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File: 799 KB, 1379x1384, 1652711411769.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
54345437 No.54345437 [Reply] [Original]

>Basic Information

>Real-Time Trades
>Current Trade Halts + Short Restrictions

>All other news/DDs/etc

Blackrock 14% stake in BBBY

10Q Filing

>Bed Bath & Beyond Inc. Announces Completion of Public Equity Offering and Provides Strategic
>Bed Bath & Beyond Inc. Announces Pricing of Offering of Series A Convertible Preferred Stock and
>Bed Bath & Beyond Inc. Announces Proposed Offering of Series A Convertible Preferred Stock and

>> No.54345447

New 8K's


>Carol Flaton - Carl Ichans appointee in Xerox take over

Latest hires
>David Kastin - M&A Specialist board member & CLO
>Shawn Hummell New Snr VP

>Temporary alliance with reddit and jews to take down other jews, we can go back to hating each other later
>reddit DDs don't take them for fact use your brain
>Check your broker and clearing house to ensure you're not rugpulled

As always:
>Sneed hedgies
>Reminder to filter the spamming shills

Previously on /BBBY

>> No.54345478

My 6500 shares aren’t enough to make it are they

>> No.54345515

Reminder that we don't want no scrubs

>> No.54345517

Its reverse splivvy day. Lets get some hype going. We are literally on the brink of having a new CUSIP number and forcing the shorts to close
Make sure you exercise your right to vote YES. I bet at these prices hedgies are buying shares themselves to vote NO but we own the float many times over. They will count on household investors not bothering to vote so make sure you do

>> No.54345544

Its reverse stock split dividend day. Lets get some hype going. We are literally on the brink of forcing the shorts to close
Make sure you exercise your right to vote YES. I bet at these prices hedgies are buying shares themselves to vote NO but we own the float many times over. They will count on household investors not bothering to vote so make sure you do

>> No.54345577
Quoted by: >>54346856


>> No.54345581

New CUSIP does literal nothing fuck off with your "hype" fucking retard jeet

>> No.54345603
Quoted by: >>54345747

no bro it's going to make shorts le cover
they'll never see it coming

>> No.54345689
Quoted by: >>54345799

Is this death spiral financing?

>> No.54345747
Quoted by: >>54345806

There are several examples of new CUSIP/Reverse split causing squeezes. They are definitely not happy about what is going on with BBBY. They want the thing to die, not have rumors swirling around about M&A and the company trying to turn around. Especially when they thought they were getting death spiral financing they tried to front-run that never showed up.
We were about to squeeze on Feb 6th and someone had to turn on an emergency barcode algo to tamp down the price. It's all fake and the shorts are on life support waiting on a bailout.

>> No.54345772
Quoted by: >>54345788

I roll to power up the crab.

>> No.54345788
Quoted by: >>54346856

Fuck no no NO LET ME DO IT

>> No.54345799
Quoted by: >>54346856

Doesnt seem very death spirally to me

>> No.54345806

who is they nigger

>> No.54345857
Quoted by: >>54345874

I have to sell by Friday, should I sell now or wait until Friday to lose another 90%?

>> No.54345858
Quoted by: >>54345929

The evil naked shorts

>> No.54345874

>I have to sell by Friday
Lucky for you MOASS is AH today then
Why do you have to sell by friday?

>> No.54345900
File: 42 KB, 1010x636, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

great thread

>> No.54345929

who specifically

>> No.54345931

I lend the crab my digits. Whatever I get must be added to his HP

>> No.54345942
Quoted by: >>54346028

the jews. They is always the jews

>> No.54345950

What the fuck? Why would you filter a fellow ape?

>> No.54345964
Quoted by: >>54345979

why did you filter me?

>> No.54345980

I'm tired bro.

>> No.54345979
File: 9 KB, 263x192, 1676988161867297.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>54345996

you replied to a filtered, the chain does not discriminate

>> No.54345996

oh okay

>> No.54346028

like ryan cohen? or carl icahn?
uh oh stinky...

>> No.54346031

Im waiting for 0.63 for entry.

>> No.54346039

Is it over? I’m tired

>> No.54346045
Quoted by: >>54346093

My revolut account is getting liquidated for trading crypto. I will kill myself if this shit moons next week.

>> No.54346052

Ryan sold GME now he will never buy this stock

>> No.54346062

Even the hype dates is nothing. The Reddit is slow.

>> No.54346069
File: 353 KB, 655x480, 1679890619262094.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow 8 ID's filtered so far out of 14 IP's

>> No.54346092
File: 64 KB, 708x647, off exchange.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>54346102

The fire is rising my brothers

>> No.54346093
File: 605 KB, 1078x1324, 1607857206556.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>54346123

It might moon to $2 at this point. It feels dead

>> No.54346102

they have the high score of 81% to beat on Friday lol

>> No.54346123

Man I feel so fucking stupid for not selling at $6 last time.

