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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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50905992 No.50905992 [Reply] [Original]

>Basic Information
https://gmetimeline.com (up to 2021)

>Daily reminder

>Mandatory study time
>The Everything Short
>Naked Short Selling and Systemic Risk
>Failure to deliver

>SEC 10-K Annual report
>GameStop Investor, NFT, & Wallet Sites

>What will happen if Citadel becomes insolvent?
DTCC with 60T USD, will pay as the final boss with FDIC as the insurance

>Real-Time Trades
>Current Trade Halts + Short Restrictions

>All other news/DDs/etc
>reddit DDs don't take them for fact use your brain
>Check your broker and clearing house to ensure you're not rugpulled

Last time on /GME/:

As always:
>sneed hedgies

>> No.50905997
File: 498 KB, 1000x738, 64571951_p15 - ZXまとめた.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still comfy waitin' and holdin'.


GameStop Info
>Complete corporate revamp by Ryan Cohen
>Ongoing hiring spree of specialists of e-commerce, UI, UX, blockchain and supply chain operations
>Debt free with positive increases and reductions (see ER); $1.035 billion cash and cash equivalents on hand + high inventory
>Intent to launch NFT marketplace by end of Q2 FY '22 (May-July)

DRS & Computershare
>12.7 million shares DRS'd by Apr. 30th 2022
>Previously 8.9 million shares by Jan. 29th 2022 and 5.2 mill by Oct. 30th 2021

>Shorts never closed and there exists more fakes than real shares
>'MOASS' is a matter of time

Further information can found by reading the OP or DYOR!
Reply to this pasta for any confusion.


Other news/reminders:
Thursday RRP: 2,199.247B, 103P = 21.352B per (roughly)
Friday RRP: 2,213.193B, 99P = 22.355B per (roughly)

>GME shorted percentage of float as of Jan. 15th, 2021: 226.42%
>HF and broker class action lawsuit evidence
>SEC GME/meme stocks report
>GameStop Crypto Wallet available for download on Chrome
>FY22 Q1 results report is out
>Four-for-One Stock Split - Form of a stock dividend
>(Record: July 18, 2022; Dist. after closing on 21st)
nft.gamestop.com beta marketplace is now open to the public.

>100 page comparison DD

Please don't feed spammers and sliders.

>> No.50906004
File: 244 KB, 350x589, 1yil.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>50906081

Ken Griffin, you have 1 yil

>> No.50906015
File: 610 KB, 2048x1848, 1660491300358070.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>50906827

Mo'ass awaits us, gentlemen.

>> No.50906024


>> No.50906057

>Gradually, I began to hate them.

>> No.50906069
Quoted by: >>50906176

a real pump and dump if i've ever seen one

>> No.50906072
File: 407 KB, 888x482, drs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been coming here daily for the past year and a half and I've never seen so much anti-DRS posts as I do now. The cat is out of the bag. There weren't enough shares to deliver as dividend therefore confirming naked shorts.

The DTCC instructed brokers to print fake shares and put them in your account and when the ticker didn’t move they thought you would sell. But this created another problem because now you have more shares than you should and by registering them the entire float gets removed from the DTCC at an accelerated pace. They are corned. The entire float could be DRSed within a quarter.

If you are truly on the fence and haven’t registered any shares don’t get scared by the FUD and DRS your shares. I’ve been on and off 4chan since 2004 and I hate reddit like everyone else but if there is something I hate more and it’s Wall Street robbing us of our money in plain sight and laughing in our faces as they get off Scott free. DRS YOUR SHARES.

>> No.50906073
File: 56 KB, 199x211, Capt234ure.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that all major brokers are going to rub pull in the next week.
Monday is likely your last chance to DRS if it is not already too late.

>> No.50906075
File: 787 KB, 500x461, EemjiComfyHolding.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still comfy holding
wagmi frens

>> No.50906081

I have seen this meme 500 times and I still don't get it

>> No.50906093


>> No.50906118

No one is anti-DRS, you're just being an annoying nigger about it. Lying and spreading fud that all brokers will rug, yet they refuse to answer the question: why would a reputable broker like Fidelity or Vanguard rug their customers to save some short hedge funds? Watch as they recoil. They have been found out.

>> No.50906124
File: 208 KB, 2000x1125, GE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>50906629

Bless the baker.

>> No.50906129
File: 602 KB, 550x550, 1638314831065.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good bake

DRSmaxi thing is obviously a reverse psychology tactic to FUD DRS

>> No.50906131
File: 402 KB, 525x569, Boyardee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>50906162


>> No.50906162
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>> No.50906165
Quoted by: >>50906232

>DRSmaxi thing is obviously a reverse psychology tactic to FUD DRS
or to get people who don't want to DRS everything to paperhand on the way up

>> No.50906171
File: 75 KB, 750x802, 808A94B3-0DE7-4F1D-89C6-DF2B4C8F9FE3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a feeling the DRS maxis that aren’t paid are tourists. Thankfully, there’s a solution. Repeat after me, everyone
>Hitler was right

>> No.50906175
Quoted by: >>50906232

>DRSmaxi thing is obviously a reverse psychology tactic to FUD DRS
It explains why they're here 24 hours a day, or why they're comically annoying and disingenuous.

>> No.50906176

GME was like this in january 2021 newfag

>> No.50906178
Quoted by: >>50906223

It's a well crafted fracture point because predditors are being fearmongled into emotional override status by (((certain public figures))). If you replace DRS YOUR SHARES with WEAR A MASK their behavior should look familiar. They're just awful at risk estimation.

>> No.50906180
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Quoted by: >>50906210


>> No.50906184

get it while its hot

>> No.50906210
Quoted by: >>50906254

Kys yourself boyardee faggot. But first answer the question. What incentive does Fidelity have to rug their own customers?

>> No.50906223

Fuck, that does make sense now that you point it out

>> No.50906232
File: 74 KB, 1080x773, 1646212600073.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>50906247

that is also a possibility

I've noticed these sort of childish arguments pop up everywhere not long after DRS started taking momentum

>> No.50906247
Quoted by: >>50906268

True, 45 was a fag about it too if I recall.

>> No.50906254
File: 606 KB, 1200x1790, 1659970837894942.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>50906280

did you read your TOS glownigger? do you own your shares or does Fidelity?

>> No.50906266
Quoted by: >>50909487

Last thread’s response to that was
>Moass is too big for everyone to get paid
and a bunch of pilpul. Not my problem, fuck you pay me. If there’s not enough money I’ll settle for ownership of the (reorganized) institutions instead

>> No.50906268
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>> No.50906273
File: 72 KB, 328x331, 038a3d74942a96ade4800603c4b52747.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why would a reputable broker like Fidelity or Vanguard rug their customers to save some short hedge funds?
Is this a serious question?

>> No.50906274
Quoted by: >>50906320

So, BBBY squeezes in the next two weeks. When that happens, I'm selling it all and buying GME direct through Computershare.

By then the MOASS will be starting

>> No.50906280

You’re not answering the question.
would they do that? This is why everyone hates you

>> No.50906293
File: 313 KB, 638x359, eb7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>50906364

>all brokers will rug but not CS!
>sure CS uses a broker to sell, but that's different
>all brokers have an EULA letting them rug you, CS has this too but they won't
>if they wipe put all the shares above the float we will still have MOASS
>we should all concentrate our shares in one boomercore company with questionable infrastructure to handle the influx of traffic it is about to receive
This is what (((they))) would have us believe. By all means, DRS what you're comfortable with, especially if your shares are in a sus broker. But don't give in to this fud about all brokers rugging. That's the last post I'm ever going to make on this subject because it just isn't worth anyone's time.

