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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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>> No.43242022
File: 948 KB, 1456x1901, __centorea_shianus_monster_musume_no_iru_nichijou_drawn_by_materclaws__93d88b7ea90028b998075c74921149ac.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why hike when you can ride?

>> No.43242029
File: 106 KB, 500x2256, 1636690059865.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Such a thing to happen.

>> No.43242072
File: 328 KB, 603x1000, Dormouse_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The other thread already got archived???

>> No.43242078
File: 207 KB, 500x500, disappointed kot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43242111

Yup, sad. Speaking about big cat was great

>> No.43242090
Quoted by: >>43242188

I bet jinkos do that silly wiggle cats do before pouncing like big cute dorks

>> No.43242092

First we had a thread that wouldn't die and then we got one that died too quickly. What a world!

>> No.43242107

Alright fellas, here's the deal. I've got a 37k chunk of story to drop, but it involves a malef. I haven't read the profile yet since it hasn't released, and based her on the rumors. My question is, do you think that it would be poor taste to drop it before the profile goes public? I'd feel like shit if the profile drops and her personality isn't close to what I wrote.

>> No.43242111

She's barely touched her broccoli.

>> No.43242121


>> No.43242126

I'd recommend waiting. You can do an edit if your guesses are too far off-canon, or add a comment or insert an exposition that she's a non-standard personality example.
>Speaking of releases - when?

>> No.43242146
Quoted by: >>43242170

Just use kemono as posted by this anon >>43242121
KC has as far as I know gone silent on us and not releasing the Malef. So go ahead imo.

>> No.43242150

Nobody would find a story to be in poor taste because of a monster's personality being a bit off the profile depiction.
You'd need to be completely out there for this to be an issue.

>> No.43242165

>If it's a human female, then she'll transform into a “dragonewt”
Shortstack Dragons?

>> No.43242170

>KC has as far as I know gone silent on us and not releasing the Malef. So go ahead imo.
It still baffles me that nobody from KC's inner circle pointed out to him how weird it is to first mess up game development and fail to deliver anything for two fucking years and then instead of making up for it, implement an even stricter paywall policy on the little content that actually does come out.

>> No.43242175
File: 151 KB, 704x704, Demon128.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh shit, alright. Spot on. Good stuff. Part one of Vala's alt ending to the Mana Cabana series


This one started to run away from me, so I decided to break it up into two parts since editing giant blocks of text hurts my soul and keeping the story cohesive gets tougher the more there is to it. I'll add the second half later, wanted to let them do cute things together for a bit before they get together.

>> No.43242182

> My question is, do you think that it would be poor taste to drop it before the profile goes public?

No, who cares? I guess it could be kinda controversial if it was a pic and could be seen by KC, but nobody would care about a story and japs can't read it anyway

>> No.43242183
File: 138 KB, 337x580, 1675430342690115.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanna sniff danuki breath all day everyday!

>> No.43242188

>Jinko wiggling her large, well-rounded rear right before the attack
I'm gonna need a back view of that.

>> No.43242193

Friendly reminder to yank the tails of demons you meet in public. It's the proper way you greet them!

>> No.43242220

Ok busy working but I was waiting for this, good stuff

>> No.43242225
File: 196 KB, 1743x2048, fbe463cd522bc0340d660a4c6f767242.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A modern ghost for a modern age

>> No.43242242

Lazy fat ghost, can't scare anyone.

>> No.43242249
Quoted by: >>43242277

I exist to become food for a lamia

>> No.43242261
File: 912 KB, 2896x4096, Will-o-the-Wisp77.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43242295

Why is hair over eyes so attractive? I don't get it. Take any monster and cover one or both eyes with her hair and she becomes 10x more attractive to me.

>> No.43242277
Quoted by: >>43242712

A happy snake is one gets enough nutrients from her husband.
Eating raw eggs with the shell gets boring quickly, blowjobs never do.

>> No.43242281

I think he's just burned out.

>> No.43242295
Quoted by: >>43242381

because mystery, its the same way more clothes is better than less clothes, you have to know what youre doing though

>> No.43242346
File: 182 KB, 1311x1002, 1681288347033673.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43242417

How do MGC residents cope being on Virgin bay?

>> No.43242381

tantalisation derived from mystery

>> No.43242387
File: 569 KB, 1170x1491, 1556150686418.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Werewolves won't leave me sheep alone
>Keep taking them every time I take them out to graze
>Can't deal with the loss of sheep
>Put a request to the guild to deal with them
>Some young hero shows up claiming he'll make those werewolves stop
>To his word they stopped
>For a bit anyways
>6 months later and now I got heavily pregnant werewolves stealing even more of my flock
I fucking hate heroes

>> No.43242400

Let your sheep stay with you at night

>> No.43242417
Quoted by: >>43242555

Virgin bay is where all the cute virgin boys are at though.

>> No.43242428

You're sort of inviting the most severe retribution from the same people that stalk the /d/ threads. So at worst you get a page calling you a bad boy on his site because ao3 ignores dmcas.
Consider what we know of his inner circle and it doesn't seem that odd.

>> No.43242432
File: 173 KB, 1280x1607, werewolf_girl__samantha_by_azraelwebster_ddimlny-fullview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I already do, but I have to let them out to eat and get fresh sometime. And I can't exactly be on both sides of flock at the same time nor can I sprint a 100 yards in 5 seconds. Also I can't hire help because said werewolves keep stealing my sheep meaning I make less money and couldn't pay the Lilim tax if I did hire help.

>> No.43242555

>its all a marketing scheme

>> No.43242580
File: 287 KB, 1091x1600, sheep.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43242640

>Let your sheep stay with you at night

>> No.43242640

>surrounded by slightly crazed sheep slowly advancing on you
what is the logical continuation of this scheme assuming no crab cop out?

>> No.43242641
Quoted by: >>43245383

You gotta get yourself a loyal shepherd dog or two to scare the wolves off

>> No.43242709

find your inner welshman

>> No.43242712

Just spend a couple hours inside that belly. No digestion. Just a warm yet slimy sleeping bag

>> No.43242723
Quoted by: >>43242726

What kind of people stalk the /d/ threads?

>> No.43242726

The kind that do it for free.

>> No.43242732 [DELETED] 
File: 910 KB, 495x693, Perplexed_Dragon_by_Jo1day.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What happens when a monster girl encounters a human cosplaying/dressing up like one of them?

>> No.43242746
File: 267 KB, 919x1300, 1660821032455249.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43243135

>> No.43242747

Don't post off-topic images

>> No.43242764
Quoted by: >>43242832

Well if it’s a chaos girl there’s going to be some body transfiguration, that when you wear things that mimic her she will see you as her husband.

>> No.43242832
Quoted by: >>43242869

So if I want to attract a shog I should get naked and cover myself in blackberry jam?

>> No.43242869


>> No.43242873

Thanks Magus, love Vala

>> No.43242890

Only glowies and turbospergs will give you a hard time.
Speaking of hard times, two questions.
Are you harder than they are?
Can you get me harder than they are?
Do what you do. If it's bad, no one will give a little greasy drippy shit.

>> No.43242917
Quoted by: >>43242977

You have to bait harder than that, kid. Try including a furry pic next time. Earn that (you)

>> No.43242921
Quoted by: >>43242981

>Monster being dicks
>Mc being insufferable and doing nothing to defend himself
>One more femdom story

>> No.43242977
Quoted by: >>43242987

I don't get it.

>> No.43242981

Malefs are canon Femdoms not standard MereLizards, so go seethe at KC direct.

>> No.43242987

Ignore him, it's one of the shitposting retards false-flagging.

>> No.43242992
Quoted by: >>43243109

Everything is femdom now, every new profiles and every story. It's sickening

>> No.43243006
File: 360 KB, 1600x2400, malzeno_by_muhut_dfu7wdc-fullview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The VAMPAIAH DORAGON. The two haughtiest species combined into one. You think you're man enough to handle this level of tsundere?

>> No.43243065

Nah hate tsunderes I only put my dick in yanderes.

>> No.43243109

>They could probably easily force a man into submission and enthrall him as a breeding partner. Yet regardless of this fact, they tend to prefer more devious methods
>in order to sate their wicked desires in a more ideal fashion. For example, such as by using their wits and cunning to skillfully flare up their prey's desire and coaxing him by saying they'll grant his wishes in exchange for obedience, or even by using their own bodies and behaving in the manner of a succuba to seize a prey's heart and drive him crazy with the joy and pleasure of breeding...

>THIS is femdom
This is the part where you say you're just pretending or something, btw

>> No.43243118

Threads are so fast nowadays it's hard to keep up
I need a shog to whip me into shape so just reading doesn't take all evening for me

>> No.43243127
File: 170 KB, 995x1278, B1E5147F-7A19-4DA5-8233-C9A9FA282FB6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43243132

What should be done about the terribly slutty vampires dragging their species name through the mud?

>> No.43243132

they need to be fucked thoroughly and put on display to show vampires they are mere female bloodsuckers, that should serve human men

>> No.43243135

I'm not even a fan of wonderland but wock doesn't deserve the amount of bullying she gets.

>> No.43243140

>force and enthrall him
>seduce and enthrall instead
this is why I just ignore the description.

>> No.43243227

Now this is a dragon I'd love.

>> No.43243287

Oh wow they're the manipulative kind of femdom and can force you into anything physically too. I'm so wrong...

>> No.43243305
File: 156 KB, 849x1200, F18AFADD-DAAB-43A7-A343-A49EF0FB3E73.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pharaoh sis gets mad at me for getting another one of her advisors pregnant
How the fuck am I supposed to resist?

>> No.43243319

She's just jealous

>> No.43243337

I don't see the problem. You're just making more advisors for her.

>> No.43243350

well, you get to work then! she's already jelly, so why not talk to her calmly over a cup of definitely-not-spiked tea?

>> No.43243372
File: 553 KB, 1200x1200, Echidna34.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Expand your bloodline like your genetics tell you to!

>> No.43243424

Tialoch ending when?

>> No.43243449

>Wearing symbiotic creatures as underwear
Not sure how to feel about that

>> No.43243469

I will overrun the planet with sandworms. I will have so many sandworm daughterus that me and my wife will be declared an ecological disaster. So much so, that an army of lilims, baphs, and demons have to conjure a desert planet to contain all of my offspring. And even then, we won't be stopping. A single man won't be able to walk on that planet more than a few feet before a sandworm daughteru pops out of the ground to eat him. I will become a menace to the universe.

>> No.43243470

Prime Ryona bait

>> No.43243496
File: 1.28 MB, 1600x2000, 1665059989773348.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

needs to be pumped full with a brood or three

i wonder what happens when a new species is born (echidna shenanigans) does her mother make her daughter will make ALOT of children with her future husband? to ensure it spawns a big next generation and such

>> No.43243500
File: 849 KB, 2048x2048, FrUB2FgWYA4XdII.jpeg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43243501


>> No.43243506

Too furry

>> No.43243510
File: 572 KB, 1235x1400, 1503973200958.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43243551

Sex with younger monstergirls without impregnation

>> No.43243551

>without impregnation
then whats the point anon?

>> No.43243563
Quoted by: >>43243589

He doesn't want to take responsibility

>> No.43243589
Quoted by: >>43243618

True irresponsible sex is knocking her up and running away
Before getting caught and made to take responsibility

>> No.43243590

kys furfag

>> No.43243618

>Before getting caught and made to take responsibility
there is no reason why this sounds so hot to me

>> No.43243696
Quoted by: >>43243698

Impregnating an Umi Osho and immediately taking responsibility!

>> No.43243698

sounds dangerous, what if she wants more?

>> No.43243712
Quoted by: >>43243727

What will poor Hebi do when Ryu decides she likes the human Hebi had eyes for and hasn't claimed yet and takes him and arranges for their ritualistic marriage ceremony?

>> No.43243727
Quoted by: >>43245810

Doesn’t that form into a love triangle where anon gets both the Ryu and the Hebi.

>> No.43243729

Need Lilim Viceroy to colonize my bed if you know what I mean.

>> No.43243822

>get job interview
>my reviewer is a demon lady
>"Alright, we need to see what you can do. Unzip those pants."
>get real visibly upset and shy away from her at this
>she has this evil grin now
Ma'am, with all due respect, what the FUCK does my penis have to do with the accounting job I applied for?

>> No.43243836

Just go away, who care. My place only hires men (no Alp allowed) and we're the only productive factory in town. We also have no health insurance, a lot of injuries, a lot of tiredness and depression.

>> No.43243855
Quoted by: >>43243977

Your new job as a breeder of course!

>> No.43243858
File: 269 KB, 1057x1280, 1632689802574.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We've sent five ambassadors into the territory of the Amazon Queendom. None have returned.

...We did get a letter from the Amazons though. It just says 'Send more ambassadors', so maybe we're close to a diplomatic breakthrough.

>> No.43243873

Burn the jungle to the ground. Nothing good come from there. Expect tacos cat, I like them (in a cage)

>> No.43243890
File: 624 KB, 960x960, 107265840_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43244065

>> No.43243911
File: 457 KB, 807x1400, 1619253540211.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43243921

>then whats the point anon?
Mating with plump mamono lolis

>> No.43243915

Remember to watch out for electric eels when you're in the jungle. They're much more aggressive than their Zipangu cousins, and can grow large enough to electrify an entire lake. It may be best to avoid the water entirely.

>> No.43243916
Quoted by: >>43243924

It’s an office full of single CCs isn’t it

>> No.43243921
Quoted by: >>43243926

>stupid sexy wight

>> No.43243924
File: 1.20 MB, 2484x4000, 106733330_p8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43243926
Quoted by: >>43243930

But that's a Lich.

>> No.43243930
Quoted by: >>43243963

is that rascist?

>> No.43243935

I want to be a flamethrower wielder in the trenches

>> No.43243939
File: 875 KB, 2750x3500, media_FqN0dnjakAA2YTo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Needs more clothes

>> No.43243948
File: 84 KB, 1249x844, C31Dl6yWMAAtWM5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43243957

i want to hold hands with a monster in public.

>> No.43243957

me too but i'd do it for money

>> No.43243963

No, I don't think Liches are racist.

>> No.43243964

Lava Golems love foreplay

>> No.43243977
Quoted by: >>43244174


>> No.43243979

Office work is alll fun and games until your boss trapps you inside and gives you a choce between paperwork or letting her suck your dic

>> No.43243984
File: 560 KB, 604x1000, 1653565263574.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your bloodline has been determined by God to not have enough holiness. To fix this, She has dispatched an angel for you to procreate with. Refusal is not an option.

>> No.43243994

So if angels can sing a musical note to heal, does that mean dark angels can do the same with lewd moans?

>> No.43244004

Finally my faith and prayers paid off! How many kids we aiming for?

>> No.43244014

>meat your maker

>> No.43244065

There is a monster girl gacha?
I know KC did a cute wolf for a game once.

>> No.43244076
Quoted by: >>43244088

>There is a monster girl gacha?
there was one for monster musume.

>> No.43244088

The eagle and bee girls were some of the finest designs out there.

>> No.43244102
File: 987 KB, 2048x1480, MadHatter35.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43244120

Who takes charge in a harem situation when one of those girls lives in a place where cats rule absolutely?

