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File: 1.35 MB, 1200x1600, 9DADD42D-C1B3-4F6C-9A37-7BFDEB700C6C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55132567 No.55132567 [Reply] [Original]

>Basic Information

>How To Buy Bed Bath & Beyond Stock 2023 (BBBY vs BBBYQ)
>How To Buy BBBYQ Using Fidelity
>How To Buy BBBYQ Using E*TRADE
>How To Buy BBBYQ Using Interactive Brokers
>How To Buy BBBYQ Using Charles Schwab
>How To Buy BBBYQ Using TD Ameritrade

>Recent Findings
>Lambos Or Food Stamps
>Very Specific Mentioning Of A Sale Of BuyBuyBaby In Docket 345
>Ryan Cohen Liked Pulte’s Tweet
>SEC & BK Court Filings Reveal Carl Icahn As The Mystery Buyer & TEDDY IPO Coming
>End Game: DTC and NSCC are screwed as the DTC just proved shareholders should Directly Register Shares (DRS)
>List of Equity Holders Just Released
>Potential Bidders: Ryan Cohen
>Adam Cochran Joins The Ship
>Bed Bath & Beyond Bankruptcy Transcripts

>> No.55132575

>NON-Real-Time Trades

>Current Trade Halts + Short Restrictions
No trade halts on OTC

>News And Filings
>10Q Filing
>Bed Bath & Beyond Inc. Withdraws the Registration Statement as it has determined not to proceed with an offering at this time
>Bed Bath & Beyond Inc. Receives NASDAQ Delisting Notice
>Bed Bath & Beyond Inc. Files Voluntary Chapter 11 Petitions

>New Director of the board
>Carol Flaton - Carl Ichans appointee in Xerox take over

>Latest hires
>Holly Etlin - Chief Restructuring Officer
>David Kastin - M&A Specialist board member & CLO
>Shawn Hummell - New Senior VP

>Temporary alliance with jews and reddit
>Don't take any DD for fact use your brain

>As always:
Don't feed the trolls
Sneed hedgies

Previousneed on /BBBYQ

>> No.55132608
File: 282 KB, 500x500, GabePlotThickens.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55146995

p...please sell

>> No.55132610

Not sell Never

>> No.55132618
File: 3.53 MB, 5364x5364, 1683136629585157.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek shillfaggies

>> No.55132622
Quoted by: >>55132635

I don't care
Sell @0 0000

>> No.55132635

>jimmy cracked corn and I don’t care
Then why the fuck did he write the song about it?

>> No.55132644
File: 54 KB, 581x685, IMG_7034.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

M'lady you are so beautiful. May I ask your hand out for a night on the town? Maybe we can go get some brisket for dinner and watch a movie after.

>> No.55132912
Quoted by: >>55133084


>> No.55133049
File: 23 KB, 690x389, 16485727050637.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sounds like a you problem nigger

>> No.55133084
File: 29 KB, 200x200, sneedies.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55133148

Hedgies on the rooftop
after selling GEE EM EE
hedgies never closed
now they gettin dat BEE BEE CEE

>> No.55133148
Quoted by: >>55133181

2 more weeks

>> No.55133181
File: 113 KB, 500x500, Shillies.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here comes the shillies
saying "two more weeks"...
...till they're hauled off to jail
and spreading dem cheeks.

>> No.55133223


>> No.55133590
Quoted by: >>55134228

oh no, couldn't hold that dump huh

>> No.55134177
Quoted by: >>55134228

why did we dump BBBaggiebros?

>> No.55134228


>> No.55134290 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>55134664

kek baggies
>in all fields

>> No.55134664


>> No.55134864

1st datefaggot day is approaching.

>> No.55134929

kek dumbfuck BBBaggies

>> No.55134935

You will never be rich, GME BBBaggie.

>> No.55134954
File: 178 KB, 1074x1201, zen&comfy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>WAGMI...WAGMI so hard

>> No.55135153
Quoted by: >>55136520

Baggie writes a rhyme
Thinks it'll be a hit
Only two more weeks to go
Till regretting not buying dogshit

>> No.55136020
File: 20 KB, 634x783, 1684970547245808.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55136520

do baggies really?

>> No.55136157
Quoted by: >>55136520


>> No.55136520
File: 819 KB, 652x490, dogturd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55137255



>> No.55137325
Quoted by: >>55137728



>> No.55137461
File: 184 KB, 962x865, 0347291.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does /GME/ hate us, bag brothers?

They got a mascot and fruit memes. All we got is a scat fetishist and a down syndrome Pikachu.

>> No.55137472

strange grammar and capitalization? cryptic?


>> No.55137486
Quoted by: >>55142312

ohnononono he's interested in AMC now


>> No.55137591


>> No.55137605
Quoted by: >>55141488



4 lawyers representing the Official Committee of Unsecured Creditors have likely represented Carl Icahn's interests in past CH11 reorganization and Creditor financing.

Also, Schedule 1 starting on page 5 of CH11 court docket 456: NOTICE OF LEASE AUCTION AND POTENTIAL LEASE SALE HEARING does not include any distribution center in the list of locations whose lease is up for auction and potential sale, which supports the thesis that I discussed in my previous post that potential buyers are interested in acquiring BBBYQ assets to develop into an Amazon competitor where existing contracts with Ryder Integrated Logistics for running the distribution centers that were signed before inflation ramped up are considered important assets.

Also, CNBC is now going to air a documentary on Ryan Cohen on June 6 (1 day before the June 7 auction date), where Larry Cheng's CNBC interview conducted in Volition Capital's office back on Feb 7 (1 day after the equity funding deal with HBC) will likely feature.

So, I can see big potential M&A related news in the coming days, possibly with Icahn's bond debt stake and maybe even shareholder stake being revealed, considering the court hearing tomorrow and either he or RC may possibly revealed as the stalking horse bidder after (the company has 2 business days to reveal the stalking horse bidder via stalking horse notice filing, after an agreement is reached) the stalking horse deadline, the day after.

>> No.55137631

>$0.14 cost basis
>Still holding

So gonna make it, $1.18 cost basis anon, we coming for you!

>> No.55137682
Quoted by: >>55139556



>> No.55137728
File: 159 KB, 1198x874, 1684811974407028.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just don't care anymore. I'm already beyond pissed this has dragged on as long as it has and if it doesn't pop this month at the absolute latest I'm going to be indescribably pissed off and probably catch a permanent ban for turning into a raging shit gibbon with no real end in sight. I have watched everyone involved in this get completely fucking brainwashed psyopped in the span of just a few years and I'm tired of being the one to remind people to think. Let everyone believe there's no connection, fuck 'em, and when this does finally happen just never interact with the market or other people again. I'm going full cabin in the woods with a bunker underneath it when this is over.

Stop trying to save them fren. Can't save hoes that don't wanna be saved.

>> No.55137731

Meant for

>> No.55137797
Quoted by: >>55140438

they also have liberty procurement so liberty is an actual thing that they use as their name, it's not just a "coincidence" that the word liberty happened to be in their address. at this point it's hard to believe that shareholders will be left with nothing if you've actually been paying attention to what RC and others have been doing. a vocal minority of post-covid NPCs, zoomers and shills seem to have an incredible lack of general knowledge and common sense but there are nonetheless many thousands of people who are heavily invested in BBBYQ and are going to make it.

