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File: 1.87 MB, 5000x3333, 1678576362438132.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
54050891 No.54050891 [Reply] [Original]

Latin Monetary Edition

>Why Gold?

>Bullion dealers
https://www.jmbullion.com/ (US)
https://www.chards.co.uk/ (EU/UK)
https://www.silburycoins.co.uk/ (Ancient)
more at: https://pastebin.com/gZfZHtNE

>News and graphs

https://findbullionprices.com/ (US)
https://eu.compare.pm/ (EU)
https://www.gold.de/aufgeldtabelle/ (DE/EU)



>Nitric acid, magnets, and ping test

Previous Thread: >>54040443

>> No.54050948
File: 34 KB, 319x240, 1560997887331.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shaka, when the spot price fell

>> No.54050969
File: 3.28 MB, 635x640, IMG_2950.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just added to my stack today

if after what happened yesterday you didn't auto purchase some PM you're ngmi

>> No.54050990
File: 79 KB, 705x626, rip_USDC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cryptonerds are seething.

>> No.54051001
File: 1.04 MB, 1075x716, oh the misery.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's gonna be the future soon

>> No.54051008
File: 3.82 MB, 2896x2610, B124D080-A72F-4FB7-9DCD-C1C682388710.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any gems by chance lads

>> No.54051010
File: 843 KB, 828x1086, C95342B7-B47F-4DCD-935A-23312DD2957F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do I wait for gold spot to drop this week as the bank crisis is proved a nothingburger?

>> No.54051018

£6k on silver yesterday. £4k on gold today. Feels good. Fuck the banks. Going to drain it all. Stocks next.

>> No.54051020
File: 12 KB, 230x193, carl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So yeah...
You got them gilded megumin boxes yet?

>> No.54051025
File: 1.41 MB, 3024x4032, 143F1AFF-BC06-4EDE-A723-BB5DCD69723E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck niggers

>> No.54051033

Proactively ordered a shitload over the last month so I don’t feel the need. Grabbing a tube of mercs and a random lot of 10 coins next month.

>> No.54051048
File: 3.30 MB, 4000x3000, 2023fuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hear crunching noise, check dog. He's chewing my weiner.

>> No.54051050
Quoted by: >>54051130

> USDC decoupling
> Bank runs
Are we gonna get flooded here in /pmg/?

>> No.54051051

What are those, anon?

>> No.54051057

I tried to get someone who's been like a distant sister to me into researching these matters
Seems they saw sense in what I was saying but also said they have some "valuables"
I sure hope they're going the distance by now

>> No.54051058
File: 89 KB, 1387x702, 1678292012600678.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yes, because it will be a nothingburger.

>> No.54051084
File: 677 KB, 2064x1088, Fuckingdog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking dog has a taste for coins now. Supposed to be guarding stack.

>> No.54051108
File: 2.48 MB, 3699x2774, 20230131_090142.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based guns and metals chad.

>> No.54051130

It's just the SV VCs and FTX fallout from last year. The real party hasn't started yet.

>> No.54051151
File: 1.11 MB, 828x933, 1C00DEE8-6E23-4615-81B8-B973C66B7EBE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Das rite

>> No.54051158

where do i get me one of those. don't say LCS because they never have based cecil rhodes coins.

>> No.54051159

my Philharmonic is in one of those magic frames or however you call it

>> No.54051162
Quoted by: >>54051315

Step up your gold game, son.

>> No.54051176

When my heart is breaking I can close my eyes and it's already here...

>> No.54051181

great scene

>> No.54051295
File: 476 KB, 600x600, bloomaloney.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

remember to be nice to the destitute crypto vagrants when they wander into this thread, lost and listless, in need of guidance and a concrete theory of money

>> No.54051314

You need capital to buy PMs. Cryptobros are better off spending their last $20 on knee pads.

>> No.54051315

I have a little more now but I'm still preparing my asshole to buy my first half ounce

>> No.54051348
File: 2.49 MB, 2727x2836, 9299377C-6E0A-49A7-BD8C-4A181760CC9B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>54051381

They are far too rare (mintage/survival rate under 5,000 for this denomination) to show up at an LCS. The only way you're ever going to find one is a spur of the moment eBay listing or at a higher-end auction website like Heritage

>> No.54051369

I way overspent my budget for metals last year, I was gonna cool it a little this year, but I bought $50 face of quarters last night just for the hell of it

>> No.54051381

but if you wanted something along the lines of Rhodesia in general then you can probably find some Southern Rhodesia/base metal Rhodesia things on eBay pretty easily

>> No.54051403
File: 474 KB, 773x807, 1525638572845.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>54051416

>SD Bullion sold out of their 10oz bars on sale.
Is this weekend the right time to buy?

>> No.54051416

I'd rather be ten years too early than a minute too late.

>> No.54051469

going to buy from my LCS on tuesday.
praying the gold wong sky rocket until then.

>> No.54051501

Where's my JMBULLION bros at

>> No.54051522

It's only been a few months so often time I forget I'm staring at more than just a fancy, larger coin.
The import of the materials in the past, now and possibly within my lifetime - it's a strange feeling.

>> No.54051524
File: 2.23 MB, 3124x2048, 167806801168310465.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anon be careful with the bullets in your garand.
they weren't designed to use full power 30-06 and it could shatter the operating rod.
that's why there's M-2 ball ammo.

>> No.54051528
File: 894 KB, 835x606, full full stack with trip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This seems like a good day to post stacks. I haven't stack posted in quite a while.

>> No.54051618
File: 126 KB, 373x323, 9899912919911.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a very comfy thread, all the stock and crypto threads have perpetual meltdowns. I'm glad I started buying silver instead of digital funny money. Might up my purchases to 2oz a week from 1oz.

>> No.54051620

I got the aftermarket gas plug that's supposed to let you fire modern 30.06

However I'm scared to fire anyway because the plug is adjustable and the instructions basically "well just fiddle around with it til it *feels* right bro" instead of being specific about how far to loosen it and I'm afraid I'll destroy the mechanism

>> No.54051646
File: 143 KB, 1480x689, dollaridoos.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Smashed an order on some Canadia money. Been wanting some maples to hand out as gifts for a while now and I figure if King Kuck wants to give his nation's wealth away then I should oblige. Need to focus more on my gold stack though, it's looking slim.

>> No.54051685
File: 49 KB, 468x573, 1617994296716.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lads, you do realise that aswell as their markets being fake, gay and rigged, so are the metals markets? Whats likely to happen is the metals markets will just be shut down before shit really hits the fan and the price will be frozen and we'll likely not know where we are with price for months until the BRICS set up their Moscow World Standard.

What im saying is we could be lost and listless for a while too until shit sorts itself out.

>> No.54051705
File: 1.05 MB, 1599x910, cdncoinsopen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>CSD is back down again
I'm supposed to be buying gold now.
Can I resist?

>> No.54051736
File: 4 KB, 200x187, 1643354142802.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>3.3 Billion

>> No.54051759
File: 1.31 MB, 4624x3468, aB6GKXD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're telling me that I'm going to have to sit here and sit on my stack and shitpost while the world burns? Tell me it ain't so anon.

>> No.54051777
Quoted by: >>54051857

You mean we just keep waiting and stacking until something shows itself worthy of even one of our shinies like usual?

>> No.54051778
Quoted by: >>54052110

which plug did you get?
i got one from garand gear that had a bunch of charts behind their product with various bullet pressures.
it worked well with commercial ammo; however it caused cycling issues when using M-2 ball, which makes sense.

>> No.54051779
Quoted by: >>54051914

i got a painted/colorized ASE for free
should i clean the paint off?

>> No.54051792

I literally do not care what the price of metals are in a kike run fake economy propped up by debt. I like fondling my silver and feeling comfy knowing I have a decent store of wealth that is tangible.