>> No.54346169

Hitting 1.5 would be incredibly lucky.

>> No.54346174
Quoted by: >>54346221

>stock goes up 120% in a single day
>"no bro i'll just keep holding, surely 120% in a single is only the beginning, even though this stock has dumped harder and harder after every run, every single time"
>"this time it's different bro, reddit told me"
please, just kill yourself

>> No.54346178
Quoted by: >>54346276

I just got home from the gym and I will sold everything

>> No.54346221
Quoted by: >>54346269

If only you were there this time to let me know it will dump the very next day, you must be really wealthy with all that foresight

>> No.54346269
Quoted by: >>54346330

>he thinks nobody was itt telling him it was going to dump again
fucking faggot
you got what you deserve for trusting redditniggers

>> No.54346276

You need Grammarly.

>> No.54346307 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>54346344


>> No.54346330

please tell me the exact stock price for next Monday

>> No.54346344

does this mean no merger? anons, I need some hopium here

>> No.54346391
Quoted by: >>54346659

No it means I messed up the formatting

>> No.54346563
Quoted by: >>54346628


>> No.54346618
File: 1.00 MB, 722x864, Checkmate.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys, I've figured it out! AMC is going to acquire BBBY. Everyone knows that the way that execs communicate is via hidden messages in their tweets, and look at this one from the great silverback himself. He's tweeting about the way of water. What goes with water? Towels! It's the only explanation that makes sense, why else would he tweet about this random movie? You're probably questioning how the two companies visions could align. On the surface it doesn't make sense, what do movies have to do with bathtubs? However, you're forgetting about AMC's new venture, popcorn. What do people always do when they're in the bath? That's right, they eat popcorn. By combining the two companies, they can unite the three things people always do together (bathe, dry off, eat popcorn) into one convenient location (hence the three people in A-A-Ron's tweet). We only need to dig into the companies filings for proof. The top minds at reddit assured me that despite their dismal financials (nearly as bad as BBBY's), AMC is at zero risk of ever going bankrupt. However, they also announced that they're doing mass dilution (which also isn't happening) through selling APE. There's no explanation for this inconsistency other than an acquisition. How I see it going is that AMC buys up BBBY, then pays it in a special dividend to all APE holders as a killing blow to the evil hedgies. Then APE gets converted into AMC, and APE holders own both companies. That's right, all you have to do is buy APE and you get a share of AMC (price target $99999999) and a share of BBBY (price target $1.50) at the same time!

I'm sure that the shorties will be angry that we've cottoned on, and try and shut down discussion, but I will not be deterred. I hope that we can use this thread, and all BBBY threads to follow, to talk about the AMC merger that's definitely happening. Anyone who complains is obviously a shill, why else would they talk badly about something which so obviously benefits us? Support BBBY, buy APE!

>> No.54346628

too bad the shill faggot is afraid to open his mouth. maybe his new designated shitting street opened up and he just had to go check it out

>> No.54346659
File: 103 KB, 680x680, 1655362483486550.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh okay back to normal

>> No.54346703

lower than it is today nigger

>> No.54346707
Quoted by: >>54346748

so merger monday was in after hours, right? why isn't it mooning already? is the merger already priced in?

>> No.54346725
Quoted by: >>54346812

You joke but this is exactly what gme baggies sounded like when gamestop tweeted about tetris (to promote the new tetris movie)

>> No.54346748
Quoted by: >>54346780

maybe because it's all speculation?

>> No.54346780

Its because the hedge funds havent figured out yet what the fine folks at reddit already know

>> No.54346812
Quoted by: >>54346987

Fuck off shilly, I know your tricks. You're just trying to shut down talks of the AMC/BBBY merger because it scares you. I'm not going to be deceived again (learnt my lesson when I tried to buy a bridge one time). I know that AMC is going to merge with BBBY, so this is definitely the appropriate thread to talk about how great an investment APE is.

>> No.54346856

Crab should be dead

>> No.54346987 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>54347100

>I make em thinky i am baggie bro hehehe, i so samrt.
I hate niggers

>> No.54347098
File: 182 KB, 449x334, FAFO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guess I will buy a fuck load more tomorrow when I get paid

>> No.54347100

Sorry, I'm not sure if you have the right complexion to use the no no word. Just to double check, are you an AMC shareholder?

>> No.54347353

Holy shit this thread still exists. I thought y’all would have sold or offed yourself by now.

