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File: 500 KB, 1731x1711, 1601207018437.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
26959771 No.26959771 [Reply] [Original]

hololive global

>> No.26959781
File: 51 KB, 680x521, inanis pancakes lmao.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

https://streamable.com/cj3uzt Dude Pancakes LMAO
https://streamable.com/72kou1 Kani kani kani~
https://streamable.com/9salgb Headpat check
https://streamable.com/qlz2en No fighting, bad!
https://streamable.com/zb8jz0 Senbei ASMR
https://streamable.com/4jzi5o Are you smoking Mr. Pierce?
https://streamable.com/xste7j Ina happy to know that someone else knows Stardriver
https://streamable.com/ziphcy Ina's reaction from seeing Amelia in chat
https://streamable.com/ek2554 I love you 3000
https://streamable.com/dmokv2 K Y S 10q
https://twitter.com/ninomaeinanis/status/1309632969531953152 Woomy~!
Added titles for no embed anons

>> No.26959784

3 weeks of fire.

>> No.26959798
Quoted by: >>26959883

Oh wow Chicken can sing good. Karaoke streams ahead!

>> No.26959799 [DELETED] 

动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门

>> No.26959800
File: 379 KB, 2000x2000, 20200918_074548.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Remember to not respond to Chinese shills, here or elsewhere

>> No.26959803
File: 379 KB, 766x714, 1570478802075.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Elementary, my dear

>> No.26959804


动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门

>> No.26959806

Fuck "chinks".

>> No.26959812
File: 533 KB, 1200x848, 1601158768827.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26959814
File: 486 KB, 790x654, 1591537035293.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just woke up, what did I miss?

>> No.26959818

>holoEN was after aloe incident
>now coco incident
will we get gen 2?

>> No.26959821

Someone will be graduated until the end of year and that's fact.

>> No.26959831

>Your havorite HoloJP
>How long they're on break

Still working as a CEO

>> No.26959832
File: 19 KB, 1280x853, taiwan#1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Taiwanese Holos when?

>> No.26959837
File: 87 KB, 2545x191, moripasta.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Semi-threadly reminder that Mori-sama is the light of my life! WHERE THE FUCK ARE THE STREAMS?

>> No.26959839

Welp, looks like we're going to be /pol/ for 3 weeks now.


>> No.26959842
File: 920 KB, 899x806, 1576051351210.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reddit dragon BTFO
we fucking won sharkbros

>> No.26959844

what are the chances someone superchats "TAIWAN #1" to one of the holomyth girls and who is most and least likely to actually read it?

>> No.26959846
File: 76 KB, 1187x780, 1589128105583.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let me see your armpits!

>> No.26959847
File: 88 KB, 1200x438, Kiara.png.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Always remember, that when it was time to stand up and be counter. Kiara stood with her sempais. She was not yellow.

>> No.26959850

Your English reps...

>> No.26959852
File: 22 KB, 400x400, yagoo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Herro Tanigo-chan here. We need new HoloENs to distract from the China drama. We're looking to expand in Europe, so prease give me your ideas. Thank you ! ! !

>> No.26959859

It will blow over in the West/Japan, yes. The question is whether it will blow over in China if they're not happy with the suspensions. Pissing off China is a different ball game because they'll actually ban you from the country if they're mad enough. Artia and the others might be in deep shit if that happens.

>> No.26959862

Being rushed right now to make the goldfish forget even quicker.

>> No.26959865

China is being retarded as per usual

>> No.26959868
File: 440 KB, 823x1192, 1600998066236.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Amelia Watson.

The name alone evokes so many emotions. You remember her laugh, her smile, her eyes, everything about her.
You want to protect her, but you also want to fuck her.

Amelia Watson.

>> No.26959870

This can only be saved by Gura's singing now...

>> No.26959871

No chance anyone will read it.

>> No.26959873


>> No.26959883
File: 1.80 MB, 600x556, 1581191257119.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was watching the VOD since I missed live, her voice is really cute now, and really great singing, can't wait for more karaoke streams.

>> No.26959884
Quoted by: >>26959986

Wine party in 15 hours
Nihongo benkyou in 22 hours

>> No.26959885
File: 631 KB, 593x719, 1601209185661.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26960177


>> No.26959889

She was not chicken.

>> No.26959893
File: 106 KB, 1000x1167, 1601062134077.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26960003

The schedule.. onegai..

>> No.26959897

Kiara in a plugsuit at Nanking!

>> No.26959907
Quoted by: >>26959943

>Playing multiple streams on Holotools
>Holo schedules
>Playboard Superchat Tracker




>> No.26959908

>People are actually looking at this like she was brave and took a stand
>She was actually just too dense to realise why nobody else was saying anything
I fucking love this retarded bird.

>> No.26959909

>Ame's next stream begins with her wearing yellow bear ears and tanks behind her.

>> No.26959910
File: 443 KB, 750x742, 1600359941280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Don't fuck the Chinamen who sell $5 meals was stuffing as much shit into the box as humanly, especially the ones who cook Teriyaki chicken.

>> No.26959917
File: 217 KB, 1440x1108, 111326468632.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26960068

Fucking chinks are the biggest schizzos of all forcing down geopolitical narratives down the throat of everyone they deem vulnerable.

>> No.26959921
File: 342 KB, 1748x1240, 1586886051575.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love these two.

>> No.26959926

It will China will forget

>> No.26959930
Quoted by: >>26959993

Haachama and Coco talk about statistics. Mention Taiwan as its own country. China goes crazy. Haachama and Coco suspended for three weeks.

>> No.26959931

Chink can't stop raining on people's parade because they're brainwashed to be cunts.

>> No.26959935

i love this fucker

>> No.26959937

I want you to punch Cover's CEO in the face for me!

>> No.26959940

>doesn't want headpats
>but wants to give headpats
>doesn't show armpits
>but wants to see armpits
Amelia... you gotta have to give too

>> No.26959943

man this whole situation makes me feel sad for her

>> No.26959944
File: 311 KB, 409x648, 1600650274360.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26960586

Did she drop the slime game?

>> No.26959955
File: 206 KB, 477x469, 1600041809239.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope Artia gets evacuated from HoloCN to become part of HoloEN Gen 2.

>> No.26959956

Someone will be have passed their English exams at the month and that's fact too.

>> No.26959965
File: 275 KB, 506x567, 1601062710437.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26959966
File: 114 KB, 1000x1000, 1600821798208.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't want to win like that, chumbud.

>> No.26959974
File: 2.73 MB, 1524x720, kickyricky.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>new mic at last, sounds cute as fuck
>can sing
>good membership like Ina/Ame

Is she finally free? Can we say "yeah she's alright"

>> No.26959972
Quoted by: >>26960070

If one of them isn't Scottish or Irish I'll riot.

>> No.26959978
File: 530 KB, 1200x1003, 1577612215113.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26960217

This thread has been blessed by Ina, priestess of the Comfy Ones! No antiposting, political discussion, or other uncomfy activities will be allowed beyond this point.

>> No.26959979
File: 1.61 MB, 966x737, hkpatch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Help them organize schedules
>Talk to other managers to help organize collabs. Say one stream Holo A says she'd like to collab with Holo B someday but she's too shy to ask. Holo A's manager should at the very least float the idea to Holo B's manager.
>Get permissions for games they want to stream
>Keep track of their physical and mental health. If it looks like they are getting burnt out, give them a break.
>Make sure their connections and equipment are functioning well. Buy or reimburse them on things they need to stream. Lobby to fix problems with models or rigging if there is any.
>Watch their streams when possible and monitor any technical problems or interruptions
>Teach them basic coporate OPSEC, research and scrub their past lives to avoid doxxing
>As much as possible, keep track of Antis. That's not to say every anonymous comment can be followed up on, but if some guy says he knows where a Holo lives and is gonna visit her, maybe take action.
>Teach the newer ones how Hololive works, what will be expected of them, both from the fans and the company. This includes memberships, concerts, collabs, merchandise, pricing, etc.
>Support and protect them from outrage nothingburgers by Antis (this includes easily offended insectoid bugmen)

>Harass them
>Stalk them
>Hire SEAniggers who will harass and stalk them
>Teach their Holos to apologize for mistakes the company made in an attempt to shift blame
>Kneel and bootlick angry Antis (including easily offended insectoid bugmen) and suspend their talents hoping it will appease them (It won't RIP ALOE)

>> No.26959980


>> No.26959981
Quoted by: >>26960108

what's up with coco and china

>> No.26959983


>> No.26959985


>> No.26959986

Nah, I know when Mori-sama streams. But where are the other girls?

>> No.26959993
Quoted by: >>26960276

Also, it was Youtube statistics, so it was not even intentional, it's just that Youtube separates Taiwan as a country.

>> No.26959996

>You want to protect her, but you also want to fuck her.
"but" makes it sound like those two ideals are in tension

>> No.26960001
Quoted by: >>26960317

Can't believe I'm saying this but: I'd prefer the schizos over the fucking chink shilling faggots.

>> No.26960003
File: 315 KB, 2000x2469, 1601157548308.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>another amelia footchad
How is she so perfect? Gura and Ina are amazing too but she's my favorite.

>> No.26960006
File: 1.84 MB, 1200x1500, 1594102603638.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mori just put out her member community post regarding the wine drinking stream!
She talks about cheap wine and shitty cheese powder snacks she might get for when we all hang out on stream.
I love my dorky rapping reaper gf!

>> No.26960009
File: 416 KB, 445x544, 1588584060641.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good shit

Now we wait for all of them to migrate to HoloEN

>> No.26960011
File: 849 KB, 1600x1365, ina_paintinggura.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Happy seafriends!

>> No.26960015
File: 63 KB, 600x400, first-they-came-martin-niemoller.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's pretty based for this honestly, even if it was just her not being able to read the room.

>> No.26960019
Quoted by: >>26960052

HoloAU relaunching Coco, Haato, Artia and Civia soon.

>> No.26960026

What did Coco and Haachama actually say about the chinks?

>> No.26960029

Hololive BR

>> No.26960031

when is chicken's Genshin Impact stream?

>> No.26960036
Quoted by: >>26960129

I doubt she wears white pantsu.

>> No.26960041
Quoted by: >>26960146

Are the Schizos accusing anyone of not liking the reddit dragon Chang/CCP Shill gone now?

>> No.26960043
Quoted by: >>26961161

Interesting, why the hate of nuts? Nutritionally they provide some important stuff like ALA, micronutrients don't seem so bad, and they're low on carbs. Generally speaking, of course, considering all the different nuts. I'm not an agriculture or nutrition major, tho.

>> No.26960046
File: 246 KB, 463x453, 1601100875048.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26960555

Fuck you you fag, we don't wanna win like that, now look into my eyes.

>> No.26960048

Give us Aloe.

>> No.26960047

Good girl being a respectful and caring to her senpai like any kouhai should be, chinks and antis mad at this are just acting like subhuman bugs.

This cock (female) has bigger balls than YAGOO.

>> No.26960053
File: 108 KB, 400x400, 84355868_p7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26960127

My oshi finally doesn't sound like she's talking into a McDonald's mic wrapped with a towel and she didn't go full jew with her membership! Things are really looking up now!

>> No.26960051

Never. Permissions never.

>> No.26960052

AU is a part of China since the ancient times

>> No.26960055


>> No.26960056

cala a boca macaco

>> No.26960058

>arita safe
>family dies

>> No.26960061

Full-on, non-quotes Based.

>> No.26960063
Quoted by: >>26960085

they said Taiwan while reading out youtube analytics and didn't edit it out of a video

>> No.26960065
Quoted by: >>26960286

Are Ina and Gura fucked since some people are saying not to support COVER right now

>> No.26960068
File: 35 KB, 400x137, PnHnH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chinks are social injustice warriors

>> No.26960072

damn just checked it out and she sounds way better now

>> No.26960070
Quoted by: >>26960121

please, just 1 eu friendly holo
it's not too much to ask for

>> No.26960074

Cute squid. Cute kid.

>> No.26960080
Quoted by: >>26960623

She knew. Her Genshin Impact permissions were revoked because of this.

>> No.26960085

Fucking chinks

>> No.26960089
File: 584 KB, 1894x2048, 1600711930986.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mori-sama out here lighting the dark times up.

>> No.26960094

Leak the members post already

>> No.26960098

Cancelled for "adult world reasons". Not sure if the company revoked permissions forit or if she's taking a stand and not streaming it.

>> No.26960101
File: 445 KB, 633x845, dsacsc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I checked Hololive reddit out of curiosity, Did not expect them to actually stand up desu.

>> No.26960108

What kind of retard asks a question like that? Do you lack the basic level of deduction required to read the fucking thread and work out from context what's going on? Do you forget to breathe sometimes? Jesus fuck.

Coco and Haachama are banned for three weeks for mentioning Taiwan.

>> No.26960112
File: 6 KB, 225x225, abe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw Amelia is taller than me

>> No.26960115

anon I

>> No.26960116

they listed taiwan as a country

>> No.26960119

She's fine as long as she's not in a collab

>> No.26960117

Would that make the brazil spam better or worse

>> No.26960121

I've said it before, but we need a cute french loli holoEN

>> No.26960122

wtf i love china now?!

>> No.26960125
File: 1.30 MB, 1261x699, 1581136247913.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26960219


Everyone here needs to apologize and kneel to chicken.

>> No.26960127
Quoted by: >>26961560

I really liked the egg thing she did for the membership names. Wish she'd had some tiers so people could give her more money though.

>> No.26960129

They used to be white but by now they're probably yellow

>> No.26960130

If we ban all chinks, we don't have to pander to them and do censorship gymnastics

>> No.26960131


>> No.26960132

They are going to bully her...

>> No.26960143

Reddit is very anti China. They do that well at least.

>> No.26960142

Bro, Amelia is 150cm. Are you a midget?

>> No.26960146

Not liking her in general is ok, but actually blaming her the taiwan shit is chink shilling faggotry

>> No.26960147
Quoted by: >>26960369

Hating the CCP is one of the few things that can bring the internet together.

>> No.26960155
File: 641 KB, 564x840, 0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait till the posts get deleted

>> No.26960158
Quoted by: >>26960369

reddit hates china

>> No.26960160
Quoted by: >>26961819

when will 5ch dumpster dive anon bring us translations? I want to see how mad the JPs are.

>> No.26960161

How tall?

>> No.26960165

eh nois aew mininu

>> No.26960164

Reminder to boycott any and all Cover Corp. streams.

>> No.26960167

How are you that small?

>> No.26960169
File: 369 KB, 300x302, 1575990811758.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26960515

>anti try to force a negative narrative against her for this message
>it backfires
I also believe was just being a caring and respectful kouhai, true. But it is always funny to see her antis btfo either way.

>> No.26960170

Collab #4, Hololive EN plays Minecraft.
Kiara decides to build a giant chicken drumstick to decorate the world; /hlgg/ accuses her of ruining the collab by wasting time on something useless and not building a monument for the other girls.

Collab #5, Hololive EN plays Tetris 99.
Kiara had been practicing her tetris skills to rightfully earn her golden YAGOO but the other girls hadn't. /hlgg/ accuses her of ruining the collab by being a tryhard and not giving the others a chance to win.

Collab #6, Hololive EN does a talk show.
Kiara is absent because she fell ill. /hlgg/ accuses her of ruining the collab by not giving them something to constantly complain about.

>> No.26960174
Quoted by: >>26960328

>being a china anti is reddit now

>> No.26960177


The public has spoken, enough talk about this.

>> No.26960180

>can fuck in lotus position and motorboat
Lucky you eh

>> No.26960183


She didn't kneel to antis and to discord trannies. She won't kneel for this.

>> No.26960187

>Two Reddit posts that will be forgotten because Cover Corp doesn't actually give a damn and doesn't want to lose a big source of revenue

Wow...stunning and brave..im shedding tears. You can go ahead and call me a bughead or Mr.Chang now because im not stupid enough to believe this momentary outrage will lead to anything :)

>> No.26960197

Rent free

>> No.26960203
Quoted by: >>26960283

There were like 500 more of these but they were all deleted by mods
wonder why they stopped now

>> No.26960204
Quoted by: >>26960261

The only basis I'll actually defend suspending Coco and Haachama on is that the HoloCN girls could very easily be disappeared by the Chinkistani government over it since it's not like they'd need a real reason to. That said, Sinae delenda est.

>> No.26960210
Quoted by: >>26960633

Moona did.

>> No.26960212

yeah she's alright
too bad with the recent happenings I'm not yet paying for a membership

>> No.26960217

What's the safe word anon? You can't post that without a phrase for me to say to attain blessings.

>> No.26960218

>Kiara put in a member vote option for tomorrow's stream
That's actually pretty cool.

>> No.26960219
Quoted by: >>26964801

>the HL based on a fucking Phoenix is the one that has the balls to stand up to China

>> No.26960228
File: 7 KB, 1200x800, 1200px-Flag_of_the_People's_Republic_of_China.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26960230
Quoted by: >>26960322

the whole place is shitting on them

>> No.26960234
Quoted by: >>26960326

Why would you look forward to a chink made game? They even censored her name right after this incident. I bet the Muse Dash devs already banned her account.

>> No.26960232

Why are chickenfags like this? Who hurt you?

>> No.26960238

Coco was reading some shit about viewership analytics and she read Taiwan together with other countries, as stated in the fucking analytics. Chinks gone full retarded because "TAIWAN IS NOT A COUNTRY REEEEEE". So basically, she read factual information and triggered the chink schizzos.

No idea about haato.

>> No.26960243
File: 334 KB, 1673x1700, Watson.Amelia.full.3072609.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My wife Amelia is the best and can't stop winning.
Why is she so perfect

>> No.26960241

What did Kiara do to piss off /hlgg/ in this collab? I was asleep and when I woke up the archives are buried in Xi's tears.

>> No.26960246

I just woke up
but thanks

>> No.26960247

Great. Now cover will invest more to EN

>> No.26960261

HoloCN was a mistake to begin with. Doing business with such a toxic country is bad news. They should cut them loose. Sucks but they can find new jobs.

>> No.26960269
Quoted by: >>26960385

She is bad at videogames.

>> No.26960271

wow this months outrage is pretty spicy
cant wait till next months outrage when we forget this happens
predictions of whats the next big thing next months anons?

>> No.26960273
Quoted by: >>26960385

instead of playing the game she stood still in a corner and told the others to kill themselves

>> No.26960274
File: 758 KB, 3840x2160, 1596516880193.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26960276

Such bullshit. I want the support the girls but fuck that company.

>> No.26960278
Quoted by: >>26964472

Risu did nothing but play with a rubber duck for 1 hour.
Sadly this did nothing to quell international tensions.

>> No.26960279

why dont you defend her in the real collabs instead of inventing things?

>> No.26960281

People should really just mass downvote the hololiveCN channels and spam the comments with anti chinese copypasta

>> No.26960283

If they wanted to fight it, they would just need to lock it. No amount of deletion is enough.

>> No.26960286
Quoted by: >>26960342


'Some people' are butt-blasted Chinamen, and Gura has outright gained subs on Bilibili despite this. Most active Holo talents have bled a few subs, but only Coco's hurting.

>> No.26960287
File: 3.23 MB, 540x292, 1601219339807.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26960442


>> No.26960289

I kneel. /pol/posting, schizo, and antis are ruining this thread and so did Coco.

>> No.26960290

It leads to EN audiences not cancelling Coco and Haato at least.

>> No.26960294

>Timer stalling and hiding stationary behind objects is not fun to watch
>Unless my designated kissu anime waifu does it, then everyone who dislikes it is O B S E S S E D
I like the chicken but you need to stop

>> No.26960295
File: 79 KB, 400x410, 1596552388586.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She said she won't stream if for 大人の事情, or Adult world reasons as she said.
Either she was told by Cover she can't play but isn't mentioning the China/Taiwan words, or she's incredibly based and just saying fuck the chinks I ain't playing their game when this is happening

>> No.26960297
File: 203 KB, 351x342, 1599464657391.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26960388

>they can do this since the person that meme reviews them is banned

>> No.26960298

>Mori post made about waking up minutes after she posts something to Youtube as well

Is it HER?

Sick Outta Fashion was fire, but I'm looking forward to more slow stuff like Words That I Could Say

>> No.26960304
File: 30 KB, 554x554, 1601116801264.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26960352

in my opinion we should graduate the entire country of china (that excludes taiwan) with an laser from orbit, in minecraft.

>> No.26960303
Quoted by: >>26960357

Can we use this controversy to export all of the HoloCN out of bilibili and erase their bonds with the bugmen army? I wish I could have Yogiri and Doris in youtube.

>> No.26960308

Each round of Gang Beasts was 30 seconds of fighting followed by 2 minutes of trying to kill the chicken as she walks headfirst into a wall and wins by stalling

>> No.26960312
File: 590 KB, 1075x1079, rip gremlin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No. We will organize a rescue op for the HoloCN girls and all of their loved ones, fuck you.

>> No.26960314
Quoted by: >>26960443

Watch it yourself. close this thread and go watch it, pay close attention to it.
You will see right away.
Skip the first 15 minutes it was just introduction, watch the actual gameplay.

>> No.26960317

There are so many chink bootlickers coming out of the woodworks, especially on /hlg/

>> No.26960315

and people think coco and haachama have it bad...

>> No.26960319

lmfao that poem is so fucking hilarious

>> No.26960321

Feeling conflicted, on one hand I hated dragon for a bit of everything, but in the other hand cover managed to piss everyone off just made me felt a bit of sympathy too.

>> No.26960320

>anti china
>partly owned by tencent
>people pay for the stupid award things
really makes you think

>> No.26960322

The Whole Place was shitting on them for HK brutality and can you guess if that lead to anything?

>> No.26960325

FBK's already gotten a few things like that in her chat
But not actual superchats, because you know, FBK.

>> No.26960326

I was looking forward to Kiara being happy since she seemed excited for it

>> No.26960328

people breathe, people drink, people hate china.
You can have something in common with people you dislike.

>> No.26960331

Yeah she's alright but I listened to Astel a few minutes later, and he fucking killed it, even when he was trying to deliberately suck at the same song. The level is just chigau, like they say.

>> No.26960332

Are chumbros really this pathetic or is it just falseflagging?

>> No.26960333

Is Turkey considered Europe?

>> No.26960334
Quoted by: >>26960373

Shark still growing on bilibili despiste everything
What's her secret?

>> No.26960336

Smuggle HoloCN out of the country, close up shop and consider HoloCN a failure. Start up HololiveTW in its place.

>> No.26960337

yeah no cover is fucked either way

>> No.26960339
Quoted by: >>26960411

It sucks but Cover should just move out of China when this all boils over. That would also spare the CN girls from backlash but protect the rest of their talents.

>> No.26960342


Its in times like this a holo's fanbase is tested. A holo with a loyal fanbase will endure difficult times.

>> No.26960343
File: 184 KB, 1199x940, Ei2tfaIU4AAefuW-orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

O/u/r little chicken can't be this fucking based!

>> No.26960345

Haato returns but Coco graduates and takes half the Hololive roster with her to Cocolive

>> No.26960349
Quoted by: >>26960472

>reddit dragon BTFO
>not a good thing
go back to /hlg/

>> No.26960352
File: 2.38 MB, 1452x1070, 1584287102959.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26960356

she will hit the 1M subs in one month if she maintains her growth pace

>> No.26960357
File: 193 KB, 624x637, 1601041210715.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26960473

I want Yogiri, her singing voice is lovely.

>> No.26960359

Well at least Coco won't have to do meme review anymore, right?

>> No.26960360

Chicken gets to collab with Pekora and her massive faggotry triggers both us and the nousagis.

>> No.26960367

I doubt we'll forget this one. It involves the DRAGON OF HOLOLIVE after all. She's the "most superchatted youtuber of all time".

>> No.26960369

Reddit hates the CCP for the wrong reasons. They hate it for being authoritarian, xenophobic, and not progressive.

>> No.26960373

She's a memegod playing 5D chess and tapping into people's consciousness to get them to subscribe

>> No.26960376
Quoted by: >>26960913

Can you make one for "There's no need to cringe"?

>> No.26960377

Taiwan numba one

>> No.26960378

Only the part that's before the bospurus.

>> No.26960379


So the girls ended up playing Gang Beasts (apparently it was meant to be Human Fall Flat, but it was changed for some reason?) and after a while Kiara's preferred strategy became 'sit in the corner and do nothing while the others fight it out.' Eventually the others wised up, and Kiara reacted in a way that was seen as in-character by some and childishly petty by others.

>> No.26960383
Quoted by: >>26960459

Remember to donate an extra special amount to Artia next stream to save her and possibly her family from this mess.

>> No.26960384

I wish she was taller than me. Being tall is a curse.

>> No.26960385

I like Chicken but when I watched the collab I was kind of annoyed because she seemed like she was getting really salty at it.
>Quietly whining that she didn't have a chance of getting a golden Yagoo anymore, when they were tied
>Giving up and trying to kill herself
>Shouting "I'M SO DONE" during the second last fight when she hadn't even died yet

>> No.26960388
File: 129 KB, 332x351, dying gremlin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The mods have been deleting that shit left right and center, it wouldn't surprise me if it's Artia doing it because her fucking family is on the line.

>> No.26960389

>You want to protect her, but you also want to fuck her.
By tying her up I can do both at once.
That's using the big brain!

>> No.26960397

What a good birb. She loves hololive girls more than anything else. I'm in on the chickencoin.

>> No.26960398


and I hope more of your people die in floods, diseases and shitty engineering

>> No.26960403
Quoted by: >>26960440

Reminder to play Yakuza in Kaichou's honor. It's what she would want.

>> No.26960407
File: 442 KB, 1280x720, Ayunda morning show.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26960501

Risu announced her new morning show to replace Asacoco

>> No.26960406

Big if true.

>> No.26960409

I don't like the dragon either and maybe Haachama is not so interesting to me anymore, but I cannot stand those dirty bugs having control over any of the girls' channels like this.
And hating on china is fun, of course.

>> No.26960411

I agree just so artia would be off topic

>> No.26960413

Fuck China don't give any money to Cover or its talents for at least 3 weeks.....

>> No.26960417

she was always going to be fine, narrative fags just like to stir up drama and kiara was a easy target. All the girls will improve over the weeks as they get better equipment and get used to streaming to their strengths.

>> No.26960418

What the fuck, forget Amelia, I'd walk around the house looking for things to bend YOU over

>> No.26960433

Hearing about her roommate's political tweets from here, I wouldn't doubt it could be the latter.

>> No.26960436

Artia... I want to save you and Civia

>> No.26960437

Fuck China, fuck Coco, fuck Cover, in that order

>> No.26960440


>> No.26960442
File: 830 KB, 1000x1499, 1599645966264.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26960735

I kind of worry Coco won't take this and dip, she's always had a "don't fuck with me" attitude

if she goes Kanata will go, and then things will be reeeeeeeeeally akward for Suisei

>> No.26960443

I did watch it but I thought her saltiness was what would piss everybody off rather than her terrible playstyle.
Honestly the stalling just looks like it's more the fault of the game than Kiara. Why do maps like the wrestling ring exist?

>> No.26960445

The earth may not be flat, but Global is.

>> No.26960446

Technically yes, but the culture and people are closer to the Middle East. I'll accept a HoloEN from Turkey

>> No.26960453


>> No.26960456
File: 242 KB, 502x538, artia_REALLY_tired.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really hope Artia makes it out of this shitshow alright. She actually dindu nuffin.

>> No.26960458

pretty sure at one point she mumbles "fuck this shit" and suicides herself too, but was mostly drowned out by others

>> No.26960459

Your reminder that the HoloCN girls are likely supporters of the One China policy.

>> No.26960461

Save Hololive CN. Get them the hell out of there and rebrand them as something else, just get them out please.

>> No.26960462
Quoted by: >>26960784

MacArthur was right

>> No.26960464
Quoted by: >>26960491

Pekora offends the entire islamic world and has a jihad declared on her. Cover HQ gets suicide bombed and she gets a 4 week suspension

>> No.26960469

I think Artia has more important things to be worried about, but it doesn't help.

Being a cute Gremlin living in someone else's apartment isn't easy.

>> No.26960470

China gave us the Wuhan Flu and now they've killed Coco and Haachama. Why haven't we glassed Shanghai yet?

>> No.26960471


>> No.26960472
Quoted by: >>26961284

Yup, so you really are all just numberfags.

What a surprise.

