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>> No.28702249

You should have lead with fuck you bitch

>> No.28702257

Holy crap anon, she was testing to see if you were a beta that immediately freaked out instead of being able to make fun of himself in confidence, you just blew a date night

>> No.28702295

is that from your mom?

>> No.28702348

If you ask a woman to be your valentine and she says you must be joking, fuck you is an appropriate response

>> No.28702378
File: 9 KB, 250x202, pd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>talks to a woman

>> No.28702385
Quoted by: >>28703453

Weak. The correct response was:
>You're gonna be my valentine, whether you like it or not.
Now try again.

>> No.28702390
Quoted by: >>28702755

LOL stacklet
6 fig hell is real

>> No.28702394

>1st shit test
>fail miserabely
you're probably gonna sell the dip so just give up now

>> No.28702431

calm down OP

>> No.28702452

Calm down

>> No.28702459

you're ngmi in crypto and irl, how did you fuck it up this bad anon

>> No.28702473

Interacting with any members of the female race is a sign of future bad financial decisions

>> No.28702474
Quoted by: >>28709394

>heh... y-yes i was just kidding... w-we're still friends right?

>> No.28702482

you'll never have a woman. enjoy your incel homo life with cuntpajeets and faggets, insecure little bitch

>> No.28702502

You do not need the bitch my friend

>> No.28702536

>fuck you bitch
dangerously based

>> No.28702542

You could have navigated that sooo much better.

>> No.28702548
Quoted by: >>28703910

post poorfolio and skin colour please

>> No.28702554

send her dick pics. Also post dick pics here

>> No.28702563
File: 263 KB, 578x790, good shit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fuck you bitch

>> No.28702580
File: 122 KB, 720x698, FB02F1D2-B9E7-463A-801D-19AFD437AD28.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That’s what you get for gay-ass “want to be my Valentine” line lol holy shit. Just ask if she wants to hang out then put the moves on her. That’s also when you tell her about your Eth (or when you should have been telling her)

>> No.28702587
Quoted by: >>28702869

simp detected

>> No.28702670

should have just invited her into a restaurant without mentioning valentines, and if she said no then just answer "ok" and go on with your life.
.t another sperg

>> No.28702694

>fuck you bitch
kek, confirmed for autistic, she was testing waters, a bit more of a push and you could had gotten a date.

>> No.28702726
File: 924 KB, 1033x670, 1612798174656.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ayyo mane gibs me dat "efferyums" before I pop yo ass nigga

>> No.28702755

Why exactly do we call it 6 figure hell?

>> No.28702768

Could not have said it any better

>> No.28702821
File: 2 KB, 96x125, 1593368478809seethe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fuck you bitch

>> No.28702842
File: 101 KB, 362x250, 1612981948369.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fuck you bitch
Eternal roastie BTFO

>> No.28702844

She was testing you. You blew it by sperking out and not pushing further.

>> No.28702852


>> No.28702863

You'll never BE a woman you fucking newfag

>> No.28702869

don't what what "a simp" is, but i have a 10/10 wife and a bunch of (real life) friends because i know how to talk to people and not be an incel homo retard like OP. sounds like you're just another incel homo so enjoy your hand for the rest of your life, because that's all you'll be getting, you sad faggot

>> No.28702873

at least he got a match, simping faggot

>> No.28702875
Quoted by: >>28707560

>Why exactly do we call it 6 figure hell?
Because it's enough money that the swings are hard to stomach, but it's no where near enough money to quit your job and retire.
Hence, 6 figure hell, 7 figure purgatory, 8 figure made it.

>> No.28702894
File: 128 KB, 750x920, 1611618677198.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're a majestic creature OP

>> No.28702916


>> No.28702955
Quoted by: >>28703324

it's also a sign of getting pussy. but of course, homos like you don't care or even know about any of that, lol

>> No.28702964
Quoted by: >>28703114

you unironically had a chance until you sperg'd out on her

>> No.28702971


>> No.28703091

Throw a kippah in the rolling so not everybody wins

>> No.28703105

All you retards she wasn't going our with him did you even read her fucking message jesus christ

>> No.28703114
Quoted by: >>28703228

I'm autistic, how did he have a chance? It looks like she's implying that going out on a date with him is some sort of joke and that he's undesirable?

>> No.28703149

Enough money to feel rich, not enough to live rich.

