so you can't argue specific wording. The same line also says:

>While the rules were in part designed to prevent bloodshed, Junko has multiple spell cards made to kill.

>> No.45378914
Quoted by: >>45379015

I doubt Junko would choose to cheat in a single aspect of the spell card rules when she could cheat in all of them to assure victory if she really wanted to go down that road. If you're going to kill your opponent by cheating, might as well go all the way and assure a win. Why bother with spell cards in the first place if that's what the ultimate end goal is?

>> No.45379015
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Quoted by: >>45379146

Point still stands. Keep coping.

Back to remiposting

>> No.45379045

Aya writing an article thaf isn't fake news? Is the world ending or something?

>> No.45379146
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Quoted by: >>45379219

The point doesn't stand, as now that I look at the source of your quotes, it doesn't actually provide any canon source for its statements. I'd be interested to see where it originally came from and how much of it is true.
And besides, I don't really see what use it would have to you in this argument if it turned out that Junko cheated at one aspect of spell card rules. The line of reasoning "Heca borrowed some power to Junko - Junko lost at Danmaku - Therefore Heca's power < Junko's opponent's power" is flawed at so many stages that finding proof that Junko cheated is nowhere near enough to disprove the fact that Heca is canonically the strongest of all the hus who were introduced before and in LoLK.

>> No.45379166
Quoted by: >>45379274

Like Yoshimitsu bringing a sword to a fist fight then getting his ass beat.

>> No.45379189

That does not mean anything. Even if Hecatia gave her 100% of all her power(which she probably didnt) Junko would still not have the control and skill over the powers that Hecatia has .

>> No.45379219
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Her spellcards literally directly say they're meant to kill people. If you're too retarded to comprehend that, then I don't know what to tell you.
>"Lilies of Murderous Intent"
>"Pristine Danmaku for Killing a Person"
>"Danmaku for Killing with Certainty via Nightmares"

>> No.45379246
Quoted by: >>45379300

Not him, but they are still spellcard with a clear pattern and a clear way to dodge. If she really did not obey its rules then instead of sending a gigantic pattern that cover the whole scream she would actually aim at protagonists, either that or shoot a actually unavoidable wall of fire.

>> No.45379274
Quoted by: >>45379285

>And what backs up Heca being the strongest?
Being the goddess of hell it doesn't sound too far fetched seeing how absurdly large hell seems to be.
The only other 'hu that seemed strong as fuck would be Yuuma, but she is also from hell, so probably less powerful than Heca.
Shinki/Lucifer could be pretty strong considering how Makai seems much more serious after pc98, but she hasn't appeared since MS.
Maybe in the future ZUN makes a new character that changes this but I see no legit reason to doubt Heca's power aside from not liking her as a character, or thinking it sucks when a new character that barely appears gets to suddenly be the strongest.
Like Youmu against Meiling I guess. But weapons tend to be less effective in games and such than irl.

>> No.45379285

I doubt her power both because a new character that barely appears gets to suddenly be the strongest and that ZUN just said she's beyond the level of anyone without even elaborating.

>> No.45379293
File: 512 KB, 717x1012, 1478209327457.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>45379320

Yeah, look at all those spell cards of Junko that have names about death and killing like
>Dead Village "Death of One's Home -Suicide-"
>Deadly Dance "Law of Mortality -Demon World-"
>Death Sign "Ghastly Dream"
>Deadly Butterfly "Eternal Sleep in Dreamland"
>Lifespan "Ticket to the Ageless Land"
>Death Sign "Life of Drunk, Dream of Death"
Oh wait, those are all Yuyuko's cards! My bad. I guess we'll just have to conclude that her cards are meant to kill people too because of their names, right? Surely we must interpret them literally like we interpret the names of Junko's cards.

What I'm trying to say here is that spell card names cannot be taken literally as proof that the cards contain certain elements which are present in their names.

>> No.45379300

To be fair, her spellcards are DAMN close to that by design. It's why everybody I know who played the game she's in calls her spells incredibly bland but still hard as fuck..

>> No.45379305

>And what backs up Heca being the strongest?
Think about how many followers Kanako has.

Think about many followers Hecatia has.

>> No.45379317

Anon, she is the greek goddess of magic, sorcery and necromacy, by magical power alone she is a powerhouse. Just by being a greek god she is immortal, since they only die if they lose faith. She is also the goddess of boundaries which seems to be a big deal in touhou.

>> No.45379320
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Quoted by: >>45379499

Use your critical thinking skills, retard. Those names are different in essence than Junko's. They're metaphorical while Junko's are literally specifying that they're meant to kill someone. Even though you're a secondary nigger who's never played a 2hu game in their life, you can also take into consideration that Junko's spellcards are indeed bland as fuck but still extremely hard.
Critical thinking and common sense point to the conclusion being that Junko's spellcards are meant to kill but you have neither of those skills.