>> No.54051799
Quoted by: >>54051887

i want to get a shu coin, i just got my first 2 bu the other day
do you have the silver shu and bu as well?

>> No.54051826

effectively worthless except to collectors
sorry bub

>> No.54051827

Pure lithium bullion when?

>> No.54051850
File: 974 KB, 2536x788, rememberremember.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lots of folks on pol pushing bank run narrative, not sure if organic or glowposts or both
oh and picrel for any glowie stoping by

>> No.54051857
File: 318 KB, 840x853, 1567020509704.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Our motives are beyond their comprehension, they'll never understand.

>> No.54051865
File: 150 KB, 1080x1037, Newshit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was half in the bag and started getting all the other shit I collect from the commonwealth and standard places that im missing for 2023. Some of these prices are garbage, cost averaging is for tubes and bars though, not random coins. Got a gilded one from that light bulb headed country. Looked cool after 8 tall boys.

>> No.54051882

based, I'll have a line of virgin daughters soon

>> No.54051887
File: 156 KB, 1322x1495, 6pljauhfr8na1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've got a silver bu as well. Fun little coins. Their dies weren't as advanced as western mints so each one has small variations that give them character.

Liberty.coin had a sale a couple days ago on fractional gold. Picked up a Veinte Pesos to push me over the 1oz mark. But I'm at like 1:400 GSR so I need to stack a few more AU ounces before I swing back to silver.

>> No.54051914
Quoted by: >>54051972

Yes. Acetone soak.

>> No.54051939
Quoted by: >>54052153

perfect stack anon. what weights are those little stubby bars in the middle, and the 2 chunkers under? those 10 oz and 100oz?

>> No.54051972
File: 1.59 MB, 1080x2340, sourpuss.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She is painted so poorly she is frowning about it.

>> No.54051999
File: 1.13 MB, 4624x3468, PNaiJ85.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need to take a new family photo, I haven't updated the full stack in over a year.

>> No.54052009
File: 27 KB, 350x335, 1415711205273.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>54054071

>Ashley Capoot

I'll give it to these globalist media faggots, they have a sense of humour.

>> No.54052110
Quoted by: >>54052326

I got this one

Link to yours? Or could you post a pic of the chart?

>> No.54052153
File: 152 KB, 1500x1500, 10oz_chunky_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>54053178

Yeah, tens and hundreds. The flat ones on the right are also tens.

>> No.54052168
File: 2.71 MB, 4608x2112, private pile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>54052276


>> No.54052241
File: 72 KB, 326x326, 1621569069421.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when you just bought some more silver coins
>and your frens on /pmg/ say you should do a "ping" test on them
>instinctively you reach for your M1

>> No.54052266

I got a 1 oz silver buffalo for my bday. My 'crazy aunt' gave it to me :)

>> No.54052276

You could play a lot of arcade games with that

>> No.54052285
File: 558 KB, 670x712, libertard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>54053642

Pawn shop find, need more ladies among my stack :)

>> No.54052326


mine is one solid piece

>> No.54052339
File: 92 KB, 640x1136, FE52D09B-C2DB-4948-8149-B402BD1D8ABF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mfw no boxed Megumim yet

>> No.54052434
File: 57 KB, 500x375, 33D420A6-5296-4C0B-BDC4-DE25EC7A5CE1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it worth stacking nickels anons?

>> No.54052435
File: 1.09 MB, 1630x888, C7C0F20E-7962-4A3D-8591-B2CC6AAA47BB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>54052495

with other adjustable gas systems like on an FAL or an adjustable gas block on an AR basically you open it all the way so no gas is going to the action, and then apply gas one click or fraction of a turn at a time until it functions, then go 1 more click or until you get a good ejection pattern (3 oclock on most guns). Unsure about the garand but it should go something like that. Under gassing might give you feeding issues too if the bolt recoils far enough to eject but not far enough to strip a new round out of the magazine. Good luck garandbro always wanted one havent got one yet because of boomers being shitbags and flipping CMP guns at shows for double the price.

>> No.54052495

I got mine via CMP, wait was long but for 600 bucks the "service" grade I got is in unbelievably great shape

>> No.54052523

not really.
i stick to dimes as my lowest silver content and just imagine i'll wait until the collapse for someone to give me war nickels as change.

>> No.54052537
File: 1.86 MB, 3468x4624, I6QhTE7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would say, not unless Congress decides to rejigger the metal content. Then you'll know that nickels will be worth something in the future, and you should have time to scoop them up at your leisure. But for now it's just not worth the space.

>> No.54052759
Quoted by: >>54053803

Mirin that stack so hard I saved it to give me motivation for a new height to reach in my personal dragon stash.

Can you give me a full rundown on what mints and weights those bars are, anon? I see 10 oz chunkies but what are the 100 oz’ers?

>goblins magnified by the smell of such a fat stack
>rolls of dimes at the ready
200 IQ play

>> No.54052877

War nickels? Don’t like the 35% vs 90% junk.

Nickel nickels? Got a bag next to the copper pennies. They’re 12.5 cents each and are looking to be gutted like zinc pennies if we don’t head straight for CBDC. Stack em with spare change.

>> No.54052953
Quoted by: >>54053079

Feels so fucking comfy sitting on my stack seeing all the retards on /biz/ trying to bank run

>> No.54053017
File: 66 KB, 1170x730, 1678586072150029.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This means quantitative easing, which means the price of precious metals is going to be higher. Get your cheapies as soon as possible. Worse case scenario is that QE doesn't prevent national bank runs which would then lead to people spending their fiat on commodities, which means shit has officially hit the fan.

Low tier metal but better than fiat which is nothing more than a social construct.

>> No.54053079

I’m trying to be comfy and my stack feels alright, officially a Roman tier on the meme charts, but…I just need a little more. Just one more order and I’ll be content…right?

>> No.54053101
File: 46 KB, 320x343, 1581043357570.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>54054265

I better see suits throwing themselves out windows like in 1929.

>> No.54053102

Our time is near frens. 1oz AG = 1 acre. Simple as.

>> No.54053178
Quoted by: >>54053803

what size are the mega longbois on the left? 1,000 oz?

>> No.54053191

no. if you want to get into base metals stack bullets

>> No.54053472
File: 242 KB, 688x672, Insolvent Wells Fargo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh look, another one.

>> No.54053500

that isn't a pivot lmao

>> No.54053553
File: 163 KB, 1031x381, UK is Over Hyperinflation.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just remembered I've got this. Looks like what this anon said is coming to fruition as he did say it would happen in Spring.

>> No.54053557

>technical glitch

>> No.54053585
File: 51 KB, 1204x201, UK Collapse Spring 2023 National Service Mobilization Act.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>54053700


>> No.54053642

Anon, that coin looks a bit off.

>> No.54053700
Quoted by: >>54053743


>> No.54053702

I have a decent amount of sliver, but I wanted to join the air force for stability. I need a few more months before I can sign up, do I at least have two weeks?

>> No.54053709


>> No.54053714
Quoted by: >>54053815

>do I at least have two weeks?
Two days.

>> No.54053732
File: 3.23 MB, 520x293, Mav.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>54053815

No cluse but have this

>> No.54053743
File: 15 KB, 1297x184, UK Financial Collapse - National Service Mobilization Act.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>54053828

UK Financial Collapse - National Service Mobilization Act

>> No.54053777
File: 42 KB, 942x359, 16516556446854.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now let's see Paul Allen's order.

>> No.54053803
Quoted by: >>54055535

No! No! They're 100's. The full stack is about 1,850-ish.

They're from Istanbul Gold Refinery. It's just what happened to be cheapest at the time.