>> No.50906297

who owns your shares? your broker or you? did you read your TOS?

>> No.50906299
Quoted by: >>50906361

To save their own ass. They are very exposed to the market and a systematic deleveraging harms them and their real customers greatly.
Retail customers are not shit and they don't give a fuck about them, we are just a data farm. They rich clients will be protected by using retail as human shields.

>> No.50906318
File: 924 KB, 1197x672, er8j5fuavyo81.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Such lazy FUD.
Your fucking retarded if you don't understand the concept of OWNING your shares.

>> No.50906320

this. Own 200 bby, all gains going to my gme stack

>> No.50906331
Quoted by: >>50907012

Imagine being so caught out, so wrong, so completely fucked, that you have to pay people to try to convince holders that DRS isn’t logically bulletproof? Anyone shilling agains DRS may as well wear a big glowing sign over their head. The good news is It tells us completely what the shill bosses are frightened off. DRS is the sword of Damocles for some very, very ducked up individuals. It is going to be very exciting to watch them all die horrible deaths writing in agony (figuratively)

>> No.50906337
Quoted by: >>50906827

Because Feds don't want to pay trillions to random faggots and tank all global economy. They will get a call and will comply, suckers will get "fair value" like 1000$ for share instead of 40$ and MSN will spin it as "social justice" and brokers will be "heros who save pensions". Also most customers don't hold meme stocks and brokers will get compensated for being nice to Feds. What is important is to destroy SuperStonk because they start to get very uncomfortable with their activism and questions they ask. They will get paid so they disappear. In this game somebody must get fucked and it won't be bankers for sure.

>> No.50906341
File: 338 KB, 687x767, comment_1589190997WSJWvVkjgvpnKpk6ndwRQq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>50906376

Threadly reminder that brokers rugging and moass are mutually exclusive.

>> No.50906361

You do understand what Fidelity's business model is, right? They mostly manage retirement accounts and insurance. Their brokerage is a side show. It is absolutely in their best financial interest to support retail because otherwise people will pull about ten trillion dollars in assets out of their management and they'll never recover.

>> No.50906362

>calling other people retarded and can't use the correct form of "you're"
The ironing

>> No.50906364

Kek it won’t be your last post about this, and we all know it. Stop saying brokers will rug as a read herring, brokers will sell their shares they were letting your pretend were yours. That isn’t rugging…it’s brokering a deal with their assets. DRS you shares or this last forever

>> No.50906372
File: 222 KB, 640x457, tumblr_mw449kNZmV1sqwblpo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck you dumb

>> No.50906375
File: 919 KB, 1205x1724, Thanks for taking me to out to the private park you own now Onii-chan. Tell me the story about how many shares you bought during the first stock split week again!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>50906629

Post MOASS I'm going to kiss so many tight tummies and there's nothing you Candy Crush Playing Gamergurls can do about it.


Finally a real thread thank you baker bro

>> No.50906376
Quoted by: >>50906473

Broker rugging is inevitable. It doesn't stop moass but lowers amplitude so GME reaches like 50-100K and not a 100 million per share.

>> No.50906384
File: 44 KB, 819x544, 1632145664137.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anti-DRSers are as fucking stupid as Ant-Vaxers.
Ignoring all the truth in front of them so they can actively fuck themselves.

>> No.50906392

lol nice cope vax maxi

>> No.50906394

Kek, trust the science!

>> No.50906400

DRS was the topic they were willing to burn all their “regular” anons over. Look at this nonsense. There is no logical counterpoint to direct registration. There isn’t one.

>> No.50906404

This post has been certified Safe And Effective™ by the Centers for Goyim Control.

>> No.50906411

Oh shit are you fucking lost? Holy shit the lack of connection is palpable. They are fucking DESPERATE to get those DRS shares back, and to stop you all from registering. People who DRS are anti-vaxxx!!!! Oops.

>> No.50906412
File: 63 KB, 500x500, avatars-000211673714-3x8f95-t500x500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Call out the sneeds and they instantly reply.
Get a real job shills

>> No.50906422
File: 39 KB, 386x451, 1652083490768.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Anti-DRSers are as fucking stupid as Ant-Vaxers.
That's it, I'm undrsing.

>> No.50906424 [DELETED] 
File: 87 KB, 900x898, photo_2021-12-31_11-50-08.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he actually thinks is was a "vacccine"

>> No.50906437
Quoted by: >>50906446

What is the current (post-split) float amount we need to lock? Wanted to make sure that it didn't x4 too...

>> No.50906446
Quoted by: >>50906496

It did

>> No.50906454
File: 109 KB, 1169x1373, 7559875421.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's literally tomorrow

>> No.50906467
Quoted by: >>50906543

If you are not at least 87.5% DRSed, you do not believe in the squeeze

>> No.50906473

Then why exactly zero (0) shares were force sold, even by shitty brokers, during the sneeze? The most they could do was PCO. Brokers can close your positions on cash account only if you're doing some criminal shit or break their ToS. Yes, I did read ToS of all of my 5 brokers.

>> No.50906482
Quoted by: >>50906541

Your position is that it is shills against the single most dangerous medical product brought to market in history? You are sure we are shills and not heart surgeons? You are SURE of that? Holy shit they sent the wrong kind of shill here and that is fucking hilarious. Reddit, is back THAT way….

>> No.50906484 [DELETED] 

Imagine being so fucking stupid that you think your that is "critical thinking".
Yall you anti-vax people act like high schoolers who read a wiki on critical thinking once

>> No.50906496
Quoted by: >>50906544

Answer the question anon. Be serious.

>> No.50906511

That's actually a good point. Fucking Robbinhood didn't force-sell shares, only PCO.

>> No.50906522
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>> No.50906525

>y’all you
Not sending the best anymore. We are so close. This guys costs fucking Pennies

>> No.50906534
File: 138 KB, 500x518, 1659604177583423.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>50906591

Ngl, this new fud is deadass the dumbest shit your boss has come up with no cap fr fr.

>> No.50906533

I know it is hard for you to understand, Prakash, but unlike you I am not paid to push a narrative. I'm supremely comfy with my XXXX stack as well as the ratio of DRS shares to shares I have in Vanguard. Seethe, and then kys, since there is nothing else you can do about it.

>> No.50906541 [DELETED] 

>most dangerous medical product brought to market in history
Fen-Phen, Cocaine, Heroin, Vioxx, etc.
Even if the Vax was killing people at the numbers yall claim (and it is for a fact not) it'd hardly be a drop in the bucket compared to some of the real medical product fuck ups in the past. That is why we have much better testing now.

>> No.50906542

There was no need for force sell because it didnt even started then but was enough to take off buy button in every broker. Now imagine what they will do in real moass to save their ass.

>> No.50906543

I'm only 20% DRSed because CS keeps making me call them to create a new username and password just to allow me the privilege of logging in. Their website is kept together by scotch tape and glue.

>> No.50906544

Of course it 4x’d, please tell me you aren’t that dense? It 4x and so did the shares, so mathematical the same ratio registered. Go back to school

>> No.50906555
Quoted by: >>50906827

More of this please. Makes it easier to filter y'all you out ;)

>> No.50906557
File: 309 KB, 720x720, gme-fidelity eye.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.50906558

> Yall you anti-vax people
this type of propaganda doesn't work on autists. try something else faggot

>> No.50906563

I confess I'm way too fucking lazy to scour through the thread history, but someone in a previous thread posted that tesla comparison image of the timeline and there was a long stretch where the tesla price crabbed. I think it was like 2-3 months. I may be wrong. Someone repost it.

My point is, patience. The game is won, it's just a matter of time.

