Mori love.
ATTENTIONMori farted while streaming and the audio of the fart was captured by her microphone and heard by all attendees of her stream.
Follow the Reaper
>Gura tries to make you a peanut butter burger>she messes up, burning the meat and the peanut butter>she shows you the burnt peanut butter burger>"I-it's okay if you don't want to eat it, anon">Gura about to cry as she says thisWould you eat it?
I love my cringe drunk aunt
Fuck poorfags
Ban the schizos.
there are you are, sunshine!
Why do you hate Kiara so much? Her antis are the most open, wishing for her to graduate and even to die openly on twitter.
I love Kiara!
Should I join into the membershrimps, bros? Or wait next week?
>>27349332>VPN ARSfagstruly a blight
>>27349337>leading thread with twitterfaggotryPlease fuck off.
This is a picture of the actual R.RAT. Have a nice day, everyone.
>>27349337Because people who hate Kiara are all unironically autistic.
I hope Watchama is doing okay and I sincerely hope that cuckposters and falseflaggers are banned and/or killed.
>>27349336god I hope she says this during her ASMR
>>27349337because they're poor and need to vent somewhere
>>27349329I force the burger down her throat, pushing it into her mouth in a single piece by punching her.
Serious question
I wish kiara had a schedule but I understand why she doesn't. I'm glad she can still collab with mori
:3 Reminder that Gawr wants you to hydrate to survive! We can't be Chumbuddies if you're dead! :3:3
>>27349337I don't. I instinctively hate watchama. Maybe it's because she's so twitch.I'm just disappointed in shitbird, that's all.
>>27349226Holo kek
>>27349184Why are you dragging Amelia into this?All the EN are doing fine in supachats, even Ina who tells her fan to not donate, it's been 24 days.Fucking numberfag tribalist.
>>27349337This was already posted on the previous thread. No need too pity bait for her, even she asked r*ddit to stop..t.Chickenfag
You don't have to like all the Holos. But don't be an Anti. You can criticize Holos, say what you don't like, say what you wish they'd change. But don't be an Anti.
Reminder that Amelia is a STINKY and SMELLY girl who goes WEEKS without showering and probably wears the same underwear for days at a time
>>27349343God I’m gonna fucking CHUM
>>27349365Ame will be alright, this thread is another matter.
>>27349383Who could compete with the 5 feet scythe?
>>27349337Nah I only hate Watson. Chicken is alright.
>>27349337>Why do youbut I don't.People pick on her because they see her as an easy target and she actually responds.Everyone else just ignores the antis, just report those accounts for harassment
Alright. I thought about having a /hlgg/ Minecraft server, but I realized I have to babysit it to hell and back. Unless you guys are fine with schizos and SEA faggots, I think I'll drop the idea for now.
I was gone all day yesterday, any major happenings or just regular narrative posting?
Hypothetically speaking, what would be the best way to become Ame's bf? I feel comfortable in my ability to steal her away from someone else, if that helps.Would becoming HolostarEN really help?
>>27349398Or just be an Anti. Who cares. Shut the fuck up.
Is 5ch dumpster diver still here? They can't possibly still be taking about China, can they?
>>27349400The forbidden image...
Who will be the next EN to schedule a JP/ID/CN collab!?Can the first 100 posts of this thread at least be decent?
>>273493669000 years old is the preferred age
Ignore schizos, ignore tribalistic bait, try to leave threads during dead hours and have fun doing something else. Love your chuuba.
Who are the biggest degenerates, people who want to breed Watson or people who want to breed with Gura?
>>27349420Don't be scared. Be brave.
>>27349424Please stop, my fishing rod has had enough.
>>27349337Because she's a gigastacy and nerds feel like she's "invading" their weeb space. This is the only reason. After collab ban is over she'll mog everyone with her interpersonal skills.
>>27349398The thing is tourists don't know what the word Anti means. Right now, low IQ /v/ermin like >>27349434 think it just means anyone who doesn't make positive posts constantly about the holos.
>>27349420it's a bad idea unless you have a good moderation team already in place.
>poorfag fanbase>discord leak twice on stream>doxed>old accounts deleted>misses collabWhat will be next on Amelia's list of calamities?
>>OP>>27349343>>27349424IM CHUUUUUUUUMMING
>>27349429>@Oishi_dayoYou can't make this shit up.
love all ENsNOW!
Name ONE (1) good reason I should like this skank
>>27349337Let's leave this shit in the last thread ok.I just want to enjoy my chicken fraulein without drama.
>>27349366>>27349429Pikamee and Kiara should really collab to fawn over lolis.
Given that we are soon to be in winter will we get comfy winter fan art of the girls in big coats?
No fucking wonder this thread is such a shithole.The SEAnigger that tweeted the coupon to Amelia posted this link.
Fubuki: 916,000 subscribers = 84,000 to 1 million3000-3999 daily subscribers = 28-21 days to 1 millionKorone: 889,000 subscribers = 111,000 to 1 millionKorone needs about 1.33x (4000-5400) Fubuki's daily subscribers to beat her to 1 million4000-4999 daily subscribers = 28-23 days to 1 millionGura: 696,000 subscribers = 304,000 to 1 millionGura needs about 3.62x (11000-14000) Fubuki's daily subscribers to beat her to 1 millionGura needs about 2.74x (11000-14000) Korone's daily subscribers to beat her to 1 million18000-18999 daily subscribers = 17 days to 1 millionIn other words. Gura is winning.
>>27349409Is she forcing the hand on or off?
>>27349425Very cute.
>>27349457This, we failed to gatekeep.
>>27349476this is a faggot from /hlg/ btw
>>27349400delete this right now
>>27349456this is bait
>>27349396you fight schizos by schizoposting
>>27349329No, eating burned food isn't healthy. Instead we should go back to kitchen and a cook a fresh one together so we can share it.
>>27349329im 99% sure a peanut butter burger is exactly something gura would eat
Amelia is a national treasure and must be protected
>>27349467skanks are typically well experienced
>>27349453>my fishing rod has had enoughAre you a bait poster?
Dead hours really bring out the worst in us huh.
>>27349503She said it on stream nigga
>>27349434>we have come upon days where people think it's a okay to be an antiWhat happened to when antis were universally hated?
>>27349480On, and when you try to pull off she forces you to keep it there.
>>27349494Wouldn't surprise me in the slightest
>>27349501Sharing Amelia with all my /hlgg/ bros!
>>27349430Men are weighed competitively based on looks, wealth, social status, social circle, charm and humor.If you can mog another male hard enough then you can take their girl, all women instinctively chase better men.Amelia's not real she's a twitch streamer acting as a virtual youtuber. There are plenty of gamer girls that you could meet if you self-improved and made an effort but you're here shitposting on 4chan.
Will there ever be anything to top Guras karaoke stream? Everything about it was pure fucking kino and I don't think there's much that could live up to it
Ok, I'll newfag this, because fuck it.Does anyone have a link to Kiara's Roomate twitch/youtube?
>>27349456She's the only one with a confirmed HoloJP collab right? I hope her move is done by that time. She will seem quiet next to big-voice Subaru.
>>27349467It's easy to see the appeal when you're not wading through other countries' garbage every day.
>>27349337>collabs with the other members>reee leechbaitWhoa, she's actually getting salty butthurt fags on social media. That's nice for her, it's a stepping stone, really.
>>27349516>one /v/irgin is everyoneGo back with that faggot
>>27349516SEAniggers and people who literally don't take their meds happened
Anyone else think Ina is like, really boring? What's the appeal?
>>27349503We know, we heard her say it.
>>27349496He speaks the truth.
>>27349531Abayo retard
>>27349467Gremlin noises and can actually play games
>>27349543You're an anti.
>>27349422All the seanigs that got banned are back since yesterday so the thread quality has nosedived
>>27349499You ignore schizoposts you don't schizopost back.
>>27349531Fuck off doxfag.
>>27349329I would ask for more.
>>27349531Doxfagging is a bannable offense.
>>27349476Slightly off-topic, but why is it that for nearly any fandom with a SEA fanbase they always use thse dumb facebook groups?
It's been 2 weeks and I still don't understand why Hololive EN worked. I fucking hate dubs. I hate cringe. I hate "so bad it's good" shit. I thought this was going to be a massive failure, something to be cut off like ID CN or Holostars. I always said NON FEMALE NON JP HOLOS ARE NOT IMPORTANT. But the EN Holos are important. How did this happen?
>>27349467Because you'll upset all the "just be a decent human being for once sweetie" twitter faggots that dominate these threads if you don't.
>>27349530The next karaoke stream, acoustic campfire singalong.
>>27349530Christmas karaoke, maybe ASMR depending on what she does
>>27349531Not only a doxxfag but a massive retard as well, sasuga
>>27349523Thank you friend. And where mayhaps would I found these gamer girls?
>>27349531I hope your ban is perma
>>27349523>muh self improvementI fucking hate this meme. There is no self improvement. You're either born a chad or not.
>>27349543>What's the appeal?humu humu
>>27349543not an inafag but her streams are great when you just want to chillax
Why does google even accept ARS?also does google have to cover the conversion cost?i.e. if someone pays 50 ARS for a 4.99 USD sub does google have to deduct the 4.99 USD or do they only deduct .65 USD so the streamer only gets 20 cents USD?Either way I feel like this is just screwing the girls over.
Well this thread is off to a great start
>>27349531Fuck off. anon... I'll let you kiss me if you promise not to fall in love with me
>>27349543So chill everything she does is asmr. You put her on as a sleep aid. It's free engagement.
>>27349475thanks stats number anon
>>27349337I tried removing the line around the mouth
>>27349430>what would be the best way to become Ame's bf?Donate all of your money to youtube and cover.
>>27349530Christmas karaoke is going to result in gosling genocide.
>>27349337>account has been terminatedOH NO NO NO
>>27349531The link is in the bottom-right of this webm
>>27349531*punches you in the face*
>>27349425Kek, I guess they are.
>>27349516It's like>>27349457says. There's a difference between criticism or even mild funposting and harassing holos on twitter and these people can't tell
>>27349346Be her 4chan valentine
>>27349586spotted the incel
>>27346899>>27346937Fuck off birdkuns
>>27349599Looks like candy corn
>>27349531Meidos this guy right here!
>>27349571SEA is obsessed with facebook specifically for some reason, almost as much as Mexicans.
>>27349571Wouldn't be able to tell you, to be honest. I haven't touched that shitty website since 2011.
>>27349337>hey look mom, I insulted an vtuber, I'm a big boy now.
I didn't expect much from this thread but it's immediately one of the worst we've had.
>>27349386Have you moved on from gfl yet familyposter? are you now stuck in hololive hole now?
>>27349530Only thing to stack up will be more gura karaoke streams
Ok, which one of you fags did this?
>>27349543Stop posting my wife you, falseflagging double nigger
>>27349576Go back.
>>27349499nah you start narrative posting and webm baiting
>>27349554I'm starting to believe this narrative, it's been a constant wave of shit since.
>>27349586Yeah, being a chad is having the mentality of improving yourself. Which is why you will never be one.
>>27349599Fuck wrong person, 大草>>27349366
>>27349571They're third world countries, probably still stuck in 2005
Who has the biggest SEA fanbase and why is it pic related?
>>27349574>I fucking hate dubs. I hate cringe. I hate "so bad it's good" shitSo do I. Which is why I don't watch Kiara nor Mori.
>>27349574I can't speak for the rest of your post but dubs are shit because the industry is filled with retards who failed to make it as actors/actresses in Hollywood. They never wanted to be VAs and it shows by their phoned-in performances.ENs are giving it their all and trying their best, that's the difference. Earnestness counts for a lot.
>>27349607It wasn't.
>>27349645Oh that's nice.
>>27349626Amelia stop being such a whore
>>27349626based, dabbing on idolcels
>>27349663Same reason Rushia attracted all the SEAnigs.
>>27349430Hang around hololive discords with a sfw avatar, befriend the hololive managers, become an hololive contributor or community moderator... be creative and you will eventually get there if you are dedicated enough.
>>27349618>>27349626Is this pottery?
>>27349649Go back.
When is the arcade date stream and the muse dash one starting? Can't into timezones
>>27349642multitasking to make sure all peoples are hydrated
>>27349543here anon this image will explain everything about why Ina is great
>>27349584Fuck I meant "find" ah whatever
Just watched the collab, can someone explain to me why Kiara didn't take 15 minutes before the stream to learn the game she was hosting? Gura even tells her to do the tutorial, but she said no then complains later she doesn't know how to play?
>>27349530Gura's Members only Campfire Karaoke
>>27349653Boy I sure can improve my manlet status and my permanent scars on my face
>>27349690Use google you massive retard??
>>27349682Did she really? That's too funny.
>>27349645Also, look at the tags
>>27349590imagine not being in bottom right
>>27349586It's possible. Depends on how badly you want it and it requires a kind of stubbornness that doomers don't have.
>>27349704Nowadays you can find them in Among US public games.
>>27349675I mean...he is right about everything.
>>27349531Nurse! We need this patient restrained!
Damn she's really trying to rip of Gura huh. What are the chances of her doing an "a" in her debut?
>>27349456Kiara is like two characters from one of those old American highschool movies at once, she's like if the MC that was always a giga nerd insecure girl and her rival stacy from the cheerleading team did that Dragonball fusion dance.
>>27349675Those are sound criticism. Too bad the kiara fandom have thin skin.
Live again is a very good song!
>>27349543That's the appeal, if you know how to capitalize on itt. plays her streams when going to bed
>>27349586What is a chad? Is it the man with the biggest muscles? The biggest wallet? The kindest words? Or is it the man who is willing to change to be happy? Find your inner Chad anon.
>>27349714Paywalled Country Roads and Cups
>>27349460Smoe man screaming at her on stream.
>>27349687Sorry, this isn't /b/.
>>27349675Dang this dude is an actual chicken-anti.
>>27349687Go back.
>>27349742nobody will care honestly
>>27349574For all their issues, Cover is god-tier when it comes to finding talent. If you put the right person in the right place, they'll do the job and do it well, no matter what the job is. It's just good talent.
>>27349725In one of her VODs she hearted a bunch of comments shitting on flips.
>>27349675The return of Discord Tranny
>>27349711Everyone's getting suck of her shit at this point.
>>27349743Sound criticism, but delivered like an asshole.
>>27349688There are official hololive discord(s)? I thought it was all fan stuff
>>27349719Self improvement is just protestantism, assholes justifying getting dealt a lucky hand as some sort of mark of high-moral character
>>27349711She either thought it would be funny to watch her fumble with the game in real-time, or she thought that the game itself didn't actually matter and what mattered was banter. Pick whichever suits your narrative.
>>27349675it will be
>>27349742To be wouldn't hurt. Being an uppity knockoff with moxie is a gimmick in and of itself. Maybe she'll even become hololive in the future.
>>27349742Nobody cares.
>>27349726>can rest tonight but the 3 nights after I want to be up pretty much all the way from 10pm to 6amwhat am I doing with my life man, damn holos
>>27349781you can say it's tough love
>>27349746Dead Beats for when I'm high energy, Live Again for when I'm powering down.
well well wel.Looks like deadbraps and whiteknights are getting uppity again
>>27349742shut up retard anon i want more shork girls and i want them to collab
made a coupon so you guys can fuck off
>>27349767Not him but idenpendent Vtubers have gotten a boost lately. No idea why but I want to believe it's because of HoloEN. Like triple the numbers and shit. Even holostars are having double their regular numbers with Roberu consistently getting 1.5k even during HoloEN prime time.
>>27349752>What is a chad? Is it the man with the biggest muscles? The biggest wallet?Yes
>>27349586You have to be 18 to post here.
>>27349824Amelia's boyfriend is black.
>>27349645<span class="sjis"> Save me niggerman![/spoiler]
>>OP>2000 hours on DBDWhat did she mean by this? That's 3 times my CSGO play time and I thought I had a big problem.
>>27349476>my stupid coupons are now trapped on Facebook>Mark Zuckerberg and Flips/Indos now own my couponsDarkest Yabai
Guys I really really really wanna fuck Calli super hard.
>>27349790It wasn't really funny it was just annoying. Chicken is sabotaging herself at this point.
>>27349742To be fair, I'm pretty sure her shit has been in the works longer than Gura has been revealed/ got popular
Why did people think Gura was wrong? Popcorn can be a whole meal
Never forget who owns this thread
>>27349571SEAfag here. Pinoyland has a texting culture and would text instead of call for communication because it has much cheaper rates. And facebook cutting deals with service providers for unlimited data has that texting culture transfer over to facebook. There are probably other reasons as well, but that's the surface.
>>27349824Have this tribalist>>27349830
>>27349839I'm 31.Keep proyecting.
>>27349574I think an explanation given to me by Anon once is sufficient:>anime dubs are retarded writing translated to fit the specific timeframes and dubbed by people under poor direction>holoEN is natural speech
>>27349726That's actually nice to have
>>27349830Haha wow this is pretty based and good.
>>27349844I have 6000 hours on FFXIV anon
>>27349861>SEAfag hereLeave
>>27349742Fuck off shill, go spam your shit shark in /vyt/ with the other losers.
>>27349830this is perhaps one of the most shady cupons ever
>>27349841I am how did you know?
>>27349830Based, time to spam this to get them to fuck off.
>>27349467She is literally me, but female.
>>27349836>Not him but idenpendent Vtubers have gotten a boost lately. No idea why but I want to believe it's because of HoloEN.This was happening way before EN and it's because JP clips were receiving a decent amount of popularity and attention on twitter. It's astonishing how many retards I've seen on social media trying to commission their own Live2D avatar in an attempt to cash in on the trend.
Stop being so concerned about Ame, she is twitch veteran she is not as fragile as chicken. She can easily told them to fuck off on stream
>another daily amelia karaoke rewatchi lost
Antis are like this because they werent beaten as children.Together we can change this. If you see a SEAmonkey, hit them until you get tired. Literally just start swinging, this thread will be 90% better if we all do our duty.
Ina > Bob Rossyeah I said it
>>27349869Wizard, I assume.