>> No.54053815
Quoted by: >>54053838

Monday huh
I don't have the degree or eyesight to be a pilot, I do have the dlab score for airborne cryptologic linguist though. Though I'd rather not deal with that shit.

>> No.54053828
File: 11 KB, 1284x164, UK Financial Collapse - No Return To Gold Standard They Would Rather Make Everyone Else Suffer Than Not Being In Control Anymore.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

UK Financial Collapse - No Return To Gold Standard They Would Rather Make Everyone Else Suffer Than Not Being In Control Anymore

>> No.54053834
Quoted by: >>54053895

Checked, and you make me want to buy silver soo bad but I need the money

>> No.54053838
Quoted by: >>54053900

>cryptologic linguist
That's pretty cool. Not to throw you in the drink but /pol/ has a skyking general where they shoot the breeze about aircraft stuff they hear over the radio. Might be nifty to you.

>> No.54053869

>Saved up 250 ounces of silver as a single man.
Hope I make it.

>> No.54053895
Quoted by: >>54055443

Silver IS real money anon
never forget that

Hopefully by monday we will get our wife + daughter merc dime combo

>> No.54053900
Quoted by: >>54054174

All I did was score good on a test that test your capabilities for learning a foreign language. The test is full blown autistic. I took the test a while back for a job that didn't happen, I'd rather not be a linguist.

>> No.54053975
File: 5 KB, 578x74, Screenshot 2023-03-11 214822.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54053978
Quoted by: >>54054106

I'm a vet, and enlisting was the best financial decision I ever made. That said, it does come with a lot of sacrifices, and there will be bullshit in types and quantities you didn't know were possible. If it weren't for the covid shot, I'd still recommend it, but I know too many people that have been fucked up by it. If I were enlisting in the current year, I would want to get a guaranteed exemption from ALL mrna shots, including the new "bivalent" covid/flu shots they're trying to slip under the radar now. If you already got it, then that sort of a moot point, but there's strong evidence that each successive "booster" is more and more likely to fuck you up.

>> No.54054048
File: 3.40 MB, 4288x3216, P6160009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only M1 Garands are allowed?

>> No.54054071
File: 33 KB, 1102x193, BLM Sasha Johnson Cameron Deriggs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'll give it to these globalist media faggots, they have a sense of humour.

You should see this crafty one.

>> No.54054101
File: 194 KB, 2048x921, 311stackupdate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The bricks on the left are gave me a brick and took my breath away

New gun and stack update

>> No.54054106
Quoted by: >>54054258

>If it weren't for the covid shot,
I think they stopped requiring it.

>> No.54054142
File: 103 KB, 785x496, prices.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What kind of margin are you guys dealing with when comparing silver's alleged value and the actual price you're paying?
Is pic related reasonable to you? Feels pretty brutal but I wouldn't know. I do obviously understand that buying larger coins/bars quantities lessens the woe.

>> No.54054168

things like the difference between spot price and actual price and the VAT is how they dissuade you

just buy silver, DCA every month. if you really want to reduce premiums, then buy generic rounds, not coins like the kangaroo

>> No.54054170
File: 349 KB, 977x976, 1649375897506.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>54059033

very based

>retards freak out
>/pmg/ stacks n chills
i don't feel like opening the safe rn but there's never a bad time to own gold and guns

>> No.54054174

Even if you aren't going for a linguist job get something in intel. Its a pretty neat gig but be prepared to work your ass off
Anzo is the best Guppie

>> No.54054258
Quoted by: >>54054349

Well good, but now that these things are in the world, you need to be extra careful when it comes to getting any shot for any reason, because you never know what tricks they might try to pull. Again, they're putting this stuff in flu shots now, I can't emphasized that enough.
And another thing, I know people that flat out refused to take the covid shot, and their chain of command did everything they could to coerce them into taking it, including Article 15 and taking stripes, but when it came to actually kicking people out, it was really hard for them to do, and most of them simply finished their terms and left with an honorable discharge. The point I'm trying to make is it pays to have guts, and if you do enlist, you should know that you're supposed to be respectful of people with higher ranks, especially your chain of command, but also know that rank doesn't mean jack shit. It matters, but it also doesn't matter. It's hard to explain, the bottom line is don't ever bend over and grovel just because someone with more stripes is upset at you. If you know you're right about something, stand your ground, and things will usually work out.

And for the love of God, don't get tricked into getting the clot shot.

>> No.54054265

That actually didn't happen. One guy jumped out a window nowhere near wall street that day before the crash and Winston Churchill was in town and wrote about it.

>> No.54054312
File: 219 KB, 676x1318, Screenshot_20230311-131632-487.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>54054328

Still thinking about this order. $45 in premiums, but I don't have a spicy booba coin, so there's that.

>> No.54054328
File: 245 KB, 720x1391, Screenshot_20230311-092918-076.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>54054344

Wrong pic

>> No.54054340

what gold to silver ratio ya'll holdin? investing soon, schiff recommends 2:1

>> No.54054344
Quoted by: >>54054505

libertad is worth the premium, friend

>> No.54054346
File: 2.90 MB, 4032x2268, 20230312_001136.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thoughts on my first purchase? I know the lady fortuna isn't the best price but APMEX seems reputable and will accept my credit card

>> No.54054349

>And for the love of God, don't get tricked into getting the clot shot.
I lasted this long, not gonna give in now.

>> No.54054497
Quoted by: >>54054638

assuming you aren't larping and actually went to the checkout with that you overpaid $400+ apmex is especially rapey with premiums

>> No.54054505
File: 1.04 MB, 2193x2659, IMG_20211119_193639855~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>54056969

Okay, the truth is I'm actually tempted to buy more. I just spent half my check on long overdue and very necessary car maintenance. If I spend anymore I'll have to pay bills out of savings.
I've spent the last two years being pissed that I bought during the squeeze. Now I'm thinking I don't got enough...

>> No.54054564

For fuck sake
I just had this exact conversation last thread, only it was JM bullion. You aren't the same guy trolling, are you?

>> No.54054574
File: 93 KB, 275x269, 1458930188007.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54054581

That means it done for right?

>> No.54054603

100:1 Ag:Au but that's going to decrease once I get to ~1,000 oz of silver

>> No.54054625

Why am I only hearing about usdc today?
>Because you don't do crypto
Yeah, I know. But for something this important I should have some recognition?

>> No.54054638
Quoted by: >>54054736

their ebay store is actually amazing sometimes. just go to their items for sale and search for this exact string:
>"special" "gold"
sometimes you'll find some pretty good deals on shit like graded st gaudens, helvetias, roosters, etc, without the (((credit card premiums))) they charge on their real site

just my little trick to share with anons. also, on their real site, you can set up auto-investments drawn directly from a bank account that also avoid the (((premiums)))

>> No.54054650

>check for $11k of silver won’t clear until Friday
>probably won’t receive it for two weeks after that
Please god keep the banks open

>> No.54054681
Quoted by: >>54054718

about 10:1 silver:gold, erring on the side of more gold. current stack is ~60-70 oz silver and maybe ~10 oz gold, i forget exactly

>> No.54054711
Quoted by: >>54059079

MP40? Here?

>> No.54054712

Mate if you're worried about that week delay just eat the credit card fees.
It's probably a 1% loss to fees and instant clearing if you have a good rewards card.

Those prices aren't great anon. You can do better. You can even go buy a pre-33 double eagle coin for a lower premium per ounce right now. And those generally have higher premiums. Bars are supposed to have the lowest premiums and you shouldn't hardly pay over spot for them.