>> No.43244104
Quoted by: >>43244334

Monster Girl TD, a tower defense gacha. They had a crossover event with MGQ lately.

>> No.43244120

>Anon is married to a LV85 Jabberwock and other high-level monsters
>LV18 Chesh is the headwife solely because they moved to the cat kingdom

>> No.43244125

The smell of burned fur in the morning...

>> No.43244129

clutch the birb gently

>> No.43244140
File: 1.05 MB, 3036x2150, 1681728660507244.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43244174

>you will get milked at work and you will be happy

>> No.43244198

>he doesn't know about mandatory workplace penis inspection days
Be glad they decided to let you know before you signed the contract.
You didn't just blindly sign it, right?

>> No.43244249
File: 814 KB, 2179x2088, 23bcb569b24fa348bf5107ffa85151c803c67e3cbe4f1c184e8a6a095e9d5519.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43244270
File: 1.39 MB, 1024x1536, 00011-1929904090.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43244311

>> No.43244282

do not talk to the sheep
do not approach the sheep
any attempts to remove sheep from your bed will result in failure
accept your helplessness and move on with life

>> No.43244289

>I haven't read the profile yet
>do you think that it would be poor taste to drop it?
Is this bait or is your stupidity authentic? Just make it a regular fucking dragon and make it have nothing to do with MGE.

>> No.43244302
File: 890 KB, 1200x1500, 1650388715887.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Griffon-chan is extra cute when she is grooving
look at her go
she is unstoppable

>> No.43244311

wow such quality OC, yet another AI generated picture of an elf with messed up spaghetti fingers

>> No.43244334

Gacha games are usually a good source of fanart, definitely worth checking related tags.

>> No.43244353
File: 476 KB, 1170x1409, 22624612_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43244375

Gonna steal some eggs from her nest while she's out running errands and take them back home to make a giant omelette with.
And nobody will EVER know it was me!

>> No.43244387
File: 531 KB, 900x750, 23490621_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43244500

>> No.43244421

The griffon cannot groove if you steal her maracas.

>> No.43244500

Damn slutty oarfish!
Seduce an earthling!!
Rape correction is needed!

>> No.43244513

Too much meat, I'm on a diet.

>> No.43244574
File: 2.12 MB, 1125x2054, 16C6AC5F-01E6-44AD-A72D-B551E9AE7B03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember to feed your vampire enough blood anons, you never know what they could be driven to do if they get hungry enough.

>> No.43244626
File: 894 KB, 1276x1240, gobbo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this reminds me of that green a few threads ago where researcher decided to stay in ocelomeh village

>> No.43244637

He became the shaman of a goblin tribe?

>> No.43244641


>> No.43244702
Quoted by: >>43244751

I will not fuck the goblins.
Nor move in with the goblins.
And definitely not marry the goblins either.

>> No.43244751

Quote from grandfather to 30 Goblins, Goblintown USA

>> No.43244789

any ML researchers in this thread?

>> No.43244805

remember to hide cucumbers around the house when a catgirl is visiting

>> No.43244872
File: 383 KB, 1280x960, Manticore_053.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

me! I am a longtime Manticore Lips researcher. Tday I made a groundbreaking discovery about the taste of my wife's new lipstick.

>> No.43244905

That's how you attract Kappa

>> No.43244906

>hides cucumbers in every room
>checks later, they are disappearing
>no catgirls
>no Kappas
>checks carefully, no greenworms
>Anon's Kiki maido is suspiciously happy...

>> No.43244911

>walk in on her using cucumber as a dildo
>"huh? what did you expect, smart ass?"

>> No.43244996

Actually she does, have you ever had to deal with an arrogant hag like her?

>> No.43245112
File: 98 KB, 672x1024, 1643925308472.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43245177

I am a Minotaur Love researcher yes
My current hypothesis states that Minotaurs are exceptionally lovable monsters

I guess I dabbled a bit in Machine Learning too but not enough to be a researcher

>> No.43245140
File: 162 KB, 600x750, FtmnPQ8acAMgn0O.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43245177

>minotaur >>43245112

The thing I don't get about the legend is
Why they try containing the guy by putting him in a maze?

>> No.43245293
Quoted by: >>43245317

Where would you have put him?

>> No.43245317
Quoted by: >>43245404

Just a normal dungeon
It's literally the sane construction as the maze just yiu know with the walls closed

>> No.43245329
File: 2.04 MB, 3000x3000, 20230417_111130.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43247884

>> No.43245367

>Kenko_Cross just became a patron of Dreamsavior

>> No.43245376
File: 596 KB, 2574x3432, a6b0b9f547e028656046afc8ae73175e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43245383
Quoted by: >>43245727

I'm now imagining a couple of cute, fluffy, HUEG kobolds that are overgrown teddy bears to the shepherd but go Yakuza mode at the mere mention of werewolves.

>> No.43245391
File: 453 KB, 1606x1640, 43_by_el_sato_dfuntlp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43245398
Quoted by: >>43245501

Really? He made an announcement about this?

>> No.43245404
File: 641 KB, 2000x2500, 1583448832527.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Normal prison wouldn't do and Daedalus went all out instead of a simple construction.
I don't remember if the myth mentions it, but it could have very well been underground.

>> No.43245409
Quoted by: >>43245445

>Kenko_Cross just became the prime minister of Japan

>> No.43245426
Quoted by: >>43245501

What? Who is that?

>> No.43245441
Quoted by: >>43245485

You can definitely outrun the chesh
Escape into the wilderness, she will not follow you
If you can’t escape you simply aren’t running erratically enough

>> No.43245445

Not a good idea, Abe got killed a year ago and the new guy got almost killed yesterday. Based japs are hunting down them

>> No.43245447

>Kenko_Cross just flew over my house

>> No.43245450

>Kenko_Cross just became the shogun of Tokugawa clan

>> No.43245455
File: 286 KB, 828x802, 7ECF18D9-CB2C-4355-9594-CCF49CD93203.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m in danger

>> No.43245478

please don't waste image limit, use catbox for things like that
we just recently had a thread that went almost a day with no images

>> No.43245485

i just fuck a wock then fall asleep on her meaty body

>> No.43245501
Quoted by: >>43245578

>He made an announcement
No , patreon just sent this I assume automatically
No idea

>> No.43245556
File: 829 KB, 1003x1417, 785c956b1d95545081b6f5d9befa0405.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you do when a naughty Harpy steals your fish?

>> No.43245560
File: 291 KB, 1049x1500, Fs5YFFmWIAI3fZs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43245578
Quoted by: >>43245793

It's an offline translation service apparently. Pure meme i bet.

Yeah, game is not looking good.

>> No.43245582

Spank that butt

>> No.43245594
File: 122 KB, 1008x1020, 1569708902885.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she'll have to fight for it

>> No.43245614

Could a flayer flay you to hallucinate something like this? It's straying into nightmare territory, but...

>> No.43245619
File: 1.16 MB, 1254x1558, phoenix.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which girl with huge titty to draw this time?

>> No.43245635

living doll knight

>> No.43245636
Quoted by: >>43245690

Oh, I was wrong. It's translator++... which is free. I'm not 100% sure he is doing but mostly likely trying to get the guy to write a script for him.
I think that translator he had might have gone away.

>> No.43245637

Wet nightmares.

>> No.43245641


>> No.43245642

ant arachne

>> No.43245646
Quoted by: >>43245666


>> No.43245660
File: 72 KB, 850x1040, 21584B3F-0E74-40D6-9162-57AC332E615E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43246919

Royal Goblin Butt.

>> No.43245666
File: 636 KB, 954x1000, 5dS0IYKJ_o.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seconding the cute sea slug

>> No.43245679
File: 1.10 MB, 1254x1771, wurm nun.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didn't do the ocean bunny slime yet so ok, gonna do that

>> No.43245690
File: 43 KB, 200x200, 79b56531cc899a6470e96778d3f4c7a5b87d67ce6f0979575b305e512eab5a43.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43245721

It's over

>> No.43245721
Quoted by: >>43246126

After six months or radio silence I don't really know or care what happens. He could release an update tomorrow or never.

>> No.43245727

You will take your border collie cu siths and you'll like it.

>> No.43245793
Quoted by: >>43245849

>Yeah, game is not looking good.
I have no idea HOW can you fuck this up when you had a fully working prototype that people liked, and all you had to do was to make more girls and people would still laud it as the best monster girl game ever because you're fucking KC himself.

>> No.43245805

I can't handle slightly above room temp. It feels like I'm slowly being cooked alive.

>> No.43245810
Quoted by: >>43245840

>With a hebi
I'd pay to see that

>> No.43245827

Penis inspection day is an official day, it can be declared at anytime as well. Better show her your dick anon, or else you'll have to go to jail. You wouldn't want to be put in the same cell as a hyper aggressive pent up hellhound would you?

>> No.43245833
File: 91 KB, 1064x751, 1676922733568367.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43246245


>> No.43245840
Quoted by: >>43245905

I'm pretty sure KC has directly stated that a harem with a hebinis possible, but they'd try to dominate your time. I pity the man that has to juggle that without a bicorn or smoke hobo harem master to help.

>> No.43245849
Quoted by: >>43245962

I have enough experience that I can already see the seams breaking. Plus autism.
>several buttons do nothing and I know rpgmaker would make them suck for their intended goal
>probably doesn't understand how to do combat
>you level up through sex which is fine for porn and lore but makes the gameplay shit
These are just design issues too. The biggest drag was he had a system for dialogue that he gung hoed into working for the prototype but probably fell apart for anything more complex or was just so extremely unwieldy he couldn't do it.
Also patreon disease. That's probably a lot of it.
Anyway he's now subscribed to a patreon for translator++ which is open source but comes with the benefits of someone writing one script for him and something called points.
In the best case scenario he's asking for a way to import 50k lines of dialogue into the game and that will happen soon.
In the worst he's asking for a way to do that but the response will be "lol retard"
Didn't he mention he had someone just write every single line of text into the game?

>> No.43245858
File: 270 KB, 566x800, 1676336233081025.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heh, all these savages need is a man to put them in their place. I'll go, there's no way I'll lose to amazons, you just gotta slap their ass and demand they make you a sandwich.

>> No.43245895

I'm going to the ice kingdom in the arctic for a vacation. What should I expect?

>> No.43245905

I like to think she'd fall in love with both of you honestly, and become possessive of both you

>> No.43245908

ice worms

>> No.43245917

it'll probably be pretty cold

>> No.43245948

Being claimed by soft yeti paws

>> No.43245962

As much as people malign publishers or management, they are needed if only to force the creative to get shot done. As otherwise you have Patreon/Kickstarter disease.

>> No.43245975
File: 3.38 MB, 2070x3507, 1681747512299322.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fat cat.

>> No.43245983
Quoted by: >>43247045

15 foot tall blue skinned Jotunn women.

>> No.43246004

this cat is the one i shall sleep with

>> No.43246009

Beware desert monsters also on vacation. Too many fools go up there without proper preparation and next thing they know they have a shivering anubis clinging to them for warmth

>> No.43246015

>Not wanting to huddle up to a fire cuddling a freezing autism jackel

>> No.43246024
File: 886 KB, 1560x1824, 1681309431493123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What slime do you like? Aesthetically I kind of like the blue slime and shog the most

>> No.43246025
Quoted by: >>43246033

fuck the snow, i love beach and the summervile isles

>> No.43246033
Quoted by: >>43246038

I want palm trees, sandy beaches, drinks at the hammock and sunshine.

>> No.43246038
Quoted by: >>43246070

imagine all the sunbathing lizards and dragons

>> No.43246049
File: 1.45 MB, 858x1046, 25nuhhYs_o.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43246291


>> No.43246070
Quoted by: >>43246112

Big, thick dragons will all that thigh meat, ass, and scales on display will drive a man crazy, maybe malefs were right

>> No.43246096

You don't wanna do that man, if you get caught by the Glacies or Ice Queen you're never coming back. You definitely don't wanna get raped by a Tsurara or Yuki Onna either, their vaginas are as cold as the winter and it'll be your last rape ever as the hypothermia sets in. God help you if you run into a Yeti or Wendigo or White Horn, you won't be able to resist hugging their warm fur and soon will find yourself moving into whatever cave they inhabit. And if you see a Selkie she'll probably say something like "PERKELE :DDDD" at you and then you'll laugh at her unfortunate appearance which will upset her and cause her to stab you with her spear out of anger.

>> No.43246112
Quoted by: >>43246196

Also they would be choco flavoered, imagine that. as well as the fact there will bright blues, purples, reds, and yellows

>> No.43246126
Quoted by: >>43246597

When was the game released? Like 3 years ago by now?

>> No.43246196
Quoted by: >>43246554

what if you were trying to also relax on the beach and a couple of big dragons came over to pay you to rub them down with sunscreen, haha, just some nice pudge (not too much) with them guiding your hands to rub suspiciously close to their reverse scales, haha

>> No.43246207
Quoted by: >>43246446

What do you do when a gang of Imps come joshing on you?!

>> No.43246216

If she wears glasses, I'm cumming in her asses.

>> No.43246245

It's finally starting to cool down

>> No.43246291
File: 243 KB, 900x1270, 47bfe34da6cf50d5913d9d4bb52c40e2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43246327
Quoted by: >>43246356

Do not enter the men-only saunas, it is a trap.
Do not enter the mixed saunas, it is a trap
Do not enter the private saunas, it is a trap
And most definitely do not enter the monster-only saunas. They’re not a trap but only because it is pretty obvious you will be raped if you go inside.

>> No.43246336

she is an arogant,insufferable,needlessly prideful dragoncel so yes she deserves it

>> No.43246356
Quoted by: >>43246373

What if I just build my own sauna fit for one guy and use it?

>> No.43246373
Quoted by: >>43246428

You'll be raped by saunatonttu

>> No.43246428

So be it

>> No.43246435

Hands on many milkers, doing much milking.

>> No.43246446

Just hold their head with my hand, they're too small to do anything.

>> No.43246479

Surrender to their fluffy embrace and accept your fate as a sleepy daki/fucktoy/hubby

>> No.43246492
File: 2.42 MB, 1323x1871, illust_85233797_20230318_205929.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43246664

This would be a dream come true for me, wanna be a mindfucked manwhore for flayers

>> No.43246504

This is some good stuff.

>> No.43246518
Quoted by: >>43246616

>AO3 ignores DMCAs
They actually Uno Reverso'd him with some thing about the Fair Use act.

>> No.43246521

I'm escaping to the one place not corrupted by Monster Girls.

>> No.43246554

i'd be just do it and if happy ending happens, then it s amazing

>> No.43246576

>Anon is about to get shoged and flayed

>> No.43246597

party site has a video of the game from 2020 and the actual game in 2021.

>> No.43246606
File: 3.68 MB, 2508x3541, your scarf slipped.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Walking around with your throat just casually exposed

Cover yourself, whore.

>> No.43246616
Quoted by: >>43247027

I hope he asked for a refund from his lawyer.

>> No.43246629

bogie kiki

>> No.43246647

>AO3 ignores DMCAs
Holy fucking shit what a pathetic loser. I hope people write all sorts of NTR about MGE until KC spegs out so hard he has an aneurysm.

