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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 485 KB, 1880x1460, EoZpnyXUwAAiMk2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
30225673 No.30225673 [Reply] [Original]
Quoted by: >>30226185

>> No.30225688
File: 178 KB, 1024x1024, EoclmQDU0AQAiUF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's not going anywhere.


>> No.30225690
File: 184 KB, 429x421, 1599896749996.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30225692
File: 39 KB, 484x482, 543534513515.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30225782

Not today peko

>> No.30225694

>Korone collab
>Trash Taste podcast
>Critikal mentions
>Atlus spectacle
>3? karaoke
>Her songs being in Karaoke bars
>ASMR and date stream bringing different audience
Not that difficult to figure out

>> No.30225696


>> No.30225697

pretty weak boost from Holotalk. I give it a month before Ina is where she belongs

>> No.30225700

There are shit tons of Gura cosplayers. Even some of the ones I followed from years back cosplayed her. okitarinka

>> No.30225704
File: 319 KB, 392x553, yab.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.30225707

I love Ollie and I want to have sex with her by skateboarding right at her exposed zombie pussy with my dick out and slamming it in!

>> No.30225709
File: 402 KB, 1728x972, 1606965621667.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And thank God for that.

>> No.30225711
File: 29 KB, 236x200, 1602886098923.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30225782


>> No.30225712
File: 21 KB, 1002x104, ticktock.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time is up.

>> No.30225718
File: 196 KB, 1280x720, 【ATLUS, PLEASE LET ME PLAY PERSONA 3】please. #CallioP3 #hololiveEnglish #holoMyth-vXysv-_1X6w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30225776

calliope mori persona 3 permission begging 2020-12-03 (recently privated)


>> No.30225719
File: 1.67 MB, 1533x2160, 1593529414681.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30225782

Blessing this thread

>> No.30225721
File: 1.22 MB, 1132x800, 1583310764879.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bros what if Gura

>> No.30225723
Quoted by: >>30225910

>ctrl+f Avocado
>0 replies


>> No.30225725

Nice drawing anon

>> No.30225729
File: 52 KB, 401x766, help.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why the fuck is that Persona 3 begging stream set to private? Who got fucking booty bothered because of that goofy ass stream? You serious?

>> No.30225731

Is YouTube still bugged?

>> No.30225732
File: 92 KB, 1024x1162, 1607102683499.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cope? But I love her!

>> No.30225735

Over unders on how long Olliefags remain the single most obnoxious group of cunts to have ever graced this awful thread?

>> No.30225734

someone said it was nijisanji fans as usual

>> No.30225737
File: 103 KB, 400x400, 1603208267326.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love this retarded chicken like you wouldn't believe.

>> No.30225739

They should have gotten Mori on board for this episode:

>> No.30225740
File: 308 KB, 1920x1017, EoeBh0qUYAEtF6a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What did Risu mean by this

>> No.30225742
File: 101 KB, 1003x1148, 1579850829907.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30225782

I'll love Gura forever!

>> No.30225743
File: 71 KB, 601x516, cute.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ollie is cute

>> No.30225744

What if the daggar loli vored gura?

>> No.30225746
File: 3.02 MB, 3000x2516, 1604987468671.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30225782

But why if Gura?

>> No.30225752
File: 998 KB, 1437x1167, EngY6crUcAAcp5l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]







>> No.30225754
Quoted by: >>30225809

Ina is the only holo en who not only expressed that she doesn't mind being last and doesn't care about her numbers, but also actually shows it with her actions, so sure. Go ahead and overtake her.

>> No.30225759
File: 35 KB, 750x508, hmmm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30225760
File: 686 KB, 1200x1150, 1606967944167.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30225765
Quoted by: >>30225806

People who invested everything into NND, as always.

>> No.30225767
File: 673 KB, 1260x1745, 1605448980926.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sex.... with friend.....

>> No.30225768

why is /hlg/ like this??

>> No.30225770

Probably 1-2 weeks after debut

>> No.30225771
File: 387 KB, 2479x3507, 1607152038615.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nijiniggers get the rope

>> No.30225775
Quoted by: >>30225912

Won't moving back to Australia make it harder for Kiara to teach the JP girls English?

>> No.30225776
Quoted by: >>30225824

Is it working now?

>> No.30225781
Quoted by: >>30225827

you forgot
>over 15 million views total from songs
>did a remix contest that got over 800 submitted remixes
>streams at JOP frendly times to get the nip audience

>> No.30225782
File: 2.85 MB, 854x480, Shark Dance [sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fty0mhs.webm].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30225785

Could i get one of those Gaubor Gouda ritual posts?
i find them funny

>> No.30225786
File: 961 KB, 3909x2549, 1578823701845.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to do things to Gray Guardia

>> No.30225788
File: 1.08 MB, 2400x4000, 1607057253531.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nijiniggers can tongue my anus

>> No.30225792

Nijiniggers trying to cause problems. The biggest fuck you Cover can give them will be to revive Sex[\spoiler]

>> No.30225793
File: 1.57 MB, 1000x1400, illust_86105112_20201205_120406.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's a really good drawing, my boy looking cute!

>> No.30225794
File: 43 KB, 749x497, HAHH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30225913


>> No.30225799

If that were her actual design I'd be going

>> No.30225801
File: 555 KB, 497x937, 1594457607103.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really love Ame, I've never been happier.

>> No.30225805
File: 366 KB, 854x480, 1606486913390.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30225806

An outdated streaming website got mad about a Persona 3 begging stream?

>> No.30225808

Well whoever it was, it wasn't any EN viewer, so that narrows it down.

>> No.30225809
Quoted by: >>30225900

>, but also actually shows it with her actions


>> No.30225811

Should I jack off before her debut? We have 2 hours

>> No.30225815

HoloID was a fucking mistake

>> No.30225816
Quoted by: >>30225853

Why are (You) like this anon??? Get it together!

>> No.30225817
Quoted by: >>30225848


>> No.30225820

She is preparing for her leech arc

>> No.30225819
Quoted by: >>30225838

was my wife hahah, wouldn't that be weird haha

>> No.30225824

yes, several clients have been connected for quite some time. you should be able to download even if you are unconnectable. please make sure DHT is enabled in your client.

>> No.30225825

Thank you, I was looking forward to this

>> No.30225827
File: 470 KB, 1703x1940, 1593491791199.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30225880

>streams at JOP frendly times to get the nip audience
to be honest that isn't really a buff

>> No.30225829

kill yoursef numberfag

>> No.30225833
File: 582 KB, 4096x2304, 1606468505330.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If it was nijishits who mass-reported the VOD, and it got taken down due to false copyright strike or something then Mori will just use different BGM in her next begging stream. Can't wait! LOVE THIS DORK LIKE YOU WOULDN'T BELIEVE IT!

>> No.30225835
Quoted by: >>30225905

She's a pussy and is going to stick to her shitty indie career.

>> No.30225837

Good stream Risu

>> No.30225838

Stop shitposting on 4channel dot org Amelia Watson from Hololive English

>> No.30225839

This is the best Enma art I've ever seen.

>> No.30225840
Quoted by: >>30225908

SEX isn't coming back, anon. Not after all the shit she went (and is still going) through.

>> No.30225842
File: 204 KB, 850x1202, 1600393412141.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm mostly neutral towards this bitch but fuck nijiniggers.

>> No.30225850 [DELETED] 
File: 41 KB, 597x252, hres.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please remember that this is the level of subhuman garbage you're dealing with when you're talking about Nijis

>> No.30225848


>> No.30225849

There was a lot of JP fan backlash to her doing that because it's perceived as her harassing Atlus and the creators by trying to browbeat them into giving permissions. The issue is that if Atlus doesn't do it, it's bad PR for them, but if they do do it, then it sets a really bad precedent for giving permissions to streamers just because they "beg" for them. While I agree Mori probably didn't intend it that way, it's generally pretty shitty of her in ways she didn't realize.

>> No.30225853

I can’t help responding to bait anon I just can’t stop!!?

>> No.30225857

Nijiniggers started sending angry letters. Please andastd, using a backwards distorted track from the OST is a clear breech of copyright and very very dishonorable.

>> No.30225859

This. I think last thread was shit because it didn't have this

>> No.30225860


>> No.30225862
File: 1.41 MB, 2894x4093, 1607166454804.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30225879

>> No.30225861

>107 minutes

>> No.30225868
File: 66 KB, 227x222, 1606703008897.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He didn't even use the right funny cum song
bro your cum music reps

>> No.30225870
File: 399 KB, 2400x3672, 1606228122205.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wake up
>Watch the Holotalk VOD, it was fun and cute
>Watch the Rap stream VOD, it was fun and hilarious
>Go into /hlgg/
>Nijinegros going after my boy now
What the fuck? I hope Ame's stream is great as well

>> No.30225872

How do you wagecucks find time to watch everything? Do you watch at work? Do you just watch vods? Do you sleep only 6 hours a day and have no other hobbies or something? This is torture.

>> No.30225876
Quoted by: >>30225924

How and why would niji fans get the P3 begging stream privated?

>> No.30225877
Quoted by: >>30227310

You can just tell these niggers were rejected by Hololive

>> No.30225878

Yeah, not to mention people still need to realize that Ame beating Mori in live viewers is not exactly anything new. It has never had any bearing on the sub gap.
If said gap continues to grow then so be it, I'm sick of hearing about it.

>> No.30225879

If only the thumbnail was what I thought it was

>> No.30225880

it helps to raise the sub count a little

>> No.30225883
Quoted by: >>30227310

Imagine being this asspained that Holo rejected you.

>> No.30225887
File: 355 KB, 400x400, 1604308032716.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30225929

Nabi-mama... please...stream....

>> No.30225888

Korone is potty trained

>> No.30225889

Less than 2 hours until the vore loli debut

>> No.30225891

Ame's stream is perfect, just like her

>> No.30225892

>not jacking off during her debut

>> No.30225895

But I never wanted her to go anywhere, jut to fix her weaker aspects.

>> No.30225897
File: 648 KB, 2894x4093, Ei_Ws4xVkAE68r0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does nopan feels like?

>> No.30225899

>0 results

>> No.30225900

>tells people to watch other streams
>tells people to go to sleep and watch the archives instead
>tells people to SC to other girls and to not SC to her
>almost never reads SCs
>plays debuff games constantly
>no active gfe

>> No.30225902
Quoted by: >>30226068

Reminder that it's not "Nijifags" going after Mori, but "Japanese."
Their hyper-consumerist culture can't tolerate any kind of defiance against the way a company handles their IPs.

>> No.30225901

>There was a lot of JP fan backlash
Was there?

>> No.30225903

I really, really, hope that NijiEN ends up with trannies chuubas.

>> No.30225904

Mori is slowly deteriorating Hololive from the inside out. It's only a matter of time before she collabs with some normie and this community gets infested with SJWs. Nijibros are the least of your problems.

>> No.30225905

yea, what a pussy bitch, not wanting dead cats nailed to her parent's house door.

>> No.30225906
File: 81 KB, 1205x720, 1601566760572(1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30225956

Kill yourself numbernigger.

>> No.30225908
Quoted by: >>30226017

There's still a non zero chance it'll happen... but yeah, not getting my hopes up. It's jist a hypothetical situation to make nijiniggers seethe

>> No.30225910

The avocado arc is over, it was already fully grown a few weeos back.

>> No.30225912

Kiara would cut off a finger, to please her jp senpais. Shifting her sleep schedule for a collab is nothing for her. I do hope that her family helps Kiara to adapt a normal sleeping schedule. At least that way we and her might get better stream numbers/time slots.

>> No.30225913


>> No.30225915

this is the first time I'm hearing about this. 5ch dumpster dice anon didnt say anything about it.
Got any screencaps?

>> No.30225917
File: 270 KB, 512x513, 1604913212702.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does Gura think it's so important that we know she sleeps without panties?

>> No.30225916
Quoted by: >>30227310

That cope is something.

>> No.30225919
File: 73 KB, 621x354, 13245154.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...put in a good word for me with Kiara?

>> No.30225922


>> No.30225925
File: 682 KB, 598x658, slep.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30225924

They mass reported it basically

>> No.30225927
File: 499 KB, 2048x1862, 1604417885189.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30227310


>> No.30225928

I have a confession
I proxy tribalism polls because tribalist poalniggers are faggots

>> No.30225929
File: 98 KB, 1080x594, 1577718206021.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dont worry anon, I'll know when she starts streaming next

>> No.30225937

no one cared afetr the day passed, yet somehow ndd nijifaggots satrtting throwing a fit.
The stream was even done when atlus was closed.

>> No.30225939
File: 1.23 MB, 1158x1637, Emqy_1iUcAALDc9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enma love!

>> No.30225940

Frustrating for us

>> No.30225941
File: 8 KB, 436x114, 49841895156.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.30225942
File: 288 KB, 496x519, christmas gargle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30225963

long hair ame with regular sized torpedos instead of her fucking massive hulking melons makes me feel strange

>> No.30225943

I don't watch everything. I just pretend to. I watch my oshi's streams and base all my other opinions on what I read in these threads. So while I have no actual reason to think that Gura is a meme shitlord and Amelia is a whiny e-prostitute, nevertheless I choose to believe them because I don't have the time to watch their videos and I can't admit that I don't have an opinion on them.

>> No.30225947

we talking about niji try to attack Mori?

>> No.30225948
File: 6 KB, 754x95, 1607164782262.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30225997


>> No.30225953

I watch whoever's streaming when I'm off work. If there was a particular stream I was really looking forward to, I'll watch the VOD.

>> No.30225954

I dislike this whole "buildings made out of wool" and pixel art/ colorful statues of things. Pekodam was okay though.

>> No.30225955

>nijisanji seems more about Quality whereas hololive wants views
holy cope

>> No.30225956
Quoted by: >>30225982

Mori is gonna have a bad time

>> No.30225963
File: 877 KB, 1026x960, 1593188803741.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30226060

Nabi-mama drew it so it's essentially canon

>> No.30225965

So we can imagine sleeping in bed with her better

>> No.30225967

Uhmmmm... isn't Hololive big on individuality? And they actually buy into them being "idols"? Kek

>> No.30225968
Quoted by: >>30227310

they dont know about Niji EN.

>> No.30225972
File: 2.64 MB, 600x666, gurawink.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because it is

>> No.30225975

Ahh yes, the goddess of /trash/...
She ain't half bad, but she has some incredibly bad opinions.

>> No.30225977
Quoted by: >>30227310

If NijiEN ends up with troon vtubers like that Mooca bitch least there's more potential for a political yab so I can't wait to see them fuck themselves over

>> No.30225978


>> No.30225980

I like how it rolls with my tongue but I haven't seen that before.

>> No.30225982
Quoted by: >>30226009

>he thinks its an undertale reference

>> No.30225983

uhhh that's called characterization and it does a lot to help her audience sustain our immersion in her performance

>> No.30225985

It’s not even a popular game none of that should matter.

>> No.30225993
File: 2.87 MB, 1118x1600, 1592654363013.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The stream was great and the thread was great. It was one hell of a day.

>> No.30225994
Quoted by: >>30227310

>makes a quality over quantity argument for Nijisanji
kek, needs to do their cursory research reps

>> No.30225995

It's literally on the previous thread. Check the archives negro
Although I don't really count a few Japanese comments on the video itself + some 5ch comments as "a lot of JP fan backlash"

>> No.30225997
Quoted by: >>30226393

Teaching English to 5chan with Mori!

>> No.30226000

Yeah. Doesn't quality directly relate to views? What the fuck are they smoking?

>> No.30226006

>watch everything
Unity means enjoying content from all girls, not enjoying all girls' content.

>> No.30226009

I cant think of any good BRS replies

>> No.30226010
File: 20 KB, 1019x480, 1604192671073.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30226017

>non zero
No it's definitely a 0% chance. No way she would put herself in that position again. Especially since she knows that it would just be worse then before if she did.

>> No.30226018
File: 130 KB, 463x453, 1605208359835.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30227310

>nijisanji cares about quality

>> No.30226019

Women get turned on by the idea of men finding them sexy. She knows how crazy it drives you, which is why she also confirmed the pubic hair situation, for example. It literally unironically gets her aroused to fuel masturbation fantasies of her fans. She probably jills off thinking about it every day.

>> No.30226020
File: 21 KB, 229x244, Keris (u).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30226044


>> No.30226021

KFP: numbers doesn't matter
also KFP: holotalk got at least 88k viewers!!!

>> No.30226025
File: 408 KB, 2000x2000, EoZcTeOUwAAlEex.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30226536

>> No.30226027
File: 1.56 MB, 3840x2160, 2020-12-05 EodqowQU8AEN_-p.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just a heads up for my late night Clownbros who are just joining, get down to the beat with Polka or get tonedeaf.......

>> No.30226031

Mori is at fault, she is not blameless in this. It's just a result of reoccurring behavior from her that tipped the boiling point. Nijifags are just a result of that, they're going to try and take advantage of every opportunity they get.
If Mori wasn't a dumbass who disregards her position in hololive, she's going to keep getting this kind of attention.

>> No.30226032
File: 104 KB, 1500x1500, 1602501510705.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just woke up, what have I missed?

How were Ame and Mori's streams?

>> No.30226034

Ame's stream was great. And we got your boy's back in case shit hits the fan

>> No.30226037
Quoted by: >>30228578

that's great, i'm so glad i could help her out in that way

>> No.30226043
File: 3.79 MB, 10000x10000, 1584213338029.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30226078

Obviously it was for an innocent reason like spreading the superiority of no underwear sleeping.

>> No.30226038
Quoted by: >>30227310

Didn't Mocca got turned down by Hololive? What a salty fuck.

>> No.30226040
Quoted by: >>30226125

>Ahh yes, the goddess of /trash/...
I only accept the triple goddess that is NinAfriKoopa

>> No.30226042
File: 3.02 MB, 1210x1720, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30226044

Based OSRS Chad

>> No.30226047

oh nice, I have been wanting either Gura or Mori to play this

>> No.30226051

Fuck me I was just about to go to bed.
But I love this retarded game to bits.

>> No.30226055

Ame's ASMR was peak comfy
Haven't watched Mori though

>> No.30226056

Be careful with posts like this anon.
You might cut yourself.

>> No.30226057
Quoted by: >>30227310

They watched Mito slap a camera with a gun and think that that's how every Nijisanji stream is.

>> No.30226059
File: 148 KB, 1200x650, EoZ2_66VEAMCKl5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30226087

>> No.30226060

I think she said that they are canon B cups. If i heard correctly, none of the other anons listening corrected me.

>> No.30226063
Quoted by: >>30226123

Which other holos have played this besides Korone?

>> No.30226064

what kind of position does Mori have in Hololive? I'm 90% sure she needed permission to do the stream and she got it

>> No.30226067

Ame stream consumed 4 threads with gosling posts. Mori stream meanwhile was pretty comfy, first half listening to some creative remixes that didn't make top, latter half writing a rap

>> No.30226068

Yeah, I've actually seen some Japanese Deadbeats, assuming their oshi mark telling Mori to never do that again and it was awful... These type of campaign never always end well since you can't really control your audience and antis can easily make it worse

>> No.30226069

>Ame's ASMR
Ame was genuinely the most adorable thing I watched recently

>> No.30226071

>her harassing Atlus
Oh no, one autistic woman harassing a giant soulless megacorporation. Poor atlus, I feel so bad for them now.
Do fatlusfags really?

>> No.30226072


>> No.30226073
File: 3.17 MB, 2000x2000, 85428509_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want Gura banjo practice stream...

>> No.30226077
Quoted by: >>30226170

No only vocal minority of japanese NND and nijinigger fans.

>> No.30226078
File: 749 KB, 1200x1124, 1600101044015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30226081
Quoted by: >>30227310

I see this image, and I just think about Ame's Thanksgiving and laugh.

>> No.30226082

didn't /hlgg/ simp her tho? you people change opinion fast

>> No.30226084

I don't watch everything.
Usually the streams I'm interested in come on after I finish work, but if not then I'm usually working from home anyway so I can put them on in the background. I save vods that I've missed but am interested in for the dead(er) days.
Sometimes I'll fuck up my sleep schedule to catch certain streams live, as I'm doing right now, but that's rarer and it helps that it's a weekend now.

>> No.30226087


>> No.30226088

Ame's was great, Mori's was fine until the bread rap writing during the second half which was fucking hilarious.

>> No.30226089
File: 66 KB, 1329x900, trash.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30226170

Luckily I still have the video open
It's literally just niji faggots from NND who raided the video
All the negative comments starts appearing from a few ago, so I'm assuming that when their raid started

>> No.30226093
File: 218 KB, 454x474, 1583784375233.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll repost this from the last thread for you:

I want you to picture this anon.