>> No.50906565
Quoted by: >>50906597

Wtf is this thread right now? On a Sunday. It's literally tomorrow, isn't it?

>> No.50906569 [DELETED] 
File: 337 KB, 1322x1987, 1624892932727.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uh-oh stinky

>> No.50906590
Quoted by: >>50906687

>It 4x and so did the shares, so mathematical the same ratio registered.
So the next earnings report GameStop will report a x4 number than we're used to seeing, right

>> No.50906591

What a fucking comedy of errors. They are so low on shill reserves they decided to send the Reddit ones here for the day. Anons, you know what to do…

>> No.50906597
File: 1.24 MB, 1988x1709, marisa hambaga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was foretold.

>> No.50906600

This is cap. Deadass sounds suss, like wooden doors.

>> No.50906618
Quoted by: >>50906680

It was about a month after that they started mooning. Likely coinciding with the FTD cycle for the dividend shares they were on the hook for. I'm expecting that ours may be delayed due to the DTCC fuckup, but yes, we are close.

>> No.50906625 [DELETED] 

WOW, you're stupid af! Try Life Beyond. it is easy even for you.

>P&E massively multiplayer role playing game
>AAA Blockchain powered MMORPG, made by ex Ubisoft developers
>users dont even need to have a wallet to play
>Upcoming NFT Drop

>> No.50906626

We pulled a 4g fibrous clot out of a 13yo deceased aortic artery. 13 years old. You tell me the last time global leadership decided to genocide our children? Buy, hold DRS, and DRS some more until these criminal fucks are all being separated from their heads publicly. I DRS for the crimes committed against my race and countrymen. I will never sell

>> No.50906629
File: 3.75 MB, 2508x3541, 87238909_p2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>50906668


>> No.50906643
File: 310 KB, 640x924, 1646738510119.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>50906670


>> No.50906647

Fucking lying on the internet.
Sure your handlers love you just making up shit like that on the fly.
Try a better script fucking shill

>> No.50906668
File: 498 KB, 1150x1927, 87987554.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.50906670

thats the one. that stretch from T+16 to T+40. Pure concentrated crab. Thats like 6 weeks. Patience my friends.

>> No.50906676

Three months?? That's it, I'm selling.

>> No.50906680

>I'm expecting that ours may be delayed due to the DTCC fuckup
Probably why they did it.

>> No.50906687
Quoted by: >>50906704

I thought the whole point of the split was to give us more to DRS. If it's effectively the same as before, why did they do it?

>> No.50906694
Quoted by: >>50906855

Dave Lauer doesn't want you to DRS

>> No.50906704

What are you even trying to say here?

>> No.50906706
File: 67 KB, 599x800, __kirisame_marisa_touhou_drawn_by_necro_nekurodayo__a1194ef01639432814feda16eda400f6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>50906750

>when confronted with a post being pro-DRS and anti-clotshot, the outsider focuses on the clotshot
Your priority stack betrays you. Go the fuck back where you came from and stay there.

>> No.50906727

Quite an entertaining turn of events. Reddtors pushing DRS maxi propaganda lately are also Vax maxis! Lmao even.

>> No.50906740

Now THIS is fud!

>> No.50906741

I'm 100% DRS and anti-vaxx. You're going to be rich but you will not live long enough to enjoy it.

>> No.50906750
File: 41 KB, 640x640, 1659938664826258.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>50906764

Bro, this is the worst shit you've come up with. I'm amazed at how tone death you are.

>> No.50906757

>the autistic asshole who never properly replies to people because he doesnt want to give people (you)s is a vaxxed dumb cunt.
Explains a lot

>> No.50906763
File: 96 KB, 422x421, 85582763_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stay comfy, comfy weekend /GME/.

>> No.50906764
Quoted by: >>50906822

Did you manage to read my post backwards? Anyone who pushes the kike spike is not from here.

>> No.50906786

Chinese shills in a GME general? Now that is interesting

>> No.50906822
File: 106 KB, 795x880, 1659714412092415.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Did you manage to read my post backwards?
Yes I did. The fud is safe and effective in nuking my braincells.

>> No.50906827
File: 131 KB, 1080x1350, 1660221863655439.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Coomtastic, what a hot momma. I'd breed those hips post-MOASS and buy her a ranch <3

But anti-vax is the way forward as globohomo presses the button to kill the vaxxed goyim. Sounds odd but that's how (((they))) like it; unbelievable.

I hope they print lots of trillions so I can ask for a share to sell at that price and they'll just have to pay up

If they all died at once from the jab, it'd look sus as hell. After all we only know fentanyl was mixed into the drugs on your list because everyone starts dying. Ofc you'll see that soon jabbie. Suck a cock and spend time outside of this thread.


Checked; what dumb questions from shills
Checked fren, the thread is bein shat upon but we is comf comf :)


>> No.50906838
Quoted by: >>50906859

kek baggies

>> No.50906855

D lauer can suck my hairy nuts.

>> No.50906859
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>> No.50906883
File: 302 KB, 640x789, 1659539769251403.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>50906963

>tfw my family(babies) is second hand vaxxmaxxed by my treacherous wife

>> No.50906891
File: 87 KB, 497x667, 00000000.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they kek baggie for the thousandth time that day

aim for twice as many next time my friends, I don't think its having the effect you imagined.

>> No.50906915
Quoted by: >>50907010

>why would a reputable broker like Fidelity or Vanguard rug their customers to save some short hedge funds?
Because it's their ass too. When you hold with a broker you hold the entitlement to a given number of shares. They may or may not have those shares, and still have to pay you out regardless whether they do or not. Both of those brokers control trillions and trillions of dollars, but what everyone conveniently forgets is that most of that money is in assets under management and they can't and do not want to have to yank every cent of it out to pay a bunch of apes selling shares at six, seven, or higher figure prices per share. If anything I suspect it's why Fidelity and other reputable brokerages have been very easy going about direct registering their clients positions, because even if they have to pay well over the NBBO to acquire a share to be direct registered right now it's still a huge fucking bargain compared to what it could be when it's gametime and passes the fiscal sandpaper dildo'ing off to whatever short entity is going to then have to buy those shares back from an army of pissed off retail shareholders that know beyond a shadow of a doubt this is the one fucking time in the history of the market they'll ever be the ones in control, at all, to any real degree. So when Fidelity or Vanguard or iBroker or whatever large brokerage has their fucking balls on the chopping block, and it's either liquidate positions in the thousands per share range to the tune of hundreds of billions in losses or lose trillions or fucking everything OR they could just make it nice and easy for their clients to direct register their shit and pay way less over ask to send them the fuck over, what the hell do you think YOU would do in that situation?

Brokers wouldn't ever fucking rug by choice. That's a misleading narrative from ill-informed people. They do it because ultimately the choice is that or just get fucked, potentially to death. (1/2)

>> No.50906930
File: 86 KB, 763x424, aBpUuyj.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>50906990


>> No.50906936

Why did GameStop issue a split if the ratio of shares and float stays the same? I thought they did it to give us more shares to DRS. Why does no one here want to answer this?

>> No.50906938
File: 30 KB, 220x329, Big_Trouble_in_Little_China_Film_Poster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tonight, I'm gonna watch Big Trouble in Little China and there is ABSOLUTELY NOTHING the shills can do to stop me.

>> No.50906948
File: 559 KB, 714x693, 1659559924577494.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>50907061

>100% DRS
>still believe the red deer prophecy will come true
I am actually schizophrenic

>> No.50906957

That reminder Anti drs homos NGMI

>> No.50906963
File: 221 KB, 735x738, 1659969833305135.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>50907117

Oof now that's treachery
But she didn't know!
Hopefully MOASS is soon and your success will be a guiding light to those children so they may not jab again when in your custody. The least you can do is give them happy experiences and not force anything on them like their mother has because who knows the consequence of it? Let's let these little lights shine bright on their own fuel, you gotta trust in em.