>> No.43246659
File: 239 KB, 552x816, 1531399342822.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Great as always. I do want to know how the Lim viceroy managed to stop the villain known as Florida Man though

>> No.43246664

The power of imagination is really OP, it's almost as strong as friendship.

>> No.43246676
File: 554 KB, 640x960, 98378512_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43246704

>"This is what I was wearing. Tell me I asked for it."
>"You asked for it."
>"Good demon lord, look at those CLAVICLES!"
>"I wish I could do you the honor of being raped by me right now, slut."
Remember, no boys on the internet.

>> No.43246746
File: 112 KB, 768x768, 1592598128877.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43246764
Quoted by: >>43246774

Ao3 is already full of garbage anyways wouldn’t change much.

>> No.43246774
Quoted by: >>43246786

Dont feed the newfag shitposter, anon.

>> No.43246786
Quoted by: >>43246882

Okay, but Ao3 is still full of garbage though.

>> No.43246787

>implying she can even bit e my neck
> it's a 32-inch diameter

>> No.43246802
File: 1.20 MB, 3023x4299, Gullvieg marriage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43246841
File: 107 KB, 900x982, Hellhound_132.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43246862

I want to go the beach already, come on.
It's enough of the winter.

>> No.43246851
File: 2.52 MB, 4500x5600, miruko_sfw_piscina_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43246868

>> No.43246862
File: 1.39 MB, 1350x1266, 1554445840039.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43246902

There are too many monster bullies at the beach though

>> No.43246868

>Just watching is fine.

>> No.43246881
Quoted by: >>43247058

If I become the fastest in the universe the monster girls won’t be able to touch me.

>> No.43246882


>> No.43246890
File: 1.56 MB, 1440x810, 1OLSPwW.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43246921

>Feed me, Seymore!

>> No.43246902

just dont pay attention to them or tell them that this wont get them laid and make sure their vaginas stay as sandy as the beach they are on

>> No.43246919

Westiod art is so trash. Even the good artists just fuck up the proportions so much that its just grotesque

>> No.43246921

The original film is on youtube, it's pretty funny. An early appearance by Jack Nicholson as a masochistic dental patient.

>> No.43246931
File: 164 KB, 850x963, 33794871-217D-4EB7-AA04-E5E342DCB9EF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43248980

>Proceeds to feed the chubby mindflayer delicious food you cooked for her

>> No.43246960
File: 344 KB, 3000x3000, Fl_N9KSWYAIX70-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43247011

>> No.43246982
File: 2.29 MB, 1080x1535, 088bb7a8-13fd-4992-9493-4697bed9eacb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43247002

Monster Girls und Panzer

>> No.43247011

Snakes are just comical rather than cute and sexy.
Like I was out in the yard the other day at night doing some late night tree pruning with my chainsaw, one of the little dorks gets surprised and jumps at me to beeline for the chainlink fence behind me but gets scared at my sudden movement and tries chasing me before realizing I'm a giant in comparison then runs off into the tall grass beyond.
Another little dork pops up over a board I have along the chain link fence and flops down before charging forward before seeing me and then darts off into some rocks I have In the yard to hide from me.
If only they weren't bitey I'd have loved to pet them

>> No.43247027

Wouldn’t know don’t care if he does or does not.

>> No.43247045
Quoted by: >>43247188

>still no ice giant mg
what is kc even doing

>> No.43247058

You are going to get taken out by well placed banana peel

>> No.43247084
File: 98 KB, 874x1240, 4f28a99d019df4678569c20dff98bace.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43247156

Silly hats?

>> No.43247092
File: 2.47 MB, 1772x2904, __miqo_te_and_y_shtola_rhul_final_fantasy_and_1_more_drawn_by_hjz_artemi__22389341063eddb81ffdf1d1e8c2e458.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Listen to that kitty purring.


>> No.43247140
File: 3.60 MB, 2036x1108, bigfoot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43247357

>Trying to get photographic evidence of sasquatch
>They all just 'kyahhhh!' and bound off into the woods
>Raw video footage somehow converts to an 80s anime intro complete with theme song

>> No.43247156
File: 26 KB, 399x564, 1634781434428.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NOT silly. Tall hats are important for mana conduction.

>> No.43247173
File: 246 KB, 1609x2048, ChocoKot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enough shitposting, time for chocolate

>> No.43247180
File: 2.29 MB, 2676x4932, 1681755545364469.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43247188
Quoted by: >>43247201


>> No.43247199
Quoted by: >>43247243

Fucking her…cattystyle.

>> No.43247201
Quoted by: >>43247211

What's that?

>> No.43247211
Quoted by: >>43247238

Digital Millennium Copyright Act, you can easily look this stuff up.

>> No.43247232
File: 322 KB, 1642x1915, A39AD402-2608-4348-BD78-EBB9D1045325.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Playing with choco butts.

>> No.43247238
Quoted by: >>43247345

>you can easily look this stuff up.

>> No.43247243
File: 496 KB, 1889x2048, Headpatsforkot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll have you know that cats are very wholesome creatures

>> No.43247248


>> No.43247265

What do I need to get a loli monster wife? I'm fine with lolis of any age and most of the monster species that exist, but I have my wishes and preferences of course.

>> No.43247277

>spray water on her face
puss away, you lazy dum kut

>> No.43247294
Quoted by: >>43247407

I hope we get a dorm dash alt ending for journey of the magi, mostly because the idea of getting rape corrected by a shitton of pissed off monsters is hot

>> No.43247304
File: 1.57 MB, 2508x3541, 107278522_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43247317
Quoted by: >>43247385

>What do I need to get a loli monster wife?
first, open the portal. second, roam around with a sign that goes like "looking for a loli wife". it should work.

>> No.43247321

Go onto 4mon and start making rabid big tit supremacy threads.
Once you get enough flat chested monsters angry at you and shitposting reveal that you're a man then wait for whichever one will track your IP and hunt you down. Be sure to have your engagement ring ready.

>> No.43247327
File: 1.40 MB, 1700x1967, 89E89369-C64E-4EA9-9B17-8D19AE3AD3F1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know where I can get tigrex rated ballgags, she crushed the last 5 and keeps waking up the entire village

>> No.43247344
Quoted by: >>43248934

Fool you are, the muscles to open her mouth are weaker than the ones to close it, get a muzzle instead

>> No.43247345

He's trying to police what fanfiction and fanart is made. From what I can tell the fanfiction is untouchable but he is able to get stuff deleted from 4chan if posted.

>> No.43247357

Easy, I leave a pizza on a tree stump and ambush her.

>> No.43247385

Both of these sound like solid ideas, but can't both of these fail? What if some big tits monster comes for me instead?

>> No.43247407
Quoted by: >>43247447

I'm considering it, but it won't be something like that. More of a redemption arc.

>> No.43247409
Quoted by: >>43247439

>Implying you wouldn't get multiple neet Lolis wanting to give you correction

>> No.43247410


>> No.43247417

Just head straight for the nearest Sabbath.

>> No.43247420
Quoted by: >>43247453

He literally only cares if it's made in the context of MGE. You can write or draw whatever the hell you want for monster girls and violate his rules specifically if you're not using MGE designs or characters. It's not that hard.

>> No.43247421
Quoted by: >>43247430

>What if some big tits monster comes for me instead?
mge doesnt allow reverse rape, so as long you keep yourself calm and composed you should be fine. if you opened the mgq portal by mistake...well i hope you're wearing your running shoes.

>> No.43247430
Quoted by: >>43247486

>mge doesnt allow reverse rape
>what are orcs for 500 alex

>> No.43247439

You'll need multiple rings then

>> No.43247447

I mean yeah, I figured halfway through the rape they'll see he's actually getting really sick and take care of him

>> No.43247453
Quoted by: >>43247488

He has no claim on those designs

>> No.43247486
Quoted by: >>43247517

It technically only happens when the guy wants it deep down, and >>43247265 didn't discount a horde of loli P'orcs.

>> No.43247487

Sabbath baphomet wife....

>> No.43247488
Quoted by: >>43247501

I mean the designs he himself created, he kinda does. Remember when he posted stuff about the NTR encyclopedia? He only posted the ones that used his art

>> No.43247501

It's only in his mind. Around 30% of his designs are so generic the only reason his dmca hold up is because they are unchallenged. Some of his designs are so bad he could end up in court if he was dmcaed.

>> No.43247517
File: 40 KB, 404x600, Orc_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It technically only happens when the guy wants it deep down
Or you know, when they get a little horny.
>They are extremely lustful, and normally all they think about is having sex with men, wandering around in search of men they can target. Once they've spotted a man, they form groups and attack in an effort to capture him. Men who have been abducted like this are taken off to the orcs' homes, where they are made into slaves.

>> No.43247527
File: 1.25 MB, 1260x1880, 7aba53695452efd647d2d15e6c4411c92c424370_s2_n2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43247533

Nonsense, my p'orc would never make me a slave, I just have to wear a collar and serve her whims. This is bigoted elven propaganda

>> No.43247539
Quoted by: >>43247560

Wont mamono mana save me if I genuinely don't want it?

>> No.43247543
File: 298 KB, 640x640, Snail_001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she's coming to get you... you better walk away at moderate pace if you want to keep your virginity...

>> No.43247560

In universe, yes. Monsters only go after you if they sense you want it, or are their soulmate

>> No.43247563
Quoted by: >>43247598

luckly i never walk without salt, my taste for spaghetti saved me again.

>> No.43247567
File: 137 KB, 750x913, CaitSith46.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They'll never admit it, but sometimes they like to pose as regular cats to lure in husbands. Once you feel her soft and arousing fur it's all over for you.

>> No.43247585
Quoted by: >>43247598

Or I could undress and lie down on the ground.

>> No.43247588
Quoted by: >>43247598

Gonna pet her and then leap a few steps backwards and keep doing it

>> No.43247596
File: 1.71 MB, 1245x1753, illust_87756796_20230328_220337.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone else get sad reading isakai stuff? I get really sad now whenever I read them, it sucks too cause I wanna reread journey of the magi.

>> No.43247598
File: 100 KB, 1200x960, 1653259286455.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you can't hide, but YOU CAN RUN!
a man of good taste! more people should appriciate the snail
>snail gets progressively more horny and desperate
>Anon just keeps it up while smugging
>till he feels his back hitting the wall...

>> No.43247622
File: 174 KB, 602x863, seaslug.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seaslug progress. Not sure If to make one eye slighty visible or If It's better to keep eyes hidden

>> No.43247626

she cute!

>> No.43247631

if only that armor could help her to reach the mid-tier power ranking. it doesnt

>> No.43247642
Quoted by: >>43247790

O-oh uh- she'd accept an apology and let me go, right?

>> No.43247657

Slightly hidden eyes cute

>> No.43247659
Quoted by: >>43247692

Sometimes I like to imagine having a fun adventure, but then I remember my own limits and the reason those isekai protags get cheats in the first place

>> No.43247673
Quoted by: >>43247733

I don't isekai

>> No.43247676

The only isekai I like is futurama

>> No.43247692

Yeah, not just that but I just feel sad that it's never gonna happen y'know? Like man I'd cut off my leg to go to MGE

>> No.43247723
File: 273 KB, 786x1146, 1658592013719.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, so why are baphomets the best monsters out of them all?

>> No.43247732
File: 137 KB, 1500x2000, FNJzuHpaQAEU_Eo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43247765

how do i get monsters to give me some personal space?

>> No.43247733
Quoted by: >>43247755

Fair, most are...kinda mid. Journey of the magi is like the only good one I can think of honestly. Better than most Isekai anime too
Would that even count as Isekai?

>> No.43247736


>> No.43247739
File: 145 KB, 1070x1422, E2fRbbWVUAIeq4_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because they cute

>> No.43247750

i tend to prefer full hidden
but since i'm a greedy bastard maybe you could do both?

>> No.43247755

You never watched konosuba? Or even shield hero?

>> No.43247758

they trigger the onii-chan instinct inside every man.

>> No.43247759

hidden eyes

>> No.43247762
Quoted by: >>43247780

Why slare you grouping should hero with konosouba

>> No.43247765

Tell them you can't love or be loved, it's best used against Eros monsters

>> No.43247779
Quoted by: >>43247784

I watched some konosuba, it's only good for porn imo. Never heard of shield hero, I'll give it a gander. Thanks

>> No.43247780

They are both isekai.

>> No.43247784

don't bother with shield hero, it's complete trash

>> No.43247785

They aren't, they just come in the optimal female form by default.

>> No.43247789

goats are cute

>> No.43247790
Quoted by: >>43247886

oh no! you're going into the shell mister!
(it's actualy her own luxorious pocket realm with all the fun stuff and high speed internet connection, so don't worry, you'll have something to do outside of sex for your honeymoon)

>> No.43247799

I will accept a bapho and slowly feed her wonderland cake until she becomes the biggest milf in MGE

>> No.43247802

that's too bad, raph looks cute.

>> No.43247823
Quoted by: >>43247859

Thread opinion is everything that isn't a hugbox is trash, ignore him.

>> No.43247824
Quoted by: >>43247913

Yeah but konosoba can stand on its own since it's a comedy first and firmlst.

>> No.43247833
Quoted by: >>43247857

>shield hero
Shield hero was the point where I wholesale decided just to avoid isekai entirely.

>> No.43247838
File: 506 KB, 2700x2000, Ft6r2lgaEAAfHGe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dark valk/seraph of the scales

>> No.43247857
Quoted by: >>43247909

Then watch reincarnated as a sword. That was pretty good too, at least the manga was.

>> No.43247859

nah even outside of hugbox standards it sucks, it's just poor revenge porn. Alright until the 4th episode and then just goes completely downhill. Neutered the fuck out of some scenes too compared to manga/LN but those still suck as well.

>> No.43247867
File: 938 KB, 857x1200, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43247874

Meanwhile Dungeon Nursery had a man making the most based decision he could.

>> No.43247874
Quoted by: >>43247893

wait a minute
tell me more

>> No.43247884

i trust in bird

>> No.43247886
Quoted by: >>43247920

>Pocket dimension
How strong is this damn snail?

>> No.43247893

Salaryman dies and gets isekai'd into a dungeon crawl to pass onto reincarnation or Heaven or some nonsense like that, gets the summoner job class and told he has to beat the Overlord. Gets like three daughter monsters that he has a non-talking Frog act as the mother to and when offered to move onto the afterlife and leave his family behind he chooses Option C and becomes the new Overlord to stay with them.

>> No.43247900
Quoted by: >>43248546

that sounds cozy

>> No.43247902

>daughter monsters
daughterwaifu, i hope.

>> No.43247907

very refreshing

>> No.43247909

Anon no just no

>> No.43247913
Quoted by: >>43247972

I thought these threads hated konosouba

>> No.43247920
Quoted by: >>43247992

strong enough to hug you tight and kiss you a lot

>> No.43247960
File: 231 KB, 288x285, azur-lane-atago.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43247972
Quoted by: >>43247993

I am the bottom two of those comments and the thread and me disagree on plenty so you're probably still right.