>> No.28703153

lol you're a faggot bro

>> No.28703165

gibs me dem rollerinos

>> No.28703166
Quoted by: >>28703306

>fuck you bitch

16 year old mongloid confirmed. You should have said nothing if you were serious, now you just look like the douche al the memes are about, are you mayne a marrocon? Turkish or any of that other shit cancers retard countries? It would make total sense

>inb4 larp

>> No.28703199
Quoted by: >>28703794

>You should have lead with fuck you bitch
this but unironically

>> No.28703219

Never show interest in women, ever

>> No.28703220

have sex

>> No.28703222
File: 665 KB, 900x900, 9FB4C871-E16B-4BAE-8B2F-456D4D27293F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all the incels defending the roastie and ripping on op for saying fuck you to that whorebag
You guys are fucking pathetic. Being a white night on an anonymous anime forum will NEVER get you losers laid. Keep dreaming though. OP is based

>> No.28703228

he didn't, don't listen to these imbecil homos. anyone that would talk to a girl like this will never have female company.

>> No.28703238

>You should have lead with fuck you bitch
This would have got you laid

>> No.28703259
File: 178 KB, 1080x1292, 1610631895284.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28703269

poo in loo

>> No.28703306

yep, OP thought it would be funny and post it here.

the girl probably also screencapped the convo and posted it on some similar girl forum and they're laughing about this idiot homo that couldn't even get a date

>> No.28703324
File: 11 KB, 447x378, 1588114fb07ce9846bb16ffbedb69b8c0e5a40ad18519952a1ac6e84c6bca7bf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I put my peepee in a meat hole
>this is the most important goal

>> No.28703353

show bob and vagene answer me you stupid bitch

>> No.28703387
Quoted by: >>28703539

enjoy sucking incel dick you sad little faggot, i for one enjoy getting pussy on the regular

>> No.28703433
File: 23 KB, 307x307, 1613237427387.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28703578

Struck a nerve didn't I? Sorry not sorry

>> No.28703444

"fuck you bitch i have 150 ETH" should have been your opening line

>> No.28703453

This. Why even ask her? Just inform her of the fact.

>> No.28703539

when you stop being a horny young faggot you'll realize that lusting after their holes is nothing but a curse you live with for life

>> No.28703546


>> No.28703562

Nobody is defending the girl. It's just that OP seems pathetic/needy in the text.

>> No.28703574
Quoted by: >>28704451

Never tell people how much money you have, ya focking idiot.

>> No.28703578
File: 254 KB, 785x1000, 1557725365465.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28703957

>Struck a nerve didn't I? Sorry not sorry

>> No.28703660

What's your endgoal? I'm guessing no kids?

>> No.28703706

>fuck you bitch
Based, don't listen to the AIDS-infected cucks ITT.

>> No.28703737
Quoted by: >>28704004

oh thanks faggot I'll tell my wife I got some new info from a virgin on 4chan and no longer need to fuck cause he gave me a new purpose of calling women with slurs on an internet forum

ahhhahahah kys you sad cunt

>> No.28703739

Checked, true, red pulled, but also maximum incel. Jesus Christ, everybody screaming “you fucked up” are as retarded as the “eww girls” edgelords. All of you, stop jerking off to cuck porn and go outside. Get some vitamin D.

>> No.28703794


>> No.28703843
Quoted by: >>28706315

What are your goals, anon? To live in a human storage facility playing vidya until you decay?

>> No.28703898
File: 40 KB, 800x450, 1610124838110.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

eww, girls? No thanks.

>> No.28703904

>no guise, you have to jump through all the hoops, we call it shit-testing
Pussy isn't scarce, and I'm not a dog begging for scraps.

>> No.28703910

You first

>> No.28703957
File: 7 KB, 320x180, 1611010268126.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28704173

If you can't handle even the slightest insults thrown around here when someone is trying to tell you why the dumb cunt responded the way she did, maybe don't come and post on a chinese girl cartoon forum seethe harder

>> No.28704000

alright let's see it

>> No.28704004
Quoted by: >>28704288

>I get pussy on the reg bros
>incel faggots
>oh that pussy I get is from my wife
Your wife is probably a fat annoying cunt that makes all your decisions for you. You aint no chad, you probably married the first chick that let you fuck her

>> No.28704062

>I have a wife
I'm the nigger that got her high and used her up before you even met her. Enjoy my semen, beta simp.

