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File: 184 KB, 1517x1085, GMEmooningsoon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
27809999 No.27809999 [Reply] [Original]

We are here.

This is the chart from a guy that has insider knowledge. He draw the lines 26th january. And he was right so far.

They pushed down the price with all manipulation tactics they got. They have to get rid of their shorts today and monday.

You'll see.

>> No.27810041
File: 10 KB, 327x239, 1551071445534.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27810045
File: 26 KB, 1592x52, Schermafbeelding 2021-02-05 om 12.55.33.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im sorry anon-kun

>> No.27810071


>> No.27810147
File: 47 KB, 598x714, 1518552102829.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27810261

lol source

>> No.27810303

Checked and based

>> No.27810322

this bitcoin chart ?

>> No.27810340
Quoted by: >>27816912

Checked top fucking quads
I hope this isn't a larp you actually holding OP?
I've got no reason to sell rn since I'd gain next to nothing back and in fairness I have made a wee bit of profit because one of my hands are paper and the other is diamond.

>> No.27810377

really gonna be a VW repeat?

>> No.27810378
Quoted by: >>27810713

Who TF still holds GME? I sold that stonk for 300% gains when it was $17. When reddit knows, that's when you get out.

>> No.27810392

He is German and works for Deutsche Bank.

See his post here: https://drachenschanze.com/threads/b%C3%B6rse-aktien-und-andere-investments.495/page-106#post-393962

And here is the chart:

>> No.27810436
File: 187 KB, 1235x1090, yRgxM3q.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're all going to make it bagholder bros and sisters.
We just have to believe. To the moon!

>> No.27810442

Yes. Why is everyone so stupid to think that all those blockages, SV shills, hacks and short ladders were just for nothing?

>> No.27810506
Quoted by: >>27814736


What broker do you use to buy stock?
I assume you're Dutch or Flemish?

>> No.27810546

Alright, guess I'll buy back in

>> No.27810577

GME or RUBICON what is better?

>> No.27810607
Quoted by: >>27810811

up 15% premarket

>> No.27810636


>Diet Shasta

>> No.27810692
Quoted by: >>27812955

Bullet to the head

>> No.27810695

the assblaster of GME
never seen this chart posted before. got any post you can point to in the archives?

>> No.27810713
Quoted by: >>27811692

could've 50x if u sold in $300 range...

>> No.27810727
Quoted by: >>27811357

>website down

>> No.27810763
Quoted by: >>27818338

Lmao, k, you said the same shit last week. After this Friday and Monday you guys will move the goal post to next Friday and Monday

>> No.27810777

I’d just like to say fuck Janet yellen

>> No.27810811

55.55 rn homie

>> No.27810827
File: 32 KB, 553x553, 1612517560061.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27827191

what the fuck did I just read

>> No.27810913

It also got posted here:

>> No.27810992
Quoted by: >>27826294

I sold yesterday before close bought in at 350. If it actually bounces up Im going to kms.

>> No.27811007

When women start talking about a stock/crypto on social media it's time to sell

>> No.27811081

I'll buy this shit once it hits 40 or something so if there is a squeeze I cover my losses, easy

>> No.27811136

fucking TD Ameritrade won't let me raise sell limits. fuck i need to go to sleep. I don't want to wake up and find they sold them under 500 if the price starts going up

>> No.27811324

>wallstreetbets knows what they're doing
yes i believe this due diligence. I will hold my bags regardless but c'mon find a more credible source lol

>> No.27811357
File: 2.79 MB, 3440x9069, screencapture-drachenschanze-threads-borse-aktien-und-andere-investments-495-page-78-2021-02-05-13_29_43.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not for me

>> No.27811464

His quads retard

>> No.27811692

I also could be a greedy shill hold bags of worthless overpriced stonk because I couldn't see the sign that it was over when the frenzy hit.

>> No.27811716

Some dude has already killed himself losing his ass due to GME. If it goes up that would be even sadder. I sold out because GME is the stock equivalent of Qtard 2 more weeks shit so I'm glad I was able to get out at 270

>> No.27811789

>WSB knows what they’re doing

When the turbonormies invade the normies, you know it’s time to sell your position

>> No.27811798

>he fell for it

>> No.27811802

that was shown to be a fake though, someone had edited source code

>> No.27811830
File: 39 KB, 317x280, 296-2965267_pepe-and-wojak-laughing-hd-png-download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he got out

>> No.27811895

Can you post the news article?

>> No.27811906

>those numerals
I guess 10k wasn’t just a meme

>> No.27811974
Quoted by: >>27812242

Terry predicted this.

RIP sweet prince

>> No.27812231

>we're relying on a scrawl that looks like a middle finger drawn in mspaint
Fuck if you're just doing this to fuck with people just kill me now.

>> No.27812242

Yes and $FIZZ was pretty sweet play.
Booting up virtual box to see what’s next.

