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File: 807 KB, 750x750, Gold Alloy Grain Pots.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
59371466 No.59371466 [Reply] [Original]

Gold Grain Edition

>Why Gold & Silver?

>Huge deficits in minerals such as silver by 2050 inevitable

>Bullion dealers
https://libertycoin.com/ (US)
https://www.chards.co.uk/ (EU/UK)
https://www.silburycoins.co.uk/ (Ancient)
https://www.luciteria.com/ (Other rare metals)
more at:https://pastebin.com/gZfZHtNE

>Numismatic search

>News and graphs

https://findbullionprices.com/ (US)
https://eu.compare.pm/ (EU)
https://www.gold.de/aufgeldtabelle/ (DE/EU)



>Nitric acid, magnets, and ping test

Previous Thread: >>59360596

>> No.59371472
File: 2.66 MB, 3024x3024, 50toz silver bar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder: report all crypto posters as off topic.

>> No.59371540

Red/blackpill me on stacking copper

>> No.59371546

my response from the old thread:
>>59371381 #
european bank... but yes, it's strange.
my government is normaly really harsh when a group of people tries to implement their own currency. if i remember correctly, it is even prohibited by law to pay with anything else than central bank currencies.
it is as if btc is kind of a training tool for the plebs to learn to use a new type of money. with all the media attention...
nevertheless it's a amazing technology.

>> No.59371564
File: 1.05 MB, 2001x750, 1727217498715823.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>amazing technology
Publicly solvable cryptographics have been around since the 1970's and block chain technology has been around since 1990. It's nothing new or truly innovative. Precious metals have been and will always be money. Everything else is credit.

>> No.59371602
File: 51 KB, 800x691, Slay queen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>59371677

>>bitcoin is amazing technology

>metals have been around since the 1970's BC and It's nothing new or truly innovative. Crypto haa been and will always be money. Everything else is credit.

Just ignore the stacktards they are bitter losers. Lmao how would you feel if you missed 55% riskfree gains in one month that were obvious to a toddlerbaby.

>> No.59371612

Keep stacking sats cryptogeniusbros...........

Lmao just kidding. Stacking is for broke losers. Cryptobros don't need to stack they got wealthy the last cycle and have full positions. Damn it's good to be rich

>> No.59371638
File: 2.14 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_20241206_094331_8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>59371645

oh well, i didn't know that.

>> No.59371645

Check this out:
Invented by the NSA
>btc is kind of a training tool for the plebs to learn to use a new type of money
Currency, but yes. Crypto is a psyop.

>> No.59371663

>Currency, but yes. Crypto is a psyop

Yep. The psyop is everyone stuck in the past, afraid to embrace the future missed the greatest wealth building opportunity in their lifetime.

Now they are stuck in poverty seething in their wage cage. For them it's ogre.AND They get to watch cryptochads live a life of wealth and leisure. What a time to be alive

>> No.59371677

it's not obvious to me.
any day someone could advertise a btc #2,3,4 etc.
i on the other hand saw the use in tanks when everyone voted green and bought Rheinmetall stocks. i also bought pms that time ago because I fully understand them.

>> No.59371678
File: 1.95 MB, 4032x3024, Swiss coins.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>59371802

Cryptocretins are too funny.
>gUyS i ToTaLlY mAdE mIlLiOnS
*doesn't prove it*
At least when I say I own silver and gold I post pics to backup my claims.

>> No.59371702

thanks. i will check it out.

>> No.59371724

>any day someone could advertise a btc #2,3,4 etc.

Lmao you don't grok first mover advantage and network effects.

That's OK you already missed your chance. Sure crypto will do 10X to 40X from here but you will miss it.

Congrats on your metal investments and their real gains of zero percent past and future

>> No.59371745

>my government is normaly really harsh when a group of people tries to implement their own currency. if i remember correctly, it is even prohibited by law to pay with anything else than central bank currencies.
Where is that?

>> No.59371767
File: 1.64 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_20241206_101509_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

many thanks for your enduring sympathy :) i wish you honestly good luck.

>> No.59371777
File: 147 KB, 569x359, Screenshot_20240712_181551_org.mozilla.fennec_fdroid_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>59371794

> crypto will do 10X to 40X from here
hold my beer

>> No.59371794
File: 945 KB, 1080x1859, Screenshot_20241206-042444_Brave.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>59373604

It's even more now though.

>> No.59371802
Quoted by: >>59371806

>any day someone could advertise a btc #2,3,4 etc.
This is trolling right? Nobody is this clueless? I understand being sceptical about bitcoin but thinking anyone is going to care about the hundreds of bitcoin clones that aren't worth anything is just silly. This is like saying 4chan will go under if someone makes a 4chan clone, there are hundreds of 4chan clones and this is still the only one anyone really uses.

>*doesn't prove it*
Somebody posted their profits here recently and as expected, it was met with REE FAKE SCREENSHOT REEE. Don't continually post saying people won't post their gains when you dismiss anyone who does as faking it.

>> No.59371806

>Somebody posted their profits here recently and as expected, it was met with REE FAKE SCREENSHOT REEE. Don't continually post saying people won't post their gains when you dismiss anyone who does as faking it.
How about not posting crypto in a thread clearly titled "precious metals"? Ever consider that? No? Are you mentally challenged?

>> No.59371814
Quoted by: >>59371838

Maybe we'll stop when that one complete retard stops spamming the same shit in every /pol/ crypto thread. That one idiot from this thread that refuses to quote people shows up in every single crypto thread on /pol/ without fail and shits out the same retard posts. You get what you give.

>> No.59371838
File: 310 KB, 640x546, billy-witch-doctor.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>59371839

>You get what you give
I don't even go on /pol/ you douchebag. It's 90% glowies 10% schizos.
Imagine being this much of a colossal retard:
>iM gOiNg To PoSt CrYpTo In PrEcIoUs MeTaLs GeNeRaL
We know crypto buyers are morons, they don't have to chronically prove it to us superior metal stackers.

>> No.59371839
Quoted by: >>59371843

If crypto buyers are morons why do they have better returns than anyone ITT except the person conning people into buying 1oz rounds for $100+?

>> No.59371843
Quoted by: >>59371852

You still measure wealth in fiat? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

>> No.59371847
File: 184 KB, 1166x780, GeE66Iha4AAflh4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you really not understand that crypto and pm are competing in the same asset class? I think you do know that and you are angry that PM is the past and crypto is the present and future.

Big things are happening and sorry you missed out but some of us are here to learn and seek out blind spots and hear opposing arguments even if they are weak

>> No.59371852
Quoted by: >>59371966

This is the exact retardation that causes people to come to these threads and mock you, Yes, the point of investing is to be financially better off. Unlike gold and silver, I can spend my crypto on real life things. I can spend my crypto via card in a supermarket. I can use the returns to buy things for my family. You can't do any of that with metal because you're still waiting to be in profit. The idea that you "win" when the world collapses and goes back to trading with rocks is retarded.

>> No.59371867
File: 402 KB, 763x763, 1733167410359739.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>59371883

>crypto and pm are competing in the same asset class
Not even close.

>> No.59371873
Quoted by: >>59371883

>This is the exact retardation that causes people to come to these threads
Then if you actually made it, why waste time hanging around fools? Oh wait it's because you didn't make it... lol

>> No.59371882

You can have both cryptos and pms at the same time, woha! Who would've known?
Crypto for gainz
pms against hyperinflation
mind blown

>> No.59371883
Quoted by: >>59371959

>bitcoin is identical to gold
Strawman image, nobody who buys bitcoin believes this. What's more vauable, facebook's code, or the hard drives it's stored on?

I can post in these threads because I don't have to work, my day consists of doing whatever I want. I find it fun to laugh at baggies in these threads so sometimes I do.

>> No.59371891
File: 1.96 MB, 4032x3024, Swiss 2 Francs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>facebook's code
Worthless because it's only valuable to them.
>I can post in these threads because I don't have to work
He's a paid shill everyone!

>> No.59371900

>cryptos and pms at the same time
I'm skipping the line and not getting the IRS on my back.

>> No.59371919

>Worthless because it's only valuable to them.
So if it's worthless then the hard drives it's stored on must be the valuable part right?
>He's a paid shill everyone!
Can someone show me where I sign up to get paid to post in these threads because right now I do it for free and would like monetary compensation so I can buy more crypto.

>You can have both cryptos and pms at the same time
I do, I bought a bunch of silver during the bear market in 2022 and it's the stupidest money I've ever spent, I can't swing trade it, I can't easily swap it into other investments, I can't even sell it because silver price doesn't fucking do anything and between premiums buying and selling and shops only offering below spot to buy it from me, I can't make back what I paid for it. Meanwhile my crypto has x5 since early November and I'm left holding rocks.

>> No.59371933
Quoted by: >>59371937

>he does if for free
Thats just said ;_;
We're not buying into your crypto ponzi scheme, we're not buying your bags. We're here to fill our own bags (or chests, safes, whatever) and we're going to have the last laugh for certain.

>> No.59371937
File: 53 KB, 518x177, 1702484110340780.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>59371949

>and we're going to have the last laugh for certain
Pic is the fate of everyone ITT.

>> No.59371943

you must be very stupid


do you understand? PMs are saved profits for later bad times. PMs are money. Don't you understand? It won't be hurr durr one Oz silver coin equal 30$. Rather it will be one Oz silver coin equal a day's worth of hard labour in the fields.