>>27349476do we have to start putting big watermarks on our coupons or something? It's really gay, but not as gay as facefags stealing shit
>>27349711Kiara just sucks at collabs. She probably thought viewers would like it if she was bad (like Minecraft), but that doesn’t seem to work as well in collabs. She just can’t read the room.Atleast her solo talking and Minecraft streams are great.
>>27349476>All the coupons I've made are now owned by ZuckThe darkest timeline
>>27349845Truly a dark timeline.
>>27349719>permanent scars on my faceSounds fucking badass. Tell me about 'em.
>>27349742Why does this low effort bitch keep getting spammed everywhere? Take her to the general vtuber trash thread where she belongs.
>>27349476>None of my coupons are in that galleryAnd that's why you only make meta coupons, /hlgg/.
>>27349574it is a failure, just not massive, and people don't really care for quality product nowadays, they just take whatever is shoved in their mouths
>>27349845Time to start putting very slight watermarks with nigger written in them.Any other harmful word that may make them bannable in another website would also be welcomed.
>>27349531I don't know who this is pertaining to Hololive EN.But seriously 130k USD?Is this guy loaded or irresponsible?
>>27349857yeah you need a good amount of time to get a model this high quality it's on par with hololive ones imo
>>27349895No one likes an anon...
>>27349858Never tried it, i mean you usually associate popcorn with trash snacks for watching movies but it might work
>>27349879Careful, anon. You may be eating shit if she succeeds and eventually reincarnates into hololive en Gen 5. This could very well be on topic all along and you wouldn't even know it. Stranger things have happened, like holo en not being a dumpster fire.
>>27349899Yeah Amelia antis can fuck off. Don't really care about Chicken and Mori antis tho. They can stay if they want.
>>27349896One of the girls I follow had consistent 70 views per stream, after HoloEN she is at 250 every stream.It's HoloEN. The jump was too high
>>27349912They're not, they're keloid scars
>>27349898It's okay anon. You never stood a chance. Shoulda ran before you ever looked in her eyes, now it's too late.But so long as you stay with her she will treat you right and occasionally reward you
As the holo-imam, I declare that all doxniggers are to be BEHEADED
>>27349924just do that when posting them here and remove it from the original when you post it for official use
Amelia is so much better than the other ENs, it's not even funny
>>27349850I want to pleasure my boy to the point of her having toecurling orgasms all night
>You don't hate me for missing the collab, right /hlgg/?
>>27349935I scratch your back you scratch mine.
>>27349899The only problem is that the more (You)s they get, the more motivation they get to post and shit up the thread.
>>27349742>blue mouthi still hate itotherwise the model looks cute
wow Kiara...Nice subcount!
>>27349950ok moona
>>27349857Gura's accounts were made a full month before Artemis and Artemis' first tweet was 5 days after Gura's design was revealed. Straight up knockoff.
>>27349925>Is this guy loaded or irresponsible?Probably the second one. People have gotten into debt for gatcha.
Did Amelia miss out on the collab?
>>27349467Despite her adhd and fucked up past, tries her hardest to help and inspire everyone from her genmates to even this website
>>27349869Oh neat, we're the same age. Learn to act like it instead of posting like an angsty 16-year-old, having that sort of attitude at our age is just embarrassing.
>>27349584discord.Guess who knew someone for 5 years before getting into a relationship just from playing games together. It should be an inspiration really but the incels here are so depressed that the glass is always half full to them and they're always ready to go on a witchhunt.
>>27349935>Don't really care about Chicken and Mori antis tho. They can stay if they want.Why?
>>27349963I want to slap her around until tears run down her face as she begs for more.
>>27349906Nope. Lost it when I was 21.After that year, I never had sex again tho. You see, after a woman cucks you, you never go back to 3D, anon.No amount of self improvement is gonna uncuck your life.
>>27349898Go into drive mode anon. We lost her.
>>27349965>didn't do her alarm repsAme-san...
>>27349969basedhope you posted that to reddit before you posted it here
>>27349921By what criteria are they a failure? They're a success in terms of finances, popularity and quality.
>>27349965No I hate you for no guerilla stream to make up for it
>>27349984Yeah, sick.
When are we adding flags on /jp/? I feel this would solve everything.
>>27349475numberchads dominate these threads
This place would legit be a better place if all the deadbraps and chickenfags would LEAVE. Trinitybros stick together.
>>27349950more gosling variants when?
>>27349742>With all the aquatic creatures out there she chose now of all times to label herself as a shark
>>27349675>>27349738>>27349743I'm not someone that usually watches the chicken, but Kiara didn't really talked over anyone though, the opposite, she led the conversation many times, instead by hosting it, she helped Gura finally have a presence on a collab by finally raising the girl's volume, something she had pointed before but no one did anything about it. I'm very happy about it since it's something I wanted for a long time.Whining about the ship stuff in a collab where that barely happened is kinda pointless and just made him sound like he has a bias against it instead of wanting to make an objective criticism. Right now is just counter productive, and your critic will simply be ingored in comparison to how many people like that stuff.Not to mention, collabing with the other members is not really leechbait, it's just something that happens in HoloEN, this is just a very stupid thing to say.Last, unless I missed, I didn't saw any pity party, I won't doubt that the chicken is still insecure but I didn't saw any crying, just the girls having fun.Ultimatelly it was a really fun stream, just a pity that Amelia couldn't make it in time. It was much better than the previous one with this game, and it only served as proof that all the girls are growing better and more entertaining.
>>27349990because they're trinity
>>27349675He's kinda right. White knights don't want chicken to improve though, they want to coddle her.
>>27349990Typical Ame fag
>>27349924>>27349953This. For real you retard artists.
>>27349908She tried to dick around to be funny too"Please take the burger Kiara, Kiara please! PLEASE KIARA!"
>>27349523>Amelia's not real she's a twitch streamer acting as a virtual youtuber.What's the difference? Should she change? Can she change?
>>27350001Do it, anon. Slap dem titties.
>>27350025>he still believes in the trinity meme
>>27349476giving social media to everyone was a mistake
>>27350051>he still responds to obvious bait
>>27350047 looks at you, her eyes pleading. "Give it to me." She exhales her desires in a breathy whisper. Your hand makes a resounding crack as you strike her hard across the face. Her naked body tumbles to the ground. She glances up to you, her face flush with arousal and longing. "Please sir. I beg of you." "What do you want Calli?" You toy with her. She bites her quivering lower lip, one hand on her reddening cheek. "Please. Call me the other thing.""What other thing? Oh you want me to call you as you are you PIECE OF SHIT?" You place extra emphasis on each syllable. At the words "piece of shit" she beings to masturbate furiously, panting as a puddle forms between her legs. You stride over and grab her roughly by the hair, hoisting her to her knees as you smack her again. "Who gave you permission to do that?" She sobs, in relief, in ecstasy, in pain, it's all the same to her. "I'm sorry. I deserve it. I deserve everything that happens to me." "You don't deserve your success. You don't deserve the superchats. You don't deserve the memberships. You're just a fake, an imposter, standing on the shoulders of those who came before you." She's weeping openly now. She nods her heard in agreement as you send dagger after dagger into her heart, because in her heart, she knows it to be true. You embrace her, your throbbing erection pulsating against her soft stomach. Her breasts press against your chest, you can feel her rapid heartbeat. She's almost ready. You push her back and utter your final humiliating command. "Now dance for me."
>>27349935Based. I have the same way of thinking. I fund Amelia antis to be super disgusting, but the other two I couldn't care less. It's just banter.
>>27350025>Wants a thead full of Goosling postsOgey
>>27349675I'm a chickenfag and, you know what, he's not wrong about some of those points. He's just delivering advice like an asshole. That's not the bad part though, it's that white knights will pounce on this, which is exactly what Kiara DOESN'T want. What a fucking mess.
>>27350025There is only one true Trinity
Trinity general fucking when?
>>27349726you have a version of this without members streams for people with integrity?
>>27349675He's right, but who fucking cares. Stop posting about random twitter faggots, just stay on twitter. Join the choir of the other hundred retards telling him that he's axshually being quite toxic.
>>27350067trinity let's goooooooo
>>27349476>Don't hate me, I found the picture on facebookBullshitThat stream skip NTR coupon was never in that album.
>>27350040yeah im sick of good anons getting ripped off by sea nigs
>>27349576kys SEAmonkey
>>27350040Better do it retroactively too. That way all the newfags that aren't in these kind of groupd will have tainted coupons.
>>27349950Inshallah, i declare a public fatwa against dox niggers
>>27350052She was a virgin while we were dating. >>27349988Kill yourself nigger. You can't improve your life. Just give up.
>>27350070No one pounced on this all the comments(that i saw) were people saying he's talking like a dick
>>27350033If you need a post that long to rationalize away your waifus faults then she's probably not worth it. Take gura, for example. You can counter any criticism with one word: shark. That should be how easy it is to explain your waifu's appeal if she was legitimately good.
>>27349675delete this shit
>>27350071i mean your not wrong because gura makes every trinity
>>27350025There is no trinity SEAmonkey
>>27350045All virtual youtubers are real people acting a role. There isn't a real thing as a virtual youtuber.
>>27349837Are you any of these?
>>27350100wtf tentabros...
>Moona wants to stuff herself and Ame with burgers >Kiara wants to stuff Gura with shrimp to help her "grow big"Who's next to get corrupted by the architect pill?
>>27349850>>27349963Well, we had a good run. Three weeks until posts like these became a thing.
>>27349990Because he's defending his fellow SEAnigs.If the rangebanned ever happens, inshallah, all of them are gone.
wtf is with all the SEAniggers here? dont they need to gather water and bugs to eat for the next hurricane? i dont understand
>>27350045>What's the difference?Cartoon characters aren't people, anonchama...
>>27350007I'm just driving in circles. I keep finding my way back to Amelia.
>>27350098>She was a virginDU YU REALLY
>>27349476Just watermark your coupons saying "fuck SEAniggers"Problem solved
<span class="sjis">27349711She did the tutorial. She literally talked about making the salads. now fuck off and never post here again. You don't even deserve a (you)[/spoiler]
>>27350108>Take gura, for example. You can counter any criticism with one word: >numbers
>>27350108Yup. Trinity is the way to go!
>>27350095I'm too lazy to hide a nigger in all my coupons. Also if I do I can't reply to Ame's tweets with them.
>>27350098god your pathetic she probably cheated on you because of this attitude
>>27350002It's been 10 years bro, you're just cucking yourself at this point.
>>27350120Don't ask questions you already know the answer to. Where do you think we are?
Did anyone find Gura's bread yet?
>>27350098I think I know why you were cucked
>>27350042The first half was seriously painful, with Kiara standing around doing nothing, and then even Gura tells Calli to take over Kiaras jobs, christ
>>27350025The trinity is in shambles, teacuck. Gura is flying solo and Ina is fine in her own pace. You have no place here.
Amelia: misses a collab and posts a sad faceConcernfags: NOOOOOOO AMELIA DON'T BE SAD YOU'RE SO STRONG YOU'LL MAKE IT THROUGH THIS <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 NOOOO SHE'S DEPRESSED WE HAVE TO SAVE HER :'( :'( :'( :'(
>>27349858i eat 2 bags when im starving and the food hasnt been restocked
I thought 4chan was supposed to be the website where everyone is contrarian and supports the current underdog. So why is everyone here hating on Ina and Kiara, while constantly praising Gura?
>>27350123In what way is this a new phenomenon?
>>27350098I don't blame her for cheating on you. If it was cheating. You are delusional and probably creeped her out.
wonder what a kiara x ame stream would be like
>>27350092"I've been found out"
>>27350152I ate it
>>27350130>in mirror world, the 5th en holo is actually fun to watch and does glorious kino collabs with sharkWhat could've been...
>>27350179>Hating on InaNarrative harder faggot
>>27350160Yeah should have said something before jumping into troubleshooting the stream
>>27350145anon just have 2 version one with water marks and one without watermarks
>>27350184Shitpost galore.
>>27350098>You can't improve your life. Just give up.You're not doing much to support your "I'm not an edgy 16-year-old" argument.
>>27350165nice youtube post
>we're back to hating chicken I'm so happy bros...I thought trinitychads died...
Every time I see bitching about SEAniggers I can only think of that Monkey-chan poster from when I used to browse /r9k/ years ago and his strong desire for a qtp2t Filipina gf.
>>27350098You deserve everything bad that happened to you.
>>27350122Kiara wants big titties not fat
>>27349867Aren't these unaffiliated fan discords?
>>27350181nice cover
>>27350025>>27349954>>27349935>>27350039>>27350067>>27350068>>27350078>>27350086Can we get a falseflag coupon so we can label these (you) baiting tourists?
>>27350134Yeah, she was terrified of being touched by the opposite sex. Over ter course of three years I made her a slut addicted to sex, to the point I lost control over her. Then I became the man that was cucked to death.Go ahead, self improve from that.
>>27350181I don't know what that anon's talking about, I've been posting about how I want to make Ina squirm for a while now.
>>27350205Trinity lives on
>>27350160She was trying to run tech support on the stream while the other 2 were playing. She even says this out loud when asked. Because Amelia no-show'd, Kiara had to take over hosting and figure shit out on the fly when there were issues
>>27350163yes chad
>>27350205>back to hating chickenYeah only because seanigs showed up. Chicken wasn't getting hate when they weren't here. Curious, really
>>27349530The fact that is was the first one and had shit like the coco shoutout etc. will make it forever legendary. 70k while shadowbanned is no joke. The thread was also amazing, I mean what other chuuba can force the meidos to open a sticky for a fucking regular stream? I pity everyone who missed it and I'm glad I stayed up for it as a yurofag, that shit was legendary.
>>27350098Anon if your life is so bad just tie the rope and fucking end it.
Ameliafags are the highest schizos.
>>27350205it's how it should be
think fast
>>27350160Why can't bird just be normal? Why can't she just learn the game and play it properly? She'd be so much better if she did but she keeps trying to be the "heel" or whatever by deliberately trying to sabotage the games and make them unfun. I mean it'd be fine if she was prepared to actually take the hate as a heel but then she keeps whining that people are mean when she deliberately acts in a way that means she'll get mocked?I have no idea about Kiara I just don't understand her at all.
>>27350205fuck off with that gay shit the trinity was never about hate you cum guzzler
>>27350014by most of them except gura's numberstheir growth (even gura's to an extent) is unnatural when comparing to what girls actually offer. I'm afraid that in a bit of time this disparity will become very noticeable.
>>27350145Just use the original when replying to her. That way at least they will have to go through more trouble to get them + lower quality.And if you're good enough to make coupons, you're not lazy enough to hide the niggers. You'd rather see them all over those shitty FB groups and Discord?
>>27350148 last time I dreamt about her was the past Sunday. I always remember her. I know it's been 10 years. I can't control my dreams.
>>27350151You are a chad
>>27350222Maybe she left because you're a giant incel
>>27350123Let's talk about music. I can't wait for Calli to sing something other than rap so antis too will BELIEB.
>>27350242Thank you.
>>27350238mad? go back watch brap and cichken
>>27350241danke herr doktor
>>27350179Who the fuck is hating on Ina? The most hate she gets is being called boring.
>>27350231I recall one thread last week where chicken wasn't streaming at all, and nobody was talking about chicken, then suddenly a flood of anti-chicken shitposts showed up one by one. They really co-ordinate their SEAnig brigade. A rangeban can't come soon enough.
>>27350179Who is hating Ina here exactly? The singular hate, if you can even call it that, she ever gets is "shes boring", "she doesnt stream enough" or "shes too quiet" which is purely subjective and nothing bad.
>>27350248Goddamn I can't wait for the HoloEN & HoloID Zuma tournament.
>>27350179Kill yourself chickenfag, don't leech off Ina.
>>27350181There have been horny posts about pits and five foot scythe and whatever, but wanting vanilla? You're falling too hard, deadbeatbros
>buy 4chan pass>never get login email im going to stab moot next time i see him
>>27350222Maybe you shouldn't have turned her into a slut if you didn't want her to be a slut.
>>27350108My oshi is Gura though, and what you're saying makes no sense, falseflagger.Fags kept going, "oh shes in complete silent because she's crippling shy, yadda yadda", but different from you I actually cared enough to hear her almost silent voice during the collabs instead of just saying she's my waifu because I saw a meme clip.I'm being fair about the collab and Kiara, that's all, even antis complain about things becoming a safe space, so don't complain when someone attacks your arguments.
>>27350198Then they'll take the one without, because trawling replies is just as easy as keeping up with these threads. You're not truly a one-step thinker, are you?
>>27350222Bruh...that's what winning looks like. Empowered women aren't for monogamous relationships. You fuck 'em until it's just not working out anymore. HAVE CONFIDENCE.
>>27350205>he can only get enjoyment out of hating on othersKinda pathetic desu
>>27349420Factionsmod and rangebanning SEA and South America should keep it viable.
>>27349836>No idea why but I want to believe it's because of HoloEN.Don't forget about people who didn't make the cut for HoloEN.(And clip-popularity.)
>chickenshits know their place>deadbraps get all uppity and superior>get put in their place>ameliacucks get all uppity and superior>get put in their place>sharkfags get all uppity and superior-YOU ARE HERE->get put in their place>tentakeks get all uppity and superior>get put in their place>/hlgg/ is terminated
>>27350263I'm really curious as to what songs Mori'll be covering for the stream. They've gotta be YT-friendly since she wants to archive it.
>>27350260She didn't leave tho, she wanted for us to remain friends.
>>27350284>>27350179These two are the same Anon.This is how you attempt to create the narrative that chicken is "leeching" off Ina.
>>27350268Stop using my wife to shit on other holos, even if the fag you're replying to is retarded.
>>27350184Depends on the game, but I guess it would be Ame resisting the urge to bully the chicken for 2 hours.
>>27350122 want a squirrel shark snacking collab with lots of noisy packaging and rubber duckies and bubble wrap. apparently you can eat some types of packing peanuts
>>27350277Everything is subjective anon. By your logic the hate Kiara gets doesn't make sense either. If you're a trinitybro you know she deserves it all.
>>27349420Don't do it man. You'll find more reasonable people anywhere but here.
>go back to pol>give me flags so I can say "at least i'm white" to anyone i disagree withwhich one?
