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File: 47 KB, 500x1397, 1365499416020.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53894145 No.53894145 [Reply] [Original]

>Basic Information
https://gmetimeline.com (up to 2021)

>Daily reminder

>Mandatory study time
>The Everything Short
>Naked Short Selling and Systemic Risk
>Failure to deliver

>SEC 10-K Annual report
>GameStop Investor, NFT, & Wallet Sites

>What will happen if Citadel becomes insolvent?
DTCC with 60T USD, will pay as the final boss with FDIC as the insurance

>Real-Time Trades
>Current Trade Halts + Short Restrictions

>All other news/DDs/etc
>Temporary alliance with reddit and jews to take down other jews, we can go back to hating each other later
>reddit DDs don't take them for fact use your brain
>Check your broker and clearing house to ensure you're not rugpulled

Last time on /GME/: >>53889538

As always:
>sneed hedgies

>> No.53894149
File: 34 KB, 343x384, 162748.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still comfy waitin' and holdin'.


GameStop Info
>Complete corporate revamp by Ryan Cohen
>Ongoing hiring of specialists of e-commerce, UI, UX, blockchain and supply chain operations
>Debt free with positive increases and reductions (see ER); $1.042 billion cash and cash equivalents on hand + high inventory
>NFT marketplace beta launched

DRS & Computershare
>71.8 (17.95) million shares DRS'd by Oct. 29th, 2022
>Previously 71.3 (17.825) M shares by end of Jul. 30th 2022, 50.8 (12.7) Apr. 30th 22, 35.6 (8.9) by Jan. 29th 22
>and 20.8 (5.2) by Oct. 30th 2021

>Shorts never closed and there exists more fakes than real shares
>'MOASS' is a matter of time

Further information can found by reading the OP or DYOR!
Reply to this pasta for any confusion.


Other news/reminders:
Monday RRP: 2,162.435B, 110P = 19.6585B per
Tuesday RRP: 2,188.035B, 107P = 20.449B per (roughly)

>GME shorted percentage of float as of Jan. 15th, 2021: 226.42%
>HF and broker class action lawsuit evidence
>SEC GME/meme stocks report
>Four-for-One Stock Split - Form of a stock dividend
>(Record: Jul 18, 2022; Dist. on 21st AH)
>22 Proxy Statement: Stock given in comp will be issued as RSUs that vest in quarterly increments over 4 years.
>FY22 Q3 Earnings 8-K/10-Q
>BlackRock and Vanguard increased their GME stakes +300% Feb 22 to Feb 23

>100 page comparison DD

Please don't feed spammers and sliders.

>> No.53894167
File: 317 KB, 480x360, nmZmHxJaWZURTbuZ.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.53894174
Quoted by: >>53894182

steam trap edition?

>> No.53894179

A year at 100% utilization and still no moass. We now know utilization rate doesn’t mean jack shit.

>> No.53894182
File: 773 KB, 828x722, REDEEM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53894191

Fair Value Edition

>> No.53894191

He looks like he both FUDs GME and owns booked shares

>> No.53894194

So I'm confused, Citadel's liabilities are 15B in government securities (implying they're sort, as how else is that a liability), 14B in equity securities (again to be a liability they must owe them to someone) and 36B in options (which is a lot)? And this is equal to 90% of their AUM?

>> No.53894211
File: 68 KB, 500x530, Vlad-Tepes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53894230

I recognize that OP and you guys are special. The brain power is off the charts in these threads. You might not know but you change people's lives. We are thousands of miles apart and it's pretty obvious that we will never meet IRL. After MOASS I would be honored if you will join me at a private party https://GMEntlemen.com.. That means no shills, hedgies, and other top men. If not, that's ok, I am honored and proud to be part of this community. WAGMI! Still comfy waitin’ and holdin’.

>> No.53894213

Madoff would have been envious.

>> No.53894215
File: 28 KB, 1735x275, swaps.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53894237

This was my favorite asset in their chart
>Swaps 1

>> No.53894222

Did GME Longs get caught in a Bull trap?

>> No.53894227

No, I've been buying the dip. I'm going to load the fuck up in the morning.

>> No.53894230
File: 74 KB, 680x498, 2ztiju.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53894237
Quoted by: >>53894269

>1 swap pending
>Counter party; Walt Disney Company.
>IT personnel swapped for Goofy(tm) castmember.

>> No.53894240
File: 384 KB, 1988x2048, 9b0swntffab91.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No but your wife sure did

>> No.53894268
Quoted by: >>53895242

>I've been increasingly hearing people talk about how they want to unload their GME position at the next exit opportunity and hoping that there's a run from March earnings, with people saying stuff like they're just over it already and they're tempted to sell at the recent $25.
Reddit is waking up. Too bad Q4 won't be profitable.

>> No.53894269
File: 289 KB, 600x564, 1671600245104784.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53894275

You know what else is funny about these financial documents? They reduce the numbers down by great big factors of 10 for multiple reasons right? The same people that will trade securities down to fractions of fractions of a penny submit documents like this that effectively shave off millions of dollars as if they were cents to a dollar to be rounded up or down. The same people that make money by shaving off as much as they can when they front run a trade. It's just hilarious to me.

>> No.53894275

What happens if they report negative DRS on the next quarterly earnings call? Is it unironically over at that point?

>> No.53894283
File: 37 KB, 439x431, phpieqYB6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53895543

Hippopotamus Defence (retail) like is a chess opening that allows the opponent to take most of the resources. As soon as the opponent overreaches with greed to take more, the aggressive stance of the hippo starts to unravel by slowly pushing back the opponent. Every step forward is punished with a counterattack until a visible empty space is clearly visible on the table.

>> No.53894320

Probably not. After 2 years I'd say peoples minds are pretty much made up and any selling is more than likely people desperate or strapped for cash in this rough economy.

>> No.53894322

Yeah. Anything below 75 million and DRS is done for. Anything below 70 million and price will plummet like never before.

>> No.53894349
Quoted by: >>53894386

What I'm wondering is, how is Cohen gonna get out of his position? If he sells into this volume, he's fucked.

>> No.53894350

kek shillies

>> No.53894386

>What I'm wondering is, how is Cohen gonna get out of his position?
I actually don't think he intends to. At least, not in any simple way of just dumping the shares. I do think he's been cooking something interesting up and BBBY definitely drew attention to that. Things on the GME front have been pretty boring, so we're overdue for some actual real drama. I'm not sure how many people even care if its negative drama at this point honestly. Dopamine hit is a dopamine hit.

>> No.53894447

kek baggots

>> No.53894449

If our theory is sound and fairly obvious, why didn’t a movement like this catch on decades ago?