>> No.54054715
File: 95 KB, 248x174, 1459750319775.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>triggering a 1099 for over $10k
You fucked up, should have gone to an LCS and asked for a bulk discount to round it all off to $9999

>> No.54054718
Quoted by: >>54054787

you guys are getting too gold obsessed
silver is always number 1
i do 100:1 ratio

>> No.54054725

Assuming you mean value (not mass), I'm at 1.05:1

>> No.54054736
Quoted by: >>54054787

Seconded for ebay as long as you know what you're doing. Ebay listings from the few largest bullion stores are often cheaper than their own sites, particularly after CC fees.

>> No.54054761

Reminds me of this, got to around the 1 hour and 20 min mark.

>> No.54054787

it doesn't work that way

gold has always been #1 for me and always will be

there are a lot of smaller coin shops selling real gems on ebay. i have a variety of cool stuff, graded and not. ebay is fine but you can't be a retard or else you'll get ripped off

>> No.54054804
Quoted by: >>54054962

the GSR will correct, and when it does, people who are too heavy in gold will feel silly

>> No.54054818

>got to
Go to

>> No.54054822
File: 676 KB, 785x1205, 10kCash.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your info is incorrect.
The form is 8300.
A check is not cash, therefore irrelevant.

>> No.54054837

if the money is coming out of my bank account, the government is perfectly capable of finding out what I spent it on. The only way to keep it from them is to pay in cash at a local store for under $10k so there is no record of me ever being there.

>> No.54054855
Quoted by: >>54060680

those are really little nice wooden boxes, where did you get them?

>> No.54054874

That is not how it works. Doubly so because it's a check. Government only gets all bitchy if you are dealing in cash. A check can be for a million dollars and they do not give a shit because they can trace it if needed.

>> No.54054891
Quoted by: >>54054962

Yes, agreed, I made a living sniping new listings from smaller sellers when I was in school with no real income. Only worked because I knew what I was doing, if I didn't I'd get scammed.
I'm just pointing out that you can get very solid pricing even from the largest retailers when they run sales, with very little luck or skill required.

>> No.54054919

That’s a great point actually. I forgot I get 2% cash back on credit card purchases.

>> No.54054962
Quoted by: >>54055032

dunno, my experience has been that silver premiums average 40-60%+ while gold premiums are usually a comfy 10-25%

dunno if that's just the free market telling me that $20/oz spot price is a jewish lie, or if silver is more affordable so more kooks hoard it

either way, you can't really go wrong if you own silver OR gold

yeah i miss the days when /pmg/ shared random links to ebay deals. i picked up some island coin for like 20% under spot based on an anon's link

the safest retard-proof way is to search "special" "gold" on apmex and wait until they have MS-64 st gaudens for ~$2050

there are surprising deals to be had, especially in silver, if you get into french medals. but none of them are in coin catalogs and the purity system is specific to france (argent 1 = 0.950, argent 2 = 0.800)

>> No.54054979
File: 1.27 MB, 2852x2542, IMG_20230312_015803.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want more gold but I don't want to buy at this price

>> No.54054983
File: 58 KB, 560x560, john-wick-10-oz-silver-continental-bar_249427_rev.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>54055065

Okay, thank you. I won't put the order in. Going to calm down and think clearly on prices. Probably too worked up from /pol/

>> No.54055029
File: 331 KB, 1374x858, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fixed that for you

>> No.54055032
Quoted by: >>54055065

What shithole do you live in that has 40%+ premiums for silver?
But yes, silver and gold are both great to have and you can't go wrong with either.

>> No.54055056

Pretty much the same thing. They know the system is going to collapse, so they're discussing how to get the information and action out there without misinformation or disinformation fucking it up. They're not even pointing fingers at anyone specifically, they just say that things can spin out of control when you put your information into the market of ideas.

>> No.54055065
Quoted by: >>54055090

it's pretty much impossible to find pic related for under $350, m8. that's like a 75% premium

smart man, just chill out and don't impulse buy. there are always deals to be had, cuz the dirty little secret is that EVERYONE benefits when jews manipulate the prices of PM's down

>> No.54055085
Quoted by: >>54055130

there was nothing to fix faggot, go back nigger lover

>> No.54055090
File: 57 KB, 500x500, 1656721600281.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related: 10 oz common engie pour. this is the only silver i buy these days, but i haven't since the great silver pump of a couple years ago. i think the free market simply demands $40/oz regardless of kikery

>> No.54055130
Quoted by: >>54055505

>Allowing American politics and social issues to rot your brain for no reason

>> No.54055136
Quoted by: >>54055179

engelhard bars are like numismatics. whining about their premium is retarded. buy something else

>> No.54055148
Quoted by: >>54055179

That's not the only silver that exists, anon.
You can find plenty for well under 40%

>> No.54055181
File: 12 KB, 182x268, 1513815326858.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are there any silver dealers that don't have a fucking 35% markup over spot?

>> No.54055179

so why am i paying 75% from some "i know what i got, don't lowball me" boomer when i could buy a st gaudens for 15%

i have plenty of junk silver already. the guy who sold me me safe had inherited a coin shop and wanted it all gone, so he sold me a bag of kennedy half dollar culls for well below spot. i also have a lot of euro junk and misc burger junk. plus some weird shit like medals, meme crosses, and island nigger coins. my only regret is not buying a box of gold shavings for a steal from the guy who sold the safe/culls to me

>> No.54055190

Serious question: How do you guys buy and sell this stuff without taking huge conversion losses? So you buy a $200 coin online and then pay $10 shipping to send it to your house... and you all are okay with just eating 5% of the value of your asset? And what about when you decide to sell your stash off? You'll inevitably be selling it to a reseller who will fuck you for 10-15% so they can make a profit, no?

Not to mention the fact that most of the coins you guys are posting have "collectible values" substantially higher than their melt value...

>> No.54055209
Quoted by: >>54055250

you can sell gold anytime, anywhere. it's basically one of the most desirable substances on the planet. i don't wanna sell ever, i'd rather fugg a girl and make babies to pass it on to

>> No.54055216
File: 1.24 MB, 768x768, One Rupee Gold Coin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>54055245

You know, out of all the minted precious metal bars I think these are the most aesthetic. A gruff finish suits bars better while more precise designs are look better on coins.

>> No.54055223
Quoted by: >>54055245

>so why am i paying 75% from some "i know what i got, don't lowball me" boomer when i could buy a st gaudens for 15%
you're obviously some kind of shill, because you're pretending like the only option is extremely high premium silver or gold

>> No.54055230
Quoted by: >>54055245

Junk silver isn't the only alternative to Engelhard bars either.
If Engelhards make you happy, that's great, but you can find all kinds of 10 oz bars of pure silver for sub 20% premiums even.

>> No.54055245
Quoted by: >>54055270

yeah engies are fucking based

you can obviously buy some generic cast silver bar. i'm not saying it's not an option or that it's not substantially cheaper than a classic engie. i'm saying that i buy poured engies

>> No.54055250

yeah but who do you sell it to who don't fuck you for a couple % minimum? I'm asking because I want to start buying gold because I'm a stupid paranoid dweeb, but I don't want to do it if there's huge losses built into the market because it's essentially a collectors market rather than a market of assets of agreed upon value.

>> No.54055255

>You'll inevitably be selling it to a reseller who will fuck you for 10-15% so they can make a profit, no?
no, that is not the only option for selling

>> No.54055270
Quoted by: >>54055353

Fair enough, I was confused because you originally said
>my experience has been that silver premiums average 40-60%+
and never specified that you were referring only to Engelhards. It sounded like you were talking about silver in general.