I'm really sorry to hear about that but some people aren't fit for parenting anyways. Your children shall be the oldest in your dynasty and many of your offspring shall ride forth in the sunset of a new world of our making KNOWING that their brothers and sisters died to make it happen.


>> No.50906970
File: 5 KB, 600x474, 1653408825136.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>50907005

What are you trying to say? You know you have to communicate in a way that makes sense to others? We won't automatically understand what you are trying to convey.

>> No.50906979
File: 3.24 MB, 343x498, 1641792691950.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

60% in CS and 40% in Fidelity, I only DRS my long shares

>> No.50906990
File: 701 KB, 800x393, 1618906337202.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>kek, nice catch! Does that mean anon posting this is this person??
Harbinger of the TIGHT

WAGMI fren

>> No.50906999
File: 207 KB, 1024x920, 1647572481258.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>50907013

>> No.50907005
Quoted by: >>50907026

What don't you understand about my question? I asked it twice now

>> No.50907010

It's real easy to just come in here shitposting about how "brokers will rug" or "this/that is FUD" or bitch about glowies or what the scumfucking media has to say about all of this. It's not fucking easy to see the entire picture, it's not fucking easy to remind people that this kind of economic apocalypse is what precipitates wars and deaths in the millions and millions, and while I'm beyond sure some smug fucker will reply to this with a notmyproblem.png pepe based post - and they're fucking right, it is not their problem - it doesn't change the outcome. Reputable brokers with shitloads of money would not ever fucking rug to that scale in this situation until the price was so high that any sane judge or arbitrator would tell anyone complaining at that point to pound sand and fuck off for complaining in the first place. That number gets smaller the less reputable or wealthy (or both) that that brokerage is. In all reality, the price getting halted when most of the people in on this were on a fucking phone brokerage with baby-back-billions in AUM played massively to their advantage, to the point it very nearly looks orchestrated to have happened that way on purpose.

But at the end of the fucking day, for the last God-blessed time, when you direct register your shit you fucking own it outright, in your fucking name, tied to your fucking legal identity. You don't own an entitlement, you don't own contracts for difference, you own it the same as if you held the paper motherfucking shares in your diamond motherfucking fists. Whatever decision you make is your fucking own as to what you would like to own with your money, as it always was and will be. For me personally, I don't have jack shit and will need every cent of this, so I have all my shit direct registered. If I was a multi millionaire with thousands of shares I'd have no problem holding with a reputable, well-monied brokerage. But I'm broke and desperate and hungry, so my shit is 100% DRS. (2/2)

>> No.50907012

It’s just so annoying that you guys think people should DRS as much as possible though! So stop talking about it!!

>> No.50907013
File: 65 KB, 441x433, nwordgensler.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>GG id
do your job fani oter

>> No.50907016

You too, comfy poster

>> No.50907026

What do you mean by
>they did it to give us more shares to DRS

>> No.50907027

I have GME shares in fidelity and expect (you) to reply to this post making assumptions about me and how smart and/or dumb I am before I make a second post further explaining myself financially

>> No.50907039


>> No.50907055
Quoted by: >>50907064

You're going to make me ask again, aren't you

>> No.50907061

100% drs chads scare the 50/50 broker worms

>> No.50907064
File: 784 KB, 1080x1080, external environment.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please consider getting help for your brain problems.

>> No.50907081
Quoted by: >>50907409

So wait I’m confused, there seems to be push back here against DRS. Are you saying that we shouldn’t do it, or that it isn’t good to do it as much as possible? I thought DRS was a good thing

>> No.50907089
File: 82 KB, 1080x886, 1641507541490.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they're still arguing over computershare and brokers
it's Sunday evening, bros..do something with family, read or play vidya idk..

>> No.50907094

I mean exactly that. If they did it to cause MOASS, well that didn't work. So we can speculate now that it didn't, they probably did it to issue more shares for us to DRS. But I'm asking if that's the case, why did they do that when the ratio is effectively the same as pre-split.

>> No.50907105

They issued a 4-to-1 stock split in the form of a 3-to-1 dividend issuance of additional shares of their stock. For every one share you held before the split you were to receive three additional ones. The crux of all of this is that the DTCC took one look at what they owed to brokers, realized the retards were correct and there are vastly more ENTITLEMENTS TO OWNERSHIP OF SHARES held than shares in existence before or after the creation of additional shares and the increasing of the total number of shares in existence, and so told their participants (brokers etc.) to just handle it like a normal split and multiply their positions internally rather than issuing the shares owed. This does two things - first off it keeps the entire worldwide economic system from lighting on fire and burning to the ground and plunging humanity into darkness for millenia the very fucking instant those shares should've been issued, secondly it prevents fraud and keeps the shares within a central entity that is at this point in time most likely only issuing them for direct registration requests because they fucking have to. This creates a scenario in which people holding with brokers get their positions liquidated at whatever highest price the brokers in question feel comfortable paying out, as I went over in my previous two posts, and means the actual real value of the shares and not the fucking entitlement to ownership of shares is restricted solely to the ones that are direct registered. If you think 87,000 new IRS agents just got hired and it doesn't have anything to do with the aftermath of all of this, you're a fucking idiot, because that's basically one IRS agent for every 2-3 accounts with CS. That is how much money this is going to end up being, we literally, LITERALLY get our own tax glows (because a shitload of people have more than one CS account).

Like I said - if I was already a millionaire, I wouldn't give a shit about holding with a broker. I ain't so I DRS.

>> No.50907115
File: 6 KB, 256x256, sun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>50907136

anon I think you might be legitimately retarded.

>> No.50907117 [DELETED] 
File: 136 KB, 768x1024, 1660019913443174.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks Anon. I said second hand because only one of my babies got that shit directly into her bloodstream and that's because my wife was maxxing while pregnant. My boys simply drank her breastmilk. Though I can't be sure she never took them to get vaxxed, I can only say that my babies are doing well for the time being. I pray my wife just got saline and didn't curse us all. The experience and everything she has done up until now has numbed me and my post will probably become less ironic overtime. Don't be surprised if you see and uptick in fedposting.

>> No.50907121

Imagine defending your broker who fucked to the stock split and gave you fake shares

>> No.50907122
Quoted by: >>50907152

>why would a reputable broker like Fidelity or Vanguard rug their customers
Why would you let the bank keep your car title after paying off your car? Or the bank keep your deed after paying off your house? "Just trust us bro, it's safe here." Yeah you paid it off.... but how does the average dude know that? End of the day the certificate is with the broker.... NOT YOU. You DRS to put the shares in YOUR NAME. They can make up whatever bullshit they want to. From their point of view they are protecting the rest of their boomer ass elite clients FROM YOU. Piss off 1% of their clients or 99% of their clients AND lose the business in the process? It's not that hard to add 2 and 2 together and see what they are gonna go with because suddenly they are desperate and backed into a corner.
NOW, I'm not saying EVERY broker will do this... but I sure as shit know some if not most of them are short on shares. CS will survive because they can just sell through whatever broker is the last one standing but how sure are you it's the broker you are holding your shares on? It's literally russian roulette with 5 loaded chambers. Good luck anon.

>> No.50907136
Quoted by: >>50907146

Why? You need to communicate better, fren

>> No.50907140
Quoted by: >>50907168

>Imagine defending your broker who fucked to the stock split and gave you fake shares

>> No.50907146
Quoted by: >>50907179

Because the premise of them
>giving us more shares to drs with
is profoundly retarded to begin with

>> No.50907152

It’s not about being correct here, or making the more rational argument. They’re here to try and down play the importance of drs as much as possible. Diversify! As shares are created equal! Why would my broker screw me over? My broker loves me and cares about me and would never do that!

