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55166161 No.55166161 [Reply] [Original]

/BBBYQ/ Bed Bath & Beyond - Comfy Weekend Edition

>Basic Information

>How To Buy Bed Bath & Beyond Stock 2023 (BBBY vs BBBYQ)
>How To Buy BBBYQ Using Fidelity
>How To Buy BBBYQ Using E*TRADE
>How To Buy BBBYQ Using Interactive Brokers
>How To Buy BBBYQ Using Charles Schwab
>How To Buy BBBYQ Using TD Ameritrade

>Recent Findings
>311 million shares × 3 = THE END
>Teddy Update
>Lambos Or Food Stamps
>Very Specific Mentioning Of A Sale Of BuyBuyBaby In Docket 345
>Ryan Cohen Liked Pulte’s Tweet
>SEC & BK Court Filings Reveal Carl Icahn As The Mystery Buyer & TEDDY IPO Coming
>End Game: DTC and NSCC are screwed as the DTC just proved shareholders should Directly Register Shares (DRS)
>List of Equity Holders Just Released
>Potential Bidders: Ryan Cohen

>> No.55166163

>NON-Real-Time Trades

>Current Trade Halts + Short Restrictions
No trade halts on OTC

>News And Filings
>10Q Filing
>Bed Bath & Beyond Inc. Withdraws the Registration Statement as it has determined not to proceed with an offering at this time
>Bed Bath & Beyond Inc. Receives NASDAQ Delisting Notice
>Bed Bath & Beyond Inc. Files Voluntary Chapter 11 Petitions

>New Director of the board
>Carol Flaton - Carl Ichans appointee in Xerox take over

>Latest hires
>Holly Etlin - Chief Restructuring Officer
>David Kastin - M&A Specialist board member & CLO
>Shawn Hummell - New Senior VP

>Temporary alliance with jews and reddit
>Don't take any DD for fact use your brain

>As always:
Don't feed the trolls
Sneed hedgies

Previousneed on /BBBYQ/

>> No.55166172

/GME/ here, please stop using Ryan Cohen in BBBYQ's OP images, it gives people the assumption that he has anything to do with your bankrupt company

>> No.55166181

Wait what are you guys expecting?
There are no shorts anymore.

>> No.55166215

This. Cohen actually sells his stock at the top and his companies don't go bankrupt because he isn't a loser like bbbaggies
Imagine how much he laughs at the losers who still worship him after he left them holding the bag
There is only one idiosyncratic risk

>> No.55166216
File: 164 KB, 1080x915, port.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my portfolio has gone up $1,000 since last time I posted this

>> No.55166284
Quoted by: >>55168220

give it to me straight bros, am i gonna wagmi with 2200 shares?

>> No.55166285
File: 186 KB, 1920x1080, 1675363825690514.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cope harder faggot

>he doesn't know

He does not

>> No.55166352
File: 440 KB, 1418x795, kenneth griffin did you close your short position.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55180177



>> No.55166419
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Quoted by: >>55182796

I hope you've all been accumulating, This shit is about to go ham

>> No.55166424

>Our jew
Holy fuck go back gme baggies

>> No.55166487

Here we go

>> No.55166609
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Quoted by: >>55166640


>> No.55166640
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Quoted by: >>55166738

kek, it literally doesn't matter. All that does is the bidder. +/- 20% up in pre down intraday literally everyday. Who cares. My money goes into longer plays than these tinny pumps

>> No.55166647


>> No.55166692
Quoted by: >>55166713

Still seems more likely to me that Icahn and IEP got attacked by shorts because of Icahn's activism with Illumina rather than because of any involvement with BBBY:

We don't need shaky circumstantial pictures of Cohen smiling next to Icahn to attribute the Hindenburg report to Icahn when we already know that Icahn being Icahn is enough for people to fight him.

The fact he's acquainted with Cohen does imply he's aware of BBBY. Imo that means there's a real chance he might use BBBY to strike back if the rumors of him preparing revenge are true, and if the Hindenburg people are related to the people shorting BBBY.

Has anyone found any connections between Hindenburg and BBBY or GME shorts? Does anyone even know who the key people at Hindenburg are? Or their associates?

If Hindenburg people are the same as or closely associated with BBBY short people then that makes BBBY squeeze sound like the most painful revenge possible, and Icahn should be smart enough to recognize that. So real confidence in Icahn/BBBY comes from finding strong ties between Hindenburg and known BBBY shorts imo.

>> No.55166713
Quoted by: >>55166744

>reddit spacing


>> No.55166738

Yeah I just felt like posting something

>> No.55166744
Quoted by: >>55166750

>reddit spacing while complaining about reddit spacing
>pressing the enter key at all

>> No.55166750



>> No.55166901
File: 105 KB, 725x581, 1685733440409.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55166972

Sorry guys I bought 5000 at 0.28 lol

>> No.55166972

>Sorry guys I bought 5000 at 0.28 lol
It's all your goddamn fault anon

>> No.55166992
File: 131 KB, 792x628, 38298717.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55167245

>Hindenburg shorts

>> No.55167097
File: 67 KB, 680x523, 1668535462016723.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55167199

>+20% to now -0.63% on no news
>Pattern repeated itself for the 100th day running
>SEC : This_is_fine.exe

>> No.55167106
File: 86 KB, 645x773, 1425140979379.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.55167199
Quoted by: >>55168065

>when it’s up 20% that was natural price discovery
>when it’s down to 2% that’s crime
The bbbaggie is a fascinating creature. They still don’t understand that OTC markets are inherently more volatile.

>> No.55167245

>When you come at the king, you better not miss.
Daddy Icahn is the King,

>> No.55167338
File: 17 KB, 666x666, MELT FROG.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55167382

this stock is purgatory

>> No.55167382

Don’t worry fren it’ll all be over soon

>> No.55167481
File: 110 KB, 1477x771, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Classic stock!

>> No.55167933

Kek baggies I thought today was the day

>> No.55168065

>when it’s up 20% that was natural price discovery
>when it’s down to 2% that’s crime
This but unironically.

>> No.55168187
Quoted by: >>55170786

>HKD stock squeezes from $13.54 per share to a whopping $2,521.72 per share in just two weeks.

>The stock traded a low of $13.54 on July 19th, gradually growing in the coming weeks leading up to today’s massive price runup.

>Brokers halted HKD where it stopped trading around $2,200.01 per share and then again at $1,800 per share.

>The SEC then intervened and suspended the stock, something that happens due to serious concerns about the activity of a company’s stock, operation, or other financial information.

woah Woah WOAHHHHHHH there goyim haha..slow down

Theyre going to halt us at 80 and suspend us there. No buying. No selling. Just vans out front

>> No.55168220
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If you have balls of steel, yes. Looks like there was some buying today when the delay was announced for the asset auction stalking horse bids due to multiple interested parties and needing a few more days to accept bids. I haven't seen any news as to how long the delay was but I'd assume it's a few days so I'd expect by next Friday we might know what the bid is and who it's from as that'd be two days after the lease bid deadline, possibly the following Monday if that needs a few more days too. But I'm expecting the price to slowly rise until actual news comes out and then it'll be a wait as it rises up to a few dollars a share and the real volatility starts as positions start getting closed and shares recalled when it starts getting clear whether or not there will be an equity issuance as part of an m&a deal as the large beneficial holders of 4.5% or more of the company can't sell for a while due to chapter 11 proceedings and have to file a notice with the company and have it approved before they can do so until proceedings are over. There's gonna be a fud shitstorm in the coming weeks. Fudders saying they're from /GME/ and driving division, dogshit jeets shitting in the street, seething fuckhead hedgegroids, maybe even a few spooks too. Tell them all to eat your ass and do a flip and you'll do just fine. I'm laddering out at set prices and holding more than half until triple digits which won't last long but very much can happen. Anyone that doesn't like it can sneed themselves into an aneurysm and die as far as I'm concerned.