>>27350255I more or less know that feel so I'll lay off. Seriously though, cut the self-defeating crap, it makes you look ridiculous.
>>27349460Gamer word.
Ame... I'm still a broken man. Give me more time.
>>27350256We're all chads, king.
>>27350290>not wanting vanilla with your boy"Cringe."
>>27350205> weno nigger
>>27350033You're not allowed to make rational, non-schizo posts in this thread, Anon. Follow the twisted narratives or fuck off.
>>27350327Swing and a miss.
>>27350332>ywn be as happy as Risu is squeezing rubber duckiesEnd me
>>27350242>he doesn't (or can't) defend his holo from criticism Weak
What song do you want Calli to sing?
Why is Kiara German
>>27350335go back and stay back
>>27350317sharkfags will never endure a situation that could be described as being pulled down a peg, screencap this
INA is so much better than the other ENs, it's not even funny
>>27350307I had finally scrubbed that image from my memory..
>>27350301Shy girls are cute. Nobody was complaining.
>Deadbraps and Kiarakeks are mad because they want to be part of the trinityYou can't make this shit up
>>27350317Impossible to do to chumchads as our girl is perfect unlike your whores (Ina is good too but boring)
>>27350359Back where?
So now that Mori and Kiara proved they can collab and actually talk with Gura, where do we go from here?
>>27349329How the fuck do you burn the peanut butter in a peanut butter burger?
>>27350333Thankfully i take my meds, so im not a trinityfag and instead went down the Unity road.
>>27350378>Phone posterDisgusting
>>27350231SEAnigs don't show up, they live here, so I doubt it
>>27350378>phonepostingback to your hut
>>27350349Ah my bad Tunak, that must be your cousin Muhammad.
>>27349460Overcoming it all
>>27350391stop it! she is trying her best!
>>27350390Ringfit collabs
>>27350382No one wants to be a part of your SEAnigger-fueled trinity. Leave.
so trinityfags reappeared again after the initial banwave . So its pretty much confirmed that trinityfags are Seeniggers right ?
>>27350179do you mean Ame?
>>27350378you use that browser..
>>27350317Being a chickenfag is hell
Rangeban SEA, please
holy shit this thread is bad. please meidos, just rangeban hutmonkeys it will make your job so much easier
trinityposting is back?based
>>27350378Sasuga, phonechama
>>27350378>didn't even cropYou're a disgrace to literal shitposters everywhere.
>>27350378>18%Charge your phone, idiot.
>>27350418Yes.Meidos need to do their job.
>>27350378>phonephostingCharge your phone.
>>27350263Actually, I'm not so sure she'll do well live. Or maybe she will, seeing how she planned a performance. Dunno, I try to keep the hype down. Disappointing or overrated are the last things I'd want out boy to be.
>>27350108Isn't it the opposite? If your only defense is "shark" doesn't that mean you don't have any? Or am I talking to a shark falseflagger right now?
>>273504003 day bans are expiring; they're returning so of course they're showing up.I wish these threads get less tourists so they wont get a billion replies for their tiresome bait.
>>27350303i mean the one they stole it from will be on a public safe site so what ever its gonna have a place you can track back to and you can say they stole it
>>27350357I wish she could actually do rap songs. I wouldn't mind her rapping to tupac.
>>27350007just finished the daily rewatch, i cant let go
>>27350430wouldn't they just VPN in with buko juice and lumpia
>>27350450Why is this bitch so cringe
>>27349976Kinda of weird it's as low as it is. Chicken isn't half-bad.
>>27350378>phonepostinganon free up some space, chare your phone, and go to sleep.
>>27350007I've already accepted that she is but an entity locked behind a screen. There was never a connection to be formed.I'm off to find my own happiness.
>>27350426>>27350399>>27350404>>27350413I thought the point was that we were the same person?Fuck you fags. I'm wagecucking.
>>27350317Get comfy cause it ain't gonna happen
>>27350345It's too "romantic", see.
>>27350436Please don't post my wife, trinityfatty.
Why are Mori and Kiara objectively worse than the trinity?
>>27350430American here. Rangeban America from the entire site. I just want to laugh at complain fags as they cry salty bitch tears, even if it costs me my 4chan gold membership.
If meidos are based, they would rangeban the SEA phoneposters already. You are based, right meidos?
mori is fat and she took a shit on stream lol
>>27349839I feel like if he was over 18 he wouldn't use the meme "chad".
>>27350263It's one thing to say she passes as a rapper but even braps have to admit she can't sing.
>>27350462hard latter, anon
>>27350321Fake type music IDK
>>27350494it's called the holy trinity for a reason
I don't think she can ever top this thumbnail.
I was watching gura's mama's twitch vods and it's crazy how cute she is. I hope they interact more in the future.
>>27350497Much better, thanks anon
>>27349460I smell a graduation.
>>27350462No, it's more like everything Gura does is cute and funny. She's not stupid or a whore like the girls that have burned themselves, so her faults are just endearing quirks. What can you attack Gura with, that she's shy and gets anxiety about appearing in front of people? That only makes me want to waifu her more.
What did miss that Gura started to grown faster again?, from 9k daily to 18k subs
>>27349476>they're reading the thread right now
what a horrible night to have a curse.See you guys when dead hours are over. Time to do my archive reps.
>>27349633The use of Facebook is stagnating or even receding in the west while it is still the shiny new thing in the east.
Rangeban now
Why exactly are SEAmonkeys specifically attacking Amelia?
Quaility threads bros, we are being raided by seaniggers again. Couldnt meidos just perma them ?
how is /hlgg gonna cope when holoEN starts collabing with fucking Nyannerses, Ironmouses and the likes? cause it's definitely happening at this point
>>27350484But that's what I want.
>>27350494Because making posts like this is a good way to bait cuckposting all over again.Trinityposting is peak tribalistic bait.
>>27350535This reeks of ESL so much
>>27350436You posting about it 3 times in a row isn't going to make it not retarded, anon.
>let my reps slip >now nothing to do when the thread goes badI APOLOGIZE, JAPAN. I WILL REPENT
>>27350535AhemFUCK OFF FB TARDS
QUICK. Posted cursed music right now or you die.
>>27350535fucking parasitesSEAniggers aren't human
>>27350518This was a really good thumbnail though. The asset work the girls are getting done is pretty top form.
>>27350263why does she sing better in japanese? is it self-hate?
>>27350462Shark's greatness speaks for itselfwhen you watch her streams. She doesn't even warrant explanation because none is needed.In shitbird's case it's more like "yes she's boring, generic and sucks major ass, BUT HERE'S MY ESSAY ABOUT WHY YOU SHOULD LIKE HER ANYWAY." That's not how it works. If you have to apologize for her then she's already failed.
>>27350513Does she want to tho? You know how that goes down. A cover might outshine the original and that's the last thing she wants to happen to her inspiration.
>>27350535Jesus christ.This is why the ban is needed and the coupons need to be watermarked.
>>27350535reminder that you can't appeal to zuckerbans
You have to admit, it feels good to be winning.
>>27350540They attack everyone because they're frustrated with their lives. Can you really blame them? They should still fuck off though.
>>27350540SEAniggers fall in love for realSEAniggers find out and hate Ame for real too
>>27350535If you have a facebook account you should fuck off.
>>27350252A shame that it started as the 3 I like to watch/have good chemistry with each other/stream at the similar time slots, then it got perverted to just being hate everyone else
>>27350584shark is boring, generic and sucks major ass
>>27350545I just won't watch any collab I don't like the look of, it isn't hard retard.
>>27350545I like Ironmouse
>>27350583Mori is a self-hating SJW, probably fucks blacks U RILLY BELIEB
>>27350545By not watching.
When was the last time we had a day without drama shitting it up?
>>27350535Would a mass report get that page deleted?
It's literally just like 3 people shitting up the thread btw, they just samefag a lot
>>27350042She was trying to fix shit in OBS you sperg.
i am ADDICTED to the sound of gura's voice
>>27350378>phoneposter>brave browser>low storage>most likely a low-end phone based on storage and resolution screen
Just 54 minutes until the squid starts and we can all pretend we aren't wasting our fucking lives shitposting in this shithole!
>>27350624sell me on her
>>27350603Can't believe retards still post shit like this unironically after everything that went down.
>>27350545Eh, Nyanners is okay, Ironmouse as wellDon't like Pokimane, because she was at some point seething at virtual girls but look at her now, fucking shillWould pay all the money in the world to see them with the best VTuber of all - YandereDev
>>27350545The only one who might collab with one is Mori.
>>27350381This is the song from the second half of Phoon - Too much for Zblock.
>>27349476Can we just ban social media already?
>>27350495>Pulling a vietnam on us and abandoning us to The LeafsWe are constantly perplexed at why you do the things you do, but we respect that you are the only force that can keep the Muukbangs at bay.
>>27350632relevant gremlin gospel
>>27350614Ah, I see you've never watched her piss herself on stream.
>>27350135Unironically this
>>27350598not really about winning though, it's about watching the girl you like grow. Gura's doing great.
>>27350636What are you going to report it for?
>>27350608It turned out to be literally fucking nothing because it ended months ago at least.
>>27350410This is a very wholesome post! Thanks you teamate.
>>27350643literally a flip on his way to his villages charging station
>>27350646Mad SEAnig go scrounge for your next meal.
>>27350545I can deal with nyanners but not fucking i*onm*u*e. Never been filtered by anyone so fast in my life, in any form of media.
>>27350598Ahhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!! I want to sniff shark cunny so bad bros!!!!! I want to have her smell in my brain for the rest of my life!!!!!!!!!! It ain't fair bros!!!!! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!
>>27350636I already reported it for harassment, bigotry, and sexual content. If they're saving our coupons those are all true by facebook standards.
Has Mori ever even performed live before?
>>27350643I don't think they have good phones in the third world
>>27350648>nyanners is okayoh nononono
>>27350634The 3 days following the previous ban wave were relatively comfy.
Well let's settle this once and for all. Trinity - Yay or Nay?
>>27350317>>sharkfags get all uppity and superiordoing what exactly? posting the cunny godess?
>>27350184It won't be good. Amelia hates kiara, that's obvious. Calling out the chicken useless during the en collab, being late on the cooking party which probably intentional.
>>27350640Is this the narrative chickenfags are going with to defend her now? Nothing is ever Kiara's fault is it? She's always unlucky.
Hurry up and do it meido, they're never going to stop.
>>27350583>>27350263She's not singing any better or worse here. Clean out your ears.
>>27350667Do you expect SEAfish to understand that?They have 10 neurons all SEA combined. At most.
Why did they make HoloMyth so cool?
>>27350583Because everything sound better in Japanese
i found this cool image check it out!
>>27350545I'd be annoyed if they collab with the bottom of the barrel that is nyanners&co instead of a likeable but less popular indie or something
>>27350603Fucking hell... every day that goes by makes it harder to let go...
>>27350676Try harder next time.
>>27350545For fucks sake..Why did you have to remind me of that?
>>27350646News flash retard: Every girl over the age of 20 has probably had a boyfriend at least once in their life.
>>27350545you know, by not watching the collab if you hate it so much? Its that simple anon
>>27350685I'm not a scatfag nor a whiteknight so I have to go with Yay here chieferino
>>27350645Annoying voice
>>27350634there's no big drama today
>>27350646Ame's SOULFUL singing redeemed herself on some people who lost faith in her, to the point of making goslingposters resurface. It was a powerful stream
>>27350666No idea yet. I just want to btfo that smug faggot.
>>27350680What has she done wrong?
>>27350701Erotic Chicken.
>>27350648>Pokimaneisn't she the queen of basic thots?
>>27350645She will die in 4 years, for real
>>27350646You know cucks are actually into that kind of stuff right?
>>27350648>Nyanners is okayamen
>>27350593>needing to watermark fake coupons so they can't be stolenWas this your plan all along, Ame?
>>27350661I missed that edit lel, fucking great
>>27350321I mean the advantage Mori has (and she's mentioned as such) is that a lot of her influences are indies and in many cases already at least acquaintances of hers, so she only needs to talk to some people rather than trying to wrangle an agreement out of sony or universal or something.
>>27350691>Random faggot thinks his post is worth reading because he is obligated to downvote naughty posts all day for free.ogey
cute shork singing brings me life and many chums
>>27350691What people forget from this post is that anyone who replies to obvious SEAniggers are part of the problem. Report, ignore.also SEA is asleep right now... so who the fuck is it...
>>27350696It's just a really cool theme. Investigator and the Lovecraftian monsters. Gen 2 will have a hard time topping it.
>>27350528Nah, she makes good money. Not as good as others, but more than some JP, enough to justify keeping her on.
>>27350685I don't watch Mori and Kiara, but I'm not going to shit on them.
>>27350535P**** should copystrike them for taking his coupons.
>>27350545I'd laugh if Gura did a collab with that sharktuber that hasn't debuted yet.
>>27350691Sugita is a meme on /a/ and /m/, and he mostly just does scripted content. In the case of chubas their real life is inseparable from their online life because what they're selling to supachashite time is their very own souls.
>>27350741Watermark them with the china copypasta
>>27350731>tfw your anime's lasting legacy is a fucking tongue
>>27350643Why do you need more? Costs me 70 USD 4 years ago.
>>27350646Do your archive reps, monkey.
If anyone is going to collab with twitchthots, it'll be Watson. She's from that world so it's obvious.
Guys I'm scared. Mori is improving way too fast. She's going to become ascended super cringekino soon
>>27350497>singaporeI'll have you know that we're a more civilized breed of seamonkies. We have standards here.
>>27350645her spanish is cute
>>27350731I want to tickle her tum
>>27350749Yeah but the problem is YT's AI auto-striking things and then their support taking a thousand fucking years to fix it.
>>27349476>>27350535Haven't been here in a few hours, why are you posting about a fb group now of all things?
>>27350678Yeah, in her debut stream. And also in her previous life in front of actual people.
Fuck I slept in and missed the collab stream. How was it?
>>27350741she's done it again..
>>27350263Can't wait for her live performance desu
>>27350646You just can't separate an actress from her role, can you? Grow up, please
>>27350760Then you're missing the whole point of the trinity
>>27350752chumming in stereo
>>27350799Shut the fuck up, Yagoo
>>27349518'If you want to call me 'ya girl' instead, you can do this much'
>>27350632>>27350661This is why Shark is the best. Everyone knows that she's acting but she's such a good and competent actor that it doesn't matter. She's not tryhard and selling your the girlfriend experience, everyone knows that she is out of reach, but she can make you enjoy your time with her enough that it doesn't matter. She's not pandering to your base urges like the others.
>>27350798Because schizos
>>27350799Yeah that's why I told you to do your archive reps if you still believe that retarded narrative.
>>27349530A karaoke where she doesn't cut half her song in half would be great
>>27350685Trinityposting unnecessarily splits EN.
>>27350802Go back to sleep, Ame.
>>27350799> Virtual IdolThat's not the same as an idol
>>27350802It was a shitshow, so pretty good
>>27350603Last time I checked this video, it only had 17k views...
>>27350802You're in good company.
>>27350802>Fuck I slept in and missed the collab stream.Ame, is that you?
>>27350787Just look at a compilation.Coño coñito coño coñitoLMAO, literal cunny cunny
>>27350701her avatar is so pretty up close
Reminder that the trinity are mostly virgins (Amelia sus but no BF confirmed)
>>27349750yea, I'm not nearly as upset as I tought I was gonna be about it, still salty tho, but her free content is great so meh
>>27350768Not as offensive as good ol' nigger.
>>27350566you forgot the 28s timestamp
>>27350753Seems you've forgot to realize that posters this obsessed SEAnigger or not aren't likely to adhere to a normal sleep schedule either, where do you think we are anon.
>>27350762i would unironically like that
<span class="sjis"> The absolute state of dead hours...[/spoiler]
>>27350691Just report dix shit and obvious bait, don't talk to them, that simple
>>27349476Which coupon was sent to Amelia?
>>27350645Cute and lewd af and has the filthiest mouth I've ever seen on a girl. There's also 0% chance of collabing because of idol purity bullshit. This is my favorite clip of hers
>>27350821>[shark is] not pandering to your base urges like the othersCome on, you know EXACTLY why she's popular.
>>27350685mori is improving, ame is enduring, and chicken is suffering but will eventually get bettertrinity is dead meme.
>>27350855yupthis is why I support the trinity
>>27350802Ame slept in by accident, tech support for half a hour then some nice interactions between chicken, reaper and shark for the rest of the time.It started as a disaster but they pulled it back.
Gurafriend falseflagging is going strong today. You hate to see it.
>>27350802Fun stream, but both chat and the thread were shitposting about Amelia
>>27350632>>27350661 I love this gremlin
>>27350814Not even Yagoo agrees with that faggot. He purposefully looks for broken girls in their 20's so it's impossible for him to hold them to the same standards as teenage Japanese idols.
>>27350787Ola spic komo estas
>>27350855public holiday without company
>>27350865THE TRINITY
>>27350701Mori was 100% right when she pointed out the skulls.
>>27350767>their real life is inseparable from their online life because what they're selling to supachashite time is their very own souls.Meds, seanig
>>27350797The AI only auto-detects shit from big companies like sony or disney. It doesn't care about the little guy. In fact, as a platform it's explicitly anti-little guy
>>27350317oh your approaching me
Does the aggie canvas get posted here, or did it get left behind on /hlg/? If it doesnt happen here, would any drawanons be interested in having a weekly /hlgg/aggie? During Ina's drawing streams for example or any other time period.
>>27350846All me probably.
Hey guys, help me brainstorm. I'm gonna host the Matrix on cytube for the Ina watchalong, but not sure how to mix it with the member only stream. Last watchalong was fine as everyone had Ina open in another tab. I guess non-members can just guess how Ina is reacting from the comments that members write in chat?I already got the 100 viewer limit removed which is great, but still, the movie is uploaded to google drive, so it's static content. I can't combine audio from another source. If I tried to stream the matrix on youtube mixed with Ina audio, youtube will probably take down the movie midstream. Same for twitch.
>>27350834>>27350847>>27350850>>27350881>Ame also slept inOh fuck now I feel a little better about missing itkinda makes me feel like we slept in together...