>> No.50907153
File: 412 KB, 1448x2048, 1657472426657.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So who here is buying and holding on CS forever once cash dividends start?

>> No.50907162

Imagine the supervisors reaction at the Indian call center when he found out Rajneesh went off script and equated anti DRSers to anti Vaxxers on 4chans of all places. I bet he got his pee pee slapped and moved back over to the reddit account.

>> No.50907165
File: 1.12 MB, 1646x2000, 068l20022-bfjfz-01-reshot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hahah imagine being this terrified of a routine medical procedure....
The world must be a terrifying place for you, I hope moass gives you the padded cell of a life you desire.

Also stop shitting up the thread with your blog thanks

>> No.50907166
File: 147 KB, 640x796, 1659820736336186.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well that explains it. They're literally retarded thirdies who are freaking out because Ongo Bongo's First Bank of Cowrie Shells and Stock Brokerage didn't get any real splivvy shares from the DTCC.

>> No.50907168

Change to into up genius

>> No.50907173
Quoted by: >>50907184

my broker HL did it correctly

>> No.50907179
Quoted by: >>50907190

That's my whole fucking point you idiot. Fuck off

>> No.50907184

But why didn’t fidelity or vanguard? I thought they were totally chad

>> No.50907190

your point is that you are profoundly retarded? okay

>> No.50907197
File: 155 KB, 897x682, 6F3FE936-4E66-4A87-B7AB-48F8BEB5CB2B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This Reddit user literally holds AMC and yes, he’s black

>> No.50907200

>type six thousand characters across three posts
>no responses, not even a "I'm not reading that long ass shit bruh" from a retard
I know too much. Fuck.

>> No.50907208
Quoted by: >>50907223

>they probably did it to issue more shares for us to DRS.
Cool speculation familia, but I'm not taking your "trust me bro" as a fact.

>> No.50907212
Quoted by: >>50907283

You didn't answer my question

>> No.50907223

So you're just as clueless as me, then

>> No.50907237
Quoted by: >>50907341

Fidelity did it correctly.
TDA and Schwab did not.

>> No.50907243

There is no difference between real shares and ious outside of computer share. Very sure is real and at the same time, counterfeit. This is the fundamental problem with the market since they did away with certificates. No one really has a share in a broker. You have an agreement with the entire financial system that you have the right to a share. In normal trading this is a moot point which is why the hedge funds have lost control of the counterfeits. This situation goes from no problem to a massive problem the moment that a critical mass of holders choose to exercise their rights simultaneously. The best way anyone has to exercise their right to a share? DRS…. It makes a share genuine, effectively gives it a unique identifier and tells the whole system that the holder now owns that share. Not just the rights to one

>> No.50907268
Quoted by: >>50907295

Is all this drs arguing just shills arguing with themselves again?
I can't think of a single reason why anyone would care. Drs if you want to, or just fucking don't. Who gives a shit?
It might speed up the moass. It might make it harder to sell at an optimal time (inb4 what the fuck is an exit plan?).
You know, like you just do you man

>> No.50907283
File: 308 KB, 635x635, yeah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're literally either retarded or not here asking questions in good faith if that didn't answer it.

>> No.50907295

It’s that aloof attitude people have a problem with, like drs doesn’t matter. There is no “might”. Drs is the single greatest way to move this forward and fuck over the people who caused this. People are here arguing the fact that it is critically important, not something you should just do if you feel like it, but something everyone should seriously consider

>> No.50907334

What's retarded is you and everyone here not being able the answer a simple fucking question. No, YOU are all retarded.

>> No.50907339

I love how he just completely ignored your paragraph long explanation about why they did the split, and instead thinks it was done to make DRSing harder.

>> No.50907340
File: 19 KB, 540x378, 1284719283749182437.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>waiting for an event that has never happened before in the entire history of the financial world
>everyone seems to think they each know exactly how it wall all play out
>people continue to argue about it every day

>> No.50907341

There are a lot of responses I’m seeing saying they didn’t handle it correctly

>> No.50907343
Quoted by: >>50907369

Ooh reallllly? That sounds suuuuuuuuper bad and all but like... and I know this awkward but... I just... I don't actually care.
I know, I know. Ugh right? But liiiiiiike I'm just gonna ignoore you so soz about that

>> No.50907346

The amount of shares quadrupled, yet the floor stayed the same. might as well register the extra shares. Also, lower price can attract investors that does not have that much money.
Before splivi: 1 investor buys 1 share
After: 1 investor buys 4 shares at the same price, 3 investors buy 1 or 2. That is my retarded take

>> No.50907349
File: 47 KB, 600x480, glowies keep moving.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

palindrome check
don't mind that shill anon what a tool; i think their reply is a way of showing camaraderie through presence
>obligatory picrel
can someone post those screen shots of E please? Said we'd face shillery like no other right before the destined day and its been a solid 2 weeks nahimsayin


>> No.50907351

Don't care. Never DRSing. Selling for 1mil/share on my broker

>> No.50907368

It's really, really easy fren - holding shares with a brokerage is owning an entitlement to a given quantity of shares. Holding direct registered shares, of any company, is functionally the same as holding paper shares in your literal hands as they are registered directly to you as your property and removed from the DTC/DTCC which only exists to facilitate the electronic transfer of shares.

>> No.50907369
Quoted by: >>50907420

No one is asking a retard like you to care, obviously. The rest of us are just hoping you’ll stop intentionally downplaying it for those who are able to actually understand why it’s important.

>> No.50907373

Kek baggies

>> No.50907374

It will expose the scam, in fact it already has exposed the DTCC. Once brokers start to push back on the forward split they were instructed to carry out because their customers are breathing down their necks, shorts will have to start buying shares to deliver the dividend.

>> No.50907388

Kek crypto baggies

>> No.50907391

You could do that from CS too though.

>> No.50907398

I love my broker! My broker loves me! They would never do anything to screw me. And they have before! Ever! :) I don’t need the things I own in my name when they can be in my brokers name ! I love my broker!!

>> No.50907399

kek dumb fuck baggies

>> No.50907400

It was the former, good to know.
The split happening and it getting fucked over in issuance the way it did is the literal only reason why people can still direct register. If they weren't being a retarded asshole they'd see I basically laid that out as simply as possible.

>> No.50907409
File: 26 KB, 512x481, 0CB301DC-0C16-4920-8695-1197D3986E15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nobody is anti-drs. DRS is good. Some people have the opinion that holding shares in major brokers is fine. Nothing wrong with that. Do your own research regarding brokers and make sure you aren’t on margin if you go that route though. Personally I only have 1 share in each of my fidelity accounts and the rest are DRSd.

>> No.50907415

So they did the split to fuck with the DTCC, then? Well that worked and it didn't bc like he said they issued it as a normal stock split, so they won on that front. It didn't work because we STILL HAVE TO KEEP DRSING, SAME AS BEFORE. All it did apparently was to reveal how fucked things really are?? Who cares? I already knew that.

>> No.50907418
File: 102 KB, 600x600, 1625249602437.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There seems to be too many people in this thread getting quite upset at the investments and financial decisions of complete strangers.

>> No.50907420
Quoted by: >>50907475

I'm not downplaying anything.
Drs has been talked about for months. There's no one here who doesn't know about its supposed importance and the front page of superstonk has a permanently pinned post with all the info you could possibly need.
Discussing it more than that is just thread sliding.

>> No.50907425

It's tomorrow.

