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File: 57 KB, 976x850, _91408619_55df76d5-2245-41c1-8031-07a4da3f313f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
54695274 No.54695274 [Reply] [Original]

Monero holders will spend years talking about USD inflation as if Monero doesn't have an infinite supply

>> No.54695279

it's not infinite if you can't audit it

>> No.54695311
Quoted by: >>54711037

>Endless printer for $: bad
>Endless printer for XMR: good

>> No.54695538

By what percentage will the XMR supply increase in the next 100 years?
How much will be lost due to forgetting keys?
Finally how much will the USD supply increase in the next 100 years (if it makes it that long)?
Please provide numbers.

>> No.54695545

XMR's inflation rate is predictable and will go down every single year

>> No.54695552

but you can't audit it

>> No.54695555

but yeah XMR is more like an actual currency than whatever Bitcoin is supposed to be

>> No.54695565
Quoted by: >>54695600

>What is source code

>> No.54695587
Quoted by: >>54695600

you know XMR's code is open source right?

>> No.54695600

show me a single proof the fat jewtalian from africa (literally a fed) didn't mint a 2 millions XMR wallet just for him?

oh yeah you can't because XMR is not auditable

this coin will never pump also

>> No.54695634

>Ignores the two anons pointing to the source code

>this coin will never pump also
Not my problem, I don't have any.

>> No.54695643
File: 89 KB, 1886x679, verify_supply.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but you can't audit it

How wonderfully retarded.

>> No.54695667

Nothing on that screen tells me anything. You can't audit that gobble gook

>> No.54695696
File: 482 KB, 1043x828, 6yfBPLr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The supply is audited every time a node syncs, that's what you're seeing.

>> No.54695702

>Monero can't be audited because I'm a retard
great argument

>> No.54695710

Yeah but that isn't an audit.
That is just reading numbers on a screen and trusting that they're telling the truth with no verification.

>> No.54695723
Quoted by: >>54695742

>numbers say, well, a number, so number is number
>number is number so it must be right number

better than any argument you've ever had

>> No.54695730
Quoted by: >>54695767

Yeah, I don't trust it.

>> No.54695742

I've been investing massively in XMR from 2016 to 2020 so I was a true Monero "Chad" somehow

Monero is not auditable, it's a jewish scam and an obvious honeypot too

don't buy this shit
don't advertize this shit
don't even talk about this shit

>> No.54695743

Just trust them bro

>> No.54695761
Quoted by: >>54695848

coinbase transactions are not every source of possible monero, you are very stupid

>> No.54695767
File: 255 KB, 881x800, Dec2022.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That is just reading numbers on a screen and trusting that they're telling the truth with no verification.
>Yeah, I don't trust it.

Trusting? Verify the source code yourself, retard. And learn about how zero-knowledge proving systems work while you're at it.

>> No.54695778
Quoted by: >>54695865

how can i audit "coincards" ?
should i just trust them?

>> No.54695812
Quoted by: >>54695895


fuck off deranged old man, you're irremediable

>> No.54695848
File: 337 KB, 700x602, 1653503034252.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>54695868

>coinbase transactions are not every source of possible monero, you are very stupid

How are RingCT TXs constructed, genius?

>> No.54695865
File: 112 KB, 1509x749, AstraMarket.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>how can i audit "coincards" ?
>should i just trust them?

Yes. And then be amazed at how the free market continues speaking the way it does.

>> No.54695868
Quoted by: >>54695908

shut the fuck up don't talk to me moron

>> No.54695895
File: 327 KB, 950x720, Comin4U.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>54695937

>>fuck off deranged old man, you're irremediable

Does Monero going from 0% to 65% of "Buy Giftcards with Bitcoin" US sales in the span of 18 months make you feel anxious?

>> No.54695908
File: 848 KB, 1266x1136, 16892458764.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>54695937


Pedersen commitments + Bulletproofs

>> No.54695937
Quoted by: >>54696023

moving goalposts, certified clown, your subject was coinbase transaction, not opaque cryptographic assumptions, get that into your monkey brain

I don't give a fuck about your shitty website lmao learn to read google trends

>> No.54696023
File: 415 KB, 1078x633, DarkMatter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>moving goalposts, certified clown, your subject was coinbase transaction, not opaque cryptographic assumptions, get that into your monkey brain

Coinbase TXs are transparent, regular transactions are constructed using Pedersen commitments and validated using zero-knowledge range proofs.

>I don't give a fuck about your shitty website lmao learn to read google trends

lol imagine a primarily Bitcoin-oriented clearnet business seeing 65% of US sales go to an altcoin while BTC is getting slaughtered by that same altcoin in the black market it had dominated for 10 years..

>> No.54696072
File: 151 KB, 500x359, original.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gold is inflated every year about 2%
>monero inflation is less than 1% and gets smaller every year
>any amount of usd is printed anytime whenever politicians want it
yes you got it, they are all the same

>> No.54696116
Quoted by: >>54696308

if so much people are buying monero and monero is as scarce as you pretend, then why monero can't break 2018 ath?

>> No.54696308

Not him but monero's ath was too sudden and without fundament back then. Dark markets used BTC as well and everyone thought its privacy problems would be eventually solved.
Today, not so much but XMR has a restricted market and isn't even named by government agencies out of fear that it grows. So, it is just a matter of time before privacy is a very scarce and sought after feature that nothing else is as well placed to provide it.