>> No.26960473
File: 1.84 MB, 2605x3684, 1577099979743.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26960647

her newest video is pretty cute, especially the beginning around 0:50 onward https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1dD4y1o7aD
sucks to be a holoCN right now

>> No.26960474
Quoted by: >>26960554

>takes the voices and personalities
>have to make new avatars and somehow tell people that they are moving because all that is owned by cover
>also has to give back the phone and infrastructure/backstage crew and software

>> No.26960477
Quoted by: >>26960519

Didn't they ban coco's name on that game already? It's possible that Mihoyo retracted their permissions

>> No.26960480

Either Gen2 auditions are going to announced really early or we're getting the so called Hololive-Twitch

>> No.26960481
Quoted by: >>26960514

>Fuck Youtube, Cover, and China has more votes than Fuck Cover and China
Wait what did Youtube do?

>> No.26960488

Okay Kiara. I felt you were bratty af but these are some major balls you have

>> No.26960490
File: 331 KB, 409x690, 1600488707812.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whatever man, I won't require perfection from allies in trying times.

Also twitter is currently a shillfest for Cover saying they did it just to protect her CN talents, as if.

>> No.26960491

are there even any mudslimes in japan?

>> No.26960492

>don't give money precisely when holos need it
Who do you think suffers the most you massive retard? I'll give you a hint, it's not cover or the bugmen.

>> No.26960493
File: 34 KB, 750x350, 1600808350925.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cover is done, can I get my wife back now?

>> No.26960497


>> No.26960501

I love that autistic tree-rat

>> No.26960509

动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Haachama 六四天安門事件 The Asacoco protests of September 2020 天安門大屠殺 The Bilibili Schedule Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Member-Only Coco Chat 大躍進政策 The Aqua Outfit Reveal 文化大革命 Bilibili VLC Stream 人權 Haachama Kitchen

>> No.26960508

I can see this happening

>> No.26960510

One hundred streams and they're all KOF.

>> No.26960513

Subaru on the run after Coco and Haachama were assassinated

>> No.26960514
Quoted by: >>26960958

Them separating Taiwan and China is what caused the whole mess

>> No.26960515

>be "respectful" to your senpai that never gave a fuck about you
>get dragged in the same shit bucket as her
>shit splashes on the rest of holoen as well
4D chess! Big brain chicken. 4th Reich soon!

>> No.26960517

It's always the falseflagging fags that do shit like this all the time.

>> No.26960519
File: 519 KB, 830x467, o2b6fnnfwop51.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's very likely the reason, yeah.

>> No.26960520

>Another one retires

>> No.26960522
File: 524 KB, 937x876, 1601184310665.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I finished reading the threads a bit ago since this "general" was filled with political garbage.
Here skim through this one, I already closed the one when the stream was on-going.

>> No.26960523
File: 303 KB, 536x398, chrome_0lYnCYPpDJ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26960814

What did Mori mean by retweeting this?

>> No.26960527
File: 57 KB, 514x626, 1600218666571.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gura is the most common falseflag because of numbers and Coco makes /hlg/ seethe on the daily.

>> No.26960528
Quoted by: >>26960561

Haachama reads youtube statistics, which lists Taiwan as a country, chinks start chimping out.

Coco does the same, either to try and take some of the focus off Haachama or just to shitpost, chinks start going planet of the apes.

Cover hands both of them a 3 week ban. Chinks calling for them to be fired. Japanese and overseas fans calling for the extermination of the Chinese. HololiveEN statement on twitter instantly ratioed.

>> No.26960534

>fuck china for trying to fuck over my holos by canceling them
>anyways lets fuck over my holos by not supporting them

>> No.26960535

It's not like you're given much of a option as a Chinese national. Artia might be in NA but it's just as a student. Her family is back in the mainland.

>> No.26960536

Chink disease was manufactured in order to promote Hololive viewership. Sit down, be humble.

>> No.26960537

The apple factory is berry important please andarstand.

>> No.26960538
Quoted by: >>26960589

no fuck off
go spam bel air copypastas in habbo instead

>> No.26960539

theyre all heavily monitored

>> No.26960542

动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门

>> No.26960543

islam is one of the smallest minority religions there

>> No.26960541
Quoted by: >>26960583

Why do you hate China if being an authoritarian shithole isn't a big part of it?

>> No.26960544

Chairman Xi... I kneel...

>> No.26960545

>say the T word
>get dabbed on

>> No.26960548

>will we get gen 2?

Both HolostarsEN and HoloID Gen 2

>> No.26960555


>> No.26960554

Oh yes it would be a fucking disaster, but that anon asked for my predictions of October's disaster and that's what I think it would be

>> No.26960557

Gotta get those social credit points or risk having themselves and their families disappeared.

>> No.26960560
File: 103 KB, 355x369, 1600665436189.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They have to be or their families will get black bagged, it's not an enviable situation.

>> No.26960562

There's some hapas at least in the VA world.

>> No.26960561

Remember this is on Youtube.
A platform that chinks aren't even suppose to access.

>> No.26960566 [SPOILER] 
File: 41 KB, 615x517, 1601222181904.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26964922


>> No.26960572

Go back, leddit fag.

>> No.26960575

I'm not a fan of hers, and you're being paranoid and autistic, but I get you Anon, it was pretty suffocating for chickenfags at the start, but you don't need to worry about it, her last streams were pretty great, the karaoke was great now that she got a new mic, not to mention how her antis just keep making fools of themselves again and again.

Don't let the shitposting get rent-free in your head lilke that.

>> No.26960576
File: 209 KB, 478x600, 1591415774862.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reddit dragon is cancer and she deserved it
no, i dont give a shit

>> No.26960583

Because they aren't America

>> No.26960585
File: 2.91 MB, 1280x720, 1600452269540.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In these tiring times I just want to make a very special announcement.

I love Calli. She is a hard working girl who is doing her best to make both songs and art as a way to entertain her viewers. She is fully aware and capable to make a joke of herself, as she knows it will give her audience a good laugh and deepen her connection.

I love Kiara. A wonderful active person who is surprisingly more talented than she herself, or some haters, moght believe. She wants nothing more than to spread joy and actively interact with her fans, while growing both as a person and entertainer.

I love Ina. Shes a sweet girl who wants to spread inspiration with her art and help her fans improve their own skills, all while asking you to focus on your well being and health above all else. Even if you watch her as a sleeping aid, she will gladly serenade you with her calm voice so you could rest and recover after a hard day.

I love Amelia. Her antics and joker like behaviour cause so many people have the biggest smile on their faces throughout her stream, but also come out of them with some self reflection after her short bursts of wisdom or her being able to invoke feelings anons didnt think they could feel.

I love Gura. A wonderful girl that you just cant help but want to protect and see her grow, so she could open up more. Especially after listening to the few songs she did, and her ability to capture and invoke pure joy and positivity out of the simplest and smallest things.

Bless HoloEN.
Bless the anons who stick through the hardships of the threads.
I want all of them to succeed even if I have my favorite. I know that each girl brings joy to other anons and I dont want to rob the talent of their dream, or the viewers of their individual favorite.

>> No.26960586

her reflexes can't.
i hope she gets back to it.

>> No.26960589

Kill yourself, Zhao

>> No.26960590

is hololive id unironically the most drama-free breanch of hololive?

>> No.26960592 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>26960663

动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Haachama 六四天安門事件 The Asacoco protests of September 2020 天安門大屠殺 The Bilibili Schedule Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Member-Only Coco Chat 大躍進政策 The Aqua Outfit Reveal 文化大革命 Bilibili VLC Stream 人權 Haachama Kitchen 民運 Holoharem 自由 Haaton Decapitation Mark 獨立 多黨制 Multi-Stream Drifting 台灣 臺灣 Civia Youtube Debut 中華民國 Dragon America 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Toxic Australian Air 達賴喇嘛 Youtube Analytics 法輪功 Akai Red 新疆維吾爾自治區 The twitch.tv/artia_hololive (embed) Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Golden YAGOO 劉暁波 Red Bull 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Bennett Foddy 劉曉波动态网自由门

>> No.26960593

50cent army. They are everywhere. They also have the same style of posting

>> No.26960595
File: 17 KB, 628x239, basld2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Friendly reminder that "protesting" against this doesnt work

>> No.26960596
Quoted by: >>26960817

>Artia takes on a 2nd Bsc course when her first one finishes to stay in NA.

I can see it

>> No.26960600
Quoted by: >>26961291

Please, we used to stack fucks like them five feet high in Korea. Use 'em as sandbags.

>> No.26960603
File: 664 KB, 1985x1999, 1600143494541.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Insists Gura's tail is a buttplug
>Cancelled by CCP

>> No.26960606
File: 653 KB, 1280x720, 1601184605261.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26960608
Quoted by: >>26960829

I didn't expect them to post something that wasn't a tier chart or contained the word 'PANIK'

>> No.26960609
Quoted by: >>26960687

Don't worry. It'll happen within the decade looking at the current conflict of China fucking with India, Taiwan, Hong Kong right now. Troops have already died on China and India dispute.

>> No.26960610
Quoted by: >>26966205

I don't know any of the other girls but Artia learned English from fucking 4chan. She's like as unindoctrinated as she can get.

>> No.26960612


>> No.26960613

It's all so tiresome
Can't have shit on earth

>> No.26960620

Yes, and they're growing but their numbers are tiny compared to Western Europe or even America.

>> No.26960623

yeah, I was wondering why she was so uncomfortable about it when asked during the superchat reading

>> No.26960633
Quoted by: >>26960777

moona did what?

>> No.26960635

Ah yes, "Based." Thank you, unity cultist.

>> No.26960643

Shit the fuck up and watch the dog

>> No.26960647
File: 203 KB, 500x500, 1600952346074.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I heard that compare to Civia or Spade, her SC is pretty much none-existent.

>> No.26960653
Quoted by: >>26960973

Yes, Chinese bugmen aren't even supposed to be on the human internet.

>> No.26960656
File: 757 KB, 1772x1772, 1600276673919.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we fucking won sharkbros
There are HoloEN accounts in Bilibili too. Theyll come for you guys soon enough.

>> No.26960660
File: 178 KB, 406x430, 1580396493096.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26960663 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>26960728

Should add these current happenings to the list. THE TAIWAN INCIDENT

>> No.26960662

blessed post

>> No.26960667

There are literally no chinks in these threads according to this ebin poll.
Why were you all calling everyone chink last thread? Are you people schizos?

>> No.26960669

>rome will never fall
>germany is too powerful
bugmen are destined to fail because they ignore history

>> No.26960671
Quoted by: >>26965152


>> No.26960673

Reminder this thread is being raided by 80 IQ /pol/ "happening" posters

>> No.26960676
File: 23 KB, 1280x853, 1601221120330.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Say my name bitches

>> No.26960679

Cunny connoisseurs party

>> No.26960681
File: 77 KB, 500x571, chink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26960725


>> No.26960687


The way things are going people will have to pick sides

>> No.26960690


>> No.26960692

Unfortunately yes.

>> No.26960693

Being an authoritarian, xenophobic shithole is part of why this whole mess started, though.

>> No.26960696
File: 1.78 MB, 265x257, 1581304754166.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can we all agree that china monkeys are the worst type of sea monkeys?

>> No.26960700

Moona will be the bomber, she'll travel to japan for her 3D debut and detonate halfway throuh the stream

>> No.26960698


>> No.26960701

mori gets a 99 member tier with exclusive brappage

>> No.26960706

Armenian tank with Korone drawn on the side gets blown up on camera. Korone comments on it. Roaches get assblasted.

>> No.26960714


>> No.26960720

i needed to hear this

>> No.26960724
File: 2.31 MB, 1500x2248, ywppxpffh7n51.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>millions of dollars when Japan is the secure 70% of their market while China remains irrelevant
>hope for more growth destroyed as chinks are collectively pissed even after the ban still going on chink raid
>can get blacklisted anytime and chinks don't want to risk their social credit score but instead boycott to raise it
Yagoo is a short-sighted nip. Fuck his stupid meme and self-insert as brand everywhere

>> No.26960725

There's one of them

>> No.26960728

I prefer The Taiwan Tussle.

>> No.26960730

Oh hey, it's Real China

>> No.26960731

Will this event affects coco relation with other holos?

>> No.26960735
Quoted by: >>26961115

She bent the knees and apologized on twitter already. For what she will do after 3 weeks of suspension, nobody knows.

>> No.26960737

50 cents have been added to your social credit account.

>> No.26960740

>ywn femdom by her
Why live...

>> No.26960741

Taiwan number one!

>> No.26960744


>> No.26960748
File: 123 KB, 1000x1000, EiBIStUVoAAJ3x9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait what the fuck I can actually hear the chicken voice now, the new mic changed her voice entirely.

Mind that I hate her personally, but it's always good to see growth.

>> No.26960750
File: 13 KB, 421x92, 566545432234324.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26960967

I love this development!


>> No.26960751
File: 460 KB, 1169x654, xi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26961314


>> No.26960752

If Civia told everyone to kiss and make up I think they'd actually do it.

>> No.26960758

So will Civia and Artia still get those new outfits now?

>> No.26960763


>> No.26960765
File: 150 KB, 728x1220, Ei7RW_DWkAEDO0d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26960864


>> No.26960766
Quoted by: >>26960810

hating chinese isn't political, it is personal

>> No.26960775
File: 166 KB, 1017x481, 1570792639307.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How much is the pay per post?

You have to go back

>> No.26960777
Quoted by: >>26961313

Acknowledge that she'd be waiting for Coco and Haato.

>> No.26960780

have sex china is not a problem

>> No.26960781

Best China

>> No.26960782


>> No.26960784

This but unironically.

>> No.26960785

China isn't SEA

>> No.26960789

Republic of China (Taiwan)

>> No.26960790
Quoted by: >>26962283

>ignoring actual growing disdain from common people and political posturing against them
>ignoring actual troops killed while fighting indians

Theyre gonna get glassed

>> No.26960794

Why the FUCK is the Bird so pretty up close? Holy shit I want to kiss her.

>> No.26960798

that patch should have been theblack wittering blood stained bauhinia

>> No.26960799
Quoted by: >>26960868

Hong Meiling.

>> No.26960807

The Real China! Good to see you here.

>> No.26960810

Hating the Chinese is fine, hating Cover is fucking retarded

>> No.26960814
File: 96 KB, 614x475, deadbeats.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will /hlgg/ still complain about Kiara forcing the yuri ship when Mori does it too?

>> No.26960815

What, you think fubuki will shoot her or smth?

>> No.26960817

It's complicated, can also claim refugee status but its harder with certain nationals with a tendency of wanting to stay.

>> No.26960821
Quoted by: >>26960963

Kiara will be there. She doesn’t give a fuck.

>> No.26960827


>> No.26960828
File: 20 KB, 350x262, 1591903260430.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26960930

>tfw spic
>"man my people are so unfunny and stupid"
>this shit happens
>"man thank god we aren't that stupid"

>> No.26960829
File: 203 KB, 557x767, cmhb9giioop51[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They did, it's the next one down.

>> No.26960832
Quoted by: >>26960935

Cover gets blacklisted in China and listed as "enemy" of China. This is catastrophic because it means no chinese business or investors would touch Cover. It is literally the end of Cover

>> No.26960836

I heard Amelia and Mori bully Gura relentlessly behind the scenes. Kiara feels bad for Gura but doesn't intervene because she's afraid that she will get bullied herself if she does.

>> No.26960837

Because you can only see her face and not her ketchup outfit.

>> No.26960843

Fuck you this is all your fault.

>> No.26960845

Can't believe I'd live to see reddit be based for once.

>> No.26960851
File: 14 KB, 432x324, 1600183369588.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I came here to talk about the girls.
Why is /hlgg/ so shitty?

>> No.26960852

>LMAO what if we got the HoloCNs and/or their families sent to re-indoctrination camps
How about you fuck right off.

>> No.26960858

Reminder that members of the 50 cent party will go into the same mass grave as their masters.

>> No.26960859
File: 96 KB, 1000x1000, EitKdjyWkAA4wEn-orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pure post

>> No.26960860

I took my solace in numberfagging
Membership (no prechat included) --reported prechat in the [brackets] by other anons
>teamates 1400[1800]+469=1869
>deadbeats 1148+164+165=1477
>kfp 1056[1500]

>> No.26960861

The Mainland Republic of Taiwan

>> No.26960862

>hating Cover is fucking retarded
Fuck off corporate shill, you still have boots to lick.

>> No.26960864

Why is her face melting

>> No.26960865

good genes from her papa

>> No.26960868


>> No.26960877
Quoted by: >>26961264

>talking about an ongoing issue that's relevant to HL, that happens to be political in nature is /pol/


>> No.26960874

Chinese Taipei

>> No.26960879
Quoted by: >>26960941

Cover is fucking retarded. It was Google’s fault in the first place.

>> No.26960881


>> No.26960886

no ones winning if shit actually hits the fan and someone retires.

>> No.26960887

Nope. China has always been shit, it's just what they did is now on topic

also, all CCP bootlickers should be hunted down and hanged

>> No.26960888
Quoted by: >>26960941

No Cover is fucking retarded, that's why we hate them.

>> No.26960889

Chinese Taipei.

>> No.26960893

Absolutely based.

>> No.26960895

Fuck Cover. Cover has shown again and again they have trash tier crisis management.

>> No.26960897
File: 226 KB, 446x590, 1600171139389.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

blessed tentacultist

>> No.26960903

I'm not mad about /u/ shit in itself, I'm mad about how obnoxious Kiara is about it.

>> No.26960909

The independent country of Taiwan.

>> No.26960911


>> No.26960913

https://streamable.com/9ie44t Douzo

>> No.26960915

They don't have a choice if they still want to go live in China

>> No.26960918

>while growing both as a person and entertainer.
why the fuck did the "entertainer" run away from all the fights and ruined everyone's fun in the last collab?

>> No.26960925

I'm buying more chicken coins. Her ability to not read the mood stems from her being full on Axis power mode (Anschlussed, a total weeb, and knows some Italian)

>> No.26960927

Go back, shill. Cover as a company trashes its reputation weekly, that is not some new development.

>> No.26960930
Quoted by: >>26966289

wait till you see chink tourists

>> No.26960931
Quoted by: >>26961036

That only counts people who joined memberships during streams.

>> No.26960932
Quoted by: >>26961030

Cover WAS blameless until they decided to lick China's boot.

>> No.26960935
Quoted by: >>26960990

Goggle and Apple have Taiwan listed everywhere, on their maps, on their analytics, and nothing has happened to them.

>> No.26960936

The jannies just warned me for the Hololive version of the China copypasta, but not the Chinese version. Narrative bros?!

>> No.26960941

Why are they retarded? What do you expect them to do? Say "lol fuck you China, by the way please don't cancel our Bilibili accounts"

>> No.26960943


>> No.26960944

because it was entertaining

>> No.26960946

Обоснованный и ДД-пилюленный.

>> No.26960949
File: 19 KB, 534x248, 1600263816731.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rent free

>> No.26960951

I don’t really like Cover because of the publicly known stipulations that come with working for them. I can appreciate the content though.

>> No.26960952
Quoted by: >>26961011

>be morifags
>can't shitpost about your dumb bitch because everyone despises her
>resort to ass-licking copypasta to sensibilize the others
>fail miserably because too obvious
>people despise her even more

>> No.26960953

Please andstand, shes still growing

>> No.26960954
File: 569 KB, 1400x1050, 9awaz2a0prd31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门

>> No.26960958

>Fuck Cover for kneeling to China
>Fuck Youtube for listing statistics in a way China doesn't like

>> No.26960963

The most supportive one is EN member.
We can't get more based than this.>>26960821

>> No.26960962
Quoted by: >>26961053

>More than $22000 a month from just these three alone in those few hours

Ow. That hurts

>> No.26960967

>Mori's "Excuse me?"

>> No.26960968
File: 266 KB, 1446x1704, Eiia25EXYAAnXl4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


that new mic is fucking great, bless the KFP

>> No.26960973
Quoted by: >>26961016

Are the people here really so new they don't know what simulcasting is.

>> No.26960977


>> No.26960981

She just needs to find a more general gimmick for collabs, whether that's going full harem and hitting on the other girls as well, or toning down the Mori obsession so she can interact with the others.

>> No.26960988

Yeah, I think I'm gonna play vidya and catch up on anime today.

This thread is as bad as the last one.

>> No.26960990
Quoted by: >>26961126

Google is banned in China and Apple has a separate version for the Chinese

>> No.26960991


>> No.26960992

Brain problems

>> No.26961001

Based ritualposters.

>> No.26961004

>chicken only has one sub tier
birdbrains explain?

>> No.26961005
Quoted by: >>26961041

I didn't really like the Chicken much until today.
Her stream this morning was actually really nice. The new mic helps a lot, she sang nicely, she was all around being sweet, even that whole kissing thing.

Chickenbros I apologize for calling her chickenshit before.

>> No.26961011


>> No.26961014

in these tiring times I just want to make a very special announcement.

I love Calli. She is a hard working girl who is doing her best to make both songs and art as a way to entertain her viewers. She is fully aware and capable to make a joke of herself, as she knows it will give her audience a good laugh and deepen her connection.

I love Ina. Shes a sweet girl who wants to spread inspiration with her art and help her fans improve their own skills, all while asking you to focus on your well being and health above all else. Even if you watch her as a sleeping aid, she will gladly serenade you with her calm voice so you could rest and recover after a hard day.

I love Amelia. Her antics and joker like behaviour cause so many people have the biggest smile on their faces throughout her stream, but also come out of them with some self reflection after her short bursts of wisdom or her being able to invoke feelings anons didnt think they could feel.

I love Gura. A wonderful girl that you just cant help but want to protect and see her grow, so she could open up more. Especially after listening to the few songs she did, and her ability to capture and invoke pure joy and positivity out of the simplest and smallest things.

Bless HoloEN.
Bless the anons who stick through the hardships of the threads.
I want all of them to succeed even if I have my favorite. I know that each girl brings joy to other anons and I dont want to rob the talent of their dream, or the viewers of their individual favorite.

I fixed the post

>> No.26961016

Neither was simulcasting you faggot

>> No.26961017

> hating Cover is fucking retarded

>Help them organize schedules
>Talk to other managers to help organize collabs. Say one stream Holo A says she'd like to collab with Holo B someday but she's too shy to ask. Holo A's manager should at the very least float the idea to Holo B's manager.
>Get permissions for games they want to stream
>Keep track of their physical and mental health. If it looks like they are getting burnt out, give them a break.
>Make sure their connections and equipment are functioning well. Buy or reimburse them on things they need to stream. Lobby to fix problems with models or rigging if there is any.
>Watch their streams when possible and monitor any technical problems or interruptions
>Teach them basic coporate OPSEC, research and scrub their past lives to avoid doxxing
>As much as possible, keep track of Antis. That's not to say every anonymous comment can be followed up on, but if some guy says he knows where a Holo lives and is gonna visit her, maybe take action.
>Teach the newer ones how Hololive works, what will be expected of them, both from the fans and the company. This includes memberships, concerts, collabs, merchandise, pricing, etc.
>Support and protect them from outrage nothingburgers by easily offended insectoid bugmen

>Harass them
>Stalk them
>Hire SEAniggers who will harass and stalk them
>Teach their Holos to apologize for mistakes the company made in an attempt to shift blame
>Kneel and bootlick angry chinks

>> No.26961020

>people stirring up the drama are just "/pol/" and people dismissing it are just "chink"
We've fucking done it now. We've reached the final stage of enlightenment for all threads, where discussion is impossible. Good fucking job.

>> No.26961022
Quoted by: >>26961080

Can't wait until Gura decides to say the T-Word but then halfway through decides against it as usual

>> No.26961024
Quoted by: >>26961089

Hate the game not the player.
It was obviously a good strategy.

>> No.26961027
File: 131 KB, 472x444, 1600007667132.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when are we getting high-energy collab Ina back?

>> No.26961030

If they didn't lick China's boot all their Chinese vtubers would be out of a job, shit for brains

>> No.26961036

not many people join outside the stream, right? You wanna see your name pop up in the chat

>> No.26961035

It's hilarious to me that some people here think Mori hates it when she's clearly being tsundere to play along.

>> No.26961040
File: 331 KB, 2309x1088, 1601184296518.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26961041
Quoted by: >>26961198

What did she sing?

>> No.26961050 [SPOILER] 
File: 104 KB, 1431x600, 1601222774315.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26961143


>> No.26961053
Quoted by: >>26961110

I think it's a bit less since the membership price depends on the currency

>> No.26961055
Quoted by: >>26961099

Who said fuck China? How is saying Taiwan the equivalent of saying fuck China?
Go fuck yourself, you slimy chinaman.

>> No.26961057
File: 94 KB, 691x691, 1574395327897.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based, fuck chicken.

>> No.26961063

they also have sex with them

>> No.26961070


>> No.26961073

>Personally I've always hated the Chinks, or bugs as I call them, because they're soulless inferior beings. Manchukuo must return so the Japanese Empire can prosper once more and properly finish the job.
That's about the extent of what Coco said. Haachama's was even worse.

>> No.26961076

I know she was suspended but I imagine Yagoo is begging Coco to forgive him right now. Probably full naked dogeza.

>> No.26961078

She's German(Aussietrian). No fun since the early 1900s

>> No.26961080

>Thanks Tai-haha not today buddy.

>> No.26961085

Vote for Kiara Fascist Party (KFP) in your local elections

>> No.26961089

the game is honestly shit if there's no real answer to players just running away

>> No.26961092


>> No.26961093
File: 1.14 MB, 1920x1080, 1600595448733.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You fucking retard if HoloEN exist is partialy thx to Coco. Fucking kill yourself this instant

>> No.26961098

At least some things are eternal.

>> No.26961100


>> No.26961099
Quoted by: >>26961239

>How is saying Taiwan the equivalent of saying fuck China?
Why don't you ask the Chinese retard? The insult is in the eye of the beholder, doesn't matter how objectively unreasonable it is

>> No.26961104
Quoted by: >>26961242

I keep laughing at this. What was chicken thinking?

>> No.26961103

china isn't sea
we don't want them here, they spit on the floor, inside elevators, etc

>> No.26961110
Quoted by: >>26961196

That's true. I wonder what the amount actually is?

>> No.26961112
File: 397 KB, 2310x1530, 1600563300802.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26961164

Thank you, ritualposter, bless your soul.

>> No.26961115

declare the holohouse's independence and start her own agency as a small startup
you know she would be swimming in money and attention if she did that, along with any girls who would join her

>> No.26961117

not true
coco didnt do shit

>> No.26961120

Who cares? They're Chinese.

>> No.26961126
Quoted by: >>26961931

If google is banned, then why are billibilli users restreaming YouTube(Google) content? Shouldn’t that also be banned in the first place?

>> No.26961128

Anon, your English reps...

>> No.26961129
Quoted by: >>26961192

That doesn't make it ok, retard. Bending over to China is bad for everyone long term.

>> No.26961130
File: 102 KB, 271x306, 1601181885146.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dare say "based".

>> No.26961138

>recognizing taiwan as a country is a fuck you to china

stay mad chink

>> No.26961142
File: 98 KB, 574x567, unknown68.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26961143

Cage fucked up when he bought alpacas instead of poultry.

>> No.26961147

Cover's current action is unavoidable. Cover's PAST action should have been to have had Taiwan itself as a blacklisted word if they didn't want shit like this to happen. It's not right, but they had to do that.

>> No.26961148

Blessed Tentacultist

>> No.26961151


>> No.26961152

Sorry, hating on chicken currently isn't accepted

>> No.26961158

Will something be announced soon to end all this?

>> No.26961159
File: 67 KB, 522x664, 1574609614479.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're totally fucking and decided to pair their characters together since they're both in Japan and will off-collab in their bed before sex anyway.

Just kidding

But I don't find it forced at all, the banter they have about it was pretty funny:
It's just not perfect because it's not like they're perfect actresses or anything like that, but it's a cute and enjoyable dynamic.

>> No.26961161
Quoted by: >>26961516

That poster left out many plants, including pine trees and wild onions, thrive in the more arid regions of the southwest.

>> No.26961162
Quoted by: >>26961241

Why was the chicken a chicken?

>> No.26961164

Damn, Amelia looks like THAT?

>> No.26961168

I'm about to watch the archive. Please tell me it's still somewhat comfy.

>> No.26961169

Prease andastd, Cover is a subservient culture company and cannot even comprehend speaking up, only kneel.

>> No.26961170

>actually thinking that China is SEA
An actual fucking retard.

>> No.26961176
File: 774 KB, 1000x1167, 5011122fc1c0954eaefa7366c34759af.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well... it seems kinda small, but maybe we can make it bigger?

>> No.26961179

Most of the Reddit userbase hates China from everything I've seen. It's the site itself that dogezas to the chinks.

>> No.26961182
File: 52 KB, 1067x312, nuke.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I propose a solution.

