UH OH, someone (who may own a huge portion of the bonds, as someone bought a fuckton some months back) might purchase bbby and then forgive the debt, because if this someone purchased billions of bond debt, to be payed over years, for tens of millions and just forgives it then a huge portion of debt is wiped out via the bond market. Uh oh these "trolls", "shills", "good citizens", or "intellectuals looking for genuine engagement" seem to be particularly capable of engaging in esoteric conversations/debate about quite involved topics that have taken place over months/years. My goodness who would keep up over all that time on such specific potential corporate actions just to coincidentally (purposefully) misinterpret the events thus far and spread misinformation. I would speculate that this misinformation now can pass for disinformation, as this seems like a highly contrived disinformation campaign to make this play look like scitzo nonsense. shills in shambles, hedgies on ledgies, WAGMI.