>> No.28704089

SS please

>> No.28704093

ok nice trips so im erwin rommel at his prime

>> No.28704146

Yeah, he could have been smoother with it.
Not that cored out holes care one bit about romance.
She wanted gifts/bribes from someone attractive

>> No.28704164
File: 876 KB, 576x1024, 1599083006327.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28704173
File: 47 KB, 591x631, 1609529072084.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28704285

what are you even assuming you small dick azn virgin? you're the one that started youing me from my meme.

>> No.28704208

it's another retarded larp just laugh it off like I did with the other retard and move on

>> No.28704210


>> No.28704214
File: 36 KB, 641x530, 1532040826687.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude just send me eth and i'll give you nudes, thats not even tinder

>> No.28704229

imagine actually getting baited this hard

>> No.28704235

Children > community > inventions > money

>> No.28704264


>> No.28704285
Quoted by: >>28704378

your point?

>> No.28704288

Actually a perfect 10 that sucks my dick whenever I want. Jelly? You'll never have that kid.

You've never even seen a pussy you homo. Go back to sucking your dad's dick lol.

>> No.28704304


fug yeah

>> No.28704321

Are you a redhead by a chance?

>> No.28704339
Quoted by: >>28704371

>don't what what "a simp" is
It's you cuck

>> No.28704360

Sieg Heil

>> No.28704371


Cool comment bro. Enjoy living and dying alone incel homo :'D

>> No.28704378
File: 1.85 MB, 400x392, 1612153755144.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>move on
and have sex lol

>> No.28704411
Quoted by: >>28704475

bro why do you feel the need to justify to randoms online, you got issues man

>> No.28704416

It's called a shit test and he failed

>> No.28704451

only real based guy in this whole stinking thread

>> No.28704475

pretty sure you're the one with issues, incel homo

>> No.28704486
Quoted by: >>28704745


>> No.28704511
Quoted by: >>28705114

Only sane response “ah, I thought you’d be chill with some fun, talk to you later”

>> No.28704526
Quoted by: >>28704754

No, that wasn't
She just thought of him as an orbiter
If she thought of him at all

>> No.28704565

>still seething
I thought as much. good luck to you

>> No.28704591


>> No.28704616

okay redditor

>> No.28704670

>a beta that immediately freaked out instead of being able to make fun of himself in confidence
that is not the move here
debasing yourself in front of some whore will get you nowhere profitable

>> No.28704745

kek at least you have coped and come to terms

>> No.28704754

this bitches obsess over you when they are down to fuck they would never try to shit test you

>> No.28704878

this is how you end up with an entire society of single mothers married to the state and a society more concerned with feelings than furthering it's own existence

>> No.28704914

>you should kill your ego for a whore of a woman. It only INCREASE her ego to an insane level, only to ghost you after 1-2 more sentences.
I HATE simps

>> No.28704929

What the fuck is your obsession with incel cock sucking? If you are baiting you're pretty dedicated

>> No.28704976

Dude she was excited. It wasn't
>Oh my god I can't believe this creep is hitting on me!
It was
>Oh my god I can't believe he's interested!

>> No.28704987

rollerino baby

>> No.28705005
Quoted by: >>28705222

The line before fuck you bitch is the actual problem here.

>> No.28705045

>you must be joking OMG I know you’re joking right?
The proper response to this is no response at all, after enough time has passed she will feel bad for being a bitch and you come out as an straight shooting alpha chad good guy who was showing interest and she fucked it up.

>> No.28705089

81-85 roll

>> No.28705097


>> No.28705114
Quoted by: >>28706746

This, though not phrased like a cringey rapper wannabe

>> No.28705193


>> No.28705194
Quoted by: >>28711185

Or this. One of the two

>> No.28705222
Quoted by: >>28710924

Silent treatment is the best.
If she already finds you unattractive. you won’t be able to change her “logic” by texts.
And if she is ACTUALLY likes you, silent treatment with give an upper hand

>> No.28705254


>> No.28705313


>> No.28705324
Quoted by: >>28705581

>You should be happy that I'm acknowledging your existence you whore... I give you a chance to be with me out of pity and this is how you act? Grow a pear... Pfft

>> No.28705437


>> No.28705439


>> No.28705462
File: 393 KB, 342x342, 1556125465822.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28705739

>fuck you bitch
chad move

>> No.28705581
File: 1.94 MB, 640x358, E43F9AC1-EBF3-40EE-9CC2-7E8BE4B548C0.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28705842

>grow a pear

>> No.28705584

>chatting to women
OP you are a fucking beta faggot and deserve the rope

>> No.28705611

Rolling for grandpa who is chilling in Bariloche.

