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File: 550 KB, 2000x2000, SHILL_TEAM_SIX.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55824424 No.55824424 [Reply] [Original]

>Basic Information

>How To Buy Bed Bath & Beyond Stock 2023 (BBBY vs BBBYQ)
>How To Buy BBBYQ Using Fidelity
>How To Buy BBBYQ Using E*TRADE
>How To Buy BBBYQ Using Interactive Brokers
>How To Buy BBBYQ Using Charles Schwab
>How To Buy BBBYQ Using TD Ameritrade

>Recent Findings
>The BLIND bid IPO
>311 million shares × 3 = THE END
>Teddy Update
>Lambos Or Food Stamps
>Very Specific Mentioning Of A Sale Of BuyBuyBaby In Docket 345
>Ryan Cohen Liked Pulte’s Tweet
>SEC & BK Court Filings Reveal Carl Icahn As The Mystery Buyer & TEDDY IPO Coming
>End Game: DTC and NSCC are screwed as the DTC just proved shareholders should Directly Register Shares (DRS)
>Potential Bidders: Ryan Cohen
>Adam Cochran Joins The Ship

>> No.55824432
File: 943 KB, 1284x1978, marantzrantz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The PP Show Livestreams
>7/26/23 - Bill Pulte Interview
>7/24/23 - Ross Brown (Oracle) Bullish on BBBYQ

>Real-Time Trades

>Current Trade Halts + Short Restrictions
No trade halts on OTC

>Latest hires
>Carol Flaton - Carl Ichans appointee in Xerox take over
>Holly Etlin - Chief Restructuring Officer
>David Kastin - M&A Specialist board member & CLO

>Temporary alliance with jews and reddit
>Don't take any DD for fact use your brain
>SuperStonk mods are sus

>As always:
Kek bondies

Previousneed on /BBBYQ/

>> No.55824468

Hey guys, im a long term bbby ape, im totally not a shill, seriously guys, i love you and love the company, and im not shilling here, i promise, im holding forever, we're gonna be rich and put hedgies in jail, but seriously guys, not shilling, but can I ask, do you think the outlook for this stock might just look a little bleak? Honestly, not shilling, buy hold drs

>> No.55824520
File: 10 KB, 250x250, 005372.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55832709

Negotiations begin at $6900 per bobby

>> No.55824719
Quoted by: >>55824855


I was instructed to visit this website in order to investigate securities fraud in connection to $bbbyq. You all have blown the lid off this case. We’ve dispatched the SWAT team to various hedge funds offices throughout the country. It turns out that the deep state was working against Ryan Cohen, Elon Musk, and RFK Jr. They intend to purchase all of your shares for $69,000 per share, and use the new company to distribute crystals that will cleanse your body of the Covid vaccine.

You all are heroes. Very intelligent, and definitely not mentally ill.

>> No.55824771
Quoted by: >>55824867

Imagine - your letter to the judge could be the one that gets the judge open his eyes and bring the shorts to justice. Every elementary school kid for the rest of time would be taught your letter. There would be statues of you. You could be one of the most important people in history (although you probably already suspect you had an important mission in life, just needed to find it).

Please - write a letter and send it in. Use all of your charisma, wit, and intelligence. Write it knowing that people hundreds of years from now will still be reading it.

We need to you. Society needs you. God needs you.

You have been called.

>> No.55824783
File: 177 KB, 800x839, withered.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Discord pump & dumpers getting their comeuppance.

>> No.55824850
File: 15 KB, 305x362, cringes in skyrim special edition.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55824855

Wow, few things. Firstly, it is so nice to have you in the thread today, Judge Papilia (we refer to you as Judge Dredd, because the hedgies dread your judgment in a similar way to the Sylvester Stallone film by that same name). Secondly, the fact you chose to come investigate yourself and not send a court jabroni(that could be paid off by Citadel) says a lot. Anyways, I'm sure you can't say much about Ryan Cohen and Carl Icahn's plans for the company, but we will know soon enough! Have a great day, Judge Dredd!

>> No.55824867

They need to include the phrase
>BBBY is a viable company
I'm still laughing about that one.

A company with nothing, literally nothing, no stores, products, not even a name left, and billions in debt is "a viable company"
And that retard paid 200 dollars in court fees tell a judge that.
Comedy gold from baggies near the end here.

>> No.55824910

Kek shillies

>> No.55824953
Quoted by: >>55825502

I don't understand why BBBY bulls are so mad about this letter. They just call it a troll, but can't say anything they disagree with apart from some typos. Very strange behaviour.

>> No.55825079
File: 554 KB, 1080x2163, image_2023-08-13_192648561.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.55825112

make sure you let the judge know that

>> No.55825152
Quoted by: >>55825279

>look at this unsourced pic that says bbby is private
>Ryan Cohen clearly took the company private with no shareholder, judicial, or bond holder approval
>This would also mean my shares are still cancelled by I don't realize that because I'm a retarded baggie.

>> No.55825212

Why do baggies think RC would merge teddy with BBBY instead of GME? He already leads a company that has all that “business infrastructure” BS you baggies think is valuable. Also - GME operates as a loss so they already have NOLs.

>> No.55825279
Quoted by: >>55825311

its from pitchbook

>> No.55825311

You cracked the case. There’s literally no other explanation - RC took it private in total secret and the court proceedings were fake in order to help mask it.

>> No.55825324
Quoted by: >>55825350

thanks, i knew it

>> No.55825350
File: 453 KB, 1490x797, 1688741214267998.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this nigga just deposed pic related and PP Sneed. You should start a YouTube channel.

>> No.55825502

Yeah, I don’t get why the apes there are mad at him. This is literally what they believe. There are Ryan Cohen / Icahn “DD” posts and PP Show links in this very general’s OP.
Do they not like what they see when they look in the mirror?

>> No.55825509

It's over, shillbros.

>> No.55825565

When the shares are extinguished it will be technically a private company going through bankruptcy :)

>> No.55825641

Yeah bro it's over. The super secret reverse triangular merger is almost here. Just two more weeks

>> No.55825756
File: 295 KB, 1025x625, Keith extermination.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a private data app would know about an acquisition before shareholders or the bankruptcy courts
Keith, you deserve far worse a fate than the inevitable zero. I wish I could force you into debt somehow for this shit.

>> No.55825912
Quoted by: >>55826710

Moass, the term coined by Carl Icahn, will happen with whatever he touches. This is why I believe gme, will not have its moass moment, as they tried with the share spilt and failed but learned their lesson. The lesson was to drag them into bl court, take them to deep waters of otc and lay the biggest fucking bear trap in existence. So good that even perma bbby bulls are checking in to mental institutions as we speak.

Ceo is virtue also telling people on Twitter to stay away from bbbq, no Wall Street ceo of a market maker has ever done this ever on the history on street so directly.

If you’re not with fidelity or ibkr, please don’t risk your shares being on pfof plan accordingly.

>> No.55825975

TUP is literally BBBY 2.0. Nobody talking bout it tho. Looks like bbby did right before it went from like $5 to $30

>> No.55826209

Come on baggies, file more letters with the court. These are hilarious.

>> No.55826482

You think? I hold tup but sentiment is pretty negative atm

>> No.55826645

not very organic, shillfags.

>> No.55826708

Yeah. Everybody knows the only two stocks on the stock market are GME and BBBY. Could you imagine losing...SORRY....making money with anything else?