>> No.26961187

I loved combative Ina in the last collab. I need more of this in my life.

>> No.26961191
Quoted by: >>26961382

She simulcasting it.

>> No.26961192
Quoted by: >>26961278

So why should they be the ones to take the fall? Would you be cheering if Artia and Civia lost their jobs because Cover decided to stand up to the Chinese?

>> No.26961193
Quoted by: >>26961377

They could've just cut China out, and suffered only the losses from not having their audience.
"protecting the girls" is a garbage narrative, this is purely financially driven.

>> No.26961194

It's the best one, the hour went too fast. Should have been a two hour collab.

>> No.26961196

maybe using the information from the superchats you could get a more precise number?

>> No.26961198
Quoted by: >>26961341

Boomer idol songs and NGE OP

>> No.26961200

I will go full goldfish if this happens

>> No.26961202

Amelia beat up Ina to death once she tried to take her down.

>> No.26961211

This is actually pretty feasible. She has enough money to get started and any loss in viewership would probably be made up for by removing Cover's cut.
The only catch is I imagine they don't own the rights to their characters and Cover isn't likely to hand them over, but Coco can probably easily hire somebody to design new ones.

>> No.26961217

Portal 2 collab.
That or Biped.

>> No.26961222

Get out, chink.

>> No.26961223

om nom pls winnie pooh give more honey kek

>> No.26961238

how do I give HoloEN song recs

>> No.26961241
File: 241 KB, 2070x1428, 1600487140949.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you really going to spin it like that?

>> No.26961239

lmao it’s just an island and on my map it says Taiwan
calm the fuck down

>> No.26961242
File: 98 KB, 327x435, 1600989215642.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying to play it seriously when it was supposed to be just dumb fun. Either that or her character is supposed to be like a bratty child

>> No.26961246

the same can be said of america

>> No.26961255

Now this is quality post. Good job anon

>> No.26961258
Quoted by: >>26961323

Even when both Ina and Ame grabbed Kiara they still couldn't fucking pull her away. I get that it's a retarded party game but god damn that was frustrating.

>> No.26961262
File: 186 KB, 844x480, cccccccccccccccc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why Cover sucking on CCP dick from you know where.

>> No.26961264
Quoted by: >>26961412

>China becomes overly sensational about small strings of words and brings their politics in Hololive.
>Blame /pol/ and not the Chinese.
Seems like some half-assed attempt to sow civil unrest in the generals so that the Chinese can go hide from accountability.

>> No.26961267

Why is she pretending to be /u/ when she got 20 inches futa cock down there?

>> No.26961266

>Is immortal
>Acts like a baby
Makes sense to me

>> No.26961268

Corps and country leaders bow to the chinks

but people on the ground hate them

>> No.26961270
File: 169 KB, 1340x1280, 1601049802011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26961470


>> No.26961275

Based Schizo Yuri poster

>> No.26961278
Quoted by: >>26961377

What you're suggesting is that we should stand by and do nothing because they have hostages then?

>> No.26961279
File: 388 KB, 5000x5000, 1387083820414.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26961716

Fuck your shit, I require coupons.

>> No.26961280
File: 2.29 MB, 740x484, 1601185652422.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm the guy you're replying to. It's their best collab so far, but my god the fucking chicken.
Watch it, you should experience it yourself.
Also observe Gura, what she does in-game and with her avatar.


>> No.26961282

what will they do if she just refuses to stop using her live2d?

>> No.26961284

>see one post confirming your bias
I knew I was right all along

>> No.26961291

based anon

>> No.26961313


A disappointingly few holos are willing to even comment like that.

>> No.26961314
File: 797 KB, 1000x1413, 1601184575865.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Amelia is too based.

>> No.26961323
Quoted by: >>26961474

This. I dont really hate Kiara for what she did. The game itself sucks if it allows her gameplay to be viable the way it had gone

>> No.26961328
File: 177 KB, 866x1200, 1601180679456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel really bad for Coco/Haachama, I also feel ignorant to what's happening. Is just saying "Taiwan" out loud bad? That just seems to crazy to me, what happens if someone from Taiwan Supachas you?

>> No.26961329

She is like that kid that plays Jigglypuff and only tries to fly away and stall.

>> No.26961333

She’s just happy to be here

>> No.26961334

Watched the VOD today because I missed it airing, it was really fun and the best collab yet. People losing their shit is just because people always lose their shit here.

>> No.26961341

Bleh. Oh well she played it safe I guess.

>> No.26961344

Sue her for using company property without permission.

>> No.26961345

wait crispy chicken is some good shit
so glad I invested early

>> No.26961348

They're supposed to knock her out with punches and kicks then pull her out. Someone clinging to a corner and not fighting back is literally free food if they knew what they were doing.

>> No.26961350
File: 274 KB, 1206x1201, 1589756126329.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vtubers always end up breaking character, Mori's tsundere act will eventually break and she'll not be able to hold back her love for chicken!


>> No.26961354
Quoted by: >>26965108

Rome never fell.

>> No.26961364
File: 46 KB, 720x480, 88d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If any drawfags are reading this, please draw Ame doing the Colombia pose
I'd give a (You) as compensation

>> No.26961370

Fuck Cover, fuck mainland chinks, but keep your supports for the holo girls, they are much more worth than what Cover deserves

>> No.26961375

>her character is supposed to be like a bratty child
You didn't realize this already when Huke was bullying her on chat during the previous collab? It's all an act on her part and Mori's.

>> No.26961377
Quoted by: >>26961478

>They could've just cut China out, and suffered only the losses from not having their audience.
so yeah, lose 6 vtubers

What's your suggestion then? You literally don't have one, it's just brainless anger without understanding the situation

>> No.26961379

Gay taipei

>> No.26961380
Quoted by: >>26961564

>China too afraid of chat

>> No.26961382

Not for Haachama

>> No.26961384

When Gura was playing around with the size of her model at the end I was hoping she would make herself gigantic for a few seconds and shout SHAAARK.

Dunno thought it would've been funny. Smol Gura was cute too though.

>> No.26961387

Ina... your /u/ pairing...

>> No.26961392

Well, at least they're consistent in it not being funny.

>> No.26961394

Yeah, she played like a loser and then when the others decided to start going after her instead of having fun with it and playing the game she just started eliminating herself in every round. She was pretty clearly butthurt about it because Watson had to give her a pity trophy at the end.

>> No.26961407
File: 33 KB, 1024x580, laser-china-1024x580.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

None of the numbers which come out of China actually mean anything. The government constantly puts out a string of fabricated stories and numbers about itself. See: pic related.
Nobody has any idea how well China is doing, probably not even they have any trustworthy data. That's not even touching on how they manipulate their currency and intimidate and control their own stock market investors to inflate stats in other ways. It's meaningless to look at these sorts of data as an indicator of their performance.

>> No.26961412
Quoted by: >>26961562

I prefer this to the schizo tribalist shit, honestly.

It's about time we directed our autism and sperging for the betterment of the world

>> No.26961414
Quoted by: >>26961482

I don't think liking fanarts (and it seems she likes a lot of them) is the same thing as the actual act, which just feels kind of hollow to me, also people donating and doing the same fucking joke constantly has soured me on the whole thing

>> No.26961418

The trinity is an OT3

>> No.26961421

Does Coco's roommate had direct donation info somewhere?

>> No.26961437

Are you retarded?

>> No.26961439

>0 (ZERO) streams scheduled

>> No.26961449

Thus is the nature of China's government, it seems.

>> No.26961453
Quoted by: >>26961598

What the fuck is that thing?

>> No.26961455
Quoted by: >>26961541

Unfortunately I reserved this day for sex with each of them

>> No.26961458

Serious question, what's the best way for a person to support the girls without any money going to Cover?

>> No.26961462
File: 822 KB, 4096x2304, 1601090595877.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's their daughter, she's fine with it

>> No.26961463
File: 329 KB, 528x517, 1578971676654.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ファク スキッツォ トラニ ポスタス

>> No.26961470

Nicely done

>> No.26961474
Quoted by: >>26961637

They didn’t know how to play. Should’ve head butted her to knock her out then drag her and throw her into the grinder

>> No.26961478

Here's an idea, offer them work visas and ship them the fuck out of China. Their job is to protect their talent after all, isn't that right?

>> No.26961482

yeah desu outside of both speaking Japanese I don't see the synergy between chicken and mori
Clearly they decided to do some kind of "let's pretend I'm super into you but you are very tsun and deny me" bit but it feels too planned and fake

>> No.26961488

Any clips from the recent collab?

>> No.26961493

leave and come back later bro, not worth it staying in this thread now

>> No.26961494

why do they keep doing this when they can choose their own free days?

>> No.26961496

>what happens if someone from Taiwan Supachas you
That is an interesting question, doesn't the existence of NT dollars suggest that its a country of its own? In that case you can't even show taiwan superchats on bilibili streams

>> No.26961500
File: 25 KB, 683x264, EN.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26961502
File: 1.20 MB, 1500x827, 1600668949808.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck. This shit sucks ass bros.

>> No.26961516

Interesting, thanks!

>> No.26961517

I think she wants the character to be the latter, but since she is a failure as an entertainer it doesn't work.

>> No.26961519
Quoted by: >>26961666

>why is China important
>back in the day China watched more vtubers and made them popular
>some only stream on bilibili
>some Gremlin's creator only streams on bilibili
>they translate lots of videos
So? Literally non of this matters now. Nobody owes China shit for making vtubers more popular

>> No.26961526
Quoted by: >>26961864


>> No.26961528

My daughter, her mommywife, and her lesbian parents!

>> No.26961534

Who the fuck wants to stream after what just happened. Chat will be especially spicy and the holo will have to be extra careful.

>> No.26961538
Quoted by: >>26961590

Wow, over work visas to Chinese speaking vtubers who stream on Bilibili to come work overseas. What a great fucking idea!

>> No.26961541

the entire day for 5 minutes tops??????????????

>> No.26961544

Just write it off as "The Walking Dead currency", dawg

>> No.26961545
Quoted by: >>26961637

yeah figured when I saw them wise up later on.

Just feel like there's too much undue attention to Kiara 'ruining' the game when mechanically they werent addressing it properly

>> No.26961551

Referring to Taiwan as an independent country instead of a annex of China is considered a capital crime for the chink schizzos. Coco and Haato read it together with other countries names which on the schizzos mind implies she personally acknowledged Taiwan.

>> No.26961560

I am unironically looking forward to becoming a bucket of fried chicken.

>> No.26961562

You only say this because you're a brapper.

>> No.26961564

They could say the bad T word or talk about yellow cartoon bears

>> No.26961565

remember coco and haato can take a 3 week break no problem and the ones in deep shit are the ones that rely on bili bili to pay their bills

>> No.26961578

This is the day of the lord

>> No.26961581

cute irish farmgirl
spanish dancer with big tits

>> No.26961582

Doesn't stop China from threatening their families anyway.

>> No.26961590
Quoted by: >>26961619

If we're treating this as a political hostage situation, then yes, it is a good idea.

>> No.26961591
Quoted by: >>26961606

Hello chinese citizens (prisoners) I have a message for you , please read :
动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门
China CCP should be hanged with their entire familes.
End of message.

Thank you

>> No.26961599
File: 171 KB, 778x869, 1572648621826.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26961742

Haachama said the gamer word while going over her analytics. Chinks went buttmad. Haachama kneeled and the shitstorm was pretty much over. Orange woman then decided to do exactly the same thing and uploaded the video on bilibili which she doesn't use all that much. Chinks think it was a middle finger to them. They don't want to back off until reddit dragon graduates.

>> No.26961598

A "laser rifle" which the Chinese government claimed to have invented a couple of years ago which could ignite things from hundreds of feet away and was light enough to be used by infantry.
It's complete bullshit (you can run the numbers on what kind of wattage such a laser would need, it would require a 30 pound battery to be used for more than a couple of seconds and the specs they claimed are impossible), but because the Chink government said they had invented it, a bunch of incompetent western news sources ran with the story, giving the CCP free advertisement.

>> No.26961601
Quoted by: >>26961728

Wait what, Artia and Ars Almal have the same character designer? Why does Artia look like shit

>> No.26961602
Quoted by: >>26961649

Hololive JP is done for and only EN will survive.

>> No.26961603
Quoted by: >>26961864

>uniroincially wanting to smell farts
Cope about what?

>> No.26961606


>> No.26961608

"Comfy" not really, but it was chaotic and funny. Chicken made lose me shit, it was amazing.

>> No.26961615

It causes a global shitstorm every 4 years, anon.

>> No.26961619
Quoted by: >>26961712

No it's not a good idea you moron because they stream on a Chinese platform speaking Chinese for Chinese viewers. If they cease their Chinese operations they're just out of a job

>> No.26961622
Quoted by: >>26961722

The recent FBK stream was pretty tame in chat

>> No.26961624

We need some holy trinity OC with the holy family featuring mustache Ame as Joseph, Gura as Jesus and Ina as holy Mary.

>> No.26961626


>> No.26961628
File: 17 KB, 480x466, 1600646489048.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26961663

Don't you have enough social capabilities to understand that none of them knew how to play the game thus couldn't counter chicken being an ass?

>> No.26961635
File: 1.92 MB, 1920x1080, 1587509572584.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The moment any of the girls announces a member stream, could you please post the scheduled here for anons to determine if they wanna member to join in.

>> No.26961637


i realized in retrospect.

Ina was surprisingly very competent (I want to see more battle games with her) and Ame was just dunking on everyone later on. I loved her posing

>> No.26961638

Takasago, sometimes known as taiwan, is a Japanese province that was stolen by the rice people and given to china.

It's currently in danger of being completely stolen from the Japanese by the chinese, but the brave warriors who live there have filled the microchip factories of TSMC with explosives so no one can harm them or the world economy would collapse in six months.

>> No.26961643

You can say Taiwan you just can't explicitly refer to it as a country. It's retarded but that's China for you. Haachama did it by accident and would probably have been fine after a twitter apology but Coco did it on purpose to spite the bugs so they're extremely buttmad and calling for her graduation.

>> No.26961649
Quoted by: >>26961685

Amelia mentioned Taiwan. You're next.

>> No.26961656

I'm curious to what /ourgirls/ will be able to say about this matter

>> No.26961660
Quoted by: >>26961799

Too bad there are no 4chan millionaires that could buy Hololive or something.

>> No.26961663

Never said that it was a good idea. I was responding to the anon who said the game was badly designed if that tactic was extremely effective.

>> No.26961665

Let it be Chang, it doesn't work.

>> No.26961666
Quoted by: >>26961735

>lose market ground because I SAY SO!

>> No.26961673

she is true holo
very very few holos have more than 1 sub tier.

>> No.26961685
Quoted by: >>26962033

New Jersey too.
She's done for.

>> No.26961687
Quoted by: >>26961841

Kiara already chimed in.

>> No.26961688

The JPs are streaming without incident. Just do a game-focused stream so it's easier to ignore chat.

>> No.26961694
Quoted by: >>26961850

Hard to feel bad about lost b***b*** revenue. Nothing against the likes of suisei or FBK but they knew what they were doing appealing to animals.

>> No.26961706
Quoted by: >>26961916

during christmas 90% holos will suddenly become ill and unable to stream. i already booked ojou for christmas

>> No.26961710

probably just me, but while I'm glad she's enjoying herself during the collab, I actually prefer her calmer streams. I just feel that her calmness contrasts the rest of the holoEN well and I don't want it to be taken away from her. Maybe Okayu or Kanata level, but not higher than that

>> No.26961711

Weekends are dead hours for EN, really fucking nice.

>> No.26961712
Quoted by: >>26961787

That's billi bill's problem then. Cover would be fulfilling their contract, but they have no control over what Chinese platforms decide to do.

>> No.26961716
File: 6 KB, 550x255, 1600675857534.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

take a break

>> No.26961717
File: 334 KB, 600x516, EixWfxFUwAMt-hw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26961721
File: 207 KB, 450x416, 1460257565588.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26961822

I was considering subbing to most of them. Not anymore. Fuck Cover and limp dick faggot Yagoo.

At least muh based Yagoo posters can fuck off now.

>> No.26961722

There were a couple of troublemakers in Risu's stream as well, but even they weren't immune to the calming rubber ducky sounds.

>> No.26961725
File: 184 KB, 973x1400, EietV_nXgAMOOpY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Amelia is now awake and making her schedule, say something nice to her!
Fuck china

>> No.26961728
File: 9 KB, 269x148, 1600089270252.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26961784

Dont talk shit about my ice goblin.

>> No.26961730

Next year, she already used all the stored energy this year for the collab.

>> No.26961735

>Fucking over your own talents and getting assblasted by every other market is clearly the solution! We can't lose that delicious boot!

>> No.26961737

Reminder that all antis are self-hating chinks that can't stop themselves from chimping out in the thread.

>> No.26961742
File: 2 KB, 125x122, 1601069419107.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So why punish Haachama? Once again I'm asking from a very ignorant point of view. Sounds like she mega-apologized already and most of the angry folks were aimed at Coco right?

>> No.26961743
Quoted by: >>26961779

>I value the worthiness of a membership depending on the compensation I will receive in return
>I'm not invested nor do I care about the well being of any of these girls
You don't understand Hololive.

Membership is not about rewards, it's a monthly donation.

>> No.26961760

Mori's wine party stream starts in 15hrs (16:30 JST), that's all I know

>> No.26961768

Please tell me the people hating on chicken are just joking, she's fucking adorable. With her new mic she's just as good as the other members now.

>> No.26961774

she is following in her senpais' footsteps, unlike the dishonorable americans

>> No.26961775

>yfw coco and hachamaa come back to 3x the revenue from fan "support"
this is all part of the narrative lads

>> No.26961777

just to remind you they don't rely in bilibili to pay their bills. The girls are under a salary based payment.

>> No.26961778
File: 2.75 MB, 1280x720, cute_ina.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're a good person Tentacultistbro

>> No.26961779
Quoted by: >>26961869

Maybe for a blind simp, but not me

>> No.26961782
File: 581 KB, 1079x1213, Ffdfome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If 3 weeks prevents 4-6 graduations, is it worth it? Artia and Civia should transition out of CN at this point.

>> No.26961784
Quoted by: >>26961941

dont ignore the question bitch

>> No.26961785

Political bird already made a comment about it.

Did you expect anything less from a former twitter activist?

>> No.26961787
Quoted by: >>26962099

No it's Covers problem because they're Covers employees. Are you this braindead? Either their hang ALL their Chinese vtubers out to dry plus all the Bilibili channels for their main crew, or they apologize. It's obvious why the latter makes more sense

>> No.26961789
File: 233 KB, 509x723, 1596488597923.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A reminder

>> No.26961794

Oh, did she get her new mic already? I have to check her out now then.

>> No.26961799

Oh wait

>> No.26961802

They're not joking. She makes them seethe just by existing. It's hilarious.

>> No.26961807

Thank you for acknowledging New Jersey,

>> No.26961819

Nothing except that one screenshot has been given. I'm interested in that too.

>> No.26961822

Yes yes, now leave.

>> No.26961825
File: 8 KB, 225x225, stupid ape.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>break the rules
>get suspended

>> No.26961828

Leave you with more money to SC her

>> No.26961830
Quoted by: >>26961953

most of the girls likely have enough money in the bank to commission their own avatars and live2d rigging, I would not even be surprised if she has this set up already as plan B (not counting her roommate's account)
and if they would really go through with it I cannot imagine Cover being able to do anything about a "yeah, this is your former Kaicho here but now call me X" statement and just have everyone roleplay the same fucking character with different names/avatars

>> No.26961831
File: 12 KB, 304x304, 1598904829761.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No streams again

So this...is HololiveEN....

>> No.26961834

Is it bad that I've seen so many edits I can't even remember what Artia's face is supposed to look like?

>> No.26961838

Coco took to shielding her, but Hachama was the one that said taiwan.

>> No.26961839

Cover is retarded, more news at eleven

>> No.26961841

>Coco, I'll be waiting ;_;
Isn't chiming in.

>> No.26961847
Quoted by: >>26961884

>Artia and Civia should transition out of CN at this point.
Sure, she should abandon their families and see what happens

>> No.26961849

Come to New Jersey!

>> No.26961850

Feel bad about the girls that appealed to China thinking they were nice fans/people and got betrayed. The Pekora incident should've already raised an alarm in them, but I hope they wake up now.

>> No.26961864
Quoted by: >>26961895

chicken is officially based as of today
you DID see her stream after the collab, right?

She's good now.

>> No.26961865

Apologize. Please don't say the N word.

>> No.26961869
Quoted by: >>26962100

You have to go back.

No one will fuck an anime avatar.

>> No.26961870


>> No.26961873

She looks like a hammerhead shark. There, you're welcome.

>> No.26961877
File: 89 KB, 262x262, 1593606182961.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she is playing FEshit garbage. so the hate is temporary

>> No.26961883
Quoted by: >>26961986

The chinese seething will be glorious.

>> No.26961884

Artia and Civia live in the US

>> No.26961886
File: 75 KB, 412x361, ArtiaMilk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why didn't amelia time travel to prevent this from happening??

>> No.26961895
Quoted by: >>26961939

How the fuck is standing in a corner and stalling the fucking game based?

>> No.26961899

But bros... think about Chowa...

>> No.26961901
File: 407 KB, 598x648, 1591892756170.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26961959

More like
>Break the rules
>Apologize and move on
>One of your colleagues deliberately breaks the same rule out of "solidarity" and refuses to apologize, making it into a "systemic" issue
>Get suspended

>> No.26961904

New Jersey does not exist. Hoboken and Garden City are completely fictional.

>> No.26961909

Boy, mori's membership stands out like a sore thumb compared to everyone else

>> No.26961912
Quoted by: >>26961970

I vaguely remember Pekora pissing off China but I can't remember what she actually did.

>> No.26961915
Quoted by: >>26961994

I wonder if they even had rules for this. They could just be making them up to appease the CCP's programmed attack dogs.

>> No.26961916

Y-You're her brother? I hope that's a nice family dinner you'll be having.

>> No.26961917

90% of them are shitposting, but the rest 10% are real schizos and antis.

>> No.26961923

How come the other 4 don't get talked about? It's always Civia and Artia.

>> No.26961925
File: 168 KB, 360x450, Artia_-_Portrait.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26961930


It is. Its the safest thing to say. More holos should at least do that.

>> No.26961931

Not sure how it is nowadays but back when I had a relative who lived and worked in China he mentioned that pretty much everyone just used a VPN to get around the restrictions. Though he left years ago and I'm not sure if they somehow got around that loophole since.

>> No.26961933

Why do you think she came to 2020, the year of fuck

>> No.26961939
Quoted by: >>26961981

I said: You did see her stream AFTER the collab, right?

>> No.26961941
File: 87 KB, 1204x854, EWDun2DVAAA_hPt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26962186

Fuck you bitch, my ice goblin daughter is cute. Go get your eyes check.

>> No.26961943

If they stick it out and come back with boatloads of akasupa, it's a great way to give the middle finger to the chinkschizos.

>> No.26961944
Quoted by: >>26962072

>If 3 weeks prevents 4-6 graduations, is it worth it?
Yes but there's no guarantee it actually will. This is a dangerous game because the chinks can continually demand for more.

>> No.26961946
File: 78 KB, 422x309, 22322.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just woke up and saw that chicken has membership and a new mic

Do we hate chicken still ?

>> No.26961947

>read some official youtube shit
>get banned because your stream is being restreamed in a chinese video site

>> No.26961949

just woke up, did kiara really throw her wife mori under the bus with that single cost - all content membership?

>> No.26961953

yea giving up on all your paypig to be a literally who sounds like a great plan to me

>> No.26961959

Has she actually refused to apologise? If so I love reddit dragon now.

>> No.26961962
Quoted by: >>26962105

Unfortunately China is a big market with a lot of money so companies think with their bank accounts instead of their brains.

>> No.26961966

Because they speak english

>> No.26961967

Their families live in China, are you new?

>> No.26961970
Quoted by: >>26962092

Peko didn't really do much. She shared a video that was plagarised from CN. It was a real nothingburger.

>> No.26961973


>> No.26961981

I remember Artia is studying there, but her family remains in China and if you believe they are above black bagging them you are delusional.
I can't read. I keel.

>> No.26961986

A noble cause.
Almost tempted to go full simp just once, just for this.

>> No.26961987
File: 181 KB, 407x293, 1600774789672.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>to prevent

>> No.26961989

Haachama should have to waste time with a Twitter apology in the first place. If the Chinese who are acting up here were sane they would just think "I don't agree with that, but whatever. It's casual talk that's not even the central focus of the topic at hand. This is not really the place for that discussion, anyway".

>> No.26961988

She knelt to Xi anyway after she got suspended.

>> No.26961990
File: 1.38 MB, 1600x1533, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's China?

>> No.26961991

It’s more than anybody else has said.

>> No.26961993

It is the Pekora way

>> No.26961994
Quoted by: >>26962074

There wasnt. Other holo shared the Youtube analytics before. The "Confidential info" thing was just a scapegoat for the international audience, but then the bugmen noticed the disrepancy between the Chinese and the International versionb of the announcement and are now even angrier.

>> No.26961995

It's not because it won't be enough to please the schizzo chinks, if anything this kind of statement only gave them a taste of what kind of power they hold now.

>> No.26961999
Quoted by: >>26962076

I love it when she indirectly hurt other hololive members too!

>> No.26962003

Mass grave is waiting, Ping.

>> No.26962006

some anons mentioned Suisei being slightly off today despite what is supposed to be her big celebration, I can imagine her actually being upset about this

>> No.26962008

I think most chicken haters (I used to be one too) didn't see her latest stream.
Imo she really redeemed herself.

>> No.26962009


Reaper has backed down and indicated she will likely switch her member stuff next month. She can't do it now cos some have already paid.

>> No.26962014

nah she said sowwey

>> No.26962013

She apologized on twitter already.

>> No.26962016

No she apologized after the announcement. It was either apologize or graduate.

>> No.26962021
Quoted by: >>26962157

I am indifferent to chicken.

>> No.26962022
Quoted by: >>26962488

>If the Chinese who are acting up here were sane
Anonchama, I've got bad news...

>> No.26962026
File: 268 KB, 805x843, 1601222768119.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the rape of nanking didn't happen, but it should have, peko

>> No.26962028
Quoted by: >>26962488

>If the Chinese who are acting up here were sane they would just think
That's not how their programming works.

>> No.26962031
Quoted by: >>26962126

I don't hate her, but she's still the weakest EN

>> No.26962032

Not for today at least

>> No.26962033

I can't believe Amelia wants to begin the dissolving of the united states by making New Jersey an independent country.

>> No.26962040
File: 126 KB, 1000x1000, 1584196915924.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26962155

JustWokeUpfags will be grilled and become part of KFP menu!

>> No.26962045

Civia move to youtube 2 weeks ago and Artia stream regularly on twitch.

Spade is doing great on bili but the site filters most of the anon here so hard people dont talk about her much, the same for the others.

>> No.26962047

Artia could probably get a PR in Canada if she wanted.

>> No.26962051
File: 66 KB, 551x634, pray.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In these tiring times I just want to make a very special announcement.

I love Calli. She is a hard working girl who is doing her best to make both songs and art as a way to entertain her viewers. She is fully aware and capable to make a joke of herself, as she knows it will give her audience a good laugh and deepen her connection.


I love Ina. Shes a sweet girl who wants to spread inspiration with her art and help her fans improve their own skills, all while asking you to focus on your well being and health above all else. Even if you watch her as a sleeping aid, she will gladly serenade you with her calm voice so you could rest and recover after a hard day.

I love Amelia. Her antics and joker like behaviour cause so many people have the biggest smile on their faces throughout her stream, but also come out of them with some self reflection after her short bursts of wisdom or her being able to invoke feelings anons didnt think they could feel.

I love Gura. A wonderful girl that you just cant help but want to protect and see her grow, so she could open up more. Especially after listening to the few songs she did, and her ability to capture and invoke pure joy and positivity out of the simplest and smallest things.

Bless HoloEN.
Bless the anons who stick through the hardships of the threads.
I want all of them to succeed even if I have my favorite. I know that each girl brings joy to other anons and I dont want to rob the talent of their dream, or the viewers of their individual favorite.

>> No.26962052
Quoted by: >>26962187

"West Taiwan" would be a sick international meme

>> No.26962063

Stop falseflagging with my daughterwife

>> No.26962066

dangerously based

>> No.26962072

for business, this may be enough, cover may still get a hold of chink market like they wanted
the rabid chinks on internet won't change but that doesn't matter, it's just them seething

>> No.26962074
File: 331 KB, 396x468, 1600920685938.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sasuga yellow man trying to please everyone.