>> No.53894459
File: 182 KB, 631x467, Ora!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where's that cunt who said moass would be today. I didn't believe him but I still want to scold him for being a fag.

>> No.53894485

I had the same idea. The answer is lack of knowledge. Without the internet facilitating diffusion of information, the hivemind simply cannot exist.

>> No.53894514
File: 17 KB, 474x346, angryAput.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53894521
File: 76 KB, 750x675, 1677161625067794.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there was a company like this and term mother of all short squeezes (moass) was already used back then, nothing happened. Hedge funds got away, hodlers became baggies. I think it was in 2000-2005 or something like that. Our advantage today is that information is open and we have more retail investors. Also we have Ryan Cohen, but perhaps this time he will be our disadvantage as the one who cancels moass. But for now, at least he doesn't openly acknowledge that he is against moass. Everything is up to him. How he decides that will be it. If he feels like turning a blind eye, he can shake off retail. If he wants to squeeze stock he can make it happen. As for me after holding all this time im starting to hate him. For lack of seriousness and for stupid jokes while hodlers struggle day in and day out.

>> No.53894536

I remember reading about that one on here a while back what was the company called

>> No.53894546

Ryan has killed the moass. I am feeling sad because i truly believe it will no longer happen. Someone please give me even a tiny bit of hopium.

>> No.53894584

market wide halt at one minute past opening bell

>> No.53894593

If Q4 shows that DRS numbers have decreased, what do I do?

>> No.53894634


>> No.53894638

They will have decreased (to 65 million give or take) but at that point it's already too late. Buy puts.

>> No.53894643

Whatever the fuck you want, which is what you already should be doing.

>> No.53894666
File: 243 KB, 458x622, Kenny Playing Godmode.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it is time for anon to put lazer eyes on this exceptional man. I thank you in advance and will save.

>> No.53894710
Quoted by: >>53894720


>> No.53894720


>> No.53894898
File: 167 KB, 400x354, 1677200210456258.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he thinks this would've been allowed to happen at any point previous when it wasn't necessary yet
>he unironically believes the fact holders haven't been rounded up and shot if not violently bullied and potentially sodomized at a minimum for doing so is just a coincidence
Man, I'm just happy to be here and hope whatever FBI agent is assigned to me understands I'm actually a good person deep down even if I rant too much and will pay my taxes and do good things once this is over.

>> No.53894926
Quoted by: >>53895151

Hubris tends to be a problem that starts small and grows over time. When they first did it, they were careful, wary of going too far, being too greedy.
With each passing success though, like all people do, they got sloppy.
Familiarity breeds contempt and they reached too far and grabbed too eagerly and now here we are.

>> No.53895087

Watch the water
Trust Cohen

>> No.53895099
File: 102 KB, 773x1024, I'm so tired of this poor peasant's life. If only father hadn't bought distraction stocks. One day, I find a way to immigrate to GMErica, and marry one of those tummy kissing quadrillionaires....jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53895237

Post MOASS I'm going to kiss so many tight tummies and there's nothing you Business School Suckers Who Still Believe In Fundamentals can do about it.


>> No.53895102
File: 497 KB, 1080x1231, Citadel securities sold not yet purchased.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dang has it been half a thread already?
can somebody remind me, why Citadel has been using "trust me bro" on their balance sheets as a way to pay their clients wanting to cash out?

Seems to me like WAGMI, that's all.

>> No.53895151
Quoted by: >>53895200

Hubris is thinking you see evidence of fraud in citadel’s public filing

>> No.53895200
File: 74 KB, 324x359, 1677077059549807.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53896408

This you?

>> No.53895203
Quoted by: >>53895240

Jesus. The amount of hedgie copium they’re exhibiting in a thread for a stock they don’t hold is actually shocking. We must be close.

>> No.53895210
File: 67 KB, 1200x675, 1676648237845041.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53895304

well if nobody can enforce the law on them, if they have Gary Gensler on their pocket, if they have RC to imitate chairman, if they donate to most of the politicians who cares? They are bragging and don't give a fuck. We watched ticker for 2 years and with that whole basket thing it's obvious like robbery on broad daylight. The problem is nobody can fuck them up and people on our side are too peaceful or corrupted. We need someone who doesn't take orders from BlackRock. Someone who can say on national television there is a crime happening right now and nobody gives a shit. Im gonna expose them all. Sadly im sure RC will happily sit at the negotiation table with hedge funds and after getting the deal he will play stupid.

>> No.53895226
File: 52 KB, 657x527, magnifying.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hmm... I wonder who would be this agitated, upset, and obsessed about a video game store stock they don't even own? How strange...

>> No.53895237

This is the smelliest image I have ever seen on the chins.

>> No.53895240

>he says again for the 700th day in a row

>> No.53895242
File: 559 KB, 1185x615, DB6C1143-5AA0-4A78-8BF3-8D63D7CB5C4D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>39 additional funds are reported to be holding GME. 48 new funds are lending GME (likely to be sold short). 72 additional funds are lending out over 90% of their GME. Funds are holding an additional 3.1M shares of GME and are lending out an additional 20.94M shares, an increase of 38.4% since Q4-2021/Q1-2022.
>All the while, Ortex reports an increase of 3.41% in short interest.

Gets your gears turning

>> No.53895285
Quoted by: >>53895483


>> No.53895304

The real fud here is the picture. I'm glad he switched to a clean shaven look.

>> No.53895320

Down 5¢ in pre-market. This is evidence that MOASS will never happen.

>> No.53895342
Quoted by: >>53895361

Squeezle squozzle?

>> No.53895361
Quoted by: >>53895365

Not yet. Might be today.

>> No.53895365
Quoted by: >>53895384

It won’t be today.

>> No.53895384
Quoted by: >>53895395

but it might be
t. had breakfast this morning

>> No.53895394

DRS wasn't a thing for the first 6 months or so
We will find a new copium for sure

>> No.53895395
Quoted by: >>53895403

Zero chance of it happening ever. Therefore, there is zero chance of it happening today.

I await your apology at the close of trading today.

>> No.53895403
Quoted by: >>53895417

okay well what if i didnt have breakfast today

>> No.53895417
Quoted by: >>53895489

Intermittent fasting causes cancer. Don’t skip breakfast.

>> No.53895437
Quoted by: >>53895456

These are some on topic quality posts that contribute to the discussion

>> No.53895456

so what did you have for breakfast

>> No.53895459
File: 166 KB, 465x304, KG godmode.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53895509

Remember when you anons were seeing all those hidden messages from RC?

Shadows on the wall.