>> No.55168354
Quoted by: >>55168434

Least schizophrenic baggie
2 more weeks

>> No.55168400
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Quoted by: >>55168447

2200 shares at three digits isn't even enough to buy a house after taxes, Anon, let alone WAGMI.

Unless you have tens of thousands of shares, WAGMI means four digits per share.

>> No.55168434
File: 151 KB, 705x877, qjmrxaE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's looking that way, everything got pushed back another week.

>> No.55168447

>1.1 million isn't enough to buy a house
Stop living in big shitties

>> No.55168452

1 million is not a lot of money at all

>> No.55168456

>everything got pushed back another week
This isn't even the first delay either:

>> No.55168467
Quoted by: >>55168485

>1.1 million
>triple digits

>> No.55168485

What's 500$ multiplied by 2200

>> No.55168522 [DELETED] 

Based. I’m of the thought that if Ryan and Icahn are involved AND GME pumps simultaneously then we’ll go deep into triple digits and maybe even see $1,000 per share. It is clown world we’re living in after all.

>> No.55168527
Quoted by: >>55168542

kek delusional baggies

>> No.55168542

eat my ass


>> No.55168576
File: 120 KB, 657x527, 48328087.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55168851

Now reduce $1.1 million by 33-50% depending on which state you live in because of short term capital gains taxes and you're left with the median home price and a savings account in the low 6 figures (assuming you have no debt).

I don't want to live in West Virginia with the fentanyl zombies, Anon.

>> No.55168646

What's $0 multiplied by any number of shares?

>> No.55168693

Based, same with dogshit. All I need is for Cohen and Icahn to announce a stake and I'm instantly rich.

>> No.55168851
Quoted by: >>55169185

To be frank I left that out because you would both have 1.1 million for a period of time making me correct, and also because this is /biz/ and everyone's a tax cheat. But you'd still have enough for a decent home or plot of land to build on yourself after the fact and I don't care as were that me I'd be buying GME with every cent of the proceeds to just sit and wait until it makes me a billionaire when the actual moass happens.

>> No.55169112

This is the delusion that keeps me coming back here. It’s just an incredible spectacle to watch baggies day dream.

>> No.55169185
File: 52 KB, 460x484, 43827917.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Immediately rolling gains into GME without even setting aside money for taxes, housing, or passive income generation.
Indisputably based.

>> No.55169478
Quoted by: >>55169971

Are we guaranteed to know who all the bidders are once the final bid deadline has passed?

>> No.55169971

You'll know... they won't be giving current equity holders any money (since they'll become the new equity) but you'll find out.

>> No.55170366

If you live a minimalist lifestyle 10k shares is enough to make it. Roll half into drs gme and set for life. But all depends on how big your balls are. Pussy out at $80 a share? Sure reasonable in January but jpm nerfed it. So 10x that shit. Nobody here has witnessed a short squeeze before with all these moving parts. Nobody here was in the volkswagon squeeze because you were too young or weren’t a seasoned trader in the know. Now you’re in the know. It’s gonna fucking happen. How funny would it be if moass was Bobby all along. I mean who from superstonk has actually been right? Only the business minded ones without tunnel vision caught on and the purists will rope in theory. But ironically they will also be safe with their drs gme. Bobby’s will be so fucking rich and will lock the float and make Computershare our bitch. 55k bobbies. Not buying gay lambo either. Gonna get a Yukon Denali and get whipped around like a fucking boss investing in hookah lounges and fried chicken shops.

>> No.55170378

A full paragraph and no price target

>> No.55170399
Quoted by: >>55170456

>If you live a minimalist lifestyle 10k shares is enough to make it.
Yeah, I guess if you live in the woods and eat berries then $0 would be enough.

>> No.55170456
File: 236 KB, 580x563, 4838921.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to live in the woods and eat berries. I will grow them in the garden on my homestead.

>> No.55170462

>I mean who from superstonk has actually been right?
Somehow so close but yet infinitely far away. Even GME hodlers are somehow more intelligent (this should theoretically be impossible).

>> No.55170718

I pity baggies. Poor, misguided fools.

>> No.55170786
Quoted by: >>55170894

HKD was a Chinese retail heist, the price was only raised through private sales and low volume. Stop saying that is a "short squeeze". Better to look at Hertz or GME (before it was shut down, still waiting for the full cover).

>> No.55170894
File: 1.71 MB, 1439x2126, Screenshot_20230602-230744.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55171051

>GME (before it was shut down, still waiting for the full cover).
Who knows anon, if Biden gets kicked out maybe the next one won't intervene to stop the squeeze

>> No.55171051
Quoted by: >>55171108

This dead distraction company isn’t going to squeeze, and you will never have sex. Fucking sell this shit already and stop trying to beat the market. You already lost.

>> No.55171108
File: 109 KB, 1182x883, 143829289.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55171113


>> No.55171113
Quoted by: >>55171133

Fuck you

>> No.55171133
File: 3.06 MB, 480x360, 1675350720452365.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mad baggie detected

>> No.55171137

Kek baggies bought the wrong stock

>> No.55171290

I find it wonderful I’m making somebodies life miserable by holding a dead retailer for just quarter! It’s like free life energy getting transferred into me. I actually hope moass takes even longer so they never get off there baggie powering hamster wheel and power me up every-time they cry for me to sell!

>> No.55171625

Kek baggie

>> No.55173097

>holding a dead retailer for just quarter! >they never get off there baggie powering hamster wheel

>> No.55173710

This, same goes for dogshit. Every time I mention what I choose to invest in with my own money the shills come out of the woodwork to seeth. I hope the great turd squeeze takes years just so I can enjoy their tears even longer.

>> No.55174449
Quoted by: >>55174862

Honestly this is what's great about the baggie movement. They legitimately think they're making someone's life miserable by making multiple hedge funds rich. They actually think this, that's the best part of all of this. Baggies unironically think people calling them retards (for being retarded) makes them right. I legit hope baggies hold through the filings and then bitch and moan when they get zero'd out. It's going to bring so many keks I almost can't wait.

>> No.55174723

There's no reason someone like Cohen wouldn't try to squeeze it though. Like all of us, he's a human who likes to get money. He's also got the means to make it look like it was unintentional.

Why wouldn't he get in on it? There schizo bullshit attempts to circle ties between people and look for bizarre clues in tweets is the dumbest shit I've ever seen, even compared to any shitcoin, and the idea he's going to donate billions to bail out bagholders makes me cringe so hard for holding the same bags as these people, but if the opportunity exists for him to profit from a squeeze then I don't see what stops him from seizing it. Our entire economic system is based on individuals privately pursuing more money and I'm supposed to believe that a man far better at that than most people is just going to ignore a huge opportunity if it presents itself?

There are really just three questions here:
1. Is there truly short squeeze potential if someone with money steps in to try to fuck shorts?
2. Would they make money by doing so?
3. Are they aware of it and positioned to do so?

>> No.55174816
Quoted by: >>55174885

>There's no reason someone like Cohen wouldn't try to squeeze it though. Like all of us, he's a human who likes to get money. He's also got the means to make it look like it was unintentional.
>Why wouldn't he get in on it?
Yeah... He already did that... He bought low, sold high after a squeeze and left you holding the bag

>> No.55174819

3 digits is way to low to the level of Shorting BBBYQ has, but I am with you with everything else.