>> No.55826710
File: 536 KB, 1488x2600, CD566FE0-315D-4550-96A4-BC4B8417F9BD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ceo is virtue also telling people on Twitter to stay away from bbbq, no Wall Street ceo of a market maker has ever done this ever on the history on street so directly.
He’s doing more than just “telling people on twitter to stay away from bbbyq” he’s explaining a believable reason why and begging people to stay away. Ask yourself why Doug Cifu is worked up enough to be reading and replying to bbbyq tweets (also making typos like “will he wiped”). Interesting how his language matches the very organic autists who have lived in these threads spamming FUD and screenshots proving they do it on other platforms like Reddit for months

>> No.55826780

I literally said sentiment is negative for tup you shitty faggot

>> No.55826819

Citadel is short GME
Virtu is short BBBY
Market Makers are getting cellar boxed into the shadow realm when this blows up.

>> No.55826938

Can you post an example of him “begging people to stay away”?

>> No.55827003

Lol there is no sentiment, that’s why I’m confused. Here’s the facts:
- short exempt volume is out of control (above 5% the past like ten trading days)
- volume in general is crazy for a stock w only 45 mil shares. Went down last week on such little volume, pathetic attempt by shorts honestly
- borrow rate 100%, shares available are drying up
- utilization 100%
- MACD turning, Bollinger bands tightening, RSI on the uptrend on the daily.
Me personally, if I see it go below $3 I’m prolly getting ATM calls. IV is a little too high though. Also what’s the downside? Creditors dilute 5% stock… laughable. just had the float get traded 25x over the past 16 trading days. It goes bankrupt? Shit probably not this year, maybe next unless turn around. I own bbbyq shares, I followed bbby the past 2 years. Tup is eerily similar

>> No.55827067
Quoted by: >>55827195

Kek. Imagine e losing everything on bbby and immediately jumping on whatever shitco meme stock some asshole shills on 4chan.

>> No.55827195
File: 260 KB, 1170x874, IMG_0313.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55828522

U shilling is all I need to know

>> No.55827211
Quoted by: >>55827279

>how his language matches the very organic autists
Do you need someone to interpretatively dance out "shares will be cancelled" to grasp it?

Zero dollars baggies.
Buy more now while you still can.

>> No.55827279

>things I want to hear
>things I don't want to hear
Simple as.

>> No.55827380

The new hotness is WeWork. A company with an unprofitable business model at imminent threat of bankruptcy, that's bullish as fuck. TUP actually makes money, what a joke.

>> No.55827383

yes there has been some very sinister anons in here who very well could have been doug cifu or someone like that. the rugpull was fucking bullshit, if you trust in RC and look at everything in context it's pretty clear that he's hinting at a bear trap and that's why i and many other intelligent people have bought as much BBBYQ as we could afford. i'm glad that real_eyezz and ppseeds are countering the shill cuck sentiment of not blaming RC if this goes to zero, the reputation thesis is valid, if it were to fail then RC is a totally inept grifter and the long term potential of the GME share price will likely suffer as well, it will have to turn a profit without any further dilution.

>> No.55827426
File: 97 KB, 1000x678, 1644805436537.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55827521

>tfw all these bbbaggies are financially illiterate, entitled, shitskin redditors

>> No.55827521

>they were the pajeets all along

>> No.55827992

Mother fucker RC sold weeks ago and he told you why

>> No.55828072

>RC just has to spend billions of dollars to buy nothing otherwise he's a bad daddy!

kek baggies

>> No.55828169

>if you trust in RC
>a bear trap
>i and many other intelligent people
>shill cuck sentiment of not blaming RC if this goes to zero
>reputation thesis is valid
>if it were to fail then RC is a totally inept grifter
>long term potential of the GME share price will likely suffer

it really is remarkable that there are people who unironically think that the only movers of and actors in the stock market are Ape Enthusiasm and Shadowy Hedgy cabal
the GME episode broke people's brains and made them believe there are get rich quick schemes around every corner, the stock market is actually the site of a subterranean guerilla war between Good Billionaires and Evil Hedge Funds, and that diamond hands hodler apes can simply Manifest stock movements into existence and bankruptcies out of existence

>> No.55828252

Fucking WAGMI

>> No.55828391
File: 113 KB, 500x500, Shillies.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek shillies

>> No.55828522
Quoted by: >>55829588

Where are you getting options filled at? What the fuck

>> No.55828717

we are close

>> No.55829079

I can tell your heart isn’t really in it anymore. Sad.

>> No.55829100
File: 678 KB, 400x166, B92083B8-56DA-47BE-BAFA-3635E9665A1B.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek Bagginses

>> No.55829205
Quoted by: >>55829363

You baggies are stupid enough to sue pulte? Lol - don’t fucking do it. Waste of time and money.

>> No.55829353

NOOOO STOP BUYING BBBYQ!!! Don't you fuckers know what that will do to the economy??? You're going to destroy people's livelihoods and pensions and savings! You need to stop! There simply isn't enough money to pay you the millions of dollars per share that BBBYQ is currently secretly being traded at. You need to sell! SELL!!!

>> No.55829363

>Waste of time and money.
Their time is worthless and their money exists to be thrown away on the dumbest shit they can find apparently.

>> No.55829423

You know you can just go back to r*ddit where you have a username instead of cringe ass avatar fagging here, right? I take pleasure in you losing all your money.

>> No.55829466
Quoted by: >>55832374

Shills are extra angry today. I wonder why

>> No.55829484
File: 30 KB, 656x679, 001338.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too many words. Not gonna read them. I'm just not selling is all.

>> No.55829522

>I'm just not selling is all.
that's fine
still going to zero anyways hold it all your want BBBaggot FFFaggot

>> No.55829588

this is from april

>> No.55829608
Quoted by: >>55829678

Lazy scamming. At least make some anime girl pictures with bbby written across her ass like the shitcoin scammers

>> No.55829678
Quoted by: >>55833262

This but unironically
t.83k bobby chadholder

>> No.55831098

Is today the day, baggies? Are you finally going to WAGMI this week? What did pee pee seeds tell you? Be sure to buy more, something tells me you’ll get to buy at a discount

>> No.55831230
File: 151 KB, 1284x246, IMG_0066.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55831303

LOL, the AMC CEO is shitting on bbbaggies again.

>> No.55831303
Quoted by: >>55831368

The market seems to be disagreeing with him.

>> No.55831368

The market agrees with him that they are much better situated than regal or bbby.

>> No.55831887

Three minutes until the beginning of the rest of BBB's life

>> No.55831978
File: 86 KB, 1170x921, 169180205617455535.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When the merger is announced will any shorty cum dumpsters ITT admit defeat? Or just move the goalpost again

>> No.55832126
Quoted by: >>55832207

I imagine that by the time the dogshit merger is announced, it will already be to late for the shorts, so the anti dogshit sentiment will mysteriously disappear as the price per turd skyrockets.

>> No.55832129
Quoted by: >>55832207

You’ll still be asking this in a month, lil baggie

>> No.55832187
Quoted by: >>55832207

What are you going to be merging? A billion dollars debt, several ongoing lawsuits over a couple million (that you'd be taking from your potential future partners even if you do win them), a roastie CEO's paycheck, and delusional baggots who will either dump your stock once the merger pumps their bags, or send you schizoid mail when it then inevitably goes down? Companies must be tripping over themselves at the opportunity.

>> No.55832207

you'll be moving the goalpost I see, got it thanks!