>> No.26962076
Quoted by: >>26962149

She didn’t hurt anybody, retard. It’s thanks to her Hachama isn’t the focus of the hate mob.

>> No.26962082

She's alright

>> No.26962083
File: 337 KB, 1000x1000, 1601089578846.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26962084
Quoted by: >>26962285

4chan should filter China to West Taiwan

>> No.26962087

how can you not hate chicken after the last collab? I was really trying to not hate her but i cant anymore...

>> No.26962088
Quoted by: >>26962263

Is Watson streaming tonight? When will they get schedules like jp holos?

>> No.26962092

The level of chink meltdown was insane for something so silly though. Straight up posting rabbit guro and tried to flood her MGS stream.

>> No.26962099
Quoted by: >>26962224

Offering cover employees political asylum and an opportunity to stream on platforms outside of billi billi is the extent of their responsibilities in terms of their CN branch if they decide to pull out.
There's a Chinese speaking audience outside of China, believe it or not. It's much smaller yes, but it's a much better alternative to locking them into billi billi.
It clearly isn't a good idea long term.

>> No.26962100

4chan is my parent's m8, I've been raised soley by anons since I was a kid, theres nowhere to go back to.
I just believe in getting something in return for what you give the vast majority of the time, though charity can sometimes be fine.
If you argue that money should just be given out with no expectations back, you should be throwing your money at random small timers during dumpster dives instead of big girls raking in thousands a day.

>> No.26962102

What if this timeline had the best possible outcome?

>> No.26962105
Quoted by: >>26962171

I mean it kind of makes some sense when you consider most of the people outraged now aren't gonna give a fuck in a few weeks and if the CCP decides to tell them to fuck off there goes that entire market and there's nothing they can do about it.

Bigger issue is if Coco decides to walk over this bullshit though, that'd hurt too.

>> No.26962108

less stress, less mess

>> No.26962112
Quoted by: >>26962488

Silly anon thinking bugmen subhuman have capability for abstract thought.

>> No.26962113

Civia and Artia both speak English. Artia is pretty firmly established on Twitch but Civia only made her youtube debut a few weeks ago. I hope the drama doesn't prevent her from doing another youtube stream...

>> No.26962121
File: 132 KB, 672x504, 1600090007917.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man I just hope they'll be fine, these... accidents really are just uncalled for.

>> No.26962126


She is the only myth who is willing to stand with her fellow holos. Are the "stronger" myths able to?

>> No.26962130
File: 382 KB, 1450x1178, Untitled-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.26962133
File: 24 KB, 354x385, 1600071440104.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based and purepilled.

>> No.26962134
File: 46 KB, 507x263, 1601038350852.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck you fake ritualposting fags.

>> No.26962137

I wonder if this means Gura's fucked from streaming Muse Dash for a while considering it's a chink game too.

>> No.26962138

terraria collab with no chicken when?

>> No.26962144

Unbased. Chicken is good.

>> No.26962145
File: 11 KB, 230x230, 1600857278014.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.26962149

>takes away the hard work other holos put into creating a community and expanding the hololive brand and shits on it
>cuts of other holos sources of revenue since "im not getting much from them anyways"
>never hurt other holos

>> No.26962153
File: 177 KB, 600x338, 1570609150700.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26962155 [SPOILER] 
File: 52 KB, 750x263, 1601224355718.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26962337

Just woke up, and this happened

>> No.26962157

>>26962021 this.

>> No.26962168

Management wise, is Niji any better then holo? They didn't have any great video purge and I haven't heard of any suspensions for yabai's yet, they just kinda bring gals on and let them do their thing?

>> No.26962171

>most of the people outraged now aren't gonna give a fuck in a few weeks
Chinese dont give up that easily

>> No.26962173
File: 172 KB, 320x310, ahhhh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This really was a lose/lose situation for Cover. Because they have CN talents that have residence and their family is in CN they couldn't have just sat by and done nothing. They could have been arrested for association with the company. China is fucking retarded but really bad shit could have/may happen to the CN talents. I hope they're okay.

>> No.26962174

Why are you like this ame?

>> No.26962177
File: 342 KB, 850x1006, 1600687773634.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.26962179
File: 2.54 MB, 729x3090, 1601176982420.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>leddit dragon

>> No.26962182

I enjoy her SM64 streams and I caught the tail-end of her last stream, which was nice as well. She clearly has some sort of ego problem which makes her competitive in an unpleasant way. She needs to rein that in and learn to take banter better.

>> No.26962186


>> No.26962187

Yo we should start calling China "West Taiwan" and the chinks "West Taiwanese".

>> No.26962188
File: 155 KB, 1615x786, Eitku0kXYAMgAuo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that Ameliabros will soon get to enjoy their beloved Amelia in a girlfriend experience stream for members only.

We're all gonna make it, fellow goslingbros.

>> No.26962192

Reminder that cover corp. posted this on bilibili, but not on twitter:

- COVER firmly supports the One China Policy, and has always respected China's sovereignty, the Japan-China Joint Communique, and the Treaty of Peace and Friendship between Japan and China.

- COVER places great importance on their development and progress in China, and respects the feelings of the Chinese people. COVER gratefully accepts any criticism and corrections on this matter, and will strengthen the management and education for our entertainment talents, in order to prevent a repeat of this incident in the future.

Now it is time to make your choice whether you want to support a company like this or not. And make no mistake, you cannot hide behind your oshi/chuuba. A cut of every single cent you spend on hololive talent goes to Cover corp.

>> No.26962191

Stop shitposting, Ame

>> No.26962209

All right, let's settle this China controversy once and for all.


>> No.26962208

Fucking schizo. Literally nothing happened to any one but the ones that were suspended.

>> No.26962213

How did everyone paint Coco to be the martyr trying to save Haato when Haato by herself would've been fine by just apologizing.

>> No.26962218

I hope they do not get their organs harvested :(

>> No.26962219
Quoted by: >>26962441

Yeah, they also commissioned a few Ange doujins.

>> No.26962224

>There's a Chinese speaking audience outside of China, believe it or not. It's much smaller yes, but it's a much better alternative to locking them into billi billi.
No it isn't, Chinese audience outside of China is small as fuck. You're basically saying yeah let's fire all our Chinese vtubers and lose all our Bilibili profits just because you don't like China
Doing business in China isn't a bad idea
Just remember not to say Taiwan

>> No.26962232

Based Watson

>> No.26962238
Quoted by: >>26962325


Bigger companies than covers have found themselves kneeling before CN.

What in the world do you expect them to do?

>> No.26962240

Very based

>> No.26962242

i love corporate bootlicking. cover is extremely based and fair

>> No.26962245

stop that

>> No.26962249

Niji has less international acclaim so less people have eyes on them
they will still kneel to the chinks if push comes to shove though like any other corporation

>> No.26962250
File: 57 KB, 828x828, 1587363756347.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Mori's member stream ever going to show up for non-members or am I just fucked?

>> No.26962253

Shut up and go make a schedule.

>> No.26962259

Bilibili banned all Hololive activity.

>> No.26962262
Quoted by: >>26962328

>j-just let bugmen step all over you, kneel before them and let it happen

>> No.26962263
Quoted by: >>26962401

On twitter around 20 mins ago she was asking for permission to use an artwork for the schedule, so I think she's making it right now.

>> No.26962264

I hope not. What happened to seperating the art from the artist. The game is still fun even if china made it.

>> No.26962267
Quoted by: >>26962682

She apologized on twitter, but it was a generic apology. I personally don't think it was genuine.

>> No.26962273

She said she'd upload the VODs, but she hasn't said when.

>> No.26962283



>> No.26962285
File: 142 KB, 704x750, 1601131257459.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This site isn't that based

>> No.26962287


>> No.26962290

Ina guerilla stream doko?

>> No.26962293

>Mori doing yet another jap study stream
This is not at all the content I expect, and it sure as hell isnt the content I FUCKING WANTED!
Holo EN was made so western can have someone to watch that they can understand, not have that someone teach us HOW TO FUCKING UNDERSTAND HOLO JP GIRLS!

>> No.26962294

redditfag and discordtranny

haato would have been fine if she just lay low but numberfag coco want to show off her taiwan number too

>> No.26962302

The other Chinese Mainland holos are extremely talented and can get work anywhere. They dont need Cover.

Find some other way to make money in China that doesnt involve non-native talent

>> No.26962305
File: 195 KB, 1502x931, shirakamifubuki-1310254969006649344-0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuburger reached 900k subs

>> No.26962311

Poor people don't deserve death.

>> No.26962312

>People blaming Cover for trying to protect their chink employees from bug nigger subhuman government

What do you want them to do? Say the rape of nanking should happen again and doom Artia and Civia to be raped to death and harvested in a gulag?

>> No.26962317

Just graduate Coco already, it's her fault we're in this mess.

>> No.26962325
Quoted by: >>26962400

Google didn’t, and look where they are now. If only they knelt down to China, then maybe Youtube would be relevant now...

>> No.26962326
File: 111 KB, 360x317, 1601006243717.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A shining ray of light in times of darkness.

>> No.26962328

Yes. No one can stand against China because they're too big and companies want their money. So just don't say the t-word and there won't be a problem.

>> No.26962333
Quoted by: >>26962473

>Coco and Haachama suspended over saying Taiwan
>Japanese vtubers say nothing because acknowledging stuff is against their culture
>Fucking Chicken comes out of nowhere shooting her AR-15s into the air yelling COOOOCOOOO HAACHAAAMAAA I'M WITH YOUUU
God bless HoloEN

>> No.26962332
Quoted by: >>26962896


>> No.26962337

the Chicken redeemed herself with the single tier membership and some singings.

>> No.26962341

Yes. Not a lot but there are. One of them assassinated the guy who translated Salman Rushdie's The Satanic Verses into Japanese.

>> No.26962346

This was a wholesome post

>> No.26962347
File: 226 KB, 1134x1770, 1600839185831.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

need cunny

>> No.26962351

No clue when it will happen, depending on how small the stream is I could try and ask her though.

>> No.26962357
File: 120 KB, 540x276, unknown (10).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26962411

>he thinks the chinks will treat other holos that had a fanbase in bili bili the same after this incident
>he think they will still donate as much to the other holos
you know how autistic the chinks are
dont expect these chubaas to get near nothing from the chinks
fuck china but also fuck coco
fuck cover too

>> No.26962358
Quoted by: >>26962489

how can you be a chickenfag after the collab lmao
*runs to the corner*

>> No.26962363
Quoted by: >>26962427

i hope
this retard bitch with shit voice has no talent and is leeching from reddit

>> No.26962371
File: 355 KB, 1500x1000, nobeta cry.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26962506

Are holos allowed to play games made by taiwanese

>> No.26962372

So how many packs do we reckon she smokes a day?

>> No.26962379
Quoted by: >>26962437

Ame working on her schedule right now

>> No.26962382

563 will overtake her soon enough

>> No.26962383

Blessed and redpilled

>> No.26962386

I can't disagree with this.

>> No.26962388
Quoted by: >>26962453

I'm offering a way to protect the CN team, while being morally in the right.
Of course, morality isnt worth jack shit to anyone these days, so you'd be right.
From a financial standpoint, it's a smart decision for cover.

>> No.26962389

You misspelled West Taiwan

>> No.26962395
File: 37 KB, 184x184, 1600225459377.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, shit.

>> No.26962396

Or we could just say fuck HoloCN. We give Artia and the others a work visa and that's it.
Only like 10% of the money is from billiliblbilbi anyway

>> No.26962398

Cowboy shark will eat the fox burger

>> No.26962400

Do you know about Google's services in China?

>> No.26962402

Once you go into China you play by their rules. China bullies the fuck out of entire countries. Coco was a fucking moron.

>> No.26962401

Oh nice. Schedules are also a nice way to feature fanart for 1 week.

>> No.26962403

The decision has been made, just wait and see and hope it doesn't become another Aloe.

>> No.26962407

When it comes to management, Niji's is miles better than the whatever the fucking dogshit teams Cover currently has.

>> No.26962409
File: 506 KB, 849x1200, 1588950280851.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gura's puffy cunny

>> No.26962411

This was a money play by Coco, she will have the undivided support of Jap oji-sans on her eventual return as they all seethe at China.

>> No.26962415
File: 158 KB, 750x1573, 1574913140005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a reminder gura herself retweeted this

>> No.26962423

I'm glad to see MY FRIEND succeeding.

>> No.26962427

says a 500 pound neet virgin living in his mothers basement with literally no redeeming qualities

>> No.26962437

You better not be lying, LB.

>> No.26962441
Quoted by: >>26962500

Wait wait what? I thought those were just something someone did, are those confirmed officially approved or is that just rumors?

>> No.26962443
Quoted by: >>26962487

post muke bag

>> No.26962444
File: 486 KB, 644x485, 1600783353688.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26962445

Go watch football anon
I hope Gura streams at least.

>> No.26962449

You literally have no power over them.

>> No.26962450

Surely youtube being banned from china killed the company.

>> No.26962451

>Coco and Haato graduation announcement

Is this the end of Hololive bros

>> No.26962453
Quoted by: >>26962710

>I'm offering a way to protect the CN team
No you aren't you're being a fucking retard. Are you 12? There's nothing for them outside of Bilibili. They're Chinese. It isn't actually immoral to do business in a shitty country if you aren't doing immroal business yourself.

>> No.26962456

That's IT. Enough is enough. It's time to take action by our hands. I'm going to marry Civia and save her from the CCP. Do your part, anons.

>> No.26962458

look at how fucking flat she is goddamn that's hot

>> No.26962469
File: 66 KB, 2560x1347, 2560px-Flag_of_the_United_States.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sic semper tyrannis

>> No.26962471

More like East Taiwan

>> No.26962472
File: 251 KB, 720x720, 1527880997492.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26962716


They won't get 1$ from me now that's for sure.

>> No.26962473

I can't find Kiara's statements anywhere on Twitter nor her roommates twitter, what did she say?

>> No.26962480


>> No.26962483

>thier families disappear
china is a fucked up place anon
they arent above killing the families of """traitors""" to send a message

>> No.26962486
File: 49 KB, 472x423, 4536746.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hell yeah brothers.

>> No.26962488

Yeah. I don't need to be told how screwed their minds are. I say this more for the folk who think the Chinese "fans" should be in any way placated here.

>> No.26962487
Quoted by: >>26962567

what is muke bag?

>> No.26962489

>a chicken plays a videogame
>plays like a chicken
It was perfect

>> No.26962492

At least it's in fucking english this time.

>> No.26962494

Neither artia or civia live in China so who cares. The chink only ones No one cares about could separate from cover and still be fine

>> No.26962500
Quoted by: >>26962573

Yeah dude trust me.

>> No.26962502
Quoted by: >>26962821

> Mio starts the permission arc
> Coco starts the CCP arc

On the bright side, all the holos learn something from the shitshows.

>> No.26962503

but I'd rather watch that than see her stream DOOM again

>> No.26962504

i'm glad she's doing well, i enjoyed watching sharknado with her yesterday

>> No.26962506


Can you name an IP of a TW game?

>> No.26962509
File: 259 KB, 466x535, 1600437908210.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't worry anon. They're not alone

>> No.26962520
File: 289 KB, 631x418, 1595130275147.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Back in Mio's Tarot fortune telling back in June, she saw that

>1. She would do worse in September than in August
>2. Card in October means a bad end caused by greed. It says that Mio would have a choice, but under strict restrictions.
>3. Card in November means a total loss of all the things accumulated.

Are you ready for the October and November arcs of the Hololive anime?

>> No.26962522
Quoted by: >>26962569

Amelia is the most American of the bunch, it hurts to see her kneel like this

>> No.26962528

The Total War series

>> No.26962530
File: 2.28 MB, 1080x1726, 1580666633298.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

of course she does
she retweets semi-lewd all the time

>> No.26962534


>> No.26962537


>> No.26962542


>> No.26962548

>will strengthen the management and education for our entertainment talents

Only use Native born Chinese to entertain the native born Chinese. Youre only asking asking for trouble keeping JP and EN there

>> No.26962554
Quoted by: >>26962707

Does Ina’s roommate accept donations anywhere?
I kinda want to avoid Cover.

>> No.26962560

She just replied to Coco and Haato saying she's gonna be waiting for them to come back, it can be seem as a subtle way of acknowledging the unfair punishment. Or not, it's up to your narrative.

>> No.26962563
File: 333 KB, 1207x1111, 5668c7240b0fc9444da08815f6662901.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And yet Google still gives no fucks about their censorship and other trash laws. It's almost like giving in makes you look weak and bugmen smell blood instantly and force you to bend more. They are animals you can't treat them like reasonable people.

>> No.26962565

where's the one she liked that literally had a nude bottom half gura kek

>> No.26962567
Quoted by: >>26962630

it is a bag of muke

>> No.26962569

Unironically this.

>> No.26962571

stop it she didnt open the image fully

>> No.26962573

>dude trust me
Oh god, it's been months since I've been in this board, but I don't miss JP vtuber threads

>> No.26962578

Let's support our EN girls!

>> No.26962580


>> No.26962585
Quoted by: >>26962655

How many yuan you getting there, Zhang?

>> No.26962587

>Coco gets fired
>Starts a group of independent vtubers, where they don't take a cut of the supas
>Is actually successful unlike other indies because she already has a huge audience
>Uses streamlabs and all the girls get 100% of the revenue
Best timeline but it won't happen because even Cover aren't retarded enough to kill the golden goose.

>> No.26962599
File: 391 KB, 720x540, nobeta hitting shadow.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26962608
Quoted by: >>26962962

Then don't watch that stream doofus

>> No.26962610
File: 7 KB, 227x222, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26962662


>> No.26962612

Go fly to china and try using google lmao. You get the 4kids version.

>> No.26962626
Quoted by: >>26962714

>cover is as big as google
google could fuck my wife in front of me and all i could do afterwards is clean the bedsheets
they dont need to give a single fuck

>> No.26962630

shouldn't it be like a bottle of muke?

>> No.26962633

Mori and chicken can join too

>> No.26962641

Nijisanji used to be very laissez faire and them being a collection of misfit voice talents with Live2D avatars with little oversight didn't lead to anything good so they had bad reputation for a while. Then they stumbled into a deal with Sony and the big boy investors told them to get their shit together or else so they have pretty good management now. Their revenue sources are different from Hololive so they don't hesitate to do non-monetized streams when they have doubts about IP. They also don't hesitate to cut off potentially problematic people early on because they can always get more.

>> No.26962642
File: 274 KB, 505x452, 1571729024146.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now this is the Ame I know and love

>> No.26962643
File: 11 KB, 752x527, 1601099980507.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It seems like there's no stream today lads

>> No.26962650
File: 1.39 MB, 2305x3434, 1601056990085.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need more shark lewds, half the shit on pixiv is fuckin garbage

>> No.26962653

If coco goes independent the she will collab wit nyanners and co.

>> No.26962655

it's funny to watch these baby /pol/ posters using what they think is a common Chinese name to pretend to be racist

>> No.26962658

I hope we can get over this mess and just enjoy our waifus after 3 weeks.

>> No.26962662

900k celebration should be interesting.

>> No.26962666

Fuck china

>> No.26962668
File: 2.02 MB, 1080x1313, 1597916566124.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love cunny

>> No.26962671

the reddit post is nearly onto the front page. it's an 'official' hololive owned sub as well lmao. it's going to be full of American "CHINA BAD" propaganda posters.

>> No.26962673
Quoted by: >>26962739

Haachama was excited to collab with en girls and Coco ruined everything

>> No.26962677

aqua gonna have a bad time!

>> No.26962682

CCP and the chinks don't care about genuinity, they wanted her to publicly apologized, and she did. That's all that matters to them.

>> No.26962686

Doesn't Ame have a thing for gentle, cuddly, submissive and insecure boys? Maybe one of you guys just might have a chance

>> No.26962692
File: 152 KB, 1014x1298, 1590039673012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it was this one

nah, she definitely know it
this one shows her bare ass even in the thumbnail

>> No.26962702
Quoted by: >>26962931

The dragon makes a crap ton of profits from youtube alone. Bilibili takes more money from talents more than youtube. Bilibili is a security risk considering ALL users must submit their real identity. Cover takes a stand against China and the everyone else outside China will give them overwhelming support.

Unless Cover is heavily backed by chinese investors and will crumble if they pull out or they're just plain stupid. Or maybe Cover wants to protect HoloCN talents and their families in China. Who knows.

>> No.26962705

>needs to invest in art, equpment, behind the scenes crew, wages, software, permissions
>girls get 100%
yeah i highly doubt it

>> No.26962707

She doesn't want them, she'd rather you support her genmates.

>> No.26962710

YouTube is still a platform for them Twitch is still a platform form them. As we've clearly seen, there's a Chinese audience using VPNs on those sites.
They'll be making less money, but you're exaggerating by saying that there's nothing for them outside of China.
What they currently don't have is the freedom to officially stream outside of billi billi because of the great firewall.
Cover offering them that opportunity would be their job.
Continuing to operate on billi billi will only cause more of the exact same issues down the road. Eventually they'll be forced to pick a side, or be put in a situation where they really can't do anything to protect their employees.

>> No.26962712
Quoted by: >>26962764

I've got to that part with chicken. Why is Kiara like this?

>> No.26962714
Quoted by: >>26962846

That’s the point.
Most of Cover’s profits comes in through google in the form of supas and memberships.

>> No.26962716

What about 4.99$ for a membership?

>> No.26962718
Quoted by: >>26963070

50 cents have been deposited into your social credit account.

>> No.26962721
File: 126 KB, 300x300, pomf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doesn't have to beg for permissions
>doesn't get suspended for saying "taiwan"
>doesn't have to give cover corporate a cut of the money
When did you realize indie vtubers are the superior breed?

>> No.26962724
Quoted by: >>26962761

This a faggot post

>> No.26962729
File: 399 KB, 590x757, niji-world.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NijiEN auditions are still open.

>> No.26962730

Has this thread ever been positive? So much negativity.

>> No.26962732

How do we stop Gura from saying naughty gamer words like N-skelebros or T-aibet.

>> No.26962734

2020 has to end with a bang

>> No.26962738
Quoted by: >>26962852

What was up with Ina in that collab

>> No.26962739
Quoted by: >>26962856

I like to think Coco sparked an international incident just to spare us all a hachaama ASMR stream.

>> No.26962756
Quoted by: >>26963070

China IS bad. People are perfectly capable of hating the regimes in Washington and Beijing at the same time.

>> No.26962761

ok reddit dragon fag
go back

>> No.26962764

I think she's just really bad at vidya

>> No.26962765
File: 392 KB, 1446x2048, EihIxhFU4AAixgM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26962771

They already got great English ones though, why would they want more?

>> No.26962787
Quoted by: >>26963070

lol what? Sorry chang, but americans don’t get paid for posting like you do.

>> No.26962790
File: 305 KB, 1060x1500, 265771.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For some reason a lot of gurart seems to be about her little feet..
Not sure why.. what kind of sicko would look at loli shark feet?

>> No.26962791
File: 310 KB, 407x490, 1600789823683.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be FBK
>900k subs soon
>lost 60% of your revenue
holy shit this could not have happened at a worse time

>> No.26962796

There is a non-existent audience for Chinese-only vtubers on Twitch and Youtube
They WANT to stream on bilibili because they're fucking chinks, they speak CHINESE

>> No.26962809

Nyanners for HoloEN GEN2!!

>> No.26962812


>> No.26962820
File: 1.98 MB, 1239x1248, 1589207080004.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just accept it anon, Gura is a horny little shark

>> No.26962821

Mio did nothing wrong, Coco did everything wrong.

>> No.26962826

A couple threads after the collab were pretty comfy once the shitposters got bored

>> No.26962834

Market saturation. Total control of the western hemisphere.

>> No.26962842
Quoted by: >>26962900

Even Rosalyn is trying to get into Twitch because bilibili is such a shit platform.
Yogiri is the only one doing well on the platform mostly because she sticks to mostly music and rhythm games.

>> No.26962846

Okay genius, you dont know that. You dont even know what kind investment and profits does Covers get in China, you dont know shit.

>> No.26962847

whats the deal with artia doing occasional twitch streams? is that jus for her EN audience?

>> No.26962849

Very based, and wholesome.

>> No.26962852

Probably drunk and very excited.

>> No.26962856
Quoted by: >>26962944

What if it was actually good though

>> No.26962859
File: 2.01 MB, 1637x1157, 1600987423118.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26963667

nah that's not the one I mean

>> No.26962862

Wtf does cover even do for them other than take all their money?
>has no special influence to get collabs with big labels
>forces everyone to get permissions for games and takes months just to get 1 (despite independent streamers not needing them at all)
>takes months or even a full year to make 1 badly rigged 3d model/new l2d outfit when a private commission would take 2 weeks or less for a superior product
>doesn't even back up their girls when trouble rears it's ugly head and either graduates them or forces them to apologize
>management doesnt even try to stop doxxers, moderate chat, train/make sure the girls are well rested or even have decent equipment, etc
basically the only thing cover does is upfront advertisement for their debuts and that's it

>> No.26962864

You guys are like them chinks only blaming Coco you fucks

>> No.26962871

nyan-sama.....I knell

>> No.26962883

Because english is clearly where the big market is.

>> No.26962886

I'm still waiting for this to happen in the states or Vancouver.

>> No.26962891
File: 219 KB, 960x960, 1600309706215.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26963409

I've got a lot of good ones but I tragically can't share them lest the meidos bonk me.

>> No.26962895


>> No.26962896

Go fucking kys you faggot

>> No.26962900

>Yogiri is the only one doing well on the platform mostly because she sticks to mostly music and rhythm games.
Wait she does? Last I heard she doesnt get much SC compare to other girls. If this is true then good for her.

>> No.26962901
Quoted by: >>26962938

Is FBK big in China

>> No.26962907

Artia literally teach twitch culture to her chinks views

>> No.26962915


>> No.26962918
File: 14 KB, 510x273, 1580172414052.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

number 1,2 trending in japan

>> No.26962919

this pic is creepy

>> No.26962922

Yes, she streams way more on bili

>> No.26962925
File: 29 KB, 638x717, 1600915838293.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what kind of sicko would look at loli shark feet?
Heh yeah no clue who would wanna look at those...

>> No.26962927
File: 59 KB, 830x200, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Saw this in /hlg/, what do you think?

>> No.26962929

I never hated her. She's not to my taste but I'm completely fine with her in the group doing her own thing. Her stream earlier went down pretty well.

>> No.26962931

China can approach potential sponsors and tell them "oh you want Hololive to promote your stuff, you better reconsider". Azur Lane collabs, gone. WoWS partnership, gone. ASUS partnertship, gone. Bilibili doesn't mean shit.

>> No.26962930

Both start with c...COINCIDENCE?
I think so.

>> No.26962935


>> No.26962938

chart showed earlier that 60% of her SC revenue came from birribirri

>> No.26962944

The world would be ready for that even less.

>> No.26962957
File: 156 KB, 341x443, 1597577408100.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if this drama with China doesn't make the gatekeeping stronger then I don't know what will.

Don't let them suffer

>> No.26962959

Why would I watch a dirty hypocrite?

>> No.26962962

wow ty for advice anon

>> No.26962963
Quoted by: >>26963081

>Wtf does cover even do for them other than take all their money?
just gives them views. you can meme about them getting poverty numbers otherwise but the trade-off for high viewership is giving the company all your money anyway

>> No.26962975
Quoted by: >>26963949

The fuck are you huffing? 90% of Cover’s vtubers are on youtube and make their money on youtube. Youtube is banned in mainland china. Billibilli is the only source of money from china to cover.
What else is there to get?

>> No.26962981
Quoted by: >>26963056

You guys don't get the problem at all

Streaming on bilibili is only a small part of the problem
The main reason why they HAD to do this announcement is simply because the CCP would have gotten involved forbidding Cover from doing ANY business with China
And Cover/Hololive has several very important chinese investors, they would have lost them

A fucking investor is far more important than losing a few viewers/members in this shitstorm

>> No.26962984
File: 64 KB, 227x171, 1600123042772.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least post a nice indie and not that double-faced bitch.

>> No.26962986
Quoted by: >>26963140

>Coco just using Youtube statistics directly
>it's Youtube itself that puts Taiwan as a different country
>Youtube is banned in China
>Chinks were uploading the video illegaly on Billibilli to watch
>when it's a crime for them to watch Youtube to begin with
I can't really blame her at all, this shit is fucked up.

>> No.26962989
File: 400 KB, 1489x1898, 84627626_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26963067

I know it's gross. Why feet? You wouldn't happen to have anymore would you? I'm just curious to see how many shark feet pics there are...