It's a dark time for /hlgg/, the thread has been in a rage ever since the Ollie debut, with schizos and tourists shitposting constantly to stir up shit in the thread. They manage to derail almost the whole holotalk thread with anti posts. IPs are constantly reaching 400+ each thread as more and more shitposters get attracted to the blood in the water.

They have fun during the dead hours and continue their fight against people trying to post unity. Then they see it, the next stream, Amelia is returning from her 2 day break. This is the perfect target for them, if they can ruin these threads then so many people will abandon /hlgg/ all together and there will be nothing but ruin left.

It's 5 minutes before the stream. They know that Goslings will want to post about their pain so they spam images so that the goslings can't post any pictures. The image limit fills up with 500 posts left in the thread. The schizos have made their first strike, they have the advantage.

But what's this? Amelia has delayed her stream by 5 minutes. The schizos didn't account for Amelia being a lazy bum! The Goslings see their chance and spam posts until the thread dies. They make it just in time and a new thread starts just as the stream kicks off. The Goslings start flooding out of the gate as they realize that Ame is a lot cuter than usual today. The schizos aren't done yet though as they start spamming images too. The thread is an absolute battlefield as image slots are being taken up left and right. The thread hits image limit in only 500 posts. But this isn't the end for the Goslings, Ame is acting too cute for them to give up. They blast through the thread in record time, deleting old images so that new goslings can be posted.

This continues for 3 whole threads. The schizos are done. It's been an hour and despite their best efforts to doxxpost and derail the thread, everyone is talking about Ame. The last of the schizos get cleaned up as sharkmeido arrives and bans anyone complaining about Gosling spam.

The thread is calm just in time for a wholesome Ina stream where takodachis can enjoy the peace created through the effort of countless Goslings.

Lest we forget their sacrifice o7.

>> No.30226095

>There was a lot of
Some of you niggers really need to revise your scope of what "a lot" is. Living in this thread 24/7 has completely fucked your brains to the point that you think 10 people flinging shit at the ceiling is a lynch mob.

>> No.30226096

Ame's stream was amazing
Mori's stream was entertaining

>> No.30226097

I assume this is going to be a short 60 min stream to avoid overlapping ID?

>> No.30226098
File: 33 KB, 380x290, EocX61jW4AIu4T-.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you beat this Elite four

>> No.30226100


>> No.30226102
Quoted by: >>30226181

>People will think this is a KFP post
Newfags really don't know about dead hours

>> No.30226103
File: 472 KB, 1304x1863, zombie inclining.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30226150

Reminder that zombie confirmed herself pregnant in her debut stream

>> No.30226104

This is the twentieth time you've re-written the same thing. I'll give you this (You} for the effort.

>> No.30226110
File: 183 KB, 370x300, 1508456654346.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30227310

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>nijisanji seems more about Quality whereas hololive wants views.
Holy fuck what bizarro world is this bitch living in? Hololive>Nijisanji is the literal representation of Quality>Quantity

>> No.30226115

Imagine defending FATLUS, one of the worst game companies in recent history.

>> No.30226117

Because it is important.

>> No.30226123

Only Korone form what i have seen and that was a while back.

>> No.30226125

I agree with that but she has some dedicated fans there.
Anyway, let's end the discussion here. Getting too off-topic for our own good.

>> No.30226124

>confirmed pubic hair situation
Hey what stream was this in that sounds really funny haha

>> No.30226132

So this is the power of pandering to children

>> No.30226133

it implies cover wasn't doing a good job, so she had to go out and do administrative/managerial duties herself.

>> No.30226134

They already have a trap, a transvestite, an androgynous shota, a magical girl who can turn into a boy, and two "gender neutral" chuubas.
A tranny wouldn't be out of place.

>> No.30226136
Quoted by: >>30226253

In other words, it's more of Cover's fault for approving it than Mori's? I don't think it's a big deal though, Cover probably made the video private due to concernfags while they survey the situation.

>> No.30226139


>> No.30226142

Something tells me the second and third spot is reserved for Ame and Mori

>> No.30226144
File: 1.62 MB, 898x1662, 1605302325593.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30226178


>> No.30226145

Mori started off ok then turned into a madlib shitpost about bread.

>> No.30226147

I think her first Q&A stream

>> No.30226148

FBK I think will get overtaken sometime next year, probably by Mori and Ame

>> No.30226149

Mori and Ame are very likely their way into a slot. The real question is which of the JP girls would be left? Probably Pekora?

>> No.30226150

Ollie speaks faster than she thinks, please understand

>> No.30226152

Gura has reddit backing her. Bank rolling her.
Korone has backing of Youtube algorithm and Ubisoft sponsorships.

What does Fubuki and Perkora have? They made it legit right?

>> No.30226154

>The issue is that if Atlus doesn't do it, it's bad PR for them, but if they do do it, then it sets a really bad precedent for giving permissions to streamers just because they "beg" for them.

Oh no, one must think about the feelings of big corporations and never question their stupid politics

>> No.30226155


>> No.30226158
Quoted by: >>30226197

kizuna ai has more

>> No.30226160
File: 100 KB, 1280x720, nene21terminenetor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ENTER holochamp

>> No.30226161

Subaru's ikebo voice holy shit

>> No.30226164
Quoted by: >>30226195

Youtube algorithm really loves Gura. I mean she deserves it but holy shit

>> No.30226167
Quoted by: >>30227310

>nijisanji seems more about Quality whereas hololive wants views
Did they not see Ollie's intro? That shit is some top quality shit.

>> No.30226170

That's what I'd assumed. Another weak and pathetic rrat. What sad times we live in.

>> No.30226169

She was signaling to Mio that she wants to do a collab.

>> No.30226171

well, i'm glad i finally had a chance to confirm that i can easily record a high-bitrate hololive stream at the same time as seeding a torrent with no bandwidth cap on it. it was very convenient that pekora started mario kart at exactly the right time. she's actually averaging more than 5 Mb/sec.

>> No.30226178
File: 1012 KB, 1191x1684, Ekf1i76UUAApK5a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shoot, almost forgot

>> No.30226180
File: 730 KB, 4096x2896, 1606128076442.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30226223

This is true. Mori turning into Calli is a good example of this.

>> No.30226181
Quoted by: >>30226205

Yeah. This "Kiara overtaking Ina" has been used as bait for at least two weeks now. At least "Ollie is Kiara 2.0" was something fucking new.

>> No.30226182

That sounds fun, except for the part that I know half of the posts were self-deprecating shit that makes my blood boil because it's annoying as fuck.

>> No.30226185

Is there actual proof it's was the Nijisanji fans' fault? Is this just all a falseflag to start some tribalism war?

>> No.30226188
File: 327 KB, 1449x2047, 1585367482032.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll let Gura beat me

>> No.30226191

Pekora not even 30k...
It's over

>> No.30226193

>A lot

>> No.30226194
Quoted by: >>30227310

i pity NIJIs fixated on numbers eternally

>> No.30226195
Quoted by: >>30226259

Some Youtube intern simp 100%. Also Twitch staff have been known to ask for nudes from Twitch girls in order to get them on recommended front page for a day or two.

>> No.30226197

For now

>> No.30226200
File: 62 KB, 586x431, indog_sandwich.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30226201

You know I think this whole nijinigger will be completely forgotten when we have our halo collab. Come on Microsoft, hold some Cover shares

>> No.30226205

All you have to do is check the archives for the faggot spamming tick tock x.

>> No.30226207

The Four Emperors

>> No.30226212

Wait, what pubic hair situation?

>> No.30226214
Quoted by: >>30226292

I have a dick so of course.

>> No.30226215
File: 341 KB, 249x266, 1576558609918.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Gura has reddit backing her.
No one likes Gura on Reddit. Remember when she got to 1 million? Literally prohibited to talk about it at all, while FBK/Korone got stickies for entire weeks.
And no, posting that trap tranny fucker that likes her doesn't change this.

>> No.30226219

how we can boost twapi bros....

>> No.30226223

>Big Calli
>sleepy reapy voice
She knows what she's doing...

>> No.30226224

it was one of her Q&A streams. you can read the thread in the archives

>> No.30226225

No? Couple positive mentions here and there, mixed with shitting on her.

>> No.30226226
File: 17 KB, 267x294, concerneletor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh no innocent nip ojiisans are forced to watch as the american stacy swings her megacock at them

>> No.30226228
Quoted by: >>30226257

Just woke up. What did Mori do this time?

>> No.30226230
File: 35 KB, 680x558, 1607165722205.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

... was fucked by Bloop?

>> No.30226232

Holotalk :^)

>> No.30226238

Is Yagoo more rich than even top Yakuza bankers?

>> No.30226241
File: 126 KB, 219x362, 1606077405686.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kill ALL Nijifucks

>> No.30226246

Pekora got boosted by Sugita, and Fubuki got boosted by memes.

>> No.30226250

Do cooperate shills really?

>> No.30226251
File: 1.11 MB, 1123x1296, unknown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30226290


>> No.30226253

>private due to concernfags while they survey the situation
This what most likely happened
Reading the NND thread it seems like they were all trying to figure how to get the video taken down so Cover just beat the to the punch by privating the video

>> No.30226257

she got bread

>> No.30226259

Narrative: (You) are the intern simp

>> No.30226261
File: 2.32 MB, 1536x2311, die.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck nijifags, nijiniggers, nijichinks, and nijifucktards
Our boy will LIVE

>> No.30226265
File: 117 KB, 758x997, 1604399759509.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30226293

Haachama returning to japan?

>> No.30226267
Quoted by: >>30227310

I'm not even mad at this. It's just sad. C O P E.

>> No.30226270
File: 577 KB, 992x1403, hehehe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30226322


>> No.30226271

>Gura has reddit backing her
Nigga, plebbit secretly hates Gura. What are you on about

>> No.30226279

Remember the time when Polka's roommate said that niji was trash? Pepperidge Farms remembers...


>> No.30226280
Quoted by: >>30226338

If Yagoo wants to print money, He'll make HoloESP with talent from PR and Mexico.

And HoloRU with talent from trilingual weab girls from Moscow University.,

>> No.30226284
Quoted by: >>30226427

>112k daily subs
Ollie is gonna have 40 million subs in a year. How will rest of holos ever recover?

>> No.30226285

Niji unironically treats their talents like shit, and if you need a recent example just like at NijiIN. They failed as NijiIN after zero marketing or exposure, so corporate repackaged them as NijiEN. That didn't work because they're still just a bunch of fucking Indians that nobody knew about before so why would changing the name help them? And then, to top it off, they threw all of the Indians back out so they could try again with NijiEN after HoloEN started pulverizing them into the ground even harder than the JPs were.

Nijisanji is a fucking joke of a VTuber agency, a place where you go if you're a floundering indie that wants to get treated like shit and follow a bunch of made-up rules created by your cliquish senpais and if you don't follow them they'll push you into graduating.

>> No.30226286
Quoted by: >>30226317

Man /hlg/ really doesn't talk about Pekora if she doesn't stream Minecraft

>> No.30226289

if you don't think that zombo will beat gura eventually, you're delusional.

>> No.30226290


>> No.30226292

yeaaaa fag but can you lift 1/2/1/2.5
i fucked up my knees

>> No.30226293


>> No.30226296

I really want the Halo collab to go well, but it's going to be terrible with the MCC's shitty netcode. Best case scenario is that they test it out before the stream and opt to play something else, but we all know that EN never test games before streams.

>> No.30226299

Pekora is the only one who made it without the help of gaijin memes.

>> No.30226305
File: 185 KB, 1285x724, gura.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30226307

Her pillows and bedsheets probably smell like cunny

>> No.30226311
File: 828 KB, 2795x4096, 1601712087277.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get her to play rice game and she might get a JP fan or two.

>> No.30226309
Quoted by: >>30226341

gawr gura has no body hair at all.

>> No.30226316

Reddit hates the cunny. Are you stuck in the first month of HoloEN?

>> No.30226317


>> No.30226320

I hope she does soon so she can absorb all the shitty kids in Gura's chat

>> No.30226321
File: 1.75 MB, 980x1726, sdf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30226322


>> No.30226323
File: 148 KB, 731x381, 1602224251852.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30226327


>> No.30226329

>Gura has reddit backing her
No, they are secretly hate on Gura.

>> No.30226330

Oh, this is the event Moona's in? Didn't realize it had already started.

>> No.30226333

Gura has everyone around the world except reddit.

>> No.30226334

Honeymoon time

>> No.30226335

Me on the right

>> No.30226337

>Pekora's MK stream only getting 25k viewers
Welp, looks like she's starting to recline hard after getting 1 mil. Nutsackis probably already abandoned her and looking for a new holo to numberfag. How sad.

>> No.30226338

no porfavor

but now that you mentione it, has anybody seen the rise of ruskies in the girls chat. did something happened?

>> No.30226341
File: 79 KB, 480x473, das it mane.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30226347

Get that 3DPD out of this thread

>> No.30226351

She's going to plateau like Botan.

>> No.30226352

hewo gura

>> No.30226356

The strangest thing is that I don't ever remember seeing Nijifucktard used in /hlgg/ before this post, it was always just Nijifags or Nijiniggers.

>> No.30226360

They'll be in for a rude awakening. Let's just enjoy the shitshow that'll ensue

>> No.30226361

hey why u doxxing me. im on the right

>> No.30226362

Gura collab with ISIS Terrorist???

>> No.30226363
File: 466 KB, 1210x1720, 1588467340834.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New Ame art

>> No.30226367

>there's no way i join niji cause I already joined hololive

>> No.30226368

Me on the right

>> No.30226371

Fubuki is only popular because of meme videos
Pekora is actively pandering to kindergarteners

>> No.30226373

Hey alright

>> No.30226375

me on the left

>> No.30226379

Why is she hanging out with a terrorist?

>> No.30226384

me on the right

>> No.30226388

>Finally updated with ID2 girls
>Civia is still there

>> No.30226387


>> No.30226391

is this one of those beheading streams

>> No.30226392
File: 92 KB, 650x289, 1586235579834.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the reddit mods have been on a massive gura purge and try to limit as much topics of gura as possible

>> No.30226393

>"Repeat after me, students; fuck Nijiniggers and let me play Persona 3, Atlus."

>> No.30226399

What. Explain the person on the right. Who is he cosplaying?

>> No.30226404
File: 454 KB, 1853x1774, caligura3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

CalliGura heals my soul

>> No.30226406

Flips BTFO, Indos are now the most powerful race

>> No.30226409

>Gura has reddit backing her
lmao no, it's 4channer, 4channer backing her, that's why she popular as fuck

>> No.30226411
File: 1.13 MB, 1280x720, 1601149354256.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Gura got alahuakbar'd live on stram

>> No.30226414


No, they didnt like her

>> No.30226415


>> No.30226418

russian tranlastion sarted appearing some weeks ago.

>> No.30226420
File: 561 KB, 1140x960, 1604995279059.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When I said Gura is the bomb this is not what I meant!

>> No.30226421
File: 111 KB, 1800x1183, EoUZCQ9U4AE8Liw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30227816

Going to be fucking hilarious when Mori still goes ahead with another begging stream, just with her own remixed version of Burn My Dread playing this time instead.

>> No.30226423
File: 340 KB, 830x618, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30226425

Holostars SC earnings over the past 7 days
Aruran ¥323,483
Astel ¥277,487
Oga ¥272,167
Temma ¥243,379
Roberu ¥184,749
Izuru ¥86,187
Rikka ¥79,978
Shien ¥63,595
Miyabi ¥48,222

HololiveID SC earnings over the past 7 day (+rough estimate of Streamlabs donations)
Moona ¥643,620 (+¥50,000)
Iofi ¥179,713 (+¥36,000)
Risu ¥122,725 (+¥218,000)
Ollie ¥0 (+¥135,000) *probably a big underestimation*

>> No.30226426
Quoted by: >>30226603

here I dug up the timestamp for you
now just imagine the avalanche of uoooohhhh in the thread when she said this

>> No.30226427

1B subs really is going to happen

>> No.30226429

Me on the left

>> No.30226430
File: 735 KB, 884x858, werhwejw46.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30226535

What if Kureiji Ollie had Ina sized tits?

>> No.30226431

>having any influence
>having any influence

>> No.30226437
Quoted by: >>30226453

Goddamn, there's a lot of Slavs in Botans chat

>> No.30226440

Memri TV got an overhaul I see

>> No.30226444
File: 6 KB, 387x35, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What did she mean by this?

>> No.30226443

>Gura has reddit backing her
Reddit will be the first one to attack Gura when the opportunity arises
A lot of people got banned there when they tried discussing gura nopan

>> No.30226446

Borderline impossible for that to happen.
But she can certainly beat Kiara and Ina in a few months.

>> No.30226448

Such speed

>> No.30226449
File: 371 KB, 720x600, MoonaGlass.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Moona strong

>> No.30226453

She looks like a tracksuit slav anyway.

>> No.30226452

No we don't, we just want to masturbate

>> No.30226457

so this is what gura and moona's roommates look like

>> No.30226461
Quoted by: >>30226539

why is it because of cunny? I know leddit and twitter normies hate cunny so it would make sense or are they like the dog fuckers and think she doesn't deserve it?

>> No.30226462
File: 219 KB, 400x400, 1606785018076.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>initially a roa fan
>became a haaton
>became a nousagi
>became marine coomer
>became a luknight
>became a haaton again
>became a lulu fan
>was momentarily tempted by nene
>now a deadbeat
Please don't bully nijisanji fans. Both Nijisanji and Hololive have deranged schizos.
And I would argue hololive ones are just as bad mel, towa, coco analytics incident, sex

>> No.30226464
File: 1.00 MB, 748x900, EodS0ItVQAElWc_.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Arrigato friend, for making this a thing

>> No.30226469

holy based

>> No.30226468

>has reddit
You don't know what you're talking about

>> No.30226470


>> No.30226471

Damn, the stars make way more than their sub count would suggest.

>> No.30226473


>> No.30226472

>Implying we want a flip representative
Kek. You can have that title

>> No.30226475

Is it true Gura is asian?

>> No.30226474

For people who supposedly hate reddit, so many of you sure know a lot about what's being talked about there and how that website works.

>> No.30226479

This niggas head is disproportionally small compared to the body

>> No.30226484
Quoted by: >>30226769

>somebody shoots you from behind
>it was actually your fault for being in the path of their gun
I'm not even giving you a (you), just kill yourself.

>> No.30226486

fubuki has a lot of short meme videos on youtube. pekora just streams a lot and with a pretty consistent schedule.

>> No.30226487

I don't speak indog pogchamp

>> No.30226488
File: 175 KB, 326x282, 1590570705946.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30226489

They appeal to fujos and femgoslings

>> No.30226490

Ironically this, will you be there when they attack?

>> No.30226494

Reminder Ame was here yesterday in secret to shill for Nabi-mama. She is already in talks with Walfir to convince her to start streaming too. She will conveniently on another 2-day break just before Walfie streams. You will fall in love with the people she loves.

>> No.30226495

Damn, that Bin Laden cosplay in on point.

>> No.30226497

They have gachikoi women.

>> No.30226498
File: 119 KB, 1024x576, b1zevap01l261.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does Weapon Loli's debut not show up on her channel? I had to dig through threads to find it

>> No.30226501
Quoted by: >>30226576

Nice try ninigger, but sex was on you. Now kys.

>> No.30226504

What nijisanji vtuber is he cosplaying as?

>> No.30226507


>> No.30226509

Great as fuck

>> No.30226516


>> No.30226518
Quoted by: >>30226571

Not just nopan, literally any innuendo or anything Gura says that the mods think is NSFW. Meanwhile others get a free pass.

>> No.30226519

I've been having that happen with multiple streams from different vtubers this past week

>> No.30226520
Quoted by: >>30226540

The fans

>> No.30226522
Quoted by: >>30226564

what does Friend being a takamorifag mean for /hlg/

>> No.30226523


>> No.30226524
File: 40 KB, 273x482, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go to "upcoming live streams"

>> No.30226528

It has a steins gate feel to it

>> No.30226529

Ame radiates beauty and I'm tired of denying I love her

>> No.30226532

I mean isn't that because it's a work safe subreddit? Heck, we shouldn't even be uploading any cunny pics since the rules does state that /jp/ is a safe for work board

>> No.30226531
Quoted by: >>30226549

yes, she's filipino

>> No.30226534
File: 5 KB, 327x37, kek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30226655


>> No.30226535
File: 260 KB, 640x360, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30226618

God damn it, I only just noticed

>> No.30226536


>> No.30226537

Small channels tend to have a high whale ratio.

>> No.30226539


>> No.30226540
File: 1.25 MB, 2299x1453, 1605023062566.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30226541

>Niji has a hundred people so even if you sneak in you won't be noticed
didnt know the clown was this based

>> No.30226543

Gura is Atlantean, do your debut reps..