>> No.28705642
File: 1.74 MB, 177x150, 1592153429263.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

keep that luck, you need it if you ever hope to have sex lol

>> No.28705735
Quoted by: >>28708670

do you have a valentine?
want to be my valentine?
>LOl good joke
>waiting for gigchad
>turns 30
>why am I still single

>> No.28705739

Still have PTSD from that shitcoin.

>> No.28705793

Wrong! I run through "perfect 10s" regularly. They're all cokeheads, and you probably are too.

>> No.28705837

yeah, but chances are the won't even know what the fuck that is. Normies don't know eth, just bitcoin and doge.

>> No.28705842

>I'm sorry for saying that to you I just get frustrated sometimes
>Please ignore that :) I'm a really nice guy

>> No.28705909


And yet you're here

>> No.28705919

yea, it is a test. if a woman does this shit, she's failed the test. don't play retarded games and soft manipulation. not worth the time or effort.

>> No.28705940

LMFAO she deserved it, she didn’t have to say the you’re joking part

>> No.28705951


>> No.28705955
File: 25 KB, 320x320, external-content.duckduckgo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28705972

As soon as you get a bitch because she knows you have money, considered that money lost fren. No pussy is worth losing lots of money over. If you need to fuck just get a whore, much more cost effective.

>> No.28705978

This. Women will walk all over a beta, and the second you show weakness it's all over. Best to assert dominance from the get-go.

>> No.28705999

You actually should temper your ego at least to the point where self-deprecating humor is an option in some cases, but for yourself, not anyone else. Taking yourself too seriously is almost always a curse.

>> No.28706033

"Okay sweetheart, you just have missed on the chance of being with the richest guy you could have had."

Then never respond to her again and just enjoy the shit out of those messages.

>> No.28706049

Check em

>> No.28706182


>> No.28706315
Quoted by: >>28709250

I plan to go down in history alongside 9/11 and Ted Kaczynski.

>> No.28706341


>> No.28706342
File: 1.04 MB, 5000x2625, 1613281788745.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28706445
Quoted by: >>28706672

Rolling for 66

>> No.28706469

>6 figures in crypto
>0 knowledge of relationships

You'll get taken to the cleaners and lose all your money in divorce.

>> No.28706513

im rolling bro

>> No.28706648

>female race

Nigga what

>> No.28706672
Quoted by: >>28706847

Rolled that too
Gendarmerie is a fucking weird concept to me, man
They're supposed to be kind of a full blown army sized SWAT team?

>> No.28706746

how exactly is that phrased like a rapper wannabe? Spell it out.

>> No.28706762

>he doesn't know

>> No.28706802
File: 137 KB, 774x743, 1481573425535.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He doesn't know their phenotype

>> No.28706847

they're part of the military, but for shit happening inside France. like counter domestic terrorism for example.

>> No.28706867

she honestly doesnt seem worth it but it doesnt matter because you are going to do what you want anyway.

>> No.28706889

lol this. great job showing her what a mentally unstable schizoid you are

>> No.28706913
File: 1006 KB, 372x298, 1610030308837.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>kill your ego
OP could've just said "no, I'm serious."

"Fuck you bitch" is incel-tier overreaction. He might as well ask for bobs and vegana.

>> No.28706958
File: 179 KB, 454x456, 62317308-55D6-4DFD-A939-CCA8A3169CCA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28708551

>roastie worthless dumpster trash seething this hard
What is with leftist and everything revolving around sex? Truly degenerate and disturbing behavior. Sex isn’t even that great.

>> No.28707007

>fuck you!
>also I’m rich!
flawless pickup strategy

>> No.28707014

Thiss.. jesus christ this. How fucking blind are you people. If you're attractive enough you don't have to try. Any awkward things you say or do would be seen by girls as "omg hes so funny and isnt afraid to be himself. Wow much confidence..."

>> No.28707057


>> No.28707071

Women are the Jews and Blacks of the sexes, somehow getting the worst traits from both. It's really hard finding the Bobby Fischer's and Thomas Sowell's of women.