>> No.26962991

Go back.

>> No.26962996
Quoted by: >>26963257

>hlg starts incling
>the price is their two prominent holos.

When you can't have a nice thing whatever the circumstances.

>> No.26963004

Who's the loser with Ui and Japanese Only?

>> No.26963008
Quoted by: >>26963045

Indeed. I for one think the suspensions are a positive development! Rules must be followed and order maintained. This chaos we see now is the result of disobedience.

>> No.26963011


>> No.26963015

I'm an ESL. I honestly don't fucking know.

>> No.26963016
File: 2.37 MB, 2654x1800, 1600901360574.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.26963017


>> No.26963020 [DELETED] 
File: 31 KB, 614x342, EimwuUqU4AAY4Aj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why watch Nyanners when you can watch another indie shark?

>> No.26963024
File: 233 KB, 622x861, 1597648737537.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lmao, you have no idea how lewd HoloENs are...

Just look at Watson's retweet

>> No.26963029
File: 1.74 MB, 1523x1114, 1590873208964.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>don't lewd shark
>shark likes these pics on twitter

>> No.26963030
File: 247 KB, 693x601, 1601049135493.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't help it, her tight cunny has a grip on me and I just can't escape

>> No.26963031
Quoted by: >>26963850

Reminder that:
>Mori's roommate has Youtube memberships open
>Ame and Gura's roommates can be subbed to on Twitch
>Kiara's roommate has a Patreon
>Ina's roommate does not want or need your money, just tweet your drawings at her
There is NO NEED to give money to Cover if you want to support the girls.

>> No.26963033

Can't wait for Mori to make a cover of this

>> No.26963034

>subway employee asking customers how to make a sandwich
Pikamee had a hard life.

>> No.26963035
File: 34 KB, 1108x459, coverletter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder to voice your displeasure to Cover directly. At least give them proof there are voices out there that disagree with this. They certainly won't take anything from these threads seriously. Use the form.

>> No.26963040

clap clap
next meme

>> No.26963041
File: 753 KB, 1203x369, 1599822099428.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's already up there: >>26962520

>> No.26963045

Ching chong too you too

>> No.26963047
File: 2.08 MB, 3541x2507, Ei3d8WHUMAA4h4f[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder than Inafags tried bullying Kiara into graduation and potentially suicide last night. The actual worst fans of HoloEN.

>> No.26963051

I had to leave the other hlg thread. It's unbearable, they keep talking about China! At least this thread is safe from politics and racism...right?

>> No.26963056
Quoted by: >>26963088

>It's OK to suck China's cock for money

>> No.26963060
Quoted by: >>26963104

clap clap
next meme

>> No.26963067
Quoted by: >>26963132

Why is the shark getting more feet art, when Ina literally has an exposed foot in her avatar? It’s not fair.

>> No.26963068
Quoted by: >>26963104

Reddit dragon needs to fuck off, go back to hlg

>> No.26963070
File: 75 KB, 338x322, watamebw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol mate i get my neetbux from centrelink. you have to be truly retarded to not think the US propagand network isn't involved with reddit.
what the fuck did coco think was going to happen? it takes someone truly braindead to not realise china is exceptionally sensitive to anyone who calls taiwan a country. and lest we forget most countries don't even recognise it as a nation (the list of those that do are pitiful literal who nations who do it for cash, apart from the pope's pedo capital), so what good was ever going to come from it?

>> No.26963072
Quoted by: >>26963153

Kneel before the real shark!


>> No.26963078
Quoted by: >>26963357

Ina wouldn't approve of such behavior.

>> No.26963081

So basically, since Dragon and Haachama already have a large, established viewer base, they can jump ship anytime and make their own channels. it'll never happen but it'd be neat to see some indies make it big time without a corporation

>> No.26963087

stop falseflagging you dumb chink

>> No.26963088
Quoted by: >>26963206

That money is literally the reason Hololive exists

>> No.26963094

>bad end due to greed
Sounds like Cover will go under pandering to China. I do love watching people get their just desserts.
I hope the girls are able to go independent and hint us their new channels.

>> No.26963104
Quoted by: >>26963148

50 cents have been deposited into your social credit account.

>> No.26963107
Quoted by: >>26963425

Artia literally learned english from Discord, 4chan, and R*ddit. She prefers Twitch to being forced to stream on Bilibili

>> No.26963110

I have no fucking clue. It sounds yet doesn't sound like a mix of like 10 different accents.

>> No.26963114

This is bait right?

>> No.26963115

This. I don't even know of any american vtuber worth watching.

I checked ironmouse and veibae for a while, but not only are they part of the same clique, they get really fucking boring real quick.

>> No.26963131

She already lewds herself

>> No.26963132
File: 471 KB, 770x1500, 266828.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would give anything for Ina to draw lewd art of herself as Ina giving a footjob or at least (if that's too crass) holding the feet towards the viewer

>> No.26963138
Quoted by: >>26963297

why are your colors ashy like that

>> No.26963139

>Azur Lane collabs, gone
Good riddance. Just collab with Cygames already. All their games bar worldflopper and dragalost are more successful than yostar's combined.

>> No.26963140
Quoted by: >>26963256

I don't get why Cover didn't just completely dissociate from the whole thing and said it was Youtube statistics that listed it as a different country.

>> No.26963145

It's worth it if Cover really puts its foot down after the three weeks and doesn't cede any more ground. The danger is people trying to spin the narrative to put the blame on Coco or Haato instead for chinese crazies.

>> No.26963148

go back to suck reddit cock in hlg

>> No.26963153

What's her name again? I might check her out

>> No.26963160
File: 75 KB, 1095x778, 97531B1E-AA1E-43CF-BBDE-A3CCB9AFF815.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not sure why.. what kind of sicko would look at loli shark feet?
Well gee anon I don’t know

>> No.26963161

If you were Cover, what would you have done. Realistic solutions only, as much as I want them to say "Fuck China, Nanking 2.0", it is not going to happen.

>> No.26963167
Quoted by: >>26963217

No Anon, it was the fishmen.
Ina's dad actually warned us about them, it's just that they go by "CCP" these days

>> No.26963179
File: 695 KB, 511x510, 1600911880713.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26963275

You think people didnt do this back in Aloe's accident?

>> No.26963184 [DELETED] 



>> No.26963189

NijiEN will never be as big as hololive.

>> No.26963194
Quoted by: >>26963303

does pikamee have the same issue with permissions?

>> No.26963197

Look at HoloEn and Gen 5 JP, Cover get their cut because without it, you'd be a literal nobody with no character, no existing performers to play off & collab with, no existing supporter base that will be at the very least interested in checking you out and maybe at some point will become fans.
Without Cover you have nothing.

>> No.26963203

Haven't seen the collab yet, has she decided on a nsfw hashtag yet?

>> No.26963206

And now that they've expanded to a global audience they don't need it anymore

>> No.26963211

Listen to Gura and Ina call each others names throughout the collab in the cutest ways possible.

Also their names in the game were gurarararara and inanananananana

>> No.26963213


>> No.26963217
Quoted by: >>26963270

Do Ina antis have a name like barracudas?

Fishmen could fit.

>> No.26963219

Reminder that Watson wants to lick loli armpits

>> No.26963220

What if she already does but uses a pseudonym?

>> No.26963222
File: 714 KB, 1136x640, 32BE3B35-6CDD-4AB0-B57B-3479B2613F1A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Gura gained 15k subs overnight
It’s actually kinda scary how fast she’s growing. What if the JPs grow jealous and refuse to do collabs with her?

>> No.26963224
Quoted by: >>26963338

fuck off

>> No.26963227

Hold up, I actually haven't seen any article or the like on this - have the Hololive channels on Bilibili been banned? For every branch?

>> No.26963231
Quoted by: >>26963325

Literally do nothing. Let the bugmen tire themselves out.

>> No.26963239
File: 438 KB, 1075x1192, 1600131995010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They exist.
You just have to dig.

>> No.26963244

If China is so irrelevant, why did Fubuki get more than a million subscribers there on bilibili in less than a year?

>> No.26963256

Because it happened twice in a row
First Haachama does it, get banned from bilibili for a month but chineses don't really attack her, they realize it's just an error
Then Coco does it literally just a few days after so no the chineses get pissed, 2 times in a row? Are you starting shit? is what they are thinking

>> No.26963257
File: 444 KB, 672x550, 1596202422329.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate chinks too but
Literal reddit, hated the bitch after she dropped the first asacoco
Ruined herself after abandoning her Akai Haato persona
I don't feel bad for them at all

>> No.26963259

>Anons constantly bitching about not worrying about people's past histories.
>Gets mad at the one vtuber who personally slights 4chan.
Never forgive, never forget!

>> No.26963264

>it'll never happen
well i wouldn't say that. maybe not haato but coco does seem smart and independent enough to make a jump like that. her fans would definitely follow her. something even worse would need to happen to cause that though

>> No.26963268

Completely ignore it.
Giving into the mob results in Aloe, ignoring it results in Korone when she played Banjo

>> No.26963270

You mean the dude litteraly named "Tranny Ina Fag"? Yeah I'm sure he was a big fan.

>> No.26963275

It's always good to have stuff on record.

>> No.26963279
Quoted by: >>26966688

I can only imagine what kinds of people will apply to a recruitment poster with an NTR addict on it.

>> No.26963283

they deserved it

>> No.26963287
Quoted by: >>26963511

Ignore it entirely. No statement, no anything. Yeah their chats might have gotten pretty intense, but it'd have all died down in due time.

Now they made it truly political.

>> No.26963290 [DELETED] 

No one is home, please leave

>> No.26963292
Quoted by: >>26963468

Its probably not gonna come to that. Coco didn't say shit like free Taiwan or shit like that, this is just a small blunder and will just quickly blow away soon.

>> No.26963295

Nobody's saying that you can't speak Chinese on twitch.
The audience number is pitifully low, because barely any Chinese streamers bother streaming on there.
A good number of Chinese fans would follow streamers to a different site if billi billi were no longer an option, especially HL fans.

>> No.26963297

Dark mode

>> No.26963303
File: 256 KB, 2000x2000, __amano_pikamee_voms_drawn_by_keke_kk_gb_hmhn__cffaabf9654f3966a12edd27126fc001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26963836

Pikamee can stream whatever she wants.

>> No.26963312

Filipino American.

>> No.26963314
Quoted by: >>26964095

She’ll graduate and start making sensawa content. I like them more than filtered gura

>> No.26963315

Tell Coco to shut the fuck up and then let everything die out.
Nothing good ever comes out of antagonizing mentally ill chinese people

>> No.26963317
Quoted by: >>26963424

>HoloEn girls now have to watch CCP re-education propaganda

>> No.26963322 [DELETED] 

I think im gonna let her in guys

>> No.26963325

>Do nothing
CCP ban any chinese companies or individuals to do any business with Cover
The 5 girls still in China can't stream anymore
The chineses investors can't work with Cover anymore
Lose a 1 billion+ market forever

Oh yeah what a great choice
You guys are fucking stupid

>> No.26963333
Quoted by: >>26963422

>t'll never happen but it'd be neat to see some indies make it big time without a corporation
Before Hololive really took off during 2019/early2020 the biggest VTubers were indies.
Right now there are still several indie VTubers easily having larger revenue than most Holos.


>> No.26963335

Stage a coup, use neets to seize control of the JSDF, send them across the East China Sea, and raze it all to the ground. Reestablish a Japanese Empire with Miko as the first virtual empress of Japan and its overseas territories.

>> No.26963338


>> No.26963340

I have a feeling that at least one of the holoEN members want to shit on China and post the copypasta.

>> No.26963350
Quoted by: >>26963430

Name a company that played the long game without Chinese investors

>> No.26963351

>looks at hololiveEN girls growth compared to jp
I like jp girls but come on

>> No.26963352

Its not like she's doing much in the first place. I really liked her Surgeon collab, tho.

>> No.26963357
File: 665 KB, 800x999, 1601046491603.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>moriposter trying to start things up again
would you look at that
anyone who said bad things about the chicken are just schizos and falseflaggers

>> No.26963360

nah, can't really call people like that real fans. Same shit you see from people using Amelia or Gura images to stir shit. Don't fall for it.

>> No.26963361

Ignore it. If they actually have to kneel in some shape or form then close haachama's and coco's bilibili channels as 'punishment'.

>> No.26963362

Nope, they are too busy with the current shitstorm.

>> No.26963363

It seems like they're all just whores with anime models. I've been watching some ayumioneesan she seems good.

>> No.26963371

A single public apology by cover on billibilli, do not make the talents apologize, one week break tonlet things blow over, and never mention it again. What cover did not only kept the chinese angry like they always are, but also pissed of the western audience into an overblown frenzy. What a bunch of clowns Cover is.

>> No.26963372

The Trinity is the Trinity. All combinations are valid.

>> No.26963374

ogey chang

>> No.26963391

cover does nothing that devoted volunteers wouldn't do for free in a heartbeat, they are only necessary to get them off the start line

>> No.26963394

So we have no power right? Any HoloEN member could be cancelled at any time and there is nothing we can do.

>> No.26963399

All Holo Gens grew faster than the previous ones. Unless the EN holos go complete dipshit like some of their "fans" and pretend their success isn't 90% the great work done by their senpais, this won't happen.

>> No.26963401

>In order to stream on billibilli, you have to verify your identity
>Part of this identification process involves taking a photo of yourself holding your ID
>All identification records are subsequently property of the CCP

Cover has gotta grin and bear this ass raping, for the CN girls' sake.

I don't know how arduous the process would be for physically moving the girls to another country, but anything is better than having antis decide if you belong in a gulag.

>> No.26963404
File: 583 KB, 644x888, 1600695278246.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26963462

>scrolling through Gura's likes
>see this
Alright I don't feel bad for violently masturbating to her anymore. Not like I ever did.

>> No.26963406
Quoted by: >>26963658

>Without Cover you have nothing.

When you are a new indie in a sea of indies. Not when you are like Coco. All she has to do is link her new account on twitter.

>> No.26963409

You can just put them in catbox

>> No.26963422

So basically Cover doesn't do anything the chooba couldn't accomplish on their own?

>> No.26963424

One of them should play a map painting game just to steamroll china and convert it to Christianity.

>> No.26963425

>streams once a week or less in twitch
>everyday in bilibili
I'm not too sure about that. Although I guess it's because she understands the they'll get anally frustrated if she gives anymore attention to Not China.

>> No.26963429

We need to pool our money together lads.
Maybe if we give Ina 10k she will draw a giant art piece of Ina + Amelia + Gura in one giant lewd pic

>> No.26963430

Your local barber shop

>> No.26963435

>The 5 girls still in China can't stream anymore
That branch can always just rebrand as hololive Taiwan or something like that?

>> No.26963438
File: 432 KB, 1933x2200, EZp-FTiy-Vc-AAcgtf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Say something nice about my Chinese wife Artia who doesn't support the CCP

>> No.26963441
Quoted by: >>26963497

>cancel their biggest cashcows that rely the least on chink money

>> No.26963442

Even hollywood, Activision, the NBA can't do anything against the CCP and you want a small company like Cover to go at war?
Fuck this is so stupid

>> No.26963445
Quoted by: >>26963481

Not gonna lie I was pretty tempted to get an Ame membership but after this shit I'm not giving Cover anything

>> No.26963452
File: 878 KB, 878x839, 1576724923995.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26963493

yes but is HoloJP turn now
so lets celebrate this shitshow. HoloeEN WON Today

>> No.26963454

50 cents has been deposited

>> No.26963459

You just gotta make more noise than the people wanting the cancellation

>> No.26963462
Quoted by: >>26963482

How? My body refuses to get aroused by cute daughterwife shark

>> No.26963464
Quoted by: >>26963667

She makes me rely belev it.

>> No.26963468

I'm not saying that it's going to happen. I'm saying that there is a reason why Cover can't just go all "Nanking didn't happen but we wish it did" and it's not the fucking bilibili views.

>> No.26963473


>> No.26963481

Sub to her roommate on twitch.

>> No.26963482
Quoted by: >>26963587

Then she's not your daughterwife, she's just your daughter. A man should be aroused by his wife.

>> No.26963483

Just call it Holo Int like they do for Olympics. Not need to add more fuel to the fire.

>> No.26963486
Quoted by: >>26963832

Big companies have too much capital to lose if they go to war with China.
Arguably, hololive makes more money from Taiwan than from China.
HK might even make more than mainland China.

>> No.26963487

Amelia, if you're reading this.
I trust you to do more than not speaking up about this matter.

>> No.26963490
Quoted by: >>26963635

The girls live in the mainland
And that's not the problem
It's a simple question of risk assessment, losing China would be far too huge for Cover
And again I don't mean just because of bilibili, Cover has several big chinese investors and they could potentially go under without them

>> No.26963492

ironmouse at least has some good fuckin lungs for singing. i'd hate her for being part of that clique but it's hard to hate someone at death's door

>> No.26963493

Nobody won today

>> No.26963496
Quoted by: >>26963627

>Thought I'd missed a few streams here and there
>I've missed 72 hours of streams
Holy fucking shit I blame Watson.

>> No.26963497

Yes, they did cancel Coco.

>> No.26963499
File: 376 KB, 1500x771, Bundestag_2021.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26963678

Reminder that Phoenixcoins are on the incline. Buy buy buy.

>> No.26963509

the backlash would be much bigger than a cover would expect if that happens

>> No.26963508

They'd have to leave China first... Bilibili is heavily censored. And YouTube is blocked, as is twitch

>> No.26963511

BiliBili's side was probably demanding a statement or they would take action.

>> No.26963512

Quit joking around, of course she supports the CCP please do not make any posts like this, consider her future

>> No.26963513
Quoted by: >>26963547

Nobody can do anything on their own but if enough ban together, a statement can be made. Fuck learned helplessness.

>> No.26963517
Quoted by: >>26963604

Kneeling to China makes the least sense because the chinks will still be pissed off and the rest of the world just also gets pissed off at you for sucking bug cock.

>> No.26963522


And I'm sure that would be somewhat doable if almost all of HoloCN didn't currently live in mainland China.

>> No.26963524

>wake up
>reddit dragon and haachama on "suspension"

so is this a real suspension or one of those Mano Aloe "suspensions"

>> No.26963525
File: 117 KB, 287x313, 1592507542799.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stay mad hlg
your reddit dragon is graduating

>> No.26963526

China has a hate boner for skeletons which the game has in spades, i don't think peropero cares

>> No.26963531

I'm pretty sure Amelia got a trophy.

>> No.26963547

Well start with one of billion earning company, not something small like Cover

>> No.26963548

it's a brand basically. The latest gens were recruited from obscurity and launched into immediate success from the success of their successors. I agree Cover doesn't do enough to actually help it's girls though. Great scouting but you can see just how rough everyone is starting out before they find their niche.

>> No.26963555
File: 1.74 MB, 3787x4096, Ehve3-RWAAE4hX6-orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just noticed Dead Beats hit 1 mil and RIP is at 2mil.

>> No.26963557
File: 43 KB, 617x641, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

move artia & civia to Holo Gamers, then shut down the rest of holochina. Let the other chinese girls keep everything, tell them they can change to being independent, let them out of a contract and hope they can make it on their own.
I wouldn't have ever gone into China in the first place though. Too much fucking hassle when a single word can fuck up everything you've worked for.
The realistic option though is suspend Haachama for a week, Coco for 2 weeks and release a Chinese language apology.

>> No.26963560

real suspension, as long as they keep their mouths shut
no fucking way they'd retire their biggest earner over a single word no matter how much china screeches

>> No.26963566

Luna (Moruru) made almost no money after she left Niji and returned to her personal indie vtuber channel, she became Luna after realizing her fanbase will not follow her wherever she goes.

>> No.26963575

It's "protection" , Cover can't do anything about chinese antis

>> No.26963583

they are a part of hololive too, it's a lose for hololive as a whole, i dont want the same shit happening to hololive EN either

>> No.26963584
File: 830 KB, 2598x3897, Ei1qqjxVkAYhPu8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.26963587
Quoted by: >>26963676

a man should be aroused by his daughter

>> No.26963590

Take your meds, schizo.

>> No.26963602

Everyone's been talking about what China, viewers, or Cover feel about everything, but I'm honestly curious about the girls themselves.
Do they respect Coco for having haachama's back? Do they smile and pretend they do but secretly seethe at their lost paycheck? Really makes you wonder how many of them are into the "family" as they say and how many are just in it for the money.
Yes I know, wrong thread.

>> No.26963604

They did it for the CCP, the actual angry chinks will move on in a few days
It's all to show their good will to the CCP

>> No.26963614
Quoted by: >>26963728

I am watching Kiara and I realised that her superchat reading was 1hr and 30 minutes. She really loves her fans huh?

>> No.26963618

If Coco didn't bring up the Taiwan shit after Haato, would any of this have happened?

>> No.26963619
Quoted by: >>26963780


>> No.26963625

Aloe chose to retire because of all the doxxing and harassment she was getting, and at that point a month into your career, you just have to cut your losses and accept it isn't worth it.
Coco is the world's most successful vtuber and Haato is 1st gen, so it's far less likely.

>> No.26963627
Quoted by: >>26963729

Damn bro, 72 hours? Sounds like you missed like three quarters

>> No.26963628

I might have done similar if I thought it would protect the CN holos and their families from violent reprisals. I would afterwards take steps to cut off from CN altogether however, focus even more on EN as a new market to replace lost revenue, see if you could get the CN holos interested in staying with the company work visas, unfortunately let go, as safely as possible, the CNs that can't/don't want to continue with hololive. Doing business with China is just not worth it in the long run for a company that sells happy vibes like hololives, any benefits you get can turn into negatives at the drop of a hat.

>> No.26963635
Quoted by: >>26963759

Time to start pandering to Saudi princes.

>> No.26963639

We do. Twitch Vtubers do fairly well on keeping themselves aloft, especially with continuing Corona issues and vtubing catching on more and more with normies. The audience may not be as big but getting a solid $250-300 donation out of those $500 chunks is alot better on Twitch, not to mention all the money work around and sharing audiences.

I'm still waiting for a U.S. or Canadian based company to appear as well. I'm not sure how ingrained Coco is in the background but I'd imagine she'd make a great middle man for opening the way.

>> No.26963644
File: 117 KB, 1011x1009, _20200927_190835.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yogiri, the pride of bilibili

>> No.26963653
Quoted by: >>26963711

Probably not.

>> No.26963657

I think the JPs will be fine about it, my only concern is that the EN audience can be kind of shitty in other Holo's chat as a lot of new people are coming in not understanding the etiquette of Japanese streaming. I imagine you'll have a number of shitters getting banned for trying to bring up their favorite ENs in chat without prompting.

>> No.26963658

Obviously the dynamics change once you get bigger, anyone could threaten to quit (but I imagine the best move would be to begin to reduce the percentage Cover takes of your revenue), but that is risk.

>> No.26963661

It's okay china will be worthless in a few years

>> No.26963665
Quoted by: >>26963711

everyone was already ready to forgive Haato since she's a dummy anyway

>> No.26963667

found it
>gura liked this
Never again tell me she isn't a sharkSLUT!

>> No.26963669

Abso-fucking-lutely "based." I'm glad Mori-sama is getting recognition!

>> No.26963676

Dangerously based.

>> No.26963678
Quoted by: >>26963734

>He didn't invest in every girl at debut

>> No.26963681

Haato wouldve made a public apology to China and then everything would return to normal. And Ina and Kiara would be able to play Genshin Impact on stream

>> No.26963682

i think it would have died out after a while, coco really pissed the bugmen off

>> No.26963686
Quoted by: >>26963771

Nah. Haato would just take the suspension and wait it out. But Coco doing it immediately really set it off.

>> No.26963692

she's our loli slut

>> No.26963701
File: 164 KB, 1200x1700, 1600417769883.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26963740


>> No.26963703

What did Shigure UI every do to you chinks?!

>> No.26963708

If any one or both of them retire, you bet the threads will descend deep into narratives over which holos care or don't. Kind of like Aloe and 5th gen.

>> No.26963710
File: 102 KB, 445x421, 20200927_200923.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you guys relly beleb in taiwan? It's obviously made up cuntry like Norbway.

>> No.26963711

I fucking hate China but Coco really fucked up here.

>> No.26963715
Quoted by: >>26963791

The hate mob would have focused on Haato and her graduation and suicide would have been cemented. Coco did what she did to act as a shield for Haato since she’s too big for cover to lose.

>> No.26963722

If Coco hadn't done this, Haato would have been graduated.

>> No.26963725
File: 72 KB, 1280x720, 1576512339029.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26963826

All this chink shit now lives in my head rent free. I'm seriously concerned for the future of the entire project including the ENs, Cover fucked everything up about as hard as they could've. They are not going to stop spamming their garbage.

>> No.26963726

It's not slutty, it's hydrodynamic

>> No.26963727

wtf why is my drunk japanese aunt so popular with the chinks?

>> No.26963728

She interacts a lot with the chat during supacha reading as well, so it's still a lot of zatsudan, it's fun

>> No.26963729

I've watched nearly every stream for everybody but Amelia but it adds up.
Watson's wagie simulator stream was 5 hours long.

>> No.26963734
File: 396 KB, 1000x782, Canada_Election_2019_Results_Map_(Simple).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who says I didn't?

>> No.26963735
File: 100 KB, 1163x885, 1601212107540.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26963892

I can safely say, this affects less than half of all holos in the short term. Long term growth in CN is less certain but is still a terribly low source of revenue due to the inherent difficulty of promoting channels on bilibili.

>> No.26963740

Nah, she literally kneel'd even before Coco and Cover.

>> No.26963739
Quoted by: >>26963871

NBA and disney lost tons of money pandering to china just so you know

Blizzard is on its way too

>> No.26963741

i belev

>> No.26963743
Quoted by: >>26964028

Pull Coco and Haato from bilibili, issue no statement.

>> No.26963750
File: 81 KB, 267x243, 1548621254874.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I saw that too. Very happy for this cute dork.

>> No.26963757

What would she have done if the fan name wasn't dead beats?

>> No.26963759

>Make hololive ARAB
>There are 3 people watching the stream
>they have alreadly donates 10000$ each

Good business model

>> No.26963771
Quoted by: >>26963869

Haachama wouldn't even be suspended, chinks were satisfied with an apology. What they started really seething about is cocock being shoved in their faces.

>> No.26963773

>CCP ban any chinese companies or individuals to do any business with Cover
Why the fuck do people think the CCP has literally anything to do with this?
This is some absurd boogeyman bullshit. Its BiliBili who banned Coco and Haato and demanded a statement, since they are business partners with Cover. The CCP doesn't give a shit about some random tiny streamer saying the T-word. Mentioning Taiwan is not against CCP policy, its just against the feefees of rabid schizos among the chinese.

>> No.26963776

The only thing that could possibly counter the Chinese would be the actual talent going on strike (what exactly does Cover have as revenue outside of Vtubers?).
But as if these twenty something jap girls would even consider that especially since they'd be giving up their own income when right now it's just Coco's fault.

>> No.26963780

meant for

>> No.26963787

s*nzawa was already pretty lewd, so ofc shark will also be lewd

>> No.26963791

I wish Haato has someone to talk with or someone to help her with this. The past year has really been shit on her.

>> No.26963798
Quoted by: >>26963906

Oh no this guy is doing holo stuff now. Guess he had to find a new niche after smash imploded.

>> No.26963800

I wish I knew who her roommate is.

>> No.26963801
File: 606 KB, 1353x1080, vzkvt2zdm8n51.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HololiveEN should dissociate themselves from Hololive while they can, they shouldn't trust the japanese management at this point HoloEN can start a revolution and get their independence. Freedom of speech is a western right and we have to defend it.

>> No.26963808
Quoted by: >>26963858

Finally watched the collab, what the H*LL was Kiara thinking?

>> No.26963810

its cropped so it doesn't show anything unless you click on it, I doubt she realized what it was

>> No.26963821

There must be something we're missing here, the Chinese people seriously can't be this mad at someone for inadvertently acknowledging that Taiwan is a country to the point of ruining their career

>> No.26963824

i relalybel

>> No.26963825

black hair hachaama is dangerously lewd

>> No.26963826

This shit is nothing compared to the holocaust
HoloJP didn't lose any views, doubt HoloEN will lose anything either

>> No.26963829

>If Coco didn't bring up the Taiwan shit after Haato, would any of this have happened?
It would have only hit Haato, so not quite the same.

>> No.26963832

Isn't it kind of impossible to tell? because any chinese fans on youtube would be through a VPN and even donations wouldn't come through as yuan?