>> No.50907427
Quoted by: >>50907479

Great bait, great FUD. Looks like the shill management team finally researched their audience

>> No.50907465
Quoted by: >>50907614

>so they won on that front
Proof? Kek, they have been exposed as complicit in the fraud and likely won't survive the MOASS because of it. RC is playing 7d chess with them all, compiling one big case that will land all of them in prison. DTCC is going to have to rectify their "mistake", GameStop legal is already on it.

>> No.50907464

I both hate and love knowing that someone like you is going to be wildly, incomprehensibly wealthy from all of this the same way I will be. You didn't listen to anything that I said and I spent a good half an hour typing all this shit out when I should really be sleeping. It did a lot more than just "reveal how fucked everything is", and if the DTCC had processed it as told we would more than likely be living in a nuclear apocalypse right now from the fallout of that. You have literally zero idea the full ramifications of all of this. And that's okay, and I'm gonna go to bed.
Meh, not the worst weekend these threads have ever seen.

>> No.50907475

I don’t understand you people. Encouraging drs moves this whole this along. Talking about it and encouraging others to do it is the single most effective thing retail traders can do. It stops shares from being shorted. They can’t shut off the buy button when you drs. There are no downsides to drs. But you guys have to have a problem with it still. It makes no sense

>> No.50907479

Too bad autists see right through this.

>> No.50907487

I'm goin to DRS 75% tomorrow

>> No.50907494
File: 679 KB, 1520x1025, dtcc error.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>50907614

Fucking phone posters
It puts massive pressure on them, international brokers have called them out on this blunder, some are requesting a proper redistribution. If you can't see why this is significant then I don't really know what to tell you.

>> No.50907500

I believe the movement of shares from brokers to ComputerShare, while ultimately kills the shorts, provides shorts enough fuel to kick the can one more day. Since I don't know if this is accurate (p.s.: I made it up), I will just stay half in Fidelity and half in CS and none of you vaxxmaxxies can do anything about it.

>> No.50907504

You say that like that but most the DRS maxis we've had are are annoying cunts who drive people away from DRSing by a combination of being retarded and obnoxious.

>> No.50907513
File: 2.29 MB, 1886x1102, Screen Shot 2022-08-14 at 2.14.53 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so instead of doing his fucking job, AS USUAL, Gary Gensler is fucking around and appearing in a Chelsea Grin music video as a fucking alien or something

>> No.50907519
Quoted by: >>50907552

It's thread sliding. Anyone who wants to drs would have done so already. It's not discussion, it's just whining.
I have no issues with drs'ing. But it's suspicious that people are suddenly arguing about it again. Almost like it was unnatural arguing by third parties trying to disrupt discussion

>> No.50907531
Quoted by: >>50907566

My long-standing on DRS maxxies is that they are poorfag stacklets who intend to have as much holders have their shares locked in ComputerShare, because said maxxies are afraid they will get rugged when whales sell for far lesser amounts (because they have more to play around).

My second schizotheory on DRS maxxies is that they are glowwies who want more people DRSMAXXED so they will sell from there, minimizing the anus-shattering impact of people never selling from CS.

>> No.50907532

make your own thread for this other stock. this is GME general.

>> No.50907533

What you’re saying basically boils down to “yea but they’re annoying when they talk about it”. What makes them annoying? Then telling everyone to drs? Do you agree with drs or not? Do you agree it would be advantageous for everyone if people were majority drs? Then why be negative about it. “Because it’s not cool when they do it”

>> No.50907550
Quoted by: >>50907566

>What makes them annoying?
Boyardee and 45 are/were universally reviled here. Great way to show you don't spend time here.

>> No.50907552

Only 20% of people are drsed right now going from ss numbers. You don’t know what people are doing with their positions. You’re assuming a lot

>> No.50907563

>let's just turn every thread into nonstop shouting that people need to drs
Fuck off

>> No.50907566

Bro you’re so skitzo and that is COOL
You’re not cool for spending all day on 4chan

>> No.50907576

Nobody gave me (you)s and I am tired of waiting. I don’t just have shares in fidelity; I DRS’d half my stack presplit, then waited until the dividend to DRS the rest solely because the thought of the chaos behind the scenes was funny to me. Only after 100% of my shares were direct registered did I then transfer some shares from computer share back into fidelity, both to ensure they at one point were provably real and owned shares and because I want to risk some shares in a broker for fun.
I don’t care what anyone else does, I just do whatever is the funniest financially, which for me meant waiting to DRS 100% until after the dividend split to cause the funniest amount of financial chaos, and then putting shares back into a broker to give me a chance at involving myself in future financial chaos, which might make me laugh.

I don’t need TA or hopium, I just invest based on what makes me laugh. Thanks gamestop

>> No.50907582

>You’re not cool for spending all day on 4chan
You could spend any time and know those two are faggots who shit up threads and drive people away from DRSing.

>> No.50907583
Quoted by: >>50907604

DRS or you don’t own your shares

>> No.50907584

I’m conflicted. I have a few hundred gme as a hedge against the moass and shit blowing up. So if I have to drs to get paid in a moass, I should do it. On the other hand I don’t actually want to help trigger the moass. My gme is a hedge. I would much prefer the rest of my portfolio to keep chugging along and the world to not blow up. I don’t want to drs if that pushes us closer to moass. What do?

>> No.50907585

This recent push towards 100% DRS is a strong indicator of someone wanting this to happen real badly. Just gonna hedge (heh) my stack.

>> No.50907588

>there are people who trust brokers that are more than likely short

>> No.50907594

If we get to 100% DRS, and you still have shares in a broker account: congrats, ur fuk

>> No.50907604

Emajuuun the shitposts that will emerge at anyone who didnt lmfao. I cant wait for ohnonono postings.

>> No.50907607

We’ll your portfolio is going to blow up anyway dude so get ready for that

>> No.50907609

So did anyone ever check the splivvys on tesla/nvidia/google to see if they also got fucked and just did a split? I remember people asking those who had access to whatever bs system they need to check but don't remember hearing what ended up happening

>> No.50907612
Quoted by: >>50908094

I don’t believe anything you typed out

>> No.50907614

>GameStop legal is already on it.
Does make me feel better
When I said they won on that front, I only meant that they "won" bc (lol) they delayed the MOASS.
>international brokers have called them out on this blunder, some are requesting a proper redistribution.
I see. Does this mean American brokers like Fidelity are just as complicit? There was an anon yesterday saying that Fidelity only lends out our shares if we have them in a margin account, not a cash account. Is there any truth to that?

>> No.50907621
File: 33 KB, 477x290, sneed you bitch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>50907645

Since the system thinks my post is spam I screenshotted it instead. Fuck all jannies.

>> No.50907622
Quoted by: >>50907635

>there are "people" still thinking Bagstop will let them make it

>> No.50907635
Quoted by: >>50907710

BBBY chads are gonna make it

>> No.50907645
Quoted by: >>50907694

>I’m just going to tell me broker how it’s going to be. Simple as
How are those real dividend shares treating you

>> No.50907656

I don't think that chick speaks a lick of English. She spouts off nothing but Italian on her IG and it turns me off desu.

>> No.50907694

Just fine so far, them being a dividend is meaningless to me since I won't be holding them post MOASS anyway. All the shares I ever bought since January have been fake and rehypothecated and half of them only become real shares when I DRS'd them. The other half still hold the same legal status as a real share and can only be closed when I sell them to the SHF that's buying them. Fake shares are fake shares, and these aren't any more fake than the shares we've all been buying since before the divvy.