>> No.55138757

Shieeeeeeeeeet I got dat bbby nigga

>> No.55139336

DaBaby Let's Go!

>> No.55139487
Quoted by: >>55139684

when the fuck is something going to happen

>> No.55139556

Nigger can you shut the fuck up? We don’t need you to copy your Reddit feed here.

>> No.55139684
Quoted by: >>55139729

There's a literal timetable of events, for better or worse.

>> No.55139729
Quoted by: >>55139751

Shit still gets delayed though

>> No.55139751

Yeah true, I'm going to be happy when this is finally over regardless.

>> No.55139919


>> No.55139926
Quoted by: >>55140384

Perhaps because you've spent the last year trying to derail their threads in an attempt to convince them to buy into a company that has subsequently gone down 99% and gone bankrupt.

>> No.55140339
File: 51 KB, 679x376, 9c7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55140359
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>> No.55140384
Quoted by: >>55140879

>that has subsequently gone down 99% and gone bankrupt
it's only -97% and they only filed for chapter 11 bankruptcy though
kek baggies

>> No.55140438

>seem to have an incredible lack of general knowledge and common sense
A baggie said this with zero irony. lol. lmao, even.

>> No.55140840

So what are the connections tying icahn to bbby?

Circumstantial shit like Cohen knows Icahn. Similar lawyers involved in some filings for bbby as for other Icahn shit?

Weird inverse relationship between IEP and bbbyq?

Hindenburg seems like it could be attacking Icahn over illumina rather than bbby but if Icahn is truly planning revenge then it's hard to imagine that being outside the realm of finance, and there seem to be very few true opportunities to hit back outside of attacking shorts like the Herbalife thing. And the best opportunity for that seems to be bbby or gme or something like that. We know he has the personal connections with Cohen that would make him aware of the companies as potential revenge tools too.

An I missing anything?

>> No.55140879
File: 57 KB, 1080x1080, 702.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You will never be a woman

>> No.55141095

I can catch this knife

>> No.55141243
File: 33 KB, 600x800, 1616014234932.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55141648

i feel so sorry that you guys got scammed into this but please take this as an learning experience. to those that are green (lmao), sell now before you risk becoming like the other baggies

>> No.55141382

What is this meeting about?


>> No.55141403


>> No.55141488
File: 441 KB, 658x673, BBBY deadlines.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55141551

is the stalking horse bidder going to be announced tomorrow after market closes or when will it be public?

>> No.55141551
Quoted by: >>55141596

>is the stalking horse bidder going to be announced tomorrow after market closes or when will it be public?
Some redditor claimed we might not know about it till 48hrs after the deadline, some others seemed to think we might not know about it till the final bid deadline. Idk who actually knows wtf they're talking about.

>> No.55141596
Quoted by: >>55141660

read this and the 2 follow up parts


seems positive but based on the assumption that their was no dilution and the ~300M shares were not sold.

Difficult to know if it's accurate or just weapons grade autism and copium but nonetheless figure we'll see a resolution to this over the next 2 weeks

>> No.55141640
File: 114 KB, 1125x1135, furm8mvu483b1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.55141648

stay mad im not selling pajeet. enjoying your 2 cents paid per post?

>> No.55141660
Quoted by: >>55141835

>assumption that their was no dilution and the ~300M shares were not sold.
I don't recall anything that said 300m weren't sold desu, just a form saying that a proposed sale of little over 100m shares didn't happen

I think people just saw two different numbers, about 400m of voting shares and over 700m shares and got retarded. There's no reason I can see why it those extra 300m shares couldn't be non-voting shares. In that case both the ~400m and ~700m share counts could be true imo. Idk if non-voting shares can be used to close shorts though.

>> No.55141693
File: 35 KB, 512x512, Fon5xCQWABIgQGV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im a poorfag who just got out of a divorce (thank fuck im not in it anymore)

im 6400 shares at 1.64. am i gonna make it?

I want to be able to do something im passionate about

>> No.55141816 [DELETED] 
File: 55 KB, 342x342, 1653938316241.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55141887

>he's down 85%
>he's lost 9 thousand dollars of his 10.5k investment



>> No.55141835
File: 21 KB, 765x188, Not Sold in market.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55141853

Could well be failing to follow the plebbit thread properly but this (image) is what I was referring to as the assumption that the shares were not sold? Not sure I'm articulating myself well but that was the only assumption that felt very shaky to me


>> No.55141839

If you're passionate about losing money, you've already won.

>> No.55141853
File: 501 KB, 350x233, 1666793782383960.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>RC sells
>redditniggers cope
>BBBY dilutes
>redditniggers cope
a tale as old as time itself

>> No.55141879
Quoted by: >>55141890

Folks all I’m sayin is we need to just keep buying more and not letting anyone tell us differently. They’re haters. They’re shills. If you have any friends or loved ones trying to talk you out of buying more you need to do some thinking about whether or not the hedgies have gotten to them in order to sabotage you.

>> No.55141885

why do these threads still exist? The company is dead, the stock is delisted, what kind of weird delusional cope are you all going through that you are still holding onto hope for any kind of return?

>> No.55141887
File: 569 KB, 680x663, Fdg637RWIAMFXsr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55141896


>> No.55141890

>kill your mom to own the hedgies

>> No.55141896
File: 2.34 MB, 498x396, 7682345625.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55141915

>guys im just so le random and unbothered by losing nine thousand dollars

>> No.55141902

Alix partners. iirc Icahn has used them in previous BK takeovers, and their staff seem to move freely between the companies.

>> No.55141915
File: 319 KB, 400x400, FotFZvGXsAE9CYb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why are (You) mad that I am not mad?

>> No.55141918
File: 19 KB, 750x436, 6346793563.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ummm he tweeted with ryan sweaty? what the fuck more do you want

>> No.55141932
File: 121 KB, 530x501, 16795987974884731.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>more quirky lol random images hahaha i just don't care haha i just don't lol

>> No.55141933
Quoted by: >>55141976

Because they're literally obsessed. You can tell which anons are which based on the same images/gifs they post consistently. It's just an unhealthy obsession and nothing more. If I were you I'd double down the shares and lower the cost average. If that isn't an option then I'd just hold onto it and eat the loss if it comes to that. At the end of the day 10 grand wouldn't of changed your life in a meaningful way really anways.

>> No.55141976
File: 55 KB, 720x697, touchin mah harbl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why are they so obsessed?

if they dont like the thread they dont have to bump it. they can hide threads.

>> No.55141989
File: 77 KB, 634x703, 1536157417592.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

love the thread
hate the redditniggers
simple as

>> No.55141997

you're both the same redditors lel

>> No.55142059

anyone holding shares on sofi?

>> No.55142102

I bought more. Someone tell this gay ass market it's about to need diapers after this green dildo.