>> No.54347407

these posts are some of the cringiest scirpted lines that have ever come out of any of this

>oh this thread that has existed for months in a general STILL exist?!?!?

It's just cringe

>> No.54347430

I just can't help myself, bought 50 more

>> No.54347437

Your investment is cringe. I figured once it got below a $1 it’s die out. It’s not like there’s any kind of intelligent conversation going on here

>> No.54347465

In fact if you didn’t live such a cringe life. You wouldn’t be here circlejerking with a bunch of financial retards acting like this bankrupt company is going to pull you from your shitty life of poverty

>> No.54347480
Quoted by: >>54347533

>if I spam the reply button it means I'm right!
Subtlety went out the window with you fudfags about ta year ago

>> No.54347504

Lucky sevens
Just boughted more

>> No.54347524
File: 72 KB, 917x785, gme.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess buying GME at 0.86 would have been stupid according to some posters here

>> No.54347533
Quoted by: >>54347808

Being mad at people on the internet for your decisions won’t get your money back

>> No.54347550

Bbby is not gme

>> No.54347564
File: 50 KB, 1170x884, 1672264191827668.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They aren't sending their best

>> No.54347598

They cant even get it under 78 cents

>> No.54347626

please don't say that. I made that exact same post about $1 two weeks ago.

>> No.54347666

So your saying it can go to 0.60... Fucck.........

>> No.54347669

It's over bro just sell.

>> No.54347796

When's the merger?

>> No.54347808

the irony of the projection from this post is unreal

>> No.54347828
Quoted by: >>54348694

listen, I'm not going to read the thread and I sure as fuck am not going to catch up on the last one. I'm just glad to hear you're all wisening up to the AMC+BBBY pillow thesis. Comfy pillows and blankets for every AMC movie theater seat? Ummmmm, can you say bullish? If not, try wagmi on for size.

>> No.54347855
Quoted by: >>54347929

Link stopped working https://chartexchange.com/symbol/nasdaq-bbby/exchange-volume/

>> No.54347929

Nevermind, it's up agan

>> No.54347950
File: 69 KB, 634x847, 1413974857390_wps_12_Crabzilla_giant_crab_Whit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It will be defeated!

>> No.54348038
Quoted by: >>54348073

rolling to give the crab more strength to destroy bathniggers

>> No.54348073
Quoted by: >>54348094

when I'm rich i'm going to rub my little pp on your face.

>> No.54348094
Quoted by: >>54348102

rolling for the crab to cut your dick off before you rope

>> No.54348102
File: 738 KB, 1168x1080, 1666210694895822.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>54348107

swing and a miss shillie

>> No.54348107
Quoted by: >>54348124


>> No.54348124
Quoted by: >>54348140

keep bumping my thread, you bitch

>> No.54348140


>> No.54348160

Why do people think BBBY is gonna be the next GME? not even remotely comparable. one company sells video games, the other one sells hand soap and towels. guess which one actually has a demand

>> No.54348165


>> No.54348167
File: 31 KB, 409x393, 1675367483123024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>54348198


>> No.54348196

unfilter me you bitch

>> No.54348198
Quoted by: >>54348265

I'm just legitimately curious retard, You aren't gonna rally much support for BBBY if you keep being a massive faggot

>> No.54348217

As scary as it feels sometimes, this is the moment where everyone looks back to AFTER we start ripping and says "damn, I knew the thesis all along, why wasn't I buying when it was cheapest". Luckily, because the price is so cheap, you can buy hundreds of shares without committing a ton of money to the trade if you are feeling worried.

>> No.54348265
File: 1.03 MB, 990x990, 1653955480223901.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>54348329

no one here cares what you think. Get out of my general and never come back

>> No.54348329
Quoted by: >>54348369

Nah I am gonna call you a bag holding faggot and continue to stay here. up yourself loser

>> No.54348361
Quoted by: >>54348409

Stupid fucking jeets why do you care so much about my $2k bobby appreciator hobby? Is it really that much money for you that you have to be seething and dilating here instead of in the comfort of your own shitting street?

>Le I'm just keeping the baggies kek

>> No.54348369
Quoted by: >>54348412

when I make it I'm going to find you and pay you enough to let me take your ass virginity. Then I'm going to make love to you until you turn gay and you scream that you want to be with me. Then I'm going to say no cause I'm not a fag and leave you with a big hole in your heart that will never close properly.

>> No.54348397

Legit disgusting mate, just ponder that fucking curry hole aroma

>> No.54348409

kek baggie

>> No.54348412
Quoted by: >>54348429

Keep dreaming loser. The day you make it, I will legitimately cut my dick off and mail it to you but since we both know that isn't gonna happen. You'll just have to keep dreaming of the penis you could have put in your ass

>> No.54348429
File: 118 KB, 1024x861, 1675283314884820.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>54348445

why would I put a floppy cut of penis in my ass?