>> No.27812315

post the text please, I can't access the website
I want to see if OP is a dirty liar

>> No.27812739
File: 98 KB, 890x742, anthracite_hands.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27819238

With numerals or without the truth is you could have easily sold on top and rebuy later.
It was really obvious it would drop before surge and now you will chase your losses like a paper handed bitch.
Buying at +300 is what killed the play since they took a straddle.

>> No.27812884
File: 2.85 MB, 200x234, terry.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

$FIZZ is in there *thinking*

>> No.27812955


>> No.27812990
File: 116 KB, 374x418, BAE75864-5F37-41A6-8BEB-DAB5DAC5F80D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.27813039

Set VPN to German, use page translate. Enjoy.

>> No.27813184

In this forum every investment idea he gave turned out to be at least 30% gains.

But just imagine the hedgies did all those efforts because of nothing?

>> No.27813245
Quoted by: >>27813486

Cloudflare is set there to allow only german IPs to protect the site

Exclusive gains for germans

>> No.27813286

looking forward to the loop de loop

>> No.27813413
File: 79 KB, 1024x898, 351EEF0B-FED9-40EF-BE6D-C126B96627B6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean shillbots are still out in full force to dominate anyone who even mentions holding GME & AMC, this “obviously” died on Monday, why is there such a heavy demoralization campaign?

>> No.27813486

German market has been fucking steadily booming at open every day this week. Long CAPTCHAs on this thread, who knows.

>> No.27813514

They saved plenty of money already. So many sold their shares at 100$+ losses

>> No.27813578

I don't get the Diet Shasta an how it's related for these times.

>> No.27813742
File: 11 KB, 640x794, EXTREME OPTIMISM_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27813791

wow, great profit I missed
need advice , some1 uses Bot Ocean platform?
worth buying or better to check for other bots?
wanna test trading with bots and tools

>> No.27813833
File: 176 KB, 1123x1019, diet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my lil talmudic magick numbers doin sum

>> No.27813845
Quoted by: >>27813872

Can you just post a screenshot, thanks

>> No.27813872
File: 531 KB, 828x1792, 8FC6986F-1F0F-4091-878C-E7B3AE2CBBED.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27813899

We're going to make it bros

>> No.27813937
File: 503 KB, 828x1545, 7C5F0C2D-5620-4B35-9039-67761B9880D6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27815712

Interesting volumes at 08:00.

>> No.27814043


The traffic load from here and from reddit crashed the drachenschanze forum by the way

>> No.27814060
Quoted by: >>27814202

Cab you translate? Does he say how high he thinks it'll go

>> No.27814165

>trust the plan

>> No.27814202
File: 44 KB, 552x615, A7A2E600-CE78-4953-9427-F061C59A3462.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get a fucking VPN & set it to Google. Use translate. Expecting me to do leg work for you is just rude at this point.

>> No.27814261

Germany* fuck mobile.

>> No.27814365
Quoted by: >>27814459

website has crashed

>> No.27814459

Oof! Good sign of FOMO induction, yay?

>> No.27814516
Quoted by: >>27816887

>I got out at x3 instead of anywhere between that and x50

>> No.27814551
Quoted by: >>27816326

It already was a VW repeat when it went from 159 to 60 to 500.

>> No.27814558
File: 633 KB, 1440x2960, Screenshot_20210205-082812_Brave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27814636

I did already, this is what happened

>> No.27814636
File: 91 KB, 300x281, 022017A2-EC63-4F61-80B5-B7A316DFBDD8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, my apologies friend. Frustrated this morning lol.

>> No.27814736
File: 162 KB, 593x635, 27e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

using DEGIRO but data ocmes from here: https://eresearch.fidelity.com/eresearch/gotoBL/fidelityTopOrders.jhtml

>> No.27814772

Its going to get a boost anyway today because robinhood has lifted the restrictons

>> No.27815007

Im about to sell my PC now if this shit is real

>> No.27815061
File: 412 KB, 559x452, EsLnTLIXEAAk35p.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

VW at its highest point 5x'd. GME at its highest point already 20x'd. If you were too retarded to get out when a brick and mortar vidya retailer 20x'd then you don't deserve to make it

>> No.27815185
Quoted by: >>27815984

What if I bought when it 20xd because a family member told me the squeeze would take it to 1000

>> No.27815259

Just wait till they bring out escalator attacks

>> No.27815382
Quoted by: >>27815444

Germanfag here.
Read some of that thread. The guy doesn't know shit. He is a mildly more intelligent version of the average /biz/ user.

>> No.27815444
Quoted by: >>27815606

so not intelligent at all? or was that the joke

>> No.27815606
Quoted by: >>27815901

Basically. Also he pretends to be well informed and throws around a bunch of buzzwords trying to impress the normies

>> No.27815639

We can use multiple reference points for this. One, VW only 20x’d but it became attained the highest market cap of any company at the time. Two, it was not nearly as shorted as GME was, but the majority holders were VW and not retail. Given that, there’s still a possibility for GME to squeeze above it’s ATH since it would still have less than the highest market cap while having more short %.