>> No.55174848

Based, same goes for dogshit. If the possibility exists for a great turd squeeze, it wouldn't make sense for Cohen not to buy in, he likes money after all. Therefore it's certain that he must be loading up on a hefty dogshit position as we speak.

>> No.55174861
Quoted by: >>55176423

>3 digits is way to low to the level of Shorting BBBYQ has
Whats the latest short interest and FTD figures?

>> No.55174862

Well at this point the term baggie is becoming a good thing, I am glad that the word change for something with a good connotation.

>> No.55174885

>Yeah... He already did that... He bought low, sold high after a squeeze
Great, so it's already proven to work. Now it's low again so why wouldn't he want to make even more money from something proven to make him money?

>> No.55174970

>3 digits
I'll believe it when I see it, but right now I'd sell at $80 per share in a heartbeat

>> No.55175013

he or whoever he's working with clearly had a boner for buybuy baby and he bought at $15 a share. these people aren't going to suddenly give up when there's billions at stake and the business is fundamentally sound besides the debt issue. with the stock 98-99% down of course they can at least bid on buybuy baby, we already know that there are a number of interested parties it's just a question of how much we'll get after the debt is paid off.

>> No.55175154
Quoted by: >>55175410

>and the business is fundamentally sound besides the debt issue.
They had an operating loss of $450m last quarter before even taking into account the interest payments. At least dogshit is cashflow neutral.

>> No.55175410
Quoted by: >>55175720

the creditors were busting their balls so they couldn't get enough inventory

>> No.55175570
Quoted by: >>55175602

>general dedicated to sucking off a guy who rugpulled you a year ago
Kek bankrupties

>> No.55175602
Quoted by: >>55175763

if you're right and we get left with nothing from the bidding process then we'll both enjoy seeing redditors lose their minds and have their beliefs in GME get shaken as well

>> No.55175609
Quoted by: >>55175632

I’m so demoralized seeing you faggots post $xx price targets here and on Reddit. All this time waiting for some change? You really think it’s only going to squeeze to the previous ATH?

>> No.55175632

it's like when redditors say GME is going to millions per share, maybe in jan-feb 2021 some people believed it was possible, but at this point they're lucky if it can go back up to $50, if the bid is a cash-only deal then that's all that we're getting, if it's some crazy 4d chess deal with a spin-off of buybuy baby or whatever that successfully starts a short squeeze then we'll see how high it goes, but at this point many of us got beaten to the brink of death by not selling a single share at $20-30, if we can even get a slight recovery then that would be nice, at this point we're fucking 99% down, first comes the recovery and then maybe a squeeze if we're lucky

>> No.55175654

>he HAS to be here to post this though
>totally not paid to though
kek, imagine being so ignorant with talking points so thoroughly deboonked only a predditor from the cringemines+ would still try and push

>> No.55175659
File: 1.22 MB, 816x1067, Cohen Mirror.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55175688

You do not fit in

>> No.55175688
Quoted by: >>55175699

i haven't sold a single share of BBBY/BBBYQ, i was holding for $420.69, but everything on the surface level has gone against us thus far, the dilution announced right when it popped to $7 in february (and they kept the hudson bay name hidden from us while leaking it to the wall street journal), many such things, hopefully it's an elaborate bear trap and this is what icahn has planned to get revenge on the shorts, but at this point you can't possible EXPECT to get $420.69 or more, it's only in a handful of contrived 4d chess scenarios where that's remotely possible, oldfags will remember the 2020 election rugpull etc, there is always the risk that everything will go against you

>> No.55175699
File: 53 KB, 700x699, 1676639875066802.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55175705

You do not fit in.

>> No.55175705


>> No.55175716

it's equally suspicious as the fudnigs that there are extreme permabulls that spread misinformation on reddit etc, remember how the sentiment turned on a dime in august

>> No.55175720

What about all the other quarters before that where they were posting losses in the hundreds of millions?

>> No.55175759

Yeah I'm holding most of my shares for meme numbers but I'm still letting a thousand go at 10$, I'm broke as fuck and that's life changing money for me that I badly need. I'd wager there's plenty of others in a similar position.

>> No.55175763

Unfortunately they wont lose their minds they will just do the usual goalpost moving cope with "GME was always the play BBBY was just a distraction, I was only in for a few hundred anyway"
We will only see good meltdowns when Rugpull Ryan rugpulls GME

>> No.55175818
Quoted by: >>55175934

many people like me with six figure or even seven figure losses got totally assblasted, you're a psycho if you can't remotely understand what it's like, some redditor posted that he was about to kill himself, and i thought i was going to kill myself if the BBBY play didn't play out well, it's premature to complain about talk of $XX prices which are a 100x away from the current $0.XX prices

>> No.55175858
Quoted by: >>55175934

100xing your investment is shitcoin scam tier, we're lucky if that even happens, then depending on how the deal is structured we might hope for 1000x etc

>> No.55175905
File: 296 KB, 971x990, 1675405039466043.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55175940

You do not fit in

>> No.55175934
Quoted by: >>55175952

Then that wouldn’t be a short squeeze now would it. Make it happen or Minecraft on you and yours.

>> No.55175940
Quoted by: >>55198059

you're like the trump/qanon shills, doesn't matter how much you spam larp bullshit, won't change the reality, unless they can somehow keep stalling by delaying the deadline ad infinitum we're going to know RC's true colors soon, then if i get anything out my BBBYQ investment i might look for an entry in GME at the right price despite superstonk and the GME general being filled with glowniggers and mentally ill larpers

>> No.55175941
File: 276 KB, 1080x1360, Screenshot_20230603_195736.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55175952
Quoted by: >>55175979

>100x wouldnt be a short squeeze
You fucking moron. Crypto and reddit has fried your brain. You are never going to make it

>> No.55175979

especially after 10x dilution from like 76 million to 740 million shares

>> No.55175987

or was it 80 million i was probably thinking of GME with the 76 million

>> No.55176040
Quoted by: >>55182767

i "only" lost a few hundred bucks betting on trump, but the amount of time i spent being distracted by /pol/ since 2016 is sickening, with reddit i lost all my money and years worth of my time, at least it will be over soon if they don't extend the deadline again, like i was going to move on in january 2021 when the nothingburger jan 6 insurrection and the jan 20 inauguration proved that it was all larp bullshit but i got roped into GME

>> No.55176061
File: 8 KB, 300x226, 34829.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're taking it back. That word can't hurt us anymore.

>> No.55176297

It was 117M and now its 740M

>> No.55176330
Quoted by: >>55176513

>he bought at $15 a share
That was at 115m total shares right? And he sold at what, $30?

With 740m total shares after dilution that's the equivalent of buying and selling at $2.33 and $4.66?

So at $2.33, he seems to think the company is worth buying? And the current price is $0.25? But somehow it's hard to believe he'd be interested right now? Not worth buying for about 89% cheaper than when he previously thought it was worth buying?

>> No.55176423

>Whats the latest short interest
Idk how to find FTD but short interest looks pretty fucking sad:
>Short Interest (Current Shares Short) 48,569,400

Can non-voting stock be used to close a short position? My understanding is that of the 740m outstanding shares, only around 420m had voting rights. If only voting shares can be used then that's maybe 10-11% short interest? Has a company ever squeezed with such little short interest?