>> No.54348445
Quoted by: >>54348457

Because you're a faggot lol

>> No.54348457

I just said I'm not gay. Are you already in love with me? That was quick, I didn't even need to pay to fuck you.

>> No.54348538
File: 6 KB, 198x198, 1679420546681054.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does $.050 a share sound?

>> No.54348694

Based. Pillows and Popcorn ftw.

>> No.54348731
File: 119 KB, 766x1131, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brilliant thread

>> No.54348765
Quoted by: >>54348902

You guys are so cocky when we've literally been right about everything

>> No.54348902

>we've literally been right about everything
like WHAT?

>> No.54348935
Quoted by: >>54348971

their goalposts move every few days so of course they would be right....

>> No.54348971
Quoted by: >>54349009

April 3rd is the new cope date. If it comes and goes with nothing I'm selling it all on April 4th. I can't take this shit anymore.

>> No.54349004

Ooooo we're pumping

>> No.54349009

You will die poor, sad, and lonely.

>> No.54349137

Like the proven AMC/BBBY merger.

>> No.54349152
Quoted by: >>54349185

i thought that anon was a shill calling us cocky

>> No.54349161
File: 149 KB, 622x674, jeohzrwqlr291.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>54349176

>> No.54349176
Quoted by: >>54349257

why do you come in here to shill? What do you get out of it?

>> No.54349185

I don't need to understand context, all I need to understand is that AMC is buying up BBBY, and we should all buy APE to profit off of it.

>> No.54349196
Quoted by: >>54349218

I wish I could buy but I'm all in on bbby

>> No.54349218
Quoted by: >>54349236

>Not selling BBBY to buy APE
>Not wanting to get an AMC share and a BBBY share with the same purchase

>> No.54349221
File: 95 KB, 750x436, 1675449588784057.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

w...why won't you trust us that the float w..was dilooted

>> No.54349236
Quoted by: >>54349258

I'll buy some amc on my next paycheck but I'm not selling bbby

>> No.54349257
Quoted by: >>54349281

chill dude, I just find the meme funny
I'm a bbby holder myself

>> No.54349258
Quoted by: >>54349281

Ah, the shill reveals his true colors. We all know that the best way to support BBBY is to buy APE.

>> No.54349281
Quoted by: >>54349386

my apologies the shills and the red has me on edge today
are you being retarded on purpose or?

>> No.54349304

What's a make it stack of BBBY?

>> No.54349309
File: 65 KB, 770x654, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.54349327
File: 178 KB, 1516x523, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.54349345
File: 199 KB, 1027x905, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>54350082

>> No.54349386
Quoted by: >>54349444

The only retards itt are the folk denying that the AMC/BBBY merger is a done deal, and that the best way to support BBBY is to buy APE.

>> No.54349414
File: 230 KB, 1109x931, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

'member when volume was 1-2m daily?

I 'member

>> No.54349427

Where is the volume?

>> No.54349444
Quoted by: >>54349476

ape is a distraction and you're a shill

>> No.54349455

Your stock is Fucking down! Fucking sell MotherFuckers! Hepcats, I need you to Fucking sell immediately! I'm really Fucking concerned for you ports!

>> No.54349476
Quoted by: >>54349498

Fuck off shill. Stop trying to shut down discussion. Everybody with half a brain knows that this is the perfect thread to discuss investing in APE, since the AMC/BBBY merger is a done deal.

>> No.54349498
Quoted by: >>54349546

post proof

>> No.54349546
Quoted by: >>54349555

Right here dingus. >>54346618

>> No.54349555
Quoted by: >>54349584

that's just a silly larp you extra melanin having nigger

>> No.54349584

It's proof. Far more evidence for the AMC merger than for the GME one. Also, just because I own APE doesn't mean you get to use that word. That's our word.

>> No.54349623
File: 81 KB, 533x524, 1677419035867074.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>54349660

Fucking retard

>> No.54349627
File: 1.19 MB, 390x317, 1663867918810246.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>54349660

eat beans

>> No.54349660

I'm not going to eat beans, or a bag of dicks. I'm going to wait for the BBBY/AMC merger, then buy a nice bag of popcorn from my local bed bath and beyond.

>> No.54349679

post a picture of your hand.

>> No.54349682
Quoted by: >>54349697

I'm buying APE
APE will moon, we'll get 10 BBBY shares for every APE share we own

>> No.54349697

go make your own general you couple of african americans

>> No.54349700
Quoted by: >>54349768

Thanks for keeping the thread bumped even though the merger is with gme. Amc merged with a gold mine, they're still on cooldown until aavatar rapedick recharges another load

>> No.54349715

You shills are so pathetic, this is BBBY related. APE is merging with BBBY.