>> No.27815712

Some YouTuber sold

>> No.27815874

Ist das en Haider oder was

>> No.27815901


>> No.27815902
Quoted by: >>27818345

Corresponds with insane movement across the board, saw gains in TSLA & similar loss in AMC.

>> No.27815952

I bought at $300. Should I buy more today so I can break even and get the fuck off this ride at $200?

>> No.27815975
File: 488 KB, 828x1336, 71D64827-FBE6-452C-99A4-87127F4393DF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27815984

KEK tell them to collectively jump off the bridge.
That would actually bring you some value.

>> No.27816006

Lol. I’ll bite and buy a couple. The hell will full on fomo.

>> No.27816108

I think the more likely reason for the pump is people being able to trade on their new brokerage accounts after fleeing shitholes like RH.

>> No.27816112

The quads confirm it. I am buying more GME

>> No.27816198

>pomp eet

>> No.27816235

Quads confirms the pump. I'm going all in.

>> No.27816250

they only covered like 11 million shorts so far and that spiked the price to the 400/500 level. there is still 66 million shorted at minimum. real numbers are hard to come by but there are sources that show this thing is actually not over yet

>> No.27816256
File: 90 KB, 640x771, 3lo7rt55p5e61.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This stock is going to explode after the Congressional Hearings on 2/9. Robinhood is going to have a very bad day in Congress that day!

>> No.27816277
Quoted by: >>27816384

So, what happens if the investment apps just put on buy limits again and completely halt any momentum? This worked last week because of the element of surprise.

>> No.27816326

i also think that was the VS repeat. the real squeeze was expected to be much bigger anyway

>> No.27816384
Quoted by: >>27816493

Didn’t they essentially ban shorting on this stock though? That has to hinder any efforts trying to prevent this from working out in the people’s favor.

>> No.27816465

One of my mates is a multi-millionare. How many stocks would he need to buy to single handedly trigger the squeeze?

>> No.27816476

I lost $10

>> No.27816479
Quoted by: >>27827527

Yeah, this is going nowhere

>> No.27816493
Quoted by: >>27816711

no the uptick rule allows shorting. but your shorts need to be higher than current market value and you can only short while its going up. Easy to fake behavior if you can ladder attack

>> No.27816507

>highest quads possible
checked and wew'd
good luck gmefags

>> No.27816508
Quoted by: >>27816726

All of them.

>> No.27816581
Quoted by: >>27816788

guesses is 5 million at most, that's about what should actually float around

>> No.27816612
File: 1.45 MB, 1400x1958, 044.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

quads of truth

>> No.27816672
Quoted by: >>27816899

>They have to get rid of their shorts today and monday.
Why? I don't need to sell my leveraged long position when the market returns to the mean after a dip.
Shorts keep getting locked out because of the uptick rule. That's all you're seeing.

>> No.27816711

Escalated ladder attacks?

>> No.27816726

Thats like 4 billion $ rn

>> No.27816741

It's a load of shit. The guy was a schizophrenic weirdo and, so far, I've only seen people use his haphazardly programmed OS to divine the past and, as far as divining the future goes, they use the wonkiest lateral thinking to make coherent and probable predictions and never mention any of the times they were wrong.

>> No.27816788
Quoted by: >>27817113

he said he would buy $2 million worth if it would guarantee the squeeze

>> No.27816887
Quoted by: >>27818174

It's easier and safer to get a 3x a few times in a row then pick the next 50x. Especially when the 50x is over priced dog shit

>> No.27816899

Yeah they said it would happen last Friday

>> No.27816912
File: 112 KB, 640x853, 1612459463187.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Listen to me:

Ignore these people. Diamond hands are called diamond for a reason. If it was easy we wouldn't be here. You only lose if you sell right now so DON'T. The squeeze hasn't remotely begun to be squoze and you close those eyes and you know I'm telling you the truth. You feel that? That's the feeling of us making a fucking difference. The battlefield is littered with those who couldn't survive this. You're a survivor so fucking act like it. Wake up, man up, nut up and shut up soldier. We're in the Endgame now. This is where Ironman had a decision to make - be a bitch or be a fucking hero. This is your time to be the fucking hero. This is your time to take their fucking gauntlet and snap them out of existence. THIS IS WHERE WE STAND TOGETHER. You're definitely not a loser greedy douchebag who ignored every single sign that the stock was tanking. So STAND TALL, STAND PROUD AND STAND UP SOLDIER. YOU ARE REPRESENTING EVERYONE ON WSB.

>> No.27816935

>They have to get rid of their shorts today and monday
Why, what's the source of this?
By the way a big 11bil new short was opened recently.

>> No.27817049


>> No.27817113
Quoted by: >>27817218

but the squeeze is already happening and ongoing.

>> No.27817131
File: 60 KB, 1120x393, C6A81885-7377-4C93-B698-33869067544E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27817285

Did you really miss the squeeze?