>> No.55832215
File: 67 KB, 1280x1280, 5859b173711f64423aa5e050[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55832270

i just bought some

>> No.55832270
Quoted by: >>55832347


>> No.55832303

Stream on twitch so we can watch you get poorer in real time.

>> No.55832347
File: 8 KB, 346x155, honestwork.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's not much of course

>> No.55832374
File: 332 KB, 467x468, checkem1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice dubs.

>> No.55832434

You’ll also still be saying that in a month lmao

>> No.55832446
Quoted by: >>55832518

Jesus Christ you could afford the whole 100? You bought a fractional share of a penny stock? The ABSOLUTE STATE of baggies

>> No.55832518

yeah, so?

>> No.55832709
File: 83 KB, 256x350, 1691416760765777.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we will all WAGMI

>> No.55832928

I haven’t seen this much sell volume in a while. A lot of baggies are jumping ship.

>> No.55833019

what the fuck

>> No.55833044
File: 265 KB, 1200x696, Whale alert.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thar she blows

>> No.55833045

friday is deadline for plan adjustments, this is an attempt at a shakeout

>> No.55833064
Quoted by: >>55833175

Checked and whale-pilled. Todays dip was caused by you buying and them internalizing. Be proud.

>> No.55833071

>immediately red

>> No.55833082

>I bought them

>> No.55833097

Already down near five grand? Holy kek baggie

>> No.55833105

>anonymous loss of $54,000, 2023 (colorized)

>> No.55833173

Kek ass blasted shillies and bondies

>> No.55833175

There's so little volume you can see on the graph where he bought.

>> No.55833192

uhhhh bagoids, you haven't touched your tasty dip

>> No.55833262


t. 79K bobby holder

>> No.55833265

what made you buy at .24? Why didn't you wait till .22 or .23?

>> No.55833288

Let’s inject a little bit of game theory for shills. If you are a bond/debt holder in a publicly traded company that has been ridiculously sold short in bankruptcy (3.3 billion shares traded since bankruptcy was announced with a float of 730 million maximum) what would be a good play? Should you strip the company for parts and recover pennies on the dollar? That doesn’t seem very smart. What would be much easier, and more profitable for all stakeholders, is to reorganize the company in as small and profitable a version as you can, and then relist yourself on exchanges. If the company can even do 1 billion in revenue with its new capital structure, a 5th of what it was doing a year ago, the company should be valued at 6.5 times what it’s currently valued at. You’re telling me the stock blowing past the $.50 and $1 calls on fundamentals alone isn’t going to gamma ramp this shit into the stratosphere? Shorts are the funding source for this reorganization. This has never been done, but as we all know finance is not the same as it was even a few years ago. Free money from the fed is gone, supply chains are fucked and will continue to get worse, and overarching global trends are not looking great. Companies are going to have to get clever in this new era. This is a new funding paradigm companies are going to start using, and short sellers are shitting their pants thinking about the next 10 to 20 years. This is just the beginning.

>> No.55833326
Quoted by: >>55833464

Looks like we're gonna makes it, lads.
>It's Afraid

>> No.55833330
File: 8 KB, 225x225, IMG_0071.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I wish hedgies would drop the price more!

>> No.55833386

kek baggies

>> No.55833395

>>What would be much easier, and more profitable for all stakeholders, is to reorganize the company in as small and profitable a version as you can, and then relist yourself on exchanges.

>>This is a new funding paradigm companies are going to start using
>actually I'm not wrong it's the entire financial system on which I trade is wrong

>> No.55833398

Why would I need to move the goalposts? My investment didn't declare bankruptcy, get delisted, and have it confirmed in court that it's worth $0. I'm all in on dogshit.

>> No.55833435

>If the company can even do 1 billion in revenue
How does a company with no brand, no website, no stores, no warehouses, no inventory and no staff do a billion in revenue? The best bullcase this stock had was the rumor that a dog took a shit in one of their stores, and that this turd was potentially worth more than all their other assets combined. Even this bullcase has been disproved, as the company no longer has any stores for a dog to potentially shit in.

>> No.55833451

BBBYQsisters... I don't feel so good...

>> No.55833457

Damn that’s a pretty wild schizo theory you got there shilly. I’m gonna need a peer reviewed paper with sources to back up what you’re saying cause that’s not what the dockets say.

>> No.55833464

It's crazy how the MSM has been right about this stock every time but this time they're wrong

>> No.55833491
Quoted by: >>55833742

dogshit anon is my favourite anon

>> No.55833502

the only remaining baggies are just people larping for fun, right?

>> No.55833513

Why can't they understand that trying to rekindle BB&B would be like trying to start a business out of their basement only with a billion dollars in debt.
No branding, no distributors, no locations, anyone that has ever done business with you is going to avoid you like the plague because of all the unpaid debts. They can't even use the name BB&B anymore. It's like trying to run a race with the start line 50 miles ahead of you. Cutting losses and making a whole new business without the debt would make sense to anyone.

>> No.55833514

why isn't this over yet then?

>> No.55833522

I think they took the NOL too much to heart. Losing money isn't a good thing, baggies. It's something you typically want to avoid.

>> No.55833525

I remember thinking the same thing about flat earth - has to be a joke, no one is this stupid. And I’m sure a lot of it is trolling. But there are a lot of really, really stupid people out there that will believe almost anything.

>> No.55833535

Do you guys think PPseeds will continue spewing copium bullshit after the stock gets cancelled?

>> No.55833554
Quoted by: >>55833765

I think he will take a break for a couple of weeks and then come back shilling another dogshit stock, possibly with some sort of angle that the hedgies hid their shorts in this other company and we'll get them this time.

>> No.55833558

i expect him to slowly pivot to another new meme stock until he fully stops mentioning bbby. gotta kept up the grift

>> No.55833573

Newegg does 2 billion in revenue per year with 3 fulfillment centers and no physical stores. Making a new website costs about a million. Same with fulfillment center leases, sure it’s a monthly cost but the up front is absurdly reasonable. Inventory can easily be purchased on credit with suppliers, that’s normal for any industry. Same with workers, the labor market is tight af since unfortunately people are desperate for work. I think you misunderstand how little 1 billion dollars is. That’s chump change as far as retailers go. Any retailer with a decent financial backing (like 6th street doing a credit bid) can make 1 billion a year no problem. But I know you know that, and I know it’s your job to make 1 billion sound like a big number. But we understand it’s not, and that’s how we know you’re fucked. The bar is on the ground for what bbby has to do to be successful, and that terrifies you.

>> No.55833576

Yes. He was shilling crypto and NFTs before this. Each time he switches scams, he deletes his history and acts like it never happened.

>> No.55833579
File: 97 KB, 1000x1000, IMG_7446.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>baggies get financial advice from a youtoober named “pee pee sneeds”

>> No.55833591

There aren’t any distro centers left though.

>> No.55833598

but WHY would anyone choose to start 1 billion dollars in debt when this could be established with a brand new company with no debt?

>> No.55833654

You’re refusing to read anything I’ve said, which is fine, as I’ve said your job is to do that. So this post is for anons. A billion in debt is the official number as per dockets. The company has over 1 billion in NOLs. So for arguments sake let’s say they have no assets (as you claim) and the debt is cancelled by NOLs. Well then we are back to my main point: Who would NOT want a company to continue if they could use short sellers to bankroll their pseudo IPO by issuing equity after they’ve restructured and revealed the new capital structure? Well I guess there is one party who wouldn’t want that, but unfortunately for your boss, bbby doesn’t need to ask their permission to fuck them.