>> No.59371946
File: 146 KB, 1233x839, 1714004482166739.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>59371964

>you must be very stupid
Shall we take a look at the price of bitcoin in currencies that have recently hyperinflated then? Let's do that. Oh look, turns out bitcoin protects you from that as well.

>> No.59371947
File: 246 KB, 1405x1000, IQDELET Song.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>59372557

>He is a Pajeet…
>In the corners of the internet,
>no condoms for his home to rent.
>Oh pleeeease… will someone save me...
>Zog will come and save you goyim,
>but you must promote our crypto-coin.

>> No.59371948

He said he goes to /pol/ so he clearly has a room temperature IQ.

>> No.59371949

True. All these stacktards will die waiting for the zombie apocalypse and the cleaners will throw their rock collection in the garbage or spend it at the liquor store

>> No.59371959
File: 308 KB, 1080x1923, sell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>59371969

>shops only offering below spot to buy it from me
more lies

>> No.59371964
Quoted by: >>59371973

I gotta admit, carrying an USB with a hard wallet is much easier than rolling a hand wagon full of worthless paper funny money just to buy one loaf of yesterday's bread at your local bakery.

>> No.59371966
Quoted by: >>59372605

Enjoy the crypto profits while they last. But do not kid yourself that they are pumping because they are useful. 99% are absolutely worthless, and it's only because the general public is so damned ignorant that the grift has gone on so long.

That said, you have to be stubborn or dogmatic to not play around with crypto. It's a gift that keeps on giving. It takes zero skill to invest. Zero knowledge. You just buy random worthless shit when no one wants it, hold it for 2 years, then dump onto clueless retail. It's not for everyone, because to the uninitiated, it's an emotional rollercoaster, prompting them to make stupid mistakes and lose all their money.

The crypto landscape is like beanie babies or any other retarded trend that has captivated the general public before. Can you make money? Absolutey. Should you try? Absolutely, if you can manage your emotions. Are you actually investing in anything useful though? Absolutely not.

Crypto is quite literally clown world money. It's completely clownlike actually pretty hilarious.

The idea that NFTs are more valuable than gold & silver & commodities upon which the entire global economy depends...

Crypto is truly a crowning testament to the awesome retardation of the general public. There may be 5 or so projects that end up actually doing something useful. Because of that, everyone goes blue in the face over how magical the techonology is...

>> No.59371969
Quoted by: >>59371978

>just KYC to sell your rocks bro
How about no. I went into a local jewellers to try to sell a $500 necklace the other day, he offered me $20 for it. Denying anything that doesn't fit your narrative is another sign of cult behaviour.

>> No.59371973

>rolling a hand wagon full of worthless paper funny money
>buy one loaf of yesterday's bread at your local bakery
If that's the scenario, the 1toz of silver would buy the entire bakery.

>> No.59371974
Quoted by: >>59372017

>Rather it will be one Oz silver coin equal a day's worth of hard labour in the fields.

How's that working out in Argentina today?

Lmao, the idea is in inflationary times pms holds its value and you retards want to claim it magically is worth more

>> No.59371978
File: 310 KB, 1396x1359, IMG_20240701_123925_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even the dumb cunt wife of my cousin wants to buy gold coins now. Wie're close.
Almost all of those shops have physical locations where you can unload without showing ID. Also you can sell directly p2p. Same problem with crypto, in fact.

>> No.59371983

No, 1 ounce of silver would buy 1 loaf of stale bread

>> No.59371985
Quoted by: >>59371989

>Denying anything that doesn't fit your narrative is another sign of cult behaviour
Exactly! Crypto is a cult.

>> No.59371989
File: 79 KB, 190x290, 1715545639619597.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>59372018

>oh ho! It's funny because people ITT call everything that makes PMs look bad a lie! Ho!

>> No.59371990

>dumb person wants to buy gold


>> No.59372009
Quoted by: >>59372035

>Almost all of those shops have physical locations where you can unload without showing ID
Yeah but the issue is because the silver price has stayed so low, I can't get back what I paid for it after premiums. I've actually lost money simply by buying silver and I'm salty about it.

>> No.59372017

thats my point
BIG L M A O, one ounce of silver will buy you their entire display + a kiss from the cute bakery girl

>> No.59372018
Quoted by: >>59372026

>1 ounce of silver would buy 1 loaf of stale bread
1 ounce of silver would buy me 5 loaves of fresh bread now.
>Family Guy reference
That's the mentality of someone who peaked in high school. No original thoughts, just copy/paste whatever normie media they consume.
You're an NPC.

>> No.59372026
Quoted by: >>59372048

You really think every reaction image posted on an imageboard means whoever posts it is into what it is. I have countless reaction images from anime I've never even heard of, your point makes no sense.

>> No.59372030
Quoted by: >>59372048

>Worthless because it's only valuable to them.
how can you be so fucking clueless about life and still be alive, it's amazing you just didn't die by chocking on your own spit yet

>> No.59372035

That's because your dumb ass bought a fucking silver necklace with 9001% premiums instead of investment coins and bars. Jewelry is a scam. It's in the name, even. JEWelry.

>> No.59372043

I bought it 10 years ago for some bitch I was going out with. Funny thing is if I'd bought bitcoin instead I'd be a billionaire by now. Instead I bought silver. Such is life.

>> No.59372048
File: 2.42 MB, 320x240, 1732159743933432.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>59372059

>I have countless reaction images from anime I've never even heard of
I know you're autistic, you don't have to keep proving it.

>> No.59372051

Sure, but it's not 10 years ago.

>> No.59372053

anon, in hyperinflationary times anyone is a millionare :)

>> No.59372059
File: 123 KB, 1024x997, 1712514849438611.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>59372085

>Jewelry is a scam. It's in the name, even. JEWelry
So you should be weary of buying things that share names with people like GOLDberg and SILVERstein? I'll keep that in mind.

>using autistic as an insult
Where do you think we are?

>> No.59372063
Quoted by: >>59372071

>for some bitch I was going out with
Wait? You bought jewelry for a woman who you weren't married to?!
You keep digging the hole of retardation deeper and deeper ITT. It's amusing, keep posting! Dance monkey dance!

>> No.59372071
File: 811 KB, 1546x861, 1702313598904259.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>59372083

Yes I did well at my job from a young age and was able to attract women and could afford to buy them things, is this some sort of insult? Yeah it was stupid but I was a literal teenager, that's when you're supposed to be stupid.

>> No.59372083
Quoted by: >>59372090

>but I was a literal teenager
Nah it was clearly when you were in your 30s and her response was "who are you?! Get away frome me!!"

>> No.59372085

That's very diffirent. Jewelry is named after jews while jews named themselves goldthis and silverthat. Actually I don't know if the former is true or just funny but the latter absolutely is true.

>> No.59372090
Quoted by: >>59372095

Sad response showing you've got nothing left.

>> No.59372095
File: 532 KB, 941x652, 1733204428397271.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>59372108

>showing you've got nothing left
No I have silver and gold. I have plenty, and yet never enough at the same time.

>> No.59372098

>walking around with a gold bar in my pocket as suggested by /pgm/
>it drops out of the pocket by accident
>bystander just takes it quickly
>runs away, he's faster than me
>we can barely call it stealing because it took it from the ground
>didn't touch me, threatened me, talked to me, interacted with me in any way
>ownership changed because he literally physically just took it
>the object is now officialy his because he's the person physically closer to it
>he will melt it into a ring, no way to know it was your gold
yeah nothing wrong here for a store of value, everything as it should be. Desirable properties

>> No.59372108
Quoted by: >>59372130

>I'm making an idiot of myself but I have an investment I'll never be able to retire off of so I win

>> No.59372114
File: 267 KB, 1125x1584, 1712136118518510.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>59372116

>haha crypto wallet deletions
>they can just delete your wealth lol
>meanwhile, all over the world

>> No.59372116
Quoted by: >>59372127

>they can just delete your wealth lol
kek they really can't
this just shows how little you know about crypto buddy

>> No.59372120

We have already done the experiment. Crypto won pm lost.

>> No.59372123
File: 297 KB, 1200x600, Three Rose Gold Sovereigns.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Give me a good gold market tamp banksters, I want to buy this weekend.

>> No.59372125

it's not worth it
Cooper isn't bought by a few ounces like Gold or Silver but in tons
If you really wanna make money with copper you need to buy tons of this stuff and finding some who you can sell it to later will be significantly harder than for the other metals
Also if there ever will be an economic crash Cooper will lose all its value since industrial demand for it tanks and no one is producing anything anymore

>> No.59372127

Read the post again, I'm making fun of the people that say that. The US government can just come and take your gold whenever they want because it's physical, they did it before and they can do it again. Have fun trying to raid someone's house and take their coins off the blockchain.

>> No.59372130

You buy into the banker ponzi scheme, I take real world assets out of their control for myself. You're like a pigeon playing chess. You shit on the board and pretend to win. But at the end of the day you're still just a dumb bird.

>> No.59372135
File: 2.61 MB, 4032x3024, Sig and silver.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The US government can just come and take your gold whenever they want
*laughs in second amendment*

>> No.59372145
File: 37 KB, 600x338, 1732460563197170.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>59372159

>Have fun trying to raid someone's house and take their coins off the blockchain.
All off ramps to USD can be told to not allow certain customers or be shut down all together. You're retarded.

>> No.59372148
File: 525 KB, 726x1580, 1732320540679539.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hurr durr internet quote decades old makes me smart
Hitler and the entire German government thought gold was a scam being run by the allied nations to extract wealth from natiosn forced to use gold to trade with them. You're delusional and have no understanding of what you're spewing about.