>> No.50907710

Buying more puts at open and will
Continue to buy puts everytime that shit stock is mentioned in this general

>> No.50907723
Quoted by: >>50907782

That’s all a broker problem. You could have had real ones through cs

>> No.50907731

>when I sell them
Why would you think the broker is going to let you sell something that they own when a liquidity problem starts? They will sell every share they have under management in one dark pool deal before the market even opens for the day. It will be glorious to see those of you stupid enough to be shilled into not owning your shares here whining about your 40 bucks per you got hours before they were going for 40k
I honestly can’t imagine being dumb enough to not realize this is exactly how it will go down

>> No.50907744

Usually I never post in these shitty threads but is grandia 2 a good game?
Loved the first one, did they ruin the 2nd?

>> No.50907767

only played 2 and i enjoyed it (was a long time ago though) i think it is generally regarded as the best though

>> No.50907782

And I do have real ones in CS that will never ever be sold. Rehypothecated share MUST close and that entails them being bought from me for astronomical amounts of money. Either I make enough money to destroy the state of Israel and turn Australia and the Sahara desert into rainforests, or I simply live my days in moderate comfort off of divvies with enough money to raise a humble family and treat them well. I'm already winning, why fuck with the formula? Also fuck you too for spreading FUD about not selling on brokerages. If I get rugged... Oh no! I guess I'll ONLY LIVE IN ONE HOUSE AT A TIME INSTEAD OF OWNING 15!

>> No.50907787
File: 42 KB, 478x373, 1655837427125.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.50907788
Quoted by: >>50907800

Reminder: You should only hold shares in brokers that you are ok with getting rugged

This is why 50/50 chads are not going to make it. You're going to Thanos-snap your own portfolio

90/10 chads rise up

>> No.50907800
File: 156 KB, 818x545, fidTOS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>50907926

forgot pic rel


>> No.50907814

I'm DRSing 90% of my stack tomorrow and will wait until phone number prices. This will be my last post.

>> No.50907829
File: 308 KB, 255x204, 1659544903510973.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The new FUD is that (all) brokers will rug so they will sell for low.

>> No.50907830
Quoted by: >>50907917

Cool, then wait for that glorious moment to happen and grab some popcorn to laugh at us then. Meanwhile those shares that were rugged will spell out you not getting ANYWHERE NEAR phone numbers because now that brokerages fucked us, all rehypothecated shares have been closed. They DON'T need to buy real shares, but a real share will only be worth as much as the highest fake share is sold for and not a penny more. But since you're so adamant on believing FUD from the cringe mines, I suggest that if the time comes that you eat kettle cooked popcorn mixed with cheese dust covered popcorn. Savor that moment.

>> No.50907845

it's quite clever and took me a minute to figure out what they were going for

>> No.50907865

I can't wait for brokers will exchange your terrorist stock for new safecoin stock $APE and will kindly cover all taxation costs.

>> No.50907884
File: 414 KB, 714x364, DRSballs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welcome to the Brotherhood, 90/10 Chad

>> No.50907896

fucking this. my fake ass phony XXX shares will only be sold on the way up for the first 70% in batches of 10-20 starting at $20,000,000 (ex 20 shares at 20m and 20 at 50m etc..) and the other 30% will be held until the government eventually steps in and says "sell your shit now or we'll kill all of you" and then I'll sell everything BUT ONE fidelity held share because lulz.

>> No.50907917

>They DON'T need to buy real shares
Small correction: they do, but every share is real and the ones they call fakes are FTDs
As for the brokers rugging, why didn’t that happen in January 2021? Even GoyHood didn’t (inb4, PCO, that’s different and you know it) and congressional testimony said GME was a systemic threat even then

>> No.50907926
Quoted by: >>50907956

fidelity interns monitor this thread. beware.

>> No.50907947

Causes a lot of infighting too. DRS is good. Misinformation is bad. They pushed this shit hard though. We already knew brokers like RobbinHood will rug. Same for other CFD/PFOF brokers. If you bought via exchange, your broker is likely legit unless you opted for lending shares.

>> No.50907956

so? what are they going to do kek

hey intern, go enjoy mimosas at your office happy hour. nothing to see here

>> No.50907972

>Letting random faggot sell share for 1 million and go bankrupt
>Rug him, make pikachu face and send him 40$ refund

Tough choice. Just buy vaseline.

>> No.50907974
Quoted by: >>50907989

You will never DRS 100% of the float. I will never transfer mine. Kek baggies

>> No.50907989

Never was the plan friend. 74.1% is the schizo theory

>> No.50908009
Quoted by: >>50908037

Then why didn't they do that last year?

>> No.50908010

What are they going for? Trying to get people to sell early to avoid being rugged?
I thought it was just thread sliding...

>> No.50908016


They exist so we could mock them forever when it happens.

>> No.50908024
Quoted by: >>50908039

You will never DRS 100% of the float. I will never transfer mine. Kek baggies

>> No.50908035
Quoted by: >>50908082

It's whatever really. DRS all some none in the end it will make no difference

>> No.50908037
Quoted by: >>50908109

I don't give shit about your doubts. Everything have been said. and I scored good karma now fuck off.

>> No.50908039

After 74.1% DRS, get left with smelly pile of FTDs at the mercy of your broker

sorry saggies!

>> No.50908073

it's really good, i still need to play the first one though. i also think you all should let the whole GME thing go, it's not healthy

>> No.50908080
Quoted by: >>50908119

Large brokers don't go bankrupt, and if any do, those shares either go to another brokerage or they're DRS'd automatically. DTCC needs to buy the shares and if they fail then it moves up to the Federal reserve which prints infinite money because our dollar is backed by the power of assured death, courtesy of the United States military. Suck my fat dong, chud.

>> No.50908082

>It's whatever really. DRS all some none in the end it will make no difference
DRSsissies is this true?

>> No.50908085
Quoted by: >>50908108


It possible these anons are niggers or racemixed mutts and they lack frontal neocortex they can't connect dots nor they don't have any imagination to see possible consequences. You can't fix stupid and they need to be left alone. It also feels better if you know some of us will not make it, double joy. Superiority should be rewarded and ignorance punished.

>> No.50908089

Can you set high contingent orders on Fidelity?

>> No.50908094

Well, it’s all true. Remember coomcat?

>> No.50908107
Quoted by: >>50908140

Discord sisters, they've figured us out. We won't be able to sucker 4chud into 100%

>> No.50908108

>they need to be left alone
Lead by example, please. If we’re dumb and there’s no reasoning with us, why are you here?

>> No.50908109

>I scored good karma now fuck off
Listen here, yid. Shemitah ain't over yet, but when it is, I assure you your debt still won't be forgiven. You'll receive no forgiveness until you and your kin are sweating bullets in Gitmo.

>> No.50908119

Everyday criminal government fucks you in the ass and breaks all rules but when moass happens they will be good honest bois and will pay 10 million USD for your 0.1 GME hold in some shady broker. Well, good luck with that.

>> No.50908124
File: 200 KB, 916x1140, 1659169191233613.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember boys, there's


>> No.50908140

Kek, lmao even.

>> No.50908142
File: 123 KB, 770x963, 1660118471972964.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>50908189



>> No.50908152

My schizo senses have been tingling like crazy this whole weekend. If you know you know

>> No.50908159
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>> No.50908172
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Quoted by: >>50908189



>> No.50908180
File: 35 KB, 400x387, 1654732910025.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What will happen if GME announces another 3:1 splividend at the next shareholder meeting? The DRS argument is pretty tired out now, so I'm more curious as to what will happen if brokerages + the DTCC have to deal with another split dividend when they're still sorting through the fallout of the first one?

>> No.50908189

I can't to breed my future wife 10x over

>> No.50908197
File: 166 KB, 540x540, 64sz4u.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're currently winning. Not sure why everyone got so uptight this weekend, but it sure was sus.