>> No.54349731
File: 2.08 MB, 4032x1908, wagmiinprogress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bbby+amc+ape superiority please don't fucking @ me, you're tied popcorn whether you like it or not

>> No.54349768
Quoted by: >>54349911

This is the BBBY general, where we discuss subjects related to bed bath and beyond, such as their merger with AMC.
Yes, AMC merged with a gold mine, a gold mine named bed bath and beyond.
That's right, you show those shills who's boss.

>> No.54349770
File: 634 KB, 757x718, 1679335011484635.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek jeeties

>> No.54349829
File: 1.86 MB, 228x170, 1623327966633.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>54349944

my gf found out I own 7000 shares

>> No.54349868
Quoted by: >>54349906


>> No.54349906

checking those alternating digits

>> No.54349911
File: 264 KB, 112x112, 1668913146419566.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I'm the only white person in here.

>> No.54349923
File: 3.15 MB, 628x1316, over.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shills now shifting to AMC
very very interesting. For those who haven't been here since day 1, they started with AMC back in the early GME days to try to get some pressure off their shorts. They stopped pushing the narrative because of how much it glowed.

Very interesting to see them go back to this narrative. Pulling out all the stops it seems.

>> No.54349932

AMC was the real squeeze all along.

>> No.54349944

> gains = ours
> losses = yours


>> No.54349946
Quoted by: >>54349980

>he doesn't know how AMC+APE is directly related to BBBY
spoonfeeding time is over.

>> No.54349957
File: 69 KB, 724x724, R.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>54349997


>> No.54349963
Quoted by: >>54350726

Fuck off shill. Everyone knows that AMC/BBBY merger is a proven fact, and that this is the appropriate thread to discuss it in.

>> No.54349980

>he doesn't know

>> No.54349997

>he doesn't know

>> No.54350014
Quoted by: >>54350024

>they don't know

>> No.54350024

>none of us know

>> No.54350039
File: 23 KB, 764x398, bbby.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>54350051

big milestone day bros

>> No.54350041
File: 243 KB, 1036x1154, 29d09b463db7ef73c8d636abeae94565.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shills unintentionally provide confirmation that GME & BBBY are cut from the same cloth while simultaneously confirming (for the hundredth time) that AMC is the shorts' hedge

>> No.54350051

>he doesn't know it's about to be 100%

>> No.54350060
File: 25 KB, 540x540, 1668776456197097.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>54350155

>Cheery picking time frames
kek never change fudfags

>> No.54350082
Quoted by: >>54350134

What happens when the off exchange goes above 100%? I bet they can talmudic magic the fuck out of that high score.

>> No.54350134

indicative of AMC+BBBY merger

>> No.54350137

bros what percent gain do i need to come back from being down 97%

a quick 100% day should put me back in the green right

>> No.54350155

poor (literally) little baggie

>> No.54350173
Quoted by: >>54350278

Just sell your BBBY to buy APE. You might get as much as 100 BBBY per APE once AMC completes the merger.

>> No.54350193

Like the shares being converted and the price heading to the .70s for starters. Hudson Bay being the buyer... I dumped my bags shortly after that deal was announced on February

>> No.54350219

>3000% unironically

>> No.54350234

I can't tell if you're retarded, a shill, or trolling the retards who actually hold this fucking anchor of a stock.

>> No.54350236
File: 14 KB, 556x279, Loss-Break-Even.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>54350273

don't worry bro I got a handly little chart for you. You just need a quick ~9900% gain

>> No.54350251
Quoted by: >>54350272

crab is dead now

>> No.54350264

wtf is happening? why are people shilling amc with bbby?

>> No.54350273

>9900% gain
>to break even

>> No.54350272
File: 39 KB, 460x614, 1678134008538890.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The barcoding stopped, now we wait for the 10Q. I hope you packed your bags

>> No.54350278

BBBY is cheaper than APE currently. You're a bad actor.

>> No.54350280

They're merging.

>> No.54350286

Just shills being silly

>> No.54350297

Adam is about to issue a couple billion more APE so don't worry about that.

>> No.54350313

Because of the proven fact that the two companies are merging.

>> No.54350330

It's cheaper, but not 100/1 cheaper. That's why buying APE is the best way to own more BBBY.

>> No.54350376
File: 165 KB, 1013x1311, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Great thread

>> No.54350378

think about it

>> No.54350432
Quoted by: >>54350465

They are poisoning the well. They know that most ppl now know AMC is a pos so they want to connect BBBY to it

>> No.54350465

Post the 8-k that says they're not merging. Oh, that's right, you can't.