>> No.30226549

Flips aren't asian

>> No.30226550

I have a lot of zombie coin, now i want to invest cunny coin, worth it or nah?

>> No.30226551

Mel was on a rogue manager
Coco was on rabid chinks
SEX was on nijiniggers
I'll give you Twappi though

>> No.30226553

Poor Iofi. Can't even get dragged up by EN fast enough to avoid being instantly passed by gen 2.

>> No.30226556
Quoted by: >>30227419

when they tried DISCUSSING it? what the fuck?

>> No.30226557
Quoted by: >>30226599

Oh yea, I remember checking their top page when Gura reached 1M, it's a massive milestone so why not. There was a big post (like1.5K upvotes at that moment) telling people basically not to acknowledge it. Apparently it's "disrespectful" to to other JP ofc Holo members and implies
Gura's superiority. Like what the fuck. People were actually agreeing too...

>> No.30226558
Quoted by: >>30226663

Flip ironic weebs will make nijiniggers look like the best fanbase there is in comparison. t. flip

>> No.30226560

Nah, the problem is that if you post Gura fanart there that Gura even retweets, high chances you get banned

>> No.30226564

Don't they already dislike Friend for some dumb reason?

>> No.30226565
File: 89 KB, 739x739, 1607055402680.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30226613

>Want to show my Friends Moris Persona 3 begging stream
>its gone


>> No.30226568
File: 486 KB, 790x654, 1601137518285.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If the girls aren't normalfags, why they do movie watchalongs but not anime watchalongs?

>> No.30226570

>HoloEN started pulverizing them into the ground even harder than the JPs were.
Holo was never pulverizing Niji and still isn't.
Holo has subs, viewers, and superchats, but Niji is still way more profitable than Holo.
For perspective: a single piece of Niji merch released in October made more money than Holo got in SCs for the ENTIRE month across ALL branches.

>> No.30226571 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>30226665

They don't want to attract pedo police who will shit up the subreddit, at least that's the obvious conclusion to make.

>> No.30226572


>> No.30226573


>> No.30226575


anya waiting

>> No.30226576
File: 133 KB, 1280x720, towapology.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying niji antis are any worse than holo's
Today I will remind them.

>> No.30226580


>> No.30226582

nobody who works as a professional vtuber is a normalfag

>> No.30226583

Can I have her instead please

>> No.30226584
File: 355 KB, 442x481, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30226585


>> No.30226589

Ame does Space Dandy watch alongs

>> No.30226590
File: 148 KB, 1000x1000, 1587237761213.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Gura but she doesn't like anime, like at all.
Probably only watched Konosuba in her entire life.

>> No.30226593

I fucking love Polka even more

>> No.30226594
File: 85 KB, 290x171, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30226598

takes a lot of time for an entire series compared to a movie
Ame talked about watching that...certain anime I forgot the title of though

>> No.30226599

I remember that, still seething about that

>> No.30226600

Flips were never powerful.

>> No.30226603

Thanks, I found it myself pretty quick after I remembered 10 minutes got cut out of the video though. I remember some of the posts despite not having seen it live

>> No.30226604

Ame does members only space dandy watchalongs
Mori has thought about doing TTGL watchalongs

>> No.30226606
Quoted by: >>30226627

>Ollie debuts
>suddenly all other holo streams start getting a lot less viewers
Narratives? Was she so bad that everyone just jumped the entire hololive ship?

>> No.30226607

I remember when everyone thinks Moona is the Towa of HoloID.

>> No.30226609

Does Cover even do merch

>> No.30226610

How excited are you bros for Gura's Ring Fit Adventure tomorrow?

>> No.30226611

Not just about cunny thing, they really don't want any topic related to her.

>> No.30226613


>> No.30226617

Ina said she will do a Cowboy Bebop watchalongs during one of her member zatsudans.

>> No.30226618
File: 507 KB, 2000x1267, 1607087636094.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you for finally getting it, I was getting disheartened.

>> No.30226620
Quoted by: >>30226638

I'm looking forward to the cytube of this as always
I'm not even an Ame member

>> No.30226619

So, then, question of the day is do we like Ollie more than reddit or not?

Could Ollie give us a subtle clue maybe? Risu is directly aware of us; the odds are high the IDs overall know of here since they aren't necessarily all reddit faggots and these threads seem very very popular with SEAfolk.

>> No.30226621

something something reddit fox

>> No.30226623
File: 240 KB, 345x406, 1603547537032.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no chicken stream all day

>> No.30226627


>> No.30226628
Quoted by: >>30226655

That's one smug cock

>> No.30226630


>> No.30226635
File: 725 KB, 2896x4096, 1601713508546.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, the real question is:
how much did you save?
3 weeks here.

>> No.30226636

I'll be honest, I'd rather watch classic movies with chuubas than anime series. Wouldn't mind watching some anime movies though, Rebuilds would be amusing.

>> No.30226637

It's primarily women donating to them, which is part of why Holostars hold off on collabing with or interacting with any of the girls in Hololive. People act like it's just unicorns for the girls but the guys always get fucked just as hard, if not worse, because they don't have such a large audience that they can afford to piss off their consistent SC base. Not to mention the harassment that follows.

>> No.30226638

Member her.

>> No.30226641
Quoted by: >>30226861

Mori wanted to do a Made in Abyss watchalong

>> No.30226642

i am doing a full stress test of my recording setup

>> No.30226648

okay niijinigger

>> No.30226647

Shit I still have to catch up with the second one

>> No.30226649

What the fuck? I love cock!

>> No.30226652
File: 266 KB, 1500x2048, 1607102686317.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because I sent 100 marshmallows asking. You're welcome.

>> No.30226655
Quoted by: >>30226782

You're telling me she's a futa??

>> No.30226656

Reminder that we were once again the fastest moving board during zombie debut.

>> No.30226662
Quoted by: >>30226689


>> No.30226663
Quoted by: >>30226848

I think the reason why some of us has the extreme self-loathing trait is so that we can balance out the cringe from the other flip faggots

>> No.30226665 [DELETED] 

That was an understatement. It's more than that. Even posts supportive about Gura get deleted/removed or limited to a certain extent, as well. They'll make excuses that it's redundant, rude, etc.

>> No.30226666

She doesn't entertain me enough to warrant it sorry

>> No.30226668

6 days

>> No.30226670
File: 12 KB, 605x259, 0d5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30226831


>> No.30226672
File: 622 KB, 1019x1200, 1604346702760.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tenchou needs a rest. Just enjoy sword loli stream.

>> No.30226675
File: 2.82 MB, 1327x1000, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.30226679

Despite the variety of streams she has planned, I feel Ollie is kind of a one-trick pony in that you'll only watch her if you expect a loud motormouth meme shitter, as that's about all you'll get.

Granted she hasn't played a game or done collabs yet etc so we just don't know how she is regularly, but I think people might find her kind of draining/overpowering.

>> No.30226681

Gawr "I watched enough anime to learn some bits of japanese" Gura definitely does not like anime.

>> No.30226683
File: 112 KB, 1080x310, 20201205_223847.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope this results in more art streams, I liked the last 2.

>> No.30226688

shes dead Jim

>> No.30226689


>> No.30226690

>chat open

>> No.30226692


>> No.30226694

Not that anon but he's right. Niji is doing miles better in the merch game than Holo. Do your archive reps.

>> No.30226696 [DELETED] 

God I really hate that board, can we raid it somehow?

>> No.30226700

You reach your maximum ejaculate volume after a few days of abstinence. Everything afterwards gets recycled and the volume doesn't increase. Only the overall dead sperm cell count.

>> No.30226702
Quoted by: >>30226878

>Both Nijisanji and Hololive have deranged schizos.
I hate this stupid false equivalence. Hololive fans don't raid Niji videos and try to get them taken down with copyright claims. Hololive fans didn't harass one of the Nijis into an early retirement weeks after her debut. Stop this fucking "both sides!" bullshit, it's so fake.

>> No.30226703
Quoted by: >>30226757

She learned nip through anime and her favorite Seiyuu is Kana Hanazawa

>> No.30226704


>> No.30226705
File: 558 KB, 960x503, FPS Lion.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The sex lion in her natural habitat

>> No.30226709

Do you have the statistics to back that up?
Legit curious how much they make from merch stuff. On Hololive's side it's always limited edition stuff by the look of it; keeps getting sold out by minute 1

Voice packs, mousepads, that one bottle of plum wine with Pekora on it, fumos

>> No.30226711

radical dude...

>> No.30226713
Quoted by: >>30226779

>Her songs being in Karaoke bars

>> No.30226714

didnt novmeber and cotober end with cover having far more net money?
i remeber october that was the case even if both were down from last month.

>> No.30226716

Chumarchivists... Archive Gura's RFA.

>> No.30226721

If they're so profitable then surely they won't mind giving SONY permissions right? Keep coping

>> No.30226727

yeah I want Kiara to draw more, I really love her shoujo-esque art style

>> No.30226728
Quoted by: >>30227051

Holding out hope for a guerilla art stream

>> No.30226729

This holotalk is my first actual exposure to FBK outside of her meme videos and you guys weren't kidding this girl is fucking great

>> No.30226733
Quoted by: >>30226763


>> No.30226736

God dammit I forgot about this, I really hope the new ID doesn't stream too long today. Need sleep so I can be up for everything on today since Halo's at 3 in the morning for me

>> No.30226740

What's the cut that streamlabs takes?

>> No.30226741
File: 78 KB, 352x353, 1603543716890.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This face screams sex appeal...

>> No.30226750

what the FUCK
I hate reddit so much

>> No.30226751

I will finally have a reason to not be in these threads since there will be zero quality discussion for at least an hour.

>> No.30226753
File: 167 KB, 1063x1280, 1607168592864.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck is going on with youtube lately?

>> No.30226755

You silly goose, this will result in 4th Reich.

>> No.30226757

>Gura learned nip
i don't have a big enough kusa for this

>> No.30226759
File: 3.59 MB, 334x298, 1586200405276.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How have you not seen a single FBK stream?

>> No.30226761 [DELETED] 

thats becasue the whole board would be nothing but gura. so i do agree with somhow limitinign her posts. A sideeffect of beign too big i guess.

>> No.30226762
File: 99 KB, 228x263, 1581363381180.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck you, Satan.

>> No.30226763

I'm a nip bro

>> No.30226765

Mori wants to do a watch-a-long for the P3 movies and the TTGL movies. Made in Abyss too iirc

>> No.30226767

Her race remind me of suisei....

>> No.30226768
Quoted by: >>30226952

They don't take a cut, right?

>> No.30226769
Quoted by: >>30226896

More like it's your fault for willingly stepping into a warzone and acting like a clueless loud tourist there. I'm not defending the nijiniggers, but Mori should have known better. It's just a thing with Mori I guess. She just should know better in many cases.
t. deadbeat

>> No.30226772

This is just proof its bugged. No way in fuck does Pekora get 26k peak.

>> No.30226773

I'll member her, if u kno what im sayinnnnnnnnn

>> No.30226776
File: 106 KB, 512x512, 1605419636398.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Friend is a friend
but she's also one of the few competent gamers

>> No.30226779

you can go to a karaoke bar in Japan and find Mori's songs in the lists

>> No.30226782

Her description describes her as peahen actually.

>> No.30226786

I'm a newfag tourist from /vg/ who only came here after HoloEN and I have to be up front about it

>> No.30226788

I'm going to feel bad for Anya getting fucked by the youtube bug on her debut getting the shown live viewer number cut in half.

>> No.30226793
File: 3.28 MB, 1131x1600, 1607061840801.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gura is not a normalfag but all the anime she and HER roommate had ever talked about are entry level stuff. This used to bother me but now it is something that I had accepted.

>> No.30226794

a tlittle fucky but is nowhere near yesterday levels of incompetence

>> No.30226796

It's been fucked for a few days. They had all video analytics not updating on Dec 2 but obviously something is broken with livestreams. The problem is livestreaming is 1% of their revenue and they don't give a shit.

>> No.30226799

For what purpose?

>> No.30226798

i routinely record her streams, but as usual, we should strive to have as many people record as possible in case of failures. making many copies is the best way to preserve digital information.

>> No.30226801
File: 2.38 MB, 1280x1571, 1579524417763.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30226841


>> No.30226802

While I am fond of her for now, I expect her to burn out soon.

>> No.30226803

They'll probably lump in a flip chuuba in ID soon and slowly rename it into HoloSEA. Or not and just smuggle in a flip anyway.
This is what'll probably happen to HoloEU too. Just pick an actual european spaniard to pander to South America.

>> No.30226804

Lmao, it's over for pekora, Gura keep winning

>> No.30226807 [DELETED] 

But, we do have gawr_gura board there

>> No.30226809

I saw that literally every FBK post on /hlgg/ was a shitpost so assumed she was terrible

>> No.30226810 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>30226867

They overdid it to the extent you barely see any posts about Gura anymore.

>> No.30226811
File: 175 KB, 237x364, 1600040887660.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30226812

Needs a strand of hair in the corner of her mouth.

>> No.30226813
File: 455 KB, 665x666, Gura numbers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jewtube has gone completely haywire.
Streams are lagging and stuttering. Live-viewer counts are way down. Total-viewer counts are way down

>> No.30226814

Huh, the time zone that comes up when loading the page is PST.

>> No.30226815

i will never forget what u did to our CEO OF SEX u nijiniggers

>> No.30226817
File: 571 KB, 900x749, 1604932788592.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we're getting another psycho holo
Are we even ready for such thing?

>> No.30226819


>> No.30226826

from her past life it seems she plays somewhere between Kiara and Ame

>> No.30226830
Quoted by: >>30226873

>I want to be more popular
You got your wish, Hime...

>> No.30226831
Quoted by: >>30226932

Here's a Nijiguy who almost never turns on his SCs and doesn't have membership on saying that he doesn't do that shit because he makes bank through voice packs, sponsorships, and merch.

>> No.30226833
File: 151 KB, 414x385, Eke_iprUcAACWTB[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's easy to forget just how fun FRIEND is if you only know her from collabs and memes. No other Holo could make digging a hole for 2 hours or waiting for two sleepy old women for 4 hours interesting.

>> No.30226837

you can never predict when a VOD will suddenly disappear.

>> No.30226838

You gonna post any actual NUMBERS to back that up or are you just gonna talk that shit?

>> No.30226841

Fuck, i guess i'll fap now, good bye oppai loli

>> No.30226844

>can't break 25k even with obvious viewbotting
fucking lmao Pekora is FINISHED

>> No.30226848

I blame our lack and inability to create a national identity at least MY and ID has Srivijaya and Majapahit to look back on.

>> No.30226850

chinkbot farms pulling out.

>> No.30226853

Holy shit, anon. I haven't laugh that hard at a post since the aPOGcylpse. Get the fuck out of here if you're that weak willed.

>> No.30226854

Please trust me, I'm finance supervisor at Niji HQ.

>> No.30226855
Quoted by: >>30226871

Didn't Ollie's debut video have less views than live viewers after her stream ended?

>> No.30226857
Quoted by: >>30226912

People from reddit and twitter might mass report it.

>> No.30226861

Also the gurren Lagan movie possibly

>> No.30226862


>> No.30226865
File: 19 KB, 256x273, 1581253305743.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been here too long I guess

>> No.30226867 [DELETED] 

Those retard cant even make an optional auto filter for gura...

>> No.30226871

It's completely haywire. Their shit is all retarded right now

>> No.30226873

Ya that goodbye stream still chokes me up...

>> No.30226878

Nijisanji fans don't stalk vtubers irl, get an entire branch axed, or harass roommates' irl phone number you ESL twat

>> No.30226888

I'm excited but nervous that something is gonna go wrong...

>> No.30226891
File: 1.34 MB, 900x1450, 1564645265.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enjoy your new friend.

>> No.30226894 [DELETED] 
File: 461 KB, 571x954, firnedmee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine caring about nijisanji VS hololive when you could be supporting VOMS and hanging out with most genuine feeling group in the Vtuber business

>> No.30226896
Quoted by: >>30226973

She literally did nothing wrong cover approved the stream.
Poor choice of music canned her ass

>> No.30226898
Quoted by: >>30226936

Total viewer numbers are still fine I think, I don't know if the portal numbers are fucked up by youtube considering other streams seem to be fine on their total views.

>> No.30226899

>Gura has reddit backing her. Bank rolling her.
not really but keep believing this if it helps you cope

>> No.30226903

Fubuki is the face of the company. She's top tier preme shill machine.
Pekora just did SE mobage shill. I honestly think Cover will use PekoMiko instead for 3D stuff sponsorship, and maybe PekoMoona too for Japan Tourism shilling when Covid ends.

>> No.30226904
Quoted by: >>30227058

>I saw that literally every FBK post on /hlgg/ was a shitpost
I mean, that's true, but you shouldn't hate Friend because of it.

>> No.30226906

so judging by absolutely no shit thrown on kiara in the past few threads the holotalk was a success?

>> No.30226907
File: 26 KB, 463x453, ogey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So all you need to do to get followed by your oshi is to make animated mspaint scribble memes, then?

>> No.30226908 [DELETED] 

I do care for the fellow cunnyseur

>> No.30226912

Why? Are you coming up with schizo narratives again?

>> No.30226915

She's hyping her genmates debut

>> No.30226916

>Hololive Indonesia
>Is a burger
What did Peacock mean by this?

>> No.30226917
File: 1.52 MB, 1047x1512, illust_84998084_20201023_175235.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/jp/sies are not employed

>> No.30226921
Quoted by: >>30227079

4chan's been talking about Holos for like a year before the fucking r/hololive leddit existed period, and vtubers in general since 2017. We were way, way ahead of the curve, the tip of the spear. Westerners/english speakers who have been into Holos for the longest times obligately know of here, because they didn't even really have other options.

Just because we can't really be acknowledged pubicly doesn't mean we didn't contribute a shit ton to the snowballing of Holo in the west. Holos never talk about 5ch either, yet, we all know that that's the hotbed for discussion on them in Japan. Same deal with 4chan. reddit is a fucking adult daycare curated by Cover itself. Just because yabs and antis are here doesn't mean we aren't a juggernaut, anyone who doesn't want to be a deluded, naive little hugbox le wholesome chungus shitter, knows of here. We were literally the fastest board on the fucking site when Ollie debuted yesterday.

>> No.30226922
File: 240 KB, 538x586, 1607168891179.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30226982

Pochi is a good mama
>tfw pochi will never be your mama

>> No.30226923

they gotta be cute

>> No.30226927
File: 803 KB, 1983x2806, 1602065684056.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30227010

Unless Mori fucks me by scheduling a stream that late, with another tomorrow morning, I won't be awake for it, have fun chumbuds

>> No.30226929

>Gura has reddit backing her
I can't believe I'm telling you this, but you need to lurk reddit more before making such dumb statements

>> No.30226930

She did say she wanted to draw Ina

>> No.30226932
Quoted by: >>30227101

And how did this turn into niji making more money than cover with merch? Are you, perchance, retarded?

>> No.30226936
Quoted by: >>30226996

The views on the recent streams are 1/3 what they should be

>> No.30226937
Quoted by: >>30226960

Somebody pushed dev code into prod.

>> No.30226938

Fubuki got popular because of the Scatman video
she has the most dead subs out of every holo

>> No.30226941

Report Nijiposts as off topic. Never ever tolerate them just like how they don't tolerate anyone in their thread.

>> No.30226944

You could try and get noticed by their Mama's first. I got a free like from Nabi-mama just for posting on her stream announcement on twitter

>> No.30226948

This. If they plan to make ID gen 3 they'll sneak in a flip chuuba I'm sure of it. HoloSEA is only a few years away

>> No.30226950

People just got tired of shitposting. We’re talking about mori drama again now

>> No.30226952
Quoted by: >>30227126


>> No.30226954

I really don't understand

>> No.30226959

Such a great company that cant even make a 3d motion tracking studio outside japan

>> No.30226960


>> No.30226962
Quoted by: >>30226994

They may look simple but there's an art to how they work

>> No.30226963

Gura has 5ch and whole Japanese basically

>> No.30226964 [DELETED] 

I love VOMS. You have Pikamee, the red one, and uhhhhhhh...............

>> No.30226966

If you can call 30k viewers a success then sure lol. It's not Kiara's fault though, simply no one cares for le meme scatman cat.

>> No.30226967
File: 44 KB, 371x426, id.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So were most people just unaware that ID spoke English before Gen 2?