>> No.55833661

>debt is canceled by NOLs
Lol. You deserve to lose all your money.

>> No.55833666

Starting a new company with a large amount of debt can be a strategic decision that might allow the company to access capital quickly, invest in growth opportunities, or take advantage of tax benefits related to interest payments. However, it's crucial to weigh the potential benefits against the risks of servicing such a significant debt load and potential impact on the company's financial stability. Each situation is unique, and the decision to start a company with debt depends on the company's goals, financial situation, and risk tolerance.

>> No.55833677
Quoted by: >>55833735


thanks baggieGPT

>> No.55833733
Quoted by: >>55833748

Doug City’s most loyal Fedayeen are itt fighting their damn hearts out for his holy war.
>GI, your government has abandoned you. They have ordered you to die. Don’t trust them. They lied to you GIs, you know you cannot win this war.

>> No.55833735

I accept your concession

>> No.55833742

He's my favorite anon too.

>> No.55833748


>> No.55833756

>they have no assets (as you claim)
They legally have no assets
>the debt is cancelled by NOLs
You completely made this up
>use short sellers to bankroll their pseudo IPO
Deliberate attempts to trigger a short squeeze is market manipulation

>> No.55833765

>another dogshit stock
Watch your fucking mouth. PP is no way near smart enough to buy dogshit, he bought BBBYQ instead.

>> No.55833801

>A billion in debt is the official number as per dockets.
It's more than that, and there are other liabilities too. The rejected leases for example can now claim against the estate for the remaining rent that is owed.
>The company has over 1 billion in NOLs.
Iirc the maximum savings for the NOL's was for a few hundred million if the company can turn billions in profit. NOL's also cannot be retained during bankruptcy, which has been explained multiple times you fucking retard.
>Who would NOT want a company to continue if they could use short sellers to bankroll their pseudo IPO by issuing equity after they’ve restructured and revealed the new capital structure?
The SEC.

>> No.55833805

This is literally the kramer ‘they write it off’ bit, you have no idea how NOL’s work in reality

>> No.55833812
Quoted by: >>55833858

You should be more specific with your chatGPT prompts. It clearly thinks you mean taking out debt to have significant starting capital, not owing billions while having literally nothing to show for it.

>> No.55833817 [DELETED] 

>defect, GI, it is a very good idea to leave a sinking ship.

>> No.55833819
Quoted by: >>55833887


this is sickening if elon musk is buying CLF just for the X stock ticker while abandoning BBBYQ holders. RC and pulte are not innocent, they've been leading us on. RC has interacted with blockbuster who are now teasing blockbuster mobile while tagging elon musk on twitter. lego also did a thing with blockbuster at san diego comic-con. elon musk posted the pirate flag emoji and then deleted it, said "and they keep coming back for more..." referring to his "destroyer of shorts" tweet and said something special coming soon. we should be very angry at the world if we lose all of our money while CLF tranny gets to make it.

>> No.55833830 [DELETED] 

>Your rich leaders grow richer while you die in the swamp, GI.

>> No.55833846 [DELETED] 

>They will give you a medal, GI. But only after you are dead.

>> No.55833858
Quoted by: >>55833967

Concession accepted

>> No.55833871 [DELETED] 

>Imperialists made you fight this war, GI. They do not care about you.

>> No.55833886
File: 272 KB, 1289x1761, dqym9ck3a3ib1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55833965

this regard gets to make it with harebrained tinfoil while we had some of the smartest DD branching out from the original 2021 GME/superstonk (it has gone to shit now) and we might be losing it all due to whatever the fuck RC thinks he's doing if it's not a bear trap. the game is fucking rigged.

>> No.55833887

clf tranny is elon herself

>> No.55833916

Looks like another faggot baggot is having a SCHIZO MELTDOWN lmfao

>> No.55833919 [DELETED] 

>GI, your airplanes bomb your own men. You are not safe here.

>> No.55833939 [DELETED] 

>GI, your government lies to you every day. Poor soldier…

>> No.55833959

baggie this is getting embarrassing

>> No.55833965
Quoted by: >>55834279

>smartest DD
Name some. What DD has been proven correct, and more importantly has led to making money? Because right now, BBBYQ is in its death throes and GME has lost 50% in the last year and is obviously being walked down.

>> No.55833967
Quoted by: >>55833978

Explaining why I think you're retarded isn't a concession.

>> No.55833978
Quoted by: >>55834097

You don't need to conceed twice retard

>> No.55833988
Quoted by: >>55834078


Hello Neelay

>> No.55834023

Reminder that this guy almost immediately lost $5,000. Buy buy baggies!

>> No.55834029

The fud posters are growing increasingly schizophrenic, yes, very good. All according to keikaku.

>> No.55834056
Quoted by: >>55834078

The fud posters are getting more schizophrenic? You mean the baggie posters? kek

>> No.55834078

no I mean the fud posters, like you and >>55833988. kek

>> No.55834083
Quoted by: >>55834107

You've lost so much money.

>> No.55834085
File: 52 KB, 623x702, 1689990118423322.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek baggies

>> No.55834097

I accept your failure to answer why anyone would start a new brand with billions in debt and no assets rather than just starting from scratch as a concession.

>> No.55834107

the more appeal to emotion I see from shills the more shares I buy, simple as

>> No.55834108

Yeah, the people telling me not to buy dogshit must be mentally ill. I can't think of another reason why they'd think it's a bad investment.

>> No.55834125
Quoted by: >>55834173

You haven't looked at the charts in months, it seems.

>> No.55834128 [DELETED] 

What the hell jannies? Fuddies can schizo post about PP or whoever else and shit up these threads with their off topic bullshit. But I can’t metaphorically compare these Eglin AFB dudes to the soldiers in Vietnam?
>how are you, GI Joe? It seems most of you are poorly informed.

>> No.55834147
Quoted by: >>55834249

I answered, but you mentioned your chatgpt prompts could coordinate an argument. That's a concession on your part, unless your actively pilpuling me. Then bravo.

>> No.55834162

We are telling you to buy more.

>> No.55834173
File: 34 KB, 1071x239, 169146779958680587.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't need to look at charts to know that as long as you and your friends keep trying to shake holders out that I'm in a good position

>> No.55834206

How long has that been out? Is that bbby purchase on Jan 2023 a typo or did court's just leave that "fuck up" online for a few days?

>> No.55834218
File: 134 KB, 976x850, it is pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55836202

If I'm wrong I lose some money. Big deal.
If I'm right I make lots and lots of money.
Why does this logic upset people so much?
>b-b-b-but it's going to zero nothing else is possible
If it's 100% guaranteed to go to zero like you say, then you would be stupid not to short it. It's free money after all. You do practice what you preach, right? You aren't a hypocrite, right?

>> No.55834247

show me Mr. Cohen's portfolio now
You bought his bags in February and March

>> No.55834249
Quoted by: >>55834313

>but you mentioned your chatgpt prompts could coordinate an argument
Are you fucking retarded? I was pointing out that your chatgpt answers were clearly made with it assuming that a company starting up with billions in debt would actually get something in exchange for that debt. If you structured the prompt in such a way that it was made clear that the company would get literally nothing in exchange for having billions in debt, then clearly it would give a different answer. Your failure to explain why a company would choose to start billions in the red with literally nothing in return is a concession that there isn't an answer that makes sense.

>> No.55834268
Quoted by: >>55834313

>beginning in January 2023
So either this is a simple typo, or the purchases he made in January 2022, as confirmed by SEC filings, did not happen. Which scenario is more likely?