>> No.27817172


>> No.27817218

but the shorts are still too high

>> No.27817251

>if it was easy everyone would do it
Nigger, you prob find standing up from your chair hard. Lmao, what mental hoops are jumping to make it seem like you are some kind of a badass? You are a loser breh holding a worthless stock

>> No.27817285
Quoted by: >>27817380

everyone can type in that url to see how full of shit you hedge shills are

>> No.27817341

A year from now, when game stop is worth 10 dollars, you retards will keep saying the same shit. It isn’t the case you investopedia mongoloid. Can’t wait until the moment you become a webm

>> No.27817380

Damn anon, you were too smart for my inspect element trick. Good job.

>> No.27817420

we have data, we will know when its over. this isn't some bullshit cult or hype

>> No.27817436
Quoted by: >>27817616

aren't they less than 50 now? what happened to the rest? i thought the jews were in 140+

>> No.27817488

>follow wall street bets you will feel better
just confirmation bias my shit up

>> No.27817528


>> No.27817536
Quoted by: >>27817660

Should I kill myself

>> No.27817570

>this isn’t some bullshit cult or hype
Lmao breh, you are about to witness one rude awakening.

>> No.27817616
Quoted by: >>27817820

actual data is they went from 104% or so to 88% total shorts. thats the 11 million units they covered last week and that caused the squeeze to start. fortunately they had roobing hood as friend who stopped it midway

>> No.27817624
File: 98 KB, 729x738, 1612278105512.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27817748

You are the retard. You don't even know it because you can't read.

>> No.27817660

No nigger, it was just making fun of you. No need to rope, but you should shame for years for falling for such an obvious PnD

>> No.27817748
File: 115 KB, 1024x669, 28247A9F-B697-413A-8155-BACACC3AE695.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27818166

Yea I read it afterwards, jokes on me for falling for your bait. Here you go, a sloot for your troubles

>> No.27817751


>> No.27817820
Quoted by: >>27818052

they are STILL 120% float

>> No.27817821


>> No.27817901
Quoted by: >>27818243

lifes are already ruined if you hedgers win. no one in his right mind is risking his life at this point.

>> No.27818046
Quoted by: >>27827527

Congress can do nothing but shit their pants and cry. This should have been clear on January 20th to midwits, and to anyone with a bigger brain even earlier.

>> No.27818052
Quoted by: >>27819959

depends on how you do the math
shares outstanding 69.75M
float 46.89M

they sold 11 million. and it only dropped their part by 13%. 11 million is not 13% of any of these numbers

>> No.27818089

jewish hands wrote this post

>> No.27818166

what the fuck is that thing

>> No.27818174
Quoted by: >>27820677


>> No.27818243

anon we're NOT hedgies, im just a random software developer, i was in too. i got out with 10% loss around 100 usd i just want you to snap out of this psychosis. PLEASE realize that their short positions were started higher than the current price. The institutions are currently gaining money on GME so the whole base premise of the squeeze is over.
Two weeks ago every single short was bought at 20 USD or less, but now that we've reached 500+ that is not longer the case. PLEASE snap out of this anon. Don't be a qanon cuck.

>> No.27818279
File: 98 KB, 901x1377, 1611446626932.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27824519

yes it's proven matheamtically

>> No.27818320
File: 65 KB, 800x600, GoT_spinoff_SP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The squeeze is on the way. In fact, there's gonna be two squeezes and they're going to be huge.

>> No.27818338
File: 100 KB, 1871x410, cursed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27818652

checked and legendary thread

t. melvin shill
you have learned from last time I see! congratulations, you even learned how to say the Nigger-word! so proud of seeing our pet shill grow up. also post nose.

>> No.27818345
Quoted by: >>27818479

Literally nothing burger

>> No.27818366

>5x $200 = $1000
>20x $20 = $400
fuck off with your disingenuous multiplier faggotry

>> No.27818371
Quoted by: >>27818472

if you were true in anything you said you would shut the fuck up and let people do with their money what they want.

>> No.27818381
Quoted by: >>27818472

thank you for your legitimate concern for us
im sure this is very altruistic

>> No.27818392

Source :Trust me bro

>> No.27818450
File: 435 KB, 1200x1593, 1612038906499.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

checked, good luck gme frens

>> No.27818472

>anyone expressing concern is a shill
>anyone taunting laughing at us is a shill
please realize that there are all kinds of people on this board

>> No.27818479

Literally explain it to me then, please.

>> No.27818524
Quoted by: >>27818724


The delusion of you retards is more painful to watch than that of qtards. You really outdid yourself in coping. Could have had it all. Just dropping out last friday and you would all have made gains, fucked the hedgies etc. Now they are just laughing because they are shorting again, making billions while you keep buying a highly volatile stock at a still massively inflated price. That's what you get for making it political and getting all emotional about it. I bet those wallstreet hedgies sit in their offices right now looking at reddit on their break and simply laugh at your misery. See you next friday when this piece of shit is back to 20$ a share and you still dream of another squeeze.

>> No.27818549


>> No.27818550

> Just get a reddit account

How about no.