>> No.59372159

>americans actually using their guns
lmao, even.

>what is every p2p market
>don't have to meet up
>don't have to carry my bitcoins to a sketchy trade
>don't have to do autistic tests to check if what I'm buying / selling are real bitcoins
Yeah bitcoin is better. Offramping large amounts of PMs with no KYC is basically impossible, no reputable buyer / seller is going to do some 6 figure backalley deal because you want to avoid taxes.

>> No.59372162
Quoted by: >>59372170

>Hitler and the entire German government thought gold was a scam being run by the allied nations to extract wealth from natiosn forced to use gold to trade with them.
Actually YOU delusional and have no understanding of what you're spewing about.
Hitler had a silver standard for their money...

>> No.59372167

>americans actually using their guns
Wait, you're not American?!

>> No.59372170
Quoted by: >>59372222

>Hitler had a silver standard for their money...
Can you show me some evidence of this? Don't say "muh RMs", they were partially made of silver, not backed by it. You could not redeem RM notes or coins for silver or vise versa anywhere because that's not how it worked. Please actually read some history first.

>> No.59372191

oh sorry yeah i've misinterpreted the picture
>he thinks he can beat a swat team if needed
unrelated but if you'd like i can probably demolish you at chess as well. Chess960 so there's no opening memorization, just pure skill, say the word and i'll send you a lichess link. Let's see who the pigeon is?

>> No.59372216
File: 53 KB, 900x477, nazi-gold-2523895131.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>59372244

Hitler (or Schacht or whoever) invented or at least introduced (debt/interest-free) fiat because there was no gold in Germany at the time but curiously Germany was still accumulating gold. Nazi gold it famous to this day.

>> No.59372222
File: 2.90 MB, 4032x2268, 20241206_055914.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Don't say "muh RMs", they were partially made of silver, not backed by it
RMs. You realize that by putting silver in the money makes it backed by silver, right? You've shown your stupidity enough already today, take a break.
>swat team
>implying they'd be foolish enough to attempt a door to door confiscation of PMs in the first place
>Let's see who the pigeon is?
Oh you will beat me, I won't even bother.

>> No.59372224

Do bitcoin p2p markets even exist?

>> No.59372244
File: 910 KB, 1832x1719, 1732047261760517.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Schacht was a giant meme who had basically no say in anything, he was in charge of the German bank before the hyperinflation happened. The fact is German money under Hitler had absolutely nothing to do with the price of silver. This is easily verifiable.

>You realize that by putting silver in the money makes it backed by silver, right?
Do you understand what "backed" means? Silver had no effect on the value of German currency. If it did, the banks who control most of the silver supplies could have tanked the price and destroyed Germany that way. Germany had no silver reserves that governed the value of its currency. Nothing about German money was governed by silver, it was barter using German industrialism to trade. I happen to be very interested in Hitler era German policies so it really bothers me when people in this thread circlejerk about Nazi Germany as if it were some silver lovers paradise where silver was king. Stop using the fact that some windmill coins were made of silver to trick people into buying your retard rocks.

>> No.59372253
File: 92 KB, 1831x241, 1704714066671256.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>59372327

>implying they'd be foolish enough to attempt a door to door confiscation of PMs in the first place

>> No.59372257

>implying they'd be foolish enough to attempt a door to door confiscation of PMs in the first place
IF they need to, they can. Obviously it happened multiple times in history if they need to confiscate someone's goods. You are basically at the mercy of the government in regards of
- moving your own networth outside of borders
- keeping you own networth for yourself
yeah they won't take it if you are a good boy (by their standard) but they CAN. Just make up a random terrorism accusation and that's it, they can enter your house legally. At least to get a passphrase they have to torture you, violating international human rights.
Sucking the government's cock sounds like freedom to you?

>> No.59372265
Quoted by: >>59372327

>You realize that by putting silver in the money makes it backed by silver, right?
Does it? To me, backed by gold or silver means you can exchange any amount of paper notes for the equivalent in metal. This was not possible in Germany because there weren't enough silver RMs to do it. It's a partial backing at best but really it was just a way to show good intentions after the Weimar fiasco.

>> No.59372327

They confiscated nothing though. Only good goys volunteered to turn theirs in.
>IF they need to, they can
They can't even enforce gun control. PMs are even easier to hide than say something small like a Glock 43 or S&W Shield.
>Does it? To me, backed by gold or silver means you can exchange any amount of paper notes for the equivalent in metal
They had paper currency too, which could be exchanged for coins made with silver.

>> No.59372344
Quoted by: >>59372353

>PMs are even easier to hide
there are literal tools like metal detectors designed for that exact function
it's in the name
they detect the metal
let me know when they invent mind reading to extract passphrases

>> No.59372351
File: 219 KB, 1125x1115, 1716641289327257.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They confiscated nothing though

>A federal prosecutor indicted Campbell the following day, September 27, 1933, for failing to surrender his gold.[14] Ultimately, the prosecution of Campbell failed but the authority of the federal government to seize gold was upheld, and Campbell's gold was confiscated.

Gus Farber, a diamond and jewelry merchant from San Francisco, was prosecuted for the sale of thirteen $20 gold coins without a license. Secret Service agents discovered the sale with the help of the buyer. Farber, his father, and 12 others were arrested in four American cities after a sting operation conducted by the Secret Service. The arrests took place simultaneously in New York and three California cities: San Francisco, San Jose, and Oakland. Morris Anolik was arrested in New York with $5,000 in U.S. and foreign gold coins; Dan Levin and Edward Friedman of San Jose were arrested with $15,000 in gold; Sam Nankin was arrested in Oakland; in San Francisco, nine men were arrested on charges of hoarding gold. In all, $24,000 in gold was seized by Secret Service Agents during the operation.[15]

>Louis Ruffino was an individual indicted on three counts purporting to violations of the Trading with the Enemy Act of 1917, which restricted trade with countries hostile to the United States. Eventually, Ruffino appealed[17] the conviction to the 9th District Circuit Court of Appeals in 1940; however, the judgment of the lower courts was upheld, based on the President's executive orders and the Gold Reserve Act of 1934. Ruffino, a resident of Sutter Creek (California) in California gold country, was convicted of possessing 78 ounces of gold and was sentenced to 6 months in jail and a $500 fine, and had his gold seized.[18]

Shall I keep going?

>> No.59372353
Quoted by: >>59372366

>metal detectors
Uhh hide them with other metals? Hide them behind circut breakers? Hide them underneath rebar reinforced concrete. You think people would only hide them underneath a few feet of plain soil?

>> No.59372357
File: 940 KB, 2250x3000, IMG_20240605_165229.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>59372371

I know but there weren't enough silver RMs to exchange all that paper for silver RMs. That's not what I consider backing. In fact had they claimed this I would consider it a scam. But they didn't claim any backing and after 1940 there were no new silver RMs being minted either. It was all CuNi. Had they claimed any formal backing that would have been a rugpull.

>> No.59372358

Wow two people!?! Out of how many citizens. Oh you sure showed me with that tiny sample size...

>> No.59372366

and what prevents them to investigate all of those hiding spots? you are unironically telling me that THE GOVERNMENT can't find your little hiding spots IN YOUR OWN HOUSE if they really really want to?
you must be kidding at this point, no fucking way you are writing this shit with a straight face
this is desperation

>> No.59372368

So now you're moving from "nothing got confiscated" to "ok maybe only two people had it confiscated", those were only two I posted, there are lots more, and the precedent shows your argument of "nothing happened" to be full of shit.

>> No.59372371

They never claimed formal backing of the RM by silver at all and nobody can show proof they ever did because it doesn't exist, because the RM was never backed by silver at any point.

>> No.59372375

i guess those 2 people forgot to hide it behind circut breakers, damn
i don't understand why tho, it sounds so practical

>> No.59372382
Quoted by: >>59372813

>Foreigners also had gold confiscated and were forced to accept paper money for their gold. The Uebersee Finanz-Korporation, a Swiss banking company, had $1,250,000 in gold coins for business use. The Uebersee Finanz-Korporation entrusted the gold to an American firm for safekeeping, and the Swiss were shocked to find that their gold was confiscated. The Swiss made appeals, but they were denied; they were entitled to paper money but not their gold. The Swiss company would have lost 40% of their gold's value if they had tried to buy the same amount of gold with the paper money that they received in exchange for their confiscated gold.[19]

>> No.59372395

my financial talking youtube heads last night said ai is hugely invested in to the point where it will be very difficult for it to give back the returns to investors, I believe it was this video https://youtu.be/qxnshS54Z7k?si=deo1Iwx7MIJbWt9t

>> No.59372401

You know what? I'm done arguing with retards for today. Buy your crypto and keep thinking the government is competent like good tax cattle.
I'll keep buying silver, because I'm tOtaLlY a FoOl for doing so...