>> No.28707096


>> No.28707280

This but unironically.

>> No.28707323

If he had just said "fuck you bitch", or better yet, just "fuck you" that would have been fine, but because he had the previous message where he's trying to talk her into it it sounds sincerely mad rather than just like a response to banter.

>> No.28707330
Quoted by: >>28708635

women dont like guys who have self-deprecating humor. the only time they like that when the guy is already a greek god in looks or a billionaire or both

>> No.28707356
File: 366 KB, 593x580, 1598314569746.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck you bitch! good answer

>> No.28707523

>being triggered in 2 messages
you have a lot to learn

>> No.28707560

>7 figure purgatory
I am supposed to be looking for a job but why bother
my god this is so miserable, wish I never made 7 figures

>> No.28707743

The good news is you know what not to do the next time you text a woman

>> No.28707931


>> No.28708014
File: 860 KB, 960x620, 18687437.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i just bought your bag and your bitch

>> No.28708411
Quoted by: >>28708663

>"Fuck you bitch"
Agree on that one
That bitch needed silent treatment

>> No.28708416


>> No.28708502

And why that girl can’t use self depreciation on her own?

>> No.28708510

That's the most autistic response you could've given lmao

>> No.28708519

Stop texting yourself retard

>> No.28708551
File: 123 KB, 1068x1011, blek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you pic will haunt my dreams tonight

>> No.28708591
File: 7 KB, 190x265, 1611707734833.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fuck you bitch
Kek, top autism here

>> No.28708603

>Guy asks you out
>You laugh in his face
She deserved it

>> No.28708635

What women really don't like are "men" who purposely adjust their behavior according to what they believe women like. Women like men who exude genuine confidence in themselves. Usually overly serious men who can't make or take jokes about their person do not emanate confidence, even if they believe otherwise.

>> No.28708663
Quoted by: >>28708803

SIlence hurts more. after she texted lol I wouldnt have texted her back again.

>> No.28708670

And then
>where are the good men go?
>that’s GUYS fault that I am single

>> No.28708694
File: 95 KB, 1280x720, wde.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28708750
Quoted by: >>28708870

If you're a desperate incel... then yes

>> No.28708770

Stop harassing your cousin

>> No.28708803
Quoted by: >>28709600

Yes, him trying to fix it by saying “but what’s wrong with going out with me, it’s not like you have a date or anything” is just depreciating as fuck.
He basically lowered himself as if he is not valuable enough.

>> No.28708829
Quoted by: >>28708965

She's interested in your looks but you're a beta autist that basically asked her to be his gf before even having a conversation. How sad for her.

>> No.28708870

No “desperation” for pussy means that you try to “smooth talk them” in to saying yes, instead of picking up what’s left of your manlihood and exit the chat

>> No.28708879

actually you're a degenerate neet posting on an Australian kangaroo hunting forum

>> No.28708965
File: 39 KB, 720x746, 1612013601220.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28709578

Why would I want to converse with a female?

>> No.28708971

boom there it is

>> No.28708991

if you tell her you have 150 ETH she will probably cringe and laugh at you for being in 6 figure hell and all in ETH

>> No.28708996
File: 274 KB, 464x507, 1612471926458.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>asking to be someones valentine
kids are not allowed on this board.

>> No.28709018

Rolling for Kreigsmarine.

>> No.28709031

>should I tell her how I have 150 ethereum?
Anon you should write that in your bio.

>> No.28709063

Enjoy the divorce faggot

>> No.28709190

I am literally hitler.

>> No.28709225

The proper response to "shit testing" is a beating.

>> No.28709250

irrefutably based

>> No.28709291

>don't what what "a simp" is
overdid it anon

>> No.28709312
File: 186 KB, 640x640, 1608557100088.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>should I tell her how I have 150 ethereum?
"alright, i'll take my 150 eth elsewhere. have a nice 2 figure day"

>> No.28709355
Quoted by: >>28709501

>the absolute state of this pic
kek you pathetic piece of shit
assuming that its true obviously

>> No.28709394


>> No.28709406

also check em

>> No.28709438
Quoted by: >>28709531

Why the duck would you tell her about your ETH?

>> No.28709453

I wouldn't know, they've always said yes lol

>> No.28709501

fuck off roastie

>> No.28709531

Dab on her

>> No.28709547

>hurr she's just shit testing him
this is beta cope.
If a girl likes you she says yes fullstop, no ifs no buts.