>> No.54697335

Midwits kek

>> No.54697377
Quoted by: >>54698791

Of everything out there, you'd be absolutely retarded to not have a bag of xmr more than literally anything else

>> No.54697609
Quoted by: >>54697689

this. it's the only logical explanation why monero has had such lousy price action. devs dump like like chainlink

>> No.54697689
File: 110 KB, 1284x1297, MuhExcessSupply.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>54699481

>devs dump like like chainlink

lol if that were true there wouldn't be incessant issues with suspended withdrawals due to lack of supply on exchanges

>> No.54698791

>have a bag of xmr
Monero is a utility for transactions low IQ anon. "Having a bag" doesn't matter because is not supposed to skyrocket it price moonfag

>> No.54698850
Quoted by: >>54698865

WTF is tail emission shit?

>> No.54698865


>> No.54699465
Quoted by: >>54703556

this is the level of retards that spread "le infinite supply" fud over and over again. you need to be put down.

>> No.54699481
Quoted by: >>54701267

withdrawl is obviously suspended because they have to enforce kyc tagging and egress transactions cant be followed anymore.

if you belive anything other than that your a smooth brain

>> No.54701267
File: 84 KB, 1069x701, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>withdrawl is obviously suspended because they have to enforce kyc tagging and egress transactions cant be followed anymore.

lol"obviously". Its called fractional reserve lending, midwit, the exchanges sell you paper crypto they don't actually have in reserve so when too many withdrawals are initiated at the same time they have to suspend them until they reup their supply.


>> No.54703247

>Verify the source code yourself
Their argument boils down to
>how do you know the code does what it says?
Baseless FUD

>> No.54703453
Quoted by: >>54707147

I wish these dumb asses can look above just p2p privacy XMR is offering and know that there are a lot of good dapps and protocols that offer privacy.

>> No.54703556

Monero supply is infinite because you cannot prove that it is not. The risk isn't tail emission its that if any one of literally dozens of hardforks allowed someone to print themselves a trillion coins no one could ever know unless the individual dumped it to zero instantly.

>> No.54703609

Even if you think Monero is a good privacy tool, which it isn't, holding this stuff is crazy.

>> No.54703625
File: 390 KB, 1000x818, 1687489054723.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


What are zero-knowledge proofs? The free market seems to know.

>> No.54703651
Quoted by: >>54703729

Monero retards keep invoking the market to support their infinite supply internet coin as if Monero isn't literally down 98%

>> No.54703668

>ID: PnZMgi0Q
oh dear, the monero cope poster is back again with his heavy bags and lack of understanding of his own favorite coin.

>> No.54703729
File: 994 KB, 980x980, maxiparrot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>54703968

>Monero retards keep invoking the market to support their infinite supply internet coin as if Monero isn't literally down 98%

Oh no, not the clownworld market metrics!!!

>> No.54703750
File: 389 KB, 827x1181, 168497852897.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>54705994


Remember kids, only Bitcoin and dog memes!

>> No.54703968
Quoted by: >>54704111

what are cryptographic assumptions? moron

and it's the same guy making monero generals threads, he's mentally ill

there is no other realistic ways to determine the price of something than a market. triple moron

>> No.54704111
File: 50 KB, 600x600, st,small,507x507-pad,600x600,f8f8f8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what are cryptographic assumptions? moron

Oh no, you mean the widely-used cryptography doesn't actually work?!

>there is no other realistic ways to determine the price of something than a market. triple moron

True, but there are rational markets and there are irrational markets.

>> No.54705252
Quoted by: >>54710934

Considering the emisson rate this will only become a problem in 300 years from now.

>> No.54705994
Quoted by: >>54710930

Only concerned about Bitcoin and the coming altseason tranny.
Could be the biggest one yet

>> No.54706004


>> No.54707147

Nah everything that's not their reddit tier community is a scam kek

>> No.54707789
Quoted by: >>54708513

Reminder that btc will either swap for an emissions system or die

>> No.54708513
Quoted by: >>54710289

What amount of emissions is the correct amount?

>> No.54710289

Idk lol

>> No.54710930

>Only concerned about Bitcoin and the coming altseason tranny.
>Could be the biggest one yet
Giant green dildos expected

>> No.54710934

No it wont. The more time it passes the less the impact of emissions will be.

>> No.54711015

This but add that you can't even see an inflation bug if it's there. Some-one might be printing Monero at will and no-one will realize until some-one finds the same bug and makes it public.

>> No.54711023

No, it's not as there are unknown unknowns so you will never be entirely sure.

>> No.54711037

They both have unlimited supply, but what you're interested in is not the endpoint of the supply, but the supply in a given period of time. Let's say I told you that, in 2500, they'll mine asteroids and bring a million tons of gold back to Earth. Would this bother you? Perhaps gold would get a tiny discount because of that knowledge (in reality, it'd be a huge drop because people panic about fucking everything, but rationally). What matters is the trajectory as far as you experience it, both directly and indirectly (e.g. by experiencing the thought "will my grandchildren experience it?"). XMR's emissions are on a fixed schedule and slow, as opposed to fiat, which hyperinflates regularly because someone can print it in a discretionary manner.