>> No.54055287

it sounds like you just want to do short term trading. if so, buy GLD and frig off outta pmg

>> No.54055353

you can sell it on ebay, especially if it's graded. i have an iceland 10,000 kr coin, graded, whose gold content alone is now worth more than the entire price i paid for it. i paid 30% over spot and could easily list it for 50% over spot

a lot of silver tends to have higher relative premiums than gold in my experience. this is comparing similar vintages/collectible aspect/rarity, e.g., a poured engie is substantially more expensive than a st gaudens or a sovereign, even though they're basically the "same thing" in terms of being a very common older item

then you get into other old silver bars like golden analytical and the premiums go retarded. but yes, you can easily buy a something stacker for ultra-low premiums

>> No.54055400
File: 147 KB, 1500x1500, 1673306004522.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>54055501

scottsdale stacker, that's what it is. the extruded bar with the lion on it. i think these are supposed to be like 5% over, right?

>> No.54055425
Quoted by: >>54055476

it's just retarded to compare engelhard bars to st gaudens, as if they are the same "thing".

engelhard bars have a massive following. people love them. they will pay a massive premium for them. there is no such equivalent fervor for st gaudens.

>> No.54055440
File: 84 KB, 768x768, EIC Coronation Icon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

East India Company is showing their effigy version of King Charles on its front page.

>> No.54055443

>by monday
Please no, literally just two more weeks until I can put together another purchase...

>> No.54055472
File: 1.42 MB, 3406x2202, 1891 Morgan & Cartouche.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The M1 Garand was designed around M1 ball, a ~172 grain bullet going 2450fps. M2 ball wasn't issued en masse until 1941, 5 years after the M1 Garand was adopted. 180gr .30-06 won't kill the op rod, 200+gr and Bubba's handloads will. Also, I need to take a pic of my M1 with some silver.

>> No.54055476

st gaudens is widely considered the most beautiful coin ever minted but whatever. i'm also not talking about the austistic retards who catalogue every stupid fucking engie ever made, i'm talking about the most common, normal engie, e.g. >>54055090

it's basically the same thing. you can find some retard obsessed with collecting every engie, and i can find someone equally retarded who's obsessed with collecting every year of st gaudens, or every face of the sovereigns, or whatever

those people are freaks

>> No.54055490
Quoted by: >>54055540

If you’re holding it long term, the small % you’re losing would’ve been lost to inflation and then some of you had just kept it as cash. But truthfully, most people here are stacking for a shtf hyperinflation scenario and have no intention of ever selling their silver until paper money is practically worthless

>> No.54055497

ok so it IS basically just a collectors market? Is there no way that you can just buy and sell gold/silver by weight at close to spot price other than mining it yourself?

>> No.54055501
File: 182 KB, 1227x900, lowpremiumsilver10ozbars.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not just scottsdale stackers either, all kinds of stuff.
But yeah, I'm sure numismatic and semi-numismatic stuff commands very high premiums.

>> No.54055505
File: 2.73 MB, 854x480, 1671936678747535.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>american politics
you're the one who's brain has rotted if you can't reach the conclusion that niggers are animals with all of the evidence available

>> No.54055506

source on those mozambique coins?

>> No.54055526

i have many silver pieces i bought for $15 that i can sell at a very nice profit
but sure, it's just "a collector's market"
whatever the fuck that means

>> No.54055533

it's called bullion, anon

yeah there's a lot of ultra-low premium stuff. i remembered the scootsdole stookers as one valid option but generally don't pay attention to this stuff. but yes, it's entirely possible to buy such silver.

>> No.54055535
Quoted by: >>54055607

how is that possible? what brand are they? they are huge

>> No.54055540

okay, but my point is that if most of the value of your gold and silver is in the collectability of the individual coins and bars you own rather than the melt value, then in a SHTF scenario your gold stash instantly becomes worth half as much because the collectability value disappears. I guess that's better than nothing but it still seems retarded.

>> No.54055573
Quoted by: >>54055687

what makes you think a SHTF scenario won't preserve collectability value?
libertads will still be worth more than generics, i guarantee it

>> No.54055586

selling gold in a financial collapse is the ultimate poorfag cope

>> No.54055607
File: 44 KB, 636x289, 2ee9dbcfe80279288362ee4f9234bcd8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what brand are they?
Istanbul Gold Refinery, I already said.
>how is that possible? they are huge
bruh moment

>> No.54055682

oh wait a second, i just noticed the % over spot in parentheses. these "lowest premium" generic silver bars have higher premiums than decent deals i've gotten on gold. i remember buying some marianne roosters for like 9% over spot, a graded peru sol d'oro for maybe 7-8% over, and routinely see graded st gaudens on sale for 10-15% over, and austria 100 corona bullion is usually about 10% over. so it squares perfectly that my experience that silver in general tends to have higher premiums.

>> No.54055687
Quoted by: >>54055745

fair point I guess. Do you guys buy other high value collectible stuff too then? Like art, or antique books and guns? Or do you think there's something special about the collectability of certain coins and bars that makes them more valuable in a post-SHTF scenario than a rare book/gun/painting? I understand the argument that gold is a finite asset and therefore always useful as a monetary standard, but the collectability part is throwing me...

>> No.54055723
Quoted by: >>54055745

I'm not disagreeing with that. I don't think I've ever managed to find silver with a lower premium than its gold counterpart.
I was just blown away by how you were paying 40%+ premiums on silver until you specified that you mostly buy engelhards.

>> No.54055745
Quoted by: >>54055864

meh, all my guns are pretty fancy and my car is basically the only used non-collector car that increases in value (old volvo station wagon). i dunno why you keep talking about SHTF. (((they))) want you atomized, confined to a pod, buying shit on amazon on credit. they don't want you being a post-apocalyptic barterer

yeah. the last time i bought englehards is was a 25% premium or so cuz the spot price pumped, and the last time i bought silver in general, the guy essentially paid me to take it

>> No.54055864
File: 36 KB, 604x480, genuine-1851-one-dollar-american-gold_1_cb72344c76b0399f30a1428ee1e54bd3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>54056002

I'm only asking about SHTF because it's always the most vocal argument for buying precious metals.

Honestly I just wanna dump a big chunk of my long-term savings into low grade liberty gold dollars because they're tiny and I think it would be funny to keep my savings in the form of a tiny little Scrooge McDuck coin pile in my safe. But I don't want to do it if their value is going to fluctuate retardedly all over the place if the economy gets rocky in the next couple years.

>> No.54055873

Yeah, collectibility won’t matter when a wheelbarrow of cash won’t buy you a loaf of bread, so buy stuff that is as close to spot price as you can find. That’s going to be ~4-8%. Hold it long term and you’ll eventually hit a time when you’ve made your money back and then some due to inflation.

>> No.54055969

I’m fairly new to this market, so I don’t know if this is normal, but every website I’ve done calculations on shows the premiums on fine silver being considerably higher than gold for basically all non-collectible items. You almost can’t find silver of any weight with less than 8% premium over spot price. Most weights of gold can be bought at under 8% premium though.

>> No.54056002
Quoted by: >>54056059

think of it this way: the value of gold is constant, and the prices of everything else move relative to that static value. the SHTF people are definitely vocal but everyone stacks for different reasons. i personally care about diversified generational wealth, and my beliefs are kind of a "soft freegold" mindset. i don't think we'll wake up one day and gold will magically be $10k/oz, but i do think that in a generation or two, $5k gold is just seen as normal. hell, when i started stacking in 2013, the assumption was that gold cost $1200 because it was "$1k/oz + $200 to melt it." now it's almost normalized that gold should basically cost $2k/oz. give it a few hundred years and everyone will just assume that gold is "worth" $10k/oz. or so i believe. it's obviously as hypothetical as some future SHTF rapture point so don't think my vision of the future is accurate

this has been my experience. protip: seek out south american gold coins. they tend to have beautiful designs, relatively low premiums, and are significantly fatter than other coins, e.g., a "1/2 oz coin" will likely contain like 2/3 oz pure gold

>> No.54056005
Quoted by: >>54056045

>Most weights of gold can be bought at under 8% premium though.
Leverage cash back rewards and eBay sales, easy to get gold under spot.