>>27350584>someone makes an argument>another person argues back proving the person wrong>HURR ESSAY YOUR POST IS TOO LONGIs this about this post?>>27350033You're making zero sense, you're being evasive and didn't even attack any of the Anon's points. You're making yourself look like a fool, so I honestly hope you're really falseflagging, since most chumbuds don't want any of this tribalistic bullshit.This "oh I can talk any shit I want and no one can argue back" is absolute bullshit. This "haha you argued back, that means you lose" it's literally some low, /cgl/ tier bitch's logic.
Can people stop trying to push non-holos in here like that shartemis or others
>>27350873Great actor. Wholesome. Pissed herself on stream. Cute as fuck. Turns failings into endearings.
>>27350798The retard that tweeted a sexual coupon directly to Amelia posted a link later, saying that he obtained it from the fb group.The fb group also confirms the kind of people that browse the threads.
>>27350906>Jojofag>ESL fagPlease leave, SEAnigger
How was the collab?
>>27350867*dox But seriously, just don't respond to them, that simple
>>27350518>>27350580It was fanmade, she didn't make it
>>27350890Grammar reps now
amecucks should make their own general
>>27350632Jesus fuck, chinks watch that?
Since we're the trinity, what should the other shitters be called? The SEAduo? kek
>>27350926All four of them put on their best performance to date.
>>27350911Nah, it was me
>>27350912make a discord screen capture in call and have Inas stream in the background, then when its done disband it.
>>27350917mods are cleaning up thankfully
>>27350926Pretty great, Ame couldn't make it so chicken had to host it, since her PC is not great, had some FPS issues, but that's classic Hololive experience I guess. But overall it was a really fun stream.
>>27350317Lmao, you faggots haven't put anyone in his place, get a grip
>>27350923>we share this thread with discordfaggots and people in fucking facebook groupsWhy do any of us even still come here? Thats fucking disgusting.
>>27350943She's making me think that some chinks are alright
>>27350545Nyanners, Ironmouse, Veibae are fine its their entourage that stinks......Also they have the opportunity to collab with Artia but they choose not to
>>27350949Trinity doesn't need to think about other fags anon
>>27350915I won't apologize for destroying your waifu with facts and logic.
>>27350933Hola spic como estas tu?
>>27350911>>27350952sorry but it was actually me
>>27350941Go back to facebook, SEAnigger
>>27350964That's 4chan as a whole now unfortunately.
>>27350912Only stream the movie. Honestly its good enough to just watch it with other anons if someone is unable to at least go full ARS for a membership. I honestly think most people watching will just have Ina's membership stream open on their own. Dont worry about that.
>>27350912Two separate cytube streams maybe? One running Matrix, other the Ina stream. Any browser has built-in picture in picture support these days.
>>27350943>fatefagYou aren't much better
>>27350865/hlgg/ would literally implode if this happened
>>27350973Very well, I will admit that I was an even bigger fool for taking the bait.
>>27350979The question still applies.
>>27350912people who arent members shouldn't applysimple as
>>27350976Good, but the "tu" isn't needed."como estas" is already indicating the subject (me).
Rangeban non trinity posters when?
>>27350983>sex hair ameliathat's hot af
>>27350865The REAL trinity.
I want Mori and Kiara to graduate so badly I hate them so much Triny forever.
>>27350545twitch-tubers have too many antis for it to even be worth it
>>27350983What a fucking retard
>>27350949t. Seanig
>>27351003>Make SEAnigs 1/3rd of the threadDo you really want that?
>>27350964Remember to niggermark your oc in multiple places and remind everyone about mainland Taiwan so that posting it on social media is a super bannable offense.
>>27350912>I guess non-members can just guess how Ina is reacting from the comments that members write in chat?sounds like a good work around if they arent members that's their problem
>>27350996I will gladly take care of Bubba, Niki, and Wellington if Amelia ever dies prematurely.
How big is NEETs dick, Amelia is probably a size queen
In one week the collab ban will be done, which collabs do you think are going to happen?Coco doesn't come back for two weeks so she's not going to be in the first week.Obviously Kiara is the most excited about this.
>27351017This might be the worst bait I've ever seen.
>>27350964If we're lucky they're just lurkers or imbeciles that don't know how to go around a ban.If not, yeah, it's pretty bad.It should've been obvious, though. The threads are fuckin dogshit at certain hours.
>>27349346Just came to check the thread before going to sleep, good night bros, deadbeat out
>>27350983wouldn't be that bad it it wasn't in the middle of a conversation
>>27351001Muchas gracias Anón
>>27350923Which coupon? Might've missed that one also. I think last night I saw someone replying to ame trying to redeem the "1 free sex" coupon. Is that it? Or did someone do it more recently?
>>27351017>Tranny foreverFTFY
Anon! Are you going easy on me?? You don't normally suck so badly at video games!
>>27351020>>27351022better than some white incel kek
>>27350791I don't recognise that bulge.
>>27351034but dude he said he hates them! Aren't you gonna get mad?!
Reminder that trinityfags are antis.
>>27350983>actually used the hashtagOk, this is pretty based.
>gura is voice acting in a h-gameHow is that going to work out when people cut her voice lines from that and associate them with Gawr Gura?
sure is shitpost hours in here
>>27351032>Obviously Kiara is the most excited about this.of course, she gets to go full jap like she originally intended
look at this pizza shark. i like this picture
>>27351043> nigger incel > white incel???
>>27350983Do you think that really happened?
>>27351034Maybe this is the best way to respond to retarded posters. Take off one > so they don't get the (You)s.
>>27350923>>27351041nvm found it >>27350983
>>27350983is this even legal? can cover sue these fags?
>trinityDead meme, stop putting gura in your tribalist corpse of a meme
>>27351032Unironically Amelia-Ayame. Language barrier is not a thing if both of them go pew pew on Apex. Also i want double dose of giggling
>>27350958>a fucking rented PCI am still in utter disbelief. Anyway, thanks, I'll try to bear with the choppy gameplay then.>>27350950Anonchama...
>>27351034all tr****y posting is bad bait, and i'm pretty sure the rash of it in this thread is literally one SEAnig. it has the same quality as towaposting from the nadir of /hlg/
>>27351063She's so happy
>get called an "anti" for wanting to support my three favorite holosNice.
>>27351061blessed mods
>>27351041>>27350983That one>>27351051(You) deserve the rope
>>27350970I like this more than a lot of her new covers. She sounded more comfortable and like she was having fun. hope she sings more sings like that
>>27351077The real trinity is: Gura, chicken and Ina
>>27351032I have honestly no idea. If Kiara could chat up Subaru just like that, why didn't the rest of them?
>>27351078Add Matsuri maybe.Or maybe not she probably only wants to lust after Gura.
>>27351037Sleep tight, fellow deadbeat
>>27351003Rangeban non-unity posters more like. There's not even anything really negative to say about any of the other two girls that isn't just banter, like chicken crying or mori being cringe.
>>27350982>>27351024Yeah I was already heavily leaning this. Might just leave it like this. Those without membership can just enjoy watching matrix with the boys. >>27350984I was going to ask if there was an anon that wanted to livestream Ina's stream but on second thought it's a bad idea. I can imagine that outsiders will discover free stream for member-only stream and the whole thing will spread like wildfire and be a clusterfuck. Don't approve.
Which meido do we have to suck off to get SEAniggers range banned?
>>27351084>supporting>said the others need to be hangedanon...
Gura is not trinity, fuck off
>>27350865the real trinity was the sharks we made along the way
>>27351084This place rally has become a SJW safe space.Remember when we could hate on Kiara and Mori all we wanted? Good fucking days...
>>27350983honestly pretty funny coupon, just really fucking weird he posted it directly to her in her comments of a post.
>>273510972/5 can't really speak Japanese. Not sure about Ina and Mori though. I think their JP is at least conversational
Just nuke it, meido
>>27350983on one hand I love artists who can funpost while making ocon the other, this place has too many mentally ill people going poe's law
>>27351039Wait, I've always pronounced the word stress on the A....
>>27351123meido, onegai...
>>27350949All the trinityfags are SEAniggers if you haven't noticed.Of course you haven't noticed. SEAnigs are as dumb as rocks.
>>27350983Based NTRchad.
>>27351096NEET Sharks are the real trinity. 3 weeks until it's complete. The collab is coming.
>>27351123le sad cat is right
>>27351032I think the only one who will collab with a jap is Kiara, maybe Mori will if her japanese skills are at basic conversation levels. The other will collab with other english speaking vtubers
help me
>>27351096Fuck you. Chickenfags want nothing to do with your tribal bullshit.
gura SDVX when?
>>27351121Mori should be able living there and all
>>27351123man up, bootlicker
EU timezone Holos pleaseSecond Gen onegai
>>27351067Of course, but in the previous night.Imagine all the sex Ame is having with her bf, I wonder if they do it while shes streaming
>>27351121When coco is back she can serve as a translator.Kiara can also do this, and Mori as a weaker extent.I expect maybe one JP/EN collab a month, maybe a little more in the beginning to see to test out cross pollination.
>>27350188holoen should have just been gura, pikamee and ina. have them be holoAquaticlife or something
This really is the worst thread I've ever seen.And, surprise surprise, it's crawling with SEAmonkeys.
>>27350603I'm not even a teamate but god damn that stream was something else.
>>27351070Being passive-aggressive won't cut it, just don't engage with the post.
>>27351149spanking my edgy daughter
>>27351136Now you're insulting rocks. At least they can be useful for something. SEAnigs? A waste of air and space.
>>27351118Go back to your zuccberg groups, SEAnigger.
>>27351136I live on LAND you dumb fucker
>>27350950this ame was blowing my mind
>>27351130I miss her so much...
>>27351130why doesn't she do more on youtube it's so sad
>>27351105yeah I have no membership but just watching the movie with you guys is good enough for me.
>>27350983Why did someone use what little time they have on this earth to draw that
>>27351130Based Michael Unicorn
>>27351148how are chickenfags called? cocks, chicks or peeps?
>>27351037Yes, yes, see? Woken up with something a nightmare, have you? A foul, murky story quite beyond my own reckoning. Won't that be something to tell the grandkids, eh?
holy shit this thread has 3 seaniggers posting lowest quality bait and you are all replying to it. just ignore and wait, they will run out of bugs to eat eventually.
>>27351143Nah, the Gura/Shion collab is inevitable as well as the Ina/Marine.
>>27351096No, thank you.My chicken is fine, I rather you cunts shit on her than she being part of some lame trinity bullshit, separating HoloEN for no reason.
>>27351115>APEX Predators>perfect group of threeI'll watch this all the way through. Shark stronk.
>>27351179You call that trashpile "land"?
>>27351075technically is just a funny fanart, its only in really bad taste because of what happened recently.
>>27351166I'm sure their managers are at least good for translating if nothing else. I'm pretty sure Gura has reached out to a few JPs (don't remember who since I don't watch her). They probably just haven't announced it yet
>>27351123I'm surprised there isn't a le sad fox coupon, but with fb seanigs lurking here I don't even feel like drawing it
>>27351130God her mouth sounds so wet and I love it for ame
>everyone I don't like is a SEAnigger
>>27350873She's cute AND funny.
>>27351163Mori ironically has the best timeslots for EU viewers right now.
I feel like Amelia has the nastiest narratives thrown at her in this thread but maybe I missed something worse.
>>27351197Kiara call her chat eggs and chicks most of the time, the KFC name won't las long.
>>27351032Ina and Marine drawstream when?
Who do I have to appeal to get SEA rangebanned from /jp/? I will pay for this.Meidos help me out here. Next step if this doesnt work is hatecrimes.
>>27351197KFC or chickenfags, ESLchama.
>>27351195probably thought it'd be more fun to legitimatize SEAnig narratives
>>27351210And if all else fails they can use google translate.Google translate has the best narratives imo.
>>27351218All you thirdworlders are the same.
>>27351120>>27351129OC isn't bad, of course. At this point those kind of posts are also kind of inevitable. Hell, the one that made it didn't mean for it to go overboard.But jumping from posting them here and putting them where she's going to be able to see it, let alone replying to her, is fucking retarded.
>>27350689God forbid she take a moment to address stream issues that viewers were complaining about during a stream she wasn't prepared to host because the planned host refuses to manage her sleep schedule and slept through the collab.
>>27351222This, she pretty much became one of my favourites as I get to watch her relatively often
>>27351130Civia just needs to stream more and collab with EN
>>27351214I hope you enjoy yourself there.
>>27351199I hate moona and all seaniggers!
>>27350983And this, my brothers, is why lewd Hashtags are bad. Spawns this tweet (the coupon is fine if it were contained here)
>>27351209Mods should just ban them for the good of everyone.
>>27351227>chicksDid she just assume their gender?
Are Ame or Gura prepared for a HoloEN+HoloJP collab?
Trinity isn't some fucking meme. It's the best way to show our fucking superiority on this boring ass website. So what if we like to shit on the other 2? You shit on our people all the fucking time. And then you wonder why they get some hate mail. Boohoo.
>>27351211There is.Not going to post it because I don't have an easy way to watermark it, though.
>>27350873And why is that? Because she's acting like a cute girl (which is likely just a magnification of her existing personality)? Oh nooooooooo...Gura doesn't do any lewd pandering unlike Amelia, Mori or Kiara so she's not trying to sell a (loli) gf experience, she's just a cute girl doing cute things.
>>27351246Not a vorefag but I won't knock it too much till I try it
>>27351226Nah, that's about right. Unfortunate too, but I thankfully don't let a bunch of schizo SEAnigger monkeys influence my thoughts on vtubers.
Just report and ignore, they'll get banned again
>>27351032gura and any holo karaoke collab, i personally would like to see her sing with fubuki
>>27351261Your sentence structure betrays your ESL status.
>>27351254Burgerchad here. Stop licking the boot, Chang. Your attempts at dividing us and sewing discord here won't work. SHARK UNITY!
>>27350689yeah, I gotta say this is spot on. I like Kiara, I really do. She might even be my favourite Hololive English to watch. But you guys have got to stop giving her a free pass for how unprepared she always is. She announced a stream of her going to the Nether when she hadn't even found diamonds, and had no idea how to get there? Had a loaner PC and didn't even bother testing it out ahead of time? Do you honestly think the other girls are just "lucky" enough to never have problems like these, and it's not because they, you know, check ahead of time to make sure everything is going to work? It's really frustrating because I know exactly the personality type, she's just completely dependent on other people and totally unwilling to take care of herself or learn to be independent, which is a really unattractive quality and ironically makes me like her less, even though I like her content.
>>27351261your """people""" eat bugs and die to daily floods. go back to your metal scrap home flippy
>>27351032Gura and holoID/CN, too bad Luna speack more english than she speaks japanese or she'd collab with JP
>>27351195I don't get it either. Are (You)'s worth so much to some people that they'll take the time to draw this and reinvigorate a harmful narrative?
This thread was better when it was focused on the trinity. Might be time to let her back in bros.
>>27351255Meant as a young bird, I honestly doubt Kiara has any knowledge about English slangs at this point.
>>27351200she's voicing a character in a rhythm game
>>27351260My guess is they will collab with ID a bunch first and let them leech.
>27351261This post is bait, chumbuds don't support tribalist shit
>>27351280Go back to getting kicked out of buffets, fag
>>27351261What d'you mean, "our people"?
>>27350248I really hope we get a Gura/Risu karaoke stream.
SEAmonkeys aren't even trying anymore..
Missing out on Trinity content because they're forced to collab at shit hours thanks to the jp duo is pretty obnoxious
>>27351260probably not but they can always do google translate for some fun content
I love Kiara
as a chickenfag, i love chicken and i still love the rest. i have some ENs that i dislike but i wouldn't go as far as to falseflag and antipost. go away brownies
>>27351230Quit responding to them for one. Just report bait posts.
>>27351310>I really hope we get a Gura/Risu squeaky toy stream.I have corrected the erroneous parts of that sentence.
>>27350917Might be me going full schizo but I think there are actual shills for her here.
>>27351202I hope you're right, there's nothing more cringekino than watching two people who don't know each other's language trying to talk
Reminder that trinityniggs got btfo, get your filthy hands off Gura
Plz wake up Amelia...
>Inspect element>Ctrl+f "fa fa-plus-square-o">155 fucking posts filteredNice
>you will never be a surrogate father to the five girls living in a big house together>you will never make them breakfast and help them get their stream ready>you will never wake up a sleepy gura or carry her to her bed when she falls asleep on the couch
>>27351261>boring ass websiteThen fucking go back, retard.Fuck off, tourists that come here just to shitpost, and think they have the right to do so are the worst shit /pol/ and /v/ caused.
>>27351294Huke learned what "Pog/Poggers" was from the chat before Kiara did. Made for a funny stream moment.
>>27351321You're bald
>>27351032Haachama will collab with HoloEN at some point.
>>27351341expecting mostly cringe, very little kino
>>27351333I love chicken but she's the only one whose content I enjoy. No disrespect intended to the other girls or their fans.
>shitpost shitpost shitpost shitpostHere's a nice Ame, now shut up. God, what an awful thread.
>>27351333I just want to love my chickenwife in peace.
>>27351339it's probably just shitposting no reason to shill a indie in a small place like this
>>27351309you know exactly what he meant, he got emotional and accidentally spilled the beans.
>>27351344she doesn't need to stream for like eight hours or something
>>27351344I want to kiss this gremlin
>>27351342>amelia has no idea this is a thing>she's panicking trying to get her to wake up>she doesn't want to move her in case she hurts he>gura just has to lay there paralyzed while she gets CPR and mouth to mouth
Man I forgot how shit dead hours can be on this general.
>>27351195He actually said why >>27346079
>>27351120>>27351240>>27351075It's weird, because this is basically harassment/bullying, but unless you are one of the like 400 people (I hope it's not many more) that saw the dox, it just looks like a fetish coupon, so she can't even say anything about it.
>>27351342off every one
I want to build a pent for Kiara to keep her there and protect her from anything bad that could happen to her
>>27351282>Wanting to wait 5 months for a decent PC.>Complaining about subscriber numbers.She should rethink her current strategy slightly.