>> No.45379347
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>a new character that barely appears gets to suddenly be the strongest and that ZUN just said she's beyond the level of anyone without even elaborating
That's the best part. ZUN basically destroyed all powerwankers by flat out stating that a newhu that nobody ever heard of before is orders of magnitude stronger than anyone introduced before her. The collective seethe this caused in Yukarifags in particular continues to this very day.

>> No.45379348
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>> No.45379356
File: 159 KB, 850x1243, __remilia_scarlet_yakumo_yukari_and_houjuu_nue_touhou_drawn_by_iganashi1__sample-ed6d3d6fa1d72d81d909dfb5a0318e9a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>45379366

True but ZUN is a borderline retarded middle-aged chink whose IQ has plummeted to room temperature as a result of constant alcoholism, so no one really took that seriously and Hecatia is still an irrelevant 'hu to this day.

>> No.45379364

With a single sentence, ZUN destroyed powerlevel niggs and reduced Yukari to Jobkari.
For that, I thank him forever.

>> No.45379366
Quoted by: >>45379388

Funny to you say that while posting on the boars dedicated to his series.

>> No.45379378

>replying to such a obvious troll
Is /a/ leaking again?

>> No.45379388
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He's a good dev and composer don't get me wrong but honestly? He needs to hire an artist and a writer.

>> No.45379396

Pretty much
Hecca is the power-man of touhou

>> No.45379499
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Quoted by: >>45379557

You have provided no canon sources that Junko's cards are actually lethal. You claim that
>Critical thinking and common sense point to the conclusion being that Junko's spellcards are meant to kill
when it is in fact the exact opposite. Applying some critical thinking skills, we can ask the question why would Junko blatantly violate the spell card rules, or better yet, why would Junko violate a single rule in the set of spell card rules? If her goal is to just win, she might as well go all out and break the rules as much as she can. As for applying common sense, if Junko did break a rule in the spell card system, why did she face 0 repercussions afterwards for it? Why would any strong youkai follow the rules and accept their defeat in Danmaku, if they can just break them and get away with it? Why did Junko accept her defeat when she could've continued the fight by breaking another spell card duel rule?

The truth is that the burden of proof for why Junko's cards are lethal is on you. We have no reason to believe that they are lethal based only on their names, because the names reflect her character as much as in Yuyuko's case. In Junko's case the names allude to her purity and direct nature which is a by-product of the former.

>> No.45379557
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Quoted by: >>45379668

>we can ask the question why would Junko blatantly violate the spell card rules
Because she wants to win at all costs. She's a vengeful spirit; her character was made as an embodiment of anger.
>if Junko did break a rule in the spell card system, why did she face 0 repercussions afterwards for it?
ZUN's shitty writing is the answer to your question.
>Why did Junko accept her defeat when she could've continued the fight by breaking another spell card duel rule?
If you had actually read the source I sent, you'd know.
>It was at that time when the protagonist appears before her, clean of all impurity much to her surprise. Because her anger was already appeased, she saw no goal in continuing the invasion and admitted defeat before the battle.
>We have no reason to believe that they are lethal based only on their names, because the names reflect her character as much as in Yuyuko's case.
No they don't. As I said, Junko's spellcard names literally alude to them being DESIGNED TO KILL.
>The truth is that the burden of proof for why Junko's cards are lethal is on you.
And I've provided more than enough proof in this thread, that being;
1. Their names
2. Their simplistic yet extremely fucking hard nature
1 is just common sense and with 2 it's easy to come to the conclusion that they're designed to kill.
Also, critical thinking requires being unbiased and you did none of that.

>> No.45379668
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Quoted by: >>45379737

>Because she wants to win at all costs. She's a vengeful spirit; her character was made as an embodiment of anger.
Then that leads to a direct discrepancy with my earlier point of
>If her goal is to just win, she might as well go all out and break the rules as much as she can.
Yet she did not do this at all.
>ZUN's shitty writing is the answer to your question.
Not a very convincing point, considering that ZUN's writing is the only thing that can be taken to be factual in any 2hu debate about canon.
>If you had actually read the source I sent, you'd know.
>>It was at that time when the protagonist appears before her, clean of all impurity much to her surprise. Because her anger was already appeased, she saw no goal in continuing the invasion and admitted defeat before the battle.
Admitting defeat before the battle when you still have a chance to win also goes against your argument about her wanting to win at all costs. If she truly wanted the protagonists dead, why would she admit defeat before the battle, then engage in a battle and not try to win? It makes zero sense to assume that Junko was ready to cheat in the spell card rules and try to kill anyone when she had already conceded before the battle even began.
>No they don't. As I said, Junko's spellcard names literally alude to them being DESIGNED TO KILL.
That's just your opinion and it doesn't prove in any way that they are actually lethal. Interpreting the cards of Junko and Yuyuko on a different basis for no reason doesn't make sense. And I've already explained why the names of Junko's spell cards make perfect sense in a metaphorical sense in light of her purity being a central and defining feature of her character and personality.
>Also, critical thinking requires being unbiased and you did none of that.
If you show me a canon source that explicitly says that Junko's cards are lethal, then I have no problem with that. You, on the other hand, started this debate in the first place because you willingly disregarded an established canon fact (that Heca is the most powerful character), which isn't an unbiased stance at all.