>> No.53895479

Hehe haha

>> No.53895483

its the message not the person anon

>> No.53895489

Intermittent fasting prevents cancer skip meals for entire days

>> No.53895504

Bro id literally kill myself if it were my life to make posts like this for some doggert$ like, that is what killing yourself is to me.

>> No.53895509

remember thinking the (((echo))) meant there were holders watching and actually believing your shadow play? in reality it was always just you alone in the cave, fooled by your own lies, everybody else already left.

>> No.53895543
Quoted by: >>53899043

hi chessbrah

>> No.53895637

God said it's not a sin to tell fudders to rope, thought you should know.

>> No.53895680

spreading fear, uncertainty and doubt just to gain (steal) a few silver shekels is pretty much the definition of evil.

>> No.53895695 [DELETED] 

Ask him why he made so many faggots kikes and niggers, and please yell at him for doing so regardless of his answer. There is no answer. The survival of the dysgenic is a consequence of God's unending narcissism and unwillingness to do his fucking job as thronesitter.

>> No.53895717
Quoted by: >>53895755

>shill is an angry teenage atheist
not surprised

>> No.53895755 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>53895787

No I just hate niggers and jews and the first thing I'm doing at judgement is spitting in God's holy face for making them. Kike loving niggerfaggot God. Country sucks, niggers murdee, lgbt are rapists, kikes eat children, democrats aren't people, republicans are rinos for mossad, it's all so tiresome. I fucking hate life, I don't want money, I want dead starving kids and their fat nigger welfare mothers to watch them die. There must be consequences, society is fucking nuts. Get away from the niggers, they ruined every city they move to, I'll hate their ugly retarded faces until I die. Fuck all niggers, fuck all jews, and if God created them, fuck him most of all!

>> No.53895760
Quoted by: >>53895805

The fags are there because there's too many people and different countries like to fuck with each other to reduce population counts, the Jews are there because someone has to be the big bad all the weak places and people blame for everything when they're really just malding shitters too retarded to manage a currency, and the joggers are there to remind everyone else what life is like without God. He also says you're a pissbaby and should run the razor down the road instead of across the street if you want attention that bad, satan always needs new fucktoys and you'd be perfect for it.

>> No.53895770

Whoa bros it's getting kind of edgy in here I might have to go back

>> No.53895787

Checked tracksuit shitter copium x100k extract

>> No.53895796
File: 60 KB, 384x494, you gonna get raped.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All these shills make my pee pee hard. Sneed.

>> No.53895805 [DELETED] 

Fuck God fuck niggers fuck kikes and fuck you, I hope you die today violently, dont care how or why

>> No.53895859

good morning gentlemen

>> No.53895921
File: 194 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20230219-183232.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53895958

Gm gentleman

>> No.53895930
File: 721 KB, 1920x1080, 1580926701244.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53896015

I tell scam callers/texters to kill themselves and also send them that picture of George Floyd with the giant dick choking him out.

>> No.53895958
File: 1.33 MB, 498x280, 1675899856019456.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good morning sers! I had eight mcdoubles for breakfast!

>> No.53895959

anyways how's your financial life?

>> No.53895980
Quoted by: >>53896010

get help

>> No.53896008
File: 91 KB, 738x416, 639.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53896015


>> No.53896010


>> No.53896013

Not too bad honestly I'm just an angry guy lol

>> No.53896015


>> No.53896041
File: 869 KB, 1214x933, Remember, Hedgies on ledgies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The GMEhad has only just begun. Soon the homosexual Hedgie kafirs will be thrown from Ledgies.

>> No.53896085

Huge dip incoming

>> No.53896155

All they have to do is pay me $10k per share and I will fuck off forever. I will get my self-sustaining land in Montana with my cattle, Weapons, and fresh drinking water. Then they can keep on fucking little kids, sending money to Ukraine, and suppressing blacks forever

>> No.53896171
File: 31 KB, 409x393, 1644275287509.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's Leenixus, the guy who predicted 48 of the previous 12 runs.

>> No.53896173
File: 185 KB, 768x645, gamethot circle of life.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

first of the month and the cycle of GME continues, but Beware the Ides of March...unironically

>> No.53896190 [DELETED] 
File: 1.69 MB, 1440x3120, Screenshot_20230301-093531.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53896391


>> No.53896202

You really believe they won’t send robots and drones to kill you and your family eventually?

>> No.53896203

GME and TSLA opening similarly

>> No.53896206 [DELETED] 
File: 992 KB, 1440x3120, Screenshot_20230301-093806.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53896391


>> No.53896229
Quoted by: >>53896332

Nah. We are about to pump to 27.

>> No.53896240 [DELETED] 
File: 1.30 MB, 1440x3120, Screenshot_20230301-094053.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53896391

>> No.53896255 [DELETED] 
File: 1.11 MB, 1440x3120, Screenshot_20230301-094152.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.53896257
File: 106 KB, 475x949, 1663862153470121.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Leenixus, our resident Diogenes living in his barrel, seeing the source code.
Reddit do be funny sometimes

>> No.53896267

All they have to do is pay me not a cent less than a million per share so I can comfortably buy an entire small town in Montana and raise wagyu, make my own firearms, and have riverfront property. Then they can systematically imprison or execute all diaper snipers, crush Russia for being uppity snowniggers, and ruin the lives of anyone espousing racial superiority or inferiority of any kind.

>> No.53896271 [DELETED] 
File: 1.72 MB, 1440x3120, Screenshot_20230301-094336.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53896391

>> No.53896281
File: 176 KB, 430x419, 1656287216550.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shitty ai art

>> No.53896289 [DELETED] 
File: 1.28 MB, 1440x3120, Screenshot_20230301-094428.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53896391

>> No.53896292

AI is clearly a virgin drawing as if he has seen some meat before holy kek

>> No.53896301 [DELETED] 
File: 1.56 MB, 1440x3120, Screenshot_20230301-094546.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53896391

>> No.53896316
File: 192 KB, 720x1042, 1677435698445605.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53896329

Guess what I just did

>> No.53896321 [DELETED] 
File: 1.92 MB, 1440x3120, Screenshot_20230301-094743.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53896391


>> No.53896329
Quoted by: >>53896350

Ddi you get money?

>> No.53896332
Quoted by: >>53896413

Maybe after earnings. That’s why they are dropping it as much as they can now. This is a war and most of the world thinks we’ve already lost. They don’t see what is happening here.