>> No.59372409

>Another type of de facto gold seizure occurred as a result of the various executive orders involving bonds, gold certificates and private contracts. Private contracts or bonds that were written in terms of gold were to be paid in paper currency instead of gold although all of the contracts and the bonds proclaimed that they were payable in gold, and at least one, the fourth Liberty Bond, was a federal instrument. The plaintiffs in all cases received paper money, instead of gold, despite the contracts' terms. The contracts and the bonds were written precisely to avoid currency debasement by requiring payment in gold coin. The paper money which was redeemable in gold was instead irredeemable based on Nortz v. United States, 294 U.S. 317 (1935). The consolidated Gold Clause Cases were the following:

>Perry v. United States, 294 U.S. 330 (1935)
>U.S. v. Bankers' Trust Co., 294 U.S. 240 (1935)[20]
>Norman v. Baltimore & Ohio R. Co., 294 U.S. 240 (1935)
>Nortz v. United States, 294 U.S. 317 (1935)

>The Supreme Court upheld all seizures as constitutional, with Justices James Clark McReynolds, Willis Van Devanter, George Sutherland, and Pierce Butler dissenting.[21] The four justices were labelled the "Four Horsemen" by the press, as their conservative views were in opposition to Roosevelt's New Deal supported by the press.

Proof that "gold backed" currency is bullshit and can / has been rugpulled before.

>> No.59372421

>out of their control
>can't take it with you on a plane without asking for their permission
>can't prevent them from physically take it since it's just an object
>he needs to ask for the government's permission to do stuff with his own fucking networth
>out of their control
comedy, pure comedy

>> No.59372493
File: 973 KB, 500x250, IMG_4847.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>59372605

I knew bitchcoin nigger can’t leave… this is his hell, he couldn’t leave even if he wants to. Kek
>I laugh at the silly little clown

>> No.59372537
File: 84 KB, 409x306, 20210521_154150.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Boomer here. Marijuana was illegal in the USA for my entire lifetime and yet there was never a day I could not have scored easily if I so desired. MJ is MUCH harder to hide than PMs because of the smell and because it is consumed, the supply needs to be renewed constantly.

The easy availability of pre-ban US gold coins now shows just how ineffective was the confiscation.

Nearly every imaginable asset is easier to confiscate than PMs: houses, cars, boats, bank accounts, pensions, stocks, bonds, etc. I don't know enough about crypto to opine, but criticizing PMs because they can be confiscated is hilariously idiotic.

>> No.59372555
File: 219 KB, 1500x1500, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>59372665

i was stupid today and bought picrel
YOLO i guess

>> No.59372557
File: 572 KB, 498x498, IMG_2862.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>59372564

Make him poo his pants again!
>what an absolute babbling mongloid that does this for “free”. Must be a jannie as well
Let’s all laugh at bitbabby!

>> No.59372564


>> No.59372596
File: 1.91 MB, 4340x3508, 1703963054571248.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he thinks there are no back doors
>he thinks they have never been deleted/confiscated
>he thinks underground cables being cut (again) is normal
>he thinks the farmer with the food will trade him a meal for his ones and zeros
>he enters a conversation not about his interests to yell, get triggered, point fingers, blame, grovel, and lie
>bankers, countries, billionaires are not participating in his cult
>50 off topic posts

The hardest thing to hit people with is the truth. What a miserable creature.

>> No.59372605

> Are you actually investing in anything useful though?
>not useful
>still not able to tell me how to pass the metal detector at the airport with a bag full of gold
>sending value all over the world in a matter of minutes is not useful
>being able to carry your worth with you whenever you go is not useful
>defining ownership in a global not-fuckabale ledger is not useful for a store of value
>a whole thread spent talking about this and the better solution we got looks like this >>59369810
say you don't like it because you don't understand it, but if you can't see the OBJECTIVE value in those properties you are just blind, unbelievable stupid, in denial, or just seething hard for not having invested earlier
bro they simply didn't want to take your MJ that bad, you are telling me that if they'd really really want to they couldn't find your hiding spot? are you mentally ill or just naive?
> I don't know enough about crypto to opine, but criticizing PMs because they can be confiscated is hilariously idiotic.
it can be confiscated because it's a physical good, it's that simple
they can put their hand on it and that's it, it's theirs now
ownership is defined as whoever physically has the thing in their hands, which is hilariously stupid for something that should be a store of value, see >>59372098
hell? i'm having a blast, you guys literally have 0 arguments
do you know what frustration sounds like instead? like this:
>You know what? I'm done arguing with retards for today.

>> No.59372612
Quoted by: >>59372638

It's funny how desperate they are to attempt and persuade us to buy their bags. The reek of desperation is astounding.

>> No.59372628
Quoted by: >>59372729

>backdoors in open source software
>he forgot his meds again

of course it can be confiscated, but only with the will of the owner, which goes like this: "you can have a life sentence, or a X year sentece if you tell us your passphrase"
that's it, they need to get it from you. They can't just physically take it like they can with objects, that is simply not possible. Can't be done

>> No.59372635

>ignores all posts
>starts talking to himself because he can't reply directly to the FUD because it's so true
Standard /pmg/ procedure. Ignore, deny, buy more from the banks.

>> No.59372637
File: 1.75 MB, 498x498, IMG_5447.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quads Czech’d
>he’s like talking to people, but stupid and infantile
All over a necklace he couldn’t sell?
Please make the monkey dance some more!

>> No.59372638
Quoted by: >>59372751

i don't give half a shit what you waste your money on kek
i'm here for fun and to tell the truth, do whatever you want with it

>> No.59372645

>someone posts genuine evidence that a gold backed currency can and has been rugged by the government
>instead of attempting to debunk or argue this fact, you choose to post clowns, spam internet phrases and strawman
>others are infantile
If you buy PMs this is the level of intellect you can expect to be dealing with.

>> No.59372665
Quoted by: >>59372675

Lmao, poors bragging about spending $40

>> No.59372670

Note how this post still has no replies despite being a complete death blow to the commonly used argument that the gold confiscation was not enforced. Nobody has anything to say about it despite it being nuclear level FUD for anyone who believes what the people in this thread claim to believe. You should be dying to debunk it but you can't because it happened and there's record of it happening. Anyone against PMs MUST be a paid shill and not someone who thinks the idea that buying gold from the banks is stupid.

>> No.59372673
Quoted by: >>59372682

They don't understand the difference between money and currency.
They're too short sited to see how crypto will lead to a liquidity crisis and kill itself, taking down plenty of institutions with it.
They pretend that having more fiat equivalent assets equates to wealth when not even understanding true scarcity of metals.
/biz/ 2030 will be the exact opposite of what it is now. 90% PMs and one crypto general thread where people will be hoping it'll make a comeback. I bet the crypto shills ITT bought NFTs back in the day lol.

>> No.59372675

I have more pms than you

>> No.59372682

I screencapped this post and I'm going to come here in 2030 after yet another bullrun you'll all miss and post this so we can laugh at you. If you haven't roped because silver will still be $30 but the USD will be worth much less.

>> No.59372687
Quoted by: >>59372694

I always love when they say they own silver they bought in the past, and yet never post it. It's the
>how do you do fellow kids?
Of /pmg/. The obvious astroturfing makes their desperation transparent.

>> No.59372694

I've posted my silver a bunch of times I'm not doing it again because if I don't take a new timestamped picture you all screech REPOST REEE.

>> No.59372696
File: 499 KB, 431x261, IMG_4734.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bet this guy argues with his rabbi over the meaning of what is written in the talmud…
>what a yutz

>> No.59372699
Quoted by: >>59372713

I just filtered their dumbasses.

>> No.59372706
File: 237 KB, 700x984, Bitcoin cures incels.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.59372708
Quoted by: >>59372713

>random ad hominem
>can't answer to one single argument
>ignores all the posts with facts and objective truth
yeah this looks very good for pms
very high IQ people, solid arguments all around

>> No.59372712
Quoted by: >>59372717

If you are a construction worker/scrapper/electrician/work in recycling and your able to procure multiple kilos of copper yearly. Given you also have place to store hundreds of kilos of copper then yes copper can be great way to accunulate and store wealth. I mean, realistically whos GONNA try to steal a giant pile of copper.

>> No.59372713

>lalala I can't debunk any FUD about my investment so I'll just filter everyone lalala echo chamber

They literally have posted zero counterarguments for anything, they aren't capable of even a basic defence of their investment. Massive red flag if someone asking you to invest in something can't dispel basic FUD.

>> No.59372715
File: 443 KB, 540x540, IMG_5668.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>keep dancing monkey
have another (you)

>> No.59372717

>realistically whos GONNA try to steal a giant pile of copper

>> No.59372729
File: 117 KB, 560x705, 1727757337789150.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Backdoors in open source are rare, but they are not new or impossible. I personally haven't seen one for bitcoin but wouldn't be naive enough to rule it out entirely.

I do recall a big case and story of them finding one for a different company in the summer

>> No.59372734

If anybody could prove with any credibility that bitcoin had a backdoor it would go to zero immediately, therefore it hasn't been done yet.

>> No.59372737

>keep dancing monkey
if you want this you should at least try to answer to the arguments lmao, i'm kinda running out of inspiration

>> No.59372749

They really aren't here to persuade us against buying more PMs since we already do. They're obviously here to convince newcomers. My future is so bright sunglasses won't cut it I'll need a welding mask. Their futures are so dark, they'd sell their own eyes for silver when the time is right.

>> No.59372751

Ill call anyone who shills crypto in a precious metals thread a faggot. who most likely does not have American heritage. Keep shitting in the streets.

>> No.59372765

Yes, it could done, the issue is when you argue from a gold vs bitcoin point of view as /pmg/ so often tends to do, the reverse becomes possible, which is why you constantly get pro bitcoin people in these threads. When compared, bitcoin MAY have a backdoor, the issue with gold is the back door is the front door, which the government can, has and will kick in again and take. It's 0-1 for gold on the issue of being able to be kept away from the government, and this is a big part of the pro-metal argument. Nobody has even addressed it yet, it's just ignoring it and hoping it will go away.