>> No.30226971
File: 3.06 MB, 2472x2426, 1591489709641.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't believe I've actually fallen for a parasocial relationship
I thought the last time that would happen was with Asuka from Eva and reading all kinds of stuff about her..
I would normally do my best to avoid this, but it feels so warm unironically (I've had 3 girlfriends but it wasn't that great, maybe I got unlucky)

>> No.30226970

They have a couple of figures and nendoroids coming along too but they're real fucking slow to get the merch machine rolling.

Their fucking loss honestly, even that cup ramen they were shilling for sold out everywhere in Japan and reached princely sums for auctions on it. Holos are fucking blazing, red-hot over there right now and Cover is really not striking the iron while it's hot.

>> No.30226973

>She literally did nothing wrong
We could argue about it all day, but the fact that we have to do it at all means she did at least something wrong.
>cover approved the stream
It's pretty clear at this point that her manager is a fucking retard who only gets to keep his job because EN was a giant success which has nothing to do with his own efforts.

>> No.30226975

Nah, she's clearly reading someone in chat saying that. But she still laughed so you know she agrees.

>> No.30226980
File: 185 KB, 318x343, 1605620494168.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kindly delete this

>> No.30226979 [DELETED] 
File: 396 KB, 1123x914, 1607113641205.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30227017

>you lay a single hand on baby kris I'll bring it out, dayo

>> No.30226982
Quoted by: >>30227066

I wonder, if pochi fixed her hands for tomorrow.

>> No.30226983

So to people in the known, how good are their scouting abilities? Is the EN branch going to be filled with pic related, or are they going to be more selective?

>> No.30226986

She's judging your manhood size bros....

>> No.30226988
File: 156 KB, 504x425, 1607169055501.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30227087

Whew, Nice

>> No.30226994

How do I learn the art of making stuff that gets public appraisal and becomes memetic

>> No.30226996

No I get that, it's just that Ame and Mori's vod numbers are a okay while Ina's and Gura's got nuked.

>> No.30226997 [DELETED] 
File: 182 KB, 441x673, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Monoe is CUTE!

>> No.30226998
File: 706 KB, 1600x2263, illust_86107229_20201205_120434.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the one I'm looking forward too desu

>> No.30227001 [DELETED] 
File: 421 KB, 1051x1096, Bench Pikadick.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30227036

She's such a cute pedo loli!

>> No.30227003

Yes and ID brand is a deadweight for then

>> No.30227005
File: 156 KB, 600x911, 1604663701950.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Clown is streaming crypt of the necrodancer soon.


>> No.30227010
File: 65 KB, 710x710, ss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh I'll have fun alright, deadbeat

>> No.30227011
File: 612 KB, 2100x2450, 1603624850830.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

With this alone Holotalk can be considered a success.

>> No.30227012
Quoted by: >>30227077

>caused the HOLOcaust
>harassed Aloe into graduation
>stalks Hololive videos for any minor error that they can use to get it pulled
>have now caused Ina to private one stream and Mori to private three
>neither one can do their JP reps on stream now
>meanwhile, Cover just sits there and takes it and Hololive's fans never retaliate (not that they should)
And yet people still spin the narrative that both sides are equally bad.

>> No.30227014
File: 528 KB, 920x495, 1594374168613.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30227063

bros, the more I study japanese, the more Kiara's streams become bridge-the-gap kino for me

I'm so sorry for hating her

I'm so sorry for calling her worthless for loving Pekora

She only wants to connect two cultures she holds near to her heart

>> No.30227017 [DELETED] 
File: 672 KB, 2470x2375, Eob1NfJXUAAFWat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nightmare fuel

>> No.30227020

C-cuteee.......DELETE THIS

>> No.30227025 [DELETED] 

Fuck YOU, TMSK makes great oddball stuff and Monoe is actually really good at Minecraft/Terraria!

>> No.30227026
File: 256 KB, 480x473, 1602488158613.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30227100

Who even drew this? S-Surely it's just cosplay.

>> No.30227029
Quoted by: >>30227165

Retardchama....gura had 15K and ina 8K, do you really believe that? Multiply Portal 2 and Talk Show viewers by 2 and you get the actual numbers :}

>> No.30227030

I was literally just filtered by their accent

>> No.30227031

cute. But YAB

>> No.30227032

guys... what if loli debuts even harder than zombie... and then peacock just blows them both out of the water... why would they let zombo debut first if it's all downhill from there, r-right? what are the chances of this happening?

>> No.30227033

I think so.
The ID brand was a major debuff for ID Gen1.

>> No.30227036 [DELETED] 


>> No.30227038
File: 205 KB, 629x786, do reps.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30227153

It's okay if it makes you feel warm, just bring yourself back down to reality from time to time. Use that warmth as inspiration to do your reps.

>> No.30227041
File: 256 KB, 1225x1750, 1604376062417.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30227124

She will always be the face of hololive

>> No.30227043
File: 2.50 MB, 2419x2400, 1603173079514.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30227131

I'm waiting

>> No.30227044
File: 52 KB, 654x512, suzu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Killed the most obvious newfag filter we had in these threads aka "friend is a corporate shill" so you can call it a success

or not >>30226966

>> No.30227042

im so happy looking at this

>> No.30227047

They were never marketed as speaking English so yes, nobody fucking knew. I didn't know Moona even spoke English until somebody in /hlgg/ posted a stream where she went on a tangent about multiverse theory.

>> No.30227051

Unlikely given ID debut at ~22-23 JST.
She could probably do it but i doubt she'd want to.
Also technically she already had a stream on Saturday JST

>> No.30227058

It does show what effects falseflaggers can have though

>> No.30227059

>scouting abilities
They just hire a whole horde of people and hope a couple of them turns out any good.

>> No.30227062

Just checking it and it's true. Did they manage to get someone from NA as ID?
It's make sense with her stiff info and fluent in English.

>> No.30227063
Quoted by: >>30227133

I'm no KFP but I always stay around her stream to hear her Japanese because it's more learning-friendly

>> No.30227064

I would really like to drop cash on merch - and not shit that sells out in fucking seconds

>> No.30227066
File: 44 KB, 640x480, 1600044483048.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are her hands so fucking huge anyways?

>> No.30227067

She should stream her sextape with me.

>> No.30227069
Quoted by: >>30227834

The IDs are very easy to miss for new folks. If anything ID is an anchor around zombie's neck, she would have fit into an EN gen just fine.

>> No.30227075

Pekora really should take a short break. Her voice is taking a kazoo-like quality.

>> No.30227077

They should get in touch with Busuu if they wanna do their reps on screen, wouldnt hurt to get some promotional thing out of it too

>> No.30227079

Yeah, the 300 unique ip juggernaut...

>> No.30227082
File: 154 KB, 314x280, 1591077390578.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30227176

>a muslim is fucking my gura in singapore right now

>> No.30227083

Here's your first spoonfeed then, newfriend. The reason behind her nickname "Friend."

>> No.30227084

I mean indonesian

>> No.30227087

Ollie pls go and stay go

>> No.30227088

For better nursing handjobs

>> No.30227090

Pretty sure the top post was made by a troon who got rejected from Hololive already.

>> No.30227092
Quoted by: >>30227114

23 of them are me btw

>> No.30227097

Does this shithole aready hates Ollie because shes popular or something happend?

>> No.30227100

It's an edit. You can see some of the missed masking if you zoom in.
Also, source:

>> No.30227101

My point was that SCs are unprofitable.
Work with me here, I'm just trying to break your illusion that your simping gives Cover any kind of significant wealth.
It doesn't. And it will never be enough to "pulverize" Niji.

>> No.30227107
File: 292 KB, 800x800, EauUe1iVAAYPViV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Take a break
I fucking wish

>> No.30227109

Yes. I realised that ID could speak English when I watched the first Pekora MC video where her and Moona were on friendly terms with each other.

>> No.30227112

So she would have easier time handling my magnum dong.

>> No.30227113

I'm expecting a chill stream from loli.

>> No.30227114

How many fridges do you own?

>> No.30227118 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>30227230

Aren't they basically indies though?

>> No.30227120

/hlgg/ cope

>> No.30227122

imagine seething about walfie


>> No.30227124
Quoted by: >>30227345

She handles being the corporate face better than anyone else, I’ll give you that. Her PR skills are absolutely top notch and she doesn’t suffer from crippling autism like the other top holos.

>> No.30227126
Quoted by: >>30227192

Why don't more people use streamlabs then?

>> No.30227128

>Ollie's sub growth is already flatlining
No... zombrats... not like this...
She's not even gonna overtake Moona at this point bros...

>> No.30227130

only chickenfags hate Ollie

>> No.30227131

The more I look at art of her the more I think she has the best design of any holo

>> No.30227132
File: 228 KB, 2048x1414, B85EB322-76CC-4C5A-9A4D-C59FEEA07B39.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think most here like Ollie

>> No.30227133

she is genuinely trying her best

I wholeheartedly believe that Kiara absolutely wants people to understand each other

>> No.30227135

Lowkey I am wondering, if it related to Reine's orgin as a bird or something. It looks uncanny af and I can't imagine Pochi fucking up that much. She usually has a good understanding of anatomy, at least her drawings do.

>> No.30227134

I like Ollie because she's cute. I'm already starting to get tired of people using Ollie to falseflag.

>> No.30227137

She definitely won't, lol. Her design isn't cute or appealing enough.

>> No.30227140

i didn't invest anything in zombie or dagger coin and know nothing is wrong. cause i'm all in on cock coin

>> No.30227141

Most liked her. A lot of people were shitposting about her, which annoyed people. A lot of people found her annoying because of the lolrandumb meme shit. I'd say generally it was a positive reception but we can all agree the thread was a disaster.

>> No.30227142

huh? ID2 still does not show up for me on holostats

>> No.30227147


>> No.30227149
File: 1.52 MB, 2048x1414, EoeE7adVEAAYIHd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do we hate Nijigaboos so much again? It's not like they've done anything bad to Holos that's been proven.

>> No.30227152

Thanks clownbro. This gon be gud.

>> No.30227153
File: 169 KB, 960x1092, 1599746035825.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know completely what I'm in for, I sincerely hope nobody actually believes that it's anything but a parasocial relationship, to be honest it's more like she's just such a heartwarming person and I'm she's spending time to entertain us
At the end of the day we're watching girls in 2D form play games and do other fun stuff

>> No.30227154
Quoted by: >>30227182

Just wait for her to actually start streaming.

>> No.30227156

I hate Ollie because she's literally destroyed my hearing.

>> No.30227161

I liked her
t. KFP

>> No.30227162

No they like it, it just some SEAnigger trying to false flag.

>> No.30227163

Shock and Awe, anon. Ollie is there to gather initial interest and boost up the other two. Not saying the others are boring/bad, but they are CUHRAZY.

>> No.30227164

Nothing beats the cock.

>> No.30227165
Quoted by: >>30227439

>n-n-no those numbers are wrong j-just multiply t-them!!
Lmao nice cope faggot
Hololive is already reclining hard

>> No.30227167

wheres the numbers?

>> No.30227168
Quoted by: >>30227260

Indog hate her because she speak English more than Indonesia
t. indog

>> No.30227169
Quoted by: >>30227232

>what are lurkers

>> No.30227172

But I'm watching fat cat collab

>> No.30227173

Oh boy, reccuring throat problem???

Its not a cancer isnt it?

>> No.30227176
Quoted by: >>30227195

That's a sikh bros

>> No.30227174


>> No.30227177

Why don't you prove it by posting revenues for both Nijisanji and Cover, and not some faggot bragging about it on stream?

>> No.30227182

Her Zatsudan wasn't so bad. Though it was really more just a second half of the debut

>> No.30227184

unironically yes
make sure it has soul though

>> No.30227189

sounds like EN debut all over again

>> No.30227191

Behold the magic of Friend.

>> No.30227192
Quoted by: >>30227256

Google and YouTube won't allow it if they don't have to because they want their cut of the money. ID only gets to use streamlabs because there's some law preventing them from enabling SCs for the entire ID branch.

>> No.30227193
File: 232 KB, 384x375, pekora (la abstract).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>want to get noticed by my holo
>i have no art skills
>zero social capital online
>it would take me a decade to get good enough to be noticed
>nothing I can do with an EE degree to get noticed by my holo
It's over for me, isn't it?

>> No.30227195

I don't sikh a difference

>> No.30227196

Been meaning to give this game another shot.

>> No.30227197

lolcow already got some dox info on her so now hlgg hates her.

>> No.30227200

She was well received here, but everyone got annoyed of the SEAniggers using her to shitpost

>> No.30227199

Too high energy for me, but I dont dislike her, nijiniggers reminded me that antis are more important than shitting on other holo girls

>> No.30227201

I don't give a fuck about her only the faggots using her as a tool for their shitposts.

>> No.30227203

You can only stay true to yourself. With so much shitflinging, falseflagging and "raids" it is almost impossible to get a definite answer.

>> No.30227204

She's fine, not to my taste. The shitposting with her is obnoxious, kind of like the Gura numberfaggots back when she was booming.

>> No.30227207

Movies are 1-2 hours long the perfect time for the stream. Also easier to be legally available for rental or on movie streaming sites. Anime is harder to officially obtain.

>> No.30227208

Botan 2.0

>> No.30227210
Quoted by: >>30227284

It's almost as if she was dead on arrival

>> No.30227212
File: 145 KB, 1125x1962, llie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Much better!

>> No.30227214
Quoted by: >>30227290

It's her streaming 3-5 hours every day with her forced high pitch Pekora voice.

>> No.30227217


>> No.30227220

Friend is playing DbD!

>> No.30227219

robotics, DIY?
build something and flex on twitter?

>> No.30227223


>> No.30227226

Crypt of the Necrodancer (Nintendo Switch Edition), I kneel...

>> No.30227228

I like her but I wish she would tone down the zoomer lingo a bit.

>> No.30227229

i am indifferent to her

>> No.30227230 [DELETED] 
File: 987 KB, 1536x2048, EoSkQIgWMAIy94O.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're in a really weird position since they operate as indies but GYARI owns the merch and name rights but not the characters, yet he makes no merch and seemingly cares not at all about the name. Legally they're a group in name only.

>> No.30227232
Quoted by: >>30227512

>200 ip max votes
>links only get 400 views max in a thread
>can only pull 400 max likes for anything that needs it from this place
Nice lurker interaction...At best you have 10x as many lurkers at a time than posters.

>> No.30227233 [DELETED] 



>> No.30227234
File: 28 KB, 437x431, gggfqasdadasda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>She was so cute I thought I'd die
>She's just like an angel
>Her grin makes me smile
>She glows like sunlight
>In this dark and lonely world
>She's so fucking special
>I wish I was special
>But I'm a goose
>I'm a teabro
>What the hell am I doing here
>When Ame is not here?
>I don't care if it hurts
>Amelia is in control
>She has a perfect body
>She has the kindest soul

>> No.30227235

Dropping those red rectangles is a sure-fire way to get noticed

>> No.30227236

There's usually an underlying reason for big hands. It's possible her character can hold things in both hands (probably feather fans) and they the hand size had to be relative to their size (meaning they're probably big).

>> No.30227237

Makes sense, some other indog in the threads came to that conclusion a couple days ago

>> No.30227242
File: 299 KB, 445x436, 1597709964091.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30227472

My clown wife...

>> No.30227249

Open up that wallet

>> No.30227253

She's fine with me, not my type tho.

>> No.30227256

It should be against the law. All they are doing is receiving donations, google shouldn't control how people are allowed to donate to you.

>> No.30227258


>> No.30227259
Quoted by: >>30227310

I don't know how you can watch half the stuff Ame streams and think that she doesn't value individuality or has a creative edge. Hell, even look at Ollie's debut. Honestly, given half the stuff ID and EN have been doing I'm not sure how many restrictions there actually are on 'creativity' Hololive actually has outside of the attitude towards non-holo/male collabs (which again the IDs seem to have had no issues with) or limited game choices due to licenses.

>> No.30227260
Quoted by: >>30227314

Bahasa is a shit language. Why do you have a consolidated language for such a diverse place anyway?
t. Non-tagalog flip

>> No.30227262

If my digging, and prediction is correct, Reine may have a chance at blowing everyone (even JP) out of the water. Not sure about Anya, some people say her previous life's voice didn't fit. We have to watch and see.

>> No.30227266
File: 97 KB, 631x275, 1607169671397.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2 Cunny streaming at the same time

>> No.30227267

I like her. The shitposts/bait using her are obnoxious, but I wouldn't be here if I couldn't separate her from them.
t. KFP

>> No.30227269

You should edit and restore her dress as well.

>> No.30227272
Quoted by: >>30227351

Does anyone else not watch Nijisanji but beat their dick raw to Nijisanji-related porn?

>> No.30227276
File: 549 KB, 631x1081, 86104232_p1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.30227277 [DELETED] 

sorry but their designs filter me

>> No.30227279

thatll cut into the capitalists profits unfortunately

>> No.30227281

Anon don't beat yourself up to get noticed, especially with that skill set. I'd imagine in the vtubing companies growing and need more of a workforce, should instead apply yourself to getting ready to work for them, if they're worth it. Time to work on your jap reps at the very least.

>> No.30227282

g-goslingbro I think you need to have a lie down
Maybe listen to Ame's ASMR stream to help you sleep?

>> No.30227284

Korean tentacles typed this post.

>> No.30227285

wait, there's another one found?

>> No.30227286
Quoted by: >>30227620

If you wouldn't sex the clowns avatar and herself irl then you really are not much of a fan. You're a shall person.

>> No.30227288

People have been pretty divided on her since her debut for a variety of reasons but I personally like her and so do many others. I think even those who dislike her mostly admit that her debut stream itself was very good.

>> No.30227291

Use the dosh to commission something that they can use, anon. Whoever did Haachama's dancing Haatons for her singing must jizz himself everytime they come on.

>> No.30227290

and not even a month since her last visit to the doctor, i dont want to be a concernfag though

>> No.30227293

Correct me If I am wrong but they can make custom character sprites with this game right?

>> No.30227294

unironically yes. The dead rotting flesh theme makes me gag

>> No.30227297
File: 135 KB, 1541x1004, 1591904146902.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how much do you love your friend?

>> No.30227305

Hope you guys are ready to bunker up, indogs will be here soon

>> No.30227306
File: 217 KB, 1093x667, 1607169700706.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this. its unbelievable how fucking reddit moralnigger tier the retards here can be i sometimes just cant stand the cringe

>> No.30227308

I fucking love Crypt of the Necrodancer so I hope Polka likes it as well.

>> No.30227310

>>>30225877 >>30225883 >>30225903 >>30225916 >>30225927 >>30225955 >>30225967 >>30225968 >>30225975 >>30225977 >>30225994 >>30226018 >>30226038 >>30226057 >>30226081 >>30226082 >>30226110 >>30226167 >>30226194 >>30226267 >>30226279 >>30226285 >>30226983 >>30227259

>> No.30227311

Google controls the law through donations to political affiliates and lobbyists. Everyone talks about "Big Pharma" but the entire world would be better off if "Big Tech" crashed into the fucking ocean and never came back.

>> No.30227312
File: 2 KB, 124x122, 1593661961026.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's leaking out?

>> No.30227314

Easier to unite the people during our war for independence back in the 30-40s

>> No.30227315

Shion is very disrespectful to interrupt someone's debut stream

>> No.30227316

>providing service for free
>they want to make money
>this is some how bad
Fuck off commie.

>> No.30227317

That's what happens if you don't wash down there, kids.

>> No.30227320

not enough to watch dead by daylight

>> No.30227321
File: 334 KB, 1673x1700, 1589540231474.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just woke up. Please describe your reactions to
>Goodnight ASMR
and other streams of your choice.

>> No.30227326

Does the switch not have the expansion?
No unholy moley?

>> No.30227325

I love her so much that I want to make her my wife

>> No.30227330
Quoted by: >>30227400

>For perspective: a single piece of Niji merch released in October made more money than Holo got in SCs for the ENTIRE month across ALL branches.
Please back this up if you really have statistics about this. And where is your prove when that streamer make more money than entire Holo got?

>> No.30227331

All 4 members of EN will watch the debut again

>> No.30227335

I hope she collabs with Ame

>> No.30227340


>> No.30227341
Quoted by: >>30227418

Ideas about sword loli

>> No.30227344

Too loud, zoomer, and tiring to watch for me.
Why yes, I am over 25, how do you know?

>> No.30227345

Yeah, I think she's a good choice for it. Giving it to Gura or something just because she has more subs would be retarded and anyway I'm sure Gura doesn't want the position.

>> No.30227347

But HoloEN has 5 members

>> No.30227350
File: 212 KB, 397x297, 12351241678.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30227351 [DELETED] 

Patra does things to my stuff...

>> No.30227352

There could only be one cunny in this town

>> No.30227358

It's time to shitpost and take meds. I'm all out of meds.....