>> No.53896338 [DELETED] 
File: 1.70 MB, 1440x3120, Screenshot_20230301-094942.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.53896346
Quoted by: >>53896389

This is gross. Please stop

>> No.53896350

50/100 points

>> No.53896358 [DELETED] 
File: 1.34 MB, 1440x3120, Screenshot_20230301-095039.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.53896363
File: 41 KB, 653x490, 1677041249878721.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53896473

Ryan Cohen single handedly killed retail. Latest talk in the street he is watching Netflix and chilling. Every deal and task moved to 2024 year. 2023 is done. Everything will be next year.

>> No.53896364

I haven’t bought any more shares since the sneeze and I will never DRS
Still gonna make it
Drag me to the finish line faggots

>> No.53896383

there's far better "nudity" ai generators out there, just google for that sentence and you find them anon

also while on google, search for God

>> No.53896389 [DELETED] 
File: 1.50 MB, 1440x3120, Screenshot_20230301-095347.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm manifesting the moass>>53896346

Thank me later bro

>> No.53896391
File: 30 KB, 464x462, 1675685006790804.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was only funny the first three times tbdesu

>> No.53896408
File: 122 KB, 1486x929, ken-griffin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53896409 [DELETED] 
File: 1.95 MB, 1440x3120, Screenshot_20230301-095532.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53896413
Quoted by: >>53896452

Pump going into earnings. Look for a drop at earnings. 22 or so. Point is, it's higher highs and higher lows from here until moass.

>> No.53896452
Quoted by: >>53896533

Doubt it. Did the peepeee lines cross the poo or something?

>> No.53896473
Quoted by: >>53896554

Dumb faggot thought NFT marketplace would turn this company around lol. Guess he hadn't been following crypto for more than a year. And that was his only play lmaooo
Nigger would even lose at 1D chess

>> No.53896533

HAHAHA, if you've sat here kicking rocks the past two years and chalked up gme's moves to talmudic trickery (unironically). You've wasted your time.

>> No.53896554
File: 1.14 MB, 960x960, frog.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53896664

why are you here

>> No.53896664
Quoted by: >>53896675

I like to shit on demoralized posters from time to time. Also I just like the stock or some shit. Lighten up buster, we almost there.

>> No.53896675
File: 1.64 MB, 1222x917, 1632321256784.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I like to shit on demoralized posters from time to time

>> No.53896673
File: 201 KB, 1654x824, Literally Loop Capital.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pretty amazing that they've gotten away with it to this point, it's not even subtle

>> No.53896684

I have and the reality is starting to set in. Not that we won’t wagmi it in some capacity, but that I’ve wasted 2 years and tens of thousands of dollars neeting instead of working

>> No.53896732

Where are the shills?

>> No.53896746

Oh fuck you’re gonna make me buy more today aren’t you?

>> No.53896772
File: 3.06 MB, 640x640, 9E32FA66-7292-4A8E-92EC-07F33F920D0F.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>*basket stock goes green* while GME is red
>*basket stocks and GME both deep red*

>> No.53896794
Quoted by: >>53896800

attending an emergency zoom meeting at citadel

>> No.53896800
Quoted by: >>53896823

Hopefully it’s on how to do a flip when they ledge.

>> No.53896817 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>53896824

MOASS tomorrow


>> No.53896822
File: 99 KB, 552x975, 1675363706344878.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

umm baggie bros, it's been 2 years since you missed the squeeze. Do you really have to ride the stock to 0 to "own" the "hedgies"?

>> No.53896823

Checked and their absence is hella sus. You would think they’d be all over this thread kekking baggies, but there hasn’t been a single one all morning

>> No.53896824
File: 143 KB, 1062x1080, 1637171145990.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53896838
Quoted by: >>53896858

Umm something is happening.

>> No.53896840

They are at their shrinks because being sneeded finally broke them.

>> No.53896855

How would it go to zero if physical games are still selling out? Gaming has never been bigger. Not everyone buys from Amazon when they can avoid it

>> No.53896858
File: 2.98 MB, 520x293, say whaaa.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53896864
File: 1.66 MB, 3840x2160, Comfy_Cat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think DRSing an entire stock and not seeing the price move higher is exhilarating. It basically confirms our thesis that there is a systemic-naked-short position and the mother of all short squeezes is real and the best days of our lives are still to come.

>> No.53896865
File: 473 KB, 1000x1745, FoUg4PjX0AAQcMm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just bought 80 shares. Mo'ass as soon as I DRS them.

>> No.53896870

Fucking BBBY

>> No.53896901
File: 79 KB, 507x421, 85303493_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stay comfy, comfy /GME/.

>> No.53896922
Quoted by: >>53896964

Imagine that switching to book actually made all the difference in the world. All of my shares were already in book

>> No.53896958
File: 833 KB, 220x313, 1659061757992926.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw MOASS

>> No.53896964
Quoted by: >>53897778

SS was talking about it fort a bit and then it disappeared from the discussion for months. It's probably very relevant.

>> No.53896987

Does anybody have the pic of clown pepe watching burning globe?

>> No.53897018
File: 7 KB, 868x935, 1673557752121067.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one?

>> No.53897033

well not exactly

>> No.53897042
File: 40 KB, 460x610, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53897063

Kek baggies

>> No.53897068

Why you clocking in so late?

>> No.53897072
Quoted by: >>53897134

NFT marketplace removed the stats page, interesting?

>> No.53897116
File: 82 KB, 1024x917, 1667678598796566.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53897128

buy hold drs (book-entry) gme

>> No.53897119
File: 6 KB, 225x225, 31BCB8B8-67BE-4CAC-979A-E5184035F077.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Baker for the love of Christ please put a giant GameStop logo in every thread image. That should literally be the only image for these threads. The gme logo I saw on one of these threads is what brought me here and I’ve DRSed most of my xxxx stack. Imagine how many lurkers are skipping the thread cause it’s some faggot anime or Metroid pic.

>> No.53897128

this one thank you very much

>> No.53897134
Quoted by: >>53897152

It's embarrassing, I hope they scrap the entire thing. If they aren't using it to distribute an NFT dividend, it's worthless.

>> No.53897152

shit take, even fidelity is getting into crypto you ugly bitch

>> No.53897156
File: 46 KB, 868x935, silly.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53897164


>> No.53897183
File: 104 KB, 1075x1250, Thisisyou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based, This is the version we deserve.

>> No.53897267

They won't be just selling crummy jpegs, they're making an actual exchange (partnering with Citadel no less). Face it, the NFT marketplace has been a massive flop so far.

>> No.53897276
File: 11 KB, 320x180, 18B60A98-3837-49A3-87AE-5702A0AAD89C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, I wonder what it's like to be a market maker
I wonder what it's like to know that I made the market
I'd store it in boxes with little yellow tags on every one
And you can come and see them when I'm done
When I'm done

>> No.53897293

faggot general

>> No.53897320

Welcome home.