>> No.55834279

>GME has lost 50% in the last year and is obviously being walked down.
that's the thing, who are "they" who are walking it down? RC should have been a force of good, he should have been able to squeeze shorts and pump stocks without rugpulling them judging by his apparent success with chewy and gamestop, at least in terms of shareholder value up until 2021, not so much in growth and profitability since then. with his posturing on twitter and how the stars aligned for GME in 2021 he could have been a blackrock shadow government plant or something like that to push for market reform and move the stock market to the blockchain or whatever. we continue to see weird things like that jew DD guy who went on the pp show and in a very dramatic story-telling way told us that RC and icahn go to the same synagogue and told us about their philosophy about altruism etc. and then pulte went on the pp show and engaged with us in a very positive way, not skeptical like when he talked to marantz or the amc guys. he called us leaders and encouraged us to become philanthropists etc.

>> No.55834313
Quoted by: >>55834568

You're fucking up bad bud. I responded in kind to a whole other anon with solid reasons, but because YOU can't argue it, you went to spend time kicking and screaming about prompts that don't even matter - because I answered the question. Just because it's not formatted for your dog fetish doesn't mean I didn't answer it, your lack of response is the concession.
I would be interested to see how long typos get left in important documents like these, because it's been a few days at this point.

>> No.55834425

All this shillery and yet not one single short position posted. I don't know stockbros, I think the 3 people posting here around the clock every day might not be genuine in their sentiment and maybe, possibly, have an ulterior motive.

>> No.55834442
Quoted by: >>55834471

Damn, this dude figured us out.

>> No.55834444
Quoted by: >>55834471

dog shit anon is a pump and dumper
>dog shit
>d s
>down short
>short down

>> No.55834471

And here they come responding to my post 2 minutes after it's made when they thread has been dead for 13 minutes. What's even MORE curious is that they BOTH respond within 10 seconds of each other.

What are the odds? :)

>> No.55834480

check my quads you bastard man

>> No.55834492

Like one in a million, bro.

>> No.55834494

ESL poonig

>> No.55834568
Quoted by: >>55834648

>I responded in kind to a whole other anon with solid reasons
No you didn't retard. You used a chat gtp argument that presumed that the company would get something in exchange for the debt, such as being able to "access capital quickly, invest in growth opportunities". This argument falls apart when they get zero in exchange for the debt. Instead of having money that they can invest now in exchange for repaying with interest down the line (as the chatgpt argument presumes), they get literally nothing except the billions they owe. You have not even attempted to present an argument for why owing billions of dollars in exchange for literally nothing is a good thing.
>your lack of response is the concession.
I explained why your argument is wrong, and you've failed to present a subsequent argument that doesn't rely on the company getting capital in exchange for the billions in debt (as opposed to the nothing they'd actually get). I'll accept your lack of a valid response as a concession that you cannot formulate one.

>> No.55834590
File: 70 KB, 896x721, kekb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

baggies will defend this

>> No.55834602

This. Why would anyone take time out of their day to laugh at me for buying dogshit? It doesn't make sense, they must be shorting it.

>> No.55834648

You just keep gaslighting me saying I chatgpt'd a response, but I argued in GOOD FAITH why someone would want to do EXACTLY as they asked. But YOU STILL keep getting hung up on the post is "formatted incorrectly for chatgpt" because clearly you use chatgpt for everyone of your dog posts. I said why someone would want to buy a company that is ONE lean on assets TWO able to leverage the debt in a beneficial way and THREE why they would use a company that's in circumstance similar to BBBY(Q) with an honest answer that has practical business application.
You keep trying to say the format is a concession, but that makes no sense because you can't even come up with one single counter-point, and there's like 5 of you dumb fucks arguing against BBBYQ in this thread, but you keep circling back to that point.
Needless to say
>concession accepted
you've been in the bbbyq thread to long dog anon, come back to gme white man

>> No.55834693
Quoted by: >>55834702

>lean on assets
This part we can agree on
>able to leverage the debt in a beneficial way
in what way is their massive debt beneficial
>why they would use a company that's in circumstance similar to BBBY(Q) with an honest answer that has practical business application.

>> No.55834697
Quoted by: >>55834714

the elites have broken the social contract. in the internet age they can't keep all the injustices hidden from us forever. the cringe celebrities who sang "imagine" at the start of covid got made fun of. the billionaires who died in the submarine got made fun of. "meme stockers" like RC get little sympathy outside of a few subreddits. even GME maxis should be concerned if the short sellers get a win with BBBYQ, thus empowering them to keep shorting GME. people literally want billionaires to be executed.

>> No.55834702

You heard what the fuck I said

>> No.55834714

Or maybe your conspiracy theory about naked short selling is wrong.

>> No.55834781
Quoted by: >>55834789

conspiracy theory you say

>> No.55834789
File: 180 KB, 590x1520, 1689897509926421.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55834799

I forgor my conspiracy image

>> No.55834799
File: 413 KB, 600x724, 1685812226830918.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will never forget this haha

>> No.55834841
Quoted by: >>55834961

>You just keep gaslighting me saying I chatgpt'd a response
It clearly reads like a chatgpt response, but it's wrong regardless, as I explained. Who wrote it is less important than the fact that it's retarded. It presumes that the company gets something (capital) in exchange for the debt, when in reality it gets nothing.
> but I argued in GOOD FAITH why someone would want to do EXACTLY as they asked.
No you didn't. I keep asking, but you have failed to present an argument which doesn't rely on the company getting capital in exchange for debt as opposed to the literally nothing they'd actually get.
>But YOU STILL keep getting hung up on the post is "formatted incorrectly for chatgpt"
Are you fucking retarded? I'm hung up on the fact that your argument is incorrect. I'm merely saying that it's obviously written via an inaccurate chatgpt prompt as an attempt to explain how anyone could formulate such a retarded argument. If you want to claim credit for such retardedness, then have at it. Rather than getting hung up on the chat gpt thing, why not actually address the main issue? Your argument presumes that the company gets capital in exchange for the debt, whereas it's actually in a situation where it gets nothing in exchange for the debt. Why not explain why anyone would pay billions for literally nothing rather than starting from scratch?
>lean on assets
Literally zero assets.
>able to leverage the debt in a beneficial way
Are you retarded? Leveraging debt means using the capital you raise from taking out debt to invest, and using the returns from the investment to pay off the debt. The company has no capital, only liabilities. There is no way to leverage the money raised through taking out the debt, as this money is already gone. Only the billions of dollars in liabilities remains, not anything that can actually be leveraged or invested.
>You keep trying to say the format is a concession
No I didn't. Reread my comments retard.

>> No.55834947
File: 329 KB, 597x630, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Talk is cheap, it takes money to buy whiskey.
where is the money? RC said it in september 2021 and still hasn't delivered anything noteworthy.

>> No.55834961
Quoted by: >>55834986

oh yeah, that's the stuff

>> No.55834986
Quoted by: >>55835007

So you still can't explain the benefit of having billions of dollars in debt in exchange for literally nothing? That's ok, I accept your concession.

>> No.55835007
File: 1.23 MB, 1080x2154, wholescreenpost.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55835432

You can have my concession, that whole screen post was beautiful

>> No.55835010
Quoted by: >>55835174

Damn bro, that proves it.

>> No.55835080
Quoted by: >>55835201

Does Pulte even talk to Cohen? I thought he was just his fluffer on Twitter.