>> No.28709557

Ok boomer

>> No.28709578

I do to feel her out and see if she is worth my time. But that probably isn't a concern of yours.

>> No.28709600
File: 33 KB, 541x541, 1610302001226.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What's wrong with me, aren't I attractive?
When I was a teenager, I said this to a girl. I laugh now, but I still feel humiliating pain and regret. I fucking loved her. Forget about ever talking to the girl again, she'll avoid you and think of you as nothing more than a sea urchin.

The best and only option is to shrug it off and fuck another girl, and have her find out about through someone else. If she has a sister, fuck her, that's even better.

>> No.28709654

Holy fucking shit lmfao

>> No.28709705

33 sirs

>> No.28709797

holy fuck OP, plz be a larp

>> No.28709855

Umm yeah I’m finna roll

>> No.28709868
File: 159 KB, 1028x1491, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

correct response

>> No.28709880

I hope this is a joke

>> No.28709890

Correct. Orbiter's don't get shit tests. They get ridiculed if they try and step out of their box which is what happened. Potential mates and current mates get shit tests until the mate fails enough for the female to seek a superior male specimen.

>> No.28709938

Heil Hitler

>> No.28709945

Based op i personally would have gone for; Whatever bitch.

Not related but Generally the best insults as a whole are usually the shortest and the most unique/absurs ones, it makes them remember it better.

The betas ripping on you itt know they wouldnt even have courage to talk shit back to women who insult them, that's why they're upset lol.

>> No.28709964
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>> No.28709966
Quoted by: >>28710087

Correct. Would have got OP laid (or at least a date) because it showed confidence, and thus, to the woman, the leadership and bravery characteristics she felt the orbiter lacking; its the only way to get out of the friendzone/orbiter status but if she rejects then you've got to get out and stay out fast.

>> No.28710013

Just ignore her, that's your best bet.

>> No.28710044
Quoted by: >>28710087

Would've made for a better convo at least. I wish he went with this.

>> No.28710045
Quoted by: >>28710440


>> No.28710079


>> No.28710087
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>> No.28710162
Quoted by: >>28710512

Incel containment thread

>> No.28710196
File: 120 KB, 634x815, laughing mel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28710252


>> No.28710283

What color are her eyes and I'll tell you if you're with a 10

>> No.28710328

>1 post by this ID

>> No.28710340


>> No.28710342


>> No.28710357

oh what the hell, roll.

>> No.28710380
Quoted by: >>28712472

Never hit on a girl ever, got lots of girls though. Probably because attractive muscular and 6"2.... Life not fair, I watched lots of manlets try and try and still fail. I just sit in a corner and get the vaganna. Not bragging, just how it works though, women are bots, they are programmed to want certain shit. Funny thing is even if they want you, you resent them for being shallow, you also notice the ones they don't want resent them also for being shallow....

>> No.28710435


>> No.28710440

>spams xj
>ID is xj
What the fuck

>> No.28710454


>> No.28710460
Quoted by: >>28710592

Admittedly, I've lurked on reddit longer than 4chan so if I'm regarded as a newfag from plebbit, I'll take the heat.

I haven't read the other replies, anon but I'll give my 2 cents.

If someone gives you shit, specifically women, just take it in stride, smile, and either move on or stand ground with calm confidence. Never let them affect your mood. Your happiness is your priority and absolutely paramount. Stooping down to that level lessens you, and you are a Chad with them 150 eths; she needs to upgrade to you.

It's their nature to fuck with us. But remember, you are wiser than that, anon.

>> No.28710461

she will never love you manlet

>> No.28710512
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>> No.28710522
Quoted by: >>28711302

Jesus don’t you faggots know anything about dating or negotiations? You come to the table with some shit you know they won’t accept.
>I want you to lick my asshole while I piss in your sisters face
Then they counter offer
>Umm what the fuck? Get out of here creep before I call the police!
Then you assert your position of power
>My father is a judge, the bribe to have the case dropped would be less than my bar tab, I have 1000 BTC, and can afford a better legal team than the local tax payers can. There is literally nothing you can do poor slut.
This should cause hesitation. This is when you should peacock.
>I can also afford a yacht, beach house in the Keys, and a Lambo. If you take care of me I can take care of you.
This will illicit rage from your competitor.
>I dont give a fuck what you have get away from me creep!
Now is when you make it about more than the two of you.
>I can take care of your family. Conversely I can have some italian friends of mine TAKE CARE of your family.
This should catch them off guard. Before they can reconsider hit them with your real offer and sweeten the deal for them.
>I want your sister to lick my asshole while I piss on your face. And Ill buy you a puppy.