>> No.53897322
File: 1.22 MB, 816x1067, 1674475977850589.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ryan scammer

>> No.53897380
Quoted by: >>53897483

Face the wall, traffic to nft.gamestop has been growing organically month over month regarding traffic and keyword placement. You know it's more than jpg's, I know it's more than jpg's, die about it

>> No.53897393
Quoted by: >>53897405

What are some cool cities to visit in India?

>> No.53897405
Quoted by: >>53897438


>> No.53897408
File: 167 KB, 1280x720, 256AB1F5-A727-41A1-BB93-D1B44CF29DF3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is it just me or is all this web3 bs just a very backwards, long winded attempt to add credit card to game marketplace so u can buy in-game content like weapons and skins and other dlc? which has existed for literally over a decade


>> No.53897438


>> No.53897451
Quoted by: >>53897544

yes, the fourth industrial revolution is subscription model and micro-transactions for everything. it's the gayest shit ever.

>> No.53897455

The difference is real ownership. The way things work now, steam or whoever can just decide they don’t like you and take all your toys away. You can also sell your stuff. Does that sound bad to you?

>> No.53897483
Quoted by: >>53897527

The sales have been terrible, that's probably why they're taking it down. It's like why Blizzard stopped reporting WoW subs, it's not because the numbers are good.

It has potential for more than that, I just wish they would do it already. I really don't understand what they're waiting for. Maybe they're having trouble convincing the game companies to get on board.

>> No.53897493

>real ownership
you mean like it was before corporations corrupted the internet?

>> No.53897504
Quoted by: >>53897559

right. but like… why wouldnt fortnite or gta just add “connect wallet button”

buy gta lambo, or fortnite skin with crypto

>> No.53897505

>The way things work now, steam or whoever can just decide they don’t like you and take all your toys away
>he doesn’t know GameStop literally delete your NFTs if they upset them
Lol. You’re buying a hyperlink maintained by somebody else, there’s no real ownership there.

>> No.53897524

lol yayy my fortnite skin appears in a crypto wallet now!!!

literally kinda stupid

>> No.53897527

Thanks for proving you know fuck all about shit
What the fuck are you talking about? They aren't taking it down you utterly retarded fuckwit

>> No.53897530
File: 308 KB, 1173x658, the great pyramid of gamestop II.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>even fidelity is getting into crypto
>they're making an actual exchange (partnering with Citadel no less)
monumental levels of fraud

>> No.53897544

This. The reason for it is finance-capitalism has essentially stripped all wealth from the economy and the "working class" need to be underpaid in order to keep things humming along to pay the owning class. This economy can not provide you with luxury goods such as nice furniture, braces for your children, private schools, a lawyer etc. You life is lived based on a service/consumption model. They want you to be able to borrow nice things and basically work to live. They do not want you actually having excess capital.
The economy wants to rent you entertainment, music, media, gym memberships etc. They want you to pay for craft beer and sports tickets/movies candies and treats and chicken wings. The boomers actually were paid very well, but this was long before finance/wallstreet went super saiyan and used leverage to buy up the entire world with their bank deposits.
And the economy is set up now to siphon out the wealth from the boomers. Health costs are skyrocketing, nursing homes are being built everywhere, HELOCs, schemes to buy homes and then rent them to the owners so they can retire and being sunsetted out without raising a stink. The owning class is reacquiring all of the wealth they paid to the boomers and the rest of us get to be fat fuck Wall-E tier consoomers.

>> No.53897559
Quoted by: >>53897575

Good question. You should ask them

>> No.53897563

Idk why all these stocks are being called meme stocks. Should just be called Low T stocks

>> No.53897573
Quoted by: >>53897591

>guy goes to know how NFTs work
>doesn’t know how games work
>doesn’t even know how GameStop marketplace works
Kek. The JPEG shop can delete your JPEGs whenever they want. It’s dependent on the hyperlink you bought staying up. NFTs do vanish all the time, they’re not anymore real ownership than any other digital good you buy in a game. You clearly have no experience or understanding of the tech outside of blowing smoke up GameStop’s arse

>> No.53897575

what im saying is, it doesnt appear a third party is necessary. fuck even microsoft store could just, connect wallet to gamertag… why would there need to be a third party?

>> No.53897589

>why would there need to be a third party?
Because…because… THEY JUST DO OKAY

>> No.53897591

literally ipfs link

>> No.53897602
File: 36 KB, 474x592, ye.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53898053


>> No.53897639

web3 is just blockchain adoption by the general public, they literally won't be able to tell the difference or even know that's what they're using

>> No.53897667

They are taking down the statistics display. Try to keep up.

>> No.53897674

Because no one else is interested in offering the service. They want to maintain control of “your” assets

>> No.53897757

>GME is 10% of my portfolio
>I do not believe that the "MOASS" or any other squeeze is in order for GME
>I understand that the long-term plan for gamestop will turn a profit, because it is in line with the rulings of the SEC
>ETH will become a security according to the US FED
>>Gamestop marketplace is ETH-powered
>>>Any GME NFT dividends are inherently backed by the US government and subsequently the US military
The only people FUDding this are insurgents and terrorists. This is all part of the greater American Dream.

>> No.53897778

Publishing weird children’s books with characters that look like KG must have have had some deeper meaning than what it looks like on the surface. Legally he can’t tell you to do anything regarding DRS

>> No.53897794
Quoted by: >>53897805

Why did we dump baggie bros?

>> No.53897804
Quoted by: >>53897860

See, I don’t get why people are opposed to web3
>bruh, why would I want to entrust my stuff to the blockchain when I can already count on blizzard and bill gates?

>> No.53897805

So you can buy the sweet sweet dip

>> No.53897851

whoever says MOASS is not real is an idiot. We all know the Dam filled with DECADES of NAKED shorting is showing cracks. This is like saying market crash is impossible. 1819, 1837, 1901, 1907, 1929, 1937, 1974, 1987, 1992, 1997, 2000, 2008 It is the Mega Tsunami comes every now and then because humans just can't help themselves with their greed. Shorts have no one to blame but themselves for this soon-to-occur tragedy.


>> No.53897860
Quoted by: >>53898499

Mass adoption of web3 won't look much different than web2, it'll just be that someone's bank will have their end system running a blockchain instead of a database.

>> No.53897876

I feel like I dont know what is happening. The price going lower incrementally every few weeks has me believing the hedges found a way to slowly cover over a long period of time, but surely they will hit a point where the autists are refusing to sell and not be able to anymore, right?