It seems like bullshit if you can borrow a voting share from someone, sell it, and then give them back a non-voting share but there is a lot of bullshit going around so it wouldn't surprise me if someone found a legal way to do it.

Hard to imagine a short squeeze on 10% unless a buyer has accumulated and absolutely stupid amount of shares without anyone noticing. Not sure if that would even have been possible on the amount of volume we've had OTC.

>> No.55176443
Quoted by: >>55176513

>99% down, first comes the recovery and then maybe a squeeze
At 99% down, recovery and squeeze are the same thing imo. At least I don't see a 100x recovery unless a squeeze happens.

>> No.55176509

>Hard to imagine a short squeeze on 10% unless a buyer has accumulated and absolutely stupid amount of shares without anyone noticing
If short interest is seriously only 48m shares then would even a buyout of baby with a mix of shares of another company be enough to trigger a squeeze? The meme is that's the event that would trigger forced short closures, right? Someone buying bbby would be icing on the cake but really the speculation is on shorts all being forced to close, isn't it? But even if they do that, 48m seems like such a small amount.

>> No.55176513
Quoted by: >>55176578


yeah but anon was butthurt over people mentioning $XX for BBBYQ and sub million dollars for GME

>> No.55176530
File: 3.50 MB, 272x450, 1681157178605995.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>self reported figures
You have a lot to learn

>> No.55176578

It will go to three digits minimum. Youre just fucking retarded and have admitted it multiple times throughout the thread. You have a buyout with multiple bids and eventual retail fomo tied to RC's name. This will squeeze to at least low three digits.

>> No.55176614

it was supposed to go to three digits in august, now it's uncertain

>> No.55176638

RC's name is only tied to baggot echo chambers that are already buying his dumps 24/7 as it is, they aren't going to start throwing their last pennies at a dead stock any harder.

>> No.55176705

>someone left holding the bag is now a good term
Only a baggie could think that way and I love it.

>> No.55176713

$100 x 739 million shares = $73.9 billion market cap
that's more than GME ever did

>> No.55176741

market cap is irrelevant

>> No.55176742

>>self reported figures
What figures should we use then?

>> No.55176764
Quoted by: >>55176790

if we "only" get a 10x to $2.5, that's a win in and of itself, if we get a 100x to $25, that's amazing, if you're not selling a single share because you think it will go to $250, other than an absolute dream scenario where elon musk is throwing money at it for the lulz, you're an idiot

>> No.55176788

B-b-but you have to look at the naked short figures which we have calculated with incorrectly interpreted metrics to give us a small bit of hopium. Just keep buying retard and you’ll find out what happens by July.

>> No.55176790
Quoted by: >>55177209

tongue my anus faggot
>does a flip

>> No.55176797

Not only that but GME wasn’t allowed to squeeze completely. Founder of IBKR said on cnbc had they not pulled the buy button GME price would have gone into the thousands.

>> No.55176829

What about $0 x 739 million shares?

>> No.55177209
Quoted by: >>55185819

You won’t even get a 2x to .50, dumb fucking nigger baggie lmaooooooo

>> No.55177460

Man I was really bullish on this but discovering the short interest is so low has dampened my enthusiasm. 4.5% rule prevents people from acquiring more than a 4.5% stake too doesn't it? Meaning a buyer can't decide to stealthily accumulate OTC? Everything is interpreted as maximally bullish but it seems nobody looks at how things might be to the benefit of shorts.

Can Ryan Cohen even legally be involved in an acquisition while he's getting sued?

The most obvious explanation for why IEP got attacked was because Carl Icahn tried to get into Illumina. There's no evidence the Hindenburg shorts are even the same people as the BBBY shorts so it doesn't even make sense for him to retaliate them as they seem unrelated.

Then there's the rumors of Icahn saying revenge is best served cold, which implies any revenge would be in the future rather than something imminent, which would rule out imminent involvement in bbby.

Does anyone have anything that addresses any part of this?

>> No.55177491
File: 1.44 MB, 312x240, 1673697175883154.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55177567

Holy fuck you do not fit in in the slightest

>> No.55177556
Quoted by: >>55177569

>discovering the short interest is so low has dampened my enthusiasm
And the reason for this is that even if we get an ideal scenario of buy buy baby being bought in a cash + shares deal by icahn and Cohen coming to our rescue bareback on a single horse and all the shorts get recalled, it's very difficult to imagine just 10% of shares resulting in moass.

I am starting to think my reasoning here has been invalidated:
>There are really just three questions here:
>1. Is there truly short squeeze potential if someone with money steps in to try to fuck shorts?
With 10%, can there really be squeeze potential? Has any company had a meaningful squeeze on similar short interest without some surprise holder having secretly acquired a large majority of shares?

Can the 4.5% rule prevent enough large holder sales to function similarly to a large holder surprise announcing they've bought almost all shares?

>> No.55177567
Quoted by: >>55177569

>Holy fuck you do not fit in in the slightest
I'm a little retarded anon explain wtf do you mean here

>> No.55177569

Stop false flagging so hard

>> No.55177673

When number good it means moass in 2 weeks
When number bad its a self reported figure and should be discarded
This is why you are bagholding 2 years on

>> No.55177716

No its not.

>> No.55177735
Quoted by: >>55177749

Uh yeah sure anon rather than try to understand the truth of whether there's something here I should just randomly post positive or negative bullshit. Here I'll do some now just for you:

It's gonna moon.

It's going to zero.

Shorts are fucked.

Baggies should have bought dogshit.

You get a hex, you get a hex, everyone gets a hex!

Hey guys we are not sure if it's 428m outstanding shares or 740m outstanding shares and that means there's a squeeze coming!

Nobody is coming to buy the company! Someone willing to buy at at 9x the current price would never be interested now that it's cheap, that's just ridiculous!

>> No.55177749
Quoted by: >>55178252

tl;dr: There are retards on both sides as far as I can see. Retarded baggies posting the dumbest fucking copium. Retarded fudders posting the dumbest fucking fud.

There appear to be reasons to be interested and reasons to be cautious and instead of trying to cut through the bullshit and figure out which it is so you can make money or avoid losing money, you're being lazy.

>> No.55177865

>buyout with multiple bids and eventual retail fomo tied to RC's name.
What buyout? Buy buy baby? The one we're hoping gets a multibillion dollar valuation based on Cohen's letter to the board? The one where so far we've only heard of some broke poverty investor who needs help coming up with $50m to make a purchase we expect to be worth billions? That buyout?

>So far, it doesn't appear as if there's any interest in buying the Bed Bath banner
>It's not clear how much the unknown bidder is offering to purchase Buy Buy Baby, but it was seeking an additional $50 million

The fact they're not the only bidder actually is encouraging. Hopefully there are enough deep-pocketed bidders to make it sell high and not just a big acquirer competing with a shrimp that has to beg for change to invest with.

>> No.55177879
Quoted by: >>55178146

i actually don't know what youre babbling about

Im hoping for the Amazon buyout rumor to be true.

>> No.55178146
Quoted by: >>55185949

Anything posted here anymore is just asspained garbage nobody should care about. Buy shares if you want to, short them, do nothing at all even - but there's too many faggots on both sides shitting the place up for there to be any meaningful discussion happening. Your time would be better spent just picking random posts to tell to kill themselves once an hour.

>> No.55178196

How much debt does BBBYQ have? Now consider what they'll sell for. Shareholders aren't going to see shit, it's all going to pay back creditors then bondholders if there's anything left. That assuming they find someone to buy any of this piece of shid, which is definitely not a given.