>> No.54350586

They are just seething they got their asses prolapsed the whole weekend on the two threads and called shit street team alpha for reinforcements, only took them 2 days to come up with this crappy "fud" lol

>> No.54350594
File: 187 KB, 399x399, 1675717026166666.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

145 of 190 posts filtered and I'm legitimately expected to believe BBBY won't moon

>> No.54350598

did you filter me?

>> No.54350720
File: 285 KB, 720x733, 1665929011203281.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>54351189

madness isn't it

>> No.54350726

Proven how?

>> No.54350736
Quoted by: >>54350769

>he doesn't know
no more spoonfeeding

>> No.54350769

It’s not like you ever have any actual proof. Always trust me bro and cryptic tweets that always mean nothing.

>> No.54350788
Quoted by: >>54350816

See >>54346618
Clear indisputable evidence that the AMC/BBBY merger is here.

>> No.54350816

Oh god my dick is so hard it’s about to fly off. This is it I’m all in.
I’m going to buy 500000 shares right now

>> No.54350882
File: 56 KB, 1050x467, llol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why do you feel the need to be contrarian baggie bros? You're not sticking it to the hedgies by losing your life savings

>> No.54350988

AMC is the nigger of the memestock world and associating it with anything is the most effective way to FUD something

>> No.54351010
Quoted by: >>54351057

If you filter everyone who disagrees with you, you have not reached consensus. That's trannie logic.


>> No.54351027

Filing for r/s vote should be any minute
Should also confirm 500M+ float and send price down to $0.70

>> No.54351047
Quoted by: >>54351067

now what

>> No.54351055
File: 2.51 MB, 500x245, all over my face.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let the AH shenanigans commence

>> No.54351057
Quoted by: >>54351137


KYS fag, filtered

>> No.54351067

Market's closed, let's look and see what stocks made more money today.

>> No.54351137

>I'm a real trader now that I've lost 98% betting on a failed bedding company
>anyone who tells me different is a shill
Baggies are more delusion than usual today. I guess only the most delusional retards are left at this point. Enjoy zero nigger.

>> No.54351146

well it looks like amc was the big money maker today, the pillow thesis is solid

>> No.54351189

Up to 159 out of 207 so far. It's actually kind've impressive, a full three quarters of the thread is just shit in the street. I bought more today specifically because of how bad it is.

>> No.54351224

>he doesn't know

>> No.54351232
Quoted by: >>54351246

big buy wall appeared on L2

>> No.54351243
File: 36 KB, 112x112, 1653659535699.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>54351296

>sHIZDh4R posting not realizing he's an ai sockpuppet of the original filter poster, cursed to post in the distractions thread

>> No.54351248
Quoted by: >>54351312

Seriously though where is the filing? Shouldn't they be saying something today?

>> No.54351246

Adam Aron buying BBBY in preparation for merger.

>> No.54351270
File: 185 KB, 1800x804, 123456.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not like this... not like this..

>> No.54351296
File: 278 KB, 824x983, 1665246699113701.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>still calling it a distraction at the 11th hour
Not sending their best

>> No.54351312
Quoted by: >>54351355


I keep refreshing but I don't see anything.

>> No.54351355

Keep going I’m so close

>> No.54351451

This might be the worst BBBY thread of all time.

>> No.54351470

You're not wrong.

>> No.54351520
File: 696 KB, 575x863, FishyStick.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>54351581

Can I offer you this fishy stick in this trying time?

>> No.54351581
File: 46 KB, 637x521, 1661262745037091.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54351607

What's wrong with it?

>> No.54351738

dead stock, dead thread

merger monday was moved to next monday because hedgie crime btw

>> No.54351883
File: 86 KB, 645x773, 1425140979379.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54352005
File: 26 KB, 200x200, 20230326_113054.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This might come as a surprise but I own a thousand shares of both gme and bbby. I know, I know, this is upsetting for you. But I just don't care and I'm not selling either until they 1000x at minimum.

>> No.54352050

Do you actually plan on holding BBBY that long? I really wanted $80 a share, then started being okay with $30. Now even that is seemingly becoming a stretch

>> No.54352052
File: 10 KB, 274x274, ree.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>54352077


>> No.54352077
File: 123 KB, 1290x928, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54352079


>> No.54352114

Probably just gonna drop a gay NFT or some useless shit

>> No.54352115

>I know, I know, this is upsetting for you
why would what you own upset me?

>> No.54352166

Holy fuck, it's an anagram! When you rearrange the letters in GMERICA you Get AMCBBBYMERGER. What more proof do you need?