>> No.27818589

i don't believe there are actually idiots of that caliber on 4chan

>> No.27818652
Quoted by: >>27819059

Take your meds . Better yet, blow your money away in this stock, put your life investments in it. I want you to be a bum.

>> No.27818686

what kind of idiots anon?
i genuinely just want all of you to stop being in this psychotic state

>> No.27818724
File: 275 KB, 640x360, 1611961503673.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying people didnt cash out at 400+ and plan to buy back in at the bottom today

>> No.27818789

i read somewhere this is useless because it uses the same weight for somebody who sells 100 shares as somebody selling 1, it just counts the sentiment but that doesn't correspond with amount of shares

>> No.27818793

He sold?
>Poomp eet

>> No.27818821
File: 40 KB, 422x484, Screenshot 2021-02-05 at 15.31.14.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27818929


>> No.27818844
Quoted by: >>27818967

not anyone but you are
concern in one post taunting the next
what are you a schizo?
do you pity us or hate us?
how many cents per post?

>> No.27818860
File: 24 KB, 697x721, vvkq4ucigsv41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27820132

ok lol

>> No.27818929
Quoted by: >>27818990

already back down

>> No.27818964

vw was not shorted as much. this shit ain't over.

>> No.27818967

gl anon :(

>> No.27818990
Quoted by: >>27819068

Biggest buy since 02.02

>> No.27818998

>Now, GME short interest is $5.81 billion, with 26.09 million shares shorted. Traditional SI % Float is down significantly from its highs in the 140’s% at the beginning of January. The SI % of Float is st 51.13% and the S3 SI % of Float, which includes synthetic longs created by short sales, is at 33.83%, telling us that there’s ample stock loan supply for short sellers to access, should they want to short more shares. The stock borrow fee on existing shorts is 19%, while the stock borrow fee on new shorts is 10% to 20% fee.
>Over the last week, the number of GME shares shorted has decreased by -37.24 million shares, worth $8.4 billion, a decrease of -59% as its stock price rose +193%.

>> No.27819017

>The angel number9999is a strong and positive number. It signifies that you will be closing a chapter of your life and beginning a new one.
Oh shit niggaa!

>> No.27819054

VW was only shorted 11% of float

>> No.27819059
File: 344 KB, 872x1020, image0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks anon, however you will be the one burned for not having bought a suicide stack and having your company liquidated. still not selling.

>> No.27819062

Oof ouch owie

>> No.27819068

destroyed in seconds :(

>> No.27819071
File: 67 KB, 620x413, 1612305009017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27819122

$20 EOD

>> No.27819148
Quoted by: >>27819194

Way too much FUD in this stock. It is going to plummet to single digits. Buy in then.

>> No.27819154

if my money goes below 300 etoro is gonna sell automatically?

>> No.27819162
File: 424 KB, 1024x605, moonshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>to the moon guys

>> No.27819194

>It is going to plummet to single digits. Buy in then.
why, so you can be a regular investor in a stock with an extremely poor outlook?

>> No.27819238
Quoted by: >>27819424

>the truth is you could have easily sold on top and rebuy later.
I wanted to, but I didn't sell at the top because I didn't know whether RH would let me buy back in at the low.
That was some shit I've never seen before.

>> No.27819247
Quoted by: >>27819340

S3 is shit and they know it. their numbers do not match with real time data at all.

>> No.27819285

They saw this thread and now they want to create more fear

>> No.27819340
Quoted by: >>27819506

What actually up to date source do you recommend then?

>> No.27819341

Gotta love when a sell flag so clearly presents itself to you

>> No.27819366

...ladder attacks dont happen in reality...
anons please stop this

>> No.27819393

source: trust me bro

>> No.27819424
Quoted by: >>27820424

true story, why would i sell off for profit on the way up if i cant buy back more? RH trapped us into holding

>> No.27819506

S&P Capital IQ for example

>> No.27819537

looking bullish today

>> No.27819600

I'm going to go take a snap if GME pumps in that time imma gonna be pissed

>> No.27819613

>Yada yada I'm a bitch

>> No.27819671


>> No.27819959
Quoted by: >>27820100

so they didnt drop 11mln

>> No.27820059

ok based upon your advice i maxed my credit lines to buy GME. i hope your advice is correct. my families future depends on it.

>> No.27820062


>> No.27820089

This the home of buying pajeet coins high and selling low

>> No.27820100

well the data shows they did. but its still after the drop 66mil they need to cover

>> No.27820117


>> No.27820132

Meddl loide serwus

>> No.27820153
File: 12 KB, 200x215, 1612366656254.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're doing it bros

>> No.27820234

TyrannMisu is the stock market god if this is happening right now!!!!