>> No.55178252
Quoted by: >>55179091

Name a reason to be interested without resorting to "It came to me a in a dream" challenge (impossible). I honestly like telling retards to buy more shares. I used to go on reddit and pretend to be the biggest cheerleader saying everything was bullish. I would get more and more outlandish and somehow it was updooted and people would agree with my clearly made up theories. Honestly lost interest in trolling reddit after the bankruptcy because people there had jumped the shark entirely.

>> No.55179038
Quoted by: >>55179149

I'm going to buy more Monday. I don't believe the markets have the proper value for this company. The people who 100% believe this company has no value are probably shorting it. So their opinion has as much value as mine. I guess we will have to wait and see over the next 3/6/9 months.

I think people should stop focusing on what is happening in the short term and think about were they see this company over the middle term. Think about how many times people on this board have said "It is over." Yet here we are.

>> No.55179091
Quoted by: >>55179101

>Name a reason to be interested
On second thought, the only good reasons I could think of were basically only valid if short interest is high enough to make a squeeze attractive.

Even the craziest Icahn revenge schizobabble can only work if a squeeze is possible. Otherwise even if the bbby shorts and Hindenburg shorts were the same people, him participating in the auction without causing a squeeze would just result in creditors thanking him for making sure they got paid, then moving on to the next company.

>> No.55179101

>only valid if short interest is high enough
But who knows, I only googled the short interest this afternoon out of curiosity, honestly thought it was damn near 100% based on all the reddit excitement.

>> No.55179149

This, the market price for dogshit is obviously wrong. The only people telling me it has no value are definitely shorting it. I'm not in this as a quick flip, I know the long term potential of dogshit. Everyone keeps telling me it's over, yet my dogshit stack is still here. I'm going to scoop up some more cheapies tomorrow, just to show the shills who's boss.

>> No.55179853
Quoted by: >>55181645

Even if the SI was 1000%, it's not going to matter if the company goes out of business before a catalyst forces shorts to be closed. Even if that did happen, the company can issue shares similar to what AMC did, and sell them directly to SHF (see Hudson a few months ago).

>> No.55180177
Quoted by: >>55180480

wtf did I just read?

>> No.55180480

My balls. Checked.

>> No.55181022

Threads moving so slow nobody will know I shitted in their living room

>> No.55181195
Quoted by: >>55182767

it was about 100% before the dilution, if anything was going to be GME 2.0 then this was it, but RC sold and the company shit the bed, we're lucky if we even get a couple of bucks at this point, it's just common sense, those people saying we're still getting $100 minimum are fucking cancerous shitbags who are either shills or mental midgets who learned nothing from the 2020 election or GME

>> No.55181204
Quoted by: >>55182767

it sucks that we lost money but unless they work out a miracle deal with icahn, musk, RC, alibaba amazon, whatever, then we got tricked by hedgies and spergs on reddit

>> No.55181645
Quoted by: >>55184952

>Even if the SI was 1000%, it's not going to matter if the company goes out of business before a catalyst forces shorts to be closed
People change their behavior when the game changes. If bbby had 1000% or 100% SI right now, that would be a strong incentive for an outsider to force a catalyst during ch 11 proceedings.

... And that actually makes me see ch 11 in a different light. Ch 11 with high short interest would be consistent with reddit schizos thinking ch 11 was 4D chess to enable an acquisition, but ch 11 with low short interest looks more like 4D chess by shorts to rush the company out of business immediately after dilution so they can exit their positions quickly without getting picked off by an outsider.

>> No.55182181
File: 177 KB, 680x956, wagmi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55185269

>> No.55182204

kek dumb fucking BBBaggots

>> No.55182767
Quoted by: >>55182858


Do you think we don't know youre the same poster? You have the same writing style, the same droning paragraphs, the same talking points and you reply to a post at the bottom of the thread.
Kill yourself and stop fudding.


>> No.55182796
File: 14 KB, 633x758, xfati.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've accumulated too much, more than I intended.

>> No.55182858
File: 434 KB, 250x250, angryblackkid.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55182981

kek desperate Sunday morning BBBaggots

>> No.55183904
Quoted by: >>55184411

>My gastro once told me it is a terrible mistake that people often mistake kindness for weakness

>Don't mistake my kindness for weakness. I am kind to everyone, but when someone is unkind to me, weak is not what you are going to remember about me.
― Al Capone

When you think gangster, you think Al Capone. The man is widely recognised as one of the most notorious crime bosses that has ever existed throughout history.

>There's a lot to learn from Carl Icahn. He is the OG activist, and he's been doing it for a heck of a long time.

Acronym for original gangster. Means you have a classic style or stay with the older ways instead of newer.

the guy is still giving clues about carl icahn. this isn't something i got from reddit. i arrived to this conclusion myself simply by googling
>mistake kindness for weakness
and applying basic knowledge of RC interviews etc. this better amount to something or we were somehow tricked into losing all of our money by none other than RC himself.

>> No.55184411
File: 111 KB, 790x1280, IMG_20230604_140322_805.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude likes to post cryptic shit like pulte. Maybe for fun. Pic related was a weird coincidence but at this point just schizo shit.

>> No.55184571
File: 61 KB, 679x679, coffecat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I kinda like the superliminal fedposting desu...

>> No.55184726
File: 30 KB, 1669x181, bbby.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember this?

>> No.55184952

Exactly bankruptcy is really a 12D chess move to enable an acquisition when you really think about it. Ignore the creditors who will need to be paid back first and who will tale a large haircut, this thing is literally a rocket ship ready to take off (offset, quavo), We all know exactly what will happen in bankruptcy which is bullish af btw. I can't believe more people aren't getting in on this incredible opportunity.

>> No.55184983

icahn't believe it

>> No.55185087
File: 10 KB, 260x194, 3f2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55185289


babylist was probably the SHF plant that was gonna 'step in' and 'save' the heart of the 'broken' retail business...

the orchestrators of this scheme deserve their family names besmirched

>> No.55185103
File: 470 KB, 1080x1705, Screenshot_20230604_202750.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another baggie "DD writer" bites the dust. Probably roped

>> No.55185269
Quoted by: >>55186563

What did they mean by this? (Real question)

>> No.55185289

It was def a SHF plant. They literally knew that BBBY was going to be infinitely profitable (ignore any and all operating losses) so their best chance was to "save" the unbelievably profitable business. Again, I see few if any opportunities in the retail sector more attractive than this.

>> No.55185345
File: 13 KB, 236x227, 1635881687229.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this thing is literally a rocket ship ready to take off
when... sometime soon or sometime next year

>> No.55185456
File: 33 KB, 720x699, 1603234350210.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55185474

The ongoing court proceedings may or may not be related, I'll let you figure it out.

>> No.55185471

>sometime soon or sometime next year
Unless there are more delays, supposedly you'll know if "soon" in 4days. June 8th.

>> No.55185474
File: 258 KB, 494x464, 1623789471330.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55186112

>I'll let you figure it out
I can't because they keep delaying things

>> No.55185652

>a rocket ship ready to take off
Some rocket ships have been described the same way right before they exploded

>> No.55185819

bros, why can't niggers stop licking my butthole?

>> No.55185918

A bullish bankruptcy is great, but I'll personally wait for the bullish liquidation before buying.

>> No.55185949

KYS fgt.

>> No.55186112
File: 88 KB, 512x512, download (69).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably nothing, then...