>>27351342>They usually recover after a few minutesThat's all the time I need
20 minutes!
>>27350968>Also they have the opportunity to collab with Artia but they choose not toVeibae has said on stream that she doesn't really like to collab with other people, especially people she doesn't know well. IIRC she made an exception for Among Us since it was more of a group thing.
“Watson Detective Agency.”>”Hey Watson, you want some Owange and Black flavored Malloween mawshmallows?”“Homestar, those marshmallows are just dyed orange and black.”>”What? This is an outwage! This is wowse than when so found out Stwong Bad’s homemade ice cweam was made with souw cweam and not cottage cheese!”
>>27351403You're hired!
>>27351227>Amelia with a bunch of schizo arrows.jpg
Ina soon
>>27351416based Homestar poster. please never leave us
>>27351380Triple shark is the true trinity that ascends beyond brand tribalism. Through shark unity, peace. Looking forward to her debut and inevitable future collabs with fellow apex predators.
Ina Ina Inaaaaaaaaaaaaa
>>27351410I'll always support a fellow trinity member!
>>27351261Based TriChad. It's time to return to our roots.
>>27351380>"Small"There are at least 200 IPs per thread and plenty of lurkers. It's not as much of a sekrit club as well would like to think.
>>27351416You're like a beacon of good content in this ocean of seaniggedry
>>27351434Could have at least edited the second panel as well.>200k viewsshe can't be stopped
>>27351317I'm still not convinced letting the HoloEN mix with the rest of the talent is a great idea. A lot of new EN fans don't know/care about the buttload of other idols so having new 'randoms' collab with them might dilute or tire the fanbase. There's even a chance the five might only ever intermingle on streams once in a blue moon after this.
>>27351222True. though some of the weekend streams have still been killing me, even though I normally stay up til like 4 am it's still too late for me, and yet not late enough that I can really get up early to watch them.
>why yes I believe trinity is a shit meme, how could you tell?
hey guys ina is on in half hour from now
>>27351403we were all distracted and he succeeded. was this the tr****y poster's goal all along? can she ever be freed from the cluckshed?
>>27351403Why would you put the firey chicken in a wooden coop?
I am sure every Trinityfag is actually just an Ameliafag.
>>27351390I can't wait for the next mostly empty weekend & Monday!
>>27351436Fixed that for you.
>>27351401wow we are like those corrupt cops that extort criminals
>>27351403She doesn't want protection though
>>27351440do you think you can just come in here and tell the truth?
>>27351440Meant to type we all instead of well
>>27351392>How could I have forseen that my anti shitpost would be abused by antis!
>>27351463then you're just retarded, mate. we just want ame to be left alone.
>>27351440I think it's still small compared to shilling on other platforms like twitter for example
>>27351454shit meme bad anti post yesreal indication of chemestry levels yesalthough that might just be gura in groups of 3 or less as todays stream showed she made the chicken and mori dynamic better
>>27351458That's fucking hot.
>>27351448>having EN collab with JP will filter out the twitter bandwagonersGood.
>>27351445he did he made the hair color pink
>>27351380>smallIt can go up to +500 IP, plus all the twitter, discord and now confirmed fbfags that either post irregularly or lurk.
>>27351282Yeah, she needs an attitude adjustment pretty badly.
>>27351434Which holo actually likes anal?
>>27351450After the first weekend of my right eye wouldn't stop twitching for like a week.
>>27351392What a retard.
>>27351448>There's even a chance the five might only ever intermingle on streams once in a blue moon after this.The collabs are the worst anyway, so who cares.
>>27351500Oh my bad, I didn't realize the second panel was supposed to be Mori.
>>27351454Based chumchad.
>>27351446There are like 3 vids of her saying a with 500k views
>>27351463I am sure that every trinityfag is just a falseflagging anti who is trying to turn fan against eachother because they want to see more tribalism.
>>27351445The second panel is Mori.
>>27351506The German.
>>27351061>Meidos warn blatant falseflagger>Trinity btfo
>>27351367>Haachama EnglishWill she finally drop her act?
>>27351282To be fair, amelia has also run into a lot of issues because she doesn't test things, especially with her old switch.
>>27351506All of them. Chumbuds? Explain?
>>27351261>"our people"Way to slip up, indog.
>>27351506Gura, of necessity
>>27351061trinity is still very much alive faggot
SEANiggers deserve the noose
>>27351509>ofmy sleep deprived ass still hasn't fully recovered I guess
>>27351517I just don't watch mori or chicken. Simple as.
>>27351528she can just say her time off she trained off screen
>>27351350<span class="sjis">*hits pipe*[/spoiler]
>>27351535I don't see anything wrong with this.
Trinity Trinity Trinity Trinity Trinity Trinity Trinity Trinity Trinity Trinity Trinity Trinity Trinity Trinity Trinity Trinity Trinity Trinity Trinity Trinity Trinity Trinity Trinity Trinity Trinity Trinity Trinity Trinity Trinity Trinity Trinity Trinity Trinity Trinity Trinity Trinity Trinity Trinity Trinity Trinity Trinity Trinity Trinity Trinity Trinity Trinity Trinity Trinity Trinity Trinity Trinity Trinity Trinity Trinity Trinity Trinity Trinity Trinity Trinity Trinity Trinity Trinity Trinity Trinity Trinity Trinity Trinity Trinity Trinity Trinity Trinity Trinity Trinity Trinity Trinity Trinity Trinity Trinity Trinity Trinity
>>27351535My daughter is dyslexic please understand.
>>27351535pretending to be retarded
>>27351535it's cute
coof coof flips
>>27351493Twitter is difficult to shill on unless you have a large following already. Here, there's about 500 (maybe more idk) different posters who all cycle in and out throughout the day that have now heard about this shark with minimal effort on the shell's part.
>>27351550You can't say that....
>>27351535She has a good sense for memes. Repeating herself instead of correcting it made it way better.
>>27351530>buy a whole new switch cause you didnt bother to check if the video capture cables were properly connectedImpressive.
>>27351546Im going to bend you over a table anon
>>27351535Her humor is a little too advanced for you.
>>27351517I'm a trinityfag whether I like it or not. Mori and Kiara's streams are at really inconvenient times for me, and I don't have enough time to catch ALL of their streams anyway.
Say something mean about a HoloEN without saying her name
>>27350696Shame Mori is cringe and not elegant at all. Her character should have been some fat dweeb with big tits.
>>27351541Trinity isn't even complete yet. False trinity is just a shitpost. Shark unity will overcome. Cultural relations between threads shall be healed. The golden age has yet to be upon us.
>>27350977comfy otp
>>27351333This, pretty much. I can't imagine being so down on any of the girls that I actively shitpost about it. Kiara's my least-favorite but she's still alright, y'know? I'll watch her stuff now and then.
>>27351282she was prepared to stream 6 hours that day and i dont think anybody really cared if she actually reached the nether, just wanna see her suffer ingame and die in stupid ways. i agree that it's stupid to not test it once, but i assume she thinks her manager is competent and believed her when she said that her pc is great.honestly i get both sides, but im not too invested yet, because we still have so many streams to come, not only this year, but the entire next year, so i just dont see it as a big deal yet, it'll just be a distant memory in the long run if she improves.
>>27351535What?Halls are made of cheese.Milk comes from salmon.Bread can turn invisible.These all make perfect sense.
>>27351061Trinityfags will never win against the Unity, narratives , falseflagging and antiposting can only get you so far.
>>27351535shes referencing her relatively disproportionate fanbase to money earned ratio and that the peasants will face judgment.
>27351558the flip ran out of english words to use. SAD!
Do I watch Ina live? I have only seen bits of her first CoC stream, I haven't had enough time to catch up with all ENs yet. Maybe it'll make more sense to watch her archives instead, even though I know the game
>>27351535How can she be this cute?
>>27351546When is holostarEN debuting and which one are you?
Amelia needs someone to sleep over and make sure she wakes up in the morning!Any volunteers?
>>27351535>laughing at her>realize I read it was "these walls"oh shit
>>27351535shark brain
Gura isn't meant to be shared with triniggers, find someone else
>>27351583She has the biggest SEAnig fanbase.Gross!
>>27351353Get some new lines, and a new image to spam. Go for a walk.
>>27351577Yeah, the switch gives an overheating warning and then turns off if you don't connect the cables correctly
>>27351535>read the first T>but not the secondFucking kek
>>27351569Well she has a sizable following and i see constantly interacting with another indies on twitter it might be shilling here but i just think it's just impractical
>>27351568>no watermark
>>27351582Same here but just because you like the trinity more doesn't mean you should shitpost about the other two girls being the ass of the earth. That's why trinityposting is bad.
>>27351583 is very boring
>>27351350not evetyone is ready, I got tosee my sweet niece turn into a revel, into a slut and then bak into a normal girl i the span of 7 years, the whole thing was an emotional rollercoser
>>27351610>it's canon that she hiccups in bed
>>27351463Shoving Ame together with the two most loved holos is the only method they know to get back all the goslings they lost. Reminder that goslings dropped the most akasupas.
>>27351619I got that picture from here, and it was only used once
Ever since someone pointed out that Amelia is GFE, I haven't been able to enjoy her streams anymore. How do I shake this feeling, Amellionaires?
>>27351610She's already holding Ina's hand, mate.
>>27351623dyslexic reatrted andastand
I'm waiting for ID to do more cross-collabs
would we really lose anything from nuking all of southeast asia
>>27351610I'd rather spend all night going on a gaming binge with her instead of letting her sleep
>>27349845In fact he doesn't. You do and other people posting them illegally doesn't change that.
>>27351583has too many tribalist posters
>>27349687>Tells people to go back.Go back.
>>27351637She would be swallowing a lot of air....
>>27351530oh, does she? I don't watch Amelia because I'm not a lonely faggot
>>27351582you're just an anti
>>27351652Nike's clothing line
>>27351610I'll wake her upwith my dick
>>27351640You just enjoy the stream. She's funny, interacts with chat and has a cute voice.
>>27351130Is she done with YouTube? I can't even remember when her last stream was..
>>27351640Watch Artia instead. Pure gremlin. No girlfriend.
>>27351641Different anon but I wanna serve along Ina as Ame's loveslave!
>>27351374That's a very nice Ame anon, thank you
>>27349950I'll allow it
>>27351535Not clipable btw
>>27351637Hey I recognize that guy, heard he had an eight-pack
>>27351640Treat her like your goofy daughter/younger sister instead.
wanna see a magic trick?
>>27351344>back to sleep at middayIs she ever going to fix her sleep schedule?
>>27351535shes such a natural at making quick jokes like that, our daughter cant be this cute
>>27351380>>27351493Shilling it here is a guaranteed 1000+ pair of eyes on it while keeping plausible deniability because the shitposters will pick it up and do half their legwork in future threads and back to other sites (all for free). It's still off-topic spam and will continue to be off-topic spam until they collab. Which they probably won't, because it's all astroturf. At least Pikamee makes content that isn't just latching onto the ENs on Twitter.
>>27351588This is true. They wasted a perfectly good character design and kayfabe on someone who sucks at acting it out. She's more of a Subaru than a boing boing rushia.
>>27351535Shark brain pls understan
>>27351550am i missing something here?
>>27351652We lose valuable nukes
>>27351603ina coc streams are propably my favorite holoen streams so far desu.
>>27351652It would be a service to humanity.
>>27351610The other hand has to be Ina because what kind of self-respecting person used purple nail polish?
Are dead hours always like this?
Did Fubuki ever react to Ina's drawing of her?
>>27350821Amelia is the only one that feels pandery to me, honestly. Ina, Mori, and Kiara are all genuine and just want to do well and be entertaining, which is why they're so good.
>>27351641That's actually my hand. I let her paint my nails.
>>27351619I was the original poster, here, if you insist in making yourself look like a fool:>>/jp/image/k86UkJqLZ_gQR_PMjvHCbAReally, take your meds schizo, not only you're a tourist that think this is free ground to shitpost and ruin threads for people, but also legit brain damaged.
>>27351651Who'd Moona be good with? The Ritsu/Amelia collab will be legendary
>>27351469>weDon't include me in your group SEAmonkey.
>>27351671Just cycle the other TriGirls for a bit.
>>27351652Moona's tits.
>>27351583Twitch thot with a cringe fanbase
>>27351708They used to be worse.
>>27351713She reacted with the uoooh emoji
>>27351042Sorry that I'm not as good as HIM
>>27351652this thread would have nothing to talk about
What about you, anon? What's it going to be, loyalty to your oshi, or loyalty to me? Your love, or your lust? The memories you've made, or your base desires? The duty of your membership, or your personal feelings? You don't know the truth yet, but sooner or later you'll have to choose.
>>27351690post the other one where she had all the momentum and ran right into the guy
>>27351130How do we rescue Civia from China?
>>27351610Gura is taking care of it, don't worry
AHEMI HAVE AN ANNOUNCEMENT TO MAKEMori has an amazing singing voice and her raps are great!Kiara is very upbeat, shines positivity around her and is a pleassure to listen to!Ina is an extremely talented artist, very calming and inspirational!Gura is a charming daughter that makes you want to protect her, but can also make you laugh easily!Theyre all great and trying their best! It's not a war between them and you should be happy for all of Hololive Myth members.Fuck tribalistfags.Fuck falseflaggers.Fuck doxposters.
>>27351577Was that all it was? I don't watch all of her streams because it's a bad timeslot for me, I just remember the first time she tried to boot up odyssey at like 10 fps.
>>27351582That's just a preference then. Trinityfags are the ones who go out of their way to talk about how much they like the 3 and how the other 2 are shit.>>27351668That word has lost meaning because retards like you overuse it.
>>27351583Used goods.
>>27351721Ame tooAlso>Ritsu
>>27351652The opportunity to nuke mainland China first.
>>27351652friendly SEA neighbors that live next door
I wonder what the thread will be like when SEA gets range banned.
>>27351640Go galaxy-brain and develop a fetish for her manipulations themselves.
>>27351741based unity chad.
>>27351640Yeah, same.
<span class="sjis"> rueidjdndkakwkeje SAVE rirjdudhvfkdkdn ME rirhaushdijddkdkd NIGGERMAN rirudjndkdfn[/spoiler]
FIRST OUTSIDE COLLAB GUESSESKiara - Subaru (confirmed)Amelia - MoonaIna - MarineGura - HaachamaMori - ???
>>27351741Actually based
>>27351722how am i the seamonkey? you are the amelia anti here
>>27351749A single HoloEN, read.
>>27351653Don't you want to be Ame's big spoon, anon?
>>27351535>we want the disney audience
>>27351741stop falseflagging
>>27351622she said it turns out she had a blanket laying on top of it covering the vents
>>27351454The only real trinity Is GURA GURA GURA
>>27351603You just need to know about the Arkham Editions.
>>27351689>younger sisterThis wouldn't work because I have a brother/sister incest fetish.
>>27351690That's the comedic timing I expect form the soon-to-be #1 world champion in VTuber subcriptions.
Well this thread is beyond saving. Gonna sleep now and watch archive of Ina stream later. Say hi to her for me Eurobros
>>27351741why are ina falseflaggers like this
Reminder that SEAniggers are literally garbage eating subhuman scum. Report and ignore their posts.>But he insulted my waifu!Report and ignore>He's falseflagging to make my fanbase look bad!Report and ignore>He's doxxposting! Report and ignore>He responded to my post/called me out/insulted me or my chuuba. If I don't respond I'll look like a bitch!Report and ignore. You just give them attention.>Other people are responding!SEAniggers pretending a conversation is happening. Report and ignore you fucking retard.Every time you respond to a SEAnigger post, you validate their existence and make them feel human, which they are not. Do not rise to their bait. Do not respond to their shitposts. Just report and ignore.
>>27351718And again, you proved how much you don't care by hunting through the archives and typing out another distraught, whiny post.
>>27351690when she started to bang her desk, I came
Important poll
>>27351691She's like me where I just sleep whenever and sometimes it aligns with a "normal" sleep schedule
>>27351743No the Switch was broken.
>>OPIna in 8 minutes
>>27351741Absolutely based but you missed Ame's relentless optimism and genuine skill at videogames!
>>27351782How? She took it out of the stand to cool it quicker and it still happened later on.
>>27351784Never heard of em
>>27351793Is this why no one watches Hololive ID? Because they hate shitskins?
>Wake up 10 mins before ina stream startNice
Hm... should I fall asleep to Ina, might be comfyDon't care much for the game anyway
>>27351772>Mori - ???Akirose or Suisei.
>>27351741Based unityposter.
>>27351746then stop talking only about amelia, gura and ina you fucking anti shithead.
>>27351800Hoo boy
Why do people get butthurt by factions/groups? It's just a bichuuba thing e.g. 4 Heavenly Kings, JK Gumi, ALICE, etc. It's just there for extra fun in collabs and such. I mean we have a new one now, Kitchen Sluts.>BUH TRIBALISTThey will use anything to support their agenda much like numberfags. If not factions/groups it'll be something else.
>>27351772Mori - Indies, JP, ID, basically everyone. No joke our boy planned plenty for the next months.
Who is Gawr Gura?For the blind, its the lightFor the dead, is the lifeFor the hungry, it’s breadIf gura speak, i listenIf gura has 100 fans, im one of themIf gura has 10 fans, im one of themIf gura has 1 fan, its meFor me, she's everything
>>27351211fresh off the paint presses just for (You) anon
>>27351759Better in every concievable way. They're like cockroaches.
>>27351796Age and common sense.They're not trolls.
I want to hear Risu and Amelia giggling like maniacs for an entire hour together..
>>27351610That probably won't work, remember when Shion and Marine overslept by 4 hours for a stream a month ago when they had a sleepover?
>>27351824because borders are imaginary lines and tribalism is just a chemical reaction inside your brain
Why does no one talk about the IDs...
>>27351800everyone will scapegoat the doxxers so there's no point
>>27351827>If gura has 1 fan, its meno it's me
>>27351741Kill yourself, falseflagchama
>>27351772Hasn't Gura been having discord talks with Shion, Marine, and maybe Matsuri? I bet everyone is trying to book her next available collabs.Also, Mori wants to collab with indie vtubers she knows IRL who can rap.