>> No.50908198
Quoted by: >>50908227

Huh.. I thought that the left one was balding

>> No.50908206

chaos is only good for us.

>> No.50908218
File: 224 KB, 1000x1000, theonetheonly.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>50908242

gme holders will inherit the earth

>> No.50908227
File: 465 KB, 1512x1134, 1659992899833523.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>50908189 reverse posts ooo
naw that's ther hairclip
we will breed the unvaxxed population which will live with better immune systems and less mental programming
new era means new stock; that's what (((they))) want to do but their own godforsaken way


>> No.50908234
Quoted by: >>50908255


>> No.50908242
Quoted by: >>50908255

>inherit the earth
baggies will be buried holdin their bags

>> No.50908243
Quoted by: >>50909574

even if it was sus, it was truly very good to see so much support for people standing their ground. It proves we're all individual investors with individual plans. DRS MAX shilling won't take over this board and it's very apparent after this weekend. Legit NO ONE is against people DRSing, we're just against FUD trying to dispel our current course of action which we've each set into stone more than 12 months ago.

>> No.50908255

Kek baggies
KEK baggies

>> No.50908257

Please don’t post pictures that tempt me. I want to walk in faith and hold GME righteously. I pray that GME holders will find the strength to use this gift from God to further His glory, and not waste away their opportunity on the fading, hollow pleasures of this world

>> No.50908270
File: 8 KB, 277x150, DeadAlivevideoclip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I buy GME for the LORD.

>> No.50908277
File: 50 KB, 1280x720, 98B841D3-DF3B-4CC0-8830-EBF7AB87413C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would do lines of crack/10

>> No.50908290


>> No.50908292


Listen to this man for once.

>> No.50908310

I only DRS'd 100% because I was afraid there wouldn't be enough dividends to go around. Now that I and everyone else got them no problem, I will be unDRSing 50% back to Fidelity come monday. Does anyone know the process? Do I speak to Fidelity or CS reps? I'm not comfy with all my eggs in one basket

>> No.50908316
File: 28 KB, 225x534, 1660015190063639(3).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry bro but you are in this world not of it. Why constantly fight your impulses when you can transcend them? After all you are the soil which your Lord breathed life into; nothing more than flesh and bone. Does it's calling to reproduce scare you so much? Go beyond it, it is your calling and yours alone

The others need to realize that the love they are afraid to show, to actualize (for lack of better women) is what is the true beauty, that today with lust and love, they find the peak of emotion. Tomorrow, will they, after experiencing all the pleasures of this world due to GME money and RC (pbuh lmfao) still choose the consooming lifestyle or that which benefits all of society for all of eternity?


>> No.50908317
Quoted by: >>50908341

I applaud you. I don't want to do drugs, smoke or drink much, but I will most likely fall into temptation with sugar babies. I don't even want to fight it, but I do however hope I find my wife eventually soon so I can give that sin up. Bless you, anon.

>> No.50908327

Based. Buying AMC

>> No.50908332

Going all in AMC tomorrow at market open

>> No.50908333
File: 41 KB, 472x518, amcock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>please believe the man that unironically tweeted this

>> No.50908336

Did they get me in that split second when i reset my camera? My nut suddenly started hurting.

>> No.50908339
File: 218 KB, 220x123, 49E28248-16D9-4A40-8E63-8621021C16AB.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not balding and no toupee
What about working with Ken Griffin using the super secret frotage handshake? (It’s French for rubbing your pee pees together)

>didn’t deny that one

>> No.50908341
File: 31 KB, 962x872, 1659405427405634.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

While you're here
You might as well fuck bitches get money
Doesn't mean I have to deprive others or hurt the earth; not everyone should have kids anyways

>> No.50908357

That can't be real.
Fuck off, even I don't believe that.

>> No.50908371

it really happened.

>> No.50908374
File: 29 KB, 680x622, 1637878678941.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>50908385


it would have taken you 2 seconds to verify this

>> No.50908385

Alright more specifically I couldn't believe the Hedgefunds would keep someone this actually subhuman in their pay.
We're gonna make so much money off these schleppers if this is who they're relying on.

>> No.50908397
File: 7 KB, 193x261, tono redgrev u hav 2 yil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't you know? The first prerequisite to starting the sneeze as well as wagmiing it is to comprehend the yil

You too, "Stay comfy, comfy weekend /GME/," poster

>> No.50908413
File: 273 KB, 1080x1015, 3C8C2ED2-0F38-4DA1-92B7-13AF7BE834AD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Top kek

>> No.50908476
Quoted by: >>50908538

unironically funnier than anything benchode has tweeted

>> No.50908515

How much has he made selling AMC?

>> No.50908522
Quoted by: >>50908551

around $40 million

>> No.50908527

I really hope this side-arc is given its proper attention in the inevitable movie adaptation

>> No.50908538
Quoted by: >>50908677

I have a feeling he still doesn't understand what he posted.

>> No.50908542
File: 267 KB, 1080x1350, 1658565081953527.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Greatest game of Mafia ever played


>> No.50908551

Not a bad take

>> No.50908565

Why would brokers go bankrupt if people are selling shares for 1m?
I sell, hedgies buy, broker is the middleman. If they aren't short as fuck, there is 0 risk.

I keep asking this but somehow never get an answer.

>> No.50908569
File: 38 KB, 599x449, 1659646546059969.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>its real

>> No.50908621

Need a wrinkle brain ape for that

>> No.50908637
Quoted by: >>50908664

Someone better call D (bigdick) Lauer to debunk and/or rebunk me.

>> No.50908664
File: 278 KB, 640x800, 1660227560264848.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking kek

I backed off when I heard he was MOSSAD
(((They're))) plugging the holes their style
The cabal is anything but it utilizes fall guys and cleanup boys; that beard, nigga looks like a janny


>> No.50908676
Quoted by: >>50908719

Isn't it because if your broker is PFOF/CFD you don't really own shares. (Since it's a IOU/FTD) Remember when people on robinhood moved their shares and the average price was different from their purchase price, if for example they moved to Fidelity.

>> No.50908677
File: 301 KB, 750x748, 1658601165649926.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hence the funny

>> No.50908687
File: 234 KB, 1080x1483, 993DF1D3-3B04-4253-B1D8-F6941DC82DD3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.50908717

What a sleazy boomer.

>> No.50908719
Quoted by: >>50908781

The whole play is that IOU/synthetics are real shares until sold/cleared.

If brokers can say "your shares are fake, sorry, you can't sell for market price" the moass is off anyways.
There's still a case for a squeeze mind you, but that would eliminate that vast majority of buy pressure.

There's this weird focus on having "real shares", when this entire thing hinges on all shares being considered real.

>> No.50908728

What's the odds of their investors hanging them from a tree after the rug gets pulled?

>> No.50908749
Quoted by: >>50909014

Enough of bagholdind.

Consider selling tomorrow

>> No.50908754
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>> No.50908781

synthetic shares are legally real shares, they would be grandfathered in as such and that is their problem.

>> No.50909014


>> No.50909407
File: 102 KB, 826x1242, moass45.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>should vest in
Meaning, he'll have 1-2 million more shares he can sell. Most of his followers probably read it as "invest" tho.

>> No.50909420


>> No.50909487

ownership of what? you dont even have ownership of your shares nigger lol

>> No.50909521

oh yeah so there not going to rug meme stock degenerates to save their business with retirement accounts and insurance??? You seem to forget all the money were getting is gonna come out of every boomer's pocket.

>> No.50909574

>were smart because we hold our investments in places where they don’t handle them according to our wishes
Geniuses, you’re right