>> No.45379737
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Quoted by: >>45379921

>If you show me a canon source that explicitly says that Junko's cards are lethal, then I have no problem with that
I have already. The names of her spellcards explicitly state that they're meant to kill.
>I've already explained why the names of Junko's spell cards make perfect sense in a metaphorical sense in light of her purity being a central and defining feature of her character and personality.
Your "explanation" was frankly quite baseless. It's clearly biased, made correlations out of absolutely nothing and disregarded literal naming to do so.
>Admitting defeat before the battle when you still have a chance to win also goes against your argument about her wanting to win at all costs
It doesn't. Junko's anger had already been appeased, so she didn't want to fight anymore. Simple as.

All of your arguments use insane mental gymnastics to try and prove that Junko's spellcards aren't meant to kill when they obviously are, looking at it from a standpoint free of bias.

>> No.45379921
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Quoted by: >>45380002

>I have already. The names of her spellcards explicitly state that they're meant to kill.
Only if you want to interpret them literally. And if you do, there is no reason why you'd only interpret Junko's cards literally, or else you'd be biased. So we'd have to interpret everyone's cards literally and that would lead to quite a few problems and disagreements with established canon.
>Your "explanation" was frankly quite baseless. It's clearly biased, made correlations out of absolutely nothing and disregarded literal naming to do so.
Again, if you want to interpret something literally and something else not literally, you need to have a good reason to do so. If you don't understand my explanation for the metaphorical interpretation of Junko's spell cards, then that's your problem. But if you do, you can't disregard it as baseless without engaging in its core points first.
>It doesn't. Junko's anger had already been appeased, so she didn't want to fight anymore. Simple as.
Exactly And there would have been no reason to kill anyone she fought with her supposed lethal spell cards, even if she did possess them.
>All of your arguments use insane mental gymnastics to try and prove that Junko's spellcards aren't meant to kill when they obviously are, looking at it from a standpoint free of bias.
I don't need mental gymnastics to prove that Junko's spell cards are not lethal because I don't need to prove that. The burden of proof on that matter rests on you. There is no reason to assume that Junko broke spell card rules without any proof. You yourself had to earlier resort to attacking ZUN's writing in order to defend your argument when confonted by what it naturally implies after applying some critical thinking.

What I'm doing here is questioning the arguments that you present in favour of your interpretation and pointing out that there are serious flaws in them. So unless you are planning to actually adressing the problems in them instead of just brushing my criticism off or ignoring it altogether, then there is very little reason to continue this conversation.

>> No.45380002
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Quoted by: >>45380171

>there is no reason why you'd only interpret Junko's cards literally, or else you'd be biased.
>Again, if you want to interpret something literally and something else not literally, you need to have a good reason to do so.
One, you're contradicting yourself in these two comments, and two, I do have a good reason to do so. There's many other factors such as her spellcards being stale but extremely hard.
>You yourself had to earlier resort to attacking ZUN's writing in order to defend your argument when confonted by what it naturally implies after applying some critical thinking.
That is irrelevant + please continue to ad hominem me.
>There is no reason to assume that Junko broke spell card rules without any proof.
There IS direct proof that you're entirely ignoring and instead doing mental gymnastics to counter the arguments you cherrypick out of my replies.
>then there is very little reason to continue this conversation.
OK, we can stop here.

>> No.45380031
Quoted by: >>45380072

Why is the Remilia fanbase like this?

>> No.45380072
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Quoted by: >>45380093

every lore "discussion" is like this

>> No.45380093
Quoted by: >>45380101

The only people who take lore seriously (And by that I mean caring about it beyond curbing fanon tropes) are powertier autists, grimfags and christfags who really, REALLY want to convert everyone.

That caveat is important, because none of the above care about something unless it happens to be in their favor.

>> No.45380101
Quoted by: >>45380139

I'm a christfag who really, REALLY wants to convert everyone.

>> No.45380139
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Quoted by: >>45381365

That was not an invitation to speak up.

>> No.45380147

If Junko really wanted kill or not, i do not know. But we all agree Hecatia is the strongest 2hu right?