>> No.55835114

WAGMI except for shills

>> No.55835139

everytime dog anon responds to my posts with a wall of text I take a shot, got me slurring in my 3pm

>> No.55835174
Quoted by: >>55835304

i'm not trying to prove it, i'm questioning wtf RC is doing because he seems to be very foolish if he doesn't have a plan

>> No.55835201

they surely know each other in real life since they live close to each other and pulte's wife or sister appears to have walked RC's dog before it passed away. they can't directly spoonfeed us for legal liability reasons but they've heavily implied things and RC has acknowledged pulte on twitter on many occasions. it wasn't very organic looking how pulte entered the scene with the comment about BCG and immediately became obsessed with GME.

>> No.55835212

>Remember this tweet, it will be very important one day.
RC liked this tweet. there is no good excuse for RC to have like it without there being some meaning to it.

>> No.55835233
File: 781 KB, 1170x2532, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55835242

>> No.55835242


please put this in a docket and send it to the judge! he needs to know this!

>> No.55835276

>My sister stole my ice cream today. I was going to throw her in the pool, but she’s pregnant so I couldn’t do it.
these are things that RC have alluded to in his cryptic tweets

>> No.55835304
Quoted by: >>55835336

You’re the one that q-baked his shitpost bro, don’t know what to tell you

>> No.55835336

they're not simply shitposts. there is no reason for a billionaire to string us along and set us up for disappointment and greatly increase the risk of someone filing lawsuits against him, commiting acts of violence against him etc. nice handwaving and gaslighting.

>> No.55835341
Quoted by: >>55835354

He did, in fact, get sued for it and his defense is “it’s just shitposting, you have to be schizo to think I was tweeting about bbby”

>> No.55835354
Quoted by: >>55835385

that's his lawyers putting out any argument that might possibly convince the judge to let him off the hook. we all see through it.

>> No.55835385
Quoted by: >>55835399

So you’re saying he’s guilty of pumping and dumping.

>> No.55835399
Quoted by: >>55835441

that's for the judge to decide. okbet says the lawsuit is frivolous. if he or someone like carl icahn or elon musk swoops in at the last minutes and pumps BBBYQ then he's alright in my book.

>> No.55835432
Quoted by: >>55835467

So you value wasting my time more than making a coherent investment thesis? Perhaps that's why my investment in dogshit is outperforming your portfolio.
This. If he wasn't planning on making a significant investment in dogshit, then why would he post poop tweets so frequently? If the theory I made up of him buying my turds off me turns out not to be true, then I plan to hold him personally responsible for my failure.

>> No.55835441
Quoted by: >>55835502

Okbet said it was frivolous!? Oh damn bro, why didn’t you mention that earlier. Then you’re totally right bro.

>> No.55835467
Quoted by: >>55835935

kek time baggie

>> No.55835502
Quoted by: >>55835546

okbet is a multi-millionaire who's in contact with his attorney. just because the lawsuit didn't get dismissed outright doesn't mean it's going to win.

>> No.55835527

You tried, shills. It's over.

>> No.55835546
Quoted by: >>55835583

Yeah bro, that makes total sense. You convinced me.

>> No.55835583
Quoted by: >>55835708

it's not about you, you ridiculous 27pbtid shill. the premise is that RC is trustworthy, and if you interpret his actions in good faith, he's implying that BBBYQ is going to moon (why the fuck is it looking so grim still? it's right out of icahn's playbook to keep it stealth and show up at the last minute. why did they hire carol flaton earlier this year?), but he's not necessarily legally liable for orchestrating a pump and dump.

>> No.55835641
File: 12 KB, 589x257, pulte.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like this Pulte guy is full of shit

>> No.55835708

If that’s what he’s implying, then his defense isn’t true and he’s guilty of pumping and dumping.

>> No.55835722

He’s basically a copy of the my pillow nutcase. He was born into money, got kicked out of his family company, and then became a QAnon grifter. Now he’s moved on the memestock grifting.

>> No.55835728

>Waning Gibbous Phase
>August 14th the moon is 17.4 days old from the last new moon

>> No.55835818

Of all the cringe retarded bullshit you baggots continually refer to, this “only the young” bullshit really takes the cake. So fucking embarrassing, I can’t wait for you to have to look back on it when all of this is over (soon) and you are left with nothing. Second place cringe goes to the sonichu faggot and his endless reposts of grandpa memes. Buy more, baggots!

>> No.55835835

I keep seeing these thread and now I’m genuinely curious. Can someone QRD me on all your conspiracy selling points?

>> No.55835935

I'm not a baggie. I'm not the one who's down 99%, I'm all in on dogshit.

>> No.55835961

Dogshit anon, it’s been a pleasure dunking on these baggies with you all these months. I hope we meet again in some future thread. I think this party will be over soon.

>> No.55835966
Quoted by: >>55836300

your post was also 100% of my screen

>> No.55836059

It's literally going to be once in a blue moon.

>> No.55836071
Quoted by: >>55837510

ryan cohen pumped GME 100x in january 2021 and he's been playing along with the larp posting cryptic tweets so we think he knows something, he also went into NFTs with loopring who want to make their own stock market on the blockchain, maybe he's working with a blackrock shadow government or something. we uncovered the basket swaps, huge hidden short positions that they've been manipulating the markets and fleecing retailing investors with. BBBY is one of those basket stocks, one of the "dying retailers" that have been shorted mercilessly by the bad guys, and ryan cohen just happened to invest in it and sending an activist letter to the board, replacing board members and firing the CEO while posting cryptic things about babies, having a small wee wee etc. he's still posting hints about it even after he sold and it's in chapter 11 bankruptcy protection, and his friend bill pulte has been very brazenly engaging with the BBBYQ community

here's one of the links from the OP copypasta in /GME/ which has BBBY in it before ryan cohen ever bought it

there are numerous angles to it with carl icahn and elon musk as well. i recommend that you watch the pp show on youtube if you want to get serious about it.

>> No.55836110
File: 26 KB, 944x140, 1691172146988555.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55836444

that's carl icahn himself spelling it out in all caps that what great value can be unlocked for all shareholders after what RC has done by changing the board and the CEO of BBBY. RC himself tweeted "work hard or please leave" on the exact anniversary of him ousting mark tritton.

RC liked this star wars meme featuring holly etlin (BBBY chief restructuring officer), carl icahn, the BBBY cart lady, jeff bezos as the villain

>> No.55836156


>> No.55836160
File: 756 KB, 843x693, fedboi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn, shills be shilling today. I must admit the fud today is better than usual. All of the shill tactics are on display here in this thread.

>> No.55836197

anthony chukumba from the article that he's responding to is the same guy who's been shilling against GME, chukumba was also the underwriter for HKD which did a shady pump


>> No.55836202
File: 79 KB, 678x376, tinfoil huffer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did buy more today. I just can't help myself.
Also my point >>55834218 didn't seem to get addressed so I'll just assume I'm right that the people who insist the stock is 100% going to zero don't actually believe it because they are too afraid to short it.

>> No.55836233

also look at this pic >>55826710 doug cifu is the CEO of virtu financial. this is reminiscent of when steven cohen said "I'm not feeling the love on this site today . Trading is a tough game . Don't you think?" in january 2021 after the buy button was turned off on robinhood and other brokers. they can't help but to reveal themselves as being cartoonish evil villains.