>> No.59372770

>anyone who shills crypto in a precious metals
Apparently posting off topic doesn't mean anything anymore. I remember a /k/ gardening thread where people posted their home gardens with guns. Deleted for off topic even though the OP said to post a gun/sword/whatever in your pics. A shovel could be used as a weapon...
Yet it got deleted. Here it's the opposite. It's as if it's allowed to happen. Maybe in the OP we need to add "report all crypto posters as 'off topic' "?

>> No.59372779
Quoted by: >>59373013

yes that's true, but given the financial value of the software it's pretty safe to assume it's under constant scrutiny by the whole world, because the first to find an anomaly instantly becomes extremely rich

>> No.59372780
File: 83 KB, 608x679, Wrong!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.59372788
File: 357 KB, 1076x1086, 1732838664132741.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>open source is safe
>open source can't have back doors
>OK anon so there are sources that say open source can have back doors
>anon it's totally different to this open source.
>no backdoor found, yet

This is why I say I wouldn't be naive enough to rule it out. I would hate to be invested in something that one morning I could wake up to and find I was rug pull over something Ai could be trained to sniff out. Just saying

>> No.59372791
File: 361 KB, 1771x1775, 1705620705599043.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>constantly and baselessly attack the investment of others to attempt to make yours look better
>people show up to defend their investment

>> No.59372813

>This is why I say I wouldn't be naive enough to rule it out. I would hate to be invested in something that one morning I could wake up to and find I was rug pull over something
So what is your response to these posts then? >>59372351 >>59372382 >>59372409 They're pretty massive FUD for gold as an investment yet there isn't a single genuine reply to any of them. Plenty of people retardposting and ignoring them but all that effort shitposting and nobody can muster an attempt to debunk any of it? I know it's futile but I thought someone would at least try. The government can come to your house and take your shit and you won't be able to do anything about it. To do that to crypto, they have to violate international law and torture you. It's more likely that either the government or a horde of commies come and take all your shit than it is someone cracks bitcoin.

>> No.59372818
File: 393 KB, 1042x992, Screenshot_20240331-104054~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>59372845

It does when it upsets the tiny hats

(og was for posting coin clipping image)

>> No.59372829
Quoted by: >>59372837

If the government comes to take my coins, it's violence time.
I'm willing to die for my coins. Odds are they aren't. The US government couldn't even defeat the Talaban. Why are you so confident that they could take on a precious metals cult?

>> No.59372837

The argument isn't that they will succeed, it's that they will try. Why didn't anybody do anything about it in 1933? Why would it be different now?

>> No.59372839
File: 964 KB, 1200x630, Cheapies - Roy Batty Monologue.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember the last time this general was spammed like crazy by IQDELET. It wasn't that long after that gold shot up in price.

>> No.59372845
File: 174 KB, 1536x1437, 1725129381473544.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God bless America and God bless precious metals!

>> No.59372848
Quoted by: >>59372869

IQDELET has lost all meaning, you throw it at anyone who posts anti-metal stuff, I've seen you people call 4 people IQDELET in the same thread. I've been called it 100 times and it sure as fuck wasn't me.

>> No.59372862
Quoted by: >>59372982

Big institutions selling BTC for gold? If BlackRock ever even hints at a physical gold reserve for themselves it's going to tank BTC and moon gold.
At least /pmg/ will be comfy again without the shills around.

>> No.59372866
File: 1.45 MB, 3000x4000, 1731886603878681.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>59372873

>one scenario has one's and zeros going to zero
>another scenario is forced confiscation that still leaves the investment worth something

Try to compare oranges to oranges. If bitcoin goes to zero because of a backdoor what do you think it will be worth in ten twenty years? What do you think gold or silver would be worth years after confiscation, oh wait, we already know.

You are daft

>> No.59372869
File: 323 KB, 661x726, IQDELET.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IQDELET is known for changing IP addresses when he realizes his ID is being filtered by nearly everyone.

>> No.59372873
File: 596 KB, 940x770, 1718222969421373.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I'm so daft why has not a single one of you countered the arguments I've made? There seem to be a lot of you so it should be easy, but it hasn't been done.

>> No.59372882
Quoted by: >>59372901

>42 fud posts
>zero metals posted
>I swear I have metals like you guys

>> No.59372899
File: 1.85 MB, 3024x4032, this-is-why-the-whole-shit-house-is-coming-down-if-your-v0-17uxuh57kn2e1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post a picture of the silver you bought in 2022 and I will engage with you troll

Inb4 you can't

>> No.59372901

There were times I'd have half a pot of coffee and make 50+ posts in a thread while watching TV. At least I'd have a few PM pics to my ID ITT. These clowns are
>trust me bro
Tier for PM ownership.

>> No.59372966
File: 226 KB, 1707x2048, 1722025178366018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>59373194

This post reminds me of a comfy book I read once where you try to beat them in an argument and they slide through your fingers like jelly only to reform right before your very eyes. I spank your stupid talking points all the time, but alas, here I find you the next day without any recollection of the day before!

>> No.59372982
Quoted by: >>59373043

Larry Fink is a hero and a god he made me at least $3 million by shilling bitcoin to boomers

Thanks Larry

>> No.59372994 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>59373015

Just like to remind yall that posting pics of metal is low IQ

>> No.59373002

I blame myself. We would have never gotten a dedicated paid schizo if we weren't uniting behind meme coins. It's the classic playbook
>make /pmg/ less interesting
I wasn't shocked to see a 1/3rd of all replies in this thread were again our resident glownig

>> No.59373013
Quoted by: >>59373059

>no backdoor found, yet
yes, read and understand this: >>59372779
but if you don't trust it you can look at the code yourself, that's the beauty of it
it's 1000000 times more likely that your physical safe has a backdoor in it made by the manufacturers and you wouldn't have any way of knowing it

>> No.59373015
File: 2.14 MB, 4032x3024, 1722303352161515.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>59373053

But it's so shiny and value dense and is held outside of the monetary system that is a leveraged-ponzi-scheme.
I just love it so!

>> No.59373043

>Larry Fink is a hero
He's a royal piece of shit.

>> No.59373053
Quoted by: >>59373073

>held outside of the monetary system that is a leveraged-ponzi-scheme
That's the idea. That's what scares bankers so much. It's untraceable unlike crypto so the IRS hates it even more.

>> No.59373059
File: 3.13 MB, 2000x2000, 1704456268931315.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>59373082

One scenario has millions of people searching for it, I'd argue even with the help of AI as previously mentioned, and when found makes the item worth less. The other scenario would never happen because my metals aren't even in a safe and if found doesn't make the rest of the market fearful or even change the price. It's 100000000 times more likely you're a retard. Check mate.

>> No.59373073

Banks know their currency represents an amount of claims larger than the entire planet earth can accommodate. When people draw down their credit assets and buy metals they get scared because even a few localized millionaires could effortlessly blow out a local coin shop's inventory quite quickly. If investment silver starts picking up in premiums that people will pay, generic round producers will shore up ever more inventory to meet demand and may put strain on industry. Industry will NEED to secure the metal to continue operations and they'll pay any price they need to. This then circles back around to the short-position in silver that holds down the price of gold for the sake of the global monetary system. (gold is EXTREMELY political)

>> No.59373075
File: 47 KB, 800x445, Losers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's winners and there's losers

>> No.59373082

>and when found makes the item worth less
why would you care about the value of a thing you don't have anymore kek
you are comparing 2 different things, if a single account gets hacked because someone posts its passphrase online, btc price doesn't care at all
>my metals aren't even in a safe
ok, the lock to your door, whatever you are using could have a physical backdoor and it's 100000000 times more likely because you don't have the whole world constantly checking it out to find errors they can exploit
>has millions of people searching for it, I'd argue even with the help of AI as previously mentioned
you don't see how this makes it safer?

>> No.59373113

>over something Ai could be trained to sniff out.
bro, that's the point... that's the whole point
you think the whole world hasn't already tried it?
don't you understand that the fact that it hasn't been found "yet" it's the exact proof that there isn't one?
you don't know that's precisely the point behind open source software and why it's safer than closed source? google "security by obscurity" (which is the opposite principle)

>> No.59373151
File: 102 KB, 1000x743, 1412_9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ugh another thread full of crypto spam. Well I'm going to buy some junk silver this weekend. No not this junk silver, these cost too much, I'm buying under spot.

>> No.59373194

>I spank your stupid talking points all the time
go thru the thread and you will find 0 answers to most of the anti-pm posts
no one even replied to this from hours ago kek >>59372098
it's so simple you should be able to dismiss it quickly, no? what's the answer then?
but there are many more
no answer about how you have to ask permission to the government to do things with your own networth and call it freedom >>59372257
no answer about how you can move your networth around if it's in gold, the best given solution looks like this >>59369810, does that sound acceptable and normal to you?
go ahead and "spank" those talking points - but let me guess, you are too tired now or suddenly don't want to engage with "shills" anymore KEK
an incredible coincidence, it's not like you don't know what the fuck to say because it's the simple truth and it hurts like hell

>> No.59373196
Quoted by: >>59373260

im considering buying 2 500g bars. is that an ass idea becuase they are hell to liquidate? should i get a ton of buffalos instead (have 10 now)

>> No.59373210

also another thing i would like to get is a solid 24k gold nazi eagle with the swastika. any ideas on how to achieve this? dead serious, would like for it to be approx 250 grams

>> No.59373211
File: 495 KB, 168x130, tldr.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>59373740

Cool story bro

>> No.59373219
Quoted by: >>59373228

>lose USB stick
>hard drive fails
Imagine dropping a million dollars in gold on accident

>> No.59373223
File: 589 KB, 676x907, 241206_1531.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

something like this in pure gold

>> No.59373228

you really don't know how crypto works, do you?
you don't what a passphrase is? i could lose 100% of my hardware and still have access to all my value, from anywhere in the world
you don't even need your own pc, only internet access

>> No.59373231
Quoted by: >>59373239

talk to the guy who did the frenmarks

>> No.59373239
Quoted by: >>59373264

who was it and what's a frenmark?