>> No.55142275
Quoted by: >>55142295

it's just niggerfaggot being mad and quirky because he bought bonds and bbbyq is cleaning up their sheets while onboarding more debt, he's literally the biggest bagholder in these threads

>> No.55142295
File: 2.56 MB, 322x178, 1647466082123.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55142487

>baggies spin the hamster wheel to concoct a scenario where bondholders don't get paid but shareholders get a 10000x
daily reminder that it is literally impossible for you to make a cent on BBBY without me getting a 10x and walking away with fifty thousand dollars

>> No.55142312

No surprise here, hex anon put a hex on him, now pulte is financial retarded.

>> No.55142316
File: 64 KB, 680x830, 2022_05_16_00_24_IMG_1564.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55142487

holy fucking kek what a massive retard
imagine unironically following this gigaredditnigger

>> No.55142487
Quoted by: >>55142514

>buys bonds
>gets more debt piled on while balance sheets get cleaned up
>has to cope
>niggerfaggot cringe diving
you're so gay bro, go back

>> No.55142514
File: 710 KB, 1724x1116, 1668097628574929.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55142609

>gets more debt piled on while balance sheets get cleaned up
>more debt piled on
>balance sheets get cleaned up
>more debt
>balance sheets
>cleaned up
what did he mean by this bros

>> No.55142609
Quoted by: >>55143168

>seething bonds baggie
low t, low quality, dotr yourself

>> No.55142908
File: 198 KB, 1200x1200, 2B4A52B2A0A6w1920h1920.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55143168

>bro they can clean up their balance sheets while adding on more debt
>don't actually expect me to answer how that makes any sense in the slightest, i'm just being a faggot on the internet because i'm down 9 thousand dollars

>> No.55143289
File: 86 KB, 645x773, 1425140979379.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.55143486
File: 2.50 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_5603.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Local store closed..

>> No.55144056


>> No.55144135

good looks. how long is this meeting?

>> No.55144150
Quoted by: >>55144281

>nobody discussing the bankruptcy hearing that is happening right now
yeah im thinking it's fucking over

>> No.55144281
Quoted by: >>55144419

I'm watching it, sounds like you and your bonds are FUCKED hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahhahahaha stupid fucking idiot

>> No.55144377
Quoted by: >>55144403

So the judge is just approving fucking everything we're asking for?

>> No.55144378

>judge specifically mentioned shareholders seeking value
kek there's definitely a merger coming

>> No.55144384

What happened with the court order to list all BBBY holders? I thought we were getting full list today

>> No.55144403
Quoted by: >>55144425


>> No.55144419
File: 21 KB, 372x323, 1659927744789165.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55144497

>party representing unsecured creditors has zero objections to DIP provisions
better luck next time ranjesh

>> No.55144425

Trying to get his wife to blow him

>> No.55144444

While you’re obsessing over the price of this dumbass company ignoring work. I’m fucking your wife. She even lets me cover her face in my man juices

>> No.55144456

yeah i'll check those digits

>> No.55144497
Quoted by: >>55144510

just say it you dumb faggot, say I love bed bath and beyond

>> No.55144508
File: 177 KB, 711x633, IMG_3803.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HOLY HELL. ((They)) are crabbing the FUCK out of this stock. WAGMI.

>> No.55144510

>believing BBBY has enough assets to pay bondschads AND shareholders after the 7 gorillion share dilution
kek delusional faggot

>> No.55144529
Quoted by: >>55144541

still on the clock I see, kek hourlies

>> No.55144541
File: 7 KB, 236x284, b4b98a83da0cd1ebc13248bcb951a6a3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i do in fact get paid to post here
how much do you get paid?
kek baggies

>> No.55144560

yes, we're aware

>> No.55144570
Quoted by: >>55144599

>to pay bondschads
Why would the aquirer bother paying themselves?

>> No.55144596
Quoted by: >>55144610

good, you'll need it for when another one of your dumbfuck investments fucks itself inside out kek disneys

>> No.55144599

the acquirer still has to pay for MY 10x

>> No.55144610

>seething this hard
why are you getting so emotional on an anonymous meme board
could it be because you're down almost 10 thousand dollars?
kek desperate redditnigger

>> No.55144617
Quoted by: >>55164089

ser these numbers were meant for the gme thread you bastardbitch

>> No.55144705

so are we not getting the names of all investors? we only got the AST DRS list last time and then list of brokerages

pretty sure I remember the judge saying this topic would be discussed in next hearing, but wasn't mentioned at all today

>> No.55144743
File: 13 KB, 236x227, 1635881687229.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So when is the next hearing? Is that going to get delayed too? Feels like nothing is happening.

>> No.55144746
Quoted by: >>55144818

>AST DRS list
you mean the redditnigger list

>> No.55144757
Quoted by: >>55144818

>the AST DRS list
you mean the redditnigger list

>> No.55144782
File: 258 KB, 1832x926, Screenshot 2023-05-31 at 21.10.33.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55144818
File: 257 KB, 2048x2002, Foi5So7WcAA3AF3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55144874


do you get the same amount of money no matter the content of your posts?

>> No.55144874

and i get paid extra for every (You)
double for broken (You)s
triple for non-(You) replies
quadruple for references to me in threads when i'm off the clock

>> No.55144958

have a dollar then you broke bitch

>> No.55144964

can't deny a good get

>> No.55144985

contributing to your pay by giving you a free (You)
Enjoy the nickel, my nigger.

>> No.55145284

>during court proceedings company stated they might ask for another extension but reiterated they have numerous interested parties willing to post bids
>seriously though if they ask for another one I'm going to be beyond butthurt and bewildered get it the fuck done faggots

>> No.55145530
Quoted by: >>55145681

>numerous interested parties willing to post bids
yeah it's me, i bid the price of a single share (24 cents)

>> No.55145681
Quoted by: >>55145693

They mentioned two interested parties in the first hearing. The judge seemed surprised that they were even having going through BK.

>> No.55145693

>they were even having going through BK
thanks for your thoughts and concerns ranjesh

>> No.55145781
File: 355 KB, 500x4515, 168553745526236528.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the shills fear the DRS

>> No.55146411

Numerous bids is good you inbred nigger. This shit is going to 1k+

>> No.55146432
File: 428 KB, 1000x509, dark knight.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me, it will be the DA50 Dark Night (With AC). I began getting my private pilots license during GME knowing WAGMI

I may go quarters on it, but I do plan to fly alot

>> No.55146439

just let me sell for $80. deal?

>> No.55146494

after almost a year we can afford to wait another week or two if they need it, we have no choice but to trust the people in charge
also i found it bizarre that the idea of amazon being interested according to insider anon was heavily astroturfed as being bearish because amazon would have to place a better bid than ryan cohen, icahn etc which means we get paid a decent amount even if we don't get a spin-off of baby or gmerica or whatever schizo hopium

>> No.55146517

Right. Amazon has been living out of Kohl's for 6 years...this would be an amazing deal for them

>> No.55146575
Quoted by: >>55146707

>reiterated they have numerous interested parties willing to post bids
Well fuck, if they're emphasizing numerous potential bidders then that sounds like another way of saying there's no stalking horse. Who cares about multiple bidders if you've already got your stalking horse lined up?

>> No.55146650
Quoted by: >>55146840

>during court proceedings company stated they might ask for another extension but reiterated they have numerous interested parties willing to post bids
Actually, where did you see this anon?