>> No.53897896

This is the dip before the rip

>> No.53897903

If they were covering the price would be climbing.

>> No.53897917
Quoted by: >>53897931

Anyone can cover over a sufficiently long amount of time. I think the last time it shot up to $199 (When was that, last March? Christ) they had finished covering and now it's a slow crawl down to $1

>> No.53897931
Quoted by: >>53897972

But can they close?

>> No.53897967

If the shorts had covered, then why would the price still be sinking? We have an army of retards just buying constantly and locking the shares away with DRS. We also know that institutions are buying in. The continual drop in price can only be explained with constant and excessive shorting.

>> No.53897971
Quoted by: >>53897981

There's not enough buying pressure to overwhelm them. Only big buys hitting the markets are from Computershare while they can route all other buys their own way, which is why so much negative news regarding the stores has been cycling every week. They do not want new buyers or another random pump rally due to word spreading around.

>> No.53897972

Yes, eventually

>> No.53897978
Quoted by: >>53898046

Not if they shorted at $40 presplit.

>> No.53897981
Quoted by: >>53898241

The pump rallies have never been retail they’ve all almost certainly been algo controlled during their ftd cycles.

>> No.53897985
File: 1.29 MB, 1500x1200, tired_of_rc's_antiques.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53898026

Man, I really hope the can go back to 45 so I can get the fuck out of here and move on with my life.

What on earth was I thinking expecting Cohen to deliver?

>> No.53897992
Quoted by: >>53898009

Fuck off bvttfag

>> No.53897995
Quoted by: >>53898018

No they quite literally can’t close. It is mathematically impossible for them to close and that without accounting for human greed.

>> No.53897999

Just pinoys and pajeets talking to themselves to slide everything and anything. lol Bullish.

>> No.53898009
File: 693 KB, 1600x900, fck_off_bvtfag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53898018

No it's not lmao, talk about completely misunderstanding what a short is.

>> No.53898023

trips of truth

>> No.53898022
Quoted by: >>53898439

Considering only 30% of the stock is DRS-ed yeah no shit

>> No.53898026

>trusting king k

>> No.53898036

checked and true

>> No.53898044

>90% buy 10% sell ratio for the past 2 years
>price going down

Yeah I'm going to trust economics over brokers that are short gme

>> No.53898046
Quoted by: >>53898084

We're -$8 away from $40 pre-split my dude

>> No.53898050

baggie bros why we doomp?

>> No.53898053


>> No.53898058
Quoted by: >>53898137

They shorted over 200% of the float and the sec confirmed that they weren’t what caused jan 202. So keep coping and maybe try another form of fud. Maybe try threatening our lives again.

>> No.53898076

Checked and at least they buy and DRS GME


>> No.53898084

>dat perspective
>$8 away from 40 pre-split
>$32 away from 10 post-split
Invert your Penis, my dude.

>> No.53898085
Quoted by: >>53898107


>> No.53898107

holy fuck talk about desperate

>> No.53898125

I’m actually kind of glad GameStop doesn’t sell vinyl because I would have preordered 72 seasons and it is a stinker. Would buy ottto from them tho

>> No.53898131
Quoted by: >>53898156

I'm on mobile so I can't post the screenshot. But check this out.
Does Citadel have $428 trillion in holdings?

>> No.53898135

Came here to say this
Trading at $75 pre split lol
Baggies will stay it’s still higher than when they bought it. But in reality baggies cost basises are in the triple digit range

>> No.53898137
File: 101 KB, 1128x436, shortie_squeezy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In the official gamestop hearing (in a a court of law) GameStop's lawyers stated that the events in Jan were a short squeeze. Lmao imagine only reading what is pushed on reddit of all places. The place where r/thedonald was shut down, the place which literally has paid bot farms operating 24 hours a day, with Ghislaine Maxwell being one of the top contributors. Lmao old chan would never have fallen for this psy op. Sad. Many such cases.

Oh and before you scream SOURCE like a redditor, here you go....


>> No.53898146
Quoted by: >>53898158

Now post the sec report please.

>> No.53898156

or liabilities

>> No.53898158
File: 350 KB, 670x560, 248x702.v1614268773.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53898189

Trusts the SEC over GME. But conveniently says the SEC is corrupt and useless when he wants. This is your brain on selective retardation.

>> No.53898164

We've dropped 32% in a single day before, and with the way things have been going its going to be a slow bleed down to $10, but $10 we go

>> No.53898167

Moass is in 2024. Check em

>> No.53898168

This was not written up by Gamestop

>> No.53898175
File: 633 KB, 1280x720, GME NFT characters.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a very backwards, long winded attempt

>> No.53898177

I’m going back to /mu/ and /gif/. This place is sad until moass

>> No.53898189
Quoted by: >>53898234

no because the sec report is a legal document and the gme thing was just an opinion from gme. the sec couldnt lie on the legal document because it wouldve invalidated the investigation so the numbers posted there are real. the gme thing was just a comment made by one of the lawyers offhand and it was only referring to the short squeeze that ken shut down not the moass

>> No.53898194


>> No.53898198
Quoted by: >>53898233

It looks gay, but zoomers are retarded. They play roblox, minecraft and fortnight. They don’t pirate

>> No.53898207

its actually very useful there was an anon yesterday doing analysis with if we had 3 games like fortnite on immutable, it could potentially be trillions of dollars worth of exchanges going on every month that gme would get a % of so it would be free money for them so people would be dumb not to use it. its a little complicated and tricky to set up right now i have to admit but its actually really useful if you want to have all of your items and games in one spot (kind of like steam and think of how big that market is) i think a lot of people are actually sleeping on how much this could trigger the moass to happen

>> No.53898213
Quoted by: >>53898233

Also it's still officially in beta.

>> No.53898228

Can’t wait to see what his response is. Could you imagine actually being a bystander and still thinking that the shills are larpers or kekkers when they post this well though out and researched insidious fud? How could anyone stumble into this thread and not instantly run to buy gme when they see this?

>> No.53898233

right and its like this anon says
honestly all you really need are 3 games like that and you literally could have the net worth of 50 elon musks being traded over immutable with how many people buy content for games. fortnite alone makes something ridiculous like 520 billion a month so if you have 2 or 3 of those itd be really easy to break 1 trillion + a month in net sales

>> No.53898234

>legal document
So is the CCAC I just posted. This is pure copium.

Angel Guzman, Burke Minahan, Christopher Miller, and Terell Sterling are all the plaintiffs who created that document which clearly states it's a short squeeze.

Lol, lmao even, you can't even admit you've been duped by bots.