>> No.55186131
File: 24 KB, 300x434, MV5BYjllMzcxM2YtN2VjNy00ZTcwLWI3ZTAtMmUzYzM0OWJlMzhiXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNTE1NjY5Mg@@._V1_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This movie is like a parody of what's happening to BBBY inside the courts

>> No.55186563
File: 710 KB, 1724x1116, 1668097628574929.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55186783

the real answer is that if somebody were buying buy buy baby for billions of dollars they wouldn't need an extension to get a loan to come up with an extra fucking 50 million kek
aka the king kike trusting redditniggers are about to get BTFO once again

>> No.55186783
File: 190 KB, 853x480, 4387622.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The real answer is that it's a combination cash and share deal.
>Creditors get cash.
>Shareholders get shares of the parent company. >Shorts splatter on the pavement.

>> No.55186850
Quoted by: >>55187074

>Shareholders get shares of the parent company
but why? because the parent company is so nice and want to reward towel stock holders or what?
kek baggies

>> No.55186928

Do they have to pay off all the loans at once or is it good enough for them to convince a court they have a way to move forward without missing payments again?

>> No.55187074
File: 319 KB, 1266x688, 43872256.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55187291

Maybe the parent company wants to preserve the $1.5 billion in tax credits.
Maybe the parent company sees value in acquiring cheaply through issuing stock.
Maybe the parent company wants to cash in on forcing shorts to close their positions.
Maybe the parent company's kindness to shareholders shouldn't be mistaken for weakness.

>> No.55187229
Quoted by: >>55187601

Imo Succession (interestingly debuting not long into this saga) has been some sort of social engineering for when we wagmi wagso. The way it has infected Normans is on a game of thrones level. Multiple art hoes I know who’ve no clue how to open a brokerage account have made references to “cash or stock deals” as it pertains to the show. I was also on a date last night with a girl who totally unprompted starting going off on wallstreet chicanery. To me, these are the canaries in the coal mine in that the landscape is there for the pop culture masses to contextualize, accept, and memory hole this in favor of The Next Big Tjing. It’s been a slow drip but a masterful display of narrative shaping. The show as well features feuding billionaires, the concept of dynasty, etc. Between this and Click I don’t know what to tell the folx still on the fence about soft disclosure.

>> No.55187291
File: 123 KB, 441x441, king k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh reverse triangle merger
your benevolent stalking horse savior is so gigabrained that they're having a hard time coming up with an extra 50 million in a timely manner
maybe you're a coping redditnigger baggot who's been waiting for a squeeze for a year as the price went from 30 dollars to 20 cents after trusting king k

>> No.55187387
File: 48 KB, 499x499, 83501421.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55187457

Your keks make me stronger.

>> No.55187457
File: 2.75 MB, 268x270, 1681690458268782.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's great but it doesn't change the fact that your theory makes zero fucking sense and this is coming from somebody who's technically long on this niggerstock since i'm a (the) BBBondchad

>> No.55187488
File: 103 KB, 1920x1080, 104006258-LEE_M_-026.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you have to literally eat the feces out of this lady's anus can you please do it in another thread thanks

>> No.55187530
File: 28 KB, 125x125, anon gets tricked by a watamelon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55187589


>> No.55187589
File: 97 KB, 1024x814, 1681241115531920.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55188564

Based and we are gonna ledge Ken griffin

>> No.55187601

Who do you think directed Succession?

> Hint: The Big Short

>> No.55187635
File: 110 KB, 1440x1362, 1685921583930651.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55187716

Wonder if the resistors deleting their "DD" were just paid shills trying to hype up retards with that conspiracy shit

>> No.55187716

>caring what happens on reddit
It's literally shutting down first of next month, soon I won't even have to hear about that website anymore.

>> No.55187794
File: 33 KB, 640x347, 43829005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55187983

Kek bondies

>> No.55187983
File: 121 KB, 530x501, 1679578484276760.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>beyond broken baggies have zero copes left and are reduced to nonsensical sneeding
kinda what you'd expect from somebody that watched their only investment go from $30 to 20 cents desu

>> No.55188564
File: 215 KB, 1060x706, 34-ken-griffin-jeff-bezos-lauren-sanchez.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55191608

Yeah KEN is gonna fuckin DIE! Can't wait til he arrives in hell. But while he waits and we wait, let's make it hell on earth for that fucking cock sucker.

>> No.55188611

>Same baggie thread up for two days
Can't wait till the jannies start doing it for free.

>> No.55189429
Quoted by: >>55191608


>> No.55190811

Reminder that GME baggies will never make it. BBBY is the way

>> No.55190897

I had a nightmare this went to .01c immediately upon open and my portfolio value went to like $2.70. Help

>> No.55190923
Quoted by: >>55191608

I had a dream a bank robber hid a bunch of coins under my bed and all my money issues were resolved.

>> No.55190979
Quoted by: >>55191608

Don't let your dreams be dreams.

>> No.55191317
Quoted by: >>55191608

at this point i would even give them a 20% raise just to do it

>> No.55191608
File: 344 KB, 1119x908, w45z.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55191702


>> No.55191638


>> No.55191702
File: 501 KB, 350x233, 1666793782383960.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tagging chadshill
picrel redditnigger

>> No.55191792
Quoted by: >>55191843

Still no squeeze faggots?

>> No.55191843

still no toilet rimjobi?

>> No.55191995
Quoted by: >>55192013

Ape no fight ape. Ape strong together.

>> No.55192013
Quoted by: >>55192039

Kill yourself cringe uwu faggot. Head the fuck back.

>> No.55192039
Quoted by: >>55192109

Suck start a 12 gauge

>> No.55192109
Quoted by: >>55192582

whoops! Wrong ID nigger.

>> No.55192162
File: 1.54 MB, 640x358, fromsoft-crab[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.55192582

No different person faggot

>> No.55193004

I just saw this thread and am genuinely curious about why people are still in BBBY? Do you think something is going to happen in the bankruptcy? Or are the courts going to give money to investors for some reason?

Like what are you all hoping to get out of still holding onto the shares and still having these threads, I am not even trying to say it's a bad thing if you genuinely think the courts will side with you guys or something.

>> No.55193035
Quoted by: >>55193105

Still not selling but thanks for your "concern"

>> No.55193105

what concern, like if you guys have a good argument for it I was thinking of buying a few shares as a lottery ticket lol

>> No.55193123
File: 106 KB, 1100x635, shillsbelying.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>totally organic posting
kek meltdownies

>> No.55193170

Type "Free Palestine" in your next reply and I might consider answering your question

>> No.55193217
Quoted by: >>55193483

Those words and links in the OP mean something. Dyor.

>> No.55193254
Quoted by: >>55193483

dyor, nfa

>> No.55193483

>here’s our autistic compilation of schizobabble research
>no, I can’t provide a short summary of my position, because deep down I know it’s absurd and incoherent
kek baggies

>> No.55193501

I'm still green, suck my dick

>> No.55193503
File: 28 KB, 640x285, 3kd3SxjWmD5kyMb0tice2zGvt6IpUXfcUIxM5KGhJxQ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55193561

>good argument for it
Can't find good argument. All conspiracy schizo shit. Some claims like this one are based on good points:

Where did those diluting shares go? Were they actually sold? Were they really supposed to be held until May 9? If so then why did the price keep dumping even before May 9?

Pic related: if Ryan Cohen sold his shares to a private party then who was it and why did the stock price dump if he wasn't market selling them?

But on biz, people are too lazy to dig into the share offering filings. On Reddit, they're too dumb, they come up with bizarre readings of paperwork and retarded misunderstandings of the meaning of the word "and". And I've got a chronic illness that leaves me unable to keep more than one or two chunks of information in my brain and destroys my ability to make logic connections almost all the time, so except for rare moments like my earlier posts in this thread, I've not been able to dig into the documents and connect all the info we have either.