>> No.55146707
File: 20 KB, 600x338, mount stupid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're talking out of your ass like this guy >>>/n/1916312
take a chill pill

>> No.55146819

Fuck both of you, I've been holding this sack of shit for years. There'd better not be a fucking delay again. There's no fucking reason for it. Give me my son of a bitching money so I can fuck off from this gay market for good and eat shit you stupid cockmonglers for being fine with getting fucked around.

>> No.55146840

The hearing today was on zoom, I watched it. It was largely bullish news I'm just fucking pissed it might get delayed yet a-fucking-gain.

>> No.55146995

dumb fucking BBBaggies
Source on Melvin shorting BBBY?

>> No.55148103

Two and a half hours with no posts. Better not be a fucking delay tomorrow for the bid.

>> No.55148413 [DELETED] 

be careful what you wish for nigger
wait til you find out there's no stalking whores

>> No.55148926

Hopefully not but eh its whatever to me.

>> No.55148982

So this would be the perfect time to throw $100 into BBBYQ if I was living under a rock since the GME 21’ incident?

>> No.55149733

Shieeet I got dat bbby nigga

>> No.55149856

Well no, the perfect time would be when it was trading at 0.06c

>> No.55150541

So a bondholder could acquire the company and wipe out shareholders?


Found this idiot on Reddit saying that can't happen because they'd lose tax benefits, but it's based on a misreading of the law. He thinks "shareholders and creditors" needing to own 50% of the company means shareholders have to own some, rather than the obvious: shareholders + creditors must own 50%.

Please tell me the tax benefit incentive people keep talking about was not originally based on a retarded misreading like this.

>> No.55150782
Quoted by: >>55151451

The key point here is that bond holders aren't equity holders. The scenario they're talking about is if bonds are converted to equity in the restructuring ie. the bond conversion deals from the start of the year, in which case those bond holders wouldn't agree to it if they were going to get immediately wiped.

>> No.55150926

shareholders get everything that's left after denbts. they can't arbitrarily wipe us out if there are bidders willing to pay us.

>> No.55151050


>> No.55151144
Quoted by: >>55151451

Yeah the risk is if a bond holder wants to lowball because they own the debt, and other parties can't realistically match their offer because they would have to pay par value for the bonds.

>> No.55151451
Quoted by: >>55151825

Right, I guess this doesn't change anything then.

Yeah, debtholders have what, $4b of basically free money to offer in a bid? So if nobody beats them, they could end up owning lots of bbby's assets and allow the company to continue bleeding to death if nobody beats that.

>> No.55151771

I just DRSd 1040 shares of BBBAGGYQ

>> No.55151796

Selling will continue until morale improves.

>> No.55151814


>> No.55151825

Yeah, assuming it's one bad actor holding the bonds. When Icahn has done it in the past though stock holders weren't completely wiped, iirc.

>> No.55151835

so what's the cope when the "stalking horse" turns out to be complete nothing?
kek stalking horse baggies

>> No.55151879
File: 42 KB, 764x432, 6755f591-laughing-horse[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek shorties

>> No.55151932

Still a good time, yes

>> No.55152151

Does DRS matter with bed bath? Why do you trust AST when you can't even make an account?

>> No.55152328
File: 3.77 MB, 348x550, psychpepe.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who knows. I am following 1:10 ratio for AST/Brokers. Got to cover all the bases for any infinite scenario

>> No.55152401

DRS matters for all stocks. Holding stocks in your own name is magnitudes more valuable for you the shareholder than holding them in street name (a broker).

>> No.55152414

DRS doesn’t even matter with GME.

>> No.55152421
Quoted by: >>55152438

This 100% makes sense im not detracting from that. My question is how do you know for certain AST isnt compromised and is still functioning in good faith? Does "maintenance" for months coinciding with retails involvement with bed bath make sense to you?

>> No.55152438

In other words how do we know we havent removed shares from fidelity and placed them in a bad actors name or a similar situation. When computershare fucks up atleast theres an email or tweet the same or next day

>> No.55152879

Jesus Christ your a fucking retard

>> No.55152902
Quoted by: >>55152908

There is no helping some of them

>> No.55152908
Quoted by: >>55152934

So your first post is responding to a post 166 posts in? Post from your other ID and explain why AST should not be scrutinized. In your response, use the correct you're. Stupid fucking nigger.

You as well fucking nigger.

>> No.55152916

>but but but how do I know MY directly registered shares in MY name and tied to MY social security number weren’t placed in the hands of bad actors anon
>better play it safe and keep it in my BROKERS name instead anon. Surely my BROKER will keep them safe for me

>> No.55152919

Like I said, someone commenting about something they have no idea about is indeed a fucking retard

>> No.55152934

You’re a fucking retard FUDDER who hasn’t read a single sentence on the subject of DRS and here you are FUDDING the fuck out of it. Simple as.

>> No.55152944
File: 98 KB, 932x1024, 1683209538658836.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But he said nigger! He's just like us!

>> No.55152962

Checked and kekked

>> No.55152992
File: 187 KB, 642x676, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55153015

are you retards seriously still debating DRS? Look what the fuck DRS has done to GME for a whole year. The price has crated down a whopping 50% and cannot even pump more than 35% at any cycle pumps now when before it would at least do 100% every quarter. Enjoy being retarded. Your name means nothing, the dtcc cannot be trusted. There is literally no way to keep your shares safe, just to pray this shit doesnt get halted like MMTLP did and literally let the stock stop trading without shorts having to do anything at all(which was also otc so we may get fucked)

>> No.55153074

Changed his ID. Lmao. Retard.
>Bro just keep your cash in your Jewish friends house who owes money to the mob bro! Jews are good with money bro.

>> No.55153091


Good luck assholes:




Surely it will be different for you. Send everything to them and pay no attention to the fact that you can't even make an account in the year 2023.
"Sorry Goy umm actually you can't sell because we don't recognize this stock...please send it back to your broker and wait 2 weeks"

>> No.55153095

baggies never learn
baggies never earn
and when the stock all goes to hell
it'll burn and burn and burn


>> No.55153106
Quoted by: >>55153141

I have used the same ID this whole thread. It's very weird you only start posting (from multiple IDs) when I bring up how weird AST is

>> No.55153141
Quoted by: >>55153145

>everyone who calls my glowing out is the same person
Not even nearly faggo

>> No.55153145
Quoted by: >>55153154

Weird how you say this to me but not your other ID here who just levied the same accusation

Both of you post your positions with timestamps

>> No.55153154

>both of you dox yourself for me
kek is this where shills are now? Is this the level of cope you are posting with these days?

>> No.55153186
File: 52 KB, 842x262, Screenshot 2023-06-01 at 11.56.25 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cops out
>claims to know the ins and outs of finance and DRS but can't obfuscate a screenshot.

WEIRD and totally not predictable

>> No.55153214
File: 68 KB, 833x338, Screenshot 2023-06-01 at 11.59.37 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why did the word AST alert you to start posting?

>> No.55153231
File: 106 KB, 906x406, Screenshot 2023-06-01 at 12.01.32 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could it be that youre a fucking kike?