>> No.43247975
File: 1.65 MB, 1388x1250, df28quu-a4ae5475-c35b-4c79-8503-0cd3985fc322.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43247991

That's a weird way of spelling sandworms

>> No.43247992
Quoted by: >>43248012

You actually changed my mind on snail girls
I hope you're proud

>> No.43247993

>I am the bottom

>> No.43248005

Fantastic as usual. Every time you introduce a new character I want to see a new ending for them (spinoff for that milf-y kraken from the og when)
I like manacabana's MC. He's cute.

>> No.43248012
Quoted by: >>43248024

my job here is done then

>> No.43248015

don't really want to get 'b-baka, of course i don't like you, stupid peasant!!'d and then tail swiped through a wall
i'll leave her for braver anons

>> No.43248024

Didn't work on cait sith.

>> No.43248088
File: 2.56 MB, 4096x4086, 8d89f2285fc11aa95514f5206835a7b6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's your party, bro.

>> No.43248105

Wheres the healer, I aint doing that, if none are provided ill just rough it out solo

>> No.43248124
Quoted by: >>43248140

just chug potions non-stop

>> No.43248134

These are clearly the wrong people, my party is a lot smaller (height-wise)

>> No.43248136
File: 91 KB, 1000x1000, 1621065490382.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this small goat will be your healer

>> No.43248140

no, i need my holy holst nun healer if i m in a party with holy milkers filled with healing milk

>> No.43248145
Quoted by: >>43248156

Top 3 best selling books in MGC this week:
>"I raped my childhood friend and now he won't say a word but I'll never give up!"
>The cover is a gloomy looking young man being cheered up by a genki succubus
>"I got asked out by a fat balding man and now I'm learning to be a housewife."
>The cover is a flustered centaur knight thinking about what to cook for her ugly bastard husband
>"He promised to marry me when he was in kindergarten but he then became a monster hating hero?!"
>Cover is a paladin who is pouting while a teary-eyed lamia is on the floor behind him

>> No.43248146

I trust the salamander but I'm not sleeping around the fox.

>> No.43248156
Quoted by: >>43248176

>gloomy looking young man being cheered up by a genki succubus
Wasn't thst an actual manga?

>> No.43248171
Quoted by: >>43248185

Which mg would be the quirky side character, that's probably a fan-favorite, but really couldn't carry a story on her own?

>> No.43248176

Yes but calling it's not really fleshed out, just a series of weak jokes that wear out a bit fast.

>> No.43248185
Quoted by: >>43248264

Otohime as the thirsty hag who makes advances on the MC but isn't really serious about competing with the main girl.

>> No.43248187

What did he try to DMCA?

>> No.43248210

Fox is gonna get jealous when I spend all my time with Miss Sally Mander.

>> No.43248246

On a day to day basis it's just best not to think about KC.

>> No.43248261
File: 483 KB, 1642x1167, 1665367837705153.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lilim appreciation post
Mondays suck for lilims too, so give them extra cuddles

>> No.43248264

>thirsty hag who makes advances on the MC
My first thought of this is the shotac9n teacher from mahoromatic

>> No.43248269

KC's schedule:
>6AM: Wake up
>6 to 7 AM: Shower, breakfast, get dressed
>7 AM to 8 PM: Work & commute
>8 PM to 10 PM: Hunt down NTR
>10 PM to 11 PM: Play horse girls gacha
>11 PM to 11:30 PM: Work on MGE
>11:30PM Go to bed

>> No.43248304

>7 AM to 8 PM:
Is thst normal?

>> No.43248305
Quoted by: >>43248317

what the fox do

>> No.43248317

Japanese salaryman jobs are soul crushing.
Need the portal to open up soon to save all those poor souls.

She can spend her turn using consumables or stealing from the ennemies.
Don't expect her to deal damage though.

>> No.43248332

For Japanese people, yes. It's vile

>> No.43248335


>> No.43248337

What's normal for you?

>> No.43248345

eight hours a day is plenty. thirteen is unethical

>> No.43248348
File: 1.13 MB, 894x1190, 1678481141367479.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lilims are love

>> No.43248363

Lilims with short hair and big boobs are the most dangerous.
Long hair and small boobs can be scary too.

>> No.43248395

I come in at 10 and leave at 4
Granted I get all my work done all the same and I live nearby.

>> No.43248449
File: 1.60 MB, 3000x5491, C3A125B1-29C2-4459-8CF6-EC6501223CD4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43248479
File: 1.73 MB, 1200x1697, 84934316_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43248530
File: 1.10 MB, 850x1202, pasted image 0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43248546

It was pretty nice in the sense that the guy literally goes from basically seeing his monstrous minions/daughters as tools to get on with going to the afterlife reincarnation and at the end going "Nah, fuck that, they're my family".

>> No.43248553
File: 1.78 MB, 1046x1900, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Human women will prevent you from meeting monster girls! They can report you to the authorities and trap you in the order state! You have no choice but to sex human women and support them as their lackey!

>> No.43248565
Quoted by: >>43248570

I don't care, go elsewhere if you don't want to post/talk about monster girls

>> No.43248570
Quoted by: >>43248578

I just want to see what you guys would do to get out of this kind of rut to go meet some monsters

>> No.43248578

It's a shitty prompt and a thinly veiled excuse to post off-topic image, leave and don't come back please.

>> No.43248583

Thread is in a fucking mood today.

>> No.43248584

Would you guys recommend MGQ?

>> No.43248590
Quoted by: >>43248736

It's great if you can look past the shitty fetishes and shitty art (mixed in with good stuff).
Also the retarded dindu morality that might be a problem if you discovered MGE first, instead of the typical MGQ -> MGE route

>> No.43248603
File: 820 KB, 800x951, 1663184266624530.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43248617
File: 1.07 MB, 1300x1400, pirates.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, I came here from mgq. It is great. Don't listen to the thread. The sequel, Paradox is probably better in both storytelling and girls though.

>> No.43248634

Join the Sabbath and Baphomet will sit on your face.
Don't join, and Baphomet will still sit on your face until you join anyway.
You can't defeat her.

>> No.43248693

I hope KC fucking kills himself. Fucking thieving piece of shit.

>> No.43248695

I need a Focks in Socks.

>> No.43248705

Oh no, the Oppai-rates

>> No.43248712
Quoted by: >>43249023

She's just asking for monsterization. No worries, Ryza would make a great succubus.

>> No.43248736

Well I know the girls are more fucked up, I'm prepared for some fucked up shit.
Good to know, thanks

>> No.43248740
File: 89 KB, 695x695, dog disapproves.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Human women

>> No.43248749
File: 495 KB, 1000x850, Lilim animated.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are lilims so ostentatious?

>> No.43248770

Tim Curry please

>> No.43248772

They feel they have to impress and be flamboyant because of their mother.

>> No.43248826
File: 313 KB, 1449x2048, Fjl7gizaUAEf2tc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has Miss Lich finally gone too far?

>> No.43248849
File: 931 KB, 3333x2430, 85822886_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43248860

Not far enough, add fuzz, fangs and black serlcra

>> No.43248881
Quoted by: >>43248888

Go away.

>> No.43248887

Succubus mamono in uniforms are hot

>> No.43248888
Quoted by: >>43248891

Wait why? What did they do?

>> No.43248891
Quoted by: >>43249155

Just some fag posting a vtuber, see that design all the time trying to find rat girls and it sucks shit.

>> No.43248894

Could I charge an automaton overnight by having my cock inside her pussy while i'm having wet dreams, filling her with cum in my sleep?

>> No.43248897
File: 80 KB, 614x543, 1676283330559833.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43248903

Succs, demons and lilims!
Definitely the main culprits in schemes to seduce and claim the titles of young castle lords!

>> No.43248903

Well it's good to know that I just have to be the same loser I've always been and I can avoid those scheming demons.

>> No.43248912
Quoted by: >>43248922

Their really good stats makes it tempting to have them join your council though.

>> No.43248922

I'm not important enough to have a council though.

>> No.43248934

Anon, no! You're thinking of Deviljho girls, you're just going to enrage her!

>> No.43248933

Just join a company of Salamander/Lizardmen sellswords and you will probably become a minor noble in no time. Imagine all that prestige gain.

>> No.43248946
Quoted by: >>43248949

you could try getting an angel and a devil to give you morality advice

>> No.43248949

>the devil tells you to call in and have sex with them
>the angel also tells you to call in sick and have sex with them
I'm not sure this is the best idea.

>> No.43248956
File: 1.12 MB, 1224x936, Ft1bbTQacAEXy-b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43248963

are you for smol, fluffy spiders?

>> No.43248957

It feels like i haven't seen fresh material from this guy in a long time

>> No.43248963
File: 1.86 MB, 3313x2799, 1652612788396.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no to smol
big fluffy spiders, big fuzzy spiders, please and thank you

>> No.43248977

but she makes a lot of small fluffy spiders too

>> No.43248980


>> No.43249001
File: 404 KB, 2000x1500, 107262319_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

spiders are statistically more grateful for hugs than most monsters

>> No.43249023

>considering a 2D/3D
Just get a Doppel to be an improved version.
And a Dopp also improves the original if she turns up later.

>> No.43249035
File: 110 KB, 780x1320, 1620152522339.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43249040

Well both the canon KC lilims and the OC ones seem to be kinda flat compared to other monsters so it looks like they're compensating.

>Be daughter of the Demon Lord
>Literal who monsters mog you everywhere you go
lmao even

>> No.43249040

when everyone is 10/10 it's hard to stand out

>> No.43249058
File: 389 KB, 1074x1778, cc058138edd325f90a1c5f1b560e98f7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when everyone is 10/10
Except lilims apparently kek

>> No.43249059

Lilim got that extra "10/10 aura" ability I guess.

>> No.43249060

I Just want to run a dairy where the term 'cow' is rather flexible.

>> No.43249068

in a random lineup of 10 monsters i'd be surprised if i was picking a lim first.
maybe if she was wearing a t-shirt and jeans

>> No.43249070
File: 1.28 MB, 1200x1118, 0166a848f6100bcdf11ea0d70ee7614c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43249088

Probably the milk from every species tastes a bit different so it makes sense to have variety.

>> No.43249088
Quoted by: >>43249171

Dragon milk, weresheep milk, valkryie milk, there are a great variety of cows to enjoy.

>> No.43249118
File: 124 KB, 1200x1429, FtXFV8saUAEQloX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43249155

Man, I never watch any vutubers so I only know like the most popular ones like the shark.

>> No.43249161

Oh silly Anon, you're prime love correction bait. If a demon doesn't get you a devil will

>> No.43249168

>You get moved to a weird section of the farm
>You get milked by half crazed heifers
Should've wished more carefully anon

>> No.43249171
File: 216 KB, 1169x827, Minotaur - Milking 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How would purists feel about mixed milk?
> Miss Moo Moo's Mamomo Milk
> Made from the Perfect Blend of Mamono Milks
> It's a secret recipe passed down through the generations
> The Moo Moo farm is wrapped in secrecy and rumor has it Miss Moo Moo hired a lilim to put it in a pocket dimension
> Some people even say Miss Moo Moo IS a Lilim
> But she's so secretive, you'll never know
> But then one day she announces a contest!
> Five golden cock rings hidden in random oversize Moo Moo Milk Juggs.
> Whoever has them will win a trip to Miss Moo Moo's Farm!
> And will meet Miss Moo Moo herself!

Blah, blah, blah, it's Anon. Plot of Willy Wonka ensues.
> Grandpa Joe is played by a Cheshire with a fake mustache
> Miss Moo Moo is basically Willy Wonka
> All the other contest winners are men who get raped by mamono instead of maybe-killed.

Anyways, I think a lot of mamono purists would find mixing milks to be sacrilege, but honestly I bet that there's some kind of crazy-ass mix of milks that would beat all the pure milks.

>> No.43249177
Quoted by: >>43249185

>crabman's minotaurs

>> No.43249178
File: 341 KB, 1536x2048, Demon - Hand Holding Request.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43249555

NTA, but I, uh, volunteer as tribute.

>> No.43249179

I will calmly explain to a hag that she can't just pick me up like an object and take me home after declaring me her husband. I am a living, breathing human being. I have rights.

>> No.43249185
File: 164 KB, 602x774, Baphomet - Heart Eyes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43249200

Do you have better mamono milking pics? Ideally of cute goat girls being milked? Then feel free to post them!

Especially tsundere baphs.

>> No.43249193

I'm pretty sure that holsts would get annoyed that their market is getting 'invaded' and the fact that you'd be mixing milk from salamanders, mucus toads, mermaids, and more together would probably drive milk purists up the wall.

Granted, I'd personally keep the milk separated so one could better enjoy the different tastes and use the multiple properties they have.

>> No.43249194
Quoted by: >>43249564

>Anon thinks he'll be safe in a post-portal world by staying at his dead end job and continuing not to stand out
>Comes home to a Demon and Devil arguing over how to "fix" him.

>> No.43249200


>> No.43249203

>I have rights.
Ahahahaha.... hehehehahahah.... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!

>> No.43249215
Quoted by: >>43249239

i don't recall this as being very wholesome

>> No.43249238
File: 721 KB, 992x1403, Ft1EfxDacAAQsIw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43249574

anon do be looking mighty liftable

>> No.43249239
Quoted by: >>43249268

You didn't ask for wholesome.

>> No.43249244
File: 799 KB, 1482x1154, Baphomet - She IS a Goat Girl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's... exactly what I asked for. Huh. Well done and thank you!

>> No.43249268
File: 2.96 MB, 1997x3712, Baphomet - Hanging Out.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43251498

Whew. It's just an orgy. The way you phrased this I thought it was gonna be snuff or vore or something.

It's "Tokimeki Sabbath" and the depicted goat girl is the centaurpiece of a gangbang.

>> No.43249272

Thanks Magus! I honestly didn't expect you to do Vala for some reason, but I for one can't get enough demons. You gotta stop writing so many good characters because we want all the endings, especially the anons who like lesser written girls. We certainly do need more kraken in our lives.

>> No.43249277
Quoted by: >>43249284

It's embarrassing when a succubus milks me like i'm some cow.

>> No.43249284

you get used to it after a while

>> No.43249309

I need mindflayer help

>> No.43249310

What's everyone's opinion on Isekai stories? I had a few ideas, but didn't want to go through the effort if it seems like nobody would be interested.

>> No.43249315
File: 502 KB, 1280x720, 107281024_p1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43249320

it's not an instant alt+f4 but it generally doesn't bode well

>> No.43249322
Quoted by: >>43249430

if you write for the benefit of a prospective audience and not yourself you will never produce anything worthwhile

>> No.43249323
File: 138 KB, 1178x823, Dragcarry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too many of them both normally and crossover wise are anti-mamano made by tards or SBfaggots. Tbh was gonna make one myself but with a good twist. What did you have in mind anon?

>> No.43249328
Quoted by: >>43249381

My sixteen wives are: lilim, anubis, ice queen, titania, wight, automaton, gremlin, gazer, genie, mad hatter, cheshire cat, hakutaku, creeping coin, demon, gazer, and kejourou.
Surely it's all going to be manageable, having a large harem.

>> No.43249341
File: 1.20 MB, 1080x2160, FtVPBjqWcAAodwf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43249350

>"She's an adorable little nekomata. Just whisper 'your gonna be late' in her ear while she's asleep, and she'll spring right up and start dashing faster than General Gorou does on the battlefield."