>> No.54056023
File: 98 KB, 684x1042, 1fb2602205bed77cd47439e153d55a5a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gobs and gobs of gobbo pussy is in my future. You are understandably jealous. But this will not stop me. I will keep stacking.

>> No.54056042

Same. I only have
>67 oz Ag
>2 oz Au
I wanted something like the prööt you have, kek.

>> No.54056045
Quoted by: >>54056298

You’re finding gold on eBay that’s only 1-2% over spot? In what amounts?

>> No.54056059
Quoted by: >>54061857

>e.g., a "1/2 oz coin" will likely contain like 2/3 oz pure gold
wtf why

>> No.54056203
File: 1.40 MB, 2486x2364, PlatinumGoldSilver.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>54057320

500:1 for gold and 1,000:1 for platinum

>> No.54056295

kekked almost as hard

>> No.54056298
File: 471 KB, 1377x947, leverage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>54056775

get a better card anon. I get 3.3% r/n

>> No.54056529
File: 387 KB, 320x430, 151249335_1889420507865696_5020755486068567782_n.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>54056610

How to buy good gold. Ive been buying those bars from JM bullion but apparently thats not the right gold to be buying? I have a budget for each paycheck for gold/silver but I need to know what to buy so i can fuck the goblinas and kill niggers in the future?!?!?!? Pl0x help me

>> No.54056580

Why doesn't JM Bullion let me buy Gold in person?

>> No.54056610
Quoted by: >>54056717

I haven't heard someone use that unironically in 10 years, so I will help you despite hating your image and you as a person.
Search that link and buy the first thing that you can afford. Ignore numisniggers, especially when it comes to gold.

>> No.54056691
File: 99 KB, 468x380, 1678605397781429.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>54056891

feeling pretty good about these normies bank runs right now

>> No.54056717
Quoted by: >>54057040

thanks n00b. So i shouldnt feel bad that i have these bars? also coins are the best thing id assume? obviously if i can buy huge ass 10k bar that would be way better right?

>> No.54056775
Quoted by: >>54056836

What kind of card is that? I’ve yet to see one that’s higher than 2.5% on non-categorized purchases unless it has a monthly limit or a large annual fee

>> No.54056836
Quoted by: >>54056883

BoA customized cash rewards. I get 3% for online purchases and and extra 10% of that since I have a BoA account. Once I get my Merrill account set up I can get the 5.25%. I have like $33k limit and no fee

>> No.54056883

online dealers charge more if you use CC instead of an ach transfer

>> No.54056891

>legendary inflation for several years
>2nd largest bank failure in history
>gold still well, well below 2020 levels
>even ignoring this, last time banks failed government confiscated all the gold
there is literally no scenario in which goldcucks win. you're literally just collecting trading cards, except those actually appreciate. paying to play in a manipulated market in which you cannot win.

>> No.54056901

unfortunately silver is under VAT in most places. very rare to find it without getting raped by taxation but it does happen.
keep digging

>> No.54056934

Hence the eBay deals, cash or card is the same, from reputable dealers only, of course.

>> No.54056968
Quoted by: >>54057015

He’s saying that the credit card rewards are higher than the dealer fees for using a credit card. He pays an extra 4% but he gets an extra 5.25% back from his credit card usage, so he’s actually saving money and the transaction doesn’t require mailing a check. Or he can buy from individuals on eBay at close to spot price and the credit card rewards actually puts his buy below spot price.

>> No.54056969

get that money out of your savings account rn and put it in something that you can hold in your hand or atleast see with your eyes
that shit will be gone like a fart in the sahara in just days, if you just look at whats happening to banks rn

>> No.54056972

>he doesn't know about the thousands of americans that buried gold in their yard for forty years and then dug it up in the 70s and cashed in

sounds like an awfully good retirement fund to me, anon

>> No.54057015
File: 96 KB, 1097x631, ere.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>54057066


>> No.54057040

Don't feel bad about it, as long as it's the metal you paid for. At worst you might have overpaid for it.
Don't worry about coins vs bars vs rounds, just buy weight. If you can get a coin cheaper or near the same cost as a round it may be worth it, but it's hardly worth worrying about.

>> No.54057066

Wow. A good deal even before the credit card rewards

>> No.54057070
File: 261 KB, 1782x1960, jIIXSvnSZJ9397Cg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Was planning on moving cash to bank account then buying metals online
>But banks are crashing now, don't know what to do.
>Thinking of buying in person, but almost all metal sellers in my area have some bad reviews
Christ it's all so tiring and I haven't even started.

>> No.54057178
Quoted by: >>54057330

>got paid on Friday
>ordered some PMs
>now seeing reports my credit union is suffering “technical issues”
Pray for me, anons

>> No.54057257

Well based on the melt value, they are 7 cents, or about 2 pre-1982 copper coins, so there's that
which means you'd need roughly 21-22 Presidential dollars to equal a single silver dime, according to melt values for each
if you want numismatic gems, this could be a reference point

>> No.54057320
Quoted by: >>54057348

Cool how platinum in good lighting looks like a denser silver, but in dark lighting looks like a shadow version of gold

>> No.54057330

I'm curious, how exposed are credit unions to big bank shenanigans?

>> No.54057348
File: 791 KB, 2500x2955, Osmium vs Silver.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>54057428

I wish platinum had the same shade as Osmium as its shade of blue is beautiful. Problem with Osmium is that it isn't a stable metal and can become toxic.

>> No.54057413

I’m unsure. I’ve just seen various posts about NFCU having technical issues

>> No.54057428

Yeah, I think it really has to be pure and in a largely solid state to be relatively safe, but burning it or having shavings or breaking it down into dust will allow osmium to take on it's toxic properties in a gas or fine powder form

>> No.54057627

I just ordered 1 kilo of silber. I hope you faggots are happy now

>> No.54057732

Order more

>> No.54057814

shabbat shalom
im just waiting for the fake silver thats used to devalue physical to disappear
the most disgusting valuations are 500 oz of fake paper silver for every real physical ounce

>> No.54057815

Go on without me, fren. Blew my load over the last six weeks and can’t buy again til April. Still got three oz silver waiting to arrive but the withdrawals are killing me.

>> No.54058479

browsing JM, feel like there's bad juju coming from a 1 oz gold credit suisse bar even though it's the cheapest

what should I get instead?

>> No.54058646
File: 25 KB, 592x281, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's happening

>> No.54058690
File: 65 KB, 1366x639, Silver.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That spot price for silver is gonna coom into $30 I swear.

>> No.54058730
File: 434 KB, 1079x810, Screenshot_20230312_050439_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.54058833
Quoted by: >>54058981

get a 1oz gold krug
the king of gold coins
if you really wanna be based, pay extra to get a date before 1990, the year they shamefully started to end apartheid

>> No.54058981

I was actually already leaning towards that or an Aussie Kanga. Went with the krug, random year. Just sent the 1.35 ethereum over, feels good

>> No.54059033
Quoted by: >>54061857

oooo what’s that one anon

>> No.54059079
Quoted by: >>54059724

Yes. Who better to help take jewish gold. Also got Kar98, UMP sisters, vector, and SR-3MP patch.

>> No.54059451
File: 468 KB, 1750x745, our-choice.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The point is to spend fiat currency to buy it and then not sell it back for fiat currency, but for other useful assets.

>> No.54059509
File: 228 KB, 512x537, there-is-too-much-of-it-not.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>54059540

Now that people see banks are failing, they've started buying physical precious metals right when everyone else is doing it.
If you wanted it easily and cheap you should've stack it early when the premiums were way lower, before things are becoming bad.
Physical precious metals (gold and silver) are not like crypto coins, they're a finite resource and most likely those who try to buy them now may not even achieve that as they become unobtanium.