>>27351102Don't add the HPS mood ruiner Matuli please
>>27351843I like the ID girls they are cute
>>27351793Based and correct. SEA arent people.
>>27351416Never forget the time that Strong Bad found out what a vtuber was because people started calling him one.
>>27351826Really fucking hope she doesn't bring in those popular Vtubers people thought would ruin EN.
>>27351841This thread isn't too far away from faggots saying shit like this unironically.
explain 25th
>>27351831That's pretty good, but you forgot the watermark
>>27351815Good morning ame
>>27351841I agree, unitychad! Open borders for Israel!
>>27351741>Mori>raps are great>Kiara>a pleasure to listen to>Gura>tryingThanks for the laugh.
>>27351822I'm not a Trinityfag you absolute fucking retard.
>>27351824Nothing wrong with the NA trinity, it's just schizos/SEAnigs/antis using it as a pretext to shit on the JP Duumvirate and sow discord in the thread.
>>27351535She actually got it wrong for real the first time, then she played dumb the second time. She should just laugh it off next time, chat (and me) would love it.
>>27351824This was a very fun stream despite the technical issues.
>>27351824Dead hours man, theres nothing else to fight over so we'll just fight over which poster is worse know Iofi also did art (tutorial) streams. Seems very in line with what Ina wants to do, so there's another easy collab partner
>>27351843Language filter
I just want to discuss the Trinity with my tribros while shitting on the JPduo. Why do I get insulted for it?
>>27351843They're cute but with practically no exposure and Cover all but gave up on them immediately.
>>27351640Work towards becoming her boyfriend
>>27351867coupons are free for everyone though
>>27351738Like Mario and Princess Beach.
>>27351885Equal rights, equal lefts, retard.
>>27351772Rene from Sugar Lyric confirmed a collab I believe
>>27351251Dude didn't just post it under hashtag, he tagged amelia last tweet as well, thats what makes it disgusting
>>27351582>>27351876>I'm a trinityfagyou are actually stupid omg.
I want gen2 to have a ghost girl, she will be transparent so we can see through her when she covers up the screen during gameplay
>>27351535>doesn't know left from right>can't read
>>27351793I kneel
>>27351797>look for the image MD5>only these two resultsProve it then, faggot.With every post you make, you only make yourself look more like a pathetic retard. Go ahead.
>>27351868Shouldn't that be a German Empire bikini print?
>>27351863>brings them in>people realize they weren't so bad after all calling it now
>>27351861>real-time simulated head afflin for streaminsthis retard came out feet first didn't he?
>>27351772>Gura - HaachamaYou really think Gura is going to wait 2 weeks for Haachama's suspension to expire? It'll be Shion or Marine.
>>27351640Develop a fetish for being manipulated and toyed with by women who use their sexual power and your desire for them to do whatever they want to you
>>27351875So why do you attack me when I couldn't care less about Mori and Kiara?
>>27351843People talk about them when they're streaming here. Hopefully EN gets them more exposure since they deserve it
>>27351640Just tell yourself that it's ironic
>>27351885because you cause more harm than good. you are a bad person so your needs are not considered as important as everyone else's.
>>27351850Carrying a collab over an hour with a rock-solid language barrier is probably impossible. Her minecraft interactions with JP might be cute, but Gura needs to at least lead with an english collab to start.
>>27351640By realizing it's not true? You only think this because she's female, she doesn't act any differently than a male streamer, just plays games and jokes around with chat.
>>27351863>>27351826So do podcasts count because she liked and follow one on twitter
>>27351912Try harder.
>>27351900Anonchama, your reading comprehension reps...
>>27351882Ina streams will have a dedicated friendly fanbase. Gonna be the least toxic, although concernfag will try their best to ruin that.
>>27351772Gura will collab with Pekora and Kiara's suffering will be wonderful
What's your Kiss Me counter at bros? I can't stop listening to her.
>>27351918Salty sea water.No.
>>27351924I'm not, I'm a different anon.
<span class="sjis">niggerman help me[/spoiler]
Your mom's a hoYour dogs a hoANDYour face... Isa hoeTHERE. I SAID IT.
>>27351937don't reply to me, anti
>>27351900The first post wasn't me you mongoloid.
>>27351892Coupons shouldn't be free for discordfags and fbniggers that poach all the content whilst supplying these threads with dozens upon dozens of newfags.
>>27351863If it happens it was approved by Cover, so you have no reason to get mad.
>>27351934Yeah remember the last time that male streamer sang Kiss Me for you or took you to an arcade date or fed you kitkats in ASMR?
Threadly reminder.Let them go through the archives.Filter SEAniggers.
>>27351920it'll be risu or moona
>>27351824Because when people talked about PPTrio in Gen 4 or Nazigumi in Gen 2, they weren't also actively saying that Towa/Luna and Subaru/Choco are somehow lesser members/should actually graduate. Trinityfags do, though.
>>27351935A podcast episode with Mori would probably be pretty cool. Which one tho?
>>27351843I like Iofi but her solo content is really boring. She is at her best in collabs.
>>27351918They smell like nothing because they're underwater, and smells don't transfer in liquids.
>>27351879>people complaining about technical difficultiesIt's been around since the dawn of Hololive...Pic related btw
>>27351949>antiLiterally retarded.
>>27351741Based, ina is too good for tribalist shitposting
>>27351917I mean, have you seen the size of his head?
>>27351640she literally made fun of you types when she went over her schedule yesterday
>>27349436I miss those posts
>>27351920Shion doesn't speak English, Gura doesn't speak Japanese."Keep talking and no one explodes" is going to be fun. Neeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
>>27351583She had sex with NOOT
cut out whichever fancies you
>>27351878I like gura's shark facts
>>27351827Gura really is a goddess, she's in a completely different league from the others. You can easily enjoy watching her with the whole family just as much as alone, she's a great entertainer.
>>27351974Trash taste
>>27351843Wait for collabs with ENs.
>>27351963Don't even mention the archives to them.It's too easy now.
Why is no one talking about Ina?
>>27351640These anons get it>>27351762>>27351922
>>OPFinal part of Ina's Call of Cthulhu playthrough>>Incoming streams!!!Watson Limbo in 5 hoursKiara stream reservation's first free live concert>>EN schedules!!! (JST at reply)>>Teamup schedule!!!
>>27351979Can this flatness be achieved natty?
>>27351640Once you realise you'll never be with any of these people you learn to just enjoy them for their qualities. For example I like Amelia's gremlin moments, she has good chat interaction and I find it funny when she drives the goslings mad
>>27350500I know, I love her
Why no one trying to call Amelia when she oversleep?
>>27350545I guess ironmouse is alright, but the others can fuck off.Kiara would probably be the most at ease in those collabs, but it'd be funny to see them with Ina, I feel Ina would be too powerful.
>>27351918Have you ever been to a beach when the tide is out and there's seaweed and shit everywhere? That's what Gura smells like. She's still cute, though.
>>27351741Based cultist
>>27351640It's startng to feel like Amelia is filtering all of the smoothbrains.
>>27351987just use google translate for fun
>>27351988Oh yes time to sleep.
can ina finish it today? how much does she have left?
>>27351824Because trinityfags are chicken and mori antis, not just fans of 3 chuubas.This doesnt happen with the other groups, because the other groups dont have to deal with SEA.
Everybody shut the fuck up my lil sis is about to start streaming
>>27351991forgot HLGG
>>27351982Her teasing us but then pulling us right back in, back and forth, is part of the fun and her attractiveness.She is a master seductress and knows how to control any man.
Arkham Editions?!
>>27351872Don't sully the swazi like that
>>27352002Hasn't started.
So Teamates think the trinity is Ame, Ina, Gura.Chumbuds think the trinity is just them.What does the Tentacult think?Are we backing our fellowe tribros?
>spent most of the day doing my programming reps>now I can get that cup of tea and practice drawing as Ina whispers sweet nothings in my earThis is peak comfy.
Trim the fat!
>>27352029About 5 chapters, she's averaging about 4-5 in her last two streams and she said she's going to go until it's finished so it's doable
>>27351940It's gonna be risu. Watchama has moona, Ina has iofi, mori has indies, chicken has duck. These are your power duos once the ban gets lifted.
>>27351824Because that's not the same thing at all.Trinityfags are falseflaggers pissing off exactly the fanbase of of what you call Trinity.
>>27352029Not that much iirc.
>>27352032Your little sister is a fucking dork.
>>27352042Tentacultists are busy being mega-antis on Twitter.
>>27351807That's the point.
When did amelia get called last night? I can't find it on her stream.
>>27351773Reread my first post then, I was saying how shitty it is that Ame can do basically nothing about the harassment except ignore it.
I want to be Ina's chair
>>27351640>Amelia is government furnished equipment
It's Ina time
>>27352042Unity or death.
>Draw coupons>They end up on fucking Facebook
>>27351982Didn’t notice anything of that kind desu
>>27352042the trinity is a manmade concept of a mortal religionthere are only the Ancient Ones
>>27352042Ina and Ame are married and Gura is their child
>>27351583No skills.
>>27352007I thought Ame would be our Misaki but she's just like the rest of 3D sluts
>>27351808probably full of lint
>>27352061people who have a holo as their profile pic are not fans
Cute peek
>>27352042ina fags are too busy in their discord art groups and being hugboxers on twatter
>>27352042Tentacults want nothing to do with this.They can play house with this dumb, pointless trinity shit or whatever, shitpost as much you want but leave us out of this shit.
>>27352076You already got your (you) faggot.
Incoming 4 hours stream
Takobros, it is time!
Ina popping out fo the sides on her loading screens warms my heart every time
>>27352076You didn't niggermark them. Always niggermark them.
>>27352059Damn right she is
>>27352032Everybody better listen to my brother-in-law.
>>27351878i hate you so much
>>27352042The trinity is doing 3 reps a day
>>27352042no one who believes in trinity is a chumbud to me, unity or fuck off
Get in here
>>27352061wasnt that literally one person
>>27352076just add watermark anons watermarks
>>27352113thanks, i was just about to get in bed
Falling asleep to Ina's soothing voice!
>>27352017Kiara and Mori are in a different country and Gura probably felt too shy or didnt have her number.
>>27352112Fuck your unity. ONLY GURA.
>>27351843Well not many people watch them, is not like people will yell at you for posting them. If you have funny clips or cute art to share, go ahead.
>still only 10 emotesIs she only gonna draw them on stream?
I love Cunny-chan!
>>27352114Where'd you got that picture of me?
Did you submit it?
<span class="sjis">ina ina inaaaa[/spoiler]
>>27352112ok guess you dont understand group dynamics then again gura made a 2nd trinity today so idk gura might just be superglue
Wish I could enjoy Minecraft more.
>>27352115Two people.1. Discord tranny that harassed Kiara on twitter had an Ina avi.2. SEAnig that harassed Ame on twitter had an Ina avi.
>>27352124Just leave the tab open
>>27351850She did some songs with vtubers before ever becoming one, so I'd expect those names to come up in the near future.
When are they going to stop hiding their chat?
>>27352042We are above that low quality bait stuff, just watch the stream and don't associate with shitposters
>>27352105>pandering to chat is badwho do you think drops the sc's?
>>27352017desu it's better to let someone sleep than force them to be up and alert if you're gonna stream a game to tens of thousands of people
I want to own a piece of her DNA
>>27352042Real tentacultists (just like real teamates and real chumbuds) are unitychads.
>>27352160hopefully never
>>27352152It's only fun with friends. At least this is how it is for me.
>>27352096I’m sorry, my good good friend, but that was the old me, I recognize my mistakes now and will try to do better next time. Have a nice day!
i just realized hololive is full of middle aged boomers acting like cute teenagers
>>27352160When Coco and Haachama come back
god I just want to rub myself off on that perfect chest
Although Ina said she's pure human, I think she is a Cthulhu
>>27352153tbf second guy could just be copycatting the first one since he became so infamous
>>27352160Hopefully neverIt's better for filters
>>27352017I don't think they have each other's personal info, except maybe for Kiara and Mori since they live close by
>>27352149Shark unity is the true trinity foretold of in legend. The pottery is being pieced together. Apex predators shall conquer the market. Family friendly is dead, long live family friendly.
>>27352160Hopefully never. If I want to see the chat, I'll open it on the side. Putting it in the screen is shite.
>>27352173or mods
>stream starts>'can you speak Spanish'-fags appear instantlywho am I quoting
God I want to slap the shit out of those head tentacles
>>27352175What the fuck does boomer even mean to you people anymore?
>>27351954Literally who cares, reddit steals shit all the time. It's just part of life of being an le based ebin 4channer, dumb newfren
>>27352175Only like 4 of them that are below/early 20's.
>>27351976>smells don't transfer in liquidsAren't sharks basically blind and just go by smell?
Story time with Ina GET COMFY FUCKS!
>>27352152that looks good I bet their world will be fun
>>27352170based (sorry about chicken, i like her but i never get to watch her)
How long would Ina's neck be without the fluffy choker?
>>27352170This leaf shall be spared on the day of the rake.
>>27352175Aren't most below 30?
These story recaps are nice and sweet.
>>27352183>thinking 4chan originated 80% of its content Boy howdy are you mistaken
>>27352160Never. Personally, I wouldn't mind if holos just made their streams member only chats.
>>27352178I want to use precision tools to measure the overall local and global curvature along the surface of her chest. I want to prove she's perfectly flat.
>>27352197I want to squeeze them
>>27352173Not good enough to make really cool buildings and not interested in spending hours building ugly glass sky fortresses that automates every single little thing in the game.
>>27352183Also, youtube should be uptop because that's where holos reside
Ina is fucking adorable holy fucking shit
>>27352214about as long as Ayame's
>>27352214oh no I can't unseeFUCK YOUUUUUUUUUUUUU
>>27352214that choker is part of her body
>>27349476I have 100 more coupons than this easily.
>saved by a CatAaaaaaaaaaaaa
>>27352175And thats a good thing
how fertile is ina?can you even breed ina?i just want to do things to her
Arkham edition?
>>27352214Shion's new live2D long
>>27352214I play Persona. I'm immune to long necks.
arkham editions!have you heard of them?
>>27352228I want to use them like bike handles.
>>27351535maybe the font shouldn't be shit
>>27352228I want to flick them. They seem like they would be springy, going back to their rest position.>>27352214The exact same length as if she were using the choker? Why would it even change?
>>27352042We are certainly not backing a small group of samefaging baiters
Are you doing your sanity reps, anon?
>>27352112Gura uber alles
>>27352254Never heard of them
>>27352202Do whatever you want. Won't stop the others from eventually doing so.
>>27352220We used to be the primary source. Less so now but you still see it happening whenever we make OC.
>>27352160Why do you want to see chat on stream? Who cares
>>27352249N I G G E R M A NHELP
>can't remember the nameWait was this actually all off the top of her head?
>>27352175Boomers are in their 60/70s, people in their 40's are Gen-Xers.
>>27352039I’m sorry, my good good friend, but that was the old me, I recognize my mistakes now and will try to do better next time. Have a nice day!
>>27352214What the fuck?
>>27352132>Gura probably felt too shy or didnt have her's so sad. i hope she comes out of her shell soon and asks ame for her number.
>>27352214as long as Peko's without her bunny.
>>27352170Can you rip the emotes for us poorfags?I got Gura and Ina's already
Who would have the worst reaction to a firm slap on the ass?
>>27352279She cares about the game even if it's total kuso
>type NEGROHOMBRE in chat>Ina laughsINA?!?!
Were there any specific highlights of the overcooked collab besides all the talk about Ame missing?
>>27352273I want to see what the girls are reading.
>>27352279I can't even remember anyone except from Mr. Pierce and Cat
Tying Ina's head tentacles in knots!
>>27352214Can't unsee. Why would you do this.
ina is the perfect girlfriend but shes too high spec
Isn't it surprising how Huke papa is the only artist that actively supports their daughter? None of the other parents make themselves present in their daughter's streams. Why are they such bad parents?
one peesa dorito
>>27351843People have been talkng about Moona since the mincraft collab and when she showed up in Ame's Mario stream fng
fuck I wish I had spicy doritos....
>>27352217Ina, and Kiara are below 30 for sure. Amelia and Mori are 30 or above. Gura is in the middle somewhere.
>>27352310How fucking dare you
>>27352324fuck off tranny
Ina eating chips is too cute
Eating Doritos with Ina!
>>27352214It's such a simple fix, cover pls
>>27352296define worst and who slaps her
>"Doritos">PepsiCo ad pops inTakobros...
>>27352273they answered my responses
>>27352295You don't have to be members to get access to the emotes you retard. Just hit "join" and then nab it from there.
>>27352304Kiara's translation of 'Bitchin Kitchen' into german (which didn't quite mean what she thought it meant)
>>27352303Go back to spamming in Korone's Stream spic
How many Takos does it take to read Arkham Editions?
>>27352329The rest of them aren't a trainwreck waiting to happen. Shitbird will be the first to graduate.
>>27352296Most of them would probably smack you on the ass right back, except for Kiara who would probably like it because she's a masochist.
Ina stream
>/inag/>Can't post inaSugoi...
>>27352329because the other girls aren't retarded to that extent that their dad needs to keep an eye on them every time they press "go live"
>>27352336I thought you were the inafag? (the tranny)
Tako time. Hmm hmm.
>>27351843EN collabs if they happen will really help. I can definitely see Risu shooting up in popularity if she's able to collab with anyone regularly.
>>27352334I actually Ina is the oldest, followed by Kiara, Ame, Mori, Gura in that order, all between 20-30
>>27352347They still read chat, they just dont show it on stream
>>27352329huke is really into vtubers
>>27352356Depends on how many Arkham Editions there are
>/ameg/>can't post ameSugoi...
>>27352356Takos? Never heard of em
>>27352187I got the impression they're relatively far apart (relatively of course, japan ain't that big)
>>27352214,000 hours in mspaint
which en holo has the smelliest cunny?
>>27352334Do your reps. Mori is 23ish.
>>27352334I thought the recent leaks said that Amelia is below 30? Somewhere around 25, actually.