>> No.55153284

DRS is pretty cringe. How have you not realized it was a psy-op by the hedgies to get retards to jump onto drs bandwagoning and abandon option pumping? Literally explain why as DRS numbers rise, gme keeps dropping and dropping. Gme is at $80 presplit, when the shit stock would repeatedly pump past $200. Its already been proven the hedgies have shares drs'd to use a shorting material later and kill sentiment when selling them would drop numbers AND give them shares to short. But no, be a retarded redditor instead.

>> No.55153311
File: 60 KB, 781x337, Screenshot 2023-06-01 at 12.10.22 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Come back and have the conversation

>> No.55153315
File: 23 KB, 400x521, 1678890949894134.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55153336

he's still going on his 2nd ID

>> No.55153329
File: 31 KB, 596x448, 1681071867383119.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>organic posting I'm sure

>> No.55153336

sajam would never buy your baggot stock

>> No.55153380

The stock wants to WAGMI

>> No.55153501

>totally organic anti-DRS posting
I was gonna let the rest stay in my broker, but you guys glow so bright I'm gonna have to send 40k more over to AST

>> No.55153581

>they don't know AST has been down because of the court proceedings so there can be a list of holders from before the most recent share offering that was never sold into the market
>they don't know everyone that bought in super cheap was buying synthetics
>they don't know those shares won't get equity for whatever merge happens as a result of not being real
>they don't know that's why they'll be valuable because they must all be repurchased before deal can go through
>they're trying to send these synthetics to be direct registered but haven't figured out they can't even though people haven't been able to make new accounts with AST for nearly two months
Just keep em in a decent broker and prepare to WAGMI during the volatility. They'll still be very valuable. But AST legit sucks dick on purpose and unless you had your shit registered and account made before April 20th you're just pissing into the wind moving them there. Yes, yes, call me a fudnig idc. I'm right.

>> No.55153618

10k sent to DRS shadow realm, no confirmation mail recieved yet

110k split in decent brokers

I hope to wagmi in all scenarios

>> No.55153621

>Yes, yes, call me a fudnig idc.
You said it, your points are Boyardee tier talking points and thus you are indeed a fuidnigger

>> No.55153983

holy fuck you're right I should DRS 60k instead of 40k

>> No.55154064
Quoted by: >>55154519

Did they extend?

>> No.55154442

fucking hedgies ruining the stalking horse bid! if there was a bid it would've leaked by now, MSM have deep sources within BBBY. we all knew this would happen but still

>> No.55154453

Change your ID again, FUDnigger!
It is very entertaining to me!

>> No.55154515

>if there was a bid it would've leaked by now
there are several bidders retard

>> No.55154519

Deadline is 5pm EST and we probably wouldn't know until T+2 assuming it doesn't get delayed. Which it probably will be, because this has all taken as long as fucking possible because faggots.

>> No.55155010
Quoted by: >>55155060

No guarantee stockholders will get anything. They probably won’t because debt must be paid.

>> No.55155060

Old cope, there's several scenarios in which shareholders get paid that fudding spooks refuse to acknowledge.

>> No.55155079
File: 51 KB, 602x602, 37hczm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we all knew this would happen but still

>> No.55155362

Dude it’s over, enough with the cope.

>> No.55155489

Fuck off Noor

>> No.55155583

Such as? Shareholders don't get a penny until debtholders are paid in full, and the company's liabilities significantly outweigh their assets. How exactly do you expect to get paid?

>> No.55155769
Quoted by: >>55155873

It's simple, I trade my shares for your mom and pimp her out. In all seriousness it'll be that and volatility when a merger is announced as positions get force closed and shares recalled so large holders get equity in whatever it merges with because it'll obviously be a stock deal and large holders (4.5% or higher) can't sell on a whim and have to submit a proposal to the board to do so per terms laid out in chapter 11. There won't be a rugpull, there will be a massive increase in share price that I will profit handsomely off of, those that hold through that will get equity in whatever it's merging with, and your mother will take rando cum in all holes and get shat on for money that I will pocket most of.

Sneed, fuck off Noor

>> No.55155790

An aquiring party could hold a significant amount of that debt.

>> No.55155805
Quoted by: >>55155913

Damn I’m glad all these ‘trolls’ and ‘concerned patrons’ are here to keep up with highly esoteric corporate restructuring actions and warn me of potential pit falls. I guess that’s it I’m selling it must be over.

>> No.55155873
Quoted by: >>55155907

Ok, so if there's a merger (of which there's no evidence), you expect to be paid. Why exactly would that be the case? The company has significantly more liabilities than assets, and the bid would have to be higher than the debts for shareholders to get a penny. Isn't it far more likely that a lowball offer is made and the shareholders get fuck all? Why exactly would anyone decide to overpay for this trash company? Billionaires aren't going to gift you their wealth for no good reason.
If someone was buying up debt to acquire the company, wouldn't that mean that they were hoping for that debt to be converted into equity (in which case current shareholders get shafted as a new ticker is issued)?

>> No.55155907

>why would that be the case
Because you're going to be raped by demon pigs in hell. I saw it in a dream. Don't you have a subreddit to fleece with a crypto project Noor? Fuck off back to /r/wsb and go be a reddit mod scammer instead of wasting your time here.

>> No.55155913

This, same reason I'm all in on dogshit. Why else would someone explain to me that it's a bad investment unless it was secretly an amazing one? They even laughed at me when I sold my house to buy more dogshit, as if there was something funny about it. I don't buy the lie that they're just mocking me because it's funny, there must be something sinister going on. I'm going to go down to the dogpark and scoop up some more cheapies tomorrow, and if anyone else laughs at me I'll scoop up even more. That'll show em!

>> No.55155930

So you can't justify why that would be the case, good to know.

>> No.55155959

No stalking horse? Kek baggies

>> No.55155962

awwww look at how upset the dumbfuck widdle baggie gets. soooo sad. Buy more! 2 more weeks!

>> No.55156324
File: 105 KB, 725x581, 1664583865847851.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they're really gonna make us wait the +2 for the stalking horse announcement aren't they?

>> No.55156370
File: 122 KB, 400x300, thehorse.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55156372
File: 54 KB, 700x785, 1662525923398422.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's like that turd which won't flush, just won't move on

>> No.55156400

the new teddy filings are insanely bullish though so that's cool

>> No.55156417

You won’t have to, they will be cancelled for you like SHLDQ :)

>> No.55156431
File: 42 KB, 576x1024, 1685124628296527.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55156462

It's getting close to harvesting my garloids, I could use the money really soon

>> No.55156462

if we don't get something actually major by end of next week I'm selling my corvette for survival money

>> No.55156543

Yes. No matter how this ends up playing out I hope every person responsible for making it drag on for literally years loses a leg and has to put down their favorite pet way before its time in the span of a few months. I'm never doing anything with the market ever again and I'm making it my lifes mission to tell as many people as possible to never interact with it for any reason once this is done. Fuck this gay bullshit to death.

>> No.55156654
Quoted by: >>55161528

Exactly, I will spend my time and money making sure every single shit weasel gets exposed

>> No.55156693


>> No.55156892

>An aquiring party could hold a significant amount of that debt
Only like $1b right?