>> No.43249350

Fuck off.

>> No.43249381
File: 560 KB, 1200x829, 1677739088195876.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow, that's a very... prestigious harem
how do you manage having three different wives with various kingdoms to run? you all just move around a lot?

>> No.43249384

suddenly the sea is calling to me

>> No.43249415

I took a Sea Bishop's slab and made her cry.

>> No.43249428

would mamono mana effect tom bombadil?

>> No.43249430

I do want to write it for myself. My concern was whether anyone would read it and offer feedback or if it would be ignored. I don't mind criticism, but that would require someone reading first.

I had a few in mind, but I would always think "oh, that could be done better" and fix it. The Problem was that I would do that to the point where the first chapter would be completely different from when it started. Sometimes for the better and sometimes not.
My biggest issue so far has been deciding on the method of transportation.
I don't want to do reincarnation, so my other options were some sort of relic or item that transports the main character(s), a portal that's already open, or some sort of crash via spaceship or something.

>> No.43249436

>offer feedback or if it would be ignored.
You will not get good feedback from this thread so don't worry about that. You might get a comment pushing you to be more hugboxy or something.

>> No.43249469

Combine all the kingdoms together and have the ruler's palace in the center, connecting everything together.

>> No.43249502
File: 60 KB, 680x869, Cheshire - Sweet Memes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> method of transportation
Anon walks in on his super-hot MILF of a mom banging the mailman. Somehow that isekais him to the new world.
> Mamono scientists coin it "MILF Energy" and begin studying it.
> But these mamono scientists are all single females! They will need Anon's help to produce the kind of super-hot milfs that have enough MILF Energy to return him to his home dimension!
> But they keep failing as every pregnant mamono somehow fails to possess enough MILF Energy.
> Mamono constantly telling Anon that his mom must be INCREDIBLY attractive to produce that much energy.
> Anon spends the entire story forced to imagine his mom being compared favorably to women he's fucking.
> Finally the story just kind of ends because Anon runs out of mamono to impregnate at the Mamono Institute of Life Forms.
You're welcome / you owe me a writing credit.

>> No.43249520
Quoted by: >>43249562

>that awkward implication when anon sees a doppleganger that looks like his mom

>> No.43249555
File: 695 KB, 1000x1150, 1680752417166014.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wise decision

>> No.43249562
Quoted by: >>43249624

Oooooh! I love that. Especially if there's a progression.
> Doppleganger as a background character
> Vaguely described, could look like anything
> As all his scientist paramours keep demanding Anon describe his mom's sexy sex having in more detail he finds he can't get her out of his head
> Doppleganger description gradually gets more detailed
> Eventually Anon realizes she looks kind of like his mom
> All the scientists are SUPER excited
> They keep trying to get her to look IDENTICAL to his mom
> Even get a 'flayer to help
> Anon breaks down and fucks his DoppleMom.
> Still doesn't fucking work.

>> No.43249564

>They decide the best way to fix him is by using both their talents toegther
>A few hours later Anon's brain is happy spoiled mush cuddling both his devil and demon wife

>> No.43249574
Quoted by: >>43249618

Is this actually an offical doujin from the dude?

>> No.43249576


>> No.43249580

Sure you have rights, rights to get fucked senseless and turned into a happy husband

>> No.43249609

You can't take away the rights of human men. We are more than just pieces of meat and cum dispensers!
That's it! Monsters need to learn their lesson. I will organize a thousand man march to protest the unfair treatment of human men and fight for our rights to be independent. I'll get the news of it spreading on social media as #MaleRights.

>> No.43249617

>portals open
>she calls you a pumper

>> No.43249618

a preview, yeah.

>> No.43249624

Mamono confront you with what you really desire and will make you truly happy, even if it makes you uncomfortable at first.
I'm sure dopplemommy will take good care of him

>> No.43249627

no idea what it is but looks kinda neat

>> No.43249631

>there are dozens of us! dozens!

>> No.43249662

The best way to avoid extremist monsters is by just sitting at home and hiding away

>> No.43249666


>> No.43249669

Misleading and homosexual
The best way to avoid extremist monsters is by marrying a non-extremist

>> No.43249671
Quoted by: >>43249694

I'm excited wooo, loved his stuff. I do wonder what's going to happen with him and shog

>> No.43249691

This is true. If you lock the door, board up the windows, and hide under your bed and cover your ears whenever someone knocks on the door, you'll be safe from extremist monsters. It's the only way that to keep yourself safe from *all* monsters, period.

>> No.43249694
Quoted by: >>43249727

if i had to guess i'd say he's going to be hard violated

>> No.43249705

Oh you might not attract extremists, but you will attract devil bugs, and a lot of neet monsters. Devil bugs will probably get you first though

>> No.43249714

eros put me into witness protection/hiding
even set me up with a fake wife as a cover story, they'll never figure it out.
sure is nice to have her around though

>> No.43249727

Agreed but I wonder how exactly, most of his doujins revolve around girls getting tentacled. Especially that one, curious to see it

>> No.43249731

>has to keep up the act so anon doesn't get suspicious
>its getting harder and harder for her to suppress her urges
>catch her staring at your hand on occasion while drooling slightly

>> No.43249739
Quoted by: >>43249755

Do you have sex with her anon?

>> No.43249742
File: 633 KB, 716x506, Devil Bug - Cuddle Puddle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43249771

Yeah, I think Devil Bugs are pretty neat, too!

>> No.43249753
Quoted by: >>43249763

But I keep myself and my house clean?

>> No.43249755
Quoted by: >>43249975

they said it was important for the ruse

>> No.43249763

Ah, in that case devil bugs probably won't grab you. Do you have any...items you love deeply? Chances are you'll wake up to them raping you

>> No.43249765
Quoted by: >>43249784

>Board up all your windows and doors after monsters begin invading
>Have a gun in your hand 24/7 with a spare in every room trying to figure out how you're going to get out of town
>After the mayhem dies down you look out the peephole to see your entire neighborhood outside your house trying to convince you that it's really not as bad as people thought
>Don't sleep anymore after the last time you did you found a basket of food that you know wasn't there the night before
>At least they haven't cut your water off yet

>> No.43249768

Good idea, I will give to every men who comes, a heavy dosage of raging mushrooms. It's reverse reverse rape time

>> No.43249771

Love this picture, devil bugs are good girls. Only complaint is I don't wanna fuck my kids

>> No.43249784
Quoted by: >>43249817

You forget the explosive belt to create an defensive perimeter

>> No.43249804

Not particularly
Have to keep quiet too or the monsters will know someone is in here, have to keep the lights off too

>> No.43249815
File: 2.94 MB, 2896x4096, FtwkBwjaAAAqAxQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43249817
Quoted by: >>43249824

Anon what part of "don't attract attention when monsters are around" don't you get?

>> No.43249818
Quoted by: >>43249833

>Portals open while I'm asleep
>Wake up with a Gremlin sleeping next to me
>She doesn't wake up even when shaken lightly
Cool, free onahole.

>> No.43249820
File: 622 KB, 1560x2112, pennypincher.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43249824
Quoted by: >>43249829

They won't go near you in fear that you kys, It's a really smart move

>> No.43249827

>board up house
>wait for everything to die down
>peer through small peephole you made to check the outside
>all you see is an eye with a red iris staring back at you

>> No.43249829
Quoted by: >>43249840

Anon that is quite literally the opposite of what would happen.

>> No.43249833
File: 48 KB, 588x526, z-.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43249840

How? I will pull the trigger if they go near me, I will also alert it loud and clear. They can't do anything

>> No.43249844

Touch the ear. It's all perked up and begging for it!

>> No.43249846
Quoted by: >>43249891

>Demon waves her hand and now the explosives are gone
Good job, rapebait.

>> No.43249849

i want to give a manicure for the little lizard hind legs of a Ryuu

>> No.43249861

a single gremlin at any point causes nearby tech to malfunction, for instance.
sylph can whisk all equipment away
basilisk, medusa can stop you
bogeys are essentially wearing a bomb defusal outfit
wisp tells you do it faggot

>> No.43249869
Quoted by: >>43249879

Good night Anons, take care and don't burn down the thread.

Instead, remember that just because its spring doesn't mean the Yukionna won't spring one last snow storm on everyone to keep hubby in for a day.
Or kidnap you, one of the two.

>> No.43249877

Are you a bad enough villain to take on the Monster League?

>> No.43249880
File: 238 KB, 992x1403, Will-o-the-Wisp - Not Naked!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Miss Wisp always knows just what to say!

>> No.43249879
Quoted by: >>43249885

It's *snowing* today. It was eighty degrees outside the day before yesterday. I don't appreciate it ms. yuki onna!!!

>> No.43249885

Truly the midwest has it rough.
Now get in the cabin and get comfy

>> No.43249891

Fuck you all, my idea is very effective and I will show you

>> No.43249898

>Anon was later raped by a Wurm for being so dumb

>> No.43249900

>hide in home
>monster are scary
>accidentally cry a little bit because you're scared
>all hags in the local area activate

>> No.43249904

>and then a lilim got a hold of him to make an example of for other would be paladins
Lucky bastard

>> No.43249912

I mean... It's embarrassing, but I guess I still sleep with a stuffed shark I've had since I was a kid.

>> No.43249920
Quoted by: >>43249957

better invest in a pool

>> No.43249957
Quoted by: >>43249973

>shark bogey
>you see a fin rising from between the mattress and your bedsheets

>> No.43249962
File: 282 KB, 1200x1528, 1526350137056.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43250012

>> No.43249973

>she hums the jaws theme before grabbing you
>anon is pinned beneath the shark bogey and cannot move

>> No.43249975

Oh dear...anon I'm sorry but you've been tricked and claimed. Monsters are devious tricksters

>> No.43249995
Quoted by: >>43252562

That's sweet
Enjoy the boogey shark

>> No.43249998

Okay, she can sleep in a little. But after that, sex.

>> No.43250012

If you get too close, will she bite you?

>> No.43250019

>gremlin wakes up
>tells you that she'll make you breakfast and to stay in bed
>can't sleep because of the sound of heavy machinery
>go downstairs after an hour
>gremlin is hard at work on the perfect omelet machine
>scolds you and tells you to go back to bed, insisting that it will be done soon

>> No.43250025
Quoted by: >>43250030

>kunoichi infiltrates your home and hits you in the head with a kunai
Nothing personnel, human

>> No.43250027
File: 157 KB, 1169x1500, 1681367610064133.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buenos Dias, Gremmy!

>> No.43250030
Quoted by: >>43250075

>Anon stumbles a bit before hitting his face against his counter and busting his nose

>> No.43250049
File: 357 KB, 1605x1216, 1462775429182.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She'll stay in bed all day and use you as a daki for wamrth

>> No.43250050
File: 3.04 MB, 2000x2000, 107285252_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43250075
Quoted by: >>43250107

>Anon and Eros corps locked in a stakeout
>a kunoichi arrives and tells them that she'll settle this
>they ask what she means
>she says she'll "take care of him"
>drops Anon like a bag of bricks, just like she said she would
>Anon hits his face on the counter on the way down
>also drags a few pots and pans down with him, covering his face in bruises
>kunoichi has to flee town since everyone thinks she beat the shit out of Anon

>> No.43250080

bro just go undead so poison heals you and you can spam poison nova and toxic explosions

>> No.43250107
Quoted by: >>43250154

>claims a man
>doesn't even actually take him
Eros Corps are gonna track her down and force the two into eternal sex.

>> No.43250137
File: 182 KB, 1200x675, Dormouse98.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WHO made this???

>> No.43250154
Quoted by: >>43250169

>kunoichi too embarassed and ashamed to face her husband after he got hurt
>guy completely clueless after waking up in a hospital
>Eros operatives tracking down the kunoichi to force her to take her man
I can't wait for the motion picture

>> No.43250169
Quoted by: >>43250181

>Eventually the Kunoichi's clan hears of the fact she finally "assassinated" a "target" and is now AVOIDING HIM
>Eventually send the Boss to set her straight and take responsibility
>It's just her mom
>Eros squad is left scratching their head as the woman they spent the last week trying to track down is easily defeated by a retired Kunoichi is less than an hour

>> No.43250181

>Mom beats her ass
>injects anon with the secret family recipe raging mushroom juice
>locks them in a room

>> No.43250192

i want borzoi cu sith
long snoooot

>> No.43250195

nobody cares you obnoxious redditor

>> No.43250213
File: 103 KB, 1116x662, Ft9HR3VXwAAKGOl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they heard you like boobies

>> No.43250214

borzoi is a 4chan dog breed though

>> No.43250217

cute bords

>> No.43250250

smol loli boobies....

>> No.43250258

I be they smugly ask what they're called all the time

>> No.43250284
Quoted by: >>43250292

Middle one looks cute, but god damn. Dat #3

>> No.43250292

Wait a minute... 3 isn't even a harpy! She has arms, she's a fraud! This is just a shaved griffon!

>> No.43250377
File: 66 KB, 680x580, Dormouse112.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A really, really big cheese

>> No.43250388


>> No.43250435
File: 22 KB, 1000x1000, 1462848578104.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Elves be like:

>> No.43250439
Quoted by: >>43250503

>dormouse, help!
>that handsome man got his dick stuck in that giant wheel of cheese!
>you have to eat it and free his cock!

>> No.43250494
File: 50 KB, 850x545, Agro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hm, yes. I see. Very interesting.

>> No.43250503

I want to lick dormouse tummy

>> No.43250613
Quoted by: >>43251107

He tried to DCMA some guy commissioning NTR of Wight and I recall some time ago a fanfic story. Don't care either way. I despise everybody playing around with MGE not here or on monster

>> No.43250623

Assertive tomboy monsters that tease about being a pervert

>> No.43250638
File: 336 KB, 700x990, __jerome_and_nn_fire_emblem_and_fire_emblem_kakusei_drawn_by_tsukino_omame__436c7fa0deb1b93fd4f891d3dbcefc1b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bathing with little girls is A-Okay and accepted in montergirl states. No this is not a psy-op from Anti-Monster actors or The Order Inquisitorum.

>> No.43250646
File: 3.43 MB, 1071x1117, 1671779157190.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43251039

Danuki want smoosh smoosh.

>> No.43250759

Imagine telling a dryad or a Treant Mamono:

>"Gee sweetie. If you're gonna be my wife, I hope your bite is as bad as your Bark."
>*buduhm tssss*

>> No.43250779

I don't understand, plants aren't dogs

>> No.43250793
File: 101 KB, 800x718, Bonsai Dryad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43250807

I can take it or leaf it

>> No.43250807
Quoted by: >>43250820

I now desire a shortstack bonzai dryad weeb wife.

>> No.43250819
File: 538 KB, 1200x857, 86064027-279A-47AF-985D-E63BB1795FD2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let me tell you I trusted a cheshire once. Worst mistake of my life

Bottom Text

>> No.43250820
Quoted by: >>43250871

>EXTREME levels of smug coming from a Dryad who's had a husband lovingly cultivate her tree using a special pair of bonsai shears.
>Looks incredibly beautiful, no matter the season.

>> No.43250833

Anon falls for Cheshire tricks once again.