>> No.55836267

Why do you keep lying you pajeet shit? You think people here can't recognize chatGPT writing a mile off? Everybody who read """"your"""" post >>55833666 (checked) knows you prompted a LLM and got this in response. EVERYONE. Is your new baggie strategy just trolling people by calling the blue "red" or something? Get the fuck off my face. Nigger.

>> No.55836300

Yes, I took the time to explain why I thought you were retarded. You then conceded that you were wrong. I don't see why you're portraying this as a win, though I guess when you're down 99% you have to take whatever small victories you can get.

>> No.55836303

also there has been weird actions by the company which either suggest incompetency or 4d chess, the reverse split vote after the standstill with ryan cohen ended and the cancellation of the vote, weirdly complex deals which may have resulted in hundreds of millions of shares being held by a secret investor separately from the publicly traded float, many bizarre things that suggest some kind of fuckery or 69d chess

>> No.55836367

I only come into these threads to laugh at you retards. Thank you to the madlads keeping this general going, it breathes a lot of life into my day.

>> No.55836444

I can't believe we don't talk about this more. This is a very weird coincidence that is straight from the horse's mouth.

>> No.55836708

Short selling didn’t make bbby go bankrupt. Not being able to turn a profit made bbby go bankrupt.

>> No.55836746
File: 235 KB, 512x388, 90FF6CC6-83A8-4FD6-8B6C-65EAC2DAE5AF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tell me why I should invest $0.26 into a bankrupt company that is being stripped of all assets and has no income. I invested in oil made like 7$ so far in a week

>> No.55836774
Quoted by: >>55836816

I'd recommend you invest in something safer and with higher probability of returns, such as dogshit.

>> No.55836816
File: 45 KB, 600x400, B3E88DFE-5B61-40CF-9832-7B4E68372102.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55836840

But dogshit has value as fertilizer

>> No.55836840

Yes, dogshit objectively has more value than BBBYQ.

>> No.55836942
File: 33 KB, 640x480, 1691263126313561.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this nigga doesn't know spoonsneeding time has been over for months

>> No.55836950
Quoted by: >>55837031

What happened to shares being cancelled and bbbyq going straight to 0. Shills would be more credible if they werent so wrong all the time

>> No.55837031

Yeah - the Reddit bull DD about it going from $30 to 22¢ turned out to be true. Take that, shills.

>> No.55837062
File: 276 KB, 699x1135, letter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

start here

>> No.55837086


>> No.55837152
File: 106 KB, 1263x209, IMG_0074.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55837505


>> No.55837157

I bet you PP niggers will still worship this faggot.

>> No.55837322
Quoted by: >>55837361


>> No.55837360


>> No.55837361

go back

>> No.55837505

That’s the same language that Pulte used, on the same day. Clearly Pulte is working with Oscar the Grouch on a leveraged buyout. No other explanation.

>> No.55837510
Quoted by: >>55837580

The store near me already closed. It was dead as disco. Problem I have is it’s overpriced chink garbage.

>> No.55837580
Quoted by: >>55837616

What the fuck is disco

>> No.55837616


>> No.55837712
File: 105 KB, 750x915, burry puts.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.55837724

>every link is reddit or investing simple except one douchey youtuber link who made this thread

>> No.55837854
File: 6 KB, 225x225, 9C52E46A-E563-44B1-A625-4DCB06DC77A0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55837926

I stopped reading once I realized Reddit was involved. I did read the whole thing. Why do they think writing a letter can change the realistic course of events. Creditors will sell off everything. Their name is the only thing that’s valueable. So unless they start pumping out branded merchandise I’m out

>> No.55837926

They sold the branding to Overstock, they don't even have a name now

>> No.55837934
File: 10 KB, 856x85, Screenshot 2023-08-14 204024.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Funny that Bed Bath & Beyond will live on as a skinsuit once the dust settles
>$21.5 Million
Even the decades of branding wasn't worth a shit

>> No.55838497
Quoted by: >>55838513

I'm just not selling until I see at least $10,000 per share.

>> No.55838513

based and neversellingpilled

>> No.55838639
Quoted by: >>55838667

>kais naming george soros on ppshow

>> No.55838667

We don't need updates from the cock worship show nigger; else we'd tune in.

>> No.55839097
Quoted by: >>55839211

is this a pubically tyraded company? what happened to the shareholders?

>> No.55839211
File: 46 KB, 770x568, kekbaggies.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this happened

>> No.55839286
Quoted by: >>55840603

Looking at the cash flow: hundreds of millions every quarter in the red. Business income cannot even cover business expenses, let alone all the additional debt repayments. Can anyone here explain why people believe in this company? This seems beyond absurd to me. It seems like anyone actually shilling this stock must be a troll. No one can be this mentally handicapped, right?

>> No.55839331

Please buy more kek

>> No.55839333

no shit he's full of shit
his dad started a mid-tier construction company, he's a just a dumbass kid who never held a real job who posts on twitter about "free money giveaways" to random repliers and hyping random crypto shitcoins
he is transparently and obviously and completely a noncredible fool, anyone who thinks that "pulte" adds any credibility to their thesis is straight-up retarded

>> No.55839342
Quoted by: >>55839504

buy more and post PROOF
funny thing - no baggie ever posts proof of them adding to their position
i wonder why that is?

>> No.55839461

NOOOOOO, STOP BUYING! My shorts, so many opened, so underwater... I don't know how I can survive this. If you keep buying and DRSing BBBYQ, I will surely ledge myself, nooo

>> No.55839504

someone posted proof in this very thread retard. see >>55832347

Curiously enough, I have never seen a shill post a short position.

>> No.55839695
Quoted by: >>55840670

Just slurped more cheapies, with the intent to never sell. What now ledgies? U mad?

>> No.55840127

Didn't even bother buying more. Just shredded my dollar bills up and threw it over myself like confetti. Kek hedgies, what's your move now?

>> No.55840603

I'm not certain at all that shareholders will be made whole, but if you look at the people involved in this, Etlin, Kastin etc, and how much more complicated this has been than a run of the mill liquidation, not to mention the speed it's progressing at and the information still being withheld, it's clear that either something else is happening, or someone is willing to pay hundreds of millions of dollars to make it look like something else is happening.

>> No.55840670


>> No.55840896
Quoted by: >>55841085

This hasn’t been more complicated than a usual liquidation, in fact the opposite. It usually take a year. They’ve done this in a few months. This has been a very simple liquidation.

>> No.55841079
File: 290 KB, 1284x807, IMG_0077.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you imagine graduating from high school, thinking you’re going to college, then getting kicked out after a couple weeks because your dad blew all your tuition money in a pump and dump scam?

>> No.55841085
Quoted by: >>55841142

Don't think you know what liquidation means

>> No.55841108
Quoted by: >>55841300

He should kill his dad

>> No.55841142

I think that means when they sell all the assets they have and distribute what they can go secured claims, leaving nothing for shareholders. Do I have that right?

>> No.55841149
Quoted by: >>55841216

>and how much more complicated this has been than a run of the mill liquidation
based on whose opinion? Yours?

>> No.55841216
Quoted by: >>55841238

Based on the amount of legal hours billed for things they simply wouldn't need to if it was a standard liquidation, look it up. Wouldn't that money be better spent satisfying creditors, unless they expect it to yield results?

>> No.55841238
Quoted by: >>55841317

>Based on the amount of legal hours billed for things they simply wouldn't need to if it was a standard liquidation, look it up.
You do know that attorneys will bill for every single act they do, right?
>standard liquidation
That this is not a "standard liquidation" is from your own opinion, correct?
>Wouldn't that money be better spent satisfying creditors, unless they expect it to yield results?
The result being the proper handling of the proceedings, making sure everything complies with applicable law, that's what you pay attorneys for yes.