>> No.54059540

you're all a bunch of late comers
so pay the premiums and quit whinin'

>> No.54059560
File: 72 KB, 336x640, 3401290C-A96F-4BFD-A330-E9E997A31A6B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>54059796

At a kids party. They just throwing away these trays. No hallmarks (at all) but I’m going to buy a sigma machine and take a chance. I can’t loose. Got like 10 of them Out of the bins frens.

>> No.54059724
File: 236 KB, 326x429, 1671932786789968.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

very nice

>> No.54059796
File: 64 KB, 734x605, area concept.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

let the good times roll

>> No.54059826
File: 579 KB, 805x2053, A solid gold swastika disc is the oldest-known reference to Odin of Valhalla, the Norse god of war and death, say archaeologists.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>54059841


>> No.54059830

>cashed check Friday for big purchase
>learn bank said check is from will probably fall, most likely nullifying that transfer; betting my bank will fall as well.

Have some funds to add a little more to my meager silver (~43oz) stash, thinking it's better to focus on the silver I guess? Fucked either way lol

>> No.54059841

must have solid gold swastika disc...

>> No.54059893

Depends on the credit union. They vary widely, from wild west meme shit to safe.

>> No.54059987
File: 82 KB, 1114x641, facts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.54060073

i was waiting for the price to dip lower, but looks like its now or never

>> No.54060311
File: 447 KB, 380x260, e7b6c4fcb9237ba3a914099cd59689ae.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>54060604

I'm wondering if apmex and others are going to cancel orders come Monday morning when spot prices update so they don't lose money selling so much product under spot.

>> No.54060317
File: 10 KB, 236x177, 05f68034afde49305f5f4492b696cbbd--star-trek-crew-business-ethics.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54060522

>So you buy a $200 coin online and then pay $10 shipping to send it to your house... and you all are okay with just eating 5% of the value of your asset?
I would buy it in person with cash if not for the fact of what I said here >>54057070
>Inb4 gas money/transport cost

>> No.54060541
Quoted by: >>54060890

Do I talk my wife into letting me order 10 oz of silver and a merc tube after having to explain the 4000$ in metals on last month’s bill?

>> No.54060604

I always hear ((people)) saying it happened to them but it never happened to me. Then again what might be about to happen is something I haven't seen.

>> No.54060680
File: 1.05 MB, 1610x910, cdncoinsclosed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They were a gift from Etsy or one of the other crafty shops in early 2011. No idea where to get them now.

>> No.54060684
File: 232 KB, 1080x1350, 72698472_488831575178118_4284093253055778487_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>literal bank runs
can't wait to have my pretty gf. my stack looks extra shiny today.

>> No.54060714

what site? hero has slightly lower quality CAD dollara for a bit cheaper

>> No.54060719

I've never had it happen, but just like you, I've heard of it happening to people when there is a big swing in spot price. I know apmex has in their clause they can cancel any order due to sudden market movements. Having a bank fail, runs on other banks, and a massive influx of pm buyers would likely constitute a sudden swing Monday morning.

>> No.54060727
File: 403 KB, 1080x1920, blank_tradingcard (14).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>54061076

> 180 oz silver
> 3/10 oz gold
> smattering of copper, nickel and pewter
> 5 figures in a credit union
> handguns, rifles, ammo and training
> medical supplies and training
> live close to fresh water and bountiful mother ocean and good land for hunting
> have enough food stored to last about eight months, maybe more

I gotta say, I think I'd be okay with a habbening tomorrow

>> No.54060876
File: 284 KB, 1080x959, Screenshot_20230312-072303.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>54060950


>> No.54060890
Quoted by: >>54060928

>go to work
>earn money
>need permission to spend it

>> No.54060922
Quoted by: >>54060950

I bought a lot of gold yesterday, I have 70% of my assets in PM and 30% in Cash, did I do good or have I fucked up?

>> No.54060926

dubs and i spend half my dry powder on SILVER before market opens

>> No.54060928

It’s more of my own personal FOMO after spending way too much last month. I don’t think I need it but I want it and there’s the suffering.

>> No.54060950

Redpill me on junk silver. Some anons here think it’s a waste but 3.6 oz of silver for 100$ of mercs is a good deal imo.

Considering how absolutely gay our modern banking system is your ratio makes the most sense considering you’re your own bank now. Good going, anon.

>> No.54060965

Janitor acceptance emails will be sent out over the coming weeks. Make sure to check your spam box!

>> No.54060973

Fuck. Wanted some more gold but was postponing it since the 2 Rand I want aren’t available at a good price.
Do I buy some 1.5% premium Babenberger 1000S, even though I don’t particularly like it, first thing tomorrow morning?

>> No.54060982
File: 687 KB, 735x828, 20230304_094903.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Normies all feel that way the first time. At least you're still ahead of the curve. Plenty of people coming after you who won't even be able to find gold to buy much less pay for it.

>> No.54060983
Quoted by: >>54061549

But the money I put into PM was meant to be for a deposit for a house. I guess it isnt the right time for a house right now anyway

>> No.54060986

You got yours, right?

>> No.54060996

>Redpill me on junk silver. Some anons here think it’s a waste but 3.6 oz of
Wanted some smaller coins. Simple as.
Also 90% are the only real coins, anything lower might as well be fiat.

>> No.54061017

>fag/pedo flag

Opinion discarded

>> No.54061076
File: 203 KB, 1593x405, no-wealth.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>180 oz of silver
>5 figures in a credit union
WTF are you doing?

>> No.54061091

>So you buy a $200 coin online and then pay $10 shipping to send it to your house.
Most vendors have a minimum purchase to get free shipping, and it's usually $200.
Do you live in some shithole country where charging anyway is common practive?

>> No.54061156
File: 89 KB, 640x800, 20230226_081444.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think anything is actually going to kick off tomorrow. Interest is spiking and that means much higher premiums. If you didn't grab anything by now I'd wait until at least Thursday to see what the fallout might be. Either way there will be no deals to be had.

Patience, this is the long game and you've still got some time. (Though less than you think.)

>> No.54061206

>Click on /biz/ a couple of times this morning
>/pmg/ is the first thread each time
Shit, this bank collapse is worse than I thought, isn't it?

>> No.54061222
Quoted by: >>54061467

>ctrl + f "comex"
>0 results
what went wrong

>> No.54061224
File: 327 KB, 577x545, 1661317854306981.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If anything does kick off go to your local zogmart if you can't make it to the bank fast enough and buy a candy bar at every self checkout and drain their cash thru cashback

>> No.54061233

>bad juju
If you make your financial decisions based on superstition, yngmi

>> No.54061301
Quoted by: >>54061497

It probably also depends on whether you are a regular buyer or not. If you buy 2-3 ounces vs 10,000, etc, etc...

>> No.54061404
File: 1.34 MB, 2680x1400, A_Babenberger1kSchilling.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>54061736

Put the coin in your cart and watch.
Typically the spot for all metals goes down until Monday 5 PM, UT. Then the real trend starts. If you see the prices going up, buy. If they continue down, wait some more.
P.S. - nice that you can get it for 1.5%. I got mine (in Burgerland) for like 7%, but wanted it too badly to pass up.

>> No.54061467
File: 211 KB, 640x640, 1678557679785159.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They had to use some of their own stack to keep the comex from going lower, so the numbers are a bit up.

>> No.54061497

Good point, losing a handful of people out of a sea of small purchasers due to canceled orders wouldn't hurt as bad as losing a couple of whales.

>> No.54061510

It seems that would be a breach of contract, so no.
I looked, but can't (easily) find their "Terms and Conditions" of sale, so can't verify if you're signing away that right when buying.
So if anyone places and order, please take a minute to maybe scan the text for mentions of the sort and let us know.