>> No.26963836

extremely based

>> No.26963842
File: 131 KB, 565x575, 1422238596390.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the thing, without big names like Coco Cover is also nothing.

When you are a fresh nobody Cover's brand may be everything to get you going but once you are big they basically just steal your money.

If Coco and some other big Holo names leave to start their own company most of the fanbase will support them.

Especially if they do this in aftermath of this Taiwan bullshit. Literally entire planet hates China now due to Pandemic. Bending to China right now is fucking retarded especially since they are just 10% of their revenue.

>> No.26963843

you can see the lewd bits on the thumbnail with the other images she liked

>> No.26963844

Her hashtag was used, it's fine for her to like it.

>> No.26963845

Genshin Impact, you fucking retard.

>> No.26963847

Laaaaame. Live Again deserves way more views for not being ironic weebshit.

>> No.26963850

Also in Moris case, you would be better going to her bandcamp. There you have a wide range of money to spend rather then the single dollar a month, she will get a bigger cut and the money will be in her bank on friday, and you also get to own her music.

>> No.26963852

Kaine is so hot... a shame the character is just relegated to being a meme.

>> No.26963854

Sure bro. She's totally not a horny little shark who wishes someone would finally do her chunny.

>> No.26963858

If it helps, Kiara is Austrian.

>> No.26963861

No one cares, least of all the holos. You and the fans here do care but what can you do? cancel your memberships? Stop superchating? affect the other holos who were never involved in the first place?

>> No.26963868
Quoted by: >>26964020

Mori and chicken is in Japan. They can stay there. Trinity waifus can lead the revolution!

>> No.26963869

Why does Haato need to apologize? She was citing Youtube statistics. She's a Japanese streamer living in Australia. Why is she subject to Chinese rules?

>> No.26963871
Quoted by: >>26963963

Almost every major game company kneels for China. Its really fucking stupid too cause China has had a bunch of instances where they've been on the verge of straight up banning vidya.

>> No.26963872


Yes, they can be.

Acknowledging Taiwan's existence is one of the few things guaranteed to piss off those who keep to the party line.

>> No.26963873

Apparently chinks are allowed there if they browse with the intent of defending glorious CCP. Same as Twitter.

>> No.26963874

I would watched "Punished" Kuroi Haato.
A girl denied her yuans.

Imagine her streaming in traditional tibetan outfits just to fuck with the chinks.

>> No.26963878

It's not the people that is a problem, it's the CCP
In China it's forbidden to do a business with a company that recognize Taiwan as a country

Don't you american have this same shit with Iran?

>> No.26963881

Ah, good point, actually.
Does BilliBilli have some sort of donation mechanic? or is it purely streaming?
Is Hololive's business model in mainland China just to hope they get around their firewall to donate?

>> No.26963884

It's close, it's about to hit 900k.

>> No.26963892
Quoted by: >>26963939

Isn't that more than Taiwan and Hong Kong though? Most superchats come from Japan. In the grand scheme of things, 9% is actually a lot of money for an overseas country

>> No.26963904

Live Again is 100k~ short to hit 1 million. Her best song.

>> No.26963906
File: 17 KB, 442x76, 1579251690106.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26963908

It's indoctrination, you can't look at it rationally

>> No.26963909

What's "ironic" about it?

>> No.26963911

There is not a single Chinese Corporation that the CCP doesn't have their fingers in. They have literally everything to do with anything in China. And they do care. People have been vanned and killed for less. China is trying to exert total control at home and abroad.

>> No.26963912

No, you chink animal

>> No.26963916

Nuking any of the girls right now would be shooting themselves in the foot. Even the "worse" performing HoloEN girls are doing great by old JP metrics. EOPs love having their own generation to follow without needing subs and we're at the (latest) peak of VRyoutubers.

Only thing to watch out for is actual career ending mistakes. Mistakes have been made but nothing truly significant, I think they'll be fine.

>> No.26963917

You're talking about a country that literally banned Winnie the Pooh because it kind of looks like their leader

>> No.26963918

Because Cover got involved in china, I doubt they even thought about the long-term volatility of that market.

>> No.26963923

Sometimes you have to kneel if you want to do business with retards.

>> No.26963925
Quoted by: >>26964105

Anon, Mainland and Non-mainland Chinese have fights all the time in the U.S. and Canada/Vancouver. Its beyond comical how much most mainlanders take their propaganda seriously.

>> No.26963939

Just remeber that most people from Taiwan are actually chinese who use a taiwanese VPN

>> No.26963941

Where's the fanart of Ina licking Ame's armpits while pleasing her with her tentacles?

>> No.26963942
Quoted by: >>26964134

I wonder if she could get in trouble with Cover or Twitch if enough people started subbing her Twitch without her being active on there?

>> No.26963944

No dammit dont draw Amelia's armpits draw her FEET PLS

>> No.26963946

Because she is Hololive's biggest earner in Bilibli.
The one downside to chinese money is that you ebcome subservient to chinese whims and rules.

>> No.26963949
Quoted by: >>26964060


Man you one kind of a stupid, you really think if it just that simple then cover wouldnt just " fuck you pooh " and then leave? No, they still have the investor and sponsor contracts to fulfill, if they breach the contract and just leave then it would make them go under. And losing a market of 1 billion can really hurt them
> Inb4 but muh global
Global market is still young, they cant just abandon everything in CN for global.

>> No.26963950

Yes they can and even if they weren't they have to pretend like they are or end up in a re-education camp.

>> No.26963953

I fucking love Kaine

>> No.26963956

I keep saying this shit is the same as the music industry. It's nowhere near easy to make it on your own, don't get me wrong, but you can be extremely successful as an indie and won't need to cut your shit with a middle management company if you're smart.

>> No.26963954

Because a lot of times, they re-stream their YouTube streams in bilibili but they block out the chat.

Bet you didn't know that, huh?

>> No.26963963
Quoted by: >>26964024

as someone in the industry it's retarded as fuck. I wish I could speak out against it

>> No.26963962
Quoted by: >>26964025

Ina is an absolute degenerate. She's just slightly more low-key about it than some.

>> No.26963969

I'll write your N-word narrative for you schizonon. They're all falseflagging as mad chinese which sparked the flames to current heights. It's always been them.

>> No.26963973

God imagine Gura rubbing her little chunny thinking about horny Anon's fapping to these

>> No.26963974

Precisely. This whole stupid incident happens because the chinks saw the omission of mainland china and started narratives. Its not the holo's fault for missing out on chinese fan contributions on youtube, that's fucking youtube's problem because the site is fucking banned in China and only those outside the great firewall know about this. But nope, gotta start a proxy war with youtube by harassing some jap anime girls.

>> No.26963977
Quoted by: >>26964061

Simple apology on Chinese platforms, blame YouTube analyics for showing Taiwan as separate, don't punish idols at all, simply tell them to be more careful in private.

>> No.26963979

>Shigure Ui

Holy shit even the indies

>> No.26963983

you have no idea how fragile mainlander ego is

>> No.26964000

They're actually just farming social credit for being mad at her

>> No.26964013
File: 688 KB, 910x744, luna.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're talking years worth of effort before you reach a level that the Gen 5's and HoloEn reached in literal days. Hololive has a first mover type advantage now.

>> No.26964019

If the nips weren't retarded enough to attack burgers, we wouldn't be having this problem.

>> No.26964020

Don't be deluded. If HoloEN disbanded shark would go back to being HER (if anything) and Amelia would go back to being a minor indie. Ina would just go back to her job full time.

>> No.26964023
File: 868 KB, 1920x1080, coco decision.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What would you have done in this situation, /jp/?

>> No.26964024
Quoted by: >>26964133

I would love to see the Chinese market be left alone to make something else other than 3kingdoms and f2p gatcha once the major global publishers decide its not worth the trouble.

>> No.26964025

She's not lowkey about it at all, she made it very clear what her preferences are and even questioned people giving her a high purity rating
She's just too likable

>> No.26964028

hololive is still banned in bili bili though
the hate of the chinks will sour every interaction with other holos
community and relationships with them will also sour
loss of more permissions aside from geshin

>> No.26964031

>just 10% of their revenue.
Would you like your paycheck cut by 10%? 10% is quite a lot of money Anon.

>> No.26964032

>Why is she subject to Chinese rules?
Some dude in Brisbane got in trouble and expelled from uni for saying Taiwan is a country
Companies can get cancelled and their licences revoked if they go against the CCP narrative

This country is fucked

>> No.26964033


how pathetic does your life have to be to let websites define your personality?

>> No.26964035
File: 199 KB, 750x543, 1286070606077.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yagoo bows to the japanese masons

>> No.26964049
File: 443 KB, 722x658, 1600172486942.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They have to put on a big show and act even if they don't care or else they'll become blackbag targets.
Think of those videos of Kim Jong-il's funeral in North Korea with the crowds weeping. Same thing.

>> No.26964056
File: 57 KB, 112x112, PETTHEARTIA.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Artia is never ever getting her dream collab with Coco now, huh?

>> No.26964060
Quoted by: >>26964131

I couldn’t give a single fuck over all that. My only focus is how these girls make their money, and China is not included in that.

>> No.26964061

Then you would start a war with youtube.

>> No.26964072
File: 304 KB, 463x453, 9483372F-899E-420F-8F6E-C21DC5FD2317.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does the CCP even still exist after releasing a plague that forced the entire world to shut down for over half a year? If that didn’t cause WW3, I don’t know what will.

>> No.26964076

du u rely beleb dat

>> No.26964077

The obvious answer would be that they know that mentioning Taiwan is retarded, but that haachama just made a mistake while Coco seemingly went out of her way to make it worst. If things go pear shaped and the whole setup gets fucked then whoever makes the most money out of China vs the rest of the world will be furious.

>> No.26964078

they absolutely can be, Chinese nationalism is real as fuck and they see the Taiwanese issue as a point of national pride. It's something that can end with a company being completely boycotted in their country.

They have very fragile egos. Even more so then Americans if you can believe it.

>> No.26964079

Personally, number 3. If I was Cover, Number 4.
Caving to these outrages never ever ever works.

>> No.26964080
File: 45 KB, 585x543, 1571609002585.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reddit dragon graduation
celebrate with my shark wife

>> No.26964085

Ignore the matter and let the chinks unsubscribe, there are other markets and they will come back eventually.

>> No.26964086


It's 10% of Cover's overall revenue, yes - but what about members like Fubuki, who make the overwhelming majority of their earnings through Bili superchats?

If it's true that all Hololive accounts on Bili are frozen, that's a massive impact to people like her.

>> No.26964087

3%? Yeah ignore the matter/

>> No.26964088
File: 435 KB, 720x720, Ei1XZo2UYAEMdLv.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>#amelewd still has no content

>> No.26964095

boy i wish

>> No.26964097

did you just made this without knowing how subbing works in chinkbili? comet is getting more than $20k a month from like 3 people. they have insane whale tiers

>> No.26964098

Apologize but don't punish the girls

>> No.26964101

"Ban" coco for a week but more for antis to lose their attention
Apologise and blame Youtube
Say they will teach them to be more careful
Say they recognise China as One China

There done. Make me the CEO.

>> No.26964105

My best friend growing up was a 1st gen Chinese guy whose parents were from Hong Kong, can confirm he fucking despised mainlanders and always referred to them as rats.

>> No.26964122
File: 27 KB, 281x328, 1591794298036.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im going to ask again, can we have one day since HoloEN started without a fucking scandal

>> No.26964125

redditors turning the fields fallow as always

>> No.26964127
File: 477 KB, 590x591, 1574155481118.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fuck China. The CCP su-
>Reddit dragon suspended

>> No.26964131
Quoted by: >>26964247

You think they still can make money if Covers go under? Jesus look at what you said.

>> No.26964132

Artia backstabbed coco on her last twitch stream, chat asked her what she opined but she evaded the question.

>> No.26964133

that new wukong game is promising and it's an indie dev studio

but yes. international companies should cut off from china while the CCP is in power

>> No.26964134

would be pretty stupid so no. she's technically allowed to still use that if she wanted to

>> No.26964136

>corporation loses 10% revenue
>still pockets profits.
Cry me a fucking river. Scroll up and find out that half of all holos earn less than 2% on bilibili individually.

>> No.26964148
Quoted by: >>26964193

I have a feeling she is ether from Hong Kong or Taiwan or at least not living on the mainland if she wants to do something like that.

>> No.26964151

>refered to Taiwan as a country
She literally didn't do that. She just said the word "Taiwan", thats it. She never referred to it as a country specifically.

>> No.26964150

Issue a press release that "Taiwan is numba one."

>> No.26964153

China is real life Nineteen Eighty-Four.

>> No.26964154

Why don't start it right now? We have a fresh casus belli here

>> No.26964156
Quoted by: >>26964192

Are you a fucking kid or something? grow up

>> No.26964158
File: 194 KB, 1024x600, 1573228766621.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26964329

chinkshit is shit
but yes, reddit dragon is cancer and she needs to go

>> No.26964160

Doesn't Coco hate Artia? I remember she shut down the Ark server while Artia and Moona were still playing

>> No.26964159

>le tired cat

>> No.26964166

It's just 50 centers

>> No.26964168

Issue an "apology" that is incredibly insincere and brings up Nanking.

>> No.26964169

The scandals were raging long before HoloEN newfagchama

>> No.26964174

If it were me, individually, fuck that noise. I'd gladly look elsewhere for customers

>> No.26964181

Defend the holos and shift all the blame onto youtube for having Taiwan displayed on their official analytics.

>> No.26964183

It's all about the connections -- not explicitly the money. FBK has had all sorts of collabs with chinkshit and Cover wants to continue participating in collaborations like that.

>> No.26964186 [DELETED] 


>> No.26964191
Quoted by: >>26964254

It was in the context of reading a list of countries watching. Still, flipping out at something this small is moronic.

>> No.26964192
File: 1.95 MB, 600x600, 1597463552541.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have no respect for the Cover, the girls will be fine. Their talent will take them places were yagoo can only dream.

>> No.26964193
Quoted by: >>26964235

I'm pretty sure her and Civia are in burgerland

>> No.26964198
File: 2.30 MB, 518x220, 1601204205912.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26964297

god I hope it blows over in a few months time so our girl can have more of her wishes come true. She's having enough trouble as is with her shitty apartment situation.

>> No.26964200
Quoted by: >>26964284

go back to hlg
nobody cares

>> No.26964212 [SPOILER] 
File: 11 KB, 271x280, 1601227546682.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26964257


>> No.26964213
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>> No.26964214
File: 253 KB, 115x115, 1600810291869.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>finally go to bed happy after having a lot of fun watching Kiara's stream
>wake up to this bullshit
please tell me this shit will wear our within a week, i just want to be happy

>> No.26964215

Some time ago a Thai soap opera star says he supports HK. That sent the shills into a frenzy and start shitposting against Thailand only to be rekt by Thai zoomers.

>> No.26964221

I've seen a couple good ones but its a lot more barren than expected.

>> No.26964227

Blame it on Youtube and ignore everything else

>> No.26964228

Cover got a 7M dollars of investment from chinese companies, they can not go against them. Hololive going global was consequence of signing a devil's deal.

>> No.26964233

The US would not survive a 1v1 with China...

>> No.26964234

FBK is a professional shill like most Idols. She promoted some brand of chinese soft drink on her channel for weeks.

>> No.26964235
Quoted by: >>26964312

not sure about civia but artia has MEUK BHAGS so she's probably in Canada (somewhere like Vancouver or Toronto where there's lots of chinese)

>> No.26964236
Quoted by: >>26964324

>Deadbraps fart for me and fart loud
Did we ever figure out exactly what she meant by this?

>> No.26964244

Yes easily

>> No.26964247
Quoted by: >>26964591

Maybe they can. If you look at EN’s success, Cover hasn’t done much at all. So there’s a good possibility, but I doubt Cover would go under like that after losing China. China is important, but not that important.

>> No.26964254
Quoted by: >>26964972

The same list has Hong Kong in it. Which is very much not a country.

>> No.26964255

Coco involved Haato into this mess that wasn't supposed to be this big to begin with. Why did Coco even have to read Taiwan again LIVE after Haato got the ban hour prior? The chinks were fine with Haato's apology and were ready to move on but Coco had to do a publicity stunt for no reason.

>> No.26964256

well I'm glad the bird at least got to have her stream before this shit got stupid.

>> No.26964257

My muke bag

>> No.26964264

how long would it take for the chinese antis to just get bored if they never acknowledged them?

>> No.26964267

3 weeks at the very least. Possibly longer, since the well's been poisoned by this whole fiasco.

>> No.26964268

Outside of directly invading China this is false

>> No.26964273

Not likely, now that antis know they can get holos suspended just from the mere mention of Taiwan they're gonna try their best to fuck over as many people as possible.

>> No.26964274

>only one

>> No.26964279


>> No.26964281

Chinese have dog brains, so not too long

>> No.26964284
Quoted by: >>26964318

Make me. I'll rape your house and burn down your family.


>> No.26964290
Quoted by: >>26964716

Didn't they import russian engines cause they can't make one?

>> No.26964291
Quoted by: >>26964371

The scandal has nothing to do with HoloEN though.

>> No.26964297

how about she moves back to China and joins her insect brood at losing their minds over nothing

>> No.26964300
File: 48 KB, 680x500, 1600314723925.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this how it works? You gatekeep enough to resist the main stream? Then you get into the second wave made of chinese subhumans? What is beyond?

>> No.26964305

Yeah, Cover's goal isn't actually to appease the Chinese nationalists, it's to punish coco and haato just enough so that chink companies will continue to work with them.

>> No.26964306

can someone please post that official full body image of all five of the girls together?

>> No.26964307

It would only be a 1v1 in a fantasyland

>> No.26964311

>The chinks were fine with Haato's apology and were ready to move on
No they were not. This is literally just some retarded narrative the Cover apologists made up, there was no sign of this blowing over when Coco did that.

>> No.26964312

Artia showed her ip on stream once she's definitely in the US unless she was using a vpn

>> No.26964314

1. Japan makes them
2. Ame doesn't speak enough Japanese to tell them to tweet with #amelewd

>> No.26964318
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>> No.26964320
File: 318 KB, 567x836, wyt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26965650

>> No.26964324

Means we need to have more protein shakes. At least three scoops of whey in each.

>> No.26964329
Quoted by: >>26964361

Don't use my husband for your falseflagging, scum.

>> No.26964332
Quoted by: >>26964349

is this gremlin going to be ok?

>> No.26964334

Ignore the matter entirely till the schizzos drop the narrative.

They just gave fuel to the fire, now chinks will never stop.

>> No.26964343
Quoted by: >>26964390

Damn chicken is actually nice to listen to now that she has a new mic.

>> No.26964345
Quoted by: >>26964492

Coco did it to make a stand with Haato. She knows she’s too big for Cover to fire her. Looking at things now, especially JP twitter, there are more people angry at Cover and China than anything else.

>> No.26964347
Quoted by: >>26964389

probably a few days at most
but the suspension empowered them and are now targeting coco's roommate

>> No.26964349
Quoted by: >>26964451


She and Civia are overseas, so yes.

As for the other four, that's another matter.

>> No.26964361
File: 249 KB, 368x391, 1598788055377.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shut the fuck up coco redditor
she needs to graduate. she is cancer

>> No.26964363

The next 5ch dumpster dive is going to be fucking hilarious.

>> No.26964371
Quoted by: >>26964668

HoloEN are all westerners, there is a good possibility of all of them wanting to say “fuck China” or say something in support of the Hong Kong protests.

>> No.26964372

Fuck bugman with their gaslighting

>> No.26964374
File: 59 KB, 560x747, 1937 Haruna.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26964442

Nope. They are suspended for almost a month and chinks are even more mad now and demanding more because they tasted blood. Japanese fans are also mad that Cover is bending to insects.

This may literally tear Cover apart and force Coco to leave and go independent. If this happens more will go with her for sure.

So much for muh Yagoo.

>> No.26964378

It's up investigators

>> No.26964381
File: 222 KB, 1304x1396, apologize.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Chicken is the only one to support her senpais against Xi
Apologize for last night.

>> No.26964382

Have I just been missing out on the AMERICAN made MEUKE BAHGS? Didn't know they sold them here. Next thing I know you'll be telling me that they sell poutine here too

>> No.26964386


>> No.26964389


>> No.26964388

More and more chinese.

>> No.26964390

She's the best singer in EN by far. Shark is good but since her japanese is shit she needs to practice much more and doesn't know many songs.

>> No.26964400

People legit acting like clover didn't have HoloCN's life on the line during that entire matter either, fucking amazing one tracked minds go back to red**t lads

>> No.26964410

Kill yourself you tribalist nigger.

>> No.26964414

50 cents have been added to your social credit account.

>> No.26964417

Did you or anyone Screenshot or clip that?

>> No.26964418

I never disliked her in the first place.

>> No.26964422


>> No.26964421

The part time hero fits

>> No.26964431
Quoted by: >>26964643

>Mario Odyssey
Huh. I guess we'll see how good she is with platformers.

>> No.26964441
File: 216 KB, 1198x1080, 1582454779022.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26964442

>This may literally tear Cover apart and force Coco to leave and go independent. If this happens more will go with her for sure.

>> No.26964445
Quoted by: >>26964593


So it begins.

>> No.26964448

>still playing Valorant
Mario Odyssey though.

>> No.26964450

Just hold out anon. November. That's all you have to do.

>> No.26964451
Quoted by: >>26964730

They both still have family in China.

>> No.26964454

Tourist please

>> No.26964455

>all those AM BST

>> No.26964458

I'm ready gosling bros...

>> No.26964465

Stop using my wife for your tribalist bullshit.
Fuck off.

>> No.26964467
Quoted by: >>26964592

CCP insects have already begun harassing Kiara too on Twitter. Cover is a joke of a company.

>> No.26964469
Quoted by: >>26964698

>members osu
nice treat for the members i think
>karaoke + valorant
>detective diaries
uh oh

>> No.26964472

>Risu did nothing but play with a rubber duck for 1 hour.
>Sadly this did nothing to quell international tensions.
Fucking hell I laughted hard at this

>> No.26964475

and they'll only grow bigger if you do what they want. Thats the flaw of appeasement, it will only get worse and worse as time goes on.

>> No.26964480
File: 44 KB, 606x220, 1601219396001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.26964484


>> No.26964486


>> No.26964490
File: 161 KB, 413x382, 1601003001177.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26964504

Might be interesting
>No Marshmallow questions

>> No.26964492
Quoted by: >>26964619


See, I'd be tempted to believe that, if Cover both didn't have a stake in China and didn't have at least four talents whose livelihoods - and maybe even lives - might be threatened by this development.

If Coco did this after things were simmering down as a show of solidarity, under the assumption that she was too big to fail, and comes out of this mess being forced to graduate, it wouldn't have been very wise in hindsight.

>> No.26964495

shes literally too dumb to understand what the issue is

guarantee you she doesnt even know what taiwan is

>> No.26964497
Quoted by: >>26964586

>lose 10%
>probably make an extra +8% from other anti-bugmen donating more to make up for it
>protect my talents at the same time and show a spine

>> No.26964501

>Mo:Astray part 2 never ever

>> No.26964504

Oh wait I'm blind

>> No.26964513

>mario odyssey
>BST times included

>> No.26964519

Chinese hands typed this post.

>> No.26964520
File: 721 KB, 1710x1603, 1592016971974.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to hug this hähnchen

>> No.26964521
File: 48 KB, 689x339, S4chcrB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't wait to see this get removed

>> No.26964523

>Don't you american have this same shit with Iran?
And basically any country that doesn't bend the knee to American imperialism. Cuba hasn't done shit to America since the early 60's but Americans act like Cuba is an existential threat.

>> No.26964525
Quoted by: >>26964558

You know EN is also in danger right?

>> No.26964527

Where is the members GF stream?

>> No.26964532
Quoted by: >>26964792

The drama around here will settle down in a week I figure but I don't know how long the Chinese viewers are going to hold a grudge over this shit. I don't think they'll ever forgive Coco outside of some insane level apology and probably not even then, but they got their pound of meat so I hope they'll move on from hating HoloLive as a whole.

The differences in Cover's statements based on the language have been noticed by both Chinese and Japanese audiences and it's getting criticism from both sides. As shitty as it is though, their response isn't surprising. They want to keep doing business in China and keep one of their best performing talents who honestly didn't do anything that wrong besides stepping on a huge landmine they should have been better prepared for by Cover.

>> No.26964538

I hope the wednesday colab is with the holy trinity again

>> No.26964541

>didn't have HoloCN's life on the line
They didn't. BiliBili wasn't going to bag them, and the chinese legal system has a lot less patience for stalking and other shit like that than the japanese one. They are unironically safer in China than the JP Holos in Japan.
Again, none of this has any goverment involvement. Its BiliBili not wanting to look bad and a bunch of rabid chinese ultra-nationalists (by far a minority among their chinese fanbase).

>> No.26964542

Option 2.

>> No.26964555

I'd give her brownie points if I didn't know she's particularly stupid.

>> No.26964558

sure they are /hlg/

>> No.26964561

First page of r/hololive is all anti China now

>> No.26964563

>3 months
I thought it was weeks?

>> No.26964570
Quoted by: >>26964612

what happened last night?

>> No.26964569

She's just making it worse.

>> No.26964579
Quoted by: >>26964755

No, American just invades the country, kills thousands of millions of civilians and then installs puppet dictators to keep murdering people who don't want their nation raped by american corporations

>> No.26964581
Quoted by: >>26965383

>BST times
>And actually some good times for BST
>Osu member streams
For the first time in my life I'm happy to have been born

>> No.26964584

can't wait to see you go back

>> No.26964585

oh shit nigga, roommate strims coming up

>> No.26964586
Quoted by: >>26964708

Yeah, until the westerners discover the clips of pekora saying gorilla and boycotting her too. Whoops! Now it's not just China but America too! Are you going to pull out of hololive EN next?

>> No.26964588

For all the red scare stuff and fearmongering about China, going to actual war would be against America's capital interests, so they never will.

>> No.26964591

EN success is entirely ride on Hololive's brand, they were literally who before joining Hololive. Even if Covers dont go under then the money they have to pay for breaching the contract will cripple them and it will not be a good sign for the girls, especially those in holoCN.
>China is important, but not that important
Unless you are part of Covers higher position and know about their strategy, you dont know this.

>> No.26964592

They'll go away in a few weeks.

>> No.26964593


>> No.26964600


>> No.26964601


>> No.26964602
File: 38 KB, 713x382, fckchn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i hate china

>> No.26964612

Chicken played lame to get a golden yagoo

>> No.26964619

Coco didn't think this shit through at all. She probably has no idea about the bilibili rules or the geopolitical climate, she's just a basic bitch cosplayer please understand.

>> No.26964620
File: 50 KB, 400x400, 1600736412278.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Kiara wanted to do a weekly member stream, but Amelia has two scheduled for this week?

I'm sure /hlgg/ is goin to shit on Amelia more than they did chicken now for it, right?


>> No.26964622

dumb tribalnigger, go choke on a dog chang

>> No.26964624

can someone please post that official full body image of all five of the girls together?

>> No.26964638

>hoping for a Ame x Gura collab. She's asking permission for using an art with Gura(shark) in it.

>> No.26964640
File: 831 KB, 1920x1080, 1600028312375.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26965158

>No Japanese Study Time
She's going to need to practice if she wants collabs to go well. Can't do sign language over the internet.

>> No.26964643

She was really good in Fall Guys for how relatively little she played

>> No.26964645

they didn't even mention it, they just checked their analytics and the name was in the data

>> No.26964659

I can't believe coco won't be back for three months. She'll be gone for three entire years, who knows how different things will be in three decades when she gets back?

>> No.26964661

Is it just me or does hiding copyrighted materials behind a paywall just bring in even more negative attention. I've only ever seen big companies get involved with streamers when they play games behind member only paywalls: see Riot and Blizzard going after twitch streamers announcing sub-only streams.

>> No.26964664
Quoted by: >>26964700

Guys I'm going to say it!

>> No.26964667
File: 1.01 MB, 1920x1080, 909080_20191101012009_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26964817

I need Watson to paly the Rusty lake games. They are getting a Steam collection soon so the classic entries can survive the death of Flash.

>> No.26964668

they might want to but it'll end their careers if they do and that'll be made very clear to them by their managers. The minor upside about all this is maybe their managers will give better advice on avoiding this shit in the future.

>> No.26964669

Dumb dragon should just lay low

>> No.26964678

dear god, my sleep schedule's about to get fucked
i hope the karaoke will be cringe kino

>> No.26964685


>> No.26964690

So i decide if I get membership on Tuesday.