>> No.59373245

If I forget a random combination of words do I lose access to my gold? Or if my internet goes out?

>> No.59373258

only a retard or fucking poorfag would buy one of the assets but not the other, stfu both of you

>> No.59373260

>500g bars
Why? 500g is an odd amount. Closest I see are kilos and 10oz bars. 10oz are a nice combination of liquid and low premium. If you're going for pure weight, 100oz and kilo bars are fine. I'd reccomend hitting 100oz in 1oz rounds first though. They're ideal.

>> No.59373264
File: 241 KB, 1580x749, 1724635703234704.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>59373556


>> No.59373268
Quoted by: >>59373285

i dont have the money for 100oz bars lol, how fucking rich are you

>> No.59373282
Quoted by: >>59373310

>If I forget a random combination of words
you lose access to your BTC if you forget your seed phrase, BUT if you are worried about it, why don't you store it in the same way you store gold?
a sequence of words will always be easier to hide than gold. If you have no issue in applying security measures to your gold bars and you are worried about your own memory, you can just do the same with the seed phrase. Unlike gold, since it's only a sequence of characters, you can even adopt additional security measures, like saving an encrypted version of it. You can encrypt a text as many times you want. If you know how to decrypt it, you can even save the encrypted passphrase on your desktop and no one will be able to do anything with it.
Saying you can't store your passphrase safely is AT LEAST equivalent to saying you can't store your gold safely. Words can be converted into a physical objects, the other way around is not possible.
>Or if my internet goes out?
yes, and what if the world just explodes? getting internet somewhere nowadays is not harder than getting water and food

>> No.59373283
File: 1.07 MB, 1892x976, Screenshot 2024-12-06 at 8.42.54 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>59373309

i want one of these

>> No.59373285
Quoted by: >>59373294

If you're looking to buy 2x 500g bars you're already in the ballpark. I wouldn't reccomend going right for it though. Like I said, having 100oz in 1oz rounds or low premium coins is ideal. Gives the most flexibility with liquidation at later points if desired.

>> No.59373294

yeah i have about 15oz total now, almost all buffalos but also a 100g and some 24k jewelry, working to build a fucking pirate chest

>> No.59373297
Quoted by: >>59373306

It's funny to remember that in the 8 years of pmg the only person who made a profit on silver is Minty, lmao and he sells frog rounds to broke losers for $100 an ounce and invests the profits in bitcoin. Love that guy

>> No.59373306
Quoted by: >>59373457

i bought about 1500k usd worth of silver but i'm not gonna buy more, it feels like a waste. it's 20oz silver because of bullshit taxes ,my 15oz of gold is tax-free

>> No.59373309

You have elegant tastes my friend.

>> No.59373310
Quoted by: >>59373344

So every argument you made for gold being flawed by being physical now applies to BTC. What if I lose the paper with my pass phrase or it falls out of my pocket? What if the government comes raids my house for the pass phrase? It's much easier to lose endless millions in BTC than gold by your own arguments

>> No.59373344

>So every argument you made for gold being flawed by being physical now applies to BTC.
no, that's why i wrote very specifically
btc doesn't REQUIRE it but you CAN, YOU have the choice.
>What if I lose the paper with my pass phrase or it falls out of my pocket? What if the government comes raids my house for the pass phrase?
no issue at all, just save an encripted version of it or a slighly different version that only you know
for example you can
- encrypt the passhphrase with a password like "i like dogs"
- write down something different but that you know it's related, like "i don't like cats"
- no one who finds the encrypted passhprase or "i don't like cats" can do absolutely anything with it
there are countless solutions, because storing words will always be easier than storing gold. You can add an arbitrary number of additional security measures, which you can't do with physical objects.
I can literally post my encrypted passphrase here publicly and you still couldn't do absolutely shit with it, wanna try?

>> No.59373354
Quoted by: >>59373387

Wait, do you really think memory is 100% reliable and isn't subject to the same types of failures as hard drives? If I drop a rock on my head do I lose all my gold?

>> No.59373363

>I can literally post my encrypted passphrase here publicly and you still couldn't do absolutely shit with it, wanna try?
You're in a thread where people show actual stacks of wealth, pictures of riches beyond your wildest imagination and there's nothing you can do to steal it out of the screen. Lmao

>> No.59373380
Quoted by: >>59373394

storing gold isn't really the problem, transporting it is. you should still have a stack, or if not, just gtfo

>> No.59373387

ok then just adopt those security measures? you do understand words, right?
except you are telling the service provider your ip, meaning your address, so basically telling people where you live AND that you have gold, which can be stolen by simply taking it when you are not in the house lmao

>> No.59373392

also,post stack

>> No.59373394
Quoted by: >>59373397

if storing gold is not a problem, storing an encrypted passphrase is even easier, there is literally no possible counter argument

>> No.59373397
Quoted by: >>59373405

storing either is trivial unless you're retarded

>> No.59373405

yeah with the little difference that if someone takes your gold it's over, if someone finds my encrypted seed phrase they still can't do shit

>> No.59373407
Quoted by: >>59373423

>only internet access
>power outage
>government ban on crypto transactions
>slow network
>500 error
Lol idiot.

>> No.59373413

if someone takes your btc it's also over, it's just the attack vectors are different. there are pluses to both. get crypto AND gold, fren

>> No.59373414
Quoted by: >>59373451

>if someone takes your gold it's over
If they can find it...

>> No.59373423

>500 error
kek throwing words around
government can't ban crypto transaction you dumb fuck, that's kinda the whole point
they can ban exchanges but who gives a shit

>> No.59373442

>government can't ban crypto transaction
All transactions are public. It's as easy as blocking someone's bank account. Both need KYC, and both bank accounts and crypto wallets can be easily monitored.
I'm sorry that you're stupid.

>> No.59373451

yeah, same with the encrypted passphrase no? do you know what ADDITIONAL measures means?
IF that happens, they still can't do shit because you can encrypt a sequence of words
also the more gold you have the harder it is to hide it, obviously, because it's physically bigger (which is hilarious)
hide it in different spots and make the area of attack bigger
you can slice it how you like, but storing words will ALWAYS be easier and safer, for very obvious reasons. You can always convert words to objects but the other way around is impossible, meaning that the security measures you can apply to gold will ALWAYS be a SUBSETS of the ones you can apply to seed phrases

>> No.59373457
File: 1.15 MB, 2048x1536, 53krugs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>59373493

Silver or gold, it's all good so long as you're stacking.

>> No.59373463

They're cryptodorks using chat GPT to make long responses in an attempt to appear smart.
And they're posting off topic so of course they're stupid lol.

>> No.59373465

>Both need KYC
why don't you study a little before posting about things you clearly don't know shit about?
crypto networks are NOT the same thing as exchanges you absolute dumb fucking idiot, p2p trading doesn't care at all about bans or KYC

>> No.59373473

Then how do you buy BTC without an exchange? You're shilling snake oil.

>> No.59373490

you are honestly asking? like you literally don't know?
wait, do you think the second satoshi mined the first btc in 2009, exchanges just appeared instantly? is this what you are unironically telling me?

>> No.59373493
Quoted by: >>59373552

why krugerrands instead of buffalos?

>> No.59373495
File: 50 KB, 500x577, Gold Is Money Everything Else Is Credit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God I'm so fucking sick of reading crypto/bitcoin/BTC/KYC that everyone who isn't participating should just auto-filter the words like I'm going to because some people are just falling for the bait.

>> No.59373508
File: 690 KB, 720x684, 1732554077749664.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>59373564

Lmao, stacktards hate authentic information as much as they hate making profits

>> No.59373510

when btq becomes even more ubiquitous, you just sell bread, blothes, veggies or whatever for btc, and then you go pay someone to mow your lawn for btc.
unironically, btc will fuck governments over for real. remember this post a few years in the future when you see govts around the world panicking to shut down btc and it only getting stronger, and people sighing deeply and stop paying taxes because it only becomes nigger gibs anyway

>> No.59373531
File: 262 KB, 1699x935, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>59373849

This image here shows how much fucking noise is in this place. Again, use your filters.

>> No.59373543

Nocoiners continue the FUD against themselves to justify missing out on generational wealth. Not my problem. Just know that all of them will capitulate and end up losing money. When these losers buy bitfoin the top is in

>> No.59373548

Why is everyone screeching at each other? You mean to tell me none of you own physical gold/silver, PM ETFS, crypto, emergency cash, stocks, 401k, and saving accounts at the same time? You all just go all in on either crypto or PMs and then argue with each other about it?

>> No.59373552
File: 290 KB, 1272x476, krug.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>59373557

Very low premiums, very low spread.
But also I just like the coin, and the fact that it's 22k rather than .999 fine.
And it was the first bullion gold coin, very popular world-wide.