There might be something here, it wouldn't surprise me at all if 311m shares were sold to a private party who didn't sell and then hedge funds assumed they would be naked shorted 311m shares, but I think that's still the unlikely case until we see evidence that those shares weren't allowed to be sold till May 9th... And that's ignoring all the other retarded bullshit in that reddit thread where the OP talks about three sets of 311m printed shares that never happened or were documented or even discussed by anyone that I remember. Seems like he either imagined or completely made it up.

Wish I had the brain capacity to list out all the court filings and then make a spreadsheet of every court filing the facts from it and then look through it for implications and inconsistencies with rumored bullshit.

>> No.55193561

The most intelligent pro BBBY poster has literal brain damage, you can’t make this shit up LMAO
Sorry about your condition though anon. TBI?

>> No.55193659
Quoted by: >>55193759

na I just don't like working for free. maybe you can provide the research

>> No.55193759
File: 16 KB, 275x265, 1661923739368277.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55193847

doesn't the whole thing revolve around a squeeze? Wouldn't it be in their best interest to get as much retail as possible. How else do they trigger a squeeze?
shouldn't you lot be jumping at the chance to indoctrinate new anons with the good word?

>> No.55193847
Quoted by: >>55193890

why? shares are being bought daily by anyone averaging down or someone willing to bet on reward/risk ratio. big dogs are having a bidding war of their own behind the scenes.

at this point in the game, new people don't even matter. normies don't even trade otc anyways

>> No.55193890
Quoted by: >>55193933

so you all own the entire float already? Impressive, when is the sqwizzel?

>> No.55193933

maybe, maybe not. In 2 weeks, or not in 2 weeks

>> No.55194078
File: 1.37 MB, 498x280, 1671331136270284.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"I see, I see" said the blind man. Well thanks for humoring me

>> No.55194081

>two more weeks, trust the plan

>> No.55194395
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>> No.55194592


>> No.55194928

Kek baggies

>> No.55195012
Quoted by: >>55198282

Kill baggies, behead baggies, roundhouse kick a baggie…

>> No.55195536
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>> No.55195600
File: 668 KB, 1080x1362, Screenshot_20230605_200406.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek baggies, the stores are being sold off piecemeal locally. Looks like no heroic savoir like RC/Icahn/Pulte involved

>> No.55196204

Why are those candles so big on ridiculously low volume?

>> No.55196285

>2 years in and baggies still dont know how price discovery works
Lets say I bought a share for 5,000 dollars from you and no other shares were transacted during that candle. The ticker price would surge to 5k on a volume of just 1 share
There is less volume on OTC markets which makes big swings in either direction easier - its like a shitcoin now

>> No.55196411
Quoted by: >>55196435


>> No.55196435

those dubs make more sense

>> No.55196557
File: 105 KB, 1585x639, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Classic market maker bullshit

>> No.55196716


>> No.55196852

>the shills are still posting
you guys realize you glow brightest when the entire thread is dark right?

>> No.55197044
Quoted by: >>55197287

>the only people still posting are laughing at me
So bullish!

>> No.55197126

kek baggies

>> No.55197252
Quoted by: >>55197287

kek _ _ _ _ _ _ _

>> No.55197287
File: 1.19 MB, 1598x1008, 1685821478415292.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>t. husband and wife

>> No.55197483
Quoted by: >>55197514

Infinite crab sucks ass, either drive it to nothing so I can buy more or let it run. Hate this fake and gay criminal market.

>> No.55197514
Quoted by: >>55197840

>$30 to $0.25 in a year is crabbing
Your brain is fried

>> No.55197840
File: 50 KB, 585x511, 1678633472021237.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spending all day every day of your waking life on a thread for a stock has fried your brain, what little there was to begin with

>> No.55197992
File: 189 KB, 960x669, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55198062

>> No.55198059
File: 118 KB, 712x615, found him.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you're like the trump/qanon shills, doesn't matter how much you spam larp bullshit
You're like that one fat kike on /pol/ who regularly spams "humor" threads.

>> No.55198062
File: 59 KB, 478x1024, 1636376151481.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55198118

Great, more wisdom from the person familiar with the matter. Lets see some headlines for when shit ACTUALLY happens.

>> No.55198118
Quoted by: >>55199002

WSJ were right about
>Cohen selling
They have a 100% track record (the opposite of what you baggies have when you called their reporting FUD every time)

>> No.55198273

Lads it's happening.

>> No.55198282

seethe a shill

>> No.55198856
Quoted by: >>55199602

not RC

>> No.55198992

the hedgroids will never see it coming

>> No.55199002

they were wrong about chapter 11 in january. i'm pretty sure they don't have high level inside info from BBBY itself, they get indirect info like from the lawyers or bankers involved with stalking horse guy who needed an extra $50M as of a couple of weeks ago. RC's people would be running a tight ship and not leaking info unintentionally. it's in his best interest to secure a deal so that he can keep growing his empire to get on the level of elon musk and jeff bezos, otherwise it would be too cringe if he's going to be autistically distracted by things like bullying mark tritton at nordstrom without minding his own business and allowing GME to crab without doing meaningful M&A or otherwise hyping retail investors to pump his bags.

>> No.55199010
File: 19 KB, 750x436, 6346793563.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55199475


>> No.55199475

you're utterly desperate, this is why we're going to win, because it's the morally correct outcome for retail investors to come out ahead against hedgies like with GME

>> No.55199492
File: 292 KB, 1082x520, 1684838727123976.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they were wrong about chapter 11
>in court for chapter 11 bankruptcy right this second
what DID he mean by this?
>because it's the morally correct outcome for retail investors to come out ahead against hedgies
picrel. Now go back

>> No.55199523
File: 3.37 MB, 1200x2000, 77834752.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you're utterly desperate, this is why we're going to win, because it's the morally correct outcome for retail investors to come out ahead against hedgies like with GME

>> No.55199543

Are are you guys buying bankrupt stock when bonds are getting like 10 cents on the dollar?
Stocks don't usually get anything unless the bondholders get paid back first and they're getting a pretty big haircut.

>> No.55199602
File: 678 KB, 400x166, EA117E57-A2C9-4354-8C56-6F6719A8C4CD.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek Bagginses. You bought the wrong stock.

>> No.55199657

lol @ seething shills ITT

>> No.55199664

lol @ seething baggies ITT

>> No.55199717
File: 33 KB, 693x587, bbbaggies.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek BBBaggies

>> No.55199729
File: 26 KB, 716x467, bbbaggies2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek dumbfuck BBBaggots
-99.9% on every chart stupid fuck baggies

>> No.55199737
File: 21 KB, 686x406, bbbaggots.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55199796

kek stupid fuck soon to rope baggots

>> No.55199796
Quoted by: >>55199813

>and despite all this red, you still convinced no one to sell

>> No.55199813
Quoted by: >>55199822

Good. Keep holding you stupid fucking baggot. Keep thinking this shit is going to make your rich.

>> No.55199822
Quoted by: >>55199908

I'm honestly happy that my shitty shilling keeps you faggot ass baggots holding. Keep the dream alive, you stupid fucking baggies!

>> No.55199908
Quoted by: >>55199918

it's working!!!!