>>27352329he feels guilty for killing her design
>>27352351I just discovered just now that you have access to high res even if you're not a member. donmai
>>27352366Oh shite, thanks mate. Couldn't find it myself if you hadn't bothered.
>>27352296Calli for sure. She would drop all her spaghetti.
>>27352390Gura's smells like fish
>>27352390Mori for obvious reasons...
>>27352387jesus christ how horrifying
>just chugging Dr Pepper and eating DoritosShe's fat, isn't she
>>27352368First ninomae on 4ina?
>>27352354Kiara knew very well what Schlampen Kuche meant, the fact that she got the other two on board with shouting it out was funny.
>>27352329Some of the HoloJP papas are pretty active in their daughters' streams.
>>27352296Ina would have best reaction. Yaranaika ensues.
>>27352355Rude, I'm not a spic.It's just a nicer way to say niggerman.
>>27352326Ina is the perfect wife and Gura is the perfect daughter
>>27352368How ame?
>Snack asmr will most likely clip into Movie Watchalong and Muse. >Watchalong and Muse at the same time.I wish they at least tried to get on discord and talk it out between them. Kiara and Mori stream at JP times so their streams aren't as likely to clip but the 3 Murricans all like to stay up late and stream at the same time.
>>27352387Cute. Imagine how tight her throat would be.
>>27352329Huke feels guilty for giving her such a shit outfit.
>Ina, lovecraft inspired character, plays lovecraft horror game>Gura, shark, plays shark game>Amelia, detective, doesn't play detective gameshmm
>>27352377>Ina is the oldestGive me a number.
>>27352427Is it lined with tentacles, is the real question.
>>27352414>She just looks you dead in the eyes and says "Harder"
>>27352387Cursed, delet immediately
>>27352410Yes but Kiara is also a giant weeb and also not a native English speaker. She for sure was thinking of the Japanese definition for bitch which is slut.
>>27352329>Isn't it surprising how Huke papa is the only artist that actively supports their daughter?Sometimes he seems even more supportive of shark though. He just really likes vtubers.
>>27352432>he didn't watch the kino stream
>>27352435IIRC she's 28.
>>27352329I've seen kuroboshi show up in Ina's chat a couple of times
>>27352432Watson has played two different puzzle games already. What are you smoking?
>>27352439No tentacles, just the suckers.
>>27352435mid 20s probly
>>27352454He only really shows up in Kiaras stream to bully the anime girl he created, he's living the dream
>>27352377Gura is older than Ina.
>>27352296Probably Kiara. She'd fucking destroy you.
>>27352214I can't unsee.Jesus Christ how horrifyingI want to choke her in bed
>>27352460>>27352470>Puzzle games are now detective gamesogey
10k viewsgraduation soon...
>>27352152>Chicken about to run straight into lavaPerfect
>>27352469I bet she gets off on latching all the suckers on at once so you get stuck.>hmm hmm
>>27352432Permissions that stop her from playing LA Noire or even something like Mafia, please understand
>>27352432Straight up detective games besides the Sherlock Holmes series are usually kusoge or borderline visual novels
>>27352449>he doesn't know
>>27352404>implying your boy wouldn't smack you on the ass back so hard that you'd die
>>27352334your reps anonchama
>>27352476>DestroyShe probably would just start to cry
>>27352271still are if you dont count video memes
>>27352393In her Q&A her first system is a Sega Genesis. Don't think you'll find a lot of Sega Genesis around if she was born around 1995.
>>27352501Slapping her ass would probably bring out PTSD or something, yeah
how many of you just outed yourselves in Ina's stream lol?
>>27352476Kiara would ask for another.
>>27352485>ame digging herself into a hole>ina just calmly mining diamonds>mori trying hard to act badass>shark leaping around like an autist
>>27352435I can't find it using archive reps, but I think 28
Why does Ina play this boring game?
>>27352511If she's like me she got to play her dad's console.I was born in 98 and my first console was a SNES my father had bought before my birth.
I'm sorry tentacultbros I think I'm gonna have to skip this stream; I can't watch this game anymore.
>>27352536Its on brand
>>27352536its not boring
>>27352536better finished than perfect
Reject trinitariansm. Embrace Hololive Arianism.
What would you give for Watson to do a Myst stream?
Alright, so each EN is going to host a collab stream. For each of them you can choose two songs:>one song is a song you just want them to sing>the second one is a meme/shitpost song>no worries on copyright, obviously>use songs that they can realistically do on stream (no “fuck the police”, or “100% nigga”)
>>27352393Ame's big bro got her into games and other stuff so you have to shave a couple of years off your estimation.
>>27352520I made a google account specifically for watching holos and using their chat.
>>27352536Because she likes it and she's having fun?
i wonder if lovecraft would have simped for a chuuber
>>27352492Snapping Ina's long neck by accident while having rough sex!
I hope this Ina stream isn't too long! I have work due later tonight! heehee
>>27352542so put it on in the background and listen to ina's cute voice
>>27352501kiara had a hard life...
I want to touch her tentabangs.
>>27352491A bunch of the Frogware Sherlock games are really excellent.Would something like Deadly Premonition qualify as a detective game?
>>27352492How do we fix her bros? This is horrifying.
Does Ina's accent make anyone else throbbing hard?
>>27352536because she's a squid monster and the good chtulu games take a phd to get running on modern hardware without issues
>>27352536>boringIt is critically acclaimed and she thought it would be fun based on her design, you can fuck back off to fornite, CoD, or whatever else your 12 year old adhd ass needs to watch
>>27352552me too. it's the way to go.
>>27352511You don't have to guess. Just go look it up.
>>27352562I want to see how far they can stretch
>>27352536Its comfy and she makes it fun
>>27352554Everyone always talks about "think of your ancestors, what would they think about their descendant wasting time in front of a screen?"But our ancestors would've literally murdered to be here, let's be honest
>>27352520There's at least 1000+ lurkers here so probably a lot
>>27352536Because their managers force them to play thematically appropriate games and Ina is too shy to go against their wishes
>>27352550Just make Mori sing an entire Linkin Park album, she'll be 100% onto that.
>>27352511I'm '93, and my first consoles were an NES and a Genesis, though they were handed down from my brothers.
Keyboard ASMR best ASMR
>>27352296Kiara would cry if you're a guyShe would love if you're a girl
>>27352511Might be a poorfag with a hand me down
>>27352550> Ame> Free Fallin'> Bitch LasagnaJust Amelia.
>>27352554absolutelydude was basically one of us but without the internet as an oulet for his autism
>>2735251195 is plausible if they were hand me downs
>All the zoomzoom fed by clips getting filtered by a laid-back gamelmao
Man she freaked out with those growling noises.
>>27352476She would probably moan "Papaaaa!".
>>27352491Ace Attorney is good a detective game, fight me.
>>27352581I really fucking doubt it.
I'm out of this shit thread. You guys are ruining Ina for me.
Is Kiara the only EN without a catchphrase/meme yet?Ame = HICGura = AIna = humu humuMori = ya boiKiara = ???? crying doesn't count
>>27352554Lovecraft would have no patience for these dirty Orientals that need to leave New England.
>>27351741You missed the best one
This was a lot funnier in my head
>>27352617kicky ricky?
>>27352617>KikkirikiAt least fucking pay attention, anon
Considering that Ina blew probably more than 200k USD on gacha, do you think she's the highest whale in hololive? Bigger than Susei and Fubuki?
> A descendant of the Lost City of Atlantis, who swam to Earth while saying, "It's so boring down there LOLOLOL!" She bought her clothes (and her shark hat) in the human world and she really loves them. In her spare time, she enjoys talking to marine life.
Am I retarded? I don't get this puzzle. Do you just follow the particles? What does the two different lamps do?
>>27352617That pikamee kettle noise she does when she dies.
>>27352617Isn't it kicky ricky or some shit? Idk not a chickenfag
>>27352617how kikirikiiii are you
>>27352569I've seen what average Korean girls from Canada look like, and the answer is no.
>>27352617kicky ricky
>>27352625no, I can see it, she looks like these wooden things where you can extend their head.
>>27352491Obra Dinn is probably the best detective game ever made, it's also kind of Lovecraftian.
>>27352597>dude was basically one of usman named his cat Niggerman. Also, a Lovecraft poem:When, long ago, the gods created EarthIn Jove's fair image Man was shaped at birth.The beasts for lesser parts were next designed;Yet were they too remote from humankind.To fill the gap, and join the rest to Man,Th'Olympian host conceiv'd a clever plan.A beast they wrought, in semi-human figure,Filled it with vice, and called the thing a SEAnigger.
That squeak.
>>27352625I lafed
>>27350535>r*tards daily reminder to call out people who do this. Saving this one for posterity
>>27352625Copy that.
>>27352617>Everyone always bully me.>I´m a crybaby
>>27352625Her choker was concealing her powerlevel?!
Ina's really growing on me, how do I fix this
>>27352511I'm from 95 and my first console was also a genesist. poorfag
Ina is cute!CUTE!
>>27352617You guys really need to actually watch Kiara's streams before posting.
>>27352630You're expecting antis to watch streams?
Since nobody was talking about this a few days ago here's a vod of Lack painting Mori
>>27352648>>27352646>>27352644>>27352630I'm so fucking retarded. To be fair I barely watch her.
>>27352653Based lol
>>27352625are you fustrated?
Just wanna point out that if that was Gura, she woulda peed herself.
>>27352406Because she got blacked?
I'm slipping into a coma
>>27352653Now that's based.
>>27352653Wasn't Niggerman his fathers cat that he just loved dearly?
>>27352653Uuuuh hello, Shakespeare department???
>>27352681Oh shit thanks anon
>>27352625>yfw Ina was an Elezen this whole time
>>27351902Where possible, her clothes are also transparent on a different layer.
>>27352584>shooters and Mario are detective themed>Minecraft and Fire Emblem are fast food themed>Horror games are shark themedIna's playing the game because she's into her own theme and likes it, just like Mori.
>>27352683Nothing's saving you at this point
>>27352296>Gura proceeds to bite your arm>Mori flat out kills you
>>27352653racism is against the rules
>>27352673Be sure to eat a balanced diet with lots of protein so that your tentacles grow big and strong
>>27352694It was. Lovecraft also wound up marrying a Jew and renouncing most of his former beliefs but nobody ever talks about that because it disrupts their epic "FUCK LOVECRAFT AND FUCK RACISM I'M GONNA PUT A BUNCH OF NIGGERS IN MY LOVECRAFT-INSPIRED GAME" narrative.
>>27352721I'm just quoting Lovecraft, anon
>>27352721Retarded niggerfaggot
What's going on? IM LOOSING MY MIND
>>27352694His father named the cat but HP had it since it was a kitten.
>>27352683If you barely watch her then next time don't type something so moronic, stfu no body itt wants to hear the opinions of retards that don't know the material.
>>27350535I knew the word "tourist" seems off. From now on, people who use tourist shall be called out for being the niggers they are. Social media clout chasers deserve to be shot on sight
>these animations
>>27352721Racism was quite normal in Lovecraft's time.
what the fuggck
>>27352721niggerfaggot suck my stinky cock
>>27352677Yeah but why bother knowing what you're talking about when you can just lower thread quality by shitting out some retarded opinion? There's no consequences for being a gormless mouthbreather, fuck it.
wait he had a gun the whole time wtf
>>27352408Why would you assume that for any vtuber?
god dammit Ina don't cry if you cry i'll cry
>>27352754It's called eurojank for a reason.
>>27352550>Kiara: My Heart Will Go On & Barbie Girl>Mori: Sk8r Girl and Death Grips>Gura: Fukurou and Waving My Dick in the Wind (or Ocean Man I guess)>Ina: 1979 and Purple People Eater>Amelia: You're Beautiful and Big Iron
>>27352754really makes me wonder where the budget went
What a shit animation.
This game is absolute infinite dogshit, but the "I see myself in the cell, and suddenly I'm inside the cell" trick was cool
>>27352420>Ina is the perfect wife>Gura is the perfect daughter>Mori and Kiara are the perfect couple next door who love hanging out with your family>Ame is the perfect mistress who constantly blackmails you to expose the affair
Why is it always the evil doctor
>>27352721I will name my black cat Niggerman for you
>>27352754Thought my stream was out of sync.
>>27349606Gura please save my soul.
>>27352726>>27352744Also from what I gathered Lovecraft wasn't so much racist as very, uhh, local? And Xenophobic?
>>27352778yea that got me super into the stream
>>27352772Nothing will be the KINOesque slavjank and you can't prove me wrong. that be a game you'd like to watch Ina plays?
>>27352791>NEETthe real forbidden word
>>27352778It's the curse of Lovecraft games. They always have cool ideas but they always fuck up the execution. The sad thing is CoC is probably one of the better ones.
>>27352726It's a shame because there could be good discussions about mental health and how mismanaging it can lead to some extremely negative outcomes about how one perceives reality but instead nope, racist man bad/based.
>>27350636Now that's an interesting though, imagine for instance me, not saying I'll do it, this is just for theory, but I have 8 different accounts, I could report them 8 times myself, it would be a shame if they took it down now after he went through trouble of posting all those coupons
>That must STINK down there... I can only imagine.
>>27352426They're all members only streams and all going to be archived, so I imagine the number of people who are members of all and available at those hours isn't that significant of an issue.
>>27352805hi mandalorefagplease get a better knowledge of games than secondhand :)
Is it just me or is the game almost on mute?
Ina confirmed for Nazi, giving Dr William Luther Pierce a shouthout
>>27352792He, like many other people, was a product of his time and its accepted beliefs. People who think they could've been born back then and not be racists by default are insane.
>>27352571>It is critically acclaimed >fuck back off to fornite,>Fornite being winner of game of the yearoh the irony
>no images only postSugoi desu ne...
I want the voice actor for Mr. Pierce to be a holostar EN member, I love his voice
>>2735277020 BMI is a fucking stick tho?
>those eyebrow animationsdamn these devs were lazy
>>27352805Mor was not made to be streamed.
Magenta is oldgreen is in now.
>>27352812Mental health is too serious of a topic for them, easier to just bring up racism and act like they're beating it by mutilating the works of a dead man.
>sea greenUhh magentabros...?
>>27352835If there's one thing good about this game, it's the voice actors
>>27352827seems like it, Ina's voice too but that might be just me
Lies! It was Magenta!
>>27352805Pathlogic 2 would be too much kino for the regular audience to enjoy. She's only playing Call of Cthulhu because of her character, so I doubt she'd keep playing these types of games afterwards.
>>27352726>As a result of the Great Depression, he shifted towards socialism, decrying both his prior beliefs and the rising tide of fascism. He supported Franklin D. Roosevelt, but he thought that the New Deal was not sufficiently leftist.>In late 1936, he witnessed the publication of The Shadow over Innsmouth as a paperback book. However, Lovecraft was displeased, as his book was riddled with errors. It sold slowly and only approximately 200 copies were bound. The remaining manuscripts were destroyed after the publisher went out of business. By this point, Lovecraft's literary career had reached its end. Shortly after having written his last original short story, "The Haunter of the Dark", he stated that the hostile reception of At the Mountains of Madness had done "more than anything to end my effective fictional career.">On June 11, Robert E. Howard committed suicide after being told that his mother would not awaken from her coma. His mother died shortly thereafter. This deeply affected Lovecraft, who consoled Howard's father. Almost immediately, Lovecraft wrote a brief memoir titled "In Memoriam: Robert Ervin Howard". Meanwhile, Lovecraft's physical health was deteriorating. He was suffering from an affliction that he referred to as "grippe". After seeing a doctor, he was diagnosed with terminal cancer of the small intestine. Due to his fear of doctors, Lovecraft was not examined until a mere month before his death. He remained hospitalized during that time. He lived in constant pain until his death on March 15, 1937, in Providence. In accordance with his lifelong scientific curiosity, he kept a diary of his illness until he was physically incapable of holding a pen. Lovecraft was listed along with his parents on the Phillips family monument. In 1977, fans erected a headstone in Swan Point Cemetery on which they inscribed his name, the dates of his birth and death, and the phrase "I AM PROVIDENCE"—a line from one of his personal letters.
I just love how the overwhelming majority of Ina's chat is green. She really has a dedicated fanbase.
>Ina singingJust
Irrigo. Now Viric.
>>27352841Baqua is fucking tiny.
>>27352214look at that fucking giraffe
>the men in white are comingOH NO ITS THE KKK, RUN NIGGERMAN RUN
>GAS GAS GAS the jewswtf Ina
God, I hope they do Christmas karaoke streams.
>>27352824Who?Stop projecting anon, a friend recommended it to me.
>gas gas gas the jewsjesus, ina. i thought that was kiaras thing
>>27352835Holostars EN CONFIRMED NOT FAKE:Mr. PierceDr. PierceJermaRyan GoslingThe guy who voiced the guys from TABS
>>27352792If you weren't a northeastern white he would think very little of you early in his life. Southern whites were met with similar disdain as minorities.
>>27352879>Mori singing Strike BackI'd be down for this.
she said she hasn't played Hollow Knight and Portal but wants to, that will be kino
>Mocking Mr Pierce's upper body strengthRude!
>>27352895Gura singing Silent Night is all I want out of life
>>27352902g-d imagine the gosling collab with ame
Manuel, I am your tako
is that the dude from RE4?
>Ina will steal your waifu
>>27352877So? BMI is a function of your height, it's taken into account
>>27352896Not the same anon but patologic feels like too much of a slow burner to be a stream game especially if it's someone first playthrough
>don't get between me and my wifealright which one of you fuckers is this in the game
>Have a pointy edge>Did not use itMr. Piercechama!?
Godammit Mr. Pierce just shoot him
We are all Charles Hawkins.
>>27352937It's me and Amelia :^)
>>27352895Mori might have to skip that because she's Jewish.
>>27352943SHE'S SEEN THINGSame's q&a
>>27352917I'd rather have All I Want For Christmas but any Christmas song is good.
>the mythFucking meta
Is this what the average tentacultist looks like
>>27352908Still are, senpai. Anti-white bigotry is alive and well.
>>27352937>Ina attempts to rescue Amelia from your average Gosling poster
>>27352841Isn't 20 BMI perfectly normal?