>> No.30227360
File: 1.89 MB, 2508x3541, 1596000238334.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's friends with samechan so its okay.

>> No.30227361

I tried. I can't.

>> No.30227362


>> No.30227363

Anon I think it's time for you to leave and never come back

>> No.30227364

If you have a baby, post them watching holo on twitter and tag kiara she will notice you

>> No.30227373


>> No.30227375
Quoted by: >>30227460

If I want to give someone money, you can't control how I do that.

Also it should be illegal for youtube to disallow people to stream simultaneously on other platforms. This is literally a violation of basic monopoly rules

>> No.30227376

If Gura reveals her powerlevel that she only likes ecchi and cute and funny SoL like Hinako Note, then it would be yab. Konosuba is the safest option and the most ironic weeb friendly.

>> No.30227378

Watson, Gura, Amelia and Gawr?

>> No.30227380


>> No.30227385

This one doesn't have a detachable head so hard pass.

>> No.30227386


>> No.30227390
Quoted by: >>30227451

>Why yes, I am over 25, how do you know?
Because of how bitter and jaded you sound.

>> No.30227391

I may be a schizo myself, it may or may not be her so I won't jump the gun just yet.

>> No.30227392
File: 159 KB, 463x453, 1594744884011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gura doesn't care about the brand

>> No.30227396
Quoted by: >>30228005

Mori will sleep again

>> No.30227400
Quoted by: >>30227469

He doesn't, he's just a shitposting nijinigger.

>> No.30227403
File: 50 KB, 1000x1000, 1605236325403.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30227450

>Friend shilling ID on her stream

Good friend

>> No.30227404

Holotalk was fun, but I liked the first one with Marine more.
Goodnight ASMR made me feel like an actual schizo, but I liked it.

>> No.30227406

cant slam dunk her head / 10

>> No.30227407

Shion yo, Im jessica

>> No.30227408
Quoted by: >>30227572

Meds are too expensive
>t. SEAnigger

>> No.30227409
File: 59 KB, 300x346, 1604920017328.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These threads constantly strip IPs when there's a new one made, which is every 1-2 hours usually. Also the lurker:poster ratio is 20:1+. 4chan has about 20 million users and /jp/ is currently about the 5th-6th largest board on the site. The top 5 boards have overall user bases in the low-digit millions generally, and 90+% of /jp/'s newfound mega-traffic is literally just this thread and /hlg/.

People who deny the influence/reach of 4chan only inevitably learn the folly of underestimating the true numbers, this has happened countless times in the site's history already. It's about as asserting strongly no Holos ever come here or even know of 4chan, that is fucking pure highly-refined copium from redditors buying into the le wholesome garbage and projecting redditors' own utter naivete onto the holos.

>> No.30227410
File: 846 KB, 1232x957, 1581956248846.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she rejects your proposal, not out of a lack of interest, but because she wants to know you better before she makes a decision

How do you respond?

>> No.30227411


>> No.30227413

JWU, how was Ina's members smash stream? Worth watching the vod for?

>> No.30227414

I regret digging into Ollie's past. She currently has a boyfriend. I wonder if this is how teamates felt. I can't even describe how empty I feel right now.

>> No.30227417

probably laryngitis from overusing high pitch voice

>> No.30227418
Quoted by: >>30227549

I hope she doesn't have a bratty personality. Maybe she will become /d/ hologirl, with those weird vore mentions on twitter.

>> No.30227419

Reddit hates discussion in general. Unless it's some sort of juicy gossip like the Witcher debacle they usually don't talk about anything of substance. Usually half the thread is people trying to be witty and the other half is people making up scenarios or speculating on the future.

>> No.30227420


Lies, Zombie girls are absolute patrician taste.

>> No.30227421
File: 119 KB, 990x743, meds for u.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes anon here you go, please take them and go back to sleep

>> No.30227422

Polka is bad at the game...

>> No.30227424
Quoted by: >>30228165

If I've got switch is original or zelda version better of necrodancer? Been meaning to get for a while

>> No.30227425
Quoted by: >>30227474

Nevermind I can't watch Polka play this. She had 4 different instance to kill him because he has a "get up" animation and she just didn't take it...

>> No.30227435
Quoted by: >>30227504

Watch it before copyright strike

>> No.30227439

Bitter Nijinigger spotted, pathetic.

>> No.30227440
File: 56 KB, 385x546, 1587222978032.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Shion is very disrespectful
She's Shion

>> No.30227443

Well I'm not even surprised when nijifags trying to claim something without any back up or statistical prove.
They can't even do a simple numberfagging.

>> No.30227448

>/jp/ is currently about the 5th-6th largest board on the site.
i will never not find this funny

>> No.30227450

She would shill even you! Nah, that would be too much even for her.

>> No.30227451

I mean if you like loud zoomer and you don't find it tiring, go for it.

>> No.30227456

Polka is bouncing, how cute

>> No.30227457
Quoted by: >>30227504

Download the VOD before Nijiniggers find out about it and try to get it pulled for featuring a Persona character.

>> No.30227460

>muh monopoly
Hello /pol/tard. Maybe learn what a monopoly is before spouting your bullshit. Or just go back to /pol/.

>> No.30227464

Alright bros....
Azki + Sora Great Singing atm





Mio, Subaru, Okayu


>> No.30227465

What's yab about Hinako Note?

>> No.30227466

I'm 30 and I enjoy both Mori and Ollie.
And yes, Ollie is probably older than you.

>> No.30227468
File: 2.15 MB, 1350x1050, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just regained consciousness, why are we talking about nijiniggers at the start of the thread? They're stirring shit again?

>> No.30227469

Whether the merch is profitable or not, I find it hilarious that they're forced to concede that Hololive has more subs, viewers and SCs now.

>> No.30227472

Wet ass clussy

>> No.30227473

Based luluposter. But you can't say this on sea hours and expect people to agree with you.

>> No.30227474
File: 257 KB, 334x501, 1606343625487.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30227497

imagine watching holos expecting them to be good at video games

>> No.30227476
Quoted by: >>30229120

Loli wars

>> No.30227478

I'm below 25 and her energy is too much for me.

>> No.30227481

I love Polka

>> No.30227485
Quoted by: >>30227631

8,276x18,880yen gives 156m yen or around 1.5m dollars on that one thing. Somewhere in the region of an entire month of superchat.

>> No.30227486

Someone needs to rape her. That would wipe the smug off her face. Shion is a bitch irl.

>> No.30227489
Quoted by: >>30227590

They mass-flagged Mori's begging steam. Now it's gone

>> No.30227490

Nothing. It's just that elitists and plebbit will start to judge her tastes and jump to retarded conclusions

>> No.30227495

swordloli in 50 min


>> No.30227496

lmao, I'd have more faith in THAT new English company treating you well and giving you support than nijisanji English

>> No.30227497

I was at least hoping for her to be ballsy, not a coward.

>> No.30227500
File: 2.81 MB, 300x225, 1478524804833.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wrong thread buddy, /hlg/ is two blocks down.

>> No.30227502

She's better than a downright beginner, which she isn't

>> No.30227503
Quoted by: >>30227590

supposedly they are to blame for mori's vid getting striked.

>> No.30227504

Thanks anons. I'll grab the vod in a bit.

>> No.30227507

She use ‘me gusta’ meme that reccuring in a 9gag like site called 1cak in Indo

t. Indog

>> No.30227508

>She currently has a boyfriend
But she doesn't?

>> No.30227509

They got Mori's begging stream privated

>> No.30227512

Lurkers don't interact generally, they're invisible to your seeing them post so why would they suddenly reveal themselves en-masse for off-site shit? They don't.

As was just said 4chan has a couple dozen million users, /jp/ is one of the largest boards at the moment, and the largest boards have at least several million apiece.

>> No.30227513


>> No.30227514

bend her over

fuck brains out

>> No.30227517

Friend play DBD again, huh? Collab with Gura please

>> No.30227518
Quoted by: >>30229052

How the fuck are people finding previous lives when they haven't even debuted or spoken aloud yet? Are there that few ID streamers/vtubers that it's easy to narrow it down when one went dark recently or something?

>> No.30227520 [SPOILER] 
File: 29 KB, 225x350, 1607170234800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing yab about it.

>> No.30227524

okey aniki...

>> No.30227527
File: 1.04 MB, 1284x572, erhnaqe5e6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30227609

What if Gura reveals that she loves Mitsudomoe and wanted to do watchalongs for Angels Egg and 1001 nights and Tezuka's Cleopatra?

>> No.30227528

That's because you're a-sikh-ing the wrong questions

>> No.30227531

Please don't falseflag with Aniki

>> No.30227530

>She currently has a boyfriend
She literally said as much in her debut

>> No.30227533
Quoted by: >>30227588

something something ITS HER

>> No.30227536

You didn't even need to digging her past.. She literally doxx herself to having boyfriend at debute.

>> No.30227537

I'm 36 and I like her. I don't find her loud because my hearing is shit because of all the concerts I went to when I was younger. My ears ring non stop.

>> No.30227538

Nothing in itself, the association with any anime that isn't 200% normalfag or redditfag approved might inspire a few twitter rants from usual retards

>> No.30227540


>> No.30227541

GurIna collab was comfy.
Holotalk was very pleasant, made me feel warm since FBK was my gateway to hololive.
Goodnight ASMR made me feel ten times warmer than that, thread reaction was hilarious but I wasn't around for it live.
I caught the tail end of Mori's rap party stream and her bread rap was hilarious. Might check out the rest later.
Ina's members Smash was really fun and cute to watch, she was really enthusiastic the whole time.

>> No.30227544
File: 8 KB, 360x73, Capture2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30227595

Pochi-mama is cute!

>> No.30227547

kill yourself nijifaggot

>> No.30227549
File: 7 KB, 251x87, 1607088387693.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

vore just seems to be an ID thing in general.

>> No.30227554

because she's larping as the retarded shark girl in that show

>> No.30227559

heart break

>> No.30227565
Quoted by: >>30228263

Ollie first was a mistake.
Cunny will seem boring, and Peacock will be even more boringer.

>> No.30227569
Quoted by: >>30228155

Keep in mind that we can outpost /pol/ during special occasions and /v/ during a fairly normal stream. We're a fucking large percentage of traffic to 4chan.

>> No.30227568
File: 69 KB, 720x460, ゴズリング57.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30227571

It's already established Ame and Mori are here, and that's before you pulled up numbers. The question is, who ELSE is here? I know Risu hasn't visited 4chan in months until maybe lately, but that's the only confirmable evidence right now.

>> No.30227572

Haloperidol and Chlorpromazine is cheap though? just need an MD friend to give you a prescription

>> No.30227575

Well, other than blatantly exposing where Gura got her shark idea from, I mean.

>> No.30227578

Literal book eater

>> No.30227580

>But she doesn't?
Did you even watch her debut? She literally said it herself.

>> No.30227581

Azki and Sora sound good together

>> No.30227584
File: 455 KB, 900x900, out-transparent-36.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fubuki is just putting on a nice girl act, right...? Or do girls as nice and talented as her truly exist in this world?

>> No.30227588

Acchi Kocchi is closer in resemblance.

>> No.30227589

what candy does moona taste like? chocolate?

>> No.30227590

Fucking cunts. Good thing she's doing another one.

>> No.30227593

I love ayame and watame so much anons...

>> No.30227595


>> No.30227598
File: 560 KB, 1808x986, 1585801259318.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kindly stop shitposting with Aniki

>> No.30227597

Cannibalism is rampant in indonesia

>> No.30227602

You shouldn't set your expectations too high anon

>> No.30227604
Quoted by: >>30228297

Damn I never got around to watching it.

>> No.30227608
Quoted by: >>30227648

Is InaGura kino?

>> No.30227609
File: 12 KB, 372x302, 1586142088401.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30227654

gura's most likely the type of person to have their fave anime be Kodomo no Jikan

>> No.30227611
Quoted by: >>30227644

Maybe mommy Reine will be normal...

>> No.30227613

It doesn't matter. Ollie would still make a nice slampig while Mori is at work.

>> No.30227615

fucking dropped

>> No.30227617

If she's smart she wouldn't

>> No.30227619

>a single piece of Niji merch released in October made more money than Holo got in SCs for the ENTIRE month across ALL branches.
This is what nijiniggers actually believe

>> No.30227620
Quoted by: >>30227650

I’d fuck the clown but not roommate

>> No.30227621

>actually cooking streams which aren't hachaama or Ame's moist yams
>actually exercise streams which aren't just RFA
>giving away free copies of RPGmaker and encourages fans to make games that she may play on stream
How could anyone hate zombo.com?

>> No.30227626
Quoted by: >>30227700

Uuh anon she accidentally slip out and you can even see her got into panic state for a few seconds.

>> No.30227631
Quoted by: >>30227790

How often do they release something like this?
Is it a regular release, or something akin to holofes with a limited release window?
Because yes that's a lot of money, but also consider Hololive's own events + stuff like Mori's songs in stores

Because remember, the superchats the girls make is on their regular content BEFORE equivalent merch sales

>> No.30227632


>> No.30227633

These threads haven't done a single thing for any of the holos.
Just because there are invisible lurkers who visit this place, never interact, never post, never do anything it doesn't mean they do something because of /hlgg/.
Treating these threads as a literal chatroom where every 20 posts made every few seconds is basically "UUUOOOOOOAAAAAAHHHHH", doesn't make the activity meaningful in any way either. That's like saying Niji is a better vtuber group, just because they shit out 10 new chuubas every month. Numbers are meaningless without substance.

>> No.30227635

Who knows, maybe?
I still refuse to believe there's actually good people in the world, maybe an online persona is easier to maintain

>> No.30227636
File: 1.72 MB, 220x220, 1595752577169.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello, fellow NEETs, recovering NEETs, and degenerates the world over

How do I get over my crippling hatred of women?

I can't see them as human beings, almost, anymore. I just feel angry even interacting with them in real life.

>> No.30227639
Quoted by: >>30227830


Shion.... no... your cunny friend...

>> No.30227640


>> No.30227641
Quoted by: >>30227805

The russians don't seem to be demanding the girls come to Moscow, so they're no problem so far.

>> No.30227644

She's fine.

>> No.30227645

Has anyone worked harder than Mori to get where they are in life? I don't think so.
>lived in a box for years
>almost zero recognition for her work despite putting in 200% of her effort and life into everything she did
>finally gets her lucky break with hololive

>> No.30227648

They work well together, since they are both friendly and kinda dumb(In a cute way).

>> No.30227650

>not liking fat pussy lips
C'mon dude.

>> No.30227651

By now you should know how smart our boy is when it comes to things like that.

>> No.30227653
Quoted by: >>30227687

Why did Polka not pick up the glass armor? it's better than no armor.

>> No.30227654
File: 195 KB, 427x381, 1606363780055.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You imply that the people who like Kodomo No Jikan and the people who like Tezuka's weird furry porn Cleopatra movie do not have a 100% overlap on the venn diagram.

>> No.30227660

Haachama is the best singer in hololive

>> No.30227661
File: 1.31 MB, 1208x744, D1E65524-2340-45EB-AFFB-0D72610E8DD6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30227796

JWU and I feel the most rested I’ve been in weeks. Basically passed out as soon as Ame ended the stream.

>> No.30227663

I dont hate her i just cant put her in the background while I’m working due to her noises

>> No.30227664
Quoted by: >>30227695

Do your /fit reps

>> No.30227667
Quoted by: >>30227695

meds and therapy if you can afford it

>> No.30227669
Quoted by: >>30227747

FBK told the chinks to take a hike despite them being 50% of her revenue.

>> No.30227672

I dunno, tell me if you figure it up
I can watch vtubers because I don't see them as humans I guess

>> No.30227674

>sponsorship on day 1
Zombie is too strong

>> No.30227679
File: 88 KB, 964x892, EoOVso8UYAANdT6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30227977

>If she's smart

>> No.30227680

I have high hopes for these two.

>> No.30227685

well, fuck

>> No.30227686

So if they mass reported her stream, it should come back because Mori didn't violate any YT rules.

>> No.30227687

she just bought the same thing from the shop

>> No.30227691

you don't

>> No.30227692

Lots of aspiring entertainers around in the say hi.

>> No.30227695

Do these really work?

I hear a lot of fake success stories, but nothing really personal.

>> No.30227696
Quoted by: >>30227836

I hope she has sexy deep voice like Ayunda. Her design demands it!

>> No.30227697

I'm 30 and I lover her energy. She plays so hard into her character that I wonder how her streams will look after a month. Although even when she chills down a bit I do expect her to destroy speakers from time to time. This isn't really about age, just preference. I love genki girls.

>> No.30227700

so shes the one holo we can actually use the sex copypasta on, man I hope she slips up one day so we could hear her moaning from getting boned by her bf (she's not my oshi so im not schizo about this)

>> No.30227701

>if shes smart

>> No.30227702

She's not my cup of tea. Got filtered hard by her loud noises.

>> No.30227705

She seems like a pretty strong principled girl that sticks to her beliefs. Obviously she's not gonna act in real life toward strangers the way Fubuki does, but I don't think she has a completely different personality either.

>> No.30227709

Was the begging stream even good content?

>> No.30227710

I would suggest a length of rope and a tall tree, some assembly required.

>> No.30227711
Quoted by: >>30227858

Her autism knows no bounds. She'll use a different BGM and it'll be fine. There's nothing they can do in this case.

>> No.30227712

>If she's smart

>> No.30227713

Doubt. But her point went across so no need

>> No.30227716

Very much.
It's unhealthy at this point.

>> No.30227719
File: 243 KB, 500x500, 1601059195505.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek, they're posting that shit in Mori's Rap Party vod now. Basically chink bot level shit, it's pathetic.

>> No.30227720

Iofi don't look...

>> No.30227721

Has anyone worked harder than x to get where they are in life? I don't think so

where x is holos that have had harder lives such as Rushia, Noel, SEX, Subaru

>> No.30227726

Ame had that same hate in the past, but with men
you could say she was coping and seething

>> No.30227728

Already up https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tyoz_LRDCbU

>> No.30227729

reddit has been so devoid of substance that Coco stopped doing "meme" review, which was copypasted template garbage that literally weren't even memes to begin with and were never funny.

The OC here, when it happens at least, is unironically better/funnier than anywhere else. Thing is a lot of it is either too "rude" to share openly, because humor often needs to be cutting or crass to work and that just isn't allowed on a daycare center lorded over by Cover like reddit. However it's often inside joke stuff that only lasts a few days/weeks, that you have to just have been around and seen happening to see. That is actually how real memes work and always have, they're a thing of the moment.

>> No.30227731

I hope she does, and I hope I get to see nijiniggers seething in real time

>> No.30227733
File: 1.43 MB, 2800x3960, 1606396334274.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30227766

For people who went all in on the lolicoin:
How are we feeling right now?

>> No.30227734


>> No.30227735

Why does Cover hate money so much?

>> No.30227739

it was good content to shitpost off of, and I had fun. So yeah

>> No.30227742
File: 193 KB, 500x500, 1578551101903.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Might as well be Deadbeats' motto

>> No.30227744
Quoted by: >>30227785

Your mother is a woman. Do you hate her too?

>> No.30227746
File: 69 KB, 1306x316, friend....png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fubuki is an anomaly. I don't think you'll ever be able to find a girl as based as her.

>> No.30227747

Friend was pretty based. She also told the idolfags to fuck off after Towa's yabai.

>> No.30227750

is that why she's the only EN without reddit mod privilege?

>> No.30227753

What are they saying? Is the guy just telling her it got removed

>> No.30227755

It was a shitpost stream.

>> No.30227758

Can't really blame you for not watching her.

>> No.30227763
Quoted by: >>30227851

How do you know they're fake or true?
And no they don't work unless you genuinely want to change and improve. Therapists cannot force you to change your worldview. They're just glorified internal voices who guide you to do everything yourself. It's great if you're on the edge of healing yourself, but wont do anything if you don't see anything wrong with what you do. Only medicine can do that by randomly rewiring your brain and betting on dice rolls.

>> No.30227766

Very strong.
Anya world domination imminent.

>> No.30227767
File: 77 KB, 1140x798, reagan-oped-1007-1564754824.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trickle down economics, baby.

>> No.30227768

This is true.

>> No.30227770

they do realize that nijiniggers talking shit about Mori will only help to make the JP holobros love her even more, right?

>> No.30227771
Quoted by: >>30227799

It got privated because of the music, she'll just do it with her own music/no BGM next time. She's fucking stubborn like that.

>> No.30227776


>> No.30227777
Quoted by: >>30227837

No. It was literally just Mori asking for permissions for an hour and 20 minutes. Her energy slowly draining as it went by.