>> No.54061549
Quoted by: >>54061786

If you wanted to buy a house why did you buy a shitload of PMs? I don’t know what the market is going to look like; everything seems inflated and fraudulent but they’ve kept the Ponzi going for so long with organic corrections like 2008 being completely undermined by bailouts and massive money printing.

Fuck mortgages. Save and buy a house outright, even if it’s a shitbox that you have to slowly repair. Better yet, buy land close to work or in an area you can easily commute to a job in and build an energy efficient home. Earth ships and houses made from natural materials BTFO any 600k$ cardboard McMansion with a postage stamp lot.

>> No.54061694
Quoted by: >>54061870

They might reserve the right, but they've already got a rep for fuckhuge premiums. They'd be better off keeping the customers than sending them to the shops that don't revoke sales.

>> No.54061736

Damn! Now I kinda want it. Your shot looks much better than the promo image at the dealer. Probably can always buy the 2 Rand later since it’s not very expensive to start with.
I know, I was only half memeing. Still, it’s one of these “damned if f you do, damned if you don’t” scenarios.

>> No.54061786

a friend of mine bought a dilapidated shitpit with a barn on 6 acres made in the 20s.
spent a few year fixing it up while he and his wife worked and raised kids.
20 years later it's a beautiful, well built house. the money he saved in housing, gardening, and raising rabbits and chickens allowed him to fill that barn with three show quality classic cars.
i'm guessing the constant work on the house did well for his kids since they're young but driven.

i'm waiting a few years to buy a house and want to do the same thing.

>> No.54061795

Merc roll and a king Chuck are on the way. Happy to scratch the itch amid this financial shitflinging and cross off king Chuck and his ugly goddamn coin from my yearly checklist.

What have you stacked since SVB shit its pants, anons?

>> No.54061800
File: 2.34 MB, 3881x2553, 20230312_103459.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this enough to make it through the collapse? I don't want to trade/sell my collectable coins and rounds.

>> No.54061857
File: 1.78 MB, 2788x2776, 1654941016399.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they just tend to be bigger in general. it's not really sold as a 1/2 oz coin, obviously, but they tend to be pretty fat. pic related has 37.5g gold content. moden spic bullion is a normal oz though


>> No.54061870

Yea I'm probably worried over nothing, it was just a stray thought wondering if all the online dealers are going to get greedy and refund orders to get sales at the higher spot and lose a few customers or stand by thier orders to keep all their customers and eat the spot loss.

>> No.54061876
Quoted by: >>54061974

Just when I was proud of reaching 1:500 mr. Big dick and his fat fucking stack stop by. You’re gonna make it, anon. I just skimmed the writing on those tubes so I don’t know your ratio of collectibles vs. generics. If you’re lacking on silver you’d feel comfortable selling I’d stack specifically those along with junk. Premiums aren’t terrible and they are much more worthwhile than fractional bullion.

>> No.54061974
Quoted by: >>54062164

Thanks for the advice. Everything in a tube here I consider tradable.. I'd hate to have to part with my kookaburra or germania collections for example.
I have almost no junk silver outside of a couple collectible coins right now so I should probably get some. Any recommendations?

>> No.54061988

If you're the same age as your friend and he already put 20 years into this, you're too old to pull that off.

>> No.54061999
File: 2.66 MB, 1300x4200, Gold Silver Stack Guide.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>54062122

>Is this enough to make it through the collapse?
Read this tier list.

>> No.54062072
File: 378 KB, 521x463, 1654876359565.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.54062122
Quoted by: >>54062186

I wish that had factors for Pt, Pd, and Rh too.

>> No.54062164

Just bought a tube of mercs and plan on grabbing 9 more to fill the plastic tubes I bought to keep them cozy in the stack. If you want the lowest possible premiums you’re looking at those bulk junk orders off of bullion sites like Apmex or SD where it’s just a mix of junk in 10$, 100$, or 1000$ dollar face value increments.

Whenever I look at videos talking about junk they kind of break down the reasoning into three categories:

>if our SHTF paranoia comes true they’re divisible for small transactions.
>they are lower premium costs for buying silver (a tube of mercs is 3.6ish oz silver for 100ish bucks)
>they’re only going to get more and more rare as there is a finite amount remaining.

Considering the mass of your stack I would dedicate the next purchases exclusively to junk. At the end of the day it’s silver, it’s boring, and if you had to sell it would be a barrier protecting your higher value bullion.

>> No.54062186

Treat Pt like .5 oz gold, Pd like 1 oz gold, and whatever the fuck Rh costs relative to gold. Easy as, anon.

>tfw Roman tier and afraid I only have enough “for retirement.”
>but…but…muh goblin shortstacks

>> No.54062198
Quoted by: >>54062658

Sunday morning bread baking

>> No.54062221

Apmex publishes its sales figures in real time?
Where did Michael get this info?

>> No.54062256
Quoted by: >>54062916

I'm still mad that someone bought a house in Maine built in the 1750's before I could get qualified for a loan. Came with 17 acres, a working apple orchard and was only $150k

>> No.54062263
Quoted by: >>54062287

Thanks anon, I'm going to do this. I like the idea of not having to cut up rounds for purchases and having that barrier.

>> No.54062287
Quoted by: >>54062416

I could never deface my babies so junk is the way to go. Outside of the merc meme it doesn’t get enough praise on /pmg/ but junk should be a hefty part of anyone’s stack. Best of luck and make sure to post picks when your bag of junk comes in!

>> No.54062416

Where's a good place to get junk silver? The places I trust are always out and the other places seem sketch.

>> No.54062645
File: 345 KB, 1056x718, SDBulkJunk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>they are lower premium costs for buying silver (a tube of mercs is 3.6ish oz silver for 100ish bucks)
Not really true.
The premiums on junk is at best around 20%.
Pic related.
Circulated junk is worn, and a good number for content for such coin is 0.715 ozt per face dollar. $100 is 71.5 ozt. Divide the price by the ASW, and you get $25.37/ozt.
It's no deal. Buy it for the meme, but not for the value.

>> No.54062658
Quoted by: >>54062703

What drives one to prematurely ejaculate a general they obviously have no interest in?

>> No.54062703
Quoted by: >>54062807

More to the point, why do people flock over there so instantly?

>> No.54062807

My guess, most people are phone posters these days, they see a new thread go up and move over rather than scroll all the way down to check if we are close to bump limit.

>> No.54062902
File: 1.78 MB, 360x360, PhoneZombie_TrafficJam.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Zoomer phone zombies. Reasonble guess.

>> No.54062916

that sounds like a dream home.
shame you missed out on it, anon.
hopefully they actually use the apple orchard and don't do the boomer sell off.

>> No.54062949

I’m a phone poster too, so that’s not an excuse. It’s just very odd.
I’m not a conspiracy theorist (lol, crazy, I know), but this 1PBTID stufff is just off. Who is behind that a d why?

>> No.54063093

Same here, just a guess based on most likely reason is human laziness. Could definitely be something else, lately pretty much all new threads are from a 1pbtid which is weird.

>> No.54063366
Quoted by: >>54063516

I blame plebits. They're used to getting credit for doing good deeds, and they imagine they're getting some street cred or what. But they use a VPN to change their IP/Ids to hide their faggotry so they can post without getting picked on during the course of the thread.
Basically, it's needy retards.

>> No.54063516
Quoted by: >>54063542

Could also be those discord cryptofags again, they where starting threads early awhile back so they could try to split and control the narrative and slowly turn the conversations toward crypto while fudding pms before they got outed by another anon.

>> No.54063542

All these possibilities.
None of them reflect well on the bakers.