>> No.26964698
Quoted by: >>26965387

>uh oh
why uh oh? that's just chatting right?

>> No.26964700

What a madlad

>> No.26964704


>> No.26964708

that depends on how many peaceful joggers watch hololive in the first place, otherwise it will be fine

>> No.26964711

Based Dragon

>> No.26964712

>Chinks now trying to cause infighting between HoloEN and HoloJP
It's all so tiresome.

>> No.26964714

Good for him, I know only two kinds of decent ethnic Chinese people.
1. Those that don't live in mainland China (HK, Taiwan)
2. Those that GTFO of this red hellhole.

>> No.26964716

Yeah, not even russian ones, SOVIET ones. Chinks are incapable of innovation and so must parasitize foreign technology, then mass-produce it with their soulless rat workforce. That is their definition of "strong"

>> No.26964718
Quoted by: >>26964842

they'll do it in subtle ways

>> No.26964720

Collab with Kanata from hololive soon!

>> No.26964721

Is she actually good at osu? I've never seen people talk about her playing it until recently.

>> No.26964730

After rona, not that much.
I still need to attend like 6 funerals now.

>> No.26964735

Its an osu stream, it'll get copystriked.

>> No.26964740
Quoted by: >>26964779

not monetised, non-archived.

>> No.26964744
Quoted by: >>26964888

pay for my amelia membership onegai

>> No.26964746

It's a nice sentiment I just hope she doesn't catch any shit for it. It's nothing to really get worked up about though; they can easily point out she was looking forward to working with her senpais and nothing more.

>> No.26964749


>> No.26964752
File: 124 KB, 700x800, IMG_20200823_011843.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any more holoen ohayous? A Mori one?

>> No.26964755

Nah, we just drone strike people now.

>> No.26964756
Quoted by: >>26964966

>that'll be made very clear to them by their managers
Very optimistic of you to assume that cover's managers do literally anything helpful at all considering their record.

>> No.26964761

She mentioned she likes it during her debut. That's all

>> No.26964767
Quoted by: >>26964845

shut the fuck up

>> No.26964768
File: 108 KB, 1024x1024, 1600067869318.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn super long stream on 10/2. A hard working girl is cute isn't she?

>> No.26964777
Quoted by: >>26964873

You know I bet this K*son person could pull off a very good Kiryu Coco cosplay. She should do it for a stream

>> No.26964778

Wow Coco's roomate is actually cute

>> No.26964779
Quoted by: >>26964893

the fact that it's only available to paying members means that it is infact monetized.

>> No.26964780
File: 47 KB, 907x778, 1560501930503.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>after the Aloe thing, Cover came out with a statement claiming they'll man up and look after their vtubers and protect them from harassment
>china bugmen came out from their garbage cans and harassed coco and haachama
>Cover: oh pls president mao I KNEEL pls forgive us let me lick your boot pls

Is this it, bros?

Are we witnessing the start of Hololive's downfall?

It was fun while it lasted.

>> No.26964782

The HoloCN girls made me believe Chinese still have souls, it's just that their goverment crushes them until there's nothing but a hollow husk.

>> No.26964784
Quoted by: >>26965933

these should be fun, surprised Nintendo gave permissions given how they can be about streaming.

>> No.26964788
Quoted by: >>26964891

The USA would undoubtedly win a true 1v1 with China with no proxy bullshit.
It might be the sort of victory that isn't worth it (many dead, almost certain nuclear combat), but a victory nonetheless.

>> No.26964790

>All of HoloEN refuse to stream in solidarity with Coco and Haachama
Based or cringe?

>> No.26964792

Chinese viewers don't fucking matter. Only 4 HoloCN are limited to Chinese audiences. The real problem is the investors.

>> No.26964793

The West will never forgive China for making our girls cry.

>> No.26964796
Quoted by: >>26964831

Can we go one month without a yabee?

>> No.26964799
File: 96 KB, 463x453, 1581529087601.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can she even sing?

>> No.26964800

>tries to keep us Eurochads in mind and not completely fuck us over every time
>Mario Odyssey

>> No.26964801

I thought the Phoenix was greek?

>> No.26964805
File: 69 KB, 344x226, 1368898276064.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26964852

>from yesterday
>she already knew she was going to get nuked

>> No.26964812
File: 267 KB, 302x394, 1578398032110.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is amelia good like gura?

>> No.26964813

Did Kiara lose permissions or is she choosing not to play the game?

Kiara isn't a racist against Chinese, right? Surely as an Austrian she would be very tolerant...

>> No.26964816

Gura stop retweeting cunny and post your schedule onegai

>> No.26964817
Quoted by: >>26965109

I like them and had a fun time with Hotel but I don't think they're the kind of games that really stream that well.

>> No.26964822

china is merciful, if only you will bend the knee

>> No.26964826
Quoted by: >>26965030

wtf is BST?

>> No.26964827
Quoted by: >>26964881

>Osu at 3 PM EST
>Valorant at 3 PM EST
wtf is she streaming two times at the same time??

>> No.26964828
Quoted by: >>26964951

They won't do that.

>> No.26964831

We can't even go one week without a yabee.

>> No.26964835
File: 3.24 MB, 3000x4000, 20200927_204049.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.26964839

Not really but her bad singing is cute as fuck.

>> No.26964842
File: 295 KB, 2009x2000, 1600302301487.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mori plays GTA
>goes to buy clothing
>"I think I'll go with tie... 1."
>"Yeah, Tie 1 is number 1, mmhmm, definitely."
Either that, or for Halloween, they all play games that have tons of skeletons in them.

>> No.26964843
Quoted by: >>26964984

I'd rather stand with China than fucking reddit

>> No.26964845

She should play along and act repentant so the chinks lose their target. Switching to her roommate's account just gives Chinks a new target to aim at.

>> No.26964847

It's trending on Japanese twitter for whatever it's worth. Cover might as well just move over to China and BilliBilli now because they've shown they'll bow to any chinese demand they won't let up now.

>> No.26964852
Quoted by: >>26965246

Of course they were informed in advance anon, this is literally the least surprising of things.

>> No.26964853

They're protecting their CNs from being organ harvested.

>> No.26964857

Based for Haachama.
Fuck r*ddit dragon.

>> No.26964871
File: 136 KB, 850x601, df.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So did Cover just not think about the anti-China sentiment in the West when they did this?

>> No.26964873
Quoted by: >>26966484

tits too small

>> No.26964875

She'll probably be "okay". It'll be cute.

>> No.26964876

I accept both narratives simultaneously.

>> No.26964877

too bad it wont be 1v1

but even in your hypothetical, china wouldnt be able to do shit to the US either outside disruptive ops that theyre already doing anyway

>> No.26964881

Typo, Valorant is gonna be at 5pm est.

>> No.26964884
Quoted by: >>26965161

>Unless you are part of Covers higher position and know about their strategy, you dont know this.
I could say the same to you. I’m just going off observations. I don’t make the assumption that glorious china is in complete and glorious control of Cover, and without the based and glorious true han china Cover wouldn’t exist.

>> No.26964887
Quoted by: >>26965116

Who will be the first EN to mention Taiwan?

>> No.26964888

Its $0.66

>> No.26964889
File: 1006 KB, 1200x1281, 1600990042124.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So even if I'm a member I can't watch the osu right?

I work...

>> No.26964891
Quoted by: >>26965020

Yes, even if we nuked China with no counter attack form them, the radiation created would probably be enough to reach the US.

>> No.26964893

I remember there're other people pulling something like this...

>> No.26964914
Quoted by: >>26965091

I dont see the gf experience ame member stream did I get fucking scammed

>> No.26964917

>Did Kiara lose permissions or is she choosing not to play the game?
Probably the former, so the latter never even became an option.
I don't see any reason why she would anyway, MiHoyo has nothing to do with any of this and are just as much victim of this kind of fuckery.

>> No.26964922

I have never heard of Goetsu or Hookkien in my life, I guess Goetsu is claimed Japanese territory but what's Hookkien?

>> No.26964925

Ameliabros... someone will save the karaoke stream somewhere for those investigatorbros who can't watch it live, right?

>> No.26964929

Of course, Japs think the rest of the world is just a goofy themepark.

>> No.26964930

The Genshin Impact Discord has banned all mentions of HoloLive over this when previously they were talking about how they were looking forward to them streaming it. They're full bugman CCP.

And these people want to install a fucking rootkit to let you play their gacha.

>> No.26964934

They absolutely did. They weighed the pros and cons and decided that Chinese money was more important for them as a company.

>> No.26964937

yeah she isnt bad she plays mania

>> No.26964939 [DELETED] 
File: 19 KB, 687x446, images (21).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop wasting the beautiful image of wife you tribalist fucker!

>> No.26964940

Hololive's brand is the match, their own talent is the fuel

>> No.26964942
File: 568 KB, 1536x2048, gura melon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26964982

sh-she's big...

>> No.26964950

While it wouldn't surprise me from a wannabe-nigger white whore, I think her managers are smarter than to allow her to do that.

>> No.26964951

I can actually see it happening since western women love to virtue signal
Remember that EN aren't uguu cowardly Japanese idorus like JP, they're the stacies and karens you see in the street everyday and they're not squared of some 5 foot incel bugmen

>> No.26964957

Tiny Korone is heartwarming.

>> No.26964962

>all these times work perfectly around my work schedule.
Its like have no choice, but to have her as my favorite.

>> No.26964966

I'm pretty sure the managers at the very least shout at them for fucking up. Mori quickly corrected how she handled super chats after the whole Nick Gurr mess early on.

On one hand I kind of like the idea Cover is a bit hands off so girls can fully establish themselves on their own ideas but they really do need to offer more support in the way of advise on the industry. Most of the HoloENs didn't seem to know basic practices of their seniors. It's almost spartan how it works.

>> No.26964972

Yeah but just like Taiwan they use a different currency, which is why google separates them

>> No.26964979
Quoted by: >>26965103

yeah but from there she can just tell them to kill themselves since she doesnt have to play by the rules anymore

>> No.26964982


>> No.26964984

Stop jumping the wall, chang.

>> No.26964985

So is it time to switch all our VPNs to Taiwan and send as many positive messages as we can?

>> No.26964990
File: 41 KB, 1200x600, 1601228169933.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this could've been forgotten soon if it were only the bogan but then Coco happened

>> No.26964992

Grow up lol. Didn't Jesus teach you to forgive?

>> No.26964996

>she reaches that part with Lamar and goes “I know what you people want me to say and I am not going to say it” she says it by “accident”

>> No.26964998

That pose is powerful.

>> No.26964999

>ruined herself by becoming the most entertaining of the bunch

>> No.26965002

Well, I just told them to take better care of their talents and prioritize them over everything but I doubt they will.

>> No.26965009

Does anyone know if member streams are archived or are they all deleted?

>> No.26965014

That fucking korone.
It's a shame the holos have to work with cover. I love these goofs and they don't deserve the incompetence.

>> No.26965020

Radiation from nuclear weapons is negligible, just look at Nevada and it's many craters that resulted from Nuclear detonations, no one there is a frog man.
That being said, the whole point of nuclear weapon is a guarantee that no one would try to topple them, if China is at the risk of losing it's sovereignty for real, those nukes will go flying as a last fuck you, right before the communist leaders shoot themselves in the head.

>> No.26965024
Quoted by: >>26965068


>> No.26965030
Quoted by: >>26965063

British Summer Time, it's GMT + 1

>> No.26965037
Quoted by: >>26965078



>> No.26965036
Quoted by: >>26965074

Would literally just kill the Gen instead. Cover will bend the knee to China to protect it's business from being boycotted entirely there, but the new girls as successful as they are won't have that much sway or confidence to pull a strong arm tactic like that off.

It would be based, but ignorant of the industry.

>> No.26965039

Actually, fuck permission. If they don't monetise, don't archive it. The strike can't be filed by any company.

>> No.26965038

Osu streams will be deleted for sure. The rest probably not.

>> No.26965042

the important thing is that they hate them for being different

>> No.26965047

nah chicomms arent human

gas them and their supporters

>> No.26965049

but anon never forgives

>> No.26965063

What an oddly specific timezone to list

>> No.26965068

Here anti-hard video

>> No.26965070
File: 193 KB, 500x684, 1594697217307.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't you see how moe this phoenix is? Kiara is one big flammenwerfer and she'll burn all you bugs down like a tactical nuke.

>> No.26965074

The problem is all their chats are going to be spamming free hong kong like no tomorrow.

>> No.26965077


>> No.26965078
File: 265 KB, 247x413, 1577984429754.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26965304

You know it.

>> No.26965079

yeah deleted.

>> No.26965083


>> No.26965085

Google Translatechama... your reps...

>> No.26965091

>he's not a tier 4 member

>> No.26965092

As far as I know some streams won't be archieved for copyright reasons, which I'd assume would be stuff like the karaoke streams and Osu.

>> No.26965096

god I love Ina's design.

>> No.26965099

If she played copyrighted songs then yeah, it'll be deleted

>> No.26965103

I wish she would but this would end badly for all the other holos. She has been given an out, she should just take it and use the 3 weeks to get a break and just cut herself off from any SNS.

>> No.26965108

they all got butt raped by niggers

>> No.26965109
Quoted by: >>26965234

She likes puzzle games and they have spooky weird atmosphere and detective subplot.

>> No.26965112

Jesus also taught me to never deal with the devil, as he will devour you the first chance he gets and his hunger is insatiable.

>> No.26965113
Quoted by: >>26965148

You think they'll allow them to enable chat?

>> No.26965115

>the chat begging her to stop

>> No.26965116

>Who will be the first EN to mention Taiwan
Any of them could say it first, mori and Amelia are Americans and possible 4chan users, shark is a shitposter, squad is a Korean, and people with chicken’s politic leanings did come out in support of the HK protests (before forgetting about them in a mere month) so yeah, it is possible that all of EN really hate China.

>> No.26965121

Blasphemers like you are to be put down by the sword.

>> No.26965126
Quoted by: >>26965198

Lads, one of you will archive the streams that will otherwise be forever lost, right?

>> No.26965127
Quoted by: >>26965279

>2 members streams
How do I record them through Youtube-dl again?

>> No.26965128

I kneel

>> No.26965129

a racist and a sexist? based chicken.

>> No.26965131

Haato would have fucking killed herself from the hate spawn by the chink antis, I’m glad Coco is taking the brunt of the hate.

>> No.26965139


>> No.26965144
File: 653 KB, 1098x847, 1601228123603.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cover fired all of HoloEN for not bowing to China and taking on-air mandarin lessons.

>> No.26965147
File: 492 KB, 706x483, smash.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26965440

Thank you based Sakurai.

>> No.26965148

Damned if they do damned if they don't. Best option would be to let it sit in chat but just ignore it and never read it or anything like it.

>> No.26965151
File: 110 KB, 1104x913, Ei3SaJVU4AAV_aa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can we just have some cute images in these trying times...

>> No.26965152
Quoted by: >>26965389

What the fuck China isn't even on this list of top contributers

>> No.26965158


>> No.26965161

I dont make that assumption, I just list the reasons why China is important to covers and why they just cant spit on Pooh's face and leave like you want.

>> No.26965162

time to learn scheduling reps and youtube-dl reps.

>> No.26965166

I'm pissed at this Chinese bullshit but I just want my holos back.

>> No.26965169

JST time onegai

>> No.26965173

Its somewhere in between. The better indies, even the ones who swear endlessly and spout innuendo every other sentence, keep it on the downlow but have fun all the time with various kinds of jokes. Basically alot of people are realizing they just want to be entertained but at the same time don't want to shelter themselves off from various forms of creativity. Kind of like when racier comedians could do their thing in the 80'-early 2000's.

>> No.26965177

I want to cum on her panties while she is in this exact position

>> No.26965178
Quoted by: >>26965465

Oh yeah, this reminds me of a different question.
Does hololive have any contract stuff about what the talent can and cannot do independent of hololive? Like for sure they aren't supposed to connect themselves back to their identities and so on, but aside from that? Even before the recent happening I was wondering if Aloe couldn't just start doing her own independent thing, or even sign on with a different company. Independent of any ongoing drama, could any of the girls just kinda decide that this isn't for them anymore and then go and start doing other stuff under a different name?

>> No.26965184
File: 587 KB, 850x480, 1600983607302.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe if every single Holo refused, it would change something, but most nips are too polite to do something like that. Either that, or chinks unironically move to Nijisanji and a V-tuber race war begins.

>> No.26965190

If it was just Haachama, that could have easily meant graduation but Coco jumping in the line of fire means Cover can no longer graduate her.

>> No.26965197

write a letter to your local representative you would like to nuke china.

>> No.26965198

I sure hope such a based individual exists in hlgg.
Even with membership, if you miss it there's nothing you can do.

>> No.26965199
Quoted by: >>26966795

Bevause Australia is already a Chinese colony.

>> No.26965200

What is the most effective way to archive live streams that will be deleted right after?

>> No.26965202
Quoted by: >>26966125

The karaoke isn't members only right? I might have to get up early on Saturday, that should be midday in strayan time.

>> No.26965206

>I can actually see it happening since western women love to virtue signal
Not to mention that at least one of them just really fucking hates china to the point that any collab between holoEN and holoCN results in insults and death threats being thrown at each other.

>> No.26965215
Quoted by: >>26965285

hahahahahahhaa just close your eyes

>> No.26965218

fortunately the rest are still streaming. Polka is reading bed time stories.

>> No.26965223
File: 480 KB, 2000x2975, 1600321132697.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sex with Amelia Watson's big fat tits

>> No.26965225

poor guy all of his extended family in mainland will be executed for that

>> No.26965235

>streaming moms in the replies
It's like a stream a day, this isn't even that bad.

>> No.26965234
Quoted by: >>26965323

I'm not saying that she wouldn't like them, she likely would with how messed up some of them get.
It's just I don't know if it's the kind of game that'd be able to hold a group's attention for a long period of time.

>> No.26965239

Archive the Osu streams investigators, or they will be lost forever.

>> No.26965241

Not CCP approved.

>> No.26965246

Haato's ASMR stream notice was up right till the announcement was made. I still mad.

>> No.26965248
File: 675 KB, 675x1200, 1601098929874.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26965336


>> No.26965251

In communism, reputation is EVERYTHING.
If chinks don't make themselves look relevant, they're gone. They need to milk every single chance they get to look like they have authority.

>> No.26965254

Reminder that Nijis bullied one of their own for being a haafu
They're already fully on board the racewar stuff

>> No.26965257

That's because England is currently in BST until the daylight savings end in late October. It's still a bit specific as I'm not sure how many people from England actually watch HoloLive but it's definitely usable.

Maybe she did it to be slightly in character. She's supposed to be British putting on a accent to stay in disguise. Obviously not actually British though.

>> No.26965258
Quoted by: >>26965302

I'm going to find Amelia saying "number" and "one" so I can make the meme

>> No.26965263
Quoted by: >>26965341

coco not only took some of the hate off haato she also took the money off of her paisen

>> No.26965266

chicken shit does like 3 hour pointless streams, which takes time away from all the others. Fuck off.

>> No.26965269

I think you can archive them with youtube-dl if you add your account details and tell it to send them as cookies.

>> No.26965279

I'd assume Karaoke would be members only as well.

>> No.26965281
Quoted by: >>26965307

man where the fuck did she hide these bazoingas during the debut collab?

>> No.26965285
Quoted by: >>26965322

Can’t just close your eyes when it’s your livelyhood, nigga.

>> No.26965286
Quoted by: >>26965334

wouldn't do a thing unless the entire JP branch was part of it.

>> No.26965290
File: 80 KB, 960x956, 15181516512.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's a lot of streams, mostly on 7~11PM for me which is nice.

Thanks Ame-chan I love you.

>> No.26965292

China will ban them if they don't bootlick, and the West won't ban them either way. The permissive free speech values of the West give China the ability to project their censorship internationally. It's well past time we started financially penalizing companies who apologize to the CCP, but no government will do it despite the necessity.

>> No.26965296

So even saying Taiwan is bad enough? Not even just Taiwain #1 or anything like that, just acknowledging Taiwan exists is enough to spin these bugs into a frenzy?

>> No.26965297
File: 1.84 MB, 1920x1080, ame NO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, at the end of the day, Cover is a business. Anyone surprised that they would bow down to China needs a reality check, because they recently got a huge investment from them, which is why they were able to do Hololive Global in the first place. Not to mention, the last thing they'd want to do is strand their Chinese vtubers in a hostile mainland because you want to look tough and consign them to obscurity, poverty, or worse. It sucks, but this is probably the only thing you can do since the west and JP generally stick with their idols.

>> No.26965301
File: 799 KB, 809x1250, Ein5Dn1XgAAPUui.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That would be based. I would love to wedge my dick between her tits.

>> No.26965302


>> No.26965304


>> No.26965307
Quoted by: >>26965361

It's all fake thick padding

>> No.26965313

Can we just use UTC+0 for schedules like all sane technology does?

>> No.26965312

as much as i shit on cover at least they arent nijisanji
all the members bully newbies for trying to improve and its a big reason why luna had to reincarnate

>> No.26965315

If a war does indeed happen, which country that has actual military power would side with China? I doubt Russia would. USA has allies on every part of the world.

>> No.26965318


>> No.26965322

she can now since she's suspended

>> No.26965323

Just raw puzzles wouldn't but puzzles with a narrative makes chats on twitch wild trying to backseat gaming nad calling streamer retarded. Good way to gets lots of extra donations too from hintpiggies.

>> No.26965330
File: 230 KB, 600x600, 1601062306705.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26965408

>I'm in there

>> No.26965331

Not sure if Amelia will do this, but a lot of JP holo's link in their member communities to archived copies of member streams that have to be non-archived on youtube for those who can't watch live
Might be worth an ask at the next opportunity

>> No.26965334

Which unfortunately would never happen
All bugmen are the same.
Nips have been emancipated into an island of scared cowards who will always take the path of least resistant

>> No.26965335

You mean GMT right?

>> No.26965336

Me on the bottom

>> No.26965338


>> No.26965341

A necessary sacrifice to save Haato’s live.
Look at this shit https://twitter.com/circushellspawn/status/1310252873259847680?s=21

>> No.26965355

So long as they don't read those messages out they are probably fine. Moderators will probably nuke people over it and if it gets really bad they might hide the chat until things calm down.

Honestly as much as people hate China right now it wouldn't help much to go full unga bunga in other Holo members chat so fans will likely fall in line and the rest get the ban hammer if that. Supers might get a bit spicy though.

>> No.26965361

Ina...your breast envy reps..

>> No.26965369

Can we just use a website that auto converts timezones?

>> No.26965373

fuck the reddit dragon

>> No.26965374
Quoted by: >>26965721

North korea probably, no one wants their economy fucked by sanction if they fight for the bugs

>> No.26965382

You mean EST right?

>> No.26965380

You mean GMT?
GMT is the only time needed, ever.
Just say GMT. It's the default for a reason.

>> No.26965383

>>And actually some good times for BST

>> No.26965387
File: 701 KB, 1514x1739, 1600914811966.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26965737


>> No.26965389

That's actually just YouTube. China can't access YouTube, they use a separate website called bilibili. Some anon in this thread posted a statistic showing that 9% of hololive revenue comes from bilibili. So if you fit that into Coco's chart in that webm, it would be ranked very high

>> No.26965390

acknowledging taiwan? no
acknowledging taiwan as a country? yes
the dogeaters are actually fucking autistic about that point since it spoils their one china shit they tout to the rest of the world

>> No.26965399

The not retarded China

>> No.26965407

damn that reminds me of when this thread was shitting on kiara

>> No.26965408

Are you grandma Lyrica?

>> No.26965416

After this news I'm really glad I didn't cave and buy membership yesterday. I guess I should thank cover for giving me the ability to watch without supporting guilt free.

>> No.26965417

>Bunch of manlet bugmen thinking they can threaten an American goddess
I bet Coco just laughs at them and uses it for masturbation material

>> No.26965426

Amelia don't say it!

>> No.26965432
Quoted by: >>26966358

this is incredibly retarded.
The chinks will just be enraged she's going around the ban, and surely the contracts they sign with Cover would ban them from streaming while still employed?
who knows, maybe Coco is trying to get retired so she can go independent with a juicy controversy to pump her numbers?

>> No.26965434

>Hey my anti China lady. Would you like some Tanwanese dick to suck?

>> No.26965435

Based Ame

>> No.26965440
File: 1010 KB, 4096x4096, 1466441325250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess duo is going to be a thing now. Fucking birdbrain made it. I hope they will at least start collabing if that's the case. At the moment Mori has as many collabs with Kiara as with Gura and Ina.

>> No.26965444
File: 1.38 MB, 498x223, RedChina.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26965529

动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门

>> No.26965450

We better have a chad who knows how to capture and save the karaoke ame livestream

>> No.26965454
Quoted by: >>26965555

This is what they're betting on and has worked over and over. It's too much trouble so you just bend over and take it. Enjoy.

>> No.26965461
File: 174 KB, 1920x1080, 1600554784578.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26965529

Not acknowledging Taiwan is the equivalent of saying Alaska is part of Canada, or Haiti is French. Bugmen just don't want to give them the right of being their own country and that they belong to china outright.

>> No.26965465

Who the fuck knows. We don't know what their contracts say.

>> No.26965472

>face with raised eyebrow

>> No.26965477

Oh my god, these absolute faggot niggers.

>> No.26965485

There's a software called streamlink that can record streams live

>> No.26965486

Its like she's only a few streams away from doing a 7 hour endurance stream.

>> No.26965498

You're retarded, I might not like Coco's pandering to reddit but she found her appeal there, and Haachama killing Haato was the best thing she's done career-wise because she's finally found her niche (being retarded).

>> No.26965507

can this bitch calm down?

>> No.26965513

>members only Osu
my dick is ready. i love nothing more than rhythm games

>> No.26965516
File: 51 KB, 450x539, pout.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Everyone hating on Cover right now are permavirgins who don't understand how companies operate. Anyone in Cover's position right now would do the same.

Cover literally borrowed 7million bucks to expand globally, starting with China. There's no way they're gonna let everything blow up in their face and lose all their money investment just because they refuse to kneel.

Don't kid yourselves, anons. You'd do the exact same thing if you were in Yagoo's shoes

>> No.26965520

Sometimes i just wish i have a way to retaliate against commie chink bootlickers

>> No.26965525
File: 966 KB, 800x1127, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Next meme!

>> No.26965527

Black hair and red eyes are god tier

>> No.26965529

Are people going to start spamming tiawan shit in superchats now?

>> No.26965532

Occupied Fort Zeelandia. Rightful Dutch clay.

>> No.26965538
File: 29 KB, 916x788, 1576380602465.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish people told me to take a break for once

>> No.26965549

based. Maybe too based for her own good.

>> No.26965555

I know that, but I don't want to lose what I just got.

>> No.26965560

Maybe this is what it takes to make Reddit and Twitter leave.

>> No.26965564

Coco can still appear in Kanata's streams, right?

>> No.26965563


>> No.26965565

hope so

>> No.26965569
File: 186 KB, 680x763, 1600661236619.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God I wish she could just blow a fuse over those niggers and shatter their sad dreams of protecting their oshis from overwork.

>> No.26965571

>Oh no, the chinks are shitposting
Literal nothingburger, why does cover even bother to respond?

>> No.26965576

If only these fragile fucks knew our wife used to do 24hr streams

>> No.26965578
Quoted by: >>26965828

The guys LARPing about making deepfake dog pron of her don't worry me, thats normal shitposting. But those creepy fucks going "Uh, you really hurt our chinese feelings" really make my skin crawl. Thats SJW-level of delusional and self-absorbed.

>> No.26965579
Quoted by: >>26965619

when is the ceo of cunny posting her schedule?

>> No.26965583

Why are all these fuckers telling her to stream less? What losers.

>> No.26965584

She should honestly tell these people to fuck off.

>> No.26965589

>PANIKKK meme for the 10000th time

Jesus christ reddit sure knows how to milk a meme till it's completely dry

>> No.26965591
Quoted by: >>26965705

They're both in Japan, so they will probably even off-collab a lot since they already even hanging out together.

>> No.26965593

>Don't kid yourselves, anons. You'd do the exact same thing if you were in Yagoo's shoes
No, because I wouldn't have expanded into fucking China in the first place.

>> No.26965609
File: 999 KB, 960x960, 1600202316370.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mori finally makes it
>immediately becomes collateral damage in Xi's nuclear attack on Coco and Haato

>> No.26965619
File: 495 KB, 581x857, 1600528062308.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26965655


>> No.26965620
Quoted by: >>26965758

We regret to announce that due to personal reasons, 4th generation member Kiryu Coco will be graduating from hololive on Monday, October 18th, 2020.