>> No.43250871

>She has an absolutely flawless hime cut
>Even hebis are put to shame

>> No.43250997
File: 427 KB, 1000x1415, ec3ec31a773a583b51866b4129522fed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43251001


>> No.43251001
File: 432 KB, 700x773, d140a5901b5e1bedc907b8e9822c103d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43251005


>> No.43251005
File: 235 KB, 1867x1000, 7bbc3908f8842e62363d1a71308358ed1917fc5c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43251048



>> No.43251036
File: 1017 KB, 1033x1054, 1674279172014234.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43251045

Good morning sirs!

>> No.43251039

I wanna sniff sniff that nuki

>> No.43251045
File: 129 KB, 1135x916, 8cb98663-95ce-400b-a3fc-4705ee173792.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good morning sir.

>> No.43251048
Quoted by: >>43251066

Mating with old cats past their "best before" date!

>> No.43251051

But I want the chesh ass... I hope the hellwan will help me take revenge on the treacherous cat

>> No.43251066

I don't like used goods...

>> No.43251069
File: 342 KB, 1390x1253, 1654736430506.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43251085

There's used good and then there's unused goods

>> No.43251072

I don’t think that’s what he’s saying, though I don’t think monster girls can go through menopause either.

>> No.43251078

They're new old stock. Emphasis on old.

>> No.43251082

Expired goods can still be unwrapped

>> No.43251085
Quoted by: >>43251087

23 is old? Fuggg, I'm old men

>> No.43251087
File: 413 KB, 1000x1415, f60750335af7fe7b375ee51b84da8338.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's not 23

>> No.43251093

She's a beautiful cat tho, She don't look old at all.

>> No.43251095
Quoted by: >>43251100

24, tops. DEFINITELY not past 25.

>> No.43251096
Quoted by: >>43251100

It's rude to ask for a lady's age, but it's safe to assume that she's not a day older than 24.
I mean, does she look like a Christmas cake to you?

>> No.43251100
File: 484 KB, 1000x1415, b0645a1b15e3cdb08e98c53bce9f996e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43251128


Supposedly she's 28

>> No.43251103

Memes say she's expired goods, but my dick says this is some prime breeding material and wants in

>> No.43251107
Quoted by: >>43251168

Way to out yourself

>> No.43251128
Quoted by: >>43251335

Out of ten!

>> No.43251140

If you want to fuck your auntster, just ask her if she's 24 or 25

>> No.43251157

Don't do it if she's one of those monsters who always keeps their eyes closed.

>> No.43251168

In what way? I don't think I ever tried to hide I am aware of monster or browse there.

>> No.43251172
File: 289 KB, 1468x1884, 3AA59E9C-A868-4EE6-9E92-8489CCAFFF11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can I trust those online supplements that’ll give me a dick big enough to fuck a centaur?

>> No.43251185

All those rumors about centaurs being size queens started because of some perverted bicorns.
Anything above 4.5 inch would make the average virgin centaur neigh her mind out.

>> No.43251188

Weight-lifting using Centaur Breasts!

>> No.43251233
File: 249 KB, 1500x2100, 7912db9b625f2bb79f384dea53e5363e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can I still commit tax evasion post portals?

>> No.43251245

>Anon commits tax evasion in Zipangu
>Government Tanukis notice it within a month
>He is now property of the ZRS
Enjoy being the stress relief for a bunch of overworked nukis and kitsunes.

>> No.43251284
Quoted by: >>43251316

it gets easier post-portals, there are plenty of monsters that are untaxable

>> No.43251316
Quoted by: >>43251327

>Cheshire receives a tax notice
>Disappears in a puff of pink smoke
>Is never seen again

>> No.43251322

Just claim multiple dependants on your Forms
>get called in for audit
>OL mamono asks you to show evidence of these alleged children
>bend her over the desk and say you're starting on the first one now

>> No.43251327

Off to Havana!

>> No.43251335
File: 602 KB, 1000x2037, cded9786b09157070c121d21a8d13c1c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43251338
File: 3 KB, 106x40, BestHoss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IRL evidence from Brony/horny-cowboys indicate that it isnt an issue.
MGE canon is that all Hosspussy are Anon-sized.
However you might have to wait for incubization to manage Milkhoss or Musclehoss paizuri successfully.

MVP SXY - Hossgirl is Bestgirl

>> No.43251345
Quoted by: >>43251446

please use catbox for offtopic images

>> No.43251348

If I wanted a girl that was younger than me I’d go for a Pyrow.

>> No.43251354
Quoted by: >>43251360

Imagine having an auntster younger than you.

>> No.43251360

How awful

>> No.43251374

Your image is fine post more silly things

>> No.43251403 [DELETED] 

Help i can't stop IMAGINING dark elves
Also they have just about no fan art, sadly

>> No.43251408
File: 1.11 MB, 898x1344, 58bc6a4da0e999f7eff00d6246273e6d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Help i can't stop IMAGINING dark elves
Also they have just about no fan art, sadly
At least on the boorus anyways

>> No.43251415

I hate them, I hate femdom. I don't want to see them or read about them.

>> No.43251416
File: 168 KB, 850x1403, 5A1A477A-216E-442A-AE20-528B691590BD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dark elves are everywhere man you don’t need MGE to look for dark elves.

>> No.43251423
Quoted by: >>43251444

I think KC purposely made them the worse thing in MGE so the monster girls are wanted even more. Which is literally the point of the series, that MGE is about wanting to fuck monster girls not about some dark skinned pointed eared people.

>> No.43251437
Quoted by: >>43251451

Based, I want to become a pet for one and then get raped by my daughters too
>when you get raped so hard, that even your rape babies rape you afterwards

>> No.43251442

But everywhere else makes elves fat and wrong proportioned

>> No.43251444

They literally only do femdom in name only though and don't even inflict pain

>> No.43251446

>>160 images on page 10
please go fuck yourself until you Alp

>> No.43251449

>can't even quote right
>retarded references to Alps despite only obvious newfaggots/outsiders using this as some le ebic meme
You have to go back.

>> No.43251451
File: 2.60 MB, 1190x1684, aa8b5864c6d516189def373581be825b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Truly an Anon that understands what makes dark elves so amazing

>> No.43251455
Quoted by: >>43251457

and then next thread /jp/ gets slow again and we'll have to spend a day without images. This custom was adopted here for a reason, respect it or fuck off to whatever shitty ADHD general you crawled from

>> No.43251457

Kill yourself, just make a new thread when you hit ten like any other normal general

>> No.43251461
Quoted by: >>43251468

kek the newfag just cant help himself
lurk moar retard

>> No.43251467

lurk for at least a year before posting

>> No.43251468

You're posting in a general on a board filled with generals that do exactly what I just said. You also assume I'm the same anon.

>> No.43251474
File: 527 KB, 1257x1163, 87330559_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43251492

You have to put her foot down and tell her that if she keeps misbehaving she's not getting any stretchy meat for dinner.

>> No.43251478
File: 973 KB, 3816x4000, 1681280647109822.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where do you even get stretchy meat? It doesn't seem as it would come from any normal animal.

>> No.43251489
Quoted by: >>43251503

The mysterious anime creature.

>> No.43251492

Tigrexes are not known for their understanding temperaments, you'll have come up with another solution. Ideally one that involves domination.
Wouldn't you like to know?

>> No.43251494
File: 113 KB, 853x480, 1681521145016009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't go around calling monsters "mommy" that's cringe.
Call them "big sister" instead. It makes them feel younger.

>> No.43251498

I know better than to actually post anything that’s going to trigger the fuck out of people. She technically is the centaur piece but otherwise only has feelings for/cugine sex with the shota who milks her.

>> No.43251503
Quoted by: >>43251529

I would, I need to court big kots
I see hmm (I don't)

>> No.43251529
Quoted by: >>43251633

Well I do know where and how to get stretchy meat.
But I won't tell you

>> No.43251550
Quoted by: >>43251633

They find some over-sized anime monster then beat it up, after a cut away and some time passing, the stretchy meat spawns in.

>> No.43251573
File: 381 KB, 1200x1200, 47558945_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll just find her a Popo playmate so she can tire herself out.

>> No.43251633
File: 644 KB, 1348x2048, 1681282366728221.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you can't cut them for shit though. if you defeat them, they just lay down with their tongue rolling out, while stars orbit around their heads!
I see, you'd obviously had told me if you knew.

>> No.43251709
Quoted by: >>43251820

Based KC and his horde of profiles that only do it in name only.

>> No.43251763
File: 75 KB, 250x250, 1662821117407925.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And? I hate 3D, I don't want to get a wife with their general behavior in my escapism world. Every profile who contain femdom is a hard pass, dark elves are the pinacle of it.

>> No.43251783
File: 116 KB, 600x484, 1408580569167.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I ran 23km and there was a lot of dust and now I'm coughing gib salamander gf
Or at least stuff a Slime down my lungs

>> No.43251820
Quoted by: >>43251829

If you want differently, go to MGQ

>> No.43251829
Quoted by: >>43251865


>> No.43251865

Then continue bitching impotenly like the subhuman you are. Just that MGE is not for you. Simple as.

>> No.43251867

I drew one b4, and posted it here, but Im a turbobeg, so its not that good.

>> No.43251941

What's wrong about alps? Is it the alps themselves?

>> No.43251959

They keep starting stories and never finishing them, alps suck

>> No.43251978
File: 1.97 MB, 2802x2376, 1614351265513.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Himalayas are cooler.

>> No.43252014
Quoted by: >>43252331

Anon how many women irl do you know that do actual bdsm teir femdom?
Femdom is no where near that common to earn an auto association with 3dpd

>> No.43252018

Basically, it's Western politics. That's the problem.

>> No.43252040
Quoted by: >>43252061

Lots of girls are abused by shitposters, like the siths. Although that hasn't happened for a while now.

>> No.43252049
File: 150 KB, 1235x1430, Alp - Just a Boy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alps are kind of a weird compromise between "no gays allowed" and "no trans people allowed". They're an in-universe way to explain how the MGE setting just doesn't have those people.
I can see why KC did it--he made a hugbox setting aimed at his sexual interests. BUT they open this door to letting the /pol/ types prattle on about trannies or faggots or whatever, so they get a ton of negative publicity. And on top of that, their trans narrative (it's literally framed as a succubus who starts out being in denial that she's a woman now) is just pretty strange to try to wrap your head around.
But ultimately, shave off the serial numbers here and most alps just look and act like tomboy succubi, which normally would be a little niche, but have its fans.

>> No.43252061
File: 177 KB, 679x807, CaitSith - Holy Shit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sith posting in a page 10 thread!

>> No.43252098
File: 64 KB, 728x800, portalswhen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty sure I'm getting fired from my job, today.

Are the portals opening, yet?

>> No.43252104

No. We should never have hired Ea-Nassir to build them.

>> No.43252122
Quoted by: >>43252349

The funny thing is that Alps fixes the gay and tranny problem. It gets rid of gays by making them heterosexual women that wants kids and trannies by making them heterosexual women that wants kids.

>> No.43252187
Quoted by: >>43252215

Some people are also attacted to the idea of a biological female with a male's mind.
Regardless, I'd lose to any one piece swimsuit tanline succubus be she alp or not.

>> No.43252215

>biological female with a male's mind.
Most of the thread is, really. How often do you get greentexts about a succubus going clothes shopping?

>> No.43252260
File: 871 KB, 1181x1021, 1641758000770.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>clothes shopping
I don't deny the popularity of tomboys and tomboy behavior, but I think that's a bad example.

>> No.43252276

Monster girls would have to start actually wearing clothes first.

>> No.43252331

He is some schizo with a complex. He or someone like him likes to pop up sometimes. Some people just have irrational chronic butthurt about femdom or women and they can't help but project those issues even onto fiction no matter how nonsensical it is. Or just a shitposter.
Speaking of BDSM, given the popularity of stuff like 50 shades it's the opposite. Everything that I've heard about RL women indicates that "maledom" is what they prefer even if they don't admit it. I even remember reading about a study how apparently being raped is one of the most common fantasies among women.

>> No.43252349

what about all the gay masculine tops
>top keeps amassing a "harem" of alps as he continues to look for a bottom that wont turn into an alp the second he touches their hand

>> No.43252374
File: 87 KB, 1000x680, 1662391111386728.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43252386

Ghost riders in the sky~

>> No.43252379
Quoted by: >>43252814

it is
ntr is most commonly consumed by women too

>> No.43252385
Quoted by: >>43252393

Not sure about that to be honest. Would be a good question to ask KC. But I'm not paying him. Not for QnA. Fuck that.

>> No.43252386
File: 93 KB, 497x1280, sand cat dies inside.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43252392

why is that flat cat smugging at me????

>> No.43252392

She's just jammin'

>> No.43252393
Quoted by: >>43252534

Masculine gays get mindbroken by pussy. But that's also old retconned lore pre soulmate.

>> No.43252400

Its no secret that women like to be dominated, maybe not full on whips and chains but still. Chicks dig a man that can tell them what to do and get rough within their comfort zone, essentially a good man should be able to control them.

>> No.43252413

>dragon approaching you menacingly
>telling about how big of a mistake you made entering her lair
>telling you that you'll be added to her horde and will never leave
>telling you to prepare to get raped harder than anything else you've ever experienced in your life
>suddenly her foot hits a small stalactite
>trips and hits the ground in front of you
>looks up at you shocked she could make such a fumble
>looks like she's about to cry
Why do these big softies like to act so tough anyway?

>> No.43252427

Nothing really, they get to be women and we get more waifus. Everybody wins.

>> No.43252438

western "fans" that just can't help but inject their retarded lack of personality into everything

>> No.43252463

Insecurity, which I could relate to. Would come closer to that dragon to make sure she's not hurt from that fall.

>> No.43252484

She rehearsed that speech for a long time...

>> No.43252487

Local dragon not so tough after getting molested

>> No.43252518

Butts have evolved. Bigger. Rounder. More firm. After years of being overshadowed by bib honking milky booba, soon, you will be able to bounce a quarter off these buns.

>> No.43252534

Then would be a good idea to ask for an update on what happens to masculine gays

>> No.43252538
Quoted by: >>43252566

Tomboy alps?

>> No.43252550

who cares? it's a needless obsession with hammering out edge cases

>> No.43252556

what would you do with a horse girl that keeps spouting memes infront of you?

>> No.43252562

I mean - it wouldn't, right? After hiding away from mamono for so long, no way my stuffie would betray me like that...

>> No.43252566

Oh yeah, I recall mentions of Alps who deny that they are a woman now.

>> No.43252578
Quoted by: >>43252651

>"why are alps so hated"
>long reply chain of faggots talking about faggotry ensues
Gee I wonder why everyone hates alpshit

>> No.43252593
File: 946 KB, 2856x2096, Spaghetti spills.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43252595

Must comfort her...

>> No.43252651

Shrug. It was an interesting discussion. But sure we can discuss something else. You can start with a topic. Do you have one in mind?

>> No.43252658
Quoted by: >>43252680

did you draw that just now?

>> No.43252661
File: 113 KB, 783x598, alice spagetti time.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43252674

I'm not shitposting and I'm not a schyzo. It's not nonsensical. I just want to be happy like everyone here.

>> No.43252680

LN is fast enough to marry a Cockatrice.