>> No.30227778

I love her so far, she has SOUL in a dorky kind of way which I'm a sucker for

>> No.30227779

40 minutes until Gura gets mogged

>> No.30227785
Quoted by: >>30227829


I hate her for conceiving me outside of wedlock, and I hate her for abandoning me to live alone with my father when I was old enough to live on without her

>> No.30227787

>youtube won't fix its live viewers bug in time for Gura's rfa
>it will be stuck at 20k max
>seaniggers will go into shitposting overdrive
Not even a numberfag but this makes me mad

>> No.30227790

I don't intend to argue about which company makes more. Just thought I'd provide the statistics. It's likely cover makes a lot of money from merchandise too but these are just examples you can actually see with verifiable figures to know it does actually bring in significant amounts of money. They released an album the same day that has sold 31,000 copies at 3850 yen though so that's roughly another 120m there.

>> No.30227791
File: 336 KB, 804x1093, 1606099487376.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30227823

Can we adopt her, please?

>> No.30227792

>Mori about the get Aloe'd due to assblasted Nijiniggers
Wew lad.

>> No.30227796

Ok that one's amazing. Where did you find it?

>> No.30227798

Did you reply to the correct post?

>> No.30227799

based, fuck corporate bootlickers

>> No.30227800

It was the first EN VOID stream. If you like that level of commitment to a shitposting bit, it was great.

>> No.30227801
Quoted by: >>30228493

Flare and Aki try so hard, why don't (you) love them back?
Also: I thought Korone was the EOP queen.

>> No.30227803 [DELETED] 


>> No.30227805


Russki here. No idea why now, but they're just rambling in the chat, saying how cute she is etc. Mostly greeting shark and each-other. Some wishing she'd say more in Russian while others saying they want to do English reps to understand her better.

>> No.30227807
Quoted by: >>30227878

just be quiet NEET, you will get some Ame's pussy

>> No.30227808

she will be the least popular one judging by the design alone

>> No.30227814
File: 976 KB, 1280x720, ggg1607056076446.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30227856

ating Amelia!
Letting Amelia meet your family!
Asking Amelia if you can visit her family!
Wondering why Amelia is crying!
Meeting Amelia's extended family!
Wondering why Amelia's parents are absent!
Hearing all the fucked up stories of Amelia's past!
Getting sexually assulted by Aunty Watson!
Amelia's brother catching Aunty Watson stroking your leg!
Amelia's brother beating you close to death!
Amelia crying over your bruised and broken body!
Amelia breaking up with you so that she doesn't cause you any more pain!
Crying yourself to sleep remembering how things used to be!
I love Ame!

>> No.30227816

My voy is too powerful

>> No.30227817

Gura already played through a collab with bugged viewers. Besides, shartmeido will ban shitposters on sight anyway (because it's Gura).

>> No.30227821

It's obvious bait but I'm curious if people unironically believe this

>> No.30227823

We already did

>> No.30227824

That is absolutely normal for games like these. People just leave after a match is done.

>> No.30227826


>> No.30227827
File: 38 KB, 1553x168, 1597078547140.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30227907


>> No.30227828

Do girls like Gura actually exist

>> No.30227829

I guess we found the source of the problem...
I think only therapy and/or Jesus can save you, anon.

>> No.30227830


>> No.30227832

you joke but if the JP nijineggers actually understood English theres plenty of shit that could lead to a Mori graduation

>> No.30227831

>Mori is getting the SEX treatment
Not in a million years

>> No.30227833

Fatlusfags need to hang

>> No.30227834

Consider the following: ID Gen 2 blowing up elevates ID Gen 1, therefore further increasing Cover's gains as Gen 1's content holds some level of appeal for certain people

>> No.30227836
Quoted by: >>30227976

The lack of deep voiced holos is saddening.
At least there's still the possibility of EN doing ikemen streams.

>> No.30227837

>she could have played Doom eternal to catch up during that time

>> No.30227841

They aren’t gonna do shit

>> No.30227845


>> No.30227847


>> No.30227849

The character she plays is not the one I could imagine being a wife in the first place. At best she could be your teen daughter or crazy teen crush you spend most intense romance for a month and then you move on.

>> No.30227850

You know you've made it as a chuuba when you get antis.

>> No.30227851

I'll choose to believe it's fake until it's proven that its true.

>> No.30227853
File: 175 KB, 906x1400, EjhkwESWoAA9rPx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God I love friend.

>> No.30227856

There is no D because Ame took it

>> No.30227857

>Only 3 comments and 153 dislikes
This honestly seems like a very small scale thing, it's probably already mostly blown over in their minds. If they thought Mori had actually done something they could really get at her for there'd be much more traction.

If you want to see a true anti shitstorm, here's an example: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X5A4Dcm4zCw

>> No.30227858
Quoted by: >>30227879

>She'll use a different BGM
I don't think you understand what mass reporting is. Her video didn't violate anything, the bgm she played was played in reverse which is perfectly acceptable under the music copyright law. But even if she uses another bgm, if they mass report the video again it's going to get taken down.

>> No.30227860

I love my boy, but smart is a touch and go thing with her.

>> No.30227864

the cunny has tits and is indonesian, no chance in hell

>> No.30227866
File: 1.26 MB, 1280x720, 1593346812044.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30227923


>> No.30227868

If reddit actually talked about fucking streams this might have a point, but they've degenerated into a pure memeposting sub, no thanks to the holos actively encouraging them in that direction. There literally isn't another significant place on the web right now to discuss holos properly, and to be fair, it wasn't really needed for English speakers before EN.

>> No.30227869

Now you’re making shit up, nothing she’s done has been bad enough to get her to graduate. Not even roommate shit

>> No.30227872

Sio...i miss you...

>> No.30227875

do SEAnigs really...?

>> No.30227876
Quoted by: >>30227936

But she wouldn't get a heaping ton of superchats.

Honestly if she really cared to appeal to Atlus' shitty nature she should've turned it off to show she doesn't care if it's unmonetized.

>> No.30227878

Not anymore

>> No.30227879

It was privated, not taken down.

>> No.30227882

>Gura has reddit backing her. Bank rolling her.

Based on what? The fact that she's popular everywhere? Kys nigger.

>> No.30227883

They have their discords.

>> No.30227886

Your boy isn't that smart, please understand.

>> No.30227888

shes doing her confidence reps with Crash

>> No.30227891

Didn't work for me
Do it if you want to throw away your money, and if you want to do that then let me post an amazon wishlist or something

>> No.30227894

I wasn't around for the Sio affair, what actually happened?

>> No.30227895
File: 227 KB, 1402x1574, 1582771184380.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>do anime girls exist irl

>> No.30227896
Quoted by: >>30227957

bug? what did i miss?

>> No.30227902

I guess people are still under the assumption that cover actually fired Aloe for saying things or leaving up a test video instead of her resigning.

>> No.30227903


>> No.30227904

She tries too hard to appease everyone as a meme shitter, which reaches out to shitty audiences aka underage and twitter eceleb shit. On paper if you described her behavior to me as "a walking compilation of clipwatcher-tier knowledge/shitty twitter speak/unironically says pog, simp and glomp and nearly-yabaid about a boyfriend literally literally in her debut" - I'd have said, that it sounds 100% fucking awful, like the worst-case scenario for how the ENs would go. Yet weirdly, it wasn't an EN to do this shit but an ID.

Yet, despite all this, I still kinda like her and don't see myself really-really hating her. Her personality/energy is just that magnetic - she only manages to make it work because she's such a hype machine + spits out 1000 words a minute, so you quickly forget if she said something eyebrow-raising to you.

>> No.30227905

even with all the sora daisenpai stuff I still think FBK really is the soul of hololive

>> No.30227907

These dumb niggers

>> No.30227908

can't we just ignore tribalfags and have comfy discussions about our holos?

>> No.30227911
File: 90 KB, 786x600, 1EDAAB5D-FD3C-47DC-A049-90A0079B1EE2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30228276

In the threads last night. Have another.

>> No.30227912

Indogs do apparently

>> No.30227913

Dude in that AFA thing was a Sikh by the way, fundamentally unrelated to Islam. They need the turban because they aren't allowed to cut their hair

>> No.30227915
Quoted by: >>30227932

oh really, then waht about ____the game_____?

>> No.30227917 [DELETED] 

Niji's minecraft games look so fun to watch. When is hololive gonna do this for their next minecraft games?

>> No.30227918
File: 949 KB, 1098x2048, 1605622650976.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30228011

Jules is Polka chat. What a chad.

>> No.30227919
File: 727 KB, 799x800, tan zombie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

noo, this's better

>> No.30227923

was thinking about Hololive Arabic, then realized Indonesia is the largest muslim country

>> No.30227924
Quoted by: >>30227952

That's a lot of dislikes, what the hell happened?

>> No.30227927

They speak broken English

>> No.30227932

I hate you

>> No.30227935
File: 25 KB, 774x216, 1581022902478.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Streamlabs already open
Will they have donations appear during the debut?
How much has she already made before it even started?

>> No.30227936
Quoted by: >>30228012

>But she wouldn't get a heaping ton of superchats.
Mori could quite literally just do a stream with nothing but her character moving around for an hour and it'll get $4000 worth of superchats

>> No.30227938

It was incredibly amusing for 5-20 minutes depending who you asked, but it went on for an hour and a half so became more of a "just how long is she willing to go? is she going to do literally anything else this stream?" kind of slow-motion trainwreck you couldn't look away from. Considering trainwrecks are still entertainment, it seems many people found it amusing no less.

>> No.30227939

I have to ask. How much of Amelia's stories are made up?

>> No.30227940

Watch her eyes, she was clearly working on something in the background for a good portion of the time. Probably made some progress on one of her tracks, though obviously not as much as if she'd been 100% focused on it.

>> No.30227947
Quoted by: >>30228006

Mori is autistic and wouldn't back down, plus Cover actually have anti-harassment policies now, I doubt it'll amount to anything.

>> No.30227949

You're doing just fine.

>> No.30227952

Nothing, she just could play APEX better than some people

>> No.30227955

Holy shit, Ars's 3D model hand tracking is awful.

>> No.30227956
Quoted by: >>30228180

Hololive is getting invited in MCChampionship instead later next year. Fubuki vs Dream showdown.

>> No.30227957
Quoted by: >>30228464

>live viewers bug

>> No.30227960

Can you even imagine the amount of weaponized autism that they would unleash if they actually got more to graduate.

>> No.30227962

Rushia's RFA got taken down due to it being too fucking hot.

>> No.30227963

>I don't intend to argue about which company makes more.

That's exactly what your intention has always been, you stupid fucking Malaysian.

>> No.30227966
Quoted by: >>30228526

Fair enough. On my part just addressing the idea some may have that merch sales make up for the relative lack of individual talent popularity. As a company move, it's a lot easier to just let the girls stream than arrange merchandise distributions. Plus there's cuts for the distributor/whoever actually makes the merch, among other things.

>> No.30227969

I believe the narrative that she hics when she lies

>> No.30227970
Quoted by: >>30228027

>Not even roommate shit
Yeah... about that...

>> No.30227971
File: 59 KB, 503x403, 1607096075965.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Zombie, after debut

>> No.30227973

She shitposted about her colleagues on 5ch and was found out.

>> No.30227972


>> No.30227974
Quoted by: >>30228060

Ollie had the link in her debut too, but donations were disabled until the second stream.
I think it will probably be the same.

>> No.30227976

Well tree rrat did her latest hades stream as Ayunda, thats something at least. With Pochi as Reine's mama it seems so obvious to give her ara ara~ vibes. You know what I mean?

>> No.30227977

I have to ask. Why are deadbeats like this? What do you think Mori feels when she visits this site between trainrides, expecting praise for doing something gangsta, only to read self-admitted deadbeats laugh at her like some dumb donkey? Why are you like this? Don't you think she'd rather be on r*ddit because everyone praises her?

>> No.30227978
File: 3.03 MB, 600x600, Ina Tako 3d.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We excited for the debut friends?

>> No.30227981

How do we feel about Ollie being an actual amputee? (her arm)
Do you think she can fit her stumpy arm in our brown pockets?

>> No.30227982
File: 124 KB, 919x1298, __chiyo_ane_naru_mono_drawn_by_pochi_pochi_goya__230ce644d0b2eb5a31615210b5ebc3a3[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>least popular design
If the voice matches the design I'm anticipating a Lamy-level wallet threat.

>> No.30227986
File: 307 KB, 463x453, 1604382639743.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I've known a few. They're nice, just girly girls, not even that uncommon. I smashed a foam sword into one of their tits once, felt hard, no moaning, very unsexy.

>> No.30227985
Quoted by: >>30228033

If she hics then it's a lie

>> No.30227989

Yes. It's tomorrow december 5th, we are all excited.

>> No.30227990

People wouldn't do anything, again. It's funny, but the discords did more of a push to retaliate when Holos were attacked than this place.

>> No.30227997

Westerns have larger cocks, so she needed to make the hands bigger to handle them.

>> No.30227999

All it takes is to frame the right information out of context, some false flags, and a lot of dedication and more lies. They've done it once already, nothing stopping them besides motivation to do it again.

>> No.30228000

Wow, that was pretty stupid but the response is infantile, holy shit.

>> No.30228001
Quoted by: >>30228029

Thank you Mori!

>> No.30228005
Quoted by: >>30228134

It's 22:00, more likely for Gura to oversleep

>> No.30228006

>Cover actually have anti-harassment policies now
thats a sad sentence to read

>> No.30228008

The IT guys in her chat would probably have a field day

>> No.30228011
Quoted by: >>30228037

Dude was also in Korone chat for Cadence of Hyrule

>> No.30228012
Quoted by: >>30228235

Which is why she should've turned it off for this stream. If her goal was to stream it (and not care if it's monetized) she should've kept superchats off instead of going "YEAH THIS COULD BE FOR YOU!" It makes her look stupid.

>> No.30228015

All true probably. Details might be fuzzy or exaggerated, but she’s not lying.

>> No.30228018
Quoted by: >>30228028

None of the the debuts ever excite me, I look forward more to the end of the 1 month collab ban where they finally develop their character

>> No.30228020

What the fuck are you even trying to say? lmao

>> No.30228026

Anon, I love Mori, but she'd be the first to admit she isn't exactly what one would call smart. She's the type of person who lives life by the seat of her pants chasing her passions and doesn't really think that much about the consequences, which is honestly something I like about her.

>> No.30228027

Still not enough I know

>> No.30228028

>where they finally abandon their character

>> No.30228029

Yes, thanks Mori for showing the western fans the shittiness of nijifags

>> No.30228031
Quoted by: >>30228151

nah, falseflaggers


this is why we hate 'em

>> No.30228032
File: 65 KB, 248x254, 1601784646752.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30228061

I have an announcement to make
Ninomae Ina'nis

>> No.30228033

Can't believe this narrative. She always hics.

>> No.30228034
Quoted by: >>30228180

I've tried watching a bunch of Ars Minecraft streams, and haven't enjoyed a single one of them.

>> No.30228037

Yeah I remember that, just a bit surprised since Polka doesn't get the same coverage as Korone.

>> No.30228038
File: 60 KB, 1165x267, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's the NND Niji anti group, the same that harassed Aloe
They found Mori video, thought they could use it against her, and were disliking bombing and spamming about it for the last 2 days https://dic.nicovideo.jp/a/%E3%82%AB%E3%83%90%E3%83%BC%E6%A0%AA%E5%BC%8F%E4%BC%9A%E7%A4%BE https://dic.nicovideo.jp/b/a/%E3%82%AB%E3%83%90%E3%83%BC%E6%A0%AA%E5%BC%8F%E4%BC%9A%E7%A4%BE/48121-

Check last link especially, if you deepL comment number 48138 they're trying to find ways to harm Amelia (related to playing osu! and the copyright issues linked to that) and Gura (for musedash permissions drama)

>> No.30228042
Quoted by: >>30228182

Watch vtubers. If you like even one of them, you're on the way to being cured.

>> No.30228044
Quoted by: >>30228205

Exactly, she's a pathological liar

>> No.30228051

Anon, it's harmless and it's not just deadbeats. Chumbuds say shork brain, teamates say defective brain, and so on.

>> No.30228057
Quoted by: >>30228080

Polka's screaming, beautiful.

>> No.30228058
Quoted by: >>30228283

KFP feel threatened by the presence of the multilingual Zamboni

>> No.30228060

It wasn't disabled, the popups just weren't shown on stream.

>> No.30228061
File: 23 KB, 200x200, 1607099388120.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would like to follow that up with the announcement that I REALLY want to ink all over Ina's flat chest!

>> No.30228062


>> No.30228064
File: 181 KB, 436x456, gargoogla.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this image causes a deep, physical fight-or-flight response from me every time I see it

>> No.30228068
File: 467 KB, 1777x2360, hallow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

me, takobro

>> No.30228069
Quoted by: >>30228237

It's way too late to get Amelia on Osu because she instantly deleted vods and she hasn't done it since.

>> No.30228070
Quoted by: >>30228110

Honestly with the traction Mori's been purposefully building with the faggot e-celeb crowd, it wouldn't surprise me if it actually got counter-culture backlash instead.
Queue retarded charliefags going after Nijinigger antis with weaponized dildos or whatever those idiots would do.

>> No.30228072

congrat, you posted it again for the 10th time

>> No.30228077

>Just pick an actual european spaniard to pander to South America.
Imagine if they pulled another Watson and had a Spanish girl with a Mexican-themed character.

>> No.30228078
File: 50 KB, 600x583, Screenshot_214[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30228080

She's a great entertainer.

>> No.30228081

It goes much deeper than that, but expanding on it would be pretty off topic. It shouldn't be hard to find a rundown on the archives if you look though, especially in /vyt/ around mid August. Keep in mind there is the slim possibility that she didn't actually do it, though.

>> No.30228082

if gura doesn't get at least 50k on rfa hololiveEN is over

>> No.30228083
File: 198 KB, 534x663, nani.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>drop into clown stream
>making arnold schwarzenegger noises

>> No.30228086


>> No.30228089

>ESL Lamy
This is a scary thought.

>> No.30228091

Robotics? Make a robot that draws for you

>> No.30228095

last call for swordcoin before the markets close

>> No.30228097

How do we protect our girls anontachi?
No, don't fucking attack the nijichuuubas.

>> No.30228099

I mean... They're right..

>> No.30228102

She would laugh and agree. Self-derision doesn't come from someone who has a high opinion of themselves.

>> No.30228103
Quoted by: >>30228127

All my Reine-coin are dependent on her voice. I hope she fits well.

>> No.30228104

Jesus, they're more behind than the lolcow trannies.

>> No.30228108
Quoted by: >>30228137

Ina's the most vulnerable one but luckily she hasn't done any yab and they wont do it since Ina did an art for niji and she's an old niji fan too.

>> No.30228110
Quoted by: >>30228164

Jesus, you really live in fantasyland, do you?

>> No.30228109

I like how Ina can even dodge the retarded JP antis, even though she was hit only a single time. Guess they forgot about that one.

>> No.30228113

Mori is a fucking autistic retard. Anyone who says otherwise doesnt watch her

>> No.30228115

Narratives, now.

>> No.30228123
File: 413 KB, 256x192, Gant_11.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they're trying to find ways to harm Amelia
The nerve of these motherfuckers...

>> No.30228126

You just hope cover does their fucking job

>> No.30228127
Quoted by: >>30228220

I hope we get clear audio of her adam's apple moving.

>> No.30228133

Sadly that's the only way to really fight back. and if it eventually comes down to that it's just going to be an all-out war where everybody's chats just going to have to be turned off.

>> No.30228134
Quoted by: >>30228875

Ame already said she was up with them

>> No.30228136
Quoted by: >>30228204

For real though, what (positive) action can we do at this point?
Best thing that comes to my mind right now is reporting the harassment/discussions of it to cover via https://cover-corp.com/contact/
But beyond that, what CAN be done?

>> No.30228137

>he hasn't done any yab
SSBU stream, she forgot to mute game BGM, so it play a few music like persona game and that ink character music

>> No.30228138

If she stops randomly screaming in my ears, I'm cool with her. Being loud and fast is fine, I can adjust to that. It's the sudden spikes that hurt.

>> No.30228143
File: 1019 KB, 1154x656, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please watch Clown, she's doing Cript of the Necrodancer.

>> No.30228145

Okay, how do we, somewhat, force Cover to do their fucking job without getting a bit too extreme.

>> No.30228147
File: 769 KB, 1343x799, numbersnumbersnumbersnumber12520.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gentleman, I love numbers

>> No.30228150
Quoted by: >>30228253

you are underestimating discord in turn

>> No.30228151

>The first post is "I'm Sio, totally believe me!"
Are 5ch actually more retarded than the schizoposters here? That's kind of incredible.

>> No.30228153

If she hics, then she's anxious about it.