>> No.26965626
Quoted by: >>26966057

If you imply or say that Taiwan is an independent country then yes, because it's a direct attack on the sovereignty. Similar to how you would piss off Russians by saying Crimea is Ukranian or calling your slav country Macedonia triggers Greeks or that Texas is Mexican.
Just remember that basically the entire world except for a handful of irrelevant shit tier countries (and the catholic pedo capital) don't recognise Taiwan as a nation.
Japan and China have an actual treaty that spells this out.

>> No.26965631

what a cringe faggot

>> No.26965635

They're the most natural collab mates because they can meet up easier than any of the other EN girls.
But I hope Mori also does more collabs with Ina, their drawing stream was great fun.

>> No.26965637

Europe would stay out of the war. Only the uk would join in.

>> No.26965642
Quoted by: >>26965773

Have a peesa kitkat, Teamate.

>> No.26965650


>> No.26965652
File: 333 KB, 4032x3024, 1575753365035.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26965838

I know she's buddies with HoloID but does she even know Ame in past life?

>> No.26965655

that's it i'm going to fuck the lazy out of her

>> No.26965666

I wish Amelia would move to Scotland

>> No.26965670

based and red pilled

>> No.26965674
File: 65 KB, 202x194, 1599959751817.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>stream video games for like 15 hours in a week
>killing yourself
Do people think holos are made of tissue paper and glue?

>> No.26965675

She has so many followers like this. They need to calm the fuck down. Its her job to stream.
Same shit with the people overreacting to her eating a couple of kitkats and sharing an image of her cooking.
"Toxic" spammers can fuck off too.

>> No.26965677

Artia is perfect, why is my Ice Elementalist twitch gremlin so cute???

>> No.26965679

>USA has allies on every part of the world.
And 95% of them are fucking useless.

>> No.26965682 [SPOILER] 
File: 164 KB, 1100x750, 1601229814876.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't open in China

>> No.26965687

Are you new to the concept of Nationalism?

>> No.26965690
Quoted by: >>26965879

>Cover literally borrowed 7million bucks
Imagine thinking this is a lot of money.

>> No.26965691

Dangerously based

>> No.26965692

>you're killing yourself by playing video games every day
I hate Twitter

>> No.26965694

What is there in Scotland to make it worth moving to?

>> No.26965700

I wish she would come to brazil

>> No.26965701

Eh nothing wrong with that, they did it with a good intention

Fans wishing their Oshis to not overwork themselves are common in Idol fandoms

>> No.26965705

I know but it's been two weeks and in that time they only had a token collab Mori did with everyone except Amelia. Mori doesn't have a collab planned for the next week either.

>> No.26965706

Inalads, you ready for her to do only 3 streams all week?

1 draw stream 1 talk stream 1 movie + collab on sunday

>> No.26965707
Quoted by: >>26965854

L-lewd Ame!

>> No.26965719

Based chinaman

>> No.26965720

Lmao Chang shut the fuck up yellow nigger. Your men have no combat experience and no generals suited to lead men in battle. The US has warriors who have toured many parts of the world, we have warriors who have relatives who were soldiers as well. Literally, a fight with China would be the equivalent of a child going up against Mike Tyson.

>> No.26965721

North Korea's been eyeing a slice of the pie for a while.
It wouldn't take much persuasion to get them to swap sides.

>> No.26965723

I don't mind, quality over quantity.

>> No.26965727 [DELETED] 
File: 212 KB, 251x368, Waachama.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26965728

I started following hololive just a week ago... I just wanted to have fun to distract myself from this painful world...

>> No.26965731

there won't be any chat.

>> No.26965734
File: 12 KB, 643x162, y.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.26965737

It'll be fine in a awkward "why are you like this, chat" kind of way. I wonder if Amelia will be escape to escape from this in the future or if she'll embrace the Goslings.

>> No.26965739

I'm not concerned about them bending, I'm pissed that they keep throwing their talent under the bus. Coco was fucking stupid, but literally all Cover had to do was blame Youtube statistics.

Just look at everything that's been going around Mori for the past two weeks, their management is completely inept and they don't take care of their money earners.

>> No.26965742

I hope she doesn't push herself too hard......

>> No.26965743
Quoted by: >>26965861

It's not like they have any other meme templates. It's all completely fucking interchangeable.
>Something I dislike
Sleeping black guy / guy showing it "the hand" / guy's girlfriend / weak dog
>Something I like
Awake black guy / guy pointing toward it / girl the guy is looking at / muscular dog

>> No.26965748
Quoted by: >>26965916

>Mentioning Taiwan is not against CCP policy
How naive do you ahve to be to believe this? The CCP is an authoritarian regime and as such they have to have control over every facet of the social sphere, they might say they don't care about "small time streamers" but these streamers are trend-setting influencers you dunce, of course they'll keep their slant eyes on them.

>> No.26965753

Also the less she streams, the less money she makes. These people are working against her financial interests, they are scumbags with smiles.

>> No.26965756

Are you sure about that?

>> No.26965757
Quoted by: >>26965829

Edinburgh. cool city to live in.

>> No.26965758
Quoted by: >>26965776

Then she reborns as Coco Kaine.

>> No.26965762

Being realistic I think Coco might just say fuck it and leave Hololive. 3 weeks is a long time, more drama will happen. I fear for Haachama though.

>> No.26965763

Her saying that's life all the time made me wonder if she can legally cover the song. She definitely can go low enough for it.

>> No.26965765

>bugmen are going after kiara now
I don't even like the chicken but I will back a kraut over a chink anyday

>> No.26965770
File: 2.47 MB, 2000x2000, Waachamanotlikethis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Incoming streams!!!
Watson will stream Limbo 2nd playthrough later at 8PM PST / 12PM+9
Japanese reps with Mori https://youtu.be/yTJcwoNmj68
>EN schedules!!
Ina will be on break today

>> No.26965771

I think EN will probably be fine, they just opened up a huge new market that is not China dependent so Cover isn't going to throw them under the bus easily. Even if total calamity does occur, mori is actually pretty well off in that she has gained a lot of popularity and a good chunk of that will follow her even if hololive is totally destroyed, since she has such a unique style. Gura and Ina would also likely be fine, chicken and Amelia would have it rough though.

>> No.26965773
File: 220 KB, 1000x948, 1601168092858.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26966428

In fact, have a second peesa kitkat. you deserve it team8

>> No.26965776

You know what, I would not mind this. Let her graduate Cover, you know you want to bend the knee even more.

>> No.26965817
File: 29 KB, 454x415, 1596252218637.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which one of you is this

>> No.26965823

take a break anon

>> No.26965827 [DELETED] 
File: 8 KB, 501x585, oy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26965876

but why would the chinese care about taiwan when they and the entire world belong to (((us))) anyway?

>> No.26965829

How is Glasgow?

>> No.26965828

the feelings shit is just a chinese meme.

>> No.26965830

Okay now this is good bantz.
If this shit kills the retarded Yagoo cult, at least it did some good.

>> No.26965831
Quoted by: >>26965913

Scotland Yard, but also a better timezone

>> No.26965835
Quoted by: >>26965858

Very cool tranny

>> No.26965838
Quoted by: >>26965896

*hires a literal predator as a mod in your path*

>> No.26965845


>> No.26965849

I will treasure every second she is live

>> No.26965854

That too. I knew I forgot one of the stupid things her chat spews.

>> No.26965858

chicken supported BLM

>> No.26965861
Quoted by: >>26965898

>black guy
Anonchama do you really not know who that is...?

>> No.26965863
File: 25 KB, 534x248, 1600921190625.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If Ame is better than me at Osu! I might have to go full NEET into a training regimen.

Alas, is she going to play Osu! or OsuMania?

>> No.26965864

All you had to say

>> No.26965868


>> No.26965873

Top fucking kek

>> No.26965876


>> No.26965879

It is... I worked at an organization once with 300 employees. They got a big government grant worth 10 million euros and it was a huge deal for them.
Cover doesn't even have 300 employees. They have a bunch of office drones, programmers, managers and of course the girls.

>> No.26965882

Nice tourist places but not as impressive as Edin.

>> No.26965896
Quoted by: >>26966000


>> No.26965898

No and I don't care

>> No.26965903
Quoted by: >>26965932

>sorry if
is this the next "should of"?

>> No.26965913

Scotland Yard is English not Scottish

>> No.26965916

Do you understand how many streamers there are in China? This is logistically impossible and entirely irrelevant to them.
China has no need to control the social sphere, because they have mechanisms to make people monitor eachother through the simple fear they 'coiuld' pay attention. Thats the entire reasonm BiliBili reacted to this.
The CCP doesn't need to pay any attention to this at all.
You burgers have a comicbook world idea of how totalitarianism works.

>> No.26965924

Amelia would be fine. She got us teamates to milk until eternity

>> No.26965927
Quoted by: >>26966053


>> No.26965929

Krauts are the only ones pig headed and stubborn in their belief that they are always right to not give a fuck
honestly god bless

>> No.26965932

I think it's supposed to be "sort of", probably a phoneposter

>> No.26965933

Nintendo has been really open with streaming since the release of the Switch. They've also been one of the first to give Hololive permission once Cover finally asked properly. It's why a lot of streams are all Nintendo stuff nowadays.

>> No.26965934

Reddit meltdown?

>> No.26965945
Quoted by: >>26966970


>> No.26965946

They don't even need a war. USA is already fucking China's ass with sanctions. The cannibalism will happen the moment they ban food imports.

>> No.26965952
Quoted by: >>26966021

Don't forget when someone posts something ero of her this they get like 10 different image replies with "*bonk* go to horny jail!"

Ugh... I love my perverted Amelia, why did she have to attract so many Redditors?

>> No.26965957

The only person I think could be affected if EN went to shit could be Ina since she has an actual career as an artist outside of holo.
The rest would be fine cause all "ITS HER" has to do is make a video saying how to continue following everyone.

>> No.26965960

can i get a free trial of amelias membership

>> No.26965971

>China has no need to control the social sphere, because they have mechanisms to make people monitor eachother through the simple fear they 'coiuld' pay attention.
Literally from 1984 book.

>> No.26965984

everyone in this thread are kiddy larpers from /pol/ with no clue how the world works

>> No.26965986
Quoted by: >>26966860

Hololive isn't going to collapse, retard.

>> No.26965990


>> No.26965993

Best case scenario if Coco goes her own way all of EN will follow.

>> No.26966000
Quoted by: >>26966108

one of her mods was accused of being a pedo

>> No.26965999

Can I get a 1 free Graduation coupon?

>> No.26966005

No one. For the rest of the world China and the US eating eachother is the best possible outcome.
But you would get a bunch of wars of opportunism with the US distracted, which is where the real spice gets in.

>> No.26966007

Eh, it's the earliest timezone in Europe, and I assume most europeans will know their own personal time in relation to that, and during the other half of the year it'll just be UTC which is definitely more widely known

>> No.26966014

Are the suspensions acceptable if the alternative is holoCN getting disappeared

>> No.26966021

That's just twitter teens in general. They post that shit as a reply to everything on that website.

>> No.26966034

and that's why you're a loser on 4chan and not someone running a business

>> No.26966040

Post your
>favorite Holo
>favorite country


>> No.26966046

I'm actually a winner

>> No.26966049

Will hlgg still exist when HoloEN inevitably gets canceled?

>> No.26966053
File: 105 KB, 445x458, 1600668949697.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26966091

Thank god, couldn't care less about the crap sidemodes.

>> No.26966057

The only time you are 'attacking sovereignty' is when you pretend that the de facto independent state of Taiwan is part of China because you are afraid of upsetting bugs

>> No.26966071


>> No.26966074
Quoted by: >>26966138


>> No.26966083

>Mori for EN, Suisei for JP

>> No.26966091

>posting an image using illegal methods

>> No.26966092


>> No.26966103

Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic

>> No.26966106


>> No.26966107


>> No.26966108

Hoo boy. But when you think about it, those kind of people usually aim to be a mod or in a position of power.

>> No.26966110

Much better than Edinburgh, fuck Edinburgh.

>> No.26966113

Chinese Taipei

>> No.26966123

Hong kong

>> No.26966125

Nah Karaoke is for everyone. I think she said she would do some for only members and some for not.

>> No.26966127


>> No.26966129

My wifes gigantic, milkleaking, near bursting udders.

>> No.26966138


>> No.26966139

>All this fire and brimstone in one night
Jesus Christ
But anyways, how was Kiara's stream? Is her mic finally un-fucked?

>> No.26966146

>getting cancelled
Take your meds, schizo.

>> No.26966154

Gura, Subaru

>> No.26966158

West Taiwan

>> No.26966161

We can always go back to /hlg/

>> No.26966162

Damn. I wish I were you Ina

>> No.26966166

Just woke up is Taiwan still a country?

>> No.26966169

Her eyes are so far apart

>> No.26966173

Hong Kong

>> No.26966175


>> No.26966178

Go datamining on /b/.

>> No.26966185

>check out Polka's bedtime story stream right now
>"We are unable to respond to superchat for this distribution" in both Japanese and English
Wonder if the ENs will have this rule posted up, too.

>> No.26966188

Yes. It was a good stream.

>> No.26966189

Yes, and her voice is actually bareable now. Check it out for yourself.

>> No.26966191
Quoted by: >>26966281


>> No.26966195

Yes, it was good.

>> No.26966194


>> No.26966197

Hong Kong

>> No.26966199


>> No.26966200

Yeah, her voice is absolutely stellar now and she did a wonderful karaoke stream. She also has the standard membership with just the one $5 tier.

>> No.26966205

This website repeats antichinese amerishart propaganda every second, what are you talking about?

>> No.26966207

Not according Cover.

>> No.26966211

Always has been

>> No.26966215

Toxic Amelia is fun and cute though; I've felt it's just banter for most of the chat. However I do close the chat so I don't know if someone is legitimately calling her problematic or some shit.

>> No.26966220
Quoted by: >>26966260

Europe. Every country outside of Europe has human rights violations

>> No.26966223

Alright, r*ddit, I'll give you this one.

>> No.26966229



>> No.26966236
Quoted by: >>26966349

I hope so. Don't give all the /pol/ kiddies a space to sperg out on your stream. Just sit it out for a few days.

>> No.26966239


>> No.26966240

I like her singing 99 luftballons

>> No.26966248

I used to not be a fan of chicken but even I have to admit her latest stream was good. New mic is MUCH better, she was very cute and nice, funny too, she sang, it was all around good.

If she can just be a bit less annoying in collabs I might forgive her..

>> No.26966253

Nah, her and the rest of CN are on a short list at this point

>> No.26966254
Quoted by: >>26966410

Retarded newfag, Polka's bedtime ASMR streams have always had that notice.

>> No.26966260
Quoted by: >>26966280

Europe is not a country

>> No.26966263

Fuck no and FUCK Coco.

>> No.26966267
Quoted by: >>26966325

No, Taiwan is an island under the sovereign control of the Republic of China.

>> No.26966268

HoloT(Taiwan) when?

>> No.26966271


>> No.26966272

Vatican City

>> No.26966280


>> No.26966281
Quoted by: >>26966329

israel sucks
i would know since i'm stuck here

>> No.26966289

Better than anglo tourists.

>> No.26966297


>> No.26966307
Quoted by: >>26966336


>> No.26966308
Quoted by: >>26966346

She was cute but the enthusiasm with which she sang Horst-Wessel-Lied was a little off-putting.

>> No.26966325

Hi Chang 1 and Chang 2

>> No.26966328

Granny Merkel, no!

>> No.26966329

You have cute and loose girls though.
Maybe we'll get a israeli holo one day.

>> No.26966336

ok but why

>> No.26966341


>> No.26966342

It's not propaganda if it's true. China deserves all the hate it gets plus much more.

>> No.26966343

My western name is John

>> No.26966346


>> No.26966349
Quoted by: >>26966640

You realize liberals hate China too, right? They're basically the one true "fascist government" still existing right now.

>> No.26966350

eat bugs

>> No.26966353


I KNEEL........

>> No.26966358

Based kson.

imagine bending over some ccp chink rage

>D-don't do anything s-silly that will provoke the c-chinese
fuck off

She should start stream saying that taiwan is independent and fuck ccp

>> No.26966364
Quoted by: >>26966410

She's had this on all her bedtime streams EOPchama

>> No.26966368

>/pol/ doesn't know the difference between the Peoples Republic of China and the Republic of China

>> No.26966376
Quoted by: >>26966402

Holy Roman Empire

>> No.26966379


>> No.26966382 [DELETED] 

Business idea for Mori https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JzJLpAJ7ZKA

>> No.26966388

imagine the membership prices

>> No.26966391
Quoted by: >>26966556

loose girls? are you from LATAM? because the only time when they go loose is in their post-service trip there.

>> No.26966399
Quoted by: >>26966478

Is Coco and Haato getting banned Covers fault for not teaching them what they can and cant do on stream?

>> No.26966398

How is Coco so unreasonably based?

>> No.26966402
Quoted by: >>26966476


>> No.26966410

>two points have been added to your social credit score

>> No.26966424

Well, it sure as shit didn't last long, they completely botched the first big scandals they ran into as a company. Honestly, if the entire thing collapses because of this - I'll just make sure to support all of EN roommates, especially Calli, Ame and Kiara.

>> No.26966426

They will be just barely reasonable enough, to really milk you dry.

>> No.26966428

why not try having dare i say it a third

>> No.26966436

I wonder how long till she unleashes herself on stream.

>> No.26966439

Gura I need you now more than ever. Please save us chumbuds from this torment.

>> No.26966444

lmao why is the mori vs amelia final battle in the last collab so kino

>> No.26966448

quickest meido action yet?

>> No.26966462
Quoted by: >>26966570


>> No.26966468

Is your post being wiped from the face of the earth right now? Are you banned? Talking shit about Americans is one of the least controversial things you can post on this website and are a dime a dozen.

>> No.26966473

4chan isnt all amerisharts chang

your country fucking sucks and deserves all the hate and nuking it will get

>> No.26966476

Go away voltaire

>> No.26966477

the Republic of China, the true legitimate government of China, as opposed to the bandit state of the CCP

>> No.26966478
Quoted by: >>26966547

Its also Covers fault for uploading Cocos stream unedited on BiliBili.

>> No.26966480

So did we actually manage to go a week without a yabai moment before Coco and Haato got suspended?

>> No.26966484

It doesn't matter, as long as the clothes are good it should work. I doubt there's anybody in the world that's pretty, tall and asian with Coco's tits willing to cosplay as her. We just have to take what we can get

>> No.26966488

>No Ina today
>have to deal with 3d world issues
I thought I finally found an escape

>> No.26966494

When is Ina going to post her schedule for next week?

>> No.26966499

no, taiwan is no longer real

>> No.26966498

get fucked chink leaf

>> No.26966511

will probably be extremely high because israeli government takes a shit ton of taxes to support the good for nothing hassidis and the shitty army

>> No.26966517


>> No.26966525

>stream tonight will be at 5am for me
amelia... you're breaking my heart

>> No.26966532


>> No.26966535

>Mori-sama drags Ame off one elevator and leaps to the next
>the two knock the shit out of each other
>eventually Mori-sama gets LONG LIVE THE KING'd
It was gold. Good game, Teamates.

>> No.26966540

ni hao

>> No.26966543

Do your reps until next ina stream, she'd be proud of yoiu

>> No.26966546

You can always go down the rabbit hole and watch independent youtubers or other agencies until it dies down.

>> No.26966547
Quoted by: >>26966599

Wait it wasn't even live how stupid can they be?

>> No.26966556
Quoted by: >>26966711

>are you from LATAM?
No, Germany. Dunno, maybe I just had a lot of luck the two times I visited but the nightlife was good to me.

>> No.26966562
Quoted by: >>26966653

any final battle involving ame was a fucking action movie finale

>> No.26966566

>osu mania

>> No.26966570

What about gators?

>> No.26966585

Coco may be cringe-reddit tier but you can’t deny that she is a true red blooded American. Defending the freedoms of others domestic or otherwise.

>> No.26966591

Rabi Ribi

>> No.26966594


>> No.26966595

Since when does being able to sing have anything to do with karaoke?

>> No.26966598
Quoted by: >>26966666

China: 300 results
Taiwan: 700 results

Nice HoloEN discussion

PS: Taiwan best girl

>> No.26966599

Asacocco is never streamed live on there (for presumably extremly obvious reasons).

>> No.26966603


>> No.26966607

she didnt defend anything

>> No.26966623
Quoted by: >>26966659

So Amelia has permission for anything Nintendo now?
That's nice. Finally some real games.

>> No.26966627

Taiwan, they make my favourite computer parts

>> No.26966630


>> No.26966633
Quoted by: >>26966740

lel all she did was read a statistic in the same fashion haato did to take the heat off of her. if she was really red-blooded she would've said something TRULY offensive

>> No.26966639


>> No.26966640
Quoted by: >>26966696

Don't respond to me you fucking lowlife. Only you rats do these retarded spergouts that make your own and people you pretend to care about situations worse.

>> No.26966648

The Republic of China

>> No.26966649

a hundred bucks says she's over 200 pounds these days

>> No.26966652
Quoted by: >>26966712

Ame's new schedule: CEST sleep is for the weak!

>> No.26966653
Quoted by: >>26966782

I'm fairly sure ame is hiding her power level in the collabs so she doesn't just win immediately.

I know how it is being very competitive but wanting your friends to have fun so you tone it down.

>> No.26966659

Cover has nintendo permission

>> No.26966666

the thread is hololive global, anonchama

>> No.26966668

>trys to defend something
>fuck it up for everyone else
holy shit she really is American

>> No.26966677

Anon....you're on 4chan...right now....

>> No.26966688

fat ugly bastards I guess

>> No.26966692

I wonder why they didn't do a one on one collab. I have a feeling AmeMori would work out much better than Mori's other collabs since Amelia doesn't get overpowered by her loudmouth autism.
>inb4 Amelia slapped Mori in front of YAGOO

>> No.26966696

>t. Chang
Your social credit score has improved by 0.006 points.

>> No.26966701

Taiwan, Little Witch Nobeta is pretty fun.

>> No.26966711

oh yeah, bitches be crazy there as well

>> No.26966712

If I ever get a job again (hopefully soon or I'll be homeless in a few months) I won't be able to stay up til 4am to watch the gf of my dreams anymore

Life is unfair

>> No.26966713
Quoted by: >>26966833

Gura.... your existing reps...

>> No.26966715

holy quints

>> No.26966716

How can anyone call them humans after seeing shit like this?

>> No.26966723

>Amelia thread.
>Can't post images of my wife Ame.
For shame.


>> No.26966731

both china and america are retarded for different reasons and even if you don't think it's okay to shit on america that's all the internet has been doing in every website including this one

>> No.26966740

"Fuck Chinese commenters. Whenever I try to read their comments, my, uh, my brain reads it in Japanese. So confusing. Their comments make no sense."

That would be enough to set them off properly.

>> No.26966745

China (True Form)

>> No.26966750

>Caters more to Japanese times than European.
Shit sucks.

>> No.26966753


>> No.26966761
Quoted by: >>26966838

This is why the whole world hates america btw, including americans.

>> No.26966767
Quoted by: >>26966847

>Run headlong into a mess completly convinced you're saving others, when really you're just making it worse for everyone
The truest 'murica experience.

>> No.26966777

The Republic of China

>> No.26966782

Ina was surprisingly competent too despite saying she wasn't good at the game. Her fights and teamups with Ame were my favorite parts, though the final elevator duel with Mori was kino af

>> No.26966783

Europe is not important

>> No.26966785
Quoted by: >>26966830

I can't afford her membership but hearing this is enough to make me happy. Have fun fellow deadbeat! Mori-sama is a blessing.

>> No.26966795

Chinese proprietors only own 3% of Australia.

>> No.26966816

God fucking damn it I fucking jinxed it when I said that that the chink shills won't shit up the thread because Coco mentioned Taiwan.

>> No.26966817

Coco will still be fine even if she graduates but I don't know about Haato. Maybe she can join her friend in N*jis*nji.

>> No.26966829

3% of an entire country is pretty massive, Chang.

>> No.26966830

She truly is (◠◠)

>> No.26966831

I love Gura but she really got overwhelmed, didn't she?
She has no idea what to do for membership, she can't even make a streaming schedule.

Poor girl.

>> No.26966833

She swam into the South China Sea and got her fin cut off

>> No.26966837

no it isn't

>> No.26966838
Quoted by: >>26966870

>America has a large influence on the world
>coco is the highest superchat earner

They hate us cuz they ain’t us

>> No.26966842

Just got home from work, and literally wtf is going on.
Honestly, all companies, not just Cover, need to steer away ASAP from China. Yes it's a lucrative market (if you ignore the risks, that is), but setting a foot there for money is the equivalent of selling your soul to the devil. These dumbshits don't really think long term, and now what you're seeing is this fucking mess. What would I do? Give Haachama and Coco a rest, kill holoCN behind the scenes in the meantime and leave China behind for good. Maybe bring the ones not living there to youtube upon agreement, and make a holoEN gamers or some similar shit.

>> No.26966847
Quoted by: >>26966946


>> No.26966854

Except they're not a fucking construction company, they're an idol business. This kind of a retarded stance will bring a lot of fucking heat to their idols, and unless those idols make a fuckton of cash (which they don't), why should they suffer this shit? Cover wants to turn Hololive into a Chinese dick sucking contest because they're not making all of the money, but they forgot how they made money in the first.

>> No.26966860

Frame this post and include me in the screenshot when it does

>> No.26966868

What would happen if one of the HoloENs posted "FUCK CHINA" on their Twitter? Asking for a friend

>> No.26966870
Quoted by: >>26966962

Anon please tell me where Coco is from.

>> No.26966874


>> No.26966876

please be patient she has autism

>> No.26966878

I won't rest until every single chink is hanging from a lamp post

10Q, that is all

>> No.26966887
Quoted by: >>26966942

There's literally nothing wrong with hating CCP boootlickers, in fact I'd say that is a civic duty.

>> No.26966890

>working on a sunday
Larpkun, your storytelling reps...

>> No.26966895

go to sleep, Ame.

>> No.26966898

Manager-kun takes it down and warns her

>> No.26966901
Quoted by: >>26966974

That's about to become 30% soon you dumb chink coon

>> No.26966903

That's what happens when you hire a bunch of weebs with no sleep schedule.

>> No.26966913

Humu, humu.

>> No.26966915

Tier 1: Banjo and country music
Tier 2: Drunk streams
Tier 3: Gameplay with f-bombs and gamer word

>> No.26966919

Absolutely based, these concerned white knights need to fuck off. Wish she could do the same about the depression posters too.

>> No.26966923

Don't do it Ame I need you in my life

>> No.26966924

Most of Australia is uninhabitable desert.

>> No.26966925

I'm genuinely not sure if Coco just doesn't get bored of it or keeps showing them because it's easy for her to translate it to her guests.

>> No.26966926

Most companies just want to bleed as much as they can out of China while they're nice and plump.
Most of them probably know it's a risky venture, but the short term profit is too good.

>> No.26966929

She mention banjo practice in her debut. She should just go with that and singing practice.

>> No.26966932
Quoted by: >>26966984

Aloe'd instantly. Even mentioning Taiwan is grounds for a 3 week suspension so saying that would obliterate them and their roommmate.

>> No.26966934

Based Ina

>> No.26966937
Quoted by: >>26966966

>setting a foot there for money is the equivalent of selling your soul to the devil.
Their goal is to make money, they'll make it in any way that doesn't kill their public image enough to impact profits
Such is capitalism

>> No.26966942
Quoted by: >>26966991

I don't know any country that doesn't think China is terrible

>> No.26966946

Dog bless this crazy shithole of a country

>> No.26966958
Quoted by: >>26966996

Are these the faggots who tell streamers to "STOP STREAMING"?

>> No.26966962


>> No.26966966

UHHMMMMM achkthually, china is a GOMMUNISTIC country

>> No.26966968

Ame... You need to sleep

>> No.26966970


>> No.26966974

Their buying up foreign real estate instead of investing locally because their own economy is insanely overleveraged and they don't trust the CCP to prevent economic collapse.

>> No.26966984

now imagine all of the other talents mention Taiwan all at once, what will Cover do then?

>> No.26966991

canada - toronto and vancouver are basically chinese colonies at this point

>> No.26966996

No thats someone who doesn't understand context and is just posting something they saw to get noticed

>> No.26967001

Money makes the world go round.

>> No.26967007

>westerners start becoming Vtubers
>jap vtubers start declining thanks to the chinks
it was fun while it lasted bros. See y'all on the other side