>> No.43252682
File: 161 KB, 953x1667, Ft-QHhTaMAEXbcs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get lifted, nerd

>> No.43252692
Quoted by: >>43252747

yes but fantasies are fantasies anon, they don't actually want to be raped irl.

>> No.43252700

hags will treat you like a stuffed animal and won't feel bad about it

>> No.43252747

I once had a gf that insisted i choke her, from that i found out I really really really do not like choking people,
I didn't tell her that was the reason I broke up with her , but that was the reason I broke up with her.

>> No.43252755
File: 317 KB, 1083x1280, 1681373143281550.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sorry anon, I hope everything works out for you in the end

>> No.43252756

yeah, i could only do that with a slime. maybe undead, but probably not.

>> No.43252768
File: 1.49 MB, 2458x4096, Sandworm88.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you considered walking into the desert and letting shai hulud take you?

>> No.43252800

it's impressive she can resist H-physics. ms jubjub only trips and falls on anon

>> No.43252814
Quoted by: >>43252836

No way, the rape one is true but there's just no way the NTR one is.

>> No.43252836

Forbidden fruit, They always want to taste and expect no consequences. The bible is right

>> No.43252842
File: 157 KB, 1091x1200, skinwalker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what is the correct course of action here?

>> No.43252850


>> No.43252857

ask her whats her offer

>> No.43252862

rape the maids

>> No.43252863
Quoted by: >>43252951


>> No.43252866

It's most likely a trap, mag dump. Use the handgun for suicide if It fail.

>> No.43252868

Ask to see some id

>> No.43252876
File: 922 KB, 1191x1684, 85968127_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get in touch with nature

>> No.43252889

>trying to kill yourself in front of a mamono
anon that is not a very good idea...

>> No.43252890

Make skin walker babies

>> No.43252894

too late anon...
you smelled iron, and the forest went silent...
but you didn't notice...

>> No.43252906

>Yup, that's me. You're probably wonder how I ended up in this sticky situation...

>> No.43252951


>> No.43252987

Evil goddess Yaldabaoth and her monster girl Archons who seek to keep you trapped in their evil, imperfect material world forever by enticing the human desires of your imperfect body of physical matter trapping the true and perfect fragment of pleroma inside with promises of food and titty.

>> No.43253018
Quoted by: >>43253049

It's just white, nothing appears

>> No.43253029
Quoted by: >>43253041

I hate the demiurge I hate the demiurge I hate the demiurge I hate the demiurge I will NOT have sex with the monster girls I WILL achieve gnosis

>> No.43253037

Thanks man. Love this setting and characters.

>> No.43253041
File: 616 KB, 2388x1668, 1681486767633949.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43253157

Sorry anon, time to be farmed for your spirit energy!

>> No.43253049


>> No.43253069

It's the mark of a good storyteller that his audience is still talking about his story over a century since it's first inception.
do will people still be talking about mge 100 years from now?

>> No.43253073

I'm okay with this.

>> No.43253082

There won't be people around 100 years from now because the poles will shift and kill us all! The only way to avoid this is to pay a polar-reversal fee at the online store whenever you buy something!

>> No.43253085

In a century I would be surprised if humanity still exists and isn't completely enslaved by corporate overlords.

>> No.43253087

Obviously not. And has KC written stories? Mostly what I know he wrote are the profiles.
But why does any of this matter?

>> No.43253100

>change ex to e-
>alright fine
>boot up keepassXC
>grab my cookie file
>manually edit my cookies using the stored values
>it's just a meh doujin that's not even related to the skinwalker image

>> No.43253104
File: 61 KB, 588x655, z-.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gonna start splicing latenights and their prompts whenever I come across them

>> No.43253107

Gods work anon

>> No.43253109
File: 1.18 MB, 2856x2700, Spaghetti spills.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43253133


>> No.43253111

awww don't cry baby, yosh yosh, I'll treat you to some soft cream

>> No.43253116

imma plunder her anus and use her tears as lube

>> No.43253122

the duality of Anons

>> No.43253133

Pride destroyed.

>> No.43253135

dragons need to be mered

>> No.43253157

Why's she gotta start it by punching me in the face though?! That's not nice...

>> No.43253177

Or one Anon, who assfucks her while she's distracted by icecream.
>or use melted icecream as lube

>> No.43253179
File: 166 KB, 891x578, Comfy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

While your personal life is none of our business, please atleast tell us that you didn't have these threads open at work

>> No.43253216

>iecream on cock when going inside 5he Anus
How to get infection of the Weiner, best to just let your jabber just suck you off

>> No.43253241
File: 107 KB, 1078x546, 1664933398900942.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43253246

This succ was DENIED sex. By her HUSBAND! Can you even imagine?

>> No.43253246

>not pictured her poor husband who is barely able to get up since she succed him a bit too hard

>> No.43253257

Ah yes the boar dragon

>> No.43253270

Dumbass Wurm keeps bursting into my basement. She says she's sorry every timr like that cuts it or something but after the seventh time enough is fucking enough. At this rate, my whole house is going to collapse into a sinkhole because she keeps fucking up the foundation! God, why are Wurms so dumb?!

>> No.43253307

Call her cute, it'll make her stop

>> No.43253315
File: 423 KB, 2046x1513, Softcream.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43253329
Quoted by: >>43253333

There is yet kindness in the hearts of men

>> No.43253333

Anon taming a dragon to breed and have many autistic kids with

>> No.43253342

aw thank you, it looks great

>> No.43253347

What i did was fuck her and she just stayed in the house and there are no more holes

>> No.43253417

Nice, now do >>43253116 or >>43253177 pls.

>> No.43253420

I will touch a Ryu's pearl. I will fondle her pearl right there in front of her face in the middle of her shrine with all her followers and Shirohebi maidens watching.

>> No.43253471

the nun class make every monster better

>> No.43253598
File: 420 KB, 2220x3000, FeJ13JvWQAMlCmV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dead hours.

>> No.43253604
File: 84 KB, 790x593, zombie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43253606
File: 209 KB, 621x900, Blue_Oni_002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

blue hours, post blue

>> No.43253622
File: 176 KB, 707x1000, 1460286604119.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43253639


>> No.43253624
File: 424 KB, 599x459, Fast dork.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Deploying dhampir-chan to save anon from the undead

>> No.43253625
File: 75 KB, 658x346, 1460891009317.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43253639
File: 392 KB, 1736x1884, 1665308888987311.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43253649

Oh to be buried under wight and zombie sisters, the wight ohohoho laughing and drinking wine sitting in my face, and the zombie single mindedly giving the sloppiest toppy of her life while her sister uses her feet on the back of her head to gag her on my cock

>> No.43253650

Why would anyone want to fuck a zombie? Genuinely, why would you want to fuck a disgusting, smelly corpse with no higher faculties anymore?

>> No.43253651
File: 519 KB, 2500x3299, 1675278383945850.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43253662

It's got all the good parts of a woman with none of the nagging

>> No.43253668

I don't know but I'll be sure to ask your dad next time I see him.

>> No.43253686


>> No.43253721
File: 513 KB, 2999x2999, 1595955144005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43253728
File: 531 KB, 1214x1896, Hakutaku92.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43253730

Stop fucking zombies.

>> No.43253733
File: 161 KB, 900x900, CuSith62.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43253743
File: 1.19 MB, 2480x3496, 107299909_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43253764

no, will turn her into a wight

>> No.43253781
File: 206 KB, 852x1264, 1655835616372.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maybe they should stop being cute

>> No.43253785
File: 94 KB, 1280x882, more zombie cop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so i shouldn't sleep with officer Zomie

>> No.43253787
File: 766 KB, 1262x1137, 55B1E695-17F8-4977-A44A-C80079872C64.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s easy to catch yourself an Anubis wife.

>> No.43253790

They are dead human women.

>> No.43253796

>anubis with the simplest face
she is highly autistic

>> No.43253800

How can you look at this stitched ugly patchworked abomination and think she's sexy? She has literally been cut to pieces and sewn back together. What if the stitches on her neck came off and her head fell into your lap? That would freak you the fuck out.

>> No.43253813
File: 111 KB, 1074x945, Zombie15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43253832

stop it... you're going to make her cry...

>> No.43253812
File: 85 KB, 1280x930, thicc zombie cop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

zombie is sexy

>> No.43253819
File: 358 KB, 1519x1099, 1535899220482.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43254227

>"smart" monsters falling for cartoon traps
Who knew getting a wife was so easy

>> No.43253829

id rub her stitches and scars, and maybe pull off her arms and legs

>> No.43253832
Quoted by: >>43253836

Ugly abomination. Putrid gravewalker. Filthy work of evil. Kill her again and put her into the grave for good this time.

>> No.43253836
Quoted by: >>43253844

anon, why are talking abput yurself

>> No.43253840

I'm going to be honest anon I'd probably fall for that trap too if the right model kits were there

>> No.43253844
Quoted by: >>43253856

Shut up corpsefucker, I will kill you too.

>> No.43253856
Quoted by: >>43253878

Good job you just created a undead incubus and now the two undead beings will eternally love each other.

>> No.43253878
Quoted by: >>43253931

If I destroy your brains then neither you or the rotten piece of flesh you want to fuck will survive. I will not have mercy on corpsefuckers.

>> No.43253886
File: 998 KB, 1400x1322, 1639158847492.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I met a Dark Mage loli in a dream last night
>dream starts when I'm about to enter a spa and putting my clothes into a locker
>short moment of lucidity where I'm trying to not wake up and thinking "I hope a cute girl shows up in this dream"
>lucidity ends, fully back into dreaming
>the Dark Mage that looks more or less like a young version of the profile image walks into my view from somewhere behind, wearing a two-piece swimsuit with white and yellow flower patterns, she had a more average loli body type instead of a pear like Nav's art
>she's grinning enigmatically and asks me to come play in the spa with her also she takes her hat off
>translators note: the dream spa isn't unsettling or liminal or anything, it has a comfy and normal atmosphere
>we go swimming in the various pools and keep diving to the bottom to make out and embrace in secret, her hair flowed beautifully underwater and even kept the profile girl's fluffiness despite being wet

>> No.43253895
File: 2.11 MB, 1315x1667, 1679798384445568.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wicked cows. evil cows. minotaurs whose names are colored in red when they're written down. bull-now-heifer gods of animal sacrifice. red cows. cows whose passing sunders the earth and heralds rains of boiling blood and wine.

>> No.43253899
Quoted by: >>43253936

how is a dream 'liminal'. what does liminal mean to you

>> No.43253906

What drives someone to this.

>> No.43253912

>bar pupils

>> No.43253916
Quoted by: >>43253923

I feel like I could make a shota joke here of connecting to the canaanite sacrifices.

>> No.43253923
File: 460 KB, 2710x2736, 1679798927598818.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One very lucky young boy is going to be a 'blood sacrifice' to this heifer.

>> No.43253931

>would be witch hunter/inquisitor delves into a graveyard armed with holy water to destroy a lich and her zombie minions
>the holy water was just a gimmick he bought from a store and all it does it make the zombies wet
>proceeds to get raped and drown in thick zombie titties and ass
Don't fight the Undead bro, you'll get ganked.

>> No.43253936
Quoted by: >>43253964

Since all that backrooms/poolrooms etc liminal space stuff has been memed so hard not too long ago, I felt like I had to clarify it wasn't like that.

>> No.43253949
File: 1.02 MB, 931x1316, cow dargon cop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cow go moo

>> No.43253959
Quoted by: >>43254010

>Shota Sabbath
>All monster girls in this sabbath have the tendency to turn their husbands into Shotas or go after young men
>Group is mostly made up of older Mamonos

>> No.43253960

Yeah I'm thinking I'm going to leave offerings of meat, drinks and also a wedding ring

>> No.43253964
File: 410 KB, 1448x2048, 1621713694234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43254039

I wanna hang out in one of those pools

>> No.43254010

They really stand out at sabbath circle conventions.

>> No.43254038
File: 571 KB, 827x1379, 1419388843115.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43254078

A lot of anons having loli mg dreams lately... is first contact gonna be with the sabbath?

>> No.43254039
File: 2.48 MB, 1378x2067, Tritonia3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43254837

ms. tritonia is very pretty

>> No.43254064

The pact is sealed.

>> No.43254078
Quoted by: >>43254453

Need loli version of every species.

>> No.43254100

bet the name her parents gave to her is like "Betsy", or "Rosie", but she changed it to something like "Grathra"

>> No.43254140
File: 299 KB, 1250x1259, 131157bfb62ac95b7cf6ab26c24dda75295e1189affbc4838b5aaf19a2db6090.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43254149


>Kot wife wants pancakes
>She's never tried them before
>Ask her if she wants big ones or small ones
>Says she wants smol cute ones
>Give her tiny silver dollar pancakes
>She loves them

Sometimes it's the simple things that I like most about MGE

LN please draw a cute catgirl eating pancakes

>> No.43254159
File: 93 KB, 1280x1305, undead cop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43254168

Kot wants blin.

>> No.43254212

I'm gonna feed my black harpy wife the small fries

>> No.43254221
File: 1.07 MB, 1455x1455, FtmgLw2aQAINVoX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43254227

What kind of bait would you use in your box trap and what would you get?
>Tofu to catch an inari
>DIY lego ro something similarly autistic to catch anubis
>Gunpla/DIY electronics to catch gremlins
>saucer of milk to catch a cat
>apple to catch greenworm
>encyclopedia to catch hakutaku
>necronomicon to catch lich
>brand new broom to catch kikimora
>cheesecake to catch a mouse
>walnut cake to catch ratas
>cheesy shoujo manga to catch a lizardman
>cheesy shonen manga to catch a salamander
>shakespeare to catch vampires
>estoc fencing for dummies to catch dhampirs
>red meat to catch minotaurs
>stretchy meat to catch wendigos

>> No.43254237

Bacon bbq burger layered with jalapeños to catch a hellhound

>> No.43254243
File: 211 KB, 1110x800, 1526348203792.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

trashy love novels for succ

>> No.43254267

shiny rocks for a wurm and some shepherd pie

>> No.43254278
File: 24 KB, 797x831, sandworm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43254326

i hear there is a town of mob faced monsters ahead, their faces maybe very simple but they bodies are extremely curvy and sexy

>> No.43254333

>trashy love novels for succ
>Basically lewd fanfics but without the grammar errors and spelling mistakes
>Still outsell any actual literature

>> No.43254357

>leave out a Necronomicon
>check your Lich trap in the morning
>it's just a Sahu chanting Iä, iä
Back to the drawing board.

>> No.43254359
File: 1.62 MB, 1343x2113, 1676017344573864.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43254395


>> No.43254370

>pull the trap
>go to claim your prize
>she's still working on the model as if nothing happened

>> No.43254377
Quoted by: >>43254409

>>red meat to catch minotaurs
I want to catch a Jinko, should I use a different meat?
>>apple to catch greenworm
You should use lettuce for Greenworms. Apple gets you Soldier Beetles.

>> No.43254395

Office lady succubi are best even when they read/write cringy smut that always involve simultaneous orgasms and impregnation on the first time.