>> No.55157206
Quoted by: >>55161528

Nice announcement. Booting up Minecraft (there’s an update downloading)

>> No.55157301
File: 17 KB, 666x666, MELT FROG.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nothing happens even when something is supposed to happen

>> No.55157373

reminder that the stalking horse BIDS were due today at 5 pm eastern time. I BELIEVE that they have up to two days to publicly release these bids FROM the due date which was 1 hour and 8 minutes ago.

>> No.55157458

since they didn't release today, then it's gonna be monday afternoon. also, they could also just release an extension at that time. at the last hearing they said they might potentially be extending, which means there's multiple parties duking it out.

>> No.55157462
Quoted by: >>55158092

You type like Kais. I hope you get the help you need soon buddy. Youre one episode away from cornering RC at a urinal and forcefully sucking him off

>> No.55157466

2 more days baggies

>> No.55157582

Yea hmmm these filings are complex I didn’t know they could file an extension after the horse bid deadline. It seems that there’s parties that want baby and the carved out bbby (lots of information points to rc and Icahn). Shills in shambles

>> No.55157691
File: 24 KB, 600x602, mad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love it when things continue to not happen

>> No.55157695

i didn't see the start of the court meeting but someone on reddit said that they mentioned a possible stalking horse extension of only 1 or 2 days so it's coming soon either way

>> No.55157854

Where's hex anon? Should we hex hex anon because his hex didnt work on pulte?
He's STILL being a fucking faggot on twitter.

>> No.55157996
File: 56 KB, 1212x230, Screen Shot 2023-06-01 at 7.23.00 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking faggot I swear

>> No.55158029
File: 14 KB, 631x148, a5fd66256ee804e709dcec6dc126fbb3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55158096

iM gOiNg To dO sOmEtHiNg BiG sOoN

>> No.55158092
File: 917 KB, 1141x952, peace.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55158157


>> No.55158096

He said it had nothing to do with stocks though.

>> No.55158157
Quoted by: >>55158558

you have a 3'er max..and that's throbbing and bone pressed too

>> No.55158558
File: 343 KB, 538x364, 36903078379.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55158772

you would know, cock lover

>> No.55158762

kek dumb fuck BBBaggies

>> No.55158772

Yo Kais just wanted to throw some respect your way for being the dumbest, most schizo baggie out there. It's tough being king!

>> No.55159292

They delayed the bid deadline another week because there are so many good bids to choose from!

>> No.55160710

Shieeet I got dat bbby nigga

>> No.55160740

I’m a baggie and proud

>> No.55161312

I b habbin dat dere bbbyq

>> No.55161528

yeah i'm starting to suspect that RC is an immature brat who's deluding himself into thinking he can just abandon everything without consequences and the BBBY board and executives are unbelievably shady. pulte is probably not even worth mentioning i'm still holding but even if i get my money back i'm going to be salty about the whole thing.

>> No.55161531
Quoted by: >>55162613

i agree with any minecraft plays if shareholders are left with nothing

>> No.55161589
File: 814 KB, 593x919, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what was this all about? if CNBC is doing a hit piece on RC why would larry cheng agree to doing the interview? remember the BBBY pump and the protocol gemini tweet too. the protocol gemini tweet came after the hudson deal was announced and BBBY was tanking in after hours so it implies they had some knowledge like if RC or his affiliates were secretly buying shares using hudson bay as a proxy. RC never gave a proper reason for why he met with icahn (the pic was posted right before the BBBY bond exchange offering announcement), he declined to comment on icahn in the GMEdd interview and gave some faggy made up story for the WSJ article except he mentioned the rothschild bottle of wine. and RC, larry cheng and blake day resigned from dragonfly. RC never mentioned anything about what he was doing with dragonfly and dragonfly raised $500M around the same time as his BBBY stake was announced.

>> No.55161644
File: 358 KB, 1440x725, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Château Lafite Rothschild wine is french
L Catterton is made up of catterton and french LVMH and Financière Agache
>Earliest known metaphorical reference to revenge as food in English is “And then revenge is very good eaten cold, as the vulgar say”, from a 1846 translation of Eugène Sue's Mathilde: Mémoires d'une Jeune Femme.
RC said draw me like one of your french girls in january when there were bankruptcy rumors of BBBY and it started pumping back up from a low of a bit over a dollar per share
RC is clearly hinting at something, hopefully we'll get a satisfactory outcome, i doubt they'll extend the stalking horse further and the final sale date was only extended by 2 days

>> No.55161654

here's the relevance of L Catterton
>Dragonfly ("the Company"), a technology-enabled platform acquiring and scaling standout e-commerce brands
buybuy baby would fit the bill considering how RC talked about it in his letter to the BBBY board

>> No.55161662

>Earliest known metaphorical reference to revenge as food in English is “And then revenge is very good eaten cold, as the vulgar say”, from a 1846 translation of Eugène Sue's Mathilde: Mémoires d'une Jeune Femme.
Mémoires d'une Jeune Femme translates into Memoirs of a Young Woman so the "french girls" in the titanic tweet fits particularly well

>> No.55161688
File: 766 KB, 630x942, Screenshot 2023-06-02 at 10.46.30.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55161889

How many shares of AAPL does (did?) RC own?

>> No.55161743

Hmm, none of the things I believe seem to comport with reality. Whatever, I guess everyone but me must be a fucking idiot, especially the multi-billion dollar hedge funds that have made a consistent living from taking advantage of low-information retail investors like me. Better put more money into this bankrupt towel shop like the genius I am.

>> No.55161889
File: 79 KB, 1626x714, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55162078

RC Ventures hasn't held AAPL for a while

>> No.55162078

Shame, that was my copium for the day.

>> No.55162251
Quoted by: >>55162341

Delays at this point smell like bullshit. Everyone has heard of bbby. There's nobody who just heard of it for the first time right before the deadline and then makes a last-minute expression of interest that just happens to delay things another week.


This has already happened with the exact same language. There aren't that many companies that could feasibly buy and benefit from owning bbby.

At this point I'm thinking these are shell companies of hedge funds trying to delay things.

>> No.55162341
Quoted by: >>55162384

Or there are no bidders because the bankrupt company with billions in debt is a steaming pile of shit with no worthwhile assets
Could be, who knows

>> No.55162384
Quoted by: >>55162519

How does it feel knowing that death or imprisonment is inevitable post MOASS?

>> No.55162446
Quoted by: >>55162857

Wouldn’t it be way cheaper for wallstreet to place bids that are fucking insanely overpriced but structured in a manner to offer cash only or something to cap a potential squeeze? What legal precedent is there to sell the company to parties who have been making moves behind the scenes vs some bidder in a shell company (similar to what Anon said above, but instead of delaying they are stopping a mega squeeze)? The entire system is at risk here so it is way cheaper to make a looney toons offer to save your own ass instead of getting squeezed, I’ve wondered about this for sometime.

>> No.55162519

2 more weeks

>> No.55162613
Quoted by: >>55162640

I’m not clear on what you mean. What is a minecraft play? The common understanding a reasonable man would come to is that this is a reference to physical violence against people in the real world. Please correct me if I have misunderstood your usage.

>> No.55162640
Quoted by: >>55162697

>The common understanding a reasonable man would come to is that this is a reference to physical violence against people in the real world.
Explain your reasoning here?