>> No.59373556
File: 1.10 MB, 2276x1140, 1725663697029553.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

todd are you still going to be able to make this with your new setup? or at least something similar like picrel

>> No.59373557

why do you prefer 22k? asking as a pmg noob

>> No.59373564

Lmao they brag

about being in an echo chamber this really is they/them>>59373508

>> No.59373578
File: 49 KB, 624x417, Gold Alloys Composition Chart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>59373672

>why do you prefer 22k? asking as a pmg noob
Pure gold (24k) is a very soft metal. 22k makes it an alloy and strengthens it. That's why sterling silver is preferred over pure silver for its alloy strength.

>> No.59373595

>PM ETFS, crypto, emergency cash, stocks, 401k, and saving accounts at the same time

I own all those things. Physical is for broke retard incels. These stacktards who post images of their miniscule stacks are all broke losers seething that cryptochads got rich. Best to ignore anyone who posts metal images they are losers

>> No.59373604
Quoted by: >>59373794

How do you know those are all net shorts? Some are leveraged longs. Buying slv as Jewish as it is pumps silver bags and adds to that ratio.

>> No.59373609

nah, physical is great for some insurance against the fiat kike govts that will be failing in the coming decades

>> No.59373629

I don't think having a bit of physical is a bad idea. Worst case scenario you can use your silver coins to keep drinking water clean if shit really hits the fan.

>> No.59373672
File: 974 KB, 2048x1536, krugsorted.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>59373697

Because they're tougher like >>59373578 said. So I don't need capsules and don't worry much about damaging them. And basically they were designed for circulation, and are used as such in South Africa (occasionally, for large transactions).

I already sold my stonks, bonds, and all similar "financial instruments" years ago. That's how I was able to buy this gold and over 4000 oz silver.
My only regret is I didn't do it earlier, when gold was < $800/oz (and silver much lower than now as well).

>> No.59373697
Quoted by: >>59374561

i dont use capsules for my buffalos, why are people so afraid of scratches and stuff? i get it for really rare cons, but buffalos, who cares?

>> No.59373740

exactly, this is the demonstration of how you ""spank"" the talking points KEK
absolute comedy, thank you

>> No.59373749
Quoted by: >>59373894

Every once in a while there's a good faith question or interesting discussion to be had. Things are especially ass right now due to number going up (and increased paid shills, no doubt), but I'm filtering IDs instead.

>> No.59373794

They're contracts for physical silver. I don't think any are shorts. It's SLV and the like.

>> No.59373849

Jannies and mods are complicit by the way

>> No.59373894

You both need to auto-filter the words and deny the spammers oxygen.

>> No.59373905
File: 101 KB, 674x516, Higher, oh yeah!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No capital gains on bitcoin, I'm lovin' it

>> No.59373928

Obviously. 2+ years of the exact same posts about crypto and at least one dedicated street shitter shilling the general. Very organic, despite not happening anywhere else on this board.
(I don't actually know because /bant/s smg thread is the only other biz related general i use)
At the very least I'm sure no other general gets this much shilling.

>> No.59374007
File: 869 KB, 1710x1200, OneGrainAu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Gold Grain Edition

>> No.59374037

Fact check true jp Morgan paid shills pump silver nonstop trying to unload their bags on stacktards, minty shills silver here, goldbux shills their garbage here etc

>> No.59374060
File: 217 KB, 1080x1078, Rules.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IQ is a genuine shill, it's hard to imagine somebody doing this for so long without some kind of incentive.

Though the recent influx of shit posters are probably just zoomer retards riding the highs of their "digital gains" that they have yet to actually realize (they never will), they're just here because they think it's funny.

With that said, Mods/Jannies are absolutely turning a blind eye on purpose, so either they are compromised themselves or they're also pro crypto and thus they don't give a shit about us.

watch me get banned for this post

>> No.59374080
Quoted by: >>59374137

again if you are telling me there's a way i can get paid to shit on you please point me in that direction, i've being doing it for free
on a more serious note, why do you think schizophrenia is so common between pms holders? what's the connection?

>> No.59374137

>Though the recent influx of shit posters are probably just zoomer retards riding the highs of their "digital gains" that they have yet to actually realize (they never will), they're just here because they think it's funny.

^^^ Ya that's you kiddo, you haven't been here as long as IQ has so you don't qualify

>> No.59374159
Quoted by: >>59374200

yeah that precisely why i've asked? you can unironically get paid to shit on pms shills and there's proof of that? how do i join?

>> No.59374200
Quoted by: >>59374221

i dunno, ask IQ when he comes on his shift

>> No.59374221

ok so basically it's not a fact but just speculation/schizoposting
got it

>> No.59374392
Quoted by: >>59374408

Just report more.
If someone said "here's my hardware wallet and a stack of coins" that's a legitimate post. If someone said "silver isn't performing as well as [other asset]" that's also a legitimate post, but saying it 50 times defiantly constitutes as trolling outside of /b/ and is a reportable offense. Just saying "buy BTC" or posting a chart w/ no good reason is absolutely off topic and should be reported.

>> No.59374408

i report them and they don't go away

many times i've reported them and i'm the one who gets banned

make of that what you will

>> No.59374433

ok but have you tried crying more?

>> No.59374561
File: 698 KB, 2048x1536, krugtubes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just don't drop them on a hard floor, or they might get dented. At some point the damage becomes significant enough to lower resale value from spot price to melt, but I don't know what the threshold is. And yeah technically all that matters for bullion is the weight, but realistically a dealer will probably lowball you if you try to sell a significantly damaged coin.
If you don't want to use capsules, just get a tube for them. That's enough to protect them (and makes storing more convenient).

>> No.59374580
File: 55 KB, 1025x445, Screenshot_20241114-130811.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.59374605
Quoted by: >>59374644

and did you also read the rest of the article?

>> No.59374610
Quoted by: >>59374632

Its wild for anyone who isn't an actual shill to fall in line with them. Course the level of shill discourse across the site has dropped significantly in the last 8 years its not even hard to spot them. Seems back then all the good ones had followed us to cripplechan.
>jannies being fags
I'm shocked. I've never seen a janny that managed to not be or otherwise refrain from turning into a reddit mod.

>> No.59374632

Like i said, i think IQ is the only genuine shill, the rest are just retard bitcoin maxxies having a laugh

>> No.59374644
File: 917 KB, 1080x954, Screenshot_20241206-124753.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>59374682

I hope you don't use an exchange.

>> No.59374657
Quoted by: >>59374674

There was a theory floating around that iq or someone he knows is a jannies. That's why all his posts would stay up and other legit posters started to get deleted and banned for asinine things.

>> No.59374674

the janny said they were more than one person in these threads. janny doesn't seem to post much anymore.

>> No.59374682
File: 9 KB, 840x42, literallyblind.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>59374696

yeah did you just skip the whole "reading the post" thing and just went to post your useless pic?
>they can ban exchanges but who gives a shit
did you miss that line?
or this post maybe? >>59373465
you think "BTC WALLET" and "ACCOUNT ON AN EXCHANGE" are the same thing?
do you think crypto advocates are usually pro centralized exchanges?
do you just like posting random shit without knowing or researching half a shit about things? that's the IQ level of the average pms holder i guess

>> No.59374696

jeff bought a ledger in 2022 and all his shit sitting on exchanges. hasn't even tried fucking with it yet lol

>> No.59374736

i have no clue about who jeff is, a friend of yours? if yes tell him to move his stuff to a cold wallet, if he cares about safety

>> No.59374758

Hopefully bob got on the Bitcoin train when the price crashed today and slurp slurp slurp slurp slurp the cheapies cuz now it's mooning again. What say you Bob?

>> No.59375032

let's have another good laugh, take a look at this kek
goldfags are incredibly upright citizens when you ask them how can someone bring his networth at the airport:
>like, are you a felon or something? lol
>unless you need to do it illegally, which you shouldn't

but suddenly, when we talk about crypto exchanges (NOT direct wallets of course, which is impossible) they are worried about their account being frozen by the government
>government ban on crypto transactions
so which is it? being able to use your networth regardless of what the government says is important to you or not? if yes, how the fuck do you plan to take it with you on a plane? still absolutely 0 answers to this day
bunch of hypocritical rocks-shilling FAGGOTS, that's you.

>> No.59375075
File: 568 KB, 1035x1583, Screenshot_20241206-124438 (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>59375234

This is awesome. Everyones incentives aligned. I love blackrock they make America great

>> No.59375118
File: 107 KB, 1536x864, IMG_0108.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you okay my dude?

>> No.59375129

>that pic
Were they intentionally making an AIDS version of the handshake from predator?

>> No.59375165
Quoted by: >>59375259

yeah, are you? it worries me that you had that pic saved
be safe anon

>> No.59375234

>I love blackrock they make America great
They push ESG and DEI shit on everyone who invests w/ them
They're the hemorrhoid in America's ass

>> No.59375259
File: 72 KB, 472x468, IMG_0151.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>59375267

>yeah, are you?

>> No.59375267

is that as you feel anon? i'm sorry... you should be able to express your emotions openly
if you are sad just say it, it's ok, this is a safe space

>> No.59375283
File: 782 KB, 220x164, IMG_0153.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>59375292


>> No.59375285
File: 94 KB, 800x800, have-a-great-day-memes-63.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like holding gold and silver, simple as. Maybe dabble with stonks here and there.

Captcha: AMP

>> No.59375292
Quoted by: >>59375330

that's one of my favourite shows!
it's so nice that you have all of these little pictures saved and ready, i'm glad you found a space to express your feelings - it's very healthy!