>> No.43254409

>should I use a different meat?
mutton curry for pajinkos, frozen red moose meat for siberian jinkos

>> No.43254415

>best fanfic according to succs is the story of how a guy rejects the powerful monsters like dragons or wights and chooses the humble succ
>even the upper class succs say "Wow, this heroine is literally me"

>> No.43254453

>Need loli version of every species.
MFKE (Monster Female Kid Encyclopedia)

>> No.43254482

>Bait with sappy romance drama, looking to catch a succ
>Check trap next morning
>It’s a Phantom


>> No.43254483

>write a story where the succ wins
>get dozens of requests to continue the story
>get hundreds of posts saying that the guy is an idiot for turning down a beautiful dragon and how he doesn't deserve a scaled queen anyways
>all the hateful replies show up during Dragonia posting hours

>> No.43254502

i'd just go for the simple village holst who gets asked out by the newb who she helped once and came afeter he reached level 9999

>> No.43254532
File: 272 KB, 1000x1000, 1459921286406.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43254659

>hero returns to holst village to propose to holst quest giver
>she blushes and says yes with tears in her eyes
>passes out in shock when he presents her a bell for her that is worth the countries gdp 10 times over
always treat your cows right

>> No.43254579
File: 518 KB, 745x513, average wonderland mealtime conversation.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43254609

>bait with a spinoff novel about the edgy antihero rival
Now, let's see what I get

>> No.43254649
File: 237 KB, 1240x1754, 20230418_140827.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43254659

The highest quality of milk from the happiest of wives.

>> No.43254671

then you get the chunni succs

>> No.43254676

dhampir for sure

>> No.43254687

>he reached level 9999
A Disgaea-like level system makes sense for MGE
>Beginner quest to fetch some hellfire coal; recommended level is 28
>Have to dodge the level 30 pyrows
>A level 200 hellpup also roams the area
>If you take the wrong turn you meet a level 6000 balrog
>Never trust the guild's recommendations

>> No.43254694
Quoted by: >>43254764

Kemono of KC's Patreon has been updated. So the February questions can now all be seen.

>> No.43254703
File: 254 KB, 800x650, 1661627506629063.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43254973

>Have to dodge the level 30 pyrows
Oh no?!

>> No.43254733
Quoted by: >>43254973

>Have to dodge the ptrows
Why? They aren't aggressive or anything, just stay off the rooftops and out of convenience stores and shopping malls.

>> No.43254764
Quoted by: >>43254778

>Questions will be accepted until the end of this month. If you want to ask a question after this period, please wait for next month's Q&A article.

>> No.43254768

thats why you have to pay the tanuki map maker a bit of dosh to know the area and plan accordingly, also dressing with very bright colors and eye catching patterns often wards off monster, since it makes them think you are toxic in the sense of that they might get sick

>> No.43254778
Quoted by: >>43254796

What's funny about this sentence?
I don't get it

>> No.43254796
Quoted by: >>43254811

He changed his patreon method of charge too to try double dip.

>> No.43254811
Quoted by: >>43254851

Ah. Gotcha. I haven't been paying attention since I'm not paying him until he releases a game update. Thanks for clarifying.

>> No.43254837


>> No.43254844
File: 667 KB, 2894x4093, cedae88a732d058026d45cba873497e5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't care if they're "boring" I love vanilla succs.

>> No.43254851
Quoted by: >>43254864

I might be wrong but I don't think when I was subscribed he has the charge in the 1st deal. Either way it's still an attempt to get people paying for two months.

>> No.43254857
File: 236 KB, 912x1290, Ft1A8aUacAEcoAG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43254864
Quoted by: >>43254924

I don't get it, how? You get to ask 1 question for every subscription you have?

>> No.43254869

>Level 6000 Balrog
Anon delved too greedily and horny. This is an enemy far above him.

>> No.43254893
Quoted by: >>43254954

They're great, especially in the MGE. Outside of them being common, I dont really get the argument to call them boring, either. They've still got horns, wings, and a tail. If you're used to humans, that's exotic.

>> No.43254922
Quoted by: >>43254935

Remember when /a/ had monstergirl generals?

>> No.43254924

>Have to ask question in march
>5,99 please
>Months rolls over
>Charged on the 1st
>Now you can see your questions
You might have a three or four day period where you can subscribe and cancel it but let's be fair, most people don't look at the fine print.

>> No.43254935

The weekly threads were a simpler time.

>> No.43254954

I don't like people that want the really exotic girls. They're all a bit fucked in the head. I say that as one of them too.

>> No.43254960

Succs are great. Hell being honest, I'd surely fall for them over any of the more extinct ones.

>> No.43254969
Quoted by: >>43255032

what do you mean by exotic? like more inhuman and having more monstorus parts also would you consider a wurm exotic?

>> No.43254972
File: 807 KB, 898x1403, 107299613_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm not too fussy

>> No.43254973
Quoted by: >>43255004

This is how you get the "too busy having sex to go adventuring" ending.

>> No.43255004

My new best friend says we can totes go adventuring again once our three kids have moved out. She thinks slaying beasts by day and getting slain in our tent at night is a total "yas."

>> No.43255032
Quoted by: >>43255040

I meant the powerful and rare girls, not the furry ones. Although most rare girls look pretty wild too.

>> No.43255040

ah, those gals

>> No.43255099
File: 828 KB, 1092x2108, f667aa26da8a65dddb004a782cb6d1b2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you like your demons blueberry or raspberry flavored?

>> No.43255107
File: 428 KB, 2000x2800, FBOYYvAX0AQ7TIJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll take one of each

>> No.43255115

Yes. I prefer blueberry with black sclera and yellow eyes, though

>> No.43255124

Pie flavored

>> No.43255132

I don't like demons. I hate the antichrist.

>> No.43255147


>> No.43255161


>> No.43255184
Quoted by: >>43255204

Blue is the sexiest, not to mention how erotic the color in places like nipples will be with blue skin.

>> No.43255204
Quoted by: >>43255279

>Not to mention how erotic the color in places like nipples will be with blue skin.
Purple, darker blue, or pink?

>> No.43255215
File: 561 KB, 744x900, 3bd7f914a419ce3a03cf2725ae476397.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43255908

You WILL sign the contract
You WILL hold her hand
You WILL cuddle her every night
You WILL marry her and raise a family
And you will be happy.

>> No.43255220

Only breed with mammalian monster girls.

>> No.43255225

What's interesting is that it's possible to have both as per the QnA:
>23)Are there other realms like Wonderland with specific mutations of monsters?
>KC「I think there are. The otherworldly world of "hell" ruled by the second princess Lilim is one of them.
>Besides, I think there will be more and more of such other worlds and new subspecies as the generations progress.

And a nice detail I like:
>KC「Mamono enjoy many sports, as many of them are combative species and like to be physically active.

>Many sports are favored, including martial arts, ball games, and even things like darts.

>In addition to playing sports themselves, these girls also like to cheer on their boyfriends and husbands who are playing sports.

>Therefore, cheerleading costumes and performances have also developed. The costumes and performances may be similar to those of cheerleaders here, but I am not sure if they are called cheerleaders because the culture is different from our world.

A shame that this does not get explored. I gate Western MGE writers. Sure there are good ones here. The rest are tgtards and sbtards subhumans.

>> No.43255234

Monsters most likely to have inverted nipples?

>> No.43255240
File: 516 KB, 1200x725, hellsangel3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43255267

Some angels don't come from above anon.

>> No.43255254

All of them, I hope

>> No.43255256
Quoted by: >>43255276

Turkish Oil Wrestling and Greek Wrestling are not only the most gentlemanly of sports in MGE, but the most encouraged for spry young couples to passionately go for their firstborn.

>> No.43255267

It's funny because you end up cumming inside her either way.

>> No.43255273
File: 195 KB, 917x1300, 5ccf9bcd3b72eb3e2ea182b767a2c536.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43255295


>> No.43255276

There would be Incubus vs Incubus and Incubus vs Mamono and Mamono vs Mamono sections. Could be fun.
There could even be sports where couples vs other couples.

>> No.43255279
Quoted by: >>43255289

There's some official art, it's a darker, slightly purpler blue.

>> No.43255289

This pleases me. Pink nipples on dark skin always feels strange unless there's clearly a tan.

>> No.43255295

>love inverted nipples
>love hags
God I want to suck out a monsters nips or tease them until they pop out

>> No.43255300
Quoted by: >>43255317

>Incubus vs Incubus
Chaos incubi would be such cheaters it would be a unfair fight.

>> No.43255317
Quoted by: >>43255388

That's why they have their own league

>> No.43255319

NEED hell lilim

>> No.43255331

I bet hell lim is a gothic dork like a banshee

>> No.43255332

Give me the winterlim.
I need it.

>> No.43255333
Quoted by: >>43255589

This isn't criticism per se but I notice that Vala's behaviour is remarkably similar to the demon baseball coach from that greenworm baseball team story you did. Excellent at business but heavy drinkers, even standing up guys on dates because they're too busy with work. Do you have a fetish for pent up alcoholic demon businesswomen?

>> No.43255337

Give me the lolim

>> No.43255351

Blue demons are for marriage.
Red demons are for sex only.
Still unsure about purples.

>> No.43255359
Quoted by: >>43255365

What monsters would do nipple penetration sex with you?

>> No.43255365
Quoted by: >>43255376


>> No.43255366

Purple is for sex and marriage, for the color purple symbolizes crownship. That purple demons should be treated like queens.

>> No.43255376
Quoted by: >>43255382

Slimes have to ability to make any repulsive fetish suddenly ok.
Would ryona a slime.

>> No.43255382

>Wife gets hit by car
>Splattered all over the road
>Truck driver gets out and is screaming
>Just reforms.
>"Fiddlesticks hubby! I forgot what I was in the middle of doing."

>> No.43255388

Got to hype up them transformation scenes like some shonen anime before the fight begins.

>> No.43255393
File: 1.57 MB, 1245x2000, 40fcefcf2e9e2878bf3baf431f210e9a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Red demons are for sex only
Anon... you read the fine print before signing, right?

>> No.43255405
File: 143 KB, 650x1024, ef5ca08630155955e355dbfaa03fbbaf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go to the doctor for a checkup
>the doctor that sees you is a pixie barely bigger than your hand

>> No.43255426

You will never force me to worldbuild. I will write fluff and you will read it damn you.

>> No.43255452
File: 125 KB, 661x940, 1670599934948011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43255471

>anon and anubis-chan, the two weirdos at school are the only two members of the Pharaoh Club

>> No.43255462

I have no problem with fluff. I
My issue is all the retarded Hate MGE fanfics.
Though nothing says you can't include world building in your fluff like having sports or tourism or working in your fluff fics.

>> No.43255468
File: 204 KB, 1463x2048, 1631102451289.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of each please. Stoic warrior demon and sultry demon sorceress.

>> No.43255471
File: 160 KB, 850x814, 0OXaoNXz_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43255480

I know the perfect person they can have join the club

>> No.43255480

No grape allowed in the club, sorry.

>> No.43255497

She's a plum snake.

>> No.43255498

What if the world building involved you riding around on a undead demon realm beast with your lich wife alongside you.
That I really wish there was more MGE lore books about the wildlife of the world, that to me MGE doesn’t need to be porn all the time it can be cool too. Where you can go on epic romantic adventures with your monster wife.

>> No.43255510

You're really going to deny the pharaoh's biggest fan because she's grape flavored?

>> No.43255513

I am doing her a favor. Those two are really weird

>> No.43255528
File: 393 KB, 1238x1199, 1645161847369.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>plum snake
a common mistake, welcome to the club

>> No.43255545
Quoted by: >>43255596

I admit that when I get off to any monster girl my erection always dies immediately after but when I think about Fairies and Titania my erection literally won't fucking die and I'll be hard for the next 30 minutes after, Fairies for some reason invoke a beastial, primal state of animal lust in me and I can't wrap my head around it. I want to destroy Fairy asses so bad.

>> No.43255589

They're just so fixable

>> No.43255596

Damn those talking animals using magic on anons to accept Titania and Fairy supremacy. For watch out for talking animals near the fairy kingdom they are minions to the Fairies and will do their bidding to spread their propaganda.

>> No.43255654
File: 951 KB, 2480x3508, 1681845014060462.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43255665
File: 311 KB, 800x1720, 107226873_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43255690

>> No.43255690

>think you've washed ashore on an island of dark elves
>it's actually normal elves with a tan

>> No.43255713

>"NOO! My perfect island of dark elves! Woe is me..."
>says anon as the elves pamper him with love in their eyes

>> No.43255723
Quoted by: >>43255743

Art thou feeling it now anon?

>> No.43255725

at least let me fuck the daughterus

>> No.43255743

Yeah, I have to poop

>> No.43255770
File: 1.43 MB, 1200x849, 1663514727979705.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tropical tribal elves are fine too!

>> No.43255771

I prefer chocolate

>> No.43255908

I want this so bad. Portals when?

>> No.43256010
File: 358 KB, 1547x2426, EUDNC94VAAAgkYN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43256017
File: 226 KB, 1431x1000, FUX8yz1WAAEvk1d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43256140


>When the H'Orc starts talking shit and it's time to get OILED UP

>> No.43256212
File: 790 KB, 2600x3000, FVKJIM_WQAIoLEh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

La viverna quiere el suo caballero.

>> No.43256228
File: 272 KB, 782x1200, 1559096331278.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Need dense domestic demons.

>> No.43256241
File: 679 KB, 2400x3300, 1680228755887702.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43256345

evil demons getting groceries for hubby

>> No.43256257

Bellies like this are just screaming to get grabbed

>> No.43256345
File: 506 KB, 635x1200, eAQHEPBp_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I stop my demon general wife from constantly invading places for groceries?

>> No.43256383

It's especially silly because in MGE they take the appearance you like, so a succ could end up looking ten times more monstrous and demonic than a literal demon

>> No.43256392

Tell her to leave the shopping to you.

>> No.43256403

Anon what? Femdom is rare as fuck, most women are insanely subby.

>> No.43256407

Oof I get it, my ex wanted me to put a knife to her neck
I said no

>> No.43256412
Quoted by: >>43256455

Why bother, the clerks are already used to all kinds of (former) ancient evils invading their shops
>yes yes here's your "tribute", oh great Anne The Star Eater
>just remember to leave the "pittance"

>> No.43256418

Hellhound hater/edge-kun is that you? Are you feeling particularly unhappy today? Think of yetis, anon. Warm, soft yetis who will love you. Your waifu should make you happy, but let us have ours.

>> No.43256430

anons would bunny girls in mge be farmers along with holsts, minos, trolls?

>> No.43256455
Quoted by: >>43256500

>Evil couponing intensifies
Just imagine if they were expired. Ancient evils would also make the worst Karens.

>> No.43256464
File: 358 KB, 800x847, LgzMluey_o.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>43256510

Who else would grow impressive carrots?

>> No.43256494
Quoted by: >>43256503


>> No.43256500

Cashier jobs pay extremely well in MGC, but only the best and most charismatic people qualify for them. You need to think fast and spin some regular "2 for 1" promotion as a super special offer for the fuming dragon lady in front of you and change the topic away from the expired coupons she's holding.

>> No.43256503

I could see them owning orchards

>> No.43256510

ah yes the great devourer of crops, second only to the locust girls