>> No.53898241

Exactly; people nly really rallied during that January and anyone who bought at those prices got burned due to the constant manipulation since then. Between that and regular negative news coverage, the average person has a negative reception of GameStop despite it being in a much better position than almost every other retail store.

>> No.53898245

right but i think your missing the point that yeah it was a short squeeze in jan 21 but it wasnt the moass. the short squeeze in jan 21 was just the sneeze. this has been established for multiple years now, i thought they were sending there best to shill the threads but i guess the budget ran out on poor kenny griffy haha

>> No.53898254
Quoted by: >>53898291

Yes, very cool. I'll admit that if GameStop NFT had three "fortnite"s then they'd actually do super well. Unfortunately they have Kiraverse and an endless runner

>> No.53898258
File: 1.66 MB, 1771x1254, El5pT-HU4AM3nQ9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53898868


>> No.53898285

Just the etf and other funds selloff prior to earnings announcement. They buy back in after.

>> No.53898289

Did you forget you entered the thread pretending to be a holder?

>> No.53898291

i know that but right now its just beta, and honestly it doesnt take that long to port games to different systems using ai tools now. its really easy with things like chatgpt and i think that if gme and epic worked together and made everything thru immutable then itd be super super easy profits for gme (and it would be good for epic too because then they would be able to use the immutable systems and all of the benefits that comes with it) again i think its just that a lot of anons arent really grasping the full capabilitys of these systems and how bullish this actually is in the long run

>> No.53898298

Does it feel hopeless? No matter what you've done, how well you've presented the short thesis over, and over, and over...saying it's a 4 dollar company over, and over, and over...and yet here we are. Here you are. This earnings will be very important. If the company shows strength and progress, your short thesis becomes less accurate, and regardless of earnings, you and I both know that retail investors continue to buy, hold, and DRS these shares ALL OVER THE WORLD. It must feel hopeless. Maybe you have even convinced yourself you are still correct, and that is why it is so devastating that you are still losing. But what if you aren't correct? What if we are going to be successful no matter how many psyops you run. How many "culture leaders" you push to the front? Have you even considered a future where we win? It must feel so hopeless to be you, and honestly, your desperation fear and hopelessness drips out of every "factual" post you make here defending your and your bosses' position. It doesn't matter how many times you say you are right, and that we are wrong in the end does it? Or you wouldn't even be here, would you? It must suck to be you.

>> No.53898304
Quoted by: >>53898323

Shills had a group meeting today. They are expecting something

>> No.53898311

actually right i know i responded earlier but u guys get paid by the you so get fucking rekt m8 cunt

>> No.53898318
File: 32 KB, 502x565, gme march 2022.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to see a poomp like this again

>> No.53898323
Quoted by: >>53898363

its been super super shilly shill central here man for the past like 3 days i swear to god there's something huge coming like a massive runup, but if anything just massive buy signal imo shills dont even realize how easy they make it to make money

>> No.53898334
Quoted by: >>53898367

>that immediate dump right after

>> No.53898346

yeah its kinda sad when the threads are super slow but i think with how many shills theres been lately itll be a big runup and then the threads will be active again and all the frens will come back

>> No.53898348

There will be no more "pumps" like that to roll FTDs and swaps. The reason flat chads are right is that we have reached a level of volatility where a 15 percent pump is just the rocket leaving the pad. They can't stop it once it starts now. There will be no more pumps because there simply can't be. Either they kill the company, destroy the supply/demand securities market completely and publicly through rule changes (finally admit they've turned it FIAT illegaly), or we MOASS.

>> No.53898353

This is what closing does to a mfer's price

>> No.53898363

I was an early TSLA holder, and I still remember that it all started after they started raising price and earnings targets. That was the canary in the mine that change was coming. They have started doing that with GME

>> No.53898367

oh so THATs the reason this place has been so bad lately lol, that makes sense
shills and kennys about to get devastated
organized crime but what can you do shill

>> No.53898401
Quoted by: >>53898495

>organized crime but what can you do shill
go back

>> No.53898411
Quoted by: >>53898495

I spend more time in the BBBY thread these days because I hate those faggots so much I just have to kek their bags at every opportunity

>> No.53898439
Quoted by: >>53898458

*%63 not including shit other than drsed and remaining.

>> No.53898446
Quoted by: >>53898495

>with if we had 3 games like fortnite on immutable, it could potentially be trillions of dollars
Yeah, if only GameStop can magically produce 3 games as successful as the most profitable game ever made, that would be good.
You have to be over 18 to post here.

>> No.53898454
Quoted by: >>53898495

I take breaks every few months or so. Following this shit and watching the ticker gets exhausting and stressful. But mark my words, I'm holding til I get sell for fuck you money or die trying. Doesn't matter if it takes until 2040.

>> No.53898458

Show me where it says 63%

>> No.53898484
Quoted by: >>53898511

rounded up to the nearest whole number.

>> No.53898495
Quoted by: >>53898770

fuck off demoralization fag
absolutely based
its not that they even have to produce them they have just to host them, and in fact you can port games idiot so its not like theyre just completely cut out of that market. your disingenuous anyway and i can smell your curry from a mile away
based and same pilled, they cant keep getting away with it forever

>> No.53898496
Quoted by: >>53898642

Yeah that margin call ceiling dorito was right. The only mistake it made was datefag MOASS. They can postpone MOASS by stretching the dorito but they can never cancel it. IT WILL happen sooner or later once we break through the ceiling.

>> No.53898499
Quoted by: >>53898511

Data will be well managed than in web2. Managing data and security o web3 is even better.

>> No.53898511
Quoted by: >>53898641

notice how >>53898458
refuses to reply now, instantly shuts the shills up every time and they dont wanna talk about drs. keeps me super confident and bullish more than anything else

yeah and its from what ive heard really easy to port to so you can take things like games and really easily put them on web3 which is why i keep using fortnite as an example but there are others too minecraft runescape roblox whatever they can all be web3 and all of those microtransactions would go through gme

>> No.53898551
Quoted by: >>53898597

oh actually does anyone remember the brazillian puts thing? does anyone know what actually happend to that? i saw the millions and billions of puts they had and i remember we thought they were going to expire in jan 22 but they rolled to jan 23 did they roll again to jan 24? or is there a more recent date cause i know ammo was starting to get low from rolling those contracts from the hedgie side so i didnt think they could roll again but again its all the crime stuff. but are those still a thing or did those go somewhere else to be hidden in the basket stocks

>> No.53898597
Quoted by: >>53898663

its this week or next week

>> No.53898641

the unity imx thing is cool… pretty much everything requires unity

>> No.53898642
Quoted by: >>53899068

I also think they realized quickly that if they dump it too far to give themselves breathing room from the "bad number" that retail starts furiously buying and DRSing shares. 16 bucks was just waaaaaaaaaaaay too cheap.