>> No.59375330

>it’s very healthy
I’m glad your therapist is helping you anon. She will be proud you’re spreading wha you learn to internet strangers.

>> No.59375336
Quoted by: >>59375363

yes! you clearly need help and i'm here for you :)

>> No.59375349
Quoted by: >>59375355

Christ, maybe this one really does do it for free. At least iq just falls back to his dogshit script, this other nigger is just disappointing, zero talent for bants.

>> No.59375355

>more ad hominem avoiding the actual arguments
why so mad? regretting some financial decision of yours maybe?

>> No.59375363
File: 402 KB, 400x226, IMG_0154.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>59375373

Lol how old are you?

>> No.59375370
File: 207 KB, 1152x2048, signal-2023-04-14-15-11-04-699.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone who posts more than 12x a thread is a faggot.

Anyone who posts more than 12x a thread without a precious metal picture is a tranny faggot.

Simple as

>> No.59375373

since you own pms i guess you are over 80?

>> No.59375377

The new Gary-Gensler coins just dropped.

>> No.59375387
Quoted by: >>59375453

I may be a precious-metals-fag but at least I'm not a crypto-tranny.

>> No.59375438

>Hopefully bob got on the Bitcoin train when the price crashed today and slurp slurp slurp slurp slurp the cheapies cuz now it's mooning again. What say you Bob?
I don't own any bitcoin. So far this year I think it's done a 2-3x which isn't nearly enough to justify dumping money into it.

>> No.59375439

What do you guys imagine a 33 year old anon who spends his days trolling /pmg/ is like in real life.
Does he have a job or wife? Any friends?

>> No.59375453
File: 538 KB, 1066x1152, Screenshot_20241206-123833 (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stacktards love to brag about their poverty and how they make coin merchants rich

>> No.59375472

Their job is shilling garbage rocks.lmao how new are you

>> No.59375479
File: 1.51 MB, 1080x2168, IQDelet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.59375485

well i can tell you i'm straight, so i appreciate your attention but it won't work

>> No.59375486

I mean, I'm sure he's more well off than a SEAmonkey that has to side gig collecting driftwood and washing used condoms. But I'm sure leeching off his parents gets to him sometimes.

>> No.59375509

>is like in real life
Pathetic and sad really ;_;
He'll definitely an hero when the world catches up to true PM value. It'll take a few years but we'll have stacked more than enough by then.
>tfw never enough silver
Greed is good.

>> No.59375543
Quoted by: >>59375942

Attention seeking dweeb that will never amount to much and is a failure to his family. But it's OK, he's straight lmao

>> No.59375564
Quoted by: >>59375895

Is it really trolling if everything he says is true, and in a year or so most people figure out he was right all along?

just curious. I don't care if you guys stack metals, but IQ isn't lying about the short term prospects of the investment. And most stackers are in it for the short term whether they know it or not.

>> No.59375629
File: 648 KB, 1020x1466, Screenshot_20241206-135819 (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>59375646

It appears my superiority has caused some jealousy. Hop onboard the Bitcoin train kids you too can build real wealth. Ahh nevermind this is too confusing for rock hoarders . Anywho, Schwab is onboard with blackrock and Saylor, trump and sacks dream team

>> No.59375646

you're off topic for the thread. It's weird they let you keep posting.

>> No.59375708
Quoted by: >>59375733

> It's against the rules to tell people how to make huge riskfree profits in e-gold

Which rule might that be Bob?

Bob? Use your words bob

>> No.59375733

>Which rule might that be Bob?
>you're off topic for the thread.

>> No.59375821
Quoted by: >>59375974

How will the bitcoin maxxies feel when 1 oz of Silver trades for 5 - 10 bitcoin?

Will they cope and seeth when PMchads skip the line??

>> No.59375895
Quoted by: >>59375944

>defending iq in any way
Absolutely retarded.
As I've said before, crypto isn't a problem to most stackers, having someone be flaming faggot about crypto in every pm thread for at least 2 years is.

>> No.59375912
Quoted by: >>59375967

Question, how fragile is an ounce of gold? My dumb-ass accidentally dropped a Suisse bar from hand to floor distance. I've noticed a slight imperfection (a bend of sorts) on one of the corners but maybe it was packaged that way?? Please assure me I'm being noided.

>> No.59375942

yeah i had to drop that specific info since the guy started to seem weirdly interested in me
nothing against gay people, just didn't want to give false hopes

>> No.59375944

after almost 40 years in the precious metals markets I'd agree with almost everything he says. He's not wrong.

He's annoying, poor, repetitive, and belligerent

but he's not wrong. Not about metals anyways. Certainly not wrong about metals as a short-term investment.

>> No.59375951

Eth up 7% silver down 1%

Lmao but what about those charts the JPM shills keep posting silver is supposed to moon

>> No.59375963
File: 1.13 MB, 864x872, 1698434839973392.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In this hypothetical scenario where Bitcoin IS the future and becomes a world reserved currency, that doesn't mean that Gold and Silver suddenly disappear, they'll still be valuable, and when the price manipulation dies off with the kike bankers, they'll be EXTREMELY valuable.

Maybe 5 to 10 is too fantastical? doesn't really matter, it could be 2 to 3, or 0.5 to 1. The average stacker here is sitting on 100+ oz minimum.

What does that translate to? That's more Bitcoin then you'll ever have, peasant.

>> No.59375967

gold is extremely soft and heavy. Dropping it will probably dent it a little.

denting it doesn't matter, it's worth exactly the same amount with a dent in it.

>> No.59375974

>How will the bitcoin maxxies feel when hell freezes
pretty cold i guess, most of us sold our soul to the devil in exchange of accurate information about what assets to invest in

>> No.59375976
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the threads go too slow for only 12 posts

>> No.59375989
Quoted by: >>59376070

>when the price manipulation dies off with the kike bankers
yeah, will it be before or after the GME moass?

>> No.59375998

In 2030 100 oz of silver will buy you one month rent in a 2 bd apt on a diverse are of Baltimore congrats you played yourself

>> No.59376067
Quoted by: >>59376079

instead, how will you guys feel when we'll start asteroid mining and you'll discover that metals are in fact not scarce at all in the universe near us?

>> No.59376070
File: 26 KB, 171x276, Opportunity.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>59376225

Before, After, either way this shit is coming undone, you as a bitcoin maxxie must understand that much, yes? Your whole selling point is being anti-establishment anti kike banker is it not? How much bitcoin do you even have again?

I wonder what 170+ years of price suppression being broken will look like under Bitcoin

>> No.59376079
Quoted by: >>59376179

ask me again in 2 centuries

>> No.59376147

Pity the bitcoin maxxie

he bought in when it was still priced in dollars, at $60,000, diligently DCA'ing his way slowly to that coveted 1 btc hodler position. He's gonna make it bros!

Only for metal chads to skip the line entirely

>> No.59376179

you sure bro? there are companies rising funds for that right now, you think they are doing it for their grandchildren?

>> No.59376197
File: 212 KB, 1336x671, niceFrenchOne.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>59376418

>there are companies raising money for it
>that means it is just a couple years away and is 100% going to work
>that's why they're raising money
>since it is a given after all

>> No.59376198
Quoted by: >>59376418

>you think they are doing it for their grandchildren?
they're doing it because there's a sucker born every minute and it's not against the law to take up a collection to raise mammoths or mine asteroids or harvest gold from the ocean.

>> No.59376202

QRD of why it took mintanon 2 months longer then the extremely lax estimate of October? Is he playing chicken with us? To see how long he can wait and keep us as customers? What is going on?

>> No.59376212
Quoted by: >>59376221

found himself stuck in a plaptrap

>> No.59376219

Irrelevant, what's more likely to occur first? Will it be the kike central bank dying, or some pie in the sky fantasy of asteroid mining?

I think i'm winning this

>> No.59376221

plaptrap? can't say i've heard of this one

>> No.59376225
Quoted by: >>59376260

>Before, After
yeah you missed the joke, the implication was that it will never happen exactly like for the gme moass - and for the same reasons: they won't let it

>> No.59376234
Quoted by: >>59376384

There was a mistake with the minting, I think they were missing ridges and serial numbers or something so he sent them to the mint to get serialized but they wouldn't be able to ridge them, he then posted about it here and apologized, was the last I paid attention to, don't remember when that was.

>> No.59376241



>> No.59376260

probably true

there is no magic number where paper derivatives collapse so long as nobody is cashing in the paper for the underlying item.

>> No.59376312
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>> No.59376384

ok thank you

>> No.59376418
Quoted by: >>59376460

no, it means that there people probably more informed than us that find that it realistic enough to put their money on it
and you know why they can? because it's there, it's not something that was artifically created to be scarce, it's an actual natural element that simply exists out there, tons and tons of it
it's a matter of distance, not scarcity, it's literally there
how much did space travel improve over the last years? how are you so confident that space tech will suddenly stop improving? have you studied it enough?
yeah no, absolutely the second one, they are not going anywhere in the near future

>> No.59376460
File: 24 KB, 1388x132, Screenshot 2024-12-06 at 4.04.04 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

right, just like the ev scam or the fucking green energy scam

>> No.59376611

>just how ineffective was the confiscation.
Your brain on Latin grammar for a Germanic language.

>> No.59376799
File: 442 KB, 500x375, giphy(1).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lichess let's go!
edward wants to play ;)

>> No.59376890

would be less than one cubic inch of gold
have someone 3d print a finely detailed version and then lost wax (investment) casting?