>> No.27820399


'My intuition tells me we will see this chart'

>going by the old 140% number

Fuck off

>> No.27820411

>retards doubling down and over inflating the price again
>short squeeze

investopedia investors at its finest

>> No.27820424

Yup, they pretty much fucked there friend (jewish) in that department

>> No.27820598


>> No.27820655

i hope this goes back up enough so i can get out with a reasonable loss and then dumps back down to $5 purely because i fucking hate reddit

>> No.27820677
File: 492 KB, 1080x1080, 1612502249124.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

samefag a sham

>> No.27820724
File: 2.24 MB, 1835x2048, when you know it's too late.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27820927

>When women start talking about a stock/crypto on social media it's time to sell

>> No.27820822


>> No.27820867

already +30%. i am proud of the retards that realized it doesn't matter what price if we get all the float it can be shorted 1% and we still win

>> No.27820896
File: 88 KB, 1280x720, 1612527392817.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lolwut, was he right?! up 35% currently.

>> No.27820927
File: 677 KB, 3840x2560, 1474228587751.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying that's a real woman

>> No.27821034
File: 47 KB, 599x599, 0dc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27821170

All praise TyrannMisu. Found him on steam.

Thats his pic there

>> No.27821140
File: 83 KB, 422x1276, Screenshot 2021-02-05 at 15.55.32.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27821421

Holy fuggity fugg

>> No.27821170
Quoted by: >>27822289

this guy is clearly smarter than us anon. wonder what his day job is

>> No.27821250

Checked. quads speaks the truth

I really want to get in on GME but i live in fucking Asia how do i murica stocks? Someone please recommend a broker or android app or anything? Im dying to sacrifice my money for the greater purpose

>> No.27821283
Quoted by: >>27821411


>> No.27821302

are the hedge funds still doing ladder attacks?

>> No.27821326

Did they halt trading at $73.4 because of the pump?

If so, gas.

>> No.27821336


>> No.27821377

>mfw i sold yesterday


>> No.27821411

haha what the FUCK

>> No.27821419

Oh my god was he right??

>> No.27821421
Quoted by: >>27821889

what indicators do you trade with my guy?

>> No.27821494

they halted because they shit pants. use it to up your limits guys if you dont want to sell at a loss anymore

>> No.27821492

I will sell in one month maybe if nothing changes
the ride goes on until you sell (and lose)

>> No.27821528

emotional paperhands get the rope

>> No.27821558
File: 48 KB, 589x591, 1612362985479.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>+30% from market open in less than half an hour
please tell me you didnt get BOGGED and sell at the bottom, right anon?

>> No.27821613

damn i sold and moved all my cash out of wealthsimple yesterday... is there a way to get money in without a fkn 3 day hold? can I send my shakepay btc to wealthsimple? im a leaf btw..

>> No.27821637

We fucking told you it wasn't over

>> No.27821678
Quoted by: >>27822076

...and halted again

>> No.27821762
File: 172 KB, 1050x750, shuttle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Up, up, and awaaaaaaaay!!!

>> No.27821776
File: 224 KB, 600x337, gsr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27821839

>RSI is 85
no fucking way

>> No.27821889

That's just volume measures
>Net vol

>> No.27821998
Quoted by: >>27822091

what if plebbit was right and /biz/ was wrong...

>> No.27822076
File: 1014 KB, 2957x2000, horsecock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]




>> No.27822091

wallstreetbets is literally all former /biz/ anons btw

>> No.27822154

Poor little german drachenschanze forum, you guys killed it with the traffic haha

>> No.27822209

It's literally the IQ meme in action.

>> No.27822218

lmao are you from nyc? gas is my word >:(

>> No.27822261

cmon truth is both sides are the same and we just pretend dependent on our mood and alcohol level

>> No.27822289

He is posting a lot of stock ideas in the forum. So far 100% were +30% gains

>> No.27822312

halting is good for the stock

>> No.27822379
Quoted by: >>27822501


>> No.27822483
File: 108 KB, 986x797, alexcopes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27822733

mfw sold all but one share yesterday

>> No.27822501
Quoted by: >>27822949


>> No.27822642
File: 29 KB, 640x640, 85df69762ae3de3738bfedd2cac6cb72f4267f005ead9f2df6657fce58ae6808_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone at Wallstreet is surely shitting his pants right now

>> No.27822733

Get fucked paperhand. You believed their propaganda.

>> No.27822854
Quoted by: >>27822945

Holy shit ANON I actually bought 4 more shares because of this thread

>> No.27822945
Quoted by: >>27823184

what price?

>> No.27822949
File: 1.73 MB, 565x800, 1473730147137.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the ride never ends

>> No.27823066

>marvel reference
sell everything it's over

>> No.27823082

ladder attack incoming?

>> No.27823184
Quoted by: >>27823500

44 Euro

>> No.27823188
File: 360 KB, 634x910, 1580926974172.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He sold?
Pokemon Go and bump it.