>> No.55162697
Quoted by: >>55162810

There is legal precedent in US criminal cases that references to minecraft originated as a way to veil threats of real world violence, and it has entered common usage online.

>> No.55162810
Quoted by: >>55162816

Oh wow, I had no idea. Surely that would be quite hard to prove, even with a precedent, though?

>> No.55162816
Quoted by: >>55162844

With precedent, the burden would be to disprove it.

And to support the common usage, many online slang dictionaries explain it.

>> No.55162844

Whats the precedence for you taking 10 inches in the past with some minor discomfort, but I only have 8 inches?

>> No.55162857
Quoted by: >>55162960

>Wouldn’t it be way cheaper for wallstreet to place bids that are fucking insanely overpriced but structured in a manner to offer cash only or something to cap a potential squeeze?
Probably depends entirely on their positions, ability to influence the market, etc.

If they think dragging things out will let them slowly close their positions below $1 and put all this behind them then that might be more profitable than spending billions to buy the company, pumping the price back over $1, and then having to gradually exit their shorts at a higher price.

>> No.55162881


>> No.55162960

I mean to say that wallstreet bids for a cash buyout at an insane price and performs corporate restructuring such that all the shorts are closed at like 10$+ because the company is taken private. Any bid placed by Rc/Icahn and friends could be outbid by the prime brokrages whos asses are on the line here. My understanding that a cash buyout stops a squeeze immediately, if X shares are supposed to exist and there are actually 5X shares circulating they'll still get beat up but will survive as at $10 or even 20$ buyout would have to be payed to all shareholders (even if there are wayyyy to many shareholders) and then they just do whatever with the company afterwards. I would imagine this would be a preferable option over a potential 3 digit squeeze and beyond dealing with the retail tendy lords. So I wonder if theres a precedent to sell the company for cash + stock (which to my understanding would squeeze bbby hard) for less value than could be extracted from a higher bidder offering a ridiculous price.

everyone understands there's a huge potential squeeze on the line here but you cannot instigate that legally so the courts would be acting against the fiduciary responsibility of shareholders and creditors if they chose RC/Icahn's deal (which would COINCIDENTALLY be designed to squeeze the shorts) which represents less value (because a squeeze is not a legal valuation in the eyes of the courts i would presume), vs taking a massive cash offer from wallstreet which would still hurt them but be way better than getting battered by pissed off retailers who will hold to WAGMI and beyond.

>> No.55163000
File: 10 KB, 274x274, ree.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55163794

when the FUCK is something actually going to happen

>> No.55163037
Quoted by: >>55163172

>mean to say that wallstreet bids for a cash buyout at an insane price and performs corporate restructuring such that all the shorts are closed at like 10$+ because the company is taken private
Yeah I get it, I don't see anything stopping that either, I just think it's too hard to say whether that would be the most profitable of their options.

It wouldn't surprise me if they dragged things out as long as possible to close as much as they can under $1 and then just do exactly what you're suggesting in order to close the rest at $10.

>> No.55163088

You’re not wrong but the buyers and judge know this and have been accumulating shares to not be able to be pushed out so easily.
As it sits this company is still a 5billion dollar company without any shorts closing squeezing the MC higher.

>> No.55163172

it would certainly be more profitable than closing at hundreds or more per share in a big squeeze. Because the only way the market makers can achieve a net reduction in liabilities is if more people begin to sell (due to macro economic pressures/ inflation etc etc) than buy. My intution says at these prices market makers are accumulating more and more shorts everyday as buyers are outnumbering sellers as an average over time (i wish retail scum like us had better access to data to prove this, but for now it suffices to say i dreamt of it). WAGMI regardless.

>> No.55163191
File: 12 KB, 580x151, 5gorgillion.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>As it sits this company is still a 5billion dollar company

>> No.55163329

That's a lot of upside potential!

>> No.55163487

>You’re not wrong but the buyers and judge know this and have been accumulating shares to not be able to be pushed out so easily.
>As it sits this company is still a 5billion dollar company without any shorts closing squeezing the MC higher
Good point, the longer it drags out and shorts try to suppress price, the more a potential buyer is able to accumulate, which might allow them to retain ownership and prevent creditors from taking the company.

But any buyer accumulating on the market still has to worry about the over 300m shares that apparently weren't sold on the market though, right? Not sure if those are voting shares though so maybe those don't matter for a buyer trying to get the company through bankruptcy.

>> No.55163621

I’ll bite on the poor bait because I’m just tanning on the beach waiting.
The company pieced off and profitable sectors rebranded can easily net a buyer around 4-5billion dollars and future cash flow. They have huge logistics systems and retail/marketing operations etc besides the massively successful buy buy baby.
The share price tumbled from greedy worthless faggots and hedges shorting it to oblivion. Then more useless niggers jump on the ship for a quick buck. Simply proving the complete scam the market is and how it only brings down society.
Guaranteed 40x from here without any short squeeze.

>> No.55163794

2 more weeks

>> No.55163891

Dumb fucking baggie lmao

>> No.55163922

Lmao what profitable sectors? Buy buy baby is, I agree, a decent brand. But there’s very little else of value. Nobody my age or below gives a fuck about BBBY- they only buy house goods from Target, IKEA, Amazon, or Crate and Barrel. And none of these companies need any of BBBYs infrastructure, as they outcompeted it with what they already have. And if they DO want it, they’ll buy specific sectors piecemeal at the market rate. It won’t be a wholesale purchase, and it won’t be at a 5 billion dollar valuation.

>> No.55163945

There is no point in trying to reason with these dumb niggers. They’ll just post the same gay ass images and call you a shill or poojeet. Buy more, you stupid fucking baggies! Buy more and hold! Trust the plan!

>> No.55163966

I know I shouldn’t, but it’s still funny to try. Some of them literally think some Jew billionaire is gracious enough to buy them out of their shitty financial decisions, even after said billionaire dumped $70 million worth of bags on their heads.

>> No.55163976
File: 242 KB, 847x944, al_sneed_by_captainedwardteague_df4vd4g-pre.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

at least make it less obvious that you're samefagging

>> No.55164021
File: 155 KB, 960x768, zekesurfer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55164120

that would require intelligence, a commodity they unfortunately lack

>> No.55164051
Quoted by: >>55164120


uh oh, ryan cohen was an officially interested party up until the chapter 11 filing.



there are many other links one can find with some googling around. I hope there are shills that are buying shares with the premiums they are (hopefully) making by continuing to post. The trolls are acceptable because of the band camp enthusiast forum we post on. WAGMI

>> No.55164089

It already got quints, no biggie *dabs*

>> No.55164120

>no argument
I’m not reading fucking reddit articles written by some dumbfuck baggie schizo. He’s not buying BBBY at a premium to save you. He’ll just carve out Buy Buy Baby to expand Teddy, and the purchase will not be enough to pay off creditors, let alone bbbaggies

>> No.55164147
Quoted by: >>55164638

the bed coin is pumping

>> No.55164159
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I get to use this.

>> No.55164184
Quoted by: >>55164638

ooooooooooooooooooooooo wagmi except shills

>> No.55164257
File: 33 KB, 680x680, 1677546576426073.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55164834

>Some of them literally think some Jew billionaire is gracious enough to buy them out of their shitty financial decisions

>He’s not buying BBBY at a premium to save you. He’ll just carve out Buy Buy Baby to expand Teddy

So is he involved or not involved shill-faggie?