>> No.53898663
Quoted by: >>53898690

oh shit really? i was gonna load up on super OTM calls before then haha

>> No.53898690
Quoted by: >>53898704

you should load up on jumping off a cliff

>> No.53898704

i looked at your post history in this thread and alllll i have to say is one word: pajeet
now watch him not respond

>> No.53898723

Bobby fractal

>> No.53898731
File: 257 KB, 750x819, vanguard chad pulls out of ESG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the next "suicide" in the financial world has just been scheduled
/pol/ is thataway ------>

>> No.53898738

>p-please conservatives, give us some liquidity!

>> No.53898753

RRP 2,133.950



>> No.53898770

It’s not that this wouldn’t be good, it’s that you must be a child to think it’s worth mentioning. Of course a company having a massive success would be good. Are you so stupid you believe it’s news that developing Fortnite x 3 would make money? Are you the first person to realise this?

>> No.53898798
Quoted by: >>53898925

Bros all GameStop needs to do is release three games that rival the biggest game of all time and they'll be trillionaires which will set off MOASS!!!

>> No.53898811
File: 41 KB, 798x644, EfXCE01UYAA8csO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53898878

Yeah, and I'll just start a twitch channel and be the next Jake Paul. I'm holding with a bunch of imbeciles.

>> No.53898831
Quoted by: >>53898851

Baggie bros, i need a new hit of copium to get me through march. I'm months behind on my credit card payments

>> No.53898851
File: 256 KB, 516x526, FunnyBanan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe this will cheer you up?

>> No.53898868

I never knew I wanted a giant cirno waifu

>> No.53898878
Quoted by: >>53898925

Let us know when you get into boxing so we can bet against you

>> No.53898900

I think that's actually the intended trend, anti-esg is the next big thing. A lot of soft disclosure happening lately.

>> No.53898925
File: 313 KB, 638x359, eb7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bro, we could also convince Fortnite to host on the marketplace and give us a cut.

Kek, touche

>> No.53898955
File: 536 KB, 1030x809, diversity hires get fired.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

checked and hopefully correct

>> No.53899002 [DELETED] 
File: 390 KB, 2732x2048, fb6bbp9p86la1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we are all gonna make it.

>> No.53899003

>soft disclosure
Nigger this is the man that runs one of the two companies primarily responsible for globohomo, and he’s saying globohomo is actively unprofitable so everyone else needs to pull back on it. This is disclosure, but it’s not soft in the slightest

>> No.53899005
File: 383 KB, 785x757, i'm watching you.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Double checked. As it would turn out, hiring people to do nothing isn't a very sustainable business practice.

>> No.53899016
Quoted by: >>53899053

I would say to look at how the intelligence community has completely 180'd in the last two years on most of the things they've said. ESG is just part of that.

>> No.53899043

Hi frend.

>> No.53899053
File: 127 KB, 334x346, 1677563726240206.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ESG was supremely useful at seeing who would take a dick in the ass for money, in a way that isn't easily memory holed because they were pumping billions of ad dollars into it.

Patriots in control.

>> No.53899068

Yeah if they kept it at $40 presplit, they knew the float was gonna get locked up quick. That was probably one of the reasons for the cycle pumps to get us to FOMO all our cash in to delay it as long as fucking possible in the slim chance in hell we get bored and sell. Kinda worked but you still gotta close all your positions or keep paying interest indefinitely.

>> No.53899080

We're approaching the 1-year anniversary of when we were on the brink of MOASS before we got halted

Let's see if something happens again

>> No.53899132
Quoted by: >>53899260

Happy 1 year anniversary baggie bros!

>> No.53899136

esg is just money laundering at its core, funneling money from semi-government institutions into businesses that are ideologically friendly or have people running it that they want to give money to

>> No.53899260

I remember unironically being excited and telling my mom that the MOASS had started like it was yesterday.... That shit was a year ago

>> No.53899330
File: 68 KB, 640x683, 3E363254-DEEE-4D0D-8A30-B9CFF40EE9F7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’ve been looking at wokeshit lose money for years and wondering when the shekelgrubbing instincts would overpower the urge to subvert society. It looks like that switch is close to flipping

>> No.53899376
Quoted by: >>53899410

and the switch between "take the shot g*yim" and "go fight and die in WW3" flipped too.

>> No.53899410

In both cases it's due to external support drying up.
>oh shit interest rates are above zero we can't just funnel infinite dollars at ESG investment anymore
>oh shit we weren't propagandizing right wing whites they were just opting out of military service now that the 9/11 propaganda is older than they are

>> No.53899416

So what happens if the earnings call shows another quarter in the red and the cash burning out?

>> No.53899434
Quoted by: >>53899495

We slurp the dip

>> No.53899440
Quoted by: >>53899495

Slurp season

>> No.53899450
Quoted by: >>53899495

We keep buying and holding while you keep coming here to shill and we end up stuck here with each other in this purgatory for all of eternity.

>> No.53899459
Quoted by: >>53899495

my dick, your lips

>> No.53899467
Quoted by: >>53899518

It's not about profitability, in many cases they are intentionally killing the company because they personally make more money out of it that way. This isn't strictly limited to ESG, since private equity does the exact same thing in forcing companies into bankruptcy, they can use the company's finances to buy things from friendlies, essentially laundering money from the company into their own pockets. I'll give an example that most people here will be familiar with: AMC. AMC buying Hycroft mining from Mudrick puts money into a collaborating partner's hands directly, essentially laundering the companies finances to benefit someone they personally know. Then there's the shortselling aspect, where they make money on the way down to bankruptcy while knowing the board is intentionally killing it, which Mudrick is doing via shortselling AMC. Then there's the bankruptcy aspect in where a company like Mudrick would get physical assets like properties from AMC in a bankruptcy due to being a debt holder.

>> No.53899475

Kek. Sad little baggots.

>> No.53899495

And what happens when the cash runs out?

>> No.53899515

We still keep buying and holding while you keep coming here to shill and we are still here stuck with each other in this purgatory forever. It's very straight forward.

>> No.53899518
Quoted by: >>53899541

So Mudrick would get his mine back for free?

>> No.53899520
File: 37 KB, 250x176, 080101i.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53899524

that's what longterm profitability is for

>> No.53899539
File: 265 KB, 1259x790, wordswordswords.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tim Buckley

Checked check.

>> No.53899541

yes, unironically