>> No.45380171
File: 141 KB, 866x900, 1396152792007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>One, you're contradicting yourself in these two comments
No. We interpret the names of all the cards in a uniform manner (either figuratively or literally), irregradless of the character unless given suffienct reason to differ from this. There is no reason to interpret only Junko's cards literally if everyone else's are taken to be figurative.
>I do have a good reason to do so. There's many other factors such as her spellcards being stale but extremely hard.
Being stale but extremely hard gives no support to them being lethal and in violation to spell card rules. That sort of leap of logic just plain makes no sense. Other characters have stale and extremely hard cards too. Are they supposed to be lethal too? And the other factors that you mentioned I've already given a rebuttal to.
>That is irrelevant + please continue to ad hominem me.
That is not irrelevant and I didn't ad homined you. If your theory cannot stand a critical analysis and you have to resort to ignoring a valid critique, then there's good reason to disregard your theory. I'm not letting this one go and ask again: If Junko broke spell card rules in LoLK, why didn't anyone care? Why were there no repercussions? Why was this not addressed in the ending scenes?
>There IS direct proof that you're entirely ignoring and instead doing mental gymnastics to counter the arguments you cherrypick out of my replies.
There are more plausible explanations to the factors that you've presented as proof. Explanations that don't conjecture lethal spell cards and a major violation in spell card rules during several duels that for whatever reason was never referred to again in canon afterwards.
>OK, we can stop here.
Ok, but if you really want empirical proof for my position boot up LoLK, play Legacy mode, and get hit by one of Junko's spell cards. Let me know if you die immediately which you would if the card really was lethal.

>> No.45380176


>> No.45380179
Quoted by: >>45380273

Anyone who doesn't is by definition a secondary.

>> No.45380195
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Sure. But I still like my wife better.

>> No.45380273
File: 219 KB, 1024x1024, OIG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A secondary is someone who doesn't play the games, a primary is someone who is. Get your definitions right.

>> No.45380557
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Man, can you guys have one Remi thread without powerwanking and chuuniposting

>> No.45380629
File: 247 KB, 850x1303, Remiliasmuglet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>45380643

but remi IS chunni

>> No.45380643
File: 69 KB, 800x600, __flandre_scarlet_and_remilia_scarlet_touhou_drawn_by_gochou_atemonai_heya__3a9d9ce918f1563d046227710c40019b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. There is no hu chuunier than Remi, besides maybe Sumirenko.

>> No.45380707
Quoted by: >>45380722

What is chunni supposed to mean?

>> No.45380722
File: 783 KB, 1280x971, 1649025245251.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's when Remi says she can control fate (she can't)

>> No.45380812

Which 2hu would be the most effective vampire hunter?

>> No.45380837
Quoted by: >>45380957


>> No.45380957

No wonder Remilia tries to keep her by her side.

>> No.45380969


>> No.45381365

What's your problem?!

>> No.45381452
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>> No.45381755

Whoever could summon Amaterasu for starters, so Toyohime, Reimu... maybe Sanae?
Then Patche considering she considers making roasted beans danmaku against Suika and has water and sun magic, she could even design specific spells against vampires, the possibility of getting rare tomes from the vampires she kills would also motivate her to hunt I think.
Okuu, having sun powers and such would also have the upper hand against them( Flan only mentions being tired after fighting Okuu in 17.5 tho, but I guess it could be that Okuu's attack still affect her even if they don't touch her(might also affect every living being in the vicinity))
2hus with water powers like Nitori are probably also a good choice.

>> No.45381794

Patchouli is a smart girl, I'm sure she went into that friendship with a plan to kill Remilia if that hand of friendship was extended to her in bad faith.

>> No.45382040

Yuuka is strong enough to be a hunter of anything, including vampires. Eirin could create a cure for vampirism, a vaccine that makes humans immune to it and probably some medicine that makes your blood toxic for vampires. Yukari could gap some sunlight right on the head of the vampire and insta kill it. Ran is a great magician that could burn any vampire to ashes. Hags are no joke.

>> No.45382308
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Quoted by: >>45382312


>> No.45382312 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>45382341


>> No.45382341
Quoted by: >>45382354


>> No.45382354 [DELETED] 
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>> No.45383387
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why do mods hate italy

>> No.45386391
File: 301 KB, 781x771, akiyuu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are forgetting someone, Akyuu will show those dirty creatures of the night who's boss!

>> No.45388639
File: 1.01 MB, 1071x1080, 1538236341169.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>its not supposed to miss either
perfect punchline, but remove "and missing me entirely as well" to set it up better. Either way, I keked

>> No.45392117 [DELETED] 
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>> No.45392131
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Quoted by: >>45392743


>> No.45392743
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this thread does give off that vibe