>> No.55164267
Quoted by: >>55164351

>Guaranteed 40x from here without any short squeeze.
You genuinely think that someone is not only going to pay enough for this trash company to cover all their liabilities, but pay enough of a premium on top of that to pay each shareholder $10 (a $7b premium)? Retarded take. Isn't it far more likely that any bid would not even be enough to cover their debt, or that if someone was actually interested in running this trash company that they'd simply buy up the debt (currently trading for pennies on the dollar) and convert to equity during bankruptcy proceedings (meaning a new ticker is issued, and current shareholders are left with nothing)? You praying that the stock will surge back to your cost basis for no reason will not will it into existence. You are fucked, plain and simple. Learn to live with it.

>> No.55164328
Quoted by: >>55164638

It is going straight up

>> No.55164350
Quoted by: >>55164638

bros what was that

>> No.55164351
Quoted by: >>55164411

lmao shut the fuck up

>> No.55164359


UH OH, someone (who may own a huge portion of the bonds, as someone bought a fuckton some months back) might purchase bbby and then forgive the debt, because if this someone purchased billions of bond debt, to be payed over years, for tens of millions and just forgives it then a huge portion of debt is wiped out via the bond market. Uh oh these "trolls", "shills", "good citizens", or "intellectuals looking for genuine engagement" seem to be particularly capable of engaging in esoteric conversations/debate about quite involved topics that have taken place over months/years. My goodness who would keep up over all that time on such specific potential corporate actions just to coincidentally (purposefully) misinterpret the events thus far and spread misinformation. I would speculate that this misinformation now can pass for disinformation, as this seems like a highly contrived disinformation campaign to make this play look like scitzo nonsense. shills in shambles, hedgies on ledgies, WAGMI.

>> No.55164407

if niggerfaggot doesn't get shit for his bonds I will never let that bitch forget it :^)

>> No.55164411
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>> No.55164514
Quoted by: >>55164547

You’ll never be able to sell this high again after today. Consider this a warning.

>> No.55164547
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>> No.55164556
Quoted by: >>55164643

>if this someone purchased billions of bond debt,
Have you looked up how much of their debt is actually publicly tradable? I thought they only had about $1b worth of bonds that could be bought cheap this way, with the rest of their liabilities being like $4b that can't be bought cheap.

>> No.55164625
Quoted by: >>55165462

If someone was buying up bonds, wouldn't it make more sense to convert to equity during bankruptcy proceedings (meaning a new ticker, and current shareholders getting nothing), rather than buying up shares on top as well as paying a premium as a generous gift to current shareholders just so that you can get back to your cost basis? Billionaires aren't going to save you out of the goodness of their heart. You could have made a more rational investment and bought dogshit instead, but you were too stubborn to listen.

>> No.55164638 [DELETED] 
File: 126 KB, 1800x900, 3842081.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to listen to so many birds, bros.

>> No.55164643
File: 880 KB, 740x896, ken griffin manic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yea i don't have that answer immediately available, but read my earlier posts as I wonder about if shorties attempt to push through a giga massive bid as even that would be less damage than allowing a big ass squeeze. There are quite a few dynamics and trade offs to consider in the deal that is currently going down through the courts.

Big financial institutions squeeze each others balls off all the time. But they all share the same "playground" so to speak so after making some decent money the squeezers will let the squeezed off as nobody wants to shit where they eat (destroy their fraud money machine). If they blow up the system they will force regulation and more eyes will take a look at markets and they all want to be left the fuck alone. But when you have a bunch of pissed off, serially defrauded retail investors, you have a very different story. retail seems to be willing to burn it all down by holding to retard numbers so we have some very interesting times ahead.

>> No.55164659


All you had to do was listen to me

>> No.55164682

sorry nigger, I want more money than that

>> No.55164692

it's dumping upwards

>> No.55164813
Quoted by: >>55164864

The selling will continue until morale improves. Which it won’t.

>> No.55164834

I never said he wasn’t involved braindead bbbaggie. But he’s only going to buy Baby at the absolute cheapest price he can, and it will not be for near enough to even pay off liabilities.

>> No.55164856

Well you should have bought dogshit instead then.

>> No.55164864

the price hasn't touched my cost basis since May 5th but keep lying like a woman

>> No.55164888

Why does every DD start off with 15 Olympic tier jumps in logic

>> No.55164893
Quoted by: >>55164927

>he’s only going to buy Baby at the absolute cheapest price he can
He might coincidentally be positioned such that overpaying actually makes him more money though I doubt anyone could prove it even if he openly was.

>> No.55164894
File: 31 KB, 601x508, abandoned.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55164927

Even if he were, how many times over would he have to pay to get through all the debt AND have enough left over to even get half of all shareholders to their cost basis.

>> No.55165462

Kek you don’t even know if I own any shares or if I did what my cost basis is.
Nice try kek shill shortie hedge tiny dick faggot.
I’m just being objective.

>> No.55165468
Quoted by: >>55165825

> kek baggies going to otc, it's all over!
> no one is buying into a bankrupt company, liquidation imminent
> ok, even if someone buys, they wipe out all the shareholders!
> ryan cohen might buy OK! but he will only pay the cheapest price possible
> (you are here)
> bbbyq holders wagmi

sure, shillfaggie, whatever you say. keep samefagging every thread and slightly changing your narrative until your inevitable demise

>> No.55165487
Quoted by: >>55165952

Please post your short position.
I bet you have margin and leverage on a short position of under 20c.
Holy fuck you’re so screwed better call mommy and ask for a room back rent free

>> No.55165572

>it's fractaling
Imagine being a fudder. Lol, lmao suicide is never the answer shitters even if you definitely deserve hell for eternity. Just turn yourselves in and go to prison instead, I don't think getting raped in lockup is automatic disqualification and a sign up sheet for satans funhouse so even though your butthole will never be the same you can maybe get a shitty efficiency apartment in purgatory when the rectal blood loss and cancer takes you after a few decades.
>I just like the stock

>> No.55165825

I never said any of that, and haven’t been in these threads since it went to OTC. I own 1 share with a cost basis of $0.07, as such BBBY is my most profitable investment in terms of percentages. It just doesn’t make any sense to me why he would save you.

>> No.55165831

Just fucking sell

>> No.55165856

I will only sell at profit

>> No.55165875

nah I actually tripled my position

>> No.55165877

Once it hits 80$ sure

>> No.55165898

I'll sell at $80 per share

>> No.55165952
Quoted by: >>55166053

I've been posting about dogshit since BBBY was $1, and talking trash about the company since it was $20. If I was shorting it, I'd be well in the green. As it stands though I don't have a short position. I've been very clear about the makeup of my portfolio, I'm all in on dogshit. I'm sorry that your investment is doing worse than mine, perhaps you should have thought harder about your investment thesis. If you'd been a bit smarter maybe you'd be the proud owner of some dogshit instead of this bankrupt trash company.

>> No.55165965
File: 38 KB, 700x483, ao2wD6n_700b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Last two are weak fuds from yesterday

>> No.55166053

kek time wasties

>> No.55166176