>> No.30228155
Quoted by: >>30228258

You say that as if that's a good thing.

>> No.30228159
File: 267 KB, 576x288, faces.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that anon who said he'd make a short holoEN rpg maker game here

i started the project, have the general plot outlined, grabbed some bgm, made crappy stand in sprites in the editor, have some attacks programmed in. kind of have a busy weekend, but after that if i focus on it i should have something playable by next friday.

please look forward to it

>> No.30228162
File: 103 KB, 1000x1000, EkYGFR3VgAAzBCG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30228224

>it's generally pretty shitty of her in ways she didn't realize.
There's nothing shitty about it. These companies are being retarded and its high time people let them know about it.

Fuckin hell if it were me I'd be doing permissions/protest streams every other day. Fuck you, let me stream the damn game that I paid for.

>> No.30228163

Based game choice, but I'm an idolfag.

>> No.30228164
Quoted by: >>30228252

not that anon but its not like it hasnt happened before

>> No.30228165

please respond

>> No.30228166
Quoted by: >>30228196

It will never be as valuable as any of the ENcoins so why bother? Unless you are a jew

>> No.30228169
Quoted by: >>30228239

>Mori probably didn't intend it that way, it's generally pretty shitty of her in ways she didn't realize
Mori never thinks about the consequences of her actions, more news at 12.

>> No.30228170
Quoted by: >>30228318


>> No.30228171

supposedly according to Ollie, Anya put a lot of effort into the production of her debut so technically this should be fun.

Plus the last sleepy holo I was intially skeptical on was not Ichibod Crane, Botan and I can't help but enjoy her.

>> No.30228172

>Don't you think she'd rather be on r*ddit because everyone praises her?
She’s on both

>> No.30228176

Vtubers are kind of making me hate women less

>> No.30228178

Please be free, poor af anon here

>> No.30228179
Quoted by: >>30228214

>when you realize that it's a shitty turn based game

>> No.30228180

I don't mean to start tribalism, I just hope that their next minecraft games will be similar to niji's because it looks fun on a competitive level.
Her minecraft streams are comfy, especially during dead hours.

>> No.30228181

add sex mechanics

>> No.30228182
File: 98 KB, 327x435, 1577114773515.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you think it's possible?

That even if I love a character they're playing, that I might not see them as some sort of disgusting monster in real life?

I really feel like vomiting whenever I see a fake bitch in real life.

>> No.30228183

>No, don't fucking attack the nijichuuubas.
>durrhhh if you kill your enemies they win hurrrrfff
Fuck off. An eye for an eye, nijinigger.

>> No.30228185

I doubt any of them are member to Ina to use that as a weapon

>> No.30228186

Same here. This is not healthy, but I love it.

>> No.30228189
File: 64 KB, 210x180, 1603338496598.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I embrace the UNITY!

>> No.30228191

That's just the digest, it's quite a bit worse than that. If you think youtube comments are bad you have no idea what is happening in 5ch Sio anti-threads. They are really set on never allowing Sio to reincarnate and the whole thing is weaponized autism tier.

>> No.30228193

wasnt one of the gamedevs of this game in Mori's chat waaaay back when?

>> No.30228194

Moris imouto is playing Detroit if you wanna fill the time until the debut, moto ka wa ii

>> No.30228195
Quoted by: >>30229057

>3.4k likes 3.8k viewers
Man Polka is getting fucked by this bug

>> No.30228197

Chickenfags are pissed that the new girl is basically an improved version of their whore without all the baggage.

>> No.30228196

you can't fool me merchant

>> No.30228199

Help me out here, I'm listening to Ollie's debut again and I think this chick is unironically black? Like I've known a lot of energetic blacks that talk like her and I can't shake the fact that she might be an ebony queen. Not sure how to feel about this tbqh

>> No.30228200

These animations make me hate Mori less, and I don't like it, not one bit

>> No.30228202

The rrats is right after all.Shion feels threatened by new cunny..

>> No.30228204
Quoted by: >>30228295

I don't think you guys understand that Cover can't do anything. Everything the anti's are doing falls within a gray legal area.

>> No.30228205

Let me know when she starts contradicting herself like a liar would

>> No.30228207
Quoted by: >>30228236

isn't that shit licensed out to Nintendo? Why the fuck would that matter?

>> No.30228211

ganbatte anonchama

>> No.30228214

I am. The guitarist for this and Cadence of Hyrule popped up in her chat like he did for Korone's, which was nice.

>The Rogue-like is turn based


>> No.30228218

I have nothing to do until February of next year so I just gave in and let Ame take control

>> No.30228220

We will see on sunday.

>> No.30228221

>(for musedash permissions drama)
It wasn't even a drama. Haachama streamed Musedash and the publisher went full anal and got the whole game pulled from being streamed by anyone

>> No.30228223
File: 45 KB, 300x300, 1604183632543.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30228224
Quoted by: >>30228284

No, you have to conform to the asian bug mentality. The corporate overlords are your betters, you must show deference to them or be ostracised. pls andastand, special and unique culture worth protecting at all costs.

>> No.30228228
Quoted by: >>30228291

Reminders that's one obsessed guy that plan to ruin this mocca vtuber career by constantly posting drama about him here, he keeps posting in /trash/ about finding screenshots to post here https://desuarchive.org/trash/thread/34531227/#q34535055

>> No.30228230
File: 239 KB, 1009x1143, wp5118018.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't know yall niggas but I invested heavy in Cockcoin. There's strong evidence towards her being EFL and scuffed Mamako/Chiyo design can be a massive buff if she delivers on the voice department. Basically I'm all fucking set DESU

>> No.30228232
File: 17 KB, 480x360, peko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I get accepted into Nijisanji EN I will build a bridge of friendship and goodwill to the holos on my own terms, and promote and support them constantly in order to cause the nijif*gs to have an atomic level meltdown

I don't even care if I get graduated because of it. If the fire rises, then know it was me.

>> No.30228233
Quoted by: >>30228300

Anya already reaching 100k before the debut even starts. Fucking hell I'm not used to these numbers

>> No.30228234
File: 348 KB, 413x564, 1602912582342.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just keep pics of Youtube's response officially saying that yes shit is bugged on hand, to reply to basically any/all numberfags the next couple days.

If anything this could be a time to just shut off numberfags because nothing is accurate right now, but it would take a concerted effort to turn lemons into lemonade.

>> No.30228235

>going "YEAH THIS COULD BE FOR YOU!" It makes her look stupid.
Does it though?
This is the same woman who made a recorder store on amazon sell out of recorders because all her viewers brought them en masse after watching her play with one
Saying "you'd get a bunch of fucking sales if you'd let me play your game" is just an object truth

>> No.30228236

The squidling might get a pass but not sure about persona

>> No.30228237

Ame got striked on Osu anyway. So it’s not like she can get double striked

>> No.30228239
Quoted by: >>30228365

you're right, but that doesnt validate everything else mentioned in the post you replied to. Mori may be abrasive but her actions can not be seen as directly harmful in any way to Hololive

>> No.30228242

Iofi's black, so it's possible.

>> No.30228243

Trust in Friend.

>> No.30228246

Then find solace in the fact the guy who made that animation is a groomer, plus voiced the main basedface character in YIIK.

>> No.30228250
Quoted by: >>30228348

Nice work anon. Looking forward to playing the pre-alpha. Are you going to expand on it and make it a full fledged game or will it just a fun project to pick up every now and then?
Pretty sure he'd have to make it free, seeing as Cover owns the rights to the characters

>> No.30228253
File: 110 KB, 640x933, discord1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, the completely different and elevated discord chat

>> No.30228252

h-huh? I'm not that familiar with e-celebs

>> No.30228257

I dated a girl who sort of reminds me of Gura, but funnily enough the reason we broke up was because she was too much of a recluse. Maybe there are more girls like Gura out there, and we'll never meet them because they rarely talk to too many people.

>> No.30228258

It's merely a thing to keep in when you want to numberfag 4chan numbers.

>> No.30228263

They wanted to put the strongest english speaking out first, so people wouldn't be turned off due to ESL.

>> No.30228264
Quoted by: >>30228342

>No, don't fucking attack the nijichuuubas.
They literally fucking KILLED a Hololive member already you fucking cuck

>> No.30228270

Nijichink is banned word in Mori comment

>> No.30228273
Quoted by: >>30228695

I mean that vocaroo rrat news during the dead hours before guraina/Holotalk was genuinely the most I've laughed in a long time.
But that is literally impossible to "get" outside of this general, if it ever leaked outsiders would just see it as a string of random words

>> No.30228274

it might be an objective truth but at the end of the day its a shitpost stream. Alls well and good until someone takes the stream seriously. Which nijiniggers did it seems

>> No.30228276
File: 301 KB, 660x433, Amelia _ Paint It Black [sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fxti8ll.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30228335

these are my favorite posts honestly, got any more? we need to compile them.

>> No.30228278

She definitely isn't white

>> No.30228279
Quoted by: >>30228304

>speaks german as a mutterschprache
>mediocre art

>> No.30228282

Why are they using rrat instead of ogey?

>> No.30228283

Wrong, we didn't care about Iofi so why we worry about zombie?
Then again, no one cares about Iofi ...

>> No.30228284

I'm sure there are fresh all American vtuber groups that suit your mentality. You can discuss them over at /trash/.

>> No.30228285

I have nothing against her. She put some real effort in her debut.
The falseflaggers used her to shit on chicken as often as they can. They type like underage, overtly aggressive tryhards, but it still made the threads turn to shit for a while.

>> No.30228286
Quoted by: >>30228310

>there are discord niggers in this thread

>> No.30228287

>ESL Lamy
My wallet weeps, and it doesn't know why

>> No.30228291
Quoted by: >>30228344

Mocca's a piece of shit and should kill himself.

>> No.30228293

dangerously based

>> No.30228294

The design is fucking horrible, but can't expect much more from P*chi the sameface hack

>> No.30228295

They can at least help advise to stop shit happening in future. They probably understand antis and pitfalls better than Mori, or should.

>> No.30228297

There's a magnet link early in the thread if you still want to.

>> No.30228298

You literally can't buy P3 unless you still have a functioning PS3. Actually can a PS3 even access the store to buy old games still?

>> No.30228299
Quoted by: >>30228336

I recognize 2 or 3 from those that visits the threads

>> No.30228300

I remember when hololive gamers first came out. When fubuki hit 100K it was a huge fucking achievement that took her months to do. Now 100K or hell even 200k is just a given within a week or two.

>> No.30228304


>> No.30228307

Now you just need to take your meds, and your hate will go away completely

>> No.30228309

what in the everloving fuck is that

>> No.30228310

They're from /hlg/

>> No.30228315

'When you give someone a mask, you'll see their true face' - oscar wilde
Unless you're someone like Luna, it's almost impossible to keep up a facade and focus on a game for several hours at the same time.

>> No.30228318
Quoted by: >>30228340

Chicks with dicks come
Chicks with cocks come

>> No.30228320
File: 406 KB, 1000x1211, 1606277174803.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, KFP

>> No.30228322

Atlus knows 100% that they could make a switch port of P5R and make millions for extremely little effort and they don't do it. They clearly operate on some mentality that's above just sheer profits.

>> No.30228331

Literally no different to these threads

>> No.30228332

Fuck off

>> No.30228335
File: 415 KB, 1280x720, B7CC8B4E-D641-42A8-A923-4E6865FF5E3B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just Got back from dumpster diving Ame’s art tag.

>> No.30228336

Name 'em.

>> No.30228339

why wasn't I invited?

>> No.30228340

>not cum

>> No.30228342
Quoted by: >>30228386

It was the fans, not the chuubas you dumb nigger. Unless you're from the future where Matsuri killed herself after HSKW openly started dating Gundou or something.

>> No.30228344

wathever makes you happy man
that's still falling for that guy who's trying to use /jp/ as his personal army, pretty cringe

>> No.30228348

i'm using art and bgm that are not mine, ofcourse it'll be free. it's really intended to just be for this thread
just a fun project for this thread. intended to be a short but complete game

>> No.30228349
Quoted by: >>30228381

Let's settle this once and for all.


>> No.30228350

if anyone actually thinks this post is by a kiara fan, you're an idiot

>> No.30228351
File: 73 KB, 1024x701, 1605524404095.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The trend started on the hololive subreddit. You can find a lot of them there.

>> No.30228353
File: 165 KB, 708x1000, 1605413501354.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you frustrated

>> No.30228359
File: 89 KB, 1136x730, EoIkOPcUYAEvORp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

8k pedophile waiting for new cunny debut

>> No.30228360
File: 88 KB, 1242x689, EoE52m4XMAA5vht.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30228432

My personal favourite

>> No.30228362

Why does every generation seem to have a "Chaos Factor" holo?

>> No.30228365
Quoted by: >>30228627

If you never give a fuck about the consequences of your actions, you are bound to do something that will have a negative consequence sooner or later. I continue to believe that Mori's stubbornness will lead to a massive yabe incident equal to the Taiwan or Aloe incident if she continues to do whatever she wants without giving a single thought about the side effects of her decisions.

>> No.30228366

How exactly was Mori using that song illegally? Doesn't playing it backward and editing it make it alright, or would copyright still fuck her? Or is it really just antis trying to make a mountain out of a molehill?

>> No.30228369

Wasn't the latest Nocturne remake datamined and they found PC assets suggesting that there'll be an eventual PC port?

>> No.30228375
Quoted by: >>30228439

The meme evolved the most here, in reddit and discord it's pretty much a word where you spam so it's funny, like F or lmao

>> No.30228374
File: 150 KB, 700x324, FEB6020E-D1B9-4E69-B933-CD7AF8A73355.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30228378

Learning that FBK actually used to work selling eyeglasses makes her megane fetish more endearing.

>> No.30228381
Quoted by: >>30228465

Kiara copers will respond yellow.

>> No.30228384

reply to tryhard zoomers and they get a kick out of it. If you need to vent your frustration about the absolute state of the thread, just use the 'whats your opinion on ollie' posts and (you) them. Or answer with an ogey if you can't help yourself.

>> No.30228386
Quoted by: >>30228416

Who gives a shit, they chose to work for a company that cultivates such mentally ill antis

>> No.30228387
Quoted by: >>30228421

What's really fucking annoying about the entire thing with these anti's is the nijisanji livers do nothing but promote unity between them and Hololive.

>> No.30228391
File: 346 KB, 541x855, uhmm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like it's fine to me? And looking at the pic you've tagged, the OP stated that he feared that their post might get deleted because of karma

>> No.30228392

>chaos factor
The word you're looking for is "spontaneous".
Go back to wherever you came from, zoomer.

>> No.30228393
File: 1.89 MB, 600x300, 1sYEcMr[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30228398
Quoted by: >>30228425

They want a sacrificiable one in case something bad happens.

>> No.30228399

>Or is it really just antis trying to make a mountain out of a molehill?
Its just mentally ill Nijis trying to start shit, same as the JLPT streams.

>> No.30228403

You'd think Sega would force them to make smarter decisions since, you know, their company already went out of fucking business and had to be bought out to be rescued.

>> No.30228405
File: 315 KB, 2047x1152, 02C2FBD8-CAC0-4F65-A17A-30EAE41E359B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30228407
Quoted by: >>30228429

so many overlapping stream... I feel bad for cunny

>> No.30228408

Just by picture and name i can tell what shitposts are from them

>> No.30228410

Because it's entertaining

>> No.30228413

You'll get doxxed and killed by antis anon, don't do it.

>> No.30228416
Quoted by: >>30228453

Surprise, anonchama. Mentally ill antis are everywhere. >>30226576

>> No.30228417

I have forbidden knowledge yes I know it's bad, but I've heard a lot of the same stories.

>> No.30228422

>See commercial for giraffe girl Vtuber in English
>Ok ill check it out for all that extra effort
>Shes having a 1st anniversary stream
>Its 1 year and around 1K subs while getting like 20 viewers at a time

Man seeing how good Hololive girls got it really is mind-blowing. I bet its almost impossible to get any traction on your own

>> No.30228421

quite similar to /hlg/ then, HoloJP and HoloEN are fine with each other but those fucks will seethe everytime someone reminds them of Gura and Kiara's existence.

>> No.30228425
Quoted by: >>30228456

Yeah, Coco and Haachama totally got graduated, right?

>> No.30228428

It started here and at reddit at the same time, pretty sure who ever started it there was the same anon who started it here. The pregonitor

>> No.30228429

At least Matsuri moved forward an hour

>> No.30228431

Muh dick...

>> No.30228432
File: 2.39 MB, 1000x1000, 1607135549824.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

incredibly based

>> No.30228433

I think people were grasping at any straws they could to try to get the video suspended and copyright strikes are easy to abuse.

>> No.30228439
File: 120 KB, 275x264, 1591651334627.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30228446

>Getting overlapped by Pekora, Fubuki, Botan, Polka and Kanatach
>Shion is going to start streaming halfway through her debut
Annie Militia...

>> No.30228447

Sega doesn't wanna do shit to Atlus so that Atlus can keep churning out cash cows.

>> No.30228453
File: 255 KB, 515x474, 1602098388179.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30228513

What if the antis are just competitive holos trying to bash each other's reputations?

>> No.30228456

It wasn't bad enough.

>> No.30228457
File: 284 KB, 1059x600, 1607146563165.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30228499

>Sticky thread
>But not sticky yet

>> No.30228460

Streaming is a saturated market.

>> No.30228464
Quoted by: >>30228609


>> No.30228465

I don't even get why this dumb Kiara/Ollie tribalism started. I have a feeling Kiara and Ollie will wind up being good friends. Their personalities seem very compatible and Kiara seems like she'd like having an enthusiastic kouhai.

>> No.30228467
Quoted by: >>30228498

>Not Polka
She's Kelka after all

>> No.30228472
File: 12 KB, 520x88, thankjesas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30228502


>> No.30228473
File: 476 KB, 651x379, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meanwhile in FBK stream
Yes she's making baby noises

>> No.30228475

Clearly the deal they struck to buy them allowed Atlus to retain too much autonomy. SEGA is slowly forcing them to adapt though, having ATLUS port their games to PC.

>> No.30228474
Quoted by: >>30228516

Is there going to be a sticky

>> No.30228476
File: 369 KB, 851x1200, anya.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shirouchads... our time has come...

>> No.30228477
Quoted by: >>30228612

Hi, ya boi mori cantilope here. I'm gonna say UWOHHHHHHHHH on my next collab with Gura.

>> No.30228479
Quoted by: >>30228531

Did you fuckers not learn from Joseph posting? When you leak memes they become shit.

>> No.30228485
File: 271 KB, 1607x1080, BFEAE854-7F73-4F7F-B8F4-CD5D9C1336B0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.30228486
File: 757 KB, 691x541, 1605701905354.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys ready for another sticky in a few minutes?

>> No.30228488

>you know, their company already went out of fucking business and had to be bought out to be rescued.

That's wrong though, it was their parent company that went under because of fraud.

>> No.30228493

Flare is doing fine.

>> No.30228494

Pick one:
a) concernfriend
b) anti
There's no inbetween. Is there?

>> No.30228495

Friend is a baby.
>Friend is a baby
Friend is a baby.
>Friend is a baby

>> No.30228497
Quoted by: >>30228546

its already here


>> No.30228498

Someone post the Nene pasta

>> No.30228499
File: 676 KB, 1005x1080, 1605667922806.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Took me a few seconds

>> No.30228500

I really should have taken screenshots of Mori and Ame's streams today, the like/viewer ratio was ridiculous (Mori had 17k likes and 10k viewers at one point, for example). The bug is extremely obvious, even if Youtube hadn't confirmed it.

>> No.30228501

If they try to graduate Mori I will definitely go full anti

>> No.30228502
File: 301 KB, 1153x1149, JESAS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30229222


>> No.30228503
Quoted by: >>30228563

FBK Baby...

>> No.30228504


>> No.30228505
File: 143 KB, 1280x720, 【DEBUT STREAM】Unsheathed, but still asleep...【hololive Indonesia 2nd Generation】.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30228542

Starting... in 15 minutes.

>> No.30228510

Sadly, it's only gonna make numberfags go into overdrive.
The only thing that gets these people more riled up than big numbers is the shitposting they get to do when someone who should be getting high numbers, isn't.

>> No.30228512
File: 409 KB, 722x400, 1606649315546.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally Kiara has a wingman

>> No.30228511

That place feels like a family reunion, I hate it.

>> No.30228513
File: 349 KB, 450x356, 1606792812831.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know way too much, anon...

>> No.30228516


>> No.30228517
Quoted by: >>30228608

I fucking hate buying a new car. you got to go to the dealership and deal all with their fucking bullshit. It's almost impossible to find a private seller unless you're looking for something that's 10 years old so you basically have to go to them for anything over 2017.