>> No.54352183

2 more sleeps

>> No.54352427


>> No.54352488
File: 28 KB, 200x200, Seethies.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based. Seethies and sneedies sound....upset?

>> No.54352527
File: 657 KB, 1080x2400, 1678893085373244.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I too have 1300 GME and 930 BBBY. It is pleasurable to know that another man of exquisite taste exists out there

>> No.54352643

Shill, I'm not selling until I get 10000x

>> No.54352714

>[not the stock] gets shilled in the bbby thread
>the irony is lost on bbby holders
I almost feel bad for you all

>> No.54352840

Bed Bath and Beyond doesn't need NFT's

>> No.54353153
Quoted by: >>54353367

idk wtf is going on inside bryen chobani's head but GMERICA obviously sounds like it's a larger brand/conglomerate beyond just gaming and teddy holdings filed trademarks covering NFTs among other things

>> No.54353291
Quoted by: >>54353367

and he's implied a bunch of times that he has ambitions to strive for further success not just settle down with gamestop

>> No.54353367
File: 453 KB, 3134x1647, Teddy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>54353522

I like how uninformed people act

>> No.54353522
Quoted by: >>54353622

it would be utterly disturbing if he filed those trademarks on the same day that he tweeted "at least her cart is full" and a few days before he sold his BBBY. it just has to be that we're waiting for the M&A because HSR antitrust or someshit like d4nl0w has summed up quite well on twitter (CHINA=ICAHN high speed rails=HSR come on now...)

>> No.54353622
File: 1.41 MB, 650x972, ProfMM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54353679
Quoted by: >>54353890

>China has a nationwide high-speed rail network that spans almost 22,000 miles. This is an amazing achievement.
if this tweet is to be taken at face value then it's a weird mistake to get the mileage wrong. up to 22,000 mil = 22 billion lines up perfectly with carl icahn's estimated net worth as stated by wikipedia at the time of the tweet (why waste money on college when wikipedia is free?)
>Icahn is on the Forbes 400 and has a net worth of approximately $17 billion[4] to $22 billion.[5]

>> No.54353744
Quoted by: >>54354086

and while twitter timestamp numerology is normally too much tinfoil for me, he posted at :22 as if to draw attention to the 22,000 miles "mistake" just like what a high IQ individual would do if they wanted to convey a cryptic message while keeping enough plausible deniability

>> No.54353890
File: 71 KB, 1016x400, proof.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

While we're on the subject of tweets, did you see this one from king silverback today? Notice those two words coincidently next to each other, drink well. What do people drink? Water. What's in wells? Water. What do people take baths in? Water. What do people dry water with? Towels. The proof is right there, you just have to look for it. The AMC/BBBY merger has been proven yet again. I can't wait to see how the denial shills try and spin this one.

>> No.54354056
Quoted by: >>54354372

The stock is at .78 cents, are these threads really necessary anymore?

>> No.54354086
Quoted by: >>54354374

Oh wow, I didn't even think to look at the timestamp. Thanks friend. Look at what time king silverback posted his tweet. >>54353890
He posted at 4:04. 404, as in not found, just like how an 8-k disproving an AMC/BBBY merger has yet to be found. His genius continues to astound me. So glad I sold my BBBY to buy more APE so that I can get even more BBBY as a dividend after they merge.

>> No.54354372
File: 44 KB, 1131x881, BBBY-Barcode.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>54357652

The price is literally fake. Once they turn off the emergency margin-call algo the price runs up 15-25% daily even culminating in 120% moves over $7 per share like it did on 2/6/2023. The stock was about to squeeze and literal bank runs started a month later.

>> No.54354374

Who the fuck do you even think your audience is?

>> No.54354417
Quoted by: >>54354438

Classic shill tactic is to drown out conversion with noise/nonsense.

>> No.54354438
Quoted by: >>54354537

You mean like the folk posting about the supposed GME/BBBY merger in the GME thread? Sorry, I don't subscribe to conspiracy theory's, I make my investments based on actual evidence, hence why I'm bullish on BBBY, and all in on APE.

>> No.54354537
Quoted by: >>54354670

You are doing gods work
Hilaruous to see the bbby baggies respond to your amc merger posting with
>thats not true just because you made some 69D chess deductions from tweets
And then going back to posting about how RC and Icahn are gonna save them

>> No.54354670

I'm really not sure how people are tying Cohen to BBBY. If he were in some way involved, wouldn't he have taken a selfie with Adam Aron? After all, Aron's going to be running the company soon, surely he'd want to meet Cohen if they had plans together.