>> No.55199918

Keep holding and stay poor baggot

>> No.55199984

will keep holding but will not keep staying poor

thank you for your support

>> No.55199992
File: 200 KB, 256x350, 1655939119314.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but will not keep staying poor

>> No.55199998

>the baggies were the jeets all along
what a twist

>> No.55200036
File: 91 KB, 1169x728, 2h4wmwe0cy1a1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55200060

How much money do you exactly make per year, Anon? I'm just wondering because I have 14,000 shares in this shitty stock yet don't give two fucks if it goes to zero. But I also make 95K a year in one of the top 5 poorest states in the USA (WV) since I know how to do more than most of (you).
So how much do you make a year? Do you even have a salary? Did you actually waste your time in college and get a degree then use that degree to get paid to post on 4chan?
Spill the beans nigger.
Bonus if you actually tell your real age too. I'm guessing 14 since thousands seems like a lot to most of you 'shills' lol.

>> No.55200060

>How much money do you exactly make per year, Anon
Pulled 97k last year as a master ASE technician.
>Did you actually waste your time in college and get a degree
I guess? I have an associate's in Automotive Technology.
29 years old
kek baggies

>> No.55200113
Quoted by: >>55200130

Well nice salary then you unlikable nigger. I've seen you on every BBBY(Q) thread since I bought originally which was 04/03/2023 and who knows how long before that. You're making a decent salary for being 29 though and my assumptions were wrong about you being a poor kid.
Doesn't change the fact you're a goddamn nigger faggot though.

>> No.55200130
Quoted by: >>55200140

>Doesn't change the fact you're a goddamn nigger faggot though.
Ok? And none of that changes the fact that you're a stupid fucking BBBaggot. You aren't getting rich off this

>> No.55200138 [DELETED] 
File: 715 KB, 1355x762, war_russia_ukraine_2022_.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WHITE GENOCIDE happening, unfortunately.

Post here to help to save the white race.
I'm a white male.

The personality base comes from the father, not from the mother. You can have a white race personality even if your mother, or the mother of your ancestors was not white.

White race personality males are the only ones who can save the white race, by breeding, and are the ones that are being genocized in this Ukraine war, either being ukrainians or being russians.

>> No.55200140

And it's not salary, I'm flat rate. Learn how different pay scales work, it might change your life.

>> No.55200165

>he makes under 100k
>he's calling me poor
holy fuck you're actually pathetic IRL, I'm 27 and make $360k/year. You think i give a fuck if this goes to zero?

>> No.55200198
File: 48 KB, 573x270, kek shillies.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no wonder you're here shilling, you're a fucking mechanic using the term "ASE technician" as cope for your terrible life choices LMFAO

need some extra money buddy? Here's a (you) I'm sure you could use it

>> No.55200267
File: 513 KB, 1179x2556, ARWlqT5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55200414

>> No.55200279
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>> No.55200288
Quoted by: >>55200508

dont even know what flat rate is besides a flat base of pay and im not googling it, nigger. dont need to. i stay inside for my job, never use camera because company doesn't do that, same job for years and same slacking i've done for years, just got a promotion recently and a 25% increase in pay and get this the best part of all. I actually work 1 hour on a busy day. Usually jerk off, smoke weed and play video games.
Can you guess my title?
Actually I'm feeling really naricistic right now because of that promotion I guess. I'm closer to 6 figures than I've ever been in my life but it doesn't change the fact that I'm a nigger as well.
>Living in WV
I can still afford a nice house though and nice amount of land for around 120 grand. Couple years of 'working' and 'meetings'.

>> No.55200304
Quoted by: >>55200581

I make $360k a week, and I put every cent of it into dogshit.

>> No.55200414

Whats the discord link?

>> No.55200498
Quoted by: >>55200808

Then go get your ASE's dumbfuck baggot. Oh wait, you can't. The only thing you'll amount to is being a stupid fucking BBBYQ baggie. Kek baggies.

>> No.55200508
File: 15 KB, 600x580, 1653153247427.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55200928

>>Living in WV
Do baggies really?

>> No.55200522

>I'm 27 and make $360k/year
That's amazing baggot! You still fell for the BBBY and GME meme, meaning I seriously doubt you make anywhere near the amount you say you do. Kek baggies.

>> No.55200579

kek dumb fuck BBBaggots

>> No.55200581
File: 65 KB, 633x758, e45.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not making $360k an hour
>Still posting

>> No.55200612
File: 20 KB, 381x437, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Paystub for paystub BBBaggies, let's see em. If any of you make more than me I'll never post in these threads again. I fucking hate the IRS Jew.

>> No.55200634
Quoted by: >>55200645

id actually kms if i made this little...how do you survive?

>> No.55200645
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Quoted by: >>55200662

Not seeing a paystub.

>> No.55200662
Quoted by: >>55200671

You got it man.
I genuinely feel bad for you. I can't event judge you for shitting the thread up for free...you NEED this to keep from kys.

>> No.55200667

I mean it from the bottom of my heart...holy shit man :(

>> No.55200671
File: 135 KB, 550x535, 1643313312483.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55200683

>STILL no paystub
You're unemployed, aren't you? You're banking on this play to make your life. Don't lie to us, baggot.

>> No.55200683
File: 190 KB, 1125x2436, IMG_2281.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your take home is my rent bro

>> No.55200687

Wait that’s not even your take home…bro :( :(

>> No.55200718
File: 12 KB, 748x118, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your rent is my more than my mortgage, bro.
>Flexing his rent payment
Imagine thinking flexing renting some pod is impressive. Kek baggies.

>> No.55200729
Quoted by: >>55200774

>over 2k in rent

My mortgage is 1,100$, what the actual fuck.

>> No.55200764
Quoted by: >>55200787

And besides, at $6500 a month you think I couldn't afford a 2.2k rent payment? I could, but I make good financial decisions. Unlike you, you stupid fucking baggot

>> No.55200774
Quoted by: >>55200786

I own a 12 unit complex in Bethesda Maryland. You guys are attempting to cope. Call me daddy and ask for help.

>> No.55200786
Quoted by: >>55200929

>I own a 12 unit complex in Bethesda Maryland
Yeah, nah. If this was true you wouldn't be dumb enough to hold BBBYQ

>> No.55200787
Quoted by: >>55200900

Well retard seeing as 1200 is 20 percent of 6500, no you can’t afford that rent. You’re just fucking retarded

>> No.55200808
Quoted by: >>55200893

yeah yeah, now get back to fixing my car wagie

>> No.55200856

i live in my mommies basement and when this moons im gonna make it and buy her lots of forgetmenots for making me tendies and housing me from the rain and wind

any other based anons going to buy their mommy flowers with their winnings?

>> No.55200863

Who is the baker on duty?

>> No.55200893

Thanks baggot, that'll be $170 diagnosis fee plus tip

>> No.55200900
Quoted by: >>55200929

Cool baggot. My mortgage is still cheaper than your rent. Care to explain how you came to own a 12 unit complex while still paying rent?

>> No.55200928
Quoted by: >>55200956

it's not that bad you're just inclined to believe it because (((they))) tell you to believe it. work remotely or in your experience automotive things would make you a fucking goldmine here.

>> No.55200929
Quoted by: >>55201046

I can’t wait to see you sad frog posting after everything happens

Owning a personal home isn’t desirable at this stage of my life. I’m single no kids and need to be able to pick up and move quickly with few attachments

>> No.55200934


>> No.55200956

I'm happy with my lakeside home in Michigan

>> No.55201046

>I’m single no kids
Yeah me too but I can't bring bitches to some shitty apartment. Nor can I work and build my own shit in some shitty apartment garage, mostly bought my home for the garage that I can use to my own liking.