I do like the Mazda 3 hatchbacks with the manual transmission. I've also looked at the Corolla hybrids.the Mazda 3 would be a much funner ride but the Corolla hybrid while boring gets some damn good gas mileage and is relatively inexpensive for what you get.

Thanks for reading my /o/ blogpost

>> No.30228518

Welcome to show business. This is why I don't really care for Mori in particular because there's plenty of more musicians and singers out there with better skillsets.

>> No.30228523

Has FBK ever screamed in a horror game before? Phasmophobia done jackshit to her. I want to hear how genuine terror does to her voice.

>> No.30228525

Gura play with her

>> No.30228526

Of course merchandise does have costs associated with it but it just seems to me people get fixated on the superchat number because it's the only one you can measure when in reality it's like a relatively small component of how these companies actually make money when you see one company making 4 times as much on two pieces of merch as they do in a month from superchat.

>> No.30228531
Quoted by: >>30228604

ogey rrat has been used outside these threads even before the split

>> No.30228534

Streaming is basically netflix at this point: unless you've got a lot of publicity or have an established name/brand you're going to get lost in the shuffle easily, regardless of how good you are.

>> No.30228538

New friends she got after HoloTalk must be loving it.

>> No.30228539

Cause they're the ones that appeal to ironic weebs and normies with low attention span the most desu.
>"Woah! That heckers cute doggo girl is really something! She's the best waifu! Haha x-potato!"
>"Oh man, I wonder what that crazy haachama is up to today? Hope she isn't cooking anything weird!!!"
>"Haha Coco is so raw man! She' soooo un-idol like with all her swearing! Man she's such a character"
Theres nothing wrong with it, but that's just how it is. Most people found out about Hololive through clips made by these holos specifically. Its their job to bring people in.

>> No.30228542


>> No.30228546

Kill thread
Shark or sword

>> No.30228549

Anyone saying Ollie is going to trash Kiara doesn't care about Ollie.
Anyone saying Kiara trashes Ollie doesn't care about Kiara.
It's just numbers and getting people angry

>> No.30228551

yeah, its called "not being in a parasocial relationship"

>> No.30228553

Yes, and quality doesn't matter, only clout.
t. indie streamer who knows some incredibly high quality EN and JP chuubas who are doomed to being small time because they don't play the clout game or befriend the twitter/twitch mafia

>> No.30228555
Quoted by: >>30228686

Clown really just does love to sing, doesn't she?

>> No.30228556

Project Wingman permissions onegai....

>> No.30228558

>click on her stream
>it's just her crying

>> No.30228563
Quoted by: >>30228740

Anyone with an infantilization fetish get the fuck in here, she's VERY convincing

>> No.30228570
Quoted by: >>30228871


Yeah I just hope the whole thing is working at least a little bit. Sure not everyone gets to be a million subs but it would be nice if there was a good way to shine a spotlight on the giant crowd of them out there

>> No.30228572
Quoted by: >>30228656


>> No.30228573
Quoted by: >>30228659

I think Kiara needs a MOTIVATED holo for a collab to unleash her full potential(Ollie maybe too). We saw a a glimpse of it with Subaru, but the Japanese filters too many viewers.

>> No.30228575
File: 118 KB, 1200x1020, Ekb8GuMVkAciJ_f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30228638


>> No.30228578


>> No.30228579

>DCS F-14
Holy based.

>> No.30228584
Quoted by: >>30228623

Did YT live viewers bug finally fixed?

>> No.30228590

schizos and rrats

theyre beyond us

>> No.30228594
Quoted by: >>30228708

Those who survive a long time on the chuuba agency starts to feel they're invincible, I bet you do too deadbeat.

>> No.30228597

Remember all those shit election memes of X politician will make anime real? Cover did it. Hololive is real time anime.

>> No.30228601

They probably will but there's no convincin some people, sadly.

>> No.30228602
File: 46 KB, 540x540, 69069009_p0_square1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All in on Kris coin!

>> No.30228604

I saw it on screen at least 3 times during Ollies post debut stream. Theirs way more non subtle shit now.

>> No.30228609

Yeah, that's referring to the analytics page. Unless you have access to their youtube account and want to look at their analytics, it means fuck all.

>> No.30228608
Quoted by: >>30228772

Just buy a Miata. They're the BEST

>> No.30228612

based if true

>> No.30228619

Oh fuck project wingman finally came out? COVER ONEGAI

>> No.30228620

her hairline freaks me out

>> No.30228623

Based from streams earlier, most likely not yet.

>> No.30228624

Because it's not really from 5ch, it's from NND nijiniggers see


>> No.30228625
File: 823 KB, 761x1023, 1607109711340.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.30228626
Quoted by: >>30228706


>> No.30228627

>If you never give a fuck about the consequences of your actions, you are bound to do something that will have a negative consequence sooner or later. I continue to believe that Mori's stubbornness will lead to a massive yabe incident equal to the Taiwan or Aloe incident if she continues to do whatever she wants without giving a single thought about the side effects of her decisions.
This desu. It's also why I really hope Atlus doesn't cave; she'll think she's invincible and can get anything she wants if she throws enough of a tantrum.

>> No.30228628


>> No.30228637

>ollie gets separate post, gets stickied
>anya gets separate post, gets removed
What's the narrative

>> No.30228638
File: 3.68 MB, 232x227, 1602020703634.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30228646

I wonder if Mori is getting grilled by her manager as we speak

>> No.30228647

the devil herself...

>> No.30228654
File: 136 KB, 1440x1088, 1603127350944.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30228658

Go post about it in /agdg/, maybe you'll get noticed.

>> No.30228656

This is great, thanks anon

>> No.30228659

>Needs a high power Holo to unleash full potential
>Only Holo that is high power and can speak English is Coco
Well shit.

>> No.30228661

Recommend me one

>> No.30228669

Just like anything in real life, connection beat everything even talents and hardwork

>> No.30228671

I don't think they can ever beat teacucks gosling in how obnoxious they are

>> No.30228674

The stream was 20 minutes away when it was created

>> No.30228683

Narrative is that there's a new sticky and here it is

>> No.30228686
Quoted by: >>30228805

Korone was making up all sorts of songs when she was playing Cadance as well. Something about having that beat constantly going just brings out that urge to make music.

Even despite the whole pixel rpg/music theme, I'd want Mori to play it just to see what she comes up with on the fly.

>> No.30228688
File: 377 KB, 611x814, 1604599043702.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What am I being reminded of?

>> No.30228694

>This Polka improv song

>> No.30228695
Quoted by: >>30228812

rrat news?

>> No.30228698

Polka is really enjoying this game.

>> No.30228702

Debut >>30228621

>> No.30228706
File: 142 KB, 704x750, 1606828753240.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30228733

Owned, IMO.

>> No.30228707
File: 471 KB, 3000x3250, watson22frames.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gremlin frames for those who missed it

>> No.30228708


>> No.30228725

>Thread already filled with UOOOOHHHHHHHH's
Not sure what I was expecting instead.

>> No.30228727
File: 15 KB, 227x222, 1606886748498.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30228974

Am I still allowed to post ogey?

>> No.30228733

OP of the deleted thread here. I'm malding so hard right now

>> No.30228740
File: 588 KB, 691x691, 1600837727673.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Already there from start

>> No.30228743

>antis trying to make a mountain out of a molehill?
This is what happened
They were mass reporting the video to youtube, Cover, and Atlus so it just got privated before anything bad happened

>> No.30228747

I hope Ollie plays this game.

>> No.30228755
File: 1.80 MB, 2000x1331, TimesFriend.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Had to make this after Fubuki mentioned she wants to be on Times Square last night.

>> No.30228757
File: 1.16 MB, 2718x2000, 1607172820126.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah right? just like how these holos leave their roommate information out in the internet for people to dig through, you fucking retard

>> No.30228765

Poruka owaruka

>> No.30228766

I'm really enjoying Polka enjoying the game.

>> No.30228768
File: 2.77 MB, 426x240, [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Ffhl31b.mp3].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.30228772

For a weekend car sure but those miatas are really uncomfortable for daily commutes to work. Not to mention they have like fuck all when it comes to room.

>> No.30228771

Stay in your thread faggot

>> No.30228773

what was the rrat??

>> No.30228782
Quoted by: >>30228844

They only reason I'm not part of Lamy or Rushia's cults is because they are mostly just cute sounds to me. I can't understand the full spell. I fear what an ESL with a light accent version of them could do to me.

>> No.30228792

Fuck off nijinigger

>> No.30228794

They finally made it bros

>> No.30228799

Fubuki needs one womb cum to get baby

>> No.30228800

Chumbuds, your oshi is about to become irrelevant. Are you ready?

>> No.30228804
File: 19 KB, 239x239, 1607170510070.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uhhhh, explain this sharkfags????

>> No.30228805
Quoted by: >>30228892

Guess it comes from being a natural entertainer then, though I feel like Mori would be too focused on the gameplay to spare brainpower on singing.

>> No.30228808
Quoted by: >>30228898

Just kill thread already >>30228621

>> No.30228811
File: 1.29 MB, 1200x1055, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30228859


>> No.30228812

It had many things going for it. Was hilarious, well thought out and was posted as people were starved for a quality thread.

>> No.30228825
Quoted by: >>30228888

>people got butthurt over Ollie spouting some memes
>but this is totally different and completely fine

>> No.30228830

I cant stop watching Ame's asmr video, I really love Ame

>> No.30228833


>> No.30228844

sleepy ayunda almost broke me
the danger is real

>> No.30228849
Quoted by: >>30228956

>Polka's stream just now had 4.7k likes and 4.8k max viewers
Yeah nah, this shit is 100% bugged

>> No.30228851


>> No.30228852

it's not like Haachama and Coco didn't get approved to do the stream where they displayed Taiwan

>> No.30228859
Quoted by: >>30228955

Not big enough but

>> No.30228861
File: 2.17 MB, 1920x1080, 9a6bc65f-23d6-455f-ac26-2689e64401f7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fubuki promoting new ID girl and ending her stream before Anya's debut

she's so perfect bros

>> No.30228864

>broken numbers
Are we really gonna have to explain it all over again?

>> No.30228871

Totally agree, but it's everywhere in entertainment.
Just not enough eyeballs and hours in the day, particularly when your competition is something like hololive is available to everyone for free anyway. I can't even follow more then two holos.
It's why the numberfagging that goes on here is so sad, they're completely missing what low numbers really look like.

>> No.30228875

Ame fucks up her sleep schedule nearly as much as Kiara and Ina

>> No.30228876

I thought people don't like oppai loli?

>> No.30228885

I want the timeline where I can see a giant distorted Pekora face in times square

>> No.30228886

>your oshi
>how much did you invest in keriscoin

>> No.30228888


>> No.30228890
File: 327 KB, 741x757, 1606248939801.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We aren't numberfags so fuck off

>> No.30228892
Quoted by: >>30229138

We did get the toilet seat rap from the 'bad dad' game.

>> No.30228898

stay in your /v/ sticky I like /hlgg/

>> No.30228899

You thought wrong.

>> No.30228901

Kill the thread
>Your favorite indog holo
>Your breakfast cravings this morning

>> No.30228903
File: 347 KB, 1840x1700, EoXyopyVEAIWvz2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She just spent half a stream rapping about fucking bread, she knows she's a retard and she knows that me knowing she's a retard is part of why I love her stupid ass so much. She's MY retard.

>> No.30228911

That is the power of the timeloop

>> No.30228914


Go back to your thread and stop using our images, dogfucker

>> No.30228927

might as well practice my UOHs right now in preparation for RFA later

>> No.30228929

Polka ended hers too. And Shion postponed her stream by 30 minutes.

>> No.30228940

based mother faq

>> No.30228943

Buying cautiously for now

>> No.30228944


>> No.30228956

It's off because she got her normal numbers?

>> No.30228955

These two things can't coexist

>> No.30228958

Pekora not even 10k now LMAO

>> No.30228959

>100K before even streaming
She's faster than Ollie

>> No.30228964

J*st w*k* *p, how bad were the threads during Ame's stream last night?

>> No.30228968

>100k subs already
Yeah, we hype.

>> No.30228970

pedos couldn't care less about what kind of tumor is attached to cunny

>> No.30228974

Nope, it's fucking dead

>> No.30228975

stfu and do your archive reps

>> No.30228976

>100k subs already
Is this the Ollie boost?

>> No.30228978

This was from the Ame asmr stream when she was talking about the dead rat

>> No.30228980

Good, more Gura for me

>> No.30228982

>Dog streaming Gynoug
Im sorry cunnymuslim.

>> No.30228985
File: 271 KB, 608x559, FBK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love my friend!
My friend is always thinking about the other girls!

>> No.30228988

>Iofi, I like underdogs
>Ham and cheese omelette

>> No.30228989
File: 4 KB, 279x223, 1599937338867.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't have one
I'm eating ramen

>> No.30228990

She's a good friend...

>> No.30228991
File: 2.95 MB, 2894x4093, 1604748026297.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I expect nothing less from her.

>> No.30229000

> Ame
> none

>> No.30228999

You have no fucking idea

>> No.30229005

Is Rushia the lewdest vtuber of all time?

>> No.30229008

thread abayo

>> No.30229012
File: 603 KB, 1360x1080, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Teamup anon, please, could you add this to the schedule. She's a honorary EN.

>> No.30229010

1:2 image to post ratio

>> No.30229011

Youtube's been buggy over numbers all day, we're in timeloop mode over this already. This has affected holos and nijis alike.

>> No.30229019
File: 518 KB, 456x639, Uncharted watson.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.30229020

breakfast burrito

>> No.30229027
Quoted by: >>30229144

Bros, is it normal to gosling over a clown?

>> No.30229032

I've been up since 1 AM (it's 8 now)

>> No.30229042

Are you pretending to be retarded?

>> No.30229051


>> No.30229052

Honestly, yeah
The indie vtuber sphere is kindof a small tight knit community, it's quite easy to spot who went dark and then guess from there.

Non vtuber streamers don't really appeal to the holo demographic, they usually play normie tier games such as mobile MOBAs or the mobile version of free fire (a battle royale shooter)

>> No.30229054

Images ran out before like 800 posts. But as soon as the stream was over it became calm and Ina had a very comfy Smash members stream.

>> No.30229055
Quoted by: >>30229212

I was curious, so I looked it up. You can get an ad for a day for ~5grand, probably much less right now with everyone being stuck inside. FBK could probably cover that cost with just the revenue from the stream announcing that they're going to do it.

>> No.30229057

I'm pretty sure that they all know of it at this point, they have too many datapoints to not talk about it on their discord

>> No.30229061
File: 1.96 MB, 1500x2000, 1606519991915.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30229062

you wish

>> No.30229067


>> No.30229072

>Kanata ending her stream early so we can catch Anya's debut
A true angel. Not like that backstabbing kusogaki Shion

>> No.30229079

I want you to picture this anon.

It's a dark time for /hlgg/, the thread has been in a rage ever since the Ollie debut, with schizos and tourists shitposting constantly to stir up shit in the thread. They manage to derail almost the whole holotalk thread with anti posts. IPs are constantly reaching 400+ each thread as more and more shitposters get attracted to the blood in the water.

They have fun during the dead hours and continue their fight against people trying to post unity. Then they see it, the next stream, Amelia is returning from her 2 day break. This is the perfect target for them, if they can ruin these threads then so many people will abandon /hlgg/ all together and there will be nothing but ruin left.

It's 5 minutes before the stream. They know that Goslings will want to post about their pain so they spam images so that the goslings can't post any pictures. The image limit fills up with 500 posts left in the thread. The schizos have made their first strike, they have the advantage.

But what's this? Amelia has delayed her stream by 5 minutes. The schizos didn't account for Amelia being a lazy bum! The Goslings see their chance and spam posts until the thread dies. They make it just in time and a new thread starts just as the stream kicks off. The Goslings start flooding out of the gate as they realize that Ame is a lot cuter than usual today. The schizos aren't done yet though as they start spamming images too. The thread is an absolute battlefield as image slots are being taken up left and right. The thread hits image limit in only 500 posts. But this isn't the end for the Goslings, Ame is acting too cute for them to give up. They blast through the thread in record time, deleting old images so that new goslings can be posted.

This continues for 3 whole threads. The schizos are done. It's been an hour and despite their best efforts to doxxpost and derail the thread, everyone is talking about Ame. The last of the schizos get cleaned up as sharkmeido arrives and bans anyone complaining about Gosling spam.

The thread is calm just in time for a wholesome Ina stream where takodachis can enjoy the peace created through the effort of countless Goslings

>> No.30229094


>> No.30229096


>> No.30229098

Risu, I guess
Ovaltine with a banana and a spoonful of peanut butter. ALSO a tin of peanut satay tuna

>> No.30229101

bread with tomatoes, pepeloni, cheese and bacon. I'm a simple anon.

>> No.30229103

90 post a min. 300 images used with like 800 posts left, how do you think?

>> No.30229105
File: 46 KB, 635x679, WsMHss0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30229112

If I encountered a group of people who would do nothing but praise me I would think that there is something seriously wrong with their heads.

>> No.30229120

It wasn't supposed to be like this! I wanted more lolis, but I didn't understand how territorial they are.

>> No.30229123
Quoted by: >>30229258

We gonna need a new thread

>> No.30229124

goslings so fast no one had the chance to doxx or throw shit at each other

>> No.30229137

Risu and Ollie
A fucking McDonald's hashbrown

>> No.30229138

Yea, that was a game where nothing was going to happen unless she made it happen, though.

>> No.30229143


>> No.30229146

I already ate a huge fucking kebab kill me jesas

>> No.30229144
File: 1.33 MB, 800x1037, 1604668512411.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its only natural

>> No.30229147

My existance is fueled by coffee and a vague sense of purpose

>> No.30229165


>> No.30229174

Welcome to the timeloop

>> No.30229182
Quoted by: >>30229346

Full English

>> No.30229184


>> No.30229193

In short? /hlgg/ beat /v/ for number of posts per minute. It was that good

>> No.30229201

The sticky is the newfag/dogfucker honeypot

>> No.30229206

Watch her Visage play through, Fubuki does get genuinely terrified at times:

>> No.30229212

I'm sure the 4chan ad anons spent more for ads here

>> No.30229213

Anya's pinned chat messages is all in indo. I'm scared EOP bros.

>> No.30229218


>> No.30229222

Was hoping someone would make this edit.

>> No.30229223


>> No.30229225
Quoted by: >>30229284

topsis is on at the same time

>> No.30229227

I'm all in on zombiecoin, and I don't think I'm going to regret that purchase.

>> No.30229237


>> No.30229241
Quoted by: >>30229270

Is she copying Gura?

>> No.30229256

oH. And a flaxseed muffin

>> No.30229258


>> No.30229262
Quoted by: >>30229382

Holy shit are you me?

>> No.30229270

she sleb, pls andastand

>> No.30229278

Reine first sentence in her description is as well...
I don't feel so good

>> No.30229283
File: 538 KB, 1546x380, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Real shitty
Literally let 2~3 /hlgg/ threads existed at the same time, and even when someone tried to create a tread to actually try to discuss mori stream that was going at the same time, it got deleted, while the gosling spam threads were left open
Just non stop spamming of that guy picture for 1h, proving themselves to be the subhumans they were as usual

>> No.30229284

Sorry, I need my undivided attention.

>> No.30229302


>> No.30229334

inb4 15 minutes late

>> No.30229336


>> No.30229346
Quoted by: >>30229424


>> No.30229350


>> No.30229361


>> No.30229366

should be moved to /trash/ next time honnestly, talk about ruining the board with random spam and thinking that's cool

>> No.30229368

It's just the "remember to be polite" text, since indos are notoriously rules illiterate

t. indo

>> No.30229370

thread SHI NE

>> No.30229371

meidos already approve it so fuck off

>> No.30229382


>> No.30229397


>> No.30229420

Get in here.

>> No.30229422
File: 201 KB, 1125x1500, 1607140080949.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is a picture of Amelia Watson.

>> No.30229424

I j*st w*k* *p anon. My eyes skimmed through the post.

>> No.30229425

Jesus fucking Christ, man. That's all you need to know

>> No.30229443

>copying Gura

>> No.30229449


>> No.30229451

The stream was fantastic. Ame fucking killed it. Thread was funny as fuck

>> No.30229455


>> No.30229469

I hope Meido was just asleep and not actually approving this embarassing shit

>> No.30229470
File: 353 KB, 2143x2133, 1587104510808.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love you, Gura!

>> No.30229471


>> No.30229472
File: 77 KB, 211x215, 1605666729409.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw it's an epic "I overslept" joke

>> No.30229483

None. Zombiecoin is the only ID2 worth anything.

>> No.30229489