>>27352774>Gura singing Ocean ManWould be pretty based desu
>Serah has seen things that you can't even imagine!My dick (´꒳`∗)
>YAGOO is using the Myth to turn usBros....
>>27352958Replace Sarah with Ina and yes, pretty much
Sarah did what Pierce was too pussy to do>>27352969Fuck off Ame.
that nigga dead y'all
Gosling bros will we ever make it?
Turns out Sarah is a lot more smart than Mr. Pierce
>>27352952she can just drop a sick Hanukkah album instead
>>27352964>she stabs him in the throat from behindthat uh... seems about right, yea
>>27352930I agree with you that she's light, I was just commenting on how small she is.
Where *did* the axe come from?
Some high quality
Nice NTR.
>>27352995Trace... on
inacchi...your FPS...
>>27352726They divorced, I believe they moved to New York and Lovecraft fucking hated it, she then re-married happily and he returned to Providence. He was still "racist" but not as much near the end of his life. He just really, really fucking loved Providence more than anything.
>>27352958Poor Charles, he just wanted to protect his waifu
>>27352841It's almost underweight. It's fine, sure, but if they classify that as 'fat' in the game then I'm gonna be hyperbolic as well.
>>27352792>>27352726and all he did was say shit in privet letters.And small-run newspapers. it's not like he was in lynch mobs or anything worse then equlivent of shit poste.
>>27352969Detective detectedHi Ame
>>27352995You aren't ready to know that yet
>>27352995Developers forgot he has a gun and needed the MC to actually do something
>>27352995werent they in the boiler room or some shitaxe for wood
>>27352958pre tako transformation, probably.
>>27352995spoiler image in /jp/
>>27353002i thought my PC was attempting to kill itself from how bad the game is
>>27352645Ina is kinda cute though.
>>27352841This is what fatties actually believe
>>27353018But there were using coal in there. It was even lying around everywhere.
Why do these cutscenes drop her FPS?
>>27352952is she actually jewish, or is that just narratives from the membership arc?
>Sarah went mad because she kept up with all the HoloMyth streams and did her reps
Imagine being Charles. He married Ina and then Ame came and ntr'd him.
>>27353002and that's on a 2080 too...
>>27352983Unthinkable angles. A madness beyond comprehension.
>>27353005She was just using him until she found a new branch. Women, every single time. Lovecraft deserved better.
>>27353036>he doesnt know about the coal axe ina the best kouhai?
>>27353039It might just be the game
>>27352866Is there any website or video that does an objective deep dive on Lovecraft's life? It really is interesting the more I hear about it. I know Howard wrote Conan the Barbarian, and he was supposedly a proto-feminist, so Lovecraft's friendship with his doesn't really mesh well with this idea that he was a hateful bigot all or even most of his life.
>>27353039Cutscene locked at 30
Is there an online form where Ina takes resumes or should I just dm her on Twitter?
>Idolfag gets lit on fireheh
>>27353040Narratives, dummy
Goddamn but Charles has a habit of getting shit on
>>27353068>>27353060But it makes the live2d choppy too.
>>27353040Why else would people call her the brapkike?
>wearing the same fit as ina>hoodie with pajamas>parents call me homelessCult bros...
>>27352902>TABS guys voice vtuberI'd watch it.
>>27353080she's dropping frames
>>27353012Yeah he was pretty much just the niggerwalk comic.
>>27353083Should have rolled for nice parents like Papanis and Mamanis.
this some shit tier narrative resourceswhy people like Adam Sandler again?
>>27353032>just kinda
>>27353074>Idolfag burned by waifu>Becomes subhuman AntiIt's all coming together
>>27353056Iofi also drew FBK, yet nobody gives a shit.
Ina...your PC...
>>27352902>Ryan Gosling retires from acting and streams as a vtuberKino.
>>27353103Is it too late to roll for a second parent
Why is the game animated like shit?
>>27349481I really love this picture. Since it's true I can't help but imagine Ame without that big tongue scar now.
>>27353063People are complicated, but some types like serial killers love the deceased since they can make them out to be whatever they want them to be even if that was not how they were when they were alive. An objective deep dive I think would be impossible in today's climate since people seem to focus only on grouping people under good or """evil""".
>>27353083Just reroll your life bro.
>Ina's PC is about to dieIs HoloEN just cursed with bad PCs?
>>27353117I retweeted Iofi's FBK too because it's cute.
So let me guess, Sarah is the actual bad guy and tentacoolman was too much of a pussy to kill her and save the city so he just hid her?
>>27353110She is extremely cute and I would cum inside all her holes.Happy now anon?
>>27353128It really is, even when it came out it was pretty shitty.
>>27353134Can't i'll corrupt the save file
>>27353129I want to find a cute gf with some kind of scar and telling her that I love it anyway!
>>27351640She is married.
Unpopular opinion: The Sinking City would have been a much more interesting Lovecraft themed game for Ina to stream.
TIMEWARP CHECK>45 minutes have passed
Ina having her fiance (Ancient Ones) be a mod in her stream and talking to him during it is honestly the chaddest thing anyones done in Hololive to date.
Too many NoX instances open
>>27353063Lovecraft's racism is overblown to some extent, even before he changed his views.I recall there being an interesting documentary on YT, and there's a fan website with all his works as well as some biographical info.
>>27349612*Holds you back* WHOA MAN GO EASY ON HIM. HE'S NOT WORTH IT.
>80% of GPU for this gameWHAT
>>27353154most women have onean anime face scar is genuinely disgusting in real life thoughmake sure it's a small enough scar that you CAN love her anyway c:
>>27353123I would watsonpost so hard for a gosling vtuber
>coc taking up 80% cput-tsuyoi
>80% of a 2080what the fuck
>>27353139Sabotage from the JP Holos, they have hired Ayame to pray for EN's success.
>>27353139I thought she had the best possible PC parts you could buy.
>>27353171kek sasuga gachapig
>>27353162You mean extremely based opinion
>>27353177she's gacha mining
>>27353177Unoptimized low budget eurojank please understand.
Kusoge strikes again.Its not like she has a bad rig by any stretch of the imagination.
Ina should have closed those 100 "reference" image tabs she has up in her browser.
>>27351843/hlg/ is two blocks down
>>27353117Did she1. Do it on stream2. Have it the same quality3. In 3 hours?
>>27353147i did a chuckle
>>27353183but she's still female lolcan't do anything for shit even with the best of the best money can buy
>>27353123what if his avatar is Holmes
How long is this game... Ina wants to finish it this steam?
>>27353177it be really like that sometimes
>>27349590Did you find this on that Facebook link? It's hilarious.
>>27353177It's hard to run 5 fgo emulations at the same time anon
>>27353162Sinking city is mostly more interesting than CoC, but has less of a coherent story and a way higher side-mission fetchquest saturation which can drag it down a lot
Call of Cthulhu is not very optimized desu
>>27353075>>27353111Ah thank (the christian) god. I was worried a might hurt my foot stomping on the glass for our wedding
>>27353162Even that Insmouth kusoge would've been more entertaining
>>27353177I played it on 1060 and it also ate 80%. Maybe it just needs flat percentage.
>>27353162It would be pretty good for Ame too, if she actually play detective games.
>>27353171is it better than bluestacks?or should i keep bluestacks i haven't had too many issues besides a little desync a couple times
>>27353154I want to kiss Amelia and rub her scar with my tongue
>>27353117 a 5 month old drawing.
Just woke up, how was the collab?
>>27353209Buckle up, we'll be here for a while.
>>27351843this thread is for the ENs
you guys figure Ina knows she keeps picking things that lead to the bad end?
>hotYou sure she's in Canada?
Have to go to sleep now but will watch Inas stream from the archive, good night cultists, chumbuds, deadbeats, kfcs and teammates, love you bros!
>>27353178>an anime face scar is genuinely disgusting in real life thoughDepends on the scar obviously, if it's really hideous I couldn't love her physically probably.I had a girl who had "red in her eye" (dunno what's called), like blood or something, and I was a little uncomfortable watching her in the eyes, but after a while I didn't care anymore and actually noticed she had beautiful eyes if I ignored that little detail.Yes I'm still virgin
>>27353117Do you mean: that case Ina's art is hands down in another league.
>>27353233Asian's don't perspire and smell that much right?
>>27353239but I have things to do...
>>27353177>>27353181She hasn't done a driver update since foreverIn fact, since she complained about worse performance since she got the new GPU she probably never did one anyway.
>>27353238back to bed ame
>>27353218and same model in almost every house
>>27353238Really fun, it was nice.
>>27353240no, it's global so for all the ones on Earth
>>27353117>Fubuki retweeted and replied to Ina>She ignored Iofi'sIofi...
>>27353162You mean the game that has like 10 seconds ending cut scenes?
>>27353177Most modern games take up that much, MHW does that for me
>ywn have size queen ame ntr youhold me...
>>27353176 has good reviews of books about Lovecraft
>>27353162The problem with Sinking City is its length. CoC is a relatively short game and it still took her a month to finish it. Sinking City is a much larger game than CoC so she would either have to drop it or dedicate way more time to finishing it.
>>27352917>>27352955God rest 'ye Merry Gentlemen would probably be...something else.
>>27353214Jesus, no.That's /hlgg/ OC.Do you really believe they are anything but leeches?
>>27353267check your parts, poorfag-kun
>>27353203do any on these make her a better senpai? a better artist, maybe, but no that.
>>27353147>strolling around Salem with Ina in the Autumn time>tfw never everNiggerman... Tasukete... onegai...
>>27353162the game got pulled from steam
>>27353183She will buy them, her current pc is getting outdated.
>>27353284Bro the fucking fanart that Iofi did wasn't even the new outfit.
As a SEAfag, I can confirm both Indogs and Flips are the worst shitposters in the shitiest shitholes. Pls ban them allt. next door less of a shithole neighbour
>>27353275I'll take it.
>>27353163What the fuck
>>27353254At the least Iofi's art reps is really visible, her art is becoming better compared to debut
>>27353284>senpaigo back, this isn't the right board for you, retardchama
>>27353237Burgerland dates make no sense...
>>27352385Kiara is in Tokyo, and my gut tells me that Mori is in Osaka although I have absolutely nothing to back that feeling.
>>27353177Probably plays it on 4K@120Hz
>>27353257Translator's Note: Global means EN
>>27353290What happened?
>>27353245no good ending here mate
>>27353237anon, your burger date format...
>>27353163How is it possible?
>>27353304ah yes, the only two places in japan that retarded weeaboos on the internet know aboutI wonder why you have that feeling, anon!
>>27352917>>27352955>>27353275she can sing pretty much any christmas song and i can just lay down, close my eyes, and die without regrets
>>27351843go ahead anon
Enter Moona
Lovecraft was kind of a hack, wasn't he?
>>27353311>“The reason is a bit complicated, yet at the same time, quite simple,” reads the statement. “Short version: We were forced to terminate the contract with our licensee for several breaches of our agreement. We urge you to read this open letter to our fans, journalists and people of the industry, to understand why this is happening and how you can still get The Sinking City.”
>Moon is coming after Ina now
Moona bout to absorb ina into her harem
>Moona appearsThe harem conquest continues
Damn, Moona is really hoping for some EN collabs
Moonachama has come to have an autistic breakdown here too...
The Moon in Ina';s chat!
ew the disgusting fat fuck is in the chat
go away moona
Moona no don't steal another one of our girls!
>Moona's trying to seduce another ENMOONA SAVE SOME VIRTUAL PUSSY FOR THE REST OF US
>>27353237>Oct 5, 2020You don't even have the excuse of being a burger. It shows just fine for me, t. burger
>>27353281No matter how many mental gymnastics you want put yourself through this thread only talks about like 3-4 ENs, shits on everyone else or just straight up pretends they don't exist.
At this rate Ina isn't going to get the best ending.
I don't even want to fuck this squid, I just want to be her friend.
>>27353237It literally has time stamps in the comments anon
>Moona appeareddo you guys think any of the ID girls come here?I think Risu does, right?
>>27353322hot take: Mori is in Nara and Kiara in Chiba
>>27353311something about orced to terminate the contract with our licensee for several breaches of our agreement, you can still buy it in nintendo switch or the game website
>>27353341People will see her as a leecher or something, but she's probably lonely and that's literally it
raids with Moona confirmed
>>27353324seriously same
>Moona got a taste of shitposting in a chat that actually understands her>Now she'll be in every EN streamBased or cringe?
>>27353334No, go read his shit
>>27353361Risu definitely does. She's everywhere
>>27352895What events would they have for a HoloEN christmas special? Gura, Mori and Kiara could all sing, maybe Ina and Ameila could do a watchalong of Jingle all the Way
>>27353334No, not really.
>>27353356Not like there is much difference between all 4 endings anyway.
>>27353163not as severe as in her drawing streams
>Ina actually pays attention to details and remembers where shit is in this game.Are we sure she's not actually the detective as well?
>I ate 12 donuts and fell asleepGuys is Moona going to die?
>I ate 12 donut.
>Today feels great. I ate 12 donut. And haven’t sleep because the sun just rising now. Gotta prepare to sleep thoughWas it autism?
i dont see a problem with moona chatting in EN streams, i wish hololives interacted more actually. i know they do sometimes but it seems so rare
>12 donutsmoona....
>>27353365>Just ate 12 donuts and is still awake as the sun risesYeah, you're right.
>12 donutsFucking Moona, kek
>streamer talks over the cutscene>is confused about what they're doing next>ask the chat for help
>>27353372Based harem lord
Ina has a eldritch abomination and HP lovecraft theme, yet she has very cutesy mascot and theme and voice. Which I find very funny.
>>27353361Risu has actually mentioned /hlg/
Why is Moona tweeting about her day in Ina's chat?
dude, moona is so fat LMAO she eats so much junk and shit
>>27353377Ame is gonna sing Santa Baby and send Goslings into hyperspace
>>27350484Sorry but Mori was made for hand-holding, consensual, romantic sex in the missionary position.
>>27353407power move
>moona in chat againdon't let this distract you from the fact that she suffers from the SEAnog curse
>>27353400So, Kiara in Fire Emblem?
>Ina tells Moona not to watch the streamN-narrative?
>>27353388Each of her tentacles has its own brain
>>27353365All of the IDs are lonely. Kinda sad, really.
>>27353407She's autistic and lonely
>>27353388Ina is different so I wouldn't doubt it
>>27353365>>27353341Could be both, she's trying...she deserves some redemption after LEVEL 19~
>>27353407Ina asked her how she was doing.
That ain't no moon.
>>27353407She's autistic, pls andastd. Autistic enough to decipher Marine's chat English
>>27353407Autists can't tell that when someone says "how are you" they aren't literally asking about your day. It's pretty cute.
>>27353415Damnnit, does she have schizophrenia as well??
>>27353322There are no white people in other prefectures, and niggers are in Okinawa.
>>27349476> Two of my coupons are in teh listFuck. At least there are three he didn't/couldn't steal
>>27353407Because Ina asked 'how are you?', and Moona being autistic thinks she's being asked her life story.
>>27353341All of ID seem like they would be great for Collabing for EN.
>12 donutsvomit asmr when?
>>27353063Lovecraft was actually pretty pro-women for its times. He did have problems with talking with them in real life thanks to his mother and aunt fucking his early life, but he had female writer pen pals that he regularly helped. I think he also wrote one or two short stories together with one of them.
>>27353437I mean, that's a thing in most of the world. If you ask someone in sweden "how are you doing" they will tell you honestly how they are doing.
>>27353405It's an FGO thing.
Moona has been in a few EN chats now, where the fuck are the other ID's? Narratives?
>>27353407It's a poggers MOONA RAID poggers
>>27353465Risu is eating nuts
>>27353427ID really got shafted hard. I can't believe Korone still hasn't done a stream with Risu
dat squeaky laugh
>>27353437>Autists can't tell that when someone says "how are you" they aren't literally asking about your dayw-what does it actually mean?
>>27353465Risu's showed up before too anon, Iofi keeps to herself since she's constantly depressed
>>27353465Risu is a cunt and Iofi mostly hangs out in Holostars chats.
>>27353455>vomiting after only 12 doughnutswhat
>>27353465Moona's just very forward when it comes to forming her harem
>>27353387Oh no I've been exposed.
>>27353465Risu's too busy reading the threads to visit others
>>27353465Afraid of Moona's big dick energy. She has claimed her territory.
>>27353465They already know about Moonas plan to add all of EN to her harem
>>27353322I mean, Kiara is very weeaboo if you know her and her story. So it checks out.
>>27353437It's an Anglo only thing to ask that and not expect an answer
>>27349476Is the chumchad coupon (the one with gigachad and guts) on that list too?>t. anon that requested it
>>27353474That is the biggest tragedy, right there.
>>27350494This is old bait, Trinityfags take the cock now
>>27353438Not that we knowBeing born a SEAmonkey is a curse in itself
Is this the bad ending?>that vision when she picks up the amulet
>>27353476You just say "Oh good" or "Fine" and then move on. It's a greeting.
>>27353476Empty pleasantries.
>caffeinated burrito
>>27353474Korone doesn't collab with anyone though
>moon just trying to have a conversation in the chatWhat a cute dork. I can't wait until the inevitable collabs.
gura orgasm squeaks
>>27353515This is the best ending.
>call of cthulhu>no phones in sight
>12 donuts
>>27353465I've seen Risu in a few of the chats.
>>27353465Iofi's too busy being a fujo in the holostars' chats
>>27353465Rise has been in chat. Maybe watch the streams bro.
>Henry WestChad name
>>27353474Korone is way too shy to initiate a collab, going to need Okayu or something as a mediator.
>>27353528Except Okayu
>>27353465IIRC Risu appeared in Ame's chat
>That smoking policeman's animationsIs he a muppet?
>>27353377>What events would they have for a HoloEN christmas special?Gura brings a special guest, HER, to finally dispel rumors of her past identity.But it's just Amelia sockpuppeting HER model while Gura voices both.
>>27353476it's basically hellothey say hey how are youyou say good and you and then they say good thanks back and then you actually begin the real talkthink of it as a tls handshake for anglos
>you tako head