Works every time anons.

>> No.28710534

>i have a 10/10 wife
Whatever gets you to sleep at night

>> No.28710577
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Quoted by: >>28710679

agreed, should of replied in a confident and funny way. afterall, why would you care about being rejected if you were high value and could get another girl, when op sperged out hate, he just proved himself a loser

>> No.28710586

>Can I smell your feet
This, but unironically.

>> No.28710592
Quoted by: >>28710800

>hey guys reddit here

>> No.28710658

I guarantee you, no one in this thread is hooking up with internet chicks with the intention of raising kids.

>> No.28710679
Quoted by: >>28712102

never been mean to women just honest, that is brutal enough to destroy most of them.

>> No.28710714

Wow that's peak fucking copium lmao

Keep replying non-chalantly op lol


>> No.28710717

lol and I thought OP was a cringecel

>> No.28710800


>> No.28710831
Quoted by: >>28711058

No you don't lol

>> No.28710910
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>> No.28710924
Quoted by: >>28712990

No it won’t, she’ll go talk to someone who pays attention to her. There are dozens of dudes who would give her the time and attention that most women crave. They’re overgrown children who need constant attention and praise. Just don’t overdo it.

>> No.28710926
File: 119 KB, 1000x1000, 047FE4EE-8EB6-4C2F-AE03-01B2CBB77F9B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pretty sure you're the one with issues
Kek, says the one getting this triggered on a Cambodian ass licking forum

>> No.28710965


>> No.28711058

he might, i do. not that im making posts bragging about it in that fashion cause youre just gonna get called a larp. I definitely dont automatically assume its a lie because its not for me, but i do assume the people who immediately call larp have prob not been hittin dimes their whole life

>> No.28711069
File: 93 KB, 385x390, 450064DF-27F5-41AC-9B15-E61AACDD612B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek wtf

>> No.28711095

Only good post ITT.

>> No.28711185

or your ID and forget about it

>> No.28711223

Incredibly based

>> No.28711242
File: 166 KB, 552x577, f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also nah.

The correct response was to delete the contact. Not bitch out like a sperg. I get it, putting yourself on a limb and it being called a joke hurts. Don't deal with shit tests though, don't react to them either. Shrug it off and go make more crypto. Disregard females. Acquire currency.

>> No.28711253

She was flirting. Her text clearly shows that she was excited. Op blew it up.

>> No.28711302


>> No.28711336

>why isn't he picking up the cues?!
Gee. I wonder why a mongolian basket weaving forum filled with autistics does this?

>> No.28711347

>be OP
>how can I distract biz from making money today?
>they’re all a bunch of incels so I’ll just come up with an over the top Valentine’s Day psyop
>gets friend to help him
You’re all a bunch of retards for falling for this

>> No.28711358

for me, its the German Reichsbahn Cap for Supervisory Personnel

>> No.28711373


>> No.28711451


>> No.28711462

like i said earlier, OP's a faggot.

>> No.28711535

C'mon get me a good one

>> No.28711556


>> No.28711577

>i watch numbers go up and down on a screen
>this is the most important goal
Biz is mostly virgins eh

>> No.28711637

Nope, just tell her she's a stupid cunt then go to church and find a virginal 16-18 year old wife instead. Pay her daddy a dowry, whatever needs to be done. Fuck these r-selected whores, their days are numbered.

>> No.28711663
File: 23 KB, 320x320, 498DE935-7724-41BE-855F-E0B95D3EE3D2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>OP right now

>> No.28711724

selling a burning 97 for 8000 keys

>> No.28711744
Quoted by: >>28712200

bro u should have said, "haha anyways I'm gonna get drunk and bake cookies u are welcome to join" this is a instathot insta fuck strategy

>> No.28711757
Quoted by: >>28711951

You're retarded, she didn't reply hence the fuck you.