>> No.27823232
File: 208 KB, 475x575, 1406947399835.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27823333
Quoted by: >>27823477


>> No.27823477

blessed thread

>> No.27823500

not bad that's probably around the past fundamentals price before shorts tried to strangle the company

>> No.27823880
File: 10 KB, 430x320, 29725_1276182006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Third time's the charm

3 last digits are price EOD

>> No.27824012

Get rekt

>> No.27824044

Copypasta so bad I almost sold lmao you fuckers are so good at this

>> No.27824079
Quoted by: >>27824378

Well that didn’t last long

>> No.27824102

you will have data on the 9th
you're literally operating on blind faith atm
you could still be right, but people gambling their life savings on this are absolute morons

>> No.27824126

if true it means that the squeeze happens today

>> No.27824285
Quoted by: >>27824477

It is happening RIGHT FUCKING NOW

>> No.27824345

The squeeze just happened

>> No.27824378

this is not over, actually i doubt it even started and this may have indeed be a pump&dump

got the best data i can get but yeah. only time will tell

>> No.27824477

only at 90$
nope this is not a squeeze imo... the shorts covered a small part only

>> No.27824498


>> No.27824515

10-20 million stocks moved. yeah it could have been a squeeze eating all the worthless paper hands who put their limits below $69420

>> No.27824519
File: 104 KB, 640x483, 2e9bdc15a0041f030f228198a5f7c20b9eaa706061803d0e256554a12875aea8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27824738

>proven matheamtically
>screenshots of charts
I can't believe the jews won this battle when we were so prepared and well-informed.

>> No.27824588
File: 70 KB, 700x879, f8723069d607c3ef884563e23a950c71.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27824591
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>> No.27824738

Average pleb really doesn’t deserve his/hers money. They are literally exchanging money with one another whlist screaming “squeeeeeeze”. There I was wondering how do people buy into Ponzi schemes, now I know.

>> No.27824957

>you're literally operating on blind faith
There is nothing indicating that the situation has changed. It's possible the hedgies got out at the top but it defies logic and the nonstop shilling alludes to that not being the case.

>> No.27825339

that's why I'm gambling only 150$ on it lol

>> No.27825384
Quoted by: >>27825524

I'm a smart money retarded faggot that turned $6k into $750k with just crypto and I can confirm I'm not touching your shitstock.

>> No.27825524

but once it made me wealthy i plan to pump all into bitcoin before all the others do the same. you should not talk shit about it

>> No.27825532
Quoted by: >>27826775

My guess is new hedgies jumped in at the top and made bank shorting down to here -- but they're still short.
There was been a lot of gamesmanship keeping the price range between 90-130 to make money off option sales as volatility lowered;
No idea where this is going but I bought a call for next Friday @ 75

>> No.27825727
File: 63 KB, 1358x391, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>PLEASE realize that their short positions were started higher than the current price.


>> No.27825805
Quoted by: >>27827632

>There is nothing indicating that the situation has changed.
Except 50 million trading volume average last week and the price shooting up 20x

>> No.27825990
Quoted by: >>27826151

Lmao nigger, which day will it make you wealthy. Tell me so I can laugh at your stupidity on the day

>> No.27826147

>i plan to pump all into bitcoin before all the others do the same
i'm sure you're really ahead of the curve on bitcoin

>> No.27826151
File: 514 KB, 720x710, 1612492338450.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27826316

>10 posts by this ID
kek will smite you, naysayer

>> No.27826177

Mmmm now the reddit craziness has died down and the price has flunked, I'm starting to feel the urge to buy some GME for the real short squeeze to come. What do you guys think is a good buy price? IS the current 70 good or can I wait for soemring around 40 with high probability?

>> No.27826188
Quoted by: >>27826563

Tried to swing it with 1k stocks but it just gets held everytime it reaches 70 so I'm out

>> No.27826294

lol look at this retard

>> No.27826314
Quoted by: >>27826404

theres a chance to hit 100 at some point today or higher if the retards get baited back in again with some momentum
hard to say

>> No.27826316

More like reality that you guys try to avoid

>> No.27826385
File: 1.00 MB, 893x819, 1603977539902.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GME is a 20 dollar stock at the absolute best of times. Anything over 15 and you paid too much

>> No.27826404
Quoted by: >>27826531

so i should buy now, sell at 100, then wait for it to fall and buyagain? Then hold for the short squeeze.

>> No.27826420


>> No.27826433

If the squeeze does come, 30 bux won't make much of a difference. Just buy now and joooooin us

>> No.27826492

All this GME shit has confirmed for me that I'm an absolute idiot that should avoid this board and investing like the plague

>> No.27826531
Quoted by: >>27826697

how much do you like gambling
no one knows for sure
i still havent decided if im getting back in

>> No.27826543

I know thats why I didnt buy in at 300 like a retard but I still think the short squeeze wasnt done yet. The first one was just blackrock and vanguard fleecing idiot redditors and paper hands. Think the real deal is coming now theyre all broke and smart money is gonna reap it all. And I want in on the ride at an ok buy in price.

>> No.27826550

>wallstreetbets full of women and niggers
at least they will pump by keeping to buy lmao
even if they don't understand what's happening

>> No.27826563
Quoted by: >>27826713

I was about to buy until I saw this post and confirmed. NASDAQ halted trading on GME three times this morning already.

You're not going to win with this stock. ((They)) won't let you.