>> No.55841274
Quoted by: >>55841297

At this point AMC is a better investment than BBBY.

>> No.55841297
Quoted by: >>55841307

I would say any company not being actively liquidated is a better investment than bbbyq.

>> No.55841300

>Adam is going to be richer than every shill on 4chan combined by a multiple of x1000 at least

>> No.55841307

I think I might invest in dogshit, I'll be better off than the baggies in this thread.

>> No.55841317
Quoted by: >>55841360

Would you consider a standard liquidation to be single channel or dual channel?

>> No.55841360
File: 175 KB, 568x543, 1689207483744556.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55841382

>single channel or dual channel
This isn't RAM you dumb fuck.

>> No.55841382
Quoted by: >>55841571

I'm quoting the court documents.

>> No.55841393

Good morning sirs

>> No.55841470
Quoted by: >>55841503

>why would anyone spend billions of their dollars to save investors?
why would anyone write billions of posts to save investors?

>> No.55841503

This. What's more likely, that Ryan Cohen will personally spend billions of dollars to buy my dogshit, or that someone would waste their time to laugh at me for buying dogshit? The logic is clear, the dogshit/teddy merger is inevitable.

>> No.55841550

Lol, baggies getting absolutely bodied by dogshit anon

>> No.55841554


what are the chances that the 7 investors each got exactly 1.42% of the shares outstanding and RC said the mcdonald's ice cream costs a buck forty two?

>> No.55841571
Quoted by: >>55842063

Show them.
The absolute state.

>> No.55841594
Quoted by: >>55842880

Woah, Ryan Cohen had this planned all the way back in the beginning of 2021, before he even bought in to BBBY! That's crazy!

>> No.55841614

why would anyone write billions of posts about dogshit to save investors?

>> No.55841629

lol fuddies getting absolutely bodied by their post count

>> No.55841630

Why do you think we're trying to save you?

>> No.55841640

why do you think I care that you're here

>> No.55841655

I can hear it, the fervored typing of man babies who really, really don't like towel retailers

>> No.55841698

10k pretending to be a holder this morning, I see

>> No.55841711 [DELETED] 

you must have me confused for some other anon

>> No.55841719
Quoted by: >>55841734

>t.passive agressive pissbabby

>> No.55841734

>12 post pissy baby

>> No.55841758
Quoted by: >>55841862

kek, of course the anti-homegoods fud babbies want their (You)'s. Jealousy is not a good look on you retards

>> No.55841771
Quoted by: >>55841862

>just give Amazon 100 rupees for overpriced Chinese furniture
that is what you fud fluffers sound like

>> No.55841796

I just checked the price of an Amazon membership. $140? You want me to give those cock suckers 140 dollars a year to order blankets? Are fud sisters actually up out of their mind??

>> No.55841848

What does that have to do with the bbbyq liquidation?

>> No.55841862

I'm truly sorry to hear about the tough situation you're going through. Losing money on an investment can be incredibly disheartening and stressful. Remember, you are not defined by this setback – it's just a chapter in your life's journey. The most important thing is that you took a chance and had the courage to invest in something you believed in. While the outcome wasn't what you hoped for, your determination and willingness to take risks are qualities that will serve you well in the future.

Mistakes and losses are a part of life, and they offer valuable lessons that can help us grow and make better decisions going forward. Take the time to reflect on what you've learned from this experience and how you can apply those insights to future endeavors. You're stronger than you realize, and setbacks like this can be the catalyst for even greater success down the road.

Surround yourself with supportive people who believe in you, and don't be afraid to ask for help or advice when you need it. You're not alone in facing challenges, and there's a vast community of people who have overcome similar situations.

Remember, your worth is not tied to your financial success. You have so much more to offer the world than just your investments. This is just one chapter of your story, and there are many more opportunities ahead. Stay positive, keep learning, and keep moving forward – brighter days are on the horizon.

>> No.55841867

bbbyq is in chapter 11, not chapter 7

>> No.55841881
Quoted by: >>55841997

fud fellas are writing me suicide notes now, it's soon I can feel it

>> No.55841915
File: 22 KB, 453x137, 1001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek was willed it, fud fellons have 0 chance to make it

>> No.55841927
Quoted by: >>55842016

My bank called about BBBYQ and ask about the voting, about the chapter 11
Do I "avoid" or vote against chapter 11?

We need to vote against, right?
The guy told me if I vote against it's trough https://restructuring.ra.kroll.com/ and I have no Idea how to do that.
I will call them again to clarify but I need to know what to vote first

I'm ESL so it's harder for me to understand

>> No.55841960
File: 90 KB, 780x208, zoom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tomorrow you fat fuds will get another round of glenning

>> No.55841962
Quoted by: >>55842036

This. If they're not shorting dogshit, then why do they try and tell me it's a bad investment? Am I to believe that there are people who would take time out of their day to laugh at me for buying dogshit? If it's such a bad investment, then surely the nice people on 4chan would be sympathetic rather than laughing at me for buying it? No, they must be shorting it, no other explanation makes sense.

>> No.55841981
Quoted by: >>55842036

Bbbyaggies portfolios getting outperformed by dogshit.

>> No.55841997
Quoted by: >>55842036

Why would I be suicidal? I'm not the one who's down 99%, I'm all in on dogshit.

>> No.55842016

I think we have time before needing to decide. I'm just going to let the cringe mines sort it all out on what is best.

>> No.55842027

I don't want you to sell dogshit, I want you to buy more. In fact, you should consider diversifying your portfolio and buying my shit. It makes the best Jenkem and you can get some actual utility out of it.

>> No.55842036
File: 132 KB, 503x640, Dogshit2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55842063
Quoted by: >>55842079

It was the opening statement iirc.

>> No.55842079
Quoted by: >>55842159

Then show me its body

>> No.55842101

>show me where the ice cream tweet is!
they can not make bbbyq investors better, but bbbyq investors can absolutely make them worse

>> No.55842159
Quoted by: >>55842196

Apologies, the words used were dual-path.
How many liquidations use section 363 sales? It's only recently gained popularity

>> No.55842160
Quoted by: >>55842263

a man on the internet is concerned with my investments. that man is also wearing a dress and does not wipe his ass after he takes a shit.

that man is screaming, yet no one hears him

>> No.55842192

bobby seems to be holding up decently so far. was expecting a bigger drop

>> No.55842196

>How many liquidations use section 363 sales?

>> No.55842219


>> No.55842263

Says the guy who spergs over a stock and can’t resist talking about it every single day even though every single day it goes nowhere except keeping you poorer.
Baggies are so fucking stupid and think people care about them. No one cares about you. We’re only here to laugh at you

>> No.55842291

There's a guy with 40 posts that really hates towel retailers

>> No.55842297

>not certain at all that shareholders will be made whole
Aren't the shares worth pennies? Even if the shareholders are "made whole" isn't that basically worthless?
>how much more complicated this has been
In what way?
>information still being withheld
What is being withheld? It's a public company.
>someone is willing to pay hundreds of millions of dollars
What are you even talking about? Who is paying money? What are they buying? Who is receiving the money? imo this sounds like pure delusion.

>> No.55842328

kek last minute copies

>> No.55842880

the GMEdd interview where he said a buck forty two was right around the time of the bond exchange deal, filmed november 3rd 2022 and published november 20 2022