Notice "calm down", no oh sorry, my bad or anything lmao

>The correct response was to delete the contact. Not bitch out like a sperg.
There is absolutely nothing wrong with showing contempt dissatisfaction. You don't get ahead in life by just accepting things like some normalfag loser.

>> No.28711859

>acts like a cunt
i get that women have dick thrown at them on the daily but laughing at someone when they ask you out isnt "giving hints"

>> No.28711886

Unironically based.

>> No.28711902

you have to treat women like humans, not goddesses
picture her taking a shit before thinking about communicating

>> No.28711938


>> No.28711951
Quoted by: >>28712273

Spoken like a true 4chan incel

>> No.28712045


>> No.28712102
File: 500 KB, 476x1000, 1612900527223.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>When the truth breaks their social conditioning bullshit

>> No.28712108

should've doubled down and sent a pick of your dinkle

>> No.28712113


>> No.28712158

Are you 12?

>> No.28712200
File: 2.65 MB, 1920x1080, [SNSbu] One Room - 08 (BD 1920x1080 x265 FLAC)- [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28712534

Of all the replies this is the best. I would change it a bit though:
>Too bad, I already put the cookies in the oven, it would be troublesome if I have to eat all of them.
And if she still responds negatively:
>You're welcome to join the fun if you change opinion, see ya.

>> No.28712264
File: 85 KB, 469x359, 32320222.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.28712273
Quoted by: >>28712387

Give me a break with the cope goober, we all know you'd let any chick spit in your mouth like this without even saying shit any time of day.

>> No.28712278

Signing up

>> No.28712387

Have sex

>> No.28712417


>> No.28712472

Yep. Even the nicest cutest ones

>> No.28712534
Quoted by: >>28712810

>Too bad, I already put the cookies in the oven, it would be troublesome if I have to eat all of them.
Kek, WTF. You just turned his laid back into response into some faggy incel dad joke
>go ahead and eat a whole tray of cookies by yourself fatass

>> No.28712549


>> No.28712810

It's called teasing. You just give her the opportunity to join "just to help you eat those cookies, then". Which both of you know is a non-issue and you make clear you are fine and will have fun anyway. At the same time that you make clear you were serious in your offer you also tell her you didn't give it much tought.

>> No.28712866


This. Anyone who disagrees is just LARPing about not being a literal virgin.

>> No.28712895


>> No.28712978
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>> No.28712990

>No it won’t, she’ll go talk to someone who pays attention to her. There are dozens of dudes who would give her the time and attention that most women crave.
And I said they won’t?
Which one do you prefer? Smooth talking and apologies for asking her on a a date? Or just cut her loose?
If she doesn’t like you , NOTHING helps

>> No.28713004
Quoted by: >>28713218

Ask me how I know you’ve never actually been touched by a woman

>> No.28713010
Quoted by: >>28713223

But I have. I hope you enjoy being a tampon for the rest of your life kek

>> No.28713045

i'm pretty sure she was joking too you fucking pussy
next time reserve the 'fuck you'. if someone shits on you take it in stride and move on, you never know when people will be useful going forward so why burn bridges for no reason

>> No.28713214
Quoted by: >>28713273


Wrong. Don't even be mad at her. Why let a woman take your power away by controlling you?

>> No.28713218
File: 178 KB, 1621x1080, Sora ad-lib.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28713469

Please, go ahead.

>> No.28713223
Quoted by: >>28713458

>But I have

>> No.28713273

how is that wrong, we are saying the same thing

>> No.28713310
Quoted by: >>28713470

>you never know when people will be useful going forward so why burn bridges for no reason
>shitting on your for asking her on a date
>dont burn bridges for NO REASON
If she can’t even stop herself from trying to humiliate op, she doesn’t worth anything for him later on in life

>> No.28713458

.t Living tampon

>> No.28713469
Quoted by: >>28713766

Because you just gave a paragraph of faggyness analyzing a fucking sentence like some retarded shit test you’ve seen online or on tv about dating advice

>> No.28713470
Quoted by: >>28713841

>she doesn’t worth anything for him
okay rajesh

>> No.28713536


>> No.28713603


>> No.28713754


>> No.28713766

I don't have to think too much about it because it just comes natural but anon had trouble understanding it so I just tried to unpack what was going on in that interaction and I think I synthesized it quite well if I say so myself.

>> No.28713823

rollerino peperino

>> No.28713841

I am phone posting faggot.
I don’t give a fuck about grammar here.