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>> No.56948926 [View]
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>If XMR are sold for USD by sellers just as fast as USD are sold for XMR by buyers

That isn't a circular economy, which is what we're ultimately aiming for here. A truly 'circular' economy = merchants never need to sell back to fiat and simply reuse the XMR instead, rinse & repeat. So over time there is always more and more XMR being locked up in the growing economy and less and less XMR being put back on sale. Decreasing supply + increasing demand = organic NGU.

>But saving (i.e., hoarding) is a legitimate use-case and one necessary to increase the value of the Monero economy.

lolwut? hoarding i.e. not spending on goods & services is obviously detrimental to the growth of an economy, how do you expect to attract and sustain merchant adoption without regular spending? Hypothetically, if 100% of the XMR supply was being hoarded, how valuable would the Monero economy be?

>That doesn't mean saving for eternity, eventually everyone spends their wealth, but the lower your time preference, the greater the projects you can invest in.

Yeah, in the face of growing competition that kind of "deferred spending" approach puts you on the fast track to economic irrelevance. The reason why XMR is now starting to overtake BTC in clearnet sales is because we spend our coins generously while those HODLtards don't, they think they can just sit on their stacks and scarcity alone will pump them to the moon.

Scarcity without utility gets you *nothing* in the long run. So fuck hoarding, the proper, productive way to increase XMR scarcity it is to lock it up in a growing circular economy. Everything else is just bullshit NGU memes.

>> No.56861530 [View]
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>dead project or?


>> No.56682231 [View]
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>bitcoin's already won

lol won what exactly? NGU FOREVER?

>any and all altcoins have no chance against it

lol Bitcoin had already lost the darknet to Monero, is currently in the process of losing the ransomware and extremist funding sectors and is now well on its way to losing clearnet crypto commerce sector as well.

But do go on and enlighten us some more about how BTC has no competition.

>> No.56513665 [View]
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lol Telegram is for amateurs, Matrix and ICQ are where the real OGs hang out.

>Because thats important you retard.

lol a $150 Monero is displacing a $30K Bitcoin in real-world commerce sectors, turns out fundamentals matter the most.

>> No.56016695 [View]
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>just look at the chart. if the trend against btc was up it would have made a new high this cycle, but it didn't because all alts spend most of their life trending down.

lol due to the copious amounts of wash trading trading and price manipulation in effect since 2013 that chart is utterly meaningless.

The only chart that objectively means anything is the one tracking demand related to actual economic activity. And as we all know, that chart doesn't paint a rosy picture for BTC's long-term outlook.

>> No.55889400 [View]
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>Did you shit your pants while you were writing this?

with glee, yes

>> No.55856180 [View]
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All Hail the One True King.

>> No.55736202 [View]
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lol and yet.....

btw XMR is now at 68%

>> No.55635005 [View]
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>It's just way too stable

Its stable for now but I highly doubt moonfags and speculators are just going to idly sit by and watch as XMR gradually appropriates BTCs usecases without aping in en masse at some point.

I mean, the CoinCards CEO just recently revealed that XMR dominance for US gift card purchases is now at 68%, should hit 3/4 soon. And we all know what's happening in the darknet and ransomware sectors.

Eventually a critical mass of people are going to realize "holy shit, XMR is actually flipping BTC!!!" and then human nature will take its course. And this General will become unbearable.

>> No.55573765 [View]
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>Bitcoin ETFs

lol not adoption, Wall St has a long and storied history of knowingly selling junk assets to investors to earn on commissions, crypto is no different.

And Bitcoin ETFs would just be paper BTC sold purely for speculative purposes, not for actual use as currency.


M-Pesa, not BTC, rules the roost in Africa, Africans are too poor to pay for BTC's ridiculous TX fees lol

>>its price was manipulated downward more than anything

lolololololololololololololololololol holy shit!

>>wash trading can't sustainably support prices since no new money is being added to the system, yet price continues to steadily grow over the long term

No, see, wash trading is for pumping the price, delusional bagholding + sat stacking culture is for supporting the price, which clearly doesn't always work lol

And we've already covered this: if a majority of people buying BTC have an expectation of profits then the math breaks down.

>Ultimately, you can't effectively compare real-world adoption between Bitcoin and Monero.

lol yes we can, its just a matter of looking at where BTC has historically dominated real-world markets and then watching it being displaced by Monero

>darknet economy sector
>ransomware sector
>gift-cards-for-crypto sector

>But you can compare prices, which is the best metric we have

lol seriously? Its a largely useless metric for obvious reasons, or do you think it actually means something when the memecoin of the week inexplicably moons hard?

>Whining about them being a scam because you don't like it is pure cope.

lol they are a scam, you can't trust something that is very obviously being manipulated before your very eyes. Only actual adoption means something.

>> No.55487462 [View]
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>What will launch XMRs price in the future?
>1) Popular billionaire tweets about it
>2) Major court case
>3) CBDC evasion
>4) Global economic collapse
>5) Monerochan

6) growing organic demand

>> No.55075932 [View]
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>coping over Bitcoin.

Coping? LMAO more like gloating over its increasing loss of relevance. Every time BTC stumbles and falls ever further we can't help but point and laugh.

>> No.54984646 [View]
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>This doesn't mean anything.

>> No.54695767 [View]
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>That is just reading numbers on a screen and trusting that they're telling the truth with no verification.
>Yeah, I don't trust it.

Trusting? Verify the source code yourself, retard. And learn about how zero-knowledge proving systems work while you're at it.

>> No.54370118 [View]
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>that market has decided that the last monero ATH was 5 years ago,

lmao that market also thinks literal dog memes are more valuable than actual currency that is used for buying/selling actual goods & services.

>and will never be acheived again for said reasons

lol pure unadulterated cope. 5 years ago, Monero-only darknet markets didn't even exist, hardly anybody used XMR and BTC reigned supreme on all fronts.

Today the darknet economy is majority Monero-only with ransomware piracy similarly moving to a Monero-only standard, transnational organized crime is likewise jumping onto the XMR bandwagon while clearnet commerce has also now started to experience full blown Monerofication. Pic related.

Now project this trend forward and just imagine where we'll be 5 years from NOW!

>> No.54209985 [View]
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>monero lost this race before it even started.

The free market says otherwise.

>> No.54198483 [View]
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>speculative holding.

This is not adoption.

>> No.53950501 [View]
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>Oh look another Monero faggot who thinks ASIC resistance is a good thing

The free market seems to agree lol

>> No.53935272 [View]
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Most likely considering how critical fungibility will be in coming years.

>> No.53910648 [View]
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>Wasnt xmr supposed to be atleast more than fucking 150 dollars BWAHAHAHAHHA

Monero adoption at Bitcoin's expense keeps going up tho.

>> No.53862184 [View]
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>privacy will always just be a feature, not a product. zcash, monero, they're all temporary assets. they can't compete against a blockchain that's already won adding or adopting their singular feature on the base or upper layers.

Yeah, that's totally what the free market is signalling.

>> No.53821764 [View]
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>How do you people continue to persevere with this under performing piece of shit?

What do you mean?

>> No.53789077 [View]
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>>when you understand that monero has infinite supply and fell out of the top 25

And yet this continues to happen kek

>> No.53551960 [View]
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>I hold 1 single btc. What the fuck should I do?
>I bought it because speculation, and now I’m afraid its gonna crash and die.

BTC was already losing real-world market share to Monero BEFORE this shit, expect things to speed up now.

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