>> No.54354800

Literal brainlet attempt at a psyop narrative, whoever pitched this needs to be fired from shill team 6

>> No.54354949

Announcement tomorrow PM

>> No.54355759
File: 61 KB, 719x688, 1675310085668944.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well anons, what do you think Wednesday's Gmerica announcement will be

>> No.54355998

nft shit collection

>> No.54356289
File: 122 KB, 640x640, 1675160072165518.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

186 of 261 posts filtered and I'm supposed to not buy more tomorrow morning?

>> No.54356416

prolly just NFT game skins nothingburger, I don't think Cohen has anything to do with this and its just Ichan's son

>> No.54356534

There is a very low chance this is unsubstantial. They know too many anons would kill themselves.

>> No.54356705


>> No.54357445


>> No.54357467


>> No.54357500 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>54357560


>> No.54357522 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>54357560


>> No.54357533 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>54357560


>> No.54357550

You all glow so bright I need nuclear sunglasses to read this thread.
Everyone knows that APE is the real play due to the merger with BBBY
Unless you buy APE/AMC, BBBY will never make it. Shills will never tell you this, but APE is the play

>> No.54357555


>> No.54357560 [DELETED] 


>> No.54357651


>> No.54357652
Quoted by: >>54357659

If you guys would just buy amc and ape, then this wouldve squozen a long time ago.
Stop fallling for distractions. Ape and amc is the real play

>> No.54357659

stale tactics, Hesh

>> No.54357669
File: 800 KB, 250x195, 1679781323849770.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The hero has triumphed!

>> No.54357749

This thread glows like a nuclear sundown.
I wouldnt get shills against me if I wasnt right. Ape is the play. Without ape, bbby will go bankrupt

>> No.54358188
File: 1.24 MB, 706x1000, 1679296713997517.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All in a days work

>> No.54358647


>> No.54358698

Was the meeting yesterday cancelled or what?

>> No.54358832
Quoted by: >>54358857

Just bought some APE. The sheer amount of seething going on in this thread against APE makes it obvious that hedgies don’t want you to buy it. Clearly people here don’t understand basket theory. If APE moons BBBY will moon too, that’s why I’m comfy af holding both. After ape moons I’m rolling all of my gains into BBBY.

>> No.54358857

because this is BBBY and not AMC general

>> No.54358886
File: 21 KB, 376x320, 3F4A8D63-BEA6-4134-8609-BBC63B280FC9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>54358897


>> No.54358897
Quoted by: >>54358923

just make an AMC general and talk about it there

>> No.54358905

Gj shill, you just proved the APE theory. Ape and amc will blow up and drag bbby with it.
Why are not everyone invested in ape and amc? It can only benefit bbby.
If you dont agree youre literally shilling and prove my factual words.

>> No.54358923

Why? They’re obviously related. APE is integral to the play so there’s no reason not to discuss it here. Just look at all the shills coming out against APE ITT. It’s pretty clear they don’t want us discussing it.

>> No.54358946

Are we buying APE now? It kind of makes sense when you think about it being part of the basket.

>> No.54359341


>> No.54359367
File: 64 KB, 777x664, 1664914882675757.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54359370
Quoted by: >>54359421

>287 posts
>thread splitter
No ones using your thread faggot

>> No.54359421
Quoted by: >>54359426

We're nearly at the bump limit. I'm just making sure that we have a friendly place to discuss our investment in.

>> No.54359426
Quoted by: >>54359463

Fuck off faggot, no one is using your troll thread, get fucked nigger

>> No.54359463
Quoted by: >>54359469

Fuck off hedgie. You're just trying to stop us discussing APE because you're scared it will blow the whole basket up.

>> No.54359469
Quoted by: >>54359501

Your trolling is fucking sub par you pathetic faggot

>> No.54359489

kek baggies

>> No.54359501
Quoted by: >>54359504

Your IQ is subpar shilly. APE is the truth, and it cannot be suppressed.

>> No.54359504
Quoted by: >>54359547

Keep posting so I can make a real thread at the limit faggot

>> No.54359547
Quoted by: >>54359551

What do you mean? There's a thread already. You're just using divide and conquer tactics. You want us to split our posts over two threads, so that both of them die. Well I'm wise to your tricks shilly, I'm not going to be misled into not discussing the greatest investment in the history of mankind, Bed Bath and Beyond (ticker: APE).

Real chads, get in here

>> No.54359551

keep posting fag, we're nearly there

>> No.54360367


>> No.54360384

this thread is cancer

>> No.54360741

>eToro turned off buy button
its happening

>> No.54361041

If you faggots just each DRS'd 5k shares we'd have the entire share count DRS'd and the shorts would have no ammo.


>> No.54361210

Bbby baggies rent again by no announcement. Do you ever get tired of being wrong?

>> No.54361343


Real bread