>> No.27826666
File: 61 KB, 666x500, 3q6wqz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>anime pic

the validity of your argument goes automatically in the trash

>> No.27826689

to bring out the fool in everyone

>> No.27826697
Quoted by: >>27826831

im just gambling 70 euros on the offchance I get a quick hundred bucks. Odds seem pretty good to me the shorts still arent out. My question is how much money they made shorting from 400 down to 70 and how easily can they cover now.

>> No.27826713

yeah there was zero halts from 83 to 69 going down but going up there was 2
the rules dont matter because there are none if youre rich

>> No.27826775

You wouldn't make anywhere near enough shorting down compared to what you lost even in the best case if they did it. It's pure lunacy.

>> No.27826831
Quoted by: >>27827227

if you dont still hold at least 1 share you should just because these are uncharted waters go for it the worst that happens is you lose 50% and quit
also its falling a bit now

>> No.27826870
Quoted by: >>27827914

You saying it's not 15 dollar stocks under normal circumstance?

>> No.27826875
Quoted by: >>27827712

this stock has taken such a toll on my mental well being. fuck me.

>> No.27826889
File: 1.12 MB, 1024x768, 1526642273449.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27828065

where the fuck do you think you are.
go the fuck back.

>> No.27826894
File: 75 KB, 622x647, 1599613057566.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27828065

checked but even quads can't save you from your bags retard

>> No.27826906

>complaining about anime pic on an anime site
>also checked

>> No.27826931
File: 1.64 MB, 2812x2105, 1608947930532.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>satan hates anime
am I a saint for fapping to Holo pictures?

>> No.27826940
File: 46 KB, 977x623, B9S0dbe[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If nothing else, there's a big gap down and a potential floor around 55, so there's some money to be made in the near-future. You can bet your crotchless panties that the (((big money))) is cooking up a scheme for it given the open interest for strikes like fucking 800.
GameStop's still overvalued as fuck at anything over 20, but that didn't stop shit like Tesla last year in the clown market, so whatever. Enjoy the ride

>> No.27827191

people trying to cope with the fact that they paid too much for something

>> No.27827227

>if you dont still hold at least 1 share you should just because these are uncharted waters go for it the worst that happens is you lose 50% and quit
>also its falling a bit now
I bought my first GME share this morning at open just for lulz

>> No.27827345
File: 141 KB, 740x621, cut.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yo Melvin! Bench this fucker. He's too obvious of a shill and isn't worth whatever you're paying him.

>> No.27827466

Well here I go fapping again. Maybe post nut clarity will help me decide wether to buy more GME or finally sell at a big ass loss

>> No.27827481

yeah nah kike
we like the stock

>> No.27827484

>for a brief period, the shills were completely and utterly silenced and people were able to openly discuss the stock

I look forward to the next time

>> No.27827527

can do everything an AG can do, they haven;t confirmed any of Biden's picks yet, so they are all acting picks.

>Congress can do nothing but
imprison Vlad and his co-conspirators, and order the dissolution of their companies.

>> No.27827591

hope you guys get laid by a real woman one day

>> No.27827629

Richard Branson wants to buy GME? Is it true?
If true it will be funny

>> No.27827632

>high volume when every chump with $50 was buying fractional shares at $300 each
The volume doesnt account for both situations at the same time

>> No.27827712

Don't worry about it fren. I know that's harder to put into practice, but there's nothing you can do to control the outcome, unless you're sitting on a pile of gold.

This was a great opportunity, but some tea things don't work. I'm hodling for a miracle, but the money's already lost in my mind.

>> No.27827790

I had a good time with a swedish girl last summer... still fap to 2D girls anyways

>> No.27827858
Quoted by: >>27827955

Stocks only go up

>> No.27827864

I will get my tomboy gf when I make gorillion dollars on GME

>> No.27827894


Diet Shasta AKA tonic water contains Quinine, which in the past was the cure for viruses like malaria... the modern form of Quinine?


Terry predicted the China virus and the cure.

>> No.27827914
File: 516 KB, 770x1022, nSekHZX.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


no, simply that i can't take it seriously

it's like a child advising you on adult stuff

>> No.27827915
File: 1.29 MB, 1090x1573, 1608939399687.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27827955

did you mean sideways

>> No.27828065
File: 870 KB, 1920x1080, 54f2c9b7f6b9936ace777f9dcb23d9fc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.27828086

>Diamond hands are called diamond for a reason.
The stock price assumes basic liquidity. If the people holding 99% of a stock don't buy/sell, then the price at which the remaining 1% (the float) is traded basically IS the price. And if the people holding 99% ask 20000, but the people trading the float trade it at 15, say, it doesn't show up, except in the order book, which I haven't been able to find freely available.

>> No.27828208

Please go away and never come back to this board

>> No.27828233
File: 448 KB, 527x465, 1608521122241.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stay mad bby

>> No.27828258
File: 998 KB, 1224x792, 1609012331696.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

isn't my wife Holo the cutest of all?